II HE DAILY GAZETI'H, etananaxo irinty ZOBSINO PENNIMAN, REED & CO., . • , jpivinpristocris.. r. r.itztr2r. ..orYME,OI4MZMM:DMO lOC Si semi Se 11:117111111111mm 1n P d fefel PUZlttildS. OrnOLAI .7.4zItpPPIXTBBITIGH MID ALazun.un oat. _ LARGEST. fthZ4PZIIT as I/LIT El/MI asa ovmeozaz. p.p..sit a ar Mut CTIP =0 VOLT: EAVYwgzs;r,g,a.—... "lak awl Nom kddrssoi ' • OWSWIVIL MEM. ritsimrgt Gaidis `~:I . . We ncknewledger the receipt of ;tbe thirty.ilitkannual report of the Nina• gera of the "hinnolvania Institute for the Inaanctirm of tie Blind." There are now in the school one ittutdred and eighty three blind persona. Thirty-two . of these soprani themselves wholly or in part, asonistant teachers, .of in the work_department, Ave are fall paying poplis„ eleven ha part, and eight are day scholars. Sly a series of. carefully ranged figures the Principal, WILLIAM Cuskar, Esq., allows that there an now 13,2 white . blind, and -15,555 total blind peritnniin the Dmted States: Of this number there are 1,590 in Pennsyl vania; 478 in New Jersey, and .16 fe Delaware, the three States amtelbuting to the suppOrt of the Inatltullort." Great dilikulty likePeced in proViding At/. &meat tor the blind after they luau been , instmcted and graduated from the.' College._ ,- To obilate i this , the ' report uteanuatends tke 1 ... establishment by; philturthropista of a vnanufactcwy , where the blind . may be employed at liar wagea. each ; - an establishment couldnot be made self; it Would Oontrilrato IY 'tonrds ameliorating the araditicut 1 'of those doomed Ice this world to perpet. 1 Mace darkness. The spina of education adopted by the School enbracesnot only. mental culture' but Practiced- instruction in mechanics .and* general handiwork \The factor/ attached to the inwl , nrion, where brushes, ; bfooms," whisks, mats, I cartiets,eaned chairs, beadwork, Twilling, sewing and grineralfencywork are made by Merolla and graduated workmen, Is very sucessidblly Managed, and during the pan \ year stock. o the anumnt of $lO,BB nude op: There are seven blind persons -among the pupils from Allegheny , county. The repcirt shows a very gratifying lisle of - idfairs and Mints groat grat ifying on those imme dlateli connected with Uu3 management of this noble InaUtutitnt of vehlehremt 'sylvartia should feel jus tlygeOud. _ , i • `-Con. Psressibmtcr,—erliose death we illy° aFaF9 , l3noiinCea ili haring oc• carrot Warthington;lest - Went; - was IS the born ,lttlitntr!e'ght MrS. : ago 144 New .ersity...lithen.Ai. toy he went to 4 Blomningdale,, .which was at that 'time 'None of the -:rmistrtha of New •York as 4. • -where he engaged himself' as an amen :-. tics ty the printing buntline.' Me went Ito Washington-in 181 e, and subsegarist .,, ly had charge at the public' Printing, and- durine tlteridministsation of the • Presidency . ol Jelin Q. Arlarha 'he pub, c 1 Wised there the ationel.fooriurl, *which I Iwas the . organ of the ''Ainsinistiation. : 'I From 1838 to 1840 he was Mayor of, : Washington, and wneallerwards, prat- I dant of the National - Imultsda ' for die: Promotion of Science. In 1933 heated, a contract whit the United' States Goy.' . ernmentlor the prepsraiimenodpnblica‘•: lion of a docimentory history of the American Colonies, of which nine folio names Lure since -Appeared, under the ..° tide of "American Archives_" ' This work occupied Mr. Sonde Ito:. thirty : year, and proses:MlMl he .gather. 1 rile collection of books, manuscripts , mapsand papers • relating to-American • , history, which; in catiplet aruival -1 ue, is unequalled _by,any _Collection In 1 the world 0/3: the sli me subject. Mr. 9 Foam saw published four volumes of .Ihistuical tracts, relating ehleity to the ;'origin arid setrienientat -the American .:1 Colonies.' This collection Was pitches ed last year for the Congressional lava, ' It* at, Washington, and is,deembsd, final , ':„stable blr thcsmr,inte nested in-the history • of our country„,4 - . , ••••:. • ."-_ ~ ,2 . . •., •.:, • Ulm= Co - Vermommarr Intelligent Mad- iiiperouyelnalponen the Mont of the New Tort (karma' Bail= road Company ha gomeidtomt 189, and will go higher; rt Ivaco". innOnneed :dttat the New York Central his made a atlmudameona ..:Magma/at "with the PamoYintlia.' - Banta CloalPtu7 tdophilog the L trumodatioa of *,tataseagera will Men -•; , be made public. • - IS la a matter, :orAte*slconcensixtent 'Alt money inraiited *lra& awl& Irtnna handsome rentunentinwi to the .':Weners the - real Otherwise capitalistawill 7 r ia jell:rained frim-Biaing aid, to other . nwerprbes ot omm:ter. , ,llauthaess imn are apt to overtimi the right of ~` . hose who band mulMids toMalionible - nnnforitnntlnoil ,- lii..thefe anxiety -to be ierred well and cheaply they , are prone o think capitalistolmye no right 10- be • • tried at all-41M4 they ought'-ti blind rim railroads on the Oneida of die ' ntereated benirolmics. irian-to" onciede thaihnfrois le intainent, and hat they who. - rMistiroit„ railroads hare he same chilantO profits as other classes !i.= ~ • Tn PuttimilUt itus mount of anthracite pal sent from Nansylminiiii:; lido-instell' dining the sear 1867, at 12.&50,911.tonnOwtag an ;intense id 2:1,081 - toiiii over the year SOIL Of sembinitilmacesind biliminous tide:frater_thataireicasint year •,,265,738 tons, being a doorman 0f132,149 Una rom 'ph:nen* Yam. Thin Ares as agkMhitte ;ll4 an innream of ;• . . Tux LondonlitkernAli Are -4/014.1- all friend that tke,Cotairrele ofAbe Tailed tides abet/y.loms sitrysiropstlry- with be Fattens :Moen - same pumas, did fog bee We dellog our resent troubles .i, itympsthl se with and Bid ibe-cono‘v tes., and in Huff *few Of ilia '*", no. Fes theySredit - NreetbStai ' , Atli it , ditel. WI wesi*essforreoannigusllwltygoeA iteir presentfretting and keol.sing seem , ighly impertinent.. TEE English ,Goternmeid is - Msutili %hamed of baehOused the arrest Of fw notorious' Trite; and tatoi cam iag to Gegen thiebluader et the.doors '1 the atithirities - of Cork.- ~Geoige '}rands will not I.li/ 1 4 lhe i raet dud ha ras arrested through a mistake, aruithat . 10 was not deemed...large wrangle g ime alarm the ittithdt llottio r euelian At:- intim to easelis - —The Bostote.Arstatekessausertios. says that itoie_than thisteetS negro Idiers deserted one gist entskilleil bett/e. If the yes: is able.to•poser‘ it Should at 'mite - atreqta matelot mie a statement ti likely to make Nudleed persesui think that the paper aking. It is settittied se Ats.k7 mean :kr Pinion spite, tq •lorget axon nth In its endeseori to mate a telling lant. ' • A !, —ln Atlanta, 0a...101 „es.; 1 4 41 *ld& '4d . for 00,000 la 'gold befare aka war taold Teceitly for s7,ooolngrea Can Do can afford - .to wile cry on. !aka a Aquas bz - pars stiaglnflanthezek !al estate now 'Zola- • ' " I Itotikes it fist nld Osei: • Ple tllbte we ilIPP0110). he thbaka It would be better tb aufrogo a iltUa - aalAliflien than to iteed. It to IfOlika.&;: - . : VOLUME LXXXIII. FIRST EDITION, MIDNIGHT: FROM EUROPE tontlnued Fenian Ixeltemen AutlioritieaWaiceftti—Arreate Made Daily. Fulled Elates Sympathy for Fentans. Unfriendliness of the United Statss Criticised by the Press. Responsibility for Train's Arrest. •labasaa Controversy Closed ; . Tao l*edition to Ibpsionla eitnatitin of the British Captives French • Editors' Fined and imprisoned. Another Inanirection in Spain tal Slott at Prague Russian Press 'on the Situation Trtierrander of pinish7eal . ndies Thavaph = Tux yssuir x.xcim:x=T coirrixcEs. LONDON, January 2.sl—Tha excitement occasioned by Fetilan\yrementa still continues. The autho ea Sr. exceed ingly wakelbtand irresta are made every A. man named Michael Baugh vraseap tared lest evening while In the act of posting a seditious handbill on thi Usti lion House. , 'lnformation hasine reached the Gor en:l=2d that Thomas Simon, Sheriff of 'the lalendof Aldernyoras Identified with the Fenian organization, he was yesterday promptly apprehended and sent to prison to aWalttriaL Considerable reeling has been created by.the meant reisintions of- the' Milted States House of-Representatives, docile #te sympathy of the nation with the Fenian& The journids of Leaden have 4,Metals on Shia letbJeet end severely eritleise s lhis expression of unfriendly_ feeling towards England.' • • 1172201RIIEILITY POE 231.A.C.t'S AREEST. . . _ It to officially denied in the moat pi:fa tly° meaner that any orders or dli: puck* authorizing , the arrest of Train were sent from the Home Otani at Lon-'• dvt. The responsibility of that action Is thrown entirely uporithe local araboo - of Cork. • -.\- • • TAR 'ALMLULA . 00A111417E11.5T *CLOSED The London Observer to,day smarts that by the last dispatches . .betrassia Lord. Stanley tact Secretary - Seward, in the matter of the 'Abrahams claims, the - correspondeaco is 'rallnallY closed. Isitakdr. January 25.—Dispatches hero been received here—giving accounts of quite xerions "antiLinat riOtti in Prague, The latest telegrams, however, announce tho suppression of the dLsorder without llooisheL EC cerrainxo.w. It is announced this evening that neither the North German Lloyd nor gambisrg American Companies Will, de xtatali.- a- steamer - tai Nine . - tork next week. The nesion la not' ' A 1117.1. T A 1731011. • . „- - • Loarmar, Jan. d.—A very ally rumor le entrant' in different porta of the .Coe fluent, and ilea even been extensively printed, to the et/xi:Asa ihn..Piriative Government has secured the use of the. traded states navy in cme of war. ll= Plan, Jintiary2s.