The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 31, 1868, Image 1

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;gym VOX! M01131:10.
(11:19A 11.)
01IRCI4 eizzirs. Btrit.Disa.
Ilse. 14 sa M FITTII,IIIII.II6T.
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41:21r_417APtiirerma EBBS f
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IlLan V.
Cabmen parrtar pop
liddrglas. GAMTX.
ermatnunt, PT.NN .1.
littsl)-11111 Ga-Ftti,
ce.-t &In In-
tubed b
dtvidttala on the !eastern aide of the
Mato that the ri atoratton of the Coal
inetLitille diluter, an
construction: of a direct line of ratiro d
between Pittsburgh and. }Ultimo
world damage Philadelphia and
Parmorrisania Baltroad. 'rho - a •
market at Philadelphia, Whitt Might MI
be taken as a see criterion in the case;
tells a different story. The shares of tas.
Painaybrania Railroad. Company have
decidedly advanced In price since • 1 7
decision of the Supreme Cong.
Tan name of It H. Kerr, Esq., ha
been presented to. the United BtateS
Songs for coaftrintion as Kariba( of
this district. • This Is a movement tb
dlsplsie Oen.•Thomas A. Rowley, an
offlear eminently fitted and qualified ft
the .`positlon. Hr. Kerr is a leadin
Deinocrat cif lids county, and has no
albite on a loyal Congress for adsance•
melt. ' Petaonalli we have nothing to.
urge against Win; but his political record
is bad, and we hope Congress will cod—
%lnas to calm the, gallant Rowley, vrto
Itai done great service on the tented
-Skald in the cause of his country, arli
who • shiculd not be interlaced bean",
fonstoth, ha Ands no favor in the am.
of thereat disiallefted.
Boni of the Philadelphia joumals,lin
ecurimenting upon the' deolaion of the
Strinstree Conk in the cue of the Con
nelsville Railroad Company, stibetan•
Rally gnome that Philadelphian to the
Commonweal* and that whatever rail
road eatensions tail to 'tiring, grists
its mill" must ba Ininnous to the goner
athiefare, aid ought not to be allowe l d.
Yet. these journals profess to wander
that assumptions AO damaging to tide
city; and to most of the western and
central mantles, are regarded ae to
lent and insutterable:
Philadelphia le a greet and beautiful
city. All Pennaylvanlana are proud lot
her, atm . -11'4am in her prosperity. But
ithenilte demand la arrogantly made
the thetrowth of this city and the de
velopment of half the counties of _the
Bias, shall Wandered for her !pedal
whiustagesAtut egotion and seiffshnera
excites diaguai and compelsresisti l nce
W. L. Sharkey, E. M. Yerger
and A.. H. Handy, have been appointed
delcgutea train Misalealoci to the Demo.
critic National Convention. 4,
—A. Republicen State Conventlot is
called in Ohio for March .th, to noen . l-
nate %ale officers and appoint delegat es
to the National Convintioi:
IL'IL Lytthi and ,N. C. =sin,.
Ems, have ban elected delegates Mthe
Sagnkdican Stain Convention, from the
lintitinzdon, Juniata and idillta reMn
lantaiiire district, with Metmetloaa to
. .
f f t support 4.4e f tkilinuat for _President, G.
'ffl Curtin for Vine President, Gen. Oar
ernaft fer Auditor General, and General
/ Ootultbell tot Surveyor GeneraL
~-Senator Dixon expresses a fear of
.f t
thefots toeing the writ. election
ti• is Ototneeticut. Pfe tap that therefore .
alarge amount of bonds heldby weatiny
Dounicrots all over the Stale, and !hot
- the Democratic party in the West lotde
'' Urntined to commit the party to pa tthe
beat in greenbacks, and on. . tha, he
, sys, they will Joie all hope tn all of Atte
NcW England States. '
' —We learn from the Phil ad apbis Lea
8K Unities Perussylnanteßallroadi:Kar
prny?tant coneeyed all the of climb,
• rionaeoltimbli to Holiodsfysburg tof the
Pettisylanuto. Cone Cropping:
:fff eftuddendicut ramory expreased in the
deed In $2,630,000: Ono of the objects
efl,tbla tnoventent, eamatlerat,t l , td the
enlargement of the. mail bye special
compani, and one - of the gitod results
leaped for is the treater and mare certain
j ficflities for the accommodat ion of the
been tonnage frorn the - r a tlona ;soil
- regions that now fled outlet by wayof
the Petraylraula Railroad.
-The Washlngton correspondent of
the Philadelphia .Ingssirer says that a
Csmserratite Saustor who recently Cali
I sakupon President Johnson found him in
stswerpeeiable diiposltion, with. not
\ tbi slightest indlention9 of any warlike
Ntendencless except upon Gm:ere - Grant,
;. Whom he charged with cansiderabbs
Wl ‘ Mak 1111 haring sold out to the Rail•
soeia\ He says hobo conchae to allow
*Ruins to uerirs out the rest °filo term,
bathe iodetermined he shall hire no
more power 9i duty than conferred
Upon hint hy statute. Brays he "mild
like to put soma- one .else lii the i War
Heparkirtent„liut he has teen "Mum!
that were he to semi an angel - into the
Senate - tor einilhatation they would
quickly throw the rime back marked
!'rejected," and so be does not wish to
Rive Omni any more &incest° offq him
•—lifocint Vesurfus, (says a special
dated lisples, Italy, Jan. 29th ,) which has
continued- in eruption with ritreS s ter or
tees intensity sines its ea mrreneb teeth,
IMMyearybss culminated In en unusual
and very fetal catastrophe. On the Mb
the aide of Monet Vesurhos lying right
oppgetsto the gate of Castello heanks:
'One of the fortifications of Espies, eitus
tad between the 'loyal Palace and the
ems, fell," tumbling outward, detaching
portions of several bouses,butit in the
vicinity, - and ,overwhelming carriages
and °Mer conveyances naming on- the
'highway se the momnt.' The scene is
inalsectioly and full e
of ruin. The reed
!running in the neighborhood of the vol
t:Imo is Ailed with rocks and earth,
!which had just formed a part of the
Monahan. This extraordinary event
-ilea also been attended with considerable
hoes of life, but the number killed has
' ntit beton siscertsinod. . : ,i. .
—The Connecticatllemearatie Convert
i tlen met at Now - Haven, on Wednesday,
", end renominated the State ticket of lest
iyear, heeded by Our. English. Resole
'Akins wersadopted oondemniestfkingrose
for refining -to allow representation
to the South as a revolutionary body, for
usurping the authority of the Executive
lend planning to rob the Judiciary of its
,powars, and for solacing* portion of the
‘,littatel under military despotism; urging
on reductialt of texas, and protection of
naturalised citizens, oPPoellog negro
~ suffrage; sustaining the President in bin
1 ; mates and protesting againatthe illegality
of a dismembered Congress, Ac„.
' —All differences and difficulties he
ll Wan tho „two rival bridge companies of
1 , St:Louis and Illlneishavebeso amicably
1 ameragruk and settled. and the :energies
'; and remorae of both companies will be
i , concentrated and the bridge built warms
;,, the Mississippi at. St. Louis in the &wort.
li set time possible. The arrangement
0 give great setisfaction to St. Louis end
I; MI interested In bridging the river.
—Gov. Jenkins has served Mottoes on
c G e neral Finger and Captains Itockwell
'I, R ed Wharton that he 'will file e. bill in
;. the United Elam Supreme Conti, on the
~, 7th of Febniary, enjoining :the nee of
1 money belonging totheStatoofiGeorgle.
'r - —Anotherefire broke out irt Chicago
,fr , sat night, in the boat and shoe estab
* lishment of Theodore H. Webber .k. Co.,
.Thke street. The' building and stock
were damaged by fire and water to the
, extent of 130,001); insured. r__
—Another fire in Chicago, Wednesday
• : nfaht, caused damage to the 'extent of
tli 3 Oilii. Four frame buildingspppppnnnnnArcher
Avenue, belonging to GMorge Shelling,
. wee destroyed.
—Jeff. Davis and wife arrived at Jerk
. son,-Xiss.. Wednesday night, and ass the
. ',", goads of Clov..Humi &rays. I
• • •
—lt-is - d ated is steted the Congresainual Ways
J., and Moans Committee has - decided not
- ~ ' Wroclaw the lei on wldsky, I
Conttellsville Railroad Bill Passed
in Both Houma,
Fret Railroad Bill foisidered in
the House.
as (Reported.
The Bill
npeetal Dlep•teh to rlitantrih
• ETAnarsscno,January 80, YA
Mr. IticCANDLESS, of Philadelphia,
one to prohibit the collection of times on
personal property by the State, to take
effect Immediately. --
Mr. CON ELL, of Philadelphia, one
establishing the rate of interest at seven
per cent., not to effect oxtail= contracts
Mr. WRITE, of Indiana, one,mithor
bung liras of error on tho indfrnieiata of
Coarta of Quart= Beraions on appeal
from orders of removal of paupers.
Mr. ERRETT, of Allegheny, one in
corporating the Allegheny Groom . and
Precision Company; also one repealing
the act changing the Tame In the case et
Corbett against Lewis and Nelson from
Allegheny.. to Jefferson, and remanding
the !Me to Allegheny. . •
The bill relative to the Pittsburgh
and Connellavllle - Ttstiroad Company
came np, and Speaker GRAHAM made
a lengthy and eloqueot speech in its
favor. Ile was followed by Masera SE A
RIGHT, of Fayette, BURNET . , of Mon
roe, McCONACGEY; of Adams, and
LANDON, of Riadford, in the same vein.
The bill passed finally on a call of the
yeie and nays, lelthoo t s aGgle die/tent
ing volee. •
Following le to bill; ,
Sscrzes L That the act of Assembly
approved August nineteenth, one thous
and eight hundred and sixty-four, enti
tled "An Act Relative to the Pittsburgh
and Connelsville Railroad Company."
be and the ramie is hereby repealed. and
the said Company is .required to build
and complete their road to the State line
within Ave years from the date hereof.
The bill relative to the Pittsburgh and
Connelletille Railroad: which Pissed the
'Senate this morning, was Called up at
half past two o'clock by Mr. WlLleo'
of Allegheny, and passed finally without
a call for the yeas and bays. '..
wen or arrr.rarra.
The bill fixing the fees of sheriffs at
three dollars per day for translerring
prisoners to PenltentLirles and lunatics
to Asylums, was defeated. -
The bill provided : 4e. follows: •
"That hereafter the lees of sheriffs for
transferring prisonent to the penitentia
ries and lunation to the asylums of the
State shall be throe dollars per day, and
the actual and necessary expenses in
curred, and the said 'bemire are required
to famish to the ecimmlesioners a bill of '
particulars of the said services and ex
ponces for examination and allnwanceby
the said commissioner."
OaoLoolCaL aultvras.
The bill requiring the Secretary of the
Commonwealth to forward to the West
ern Reserve Historical Society at Cleve
land, Ohio, a copy of:Rogers' Geological
Surveys of reansylvanla, was adopted.
