The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 28, 1868, Image 1

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Proprietors,_ •
7.6innos liaison,
,ornaz, cuzzrtz smLniNoi • '
Art As . ea aim.. I scrip= STRKIT.
Leifs; tis)drort trfa of Ted= Patilnis,
=mai (Prim OF
- EggiVi. nGE ,, , `"
A min ar.•rra DIRT:
gr ,7 itti .
Bsbodu .. ......
AtAtszs. easarrrs.
, prrrissmott, prNau.
ClisOftsitut &vitt
r.‘iteople, will beglad to know, that
the House Committee on Appropriations
,zat Washington are resolved to cut down
expenses. The further they go in that
direM.lon, while keeping the wheels of
government Properly moving, the bettu
" - Amy will snit ail thoughtf4 citirom
Whatever expenses eau be ateidged,
ought to be.
'Tun ' House of Represerdativei it
Was.hineton eaw pr 'per to express sym.
pathy with the Irish is the movement
they are making, against the power of
_Great Britain. The London pi:dials
"are indignant' at this action, and profess
to regard it ea' monstrous and =piece.
dented. The' British Government went
ma`eli farther when it accorded belliger—
ent rights to the. Confederates. It is
now reaping only what it sowed,i and
ought not to comphild of the quail& of
Tni report of the HOllllO Committee
on Foreign Relations admits the point
Owe Aare heretofore urged, that loth
courts enforce the came rule as those of
England and other European countries,
ihreepictlo the right of citizens to ei
patrlste themselres—that is, that eitit
• zees hige no right to throw off theii', AIL
legiance. - The Conimittee do not ream.
mend any &Inge in our own Iswi in
this regard, but insist that the enthral.
ized citizen ihalf be entitled to and shall
rectdm the same protection as the =aye
born, and that upon the arrest or detect.
tlon of any naturalized citizen by any
foreign government, upoi the allegation
• that'naturalizatkinin the United Stites
dogs not operate to dissolve hie forgoer
alleglance,..or the nneit of shy native
citizen without charge of crime coutzeit. '
ted within:the jurisdiction of such
eign power, the President is empowered
to order, the arrest of any eubject clench
foreign!powerwho may be found
the joriadiction of the'United States.
Thb,weims to us - may much like pn•
adurtenited .chsralatartism. If a citizen
has a right to repudiate his allegianix,
at big option, the United States ought; to
recognize thatrightat once, and rearms
Sthably. libel bad no inch right, then
the United. States ought not to endesyor
to compel European governments to go
'apt a 'rule which It refuses to adopt.
Tom 1.11 no concealing the tict that great
.tadignallan Is felt among aspublmane in the
northern tier of counties at Me manneri, ln
widat, Elenatoh Landon was overmans/hest to
' thensragationnt the Smote stooling ann.
talttees. One ot the oldest, ablest., and most
exensieneed Senators, as a ell as one of the
rilatt worestril and eloquent. %modal= de.
fenders, to OW thus sot aside, without an ap
parent outs* Is naliliellt to maksrthoee
.:sett. who love and honor him, and ;Fro
vrliose Lead they have marched to So many
Republican TICLOri.B_ "die we a band nt
brothers 1 , ?-8 rue Cierod.
To thls the Sctanton Septalfroo
'ponds st follows :
••There use several people hereabouts who
think that Senator Landon,* &name last
sinter erns quite wad:Mutt to apeount for
Ids bait left off the Railroad Commtttea.•
Ilona ea ea truss themsuceees whip
xenswits—Tea opera—=asses
. loorresposeseva snows.
; •Ngsv Year., January 24,
OnsgreetamonopoUns the attention of
the public to sueh anextent that .11 ml.
nor questiths sue comparatively thrown
in le back ground. Still there-hi no
lack of excitement in : the differerd
• ' branches of society which our laige city
is composed of. Thrts the investigation
• on the part oPthe Emigrant Cominisslon
into the-, affair - of the Eambnig eblP
,Legant: ereates considerable - Sensation,
and the daintier theidfair which have
_corner -Wheat =kat a shot:Mug clueracter
It had for abuse time. been the habit
of ship - owners generally to • ern.-
crowd einigrant vessels with twiee •
n o many passengeni ea the airs
of the boat world allow, and besides
the great inconvience for the poor end
. graMs sod-the earth and brutal bad
man Ogre officers to which they were
r • exposed, no adequate safety wet offered
in - masa an accident, and midi a thing
,a us medical cmistance could not be found
nor were the freighters compelled by the
authorities or th y
port e Crain which they
salted to emplo a hysielan even for
taiga vessels.. The pr p obability is, how
, ever, that the reticent of the cemmivaries
of entheration, and the facts which hare
thus tame to 1104 will thsd due con.
aideration " Europe and that we
-will be spared , repetition . of. moth
, smears es tank -place on - board th e
„Lobetenvirhore,Lor thawing of neceumn - y
g=i n ti t ir w relt ll° hO th n is I ffee l =
disease; cholera, -and had MANI surren
dered be a watery Jerave, atter daysitd
sulfering,-exerudatlng rain an
The probalaty is that not many are
sadism by bei saillog
„remade will be
" altogether -substitnted by steamels for:
sae- transportation of emigrants. The
latter clamor croft* are improving witls
- astonishing rapidity, audit is not much
• mare than ten yearn sines the steam.
drip " P e
of the Canard line,
• came to the, port as a new boat
• • Auld was then .considenal the • fastest
aleamboitt an the Allende. Other crafts
,• have, however, got far ahead of her ling
then,and.she is now making lierlast trip
to.Llverl as avaasel et the Bald line:
Elise teas Um sold and will be replaced
- by meet the new vowels which have
been built - in Glasgow. The river ob
streak= within tholnamedine vicutity
"of our port are a source of much -Teas
'. VIM those - whoa= the ithmediatothf
threes anekto the traveling public veer
; ally.
The oteadiar , "Glancing," which bad
. struck -against ..Eiallgate," the, place
which has already been the min- of poi
many vessels, has teen set , atrial
Apia; • but will. have to un
dergo considerable repair before
' ' the am resume her regular trips. The
ice, which condones to obstruct naviga.
• tion on •the 'river; Imo a fair chance ,of
becoming T.:di:iced In consequence of the
moderate, weather which has prevailed •
to,day mod yesterday. For - outdoor on.
cupadou and for promenading oni greens
lice weather to, however, rot very fever
- able, and. places of eunusenarust are oun.
segment/ Da la much. sidled AS they ,
probably. - otherwise would be. Thu flat
us, thatsriththe exception of Pus's opera
'douse, the publio appreciating good
music -does not find many attractions at
the' pnwent tlme. Your reeders
aware that. ,Max Strackosh has Or
- weed Mme.: La Granger and the
7il:. -known town, - Mr. Briguill,
with ,s troupe of well ploked artists for
- ." the t eause_wc., His choke in odecting the
services et emelt " eminent artiste could
been a more lueleY one, for I , La.
• dame LaGrange.. besides being the favor
. Re of the- New Yorkpublir4us
each as we baronet lineman opport=
of hear in America. We art: know very
well that it is the habit qf the Now Xdri:
• • public to exalt the talents of a moderate
native artist, and patriotism , thus as.
pressed is both laudable and natur al.
• we must acknowledge that not torY
of •
deed. our American - prima dowsaa . , i :
afew of them on the first j
Earape, Cita be compared to Mete Le
of •
Grange, ad far aallioxibilitv of voice end
escrow= hteceoerned. In euchopern
•TaTrailata" "Iforina" she enema
indeed perfect, and what Alteration in
the strength of her valeta 110:10 May have
caused is harily pereeptilile, for site
are eminent" demo appeals to have the
• happy Welty of waving bet volt* for the
' pa/wages where she requires its flail
strength, and is perfectly mailer of her
vocal powers, beautraheing m exerelitht
eschew. Lt Is a sort of regret that Brig
his not been able to appose cctho
; s m.," Way. owing to an &widen which
' h e le• met with; bait le underato
-h: a day or two make hie
8 0 , xind Mad. La Grangelc rw - se
• performances. appears aatonithietr,
;- arid gtao. ee ideseeof the mew of the
manager that wi.thin Ile abort Peeled
- ' -which his elaposetainOotho thaltaW sl 4m
of the-opera semen,. poi less than eight
; &Moen - operas have beta perfonnod_ ,
- which given ample optiortrug.V orerY
amalwto gratify his personal theta Fur
r :- whichever mem homey happenth /Mr
4 The ball season I. in fall blase, MUI
' parties ma well as nuraqueradeosre p V .
order of the day; but, sh ave a
i • Ocular tersdancyuf reoeschothth
entity, your,ormarentfent 're-rains
• from rings minute deseriptionoCtithae
Which has lutypented to visit.
\I \ '
The New French Loan
Letter from . Fenian Burke
Blest, fictive Siorm In Scotland
Finatoial Coiditicm of Franca
Sir Curling - Mull; CoserfetCd
Of Bigamy.
lir T•Legrailk to tie rinsbarch Winans.)
LONDON, January 27.—1 t is now =seri.
ed that the new French loan Of seven
hundred and fifty minims of francs will
be placed in the Market to-day. '
YDDLLN nun 5. •
Lommit, January 27.—The papers this
morning publishn letter from . the Fe
nton prisoner Burke, who was Confined
in the Rouse of Detention In Clerkertwell
at the time of the explosion. Boike de
nies in positive terms that be had any
previous knowledge of the ocumpliacy
and declares if the attempt was made to
afford him an opportunity of making
his escape, no inforniation of such pur
pose was ever conveyed to him. • -
Imam ADM cox - memo.% Fon Marone
LONDON, Jan.27.—The Ze slof Slr.Col
ling Early, for bigamy, was concluded
today.' The testimony ahOwed that the
accused married Miss Emily , Florence
McGee in New : York, In 1,..458; that he in
the year 1867 married. Miss Elizabeth
in . London; - and that the second
marriage took place .while the Nig
wife was living. Toe Court was called
'anon to donde the legitimacy of the mai'.
tinge In New York, and declared It si
legal and valid contract. The case wad
finally given to the jury, who brought in'
a verdict of guilty to-day. The Judge
pronounced sentatust—lmprisonment for
eighteen months at hard labor. . .
anus°, January 27.— . .& vary heavy
over the Scuttle= counties of
nd yatterday. Houses were on
, bleu down, &c., and mach
, was done. Telegrams report'
the L
strife ]
k- of several lives. The storm sea
Ihnavy in this city and Glasgow.. It
•ught that the shipping must have
terribly, though no advices of
aster have yet been received.'
rEzwiccl ovrat TEL LOUT BILL.
