The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 29, 1868, Image 1

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- NorrovoriassoKrue.
r.z u onsevar . . sr.Y.,..nann,
A Badness managers.
!Ilimazto maw' as 'lira simmer.
horn /905qa hiez Told! hanYhais.
AMON, PAMAP r i a 74I3OII szn
stontawirimi /Art&
. sat. z
."1!” OW 1113
... , 441111abeer. par .....
A mu. will b - presented to the &Uri
:lagtelaturs within i few days, to amble
the authorities of Pittabergh to borrow
the anai of one million dollars, to be apn.
plied WA's - tending water facilities to the
utlying districts recently consolidated
with the city. ShOuld the bill pass, and
wa have us reason to doubt but it will,
pipes for conducting water I. Lawrence.
la*, Oakland, - Liberty, Collins and Pitt
tewuhlps will be laid so soon u a mail
cent number of the bands nay be taken.
- 'financial polat of "Lew the proposed
loin will prayer' attractive to
u a safe investment, although the rate
of inbred is hardly high enough to pro.
dam say urdmilir anxiety for the
bawds. It le not probable that moneyed
men willprifer municipal bonds, at par,
bearing seven par ant interest, when
Governmut Om-thirties can-be oh
.Itaz gazarry of Luzern* county had
Wad on and advertised for sae all the
property and franchises of the 17alon
Coal Company. One portion of this
property was acquired jut year,` the
price paid being g 1,750,000. The pro
perty of this Company, situated - in
Wayne malty. was sold some "weeks
.ago, , the Delaware and Hudson Canal
Company- boooming the purchaser, as it
doubtless of the property located
in Lucerne county. Indeed, it le quite
probable the Union Coal Company ‘ was
organized for the express purpose orbe-
Int sold out ; its property and (reunifies
thus falling Into the possession of '4lte
Delaware sad Hudson Canal Company.
Ills will work an augmentation of rte
privileged which it: could hardly have
obtained from the Itilasture.
TAM Marine Hospital- of Erie, Pa.,
via incorporated by the tut Legislature,
and was-granted three lon Eire acres of'
land owned by the State, ea a Ant ap
promiation. It In now proposed to en
tar into contract for the erection of reli
able baildinga s for hospital puroag on a
site containing one hundred acres, in the
city of Erie, a part of the State lane
grant. Yesterday, Wilson King, En.,
of that city, and Hr. E. R. Porter, arch-
Sect of Iludel - o; N. Y., arrived here for
the purpose', of visiting and . Inspecting
Dizemat Hospital, prepared:4 to adopt
ing I plan for the proposed new build
ings. They will vilit that Institution
to-day and we feel sure will be ,fawn- •
blyimpremed with Its general convert. •
lance, tenuity and arrangement ; " •
. WE hare remised copy of the Wells.
burg Razes, a journal just started at
• Wellsburg, West Vlritiala, by oar for
• Ler fellow.towasman, James F. Camp
• bell, Esq. - It Is • very handsome *heel,
well rotated and fall of newa: Imeditor
and . proprietor long held a prominent
plamramonsst Journalists of the West.
eta end of our Mate, and Is fall of...en
ergy and enterprise. In a baslnesspobit
of view we wish him soceese In his new
*held of labor.
Tat rate of tuition .for 'Municipal
1 1 gitrixwes for the present year has bees
Axed the same as last year, notwith
standing-the citj has greatly expanded
iry constilidation and Its =pewees gristly
Bawls without a Board of Trade. A.
city of so much importance, and destined
to - all such a high place, to be without
the cc:usury auxiliary of a Chamber of
Couunerce is like a ship without a rud
; ,•:-.ll.dvices from New N ew state
that the political camPaign is being car
ried - en with great activity by both par-
Sas, buithst the diction of Gov. Harri
man is carnal& by alarge mslerity. The
Democrats circulated reports that helves
to withdraw so he saw his defeat was
Banana This - statement is. devoid
of • tratb,._as Governor Harritaan is
... anuddervd the strongest candidate in the
State by seVeral thousand-rotas.
i —The examinatien of Isniald. Ruth,
tor assault with intent to kill Seymour
Vonitairi -on thr.o night of November 15,
Wadable's been prognesinrin the Court
of Criminal Correction, at t. Louis, Mo.,
Sir mama! .weeks peat, terminated yea
* tarday. • Roth, was board over in one
: thousand- dollars to 'ruts wer the charge
nofors the grand-Jury. The testimony_
in.the ease. shown that Ruth fired the
illist" 'hot, that be had is many ways in
• tutored in the private affairs of Vaal
tairestansily, and bad bore the can,. of
• much ho the trouble bohemia 'Wallah*
and his wife. • •
—Baronet Gilbert H. Bator,. of Wis
. cousin. who made a bit to carry tird stars
and stripes from Vicksburg' to Washing
ton, =armed and *Sheet money, started
rai rk a b
. from ors at elex o'clock A.
m i .
,:„ An Mame crowd, headed
the r, Connell, and prominent
lams, w Si a braes bind. accompanied
him as far as the Grant-Pemberton men- 1
emelt; where they bade him farewell •
with good wishes.
—Dr A. G. Moore was shot at. Bald- '
_ _ _ . _ •
=roe yesterday. by Hrs. Edward A.
Pollard Oral not dangerously. She was
committed to jell. Moore was an
mate blend of her husband, who has
been absent some weeks, • sad whose
whereabouts she,clestred to learn of the
—Led Fluke% charged with. frandu ,
lastly obtaining from the Poetoffice at
Lisbon, Now Hampshire, a draft for
twelve hundred do lla rs, belonging to
other lee, was shot
ensat Waterford,
V by te Stev, Ins e
- damning toorna aro:W.111m; Itwho
Man_ will' recover.. Slovene was held
Maumee far shooting the man. -
. —E. H. Dish, an
old citizen, living in
the suburbs of Memphis, yesterday shot
his son, a youth of nineteen, through the
. lea breast, mfileting. it Ls believed, a
mortal wound.. Ho was arrested and
lodged In the station house. Ils Wooed
to tell why . be did ao; and thews!. rui
clue to the muse. •
—The mutt of Margaret Burke against
the Nashville and Louie's= Railroad,
for ten thonsand dollars damages, was
taken up In the Circuit Court at Nash
lute Her husband was acciden
tally kUle rday. d
on the read h 186 e.
—Attu IX Champlin has brought suit
In the Circuit Court at St. Louts tutafria
thetoimace North Missouri Railroad for 5C57,000,
laimed to be for three con
tracts for c constructing doe
the Second and
Third Divbriotisof said road.
-Leine quantities of grain are arrtr-
Ina. at New Orleans for foreign ahipment.:
lJgrwarda of eighty thounend bushels ar
rived en Monday.
• —Two illicit distWeries, in the vicinity
at Wlrralngton ' DeL, one a very large
one, hove been seized and eve men 211,
-1:1en. Joel .Parter, law profemor of
' - arviad University, has resigned, In con
sequence of advancing !ears• •
—lrd.rcy McGee bas been < nnanl
rsonsly expelled from St. Patrick's So-
-L•Goldwitt Smith, the dtatiogafetsal
Enslith econotatet, to about to visit the
United States.
--Alight mow fell at VlrkkOtirg, ML
g laiippl, yestinliy.
—A metro sdri was expelled from e
Church la Louisville a week er, two ego.
She afterwerd appeared and took her seat
In the "lama corner," and was mum:ee
rily ejected. fiLe, sued the ' ejectors for
dainags, and brought a witness who
Ere following luminous testimony:
war- Sanding rite. 'Cross from dti
church, =Came staler Breckiscredge
thro:r l oEut 'o the church, aud,ifit hadn't
be 'de iron rallln , she- would tit All and . broke het , I.wes
11:1101 measberob dat de w '
'Puled' hue I mid cher was I
wronjwan ht'
years preaching he dal when Christ I
okl sem wan
Jaw ba San EUbiaa Tileads.''-
Trion' sionanto,
nnsylvania Legislature.
Dlwach N rlttaburik panne.]
JELuucts - pclo, Jan.. 1866
By Iir:TAYLOR, of Beaver, Incorpo
rating the Beaver FallaGas Company.
By Mr. ERRE - IT, of Allegheny, pro 7
riding that the le-gal name of any firm
may consist of one general partner de Co.
, MILLI PASSED rtmem.r.• • „
B 'eating a new Judicial Oat/let out of
Authorizing the People'a Savings Bank
of Pittsburgh to illerdlie its capital and
declare dividends out of the net earn
Allowing the Commlaalonera of Fay
ettelcountv two dollars per day in alell
tio7ll, to pay allowed while abseut from the
county emit on bushmas.
Incorporating the Neshatmock Rail
road, Coal and Ore Company—of Law- .
rondo county, intersecting with the Erie
andll'ittabargh or New Castle and Bear
er Railroad.
The new Committee on Retrenchment
and Reform eras announced as foUnwn
Meagre. Wilton, Thorn, litrang, Nichol
eon, Pallegher, Armstrong, Stoke', Lee
dom7 Craig, Westbrook and Beard.
-.native to the Pittsburgh and Con
nellavillußallroail. Objected off the cal
endai.ort first reading by Mr. AD/LIRE;
of Philadelphia..
An l t-hi:disbar the Hazelton Railroad
Company to borrow money. Passed
• .
Exieadini the time for the Attleissr
onghl Railroad. Objected off by.. Mr.
WILSON, of Allegheny.. •
Esiabliabing a ferry over trie Ohio at
Vanp;ort. Passed finally. •
Authorizing the School Directors of
Bellvne, Allegheny county, to borrow
money. Objected off by Mr. FORD, of
MU bill providam •
Sea. .1. - Thai the school direeters of the I
Borough of Bellytie, in the county of
Allegheny, are hereby authorized and
empowered to borrow . any sum er toms
of money net exceeding tan thousand . :
dollars; and to !sane bonds or securities
there dollsums not leas Ran one hurt; ,
deed each, at such rats of hiterfr.
eat annually as shall be determined by'
said wheal directors, not exceeding sev
en per centnm, which boids or aectol
des shall be free of taxation except foi
:State and school purposes, and shall be
.mide payable not more than ten yearlL:
from date and redeemable at any date er ,
dates within said period; that said school
directors or their successors shall byres-
olutiondirect the 'aid money to be used
sad expended in the purchase of a school
lot in said borough and the erection of a
school haps° thereon.
Srci 2:Wet said school directors and
their aneaessors in office sr.) farther au
thorized to levy and collect • per capita
tax Ratite ordinary school purposes upon
each and every male taxable inkabitaat
of said borough, not exceeding ten. dol
lars lUesch•year, and they are also ern,
powered to levy and collect annually for
this 'purpose of paying said loan an
amountof money over all money* now',
antharized by law fir school and build
ing purposes, not to exceed tan mills on
the county valuation of the Property In
said borough, said additional tax to be
collected annually until said loan shall
be paid and not...thereafter.
