tts Ritilur s o Skrttt, • urnawassiz TULE.. . . %The mut Ilex darkling In the boy, The future al Daly ...kelt. mutt; Blushed with strange rlpenera, tear and Joy; Which dt crier tater life, aro-hero. The boy eyrie,. talent:Lint 1 , 11 the MEW, Brenta, at time. as Yrata fore, • ' Yeas gay .41 wild, as =toe be ran, ' • ' • Breathes tb• tree life of days of yore... • Itaerri thebtry Is tnanillte thorrehu, asepythe luau In boylike play; Assn unto Jigs:: foreyerwrouglitr- Oer earliest sad air IMAM day I • - J Thus darkuright trees by tropic. grads Mingle the coming with the old; , TherisePdthed fruitage seed gold.• Thlitudiles white:until th = EPHEMERIS Rants is the-prim or Victor Ertga'a autograph. —Schenck of Ohto is said to be the idlest nun ii lurass. —The Onetti: ommtunets have do clad to admit new members. —Why is a dog's tall like a teamster Became he keeps a waggle. —Exchange: --Palmer, of Jarrett. Palmer, is lybk eery El of brain foyer in-New The English Lady Vane and the Afar:raise d'Agnado sun the rirar belly of Pella —Fanny Fern has concluded to join the crusaders against tobacco, particn• fatly smoking. Somebody , wants- to know, •"wu Adam a gamins?" Where then is Moo ed= Da Challu? 4!-Noraceit. lfayaard, of Tenr.emee, is said to be the leanest man in tim Home. of Itspresentatlyes. —Before tie war Vermont bad about 'ranks , . thommad harass, and low there are bat 89,222 in 'the State. is what a Frenchman wants in order that he may build a bridge acrouthe channel between England and —Osaidi and the United Statea have competed for the championship Inwood. &Omits. - and the Americas Eagle la triumplmni ' —A Swiss inventor has dircovercd a motive power which be thinks will dia. praisillmon, and he wants to: nil It for $16,000,000. - —The oroaderful story of the wonder. Pal Whcomln mother who become after wards a commonplace father, is sold to htionly.une.half true ' is rumored that Kr. Boater is in 'negotiation with Queen. Victoria and the Prisms of Wales. 80. would like to Lary them write for the New York Lapin -Ittkatimuch abused and ridsunder stood philosopher, Thomas Nine; had Hied until Wednesday lust, he would .4Te bomeocut hundred and thirtpane 'vin ald . —There were between, flys and de hundred 'new buildings put up in the Mate of Rhode bland Lit year. If they , keep an all of the available rosin willbe built oa shoitly, shut frightened the people of Hesilsboro, Kim, for several aighti re cently, bat firearms belag spoken of,the ghost showed his Capp/old . by not pierttog in aeappearaace • ' . "—Philadelphia" is the only city in the coilatt7 that is adding u vigorously as L OW to its lists of intudera. Two new *swam added lut week. Maoism stain to l,e-enjoying a little rest. ''-••••41de winter has - bum as cold that the Talus In France have. been driven - from their fastnesseu and mado -their appal:mice smug the thickly settled districts. The last =lf in England was hflied glr !van Cameron &bent two santuiss ago. - _ flemebody, says that Mrs. General Bailer wears a meals= of spoon's, an etherthinks Is only coat the =Me of this epoins, anihe isigala corrected by one tks whols itory arises from this foot that. the. General is worth the /pinta, which is slangy and bad Beall= ills old woman who sold ap ples-niar. the Tribune office is dead. $M occupied her applestand for twenty. aeon 'cam and it all that time lived, es As recently Das died, alone and =- knows.. Skis had sued some threis tkifinia dellirs, which shill= &IS* ed Siegoverantent bonds, as she waa ad vised to do by Mr. Greeley, herencle. Our German contemporaries are - verrimmy atlliteurs._ Grover it Keret reek's *reit - Of them. The Friend of Frsadtmyuterdsy OTC them a- =mid lecturing 'and' - the /*pub/lean was not bead:tallied. — The alight ccamisted In them while„advertising is the other papers, end was an unmerited 