= 0 MS TEE DAILY GAZETTE, : 41 PEIMERLAN, NEED & CO., WEIEM orrice war.rrs. utrlLDixo, xis. Si sad $ I MITT I STAMM Lag Lqata rita !(,, festal hultail. 'AirIPIAL Mia n ytimarsas dID itleldr. ORE ersa 2BST 741E114 owurviou.z. H. Mr State, 7=411 as rex naux tang Dellinptriiser is °. KALI Embecr - Pa 7 • • ..... Woo Addresa. GAZETTE.. rrrrsimionerz.rx.a.. gitfalittO Gagiff - A: DAM:AG - 111G BILL. There was liittodeuxd into the State Leithlataret leg :week a I,llll;T:ridding or this appointment of an Inspector or Philadelphia. whAti duty it shall be to make a test inspection of_ all - petroleum, heroism; or birmax oils, offered or kept for sale In that city, and further prerrid ing tkat sfee -of tea wig per barrel be adleeted . foredektnsPectloo. The is a direct blew at one of the most important Interests of OUT State, and ShOlild it piss ttbal the petroleum trade of ifilinsbargli . will be injured materially, aline rallaelphis will anifenniumam ?abb. The refiners throughout the Stabs will be torobd to Phltuielphis °I- unkerNew Torrthertitit for atter. ~ or their Padua" preparatory to ex. ';'"trttireitimemintextre , •tax et . tetieents per tauxel wouidcut into - *sir and being =able to merdate the ;prices -In Eutorii, no COnn. pennant return could US expected. • Derleut the past year the exports from kidlafielphia 'zonated in the aggregate .. - ent Mithon." - two . .ttundted thousand ;lauds.' ::On: each • barrel a tax of See eizitwas paid for ganging lad Inspee -tbatt; twilight g for the Ixfdpectors the sum tifi,oo l ?.* Its notreleased in this - mew bi11'*44,1 , 0 with that tax, but to ---add en adilitlcinil ten dents on each bar rel for teat inspeetlea, making fift een cents duty on every package of refined . petroletia( ,oine'lgted." - to When the heavy Government taxes on . petroleum and : Its produute are taken into consideration; the eon to impose ' aflll greater burdens on refiners seems sot only improper, but unjust. We do not believe that Abe bill has • been "put " up" ta make immente revenue for rings or Andividuids a . that it wan offered ignorance. of the great damage which moaldnmalt to the geneial busineas of the guns is the most charitable concla Elsewhere.we publish thiblil In full; 'Amid tonhow that it is not needed on mu . - • statute books , we herewith repreduce a section of . `the National law, which pro. Sib:6lBlot Me 'very object in Tien*: • - Vats= shill mix tor nth Inmate and Inttennating otta, r or Jtall lamelnitlY sell • • mel tU a Lroilgr i 7 ctlerti m m ade Imm ' arolosua-for ItorlXnes. ,:thgaramahle at lesatemperature or fire test " •• %ben one hundred sad ten degrees Ythres- :--liontandany pe ao doing W 1 be bald •10 be gents-off stot rson edemeanor, W and on eau - Irsettbe thereof try tedketeent or mesenth• smile any eouther the ratted. States hay ' leg eamannejortedletten, shall be ished by p a Sloe of useless than one bemirpun ed dolls" not-mare than nee hrusdred dollars, .-41110,111,110510103001 1 1 1 0 126 T o turn atnotacas than six months nor more than three dishiatmat paints practice deception selling oil below the established man• dard test, It is clearly the - duty of the United States Government to enforce the penalty: - II is not just that I the mass of honest refiners should be extbjected toeuch heavy taxation as eon, • leaimbstedm this blll, in order to ensure Protection to the public. against a few diatom:a dealers, who should be dealt . mitleseisording. to the national .I.sw`el • ready. made • and provided. We hope .abat all tkemaembere will discover the ~ • •••• • •:.intpissitlon contemplated by the propos ed hes, aid ' iate with wisdom and neltVMia CO — ea up ac tion. IT T, ME thaPrognemr, avr •Itsigtf-lutuncett so rapidly aa to compel publishers of • newspapers to materially adtritrice . • tbeir terms of sabscripilom . This course was rendered absolutely no .- .iismairto sari proprietors from bank rupting themselves. This tact, was re . 'be,gidzsd by the reading community, and 'l6i:boil any trouble the advanced rates were collected. TORIIIIII the close of .the inir prices for paper declined, aid the fiazarrst was the first to share that advantage with its readers, reducing to rates ttithreicents per copy or fifteen :teats per week. This left a very email • margin Or *lit, although it was the Joel and proper course to adept 'temente the subscriber'. Our -contemporarici have been slow to follow the e:ample; holding with tenacity :to the extrava .. gulp:ices . established . during the wax _.. when : everything We's inflated. The - further der-leaden in the raw paper mar . kat, howerer, is awakening the public to sense of the imposition practiced upon there by those publisherewho adhere to war rates and realize Immense strait ficuneircalstien alone: 13everal of the Itigh priced city journals have resolved • tee - reduce their rates proportintially to 'the price of patter, time following in the • citunie pursued by the Gazwrrs some two years ago.. - The people will not PS] ..,ticentyrdve or twenty_ cents for an arti cle be it. s newspaper_ or anything else, when they discover that folly as good, if sot a suPerier one Can be: pnichtteed - at a much less price. The Post has re disced its price from twenty cents to fifteen cents per weee, and the Chromate gives notice that it will follow with the same in the course' of a few dap. TRY PINIIX3 are about to institute a revival in this country, and give oat that meetings are to be hell - in the principal cities, to effect thorough re-organization. We hope none of oar Irish fellow-citt , sent will again coffer themselves to be 'deluded into the belief that Ireland is to be redeemed through the instrumentality of the so•celled leaders of the 'Fenian Brotherhood. Money hitherto contrib uted to the matt out of pure patriotism, by those who could !pi afford to lose their hard earnings, has been squandered In an outrageous manner by the leading spirits of that organization. If the Irish detain to advance their friends' interests and pirwperity in their native country, they will not either sympathize with, or "comtribute a dollar to the coffers of the wild enthusiasts who have so often in America made Erin free and 'lndepend cut on paper. . CAPITAL TUNIIIIILIIIIT IS rapidly losing favor in this country, and from the tide of . public opinion setting in against the death penalty we shonld not be surprit. ed that in the course of a few years no State will be found clinging to the ides of life for life, or life for nny high crime. In the .Idissortii Legislature bill is about to be introduced abolishing capital punishmentand substituting life impria onment. We see no good reason why Penitsylyania should not also make a MC)TO in that direction. TIMM is Much in the announcement tint an agent of the Rock Leland Rail road took to England llve million dol lars to porchase rails for the extension of the road to Manua. We are unwed that the Company will rare a large SUM by importing the rails. „;This in itself is a striking commentary on tho present tariff, which fails to afford adequato pro. toction to home Industries. 31n..4 G. Cunnzt haw not pa deci ded to aecl*is the nomination to the Vice' Presidency by the. Soldier's State Convention. - litany of hin fdands are laid at nor"' endeavoring to smuro for him a like• recommendation 'from the Republican State Contention. .Ideettoscounti hie elected a delegate to the State.Conyeatton Phltedelpha, and idttinetedlor Gent, and Grow. -,r ---- --- - . = FIRST MM. MIDNIGHT. Another ,-ill Turkey. The Cretans Suceesista Spin to Porm a Papal lAgion. he French Fiess BilL ,' Fenian. and Ike Priests . . Ativices from South America. • • Rsvolntlon Cholern Borages in Wong. A Tarlac Sion® AC-EflOand Jai erican tiquadAistat Jraples. By Taleirsph t. tta flttabargit 41se stte. = ANOTIIER BATTLE IMPORTED-THE CEZ- =I Lot nfot, Fib. 1.-Tate diapatelles have beeffleceived hare from Athens , giving nAccount of another battle between the Task's And Cretans, in vitt& the latter heresuccessful. The Spakloteanlloun taineera were the attacking party. The Turks stood their ground and the battle lasted all day: The I . `niks acknowledge the lass of two hundred and fifty killed. Cretanloaa - not stated. . . - I I= Pams, Feb. L—The debate to the Corps Legislea on too neworoJect of a leis for the government of the preak 'nos con tinued to-day. M. Fevre, In a speech generally is opposition to the detail of the bill, expressed approval of a few of its. clauses. M. • Cariquie also spoke against the bill, denouncing. on all tie .parts as leading to license, The debate on the proposed bill for the government of the plots was closed late last evening. So Tote Was reached. The success of the bill was regarded ex tremely problematical. . . FebnAry r-+lt le reported the Goyernment Ls likely to withdraw the new bill for the regnlanon of the prem., n consequence of the opposition to the measure shown by the Liberal party. IMI=C= sxvoLvrioN it raz ABeimarrnm rrxrn Lonnori, Feb. I—Erenitig.--The Azad steamer from Rio Janeiro has arrived with toter news from South Ainerieft. The adviors are important. The !nimbi tants of Rt:sarie, a town of considerable size on the Parana river, in the Argentine Republic, have rebelled against the mi therity of President Mitre, and declared for Gen. Urgnixs t formerly Chief Execu tive or Dietetor of the.Confederution tun cnotmrx AAVAGTA. P. S.- -In revising the above' find that I have unaccountably omitted the name of Mr. Stutaman from the list of those originally favorable :o alt, Connelsville bill. , This gives us nine western Sena tors to beea with and Mc eastern *nos ; to which add Stinson, Urown. of• North. ampton. and Connoll, and we had the necessary seventeen to pasatthe witheut Mr. Worthington, whoa* vote Tho cholera, which has made sad ray- world almost certainly have been on our - aide. . _ ages in Buenos Ayres, has subsided to a great degree. The diseme, however, still prevails, to an alarming extent in the - had been no fighting slum the departure ape last malL • President Lopez, of Parsipmy remained at Humita, and his fortimi were well supplied with provis ions and munitions of war. =l=l I=l LONDON, Feb. I.