irevistuto ecaytte io i"itiiiritria, sisisuga GODII.XIC A glaze*. a ammo-1 see It yet! Moment, ere the taste was starting; /low etranse to tell t—ere scarcely met, And yet I felt • reingett. Win:4o ' ; • 2 And Too— ales! that eh the While Tie talon. who am cooteutog— 'What thought woe forth:gin your Emile M quite beyond my Insople goesetog. I calf know those beaming asys A1.21[13111 the 11 stemma enhotlau. Which. beating In thetnwartner blaze, Pertape might kindle to dainties. Ah 1 auuty a heart as staunch aa By stetling lips allured from duty, lii. souk in rhea look dart zeros— .. Wrecked on the corgi meta of Denote And o:). U. well ib Witt Melt. Tent bore IMILY snY oherrotole strutter, Took ber--Ged bless her !..-oat of tight, 44 ° Aer eloloAl7, out of linnet ! EPECEMOZIM' 8. —Letti's opera troupe is in . Memphis. —Bieratadt uldl4"2tocky Mono taloa" and "StortiVioi 1140,000 in Eng land. -4Londoris is rapidly being depopu lated by the terrible ravages of the cholera. —Lan week there were 1219 deaths in PMls4elphia, and of these 60 were from lurk ; disease. - 7 -A.. T. Stewart has giant $l,OOO as a donation bithe Bethany Mia on rehool .of Philadelphia. l —Ten thousand perms' w re at the different planes of ainusemen id Cincin nati an Saturday. • ; —4. Chapter of the: ti known an EO2 the Knights of Pythias 4 to be estab lished in New Tara. —lame Leaser, Rabbi suet's Synagogue in P 1 431 , 514arday morning, sears. I the POrtm• • • el phia, died • aixty•two have !wolfed, nefase, the I ghbore of the —The petroleum reds with their emptying drinking water of our ?arrest City. --Morgues Anspach liv i lik convicted on „ t , '{starchy, in Phileaf. of murder In the second degree. in toting the death of her babe. 1 —Aysitn u man aged two ty.fonr has recently .married a woman aged forty two, who was his fostermet er and wet Dune is Danteig. , —The 'victims of the fami ne in Algeria • , are so numerous that May are throlia 'promiscuously into trenchis as the dead .on a battlefield are buried. • —Mr. Edwia Stevens has autumn' an Interestan the km of David Gibson & Co., CiacinnalL. With so 'distiaguished a partner the flan should meet with Inc. '..The most re id promotion on record in the British y is -that of lazier General Carey, . 8., who twenty-three years ago recel ed his commission as cornet. —ln the way Of email Sensations for Sanday,Chicagoltutd a ruing, ferocious Irmatlc at large and a cue of poisoning. A little shootin4 affray wound up the quiet Sabbath eluting, , —On tuesiay allorniag Mast Matthew Flynn Was arrested in Kansas City, Mo. Hen charged with the alight offense of killing two negroca and wounding a third at Fort Hays some time last De cembei. stranger stopping at a - second isle hotel in Chicago had his clothes stolen from his room while he was in bed CM _Friday night. Be was obliged to - bnrow_artlcles in .order to go to the shape to get mere. Poe of the ancient Saxon laws con cerned leap year, and was a little more arbitrary than might always be pleasant