The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 30, 1868, Image 1
IHE DAILY GAZETTE, 1116111X130114 BLEED & CO, - . .a a. a. ralrancur, ma. °max, GA zr ri BIIIL D • Itar.•4 as Si YIP= erILACIT • dwitent hpz a Tedint rte. (MOTU .PlfPritnr ITI+ABUICII AID _ OUT. LARets . g. CJIMIPINT issr PIXII:1 and 170MINROIAL ?AM i. LW rate. I=MIZI:=I3 M WWI 4. pat .seir.: ."L NMI Salmi pet Adariffse. GAZZIPM. - PENS,A. pittitraio Gairtts 7 KR- Jounn °Ming tine ad4resseciCion. Fenton, of New York, o pwngent letter throigh the unripapint, in condemn&. tient orhinnaggestlon for paying national boners to dead rebels. . derangrautt of industrial later. utile not congaed to the traged !States. Is rettand•the pinch Is quite as severe as here, In Loallen alone forty thou sand pvenni, sot so reduced silo enter -aims houses, receive outside refer Rae falling off et 'reports Into this coun try, nutatat np to many millions of dol lars dartng the put veer, has some con necatat with this suffering. Tire Baltimore end Ohio Railroad lOompitiy, which is the.actual owner of Tha l Pittsburgh and Vonnellsrille Rail ' toad, have i virplas of neertwomillions Of 4 dollars. taa most dtaissarag• to/pcircuestancesit bee refused to direst limit at Adds proprlsiorelalp, eTell ;Tan needithins umulog the cimpletion of tie connection u speedily as I nnilible attar the settlement of the legal idpedi tneata. It is, censoquemey, retsouisle siace . the nistoratioit or the • chatter by the Bapreme'Court, that worl -ea the unfinished pinion of the hue will be resumed epee the incoming of spring, and that the whole wta be pushed, to completion at the !Flied. praelleattle • Mk. Camas P. Mins' delegate in. oongnms from New Mexico, bas hind sr, well 'reasoned pamphlet of forty iTO PIMA, showitcp, the reimarces ,of New Mexico, her necessities foirailroadcom• mmileailons with the Atlantic and Pacific Sitio, and her future prospects. This Lane of the Preliminaries to eating Illonirena to extend the national credit, teitheinteant at least one hundred - zaillions of dollars., to the Eastern War iei 9f-the Paelde Railroad. Bbnuttaiteorudy, It 'seems probable' s like sabiliy irM be asked for a railroad abarttnit areertlshd, in Oreuou, and in- lenectiag - the indent Pacific at some poke in Utah or Colorado. lather° any tetteon to the National Treasury _? Accoannto to the Report of the In. - spectres of the Western Penitentiary, it low contains 488 criminal inmates—the hugest number ever". reached. During - theyesr 118 were discharged; thirty-four were -pardoned;' tire escaped; ' and two died; so ; that the whole number of Ide alises foi the - year Was 040. de the has only 318 cells; it is apparent that twathlrds of the nuttbei *lain trio-prisoners iratead of one, as the Imes direct. Of amrse, this. snakes the tolitari" sigma, of which so much booting has been heard, - a nullity. We are not sorry - for that, ter we hare no hill In the systeen,and think the rod* WO be got rid of the bettet. Bat lit • high; :torts anpuseded by. some. Miter deinite system; not by what is in op pbgnation to all systems. Derubsrs of the present Legislature 'ought earnestly to =dee this matter. The Inspector-. cannot refute to receive prisoners duly committed; and,. receiving them; they cannot retain them in. custedy in the Meitner ccousianded by-law. Mainc teal remedy - ought to be provided for tide condition of affair's. THE LEMMA'S FRE OF tollt A list of two hundred sad fifty asta of the , Leglalatere,-which failed to become laws on account of the non-payment of tiny enrolment tax, his been published. ; A. many of them teeth to this secilen of - the 184ths, and as lONS of them can yet be same by the psyment of the tax with, In twelve' months ifter the date of the passage of the acts, We bus gleaned out all of those which seem to-relate to this end of the Commonwealth, and publish the Bet below Meadville City . Paisenger Railway ' Company; Allegheny sad !Saw 11111 ley.-ftem- ger Railway; Warren, fillet bald end. Rennet Breech Railroad. ._'ass Annwerme concealer's. - ..'"lneerporsting the Mole. Gin and Water; McKeesport Gas; West - Newton ,Gas; Zatcsatie Water Cowan., =MAN= cottemerge 4.17 D SAYINGS •'.' aim - 4 • • ••., The Germania Savings institution of Erie; Greenville Saving and Lout; In solence and" flafe: Deposit; MM.d.olle Favingenedidose; Fortlitt - MOW' Life and_--Boatman's insure:um sad gusarnms LID MAIM .110ADL 111112Irdt Plank Rend or Tarapikeool4., mu t. Kittanning and Muni Fillip; TM Gallitzin and Ofizaluiabeits; - Mation. gibes City and Victory; . Washington. County; Supplement to an act incorpo-- rating the - Clarion La Allegheny.. Rime nuPplemeet, to the act authorizing Dug . constinetion of bridge over -Creek st. or. near old nasce read 'ent the IthesonTermL Ant establish Fu lng'sfeny across the Allegheny at or near Failing , Btringtf, Venengo nomety;supplement to an set establishing a ferry over the Ails shiny `at tifigginiVlAndisg, Harmony ,township, Venango moiety; establishing a ferry aver the-Monongahela at Alien Ant, Wimitingtou county; a supplement to the set estababin a Ur/7 germ the ' Allegheny at or tomtit of Tables Run, Allegheny county; lacmporatthe the glad Farm .slidgimcwilpanit cut; . seas Fany.CoinAmy_ofFirtahurgh; ex. *bodging Alien Williams to establish a ferry over Oil • Creek at or leer the townsidgilthe of -Allegheny aid Cherry Tree, is Venango county; a ferry over the, liwnipthebs at thillionds; -Limy over the Allegheny at Patterson'. Falls, Venting* county; a ferry over - the Alle gheny:at Bast Sandy Creek, Veneer° eenfatjr construing certain portions of the am of Folmar, 17,.1865. granting to Pommel Bleck the"raght-to mot a ferry ordiddge over 011 Creek a or nest the Noble 18`011; supflement to the set in. corpoisting tha .11dioute . Bridge Com. pony; authoziging the erectionofstaidge over the Totgliegbeny, between Dlek ' enettes Ron and Taylor's Ford. - rtntsAocottriaua ' Allegheny Gold .and Silver Mining 001 - Pegy; Montana and Pittsburgh Gold and Wife: Xining Company;supplement to theta inodrpenatteg the,Od Creek, inks and Titusville Mimes nd Trans portation Company; extending:the time ibt paying the enrolment tax on the act .—,lneorimmting the. Auger Creek Mixing and Transportation Company; miaow. tweety mining companies, of winch, only the owes being given, we do pot knoirtlelocation. • Authorising William Rowe to erect a boom for flawed logs on Two Lick 'Choke Cheary Bill township. Indiana county incorporatfmg the Indiana Woolen , Works; the Bock Valley Co - 'apeman. - --Assodntkm of Allegheny COMM the Ott/burgh Tamed Com panythy Oil. , City Add Factory; in. crsultzus o r capital of the Venezia Water pony; a supplement to'an act Inctsigthirituo fill:tipping Com pany; the On-operative Association of ZIA -11huninghate, Allegheny county; enabling the agents of tko.,listhodist Book" Concern to hold real made in MU burgh; the 01 Brewing Company locatitorating the Pennsylvania Society :lor the Ertneentime' of Cruelty to Ant. mils; supple:most to the set .incerporat: ltlg theleftepa Fire Ann Ibuttifactur. • lag 99taflanneapplentent to the act In. terperating the union Park -Skating Aeseilation orUe g hens; snthernlng tlierfire Lick nyder Beetle. concede. -091, - in Green township, Indians-ceaa ty, to rezone - bodice from their banal growls and to taints!' the nefeisapple• • melf to an Id incerporatiufg therfough lothely Shaft extending the Cantor the pavanes of-the enrolment tax em the Oct to incorporate the Mend. Tills °Telt/Werke. , VOLUME LXXXITL FIRST EDITION. -I MIDNIGHT. Pennsylvania Legislature. rrew Yaltews 11111-151 u M'e Game Ms Aunt..., C...t7-rl■.t .114Jeasvissons—amemelmteret. to the Conallemles—Peasilosm, tSlNlcl.lDlspatell t.Pl”alwrik 05.t14.1 29, 1868. SENATE. TheFtnasts :net at ton o'clock; s. m. FEES RAILROAD SILL.j Mi. COLEMAN, from the Corniaittee on *roads, reported es committed a supplement to the act of February Mb, 1919,1 regulating ralroad cwporationn and autleoriting their, formation, being the Benet, Free Railroad BILL Ono thousand copies were ordered to be printed. • I TMS.SERVE GAYS ERRETT, br Allegheny, rend in place a hillier prevent bunting, catching er killing or game in Finlay, Scott and Robinson tuivtnehlps, Allegheny county. 001LONNITATION TO AnutouvrrnAL- ac. I - - Cllllr. ERBETT also presented ■ bill re quiring payment to the Allegheny Conn- . ty Agricultural Society of the amount adjudicated by the Military Board for the 'occupation of Fait Grounds tna =EU M. LANDON preseisted a resolution instructing the Committee en Retrench ment and Reform to reisort a bill deter mining the number and salaries of °di cers Of the Senate. Passed. H.OPSE. Tke Houma met at two o'clock In the aftsilmoit. - .l',ltat FOR FINAIr ADIOURNMEXT. TIM joint resolution fixing the 10th of MnrSl for final adjournment was repor ted Milrmatively. ' , ;ooxerrercrunext...stasansuern: . Mr. RICKMAN'S atuenaments to the Constitution were made the special order for next Wednesday. 'They are as • fol. lowa: • Ist. The eighteenth section of the first article of the cosistlinticro shell tsi so amended es to read as follows: . . The Senator* and Representative* Abell receive a compensation for their services, to be aseertained by law, and paid nut of the treasury of the Common wealth but inao asses shall thesaid com pensation exceed ono thousand dollars a rear to each Senator and Representatire 'awing their respective terms of office. together with fifteen cents per mils in going to and returning . from each resat tar and extra bastion, to be computed by the banally traveled route between thsnr pleas:sof resitience and the capital of the Stala.