On nasol 'Alen of Mr. JONE S, of Berke ,
the Aimee will mica hereafter at twe
the afetrneon and adjourn at
' .l.ndltar General submitted era ;
port of I Me amounts of Slate tax due by
each county January lat , 1568.
Mr. MANN, of Potter, offered a rem
halo" requesting die Auditor General to
giro, in the next annuallopert detailed
accounts of all monies odd for extra'
copies of documents and paid to all spe
cial committee men. 'Passed.
Mr. DEISE, 'Dampers; of Cluiton,
moved the oonsidezation of the bill ow
pealing' the act of hut amnion compelling
te aft:Union of negroes to cars. Die.
agreed to by a Tote of thirty-seven to
fort Berea.
Mr. MANN, of Potter, for a Conattn
thimal Cruise:idiom next November.
Mr. FOND, of Allegheny, a supple
ment tci , the law of Malls& partnership.,
allowing the nee of ens name In titles of
Arnie - •
Mr. Wl e rl3ol4; of Allegbeny, for
bridge our the Allegbeny M EwMt
sheet, Bede Island.
Mr. ' WILSON, Inoe nttnag the
Garman Saint Prandacoascapital, Law
renCeVine. Allegheny county.
Aida..llesales—llle• for hist Mi.
A. Convention of both liotuSa °nixed
the blis l fer State printing at two o'clock.
There were twe hide. Singarly tt Myers'
wee accepted, at eighty-three and three
quarter: per cent. below the rate speci
fied in the law. Wiley A. Grebe, of Lan
caster, had bid only hveaty:ono and
sixtporie hundredths per cent. below.
1111 Dons Worth of. Properly
Destroyed. ,
leaf Valarrais . ma !Unbent essesta.i
Carrisoo, Sanitary 29.-A Pre broke
out aboxit half peat Witten o'clock tin
evening in the , boot and shoe store of
McDougal„Nicitels 2 Co., over (he book
establistiment of 8. C. Griggs dc Co., 39
end 41 Make street, spreading with
fearful rapidity. Within an boar
Miser the first alarm the whole block,
known is - .Bared. BolldInga,; wee
a man j of damn. Nothing was
saved. Among the principal losers
are Grine 2 Co,• book establishment,
$290,091ri Heywood, Youngat Co, fancy
geode; Strange& Go, Bboyer sit Co, fancy
roods. The building wee valued at a
' million of llars. loss
In . this block do
will b T e h f ull y a 'mil.
lion of, dollars. Farwell sit Co's. dry
gr u is e g iat latal i s .
y lJahment t :a Wabash avenue,.
oral times and their * stock o n
wa lire
s mu c h m''
damaged b From: Burc k's
buildings th e y
communicated to • the
!.building No. 33 Lake street, occupied by
I Carson, Plere 2 Co:, completely destroy
ing it and °entente, together with
numbers! 18 and lb, occupied re
! spectively by Foreman A Bros., cloth
ing, and Bambows 2 Van Schoack.
The stock of Foreman dt Bros. was
ued at,1180,900 and is entirely consumed.
Thatof Bantbows sit Van Schoacka, val.
tal at coutdderably over 11100,000 • is also
a to lout - •
'The buildings, Nca- 8, 41 and 20 lake
atreet,f - occupied. by C. R. Henderson
Co., shoo establishment, ls at present on
fires, and will probably be desdroyed. The
fire has also communicated ,to buildings
on Michigan avenue, between Lake and
Water streets. It to imponible at pres
ent to give any correct idea of the total
less by thla Pre, brit ft will probably
reach two millions •
cue Delelewir alto Ceert
—4m araftve..4lll 6llll loloBl..L
(By 1.4.L.PL 4 tha roll 41..11. SwU. I
Pnwatml.mam, January 28.—1 n the
Supreme Court of the State Ude roornjng,
Judge Sitenrwood Alellrered She trona
moue opinion of the Quirt on the Con
nellerfae itatirsed es t The opinion
declares the act repealing thia charter of
the. Company unconstitutional, ' and do.
dorini tharehmier. with 'all . rigtkte and
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(t) T i legragh to tits Pittsburgh lissotts.l
WAtithrif GTt?:tr, Jan. 1549
A petition from the Constitutional Con
vention of Virginia, for a modification of
the Bankrupt law, was referred to the
Judiciary Committee,
Also, one from body in 1111s
endoraIng the report of the spe
cial CommitteTon the proposition to de- '
clam vacant certain. civil °Moot. Se ne
Aiwa, from a member of the Georgia
COD ventloo, relative to the mtabliahment
of a civil government in that • State.
Same reference.
Mr. VANW'INKLE, from the Com
mittee on Pensions, reported untsVor.-
bly on the bill to extend the provisions of
the Pension Act to Provost Marshals, I
Mr. ANTHONY. from the Comrloo
On Printing, reported in Leveret pr mi
inting '
ten thousand copies of both reports on.,
I the Stanton matter.
Aftee debate the report wax tabled.
I Mr. MORGA.N, from the Committe-on
I Finance, reported favorably on the retro,
lution toinstruct the Secretary- of the
freasury that whenever any State- shall
be in defsult in payment of interest on
stocks or bands in trust, the United
States, to retain the moneys due from the
United States to each State.
Mr.EDSILINLS introduced. bill toren-
ulate the procciure in eases of impeach
meat and enforce the orders and judg
ment of the Senate In each case.
Mr. PATTERSON reported favorably'
on lb.:thin in addition to the act regula
ting bettain civil °Moore. .
Mr. 'MORGAN sassed a Joint resolu
tion authorizing the Light House Board
to . plats warnings of obstructions at the
entrance of harbors on sounds. Referred
to Committee on Commerce.
3fr. HARLAN presented a petition of
the citizens ld lowa in reference to the
rights of American citizens. .
SIr.LIARLAN moved n couaideration I
of the bill granting hinds for the eaten- I
,ion of creamed In lowa. Referi d to
the Committee on Public Lands.
I Mr. At FRELI NGEIII the expiration
YUEN of the
epo on room
keing ho
I Supplementary. Reconstruction bill.
They had heard within the last year .
from the President and from po.
l ' i t tl i gTdversaries accusing the Republi
can party of departing from the princi
ples of the Constitution, and acting at vs,
dance With the Isere - of the country. The
question arose who was to determine the
oonstittitionality of a bill. First; COO,
tretlo, then the , resident, then two
thirds of the Congress, If the bill be ye
reed,. and then • the bill • becomes
•• law. The President has 110 right
mind a message to Congress declaring
that such law passed by Congress is tum•
constitutional. The Speaker maictained
that the supreme power in the land Is
the power that make. the laws, and yet
the President, we are told, contemplates
resistance to this power, an act of temer
ity he abould bare trembled to think or
Let the ExeCutive of !hie country at
tempt to set Up hie will against the ex
pressed will or Congreas, sod this eo n ,
try ceases to be a- Republic, and m noth
ing:, less then a despotism. Is- it
a weeder that we are obiaged - keep - op
large t. the m ect i u li tary
ntry l i tr or Zrzi a e t ow n the So isli th d th,
And taxation, when a mans of men are
there whom! seditious issociations are
encouraged by the Executive of titir.
nation? The Senatorfrom Wisconsin
predicted a war of rac e s at the
,South, and that the whites would
crush their black antagonist. in the
struggle. But be wished to inform
him that when that struggle came, and he
hoped in God it would never taus, Oil
army sit tbo North would soon arise and
assert the supremacy of the negro race.
This race proposition he denied, and con.
' tendid that no other metivewita intended
than the establishment of those great
principles for which the father. of the
Revolution foutiht—t e triumph of Re
publican Governmeo
Tits deficiency billtame (from the
Sous, with the announcement of the re;
fatal to concur 111 toe nexus amendment.
The Senate instated and appointed an
other Committee of Conference:.
The anicitincement was also made that
the House refused to concur in the Sen...
ate amendment to the bill to repeal the'
tax on cotton, exempting- foreign cotton .
imported alter the first of July.,
Mr. SHERMAN moved the appoint
ment of =other Committee of Confer.
I ence, which, after debate, was agreed to,
and Messrs .3lOßGAN, CONNESS and
BUCKALEW wore appointee' the Com
The joint resolution to appoint •
Commission to report on spirit meters
was considered.
' HallowingßMAN moved to amend it
by the Commission until March
Ist Instead of February 15th, to report.
Agreed to after debate, in which the Tice
meter was canvassed.
Mr. SUMMER moved to strike net
the second section of the bill which sus
pends the work on meters until further
erders from the Secretary of tilt Treas
3fr. SUMNER'S amendment was lost
—thirteen to thirty-four. .
The Senate west into executive session
.and subsequently adjourned, I
11003 E.
Alr:PEßHAlrintroduced a hill pro-
Tiding for bounty to widows; and chil
drsn of three mouths and nine Months
volunteers who were killed or ,died in
the serviee; also providing flat,
entitled to bounty has died 'while
his application Is pending, and prior to
the date of the certificate, his helm or
legal representatives shall be entitled to
receive It Referred to thiCommlictem on
Invalid Panellists.
Mr. EDGERTON, as a question of priv
ilege, seat up and had read by the Clerk
the newspaper telegraphic paragraph an
nouncing the election of Mr. Beattyns
representative of Ohio in place of Mr.
Hamilton, deceased, by one thousand
majority. (Laughter.)
The SPEAKER stated Ib area net s
question of privilege.
aIga3IIJNOEN remarked it -should
alga be stated that the majority had fallen
off eight hundred. i
Mr. PAINE, from the Commi ttee en
Military, reported a resolution directing
the Secretary of the Tnessimy to commu
nicate en official copy of the Metro ctions
famed by President hincoin to tax the
Collectors of South Carolina on the 16th
of September, 1883. Adopted. . ..
Mr. SHANKS, from the same com
mittee, reported a resolution-calling on
the Secretary of the Navy for copies of
all order. and commnnicationa tutted
by the Navy . Department In reference to
employment or diadems" of soldlerskend
sellers from Washington navy yard and
other places. Adopted.
Mr. POMEROY, from the Committee
en Banking and Currency, reported a '
bill In relation to taxing shares of Ne
clonal Henke. It provides that the Words
place where the Rank Is located and not
elsewhere," in notion forty-ore of the
National Currency Act of June ad; les,
obeli be construed and held to mean that
the State within which the Beak is lo
cated and the Legislature of each State
may determine and direct the manner
and place of taxlngall Mares of National
Banke located within such (Rates. eel.
jest to the restriction that the taxation
shall not be at greater rate than is seem
ed on -other monied capitals la such
States; and provided alwaye that, mares
of National Banks owned by non-resi
dente of any State be taxed in the city or ,
town where Inch Bank is located, and ,
The bill was explained by Mr. POME
ROY and discuseed by Um, Mesons:Lo
gan, Garfield, Walker, Peters, Harding,
Holman end ahem; - '
Finally Mr. POMEROY move d the pre
sloes question, raying the bill presente4
but a single issue and he would not oon
seat to any amendment, 'should they be
offered to It, on questions not embraced
wither the bill.