The lady bad the privilege of proposing marriage, but the unforturiate man was not tow r id to refuse. . Portland Oregman says that I.kirty-die men from Bozeman captured elevenhonse thieves in the I''ellowatene - valley. returned the hones to the owners _And accounted for the thieves by nylon that they had "gone to Stabs." —]Liss Arabella Bernard was making a bad in her home is, Kansas City last week, When she shook to the 2oor a pas ta]. widch was lying• tinder the bolster. In falling, its laud was discharged and entered into her parson:. She died next inenitiag.' —They are evidently up. to the tines in Oregon, and we should say it is a - good place for marriagable pumas to go to. In Marion county, in that State, ninety-one marriage licenses were tutted daring the first three days of January. .—lime. Miramon, the Princess Mira' - non, as eke is now entitled to be called, . is attracting much attention and 'papa thy In lirierum, where she is , now reel& - lag at the request of the Emperor, who has granted her a very liberal p:saalon. - —Charles Beads, the great reformer, and the -wielder of as strong, true sad - pure Sawn a pen as was ever used In the battles which England lutswitneued on the nuions questions .Of reform, is years old, and u gay and pure Fad tree LS ever. —The list of arrivals at the port of Philadelphia diving the month of Jan.: nay, 1868, above a large increase since theaamemall last year. In 1847 airy. four remelt arrived during 'January, and in 1863 three hundmd and twenty. eight vesselstrrivcd. An increase such M as this tru gratifying. pe r rone express surprise at the size of - the 'at which Mr. Bonner has seen at to offer Mr. Bryant ',for his three poems. Thie thousand ,dollara does seem Pretty extensive, but then Mr. Bon ?' air paid llle,ooofor Norwbod, which did haviu much in that amounted to anytldsig at all, as a tingle Stanza of Mr. Bryant's is sure to have. —Milwaukee has no 'Water Works and wants thein, but some stapld old fogies, such u obstruct the progress of everyApira object and hive absolutely sacceed r ed in thus fax preventing the mach needed improvement, sad the con . sequence is that when a fire breaks out it burns until it barns out, for the means of extinguishing the , flames are not to be —The people of Atlanta, Gcorgia, hare started a rumor that General Meade de sires to be relieved. The with is; as - we leave beard before, father to the thought, and sometimes to the hope, and amend Meade's conduct lea. been too much that of • polished gentleman intent on keeping the taws phis country to suit the chivalrous p-plui in whose midst he has been forced by' the War Department. —A. wealthy gentleinan has purchased a very elegant house in New York,- which. is superbly finished and famish ed. The cost has been‘nearly $100,0)0, and he purposes presenting it to his daughter as a surprise on her return from a wedding trip which shela now Nuking. The Baptise may not b 3 so, pleasant tiabe young hisband, who will kayo to meet the