1/14.. we hope en nnintentiseal one. ?ie; time= of Unman' ce el the properly destr&yed by, the recent arid trey disastrous Ire to Mimeo is stated to be $1,486,000,whi1e the lats woo some 42.070,000. • The fire Is described as Miles been the grandest rpectacLs the most destructive coadsgration that Mingo has aver witnessed. Half a Jaillion beet .Ims is however no joius, and the preu of that city seems to seet he . that this is not, strictly speaking, one of tier" epistle= for which Chirst ins sowilligle notorious. r• - •TkeN: Y. Commercial Adurriur,in. retorting to Twain's article On tiporgo Wiuddeigtoo's.body servant, !In tke last; Gala r ry, etilia it a necialoiy. Kr. TWalit's articled - are geed enough; to make - day migaalne sell, If it metalled actidig,e/settand he Is probably the lit . of this donate; or we might call John Pkostalz and 'lblark Twain the wits of this ttentery in America. Of courie,lin such monition, we except all of that 'elan of which Dr. :0. W. Holmes is ike bright particular tundras:7, —One of the public schools of liilwau . heti is to give a dance and soiia. bre; the proceedi of the sale of tickets to be devoted to the purchase of a piano for tudieol hone. We think this la a pleasant and j a commendable ides. The teachers and the parent' of the scholars will thus be brought together sociably, aid the children themselves will hare a good time. tot we know some planes whew nicks project would be looked on - with Sanctified horror, and regarded as one of this wiles of that-Being who is so closely' watched and so thoroughly understood by a certain class of people: nameless hire forever more . —Dimples Dickens Is reputed to 1411 , 8 dine action, one of which jbe may well be proud, one for whisk Amer icans might well forget the pettiest Meanintsses in his character, and one wklca Legg well cause maxi a cheek to jtdusla hss lent $l,OOO to Mrs Cloak, tie motheriadaw of our Oat en - pont; Vier A. Poe. kiss. -COMM nursed - and tended Poe is sickness and in bitalth. aid =toothed his dying Ihnbs, and was loved by her with an intensity ihnest -iormtusg to . worship. This lady Is now an Inmate of a charitable institution' in. Biltimere, and is in' ex tremely indigent dreuesteloces. By his timely gift Mr. Dickens has earned a . •blessing from every person who ha' en the - wake of Poe; but the aggro. rating part of It is that Mr. Dickens does ears for their blessings. e4Ast week' the police of PkilesleipMa .viried the varimm news stands or that city and suppressed it:abide of Indecent pawn. j-Wodo not knew it they midi rata them jor not, but we bellivethit Erre a legsi;end we ' are stoW that they bin a moral right so to 410, This action 'eight be initiated heat with goal sttet.2 -- Ttkitueler of , theca tb r , l . elo y psrtCrdWol.- gold in thin city is cam'- : and trier elicaladist'ts - iiplug --- ijateesse lief= That the chatiladoais -sad , on - the iocrass is 'itiowit by the new elesetipf this stature which 'are - ooatilatilli sproutlei up in theLlargalawni like fungi ald sore! , lag on the aim, boards over the ooeatry. eta Tieing with the othei to ouga It in lithahtept -blae/ICSCi WM:WO oh- . rnealC~ It tia'polica'au: atop Mitsafe trask,* Potadiapiiii t ''is we can and /me, thea Shay cu tristeejlApi do se here: • 710TICF.8. pars - COUGH, A VOLD, 011 A AK:et 1/120.1T trAulz. Imasetlato Linak.... aid 0.014 no cs.ocsoe. Le . ..u.a..4 to .. r Throa n D f m h a L o m ,o .1 IPA.Pk..sat =I - 1 BROWIVS BRoNalin TROCHES Haabld • direst lallaeatA to the part., ID. Is . DlUtt. Xresekllls. A* . _cConsanakpitwa sod II TOOLC ".acke• are and withLatwaya taxi Sinfgen tad Public Speakers nee tame to akar tao Cr earthen toe roles. Obtain only ••11e•ww . e rtaosograt. TA 0- =kW , era So no. ter • en i the Woavnaas lurmesom Sett mar be aroma. SOLD ErktrWarsa. VOIIAIST BLCIIO. (hat Dipeuatity of l NISI A,a!es) 010SMI MN TA, BUCHU LE/VcS, Properties. — Thar odor •• [tiger. diristr• •a tiamehrhst arestalls, their tart.