The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 01, 1868, Image 1

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    THE. DAILY' • UZ=,
rtrataliaro ITUT swirarlse
V. JaiLir rota,
I4lCor. Bccaness Managers
01710 E. eAzrrir. suuanze.
mem semis to nrris mare.
larttom,. td Yedin hinlfask
mum P
lLLB6nr-psyncur LID
tairozar. ettlLlPirllisser any swair
VIRUS OF TE:11.241.11T
DieLver263 .m astrers vet ItZek.
gittara etairtte
Mn. A. K. McMama offers to ogl hL
interuit controlling one—in. tho
Franklin ,Reposilory.
Tllll Pennsylvania ktailroed Ckanian
Iwt done a good thing, in enforcing
rnialhat the prurient hunts oft he
tional prep plan not be • sold on enforcin g
3t4pn—koisey's Phila4del
phis Press is3n : •
!Tarty Tennsylianis Republican pa
pers hare declared nt favor of ROIL
Gaiu.she A. Grow as their candidate for
litia...Rresident.. Mr. Grow has made a
brilliant record ss a thorough progres
sive since his election to Congress in
1831% and his Continuous service in that
407- ftem that time to .1802. If he
should be,. nominated . at , Chlesso he
pottid be most acceptable to oar people."
Idontitipmlean rittsburtl mutt..,
Havatra;January =,1864
The Cholera is fading a*.y ao rapidly
Utak' the next Sunday, Is dMigned for -
Mareover. the Board of
Health: will 'giv , ,ji clear thus from that day
Piss:Ws ialling.from ria7llll6 a nd Car
, . •.
dolma. I read hi a letter from St. Ingo
de Cuba, dated January' Eith, that Mr.
Xdantrd Andrew, an Engliahman, I sup
pose, mnploved in the Consolidated Mime
of the - Hellit del Cobra, was assassinated
'rlecently by a Chinese laborer whom he
.had. chastised a few hours before. • The
13SPILnIsh . Bank" of this city Is to dupli
cate Hi Malta!, which now amounts to
111.090,000. It is already annoubcing the
.;.illette.of a series of Mares to the amount
of one million arid a prime of twenty per
cent. The prime is considered too high
'I ;Minim displeased - the public. .
surer market Is extremely dull
without transactions. We quota No.
hi= 7 to lira. and nozeinitf. ,
:By the einlval of the Spanish steamer
Marcella we hi-venom' feum the Maziean
"Mita to the inst., and from Vera
Cruz to the 16th'inet. - • P
„,"" 'Tbe Memel* was on the lath off Sind,
btabdid net eamMunkine with that phrt
on account of its being besieged by the
Republiean fumy whichareautztemadhig
tbe tqwn. The French steamer Cape
• sailed from Vent Ortiz the wee da ,as
the"Marsells, but she is new overdue.
- The.ponaminno of "Vera Cruz of the Oth
says: ?The expedition of 2,400 men to
Tea" dan did not sail"" yesterday as irea
"expected, - ewing to the lad weather eve
-had. : We believe itzrill sail to day."}
' the - Murderers of Ceneral Merino, eta
lave been captured, two of them were
shot in 'being apprehended. Ia Simi
there was slimmer that We revolution
late were in connivance with some of the
exiles, whom they expected se - every
'moment Said in private letters that
the Mexiiran Government is actively.
'.taking every measure is quench the - ni
beillatt and was preepring to send new
reinforcements and was doing-every
' thing to obtain that object. The remains
. of General Cornonlort are to be taken
from San Fernando to the "Diputaclon,"
Lemmata there while preparations are
being made to inter them in e" manner
becoming so eminent sad distinguished
. a statesmah and general.' "
Cotton growing in the Stale of Colima
seems to give great hope elite undoubted
success. The crop raised on the banks
e&the river Coshmiyant is thebest, and
;has been offered at 820.e0. We read in
the Mexican journals that kidnapping is
"'still the order. of the day. Genenil An
. Mule Ea.rloyal has been kidnapped re
- .oesdly 'by five " individuals; but — he
escaped from their clutches. A manuals
carried off near Gniuminato, and anoth
er, a brother of the latter; from the petb
;llc aquaria of i3alatiraima I The Owner of
.-the Redonda or Cerro Gordo has also
been kidnapped. Mr. F.f Ramirez, ex-
Minister of Meximillan.l was ;abood
_isublhd. - 1. Immo. so
tween the 'so called Enmerer and No-
The ter of War has published an
order prohibiting. whipping and other
corporal punishments in the Mexican
• E. IL Poulnler, Esq., American-Con
inal at Vera Cruz, returned to his poet by
the Eogilah packet Dean:be. •
The Gleaner of Kingston, (Isaiscla& of
the Bth brst publishes the. following:
" By
. the arrival, on the lid, of the
American schooner Merino; in thirty
_hours from Ana Cayes, we learn that a
irevolution of a very forriddabls.charac
-to has broken out through `all Hayti,
. and Usenet rumored that. General Salo
mon, the Haytien Ambassador to Eng
land and France, would be the future
President of the Republic, and his arri
val was looked - fop_ Three "Leyden
soldiers had been shot in the suburbs of
An.x Cayes A French Captain. who
had shot a Haytien officer of Customs,
was in prison at Again and there was
everyprobability MIAs being shot. The
schooncrlimilla left St. Thomas on the
; cad tilt.. She reports that there had been
slight shocks of earthquake on the it'll,
= and 2-10 of December.
. KEMATON, {Jamaica;) Jaa.9, 16G3.
, At of quarter alter 3 A. M.. on Thum
dilry, a smart shock of earthquake was
felt in this city. The sin ck was not of
long duration but very sharp. Tne
British ship Coniet, 1200 miles from Ply
mouth, twenty-five days out, bound for
-Pensacola, struck on Bare Bash Rev at
3 iichlelt A. x,.oa Dip 3d inst. The
Captain and twenty-one men were
picked up: by Captain Darby, of the
Dragon Bristol, nisi brought to Kings
Thelegislative council will re:assem
ble oaths 14th; when they several blitz
now'before it will be takeunp. •
11. 3L'at.imer Sawn, seventeen gion.
Mimmander Milli arrived at Port Royal
on the Ist toot, from Tortola. She left
that Island on the' morning _of the 25th
of December, and experienced strong
winds. Up to the time or leaving Tortula
snmairmal light shocks of earthquakes
were felt but no farther damage was
sustained. The people were still in, a
state of alarm. ,o communication.
washeld with Bt. Thomas being
reported unhealthy. Tortola con
.- Untied healthy; The weather was
favorable for the growing mop. The
Afyon, whether from poverty and
want of money ..or more enlightened
ideas, hive not spent their time In indo
lenoe and frivolity as is- usual at this
season. 'Upon most estates they have.
Already turned out to work, and crops,
Which are faliya month behind whatthey
were this time last season, may how be
geld to have oernmen*l in earnest.
Coffee of ardinary.quality comes to the
market freely, but prices are still too
high to have 'any margin no shipments
to Martine. sager and Ram are scarce
midln demand for local consumptiou.
—The three following items we tied
In the Johnstown correspondence of the
Abensburg dllegheafent
A disturbance occurred In a laser bear
saloon here the other day,duringtbocon
tinuance of which a young wen named
Broderick was severely cut by a dirk
knife in the hands, of some person un '
- - .A..valunble roll of carpet was stolen
from the door or Mr. John J, Murphy's
store a couple of davit ago. A reward of
twenty dollarilAs offered for information
that will lead to thedetection of the thief-
Store-door stealing Las become quite
common hero of late.
A child of Mrs. Boyers,of harpsburg,
aged eighteen mouths, was smldtel to
death one day last week by the upsetting
'upon it of a tub of hot water • I
—Lest Tuesday a week. ago, the 1111
Inst., as Witham &Pall, akeiy of about
.tarelve years of age, son of John A.
Small, of Polk township, was returning
home from school, ho had' to go through
. the woods a abort distance. While in the
"`Woods be beard some rattling in the
brim sand out dew a, pheasant and light
-- ed on his head. Ho grabbed and held It
- with one Mind, and,just at this moment
opt :Ina red fox after the pheassat.• The
. lad made a grab for him with the other
band, but he being too quick, William
tahesed the sly fox. "Het has the pheasant
at home alive.—Moaroe Democrat.
Man named Yonson, a shingle
maker. left rhillipiburg on Friday, Jan.
161.ry litii, - partially intoxicated. with a
h orse s od eleigh, and on Saturday, the
18th, be was found In - the Allegheny
m ountains, oast of Iluilipalimrg, frozen
fe death : Tho horse wag also dead and
stiff: T6l2terrible warning to those
isrho - are in the habit of indulging fr•eely
in intoxtcating drink.s. An inquest wee
on. the body, anti a .ircrthet In
cordanco with the above fats rendered
—The y
dwelling house - VX Anthony
,l - Fibtat,: - Wstehingtonvilits, was burned on
lest Sunday. Mr. F. we learn, was eh
'mutat the time. The entire ' building
• e,sd nearly all Its contents, together with
',llsiaell grain house attached, confab lug
a quantity of wheat weiveonsumed, and
in addition bothe above, several 'hundred
dollars and greeubmoka.
.. ---. ''.NPlnsunancew-Daszdasratinigfitrey, •
• .
Pennsylvania Legislature.
A" °Z•Ltellar DrLe fa Beaver Ow.:
•II , Ease!atlas Ceweeuratas _Thanes
Caannreawealia—Pmerpeweatrea far
,13Wa114 Elanleas la ArsetreLE—
Plajwaserifew Omar Of Patrolmen.
—Mew ware d swionswirreiniutoia
PralvWeary Lauer Law,Expa-
Warne. Vleseetlia—Care ea bas4a.7
mai Begrami I. torn—!UL la Prate
—then:altread Law as areaselikwa
iimi aln:lleaso--. 4. fa,
ea crobtsvtairlb.
Clirrelegrepl to tee Marv& Gas
. . I iliauttiatrlia. Jan 31,7668.
Mr. TAYLOR, of - Emmet-, rrni in
plaza on act extending the act for regis
tering doge In Allegßasy county .to
Beaver county.
M. ERRE= of Allegheny, otlered a
resoirdtert that the AndttOr Genie:rat be
riquivited to tnnistatt th the thnuffe
statement of shells:ona of SWO =x des
the Commonwealth by each . Connky, ter
whaf pan aid tax tit due, - at' !that time
tie present triennial - revision of the val
ue/4On of the Seveial corn:nine was made,
when a statement of tie Sanaa w an corn.
.tantdcated to the Commisiloners,!of the
sevendoceindes, and far what puss said
reldibui into made. ' -
TOs resolution was adeptad.
asw ootrarri acts.
y r .. LOWRY'S bill mating , a new
county out of Crawford, Yoriialt, Teem
go and Warren counties, to be: Bled
Poiroleitat county, was considered, Mr.