Messrs.. TRIMBLE, of Kentucky, ind
LYNCH, propelled to o ff er amendments,
but Mr. POSlEROY,,,refused to allow
The previous question wan emended,
and the bill MIMe without divbeen.l
Mr. POMEROY, from the same com
mittee, reported Mick thebill introduced
by Mr. Randall to regulate deposita of
public money. It provides that a Ns,
tlonel,bank shall not, e elected as a
P üblic, depository in any State. or place
where there Is located a Treasurer Sr
en Amistant Treasurer of the United
State.; that all public moneys collected
and received for the Government in any'
such city or place shall be &pelted with
the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer:lnd
.shall be subject only to the draft of the
Secretary of the Treasury, or of the
Treasurer of the Unita] States, so pro
vided by law, and under such refute
trona as the Secretary of the Treasury
from time to time stoat deem expedient
and shall establish; any public °Muer
depositing public money otherwise than
aaprovided in the bill, and any semen
aiding therein, is to be punched by fine
not exceedlbg five thousand dollars and
by imprisonment not exceediag three .
Attar some debate Mr. POMEROY re
marked thetas the House seemed to be
nniuditions in favor of the principle, be
thought the bill Mould be made more
stringent. He. therefore moved an
amendment applying - the provisions to
al/ collection of public Maim within
fifty miles of a city where there is 'n
Treasurer er Assistant Treasurer of the
• A communication fromthe Frecidont,
In reference to the formal trunifer of
Russian America to the toiled Suite.
was referred to the Committee on For
eign affairs.
From the Secretary of the Treasury,
relative to expenses incurred by the tlov
*manna In printing 'National Rank cir
culation. Referred to .Committee on
Mr. ill - IiRLBURD, of Am . York, of
fered en...lotion directing the Secretary
of the Treasury to furnish all the Infer. ,
13 1 , 11i013 relative to the proposed compm...
miss of the champagne casreadatelv peed
ing In New York. Adopted. .'
After the tnuisaotion of some not in
portant ba•inette, on motion of Mr.
WASEIBURNE, of %diens, the Crn
ininett on Rules was instructed to Inquire
Into the propriety of requiiiag ex-rueru:
ben of Centre. seeking admission to
the floor of the, Rouse to take the test
On motion of Mr. FEItRIS, the Corn'
mutes on Foreign Attaire was instrticted
to Inquire whether the further services
of Judges and arbitrators appointed Wider
the treaty with Grvit Britain in April 7,
1862, may not be discontinued.
Mr. LOGAN Introduced a bill to pro
vide for a bureau of civil service at
Washie - ton. Referred to the Commit
tee so Rv treachment.
• On motion , of !fr. • LOGAN, the Secre
tary of the Tre.viury was directed to corn
mnnict•e fdrthwith the names, Ac., of
all eln , em in his Department against
whom .written , bare,, had beau pre
tarred; and srlEecd!smissal had been re
connuemiel by tha Commissioner of
Internal Revenue, 'bite the first of duly,
ISO 7, for corruption or inahKity to perform
their duties..
On motion of Mr. LOUGIIRIDGE,
the Secretary ofd lnterior wen direc
ted to furntsta all information in reference
to the lands acquired from the Cherokee
The House resumed the conisideration
of the bill declaring forfeited to the United
States certain lands granted to laid in the
construction of railroads in the States of
Alabama, Mississippi, Loniaiana and
Florida. 3 •
Mr. JULIA\ concluded his argu.-
tuoht, commenced some days since.
in Ruppert of the hill.
Mr. CllANDLEltaddreased t hi; Mouse
in opposition. iteferrlng• to remark
mane by Mr. J I,i that he desired
not to be interrupted, lest thematic. bloody
rmuit might follow,. if the altercation
which arose the other slay should horny=
'tinned by the belligerent . gentlemen on
the other side of the Misuse, Mr. Chand
ler said, that having closed the re,o,rd to
the satisfaction of himself and friend's, ho
intentifsi to leave it there. If at
was dissatisfied with the record, and
chose to call him to responsibility, he
was at his service.
Mr. IILAINIf. opposed the hill as snap
judgment, which ought not to to taken
alien those States were utireprescr.ted iu
Mr. JULIAN asked - whose fault It was
that the Southern States were not repre
sented in C •ogress?
Mr. replied It was not .Or
minly the fault of the freedmen or loyal
Mr. ELDRIDGE Raid he woutrl like to
answer that question. It .was the fault
of the gentleman from Indiana and his
Mr. VD.A.SLIBUENE, Illinois. referred
to his oppoaltion a week or two egO to
renewing the ltailroad grant in lows to
•he Dubuque and hionx. City Railroad,
nod raid the Governor of that Slate Lad
slam then sent a message to the Legials
lure namplaining of that Compafoy for i,
utter had faith In the matter. Ifo was in
'liver of taking away all those land
;rant, and keeping the laud for the pa,
Mr. TRIMBLE, Kentuck v, asked M
Julian whether the bill would operate
f..rfeit the landa of the Mobile awl Oh
Railroad, the New Orleans . , Jackson en
Great Northam, or the Mt...siasirpi Cet
tral Railroad.
Mr. JULIAN replied that' be did tir
understand the Lill la affect either
those roads.
Mr. TRIMBLE then asked Mr. Julia
whether be would accept an amendmen
exempting those roads from the ore
tioe of toe bill?
, .
Mr. JULIAN inquired whether, If be
should-do so, ho, Mr. Trimble, would
vote for the bill!
M. TRIMBLE replied be would not,
but desired orpecially that the rood,
mentioned should be exempt from the
pr r. m . ' : li ttlr, f gP u remarked litst , Mr.
Waahbu.rno wee entirely mistakerr an to
the fact. Re inquired from Mr. J alb]
whether the bill .applied to the lands
.{ranted to railroads which had heeo
completed? I
Mr. JULIAN replied it did not.
Mr. ALLISON also alluded tia the fact
that net only was the Slate of Arkansas
affected by the bill, but that the last Con
treras had Naiad a bill, reported by the
4entleman from Indiana, gtvlng en addi
tional grant of 1 4 %000 acres to Arkansas.
Mr. JuLuIN remarked that the MAO
stood . on Ito own merits, and bid no
relevancy to this bill. Replying to.
x mm=4 by Mr. ELDRIVOE, he
said when the Southern litotes carte track
in the Union, an tbe'v would do it, a few,
weeks, he would Lein favor of reviving
and renewing those railroad grants. .
Mr. McCLIIRG, Chatrutan of the
Select Commltteeon Southern Railroads,
stroke in support of the bill. In reply to
some remark, by . Mr. Eldridge, .he
said he felt ablest witting God should
visit the Eleuthera land with desolation
until her people should return to Mete
dirty to humanity and come out from
among the tomb, -of corruption where
they had so long dwlt. When they
should Lave comeback,and had sintwn
immlataltaldesigns of returning reason,
he should he w 111 IDr to treat them as be t,
would treat ether loyal citizens, but not
until then.
Amendments to the hill were offered
By Mr..: RNELL, providing that It
shall not apply to the grunt made to the
Nashville and Doettor railroad Corn-
By Mr. PILE, Providing It shall no
&pp / toll:le grant made to the Alabarn.
and ennusee River Raliroal Company
B r. BLAINE, a new section mak.
lag forfeiture apply to all grunts to Star
or Railroad Corporations that have ea
pined by limitation.
Without a vole on the WI, the :Rouse
LET tO MO ba r.h 6 sae It.]
144 . 0 • 61, -.11101 mho imitismiaro.
Sr. Lome, January 3.—A reaolution
'was tatrodueed by a Denacratic member
in thoKatures Legislature. Yesterday, and
was laid over, inatructing Senators and
Representatives In Congress-to.,:voto
against the bill to allow Negro Suffrage
in the District of Columbia. The resolu
tion says Kansas voted against Negro
Suffrage. last fall and that the Represen
tatives from that State misrepresented
their constituents in voting for the bill
which passed Congress in December.
The Seaga adopted resolutions nuking
Congress to grant snbatdiee to 'the }Can
asta branch of the Union Pacific Railway.
'ln the House stnendenentswere offered
to include all other railroads
coca Siete
for the same nutraldies, and igerable
fasting in manifested against . the Pacific
CCny, In consequence of their refus
pay the taxesruul submit to the law
passed butt winter regulating fares,
freight, etc. The whole matter wee laid
on the table, lot It is probable the reso
lutions • will Ds taken up again and
.. NEW TORN.. - *
raT Trlemkt.• to to. rittoboreit eautto.l
j New Yoatr, Jon.
Thu steamer Now York, from South
ampton on the 14th, arrival to-night.
oven tenni noiroic.,
The rumor ef an over hone a Err.
,cork to-day his epparent4 no authen
The Staaloahlp City Of Antwerp, from
Liverpool on the 10th, has arrived.
Civil !tights Law la illni•11111.
(Br friss:spa to too ptstsointo euttto.,l
AltwAPotae, Janeuwy M.—AttorDey-
GenerarJones has furnished Governor
Swann with an opinion directly conflict.:
ing with the decision made by the Chief
Justice In the tinted Staten Circuit
Court, in October laid. The Attorney.
lienend inky.. "The Civil Elena law is
unconstitutional. The negro appren
ticeship laws of Maryland are oottotitu
llonal, and the United -States Circuit
Court had Ito Jursdlotten in the case, on
which thiefJ runic° Chase gave the decis
ion, doctoring that' the apprenticeship of
colored children,' under the laws of
Ma land, was cavery er involuntary
servitude, and in Tlnlatitri of the thir
teenth amendment, sad. therefore null
and void, and returning them all to :the
custody of their parents." , :
Wheeling Municipal Shad Sun.
fl 7 Yakima to Sala rtitsbuilllissal+.l
WENSILENO, W. Vs., Januar:Ml.—The
election feranuaripsi aglow" and Cons
dlmen yederdsy restated in favor of, the
D4mocrsdv by an average tnelority of
five bandied; a gain oter the year pre.
Martell° Tower Again Aft&
Fentau Turned Queen's ErWane
. --- --.
, .
I tly T'leil . .SlM IO MO eittalCarsh lilamt4.l
The Alispaslinian Expedifirsh In Distiols, - . • I . IVARHINGITON, Jon. hiLl66B. •
- I DEN. astems' DILL.
, , Gen! Retake' bill in regard Loth* rights
. .