* bitterlar. at aa•!••••• to mint. • • ,• Propertle• and C.... —Hoe?is led,. are gmtty stital'ant, ortta span:tar tie• . deo:Ito tat Orfaary Urns.. pradoetig Cafe- Oa, add Its fader stmt.. otedltlnaa, •aelUdt ettayboteds. Tbry art glass Is oomidalata of atm Urlantl anal at Gravel. Caroni. Catarrh .of tie :Biaddir, 'North Irritalltn of t]e Eladdyr wad Urethra, lhaaaas of the rroaate and Zateditioa a flneantleenee of Mine, to a Inn of tone in the parts concerned In WI iiednation. Theeem addiatale, been re tdonnlehded is iftepontl. thennleltheematum, CulOnot, alfectionn and Dinped. l.•:saaaeh'a IrjAracr gem. Is as - id by yet -, trout the asee et ti 'Ail, And froxa 3: to la lbe recline or chet4e of lift: etre Cot• tins in ail. dreg. r In il,fraellon• •enalrlso t Vernal ,• lEarrut Duchy n o aqui Orr ay say mbar rom an. as to caloroalcor centloo. Irroo•larnt. rat a Mr en or lrapprtaaloa or CastomuT tore- Envious, Illoystal or reltarrous Sta. at the litaros. L•ocorr.“ our Walter. - El eeeeee .Stbe Hi adder. Kidneys. Gravel and Dr•pslosa awyl Iga.hls , •••Ki. • 1 •••• , ••• b , •1•0••• of Engys6 o. sad eye , . bc• ••••tbeau 114•Ithy sntion, by • tea sty Wsbfry cr was 41, posittnna. and all Ilyptzural inlarsetscato a a re/seed, as wel. is P.. 2 and lallaymnstics.' ilogoaltoldo• Vat. net Duel.. has enr.l ern"' we of Dlob gor 1. bleu It U.S Leon I.ltation of the Meet or the Blotildor Lod Toductinittlen of the a lit f the Kidneys owl Signior. Sonentitto ntie, Woe.. of the riestiths blood, Stoma I. lho Bladder. Colontno. tine.% lolet dost Deposit. anti Moe. or Milky Dloehargos, and f.r Wed ono cannot on., .f both tea.. . . attended vrtill.thi folk:noise Symptoms r-I of pPrillas 4 Exer.toe, Los! at eomer, Lou of tlrm B•MOrY. Difilrolly 0! Breattargr, Welk erre I, Horror of Ditaaso Wal•folor.a. Dlroners of VlOlOl3. Palo la Oa Back. Hot Hoods If of Ito Bod Urryaraeof SLIP EroDt'o2boll rm , 260r.a. Val y. id Uoasteltsaro.; UnitersalLl.ltodeof the Illaseolat Ontexcise.t HELYBOLL'a EXTRACIT BIJOIDT 113 DID AETIO ADD BLOOD-ITLEPTING, •, And vvres all Devises annuli from Stadia of liltepttlon. Income end lorpmden. in Life. 12pu elites of the Blood. sconr ordteg Coon , ba Io ad.ctlons for widola - la die .1, Sock is lilonort no, lilt eta ' of lons minding, and Sri Wall. • A Cretin:Ls-1a Inst. dlr., ens wed In connection Rita etAcno tars EST] HELMBOLD'S rtilet AID GUAM LL WAIVIDIIBE. le4 BELOLDW2a. Asa Dx Liisulysls greerrbel. A= YOB IRZLIIMOLDM .• I= ozwear. or COIIIMIIIIMETIEL idoorr NEW PEKFUIE FO TIM lUNDLIZaIIa 'I/Sight Blooming Cerena) Phstl4.ll% ?flit" Blooming' Cevratui Viml.los "Z•iight ecrems., Phnlea , s ••:'figiot III;oming Caress. Phalesea . 'Night Elemening Cereas.7 A mod exqutz., deka.. siul FrAgraut Perfu. 'tl , led from the rare wad benutlial !tower fres Dish It tat. I. =ma lizanhetarta .111 , 1 - • rilik&ON & NON, New TOOL Brir.klll Or COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR ...P.I.OrS—TILE NO ck.gErs, fair"'Wsl. I{ARNIIILL & co., BOILER MAKERS •sro , SHEET MON , WORKERS, xi* SO, SS, 24 'Ad SS Peas ISt. daTlad wand a largo yard wad otialohod It . 0 0t tee =an 1 1 1OPforoo tsealltery. ne we am pared to sumnfectore elm descalptioo of Zell ers to the Lest scsanet . , sal gated was] to us nada ltt tae 001M27. Calmness. teeth- MC. TL . :e Ted.. ate= Pl„oef. Laiomotlol OW em. Coadtosers. fah Ps., Soaks. 00 0010. asltatora Beata/ Psas. 0 . 01. .101offess Savo Tons, and tote munts.astrn of BiHH 'HILL•S PATEN: lIOLLZ=. groomasoN, nr.s. ac co., te.• .1 I* lIMIDINION. KIM • HILLIII4) WASHINGTON woßigs, Miltuaderi watt Efe1 , t111112141.. Pinata:lmM Maoolltattiort of zda tad Stationary Metz. pedgia.. Ettut Morons. 