The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 25, 1868, Image 8

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- L:irt rintrO Zg
sharwar Arrested fa
. .mster as was Aseemr
,_,.... Arnow inen, who has for somqweeks
Pest excited some attention In this city,
by. his lavish expenditureof money, was
- - aniseed laid evening on a charge of for
. _ gem by a; detectiveaim from Phila
.'' dalplils,Assiated by Chief Alcoa and eft
ter Elvin.. The hots leading be hie
'Sea ink as to - Hews • . •
• •-• • Abwit the drat of January a check for
11130, payable to David Hall, wee present.'
ed at the Bentham* National Bank of
.Philimelphia, and duly. cashed. The
- aback 'bore the signature, apparently
. gamine, of Mr. Alexander Young, a
very wealthy and widely known liquor:
SOW" in Philadelphia. A few days sub.
anquently,. another. cheek, bearing the
name signature, and drawn for 5 760 . 9 9.
eras tad at the same bank and
cuMd without suspicion. This check.
was trutda . piyable to another Individual,
--'.wham name we did not learn. The op.
eraterseerns to bays taken a noting spell
• than until the 70th last. Os Wednesday
'last the following letter was received at
- the bank mentioned:
Prrnsttxtur, Jaanary INS.
' ,PATLIVO TZLlalta-DIIOX Slr: Enclosed
youvrill dud a check for 5780.70, which
clam on Saturday afternoon. It was too
- to draw the money —I had business
to attend to. here, and had to come on
• her& You will placee to send a draft fog
•- . ...laut.enclosed. Respectfully,
Joss Leuarass
! , Yrt care of Enna' Novelty, hc.
-The letter contained a check terra() 70,
signedby Kr. Young, and made payable
'' Jahn Laughlin or ord e r. Suspicion
was armed by the latter ; and investiga,
Son musued. •Inyestlestion led tothedls
. .eoyery• that all three of the checks her
forgeries: The matter was immediately
la tr ed In the bands 'of Messrs . Joshua
and. George H. Smith, detective
In Philadelphia, who too prompt sonwures. The following I was
wrinsa to the hank2respoud t:
Ma,— 'eloped yon will
• end: all you destrejrom me. We take
Flit pleasure In heading It to you.
• Tema, truly,
Gnomic H. Bream.
The enclosure was a check was made
me, e z IX iii Foria . er, three Cr . fl o - t r A w y r
t ar q.
:1140 shall order." The whole Was en
- Cloud la an envelope directed as °nisi
- ed, With teriraped and postmark
ed.'this eir. Smith started for this
eity, arriving hers about three &elect
yastenlay afternoon. He Immediately
meaured the *nylon of Chief of Wks
Sant and °facer RIM; who Cream.
pared him to Evans". Novelty" on Fifth
meet. There the latter was given to
the clerk with prone. directions, and the
2,-Adlions waited.. Shortly - afterwards a
, ruzg niar Cilin s
e de it sad Vad . for an th d e
Chief - Scott and officer Rivera approached
him. He made a sudden dart out of the
d_ „oar however, andrut like a deer, Chief
&nth dually :overtook him on' Virgin
allayandhe wascenductedtethellayers
adios. - He had threwn_Vus letter away;
it was found on this pavement.
Ha warted strongly Ids innocence, bni
admitted that the last check was forged
in swam in the second story of a build
ing en Sixth street, alleging that another
man forged It, however, He states the
_ others we beck fortedin Philadelphia
. On his person was'found a blank check'
on the Third National Bank of Pitho.
burgh. The - prisoner Is a young man,
Idij11:11e as Jolui Sargent, sad
alt i = d ' " h t= l e P t i wtor t " ee
• weeks age, and made themaalven quite
conspicuous by their lavish expenditure
cal money.- The bland stated that he had
• neat considerable time in Arizona,
where he had struck a rich lead of Oliver.
