0 rks Wll 4 IS''.4 Z tit° - alivalwr;.rituritAny 'qua. Till WIFATFith . wo3l7l,lllTisai. . . The report of this institutioalßes be• - bore us, and in its array of facts and lig arcs suggests a gOod deal for reflection. • , Her, ii an Cita:Woe institution I within , - whin'. wills dtaini the put yeir have 7 lilacs gptreappui maintained at Ii large =PUMA '(423,6.00) . 343 ',crapes lin the prime of life. -Oaks large nemike. 222 - .° hive been nAnitted dating the yeir, MO 154 slink:mgid, ehOwinti that there/save entered CS more than have come out. If it wain a ciiiiii;osi4 - a≪iii yiii 'i L t. • : Workshonohlelarge int:reams ha nun - L hes would he a hoptVid sign, last . this lu i number I Ware . gulltiof arias, had ennui& burglary, 23 Lad .1 stolen turoses,.23 bad beeti convicted of murder, I I f 19 ware iiterfelters, and 17 gailty of ; - ra lie .7 of them &Min. the. Vinn of Ufa; and Many of tient had le witl occupations fors home is th.Etem Way, 0t the 4136 at present:, there , ' 9 - . were tintal.o[l, a hivre, - 11. vethitet4 L ei . , 18 carpenters, lUnglneers, - fit nix,Chin . ' Istlk 23 Ahoeo*Cr l ;.. 3: t 4 / 4 " 1 . 3 10 2 1 14- dims. Op Sidle .488'sie flitf. ' 6 ; 2B" tem . peratobteu, and 419 that can eithar read or write; or 0° both. f ' • i j .. .,_ _ .I. glow it certainly is sr Teri in one ingidry What shall be done with so large a number of mnst, whe by age and edo - cation might bo usefulihut- who'sre and lieu been worip - thiniakess. Can aziy. thing be done rot' them while in Prima; Thinularkabla facile the .plijszlim's report, that actor the one hundred aid' fifty-two persons discharged only it :; Went' out in• no better health • Man' that withirhichthey kad entered. • Two of Meas .- wens consuriaptlves; 2 safferea from enlargement of the heart, and one :font epilepsy—the other 147 went out I - . .Improved.. This striking fact ahowsthat _ " -‘46 1 2466 1 i 1 7 Ufa may ,be turned to ac _ .-cmluttintreprOving the bodily Autthof the Onvici.lllore than one-half, t ht.; dred end fifty out of less than Ave hiveße - 6A taught to read and `soil , and -. that too aides the greetutdisidvan gem, ypr, none ,of. them are childiMl- -Thin fact shale. that life in -i: paniteittary gay ber t urned - to - some 'monist- In IMpreeinitthOlAtellectusl condition el its *tints. And if wittiest& at the lister . - acatuit; we lee that a plan nay be Made profitable, even In a peconiiiy Oaks: of via'. AP1313. , 5 .great .quftion " is - -can a priaonim made a reformatory? Ought it to aim at thhohlemt • Istl-mm .Yid. shtiply to be' shift up—so that he . . cannot harm society? Boar he no'.guff - . 14 Sl.' If not, then' why note Alefele 11m1- Why Meta - him a burden - ti. the ,_communlty whom he hes ?wronged! . . What Alsip has he to fomi,' ciamptg, and an _• expensive hamlet The 'fici . that -; he 1n not shot - ireplies :that midety regards him an still haring ' righta=the right. -to lirel Or shall we asp that he is gut to pawn ter 'be. punished, es well as • to ,tee'p - ,' him -from harming,,abate ._ . - . fp, But If Punishment Is the Oh Jett? then—Purdah him, torment bliii, ".fixture 'vim, lengthen out his con ; finanwit II to, the greatest extent cstruharrat - ', with the, greatest -1" i in Ishreent. In other word', make y • as safe u possible, and the prisoaer ii - 1 th at •- ' ksirible is pOssibie. — Btit that ch • , a not the • aim' of .Mmishm is srvident - from the fact Putt most of 486 man are to be 'retintetifet' sty, after a /outer or Wort& Period, and if se, lib! C l '; y the object and should?* kid - ..., I ' • toh o 13,, ,,,. do& of eddy so ir; nenag -.' II prison - hie that 'the diechareed coati& - :shell he worth mom tri hhuseir and se piety, esti of jail than in it. Any other -,,eykent ounverta - crime into capital aid en far lbrth speculate! . in - iniqk des • I: Bat ens manreformed out of one hie - _ dred is worth more to the community • thanionilionsand dellaragainper animm, with no t reformation . It in not ma ny but enssthat we ought to bun out of on: II .- Now, Whatever tends terwardsrefokna lieu is to be :fostered. Tke.recer en hunk timacipilsitien of - knowl edge of habiti of industry, the opportunit ot ameliorating or !shortening their ce ! . bygood.dondact Ind nest by Pc!rtfon. . except Where the convi:tion lila been through_ mistake, • are - sone of i ltke things which - tend that way. ow We ask Ica solitary -condilemma, the beef way to secure these 'lnbipt •Is edam . ' Sion as eatilly carried on in the soli - as in the congregated , system. Li et education, whether by books or teach • aa htfrimpnent on that ,syatem? r f. hisistnie in la:possible alone, and in e company of a teacher or fellow learn . - face longer a'solitary system- Br i en when the prisoners are reinanded to thkr r eeds eolitatineis is an instossibilliy. ChaPpea, waterpipes, windows and ~- floors, all in coarse 'of time becte meats Of communication, with f -apectsi demoralizing resale, that it' is - against hi*, contrary to this eystem, and thereforethe efore a constant influence for evil. . - Thies:mid Is in a data of chronic dis obedience and deception, with