1 , 111 Stactdatrh 4h - ta[. Ottafitar. Csattrita of nit descrlptlon•Wli Voiks tad Stint. Sollett a.] drat Iron Work. ONLee: No. 12 oornor Irtrst and lialthaald tts. .IGrAiaata for 0177k- 0 o'3 rAT=N - 7: nr- JECTOE for foodi.c Collets. WILAKE COPPER MILL a SNIELTINEWORKS PASS. Mc As -C0.,. Ydumfae=rors of Bboatrat g, Bratters• and Eon Copocr. riesood (Or Bottoms. Raided SM. Codoon, Spelt= data,. Aloo....lmporidrig Dodtcra la Metal, Ti n Plaid, Eltiots iron. Wire, 0. Cod ' otadtly II•oefloson• Stzedse. and Tools. Wanoo=o•No.,ll4o TIMM 151 . 11612 =dl3lo SXCU.I9I) arszaT, Plstd=rdh. lipoclat =Lon of Cony= oaa tistifel padders. • . atfH=Siviodf -THE HC~Lnre rooL. A.ND 1.1.017111 Or MMEGT. - HOIrADD /1111001/LTIOnt DlTPoirta, • 701 TOON@ .1111D,am Ise USITIFX Or MOLATODE. and td• .113138.111 sad DISZAnIaI *tacit clutroa trazly pommy, nal orate o: taint IlLaMilAiti. wit n nua ammo: taint Snails sealed Mita eatelones, teen Of antra. Md.... Dr. J. kirarami DORM. TON, llovarlAtmoetatient. rnlinatelphts, ra. ntil:di • ortrorricir A. SCOTT, DENTIST, !PO.' 218 PEAIT :sraziar, t==l DISSOLUTIONS. - hicnice.The co,pcitticenhlp baroutforo ortinleg Immo. JO WOI W. Fir. TUCK. OUTLAY T. CAIUW ALL god WIL LIAMS. MOONS. usulor the Am Immo of JOHN W. Au - riots s co.. la yenta/ and tobliablos (to Pittsburgh Leader, froo. e s tbo INTxf DAT or if ANISAItr. DOA tailor The Itsatattoos aid coodldana coo.; taut( 1 , . the Articles of sll4 co-partnonDp,L DISZOLVAD. • • ' TO boestas of ao late Ina ffilf - If e ßottled. ..„ 10 .10 g. cot acessatis 146.1.44 r TUI". Pllzooz. --- • nigROLIITION OF pAaTNEn-; raraszsProt..toter. salving In the Flout teal sewers'os. Imam:eta Dr t • eta lifflid =SOX ..4 A. 1141 a. MaILICZ. KIWI. a MtEILC. Is tale 40741.; Mloy mama ...oat all Derma ladats= .4 to Ise Era an requested to nts/o sepses% ad pot. Lasts{ alms to pretest Llama to trt, moist,Willem oft/tor Danner Will .se to thotsa• Tao roar Salim. will to oirstlsird by Illatln Y.OZ. at Ule Old .sate: Kb 10111, gory stroll, 111W/sr/S. HUM( ISIS', J. /1.1141Z76. 111 , pliensh. /sally t;ll4s. Is1141:14.7 CONFECTIONERIES. &o. RIINDAY SCHOOL CELEBIZA ,7 TIMM. PIONICS. DLIOIZA PA/MIA at.; tarnished with tt. bra; lei CREAM. .A. 1121,. TILTNA ,L.c , ahmtutx 0ner7...1 - 1722 1 NLIf7.7ELIMEINI NO. 16 DIIMOZW, Allermey. teVes4 HENRI Tv..uonnAcu,• Clonfeetlonery and Bakery; xtc. soo SKITII/lELD OTBETT: tame. Barna,mid Lfterty •••WILICIP VIIITEI!. SALOON attacbed. GEORGE BEATEN, _ • CANDYNIANUFACTUNER Jyd detlir Tneeign , BU a./ SK, Pc Asce/B/It /BUIRI /MEW-., 1 / ga fz- 1 / 7 .81 7 1. rrIZ.BT. v.malß C cog, from It Int :',..,101,1x1 LITHOGRAPHS EtS„ IMIMANSIC RVIGEBLY & CLEIN. • .. asoestmors to Om. N. iklmotus. • 0c4.1: PRACTICAL_LITHOORAMERS, Tre OLY 6Trilf LlTHOsairlito WiTri• r Wrrr Or TELL' ELYOZTALirri. BulCtu Cf.fel. /ol.tot tread& HOSido, 1.0 ct% Obuir Cara, pirltnaas, Vlelrs,-d Cattiest. of .00.1. liTltattOtt s.. vv. O f Lad 24 Stlra tank. • GaAs. X. mums a, LI rILOGRALPHEI3, - ffe Io PCIVATII ST.. Arena, Iftildinfi 17.11 CHECK& Dlarre c,ne NOTEt m.. RILL xad LAT /EIZAINS, Am, a In all Linizzie CI i e:LIEUTE 430.11 ,rilitionfirr 0 is , 5 - 4 TOILET 1104!4Pb 'A V • •••• • wowed. 41 aldn i bi :glans fro* ta• but Inv y 41.12 WINDOW 111IIADINI,—Wo are r eLZigreiT4V42 . ." 4 "''"4.l. miankolttl.ft v e la. cau are" n n.ll Y. iltrzar DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS. RABGLISS: BARGAIN/ NEW STOCK, AT 7 MURK GLYDB & CO'S. I=l into. Cone 4 at at-to. • kt.azdkerehterh, runt Lt.., for Zo. Mem, Cott. tt1t,..1 nom. for Loa I n. I . l.l7_CrEti . *lwo , . )24. Alexandre's Kid Closes, $1. 0 6 a pr., lIIBIIE OrE!♦ HMS =I I = E=l Norwlek Paper Collor Ca Creacaa rat... Colter Ca. Heat.' WA Pap. - Collar Co. We have • large vane, y el LaDIILS , LAC 1) L lox MIL II L..VILS, Irolet en "lima . at yea, low tier.. We are elm mutat • 'Noirlson's Star Skirls at $1.75. Paper Cellar.. tea te lox. 10e 7 Seed Bkone. aft. l'lltratuags mot Riley Goods at the town porsta , • totter. at • • - M&CBITIL GLYDE & CO.'B, 78 & SO Market St. 811014 L CLOSING ON SILL TO REDUCE STICK BYTEB . UARY IST. LOOK AT THE PRICES 8001) lINDIEZIRIIRTS, for AO 0001.1. 