Hs wassail his way thither with his
friend Sargent The "other young kasn"
bli,4_not beta arrested last evening. •
'. - The frequencyot Kidney 'aftectietut
and the many econplaints arisinefrom
Ohmage - of the Urinary Chiang give Oen
,. • aloe for much study and Luvestlgation'ol
Page difficulties. -The old and the
• '..yceing,the blips and the lovi, are all more
calms 'abject to three troubleeonce erre
ikon; from the diabetes ofrntaaa to the
gout and gravel of old age, the much ex
. lased laborer at his toil, to the luxurious
" Prom the very nature of our Peculiar.
nyatan of practice, we Have painips had
more expedence to the treatment of these
afdicticins than 'usually faith to the Sot of
" any practitioner in the same time. And
i In these affectloris more then any
Other that an examinstion of the urine is
required in erdecto understand the true
nature of the discos.. All urinary diffi..
'mattes do not arise from gravel,
nes do all gravelly ' Indic:alms
. sdise from affection of . the Kidneys,
and It is by au examination of the
• - •writaislate that these *tame to be veri
fad many timed'
And it is by the precise distinction te.
twain the many belonging to these
which we are enabled make by
totemlnation, to
that we are sesucoass.
""Ail in their cure. .
We believe that we bare treated more
patiente laboring.undar these dificulties
then any other plirsician in the State of
Penesvmils, west of the Allegheny
_ sairunthins, and do not hesitate .to say
that w• Lave Cured'a greater per mange
ime-lburth) of all our patients then
- katt been done by say others. , •
These facts can be yerified from oar
reemmir: - . We - seldom fall to relieve oar
poshale 'of their. suffering, in. those
at oxen From close att e ntion
rid-long and patient investigation, we
.. , .kistat hafted to know the precise mature
or all: these affections; end lave 'found
out agattly the kind of medicines to be
mad in each. 'Our remedies is the are
, adapted to each particular'ose, end will
give relief at mime Try thorn for your
seine and verify thilact. • Send a vial of
wine; and we cam send youthenteassary
E:fres tracllng is 'a &mamas ill whicb
Issii . aps there - in spurs , as Nlssrpers".
I sminfttss say other legitimate buslimse!
that enalti be named, and nukes man
Las had in ~ &experience with hones, he
kid better keep out of it, or, to - use en
- old staying, he will "get biz eyeteeth
. eat" Notwithstanding thls fact Is gen
- etally ; known, , -the "regular dealers"
.1. knee very little difficulty in .
tzeirwimiro.wAllng to. risk their udg
melt and..ran, the • demon of
. • awindlod, whkit in nine autos out of ten
is the .resolt. Alderman Strata had a
*ens ef astemit and battery yesterday,
: Ulf result. of a horse trade, of
~.ifiletriors here the followingparttonlaret
-, :John Ovals, it appear. s, traded a horst
• . Wiohn flatripstra fortwo hunts, either
'me of which was worth more ihatithe
one rectiredi and on . diaccrterhur that he
• bud been cheated, Simpson, by advice of
: an atteeney, went to Owens and demand
.— Aid hit benne and left hi hid re
vehredOrldeb, it fa allegoile .woriblesa.
Owen*, it,apl i st+r not in the habit of
giving op a.. of which he law the
baUtw aide, ordered Sampson -to
• Lem the ,preasiseei- liaropeon , refusing
to go; it .feallexed that Owens drew a
.largeloolfe'and" tomb:abed `him. Xalnea
Owen, aim. of : John, who was. present'
- at tbuthne,taged bbifelber to ma Santo
: nint, who, thln,.i. - , t “diebretionthe better
part of Talor,? twat' a batty retreat' and
Snide Llearinagon ' against.lohn Owens,
`the -Mother, for felonious awault, and
Vint the hither and eon Ler surety . of
-poem, ..Thepartieirren3 &nested and
• belitto ball :Or a beating, In-default 'of
whit* Jaws. Owes*, Ste eon, was ;pm
A% R at istftS/Alitllttor.
the Jim:tory =Mbar of the ItraSEs
: ` - tiife'Re"titer, Croft - ec Phll,
• lipe,'No.l22 Fourth sireet,ls now ready.
yirtiu whihingrto buy or sell real estate,
..sio nutter where the location, should not
!MI to ocnisolt their Register, a copy of
-. .,;:getea c rbO t rii, 4 e ad r b ° l
c at ig." t r .
'tiresa,:ts wall receive prompt attention.
MoP4o. lats. Teal 'motto men, - or - those
Zing, homes or Mt estments of soy.
, will Arid ha their work it lielerir.
