The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 01, 1868, Image 5

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Yesterday; at Philadelphia, the j Ea
preens Court 'of, Pennsylvania., al! the
Jedges concurring, made a decision
yodeling to the'Connellsville Railroad.
Compani all its rights and franchises,
which were unjustly andeorruppy taken
from it by the Legislature. This ciecle ,
ion makes =betel:tinily' an end of all
controversy t this case. It Is true, the
matter Is d peceding,in aflother form,
before the BapreeM , Court of the United
States: on an appeal taken from the
judgment oC theo.Circuit Court
, it: Wit
haresport, which was that the t re
pealing the charter witenttconatif tional
and ;void; but it cannot be doubtfhl what
the ultufgete decision . of. that Court, will
he. The 'Opinion of the circuit bourt
will be attitaineff Hat, if thi decision
of 141EtrarcultCourt shall be 'set inside,
. that recall- will be of no cot aeottence.
Thit, decision of the Supreme Co L ert of
this State , practically closes mai the
while matter; that is, It restores the
cliarter,b'siond all peradventure. I
Ilia is s subject in *hick this city
him! a great stake. Our people hue been
abused and calumniated because they
felt they were outraged, and spoke and
acted In accordance with that conviction.
Aiello , has been long in coming+long,
as measured by their impatiene
they hall it with , the heartier aitisfac
"offig adds to the gratiffeatioi is the
circuraitancg#at the decision was unan
imous. Not' One of the •Juigea enter
tained the idea that reason pr excuse for
Unirepialing set ever existed.
It It fair to infer that, ender this de
cision, the work on the read will be re
' tamed. and pushed to cOmpletion with
the least possible delay..
,Mr. W. 311LNime flourrtv, consulting 4
capper of tide company, etude; on the
28nic., a report' to the President mod
mangers thereof, relative to the origi
nidconstitction, present coidition, and
feasibility of enlargement of the canal,
which has 'since been pablletcd in
pamphlet form. Be makes thei length
of the wig 134 miles, dividid into
three swarms; from Beairer to head of
New Castle pool. SI miles; front bee of
liew"CestlOpool to Conneant Lake, 60
tattles, and from -Conneaut Lake; to Lake
Tel; 4l miles. The aupp'y 1 6f -water
for the proposed enlarged capacity or
the line he regards as abundAnt; and he'
millimetre the cost of the enterprise at
$1,887,75434. is Ibis compt4tion
made upon the scale of prices ezistifig
So m e little thee ago, it rosy be, taken for
granted 4 tt conndcrablo leaf stun would
. _
In Erie County cruel_
relative to this mater ; as, also; general
-1 'ly along the line of the csnaL i Indeed,
at the election last autumn it entered as
1 a prominent element into the contest for
i . • State Senator. .- . . 1
1 . It is now proposed to ask the I.egisla : titre to extend its credit to aid in the en
. . largament. If we are correctly Inform
- . . ed; the plan to to get the State to issue
...:, lie bonds for the amount ren'tdred, talc
' , ince. mortgage on the canal as security.
1 .The intention is,wc believe, to bring a
~. I bill beton,
,the •Legislatnre, to this end,
'.! 'i daring the current session. . '
!.. . ' .
1 ACCO7I.D.OIO to the Report /3f the In.
:.... spectate of tho Western Penitentiary, it
inow contains 488 criminal ifnates—the
1 . . : largest number !Met re d. Doris:
i ':
year 113 we discharg thirty-four
were pardoned; live eseaped, nal two
i died; is that the whole number of pris
. Onto for the year was 0-40. As . the
i TIDES= hss oily 818 cells, it lie apparent
? • that two-thirds of the number th eists'
etwo. prisoners instead of ne, as the
ii . ... • laws direct. Of course, this makes the
solitary eystem, of which so 'much
4 6 .ritth_ael&heltadr-EttalOtrir,S.
` , l- cf! ~i 'e. .. t sorry. :Alta,- er we have no
• faith in the systgm, and think the sooner
• I '.
it shall be got rid of the be . But it
ought to be I superseded by some other
. definite system, not by sr t is in op.
..1 ' pupation to all Systems. embers of
1 ' the present Legislature ought earnestly
1 to consider this matter. Thelnspectors
' cannot reline to recelice p goners duly
committed; and, recelv there, they
-.i . , cannot retain them in yin the
n .
~, manner commanded by hi ~- An effec
' i s ' I=l remedy ought to be resided' for
-4 this condition of affairs. • -
- TEE folintrne of Lmein county bad
c tic,
labia on sad silsartised f ore all the'
property end Irancidsee f the Union I
sr Coat Company .: One p nof - this
property ' was acquired 1 at year, the
price paid being $1,750,013 0 . The pro.
• .
perry or this 'Company situated in
_ Wayne county, was sold some weeks
'r-. arc . the Delaware and Hudson' Canal
Company becoming the p imbue},
doubtless will be of the property lo
ui i ,c...
in Lucerne county. Ind ed, it Is quite!
--- probable ila Maim Coal pony was i
organized for the express urpoae'of bey!
. 331/( told Out ; its property 'nd franchises
'.. this falling into the salon of the
Delaware and Hudson nal Company.
,'This will work an a edition or Its
.. , .... privileges which Wooed hardly bate
obtained from thetegids uliff._.•
. - ...
Tun Mit.tine Mospltsl of: Ede, Ps.,
was Incorporated by the stl4-glalature, ,
and was panted three h. • dred acres of
land owned by the State aS a first ap:
Ptipriation. 'lt Is now
, ropoeed to en
ter into contract for the T-- of suit
able buildings for hospital purp.nres on al
site containing one hrmdred acres in the
city of Erie, a part ofe Btaie land
grant. Yeattlay, WI n Mpg, - Big:,
of that city; and Mr. E. (Porter, mob
, itect of Buffalo, li. Y., iced here for
' the parpoie of visiting and, inspectir.g
--Dianiont Hospital , pre wry to adopt•
in a plan for the ptonew build
ings They will visit that institution :
lcu rii
to-day and We feel sure Ibo favors.
blybnpressed.witli Its eneral conven
- knee, beauty and arrangement. .
- - -
. -
Wa yesterday mentited th at one of
tho :iadges of the Supr me Court of the
u n ited States Ima publicly and coarsely
t o uted that the bodylof which ho is a .
lac lather -Mcnild ripest the Reeonstruction
policy of coogrori. toth;his matter
and' manner, dernom to what we
.heretofore ~s ill id, that Judges
'are at cOmpletely 'pap clans, Bs, editors
i y
ormentbers of Congrc.s and can as li ttle
be trusted to dectdo I partially where
questions dividi n g po Ideal organlzs
- dons are InVolved. - ti motion c 4. air.
Schofield this r eport tirade bee been
referred ti> The Saki Committee for
Investigation: If the ,publistied stale
- anent 'Mall ba ens to
that Judge
onOt speedily to be i peached_ and de•
gr ..i, au. , ....---
East with startling rapidity.
The raps were made by the observer
as It croeied the wires, and leaving him
,to rename' his monotonous labor, we
pass toe distant vow, well lighted and
warmed, where electricity is carryrng
the result of his weighting. 1
-.Sere ticks, with Blow ilistlnetneae, the
Sidereal clock, the ultimate effort of the
horologist's art. It has little peculiar in
its exterior except • dial divided into
twenty fora hours and a Sash of light,
',welch springs from this end of the pen—
datum at every Irving. c
l i lieu by, with lively clicking, a brass
----"''''"---- cylind.r tarns, by impolite mechan.
TES BaltibrOre an Ohio Raireed ism, once a minute. Itis covered with
compay, watch is lb actual owner of I paper, on which a pen truce an endless
the •Pittsemit h o etta e rvellivilie /1511- 1 line as the cylinder turns bariatb, while
road, lode a enrplueot near two millions lof ever y flash fro m the
the ,
~ o r dollars, Under tne Moil dlecoureff* k , pen La twitted tilde, Ile if by en Inv fel* Yount Vesuritrt, (says a aporl
leg circuit:interment). Me refuted le In vest ble hand, 1. instantly recovers ttaelf, dal e
. N. 41 0 . 7, Italy, .1 10 a
u n.• ; .•. , 3 l c i lk)l . lT: l ll e ta
itself of this prolate ship, oven open I leaving the line thee broken et regale? 1
i ress t inti l aisit ' y elo r ea uPt ltn ooturratee in tft ' o '
cOndldo lll allearting 1 a mimpletten el 1 i nurn ie, each of which correspond to a , past year, bus ealroinated In an unusual
tom.cOlaneetinn al i
ti as possible 1 second of the clock. . . 1 ri,,T,eir,,Yofreg,''',,int.,,r°,,E,h,f.;,,, ?n, the right
after the
Be t
a the legal impedl- While we look, the observe: at the 1 0 4,,,.„ . .,a,,,, 0 the ~..,,,,, o f C 1 H Y " 1.! i
IA 0 0 . 001.1 11.
j . Teenta. It .114 ..00eSe neatly . reneee ble 1 other end of the building has
a a Ater ono of the fortincstians.of_ tropic:, aline.
ro fare; etne e the teete„,_retimt of 11 1 sPPrcs clin g the lett "' mei new' though i, r a , b gin n um u blin i rttw i.n ar i d a,e llet nauch =
ulle! h 7 the 05 P , wilit.lksti"T` tel Cannot hear We &elan" ripe on the portions of several boasts, bolt In lbo
Ittgl ten
mellnlebea rft°l_efth_etineerll t telegraph key, we
their idled on the 1 Licinix,..raleo:eenrwhelme.tri4zeearrtafle;
be visixase Pee the nee Nu s a
Pushed PePer before'''. on w h i ch th e Pen makes ' nie d htray et ilie inoment. The scene is
and that the .11 another, win be Pne eee 1 ° • tout as the key is streets, and th en 1 1
melancholy anettufe7llhLttl:.l Tb t t h • road
cOlnpletiOn. it the !lOW. Preetielt" SilDthel„ Caul - Inother, ea ITO are re. r o. u n cl o nWS I, IU
if, In
with treks t o tral ' VI.
moment —— ' 1 corded. These signal the Woe when Sus which hut Just formed a part of tbo
star _, ,P55‘52.1he ore wires is tb„„.„.,,,„„e treacle; mountain.