Ftaartolal arTCOMMOrdial. oDisinerlcati citizens abroad is undetr
stoott to he in entire nroordanco with.
lily Tatootopb 10 the PimbArrit leucite. I the View. of the Department of State.
The'tuost Important of 'the new pro-
U sego-
- Los DoN, January •23.—The Mar olio visions of enator - Edmund's listing the procedure in Impeachment etre
Tower at Dunce:mon near Wexford, Lie- those relating to euspension ft m oft/oe
land, was attacked last :dant bia betty;
may; be done
of persons; on trial. This
of. Fenian+. The garoison first upot the' by a
.. .
of . u vote of two-thirds of the.min/
assailants, who, after return:rig the tire, arid May be e n for c e dby any °Moor of
tied. No casualties are reported. the civil; navel or military serslicts with
the fore*. at his dispoltaL Ofncers dims.
Th. Fenian Shaw has turned Quee_n's ta""4.l.augdoeu,radch order
oarfth,tabtaerptat., chill
a '
evidence. no pcsitively identniee Bar- pendrolduring the progrese of proceed
reit es the man who fired the ?use which taltil against them, ' and the punishment
caused the Clerkenwell explosion.
therefor is fixed at a fine net exceedinie
best thousand dollars, or. imprisonment
war RR rM R a.
, front one to twenty years, or both, at the
• '
.t Ex damn/don of the Senate.
L., ' ,...N • J mlntit ' Y 2 1/. — Dispatches tri m m The Stmate te- day
eontirmed the netts.
Senate! announce thatltho Expedition is Mallets of-Bersk tali (J. Wells, of .3flch
again In motion, and had already reached iga° , e'''"ul at m4neb" ' ", England '
ch,.. , a ,atl v ., „ji,...,.„ twelve mil., stoisissarose SIT THE pirdIDENT. •
boyOurl Denorr. General Napier I r lil TbeTissident sent to the Senate the
o wimp noml•ations• J 'nom, lirOWn
isimediutely put liim;e, If itt the head of o f itc arn . , . ci.,.. ; w . .. :
the column of advance and push on to 'RLOapp,l of Connecter COICII/IbUsioller
ADLAI.I, IbeVApiD.l oil the Tigre Distr Ct. of Patinas; l'ratucle ft • Price, M . New
• JenseY, Consul thuiral to Havana: Robt.
L. Matthews, of Dimple, Consul at Val•
rode; Luther E. Webb, Superintendent
oflndiantAtratto for New Mexico; Henry
(4. \ Verthington, Judge of the Coiled
Stitei [Hamlet Court for Nebroka; .Thba.
D. Buskirk, Asenssor of Internal Rove
nti• ll) the Secend Inetrict of linilana
Samuel H. Sneed, Amesser of interim
Revenue in the Fourth District of NVI2
I.tollom MONET MAMMA - I,
• 1,..0r.0x, January n• AmeriraONeourilles re
Mulct. I,iee-Twentlen, Illlunis
Cent/111,1.51. Eris, 491,
1./vicar/yd. Yuan/mi.
Jaimal-y 2.11 , --Eemti v;—
Cotton MatAwly, quiet And .. .MobiLlaged,
and Lb° lAdvieCs Troll, Manchester are fa
vorable. firea.latutl;4-11Orn is 11.'41. NVlNeat is sell inn' Mi /6. for
California. and 14..1,1 tar No. '2 NEllwin.
nac. //aria!, r . o Oats as I Id. FIOLM.
:;7A firnelsionsiPork f
2o a. Lard Cheese 11.1 a
40+. Prod tine—retrole /I in; "Airs of $p
os at retail were made at Is bid, and
tined at, is 21/.1.
Nvartar •errnot.r.xx suotner..
Asrnnar, January '...... , -Ertniv.
troletkul is selling at 411.1 franca per one
hundred 'kilt/gnu/low:
• PRA S FORT. .11tunary
t;ititelkatate, Wads.
Cam.ixtoxo, January !.t.C.—lu tits Co -
verttiou to-day Ilia C'eintnlttoo on Edutti
tion submitted a report that the. Leginlit
tura Mall ...loot a Superintendent rif
Publie Printing, who ithm Mod' be
i.orintoldent of Education. and with the
itorernor mei Attorney G,17.1.1 ettl
..omit Board of Calucatlo
fue Legivint tins in also eropotre4,
provide tar uniformity of teat book re ,
and build •• had ham. and pare lotiri
the ;macular...l of Mildreni
:rite tiny can r. copied ehiollt in diivousat
mg taxation, and one owtiou or the
. fluaty, report sew. adopted.
1-.ANTA, Jan. 'Js.—Tho Conseutioti
debated the relief ordi ounce all day, ant;
reoutrunicutl it.
* general ortlor,. Issued to-day, mt.!,
toure4 N. Barrett; Serretary of State ,
of Georgia, for refusing Ito acknowledg e !
the authority of f;eu. Maude. The Shari
Comptroller is to set am Socretary
`3tte. •
Ititza.goorytta.g, January 23.—Thei
State Treasurer, Jones, was arrested to-!'
day by the. military authorities,-and
terwamis parolol until ;ten o'clock to-I
morrow morning..
naLnlatf, January .. .J.3 j . The Conven
tion to-day adopted two !section" of the
erticie 00 Government, c.. It provide,
for a Governor. Lieuteitant Governor,
Secretary' of State, Treasurer. Superin
tendent of Public Works, Superintend
ent of Instruction and at/ Attorney Gen
eral. Their terms of only . ..tire to he two
yearn, but tlorm. tint elected to enter
upon their Minn, within thirty days
after Um acceptance of the Conatitution '
by Congress and to carve 'two year, /row
January let, 1559.
. ROUTH cAsoinca.
Lion woo chiefly cxupicati o to-day 0
I 0
nllYer the
die...len of the tax hill tupplyftanda
M pay the expenseft of the Convention,
which war, finally recommitted. An nrd
neaten was adnpted tieing the pay of
members at eleven dollar. per day, and
twenty cents mlienge. The payment Is
to be made In Stste cdrreciey, known as
bills reyeiyable, on whlchtnere Is twenty
per eat. dipcouat .
JACKSON, Jannary =l.—ln the Conven
tion to-day, Mr. Alderson moved to act
upon the re.lgnotion 01 Mr. Orr, Chair.
men of the Committee on Printing, ten
dered ;yesterday, on neciunt of ohjecc
nous urged against the bill reported. lie
hoped tho resignation would not be scoop
tees. :11r. l'o wnsend offered to give bonds
amounting to ;ClO,OOO to do the work fur
one-third it woo proposed to given pub
lic printer. Ile sold when the Chairmen
or the,Committee brings a report nl:
lowing such ateniinga no this one does,
nod offers his resignation, because he
doe,. not desire the report to be investi
rated, it should 1.0 accepted., Mr. orr's
resignation was accepted. - Nothing•else
was done during the day. '
Mnn mini, January 2.3.-- , The Arkanias
Dernocrane Convention mot yesterday at
Little Rock. There was a full attend
ance of )morri Moot men from all parts of
the Sta to. City If all wan decorated with
evergreens by the hales, and filled with Whips and Democrats, and a large num
ber of Germans and - Irish., The Conven
tion Is still In session and very barmonl-
VPIIIIOII to-day the preamble of the bill
of Halite N., reported. The Committee
on Edueation Was Inetructed to Inquire
an to the achoot fund of the State and
shat dirposltleit ellettld be made of It.
Nips. Onunitirs, January .3.—TheCcia
vention is stlilat a eland on the question
pisfraurbisement, without a prospect of
iturnechats settlement. In the debate
yetitiirday the Ile wee passed.
—The oldest beanie In Berke county is
said to be the stonebullding to Douglass
ville. This house hears the inscription
. fI A. 111:111-i' It in said to haye been
built by a family from Sweden.
—The !coon Oil Creek, from Tarr and
_llynd Forme entl/touneville to OIL City,
is In excellent sleighing order, and con
elderable quantities of oft are being
teamed from the former point to the lat
ter. The teams r,sceive, front fifteen to
thirty mods per borrel for the trip from
the wells to the oil yards at 011 City and
awry from ten to fourteen berrele Teach
load, This is not quite no profitable an
as teaming during the . Pithole excite
went, but there hi less wear and tear of
animals and nten -and a good deal Una
Proaralty. .There In now oompkrativaly
few teams lu the oil region, , bdt those
that are hero find enough Ls do and make
fair profits for their owners. '
—The tituarrillefierafd auya On the
Sd of July hod, an Fogilahman named
William May, residing in Freehold,
Warren: county, left hie home with the
intention of 'ending Titusville and Pit•
hole, and returning home by way of
Warren, where be was to pay a debt of
$7OO.- Ile hail the money in his porma
sten, and woe seen In to afternoon of
the same dayat Corry, but can be traced
fo farther, and haa not since been: heard
ront, Monday, Mr. A . Buidli of Free
hold, a con -in-law of the missing man,
arrived here, he having beard a rumor
to the effect tlud a dead body had been
found under a barn in thin vi cinity, and
identified cc that of May, from papers
found In Ida - pocket,' Our pollee have
heard of no •distimery of the rrinitand
the army seems highlyimprotable. Mr.
flush hey returned borne to b3ToTtIII,O
the origin of the report.
--7-- ‘
NominatOna and Confirmations
Coattail/lance or the Frecalmer
. .
The Committee on A pprimriations will
report the Exeentive and Legislative
Appropriation bill In a few days. This
Committee oat MT.& the Secretary of
the Navy's ontlm o r twenty. millions Of
dollare, and the -" mates of Seereterien
Soward,:hicCull .b cud Browsing. At
torney General Stashory and PWII/11111.-
ter General Randall will be .leersa.wd in
the mono proportion.. The 'Committee
!met, bleu making a thorough examina
tion of all tb. Departments, and will
reemannehd a large reduction el the der
int force employed thcrelt , and the shot
iota:Dent of a lumber of Milo' which
they deem as useless and cull . an 01 ,
The Committee will ob - lbh by
making no appropriation to continua
the.'. Asomber of those now holding
fat of lees,under the Government will be
aurpriamir whim title bill la reported to
lied no provialon mule to pay their gala.
I runt - atm orrusiscultairT ruovienoNs.
The bill ,repOrted by !Senator Patterson,
front the Commit!, on Itetmmilment,
pror dee that after thirty stays from the
pose,* ao special «gent shall . be op.
pointed by the Preeideot or Departments
without eoutirnitation. by the Nelsen.,
nor any each whose ch.:niters:end oats.
rive are not antherir.Sl by atelote, and
the bourn 001,/ , h es ore not lawfully
employed shall_ expire • within thirty
days RaPr snob ipasaage. The appoint.
mutat by the Treasury Department of
tiveaty.ti•e general or apittin.l agents to
aid to the densitieti f eounterfeitlag 7.
authorised; and the Postmaster General
ittempowered to appoint agents to pro
• mote the ofiteleney or the sersitv• in
different parts of the' United States, but
',information thereof must he bent b. the
Renate at the beginning of plea sawn,.
