The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 01, 1868, Image 4

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irE , V,ittsintlii calf
--= • ' cusisse Seams Court-sassy Nooses
.- - . . .. I.**. _
. . . _
- . 'The case of the United tastes vs.
... snits - Ileeny, . Indicted - for :stealing
, r.... „.. „ .- n letter from the metre:ace at Sisnyit
, . -elite. T10r,..t. county, occupied the entire
session, the Conti atliourning after the!
t 4 jug . :had retired. A verdict will bent
! -, ma
.:detest thhimcrming. • -- ''''
I . :. .The Grind - .Tary found ems bills in the
: felloerin a. cases: -
-.teased idtatss-ve...37.....i. Clisinenstirt-
A - slictment currying on business of cots.
-- menial broker-without license.
diletintritLe°dot B tatcs
Inte r l ' h j S. T r Zt%ris4oltre's
-sod fractional some:icy.. . ,
; • - - Lerniel B. Miller, Indictment' having'
„itt We Ipotelession with Intent, to pass,
- . counterfeit I. 4 ististssl - .currency.
_ --United States Ye. Nicholas Thicken;
~.. - • 'indictedfor fraudulently using stamps
, . : . and- tasking fsise returns. •
...;:p11111,1.31 .
FICIDA.Y. Jan, 31.—Tho ease of meek
ra,itood . (reloorted Yest!irdly) wee eoa.
slid:Kt. Jury out. '
Joiepit.Young ..Llttle' Saw Ittit
Run Itstirosd Co. Motion by N. P:
toil:din, Esq.; for defendant, fer anew
Dradford is Guthrie et; at Ifo
:Goa -I& plaintiff's counsel far . - a new
Petriekt t Friend n. *His d Coyle.
Avian on a cheek for $5OO. Suit wee
:brought In lisl. Verdict. for pleintifTA
:far $lOOO, benag the amount of cheek
with fewest.
is aystr iiimairs•—.dodge nearest&
Ralrriaa, - Jan. •.11.4The cue of the
dornszionarealth ea, -Thames Scanlon,
ladled for feloaloua itabblog of °Meer
Thomas N i Noble. was proceeded with
and concluded, the Jury finding a Ver.
diet of guilty of - unlawful • cutting and
.atourkdinc mincing the - crime from stai
ner to- a - nairderocaour. Sentence de-
Ell 9
Henry .11.lef was' muted thr sentence,
;basing been ceinvictemitor breaking open
"Mutt:ink of Lona &did, a fellow board
ci,und Ideating therefrom .$63.15: He
was sentenced to undergo an imnriseu •
Mentor one - vaa", r and nine: months .ta
-the Western"' Penberdiary.
'"('Solate Hull, coterietadtamtualiugs stone
' Pleit and shovel fraud the works et Got
- tie& Harr,- of- East Birmingham, wam
:Taiintanced to Undergo so' imorbsonmeui
of AMU:4M months In the "Weattra.Pen-,
."from neesey.. - :
.. Hems, Ihn Medea &troll
cited in tbePennsylvanea Railroad rote
berlos,'. was. heat cared. Hese was In
dic:tad nn two charre,, 'steam; a quaint
, ty_of clothing; and totesexe and wine,
from the fratglacars of ilie-Pennsylva
nig;Radroad Company; . On" the first ke
%awed a plea of einelty, .but" on the sec
dna,' In • huh he " was "Joendy Indicted
• - with hforria.limtner. the, Jury found a
- Vetrelict of guilty.. Judge Sterna re
:marked -that the case was of apses
. -tarty migtavaled character, beteg not
anty one ut larceny but a dagrautbreach
of trust; and - deserved mevere prentsh
. Merit. tie sentenced defendant, on the
Aratcherge, to undergo tare years and
'three months III1Dri301:11,121111t In the
,'- ...Western Penitentiary, rend In the second
- bone „year. • Morrie Restaer, ties se
<amnion of Hess, wea sentenced to nn-.
- - 'demo similar terms of Imprisonment... ,
. otitsiderable number& surety of tbe.
.Pea.m( etrifemdcmerßonmaer, and romance
.pteviona . terms were dapmed of, Col.
Doff. the Deader. Attonery,"devoting the
day to a general claming( up of Ca/ender&
A nvir -JurY. will be In attendance en
( • ,
Conanien iftess—Ja are Mallen.-
- FRIDAY: January aL—Tno case of Ir
awl Ward vi. O'Neill (reported yes
tderlay) nceopied . the' entire session and
;•,. was not conoinded at adjournment. •
• Caldwell ye. Ide.Laugtdin. Motion on
part of Maintiftfor a new teal.
' .seakeeate Temstifere. • -
I'l • - 'ilislohowing deeds were entered in•
thaßecorder's office, January Rn1y.1.065,
Lawrence Gonnan to Jane - Robinson:-
- September 80th,1867 ' two lots in Cher
township, Noe. llland - 112 in C.
-.. Harrison Love's vans: . /30 by 10e
fret • $4.17.56
Andreas Emanuel to Daniel Walther,
Dec. - 13th, /SU. lot le Reserve town
. ship; No. Win Yeriner Iten'a plan o ,
lots, 25 feet front on'Sprine Garden
read and extending back 110 feet to
Spring alley. .. . ... . ......
Betsey Wartiroplo M ary W. Lore, Dee.
22M, 1667.10 t in Sewickley township.
—nob:tins. one acme and tisin-y-tw,
Christ Gal. - atter to Herman Schroder,
• DeC. 4, 1806, lot In the Seventh vit*rd
city of Pittaburgh, load of lot NM B iii
-, William Arthur'. aecon&plan of lota,
by CS feet. tali
- Sohn 'Brown to Henry Wilhelm - Aug.
- 1865; lo'a•No. 23,
,21,'a and 30, In
7.- John Brown's plan of lota, In Lower
Clair township, 40 feet' by 100 feet
11100 c,
' Jobe/frown to Henry Wilhelm, July 0,
lota No: 21;22, =, 24 end 25, io
John Brown's plan of lout, In Lower
- Sr. Clair township....
. V. 500
Bement ItiornincalartoWilliam McFall
• - den, Nov. 31 1860, lot in Send ward.
fronting on Ledile etree
.= feet, and extending back 100 Lott
City of Allegheny to William Mcanmelll
- 0d... 1b67, Jots 16 and 17 in block
Mt Stanton avenue, in Studer townl
- shim contalniog 23' acres; abio lot No.
• 14 in amid block, containing one &err
.- .... .." . . 179)0
Allegheny City to Witham licConnell,
Oct, Ist, 1867. Lot in Muck
21 Stmlet
. • township, containing-11 acres....s2.2:Yt
I,eniaßr,miter to James Sweet, Jan.
uary - 1at,1667. The undivided half par.
of lot 173 In the orialnal plan of lot. in
Farnil Deism, frontmgon Nerillestreet
ind extending bacabs due feetationc
- •AlcKee street 18,000
Elimbeah F. Denny to Daniel Wallace,
. 'February 23, 1860. Lot No. 17in block
No. 2, Second worst; Allegheny, front
.. tag on Western avenue 23feet inches.
"and extending back 160 feet to Pastore
1 ftn ...... ...
gunnel B. (holey. taiberilf, to James K.
Idorange, January 4th , 1861. Interred
or Adam Berry tolot on Union lIVIIIOUP.
Allegheny CitY. with batidiDgl..s3,:k*
• Robert Campbell to Norman D. Hob
band:: Lot in Meelme township, part
of lot No b) In J. R. Davis' plan, con
• taluing bathres and 2 perass....slo,oCo
. .
" . • .. - `Ex•Gnvernor Cox has - settled down
brCioeinnati 43 pradice his profeealon,
the le*, and .if any of his' fr.cnds nay
anything o him hereafter abont otlEtcla
,Ittaceee *ill beltrieved.
-Thrt Ohio State Library at CoTunabos
tom at,taXl.volumea; The Public. Library
at Dettigt hes over IS OO volumes._ MPS
dercepdan annual income of over SEW°
to the parch*o pf books. All forfeited
Pail bonds In tbed city are to be collected
and pald'over id this fond.
" —Om Saturday. Mrs. Benjamin YOung,
• • who liven' In Cumberland, Franklin
• (=My, Ohio, put a Date kettle of water
the etove. By some accident, the
kettle, after the water became boiling
hot, wan upset on the three children on
. L., Mrs. Young, aged rirtmectively two, lour
• •
and siz years, ecalding t -cm so terribly
"." that the younger one died on Sunday
niorning. =nth* others are not expected
•• -
-The stiletto of Rev. Mr. Brush, rat
- Delaware, Ohio, was committed on Sun
day morning, while his congregation
• . were quietly an - siting his appearance to
conduct the opening exarches of the
War quarterly meeting. The members
having waited sotne time after the natal
. • hour of commenting nerves, dispatched
one of their number. to ascertain the
- • rause of his delay And he was found
• ; - banging deal in his barn. Another
IVrlrtie the
Rev. nou r i
R lanw,
ulna committed suicide the tame Sunday
afternoon, by cattinghla throat- Insanity
" .-- ' - isallsrtiond In both eau", snit in tbriast ,
• 'named it had been for some time apps.
' Late Dayton Journal mentions some
• • of the incidents which enlivened a COSII
hunt at Phillipsburg. in that vicinity, on
Sunday morning. A. coon was treed,
-• the tree feLlou,'and d coach dog 'belong
• ing" L. - a young man named Skylen
mislead the coon. The latter wseinsiblit
' the beet "of the tight when. Miner Walk
-. • to, trrentamptirrg to make a diversion In
favor of the dog with a suck, struck the
- • . ...litter aoddentally• and killed bins. I
. Styles was enraged - at - the death of his,
iq,dog, and felled Walker with e j elub,
• • knocking him eensales .. Jacob Milt°
• • "• -.a friend of Walker, seized the. axe with
which the tree Was felled. and chopped
' r• - • - • into Skylea shonlder. Whereupon Dan
lei Crow drawn revolver and shot Mil
-;tonon the right-.shoulder, wounding
severely. The party . • were rubes
quently arrested.
, - —Mr. John Robertson - Polintrnsater at
this place, was attacked on. Ms way
• home on Sundae night, about nine
. - o'Clocki - -knocked dawn and. robbed •of
- : time taro hundred and ninety dollars
Plulartainalt am her. Robernion after
- church repaired to the postollice.• as fs
his matom, tdmake up the mails leaving
•". • early Monday. morning: - Afteroonclud= '
..-- Log hie !ebony, ho 'darted for bounty and
. bad readied the stone steps in front. of
. • ths random* of fir, liVellelacm, when
• . • two men win, had concealed themselves
- ,
ii ehbut . the pillar's& the aide of the - gale
.rushed out,. knocked bins genuine sod
...t.-,.flaimgi,burrottheansonntetateil above.
..'"'l4r;Tirteertsbtieetnalned prawns:ens the
Insetwuble. condition Sea
•- • .;-- 1 -v_shout Lenboar. when tosson retained'
tut sought his home. - Reis consider,
injured about the hoed, but hie
•wito se n are not e..uslilePpgt diagorouP.
due .J.O the Pertp-Crasorp otthetnur
deraua assault-and robbery-hes yet. been
eiidted• .• • - -
, . .
inneet oe quantities of anal awidg a tier
in the .11.ononpinela'xiver between-Ws
'pant and 3lnKeesport.
Altesetlve Sal! or 11.11•1 Isar..
Meserra.Sniltbson, VanbookClel
lard, rut the premises, Monday, Febru
ary leth, at 21 o'clock, will
rho auc
tion that very desirabl loca ted!perty
Nos. 164, 158, 16,0, 162, 104 and 166 Shef-
Said street, Allegheny City (nearßilderell
street). Each lot fronts twenty feet on
Sheffield streat,extending 117} feet to as
alley. The linprovementa consist of nix
modern - Style (new) two brick
dwelling houses, having. all the modern
Immea ts prevementa. See auction advertise
Felten; from the large patronage
which la daily bestowed on the widely
ithowit jewelry house of Reinemsn,
lie7razi ec Filth street, we ate
comdzsined to believe that the special
inducements offered by that represanta-
Ural:louse are even greater than as yet
advert/tied. The firm atter the immense
atook.ofjewelry, watches, clocks, silver
and @Liver plated entree at wines to suit
purcbtsers. Within a short time they
porpoee tak ing
newb ilding, l°Q w?d f l e le ir ee M
cently injured b y tire, and in the mean
while offer their stock at very great bar
gains. Persons desiring elegant or plain
jewelry of any description *recommend
ed to this home, especially during the
oonsinuance of thepresent special
s.F,6eedHch• 1i his laughable ect
"The Novice," at the Rink to-night.
-.Pura Tetas apices and cmffees can no
where else he obtained at more reasona
ble price. than at the old established tea
mart of Joseph A Robinson, No. 20
Fifth street. Housekeepers will please
take notice that afresh invoice tercets of
direct importatiml, sad embracing all
the bunt= and popular - trade marks,
basjastawen received bonne and
offered itprioes In keeping with the re
cent great decline 'ln the Chinese mar
ket.. A. trial of the teas of this house la
all tbat L saked."--
The Hoe and original Tonic of Iron,
Plutophorits,' and Callaaya, known as
Caswell, Mack & Co.'s Ferro Phosphors
ted Itliztr . of Canaan. Mark. The Iron
restores color to the blood, the Phospho
rus renews waste "of the nerve tissue,
andthe Callaaya glees a natural health
'fu!tone to the digestive- organs, thereby
.lurine dyspepsia In Its earl us forms,
,Wakefulnees, emend Debility, and De,
emotion of Spilt. Manufactured only
hp Cuwel. Hazard & Co., New Tore:.