T air i nlel r' as iii di co ' ge7R t
the 8.... L. One ".•••••••• -- ----- -- e tas of life, but the number killed ' bow
itiPlegegyi_caeee tide rnerldlen; 1 " if I not Lap ascertained.
the i ------'e—"e-- ,
ere ADP Me ..„ o "ee hibitep r____,,, e°4l _, 7ex" ,,,l re ~,. i --It is stated the Con,iressional Ways
parr, we etou nee 7 . 0 ..... ..." ...". - sad Nicene Cowl:nine. nag Ae6lded not
heart the Whale/ thP 05055ei Le the i lo mince the tax on whisky.
amiss ie ititlapta scStp ,
80 0 3 inch
- • 3 NO
. 13 0 :11 24.0.2.i .. inch;
Comtheree ta
• frecteca or s sewed, almn the star . „ e el I s m., •et IRerl . L . I! .IT, the es ilegict of ear Consu utlea, or that solecture the judges from the ablest of I With= 111 ., a nd has been copied by I box, it :.=a n'y oe tee same eroundso•
FOW'Atel ' ;I - i ' r
In the "Life of Sam
Hock it a told , croesed. -. • I us uemen nety not borrow in is extreme its members ; sue therefore it is, too, that , some of the State Conttautions, erts.eail ' e nnveu en celhat here tolerated and tee
the Interval •
ty, Mr tee cermet anon re its Me, else the stpectsele of a divided court is, of lof relying o lv on the lnade uz•e rem- °totemic, t e rein of n p un: It is
Dow that Yankee pedlar , when he found I Ce ruun .a'en wan et u-o-de , Speech c f Hon. Thomas Williams, rt.ter.tit , ilts . ire 14 thrown, remand late y ears espetially, so cemmon &thing, ; edy o y f inipthehment, which entrees no , a recesseer time s-Lereeer there is all
I between the WV'S assaV. from : day to . .
it impossible by
ordinary means, to Int • - or rueseetmeet. the a atub't . individual and Met lowitest that unanimity is the excepnon rather I error, however vital, and leaves the de 1 varsity of opinion the baker• number
day is =variable, dif the clock re- . Lome" • I
than the rule, and lawyers themselves faulting Judge to shelter himself under I shall pmeen it there es to be any demean
'lure • farmer to hay one
of hue Coulees colds 100 eerly ati e for Its manse, the ietiWtiaerri,7,:r Reer":"Xiatireeeamefteee. It here H anything that to transeca. , are startled at the idea of preseribing a the plea that he erred from ignorance lat all end therefore a is, that by the
tent clocks, eased alb Pertilission tO , clock is sloe, taw,,y suppos,ng th a t th e rag suall slesulese ■ • q u eemen el dent y • nod indeems Lly unreasear.ble, It Conffition thst to them seems Impossible, I only, or Tfithout corrUpt est. To rule of the common law, which is the
elenTstele IS In te 1 ce tee t t should be compt I I take leave to ny that it is no more int, meet this difficulty, however, I have had growth of a nelson that tamer recognized
leave tt until his return on his "circuit." telescope is pom..e I rely Acme all the se: TeeTere:erite.t Cow
tote VO:r n eo d i. , m e t for teen say teTen cr eight men, possible than the berntonierus agreement the honer to submit a consteutional the nee of a majority la 1 dace of state
Ttds device, it appears, seldom failed multiplication of 11 beau. mechariam, Mr. Wthmems, of l'enusylvanie The t oats et exelme add nee like petitions ,et • jell. It is questions of tacts alone amendment to the same effect, In order a power delegated to three or more per"-
however, It must he .lain that if the te . object o f t h e amendment reported by the and tefireuitiet as ourselves, either to i that are the most trtutful sources of dlf to tuneable - toe just authority of the law- eons for a pubes purpose. Is exerctsable
to sure a customer; for the familyttee to the. Senate Dill Is to pre 11.-l i• ltlate-- "' Tl
by L onsttuction the great ference among rn matters of pure making pdwer, by bringing the Federal by a ma•or ty of the persons named,
wieldiest once given it a place l on the d ee r 'et of our !themes, or to set asffie science, as the tow n ie sometimes claimed judiciary walun the reasonebte coutrol ',tittle a merely private authority canuot
Wes eew 7or S ul e t u fi th in , i t h b e e ti l m E e tn recor dEetalsta- orl :re thus - Gov - meat = as on as I deer e a l y ? r, f
_the high council oS o t e h a e u n f,;: r no ne , ,to be; there Sr great roam for cotaro. of Congress, with retch qualification' as be executed by any number less than4h h e e
kttchen mantle, finding it grow rt. access not be that of tstar's craning the true spirit , and protect Ire people an the g eta et e ptto . o
wi l g h o culture r e d Tome g r it:l e /it; will wte l t pfla p rd est It seitloloctiertiongyteogtti:
o st o a ti tm ee s o s i
e w o h t e e l e e q .
oe f o tsf ee
J tolinutseen'teetltleeepor t, S
Illy of tire, paid the clock m e te! te e ms meridiem, and Coconseentntly wi lt n ot, h e joyment of the rights intended to be se. rear • of theainte,ligeele and all of the I caselss,)that it
Price, rather than see the Connecticut right, so that any imperfection in the in. •
cured to them by its fundateentel last, ttrio•, eta of a crest Peonle, and in effect .In opiates .? The beet lawyerswill be eel. the House Ist some more favorable op- meet tuff altogether In the event of a •
treuttredepart on the returning wagon. StrUMent or adjustments wat aff •ct the by protecting that law so well imams , ' 1. ne every bedt but itself 'rhea Is Eut dom !cred i ts) differ where they are agreed portunity. darerence of op u, welch in affairs of
I arm asly nee teemed, • perhaps, by the neon the facts It it only the Pres Assenting, however, that the power of 1 tute would be entirely inadmissible
Our "City Time seem to be one of result - the encroachments of the btates as froat feet 01 a written Cent. itution, but still tenders, the mere smobsts, that convert review Is properly lod . ged with the Su- I wherever any positive act is to be done '
three convenimattles, which we did not The Peculiar accuracy attained is due the m e t ed. or i n firmities of Its acered ck • emu .1) that may well startle us, In what ought to be the temple of concord preme Court, the question ei whether• 'ln the ordinsry course of judlcial pro
dreiew wan needed, .ill y e tried 1 it, and less tothe beat:alai mechanism than to sled expounders, acting through the_ '.7` .1 the possibilaica that ate so Into an arena of perpetual strafe, on the the Iletuthtion proposed would t e a I theiltegs it may be admitted that the rule
more =suttees and alarming process or t . O O se t lt tb suegr seed by the present rends bench as well as at the bar. In the proper one That it la so it, tink, ofeunsuirnity -would e, if not absolutely
whose value would onl be feltt If we the forecast of the astrohomer luraself e station, -wherein its highest long term of thirty-two years, daring demonstrable from well settled prinet I ImPraelecablet at / rota it ist a ua rce
were exposed to the chum of in lose . The striking peculiarity of the whole Judicial conshllellon, which i s en often j ' at e lshel tribunal Is invoked and depend- , which Lord Mansfield presided over the plea, and is e logical r esult of the dects- lof endiesa tied infinite embarraurnent.
A year or two ago we veil te look in at Process now comes into C .
tans but anothername for jufficial legistallon led • p in, as a par erful, nay, a reeistless ; Court of King's Bencb, there wore, if ions of the court itself. 1 and reedit unquestionably in the great
The purpose of the imentlmert „ ie. elm. ter
m the war wen, dby the Ere- Imy temellection serest me right, but two It is admitted on all tanda that qtes- I delay, if 'not the absolute denial, dl' jug
the watchmaker's eceadcmally le nuke The astronomer knows that some error
offered by me, which la no other than a endive er attes t
, th teo power , the i t t t h e intrted , er a s of - division among the judges of thins of thui Sort are 01 great delicacy dice . In the case, however, of a question
sure our time was right (or wrong) lies in each part of the best instrument,
e p o rF,To.l ' d
witlin a few suntan; but to-morrow, and be is most careful adjustmenewhlchou .1.1 late. li trr N n v n is s 't teru t e e tt ben e g
t Tayle ee r, upon n tl e le t g h r e est que e " I lion olifaelite- ittondoleoughetgeorneeeet of
105 ao r e t t h e e s ttfteriseettutior
seoleithyeeotfeere se,trfef
alarmll" that;
t t 11 Ih tl- ( a l e n e h i
i I feeling
lt v 0,,0, 1 ',
when mangle stroke on the Court House will vitiate the remilt, he seek., If it be nation and the preset - vete - m g of ihe Jet ', -sr m ELI ion..'y eoubted to Luther there was rary property, and the other that of Per- the rul f e ' ist Penneylvenia, end perh e aps I requlronent of unanimity will onTy give
sends the hour to um One, MIS not allowed for. He will no• assume balances of the Counituieon. was Intro es t.• Le. h ir ity t o m e emess,er the Dal- rin cc. Blake. upon the appllestioi of the everywhere eise, and the practice of the to tee lew making power tee benefit of
ettizens stli t gme Mr Rata an luncon- them lot example, that these duemor dead by me into the Ist Congrest, and i 5, ,, ,, ,;,,, O. L ,_ Lil ,i, could declare an a
ccts 01
rule in SNalley's cummand no reversals Supreme Court or the Unitd States is the favorable presumption to which no
a e ffe tt n eet re tt n e ewet t i led re •rred upon the T.l ilia ts , : t = c . 0 .:4 3 , n , S o 1 1 1 3 : i e t r h ttohlo•ecoion„rtaitleitiotl;t,i i t r i t oo t e tut e
olitx.e;relueree.Ceehantititr Lir . ba t th o e shoan by, the Reports to be e in strict am 1 la o we t er ersil dispute that it is entitled,
smut testimony to their dependence on turned axles ere equel, alseereee equal;
his teccuracy, by the simultaneous com- he knows they are net, ba he will know Mut a t prot e ec o tio t n esPuerees l ', 1 ; nn e :l i r e t , o , e . eu t i e e . euf cutler. That que tem has been act. cases, wherein the dissenting jesdre wwas co r d la ce ng w r l o t u h g ie fel
objection,tghest o n ti ) ,,e
re T t h o e r r e e , ' d
aadvartete.tedeYoft eo t y p joesoutzpotylor;treesetitiehg It ot e i
parson of several hundred time keepers by how many hundred theasendths o f highest security abet the r ethentv of t fled ellifieetrt tie on greneds Gist may I Tate", who wee decided to be right in to lie muckier the bill as merely imparts own decisions as the rule that is to gov- •
with hls, whose verdict every one tales an Inch they ditier, and csleulate by Congress an demand and the nature et 1 i
1:1, p e c o ret ,t pa , cote-deft-0 be unausererat 1
; boast, Another Yates might Save the the sanction of law to what is already re.ern the courts untie at least, they ,shall
the eire. mstences tell admit 1 , I 1 alt lan not, at ail events , etonstitution here against even the er- cognized as a rule of the court have been reversed by the united and
as finals 1 how much the , minuie difference has attempt to c
°taro.,•Let It was apparent- rare of another Mansfield by the adep- But the rulings of the courts do not concurring volces of the whole of that
To this end it provides that not less
We are , thee aw „ustomed to refer diverted Ms teletcepe nom as true than a full beneb shall sit in judgment Ily the In ;kat ind accessary result of an tam of the proposed amendment. And stop short with the concession of the twee -teary which claims to hold a dela
through the telegraph to oar standard plane. upon the will of the people as declared autagove , ta lima, Len a tuperior law and what Is there, In view of this striking princtple, that cases of this nature ought gated power to net;" judgment upon Its
clock, by which we set our Iwatches Thns, i that imperfecteon Attlee we all t o h o r t o b u t gh their Representatives, and that enoseettr,joortles,otvlshheseelorceeouollenol
o be ee re o - e l eiyhatsotegrattfojoutd,clawl
e hist o e f ry t , ll w oe hi t eh to ts om f Li:l o t t o qe t h e ea e rd except before a full authority. There will Mine such =con-
But what is the clock sat by t I The an. agree theoretarelly to eaut in the dos ( mentnoVth o e r i t , o v f o t r lo c e a c o
sew,as en t h e o e l e a r: :R e a th e ir ,
( c aller of them If the fundamental , sad the general ha y nnoiy that prevail's of
well by the iSuprdelmi efurtoheetr
of the
tebeenljeost7eessontefeaelltubreey t o o t ite i c t i e ti ve
et W ee li eo e;
