The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 01, 1868, Image 8

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C4ir I r littcburgli &ayttE
, ;CITY arras §IOI3I7IIBAN.
THE NV Sitllft.ll & CofiELLf
' 1111. E. It H,Qosa cuSIPINV
Of.*awe .1 *se popewese rem. ow the
•:.- - fteetheinsee et snorters* Mama.
- 'lt line already-I - leen ramonticed in the
Gagne:We that. tbe Shpreme Court of our
'State; Oft Tuesday. decided the gnostic=
_ .
concerning the charter of the. Pittsburgh
"..t - Connellsville Ralliesd • Company.
Below we give the, fall text of the epos
• I nd of the Court, delivered by Sham
' .F.rtrt. It claimed, ort_behalf of the
Cemmolt alifti. teas therdefendants have
• lerfaithl 11 Ir denier under the laws of
- Peranylia fa, by procuring a ' charter
, from the t mmonwealth of Maryland.
If his been ntended VIM. such en act ix
inoonenten w ith the allegiance 'Which •
corporation owes to the sovereign who
created in,lim b It Is erenen lean lame: a.
rotas.-as esnf treason. No authority
, has been bat forthts.'position: A - enr-
- poralon tannot transfer Its .leg once by
erupting a charterfrom another State.
. It. dries net-thereby throw o Its orb
,ginal eitarler, nor ear, it take, Iter tin- 1
: der the wing oT Ittesseve Helen r am the 1
, comity:peace,. • of - any violet! ett its ,
duties under its old one. The let can in
no - wily enrol the Comtnms 7 th. The
Courts will maintain and en ores all her
rlehtaPtiedoet : her.; own t rpeuterlons;
'without resend to any idle* pities th ey
-may, Claim ,to posses hey° ber tent
: tortes and Within. th e- jur helm .of'
. - :mother §tafe. We nee of the' , °Melon,
• ". that this cause of forfeiture is net ens ,
--Nceorid. Another grou n d nn which, the
• Commonwealth demands Judgment Is
that the defendants, under cover of their
:Maryland charier, have instituted - pro
: cert.:Doge in tne Circuit Court'or the Uni
ted - Since fur .the Western • District
- ... against entitle/ corporation created by!
tState'and other persons praying that ,
taut net of the Legislature maybe declared
..: nolleted void. The premises tor the purl
• poses of this - ease may be. =rely admit
led that a cerperationeirtiletrinuiertakee
-toytrair its' sovereiga -ad foreae* esm ez
. aptin before the bor of the' tribunals of
another sovereign violates - Its -fietramsd
paramount duty, acid thereby subjects
itself to the ..extremeet - consequences.
..But the nett step in the am-anima -fads.
The Canute Mort of the'Unlted States
' la reit the mint of Another .sovemign.
. . The Federal Constiention is the Conan.
:Balms of the 04sit4, bevels been ratified
and adopted by the sovereign set of the
people in convention December 12, 178 7 . ,
- Government orate United•Statea,“
wall Chief :Swaim McKean, "forma a,
- - part or the government of each -Shite." ,
It follows that it - - courts are the' coons
or each State; they administer justice
..- .-according to thalami of the State as cow
• •
:trued end settled by its own - Snehente
• . •
This hex been more than once solemn.
ly determined by the Supreme Court of
the. Unimak, bathe *sleet their ykili:Wdori
“whenever the cOtliTruction elf th - eConsti•
tuelon of Rib "United States, treaties, or
. - r ceps of Cormresa do not mime in twee
. thin. In this last clavier wises' ths Su
preme Court of the United States is tbe
' . • tribute lof the lest more. in whiehjusigs
merits and dwines oi the higher coarse
of the ... r espective States upon such
titlititiOLlS are to be reeled-ed. Incised.
upon being sued in au Inferior court nt
the United States upon a question Involve
the the constitutionality of an act ig
desenstily,the grantees of the State have
an-adianbige Witch in _a. State court
they do peg peweess.^ In the Supretri.
-•-- Court of the S are if the divinities pro
' • hemmed IlltiMalnEt theedristientiaindityoi
"the .
- .nee of Assembly relied en, their
judgment is line! and conelusive. For
by the lath teetimi of . UM-Judiciary - Am
of goner**, passed September 24, 1769,
. it is only -when is. dream In, question
'the validityor a statute oror an authority
'f'exerelsod under an:, Stale, on the grand
--of their helve repugnant to - the Conan
- tutieth treaties, or _Jews of the United
'.. - Stmts, and •the decision la in favor et
such their coneilthtiontilliy,” that a flied
- judgment sir decree In our suit in the
highest court of law or equity in a State
Oa filf c. r r ed Lir review to the Supreme
. ekillityit the Unit. Sham. ' •
,: Tined'. "A: third ❑ easeiif forfeiture avow
:--itd. - littuitgie tletenthuas intend to con
meet this road with a railroad in Mary
land, and are engated in coustructing to.
• . exteusion with ibe -puns.e of connect
- 4hg the same, with the mange - I.of De
' : Ballittionsand 'Ohio Railroad CoMpitity.
Wo might mesa this phint with the re
- mark that no mere intention or purpose.
• ..' in a corporation to Molds its !duty car
eine:Mute a muse of forfeiture: Its Mil
. eon and manager. have, like redivide
ale, tom, penitcuteee. They may avail
- themselves of it. The dealers -clearly
- evinced to do an unlawful act: may jos
alfyile. inwrpomt., of a ma r t or Niu e : ,
" •-by a procesgof injunction. but It would
be laejustbelorethe set was conentrimet
tel to visit the corporate body itself with
the extreme penalty 'of civitodeutlx and
s contleattion. We prnjoyese, however, tv
..' rest our dect-inn in this muse !upon reit
. 110 MI which will .ntakeitlinaL : Upon the
O . proper conatructmo or .tlie various act.
or Assembly, autherning these defend•
ants to extend their road south acrd met
from Connellsvllle s we are of theopinion
that they ere licensel by the Lie:lavatory
, to form a connection with Ike railroad o:
the Baltimore and Ohio Company. '
-. Fourth. The fourth and" last pealtior.
' :odds hem to be ehoeuntered is that by the
act of Assembly passed dotal* 19, 1664,
. - all the right., powers_ franchisee,. and
'privileges conferred umn the defendant..
fur and in respect to all thaeportien of
the. Hues of railway sonalwardly end
' '-eardwardly from Corrnelirville were re
end to.
•By the .:oth section of the original net
of inderporetiort of April 3, mg, it an
propided that "if cheatid companyshall
at any time misuse or shine any of the
'-- - 'privileges herein granted the
~, may - resume all and elognier the rights
- and pievateges „ nereby granted pa the said
- corporation. The questions - which tat
- . ura uyAr SO upon the construction of this
proviskin are two—l. la the Leglelature
. constituted the; sole and exclusive : judge
' - of the Lent of Misuse orebuii upon which
• their power. to rePoke is conditioned?
And 2. If hot, what effect ought to he
• - -
givep to their ace?. As tothe lint gum ,
Alou upon the ordinary rules applied to
tee interpretation of language, no an
... cults , could arise. If this were a mensal
- - between' eftp and man it could not be
pretended that when one party reserves
the power to remind Ina certain event,
- -
ie Is • thereby constituted the judge
whether the event him occurred. . It is a
condition precedent to the exercise et
: the power, and the party exercising it
-'' must preys of the execution
- . of the Tact. The power, of the Lepel.
. - hare- in grants and coot: eta is not like
- . - the power of the English 'Defilement
- It Is limited and restrained by the pro
- - • sdisTens of the Federal and - Stets Conti
Winos. so that it cannot impairbon tree*
- either MllllO iv itself or others. It eon
responds niece properly to the English
erown—ae to whi la it is certainly the
• eatanlished law of that country that the'
Ringeannot derogate from his own grant,
and when an express power is nwerved
Ina certain event or upon-certain condi
—firms, It • meet he 'proved affirmatively
.that the eventtute veceirred,sor the con
, _didon been fulfilled. , - -
-- - _"'Ml.What effect [1144 are we to give to
the act of Aug. 19, - 1564? The pleat:dogs
lisenbus pnoqueeiloitopeu for missal
- :ratios eamely, Whether upon the true"
tionetruetion orthe aet of April -11. 18:.G,
- - called inf . the argument that condonice
ea, all misuse or abuse of he corporate
privileges be the .ciemermy Wore that
. - - dare -was pardoned and released. We
".havens. difficulty in saying: that ripen
theee-,,pleadmire It la 'admitted that no
' misuse or abuse bad taken place, which
Would give any eensatotkarel -right to
the Legislature under the twentieth sed
. Son of the °lnitial aeL of incorporation,
- " - '4l resume the rights and - privileges
',''granted to the derendents, mid that the
. . *Mgt of emiuent domain in Ibis Instant.
: . hibi not been mew Ito ti. *ldly exercised.
-•-• - ` .. -We have given to all the points pre
; tented by the Comesonsthath the mast
„. , careol consideration. arid on the whnie
are of opinion Abet they. have not been
i•••visined. Judgment ,or the defend-
- -41tvesse.ww - imams, .atsbnelterat
owls —tueestt•a of the aware of at
tlellr Hoard of Directors of the Al
lektentwec; oat)•Agricaltural Sic
ray met
... at J. It. teed rt Co.'s Porc,:Fita:street,
yeeterday at 10 velock A. 8., and organ
. teed al ;tuning John • lattop, - Jr., to the
chair-and Ispeoinitne W fli am-Audaraou
WkWI., :Hen:hers precept: .3feccre.
• W; ifthrt Sitirdcitt, - Jr., - Toindr, Jet
ititurra-„bilitFne, .lisatbews, Morton and
-ettiattitea of the preceerhog meet
le7id,.ed approved
o,* - •'frare .the comullttee to
raterred. the dal nis the,
--'llll= tit Use of the old Fair G rou ode,
tbef.the bill, bad. been.pleced in
.4W/etMeade of Hon. George Wilson, and
. ..- atritild'rettelvethe neanwern attention.
.."-esetra-Jitardoch and Kat, stated that.
• - ISietfired Cortierittil with several mem
- - •c•lleere of the - Legbdature ow the subject,
arthere were between Wawa .surd.
',twenty Heim" of the tame ercipend
it anweiturbtful whether paw,
Lib:tzar least wperiJogof the ' - ould
Jame:lP:trio, Chairman - 4- tire irOM
on a pew charter, reported that no
- detinito,:acjaaa had been Skim in the
mailer aliccelhelaet Meeting. -
...,-.llltrAttortowintrodoord the .subjetet of
lertrews. and presented' Nome
irmittlaskit . l - act* relative to the`mitter.
subjecf- I* creattog.~ considerable le
- - - .tereefin Hue minds of dairymen and Cat- -
tlirdcalere, sod fn ecete-dance with s- troo
gnat crate 3.iew York, State, Agrjeulto
f';-'estd.Satmety,)accruntitteo was. appointed
..:"tarrlinisetugsta the matter, to which
-ImiWo Hr,,'").forthu was added, ardent.
qabled to tirisoi hal Vitas on the rub-,
- . r W U t. to -the Society in the
,form -of 'a re
' . - Pri.ltuation. the tnee4no adjourned
the 27th. of Fehnlarr% ' ' -
*UIt....DU! new, well shtick a
• )..-:•';law...dAya tondo cm Lean& Vt -et the
Wee4 l Form, Crawford oeuntyi, is" new
frl i t=lrom One hatuired and Airy to
'- - -- ,- .E!'hafthttereet owne barmLd
, :- .. ;:;,3 4 7. 0 iti and
The 1111ollagg Affray In Allego.ey—
Tbe ftwprtrators field foe ?sal.
:Joseph Fisher, Joh,i Clark mind Dan I
Gordon, three of the negr,a engsged in
the dlegraceful shooting abray at Mi
nh.' Gith.lll saloon.
• corner of
ond and West streets, Allegheny,M - Uzi
day evening, an accoruat of which we
published yesterday, had. a hearing be
fore Mayor Drum, at three o'clock yes•
terday, when the following foe i were
developed: About four nee - to& Monday
evening John and Alfred Gabby, in corn
piny with'another yOung Man, were
seated at a table ; In Glerts, beer hall;
'drinking beer. While thus engaged, four
negreitis„' John Clark, ban. Gordon, Jas.
Fisher and Henry Johnson, all consider
ably trirdisithe Influence :of liquor, en
tined the _ saloon. They 'approached the
Gabby* and invited them to drink : with
them; Mit the request was prompt* de
caned. Gordon then asked Alfred. Gab
by, who was formerly on the police
force, jam did not remember about ar
molted that he did; upon whieki Gordon
remarked' hat ho thought it Was 'a good
time to get even. At thia moment three
of the negroes. Clark, Gordon and Fish
er, drew rofolvera, while Johnson pro
duced a razor. Before they had time to
use them, however, the white men had
armed themseiree with ouch weapons as
were In reach, and one of the be 21131,..
who Walt in thaMet *Taring, woe felled to
thelloor.. After some skirmishing they
were s 'ejected * -from *the' saloon.