Letters from Paris say the reports of
Prefects of departments in regard to the
state blpublie feeling on the army
are oltita unlavorablo. They generally
concnr in stating the announcement of
the bill was received with manliferiations
of disfavor, and the measure is decided
ly unpopular in the departments.
iArdZsan rr derg c -Wi . fartiruilllatr to
day enblishattlie reMit of Mr. Magee,
recently appointed Minister of Finance,
on the fituuscialcondition and necessities
of the Empire. Mr. Magna eaya the /o
messed military preparations caused by
the Luxemburg disputri imposed an
unexpected be/then upon the resources
of the conatry, and though these prelie.
dons were long since sitinHthnea, with
the fermi:alien - of the dispute; still they
had created a heavy deficit in the esti
mates of the past' year. Among other
eventualities, the report gnarl
ally admit. that France may be
liable to ' pay the
i t j. bonds of
the Mexican Empire, w ch were guar
anteed by the Govern m ent. To meet
these extisardimuy demiande upon the
financial reiourceis 'of the country - , the
Minister &dares a new loon necessary.
Toe report then Oyes thri details of the
lcen..Theamoant proposed 12440,000,000
franca, which is to be taken by public
siltocriptions. Magus concludes by an
appeal . to the pat:lodged 01 the French
PeoPle: isisliath that leitherlith-- heavy
seinifies Is required of them, its object is
to secure far France an enduring peace ,
which is the great aim of the Emperor's
DETLIS, Jan wary gun shop in
this city was entered by a party of men , ,,
who• succeeded in carrying away nearly
a half ton of powder. Tha police have
eincearrested twelve penenot on aptspi
don of helitg Connected with the affair.
'nit the men arrested are fenisins. •
LrInCRPOOL, Janata,' 27 Lvadv—
no bark Wastella, Captain Orr, from
New Orleans firlAvorpool,'*ent ashore
on the coast =of Wales during a hem
storm and became a total wreck. Only
three of the crew and one woman weed
Qikkkirrowar, Jmnary 27.—.Everting—
The atearaebtp City of Cmk, from New
York, arrived krday.
ANALSOILL AMP . costal:R[llAL.
Lose=. liuswiry
ado Mil. Flew-twenties 724721. Illinois
Central M. Erie 403.
Faccurcwr, January 27—Ebeling.
U. Et ponds 761. -- • -
Airrwanr, limitary 2:7—Eorniny.—
Petroleum; standard white declined 30
centimes; quoted at 43 francs altrentime.
LIVERPOOL, January 27—Ere-Mag.—
Cotton dosed undimmed; middliag up
land 7i437441; Orleans 8 @Sid; Wes of
12,000 bales. Breadstuffa— Corn 4353 d;
wheat, las for California white and 1436 d
for No. 2 rod western;' barley as ad; oat.,
nil 11d; peas 465 6d; flour. 375 ad for west
ern. Provisions—Beef 1205; pork 75e for
new; lard 115 3d; cheese h3s 3d; bacon 40e.
FIGNWP! 9 1111Chak2VXL.
&Miran 117 lam Mriseiresi Central Club
ter ressrses to tea memo matt.
Sr: lefon“licilifirY continittee
appointed by • the Central Grant Club
publisher' Wren to Umlleimblhans of
IC/sour:On which they give'the follow
ing ainongsSinst reasons why General
Grant shimid be , wetninsted by the Re
publican National Conventide for Presi
dent: BiKattze he ir an honest man and
tom proved himself to be a retried.' Be
cense betas man of the people, sprung
from their maks and devoted to their
interests. BeCLIIIB he , o -W. of
those care •qualltled eo . I A a
Chief Magistrate, amidst
_present politi-
Cal complications, old& Yractical com
mon sense, unflinching determination of
purttose, and s akar discrimination es to
men 130191 , 31{0 be will
practice and enforce ths moat rigid econ
omy in entry department of the Govern
ment. Because his view' on the ques
tion of reouratruction are in Liar-.
molly Wi th Oendreen. Became he
'will • mete oat , equal and egspt Jus
tice M all without reference to condition,
- colorer nationality. Because he b Meg
nanimons, and will administer the Gov
ern:gent on the liberal and progressive
principles of the
spub lk fln npy y .
cause lie
a solid basis, and - sliallze our com
merce at some and abrcert. Because he
ban twouw.gio.wi dogrt. ottruStion
silty ong nations and will aettle,up
the. AtapeMa ninth*, or Phoys isteratu
srr.r rex. 'romp . „A. , Mgt WillOsr."
Bemuse he IsePcalt miribli Will be
0024 by
_all ether nations, °waves
rewliif3l will protect nor rustdrall
red clams whetters:and ahem/wadi
40dr-rights may le sanalled pr their lib.'
arty !bridged. • Because -Gate* Grant
Isto-fty the Arita:bolo/of =overwhelm,
ing melority the American
&dreier - 60 64 er Usetstraie• 'rhams-
Sion of Print Chtbs in every town in the
State le OW wily reiontmeedat •
, ....„
f.t i ., J
i - ' i ' -1 ' \ ,' •, --, ~ ' 1 - _ A;Lw.,
- I ,i L ~ , •-------''
. .
. ,
-j , .
fl;etepry► to the rittshar,th Guette. 3 •
The CHAIR submitted the petition of
the Constitutional Convention of Georgia
relative to the organizatton of Statit Hot ,
ernments in the South;, Ilse, from tho
Conti tutionarCon venti on of Misslesippi,
praying for tho extensionlof the Freed,
men's Bureau. Both were referred to
the Judiciary Committee,
Also, a communication from General
Howard in reply to a resolution of In
quirvaettiuu fortll the farts in regard to
the albaxontin (lance of theFreedmen's Bu
reau In Kentucky, Teunensee and Mary
11r. TERRY introduced a bill to al-
low the importation of dye etutls free of
duty. Referred.
Mr. WILSON introd•tcod a bill td re
lieve the disabilities of certain peremis
in Virginia. Referral to Jadieltry Com
Al., a bill to permit oMeers and sol
diers to wear corrps badgea for services
during the war. Referred to Committee
on Military All;dra.
Mr. SUMNER offered 'a resolution
asking the President fur Information-rel.
alive to•the trial of .Red. Mr. McMahon,
Robt. Lynch and others by the British
Uovernment Adopted.
Mr. TRUMBULL °Mr..' a resolution
calling for information 'relative -to the
disposition of captured and abandoned
property. ,
Mr. DAWES offered a resolution' that
Congress ought to cease lie war upon the
Constitution in view of the enormous
public debt weighing Imo the indus
trial resources of the plc, that the
Freedmen's Bureau ahoul be. at once
abolished, the army ' redo to twenty
p i
thousand men, the cotton x repeated,
and the Milted Scat. lon lased. The
resolution was laid over.
The Senate' then took u the bill for
the removal of the disabilities of Robert
M. Patton, of AhMarna. . .
JOiiNSON and HOWARD apported it,
and Meaars. DRAKE and B 7 CICALE.W
opposed it, the lattetron the ground that
he was opposed to st4;nial legislation in
indlsidual mass. • ~. • •_.
The morning hour expired, - when the
special order—the resotutioafordetailing
one or more naval °facers IA attend. the
International Maratituo Exposition at
Havre—cause up, was debated and laid
On the table. . '
Tho Supplementary iterionetruc:tion
bill was takeio.up.
, The .quention was on Mr. DOEILTT
TLITS motion to Instruct the Judiciary
Cdrumitteo to report bin Intendment.'
Mr. WILSON took the floor. Ile had
not been aware, When Mr. DoolittleJn.
elated upon occupying the morniur hour
on Thursday, that, it hat been authority
tivelyounounced V. 113 Senator was to
deliver long, prvin tided and care fay
prepared speech, loving down a platform for the Conservative party in the coming
election. Ala had never heard a more
unpatriLtic, Lull man andwlekel speech
After alluding to the • President and
other% no men- who. abandoned their
friends and assailed ;them, and misre
presented their purposes, ho add that
the Senator's purpose I was to overthrow
the neerly completed policy of rikon
struction. Ile rooted /Ind praised the
progress of those States which were or
ganising under the reconstruction acts,'
sawing the people now enjoyed mon
liberty, law and order than before fur
ing a century.
Mr. WILSON controvected Mr. Doo
little's views at some length anti conten
ded that the Northern Hellcats . were
champions of liberty everywhere, and
that the human race could not afford,
he could almost say without lire,
Prance that God could not
have th eir almoet completed' pallet
912i6.7.00 down byouchotrorts as that Cil
the Senator'froni Wiwonisin. He railer. I
abed the opinion that before the fourth el
July next the,Southeris States would •
represented here by:loyal men, and he
would I *,SIA SAletl. to one also Passto.
1'..-intio_nc woe would
reatit — e ace and order to their country.
They were not barbaris:d, as the Senator •
chattiest, but fighting against the barba
rous sentiment of their old rebel rooster,-
acid for the cause of Christian civilisa.
thin. Be closed by asking the aym and
noes on . the amendment.
Mr. JOHNSON spoke in support of
the theory that the Judiciary was a no.
ordinate branch of the e:overnment with
the Legislative, and that every act of the
latter power contrary to the Constitution
was subject to being so decided by the
Judiciary, and then proceeded at length
to controvert the position• taken by Mr.