ewer to this question can show nothing perfect human work, here epe-are as a ptieet by appointment of the Executive of courts the higher lew was not to tre-, England, to prevent the achievement of Suter all by the judicial tribusde of all decided that the law is constitutional by
new to the smenllfte reader, but may sensib e teams heated down, and eau she ll nullify th ,„ ; ere l ; ey ere ihing th e , eel ill ..),I, a , trllt, the Constitution be- the sameerreultwithumtud Where there the States, sO fu as I am acquainted feeling to agree that it is otherwise, and
interest some who wonld reply "try the as effete allowed for b g matheormical scepter of the taw giver, end striking els eau., a s 11,1 e. us a limitation, which it that will consent, untilit is tccithplished, with thoti, that no act of the law mahleg the Pew of Cements will Prtlall; lut It
T he dead at les lath eat intended to he. It was not without to trust the welfare and the very exist- pewee Oust!. tO be declared invalid ella ought to do, t hat
they cannot be
son," si a matter of c ourse, cad, in nee comptealaons'When relent themselves to The a ndment of too committee , reason , he sever, as we have occasion enceelltida Udine to Mich an arbilra- ttureentandeflunfliett enth.the Conseil brought to agree ( hat it Is wrong
the ides that the min keeps time of un- every - varying forms of error until a final while it accepts and inc o erporates the from t era recent cipenenee to know, runt 1 retrea t: Meneept - the a very clear case: Ilitiring thus shown, as I think, the
impeachable uniformity, seems common result is reache I correct pa a few hue- prtnciple enunciated In my bile and so I that the J,el,na and watchful and saga - f But it is not the want of professional (Fleteier es Peck:6 Creech, 128, Reset entire reasonsbleness and propriety of
-ems Jeff.rson referred again and Brad training only that Ireakes the difficulty es Dtiquet, 3 Yates, 492; Eskin es Robb, the change proposed, the text and tut
tar challenges aty approval, reduces the
enough even among people a good gen- dreths of a second of nine s te ecurity provided tos by it ey Wrap, tO the Power claimed tor that tresinal, as and the danger here. Tho judge, with 12 stclt ) In the first named use queetion le as to our power to effect IL
eral education, M. excuse us for :searing We cannot without daliculty, conceive ming on a two third vote, which, en- involver the establishment el a tut/lent Mt, i t not so much a lawyer as a poll- Judge Marshall gays, in delivering the end here, I think, there mnO doubt or I
any one who so 'names that dile have of any accuracy so- great that the rem der the present constaution of
the Su oligarchy on the land. I tican. The chances are that his poll- opinion of the rem difficulty
b e
of. ordinsry excelleare he may or ten separate mistakes should mane a Pratte CuirL would add one voice only Vi e leek in vein to the country from ties, and not hue knowledge of the law, erne euesiion whether a law be void for In the lest place, then, the Cionstitution I
to the lartrther now required to undo the wheh our institutions are derived for here mule him what he i ;and the place I t s rePtietmn.Y to the to.stitothin is at ail provides that -
be sere that it keeps more regular time total of error, less than the time welch
work of Congress see give, retests e a any trends of such a poveer as this ever he hes sought and won ill, perhaps, but flee. e,de'eaue't or mina he rein. ssill'e "rim plateful poser ehatibe vested none
Ont the Inn dean elapses between the tido, a a clock and the stepping stone to a highereleget. • aom, tt ewer, to be decided in the ~,,,,.,.,,e ~,,,,,„ ~,,,,,,,e,,,,,,,,, ‘ . oaro , ~,,
new law to the " people, Led In
IVs Col Siltation and laws. The remit One- affirmative in a doubtfel cue. Ills n , ton tao Converse may tram time to ortem
.It is true enough that We can deduce each eeparate error l , be a reessusble thenk, falls short of the neceselues of 1 rametive, it m trus, may summed the ae which ho covets more-whenever he Mutate i m meliestioe or nee" medee e tese m the t m e m ememe t•
the tins by colt/mutation, when we know queenly, eet this :giant S exceeded the case and the high requirements of non ortee legieletne body, although in shall have recommended himself sufilem I,Ott e ttta,V,Vit er iTt a gt.t.7. tt e T a lt i t e t't e teTal,L l - There is nothing here, however, is to
the sun's error, but this method does not It is not easy to/ resales-, either :that 'public duty. I polut or f .et tint peen - mauve has slept ently by hts conduct there, either to the unsetern Told. The opposition between. the number of Judges who shall comse
President onto the party to which he the lanatitutlOn and the law should be seek
moo d h e ft delreresice„ than; Is only one of tor user two euedred years, but It se:, it; nothing as to the ^timber whoa all
give the most accurate results, and the each struggle 4ainst the limitation owes his exaltatielite Without an of that tneducga reels a slur and s t d be con•
reader who earn to know he r process of which nature seems to set our Emmet, more
- s ee
o m tt e t r e e ht t g isi h e e s e t t i o rto n of 1 i t
b le t s t a
e t I h
C. ° th e e gilereeetrennlthenetran7eosnlyf the esprit do corps, the devotion t y , his g r ade. 1 ., thafr incempatibility whit each bii.e.c.ciamipsehlaeltitcatomepastefi,nrhoolLstiV,l aug . I
finding the time from which, st second shonld be called tor s o the commas ble security and an inferloror lower one. stn } tat operaeon untll the r a m p of proper calling, the high professional And this is reason. When we look to questionable that Congress may fix the
Dead, we daily set bar watchea and rug- wants of lire, yet a s and we might And here. I think, it may be steamed 1 I uffior, operaon comes back to bred even pride that always results from high pro- the feet that every law enacted by the I number of the court at its own dame •
state our appeintments, ehould endeavor potat out many .very Important resets in the politan, and carries into the the ordeal of a bench of judges to the eqully clear that it may determine how
to obtain admittance (not usually an dependent neon • it.
with confidence (Dot the legtslator, hold- roYeleY im"ll before It. No littlish iesalonal training, he Maks the lawyer Congress of the Hailed States must pass , tiop, and a has always done so. It is
rang, as he does, a public treat, and eitt . our, ~ en lliP 1310 at ancient end 'meter
s eating upon has own account or for Ins sees, waft all its historic prestige and all I temple of Themis, where no divided I Jediciary Commlttettor each Hensel un- I many of them shall be required to con
essy matter) to some of thel larger ob To confine onrselees to one It Is the own private interests alone, hoe no all its array li mes
learning, hes ever ventured worship Is admiuible, all the prejudice dergo 'public discussion and 'matey on ttante a costa for business purposes, and
solute diecretiou, no choice, inJeed, but es set limes to the t uthority Ot the law. i of_ rill, and all the Writ of the local I the ikwitS Of 151)th, ba affirmed by the this it has also done by declaring how
sereatories of the country, where the Ulnae Of a ditfereaCe la the mareet priceti demagogue. It is idle te emits fat S c
hundred and tweet
le take the higher and superior. As 1 geter The eppell to not there from eat' eee eita . 9 7 many than be neeestary to make s quo
original dais are Obtained on which /a of eve,* imported article that navigation
semen t h e nee d of a guarantee for the l'er l umen t l° ti t e euurte hit Practically I tOln of our t Ourte of Justice se mereiy meta temp/Wet among them a large rum, As Ike hew now Mande a requiem.
formed the Nautical Almanac by which 1 1 in
s -comparably esfez since science has public steely, he cannot, in my judg Mora the coons themselves to Paris I mulimal Institutions Ihsclaiming os i number of lawyers of great expersence more than two thirds of thee tribunal,
the local time is estculated in all the given the seaman the mesas of knowing meat, demand tee much; his only tines Imut, as the highest ot them all And I feasibly all prediction over 1
pe Meal , and ablitty, and many ot them et least Is at present ormunred, fbr this purpose.
principal cities. at all times his peullon on the ocean, area is what Is' within the range of the lea and fi,,,,,,g, I y ~, that great dem ,. I qu . estio t as, they are as thoroughly polit 1 the Teets of the judges of the Supreme nee constautionslity of that law has I
We shall find such observatories, and this cave
des lo duc to such labor l e 'l il ati ble s . th't.hteilfir lie great ante
a r c l a t om } of th" l unw i t Mea n laws and t c e u e st i oLes '‘'
I Elouinsesneoirf tCnonettYrcessiandtaninsteluveln,notvwer I C°nprovreli t h b e y m s ti e i l e v es ,
e a .
i n d d e
u t h i earithe: eic i I er been doubted by anybody. If a
famished with meant to obtain the LIMO las we have described- The Nautic al "Ire& I take it to las Lie clearde ar ly (' ho to ',
' eu m'i eg ol se tts:f. l ' be i rt h lcs e o e f b i l t t s u pe te °pie, ole-M. whose atmosphere of mitts and storms 1 and affirmed upon objeCtaens tu n a i d l e ; e y e s ' not
t EI valid mde when o rw e f i s e cte b d ; it
r Carole oe
;.d to l Y n
eft a small fraction of a second, in or near . Almanac of England and Amen ca, cal- waive 50 SeCurity, but to , v-rved an I performed that respell-ale they are mospoted to dist, like disem two third vote, it would have been sum that Las since taken place In the number
every large city of the Rerthern and ; Mated from thesesobureatorms, have " eaten avorence double sore. 1 sod exalted to
In the s ick enedt the ; Mailed virus, In the celestial light of I prising, indeed, if the court could have of the judges It it is still the law,
and toteabond of fate ^ semis they would have sened mod lan unclouded an d nn emme rea m. • I held any other language in regard to IL then, by a furtherurte reduction of the num
Middle States, except Patiburgh; and ,lowered the niece Or marine insurance r oe Turn to the history of our jurspecid.l Whezethey say, however that the case I ter, the nxng quorum moght
an hour in one wilt probably give the I &oughtn't the maritime is ore), and di- I 0
n e t
,t,e point ot e e y n c e
e e s o d , m e
e l t o e: ,sit is here esed u nder the w tiherteg Influence of
maiMr sortie 11.. W Ideas CAI the remote meetly rmideed the cost er every English I
melon too wh o le question is entree pee es elswelehtly that te e n ' II the sang do
you we but the reflection of the ; inevitable logic, the principle bf my flelO'LlLarilet 'con6titutlonahty of so much ca
ti f f sparnt thet we may exact the oio atom's
•he ss eldest inetrunients of fluent, 1 thetime be , ing to have the ascendant in a deer one where even ono out et hearing before a full bench Is fully den
y " more then ii , royal facer . Tbe history i that nation 1 cute , s . l hie end nationelS and what I must the a clear one, they affirm by an i, o i e whole, and upon this argu
dered If we may exact two thiras it 15 , Its I,c tw :en preremitive and pm, liege I opts:l t ems of the Tarty which happens far amendment. No case can be stud to be I the amendment at least as requires Li
nese of the causes which may effect his pale used in oar we.rkseops, and every '
pommel aurora and of the conditions e v e r y silk worn by our - ladies, awl a whoo shall ssy, if we may do .h s, have ta,en OP • ),I(I,ZeS Bet to the COOT , . nirturatelY• perhaps, for te3 eon
Judges dSeents, as no decision rees t ra te,
of a straggle Carried On bylman :splint every pounder
sold by onr grocers , that the loweet s e curity which the min tee ho tt er , of the l egt anture Ibe . the welfare or the' nation. before it wu lis Tegealled ell as unimpeachable ao- And now, le the second place, as to I
the imperfection of his Own tuna I While last, yet scarcely least, wahout I try shall eejoy ehall be less than the • s Lel, teat h e decision has ever llt ell hardened into the consistency of an limey, everi bt an ordinary - caret the power of Congress to regain the.