On 'reaching - the sidewalk Fisher fired
another shot, afterwbich he and-his 0319-
ptinlowt retreated to the opposite - aide of
the street. John Gabby, armed' with a
heavyltarof -sreod, started hs pursuit of
them, het bitters. be had receded the
Street two more shots were tired, one of
which • street him in the side, the ball
lodging near the opine. Notwittiatand
log the wound, be continued across the
street, and seeing Fisher about to fire
'again, dealt him a blow with the wooden
bar, which felled him to the ground.
li:beret:thou the other negroa rushed
upon Gabby, and Johnson, who was
armed with a razor, cut him several
toxin on the face and head; Alfred
Gabby, seeing the danger bother was
'173., rushed to his nazism - nee, Mit before he
eonld reach film, received a • shat m the
fleiby 'part of his right arm. The to-
formation ppon which the hearing was
had eras made ' , by Alfred Gabby, charg
ing the potties—Fisher, Clerk, Gordon
and Johnion—with felonious assault and
lrattety. - Fuller was held in: the sum 01
st,poo o:4p:irk:Mß tiordonift gsooeacli
for their appearance`at'Cottri. -- ?Anson
has not yet - been arrested. The defend
anti Were rerhanded to the' iock-up but
wid probably be committed to jail to
"thig-144Zihartify pdatible for - them to
John'Clibiret, Who was wounded in the
side, lionfined to 'his room, tint it is
thought WIG be able tet*.bie oat In a few
days, when titi' will - Trete a similar In
formation against the WWI parties.
Michael Gier, proprietor of the saloon
where the affray ocourted, made infor
mant:in against the higroes, - charging
`tlteref with riot, ujimi which charge they
were each held In the sum of 11.300 dollars
for theta appeerence at Court. ,
aleide-4;oveserit Inquest,
Conrad Satz, alierman reading in Du
quesne bbrongis,ennthaitted airticide yes
terday, morning by shooting himself
with a reveller. 'The deceased - was
'Mar of intemperate labile incLfor sev
eral days had. been. drinking to excess.
Monday ev ening he 'called at . several
, .
41 . 1 . 4.1411 where he had bentructed small
debts, and
. paid 'them. About twelve
o'clock bey bid his companions good
night' and started for home, alter which
Lothing more was ileum of him mai
about tour o'Cruck in the morning, when
'acne member of-the family wets sent t^
his room to awaken him; when be we
discovered dead in his bed. The other
Members 'of the family werehalled, ant t
fin entering the room found the deceased
lying on his back, while his hands firmly
-clutched a revolier, the muzzle of wilidh
was *Shin a rew inches of his' forehead.
wound was roundalmost in the: centre
of Hifi - forehead, ' Coroner Clawson
loaded, and held im Inqueston the body
yesterday. A brother of .the deceased
testified that he oocopied a room nest
that of deceased. Sometime during the
alight he heard the report of a pistol, but
as all was be soon fell
asleep. Other wimessee, who had seen
Mb deceased during- the previous even.
ang; were also examined, am', from theif
testimony it appeared that he reached
homgabertlyafter twelve o'clock. link.-
f the-witnesses had ever seen the de
ceased with a - ievolyer, and as it was nee
d is probable that he had purchased It
-that eveningarith a view of committing
s.The revolver was one of Colt's
slx-shooters. Two of the chambers were
empty. The wound was probed by o
physician and the course or the Lab
trw-ed into yhe bruin. From the appear
auto of the bed,..and the position of the
kway, death moat bare ensued inetantly.
The Jury impannelled by the Coroner re
turned a verdict in accordance with the
recta above given.
The deceased arse i single man above
thirty-*ins years of rage, sod resided with
his father's family in Duquesne borough
oearthe Allegheny river.
rarenwes , logular Death of
1, a (Mid. .
Tuesday morning last EtAbiJ.l7ncke;
a little girl residing with her parent, in
3ottla .. Plttaburgh, - aled very suddenly
and or der eiretunstauceserhich rendered
. .
an inve stigation by the Coroner la ecesas
'ry..; ;I:emu& Clawson be notified of
the fact hapax:celled a Jury and after .
taking the testimony of Nancy I.lTneks.
the metier of the child, which we ap
pend, adjourned tiotH five o'clock last
evening, when a Verdict was rendered.
Tim followizyg Et testimony of the
dottier:: r
Mrs. 2airscy J. acts, aworu—Am
mother of the d child. At six
o'clock Monday tfaabild wee u well as
Sae over was. ' At supper she was asked
'meat; she said el:mares not hungry. In
half an hear, afterwards Inked bee ii
she was elckLaim sahlshe felt like veM -
fling; 'abeam lying—at that time on the
door: in ten minutes thereafter she com
menced vomiting; she complained of her
bead and back hurting her. Between
the hours of seven o'clock in the even
in rand two in tha mornis g, she vomited
rout or five Jima. 1,,1 did .not Think it
worth while to wad for a doe,
for Until - this , marning. When I
went into her room at seven
o'clock this morning she caught hold
of mydmits, and said something which I
could not tuiderstand. At nine o'clock I
sent for Dr. Roberts. I found her at that
hour as I had laid her down, with the
exception of her left arm, winch was out
lido of the bed, and her right, arm over
her had. She looked as though she was
asleep, with the exception of .her eye:,
which were open. Thera were= marks
on her: With the exception of **Mesmer
Purple marks,, which ware on bar fore :
hew and on her left breast. Yesterday
aherneon sheaald that a little girl' hod
pushed her . , when': a fell and hurt. her
teak:- SholtadlaoTtesen;abinsist in the
house, and I do not think ohs was hurt
outside of the house.
.... .
J. et lb e request of the
Coroner, made a port riserton examina
tion and yesterday evening testified that
.tire Child had died ad congestion of the
brain. produced ley a fall orinpary the
bead:, 'The Jury earatensd'ii verdict in
accordance with his statement.
. ..
ries L yme...ampulla.
We have -on our Bankitof RacOrd the
name, age, residence. data, disease and
presiriptioniat every ease treated by - tio
during the int twenty.yeant. In these
books we iv:retained the names. of over
fifty- thousand persona, and- mare than
two hundred thousand prescription. In
this rant number of tastes, every Led
and suriety of &scans. have fallen under
I our observation, and overyform of trial
, roent basbeen fully' tested. ,
1 In CONSChrrIQ. and ‘Luna dle-
eases," we have hid - ample oppOrtunity
1 to test not oply every kind of treatment,
kinder medicine._.
-,. We know that there are many cams of
idlitiatethationearly resombleconsomp.
don, but which is not; that without a
Igrysciarelat diagnesLii, merlons mistakes
might, be _made, which would lead to'
very tooludleial reeulis In the treat
ment.- It is the dnty of every physician
to ascertain as nearly as possible the Pr.-
cite mark ef.everve malady before ore
:scribing. "No more certain alga' is of
-Reed' in - diaessa than Is foiind is the
urinary-evert-Um - 0 says. fill/tom And
in th ladiseam, - we are especially; favored
withhadluitionalniihe Crime which Mtn
hies as to determine not only the -.hos
relative toil* trodnafore thereof. hut to
measure viler-ably borrecAly the extent of
T. -.. We tors thins - detected 'and detezaht
ed the.ertent,bf,,hundreds of cases of
Couramption,rnany aI which being la
ciplent only, lutie - been cured by 1111 in
- a., v.ery - abort-. time..- Andy: lit Wit we
Wiluld norlinkibut - trutneknelitbr prima
hid... mire, •ht • the "bat :stage er this
dreadful - malady, we would, Just say,
thatire have cured many cases that sc•
nearly resembled Consumption, that it
wan I napOribt 0 to determine the fact • by
any other means than by exstribidion of
the urinary secreting. - 4.1 r'' ,- r ~
Ainong„these we Might me n tion, , Liver
CryMphirtiViDyipirliala; :Heart- Disease,
gemaitt.WlelrottA,Ari. ; ~
~.vrbibut , ri ',Oilmen - lands resem
ble OnsunstaTulan 4 in , rnatiy particulars:
They , rosy entire on with; cough and en
pecuitallarl of hinifill'suid mucus; min in
ibe brew: , and eldee heats 5n4,011- lei fol
lowed b - weakness, night sweat:sok.
Them ' - ,airiatakint IlirConsump-.
:Una, auth shops:P:l'os lipiwaied that EU,
eigsh - ts s "liopelessmis, • -*tett perhaps
it,• 7.1 4 OP , Carat" ail ibint"tentlts of
oar most Consiniii:i, diseatia. and when
prompt and - aflicaclotte remedy ad-
Ministered for thscpcat vlbgarut meld&
- dliimni lt in a veryilierktime. ~ -,.- -----
•- We. ht Cie' bilued',Witly hues of this
-kind, ove9 affertheyAsid been abandoned
soi,bnpalpstly,tossutipted 'hi . . URA: , rel- -
stivesAsslalLis 12474,hy '. Whilst
tines , Is life there is hope in smelt bases. ,
—Thurman in Pre.,iant of the Comm.m
bas Penflietnn Club. :
_ A _ frlmems , Norme. formerly of ay SeleEnual Lathe raunursti bassos.)
Mount Vernon, is dead. HAERIIMUIIa, Jan.f..;7,
—Gen. Keifer made a good Radical
. ...
speech at :Delaware on Monday evening. The SMIATE met in the evening. 1
—On Monday the hone ( Of Captain ! 31L7S Inane me.
Barber, in Anitland, was burned and •
damn by tire and water to the extent Mr. McCONA. EGER - , of Adams, &sup.
of neverel thousand dollars. I plement to the election laws, rugnixim:
—General D. W. H. Dar —a good man : clerks of election to keep a register of
every way—i4Ouartermastertieneral 'of I . oe ,, date. of certificates of naturall-
Ohio, and IL G. Coval,:of Ashtabula, la : =Aim, time and place of, court granting
Geyether*e Aid-du-Camp.
' the °°nl°'and officer certifying, iii . all
—Ex-Mayor Samuel Hendry and i
wife celebrated their golden wedding in I .Ue , of voting by naturalized - 'citizen&
Oberlin on the lath inst. A delightful I Also repealing the Gettysburg Aayium
evening was spent by all who were 10- incorporation, known...the:Gettysburg
Lottery Bill" of last session.
—Hon. James Eaton, of Delaware, 0, .
By Mr. TAYLOR, of Beaver, a bill
recently paid his fiftieth subseslption--.incorporating_ the Miners and Meehan
invariably in advance—to the Gazette of I ' that place. lie may be called a regular I les Co-operative Asseciedion of Morton
subscriber.' . gahola City.
. . . .
—The Hancock Courier say.: A add-. By Mr. BROWNE, of Lawrence, &l
ower in that town was married a fow , recting the. Stats Treasurer tovefund to
day. ago at a church, making a. "big i thellittannlng Bankg44l,pald in undue
aplurge" with a brass baud. After the , protest and overpaid. . . .
interesting ceremony, the band' struck' .,_ ~,,,,,,,,, of Aues . .y. for
bp that old and familiar air; "Sly wife'. 1 By ....r.. sar‘o•
dead nnd I'ro got another ...tie." Als. l two additional Ncuaries Public in Pate
propriate. a burgh.
' . .
—James Dm was shot in the abdomen, ; Also, extending the act of 1942 meta
mid fatally wounded in Dayton, on the ting the line of fences to Pittsburgh.
miming of the lath, in3a 'distort-Imo° I Also, • relative to makhig and trana.
which occurred aeon evening party, but scribing
arrest whch he hail taken no part. Several records, indexes, of the
were made. Des's funeral took Public °glees of Allegheny aging/.
place on Sunday. Pistols end clung texer_xernictat. nnrrrucr.
shots are the order of the day and night I The bill creitincr a now Yadkin' Die-
iu Dayton. • • ' tract county nt mat of Lycoming coun paned to
—The Ashtabula (0.) Sentinel says the • .
rtia tm muting.
now a that place wry almost hlackened
by millions of small insects on the 16Ih • HOUSE.
ml 17th of January. They -are called
snow final, though a microscopic exam!. The Ileuse Met In the eveittig.
nation shows them to be quit° different • ADDITIONAL CLERIC. '
trom fleas. They aro black, with two'. Mr. ARMSTRONG, of Lancaster, In
prominent feelers and long body , and ha , . a a , A. vr
sNape •reserribling the large . pinehtng ....Ammo a resolution ppoinong W.
bug, active -as grasshoppers.. Ethos Tniwictibing Clerk.
They appear to come up through the I Re alleged that the under/Tana= hid
snow, firom the ground, play on the our- I been -.aired into by the- Repttblican
(scoot it and returnlisto IL
Conferenee that he should have this nis.
—The Mount Vernon Banner says: A t
wicked men named Marion Bradfield, I P° lntment.