13001/ DLLWZII3. for Id coda. . 310017 MUMS, 30 doledpwarde. WOOL NOMA and CAP!, 11),U eenin. CAI IntilLlC neARIT, for Vitionts. PIVLN CH 0011311.7.9.111 nod nPoonnOW. (10011 lIXIIIIELLA. for 70 mau. Tun or RID OLOVVI, so na—chnap. liiINU,NS STAB, 0113 Tin SI.7E, raLliCit BT.lllrXti DEM 111—onarth pas. A.'d EIU GIA/VIS, SIAS. 111014.TITCH.ID RAEDa'7I, Odaa. X.N9LISH.t. ce.r.3o a ULCERS, matted 10w redoLood 10 to nd per ant: I - Customers Can Rely on Low Prices, I=l I.IBIOIASTIS AND BRANNAN MAUCH & _CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street. NEW Goons! =9 J. M. BIIROHITELD & CO.'S, =I BLEAICELED MUSLIXS, CALICOEEr AND CRASH, Ir.=l=32:l== .CrZaCIOOII,7G4 ,C01:1T, So onto room toi extvolllos itte Moro Boom GI o. ST Market 13traet. tsq. FALL TBADE 1867. A881311310T, SHANNON CO., Wholesale Unless is DRY GOODS, Is. fl WOOD MAZE; Plttsberill4 Bras at Easters tele. Dew Boule. Estate BSatmQM at Camels th .leans,Tlreed, ULLS.. Vt. 1.. N. c.a.... Ct linamia. U rt., Wtslte Guam Blaashad sal Brawn Dosnestles; atallllnaofTrotlans eta Small Bees. barred Mantle of "aslant sad roma atsfu.aerura. • Weare asente Tor- FITLIAOSTONft TORT EMBRYO TLAN.NRI.3, CRAMPS ORISENTaIsi-L • BASKED LANNI/4a as COUNTRY ELAN/CATO, ac , O atOSOT osaa 'Warta.. at WO rzwes. • Hag In all 0.. saroaaata. Rano ara Malted to call sad. WM:lm Gar foods sad room T. SWIM SINISON & HECKERT, 37 Filth Striret. eine Fars for Holiday Presents. =3 I= CE= 1=2:1322 WOOL & NIES:IRO LINDISIIIAIIIMSTII. IID GLOVES, EL 24.1DIZECILLIJA, KOHLIST. 517. CK TM. WILMS DRS& COIL.ZIS wad HOOP MOMS. 17ZrZEIZO . all ear LOO at reaseed PM .. to OM.' iP close eat our Plater atark. tau • • lABB, MeCANDLESII & CO., J'Mau. Wllans. Can. at Oa.) W2lO/.IIIALX DILLY= a MON AND DOMESTIC DRYIIOOIL ars.s4 wetowirritrar. bacse &bars Diaasoattaller. COAL, CO= tto ..... 11111Catir10. 41 1 11STIONG & HUTCHINSON; Maxmon to MaLAIMUMA Awmp oniwr4W,LCOMU,WYI7 Elver. ot awrrrto sad 07.A.L1Z0, 7.41- toed sad fornuos yovenzoguium • CAI .AND FAMILY COAL Oldoe end Yard-7007 07 TIM IMILEMT, 0•• Works. beer th-dets loft 0. the rad at addreaded mmU mill be stroal BEST FAMILY COAL cl!ha.nd aseldialvend vow.? Iv =ler. AT MUT RATA IT_ OSCAR. F. VANN ft CO., Cc Intik Ilnet ss4 F. ft. 11..1 a Ulm; ALLIDRIMICIIr.. /Lath:sett. trot Paraistted at the linratt ratan. i«:. COAL! COALII COLLIII DICIBO7I, STIWAIR 4 CO,, Motu rosalsa WO Omee So No. /56T LIBERTY 81111EILT. g ter cur rum Xllll ISZOOHD 714Uvit, Ara sow oroaroll a forsiolk good Taoittioaltoal Linor. EDT COAL . Mg oLacm.. it the lowest tvkat art.." air All orlon lan Weir ogee, ar uldralooa to teem throUk thk suit orttl la au.o4ed to oroatotiv. eIIeLEILEB H. ADRIBTRONG, DIAL= IS TounicevrriioolllllDlLLEVELLlS OOIi MEI.EeMI • 07/101 111117111). Omer st Batter sad Neitae; oa usty ssd Otrams strews. 1401 wart, sad Is lessaa asset.. s ear Lena 1. rittsbrgls. Pa. /salt es awl Maas:Daum repslll4 1111111 t best snails at Goal or Cots atlas Unrest Old sirChal lefl st sal of Ilbeo *Mel vfiL7lll•l7 , prompt Missiles. SMMOII COAL. . . . C.IIIEIRY AL CO. Whom half inopLces WA L T .Tllifi VILMA se4 FAMILY tart COAL no nLACIN. Mal eetivved ofotantly MI pens et the etUesystte• lowest sweet rates. OttheAted ate. *freer lutlXl . 2t nn WAT SON (lOnsief f Cattal,i OVIZETIX, fitlabereti. (N.SO.L. an. oak WASHINGTON MILLS, .faciligto Stmt tat Fae finis Mask W. R. INDEMON, Mssursetaror ot CONN KELL, ATI noun. •oHortra. YAZD. Orders &Aroma I. eltbsr otty. trso sr ertur•• Orals of sll kllds caosseele sad Coro s/ollod. Os snort lOU*. sol:f 2 1 /ABTLIF LIEBLEU, HATA.' CAPS .AND FURL AI "; .11.na4taftr. Wbotnals sa4 Hat a& Jer la TRUNES. VALISCS, lhalitbaeld Pitt. burg% Ps Orden prosoptly Slled. Ya witleftllgn $ 15, 000 TO LOAN, OF BOND AIM MOZZILUIL 1111:=1:21 • - No. 014. Strut. [ulbowinit .4 .1.1. D. R.