—Erewing.—.l.4tters from Fallarney say the clergy of that town Who refused to say Masao for the souls of Allan, Laskin and Gould, who were executed at Manchester, have ceased to semis' any mopey for their sup ort or that of the chtucit. =I lavariroot., February I.—Tho cabmen, of this city ere on a shrike, causing much inconvenience to the inhabitants. =I LON/aON, ' February L—A. teirille gale prevails throughout England. to-night; and disaster both to lir. and property on sea and land Ls apprehended. The tele graph lines to Liverpool are down. OBJECT OF raitaaarr AT SAPLEZ. PARIS, February =— The Courier Francais of last evening says the presence of AdmiraiYarragut at If &OM to designed as a counterpois to - the French forces in Rome, and to sustain the Liberals of Italy, with wham Farr-- got holds intimate . relations. The flaut - tcv says the tub:egret has mut to Caprera a promise of his, support and only awaits the reply of Garibaldi. ROYAL BLTII.OTZIAL. Pconmscs, February 2.—The , an nouncement was mad* in both Hennes of Parliament yesterday that Crown Prisms Humbert bad been formally trothed to Princess Marguerite, of Genoa. =II iFFECTOAL TATOLLT OF BLOYA.ACK. Baamts, Feb. Introduced by the Government granting large indemni- Pei 'to the King of Hanover and the Duke of Nassau have bean passed fn the Diet. Much opposition was ebown to granting these appropriations, and at one time their passage seemed doubtful, but toward the close of the debate Count Bis marck declared if not adopted he would be compelled to dissolve Parliament. This threat was effectual. I= EGYPTIAN ArMILIANISA ascaxtmd. Losnoar, February 2—ln accordance with a request from Lord Stanley, the Pasha of Egypt Liss recalled his auxilia ry troops of Egyptians ..at to Jobs the . British expedition Id Abyedinle. •FORMATION OP A PAPAL LEGION. MADRID, Feb. L—ln accordance with the expresood determination of the Gov ernment to uphold the temporal power ef the holy Father,atepskavo been taken for the fOrtilAt.(o/3 of a corps to be known as the Papal Legion. ABM • FAMINE IN MOROCCO. Cargz, February 2—Report+, received from Monnw date that a carers famine prevalle In Tangiers and Tecuan. • ♦6snZe err. QuErzirroira. Feb. 2.—The steame I'f:rela, from New York, Aril ved 1m Ttio ateataahip Hibernian, from Ne York, reached thin port today. COJIMITIII Ink Lannon, February 1.--Consela closed at 'J31€4,931. American securities closkt quiet; 5-014 724(7021; Erie 411; Illinois Central 864; Atlantic 25. Uvrnroca., February Cotton dosed easier, though the prices were quotably unchanged. Breeden:ars wars dull and nearly all articles materi ally declined. Cern 43s Id. What 143 3d for No: 2 hillwaukee red. Flour 37s for western State. Pkortsioas dull. Lard firmer and advanced to 535. Pork Leavy at 74a. Bacon declined Id and quoted at Ms. Produce dull but steady. T 4ll -ow declined '24 and quoted at 435. Other articles unchanged. - . AzorWznr, ',February unchanged. _ . ... - Petroleum closed dull at 43 franca .. Fisaaincrovis, Felsruary 2.‘-11:. S. bonds nexus, Fe= .2.—Yeetinday beln • wain day, es off, eleeing Berlin at 5 amines • _s _- iM=ll= 1 Til 1 . tt ' 1 ' 16 5 it i i , l - t it _ 1,, ti,. 1 1 , • , „. _ , oi _. HARRISBURG. 7i• CSonsellavillw sad rroo Railroad Dillo—Prossortslon to Errol a Roma to to., allegeny Silver aS Freeport. Nadal Carr.maat:naca nusaarga ta. sane 7 Ilananqui all, January 31, 1888. Now that the Calnoellaville bill ban become a law, unanitneusly mainly in consequence of the Supreme Court do. cislon, it becomes a matter of curiosity to in ,ulr3 what the result. would have been had there been no decision of the I Court insl.le case. . In the Rouse the friends of the Cou nelleville bill counted lifts-seven 'vet. for 'it- This, in the eagerness begotten of tf lively hope, might have included several rather doubtful votes, and I am inclined to think it did; nevertheless, Lad thevole been takes nt the close of last week It Is morally certain the bill Would have passed that body with at least lilly-one votes in Its favor. In the Senate the result would not have Mau quite so care• let I think. the bill would have passed there too, bill with no certainty of anything over sev enteen votes out Of thirty-three. A Seuater In the Pennsylvania Rail road interest romanced to me two years . - niece—'you will have the Senate with you to a row years. Your streugth here Is constantly gnawing. It is -only a question of time. There ars eleven Tates here against the road now; nett year you will have thirteen; and Ina year or two afterwards you will have pemennion of the Sonata." This prophecy has been fulfillod, and and it Was mainly owing no n conscious mess o[ thin wavering strength. that the oillingnesa of the Pennsylvania Read to let tho Connelsville sni-Freo Railroad bills go through ly defaelt Ie dap. In PAO, when this conversation took place, oar vote ill tho Senate won eleven —past one-third; in 1857 it had grown to 13; 'ln IRIS it had, at the opening of the session, grown to Id, certain, mad _ one aoubtful. but strongly inclined to make up the number to 17—a majority of the body. The eight Waetarn Seneters, Mesas. Lowry, Brown. of Mercer, Brown, of Liwrence, Taylor, Searight, White, Gra ham and Errata were all for the Con nellsvillo NIL Of the F.astern Senators, live, via: Mr. Cowles, Mr. Coleman, Mr. Billingfolt, Mr. 11 - Allah: and Mr. Davis were also Its tirm friends •, and Mr. Con nell, of Philadelphia. Mi . : Brown, of Nortnamptea, and Ur. Stinson, of Mont gomery, declared early Is the seeelen their determination to vote for IL This ' made sixteen; and although Mr. Wor thington, of Chester, felt a strong pres sure to standby Philadelphia, on account of Isle locality, his keen sew,* or just ce and fair play, overriding all such end siderations. would, I feel sure, have in duced him to vote with our friends. Mr. Landon, too, felt a strong inclination in the same direction; and altogether the prospect of much longer maintaining its ascendancy in the Senate was not a par ticularly bright one for the Pennsylva nia monopoly. A bill Is new reedy for presentation in the Senate, by Mr. Beek, of Lycoming, to erect a boom in anti Allegheny near Freeport. This to an effort to trans plant the practice of the dusquehasna to the Allegheny. Lgive' yvnr people no tice or this in oration, that they may act atcordingly. 3 caciact believe that any ne interested in the free navigation • that river will tolerate' this idea far a moment, or that the Teeple will permit such a plan to be consummated. Fore warned Is forearmed. „ The Free Railroad bill has been up in the Rouse all day and progresses slowly. It will go through next week-. ALIAUEIENT. SOUTH AMERICA. The lievelatlnn t o lrosin-4.lMisrenren of ,Prealdeint Prado, inantnitnr [By Tele irrapti to the Int thumb Onsutt) Now Yong, February I.—A Lima let ' ter of January 14th, say - a,that the troops sent by Prado to attack the revolutionary forces under Colonel Segera were defeat ed, and their commander. Colonel Cor , rejo, leverelv wounded. On receiving news of this reveres, tho Dictator, with out consultation with any of his officer., determined on his final attack. On the fl.3d the water was cut off from the city, ' and on the tJtith the bombardment cor ruestoed. This was carried on fur thir ty: six bourn. More than 2,000 bolls an shells Were thrown latd At - app. Seven companies oflnfantry attacked the bor . racks • which the ineurreetioniste had formed in the etreetii, took possession of , Ave and occupied one of the enemy'. tar racks, possession& which, alter. a well contested combat, they were forced to abandon, as they were not supported by the reserve. General Bunn:slant. hav- In; Informed Prado the whole army war in revolt and enUnOrotili for his life, the latter, though the story was false, immediately sought safety In flight, leaving on the field of battle . hie 'army, all his wounded, his money, aims, munitions, everything. Their chic! gone, the troops became demoralized, and many large bodies passed over to the enemy. About fifteen hundred men fine ssed is reaching __quelitas. Meantime , Mt" u arrive, at Itudlv, Immediately embarked on the me - vette Union and ar rived at Call. January 4th; erlfbnce he proceeded to Lima- The intiqmatien against him was grent.'nt both places.' Fitness and groans were beard in every direction. On- the night of the Bth the troops in Cantle Callus were turned over to the Canaco Government without blood- ' abed, and advices of the movement having ranched this city, it was seconded by the Cense" aided by some troops. After a combat -of lye hours, restating in one hundred and twenty and wounded, Prado, maim; he was, deserted by his troops, offered to resign the Pieslidency and retire from the countess. Field Marshal •La Feunte was named` President of the Council of ,Ministers and took supreme commend until the will of the second Vice President, General Canvas, is known. A ,n sg " l . ra n d at o t (.11ri're°furg'esrnedttevertoo the the United States Minister, from whence he passed on board of the , United States steamer Sitirk, which railed on the 10th for Chile, where he enjoy. the rank and pay of a General. On the I.th a squad ron sailed for leafy to bring General anreo to the Capital. Preparations were making fora general election. • I= FORTIETH CONGRESS InfTelenearb tO Me Pittsburgh tinsels.. Wssubluron, Fob: I, IcGS. HOUSE OF REFRERESTATIVE. S . The SPEA.I3.IIR presented a coMmu nitation from the Secretary of the Inte rior with a report of the Commissioners of Land Obits, relative to the sale of the Sioux Indian reservation in klummota. Referred to Committee on Indian Af fairs; Alan, a communiottieu from the same, relative to a claim ofthethisocuth tuition of Indians against the United States Government arising Opt of treaty stip nlathetut Referred to same Committee. The House resumed the consideration of the election case of the second district of Kentucky, • which busily west over until Monday. The 'SPEAKER presented a comma- Mention from the Secretary of War, with reports of Engineers no to the improve, meat of tee Missouri river. ' Adjourned. • =2 Excitement in lite Legitiatain. Site nmasto nal qa ..... Oea [By Tale ersph tu trio Pittsburgh timette.l item( Yonn, 'February 2.