THE FAZE ILLIL11011) HILL coNslDErisn.
The Freer Sailroid bill' of the House
then came.up. -
The following is the bill as reported by
hdr.WlLSON,Crudthruut of the Commla
noon Railroads:
Sionos L That ,
any number - of citi
zens of PermaylVania, not lee= than nine,
may forma compaey for the purpose . of
constructing, maintaining and operate
a railroad for public use in the convey
ance of persons and property, or
• for the purpose of maintaining
• end - operating any incorporated
railroad already :constructed for the
like public use, and for that purpe . ee
saw make ozd sign articles of worm
don, in which shell be -stated the name
of the - company, the number of Tears
the same la to cantinas, the places from
and to which the road is to he con
structed- or maintained and operated,
the length of itch read; or as near as
may be, and the 'name of each county
in' the State through or into which
it is made or Wended to be made,
the amount of capital stock of theeomps
my, which shall . not be lose than ten
thousand dullard for j every mile of road
constructedorpropossitobeamstructed ,
and the number of shares of 'which said
capital stack shall consist, and the names
and planes erre:affiance of a president,
and :not Isar „than air or mere than
twelve directors of 'the company; who
shall manage its affairs for the first year
end until others are chosen In : their
.places. Each subscriber to such 'articles
of association shall aftbscrthe thereto his
name, plan of residence and the num
ber of shares of Mock he :green to take
said company. On compliallert with.
the 'provisions of the second section of
this -Oct oath articles of easociatien shall
be acknowledged by. at least three of the
directors; before seine officer competent
to take acknowledgment of deeds, in tbs
county where the principal Mace is de
signed to belocated, and may be filed In
the office of the Secretary of State, who
sSail endure, thereon the day they were
and record the sainein a book to be
provided by him for that purpose,' and
thereupott the said articles of association
shall oorne an d he a charter for the
said company. and the personswho have
ee subscribed. to "such articles ef associa
tion, and all persons who shell become
stockholders in such company, shall • be
a- corporation hy• the name specified in
ouch articles Of aseenallen or charter,
and shall poetess the powers and pelell
iges Wield*, to wit: _
.pirst—To have succession by Its corpo
rate earns for the period limited in, its ae
ticlesof emanation. '
Seoisad —To sue and tobe treed, com
plain and defend, is any eourt of law or
equity. \
Thud—To make and .use 'a common
seal and alter the sane at pleasure.
Fourtb—To hold, purchase and convoy
sash rehland)personal cello as the pur
poses of the corporation shall require„
uot exceeding the amount limited in the
articles of essoelatlon. •
' Frith—To appiint subordinate officers
end agents es the business of-the corpo
ration shall require, and to allow them
a suitable compensation.
Sixth—To make by-laws, not Inconsist
ent With any existing law, for the man
agement of its property and regulation
of Its affairs, and for the trinefer of Ile
San 2. Suitt articles . of r iled ctt
shall not be feed and reco in the
office of the Secretary of State Math at
lennt two thousand dollars of stock for
every mile of railroad proposed to be
made is aubserited thereto, and ten per
centufn paid thereon in good faith
and In each to the directors named in
, said articles of association, nor until'
1 there is endorsed thereon or annexed
thereto as affidavit, made by at least
three of tho directors named in said mil
' elm, that theaMOunt of mock required by
I this section has been to good falthinla
+scribed, and ten per cantata paid In cash
thereon as aforesaid, and that it is le
t tended to good -faith to coastal% or to
maintain and operate the rood -mention
alio such articles of fiam-efallon as afore
' mid.
See. of en
3. A copy f article of Issocii
tian filed and recerdat pursuance of
this Cot e ,
or of the record thereof, with a
copy Of. the afedevit aforesaid endorsed
thereon or anne thereto, and certidisi
to be a copy by th en vof tit:l4Blam
or his deputy, shall tar ovCrierree of the
thoorporatien of such company and of
the Nets therein stated.
Site.: 4, When ouch articles Of amens
non and affidavit are filed and recorded
• In the office of the Secretary of State, the 1
directors named in said articles of ea-
socialism may, In case the whole, of the I
cipital Meek' is not before anbaeribed,
*pen booke of subscripaton to till up the
capital stock of titer complimy in. such
please and give such notice as they may
deem " exprallent, and may continue
to receive. subscriptions until the
Whole • capital stock in notheribed.
iitt the time of eutocribing_ every
askirvOn eta P. poi to the WAN,
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torn ten per oentum of the amount sub
scribed by him in money, and no sob
aeription shall be re,CellTd or taken with
out sorb payment;
Sac. 5. Whenever the foregoing pro
visions have been complied with, the per
sons named as corporator% in such, arti
cles of association are fulls , anthorloed
to carry into effect the ordects named
therein, as fully as any corporation ht re
tofore Created under any special act
of the Legislature, and said corporation
thus mated shall be entitled to exercise
all the rights, Dowers and privileges,
and be subject to all the restrictions
and liabilities of the general railroad law
panned the nineteenth day. of February,
one thousand eight hundred and teriy
aki*, and the several supplements there
to, as fully and effectually as .if said
powers were specially incorporated in
add charter. ' •
Sec. 5. Whenever any railroad com
pany heretofore locorporeted, or created
and incorporated under the provisions
of this net, shall, In the opinion of the di
rectors thereof, require an increased
amount of capital stock, they shall, if aa
thorized by a majesty of the Btockhold
ern, file with the Secretary of- the Com;
monwealth a certificate, setting forth the
amount of such desired increase, and I
thereafter such company shall 133 end
tled to have adch increarted capital SS id
fixed by add certificade.
Sac. 7. The number of managers of
any company incorporated in pursuance
of this act shall be &President and not
less than elk nor mere than twelve di
rectors, as shall be fixed by the carper
store thereof at their first meeting to
choose directors or said-company. • -
Inc. 5 The directors of any railroad
eempany created under this act shall
have power to borrow money not exceed
lag in amount twenty thousand dollars
per mile, - nor more titan the amount of
capital stock asbsmibed, and lame the
bonds of the company therefor, payable
at such time, not exceeding fifty years
after the date thereof, and at such place,
and at such rate of interest, not exceed
ing seven per centura, as said directors
may deem Mat, and mayeacure the pay
ment of said bonds and Interest by a
mortgage on the said road and frimemsee
Sac. IL Any pampa ty incorporated
tender-this act shall have authority to
construct such branches from its main
line as it may deem necessary to Incrome
its business and accommodate the lade
and travel of the State.
SEC. 10. That roads oonstrocied under
the provisions of this act, or chartered
under the lasso of this Commonwellth,
shall have the right to cross the track of
any other railroad In this Common
wealth; Provided, hotrerer, That.the cost
of making and keeping such crossing in
repair shall be borne by the road czars-
ing the track of another; And provided
further, That the road so crossing the,
track of anothershall keep at such creme
log as many persons as may be required
to Kivel the necessary signals to prevent
Sac.= That roads constructed under
thePAC:lcm of this act 86311 have
the ht to connect with roads of sim
ilar e cter within this Common
wealth, or at the tile thereof, upon such
terms as may be agreed upon by those
having the management of said roads.
Sec.l2. No director, officer er employe
of any ro 4 -chartered by this act shall
have any Interest, directly or indirenly,
in any express. height line or other boa-
Mims conducted upon the same road, not
the property of said road. and any vioL
lation of this prevision &hall subject the
:arta. offending to &fine of not less than
live hundred nor more than one thousand
SEC. 13. All acts b•retefore passed in
consistent with the proviiiens of this set
are declared to be null and void.
Mr. THORN', of Philadelphia,, moved
to.onercase the amount required • to file
articles of association in the Secretary of
It) Commonwealth'e edlee from two
thousand to ten thousand dollars of stock
subscribed for. every mile of railroad
Mr, WILSON, of Allegheny, moved to
substitute four thousand dollars. Agreed
Mr.- ;DORMAN, of Cheater. moved to
insert that twentytuatiad often percent.
bo requiroPto be Paid In. Dliegreed
Mr..LINTON, of Cambria, moved an
amendment requiring road. to be bath
in six years. Agreed to.
.Mr. THORN, of Phdadelphis, offered
an amendment compelling the Directors
to be citizens of Pennsylvania. Agreed
Pending the disci:Luton the Hods ad
mimed at six o'clock P. sc.
tilt Tel.elpt to Ike Pitiabursh dtattx
FrAili.isiVllo, January . 11.—The Pltta•
burgh d, Connellsvills Railroad bill,
about which so much has been sold for
rears, passed bola branches of the Mate
Legislature to-day. The road Is , to be
commenced In eta months and finished
in three years,
The Free Railroad BM has
.. .pasaed the
[louse In the Committee of the 'Whole.
Modal Cameaandea. Mubarak 0. set,
HaRanBUIIO, Jan. 116 S.
erable conversation here amongst mem
bers,lebbylste and others on the restora
tion of the charter of the Pittsburgh and
Ccausellevilleßailway, Sad I might truth
fully add that there is great rejoicing
thereon. • The -friends of the Panneybra
nth Railroad accept the situation with
the greatest nonchalance, and cannot be
tempted into
mighty • expritaaion aa ta
what the oarporation will
now de to checkmate Its weaker
rival. The bill to restore the charter
of the latter will pass both branches of
the Legislature small opposition has been
withdrawn sines the published-decision
of theEnpreMe Court on the subject. A
few of the Eastern members feel that epr
poaition to the measure will prove detri
mental to the interests of the company.
dampening the silo of clock for the com
pletion of the road, but I opine that when
the mamma comeWup for final action
very few will be found possessed
moral courage sufficient to vole against
the hill. Let Free Railroad urea take
courage , for never wore their propectis
more brill ant than now. .
• I ITSCILESB AltD2loooTata.
There are a greet many bills before
the .Legislature awaiting action. The
"pinchers" and "rooster" are about
equally divided. The Eastern men are
exerting great caution, es they claim
that any bill they have to pass must
scratch its way through, and, attributing
a large share of their misfortune to the
Western delegetofthey have determined
to make private Western bills pay their
way through, or else they will defeat
them. Peahen interested In "pinchers"
will please take notice. •
Thursday hoe been fixed es the day
for the consideration of Hickman is
amendment to the Constitution, wrerein
the won:110U is proposed to be struck
out and', the word "male" substituted.
Whether Pennsylvania is ready to ap•
prove of -this very import:tut amend
ment remvius to be seen. The question
will probably draw out lively debate
from both Bidet' of the Reuse. Several
genatote are exneetol to make important
speeches on the question. '
Thee. W. Davie and William McCune
were today appointed by the worthy
and efficient State Treasurer Ramble, as
Bank Assessors for Allegheny county.
The former gentleman hart - rendered
great service for the ;Republican party,
end his appointment to this position
must render satisfaction to every mem
ber of- that body. Ile is clear headed,
ex eare e tlJ
o arg .. ca n pa , e
Ln ‘ is . k a n
eppoiated as his assistant.
