The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 05, 1868, Image 7

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Ahrefoar readers haring a cop
the AVEy.a.LY Cliazrrx of the 4th
cember will pouter a favor upon
mailing It Coeur address:.
deeldent an Me !Pritozlll7/Irtallis
1064—li17e: . raara ' , brows "nem Into
. Traek a.lll lan Darped—One PEV•011.
.. . . •
Hilted swersavaras aresoriess : I
It most frightful acddent, which came
near being a repetition of the terrible
Angola affair, on the Lake Shore road
recently, °warred on the Permaylvinda
Central Raltroad yesterday morning,
near Mill Creek Station,inout forty miles
east of Altoona. The Feet Line paisen , -
. .
ger train bound east., Noble]: leftthli city
at 7:30 Thursday evening, In . passing'
the point matned ran on a broken l ral, I,
throwing . five rear are from ': the
track and down spsrathankinent mayoral
feet in height. Terse of the can capalsori
were sleeping cars. and the other two
common passenger coadas. Almost im
mediately after. tho aceldentane of the
gleaning cars ceoght tire, which, with
. the two passenger coaches and a Sliver
'Palace car, svaa,- entirely consumed: try
the flames- So far as tan be tussertatned
there was but ode person killed, and Ave
" wattnded, none Of them seriously, hbw
. ever.. There were but few passes: en
the train, which to same extent acco nts
, fur the almost miraculous escape st
Is. digester too terrible to conte p te.
Among the passengers wets:Mr. d ra.
`Patrick - Duggan, lately residing t; iti - o.
- 137 Penzeiylvanis avenue, in Lb 411. y.
They were an their way to Calif rrifirat.
-the time of the accident. Mrs. uggau
snail - stun:ly killed. She is said have
been sitting by the stove in one of the
ears at the Aline of the oecurren , but
the precise manlier of her death have
not beenable - to ascertain. ller ther
was „with her, and says that .w be
fltat SOW her in the car after the dent I
' she "was' dead; with both legi t off.
She was subsequently parthdly :treed I
with the burning car. Her re ins,
"we are informed, will be brought to this
city for interment.
.Patrick. Damns, n, the husband of the
-unfortunate .woman whose death we
kayo mentioned. was sitting beside bar
• it the time of the wreck, and was badly
:injured about the haul and fare. • Blain
. Juries, though serious, ace le, . we be
lieve, considered dangerous.
Mrs. George Adams. residin N 0.13
Woodland Terram - West - Ph eipkia,
.was slightly burned. -
.L' Il ansue, of Indianapolls,w saliklit
ctly injured in the spine, but r Ived an
serious ta :M ary ngs. I
Crease, Crawfmdsville,
..ansas, was slightly injured in 'the
taxon -and back. "
W. Welkol„. residing on Cortlandt
street, New York, received injuries lathe
. back. lie will :leaver. : ,
The above Is a complete list of the
'clianaltiee 115 repOrted to the offlmrs of
the company ne trains both east and
wrest were dote-Mod about four boars on
account of the dent. The wounded
wercr provided ' , xi medical attention
th properly cared for by ttie officials of e
road. 1
—After writing the above, we received
the fallowing by tidegrapin
BATLIIISEUIIO, January' 3L—An acei
dent occurred- this morning near Mill
creek, cm the Feniurvicania Railroad, to
the Fast Passenger trainbound eastward,
calmed by a broken rail, The fOur rear
'ears were thrown off the track, and three
;went down an emoankment o when they
took fire andocere humied. pa.s7
. .
*wagers got out, excepting n woman
named AnnaDaggan, of rattan:ugh. It
lerbelleved ilie wan killed in the UpSet
ting of the tam- Her body was afterwards
partially burned.
, The following were injured, none den
j,mrensly--,principally painful bruitun,
alt no banns broker:
• ex. Georgia Adatua.- Philadelphia; J.
misc,,aen. Indianapolis:Mrs.- Mary
Crouse; Ratrnm; W. Nyckle, New Tork;
Herbert Noonan. Jr.. Philadelphia: W.
4 ,v 7..en. Rodman
rell, G New Jersey; L.
and Chase
II kb
'Hubner, Lancanter.
In the published record of pardons by
Goyernetr,.Genry -- lait yr,ar it apscam
that thatof David E.-Hall, convicted of
jug-snit MO battery in the Quarter Ses
!dons of Allegheny county,. mid sen
teresedto six months imprisonment lathe
county mu; granted on the mem
ineridation of "Hon-Jus.P.Sterrelt,Prea
!dent Judge of the Court that tried the
case,. among ..others. Notwithstanding
tho.reeord,'S wo feel authorized to con-
Indict the statement that Judge Sterrett
recommended this pardon. Last spar
suer, while on a:visit to the eastern part
oftheldtatc, Judge Sterrett was solicited
by a pOemLnent citizen of this county to
write t the Gevernor recommending
the pardep of Hall. The Judge stated
that .uport \ his return : home Yee would
prepare and send tmthe Governor a fell
statement otthe code; but previous to his
return Hall Mai been pardoned, render
ing tt inineceMarr to comply with his
promise; _and\ .be did not commu- ,
skate. with the Governor on the
*abject MOM pardsn. How than can the
record^ of the recommendation of
JudgeSterrellbo Mcounted fort An ex- ,
limitation cif, Mc papers in the - case at
Harrialamxwill fail 40 reveal any letter
or writing from him in the matter. It is
peasible that misrepresentations wore
. made to thesdovernor, calming the re
sxml "
writing th is established. Our
• obloct in hi tdmply, to make
(mown the fact that .Tudge, Sterrett did
not rsemalrisend the pardon., maimed to,
en&thut the record to the contrary-is
not corivict.• Since the Governor has
published the .recortr! • to Justify his
tietion, we suggest that the correction in
, • dicafed Mricade in order that., Judge
Warren May not butdaced in, a fase po
• Adtion, of - made bear a responsibility
which 3llcs not belong to him. •
. . .
' floe misted mobbirry at the Roam*
• - genets manse -
Oa Saturday, morning betwten Gas\
and sex o'clock, J.L. Linton, a special
- detective in the ,employ of tlac United
Slates RoYerme Department; a resident i
of. Philadelphia, who wee stopping at
the diongairela House, heard some one
'• in his and upon rising up, discov
ered a man .working
with the lock of
the deori 111 r. Linton alarmed the house,
• mid °Memo ware itentfor,who upon their
Arrival Mrested lborma•Patteracin and
Ocargo elartirk- two young mambo nos
espied a _rota immediately ecross the
ba.l from that occupied be Linton.
patarson was identified by. Linton as
the nuerwho badbeen in his room. He
. rustle information against them for
. -feloniorts, assault and battery and at
. renipt larceny. After a hearing the se-
Mimi were le default of tail committed
,Zw!trlal. , •
cessaterfeis wank Foes ziaterttog.
We eYO pleased to know, forms a speci
alty In . commetlon with
_the syatetu of
practical lataldng so succemfally taught
at the Iran-City College, Heath's Govern
ment.-Counterfeit Bank Note Detector,
published by authority of Um United
Steels Treagury Department, having been
tuted_ln the elaaaes the College ever
since its - first - publication. Tble is a
standard work on the Art of Codaterfelt
nut IFeteDeteeting, among allteuakers.
the mug= Illastratingtbedlithrent parts
of our currency and Treasury notes nay
. Mg been printed dirocUy front the Gov
4:rnmant plates. All students of the Col
lege reCelve tamtalhatu. instruction In
- this Impoitant branch of a business ed
-ligation. An &wired Information concern
ing the College can be °Waived by ad
dresamHg the Pyinelosla,--Smitb a@ Cow
' ley. Pittsburgh, Ps.-
CIS, Her l43llY.
McCandless, Physician of the
Bond of Health reports. the following
InterMents ln the city from January ID
.to January 2S, LW:
Platfbestion 1; puerPeral fever I; ner
vous-rarer; - gastro enteritis 1; cancer 1;
syphitlis .1; old age f 1; anaemia I; acci
dent '11; ootmumptlon erysipelas 1;
blunted 2; mesenteric affection I; conrol.
etions 2 ; disease of spine I; pneumonia 4;
bydromplialus 2; still bum 1; •
Of4he above there were: tinder one
" Tear; P; from fi re to ten, I; ten to fifteen,
1; fifteen to tWenty, 3; twenty to thirty.
4;b h irty to 'forty, 2; forty to fifty. I; pasty
eeventy 3; seventy to eighty. It eighty
to ninety 1; nlnetyone hundred, I.
Of the shove number there
were 17
3natesnnd 9- fattish*, making aotal of al,
seq. sag as onras
.rou I arebeard that wonderful
;inhaler' trinceph, the Burdett Organ.
riftm.i•riorma..l.,,, of even a child upon
t idit Der ket b n ,tininst I. more touching
lakka'noatileldly entraueln.7, lhau the flour
' Jibes: or _practiced players 91.4‘ moat
othorcrrgans. The edects of the ." 2 ..
eurou c human voice) and celestial atop:
4, Tate taventian and found lo perfection
in the Burdett organ—are touching
and -syrdoathetta in the extreme, an
' comparaine only to the heart4earchin
and tremulous tonm drawn -from their g
- •
aiolinsby esiOloEntl orsVieux Temps.
. - The 3dessra: - itlebet C Bro., .122 Wood
t O treeb, lmvo the solo agency,and will be
'toeow those organ gm=
up ~41, who them.
--- _
..! ekMl Care Capeje.d..
Aiigeglientoceurred on the Ailegh
. eny
'Valte.YrMarisa on Theitsday night to a 1
- c o s i train i roo l - Aittedrong's coal works,
caused by the brat:dug . of au axle, near
ilaight's Ran.. Four of the loaded Eva
were thrown froth tba frank, and tolled
down• the embankment, 'at Unit plane,
:about forty. feet high. The wreck le
Meneribedes a' 10 ettrairera piled
mn top of - each .- other, -and fragments
tbarso4 . Ccelekeker a brakes, aslee,
_pieces_ a timber and _broken- wheels,
- were scattered in a/1, directiosmi. Yalu .
"WIWI no persOk was iNcutd, , • -
Destestellon et Mt, Xs : tandem:ly
Lt»be—Lore 6Stlnsate4 .t
Saturday afternoon a fire, terribly de
structive in Its consequences, occurred
at SL Xavier's; Academy, near Introbe,
of which we have obtained the followinc
partlenlara: The lire was first &WON . -
ered about half-pest three o'clock In the .
aft;rtionn, in the center attic above the
donaltories, by one of the Sisters, whose
attention waa attracted thither by
the settod of something head• fa!ling.
Thu fire beret Offal:mkt the real of the
main building over which it spreadwith
fearful rapidity, and was communicated
to the Chapel, and in a short time the
entire building was In rains. At the
time the fire was discovered there were
but three man, the Gardner, Janitor
and Groom, about the premises, 'but a
number of the neighbors soon came to
the scene of contlogralion. end did all in
their power to amiss the Slaters. Noth
ing could be time, however, to save
the building, anetheir whole efforts
were turned toward the contents.
she Sisters, after taking all necessary
cons of tho pupils—numbering about
one hundred—performed wonders In
saving musical Instruments, valuable
furniture, the =arida altar of the chapel •
and ornaments. Through the efforts of
the Sister in charge of the trunks 01 the
the scholars, although an invalid, they
were removed from the burning build
ing In safety. The Sisters Jest their own
wardrobe in their eagerldesire to care
for and protect the young ladles from all
pmaible Injury or loss.
The Academy of St- Xavier's was In
charge of tho Sisters of Storey. It was
established, we believe. in 1340, at Mt. St.
Vincent, near Latrobe. but in 18. - le was
removed to Ifount St. Xavier, t h ree and
a half miles southwest from Latrobe, and
ono mile and a half from the Peansylva,
nix Railroad. On this location a cargo
Convent and sellout building three glories
high had been erstod. I're beautiful
chapel adjoining it, and forming part of '
the -general plan, bad only been com
pleted last fall. Tim reboot building was
- one of the meet complete in the country;
It been,had... fitted up in modern style,
end was a odel establishment in alt its
details. The Slaters have been adding
to its educational advantaged far the pmt
twelve years. There were in the - school
building tea or twelve pianos, three or''
four harps, a library, valuable paintinp,
adenine apparatus, etc.
The chapel, completed last fall, was
a beautiful edifice. It had atained glass
windows, ann contained valuable works
of painting and statuary. The' marble
altar was saved, but the organ sod other
accessories were destroyed. The loss an
the chapel, wo are informed, will amount
to over forty thousand dollars.
The Pittsburgh pupils, about twenty
In number, arrived In the city Saturday
evening, on the Altoona accommodation
tram. These of them who were unable
to reach their homes, were "provided
with accommodations at the Convent on
Webster street, and several sisters and a
a number of pupils arrived in the city
yesterday. •
- The hoM at which the fire took place
- aleateeceocents for the safety of both
tars and the children under their charge.
This, amidst the general gloom, is a mat
ter for joy and thankfulness. -
Thelabor of years has theta been wiped
out and to material lee of nearly two
hundred thousand dollars, less an incon
siderable insurance, is the result. The
open parses of deyoted hearts will be .