Sold by all druggist, ' sawF
The changeable ...ember" which we are
now enjoyisg, rather expenencing, plays
havoc with water pipes, and we hear
eamplatets from various sources relit
to the subject. We do not know bow to
mend matters', but we are aware ef the
factlhat the best practical plumber to
call In to .atop a leak'. or ..flx a pipe" Is
oar (dead T. T.-Ewena No. - 165 Wood
street. He attends promptly boi all calls
of this character and executes hts work
In the very best style and at most rea'-
soaabL . '
SSW Lard. and. Miss Sarah Toben a
the RUM Id-nicht.
The subject of rents attracts much at
tezttloo just at this time , but our friend.
T. T. Ewan; practlmd , lcimbar, gas and
steam titter, ha 183 ood area, will
col:Mune at his established headquarters
to attend to W 1 orderafor work entrcated
to his care. Readers may depend atom
it that M. %wens thoroughly under
stands eiery.departmstit of his business
and from long experience is prepared to
execute ail sorts of work with !Mich be
may be favored.
Ran. Chance for Etnalneas
Tuiteday February 24th, at 3 o'clock p,
ut, on thepremlees will be told the Use
bold of.that desirable business property.
No. Vt Diamond, Allegheny atty. The
building is now occupied as a wholesale
and retail grocery, wall eetanlished with
a good cash custom, doing a bagmen' co
one hundred thousand dollars per - year
See auction advertleement.
Swarms; Vawstook 6 ACCurctrarn.
The high remits:lon of Mr. Holtz
belulef proprietor. of the Continental
Dinbrißooms, Fifth tared, next door
to the PostoMce, as an epicure, Is not
only of Meer , prido, but Is generally
known throughout the Western section
of our State, - Meals are served in the
best style at all hours la best style o'
cooking. and In a clean and orderly man
ner. Ms prices aro wary reasonable.
Last appearanos of the elegant lad.)
skaters, Miss Louie and Mina dArah To-
atthe Rink to-night.
At Snodgrass A Bed, No. 24 St. Clan
atreet, a large.'assortment of boots
shoes and gaiters is offered at the TM,
lowest prices. The firm purchase thei,
goods from first.oissp manufacturers, and
afford purchasers articles in their 111.-
equal to the finest home made custom,
work. ..Call in and see for yourself, lc
there is no charms for showing goods. •
Die; cue phototraphs ac Pittock's.
Hats and Caps—'The enterprising Jinn
of Snodgrase and Ross. No. 24 St. Clair
street, odic groat bargains in fashionably
hats and me, for men and boys. Theb
stock Is very large, and anxious to clue
out the firm have marked down theb
prices 'regardless °Tamil:duel cast- Lib
oral Inducements to dealers who buy to
'en Win.
awing OW—Diaries—at rittoo re.
To Wholesale Buyers Of — Dry Goods we
are offering special inductnnenta—joi
lets from the Eastern Auction Gale.—
Slorwls.• Dreso 41Gooda, lionakeepitu.
Goods. Mans' Wear, Shootings, Shin
ing; Prints, &a.
Itkaszeo,At Co.
• • 697.10r1at. wreck
The Ladies macaw the that n
where shot in the city an trimminke
lace goodi 3 Oibrolderies, hosiery, whin
nd- millinery goods, ribbons,
de., be round in better assortment. or at
more—reasonable prices, than at W. W.
itoorheatrai (o 81 Market street.
ilr; Gnarl - di add Maw Louie Tobey
tke Rink to-night.-
Stranger. to the city who do not earr at our hotels, azestontely
!wormed that at Eiolizhelmer's Conti
nental Dnung Room are daily served
up, at all hours. mesl fl for a king and
at very reasonabla price& .Private apart"
manta for ladles.
Pletaca Li skein oat his Skates cheap
Trunks, travelling bags and "Mabel.,
axcellent workmanabfp and bent qual
ity of material, are offered at greatly re
dneed.priee• at the well known and pose.
niar wholesale and retail eatabliaLlment
of Snodgrass et RAM; No. St St. Clair
W4l.4„&id ?Maze Almanacs at 1'
Gentlemen will And at. Moorhead'
beadgrutners for farnlehlng goods fol.
Imes of dream shine, under nothing, tie•
handkerchielh, snspendera, hosiery
gloves find fancy articles generally, a•
very reduced trice.. .
.io . Arrive. during the coming week
Large emialgementa of beau, sheer, mr
Data, dry goods snd notion.. Which ail
be dlipesed of at aortic.. and privatc
*ale by Palmer & at the Opel.,
Homo Auction Room, 60 Filth stmt.
FebrsuLly Magazin. s, all ready,' at 11
.111sitalkeeplag Gonda.—Table Miens,
Napkins. Doylies, Tows/s, TowsWiz.
Quilts, Sheeting, Pillow Casing, Table
Clotbs and Covers. Piano Covets, Slaw;
kat*, ete.,*at unparalelled reductions In
prite, a Barker's.
Auction Sala this dayat 10 a. at., 2 and
nP. x.. at the Opera. House Auction
Rosin, 00 Pin street.. Dekrable etyles
of seasonable boot", shoes, balmoralm,
do. Palmer d. Phillip., auctioneer".
bindles Damaged by Water.—Two
cue. bleached arm shirting Ifitsilea,
alightiv mat, tarsals at b and 12e, on West
03rmaildsrkot sad Fourth streets, No., 69.
TIIJI Gagnmsts & arIWART.
Stareosespk Vlewl, an mark:am:it
'TM nnettansptlne oysters and rarest
of Manes kept constantly on hand at the
popular and drat clam dining rooms of
Heinketmer.llftb atraat, neat door to
the PciatoMee. Call In and try a meal at
Her the Opera buy your party time end
light colored kid gloves at W. W. Moor
bead's fashignablie Mall trimming and
notion house, No. 81 Marina street.
Par Victorian; collars, cnElt, muffs,
de.; at prices regardless of. cost, at the
wholessU and retail store Lot Snodgrass
d Ross, No. 24 St. Man. street..
Damaged Meath:m-5-4 Pillow Casing
a little wet an tbei edge, et per yer
at Barker's.
_•_.. .
CM. It mad. Ensune tba,littlie and .
plete stack of Lidtele Pan, at - Wllll=
Flepting's, No. 139 Wood street: tf
.Ileaattee of the 13altet-11e),c (kook
Photographs at Plttoek'a.
Bir;. Jn Ladies' Fars, at Intim
Fleming% No. 139 Wood street. tt
Irritpar end paper initialed at
"Metal% worksAt Pitteek'r.
Pnyti Chrramosp. .
Vatedidaes at Pit:tack%
Lug Tuesday moraine . lbent one
loth el:lobo:1y of weep Kline, of Se
theerroye,,Bnyder oxonti. Tau • run over
b.j.thpipen express trate at ',Watson
tolVserend horrible dziingled. It Is
thtntith.the had bath murdered and the
-body. th .. at.= the hank. The remains
were taken to Etelinesgrove on the /Ct 2.5
troth, on the same morning. Be leaves
F.0 03 i 1 7 ,- Arnbth3l •
BO! fit
118 Wood Bt.. near corner of Fifth.
Government Securities.
Gold, Silver.
anti - Coupousi
flonalit sob tote On ttbaral tams. Lirslta sol 4
on all tbe principal <lilts of Eason.
- 11_01.1.)1EXLS CILF•
Osa :salt. PROPIT OF 7:10311 TWEI;VS. av
Orer Twenty Per Cent
Pllooavettllt . thea Into
Peelle 11. Mills& Mortgage Bondy. ,
CornerPiarth dk Wood ntreets.
Onus o► Two newsmen °sawn.
nava.. December gl, Isar I
The advrtee and embus of American s‘
earltlee to the European markets dorm:MA.l
gold to 140% to-dav; the omelet opened weak
at Icetc. out elosedlrom 1 mpg t • 10% with •
dewawaid tecoleacy. T►. Mtge ainoUnt of
Isiah (old on the market Noumea • berths:oat
pnaent . dunngo period of extraerdlaary at*
Ditty at the stock exchange. and la Govern
ment aecrorlues eery money can De realised at
sletest aaythLog else hut gnid.
Cavaromest weenritles ware lower and dell
to-day, the trans... Done are very. light, 5514
are depending on the different ehlpments from.
the Lawlor. The prise of governments for the
next weak will depead ,on the chorus of the
docks; • reaction In Lb. cloak market will Do
shared C► tie dealings to Donde.
There is a marked . decline In Express and
telegraph Mocks, and any other thefts wet
strictly first•clasil In point of Intrinsic relca.
Mining abases remain EMI. and with thb s¢
breath of apnea all the cheap ' atoeka are
Deceit op by capitalist.
Camlaa Saw 'Tata quotatlaas, taadtad bt.
Ph. It Ilterts.,wara as folloai: •
ft1 1 . 149 56%.1 l'.. III)(; 44106, ItlfT, 111:
bat. :MU; ign 109%4 Consolii trygl 10411.,
,04 54; to.,K„
Cierefand IC thte.octrgh A. R , ere{.
darshinte - Urdoa Eager.
11. V.I. Telegraph, ...... -.... UN.
EMI ....... , TOji
PltteburghTort Wayne a °blears R. - . 10. 1011%
Northwestern Rattroad-somsson 60 .
Yorthwaatera-preferred.-0.-. 734
.New Tort Omani • --..... lily{
Ohio and XLlssiselpyi Certittestae
Mahlon Rotate= 11.14
.lorytton -... fo
—The lion. in Congress, 'on Tossdey,' by •
nay lars• vote, mond the bill repo from
Comealtme onglwakiog and Clarr. 67 , -
,eat the Seat. Lestelatome power 06 Oa: the
shares of Natlmal Bonk. atahe gams rat* per
et as other 1•1112IIKI eaPtal ts taxed. The
HOllll6, at tee same Bete; pawed Mr. Beadsllls
IUII, rev:Minn ell Government eflidala with in Illy name of toy dapostfory to soaks
-tonal therein, to the esainalon of
Basks. ertdett ars now depoelof
subtle moneys. These are wholeaoSe meas
ures, .ad should be plumed be the Senate and
approved by Use President. The ednlty of the
propoaltion to tax bask -sham cannot Os
asoL wa thtak to 120•1111 In the
outka to have resistedlt. Prat able as hank
ies has been and is, to exempt the banks from
their share of the heathen of tax Bon whom
fteases so meanly Co all intent..could not
all to create diaatantaat, and to provoke -a
terattny that ormolus to mad in . material
eartowtog cf the pnvilex. they now enjoy.
the panne of the two Isere aimn not./ an
In that direction —CM.. Ledger.
—Tha Phtladelphie Enquirer. of Thlliadly,
.27. The litirPlf Of mossy 1....1•TV. Sig.
aesmeatreadant; among .took Imre the rate far
awl Boma wee 4 per cent.; on the etteet 6 per
ant. was that Mears naked on approved
malaiesals. nut class 00C31:Itteill paps la
vow discounted b} the beaksat a per sent;
and bog fats prime easestnres find their way
to tom street. Good nemn ate aseepted by
.he broken at 7 and 6 per .00.0 emend eleas
oinarstres at 10 aed 15 per seta. Alsaellanewas
toil ars osennonally negotiated et 1)4 end
per eat, • tooth.
rirreava&arsr&bLcgaaAak T
Dream 01 ran PorrsoCaall Garry;
FRIDAY, JorolorT
VIIILTDE—The market vu watreillaty doll
to-day. not • Eagle Bale rowan!. though oat
withstanding than tea na L thing done, ad but
a moderate in wary, there is no disposition.
tar as ere an learn, on the part of holders to
Bala eonatealons Ls order to abet salsa. Spot
oil is all; Quoted at Ts offered; ati 7501 sated;
ad March and April, aellatts Option. at 7;4 to
offered, and to saw. The anon both
(Ma Pkiladapki • and 'Annetta am unfavor
able, Out u the impreesion prevails that pans
aLanat fro anal lore, and tint an alma le
Marital*. sooner or later, dealer. generally
Wm disposed to hold off in expattation of the
Yard Una 101111." Prlvato advises from 01
City neon Crude noehanged at Ufa.
LEFINSD—Thsre ten. at 1 angle Wane.
tinn to hada oil to-day, at least la hod none
V•portaVad 'whoa' thentsrkette- Bev one
neglectal,pritas are unchanged. Spot oil le
quoted at 2.15C;071k4e; loot half of Tebrusty at
to.; Anna sad September at lye and :tot aad
all the year, buyat'a option. at nor—al a* us.
deritand, them aeraoffers to boy at these
arn. Tha being the loot day of 'Me month,
—delivery day—Ma time and attention of re, '
hero and dalars Boma to be absorb/a in
attliag my the monat's hostas% ad asking
err. in:LrrLD LAT IT S. T.;..
Cava a Sonar, 47 has ref. to P. Wright £
gnu, PlatltiapLia.