—The Imperislgov ininiont has homed an official note, ad dt:esood'io the Prefsetit of the several de _ painzents a Franca, anrinanting,in's naM arnri Law and argaing thatanstaad de Wing a war maturan, it Las pledge of matbitusd peace. Ten of the public , newspapers of this City hive Wen tined s thitissue*nacs each for printing illegal reports of the wrooeedhigs of the Corps Legialatif. A Paris 'pectin says : The ten -news papsr.sditors charged with a wiolation of theccosiltntion inpubiLthhig reportaof . the Litealative body not- furnished 17$ tits °Metal stenographer, were not only data a thousand francs each, but coal demnsd to six months' imprisimment. and ordered to bear the costii ''Of legal . SENSI I 6 r IIirrHYLE3 TrIIOI4OI.IIEWALSiTViATION. StTtiersburgjourtude,of Seter-, day all pub editorials ma the polio lcal eltuatioi of Europe and. the affairs of thiTest.. They nnanitoottly . ade the Berrie Zeitung's appeals to the Una tiLurgerienetent to take the .thumuste tettlativelti disarmament; lin' Wise:Opt° which lain almost certainly be Adapted tiy her ieljthbore. 'lto JawAscii Or ism= ioic-ics.' 'Nov' You, Jan. 2.l,—The Herald' s cable CiCaitalna, advice. - from ;irraafe, Abyantals, to.rinuaryffth. Ged. Nailer had Ind yet ordered on advance from titer& „The English captives are re- Porte : 11 VC* health._ ILL 26 W d''?abtl . ed if the plandly prohneieno of . 71setre, Chief ot Gebaytontbee, adtt be - 'cantle, or ff he 4111Setn the ratithdtAbrerrt. .NEWEI or 1721 11111113 H cuyrnrss, Lennon, January al.—Le test advice. from Annear Bay and Setutfo.ethow this Biiiteh foreee jrot iv:l -van& beyond the latter point. „Intern - Imes of the coteltUatter the ffridiltifap three heel:east received In camp at Senate They were at Mandela alive, Win and carefully guarded to prevent the . panel bility of onspe: - qt r onts hemetil awry they : wool be massacred aspocht ea Fang Theodore'y beard of the apperech sr - - the iexpelltionarY force, bat no threatenliv demonstration against. their„liVels"l. bob been nude, and their treatment a. Os mere nnualns 'unchanged. •-• = .11.3071 FER INSTMEEITION PLAIPNICD. Manintt, .2.5„--Infertnation %bat . been received by the reventment that anotherinstat eaten has , been pizin ad by the Cutlets In Catalina and Arazon. 'Active Manures. have been taken to thwart the movement.: - . - araiaum'' Tawritr.serr wlrn TIES !MR. TED /32.4.11D1 ~ .colicucciack Arue...Wm INDIA IS . . E22:21 CommAosa, January. 20.—The Lot 19w Og.intr liretteee has been mob oaltho question of the ratliarthat of the;-, treaty - for the sale or the Nest Taigas/an& to the Vatted *States.. Th ee Loirer H9lllO the Special Committee , appointed.to donettliettar Pryer/It= of 'the treaty atidessailtte the details of as 4tottatioae -. nude a favorable report. Zits was debated daring the latter perk of LEO Alek instant seadoe.: Oa Bator t',„< -- CfCrulis.ft h jilt, . - , „ 0 , „ ,---..., 411 , ' ‘ A \ A Vii/ ,:" -1 . 4 17 8 , •. ; N,,, \. , , - _...._ „,„„ --ks., ---,„-,:„ , k•- , i .,_ tz ,,,, • 1 • ,„ 5 ,.....„ ~.„ ..., ~.. : , • -. •, .;- -1-.?-. , oil .. , usi k . - 14,- mar ..,,,,,:„. - A 'in -,-:, s• 1- . -...-4 - - - 7 t i t , 2,- _ .... 1 , 1 - ' \ ) , . 4 01 ~ ' , ........,,, .3 .. ., • ,,:i 5, -,... - - . 44,, , ~ - )-, 1*§,...v., Rt' .. 5,,,,, •4 --",',.,- '; i cadr)4 . , ',,,,, 1 - 1 'I \ .„' 1 --- { '' 1 ' I 111 1 ' i • =- _!_ - -=_l " .. ? 1- -q:,'"- --: :-- :,‘ --"-; ' '.. , 41M 11 11.,..1_ . !".- 4 ••••-,-, •,ynkg.....crts.,:.t., ___-_-• _,..7- . . ~,--- 1 ..• - - --- viA. "': I'. '...:,,-;,l44,libetz________-- —'' - ....1=r, , ••• ' itj,, ' 1 e, j ) I •"\ ,) ) i s • --- - - :.7 -- -. 4 -. ..7--_ - 1 - ---- -- ":-. _J- - 4--;.-. , - . 74- „. ~..: 1 - --- :aTm--1..--f, 2, ,- ' ------- '" ------- / r , , , , . day the doom were thrown open. Atter a Apeech trout the President, ebiing ,the debate, a rote was taken and ihe treaty of transfer rutilied without a assenting thee. Thr col no treaty now goes to tho Upper .p . ouse ter cimeurrent atol final action. V= ARMY. INSPECTOR SAVED. VIENNA, Jan, 2;,.—The Arch Duke Allirwht h.as'becri named as Inspectors( the Austrian army. , .• ..AIIELIV6I) OUT Qc - n=vsrOwx, January r ateamablp.Manhattan, from Sew• York tend:act' heio to-day. FORTIETH CONGRESS. lice Senate Not in Session General Debatein the House ter rehire! sto tit rut.bnrah Gazette.) _ Wain ttieveri, Joie:try 1.5, ISt34. HOUSE OF REP.RES'ENTATIV IS. The Mouse weal into Committee of the Whole on , the state of the Union, Mr. P.A.LNE in the chair, for general debsto. Mr. SITCRAVIS inseam...l the State the Union frome Christian point of view, attributing the rebellion and Its fruits ton cursed spirit of radicalism. 'Mr. PRICE, sofcrring to an allusion by Mr. Sligraves to the parable of the Prodigal Son, teske4 hint whether he un derstood the reltel4 to occupy an aztalo gnus position to the Prodigal Son. Mr. - SITGRAVE‘,3 replied • that the great nmss of them did. . Mr z ,PRICE remarked that that was all ho wanted to know. Subsequently, at the close of Mr. Sitgraves' speech, Mr. PRICE referred to the saute subject and give his Republican friends a warning that if it could be shown the, rebels oc cupied thr,eatie position as the Prodigal Son in the Scriptures, Ite would bid his political friends fare welgand ask admis slan into that party which could prove its doctrines icon, the Scriptures. He admitted that the parallel ran down to therrodigal Sea going to the field - to herd swine, but he said it ceased at that point., for if the rebels hod been in that pool lion then would have stolen, not only the feed intended for the swine, but the whole herd of swine also. Mr. PRICE went on to. show the difference between . ... . . . _. . . . the two cases, and was engaged in doing so when the tell minutes allowed him ex pired. Ile wanted a few minutes mon. to, finish MS illustration, but • Mr. EL , MIDGE objected, union, tome member on the.Dernocratic aide should have a chance of replying, 'an as to vindicate history andthe Scriptures. (Laughter.) Mr..MARSIIALL spoke on the goes don of 1113.106 q. Ile thought it. would Le well to. postpone the discussion of the question as to the money In which the principal of the - notional debt should be paid, and to give all their energies td a wise and earnest effort to make sharer. agars:equal •in value 16 wold.before ape de payment Lould be resumea at home Ile favored the couversionas boon an pus 'able i ivi the six. per cent. bonds into four per t., scud the fixing of fi ve per cent as th uniform rate of hank interest. Mr. • L.I.LtMS, of Indiana, argued that the Democratic party was reapensi. ble for the rebellion and its conecquesen., and claiming that the Government must - remain in the hands of loyal men. In ' the course of his remarks bespoke of men returning to the Democratic party as the dog tolls vomit. . . . Mr. I.lt/NGEN asked the 'privilege cm Mr. Williams to make a remark on that point. - Mr. WILLIAMS declined to yield. Mr. MUNGEN then nee to a question of order. ,The gentlemau, he said, wiax looking in Ma direction when ho made that reinnirk, and desired to oak whether hemeant toady that when be (Mr. Men .gerfreoted,the Democratic ticket that Le was a dog, and whether that inference was to be drawn. - The Chairman overitded the point or order, and :dr:WILLIAMS continued his rectee il:tmidic w red d hen m on ecr e m ar t t . nfLe joined the Order of the Golden Circle. another army or them had abouldered theleknnewc.ka and °marched to Canada • to seck.protection under the crinoline, or Queen Victoria. . . . . The: Chairman, referring -to the point of order made by. Mr. Mungen donne the remarks of Mr. Williams, Paid he had, understood the point of order to be that as,the 'gentleman from Indiana bad been turning to the other vide of the House, the. gentleman from Ohio was dusreforevatitierito interrupt him. The Chair had Mom aince Informed, however, that toe point of Order actually made was that the gentlemen from .Laillana bad used unpullamentary langiusge Inepeak lug of the gentlemen on the other aide ol the Rouse as dogs.' If the Chair had un .dereteod the point of order, It certainty would have been sustained. Mr. WILSON, of Ohio spoke on the question of finances and the national debt. Ile declared himself In favor Cl paying the principal of the bond. In Lawful money. except" where they were specified' to be paid in gold.. Ile pro posed to issue a hundred million of dol lar. In United States noted, le' sell at the market price all the ararphis geld,ie the ury, and add to this fund; trom time to time, any surplus that could be from the Treasury- until ltwould Amount to ono uundred millions of dollars. The two hundred millions of dollars - thus . provided should be applied to the redemption of an equal amount of Fivtetwenties now at, the option of the, Government, the gold interest on which would amount semiannually to six millions In gold. lie chewed that Ruth a musing fund would amount at the end of live years to N 64,000,000, at the end of ten years to P 853,000.000, at tha encl. of niketeen years to S2,OS/2,000.000 ; being a within a fraction to , pay , the interest bearing debt. - Mr. HAWKINS addressed the Cour t:intim - on the subject of :individual rights and on the duty of the 'Gwen:l -mo/It to its citizens; particularly in refer ence to the claims of citizens of 'rennea- - anal.