-ready to meet the tad emergency, and
'contributions criltbe made with willing
hand Caves, b the thousands of graduates
who y
long since parted from their
alma mater to enter into the struggles of
life. .
.The Pennsylvania Railroad wee' rep
rose:tad here In all ins gushing kind.
nesaby Superintendent J. Itl'Creighton,
who, after telegraphing to vurionspoints
to prevent parental alarm, had the pupils
and Slaters placed on the eastern and
western rains for their proper destine.
Son, free of charge, as soon alter their
arrival at Latrobe, in the sleighs and
sleds - of the neighborhood, as practica
• .
Bishop Domeneo telegraphed the Sis
ters Lest night to take the scholars to
Loretto; 'where the academy will be con
tinued Without Intermission. lie 101 l
the oily yestenlay to visit the ruins.
itralsier , s Easiness for January.
The following is a list of Letters of
Administration granted and Wills ad
mitted to probate, in the County RegLs
ter's Miler, dnringthe mouth of January,
1:16S, by Joseph 11. Gray, Esq., Register:
• mti-rssi or auxuarrarno. snisTss.
Decedent. Admlnissrator. Estate.
Edward (PNell----Winerd 15weeny$7,140
Juob B. McDotrald..;;Mary McDonald em
John B. Fox Wu, A. Paine._. 780
Harriet_ Wineoiddle.-Dr. A. H. Gross j cc .
Zeldin° Grosz
AndrearNolte Anna K. Waiter ITO
Amnon .11 Bankin-. COM
„h. J. Foster .J. C. Tooter....
!jam AL ... Rosa 150
taarlstian Kohnnaszt...Wsst. Madman.- 0,200
Godfrey Mahn. John Grandmon. °
Polar iLedenbangh....lL Iledenbanch.. lm
David Meddler snsangi griller. UI
Elizabeth 1101 - add a-Elizabeth Calp.:1,000
Catharine Rolla-. .. Adorn 110110...... 10a
Ann Hendrick.-- -Bridget Calm-- ]m
John Meal_And:o.loller- OM
Mare MoGonald_P. em
Debold Hanka Elizahlt EGPner 50
Mary El mans. IL D. names-- aeon
James ahem IL Donaldson.- IEOO
Susan Lonehry . .. ...T Longery.- 2,7 m
Ephraim Powell---Cath . n PowelL.. 903
61.110n0l Edgar...-.... Wm. Edam CM
Wm. Moss • Armin Lima 100
W at. T. R011in50n.... • .11 lehel Robinson' 606
Fleury Salmon-- ... . Anna Salmon.... 306
Eilmunsth Baira ..„..IL B. McLain... - . 6,00 u
Lonna A Bornall.....lleary Sal n.... _. no
John McCann. David ALcCmgo... 100
John Donovan Mary P0rter.....700
Wm. B. POllllOO .10m , 1
Geo. Lovell Jane , Mitehell-- 150
rb lll 9 Clronna John CYPlanh- 400
wttu anxiTrco TO ratmaTz. •
Testator. Exam:nom
Jas. Sterulatord ....Thos. and Ja.s. Stuade
:Tomah Blether Fred Seekert 1.1 P.
Jon. Trod Wolff....Msthise Manner.
Jno. Mcdone Thos. Peary and .1. B.
John Dyer, Jr H. 111 , 016 art and B.
pAOl.26CCres. • .J. ord. , and J. Craw
£1116.18. tirgby....Jor. Phlll9 and 11,30yer.
James Birk Samuel A. Sell
Wm. L. Miller Geo. and Albert MEller.
Elisabeth Baird.... Henry B. MoLean.
ller)J. Patton. G. M.
riseeinPotter and
Samuel W00d5..... Jamesds. means and Wm:
Rath Fra zler--...Campbell B. Herron.
Mary Clark - - • •
,Elchardßradley...J. Carothers andli.Brin.
mona,ineHaarney,E.lleCulta: , F. Garland seal 3.
WOO. Finley Noble-Wm. Noble.
John Montgomery. 8.. Fen omitn,ding J. R. Mont
\ g •
JacoahSchnlx--Mmaraet 50,10 on•
eli.Dead on the street. •
Aboul.t.wo o'clock yesterday afternoon .
Fritz Black, a Getman, fell at the corner
of Third and Ferry streets, and expired
almost Lusteistly. Several persons, who
were standing a short distance oft; oh
scrawl him-fall and hastened to his sa
shimi*, but be was "quite' dead when
they. readied him. Them was a slight
bruise on tidtedde of hbf head, near the
temple, where it bad come in contact
with a atone step, -which, at that, was
thought to hero been the muse of ida
death; but Dr. Murdoch, who examined
tho body, thinks he died of apoplexy.
The corpse was removed Lithe Mayor's
oftlee, and Coroner Clawson being nod
impannelled a Jury,who, after view...
fins the body, adjearned to 'meet this
'morning at binlock. when the Inquest
take n o noncludeth The remains were
take charge of
Mr. Aiken, undertak
er, and will be properly interred by him
to-day. • Th.% deceased was about Oil rty
dye years of age, and leaves a wife and
family In Calm, Minot. b-eu
employed. on the tow boat:P./soot. Paint
er" for several months, and boarded at
Mrs. Gardiner's, on Watarstreet, daring'
Served libel EMS,
' At Dunbar, Fayette county, a very
amusing and somewhat serious occur
rence took place a day or two ago. A
gay and realise martini chap made him
self sweet to the wife of seripple, and
thinking he had matters' set up to sub
'his purposes 'proposed an elopement.
She was insulted with the dlshonorable
propositio, but quick as tbonght flied
on a plan to get square with the follow.
She arranged& meeting for Monday night •
at a dark and lonely spot, whleh the de
ceiver readily agreed to. The hour op-
Pmselliod. mkt the rash lover ventured to
the place. All was still. Re taw, the
signal, and suddenly there sprang upon
him not the object of bliloveand desires,
but her btg brother, to whom , she bad
onarriuutcated the plot. The doeelver
wait deceived and beaten" so badly into
the bargain, that his life is despaired of.
Ile will try no more elopements for sev
eral months to come, and Should ho ever
do EP again he will be sum to make lo
gallica relative to the muscle of the
lady's tricsuda . •
Z,ple►ten 41eitiers7..vaut7
About half-prwl live .o'clock Thursday
evening an explosion occurred on the
Allegheny Valley Railroad, by which,
fortunately, no ono was inlorwl. At the
n rn t
time mentioned asocenoriatlon train
was palming
the Allegheny Arsons!,
when one of the cylinder heads of the
locomotive blew out, wrecking the oo
zing pretty effectually. The • eteneer
and Amman escaped injury. A men was
;lending on Ike feet-hoard of the Iwo
and both sails oho board wore
blown off aid wee le ft Moraine% un
injured, on the inin . X.! Portia"- lietee -
Cipme wee certainly litsie Juw than a
mkacle. The driving be:imam: Wheels
of the locomotive were shattered and the
locomotive badly wrecked.,
ABLIAIIOi ea tti Posumrylvaala 1303-
The. Day Mnprerts ',rein Bast on • the
Pennsylvania' Bailment' 'which left the
Union Depotatthree o'clock. Thursday
morning, mot with an accident at "Pack
Saddle," beyond the Blairsville inter
section, by_Which the sleeping cat, Do.
75: of the baser Palitoo Line, was thrown
from the track and badly wrecked; but,
notwithstanding it contained a number
of ocenparrts at the - time, no one was
injured. At the point named the. train
th e a
M kn p a m nt i e l d
. o
f t o h r e ward
safely, but Me: unlace car was thrown.
from the Melt and both trucks hauled
~ R ; ~oaar i~.
. .
1 "Iteonome Satiety. . I
We puliit- n below a circular addressed •
by this Sot:lety to their correspondents I
and friend,. It announces the new ar- !
retirement triad° necessary by the death
i of the venerable patriarch and head of I
! the Society, than whom no man In thin
1 part of — the St:ite was intro eq,e(3aed for
intelligence and putty of character. h ,
will be h,eol. that NI:. Jacob lienrici, for
many years well known as the associate
Trustee and active basins-;v man of the
Society, is now the senior Trustee and
presiding Elder, And toot .51r. Jor.athan
Lena takes tiro place heretofore so hon
orably end ably ta , eldud I , Mr- He n"
rich We have had many yearn' ac
quaintance with the. , gentlemen per
sonally and with other inemboni of -the
Councilor Elden, end think the Soel•ty
has displayed :t.e. ett,t.nuary sound judg
ment in the arrangement now made puh
tic. Mi. I,,ria Is a gentleman of more
then ordinary intelligence, and possesses.
the entire nmildenee of the outside cum
monity, as well as el his associates. Ho
is a man of fine presence, earteable man
ners, and much experience in and apt
nmis for • .
1)I EP "IN T 0 0 lonsi,
On the morning of the 11th of January,
' lii , ilS, in his 11th year, Brother Romellus
1,. Baker, in full trust in theall;thullcient
merits of his dear Saviour, Jesus Christ,
whom ho lout-1 unswervingly with his
whole heart, and whom, in the person of
Me brethren, ever since the founding of
' the Society in 1,15. he served unto death
' witn unspotted fidelity. Since the la
mented ileparturo of licot go ltapp, the
highlylieloveil Founder tit the Harmony
' Society, In 15.17, he was Presiding Elder,
• the Principal Trustee, and the Religious
Loader and Speaker of the Kuhl Comma-
In now ,ue,ox.led by Brother lamb
Ilenrlef, who Jo about 10 ymro WI junior,
and who . , mince 15.12, has Iran closelY
soc/nted -with bin, In him, and
mid, rather Itapp's and his guid
mace, wan indlatod into Ulu buidnEkia of
the Society. •
.•ds his fei:ow Trustee, there was this
day e1,,,t.51 Brother Jonathan Logo, who
w•as born in the Society'in ISO 7, was
raised by the ~.1111P, and wide!, ho always
served most faithfully, and by which he
seas • elect rd in IF. i 7 . a weather or the
Council of Etdera, in which capacity ho
has served ever since with fidelity:
- -
The general MIA-Incas of the Satiety will
therefore henceforward to done In. the
name or llenriei and Lon,, Trustees: and
ell Deed,: nod eitmlor li00.1.111( rad will .6,
xeoute.l Joni signed in the names 'of
Ilenricl “t:LI L.utz.,l Trutt
lu conformity to the Arnett. of As.
hanation, dull• rouorded In Beaver noun -
7„- , Pezna: JAqOl.l
Economy, Jan; 13, ISPB. Touter.(.
. .
The air in passing int* the Lungs has
to pass through the. Pharynx, Larynx,
Tricheifand Bronchea. Each of these
organs ii subject to disease, which mani
fests itself by pain, increased discharge
'of a starch} mucous, which is sometimes
tinged with blood, and is the ocesolon of
frequently ueedles3 maim. In the dis
eases of the throat aid air passa,gea lead-
lug the lunge, no ode Can be too care.
ful 'ln applying n speedy remedy, for.
although thesedisca,es may not necess.a.
rily be considered dangerous ,-they will,
If neglected , lead to those of an . almost
certainly fatal tendency. There'. Is not
one of diem which may - not be cured In
a very short time by the timely applica
tion of a suitable remedy. • It isnot well,
however, to use in such =se, .merely
local applications by way of inhalations,
and toe injection of spray or mist
which has by seine wrdern been
termed atornirialiou; for,. whilst these do
good to the lowd affection, they are prone
to drive the disease further down the
throat, and in all probability into the
substance of the lungs. One of She best
means of treatment is to lilt the veins
and etteriee with good blood, product,'
by good digestion and a healthy stom
ach. The cough and morbid symptoms
in ninety-five cases out °fa hundred will
be completely and quickly. cured by Dr.
Kayser's Pectoral Symp, which dis-
and tlitainates -. from the llama
. •
-} - stem the morbid collections whirl cal
ret and obstruct the mtuuter ye.x+els o
. . .
the Wags and tubes that lead thereto.
These onto emptied of their aerial , con
ten,s and rodilled with healthy blood
will 500,11 shrink to their normal .state.
coughing will cease. the I secretions be
lessened. and health re,tored. Dr. Re:),
. . . .
oar also prepares a remedy called Lung
Cure, or Pulmonary Itev,rative, which
is composed of simple materials gather-•
ed frosts the groat statehouse of t.tature,
and which, in - long stansling eases, Isom:
of the 1.4 tuedmineS ever diswvered.
Dr. Kevi,r's Lung Cure is readily di
geatt.,l and as,itnitat4, with the blood,
end carries to each point of diseased lia
na a healthy plasma capable of rest°,
log lost function, It has such an affin
ity for the human system, that any one
who will testa few dasev will at race be
convinced of its adaptation to the cure
of a - vast number of diseaA's having
their origin inn di. , ordered state of the
vistera, - 4,pccially th0 , .0. of (herb...n.4 nod
tile organs coinitcle+.l with rcsplratiom
Any one who will redact at all knows
very well that whatever will bring the
+ye:ern into a healthy state will enable it
to heal ulcers or sores in the human ors.'
tarn wherever locu , ed. Taerefore. Dr.