Mr. FORD, of Allegheny, dented that
residing In Clay township, Emig coon
tV, eloped on the 4th inst., with a naugh- I the Republicans had bargained with die
fy woman by the name of Elbert, wile oft seating Repot; icsNts to come over to
'thilrriSoll Elbert, or the .Ma I.ol.l:thip: D av i es. • '—
After indulging their unholy passions
The resolution Was deßsded, nearly all
for couple of weeks, the couple- re
turned to their respective reside:less the Republicans voting egainst it.
looking se mesa to It to psasible forwhlte ANTIRTiat CENZTX.ST —.4.C110:1 01..00V.
people to /001 C. We pr,:sume there will I , OEKRT
be another divorces nt in Court at 1.1 t
Mr. XRMSTROZIG then offered the
'oil, tenth
..,_ lollowthr
—The shoe peg factory at Footville.t . .
t Wiliest s, It appears from the sot of
belonging to the firm of Grant, Clough i incorporation by the Maryland. Leginia... '
ff. Powers, and em playing some:! hand.. t tare, and by resolutions of the Board of
was entirely destroyed by fire on the: Trustees of the Antietam Cemetery, that
night ofthe 1 - th last, involving a loss—' it is intended that rebel dead, who fell in '
the ineurance haying run out—of some i the late unholy 'truest° against the llte
jio,ooo. - Thu business of making pegs 1 orthe nation, are to be interred within
and clotbm- pins, is said to have been ; the same !enclosure and receive the same
carried on with considerable energy and I honors as -bedewed by loyal hearts and
success. and besides the pecuniary loss hands upon loyal dead; therefore,
to a worthy firm, the community teel the I.- .Resotred, That one- worthy Chief Meg
effect. of the casualty upon the general I istnue has, by the noble and patriotic
industry of the place.—dahtabski Tele- j stand he has taken in refusing to expend
g"Th• . ' the appreciation planed at hill +Derma
—About six o'clock on Weffuesday . by the lasi. Lesdelatton. Saco& the loyal
mor.dng, the 15th inst., the alarm of fire bb
thee °C Pennsylvania and all true
, lovers of liberty everywhere under-re
, was given at the centre, and the !steam - sewed obligation. ~,, gratitude. to him, -
i saw mlllowned by Edwin Davis,
was ! and given to the world another honors-
discovered to be, on firs, and In a short
bleevidenee of bla tearless loyalty and
time the entire building was enveloped unflinching Integrity to principle.
inflames. Origin of the fire unknown. Rego/LTA That we most heartily en-
The mill had been running for several
! hone the action of Gnv. Geary in with
weeks, and the night before, Mr. Davis , appropriation'
, holding said apppriation,_,
_and pledge,
left, .as he supposed , everything safe to him our bratty support, de" ; .
The l :
s is n severe oneD., there I,
being os
no Insurance . ` . Is connection with Passed by • strict party vote. -
the mill was a shingle machine, owned , aSlTltattlate ANTLUX AlSOC1ATIOI!.
by Benson, Mitchell d Searles, which is , Mr. DEISE, of Clinton, preseated a
also a total lass.—Ashlabtda Exchange. !
i bill re lag. the Gettysburg Laylum
—The Clinton /2cpsibfican gays: A I inter ruttoo.
week or two ago a seeming gentlemen
: Atte the reading of numerous bills In
stopped at Clarksville, and made lnquir.. place of interesting to WesteroPensm
ire about the farms udjoming the village. ; Imam a, the Douse adjourn.]: - , - .
Be circulated !ironed among the farmt ' -
era, avowedly in search sin farm fur s
botn&itelitl. Ho finally . succeeded in Llannisscao, Jan. 29, 1808.
andlilkjust sueh a one so ho dmired, and . SENATE.
was to pay the atiptilated prier in cash. I mistsrim-sewn.. -
The farmer bed his taro surveyed, rata •
cost of about twenty-five dollars, and ! pp Mr. TAYLOR., of Beas - er, taco
awaited his purchaser. But he : rating the Beaver Falls Gas Company.
came not. The next night a score was i 8 . ,. 31. r. EBBETT, of Allegheny, pro
broken open in Ogden, and 'some cloth. t eitheg that the legal ... O f ee . y. f o . th and other articles of miler value i
stolen. The thief was arrested and I may melt of one general partner Ilt Cs
brought to Wilmington, -where he wee{ E.It.LII cousin FINALLY. - -
lodged in jail. Two days after he woe I C - eating a new Judicial District ant of
released on a writ or hnticas corpus, ens - , - . -
sfinappea3 ed instanter. This was the de- i '-qmmuog.
liuquent."eash down" land speculator; Authorizing the People's Smingsßank
—Aritlyria, Ohio, paper, lays: A dim • of Pittsburgh to increase ita capital and
graceful fight occurred at the school'; declare dividends out of the eat earn
house in the Cunningham district, in ! leg& • . ,
this townshi , last Wednesday. It ap , , Allowing the Commissioners of Fay
pears that there are eeveral young men . ette county two dollars per day in addl
attending the schisol who mistime to do •
al they please; and one leacher h ,,.. a i. ! tion to pay allowed while absent from the
reauy been corn penal to leave this win- , county mat on business.
ter. The Directors employed another.' , Incorporating the Nediumock Rali-
Mr. 7,:i.rthrop, who '""Menc'd his road, Coal anti Oro Company of Law
milord on ]Sunday- of last week. On'
Wednesday one of the ruffians refused to I ranee county, intersecting with the Erie
comply with the request of the teacher : and Pittsburgh or New Castle and Beav
to take his place to the spelling clam, I or Railroad.
and when - the teacher attempted to en-; HOUSE. •
force his renew, three more, bullies - -- „,.... cost-re., _
planted thomeely es in his way, and """
general" fight ensued. During the melee, Thensw Committee on Ritgencliment
one of the Directors entered the home, and Reform was announced as fallotea:
and went to tbe teacher's amistance, ,
when they ponn cyst upon him, and . be- Mesans. Wilson, Thorn, String, Nichol
:bre the light was ended he was -badly son; Gallagher, Armstrong. Stokae, Lee
beaten in the face. Neither party finally , doe, Craig, Westbrook and Bard.
majueradwhich la the worst feature iu , BILLS Ow PEIVATZ CALYX/WI A.CTIM
the ems. The unruly ruffians were ti- IMO,.
Maly expelled from the school. : Relative is the Pittsburgh and Con
: talimille Railroad. Objected off the cal
; ender on first reading by Mr. ADAIIIE,
of Philadelphia. .
' Authoriiing. the Hezalton Railroad
Company to borrow money. Passed
trimly- - .
. —The oldest house in Berke county to
said to betheetone building to Don:lass- •
villa. This house bears the inscription ;
"A. D. 1716." It is Raid to 112 TO been.
built hit a family from Sweden.
.Geri. George Fens, of Altoona, has
been appointed D. D. G. m, of the Ma- •
sonic district completed of the counties
of Blair, Bedford and Huntingdon. .1.
Lang MeLitunhan. of Ileilideyeburg,
D. D. G. H. P. for the same detrict.
—A convention of all the Presbyterian
churches within the coantics of Crairford,
Erie, Warren; - mango and Mercer. to •
to be held at Meadville on do 28tb: The
convention is to comet of the ministers i
and one elder from each chinch, skid is
to be held in aecenlance with the recom
mendation of the Philadelphia Convert- .
• —A party et burglars broke into the
once of the Treasurer of Huntingdon
county, and 'with a sledge hammer.
broke open the safe. Nothingwas taken.
away, however, as there was no money
there, sit funds of the county being de
posited In bank.' An attempt was then
made, by the earns party It is supposed;
on the First N 110.101.11 Bank of Hunting
put the marauders were frightend
—A family named Boyer, who reside I
In the 4th Ward, met with a terrible aft
friction last week. Sirs. B. had poured •
some boiling water into a wash tub, ;
which was atanding on a chair, and
whilst putting to the next room, her
child, 14 months old. attempting to 1
crawl op to the tub, pullet it down and
to portion of the contents ran over the!
child scalding it In such a manner that
death put au end to its sufferings the
tollowtog day.,roUstoton Democrat
—For errand' weeks a series of
meetings hare boon held In the!
Baptist church, which' have ro
stilted in the reviling of the 'church
church, and the conienuon of upwards ;
of forty permits so far. The meetings ,
will continue every evening. The inter-
est seems to be increasing and large
numbers are seeking the "One thing
needful." Tb' pastor, Rev. IL A. Fink,
will be assisted thin week by Rev. kaker
of Altoona, and Roe. Donner from
Sellusar .ve. The rite of confirmation
and t h e corn munitlu of the Lure'. Supper 1
will he administered next . abbath.— l
—The other evening a sober citizen of
Petroleum Centre, theam ptt hat the Ben
ninghnff robbers had hurried the Venue(
in a-box beneath the Farmer's Helloed
depot. 'A party was nt once organized
for the purpoeeof unearthing tba stamps,
and on the following night, at en Utglses
unable beau this party, consisting of
some throe or four persona and a well
known officer of Petroleum Centre, pro
ceeded to a snapiciou looking spot. be
neath the depot and commenced Op/ra
tions. After having dug for same tame
and not finding a box or a trace of the
booty, the amateur money diegers threw
rep toe sponge and the alto? de, and re
turned to their home., - thoroughly Ms
'—The ice on 011 Creek, from Tarr and
Eyed Farms and 'Unseeing to Oil City,
Is in excellent aleighing order, and eon.
i tea ld m en er t l rol u t:t ' e ti Ttrrme o r r oo o l li nt te re lhela n !
ter. The teams receive from fifteen to
thirty cent. per barrel fur the tett:, from
the wells to the oil yards at 011 City and
carry frets ten to Mune" barrels each
load. The Is em quite so profitable 6111
u teaming during the "Pithole . axeltitt
went, but there is leas wear ancient& of
animals and men end good dealc omparati v e sla
profanity: There Is nowly
Paw teams in the oil region, but three
that are nere find enough to do and make
fair profits for their owners.
—The Titusville Merafd says: On the
34 of July las', an Englishman named
William May; residing in Freehold,
'Karroo county, left hts house with the
Intention of Tuning Titusville and Pit
bole, and returning home by way - of
Waffen, where he was to pay a debt of
1700. had the money in his' poems
sloe, and wag seen In t e afternoon 0(1
the Witt...4ll3nt Corry, hot can be traced '
no further, and has not eine* been heard
from. Itiotday, 31r. A. Bush, of Free
bold. a eon-in-law of that missing man, ;
arrived blue, he baring hunt a rumor! - :'gianitursirrart •
to the that a mead body .hod. been . •
found udder a barn In this vicinity, and
identified that of May, from minaret The Saute met at Viab l e ILIA,
fOttatilil, Ms pocket - . Out police have l' //LE. Mulamen Mt:
heanl ofllo discovery pf the kind, and COrlf MAY, from the Conntenteo
thastorrieems highlyintprobable.' Mr.
Bush huVetorned home to investigate I on Railroads, rePe
nof the as mMitted a
the origireport. . trapplemeat to the eon of . February 9th,
Pennsylvania Legislature.
Extending the time far the Altieber
°ugh Rellroml. Objected off by Mr.
WILMOT?, of Allegheny. • '
Establishing a ferry oyez. too ,Ohio at
Vanport. Passed finally.
Authorizing the School Director.- of
ISellrue, Allegheny county, to borrow
money. - Objected off by Mr. FORD, of
Allegheny. . •
The bill providein -
i Sze. 1. That the school directors of the
Borough of Believe, its the county of
, Allegheny,. are hereby authorized and
. empowered to borrow any sum or sums
of money not exceeding ten thousand
dollars, and to loans bonds or securities
therefor In same not less Oita ono bun
, dred denims cacti, at such rate of Inter
est &penally aa shall be determined, by
sold school directors, not exceeding sev
en per centnm, which bonds or mmHg
; tim phall be free of taxation okapi for
State and school purposm, and shall be
mode payable not More than ten years
I from than and redeemable tunny date or
dates within said period; that said wheel
directors or their successors shall byrite
elation direct the said money to be used
and expended In the pnrchaseof a school
I lot in said borough and the erection of a
school house thereon. •
Sta. 1. That said school directors and
their micemeorilabfllee art.further an
, thorlzed to levy and collect • per capita
tax for the culinary sellool purpose. open
each and every male taxable inhabitant
of said borough, not exceeding tan dol
. Mrs In each year, - and they are also em-
I powered to lovy and collect arinnally fur
toe purpose of paying 'said loan an
amount or money over un moneys now
I authorized by law for school and build
; Ingparposee, not tee:etc.:lton mills on
the county valuation of the property in
said borough, said 'additional tax to be
collected annually Mull said loan shall
.be paid and not.theroafier.
On resolution of Ur:JONES, or ilerkfi p
the Homo will meet hereafter at two
ofelotli. In the aretrnoon and adJouiif at
Tim Auditor Galeria submitted a re
port of toe ameunut of State Um slue by
ouch comity Jautiam let, ISM ,
ACC0112 , 14 CALLA]) 10.11.