Mestizos' feting feallog that he is outwitting ids efteintes; ' •'- • - I ... - Ent we have mid enough. The -' ifti• dent 'ofheers elf the Institution •b 'armee' eat suggesnins in their rep?rt which desert , . the careforneitiideratlon ea. then trho - are Interenid in rat -minting poinietitet. „ ..,-, On resalt . of the connection of Cue ads with in. British Lupin is the: . newly all descriptions of goods, wires and surihandini are cheaper there than la the United Sinn All persona flow this tide of the line, journeyingn the - bu .... other side, in paraulteither of ess or pleural*, rind this out, and not slim If the buy such articles there si ii ihey can co n veniently bring sway, eve re. •._ „: sorting "to Smuggling to enhance their -_ - pins: According to the dodrizela of lie the Jrrea.lnders Cando ought to a . a wrt of paradise for people to llv in, oapecially forlhore who are poor vin . cizearainances. = 'man ClOae economy needlUL Certainly the inkabitan= of canna come as near realizing wkatainer advantagesjdhere in nylon goods where_ they arc Cheapest as most people under ; the tun; and if thrift and Califs gnat c:olitentatent STW front that can - 'summation, ought to be about as kap py and - prosperous as men - tad woluen • can well be. - Such seems not to"be their condition, it we miy trust the following telegram from Quebec, wider date of last finer day --, Is trio Koine of Amenably today. a 1 UM oast ntrodneed I. take Into considers =grit 4 i.? -' tr ' lllT:4 l, 74 g , V , V. '" :: 1 It; u„,,,,d 5.... —I to aeries tome for,the arrest Si the same. Inc snorer epoke at great leosib la etippost of his motion. Ind .palated Celt that. the principal evil was the Itlatt lioarttreasmoet arum to the wttlare iota. castors tOrrestilp. Ind the ',ant of . oelteisottooortrial resource. aird.ati... . .... 0 1,eipefont to meet the mum, of the ....popalittfOni as glaring eight =mho of the year thahlriterent was entirely enspeo .d, as famines were fame. to migrate in Os likates In search of cinplOSlhrot. I ells proposed that the lottettent 'Of merle - fieturea zeocire their - *Meet &tiara*. and that a liberal boutestead law sterillealo that to Operatic. in the L'' elle. ' Stake. be , , .n,i i03 1 16,1 4. 6,1 4 /4 !P A T I g whim ' t t they can bay c hapel, arc malice to gefseriY eta Wt. L op tiefiehode 6wh • ~., *4ltl4llgle3 of Capf,PPtioi, are ill ch dearer. ~It sppesiithat many have - ed the experimein. inyofTedio.tfOs chop - sad lad it work so will . that theY-hine to ittellirition to go back to their old =a ' !datums for the, ene of obtaining co ,, iapcllool atilolf :Tht*".oii 14.1 who le, ' they An they get along Voter by Mr tag higher prices. . ... .- . And this Is not is explain= nocul ' SW Ontaini -A. - stair =IOU be i of an Irishman, who, upon migrating . .ikis country. Wils occialtalln7 sued t hiving - . topny,alorOfer eheei,.. . and greclietee Aiiiii'•hi did In. the ol d ' arrauy.. He insisted he toild ,bay as muck fir Sigince in Ireland sake could • far •'killing here. When s petulant dealer demanded why he did not go hack and enjoy the lanary of baying cheap, Pat's eye twinkled knowingly as he an swered that the athicalty in Ireland con • dated in getting the sixpeama . That is preciselithe trouble with mul titudes of Canadiaas. They cart get ahilliags on this side of the line easier than they can sixpences on the other; and this explains what seems to tree Traders an unaccountable mystery in the poilet of Protifition. ST. PALM, :J111:112117 With, 1809 Rerronalirrerm—What itthe,that ter with your mailing clerk? Whayhsve I done; that I ; out "constant reader" . and--payer in sdiencershaald receive Mx:ideality, as I hare received. today, • weekly issue, jusl one week'elder, than it should he? ,- Only thinkOf ill in these days of submarine telegraphs, me, your correspondent,• , marying home on the 25th of 'January a cony of the OIzaTTE date;l Jan u ary 15th: Personally, Mends. _, Editors, - you do not their me • Were it ether* se, - I 'am 'quite ewe you would "pity .1 1 la sorrowsof s poor ola man." I ant on the side of Atli. I not striying 'with all my might to leiltate, that Sent of ofd,'Tob; in exerstairig pa. dence tinder ill difficulties, and Is -my own imperfect• *ay.' succeed non and again, bat 'I will.teave it for you to say whether, nod* the present 'e •hwastari x-s, I was not fully warranted in recol. lechrePlarper's furlong anecdote of that famous stream, sad tempted to e.clsim, Yuba. Dawn. Now, the 0/ATMS hu Its thousands of -readers everywhere, sad-would it be much trouble for you to whisper in the • ythof your clerk - to se lect orate other reMicriber (say in our lately 'ictialrell Russian :possessions) pen Nehont to 'play lay father' practical jokes he may ha*e in store, and as the tioys hale it, "lemma 'loner- .11 le„poki weather here, gentlemen— thirty had fortyosdearees -below zero. Some two and a tali test of level 'now, and a wind now and again, which means almost daily, cold enoughto congeal the the warmest synthetics of the greatest phibutthroidst that erer existed, is no joke;And when you take into considers