D. Ir. Smith, our member, who bag
been nick for some time peat with billows
fever, ix oonsvilescent and expects to be
present In the Rouse a few days , hence.
`foe other members of the Allegheny
delegation are at their posts, and are by,
no means an underestimated power In.
the isigielatare.-
• sumer sea Mom
`lt hi:generally conceded that there will
Ink short Reardon, se the nieuibers are
determined to do a great work In few
days.. I There are no bide mentioned of
epistle! Interest to your reader,. but I
will keep etrlct lookout and promptly
inform you of any proposed legislation
which meyhe Of interest to Allegheny
county. Faserre.
itymetfi i.e.:, to Kentucky— lemma
. masses tee Nape.
too weasiest to nes gneseorzet uesettaii • .
• Cited:gam Jrirmary Frenk
fort, Ity., Wednesday, a negro commit
ted a rape on an Irish girl fifteen years of
age, and . afterward*, threw her over
en embankment at the railroad tun
nel, breaking • :her shoulder ' blade
and otherwise injuring her. The negro
WM arrested and lodged In Jail. Lust
night serowd of tuft:treated Mittens as
sembled and fervid the Jell( taking the
negro out and hung him to a I've on the
top of the precipice where the young'
lady was tlirwou over. Efer.ral, shots
. were, . fi red Into his body, while
hanging. liThe Governor knew nothing
of We object • of the mob until they had
the prisonor from the jail, when
be Ordered the Adjutant Generul and bit
tusittants to zone . the - -priaoser, but
ffr9Ote ••
ienian Read Center Arrested.
Gelman Parliament Memler Mee.
TikeNfew French Pret;s La
ey.:retee,:.ltt ritt-alree ctittt•tte.i •
Mr. Dltilf...E intreilnee,l u bill fur hold
tog a term! of the linited States District
Court La the Eastern District of Miaow'
Troopii Returning from ' Rome.
Financial and Commercial
31 Telegraph to the ellrebergla Gazette.)
Lonpox, Jan. 30.—A dispatch has . been'
received (rani Cork announcing that
Larcus Adam; a Head Centre or the Fe.
ulna Brotherhood, was airestad in that
city last or enhig. .
LONDON, Jai:Mary 30.—Tho city
of the Times rays though no strainer of ,
the North German Lloyds will leave
SouthimplonThle week for. Now York,
there will be no delay In the transmis
sion of mails; as they will he taken out
on the Cunard strainer from Liverpool
and Queenstown. ,
Rev. Newinan Fiall, addro's
llvered in the Tabernacle of Rce. Spnr
goon, urged Lord Stanley to bring lb
Alabama claims to a speedy settlenient
_llEntaN, January T A'eiden,
the member of the North German Par
liament who was arrested some time
since for alleged improper langnage in
debate, has been discharged, having
been subjected to a alight - pecuniary
dna. It is thought the decided
taken ',by Parliament that members
ought not to be heidlieeountabis in any
, ther place for words Spoken in debate
contributed in no small degree to Ibis
merely nominal punishment. • •
it& or..
Tilt Now retro LAw
PANS, Jinuary 30—Enettillg.--AD in
toresting debite took place to-!iloy in ill •
law tar the government of the pr.. was
the enbjeet of dismomion. 'fhiers, L•
a speech of treat power in opposition to
the low, urged the importance
of - allowing entire froodom to
ae preo,, except only in ,
where the canctity of private
lice or acts Of foreign magnate, are coil
,erned, in eloquent term,. Ile warned
the government not to allow the oppor
tunity to peas of beetowiog privilege.
upon the prewc the neglect - of which
has cost the ruin_ of SO ninny ilynaqtie,
ii. Pinard, in reply, clopre.utte,l the
;ranting of further liberty to the prran,
aid in the course of tile remarks -.Od
sine omet 4 s,lowt we!, proposed a jear
tgo the French Journals_ have preyed
unmistakably their UnilLl3,ll for the Itt,
,rty which.their adloemtes proles a doe
lire to secure. • .
lotellicanoe la 'peelers' from. tome
hat Goneral Finley, oointuantler of the
French F.apealition t ery Corps, to about t
return to France with ono distal,. of
coop.. The remainder ,of the fore. re:
:nain Jn ROD. under General Dumont.
The Bourse clonal atronge.r. Reran..
iiligher. American tiecarituss closed Arm
it the rates hurt quoted. 4 •
its axes az...a.xo Lau s sik
Tagil:sox. January 30,—Everintg—Con
silo 93111:y9n. Five-Tornotten Milady at
72(F2L Illinois central F..% Erie 49.
January 30.—Eurning—
LIVE.ItroOL., January ming
•.I.U.On' firmer; sales of lispial hale. of
uiddling uplands et 9jc do. Orleans I.
amadsuffs mid Corn heavy at. 4.111
then unchanged. Provisions; Bon
I :Va. Pork 74a. Lard 52n Gd. Cheese
6.. - Pamir. 61. Produce;
quiet ud afeady. Petroleum la 21d. G,r
Mined. -
Arrrivane. Jannary VA EVening
Patrolettni francs.
min smut AT la LO ti,
11.1 Lt.. Myer Iltro•k• Lowe
Winn?... or Throe ll■edrea Peopi•
Om It—Ne Loa LasS—Pertimate gds.
tape. ;
By Totetra.t to O. Ptitab•rgn
ST.. Lott; j January About four
o'clock this afternoon, while Worn* two
or . three hundred people—moo, women
and eblidien, mainly miseencere by the
Ohio and 7diftsissippl railread train,—
were crossing the river. 012 foot, thence
suddenly broke loose from eacti
and Boatel down stream. .Unit
consternation was immediately created
and the people ran hither. end thither hr
terrible fright. They multi not get off
at tither ebore, as the toe had left the
river banks. and a broad, open 'Payee(
water intervened between them and
the land, and it :IMMO, .ms though
thire would be a terrible lose of life.
Thousands of eitizsres gathered on
the levee and watched • the
scene with lese excitement.
Luckily; th Imm en s e field oLlotidid not
Meek, and after floating the diadence of a
couple of blocks. It premed against a
signaler on the 'Allasouri chore from
which staging and gang planks wore
pushed out, and ail the terrified fvople
were reef:tied. Several ludieroedi inci
dents occurred, but no ¢13.11 was injured.
Michael o.ltearo, a merchant from.
Cairo, felt into the water,. and after
reaching sre, went into a saloon on the
lons to change his clothe& While tak
ing hie valise Iceyt from his pocket book,
the latter.was anat . -avid from his hand
by a bystander, .w itte d
made off with It,
hod has not yet been Blued. The pocket
book contained one thousand dotter. iu
.money; and tee thousand doller in
notes and eight draft..
The ice floated a distance ofilstut live :
block. and lodged again, leaving. tin
openehennel for ferry boats. Several
hosts ars now hutti the lee at differ
ent points and the harbor will probably
be entirely clear in the morning. The
wegthei has moderated a good deal to
i day, the memory rude/ above treeztug
polht. • •
5 1 "Z. leei.igh W tea rtissbartb umt2.l
Winntricrnmr. /an. ?Oth, lane.
The Preeldenb has nominated Robert
U. Kerr for. Marshal of the Weetetn Di
tact of Penneylremle. .
fuer unman sznorren.
Thonew British Minister will bo pe
moted to the Preerldent to-Morrow.
There Is no longer anY doubt teat We
reciprocity treaty with dm Sandwich
Islands wilibe ratified by theSonale.
Speaker Colfax icas mcolvoil • letter
from Judo* Ithellabarger, dated Spring
field, Ohio, Wing' DO la Improving in'
health tied will return to hie !seat in tho
House, during the prevent mission Of
Sorry Black, haring returned from a
visit to Gov. Jenkins et Georgia, la said
to be engaged in preparing a legal paper
to be presented•to the Supreme Court
. 1.!
a few days. making en Injunction open
General George B. Meade to deter him
from Illegally approPrlating funds and
railroad! , of the IMide of Georgie. Gen
eral I,Seade, it Is expected, 'will defend
his course upon the ground that the acts
of Congress authorize ham to make each
uses of the State property as he may sec.,
flt. Th. will bring th e teat of th e con- '
atltulionallty of the preemit syntem
government in the tioreprelleoted Stalest,
and will determine map) , ether' iimltar
irtegfedaritirajneldent to the military
admixdstention in the South. ..
T.'Seett Stewart, of Pennsylvania, has
been nominated by the Preddent Consul
to Mom and Beige, Japag,
coa - roxs.
Thereoeigte of mulct. for the week
finging4aimary 2111, 1mi,13,120,525,
rer,onal Qaeht'ou in: the lituse,
.111c;td Rli,coad tcl of n Ruprtme
toutt Jtbtke.
Matter Ito b 3 1 nviit igate d.
The CAp:lttriasiouguestiion
Speech of!Mr.Wilson, of lowa.
Mr. II Alt LAN ipirodimed a bill to
grout alil to eonstruet a railroad and tal- 1
(graph iiiie.from the Union PicitTeißell-i
road to Ithille,Montanaand pagetSound
Referred. •
Mr. POMEROY offered n resolution
av hn the eionlieney of Changing the
northern boundary of Colorado from the
4ist to the 4.d (andlel.
The bill is addition to the not regulat,
log the tenure of cleft Ohms was coiled
O p. I '
lir. rATTERSON, Now llampehire,
moved to amend by substituting entirely .
A new Lill, dispenel opv ilia special agenti
horotoOre oppnintcd under th e ache or
-f791!, 17 , J3 and
Mr. SUMNER Moved ha amend, at 1.110
do-ire of Sixretlry Snward, by exeot
aoL p,rionS employed by ate. State De
rail:Met Inn fernier' affairs., provided
they are poll from. the Department's
ARlyd. bate, in the o f which
M r . Ih W A 1:1) .id three agents of the
State. Dep.irtment had be.•ll very iturner•
001 :ma 1.• n• nisichieVOul, the further
tn,ider.ktion wn, im,tpoued, :111 . PAT
Eitzit IN giving to[14:0 ho would proms n
tofu to-morrow.
'rho s - e
-.01 111011 relative to the Inter.
cation,: Maratitut, HuVrt
Ago o.ol , ,taki without remit. -I.
•• - • -
C ..lunch , . was tll up.
lu cti . RENA/RACE:S. nr.l
Mr. R MtIN m./..10 x 41,0t,711111110
jiousE Ituvra:-41:NTATIVES ,
1 . 1.11, ,, NA1.3.1. , irre11.
. Itedi I .‘ LI,. rtaitic to a Pornoual
sent to the Clerk', aril: and
hail reed it emit from Bur-
Midge, published in this 'miming's
Wtoildegtfm Chronicle, iu referentv to a
speed, made by Mr. M. in the HOU4fr
charaottrizitiz tteneral B an the Military
Jelirie• of laatuaky. Tne eard deolg;
tiotes. Mr. Marshall as a reek lean and
iotiirr Matt, true to his 'wryer.o na
nd if+
writer oat's he apprehend.