LOWRY'Sualdng a fang opeech in favor
of it..
Mi. BROWN, :of Mercer, axid
WALL&CE, ofelearfleid, - spoke against
U. Finally the bill was postponed.
NEW WAND IN Jospewrowzr
The act creating a new ward, to be
Called the Sixth; in Jotuistown. Cam
briareounty, was passed finally.
Adjourned till Monday evening. '
!PAT Po* MIOLDISO runcerzozna
Mr. JACKSON, of Annstrang, pre
seated a remonattance from clkizeas or
Armstrong county against any law
granting additional compensation to
owners of booms in which elections are
bold In that county. .
raosuarroas LIQUOR. Law.
ltir. NICHOLSON, of Seaver,
natal a poi:glom frataladustry towrinlp,
IC. yet minty, for a I.:obit:Mori. liquor
i• Mr. RIDDLE, of Alleghectry, on front
g • g sue, Allegheny county, • for lan act
• tharizing the Scheel Directors 6 bor
sr money. -
Mr. HICKMAN, from Comm Ittee on
• eral Religions, reported 'bark the
r ease joint resolutions urging Secretary
ward to instruct thd United Stake -Min
' 'I. in Englind to demand the release
o American prisoisers bald for alleged
• lltical offi.noeti, and to insist) upon
•me fixed policy by which the rights of
.• lean citizens alert! be respected,
Ith amendments amounting to a eubsti
t • le.
• u. , ...nmaa the Committee rim Jaa4Anisra7,
• vial,) with a negative recomtnenda
tion, an not to repeal no mitch of
the act of April :22, 17M, as Makes
it unlawful for mis to run on Stu:key.
blessra.DElSE and LINTON . etch re
ported from the Committee en Juslicirt7,
(general,) as committed, arts rePeallog
tbe act of last session compelling the
admission of negrees into 'railway 'pars.
Mr. MANN alleged that the bills were
never considered in the Committee.
Mr. DER3E explained that they had
beau d icided upon at a meeting et the
Committee when the Republican mem
bers were absent.
The matter was debated at considera
ble length, and the bills were finally re
committed, under the operatien let the
previous question, by i vote of forty
three to Party-one—the Democrats voting
.N 0..,
The foliowiwg bills were raid place:
By Air. WILSON, of Allegliesiy, au
thorizing the Sotwol Board of the Second
ward, Lawrencerilie, to borrow money
and sell certain real estate.
By Mr. HICK:NI - AN, of Beaver, pro
hibiting the salt of intoxicating jirinke
in Industry . township, Beaver county;
alsa, reducing the =umber of School - Di,.
rectors in Ohio township, Beaver C01111t).;
alio, ineorpoiating the Beaver county
Banking and Safe Deposit Associaden.
Mr. DEISE, of Clinton, granting to
County Coarts of Common - Pima and
District Courts jurisdietion of a CCart of
Chancery In all cases of inortgageigivsn
by corporations. - - I
By Iir...BEATTY, of Crawrord, an
tiorizing the Auditor General to deliver
to tee Receiver of the' Pit. olennal Rink
the tufted States bonds originally de
posited as security for the stirrer:icy of .
the bank. .
_ Yaks 314.11.110/1) LAW. • .
The Free Railroad Law wee glued
ered on second reediug, pending
erble.h the Ranee adjourned till lifonday
TUC ornotErsuvrktz .1111.4, APYLVED.
,-- • •
The Connell:iv . ill• bill has teen ap•
proved by Gov. Geary.
TO* IPeougeo Of Ina PlltSbOVis sad'
danneelevillo Stanwood. 0.11-Stand
' abnaeas , ewer Co. ltonnt-7114 Seem
itallrese Nil-Aalltional notanee
for Megatons tinents
[credal oerespanl.aa Moslerah panne.]
• j Hannisarno, Jan. 30, 1808. .
Th. scene In the Senate, thus morning
ens rather exciting, and - as Pleatlant in
. .
Its results en it wee exciting.
- After the regular routine business, Mr.
Eirett called up the Connensvill: bill,
repealing the repealing bill of 1064, and
Aging three years from date as the time
for the completion of the road. As soon
M it wax through Committee pf the
Whole; Mr. Graham took the flodr and
delivered aver, able sp eech la favoir of It.
When he had oonclu ed, Mr. Stutrman
and Mr: Searight both evinced n will
ingness to speak. but finally gave way
upon leave to Insert their speeches in the
Record. There being then a very gener
al desire to take the vote, the Clerk pro
ceeded to call the yeas and nays.
When Mr. Landen's name was called
be proceeded to give the mum* for his
vote, which be did In his umal animated
style. Mr. McCandless did - the same,
and so did Mr. MeConaughy, Mr. Ridg
way Mr. Waite ce, and one or tyro others.
During the delivery of these short but
lively speeches, oonsiderable.galmation
prevailed, sad whett the vote was an
nounced es unantrnosa, there was a gen
eral shaking of handeand: exchanging of
congratulations all over the Chamber.
- The general burden of them-explana
tions was that, last winter when this
question wn. up,. the Spingerft voted
against the bill because the. case was 'Su
the hands of the Court, sad the •Leghla
tura had no right to interpose netrapee
'leek= before r the Court - could decide.
But, the Court having now decided the
matter finally, they cheerfully gave their
vote In 11.11:11012y with the views of the
•In order to show the-vote On this ins
pedant question, I mend you's list .f the
yam and nays.
Yeas-;•Meeara: Ehlingfelt, Bremen..
[lsmrenee,l Brown, IMerden] 'Brows,
fltortinunpton,} lintrnett, Colentes,-Corm
- Cowles, Davis, • Erretti • Fisher,
Jackson, Landon, Lowry, McCandless,
Ike"0"01167,-Mclatyre, Nagle, Ridg
way,- Searle:lt, Shoemaker, - Shugart;
Stinsen; Stutrznan, - - Taylor Wallace,
I White, Worthington, and. Gra•
Way-Jr-4,one. •
Absent-41mrs. Beek, CHM, Linder
• The tdll ern immediately traacerlbed•
Rad tak.etlarertOtile 110 Use, ghpro It.
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. .
. -
was called up at once, and y put through
without a chinenting voice. It Roca to
the Goxernor to-morrow, and will noon
after he a littr.
• Thus had ended, and most happily,. an
ugly controversy; and it must be said to
.the credit of Philadelphia that, when the
decision of the Supreme Court became
known, her representatives hare yielded
gracefully and good naturedly .
TheOuse b. bad tinde r cOnalders
lion this afternoon the Free Railroad
Law, the main fight being on the motion
to make the Minimum amount of•stock
subscribed ten thousand dollars - per
mile instead of tiro thousand.. The Free
Railroad men agreed to make theamount
J r thousand. The discussion Is still
going on. _
Several Senators ,who are warm Free
Belle ad men, ,favor Oa proposition to
make the minimum amount of stock ten
thousand dollars pomade. Mr. Coleman,
Chairman of the Senate 'Railroad Com
mittee, is ono of these, and Mr. Lowry to
understood to concur with him. M..e.
Ridgway andltandall. twO of the other
members of the Committee, alto favor
this sum. Mr. Errett,' the remaloing
member of the Committee, favored a
lower sum, pew- live thousand; bat oil
arrest tit hilleolloagost,gemforrluo -the.
!ord.-ham, he agreed to let . the bill be
reported in this shape, and take the op
portunity of voting tor the lower sum
when the bill comer np In the Senate.
I am inclined to think. however, that
Um Soothe will prefer' the huger sum,
several very - sincere and 'thorough free
railroad men being of that mind.
' The telegraph reports Mr. Errett . In-'
treducing a bill to appoint two addition
al Notaries in Allegheny. - county. It
wad Mr:Wllosasulso introduced a bill to
appoint two new N.:aeries. Mr. Irreirsi
I bill authorizes but one new one. It' is
not 'yet otrkiin [tint either bill -will bo
.1=1.4. i 4 Anal .riussks , • Saito tsto
a.spplicints aro - shlady. litter; the
place. ALLsonewt.
1111ortkiratall tissatt,3
WASIIIMITo:P, An. tn. 1563.'
SENATE , • ,
. ,
' The ••Chabtualt lair!beibre the Senate
several communications, including a
joint resolution of the Ohio Legislature
rescinding tke Cousiitutional amend-
Mr. SHF.RIIAN denied ii was a Just
expression of the i,eople orObio:
MC: SITMNER claimed ‘l.lowai orno
effect—that u Stato could not withdraw
an approval once given: -
Mr. JOHNSON argued en the opposite
The matter then Was - referred to the
Judiciary Commuter.
The bill supplementary of the tenure
of office hill leas taken up.
The question •was on Mr Sumn&e
amendment that the bill shall not do away
with the fore ma agents of the State De
Mr. PATTERSON moved an amend
-meet that such agents guilt not exceed
See In number.
Messrs. suSEN - Eit, ANTHONY.
opposed such restriction on the part o.
.at the expiration of the morning
hour the bill wt. laid aside and an ul
journment till Maralsyvraa proyMed for.
Mr. JOHNSON gave vinee ho would
nn Monday press a vote on the case' di
Thasupplementsfy reconstruction bill
was taken up.
Mr.lloWlispoae in Its farcr.
Mr. HOWE said ho should address
himself chicly to the manifesto of his
collengue tMr. Doolittle.) The opening
of that gentleman's remarks was Mart
ling. He said ho saw in this -supple
mental bill thh overthrow eta republican
government in ten of the southern
States and cushy other alarming things.
But ho reminded him very much of the
Irish member, Sir Doyle Roche, who
near nr - ros.titterient speaker,
smells rat; I nee him floating in the air:
but I aluill nip him in the hod." [Laugh
ter.) There wits about as much need tor
serious alarm In the sentences of
the Seitator. • But the people- were
quite competent to place the prop.
erestimate on - the laeguage he wed.
After alluding to Mr.. Doolittle.
change ofcourse in polities, be. minuet
to ask where was Lis colleague's emu
mission for standing here In the Senate
as the champion of the Cloche:au race.
He denies the disloyelty of the white
'race an the South, and says they were
dragooned Auto the reixtlion. by th.
Radical minority, end .the Cautssiar
white majority were overcome by Bleb
leaders. Then Le terns around end ac
cuses the bLock men of being rebels. lie
, recounts. the loess. end .fferiage at the
whites "and then quotes an bistori.
eel example( in the 121,0 of the Roman
Province of latetum, which rebelled but
was treated by the . Emperor Ca.
millus - with magnanimlty after
being conquered, and its people were
I not compelled to submit to the control
of their slaves. Be now contended that
no Emperor of minas treated rebels with
as mums kindness and nurapiaultnity
the United States Government treated
' Southern traitors. But it was said -the
Republican party wanted, to strengthen
themselves by enfranchising the blacks
and dinfreochising. the .whites, yet
what was to prevent that party
teem neared these whim rebel"-
do come into the organization. The
Democrats bud neither to offer them; for
they Were Roarer than Soo rebel, then,-
selves. Eat no each motive Impelled the.