• They shall in all cases, except treason, feloby and breach cr. surety of the peace, be privileged from armed dur ing their attendance at the session of theli respective Houma. and its - going to and returning from the same, and for any Speech or debate in either Routh they shall not be questioned in any other place. • 2J. The that section of the third arti cle-of the constitution shall be so amend ed as to read as fellows: In elections by the citizen!, 07'417 free huh if the age of twenty-one yettra,hav• ing-resided in MITSUI° one yeer, and in the election district where he offers to vole ten dale immediately • preceding such ebmtion, - having paid-a. Wait or county tai 'plata tiro yeare:iunsiltsed et least tin day* before the elettion, owl obit , to read this cenatituthrn, Anil enjoy the rights of en elector; but a citizen of the United States, who his previously been & grunted vote. of this Slate and removed therefrom-ant metered, end who shall have trickled In the election district end paid teem as aforesaid, shall beentltled to vote 'after residing in the State sin meriting Freckled, That free men citizens of thellelted kitchen, between the ages of Zwenty-one and twenty-two years, having resided In the State one yeti and in the election district ten days u aforesaid, shell be entitled to vote, although they shall not have, paid , taxes. •IS4 yH'.]Srt Mr. PLATFORD, of Fayette, pram:d -o; a bill atillorising the School Directors of tislontown . to borrow mosey; a/so et tabliehisee &Sorry alter thoMonougahela 122:=E3 _ Mr.,otWoonnorolata.l, s. bill graanteog pensions to Mary- Me- Koury, CatberinerMlecker, Mary Ann Hetaing and Margaret Varian, widoiwo of old-:soldiers: gianting pensions to Captain itiamnol'Cooper, Joseph" Bawer and. Sainnal • ' Mr FORD, et Allegheny,etteted an antandmunt - ter the rale :allotting the Hatraa,te,take a brn ont of contmlittpe tan days eta. committsl,-caostaning it to nitwit ten 'dayw that the House skill 10 4 14 4 bell 868310 . n. --Arter the tilutuctiOn Pfaorzr• ;.- rosin, tent businew the Hatte•adjonrited. st•w - laalelal Dlstem-;The COMMUN. •tile Pm. 2aUsest BMW sat the' reamylmels • IreFialCarrr,ors . adents rutesursti Gautla./ EiltElitatrEO, January 1116 Q. ThaSob of rotating 'through a y bill to eistate a new judmial district out of ty coming ceufity; was consummated Banat* to-day. This provides a snug `plies for - one ;aim, spa - 4=lk a Dem ocratic Weyer, who got a tastelfcir the Judge . ' Boutl4o7' a shojt awrTiaj is one of the AlleghenyCc:l=UL linf - has . been hankering ever since for a district in wide!. Oillikwlcirjh ;Mai lagiblous abilities, and u ne existing, district seemed wllliug to take caastiry taynaki one ferklin. s : ' No real need for this new district was *hewn. - Alithst was attempted antes al p/deb from the Prothonotary ofLyetuniag muntyalatAngthat themwerw fourituur dred 'entries ort the appearance docket In that county to the presout Win, a peal- - Lion - froth the laimbete of the bar of that °aunty In favor of the nay diettlet, and a letter from Mil's:J=76dg" of the pram= dbdrict,com ofLycemlog, Northumberland lira:dour coantire, setting forth that tite macticmolfvoomleg county Into a near district, w o uld »IBMs him frontouldarrable labor. New, so to the forte hattdrodmsee to it. term; there tore Clout twordy-Ave mum' ties in Cala Suite that can show an equal stray; incloding Judgments *safes:Bed, Judgments bY default, Ref pes, and ti e ; Vtltont ms = Oftrem t a l l iTgr tca ja Thos bar 'Memorial ta num whi ch bednyllcatittla any county,: wpm 'a stainer preposition totrict stmlrltonntv Into a separate district,_ -And as to the Judge's tatter,. it prove* nothing MOTO than that he, a rather feeble mem Would begged' tali* rid of a third of his labor. The Democrata r otoocuse, 'voted in a body g fa r this hill, and wet enough. Ro ; , to vote with th em t• pam prat* corittnnalky,abcast "mono my, but glee them scheme, as In this cross, td entail a perpetual. aumud ex pense of 14,0X1 ttpim Oho Commonwealth for the benefit of a Democrat, end "icon my' gets the go-by. Both your Beaters ,yotbd against the bill. ltWas reported" around the Capitol to day that the Penarylvanie Railroad bad kindly agreed to glen up oil farther op-, position to the Connellaville bill; and let . It and the Free ItallrowThill pane **soon as tbeirfriendsliked. It wasrather bard to comprehend the cause of this singular and sudden generosity but at noon the milk in the pasta ant was fully wooitiod odder. lre then got. a dispatch. from Philadelphia arms mutng the decision of tleallupreina Court to the Conneßrrille case,and It wooing= easy to bee why the Railroad Company was so willibg te let oitr railroad bills PRIM , Thank them for The Beate Connenittas on 'Railroads will report the h'ree' Railroad bill to morrow. with amendment& It will be called upin that body early nest week. No doubt of Ita now exists. A, bill read hi • Senate yeaterdsy. rel ative to viewers of line tenon, may need eiplanation. Under are w of March; 184.2, tovitiship auditors adetlewers of line fences.:- By theconwilitiationlaws of last somlon the townshipsancexed to Pitteborgh are leA without tovraeldp asp &tor's, and there are consequently no @f ilms in those townships to view line fenced object of the the bllireberd to to muter _povrar previously belong ro flt .g o atidlbsit4 upon any' three of the Directeur of thme towsultipa. -ft a.....• $ .. ,,T,n0i1; p . ,7,/, 2 7' .11 , 0 ill , .. . . • • ,- . ; 111 , ,,, ~,. \ l\ , ,' ; ; /,,,,/,/,/,,-/ • . 4 /I _ , ...., . , . rr - • . . . -rosi,.."-...._......," .4-' -, . -- - : , _:_—_ ----- '----.1.-' - ': - ..t"'------...-_--..—_ , ----_ - -- -, ~ 44- 4,:•..... 4 ,.„ ,- 1., . , . , .., r . r ~,:. .7-r.,.. , ~ 1'..•_. 44 1* ~.r.- -_-,,, -400 •, : z.____..., .. 1 .... 7 . 11] . . i : • ..,A.-z.- - - - ,5:_i 3011 :. i s •,....41(..)...,,:•.)r- r", - - ;;; ,,i - r2 g m , r-/: , -vr`i.,, , -.- ..-- , „,,,,,, , i , .• i ' -', -----/ • r - , , , ,,,- ,... 1.1 ____„,._ . I F-- - ,-..., ~ •,..- ....-, ks: , :—.. - -,'', -....,:f. 0 r4.., ' ri 1 f i 1 --,--_ -- ---4-1.-= -- -=-,-., re sr z si;•••1 1 ?•••' -4 .—... t h..- CAI --k.....,?i , ii.-,r 1 ,1; ;''' ):- i .---; . 'LLIW iII - . I 1 ~... ! , ;,; . -, L;--'7: — . -- - - - -;-'it—...,,,,: - -;,..• - q. ; "1-- :1-- -.; '''''''''''.--.......-_—_—.--,- ( I 1 t , \ e • , . , i ..„........._ _ • .... :vim, ~.....- ~_ ... - 1 • ~. - ...___ I , „ . ~ ,z -....--- ______ -,, - - • _ _ ..,.._..—..._., ...... .. ./. , \ • . . . . - . ' 1 • : , FROM WASHINGTON. Treasury )'apartment Operations tobtemalog Conduct of a Judge of the Sapame Court. Serstente at Genera' Boosts Public Lands for Hothesteads DI/charge of Revenue Officers =1 IVAsal9crro:+,Tenttary 29, 196.3 ==! The Secretary of the Treasury, In a eommunkstion to the-House to-day, sip; the Woof Tereforty bonds, uuderthe act of Iso4,.wasi4voo , and the premium. SIOB,ZB, making a n otil of 18,210,800. There won paid as pre uume to the First National Bank of WAshingten a mu t wilasiora ofmuseighth f ono per cent., amounting to $10,177. T he Secretary of the Tretwury aayi LL sales of these i bona, had not tendsk t withdraw cur rency from the bus, and that the operations f the Treasury Department for some oaths pat have been ouch as to diminish rather than 'ln crease the currency balahce in the Treas ury. . UNIIECOMISO CONDUCT r r, 1 SUPREME. COUILT For two days pant there kis been con siderable talking by erirtidu oMcial cir cies about the conductor one of the Sit prem. Court Judge., who of late has been very Imimately associated with Jerry Black, Sharkey and other gentle men of that 5ch001.1..1 few evenings!! since, at a antler partyrthis Justice bo came very much excited .an talking of the prevent' situation, and de dared in loud tones to the company that the Supreme Court 4 rornulil certainly overthrow all the nwonstructlon meas ures of Congress, and when taken Irmo the room and axpostulatert with awn the great Impropriety of his conduct and sentimertda, only respondcd by reitera ting all he had said, end In a mar* pub lic manners =I The House Committee of Public Land, Is preparing a bill providi g Linn in fu ture grants of lands to 9 orsorpora tions for railroad pu the wren al ternate sections on the tinne of roads, in stead of as at present beteg reservist by the Government to be sold at two dollars and a half per acre, shall 'tts subject to the homestead system, mad In order to guard against exorbitant prices for the odd inaction, it will contain a stipulation to such grants that the land shall not be soil beyond a stipulated pditat. . RIM/E3IIE OFTICZIM DISC/14.1MED. The Internal Revenue Once to 1141 w engaged in discharging,. under the pro vicons at the act of Cons - roes, the anon-. ty-four Revenue Irispecton appointed, in October to superintend the removal of spirits in bond and from honded ware• house, AID TO TUE POOR. ' From reports Of the Provident Aid So clety it _appears alx thousand or Bever, thousand persons are recefvfordaily food therefrom. .General Howard ooatributac from the Freedmen's Bunten seven bun dled pounds of meat per day. About four-tifttus of the nwiplente of this chari ty are black. . IMETENCE PLEMITTXD. The sentence punted upon Gen. Hants by court martial at Vicksburg, for the use ol disrespectful language to Gen.. Ord, has been remitted by Gan. Grant and Kautz ordered to rommet hls duties. INDIAN DELYGATION., A delegation of the Cherokliet.ribe'call• ad at the Whitehouse to-day; headed by their Chief, Col. Thos. Downing, for the purpose of paying their respects to ths President. • I=l The celebrated GaLois will case MOW up again to-day and will occupy aereral dart., ILICCONSTEDCTION AND 11CPZIOLIN Minn. The Etpress special soya titers is WO authority . for saying the Supreme Cour will not touch upon the constitntionaliq of the reconstruction acts in the decision upon the licArdlecase.' Tirs co:writ-Lenox mr.L. A special to the New.Tork Commercial says it Is believed the President will veto the anti-contraction bill. FORTIETH CONGRESS = WAsancirroy, Jkn. 2909614 DIEBEEEI A cetommticatlon from the President, enclosing the report of from. Secretary o. State relative to the pumbeise of Alaska. ens• referred to tharomign Committee Resolutions of tee Colorado Legisla ture praying :du admission as aState were referred to the Committee on Ter • Mr. TRUMBllfilk.from the Judiciary Committee:. reported adversely on the bill to abolish the District Court for the Eastern District of Texas. . Mr. iTtrf itnadoold a bill guant ing public lands for tin. construction of a ratiroadtrorn Enrwstavilla, Nebraska, to intersect th e Union Pacific grad. Re ferred to Land Committee. Md IsIiTHOXY introduced a joint Insolation for tote publication of the m.d.. lasi and 111111tica1 istoryof am rebellion, will statistics of tbelProvost Marsha. Burnam R•ferred. • bill nu thoilzing then:de of nitblie lauds in Ala bams.