11 5/ 2 Of efuStY,
helsoiktr on ; rid , -
one iran fi gn i arid Ml' 'bra!
sand 'anti of lard liLssourl, ranging
-; ;kw/a i'. r7 arse , two
u Tki b
Iror immtmerits„thge hmas r ire tarrof..
Jostled.-. The St. Loehr, IrOn Mountatu
Memphis and
poses throOgh
Nome of and they out never again
theptcreheeed at the Agmee bow asked
k: Ahem.. Mom titles, ha, can be seen
their Give them a ail mei you
be klndl >. entertained.
Ceori, • ihtambell, Fag., _ ermont,
- Usejnotly world wide celebrated breeder .
-^ et Vermont Spanish Merino Shrew re.
tawsod e rh this city" on Thursday,
atter stsi Menem. Glenn Brother
-- - - and- flock of famous imp roves
t3Pantobjerino Shim lioblestown,
Adleghen county., penturrtranh..
Camp exprerael himself much greti
dad at ibe t emcees of Menem
Glenn ttßrother as breeders of Brutish
_Afruto ahem evrenlinese of the
wool of Lad nal sheep, as also of the
fleet st large, end their constitution;
blew -V• and desirableness of their fly ,
length of staple,- fineness, crimp and
beentrof style, mildness and thestrenerth
the wool and entire exemption from
gam, and being - without an extra
amount Grail oryolk, wan partienlarly
and feviFto . ,, up:o. b 7
- . - • •
staleaxa rime toniikaa -of
wn 'roil,
cod Cain; .
catswell, Mack tr. CealrYearri Pteemplenel,
Igailliaclf Callsaya Dada: ILe.leon
'llislatotwenOtor to the blood, the Thospho-
Arum renews waste ler the Awl* slams,
. 1 4 meg:unapt ewes a natural health
yaps'ilh.pfaiditrri-Illsns'-vart- forms;
`..l:....lYeetegtheess, - tiettuwal Debility; and Dr
. tobil e4 Muggiat te;.; ::4cuawHi
Da. itsyttsit—l write to thztok you
you !itzetnetie and ecientitto • •
of my disease, for which I called
o consult you._ On the first of April, in
the year 1864, es you will remember, I
was sorely afflicted with the scrofula,
and bad gays up all hopes clever having
a cure. I often thought that It was lea
poisiblit, that nothing could be done, for
I had tried nearly everything that was
within my reach and tried seven well
learned dodoes; and failed In all; some
could relieve me of my awful suffering
of Fein that was raging in my body, but
no toroth towards effecting a cure, and
one day as I wee reading over the of
muse effecadbyyour trestmentoreKerof
ale,lbegen to think oftheoldsaying.that
*along as there was Ilia there was hope,.
end I.would try once more, for I knew I
never could get well by. doing nothing;
that the disease had taken a deep hold in
my body, and was fast devouring the
flesh 'from off my bones, and without
some help I muse surely die; and that
was a settled point by all who ever saw
or was acquainted with me, , for I had
'running sores on my left shoulder and
arm, and they were filled with proud
flesh. I could not nee my arm at all by
timall, endue', eight les we:affected from
mybody to the end of mytoes, running
sores on and about the knee, and was
swelled till I ellen thought it would
bunk When I set my foot on the floor
there was no natural feeling in my foot
and leg, by thnea,for the akin became all
purple spotted, and there were days and
weeks and months that I could
net walk a step without the aid
of some one's help, or , staff.
and •at last ma all over my head and
We. My face and heed ware also well*
and it affected my eyes se that I could
not see to read or work any at; all, and
Wen arose large lamps of humor, One
altar the other, around my, meek and
fun- Indeed, / suffered days and nights.
I seemly knew when I was asleep, and
• I began to think this would not do. I
then presented myself before Mr. - Key -
seer, and he add that a cure was certain,ansi I began Immediately to undergo his
Oatmeal; and it was_ llght, I thought,
for all other doctors had Metered sad
cupped and caused me path- bat the
third night afterl legato hike Dr. Key—
ser's medicine I 'slept the whole night
without pain or groan, and the swellings
pbeeganto dlsappear from all partiof my
,ad three mont I could walk
four miles In one day, and hs
in atm months
the awful sores were entirely Cared
and in en* year I was entirely cored,
was perfectly well; have had better
health than I ever had in my tub ever
slam, and I thought that I'd wed long
enough to be certain of the truth; that I
have remained healthy and strong ever
since, and a thousand thanks to you,
whleh, under the providence of God,
that yen have cured me, that he may
bless the use of your medicine to others
as he' has .to me,alAd And his Divine
grace may attend yea, 'ls the heartfelt
prayer Of year palest
I wish you to publish ilds and let at]
the world know what Ido about your
medicine, for'l consider , it my duty to
make my case known to the country for
the benefit of others, who May be suffer
ing as Imam, and do not khow the value
of your snaking. _
Mess. Setuat A. Kama:
War Porerr, Cot. Ca, Onto,
• _. December 21E4,1867.