Republican party. The supremacy of
the (internment and laws of the United -
States was paramount with the Coma! ,
tution. In selecting loyal blacks uppu
whom to confer the right of suffrage wo
e:acne to the conclusien that blwlrmen
should have a voice, In the lots'
government of the South, and we are iir
terminedin the interests of the very in
tegrity of the Republic that such a con
eutumation shall be effected.. -
• Mr. HOWE went on at length to show
the power invested In the Supreme
Government to app int provisional gov
ernments for the Southern States, and to
reconstruct them In accordance with the.
Constitution by guaranteeing. to each a
republican form.
In coceluaion, he said all on the other
aide of the Chamber- bad • closed,. their '
harangnes with terrible threats and prO.
pileaieu of dimmer to the Republuso
party In the coming autumn. • He did
net tear them. But wore it no, the ohm
test should not then be ended. He said
no man could conscientiously go in his.
closet and pray to' his creator for any
other object in this struggle than those
for which the Republican party will vale,
and closed by eulogizing its effort hith
erto, Charging the Dernocrafio party with
the entire ;expansibility for the war, and
by predicting the auccess rind triumph
and, vindication of the Coogrenslonal
poli. -
Mr. cy TERRY obtained the titter on the
bill, but ou motion of Mr. HARLAN,
the further consideration was postponed
till •3londoy.
The Senate took op the bill to provide
for the formation el corporations and •
regulating tine name In the District at ,
dombie. Discussed by Messrs. John-
son, Harlan, Willey and . Cookling, the
latter condemning the bill as granting
unprecedented license. - The ,hill wan
Mounded an no to require the principal
ralloenst of corporations to be kept in the
District of Columbia, and by rushing
Oriente property of stock holders lu ter
rain C 2205 liable to the tunetnot of the Pit
value of their stock.
• Alter further verbal amendment the
bill was panned ton third reading, and
Mr..•IIUCII:ALEW called for. the yea !
and nays on its final passage.
'There 'being not more - thane thantwenty
Senators present, the bail was postponed.
Mr. SUMNER tried to call up the bill •
to regulate the aelaction of °Moors, Rs., •
In the Dintriet of Columbia:but as mo
tion of Ms. HENDRICKS the Senate
adjourned till Monday - . . • • , •
Mr. DODGii presented a resolution of
the Supervisor,' of Polk county, lowa, in
relation to tha rights of American cid:
sans - abroad. Referred to Committee en
Voraign - Affairs.
On motion of Mr.I3LAIAE, the keen;
tary of the Treasury woe directed to
urn ore infonnation as to the amount of
property eetzed for frauds on the tor ee
nue, and the amount realized tberefrona.
Tne SPEAKER promoted a communi
cation from the Secretary , of the Navy
In ',newer to a resonation as he diebilnt t
nations against sonars and 1,4 m lb ap
pointmenta in the Navy "Departmemt.
Iteferred to the Committee on :Coral A 1%.
fairs: . 1 , •
• 1 :aloe, onnimnoleation from tins Secre
tary of the Treasmy,:relativ i a tbe pro-
Canale' sale
" p
44cy. k
li n ef tbe e
to 311.118owjetP
taittee on teavnal-Alistreh
Also, a letter from 'Governor _Pease
nod Judge Caldwell. . of Term% So reftk
once to affairs In lbat Stat.. lieforsed to
WAtiffllL'llliE. Minors, from
Commltteeoo Appropriatkno, reporter
the Naya*Rertv - dada* BUY, appropri
etlaz $13.076;045. - ltadA the specie] erdet
for the 19th of February.
Also. the Consular , and •Diplomatic 1
Appropriation Bll.l,appropriatingsl,74l,,i
.134. Recommitted.
onto LEG15T.,71711.F4..ND TEM CO:CATITt-
Mr. EGGLESTON presented a joint
resolution of the Ohio Leglalatnre with
drawuig ,the mtiheation ofthe Constitu.
Ilona' amendment, and requesting the
return to the Gervernet of the eateial pa
pets on. file in Weettittigton giving the lue
sent IWO .tO milli amendment.
The elution ...unordered to be print
ed and eferred to Judiciary Committee.
Mr. EGGLESTON said it was 'doubt
ful. whether the peraons, coiled on for
eucispapere lad is right ta.return ,theitt
to the Governor of Ohio. }Teethe desired
to nay that the Legislature of Ohio; itt
passing atlett Joint •recotutlon, had gone
agninst the wishes of the people of that
State; that.tbere . had Leen recc thy art
election in one of the Congressional DiA
triels where that iniquity inuf k he n pre
sented before the people and that the re
sult of the elietion was partly.owing to
the action of the Legialatote.
The Judiciary occrulittut were in
structed to reptirt whether u S tato h. a
right to withdraw ha a.oent. '
Mr. WASIIBURN E, of 1115.., reported
tho-military academy appropriation hill.
Ordered to be printed, referred to Com
mittee erne Whole and made thespeend
order for Monday next. • • -
On motion of Mr. CLARK., of 'Kansa..
a resolution was adopted Inquiring loin ou
the expe d iency
plucing the
mace Massacre en the same footing as if
killed In the service otthe United States;
FIIEERY c a 1117RIAII HITE.11110::
Iifx.:ELLIOTT, from the Commit.
tee on Freedmen A.Tatra, reported a bill
to cannon° the Freedmen't Bureau.
Ordered Labe printed .and recommited:
The, first sectlen provides for the con.
tinnanee of the Bureau for one year after
the 16th of July, 1661. The second sec
tion directs the Seeretarrof War to with.
draw the Bureau from the States resin.
'tinted la Congress, uuleas sites consul
tation with the Commissioner. and upon
his', own examination; he is sathdledit
should be continued; providing that the
educational division shall not be affected
until suitable provision la made within
the State for the education of the chliaren
of 'Freedmen. The third section per
mits the Commissioner to employ the
unexpended balance net requited for the
due execution of the laws, for educational
'purposes, to be subject to the provPsloos
of the lawapplicable thereto. The fourth
section permits emeere of the Veteran
Reserve Carps or volunteer servitvi, on
duty under the Cenuissioner, who have
been or mar be , mtuteredeut ofrerviee. to
be retained when required for the propel
0.20C111100 of the *lv, with the saute
compensation and authority ma new con
ferred by law on theoficers of the Bureau
of the same grade.. .
Tho lipase proceeded to the consider
ntion of (he Kentucky contested election
case of Brown end Smith. •
Daring the debate Mr. ALLISON' re.
ported from the Conference Committee
oil the cotton tax bill, which, after an
anithated disci:melon, arm agreed to -.30
hundred end four
_yeas to. forty-three
Without coming to a vote on the Ken
tack) 'election rate, the It ,use adjourned
—The IsTorth Carolina Convention
terday adopted,with a slight amendment,
the article/ on the Governor and other
oxectitlre officer.. Majority and miner
re iorts on Si:terrace were presented.
I. committee efAre, appointed to report
the C 1111902 of persons entitled to be re
lieved from politigal disabilities, made a
report, It reqrdres every able bodied
citizen between the ages of met:tie-one
and forty, without distinction filmier, to
perform military duty, except those a hr.
bare religious scruple., The Conven-
tion by a test vete tabled a resolution to
, sver of gsaosat amnesty. The reporter
, if the new Delay Coratittios was expel!.
from the•Cenvention by the President
for the nee of the word . nitigera" in his
report- . •
. —The Maasachnsetts fainielmire Cmc
eultte• have reported a bill licensing
Glitter dealers., which will be •preseptod
in the House forthwith. The bill confer,
pOwer en the Mayors and Aldermen at
Ades and select men of Merest° linens..
their several Immitties, the amount
eharged for lifasuner ranging from
000. Rales are fortolddim beatireou mid
night and five o'clock to the morning,
and any start ofSultday. Trio bill pro
vides for the punishment by (role or to.
pritonment for infraction of itsprovis••
—Ana meeting of publishers mewl an-'
Ihrirs at Nevr . York, Thursday evening, a
resolution was adopted Saytring the es
tablishment of an intur nationalcopyrigh!
tietweei the United Stales and thenstions
of continental Florupe. Meaux. Putnam.
darn. Parton, Egberr Henry
Iverson and Or. Prime were appointed a
.7orn mince to digest •egatem of regula
tions which may serve - as a basis for nn
international copyright hoe. report at
future meeting.
Kansas Legislature Thursday
Rawson a resolution mking Can:lures, to
annul the Joy porch . ..3 of Cherokee
lands. The resolution set forth the
twenty thousand cititens of Kanans are
thsse lands, and that by the bahe they
wtA bo ousted from their homes, and
the State asks on their behalf to set
aside the isle of the interior Doper:molt,
:toil allow the... Were to take the lands,
'and If that cannot be done, Kansas pro
poses to buy them for the settlers.
Leavenworth, , Kansae, Friday
morning, .four buildings wore destroyed
by fire. The principal losers were Slott
Sr Woodruff, dry geode inerchautsutbout
$27,000, partiolly trfaurod; D., Fiasher.
dry goddo merchant, about ono 1.1/01
'took lost; fully insured; Lleper A Co..
wholeeale baneful slow dealer., Insured;
ttleoldaby A Ca., bout and shoo dealers,
partsal loss, (Inured: Mites Downey,
milliner, total lms, Insured g2,00o; Mer
cantile Library, about 3,000 volnmea, to
tal loss, partially insured. Total loot on
buildings S 50,000; insured 1)25.000. Lass
of occuptut% about fil00,000; Insuranee
about firViOn.
—The . negotiations for some time
pending Lave :,been concluded between .
the Baltimore and Ohio, Marietta and
Cindnnstland Indianapolis, Cincinnati,
and Lafayette Railroad Companies, by
winch these linea so far an working sr
! outgenttents aro concerned, are to be one.
The Little Miami Railroad Company has
banished lamps from their care, and use
only candles. •
—The schooner Lone Sear, from Savan
noh,Cloorgli, for Hilton Head, yesterday,
with ten passengers and throe' deck
bands, Ain blown to sea, whore she was
overhauled by the bark Eureka. Only
throe persons were caved, and in
swan an exhausted condition Cant they
cannot tell what became of this others.
They waro all negro., I,
—Murray, Eddy& Co,e lottery 'utuno-
gem. were enloirunl yesterday, in Cov
ington, Kentucky. from, glvswing the
Kentucky State Lottery forth° lament or
the Shelby Cllege, Franco, Sculitt tt, Co.
being the only parties authorized by.
law to draw under that charter:
—Tne Protestant Episcopalrionie or
Bishops 'dß moot IA St. John's Chapel,
New York, Wednesday next, tt ehoove
is Bishop for Oregon, In place of Bishop
Scutt. who died In J . uly law. Bishop
Smith will provide.,
—Twenty-seven prominent; to rehacto
nod business men of St. lade, left
yesterday for Boston, tos.tend theCoru
morels! Convention to be held there on
February bib., , ....