Keyser's Lung Cure k destined et no
distant day to.oceupy a high place among
the remedies for the carp of all disease
of a pdimottary character.
Sold at the • Doctor's treat Medicine
Store, - 140 N ood street. ,
Dr. I:eyser's resident consulting office
. . .
for lung nxrunination., and iJac trnatmirnt
of obstinate chronic. diseases, No. a
Penn street, from n A. or. until 4 p. u.
fleeting of inn Rosen or Pelson In
spresorn-in A nt'tinrden
pointed. • •
The Board of Prison Inspectors, Mtn .
posed of the Judges of the County
Courts, the Mayon, of tie, two eitlis and
the County Controller, met at 10 tieback
a. m., Saturday, forthe'parpose of taking
action on the band of the newly appoint
ed Wyden, Mr. Scandrete, and attending
to such ether Unshaven es might be
brought before them.
The hart offered by Mr. Scandretr
being' satisfactory, the bond was • ap
proved, and the brat day of April next
lixed as the time fur him to take charge
of the prison. Mr. S. then n o minated
Mr. AjW. Smith as S existent \Vanish',
which was continnell by the Board. We
aep pleased to know that 'Tilly" will be
retained, as lie is a most excellent, lie
commalating and e ff icient • officer,
and having Occupied the position
'for almost ten years, daring which time
' he hen renderea general satisfaction and
made a hoet - of friends. Ile has.beccarie
almost a * . fixture" to the .iustittitien,
from which his presence would be greatly
missed. The new Warden, Mr. S. la
highly spoken of by those who know
him, and will doubtless make au efficient
and popular officer.
A rem . pitaitatat niece of eourtewy wee
extended the passengen on board a train
of earn delayed by the anon , a le.r, daya
511103 by the ofticlaLs on the Buffalo,
Corry awl. Pittsburgh Itailroad, cennocto
ing with the Allegheny Valley road.
While thus detained, Daniel
Eag„ One of the direetern 'of the road,
came up with a number of alelghs and •
conveyed the paietengent kt Bronco,
where a suroptons dinner wee nerved up
at. the Company'" expense. In the after
noon the ptueseng,re were conveyed to
the. witabilehtnents of the lake Shore
Wine Company, where they wore ehown
through the extensive 'walla and hand-
aemely entertained by O. Ityckman
of that Company.
After full justice hell been done to the
lourpitalities extended, a meeting of the
p.easengers woo orgatileaL 0. W. John
sen, of FrieiOnift Waal Pr.:dont, and A..
IL JuiLson, of Donklrk, Secretory. Nu
onerous complimentary' speecherr were
made end a ginunittee of three, cenaist•
leg of J. Cook, Eno., of Buffalo, Mr.
Williford, of—, and J. T. Ely, Enq.. of
Nlayville, were appointed , a committee
to draft resolutiona. TLo pa.v.ongers
were no agreeably entertained during
their detentleti that neither the ladles nor
gentlemen regretted the dine lent.
. _
Mecca idtolen.—Mr. Thomas Bel'stein
yeßtertillV morning ,h,..11 In the
stable of . Ir. alrib, Third ward, Alla.
{;bevy, " and about ton e':lock, some
"evil disposed tenon" with the love of
mutton strung upon him, wilfully; and
feloniously did take. steal and carry
away said 0100 , The wilco nflicerd
were noUtleil of the transaction. but as
yet Lace failed to discover any trilf,ll of
the "lost sheep.' , •
Coroner's Inquest.---The Jury inipan
nulled by coroner Clawson to inquire
Into the manner and canoe of the death of
Fritz 13ittek, anotire of which w. pub•
Milted yesterday, met at ten a. m. yes
terday and rendered a. verdict of death
fro it spoplezy.
Indies Dept eda Ileoe—Leetts. the MI-
OernearArriral of Terrtwrlal CITII
(Meer.. ,
rty Tsiegrital 1.1,0 Pittsburgh (Isgrettn) •
SAN Fs3./NCIsCo, Jan.l 31.—Lida ad
yleos from Arizona stato pmt the Indians
made a descent on Bede tiprings Station
and Camp Willow's. They shot or car
ried of all the smelt. ,
The mail corner and escort of
and four men belenginn to the railroad •
survey, ware lost in thoWildentess seven
days and came scar filar:lair.
The civil officers of ilio.iferritory ar
rived at Tuscan, ntic. 17th. The citizens
escorts:lll)cm to the town and gave them
a grand supper. The popolation or Tun
con and vicinity is rapidly Im...reaming.
7/I,ooo—At. her reel/Pace, corner of (Iroht
Meet and Vice's Alley, rlttebareh, llckehTll.
AHi N C /LOUD, relict of the late Teo, Irma.
saV entobre.le.two of John A . steels. tee— et
I o'uock F. on iftl. Ay, Jeoserr k
Slat, lee
aged 66 years.
IMAM 110Thet—the Thursday,k.
I o'cloc
r. o. 110.111 MS Ll.Ull.l6llltrrt..N. lit. the 77th
yew' of Ms ago. •
06/1516h1oli.—December Met. 1157, At E F.
JOllll CIWKLI•11, mod 76 ye . re.
ertmftWNLL.—Ato Sunday MO , plug, Yebroory
ot halhoutet eke o'clock. 31 re. ttEIIECCA
IYOU/Arratt... to the 15th year of Per Age.
CAFSON—DuIa the 7.d Inst., at Melee
-o•chtc, A. tf.e /61.17.0. J/t2IC, 'Oft' el John CAr.
Pennsylvania Leeslature.
IlAannac mi. Jan 0.1, 186.
Mr. ,TAYLOR., of Bcavcr, read in
playa 00 act exteudic: Ulu net fur regis-
Lorin dog: in Allezheny count• :o
Dearer county.
Mr. Eitlttr.r, of Allegheny, offered a
rmolukion that the Auditor General be
requott4l to transmit to the Senate a
statement of the alsiount of SOW taxduo
the Commonwealth by each county, for
what year said tam is due, at what time
the present triennial revision of tbe-ral
nation of the several (aunties was made;
when a statement of the samo was com
municated to the Commissioaers . of the
several counties, and for what ycarasaiii
revision was made.
The noodution was adopted.
Mr. LORRY'S' bill creating a now
county out of Crawford, Forre.q, Vemin
go and Warren countlea, to be called
Petmleurn county, wan ennaldered, Idr.
LOWRYlnaking a long speech. In favor
of it.
Mr. BROWN,' or Mercer, and Mr.
WALLACE, of Cleartiold, spoke against
it. Finally the bill was postponed.. -
1110. V wen!) EP,JOIII.IBTOWN
The, net creiting a now ward, to be
culled the Sixth, In Johnstown, Cam
bria county, W. 16 passed finally..
Adjourned till Monday evening.
Mr. JACKSON, of Azustrong, Fre
seated a remonstrance from citizens of
Armstrong county against any law
granting aidlttoual asompeusattou co
owners of houses to which elections ern
,hi Id tu that county.
:Hr. NICHOLSON, of Heaver, pre-
Rooted a petition fromlndustry township,
Beaver county, fora prohibitory liquor
law. •
Mr. RIDDLE, of Allogizen,y, one from
Boll,uo, Allegions: county; for nu act
authorizing Dia School Diroctois to bor-
HICKMAN, from Committee on
Sodoral Relations, reported back the
}!Dube Joint rosolutlons urging Secretary
.Seward to instruet thelJoited States Min
ister in England to demand the relonse
of American prisonera held for allegod
political (drone., and to insist upon
some lined policy by which ithe righti of
American citizens shall be . respected,
with amendments amounting to a substi
Also, from tits Committee on Judiciary;
(4enerul,) walla nagativo recommends
ti pa, an act to repeal so much of
tho act. of April 1t.% 94 , so mak*s
it unlawful for mug to run ou Sunday.
Messrs. DEISE and LINTON each re
uhrted from tho Committee on Judiciary,
(goners].) as committed, acts repealing
the net of last selisien compelling the
admission of nags - nos into railway can:
Mr. MANN alleged that the bills were
never considered In the Committee.
Mr. DEISE explained that they had
h.endeeided upon at a meeting of the
Committee when the Republican Ment
ors were absent.
The matter was debated at considera
ble length, and the bills were finally re
counnitte.l, t2nder tho operation of the
previous question, by a vote of forty
hue to fortyoue—the Democrats voting
The following bilig were roil in playa:
Ity Mr. WILSON', of Allegheny, nu;
:I rising the School Board of the 50C31.1
ward, Lowrance.'ltie, to borrow mown-
sell certain nut estate.
By M. lIICKMAN, of Beaver, pie- .
%ining the sale of listexicating drinks
rt Industry township, Beaver Comity;
so, - -reducing the number of School Di
svetors in Ohiotownship, Bearer trusty;
incorporatiag• the Beaver county
Ranking and Safe Deposit Avoclatlon.
By Mr. BEATTY,. of Crawford,
tharizing the Auditor General to deliver
. o toe Iteceiver of the Pot olcum Bank
.ho United States Le n ds originally des
posited as security for the currency of
the bank. .
The Free Mahe.' Law 'was consid
ered on
* second reading, pendinir
whiciL iließoutle'adJourued till Monday
rita coaramit i svn.LE lIILL ATPROVED.
The Conn<!tactile :bill low been ap
proved by Gov. Geaiy. , .
11AnsiTermno, Feb. :1, 'FA&
rrrerloss PRESENTED.
Mr: SEARIO HT presented a petition
'rem Fayette county for submitting to
the people the mgestion of Umtata.
Mr. ERILEIT, one from the merchants
of Pittsburgh. fora change of the la*
regulating' tin, 'angling of weights and
'm'easomg to ♦llogbeny county.
Also, one for the motion of the tear
ongh of Miltvale.
Also, a remonataanca wallet a paw°
vr railway on Liberty etroet,Plttaborgh.
lir. TAYLOR, A petition for rut act
preventhog the selling of ruerehiind re
in Bearer °minty without& lieeuw
Also, one for tho repeal of the set ex,
ten:tiling the limits of the borough of
Mr. TAYLOR, of Beaver, oral extend
leg an act relating to hawkers and ped
diem in Lennon and 'Wyoming corm
in,,. approved March Zth, Um:, to Bea
ver county.
Mr. EXCRETA of Allegheny, one in
corporating the borough of Midvale.
Also, one Incorporating the item
Agency arid Improvement Company o
Pennsylvania. .
Mr. SEAILIGIST, or Foyntse, OLIO I
the relief of oartainn aoldlari of 1012,
Fayette manly, and of tho 'vridoaa
Mr. 20WILY, of Edo, one for loco
porattne tam CormernitrilloSavings I
Also, ons • relative to reclaiming th
Conneaut marsh, in Crawford county.
An ant IneorpomOng !dm Beaver Falls
Gas Company was pried finally.
Adjourned. .
Mr. RTDDLE,of Alleghor.y, presented
Pmftlon from Duquesno borough, ask
log that the upper portion of that her,
ough, togothar with the Allegheny Poor
House farm and Win, Samplo's ferm i .
be incorporated into a borough under
the natal, of 3f Motto.
51r. FORD, of Allegheny, a Potition or
George W. Can and others fur oompen-
Nation for damages by less- of water
Mr.' PLAT FORD, of Fayette, a petl-
tlon from numerous men and women o
Conn*llevfile Mr a change In the proseu
liquor Mr%
A moasago (real - the Governor Ism
received tranamlttlng the report of the
Comrnisatenera to revise .the Civil Code,
with bills reeemm'ended by the Commis
sioners on the following snippets: Cor
porations, general pleading, ovidvnet•,
interest, landlord and tenant, statute of
limitationly _highways and bridges and
our laws.
lir. FORD, of Allegheny, read In place
abill incorporating the company to erect
a' bridge over the Ohio from West Pitts
burgh and Ternperaneovillatelillegbeny
City. .
TO ANNEX Dcarmskr. 0000000 TO AUX
Mr. ISECKERT, of Allegheny, our
atoSextng thh borough of Duquesuo to
Allegheny (My.. .
Jtr. NICI.IOI.BON, ofrisaver, ono ni
sting . an Indovenilont school district out
of Allegheny, Beisirr and Washington
aritivna Oa RS.ILICOAD CAMS.
. .
Mr. MANN, of Potter, obits prohibit
ing (140 'me of wood or coal In stores on
ears, and aping' the conductor, engineer,
preeident and sersseary of t e company
using the same thirty days after - the pas
sago of this act ono thousand dollars for
each day using ilia ancrc..:
TER 11.11;,R0A1) LAW.
The Froe 44404 wur diaconal
11l nearly cloyezi o'clock at night, Eov.
eral sections palmed second reading,
and tho bill win, then wade the apecial
Order for to•morrow overdwg.