We, the undersigned, liveAn adisa
toeroaklP; Colombians county, Ohlo,
and be pleased to satisfy any one of
the truth of this cartifiestewhich wee
written by the patient handl.
Ornate Human,
Ganes Fora, Sr.,
Damon. Voneumstr.
Dr. Keyser's litsaident (Mnsulting Of
fice fee tang examinations and treatment
of obstinate chronic diseases, No. Li)
Neon street, from 9a. r. until 4 r.
Asir,ther liras* Cure of 'Asthma
I feel myself under obliiations to you,
as wallas a duty I .we to others who
hays been liki sufferers with myself, in
Order teat thej may _know where they
nen get cared, r had been subject to
klolanti contin jed Mucks of Asthma
far more than aix yeain, and had been to'
grant expense and to vations medium]
men of experience witkont obtaining any
permanent relief, if relieved st all. I
was so bad that I never knew what it
was to be free from the disease. I had
to sit up in bed every night for weeke .
and weeks without anylocepeot or hope
°fetus. My coieditten was such that I
flange a burthen, and wires I got an at
tack I felt la danger of antrom.Ung every
moment. So. terrible bad been my ant.
raring Nat my mother Bay. that she has
seen me so near wattocallott that I we.
nearly black la the face from the despe
rate efforts I made to get breath.
In - the cold; winter • nights, many
4 night, I had to be set up
with all night, with the doors and win
dows ef the halve thrown wide open, In
ardor to binder the apparent danger of
strangulation.' In this eendlhon:on the'
11th of October. DM; having heard Cl
-Dr. Ke ea skin in curing this disease.
on him, in oompany with my
husband, Joseph Meyer.. but, I must
wafers, with A great deal r . f doubt as to
effecting a permanent cure. Dr. Keyser
examined me carefully and my lungs all
aver with his LUNG BOUND, and told
me that erith cans I would get well. i I
sotareered with his remedies for' aver
yew, and am ' to.dav In 'vigorous
health; and totally free • ham the
Asthma and its tortibTy ' disagreeable
attendasts. I have bad, once in awhile;
&aright attack of the disease, but I re
pr&tnybealthas entirely re-established,
and, if I do have any attack, a few does.
of the, Doctor's medicine immediately
relintrt It. I cannot feel too thankful
for the exemption from a disease which.
used to met me whole weeks and menthe
of low of sleep, besides Buffeting which
none bat thaw who are subject to this
dues*" ma full - appreciate or describe.
Maar Mature Joy,(her mother.)
BenituramuG De6ll, 1567.
fflie emit - = T recited above,e than importance,
is one of more
beams, of Um violence o the attache,
their continued length and the great
prostration of all the ;dial powers st
ng the diem. Anyone what tonere
her Midas the time she Was • sufferer
from the disease of which dm Wllll cured'
and will look at liermow, the eery Me
nus ef robust health, cannot but admit
that the ears la one of more than ordi
nary diameter, tommuch as we hear of
Asthma, every day of mir nets, being
disease of an incurable nature. Let
Mote who doubt investigate for them.
Dr. Keyser's Dreamt Consulting Of-
See for bug examinations and la eatmant
of obstiame COZ01:110 &mama, 150. 120
Pease street, from 9 a. AL-stadia r. x.-
OrpMat et laidlar,v.