= the Government seeing oat of the war. • • ;The - Honsmitteo rose and di: House adjouined. A NEW YOWL I=l NEW Xonx, Jan. 25,1968 TUE Ithcic InLAND)MAILIIO.IO) CMP I The 'case. of riake and others vs. the Rock Island.lidiroad . was, after ammo discussion in the . Supreme Court to-day, postponed tilt nail week. =I John Pllley alias Thomason, arrentod In Chicago an the supposed murderer or °Meer Cr thien,-nran boforo The' Court toe day, and proving not to belho man was dlewhisrged, though subnormality com mitted ',nape:awl robbery in Venni:lgo meaty, Pa: Gandsee Baker, defaulting teller of Cho' Tradesmen's - Rank; bete been held for Ojai in the UMW Staten Court. Henry Ellis, the real preinietor,of t :id ft enterprise of Clark, NI/ ebetei has been arrested and held for trial. A daring attempt at-highway robbery occurred in the town of hew Lots, ort the °Making Of Brooklyn, hurt night. Tkillighthe intended victim, Don:Mucus Vanderver, was shot in the head and badly wounded, no homy was obldned. - SUN XRIVSPAPEIL Charles A. Dana announces this morn ing that the Has newspaper has become the property of an alhociaden, represent trabyhimi The paper will ha-meter be issued from the old Tammany LBW. Mr. Dana annonams that while be wilt not change the principle, or policy of the Sun, LLD will support General grant for the Presidency, advocate r.•omy . lia the expeedltard, reduction ofMutton, and the speedy restoration. of the Southern States. /1101t7StAitY. The dealloi were hunommed to-day'of Lorenzo Draper. formerly Coaaut at Par* and Her. N. L. Lon!, Athusionary oL3dia.f , Arnetimin Board. last returnedfrom aZINX ca . MP= agn NOISTif rBROLIXA. IA coniumaication . train Colonel Wit larg. of General Cantiv'n staff, and In charge of the hereon -or Civil Affairs at Charlesten,ls published, to the earl that orb= In the Statea of South and North Carolina's no greater than the Courts are .able to attend' to, that life and property n..--e as secure as In the Northern Stares, 'and that there are no. Joal^^tlons of the truth of the reports that a war of rues la I partaltde. surrassszuserscst pCZUJI/lED. perimitlo Wood publishes his _ sup. piessed speech hs . the 2Viscs to-dsy. Ola nowing - nfflue nemßas =I Borrox, Jaanary.M—Mba old meeting hima• In Natcuur, Greeted In ISO 6, was burned thin- utomilog. !The bell -wan among the oldtat In ate country, haying been mat In Lynch:min , SECOND EDITION THREE Co-CLOCK A. M.' FROM WASHINGTON. War Department and Stanton I Government Financial Matters. Petllion for ineock's ROMOYA Counterfeiter Pardone Treaty with therejee Islands indetrinity for Omni/MMus Kaitor on Icqulsl lon of Terri Pry CongreseionarTemperan ce Society ToloorOott to too Plltobarin Boson* 3 - WAIIISTIOOTON, January 25. Wort DErAItiIIsIcr—FRENDYEN'S iiir An unusually large number of visitors called at the War Department this morning and had an Intervievrith Mr. Stanton., Very runny Senators and itep resentatives were present General R. S. Runkle, who Is attached to tke Freedmen's Bureau in Kentucky, had a long talk with the Secretary of War In relation to the circular letter of December bat contracting the opera tions of the Doreen in that and other States after next month. A strong effort Is being made to have that circular re voked, but no action has yet been taken by the Secretary In the rustler. IFININCLAL. 1, The fractional currency 133111>d for the week amounted to $Ol,OOO. Tho amount chipped Was $1.111,0111. National bank notes Issued, $t.'2,750. • Amount In circu lation; $299,5g4 . ,746. • .Fractisual currency redeemed and destroyed for the week, $524,243. The Thew' Na!lenal Bank at Nashville has hoen designated a depository of pub lic money cud financial agent or the United States. I=l no& W. Oonnrsiy, ferm ' orly 'agent theFreedmen'e BOrsou in Loulalurs. Treed here yeAterday, Decedent a petit' teem the Raditcl Convaollen In Loui ana, asking the removal of lien cock and praying Congress to clothe tin Convention with 'power to appoint al civil odloers of the State. The ;attain will be pnwentad to Congress next week COATERZEITER PARDONS°. . The President liaa pinioned °mitre ]lunch, auricled in New Jermey, in ISed of counterfeiting fractional currency. We.ainnorox, Jeri. aT,, I= A new treaty with Yejee Island hav reached the Department of State. It is . a whale'. tooth, richly variegated in Color' with is strongly twisted gnus cord at the end. 13y It the king mortgages his• island to the United Stahel the three feans no warily •for the payment of the emaining installment of indemnity on ae:ziunt of bin subjects baying eaten same • American nailer. manyyearn ago. The President Ls to prevent the rival king bringing war against the legitimatt sovereign of the ' , risme. The king's in structiens are that if the .President so- eepts the tooth the treaty is to be coosid erell eetablished, otherwise It is to be r turgid. • . cm= TERRITORY IT TEE CRITIC. STATEN Ron. Robert 1s Walker has 'written long letter, Initial will soon be publlaboal airing a Mallory of the annexation n territory to the [Salted States, and an I nor of the purchase of the Itusaistn American Pesteessious and Danish West Indla Wanda. • CONMLEVUO:iAL TEMPGUANCII ROIMMTT The that public meeting of the Eon greuional Temperance Society this n=- 100 was held to-night In the Had of the lloese of Itepruentatives. There was a crowded audience, both oft the door and in the galleties. Senator Waxen pre. aldecL •He said the Society was or n.leed one year ago and he believed it had exercised good lailuence all over -the land. ily the crushing of the rebellion - and overthrowing of mine.. inal institutions rho. country had been made great and free, but there woo another evil, hardly lees gigantic, to be overcome, and that was intemperance. He then aucessalvely introduced Itepre- Rentativea Planta, Horace Greeley, Ex. Governor Ford -and others, who made speeches on that and kindred subjects. VIIIITIUM rarxifixistorr. An error having occtirred In a former dispatch, It Is proper to . stetp that flops . sentative PIle;of Allsosouri, In his recent explanation In the llortse, distinctly dis claimed any penton .1 knowledge of fraud or the charge of fraud by the firm of 'Fowler, Goodell it, Co., or Illinois, to connection with Govenamsitcontracts. CANADA. rim Stalsraites geedilloa rrieeezielel —Setter* of Spirils ter llteraeee =1 Quanzo, Jannary-25.--In the Rome of Assembly to-day a .inotiort was Intro duced to take into consldeistlort the In mehtable emigration of Inhabitants from the Province of geobric to the United States, and to devise imams for the arrest of the same./The mover spoke at great length, and, pointed out that the plume of tim evli was the little suceuragement to the Pot. tiers In rho !eastern townships and want of sufficient of • industrial and manufacturing resources. Agricul ture was not sufficient to meet the watts of theinhabitants, as during eightnionths of the yaw that interest was ehtirely res ponded, And Amities were forced to em-' Ignite to Ilmiitates litlaeareh of ernaloy moot.- He proposed taMthe questionof manufactures receive thdr attention; slid a liberal homestead law, trimilat to that In operation la the States, - be • enacted. A number of merribers took part In the disensefon t which( woe finally adjourned until Monday. • Mermaid., Jsnuiry 2/S.LA‘ largo quantity of spirits bits been tiebaci the Custom authorities In Spellman's rectifying establishment. in IR. Marie street, also at Romaine's dilftillery, for fraud on the Revenue. It is said Henly, _woo absconded a few daye ago, woe in league pith Spellman. • • • BY CUBA CABLE /IdeaMO , Iron Dayill—Saloavo M ande Del•foreemenda as Is mem • PnUaas/lss—SsllatamiNfMM• ne Ravann—Ts 0S In Thanasdlyine tor ins Olsspp.Osyrs ea Cantons. EBY Talorrspb to tee rumberse - Niw 'lleum., Sanitary 'M.—The. Reg old's Havana apechde have Hayau Ad el:we to the Bth. Soinave demanded reinforcernenta and had ;anted an .on clearing proclamation he the people. M allon reigned at Aux Cayes,. where a body of young aristocracy, who been enlisted into the advances, 'Mailed terribly in the fighting on 'the frontiers. Jeffrard, who nausea to re turn to Ilaytioleplores thi Mate of the country and expresses sorrow at; the violent death of Monter.: _The latteffi Mother It still in close Confinement. Advirms from other 1% est India. Islands are unimportant. . . . flarswa, Jan. —Grand religious ceremonies took piece .at the Cathedral to-day. Ate &um was .sang.in thanks givinglhr-the dMappeerance of the chid. era from this laland. From this day forth all vessels leaving this port will be 'granted clear bills of health. .. ..Thesegar market closed heavy end In. anhastelastnight, and primate without any quotable change. . . CLILLIFORNLt. to ManeMO to to. lOttlobarraWs., TO. Boaster litoottom Ha= rit•ttOlsoCl, 'Tan 2r4.—Tho Ainsmi• bly refused to adopt the Senate joint res olution appointing a Committee to inves. tlgate the alleged corruption-In mono& Con with the Senatorial election, but adopted $ substitute providing for an berigiulop when the charges wars sup portW by , affidavit,. which will probably end the matter, although kmloopidet been issued and eircubitedontulatakes• bly pointing Out th• partial emeerueil, PITTSBURGH, ➢ION D • SOUTHERN STATES. • vitiozsic Ilabsse ferpes Case to Test the V.l Jetty of Reeonetestetten Acts: CDT Telegraph to the Mtge..Rh Gisettetl RICHMOND, Jullusry . 