Morton in his speech on Friday. Yt woe
impossible to guard the citizen against
the danger from military power, If even
man. had not the right to demand Hi . ..
protection of the ,Comtitution. While
be hail a grateful sense of what the couri•
07 owed General Grant; he would net
intrust him with the powers conferrer
by this bill, dismgarciing all the rights et
the people of the South. The Constitu
tion rmtraitzed Congress from passing
such laws under poSuive prohibition.
At the conchudon of Mr. JOHNSON
remarks the bill for the relitif of the disa
OUitiee of Robert M. Fulton Was taker
up, Mr. FREEING lIHYSEN having tin
door on the reconatracti m beet, whit+
was temporarily laid aside. e
After considerable debate the .formei
bill was passed—twenty-six vets to' dvr
nays. The nays were Messrs.: BuckieleW,
Davis, Drak, , Fowler and Hendricks.
Alarge number of billt were Introduced
and referred, including the following:
For the taxation of national banks.
Giving tne iigl l / 4 E to" cute In trtliden
lila elections and all .Slate el,:tions to
every citizen of the United States Irh"
melded ten days in the dintrict.
Granting land in aid of the Ilidolic
and Pacific Railroad Company for
railroad in Nebraska.
Providing that the appointment of all
agents of auy department of the Govern
ment, whoop salary exceeds five bemi
red dollars, mast be conformed by. the
To ;prohibit Internal Revenue officers
being interested in any forfeiture for; vie
olation of the revenue 16Wa.
To provide a temporary government
6or the territory of Wyoming.
Making• all purchases and sales on
commissicia of United State. 102.11:01 end
bends open to competition. ' -
Providing for bounties to the widows
end children of certain soldiers lailist or
died in the service.
To proven., the compromlie of offerutes
against the revenue laws, and making
such compromise. felonies.
Providing and in ease a Smatter of the
rnited States becomes Vice President of
the United States, by reason of being
President of the Senate pro lempore, and
in case his Senatorial term of Mlles ex
pires before the Presidential term ex
pires, he shall continuo in Mlles until the
end of the Presidential term, the Mike of
&natured once becoming vacant.
, Instructing the Secretary of the Navy
to dispatch to a suitable port In Norway
OrSweden one or more National ships
for the transportntion of such eterea as
may be furnished for tee relief of the
famishing people of those oenntrlea.
Giving an Increase of eralary - of twenty
per cent to all employee of the Execu
tive Departments receiving between one
thousand and two thousand dollars.
Making appropriations for the harbor
of New Buffalo.
For the sale of a .. portion of the Feet
Grotto! military reservation In Michigan.
Granting one hundred thousand acres
of public Lands' to aid in Improving the
navigation of the 'Mississippi between
the falls of St. Anthony nut the mouth
of the Minnesota river, by the construc
tion of a lock and dam at Meeker'er-Is
To extend the prey islons of the swamp
land act to the State of Nebraska.
By Mr. CADVIn establish a uniform
currency, and provide for the manage
ment and liquid on of the national
debt. Referred , o the Committee of
the whole ou the elate of the Union.
I t pr at t le; fpr the bane of Treasury
' certificate.' as a legal tender fur all pur
paw., and. for the calling in and cancel.
, ling of National Bank currency and of
United States legal tenders; also, for the
bane of bonds drawing three pet cent.
Interest; alt ' outetandlog bonds, ex
! mpt, when payable is gold to be paid
when due or redoemeble n Treaaury
certificates of three per cent., convertible
into bonds at the pleasure of tho'holder,
the vagry cortidcates to be oonverti.
tde o bonds, and vice smut.
By r. LOGAN: Iteguitsug the Sec
retary of the Treasury to enplane, a eoin
musten to.establish a marine hosplig: `t
Cairo. •
To revise section two of th,e act of
April 541,18130. constituting the. Ilanur,
bet, Mi., sod Peoria, Rl., ports of flair
'or the relief of Ms ilinent and St.
Foul Railroad Coinivany. •
Mr. COOK: To amendthe national
Murecte7 set, fteferred to the Commit
tee'ver Rankin*
It .provides that wheneser national
haniabillishall be receid by Um Lint.
to fi States in payment of ve taxes. &e. they
shall not be lenUsued, but United Staten
mete not beating intchist shall be tut!-
eel In their. stead; that whenever sent:ll
l:lent amount of notes of. any nationa
bank shall be received to pay, any of the
bonds deposited with the Treasurer for
the cireulation of the batik, if the bond
shall be then redeemable, or if the
banks shall agree thereto, the bond' and
no lesi shall be cancelled, if not, the
notes are to be held' until the, bond be
comes duo, and then the notes and bond
ukeill be cancelled and no other ei muted ng
notes shall be issuea. In hen there ,frand
when any bank shall be 'wound tip un
der the previsions of. the bill, no new
national bank shall lei established, but
the anions& of its cirmilatieg notes shall
be deducted from the total amount of
national hang eirenladort end a corres
pendingatneunt of greenbacks shall ha
Mr. MALOY offered a resolutton in
structing the Committee of Ways and
Means to inquire into the expedience- tit
'authorizing too Secretary of the Treas
ury, first, to employ all legal tender notes
that may tome into his possession in
excess 01 the amount necessary to pay
the current expetisesof - Me Government,
purchasing ut their market value such
Interest bearing securities of the United
States as he may Legible to obtain; sec
ond, to employ all gold In the treasury
In excess of thirty millions of dollars in
the same way; .third, to authorize a loan
equal to the whole amount of pres
ent interest bearing debt of the
United . States, std to i one bond.
running fifty years qt four per kat, in
terest and principal payable in gold, the
loan to be of only us geld may be
required to pay the current expenses of
the trovertimentand purchase thepresent
interest beeritior bonds; fourth, to require
the national bunks to replace the bands
now on deposit In the Treasury with
ouch four per cent. bonds Adopted.
Mr. CLARK, of Kansas offered a pro
m:able and resolution recit ' ing that the act
of January 21th, 1837 provides that there
shall be no denial of the elective fran
chise in any of the territories on account
of rice, color,or •previous eondithin of
servitude, and that it is reported the Leg
islature of Montana has passed a bill,
which has been unproved' by the Gov
ernor of Montana Territory, restricting
tLe franchise to white male citizens, and
instructing the Judiciary Committee to
inquire into the matter and report such
measures as may be necessary to secure
obedience on the part of the Legislature,
and Governer of Montana. to the law, of
Congress. " -
Mr. WASHBLORNE, of Illinois, cog
gamed the Committee be Instruc ted to
report a bill repealing the act organizing
the teilifory.
Mr. WIL:SOS, or town, st4ggested the
subject be sent to the Committee on Ter
ritories. •
Mr. CAVANAUGH tried to make a
remark, but was cut off by the previou.
question. He 'then moved to lair the
resolution on.the table—negatived,
avast, one hundred anti tw euty
three nays.
The resolution was adopted—yeas one
hundred and twenty-adz, nays twenty,
The SPEAKER presented a unmbcr of
Executive conarunnl.itione of no general
Interact: • -
Also, resolutions of the tienrula Con
stitutional Convention, In refetvocci to
the reorganization of slate govern t
the romovaof disabilities, und modifica
tion of the test oath. •
. . . . .
ALeo, a petition from membe re or the
Constitutional Coniention of Louisiana,
asking the removal of Generhi Eloneoek.
Both were referred to the Iteconstruetion
Committee. • ...
. •
Also, a rosolution of the Sfillilanippl
Constitutional Consension relative to the
Prt•edmon's Bureau. Referred to the
Committee on Frosscimen'a Affairs.
The House promseded to the considera—
tion of the bill reported from the Com
mittee on Appropriations to present tlo
payment of claims. musing out of the
rebellion. • •
After hilts dozen votes on as many
different motions the bill passel without
amendment—yeas eighty-six, :lays al x ty
t)n motion of Mr. WASIIBURNE, o.
Illinois, a Conference Committee wdc
appohttad ° a , n 117,, Rgf e fiy
theVigla la of American citizens ht foreign
suttee. (littered to be primal had ru—
g:lit:mated, It being nudentoal that it
will be' reported back • for notion this
week. It differs from the hill set pub.
fished in the following. particular: • In
the first motion, in piece of empowering
;he President to me the iullttenci, bud
authority of the Government to secure
the recognition of Um rights of net„ursliz
el citizens, It, empower Loltse alt
the romurars Of the Government in j ust
-lions to do so; also excepts in the saute
.section all who shalt establish attinu
ous residence beyond' the limits of tin
United States fora term excx..,aliug tire
mars.. The third . motion exempts from
the provLsions of the sot any naturalized
citizen who shall fail to tuske an auntie;
return of Ms property In thi, luita I
itatea to the Ammar of Internal /love
nue for-the district 10 -- :which he' lent re-
Mr: INGETISOLI.... on leave, , Intro
tinned a bill authorizing sn additional
bums of legal tender notes to the amount.
4(e:45,039,0A, which RWI referred ati the
Committee on Wayi and Moms.
Mr. BOUTWELL asked Inlet to otTor
a resolution lustructlnz the Conant:ls.
Ways and Means to inquire tido the
expediency of providing. by law, es fol
lows: Fur nonce be the Secretary of thr
Treasury when the ThiltedStates cai
the Tressury ezwseds twenty million,
that he will enact pate payment of inter
est first falling due en hand+, end; pay
ment to bo subject to a rebate of inter...!
at the rate specified in kends; fora new
loan of #500,0t.10,000 at nix per cent. the
principal and interest payable in corn,
.the loan to be conaned to citizens or the
United B:ates and not to be transfreable
rbe fal‘le State and toot! tuudion, hoods
to be payable, fifty millions on the
-Ist of January,. 1557, and fifty ma
llow; on each succeeding Ist of Jan-
- .
miry; for a new one of four hun
dred m 1111 6 .11. at 4f per cent., principal
al:Mint-creed payable in coin, which may
be made payable either at Frenalort or
London, beside payable, fifty millions on
the 14 of January, ISA, and to be un
usable either by the United
,State, or
any State or municipality; that. the
holdors ot bond. _may exchange
their boudo for 4imitla of either of these
dames, and the Socrstary of the Trfalf•
urn 60 AprOilibittd from snaking sitlel'of
• -•
fieveral members objected, and the 141,
oludon was not received...