- EZ22=O OXILIGNT MIX EMCEE AND MI. 3.f '3. ytatraNcurunrrtrork . Leg RA_Pr2. 3 h OAPs gad Marabou% 1411T-ruar =ZIT. oppoAlit lielsoaravla 110‘143 PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : CARPET& OIL CLOTHS. lea .EL 3EI /A GaEAT CURE OF ASTHMA, NEW GOODS. riarr mrstvAL TVS SIRE TRADE, 1868. 10.01 wk. lei lite red ma. alas. sad told at asatelatlll/ata.. .'- GREAT BRUM RR CUR., COMMON CARPETS, • 13 Cents Per Yard. OLIVER NIVOLINTOCH CM & Co.'s, No. 28 Fiftb Street. GREAT REDUCTION CARPETS! We have determined to give our clubmen at once the advantage of thy decline in prima that may. be made later in the season, and have to-day Reduced Prices I=lll3 1333211 re ISticae]x. NEW AHD CHOICE HOODS, Far below what it would cost to replace the Good* WEIRLIND & MUNN, Nos.ll fled 13 Fifth Stmt., IT=l5l REDUCTION .C.-A RP E T 13, OIL CLOTHS, MITTINGS, VI7IIIIDOW SHADES, Ac. 1. BOYAR% ROSE & CO'S, 11 Fifth 8 trmot, I==loMtt=MTM!l C*nPETB ar CO3T. For a Short lTime PitErInTORT TO TIW46 STOCK / Teti lam bodied OIL OLOTEIS, Window shades, mccom..t.AL3xraziowl Cheap All-Wool Ingrain. McCALLUM BROS., a MU, arm; abinni Weed. . son U . !nr4IIMMMI. WETTER GOODS. E HOUSTON & 00., Fashionable Ilertaianl Tanen NOai rirrZ rrizer, 4h Jist rs Weed •Isteold ..pphr of rara • Wint,et Coatings, Todotear:sliVtald Cad at morn. - Oizin. asZa a.d 11.1Zi aall ! into daslisalsod sad Vice. very rossaarlda. • a rot I molar of Mai sal Toys . MIA t T*AIIII CLAITHIMSIoa kmaa..dann. MOILIM p mcAzin.y., ' • • Merchant Tailor, fie. 11$j Ssla ela 111., Pittsfargk 16.44 empatly ea Pad lhon mottasest of 'CLOTHS. CUSIIIIMES ',VESTING& /1A GENTLE:WM FUR/filing 61114, arms OLOTRIXO /LLDZ TO WWILTI, 111KOVII. Mk= MERCILILITT TAU OU& MEI s OM, Tgo. s Wt. 131.1111 /TIMM Sono toboollt frOoo m. ro •W o n et tMit Yoalt L i ll 6 7ro ,r :Vr fi tr . o2l•apopaltda• u urj . a or Co nowt?* If bar al trona/O. ooll:1111r HAZARD POWDER. I Ali trowPiimpAncr , TO =WV Mat wile.. an •744rn lbr late 01 WiIPYI3 aI:IMM Min& ittnpieLIVATANUIP,Maw... ASTMS KIRK. H~AB.DWA~;E. B. wo', JR. Bsooo Etardwate ac (Nitlery AN w w noarthit *tend (Mina war noel vide& la 10.1...1 3111141y111M31111:11LWIPRXIMICIP. • Caner Warty lad Bt. Cialr • 311Pittailtroursta. 3Pai. PA2NR . HANGING S; nuw iizawnwe, is elms uzirr. Bla 1G Bilarlksißtreal. JOS.- R. MV Mal I BRA, F.o!rx I -FITZ ORGANS 1 AND MELODEON!. utTget frogs tb isitorlor of it°. 741;rr0 • $ Co Trost. 1.10.47 Yrosoott Bra& trfgral=rs= =rt . :. Call mad ; mit . ..ztujim AMMO STOMA door adore Wood. g NII/1821413 , 9 ITEM flUlt, Wren d StitkFt • email& and Deiler la Hardware. • hand sad Wring fo= " dos. aantallY a 1 aortloatlte. . . 43: Xi. LAY . O/ 4 14 . Miff not Weights Eill,.Neasures, moos rovairit . • latlrsez Liberty lad Jerry •Amts. * Ware Dna atteapait to. soma MEDICAL. I fool. eyllo!f naCer Op:lgatiove to roi, Si well a duly I owe tolthtrs yam lerers wto wysoll, In order War. that may know where they ew art ear•!. 1 had been Whited to I=l I=l nTrarnirrTTrJpD = =I = =I .•r pro.pect or hope •I ouv. isaudlUon =I got as attack. , , I felt la 4.14er of enifotatlas 1 over, morelet..Bo terrlate„Ar.Ll safer- TajsanrnnnT!.lr. [1 =I = =I =I =I 'Unger obl stronnit!aUon. In Mtn aonnlo n, o n tha 13:1 of Octet.o.r. InG4 t avlng I.W =l= HrrrrlrLw.n,a_mr , cJ MMEMM!tM! = • gt gig *vat, with his L U 248 SOUND, had told ==l =rim =I =! ==! light attack of the dI eeeee e but r regard so Ith as sullrely re-establlsked, IRIS If 1 do = dtelue lose4lstaly rollsvos It. 1 eo➢oot tnt thamtNl far lb. etc:Option troaadLeW 61tb oted to coo me ladle week. u 6 month. =1 =I =I • NANO% METZBA, XIINT MOUNT JOT, (her 131,U1e.r.) • HEORUIANA. 