• Rebored to Una Committee. Demotion of Mr. GRIM 38, the Ben ate took tip the bill for the ma* of iron- I clads. lie said the (Navel flomniittee propmed to amend thiS bill by providing for the retention of theme dr the Dictator. Nalamesca Ana ? t rio classes, nineteen ' In all, leaving t Aare •to be sold. The amendment was adopted, and the bill after some anteadmont In details was peeved. Mr. ANTHO.NY wished wrote On the air. A3Pristrn n respointion to print teri ibentssnot copies of the Reports in the Shustoes affair. but, at the (endows of Ms. HENDRICKS it was postponed:..„ , Mr. MORRILL, Maine, from tho Com mittee of Conference. made& report on the bill to supply deficiencies in expenses of Resoustruction heel Adopted. Mr. WILLIAMS introduced a bill targeting a Natleind Bureau of lasuranos: At the expiration oflthowsiresing hour the Supplessunarir was taken op Mr. POMEROY 'replied at length to Mr. Doolittle, against the latter's amend moot He defended the Constitutional amendments, and donned the majesty of the law should be vindicated by at 1 lead the leader of the rebellion. Ile clamed with a cheerful resume of thereon , dittos of the South, eight of that= Stater of which be bellevedwould be represent-., WI here In November.. Mr. 13UCRAILKW spoke in eppoaltion' l In- the course of his remark's )Ir. BIICKALEW quoted from Mr. Mor ton's and Mr. Trumbull's” speeches the assertion that, In every Southern State, except two, the number, of white votersexceeded Untof thecolored voters, and then referred to the Tesbune and World almanacs and other authorities to show that in Florida and South Carolina the black vote exceeded the white, while In Geor gia it was about equal. SILERMAN asked whether that was notesturod by the fact that the white citizens refused to register? Mr: BUCKALEW said that .was not the point be was arguing, and went en toner that only In Arkansas walk there such a preponderance of white registra tion that an dection,would certainly be determined by the white nice. He there. fora held thsthetweim the full registne lion of the black vote and the partial disfranchisement of the white, negro " rr7 ti a rIEIIMAN Bald thele res ult waa the eoen etruction ant supported by first him disfran chised no Whites, and he had always re gretted that any MID was prevented from voting, being convinced that _wises suffrage was extended-to all negross it should have been extended to all the whites. livery Republican in the Senate had voted for a proposition to enfran chise every male citizen in the South, but the Democratic members of the House united with the majority of Re publican member. in yellers down that literal proposition, or martins to, political teeth* to prevent • Vete; thus fordog - Cangress to the adopticia alit ad es It was pissed. - After reciting the subsequent action, of Congress, be said that but for that combination 1.. tweed the Damoirista and a portion of tha ftepntalCarare there doubtless would' be.. a majority of white enters In the.. States. if, - however, they, choose to forego - gegistratlon, r ather than to bare , It wnhatt wegunes. It was not thereon of PITYSBURGH. THURSDAY. JANUARY 1868. Congresse. and they could not c•ompinin. , There was no doubt they could step for ward in every State, even in South Car. Mina, in view of their euporier intelli gence and capacity far politics, and ceo. trot the majerity at any time. , Mr. BITCKALEW aald the point he tuella could pot be covered by words. The question or responsibility fbr the pets •t the period referred to by the Sen ator was discussed fully at tho time. Whatever differences there were in the ranks of the majority, the Democratic membSta had agreed all their propoei liens.' Ile bad• told them then ell they had to do was to join the Detnoer i tie party In rejecting Wu amendment, lit. the idea wee to pieta' the Houes ilt end hold the minority reepone 'l. In some •way. True, the ,Senator • ad then opposed • disfranchlsemeur, eat afterwards yielded to the dictation of the master of the Homo, as others. had done before and sines disfranckiee: moot had been created by. the political majority. They had been told by Mr, Stevens the dietranchisement bill would only disfranchise PiZ to ten thousand. The Senator from Indiana now called it fifty thousand. He (Mr. Buckelew) had beeo laughed at far estimating Hat sixty thousand at first, but it was at leaatterjo huridrid thousand, as it could bo won from the census and other return's that was the number of persons who did not appear at the registratiou. He read Inc act in question and said the act of March =I left the ! matter in. the same condition, and the net of July was' alleged to be simply declaratory! of existing laws. Ile read from a cacti her used at the Southern elections a list of persons disfranchised, eaying magis trates,. constables, end elen militia ollb. Men are distranchsed nu er the provis ion to exclude nil State *dicers concerned in the execution of State law.. This, be said, would exclude more conetablea alone than the whole number of disfran chised according to Mr. Morten's esti.: mate. He replied affirmatively to a question by Mr. Edmunds, whether Pennitylvamaiconetebles were obliged to take the oath: Mr. IIIeIiDRICKS asserted all civil officers were excluded,whether they had taken the oath or not. .. • • . Mr. CONKLING Sala. that It had been. toned that in Virginia - and elsewhere ante holden had dispensed with taklMe any oath for the purpose or having im munity in that respect, and the law having been evaded in that way, Con gress had changed. the law to meet that ease. s . Mr. HENDRICK'S said at all eVente it was made finally to go to the exel settee 0 f 347.rT5M . 17 h AI fhlYnrosat taken an n t ttn: oath. - stitution of 1753 the requirements of an oath "ttg!he taken by the Executive tad Judiciary State officers. . Mr. EDMUNDS referred to the spin ion ot the Attorney General epecitying the classes excluded, and said that to he ...State officer a man must have been ap pointed by a State. not by a township. Mr. BUCKALEW reiterated that curl, dames were diefrandhleed. Ho then went on to combat the portion of thear• gument of Mr. Morton not answered by Mr. Johnson. He understood the guarantee by the constitution of repub limn .forms of government to State, - to be a gaarardee in their favor and not against them, and he argued it was for the purpose of protection from invasion .or insurrection and se curtly of a republican . form o' goverement, either that odginal:y eV militated, whether amended or not, or ! one establuthed by the people of the State. This power wee not to create or establish, but simply to preserve. 1.:._ did not justify reconstruction on the present plan, or as a substitute for the war power, ale had beenclaimed, but did imocee upon Cengras the clear duty et recognizing goyernmentethere that are republican imform. It did not authorize the dictation or provision of fuudamonne law,. or Venetitution, which was at tempted by this legislation. 'mitred of guaranteeing. a republican Mena of government,, the recotistructionj laws subverted it and seeded' that ' prin. ciple, and sought to! overthrew Gismo It was an insult to common SellPe to to), them republican forms of goiernment. They were in reality military dictator ships, bring - Mg them down to. the level of republics that had - long ago- fallen. Could republican forms of governinee: he maintained by the rule of the bayone over all the rights of person and i.rotor• ancrashing out the dearem rives guar teed by their fathers, Sapp y aswar of races shoe4d arise. They mined vote men and money to meet that rustle •14 thing, until even a More despotic system Sas established. Ile appealed to them to pause In their tours. If they did not, no One could doubt their motives were to retain Hole unjust share of power in the nation. This tegislatien was intended as!• guar antee to themselves and against the peo• pie, so that they could hold It de pits thr Constitution they trampled under blot - In the face! of all 'history, which cote derimed their course. Itedenied liiat Orr Presidia had any more right, or under ordinary circumstances mpre *slums than Cnegreen to set up a State govern. went at the close of the war. Ile pad cer tainly powers In eatabllshiug provisional governments, hut could net Interfere Nether with their governsdwithent submitting the question to a eta of the people. The Preeident in it st polity of ! reconstruction did . not i pees any teems. !The! itscretary of S ti 'merely ! woolens advisatoty letter t those emir gaged Inreeestatructlson, setting forth what wadi be egreeeblelo °thee lit ate.. The Preeldent left It all to peel people themselves,. which he argued was the only oonetitritional WW.r.f . forming •con • stitution. • — lele -Mid' the tenventieue of delegates elected by the people could form - rigid colittlultions wittiest sear. mission - to ' the 'people, - Citing the preeentConatitution •of Penney! swain and' the! !Foamed ' Constitution of 1737 as instance" 1.11 point. The Sena tor from Massacrhu.setta (Mr. Wilson) had told the powers of • hell•bouid net prevail against the reconstruct los _meta • um. if she infernal powers , took any interest in this Government, doubtless they would not . try to prevail, against thernrbith If ' they tai Ilya Many at all, woubi.eympa with the . autkuns of those measures. tblee i (Laughter). - At the cenalualen of Mr. Buckal tor' s remarks. Mr. Cettgin secured the floor 'and the Serutte tidy °allied.. . . _ HbUSE OF REPREVENTATIYES, • Mr. MIMS' reperted back' the hit coneersing the rights of Americas esti, iL,115 SS already jirtritid. - Mr. SPALDING gave notice of {lll Amendment striking out the viewer , eu-. thorizing the ProMdeat to retaliate do., inserting lusteadthe werdu—"lt shall I e 'deemed a Jost muse of war." • Mr. WlLSONlavenotlepolatismand meta bathe SITE emotion, by stritiina out the , amentia.Pmbich heya been Ideated upon and menteireed by the frovern merdiptehe United Ithattea.", , Mr. -131410M3 explained and Mippiatra the. bill at length, and air the expiration of time morning &dor it went 'over tlll -. .. . Mr. CANANAUGH,of Montana, :lei tarring to the remarks of Mr. Clarke, of :Kansas, last Jatondey, as to the denial ef suffrage to colored people/ WI nontaria, wild h01...d rece4ed a telegraphic dis patch from the Verner of the Territo n,'.ititinie •• Slat :-Congress( had Wed o t i . M-r.JOII IN god leave to 'otter ii" resolution ins the •Judicione Committee ts In iro .whedurr ltla in the power of to prevent the Ins migration of Ctdoe.