(By ' the rlitahargh Oastl:4,l
rum: .AY, rxrn Nr) —7ll n CUE
LoN nos, Fel,. dispatehealtave
been reeelved here front Athens giving
nn amntnt of another battle between tho
Turks and Cretans, in which the latter
wort• sucentsful. The Spakiotean.youta
taineers were the attacking party: The
Turks stood their ground and the battle
lasted all day. The Turks acknowledge
the loss of two hundred and lifts killed.
Cretan loot not slated.
rAntri, Feb. I.—The debate in the Corps
Legisintlf on the new project of a law for
the government of the preis Was con
tipped M. Favre, In a speech
generally .in opposition to the dotaibi of
the bill, expressed approval of a few of
Its clauses. M. Cariquie al.. spoke'
against the bill, renonneing on all its
parts as leading - to license. •
The debato, on the proposal bill for
the government, of the press wits closed
late hat evening. Novato was rotiehod.
The success of the bill was regarded ox-:,
trelnelY pafigematical:
Pants, February !,—lt is reported the .
Governtnetit jo likely to withdraw tite'
new bill - for the, regulation of the presS;
to consequence of the opposition to the,
measure shown by the
1 , splirn. ABUZIIIVA
.osuoir, Feb. I—Erening.—The
Anti? from nio Janeiro has arrivi
with LOA, :laws from South Atherton. ;
The nilvlees are important. Tho
tants Of Itosarie, ir town of eonaiderable
atm on the;prriniriver, in theArgentiner
Republic, have rebelled against the au
thoritY of Proaldent mitre, and declared
for Ceo. Urquim, formerly Chief Elmo;
tire or Dictator of the CoufedemtiOn.
Thn cholera, which has made end my
ages In Buenos Ayres, has Inibsided to a
greatilea ree. The disease, hotmeer,.etlll
irevalLs to an' Mantling extent to the
• •
allied [army on the Paraguay, There
had been no fighting, since the departure
of tho lost mail. President Lopez, of
Paragiiity remained et lininha, and his
farorS were well anpplled ;kith provis
ions nod munitions of war.
LONDON, Feb. I.—Erming.—Lettere
from Killarney my the clergy of Gad
town ho refused 'to my mosses for the
Muls of Allan, Larkin acid Gould, who
. .
ore! executed at 3funcheater, have
Joed to restive any money for their
p oit or that of the church.
LivEnroor.,.rebrnary I.—The caynen
this city aro on a strike, musing much
convenient,' to the inhabitants-
Lot:Dux, February I.—A terrific gale
prevalln throughout England le-night,
and cllaaster both laurel and property nu
Sel anti land to app6lll;tleal. The tele-.
graph Ilure W Llverpool•are down. '
014 rcr or rAunAour AT NAPLES.
PATON, February '2. Tho CLorirr
Froseui.l of last evening says the
preNilleC of Admiral Forragra at Naples
i. designed as a L‘uniterpola to that
French fore.. in Itome, and to sustain
the 'Liberals of Italy, with whom Form
ant holds Intimate retitle..
o.arter says Admiral lut.4 sent
to Corinna a protaLse of Ms *appeal and
only awaits the reply of tisrlbaldl. -
FLORENCE. February 2.-The an
nouncemont Wl4 made In both Houses
of Parliament yesterday that Crown
Prim., Humbert bad been formally be
trothed toPrincoss Marguerite, of Genoa..
LONDON. .Tan. received
from FlOrelleo last night allege the Ital
ian (lovernment is about to send rout •
naval expedition to Rita de Di Platte.
Su hing Ls known es to the Fauee of this
movement. Prime Minister Menabres,
when interrogated on 1110 subject, 4-
oltned to give any explanation. It Is
further reported an Italian heat Is now
lying in the Bay of Naples preparineto
uii for South America.
.tiert.r.s, January Ml.—The Italian fleet
now In this hartrar, which has been get-
I :big ready for nea. has received orders to
uii forthwith for Rio Name, Paraguay.
All infarrnation In regard to the expedi
tion Is rigorously withheld by the Gov
ornment and naval officials. The'deeti
nation only is known.. •
EvrucTo.L.L. VIM:AT 01
Ilnatan, Feb. 2.—Dills int.rodutied by
tho ihavernmeat grantlnghtraie Indenuil
dsa to the King. of Hanover and the
Doke of Samean hare been pan , in the
Diet. -Much oppoaltleu wan atiesen* to
emoting tbe,ieentiroprlntlena, and alone
dine their riamegie seemed doubtful, but
toward the close of the debate Cotint Blo
m:trek dedared It net adopted hevroUld
In t‘unpalled to dbeedwi Parliament.
'Thin threat woo effectual. • : •
Lo;rixiici Febtuary seen:minden
with a minest from Loa Stanley, the
Psalm of C.nvpt. has rorwllcal hi. ..wi11,,-.
ry Egyptians , soot In join the
British c4podittoo in Abywdnlo.
1104 TILE MOVEMICIT 1.7,1 , <T3rDE.D.:
Loma's, January 31.—DT. 41:rminus
Vetnlirov, • well known traveller In
Central Akla, has written a letter to the
London Pew. In which ha proven the
absurdity of the reporto that the Chines.,
Government is preparing a hostile move
ment against the !tensions on the bor
der. of Um Empire.
CADIZ. Para.:Lary:l—hop:ea revolved
from Merereo gale that a aavere Saudno
pmvailr tteTeuglere end 'reeved..
Tao Vavalatia. la rOM—overthlo
of 'Prealdaat Praao, Ulatator
Mr Telegraph to the a Itubairs!, tissatte I
N.F:W Yonx, Fetiruary Limn 7ot
to. of January tilb, snysjlllt thu troops
.ent by to altaxk the rrvolut loosty
forces undlir Colonel Mega* were defeat
ed. and their. rommander, (Monet Cor
reia severely wounded.- sin receiving
news of thin reverse, the Dictator, with
out emomitritlitu with any of his °Meer.,
determines' on bin {UPI attack. On • the ,
..litel the water was c it elf from the City,
and on the -wini h bombardment dam-
rueneod. Tit. we carried en fur thirty.
ix hours. Moto hen-2,030 bane and
shells wore thrown into Ariqups. tieven
comonies of Wren y attacked the bar
, backs which the. insurrectlambits had
, formed in the ntree n, took• poneeitudon of
Armand occupied' one of the enemy's bar
racks, possessiettui which, alter a well
contented combat, they w ro forced to
abandon, as they were.not supported by
the reserve. General Bus amento hay.-
.leg Informed Prado the w ole ariny,wrm
in revolt and clamorous fob his life, the
latter though the stor,S , was false,
Immediately sought =troy in flight,
leaving on the held If battle his
army, ail hie wounded, hilmoney, arms,
munitions, everything. Their chief
gone, the troops beatme, demoralised,
end many large bottles palled over to the
enemy. About Mitten hundred men sue
...dud in reaching qualities. Meantime
Pratte arrived at - bratty, immediately
embark.' on the corvette Union and Sr..
at Callao January 41h, whenco he
protieeded to - Lima. The indignation
agalnnt hint was great at both places.
Utastes and groans were beard in every
direction. Ott the night of thellth the
troops int:antic Callao were turned over
Witte Cansoeflovemment without blood
shed,. and advt.. of the movement
having reached thin city, it . was
seconded by the Cann..., aided by some
troops. After one • 1
etf Ova bairn,
resulting In one • hundred and twenty
killed and wounded,. Prado, seeing be
was deserted by .hiti troops; offered
to rmign the Presidency and retire from
the istuntry. Ilehl Marshal to Fennte
wen namod President of the Council of
glninterie and took supremo, corptnand
mill tito will _ref the siCond,Victo
President, General Cense°, In known. A
squadron at Callao mowed over on t h e
Oh. Prude took refuge In the ,houso of
the United Staten Mlnbeler, from whence
he panned on board of the United States
steamer :Mick, - which sailed oh the 10th
~ for Chile, where he enjoys the tank and
pay of a ilenerul. On the lztle a squad;
con sailed for laaly to bring
000111 . 1
. Como to the Capital. Preparutions
were making fur a general election.
-•' • -
Velatrzah to the etiturna.Guasna.l
W4 , 3111CG10N,1 j r : January 31, 13*
The Rouse Mititdry Committee this
morniag decided to report a Lill author
izing the 'Secretary et' the Treasury to
eatahliah a United Slaitcte Arsenal at Fort
David Russell, Dakota; near Cheyenne
City, at a coat of 130,000.
.. . _
The IDArdle*caae ,was called up in the
Supreme Court thlit 1 afternoon. Judge
Hughes appeared aid entered a motion
to have the Court diamiss the case on the
ground of a want of jurisdiction. , The
Court signified Its Willie ens to bear
the argument In Rapport l i the motion,
and Judge ughes proceed to state the
position of the case,i as h said, for the
re i .
information of the ICOrtrt. He said the
Jurisdiction of this qaurt e tenth only to
cases coming up II:Oho lar form of
appeal-from the District Courts ef the
United Cates and Thom e regularly
constituted State Courts, under the act of
Congress of Feb. N . :ls67,lunder 'which
this case is brought pp. e maintained
that the Supreme Court has no jurisdle
tion because the statute does not confer
it. If it has no pariedietkin the only
thing to be done heifer dismiss the case.
Judge Hughes then' roceeded to inquire
whether the terms o 1 the act of Feb. Ith,
.1867, had any applicalloato the case; and
also whether the lab, rebel States were
in ouch a condition iwith regard to their
--Court. Las to warrant an appeal being
taken from them t 4 the -Supreme Court.
I,The appeal In the pate was founded by
said Court upon the isetimption that the
reconstruction acts of Congress were un
constitutional. That, he said. was the
pivot upon which ;the case turned. In
eupportof this, Judge *Hughes readfrom
the petition of lid'Ardle. He claimed
that the purport of the reconstruction
'acts excludes the idea that the question
of reconstruction was to be a footbalthe
tween the United States Courts and Con.
*At three o'clock Chief Justice Chino
- -
announced that, thorns* would go over
until next• Friday. when further raga
nont will. bo heard. Court than ad
WASHINGTON - , FabMary 1, 1568
' • The •Prcaidont has approved the bill
providing for distribution among • the
people of the South pf accumulated veg
°tables and pnwer " Mesta which are
not required for then f the army.
' The President hoe a approved the
bill providing that contra to for station
ery for the Executive De ant shall
not 00 made far mote than one year at a
time. . • :1
Tho following diMpatch woo' received
et theShite Department at half-pasthuse
o'clock yeiderday afternoon:
Cbienhoiren, Jam:Sary 31.-IValisin 11.
Sescard,Secrefory of w " e, Washington
The treaty in regard to the sale sof the
Mulish Weet India Islands has I been
gent to SN'ashlogtont It was ratified by
the Iligadad and signed by the Icing. l
i ruranctst.
Fractional ourren7 Issued for , the
week from the Treasury, $550,000; for
warded $342.1860-Including aO.OOO to
Hui depository at... Cincinnati. National
Beek -currency issued, 406.0E7 amount
in :circulation, V 200,342,030., Fractional
currency destroyed during the Ueok,
$330,000. Itervipta Internal revenue for
the week..514,918,11r; lead year tsa date
0114,754,313. ;,.I
nava:mai rearms ,rer merit CAROLINA
1 - ---+ cotnzmaisn - woo:teem I
InfermMion his; been received at the
Internal Bayonne office of frauds ,n the
reyenne and ocarsges on Government
officials in the third district of South
C.Mulinu. I It ROOMS that amp:tate from
Mr. Bingham, formerly In the Pon:office
atahtssyville, S. C., or heavy distillers'
I rands iri the.thheyvil le district, and Hart
and Elbeet countless, induced the Daman
to dispatch an agent thither, a:l4 after
some Investigation Mr. Binghamvial ap
pointed Ileputy Collector. The result of
the operations of the Government DM-
Hal, was the 'seizure of oyer esghtY illi
cit distilleries In throe «mulles mad the
arrest of several distiller's. Subseessent
ly the Deputy Collector was met by a
party, who It is ascertained bulgy been
hires by thaw engaged in unlaw I din
tilling, and Chat through the sh alder.
Tho Commissioner of Internal venue
hoe directed a rearrinl to be pai d ' or the
arrest of the party who comml I the
-Tit c st.soisaf a 'CLAIM-a.
I There is a renertrlut the Fresid
determined (though Secretary
bas not aequieseed) upon on imi
Ocsnan.l on " - Weed Britain for th
meet of the Alabama claims.
— . file's* just:paw.. Ki by tho I . Ltda.
lure of rlll2llelM.OO permitting negrows to.
hold alas and alp on juries giros] muell
satisfaction to nognews ganerslly and the
ultra Itedicals. fore are already no
;to esmiidstes for important- Milers and
sod their. will be in the majority of the
eouuttiiirpt Middle and Went Tennessee
! Able IA cars say this law ...millets with
the amendment to: lb.. constitution ind
will prove to tut, newness delusion and
liO.IIIV, entailing upon the a law sults in.
stead of Increasing their rights. The
Courts - will - determine tho question.