Mere not it hurt w detiamod, onion, it
nueitig this t a Inithful eenfedor
-0100, to believe such a ethtement,
ouil .ot r •tiiiitztte so fain.
to "tier 11. Thio card Mr. :trail:belt
dwoletrand room 1112.16 notice at bla
Gen. iturtiridge had; after wall , .
ng •,1 .timughi aliplr
tiimaei the epithet of i 'hidlitakiy
Jeftrien." If in 11..' twat of debate he
elnetild ever do initiative to avenue el:1
;r , -either, It Wollta tfitt high
of his lite to repair the
were frequently man
in uniform a do, daring the latewar, had
rut totem govortml ' by high,, nold• and
manly primmer., ituil who, when they
ieveiateit piaeas of power,
tote of the very worst teattires
man tinin or. Theeenamarki.heimid,
Were 1,011,441, uud had no apecial Or Ter
our at this lithe,,.'
proveil_ i titAt wt.., Cherfree were made
igainallitifii per.. titer alletarittel
•+ lien t 1 semen theineel•foi front Invl,ll
- by. turning tin-those who . had
made the chancre anil nemising them of
helm; in eylup.ltaly with the rnerolee of
Miry cuttatry. b tar ea that attempt bail
hot. Iliad. in bin i Mr. ).lershall'ar two,
heiwentd say If (ignore! Ihul.rlAge owl
pett twitusinted with hla (Mr. Max
eltell'Ai bumble liLidory, would hare
ktiowa that the charge' woo utterly
m 4 ,1 onttrely fai.e. Them ',amid he no
e i roinal lama whatever bet wawa Gen
orat Iturhridge and Ito iklr.
tieW nothing and rwtld k now
~toting of lif• ronduet
the war, hot the eioargo• in whleh
ban matte all U•intl bad bee11:1111 tart On
of the hizheot r•orieeMbilley
reeponnibility ill Kentneky, who, he
titirlorntood, were propareil to prove them
twilimeity. Ile hoped t.eneral Bur-
Midge would tor AWL. tp VittillttatO hint.
er.if :rout thre charge., which; has been
iierionidy end gravely made, but the
way to do no wail; aft
uenttittr.un '
ALLi;i•rdi. or A sCrltr.Xl;
Cotter rtwritz. ;' •
ter: SCHOFIELD risiruttO a ques
to.n of privilego, offered a resolution
wetting that. the WasLittittim EreressO.
flr pre,' of yesterday Contained a Wake
uent that at a pris ate gathering of gen
aeuitt of both parties ono of
t , le Judge% cif the Supremo Court spoke
very freely of the rooonstruytiou UMW
•iteg tif Congress, and declared _lrt-the
mo-. 1 pomtis :iterate Ott all illatf3 1111”,
ere:unisio.stitin tonal, and that Ito Coiobt
would be sure dm protiennon theta to;
that 001110 Of lit. friend's 11111 , , ! 'Um mug
cisted. it wss exceadinaly Indl,.•reet
I.pesk se positively, when he at ono re
peated his .VIOWS In a more: emphatic
memo:rt. also reeding that 'several res Poe
under se -li re,onstruction measures
wore M•ndutc in the Sur ranieConrt, and
d mai , to f ito Judiciary Committee to In
quire tomtit.. truth of the deelarationa
contained in the newspaper article and
report whether the Nets ronsotuto rough
tlllvienteanor in allies as requires tide
I fonsso, resent to the Senate articles
impeatantent against such JuStiee of the.
hupretue Vourt, with power, to
itnesses.ii ref-tort at ant tint
'MC sr EA': I:ll.slied ;.dietiter there
%or an objectiou ruo the Intreductloa of '
thf. newt Tahiti?
Mr. Eltr YN roAe and asked whether
the gelttlemso front Venney:Tania IMr. ;
io:stmo,l the respopelhiltty of,'
st.t.tio4 the r•iel.4 ref ite , i to tw true? -
Mr. CiC1101 . 11:1.1) said ofreurse Its did
not, btu hoped to tind out the truth or
i.,eety of the
Tee announced that the
resolution was befoie' the House. '
Mr. JOILiitiON opal he boot a resolu
tion to obJe,d, but was wittier to let tbt
resolution be offered If It designated th
Judge referred Li,
Mr. ELDRIVIE naked Whether the
resolution was before the Haase?
- The spz.:AK uic replied it
IM r. ELDItI DC.I" said Le had risen for
the purpose of ohjeetirtg to; the resolu
tion, but had rormatted the gentleman
front New York Mr. Provo) to be mak
ing obje.tion. After cite *rower to that
gentleman's Inquiry, ha did make the
The SPCA li remarked;that nets:ad
ieu:to the gentleman's statement he land
not objected In time. ; •
After considerable debate, lir.
ISLA INE rernarked that him pore
graph Wes itabliabsti this moratoria the
Baltimore ti.urlte, .giving We name nf:
the Judge as bllnplien J. Field.
Mr. Jl.oll2:Sti s : said that thin were a
blow at Judge }fell, Ise wanted the rowan
Inserted in the resoluttom j
Mr. Senorrt;LD enggasted that be
would allow tile gentleman from Cali
fornia toriotve to unload the resolution
tip inserting . tire nuniutof 4udgc
1.411gh L.t.r. I • -
Mr..IOItIgSON doelinedlto avedi trim
cell of the. pportnnity. , • 1
Mr.. Ilrbi BEE ikelared., Mahn had
been familiar with Judge Tield during
all tin years iit the rebellion, and that
there VMS no man truer to 01,11111 ton and
more In foyer or the litlppi . C.lntl of the
reheilion than :Judge -
• Mr. BAILEE fond that Such a grand
ammo should have a better foandatlou
than a mere neweptiver idle°, and that
therefore he would vote agtdnet the ryes.
Afire remarks by Mesita PIIELPii
and Fr,r,DRI POE, ' Mr. !KiIoPIELb.
!unveil the previous questlon, which w 4
.11Ir. 'ROBINSON' moved to lay the
resolution on the table, which was neg..
tired. -
- Thu resolution watt then adopted:,
ninety-seven yeas tO It tty. , ,aeren mart, as
Yeas—Messrs. Autierson .kr-
Anhicy Gieltatia), 'galley, Baldwin,
Banta, Braman, 'Benjamin, Bingham,
Blaine, Blot rjlegit well, Broomall, Buck- -1 ,
land, Coke, Churchill, - 'Clarke (Ohio),' ;
Clarke (Mamma), Cable, Coburn, Cook.,
Connell, .Covedo, Cullum, Dodge, Den
nehy, Drigo, Eckley, Eggleston, Eta,
Ferris, Ferry. Fields; Gardeld, Higbee,
• flapper, litipking, igubbard (W. Va.),
limner, Ingersoll, dutitLJullan, Kelly;
Hatay, 'Kitchen; Koontz, Lawrence,
(Ohio), Unmet!), Logan,l Loan.. Lynch,
Marvin, Maynard, AtcCarthy, McCleary,
MOreer, Moore, Morrill, Mey
ere hiat.n, Orth, Paine, 'Per
'awn, Peters, Plants, Ealaley, Pomeroy,
Elithcb: 114wyer, l9elaeJl4, Nam
, . •
field, Sonya, Blhankit Starkweather, Ste
vens (Pennsylvania), Stevens (New
York), Talit, Trimble (Tennisseo),Tr.m .
bridge, 'rivitabell, Upson, Van Airman,
Van Horn (NOW York) Van Horn (Mis
souri), Van Wynek, Ward; Washburn
Wiso:,uain); NVaiddittrne (Indiana),
Wathburnii , (Mialichtnistia), Welker,
Williams (Pacinsylvania), Virllliama (In
dixna,) Windom ..
Noys=r-lisseni. Adam., Archer, Axial!,
Baker, Eames; Beck, Boyer clarey,
Chnnler, Eldridge, ratott,,FaAseretth,
Getz, Giossbrenner, akiliday, 'Grover,
Haight, Ilarding, Haseklaii, HOlmad,
Hotchkiss Hubbard,(losra ). liumphrey,
Jo - makes, Jolinson, : Jones, Knatt, Latllll,.
Loughridge, Marshall, McCormick,
Moorhead - , Morgan, SfOrriasey, Sinnott,
Nibiack, Nicholson, ?helps, Poland,
?mom, Randolph, Robinson; Rdso,
graves, Smith, Spaulding, Stuart, Stone,
Taber, Tnylor, Trimble, (Kontnekv),
Vanonkel,' Van' Trutzip, Washburn,
WilSen, ( Iowa )„ Woodbridge,
Woodata . .. •
10011. Ti or Allltolo.lo 'CISiZENV 11l FOlt
The Reuse resumed the'conelderation
of the bill reported from the Committee
on Foreign Allah., concerning the rights
of American citizens in farrago Stetter
Selma...twine wedeln criticism of thk
bill by. Cessna. Donnelly', Woodward,
Ward, (of lowa,) Pita" tin t{
Mr. WOODWARD, while deciarigu
himself itt favor of the mule features: of
the bill,: gave notice of on. imendritent
that whenever any citizen of the Unite
States, either native born or naturalized,
idialliomove hie domicile ton foreign
onnnfry In good Oath, and with .the In
tention of becoming a with hen or *naiad
thrthor, and who phial beemne naturali
zed under thelaw of such etountry; he
Khali he considered as having abjured
his ryllegtanco to the I loYernment of the
United. States, with the cement of that
government, auk all claims on the part
of puch - governmeat on the allegiance . of
such& citizen shalt forevar;
Ite i ll7ll.SON,,tows, Chairman of the
I harcluituid with intereetiand profit the
elab.4l4e report of the Committee on
ForolgriAteirs, which was ace empanied
by thepredentatthnof it bill to the House.
The eubject of which it treats is now of
greafgrovity and. high public concern.
It Inlpaletas runnier mighty co.( wince
to the Republic afal It o citizens. mei - we
should be careful not Mei - ado or holland
diem by oar preient action. The report
nut VII confront its not ouly with a
grain attention; but etas with a very
eats one; whlelibavhile we trent of it with
dreamer, wamdst at the same Unte hat,
diewith t -are. , We eheildbelthenlecelve
ourielves as la the nature of the ground
upon whlch wej place our adieu, our
mislead thee citizens whose 'denionds
far mire. of ;asserted wrong. here
carinnaailed the preeeniauun 01 the bill
be us. West-Omit nog energy deal. ,
tog . willi a mere; thmtion of election, or
PlaYing a pleasing game for the +int, of
naturalized : eitizena. Whoever views
theme...ant minden through such glasswa
will greatly mi s take the ,nnignitude of
gm: propositions eft del subject, with
which we are denting. The merit fact,
aid WO aro treating of the cur
bane and lognennerial . ' doctrine -of
snort of the ;nations of his earth
tespecting they right of eigetrintion,
Sushmould piece- us ou a higlirr plena of
emanship gain that whieh ornmerne
merely the preerta and tramieut entries
of IN action. We cannot' pity with the
quertion without a-sinning risks for
ourselves and Imposing danger on the
nation, Thar foi'mer would be folly, and
the latter would be, In a certain cease,.