thin the price of cord wood - (l4er cord) besides the sewing, of the same, you will perhaps agree withmetlu,t the neighbor hood of a Pennsylvania teal bed would be- desiderata= liesertheless, our street& are -thronged with sleds and 'sleighs, and • all, high or low, poor or 'deb, from On urchin coasting down hill to the ml ilonalra bankerwith blood bona, SKIL, fathead driver, every one "goes in" for the encitemmth. , Such glorious blitc.ks of ice as w man nfactura toms 1-abheirs of any length and width Wanted, by-three to fear foo t in thwiteessf ind as clear as the limpid 'we. tors Of the Illasitaippi, of which it is Or Legislature to now in session. Of .xtiree it is liepuhlican in Majority, lint beta and there can: be found among its members men who, in timespan anew, throw all the Mapco at their command in behalf of whipped traitors, and who, to-day, if In their power so to do, would undo the glorions deeds achieved by the Boys in illutalt was bitter pill to theiCopic the reabfatlon:endoralog Con culler the reinatatement of Stanton. -Dia.-week they prayed that the bitter cup might pass trom their lips antouCh ed, bat it woukhi't do. They drank, dregannit all. Merin in eseelaie! Tie congregation of the lath Dr. Fld die stand impeached, to ,day, in this city of robbery. How - say you, gentlemen, Trustees of the Third Presbyterian N. a Cater.b; guilty or] not !, Youraccesers are the - congregation of the Howe of Elope, of this Cityl HATO you forgotten that part el the de:4qm which forbids the coveting of your neighbors' goods! nis num servant t Under the circtun stances, we can only console ourselves with the stereotyped phrare used on all 0001210/1.11, by all Public bodies:—"We drain that oar late will be the gain of Her. F. Noble; as well as that of "Hey.. I A man wised Vail Bolen lately stood trial'for Ids life ca the charge of wilfully murdering a Dr. Baru:mut, an English nail by birth. Tins trial hated near or quite three weekS and resulted in the ringlet ment of - the jury. The culprit is to be tried agiin. The Pioneer , of this city, suggested with some forte the discharge of the primmer, adducting as E. reason that if a convimica could not be sad now, when all tbecircurnstances and matinsony - Were fresh, it was idle to sup pose one could be had at a future time, eivocadag as a eogent reason for the dis charge of the culprit that it emild sore exyfnsa. Of mins% your readers will not be aMoniabed when they learn thst that delectable sheet Is of the Democratic permission. Au revoir, - • I Muirrascertax. Betsarks.—We center in the estimate our correspondentl puts upon lite Gs arms, just sit s mother appropriates all the compliments bestowed npon her child; but be is wrong in grumbling at oar "stilling - clerk;" who is is faithful 't mania lives. Bat be does better then some of oar friendi In gettiegiets tarter, even after considerable dell! There are post °Meets herein Pennsylvania, at rose distance from this city, which hal! of- the rilarzrrse directed thereto fall to reach. They are stolen from the bags, to oar great annoyance, by postal officiate_ We Min tried time sad again, to stop this rascality, but have . signally failed. The stealing goesimi In spite of All we an do. COBIMPONDENCL host Ourbi's CossormeAeal 7 lissrocamolannary Bth, lees. The Government' of Sweden appears to feel rather tuseinty on account of the policy of territorial extension lately pur sed by Raul* With unusual vigor. They fear that it Matter power Would succeed . In' eacetring a seaport in the North-wester: ead Of Norway, ea It hen bean trying to do orient, not only would Swedish trade experience the savere chock, but Ike Influence of RusalaWould here a bar eldest:li be in tho.arreenddit on Swedish territory. It is, therefore, not a matter of surprise if the Cabinet of Stockholm ravers a•Pollah Insurrection, and looks to Paris trod Vienna for sym pathy andmaterial support In the hour of need. The &bluets of Parts and St. Petersburg.» noton tern:sof sincere friendship, for Napoldn dread, the ag grandizement of Masa as much as that of Prussia, and the Emperor of. Austria has sufficient reason to-tremble far his Eastern possessions !if the Northern Go imontsehouldhave a limey to undertake a military excursion to their frontier. A ,pretext fora demonstration of that de rfr.i.t.illon on the part of Russia may be toned, the j Eastern quei•tion, Was Is again becoming more con' nlicated every day, May soon rise Et, ropli I. arms smith, not to speak of the other questions of importance, which threaten thep-um of Eupope at the presenttlme. 