The Seeretary!of the Itutellor seat to
to Finance Committee the .draft' of a
Joint Ilcootatlon, which hto saydifers
In one particular from the Joint Resole.
lion of 1945: The lane} directed the de
tention by th• ittecretary of the Treasury
of moneys! doe'to a defitultingiltats on
account of per cost tage efpablic lands ly
tog within her limits. This res
olution- \ makes •it hie duty to
withhold,any monlysducto.ench Stato
from the United btotco atiftt account
whatever. The Interior Department le
the depoaltory of a largo woust of over
State.bondowhich U4llMd States hold
in trtutt for certain Indian %t- bee, The
onnually ..aecruing intere;ff. Tor many
team waa .nopaid by the respective
States. but Wes advanced by
, • congrest
front pie Treasury.
litigates:es nuarap.
The ColeatruCmmittee
thei on Freedmen's Atrs
have ted r Chairman tore
port a bill to . the.lioaso ow:Mauled
Freedmene , Bureau' one ear after the
I IGth ofJuly next. Thin ta t tter -Will be
brought before the House during the
next few days.. The Committee are
una , intoua ih thp opinion that the oan
idition of at airs is the South neceealtatoe
!the continuance of the bureau. 'Eaton
sive correspoodence hag been held with
Itarticelb every State where the bureau
sin operation, and the °platen prevails
everywhere that it would result la.mucla
bull to the freedmen to thecontinuo the
t ., :reau at the present time. The bill to
repotted autherise• the Secretary - of
bPar to dlecentinue the opesatlona of the
reau In env State fully Tailored ha Its
' natant - tonal relations to the Govern
l'ant„ and represented In trongocest,
Inlem 'such continuance In said State
hall be necessary;
co3rlrirr:, - Erom roamfm itirATIONS.
T.b , l Committee. uos./A.reign Relations
.ocidai to-day to roc...aim/ad iho
tion of the, Reciprocity Treaty with
the Sandwich Island., and the confirm
of'S. S. Cox - as Mit:dater to Austria.'
T.Plaanlina w u. Pinabarabliacnte.l
Noma Asos , Oroored to Leave tole.
IHAVANA, Jan, report ia current
nt Captain General lanninde Las or
dered Sante Anna to leave the hiand.
As Zoo Pete In Paris.
A fele was given on the Skating Club
Lake, in the BM* do' Beulogne, on Sat
urday (January /
weet. A Parte letter
(Myst "The Lake llluminated by A
lined °flight from elticeu electric bat
bides, each wreathed with gally-colered
Venetian Ituaterns. A cordon of white
Mltlfed glass burner., cenneCting. can
delabra great beauty inclosed the.
Lake, as it were, within *circle efpearla
Vit. The blond In the centre of the
frozen waters connected 'with the shore
by a fairy bridge, was one mutt of ruby,
emeraldand amethyst tinted Ares, ,and,
seen through the groves of trees, each
*len with lanterns of relerei paper
reminded one of the last wane in a
Clirlstmaa piston:due. Hero wee ate
thined the baud of the Thirty-lbuith,
which played all . •
pie prettiest might of the livening was
the miniature sleighs, sada contidning a
(cit Passenger vevleted and furred,' but
• wearing a tiny lantern In her belt, and
propelled by • faithful dquirelsearinglais
hat. The elect witens erne manyoelored
mans shooting along theidtvery maraca
of h mirror. Blue green and red were
thepredominant colors, the hue wain by
Ina lady within thesleigh being the 1
!la wars by her Cavalier : The Duke of
Hamilton, Dismal Pasha, Prince Metter
nich, Dr. Simme. • Dc
,Palva, and
Prince "Mavrooordato were among the
gentlemen; the Duchess Do Moray, the
Prince., DeSagan, Vicemptrose Aguielo
((tea Maedonnell), Mina Peaalman, the
Marquise De Gallifet, and the Russian
bride, Countess Demldeff, were armlet
.tit,..4lllean,a..The Ernororo..ronibeErf3pr.resend
Lac, with the Prince Imperial ; and again
their:mend agility of twoyoueg Ameri
can ladles, baleen Dechwlth and Berwick,
attracted their Majesties' attention. (len.
DIA and eoverel diplomates were of the
circle attracted by these yeuag
ekill in the art of abating:
-4 novel field if investigation has
been opened by M. Biondeau who has
been studying the action of an induction
currant on fulls and seeds. The eloctri
mitten of &pales, pars, and peaches, he
la tet7 to believe, .ateris their. ripe ni ng. .
Far the purpose of comparison, a quan
tit of cereal grains, pees, and bomb,
wblth ban been submitted to the action
of an electric un i :rp were placed in Fits
filled with good el ear th , and other
unelectriled ware planted at the
sama nate asid kept under tie same ren
ditions. Theresult dos, that the elec.
seeds always sprung up first, grew
more rapidly, and gave much more vig
orous and fruitful plants. 0110 alugular
fact, j which is 'given on the authority of
the experimenter, in, that many of these
lants enennately persisted In growing
upside down; that is, with the true reel
coming up into the air, 'while ,the
.was directed downward into the
Triolaeoliam Affray la Allagliaay—
Tbe. POrpellenter• Ueda for Trial.
Joseph Fisher, John Clark anal Din
Gordon, three of the negroen enguged in
the disgraceful nhooting affray. at Mi
chael fere sateen, at the corner of tit.,..
end and West street., Allegheny, Mon
day evening, .an . amount of which we
published yesterdey, had a bearing be
fore Mayor Drum,ot three o'clock yes.
terdey, when the following fac's were
developed; About four o'clook Monday .
evening John end Alfred Gabby, in Com
pany with another young man, 'were
seated at a table in Gler's beer hall,
drinking beer. • Whiletbus engaged, four
pegyees, John Clark, Dan. Gorden, Jos:
'Fisher runt Henry Johnson, all mumbler- j
ably under the influence of liquor, en
tered the saloon. They apprructhed the
Gabby, and invited them to drink 'with J
them, but the request war promply de-
reined. 'Gordon thee asked Alfred Gab
by, who was formerly On the pollee 1
lima, if he did bet remember about ar
him some tune previoua, Gabby
replied that lio did, upon which Gordon
remarked that he thought it was a good
time to get even. At this moment three
of the sierras., Clark, Gordon and Fish
er; drew revolver., while JOhnson pro
dwarf a razor'. Before they' had time to
use them, boWorer, the, white meta bad
armed themselves with each weepere as
were. in reach, anti one of the negrovet,
who was in the act nrilring. was fell.' to
the door. Alter same skirmiehing they
were elected from the sal tom.
Ou reaching the sidewalk Picker tired
another shot, after which he and his mm
pardons retreated to the opposites Aide of
the etreet: JOhn.fiabley, anneal with a
heavy Isar of Weedstarir d in pursuit nt
them, but before he had reached the
etreet two more elites were fired, ens of
which struck him in the side, the hall
lodging near the spine. Nntwithstand
tug th• wound, tie continned acroes the
street, and erring Maher about to fire
again, dealt him a blew with the wooden
bar, which felled him to the ground.
whereupou the other negmee reeked
upon tiabby,, atul Johnson, who was
'armed with
limo. gn ith airaz,r, cut him eeveral
the faos and head. Alfred
Gabby, seeing he danger hit brother W.
ill, Matted to hie assietance, but before he
could reach hint, received a elmt in the
fleshy part orl Lite right orm. The in
formation upon which the bearing was
had was made by Alfred Gabby, ch•rg
log. the Fenian-e. Fisher, Clark, Gordon
and Johnson—with felonlons assault and
battery. • Fisher watt held in the stun of
$l,OOO and Clark and Gordon in asooeach
for their appe.dranco at Court. Johnson
has net yet been arrested. The defend
ant* were remanded to the lock -tip, bat'
will probably. Ist.committed to jell to
day, us It le hardly possible far them. to
precure ball.
John Gabby, Who tsar wounded is the
is vorniutal to his ruin,, but. it Ie
thought will bolatile to tie out in a few
dap, when he will prefer a similar in
formation against the same parties.
Michael Gier,iproprietor el the soloou
.where the affray twourred, made Infer
motion against the negroee, charging
them with riot, against) - the
which cherge they
were each - hold in the'eum of faiodallare
for their appearance at Court.
Illairide—useonsees Mosinee!
'l7onritii Bet; remidi
cluesp• boreMghij committed eu ieyd
terday warning by nbootiug bit
with s re s olver, The dertesed
.intemperate habits and for
end days had Vren dr inking to ex
Monday evening he callrd at se.
Owes where he bud contracted a
- •
its, and paid them. About [reeler
lock be bid I his companions good
tight sad started for home, after which
lathing 171011, was seen of him until
,bout tour o'clock In the morning, when
outs member of. the fatuity was sent to
his room to awaken him, when lap we.
diecovered dead ,In his bad. The ether
members of the family were 611.4, and
on entering the morn found the deceased
lying on Ida hack; tv h ileitis hands firmly
clutched a revolver, the muzzle of which
was within a fewjnolise of his forehead.
A wound was found airneat in the centre
of Ida forehead. I - Coroner Clawan n Ve a ,,,
n opted , and heldnu Inquest on the body
yesterday. A brother et the deceased
testified that he: oteupied - a rt.m near
that of deceased. j Sometime during the'
night he heard the report or a pistol, hit
us all warm still afterwards. Le soon fell
asleep. tither emnassee, wim had seen
the deceased during the previous even
ing, were also examined, and, from their
testimony it appeared that he reached. ,
home shortly after twelve o'clock. None
of the witnesses had _ever wren the de.
coaxed with a revolvet, codas it woe now
It IS probable that lie bad purchased it
that evening with' a view of committing
suicide. Tho receiver was one of Colt's
eir...ahooten.. Two of the chambers were
empty. The Wonntl was probed be a
playahinti and the cl'anrse of the ball
traced Into the brain. • From the appear.
anoemf the bed,. and the position of the
'naly, death muat have ensued Instantly.