25.—The Corpus raga ifefere Judge Undorir. oci; to teat the constitutionality of the ILecon4 struetiou act, was to-dayadJourried until Wednesday. The rem tnandent of Libhy prison produced the prisoner, acid medal a return that ho was held by_ order of General Scofield. under the authority of the ltecenstruction acts. The Prisoeoe, was represented by four promlnont lewd, yens, all members of the Cohservative State Central Committee, which body brings the case up with tho intantlou old carrying It to the Supreme Court. • The Couventlon transacted no lousiness' of importance to-day. ARK • The Constitutional Convention,- Mon rn TA, Jan. 2.l.—The Appeitto tie flock special , of to-day says: Tb. Arkansas Convention pre diem 4nestien was' reconsidered, amended, tillowlngl eight dollars per Any and thirty cettta mileage each way, and adopted. Mr. Hind's resolutions anexuornlizl4 Con.! gra. to amend the bankrupt law, mak Mg it only necessary to fill a schedule,: of the clerk's ogler to get ;release, was mlopted„ Mr. - Hodges was appoint ed mesyngsr to confer with the Com-, tuand.ng General relative to erawlng money front the StatoTressury. After lengthy speecJaes.tho majority re-. port in regard to contested Rents Mr Ash ley county was adopttsd. The resolution declares threat. and fraud were used to elect Norman and Moon, and declare Ashley f smnty in a state of lawlessness. Norman and Moonalenounced the state ments as false. After an seeped debate; the Convention adjourned till Monday.- uitontata. • ATLANTA, Ja that to-day voted dfly dolla to each memborout Of the ten thousandl dollars received yestorday. Tho balanco was marred (or incidental expanses. Four additional sections of the bill of rights, none of which were of a novel nattily, were adopted. The Committee lon Fi nance reported they--bad had ati Inter. view with fieheral - Moarie, and the Gen, ! oral had applied to gen. Grant for a loan - -of a • sufficient amount of the funds vent by the State of GeOrgiatn pay its Indobtodnese to the Government on the Wmtern and Atlantic ; Railway and to :defray nil the expenses', of. the Convention. and that General Grant ac- , copts the proposition of the Crnyention co far as bin power extends and will an swer. definiLeiv to-day. Should this proposition fail ho will direct. ' Governor Huger. Immediately to ascertain upon what terra+ tho money can be procured from parties to Savannah. A resolution was adopted approving tho plan of t .o Committee for procuring money. isrnarrra,'.lannary 2A—Three • handl dates for. Governor - ander the now Con stitution, If ratified, have boon an nouncea. I :1=313 Sact:e3N,•Jarittary 2.1.—1 n the Connti tutional;Con-v'eedon to-day the report of tho Sel4t emorhit tee, eppointed to wait upon (Senora( Galant and request of him .a husperesion of the collection of poll tax for len: on all persons denial !repre sentation, was revommitted. The -(km. eontion went Into sin elation for, treas urer, 11,1 1 provided for by the' too ordi• nonce. I - 3f.r..Par.ons, one of the dale:tram from Adams lesuntv. altered a ',solution, which Was uttoptod, that no dale:nue recommending a collector to thie Con vention for his county shall receire, any ...mpendatlmi for hie Norden§ in the COll - until n sufficient amount has -loaeuroll.ted in said county to pay said oerrims; provide) that on. investigation it ho totted said coiloctor is an trreopon fusion. The Chnvontiors proceeded to appal . collectora fur ouch ccainties as were pr pared to nominate, and of the thlrty.two • appointed only one is colored. • Bona. W. I. Sharcey, E. 31. Yeager, and A,. 1 . 1. Mindy, hero born appointed to represent the Decnocratio. party of Sliaaiasinpi In. the National Demeenttle Convect in. ROZTO CAROL/WA. . • RALEIcar, N. a,' Jun. 2.l—The Con vention hes been In 'oension two weeks, not as yet have allure nu report on the Cnnstitution. Bet little was dons to-day. Mr. Cougliston, of Cirtiel eonuty, pro ,w..Aon wird Mance ua ttes following ef fect:: Thet the Convention bus the right to &t ian. and does hereby declare that nil laws pawed and est* done by prrirti. roe Leg shunre, rind Crmventiona In MI, State are mill and void and oball re= Main so until the General AsseTbly,ez• fell: Inn relating to marring. soul It CAROLIRA.,. ' Cttanl.~arov, S. C., Jannary Reconitrartirm Convention yestivday . adapted !two resolutions, reque‘ting General flashy 'to exempt one hundred acres of /and front sale under excitation, and to' ampotad 00100 or property 'ay Sheriff* for three mouths. The &armo ur*, of relief proposed do not favor vie lotion of •rxriatraetiar . The disposition of dm Convention to cOnserVative. L 323 NEW Chu.reioni, January 2.5.—Xn the Conreution to.iley the. Members overt, outraged in illteueeing illefranntasement, article With ern.° eunentotlon. No der- NEWS • BY TELEGRAPH —TIM bonded ,tVarebouses of J. Mailmen& Co.. in Now Orleans, wens destroyed by tire Friday night. Loss about 82 O,OW. —Jelin Coagrove,.ilms_ of the prisoner. on Mal, et Hfitinplals, at the time Malane was stint, Isis been arrested on Malone'. statement, arlienlo martin, that b. abet him. Cosgrove bad formerly threatened i1i . X.1.11 him. ,' —4. U. ItorneyYsanlor editor and pro. pricier of the Louisville Democrat news paper, died In LoubollinyontAirday.. =Zl=l= == Ds:LAN:tad; Ouvi, January 25.-17.ev. (twain, W. Iltualt of the. Central Ohio Conference, committed suicide by hang ing •hlrnsolf this afternoon. From the evidence before, 'the COICIPIeII jury It typo:are that ha had beau contemplating the net for. several' day.. After eating hiaillanFr indag as, usual, be tsreht - to, the taro where as vire' found rim anon afterwards and cut him down. Ile had nal the rope into the Manger, thou over abeam, 1111410 a nom. of his hand kerchief, thenjuinped elf the manger. lie is *opposed to have been 'insane. Car /gullliturgic cur Telegmb to the Ilit•trerLA 43. ..14•4 - • 8A1.T1.11011.1 , 1, ratzelc , Graver cotubinkal - Opera troupes left this city to-night kir -Pitts burgh, In special train of five are. They number ill all one ,:hundred and thirty passengers. I=Z7=l • Skt , Tol.rtitoll to toe Pittaborgb 9nottA•3 Sr, LOGIA. Jon*o2s.—Wni. S. Young, won orrentod !writ to Agri tin s requisition fr. mlha GovornerofMinxlsxlppl, charged with obtainting nl , ourtlireothousand Lit+ torn worth of goods on Caine pretenses. •• lf suralgia. - • • We have cut Aitattaffernian a receipt for the cure of neuralgia, which the editor of that Pape!' claims to' knee been effective. In several cases of his own knowledge. .ifs+aye; dame tame site yen !published, at the' request of a friend, a mat& -to intro neuralgia. 'tetra drachm of sal-amons nig In an mince of camphor -Water, to be taken a teaspoonful.' at adoes and the dear repeated several times, at :intevrala or flve minutes, It tbe pain 1»• not !rev Bared at once.. EfaiC a down Iliffirent persons have sham triad thsrabipt, and in every case an !immediate cars him been eflitted. In one, the sufferer, s lady. ban bee, la erected: for- more thaw week, sad tier physician well Usable to alleviate her sufferings, when a solution of atil-anamanla In camphor weer re. Roved her Ina raw militates. —The Vienna papers publlo some de tells renpuetlng the troainieohlrblch Bing Hemmen( Hanover bus taken to that The plam comprises a vuluableservltle gold sod another In Tbe chat of reline In composed of church, Menials ander objects brought In 1172 by Duke Henry, the Llon, from Lae Holy. Lend, rte. Thu collection of cob= numbers nearly twenty•two.tholosluid.. The pie. lormyllbrory, du, remain, at laud for PhO preoent. In Hanover. • abort tintoalnetitwo precious vases belonging to the Museum of Aailiquitlao off mile were lest, and two ern= who were auspeoted of haelog.. them weee mooned and Imp Alter roversl wrekeitte vases werartarTil In alms wham they had bean ;packed, and gin tiyo ih4ooe4i Women ware' lie !ME KM JANUARY 27. 1868 CITY AND SUBURBAN. . au. `":74l":"lr.n . "=""" The Annual Report of Henry ]am beet, Req., the efficient County Cearoll , er, has been prepared; and will beprinted In 'the tumid form Ina few days. The report embraces a detailed, statement of the financial affairs of the, county, and t l M arms an Increase In expen tuna over the preceding year of $17,7 . T. in- 'crease wax ace:atoned by lb incre a se of the salaries of officials made the arta of Legislature. The very .gratifying ex hibit is also made of a reduction lu the 1 aggregate debt of $18,735. :The fallowing stale:mut shows the expenditeuvaduilng the year: randeddent ,, • CM= 53 Interest IPS , 711 Amman Of do., with exponsu on Nallrond Donn% he r17,1L577 Canto isstoaers ' emu ' 11;412 U Controlier's 0nice.—..........—.:- 4sl Treasurer's 0nk0........ ....... .... , 4400 GO Uoronorfrpflbo 1 4 ,1 8 U Sollaltors office Mort f10n50.... 11.121 U ' Oassuak. -- 12.17°,3 Cleari Jul Oeart of 91wrier Summit. Court or Lemeao . n .D Brial• Cows Piluliglt r ateuler2, advert/slag. bITI 110 =••• • .6.703 60 , 00 Mayors of Plttsburdli and %Ail*. 