enormous expenses of living. in each a house in New: York City. —The St. Louis Historical Society doubts whither Irving attar wrote a line which was or will be useful to mankind. The St. Louis.lfistatical Society is daully - what the lamented A. Ward ,Woild all "eau," and does not see how the*ltital can be useful, denies' that the-dol es is always th e utile too. ' This . Society deserves our pity, as all poor an- . lortunikei de, bat it will probably Beta little scorn thrown in to heap up the —A man in Wit eating drove his wife and child out of doors into the cold night of Friday last. Tho two Tudor . Wastes ware awakened by his threat§ of shooting them, and it was but . with - difibusity that they' escaped into the street, and even then with no other pa. textion against the bleak winter winds than easy night gomagAonla aford. A friendly neighbor offered than shelter and clothing, and they thus escaped being frozen to death, althOugh they had • traveled attend- squares before they niched the welcome refuge. We have leard, as yet, of nothing: having bun done to pnalak, or as Amino would say, to reform that brute who was the author of all this suffering, SPECIAL NOTICES. - A - (WOW.• A COLD. OR A WILK THROAT reclaims tormodlato aP teottl.sit, and sitOold Da aftinsel. Lt allowed tsvitosless of the Laze; Perranment ' Threat Dlfinessos. or .oasumnption. Is often On result. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES naTillf a direct fadasset to the pan. 1 0 *. - /w* rsadsate yeller- Tor Bronchial. asthma. Catarrh. Conartroptiro and Throat Dlorascs. Cr. and wish always good alnßeo Mad Publle Ilpen/onos aen , to cites • ul altenytnen tee - Mag.% LEZiau 01on l S y S now s.• n f non calla fro- C lOl ,11 a 1 OWLma ta b e °t r o ce.. Woardland SOLD 7.llloyyrnana :dai nrimcna (NA firnitoq d Ike Putd Situ) NMI ATER TA. BACH LEAVES. Proportles. — Their odor r. etroo.. &guise and es:newest amain., their lanes bitlerinr, as I socsiagote to mint , pedleal Properstlos wad 11...—Threho pyres are gristly ritimu'ent. with enc.:tar ft. de." to the Urleory Orpiv. prodocisg dier.. sts, ad ilke other clan. niedicineo, excillng diaphoresis. They o.t rhea it eOIehLILILLS or the rtettiare tincrthauch as Wessel. Chroolc Catarrh or the Bisdier, NOthil irrlinion of the Bladder .d Lir eStrro. Mime of tht PTO !tite and Minting or locos:liens. of Urine. from a loin of In. thole.. concerned to tic elactrailen. The rel.. ydy ha alio been reson...ded In Dfeeoptist, Chru.lihenmattrm. Cataseo. Liken°. and Liropry. IfirSsanftlibllmacr Bectd le needy per ... frown.. ages. II COL. and frost SS to 06. or In tho [cello. or of life; slier Con. laen;e sin Labor Fs:bs; bed welting In chile Extra ffectons . ggtJIH &t %In ! 1311.111 encliklie4 1•1 Other KM. 71%ItV:I:MarZgril:11 . 0 ' 1%:;e113 . 