'A. for Poland there to not the slightest chance of Met unhappy country ever recovering its Indeven- . doom. On the other aide, however, Rots- sia will hardly be allowed to remain in permanent eeful 'isasisession thos e Previa:laq t hey will he by theot r European powers for keeping In dheck any effort which Ramis mny make to wards the enlargement:of porinesaions to the East. Siberia is one of the nearest neighbors to Russia, and hue dosa ge/n:ly a path:rase intsreat in the Rus- Ban Empire being kept within proper I limits. As for Poland, • prate:tie found oy the Rnsalan autheiritiee to submit all the papers of travellers to aclose Threat I I- cation, from the fact cif Polls i enshirearterr [prowling about the Kingdom, making revolialonery and editions predate:l.V clone. Uwe are to believe the recent so. cremes from thaw regions, the system of espionage Le very cinnamic' and hateful to illOffanalVe tracellarra, who are liable to-be arrears! by gendarmes and con : :Med-tuned their pdanorte aid papers are signed and counteralgned by the ma : gistratai of every town and country they ' have paged through. It Is even said that large [number of per , sone thus .captured and found to be dangerous or ensploioks characters bays been conveyed to the citadel of Warsaw for former examination. • Poland is evi dently not • plessantlisu arc to travel In et Who . present monsera,sornuch more as the tattoo which prevails in the eastern pert. of Prussia maid Itself severely fats with ths'ir Deirathontalan. The Prue elms Government la et7lng to suppress, and datly contradicts I the heartrending noixinnta which have come to publicity about the a:alb:lrings of, the poor, who ore falling victims to that (amble calamity. It is argnedihat a poisibarreat is tiara. reasouy,consequene• r the war, but the Prussian authorities tot appear to do 'aii much tebards the idlevlatron or the calatoßyni can - be kildhah/Y expect : ed. rude aro therefOre had by prl vatedbecriptlon, and reoclettesbave bee. formed iv Nfilbriildith have imposed - upon thenisalves the duty of aiding the inelbremiate ones by the co:Rotten of Voluntary contributive:in. • exeavattous *hiatt . ihave bete ' rude la the WU k*otruienu at Lyons has brought to lightleiumermut vestiges or Romart_coWtudloct which are of greeLtateriatt. Tlotte ).0 found columns and capitals tithe pare Arehahlut, with tablets ohne= sod sculptured mar, ble, indlcithigbannd titleatrou 'the not wherti-Vhf ettegedaueopt. Woe sump. teem' Ualacee_tutrellteit :by the loam who made the capitols ' ot-Gitul,ttralr homes during the dust year of the ehrte an Il are. 7, RELIGIAN INTELLIGENCE. Amobg the noble projects of the lead. ing denominations is the establishment of Homes for aged and indigent mem bers. In some of the leading cities of the East them institutions have been or ganized en a grand scale, and hove re ceived liberal aid from the Members of their reepectivo churches. Alrnest ev ery church, e.speciallf In. cities, have the poor In their membership. By the establishment of a:Heine, ,the poor. will receive more permanent aid, and net re- lief now and then; as at present, and when the sympathies _of their chard:um are awakened. Recently we chronicled . the conannema&lon of the purchase of a line bundle; and ground_s by the Metho dists of Philadelphia; Last week this ledibt Christiana in Baltimore held a grand re-union at Maryland :Institute HMI, to raise funds for opening a Herne for this anew of pentane in the Methodist churches citing city. Recently a move ment has bisect set on foot to establish a Rantist . Elope in Philadelphia. Tim tivoJect in - the hands of a nninber of leading Baptist laymect of that city, who will doubtless prosecute the matter to Laud acme*. It la proposed to raise at least twenty-hve thousand dollars for tide eblort.' •An Iruiependent. -Methodist Ckureit In Boston has had great success during Its existence of wine yenta, according Lo Z7atia Hmild, Were havirig been over hfusdred couveraione, and of bap tise:is three hundron and twenty-nine. The church!, Congregational in govern went, Baptist as respects immendon,and Methodist In doctrine and mode of war ship. ' • Watkins, a probationer In the llolston M. E. Conference, 'rearo see; who wss converted since the close of the War, was for eeveml year's Repro aeatatiye from Teatime. - In Congress. The novelty of hearing of 1101:1111.11Cath olio Sunday 'Schools, l missing away. It seems to be now an arm of service among thoCatholicsm among the Protes tant denominations. The report of the Raman Catholic Sunday Schiol Union of :few. York City reveals the fact that flirty-fire thous d childroM of that Church are regularly receiving religions instruction, or one-third of the total num-. ler of children from flys to Aileen years of age, according to the last ca n ons, At the instaliktion et a . Presbyteriaa minister, et Passaic, N. J.; by the New ark Preabytery, Soy. Mr. Thompson, a colored man of the Oberlin Scheel, and ..tatieriediatNefrark, assisted lathe ordl._ oation sor viee, by laying on hinds. Rer. Rennian Hall, in acknowledging the testimonial by the menthe., °this church, statetl that hehad never received shilling for any one of the leciores livered:6'r sermons preached out of the ardinaey connie. He Kays at Mr** nal vensities they had madeltittia doctor, out he is determined net to change his name, and be plain 'Cowman Hen to the and of the chapter. The Young Melia Christian A.ll9o6A !ion of litreoklyn, furniehes every Bun lay morning - a breakfast to the poor.' The breakfast eel:mists of eetTee, and bread and butter. • Father Taylor,. the soled' stolen' .dreacler