- —A meeting of ra Brae a, ateamrat, and
hotel"men and citizens general will be
held at Ste LouLs le-day to take notion to
secure, If possible, the bolding of limo
• National intmocmtle Conventiot In St..
.Mayor Thomas; of St. iAului has ve
toed MP ordinance recently passed lty the
City Council repealing is part of he aun-
N-Atlionniontb, Illlnelti. l mrsday.
ight, Marshall White, a cote d man,.
ration:et dead by a Depot" Sherri' pridle
htteloptlng to break jell. v -
- —A boiler to a saw-mill near
, Itt.txter,
Michigan, exploded yesterday. • Two
brother& .niuned arneld, were killed,
'and two other Men injured. ...111
—The Louisiana Convention yesterday
'adopted articles; °EA. -oonatltlition IA
far 1111, still under Mottle of, cants al
provisions. . .
L--Itiw. John Mel( sboo; nowhnjhrlw
ford In Canada for partlelpstioir hi the
Patio n ‘.bleasioni It Ix; steed- ellhatmA
be released.. • .1 - .. r .
I/ ''
—Tbe atearoer Cella, from London, or.
rived at New York yesterday. : • - •
.--Cominodore 'tiaudiefilit Is pinked'
tuilsoz9uor./ 11 ,, ..x
-./.. ,t. . .
Italian Pleat for south Anfica.
Pause of the Movement Inknown
The Mount Veanvim; Canard.
ClAnctio IlostUlty tollussla
Absurdity cf a Hostile Mal ement
Carl icharz Dints with Bismarck
..BiTotearsou to the littaMitNlß thuttu.l
ORE t 7 Bitl [MIN.
Lorxe, January al.—Dlenatehes were
receliesl aitbla bureau several . days ego
'giving on account of the raving In of the
earth tat the side of Mount Vesuvius,
whereby many lives were lout . and
hetwetswallowed no.' No inch disaster
has occurred. •
ex Exrrarnort ox TRH TAPIS
al.—Dispatches received
from Florence last night allege the Ital.
lan Government Ia about to send sub a
naval expedition to Rio do La Platte.
.Nolling la known no to the cause of this
movement. Primo Meister Hembree,
when interroaatel on the subject, de
dined to give any explanation. It la
farther reported an Italian fleet is now
lying In the Itay of Naples preparing to
sail for youth America.
NAP1.1 . ...4, January 31.—The Italian fleet
now In this harbor, which has been get
ting ready for sea. has reeelved erdore
sail forthwith for RlGlYammuykarttliusy.
All information ha.regani to the expedi
tion isrlgoroosly withheld .by the Gov
ernment and naval . oflirials. The apdi
nation only is known.
1,104T11.17, 1.104 . 6311151' I.7.tintlINDED.
Losoorc January 31.—Dr. Armina.
Vambrov, a well known trtivellet in
Central Asia, h. written a totter to tilt
London Toner. in which lie proves tit
shwitality of the reports that the Chim
tlevernurtent is preparing. a hoetils move
ment. against the • Russians on the bur
dens of the Empire. •
I 3:13110
. .
Ilentl..N. January 31.—General Carl
Sl,hurz to-day dined with Count Ills
marl* and 11)11111ler, Of the Federal
Counril of thoNerth tPerneen Staten.
VIENWA, January 31.—The RelebaratL
erl/1 reaxsomble r,u the 17tit of February.
LON pr,N, San. :11.—EvrAii11.--Cuu.ll,
JAi ti.131 . 4,73i1 [lnnAl* bentrcd,Sdi;
LI 'V 1:It'
.runi., 340-
nnehzing,l; .1." 15.000 bal.. Corn, .130
Wfurat .4!er, but not lower. Lan!,
SL.N. Chow, Tealsw, 12.4 3d.
others Utich.emel.
The MeArdle Case Argued.
Diplomatic and Consular BiIL
Niveriznination la the Navy Yard
Peace Convention In Mission
irr - l<lttse inttOodorgb I.l4.zatlNO
W, 4 IIINOIUN, January 3!, 1,46 , 1.
Tta Iloss. MUIt ry couvoltlee !Aria
amr - ningclevidell to 1 . 9110111 bill author
:4l)7. the .S.e—reLary of the l'reaLtury to
.v4tat,li,h a l'altwd Snatta. Arsannl at Fart
l/ar : 4l Ruatiell , ltakr•ta, near rhe;vauna
or S-o.o'ol.
The SPAT-din ease no. celled op In the
Supremo court this ',Remora,. Judge
Regime appeared sod entered a motion
to here the Court diontise the case on the
ground of n want of jurisdiction. The
Court signified Ito williugnew to bear
the argument it. support of the motion,
,tud Jutiv Hogiteaprefeeted to elate the
po s ition .of the case, as ho soul, for the
information of the Court. Ito Raid the
ut this Court extend. only
,aanS coming op in the regular form of
Appeal front the District Courts of the
United Stater and from the regularly
oomtitimsl State Courts, under the sot of
Congers,' of Feb. 5, 1567, under which
Ann Is brought op. Ile maintained
that the - Supremo Court heti no Jurisdic
tion teostuso the 'oaten,' dor• not confer
It. if. It has no jurisdiction the only
'thing tube doen Is to dismiss theca..
Judge ilughoo than pyruceeded to inquire
whether the terms of the art of Feb. Ath.
hod any application to the ease; and
ante whether the late rebel States were
in such a condition with regard to their
Courts as to warrant an appeal being
taken from them to the Supreme Court.
The appeal lat the ruse was founded by
said Court upon the assumption that . the,
reeonstru,tion act. of Outgrows worn un
constitutional. 'Chat. ho odd, was the
Pivot utem which the ease turned., i n
•upport of thol, Judge Hughes rend front
the petitime of AVA.rdlo. lie claimed
that the puroort of the raatuatruelion
acts earl tales the idea that the question
of reconstruction was to boa football be
tween the United States Courto ond OM
At , three o'clock Chief Justice Chase
AnDOUDOIKI that the GUM W001(1 go over
othil nett Friday. when Curtner ergo.
rent Will ho beard. Court then ad
'They Consrdar and Dlplornatid bill ro•
portod tn.lay wakes no appropriation
for Minister r.ident to Portugal. It
prohibits halarhano any Conant or Con
sul General, Consular or Cnintnerelal
Agents, exialpting -
is ilia hots. -. Any army or na
vy officer who shall aneepi - : or
hold a civil Wilco vacates 11111 office
In the army or navy, and It shall be fill
ed au if ho had resigned. No diplomatic
or consular officer Is to recoivolna salary
for the Moe ho Is absent from his ;sett,
by leavo or otherwise, it such abets:lce
exceed sixty days in the year.
• 1414 v TA RD runes.
The Semetary of the Nary ; In reply to
a reeelutinnuf lhn Ituurte, says that In his
order of January lath; ISO. be tinged the
force In - the Nary Yonly . K.l ognow much
reduced, there Is greate nemeilty.tban
heretofore for the employment of enly the
moat skilled workmen and beat laborers,
and aeorddintily on lunch of the preview
order as required preferrenen to be given
to those who baler served in the navy
and marine corps la repealed.
SNACM .cOtoyetrioet.
A PM* Convention in now in sonsion
In Washington, with lir. Love for Pree
biota end Mine Cringe l'or Secretary. The
Convention will adjourn to meet in New
York_ during the anniversary week in
May. Cody Stanton made a ispirk
ed addresit In the Convention thla morn
.hinting . eines Av.reired—llisk
nomad. • •
Cs, Ted ogniat N W ritrabirito Ossatte./
DSTIMIT. Mien., January 31.—T40
Ctontortuitig prattles °Mee at.'Bort IIn•
rou, burned BIN-morning. Lou.
The Flrot National Bank at Bay City re-
eamro, buulnoYv to-morrow. It la . now In
tLo hantlo rtoponnlbl6 rnon.'
—.Thuredne night, at llomplda, five,
men approached the honor of W. 1.. Por
ter, near the Fair gTO , ltllttl, called him
out nod dntd at him.. He returned the
fi re,'Ltit WAS Inahurtly altot through the
right arm. -He managed to. regain the
tense, and closed the door. The tuatall
nail then left. Porter la ezittlifered earl
nuitly,Jujured, and relate to hays Ma
Arm amputated. There he no clue to the
iterptlndoratotthe outrage. - •
MI AND 81111111BAN,'''''
Letter Ltsts.—On our fourth page will
be tented the Pittsburgh and. Allegheny
letterldets us tontlehed this case for
/611.1111.0411. D. DISASTER
AEWallin OS lb. IPlMPinVilail•
.0/10.41•411 lAMB drum ttwa
'swank anal Iva Sllsn isaleism
lansvarralt Illasadad. •
A mast frightful accident, which came
neat being - a repetition of. the terrible
Angela *ISM:, on the Lake Share road
recently, occurred on the Pinzusylvards
Central . Railroad yesterday morning,
near MIA Creek Statics, anou t forty milei
sestet' Altoona. The Fast Line prason
ger. henna east, which' left this city
at ' Thursday evening, passing
the iiolnt earned ran on it broken rail,
throwing five rear cars from the
tract and down 1112 erut4nkment several
feet height: Three of tie Carl ' tesplaysd.
were sleeping cars and the other two
coma:sea paneenger coached. Almost her
mediately after the accident one of the,
sleeping cars caught lire, widen, with
the twe ..pmenipx..ociactsittiod , in Silver
no entirelreorummed by
the Seines. So far as can be ascertained
there was but one persorikilled, and live
wounded, nono of them seriously, how;
seer. There wire but few passengers on
the train, which to acme extent accounts
fur the almost miraculous escape from
a disaster too terrible to contemplate.
Among the pawangers were Dir. and Mn.
Patrick Duggan, lately residing et No.
IG7 Pennsylvania avenue, In Uzi. city.
They were en their way to California at
the time of the accident:. Mrs.
was instantly killed. She Is said ti nt :C l : n o
been sitting by the stare iln one of the
can 4 the limo of the occurrence, but
the erects° manner of her death we have
not been able to ascertain. Fier brother
was with her, and says that when he
Brat sale her in the ear after the accident
airs was dead, •with both legs cot off.
Ske was subsequently partially burned
with. the burning car. ; tier remains,
we are Informed, will be. brought tothis
city' for interment. I.
Patrick Duggan, the 'husband of th e
unfortunate woman whose death we
have lateutloned. wan sitting beside her
etthe tins. of the wreck,l and was badly
iodated about the head and face. His in
juries,, though serious, are we be
lieve, considered , dangerous.
• 'lira fkorge Adams, residing at N 0.13
Woodland Terrace, West Plilladelpkia.
was slightly burned. -;
" J. Manaus, of Indianapolis. wassligbb
ly tuiturod lu the spine, but received no
=trio= hurt..