Mr. MA:NN, of l'olter;ollfered s
lotion repo/sting the Auditor General to
give In the next email repoct detailed
accounts of all monies veld for oxtes
copies of olocumasts sod paid to &Repa
ck.] committee men: •FaesicL •.
Mr. DEISE, DemoorM, • of Chilton,
moved the conettiondlon of tlife bill to'•
pealing the act of last usoloa:zompelling
the sulmlanlou of negroal tci • cars ,
semi to by a vote of thErty ; aeveit to
Mr. MAIN. et Potter. :tor. 4 Comtau
floral Convention nest November.
Mr. FORD, of Allegheny, a 'supple.
meat to the law of ihnluod. portnerellps,
ellowtog the tine of ono - tunnel - OMo of
Mr. WILSON, of Allseu4rty, for a
bridge over lb* Alltgbrir at,. Ewalt
street, Mores Lkod.. .
, Mr. ynt,sorr i - , inaFixrratng • the
Geraurk Salta itlllolloc4 M0rp11.34,
ream 1 1 1 .• #ll°JihlPY.°StßiriV
Saursim—ttins Ov ,Preissaw.
Conveation on.rodalithasse7otwisted
the bids far State printing attWo
There ewe two baji.„ JilagKy M.Torie
wall ar,ceptod, tt elabty-liree Atid throe
quarter! per ant. below the. rate. 'pea
lied 01.q0 1 “.
caster, had bld 'wairetereal , one • sad
stitytas Bundridito peg , vett; lhatOw.
DM, regulating railroad corporatiens
a:ant:496ring their formation, beim!
the Senate Free Railroad RilL Ona
thoneand eoplee were ordered to be
printed. . ,
11r. ifitRETT, of Allegheny r , read in
place a bill to prevent hunting, rxitetilug
or killing 'of game lu Finlay; Suolt
and RObinsoa townahipn, Allegheny
Mr. BP.ItETT also presented n bill re
quiringi payment to the Allegheny Couh
ty Agricultural Society of- the amount
2djndicated by the Military Board for
the occupation of Fair Grounds in 18131-
• Mr. LANDON presented' a resolution
in.stractleg the Ciemnalttee on Retrench
ment and Reform to report a bill deter
mining the number andi, salaries of ofh
ceni of the Renate. Passed.
The Bowe soot at two o'clock. In the
- The Joint resolution fixing the lOtkpf
March ter final ailjourrimmit woo repor
tad affirmatively. I -
Mr. Elleg.MAN't3 amendments to tho
Constitution were made the .pedal order
for nezt. WednrSdap. Ttiey are'.
' The eighteenth suction of the fi rst
article of the constitution shall be
amended as to read ea fallow.: •
'The • Senators and Representatives
shall resolve a compensation for their I
services, to be ascertained by law ad I
paid out of the treasury' of the Common
wealth, but nano ease shall the ssid'eom
penaatiou exceed one thoutand dollara a
year to each Senator and Representative
_Miring their reepeotive term. of °Mee, I
together with fifteen tents per mile, in
going to and returning from ,melt roma.
der and extra session, to be computed by
the untiallytraveled route between .their
places Or residence and the capital of the
Stele. , They shall in all mace, except
treason, felony and breach or surety of
the pesvie, be privileged from arrest
lug the ir attendance at t.bei Sallniaa or
their rimpeci the Houses, and In going to
and returning from the same, end for
any apsech or debate in either , Howie
they shall net be questioned In any other
place. ,
The tlrst section of the third arti
Cie Cr the Constitution shall be no, amend
ed sia to rind as fel lonia: • ;
In elections by the citizens every free
man of Waage of twenty-one years, hav
log resided in this State one poor, and in
the election:district where offers to
vele ten does Immediately preceding,
ouch election; havipg paid a Stall or
county tax treble two yearn, amused at
least ton days before the election, and
attc In read this ronititution, shall enjoy
the riehts of en elector; but a citizen of
the United Stales; who has previously
been a quell fled voter of this State-and
removed therefrom and 'retorted, and
who shall have resided in the election
district and paid term as aforesaid, alma
be entitled to vote after residing in the
State nix months; Provided, That free
men vitt tens of the United Ideate between
the ages of twenty-one tad twantydwo
years; baying resided in the state one
year and m the election district ten day"
as aforesaid, shell be *tattled to Vote,
.li-h.:nigh they shall not have . paid taxes.
Mr. PLAY FORD, of Fayette, present
ed a bill authorixtrigthe School Diluters
of Uniontovrn to borrow money; alto; es
tablishing a ferry over the Monongahela
at Greenfield:
Mr. GALLAGHER. of Westmoreland,
y bill. Ranting pensfons to Mary Mc
•Rtim7. Cathorino Blacker, Mary Ann
Hotting and Mar g aret Carson, widow. of
eld noldlers; also, granting penolons to•
Captain Somuel Cooper, 'Joseph Dower
and Smarm! Dixon. I -
atmx amssnorms. It
Mr. FORD, et Allegheny, offered an
amendment t• the rule allowing] the
Mouse to tale a bill out of committee
ton days. after ostrunittal, construing ft
to morn ten days that the Rouse Inuit
actually be la session. -
.kftr the tratutactioa or some unimner
tatit-liusiness, thu House adjourned.
IlAnweinuno.7zwary 30,1303
one to prohibit the collection of taxes on
personal property by the State, t 6 take
street immediately.
ktr..CONNELL, of Philmlelphia, one
catablishum the rata of Interest at semen
per cent., not to &rem eximing oocitdants
Mr. (WHITE, of Indiana, one-author
!ring write of error on thm lodgments of
Court. of Quarter Sessions on appeal
from orders of removal of paupers. ''
Mr: ERRETT, of Allegheny, one In
corporating 'the Allegheny Grocery and
Provision Company; also one repealing
the act clanging the venue In thecsim of
Corhott againat Lewis and Nelson : from
Allegheny to Jefferson, and ranismilag
the name to Allegheny.
The bill relative to the Pittsburgh
and CoyneMollie Railroad Compeay
came up, and Speaker GRAHAM made
a lengthy and eloquent speech Its its
favor. Ho was followed by Messrs. EA
RIGHT, of Fayette, lIHRNET, of Mon
roe, IifcCONALIGHT, of Adams,' and
LANDON, of lima ford, in the mme vein.
The bill passed finally on a call of the
yeas and nays, without a single dlasent
lug voice.
Following is the bill:
Rectum L That the act of Aiserobly
approved August nineteenth, one thous
and eight hundred and sizty-four, enti•
tied .An Act Relative to the Pittsburgh
and Coanellaville Railroad Company,"
be and the came 1,1 hereby rept4led. and
the-mill Company).* required to build
and complete their road to the Stale line
within live years from the date hersiof.
The bill relative to the Pittsburgh and
Connellavillo Itailrostkwhich passed the
Situate this morning, was called ap as
balfpant two o'clock by Mr. WILSON,
of Allegheny, and passed finally without
a call foi the yowl and, nnye.
rnis or enantrrx. —
• Tho r fixing the feel of ahertffs at
three dollar. per day tpr tranalerring
preoner. to Penltentirtiles and lunatics
to Anylums, was• defeated. ' .
The bill provided es follows:
"That hereafter the tees of iberlitt for
transferring prisoners to the penitentia
ries and lunatics to the asylums of the
State shall be three dollar. per day, and
the aches' and necessary expenses in
curred, and the said slientifs ire required
to furnish be the commlealoners s , plli of
particulars of the said cervices and ex
pense. for oxadditation and allowance by
the said commiesioners." 1
osowoicii. euxtvivre
The bill requiring the Recretary of the
COMIDOIIWRILIth to forwerd to the West
ein Reserve Historical ElOciety* at Cleve
land, Ohlo,! a copy of Rogers' Geological
Harvey' of Pennsytvanla, was adopted.
The Plea Railroad bill Of the House
teat! came up.
The following la the bill ea reported by
Mr. WILSON, Crialrritan of the Commit
tee on Railroad..
SEcnos 1. That any number' of citi
zen* ofFinutsylvailla, not lam than nine,
may forma company for the purpou of
'constructing, maintaining and operating
a rallreid for publie use lit the convey
ance' of perems nod property
tor . the purpose , of maintaining
and . operating any Incorporated
railroad already couatructed for, the
like nubile nee, And for that purpose
may make and edge article" of anode-
Von, trt.Whlcti shall bo stated the name
of the company, the number of ygars
the estne La tovmfinue, the places From
and to which — the goad lam be ,cori
atretated or :maintained and "operated,
the length of such wad, or as near as
may be, and the name of each county
la the State through or into which
It la made or intended to be made,
the. autrinnt of capital stock of thecompa
ny, which chair not he leas than ten
thtionaud dollars for every mile ofroad
oonstructedor pmposedtobeemastructed,
and the number of !shame of whialisald
capital stock shall casaba, and the cameo
awl places of reedilence of a president,
and not leas than MA or men than
twelve directors of the company, who
shall manage ha affairs for the first year
and until others are chosen. in . their
plates: Each eubersiber to such artlciee
of association-shall subscribe thereto his
name, plant of residence and the hunt
ber et whams of stealth° agrees to take
mid company...On compliance with
the prorbiono of the second section of
this act with article. of association shall
be aoknowlodged by st least three of the
director., before come officer competent
to take acknowledgment of deeds, In the
county where the principal maim is de
signed to,be located, and may be filed In
the .!flee of the Secretary of State, who
shall endorse thereon tho •day they were
flied, and record the same Ina book lobe
provided by him for that purpose nod
thereupon the said articles of emaciation
shall become mid -bee charter tos the
mid company, and the peraonswho have
So enbeerlbed to sucit articles of assocla•
ties and nil persons who shall beceene
stockholders Matzoh company; .full be
a corporation by the name specified Iff
each articles of useelatien or charter,
YEBR CT . 3 : RY
and shall newtons the potion; and
'eges fallowing, to wit:
First—To have attecession by itaoorpo- ,
rate same for the perils! limited in its ar
ticles of association.
•--•- - - -
Second—To.sue and to be vac& com
plain and defend, in any court a law or
equ ty.
Third—To mak, and a common
inland alter the same at phasure.
• Fourth—To held, purch,o and convey
each real and pervinat estate as the pur
poses of the eOrp0111:1011 shell require,
not exceeding the amount limited in the
artfalea of association.
appoint subordinate °dicers
and agents as the business of
ration shall rwruire, and - to allow . them
a suitable CO a11..1.4Li OU.
.5,411,—T0 mak, by-law , , not i necm:ist
ant with any existing law, for the man
agement of its property' and relrulation
of its affairs!, and fur the transfer of its
Sac. 2.• Such articles of association
shall not bo Sled and recorded in the
office of the Seeretary of State until at
least two thousrunti dollars of for
every mile of railroad proposed to be
made is subscribed thereto, and tea per
content paid thereon in good faith
and In rash to the directors earned in
said articles of association, nor until
there la endorsed thereon or annexed
thereto no affidavit, mails by at least
three of the daemon, named in Said arti
cles, thattlienuationt of stock required by
thin section has, been la good taith
scribed, and ten per custom paid In cash
thereon as aforesaid, and that it is in—
tended In good faith to construct or to
Maintain and operate the road Locution
- err In such articles of nosociatMn us afore
Ssc. 3. A copy ofny article of as.mcia
thin tiled and recor ded in pursuance of
this act, or of tite nerd thereof, with n
copy of the aflidtivit aforesaid endorsed
thereon or sauciest thereto, and certitied
to be a copy by the Secretary of this State
or hut deputy, shall be evidence of the
Incorporation of such company and of
the facts therein stated. •
Sec. 4 When such articles of associa
tion- anduffitlavit are tilodand recorded
In the orrice of the, Secretory . of Sotto, the
directors earned said articles of as
el:million may, in cane the whole of the
capital stock Is. not Lefors snnscribed,
openbenks staubscription to till op the
capital stock of the company in suet,
places and give saclr notiea in they Islay
deem exponent,. and may continue
to receive eubscrlptione lentil the
whole capital stock Is subscribed.
At tho time of. - subscribing • every
subscriber shall pay to the (Hive
tom ten per eentum tit the amount sub
scribed by him in Money, arid uo sub
scription shall he receive or taken tivith.
out such payment.
Sec. 5. Whenever the foregoing pro
vision's have been complied with, theper
sons named as oorporatore is Ouch. arti
cies of associatiop are fully authorized
to carry into' effect the onnxts named
therein, as fully as any, corporation U. re
tonne created under env special act
of the Legislature, and said corporation
thus created shall bo entitled to exercise
all the rights, powers and privileges,
and be . subject 'to all the restrictions.
and ILabilltien of the general railroad Ins
passed the nineteenth day of February,
one thoniutod eight 'Modred and forty
nine, and the novena suppleinenta there
to, as fully and effectually no If said
pewers were, specially ancorporated in
said charter. ,
. .