at. Boston. boa.resign - ea . hlo ,haplainey, and retires after i nearli half century ef service with the geamon's Aid Societv. - • Tha Independent soya eleven new churches 'awe organized laai year. In connection with the Mission. .01 the American Board. The siditiiins to the (=ion churches, by profissions were sloven hundred and sixty-aevon. • The eelpertenr work of the American Coot Society hie been prosecuted with ;rest vigor in the Sett , h, resulting in .iheering yucca.. Sixty colporteurs have ocen in commission there this year; who. , n addition to other useful results; have trganized or sided nearly thirteen hum- Ired Sabbatk Sclmpels, embracing . abed one hundred thousand scholars, who hare been supplied with small Libraries. Bowe weeks age the contributions o the Methodists during the grand Centex' try year, (chid) were reported at IMMO thing over et x millions of dollars. Quite number of Conferences had Lot then reported the Amount of their tontribu.; tiens.' We learn be official atseance meat that fifty-four annual Cenferemus report an aggregate of 58,441,435.17. Four Conferencee are yet to report, and two have reported in fart. It le possible the grand total will reach nine enVione of dollars. At the opootntc of the Center, try year it WAS estimated that four or five niillions - would Ibe the outside- limit. The "Sunday Scbool Children'. Fund," . to be used to ocelot meritorious scholar. of bath nosee in securing a =Orli ad vanced education, is nearly sixty --thou sand dollars. Grace Episcopal Church, New York City, took up a missionary collection Sunday before last of live thousand five hundred and silty dollars. The first attempt to eetablish a Culver wthet Society at Washington City, was made within a week or be. The 17ectat action of Unitarians. la ejecting colored children out of a Stinday Sehoel,wlil help the flaiverad iota, at least it is cop posed threeleourths et the andienceiat diecorgeeivetion of the Universalist So- Lilay, were Unitarians. The Repots - dory says the . Episcopaliana are " devouriag" and appropriating to themselves certain dolapidated• Vetiver, let societies. It, however prefers that Liberal Christian. abould du this' week, hia Eplacopallassa and othai Partlapat sects.- The Liberal Chriatian, speaking of the New Caret-mat, of Chicago, argues That while It to well edited sad a handsome 'Asia, tie dived may be 'lummox' 'up Iti three articles: I. No one Who is not a member of the Ustiversalist denomina. can possibly be saved. 2. The Unitari. an. are " the abomination of desolation spoken of by the Prophet DanieL" ,3. The Lawns! Christian is the devil. Aithe recent. Union Prebyterian ton rention at liarriaburg, Pa., action was taken favorable. to holding Parochial Conventions, to comprise Presbyterian bathes In n neightorkomi,io meet for the. purpose of conference and pioyer in re-. latlon to the Union movemeol., and to way for tho locremaed erosion or the Holy Spirit upon all the churches. • By this means, it is believed, then spirit of melon - will be 'transmitted to the maisos Of the membership. Rev. W. M. Ferry, who, died at Grand Ravin, Michigan, the founder of the city, besides leasing one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars to bin wife and child_ nen; her! rtenthed nearly ous hundred and tifty . thousand dellars to benecelent ohJects of a religious and educational character. He was a graduate of Union College, and studied throdoey with Rev. Dr. Gardner Spring, of Row York. The First English Reformed I,Germoui church of fialtimora ha+ been favored with en addition' of forty-four persona, of whom forty are buds of families. The Preachers' iteetipitof ibis city,eoln prising the resident Methodist Episcopal pastors, have been dlicussing for eeveral weeks, at their Monday sessions, the beat Method: of preaching in order to reach and save men. At last . Monday's meeting, It was resolved to hold onion or at-operatiro!meetings—minleferaand members of the respectivo Methodist Episcopal churches, union; In the sir ' vices at one church fora week, vislGag each church In tarn in the two Odes, The Maturate eerier M to be beide! Lib erty street church, H. Locke pas , ter, ternmencing perf..3iondsy evening, Rev. E. B. Snyder preachlog the sermon, to be followed by Rove. Baker. S. Burt, L. McGuire, and Id M. Hickman. Meetings have been. held In this church for two or three' weeks pelt, and censid - entitle revival interest prevails. Quite& ! number of parsene have professed ran- version, . sad have united with thip church,. among whom aro !eater4 promising young Mr. , Locke Ia blaring In an Indefatigably manner to promote the Interests of thr church, and sneceedlng. The First Christian Church, Alla whimsy, of whieli Joseph 'Eing is the Pastor, Is uid to be in avert' ilocirtahing condition, the 'srdltuure of christiart betalani haying been 'drab:dr:fared near ly *eery Lard', Dsy and evening for niany weeks fast. The enunixer ef.ad• ditletis , to the church during ths your latt,wipS sixty, and the whole number of •.6btetitutdeents: at ths present time la 'loaf banitred and fertritlx. A series of ielletinvi began In this church lasi riming, dating tie • contintanos of which the Paster will be whited by Dr. W. A. Belding, et Troy, Kew Tort. FITTS6OIOIh •WAILI u - SZETTik:- SATURDAY. FEBRUARY. 