'shorty 1,600 00 Ald•rmeos and 'Jame,. .ths Naos 20 00asta11•4 1= 1,040 al Some of Bldokke ' Wean= Penn. Pet on tor scalps • tkommonWtalth or Penn grata'. llontingent •Unltlns fund Mats •ndltor Peotbonotarra Ornoe Morthonse anti Inelarlata *op. ' Warcana roniteatlary..j.' =EGT! TIM ilesagill,aris. ! To-night, at the. Academy of Music, wilt open the short but moat brilliant .1011e0t1 of grand open; ever held in Pitts bttrgb. We Aare hitherto referred to the ',peat musical revival whiCh hos follow :Nita all the large cities on the advent of bide immease combination of operatic talent, which, through the management 'of those great . musimbralirectors, Murat a& and Grover, has been dashed on ' fashionable Circles Ins" *ltimore end ether cities the wildest entlitulasm wne Created by the powerful :rendiumui of the (rand operas by the tinned German and Italian troupes, numbering mom than an hundred of the world's moot finished muelcal artists, and here we anticipate an equally favor able reception to the many represents !tiles of song.' The consolidated comps *es' will remain with us but three nights, commencing thio .eeening and trneludingen .Wednesday • night, hold ait:ll'4l:r to n :L d n:t . , a Tte r =er n o a f o t Ne a'Paust" trcalgtir, 'II travatore to orrow-night -4only appearance of the ro. Madame Gamsnisa,) . Lucretia wgia," at the matinee; and "Fra Ifito , on Wednesday' . night. Never egain, cons olida t i onp lila time can each a grand of talent be effected n Atuerira, and before it ell !the Comps. nisethat have hitherto held the boards must dwindle lota insignificimce. Scats tney. be be secured at •C. C r Mellor's t real known mud(' store, No. DI. Wood stree alleghesy Molt.. Apt" tillmests I The Police Coma:Mimi of the Mleghe oy City Councils met on Toosday even ing; and, in, conjunction vithi Mayor .tinato, made . the following appoint- P" • 1212=13 I of Poliee—Hto. Biardea. Yttheemes—Joseph Campbell. Thom.. !Singers, 'David Bream, Martin Shaffer *ad Wlthasn Nlzoo. • • man? poraiat. Onitain--James Hunter.' Lieutenants —WM. Sprague, Charles ileChesurry said August Betsy. Irattlimen--Samuel Long, Henry Her man, ' Washington Swain. Alexander McGnigin, John Blakely, Nicholas Pail, Daniel Graham, Ambrose Lynch, Ham ittow,gerwo„ Hugh Danisr, WW.lam J. Edshirds, Win. Kennedy,. John Irwin, Charles Orbecit and Nathan Lees. . Chief or Police Bowden occupied a similar position during portion of the adtainistrations of Mayors Miller and Alexander,: and wax Captain of the Watch under Mayor Morrison. Minter, the Captain of tho Night Police, was Welghmoster of the Second Ward Scales Narrow fir elm roar. We bale bofbre us the filth innual re: port el le Plltaburgh Assoctalon for the Relief of the' roor;'1 prepared by Mre. 'Lail Wade, Secretary,. 'bow leg the work of Mi. prahoworthy organ- Intim during lb prat year. The Asso ciation expendeikorer two thousand to coal, ahoe's and groceries for the 'poor daring the winter, besides paying • debt of two hundred and &mien dollars and nineteen canto, of borrowed money, ttWm. MCmory, Nan., to whims the Association is deeply.lndebted for aid. In addition to Urfa, the Managers were kfttilly Cowed to din:rebate coil from the Brower fund and from Mr: McFad den. Belief waterloos' eln hundred and twenty-nine times to those who come within the scope of thelabora or restrict dorm Of the Asiociation,wlulsAnnunier able • cues of unworthy persona were temporarily , relieved by the ma n s from their own purees. Ot the families rellevisl by the Asecmistion,. were those of widows, and twontycolor IFlreas Ispeounlra. The insp.:lesion seems to' have obtain tat that Barone and Jatelaer t the two forgers, wets on' terms of frieodly. loll remerwith 'the proprietor and 'employes Of Emits' "Novelly,' lasantuch 'as the draft anti ordered sent hicere of that ea iabilsiunept. This linpiesilon,. brought hi light last week lo Ibis city, is entirely haw.' Ar. Erma was absent !from the . . _. . qity until the day of Sargent .. ..nest, and Muter saw either Cl the suspected parties quill that der. .11 seems that the young wien".'lltad, Malted the store frequently, 'lnd , t , bought m largely. A day or. two Wei the arrest they ca to the 'attire Ind s Sag that they had, changed their In place,. requested leavisto hats led emit In care of the More. Sabot ques y. they regyested theta letter corn ing i ere, addressed to John Latighltn; tnigh tie len tto No. Z Sixth streie Mr. Evens, feeling ettatorel Interest In hav ing the kognes raptured, lent eMelent aid In' the ems--when the detecUvo made known their character and operations to Prilpasidifst We hives large number of very worthy poor who era deserving of help, but Nunn them are many abundantly able to prink:hi:tad Cart fer themailves who, W.. pose oh the, charitable oimnianitjby "seklnk alms, Irk_order to sit she'd of title claas the Cincinnati , authoring", itt the dlatilbution of coal to tho poor, ad intilitri the following vary stringent oath to the recipient: 4 .Do'yousolsmnlY VIWIAZ thaeyour mower to than question zegardingyour application for Poe Shall be the troth, the whole truth and nigh tog but the kink for width ' 7 0 ii . 'aien answer to God?- and „that „you will u a s -Mar your own fatally, only, and that you will not sell, trade, lend nor give It m any other person r ' We do not take any stock In tide method Of asolataltdng wand tea of.'the applicant for re iler,inat Vat some plan should bb adopted ..104irofitt3lha worthy poor gut wines the 1 - *imitable from the finpoillian practiced ttiy prOft , to l .llll beggars, . Paw meadead j Coroner Clawson held en Inquest on SeturdaY on the body of a man named Fernando Roberts, who ink his death in the morning at the coal works Of F. O. Negley d Ocuitpany, Qat loaded car had just been itirted down the inclined rpilway, and had proceeded only *Aunt distance, When - the rope erte d.inci The car thug freed.. amid down e line with eh frightful yakialty, and when it reached th e tipplouse, June • . • the trick. andalmodentirelydernol • • the . 80barta was employed Se weighmasuer .ad clerk by the (trio -and I g ratt i rtti l e l lgi e ! hi e t ui ,rob.w. the ateddent whittabailhaprpened to time to {ace and wustruck by the descend. The body wits mutilated in shocking manner, and death resulted ntamtir., The decessedires 'young maw end wee highly esteemed byblit aria lora; staim kis econsintmenta Jun" founds rimkicaorriglat# ~Intaresslair ffeetior. Another of those very interesting monthlY meeting, of the. Young Merin' Chriatien Amociation was held at their rooms illaturdxybvening last. The open ing stoicism domdstedi of singing the 23tt Psilm, "The Lord's my Ishepherd," du.; prayer by Mr. T. J. Gillespie, and readinithe 3d chapter of Epbesiann by Oliver hfeClintock, ' Esq., after which the meeting was thrown open for 1.10- einem. -From] the Directors' report eve learn that W. S. Pratt and W. K. Denniogn have been elected to fill vacancies in the Board and it has been decided that the fiscal year shall end in October. The work of the Manchester Branch Read- Mg Room has been pushed forward and It la expected that the room will be ready ,', for occupancy about the first of Petunia- 1 tomrge calls have been received Mononpliela • City, Indiana and other places for aid In the organization of acsoclations. The visiting committee to Youdgatown, Ohio, and New Cantle, Pa, report encouraging prospects. The people have taken hold in earnest and before long both places will have flour ishing Maeda/Jona In their midst. Resoltitions in regard to the death of Charles lEbbert were read, which hero already been published. Iteportis from theclifferent prayer meet. logs state that they ere all in a flourish. Big condition and amemplishlug their work. The **Evening Classes'. appear lobe appreciated and have thus far been well attended. After an intermission of a few mlbutea for nodal !atm.:nine, the rest of tie time was spent In remarks and suggeotlonv In regard to the work of the Association. • • • . 1471 '7l MAN 23 16 14.61.1 41 1,013 VS 6,007 . - The interest In these mectinge - is evi-' dently on the increase, as the attendance • n Eisturd;y evening see much larger at theprevious meettogn. All ap peared to enjoy it end went away highly pleased at the manner In which the time had been pram!, ' tea • WO 19 119 90 25010 00 101 Ca US de R 1771 • IllaJpmetanell ease Deer rep. It will be recollected that in 1.8641 the question Was raised as to the liability of the city ofPittalwirgh to pay POO beauty to veteran volunteers, under in act of as .seartbly passed in 186tt. The matter was wax prought up lathe - shape of s raw stated-Cassiday vs. City of Pittsburgh -end Judgment given In favor of plain- Stragainst the city. The case was taken to the Supreme Court, submitted, and a decision expected at the last term of that Court held in the city, but with other °twee, involving a like question, it was ordered for.. re-argument at Philadelphia, Jan. 15th, Met. Jacob F. Slagle, Esq. My Attorney, Made the erguraent:-on behalf of the 'city, and J Eirkei. Esq., contra. On Thursday la al the opinion ofthe Court was deliver ed by .7ngle* Agnew, reversing the tdgment of the Court below. and giving adgmeht for defendant with 'cotes. e set of assembly is held to be coned-- tutional, but the city of Pittsburgh, not being • military sub-dtstriet, not lia ble under S. The ease was considered of grad importance, as en adverse deri sion would have taken from. the city .treasury the sum of about 11150,000 EH mires et Laj. The pUPlis of Stewartatewn school have shown signs of life aa well as appre ciation and respect for Mr. Porter, their principal titneheri by a presentation, on the pert °t i the boys of the school, of pen, penelland