A number of Executive communica•
lions were present., including one from
the Secretary of War, with n report
the Chief Engineer respecting tue survey
of the Illinois river. Itefersedlo Com
From the Commissioner of Anflcul to re
relatffe to the importan. of the modi-
Ilmalon of the tax of twenty per cent. ),rot
all Importations of foreign stoclr. .Ite
forred to Committee of Ways and Mean,.
Mr. SPALDING whorl Intro to otter
a resolution gnaw:Jung the Committee
on Iteconstruction to Inquire whethertho
combinations made or attempted to tot
mado to obstruct the du* execution of
the laws, with power to send for ponsons
and papers, examine witnesses under
oath; and report at any time.
Objection was made on the Democratic'
Mr. SPALDING Moved to suspe . nd
the rule,.
After 1•01710 Milbusterinsr the rules
were suspended and the resolution of
fered and adopted:. •
Adjourned.. - •
A. au Slab& Ills: Wife b.O Thins CM
Nla Mob Thbrost,ra Maulers of lb
Liorrlbl• • Mfr.'
Following are the particulars of a dou
ble murder in Warren, Trumbull ounty,
Ohio, on Sunday night, 26th instant:
On the A. AO. W. evening train -up
from YoungsloWn on Friday evening
was a man about thirty years old, named
Charier Fresco, formerly n brakeman on
the road, but dlicharged about a week
ago. Freers was a soldier In the late
war, but hen not borne the beat possible
rept:nation for thrift - and sobriety niece
his return from the army. Ha lived In
Warted, and had a wife that belonged to
a veld family, and is represented ate in
every way an estimable woman. - - •
On the train last evening, Froice told
the conductor that he was going to re
move (rota' Warren' to l'bungstotin—
that btezpected hie wife would not want
to go, and that he would have trouble
about It—that If She refused to go, there I
"would be h—il." Tina result proved
that Mit threats were not Idle. On reach-
Ing his borne, "It would appear that
Freece, who was much intosicated on
the train, got, into same difilculy will .
bla -age at nano.' What the nature of the
i quarrel was at drat is pot known e buttho
restfii. Isltslitat,Froeso stabbed ills wife
no loss than seven Pine. With- a knife,
land then probably leaving her for dead,
wont Int o the yard In MU' of hie house
and out hie own throat from ear to ear,
There he was found, of course stone
dead. Mrs. Freece was still living at last
onvargs t but no hopes were outortqlne4
of her recovery. - Tie horrible affair cre
sted Lutenist' ezeltbment In Warren,
• ILLisemilaUlo
(By Tecesravik to Ms rllttbei Uaiatt•
STILETTiIf LLLE, C. Jan. ii.-Tho
terndrelinen mine of Gederhara et Worts
was destroyed by fire on Saturday night;
Pains, lvauia Legislature
ay TcrEraph to the I'lL ie barge Liu ,tlll
liAnnuacno;.lan 27,1868.
The SENATE met In theievening.
M r. McCONAUG WY, of Adams, a sitp.
plemont to the election liters, requirinz
cierks of election t o hee l ', p register of
names, dates of eertiticatea! of mithrall 4.
ration, limo and place of, court planting
the seine, and orllcer cortifyirig, In all
can, of voting by naturalised Intl:eds.
Also repealing the Gettysburg Asylum
incorporation, known tat"tlie Gethiebarg
T.e'tery Bill" of Imt arraign.
By Mr. TAYLOR, of Beaver, a bill
incorporating the Mineni end Meehan ,
lea Co-operative Association of roma
enitela City.
By. Mr. BRIM NF of Lawrent
rating the State Treasurer to 2 . 1
tilt. Kittanning Hank $ 2 , 44 /, paid
protest nia overpaid.
By Mr. ERREI s T, of Allegherl.
two additional Notaries Public ie
burgh. •
Also, extending the act of 4842 /
hug the line of fences to Pitts • burgi
Also, relative to„making and
scribing tecnrilm, .ittlexeß, • to.,
public offices of Allegheny county
• XEw Ii7DICLet. DIsTP.Ser;
The 1411 creatinc , a new'judicll
Inlet Lyconting county pal
a third rcadiug.
The 11Ouse toot in the. evening.
' atnicvtosar.M.Ena.
Mr. ARMSTRONG,' qt Lances! ,
trodueed a. raolution aPpointing
Mhos additional Tranndrilang
1 3
lie alleged' that the underalandi g hid
been entered into by the 'Repo ll=
Conference that he should have t le ap
pointment. ' I
..11q. iglu', of Allegheny, 4.1.2. , rde1l that
the Repnbhcans had icagain'ed wish die-,
tenting Republicans to coiale (war to
Park., .
The rt,olutino was defeated, neatly ..n
the Repithlicans voting against It.
- Mr. ARMSTRONG then •ofteirecl the
'rricar.As, It appearm from tle,act of
incorporation by the Maryland . l . .eghtla.
lure, and by reso/tIIIOIIK of the Board of
Trotter" of the Antietam Cenarter3+, that
it Is intended that rebel dead; who celllu
the late unholy struggle against a life
of the nation, are to 'be interred Within
the same encloeure and receive [hortatory
honors as lte,dowrsl by loyallliearta nod
hands upon loyal thud; therefore,
ReAoired, That onr worthy Chief Mag
istrate has, by the noble and patriotic
anted be has taken in refusing to r•petid
the appropriation pared at his disixtsal
hy.thc last Legislature, placed the (loyal
eitiuxis of Pennsylvania and al l true
lovers of liberty everywhere: under re.
orwo,l robligalihns'ot gratitude tol him,
and Oven to the world ; another h 0,..,
b!o ev,cluure air his leaileaa loyalt. and
tintlinelling integrity to principle: 1
-..ckfre",l"leroTrfn erpadrurn; - Inatrlnut z _
to him our hearty aupport, .t..e...
P.v.sed by a strict party vote.
o un - is in . ini ASYLI:X Arofo.lAllol,N.
. . • • .. . . ...
Mr. DEISE, 'of Clinton, tkc..14451.•
bill repnaltn; thO tiottysbuittg Amylran
incorportion. •
After the reading: of nunterhuo Lilo itt
platv, not intore.ting to Wtottorni Pointr
oylvartin, the Ilototo oaljournoti. •
%%%%% irra c i
AN orrawaa IN Jaarnn
Jacaews, :lannaiy 27.-.-The Carrion
Le. the partkintiri - of u outrage
wittedltijasper connty no the 2.ith and
-V,th !not, S squad, of free4torn . l who
had been stealing hinzo, waylaid th eon
.dahlea, a posse of whew soarehing
For them with warrants for their arrest.
two white men were killed, One mlortal
li wounded and live wrveral•. One, ne
gro wa.s woinded and arrestad: Several
parties are in ...pia of the yiirpetratorli.
The first send•rententaial 1:s1-
bration of Ufa Slate am bOl4 at .Nrach. x
Oct. week and was largelt . attritded.
Prof. Thetas, li. Gatnti ine elected
t: rood Mister fur the rnenintc year:
F 1
Ell.i:ltig, N. C., Jan.. n--The (.'otiven- was wimpled most of tliCt day in dia.
iliasing, tin report of the C4rornittee on
a Governor and other,State!oteleren. It
prop,sen to add to thqprenent.olliirera a
r.t,ot. tiorernor, a Superintemient.rof
Pithlte Work& .11.1
Pohl, Instroerion, al to be elected for
'two years by the ',evilly. Heretofore the
Legklntorc hare 440.1 I the Secretary of
State, Comptroller or [Miter, and!Pub•
tic Treasurer. Mr. Ila Ile, Public Tretta.
iirer, until in an :tide coramonl4tion
t;lTillg his reasons wly: hecohld notcom
ply with the order ne the COurantion to
pny the per diem, which wan refernd to
the Committee to confer With tick:ern'
Canby, • F
►r.anulA. j' r
_LIONTOOSIFItY, Jlllit4ll7 order
ryas lasucd today by General Hayden;
commanding tho District. of Alabama,
pursuant to orders from teeni Meade, that
for tho election to ho hold In Ms 4tato the
rdifoloo opened at three precincts' In each
.minty r and remain mum Color days In
ativol of two, and all public har rooms at
the riding orecineta be clesed from six
on the evening of the :Id of February
until the morning of. the Bth. •
ATLANTA. .lanuary 27.—ThuConsPnr
ion von engaged discussing the question
reliat the entire day, 'stall:n "c "ut result.
!, I
— l7
Now Yonc, Jith.
The steamers Alpho and Unite] Elev.
dom arrived yesterday from Europe.
janstsi Mott, of Philadelphia, Ituaband
of Lucretia Molt, died lu lirOoklyn, yes
terday, aged city years. 1 .1 11
The ferry boat 'Niagara, l of Pavoola
line, to Jersey City, was hurried last
night while at the dock undergoing re
pair, •Lomi $40,00n; no insurance. It
was the work of au Incendiary. 11400 n
after It brokd out the lines lieouring her
to the dock were cot and she drifted close
to two boats In wlthdt were stored two
thousand pounds of powder near Which
she sunk. 1 1 1 .
. . .
, . •
. the ease of Flak agalnqt the 'Rock
Island Railroad, .Indgo CardOzo
decided that We defendants are boUnd to
answer the (insult:ma put them. •
An action hos been bronght rtz the
King's county • Court. by 'Thoophilue 0,
Callicot tureinst the New York j%mra for
libel, in charging him with having' been
bribed by the Speakership or the Assem
bly to desert his party and join the Re
publicans several years..erfo, nuncios
ore laid at CO - 000.