Who would suppose that the practical them we theuld no longer be Able to re unanimity of the jury box t Ir that is men as
•• by them a bleb vielsted the organized State, ths plastic hand of the I whlre there ha been a division on t coneurneg °pullout of the whole of
practicable, why not Intlst upon it tus'lncts of tne mann race, by became I party thatesvoreci the covenant of line= the beach; and none a for-twee ought to 1 what it tarty CM:OSe to declare a sperm
wants of life would create a demand for ly on our "Crap Tent-" To these questions them can be no an- dean its eretrateet, or traverstng its I was intoked to put its Impress on the be considered in a case el that son as of 1 upon any decision which they may pro- 1
an semaraCer In the knowledge of the•
ewer except that it Is unreasonable, or grant =salute to isberty, by totpteieng , work and launch it on as kigh caeca. I any weight or melee whatever. dt may ' Vise to maker gemat the validity of any I
time, which would treat a single 'mead POLITICAL ITEMS. inexpedient and unnecessary ;But Is upon th, returel r•ehts of the subject, If the old Federalists, however, curled be that the dissentizig }ridge Is, as in tee ; o f I ts l e ns,
of error as an as dan kl y' gross care- I . —e—, this so* Let us examme. that has not tmen eventnelly reversed by I t R o the h lgne h h one telt, of
t elf. t ltons, the la dease Of Yates, the ablest lawyer of the; .Iris to be remembered always that the
taker Yet an error of a I considerable -
lion W. L.Sharkey, E H. Yerietr
~;.Ittlifientottt c t c ; r e leirily unet e stse t s nein to in
tot Common ' of Eegllta t "' ° Parliament th e rtt th ee e n g ' row ne t e h g e l f wslaver;ethilee sot a te r t
thing `.o
f a i n et tther t e o. fotzetttorisenoeottainitutstuhl I atitherity of the court is a purely Oda
part of a mble in a vessersl reckoning is end A- H. randy, het a
.; been sepoleted I
hundred repreendtrueeeetteoen, of h t7e " e w t o e L ' S uh C b . ru'ejtstu;tmend, t w h n ' e ' er ' g u u t sdhe:^ s i e lent rights Democrat, dmwmghislnspration Dr/ Scott case, that the d Mine; • 6 .i n s it a ct c l o o n nj u .
~l o t n d o o r w o oer
f n olle t t r if: Ei th t eefs o rel
In some cases cased by etch reer ,,,d that delegates from Missmatte I to the Demo et ti e nation, driven mainly from •In tire Vigo i n stioet , , those. hoary 1 nid e mainly from th•t unh.loWo4loB"tOtiont OPiniOrl II the more thoroughly, coned 1 nine that arm ete nty ( .4 m o re rel e eme e t
I crane Natio eat Convent:oh. ; nal protestioo, and emeselyine a large venereeie ces ten e e n 1 them hallowed
tol t p e et e s t selo o n of the State n end t Federal ered and satitractory of the two . It le owners nay dispose et the joint proper
tee chronometer is wrong, end consid
ering that
shipplem of the country , -1 Republican Mate eenTentiOn it th it % rti . o o n h o e f Oi t Serr7lllny• alidtllncl7orn'.erine' 7,.. , , ,,,,,.. ahr , t e paabt, hf , eh, hae n uc ,i , ,
tt o om r
o:on e w a t l et i
tgoawoltty,,,eeovoesylineuthiee, free tite not to metsfittbroettotefontoumetbersot that ee
ti ong o ht to LI, ,or bemuse a corporste body may act
depends on this hale Instrament anti its i called in Ohm for Martel 4th, to nemi
1 st so . me severe or v eigh ' t not chosen by tie t. ...'?o w , n t'ro . n s s ', jet l'a h l a n7c ll e geS, s, • [mote l e 'r t h' e • I chartered rights of the black men, under f o ' ther words, of law , which
eilpite r . t e s i ; s o. n i t o lt e s it saemoneeweraeystnoreemlateiten
compution, the Nat:Leh:3 l lAlmanse, the 1 nate Mate officers and appotat delegates ,emple st all, and no wee or better then ~,.:1 of tit't . t onimon or rue: unary law ,
' ' " did
the miserable juggie that theword "free to be the perfection of IL The vulgar atnes rule shall apply to a ve ptibin trust,
reader my be lass surprised ti , hear that ; to t the National Convention. I themselves, the oracle whose net is tt e !Mcrae , of Ruiril.hcnal, vo warty, man"not mess a free man. but a Idea of a majority in numbers, which is , except puttees in cases where It is de
e here white man, and maintaining its power I only properly adensaible on rounds of , • '
petee et exec° cation in any other way.
to obtain the tiIIM SO that Insulting pre- -R . M. Lys
and N C. Wilton, I ~ bl ita i l e ned
I te t e ' heuteettl'eatlittscootrelearr neetiteorafnietio' ' L. " ' "'l e t ' tin t
r '''
ge n ker'arl'lolin'tr. here and in the States until that power cormenlasce if not n nart, g becant in
diction' shall not be one tenth of a sec I Fetes , have been elected delegates torte 1 the
w g i , ono "
c of that
law al et • ' .s • r e e-r ric "" e 4 rill .froune rut" s ' lre I hutg'enn culminated and carried the country the case of conflicting wills * it is inpo a s- trhheaggotpele,satree ts,cf',l,Limedetc the Dinah,be ‘i),l
I Republican State Convention, from the ' dtrei . eed; , ~,t d dean Into rebellion aud ruin, in the sible that both can prevail (I Tucker's I the toncrirting judgments 01 all ose
one in error, Is an object important , emut claimed by cur uneettors a. lei n et e . I,' ism ova• 1,
enough to cause this Governmens to rep. ] riardincden. Joliet. and 31 ono reire - , t•eras right has ordained that the le., st-Legue re d ly the dme of Centtifies f monstrous tar 000wthaothaletzlesr )
n:ind not litle . sk Commentaries, Appendix 16e.- who comp° e a Mae Supreme Court
post a large observatory and a corps of 1 tentative disltlea, ait instructions to Ind it i li, r y, i a i nd proper l t) not t e be n et
e tLe mt. t ts of net corm I the roma It
"1 a r n e S e l thato was
s r
m e illhens of in e u e bli to: I te,tl Den Abridgt 37-42 1 btory's Con night ave been constituted of a single
' 1111 Ort . n month /30) lan no Drone Jed e, mad ought to, and perhspe would
Lstronerners at the public cost. I PP lac Grant for Preset:at,
. me " ' II
"mh Vilteu e tteethee"unetensleiousverffitelt taken
a t t s i t 'a- rei. ''''''' 'etele.r.TsideVe'lieereetZL'erevehe habitants were bat &Ilene and outlaws, place 1 the comparison of opinion.. , hay! been so connauted but for the pro
It seret steppe's ourselves vlsitlng suctet Caelkilee. Vhelal""kail 1 "" e • .L - 1 ' a
jury of bin peers . 11l bo alai{ say that t o .r,, tha the ..iaeger of tylanny is from with tib mghts that a white Isrea was watch are not to be tested, as Tynan., I verbially and centrally received bypath:
aa etaitremery this evening to a ., how ; tranft for Auditor Ger era% and General the life of a greet State, the liberues of a 1 e many, or, in ott , er words, teem them boen d hi rurect• think, e re not
it In regard to the great esiS, that wisdom 19 to - be found rather I
the time is fora; we shall pass by many I Campbell tor Sureeyox General. i i :f , f n c i a . t pe:iplei,ii,siqeut,lott
feonutritolerdatthe fe e
e ni , e , - e e l lo ~ and the' they jetieired the reed:fess
halNkhiennthheereothoofotfhthe eweeareYlderaleelne,"Lni entititilenerf'iltiC:, the ut b(.;tr':3getit.° t l r t ibem oo. b ,t y la the "multitude of counsellors" thee Spiritualism 4
other instrument" to TIOW the "transit," I I -Sell" Dixon elPre"ea a fru
of 5 btedYTiacenstltuted-D.Y.el'ert a letr ' e Couert, hint"itestertneeetettur'aßeeeten3tre'w'ights, the thunders of artillery that ehook this however, from the theme of
tit bi t, P tootri 1 i t
, n ,
e t i h e o
u f
t e i w e : a n e oI , however ,
t ut
e • t iew of I Hee . fi tey a ... r e name d me 4„,,, e , erii .
I the Democrats toeing the next election ity.
co e m is p g et rt e c oo en et:d b eee to o I t h it e o 1 It o nired at Newiuk, N. Je for flppurlng
here, a powerful telescope,
meant be- I raster:try of those four or Rve-nell de an I protect tt in from themselves i Vii rtol, the Supreme Court of the tut- itself, that the law, which to but the i and the't,
Me= two tall and very Intiallve pters, In Connecticut He saes tint there are 1 'ermine in the let reset, and wahout Enere has a been pon e among their ree led h ate., startled, as It no doubt wee, voice of the people speaklug through tangible shock and conflict of opinion.", 1 trill ao:cturXdinthealiparneedeentwaneedQrtiale jfluryar
each formed of a eagle block a granite. , s large &menet of bends htld by wealthy .
nwYn appealc w r
n o i r 7r n e r ed et c , is t
defiance nt e
' a t ' t
. c ' ,. a r b‘ ' ., ' " L ' e 'a nt s d r n u s
' n n " t e j n e " r r e n seTe t n o ' l ' hp
r t il l , e w % l i th e n o
Pn n
e n t i e l d e
re ' c
t e l i o n o l t‘
o ° t r y only, their hei 117 n o n f ' r e v o u r ; Lt d L e h I, l a n n nt
ought "led not tn a t
the teeth may he evolved and harmony 1 being one fifteen hours withone agreeing
The instrument ts testi its parte as ex- ; Democrats an ever the Sutte e , end tie. i
1 the sense of the Million& who, under ali any tet 'l' art nonit ve eei i untippi l e ' rative ol tamed its faith to the Colon b n y adhering be pronouncal unconstitutional where wyerraw.w.d;tjaisst s u m i a s i t ,' " ,,;, 1 , e y ste p o m i. ! f t f i t ' e t l e% 1 s o t= from v ee
a t i te ` t e a T t h l m e e."
on; lan I ) ; =tr
ample of the extremist accuracy w el c h ; the Dam -retie party in the West is de 1 the forma of the Constautlee. hare de 1 hem ox e n to ' his h Anil', or SO forgetful of to the Government, affiresPag its powers there is any dissent whetever, end 50 solute' su' del reuse melee a i ll ne a ten:l a 's I Rename young sod handsonte lady of
mechanical skill eta reach. Were one • . termined to comma tee party to pay the d a ms t heir meer eien
swill s their meth' ti essay, este insist, or even st self conservation, and recognizing the they must deride if they would be con- eae It can hardly be supposed thae , "r te.° Year s: 1 I
thetome the exhibition eocurred
exile „eel tiles ret which tt. tami, fcr 1 bonds in greenbscks, nett on that, he 1 I did not regard it es nsitta to el e y t t . .h o at the , 0111111 , that there v,sa more wredern end tedelofreuot rewlationsecryeekted by tb* War. a h la i t:ot meintLxithemsf,leeest. The effa t et et in the c e m entation o f a bench oast em I
vont , , ,
instance, ea. ten thousandth of an Ince I asYst limy Will lOte all hope in all ef the I roretrlntoltlooon;oriritylea. I . Dad
year ago, e w e : l ll ' l ' d 'l's ;carving,
e y e ./ eseev4ev'n,rtaner e'etalegetT"te.oliseareeyst l e ts dt "l gnit o r t , it e s " pa h wer, bee
lo n o e t e n ey erw st
s i lls. hold them to lehnet to t re r e e t
w ore nee t ti s o
e e o u e
e y e toot o a r ?line t ju ta dr , a it 1 7 e ire IVer l ige that live I 1 think, to the dtAL ter her aisfir, wl7,
New England S•ates decade, er died a abet time previously ; Monet re
larger than the other, ape rceptible er- 1 e
-We ;• • e I startle the piefeseam at brat Eget as an the ee seen in Westmineter Ileleselect- tence, •were involved In the preset, 'tete a doctrine which has been dudectly ' Y othatr'm i r ' e i nu
, expect s sort. con Elston could be member tbe exset language alto or Mo. I
tor *odd exist be
nary obserretlon. I - , emPitatittally, and repeatedly enanciated , reached by any result so near an equi. Leven used at thii time, but! stn sum no.