Theiury impanuelled by the Coroner re
turned a verdict In accordance with the
fiats abor. gOr.n. 1
The deceinkelkwas. a tangle man about
thirty-one years of•age, and resided with
his father's family; In Duquesne borough
near the Allegheny 'river.
laut night the audience. at the Acad.-
my of .Bluilo—w hlnh was one of the most
brilliant that wei have ever seen any
place, tiorruscating with beauty—was
diaappeinted by the announcement that
Mate. Gaouaniga had not arrived, and
that lime. Kapp Iteung would fill her
place. Consitinessilj . fdme. Young met
with a very cold re,septinti, which was
• •
soon turned, however, -by the melting
-.neatness of bar voice, Into a riot of ap
plause. Classaalgn - may be better. It is
possible, but we don't • think it Very
probable, for Afine,! Young has 'tridents-
DIY a eery fine, well cultivated Yoke.,
The tenor woo not lop to. our enpcsita
lions, and seemed net to till our little
Academy. Mme. Testa played and sang
.Asmena admirably. and Bernal was, ae
be always to, a tniplud singer, anal4w,Ls-
hie actor, and an Immense favor) Mt
every audience in the country. We car=
taints I:4lbn° thlo to be the. best operatic
troupe we have arti st s ear s u r e this city,
and mime of Itsaret.,y among
the elite of the piiifeewlon. • Thin after
noon the to he crowded with
ladies, to hear Lucretiaßorgia, and to
night Slum .
will positively
appear id La Finvorits.
About , crew o'cloOk last night an alarm
of lire was minded !from box 17, corner
of Wood and Sixth street, which Was
ochasloned by a tiro 6 the establishment=
of Drill's. Q. Bernstein, clothier, and
merchant tailors,r i d No. 244 Liberty
street.' The tire etig hated on Um scoond
floor of the buUdin g In a room used an a
work shop, directly fiver the sales room,
The comic, of the lire remain, s mystery,
as one of the proprietor, say* he w
it was discovered todie on fire, at which
time there was no fire In the room. The
gatemers were promptly •on the ground
and poured such a flood of wsteiinta the
banding that the fire wan net only , ex..
tlngulched buts large amount of gamic
destroyed. The damage done by the'llre
wan very slight, but the lent to both
building and good, occasioned by the
water will be very heavy, hut is Dilly
covered by Insurando in tho Delaware
Mutual Insurance COmpany.
care Me ltazotaok,
GHT7LEItiII:—OIIOO accept wry
thanks for the lieaulffut Upright Piano
of Steinway it3on'a tnauufecture, which,
at my special request; you forninhed (or
my 'use at tho presbri Opera perform
/UMW at tho ACJidOLOy Of MUNIC. ico.
variably use the Steinway instruments
In preference to all °duns at my Operatic
M 03.1403 aiNew Yorkand eliewhere,
Having thou: to be the very but .Piano
Fortes ever man beat
Max. Me n
Mean. Kleber Broi, 47zElL
BlBeburgb, Jau. LI; MO.
Taken to the Apia of
Wosttey, Charles. Stretab and M. Groin,
three boys convicted at the Quarter Se
amless of Larceny as& sentenced. to the
Holum of Refuge, were' taken yes
terday by Deputy sheiltr Stub
lie hi t.—Tho .
neniptfaLt onto w has
Improved the condition of the to to
the atty sswell as theSountry roads, for
sleighltic aid lovers of the sport ore
taking Ova:flags of the improvement:
rerJary.—P7llllam Craft wan cam
maim,' to jail by Alderman Strain yea°
Gulley for a further touring on a charg
er perjury, on oath of Matthew Keep. • .
. .
very Interesting report of the
of the Do ll ar Savings Ilank r. wlll
be found In the eighth column of our
*woad par,.
Boot Job of ibo Pollee COmaaltioo—
Lbm ofAppoinum•ett
', The Pollee Committee, pn l rsuant to a
published/mike, met ut Wilkin's Hall
lat evening for the purposel of making
the polite appointments. 'The number
orapplieants was . exeeedinklY large, be
llng over eight hundred applications for
the ono hundred positions. At an early
hour In the planing the hall was filled
with those applying for position., all of
whom were eas mined by the bommlitess,
and the following named gentlemen ae
,:tgief of • Poll'ec-11. J.
Pam o:tficer at the .3foyar'a OAiee—Capt.
kf. IV. Lewin.
3'imh!OJim= Bridgens.
Policemen—Wm. F. Reed;Seth Wil
mot, John Herron, John Pi Mourner,
Robert MoCrestily, H. B. hfcCurrec, Jae.
Scott, Andrew J. , Mnon, Thee, P. 'Moor
heed, M. Portzer Hamlet& Lowe, Geo.
Towers, James' Pillow, "Isaac W. 24011-
vain, John Tinunony, JamseW. Wool
rigs Patrick Ponder, W. A.:Hoak, W. F.
Kelly, Jim. Stewart, Thomas,
Patrick J. Kelly, Le Ale Garber, George J
}faunae, James Gould, G. N. INewbert,
Free. Burp Joe-Thema...John A.vbel
wan, Darnel Silvers, H. McCoy, John
Byrne, Jelin Gillerman, Wm. R. Brown,
John eetz, Thos. Conway, Thos. Raf
ferty, David McCreary, Pat. /101.1Twood,
Tboinaa A. Horton, Jabal Reddy ;
Pieter Mullin, William McKinney, John
W. Ben, John Hayden, Henry Dickson,
David Campbell, Jaoob Bruno, Pat Sta
pleton, Geo. Murry, Daniel Gallagher
Tim. McCarthy, George Cochran. Neill
Will W. Wilson, Robt. Fowler,
Wm. Beeves, W. E. Heiveley,W. A. Pen;
deriaast, Thee. Hamilton, Dennis Kirby,
Jun. Doolies, fiamn Ward. Jas. Lim:4o3lln;
D.Johes,J no. Moore, Jno.Olenn, Jan.
Stokety, John Mackerel, John Irwin, I
Charles Weaver' afalvany, John F.
Wonderlich, Charles O'Donnell, WEIL
Earle, James McCandless, Joseph LIMO'?
Daniel Madden, Daniel Trainer, Joseph
1 / 1 010, Jeri. R. &aright, Mathias Wit
-1,11. Juu. Lloyd, Thos. Myers'Barker,
Irwin, Alex. Dunlap, I
James A. ileasly, H. A. Hirt, Frank
Martin, Wm Flinn, Martin Feely, Geo.
Hite, Henry L. Cook, Samuel Ander
n John lifcGready, Josiah Brown,
LL 11. Hoyt, Geo,. W. Condor. .•
A resolution authorizing the Mayor to
employ 15 additional men, as subultues,
wee adopted.
Mr. Here offered a resolution YUthoriz
iog the Mayor it, advertise for propeeala
for Uniforming the police, which Ivu
adopted, •
Linenuttan the Committee adlearned
to meet at 9 o'clock A. M. Saturday at the
Mayor's ornce.
Allerbony Tesperame• taalse.
The Allegheny', Temperance. League.
met In the North avenue M. E. Church,
Coe: lay evening, according to unnoticed.-
itit. In the absence of the Chaidnon
C.v. Snyder, Vice President, occupied
the shim= W. IL Warren, Secretary.
Piayer was offered by Rev. 'A. R.
Refl. The, talent. of hut meeting-were
read and approved.
The Commit:Reappointed to get spa
reaufar course' ( lectures reported as
I. Ilive cut the attention and Interest
iit the masses be i best seemed, was to
prowsto the temperance reform.' Rev.
I. W. Witherspoon, Allegheny,
11. Would it be desirable sad expo
' dicta to secure a Strict prohibitory law
at ouch? Rev. A..K. Bell, .D.D.,
111. Is It best ter the interests of the
lemperance reform that 4 should be nude
3 test to our political electlow? Rev.
Luisa, Allegheny City.
IV. WtmCare the specific duties of
the Church in regard to the - temperance
reform, or how mad she beet promote It?
Rev. E. E. Swift, Allegheny Cite.
V: How doe. temperance greet the
Church and State? Rev. S. R. Reed,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
VI. Does the prßiciple of prohibition
interfere with any JUst righte or liberties
of wiciefy? J. B. clerk. Allegheny.
VII. What are the pecuniary and
physical evil,, resulting to indtriduals
Joni to m ocietyfreuxintesipeinnoel' AST.
' • E. B. Snyder, Allegheny.
VIII. Ic it acrlpturil to promote to
oilier., eithet,eivil, military or eocleslas
t Ica I, any who ire addicted to totem perate'
mabloo, or who will not give theirdecidon
influence in behalf of the temperance reF
farm? Rev. A- M. Milligan, Allegheny.
IX. What are the beet means by
which to mace the youth of the nation
from contracting the habit of lining In
t !sleeting drinks? 'Rey. Alex': CM.rk,
X. Are the popular social customs of
motley friendly or unfriendly to a radi.
lea! tem peroneis refortni Rev. S. K.Roo
mil, Pittsburgh. IJ. B. CLAEZ,
. Chairman of Committee.
After 1 , 011119 remarks from Dr. A. R.
Bell and Prof. L. IL I Paton; the report
was adoptrit
Rev. J. Moore, of Plidladelphla, being
the speaker of the evening, wail intro
duced aad made an -able and eloquent
uddreim, referring of the rise and pro
' grass of the temperance cause in the
United States. He strongly advocated,
the continuation of earnestness in, the' .
mute, and looked forward to the day
when total. prohibitlon Would be the
law of this State and of this country.
A coo of thanks was tendered him for
his able addrime. . 1
On metioa, Rev. Col. Clarke, of the H.
P. Church, and Rev, A. IL Bell, of the
Baptist 1 Church, were appointed dela
gales Ulthe State Teruperaneo,Cotivaa.
ties. I
On m lieu, adjourned with doxology
and benediction. I
. ope a Hon. essetteca imams.
Yeste ay we notlced the fact of a
partner hip having hedn farmed between'
Masers. awes S. Palmer and Thomas
Phillips for the porpoise of conducting
' the gl? u *al auction an4commissien busi
ness, and me dealers in real estate, stock.,
furniture, 'boots, shoos, carpets, dry
goods, notions, .tc., &ie., and to-day Ire
announce in our ndvertising columns
that their establishment Is now open for
business. This gentlemen coMpoaing
hie firm have had large experimme m
the auction and commission businesi,
and w.• commend thena I earnestly to the
~ .issasail confidence of our readers.
Tlev with a full line of general
galas cu.! ~h erchandise, and will bold
private ea:, every der and evening.
There.. no charge fort showing , geode,
and a foil force of polite and ittantive
salesmen will constantly he in attend.
mace to wait upon those who may ..
. Ma setae Piarty. -
The people_ composing the congrega
tion of the 'old Beaver stree s e- Id. E.
Charcle, AVegiei3v Cit. 3%, paid en unex
pected Tilsit to their Paster on 'Tuesday
evening. The parsensge was completely
filled with those who CM, to emir with
willing hearts their gelliteroSigy to their
Pastor and his family.l The dentitions,
amounted to P 212.00. The westing wawa
reunion of many families, and there was
a reviving of old friendships. The
Beaver street Is one of the oldest *stab
.llnhed churches in Allegheny City,"and
has a place in the memory of many who
still revere and love the; good old time
honored spot. Long may oar sister city
have such a church and inch a people,
who ore truly. worth y as a congregation
of the bestwinhes of the eeramunlty.