• The Wends of the orphans of sadism
will rejoice to know that therestablish
meat for their edgeadea and 'gonna
welfare at Phillipsburg under the care
of Rev. Taylor, le •eminemtly. suc
cessful.. When we visited. it there were
'about One hundred boysandedghty;two
sirls enjoying. good health and mast
windy managed. Els aground Obrgrat- -
stride - that the Superintendent knows
how to resat the orphans' hearts and se.
nun their !eye and attention to duty,
without severe disciplinary men - urea
/tided by competent teachers the usual
,branches of education - are well taught,
and an opportunity given to learn music
on the Diana The religious edriqttion
will be chriatleaawithout Wog sectarian,
It is affecting to address a °Demotion
.of precious youth, whin, fathers offered
up their If restos thelibountuin its great
etniggle turalusdrebellton.
The builalng• for thi, institnueci sr. '
well adopent for light, ventilation and
heat, and everything I. kept c l e an end
. mot and In itu place.- The ng and
dress of the orphans is ert•-nhal and
comfortable. - Everything is adapted to
make a naefel and happy borne to all
children who Ina be roesotiably satisfied:
Four g entlemen In the- vicinity, ho.
lungingg todigerent political 'ergot/. bare
given everything appertaining to the
~Ututioa.e.tbotoogh examination ' arid.
ueuogratulats Col. McFarland, the state
Superintendent of soldiers' orphan; and
nth State ituthoriticp on the great encores
that. has attended the soldiers' orphans
school, located at Fbillipsbrug."
IPot*Wan 111. itninoitirspir47
Blnos the Bankrupt act went Into °Pe
;Atka ihree hundred and fOrty-three
lid ,nstor adindleatlon bankruptcf,
; , 'Olantary and 'involuntary, have been
Mai' in the °Mae of B. C. McCandleis,
kisq., Clerk of the Hatted States District
Court, in this city. Thaw petitions are
from the various counties embracing the
Western Dfstrietof Penneylesule. ander,
thel h t ib.. aliction .of Hon. Wilson Ma
Can Vatted States M a
etric& Jr%
The earm from alai county to given
1122447....„.. 1, Zr16.........14114119 in 4
Araistroas..•ll; Inuisseh.—.lCialtoo • 1
liereer 4 , 1441744 s • 112144144741
4.1•42,12221...214 20 5 . 44 472• 4 ••• 4 .
Vestanco....l2 , Forrest—. likoslata.—.
C 2471122 1 .74tration ... 40147447 I
T•7ets4 ' S Camtroa.... 4:Unlon •
IV • s macre. C 1•47714441... I Sortlmslo4
42 , 1 I 1:4412021a .... 4 77442148' , „
114114a5..... 4 1114/4
Belmar I stotrionr....
Waah'i50i5.14 1 C1122.22..... I Colasa24,
Givens 4,7.mm1ng...11 firsdronl—.ls
ueptlesdos 111•42.4447V12.1
Chi pa! MEAL face and allroughnese
of the akin, certainly owed by owing the
Juniper Tat Soap, made by Caewell,
Hu A ard 00., , New York.. It mammal
all other remedies, aar it win prevmt
roughness of the eirJn,, if d donne
colorweather:ltis convezdently applier 4
avoiding all: the trodhle of Ithe
compounds now In use. oan Ixr=
by ladles with the most tender skin,
without irritation or Man, making It eon
end clear. Bold by the DxnVeut Ven
Sad Acx:Ost—A little bey, o of
Woo ):C.. Noble, of Booth ray.=
aldp. was bunged to death on y
*venlig. The 11111 s follow. who. woe
only two parent age, fallaldelove
while Ida mother was draw a pall- of
water.islii tha effeeta of wh eh be died
CosiUtittfea Water i. cernii:etirs
lorlKabiltsi and aadlusales at thrkid
ws: Far male try raldraggatr.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
alinctsl Mosta to flttatntrgl tiatecuLS
HAERIIIIBC6O, Jartntay 4 IS6&
acroltr or oommrrrrs ON NAILIALOAD
Ur. SHOEMAXER, from the Com
mittee appointed last year to Investigate
alleged extortionate charge' sby nillroad
companies, made a • report of two hun
dred and fifty-four pagei In pamphlet
form. Three thonaand copies were or
dered to be printed.
The Pittehurgh end Conuellevlllehdl
was reported alllrmatitdy.
Mr. BURNETr, of Monroe, presented
a bill amending the revenue lawn, by
taxing the capitarehmk of banks three
mills upon par velne—lf worth more hi
market, then upon the market valve.