41Vg : 7 . at lons, Una tates or Velarreas Ma. of van Utenn,Lamannn• or Whiten Moses of the Eladd•r. Kidar A llk Gravel awl Drepeleat Bevel 'to ga —7llls medlar e thezettes the teetre. of Otto, on. bed esebet the •twatbeeta late hearty ...lob. by aJett the Watery hr (O. &mettle.. sad ilt:teem:el Enbtrtenteatme to to cod. ea tech Ls ralk awl Ineiaßmattcu. nolnalboldl'a lidet•Bet Snob* hog cored, errry tateof Mahn.; In 1110 It ball be= g roe. Irettulon of the Bee o k of the Meager tid felltatetatton of the blidere, Illeerstlen•l e Ildnerre had Bladder, Itebottaott:•f la Mauee o of I(h.e. P4ennts Bleb d o lt e De oo U and Knew or Utley Dltchorgeo, and f.r Safe*. b ed end Lancet. I onstandost, of.tothr oxen, attended whit the fdllowltte troteloate t — /odte- P Won Enevton. Loot of goner. LOU of 000011. Dlrectery of Br+athlt g, Weak A•rrei, 'emoting. Honor of Pleosae Watertantod, Inn:mete of Vtaldo. Butt In the Beet. Hot 11. dole. Vlu,hlagof the tbdr• Bllneett of the utin Ernovooon tee runt. re Ild C.M.ennore, 2112T•ll lastsltnde of the Yeatalettrystrat.f.e. ECELYBOLIII EITBLOT BIIOHII 111 HETI° END BLOOD4IIILMIIIO, And cure. all Dretees aelllelle from liable, et Llaelpettaa. -Zacesbea sad Imaradeace LL lxparltlea of t°. Blood. &e . sedlla vopcbs atLetlons far 1.1011 • ISIS 91114 • Boman be& Clleeta eflone •11.12dlItt, and liTt htlitla Affettlons—la them dlle •aes In tomaaollaa With H CIA( a U 1.1/11 IMEISI HELMBOLD'S DRUG AIM gamma wilmous& I= = ETEIM =E! =I B[WAUk Vr coustzargars. antwe PptIVIIE FOIL TUE lIIISULEUCIIIII h.Var• "Night Blesseiss Ceres... =9 I'heles`e ••;I:gbt Llloomieg Cert. as. Phalan's "Night Ilisesaing Canvas." Phalan's "Might Blooming Canvas: A reoLl Lev. Led rrnerent Rehutc Ilstided teem du rare Lod beLutiful down fro. Lae-IL It Mk. 1u Lama Itgamfaetared only b 7 PELLLON dc SON, New York. BEWAILY. OF COCKTEREVITS, Asir. TOS smALONT—TAKE TO °TULA mr-iprm. BARNUILL & BOILER MAKERS SHEET IRON WOREMBS. Nst O. VS, 24 42224 Fenn St. idavinif steered • large yard Lad reralabed It ^ ,, 8 the mdt , • rrrox4 led," hie try. we an are. tiered to enancfaci are every deentlotlon of Boll as s the heat manner. and warranted cereal to LIT made in the conatal. Ctlma.T, B rhea tug, Vire Bads, thesis MM. LOCOOnCI , O 1 1011. 0 .. Conde nen. Ceti rans. Tanta. COI BUIL. :tdStarors, Bettnat Car, Bon.. Ina. Brumes, Sow Malt awl awe rhaanractorart of BAHR. /111.1.,8 PASENT.BUIL7J7J3. Toktrlaz done an Ma stiort.t notice. laS.ell W"MOILINSON, BEA x CO., (_runs on so BOITAINX. d,llll a mniaaa) WASHINGTON WORKS, Fetladalia Bad ILlClallatitO.Plttabititak alanaraetntati of Bost and Motional, Mean it4sloot, Blast lagtoot. ■1:1 MacklaerT. Bear- WK. tastiLas, Cannon, al all doacilifttoos: hats and Mills. Boller and Obeet Loos Won.. Moo: Ho. 111 corner 7001.4 ataltidiel6 Ott. air AAcats rot PAM= .IN JZOTOB for foollor Dollars. .a11:142 -LAKE SIIPEBIOR COPPER Mara SMEITINICRIORKS. PARE, McGITRDY & GO., Klin.1141:0.1 . 1 o 1 biestlstair. 10i0ers• aselßolt C7yO.S.C eel resseX , C4mr . /Itrit . B.slsoll 11 . 