• and other inferior mom teeth's wintry; also; whether the Civil Rights act and proposed amend ment to the Constitution •conforred the rights of rut eisahlp, including auffrsgo, on Chinese.' • - . _ Mr. PILE oblected to the molt:Won its p burlesque on bowmen aeon,. - ' • On motion of AtrMWERSOLL, his bill for the addttional loom of forty-five mallow% eflegaltendaratras ordered to Imprinted. - • ~ After ' Boma emerge by Mame, WASHBURN E and PRELPai theCon femoral report era@ agreed to. '• , Ms. JIIOD introduced a bill to regultdo the appraisement and. inspection of im ports. ;Inferred to Committee on Coin. mama ' The House proceeded to 'the 'consider. atlon of the bid which' declares forfeited to the United States certain lands grant. ed to aid in thooonstroction-of ralaila in Alabama, hileabseoppl, Lot:Helena and Florida.' - • y,„iie, Mn. LAWRENCE, of-OhlWrrre en- doe of an amendnient restricting the sale of lends by milked companlottoquartor sootier:titer swing settlers . ease and for not more Rumen. dollar and a quarter per aerie. The hawse dtsctuniod .at length and went ever till to-morrow. Mr. J OHNSON Introduced a joint owe powerdeclaratory of..,,tha rights and powers of the Federal awl State govern ment. and of the rights of citizenship, Referred to Judiciary Committee. •.. - ThesPELKER presented a : oomnm- • nlcatlem from t h e Secede:7 of the Trots- • airy, with report of the amount of United I. Males 10-40 .bonds Issued or disposed a by the Tresilinry Department since the lot of October, 1 . 1367.. Referred to .. Com relttme-oci 'Ways and Maano. ' A' Ailic., a coMmunlditicro. from the Soo , snot Wiusertth • report of the Chief • bf Engineers, relating MIAs survey of Pmt. Clinton, Ohio.. .to Corn ' mittee on Cep:mere"; - -•• -•• • • ,EMO EDITION, THREE O'CLOCK M FROM EUROPE. Continued Fenian Troubles. Particulars of the Attack on Martell° Tower. Arrest of an American F enix Train Lecturing in Ireland. Ile hn4 Overflowing- Ilmitheei. Peace with America Advised. Critical Condition of Itial*. Secret Mission from United dtiliei Meeting of Romsn Oatb olio Cinumif, 1 French Ar my Bal Disousted New Yrees Law Consider:eat Treaty wl la United Elates Rattled by Depinark. Prussia and the Roman Questltrn Carl fel;nri la Prussia ors Viii Sp . e chti litlief ion. .;_.l • • Ltly 're:of/rapt to the PlUsbargh Basett. t. 1 I= TEAR , zEcruitise IN 1111 LAND. ' LoNnoN, January 20.—George Fran* Train k delivering lectures In Cork. Dal, American -and 'limb 9ultiecta. Re .1e very popular with the Irkin people shd; hie houses are Jammed. , eviden,e of Shaw, who turned 117.1 !ormer and ide4tilled Barrett as 1.1301 Clerkstmell criminal; Is' lienerally dis r , credited. L:' snrron TINLD TOR ; Alexander M. Sullivan, editor of tiiel Dublin Nutten, who was arrested (Uri tenting seditious, articles and rer put tlc Mating. in funs rat re remonlA itittonoi• or !he Manchester martyrs, iktibloughi up at Dublin Yesterday for a prelhititart 'exam:nation. The ;Sidenoe was of a nature tu jrtiry the In boldiag the priarmerfor trial. TINIAN TRIAIA 11.1010IXD.• LONDON, Jan. .—The ; appeal of man- . set for the defect. , for a removal of the trials of the Feniana Burke and Casey London has been sticoeasfol. The Court decided to grant the motion for the move], and the trials rill commence at; an early day. =I Lowno::, January llitlonnt particulars of the assault on: Martell* Tower at Dungannon, on Iron day night, ore reveived. After receiving the first tiro-of the garrison, the altack 7 i', lag party ri4irtxl, but did not lease the field. They , , waked until their nutnbenil were LargelY-inereased from the crowds who 'seemed Doer at hand, and again: advanced upou the Tower, beginning; with a general discharge of gte-arms, ley which some oftho - garrison were wound. ed, When the assailants had almost reached Liao foot of the tower, the troops' t again fired and two men were 'seen roll. Thecrovrri thin fell back and dia.l appeared In the darkness. Tha two:nen: shot srerrearrfed . off by their companions! end it is not known whether 'they ware' emended or killed. The affair haaraueedl gisat•aitataaaant In Wert ford lounty,l ea arrests have. yet . . barn made, butt the (7:nuernraunt is, using every mean. tai discover the leedara of the assault. = Losonx, January 211.-7411ner-Giblon;l leading member of 'PorLiameat, is al npeeeh at Aston, declared peace most bI preserved between Epttland and Amer.l it, Other Cabitteta would sooneetPlhowal aow itt power an either,elde the y A.ti tin, aod thine ,Cahkneta would pot' ine s plodged to thn polley or Ixiond bY, the wards of either Lord Stanloy or Seri rotary Seward. . • AUSMICLOCFLNIAN nnncarro. Thoriout Date,, whn le.aettl to be Oti 4 1,,,,,hYizFanlart, has beeti arreated ou charge or treason.' It le alieged be wart i. en:learned in the plot for the ottani. on; Woolitleh arsiontorbleh was diteoveritiL oad'iruntrated toy the police.. EE= PAIII9, January 29.—The bill for the reorganization of tho army laving peened the Corps Louislotif, it came' before the Senate tide wash and gave rise to an in, tereeting illieuelslon. ' It, Chevalier, in e powerfin speech, opihsed the bill. Ito took strong grounds and argued against the mesnure. FrsnCe should maintain close relation! `with the neighboring Ems ropesn Power., alio( whom should want to'resist the Empire of Ronnie and thil ftephblle of America, nattotul who, In the y 1 extraordinary growth of their tarrito i I power and ambition, threatened toh ' sbadoirtheworld. %torahs] itell,speakfo for the government, supported the bill: He replied to the arguments holed', the:. bill by Id. Chevalier, declaring. the: grounds on which they ranted unteiniblal kat - or the flare expressed-by Cheialieri In regard to Ronnie, I they were absurd.l Snob risTai were refuted by every eyelet: In th e hislory of Europealnco the war lo' the The debate ' ended yesterday: evening, when tboblirpestod. - I nosealv CATHOLIC COUNCIL. • I • . Pants, .Tan,eary 19.—lit In now corfeld sired -certain the General Council eof th e Roman Catholic Chrwch,preparittionefn the calling of which were some time !tined Intruettal by the Pope to a ispeclalcorn.: 'Omission of seven Cardinale, will asnemi blunt Rome In November., I :erry vitzul LAW, PARIN, 'January iii—Elrening.—The bma ou thei new law proposedby the goil erornent for the regulation . of the press eeminented In the Corps Leglilatif thld afternonn. • • e • J —9--- F=3 tali DOMAN 41/14TION. LONDON, January a.1,--'l'ha policy, moonily adopted by Prutivia on this Roi mmit lineation, and her agreement wltt Frannaln thweatitment of that subject, has (mused surprise, but an, explanatiow of dila mama Is bound in the fact that in Mosta/ming the temporal power .of the I'ope the Pnusalin Govarnment ands PODDrAll.l3loalli of conciliating its Gattio4 lie autdoctia and • atrengtheribigtts lotin4 unificovcr. Catholic Slates et South her °MI. CAM. SCUD= ANDIVIM ON A UrFAIAD El==l itzamai, Jasuary 29—sErennty.—tion.' esti Et - Ctiora; she Is on special mission: trona this United &atm has insioid this city, and was this afternoon recoly- =PI fX,NDITION DECOMINO CILITXLLT. Lo . tinotr, January Zi.—The condition of Italy is becoming critical. Pviis are entsrtabied that acoup 4 arsistib contOmplated at I. lorence r and it to be- In Pula tine minions betwm French and Italian G ivernmente are not an cordial as they have been. - I . • • scarr IflllloY num. -rut: ummo _ , • I:lona:Ica, January , N.—The Unite - t'airico nawapaper says a special agent ott te President of the United States has arrived at Rome on a secret minion to the Pope, and that he will be supported by Admiral l'arragut, whose Acct. t+ hourly 'expected at Naples, and whose ir::,,, arrival in Rome was looked! or at an early ' day . The journal giv no .intermatien as to the character fir object of the mlaelou upon which the A ricau agent Is sent. FLORLIVCZ, January 2.9.—Er'ening.— The intrigues of the Boarbonisti in Na plee iire . csiuning touch disquiet there. ETII/El3 COi!6.1(11A0 as, .Nlllllll7 119 . 7.KArrtg.— In the 'Lipner House of itinsieg; to-day, the treat] concluded with the, Unttet States for the mile of Danish 1361:131 the West, Indies was ratified by unanhatrus - vote., This. coMplates thn action in • Denmark In resort to the; e t.grook .1102 , r1r wAnicsr to.unmi„ January —l7.reaing.,--Conl. anis, 931. American liiimurittem age quiet. Five•Twentiee, 72. ILlitioia Central, $3l. Erie, 491. : Atlantic and Great Western Consolldmei Benin, 22. . Faixsronr, January 29—Ereming., United Stales Five-Twenties, for . .lssue of IS/12; 7516-317C1. . Ltvartroot.,- -Tamura' 29,Evenin'a.-- Cotton; the sales , to-dey reactiali 12,000 bale.; huddling Uganda being quoted at 73@171t1, and °risme at 736e1d. • Entail. etuffe—Clorn, 441 Pd. Wheat,- lea for white California; and- 14a Cd for No." Milwaukee . red. Barley, fisigd. 