—Goorga Franck Train's' letter to the
Nets York World, dated aboard the
Scotia, says T.'. O. Durant wok out to
England 65,0ltr r adit to gold, the graved*
of the "ale ntneur stock of the Rock
.Leland Railroad to, purchase twenty thol3-
4und tons of Iron Wr the extension of the
rued to 1' 'pasha, .
It You VolUo Your Health,
Do not e•petiontat MDR MD f.01Kn...►.n
veO MI pot no nioll) metro ea Old ...11
%mows Ms I.a remedy f.r
• I
Caw,ll6l, Cia:4l/, Att,as, CrOD, Ditic..ll27 of
nnnemr. Oppraiden tiligt
Manor Lazo. as. el ILL•faem
• t •
ISVCaY . ONT should possess Ms Ist:sliest
preperestee, for Ibt a to sews! OttSllll/33
ate •T•tem al L 311117 Weer* disearnsi e 7 rnstd •
teat to thaw We 1.4 to
amiss testa DrabelVs Seek a smut. trldsia ye% de
wt deem walls sedates sad ere etteeStleeetil
segloettog will n.lO It fatal CUBIEDirrION.
.Tborotory. rotrilt Pao la too titrr%. tr
Optarrol MD to, to
. '
Dr. essgept / oi.Cough iyrup,
mad, .114erlatail sad gr?..1 0 1 eOn M•
ymt • cons of Ili., stanalrist. WI We
Dud o Orr needle. Wiliest oetalalor ass r••
lief! Shoo trf Dr. iIiDDISTII OINDIEI
Ur rod be root. Illo•tt • WY. Too eta ob.
WS It of ..y Drl - 4Datts. .I.Dara Uut Pre.
pilttre, •
• GiNoltiall A . YELLT.
Vrik-losal• thazgl t o NiL 04111 lineL
No wealth 'iiilthout l i ge?.
The wear sad tear sf Ut. Mrs ayes a all mote
or law VIM.. we bat smelt.. /Th. eta]
many. M
prbactpla le the man Powat e.t. th.
beams tattle Is Molts.; let as brim.. platens..
...Wan. Weer coMbenters ant be are wear
eat. SO do ordut. Me Wan Ilene . a 1 all the
tomposen nett of ; Mat marvallote plow of
went eeled Kea. , I " ' 1
Ina ametta.lsaa of the hone Invlatm to aw Itt• '
paired and streaffewnet tart a. amoth as tb•
atenhutsat entoleyeS to jean norm or seta Set
tee, or weave Oath, hies. outset *Ova a
Motel shaft or teetel a dram or • wheel that Is.
Oat of awn nether taa the ett.11 , ... eel
utrolo le yaysly II ed limb era latera l Wm.
/JAZ TUI! Winn/ NO OUT/ Dolan fee Itaitt
say ea. of year or...a—year .watch. flyer,
hewer, nevoss mutest, or any othtneratlV
put of yearrg
osalwelea, WWI. In b. 1 11/1 wort?
If so, raper th e daamyo with Me m sower
( t . . tat
M OstatlestVf laylietrants, 11103T1. r-
SI ta'n OW 11011 ITTMati. I*gia het that
debility I. the witrateata. al UM . .TV—that
the climax el oat Reitaill Re ls a melee wl pare.
yes Is the !terminate precursor of D Mt.
Don't watt for tllteate to mauls IM emcee
Wrote Toe owanwasta the ttneathalaa ore.
a...xesp the whale body la a algorism tone.
net by breve Alen, ss far .0 Ontat lb. I.
reads efdeety : Heber !he mune e t tam with
seem.. tat leroe,illoll=l7/11111 IifITCAS..
Chronic I/heaveW
1 •
... . • •
7h. labeton. o! the lowa body arm way,
oaa at a titaa. • dimerderad,tivet,
elißDt netallot of the broanital (M!. u ob.
Stoop.. ta tee seta or tithe rant/ *Mans, are
by galas sae ea la 'art
sate to be [allowed.
,;•* t Ono. secordlim tO Os extentor be matte,
o folictiousl IQ a 4., i Men Sfilibe eelth dye.
1 '
PePelo gel eOOII Sid mon nom tba stomaab at
ti rt. Tao toect that Oa mallows taLa to resew
119 natura l wear ati6 waste, the water mute .
tedapeatted La sows awe or tram. , when it
eFells kelt/Mob. path "'hint It excel ieg be
. ,
ttiruvrill olludl 4e04l oat of tau at at... lase.
dues sad tlogossodo of Jo gt sorb confab, Dave
bleu relined wad ogistoroglOo Itooltb 4u:eviler .
by a far.
tett!. ' l et DR. )11triLb l ll BLOOD
, ,
tiIfARA, 4ell, wble i sot Fair Deetrte
'Siouan wall d i s;tva mast, botl
?ielg . lobba btoo4 Ib. tboetawast.
itaultal to it.% reatoratles of tbe.
• .•
of the sirilan4 B csrqui
ot DS. *LYS to tat lit
r ths oar Wad. U$ I. ea cure!: thg
'!Ws' of otiordeiltd sod bralo.
It WS/ IVA iamb tiond
vita comeIlts•I• It era
svtrd MMUS% MilritilMake It WSS
.11.4 Eee f rebs r w tl eh cerc•• 1 tas
cases welch' we Gary
Ia these cot man. I.D r. Emu's DI
bee cared motel came of °Monte
niedialne of Maces calals.
Wm, dozen:er elves both.. It
deem medicine 1100.. me. IL WOO{
Dr. Kcreer.e coosaltations room, 1
azauy 21t14 W.
U3 . "/MI —roucn-
1 ---*-
_l.l7llllltrivala. Bitalitll.Hl7l
Centro of ice ?emigre - sea Ctioserra, 1
1 . . Moans,. Febrna 3,1568.
There are no new features to note in regard_
Ourigeseral markets. DnLinage and depreesion
.Deese to be tbe'order of . the day. sod mi fat
..!• can ate. theta is bni little proapest for
any psosediate improvement. It was thought
somwweeks ago mutt it money mattes would
got gasy. that Nutrias would improve; money
10 now war. and there Ano obstscle to any
-otrtgoeat et...ling getting all the ascornmo
dat ..thel want, but 53 there seem. to be an
• mil ' . absence of anything like • specul aUr e
feeling. these is • no- proulos demand for
Glitd./N—Prlnter Wheat is ulna and in
staidy demand but unrissonedtwe continue to
. 1
quo 71 at $11.4082,43 for lied, and $2,60613,53 for
WI te.• Coon is plenty and dull, and, outrank.
o of Oa quoted abase 05s to $l. Oats steady,
erits a fats demand, Out the ripply le frilly up .
to lit sale.= groat. at 15018 e, and bi store. at
Ig= Marley ht. Mr. and in demand .51
$ 1,153 too Sorlag. Rye is gum one no.
4.114141 i $1,1801.40. , , - .
FLOUR—The Flant market continuer ea
needingly Mtn and negleCtid, though prices are
maintained, • ranging from $10,76•21
II (or Sprint Whutl 1111011,50 for Winter
Wh e at, and for final brands. Bye
Flo Is dandy it WWI shut B."hts"
In g4mal supply and Mall tut unchanged at te.ild
per amt. .
PA.OPfSlONii— quiet •11.1. 10.17
0,10421050 far ShOuld , mi 1 1 .0
125(h tor *abed !Odes, and 14111*fa far Break.
falai Saaon and Sugar * Gant.l Siam. Littd
Is taut,. with sales of oonntry at Ito, and
kat le rendered 111 Names tO4, apt 14350,
IS kegs. Nei. Pork I. nominal at M.
BUTTER—Thera la Increased sup.
pltiana tha morkat la a. little easter,
{Woes el. onehangrarat 1/46400.
S—Unehanxid at 38 1 .-
• P O LES—Ia ataidy demand Out unchanged;
molar Ital.. in Moto at 0,60 to 66,50 per 111,
for loom:awl to 500151. . •
POTA.TOE4—DoII and 'flasbanged; small
maim In store at 01054 0 per bushel, set PAO
a,64sor 101, as to quality.
. SPETA—(Norer seed LI steady at STA, oath
midst salos in • Wall way it 66. Plasseed 1.
in good demand at 62,65, 'Nothing doing La
DNIED FlLlJrg—ls In good supply and doll
but'unshanged. Peaches are still quoted at
7411d0 for quarters, and 11 6120 for halves, and
J. les at 708 s. ' •
NAN—Is strostr but anahaaged, 0.111. real,
isohlales tram oOnntrl VagOna at 60142 5 4 at to:
ILIAD aUll quoted M I for No. 2 1
&vino for No. l sotwithatuadlog Lard has
adisoesti 3.( end. . ...
Financial Illatierip New Tory,
'Mural* to to rlttaborth ticsotte.l
An Yooz, rob. 3, lotig
1101roT kID 001.0. • ••
/fenny I. very easy at Weyer mmt.on call.
'Mare!. bat 4 small *moult. of prime paper
offe . l.lrob erblidt II readtly taken at 607 per
cant. aunt Quiet and firm at9Y,Ole for
prima bank bill. Gold, miner, dooming
at 11l and oblong rt
I 00•111[11.12%. • •
Governments owned strong and nigher
and In good darnadd generally. under real!.
ration, and the market fell off Mite out
alemen higher: Coupons of ell. Illy,13111ji;
o;of er2.llll4olllXt do of era, loettolue , ,ii
of KS. 1100tIOIAI do new, Integlotem do of , G 7,
mow,. Irs.•ronles, /0003104 K., Seven.
• trues, 1073 011031. • •
'ier* II as ILOtiTO Investment demand'
fat , all rellway mortgeg r a .1311 the prices ans
Itt a Xe C t i ge=rtitli . an d h l ' ilgl ' uVa l 7rree o s p ir
med. throughout the ilet. Nock Inland
tcSdr the load and rase toltrPA. Later there
wad less buoyancy sad theearn.. e wee
loot afterwards. The market continued
rand advanang, Old Southern being
ture. and rlslng.to9.lg. At the close
were lower ' thouten the business
is Argo. racUle eadltock Island railroads
were the heaviest on the Hot.
• 1170CIIII.
502.50%; Water Power, SIOSN;
Cumberland, 3;5440-1; &dams Erprees, 750
blerehauta,SGO3n4; I;ruted hutt.m.“.4
On; Atnertenn.7lol , 4/?'011;(pink-
Mariposet. 7440 ,,,, ,"; ;seine
Malt, 4;1114 AtJunto, to;aoP.i; Hart.
ford and rle, IGgairo,i; Weetern Union,
36V 4 0T; New Tort Centre), Tale,,
7,071ai• Hanson. /1 0 !40 14 7i I 3 ' 1 ;
11;*41na . , 91;418StXt Ohlo Curt/neaten, z." Nat
9t, Paul, 100148 PreferrnO. t;SO
&nit Michigan Central, 1114. , •
Southern. 91`,4191%;LIlltpuln eentral,
Ereoge i trail b d . ,76Prt;ir F;Vcrir kte.l.!
ern, ONSFSD; 1 0. pre erreu ‘ V,44lsM; Vt.
WaTon• 101140191 S; litanouri, 10;4 014 'T.-
uneasee,6o,,i; new no,OkFti.
nt Lux
Dull sad bennu Gregory, ljairtz UM.
114;'etalth .sna Parmelee, 1:80; turidou. 40 ;
Vriallall, 43; Davlthion, 31.
. I
iteeelpte se the Sub-Tressery. f 2 ,13 1 .14 , ",
velment a, $4,74.000, beleace, 054,814,112.
Sew York Ppodora Packet.
tat warrant, to tra Masi...ash Oatrue.
!few Yawn, February 3.-. Cotton loss .flute
and lower With aaim <Atoka bale, at Itilisyt
for middling uplands._ Flour, receipts
ot 3427 bbl.; quiet and. without doculal
chan i re; sale. of 3,10 e. bids at 5 9 , 5 0129.10 for
enfant:le fitsae;Po3(llo,Nl for extra State;
mina' tun for extra for
white wheat extra; 5a;001.3,t0 for 11000.1
Upon Ohtotalolooll.oo for eetaltiaa to gord
St; Louis; 1121210,10 for goal to CaOleo extra
del: aiming' etiot. California floor in Mir
relinest with sales of 1,100 hacks at .12.100
1373. Ere dour quiet; salsa of MO bids at
ed,Slig),P., Whiskynominal. Wheat, re
ceipts of I,MO Mist quiet and without dent.
dod chancel MAO hua at Pe for ha Mil
waukee and some amber Pennsylvania Co
private terms. Rye quiet. Barley quiet
madam, Malt in fair request with min of
Mlm b tra p at ore ac $l.lOl
tiv,33. tnorn recelpts of
.V. 5 mme and 4010 better: Wes
of WOO bus at 111,2701.53 for missal western
aloe:. SIM for old do lat store, 4:4301 for
aim White Nouthern 01,1901,11 .30
lor mizal
Tennomee., and $1441,16)4 Mt new yellow
Jana?, Oats, .008181. Of 3.1)33 bp; quiet.
with Wm of TI.MO bushes at Sle for west
sea in start, and Wafer 0050 Manna. Stools
of, grain In Irarehottre—lreeat.l4oXo3 hns;
mina. 164,31 bun oats. 0,167.094 bet; tw0,132
bust tartar. 110.1383 bus; peas, MSS boa
hunter:d steady. Corse firm. !Maar
;Se d la fair demand with sales of
MD hints Cuaa at INe, and 200 , ett Ratan&
at 1114014.0. 31 Mamma quiet and steady. I
Patrolaato sear. awl firm at 10140 for
etude an 4 4.401i440 500. relined bonded.