I ger Qat the Peramyreallaßeiltead Vrt- , that this expectation , dal been entirely la Ih, multinue ,f ce qnsclors Oast rep , mad by the revolt- Not so, however, by themselyee eels, To claim for this larger traction I thong Improper was said by ,anyone 001
Itloar, "one tea thousaifdth a an inch" s ted. It could miserly lu Lin re
the peOlienlp great empire The with the party jadges of the States We aro so much meustomed in thts I h
Share to be understood, not u ii attars Larenpany have conveyed on the line of cassis I P
a ortor P o ° o l clans be otherwise , Lee yere, m ir e mime of E.,,,,t ,i ml ti, g aud., While It wet no longer nfe to question country to the Idea of a mat
may, es
the t w e , r ro W n Cr l of a b e tt e r att e r e e l
( II wrle Is not I u.e-eaortreneltheartdittreemeilg s o n t tl i tutalest 1
of ageweit, but quite literally, and acenrd 1 Columbia to Holltesysburg to the I who ta ,„ in votive.. and are talueeme 5 ,f the 'chock, of Logland, fool cannot the power to coerce wherever a demo 'fundamental one on which all republican innet Vag't (OZ• C ca ' ,4 " c ilyl, ai rc j l e ar ne k.r oi 1 h.,. known ur. meEZ am. um 14,- I
hey, we shall de told that these axles Pencusylvaus Canal Company The , m t. a superstitious reverence for price- • e trey them Ili n rt • io without surrender- crate is lie cal found, he was almost govemnsest man Practicelly rmt, that t most mo te t s melee, of p oel uee I v,,MhhetlglM. the) ....,,..... 5.
. .
have teen ~..a with a dtidaee d , sine , , consideration money expressed in the , ele , ri b ta.rd so fof.en- . 1 may
o mit ;I , ; , i ,,cr itj t o deg its Ow u.And f so, tOO , , Itrit t h rem e l en is t a t ele e t t e , cast o his ei v o o f ee the into the soeuttehetrene w fohut a t e l e at l igt et t l efe
Pose hat it , hall t t i h ,i o WO law that have ever been or can be made I .
.o e tre eon-doledmrSpirt=leiref whet:level
the impereeptible wane ' or the Must dada ' d ‘ edis 4.2 ' 67'1"°°. °se
°l4" I ythery'lleYele ftehle • to e ld, tl n t r e s ' ittesal ' , ati d (no' •
* VI; o n r t n i ° i n t h o e d . e a t i o lo hi sore T' 7l ❑ the e l D ia e n e ds e r s a ' S3ePebricasnele'dgek of e t e h e r 1471 States , and that every depart Y ur h e r-uome Is t
mus e t g t ,s L ee t s oo the p e n:l-sede r s o o f a t lectal Ince d rpom- I that WO shiedd does Christ shce-that le-
nary laths tool, Weald thierfere w ith the of
this me - immerse wet unternd, is thr
• :restate spirit Of a Mnseeld, ere lila ay s ~, 1 t h e ~,,,,,, w h o h a y, • a com mon in were over ready teen era the legislation I violence to the letter of our Institutions_ con;menwealtb an , :Inou e, a nn po m n a ti:Z I n a: ' , -L l o o m no m . onnaathwei=ol:ll4rertf=tr, tither
' I euLergement of the crest goda special averse to nettled ways, and dilWays Imrslntic. • .
en its lativiscina, it )4 idle to of tbe governments, both Federal and Allow me to say that this is a great rtes-Itorecodmize it." Thereto no law, how. from beselvionsuees erwantennexe; Ido
result.end oc of the resuLs her, in the present case except the com- IV , es e emiilh j eitTre %hollows m "Bothers
The pert are carefully wrapped in 1 tympany, n .ready to denounce th e i e Idr e a
t o o t
in re a fo t r e o e, r
, e , o r ie n thst it , in he ionised up secu e rel h y
e r,,a iT te, e i i n a w ld h„. o n f tilitcwwarir Thus:ntoPene- I ta n k: T h is t e m i t ile: ee n e ..t l e ris ee iv%ly
o n o so e ci oe al
of the , dol
"Pickets" to prevent sudden change of ; hoped for S the greeter and more rertatn cleutgeoe,eowheeendeLerr
o t d goe etty
tort :
ot Li.
e s oe ev t e o n e :t o r
I. te l. ! . y e a.,
t he soldier with suffrage he e i
l 'e t re field, lei :tang% t eatime es tee right of pc ruing,t w itit " only,lawwitletteeiesaegohtstbsuep"hsees , e•eelle u r g ing the d a ntra ol n di r rl ' retw D e a ri'l
emperature, and yet under the delicate , raellitlea for the neatens:Zenon of the r '""
lion of form, ris a per:lime. novelle Raultedrm, wail the high prerestive order to enable bins to protect himself numbers to govern the inferior Mr sit) g ut ordinary eneat e nd e ihi h v. ece at % mind, Ithnk it was right fot knee to do
teirta furtaished by the oneervations orm- 1 heavy tonnage from the various coal 1 m en o f th i.,,,,,t w ill my. ~,,,h„,, 0,, ~, reading
and ihterprelog it t the from "e are In the rear," the Malan. Burke, whose richly furnished, con - mire rule of peered re, not entering In- r t e i s ' i e t ,;,,i.,„,„hiewa darted CO do so now
selves, are found to alter In height from regions that now flail millet by 'Prey of 1 there ,,m e t t t
Die 1 o c,.ayseerwl„eehenresenmenaiLeltl v it t s t e h n e pec r p e, as the Imperfect judgment o n Ohs inanity of the law miacted d for that preltansive and philosophicmind .
was to the le
of the tribunal, and and te mind west =artier and trlrx t d‘rWe:
day to day, mud to away forwerd and t he Pennsylvania Railroad. some Iff a malseity u{ -thorn may purpose was den by • emocratic Mount by the fading Ciente of his time only pretenble
_m et of 1 hands of any trffiuned on a question aa 1 , determine The Iratesman who holds t mut. It theilgtit of the General Gee- to the exploration and analysis of theg a law tor its govern- emmmanded us to do•, they said elsimust
inert. 1$ it uttered necetear tip in that ICo Into Om stream
IC. did
back, by quetrillies utterly insensible to I -The Wu l ' in g tcm e°-retPe""se the meaning • or effect of a coectunt or a lost we rennet safety teen ousehret, and ernment to compel the military service great principles that lie at the founda sweat
it ante Of the essence of , Stow mimeses to the p bile " t
our unaided senses- 1 I the PreladelPhis requires eat a tha t a law, end Iskirre their mattes' there, that our only se Lurity Is in seat a guar of its chiles)! in Its darkest hour was doo of all flovarvimen t, hold , tbla Jan - a court that it should act in al Cases by dow ; I went. stmorffinghto 4teatt=elnio;
. Coneerystiee Sauter who recently call mutat= that tha t ' hing S
Ica roper on Jmnship, rterneders the idol of self sustained even upon the anomalous and gusto in his "appeal from the new the ~,, inajw itie is mho. wor d, i t loC the Scriptures, and they tax_ "Child- 1
We shall see nule or ads, al an even- v Imams° there no precedent to war I g estrimy:it as • visionary and imprac extraordinary proceeding of • bill In old Whigs." 7 • ran obe your parents," etre uentl 1
l eg atilt Th e roots i e d u e t t h ere i s ed Upon President Johnson found him I: .
' rent iL titanic thing, awl COnfeSset thei n pollll equity to enjoin the draft, hurried to mu " w • •r• r nu,. oersted by things which ,w,e,r,,e..eStjii.,V,3.iiidedlor m bl o e ,,,,, a n s w a . M. ,: t g i e l did so; ifs =sae everyone tens hoLe I
, a very peaceable disposition, - with n ; do Just what she wanted them to; I do
probably no coneersation, and certainly And yet of the law, as claimed by Ps ,il Siete onset exist without Is wader .? argument against all rule before a full ".
majlettlytaaTtialitsrostlttvreTriaoral sort ouly, it i , le
be of perhaps,
the slightest indications of any Wain. Pteteuslrs , Is null' reaun aud the ury That is an ism lent superstition. th'ise • beech, in midsummer and out of term, I nature, but each gonstru o ctley hole. reind that the Constttution had settled It. But ;
o n go ot i t t itl f l or k t i tUl d t o Nt . r. i. lida leg Mgt do
en fire, although the temperature a far 1
below freesitsg, and the observer, who iS 1 tendencies, except upon General
a Grest e , perofoetetlieowneftet4tilitntetd
o il o n t o b t e re e as op o ti u men o
,ee eefootelettestuodedsoimt." ol e m e owdeor:"ldtlmes i serthoiloottebeeryzeibtrteare.meleest w pr erl e thrui ng
idnerina ins P c tLigt ..
geitr,:4l,,:ze:;:robne: t i, u v ls, I suppose , will hardly be pretended ] want him; WO believed 111 , 8*nd113g
j .y i eg on hi s h ac k spa .. 50 ,1 o f h&nd,.., whom he Charged,ritsbi
c erel d i t is
o.hon or ;his test, that there Is Donne generally been governed under at, .tied cOluccis upOn the fatal field of Cat- stet Itiergmaationrw. 'titiiroltcaivilltasteafeey C a ; question , however;
e l e n e
e st , n l y t other t t i t e o r t a o ske l et e
o of t t li t e e I
t t.: r t e . ;
t re o li or eE. ito w t
l e o %
e mun we s ee tz d et house: in
car, with nothing between him end the 'er n "' " h"'ng and ' t in the requirementof unsay:say to con often by a hierarchy It was supposed Mene. by the .s epw . wo , o ve n o r t h e =noes =lee 0rA, ,, , , 0r encase, even common law for the regulation and more I Pie " that to ,the pure all ladriVithlite.Cl
- has concluded to allow
sity, most have s cold
it There leaL He aaTa -e - . filet with that idea Whatever weight fora long time to lave been exploded Same Suite, it wet only to cue order,
through a Pops - etherwisetase•veiry nog eratettie,beoushe effective working of these tribunals, in Pam." I I,
log In front and Stanton to serve out the rest ell t‘ze term, conscicretions of mere eenvenienee mit Imre' lt ls now revived under the no. lax election which deposed one Demo. •at alt to smelt to which ruse there is nothing, of course. In reply to Us gentles u w4ath
is a shim, open be entitled to in Ordinary Cans upo l of the 111, moms Sc partyl-onee so , ertiie juege, and the defectlonof *nether itTels mode of dense. weer, wets my 1 • feEwele over undressed haters I
but he is denrmincd he shall have nurutty,
ete0.,,,...rir ele.tre,,,me.,,,retee to , I . t i O hi n . n i t
rittaisubrogatlort by the power 1 ma ... a
h said teat she Would Ith er er I
above him, through which tne January quegions cff merely Titivate rteht bs- Testae to this re/tree-in the ides thet a who preferred his country to his
winds enter freely; whatever around is i more power or duty than is oonferred
sateen men and men, it cannot
sat es
of bleratic college-a priesthood of If the legal tender let, which provided 1 stee e nlier reg::ne erm h .rtt n pparett l e ' res t en cordaite's anal
it n i m o t e n s t oo be ve is t ili n tu vv i i 7 I uot set. Her stutter being lealatedepon I
MA stone and brick is kites and iron, I upon him by Btatuto He 'lapin woald ly be affirmed that them is anything un a new w echo .e-rt little oligarchy of law. •in the nation's extremity the sinews of fitralreale..elttaeite,t,ftaii,,aere„tbi l e r t b e l i r , which is t , .Le will of the people de• I tjeZsileirA.leutui,:7,e u". I
do so ,
like to put some one else in the Wer reiteenable In the proposition that unau- y 0 ,..-1, t he only safe depOillOry Of the WV, and red and clothed Ike:Haut I mmitia ths mute of • very speolat convert. daring Mei. tannin their represents- 1 about a mon n th l T iefbro Al01;,r ;ell it
and there is not even theentking of s
I Department, hut he has teen annred Inlay of opmeon shall be required where tupreme power of the Stare. The ..1.4 I vo.unteere who sy freely offs tbeir um oonneeeml Sternum by ton babas elves So long as the autberey to de he first commenced tb exhibit w w in
clock to break the silence. • lb" the tribunal is a snail sac and It S tanner Se nal) b twcon au ocunchy and . youlg lives to the sacred caused liberty, ,of obedience, by a sort of dlsolonue In soci ode is still KR and still exercisable by our bouart Air. 2deEwen s te a tatter and
In a few moments We hear a
assess or I sought to overthrow the judgment of tht • e r eonerch t -t tweeu eight sacerdotal i was saved Item judicial C.:Mike:lllation ttonary, permanut newer to enforce thin the courts, at then lowa discretion, and mother work with weal ,they attended
i 1 te for confirmation they wand hens
reps which seem to come_from the Oti- ,etta millions, speaking through another and m ewls-a tort of conclave of
In the sal e way And now it May be I enter sonatructiveseverat wni. Meat o r. upon their own judgments, they base no Ito the business, while I end the bows
server, who now rolls himself and hit g
that were he to scud an angel in o . telexed m • strops band Vef tad with sia
moldy throw the name beck marked greater organ, on a matter that Tont erns !Hunted c rdinni , -in wigs end gowns, I added, carne the danger has leperendy tr,,,lLe4el,tN,l,'„'grcieL,o",t,:°.e,,t'Le",,ve,.. mote right, to that they see en CO
rejected " and so he does not wise to the well-being of the whole, tad pulsed , . end a .inglt royal One In purple. With parted away, and the judges of the Ss - I sent teat steers States, for . the vandirt"ot I required to agree it ordex to nullif the I rki I work ed four brothereandonealater;
my oldest brother is eighteen years old.