The arrivals of Whisky front the West
!fed week were 9,G10 barrelsi upon, 2,910
gallops of %Welt the tar. nes pitlrV
MINI of Lim»lst Reim. Osairsairator
Cop sssss i 0 pal Elective' In ati•ElirlUla"
Dialirlat. • I
[ety eeteoroph to Oa rout a an nut
CoLtiimus, January 27.—Tho: Ghia
.jo;yy!nnntal committee
today appoint
ol Goy. Hays, W. G. Dmhter and Jo t tepp
L. SuMeant, of this city, ,a Committee
to contrail with D. Jones, of Cinch'.
fiat! for a marble butt of President Un
cad to Maw rotuß4 of t he that°
The election for Congressman In the
'eighth District, to MI the vacancy caused
by (bedevil, of c. 8. Hamilton, resulted
In the election of CIVIL John dimity by
over one thousand majority.
Supreme Court'
Rights ofNa
An Embezzler
.!81/ Taleceap► to Um rlttabnitth Gosotto.l
Wasuratyron, January 27,186&
surazint ootrimbrevizoms:
The Supreme Codrt has afliened the
:decision of the Dlstricti Court of Team,
relative to the Meslualszni dabs, which
was number one on thtt Supreme • Court
Docket, having been there at least twelve
fears. It may be reeollected that for his
notion in this etas Judge Wattles was
tharged in the liouse of Representatives
With Impeachable cOluess, ind that
much testimony was taken in reveal to
Suat subjeoh The matter, however, was
not concluded by Congreth Tie oPln
.lon announced to-ony sustains him in
all partlmilers,hime vindicating his ,rno-
ee, 111-;
cod to
The Court also decided a case, on ap
peal, announcing the pri tciple of mare , .
time . law 'to be that a master of a vessel
has a right to 'sell his ship ins foreign
pert, whoa it can be established there in
a necessity to do so to secure the inter
mits of•all parties Interested.
.y, for
General Howard sends a copy of his
circular letter, datedDecemberlast,which
provides that with alisiv to reduction o
officers and agents ',Of the Freedmen's
Bureau, whose services can be die
peneed with, it is I ordered that, with
the exception of Superintendent* of Ed
motion, on and after the IS.h of February
next all cabers and agents in Maryland,
Kentucky, West Virginia and Tennessee
be dispensed with,; sad that saloon of
the regular, army be 'designated by the
Secretary of War to take their places and
act as Assistant Commisitioners in those
States. Gen. Howard says a large por
tion' of Congressmen from Tennessee
and delegations 'from . Kentucky and
Maryland have personally and in writ
ing, deprecated the proposed changes,
which they say will work hilariously
walnut educational and, other interests
of freedmen.
.l' (ho
ed to
The report of General Banks to the
House, addition to what to already
'stated, says or naturalized citizens of
. this country tried, convicted and pun-
Jellied in Great Bntilu; that our Govern
ment la In duty boand to lister. to their
sippeal and protect them 'in their rights.
The Committee claim that the doctrine
ot perpetual allegiance is a symbol of
fenlism : and force and is as
absolute over the mind.. it the
body.: Itl has no _authority in
this country, except as' an element of
English ospimon law 'embitter at the
time bf the; }evolution. .The report ar
guee this point at length, citing the case
of Martin Noma as In polutand appeals
in fervent language to North Germany
to yield the claim to, perpenal allegi
ance, easing, the point wa...wake must
be cm:ice:led, that the ri g hts we claim can
be permanently denied Is impossible.
J. H. Ilarinony, who elstoended from
Lake Providence, La, with eight thous
and &hare,' deposited in his hands as
agent for too Preadult , lfs Bureau by
freedmen, hes been termed at (Indies
ton and nearly all the -money reCovered.
Ede has beau neat to New Orleans" for
The Secrets 'ar, in a mammal
Mg from hues's or co . as
• ..enCrttJal arseats- -
Senator Doolittle bast, rowing to public,
engagements, declined o address the
meeting to be held at New York Thurs.:
day night to atuitaln the rreattlent.
. , • ratiners tescati..,
The Patent Offlee Iseued two hundred
and eighty-two patents fortho week end•
tog February 4th: • f
1,111311,111.AT10N. •
One million folk boodrod and forty.
Ann thoumnd immigrants have 6-trired
• n MO* country slime leak. •
—At Sedalia, Mu, yisterday, six build
ings were destroyed by are, *coupled by
S: 'Morahelm, dry goals t Idettaberger - A.
Cu., liquors: Timer A tioslut. *Una , and
tinyrare ; Bard A Co, and Wolf Bro.,
dry goa ts; houg nro.; dry goods. The
tbr.e tint named henna lose pretty
Much evcrything. The tlsreelattsr eared
a portion of their stork. The how la
animated at from slaty to seventy thous
.and dollars. Insurance .
—At Worcester, Monk., yesterday mom.
ng, flaywrod tt Co.'s xnanufactorf wen
rxmo re ally burned. baolving lees of
o, on which the is an hanntrice
$13,00u. recintmead d lionnigten's
grocery, adjoining, suffered oessiderable
datnae from water, ;
PhLhuielphle, earlyftutiday morn
t3g, Charlet, Edwents was attacked by
thieves m the reet,besteu with • 'bllly
stehbed througb One hum, from the
effects of which it lithoutilit be will tile.
Otte of the easallsala' hos beau emoted
and IdadllDed.
—C. U. Fran, of Stele Line City, Indi
ans, Isle ender In eel Federal army, cut
hid throat trUnday.niithi, aftbe Commer
cial ilotcl, in Neabrille, with a pocket
knito. .Tbe asamiattla suicide anui In
—A deoperodo oattool Narmer,. an
..dray' nt Sokonta, Tennessee. wai shot
one those with a Fatal and not with an
axe. lte died at two o'daok. Sunday
--Gotielb Rapp; • aorman, aged thirty
live years, from Id!obligati, committed
'outride on Sunday, it Ballo, by shoot
dux himself in the mouth wtth a rerol
—l3ecretary Seward le reported SA have
mid hb does riot expeot the present Con- .
Trees will pay for .Witlrmisla, but the
next ono wIIL •
Aert,Ml it /1 s•• sss sr taperlel Gs.
011.1 ■ —Neatens 40/Iblmot.
t Sy Telegraph to Um 1110•••1•00••••••3
.ilavaxa, January 21.—Ttur Gummi
imnerial 'General Marquez •arriyed yea.
terday from New Orleans. Me esespod
from Mexico fn divots on beard a
South Ameriml vessel and reached New
Orleans some Weeks ago.
Dispatches from the City of Mexico
slate that Senor Romero ha. anospted
the appointment of Secretary of the
Treasury, and Senor Zarco bad declined
the Ministry , of the interior.:
Misses of Preditalles to OlaalaaoU
,By Tsltsrap!k to the I.l,l4oaratk U•soOte:1 .
- et:tonnelTT, Jan:24.-110er the law
'organising the Board of, Health, IV reg
istration of bowies of prostitutto re
q al rod; and the work I n,this city has been
completed. It shows the total number of
hoaxes to be 474. The natlyity of tne
keepers arena follows: Ohio, 155; Penn
sylvania, 23; Indiana 231 Kentucky, 413;
hew York, Y 0; Virginkt,jile Illlooti, 10 ;
Tennessee, 10; ,Lou lalana, 107; Naomi,
6. The rest. are foreigners or umumer
talnable. Among the foreigners are of
Ireland. 20; Germain En England, 9;
Canada. ti; Scotland, 3; Prance, 1; Prus
sia, 1; Wales, L. '
GILAND orsnA..--A large and brilliant
Unctions. assembled last night at th
howlemy of Music on the °amnion of tie
rendition of the :beautiful. Opera, of
"Faust" bp . the greet commlldated com
pel:dee of ...Man Marettek and Lwow].
Oroyer. To-night '"lt, Treratore"
be pre tinted with powerful twat. Mad
ame Osszeniga will appear ea Leonora,
a role la which she is justly famous.
damned mate may beobtained at 0. 0.
I Mellor . ", No, Si Wood street.
I. 'MASONIC I.l.ed..—Depres and Omen's
talented Minstrel Troupe, the seuT be#
le the earn:kir'', will mils", their. 4.lrempti
aPPearPwo to • n bg e t. •
Otnne. iloust.2:ie Florence' were
greeted with - a very lugs house led
evening.: A splendid otrered IQ;
Carreftian.—The'siatament in Testie r
day r 's Issue Igrega bat the Trustees of Ply
onili Contional Church had rtr,
ni , ed lgier dlimlasista .. TOCOUl
roandadon to" thole ' Lb w r Rest
gMru p the lt irin% l lthr e'l ise i cr '" :
tee of the 'congregation rum o
will berdo:
tided in regular vows*.
0 1 -
I rs s. ' e
, .....\
. .
, .
Tiro Mut Aliet—Arroat of the P. ' }p.•
vestore , -Demelltlea et • Heave of
Yseterday aftenthota, about five
&shooting affair of serious char
acter task phi.* in Geyer's drinking sa
loon, corner of West and Second streots,
to the Third - ward, Allegheny. A party
of negroes, four in number, ware drink
ing at the'bar, when Alfred and John
Gabby entered the saloon, The former
had been one of the night police of the
city, and some time ago had arrested ono
of the negro., named Dan Gorden, and
on his appearance, the tellow walked up
to him, and with aivoith. mere that he
I was going to get square with him for
that act. „Before Gabby had any time to
reply, the negroca made an assault on
himself 111111 i brother. One of the assail
ants drew • razor tuadanother a revolver.
Two shot* Were tired, ono lodging in the
ann of Alfred Gabby, and the other in
filetbuit.dangerena. though not notwathe
In the aide . of,
John Gabby. Thenegroes then fled. Tho
'tiring brihnght together a.crowd of men
who gave ChM, VID the fugitives and sue
reeded in arresting two of *them. John
Clark and Joseph Fisher, in a house of
ill faiths on North avenue, where they had
taken rams, andlocked the doors. The
men also arrested Melinda Lucas, a ool
.ered prostitute, and a vagabond white
woman who interfered in the arrest. All
the party were conveyed to the tombs
'and locked up. Subsequently the em l
dent and zealous new Chief of Police,
Capt. Bowden, succeeded in arresting the
principal of the affair, Dan. Gordon, a
black desperado well 'known in pollee
circles. The entire- party will. Lave a
bearing this morning. The injured men
were immediately pthowi under medical
care, 'and no danger is anticipated In
either case.