IL. Jofeaso a Co. 50 do tennis to Waring,
Etoga Co. Philadelphia. -
OIL GMT,. KL.II . 4? •IntIIONZ Data?.
Fituablort t Oil Co. MD barrel. rained to
WaMen. Brew A Co. Philadelphia.
S. McMahen &Co, It do to►midon. Orottilme
Co. Baltimore.
Lloplasatt. 10 do loarmating to .1. B.
Lloylacett, Flattlmort.
rirrranciten uErAe.MARK ter.
Ortiaiod oaa Pr", auzez ludwrun.
FamaY. Juuary It. DWI. f
The natal market Du again been villa au
tin during the part week. the galas; la the tut.
gregste, being largo, and while the 4eneral
tok• of the trade la Solna greater ease, sem
oared with last week. price. her. dridsYdonr
u natural slung.. dtandard Earn Irons are
.0 demand, and, se a sonsequeu, rises are
orally well sutatned, but loferlor grades are
dull and saluted, and In ardor to rifest sales
300CA8403, One to be made. foundry Irons
ore In good supply sad dolt, with a druplos
eatleney. The following salsa are rap:tried,
NO Tons MeOlom Grey F0rr0....433 06-4 no.
0 • "
no o Mottled arty Farg0....... HOO 6 .
.0 " (One Grey Forge 7s 60 s
" then Or. y Forge . Rte
roo . " Open Grey F.og• ..... or so 6• "
40 " No.l Fouzdu ....... t:10-4 son
*34 ." No.l Foundry 4$ 00-4 one
- • • •
• attar p. 1603" Madlord kater Farr, do. c. '
llamala at tattiap—
tqaal zo
331 WAIL. 116 , 4146. at Mumma " C4-1'"
- —auk az Meaux SS 63-- oath
" Wane .4 !Vatted. at fn.
state--fav band—fur az.
otttai atazkot...,
NI team No.l Foundry 4145 60-421
160 White large 6600
lab Y Mori arra ...... et 00 7
" wiau .41.i . .:;i:0rt. oo
DOG " 0721.1lothrbellee ...... IS fa 4'
MO " Mottled arid Orey of OD "
" western (Irby ' 3 , 00 "
No! " Wane= braaa Oe
200' " Form— Int 60 d
40 " No.I Fottodry_.... 42 be 4
" No. IL Foundry -- o
1010121 Any forge OW 00-4 au
TO 0 are, Tore, • _.._ 46 211-6 mi
40' " tapirs Swot Y, Oa—enr
10 0 Ity grade—H. Rook N 20-leir
1111 Honotne Hoot .._ D. 2
40 " lonlats.
, Doran or Test Pirreennue Gazer.;
January 11, 19te. j
1110112•21.4 for snuufastared Iran and nails
Is reported dull toyood praudaat for tbts to.•
.on of the year; some Of the mills us only run•
ally belt Uwe, while ...tubers ire stopped en•
tirely. It la oonglently predlater, however,
that there be a good spring trade, and es
both niatal and labor at. now Usurer Ulu
doling say time state thi breaking out of the
rebellion. It Is thought that Pittsburgh .000
suseustelly @snort* with other points both
east cad arsatt and if so, wet us of the opinion
that Cu ullY reelable a Large proportion of
foreur customers both urn and south. lobo
for • )lay or so put, hays Cron this plus
the ...old a.Souldar.” Th. fallowing are the tats
rates aoudad up to data: • ,
Z:i 4i
iiiii 7 ii.d
Hoop and.l.lght Band
.. a ail ••1 1 7.
R .md
Oral _—
Half cr .4 half Ro . und '''''
•••••i lf
Roller Iron . -----42 .
Vail Rods II
i 17e tI. ‘7".,1 ii to 17 l i i 01 4
. 11 to SS 7J4
- orl
411 to Mk` 4 714 :4
. o 'l7
- - 6 ,4 IM. '
"All sks4te over N.. wide yge sun. 14
gs. ,
led to 604 Nam
ana 24 7 SO
Yesclog .sod . 24 rise 7to
Heade 111 to 741.6. ' 4So
ikl sod Ild .... .... 161 gin Hot. 44)
44.04 74 476 Clio.. . .. .476 ,
441164.64 6go Cut kali. 4OS ,
4 LO 1
s4 llene :taw—% lash. 3440;1 !sob. 47,241 I%
Loot. /SAO; itg 1644 44,61; 13410.1, by
Taxes ...r... er a...tapes at ilt days, wilt
eurtupt pd. of 14/6064.40 of New York; or •
dis•aunt of roar sea.. for sash, 11 resekted on
Ap. af 1.051.4. Pam... to ko Lela 16
Ork lotskenge. Treaeury Not
or their • guleslent. Thols la leds of 1411 kegs .,
sad upwards, 1210 uer keg oft 144464400nt
is 1811. of 1.4 1.1. ilfty4elous.- •
Neer York Jtkry ewes gtartat
tlir Tsarists. site. Eltuaarse easatto
AeW Too.. Jaeoal7 .11.—The istopanl
, liseling la the Cotton Good• market. seem
to bsvetaltetaatoo. as them is lasi annuity
to rim up minds any Ma b‘r [sr tits prossnti
Prices, nonevits, ore Orb. ac the
and bat few eth he obtabsod from Ont
YLSOOO; 118 Many tabrau hare Damao shoo
emree, b!..actied Ithallaa outlast
. larly: Bags. too. are vary scarce mad blab,.
La oleo . of ;Owe atreanueaaeee cap the
:beet Prise Chlttill to NC, It is isonssirkss
remarltaYlllo see tbe.boot Ptle up et
IlariNe, the beet DOOttttle at 164 loons
ead.the b. Da , atnes at /le, olth old
new . It '115,e. Wool.llls 01 111 kinds an
doll, and so are most kinds& foreign Nowa,
Kelm /Ueda Shootings 113faled
IPITT6I3O7'6:G , H DAILY :x-A/81"1:g.
ea 008 10 liVatez barset,
•All dealers to OrGDZ, ca
0•41C0.11 - .
.... •
oar !la 1 Long UII aaol o
Oci Jinetanati. or other Grand., .u.i orppyy
to sell an ant as Cinotalxii Or CEouto rata..
Our No, i Lard is • Lubricator Cannot be
aroeof... ,
Loot treat Labrleating nna !Mondani branda
Carton Oa °Osaka/IT on nut.
Korean:an sod mann .actarelo will and a V,
their tnureat' to arra as ea. 11 Wore ordorrag
Lard VII Crean Uto Weal. . Gra:
Ornei or Ms Pre?annum Garen% /
ratoar, Jamey 31,164. 4
Ths ysnaral masts preaut so am features
ercatni of apieetal collo.. Tor almost every
thing the demand Is iary moth reserleted,
15.6 manacled wholly to luDl474allisttas,lnts,
want., walla sO in S. values are concerned,
tacra 555 ree mall] Important chum.,
GRAlN—clialettax Wheat la la steady dce
wood, and las My mills are taking all that
ons at aUsCl e ta for 11.4, and 62,1502,10 for
0.13 aim and 13 demand bat an:
Raged; asla of a cars, on tract, at 65c, and tip
bashed., lo ston e at 66c. Coen la lea active
aad a shads easter; we slow quota at 1101,06.
*Man of florist Batley a 5 61,50421,55..'/Iye
a MU. doll lot 550h.55,1 at 111,3601,43.
FLOUR—There le but a limited demand for
Flom, mad wklle the market le deal, strives are
unahangedt we coml., to quote at i1e,7842•
11,10 for spliag Wiest; 111201;bo for Winter
Wheat. odd $l4Oll for fumy brands.. Rye
Floor la made .1 NAN whale Boakwheat le
dull but onehaaged at 140 per een.
.PROTISIONS—Battoo Is pelet but ateady at
100lO3(o for Shoulder.; 12Q123(. for Bibbed
Sldes; Ise for Breakfast Baeoll, aud lealeyea
for Sugar /lured . False kettle Ls. Is
still quoted at 1E4.. to tier..., .4 1 4 34..' I.
kegs. Nes. Pork, In. Dd. Beer, 2 . 30.
BUTTER—There I. a eoatlnued fair demand,
and the algrket Is ateade, .nth tellular pale.
it pd.. to shot.. Roll at 2341.3..
ZIA S—Baettaaeed at 'Vane.
•PPLIZ3-I.k•itinne em, and with a steady
demand and very meagre ~,kale, prices are
Waling upward, we now gnat. at 11,5005,33
per OW. Y01'0,1;1=012 to-ettolee:
.11: 1 TATOlaillet and nacnanindi anall
taloa ni !natant 11M/ 0 per bathe!, tad IsM)
3,ap0,b6/. o+, to clomlits•
SLEDS—SaIa of ()lomat." at 87,1441n
-Ilanaared la afarva and In dreaand no: For
Tmottly Sad, tlaara MI. to to no daind as
steady but 'unchanged, with usu.
lar Wes from country at SIMI; 'as to
!SILL FEED—Is Arm and In limited supply;
ant continue to quota at ii,64,1,16 for Brant
111,f001,16 for Seconds, and $2,2601,27 for 3114-
DRIED. YRVIT—Ls abundantr b Hd , the
starker Is completely slatted, but prime are
unr.knomrdi me continue to quota Poaches at
Tatte for quarters, and lop* for hal.* and
AnDles at late.
LIED OIL—I. Arm but unchanged, though
an &Ovum, 1n ricaoathy with lard may be au
pearta 000ni V 0 conilutto to loot. at .to for
No.!, aatl 41,10 for NO. 1. •
lionlftr—la dal' sad d:rooplai; we can tt
i.Ctt sales to the trads at 110. 1 004T5, and i• •
mall way at FL
I:7EAMBEFOBIE3—CoIUrated sena. dead
. 1.12
fat demand, and ciir to.quotad at Vigil, as
tO qoatity.
131UNS-1 shads lirsoct, and prim mall
't. Alm b. cyoUNI. Keady at WM per
dantand—none 111 makket
wouldlogell malty st p per babel.
New Tart Mirada. Market.
'levers. to the Pio &Minh Gazette.] •
_ Haw To., January SL—Cbtton to more
andy-X0 better, with sales of Mid
dling llpi.d. Atl924a Ylottz; the receipts
today amounted to LOGI barrel.; the market
Ls without say decided change with name
little specnlatlye demand for extra State,
and sales efile made of 6,260 barrels, at
.6009,10 foe superfine State and Western;
119.924210,60 fee ertns. State; 43412 for extra
wevernt $11,7001.6 for white wheat enra;
, $9110813,60 for Hound Hoop Ohio; 110.40012
for comm.' to good St. f.ouls;
qu it ; I choice eat. do. the
quiet; included In the Bales. are 2,6.2 barrel.
of extra ;Gate, chiefly on speculabon, at
$10,691910.25; California flour le less .tivv,
but pric. are unchanged; sal. were
1,90) sac. at $l2 30012.12. line flour; the
is steady. with salsa of SH/ barrels
at57,5009.N. Whiskey II nominal; no re
°clots. Wheat; the receipts to-day were
•409 bushel. the market Ii firm hot rout,.
wah eater s ; 010.100 buseel. at $2.50 for am
! her wester for whoa Genes-see; .15
429.52 for choice white
us tor
white Caned.; $3,23 fee white blicharau.
live is firm and quiet. is at with
sale. of 6,40 Q euebele ...tern at 41,97 in
more. and CO tr.heis State at 91,1124. Malt;
tile market is unchanged. Com; the re
ceipts today amounted to ISSN bushels;
Me market Is les. active and without any
decided than.. end ales were made
NON buenal. at 9111
I. s for old mixed,
Western Mare, $1.2101.163 for new white
Southern; $1.221:11.N!• far new yellow tern
5ec;51,=01.2.7 for mew mixed ;western
c h ief l y
111.52. Osts—receipts,
buehel.; the merlon Le lc lower; sales ot
cox, bubh at Inir,e for women; In store;
far do stoat 'HI. quiet. Coe. qmer;
444 me aye.. •-•-•lftwalm..*
Seg. active and' Arco; ell es of NO Shin
Cuo• at 1;14012i4c,• 100 box. a41lO• at Wig.
Mole.. quiet; .les of 11l had. Dem...
at Gk. Mope quhtt and ancbaeged. Petrol
eam Quiet; lot t o for crude; 'Go for zedned,
bonded. Perk firm and quiet; ewes of 1.476
Doss at timsain.s; for oil mess; closing et
021.65 regular; 03701265 for sew do; ies.
#lu at MN regales; 417,2421111,22 for prime;
9 for prime mew. Beef tin; sales of 1.455
bbts at previous prle..s; 170 tierces at $.220
26.76. prime mew, 4137.400211 pi ladle these
Beet bacts quiet; nabs of .960 Mils at ;PAN
310 Sawn Armed; sal.of 1,254 Oozes at
105(610X.0 far Cumberland use; 104011220
for snort ribbed; 12 , 4012;p2 for long clear;
irieifilc for Gioet OW,. Cut mea .de
wan sates or 19. paciteree at f4l foe
shaufeers and 1299144 e for Loma...Dreamed
hogs Arm at MINS.° for weetsent'iNiGilay,c
ferrite. Lard drat with salw of lea hilts
t I WsHiGfie- Better arm at 404500 for
State. CtaNe heavy at 110110. /night. to
LlevrPocdr/6,090 best/room par sail at 17,40.