3a 11d, Peas, 40s Sd. Flour, .37a CI Provisions—Beef, 120$. Pork, 47e. Lard, 52.. (new, 52e ed. Boron, 49a. ' Pro duce le unchanged. = .I...vre . gur, January '—f.'rennip.—Pe troleum sellnig at 12} flaunt par on, hundred kilogrammes. SOUTHERN STATES. 7 Si Teiesrirak to the t ttHLo,ZL Oseotti VIERAISI/4 RICII.X0:1D, January 2`J.—The toucan- Goa adopted a resolution asking Gen. Schofield In allow "voter* to 'register whereeer they may resident the ;time of election. A member Raid the bcoolution was unnecessary; as General Scitotileid would noon Lune an order fora new reg- Istration. During the debate a Conserva tive used the words "That infamous tyrant. Congress." Some confusion fol lowed, several members eisitolug that the words Were disorderly. The .goes. lionwas left mottled by the, order of the day coming up. A member demanded the ex prilition of the reporter of the Dispatch on Sticoust of a statement made in that paper. The motion wan decided not in ortier At the afternoon ailesion mach ! excite. went Was canned on the Republican aide by one of the' membera calling. another `tr--; , --d Chains were caught up, but the interpositioa. of members stopped the difficulty., The day, apart from these !interruptions, was spent in taxation. . =3E! . . ATLANTA, January 19.—Fl ye addl. ,i onai seYnour o. the TSUI of I Alights ere • adopted by the Conyention -day. Teration is to be ad. roferroi s d tualform On alLproperty taxed. The 1 It tar in not to exceed one dollar and 4 exeluilvely for educational ptitperas. he twenty-fourth • eviction reads re allows. "The foetal .tat. of the citlree ebal I never be the sublenforThil lidlitton." The relief bill war matle"the' special order for Friday. . . A circular, iffued !o•day by tieneral, hleade, rays many. lttynlriea by letter and otherwise have been trkede Co the Commanding General as to the' proper cooetroction of the ordinance legalized by him in general orders, and mays be has no leisure, net Is it his province, hi answer. The ordinances, as enforced by Ma orders, are to be deemed a part or the laws of the' Shaw In watch they were re spectively 'adapted and ,00nstrued, end enforced ti. the courts areordlogly. There was quite a snow sterna today. _ =3:2=l=3 Ramnuer, January ..--1111, Conven tion was mainly occupied today in tits claming the roport of the Committee fur the roller 01 the proplo, rghe ordinance relented remove. tho juriadictleo of all State Count; in manors of contract or debt and stispenda all jiulgmenta ex.. rations and process for this. octllociion of all debt croaton before May, natil July, 1889, ur until the new Constitntion and Government's,. Into effect. .11 asks Gonend Canby to anion* tall ordinance: Various amendments were prepared, but no definite'actlonlaken. A rro:tltion was adopted authorlaintf the Convoittiott to. eftae.t.a loss of tan tbotisantT dollars. to pay Ike mileage of membars. sOurg CAROLINA. enaniturros, January r. —ln the Convention today a reaolutlon .atha • In troduced far thle parallax, by the State.of all lands forced on the ruarkst,*an to be sold to Lethal settlers ;' also ptayittiCou grow te appropriate th•Arollectud cotton tax oflouth Carolina, s3,oo.QuO, • for pur ,thaaing land to be soltt to tht,poor. Ast,ordtuanoe provldhag tar Sazattlott for payment of the expenses of the Coo, Tendon, *mounting to 11:1,1X0, Rat passed. .• The proprielorean . dedttoreof thelfer- Miry taday were elehuled from (Ix, Con vention. 'Thla .was done to 'prevent breaches or the peace and personal • col= ltalone on the floor. . • • pea= New OntaAls ‘ 22.—Article num ber ninety Mine, u adopted by the Con ventios,„,dinfrancialsee all maroons who shall have boon convicted of treason, pedury, forgery, bribery or other, crime punishable by Imprisonment at bard labor, all patapets end marmot under in terdiction, and all leaden, or Officer. of guerrilisbande during tha late war. The following are dhrfranchised until after the first ofJenuaryl37ll: All persons who, be fore the first of June, hal; held the °Mae of yloe Prodding, lisannary of fitele,Seo rotors' of.War,Secretary et the Interior; -Secretary of the -Treasury, Postmaster General, or Attorney General of the Untied Brats, Ditdomatle *gotta of the Gaited States; members.-of • Congrese, Judges of Snoremeteiroult and Distrt Courts of the United States; Governas and Lieutenant Governors of thlat State or other Staten Judges of Courts.' of last resort Mother Stelm,• members of the Legislature of -this State slots the adoption of the'Constltatlon of 1852, who approved or earoouraged,soosision, aom reisakasitateilleere Orthe army br nary of the Unitcd States who at any time mi med In the late rebellion; presided the Legislature may by Al vote of two..thirds of each BOUJIO remove sneltdisability. On a vote on Me article twentjloolond delegates 7otoil yea and the same num- Atticle ninety-nine - prescribes' the oath to be taken by °Mosta The first para graph la en tollowa:—III do- solemnly swear that I accept the civil and political equality of all men pad agree not to ate tempt to deprive any person, on account of voce or color or previous condition, of any political or olva privilege Or imrana oily enjoyed by any other class of men.'i Article one hundred defins treason agilnetthe Stale, and says no person sit be °Melded except uPon the thetimony of two witnesses to-the same act or con% fission in open court. ' Article one hundred andthnse provides that the ant Legislature convening un der this Cotunitution shall auks' special appropriation for the liquidation of the debt of this CenVentien vemalning unt paid or no provided for. The Convention adapted the 'articlai under the title Mammal provisions, and tbenadJoarned. . , - The Commissioner of the 'Freedmen's klareen publishes two important' orders. proscribin regulations under which supplies' w ill be furnished - to Plantar* dunngthe current year, and providing for the transportation of Vtaidoma to parishes where employment am be-mt. Mined Tor them. Suppliesrwill be far clashed monthly until the swanky no longer exhita, lint Minos a hew oa crepe for paymen t. Elubalatence for the helpr lose and indigent 'will be Issued patted tously., The thermometer is' two'degrees he: low freeidnit point, and the weather II the coldest of-ttut lesson. :. . JAcKsox,Jannary 21—In theCarmai tion Ito-day, a preamble and monition wore offered and reform, that as but Pur lois l pipers wereptiblialted in the Ina% sad but Gris lord sigmas maw- aged journal :WM. will advocate their principles and unanalilled loyalty to the Coastitution au& laws, It shall Le the duty dr the first Legislature convened under the const itutlon framed by this ConvOltiott to provide for the election of ao offiCial printer In melt CongrenalonstDistkict. count's and mu and such officer atiall have ell of the edictal 'prinfing, Including all ail vertieementa, insert ed in said journals rates at the to:Le NI by the lair. The Committee n Destitution report ed to. ask Congress, to appropriate as much of the Mn levied on cotton in 1867 In this State ha wf II enable the Freed men'. Bureaul to supply the actual wants of citizens of Miaaissippi srittiout regard to co:or. Thu liesiti:fortnation they have shows that actual ant wilt exist before another crop iS gathhered. • Orderefile bg priitted. A resolution, woe adopted to appoint a • Committee of nine 'on the drall. of a con . stitutlon. .The Toth or) ye4erday accepting Mr. •Clreartengnation • a Chairman of the Comrnitteeen Prim Ing,wiconsidered, and it was decided not to It . by heavy vote. 1 ; WLOIIIDA, TALL/m.4mi, January • 29.—The CO, vended Conunittetl on Intermit Improve ments made ;a report welch, without reeding ••. was ordered to be printed. Hrl-.B.llllrigeloadesd a letter detecting the/fads to reigardio the Florida Rail road pnrchaning GOvernmetit lands, and a resolution prohibiting the Legislature from renewini thd charter of the road, Which was onlered tb hisprinted and re ferred to thoCenntitteo on Corporations: A .potituan pnsented From the loyal citizen tdSo r ith Florida, on which no action war 11 , 411 m, asking for SUM," scrip, redeems lb . n hinds, in compd nation far proprd. taken by Confeder ate etagere during the war. A resolutions van passed requiring the State Treasfireeto lend In a retort of the money In his Maid I rind hold it minted to the action ell l i he Convention, and pro hibiting any of lcont of I die Convention from drawing any "ends from the Trean• cry withouta ion/ of the Convention. A resolution'autborising the bane of State ncrip forlel - raying the expenses of the Conventio reforredlo the Fl• nonce Committeo. . • A resointion!wo intro/limed and re ferred to the Jdfibe cry Committee, pgo hibiting any diatibetion on account of color en redivide, eteamhosts or in photos of public aniuseint/nt er instruction. The Finance poulimittee wan instructed •te report regarding the par diem and mileage of members . and odic/m. . The Committee on Finance reported that •Mnanclal; agent bad bad all inter• view with GoM Moods, who imitrueled the Conventien to levy dircet taxes, and offered to assist In its collection if neces sary. He also lempewered the Coerce tion•to draw kande for its necessary ex penses. from the State Treasury, if it contained any. Ths report was adopted. An amecdutentt , /, tho rules was offered expelling 6v v ~ ber guilty of bribery er intisuldation,sbot the Chair ruled the motion out of order. • The Conventiona i dJourned amid meet, confusion and and oment. bmoA.Go . - Innoyene• Leias ley tem ReesillYfre. tar rofograah to Ufa r T teuniith tiaratto.l, enWarm, January 1. .ti.—Ae far m mu be Meertalned 1 to-uight the inounance companion lone Iby l ast night'n Ire no follows: Chicago . Imp/ales,. $120,000; Other , compaalt in Illinois, $55,0e1e Backeyeof Cis eland, /5,000; Western of Buffalo, $15,000; iMutual and Buffsio City, /1.5.000 encl . ; Co mmerce of :Albany, $16,000; Albany ,Cify, $4.000; Springfield. of Springfield, 1 3.I.B•I4CiIUIPPtIA, .