Mine„ Our slept,
.therefore, should be
th ma
ten with tion, deliberation, Arm-,
nes and perfect appreciation of
nemees which , naiad , ' -sheaf.
W. may niit injudielousl• • rash
upon . the begs of bucklers of
nation, without the.
dangers of war', We may ant trifle with
the expostnlatienr of our naturalized
tin:ens without *acid neva restless die
toident, which:may nista of them an un
coinfortobio disturbing ;element in the
in torpid poi bee+ and eget roof the nation.:
ltiUreom them two positive Ono rtotagon‘
laic fact. wr earanat rarely play a role
of, disalinutetion. We Moat dad even
handedly with both, with a leirfect un- ,
derstandlitg th in danger Ile, on either
bend, A straight forward dealing
with any :stale .of tams w With
oar •confrocit on in • stetieintisiship.
(Olisidmullating Maniguidtion rat them
in diplomacy., With the latter we have .
igehing to la, for we are leghilitorn..
It is our Minims, to dictate whet the
taw and hairy of thli, .neitou shall
wide it te terms 1017111ileymiei. • n il Co'
Pii4leri nation (%. natitralized citi
zen. The great ciii. , ation before
right of expatriation._ Pare tie bill
which we are considering deal fairly with
loin 9uestion, audio away not iniiculsted
M mtelrad theme( our citizens who are
martdirectly infereshel in It. provisions?
I cm gridnd to say that In my judgment
it dews not, ntidl;ivor It Is I desire to dt
'reit the attention of the lionise to Its
loathe g and onatrolling section.. The first
section of tho bliliprovidea that all mitt
rel ited citizens of the United Sates while
hi foreign States shall be entitled to and
shall receive from thin government tho
rawe pnalantiOn of person end property
that in afforded to native born mamas-in
rimatirtuand . eirenemittionow. Thor
far the section Is diroct'and pointiee, and
challenge" the attention rind practice of
every nation hunt which we have drawn
the foreign:element of our population.
It is ellirmetive, .aggressive And boldly
American in there regards, andtrim
tiand• respect and addrizatlon.- ,
title be declared as. the pallor of this
country, end no one can Mistake sr a
a grotto swain on the miserable feudal
doctrine of non-expiatrlation. It sounds
ilko the deep-. Welling bores of a ea
tion, WWI. origin' and' growth relit
upon the rights. of expatriatiou. It is
lite voltaic( potential America reviewing
the polickii which mom the perpetual
allegiance of a elan to the plane of his
birth: ' it breathe* the breath of life Into
that clause of the Constitution ankh
declare" Conerese shall have power to
establish a uniform rule of naturally:,
tion. It glees vitality to thug condlti,
Panel flower, and elevates our riatnnill
=Lion lane obey, the levelstgbadet and
knees'. If it stopped her - I,' we 'Might
reverently warehip headlining:pees, bold
orris and justnee., and welcome it to its
['nou - relate pleat. among the statutaw of
the nation. Entitle destro,yed by flintiest
succeeding &chat-shim of the section,
which provides that. the President is
empnw, red to employ all the 1101011rma
or the tioverament In jest efforts to tie 7
cure the recognition try other govern
mental of the principles of Ipubile taw
which have been Insisted upon end
maintained by the Oovernruent of the
i'ettetl State, in regard to tho rights of
itatnrialteed citizen.,-Thin was a vent , "
e negation cud demolition of tho pre
ceding Alechirstioti of the 'eectlon, and
doetroys the anirmattire and aggressive
character of the bill. Pass IL in Vila
form and we leave tits ClatiOn to Its pros
rot track In every respect. It will have
no more talent on the doctrine
navepatrthe ocean tion Llum lbe gentlest
vof would , pro
duce on this continent. It le no 121010
than a tub thrown at the angel end
epouting whale to arrest hLe vittentlen
end draw bleu away from his point or.
. attack. it la diplomacy, no
Enact this eeetion, and y ou dal not change
the law or:the practice of the nation in
the retinotent .degren. It will be a mere
declaration that the principles of the
public laws which, bete been insisted
upon and maintained bythe lieverlinaent
'of the United States In regard c o n'
rigida of naturalized citizens shall ,
done es the rule: of conduct of this
I Republic.' Title involv,es the very : coin.
'plaint made and Urged by our natur
alized eitisena upon the attention of (the
tiovernment. Out It does not change the
law, our remedy itjleaven thinking
where they aro now. For this tlovern
meta hoe not Insisted upon tintilmoin-
Lathed the right of expatriation. If win
'are to do no
more than thls, we leave the
naturalized citisen, who may place him
nelf within the jarlstlictien of his batty., In the Mule position In which
he dada himself now when so eirentri
danced. Weleasitililerr all of hin pretent
risks and- assume no new responsi
bilities ourselves. The pending bill
'they retraced him. It certainly will
not aceempllsh more then title, and It Is
to be hoped he may esthpo th is result.
Teo complication , ' attending the COOII
- ti n of titizonehip by netnrallastion are
abundant now, and 1 pray you not. to
multiply them by enacting the Movie
(lone of the that section of lids 1111 with.
'out amendment.' The English dicetrln•
of allegiance is (hits stoted by Illocketonei
".Natural allegiance' is such as fa duo
from all men born within the eovertugn
dominions Immediately upon their birth,
for Immediately upon their birth they are
under the protection of the Crown, at . a
too„when during infancy they are
incapable of protecting &we've..
'Natural allegiance Is, therefore, a debt of
gratitude which Minuet be SurfeltaiVain
celled or altered by any change of time:
place or elrocuststauses, nor by anything
but the assisted eon curronee of the Leghe
laturfi. An Englishman who removes to
Franco or Chins uwes the ague eliraW
sore to the Kingot England there an at
home, and twenty years hence he will as
now For It ,Is a principle - of
universal that- the - natural
born 'object, of ' one prince cannot by
a ny Petal' his own, no, not by swearing
a tieghothe, put MT. or (Recharge Lis elle.
stance ter Inefornier, for this natural el.
leglenei Kai isdrtnele and
,pealtlia and
antecedent to the [other, and cannot I:e
divided withnnt the concurrent act of I
that prince to whom R. was tint due,
• l'of. 1, page 3119.
Kids doctrine Le tinjust, unreasonable,
and it was with the spirit of Sae nresent
I nge. But Motwithstandiug thin is its
character, tins government has not In
state upon aaa imintained an opposite
doctrine. There is not to he found
among all of ; our statutes a single affir
mative challenge to this feudalism of
England. •The -imperfect negation
'sought to bedroom from our naturali
zation laws hue 'no substantial "fatinda
boa upon Which to rest, for England
has a eystenenf naturalizabon also. our'
Judicial Depertmont has not advanced
beyond an attempt by negotiation to in
foreigl i States to consent to the
adoption of new rule of Malaita -or In- I
ternational aw on this sublet. If we
turn to American text writere, to Story,
Kent, RawlS and oshers,•we are reward
ed by is harvest of the name barren re
sults.- Henna, Mr, it la not a matter of
'Nurprite to me the' the English Govern.
snout should goons againat'Us our own
practice and_ precedent, and. hence It Ls
That I object to the first section of this
bill. If It be not amended, its
enactment • ;will not change. a shattia,
of :the coloring .which our action
and • non- ties have . „given
'the' • geed question... with .Whielt
wears sow ealing-- Thisseictiflne• oat it
now'standa,,can bear nothing but decep•
lire 'lntik, lathieh will turn to bitter
fishes on thOlips of eur naturalized citi
zens, and I am mires* member .of this
Tien.' desires to roach no. disastrous a
result. - Ifeel confident that-the Com
nalttee on Foreign Affalra,throUgh whose
Chairman this bill has been reported,
logo been et:Mated un doub te d a toly dlfferunt
purpose. 'They . ly mean
it to assert in as broadest sense
tho right Of' expatriation, and I am
assured LIMY will cheerfully await to au
amendment,p of the first section which
will olio:Rustle nom it every vestige of our
past observitnee of the Indefensible feudal
' doctrine of Indefeasible allegiance. lo
they have already proposed such a
entail flatten of the bill. Thom persons
who come lb our -Jurisdiction from for
eign Shan,' lend complying with our
lawn acqulrhcitizeruthip, should find the
oldeld of this Itemiblic an" firmly held
for their I 'defence no . for, those
who: are barn upon our soil, and Ido
not 'doubt this great 'and just doctrine
is the exact ablestive point at which the
tionnuitteeOu'lroreign Affairs are aim
ing, nol. -Lsadisbman. Irishman,
Prot:tanned— German, 'Swedo, Dane,
-Russian, or member of any other net ion
ity, Who Iby naturalisation in purest.
.ancont" the laws becomes an American
citizen, should know and feel by the
fern of Sur position and honor that the
acK of staturalizationia equivalent to our
American birth, and that whereverhe
may thereafter go the the Repub
lic envelopes him no completely
eo it tioesjhe person of him who lint
saw the light of heaven in au American
home. This to the result which I desire
to reach and I will not willingly wowed
to anything which sums :Mort ottt It
is the true American doctrine of good
faith and Honor Chat commends us to as• to it. The pot aborts -timings of our
Government should move us to the high
demand of the present °emotion. if wu
have beets matins in the pest,
should atone the present An rompenH
sate the !future fur remise.. of,
Government ac.ion. with
faults' the poi conduct cif
this '
Gavornmerit may be charged. lot,
us lu our present ;triton make full atone.!
went, rt. ! 'high time that feudalism.'
wore driven fro:a our shores isud
nated froth Our laws, and now la the
tine to deelare it. I regret that the ruins
of the Holt. and, which wet are' now
acting will not allow me to inter upon a
more elaborate dimumion of the yeas
tams of vihich the bill treats. An.„en
fometnen4of my views, by a' review or
all the a •of the Kniontive,
!stave,. Mad Departments
of the I Governnient, would have
bore agromdale to um, however unprout
dMe it May have Isom to the House. I
''ack‘ept the aitnation next clone my re
marks with the' eaptcsalost of the hops
that owl action upon the momentous
, ono/41ov] involved in this 11111 may be
suits we Will result in a thorough revis
ion of tint lost amiss' of our 'govern
ment, and in - trtislative deeloration
which cannot be entslnterprated by tint
portion crotir population who bore le.-
eorue - cit - setts by natural's:aloe.
.Str..Pl.Enspressed hi, hors that the
hill salt tit present stood was simply to
keep thOword of promise to our earn and
break It to Our hope. The effect of It
would bI tolesys founriMhs of the Oat
°rained their
from YrUasitt subject to
acrest oil their return to that country.
issuer; he military service there WILY
pvide by law. and every smiled I ••
migrating from Prussia before having
nerved Oat his legal term of service,
would his sublet to impreentent into,
the Neryna on ilk return. So to dm re
tell intlon,clatise In the denou nets:
it . berbarona and Whitman.