Hops unlit at ,W 07.00 rot American. Pork
deal , with PIM of PM ptfis at 10.10014. elf
old taw, aiming at aII,SS regular; gli,soig
PA for new 40,01.1ns at FAQ regular;
6110111 for whom 15..; also, 3(0 0010 new
taus at $21;3. &slip, Marsh. Beef firm.
With Wes 01 70) bets tit Preen:Ml View, and
NO tiaran at lirkagpaltd for prime men.
alipiliall3o for India mama li ne( lianas
quiet, with sales at IM beam at g1i 3 0D031.10.
&Loon quiet. with sales of 130 onset M. 10950
104.3 for Cumberland Cot, I ” . Soa 7 lu for
lock ribbed. IltiellMo for evert rained. MU
1140 her lost o t an elear, and 13013;0 for short
01st. Cut .La w Mead) , with plea of 310
pap at ag for Stirrolders, 1.7.013te tut
Karla. Dreased llgas Inner at 9441:014 0
for wasters, sad I 91.140 *smear. Lam
Inner, with 1731. 43 obis at Lllialit,,c;
also, Mantas, selter. March. P. lelac. Butter
Ina at scoot for Mate. Coops drill .1.110
160 Freights tOldvarpaed batty and den.
(Maly loan . , with engagements of . I,EOO bne
earn, par steamers at WO.
Talumea I. the I.ltotoris osutts.l
• taros.. Feb. 3-010100 ls pest Ind aria,
d pram are enekanyol, Wes at 012,75 for
aredlevinter exam; WWI for suites extras.
W.. Moderately sours but Wealth.: No
Xr d Si_Rrfai .1 1 ,1 ' ; ' ,;Tro tgrn:
telel„tewmassai at th e close of 1.. e market
ter mow. 00ra fairly. satire and Ismer at
alldrka. abides at alOioo for Mew, old -
own easNetet a; 1160655a0 for !Ica I. Oats
gWOtetli. at 1.1.8 erica,
11700q5/01 but neer wall small sales at
W 1,5101.53. Barley nominal. Prowsions are
rm end baoyset. YOU York'. r1.1:3; knit
Wass boands Floe bald et .1.101 SOO bbls of
Old mess soldat 44.. Sweet Pickled Rams
are moderately sours At 1340. Seed.
1 /Seats 40 k Isbell sales reported at loXa
1150 loose, for Cumberland short rlb and
abortelear middlas. Belk Yeatsare blab,
oltbasles of dry milted abouldera at Sy,9
*0..4 looaa gorse hams flrut at 1101150.
lard 30 blither 10 1$(015 as Item;
00010 e white sold . 11 Dressed flogs
lino. • 0100100 .117.MCItl, disallow on 010
Llio IlOss nominally Ma= elate:rand
StelaLle easiness doles. itroslpts,dour
belie wheat 17,000, oorn 63oo; ats 14..
busbi dressed hens Allo; o
Ilaloreents—dour Alm teds; °Oro %Po+ bosh;
dressed bogs 103.
; by ?*hunch la the Pituoand. disco.)
1 Ciectuasm. February I—Flour. firm and
t fair demand; family .11.23011*; fancy
. '
i 11.11012.74 extra 61101 , 0.10.. Wheal Un
changed and quiet; not log done. Corn
eried dull but clewed tinner,with ear at
Mejko\ o b . ri 1 grddafrfin shelled.
tail r f lig
Arm, ILLS 11601.70. Daley 1s firm at 12,700
02.1510 r tall. and in mine cases bold Ora *se
blew rate. Cotton very dull and vprlrea
beadnal at 1740 for tOl.lO ling. Provlstons
firmer but quiet. Coes Pork offered at M 1,25
00,110 tor olsi and new. Lard to demand at
V/ItrlV fitr . l l iTUrt mand .nr Irlite=
la moderate demand at Fhe for
abouldere, and 11t(012012%0 for aldekciear
rib and clear aldes. Sugar Cored Marne 100
16. Batter quiatat 1130.97. FCIM'Mo- Seed.
'unchanged; clown- all, timothy $2.1002,110
'lammed Oil dull at 51.1601,15. 11 y dull at
1013015 per ton SO ' arrival Col.. lc% buy.
1n R. Fr.:Mingo phmty and d I. sloney
Kraal easy at 13010 par cent. ,
MI. Louis /Wriest.
Inv Telegrann to ilts Pitt.baria lissette.l
, - Sr. Loma. February o.—TOlemein in active
I ,
demand; 0030107. small wed ortee• mt.
changed. Cotton bald firmly, nth *mall
salsa at 17.3. noun moderate demand for
low Ismael at unchanged prieesll soDerdne,
47.00Lfat extra. eas.oo.aft doable extra.
FjONSILM; treWe do., 0.19.0001821. Wheat
;firm and without quotable ehanabt prl MS 10
Xhotee red and while ;woe übm V6O to
,FEM. Corn dull and lower at altlbrc for
shelled. and Me for car. oats du at MOW.
lilarley onobangal at p. tun.% for fair to
, prima. Lye lower atr.4.SSX.V. O Ic , :! t vl l V i or .
i Vl= i b :l4V plea Del clear r 11406;
;canvassed ham,. lac.. P.M bold, rmly and
above boyars. violas. - 1160111DFlour, No
iliblstwbes.l4o)sankst co.n , . 1., boat onta,
ittObusll.otrloy,SCS btu. Wastba clear and
:riater, - - -...-, • .
- Sew Orleans llartlall.
tlly Tarrson to the Plllibursh 0 Issltr,i•
r . Ostasell, February S.—Al , ten In do
mendymkldlings III!. The Ipui oleo,
Iliaarday. wen, bass. The exports
wow, %Or/bales. Se of/,OOOD ale.. Surer
'Satires wimmon Ballet rats 1114011%es
prime to chops 1TX01040.-ItO l eues tend
ing uPwsrili plisse to choice SO011tn.• noes
toner with Was otsuperlne at ISIO.TIOtaIie
"do:ten:tell:a 0110. Core easier wall Wee
stettpl.o6. Oats ISOM. • Pork iIIIMOSAI.
/lawn settee; shoulders 110)0; clear Wee
Ile. Lard /SO; keg Ito, Sterling
/Sold/SOW Tort exchispo•34 per eons discount.
Eau Frauclitigh Barlgoe: ' •
Eby Telugt at b t 4 eh. Pittsburgh bunts.)
Paa Fasbroulfelmtary A—Flour ad
vancedy extra super 17.60. Wheat tine
at,7 - tor obo snipping. Legal Ten
211.11106"/"... I
Morn.ia.-Fetnnal7 3, ISM,
The supply of cattle was light tits. 'week, not
exteeding, If reaching, 703 heal, and wlthsa
average local demand and some inquiry for
ahlyment, the marks;. was- remarkably .
sod If anything, takitiglba gasllty °lithe tat
tle into ecosldert;iob., prlers ruled a shade
higher thou lest week. Butchers complain
bitterly and with goc.l reason, to:, of the Ora. -
en: extrema yricre, but hem aroma to be no
beiptar It; drover. aro not to blame, as they
are obliged to ray bidpilrea, too, and we feel
tatltled that lb ey would rstritir sell settle at
gyge: than tGua, as their profit would be 11111.11
as lute, and there is not so much money to
rested. There to no scarcity of cattle in the
country, tot rumen and stoek-growers, ea •
general thing, are se Mont." that If they ...-
not get their prim, they eon keep their stock,
not being obliged to sell, as Is the case with
_Opetators in many other depattmeats of trade.
It Is not a little remarkable that while many
commodltlce hare depreciated In Value from
60 to tO6 Der cent„'eattle are , now almost as
bleb es they were airing the rebellion 6 sad the
only unto= we can mega is the one Moe*
I noted. As will be sem by reference to the
retort of sales, prime to - extra retailing Wile
sold at from 0000, [doss; :common -be medium
at 6/37e,and *tacker., at 60034. The follow.
Log Is • pretty full report of the sales,
E. Hatt sold 17 head of 'mixed Ohio stock for
nombangh at INgld—one one load of Math
rows sou springers unsold.
bestial; la Bro. sold 10 heed of cows and boll.
at at to 6, for the former, and 4 for the latter.
Greenwald It tine 16 head of entre fat
cattle to Fred Ben(butener) at ei re.
%%11%4 30 3.4 at Cds. • ' •
Henderson wholesaled 17 head of fart. sat
tle to Oros:male R Kahn .7.
. Kraus 6 Ha. report harth t.. 74 he.
Ohio sod Illinois cattle st l ob
M. Verner retsll.l9 head Of radians Hoek
for Ito. at 3% to 7%11 also, 7 3 36 . 1 4700kifl at
5 1i , • '
Aire. h. Meetly revort haver; retailed SO
hoo. of Ohlo cattle ststi to 8%; .4 13 head of
Peons. smelt at it 43 eq.
L. itodichil. sold PI ass 4 of Chleaeo eatt/a
at 614431%.
Jas. 31.1llater reportelia7lng wald 41 head
of commletton eottle at II to a 1,4.
16fert7. elan 8 Co. odd rd ...foe Bina
st 6 to al and 61 head for_ other parUsa at
paxton sold 12 head of common to medium
athincton county nears and sows at "ACM
Hada. & Taylor while haad for W. T. Lamb
;at to 041. d le heed for P. 'Toot at 041117.
Baslewood & 131.1otock. sold:She. ma.
sattle'at to 54 an
:d 11 head on Oommlasion, '
fur urawlore, at to
John Kerwin, satiated by John Ne/111ster,
booth% 1.0 head of bull., in small lots 05 02634.
which were afterward. sold to Wen.' Hines at
• petit of somethica like gine dullar per head.
There were boot other deal." whose sales
did not yet, Inaloding Marks & Trauma..
L. Shambety, sad Mailman & Slambarg. Our
good natured old friend tfleholsiCariXedWhO.,
0740 0 WaY,l6 an excellent Wen.= did not
have s Moyle , bullock °sisal.
We were pleated to meat Mr. H. 6. Marttea
at the Yards tolo7. Mr. Marla& was, for
many years • regutu dealer at the Amiabeur
Yard., and 10 well hnown to all collated lo the
undo; he la styteeent operating and metals
In Chicago. , •
The supply of Sheep to-diy was meek Lazier
than for several weeke put, but -with • very
felt demand, the mmket was steady and fairly
active, and notoilthelandlmr the increased sup
ply, there were but few left over unsold, and
prices were fully maletained. It is possible
that the extreme prices of cattle may have,
esolod the butchers to bey mete Sheep then;
neeml,,and If eonatilnere would buy more mut
ton ind lees beef It might exert some hill:team
in bringing cattle • down to a reasonable prim;
besides, mutton is generally:nested as !ming
more wholesome than either bid or pork. The
following Isles were reported: •
Adam Lekert sold V head—pert at ••
head, and the balanoo at 634 per lb.
Wm. Garvin reporte harms sold 13t heal of
mined Sheep at 111,10 to 16,00.
Young Sc Bro. report ti% heed saga :6 to 11.14
head—mult L ava been orettY har d Met, •
sesde below ..sealawasa."
Wolfe d Lent report, heaths sold Te head, at
An average of Se.
We also Lear 4 of a bunek of 101 heed of
prime fat Sheep having bees wholmeled to •
botcher at 651.
• Baleriek . 4 Us. sold
_4l head 'at $4 pee head,
rink _ _,
d 33
an at 3,:e per lb, gram.
000 a. I
The market bat ruled iirm .1 der tlie past
week, with a coralnued fair retail demand. and
compared with hatek. Prime w • 313 . 10
higher. Like Cattle, we the prima( Hogs ta.RA
i lc g ant of mamaable bound., and Mere le no'
daubs bat what the top hat been maenad. We
look lar these big petrel to draw In heavy
receipt., and Juat as soon as thla Omani there
will be a break; bat It la :sot likely to allot
• liethehtlde d Byers report haring mid Idd
head dating the put week at 74 to 84.
Enterick .t Co. mid about their until mai..
Lcr, bat 7 fatted to yet their Priem
P/T151111764111 ANTAL 21IAILlig.T. •
arm. oy Femm e,
Ja ant:non Manx's.
- m navy Si. MS.