$1:.',00‘); Maryland Fire, of Baltimore, $5,00e; Now England, df.l3..vdon, 13,000; Rome, of Now Raven, t... ,- ,000; 'Liverpool, $111),- 00Cc Queen, $1.1,00C Liverpool, London and Globe, i k 2.5,000; PrOVidenr., of • Providenc, I$5,000; Naragantat and Roger lyllintoto s,b,t/UO; „each Aetna of liartford, $20,00; Conneclicut, 111.1:Xen Phoente and Hartford. sls,Ontl each; Putnam, Amdrienn and MerthanN scr.,ooo each; UnderWritera Agency of New York, $40.000; . Ile me, £31,000; Manhat tan, $30,000; International, $2.0,,ne0; L.-it tend and-Hrrennld; $.16,000 eaebr Neeneity, Phoenix, Ennitablel Citizens and-Vora- I era, $lO.OOO each 7: nnox, ' Irving, Em pire, Amsterdam, Washington, Coo. tinental and RePub le, ss,Ond each; Acci dental ad Bt. Louie, $ 6 , 0 b 0 ; Laboom of Clur:irinstl, gr,OV; Central end Corn =Mal, $5,001/r cabin -hliatnt . Volley; Adams, Bern.t t~Tx Realm/us and, Eureka, WA) • VI:. loons as re ported thin monti rul moan nearly corroct as can be saccrininednt. preterit. ' Cntcsoo, Jan nary 29.—Later informg lion places the IMO° Mtwara, Inatmtnoo Compardee at SIFJ,COO ann gives the fol low. i g looses lti ad to thorn pre viously reported: Westerll and Itntual of On [Edo, $.1,1)00 en h; Co pi tot ofA I b.', y, I , w $.1.000; Homo of .. me Raven, .El ?,nne, Springfield of Strit gfield, $5 ono; North A mortcon of ad Iphia, $18.1.00; Corn Ere-beige. $5 bloc . ..s. o England of Itom ton, k.. 7, OW; Natio n I, $10,0110; American, s2.3,tohPbconix of Brooklyn, 1.1:3,04e; Aa re lantie, $21,000; Pray' nt•eot Pravidenco, $7.0(0'; A mericah, $ 2.000 ; Atlantic $lO,- 000• :Etna. of liar C ard, $::11,Oto); Ilan ford, SB 4 OOO ; }f ere Into, $21,000; Put nam and Charter Oak. OA.) earl] ; En ierwritara /money of New York. $10,000; Home, $13,00; 111.411 nm, Lorillard and Intornational, 3:0:Sot each ; floward, $l5,- OIY ; Soetarite . ,sl, - ,,0f u; •Etrtpire City, Sla ry; Arnotot:lam, 13 . 5,000; Continental, KOOO ; North Amer ran, $10,00) ; Arctic, $:.0,000; American Exchange. $::0,...00 ; &tn.. 'MOW; lilarket, $11,00; Waal,. fermi, $40,00; Qu acne, $15,000 ; Liver pool, London and Globe, 0c4,C00. lIM 0014 ,INymplalls. (Ny Tolerrapb to lEa Plitebyryb titiette- . . . itenareun, Jen. Ldwacrt beahlll. who woe idiot by is .fetber yeaterday, died thin roorrilig. MA father hat been committed for Ali al . the Criminal Court. The Loulnnite trot. laat pheat when near 3.leXenaie'a Ilurt ran near a man, cutting off bean' lege and in arm. • The body was found thin. morning. lie to supposed to hay - 01.n an employ,-on the tnla who had bten benumbed lirthe cold and fallen cdr. • Creightont o wan nrreetod for robbing, the exprene - oilice nt Jackson, Tenn.,•eocen timpani., broke jail 'Mon day night.' • STAtEI NEWS --Geu..Geergo Tette, of Alioona, Loa Lean appointed D. D. M; of the Ma sonic district ccinpeseil of the counties' of Illair,'Betifor .aefl ifuntingdon. J. King EtcLanahan, Ifollidayshurg, D. D. 0, ILI'. for tho same district. _ . . . —A convention 0 all the Presbyterian f i . ch umbels within ~.vizonn ilea of Crawford, Erie, Warren, j'enengo and Idercer, lel to be held at Meadville on thn2Stb.• The convention . la to Omelet of the minister* and one elder tram l eech 'church, and le l to held in accdribinee with the reiwen meadaUen of the Philadelphia Couven. l • —A. porgy el blirglars .bieke Into the oflL:e of the. Tresaurer of Huntingdon twunty, and within sledge hammer,' , broke open the Safe., Nothing wax taken' away however, as there was no money there, all funds bf the eotinty being. de posited In hank.i . . An attempt was thou made, by the garde party it Is supposed, on the lint Redone' Bask of Hunting don, Out the marauders were frighteod off. —1 family. named Boyer, who realde In the 4tb Ward;. Wirt with a terrible af fliction list week. Mrs. B. bed poured some boiling water into a wash tub, which wan standhig on a' chair, and whilst, putting to the next room, her Chile, 14 months l old, attempting to crawl up to Um tub; 'panel It down and c o b! re g i l li f a I ft th e 1 l IT V gh tg a mR manner- over that th e death pat .an end to its aufferings the following day....-Johnstown Danderot, •—Per saving weeks a earlon Of meetings hovel - Ite , a held in tho Baptist chureb, which . hays re sulted In the Oylv, g of the church church, and the 'conversion of upwards of forty personal to I far. The meetings will continue every vocalists. The inter est seems to be increasing and large numbers are seeking the "One thing needful." The fleeter, Rev. R. A. Fink, will be assisted tie week by Her. Bilker of Altoona. avid - ,lter; Dnmer hoot Delinagrovo. The fpe of coutlnitatiou end the coaununlon of the Lord's tinpper will be .Administered next : Abilene, Johnstown DentOortti. • .. -The ether wrlerting a sober citizen of • • , Petroleum Centre. d , reampt that the Ben niagisall robbery hod burned the g 160,010 .1.0 abeneath thd Farmer's Itallroad depot. A partytylte et once organized '''w the urr c ... - ".. " .011 fir .y Or= for r thettipormoutieartillng the stamps, and on the following night, st an mum. tenable hour this party. mutilating of sone three or fitur persona and a well known offlcer ef Petroleum- Centre, pro m:4W to s suspicious looking apot be neath the depot and commenced opera tions.. After hating dog for some time . **d ant finding la box or A trace of the boats, the amateur money diggers threw nictbsi *Pone and the aliernis, and fe w:Dodge their '4*es, thoroughly "dhl NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. —The frigate Witch usettarrived at New York yesterday, from Ckinti. General Sieblos spoke last night at a large 'meeting to organize a Grant club, at Trenton, N. J. —The steamer Austria, from Liver. Fool on the Pith, arrived at P•. rtland yesterday morning. • —Buena cotton factory, et Wappla ger's near Poughkeepsie, N. Y., was burnt on Monday. Lose $20.000. tiouse of the Maine Legislature yesterday, by one hundred to thirtj.three voted to repeal the State Constabulary laws. —AL Leavenworth. Reuses, Tuesday night, the wag°s factory of T. R. Clark, anu two adjoining buildings, stables, were destroyed by tire. L 0551125,000. Moderns Ristorl and Mi. Gran ar- rived at Havana yesterday on theateam er Eagle, and were received with great enthusiasm, A 'miens& was given Bin. tori last night. Albany, N. Y., ice Academy of Music, under the management of Mies Trimble, was burned early Wednesday morning. • 'Nothing saved and tee Ma mated at tio,ooo. The London-754ff describes :' suf _ , Mringind distiess at the trastend of Lon don as vast and heartrending.,ThenuM bee ol -persons in receipt of out-doer relief is upwards of 40,000. - - .At the Blair county, (Poi' Demo .. enGle Convention, yestenlay, a resolution was mimed instructing their delegate. to the Hutto Convention to vote for the nom , ' 'nation of General Ilanoock for the Presi dency. —A are in Bushnell, 111.., Tuesday night, destroyed fifteen frame buildings nn Main street. Lon about $20,000; insurance 010,000, all in Illinois compan lea, except 41,000 in the Enterprise of Cincinnati. —Delegates have been elected In Wy oming county. Pa., to the Republican. State Convention 01311 resolutions passed favoring Gen. Grant for".Prealtient and Mr. Grow for Vice President. —The rifle's' statement of the Branch Mint or San Francisco for 1807 shows the total. deposits .of bullion nineteen millions and a half, and coinage nineteen millions three hundred and eighty thou sand. • —An informal meeting of authors and publishers will be held In New York City tceday, for the purpose of agreeing, Ifpostable, upon some plan of sedan that will pave the way for the adoption of an international copyright law. • —At Baltimore, yeaterday; five men - attacked the revenue olllcens In charge of Wiedel'• Divtillery, on the Bellaire road. 'One of the edlcerxwas badly hurt Ths-aavaltants were fired Into, and one, named Hughes badly wounded. All were arrested and held for trial. At Cinctnuetl. yestarlay, the Mock and store of Glasser Et Brno, wholesale dralera in cloths add woolen:100de wav ae xelliby the United StateglMalsksi. As it the drat case of eebßire far. Invol untary bankruptcy in that city, it crea ted ,fulte a sensation inbueinoss circles. —At Damon, Wednesday forenoon, there'' was a good de .1 of eiciturtant among oil dealers in consequence of the seiztms by internal revenue Ml:leers 01 all the s tenned petroleum in Brat hands they could find. It will be released only when It can be proved that the Govern went tax Mat been paid. The amount seized Is very large. —The'Nea Tofic World publishes the fo lowing telegram from George Francis T sin, no location givent *January:A—. I en here, all right. Have had an im uu tun ovation. "Cepd 3fitle Faith," S ke to the poople to-day. Was carried a Ile on the shopldere of my friends Ste. I stump Ireland. Derby. quakes, but Nero not stop me. "Gamuts Feescie Tawitt." • —A telegram front the city of Mexico, dated oesday last, says Porferio Diaz, Inortet rued to the capital. The Mixt- . can pa were to be paid fortnightly l advent. Tee Legislature of Sea Louts Potosi ad levied a forodd loan , of thirty themoted dollars upon the merchants, the pee'meet of *bleb had teen refused end some of the merchants had been yrisontel. —A large delegation of tobacco manu facturers is - la Washington City to con sult with the Ways and. Hewn Commit tee, that Committee having algal Led willioguses to hear any stetemenet they might hero to make In relation to the LIZ' on tobacco. There to exelsiderable difference in the views of mannfeeturent and dealers from the east and went as to what suggestion should be made concern tug the eta on their businees, with but little prospect on ler of au agreement. editors of the Democratic papers throughout tho State of Michigan are urging Sao State Central Committee to call a COI) vention