—The Trib unee special from Annapolis, Maryland. to-day, nays the Legislature wan enrich excited yesterday over a rem:fluting:l. In structing Gov. Swann Wilma, a cemmin elan to the Senator elect, Mr. Hamilton. It was announced by one of the Gov ornor's friends that he decimal, to issue the mommismotr, claiming that Hamilton was elected in violation of the Eastern shore law concerning Senators. The entdect was postponed until Wedneedny rex . "Nal of a aeries of Nowlin's to be ROO Tetronanona S "be Lotted elates . fly Toolumen to the Mucerge o"sette. l BCPVA.I.O, February l.—Cenral John O'Nell, Prmident of the Fenian Brother hood, inaugurated here to-night the Gist of a tortes of tueetinp to beheld through out the country. Overdo tilt:M-16nd per sons were in St. James Ball and hun dreds outside. Fenton military paraded .the street& General 0 Neil was reoeivc°l with great enthusiasm. tipesches were mind. by C o lonel Wallah, of California, General O'Neil and others. Speakers left. for Cleveland to-alght. ° ECM EMIR THREE O'CLOCK A. M. FROM WASHINGTON, Bills Approved by the President, The Paolib West India 'slaves National Financial Matters Revenue Frauds lu Ewa Carolita. Outrages on Government Officials. Too.grapt to ttkd rttuoorto tisodt..l R'urtclaatt, t, Febttukry 1, 166,1.-- BILLS APPROViD. - , The rreeideut hey approved the bill providing for 'distribution among the people of the South of accuinulanvi veg etables and Previerved meats which are not required for the nee of the army. Thii Pretddimt ham also approved the bill providieg that ceetrucea for statlea ery for the . Ezeoutire Depahtment" shall net be made fai more than r r nu year at a time.: . . The folfosing dispatch n . xs received at the State Department at Intif-past three tislock yesterday alterabon: Copenhog`ib, January 31. 1 --.Winioet Seward, Secretory of .9ole. irashiayton.— The treaty in regard to the aalo of the Danish Rut India Islands'. has horn sent to Washington. It was ratified by the Rigedad and signed by the King. Fractional curren7 Issued.. for the week from the .Treararrw, $5110,000; for warded sso2,l6el,!lacluding ;WOO' t, the' depealtory at - Cincinnati. National Bank currency homed, $66.010; amount in circulation;sSN'. l .,s4'l,o:l4. Fractional currency destroyed during the week, Recelpui internal revenue for the week. $14,91e,847; Baca! year to date, $114,754,313. THE ALABAMA CLAIMS. There Ls a report that the Pre:Went ha. determined (though Secretary Sewo . n.l DAs net rsequireiccili.upon an imperative demand ors Great Britain for tho settle. inent of the Alabama claims. . • RISTENUU FRAUDS IN SOUTLI CAD.OI.IN• =A COLLECTOR WOUNDED. Information has been received nt the Internal Reveione office of frauds on the revenue and outrages on (ioTdrlSlDellt officials' in the third district of South -Caroline. It seems that account. from Mr. Bingham, formerly in the Postornce et Abboyville, S. C., of heavy distillery &mullein the Abbeys ille district, and Dart and Elbert counties, Induced the Bare. to dispatch an agent thither, and otter some investigation Mr. Bingham efno ap pointed Deputy Collector. The result of the operations of the Government nth gels 'ESA the seizure of over eighty MR distilleries In three counties and tbe arrestof severaldiatillers. Suheeguent ty the Deputy Collector wee Ma , bye part3j, who It is ascertained. had _been oired by those engaged itt'uvilawfol dis tilling; and shot tut - angle the Shoulder. The Commiesloner of Internal Revenue ties directed a reward to be paid for the arrest of•the party vrhe committed the outrage. • , In a previous dispatch relative to the eornparatiVi decrease of revenue cer tain districts where changes of ofnelale have been made by directien of the President, and other drstrletn, where changes have been made on reodii maw dation, the removals suai appoir =ante in the latter was erroneously attributed co the ceineiriodencr of Internal Reve nus,wlnaharlacithlitg, to do with them, ray Toevspb td tb, Pl , dearse eimette..l • VlStainla. Ilicanown, February 1.-l uthe Con rth= ea to-day the Committee on Inter nal Improvements reported a clause di recting the Legislature to provide for th exchange of the State's interest in inter nal improvements for the bonds of th State., The Committee en Banks reported i favor of prohibiting the Legislature fro," Granting charters to corporations Iris discount paper at unlawful rates of iu threat; alsoprohibiting pemons who d so from holding State emcee. . nut:stiletto Inc i clause in the Finane report was adopted, taxing male cure. one dollar for the benefit of schools, on , fifty cents for geneixl purpescs. ATLANTA, February I.—The COSITVII tion adopted the following to-day: !Chaired, That theCongross of tbo Uni ted States be respectfutly petitioned to appropriate thirty millions of United States currency, to be Maned under proper regulations, to aid in developing the •gricultural interest of needy Soot), ern planters. • Bootred, That espies of the foregoing resolution be transmitted to the Prase dent of the Senate and Speaker of the Hence of Reprosentatiires of the United States, with a request that it be laid be fore those bodies, sad dust Cuptvi be also Manumitted to the 'Presidents of he Constitutiemal Conventions in tketiouth. ern States, and theit'vre inviteethC.-op eration of each Conventions on this np pile/Idol:I to Congress.. RALEIOIL Feb. I.—Tho COIIV.IIOI was engaged almost the entire sostiot to-day in discussing the reflectance pro posed to be attached to an art , clo ,n tb new Oonstitation. No conclusion w. resehed on the Judiciary question, tb iMmlnaut party not haying united upti. any plan. • Ciranr,rxrea, January l.—Gen.Canby In compliance with the request of to S.uth Carolina Ilocciatructlen Coaven lion, has issued 'an order etaying to three montha •zecutious on real urn personal property. FLORIDA. TALLAZASEM, jeluery 31,-1n th. Convention a resolution was olferiiii tlia no delegate new in the eclat - ration th eligible to the office of Govan.ler, Lieu tenant- Governor, Secretary I of Stabs Auditor, Troeaoror or Registet' of Pubik Land for the space of tea yearn fron . . date. Ti.. resolution went over.' A remintion . was also offered stilling. Congress to repeal the cotton CIAZ. 'Laid over under the rules. The balance of the" sessionilTii. Con sul:TM to debate on the recommittal of the report of the Committee F on Privi leges and Elections, pending Iwleick the 'Convention adjourned. But :little order and Do harmony prevails In the proceed- , 10615-0( the Convention. • TALLMIAMSE, Feb. I.—ln the Convon ' tion to-day thecmeation pending at ad- Journment yesterday was taken np and disposed of, reaulting in a denial of mat to Hr. Butler,. delegate trom tine First ,Diatrict. Motions to reconsider and poetpone the whole matter till tine let of March were made. The motion to reconsider was ordered to lay 'on the table. The excitement, on the querlon of eligibility continues. None of the work for which the Convention assent• bled has yet been done. The Convent . lion before noon nntil the ith MARYLAND Jeri:soar, Feb. I.—ln the Convention today the Committee on •Judiciery re ported, with • reoommoodotion that it be incorporated in the Convention se Article 4, that the Judges be appointed by the Governor with the consent of the Senate, to hold office nine years. that the Kate be divided into ` three ju d icial dis tricts, and court be held at least once a year in each district. it oleo provides for a Circuit. Court in each county at least four times a year, the Jndgen thereof to be appointed by tic, G0V1117104 wear Use censent of the See ' ate, end hold office for six years. It also providm for • Chancery Court, with Jo risdiction stuffier to that now exerclned. Also police boards, magistrates, sta. whose Jurisdiction Is limited to the trial of cases whore the amount inrolval Is within fifty dollars 'rho Committee en Eseautlve Depart ment submitted a report providing for election of a Governor, to bold office for four years. aid not to be eligible for W nail e nd ll twenty y ears haat thirty years of age. twenty yearo cfllzen of the Vatted States and two years of Atioffissippl, and she shell hive a salary of Live thonsend dollars. Also, a Lieutenant Clevernor, who shall pawns tho MUM miallflea lions Also, a; Secretary of Sato, Treasurer and Autitor, E.) be at least ten FENIANIBM, rears citizens of the State and holdoftice • tITI . •HD 811BEBBilt. tour years with a eatery of =AO. ' minority of the Committee reported that 'the Governor b- ties year.' a citizen 'ofl)lBfsTROU.l CO A GHAT lON, • idinsissipta, and his notary. riot over • • 1,000, nod that the salary Cl the Secrets- VV tt too et St. :X*1,0.4 aeiidseay ry of State, Treasurer sod Auditor b oe g o .