The metal market hae again beau quite a
tire during the past week. the rate.; 1. llt. egl
gregate, being large, and' while the grunt
to-e of the trade le toward greater ease, com,
pared with last week, priers hays undergone
no natural chanye. Standard Purge Irons are
In demand, and, as a ionsequatite, priers are
pretty well regained, but luferter grades ars
dull and neglected, and in order to effect salesi
conevarlona hare toe. nado. Foundry loon.
ire in good anyply and dull, with • drooping
tendency. The following male are imported:
arrenteous coat. •YILLS. Cnow Laza sly
1 1 0 , 3 Q Medi ., um Grey ., mo
Mottled are Forge 36 00 6
Close Grey Forge X6O 6
203 Close Ony F0rge...... 07 60
rea Opea Grey Ferge Si 60
re . so. 0 Yousidry n 69-4 m•
rto.l romcdry.....— 01-4 m.
IWO. Mellon Vier Form de-
•• .
Ilvorant at tunaaaa— •
cqual to 37 131-4 tat
o " White Mottled, at fusses • .
at tomato
W" Whim and Mottled, attar. " 55 cell
nacc—tai. brand—kr an- •
other market 07 07— sun
00 tons No. I Founar7 W 40.-4 ta •
1,0 " Watto Tone aOO
100 Marietta O 03
watts Re 4 abort 00004 .
210 Gre y Aultraolte ...... MI 50
Ito ^ Mottled and Gity....,...« m 44 4
ats.. "%astern Grey at no
tr o 7, Western Grey--toy. Drawl IT Oo
200 " imps— SO 40 5
40 No. Y Yunnan,— ... to 4
No. t Foo.sttri --. 45 to .4.
160 to. Om For ....... eO-4 so*
To • firs,7 fora oort
ao 'E plea Aram. ' 00-6 nee
I° ILrff
'Junin Reek Reek.. .....
p. IS
t. C 4-4 mu
t 3 ton. Jea
60 itmlata.
Upped. ow tries PIT=1,21:111011I (Unarm
JazuerY 31. IBM '•
ThoiallAtt for Intettfaattited Ironmid
la _uptorted doll beyond . preoedent for ado see. i
ton of the year; some of the kettle areonly nat.
atit, half tine, while others Sr. atomd
titer. It la one:lordly predicted, however,
that there will be a good opting trade, end he
both metal and labor are now ishiaper
Miring any time sines the breaking oat of the
rebellion, thotutht that Plit•burgh eio
eutoaeatollyhoispeti - with otter points hoilt
Oast and west; and If ow, we are of tlewptelen
.that the will realise a lerge of
fStioe: commune both west and tooth, who
for • yoar of SO past, bare Men this plea,
tile ahoolder." The following are the earl
rates eorieete4 op to date? -
Commna Ttir mem—.
llorse:Atna.. .....
all Mat Hand
Ball Oval ono bsir Roond---ola OVL
Boller Iron
TWA 1enp....--.
Roll Rods
Sheet 'sou,to to ..... tg
22 to 21 7,g 0
t 1 to-
27 ..614 M. /0
AU sheet. over 2110. wtdis 7 e extra.
lod to oaf Nails 24- ...... ..,
Fencing and 44 One '
' Made 46:6 14 Dee. •II 60
64 and tht 6 60 t a ' tu holes _ II CO
44 and Id • 675 tltnet....--4.... 4TO
44 404 64 400 Cut Spikes 611
6 601 l ßarrel N 6114-35 Inch. 45,00; I Inch. 47, 55 1 11 54
loch, 40,00:144 Inch, VIM; 6541407. 307,10. r •
Teams —Note oe acceptance Itt 40 4674, tele,
current rate of Exchaoge on New York; or it
416 mount ell pre cent- for eaah, If reethte,l en
mei pt of Itroloe. ra7menta to. be spade In
New Yolk. Exchange. 11, S. Trsaeur7 Nohot,
or thole *duty/dent. Nails In lots of IN Ittt•
and opwArds, Iltga nee leg off. No 416aotlat
on bills of lege ttson Illty dollars. ' 1
84011112110” title liwrltell.
}ULTIMO:tr., Jattuary 30.—Uattla—The s
lags et th• scales Ourtng the Post Wltak
let6ottott to ICH head, attain.% talts lost weak.
Poises to-day ranged as follow.: Old sows
and scalawag. at Ittrl66olottlinat7 thla etas.,
00 50 and sow. sssotgot Ws to good stock cat
tle 11346,15th0r ttutllts bseyes $OO7, and l it.
very beat bee. es $lllllO per 100 lb., ths average
price helot I about * Prises of the but
grads. °Scottie ate apparently highs?, 1.1.1
'manly to the superior quality ollla 005e1as1
while anwatou and inferior goods. Us 251 oto
. per too lb. lower.
Shrep,The receipts have Increased during
lb. pall' was k, but with • good deloandl lb.
statlot was aelle• at improved rats.: earn.
wally for scrod tat gassy. Pd., ramrod as fol.
Joao.: c 0..., to goad Mao, and good to 4x
tra airs per lb, groat.
Mos.—The supply has dodulabod the at
week, nod polsea bays advanced too 100
lb. an th. Wa of last wool.. mining 'al the
sloe. today. from 53,76610,71 per 100 lb. 11.1 to
foie to good tai hogs, •114 =Oat cant
- •
New York. Dry Goods Darkss
ticeranarapa to the PUrreargh tiatema 1 •
Nair Tone. Ifte.3.-.4.1, ntton goOda are fairly
settee mud qtrong, Whlto Cain:mouse ram
pantly mined and higher. , The Merrimack
Company have advanced tbctr prints to
1340 for the D. and 1415 e for IV. • Some of the
Jobbery hayo pat op the former to 13'40 for
fancy mat the lattor to 14140 for pinks land
purples and all of them' *lll advance, a r e
le per rard. Spragnete prints are
on to 1114 e, 001 re likely to VI higher.
Itlehmonds and Da a mien, are bringlaw 13‘.0
and prices aro trading oPwani. Altana are
wlthd morn for Walter prutes, and the tame
Is true of aU others, The amerleari are
atlll milling at 1:o and %Umlauts at 01, Al
am•nce plaid. ouramand . WO. 'Yor other
goods there is no particular change, hut Um
indications are that Drawa he higher
hwforo they are lower. , Yriatelotha are at
'Bo; Detainee, 110, Whisk la. relaUcely, Very
Sew lark tattle M
IST Teintsph to tUu PlltAmah
KewT V 4 L I ,bo-2Telp nibs f
2 r 0,94. yogi
lotilo: hoof tr•daY, with moderate supply,
v1.>1.730, anti% fair aeunnii. wan Inrao.bai
firmery extra. 171101 Set prime I7siair7i4ri
flat duality ICi•Valikili far to goat 165401 em
ordinary Itgaltdtei inferior tagl7o. Sheep
and Lambs Smiki higher en Um weak4wlte
• ialr dimmed, oloaine flan, extra 7,4118 M•
yarn. 707.4ei ordlimg and common 840
'U fahid ix‘r i t tti " qood . : 63'l4 l 7°. . " 4 l7l a llt°srt:°P4Mb'e4l "
.$7,751 Only seven ear irmila cm NO,
• •
ratladelphla Cattle Market. '
037 Ta w ma rlttsfaiffb eamotte.l
Ihrtearear ma, Tea. I.7beCit .. .llirairket.
m &out , * sad firmer; Wan Of XXXI halo at.
10010e43 for extra avatar& atom; 80-11}0 for
Oar go good; 6074 a far emasona. Shetp are
to fur demand at - aa advs.:at sales of &OM
bane at Mira Ham are Wawa Seamed at
00 mfr..; Wei Of 3.180 XaMit rtaXaelitt‘t
MO lbs. sacs.
CrbaeLasail Marla Marital.
tar Telefroltse tar 13..etta,1
I Crecrasart,ifebrttary 3—Beet Cattle Dn.
chazyged with • fair tle=atta, at atta7,ia,
groat—tae latter rate for Elrmip
etaros sad arra .at full prloes; fro choke
113.5004.'fb par rental, plata Tile battalall
are mina Mailakoo. gross foe hoci.
858. --- 1867.
11. P. BALLAD & CO.,
A O,IISIWrItATOWEi Noerber.,-
.C 3. ell perronale•erested will tale n• tl. bbat
I. er• at enatelstratibe terve be. f. 4.4 b‘•
.Ibo tov , orrisseoo tor tout* of eIbWAIID
,vo • 11t. 6 1e r et trble b. 51.... Ceees 'e. All
I far.. 40.4 It sel, rusts, or purees bar •
. , • leg claim bp.. the swat. "Mau. mile.
.111 Z WZLI:ZOTABLISHIDIrrIICIrLY -i or Mete' tb.••••• • •• ‘•• ' ' -
, , • , *Lump) awszwr Ader`z, •
~, _ • •• ' .11.1.3 try.
I , nee vounniesion Hou s e , a‘iber ittemay. . 120IIIIIT ROBB.
, . • jr/NliT , Diu
le Toortt rt., rAtSslorrilt.
- el. 22 %MON Bt. by re..
••• iNteoaDatl 212.121ttettbilltspensTN2W.Ne.
Dom 14. (Tabs.. 204 HI24DDNT 41222%
xna 23....thetarels. • • •
2= st2o
,mo 02gDA.
iseemt.r., LINN; .4 tirola indts IVN6
acme. or ootut.l7 rrodus. 1.122421 22DoeS
2226 e on coestwOsts.
2222Tasscio—Nort111812•2 3*ok.
N. I
e. =i= V r . !ra l ! 2trrii
Molt. N. 2 1tr0a4N22,2T. T.; D. U. 122Cottart
No. 111 NeaNaway; sauna 320 4 illatosostl4
TA, 222:4312
tgrlollN BEPITAILItt/
oonik ectrtive Committee.
ilTtte =cabers of the leeriblleas , eeeW
eeentiTe O.IESIMIL are ftlauta4 to loon at
the oZ“ of u. u. No. N Weal •
Oa Wadi**4a7 Iv*ilat•
cif the MA.114 et Illidtterut prosoml ...Se_
the Monnasso Ida Yallsy
01 mint
CC 04 a..
rte.tet suya. llttalmles2
0 11:411/LD '. Mb of toVancs, a. WI a ,
Tps Jur nready for alstrinsUost
e.ters ocamax&tims.
e.ful.. Balt ifilvicia. Boma .Sititim Smuts,
r.m.nus.. =maw. mach andw. out.
weillap. la .. we.enar %pea 110,4
• • nest .enderfalsztlolerrnwodaml. ether
im0d. , this pm.. 15611.7•1. ,
a.....atlaa. maxim pats, sae Okla arttaaal , a
11... It la %math Its aralabl. fetal. .A 7 '
IT. sa4 sboald slaw la. oft turd. It la arm,
baud Sado what It weaves, Una. •
Were first lased In private myna. la US. They
were letredueed tether...Me la tae. gay which'
was their reautlitirot ha t Yesaded. aotn they •
have a We to exam of an *thee Cathartic and
P►rllylae Atedielacs. They is hardly . a fuel
moue ciente...l einem who have ant parelsal
levldea. of their hetteletel afbeete.
,Their pear
semen is Owlet to their en. iillshilliftle
eyes of Coastlyneol. nilloce end Otoasehle
.eases, whether of lotto =Mott dYlitkt• Ther
are esilrely Yge tato!. La their eraapoeitioa. ud
Lamle. to the gentlest /;test.' One legatee.,
boots Matures of the Wet sarstrwileitteretle,:
asd stitylaSY proper einem IWO. M .7.: C
third Is siconleat. loyeitig Welty sad buy
from the bys; other properties ante nies ,
ed canteen...Ye elegem the statue h aad
bowels frets ushealthl oserenßal. Thelr at.'
soled abet la to rese/ste the lapsited Yee.:
nay of the yews, yd mem Monk. It is .
sot asserted .11olfaVa Pula UV 1.11. :1,-1104;
ttuey•llli Mire romplalailli-bit ..3162 orslins,
or o reutestaaces dhey tut b celled,
eonhe:you. and Oak 'Headache, Co tiesserre,,
utelwaele.• Odlgastbs. isaselee. Lira sad,
IdUloas Complalat.s, Cold., Scurry. flyers!
Wilknees. de. They are expressly toads Jar , .
it... dime, /g/illoes upon annoy of ceres,
ye be cited, la Co nave tutaace has • erda.
plant sear you to esr howlegget, when they ,
lure not operated as reesousaweed. ,- • •
The printed einealar armee yob hoi lily
platy tits rywateets ud glade of each ,
gully trestmeat. feralshakerflena. M.