Mr. NINERS Waled the machismo el
ties gentleman from lowa were ground.
lees, eel the ( - onus:attn. hod already
enemies') the bill to the rwmen alluded
to. It vrastrue the Government had not
hitherto' maintained the tlectrinee of the
bsll, list those doctrines had been con
stantly asserted and were' now Insisted
on in the 'form of this law. He agreed
with fie gentleman from Missouri (Mr.
Pile? that the exception from enact:non
of those:deserting from conscription ac
tually ordered sno not of itself nut
, and as the tetra of
Prussia' and other countries might be
coustrueted into a standing order of con
acriptino, the Inference that arolaratlam
from those countries wen dmertlea
should be guarded against. The objets.
1 ions made to the 1,111 secutelonly for the
purpose, of making It more effec.ual upr
on its tri als provision, certainly .In, the
first settiona. 'He' trainmen the Monne
would fi nite, and. would' react into a
law a I doctrine,which uttered the
sentiment of the American people. '
The amendments alluded to by' NI,
MYERS, and which were made to the
hill to-Joy by Mr. BARKS, are ea
"insisted upon and maintained'
struck put sod the wants 'beret:if:we as
serted"l anbstituted for. them. The ex.
eeptloui of penesna entitled to the pro.
vlsionsof the bill la extended le de:tort
en from any military or naval conscrip
tion that may have been :nut elle ordered
In enebState; al. to TrINO(1 4 1 10110 ahnit
fall to Make a report of property for tax-,
Mien. 1,
Tae morning hour having expired, the
bill wont over fill tile 'morning her of
Tondo) next. • • •
I AretterlitATloN 011.1..
Mr. STEVE Ns,of rouroylvauta, from
the tkiinnaittee on Appropriations,
ported; a bill enables appropriations for
the .lestalative, executive and: jodieial
e of alio Government for the tie,
cal year ending June, :Ash.
dared ilO bu printed, and re-onninittesi.
• wanosv Sittrgrel.
on Motion of Mr.. SCHENCK, the
Senate anlendmenta: to the, lion. bill
creming a Board to examine whisky
inetert was concurred In.
on isetlen of M. -,PIKE the bangle
umend Went to the Joint resolution pure
vidlng. for the veto of heat-elade tette tvo
caned in. -
Or IA:11;S;
The nouso proceeded to the considera
tion of the lull declaing, forfeited to the
United §tates eertalu landsgranted to aid
in the triestrnetion of railroads in the
Suites', of .A.labautn, Iduisteeiripi, Louisi
ana and Florida.
Aftei . , debate, and ishhout coming to
Tote; the House adloucual. .
j• • ••• I , lllw Yenu., Jan. SU. Lana.
tt xrrttcct or' vntrenamin
told toj•dayal. tbo Produce.' En
clunajpe, General Walbridge In Wu Chair,
and 4•usuludona adopted dtaxacterlatnr
t „ i rcard=t 6 uTut " rat f t o o r th i elilto "' r u c:LTlJ ' u t
city,ltitato and tazumerat of h e country
gel:locally, and calling upon the Legolla
turn to repeal tha Jaw rotating to con
traas..Sur Uto,luapxoveuteut of canal.
Thilitentuer Ville de Paris. from Bo
ore ned Brest on the IStb,
.Tbri stammer.. agora, cf tho Rich
mond Ituooris seized, to-day for failure
toajukt govonanont tax.
ortets Tamar. •
Tbo steamer Wooer, for Bremen, took
VT' 000 to specie.
• AL, If.Elottlos. of Orneora.
Th . State Couvpultott of the Graiul
Arnif of SA llopnldle, whit* atoembhal
to Philadelidda, Wednefsdity, elorted the
fottoilhg oftlef•re for the ensuing year:
Department Commander—A.l., rear-,
Boa ,of l'lttaburgh. St.o1": \lee
Solfridgn, of Northumberland county.
tJuntor Vlce--WeAllington W,,rroll,
of Philoduipina. Inapoetor General- , A.
M. K. Story, of Pbtladelhia. quarter
maatar p
ocket',A of
adelphla. .
Tha'Mechanics and Agrfeultnrri
elation of Louisiana. opened their Fair
on the 7th nit. Mr. John Taos, of this
oily. tool:dead a Diploma and Silver Me
dal far auperiur grape "liked.
Pursuant to public call, the New,Cas
tie branch of the National Reform Asso
elation met in White 11011, New Castle,
Law reties county, on Thursday morning,
at touo'clock. The house was well filled
with an intelligent audience. Professor
N. R. Johnston called the meeting to or
der, and, on motion, Rev. John Douglas, ,
D. D., of Pittsburgh, was elected tempo
rary chairman, Rev. John Alfcrd Arm
sppolitted temporary secretary.' Rev.
Josiah Alexander opened the meeting
with prayer. The call for the 'Conven
tion Mae then read.
On motion, • the following committee
was appointed on Permanent Organita
don t Itev.Tohn McMillan, S. McKinley,
Esq., and Rev. C. Cummings.,
Dr. D. X. Junkin moved that all
Christian patriots", who may. he Pre :
scent obeli be considered Members of the
Prof. Johnston, S. hi. Young, Esq.
Rev, Jusiali Alexander, Dr. Junkm and
itev..l. C.' Swideld wore appointed a
Committee on Resolutions. •
After a few desultory remarks by dif
ferent members of the Convention, en
I varlets subjects, the Committee on Pew
' mama Organisation reported as follows:
Praidenr—.ltiv. John Douglas,D.De
Vice Presidents—Professor Jamison,.
Dr. 43r.. C. Vincent„ !lice Preaktint of
Westminster College, and Dr. Jitakiu,of
Now Castle.
• - Srcictory—Rev. John Alford:
The Convention spent hrlf an hour in
devotional exercises. -
A Basins. Committee was then ap
pointed consisting of Revs. Maser..
Sinitic, M,tlae and James Rafferty, Esq.
The Convention then adjourned to
moot at half-past one o'clock in the after,
noon, the President leading in prayer.
Re-assembled In the afternoon.
Prayer by Rev. J. McMillan.
'A letter was reed from Rev. Dr. Ed.
warde,.- President of Washington and
Jeffenion College, In which be
the deepest sympathy with the: move
A report was presented by the mojority
of the Committee on Resolutions..
WAY mach the name ea former reports on
the sonic subject which have been pub-,
!lobed in the GAZETTE. Thero was one
*point in which it ditferNi perhaps . , le
recommended that the National Colletl
tution !should be go
sad* re•
quire all civil on:leers to be p . c. esensed of
toe Scriptural' qualifications, and that
I limo destitute of tbeoi should be. Inelig,
lido to any civil °dice. The report was
accepted. • •
A minerity report was then presented
by Rev. Dr. Jankin. The subatance of
his report wee that the Aremclallon
should not ask more than an...acknowl
edgment that Almighty God is the
some. M all authority and sower in
civil • governments' inasmuch as this
would do violence to, nu man's con
once.. This report WWI accepted also.
The Convention reiolved to tike up
4.11 u majority report item by item. When
the first resolution was read, Dr. Jerkin
moved to strike out 10 much as con.
Metal with the minority report which
be had Just read. -
When the train left be was occupying
die attention of the house in support or
his position.
doled to the large audience and the
modification of. sentiment that prevailed
ameng a fair of the memb is on the sub!
feet, It woo-expected there would be a
dood deal of very , animeted discussion.
We have made arrangements to give a
~ net report of It le-morrow morning.'
One of the most pleasant and dojoya-
big °master's It his been our privilege to
partielicile In was the banquet given by
dui city 6:hula's to meinbere of Al
leitheny Councils, at the dining rooms of
Julius Richter, in the Diamond, Lail
evening,. At an curly hour in• the even .
members of both branches of
Councils and a number of iliTited guest.;
including the representatives .of • the
prime, assembled at Atr,Rictiter . 'ir, where
they enjoyed themselves In venous
*aye until nine o'clock, when .supper
vas announced. The guest* wore than
studucted to the spacious dining room,
it winch were Moo tables extends
nit the full. length of the room,
tit well filled with the choicest delics-
OeS. • After they were .all properly
ostvl, en motion of Mr., English of the
Solect Council, Mr. Ormsby POlllips
am called to the chair,uen taking which
he invoked the Ideas{ ng of Divine Elroy
ideoce upon the sumptuous repast that
hid been prepared for the occasion. The
supper was excellent, and the viands
w ere thicumed with a .01st by the entire
company which, of itself, manly testi
:to] their appreciatitm of Mr. Welder's
abilities as a caterer. When the copper
lewd teats dispatched and all present were
tillpd with the "good things!' which bad
been creditably prepared and admirably
served, the cloth was removed. The
meeting way thelaralled to order by the
hairman, after which appropriate tomtit
were o ff ered and responded to Ineloquent
speeches. At a late hour th , eking ad ,
journal,' when the y, whigh.
umnbered over ik hundred ppermd, all
well pleased with the .evening's enters
htlurnent. .
nee twit's. rostrust Rasa, Allegheny.
Between tea and eleven o'clock yester
day morning, o tiro broke out In the
slaughter house of John Sian), on Chest
nut street, Allegheny, The alarm was
sounded from box si, corner of Malltand
Walnut streets, and the fire department
respomichd promptly, bat owing to the
building containing a quantity of meat
0 na other :wilantable nuttorial, the flames
had gained such headway as to comma.
nicato to the stable of Mr: Saul, and from
themes to Mr. Christian liennewig's eta
ble, all of which were destroyed before
the linemen ceuld get the flouts's cinder
control. The tire wag hpreveated from ;
spreading any further, however, and at
though the buildings in the immediate
vicinity '0 ere nearly all frame structures,
they we, I.` uninjured. A brick dwelling
house, ad jh r h ISsul'a stable, Owned by
Mrs. !lend.o hs on fire at one time,
font was not 111.,.t chilly damaged, °wept
by Water. The house was ooeupied by
two tautilies, who antlered some loss by
damage to household effects in booty fe
moral. Mr. Soul had some meat in tho
slaughter house, uudergoiag the coring
theorem, which was consumed, as was
also a quantity-of hay and feed in the
stable. ills horse was in the stable, but
escaped without injury. Mr. Keonewig
lost, beside the amble, a oonaiderable
hjusuitityisf hay, corn and eats, and some
tureens. The'loes has not been ascer
blined, but will uot be h, art the
buildings weisof little valu eavy e. The tire
to supposed to here originated in the
slaughter home. The Niagara fire eons.
puny, of this city, was "on the ground,
and rendered efficient service, •
Owing to sickness in ••his • family, 011ie
P. Torrence, the very polite con
ductor of theJlrle Exprom between this
city and NtiFrCastle, was unable to be at
his ',est yesterdey. In his absence, the
duty devolved upon Mr. W. 11. Smith,
the Most accommodating of baggage
modem. Judging , from the expertness
with which Mr. Smith manipulated the
tickets and tbe "punch," and "made the
chauge," we came to the conclusion that
ho was no “upptentice" at the work, and
that. he Is perfor.dy ripe for graduation en
'soon as opportunity offers. • We believe
hie train Ovation time at every station, a
inatteref great importance; as it prevents
fast running between etations to makeup
for lost time.