LAT.T.—Tleitr • elos , sl- firm with a fair
speculative demand for medium grades.
Wheat nominally unch.ged. Oats doll
heavy, at 8P44N3i40 for w• •tern in mere.
Carn,atealy, at 111,22.01.12• fOr new mixed
*eaten. &Host .4 .31 for old mixed sr.,
era in store. Pork quiet and Ilan. at
121,123401,37 X for old mean; $21.30 4 21,76 for
sew mom; *440022,74 for Mar.. C.
Meats doll sad ...ans.. Seer. arm with
Kfair demand. Began fairly .tzve and
r., at SP. for lliteberl.a. Land arm;
at 1.245014* fair to prime steam and gotta
Br Tele/rasa to .to Counties!: liasettcl
CSICAIIO, Jan-IL—flour duo, at 62010.75
for spring extras. Wheat quiet and 10114 c
lower; tides at 11,10 for No. /, 8.2,01X122.07 felt
N 0.2. torn—old mantles and 1•111•001 aom
inal at LW; Nat moderately active and ICI
140 lower; sales st Cinema at 11%.
Oats 0011 and 40 10 w er.e/oe tag tinletat Stip
Onll at $1,41101,411 toe No. I. Ber
le dull and las. lo•er• sales No:1 ats.l.oll
03,111-cluelag at the inside. rrotielolo firm
us teas Red re; Blow Pork—standard r 9,72;
Best clan. brand• hold at 1111021.23; prime
mesa 015,50; mess: ordmary. 011,50; sweet
ptckeled hams more active; tales country
ll%c, city no. Bulk meats moderately
&cUs.; sales of dry salted aboulders at
!cow, rongtisides9%. Loin k meat , q diet
. , 1111 es, snort tins 100, loons. Lard
/debar. sales prime steam at 12%012%.
Dressed hog. la fair demand; light Sc tile her
and heavy and uncnanked. closing steady at
etnell 00, Melding on AO tin; live active at
from 101108.00 for common • 01,007,00 for
fair to medmott SA) for iCod to choice.
Zweirds-43,00 htd+ Boer, 2,000 bush wheat;
aim boron cora, 19,7 W bosh OBLII, 2 WS drw.
ad dogs; . 0.00 Iles hogs. Shipments—also
bbls 10ur,2,000 bash wheat, 2,00 bosh cote,
2.111/3 droned bogs,
• aihtlelhaei neelleihee
111 Teletrepti to the rlttsnargh tlaxelle.)
CizanorATl. Jan. 11L—Ploa -Brener. and
prices Maher; family, ell :1114M •Stra,
el. u0(111015. IStisat arm and quiet; Ivo, 1
srmrisr, CIL& Coro Brinery ear ajkle. 0.14
1153 at 13011 c. Mr.; Barley In
deismad; wales 11,1,011 Bus at 61.31102.33 for
orim• 101. Provisions exeltet and a good
deal unttlediddlkolt to gilt quotation.,
Solders are mioaraily out of Lb market, so
that it is dillOcult to get • price named for
507 1011am/0173 was refrain] for I GO tibia
.caw 0211 Mess Pork this afternoon' 014 1.
'bald St gol.w, Bulk Meats are 'meld at 8140
/1%e;100,003 los country sold at Nand /NE.,
to oe delivered March LI. Baena 10 hold at !
100 for atiffaiderll llyS. for iddmil2o for clear
rib. and INc - tor wear. This afternoon!!
Lard la bald at ISho, PIG/ Calla at 1314 a, and
alt ordered at tills rate taken. Bolter ant
IA ZOOM, Blue, 00. Bogs!, 13011,3 and
Sr.,. GoZa• pa good demanitat 20 to Wm
Nolan., Brener St 1131P13e. The stalk al
Sugar Is rery' ea much wi that din:Molts
la caper/Emma luelllng orders for Be. Or
ley... Lnimmid 011 dull and prlCasnomluaii
it Is °Pared at 51.04111.16 is the large vray,ll
L retailing at $l.ll. Plitrolentri doll at
for retried, tree. Gold, 110 boylnir.
• 101eUeliessd Illarlkee.
fflyTelerraoh to the letPettrgh Oisette.]
ClevaLexto, Oet.2l.— Floor If only mod
erate deemed, but bo/ders of city melt e en d
(they outdid. brands are firm t double extra
wringat 1110.734211,0 o; dttable extra red win.
ter $.04113.0e1 double*etre wtatie
couolo7 brand• are Waal below tke aeon.
deurell. {Meat—the market 1$ Quiet bet
erre and unchanged' No. I red winter bel
00124502 No. 2do at $2,4101381 Od.l
tracke• seethe at $11.33 for esti lobe Corn
doll at DX. but elated driuer tale.
for /to, 1 &bodied: OW 4011. and Heat
'NO. 1 BMW at 00140070 from .lore. 07.—the
demand Is light and the market quiet at
111.0001,f6 fort:o.lB[lns and western. Bar.
ley—the market is first and toe demand
iegaodi sales of nos bu at Private term..
Petroleum—the toarketle dell lead heavy;
Iron IS held at 1442400; 8.14. d 230110.
iv. Lou;..anuary SL—Tobacao, none of.
tariass sto o k .nnagdy. exhausted. Cottnn
buoyast and. advairced to Itggalaygn for
=ladling; b•Llblaber tlt• chg... flour
dna Dl:tome; males extra. at 1111.10idoeble
antra 410011,6 Th treble to CltolCagll.soQl3l4.
Mimi.quiet and unchaaged, at. gigaini,7o
far prima to wining red sad atilt* whiter.
Corn; no demand for aliened agnapt at
micas below We, able!, others Mum, vow
sales of car a' 54117110. Oata very dull and
lowly* at an..itrloo. Barley; very Intl. dr
ferlag: awn et spring at $2O; anal.
gd" are ware* and hold at 111,71. roans.
lona Generally bald Winer ant, no apnea
latlye faollag.. Pork held at Man Was re.
pore. Lard Ana at 1311,011,0 for want
ttle. and 134111.150, keg.. Recei
floor, WO bells aneat, aotan corn, %Me Am;
rata. KO bush; barley, tal bush. weatties"
clew and colder.
1111weekee nallter. •
Lir Talserson t Sao leltubons itesette.l '
11112r0enst, January 2L--2101ir duff and
dn.; city dono/0 eau. $101210.217 country
do AO; extra ipasiare,23. Wheat doll and
lower, at 214614 for No. i and $2.02 fur :In 2
Oats 00 1011. atleo for No 2. Corn de
clined ",4.2 et nlo for new slmelled. Drowsed
Bop 'drat 00 .710.110. Neoelnt•-1100 Oble
Soar; MOOS Mode erbeall 0.000 bush 0010; Ve
lank oorn; 721 amend lion& /Mown Le—,
NO 0010 dour; 140:1 Dub 'wheat, and '4lO bblo
Clootanati Cattle Macao!.
1111 , 7alegr.o6 to the Pitubargt
ersowirAti. 111.—Soef doll At .
Mato 47 ba p4r costal grou. Shoop I to eat
it= par bud. Hogs In good
mad ft= buudiess 117.1*(rati
Flaaacial Matters it New Teel.
" 1d12 ...ea u /401(0/44r.f.
CPT tilltirtnal It; the rittabzirgb
The ease In money is more marked, and
nalt loans are made at 3423 on atrrarnments,
and sae on stooks; prime discount:a at aer.,
Sterling drmatl Qio but not monk setts.
LI at the advance. Gold opened at 116 , ..:,
adv.end to 140± , g, and closed
" at
lioxel a 4. A demand for cavort Is anttel•
Areslightly In bey•rai ( Ivor end clotted
steady: 10.40e,t044e010154; ude5,121,60107%.
• The market was subjected to a savers rate
this morning from parties concerned .ba
“bearing" Ertemb broka;te 7314 r Catitnal
to Readthg to 93; N. P. preferred to
Loft Beek Island to it 9%. Between Marna
there was a partial rally. Lod at the After
noon Board there was a (sharp reeocery
tkroog bon t the Ivo. Large abort • n term
has been created by the recent decline. '
"LOU.. QCbtstl.•
Cariten IISIA'HISM; CuretHirlead • 3P4ONIM;
quick/Meer . acni!.4l Merl/pose S; Westero
below Telegraph 7rp.'1237; Edema Express
7/P4llerchwata Venue 36)41 Unite./ stet.
76; Well+ 44 , 4; ?mine Mau neichiloil At-
SMI92; New York Central LN)4O
Illettlean .12outher0 & C
seX;111/nole Ceetral 1324: Pittsburgh exhp
9%, Toledo 11ma11e; Northwester/2 WC
Ohil Rock Islatol 1030100 K; Northwesteru
preferred 75%474; Fort 1. , M rl3ll 1030103
Hartford snot Erle 16%; Oh lo Ca/hones
k...7/41:3; St. Paul 41H/ do preferred et ` Alton
rlTerre glautehlt.“ Vgalosh 4224; Micron
01X:eels. Tennessee, 0314.
Dn11.,1 heavy: ladurts urn DO, Wank
41043; Davidson WWI; a resory CDOCSIe.
A 5c , t. 9 1 1 [: .,,, 5 1. µ210,f315; paymo Fas t 0.7,65.1,U70,.1
' Raw Orions& Yantis.
(gy Telegraph to the litistursn alcieite.l
Ngsw Oftywase,Jeuelry 3I —4lOttan; pales
of Muldithg ttplands at ISYjahltse. The
sales to-day reached 1,110 bales: The sales
for yesterday, which were not reported,
amounted to 1,3:00 bales. The receipt, for
today amounted to 3,000 bales. ,The export.
amounted tot 437 bal.. The sales for the
week wore =WO bal.: the receipts for the
tame period worel2BCo hales; esporia to the
eesst wore (IMO bales; foreige; baleri
stock on hand, b 5,004 bales. Sugar; prlocs
are ruling upwards, with sales tot common
at 100110, and choice 14014:44. •
is entire, with sales °Aeon:mon at Walton,
and prima atteOCi •
Memphte llarkeby •
/17 •Celecrapate ce lilt. beige °antic./
?Sharma. J•tormry 31.—cottmi •eu firm;
Midilliorl•UolB4e; reeeipta 9.19) balm b.
Porta 3.111; seek', receipt. 11,909; exports
9.047; moot We receipts 41.0.9; export. 41499;
.took 16.3.14. Flour settee;cup/aloe 69.00*
940; other grades with:ids/it at 410 00011 30.
Pork active at 92243022 50 Swum; clear
sides 13c; bulk shoulders Nage:clear odes
11X0.2e. Laid; k.g IWot4e. ,tiorn belling
at We to HMV, Otto dull at MOM. Hay.
notaitsal at gXI. Vona Meat active at aa,oo.
fu, Te:egraoh to to. Flusher:a amino..
Tontoo, Jan. 21.—Floor It quiet. WDtßt
Is lc lower; males of amber at $2.65; No.' 2.
Cod winter. K 2% Milwankwe elan. 112.21,
en—Ltecel pc.; 24.202 lin. and ten market Is
iio low., R. 1., of No.l. at haSeglilAan; to ar
tve. MO; I ir'nebrinerf.' 2 202 0 e. Oat.. M s(o lower' vales of No. I. at 11f140630. Itge la
Quiet. Barley le $2,03 for Michigan. Seeds
—sales of Clover ared . at 117.46. Plaraged,
22.22. Thn0thr..4.1,40. Dressed Hoge are
goner at 7p,05x,...
Phlladelptotha Markel.
, te Tolecrapn to the Intitee/eh eaten..]
Peltanateita, Jibes/re el.—Petra/ease Is
firmer, with tales orarnde at Ih!ho, and ren
ti. , ad In bond at 223;e. Flour le Inswelv.
Wheat, cornea s/owly. and sale. were
MOe at r.,4 0 e2* liya In sumer. vorn I.
In falr demand. with sale. of 13,030 bushels
new bellow at 01.11131,16. .oats I. elllnw at
icr6e. Mn. Port Is held at 1an. 53 17M. Lard
has advent../ Lotto.
Baltimore Market,
ler Ssierrsos to the rlitmerire misuse)
Eistmenas, Steamy 81.—flour so l o..
Wheat is steads. Coins la doll with of
whtte at S UN, aa4 1it:14./50
I,le, Oats, the market ul steady, and_ Fair.
were made or Eye; the market le us.
chanced with sales at presious prima. Lila
Ter Seed; the market is firm at 49.8ia9. Pro.
vista. are firmer, and the market closed
firm. Lard, if%014, ' • -
Loa!swill* MarM.S.
UST Telegraph to the riming to °axed.) .
,I . Locisvd[z. January 3l.—Toinoco 'ls firm
with sales of BS hhde at 10,10014 fOr eoruniOn
luti and dna $l2. tor
finer Wheat. leaf.
at $2,3581.40. Corn3o super
at 73011 c
for libelled. and ear 011ie. Oats Q*ll •e. 670
QUO. Coda* at 15MQ1740.. Lard /Mid Mess
Pork a. 412 Bama, shoulders at SM. clear
stirs at 11Ne.
tat Tierra:lh to be rtttamrrab•ntte.l
Itrzrico, January SL— Flour doll trot un
changed. Corn doll and lower; salsa of S
no louts of uew on track at &Va. Oatedu •
and unelomeed. Rya nominal. Mega Pork
arum at SOIOtI.OO. Lard arm at 13%e1k.
armed /loci doll and unchanged.
f4leege Mad, liasket.