1/1811ES. flinalnitam. Dec. f. The cu • of Mrs. Myer, recited above, le elm of more [tam ordteety Importance, beaus., OT the slaloms eV the ettects their eon tinted length. end the grist 'prostration of e I the vital powers atteselles the disease. ACT VIM who knew her dories Ho time she. wee a %ef forts from the Ohms* of which she wet oared, and will loot et her now. the very bitten of retostlooltk, 04.114100 bet admit Out Diem.* le one oratory than ordiLuT ceereeter, itotenteet m he of Asttims every day of oar lives, be. Ing s dlsmie of an Incurable natter. At those .he doubt Invent:lite for themselves. - jilt KEYSER'S RESIDENT IJONSULTING 0171111 POlt LONG EX eIdiII&TIONS AND THE TREATMENT of OBSTINATE CHRONIC DLISAILEI No. l TENN STRIZT from 10 000114 r... • DEAFNESS, USED READIES. Dleekarsm from the Ear. PMTS.' St the Ear, Catarrh. oUiaa, anima Ey..; Inflamed Eye., Every lapeelm of Sere Eyea and Ears, Sammatally Treated by Dr. ti ISO Penn street. ==! . The cant to onion wa aUsded slime weeks ago; of ettrlstloas Platioc. of vvvvvv coastr. Is so. ectlrely confirmed tr Ws appitaraneo of Mae Fisher ker,t mocha to-dar called on LIS. SET. rim is penny So thank him far Ids kladnima sal 8013 In restoring ter' to ZNTIIIT. MID ?INTIM . Kg HT: Miss Tidier lad Does soar -15 tidal for roar montls. tilie w.... Salad that • • could en dtatleaelsh say eldest; •o se to elate eat ',habit wisa. The .as• t• rusartable, IS AAAAA *deo! ass. ILI. has , . - era dM to .•ndtaa 4ren ess, oa she limn -pretext stet there la ao ears, and aelblets oar Ms deco. :he woe nodes DE. I•billlt'S Sreasaseot tot vie months, and beton she seelleolL Se kin, tbroarh ter broths.. 813102 P. FLeitti. Clain Copesorere eetertainett of her soar bettleg bar Mitt. Her assets wen tome. la the teethe,- hoo4 obese she reeties..o has been revirdeeb se eat of eaves/rails ary recovery. Ra. tee nnden7tn M, k.. of U. can of WY .14Ger, &ad bens 'Mint trallaen, SO Ito net .but. stated. - notes lo 1.15t0th..) lxxi. EtIDLIT. . Inolor ..... 0, Alloghooy; ' IicOMMOT. LoCIOA luau. (boo 01e.M.) Norton:o3er 1716..1117. S. B. Bro Ves•ip Fri tan rßioy H. v. Teat , Llu!• Iletesel. TI It leseeset. T Y. CaaeW. T. Y. leseesll . . A. H. VirolL. . , Leas .11:1 , ..: li. W. L . IV. i Mar/ J. InP.M. W....1.1A1A... - . .I.‘• •. Illetincl Hit., . J.O. , We i V:r ia. • ... de., M.A...177.1:: ! .2. P"-"-- , ;,..,: , ..i.itzr• Wlts.l.lyda., Ws. • 1t..., . Wm. H. klotion. m usaLlovendoWer. j tan, f1u... , Jilt). W11..c. J. Lftvesgtorfer J. V. lt-bel. . A.. K. I.lerenderfer, Karr roues, A. utr.l.•+. , taut.. raise. L***** ort r, Martha P a -u. 3 . r. J sae.. rms... 11935 Mil 1....114 uonn., I. Do/b.. O. • la•t hoover. 'We rasea. O. Wisner, J. U. 71sber. U. tithes, Vanuatu YlslAr. ==2 • 940 auto alarm alerted to tau eibtrely eared by exedletaa b pltLfy fey Maxi, sal. U 4 all. MAMA Ly Ku 4. ac perowas who tihiTh knows htlh. 71.kai, Sad Mao winewhwlge bet $Ol4l reahototloa to Iticeth, 1.4 lb. r•covery of Ow 11151, hs (to aohoopth)lng lettat of hot broths? “th eon' Da. Yrtios—Thlt la the Ilst of *wow that Gaye to yaw advert:wheat of the Wee WY eteer, Christiana Ittoher. Time wiry all well. 'ex t2o pat their ausee does. as/ tem yen loath astontsbee to too that /ha httetaht hot shape p won: hir mother made her Weals to roe; eta sets •••yea wee - meet the sea • a the •Owle.t• the sari It tto had set come ettkin Tot ISe belief*. her dale voile sett Unto. It this tine. • We all lola Is wilts, oat lave Sae rerpoett to eat: N. T. Irtallalt. Worth **clay. Asysoes OmenHallos' Miasma so, LIO ?ass Irma. renter Of Issas siley. Odes bears hoar 11. • POL.molimar ocuusultrnini. raux rI.SUUIp7. Off RIO. .• MALIO,6BII of bootie ► ford. drpontor, a Nix If gomern street, Allegan, eldel. • • I toot o ;violent attach of tolenstal, la Nol. UM, melee lefty.* bldb a utak Ledo( all roa ms:. aortae war ay atrengdy. 