„, t , o _L ooo Estimated at :x,OlO. Both reports were ordered to be 112110,000. • . ; printed. Saturday afternoon a lire , terribly do . A resolution woo adopted approing'-aG-o live the eppoimment of a committee of b.f. n its ''''"" s t n " neett: mteurntti team to tabs into anudileiration the pro- at St. Xlavior'S Academy, near TAfrole, orl , ity riiintivi lig the State Capitol to of which we have obtained the following .otuc place near the geographical centre : particulairen The. Ur& ftriddiscov i creed about balf-paat three o'cleick In the anerneen iu the router attic above the - domitorioe, ono of the Slaters, whose int. attracted • thithee by the sound of something hesiyi falling. The fire buret through the roof of the main building over which it spread with fearful rapidity, and wax cominunicated tile.li Chapel, mad in a abirt i timMihe entire blinding was In ruins. At the time the tire was dismayed there were but three men, the Gardner, Janitor and Orcrom, about the premises, but IL Unlimber of the neighbors soon Caine to the scene orconftegratlon, and did all In their power to awls; the Sisters. Noth ing coati bedsne ' however, to ears ate..builitojr and their- whole _efforts Wero tttated , toward the coalman. thealatent,, after taking all, necessary taro the popils=numbartng abet sue hundred—performed ..i.remeleri in olla(ng.Pinalcsa Maratmentai valuable IforaltUre, the marble altar of, the chapel and ornaments. Through the efforts of thaSiator in charge of the trunks of the the scholars, although an invalid, they Were rontotod from the bunting build ' log safety. The Staten. lost their own wardrobe In their eager Metro to care for and protect the young ladies from all posalblo 'Mary or loss. ,I.Tits Academy of St. Xavier'. wax In , charge of the Sisters of Marcy. It was avtablishod, we believe, In TM/4,0t Mt. fit. °fe i nt, mum Latrobe. hot in -lefitt was :itnoved to }leant St. Xavier, - three and *Marmites southwest from Latrobe., sad ups mile and a half from the Penosylya ' at. Railroad. On this location a large T 'nye - tit - and school hand Ingthrre stories high -had 'been orectlld: 'ITV? beautlfnl chapel enjoining It, and forming part of the generalplan, had only...beau rem. pielted - htat fail. The school building was one °rill° moat complete itt this countryri It had been fated up In modern style, and was a modal establishment In all Ito' details. The' Slitters have been adding tents alacatiOnal airmaa . for the peat , twelve years, There were in the school building tau or twelve p la n '., thin aw earl feta harp., library, valabe pating., acionntic apparettua, eta Tb. aimed, complete& last fall, wax tleiLUtlitli elflike., It bad stained Slav , windows, and contained valoable wetrito of piiintlng and Mowery. The marlde ^i ttcf h v r i t w774 a t t v "d erti b d u ell t r i o " ;??..l 4 . l ' l - : . e 'd los. ot s h r e „ r t the Chap* We are inform...l;l.in annum too Car lotey thousand dollen, The Pittsburgh pupils, about twenty in &muter, arched in the city Saturday evening, on the Altoona accommodation train. 'fbecot of them who were unable to reach their homes; were provided with imeamm - odations at the Convent on NVoluiter street, and several ebitera and a' It number of pupils arrived In the city ' yeeterdny. The hour at which the Are took place alone aimounta ter the safety of both sis ter...la the children under tbuir,chargo. Th?... - „ornld.t the general gloom, Is n mat antgorjoy etid. tbasleCalecesa . The labor of years haft thus loon wiped • Ontl - and n truttelial loss of nearly two hundred thousand dolletre,lea. an incoo• sidOrable tossaillite, - is the mod). Tito open puree. of devoted hearts will Ito ready to nicer the - sad emergency, and i.aittailatiloue will be made with willing Ithilthe by the thowtando of graduateswho have long since partial feed their utaku tooter to enter into the struggles of • . • Nair Ord.N.ANIS. FltllillAry I.—General I.IIIIIQOI - C. returned loot Slight from a vla4 to Text".' Tho Convention devoted today dike oily cut.oing 1.110 Mtg.:1111On IC, pay fo the city newopapera thrnilhed that body', and the receuoiderotion ot•the ordinance adopted veaterday propeoing the estitia llohment:of a Board of Health for the pariahs of Orleans and Jefforoon, powering said Board to regulate matters itertoloing to the health or sold eititts The orttinourn woo finally reJeoted under ouspeusien of the rule,. • ' - Au oralutinco *lltlOrraftl to the effect ShertflO, •Becutdere of tnortgagee it ini t eletk. wha reoelve an . income coot U4ol.at lle d ovate .. the exceoo or that snot to I poor. Pending ad the Convention adjourn d. =CI IZERMEI 1= 1Y L S =CI AMBER CAZOLIN• =1 a PI =I LI KFLEI 1104 K, Yek L-In tha Con ,hruthin Mei - into offered a resole twn alistrito..hising ail yriro oppose rce nerotrantinn, a n d that voting await the ealiilvittion of the ram:Mutton shall be eutllFlent . ground of ilierraueleleement. Referred. The inemorlai In ISATIVIIOII , to the Freceitnen'n liu roan canned a sptft;ted dis,usaido, caueuming thedey, !Lerma tinnily allopt6.l by It strict 'nirty s. . ; • BIiSSOURI, The 1/veretor abohl Is helm. the PM title ellhrood-13111 Aboileb I.lbpi• set rehel.heahrat —Board , et rarOuln rommtsahhaters. o. Thlegrapato the rittabarsithautt.l .- • Sr. Louts. Feb. I.—Dispatches froth Jetrersee City -report - thar,...l4corerntir Fleteher is about to wire, the MitleQUit and Pt elite Railroad toille mime of the e tits. bill beet been introduced hit the lino,. to abolish Capital jortiWitnent, and enlistitnto therefor •imprieonidynt In die Poniterniary for tiro. Also;t1 Dill So einibliAt Boards of Pat 'don Commission. ern, which proildoe thareipplinatione for tartlet. 11111 k be prssinsted to the 13estd, who shall notify the tistriet Attorney of ttie where the crime 'wee com mitted, that such epollattien hes been dr. 'rho Attorney' Is to furaleh the .hoard • sth the edieneh In thh car*. ...•haniti the, hpjahhhl.lot, be feYonishir eon -, 4•lertslby the Board, they ore to (arrant it to the tiovarnor tor his signatu. • re, ST. LOUIS Tare( areestonl—A 4,ettery thrswlng— it be teeny one. tenor Men. • Ett , Tstr. rs, a to tar ereaborarreasetted , ..‘trts, d'eb, 2.--lam es (Win Was , arrested hero ymitertirry for ebbing,. Ml.' rlrselOrnaru, the gentlemen wire had his i.eket heel, stolenthe day tie ice maned tu the harlnd. Alanit thirty-4X bun. d red iollare of Ormiree notes Wore found on Lifill, Let the money rind • sight drafts wore not r.worered. . ."' - Taw draw imr"of what hos-been known d. the Smith Mill and Farm „Isanocantlen, d lettery . scheme, After the' plerf Of-the , ro•Lby Opera /Innen, took. mare at the Mercantile Library II all last night - The will amt ten arms of load,..,ralned at thirty-five thornotud dollars, was 'drawn by Menio tfreurdy, Market Master of „ue of O. market houses ofthe city, aid ;he farm, solued at eighteen thousand .1411urs, wee drown by Wm, Woesch, • huolo.wr in the Broadway nairket..Both Lbn luay IndividAula ore nitite'poer men. NEW YORK: Trietriph to Ma rittsbanri 010•110.) zn YO6H, Feb. 1, ACAL,, or:DNA:SC!: rt,Vl. , • Thu ships Dexter and Blue Jarket,, shoot to §441 fur California, will take out kitty-six P4rrot gusts, a large quantity mta turu, !then ana shot, three , Td red tens medial .tore for hospital Sail Frsn,l,cu, and three thousand bed mada. = A Rr•on anax, meeting In proposed her th• 2.1A1 of FeLrllar3, - to ratse funds co utheru °due:airmail purport&• I= Th. More of Abretnan Penner,' in the flowery, waArolibed Seat nlglit of. eight :Iva:sand dollar" of Jewelry and money. ARIZONA predstitma—Lcial the Wit Oa. nesa—Arrirel or Territorial ("Iv! ea lett - graph to the Ptilitherge earettr.l RAN Fak...aZriet7e; Jan. 31.—Lillto ad -1,1 (firm A rivAin atate that the Indiana nada a doe,ent in Seale Springs Station nil ream Willows. They shot or car . . iron of all the MOO:. - - Tit. mail.eerrier and eared of military and • tear men belonging to the "direst very, Were 10,1. in the Wit at erne. sore • toys soil Petah, near ster•leg. The riril oniceraef the Territory 'or rived at Trscan, Deo. 17111. The Cilium escorted them to the lowa and gave than .• grand envier. 'rile population of Tun can and minify S rapidly increasing. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. —The. Inv:it-Let pam4ed by the Liglain tore , of Tennessee, permitting negrotta to hold taliCeS and -it oil Juries giv. much satisfaction to,nagroes generally ,und the 'ultra Rodieels. There are already no- for Importritat Offieffl and tither° will bola the maj•rlty of lb, . . ihontiss in 111irliile and West ri:messes. Able lawyer, 'ay this law conflict. with to O. tionstituliou and , . trill prove to tuo nogreel a delusion j nil saare, entailing upon the II la Iv Rolla In stead of Increasing .their right.. The Courts w ill determine the question. —floorge Pravda Train'a letter to the New York Ire, ld, dated n►oard the Soolin, Kaye T. 0. Durant milk out to England $5,000,01N0 in gold, the proceeds of the 241{11. pf new Meek of the Rock Island Railroad to, purchase twenty then,. sand lent of Iron far the exten.i.on of the rend to eunalin. • • • —At six o'clock Sunday evening, a fire broke out In Dayton, Ohio, at the corner •1 Third and Jefferson Parente, consum ing several frame and one brick build -I,,ni twenty thousand dollars; . amount , br 1139Urallelt not ascertained. —Fattiest circles in Dolton and Thin!. lv liaeo voted to work• on St. Fairicka day, instead of marching in proceralori, eat docote the earuluga toward revolu tionary , purpoooa in Ireland. —Ad Chain pa fume, Illinois, on the night ' of the 301 h, a tire destroyed pibuortYlral tol at $ . 