(Byleareeh to the Clttstrenre 01611M.J.
Cszasoo, January' 111.—Bur cattle greet
and unchanged; 16.75Q5.23 rot goal to prime.
Sheep dull and Unchained.
i 211 2 2061121 BIZ 4.111J1.0/31.
P , T7lttltol,OULtralhaa litlotlelaft /LIL,
3.¢ary 11—C7 too greaae,F Sellars CI Co{ 60
Dolt lard 4411 S • Stewart; 100 obis lour,
16 4 1` e 7,5,10 , 0 1v , ?:;t01, • ;;:, " =rd.T.
6141 . 4 7 12..1; 14 aka malt, 10d do bar/ay.
Galway C(411213;60 bbla tar I) Ely; II 134 ca
tiattoo. Sensed,, Childs ll:Cor It do ao, E
ne 1 505,72 do do. Egle 431 tors Biwa; 3
Skala tobacco,J el Jacobs: 10 do do,
kreebart; 7 Imo do, P Sabett,ll.; It Dada logar,
.1 I I.lorra• & Bra; 6 abla lard 011.12 ban *oodles,
E. II alyara Cora taa .cep, JS r I) Pantie ex
Mona aka tore, nide 770.7 bide., ha tallow,:
Meased bog., blearrur A Super' rf aka oats, 7
de C... Storarrort 8m; 13 do whew, 6 do
core. 3 bbla dry Iron, 4k2 lard, Head at 01.11
car; oi,:a dry paten., a CUM. butter, Camp
Tralcy. 10 bbl. oLL, J Parkes; tdo do, H L
Fabocaroct h. Co; It 1,. meat, Shomakat
.74.1.64sittirr ToLiam R. R.. Jannitry ii
Scare ihnottions.Shoontrergar a 11141 r; I round
whisky. J S I.l.ect.ino tdsoGe, Adams a Ana
-1 dot 11 do rye,l? W alias.; On do oats. 17 do
heat, 1.4 to ott, !iron a 0tsal:It0 do veto, W
Rindhare; 6 haler leather.. W T aleLsndbilt.;
64 bales wool, 21 sits Oats, Shiptoa a Worlsee;
ears'altal. McKnight, loner ON is ate
rye, Knox Otr; I ear most. J Moorhead; 7
Ote Orr, a Dads sundries, J L Gratonstil6S tree
wbeet. U r Kennedy a Bro. 6 des better, I
pug. eels. A Bleri77 slie rye. 14.3 Meek; 6 bee
batter. ri hes d fret, 11 ets rye, IS do Karat, A
Onllogher; rears oil, Clark • Stuntr.
ilind.on AND rirreettaddi
ison 7 rY 47-4 ears Iron ors,Kry. a C•otbey;
Ido do, Ktmenitoider 1. Blair; 10 4014 Gar,
Moira, Voldt a Cu; 10 du Gales, Fairbanks,
Morse It 00; $ 0031/ rope, Godfrey A Clark; I
tar soca, Oily a tihsperd; 70 at. rye. II do
oats, !Kett (Real; 4 eke rags, Mutt*. Lnitt -
son a cio. li .5. onta. MeOulkorgli, Smith a
It bbis dry srpies, I tog butter, 6 bodes
.heese. Graff A Reno; 117. i Beat. 1 551 Igo.
pus. J Uollsorood; a b. Dotter, 4 laf bolt do 1
hi OM rite. Rend a Meisrer; g Ws dry sp.
dies, Void. a 00. to 4.014 dry apples, 6 do green
firreenmwt, FORT Warlea (tumour !LH,
Jasosry 31.—at Ire. or., Oral. Byers a
Co; • $l. laid, 11 mar bbla dry peaetwo, Watt •
WilsonillW bolt door, two.; kie ;awl. Idu
+POI. tutor, LI Riddle;
. 20 LW* arnr, John
Porter Bind 0o; 10 tee greoae. r Senora 11. C.;
44 Omitrist. aardvark X Mira hlimel •
Ca; 31 d 0 d w
o. Hare • Hro; I nes buttar, 1 do
ems, II Lana; al bbl. apples, J H Moorhoad;
pies ;earl, .7 It Hanleld a Semi 100 bets Rout,
Haworth, 111•Doneld a Ho; SS do do, Jona Ms-
Doeltt; ISO Miley Ilartley, Melte* Ho; IWO
On seat, • le. do, Ja. Lipplogotr.
ALLeo•wer Simespos A. EL, January St.—
It ball Skim Ait I (Stnetalrieeri X It. Ile,
Jos Cr.!.; 102 bq. Brewed. X 1,1 Suydam, 2
ears loaner. Ilerapronor a Co; t bisawnwool,
SS 5W.14.1101 bOl. 40g1.2.0 Wm do. Stewart
k Laropeneldi. /CO ,Plin lota. 8 . 0 • 11 Wr
Maoa Co; a bbla venal, U P ionerarte a
dressed ham 8 1/Jar, IN oh. barley. Geo Ober;
new. Owens 'ilsanetlyg lot .amigo
hardware, I' Emporia; at eke mall. Smith
Heil ears loaner, Jan Melilla,
P 17711111 M.• MID covancunrrura R. it ,
Istwary au—/0 rolls i•, Lapp* & Wirholo
4S Ake Soar, Sham akar & Luigi Olil posit's.
wallaso: sk bag., W 25444 •& &so; I boo
sot*, 8 P rt..? * Co. .
G ' j..t:~~.a~~4~:~:~„~:~:~v:e
r;frittl1801111C BALL.
omme:riAg lend* lebraw 11,1163. all P. I.
.r 0 worolerfol ramical pro tip?. aayllp 1.. t
bried herr Lib sueoofo [prop. TOON
darlbg brolcb 'Pis I...gulled by MI Curer 0
in• grove. 'Mpg 'robber. 01. sppars at Ipa
abor• 1101
February 3d, Sib, 51b 6th, 7lb &
30/c/lallock tlatordky cfletsoon al 3 o'clock.
Va. 11at1.11.
hu. silo al V. Me.:ot a, Woad
tSr. t. •1373
BY iMilll32N, BOUM & M'CLEILAN - B.
Allegheny City Property,
MONDAY, FEB. 10111.
12: it r k " g Vl C A N es ' o Y el /SI IIMPT. 1 11.::
v•ry usable prop. tly, NOS. tic ((J ill sp la.,lll woof. Allegbofq (Soar
osaVi r. b . s i iiffost or kW 0.14 meet of 20
fest so" • itsoks • JOE Wit foot coo the • The
kaprovonsontf consist of fix modern still. (mom)
so k shiss oases st•• ml
0140 llotabotlalli , ll. old, balk •Ilkoosllbolos.
m. So. ozoll cold weer tbroosknot lk• Solld•
logo, Swett., wlf• oli 11,0•111 lowookotaitil
Ififfkost s.• Onto's. d 1 10 1 4 , 0,01es a/mongof
enter.. fkarblk•top akftlo off orasikomads.
balk rofioo 514 waffle 0 010tii1 Woo , 1.2411
la pole% al locllea (oae half Smeary from
.I(ftt e.g. al. nee •se alert. tele
PlOPelle ••naos 04 pa 4 J. 1114 •.mere de
steeple opp alueltp for otleisas• Nm. tapas!.
Isle, as. u. ose oe. loa to tore.. a beele,,lN
resole oraed.
iTncuN: VAN n mt. A mcoust;LUlD.
00Ice, BS2 Penn Streit,
mai moo., MabeePs litnei Ware*.
Works. •uKYW.
yot.prligar a fall .tack of m w
i A g, rag.'
aarldulow urea lo:aau>wyt, Gall .61
.41, at
JO• R 1106•15 • Rau.
• ?'l)
not!, atormAn CO. -
OAK:113 1 j
7 . a.reittobse.il4 et U not
1 -T-----, -
Thl. i. --- 7 -__ •
weather mod•rated a Mile . fsteralsr,
tho; triereury beinglip to lie degrees ( tern
early, In the afternoon; and where exposed to
the soap the snow melted, thrm. the rays of
'old Sol" were eery feeble, and is influence
urine the lee did sot amount to Mitch.
The Leonidas mat still hard agrdund et eilsas
Haute up to yesterday atterbooh, though ef
forts were still being male to listten Ler oil.
It seems that at one time ells ineaelad to
tattle . , oft, but afier4arils. in efteurprine to
Doll plots of her barges, which' also Is hard
aground, she mock a seeped time, nod at lent
amorints. Wan still sticking hard sue fast. We
illy. that she will yet be nleceesful la genlng
off. ! /...!
The towboat little - lint Rees went down to
WhitiVe Ripple yesterday •fternoon to lighten
op the iTotktown;
,which boat, as already
stated,wae enable to get over that pleat
The gate Robinson li .1111 receiving all the
aincianail and Louisville, se is.arso
the Cantella fur Tiaativate, and the Itmengar
ter St. Louie.
• no too boat Dlawood left Yorkar.burg to
Plttabneitt on Wednesday, and tEe .1.1. Hake,
lleith Is tow of empty 'Ouzel!, passed Loularlll.
the tan, day ea route nom Na. Urleuu t.
this port.
A ()etre telegirice, 'credir data
the 22th,
say m el unknelez, wbear, 121 :. tow of
corkl,!..tree blown aground by the Btoriu.lact
night, on tb. Kentucky 111.10(11, ripposlte Cairo
tot nct elrearly this Mongol', and preceded on
downier. river.
• • •
The meals, we undevetindile laid up At
Steubenville.. SentOn itz lloebester, inn nil ,
(11<pciale le reported high and dry at Wheelie,-
lt la mid, linerever, that be will metel.Nno
dainage, further than being obliged to lay there
until there le water enough to miry her elf.
°Well Soler, of Seerlidtlegvale, Yenneyl.
mole, ante of the Selina, bid one of hie legs
broken In she Alebame river, on Saturday last
bye bale of cotton felling i)pon him.
Olsitgs Suesinere e heretofore on the
Louisville Demerol, succeeds Will. S. Ilaye,
ea Hier editor, the latter hiving been trent.
retied to the !melons department .of that
... ALeullivire telegram to the Cluelniteti Cetn•
torrosal,hae the following: A Appeals! Mepetab
hum Vlaksburs. thla Drenthe, says liept Meat
Is hopeful of saving the steamer Indiana amt
the greater portion of her cargo. ate was mt.
steatattly expected at VlM:Ours. The acci
dent wee tattled 41 . W:taint aground at the
head of Island lot, eeer Terrapin Neck Out OP,
absorb Vicksburg. Ole knot on • leg •whi
skip, brealong tore rend aft hog chair.. The
boat was about to honk in two, when the deck
load Imo threleta overboard Item the bow, and
lighters aaaaa llokt.lde Andrei/eve.' her. The'
underwriters here think the daciage will out
be eery . h e ,, but enpuea I. eater tato gene
ral •
The' Pliant° el. while bound down Tanner..
(eir Evaasellia, Lett her Shalt, water
wheel. tae tail and pitmen Ovarbusra, and
meting Into the . timber, d,uullAittlag hit out.
ri aaaaa guard., An. :he was towed out to
Padueah by the Taenny, where she reehipped
her beige. The Phantom Woke Lir shalt art,
esOUCalt a few weeks site.. She' , I. peril/thy
Insure! Is Ormitartati.
The Y,.eeytlla Jeerer:a, of Theeday, elves
the fallowing partleulete or the desperate eon•
fluathf Mete Clarke: ,
Sunday morning, as the Cumberland was ap
proaching Edited brown, William Clarke, the
mate, rem: from the tall., went up to the root
of the Lulu where three of the crew cremes:.
gegeilaruhing Lti• bow, and, without pas..
•ord, soloed one of the hthilband buried
Wm td the hurricane deck :with huch force, as
to mutt Made. and Weak swine ....tiltsll. but
Without lunctlog any aerie. Injury
upon Ws 0100.1. With the az he Ahem at
tacked anOther of the hends, idictnytica
shop elf Ws hand, but Jim Matheal. the pilot,
Hurter.d and caught Du amt. He tiara hung::
the. at another arch hand, striiclog him on
th• huh, indictleg • Might injury. Captain
l a the noise /10w5., ,
who wits Imola at the thub.bear.'
rushed to Th. hurrica.
time to se• the lot swine is the attempted
tratudy, and lonicataiely directed the pact
to land. He then ordered the mate to go the
aim, get tas money and go ashore, The maw
demurred. but Captain Bee. wu trin, paid hint
off, and ...silted" him them anti there. The
mate was Wu at the lime awl no ore cai
asee.t for his demwrate olidust. Clarke. la
from St. Lout, and Is rep:a:mated ha • detper
at* man, haring killed • man'ln St. Louis.
Be. KOCla,immary Zt —At Can:tidelat, tear
one of f ear apothem suburb., tht Lull ef Capt.