'Providing that - in elections for muni
cipal officers outaido: of Philadelphia,
ve f terit shillvoto for all municipal °di
cers, including Councilmen, on cne
marked "city and ward MTh:ern"
Changing the name of tbeClovedand,
Painesville and Ashtabula RallrosedCom-
Parljt to Lein Shore.
Atteraey General Bremner, in a com
munication to tho &male, in answer to a
resolition of inquiry pasued last smaion.
announces that the Atlantic• sad Great
Western Railway Company have viola
ted their charter by not negotiating to
build a branch to Erie.
At the evening wash= the Stanton
resolutions on final passage were debated
pB late. Amendments by Messrs. BUR.
NETT and DAVIS. requiring the name
noliey of eoonenty in the War Depart
ment ea was followeti by General Grant,
were voted down.
The Senate at twelve o'clock, adjourn
ed without action.
Mr. RICHARDS, of Fulton, a resolu
tion prohibiting the appointment of Spe
cial Committees turreafter. Indefinitely
postponed. '
On motion of Mr. MANN, of Potter,
the House will hereafter meet at 10 A. it,
Mr. WILSON, of Allegheny, incorpo
rating the Accommodation Paieenger
Railway Company of Tittabargh ; ex
tending the meamedca lien laws to per.
sone making oil,tanka and other appli-
antics In oil reftneriem
Mr.. ANTHONY, of Diameter, restor
ing pensions to eotdiere of 1811
3fr. DIESE, of Clinton, validating title"
made by administrator", -itn, without.
Mi. DIINOiN, of Venampi, taking
live per cent MT the taxes of Pitt Hole
City. authorizing the closing of the Lock
at Planklin, an kthe building of a faints
in the dam for the passage of boats.
(Themaa,) Philadel
phia, repealing the first section of the
Act of 1794.prohibitimi the ranning of
labials', ears, .tc.. on Sunday.
Mr. DAY, of Washington a aupple
tneut Act of 18'7, relative to the
Nfonongahrisi Valley Railroad Company.
rastntro.rincOOVEßlSOftle MEMO*.
Five thousand copies Is linglish and
Mimeo hnodred in Garman', of the
Gevernor's Manage, after some debate
were ordered to be printed.
An amendment by Mr. MITLLII:,
;Thomas.) of Thlladelphta, to Incl ode
Judge Allison's answer, was deelarad
out of order.
- anainannau, January 22,„
The following firsoltsdons siert. pre
sented from the Railroad Committee:
Zeroloed, That the Attorney Gene
brfrequerted to proceed by quo worm etc
or otherwise email:lst the Atlantic /t
Greet Western Railroad- Comptury, ,and
should he fail in the Courts to reach the
•ortetion, report to too Senate what
legislation is necessary to compel' the
Company to complywith theobecteddch
the .-illature had In view when It in
corporated it.
Reastred, That one thol:itutd copies of
the report and testimony be printed:
Minot resolution was postponed and
the second passed..
Mr. WALIACE, onelmorporating tee
Artleans' Depoeit Bank,. of Pit:abut
M. WHITE, one naMterizing a
Oluntg-tobxrrowmozieyfor public build.
Also, the Free Hallway: bill of bet nes=
elan ee a eoppletneat to the general la-r.
ERRETT, one aulhorizlng the
Neblestown andTeraperanoeville Plank
road Company to surrender parte of its
road In Temperanceville and Weida:Ufa
A bill requiring Bedtbrd county topay
James Cia:k three tbousicul dollars for
a bridge
,over Bayatown Branch; mind
authorizing the Secretary of the Com-
Ina:meth tmecord
. all Omelal bonds.
STANTON 2usoLurtoss num,.
- The - Shmton nulaticne were passed
dully to nhrht, at par put eleven
o'clock, by a strict party rote.
• - • H01:471/..
soisnurtir onraiare REPORT
Three thou:tan d copies of the Bolds:aro'
Orphasuf Report were o2dered for the
Department, and one thousand for the
/ILEX STOCS 41.195Z510M1.
:A. resolution by - Mr. PHELAN, DiM.
oerat, of Greeme, requiring a report from.
the Auditor General and State Tomato*
of the - number, names and embalm of
/pedal amemors of 3iational Bank stock,
appointed under the act of 1887, was, od.