1 1 1 , I.o4l=lggitsll, Tht flats. Sheet ?eon, ' l llllO4 ConStantly on tz.o4 Tlnuere• act Tools. Wsrebosso, No. 1140 SINIST eaturfr and IMO OECUND STREET, rittabarsb. A ortal orders of CsNyer er.s , lose , ty %Viet JTHE HEALING POOL. ASH 1101 RX or XXEICIY • HOWARD AIVYL/CIATTOnf Elthl) , l3. PtTß 11/U9Hi 11E15, oat the CHIME Or tIOLITTIDE, .mene SIMONS, •Ilt/entl thd ItheithEn. enrey the leanly power, and create Ito pediments to PthitlilAtt with lath =that of relief. eat In eraledietter envelope, tree et dame dams, Dr. J. eitlLLltt ift.froff. Ttrt, AS tlo T wthd Aasoctattor, nalsdelphls, •el ortionwit A. SCOTT, IDENTTST I . r- ArX/. 41E3 PV.r..4 - STREET, risissuzeit. MERCHANT TAILOBB WINTER GOODS. E HOUSTON a; CO., • , Oathienable Merchant Tailors, 140.37 STREET, Jim pot ncelred rewnd amply ot • Winter Coatings, Toronto[ With fell HMIS of CLOTHS. CLEM wLs nod into rtorso44sl sod P retiVop r ff ltrood Bors'iti&DYlLLlt CLoTlll3lti a n nand. at priec • I.M{ tae mina p . MARBLE. • Merchant Tailor, Ifo. fij Smithfield St., Pittsburgh /Leaps e.nanry on band • e ae auottscota I of CLOTIIB,CASSINIERIN a SWINGS GENTLEME±I'S FURNISHINTG . OI3. GENT'S CLOTIIINJ ILAIDS TO WILLS, • the laws steles. MERCILINT TALILOSEI. JONES & DUFF, .' N. 3 T. CLAIR STIEKT.S, bave_Jost broeubt Irma tbe eaat e fell reontv of oLoriblaltlrd, VIEM3OS, tlYAßcuATllitid. A, which tbuy are prepared to cat lad snake up In a ttrls mat to, wry shop to the emit or wear. Titer ars datanWaud to deserve sod tope to rooorro a liberal PaoOstX. ool3;bat e)1.:4119 t ni 4 OEOI NOTICC.—The co- partnership borneforamanhor Joan w. Plr. TOK, 11.6TICT WIMPNZLI. ogid WIL LIAMS. MOONY, nailer Mi. facm name oof JOHN W. PITTOc . N. 00 la ptlatiag and pabllziaMtha • Pittalrurgli Leadew was. ma Mel.= DAT OT JANUARY. 13 . . D. I Ma. Imam . teb Maltettom sad coadltlom u• PITTSBURCI4, PA. NOTKLS. 17. • THE MANSION NOUSE TUE UNDERSIGNED beg to an haulm to their Mewls had tha that uirr brae Dcar..tmett this OLD IZITAIILIBISMJ., and til/PUL sit litiJa.S. • • O• • No. 314 Liberty Street, hoe well continua to beep tt la tilt bunny% rho Ite.ooloo atansa hat over owb boo th moms, alt newly furnish.' th e beatiltyle, only two sattottesi walk Pros. Na Itallros4 Dia pot. TravaleaoOi One Stile house howstielleot itirdryltteW 21 D I Geometer' with the aetomaglas,d *O 7 Hansa to sato.= Hat for Caimans. •t stogie parte= tetee Jei.board tit Moat), Wait or akaatb, Irrui...na4nt roma WAGNER,' • 0341MOTILD•THE EUROPEAN PLO • ST. JAMES HOTEL, ' NOE. 405 a 405 intert* laveidte the Unfelt . .1111 ES K m Laws, PrOrietot end Is ade . ballt and aplateud,ty tat Mecoavenlent la ad tbe Assidoala teem ice. Into the atty. atrannara • lattank Lee bite: ald Mod to eery coaaealeat and economies:: a s le aT eetRR intrit=lll Ana netted arab =whole fa open al all Sams of UW day and mint. Date and pante. 0 anapera at tile abate< el notlo. easel rate. ST." LIII I I6CII . (UN TUISIOROZWI 7L&R t• N. E. Con -Penn & Goal Btr e i ' • 2.17/1111111 . 111.01 . 1. r.111.` J.LiZES JOHNSON, :Proprietaz. Ibis boa.e ttai been tbobeasldy ristusa Yet nowt, turnbdied thmagnont, and ta:noer ape. F. W. F'.V.AX.A.EN Dux.