After the arrest the boys took occasion
to break the windows, tear out the doom
and riddle With stones the tenement oc
cupied by. Mohan Melinda, and had not
the authorities Interfered not a stick
would have been left to mark the spot
where stood the.yila den of Iniquity.
A young man of color, named Ben.
Johnson, was arrested yesterday morn
ing on a charge of larceny, by the Atte;
ghtmy police. Johnson has been in the
'employ teager, who residcM on
Stockton avenue, Allegheny, for a num
tsar organs, - Ile had been detected in
Mr t gearaL l eer and nl tha t L y ea d and ove n r o ar t g e lv e:l n ri
IQ be the proper, treatment for the un
.tefnl scamp. Several articles have
been mining Lately, and on Saturday he
was Interrogated, but denied the theft.
The minbag articles consist of a furnace,
valued at one hundred dollars, gold cross,
diver watch ,and a penknife. Ile was
found secreted of his atherle lons', at
Butcher's Run; The stolen articles have
been recovered. The furnace, not being
ill - 11/10, was stored In the stable. • Ile woo
committed to answer the charge at
We are pleased to announce that our
friends Messrs. PaLmer . k. Phillips, late
of ilia firm of Smithson, Palmer fk. C 9.,
have enietod Into a es.partnership ibr
the purpose of carrying on, In the literal
sense of the words, the general auction
business. They -have secured the lease of
the magnificent salosmom formerly oc
cupied by Gardner's shoe store, Opera
House building, and are now engaged In
.refitting It In best modern style, They
will open to business some day during
the present week. tiolh these gentle
man have had large business experience,
and carry with them the esteem, confi
dence and beat wishes of the mercantile
community.. We vast they may be no
-successful In their . now enterprise as
their energy an 4 Integrity warrants.
oR to •n. ni` . rfi ' -
easthicla altstera: —"The Ohio State Joan
nal notiCoa the death of a yiung • girt, in
Columbus, Ire= the eflects,rut
passd,'of becoming orer-heated while
skathrg. A , few days mince she was on
&iota, enjoying herself skating, but on
bar -return home was attacked with
spasms, and suffered terribly until death
earns to her rebel: Several awe of the
land; says the Jearna/, have been re
ported In Cunt dtbtu, but this one is the
drat that ha. terminated fatally. Sks
tomcat:mot .be too careful about sitting
down in the open air when heated from
01therm Campbell and SlXOLlarrest.d
Man namad McLean, Sunday, an
charge or being Implicated In an annuli
upon a man named B omont and Ida
eon, on Saturday night.. It appears that
the latter parties were standing on the
of resl
rietooeuninorrry.t M A : 3 E4m
to amen :Won, when Metean
=aircie qr;lbur others, all more or lam
Intoxicated, came along. Mr. Iteautuont.
ander, was knocked do ern so di abused by
them. McLean was ideoiJed, and ar•
meted on* warrant Lamed by Mayor
Unita Its bad • bearing 3v•lterLiay and
waa held ha ball in the awn of $:00 for
This afternoon three o'clock (the
fpandoet ekatorlal event of the. Meson
will take placerat the beautiful and mie•
ror:llke Central Skating Park, old Fair
Grounds, on the line of the Citir.ens'
Nonentity Eallway.' It will be a contest
for the nhainpleashlp of America be
tweet' those two well and widely-known
monarchs or' the lee, Frank Swift, of
New York, and E. T. Goodrich, of Chi
cago. A magnificent treatmav safely he
anticipated.' A brass band will be in nt
tandems,. Admittance 21 cents, and
everybody 4.-invited. to attend. The
best police InnhitiOns havebeen adopted
to secure order.
ateldems ea the alisnestwss . game
Sunday morning about one o'
the Nei York Exprent train West, on
the Allentrwt* route, had arrived within
twenty-five-Italian of Reeding, the rear
truck of an express oavisecatne detached
and struck the finl passeugercar, throw
tog it down* keep embankment. Fire
onnintrualcated to the car from the !dove,
and it entirely destroyed. •A num
ber of paiwengern had been la Ms car a
abort time before, but when the occident
occurred it Wu fortunately empty. The
express car !mut wrecked, and another of
the paseenger cars woe badly smashed.
The tratu w a s delayed Ala hour..
The elecdon ter a summer to . zn
Steele, hi - Common M
nnon Connell, the Sec.
and ward, ', yesterday, was-closely con.
tested, and large yet.) was brought out.
Mr. D. W. C. C6woll, the Independent
Itopublican: candidata, held the advan
tage from noon up 4111 the dose of tho
polls, althoigh the regular nomlnee,Mr.
Thomas Bellew imsdi decided show of
strength. At the close the vote stood as
Saloum Thome, Salley; DS; D. W. C.
Carroll, 203, Mr.'Carrall was therefore
elected. Ho will take Ida sod next Tues
Brae ran" iippeliatakeuts4
A Teri liVely time may be anticipated
at the meeting of, the Police Committee
thie evening at Wilkins I.lall, Thorenre
at - lead six applkanta for every appoint
ment. .The .unnenal humberlappli
cants on'the present .bacaelon partly
owing to the fait that a large her or
men are ldie in rlitalmnrh, ants also to
the feet that the Inertesed proportions of
the Cite wairanta the belief that a great
,changes Will be Malts in the police
Ltcture.l-"An IntBllontuaC, teen( is
promised Our lecture going oommanity
on Thursday evening next, at tho Acad
emy of Masi°, .1a the way of a lecturo by
Theodore (Tilton. laubleot, "Apterican
Woruau." Hes one Of the moat pleas
lug te(itunirs of tho country, and no
doubt ml.ll be greeted by every large
andlenbe. I Tickets may be stromTred at
the Liprary -rooms, übrgar of et. Ctatr
.and Tiinn streets.
A Fine Heddidics.—Oor reader' who
may be gieeklag a maidenoo with all
appurtinancps to peagseas and
ety, in a altgatipu lbr he
m lerilledattractlons, and whlch we an
gle Mad him be pareboned at a surpris
ingly low priCe, are referred to the egi-'
yertiaiment in another place el' an 014
phone 91}111494 the residence at the
late Charles atone, Eaci., adjoining Um
.Marn of Boater.
. Attempted .11tOchte—Baturday -night
Mat a yowls , inserted woman named
Johnson, living cat htanaheg pr with her
parents, turd In aultress.or mind eon.
earning ber husband, who Is addicted to
lutempenbies;attatipted to and he r addicted
Mkt* arsenic. The fact was
discovered to time, and her life wed.
n. IlennlngboLf floosolloa—l•romal
moat Ilea seenoed of .lbo nobbory
—.Joseph^ allalakea-=lndlawasfon
of villsens, etc.
A correspondent of the Erie DiaPoteA
thus writes from Titusville: Our elti- .
zena were yesterday much excited in
regard to thireported arrest of several of
our most prominent citizens, as the per
petrators of the laterobberi. However,
none for a moment entertained the opin
ion as to their guilt, and yetLthe matter
was of too SorMILIS a nature for a sell en
tirely. But to the Tact. Early paler
dor morning an Officer coiled OMAN*?
Mills. of the American, and asked If one
Cady Issarded there. He also inquired
for Mr. Harley. Being answered that
both gentlemen boarded there, but Har
ley was in Now York and Cady in hie
room, ho proceeded to arrest the latter,
nt the time searching the room. Soon
the °Meer and his charge, together with
a few friends 91' Cady, were on thetrway '
to Esquire Donahue, at Petroleum Cen
tre, to answer. . •
As Noon a thn identifying witnesses
maw Mr. Cady, the prosecutor (Joe Bed
ninghotT) withdrew the charge,: and
offered to pay dm cost. F. hi. Cady,
however, insisted upon proving - 11 e win
at Pleasantville during the entire even
ing of the robbery. The only cirertiz:
stance causing th e arrest is about us f : I
lows: An ationyinous letter was ro
oelved by the Elenninghoffs; stating that
If they would offer is the Herald a rei
ward of $5,000, the writer would reveal
(to them the lost treasure.: Information
Just about ae rel iable. was also furnished,
that for men wereseen to : leave :Moe
vide early on the era of the robbery',
: and the same party were seen to return
, at a later hour, giving proper time to. '
drive to the place and return, and that one
of the party wars Cady and another Har
ley, whereupon Joe Benniegkeff swore
out awarrant againstthem. Theinfurnaa
Lion as to the party of four was true, laid
party consisting of Messrs. Cady, Bar-
I”y, fdajorMilb; and Captain Pitcher,who
indelgeri In a sleigh ride! to Pleasant:
vale on the evening in question. In re
gard to the feeling here about the above
arrest,. ourcitizens are truly indignant,
the suspicion was Co trifling. The char
acters of the parties implicated are above
reproach. They are men engagedi per:
haps, ha the largest transactions In oil in
the entire repel. Almirs. Cady and
Gen. Avery are the proprietors of the
Pinhole and Miller Farm oil pipe line,
and our acquaintance with Mr. Cady
dates back to boyhood, and hie honesty
and business qualilleatlons are torques.
Honer. .
Mr. Ilarley eacaped the :odium of an
arrest, as he -was absent s lie Is the pro
prietor of the Harley, oil pipe line, and
enjoys the confidence of all business
men, and In reputation stands unques- .
dozed. In concloalon, we wonder dour,
best citizens will eland such indignities .
quietly? If no, it will be well for every'
citizen - to have the proof of an alibi at
hand. .
The total amount realized by the rob
bers is yet uncertain, but from the best
we can• learn. the total lose: will not fall
short of $350,000, although Joe only
swears to $2..'5'.),000 In the late warrant.