1. istS . Tie , Prrrimuzie .Gaserre.—The Gazette is the largest paper published in Pennsylvania; mid evinces sere bid and akility tkaz may other Republican paper published in Western Namleant& To those slew friends who wish to sub &bribe for I paper in addition to their ewe home ergo, _gat the Pittsbarg &mete, as iteontairthasere general sews and nsefulreading matter than anyothar paper In the State.--.TuNota dent 1. - Il You Value Vane Health Do Dot eryerlmintwith RIM medlttam when Tod tax rat as easily procare an old .4 +,ll teMmtl remedy. BR. 811R&BRI!..4 CORO hiRUP Is knew... a. last ssa;ssly for =I Chen or Lung!. .20 el Litesess =1 XVZILT ONZ 'lipoid pumas Ulla smile's Prefaeallfdle fa? there Is acme of the ergs. la tha rietela as Itkelr to become d Waled by 'ea lett as theme ef the Threat sadi cum retie tun ara►tY. that m ategh +rele► tea et , an Them wort► notletag Lad ate coaseatteatly aealaettag nlll ree• 3 la fatal POSSUM rTIOIII. Therefore, +rhea (laugh, Pala to tree or .Opprearl Le eels la, mart tol Dr. Sargent's Cough Syrtis), Which will roribto , y. +tog ytirkly “ro You. Ilzfe ydli a cough of WC otbudbbf oaf aan triad o b7r rained!" without °lnitialer of ro • lief? Then try Dr. 1111WINT'S CIOTIVII WY UP and be eurol. talra It • trial. You can oh nib tt of Coy Drugglats, whi arm Ye g . l pJetcr, tltOitl■ A. LILLY. WhA".i. rh.tilf . t. II Weed amt. No Ueaitit Without Vigor. The wear and tear Cr life,ietql shawls all mote or Nos ;What are wa but Machine. / Tao vital •prlocip•i Is the Mottos polies that had tits Daman aortae le e.t.a: but as beam., plaloaa. citiamtlon pipes eo dimmers .4 bottare our pat,.. &lariat°, Invest. themes sae all the compo.ad parts of this marvel] cies pleas of wink called Yam. The ntechantsm of alto boil nopaltta tehe palled nod attenithened! last as moth as Ile mechanism employed to triad corn, or apt. eot , too, es weave cloth notate “saot drive • broken WAIL or Loci • dram or a wheel that la out 'of gear; smith., caw Mtn vital force wet throuil a parslymi limb. er an Inert organ. ABE TOT! Wg &If NEI 017 T ? Dey ow Awl that any one of your organs—your stomata liver, bolts's. serve , . spla a. or any oiler esmantal part of vat wools .than. Men V Ito work! if ito; relate lb. damage with Um mat imp. sty Yet lintels ss. of inligorants, itoolo 1. TOt'S BTOXLCH inersas. Ihnnember slat debility la the .. 11ealsolan of %hi Le" . —that lee climax of ill 'magma, lo • universal WM. ata la the tonnettate uneasier of glum • Sloan wait for dL ease teptmennlt fla tavN before you commence the strengthehing ce Seep the whole tads la a vigoreet amen. tloaby pnvesUag, as !Sr ae Posslbba, the la • reads of decay. Relish Oa Itsata of name mitt aitureutbe tt tante, iIOsTEfTIRII MITTEIii. QMET= = ==C =I =9 nra to be /allots I by pblbs sad bales tin vael uss.l.l.s. stoordlog to lie citcster tbo Ortabla = 1.0 1 .. 1 :I soon dad mom *an Iht'stomagL TbsiOnlitut b. wall n.a Al ioireat === s daposllal la OM. •Val Of MEW,. ' , llialt• 1t EN!!!1M 1= ==== besia neleciod tad, tutored la buillt luyl•lircr oy • fn XXIMKaIi 11.00 D =I = = =1 =I MEE:l33===l =lO = =9 I=l = IT'! I=l3 = I= arvo =Wets* .316 A • 10 WOOD lITXEL+ cozoottailats rooms, 12 re.*lll.. Juotan Loa. tea 1786 . [mos PECTIUS. 1868 . THE KTIVERIIII DUETTE. Tao, fargtat deify paper in the &as of Petarylrania, enters the Mad yoar of its lllll4llll, 0p... to SA, o lelo reputation ter all thttoLliabl * 'f lamp, When other t0t.... srobtbrth* satardab. February MI", Waleltt dlotr.bato Holt o /Matta of Dollars of toe atottto, , ta Stouts, to our ettnettbees. (toe tato.trelotteti to every iltai•Grqboha tate rrrrr , Cub, Swot, Iboota34 Upham. Val Italic. Foot. Tea Th 0212012 D 011•011. tame:cad. Foot. Tat:nomad Ittators.• Maur Mama: aatosattag to 15 , :tateao Thottitad tatteettbares; to NI tatetOnee. platemataelothe ens, goatotrolo—orattkes,' Itettoot toll ',woos, obese trates. aatoantleg to toes Una area Thorned Dol We. PosttleaT so peertrone. seat. Ca•oattoo. tots oboes. be the,sabt otottlers.,oltl dlatelbate., , A.TUattA Y. 10. 11, 111 a, tao, above named tau., Tee. Cototitte nes torn Irat ow potaloart.ll = Twwrvvrl! Osscopy. 5cx.22 2 2 2 . nil '''''' ', 2 2221422 a ol E" 'oPY. OC; 'l2 zonst2era et 2°' '' w 1 vanednunters seat Pee teeny ideress the Iltetee appiteateen. Ike poetess Is eels Pre mats per slur er. rated*. pl . Amt• of ore es receipt of pager. • _ . . ildireal el letters to - . ' . A. A. SALLZY a co., Pab r3=CelM= pIIOPOSILS F 01 1,7 STATE PEJNIIki; . • . Amiably to the'proatitaae of la /let - ortia ileacal A...17a the COanaaamilth. man tled "la.latla ralatloala Yuba. PFL,4114.' anat.. the Ahab day at aaell. thataPalemeat that., appro.4l:3lhral..7. 