knife combined Ina bone handle of fine workmanship. The . prt ientation Was made by Master Wm: Kiel, and responded to by Mr. Porter. Another token of respect and esteem was given bst the girl. of the =me school to Mr. Porter of a beautiful pocket Bible. finished in; "the best style, enclosing n Hat of the nature of the fair. givers. and Wee, a abort and touching verse, written on outt orate blank leaves and dedirsted the teacher. It wan_protantosti to Mr Porter by Miss Annie rn.mond, in be half of the young lalics. WO leel ipatilled, indeed, in noting thaw signs of auroras which have fol lqwed pew friend. and claternate to hie now field of labor. Alwaye ardent, and enthintleatle In his proftwalen, be tun put into the subject of education where. te secur ltver peoephi le; worei p been fortunate enough n rtten. • Skater 10ww..TemelesIrs• The teseiters of Bhaler township held their regular *awl-monthly Imlitute, on the 19th, In the Etasa &tool Home. The forenoon saltation wale opened with dovo (Waal exercises, including a roll can to which each one responded by repeating a verse from the Bible; alter which there was • cam drill in reeding by Mies M... Cleary, and lorneselect reading. The af ternoon sesedik wan opened .by a roll call to widcb each teacher responded by' stating a face In science or tawdry. Then followed a lemon maths county map ice O. D. Hank tact which it was shown Mir pOpile may learn the names and situa tions of the townsialpe of llegheny; ocatutty; and elms drill In me A ntal arith metic by Mies Hirshall. • Ths next meeting will be held on Me ist of Febrrdny at the same place. The exercises appointed for it are edam drills in written arithmetic, grammar and geo graphy, and'an addrese on Profesodonal mon tAntr &M o y, hr are Invite'Asechers an d d t fr o iends of Com attend. • The meetings filiVebasen profitable andinter with& ! /Wm.. las/Emma Celinpmay, .14.• ..Lilave•Megisellsato • - We call attention to 'the annual . atnln" meet of the blame rrisafince Compani. Jan. lit, 1633, to be found' In another column. Dtiring the peat two 'years the fin s ineurmice business he.- passed through an unparalleled run of tire., *outing many oempardes to wind up, while others contracted their business and withdrew many of their agencies. The Home of Neff Haven was among the Aw . that pushed their boldness stralsktformirtt, increasing...Maar batti ngs, and strata notwithstanding • the largo Mamma of tomes. The !access . the Home is o buattributed to the skill and energy inuutileated •by the oflicent Mad the diserdioe sod care of - their agents. • Pur s ing the past year the assets of the cowpony leave "been increased hum $1,371,510 to 111,610,070, mowing a net gain of* 47,54 , 1 during' ibn yam. 11. Data; Butler atmet, Pittsburgh, formerly Lawrenceville , le agent ter . the "note." .1 • . ammo glossae. • On Elateudiy afternobn last a keg con ga:lntim abou,t tool:ay-Atm pound' of but for wog found Inan alley In the rear of too Market Mousi..... Tim gentleman who found It p1a4•.4 It in Ids 'stable ~near by, to await Om limpiaraind of the owner, bid no eWIIII cams. On hiatorday pighe the lock of the stable was broken off ft EL1P1.01134 by WI thief Mandeb of butter, hitt ho failed to find Yotler day the key was planed in pOoseoslon of - othearreter Illteseder, Market Canslablo, who took ft to the Mayor's Offlre where It was mortified by 11.11asuntt,.gro err In the Ditiasond, from whom It Lad been Medan. I • "Mind Mad NoIO.IIISUOLI.—The pd. miry election of the hopubllcans of the Second W, to select a candidate for the Wald Common Connell represent =lye; mede sismint by the realisation or Controller Steel, was held on Saturday afternoon et dhe Publlo School 'House. Acting on t h e advice of many friends, D. W. 0. Carroll, ono or the, prominfut • &dates fol:mtninntins, withdrew )61a name when the organisation Ina effected; and neuecod Me detonable- Lion loran fu the °Moe as an independ ent pandldate, - The voting =sod as fol low= Thomas Bailey; 134 T. P. Houston, 77. Mr. Bailey Is therefore the nominee of the primary. meeting. The election will be held! today. We. believe that Aberewill be no bemocroma candidate in the !lead lee that the contest wilLrest tweet' Mow* Carroll and Benny, • Gnaw*. compll. minatory belittle tendered the Pletobtergh Gyinnoldlo Atesocdatket by the German Turner Amentatton will take place on Wednesday greeting of this week, at Turner't Hall, on Sixth street. The ar rangements for the imbibition content phut an Intennalng exhibition of gym mina tette by the German Tamara and the members alba Gymnaatto Anemia. tlon. It will bean entertaining peribrin an and should draw • large. Crowd of s , . . etepeated...-Tha wayward girt. nito quit the abodo of her patents for shelter Under the roof of the notorious hire. .tirawdy, a notice of which we reoently bade, hal nelartredi end given up the nib of dame which ahe bed Jost entered. lilte la now with der Wentz, :end RalrDrzwiar.—On' oar sod. :end to-0a y will be totted a ono .plete Sit of theArswlngs et the grphaea' Falr, which elosedou Saturday nlght. It thoughtthatithe net proceeds will ex ceed dhow thousand dollar: - . oul.fashloned 'lto 144444 go opteatteni In all of tho will to but MU 4' difficulty itxperiateed ia obtairdig hostaiilky otuwitiltr. lIIr. am Paint ligy.4—liappoosill ==t At about two o'clock on SundaYmorn ing an alarm of fire was munded from box No. 11, Allegheny Engine astute, Irwin street, near l'enn. It was ceased by the burning of a cask of whhsky in the wholesale liquor store of Trauerman, Ainhold k Co., Penn street, nearlrivin. The fames made rapid headway, brit owing to the prompt arrwal of therire department were oubdued before any very great damage was done the build.: ing.. Tim loss will amount to &hoot Hike, which is folly covered by, lean rams% Row the tire originated is a Mat ter of much 'utretery, a (hero INIUOO 0 lire :Mod the building for hours before the disco ery of the dames It seems from th e ppearance of things that a fire lad bee kindled between two mike of liquor, a d burning. through the stages got at th whisky, which Inereasectlts fury. T matter will be theroughly investiga . It gal becomes our pleasant duty to Lod chin kilo' ths excellence of Pittsburgh manufacti res. Among the premiums awarded t the Mechanical sad Agricul- lurid Sta Fair of Louisiana, at New Orleans, one of our new firms Mean. Harper, Gutman .4 Company, have dis tanced ll competitors in the wagon Ilne, having taken no lees than eight medals, psemiums and diplomas. Amongethers, one for their l'atent Excelsior Hub Borers. This machine, by the way, Is never seat to any exhibition without carrying off the palm. This 13 . 41 a xi has euccsoded tho oil aid widely Mt wa ono of F. Acicheimiurr and hen e tided the reputation' which be built up for turning nut nothingbut first class work. Their works on Beaver Avenue, Sixth ward, Allegheny, would 'well repay a visit from any one desiring •good amid" in their line. • ' Arrival of Prisencia.--On f3attirday four prisoners arrived. at the Western Pennsylvania in charge of Sheriff Howe, of Clearfield county. The prisoners are Thomne Gordon, Frank Little and B. Deadly, who wore convicted on a charge of maiming, by cutting with a lcaile In a most horrible and fiendish manner, a horse and two moles, and D. IL Paul l:ham, who irss convicted one charge f or perjury . A Sellgleus Itea.—At a meeting of the Trustees of the Plymouth Congregation al Church, hold last week, an application was presented from their late putor, Rev. Fleury' 1). Moore, asking a letter of dismiasal and recommendation. It fell ed, however, to be granted. Mr. Moore la at prebent pastor of the 'Vine Street Congregational Church, Cinch:Wadi, where ho is meeting with a goodly -.re ward for his arduous &Wm. • leattarday morning at throe o'clock de tective Smith. of Philadelphia, left for hat city with John Sargent, the .young an charged with a belies of ' heavy forg.rlee. Sargent, during Ms stay in the tfla. p, made a foil confewilon. Ile stated that Steiner, his acromplice,lervd the checks, while he presented them at the bank. Steiner belong. to a weathy fondly la Philadelphia. Ile has not yet been arrested. Lareany.—A. yciung man evil* . his name as James Stevenson; was ar rested iu Evans' Notion store, on Fifth street, on Saturday night, in the act of pocketing a leottlii at cologne. No * Wert searched, whom two more bottles and a pair of suspenders wire found In his poaket, having been stolen from the cannier. IT* was lodged In the tomb, 'for a burin; on a charge of larceny. • Union League.—A. special meeting of the former membersof the Union Lomitn . will be held to•night, on the second floor of Mozart linil building, Eleventh street. near Grant. Important matters wilt enmo before the meeting and It is honed that th-re will full attendance, as gewrril invitation is extended to all members in this neighborhood. Leek Out for Hisa—Some time during Friday night !vire block horse was etch. from Mr. Melieniie, of Spline rills, Ohio. The thief was traced in thz direc tion of this city, and It is supposed that ho in somewhere In Oita rlcimty. Infor mation of therobbery, and &description of the an inal stolen has been let at the Mayor's office. eldinLos g t an on Eye.—A boy named Ober, m- Troy 'onus enga in whittling a atkk on ,Saturday, when bie knife Blipped and struck himin the right eye, destroying the eight entirely: The - United Slates Court commences Its atmolon t.