= GLUE; CURLED HAIR;., Tanners) Scraps, Ccrocens, CATTLE TAILS', . Bones, Neat's Foot 01.1; arn, O. and w.roeo,,.e—No.l lIIICLD dnIZET, (nenrll °Mail tafkrn.l. rirrauvssui. PA. PHOENIX STUN BRIMIIIL ,oa. Ivxma Taassi.. • SPENCER. 411149,,,* lIALSTIII 10 B m Mc; rorter suidßrolntAnout, prrrsutrasn, BORERS WiTtION. Numgar. :11 -0614 HAZARD *, POWDER. I Am NOW PREPABAD TO . Bi i tivneet notice, all orders hr. Ism or . HAZARD'S CELEBRATED POWDER.' 4g. M= i:::::nr=== 1 .111:: ARTHUR-301UL/. KIM 4111CattALETZ, litzpitaild and Metall , Maittrieni !Or, Coppei aid Sheet,ll4 *are, AstrdWars a 0001(1107 810•171 lat ' d Aka/ . ZURILL7IILNI! : . iii loins ID JOE In iniro outs. . rest lye. Ile the (Mee, and 2t0.114 WLIR T. 0441 Tunnel. oeltrett • . - Miss s JAMES B. JOXES, zmas at * Scrap Iron, LighlVlren CIA? AND le solueni uses Nt01. 0 .1% A:l7gg 41'4,1=7; ZVI al) CELEAPEST _MACE LIT TU CITY YIJ CU THE TRIUMPH CORKIN° SToTE, st 140 UE~AI ' ETIL IT. . Otri. ENE El 0 _ . HOUSIEr- . Wm. Elaxzwes ..Loamtc, • M Nil kr AVLAW.CI9. Tabructrnidlaiall t ! mDroxi tiloCthe areal NllYtloa of VlM.l: l= .• om aue nwiclsens O 3.11 ' X . • ' , SLIM CSPOK • - will no produced befall. 1 WIWI or riluna`na Staaawisol and Ilwendiatracted— JIM! tIVOW/V/19.1 ."b larifig M;V:Viut Pagli g i r ski t iNtZ with r;fltAi=snd 41 1 :"; 52i 51 gr. ;Er lei . u 2 14/ita csa imam, Is as,. la admit.... W.— tgrIA.1120:1111C, HALL. ONE WEEK ONLY, keen* Imlay, Maury St 156.1, MUSS orix AI ~SLIND_ , SLIND_ TOM, , , The .I,..wrsa mu. N prealogy;b.dut 3 , 41. amid float/tua a. /tuatara guva - Marla which De wee regarded by Idle:Ana ea the grateet late. weeder, oi4 lappla at the Febt ustry 6th, 7th & Elk se-StatLte• Baader enemata .t 2 b'eftta. hearted Sat ' Geste. Thiele la eta a V. U. getter I, at 19•04 anat. wf,l l :4lt3A:C.-IaTt.I:I3IIITV"AtILLM Weal* Agee ta, Kea t. it. fibber• Bro.. No. ' littleutd tweet. tar,CHOECu FAIR AND. FESTIVAL. The I..aDiLS coaaroted with i'6islYl.l7a, • ISLA ATS.NUE . M.- a. oluuen ptopeah hold. Inc a' FAIR FAIR AND - FESTIVAL,- Bt lasikfalrottia 33 ell • ' _ councils tam Tutuila emu Other valualPe artlbleS tole On tended ibt z W tbe !alb:tenni: • A rIF. itsrar coTries.' 06(In X. (wish Patent s tesmonle Ottaohnnelit e Patent Knave tab Mn.. an • the TOT Thatozllo , Tee mole. whleltßate spd lowly wonderful haws... Uwe, rottensnowledged by all 'tutelar artistes, h. .-. to be only ln these Intrettroants; It ly aloud* the reed tonee_eleleerth•sytattetbetle: sweetness of the Htontst meting It nne.* W oos nee yore tot It rails to. enchant - the ab l o Ow n g lyMeelnlueennP)e o o U ...TONosOOL ChorlAteent . . LAW Church : Akr.TO,NDLIS Christ Church. ..