15,001. Tri, leourance hall in Illinois companies. except PAM In the Allna, of Hartford; corm. The tolograph Enos worked tim Satur day morning direct froth San Francisco to Heart'. Content, and a raw. was rout from London to California In two I minute, employ. :of the Memplele, Clarksvile ct. Louisville Railroad bavo .truck for ■otrpaymcut of wag. duo. The-wooing of the rood will probobly elop. —Teo Nay: York Telegram has a re port that the cashloP of an I asuraace Cuspauy. name not given, committed suicide. lin won a drfaulter Iri PM O°. —Two :.Toro Blegillonato Infanta hive died at ISGulamo Pareltes private lying lu laylum ih lievouteeuth street, New York, Item neglect, and hupropor food. —Right Roverond 11..1. Whhokouao, Bishop of Ilhnols, iya passotmor by lho Bratnen steamer Union duo. at New York. —Mies eiroline Longworth, Rieder the Into Nlebelan Leogworth, orCind nal, Ailed ta Newark, N. J„ on gato day. . • We RAID, a day or two ago,' that the. democratic organs did not know what to make of the Republican victory, at the epeeist election in tho Eighth Con—. gressi4nal District of Ohlo. :We - were' a little too fast. One of them; tie Day ton Layer,. Mr. Vallandighlsn'i ofgan,, has found out what lt meant. It says: "This la the gretaun of the 'Presiden tial campaign of DM, sad- {Dilater a Republican ttaajorlty nest fall,'in Ohlo,' of iron twelio to twenty thitutand." • Mere of the tionocratta journals : will ascertain ..It'itat to the matter" In due 4 - • 'the Ponesyleazia Railroad vas rsp• resented hers la all. ito iv/sling Mod • nesstiv Supertutendent Wersighton. who, Otter telegram:dog to•rarinus point* to prevent parental alarm; had die pupil" and .titiotan, plaiaal on the eastern and wrotern Irains ter their .proper Siestlet the, free of charge, as soon after their at Luso!".~ in the alaighs and . , ale=ithe usightrarhood, na ?moths, nin- Bishop nominee telegriplied the Si.- lerklast night to take the scholars to Loretto, where tho academy will-he con= tinned without intermliodos. Ile 1711 thieity ytetorday to rinit the ruins. essasetattor at tee roils. loran. • The origantmtlon of the new police take took place• at Wilkins Hall Balm itsi morning at ulna o'clock. The oath ' of lance wan first administered to Mr. Goren. the new chief, by His -Nosor Mavor Ellsokmore, and afterwards to the entire forre,nuni boring ens hundred men. Tno police were marched tip stairs of Wilkins 1141, wbare the roll was Wiled sited u, wail the whole force, with but two oscillates*, was fouled to. be Rreamint. His Heuer the 'Mayer made tete address to theknembers of the ream, is whiuk be staled that every moo wet:ad be expected to do his duty awarding on the rules at regulatior..• Flo Moped that they would ester upon their duty with their whole hearts devoted to the peace, order and good government of the city. His Hag ar further announted. Mit the first OM cei absent at roll call without a indictee liken., might costlier that tact in the light of a discharge. Chief Grommet then requested by the Meyer Co stake his appointments of lieu tenants.. Afters short twniersation with the Polire Committee the following lieu - tenants ware'announced: . Andresr J. Moon, J. W. Footbridge, Fonli.Wiliuot, • .I. 3V. Mcllwal no, Myers Marker, JO. McCandless, IL M'Coy, Dirrid Campbell. Thi name. of the "Cant *gond" were then announced by Chia' Green and put on 'duty at enc.° snider „ ILleutisuants Catnnbiell and Barker: the naive sight from hours daily, •I. fm Six a. n. to two m.: This second squad, under tenants Woolbridge, lielivaine and Mc- Onadless, will relieve the first at two p. andrecualn on duty until ten o'clock , when they will in turn: be relieved uy the third squad, under Lieutenant/. Wilmot,Moon and:McCoy. Thefirst and second reliefs; number twenty-two tirj) men Nach,,and the third forty-four (41: •shich makes an excellent division of the force, leaving twice the number of Men on duty at night that there is during the day. • 1 Previous to the dismissal of - the men the Mayor requested any preeent - who were at all dissatisfied with the ar••• rangements now made to make their will known, upon which 'Mr. Hans. Leos offered-his resignation, which wits accepted. O resolution raking for an appropria tion of several hundred dollar., to be disbursed In rewards to offline.. ambit, - titig unusual vl i gilance and ectivity is the discharge o Astir &Moe, we art in •formed will be presented et the next meeting of the Police Committee. The Mayor and the Police Committee have been very discreet In ielecting the force, asmere intelligent Mild finer net of Mena e. If . ever found on the tiolice force of any city. Fell Doan on the meas.. . •About Iwo o'clock yesterday afternoon -Fritz'Biack, German, fell it the earner of Third and Ferry streets, and expired almost instantly. Several persons, who were standings short distance off, ob served him fall and ha.stentd to his sa ltialanCe, but he was quite, dead when they reached him. There was a slight bruise on the aide of his bead, near the Where It had came le contact .with a Glens step, -which, at -first, was "thought Mbar* been the mute of his death; but Dr. Murdoch, who examined She body; thinks be died of upoplexy. The corpse wan removed to the Mayor's office, and Coroner Clawson being noti fied impannelled •Jury, who, after view ing the - body, adjeurned As meet this morning at ten o'clock. when tie inqueet will be concluded. The remains were taken charge of by Mr. - Allspn, undertak er and will be ea and by hies today. The doomawi was about thirty live years . f age, tell leaves a wits and family . In Cairo, lIILoIt. Ye has been employed en the tow boat "Jacoo Paint er" for several menthe, and bearded at Idxs. Gardiner's, on Wateretreet, during the winter:, ittireptaa Reinoeu_ m4_o* No■. =1:=1 On Saturday morning between five and elk o'clock J. L. Linton, .a -special detective in the employ of the United States Itevenuo'Departffient, a resident of Philadelphia, who was stopplog at the Monongahela House heard some one in his room and. upon rising up, discov ered a working with t he lock of the deor. man Mr. lAntort alarmed the house, 'sad officers were rant formito tt pin their arrival arreatedThornu Patterson and George , Curtis, two young men who ob. aupled a . roosts luusaccilstely across the . hall frem %hitt !occupied . by Linton. Patterson WAX Idontlued by Linton as the man who had been in bfs room. Ile made Ittlbrnfation agalmit them for felonious anMalt and battery • and et ' tempt larceny. After a hearing the ac cused were in delimit of bell committed I r.o. .'i • TO. 11111 W, (71' i.F -7 --.)( 1,,__1 i e,, i „ ifl. t-v, . _ CHURCH REOPENING at WNHr sad 11 tintroaaatara— Ile Palatial It told ante• awl Cita re hes . —attpOpigular of ettlt..7 M. E . (bar". -.1111.4g0p NUE laaratets, ate. - -- - - , East Liberty and its Immo , hate , nur• roundlogele generally regarded to the "garden spot'' of our suburban districts, Ito natural advantages of norpasslog beauty, level surface, and proximity to the pent tip city, adraeled ninny of our wealthiest eitirsme, a ho have erects/pa latial residences, and spent vast sums* to make tiM[grounds attached blossom as the rose.l Even at tithe season of the year, the ground. Indicate the culture they have, received, and the numerous elegant realdenees, that ries , up in every 1 [directlom. era neon to. better advantage i than.wherntildripu amid the summer fa- Beautiful as title epot has always boin, within a brief sooreeof years the whole' neighborhood. imahcen transformed on- dor the' tilkgic 'Mobil of 'culture.; 'rho opening of the Pennwylvanit , Itall-1 read, which, sweeps through it, has hail; much to do ,Wll,ll this marvellous change.' Rapid travel. ander Coinfertable rirctun . Mimeos has Yielded a rich frultn , e; The influxof gib ranch wealth 'and . erdture soon began he be felt; • With'tho trectltin [ of..elegant, reableoccs, the ,neceitittyr'ol 4115ii-LeftrSheirch;odble,sy soon [1.,,, came .appli. ' ar4 bow', '',haitdatlrilei j eleireti sire aria dorthe tlaceoiddlrig beauty and nelldity to It. "Among the • dist churches erected %•L, Ithiory Id.' E. Courch,boall Boon after the Preshv tarts ' ens built one of great afellitekurai boahly. j.Soon idler, the. Episcopallann were wurnhipluitlu alantefol "cut stone strueturo, and other denominettorni [ erected excellent churches. 1 A score' of yearn ago this small body or. Method Pits worahlpped in is plain unpre• [ .Loading; brick. building, hutch like at [ t•ountry[ ,shortly - .house In oldenAlmes, and located In on obecure•pince., With the erection of the how building a , iiut a I d ocade'Pf years ago; Method ism nano in ed ti new position, aml slue* then has been gradual)y growing strosger. Feeling , that Drier church in. , coutmotlatlims were [ Imufficleut to meet the demandapf the are, it *as determined to remodel the , building throughoub tit, a coat of tWelve thi2 , llllOuld troLura. • The extra cost wan maguifiod lintii roll twenty-eight thou% multi wen spent. - Por about a . year the work et "reconstruetiecrbas been ping ou r , and cis it progren,sed new features were added, until the plain brick Ste•Picd, edifies, has become completely . ractatil ,rr phosediancils now one of most grace', 1 , 11 chltrchen to lie 'found' west of the mountain, The Church fronts en what In famlllatl. [ ly known WI flresneburg pike, cow Ihp prineltialatrOoLand lies oultecicise to thp railroad ,' , idol, The front presents a [ pure Itomeneegne style of architecture, while In Other portions of the building [ there id eig h t blending or fletlite. Elk ( tering the, 'spacious door, a short lint opens Into: the spacions Jecture rohl - The eidargentent of this room will a. • sown/edam four hundred pereons. 