• Mrs.' ?tart Crottee, Crawfordsville,
Eansai; , wae slightly Injured in the
breast and back.
Weikel, residing. on Cortlandt
street, New York, received injuries in the
hack s Ile will El (saver.. '
.The above is 4 eomplete list 'of the
casualties en reported to the on:leers 'of
the company. The tratni both east and
west were astsinarabout four hours on
account el the actident,il The wounded
were provided with. medical attention
nod properly cared for by the officials of
the road. •
—Attar writing the abas, we,rooeirod
the following by kelegrapli:• •
JanuirY ; 31.—An noel,
dent occurred this morning near Mal
Creek; on the Pennsylvania nallrosd, to
the Peat Passenger train ben nclesetward,
caused by a broken rail... The four rear
tin were thrown otT thatrack, end three
went down an emnatlitt, when they
took. the and w latt4,
ere All the pan
tenger' got oat, camp ng a Woman
named Anna Dacron, of rittsbnrgh. It
ts !altered abe was killed In the upset.
ting of the car. Ilerbody woe afterwards
partially burned.
The following were Injured. non• dan
berously—principally painful • bruiser,
ut no' hones broken: •
Mrs.:Geer:ea Adams. Philadelphia; J.
Mangan, ImlLannilolll,, 'Meg. Mary
Crouse, Kansas; W. Nyekle, New York;
Herbert Nuon.n, Jr „ Philadelphia; W.
W. POkell, New Jenny; I. Chase, Mich
igan; Mrs. lino. Itodinan , end daughter,
Ituswar, Lancaster.
menace she laecomiti-
I n the published recordOf perdu'. by
Governor Geary last year it appears
that that of David E. Hall: convicted of
swam:it and Watery In the. Quarter Sae
alone. of Allegheny county. end sou
tencelto al: months Imprisonment In the
puntswas granted on the moans
me edition of "I oa. J es. P. Sterrett, Pres
ident Judge of the Court that tried the
ease," among others. Notwithstanding
the "Meord," we feel authorized de con
tradict Hie statement that Judge Sterrett
recommended this pardon. Last sum
tn•r, while on a visit to the eastern part
of the State, Judge Sterrett wax solicited
by &prominent citiren of , thie county to
write to the Governor revantmending
the pat , drus of Hull. • The-Judge stated
that upon Ms return 310014 he would
prepare and send to the Goiernor.a full
statenthot of the case; but previous to his '
return !ill had been pardoned, render
ing it unntressar• to comply with hie
promise,• and he did snot commit
nionle; with the Ouveinor on the
subject of the pardon. Ilow thee ran the
"retard!' of the recommendation of
Judge Eitenvtlbe accounted for? An ex
amination of the payers in the rate at
Harrisburg will fail to reveal any letter
air writing. from him In the matter. It Is
imaxible that vil•reprosetthatlone were
mein to the Governor, causing the "re
cord" to ho made up as published. Our
object in writing this Is simply to make
known the fact that Judge Sterrett did
not recommend 'the pardon referred to,
and that the record to the contrary . Ls
not correct. Witco the Governor has
published the "reenrd " to Pantry his
actlan,:wo suggest that the correction in.
diestet be made In order that Judge
Sterrett may no: be placed Ina fates Ippnn.
talon,. or undo bear a :responalbUlty
whirls doe* not boalorify to him.
Our report, in yesterday's issue, of the
Convention which met Ls New Castle, on
Thumiley morning, for the pitrpose of
davisleg manna for tne "religious amend
ment" of the Federal Coostitullon,eleeed
with the commencement of the discus
sion on the first resolution in the major
ity report, which to ae follOwst
Re.rtred. That a National recognition
of Altidghty God, of His Nan Jeans
Christ., Our Lord and the holy Scrip.
lure. as of liapreme authority, no pm
posed In the memorial of the National
Ansociation, Is clearly a Scriptural duty,
which it I. National peril to diaregard.
' Dr..lnnk In moved to strike out no
much of thu resolution an ;would limit It
to a recognition merely, of Almighty
God sent supreme authority. The din
emotion woe enntinuftl to the hour or
adjournment, and the amendment was
lent by . a very !Urge majority, only thirty
nine voting Melt in an assembly of seine
four to Eve hundred. Pending the din
euesiou on the original resolaticm the
Convention adjourned until half-past Mx
In Om evening. . _
The Convention met again at half-past !
nix o'clock, and In the etwelke of the
President the Chalk was oonupial by
Dr. G. C. Vincent, cum of the Vloo Pres
idents. ! Prayer by Dr. Suakin. Able
and eloquent speechee • were made by
Drs. Vincent snit Junkln and. Rev. A.
M. Milligan. None of the :other resolu
tions were dincomied, and se we know
not what the Convention thought of
scriptural tests for civil omve. The Con
vention adjonrned to meet en the call of
the Committee of Arrangements. Prayer
by Dr. Vincent. • !
t Ms, em organ.
Until you lace hoard that wonderful
musical triumph, the. Burdett Organ.
The performance of oven a child upon
that perfect instrument Is more touching
and mistrally entratiCine than frmill° 44 '
Labia 'of practiced players upon meet
other organs. The effects of lbw vox Au
aiono,(lntman voice) and celestial ntopa—
a late invention and found In perfection
only to the Burdett organ-ore touching
end Ryttipathetic In the extreme, and
comparable only •to the. heart-rwarching
and tremulous tones drawn from their
violins by itri . Ole Bull ors Vieux Tempe:
The Meruira. Bieber Bro.; Weed.
street, have the sole agency, and will be
glad, nn doubt, to chow these organ gems
to all who may desire them.
Our lady reader will bear In mind
that groat, largely. In fashionable ,and
seasonable dry goods oontlatte I. be , or.
fared at the welt managed and entartalve
establishment of Bates dt Bell, No. 21
Firth street, The stock le very Jorge,
and Iniltelf, notwithstanding the reason
able prices at which tittered. is Inducing
to thews dashing choice iddections.
Teem Ls no charge for ebowlttg goad.,
mud ladles arc minted to 'call In and
ludgetur ' themselves or the opportunt
les for ?) I zwan. afforded, ,
• . .
lichtstlee cif .Wafges.—A Median" of
the Wet* of enitineent on the western
&Ceti* of the liyientittilailreed,
anti we the Veziharidle rose, is towered,
which, If ctrrect,will probably taw* it
strike by thee dam of emplorm . •
i. Imt.arettlng OePaton. •
Last night; the final ono of 'Mayor
McCarthy'. term - of camas Chief Ex
ecutive of the City, as celelfrated by
his many friends In a Sexy happy and
appropriate Manner. During yesterday
a considerable imm of money was raised
by a numb.l: of his immediate friends,
and the amount was appropriated to the
page-Lase of a! magnificent solid hunting
roes gold watch Mill massive gold chain,
with which be watipresented In the even
ing, the ceremony taking plate at his
private parlor adjoining the Mayor's
°Mee. There were misty of his friends
present, and in order 14 facilitate matters
the xasettug organized. by electing W.
N. Ogden, Esq., as Ctiairman, and Govan
M. Irwin, EN., ta Secretary. Mr. Alex
ander .1. - Mellatralse mode the speech
of the occlusion, Paying Mayor McCar.
thy high. tr and
him in terms Pri ibute est praise on tint honestcomplimenting,
faithful and jest manner ho badperform
ed his duties during his term as. Chief
Executive of . the ' city. His Honor re
' wended in a happy manner, and Mated
that while glad to acknowledge the hon
or conferred upon him by his friends, ho
felt Satins wield win enter into private
inn &Foot knowledge that while
be. had piled the responsible °Moo of
Mayor, his had over earnestly endeavor
ed to peg/erns his duty faithfully and
hetleetklt without fear or eavotttlam. At'
the conclusion of his &daress thine hearty
viscera were given for the outgoing meg--
istrate, who certainly' carries , with him
Into entirety the boat wishes of hundreds
of friandawhoi recognize In him an honest
man and a gold dune.
The next gentlepaln suprised with a
mark of outsets ,valtltr. John Floyd, the
capable and Ss-orthy outgoing Mayor's
Clerk He was presented by his friends
through Mr. Istsilwalne, with a massive
mild gold ring as a token of.their friend
ship, admiration and
. eateem. Mr.
Floyd responded in a very happy Man.
ner, turninglala thanks in the choicest
of language.
The» was 'another surprise contem
plated, and this time to Chief of Police
Scott, whose term in that rapacity also
expired last, night. He was presented
with a beautiful toilet net mad caao of dia
mond edge razors, as a gift -from his
friends and admirers. lie was not a
"talklat," on py^a vote was allowed to
favor the party with a song In response
to khe toms:fitment coaferred on him.
Ex", , Mayor. Hay, W. N. Ogden, Capt. M.
W. Lewis, Aldermen 3feliftesters, Coro
ner Clawson - end other gentlemen made
interesting epracthes on thsoccraion, eller
Which the meeting adjourned to .Vler
on Stititialeld street, where the
banquet board.was spread and waiting,
and at which Hon. James Blackmon),
the Mayor elect, presided. After several
speeches the meeting adjourned:-
RaUter•e Isms.* ter Jasuarr.
The following la a list of Letters of
AdmlnbotratloU grant.e4 and Willa ad
mitted to pro:diode, in • the County Regis.
t.r. *mon, duing the month ofJanowy.
ISII6, by Josispb.Li. Gray. FAia., Register:
LafTMILS 01 411171111iTIATION 01 . 11121 M.
, f
• Decedent. I' ' Administrator. Estate.
Edward OlNeq........Winerd 23enanys7,50o
Joker:pb B. MeV:mat ....Mary McDonald soo
John B. Y0r....J... ... *m. A. False-- ,Su
Bawler Whidirdilale...Dr.A. M. Oran}} .., ~,
li.valln• Grose. $ ""
Anemia Noi .t.e.. i
...t...kona 111. Waiter 700
/Walley M. Banish, ...David Nankin—. LOW
Ell Meredith '
Manx - , IL Kriell:... —Boma Boob. .. .. ino
Clarionlan Kuban —War. lintilman... atai
tiodfrey Magmas— ...Johniirandmon
iJanne.— .. ' ... .. . 1..
rater Medentmagli ...M. ltedenbangt, 6
David ilalilier.l.... ....einvaolti Held ler. :66
Elizabeth Miiladdnio..E.Llsahoth Culp.. Igiu
Catharine tlollei ' Adi.tu 8e11e....... inii
Ann Kendrick ' ' -Bridget Gillen—. IN
John N. 8..
_.,...,' ' ....Andrea Miller.. 450 n
Mars's J. llebOnald..P 11. Miller • WO
DsbolJ Hanka,' rillah'h Diener II
_Mary Hume. ' ' B. D. lintnea..... 5101
Jaw. Ikees...t It. Donaldson.— IWO
etwan LonahryJ T. N. Longbry— 2.756
Ephraim Poireli..l.—.Catlen Powell... stoi
Samuel Edgar.l. Win. Edg
~ar an
Wm. Itew J 1 total Ho ......, I.