Owing to a Railroad Accident the
i p .
hi Item Toby, who were to give an ex -
oitien of fancy ekatieg at the Rink y
birday afternoon and elotting, did o f
mach the city till seven o'clock to 40
evening, and having becti travelleg•Tor
three days were completely prostrated
with fatigue. Mien Louise Tobey, how
ever, appeared on the ice at nine o'clock
for a few minutes, and asked Mr. tier
coy to explain to the patrons of the Rink
why they would be unable to glve:a ftill
exhibition. This afternoon and evening
they give three exhlbitiens, and the pa-
trees of the Rirk will enjoy a rich treat.
Aceldepg—Mr..G. F. ifeelean, mem.
bur of tha Camtnori Caution from Oak ,
loon- townaltip was severely Injured
yesterday. by trolug thrown from ltla
Meigh. • Mr. McClean was driving a Valr
of spirited horaca, attacbed,k, a cotter,
and when near hobo this horses took
(right and ran away, upsetting. the cutter
and throwing lam out.. His bind nog
face were badly cot, and Ma bodynagere
ly bruised. His InJurlea, although as.
sore, ire not of Readout! nature.
The Oakland Itiertiork l —The hiectlaa
for Common Councilman In. Oakland
townwp reedited in thenleetion of Mr.
J. Omer, the Labor Reform Candidate;
by • vete of IST to 1M for Mr. Jolus
Fleming, the Republican.,canciliate..
Pref. Carpenter's danclux academy,
Phil• Nall, No. 75 Third street, now
open for the reeeptlen of pupae. There
are none better qualified to teach the art
terpsichorean than Professor Carpenter.
His tome are reasonable.
It le stated that tb Seca
lien of Monday for a me
moo Council is about to
we have net learned on ,
the movement will he bas •
.d ward elao
her of Corn
be contested:
but grounds
It must hot be forgotte
morrow* everdog, et th.
Moot; Theodore Tilton
under the auspices of the
bmry Asseeledou.
* that on to-
Academy of
oreantils Li
taws comesseptles. •
We Lain on our Doeika et Record the
earns, age, resident*, date, dims.* and
prescription of every case treated by us,
during the Jest twenty years. In these
books are centained the names of over
fifty thousand persons, and more than
two hundred thousand nreseriptions. •
this vast number of taro., every kind
and variety Of diseases h ave fallen under,
our observation, and every foiru of treat- q
meat has been fully testa
Cortenerrige "Lung dis-s
eases," we bevelled ample opportunity;
to test not only every kind of treatment,'
but every kind of medicine. •
Wo know that there are many cases of
dieetuie thit no nearly resew bleetaisumP•
Son, but which is not; that without a
very careful diagnosis, senous mistake,
might be made, which would lead to
[ very, prejudicial resulti in ..the treat
, mint It is thisluty of every physic/Jur
to ascertain as nearly ite passible the Pre
scrise r
1 feted in disease than
-le found in the
urinary secretion," sayil Simon. - And
in this disease, we are especially favored
[ with Indications In the urine which ens
,' bles us to determine not only the facts
relative to the true nature Menet but to
measure tolerably comsely theexient
the aame:
We nave thus detected' and deternala.
ed the erzfent of hundreds of asses ef
Cdrieumnrion, many of being in.
elpient ealy, have ibeen cored by us in
a very short time. And whilst - we
would not hold out Inducement or prom
ise a ears, in the "lest Stage" of this
dreadful malady, we [ would Just say,
that wi have cured maoyl cases that so
nearly resembled Consumption, that it
was Impossible to determine the act by
any other means than by examinstlon of
the urinary secretion. I
- Among those we Might mention, Liver
Complaint,' Dyspepsia, Haut Disease,
Female Weaknoss, &a.:
These diseases oftithell muck resem
ble Consumption in many particulam.
They may come on with tough and ex
pectoration at. blood and tinueutt, pain is
he.breast and aide, heats and chills, fol
lowed • by weakness, night Sweats, dc.
These aymptours are takenfor Conaurrip
tion, and the Patient Is Informed that the
4.X.50 Is "hopeless one," when perhaps
it wile yet an curable ea nineetenthe of
our most common diairsaey,:and when
some prompt and ellitaefetiesemody d al
ministered for the real disease wo
dirt it is a very short (Mar — . • •
1 'a hare cured many easel of thin '
kind, even after they bad been alkandoned
aa hopeleasly corutompted, by their
as well no the physician: Whilst
there is life there Is hope in such eases.
L. Ocnenjiz, X. D.
There was much rejoicing throughout
the city yesterday on the announcement
that the charter of the Cannei Is cif le Rail
road had been restored by the Supreme
Court. The °glees of President Anhui
and Secretary Pege, of that comPan,yyC.
were thronged yesterday with friends,
anxious to congratulate those gentlemen
on the victory; if justice ana be termed
victory, obtained. • • • -I
tille the Lamp Oat to Ihienn
there is a chance for - reetoratioa of
health. If, therefore, the cOnatitutlen
has been weakened by disease or excess
—the nerves eluittered—the stomach.
weakened—the appetite gone, and all the
world appears glanny—pour Dome fresh .
oil into your lamp, Ick the shoe* of Plar.i.
tation Bitters, which will make Wallowa
of life again burn brightly, and Illutulte.
to nonce , . wretched existence. For lit
dies it to an elegant and gentle strum,
last, exactly such as theyrequire, Mani:
families will not be without IL It hai
au immense sale throughout the world.;
P&AONOLTA WATELI:—A delightful tot - 1
lot article—superior tb Cologne, and at:
halt the price. • suaririF
'Au Old. Nurse for Cltiidres—Don't
fall to procure Un- Winslow'e Eke - Mang
Syrup, for children teething. No moth
er who bat ever tried It will consent to
let her child peso through thle critical
period without the aid of this invaluable
preperotion. Gives rest to the mother,.
and reinfand health to the child. Cares
wind colic. end regulates they., bowels.
35 mate a bottle. lie sure and call tor
"Mrs, Wimelow'a Soothing J Syrup,"
haring the lac-simile of Curtis Per
kins on the entOde wrapper. Another%
ore beam imitations.
cii4 coati at Geld rriies.,-Havl 3t
marked down my goods b gold prices I
will sell my entire 'stock of boot. and
shoos of all kinds for gents, led tee; missal.;
and boys, at prices lowerthan they have
been sold duos the war. • I warrant all
my _goods, baring. been selected with
wrest care, and from Milt claw bonsai:
uParties purchasing can depend on get..
ting a good article. Call and examine
before purchasing elsewhere. NO trouble
to show goods. TAMES ROBB,'
89 Market street.
Chappcd ilanda. face and all roughrusa
of the akin; certainly cored udng the
Juniper Tar Soap, made by Caswell;
Hazard eh Co., New York. It adrpsases.
di other remedies, an it will prevent
roughness of the skin, II used:during
,old weather. It is conveniently applied,
avoiding all the trouble of the greasy
manpounds now in use. It can be used
by ladim with the moat tendor akin,
without irritation or pain. making It soft
and clear. Sold by the Druggists gen
erally. . 1 w.
Fanionable Beets, Sloes, Gaiters and
Bahnorals at auction on Thursday, ua M at 10 a. In. a. 74 Jan_
Opera Home Auction Roo p m,Mo. b O e
Fifth street. Our !waders an referred to
the advertise= eat of Painter et Phillips,
Auctioneers, in our Auction Column tar
Bed Tletlnr s 1M and WM*.
fist rate goods; 25 and 91 cents. yaiM
Wide Extra Weary liarring-bon. Twill
ed Feather Mika. Pillow Muslin, and
Sheeting; cheep. On the west earner of
Market and Fourth 'tree* No. 69.
What Our ([these wast—Ciall and
Sill our supply .f Dry Kindling Wood.
We will deliver it to aey Lankily free of
charge for 25 canto per "barrel. We be
lieve It will please all these who try It.
Leave order.. at the Iron City hatch'
Werke. corner of Seventh and grant
• .
House mut Let In Allegheny at auction.
This afternosa at two o'cloar,A.Letrate.
Auctioneer will sell the elx•room rick
Swellg ouse No.. OS Webster street,
•Seoend in w h arel, Allegheny. Posseeslen
gisso immediately. Lo not fat/ to attend
TeWholesale Dayersaf Dry Geode we
are offering special Induoementl--job
dote from the :Eastern 'Auction Salem—
Shavrja, Dreis Geode.. DoctakeeMng
Geode. Mena' Wear; Et/testing; Shirt
jogs, Prints, du.
J. W. /LIMED. a CO:.
• 60 Market street.
ideadacke„ (rem whatever mule, f d one
Ilkf Um.e unpleasant symptoms net wadi,
borne nor epeedily rebored, Wilson e
Pile are imeulletly eflisitlve In rellering
It, All the lee4teg druggists tpl the
United States sell then.
Damaged Bta.Uns.—Thbs day two
mesa double width bleached, little
Belled on the edge, 15e per ya. at
'Cimistlttittott Water is a certain cure
for Dinbotro and all (Meares of .the kid;
nays. For ale by all druggists. 311,11%,
1 °
Call awl Famine the largsaad com
plete Istoca of Ladies' Fora at William
Flea:dors, No. ISO Wood street. •tt
Halpin. - la Ladle& Furs, at WM.=
Fletalng'a No. LIO Foals treet.
tar-GB.llra EXEMUIRT/ON .B 7
Lady hliattre al the 'Plait,-
11111 FIERN01111'Arip• [vane
liitelogsairosaft latr.ahates.
Nd4i • Lotiti,e, "robt7 t
Asorted b her
la.Mber, •
Will gaiklill.3.l.: MIK AS' MS 711111
Ithloo ',Cullman aid. 10
, TM Diall 'yeaya at eteracoa aa4 aveatai.
IlaeLeelacT•Dey teak the realplea ler •kna
dm dollar 'GOLD "moat at the R. lonia 'ant
Pronnhe far the Yeapaelade at taellitk Taira.
day anat.,. The 1. ula aphaeld asadttheet
• • lOUS
THE 311141, THIIIISD•T LIED, ?Rattan!
XHL N l Pire 6 .+ l l.r.o4 - thi!le* •.*eepi
******* 1.41 welszt...l•6tes inadjiatilaie•
1* menu* aug revamp et now. 1141,•TH,
**MA. tat s/I•luesk al 11 valack. , • lhalt•t
ma*. .r *tont,llskstepvltlwit elsig*/*
vflies* tin AL 11, 113:6THT,. lhaisar
VIDENDAT LID 1101:11111.1%,
A lann Meek a, la 1: dm Tdarr cou
Wall of latarastann mum, maiutiza ,
leadiar Iditortals, lair& Nowa by Tialesnydia
B. d 1 natter tiar:tka Paull;
.sad henna and most satiable Iftanania: land Omar
linarclal idarnat Rainnft• divan aj any briar lo
ally. x. lama; Itoonsace
` ..slionid be ' , tapas at.
rays miera wasozuriwirm.
mobs ,
*a* copy of papas to Lao woos
an Ow oink Additions to dittos:W . or ludo • •
eay'tlsa, at also rates. : •
i N.:n=3 TO ittraacatanna.—la ard.rimr soar:
t. Own, la rang and . snandrY sdial idinon re°
LP tat lama's adittotai.nasibt, •.•
Ones, basis, bat oartnan weak.; f
144 - 41... by Oran, °ado.