ear back on a little railway which runs " • ff h i the very existence of the buite The ; o ut d i speraf eon carto either ot thesahigh preme Court of tan United States, lately wend of toot" nu, have rename a vro lawh hh ' 7, , mid the youngeet thresh these exhibitions
taint at taal are notuow permrtted i we t s mods b e f ore eg e m ed ..........a•
give them any more chances to -
offer sr no portion of T,doss moth [reler then teeter
under the telescope, and we may, if we lawyer who cherishes the old and i ivo- i o r
pr modem, andainly
to i united and cemented together under a; , men , ~,,,,,. ~,,,,,,,, ,„,,, p ,,,, ~,, t o d o th e sam e t i neg , ~,, a quut corpse. I othens not beteg-emu nith emems. the
please, eremine IL Netleing that aI an Inuit i rite hypothesis, that what we every dey slim to which near'y forty years of my • feeling or common dueler, have come to I soentarart aorurnod by ....section that to rate body, w ithout the concurrence of a thing, were done und u e; ,seel i tetrusut es e
I realize to be the must uncertain of all i own life have Inca devoted, and Widen I feel that won Federal judiciary Is saved tams name the lemons al,tdes • Tito ~ majority of full a
peseta exactly South, so that the star e quorum as tt has I were never nerformed only at titer's
thusge is always abseentely certain can is now nought by some to be dethronial I *long with the Union en which It de- b`„„*,,'l'L`,Tr.",`,T ► rl,,::;%l°,:7 \"','",, r ,;; pleased the Congress of the United . reneteet olr with her odeneht; all 'al v;e • did'
will be seen lust Ss it annul the met not very continently complain theie the l at t his c a pitol as the absolute master et pends, they Me 1 . 01311 d to divide again a.. .qua comber to accinit tauviirajudiCint &atm to indicate I was to etrip ourselves, and Ido not re
tan We look in. I - meager priesthood, which ministers et I the state, I must be excused for tick- accordieg to their original political was I trait - me require unanimity either to eon. llt 13 Ind nteernary however , to either I member of ever hennas sue improper,
We shall see nothing bat a glare of the shrine of an oracle that claim to h'- I log that, however flattering may In the , runtimes and proclivities, upon the valid. ',
a a"et°4llt.b:Nreebeitreeg trrra%,:°,,,"Z: of the pending f atuen . dments, t:i borrow word, or seeing an indef.:iv:lntact; Ainewen
Infallible, should be expected to glve oet I offer of the 0 rows to us, many people sty of the test-oeth, the military cone. I Vail the other day, in the cOnatitution of the aid of the general principle hat Con occupied a aingisebod In GO hall bedroom
yellow light, nerve which! lunch fiveand he gennally 'tentacle, e
elf xcept when
no davided rclipotin a, end
I tepee], perhaps, prefer the purple, with minions, and perhaps others of the ' Poland unanimity wals required to tut'
th e may alter and unfitly the rule of
vertical wires, the middle one repreeent emblgu. us voices among the worship I rat
attendant splendors, to the sable important measures of self•pretervatlon !Veil!! ttemdret.uttetti.trtivrogaettgvaddeetteel
h the common law. The power is to be etointeeogteltnelhildrentepttirith hula; same
hag the meridian, while to the leftglaters perm bat, on the contrary, on all vital recalls of either the priest or the peda• and defense thst contribated so largely 7,X,,,7,1:,,Zis to rode nature thee the Inset. found in the Constanffin ittelf, so far night with I:i r mi nn l di n t t i net l'emei v tattl e &
the star, which Inn Past crossed and question' at least, should blend all its i Rog,. to carry us successfully throughthe war, of any other oreniry. Such, in. at leashes regards the appellate Pirisdle there was any I:arm to dol i' m e as e n
ams& about to outgivinga Into one sublime chorus of I If it has been found, however, that the while it Is not to be denied, thst If the o nions erery T i a n :E t te r :die mug het e witm
t i a t le
et the court, which la the whole ex. leg IMPrejlel well dent hi n eDir o
universal harmony. In mange oi faith, 1 liberties of Englishmen Ind net he authority of Congress hi not abeolutelt I c ,a t Arke y .. 0, the entireiZtody!,r I
r ' a tcntsof this bill. That jurisdiction not in the habit se prati g• when en we w"
rulc,„selen i saft.lytrinied to their court , ho* touch metmectint this very moment from the I Now, a reference tO the attuclure of I 'amen extends to allciamee, except those tired we slept.toplithar; s ' lntdi reclined
OS a DeOple, same dietection.othls body at leasL if not I ear own political machine will show, . "affecting embessedors other gables en either gide or menyint netning was
. t.,,, is attreted air . • while the mai cilt7 prinal I waists II 1 ' 1 1 . d
. p e,m a s era ant cense s, an those in , r ,, i "
end or done whioh was th the leant ins
~_ ,
._. ~ .
„aa ,, _, I per; veneverb dor thesetbsage
hi9hU being deneeny where e , I havesittgood
:11 interest is feli
which te flickering as thongl_
to ont, and seems retreating t ;ward the
!loud Of 'Veda
rtszter, and desibred ,
place, to be:without
iry of a Chamber of
lap rrithout s rod
_ 1
s#, - 4 FrA
S " I(E.ix2.A,
Tr n astonishing what sudden convic•
tion and repentance has been wrortelat
In the minds of members of the,Legisla -
Lure by the decision of the Burma! ,
Court •In the case of the Connell i sville
Railroad ! By a unanimous vote both
ll:Louses have consented Lo=de a plain act
of justice which It Is probable neither
would have done at all, if their refusal
would have hindered the consumma—
tion.* Slate the doing of wrong In this
special thing can. no longer be made
profitable, many members are stirred
with an irresistible. Impulse tovrisris
honesty!. •
Ir 11•11 been maintained by 'certain in- .
dividuali• on the eastern side of the
State that the r. aeration of the Can
nellaville charter, and the. consequent
construction of a direct line of railroad
between .P.ttibrtrgh and Baltimore,
would damage Philadelphia and the
Permsyliaala Railroad. The stock
market at Phibtdelphia, which oughtto
lbe taken as a safe criterion in the case,
tells a different story: The shiresof the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company haire
decidedly -advanced In price since the
dectsion of ate Supreme Court.
PI ;1 T R
whero the infallibility is the rul
consentaneity is Indispensable.
IC the
successors of the fisheiman, along ~„.. _ ~_____.
the triple crown had worn a triple head, hands here. It may be truly said ot the 1 . _ --- ___ _, __ . , ___
the prestige of lisfallibility roust soon judiciary of the motherland, that since , tion ImtweenExecutive and ; the
have disappeared. With seven or eight t h e era o f toes greut Bevoltitipp, fora a
1 courts for the overthrow of the legialai
heads the faith must necessarily have , period now of near two lointired years, live power.
it is only necessary to remind the i , t h e trai t t i g e of humanity, and havemore the decisions the courts I have not
perished under any other rule than that , there have been no tribunals among Allow me to remark, however, the
which is proposed to be enacted here. l men that have been more exempt from 111 what I have just mild in relation to .
lawyer himself that an analogy.l nearly appreximated to the' idea. of un- intended to inquire who of the judges
to thiti in that time ho
noredhoe institution, erring wisdom and perfect justice; and Involved. w.ens iht and who were
the trial by jury, which , although gen - it is to the feet that the highest • honcirs wrong, because I bis not necessary to the
-trolly referred to the great charter of I of the profeasion ern only i amessible to argument, and gentlemen on the other
English liberty, antedates the records of the highest escellence, that there are no side, to whom It •is equally !addressed,
our race, mail in all our eon.
atitutions as?' the 'peTledions of ell our bottler rewards to tempt ambitibu, even might differ with me so to that. The
the most restless and hisitiable, and I object I herein view jest here Is only to
eighte—the ono great pre-eminent de- that there is a homogeneity among its make good the allegation that the decie
fense of private and public liberty. It people which frees It from the 'Outten- 1 ions of the courts, on censUtutional
was not enough that the, person and , lion of foreign and inferior ethnic! tie- questiOns especially, are almost farads
property of th e citizen shofild be walled meets, that it Is indebted-for these ex- bly goVerned by the party ettlllatiens of
round by the protection of ht peers. 'lied 'mantles. No (arc ritisa rules in the members, sad therefore not so much '
Even that security was treated es initial- - she eclection of ita judgee. The leader the judgments of lawyers as of ,politi-
mate withour the unanimity that con- t o th e f o rum steps by an 'Omitted right dens. If the fact he vo, it is, of come,
stitutee Its ay:eh:lnce. It Woo still pos • of sticeeoloa Into the Ara recency on and mast forever be, In the mutations or 1
eitie that oven men out of twelve might the .bench. It la scarcely within the party and with the ever obliging kal6
bewarpod by prejudice, =teed by 100. power of the Crown itself to disregard doscope of politic a, entirely fetal , to the.
ranee, Imposed on by cunning, corrupted I this rule in its appointments. IT t pass Idea of uniformity. of deades, end
by money„ or aidnoed or overawed by i by the ttained athletes,. end single out nothing is ever to be settled, as nothing
power. The Wiled liberty and peeper- I even the groutest ef the ;parliamentary . aPparently hasbeen settled Incontrovert
ty of the citizen art to be trusted , l ru d er „, f ur aue a a place, •
would shock the ; ibly heretofore. Lemming it to be true,
to the keeping of the majority, or taken i moral "ease of the whole realm. Rat moreover, thefts is an end of all - ergo
away.except by the unanimous accord of I so, uniurtunatelk, with us, . meat In support of the jeidgmeat o f a
all his judges, passing in criminal to I There is 'perhaps, Waco a Congress- divided court, if there is not an [end of
as well upon the law as upon the facts. i man or dabinet cilleer, l who Les .been all spolegy for treating even its anent-.