Inforpdttion from a source that is per
hanallis moat reliable, says it is entirely
too much to make public. In the mean
time, there does not seem to be any or ,
tiyo measures taken tp ferret out the per
petrators, and the impression is "It don't
pay to work for this firm"
Temperance Mectittar.—The Allegheny
Temperance League meets this evening
in the North Avenue . 51. E. (Rae. E. B.
Snytter'a) Church. The address 'of the
evening will be delivered by'Rev. John
Steer°. or Philadelpbbi- The • choir will
furnish choice Masi°.
. -
Palatial Wound,— lir. Benjamin Batt
ik, while felling it i trea about three
Iles from Centreville, recently, met
i r
Jilin nevern a Mont, by which his arm.
as cut near!, h al f oll; severing the
lain artcry, ei wound was drone I
1. Surucon Wl, ,I; and • the patient Is
ow al, iing wall. . .
, Arrested and Diecharged.,—*llliato
Tiondentan wax committed to jail yea. ,
tlrci.y morning, on a:charge of Almon,
It is a true saying thin "popularity fol
lows on the heels of excellence," and.
we are-no: surprised that the very su
perior, eraekers, biscuits, ginger snaps
and itheitm bread manufactured at the
favorably known end old established
bakery tif Witty Brothers, Nos..Zl and
31 Irwin street, have made -a • wide and
extended reputation. Employing the
most skillful bakers; using the choicest,
materials, and taking especial care that
every arttcle 'Which leaves - their house
will sustain Its blob character, it is - no
avonder that this tirm enjoys so largo
share of pubis, patronage. Orden, byl
mad are attended to promptly, and ship ,
meets am made ?Snail points- with great
care and punctuality. Packages are de.:
livered to any point in the city or. Ile
uoighb3rhocki•free of additional charges;
ma gee., et the. Watt!. Tab. .
This' wandernil tilsctivery is a fluid of
ones pavad virtue for washing and
cleaning purposes. It is bighl_e recorn.
mended by our Met families and the dw
mend for it le quite unprecedented. For:
ant ing the fabrics of oil kioda in the pro,
eras r-r waaltine, aa.xell as saving time,
labor, money and health, 'commend us
by all means to, the famous "Queen of
the Wash Tab." Office No. 131; Wood
street, and for sale by all druggists and
misers. , .
The changeable weather whieh"we are
now enjoying, nailer experiencing, playa
havoc with water pipen, and we hear,
vomplainhl trim various sourness relax
to tho anbject. tick
We not know how to t
mend matters
tut we are aware, of the
fact that thel4ost practical 'plumber tO
rail in to "at... 1? leak" or "fix a pipe" Is
oar friend Tel'. EWOJiii ,' No. 165 Woolf
start. Ile alteuda promptly watt calls
of this character and 'lszeoutes his walk]
In the very ow. ...In and at moat rem
wmaLle prices. j. ' •-•
the subject re re. attracts much at
tention fast at thin 'me, but our friend;
T. T. Catena, .practl 'al 'pity:liner, gas and,
annul Uttar, - No. 1 S 'Wood street; will
continuo at Ms out, Imbed headquartere
to attend to all ardor, for work entrusted
to LW cam Roadeikmay depend ttpotA
it that Mr. Ewens thoroughly under 7 .l
scuds every department of his .businsie
and from long experience Improper:oi to
'execute all sorts of work with which he
May be favored.
' The high reputation of Mr. Molti:
boltner, :proprietor:l of the Continental
Dining Manna, Filth street, next dot*
to the Postotlire, AS" an epicure, is null
;only of local • prltlo,. but is wenerally:
:known throtighnut the Western section
of our State. :deals': are nerved in the :
best style at alt.,honta in beat style or.
coekiug'. andAtili Clean and orderly mart
, nor. ilia-prices are very reasonable. ,;
What Oar t Warns Want.—Cal and
eo our anpoly of Dry Kindling Wood.:
We will deliver It to any family free of
charge for f/1 mute per barrel. We bek•
I lave it will Orono all thmo wbe try -1,4!
I.eavn orders, at the Iron City Match
Works, corner of - Seventh and Wan t
street, Plttablogh.
At IR tied grass & Rose, No. 24 St Clair
street, a largo -assortment of boots,'
shoes and gaiters Is offered at the veil'
lowest prices, The, firm purchase their,
goods from ilnit•clicci manufacture:re, and
a !ford porchalem articles In their line.
equal to . the 'finest borne made custom'
.work. Call In and sec for yourself, u
Mare is no charge for showing goods: i.
{late and Gape.—The enterprising Mut
of liondgriuts and nom, Net. 24 M. Clair
street, oiler great borgeins to fushionablo
bats and cans, for meryind boys. Their
:stock is very- large, and anxious to close
out the limn have marked Ilown their
prices regardless of originalnost.
end inducements to dealers who buy to
sell strain. , 1
`The Ladies recognize the' Get that no
where relay in the clty con trimmings.
Jove goods, embroidaries, hosiery, white
and millinery -goads, ribbons, gloves,
ho found. In better tustortment„
more re0110111.11511 , [ price., than at. AY. Ur:
Moorhead's, No. al 'Market strsel,
Eltrslogernin the city
who do not easel
about stopping at our hotels, are politely
Informed that at .liolislielmeria "Conti'
dental Dining 'Mame are daily served
up, at all hours. meals lit fora tang and
at very reasoushlo prices. Privatottpart%
mentos for lodic%
Tr&kr, travelling bne and Natalia*
or excellent worktnenehlp and beet gut&
'Hy or nintezlel, are °dared at greatly. rel.
(WNW 'niece at the weaknown and pow
bier wholtainlo and rolhill establidtment
of Snodgrass -",t. Rosa, Bt. Clair
elreet. . " I
Gentlettien wlll_,Ond at goorbead . i s
headquarters for furnishing goods run'
lines of dress shirts, under cloithing, tles,
handkerchiefs, suspenders, - • hosiery; '
gloats And faneyardele! generally„ et
Very minced Vrkeft. ,
• CO to Barker's Closingsalet
pc. to 13n Ricer's closlui male,
' !! ! REDISIDAT IID !Unlink!.
tones' Mont, malatatas MINTY MOt.
Istergattagrasitas matter s totatedrat
ellettata. taint Note lorrialostromb a 1 4
t. , miaatgaliestlg Mater far Um Family,
tallaiload mem reneole Ibutaelal aft Owe.
at threat Netrame steam ti ,MDM
A l dir, • No Irmarer f t Xmasala sr Mardiaat
t Tama PON via tratzety slums •
r 441 ti. •
'!'tl• • Itn Tama
MM.; .M . S 1
Nebo ---......................
aaaau ion ea' pmer.te NM penes itattraa .
• ' • . • Me at AdAlltteas terlaba ma Mimes a
, • AY Om. at dab rates: :
To sossicaiimi.—ii wiertai
• • , Mom soot .ape. Witt *Wm molt .
t, ea se tame a WoMmerla* edition bemire
MMus beter mall alma. -
' i
Cr . •• . . (
Pt f 11
G ... .
la , . . .
4.4raloosnee of theprosent;
'Table Zinesti, most astonishing', • 1
gams, closing out at [skies. • '
Coed . Goods at. Gold Prlces.—Hawhil
'marked down my geode to gold prlone
I _jell! -sell my entire stock of boots atyd
shoes of oh kinds forgemta, ladies, mlaseg,
and boys, at prima lower than they Wire
been sold since the war. I warrant all
my goods, having been selected . with
great, mi . ., and from fleet elms bonsai.
Parties perreldwing am depend on gOe
lire g a good article. Call and
before plucks:ins elsowheria. blot:rouble
to show goads. JAY= ROBB.-
. S 9 Market stmt.:
Table Times; moat astoult4ll4 ,
glans, elating out at Barker's.
Coed Creeerice.,-Our Allegbeny,reati• 1
ere should remember that Mr. Arthur
Kirk. 'Nos 172 end 174 Federal istreet,
Allegheny, still continues to sell•Ma I
well selected stock of groceries at , eery
low rates. Mr. We store brag Ocelot
the largest In the two cities he is prepar
ed ... to anti the wholesele as well aa the
tail trade. Ma groceries aro of 'such'
quality as relit the mestpa rt icularhe .
keener, and at such priers:as to mitt
scooornical nurcludnr.. Call at Nos. ,r .
and 174 Federal streccand see the Meek *
as well as his prieeket, - ' , •
Sal the beautiful Shirting Long
atilarkseaciestingaala. I
.ToWhallasale Banner. Dry Goode e
are offering special inducements—Jab
lota Tram the ...Eastern Auction Demi-
Shawia, Dress Goods, Haaskie_ ping
GaAs, Mens' Wear, Sheeting; 6W:I
- Prtats, Sc. _ - • I
JW. Raitians do•
Table Liqezia. most astoratpbse
gain; closing out at Barkee&
Art Elblbttlou.—The third annual ex
hibition of the School of Design will
commence on Tuesday, the..2l i t, it, tin
o'clock x., aid continue ray Slid
evening throughout the week: 7l'hit pub
lic are Welted to - attend. • "Mb
See the besatlthl Shirt:lag Long Cloth,
at Ilarker's closing sale. ;
Can alai lEmoluas Ulf large sad com
plete etocx of Ladies' Furs, at William
Fleadoes, No. 139,'W00d street, tr.
Freon NUL Optera aro mealvad , ..dally
and sorted up in tee Tory teat manner
and In all styles, at the popular Conti
ointal Dialog Room., Filth street; next
door to the Postonleo.
Towels—AU kinds, bargains,
sees dosing lids.
The most tempting f i r m and r ar e s ts
oftramesluopt constan car band at the
popular sad first class rooms thlr
Iligtabelmer,Filth street, next door •
the Prato/he& Call In and try a meal
In Ladles' Ft" at WAIL=
Fleming'; Na 139 Wood strlat. • •
• Franca alartaaa-50e6 illbr yard, at
Par the Open buY..Pear VY wr fons • '
light colored khl gloves at . . .11. •
head , . faakkoabla retail . trimming
notlon. hasso;Na. 81 Market street,
. .