'lt it tided up with coasitterallli torte, and I ' , maxi:drably, adapted firr Sunday Scheel and lecture, purposes. Immediately ih thereat' ere • two class room,. Ily easy Alights' of - share from the 'vestibule y,uti .. renter.. the' main. addlemie room, ii whirls contains ninety-sit pawed capable . of • routing seven nuadreel irentorte: It Is pinety:by forli• eight. themgh at the richt, including-41,v' TT gut the width is atzty•seven feet. Thad/tate sop black waluut lininh, neatly cushioned Might red. drier, and I u 'Milk lug contrast. to the elegant 2.rus4li 2.4- pet, which glue, this entire door, siren*- ly tinted In green.. ' The largo windoWn sire iilled with stained glee- ur bright, [ cheerful colors. The ailjustinent of the ,-Laud' liere and side light, nurnbering thirtyisix glebes, brilliantly lights the 1 clomater. Axranyotnerits are in pregrei,,,, to noteufaetur• gas on pm , mew ises ter 1 the u of the church. The, walls: air i t tint; and ceiling porplo or tle4ll 1 s t;tot: t e.. h t e m b u [e tt• t a i fi l ,el7. ' qiii.T. t iV ,l .; to hostied with steam. .sin either side Si the pulpit. this "Ten COrmmumlnsents';' "Pluditi fitiseuth," "Lord's Prayer' mid "Confession of Falth,". are' beautifully loacribed to antique thtters. lesten[lay the re-opestiog ureters took _place. Bishop simpsort, that prince et pulpit. speaker, delivered a. very,. stile and el,nment dineourne in the morolUc. and iti, the tifternorm Ithe. Dr. IT. Miller, of this city. occupied the pulpit, to the great setintaction of the numerous, audi tory. [The -congregationin rhe — trierning OWellberel. - ,mritrlbut lon,. and • ht the often:Moe a plate eolleolion was taken. Qoite amnia:deer or etrangera s. ere pre, eat from other churches.. Ito, W.IV, Itoup,[ of Wilkiroburg, took part ;in the ellreilleo, and Bey. P. M. IMOSowen, a worthy minister, was laau praseut do the altar, The services were rendered [ more Interrotls.g 63 , the eivint't. vocal ron. is ofthe choir, accompapied by imp of Meseta rt Flambe's superb organs, for. Midler) by C. I'. Moller, under the akill- [ fel lead of W. J. Bender, E.g., formerly 1 leader of the choir or Liberty Strict lit. E. Chruch [ filancing over the vast Minng of tip turned fares, }lemming reverently nod attentively to the eloouest Bishop, We saw bin few familiar &see., who had mingled In the t.rvicen el the little dingy brick ghnreh of o score of -years. The venerable Joint Stewart, father-in-Law of A. Bnidley, Esq., and fathered ei-.Sber la Ste Wart; the arrest epirited J. 11. thw art!, and Samuel Chadwick, formerly', of the Hew* of Itepresentativei, were the only prominent ones WO reeogulial. Among the many who have becomo he - dve wad prominent wo oirsorved Col:, J. EL Stewart, one of the', trustees, lir. J. Perchinent, and .the, member,* of she Building Committee, Idessre, Frank Sel ler, gent. (I. IV. Batelm loot S. B.' MciEl roy, .I,K. Kerr, I'. 11. Isturrnap, Area. Bates and J. W. WoodwelL • Tine vim• mitten, and the ladies of tbo.Claurell, 'are spoken of in the highest prase. - , I • eilmis,Mala church become a eepaca.e charge:lt has been favored willsrotrue preimlnent Mluistent or the Conference, among whom IVO iume President Peish log, pref. J. L. G. McKeown, and. Itev. El. Slnsabaugh. -The latter minister inn pantor when the contempiated inapreve• talent wan agitated. The present. poet Jr, Rev, W. Pitt. Turner, A. IL deserves to be well thought of nod- del:Wires he by his rongregation7 - tor his timeasingl In. bore to promote the project. BO li a young minister .of culture anti very promising. We found storing our briet stay' tie.thlsperidanical part of our new consolidatleu acquisition, that .11 i the palatial residence of Frang'Sellers, Esq., there Was comfort and luxury, worthy to tender to • princes, and each we re ceived from our host, and his acs ' , ri pllshed wife. Avether Van Vane. Semitione in the way of reyste disapkaremeee have been quite plentiful and each cane-appears to increase In iniciest.• The latest is thnt of A. F. Chateney, agent for the Grover & linker Sewing Maclaine Company in thlaeity, who lit seems leR for ports unknown Thursday evening last, since when noth ing 4t his whereabouts is I:down, not willuitanding-keveral Intercited parties 11.113 eitremely anxious to hear trout him. Mr. 12hatoney has beim doing a! good bush:leas here, bowing - sold n largeDMll - of machinm. for which, - instead of paying the cash, ho would; send now to his employer% endorsed by prominent business men In this eltv. These notes would be placed la hank, and this course led to thedetectiod of the operator. A few days since a. - pile for live hudrod dollars ens presented at the Third National Bank. It wantialsied the name ofJ. Ilavekette - as indorser, 'and was dleceiinted. Some day-.l after ward Mr. HaVekette was waked bow he happened to appear no ' Indorser! on the note: lie denied that he bed given his nape, nod when the note was- presented the efignotere was ; town pronadinced a forgery. Further inquiry developed that the names • ofJ. H. Demmler and . other partleshad been used In dainailar manner, and the notes_ purporting to heartnelr indorsement w,•rr by other bankers. ''Mr. C., It appears, was not content to defraud the banks, as le usually donabv forgers, but by Id% shrewdness and vii- Islay entrapped Individuals. It is al leged that he would forge the natne of aeme, pi eminent bushman man to note and then take It to tea. second party and get i,:poulne signature ea the 'strength of the forged name. His employers, It is stated, will antler to the extent of eight Sr ten .theuSand dollars. while a number or private individuals have been victim- Ired for large alma. , , • Palatal Accident.-Oa Friday evening last sou of 4ames M. Feed, Esq., of Liickport Mutton, Westmoreland Co., Pa., aged ten yours, (grandso of lion. Joho Covode,) crbito playing- r n ilth some other children on the hay in./he oecood story of but Ltther'e stable„ rotted ageinat a door, mod for Um parmrse potttag In Way, anti which opened outward. Not 'being fastenod• the door Intoned as ho ramp against it.frsot nrocpitatin g him to the. ground . taring. both i his, logo ab o Be wan attended . Dr.Ta v y a for, of • West Fairfield, Westmoreland county, and Is .getting along ant well it can IDo exported, coantdetiog the mitt= of hisl.Rifirlea., , Plltsba•Ate recriter.= Antanatitio—. leillttoloess—Copy ot Odotious nrr sc Pr0....1-10.41t.lossWittotn A Volostaitteo Appoint.' is Prima. its P A special meetiug of the Pittsburgh Petroleum - Association Was held at their rooms In - Poison Building, Duquesne Way, on Saturday efterroon. Therewas et eery full etteudenm, en the ,part of the members. The Premident stated the ob. of Bee meeting to be to take home action regardiug an opproesive bill Just bitrodnoril into,the Legisbitursby Sena tor Coniiell, which swine., follows:. Be a enacktl, Thin refined petroledm, kemiene, or horologe - Bs shall, from end attar the pasooge of this act, be kept for saluomderege within the corporate lim its or rbibwopbin, the tire teat of which stud] be leas than 110degnies Fahreelaelt. Said loStAliall be determined by an In spector. using LI. Tegliabres, Of ether welPdeflurd instruments. The laid In , 'spehoof a be appointed by the Governer, and to hold his office for the term of four 3, , ,tr,; 'anal the said laspeetor . .be 'and Is hereby auttMrired to appointer:eh slake or deputies as may be requisite for the carrying out of the business of such In• specriOn aid of the pmvlelenn.ofibis art, void clerks er deputies to be paid by the held ...Inspects. out. of the. fees M M Ina °ei!. Tbe'salti Inspettor, prior to mitering tipolitiis -duties • of- , b1 , 1 &Moe, abalLtdo In the ottleo of the Pret.henve• tory of tbe Court of Common Pleas, an O:itli - or affirmation that he will well dad/ truly-perform ithe 'duties of his office, and ctrry out the provisions of this .tot, and -hall also file 'it bond with' eine' tor more approved efireaes In thepenal sum of ton thouaand dollars for the faithful pyrtOrmanee of the duties herein pre scribed. The r.md Inspector Is hereby, further empowered to receive nod esileet. from theowner and owner. thereofithe. sum of ton ceuta for each and every Par..' rel Mincitage en Inspected, marked and seated by him, cold mark, broad or reaU to be provided by the Inspector and to' he 'legibly idaniped or imppreasat en each. barrel or package, and the *ask] Inspee, tar or.bis deputy Is hereby . empowered to ruler any place buildingwhere .11* ore sfored or kept for isle, - for the pttr.. peso of Ruch inspection, and the carrying of the true meaning and Intent of th 11. act. 2i 4?!. Amy person orperagns who shall violate the provisions of this act, Or shalt in any way or manner sell, deliver or cause to be delivered or sold, any refined pidroleuin, kerosene or burning_oiln altilla the limits of Philadelphia, ith; out having the Nan, inspected; and the sealor mark, of the said Inspector placed dicreon, or shall use any mark, brand or dovico for evading the provisions of this art, or •shall ndulierate oils after the sumo shall have been Inspected, shall, 11.1 , 011'cOLIV etiOn thereof, be deemed guilt Ty of it misderilesnor, and Shall be sell ject.to a fine not exceeding nee hundred dollars, and lie .ialde to on imprisonment not exciedillic one year, at th e discretion of the Court, and the s heen found with a fraudulent mark or bramlof inopoction; or WlTilt era ted aftur such inspection, shall he subject to eeizure by :said •thspoctor, and the same shall. after due, pubUo , no tica. thereof, be sold by tbo said Imipee'. tor. The procieeds of such sale, after do iloodnx the expenses °finch leisure and eslo, , obeli bepa d by the said .Inspector into tbo treasury of tbo Association for - tho teliet of disabled firemen of Phila delphia. • • • . lizo.g. All Soto inconsistent, herewith are hereby repealed. AfterlerisiNtible debate, in which It wheedated that such a law would work ruin to Pittsburgh end, Pbllndslphia P - trolenut interests, a niesaige from the Philadelphia Oil Association-was road, sitaine forth that a committee bad been. apponted to visitliarrisburg to endeavor by 'nil honorable means to prevent - the passage of the bill, and asking that a committee bo eppointed for similar par -ono Pittsbargh Association. In 1,1 , 01 . 111111 e. with stiggestion, and•on motion, the following gentleman were oppointed to -ash flarrisburg wlili that ePtect in stew Siessre., ,I-1. M. Long, T.. W. Levis, 0. 11. Junes. - 11.