1141, 'not!u la hereby 'tin. - that tni Of the &mats aa4 Raow at litarneatallyes of .14 Oamaaayrudth trill nail. .11.1 prapo sofa law Malys o'claak at ao. of the (+burnt Tuesday of February, • . . • Tor debug ale • untie PSINTENU LNG SLIM ING, far the target( three pith; Trott the fret day of July lest, at • ea:Main rate PIM camases' bloat Os rated welded la MA a . tralatlag to . rnittle Srlatlad utd Blattlas, 55Drored sloth day of 410,11, A, D. 143, Sad aceerdtvi to , the made had wavier 'ltad coadlttaat epeetled to .old ayt •,d the went Salypiestenta tneratot Said propoatla to spally the rate . par . mtaal! as the whole of the rate. *Yak. sild art taken Wren., .4 not • speettteat!e• et the iata Der : eentaat bele. Me rated oh eadi them. - - The toaoshad le the tem of proposals Ibr the , State PrLaUes and Blndlafl. propose to donli the Meth Plleder and Bathing tittle =saner and in all reePeets =WWI Vales provlsloas od the Let of rbe ninth of Aprll. A. D. 0100, and the, savant eupp , extents thereto.' Ito the permed of three then. from the ant day of July writ. at the rate Of pet wets= talon Um rates smell wed a etld act: the thoald the that& MM." sad Pinang, as stsreald. Pe &Dotted tome. .•• will be ready ferthyltd • DA flea& sad ap: ,Wed thretlee, na molted by the aet approves; than thbraary. I 0 2. fa the taltalth per:ermaneet of the work ao !WA said, proposals ache wined, and together w 1 b the bond re , glared, shall be male/lop end endorsed *, poenls foe Palette !statism and Bind. Dm" andaball be directed to the seldththakets, and be delivered to one or both.: them es afore, anti. to ea 00ee04. thatrtheed not allotment made en the 010 day of Janette?. ilth, estrthably 10 the neonates, - of the .4 set.el 01000 of Aprt . 1000, and Lonna.] supplements thereto; F. JORDAN, • Bec.O.Ory of tha Coniatlawoo , th. Jo"TO.IT • • 1a7.418 STATEMENT OF TOE HOME INIURANCE COVPANY, VT AILW SIVEIS, Jantur j 1. IBM c , aziltal .. . ..... ... :11.IX(1, IXO !Moths sni =VI Market Rest LOA.. caned by the Cospeot.-8 . tat.= CO 41.1.• oh Metteeree %ft ti) tS"l2 . * * ' - '"" .... St REMSIOMMM ===VM= la Unto or 230.10.1 'lnterest lee-rued " ~~ r•lval.• lintinhli;laad Losses 2 "200 Und , cmlort..., 154 451 Other propetty owned byllompWy.. 23,971 M 871703= . . Loausts MCKIM of alnustment IP-4 3 M 44 . ' 21,013112117 of Potslox. regetre4 isd lowasa pallaarlag ..en yet, sine. au. orgastizau.ou et t.ln Vora ptty: Premiums rseeles4. Law }SW. 4 . YR 40 51.2 , 0 to • • ..... •••••••• 11049 04 =111•13_:3= thl M=EIMIJMU IS=ll lacck wised by the Directora Lau., L IU7 : Juuary I. Ms— 4.U11.743 VO.OOO V. 2.151.7T.1C1LLZW, DkNIEL.TROWHILMX. Lau, 1:11.11ULL L. TALCI.M. 'nee Pienident• WM. HOODILL, Secretary. • . Speotal &Mallon paid to p . expoinst voliclpr," G. R. MATZ% Agent,. 1111rLSI ISITIZET.TUtOuretv CrolverlT Lawrenceville.) • • litlait XIALTUELTS" • 8/FETE-FIRE JAIKET,: For Smoke 001411ot dirFlues. i. HAVING OBTAINED OF TUC UNITIVE) vTATIM ((((Vol talent fat NArItTY .1•01t1LT, mitten Is Imre/Wed to rm. atat the moat Unease beat trod may be .1(5 (0d to It la tne.posttles. It Is aysnre protein*. trots eeedeut. by sro, °diluent. from dertetlve dm. or Where vol l plpes around ;Lemma Men tor smok became- It la anpUmage plnlear that martmerneetad. and 1. Vernlnn MX In perfect sattsfemlea wave wood or otratr seat ostibla materiel may be Maned 15 due pro:loan tbevado. lan now 'emir loapplr lancontoo to stone, alwt Lanni, lactorlea. allse, steam man, natured nom le— arra near pipes o7ea e. &Masters. are made dentarms. Sal `lk raMd, end mewl:, Inured • 1 sell, apollsat dna. to maser ardor* or ta ose the Moore *avenue.; also, a rilmrlelttebts. 10 loon as may ' , tat to o eines pfrellegn*, antler or Male or sweaty. =I .7. 13. lEMAIL'EtWi.I.I.. ar um, at Om •• 8111 P1;1111:1LTai PAINT .auxlSt.„ ,, acme 3111.3 arrat.4 tbe •Ila at.y Valley RIII(Ota, tilam Ward,.• .la. Pa. ' • • , • lais:k. ALLEGHENY GROCERY AND PROVISION COMPANY. .10113 A, SIc&ItAFF, President, J. P. ISIISEL, Secretary. no noel of Osloooolpess o otroo4i.oUlY gpimit op. Tilos" wlahluz to 00111 thefavalvos of Ila!ionePte, Wad better • ••. . AL3Elz.bsa4 8T cm:a - era. At 26 Federal at.. Allegheny • Arri ..e gEFGAILIF.4 . IrIgi ffiai ti. u " ninr " PRINTING AGO WRAPPINS PAPER:. ciawrom wrzintrAvitta.mo. BEIEUXWA KILL, NEW tanoirrum OM= AM) mainpuas. Na. 82Thrd BUroet, Ilttsbargli s rat oinozsm:itriiviseltAirr44l..ioa.. inuorma-A.u..4 u.u...Johas AlLtwau:e. BAlisue.,, J.*. B. lATkuntos. , Cask Pala torPapertlick, LmeT CLASS LOWIEf6 GLAIR! AND ONS, FRAMEillillrACTOrt. • . .. • . ' n we. o .wood_st., rietebucoh, oftek.taxh,etm•Ale atilt, oft ol"1111.11 of•eit.T 'ROOSITUDD .114 Imelr..B4cOm jam, AW ' + - lad -1/01M5_ Cjptals =lmo . vag risro r t i .o . l=r 4 l 71WS% - att 44 40 tWl 111 D'aSait..--ocaoanowe 100,000 / 414 N09 et, 'Noma. - ' • Jul notly•Cl, th e alm idt. a oaallyi - MUNN !IVO PPlars - - 'nub •rtn be comia - at 14, /Alf •" IMMIX, 11 , 101Nah Osumi - • bat uIL iitertylts•esi tuubargb. DIVIDEND& . _ (3 , 71C7 07 NATIO:wt. liirtante - - AIM SUP Uts. Co, • rUtoboren. Janolul 2. WI. arTl , ll.l • BOAUD OF DIRE°. R ` l grf trileTe . .Zl It T . Cl ft Cr 17..... on It. Capital Swot, ton. o to Otockl.thlors on aid Net? 10th prat. 1.30:10, • J74.II7KWIDT. 70.7•007. UrnCa Or 151 Nett ONALltirlltte• axentnallSY c• ' Pittsburgh. 