=Con of Mr. THORN. Itopubliein ,
Pbiladelphia; referral to ComMitteo of
P 7 Arnaud. Mame
~..ftee.• .
II; Forney, of 11airlaburg,
arm elected Chiplain, after as hones de
ainaoAD alma HEMMED.
Moira.* Railroad Lsw sad the Puts
harsh and Gonnethrill* Railroad bill
were both reported affirmatively, th e
former by Mi., WILSON, and the latter
by Dir. tORD. ,
mr. WING EF4 of Franklin, rend a bill
compensating the cdtizime of Franklin,
Adam; Bedford, Cumberland, York,
Perry and Fulton counties far rebel dam
nri:Nvittiozr,pf slush/my, primeted
4 upplameet•ter the Mockaalos Savings
Bank of Plttabiurgh.
11,.taszantrao, Jandary Z,1867
Appointing Win. Vandike Com
mtmdoner in . place of Edward Ilearla
tank? the vacation and ante of Metho
dist Mimi pound in Pittsburgh.
' Incorporating the Pittaburgh,Brovms-:
vine .t Gemara Packet Company; capi
tal one hundred and fifty thotioand‘riol
lani, with pen:Radon to double the saute
In 'Lament on the Monongahela item;
principal Aloe In Pittaburgh.
Requiring Suporviactra of , EihenangO
township, Lawrence county; to pay
Earbeson the amount expended'
by Men for voinntisero In 11C4.
By Mr. 'WALLACE, &Chortled, one
anabllag . uutidlid *oaten to *entrant fur
the rental or dwellings and stores.
By Mr.' ERRETT. of Al/egilran 00.
asomptlng the Pittsburgh Church (Raid
frets taxation; also, an eight hour law
except for agricultural laborsrs.
• Adjourned.
Mr. WILSON, of Allogheay,offered
resolution author : ls:mg a new Standing
Committee* on retrenchment and te
form. Panel—the Coinmittee to bo an
nonnoed on Monday.
Mr. PIIELAN, (Dem.) of Greene, of
fired a - resolathm rehtaing extra pay to
Anembers on special coalmines, daring
the present session. Referred.
delphia offered a raeolatian refusing to
pay °Moors of theMouso not authorized
M MEER,..(Detnoona) of Centre,
oared k.resatutiou urging Secretary
Seward no twitruat the American. Minls-
d to &Mend the inintediate
release of American citizenimprianted
hiCliordßritain • for' alleged political
Mr. M . IdSMA.TiIf iniuddmenta fotho
Const*.o? 'l, l ll '.*. °o9 4 iinat!r.4l
also, the resoldlott abolishing
grace= aegntlable paper; also,
the ad eempelling corporations;
arr.ta PEZNI.TTID.
Mr. MILLAR, of 11.1.1egbeny,; one ex
eroptilig the produce or forests ascending
the Monongahela slackwater from tax
Mr. PIIELA:N.r, of Greene ponay, one
authorising Waynesburg to 'key a ape
clad tax.
Mr. MANN, of Potter,
mAr. ,„ of Potm. one iirovlding
for the deficit to fends for the slipped e
meddlers' orphan. • •
'Mr. FORD, of Allegheury, retiesling
the soppleinerit to Landlord and tenant
act, known as the "Tioge Law," so far
an Allegheny county is concerne d.
Mr. NICE, of Schuylkill, one ;Erecting
the State Treasurer to pay In
bank noise to banks holding special cer-
Undue, tke difference between Ilievalue
of gold and currency.
Eimenianutto, Januar,. Z3.—A reeola-
Lien wee introduced' in the Legislature
urging upon Secretary Seward to instruct
the 'United State+ Minister to deuktand of
the British Governinent the immediate
release of all American chitetur
oned ter political offences, and insist
upon the adoption of some axed t olicy
to insure protection of Ike ri to of
American citizens .- Referred to e Com
mittee on Foreign Relations. t
• I
13aorga Francis Train Se n sation
Porticolsis of His Detention.
(HOS.;wily). to the Plitttoroll Gun*.
• LONDON, ' January 20.—Advicas recah
/fate that the Fenian* 'attacked
.lilartello tower, at Dinicanno Water
ford county, Ireland, on the evening of
Friday last No partici:dare.