Kinney's new tnOnntaln b t•t Is nearly sum
Olated,and the extenston of the Arthur re al, -
on tel.bed , tad that f the elty.of Alton
has just bmun. Ceptalo Juba IC - carrell Is •
holumary bankrupt. Llnhlllhc. : ab. tit Oar
undred and GM thousand drliars. TO. only
masts siren Cm one hundred names Atlantic
Lod Misaisslopt ntemoship Moen. Carroll
bulls and award the l'arainte Carroll. The
rim foliose, over her.: it closed itt I Im'alock
last bight. Toro ferryb :MK with pemmican,
trying to mom at the lima, are la not tarot,
Gnat. tomote to either ehme. The passen
ge heot to the levee on tire ice. Th era will be
th 14 o
The Montgomery Aden-titre, of Sunday last,
The Selma tett our wheal yesterday. en
roam for it.. Orleans:, She Wee enzseernat
datelined here, Lance to take 7,0 bales of tat.
Lon, Irla‘ovt tl. uentatim of her first matt,
who got disabled by • hale of cotton felling en
him, breaking his leg and otherwise IrJuring
aka ennaldera,la. The Planter mneett from
Welumpite, wham she took oa over bCO balm.'
of cotton, besides about too recteml bare. Ana
le Intl lava during the dsy threat for New Or:
ak. :
River Ir. t
By Telegraph to the Ylttabarha ttatette
Lorsatog. Juloaary U.—ll:Tar swelling
with seven feet is the canal. .IVgather 11
Meat. Thar:housings ZS
January 31-1 he 'scattier is
clear and pleasant. Liver Stationary.
Preaghtiantive. The •rkatuas 'ls falling,
with forty Inches in Pine Bluff.
Vivi/oaf, Brag,. fur Pittsburgh: ham. Is.
Hale, with 1,4 b bales; Argonaut, I,GS) bales.
far ' Cincinnati; Ones Branch, for Cairo.
In portslrbil:lotto and Chester. 'hie °Mears
of the tailor report that the George U. fla
mer Vas' monk come 4E411 glace to the
hank., breaking up brolly.
Ne 1.111.12, January IL —Liver falimn
with eight fest on the shoals: Arrived:
'animas, from Calm. Departed:
for Cincinnati.'
F0e .. N t !.....i...0(14.—The
RILLLIVto X•qtr.— Pmt•(rt, Matz.
WIU toile for Ilut &Vow, ao , l all 11.torrord atr
parts ort tbrrop Wog of a•rtettloo.
7.11 if thlOt or t aarr.• imply ”te resod or to
.I. 11. IN • LLIXUWOOI).]
Jolt ri, N .K. , air att.
.1•11/C3 t . L. IWO. .
WS (1. a r. BOJO. is. t
FsC .,
OANZLIA.. Cot. Nyi,. 11.04,
* 111 at. for 4 e above Asa lalorovd ate port.
o. ahe °W... or
trolgh!orAnnerzvio . l . 7 on boned or to
11. COLLIN litS001). Agnate.
JHN flegelly
Lutneviccr.—m. oplandld
and swift steamer.
Lint SUSI ...... Fester°,
WIU leers as Wescott* sitr , Ooß et •.te , rotir,
r Roto S
lo or N e
at* tent/ NoeN l .. ,
tooled W_r_ro tan et.
• Moe taut./
C.A. Jet., Lletut
Will lawman alto,. au opett , no of I aelettio,
Tor freight or passage apt,tyott board or lo
1341‘11. PS
31'4DOELI) Ac
ill MOOD NTt11667
- 1010440 and Beta!' Mtn uhatuiers of
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware,
trlllll7l47lllMV.ll°.v"'" , "''''`
to unto' 'en 101 ITU COM TO um
No 110 NNITHP , 4I..D 1 1 ,40 Nt.eproo0t0
164•1.1.1040. 004 No. 44 WYL.IIO YT 011.
10.0 , 000001 •
L id No.lf E 011/.1511 . erazaT
!. O. DO 71T
TI3R i Y I . Siig
List of Uncalled Par Letters llenutini
In the pu.t.i,ourgh and Allegheny Costume
Flkroilesect W nu Pietsbure.
A ll tOrtritaa .1 T
Adams starts ricrdcri nele
Adams J el . tfordea We
•egar Jas D ' t erough WY
Ai , . Alin Orn err era Ft
A taninnti 341 OrraetJas C 11
Ora [ Wm
/11,Irolt? 01010 Dray Wm
AnYersbn 3t,..t. tirsttara It
rr ' tft: r ts j ,3l 13;Mtvr,,
Artostrnas 0 D tlruets 0 L.
D I 001501'
Haber Job, I IL
Haag F I ^lnuit Jag II
Nacion le, 'yam me It 1.1 1
Barter It i ellp ey Obilller
Fla 1 A Brost J Houma. J.*
Unice genial Hammer 3
Itnon Pat Plartstot 5 a
bath Leech lltimly A
starker 01 ' ,trassonst M
e les tilt...let la t
r;:rdiVACctiM Her Sr . p
Heartya tAtt Ed b
i ^Ope
s,ton .t Cob
Berett Itles 3
4T.. 4:l:;r''rm‘lVlcls3SOV ! g ll t atne• , Ha We
Mack 3^ss 41 10rear t I.AO 1
Blame Jolt, Watt , / D X
Nt s a ' s ' S ' ec E lt 1 llTf b .lll„ j ek
t 1 4 °"07 ta t a d n 0 Il'
' ll ' 4 . ... ' iii i n A o ( is4s, g ,r, It K t
garland Elbe Hare it
9 ;;.n .Z. S.
1 14:! 1 : 2 ,4g.
Oman Henry *lnward 0 3
Oman 3 A' Moossrl It ittrlsmpla qv
Ilr 35 lig , •tosar.l J it 3 gperd e s t . y
brooks Csleln !lintel logiJ , ...., It 0
nrtnealtnettlat 1 111.5.3 is F ire,
Hulas st;ais tee, C. tato ;Robertson i F
et:shank • 3 Inman lit , 11.a t s.t. i 1
li ' :e .. a r el . L 1 11„ttnt . ibes trt t l:s,Vill e gi
t 5.3 5 ,33.2 ~ 00 J.. th• II 11l 1 anattion 1r '
3 esleY_J , ati ,Jan it
. 11 .. ... , L
h;"11.. °71.0.2.'.•.:,,,V2 'Zl . f;f2‘,.. E ):.r
c , tJetreal el eat!, J Ilor'n
Callahan Jai I.lssllThsi l a.m.. a
tt•ble 3 rrt 1 ope J•t tecats sa
Camr,e' Jong:. , ,,. es , g,,,,
amphelliti i lanes , V 631 ge e s ,. tw
Camst , all.l ,•Ng It I.g.a e r it g
Carer !rain 3 tseatcgt Mir D shantinn T
cartterlsh lb oss shaver is
Caren it Cu T lit 3 , 115505 t It W ~,,,,,gt ,
carter Is It 115457331 H 3. 4 tosez 1
Cnapman lf [ ,Jobaron Jat sc., I
best, Millar K •ba to 3
Chltlendeu EL,Kaltor •Innak li . W
C. etch C 1 f KeanerJacob yait t aa T.
citiitis Yam . Ka•ler 3a. 0..31171 I
Om hies. 1.1 } -amp J v natte , l.3 Jas
co leer ACa Ketit gR C. .tan...ten lea
C 'tr.,. Wth•l IS' in, teas cn c3 , ltn 3 ll
Toy V•ls I 1,10 ssi urd -a dcr 1 3
t?,t 7 ,1175 ' i7 li ' M 'l ' Lit ' e ' lt MN gL'A SD
CIL • 1. , t , I lilllMbetily A itiml It 0 W
kV ori , .I. M haeg tr 0 amlite 1. LI
Crab.s ,3 a, Am, C A litultn W 1 70/1
' ramblott FA 61.1.0111 C krITS.T 4li
crawlard At d rings 30102 IttproolD
0r.....g5y3 tali' as !fatality X pr
Uri." t. 34 WC:. ,t angd3r Pet Pterllng ttr,
) . f Lave LIT Als cinwat W 1
0 sets 0 r ...att. J.. ataaart CapOW
1110011 a 1 , 'Lsetton at II ...,,,,,art I 1
Interim Jeslmt Into. li , y s , egiana Lobe
Oases a F 3,1 / ,Le •ntraJohn etsterosen 31
lasstlan 11 0 Lesser .1 Subtleties 'T
Dar la . i Let 11,013 s,,aactsgs il
' lrtstli:u ‘ V . ' . ; trty ' dJltltS T ' etllf LI
th' 7 . tY9 '''' ' if gr . 1 1 7 " :" i 0.51. A T /
Ulmer "anti ;Loma 0 3 iTalte I TS .
nmse .t •et LOat N ' I bun , . J.
Dnagnat J a , It-- TayturA tor
Pers.,. MI t ilasemb ACO Them. 0 ,
Den,' II 1:; 1 / 1 3? li t tacceneAwa til
l;74 1.k 1 " 1 , 1r1:43 ' 5 . ..R:.',..!.V.1 . ,
itu toe Jas i kni.nry Owen ITrapaler WI/
innt.,•3 I Mayallltoo yms. r 0 W
E. idelMilitql A C turner Lars
Lastest Jean , 3 tylar W
galtinJorm 3 lataredlthWC! V
a 0 , 3-0 Csist 3 t M•xwell 0 - Is .01200 6451.
Yd. ards J 3 wittar tit 0 , ys e c o r a y et
lads es I" AI Stilter Fred Ho her Jena
assler ACo , ilarsan tilt YanglisaJad
Far g .A . h.a I - ' ;I:ffr:: ..c• a loran. I ff r .I
Pawt rum 1. I.lor{OU X i %talker 6 J j
eOl J T M.ris Jacob Warbotan J 2
Yrsts FMs 'Starner. 3 rAtattlits 3 W
ttn De xf lIITO,T ,W - .. el,' a
r•I1R 4 r ; i Molar Hub: wceasr t
Sitlmmtscs 3 A ;Mime" A len IX 0
- Vin .131.1 t It Montt I , a tttllug rd
1;;;1 . p. ,, a . id r 1l thleyetLM - le4,l h elltag , /f .
isber Wm Mc e .l l l2 IITIL ti C l e
F.. . 1.CC..7 Jr . 1211atat •sa
go tar MD . I ; i s qm o s . azi Ij i Voltatnt 000
' l l‘ t ' s ' l ' L r l n A 'll lloClur Jr A '! :;V,llVtft:tVr .
lest TA MA , iaCraclea)rJ,Wiltlatata Dan
r,ht J IC lic.Crostri /I 131 , Isan magist
Forcer VII 3.0 ***** A- wilants Dan i
Gard sg.l C 1 Z Ll J O! t re . ! ' s: ' ,l7 2:1„!
ia.,ln•r .7 6 littera. D a la sight Mr j
ttastarr 3 M., ,lictirao2 Ttas
d••T 1 e _, tellegh a Yen:
basin tat Siel aura II Fanny s l um
Sign Juba 1.11 t
he itJ V I Till 141L6
o rary rhtts II Mot Jae tJtt lata thlvel
Vill 7 l2nVe!s ° l 1 ' 5!;:: 5 ,7:if17 .3 W. 1. .. 1
Pitts/ Is Wt at
OctrialaY 3 Jl.l.lleatre 3 3 I .Nallteo 1
tnad 1 . 6 9 slicEslys•l E 1
LAI/1141 , LILT. FEBIII/Alti I. i
rA 1 AtriMitbad /4 ISt .PULMAs/VA Gagetie.ll
A ; ltallaber U Mri, Kalil Mary ((Jr
Allen Mettle 1 tlttottsa it Mr* 0 I
AIM 05 Bent e Isttlets A ors 033rIen L Ulm
•teer dlnc .1 311Inghata • wt. Carrie I
Armors dart , ttl et A °rum ai•ate
:ri,,:r,:°f, :v.f:41.1.4t. ir.,.,r,„),„
D breast:3er 5 6 tt 111113 ettlta
flat; Carotin it Price Janata
l;ar ' eVa ' rrt:Pl: Vt:;11 1 :1I11. 1". , Islam &ha
eafdolph Inn t• Ilea erne EL- nay Vaante
::,, lia r y lO. 4 L
gr:sVg. . A, 110t11121 . * ic
near allgabetb Leary A lin 2 , W lin
r Mrs , . inter 1. lira Ituhrtr tams llla a ir Ida I i tlotainit IL al Ins I
illarttuard 0 W toward MA Z a etIALM ELI".
Yeas ••ela ', hunter 11J Mrs .1503 Amain
rtrr 7 A N Ze l reltutoeLVll„ 41..T4A,a 4 :21.
Care glO 1 Johatast A 3.34 y Mrs
4. oan leredl
Cants Amaze& llnun M M
,gly en an (cot
Csstenre earls , X 131311•ane 1 3
I-M.. 1 . 10 'Y L. Glisten} E 4101.• II ar,hs
cagiest Wary Isa Isnaltrt Age.