• NV. Morran. iebe a-ay—awn and Wm. A. Forsyth. - - The meeting then adjourned. . • • neetter of one Beard et Pelson la si...ere—en dee 11l ant Warden Alp peteted. - • The Beard of Prison Inspectors, cent . posed of the e . Judaea of the County Corirts, the ittyoro of the two cities and the Connty Controller, met - at 10 o'clock, in. m., Saturday, for the puiposeeflak - 10g action of the bond of the newly appeinb ed Wsrdeu, Mr. Scandrett, and attending tie such other butilness on might be brou;bt before tLom. . I The bait offeree by Mi. Scandrett being satisfactory, the land wne up proved, acid 'tttaiirat day. et April next fixed att the time for him to take, charge of the prison. lir: S. then nominated Mr. Al SV. Smith as Asslsttutt Wnrilen, which was confirmed by the Board. ,We are pleated to knew that will be rerouted, an he in a most - excellent, me cominedatlng and efficient officer. end . haring occupied:- the . potation or almost ten yearn, during which time lie lies rendered general sattsfaction and made a host of friends. We has become almost a "fixture" to the institution, from which his presence would be greatly oti.aotL _The now. Warden, Mr. S. Is highly spoken of by those who k now hint, and will doubtless make an efficient nod popand officer. , Owelrablo Meat Bathe at Alien...O. On Monday next, the well known Auc tioneers, Moors. Smithson, Vnuhook A McClelland, will offer for sale under the hammer chaise very &minable lots, 2 , :cat. 134, 162, 16t and Ltd. Sheffield street, notr. street, Allegheny y. }ltch lot has e front on the forme named street of twenty feet, and has the great depthef rgi feet, extending back to as "alley. The improvements con sist of six modern style (now) two-story' brick houses of nine rooms sigh, with finished attics, wide halls with vesti holm gas, het and cold "Water through out the buildings, together with all mod ern improvements incident to first clasa ouch ea marble mantles, mar ble•top stationary, wash-elands, bath rooms :,u,l water•cloaete;aleo ranges's:l the kitchens. a can conceive of lid more pleasant Ail n LValtagel:lll9 location, and es the propel ty will probably be dis posed of et reasonable prim, great. bp , pertuultles for Investment are efforts' to capitalists, or those desiring to procure for themsolvea comfortable homes. See the'advertisemeht elsewhere. , M= For some time poet a gambling hell has been in operation at Philo Third greet, and Saturday 11. r. George W. Kemp made information before Al derman M . chlastorn against Robert Camp- Capt Allen and IC Polls, charging them with being common gamblers cad maintaining a gambling house at the place referred tef. • warrant was Issued and placed In the heads of officers Pre,- colt and Illondon, who made it descent: upon, the place, captnring not.enly the partite', but a complete eel of modern gembilag implements, among which was a silver 'Imo" box, weighing about a pound, and arranged expressly for cheat ing. The accused were held to ball for a bearing Wednesday. The captured im plements ore at the Aldermaa's Who. Arrested.--Mary °easter made infor mation' before Alderman Humbert, nat. ur.lay; charging William atrahley with usauttit. The parties reside In Tem peranceellle, and it unpeure that a short time Mute Mrs. Hamner abueed the defendant, who had piessecuted hector suety of the peace, mist i est+, to get even with him, plash, the Information for as suds, sallegmg that ho called her "ugly" muss, The case wan dismissed upon paysnout oleo:du by the defendant.. ' • turgid.. in Dry Gesds,—AC. Bates rt.. Dell's fashionable dry goalh establish ment will be found decided bargains in the way of drres goods, Mike, Drown andArnorleau shawls, piece geode, cali cos/ detainee, plaids, flannels, Ste. The firm have au Inman,e stock of eitasers- Ws garde on hand, and anxious to close (int pi...ism:dory to receiving inToioo9 of Spt faggot:las, offer superior inducements to their !adman. Flue Glycerine leoap.—We have re. calved from Mr. Simon Johnston, .drug eL.t, corner of Fourth and litnitelleld ervicin, two packnges of genuine Glyn' , rine wisp horn the world known factory of F. A. Snag, Visalia. It. Is tbg finest articlo of twin soap Imparted into this onuntry, and Is 'made from the purest glycerine: Mr. Johnston Is solo agent for its este In this city. A Blight Fire—At twelve o!elook lint; unfits- alight an alarm of fire wee wand ad iron Box 13, et the Vigilant Engine Houoe, (XV,WIIOIIS by a slight Brom Ter reice's err og store, at the earner of Fourth and Market streets. The loss wan tri fling, the fire having been extinguished Indefierident of the steamers. ...I.ll.—A.corimehtee 'appointed by the rlttebergh Petroleum AmeeLstle h nbe e, eisti Iferrieberg, etoUeeeL meower left for that city yeuertmy. EMS WM Palvate R.ldento and. a rounds at ATINSIOR. On Saturday, February`" Bt.li, at 3 o'clock r. w., on the :premises, Messrs. cliblthem,lferibeek*MoClelland, auCe, tloneere, will sell by auction thee, talu-. able and handsome residence of Jame Y. Tanner, Eta., situated on the corner of Cliff, Gore and Bedford streets. The ' lot ems a trout ou CYli street of 75 feet: extending back along Giun street 260 feet to Bedford, avenue (a 60 foot Wrest which'wlll be extended - to ilesilLibertyo modernprovemen unwise of an elegant style thriestory brick mansion (Imitation of stoner) contalaitfle *lateen mmmodionsrmans\bullt,eatirely sop. neeandladepindesof each other, have ing elf the modern hitprovemente dentto s And Mese building; TbOrmulds ire neatly - catch:wed. by .14601, wail; and are with enumerate' trim - and shrubbery. Slabl tindVbullitlnge oomplets, , Thls la:indeeita ire oppor• may for pee'les de siring ',purchase first clesepropsrtyl or capitelfats' for In restemut Si. ntMlkta'-edvertlseuient. • a. grams Coneevs. , nevi was a grind Cooper( given Fry Profssier She : Tatra Cholas finioveu ing'e strice;'an4l as there Iris aphuald sleighing, "a goy , party of Freeport or z ouraioulats 'availed Iherateliet of -, the` • epporfunity of hearing d" grand!Natal I Corrcert , ss:wellzaa - enjotlius the sleigh Mg, On arriving. at limmureyille, place of the eatertainomnk govas found that mate procure ecarce, but an effort was made to prwarti plum ftir'the ladies while the opposite.= contented them eel vex with (, rely room enough to stapii. jiieusver, the gentlemen who Mattpled; seats mere ungellantenengh to allies the, laillos to !ilea [ ter se= Lute time before: =king room for them, but after:mane, per:mission they temseated to - 'move. t Several gentlemenl77" made •themselvea rhilaulotteLhy elevating : their feet to a: position on the pews, numb to' the an-4 noyaace of,the in front. Savona copies of "Hints on BUguettey have Men PrcoaZe4 foi thelr especial benefit. I Acquitted.—Williatti J. Oveikchnirged with thatnurder of thtionsl-•lllidte, was tried at the Court of Oyer and Terminer. , in Philadelenia, and 'acquitted.' Thel Jury (sane Into Court Friday evening •st six o'clock, and rendered airerclicti-et not gutty. "Stokes, who was charged with the itaine'orftiei was tried and nequltt Thursday: '• • . • • t suns of lawny was 'tucked 'up the Quarter Bo lions Court route larrdayil Tho away% can hare It on appll4 canoe to T. 0. Browri, - En the Clerk. CITY ITEMS Mine the Lamp Bolds Orate Baran limns is n chance -for restoration of health. It -ttnireibre, the eonstittitihn • has been weakenodhy dlrssie or' excise —the nerves, altattered—the, stomach weakened—the appotileigonn. and all the world appears gloomy—pour borne freed oil into your hump, in the ahape et Plan% tenon Bitten, which will:asks tkellami of life ligain burst brightly; and llltunint ato a once wretched .eidsterute.% For dies it Is an elegant and gentle .sti.mtv hint, exactly such as they require. many candling will not be without . •It has an Immense sale-throughout the world. iqjlemoits dellittral tol lot article—superlor to Oologno, and of half tho olio% . • u actrariF Mil Best and' newest - Itenitaii L .the World for all diseaxes with which child ren ate afilicted 'during the process of tivihini, is 'Atm, Winslow's tilcasthint sfrup: It not enly relieves the. child from pain, but ..invinaratee th• atom" and bowels, cares wind colic,. and ay nirlog quiet sleep to the child, ease romp torbe mother. Perfectly Oafs is &Seams. 35 mean A bottle. 'So sure and eall:for "Mrs. Maslow 's Swilling Syrup," /Tarn* the.fae-shoils of-iVartlealt. Par ....a-v..llth entente wrapper. Janos/era are base imitations.. . , Grand Maermerateaud Few:Tea:nivel at the Rink, Thmadayerealug,February Rh. Costume tickets must be procured at the Ptink'heihre the td;ht of the tnas- Gel:11101:116i cinhava the very beet quality of chat= read, booby or. short inantifictured to ortler.at the ahorteet notice, and at moat re...sealable prices, by leaving thati orders at 'the, popubn• cue. tom Ntor• ot - Stawart• Dalzel :No. 07 Center Avcrino..We know whereof we .poak commendlngthla gentleman' to the , •atronage et our readers. •• •• Getwi, Coeds. at Geld tikes.:LHaving inarkOd down my goods to geld prises:l will sell my emir. stook of boats and shoes ofaltkinds for gents,ladiesi, minute. arid boye atprices lower than they halls bee and ines the:war.' I warrant-all my n seeds, having been ealeated, with great care, and from Lind depend M clase bousen. Parties purchasing can t get ting ii good article. Call and examine before pumhsaing elsowhens. Zfo troithle to elbow goods! Jamas ROMs, : Market-street.: Boots, shoes atict ',ltem for gents, Wise, girls and boys, in largo variety, =atom made, at very reasonable prices, may be procured at the popular and -faahlnable one-priced store of Stewart Detail, No. a Centre Avenue: The - low rest and light expenses of this uretown establish meat enables the proprietor to eell at very silvan tatiocurpites foe hispatrons. Grand Eitilbltkin rum' Skatitf at Ws Rink this evening for the bees t of the Ladles' Poor Relief tikniety. 