-day.• Them am on the liar twenty-one civil cases, twelve hones in bankruptcy, and a number of criminal mm. Operations have been commenced on the miliarid portion or %cowl street in the Eighth ward, with a Tiew to paring tt early in Om corning somtßer. Olaintry—lir. John Dosnion, an old and highly. respected citizeni of the Third ard, died on Saturday, lithe CPy Councils will meet ttds after noon at their chambers: In the. City Building. The Monangahela river 'eras runalug out light Ice on Saturday and yesterday Hale thieves aro main operating In some 'action., of the city.. .., —The. Ebensburg Allsolanian„ sex: Oar old fiend and sub.:or - Mei, Enteric:to 1.,.. Dend 'e, Esq., of 'Carroll township, hie cents the following brief lantory of his life :\ ' me to this country with my pawn n, frorriGermanv,ln the year 1796. We took _passage at Hamburg, and ar rived in Philadelphia in November. 1 was bound out to Col. Caleb Davis, No. 4 Knuth Third ntreet, who seat sue to school: The following year, 1799, Just before Chrbanuis, the schoolmaster said Moro would be no school next day, for General George Washington would be burled that day. I was at George Wash (nation's funeral—and I suppose -there is no other man in this county who canny ea much. I was bend out whera was fourteen yearn old, to serve six year:: ,Attar my term of service bed expired, I come to Loretto, Cambria county, On the 14th day, of April, 1803. My father bad gone there throe 'yearn before. .In In 1907, Hey. Demetrius A. Ciallitzin get author ity fen Henry Drinker and Jacob Downing, who owned eight 'tracts of lead near Cam:dhows, for three settlers to make choke of one hundred scree each of that land, at one dollar Dec acre. Thomaallyrne got the . anti cheics; I got the second,- and Conrad Luther get the third. My two .neighbors_ have been dead emm front forty to filly year, so I am the only living, one who settled here when the country was a wilderness, r am eightitbretryearnola. I wee njury men at the first Court held ltt thia county. I have:Meet% County Auditor..and in „LXI7 was elected Copnty Commissioner.-lii that year Paul Denshoof, David Todd and "Myself, Commisaioners, 111.11 ti with Arnold Downing to build the pros ent Court Mouse." ~ : . , —Only a few' yeara ago, nays the liar risburg &ate Chard, by the way a very live and readable journal, ft was imp posed that load 'pencils could be mann pictured eon - bore baba Eogland. , Time and torte bitve . preven the groundless ness of this claim. We noisumaufacture as good e• pencil for all,theuses of fine sketching nod drawing as tan be made anywhere In lb* world, and what to able more gratifying, tho plumbago out of which the lead is produced ferthelmiti limn pencil, .la found •In Pennsylvania; nearEeeton.z Plurabagolefoundluetber puts or this country, but the Easton anti els. la the . mast anterior and fa regarded by the manulacturera of pencils u equal, ihaot 'a better quality than that found abroad. t The rtehnees of our great old CounnenerWth is. thus exhibited In an artiste whicnwp-were once taught could not be menefattured In the new world. ,Millions of dollars beset bean expended In tlurptoductlonand purchase of pnk-. Statesaf which thepeople ot the lltattel have heretofore paid • larms share tut tribute money to the foreign manuLic tarer. Iforeofterweirllikeep Una meaey ist home; and in this peculiar time of hominess we expect tomes Pennsylvania take a prom:aunt position not only as the ,producer of the raw material, but In the maaafactuner of the load pencil. —A few days alto General James Ling. street railed at the reddence of Genova Hancock, In Na 7 Ortega., aid sent in his card: General Hancock WY them engaged with sena friends, ladies and gentlemen: Us Immediately left item to melee his old army friend, mertere% manly his fee, but mountain We friend, and, after a warm greeting, Instated upon oandoeting annelid Lerma/vet Into the parlor and introducing hint I. the com pany 'there assembled. 'The style of la moduction was peculiar." "Ladles sad gentlemen," mid trhmensl Hancock, "al lOW to lOtrOdUe• to you* gallastgen- Unman, to whom ant indebted fur sa .ungracenii limp; and 'whom I had the misfortune to wing in the lame combat"- Although Abe coinpany was compearsi, asciusteal,y, of ladies and - gentlemen whose sympathies were en the Union aide In the late war, the incident tinetted a profound, and pleasurable sensation, 1• • . ! • !•! . • NUMBER 22. CITY rrilrin3 Tliii Queen lof M. Waal. T.b. This wonderful 'discovery la a fluid of tinsu - gassed. virtue for washing and cleaning purpose'. • It is .Idihly recom mended by our flret families and the do: Mend for It is guile unprecedented. For aiming the fabrics of all kinds In the pro cess of washing, as well as Raving time, labor, money and hetdth, command us by all means to the famous , Queen of the Weak Tub." Oilleo No. 136 Wood street, and for salaby all druggists and grocers. Black Centro Citahniore Long Shaw ls, at nearly one-half foram prices, at Bar ker's Anal sale, Gnat Clods, Wes. AftlNUllig Oa 210.1607., • Housekeeplag Coo& at Barker & Oo'a . . .. . _ . No. 69 Market street. Table Llarans, et all widths, kinds and • eolors. Prices beginning as low aa 50 coiatrfor pure Llusn ,' —most le bargains. Napkins and Myna, all white, white with 'cols borders, and inv. D Flowered and Scow-dre pattertui. Great , barain& ; Large atud lfap. Toth kina, 121 atm. Tamely all kinds and abota almost endless , atgreatlyre ' droned prices. Torwellas, of all kinds, ragas low ...., as rat cents. - Gallia, all kinky p. aims d colors, very • chea Skeetlam and-Mlle , all widths, also wended' y red's= Makings, all widths; yard wide twill, 20 cents; *then as low as 10 cants.. New Dim Gad. sad Low Meas. Black diplomat 371 twat& Very tine goods'at 60 and 821 cents. Black: French Merinos, yery fins and very cheap. dlaGineest's Cloths and Zappe, extraor ary theap. Tahiti Linens at 371 and 60 cents. Other.grades equally a. tow. Balmoral Skirts 61 good goods • c good sty-la. • . Drain Cloaking Cloths at OA& Par audi eocl bargains in these grads. All arc* , •batig SOX. Other grades eery cheap. Look at our new goods thU week. !limy will all be Terp.‹cheap.• Minikes and prints, the chained in the city, on the west corner or Market anti Fourth street. GARDINIM ISTEWA.Z2V of= lLaiearaztf:x. goes thwasst new Weed • Crags at 81 cents. • • Crash at 8 oats. • Crash at 10 ants.- - Crsah at 121 ocsita. - Fast Colored Frints at 8 cents. A bar- Merrimaok.W.Rrinta at 121 coals." Detains at 121 cents. Kentucky Jean at /21 yenta.. 104 Sheeting at 121 ante Munn, Ticking, Check, Table Linen, Cotton and Linen Diapers, • Irish Listens, Shirt Front; . • Eatery, Notions, Ac. •A yel7 largo stools, extremei t l cheap, wholesale and retail, at Wm. niples, 160 and In Fsdaml stestitt, MM3E! Mimi People Imre. • • In this age of life people like ION; waited on, !and why should they net ;when they pay for it.' In other cities it le the custom -• to deliver "'floating wood' to the eitlsses, and we do not know way. Pittsburgh and Allegheny would dot fancy the idea, when they can have it delivered tree of charge, for twenty-live (It) cents per haunt; by leaving their orders at the Iron City Match Werke, corner of Seventh and Grant stroets. This wad' cat suitable for stoves, grates and wood, being perfectly , dry. . • Fleakery,Glovesand trattaiwear, cheap, at Barker's cicalas sale. ••. While the Zesty Bolds Onto Born , ' there 11 aehmine for reatorailon 'of health. 14 therefore, the contsUtutlen has been weekinied hyaline's° or. amen. —the nerree'7uhattered—the stomach weakened—the appente gone, and All the world appear, gloomy—pour eoznelreekt oil into_your Luny, in the shape ellen tattoo Bittere,, which will make thefteme of life again burn brightly, and Wanda. ate ones wretched effiaenee. jar dies it is an elegant and gentle. la lant. exactly snob as theeplizeLltentry nunlike win not be wit hout. it.. It Wm to inaninun sale throughout .the IL/Lamotxt liraetzu.