on the Fourth of /darch, for the nominathur rf a State ticket and delegaTes to the Notional Democratic Convention.. They argue in favor of an early Convention on the ground that they have no enunciation of nrinmples twat gram importeat issues of the .cout ing . carapeign, no common platform which is required as the rallying and starting point for local organizations in the ?Dote. • . —The calm of Fiske mid others versus the Rock Island Banned came up again yesterday, in Now York, on a motion by the defense, under the atatnte of 1789, to transfer it ,to the United States Circuit Court, on-the grounds that Mr. Tracy, one of the defendants, is a resident of illinoia'and that from the local feeling against the-.i Company ea Impartial trial cannot be had in the State Court. The motion was apposed by the plaintiffs ou the ground that the fact of one of the de lemiants• residing la the State render ed the statute In operative. Medalist= was reserved. • g • —'lie annual meeting of the Grand Army ~f the, Republic for the Depart ment i•f• Indiana was held in thelienate Chanelx r rt Indianapolis, yesterday, A. fair attend' /.» of dale/pans wee present. The followis, iimacro were elected for the ensuing grand Commander, Major General R. 8, Folder; Senior Vice Grand Onurnander, Major General Charles Crap; Junior Vice Grand Com. mender;' Colonel s3oerge Humphreys, with a grand council of administration of live officer. Major 0. M. Wilson Was appointed Adjutant A. resolution en dorsing General Grant for. next Pres ident. was adopted. —Very sad tfdinp hid been recelied luParin from aimed every part of Prance. The. trade and manufacture of Lyme were parallzed by a variety of causes, in which' the tineeruilisty prevailing 'ea to the politlesil future had no small sham. Hunger andrileetatutlen were male goad havoc among the operatives at Nantes, Rosen, and Roubaix, and oven- In .Bor. 'deaux, whereuie nalldnesa of the climate doss away with one cease of suffering, the destitution w palely manifest. Be dense are the ihroup of famished emir. gives that besiege the Hotel , de Ville,. cintinorlag for bread or employment, / that the guards had to be disabled- -20 the Cincinnati Express on the Hudson Ricer Railroad, which left Heir York at one o'clock Wednesday morn ing, reached a point one mile north of ConawallStallon, it ran one broken rail, the engine, baggage and smoking care passing tiler in toasty, but flee passasgm care ran off amdnat the rocks, tearing out the cities. They were all Riled with Angers, fife or six of whom were la. rad—one badly cut In the forehead and face, one man . hurt in the back," and another man hurt la the breast; now of them seriously. The train was delayed one hour. The track was soon cleared, and trains are now running regularly. —Losses by the lire at Chicago Tuft• day night are glean as follows: Grigg .t Co., book eatabilehment,l2Clo,ooo; Ramo. fold Bro.. hats and eape, P 5,040; Mc- Dougall, Nicholas &Co., boots and shoes, $100,00e; Harwood. Cartledge & Honor., hardware, $75,000; Schrenfeld & Co clothiara, $25,000; Flake, Kirtland Co., boots and shoos, 115,00 e; Webster, Marsh ,t Co., clothing, $25,000; Seymonr, Carter it Co. hardware, t0.50.00e; Carson, Pierce Co., dry goods, $100,001; Frocraan Broth ers, clothing. $75,000; Burnham AL Cu. . tictinaeits,' wholesale druggists. $100,000; Shayer Co.. straw , goods, S. 15,000; Fore man. Harris di co. clothiers, $75,000; Wolfer, Williams it Co bats itad caps, 075,000;o C. N. HilademOn it Co.; boots and oboes. $125,900. No. 20 Teske street, and alt from Noe. 31 to 41, on the oppo site side of the street. are entirely stroyed. The loss on the hultdin i t will not he lass than 5500 0 00. oNothi dell , alto listraal in regard Co the sur &nee, but it la understood thatcincliatutal companies lose heavily. . #1 der Clar)vtill lecture at quincy Hall, He. HT street, Allegheny, Friday night. , jact—"lnaltstion en. IndividualPT; or the man and monkey." The lecture pi ren undue the auspices of the Soldiers' Laurin,. Library Association, and, the proceeds era to be appropriated to the purchase of book, far the I.4brery. _ C. NUMBER 125 CITY AND INBUReiI oeroa•em at —ltucludA.l =Mt! Tuesday Morning last 'Ellie .'ticks, a little girl residing with her Parente in South Pittsburgh,. died Very isudderaly and tinder circumstances which rendered an Investigation by the Corrine': necessa ry. Coroner Clawson beingnotified of the fact. impannelled a jury' and 'after taking the testimony of Zianc:r J. lineks, the mother of the child, whi it we ap • pond, adjourned until five o'clock last,, evening, when a verdict was r a ttrlered. ' The following is the teatime y : of the mother: ' • • Mrs. Nancy J. frocks, s orb—Am• mother of the deceased chit ..At six o'clock Monday my child washes wallas , she over was. At upper she was caked; to eat; she said show= net hungry. In, half an . . hear afterwards I asked ber if she was nick; the said else felt I.ike vow-, iting; she was lying at that time on the". i floor: In ten minutes thereafter she ocint-i minced vomiting; she carorpleird of her head and back hurting her. lietweeM • the boors of seven o'clock 'in he eyes-I 'ing and two in the morning, she vomited , fnUe or five times. I did, not think it worth— while to . sand roe in does 1 her until -, this' Inerning.• g lWben le went. Into. .hoc ,roon t . seven o'clock this morning. Abe caught bold of my dress, and said something which I I could not underetaud. *At nine o'clock I i sent for Dr. Roberts. . I found beret that • hour as / had laid her down, 1 with the 1 exception of her left arm, which wns out, ' side of the bed, and her right arm over Isar head. blur looked as though ehe woe asleep, with the exception of her eyes,, ' which were epee. Thera were no markt, on her, with the exception of sem. small purple marks, which were on lur fore., heart sod on her left breast. yesterday afternoon she sold that a littlei girl ha*l pushed her, whelk al a fel: an d I hurt bey hack. She bid not been abubdel In . the house, nod I do nor tblnk elle was hart outside of the hours.; d . , Des DJ. 11. Roberts, at the req eat of the' Coroner, made a post merle= examine.. non': and yesterday eyeningtestifled that the child had died of congestion ofthe brain, produced by a fall Sr Injury tel the head. The juny rendered a verdict in accordance, with his statement.. Allogheay foonlY filrff.Olfefel 0160,—Noollogg of Ake 11174 of tlf realer. • The hew Board of Directors of the Al legheny County AgrleultubelSoclety met at J: R. Reed A Co.'s store, Flith street, yeaterday at 10 o'clock A. ht., end organ ized by calling John Young,4r., to tbo chair and appointing 'William Auderson• Secrotary. Members present:l Mtwara. Parke, John Murdoch, Jr., Yonng;Jen singe, McKee, Matthews, Marton and Kelly. . The minutes of the precisedng meet lag were read and approved, I • Mr. Parke, from the comntlttee to which was referred the claims arinst th e State for the useof theold Pair rounds, reported that tie bill had been placed In the bands of Bon. George Wlben, end would comics the necessary attention. Messrs. - Murdoch and Belly Mated that they had Cf 1211•11011 with actin,' mem bers of the Legislature on the, subject, but as there were between fifteen and twenty claims of the same =titre peed hog it•waa doubtful whether It cquid peso, but at least 'a - portion of the dal would be paid. James Parke, chairman of the com mittee on s now charter, reported that no definite action had been taken in the matter Ithaca the last meeting- I . Mr. Morten introduced the shbject of abortion In. cows, and presented 'seine important foetal relative to-the, matter. The subject Is creating oonsidaMtble In terest In the, minds of dalrymenf i d cat tle dealer., and in acco-dance th a re qnset of the New York . State A cult°. ral Society,' committee was appointed to Investigate the matter, to which-cent . Mee Mr. Morton was "added, and-re quested to bresent his views en the sub ject to the Society in the fora of a re port. On motion, the meeting adjourned- till the 20th of February. • - A Me. Listen. About two year" since a yens • I of respectable parents, roslillug id th vi cinity of East Liberty, wax, thrbugh he influence of Satanaad the sedu c tive arts of one Samuel Boyd, lured freMthe path of virtue, and as her seducer .reirtsed to make the necessary amends fe • his Mucous conduct, abe m4de an mforttia• tins, charging him with sedacti n under prorates of marriage, whersupe bo was arrested and lodged in jail. The matter was settled * a marriiiitylintiiiipeara that Mr. 'Boyd, at the instan ce of his wends, left his wife and want to the west, where be remained until *abort time since, when he came back to see a sick slater. flaming of bin return kin wife made en information beforandier , man .McMasters against. bila 4ir abut. ilciamenL 'A:Warrant 'was tgattird, Boyd arrested, and when brought thM .to e *oe he gave bonda In their= of $5,000 to live with his wife and support herr far five years. At. the cleats of. the transaction the wife 'appeared, soda moreMleasant remnien could scaroely be Imagined than that which task place theze sad tire happy pair departed together.. .1' The action of the Alderman, in this case, however "agreeable" the: "',.tile- meat" may seem to the parties- Mini:ern e& we do not think "according to Mo.. Kinney." Tbe bcind giyen, to Ave with Ono will ferguespecific term of.riveyrir• is good for might.. It Ls esstomary, we bciisvei, for the courttearrange desertion eases, and to require wads te' b. given bydellnquant Bertmillate to:sul=heir wires, but with Alderman a different rule moms to primal'. { Popsy'Skop - dhout twase e!clook . last_n g bt, the cooper shop of panty qeyar, en Chest- nut street, in the Fourth ward, Allegtes ny, naught tire and was totallydtkrayed, together with its contents., 'TIM alarm was sounded from box 53,"andtaidwith: standing the intense cold the 'entlieilnit department of the city ; ' ruvondal promptly, but On ilettqUaL oaf wail Of the tire pings in the Vicinity beMg fro Sen the firemen were delayed ingening Into service. The slaughter house of Chris tian 23rrning, which adjoined the cooper shop, a o caught fire,: but the Mona were extinguished before they had Made much progress. *The sooner-a,b op ,was but reoendy 'brink the old one baling been burned down on .the ith; or July last. 