It is the glory of England , as it is t he' t lent enough In public life to unlearn all 1 moos deciliter's on questions of constitn.
boast of America, that not one of the of law that he over know, whose moor ' (tonal law as conciliate° upon congress
great natural lights, whoSo protection is ;'sty woo d prevent hint from seeking i and the people When they are not even
the only legitimate object or all - ger:rip i acepting,the mantle that baster Ms from conclusive upon themselves. I . -
_meat, shall be disturbed, . oven 4 the : th e 'beehives of a Marshall or a Story: :' It was* grave therefo, as I
west particular, without the 'untual . 1 It is not 'Atha leaflet:B. o f the bar In this i honestly think, on the error, art of [o re
mons judgment of a larger beach With I country that the honors of the profession I era of the Republic, when they departed
that which claims to pose, by a divided ! are awarded, as tin Lttneolisputed right; j from the exempla of our Bsh .ar c e d
upon . the fandeusental haw of a ; and they aro, perhaps; not aought by 1 tors In giving place to Ouch an anomaly,
great nation, and In effect to nullify that , them, for the reason that the rewards are tnstead of reserving the 'ultimate judg.
law, or to make A speak In accerdancr2
`not coramouspreto Willy the earning" of 1 merit In all ;eh eases to ultimate. !lei
Wilhite own Ireleorial behest. t 7 noo - the higher clays ot urotewsionol men. resentatires, or asleep preserving
then, shall say
there is in tide ; A n d th e re f o r e i t i s trh a t eta bar i s to pntrol ore; tim loaiclary,l4 the meth
amendment anything unreasohable . or i most came superior to i the bench, - as it ,'Dlstidreas by twodbirds of bottßouses,
Unpreeederaed, or any dePtOrie from . cannot 4o where the usage prevails of 1 Which was provided in the statute of 0
i . -..
less likely la It that ours, rui a people,
am lie wadded securely to the seine
" ' the
the whole co — titttri, le ettbcted with , the
deepest alarm by rumors of e; cotebins
tbai white; the meptity
Is but the common sv, h generelly
- din public addle se the gov
recognised In public amine ea —.. ~ ___ ~_,_ , .._:.
erning one, it is not by any • Mean the, It shall be exercised and
under such enjoyi.. re "w
universal rule of our. Constitution, and such exceptions and g
that the framers (goer Hovenament have tions as the Congress shell make."
deviated from it largely by way of check What is the meaning of this language!
or limitation upon the possble aid The word m 'regulations "
Timartst no
probable obese of such a power i I
have more than ica. or laws.hat i car
already referred to the trial by jury, ries with it any power to change the
where unanimity, which is of Its very rule of decision, Boas to
he Impose another
essence, In the rule. The trial by int- law upon the court than t
peactiment, where two.thinle are re- I Its own judicial Mind, or to do anything
glared to Minvipt, ii another c.aso where further than prescribe the mode of decis-
the majority idea le departed from. ion, Ido notchihn. It will not be dle-
Again, In the enactment of our laws, the paled, at leoht, that under this provie-
power of the majority In either House is ion It may limit the jurisdiction to such
controlled by the dissent of the other, eases as It thinks proper, and settle In
while bAh are bridled by the . its way the whole pi ocess of removal to,
power residing In the President, and;, a and treatment in the appellate our If
two.third vote of each, although cent- It shall think, proper, then, tior I
prising of themseliefis by the very terms that letisdietion only on the erudition
of the Clestitntion, the entire legielative that none of its own acts shall he over- I
power, Hi required toenable them to act I ruled on constitut ional grounds without
effectively alone; pa that It may be truly ! the lodgment of. an undivided court;
said that the rule of legniation is a two• i who !hall gainsay Its right. so to do,
third vote, The like majorities are re 1 when It may oven refuse the larisdiction
gaited for the &Harahan the fundamental ~ altogether where the court below may.
law itself, along with the consent of at I have allirmed the validity of its enact.
Inset tlare.fourttla of
majority rule is not And now, having fully vindicated, as
permitted to apply, and that' ta e the , I trust I have done, the principles of the
traneparent nsason that the great vital I amendment I have bad the honor to sub
intmesta of the State and people de. j wit, Covering, as It does, as well the
=old a higher Mew= of ocotillo S)lCommit tee modification au which the Judiciary ,
little regard, indeed, - is had for this. Committee has agreed; andtlhich In de • I
cabalistic number, which to supposed tO fault of the higher teenrity will not be 'I
be so fell of preternatural virtue, that a '', unacceptable to me, I mtMl be allowed a
departure may ho witnessed even in the ; word in conclusion on the ressonsvadcli
opposite direction, is . the rule which !,
have prompted the introductien and agt....!
pievaile in nearly all the States to the ' tattoo at the present mamentOf a question 1
choice of preablents Mid Congressmen, Wellcome, in some -Imagers, to have'
at Federal as -well as State elections, taken the preen and country and even the
that a mere plunlity. which Is only profession by tworprise, as a very novel
another nape fur a rePteritY,• AMP elect - if not a very baldurperiment..
-to the most tremor nt..offices. . -It will be ssl,l„porksps,as It has been
If th e majority principle Is the rule in already More than' whisper
ed in been
courts, and generally. at the ballot- quarters of the Union, that this alarm
, . . .
_ ..
..!'"--_.—--, ...,
big proposition is only a Mere "Pediiiiiit
for the time,
to 'serve the,
polies of the moment,, and with a yam
only ie a particular case; I just ss the 'On.
portant prevision of the teatireef-oftice
law extendiag its operation to the beide
of Departments., which Iwitheut midi
active sympathy or support from laity'
quarter, andonly by persevering and per-
a nte.nt effort, and after repeated dens*
was happily enabled to see Ingrafted npon
this law,• against the apparent seese,liof
the Senate and the unyieldieg Op-
Position of a- large portion of the
Republican members of this 110001, ins
I been published to the 'werld thingkall
the organs of public spinioa, until it has
peremidadererybody here, and the eeko
of it has come hick even from the other
side of the !atlantic, as a mere party
contrivance to save icu dead—
who was known by ap a rt the time *be
himself apposed to it—instead of a gYeat
metumro of state, prompted by a convic
tion of the absolute necesalty of secur
ing the independence of a set of func
tionaries who had come to look,upon the
maater of their fortunes as the rightful
master of their wine, and intended for
all beide of Departments and all -dine.
The impatient urgency with which,the
pending measure is just now preseed,
even in its imperfect shape, after Inking
I slept so long undisturbed, may seen to
give an me of plausibility to this lugger
tton. If the fact of its introduction
nearly a year ago is not a autinchaut :ans
wer, L may be allowed to say. ALMS
for myself, that I have near belonged to
that timid school of practitioners, which
deals only in penance, when intat
public evils which threaten the safety of
the Siete are to be rentedted. - When I
beheld the law obstructed on eytem.
awl arrived at the convictlorf. - -e tired
with me by a majority of thlellonse--.
that the supreme Executive Inedetrate of
this nailer, the officer Intrusted under the
-13onatinition with_ the execatlon of its
laws, instead et performing that duty had
&Sensed a settled pialteletothwertlYetif
measures end' den - yo Wlll, , I was gt
once prepared M meet thaVesige r V' by
the completer obvious . and- Ima
reassure of re ef, which I thought the
Constitutionliau placed is our hen*
instead of renting to any
ere edtperi!! insane or
circuitous process,: tiny m
menu of doubtful validity or dangereue
example, to accomphat the same object.
When I saw again the rard chat:de, the
golden opportunity, of correctingOten•
ital error, canonized lin some sort by a
Practice coeval with the Gorernment, in
1 the concession of the absolute power of
removal to the President, ` which had
been so fatally used and ' abused,(.! was
equ Illy ready to take advantage Of the
feeling of peril engendered by the! Mar,
nations of that officer, for the purpose of
i accomplishing a loog dodder - Med Object,
l ‘ which would have been proper . at all
, Brnek t but had novel been poodhle till
now. - Bo when thiveild vagaries of the
courts, the obvieus political loadings of
the judges in great affairs of titan, and
. the atrocious and abominable "drietmties
1 to which the !bight:St , of. theuta rust
I ashamed to sire =tempo, Mgt ppei
them of the awful !prestige—tbe • more
than - Druidic-al eanctiti—thit. Ind ger
! rounded end covered there trots the rude
gaze of the people, when the veryliprlcat
hood of the alter' itself had drawn aside
the curtain of the sanctuary • befOre the
eyes of the nation, in a revelation that
Isurpassed In hideottenness and b&ror all
. I
that the poet`e conception amtlned
cf the imposter prophet, w lie lifted
his vei l in the presence o 'deluded
followers and proclaimed in =enigma In
thunder tones:' •I- -- !---_• 4 1 ~_
, qters, ye visa ha/nth behead Todr light.
your Awe - ' L -
Ye wnuld be focal end victims, midyears , "
I was equally prepsied to imp:nye - the
occaeionilby,etriking boldly at the dan
-1 gerons anomaly of a power in MIS nation
1 that was higher thin its Constinitioni and
v ie
its laws. : The time had not yetitome to
1 do this thing; until , the red est of
jdeath had bean gathered from he seed
1 thin semi in so many battled! , di; bit
i revolutions are' the opport ties of
1 statesmen, and be is So sta tesman who
hesitates when the way is providentially
leveled before him; and he la, us la-
vited to enter upon It; as he, tour, Is none
who dreads • the idle and unmeaning
I taunt' that he Is Merely leglatalog for
the evil that is imminent, just ei though
it were not the Madams of the statesman
to meet the danger that is exigent. In
quiet times the chancel for reform are
Irare. The measure now proposed. was a
, proper one at. all; times. Thti prole*
r:talon of the !country Cady demon
! areas, through an imminent ( peril,' : its
absolute necessity.
' II
which a Stele N a party," Is conferret
only with the eXpra3 reacrvalon
. . • . • .-ned "with
hr r...witaape
O. thou tooet .00derld. hiertiiht9 ihint all mankto.l. yea wirho kings!, &MAXI
Wbarsoo relgo, %Cora sas throw •
Its ssr Ml. "lslist on tblohh orateArrine;
T ho . fill '" th [wryer .11.11 dOnDlo heated •
TOO lowly alhre thine inhydrstlons feel.
For wee taw. 'wade:lag minstrels hwerard
To thee tho hiso their stores of wisdom
to tr.:.
_o2e' Philh—tho mammal' Out tiriF
If 1b. , . but blind their eyes with ehtinuir - •
• dos:.
Tether , . tbe boats of .raltora hurebtf kteld, ~ ;
Or lift alert the
d ,
oft eteel. ,
Et thr command, oft virtue bides ber bead;
Earth's aneetschange to dereOue fierce shot -
led men who& God lies called to lead ate
Oft ttnar—to Limn duty—how to wreath
Like famish wolves, epon the eleePhts -
htialead the lambs, deattny the weak tell
For thee, the mall wilt alumer, vreep hod
APPeer•bee Coed for n il , ea bet. for thee/tr.
For thee the lover will r bear.
- Bow to bls love, eternal doer swear;
4 . 1 tf thee to to, they ride to hell In Mato, _
and undeoleve eveli other. bat to* f
„for theatrill menden:mato:al deal to
--. • ,
;To brother man, and bob as meek as lambs; •
While lends ataitil round to track him on
his - .al.
ir e l d lag ri. e ofu.
iii lacks
For the. WUI IoaR"1e-
Ano Boldpr-ltko, spread out their 6.141
Ur rhos bars all Daub's arils had , tholr 4
roara ' Ult " , owns sorrow, envy. hot° 1 . 1 • 0
And all who lore tars Score OM 4.) , Z1/, gd.