—A deltatnil lat article—superior to fkl . pistie. Nut :at hat! the prim cir The llgethor.s rimy fa. an dimities with widish cidldree ars ignition itinfea Winslow's Soothing Syrup; relines the child froth .annt , cum wind comicial the stomach Lard..lwarelo, daring the proems of teethlag it gime rest aad. Math 10 the child, and carries, It unit* through the critical Pepriod. , Be awe Andean for 'Wm SOClk tog p" hiringthetioretir, tie & Patios on the outside watiper. An others arr Mae imitsitioac Coed Cowls at Gold rtteem,..llentag marked doyrn my.geods to gold Was L. will sett try entire stpekof Wen and, shoes °fall kinds torgeabgatlkst,astwww.,. sod bo at primer to two tbecrAnTek been s old tine.thirwir: Inn:tent all my goods, having been selected' wlttr. inset on e and from first ebbs to moo. Parties purchasing a n tdoped= ring a good "attlelM and before pgrobasingablowberm No trontdo to show goods.. ;- • - Jarrett Boar,- 66. Market stewk Bast ,Italie= Detainer., 12.31,0anta, at Barker, alley% sale. Gwsd Glesseraw„—Osir 'Allegkny read. ets should remember that Ur, Arthur Kirk, Hos. Mend 174 Federal •Sdreet, Allegheny, oUll oonttnnet • tci sail. his well selected stock of :groceries at ltery low rates. Mr. K.'s store being onset' the Linea In the LWO prsiar ed to suit the wholesale as won NI thee- . tell trade.' Hts impedes, am (dam& quallty.sa salt the ntostpartlctderhoruse. teener, and stanch prices as to saltAtie economical ntrecheser:- Coil at Nos. - 17p and 174 Federal streA . and the a stick The purest and eweediai.bed Liver 011 I n the, world, toannteetrenal Mon fresh, healthy Ilverampon the spa show, It is oerfeetlrpure and sweet, Patients who. hare - once taken It can take no • caber: Lek }fir ~.n azard and ,Carwell'a.. Cod [Ayer Oil," 'manntiotkred.l3ypeneell,` Lialard• & •New York. : Bold bvll . . Barter's great 1)1 rig saktot,l;tocumr. ke4 T in gt o x..dirl r• WholeasisZi ozu offering I.lndurmaltinW.lob lola (mm the - Mellon -Salm— Shawls, Drees Goode,' Honakeoping Ciorate ith af * Ta' Weeri- SheeffnirkMirt - • ' W. BARCIA tb., • 4111411114022„--Ttie third annual en, hibittouof the School of Design-will commence on Teeaday,'the gLit, at ten .o'cleek A. .r., and continue deg and itoetthroughout the week. The pub- Ivited Id attend. non , Deters vest V . We We at Xatise- Com Maim Wider li a' condo 'cum thr Diabetes tad all disease, of thok. :For tale by all druggists. -Mq, Gill limit Emma* the bozo sod Oita =,,toe,c of Ladles' 'Fork Wifihmi to, No. /32.W00d argot , , Parker! great dad* fao o.fifremt keepiogabods. Borgabto Pl - ni t is Wildom omlnd* No. la S Wood abut = _LI OM —la Allegloinp_Ctey. hisaraltroiatimiierilliiiige An km WU. ii *o'clock it • • ' • r • "' WA/MD-4 , CLEW& ARAlige . . Ailviimny Radom. Otavis lailiiii mai esaall....oh OA .4.4 !pp& ow thersalr WI Zwittak taskiptagsa:. •.I.IM /a "... ' wane, AVM' as II 1111.41(011X Zfaittargly , , •;.. areMAND.VIASI4 V Vitalll,FX . Aim ran! DRlll lo 4 l ulnUi AT TIM 11111 X.. 111 tritilDrIMILIIIIII0fagio MIL Kovno* same a the Sim mewl bi io Widest Lona:sad esstrits con Insi auks az aolliriSili.ims 4ryium, bon slits:mak al 11 'Vfmar. 7Atit . 14.411 suossof esits*, (*lawn eltarpleei Va. Plumed ANTI eiraMVP/Rii, VIE WEEKLY GAZAIE WKDIEBDAT 1111 D Lavin% Acme elect, . inatatab* "urn , out. more a ta.i.ftwayr maw saner, untsetis Imunag getteartas. had Am Ory %Wpm* IV! mall.',lob% Radtke Knew be ib• 'NAN endhallrot aa4 mat ratislii•rtagiablat sad Cour, looros#l Moors, Report. gloss bl soy ism' SO, too . 'toy. No Thum.. ,Kilebsale• or Illardulall ettoold be Irit.boat. • • • 't • num= Viza.7•4iorers. selreer N thiPmsaget,Thyt .41b. club, /UMW= to dale..i 4 vuldits• elsb rum •' aim= To saucitniih—la'intairtes Ps*: le oda sad sport* inst slalom Yea was; as 'ln Lone Widesad Waco Ursa,. ream havlat tat asi s awls. ilaw. by Tina. ItsprasS. Ord.. or la araisserad lattais, stay be and al Mesa AdArsas. CIASZTTE. yrrriamtea. PlurVA IJNDERTAICEMK A LEZ. AIIIIEVIIIILIERTAILIEU ito.lir roului scree, Plrist.Tb, cornm ara kinds: CRA,PII. 01.01/11Kaa. a *TUT dt•CliPtiOlia i. 21•1111 Parniittlas *Weis ftruthed. Ramitope• dar sad WWI. ..C.r".6. 1 fundabod. • " • UM" 0..2., DOl4 Karri:D. AL if. lamb., D. D. Tlwaaaa ;wpm, .kaa. • • Jr.* H. NW.,. rig. • , • • Goranixa t pEeist.v.: Under . TAXIRS LIM LIVES! STAIILItS, term. ot Sailemity Janet tad Cblrett aaaa a , 411.4g4-, Ctrb .bere COrrill HOWLS anatty molOod watt 101 .pd lotitattea too.: Yaboirany adl 1/Valaat Cells*, tit puce.: var Stu, frootilltssllo. 'rept:rod A. t.rt.ga, ,Neassot ant Cards' s,' Intati4.ll4 Alta, WI kinds •I'Moartanz Soot* It F.l• Ones lipm it all Imam day sad Witt: ' ROBtEIT HIMMEL; .11:1nder, ..; Sys As: - lam Linn. 818.!110818 'Waste.,. aro No. 80 DtaasoB4,lB.BB, (180 NJ 1 1 , •80 80•88 olsfrja Wetly 1801 . Waal; 1, W I t .M WUYoo 108.80188081 Walsal Mu .18•88111100.: , 31 ......+M0ras irtnnuifti &oat! 0.00888 . fa P0P011.1011.. Caliyartit"Sii Mum. tandshad as. low , raw, ' Cram. Olertr. plus aid NekgravtaitBB.4.B•B W " .. " . 1 11 . 4 • • " sad 8100. • • • RDWAND case ocr,_aiw osee. ow. ands, .itlekkay.. Masan& 2C0V110114 . klIC0101111 . 01:, vitil aedmoLte stock album* larnlkkk,k Elooks,os kaad awl Walk/ma .4 stoma SOW%. as lirwt4 Bale Lad LtIV(7 WIAMOMI. air of Mrs ark* 1111¢to Waft. • Carrlaikk: gsroaelos. Biegfa. 5k441:41 Ifolsek, as., FOR RENT. FOR. BE Two tares- suiry. MUCK DWiLLIiI3. HOULe•Ig••• tt Wieblaglon Maw. lowan ai JOHN L• u 01391. a BROIL F - RENT-owners 'AND Slime la Qs ajar %Mesa abate ale ZgataaaasaLlalaaa,>BSLll[l'77 Mt/1M tatesat . of OarrLoa atley t Ia mallativoamaalia, apply at VIM Bum -, _ _ 1 .LET.--T e Fourth e ' rid herr or Tallrn sroluri at tr. uir IsLlbutyllteset. Faah* "CT. you HENT.—Seve. al lhps. taiga mama to w. auarrs ELUDING, vile ( Pod nett. caul* had. Apply .1 pass alibi euirma calm - tufa sung. • • " T° lET—A. urreautiosian„ VA wairmotru, Wrigritiout. Illartst., Rani In•allita. Plisseuteisuana APOI Zaqulre olG 11 0;.C.1001111Y: 01 POR /ALE. pon SALE-That DROCUJIWI 110II132.14.1111Lwisek, WIWO.:. pub.*, mt. voualt4LE spa 11, rams.. gaols attieouti trees., k•t" and . ** waleioratu doseti, Insi , ltiow. •!. .leach WUsr;, laq.ln at , I.= WOOD 111 %" -, :. ritutaitW, pt!Xli, SALE—A 16n. dentTabW.. iniet.t.ry max amok preand mut - trout. mutt: utuutiumUut 'mut ...J.. 44090.4; bolos coataku Hven_rowar 4. and ha 1594,41 forret ! Zo. 94 141 , 1111214LLT. 9sar : Wylie. sang 9414ici 1 4 9999991944 from . AMU trutottoototitomo. • _ • • FOR aupprziOniux. - LANros.• ate ireet.'sbiett.rOlimisamee Um elm. •r .drek• haaani. • Th.' livid to beareied ea 4 Md." ..?I= Urestros nil Is eourtemedlerritoblemet setl ; and krodeitireeess of Soattere mar ease, mums. Mom sweet 'potat..es end mr my use., with eaperior kraals, for cattle sad MIMMI rime, en Um plea smarm. ..rke.l•st of 'Wert pine gme.rin .4 - maser ppm.' r for saw salls,".lUtd. ptia Cr - MEW . 1 ealaset .t tor eStarabeets Wane hrodmilato tL m ' tirer,aere It can be Marled late Urge vane. rad slopped :iamb.' There ere Ma goad frame '.• Immets au ;,the wateri Marti!' nab. 'zee* desk, sad the meals will. Mr, oroor or Sum-hear. deer, turkey., qiell; SW; Timeosatry Is Midge), free from the., diseases venation:4 t7atemmarlelorfamMea re prevalent aeU Ate Let Mira, hoM IL?:Mimi alto= Mcrae, Mhopir ed. parent mill the diem Farley pdaa timber. Via every facility far asetett timber, lastamble. anomie mai lb. lumbir tate Uri Ttda, Lens arar:r lb. Ant Marie& Prlte.id Mats MMN=I . . . . . . . . Yew Itartberialbeemutoa ical aft : rill , roe mit.: Illiaileinli Lanil,CLrealar. SILL, ill B11141171110¢LT: Vaal !..plalmeniiil In. wawa • Ag, cis, Vitiatourgh. ((wanly tiomrangr.lle.s . - 11111,1C—Thice Very lie's' . N. DiflaSlll7ll AIM LOPS. iaia 4044 oink mu. - frog — 'guru Ran, after liez H Hims tiwi ssim : atm has. Le , gambit sure, i 0 Arsailmki. toolliteawarjuk 0.14 ** 14 .• 1.04 . 4,01, 3= 4,0 4** 4 0114111-: - .A . =mulls. 4 4 4, W. , imi.at mon *lad. Me ItlittUrfo' itte.tal2el aPPlY.V•frailerillumse pne Illilara-110.90 and Lot et, swot tettouttot anta Mos %NM Ems Mom manalMT ■rams man ned ban, • Mama& alman amid Lot malkalEM stoma stew% Anti:way atr. taws izr Akusoottmisottiust boom , . ttuestat r - = net dattgi %Mr sal mar. Aim riman mil:4 eagsail %NM" lambi al • 113:IM 4 ..:, lawnr alant„ that M ,MOMS. • ,013111 SALE—HOIIteEe.—A.T libirisars ittott , tad &do Watts. Owa itastav mow 4aavis timena.razat"-• awsuisozcia. 01*. WOWS ; imumaire.= . -Onto. 11.10X.YAJMO: two Gait * A L S ' ' in/E r *IIIIM MIN" 0 . 0 iktraiwv . olsomboustowtooLlowoomotiwoo. ,- • ' ra t 1 # 1 . , " 4 / 00 PARRIP\MIPS tat au at Oralarfax:Aaa TWO: , .. BMX wApoar. of i dNblw it pi nu, .issasowat!lvim rawer 1! . ,v as "tuna; .. . . IPPIITILSIBIED nil. --." 4 ,".. *..--- SI OVIORNSTON lirtaist r ,:l. ,-, ' Sr. Sr iiiiluarada • stsdrimuiiii NOW • 1aza . 630,1.1... IlimrsAkilme kap, 1... , ! - *Mt tNlia!!* Eflitosts• limigii,:teiep.,..- •;" !. i. i . ...0.!" liforlo.l Wvilmrselicessa 11•W.(01.- - ! -.-.• Was Ili.pct. ou4. litionloo.) 3 3 ?!eglimell;n!,E4,11. ~ ~.., Z . r . ,111411 . 11 la ulu' a ItOntars.), • ocor 44.9 px, , Lt'sromwraftTa4.llettifir ov aTuilliC •• •••i ' '''' •liissimat Fcer...4 . r ns, amb ...wrcarpi,, , , 0000? , - 1:04. :!- ' • ! 414. 1 - Dellilti: frovoi!on. :!!-,!,-, .:-, T .... fAt , . . . 01 .4F.A.ft ,, , .- -..• . ' !!- ......, Inlng liliklurAserrimix. ratralutrzg• ; a•o.ravoiCausnapn,.. •-• 1 hi ~: i. .... 1 . .. ~.,:., .1 ?Inkier saKlWilio fn. itedlead ON. , ..1...„ ;,.• . I; d lbailihl.. o .talt , kromlity,, , i2l....allot i V4,1:' , 7 , - . 1 . , ' P 5 . 44414 1 4. IT *MO.. kentOtre dimwit ,ig . - ,7.4.:, 4 iblil sae simpvialiba!, et :of :bid! Ir!!. imcgirc - -.. : ',.. traKINI, I ..abliater..juidliss'ettord is -'"!." 164: NUM immusupity via! *Ku I. ii.:, ieiriretanwieffst.t.. .. -r , ,,, •.;• ', :,..„,... r .,....... t i.,,....,....,t0narry0 kit .....24 liiim a.o a u m eus f o w. id - qlA 4 w Ihweinan iv at o ce. oaueslap. re ay g. i I Imp.. '_. To - . :,..,•,:,,,, , lrie.- wAirext :..,:_.;.: 'i -• '''''':..- -:- . „:: n o m° A P.UPICOf i1ia.16113: ~ . „ , *.ambribiAiviit.: • p un - - • - • ,-I rmairrimi, -- •• - ” B " " ii4l4l k , " :11 ! 'AL L ll l /1 ATI CjlalgaTjt• w.411=4. is nrrafAtire. 61'01 . F47 Erovenampa!" - •• ;.--Timiicei 'ma* WXYTit , •.2 TY! , " ;. fiLOlll4. - -.9 4 4 1 77.- 1 , 13k , Aid 41,414001214410 r ia .xiis THAN ovitsSlDir..c,-,, -iroyiFtx, CI A sad &wawa stc.c.4 4 4 96 " . . • • wr.:sososs- sr Irsraest,.• - . - • *drown Tailor 179 roiiiiti'*o4i#oo`','l,- ~- . 1.-'. . ,- . .1 . , , i'1j: • '- . ..:4: ' i. :: . !: -.',.-!!. .. - 1 - ; - : ::,::;. ., ..'- ,. :;,:.:':;- ; .4 - ...,.,. :, ,;, , , , t:7,..--=. :',,,,,,:..'5.q.:‘,:•)„,:,..,_,-u..,:...,--,.: MIN ME Ell OM