• . • .J A I. B. AfeCLAAtheis DIUBY TOM BY Third . OrA rembyt c.f eelma Chute), • _= •• - Inthremisam • sem on .exhikeemol'at• Mem.' Bere,•lhake ♦ Beettler.e. M et. OW threet,,, , A. lee MOLD. ATCIA ter the lth Mothmer. The Watch le en jthlbillell at Will T. Wiley, .1.'1.47 Mom, Willa *tree,' hue nith. • A ilee GOLD - CIDLONUMRTIII WATCH !th• the most IX/past Clerk, lgookk.eper or man. Wel, eplehdla OILY Set Tr.. .I TT top Ihe most popular empty 00410. Thee* tem. , : them Ath to be menet theJewthetMoth*C/thl• • meth • HAMM, to lint, street. • AtheMstoe et the Door. NO male. Tltheis DM. , 11.P9M . .151therthe. , . g!rPIIOF..CARPEN - TERiii . • sn• I , r • . DANCING ACADEy. .. • • PHILO HALL. Tio. I Tktrd itract. noir ahet . ree the reception etioplls• Days of teltlon, ~. Id W irert " St r arll d es s a " .. "- TeVAlTO . . E illvtate ". .7/Vvi . a eate—Taeholay t ea maps.. 8 o'clock. Mita $lO.OO. telree every TheesEer eventej . - ate ' . ....'el.k• LEGAL. 013iPILIN6e COVAT BALE: Splendid Mansion and=fironude..• „ . Orr TUIDIIII - , debruery 1 o'clock x.. will be sold strmatioe, by order ' - 01 , 011,bans'reourt. an meet on the rrisstens herder or the Borough B matelaing • -. about TMI Belida. •bent oat-half le a bean- turd grove; the reride• well Improved *AC teamed web so:dee...4 heart. trim. and •varle - cry of fruits end sbrubbery. Tbe Improve mentammiorloa • line two start eluN lil/UnIC welt :bar room on east door; „, tin/Ire otkiteben.weeb Mum art 4 seal hods*. • Agoo] well and Cif tern and iarge b ma. Ibe fiemion is one of the 'Must ideMmdadd Lod beanie...l the ier county. pommanding • floe view of the Oil , and Mayer; rivers. Ando, - the metal 'Blues tin cluster near.their at. ' deem,. It lt siao extremely cligibleurrei mt. ereees to hcbools, Chamber. mom Beitinad ad rrubahly no niece amain U ken *Om . • bleu m ifiltir COlRVollinet fled, • milted to • sereleami edit dealres lorkils rest- • " t toles fled Ore el daames* =Pi n i ram itedraibla ire= deteimrel. This Impart, tree. the homeatand I:levies rime Imp. Weer rearm, Terme, which will be out... Mite • anowe erne of elle. . Yemen Miring Ma Istate will be attended to and all questions ...wand by EWA. D. U. Toni. Bremner_ el Oa Notate •or Mathis Stone. n 2141111 On ateolateglot. , . , 11. s. MARSHAL'S orsuCE.-. ',"} ' iresM . n Dintlet or tentallyAsis. .' - . I . ll7semna., Yet,. idols. . . THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE. that W. 0 . ,h . SM ^ S ,i S PM r ß. ri 0 04 D sl rtib • „ . ZSB!LTE OF - BOBFBT B NOBBLIS,.. of' Allegheny CItT. In the Coon . , of I.llenbe who eat beta St VC! Vb s a= " cllllTM L n t ; t • p t attoet area) debta and nalirety eat pre”- sTTritt r a t =ler o to hank 7,l;nroe i t ‘ if b;•;Y: • • N:dithVgP4rl2:igitt,t, ' lriTfte • ih th i: debt& and tO choose One' et awn at aslialea e of bla outage. tea be beta 4t a Coati of liaatraptar, • to be Wotan at No.•lta red•ral ninth Alloatio• • -• it r tr ' Ftl ° 3 .l 21VabilIVe. deter. 11 oc 4111 day of Votoavy, •..L.1519, at to o'clA. at. ' • • THOM; w. ROWLZT. .. I. Era] U. o.LUSH &WS 071/101.. ) 15.'" A n nigg i nt;Lbnragtran TO GIVE nOTICE that if Or on dm alth day of January. A. 'D. 'l,sn, • arrant In Bantraploy win Wined man:Atha , ESTATE OP JOHN H. XI.IIIILALL; Of llonovittNis City. In the noun - riot Wash/Jur tsnoind Mate ord . :magical:le, was has been ad judged • bankrupt on hie own paII:MIN that payment of soy ricbt: h andAellerry , ay4rir Minte.