. . ,
Six. 6. Whenever any railroad 'com
pany heretofore Incorporated, or created
and incorporated, under the provialims,
of this act, shall, in the opinion of too di
rectors thereek require an inereased
amount of capitol abed:, they shall, If au
thorized by a Majerity of the stockhold
er., tile with the Secretary of the Coo,
mouwealth a certificate, setting forth the
amount of such ~, increase, and
thereafter such company Shall bo enti
tled to have sash increased - capital as I.
fixed by said earthiest,
s isorkx.
Sac.'. The number of umuagorp of
any co pony Incorporated in pursuance
of this et shall be a President end not
lees the ' nor more than twelve di,
rectors, as shall be flare' by the corpor
storm thereof at , their first kneeling to
choose directors of said company.,
Sic. 8 - The director. of any railroad
company, created under this net shall
havers:neer to borrow money not esreed•
lag in amount twenty thousand aliens
per mile, nor more than theanknout of
capital "'Lock salkscribed, and L'atie the
bonds et the company therefor, payable
at auth time, not esoeedlng "Illy yearn
after the date thereof, and at aura pg. 11,2,
I and at such rate of 'lnterest, n.,t exceed
lug seven per ecntum, an mid directors
may deem beet, mai tray secure•the pay•
went of said bonds and Interest Ly el
mortgagees' the said road rind !mach ha..i .
' Stec. 0. Any comiss tv Incorporsted
under this act shall hove authority P.'
construct such branclie., from its rnaln
.line as it may deem neeessary to tocren.4,
its borinees undayounno.hve thu tra•ld
' and travel of the State. I
Sgt.'. 10. net roads 0, r. ir II Ct.! undo'
the provisions of this set, or chartered
under the lowa of this Commonwealth,
shall have the right to re e ve flu' track of
any ether' railroad in this Cerunkon4
wealth; Provided, aewevre, That the CO,
of making nod keeping such cros:ing 14
repair "'hall be home by the tool cross]
log the track of , smother; Arta Erveideif
further, That the road sr -- crossing the
tract of anothershall keep at such cross:
log an tunny perseus as may be requited
to give the of:m.4u signals to prevent,
aockdenta. : ' I
1 fir.c. 11. That reads constructed under
the provieh.ns of this act shall havtf
the right to connect with roads of a mite.
liar character with:a this Common.
.7ealth, or at the line thereof, ufein such
terms as may be agreed upon by those
hardeg the management of said roads. I
Sac. 12. Nodule:tor, nlll,:er or employe
of any road chartered by this act shall
have any interest, directly or Indicts' ft.
In any express, freight line or mbar lani-
Mess condocted upon too same road, not
the property of eau) road, and any vie
] lotion of this provision /bull subject the
partlagoffendlng to a Imo of witless than
Ave hundred nor more than OLIO WO LL/13.11:1
dollars. ' 1
Sac. 13. All acts heretofore passed In
consistent whit the provisions of this set
are declared to be null and, void. I
Mr. THORN - , of Philadelphia, moved
to increesai the amount required to tile
artieles of association In the Secretary of
A) Commonwealth's nm,e from taro
thousand to ten thousand dollars of stock
subscribed for every mile of railroad
proposed. •
Mr, WILSON, of Allegheny, moved to
substitate four thousand dollars. A gro4l
Idr.fl ECKMAN, of Chester. moved to
Insert that twenty Instead of tan percent.
he required to be paid In. Otringreed
• Mr. LINTON,I. of Cambria, nieve•l on
amendment requiring road, to be built
in six years. Agreed to.
Mr. THORN, of Philadelphia, Miele]
en amendment compelling the Rirector;l
to be citizens of •Penneylvanla. A greeld•
to. • I
Pending the diseutteion the linutie
Jonrned sL 010 o'clock r.
W.ASRINGTON, January 29, 15613.
. .
For two days peat ilieroaum bean con
siderable talking in certain - effielal mr•
clew about the cothltict of one of the St/.
proms Court Judges, Who 'of late lee.
been very Iminintely molociuted with!
Jerry Black; Sharkey and other gentle
men of that school. few evenings
nt a dinner party, this Juvtlw be
came very much excited In tolkiug of
the present political situation, and de
clared In load tones to the company that
the Supreme Court would cerialnlY
overthrow all, the reconstruction meal.
urea of Congrese, and when taken trout
Me room and 'exec./hinted with upon
the great Impropriety of Ills conduct end
sentiments, only reseondtd by relter;
ting ail he had said, audio a more pul!!-
Tho IfousaGornmittee on Public LandS
is preparing a bill providing that in Girr
tura grants of lands to !kakis or corporri,
lions for railroad purposes, the oven al
ternate sections an the line of roads, in=-
stead of as at pent being reeervuoi by
the Governmentlo be sold at two dollars
and a half per acre, 'Mall b• &utiles% to
the homestead aynteni, and in order to
guard saalust j ozorkitinat prices for 'the
odd section, It will contain a stipulation
to enehgranis that the land shall not bs
sold beyond aallpulated
The Malang! original ToDie of. Trod,
Phosphorus, and Calimp& known fli4
Caswell Meek S Co.'“ Ferns Pironphoni
ted Elixir of Ca!leaps Dark- The. Imo
MUM.e color. to the blood, the
rue renews mate of the • nerve thiato , ,
end the CaMara gives is Datum' health-
Dal tone' to the digestive organs, thereby
curing dyspopila In Its seri. us forme,
Wakefulness, Denend Debility, and De.
mission of Spirits. Manufactured only
by Caswell, Hazard dr. Co., New York,
Sold by all dreaviree. sawF
Chapped Banda. face and all roughness
of the akin,cagjainly cured by using th e
Jtinliicr Tar Soap, made by Caswell,
Flararil Ct. Co., New York.' It surpasses
alt other. remedies, as it will prevent
roughness of the skin, if used during
cold weather. It Is conveniently applied;
avoiding all the trouble of the greem+
compounds now In use. It can be used
by .balles with the most tender skin;
without irritation orn, making It soft
Tirol clear. Bold by th pai o Drtagglsia , grn
en4 l 7. .
Constitution Water is a • certain. cure
for Diabolist and all diseases of tho
cirri. For sale by all Oraggists. F,
.2CAZ-1511=11. ' ,U0 Tuesnori, Jaanary
iNZ. Pr the Rev. J. r. r.rtt..a,nAa LIU. C.
BlZtleui YAII7 L, incikktet et Colanal L.
91.11a1114 erlZegbasr CUY. .Yo cards.
TaulnT. Jaaaary Pb. at lialf.pasl
aloha oclock r, A.. 6; tAz Assrn Wed.,
aged 71 /v...—fhl Waduaadaa, Jan •.77 Z 113,1
data N. Wife of Jamea laaaglasa, to tee nutty
seared Tear of gar aga..
ITLCII--ths 31•12dy rsltli P. t Md. Tab le at
1:114..2 d . 1n12.. .X 9 IKI . L %L: data/Imre/ ;A
... ll
11.55, I al.attli 2126 21.
•-1.111/E13022 — . 1 3 . 1.1* realcosee Its. PS arrastli
flia..... i ti 0,1241112....t.y_1n' 1111, st.half,ps.
.•2. luaus, , haler a/ Al.
1.. Amil•nros, In Um ad year of Ms age. . .1
tlltTalemott to the rlflau rico Ea
J.ONDON,...farillury !..7.-11. is MA,' O.,virt
Lthat the now French lt,aulni heveu
bu tired and fifty millions of fretis, will
beipiaced iu the market to-day;
LONDON. January . 27.—The pipers this
morning pubhsti a letter from the Fe-
Man prisoner Burke, who was xontiood
Reese or Detention in Clerkonwell
at , ,the time of the explosion. 11 1 u rke de- .
flip , sitt positive terms that ho IMO any
'revetts knowledge of the oenspiraey
lurid declares If the attempt wealmade to
!lord ;him an opportunity of . utalring
' earape, no information of such pur
peso was ever conveyed to him:
il.manou, Jan. 27.-r-The trial of Sir Cul-
144; Early, for bigamy, wan Concluded
td -day. The testimony showed that the
almised married Miss Emily Florenco
McGee in New York, in IS:/9; that ho in
tine year 16537 married Miss Elisabeth
Allan, In London; and that•tlio maiond
Marriago took place whilo the first
Wife woo living:• Tae Court was called
upon todecido Wall/satin/any of the mar
riage in Now York, and declared it a
legal and valid cos/tract. The rasa was
finally given to the jury, who brought in
verdict of guilty to-day. The Judgo
pronouaeed sontence--ariprisonment for
dighteen mouths at hard labor.: 1
Losuoir, January 2.B.—The klartello
Tower at Dtmcannon, near Weiford, Ire
land, was attacked last night by a body
'it Feitiatus. The garrison Brad upon the
assailants, arho, after returnhig the tire,
led. ,No casualties are reportetit
THE s - rrans ottr' ILA F.TIRLI.O 'WAVER.,
lineer.c, January 20--Medyright.—Ad•
ditianal particulars of the assault on
iNfarielln_Tower at Dungannon, on Moe
day nigV; are received. After receiving
i tho first tiro of the garrison, tho attack
,ing party rofirod, not did not lesto the
field. They wilted until their numbers
'ware largely Increased from the crowds
who seemed near at hand, l and again
Milyanced upon tho Tower, 'beginning
iwith a general discharge of fire-area by
which some of the garrison wire wound
ed. When tho sisailitate had almost
. .
mocked tins foot of the tower, itho troops
arida fired and tWo.ett wore Fern to
fall. The crowd then fell back and die
: appeared M the darkness. The two men
I shot were curried off by their, enmpanloas
I sand ft linet known whotheil they wore
oundod er killed. The &Tarbes named
'great excitement in Wexford wenntY.
'No arrests have yet . been Made, but
ills Government in using every means to
discover the lexidera of the awiault.
lANona, January 29.-111L1er Gibson,
:leading member of PerlinMent, In a
Vpceell at Aston, declared peuee =et be
:preserved between -En;lend isd Amer-
tirn. -Other Cabinet. would enbeeed those
now. in power en' either side- of the
Atlrntic, and thew 'Cabinets IWould not
he pledged to the policy or bound by
the word. of either Lied Stanley or Seen
Mary Seward.
Thomas Daley. who 1c said to be an d
American Fenian . , has been airnstedou
chars° of crow on. It I. alieglid •he sca.
concerned In the plot for thi attack on
,Woolwich ereeool,whlch lane discovered
. frustrated by the police.
The Fenian Shaw has tuned Queen's
oeidonee. • Ho yersitlrely Identifies Bar
rett' mr the man who fired the (um wit
exulted the Cleekenwell expleetion.
FBAS Ur. !
PAlts., January 20.—The bill for the
reorganization of t ho army having passed
the Corps Leeslent, it came; before the
S.,llrkto this week and give rise to an in
teresting discussion. M. Cknivalier, In a
powerful speech, opposed the hilL Ito
took !drone grounds and armiol against .
the measure. Franco should maintain
elose relations with the neigiiboring En.
ropean Powers, alter whom Should unite
to resist the Empire of Russia and the
Repnbllo of America, nations who, in the
extraordinary growth of their tirritory,
piwer and ambition, threatened to over
shadow the world, Marshal Neil,speaking
for the government, supported the bill.
Us replied hl the arguments against the
bill, by M. Chevalier; declaring the
grounds on Which they rested untenable.
;As for the f are expressed by Chevalier
la regent to Itusiia, they Were absurd.
Stich views were refuted by tivery event
In the history of Europe since the war in
the Crimes. The debate ended yesterday
evening, when the hill passel.'
PATIIS, Janueryl.7.—The i3fonitesi to
daj publishes the report of Mr: 3fiene,
recently appointed gllnlster of Finance,
on the lihafiCial condition and necsnetties
of the Empire. Mr. Magna seta the In
creased military preparations caused by
tee Luxemburg dleputo Imposed an
unexpected berthas upon the resources
.. of the country, and though ithese prepu
douses's-ere long Since ebaralonea, With
the termination of the dispute, still they
had created a heavy defleit I in the osti-
Mates of the past year. Among other
eventualities, the repert guard
edly admits that France may be
liable to pay the bonds of
the Mexican Empire, which were guar
anteed by the Goverommit. To meet
these extraordinary demutids upon the
financial resources of the country, the
Minister declares a now loan necessary.
Too report that gives the-detalle of the
loan.• The amount proposed is 4-L0,000,000
francs, which le to fio token by public
subscriptions. Magna concludes by au
appeal to the patriotism the French
people, saying that althofigh a heavy
sacritice is required of them, itsloblect Ie
to secure for France an enduring peace,
which Is the great elm of the iimperer's
PAIIIM, January 9.—lt Isl now consi4l.-
crest 'certain too General Council et Um
Roman Catholic eburcb;preparritions for
the cab Int nr which were swine time since
Intrusted by the Pope to t. Opeclal com
mission' at seven Cardinsils; mill assem
hie at Rom In November.
LoNnote, January 2t—Tha Internal
condition of Italy Is beeorning
Fears are entertained that It;entrp,i'etat Is
contemplated at lerence, and It Is bc.