Clevel•nd L 'last Joan Mrl amin H Mttal
tycliran L •
C .ra byte» Katt
' , tottr ..ear Knox L 3 I n ' T
CJOTKr E lot A 'Thorny...lll,
tunas, ly /I ,Latham bi 3 Trt - t hm II styli
001130 . Mrs grabs Marl
r ramer2llll A LaUghtll . .labe rat . 2 NWT S
Ito 11.1. II Mii I:7lL ' biNrgi ' t . 1 101 7:" °
.5... , 0,...,1 L, est .., ssiss Waiters Mary
h. Vaal.ol,ll Lynca 3 girl 1 Werner n.n. 1 1
tn-k ~ , • in '35103.7J. ..I
U.nsiltKl. IsJ Mal, ti • manstinelt D C
tner lac 3 a• I'M 'ars 3 IFiln Wiley Isabelita
Trtaii;sry 1y t 1;:::,'::::. vlira,
IttaneMtas a Ml...anon
X ' ' ' t
li a, l' Mr• 11 C • Ilaatl a WlDlstm
17.• I LeCtann Mar Wo f Sale.M *
Ferris • a . • a Mac. ter 3 g 3 ood Ana
et e-tar.. rn 0 I M - LemlOy M l IF
ico:day 3 Vita lict,to. y 3 0 Young I:atria/I
Foal, f . lltsa ; 3../..3mr1l W
. sigityisig,,a
liallabar Had,' Kasha. 0010 I 'All"
LT SzTxxci bars for Sate at Nissen 061 c).
J. ii: IfeCLELLAND. Poston.
• AL,LEtin 631T—Teln
(As "rnayd to IA• x'oa
A pug ham ll.rict
iltrlnMe C 6 -:
Ig /A
Alter . j
avow J A 1
gado:nor. Wm AI. :nett
5 ..... 5 andi
Bo't Nears 1:::`,P. ",, "4
goan• l• • Iletatlma 11
Ithoorn Jo. It P•tegosou
n • rino.M•oa J A.A• II ary
Pow. Jae at Bart • aria
Bryant Jana ..... t J
roe.' Joa Illardastna W i
tilt.., Ilastio// ..WI aWm
anaMh• It Us I notort
tilted I
go..rek Not Wm:
C,lrwin l
Baines P j
Sole lioat II • tail.
nett .11 ,las Joe h
itAr i t AVIA , i::tg . ta W WIA D
(.."% Iti r :thil! a lgota a 'l4
Cartwright 16harr C
Cola las aolf..aha J
I An •oha
I/Ann ." IL
0 0.1eier 0w,.1 ,E•otnar 11 I.
Clark Ptvolp 'Ass , edy W Colo.,' at A T a 1.
D twat
Delabla C Co't.oth • lit'a
0.• • Pular! L..
gar de wloo•• o tAbt.4
:1 . 11 . J toga, L'isle ::. l
Dos al hos • 11::::rrt . f.Tal
Uae..part , Am WM
ll ‘ n g R
E A dam
a •r magn,a agg
tIa•MM Oita lMaxwell Awn .
H J altitar A.. its
•dientha 4no ti,lttlerChmo
Klima hay 41 ...We, et
ilk'. W ;Worm W
Stith Matruh ;Ml or Jo
'mt Ina j R ao J * .Vo .
Po ut Wths Uhaa alyersJaaoto ,
Vlo. Daytin. Martha Martha
era rM 'Mans, liama
r.'a F M.t farm Waatt
'• mal...Wag atam
pogeral•nry ;Moh•Wratr WI
Jt Itra , a; Do
V' • ••111.1;`.:
!kook Mara .1•n 4 Wet
Ultimo Malley Moranos NMI,
rl'ora . c .. . ;4 2 IT 1!1;:i17
'Nolan'. tate.
tileo•A • Ila-U I Won ..... Wets
l alo g < C J
Opnrl tiro
I • 'llll/11 51eATI
Bed pat i t 411 c
113 b 4 . : ,a t e
7 1 1.2."
&Obeli M./
Yee .•
itgl2.l r irr
4mP•ld •la
Sobre( / 1 , 10 a
t, /I s) . l.
Smit or h r It
8-Idl. tteit
rctk• sea
lAebert Job.
etl es Jo* A
01:57:stj h b:
' NIt
a, b.
• liale
ateath , n W.
n • r Wm
In. wart II II
to4llt Mob"
ITome. Joe.o•
rlee l j .. *
T:rgera " L l
I VA Itysese
Verner Jobe A
W rrn.
Mr wb tee Oath
WM. , t II
;?t tJ:!:°,
I tt.,VT.7: Jot
J lAn
W rrrrr Thu
W:;•Vi Vet "
I t or
and TUBS
•11.11'n• .atetect Intn tna ti,nern
AUCTION truallildnlON ilotts.l.l.4lest
nta entate,.ntonkt, Twat tare. Moot..
Photo. Caw!, Lcf t. o:loas, do.. nod,
tba siata• &ad atyll• of
Bro. spinal' street;
id' pleased to co tialt old
trleol ad the tuella •••, er41.7.
• • I • (1 , • , 11 Vll,B u. 7 o¢.l
N E .00:111 IiiNNIEN Tl 9.
dbl. I . o•ett Slow Tolalc00;
Ii ' ll ' .1)11: P d ' 401•1;
AA It: !i,`,L°.".:4,!':::::„. ;
r 0 b.a1. 11•1:01:00a,15.•04 /stip." , Cl/COCI
lid boacLesautt. •
: rl/ I r lftt4; " '
10 551. eor•10+01:
- bh,l Walla I;ore '
Sa 0141 No. I CAM:
g;is4tinler i 0010 Hotter;
I 0•.001. 111010 , Inver
80 14..11100;411der;
te , ls 00101- asgAr• •
I:7!k'g . ° " ° hair a krrrsii.
sIUN IE •.
103 bossy Onalten Catena:
• ' In • Yank." , do; --I
- Inn .• 'llnnibarn do:
100 oak. Peallaani •
:110 • ISoda , Abbi
nnod Soda Ann: - r
fanning, Wh a in, Idney -•
fee nag.. Mannercl.nroot 1/11dt• • l'lsn
n a(M
In 606 and for sal' ay;
1• -
mitte;:t 9 eVarcrktVg....l
::* .2:"471 * 1, 1 4 0 ' 7 " 47 "
.• I.l' raft • • to;
, tirtt! go; r,•
ottoloo Porto two noon
no • lin sod lid Wood at t
PERRY Roman,
InitiZ‘Pr. ° r/Tlt MI6 W "" N
. 014,417
c gflrts
tare of rpltrzileu kvro VW Mau. *m A t
I 11:020
SiiOREJI) • Nil. LMION.-100-444
Ifatr. emokul Malan,. lot yeo.ibli hem
i t Onc ost., bad lsl4re o for: of e by the youat . at the 7...-
1e ry
i "
GRA,FF,'.. itiERS
Bar, Hoop and Sheet--Iron,
111411411 in ST HP
linker FR J
McKibben •
McLau nth/ J
I:afntaas n
311cb• non
, him• 3
I %orris J ;
tkiren Jll
i ns kcre
U•neer• 3
Park AC n
t.: v
Put•cr 11
Putt - r {l
Rano., Ti
ion 11 r
oI t.o.
r 1> Mr
11 14 Wn
1141 ncids P 1
MC= 1.
itlY3 iO US, HUI, Ifltiß,lC.
Office, No. 98 Water Stree
Pittsburgh Foundry,
Furnace and Oven Frames
.a.. 13. MO Co CO:r f 3
Cooking and Heating Stoies,
=l , N!lee &ad Warchocue
No. 209 Liberty Street.
num- FITT ,
s .
Nu-au/dal, Datraciaa.u.w. TODD LAN
rint.nox a crummEnnr.Ausomum
AND Al3ll nulls
erraLm ruts, lidt011$111:39, ANDIRON
me m - . Doom AND COAL G.Enrrra.
Mau staudWork•aornail.toad.
Skean amell I.l%artsr Streat....
PittlieUrghi PigipaY/Vtgail•
„ t7 , 2l l 7 ‘ ;Zten * Ndt. the "‘".
'lest Canunon, Benne.] Charcoal
Juniata Bloom iron.
H. z
Aletil4r. orntu a salmis xtua
riftikt l'eatTih'lM.u"""
atths.Lls T ItAlLat. AU and en the. to Lee Verde
OtstillT CDAIBtI and SPIKEO for last.
FLAT HAILS, Pon.. and Conntarannk.
COAL tiCitts.EN I RUN , . .
NAILS. and Brucad.
Warehouse and Office at the Works. WAKEN.
I.lllt/H nT.„ja coattauatlon /Int Streets, ade
loSolna thet...teli. Works. Plttstnerrh. aute.ll
Slut... Piet end
Ostafoo. Of all sixes; two
. Fort US dhoti Cast Steal; Out
.Cut and Common Plow & twins. tteel.
OMee—Corter of Vim and Unem etteetS, two
biteots above the eLationealtela acme:
Engine guilders and IlanuntstB
Make to order Mame sod Land Madam tuattota
or all else., warranted to glee sattstaettoa.
Carting, of every devertotleaorradole. order
NaLsoN. aup't....A. B. HOLa. Pored.
Machine tlnop, Cor. Polar. Alley t Padua..
Way. roonory. Nos. &Yana al Third meet
710 mai
, ratt
PoAlas Ilan , A
Warebonse, 120, 22, . •
0,1 004 112 et 121 First Street.,
No..r Wood Street
Ikkamenktuti AIM keep constuttly pit kna2
!Thimble, Skein /1' Pepe $o ea;
WA*loik Miss, DIM mon/ BU RLS
LEI - flak. HULLO W W
Lid melees messily. 01:71
Butler Street. Ninth Ward,
IMVOWTE. UN:011180N .m.u..14.
mi . x . r .
Rolling NM And Bridge Casings,
Dina BUM .0a MN NB;
limakistery aaul Csatlngo. iptasTally
paten pr9aptlf an,cl exditable...
,Ut!..I:IJE2 ratAsusaras.,
CRT 51.21.C7ELL41t.
1 v,e15:11‘.,
4 . , , IIII7PAUTVIZMa op
w *V.T , Th5.21.V,,r,ay.11,11`..m"'
senile Iffsact.lNN:lars.
111 1 [411AL ATTRNSJUN 1 , kill TO .1193/1 OW It
Otte°, 38 Wood Street,
qHAILBeS 13 1 12. MTEi.L numn
z., 3.021i6W...1,41. S. 11/11311123....1•11.1114
Steam Bonen, On NOW, Agitators,
• Tank.. Salt Paw, Gasomatery
Wrought Iron Brktgaa,
Shoot Iron Work,
COL LII3EIITY & D SOAX)fin 81'$.,
P[ITBPIURpf 1..1. •
Al the PittibArgh Ream Naha t Melted% •
003,..knd wed alit Lientetr
47 uN. e XI anths 1Y areroola seant4 goo,
, • wanting Marble or. aleli il•nll•• II
Cod It 14 MeV 1...r0r1, 0.11.
In Sty place• tad leler• Y tn
In Itlolarn Marela Manua or PerllMos
Omni wblelteee bec•enx die•lay•• ey smogs,
ale. Or aid.. eta Marblelurl. and Mad. to
Inal *swan o ore, •
I,aay ta noether Mar.!. Western Penn•yla
yam, *berates°. M•allaa r••••fsetareal.;
ALIII kinds or Marla
. t 1 daily la ti.
m•rbla Cot. • inlatalr: al
Marble at Lester. Val•rl;,,w..grAiltur
ktmelittime of ihe Committee on /lemmas
„Aliv e igelo , , , gaigho kctlw Boares:Coleh
Mat. et the , soTergitiatelgt =lnt Vat
mut' 1,1 71. t the freemen .rode
i tttltti
F i l;[V 4r Viv; l °'!i, s tirrb,ZEDitif
Ciao City Code, some 17, pa
'Vli.iitlittrilerClaxelitee •
4 SlatM6ll4.l2*.ilerir.
4.01.4 the age Aittne4 fat Me Ws 01 114.
pret...l ID rural. It 10 .4 qvaat4t7
0.0 .140101110 Mauro 1414 auperhat
1.14104.1111.4. 7041.1 am of tbLa 01.04.4.-
41.41 at Da. p 403114. an v. tall,. MUNI
a betteltrtlal. 404.10 tham .4 IA tamoar t lllt
tagultnel " HirraTtii:saloag 04
4.4.4 444 .40140. 1" W0 .111 furnish 40041414
tar lb. Drop:wit...4 'ha aalltarkof Mae) 14
parsoaar 4.4 111 4114 4111 0 . ~!"1 1 1 . 1
m 00140414 t u t. i i ir m ilfa c
1 131 I , • wase tas&retir.rtrz=l:,:
V641}:ii31: 4 /
JAM Vutirsa.
Bar Iron;
Railroad ?tall Rarirand Boum.
Railroad Car Arles Rolled:
Railroad Car Asloa ILarmarreel
Leitmotivs Frames;
Ineonsative !muse Ilttapol.,
Bide Rada
strap. ; z
Platen Reads; '• • .
Steamboat Shall.;
Steamboat Cranks:
Piston Rada Matta;
Pitman Jana, voltam, dn.