'Tick ets can be prOcurod at the book and. dry' goods store of the ladies rd' the eoclilliWi GPXCIIM—The best of Teas; Coffee, Gager, "and everything in She grson'Y Ana of a superior quaUty, canoe bought at Mcßride t Georges, popular grocery storo, 1.10. IM Federal street, AlleititenY, Cheaper than any house in the city. Call and got a price 14st. „ , Allegheny Grocery IltsK•—Mesent. Mcßride and • Georg*,No. 164 Federal treet,Allegheny, offer to whelped@ and retell grocery a soden special induce. ments. Their stack 'alarm well selected and ,se 'mesa can be bought. Families should call at this house, try their grocer ies and be conetsced sal.* their supe riority. Remember 164-Fedend street, Al legheny. ' • s Ladle. op town orhcf are desirous of purchksing neat fitting and eubstantlal gaiters, oboes or slippers, nude from the best mederial and by thenwit "spatial. red workroom, unadvised to call in sad see [ the magailleent atook at . Sewart Dairen's, No, 67 Centre arenue. The prices are N - ory reasonable. " . The pureet and sweetest Cod Liver Oil In the world, mannikrtured from rival", healthy them, dpon the ssa shore; itis Perfectly pure sad sweet. Patients who have once taken it mu take no other, Ask for "Hazard and Caswell's Cod' Liver Oil," manufactured by Coswel ,1 [Lazard rk . Co., New York. Sold by all drugesta. *l,OOO in reit" 10 be given away at tie Rink this week. Ladies and gentle , men wishing to compete will please re-' cord their names with the maws on or before Tuesday noon. sitter aniFilloar-Plated Wane invent variety and aeleation, at Very noaonable prima; at R•1110M1 , 11, Meyran tt. Seldlo'N faellionable jeweb7 eatabllalimemt, Mo. 'M. Finn Innen. Great tonal= are of fered in all lines or goods, Groceries of all kinds, the. bat' and cheapest in the two .cities, at N0.,164 Feieral street, Allegheny. • • ?denims h-Onortag. le Wholesale Release[ Der Goods we are offering epochal inducernente—job lots from the Eastern A - notion kialee— Shawls, .Drew. Goods, Honehneptng Goods, ?Tens' Wear, Sheetleife, Shin. logs, ?Ante, IC.•"' •J„ W. Branum Csx, Rouses and lota ot auction Ws Week. No. 33 Stockton avonuo,sdabtlen rooms, on Wednesday; No. 07 Wobsteii avast, eight rooms, en Friday: " NO. 70 Sturgeon street, eight rooms, =aridity. .Som'A. Lowds'a auction advorttosseento. Flue Ametlmu ind Gannett 'wide :tee, for ladies and-gentleirtetl. at , rod 3 7 dined fetes, at Vam t. - t - 41144.11r'5, Fifth street. , • • Git to Mcßride st Georgety , l6 l Federal. street, _Allegbeor, arid boy yenr Ore. '6l JEUtiola th 1 1104 e Argo and acem plate/root% - Of Ladies' -Farr, Wall= Poncdog's, No. U Woad ogroot... tr Cbastibitiou 'Water is a certain 'burs for Diabetes and all diseesSl of 'Aim kid asps— For gal* by aU 'druggist: 4, Wiwi._ . , . dr.ai 24W:a lalevreiry men, Noma . N0.•28 Fifth itaits.bui in - Ladles' rm.. ingrains's, NO: /241Wocid ; _ ME THE WEEKLY ILITUBDir. • urn WETS MU 1711015 of tatempotingrowltas tatter, isoillake Loita' idtiOtals.tabeitisinlVierrilbi . D t W O : : 1411. rsha t tialissillig Mater DO Via,. sa4 ndbo most relit& Maeda! mi unnalal SLaaAcuporn lona H .. art Por Fa city. • itreser,' BlstassalcligUalaS elsyld be 'Mhos% 14 MKS ?Os 111.2 MINI= SAMITIM RINI* rabiklif 8T114.2 ---, := - 7=:: —Anfos. ow, et paper to tbe - pinmastitco. NAM clap Maniocs to elabi Oa Ds mad. • . asy Mae, at stab rstas Mar= To 111314cinifig. — is *radii 70at PaPark to sara sad spotty Idol abuse Inas, as salami Weitessilms,adttion lamb.- . Dalton bsdas boi osa tall a arra: airliftsty by Matt, XsTaisL, Ora,. or telleginarelLoaszs.=.7 flat •D 4a Adds., CIAILSCTTA.: • PITTSDITEBII. woo at h nw att• bt. sr. t .L - h.ti.uenq nas Woomczn.. I. vie am of ?soars( wilt mi. place from, Um tealtlemnef Tam • bar emi, Jame**, Viromf aroll.y if Ittlatsbui. tvaeoseall m o'clock r...• Trion& of tbe family' mare lepaetfety Invlind to *Mad. ; , O•nileto Val Ilps•lrllßlUStlt street, st,l o'clett puncUllar, • •• • • 1154' ellielf•-17n1F(0eatb. th e (dst lo.; ot t.lre ocloce e. LkIZA JANE. Tire e( Jobs Cos , . . wY~'taae plane en Triallln is rirpcola dalork. - frannalle feilalane, of leer niodanr, Jana maanto.. LloCola . .1•10., Anrabtay.to rlnineed to Ilt:UsIon Cenainae/: - (Walt awl' —Ws. ?mar. vita el seniard rarri, Igen, Mamie/11dg Rh' Tesgenhy attar , anon. at tar rea dente on loan Maim street. In the ward. She Pad Intalead tn. alrnelo, age of •Latrnaren yearn. Sand.,niusrltalln, re nalore sad good, .f. am /et tbronan life war- • rounded tay bathe friend. Ind *equaloianiaa. . 4.4 tnuiair *hew Inui coat willt the/meand sward ont.to Mow Irks follow, laths pain of ups wbo4Wdto taatas. Due notice nl,bar N. e-r.) . _ UNIABIiTA-.1:6-118 ALEX. AI B EX, MD EH:TABS:IP , 16t fenztAi Otreilt. Fit Went. Orkixe.'es. en ksida Ogle= d ern , plexiiptlon a( r!usts). Pangst= Poen, furetehen. B.Oosts open der sea night: - /Seems see CentiSea Ittu)lied.' - / Brigninn.C2ll:-.111". PneSn ge.•• D. M. W. , Jecetles, D.P.. _lletnnee .gwing, COATI/Mg a PlEEnt£ o : trader. Virtip ASD Li:VEBYiLZ , 2I. owns+ 'Of Mandoski dr•et Munn nada.. £11•i of Olta, when India COFFIN ROOM' , air am staitiy`supplied vita . - rat dud Imitation Harr riga, ataboaday and Walnut comas, is pilaw ...Tara fir.W4.o. .I.adiaa peadaranfda Ia !errant., Ilaaaie• rid tuataras faralaled: kinds' of Modralza Clanda..ll . rearted. Mug lain boom diy and alibi- • • : 1401rEliT 110DNEr. Under' EurnALK., NO. a 01 . Allegheny. And 279. go. Dlarnond ildlanoN :07 . Sohn 'Mann A lirool,)24ep• alwos oa laatd the btstMOO, newt odd. Watontt .4 13;41. roirood Coact 'Walnut WE. [mat $9l 4p. ward.. Hammond comiwo upward:l. other ll.tea• Itinals.2l at tow raw: erne. 01oos. Plata and Eng - raring furilahrl grills. CAW* age.l!..dAT and night. zsuritEctu VD WARD , ON. Dawrianca.24! Olderfittest, Allfeteisl. NOWA Flownrood load other an. Ins, "lib atennlnsientona Osods,in landing hrilsbed at anOrteid icy at lonian prices. Bei of Unary Iltiblsoi, inn- at air of Mot sod Vane Cnitenetl. Elannnan., Bangles. 15441. for Ur:. PC/11 BENT. r • F 0 It E RV—OFFICES ARO • Banat. Um Mt., r . eaudl7W KeTßlalke Savtegettas, isZLIZIABAT ETWICr. corner of Garrison alley. Immeillat• Insmatam eve. For utract;'/ c., sptAisi TEL HAIM To FourikOnd half . _ . OT TRIED IFTOIIISII of Oa awe boTaTir. N 0.121 Mary Altreat. „inquire. of T. /I To LET—:. lane a n dsamtan. • w.A.Eicrtnw.. w.,:r stmt. Slaw gasket. Rain II•4141114 nosessists ANSI Ist. Ita•sStstr.of GIGO. .A.S WW I% cm- FOR SALE., Rl3ll CALICICE Sou MILLi carrriustt.—W:batuva impala . Dante 7IIKIIISHLDO GOODS MIN, Ss, t 1 flatitkaold amt. la anted for We at it treat t,rgala. Zest of raatiraf for selUlt•'lS• ply at lb. Stan at race. , FOR ILLLE—A wry derinflole three-4W" nainK. - noUsx. Rise, an peened brick front. Isar*. plutlax: pad rater throustwat; barn contain. _•ey..104 and ealabed snit N.. 14. PM ringri . • Wills. 5iut....4, I.oalre at the boast. - ROM El• SALE,-FLORIDA .LAINDEL 1. .4 0.611 . IL.* A.-. . th an. tract;thout Undies th ose e efts ef:Ags- Isableols. The land Is Iniptored and anger Oat. tirthlun onsurpethed for richness ist sell , reed prodnetthentse of leathern eagles: such Y tonne thite4 cotton. rt.. ewetit petals. ud or site* tress, with superior "ruin ter thttle - oad. raising heir. on the pine ranges.' The beater feilsw pine Slather la sisnadthea. with I sal nth oaths pow, for 'saw till. :rittg depth of water enongh for steamboats te flu tether date the ricer. +Mare it nth to Jostled tate large vowels Rd shipped North. Theis en ten good truth lothrd en the Ppluithes. :inters abroad with deb, deem , dnekisnd the wood. with' all Illisds ofthsathe-ileer. deer. turteP. Wth • The et unity Is thlirliy tree from these amuses engendered by mithatello Influences to provident In the Stolle. We 1111 sell this laud et this low price of 43.21 per sere. AU°, strut. of I.COD seres, wholly nab:three- ed„ eroverad with the Anal /yellow phis timber, with every retrilty for myths Usher...ridable streams to run the hunberilat• the firth. „This' trait Iles near the ant .nismed. Yriee SO ditto . A 1... 301.01:11 sans fortis. et Paths fthll Fa further liforthsthth send or call for Our , Southern Lund Clreulth. 411.1. di ISBUTTICLUT. .Itesl Totals sod Jissoinnee Agents. 'Waugh. Cravenly Lsorettheville.) FOR IIAiILE.--Ilouse and lirtoll3 corner of Itsalisttax 'sad A.lllOlll Ani..`"P sear rummer Itallwwf. - Lot ` 44 by 117 BeetT 1111168. cootsbdag 7 roams rod/bilk... well Improved,. Howse and let ea Blietlatd. ease Bt dwell street. Allegfees7 CItY. Let - 17 14 &mitt foam frees. iodides MI. Ise moss sea geed ogler: water and gas. Also. *event sos 4 tteases and Lots to gad location, Inguirs at J killlli i CM. Berra strait. weer Fo BALE-410BEIEB0-AT ,HOWARD'II B& W% 0.4 an.RAIRLY ROW (Ray); Wee DArnat GREY NORM Cog LAROR DWIGHT HOBBIT Wee ILA= MAXIM twe'GRIIT MARES. MST ITT,RIXt. war'the Moms. Nirlierse• bouta sad .014 eat ecansied... pea SALE—One CAUDIIIeg, - rahabli far one or Om Urea; ear TWO. 110811 i WAGON, mg s Outdo set of IiAR WM, north au, lard. al Pl2illl3t- SOAPS ! SOAPS I_ , 1 - 4 13111611 VLBINA GLY0011111110.11 . ,.. (co.ta. st, per cent. Glycerine:3 BQpatit IBIIE aticrestas (c.,.t.m...,i0pu cent. tityecrtze) ~ • BRINCHIILL'd SETH soia, I ' Cllud la IPpland Par 0r.1.60 yen.) - 813.111LNE EROWI And c!cay etas superior llocpc. both tropartwa caddoserstta, for raq• at lovas, =cm IT SIMON JoßNffror - - sr Agin! for PAPUIS and lIQUIr.Z.II CERIP POPP'S. • - Merl TUE 11. 8:_ WATOH. raovire,Arzartcrr 1117C171.158; for .41 , 11 , 1 tn. A1144.t.. i - 117NSEATEL & HABILIATT. SPECTACLES, , . • • or Ax.t..xxximi.aa livissairmt a amiurrra.- M==2 ..,1111JCEBIE3T111 TO Tnoar. wAsnee.etatunict. GUI L 1 We ill, Milliec stock et MMMMI 'AAA ovsacoamps. wkdobipl b. node bo order to thlk Lentil. sal? iii 6 rim C A NT. LIAM THAN 07yrilp . TULA szAsoa , cwil sad remoter, .61...tA , • '4 :11.81111TH,Merciaut s. w Wilda WC. 11101/fir ,af tram 0. HALE, Merchant Taikik, Coe. Penn 34xd:9t. CliLlr;lm;.,lfits ptrtsiutii!PAl MI IRE lin 1]