'laved In Paris the relit ions between the
French and IhAUan Cl'iverninents nro mit
as cordial as ilier halo been.
szcarr mln.lmm imam Tax Oirrati
FLOItENCII, January nit°
Clithtice newspaper say. npeclal agout
of tho President of tho United States hes
arrival at Rome on n scerel mission to
the Pope, mid that loi will itn supported
by Admiral Farrugul, witusii /loot is
hourly! expected at Naplee, and whose
arrheall In Rome was looked for et
an early day, 'The Journel - glvetr 'no
information as to the character or °Moot
of the mission Upon which the American
rigout Is sent.
111' , OTEAND.
A•norrnticrrivr Frr4tx,
EDI;1111.71M, January 21.—)L very heavy
gale unteteitlaver tho Seuthein mantle. of
Scop:l rsterday. nooses wore un
rooltd, blown , down, dc.,) and much
damage was dose. Telegrams report
the lots orlsoveral Theatorm was
very hearytin this nity nud Glnstrow.• It
Ls thought - That the shipping must have
antlered terribly, though no MINIM Or
thB diaanter have yet been received.
THE imrriait 14=1"SDITION 1 1N MOTION
LariDOir, January 29.—Dispateltes from
&mare announce that the Enieelltion Is
again In motion,and had atiradyreached
Gnome, a native twelve rotten
boyend 'Senafe.l General Napter will
immediately put himself at The head of
the columnoradratuto and 'pooh on to
Antal°, the Capitol of tho Tigre Irietriet.
. .
PENN 1114 L. :
s. 11411iliD
. .
Corms treaMe, January '49 —Freeing.--
In the Upper ldouse or Itlpliag, tO-day,
the tresty conalnded with the United
States for the sale of Danish Islands In
the West Indies- was Witted hr
unanimous vote; Thin completes the
action-1n Denmark in -- regard te the
I .
t,„,:,,,, r.T .,...... ; , ::; - .7 , L ,.... u: ,.,.... 4 ,.. m ., /
. 1
our ne.sttr i l to ethets canttnue dull std neg.
leet.steritaaut ill/ or stlntatlno, sod to =may
ettleiee tt:ere to soarcelY ettlieteat Outfit to
esto , llsh ipotaticos.
• i
faltAlS—::rd to o potted 411111 ail dreoping,
acid 30001 fattly lc qatried shorn Sl,Ownt,R ,
Rioter When: It 10 C.C.47 1.. ,,,, 1 Aza
.: 61/40 0 , 6 t Ins 11r.1, sel so. l 'ilt2.'o o
for White. Iloaley 0 uttanues goose and wanted
at ll' i 0.0.93 for tiipstny.l — thsta fen tap un-
ea.. e4-6ii3443 00 track, atecriall in store.
Rat sm. Is Iv demand, etsl m>7 be quoted at
11. , 1,11. ..
I Ottil—Th Flout et., la dull belt pelts.
ate wlitau, 'ituntai,ie chaeelt - w• quota at
Wail 00 Lie SPOtin Wheat:lll:4M Win, ebloi
ter et'tlest. ind *14,6be15.60 for fancy braosts.
;lye Ftaitt tsi, .tooth , e6,i4. Ouctorheattla
le /nod supply eral dull at 00.00.
PROVltiliiNS—Ltaeon Is quilt awl elesil7
1 but
unch3nc.ol at 14:1Z.r1.;.3 • fur ti!,9 , 1:•/ ,, :.: /AD
WA: Pt: Ittb,sd alder, can too larßteakfast
Sips*: Cured F 11 3 ,3 3,0 Royer Cured L..
Lard tsnroo at the advance; prim kettle nen
dered to Resets I.lic, anll4%e to keg..
ha. Pork Is nominal at tal, and Dried Beef,
ORO. ERlkii—The Meaty =vett has net
'been very tett.' dudes the pact week, the
Volume of tusinees In the eggergetn holog
I OW. which may be ittributed to thee/time-.
I ly cold weather eon a ostristed oartgatlios.
There hes born no remerieble cleanses In trel•
us,. watt the exceptlon of ram which le up
from one to two gents per poundi Cana also,
Is. shade Linter. to eaneequenes of the gul
-1 nonce In gala. The fallowleg ate the noting
quotations t . .
'SC...l.—[few Orleans, 14011111.;o1 Cuba.
Poiti , Rico, 13ii;o101.14o;Ouidoodi
riNo; coCee, lgi.ic; "13" do, Bic; Exton
"0," 1.5-%e; "0" Tailor, '
Correa—Prime 1ite,7.53.;ei good, No; faliA2c;
Old ill'ivoriamont. Sate; 37e; LSOCOorioi 080.
I'llocassco—Neiv.Orleatio, 850:005i Cuba, 150
70o; rio to 01,,'. Wargo. -
6garro—iiLororing . .." 31; ''flooth a E.l.
gar," Sod ".i.oitior,". 70o; iDolpo," 41,0'13
Smoot , — Cassis, '6 , (3.57 r; Claws, Us; Poe.
per, 2;6; Allsplco, 2.3:; Nutroths, 11.60.
Itthz—Marsoce, Ile; Caroline, 12e.
Sawa—Madison, Glom mir e
Ikea Core Sta:eh, 13 n.. •
Fitorre—lsayer It W in., 11,60 per box; Valcn.
Ida; the per ,cued; Pram., Mei Curtain., 163
fur caw.
Eon Last Shot, 03,60 per bag.
SOkr!—" shlotthh" Irrt 113.40
el "Unable.," the.
CAIVIILka Moots!, Itlic; Slay. 231.
COSCkr! ATV, E.T.—i7.60 pap..
Br CLOD Sooo-0,50 par lb.
/30 Mat—l. quiet Aid unchanged, %nth a
supply titily up to the demand; aides of panto
to choice lenll at 36810 e.
11P.1.-ii—Plochscreit at deCpla.
AppLEA—stently hitt iv:chant.% aAlAii
store at sada lair of, for common to choice.
. DRIED 66010'-1s In good supply and dull
but unchanged. Peaches arts quoted at
'pro Pia — quer:a re, And 103121 . 100 hit yea, and
Apples at Yrris.
1•01V.IOES—Dall .but .woherwd; smell
salre 10 store at 1101,10 I;er bushel, 000 33.250
3,60 per 661, as to wants'.
SLEISS—CIovor wed f. toeing told at $7,303
10, mad flawer,l la ln deemed at 32,35. Tire,
thy Is rolet.
hPILL FEED—There la a very eat , detitand.
And with atiery 11,61 •upply. prices are cur
tat:tad; we conlinno to quote at Itl,lool,E4fst
Bran; 41,2301,73 for Seconds, and 13,20e343
fur Mlldtters. • , .
1,,11:1/1/11.—Is .1111 quota] at 634 for Ea.;
and lip for No. I.
n •
BAY—Is steady. with regular sale. Prom
country wagon. at 116021, per ton,
.II to
110311!azia'alaa at 10,7107.
BEANO—Steady at Ku.
Oman (1 rms PITI,MIttat
Tuummtv, Sicausay 10, Md.
The cattle market lA. egen been very quiet
dicta: the yet weir; the oiteratinns, romper
' keteely rinsking, being Insignificant, and the
trade at there yarde, le leas t, le devoid of any
new, features wo:thy of special notice. Tke
arrivals were /left, though the supply seemed
to be fully equal to the demand, there being
but few toe . In slimier., and these few
bought very spatiogly, being apprehensive
the the eatterti markets mlethe hard nut
welt, and if so they did ant want to bo might
1 with high peed elock. Ai will be seen by' re
ferees. to the report of Inlet, however, really
good cattle brought very Isle prices, one or..
twii smell droves Criteria 11, and leather
bunch of ird head of extra sold at Lb Fair to
good butchers stock may to quoted at Idle,
and puree to titre st 35grilt. ' Stockers, for
width the deed is light, at from gi.i to 634, as
to quality and condit Ina. and medium may be
quoted et oto iii. There were several Phila
delphia buyers to attendance tonlay, among
other., Mere. H. Miller, A. Clement and
John smith, ef the nem of Smith I Alooney.
The following are the eaten:
Wes, Lafferty a ed. sold 6 head for Holmes
a F.lemen S. Aull at 734;32 head fur
Itarei to F. Kremer; at tic. ,
Hedge A. raider sold a head ot bolls nod
stage lie Weer Co Deity at 6i I. bull for same
to same at 6; hi (or Stuatc. to hoth .51 Gl4.—
seesaw , 1000; Id for Hawk to Young, aveng
ing 1100. Amish q aely, at Tlr'.*
A. Johnetent sold illemen 21 head, Including
2 pair of oxen, which weighed o,hdelbs or over,
me eseh- f..!4-. . - ' .
{Wald .
n sn l ,l Otbson 11 tnad, welgtatne
15.975, at Sni, a 4 5 heed to V7eltn, welshing
OA at esf„. •
Dolan ts sirey sold 14 head of prima western
steers to Loushrey in :lost. welshing 0,550,
Iltruta inld Stye's& Needy II bead. Agway
cg about Id" at 13%. Conrad to aamiburera.
• bead coma st 6; 5 . and 12 bead lalztab *tetra
• . •
Nye ra &Needy mold Sliailn A Scott 27 heed
Of t • circle, ire!chlule 40,421. a" 810. ' -
Brook sold H. Mum 17 hoed medium Ohlo
titers at lei per licad, or about 8 coats per
CI. Felesd cold 5, Mosel/17 head. trearmatiC
Ito% at 6M. Motes cold
hunch of cattle
to Ithodoe at thti PraLt. - •
R. C. Crum botottit the half Interest of Mr.
Jultice in • drove cf extra 'levee cattle at the
bata of OM per heed. .Tble wee *addend the
e drov• of Tex. oattle ever emirdlll.ttils
Thor. wa. conelderable activity rtpplayed
In the Sheep market MI. !reek; the sales, in
the aggregate, betng mock larger thaw for soy.
era] week. past, and while there vs. a Reiner
compared with last week, tt•
denwent but -Mlle change. There was ante.
creased number of buyer. from Phitalelphla;
and Nett York also we. represented, and they
all, for some rime or other which we cannot
explain, oppcatal to buy with more freedom,
sad took a larger number than anal. Prices
ranged from a% to 114, gross, far common to
priedb fat mutton Sheep. Wo splors the fill
loteing isle.:
Gls., Lafferty & Co.eclat lat head for
Hearne to Erie & Co. at 4% 71 for Nisely to
51 St 67 for Meaty to wm. lithe. at
r-64 I. for Stewart to Kase & Co. at 4,10;14d
rte Loh.. i Frieder 10 Lloyd at 4,10, and one
extra at Ile par brad.
Smith & Talmage sold lii head for William.
to Pancoest, averagtog or Pm, at 1,10.
lied.. A Taylor sold GS for Glen to PI&
cork A Cr, averaging 100—hearyhnt rough
Kentucky Sheep—at 6%; lel for Starks totla.
& Co, averaging 50 lb., taut Ohlo Sheep. et et
lel for Green, common Pen. Sheep, to Brant
at 4.40;G6 for Cloth to One a, 00, averaftag
97, at ail—fair Ohio; Ifs for 'Hitherto Prnenast
at chi—open wooled; 07 for soLdrr & McNutt
to Lloyd At 3,7. 1 ; 0 for Nole. to Pactooaat, mom.
mo L o
O. at
I Cm.] shipped to New York GI bead of
extra tine wool sheep fro m Belmont
Milo, are:actor ti 034. nit lot Of Sheep .
raised, by dlr. W. Caldwell, and colt wren
crate there.
.oho Lloyd bonght 179 head from 016se
Ladarty, ayeraeing 29, at 3.25; 74 from Mb:
coma,aerraging 1116, 1111 4,40; 111 from GUI.,
ayararthr 62,5 t 4,93;29 from Kate &Co., neer.
eat./ to, 00610100 team Hobinarot s averaging
Id. at 1234 per neatir 11l front Wetter'. averse.
Ina 11. at {Hi . per pot.; 190 Irani Olaae. LaG
Only I Co . 'sectoring SI, at 1460; Rom H.
'Daltrich at HIS Pro
Moog es Co. trough; 1116 load Intim Iledgea
la Taylor. areraelng a 1 no, at to; 111 from
(Ham, Loren, 6. Co. atrerarlag ed. at 4100106
33 from ilotramo •t 1 93.
D. Ilotter told etowelt en head at ON, and In
to !tame buyer. at M.Z.
Under tho influence of quite a spirited Ilk
mad and very menus at:lox/span Hog =At.
bet Ira considerably allied thla mak, and
compared with last mak, prima aro folly half
a eat per pound higher, partlatirly for puma
hoary overate. of bond quality. Common and
loferior Host mere lo good apply, and did not
(okay. laawlialtda prices, but prime Phil..
delphla Hogs, a we lave already alkted, ad.
and considerabli, ranging from 11,3Stge, and
one bona of antra, 350 had, brought
Cilar, , Laffertr& Un.,sold 6 bead (Cr Dead
10 /whorl at II ;147 for Heath to Uo.oa Emen
to, k co. at 134. CI for iiptISOU to Pearce at
$ 63;71 for ...a Itah•tr at lig t ; CO for Doug
Peara at 0,65; Ili for h o d
t o
`hag'H et 7,65;
ba for Holman it Bre. to gams Galt soy f o r
land to amo .1.635; 05 for cams to Unaries at
Ho at for Italia& 0 Pflefler Escatlckat Co.
art 235:53 (or Childs to riticock 0 00. at 6;61113
for Hamilton to inane k Co. at '&0;325 for
Hand to Meaeogyr, is Cr. at 034.