Onnca, No. 177 PENXISTRE.#,
Corner Carroll and SEdullmark
litrocts, Math Ward, , -
IFIT'ft3BURGIi rya
monur.t. orosszo or
Cast Iron powl
• •
• lip Ares are clean wartleally La FILL.. LAD:7
Sled and 1.11.2 laxsTirl. ALIN a fail &sears.
meal of
0 1,7 :2 1 ' , 1:fv'tfl:Itt'rlIdr.6.711623t 4 1 4 °
NEW 1111111 WIRE DOI D
• • f•mr-Eit•
Lindsay, Sierrit 14 EnTver,
Itanufaoinrers & Importers of
Cr.c WairjrniAA
Ono Square Below Selou Depot,
40 6 meat: riturA am' acAlai:
mink MI in * mid or
MU. NIILAY, Mir, 41.1....c0
hews. om
sr r gnu man erm-irt t irmo• '
can; evren s , sae,
Cul and Gonna Plow Stool,
Warehonse, 8; Water E Pillsrtb
ATLAS won -
TLIONA.II4 N. EUELIEIIy rrettident.
Tbe.seWorte are moan titelatinst =on
tiomplet• estabilabrtent .13ktha atd A,
wow ramieti
Basrluesor s !l:zeo Bffael
Bailers, 011Tikati„.
Sheet him 111iorX:
ranroad Castings , '
Bailin XIII Cantata.
Bnitine taking.
Canerd Cullom,
55 and 56 Wateittreet,
Carson 81.,1di Ward, near 1, V, 8.11
Thinuiye Dies, Steel:36llb*
121 ua Eulw Cut*, ieserilli,
Jabbing and flattinery Castings,
gh/ or beery, of eltber Malleable or Urt.3
/run. of all pattern., lilies and /trier, salted fb
area Ilnr9Orc, Made to order.
Oatce, !LSO Liberty Street,
f/Lculejingil Itet_o_llllll.l4lll.l
TORT pm . 3701TITDRI.
-*: OAP &WHEW@
. .
, • ifysaracranzas or .
ND ALI. mama uy Brawl , ilpyron,
A ta k la s t .120a , - 711 4, Ss i ge.
W iti.E 7 bratt sl itundeA to prosaVtly " ._ -
As bevueory, tbb .Dads matasials sllll atawa
based at alas llonadry.
Di lga 4 , 145tra . a . 41 4
caastatistasl ander the aaparststan t a i l
&s, Sta.
Nat% tOfirats6SiAIIs,ALACILIMCB afaaarlaku
ee. , • aell:a
Iron and Steel Works,
Iron, Nalls i eirings, Axles, Steels ste
ArseckToirE viorias: .
• ze.
. -
Ow . ma . as Co.
. . . Z. l . lll2 Astelairrol7Tulsty Cf • .
Cook Parlor and Heating_ Note*
*Mau *?Jell we tha rte br , ..0.1 L'll7.l7Dte.
TROPIC RIM Te teoekl timrcir tO.
111•741. 1 :£7157.1AN- said U:Olitll.lMS 1140.7
0 101 [11040/.1 Al.* asaufscsgre . • • , I
1/1441560, GIZATE, DILO2M, dt,c.
LIZIo• and Ws...thostaa. eoro ,, of EtooOd
Ilica tract. nitro:L..ou litouo.O. an
• 111 . 0 1 1 1.113111."...:•..--..XD11.1nD D. ESIVIM
pap) 71. onvira a cloy,
Soars, Oil 81111 s, Tanks;
Sheet inn Works, ac, -
to Ann Pit:absinth, Pa.
GDP .IPorias .19taroe , t.
010.11 Wail. ULU Cullum Roll Wt.,
V01 1 1:11 lUD I'OPRET API lOW IVA '
'iumovirr eringir'..A4trAncru - 911 3
atsauacturar of jaubt.lNig 81.t.JG If
=et a l it ;AL Jerl; OV:111:34
prritsimGnAmo co,
. 71./44.1L1AD.
tee end afterfillNDAY. October UM, leia. the
trans will lerre tee Pjfpof. 00221er Of thifil
104 WO:Ai StIV•111, AM L 0110•11:
Mall V., sndtrOm 7:Wa.11: eSe
AtT ==t,;:l7,l;t!l2V. ICI:::
t r g:'kl ,l :f.V=.7. 4 .lt.'t Mkt M
i7 u rn1 3 : 4 ‘, ,,, c. , ; , : 4 47.11,91 . 2.111:110r. ,11:10 A. al.
from W cat Nevrtan "4 1
Yoe itcket.s qpt, CP . " -. 4 . .. •- • -4 Y.
W. B. Brain. 5a1.,1.2 . aa ). AZtiftak
fainualtafr - Tlaraltilb t. X•saata re Clay •
Wactlnextth Tratns Nast aim ast ot. the
el;uyeand reant.ln Hallr.d: mlatt thie
tireat titan Hallway. •
tLe Pt it hant rff xrat ULSDAT.. lath Janata?. IX9I,
xen EX Utatetrem ant arms
.5 tile ritXburalt Dam sornat Canal inn Pa.
erU. WI follows:
/NMI. •Arrles.
listadrfom vet. 0117. Vt 3) A. X.
?Cap ell • •• •
Brad 'll Btlld.teeas.tod'u. 113. That.
Vint • laaq.ln atna sal*. S.
n.e01114 co , ' a Wort. xecota. , ittanst , " fent, at.
If al too.actorontataataa .—. 1 X .L.X.• CAN S.
I:l S 5 n
. V . a r tga i
rttlfl2ll.. r.
1868. EgitilliM -1868.
W., (31.11Vzi6ri
Wro 117
Pon mud .T ntr .o .• t e as
nttrborgh, ear tino,,
a . Lirr : E
Cr e - ttg t,x: 01 . :la • et
Pitts. , r.CI.•
rla TA2g"..ll&!Pfi"..
;i2ll' nI
remit I F= eiunj.
Nret.ricr •. • IllJm
Wollar'le. 5:13 =
Leotodate 4:11p to
Vet " p
N Nrlttlk '.• Ong p
Lov.dalo p
ro. Chicyro
pu a ”'lT."ll.""vi.Tizzes.
rrtuunit. coLumßure culcirmiri.a.
.CHANOi OP TLE1.2. 4 4.1a War arriDAp e
'December Nile. WV testae Inn Isere! sbd gm,*
at Duran Dolealreer toaregag r alterab, limas
Merle N. telp..l4 Yawl
Mae ........
.0 :40 A. r. 105 t. Ile
flltcTler Y . Yak:octal * &Acre N0.1..11144: Kier, N.
nteubencille AccomcVn 1:55 e'
ileDossZeVrizAce./Yo.1:“ 1150 P. We
407ent. ' Iggfri
... .
1n r.1.111k12741:4. g 9:
eo—ivatvw. Idl 41 "4"' t
Wtcoa.eM. sasses f
to limth and/
IlneamesaL end bat ON /C ebucse St: ironls•
aele!,Vae primalpalrentrwrWeet snel-Bouthe
41 1 atzrck.alas 'Mad* tram lad tiapos
Ditioit Depot,
ti teonitt
5 - 0 VII I FI U . WiLritirj. 7 4: 4rlat il
pE.v.vetz,v,wira cearrati
Od sac/Attar OCTOB
oY -.
de and detain fnnn
Winn:W.)li and Lib*
M u sgr7ol:: iAtt
wow. No. L....a 131
Cdnetnnail ES: and
Johnstown .1.a.10a: • na
WW an , . NO. 4.:. nt'd p
Walt'. No. /,
Wall'. No. S.. 700 p
and =al on%
`train —.......104101)1n
• The Comet :ran. 10
tinware/ Sege
• thntinfleti Kemp 1
truths da
rinntottpii 2 rt=
ohoestlon rmlrraer
Inte l lit ' rit r Zet=ll
Yowl:m.ler Informal°
2 - he Vennrylrents Iteal
arenas oar rasa for lime .
tre r =l .1% h ti lWlll
lnn that elegant It Soto
the owner, whim Oath
•ticnenl rental
utVe Rel.LIGJAD.—thi
NOVlallight 1.1
li =
add n
e A n ele•l m Me
Arh2Ta thioi
81ej1e 0 b•g,42.2 1144. a r. geaaat
0. 2_, 222a.22. Ifneeport No, 190 6A.5.
122 .. arhbheNo 1 WM) hal
rreeporl Non 246 111•114:1441;211:21.14
Mall .... . Frahm Tia 2 .A 3 rate
9 = 6 74=21:et . 6"*. e 02:at e 2 O L"
The Werth Treln-"..-Leve:-Alleghei.•4e22ol.,
0119 t. AtT".l
to et 1:32 Y. tad arrlye as rJr 4 • W"
Albany Meet.
ea elts—
,pattareeTwen2Tn a:peel alleL n nyCt Ctelh I
{fern e. Pjh C roa k
/CUM ate
nherraburg. end rnna ••• mr QM. slop.'
o •EVlP=trygri3l 4 .4.l4°,l7l T. ' . l 4 nt.
ta.<ll 02.1 ounsiectLa 12reeptie war.'
Walker.. Ida' Ot Mtg. (Or Bath 2 and ifea•
o Tnroegh TlOhe '.3•••• 4••••esse4 •2 ther.
;ELTI7-rte,1.1422:2¢W. tiulVlt'grl2.2l=2.
' -ig. -- 2 2 ..therififdreeatfoh ehty to
tr.ef 1112
nalsBlTe Wetea nnTl•es e4ele2potav a e ' Xe2eem l fo i W al
si l S4 t at , T , 7 o2 arl.i,L. .
met. . •
, 03
_• . Di a T iTa T l D
aH.n .T i Anomie. li l k.
Corpletion of the Alleghehi Valley
• Railroad.
11/.11111/./CITICSA ror
O. .4 -.fur MONDAY. Deteutrit Qs
trains., a iNgtOld %11l ran tlavagh to V...
city. cl7palurtal Clry.
The'Adanis Expren
Neale[ faalltleo oh alFoamoney Ws, will
prepord 4. dn a [metal XXl•iittt
Olt loteet Wang fo.
Ore. PlOtborgh atm th fteglooo. • mom.
hers have into fully fur V11(311) and all totals
toealate nolots
.211:10211. • -
Tor parttenlara lottolte of
BOOTS trpla tto Zut
Dolma ta..4
caurossuk. Oran,
Tiro wale's Levierne Lltte Atha Letheartath
adays itheepted,) as the. Rein! of
=k r : . l '4 l ' l . sethe liallthad tram, et.' Lewis, WI
Hanturel sad 91., - lo Ilallzand Ram Qatuev. eon.
noathie et loweiOttaa. Thathe ead - Wtheetwo with
litthes for slip:Ate to ea. Una of teeth
west or Summit with a ITSITX,D MITA Coll7.lthi• , DAILY Lutz •01
DifaillthliD MLitt D warm c94-ini
3?,*EM7C fMT LMORi
1.111) r 0111.1% 7HZ . Tiraarroura,
gad alth I. I . 2 iDEXLSOZMI - 2114..AZIIILLT LIAM
C0.1./.1: 3SI tor r0r1.17121011. Bent's /on.
JOh.quarque, Mitt Pe, as/ vl Doiats - la
.11,110111. and 11th Ifin
Witil4he reams addltlons at roiling itock . and
6 alpecoat, sod the Refeagowelthr mete with re.
aqoarale Overland Trawaertialon Lives from
rtalrestera,tarisdana, thb.road Dow often hoe.
onalkODulatletwor qietivawirlas of Might
Mae Yir.Wen. a •
Ttreetikeselest'an the PreeelDel ozi.6
the united Stake YdCaeedae.
Be acre and Vint TICKETA VIA =I
IIIIVICT DILL" trslOir rAcurw
i nfn , / WWI IME
rAreir mwa ._. "tr usp , A ZZIMM I
110,1 , -1 1* deb.
many =el Prune. as Lb. Oolitsuira
inigamuisk Jr.
cltfl re Azwit to B Cabin Passazger
os rzrnt
!J - 11a. Ptitsbuzsla.
• 03i. 7 1”191}i /MAN lITIMESIVitarTaIO.
far Iti;euri . ot all difisileiOr. I;ii4t4l
Gran wato fair ohm by la osittray aE
a stagat a = ,. . „Va . . flajaa .
enl 'MUllethdT
(lore ......tea or mime) rertade4. a .1
Offleehours7l.,.......dlilallattt WINN'
I dd for . l IsUer•Dr. w.. *au POI stmt. 1
arrrrailuime. B. Is:
ISO. treas. .1 1l leave
DPeeve, eartltelase
OW p1:11
ibt'W ? , Val:
•06!. .... ILI tag:
el. a Wkg. - 11% nte poi
Nits. A (~1. • ;•
I. ToraVa. 'pip a
Am.. ailetateny
t r " . ' AT 44 -. I :11
7 . :PZ.WIe 7 . MI;
awall.sael ,
the q atonTto"' i
musts.. as zualrits:
PitgiVa r re.:'
Mall MID—, 3=le
WalPe No: L.. VP • ol
%PCPs So. P....11r,Pi0
• 42.14
RIR re:
Fast Ilae. 703 D ID
111s1VAL " May•.;
•11,411 p. td, •
!or,. caUp. SUI atia2
ied air Altoona Apeowl.
rabi antra Papp. elk.
• 4111 y •Pee y pt rrotplap s
reept Pana•
I.nalisni . u. ipls4
61.03,P Company wul •
P.M except rer rewrap
sir etwporattalltl,lk4
11 . =VI=
tau:lama, Alt Wo4
r 7
Us 8i111 , 0.4 WM ante
AlersClUtlt DepOt
xsw 11...1100. iasao
a. 11/11221.110Ni
J. X. wenwrza.
'Oanet► . ire! rhi :in!! TaSet Oft.