Last evening, at. Uniontown, Pa., was
held in the Court lion-aeon. of ,thriWit
brilliant musical occasions . 'SIM which
that pleasant little town hais ever been
favored. It was a fraud vocal and. in
strumental concert under the auspices
at d direction of ?Ir. J. Benita and Prof.
liars:tau Knake. Idles Biiggelman, of
Cleveland, Misses Houston and Knake.
tuui slessrs. A pfalbaum„Lowton,lienits,,
Knake, end others, participated and con
tributed largely to the enjoyment of the
fts.hienable audience in attendance. The
concert was s • brillitint suceest4 and was
the commencement ,of -a 'grand,mnaleal
-revival about to take place in Uniontown.
A vary pleasant and agreeable party
woo bold on Tusaulay last at Butler. Pa.,
by a party of excursionista from . Free
port. Tbo party put up at the Pennsyl.
yania llotal, where a bountiful repast
ims spread, after which the lllight Iltn
oistio too" woe tripped till next morning.
Thu Freeporters voted Butler a gay
place, and took occasion In pleasant
speeetemakiqg to pay high tribute to the
limplialltyas'erell as getualty of the But•
loritiw —an expression we fallytnderee.
Fatal Accident:4o.mph Fiats'll; a
deaf and dumb man, residing at Canton,
Ohio, wwt that place, yesterday
morning by talon struck by the engine
attached to train No.l on the Pittsburgh,
Fott Wayoo Chicago Railroad. The
deceased was S abot twenty Tors or age.
An Unmans Wm TWOWbbl e
A ciao of larrenp,try bailrxt less b right
before His hlonor the- Mayor yesterday,
in .which Marks .....;athau wam prosecutor
and'Abraltua • Cohen defendauti .The
parties are of the "Tribe of .inael," end
partriers in the Cam 'of Goldanntac, Co•
hen - & Co., hoof:. skirt =Sine - •
Noir York. The clam is "
•r t e seri-
oils one, as them appears to be about
110,00) involval. Following seethe facts
ea tar as we have been able tOotgaln
theas The Arm_ is establlaell on
Chatham street, New York; and has
branch houses in this city, New Crisans,
Afemphie and"snhar chimer; Thestab-'
lishmuut in Pittsburgh is located a t No.
60 Market street. The defendan it ap
owns, had charge of .the arm bitustneAs
hero, a position which be has held since
May bug. Tor seine time past' al is
stated, the other partners have had. sus
pleXpnet that he was not doing flie fur
thing" by thous. An Inveittfgalion was
started, and resulted, as they say; in ear
tabliahlog the fact that his had,ldnring
the past low months, surretaltioualy die
posed of goods la the amount of 14,000,
the proceeds of which be had 'applied
to :himself These oads are !said to
have been packed in' bexes and shipped
by him, under - a fictitious name, to
some parties - fu Uniontown, ilayetto
county. Besides throe Itotodi•sulonat
lag, as we have add, to Pam thaw:and
.11are, Iris blatmedithattbibeoltelhott -
'04.140 qtei . 11 1 1
' • IMarweil",tiee,w,ltote Mt et - Mir
eixteen thotuand.
by tnkmg suck. Informatton.wszt made
agalnat hint before the *,”r 'Wednes
day evening, andit warrautbanad.
core McCready and Wliglev searched Toe'
hint until a late hour wetaecbsy
but luegectrelly. Tesatiay morning
about- '
at at - eight o'clock t arreited
on Fourth attest.. ' lie stales Oita the
charge against him le the result of
business 'misunderstanding, and that
careful tints:dilation of the books
Place him right before hie &els adtd
the public. .A bearing .in e .6sse. ru.
Axel Pm thin afternoon, *titMai gate ha.
claims he still ho able Worm° clearly his
I[llloooll[o. We has/e• se& able at-this
Mao to give only one side - ajbe story;
probably the othar, will be developed at
the Insults& The prieoner..wsw hold - to.
tat In the oem of tour thousand dealers,
in default of which he was (Wm:tatted:, ,
Yittaburn Balell trA cured In
• . Nitnienrn . from the Now !York Herald,
4 1 .44 1 40
goConnickrravnrreened in SW Yorki
Aiithe women tiii142;.•1:410W4
on the" charge' of skein •Sug - to p •
leiy's packet on the comer Brc•d
way nod Bloockereatre4 When at the
Spring street police etallou,-"McCormick
Was raarched, and aliens _other_ things
flouid In his Woseessiod 'wee • geld'
watch, on the inner ciao of which was
inscribed the name,of-Anna Rea In ex
planation the prisoner! stated that' this
match belonged to Ida ;Meter,. e present
horn herykusband; but [pre:Mous to her
(leap she gatithe •Wat.• :to hint. The
prisoner:is statement Wes netbeHeved,
no character Icing .bail;;and, a minute
deserintion of Me watdh.-was pnbliehed
in the papers of the folleswing day. Lathe
nie.siMme McCormick was taken be-
Aire Justice Dowling. end on account df
the absence of proof the magistrade dia.
°barged him from custody._ Previous to
bavia,g the court, McCormick received
au order for his wstchlend other articles
then in possuestion of Ma Property Clark,
but on going to the Central Ofliee,
houck, the Property perk,- declined to
armor the order. It.appeare that the ad
vertisement in relation to the watch bad
nutched the earn of Mr. Samuel Rae,
President of the PeopWs Remittal Bank
of this city,-who tromitheprinted notice.
ticognized. the ,watch as a portion of a
large a monht orproptirty Melees Sum his
house in Pittsburgh last summer. Mr.!
Ituo accordlngtv telegraphed on no
Item:, of the Central Cited, for him to,
retain the Watchoss it-had-been stolen
from hint. Mr. Pee mibsequently seat
: another telegram, in which ho said he
would go - to New York with a 'requisi
tion for tlAi nurreuder of 3.lcirnalck td
the nutherttlm of this State: e
oiler was committed to await the arrival
Captain Ltie wee *last night
presented with a ry beaudfal toilet
set and case of than:mind edge rszors,as a!
tnitien of esteem frone the ontgoingraeon=
born or the day end night police force of
the city. Mr. William 11. Ogden, mem
ber of the Select Cotintil, from the Be&
and ward, made the Presentation speech,'
performing that important duty with a :
bap plows and gratis peculiar to him. He
dwelt at length on thetallitary and civil,
reoonl of the good and worthy Captaln,;
and hie remarks were .warmly received.
be the numerous guests ~in attendance.,
Mayor McCarthy. quyatill. Irwin, Wil-,
Sam Ramsey, and othergentletarm made
speeches appropriateto the ocension;af
' for which the entire', party adjourned tia
thotialoon of Mr. Thomas Bailey, where.
a sumptons banquet woe imad out for -
the guests. • Catithin Lewis given de
clued satisfaction allut onion, and.wo,
trust he may sustain his preseptpositiotb
on the police foreS of the city with - no
much honor, credit and iilstinctlon as be
ban discharged hls hales as Captain of
the night-watch.
Mesterei c il=tvesellef. •-•
We belMve Wei ot de those of on•
orce7lorawbe bait; sianYtoethiciabeagrest 4
4r favor than to ng) theta. to visit
Western tiniversliy new in Session. anti'
lee the large and elegant retina, the mat
teneive apperetiti..the. reliable cabinet
and the tidianteges afforded there fat
en English, classical,.
ut commardal et
collegiate ednpatian. The Faculty ema
ciate of ten geatletiai of acknowledged'
ability,and elleetitl. In their profession:
We have no need of - sending our soots
away at great expense sad risk. Go and
see for yea:settee. • The next term will
~commence nut Monday. '• o
The Leetwee.
A large and apprecistive indicate aa
tembled at Mesta that
nigtg to bear Um , . Theodore Tilkih.
The eubjeCt "The women of , AuteriM'
afforded a wide rangeof, thought, • andtt I
was handled lob a manner which gane
evidence of careful study add deep re.
search. Female suffrage was the print -
pal point in the dimourse. and his Nunn.
nienta in Its fever weredecidedly ahem.
The lecture was inter:gamed with solo
dote, and local Ildta which were equally
amusing . and instructiva. Ile prediets
that wiUnn twenty years the "Womert'of
America," will rerciae the right ofyif
- tr±reeesiess.
le etata
_ Yesterday i that Mr. Anthony:Antb
Freyvogle was lof en occindric
tion, and that !rhea been known to db.:,
seat himself for days wititiont•adviolng
or giving notiae lo his friends. That as
sertion mu false as we lira'muted (rem
neversl quarters. We Were misintbrat
ed. To the cardeary the ' miming man
was particularly steady to' hie habits,
never having been known tube as
out o , the knowledge. of his relegiVen
andt friends.- disappearance ie. a
deep mratery,i and It is h*isiv probable
loathe has been decayed aka muldered
for the money known to be In bit pos
seasion. I
amnia+ Man alltetnit.
Mystarlowt !disappearances tun ;be-,
coming alarmingly frequent' of
More thin a ncelthaa els - pied since Ckf..,
'Fre.Yrogic dfttaupeared yet no intbrink ,
lion 11.9 to.hts whereabouts hoe Mon! obi
tamed. Another. and almilar,
toot of Loma A. Fisher, a Garnian, 'who
resided in Lawrenceville, and who ir
raid has Wei 'missing eince-Idon4ay,
He loft tie hens* of Mr, Schad., or .ftrr
rencoville, Honda, evening:ethos W,lntri
nothing has been heardorhinft, Yte:vias
attired In • dark coat, grey pftntslltillit
vest, and a light atlt tutt. .
- , Cerise, ra Imissais. tj i
We give below the number of Inquests
held by Coroner Clawson In est:kr:death
daringtho past genii ' , ir)_
January ... J.:-.11 5u1y.'.... -. .....'..1k
February... 4- .11 Angnit . ... - . 1 .:...
._.• 0
)larch I . : la Eleptember....;... 77
_Aril - ' • •V. October,. .4,4:17
MIL) • - . --LI Nevembei....',....Z l
Juno ....X. December..... . le
Otthe above number there -- eerti Irt
Males and. 27 tawnier', nuking &tring - Of
Wheeler/ Wilagen,sliewthg Illaellaeg.
sold by Mears. Sumner .t.,CO:,' Ito. 27
nut woof,' (Cr Arty dollars, with its at
tachments, la ea oemnlate and lba is
atom mold' et $75, $135, , VS, or it Li t Aka
Wheeler .t. Wilson:ls boo elrespeA, I ttur
chine in the( market. being the
pleand dutadlo. They. havekbeen used
for twelve T fourteen years, ccrMuitly , ,,
on all kin eof sowing, from ,117 1 to
nue, Wilke t coating ono tent for. rs:.
ac. -illlO Gatti Pitts;
.Cannetissille 'tanning
ng Me es Christina Anischo ,
*shut Relief Fund T Heel Ets,
burgh .
raurl Y•
is i .nroximan,
llnipirainur AND 1100111/11; • -
isiwi solitandalf 4(111t7 W.