114 :gradnally 004.n51W(017 balsa. Daring Ms Wane ad ntearldy fad Immoral bbYdletdal el Os babal ft/outlast to the city. Affer I but Patton, •••• nomad Limn La plmartay • I was edatsed tO loM the oantry, /el cb I dbl. end. vibes taro a tolled In geol.. woo 104 ode my lift lag was affected. ad • that tf oomatblu WWII not dove mod I *add die of Cuss crideriOm. I lisur ad of from Liao time all alma the folddle ol Imo. my man and 1004 lama . , a B7. aloolag 'dorm, ad I water every day. oy.b• moot despotylog of *yet /Mang web. lOlals mate of ad/donee OGY• ad knobbly tae gtastot 641.1 or tbe Incondnally • ef ffonsampdloa. ad 0.1•114 beard of arm dada by Dt: 11.2 MO. sad salad eta adloorliseemot In tad amseanors• I sem lodated to October tut to all as the Mo. dor at Ids orlon, 10l eaffftreat, 64 lad tilla az; amine my leas wad, ..LUNG f/01:1NO." , old mo the •oper lobo td lonia/ mda4M7 mace at.metd. bad 00 thomret mite' amassed and toe yenalersace la team of DL me:dicta. I. /*tad gat droll. At tea time 'collo& es Dr. gaped my 70101 ma over one bondra 10f1 Iktr. 17 boar Ina minute. and I woo geoerally pros- . trolot sad kid lo onalt Maenad day. loom. wooed tld Doctor'. Madmen& to Ohba., Witt a Gib% brood. eon dlltn dlos. ood gendlbad It fat awn the ormont Ume. The 11001•04 lielass helped me from Um voll Oar. sod I toad ifbaddiarty feet myself giltto! dtroodld. and mil dodge and •Ipertorottos lesseola. • 0110 4.2064 greatly la 11611, sad consider my self droll; an tee rattlla of la ill•ff 4. PM. d. and health II la o“ry dray good. all rolotlya ond trivia boon of ItIO advanced stage eon/ d llsa o unl tar en trardla orr 01190,.. UT. the a toe doodled.. glad *0 by Dr. MINT Ira. • asedtclas conael • LUSU OUNX. ortdob I toot In cennectloo wire the other treld• moat. , assmutont. lurch le. Mt • A.NuTailic crtrali OP OONisumrploit. 112Aranien . OP 101ar C. ottoman. es niann clam astuatasy ln count,. • I ern disshvged from *ha t tad Kates army In taaaali. Ink wanton% of a vrOpad la the and, yr.m a anti*, and a disease *rain linens, pante.. proanand 00118111lPSION. I Ind s wenn neasti and led away la envoi* and Ten and was siaxtda to do nytelaz. Sittanly as. let me ratan Prom tb• mat, I man applicant, to a paysiclan or my nighborken4 had. attn. Innis, Sea:Lothar la Plttsbarin of high tennis statt. 'non manias I nod talinktily Psi les maths, 'althea* aay noun whanear. batten- - . grew 'none, sad wasted*, den *tad Anna .tan day. la ingart. ltd. sty ma nn took ma DOOT9111(311313, atm ran, anon, ifinos lOU la nek eases Ilka mate hod boon llialy. spoken of sad 'pat myself cadt kli treatment The Donne .11th./ my leap van weal with hi. LUNtI SOUND. and toll Ina that m 7 On nun was badly dinned at 11. Senn Tan bin IPA was canted Os amen I. 0•114 , rAmaripiriarriirriv man -MADDING LANNA• ALPHA sra D ariffiavrAzans =lrv; marnm"Rvt."., Fug Bucinanc ;7.021115.,:, m i l% .1% a n fraiLK Izienaus.'4' . 44 Viru Tit Ttrrt" 'arl'uVra t ireAtil = . ..„ 441 m eg3. 6 11 NAL MOO TIM 2* VIM linieiVer..l4 Wart1it.....4,: OdLlath & gi.Vr! 0.. 0 9/011 . J.,Ptek; oRNAMENTAIs• • Vial WORICZA *ND' lii Yli Mh_ytumtjoaa es • t trop eta 1 =.31 - 11/ . . as, 'ararlst flesiltancoPs VtD•eattiCilpa,•csku. 'Hair!Wes - Is •sii& w h it` n& rot, ;am , Lail. , wad esailesciem.••l24tiattuttal• •mummmume.. T COMMON REACHERE Ftt liv= i Avanniut liNkname Ilommak neszPi AVIVATIat A 00: i sVg B3l "o raMiltritintil) - Mai Iss„*., ll o zirrre Marti trriTivica 110.1111 ar. MesaßoUen, OU Btwe, fail* ; •Am Misr IIioNMOSX, tit wilizads. A Lomeli lit; nab Wart. CHARLES BEIIT.NBTEIN,, lIMISNAL 1r5... - anassoomary, CrourtaditoraWre I:U*OmM alas Wawa Table (one iurnaur 11110 M MTMltta. TeetPet IS•IIM IWO 1111014. OS auud. UN amommigf 'l.ll 1-1 .u. ° l ll. 4l l.l lr i stri t 111 ; c1r ;w1 7 .4.1 16 41 j1 1 17 r"7.74:1tJt.M.46 I:a: MS El 9 =I