210 . IarTRE RENULAR ANNUAL 111 EC title Uthe etacikeier• et tile Nallehal le Baler Bed [toque Ce., Of Pitt.' "15 :e . P t Te S otr tit ttV4.lßrg net Ithel Bank, on MOND. Y . : , EX r, romtary 3.1. MAO Valtet N., le elms ettners lOC MO ”!!!!!!...1." . • • n".."WEP.IO:I:._ trIXIII orr ENT weeinTERLT DW- I/IL NU. 71. 11.25 sr Wren.. at Ute 4- irratiM! ` a r Rig " ?Alit Illt i at gt etril ti. " r g e e 71 : Ltrtg it ` t ` d h I.l " Ornia Vta t ee '2'.111". Zs l st outs of ta e NOUS 41 . 7 And Treas.* r so. 66 lo.rt rea °". " .4411t;Vd V• • . OFFMII Or CINIMUCT• • No. M Irwin street, PrniSsomni, Joao arra& UP. tar DI VI DEN .D• No. 6.—The Board of Ihttietore of •thla Co' lay• Ills oar deet•reit • /Malarial of TOMAS ttia T., p.) sa am , after *tenth hut., •at tOL °Meg. Tliti I , ..ftr Donis will bed... 44 from the trait to the 511 hut., liiem.iat• WILLI fit 111175 . 8.1.8.* e, , ,eta.17 gad Trevare. rlrrsowautr, FOOT WAY:tx A Citto.•• 114/1.• „ • MAY CO., ttenCa Su:marg •. • rlttallurXh, TAO L . W. I" DIVIDEND ND. 16—The Vaud at Diroct Ws or 11112 Comma? here (tech+. the regular QUP.rtarlT Dirt(hout-Or W. AND 4:41 , , Prdt GENT. aril hoe of doverno,ut Tar, on tbo Capital neer, for thau mer undla r L.-umber Sist, and illo Semi. ^nous) Divide., of -rg ILIA ASV 0011.-liALir I"tL ..a CEO... (.1) .ess Uoverament Tair, W - oldrd ilortllaCe Pea.. parat - le on and OW 700.310.1. 18th day of Jats ary. U.S. Mll.'olloo sleet, to ' lto - TM& a ' got :tok nAP.I4.* sad St throttle. or ter '1 reweave. to itboasi rya. •. •t Pittsburgh. " The •rellataier root. , vrin elate on; HAtuday. 2!th At. , at ?.r. sag ra.opett snt ittday. eamtr7l7to i ittM • - by o•do. of Om Roar , 1110A771r. N. latrrtaitN;loM, NOTICES IarrTICE '!TO BONDHOLD.. T I I Tt alf / ° y_111111 " 7 : Ito,lera ate ?lamb, •ouded of bonds, 40.1 o rebenary vein Ina `nd da+tt•ti , at Lin Writ 14'11' Al one 214 p•etee ./k or r t. P.11 , 44 It.. 6MC- ritt, Cont. r. Jr. f r o P.ttabusgh; Jan. 15., Fr.TIZE INTEDEBT. IN GOLD. . Um .0 KORTGAIit SWIMS of fl Moe tali Way Cempay. Mani )i.isiar Doeyberpar, 766 na. .111 be raid pr.... Itort of the at Ike B.klng down of 1.11baY, & Co., 636.bsage TUN. New ...b. el sad sitar we rms.. . JOTtro.ro roLIZET. MEETINGS. lar N 0 TI CE.L-TEILI ANNEAL MERTIN. el tbn Eteekbtelters Uee 14.141aXastawba zed Dundee /octet fettelesat Comp.'', end the %anent 'Lone set Vat Folk rutfolettll Cerny, 10 Wet a Beata et Directors for tbe eltenlae. Yeah, toll be halt at 1....Wi1m0t Ike tiemktary, he. LS Penn4MM. rltt•lnufb k eh 2pElleal% Jtabstylatb,ll/14 e►M . i4 UICILLUDIIOII. Priaddirat. - .A[Liwc 7. U. safiniary . 1.14:1111 MICTION BALES. IZEO== I ARGO 11011 1 E,on STOCKTON •Varlitl3t, ALJA Kalil's LT A.1701 . 102f. het• will be wad e h Phe o• L ,111$1).. 14X13/PAY, reprove 30, at o , cdoees.th• sell Jose. of U. tale. No. 33 abeektoo Ovate. senorita Common. Allegheal CUT. The lei a a het front en the avenue, and extend. to was tee street. adle , sate of Stefeet. She bowie a terew.etore ...Wk. and eostalas awls wse epseaus colts . usetstre. •e..eat ha /ma brick treble ea war of lot: • Th• 'Deadens f.o•e of 1 0 00. I. th• all Thesheaw whir:heparin* Olen. Howe , . oa the one hood ' lad the arenas buttoner. ost otter. po ls bewalallfsod-eutu tty baits of f. ential MN* OM" Moe ••4 Iron front nod tide fence, sit a•telad to • superior answer. aud go-4 evadable. - resseselcu glees April is, • • Turas •I owe ea a flanker torus:mita% tra was pllestleo ta .; a. Lula cier., '1164. 1 . 1031 .1611r.a..4 arca, Amy/ma/. BILITBBOI, VAHROOT & ICCILBLLIND. VALUABLE CITY Pit9PIECTIG 99 Penn Sires , • "..41.117CoVICODir. • , ttn Bi•TUSDAY, Tema./ rat. at Wets& T. h.. un 10. breathes. In/ ha sold by allell•s. W Very dultalle vala•ble prllberoT. 79 rent. 010.4 4. 40. below. nay 11ka , let has • 00341 00 re. attar 0(14 hot, arias& .lag back 101 'vat 400 0141. Th. Isaptol4l.ol3o vum.u. - r„!s;var: rem; vlth 0.10. tasonest 01100..4 dl•las loom. 1.110 Ali . saodip• haprombaat• m alll•eat to • riro etuil a• .1130. sank •• mantle.. Tula slam bath roc= aid mate" . / 0010• 'ear of lot. loaa‘lon Of MIA prcpartr •100414 ems.. Th• al attenliszi at httslat•• amp at Ica I as 0.11011014. 00 an 00.2.1'11 001.40_0001rentent otte 0011.111 llont•n at tho t • Co.. corner of Tonna, and Paltlvetn Mesta, Instalment, A. Artours IC D.. 4.lliront At. PlitobariEt. D. laneelann. 41 c.f.. t llt.,l l. lltaborgh. H. 0. El Ennead Itt.. 2114shurgt... A I). PEER Altegheny. • - . E. /ogrAn.. Pharllerstownsblp, ' PPP agents Wanted. EIDDLE•A6nitIRn. Paola**, .insorr in rent!, stmt. [outran. SELLING OFFAT COST' - • - ROBERTS & BEITSBNITP,, 61 SMlttiDeld Striet i . OUS E7oot or Kooaralnuantaff GOODS StotT.l. TESolos. COAL TArEJU • - - A ised (haute to Purchase ei4eits. EistiaLiellED IN 1840. SH.Er i ELARtrE3 &tap: Clicker & BLlcalt tactom Sl't ILibtrty St., Pit:skulk. ilanufactunc 'sad &Ala in ell !adze _ • O o3l fimc't l P 2l4l7 'V. ymmulf &ND 0016:11TIO J. BOHOONNOSER BON I.X..r2.lo23l:rAterillC ivhito Lead and Color Worluk . I rzw i tirarrn - lestril L EAD, Q3IZ E. ....ea..., re :ors= ironer. o.72.2pwsniais..*l;lll2:44%gui E=M