VIM of Yaionollogroollog =MX. ENOUIMILS
Idlibetals.lotooeSlO.i brmucrob. , :i
kieFur tor •
awl *pod aid sat MUM* Fltsbeial and Corr , ,
north.] Mariotitoporta alms oty• moo Yn
lb* ottY.j 8e Farmer. *Kb:W. Of ii•fledda •
. . •
varurrosocco oromy ausrno
'Ano of 1:11.
—llO one tops of vv. to .thi
Itio '24 obib,! AddlUons went. MO bo LUNA- -
nay sAaisOls obbysioo. .
VOTIOI 29 SOYMYMEIIo.—/•, ordsztog rine,
lo cub sad . sywity Thal oettlos yogi
u*ilmosea Ifotbnooday *Mica tlor obbk
orlibinbou bat Goo mall snot. • • • -..
• air Measi by DnJt. Xrpllkah Mala.o , dina .
tisuit,nd utures, MY be •Iburtat ."
• . • amucrrik
!:, I • PrrlißUT..oll.
DIED. _ - 7
TON-01. Tii.radri t .% . 4 " 61.
r. Ml. -THOMAS DURILINUTON, la the' 1717
Vat Of his .2.
- ... . . . . . . ... . .
riniee4l. iii DATOIDAY, let.. us; st. 2 e'eteele- , i
r.. 24:- teem las let residence. Nin:kart em: • ,
,CirelseiserM lune tee Pe44llle• in ill•ghtirr ',
at Dklf-piie 1 We eeeproeliel) , . 'fee erk.ele 'ft.:i'
tee fleetly ire reeptiteally Int Ited to Attlii. .
iiNr•EßTmc:w -
No. it 4 t in rth Bove, , 110abarit.:
evert deactiptl oX - Imiorst runtalani ur4. ft ,
6.161.4. t lioaLaVDaa laJ anal rasb;../tasrp...
and Earitakw fonit•bod. • ' :• • •
ittriluiciii-410 , 0,• /*lid lan
%D... Whis' Zaftig, .114.-:.4i •
isaib V. Miller. La. • : _
agli/ES 4/W.PE &BC IV' • Under!
.tptl2) BTAlltra, nor. ,
o'clinaditibrittrietinfilYborelt anion*: Allegbik , ' , •
e 1174 where thole 90rr77 YOWLS ant ealtet, ,, •
atnnily butiplioa with rt. •ad lattatlon
1.01. Matingsny Vlbloot Coln., at Oleos "t •
va in - Oloot SI to IVO: 'Bodies brillaAltn Orin.
teistionnH 110/11G1 and Cubing. bninlghing
l.; all Mod. or blooming ilitedn;lgbniphngb ,
.11. 03..108 haven:4.l , 6 , a night.
R. U Otll. /Le
Aft4tUnl, iad 140. MI Dimond NUM. - OWN
J ohaWAlsos • 5pa.0keep...1.474 1..4.01 J.
eitll,4l.l,lluvrood. KAMM utt
Catn. LMSl7ilO.' 4
t70WEW 004.024:8
OW it~ low raw.Gum.= V oi la
itivitingittiashed griUs. '
iag. .024*, .119. ut onsoxoss..A
eilikaliuti.uaot..erix pit:m.l3W ,
ueolt:Prited... We, ma Ltrory Status& tort
f' Mat walk Stnnt.. — Ctsniatilik
swik - B.ttlei; Solar It oiiro, le j aeWq:
foal "JEST—TWO
11)49K. Dwrabrico liotrar.B.XgAJltspotr,.!:.
Wainlogtou .beat. 1.1. 1 !* at 4!Frlpa.
ptreit'm Eiv; , *• orricr,s 4_ ;
BOOM ta ihasew DnHlfel3reeta4Ul the
tiarris•aslyl. - medlat4 primmuits", , , • •
T 1) ET. - she Vouith:R:iidAtatt.'
Llkerty Street. -Eznaleset.T.fif
VORRENT.,-fievegal apalaraat..••'
auoa Ilibt. cwt., tul. Apply At,onci ow
(111215117, COUNTING 1100 k.
tut; Ent mints . restalgtervilsistfir.l
4t." Maclaine 6X
• Ifollonal Butt. " A • ' • '
3',..- . .ii• -,, :,- -- Wp. BAI W:
. . ..
POR SALE—Tout vitry,deslirow6;.,
. ...
ble L/WELLINO HOUSE, No. 4•6 piacioi* - .
afoot,' Allaildm'y Clky, cantata In ad.. bablidt;' .
iia in aada route: flulabad auc. bath hauls; Matfl •
albd cold !stab, "rates Closets, wash hbaall oat
aalendld cellar. Idhalli at Ito. 111 WOOD IT.,;_.
l' ftaLkLek .ry - deutyablei . '
AbocolOtol7 MUCK HOODED -
Hearts Itha , l .,
ijavaaad Dila Matt.htaibla 1.01001 gatt,ahaCi 7
later. tbrausboat; hoc. 'coatabbt ... gor.. , -
•aita entailed barrel, No. Eild , llTlllll.lVhaii''''
:Pi Ylle. Sixth ward. rsa4aulon l'lboar'hPall bat.;.
rk —
• ..
Irsofferfor sale Ifsfeb Stores of Lsul 11 i
hoe tract, &Diet . malleSeVese the tatVit' App. -
,thcbbiels. -: Tbe ti.e 'ls babrived iiiditalefign. -0
411 slier, and Is nessubused fee lianas. 0 Nevi,
abet pfrodeettseseis of gootheres staples. lathe
i t
bap reste;' - ca
s Uos,rlce, es ect,yetes.pas„.4
tree. Willi tuoirtor 'itiatlx, tor otttllt'as _..
, tiott..t. ‘,... Pit. tastes.. df
iselleior plat Umber, la aboiktiliet, xlitt.ttot ritit
jiatei pow, r for . eat =Ws. with' 4tipth ipot
'Par stesalsoate to - ru. lumber tat. USIA
: lire, 'there It csn be 1..114 late large Tenets ,
• end ShlPbed It ottk.'.Thentir ten goal Masi'
' **emit ont/tepitmlutt.. ' I...lndere *lmbue
vettltfittte it . .... oast'. !a , , tbww... o .10. , 41, .
hied, of gassdr—bear,fiees, Istrksyr. qualli ett.:l:
The igentry Is estirely free kraus thew; tiltatatai '
4urtotteredlriitatattaitto ti nennessotintralsaft •
it the bath.. We will • soil his /sal at p 4. lee..
prise of bl.te per acre. ' , , . ._
Albs; street of lE . ** ea ...telly uelopreve
td., grant wll.ll tht Mutt allow pl.otlutor...L
with ettry,ft,clllty for utrl tltskr. usTlistile
, strnots to nine lumber Mato tie ittoir. 'this'"
tract Itee near toe dnt otmetl. .rsiee Sedan
Pere, •
A.1.4y.,2MC0:1 urea In Geo et
eeott to Me per nen:. ' • 1 I ' •
Per Inribee•ialenastlork send oeeall ter ger
Sovibere land Circular. BILL is SNUTTZSIZT.,
Heal:state and Wenn. , ' Arens, Plitsbergb::'
(feisserly 1;mo - rem:eel:Ile.) - •
MOB 8.11LE.--flo'etse and Lot prie'
1.- .1 owner of Koslustax • tad: Adam 16.11114.,
;tear Hawtwor. Hallway. • tot 41, ha , 122 to* ,
lima. Craws, cowtalabis? rooms lad vialbig.,
weutmororsd. Hoar* aid Let eniaballalo.
Hawaii otrael.: ♦llafpesl Clay...Leta* bsK
INA:, law tram.. cantatas bay fro 10031,6 IW3
iwodearrar; water arteass.' world :
Was. sad Lola ta good la.catloa. bwardrWO: J.
WISH a :00., Haar.% alzwol.• awar Cairolaao..r
Ilasitheater. •
--,--- -- .
yOii.SALE-7001:0 31 F 8 ..4t - i.
, ROW/LSD'S Liven sad Oda awl
#I‘II.TA.3/31..241.03X6-taaTu thr•eDa.ll7l4la. - . t.•
oars .sosark.'.s... LARGI PRACIIICI.
lIOUSE:.throoII.I44.IC. YAMS; two . 01.11 r- ' •-.•
Kam.. nee IpM/Xl',432tax Us liesixiiiiii , : . '
Eau at2tr : -. .
arliorsesboastit aza•ohlesecomadoda....: , ..
• :
VOW - BALE—One • CA.16181A4k166 - ••foioit. or two bottosrott•TWO-,,.
LiGGSZ WAGON: lialt • donbli ut of Hit=
MGM neatly too•rl inoant at the PINITInIy
1. -.. :... : : it.g; 7i*.oa• -- ..:,;.:. 4 .,• •
. _ .111ratrnisii i eintizor 50903* ... .'
lon.. by the Am% - ' :.-- - . .
iMiInYLTH • & • 3LiaidITIV •.: '
se iiinit stszer... ,, : , • : : t- , .i . ', '
or ALL !uxos-lr : , ,
1113111131aTa a IitIIESITI6,
71/TH 5T1M.144.
811A0VOUNSTON, Drogibt7 - 7
G., or toomaioto ask roma. or::
istrasts, ton's Dresnilfl6 ,l •6 76 o4*.
1..x.r • Thu. G1y.•11” Soap, (e•nialas*lin
<set. 01yelirtrigia . nintres (Menial Ileap,••••• 4-
.0 U11e5.11.4 Dre•knelDl6lll6'
tNaA owed>a 11640...4 over 161 6••••. t. ! a '
uNct.alu sacra a
' Orsetalir 111fferisoclaS In. Cull 46•1• 11 $ 1 . 41 e 1.
.:• C 1 Vim
• ao. •
• De. outs - Otagisilleor. -
. NTXI racruathieseas,!•_,••
lirockediovs 31. Cut , . Soda I:111N
.. Windy sad Wise far 1.
imam..,, Isi . •
ast-of-tee-iray artistes lisretetsait' ,.
la 4 .aps• 'ssis.rlsost..all of yrAlth
Urea fad thosissAntiet•r•••• 6 6• hs ig61 1 . 4
..... 4 : :
011 as raises vastly balm lasi saislirliit -
peeled tsismelseopaelaf awe*
. - ':cioister:tfrakitAtcl4 sad fault Waits; •
:'• Aireekt . terlkaalrVolloa....4
AIWA largo •4K. W lloogoViA.
rarftwory .4 low flew. anr7
To Tams waxrxx - •
We sow arm eat•Unk
An vierimos.
t oviacoimiro,s;
Wll4 will NI ...A.V.Onkr I. the luest stn..
feity VIS PEI CRS?: Liss THAV 0171320
itZ•11011 1 1.. 43•11 ikael examlas
16" ' • ••11011101 11 eriikant
" A i punt tr., =roar or re44llllllii
HE M ! 61. RALE*.
1/I,3rplwit .Ta ok;,";,I
tips. rout inks!.,4