'The loss will be quite heavy, as them wens great quantity cfdt tools and machinery lajhe betiding ea : well .as considerable stock, some of which was 'wed. . A stable adjoinini the:burning building -ales caught lire but throng the efforts of the firemen' the lire wee ex tingulabect before disbanding :oats Much_ • H iareeder• snits, ! Mae Muslim 'All thine desiring-a nr• lndeU anal trait will be , at. thalLeademy e bi•nlirhi to hear litiralsiva Wanted gen tleman lecture. Mr. Tilton ID sb and faverithly known to car cilium, that we anti! deem It necessary to make an extended notice of his greatt Rid oratorical; powers.. The jut chums far We evenlos—"Tbe Aram' WO man''—ie ooneldered by Mr:Tilton ashy far the but ever delivered by hlnt,and everywhere that It has been delivered the prow and' peeele have spoken of It with greetnralee. • We look fsr. =toyer. 'flowing bowie. end - these diairiag choice mats should purchase tickets during the day at the library Rooms and re early. The Left WOW .4111eIreedqui._ The friends of .11r.AhtkoayFroyoopi, who mysteriously disappeared st Taasday seeming, Slit fast:, an amount width w• published some days SWOON be a et. fared • 'Maud of $5lO for information of his whereabouts. Air. r. wee rather secentria in Me manner, and it Is said frequontly left bents fir severer day's( It tune without his friends' homing any knowledge of We whereabouts, and-from this feet Out little insofety waa emoted on amount of his diaappearance this time, but eo long a, time having elm sine* his departure,. they. Aeons it p dent to Inlka lams ottort to Had bite. Espadiation.—Mbot Caroline. Amp, 'of Tempertmeevill., purchased geode Of Gault. Joheica, in that' bOrsigh, to the' ',lade. of 1117,98, reprosolatiog that the wets for her mother. :The MU ire masa to the moth*/ Who, it appeals, armadillo tad it, and alleges that she never roookf-, ed the goods., Jabots= suds oath before Alderman Meldeatars,oharging I 'Uranus with obtaining goods under Wins pea. team. A warrant wai loaned her,.. Alloy filonotet:—The . cliftix.ot , Alio. , ghous will give am_ Itottiboto' of Om:tells st Julius Bet son OtOt south tato ,ot Us litlataitud,thts Ottoting. FOURTH PAGE.— 'CAR* Val Sti! , Uto 7olotoftut atr. 1011 5 tltt., act THE WEEKLY (IZ4Th STUDIEDLY AID SATURDAY. • wire.• Octet. TOM 7 Wei Ulan ef itog clicstagrea4lag =Mary laietadicil loca yt se Zatterisic.lct.oiN• 4, bY ThiciTcpbsclil 1411. vadAtd•Buding Xattay Ace MC ralidif: cad feilluc qd taart liasztelat as6oo Is• ...runt Mutat Reports Om by W. mam 4i tau city.. ;34, rancsr. llectincia or itoretw.S amid es without It. • impts roam irIISCLY isernu 711:7 9 ` 1------- ---r .g. .97 or P.P. to ta• wow itettlodr up Na slab: 14tittoas to slabs eta b• Mae • Say that, St. slab rots. ; Atm= ,143 1101LOCS.WL-4.1. *Motes yea! Vaiftr. Da - liars aa4 Osaltr w➢aa Idiftaft rft .eat. ft 44 Dna a If kftftday ofteDft braab. anftars hirlak bat as =Zit a Inst. • - - WPM** , br Draft, Drprora, mow Ordhaqi - or ft Baainar6d Lefton, saft Da Vaal Magni* Addreft. OA2LIeTTP., . ; • PITTODUTDID. Palle* - MARRIED. 116111-;n'AILIII.-0a Tuna.lay. Jauntily 2111gla INS, by Ink Re, J. P. Pnrtbnan. Anti:l7L C. WEAR 1.1111 MARY It.. danallter of COlOlllll6 W. Inttb : , both ot.bileinto Clot. Nobabdo. I=ll = 'A' , ;71; 1 4`,. ' • • The Amaral will take Olken from Ithr litn redo am (sally:era regmettslly !netted to attesid. .1)0U01 . ../0.9.—O is n odorsday. JanCrr 2211 . 4 ARd li.,Vrlts. or J saes 1 , 00,115, In the thirty. ss cond rime other se,. Toneraflrsts the ~:,deans orlt linshand, btatlon., Penna. H. „ Jsonsryl3.2th....t 2 attack r... The Irked. og the lasi ty,•re respeetrolir Invited to ahead. - . • - -Ini/ERTAKERS . - -- -- - L.EIL, EN, UN pEIiTAELLit, No, Idea round Bina, Pittsburgh.: _Pa. id cornlNdl: ar' /dads:aunts, ux.ov ~a il teen deldriptlas of Ventral. Yezidahiar thiddid furalsbedi Biro= *pea dai and itigh , . amid sad Carriages' funalabed. Rarruairdaa.vitav, David Kerr; V. 15.,11.• M. W. dideladi.. D. D., Thomas twin'. aigi. • • CLIdLigLES k PEELIL'E ,, , Under. TA litus 'AND LIVERY RTASLES, eilfl.ll of SandßAl i!reet'arld Cluiret synms,ken.: RV ERT. - Illbere lEalr COFEJE ROOMS MS naatly evjalled "nib nal end Inflation N 084., wool, MalLegmly WAlsavt• Cedlat. r n ig varying p6iii SI toll* ..11•41sa tenions.l4 }Lands and Caring. "furRIA•4I al.; RRl,Hlfaßnalsr Soed4ItYpISRYS4' Odin ilt l agyrs, day and aIEII. • — OD TT. RuDNIET. 11:11kder.' Oti TAUS AND Enolnese. So. ti WO St.. Allegheny, sod No. So Diamond IWO., (b? Ohn lidos Brogi.,) keepaAlways des bog OA Doti IGW. Owewod. SOlnat and tenitalteez Hceeweid Cotbss. Walnut CORO, filo OS K . ... wogs. Shooed Corinne= upwards: all Obit Coffins in*oreertlon. Cherelages esnegAleanogg turnlshepet low roe. Coo. 91...; emir sad fegessing Ithmished creels. OgloOlpen Of and nhl l, lh ; ; • • • • RDWAIIEI CZAMNIECHT, 'yak DZI#MSZ B. Wins, No. fee Ohio Noah. Allegbany., Meta Mo. Beronw4 and other Colo orlt4 nun:4olOn stoeiclfooernl Paxpl.lier Goods. Ole 11.'4 .4 fornlined k.n.ewaonoli4e. no !Dwane Oda.. .15‘10 and Um, 00Wµ0. 0. of Cm 11.1141.• Ihreete. Isom. • anfOnfhii, ae.;• FOB RENT. FOR IDENT,Two three-Meer 11111 Ck DWE.4411441 11013113, 11 ...111.4 Waakligtes atraat. laquLas at 401171 1 ( 0 WE L. R,E AT— OFITCES 411111 . weirs ts th• ni*s.ll4lllANlrriNl , arr . EayetmeMarinisEmlf,SELlFlLETT IBTEEET., corner at!Earrisaa alle. Icesedlata persessleni 'Hen.' far terms. Se.. - apply nt THE ELIE.' , T 3 IL3PT,The Fourth Fnd half, or Tallitl irrexiirs is* birtillie; Elbeifyr ittreet... Ynvalre oft. 1114. FOR VlENV.—Sevevid tinfi, I surigiw , BOOS 3 la tie OAZLTTE BITILDING,prUIg good eat IG, bad. Apply at enee'it the GAZIVITZ COUNTING NOON.' To LET=A large and aubstak. tlal WP►RLIIOIIax..a Wa , eratrait. {ducat. !East aodirw. POSIKSWIS CVOS* April Ittn Empire or,GXO.' A. =UM Clik_ FOE SALE poll *ALE—Mika, Torsi deatraw' lle EII:MUM/6 HORSE. X. Ell talikaas.4 .treat. allagajas CUT. ..utalotag alma nartas s. gas la eayi moat; Anlsta:4 atm. bath loos., bat .4 cold **Uri..titre 4114ats, artal"bouss sad' asleadig ullar, trig also at No. 1.21 POOP IT.. 11ttalm • F OR E—A very delibrable, three-story , BRICE. noun. nearly' 31.1.7 r: ,pressmi iftek haat. ssnrbla mantles: iras sal ' watt, tekrfragbout; Imam, costal. man maroon and Antalya. garret, No. 14 ELM ITILT.T, nor . "Fyn., fllxtb ward.' ressauteet trosit 111111. 204a1te at the hone. •, • . FOR lIALZ--FLOMDA isANOOs ' . —Wearer for *ale Atraa . f tens,py • • A 'oh* trast,.. Sleet .111 miles above the ell , et Ape. Isahleoth7Tbalind le havered rod ender . tleatleu. lad t. ansurahased tor debiting'/then: sad prod nettienen. at Southern atavism, shah sugar ewe; roan, rtes, sweet hotatake at *r ues treeet'with eaperlor %rasing rash:title awl sable& hers. on the pl.. ntlanes. .1 4 he baler yellow pita sinner in en:endears, with drst cna. water pose:, ler elm .111.. with &tont of Trani enmesh hat stessabeets I. run hostriir lase Char river, .hOl . O ICCAII •b• loaded tato large ieeeele and ehlpped berth. there are ten geed Anna h sews en the hrewlees. The viscose Wheel:4 with ha, in., duck, and . UN k tads of iianr-Isear, deer. tertiii;eaalt, The .sueti7 le anneal,' tree front those ill-select; engendered brintinnsUettlinenree parealent la the heath.: Wendt sell this land aSibtleer. price per sere..,. : . AU. sena et Meal sail, wholly' aniseed.' e 4 eerered ell!. the fined althea pleeilaileee. - with eeeripa*lley edgewise dealt, lielltslat* dreams to ice the healed let* the Area . - Lisette. ate. Site atet - maleed. Prteft Jfeadi . Alee,-1140110 ecM latleeegle, at Oleo. thee )0 . r.i .firriker fat nrotba rood . or call lei. our Sestlman Laud Clrenlat. SILL 1111.14TV0.X. Mtallstate .4 in.rih. atom: r4iii.ith, volt' alum and' Lc* oat. rorniier.lisabsttsa sad Adams *wpm* star rmaiii. Tie:wt.!. Lot br ha{._ Um. tract., essmardneio4l•l . llll4t rood 10114 woH facrit*L: nesse sedLot enaSinsldlosisr: 11141.01 ktrsat. Lot.n. blr, Mt: team asatains 1ta 0 ..11.14 maims 111100 food Irsteiss4 -.l4:••••ArdiSon flosses gist Lot Ingosd lassalcs .) k. Lends! stsh. 1111521 C 0.., Bartz .Le. pear_ Chilsnal,, vottomir. t p-nonsiseALT uowihrol Unary ad Ego Staill011•11. ass 1•10. L! NOB= th.C.DArnit MILL 141)Bagi. ow. • Luta a DaAudirr HOSSlie, tkreiCIILAVIC MAIM; . tsrtirelltale MAILIMIIIIT • am:az ow lb*. ,gobres.. boillitinefooliosestsisrladoe. Fos . saltlads &fend of K. 'banes: eat TWO.' . HORSE VA ON "us. • m.ta.. 14.84746 NUS, labirly IT; .t e st th• PE.1427.,1N pIE Ir •' - 11. B WATCH , re 4 9 " 1 ‘G A ri;MPT, B PCSFP,." , . . /or sale by lb , . Agents, _ tytrritriLsimt itcuipmr. srEcOci.xP. - • ; • 0.1? ALL.Z/i/X6 r '66 titre G orToyr ppIICENtERTEI: awr *ter ear,4tac t l worts CLOMP. • ousnicum, visnxes. . - Ana OVS.7.OOATLarO6, widak,irt Nwastoartai la 'tie Wan May), rally sa,riaa um. Lfl Tamil 011716fLZD ' Or TilUa orAllont. Call *ad ...tap stoat. a,.# 11.8111T0,11ereltiant Talkfil „ woo :i nfl ux wir., denier iwt 11/ 011 F!T 431 ,* „ . Merchutt coy. >ezin sind,Pt. ClairAtrelliat - iiITSBUISH. PA $5OO REWARD Z remsr4 will Ito said lir tuforautliks that mil sod totttellmorery aat wherraboolt or • ANTHONY 3 . 1%t0 Woe AM rnD you* ot oire ; about lir* t t Atoning: r. Mit Itst. itstrortilott sort; .13.1%. " t e M (t _ 14, 1' • inc. * flart outlaws o•MOn....rhe r_ 141 i=rr . orttlAtti , irgle 131 , d Figt V n ^i PAiWTDntetoanniyAL TErtUi_LuitrisDkriMillfilnkt I 10. VOn. ire rieat taistaati; Ain eiOink... Ladles' gi4 Lloott.tritr :iorki. . 11 . 11,1 .1a4 4 .1.61in- e 094 1 .4 1 0 , JW114P: -:- Imattor wresnonie tutus csa ,Ireiinet,ltrii-