`lo:27ll:4ll;TNT" him. t 7 tor eg sre forbidden by Lot Lbses =eating air um Aetna. of the raid bankrupt: to Irmo limit Aetna. and. o thoosoone of snore Ancligneen OLIN. estate, be held et • Onus of Barounytey . In be hoiden st•Llie since - of Lbe netisiet , Uleinoed meat, In the law of L'lttaborprs. fart !SAMUEL. MANES/A 0 E the 19Llainsy of Yebream U.N.. at ID o'clock _ , . 18OIU.S.♦ = I= a. mismc•abrzicm.- - • Western DM :AM of l'snnarleasta, ' nrrrnunon. 100. Ist, Mal• THIS IS 'TO GIVE NOTICE tliitt Worm:m.hlen Nh d n , 117 Januy. r A ee Aa M • • . . . EsTvra ur wumen W2O e . . • .Of the borough or flharosbarg, to flue - ovate of Allegheny, annatato or Pennsylvania. who of thated bankt on 411 own pautlyn.• theyment or Sondont. and &Lamy ot,-' any proton. tett:m(lot to melt unkempt, to Igo, or farads am. and tn. translarOf on*. iliVo ° 7l,l "dfar.ll4ll:Ptl%ltArt't pm* o r delres. and lochorme one or more ••• ratans or his estate. old co hold at Ormut of nanktmotor, to bo holden at No. Yedmit't. street, Allesheny Oft y..Allegnenifironty, ?Ai Worn .71)4121 N. 21:114VLYNCZ. Iloglittem on he .14111. any or /Wyman% A. . 130:4•110 oteloa A rit . I -2110 S. A, lIOWLEY,' • = 12233 CNITED STATEFIot ARVEREfillii; WTSTAMIN DIBTAICT UP PLISItteniVL , The rreetaltat of thiOnttea : States tolls Nan 'slut Of We Weent Dlstrlce realmylettala. • •- ereetLes Abe... a Ile et Informatics Lai biern Is De Inntrleteenn et the Unltestetatee 'ant Wenern isuntlet of Penatrylvanle. ea Um Alt stay et December, A. U. Una.% ea. htt Nraletter eentatalng tat fatless, and one ken at • Mister. cantata In g metre Wens, Wag the ntoperlref een . meArareaDr perm. salaam . All ye MOM CIS as Interest Mule vrOnerlT are Merely =MI be area apaearbtfere ewe_ • Dia CO.D "Og rittaaerth. rAra DU of Jansen: A• D. WA sro t o In ale lare assat.Artfms ne7, than ant there stae Yawn . • Ys meembse, sat lat•Prett• fat nob Meet- Use latereete, aid make their allogottou Doman behalf . .1501143 •.. , —• ' Wolfed Mates . Dianbe•,, • TIMED BTATFEI IBEKRIVA. DIBWI/41.T OT 21 1 1tIgildwat or the ireitek of lb: Western Libra Of raugrVILIIII,Z Wharf L.. um of tittoomm.6 aim! is Ms Marto Coon at thlL.llslsad'll4l44 Orrt• sal.l Western lllstrlci et real4Eltlialan .I : LcaDeLletter.4l.; LI. ow, art= A; J: arof (=VI ae f illlo.—/lir • Etrie . ” 134Intsril.t Laub* oroogr a n' voia e Xtrliza,.. - " y etnio £lO os Immo), A. 1.. ]Nat ciladt tbotefosukot: or thld teen too the to mate Wow so thooneadoot a aall Interren ton th-Ir coap•oillo atues u,u7 !" ll Pllil2/72. to WESTERN DISTRICT I'ESIG, SIL7/11,14 Sas litaludendiskl berebf g!trek EC.* of jigs ASSIGNEE OP ROBERT HERVEY ta. umm u ce.i...«.«. a• sosakr.'at ilislasal. sad aisle Of PssasTl•saia. WISIdt DistriosorSo Sas Dews adJaisid • twit. MSS. kis 01/1 wallas by a. Distglet (kart_ of .udDUD". HUGH ar. BOLT, ousts Point Alloy and Veva:sat Ware 110,1d611 NoTicr.. i 8 nesairs,4rvinsr toe aulersi6ac4 la. made Uou la ale Ole Wet