Deis dwits'apabig oat refr
WsPlans, jaa'l3 aiZe; L 210,; at Birk I
Poi Web:glees, collars, •
&e., at prima regardless of
wholesale and retell stare , ol
et Ross, No. ',24 qt. cur Mold
Go to llaikoes doibUeial
beptembet W. tl thi
elathar elentyme; Sleeker
Pa.. by the rer. Jethte bleb 7,
1111=11. u Pittobet*l4N, sae Mh.
TOWSLICT. or Iltlehamet, Ctsiefird,
Li 0!..-a• ineoNntetti; 61 hulaszy Ma. JOHN Lioll. ot '
Co./ Wats Nth pm ot his Na.. _
nmist boa the mildews ot ha..
it. Lye.. Welders Anus.. I,lixisA
last.. at 111404 lack A. IL ' - - •
01111 KIT..—Os leads,.
an .1711. ..._,,,_
seesalm . 1101.1.111, dalleato.,,pr Jorph 04
Nuts Cr 141,0: alt<d./....... 4, ."P 6 -; ~ ...,;
• The Amaral wit: tab. plJume horn the monnies
of tor porata, Vs. Ft Craig . stneVAlntiiii4r,7
Hera rra.Asrairtiasolor; as I abkkek, tti
trimids of ilbs awry .vrrima.aratisla.ll4l4lt•
ETLICI—O. Ilkattai,illitt. the nil •
ci wclook. IL killi LOB!. A. du/Worst MR.:
en awl Kale Ranh 794 1 10... 4 North.MlTl
Tama from thaewitawkatiorripana-
Jeseple. llugt.ll.:3!..ikkasigeink unit; i . ..;;
Omar, ut,TaistaT,ll.ii Illik.r .114101* Of: il -
EsEly axe 1 erpeffitlly . tisitii to ittiat ' ",
iirWitlllralleirtra= a orAlt!
L. Askderaos, MON rilkylear Of kl. MP.
BB 'WEEKLY 0.A7171t
Moro by Dart, Itxprais. New Chnists
11 . 2 .0 04 .4 /.4644 'WU mat at oven
• 41411.r0m,•
R. at ?myth Plttabwegb.,‘ Pi
*FMK of MI laidit CRAPS:4 aL VIIA at 4 , ,
• 47 444414404 of 7.4 ml Tanlialas tilmde 13,
Vsfsed. Soon. op•OlaT wtd nlshf. Wows+
masacze-14., 0404 Ion:
•W. D. mi.,. 44144, 2.9.
111ARLES a PEEBLEct,,truder-
areal and Claurcl aa a aaaa a
wbar• their COP)71.11 Hiloll3 an wt . , with rtal sn4 . 1•1.411o•
:I p‘liraboirany eadlrmlint Colfae. at.Talte.:
tragiSits Wd. *Mies , pePated .
.4 Cartlepa ..runktANl;
'a, all kladA of Mourning' If reittit4.'
:ie5 : 0114,2 .t Jai boari.. night.
1 0BEBT'T: BODICE!: Utidlin.. - ',
Tawas saat, Irmaai um' 3e.-4 ObbilllG.'
legetaay...aad /to. aolDlastioad Ikattate.. (b.r.',
Wilma a DN....) klersa 4 .5» att tad,ii ib!l.:.
t Metal. Easaarocd. ilrataut mar baltatida ' '
A/tread Conas.'. Walton Oal. team OS P. ,'
iicaa , aoo4C4/41.5ti.2(1 apirards: all ittiar
c. tat PrcO.rttcla. darns/reit_ are, Ilearica:
istad at low rates. ;Crape, GlOyets, llatal .- -
Zadraelsagearalabad kralls ! , 0111cd . .pal day .: ..
DWAALD - ..-1.16411:13NICIECILI, • 1C1Vr. , .!
. : ....
i.orar&tra. osce; 71,,..30 Ohio weer, , ,
ledbeay.' Itstallle. Stqastrood grid other tba.; .*--
s, with a estaaplets Melt of f hairs! Pandaidnar . ."
ids, on Vaal sad farads /WI &tit:cutest 5ec0a1ca.......
: 113.10111 prices. 00. Slid Weary Stabtaa, etc.— r.-
=M B and Ifidells Si
otha.. 'tYddlo r , to. trs , :sa i t t la : r . :..
ldre. , : i ", ' '-`• . A
OR RENT—Two .tsiree. 'tor",
Wollaston street:. lowan at JOH3fX
'UBE Si rums.
O U uplir T—larricr.o AND
' BOOM le the new While, erected by the'
yeteaeltselege Bask, be pILLITTT trlllllM.
"vent Ourtsne alley. ile mutilate Dosteistiee
ror ft..; A.. iPPIr at Tilt RANI. .•
!)LET.—The Fonekand halt
•• OP THIRD STORM .r the isle
Mena' =net. AWOL* et T. •J..T L:
OS BENT.--Seve, al lino., barie
• •
- .:Roome I. the GAzrrts itumaro.
eaa lie had: Apply it fume it the' • "
'0 LET—A lora* find =whin.; ,'••
ALI RAIIIIHOUIS, es Weis . u ..t, use.
seta. Rosa smarm.; !.Warta
prtl Lt. Msgr.lre of OLD. A. I!lrlittY,
ktlonal Bank.= •
'OR• LE—Tbat vary dem ra.•
'.'.bl. DWILLILNO ROME, ka tld Louder
Allegh•o7 CHM eantodotair aloe roomy
oletoe.le roam; delmaid Imam. bet
d cold erstu,lrstar clads. *rash
'eadldeellu. Anode* at N0.,16.3 WOOD BT.;;;'
ltabutigh. .
voR saLE--s. vprry ••
.:threc.4tory . lllllCk TIOVSE, aculf story ;-!•-•,.
used brisk (term: marble maatles: g site' ,'
itarchgeogliad: hostas ..intalto was 113011131" , : , :i .
1 Enured turn, As. N ILK lIT2ttLT. mar
?Ile, faith ward. 'Poisatsion t April . '
Enipare at nee Lease. -
;-Ilfe - otter for We 10,ii3 Aerie of tott lat' • r
street, about St idles atgre the Mt , of Amt.
&kola. The lead le Improved maim/et eel.
milert mid le ameirmemd for debates of -
prodeettmees• or Seithere maples, sorb es' •
MM... cotton. rife. street polotrea &Id or. • :; •
treeet with eeiertor grail., for cattle ud.
Wad here,Jen the 'Lee rearm - The bolt of
.illetr "doe Itrolitr to able/aura, trill II ninth.
r Yo} ea: mud.. trlth &int of Inter
tomtit - for eatMtboats to roe lumber lite .
Ter.vetterlt t 0... b. tosded tato Itrie resister , -••
.1 slipped /tern', Them are tete Nod tram,'
;tn. en tie premises. The *Mere stoometT.: . '
fY deb; Leese, the weals edit in'
• thief isme•Tbeer. deer; toikeyr. , qaell.,
ttt triontrits entirely - tree from those disesseti
..i taderrolftrigaimmatitheittoessOPreitaili
• ' •
MA the lumber law the rivet: , Tbla,:,
tractilee ma. the Elnkspetnl._ Price 110iiinii
ALM% / 01 :&...1 L 111.•rila, at Want/ma
• Piti farther laforkulios 1414 Oe..cail for Aim.'
Baseborn Lax& Ctreear. &ELL &
&al i&t.v. awl latursang
. 40•4, ?#tobarei, ,
' • - , •
00. INAVE—Threp very desks', ,
pinta:l'3as 13til.CirS;iltested en
abaltald alma. 111tb vala,.Allaalatay,ll.444ll ,,,
freak street au.. Rath tame epatalaa:
atilt mass oar, asitsbad attic.. &ad are tatabasl
Una/host fa Ma bast , with bat
eoli,vatar,, racass, - aiatar dawn, aatrbla, ,,
mantles, ate., ate. Tits sewn pT Ib arty is
stead malt to Ist or Tabraara Tar illter,
pasilealies oply oxen of YEA 1212
Oda masa and Sadsrlek • mil, ilteabs ay..
pia BALIM-1110,cise ask:Los .
eon., or Kuala., sad atom it mica;
ass, Naseasor Lot N bi
Hoses truut. taatatategi !man sed . rood W W
wan taarot•L- Roue sal La& oalatallabL
Sidman most, Allegleat can.. L•t a, br
feat; Imm•• trans, a:mutat' kall s kr* toOni sad eels"; inter sail gas: Ajax, arrast ••••Ll 44 '.'
lid:wand Lat. la oat leaktlea. Inman at Oil •
RUSH a CO.. , apritr Mat, seat Caimite.
pole sALLEnousies z
)10WAMID•11 Llray ese"'
NMI FAXLIX Rona tuns um* Darns !:.q
43i= N 085521, 14111QZ .1111tAgaux.
HOWL; thaw DLL= 1/14.81214 . WIT
MUM. 31:11111T ffrILILL - I,aat tY liosakia•
airtlases baishtadead
Fon sALE-41p
inittabls three or Uni bones; ism TWO.: '
SOME W OOS. 'aaa -et 11&8:4:'
laeuty won Xatialrs stt oILBITiL.,;,.
'. ui raovute a ran= ancoitn; ;;-.::::3,
DUNB3Atra k Xidetligt - , 4
. . -
Sr/PO rAteLES,
56 nrra grarxr. • •
in* WA.B2l3lo•cram4ll9.
~.. •
Wesay•ite , f9illogiet ‘•
And OVILIWIYA.TINGie: - .. - -
, 11rIklelk wlll iiiasele to War' the liteitslrle,' , •
11111 PIM Criler:LlSW THAN 01n1Mtf1-- .
TOO =AIM.. dal and-m=l 0c .14Kk t s 41Vil•Y
-1 .11.811111T0,11eretait
i. IS minus or. flomEr resrpo.'
Merchant Tailor
tvg, Pain Aid it. ciiiiistreeta
i -
r 4?-kit
i ~ ,
T l l I.
I . j