Wm. T. BANDS= It .ehvl anbatenn attl
Nismry Salmon ' Anna 0000 n.... Bap
Y.llssoeth Baird H. it McLain._ 6,106
Luna A. Burnell ' Henry eel , .. 0,:
John McCann' ' Davld IleCaten.. :in
Jahn Donovan' - Mery Porter 75u
Win. A. rents -natal Phllllpe ... an
Deo. Lovell ' Jane MDebell..._ Ito
Philip I:yoetu4 . John esplans..... tau
WILL. •f 13111117. TO Taos...
jaa r .stosper . ort.ij...7l2oZassll Stes..l,
Joseph Stalts:lr /: Prtl rd. Seeksrt • arid P.
iea irwl Xanaer.
Jaw IlleCnne...l....Tboin Penny and J. B.
John Dear, Jr' U. Litegrazt and n. Dyer.
Doha McCrea ' McCrea and J. Craw
- I ford.
Ablest IL 111gb1....JoarbIllt9 and P.Boyer.
Jane. Fart.—. Samuel A. Sell
Wm. L. Ifillier.4..Geo. and A/bort
Ellsato.tb 11. McLean.
Itao). Yalta. ' IL - Potter and rt.
Damned W00d5..."....j.311. Wino. nod Wm.
.C•rooball B. Horror,
Mary Clark - -
Richard Bradllrif ...J . Carothera and 11.11 tin
I Hcenn..
Wm. Flaky Noble-Wm. Noble.
John Ilea Litom dry. R. Fending J. J. H. Moat
I Come.
Jumbo Schulz -s
Michael , • dispenser aloe In the
borough of Biruelughain, wan knocked
down by Jamb, Putorou. It appears the'.
Thursday °retiing • row was progress
in the Dismonti, - /lirmlngluttu, In which
restores wasorigaged, and Justice I.lnp,
whose• office Is hear where tho ditticutty
occurred, Mllll}, out among the party and
in hie of capacity commended the
peace, whereupon Tern - tram, without any
further provocation, attack hint en the
head with his dot and felled him to the
ground. The Justice' not liking the re=
caption ho hadvecenved, got op an noon
as pomade and beat &hasty retreat from
theatospe of the conflict, Allowing those
engaged In It te 'settle it an bed suited
their Incilnations. Smarting under the
preemie' iniaryle hod received, us well
as from the insult offered to the • dignity
of the law, ho yesterday made Inform..
lion before Alderman Nleldastars, chem.:
tog restores. with assault and battery.
A warrant was; issued for his arrest.
leery H 1 Mans. .
At Dubber, 'Fayette county. a very
smnsLog and homewhat 'Redone occur
rence took place i day or two ago. A
gay and Sixth , / married chap:made him
self meet to the wife of e cripple, and
thinking be had matters net up to .it
his purposes propoeod an elopement.
She wee insulted with the dhdionershie
proposition, btit quick as thought deed
on a plan to of square, with the tellow.
She arr.gedianeeting for Monday n ight
et a dark and hmely epot, which the de
salver readily. agreed to. Who Jour ap
proached, and OA rash lover venture] to
the place. Alb wan still, lie gave the
signal, and suddenly there sprang upon
him not the object of his love and deems
but her big brigher, to whom she had
communicate:Li w
the ,lot, . 'l' bo deceiver
was deceived and beaten isadly Into
the bargain, tit 't his life la despaired of.
Ile will try no More elopernente for env
oralenonthe to come. and should be ever
do no again be *.lll be lure to make In
quiries relative. to the muscle of
lady's fliends..l .
That proprietiv of a tobacco honey, it is
alleged, left the city "between two days"
• short Niue since, leaving sundry erect-
Norm in the lurdlr. An Information was
!made against hlm bat vs Alderman
Nicholson, charging bite with obtaining
tobatteo and cigars 'to the amount of
6577 under fele pretenette. In addition
to the ahoy° we are informed that ho
obtained VW ;won't of tobsoso Prom
another Item, and owed several leundred
dollars to 'mulles connected with the
Academof It appear* that after
gettlag all
the Stock he could purchase
on credit he sold out end quit the busi
ness, giting notpselgned with his wile's
name to seine of his mental.. 'rho of
ficers are In smirch of him.
I t ;laptfletut YVIld Cat..—We have re
m from Mr. W. W. Word, formeilv
of White, Orr rk Co.; now connected with
the great Youghiogheny Iron and Coal
Company at Weber, near Uniontown,
Pevette penury, a deed wild cat of mag
nificent. propoSoti.. It le the tenteet
ever killed In hat county, and during
tbeleat two d of Its existence killed
thirteen bee MX the farms In the neigh.
borhoo.l of Donlan% " We have had the
"critter" atriffed and to-day will pleice it
on our nulletini board In order to show
our friends vrhst royal game Mr. Ward
erm bring down with his unerring ride.
Persons well 'creed on the subject of
eats proclaim ohr stuffed ono the largest
specimen extaht.• The donor bee our
Warty thanks for the feline gift.'
We understand that a -"Soup House,"
ou the plan which was ao popular. hero
.a years avails about to be established
under the management of the Young
MMus' Chtlatian.Aaaeelatlom A meet
ing of the BoWd of Directors hes been
palled for tomorrow an0P200,2 to mi•
alder the matter, . ,
ihe titarela name:
The lady managera or "The Church
Home" Mottoes to give an oyater supper
for the benefit of that very worthy chart-.
ty, lan or about the 20th of the present
moilth, Id the Sabbath School room of
the! Trinity (Episcopal) Church. The
ladles who have the matter in hand will
epara no lialrte to( mako this a plannuat
s Oevnalen to the molly friendsOf the hunt
tukr, aa'well es one of ptellit to the In
citation Itself.
An extra expense during the past
year bag made the, extra' saint je obtain
unseal necessary. The building, which
cuistaine an everage family of neventy.
slug •persons, young and old, ,was not
properly landed eitherfor safety 'or °con
tort. The managers therefore determin
ed during the past summer to introduce
steam, thus making the building quite
fireproof and Insuring economy, after
the find expense of putting In the pipes
his been met. Au indebtedness of near
ly: two thousand dollars has thug been
incurred, and It le to meet and pay this
that the present effort Is made. This
amount Is asked over arid above the cur
rent expenses of the Herne which are
provided in other ways. A number of
the temeles are the children of decesaed
soldiers. Seam are old and helpless
persons, elaanling their beet slaym here in
nn comfort. All are 'worthy objects of
Chrtetian charity. It the Episcopal...son-,
rogations of the city will nails heartily:
to the present effort (as they surely will)
then an whce.uld them. in their enter
prise may count on having a p leasant
evening and a goad copper. And the
treasury of the Home be targely. replan- .
;Fmt - her imd timely notice of the sup
per milli he given through the daily
rimers of theleliy.
• Molt Liquor.. . •
The use of malt liquors, is becoming
iintolit universal, and In the hug few
years the quality of ale and porter
brewed in this country has been, won
aerially improved, no that at the press
kit day wik, have ale brewed in Pitts.
Burgh, equal to the best Scotch or Eng!
lish ales, and the porter compares
favorably with any In the world. The
firm of Pier, Deanna 6: Co., pro meters
of the old Oregon Brewery, have • con
tributed largely to tills improvement,
and tiepin" of their brewing have a
world-wide reputation for purity and
excellkinee of quality. The present high
fever in white their liquors are held Is
mainly attributable to the fact that they
use only the best malt. and malarial of
all kinds, and employ the meat experi
enced.. brewers to their es tablishment,
consequently producing the very best
quality of liquors. The Old Oregon has
long been the !wading brewery. In the
,Stgto, and the present proprietors ore'
iaalermined that it shall lose none of its
prestige, while in their hands. The firm
Is Composed of reliable, trustworthy,
honest and fair dealing men, and we
take r11e.181.111, in commending them, us
well ao'tbrir ales and porter, to the public-
Counterfoil Bann nitro D 4 VI
{We are pleased to know, forms a speci
alty in connection with the system of
Practical banking so successfully taught
in the Iron City College, Heath's Govern
inent Counterfeit flank Note Detector,
pllixhed by anthotlty of the United
.rotes Treasury Department, has ing Leo D
test to the .1 . the College ever
Since its first publication. This Is s
Atantlard work on the Arrof Counterfeit
flank Note Detecting, amonuall bankers,
he dreigus I ilustrating the different parts
our currency and Treasury notes hav
ing been printed directly from the Gov
rornent plates, All students of the Col
-1.'20 receive gratuitous illStrUCtioll to
Mix important branch of a business eilj
cation. All dished in eonoern
ng the College MO be obtained by ad-
Irm,sing the Principals, Smith ,t Cow
toy, Pittsburgh, Pa.
raylollott ee ten eeeeee Valley
I About half-past live o'clock Thursday.
evening an explosion occurred on the
I.llegherty Valley Raiireed, by which,
fortunately, no one was injured. At the
time mentioned an accommodation train
was Rinsing the Allegheny Arsenal,
when one of the cylinder heads of the
looemotive blew out, wrecking the ca
gine pretty cefoctually. The engineer
end fireman escaped Min,. A - men was
' , standing on. the foot-4,mM of the loco-.
;mot ive, nail both ends of the board were
blown off and he was left standing, us
nn the middle portion. Hines
•ape was certainly little boo than a
,ntirsele. The driving, beams and wheels
pf the locomotive were shattered and the
locometi VP badly wrecked.
A. G. Pityeielan of the
Board of Health report* the following
'lntertnente in the city froth Jannazy IP
Ito January:2S, ISGS:
Stitroknition 1; puerperal fever I; nee
'eons fever; gastro enteritis 1; calmer I:
:•yphlills 1; old age 2; anaemia •1; nod
dent I; consumption 2; ers;slpelas 3;
burned 2; nle , Otile.rie anegtion 1; mogul
NiUng2.; tnee:OLe of spine I; pneumonia. 4:
!bpi rocaphalus 2; still born I;
Of the above there were: Under one
8: from five toter,. I; fen to fifteen,
[I; fifteen to tw.ty, 3; twenty to thirty,
[4; thirty to forty, 2; forty to fifty, 1; sixty
to eoventy, :1; seventy to eighty, I; eight
'to ninety l; bluely ono hundred, I.•
Of the abovo number there were It
'males and 9 females, waking a tottdof
Art Mani ou mo Penalsylrani& Rail
The Day Express train Fleet on the
Pennsylvania liallread, which left the
Union Depot at three o'clock Thursday
nv - truing, met with an "Pack
tintitllf," beyond the Fllairsvillo Inter
lacction, by which the sleeping oar, No.
of tho 3dver Pala. Line, was thrown
!front the track a:tab:ally wrecked; but,
inotwithstanding it contained a number
inf occupants at the time, no eta was
;Minn ti. M. the point named the train
:ran 1::),11 a broken rail. The "Thrwarci
!ptrt 4 r die trail, passed over tho nit
tfely; Lit the palace car wee thrown
,from the .<:md LKAIt• trucks hauled
Trott nod,
The Youghiogheny Iron and Coal Com '
pany, which is pleasantly bloated on the
line of tho Pittsburgh and Cennellsrille
Railroad, at Punbar, Is now` lining up
and haring now hearths put In. The
furnaces weru in full blast during the
long stretch of One year without a singl e
Interruption. The parity of tho works
is to be doubled. The lands of the Com
pany In that neighborhood are rich with
coal, ore, glare, sand, limestone and mar
ble, and comprise over, nix thousand
acres. 'rho furnace Is In chargoof Mr.'