4, LOUIRIS, maybe rut at consist
Addrosof.. diASFT7tra
. • „PITIIIII1711613,; Parnit.A.. •
1M Fourth Bunt. Pltteisafh. e••
obrvise, eta!' I l lodazDßADDh - Dtg ,, WhAhh d
evert demisoloa of looms! ran:Lashing DOOM,
hp . Maml: Dooms osom hay and MAL !MAW..
ff./ Demist. fasslshol.
11 ... , Moscas—Itay. Daald Ears. o.b"Rey. -
D. D... Thomas Zobas.,Lars, -
~ N. leMar. tm.
IT 4 REM**
AND 1 .11(ElrY arAnt:Es, center
d may )areet and C".....att are auj. Allegba
are., who're their CIAPI6III ROO3O ars a.m•
atOattr impala/4 attlh nal a.d hattotloa 11.1.
ootl, aalaaaor sad Walnut Coigns, at price.
ti.itytag from at to 11.0. itodlas wapiti... 3 tat 1..
lettatat: Reuece 'utd Carrisps ,faillsb•at
ialk, W Platt of Mearnlai Moods. If rpm/x.4.-
061,..i0pep at ali lour, daj , .4 'might: • .'-
14011£111'..T. weer-
Kuataucer. No. 4 ow at.,
Alloiltoy, and N 0... Dim°.l &pars;
John Wilson & 8r05.,) leer; aawsda wa w 6 the
Orals Metal. liosuswasS. - Oisznat AAA dasitatlou
Sowood Comn.. Walton Cogan. from PI fp. -
srsds. • Rosewood Coeless Sd& upwards; all esbar
Cum,. pup! 7ileasstsi ;!.
katillobm .t las .a - 7s& Crsolt; 1.1.14-
" , 111:487Aria. ma. litt Ma, Bina.
Allisbesy. Motaltie. Harwood, asd of 4.0 t,
111141 , •140 • amulet. stook Of Rtueral Ptiz . tutt:tut.
or baud &ad Ittrulshed at toortefi
it tinntit prior. Mak oatt'Llvery IltatAbikunto .-
iee ud Wadi Strada. Cantsw,
nAtoutbas s Bugulai. Biddle Hors., 4a.,
.'FOR it
FOR RENT—Two tinireitZstarr
AG Washlasts& street. Lapis. sa..JOHN -
norst ' " '
2001(9 la the new to alldloCereettei by tin
Ereyitooe heeler, Bank. ZOLIBLIXTYPTJOELT.'
collier or (lantana all 17••• Xi
elven. rot. tent., de., apply at THE Pl P.p a.L.
ET.—Thet.Foortu and 'halt
T i
OP THIRD 9T0R11113 of the maw beildlof."
No. lie Liberty Street. tamales 'or . E 4: T.
. • .
. .
F° 4 lsl llfn th; a
0.1./ 17:•ortsi
044004 esn..t /POT at . at W.
'Ib ; tET=A large and nfibstakj:
i.t t t 11 Tett sild 6 ersi " err W.' ..:, ;-'44 , 4 . --ii"
APM IrAqc ti. of GEO. A. BEER 7 ;1 1 1 .*
semi National Dank.
WO*, BALE--Tbat iro!rdeo!!"....
me, DWELLING umnr., xe; Likiimie
straet,lbllegb67 Mtn ..IG.G.GIE.Gwrow.•
is.l4 rocab; Ablabed attln, batb boar:, bat.
and COW "rater, water alai.; wail bags sad
sof exy* cellar. Inquire at No. ISINOON
je •:010; SALE -4 Vary dtsiviable
thietwatory BUCK
.110011 Z. aaara
pretweti ;brick front. taarbiw manifest was awl
water 4trauflait; loasai .stata. say.a ipaur
am/ polalea garret,Na. 1N ELl.tantlit.ll. pia
Scylla, lava ward. rasa...lan treat April 414..
tom.: tiquirs at the bone.
. ..
F0R:411.41.E 7 — . BALE — FLORIDA L.41,140.9.*:
. -wire clients sale /4O Acres :of Lep
sue Mani, shoat !Indies abuse the sits erAm.. .
laohrraii. The lead 1. Improved sad ender .01.
u.. 1 4 ~ a, l le nesuipassed for elan:tee of W. 1.:
d prodtml Menem of Southern staple...sun is '
muse ease;'remerb rfem sweet potatoes aml 'WM ,:!'
aunt dregs, With euperlor grarleg for selthi and - -
misted hen, ee the pine esagei. The.bitt of
rellewpitne Umber la abundance s Mith' 0 mit ride .
water puir.e ter saw mine. with ditteh.r , ht.
...Ph. Fee Steamboats to nue lumber Iran the
deer, where It San be heeded Mb lords viss• Isla
and shipPed r North. There ire lea geed Waime
have! 4, 0. premises. The water. shined ,
with IW stet*, dank, and the woods wItE ail
kinds utpame—lsear. deer, barker,' quell, rate.
! The edutiMp i...urar fr... from th... 44 4... . -
' eluteedeted by miasmatic halleaaces sepSavalaha"-• ~
le Ike South. We will sell thls load'at the,:lair —;
prise et Scl.Cdper acre. ', ' , • -
Also, s3sasS of ROM sews. wholly weteneintee
est. CoveSsl with the dent Telles/ gee Maher.
mith *jab' IMAM', for santed Maher: nashhihle%
"etresmi I. tea the lumber Who the over. Ma
Out Iled,Wear She loot named. 'Pelee Weide.
Pee ai1 . ..! . ' . •
Also, lettlie sores In ()soilla, M PIC trous • •
'retail to 00 par sere. . ' •
For firths, Intortnatton send or tan ferear .
lentherALanddlroults. DILL A en lITTICALS e .
asnl Anita .40 Zuni:ratted Agents, rlttsler*A;
FOR sl.llLE—Three,very destrit
eye iiNTALINGS AND LOT& allaidiedeN
theldeld ideate, TIM waN, AlleiheayothaNalt
Kure Nal street thy. rade linua
Not Nadia NW Cabbed attleothelath bathed
threaphaid I the that salsa., with NI Ni 4
eald wale Palk : mom. wataz aldose, =Ode
Ne. The &both praNiNT oath/
.vend; tht or FINNAN. Y. thetlear
partidalaN apply al NON of TAATIIIIBISCI4h.
Ohio.dada aid lethriolak atraet.`AllaNdiry.- ?-
OR i SALZ—House and Lae iite
• .Ain. of Mairlattaataad 'Adm. ...04 • •
wear Pararagar Railway. lax by it AK ... .Z.
li out! tears, coats/alai? row= mad nod *Ow
wall Rearrest- 'Roam mad Lae ea sboaleld. raw ' •
Bidwell own. Lallealkaaw CRY. 73 al
fret; korai traaia maul. lull, ars *mu Lai
004 &Lai: water and ear. Alto, .rival sank
Froararaail Lair 'llama *atlas,. Impairs or
RMR Roam. Mast.. mar geom.
Yancbagar •
. •
HOWARD'S rt..n *a'Bat. sub's. ote
ZANILY NOIRE Vail: Orin Da2Pl4li .;.
Guar noses*, Luxus DiLitrear ,
DAR= ; I/• "sump.
. bawd ss4 '
Imitable fir ino or t.. Items: woo TIM.
110104 . WMIOE4 &ad double sot of HO
woolly wow. Lignin !ARMS:
..1 • • • .
TnE ~
/a imtvis4 rorscrr rooms.
.I'7orsale by tie Areab,
Dinsrtmenz & .sesuirr,
1.?? ♦LL KINDS, AT
Dem&r&T F & muiLL-rrs..
• ..
4 tininc •
~ ......_,_,...
'PIMA!! D it , 49.,- :
-.SIBIONJOHNSTON Druggiat,', '•..
„ ~ ,
pir. or mtaisax•ia. aid reinita'ffitA.,
: • ..grounaor •• - ;-:;:.: ' .;
Labia , . /Unita. La. . Drown WindowS.4h -
Sara . Vienna ' Olio., tee Beni. laoatalailllol ,- ;
teat. OlyearDaai Equln•a Olualao doso.'<esa- ..
Was*, par rein 43 lyoula*.) Businell's au.
• Ilia', (woad la Intim" uotloo pun.) •' '' -,.
.alUalmas !airsavaunto raumuTiciail. ,, ' •
'Orasalailiakolotag . Di. Caramal4 ?Wad.
Do.. ' . r do: : • Play., atu.
!D.. • •. 1, do: Citrate 114aanla.: :
Do. ' I. do.' • Sold its ,
. D.. 'l
do.: [Radar Saar. .
..tins nuluitcurincal. raualuT/03.5..
Brooludoa.4 Al. Carla. Soda Milk:
Brooraol,Calorodyao. • . •. '. • , ''; :.
, . Drasay Soil Wlaa for Madlcal ale. :--• i • ',:
, Calmati'm Diarde lapsed. IdaitaA ,. :
'radios, a*....kirforany. be., iad law .
oat;or.lbo-waT, auk:loll bontalbro 3# • dl•oals, ,
lad la oat asaerbuit., all or width we rooalral
CUM Dou tai sulaDuarin, sad can nObel &VT- ,
moll at arid. tlybelogr , obat Inlaid 14 1/1 •
puled aura , *Saler goods., ' -... ~ . ':,5,..
..1 .
r, , •,. i . statow.soilsrux.-.'; ...•
Cantor Ddultbiold and Tounbattudi 4
Aunt far Spilu'aeoapo sad Cboatluda. ~,
es large oUirisons 01. Doamea9 l, !..u.:•*4 .:
".emery at to Is. ;aqua • . N., - •
BEAT oDucEns3To
7 ‘ ,„ 0 wAirriao 01,0**4;
wai'!umr!licirr saris** ot
.1"3"":0 C 7 )
anzr " 4 . 0.
• .i! A.. 47k.scokini*,`
wiich I. .riate *air la La .
pay 16 TIM Carr._ THAN'OrrillID
TEES allr.4110.1".• Call lull ,a.sauwaal. Mau
.." 0Q ; 0. 8111 11,:lierclunit Tailor,•
;11111 WYl.ll , * K cores lot
Merchant Tam.
et custrlltreeti,-