Hadar. k Taylor told 'II head for ii/ockerman
McKee to Polcult • tr., 11 far Oral
to same at 6, , g:100 for Sillier to Lindesy at 7;
a for Mara to Wisely at 7,11111 for Malt to
Creole. Emetic! Is Co at tillo—cowmen.
Imhoff k Baser bought 140 bead from Stare
at 1,110, la from liaykar at 73,419 Dom Byron.
at 1140 lions Boyd at 7341 leolkaila 611 4.5;
/2 from Hares at 1.30; Oti Dora Holmes at THt
ter from DleCisin at 3; 13 from Carat.; at
r• e,avera,%the about &it
Drain a 5t04141011 bought IU bead from T.
F. Orr at 211;361 from Johnston & Burrell erg
3,65. bold 14 head lo Colonels &Or. at 71 / .
Crouse, timerlelt k. Co. bonsai $3 head from
710.. at 7:217 from Lafferty k Co. at Mall
trout Pricy at 7,130; al from /ledge. 0 Taylor at
6.110. Bold a a Pasta at Vig.
(Mare/at re Uo, bonsai tto head from fohn
otoo at 701; _ 105 feria :acacia 3; 401 from3l.
Johaton at lb a from Bray at ',ayes from
Myss at 114 i F. from Berry at r,/—aliippral to
Now York.
Now York Sky Gonda Plorkei.
ray Teeepooe to tee Pittston% ilasette.) , •
Naw. Yotte. January ,9V.-Cotten good'
continue exalted, and Parent. are Oti the
rho under reduced supplies. 2.14 w :fork
SUM &Peron and wanted, and so ure. tram::
sotto. Ziencluid kaoline 92%. The Yuma.
Fora have Jul:mend to en Atenvinesig A—the
print of the loom—aoa Great Pall. CI Wive'
Mtats to 164. Blasenvule ournmand 174. A. ,
right le, Fos estdale 24, New Market C
od llope,ya(n, wide, Piney
bring' Quinsignmund Vianisatta
Pt do Turenrora :la; do Ultra 30, fa 4 do Mt 0.4
]tooth Y 17, do kaniskeerr IS., and 43 leek do
11%. Heavy Brown eherungs are tip 141 per
yard, al nth Appleton and Amoakeast
A are buil jobbing at 13%. Denims, Otztpts
and Tteks advanced from Ito 23- , jeper yard'
by agents.: Prints orotantlard tonteratio•
tooted. and altar down to th. are
again dots at IIK. net. Print .Vloths.have
-luau Detainee of now . at lea ate
selling as Jew oats, bat some' geode Witt.
' drawn. Old ogles jobbing at
P/771111Uliti praTcoLEUX
011.0 07 TR, FITTSPri. Cisunreu.
• Times:we, January aa.
ClittltT.-1 cru le =meet cordlaute 'qutet
and unchanged. toe lure cogr.:zant of as o2er
to buy ntot sit at 70, and as Dna to &ell at 11t,
and there seems to ere „ast this i%trer.. be
tween bus,. and- titter, Marsh and Aprt: it
.eltaneed; offer& to huy, optlon, at :ti
6; 'e, and ortea to at the even ed. Sale
or t& 9 ) bbist to be dellveesd au first seater, at
lge,and WOO each for :Any, duoe an.i d u ty . St
rot au rho yoer, buYetbt op I+ol, gem.,
MAI may be nll4O at WO to 1241)1235e.,,ki
nuteldn deter. etilt,{ nal the Inside Ukurea
rerel. The opsrattune to spot ell eaten
ateceetty be light. Is convennente of It, very,
Itatltedetock to opeutete tat there t• tonne Iset:
<Watt. , Inquire fur future dellverlea. but toy;
en nod ballot. Sao spirt, and, ednaequeutlii
we bars but few sales to record. Private sal't ,
stets from (hi Clip mart the market .ehanti
gad .1 r.1.5a2A5 pee hot.
ISED—Tbate wall but s tangle tranasei .
era In beaded oil touter, boo bb!,,, on spot, e el
23X,e, the demand for prevent nellsery le nO .
very peening, tut the olfortaxii at prevalllcx
paces are very Incur , . We nisi - eosnlesot Ei
an OW to buy a ' , doe roonlog from May to
Dicssa,.......sciss St 21e fdr ider, and
advanetni•half a cent each auLaasuent month:
Cblegg.r. Vas ale Market.
(By Talcinpb to Um rti.setngh Ut...1634,1
Jaintry 30.—E.0f cattlo , modor ,
stply salve with .alc. 1313 56,30427,40 for goaA
td cholco rhlpping. f l og a gruve lad tirrA
10013• Miller; Pales at •5 5 rok'
goal to ovra. ttrall7 gad
changed. .11goelpt• of =hog,. /Attorney,*
egg hag&
Albany Cartlo Market. •
ay Tolegrapt to the rbleberch tlizetle.l
Araarr, January 80.—Emeelota of hoof,
rattle Vats week %IVO head; holders firm at
last oek't prices; sales 1,2(0 head at 5/41014.
sheen—raCOlol a 15,000 head; ealos 8,00 head
at 4 , ..4034. No sales of 1100 hogs. Dres sed
hoga in bur request at 94010.
. New Tort Cattle Slarlset.
Telearspn to the Pltt.nurin litsstw..l
Nsw Ton:, January E 0 —Cattle, in copse.
quenee of the snow and delay In train•, tic
Weber. Sheep firmer at 4liii 7 l , X. 400
firmer at TliiMd.
tedlelne Immediately reUeves It. t moot Ml
too. thintful for the e3emptloa tmet• area.
Irble4 need to reef. me whole ireete sad mOntbe
of losrOr sVeNbieldes styterterg erbleh
but the*, wow ere settleet Ode dlleom em
Calle.° 33, Oldie Cow it the lepital Ftedi33, I _ • •
Y .3•Preetato or describe. ' '
Fupthi taktaatrig r_en am •
Euler for 10-tin Sten on the
Crime of Saltine, and Ito U 101,101....
AUllhe3 W0:4:1% errata titinedlroanis an MAX
tt l. l l C..141th ltir. M.,. rauf. Sint t.
Pea .I.2,gtar
I4Pitfrs - • 1.
I.lro Mottos of In frOtATIC OP *ll O l
TWO! DT. iner. 0,0 I. ha. 1. Dertneher Term,.
1.117. rtt of Persltlon, on petition Of WIL-
Ta French Ter•cly no te7 . l . acute
Carroll coyote . . Titssorld: Ilan 01 Tare :dr, of
[..10 ouoty, Iowa: end ../. Karr Aso 7.140,
ar flab . Into 10 '.) lOtermarr..n
To to= nrraby n 0110.4 that an .notOeltt,
, Pa.:
will he= In rows:tee of tee aborr xneonon.
In_Wrlt of Pante°. or r-lasito. 0. tn.. 01 . 00 ,
se. r elne the Trate of 10 Lamese tfl perdue
and al a o seoe. of .1 , 10.0 teo raid Wary 1'.0140.
neeena..l. 5015.0. , attys., ID Trnoma flOrhOrf , /
1...nre.1 To ensh p All • Ole hp 000124(1 r.. 00
THEMOSY, the Mit Jay or Maui k A. IS6S
AT 10 O'CLOCK A• • ••
To male psreltlon 10 And mon' tip s rs of
awn daces Ml 1n seen =so or ran rth too.
T t ae Lao of tins Cro
fl"'LliToelo,jo bis
,at. 1310, time itua plate , lon =al ate
tent 11 . 3 on think proper. • •
NAZI UtL tr. CL! LET, !therm
tilotee,ated sin take notle ea
~ tre, of AtlMlnlttragou twee tern Frlu to
she omit rslroos G a.m.. of .1 .11E , A
Li WSW , . late of toeitsh O. •,.••••••
Persons kaowlog them.eleta bted to said
• tile l
are rtgetsted to make Ime
age meot •,
those ba•lea etaues sealst.,s tags same •lit
tot ettle•
Well. Y:sYf:T M. wINYON.
• • • Adminststr•titz,
, rise towiestdp. Atuthen• ceenty.
Poet ()teen, rerryselle. dr=:l76f
T.a.tteeter7 .Pen the Estate of AlllO6ll.
tt. Tit 0 Ky. latn tac county a •IleitheeT. eh ,
caste& taet b en flatted to tail e tbteribef ul
peiPerson. traebta ell I estett• Ore •I attested th
make Immediate ptt menet ant three htlelrg
Oat pas •gal tat the atm- wilt ;tracts tte del,
•tellt attested fee ettlere eat. to Ihtz tuts:rine,
at ht. reildsnee Ists,,e.ll tr.nee.h.
. .
rcTalt belie
WHEREAR. Letter..nt Admin-
Istmlna ota Ste Estate Di DR. A. 1' KllOll ,
MRN - 1 - 1.14. gram ted to ate ardnaldned, all
croons [vowing tbeauelve , Indebtod to the fn..
lit. of said decedent N;[11011tn r.,montto the
an teralxned. or n. H. SY 61 t,, ay.:dna)."
o Law, 93 ritth Street, rlttshotah. ra, sod
trertr g %vino aald
eat theta, duly auttd-ntl. s od f r aettlem.o•
ytZZtG 5:, rimandorar
ritue...h. Leo. 17. RC,.
litter. of Admlalotraltlon Irani{ boom
granttd tl tbe ort&tylinod,
Steel moca toe tm. of
14•11 ti. Mel:Milt la et to• a ralqo.
w rempe.t. all pv moo. Imiebt 4 to tae
Wilt mate patmebt 0.4 all who bare Calm.
yalotit Om said egt•to msett tam, duty
theatleatod, to the aaLsertrw m
ou tse tun e of TANS IIoOLITBEt ec'd,
late of 1115...14 tentro•hoa. Lava. PI h..= roots
ea to the utdertlgnsd. otrados laselen Lithos
analuar rakt ea SKI errs.. then,: Onnto•l•
au benne...o for attn.:tent. and those Indebts
ad to .43 s! . satr , r,atissett to either. I
T Hfs9 zer:otOrms
01!, CLOTHS,
ADES; &c.,
Si Filth street,
J• , - (0V RR DATES Ca'S.)
CROFT di; Pill
Beal Vstate IS; Insurance Brokers,
m roosts sr„ iqem.aznicaaa.
'We , i.. • .
L • riusTl4). gIeAL Eft* . ATT. RXOIII.
TER totivalolug I 101 l dual! /maims.
W1...01d toms of all oho -propertr entraskt to
our taro lot IL.. Thug coestoof
Farms, Grist mills, Hotting,
wissrEns LAI(DI, IIUSEL7, TiLwanur
CITY ►HD cUDUßt i ii . y119r,71T:
This Ur/Otter • eprtut three Vara sitar on
fir" or Its,. repteuther red Jammer. • Partite
mlsoleg to buyer sell Neal Estate, no Mutter
omen, the locallor an. Itd out a t
endingrester. a e O l 4 l r Ur. hiWt . 4 1 ..." ' 7
r your tddrers. January VIINVIon. NO,
AIME A :Tao irell , known. lavern eland—
tiLN Weenie—la raw Halving
boa of
llonstleld. on tbo e. A Al'. Ilke boast Is
iive-blory of a Men- tome' nab tellor;
11/ brick Padding ataweed. the per pare
von o• welch law cattoOntedbr now.
or cone. rte. Wog el tee. long alai leetwldr.
Tee ielev• Wow ie to MO - a 11,71.1,./1111. o,len B
led for bar weenier. looter eedien•ad lead elbow
Corral .4801010 :est by. 7.4. it/MCM. lo oold :4
and air t , a tons flab,. prortrty
will be .oh cheap II applied 1••• r boon. Irnot
Dol.. by UN lon of Warea. , l4 will tem:ltd.
aowlyesant lora term of et • ie. • •••
Sate propery Is •eiail taealbte•Por cantina.
on 14.0 Live Manes, btrlajf alto
well tat
'mattes, sees'R ikton 04.. and alto twitit
lo CL. bled is w,:e
for (ember atrial le.o ei ;drib of !Yell . /te
To N 04 11A2T. II cf tatl n•soll..
b..: on am tatnetto--
jggt:P . • • . / A. 'WWII . V.
Fen SALE, j • •
A Farm of Omloathed Acres-
_ .