Josiah Palmer, one of the 11108 t aktltful
and cam/rimmed founders In thin coun
try, Our esteemed friend W. W. Ward,
Esq., has charge of - the o ffi ce and store,
and runs a Board of Trade -to his heart
felt satisfaction, especially on Saturdays,
when his °Ellen W. crowded with hum
at MIS of niinero and mountaineers sax
logs to tradofor nnythlng tradeable, from
Jack-knife up to a farm.
Burglary In Est Ilbertv---Tho bur
glars who for some time plied their oc
cupation,* successfully in the city hove,
It appears, transferred their operations
to a dltrercui field, the suburban
. villages where they are meeting with
]toleratity good cocoas. Thursday night
the shoo storo or Me. Stewart, 'ln East
Liberty, a as broken open and goods to
the alpount of ouo hundred dollar. ab
atracted therefrom. Thu building was
ent.4,l through' a back window. The
Iperpetnitors left no tntoes behind them
calculated to load to their detection.
Itebbery.— The house of Mr. Benjamin
;Kennedy on Lemck turret.. Allegheny,
was entered Thursday. night •by come
meratin unknown and two overcoats,
:which were hanging in the ball, and a
aumber of other articles taken. The
front door was standing open Friday
'morning, and es it hot been bolted on
;the Inside the night before, the anapest
lion is that the thief gained. admits:non to
!the house in the evening before It wax
'locked up and secrete:l hininelf until the
Balmily retired, whin he quietly walked
all' with his palmist.
A atrilm Expecteg.—Tbo coal dealers.
nu thollno of the Pe wisylvania and Pan
hondlo Ilallroadal hye rosolrod tomato,
u redirdlon in the ‘ am paid to miners
one cent per bush l,dei eousequeuce of
which a strike is antl Mated. At present
grlocs. tour cents per bushel, dealers
=mot Mak° ono or it, per humbel. and
Unless they can get u eduction they will
stop working the ml . , ,as they consider
the coal worth ono ce , t per basket lathe
wine o looomotiio
itched to the Sten%) AOCOMMO..
llatlon Valli on the'r handle road, eel,'
Ispned Lai .flue ycede day morning at
halhpast eight o'cloc. , near Mansfield.
The engine was bad • used - up, Lot
fortunately the firm -• and enkinf sr,
:who worn en . the ye at the. time
of Ma ocean once escaped, uninjured,
The traht vies delayed untilanot4erlc.93,
pollrearrived. .
Cbreskie ntseamm—The 'Lenge;
The ale In passing into the Lam has
to pass through the Pharynx; Earlx,'
Trachea and Bronchea. • Each of these
organs is subject to disease, whirl,
feats itself by pain, increased e
of a starciaj,mucoos, which is sometimes
tinged with blood, and is the oceaalen of
frequently • needless alarm. ;14 die
eases of the throeitand air passages lead
ing to the lungs, no one can be too kart..
tel In applying a !Timely remedy, for
although these dr:seise" may net neeeetaa•
rily be conaldered dinieeous, they will,
If neglected, lead to 'thaw of an almost
certainly fatal tendency - . There is not
one of them which, may n.c4; be cured in
a very; short time by the timely !applies-
Von of a suitable remedy.. It lama well,
however, to use in suciefessee merely
local tiPP.iitntiOntebYwsy of intuditione,
and - the' injection- 67-. spray or mist
which has by'- • 101311" writers.: been
termed atomisation; for, whilst these do'
good to the local - affection,iheyareprone .
to drive the disease further doWn the
throat, said. in all probability into the
substance of the lungs. One of the best ,
'near" of treatment lei to. the vein"
and arteries with good blood; pleat:iced:
by good digestion and a healthy; stem
aCit. The cough and-morbid symptemet"
ntlnsty-an cases out ore htut&edvaill ,
be completelyandinulckly cured by Dr:
Keyimr's. 'Pectoral
i Syrup,. which
solvesand &lattudes. from ; the.- human'
stymie-ea the tuoihid,colisaidnet which:6olj
lectandeibiteud. the iithintei 'Teasel" or
the Mugs and tubes" quit lead - thereto.;
These once denpitied 'of their ' Redd- con -t
tents and an-filled With healthy blood
will soon shrink to their'. normal- state,i
coughing will cesse,• the , secrettons het
lessened, end healtirrestored. --• Dr.-Key
sea also prepares a remedy 'called.,Lung,
Cure, or Pulmonary Restorative,
is composed of temple materials gather 1
ed from the great storehouse of nature,.
end whictiOn long standing caste, is one 1
oldie best medicines ever 'discovered:. • ;
Dr. Eerier's Lung Care Is' readily diJ
seated and assimilated with the blood,.
and carries to each point of diseased the.'
gees healthy plasma capable-of ,restor
inerieet fundlow. - It hue suchen
ley for. the human . system, that any one
who will testa few doses • will at' once be
convinced of its adaptation to the. care
of a Vast number of diseases having
their origin in a disordered state 4r the
visceru, especially ehosoot the cheat - and
the organs connected with respiration.
Any one who will 'reflect at • all - knows
very well than whatever will bring the
systeni into a healthy state will enable it
to heal ulcers or sores in the hnotansys
tam wherever located. • Therefore, Dr.
Keyser'e Lung Ciro Ja..deatined.,at no
diatantdey to occupy ehigh place among
the remedies for the cure of all diseases
of a pulmonary character.
Sold al Doctor's great ' Medicine
Store,e 140 K cod street. • - - -
Dr. Keyser's resident consulting °Mee
for lung examinations and the treatment
of obstinate chronic diseases,. No-I'X
Penn street, from 0 aor. until 4 r. x.
The' imisatsust improvements In, the
East, Libertylfethediat Episcopal church
have been completed.. Thri . edifice has
been remoddied tturnr4ibont, and is a
model .or architectural tawny. No ex
pense has been spared to make it worthy
of the most fastidious elite of that hand
some place. Fully twenty-eight thou
axed dollars have keen expended Inmod-•
enticing and forniahing the structure in
an elegabt manner. Bishop Simpson,
that prince of pulpit "orators, preacbas
the re-openlogsermon to-morrow. in the
morning, and Rem Dr. It. Sliller will
preach in the afternoon. The pastor,
Rev. W. Pitt Turner, expects other min
sters to participate: We expect a large
crowd will be prasenk
A yeti pleasant prof courtesy was
extended the passengers on board a train
of can delayed by the snow a tow days
since by the officials on the BMW*,
sorry and Pittsburgh Railroad, connect
ing with the Allegheny Valley road.
While thus detained, Daniel Williams,
Esq., one of Bus directors of the road,
came up with a number of sleighs and
conveyed the passengers to Brocton,
where a somptous dinner was served np
at the Company's expense. In the after
noon the passengers were conveyed to
the estubtishments of the Lake Shore
Wine Company, where they were shown
through the extensive works and hand
semety entertained by G. E. Ryckraan
of that Company.
After full justice had been done to the
hospitalities extended, a meeting of the
passengers was organized. O. W. John
son; of Fredonia wan President,- and A.
tL Judson, of Dunkirk, Secretary. Nu
merous complimental speeche s were
made and a committee ttbree,. consist
ing of J. Cook, Esq...of Butaln Mr.
Whitford, of—, and .I. T. Ely, E sq.; of
Mayville, were appointed a comauttee
to draftresolutions. The passengers
were so agreeably entertained during
their detention thatneither the ladles nor
gentlemen regretted he time lost..
Lectere.—Subject "The Itesurroction."
Rev. W. • IL Boned, Minister of the
New Jerusalem Church, corner of Wood
dud Sixth street, will lecture en the
above named sub ject on Sunday even
ing. The doctrine of the resurrection of
the material Ixsly of man, so universally
believed !mall Christian sects, is discard
ed be- the Swedenborgisris, and by them
it Is 'believed that only the spiritual part,
boly, rises atter death. To confirm
this doctrine by strong rational 'argu
ment Is Itelieyed to be within thit
power of all intelligent readers of Owe
denberitian (midi, and especially by' the
Ministers of tt e church.
Theatre Rowley Night.—At the request
of the Young Men's Christian A.1410C111.
Oen, Rev. Joseph Sing will deliver a
discourse on "Jam; His Mission and
Savior power," to-morrow (Sunday)
eight, at half past seven o'clock, In the
"Old Pittsburgh Theatre," Fifth street.
At four in the afternoon there will be
two prayer meetings, held under, the
auspices of the
Is Association, one at
the "Allegheny. Engine House," the
other at the "Soldiers' League R00M.,"
on Laeock street, opposite the "Anchor.
Cotton Works," Allegheny city.
. Dra h of an Estimable L.dy.—Wo are
pained to announce the .death, after n
brief illness, of Mrs. Catherine Flood,
relict of the late Th miss Flood, Esq.,
and mothenin-law of our fellow-citizen.
John A. 'Strain, Esq., which occurred -
yeaterdav at her _residence on Grant
street. ]he deceased was an estimable
christlan lady, beloved and respected by
all who enjoyed her acquaintance, and
her loss will be 'deeply mourned. Her
funeral will take place according to an
announcement in our obituary columns.
The Cohen Transaction.—Abraham Co
hen. of the Arm of Goldanatan, Cohen
Co., of New York, whoa(' arrest on •
charge of larceny by bailee win.noticed
eentordar, wan committed in dnfault of
the required ball. Two additional infor
mation; one by William Pr .Is, and the
other by Ruben Wittmesader, charging
him with concealing goodi to defraud
creditor; were mad• ngainat him before
Alderman Humbert, who lodged • coin,
naltmant against him in each cane.