We Inlay :rho to Ity. Doyle Mier7rfalt,
I no, Y. C.. whe was cared gstaaoloaL C. 11.. f
ere., of Sheathe. In.. curd •of Lbw Coo.:
phis{. H. Healey:. of lliartaglell, : yer, aid'
Serefala, cad had to ase aretchy; was carift
three Week.. Jaa.D.Lie!eue, of Addax. MY...
cured Qf Billtwe - Paver. Bar. Ilyrr Ondtay.t
Presbyterlaa Chant., eliallailres. Cal.. of Ife
rer ted hint. nay. Td. L Wen Tweati.grst,
New TOY. of Illoramathles sad PUP el El 'testi
mediae. Pee. Samuel Bowies,. Cellar et the:
Spr.agield (Yaw). BapabLisea, was cdrud ek
terrible Comilveyes. Hoe. - 7d. Water. of
of Life r`otsplalit, ate., .144
A lueseillioest.s Life Plile,with fall einulars
to seat gratis to say litystelenerClergylaau
on co eyelet of two thrstoeyt tasted. Wimp. :
Yobat'S Life Pills an =teats Pee box. Not ,
(eV. Mauls Inman It per bottle. Thy are
sold by all respecteldeeigaleis throughout tad
eostinetits sad the bleeds of the Ocean._
wiry= C HOWL/MD. Proprietor..
successors le le Joey - 11-rrar, ye Dr. WC,
H. ft .rrem, In Litarty..MV. . Now.Tork.
fenetso .
era rOVIRIFL •- COLD.. OR +ll
Irrl 1.2.11ra Ktao Lugs, Periarassa ;
Tirana Dlsease. or wragiraNettert. -•
dhsat laftran WU. sta, gtril tl4 .
medlat• Per Itronahl A.
CaUtrilk. Camakipttre
D , seam, TiorAes *re awl whit ahraWCW
Nagar, as Illpeskiang 5Ta there
.aleaD SAd •1241111116111 lag fOldh • • -
Obtalllonly 115011111 VS 1110110.1.64. 1 . 3
COMA" Mid do m: as, of ftu Wciallais&
ok.t UST be arm& . -
sown Suankassaa. • I
gg-Tur. =vase -raft.. - !
.urn set= et mutscrt.
EtuwASti An3ooLaTtoir IVOTr_%__POk
FVl33Oi 1117._ollitter113 or erm=z,
vtd th e =WU. • 01115 NW_ p
abtelt destesoles ma rldras OnSI•tC,
raf. glitt al'ed lettens4WWl.44
e i taT. 4 4 . <l .d dle, D. J. tSILLIta 110.4
sad!? PiadatiallA. re.
....MSS .74
5 ' •
Low 7P/lIgLII:
tr!Aippco , maxisa:
FmnarAn i 1868.
OUR j OiI3TO . /Old
Oar' New Spring S*,
tirbleb ara jut lair: *sigmas:l. p 11.1 ,
I.lllt VSZI•tI. lb. IN Ws.
Lower thou owy New 07 .011 Nish
%h. mut ot coal gialtila •=4 situ,
Grain Mradius' Werckiiiati,
n Llialtinralr.ritgallmrEb.
• awaitiklielheack,.• MoUnterr Co.,
r uba ; *AM% • .11snitilg
Clam, Clasps Diatioui Bask. rsall
oms, so. 114 tiram sTur. Pit tnratsit.
olimr- d.3l llgrliotallweiaralss.”4Zjispiry °4
VlLLltilVairct.; '`"1"•;
irordons infer
rated Id 1 tska notice 'I hat I,..tier• of A.J.
frenlorattou bare been itr.z....a , o the
'alxbed ins UK. IlitAts de .01.1LigarliCA , Of
graelolett Liroarblra ctsotd, anOw•
It; Lamer-v.. tainted ;WAN estate are ta•
gar , . I to lark • paTtnear4 ant those Metral
alarMS laelertlae r•vrearVlOrrrolaata tua pro?-
' WI/ a2lo.l. , •ratla ter set: * . meat.
I:ODIAbotOS7. , IL dm , r.
, tar. *Hexer.) CO. Fs.
out to.l.ts at AalAlslatnaloia estA , ll et
JOIVi L•AMX. oz tWOFtllel.lle.
ptlmile Ail t Arsans . g•Itl iestat.
w4l wk. ac. sad tIATIaAt IsUASNIt I Onst
.a1d,40.a1. wlll LielOnt ttelo L Hut A.l.llvs•
1.1 . *V.4. CAROL , WILL! .1111
de.= r • • lauir Tovreshlo.!rs
IN 1870.
Central Pacific Railroad
Mad DM LIU um 01 comm.
lebt mg replete eviltd fneard by ea afar..-
.hetmd ererbles lbs.% .4 IC. rearenatly
tate thutha Ceirruratoce eV.... atn.aote
cOxeserl. V Ow Nit 'Toth To Ste Yahoo
ex/CO Init. Ball.* Is 1170. '
able Ualldre Mateo Clevoramentto mate '
• nbr 42a e .4 e.t.a., Rita. half the-,
amaze& torastabatbse IhoMala ebbe
b 7
an abaaluto Kraal of 1 , ,11 sm. of vela.
atd obit° ads oar sate, the Cesarsl rodeo -
II Ivo. Ccropsay 0•13 rce:ll44 Mos Cantor
ala,' MOM.. &matten amt. toacesslees wrath
men Mu ehetellte The era I ate Marrom* of
tbla . Cetrealir are therefore ausdua Ice the
peohessc ameastthe to Mee 000 es the Suitt
settle of lb" Ltat, lectedlue Lever *and ty
I lost Kett.. am the whole frrelataly. IS the
oelr so the U. b. fatal, floods.
The remit..ldled, attalaol, la a
loeljorstivelf eallavorable elreiraeloac. • of,
- 1024 labotanti al growta for' ballot.; :Ike CO/51
TOOL rA4pricw tots . .
Mast Yiisred.Bradnelha and Vahaa.
taa Inathread gatorysisedlak t!ae
• Vas Com,ur are law °Sodas for Mar • I#lll
PIM Nortteirs Piz Per.fent r ßonds,
PNsel N o ug.4.4. bI
IX gout OM
km. of 440,0 noth. O] Der coat* tholr
bar raloo sad mooned latorist inn Josuar/
Theme J:ads-II Ye battered. Donna 'the elf.
mein of Lahti., rattottllty oad.A. •
,V 4.4." inf.., nos oof othn Unser Co•po•
rota laegrltt. a Aso. spend, asel. in. Shantou.
men dostrablo for study loriorsonla of sarolor
capttaL Investor, ellt boar I. mlad o,ofollowo.
.I.•TM7 at the lost marten, oa moat( the
asonoslaablo mull-toodoefari flee atirallroad
IL Tito actul earallogs from tool taislsm Is
lot :es: nista thla, Soar
l uau maul d.
- Ur. zho Mod put if tha ,mkd L avw dont,
bid tho prispeots • t rapid anatpledosk, aro
IV. la Compuykn allbUN sabalis•
*satin theata prouseit• Ike INsk. , •lll pea
t it has Dm
pndnt gad ftn~~t.
Tn. ma Is already • lug, ,aadSidra - d•t•
Minima% ea lits Mamas:ad sad assolad 11 e.
114. Ikm lauds pr. mum to • bi SllPLontense
*alms. 17.0 b urea Maytag htmaslxisdy sold. ..
VlA.,lloth principal mad. Lotertms arm.maidl ,
mat, made Wade in glad •
naia tai ditlMMllmta =utast et Issue and
Lash stimdlrig la lissome will 'amnia for thrmi,
eamtlantA mellylly . mad a WO rmakilatoad mtaad
at Mats thus Willed Welt , ,
ttw fat.
. Raided; of Gov.ranialiclientititbriliaire al ip•
POrtaalty ar as chaantaa th e in for Coral
:Ma aosAis. niche an ',mall •t• talarest.:
sun '-the prlacipal atnianiatly Isamu, ' tad of
reallalsg a , priallt i r tea to agents par tint. In
Orde suit es tba hind. Inrouglt ranyanal-
M. 'Banks or Zip,.. Campania Will Jeanine
vocal t attention. • Banda' seat by Mara 1.1.-
Prang an'any addzeas to it. UrilitaiStais% at
oar cost. .Informallomi Ocacriptini 14L/OVOtot..'
.11416, a., flintulud as an nesUas of tit• 0200
at the Schou CainpnbY. •• • •
54 111 uLtair 'Taxer; - •
-.lid of /DIE &TIM.. • .L. ';' •
Easton , a6tDoLlors b Governmeot Ereorl
nod .6genteof the O. P. IL. Co., F.
6 AramO stmt. Row York.
Alto, Of 60616606 t DELOS.. '
S. DisCLICAS & •
JANES T. 1111•11:1T 4S CO., Pttisbutcp.
..1071N . *41:ili spN,
Tinposian savi lilsolaweLlan t.
ironsiem Donarria • •
181iIE •
WE 8, . •
••• , •
807 .7-stbertti ,. . 1124:6i01.
. • •
Hie Wave I.; .aftens %bar friend. and the pligla .
ErZtinf th. l7:PAT•lgzr.„,„,„" -n- v o l
N4M4VOII heat
the superior gnatitiee yralty th./r goads.
.4%1,1111n their aft no apbold tbs... •
for cholltaiglftrperad. Danteedar • COMM= 11
OLD "Maga' MIME. '• • • •
• • Ana sebieforeasibiluef
- - 7filiJICH Umtata".
•Maii ka-e. iso. s sUaxcan:,...m also be
.1108111 18188. 4/* 808
0 94 1, 1 1 J -..:-. r -. saosctoo: •
' . MVOS, 1iit0r0137.17 8#&62.
reesiddiat - HICIIISII - LLOYD.
V. PleultitimalL.......WlLLlAMPalll•
I .
L 1•74 - ' . liflllfilin ita... . .
rr•Zik l T '''.. l. ttr a T U" V e "..,
111.7‘..; , 0719 jr : ...' /oral% 1 , 50 . 1,F!„ .
terctui Llteantec.billlT 1. 1111111111 g.
, ana nom nntly..austp: Dada. ~aa
• ek to four o'clock T. 11.. Arn , on RMF
=Mr'. .4°."7 si Os ...nn
A . GLirrst wAtimvo FOR
THE imur.mATaa
itedl Yaw Miry DWI
for Ma Oldie.% Ingle Neese. wed
otakenta 111, us gloat
It Tiotalatal rarer 110 the itapeolase.aarl 101
m.eit, hod le the opiates , axe etuneret war ha*
retinae. Pane pale WUXI per eery.
• cumnoir.-Baii• ok to. , Aiwa : ilea tame
edvarttelte Or the CM Petaaerity Wares
of la e seek Co r• the astee tthh a PA.
5 .. ! arm The 331110 are heretralartiled ther•
testae te 01mi/emote alum
Letzri ... ..i . vr , e . r . ht ti mulez
° T w o, i !g
oalstarkolot ee therefore eaetroetlte.r.r.
sai tenth* toot On 047
tales , Ares4. Sae eastaelass sad tessea4e.
!cal lor-Clttatare
. Arlene, Juin IL4lla
7$ •
deit MT • • • rtilledelpht,
vQAw oakr
, . .
43-11 . 00 r 1 S ,
i Dealm in 011010
Mu, bps, hi, ul rrotp!riciilly.
gostiis_ /Magmata,
02. door ot redmi
FARM' FOR 1L1LE.1.14,,, , 3w10,
218 dale. of, Land. , • .
aback as invalid ea tta Ita• bawd.. All.'
if wd ainatraa , Tio pontos
at la Allistaina etia_sty la Nails Fawns
township. sad ant fa wahlast's want. a la
.10.11 towaato. Tata Sara •la • stoat *Wag
miles Ir. a ratitiaras. twig shwa. War
area Ws wassat • Railroad. tin* Isadrlid
that was as onsicd Ma la a alga Maoris(' coi
tal!, sa. S
ate ail! &endz i ire . :l 4 'w star Tatars
saw laderla wawa wlth •Sat sit Ock idw •
W. Sod tag Wale a iisilar's!d OrVassal.. Tag
lasinamonta is:water tore Sala. WA War
taantatat CO -WOW
for torther var. bralati".pos
argon 1., et Bout lam*. Tp..nreanier alma-
vimmosus. ratorEmmr" •
eaLlf...-The seueriba *gm OW Oda / 0,
nand!' g .➢IIU with ru-
Wen Acres et Land.
Mule fa .liarrell tavS4lo. Wr.laeralad
enntr. Weals-two =llea Ow. Pttiallarytboum
asa Inns tress Obousterr fattest. e. to Al tr..
=tun Mazda fa.ta geo• or
raa 771.111.1rVaig
asd alas 'ft ” '
- Temis lan" tor:
' VI A= as
preill wraith. •
lreaih ,
.4.4,,1nvr. • - Oa MI
ttleCosilo 71.cfusa
WM11.1,111 1 10! TRADFI
- ca. -noolt;• thEnat
• 0 1 32.0.• .
Vind oilro i
r v ite ,
can 'seta it mak. dear- mu.. amt..
writer up at Us slab iirVl neat. irrestst
wilt* la to PO, see3ralsir Ur Ulnae mai
ASUlts 'wasted' Olurratta; •Of "•niat.
tne ram ams tm., sa MI; • I=4„--
Dugan lads.
Ilfruch.uid Modem Calf
es ionio . arr..
«Mt g m blitti ;44 4 =1 "3/' * deur ' -
fg °TICE :
fa. •
LNtrlElel4 .. .
vows Of iltir
I El!!
applicallioniAlrilt .
Sot lho ea. two .m.igICILIOD
ono connoted of WWII 411 ,
Dv:enter Tana
sad Toranlin •of intoplimr
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