Plnland In rattoonnon:Plo, An a ,pop, oasamt;
two and .m•-half ool:n: nun la of alewatt`,tl a.
tlop, ratony oanla R. i latpx 10. podor
IwPJ cult vatlom WI Vow: IL op alooto
sod path o:tharo, etwomeneltpr no Petn-anon
sowers: apr Oat. leporooll nts con alaa of taut
2g: Alq= i t'o'tt:igrg":"°,l l4.
t. acaopl toe a,: Wll. Pro . go,
Yarn:ratter putlwlul ~ tig4tlroo i a 4101 poem.
LN. pt o:
07:111 . Won:tot:to Pmt 0111na •
Tag ouretolgord win lin it' private 40 nu lt
Fumy auatatt la Ahaghigg tutartehlpt
82.1-2 AORkle;
ITigrtug _ltaverch. amentroi a •geeta -Log lloato.: .
treatter•boarded large larataa •Bara..toggatiar
thin tha eta Sean ut. Till Carat ta
vest watered: and St . 45. 4. of lb* Ilrel
mar tAloalrhato attarelea oat rtelotola. ' • . .
/orther Partlcalara [...Para 01. tha x 9 a•r.
atrad. on She .
_ plAvettriVe.tAArroao.
1.44 sod 14.41914cH
Gfaln 111111'FOftluid 041.04 gaff
' *Alin AliD l 64- rat2l . pTH:;
ArpinAw A sios.
liti4 ; ;CLY NAT. iki11131.A.211).;
AIIAN/V1 . 311 - ,li_Cli,V.**ll;
munif•iltirera , +I M nil itsiti
u. 5.11, If atzattad VINE alatb-8411.4fig
arplat.. • We% Si MMUS. irilullirt.n.k.
all4lljr CUT: Ait wt.o sicapki, atier
TRIM RUT ..13'
+.lo.roonowolast las i
'Pep, 41= mu
,oti I.N.
Itiotl , ,Letorn.‘ik
-.V. Wal. out i
4 a
satariVatu 4/...47.•1 a or 0r01i , '...14„
al ZU. f
atrat. NI. TTIt ;
Ict: L 7.1,1 f vod<r ot9gallon! to yort.o
14 Outy lon to Other. Vitt> Davitts 4 lit. 441
ter., wah r me:f, laohlar that they I.OW
Inau tLx yowl. and bad been to great eipense
out obts!ning any p•rmatent relit e,:if jeitti,m4
Lt lay I ws, sa bsl chst I npyer knew was
ben oven alnidrat wanks ni.l weelu, ;w'.
..t ! ,,3 7 Prcoorir or hope o! care.' yiooadttrol
, at attack 1_1;01 m dangar ,ot snrocatig
Er? moment. tempt.
g that air mother gags that lea tt . si teen Ms a).
ft,tn the delpusta *Carts made' -t0
brokth. In tle ca;!wlater nizt4.,!enaiy
nlcht, wank Oa 4601 . A . and Idadov. or Mu hum
thrown wiJe oven, In order to h • lnder
rnat 4.z.r:or n.inntitsoa, Io Att. eat!.
ital. on the lesh of - 11M, , 1 astas.Oaard
of Dlt. ILILYIIEBM 4111 Is Clulog. Ole ase...•
losebb 'Mem I. bat 1 moat confess. giltb • i
dcul of doubt se to <ifectlas • pengtaSent e•».
Dr. KEDAH t*alsOrked m. eimpfulin ud m 1
• nri,all ;aver, 7.1:1 yFX.II SOUND, aa tid4
mo tbn 'fhb WOOld In 11"...1 ,0 . 4
With bft tiodlolnet for tom oyes', ind
Al; In 'vigorous htlalth, and TOTALLY TSAI
TAIO3I-I.liA ASTHMA. nod Ita to fthfil•
sllghi attack. of Mc alzein.bat L.regardial
.aa entirely ra-altabltamilv ad le/ dd
bare; any a54x..k,.6 ftw doses, or lb* Docica4
!lAN Ot
' NARY YOUR? JOT. (her mother.)
ososatAlqi 11311111 t. •
Btrudathata, Det.O. Ilef.•
The cm oof lin. hirers, recited arromt. Ueda.
ot more than antiwar haportaice. teratase of
the vlot•net of the attacks thetr oostlaeod
Leath. mot the great prostration of I the
vital powers stteadtro the Cease. 'Aar Obe
who knew her daring tie ttate she was a tab.
Orreafrom . the disease of vide!, site Sas aurae,
•ad 'l,Ol look ...Mx tow. the re y imam of
toboti tosttl. omot Onto4mtc teat the on It
ono or mars tiCca. ordttery eherootor. loonselk
It we to ofichnut evey , toiof ouo Doe.. be
fog •411001. of an locat.ble tttore, Let .vhooe
whlo doubt SureetUrite foe thtimeter. -
DEAYHT.SI9. ILIAD 11/6/011319.
171..1 rßee from the sim Polyps/Lot
Ma Lori Cobweb; Oros* magi: fifer.
brOassed- Pros, Evory Speciosa!' Mrs
Sys! wad Zara, SweboiStray
by Dr. Keyser, 120 Pemeklitrest. • •
uYbe 004 to which we sileded- some went. MN
or cOetssnuit lrlanoe(lwr Bearer comity. la new
0,1.1017 confirmed 07 the appearance of Spas
/Mei ben 011. who to-day called on PC IBS- .
nag In perrin. to :bank hint for 1110. Unites.
and Atli In restoring her. le '0117140 AND
aturr.Ve uftt. Sifas/finer bad been sear.'
ty bang for runt' she was a. idled abet
a avoid' not dlitiodulab say object se si
make ono whal Bleed; Ibe ease to nniarlatio.
l• hundred. of casco lite hers we deo• to
oarec , ending &tangs. on Abe Anna* nreltilt•
ones then la no once, and nothing can be dots.
000 was onder trestineaC Bre
too months, and before slam anfdieni to BIM.
through tier tinitboe . . SINOP P. Frillititollikt
topes were entertslool of ben overeating Der
ale' Lier ease 1.1,011 known la Oa nerstibor.
od wbers and resides, and bee Dein ralarded
as ooe or extraordinary Rearm. . •
Igo; the underside ad, know of the curs or Situ
/Mar, and bear wildne Wilma) to the feet
000 =We Mama, • •
' . kinder. Willitari. (Brother.,
• • ' 6.01110 BOLOL*Y.
: - 7 silor sTenae. Allfghistir;
7narsAa YeelltzT.
too 7/fizza, (bet alechl
piembei• 17th, leaf.
8. O. Brow.. '
hillp irldlhYs
H. N. Tee.le
w. tt
A. mevendorfcr,
C. 1
Maean beectiallM.
ails. H)de.
*Liss I.levandor:er,
T. Toner,
Tt Ita Matta&
• It. ilatd
T. It. ltsbe tit adl ,
In, •11...
± :t trw .I A . Brows. h
r U"
w•us. - -
11.770- it MIT" -
win. U. Muses.
Karol:las •
Maas. If. MUN,
p Wltson -. .,
m Lou nuns,:
J•IPOS Part..
- tarts s I.l=
'L ...
bo t h ',:,,,
w•sk Penes„,
Z. O. 'ldler
Wllloslos Vidor
- mother.).
J. Y. hilt , hal.
A. M. , Aevesid.R,.
A. Gardner,
N. Llevendoef r.•
J. Ir.'lll.trlNDe.
A. M. Matt uon . •
Nhrlattsco. AlaElld,
N. r untAauesr.
G.: I , l.rber -
(her botal.l
I ha us. abore refuted JO fry clitirely suit&
by =edicts,. to p bloat, as/ II Is "ra
ms/et Of icons of pirsoss .bo bit. &lows
UltsPlater. and hays lsowlalse of bar total
bestoiation to hmitO, sad the esairfory of her
fish L. 0o „tlit'aeostopostylas latter or Leybrpta.r
2Da. IluSal—ni, is the Let of names that
hale to your advert :smut ortha comet sir
sis sr, Chastises Niaberi
L ittay Iran all will.
Int to hut their times siown, and wale Yu,
moth astonished tom. that yOsi brought bey
sight to aeon. My, mother tends Our thanlga to
a la, a ..yon are one at the greatest tea
seAtbe trorld.! , Me says it era had.not 'emu
stroo Tot the bailees,. herchlt4 would ton*
Itrtasrat to We all lola Lauding
tore and imam eta 10 702.
tr #.115513, Borth lstlehml
- 111. Hawser's Cesumliollea liUmesiss,
120 Penn pteeat esraxba , of llama
01Se• boon( frasi • a; mi. 'ab
ruimoNAny mnsumrnuxr. sZapyQsa
• - • PEON PLEUILInr. 0111111itt.'
lititeinant of lira. Ford. Poop Meer,
14 Hammon are.. 111es010rC117: .
I toot a violent MMet td
of ati.y o May.
I.l,lwhieb left me 114100 r.
aomeh idutim aE tam.. •
iser,i wooing, away ail Strnilith not Vsdlitly
.n4lrmldnom7 nealtn. MMus Ude attael
0100rta7 had several InYeklaapUt the tastiest.
yeennuan ...ay. After' bad Inettal77 .o.-
coye4eA from the pleurisy. Sr at adv.. La ge.
' hart. madam .0.10 1414. and what them at.
anted M a Mauer. who tad sne my left Mas we.. • •
eanded. and that If eomothOurrenti am done.'
non I road dye of CUNSIIIIIMOII.-.llliiier
ed on nom MIS time antil Ocarina mlddllt ale
Jun% my wail and long dleets• limenkUlt
snatind Worm and tweaksr every day, Staab.
mat' deitratri at of am vitas
mativeremandeds.. and Inaral. flehemi
belief et 105 IraorooOlll etOooowsloa. sem
Annoy tam‘rof ear. nut. try Im. A7:YEIIf.
'and 'ening Me advenitrateut tinmememnots.
I Ina mane.. 0M..l toufou tOi noe
-1 term Ma 0at...1M run urea% and MA Wmax..
amMe my leap iron toe "LUNG se
old me the app. Late or my 101 l mule rm. Tarr
mat Moe... Oates M 0.... steal..
and me, peraneranas to teem if W madialno,:
i would 4st wet!. /•.t. an Marl eadol Ort.
Mane my 1A1.• Ins Ora au handfed and Ma%
ty been In a minute, and rwrl. genendiy ore..
Mated.. and had to wait aightaal day: I ane•
wormed the Dector-It treatineut liOttolse, PIM :
Ia feeble; ei•len eolstleatlon. and mead.. ••
nitdodly until an protest lime:.?!.. ittramee
01.' UM./ WDed me from tha WI dart, aid P •
00.4 inattufly feet want villas oM,tger . •
and my eonto gold enitectormlon hasiams. •
Ogre game% £0 01710 aareasmedes any.;
telferellLaUtharalillait atoll bane to tow/. •
!mg 2.140 , !0ral health la hetryery re; oaks sid
am felionee and tenant know •I ths Mune.. •
atase of sayanutte 024
al.'. Una '
of the maattran 11010 Dr, •
Keyser-wa r s =Mane miler LUNd..l7ll=. •
.attle*l trot. 101ne0tl..110 the other fret..
meat.,Manh 341M7. • :
s .listrynxB CUES lV CONSIMPTItni, .".
yoresustrt or Joss 0.1410131.:oP re,sms
Calm ALLIGEOLIT 00770*.
Stu ditchargal from Mr Vatted WAS,'"
In f Inemre 110/. on arra. of • Imams b. tow
tnd, non and 040.4 which thaarm7
70100.15al pronounced coNstatriloN.. I had ••
tomb's sonitt .4 fed alms to Minya
enti mat .4. ...wet* 410 arithlat:'
tar mo realm &mut. army. IMideivolleattom • .
tOSPUtt•Ata atw seaberoded and. , Mt. , •
rude. to at.ther n Pittirousb of high Matta-
umi whoe trundlea toed AlthlhilY.
.•toot., Wow. any Muth sehalameretnutatte.
eraser marsh uallteasted to: teat tar nom*
every nal. iinelesaefeinii MOWS. took mo•
ea. ea. tiko !alai Imdtmna taim p ,
o - pozrtd of e. 4.000 watt nadir hie tuirtnaess`.
.nakkoom moualued my imass,..ry..en
att• tde sad tad ma eh.'
eltitag lawdy .2..4 'St adi
pot 11 1 wa• Cannata.. thadsbi haaomel out moo •
hSfollearlim his.direstkon closoir, wink
OSA 4.1.14 Was I griatmity hum.. um.
qtr 9%./irfoari Mortemeo Otto reeka • to tatatheat...4 m 7 iguana Swank
ea Omproyek II:04 411111101111.1111ina
4,441 twit SWAM me. ..blooms
tali ard straelf.d Min from p an,. can ""
-dO !di dtrErark.lmil isko 'Acme Measure
glylil ..1 e.04.,,, e y lime ot.'DY:llfenuerie ••
PE 1O ORM, gilurp
anti 6.11.64 at lib crux inumerinkirrinuk
'to MIXgrir111101:T. Manna* xtxua,
ism PENN IfTIAZT. Leiegaiantwat,„*.