. Union Park.—lowers of tbe."artakat•
aria]," who wish to Indulge in the exit
vesting exercise to-day, will be pleased
to learn that the los at this popular re
tort is In excellent condition, smooth.
solid and level as a floor. A brass band
will add much to the enjoyment! of the
oecaslon.: by disoottming soul stirring'
innate throniboutotbe afternoon and,
evening, and We predict for all who may,
tend n pleasant 94 happy time. •
Good Chante.---Ml'. Valliant Green of
lila well known and profitable septa;
CUrnishing store, No. 9814mIthdeldetreet,
Mr sale at a groat bargain. This Mandl*
well estobliiihed, having been conducted
with ability and encase by Mr. Green
daring the past live yearn. • &etre to
return to England prompts and renders
necessary the sale. Small capltalLsta
will recognize in this a rare opportunity
or investment • ' • '
Religions—Rey. Arthur tho
Nestorian Priest will preach tomorrow
as follows: At Jot o'clock. a. m., In'the
Sandusky street Baptist Church,' Alla
gberm at three o'clock p. the Sao;
cod U. I'. Church, AlleiMeny, and at 11
o'clock p. m., in tho First Methodist
Church. Fifth" street. Subject .Tue
Perseimtions of Christians in TurkeT.':
Belief of the IPeor.hfro, Levi Wade,
Secre R e liefhe Pittsburgh Asooelation
for th of the Poor, gratefully po
know:edgeom donation of SWAM from
the First. Presbyterian Chureb, Rev. B.
P. BeeTal,Paathr-
The first and secona pools of th e Mo.
neng e heis dyer are kept' open by ton
haute plying -uP ancT down. day gra
Comadttid.Winlant Smith and U. F.
Caleb%vet' irate yeatelday arrested an
ball plane and conanditali
_Gana a
n di as bean., daara, 'nate
and ra b b itaLabound in thsAunglAbarbood
nt Dmibari Dwain) eonx4y.
purainadtaim, =albs new *aloe
tbroe eqt. , irkto 041:40 ,WIRT. • '
.._ Tiro scanOss. -
LlieTS 'abort, , sottstatu : POßT! Mir
V I M q• 40 u•• 1111 minas, sastaVltk;
Paribas Fllterlals, latestablva by TalsiTsolaa,
TatitaVe Itsadlas SWAM lbw tb• Yawl IT,
aad Mists sad most WWI, Ylbabadal (kM.—
martial lissom Reports slava by Imy paper Mt
.ha sitTA YD Tamar. lasebasts ¢e bleschl.4
41.10 its:sdalasat It.
Cabs Of Ws
—bad mia awn of spar
ay um ilea I.l2llusas to slats sea be ithe -
say thsts.. at slab rases.
. SiOrtat TO Bosicttima—la stvl rola. -
P•P*T. b ter. ••• Rieity Was& sdttlaa yos
wan, as vs Wail IrStamdby barima, ,
ibibe= bolas bat bob muall • Inst. Ttt.
ifirZona by nr.n. ra.lbbbla WM/ thlta a
~ 1,12 410.14M1. Latin. may be NM at Mir
Add..... oizityrr. , ••••
Coal Care .lrapetned.
. accidentoocurrod on theAllegkony' .
Valley rstirosel on „Thursday night to a
coal train ^ from Armstrong's coal worki'
canned by the breaking of an axie, - n*
Haight's Ran. Four of the loaded &TS
were thrown hem tho track, and rolled
down the; embankment, at - that place,
about forty feet high. can
wreck Is
described as terrific.. The ears were piled
crif top of each other, and fragments
thereof, consisting of brakes, axles,
pieces of timber and broken wheelti,
were scattered in all directions. Folio ,
uately no person was Injured.
Academy of Music Sersiee.—Tha Inter
esting, religious • service In the 'Acadinny
of MIMIC will lw bold as usual to-mar,
row afternoon, at a quarter past three
o'clock. Owing to the gritat Intainst
manifested ft bas been thought keit to
have all Use : exercises volinstary,..:34
no tbno bo lost. and let prayers and re
marks be as brief as powblc. !An are ID-
At aar realrlehm. earne el'
otarretoad Thom alley. Mt.:Panel
a &meet r. er , , on Fri ay, Jmteary. atak urea .
•-• The Olnersl mai Mee plereNte lioamov aCrote-
Ino at ._.bloat, and primed urn." FrrolMerr
thedrmt, mt ere Solemn Binh Iran of Reqatirin
will `be Vote thence' la Pk 'hfaiee.
Cametetz The Moodier thewally aranerpect•
Cully Lotted-to strand mlthoot/furtler Alegr,"
' DOltEllvdToht—e/a Tbarsdery, at I ovolook.
live... , THOMAS ErttlitiltitiTON. to the to
year of Ws *arr.(
Amend .n Soyeanir, Feb. In; *tiara.*
F.. K.. from taw tate reoldetem. likonsyr.l4lll.
Carriages leavo the Peileelm In AlleghertY.
at half-paat 7 erovrek preelsely. The friend; of
the Wally ore rerptettally Int Int to atimaiL:b
Nora 'knot. PlUoroarrh. 'Aer.
tO7.IILNS. of WI klarst CRAZIES. GLOW/X.40 -
every 4 earlption of Funeral Purolator aural
foratrad; Itrozarpos dayand Meat: Karr.
Scries.wcza—Bin. Davtal tarr.
AL W. Jacobus, D. D, Thosai't!tpg, L.
Jacob D. Mier: tag. '' •
of Swidnetyptrest and Chosen {lOlll.ll, AlLatAt'
si CET, .tern Niel,. COFFIN R00&5 . .. eop.
autitly nipplled with' real .red !saltation Bete.
31•Sairant sad - Walnut Codlia. at Brined -
a 5171.1 tn.. 44 In SUS.Bodies prepared (arta
ternand. Resnate .and Carriages tinddabed:
also, an • klida or Noun ISlddeoda; if ietntred.
DEng open at all Wars. day and
TAW Aro Zululand, N 0.6 OLIO 8L:
Like... Y.. and lda. b Dlaraoad Boaanco,
:ohm Wilson & 8r05.4 tam always, ao had tha
Lest Metal. Ttwarecood,: *about 'Auld battalion
Itosawood Comm. . Wawa CoZat t tom =Alp
wards. Basalnwid Naas W upWarda: allottkit
Comas n rroPortloi. • canuirl • ale R, •.
ramlthad at low rates. Craps, 1311ovair. "WS
audENtraTtod furnished intl. OZda opeardity"..
DZEITAIII.B. Moe, No. Seri Ohio tutriy•
Allegheny. • Metahlaatoorwood and otttetPet. •
erns. with a complete nook of [astral learatehlest
Goods, on hand and tarnished at 'hottest teeth* , •
at Irma vie.. Bits. Uhl Um" 11111ble0 01 . . 3 '•
nee of First and Middle Streets. ,
Boddirn. dseldla bones, ito.. 40.. •
for bite. '
ROB to thi new bonding . ' ereeted biebe
Keystone Saving. 8a0t,97 LIBERTY *TI MM
eaten. of Gar:Loan &M 7. In roedlata ixossoulon
rte... For tines, ie.. apply at THE BASIL
TO LET.—The Fourthnd.hall
OT THIRD STORIES of the new bolldligh
No. lee Liberty Street. lasqulre or T. ari. T. .
EOIR IRENT.—liteve, al fine, large
mous to the uuarra BIBLRINO, with
rood baba. can be had. Apply- oo awn at. the
TO LET—A large and alitratan
thl WAR/CHOI:MIL. en Ws'er street. near
Itartet. Beat tnalerste. Posses*lon given on
April ht. 'Cantina of (tEtt, A. BETtltY,Clit
:ens Nathntal Bent. •
Nettle Satitlerld street. I offered for see at
great bargain. Best otreutor Reselling. Ep•
'ply at the Store at sties: -
FOR . BALE-A very desirable
three-atory, BRILIi HOUSE. nearly nr.;
peened brick Mint. marble mantles: ;di and
Inter throngboat; noun ' Ron=
dadaintsbed darnel. No. IN EL% STEELY, nut
Wylie, Sixth ward. Peaseaden from dyad Ist.,
IV& inquire as the boase.'
orer for sale' 10.131 Acres of Lind in
one tract, About St miles above the ell • sit Ape
lachicoli. The 1.44 I Improved .4 111141{, eel.'
ovation and is unsurpassed for richness of WI
Led produttivedess of Southern staples, =eine
sugar ewe, cotton. rice. sweet potalyes and or
ange trees. with soperior graslag for cattle Cad
raising togs, can the plus; ranges. ,The belt of
follow ohm thither shonSanes, tetl)t g rst rata
waterpowl for caw toills,lwith d. ink ef water
enough for stestaboatsto TO. lumber tato the
river, where It ecii•belosded Leto isfge semi.
and shipped bloglh. There are ten tool from*
Itooses on the 'premises. The- imbue abound
with ask, Kew; duet, and the woods
kinds or genus-beer, deer, torkeyi, qua., etc..
The I:newsy Is edgiest, free from that, dispose'
engendered by talmso alio It rainless so preScan
to Mega:dia. Welkin sell this land al the lot/
price of $l3O per sere.
Also, inset of ig,toO acre.. whorl' trdlterrOr.
ed; covered with the title. .pew bins
with'esery lbellity fol. sawing Umber. wssigabla
striants to rya the lumber Into the firer. This
tract Iles near the On; named. Pried rp cents
per te.•
Aloo. M.= acres In Georgia; at prin. Item 50
' •
Sato 51503.7 acre.
For further informalon send or call far per
Landarcalar. SILL • 8121JITILILLT.
nea)latato and Insurance Ak.ass,Pliisticicin,
lfonnerlv Lawrenceville.)
BALE.--Elouse and Lot On
comer of Manhattan sad Sdassi stritas.
sssiruseasser Raltirs7. LOS 41 - 47 7/1 6611.
House rem% saatahtlas 7 swot sad giseltrali,
-well 116Pso7sa. ' llwsa and Lot an 11610.41461147
B !dwell stmt. Alleessa7 1'At7.'144 'll7 tt
foes; Muss nem ak4
rood anal.; I. Asa
HOW. Yid Lots la raill -. ...46,01*41 di
8178 U C°.• ; t arn , WSW
Sissehsster. .
FOR ICALE-1101011$1 4 f
HOWARD'S Livery' mad SARl]ikillik.-ORA L :
toe JAR= HOB= Min; thweeDAJEWIL.
ourr Home, a» lases' uutolar
HORSH: t u. SLACS WARZSi . tWO. L .usur.
u•soci. rum orasti+. pest Um *MOW
turlsHouse. .
nimble for one or -Ors heroes; sis TWO,
NOUN WAGON,. sad s doable 1.0.01 WAR
AWNS, nearly now. raglan at Ms FENNIXN:
11. B. WATCH
:I5 P 50171310 ► PZILFZOT 1311CCUL
or .41* by tee Ana%
as PIPTE ssmzer.
or ALl.lms , ar
ataissiiira a itiksisirs;
ClEalfill32l. vrastiiiink
liklchvlll b d. to order In tbi West itTle,
fully 1121 PLR CENT. TURN, orgziera
TIIIS !MASON: - Call and etaaata• 44.1, a 4
• ~ •
ira.le wit= iorasr,Aer
REirnit G. TULE,
Merchant, T a ilor,
• -
Cor.Pican suad:ilt