All 4 LIM; wllt op= ball and lot them M.
Allthu , taloa dosa but this thou ewer , not
Ope *areas gate and let orissOlrllthrooin•
rtrriNIUMR, JAY:Mar:I7,
biter. roi foLniam.
• &moron tr. soiMis,
olOse hie Om; bit work Is done
When to him Is friend or faintaM,
Itiso of moon, or sot of sun,
Fluid of Mtn. or kiss of W 0614111
niclover ley him low;
s ' • - tee or the now,
• Wool. earns - het he 60.111¢0i /RUM
LIT bilaiOß I
rio my.bns tro e fth byia his fin onflonlef kt,
• ved I t
Let hlm Moen
In the olleor or the mtow I
What cake,thlt 1 bo Condos km= t
Fold him in bit country , croon, • , .
!101l the drum fire the voile/
' Whet to b lot atolls
D i. ' 4 4 ;lll fi ltr ,
In. the Moyer or the snow I .
WOOL? .V$ hel he esnnol know,
Lowe Ida to Goa , . watah NIL eye, •
Trust him to the bunt that matte hint
Mortal Soto werms I,llv hi t
God-olonn ban power to alb tam
Lay him hlta
I axe Mirror Or ..11e. snow I
Wilt cares be. he.cwanot know.
Lay hilt low!
Whence comes my lead 0 heut, disclose!
It WSJ from cheeks that shams the rose,
From lips that email tee roofs praise,
Irma eye s that mock the dismomVs blaze;
Whims, comes my areal es freely arm
AD, heel , twas from a heart like stone.
• •
The Oh:Wiles cheek speeks modest mind.
The lips heettangpt to lov eswords ilt kind..
The eye does tem desire,
And .come to say qUI CuptdDs flrei -
Yet all so tale het speak my aer.a.
loth naught , cloth say the heart of s
is by sees, pay love, Bolded bespeak - .
deeeteye. el./et 11p, seest blushing cheek.- - .
Yet Dot a heart to isTeEly pant
Venus! takellY MPS %Van'
Slake not so.fair,to cause our moms.
Or make a heart that's lllte our ogre.
When Andrew Tolleson stooped to treason
Hen found too late bee:Silo Waren
W LULL ChirM CILII Mire the ;mature • reasols,
Or wash his bosom's stales away t'
The praiser course for him to follow;
Lad Weida shame from every eye.
J. ;Wan . to reslife ail honor, 4'
- Orsfmog Cl. broom swell; and ale.
- • Ike Pilgrimage of a Pest. •• k '„, ...
Toward the beginning of the pret,de
centarfra , pixdigious body - of locusts was ,. .'.
precipitated =rose the Block Sea upon- . •
the steppe lying East of Odeon, Whereit -- i •
committed the mostlndeactibible devas- ••••
Palen. 'lodestroylbe invaders,eolumns -
of serfs mere marched down from the in- " •
n of . 1
teon' but on arriving ut the emceeSo- ~...--:.„'
tion, were almost penalized by the phe.
w .
nomon they witn the p lain,
For miles; the _ •
whole surface of converted
into a black oolor, seemed to be alive and '
in motion; for the scaly bodies of the lo- ' •.• •••• ,
ends, closely pressed and locked toilithrli - ' - - i
presented the appearance 'of a huge, - . :lii
dusky el:drone reelecting .wlth a strange -;`•
glitter the repaid' the sun. • -. • ,-
The mass being in motion, advanced
inland, slowly but steadily, murmuring . - i• .
Like the surges of the ocean, putting the --.
sheep, the cattle, thohorses, and the in- •
habitants on all sidesto flight. - A stanch - - -,
not to be expressed' by words was - emit- . 4
I ted from th baste as theecra Onward, . ".
the living d e evouring detil, for lack - • .
of other provender. Putting their. mat-, :.. .., .
teaks, spades, pielilia, and other im
plements into taurretilatereqtdsitlon, the •''' ,_''
serfs speedily excavated a trench several -
I miles in length norms the • track cf the • -
locts, but ", ere they hod finished the -, t
enemy was upon them, and soon demon- • $
etrated the futility of their device. - . •1
In the oonnse of a few minutest than 1
their reaching the brink of the exams- - ;
tion, the foremostranks had been flushed ‘, • i
into It by those that followed, and fille4-, . :,,-
It up from edge to edge. eo that the mai , .
titude continued its march apparently
without interruption; then everything
combustible was colledted, and set on fire
In front of the column, with the same. A ,
result. The whole Black Sea seteggolo . ~.
be transformed into locusts, which, from
its low - shores, - came up to countless,
myriads, setting at deflance-all the arts ~•
and industry of man. Several columns
of the invaders filed off toward the East, • -
andalighted amid the vineyards of the
Crimea, which they sopa changed into • - '
a t waste o
twigs. f
. apparently dry and sapless ,
. appeared tea be on the eve 01. •
- calamity like that which fell upon it- "-- ,
about the middle of the seventeenth oen- • : i
tarp, when the destruction of the har- ' --, '.*
vests occasioned a famlae, which was --,
followed by a plague, an that thepencils- - ,••••
tion of whole provinces ;was thinned a 1... ••
most to extermination. In the present
lIIMAZOO, the elements came to the de-.-
liverance of man. Before a strong West . •
wind, masses- of black clouds came • '''."`•
pouring up from the Bosphorus. which-
cavered the atrnmphere..and ultimately
fl dof am • Ahe cu -
off n o d dg o Jo a e, r the locusts p eer.,
and as the celestial moisture -. •-
l am :4 7t lll.e hou ' A to drench them in pliers ' •-,.
faab dion, , they gave up the ghost; Mi be-,"
queathed their flathv corpse to dm lanli. •ii•Z-I
headman fat • manure; not, however., . :
without sundryfaVers and dysentertes. ~ ~.•:
_ _ '
uno', any wia.
'opinion of M0nw041. 1112 4, I Willanot -' o°W 0
same' wittl . any nkher: iii,,ian4for I mow
that so pore ssqq lun I wan a little
timid at tire!, but had so great fear of
Mr. MeEwen. Ms. I.loEwen slept with
us several limes beforelllew Teas's den
Ina did not request me nr, Mr. Me.F.wen
to lie together, the bed alas a dugs one;
I generally sleep witty mother, whichr
have done =Mot thetitne glace father ,
died; I wee with Mr. Mel wen alone one
night, 'when tits yes sick, became she I
eon.d not rest well whin crowded. Mr.
MoEwen !retired tlmt;! end vf ES asleep
when 'want to bad; Itrentanther :noth
ing that was seidt I have. never known
him to take; or attempt to take, any per.
soul liberties at ail:while in our huskily;
I do not know why :01r.11c,Evren ap..
peered as he did on .New Tool : day,
only that I he did It it ;ititevegneet of my
mother; Ms tid lhAst thllliP several
times herself; think: fon:roll , pr -
viously; she wanted to ern the testi,
and show to the. world .t she- was
r e ,
.* i41411,:nt 6
D tti i / 3 I
e ar= a ren ue s
herself as the mother Of Christ, but I did
not telleire it, and thought that we ware
11 ordinary men atidi women; I did not
feel any shame &Clio time; thought
mother wee the drat; o undress on this
_occasion, • .lI -•- ' -
.)t, negro girl ..4 *spelled from a
choral in '_nbrrine i woet Sr two ago.
appearadand took Um soar
Lo tbe "amen corner j! and Ida summa
rily gloated. SLe sued the Alloctora for
damagei, and • brangilA• a vitae". iglu,
gave tru lbllowLng id1:10110 3111 testimorryt:
..1 .wat'standins site lams from dm
cliurckl. and 4 sarCatetar Vreckinredg• I
thrown de' a tins cimirch, sod if IA WO.
been de Icon radiln' oho would ob
fell do and' brat} liar neck. I wail
once D erattSob 13 4 chant'. mrd. wo o
'peelod I'o,ll x .p l Ol do. prewkei
wrong; in Ineintant 'dat *bow chrbst
wan eight 41121 Oal. ba walk' priseddiNg
For in* Plitabtaxll Glit,utt!
A nic►u: or ASI!S.
As lee ere m Parise
- Afore was given on the. Skating MUD
Lake, in the Botaile Boulogne, on Arai , .
-Imlay (January 4) night. A Paris letter
sayra The Lase was - illumtruded by a .
flood oflight from sixteen electric bat-„: ,
traits, rob wreathed with gaily-aelered
Venetian lanterns. A cocoon of .white •
muffed glass Inirners, connectibg ,cart—
delabra of great beauty inclosed the
Lake, as it were, within anthale ofpeirly.
light. The tabula in the centre of the
frozen waters connected with, the *fibre
by &fairy bridge, was one rem of ruby,
ernersidand azuthyratinted fires, ratd,
seen through the groves...3f trees,-.each
laden with lantern. of raddled pater ;
reminded one or--the Lest, some lu
Christmas pantomime. Here wan sta- -_-
tinned the - band of the Thfrty-ibttrth„
whiettplayed sainted.
The prettiest night of the evening was
the miniature sleighs, each rontaining a
fair passenger vevleted and -furred, ant
wearing a tiny lantern in her belt, and
crotched by a faithful squire boating bis
hat. ' The - fact was as uf se manyoalored '
state shooting along the silvery aurfaee
of *mirror. Bins green
the predominant colors, the hes wornby ,
the ledy.within theakigh loran gibesante
es worn by her (mealier, The - Dake of
Hamilton, Diemil Pa_sbai Prince Metter--
etch, Dr. Simms. H. De Pairs; end
grantsmen Prince Mavrooordato were among tbs. ,
the Due.heas De Horny, , the
Princess De Suts,' Viconsptesse ASnada,
(nee Illsodonnelt), Miss Penniman, the
Marquise De Crallifet, and ,the Boyd=
bride, Counter Decoldelif, were tunong. , ,.
the ladies. The Emperor and . Empress
'skated in the afternoon. on - the' Grand
Ise.with the Prince Imperial rascal°.
thegraceandagility of twnyoung Ametri
cantadlea,Misseaßeebwitb andßrerick;
' attracted their Itiejestiss• attention." Om •
.Dlx and several dtplornatea ware of ih?
circle attracted by these young -Lahr :
skill in.the art of skating: - - •
noyel field of investigation he
been opened by M. Blondean, who has
been antdylng the action of an induction
current on frolisandeeeds. The ahead
station at apples, P 411114 and pleardaa he
is led to believe, hastens thetr *amain. 7
For the propose of oontreur eoa. f t gam
thy of crown grate; r.ess, and beans,
*doh had been autedited to the action
of an electrici : were Ida:edit! pots
titled vita good gard en earth, And other ,
r g a
... Locu i , were planted at the
levee time and kept under the same eon.
dittoes. The - reerdt was, that the•alee.
I trilled awls always sprung up fleet, pew '
mon , and gate much more sig-.
Drool and fruitful plants. One singular
pad, which Is given on they authority' of
I e*Wialenter. that MOW Of *Ye
plants obstinately porsiated ID growing
upside down; that ts, with the tree root
coming up tato the air, while the pin
mule was directed downward baba the
. insaked,buralas - entered Ott attbd
Ent emabUattmenia HI Cll3Clllllll$4 the
other alabt, and going into the room of
ens the"wanum, woks bar, and.polza.
lug a rforolltor 40,11er btatV - dentandest
bar =ow l . and bee' /ones. Madan-
Maeda was terribly frtgbeened,.,it thb i
salmon appearaneadr. s 151/31111 , ber bed'
ebamber r but managed to rArism.,,The
Intrealar nalikbig th e nolKitdiltaring
the approach of an Ammon may, hiado
off taking siett /dm; barmir, a pa:*
tontalulEX a foir49llmis