, TION. -
DutsraN, Jan. a. The Government is
about to ixrinmenee legal prtheedinga
against the proprietors of the Dublin No
tion for thee uhlication of aeditlittris llbela
andlndammetery articles in th4Joruxual,
LONDON, Januisry 21—Noon,--The
lowing particulars of the arrest of Gee.
Francis Train have been reoelVed nun
Queenstown. During the kaolin of the
tender which contained the passengers
and baggage of the Scotia to the wharf,
the baggage of - t‘ra.l.a, u well ai that of
Thomas C. Durant, of
. ..New Yark,.alen
was also a passenger, was eobJectal to a
mast vigorous examination by '
,the cue
tams efileere. Nothing of en Incendiary
or seditious character being found In the
trucks of either, they were both peiwilt
tad to go ashore. Az they stepped from
the 'steamer to the wharf they lure ar,
rested and taken before a Justice of the
Pesos, In the city. An examination elle.
king nothing itgriluzi the prlibnens to]
warrant their - detention, they *ere dis
charged. Boon iager their arrival at thei,
hotel they wend - rustreated.. Gran' the
oompletlori at the Second examination
Durant wan dizahallpsd. The lautkori
ilea, however, eletathed Tralri.,l and be
wa. sant In custody tome Cork jilt. On
Saturday be was brought before - the
Court and re-eumized, but reasualei
until Monday, iffth that. . -
In the meantime the, case Ls creating
considerable excitement. The news
panels are reprinting the characteristic
enacting of Train es forming a sort or
Justification for Ms arrat. , ; .
.Lowbes, January :a.—Eresiey.—Mr:
Train was dbdharged from lined at
Cork this morning. Ili has Seat the
following dispatch by Adantla cable to
ht.: friend■ in America:. I ►ire Just
been released on the intervention of Mr
Adams. I have brought eultagilnat the
British Government for ens hundred
thousand pounds damages.
Ozonaz Fa.uscu! TA N.=
TWO 110. •
Dkumu, January 4 21—Rwraing.—Thir
accounts received berg of • threatened
disturbance In Waterford county were
greatly exagprated. On Fri* a num
ber Of men under weer of Mghk our-,
rounded the Martell° 'Tower I'LT:4:lnc:zil
lion, and made Mettle demonitions, j
hut Eluding the place well ga .41.mtied,
the crowd retired without making any
attack or doing damage. • 1
. -
LONDON, January gl.—The discussion °
of the Alabama ClairrA has recently been
rerrired hi the Englieh journalal. Lord .
Hobart bas written two able petters to
the Thies, in whiCh he entstalia the posi.
ikon takes by the American Goveimment
on the subject. The celebrated welter,
.lilstorieas,” lea commtmicallon, and
the London Timer, editorially. reply to
LOrd Gobirt'e arguments. The terms
of Giese revilee are moderate and oon
dilatory. ,
Lemnos, January 2L—pane norms.'
pondente of the London press say, a feel
ing of unettaineme V pereeptible in pollt T
'lad and financial circles. Though no
.one believes sear Is threatened from aey
quarter, still the great activity' Itt the
arsonal• and dock.yarda of FA+, and
the pressure brought to bear spins the
Corps Legialatlff far the passage:of the
army bill, are circumstances which non'
tribute o saints the public mind end to
tipper confidence in thastabillty of peace.
unman rims; Jaw vox warrens
PA AM Jan. 70.—Tha Parke, In an edi=
lode' on the Eastern' question. corsnlenta
on oirtainntiachievonaarticienon France
and Praseta, which helve recen6r ap
peared in Ituadan moa t end dew/arcs
that t in evident that these journals have
done all they 'could to create disooril and . ,
bring abouta rupture of the relatle6 ex..
toting between Prubala and ,Franoek
ratans gatrunierro moirrithommtu.
.The Eignigne mays tha Emperor In pre.
paring, and willapoon canoe to bo binned,
a manitisto Immuring Ettropo It is the
!leen, and paltry of kis-Governmint to
maintain liner. !,
G 2332
O.IR Of TEM CIANI!MiI,DI 13.11:11110X
ploastfcs, Januaz7 llie—Amording to
a statement made by tne
the measure. taken to kevint the lota
inyaston et the Staten of the Cliureh by
this GaribeltUens hare ',lidded eitiddeno
million Lyres to the expenditures at the
Post' year. .
IMAM' ,I=ll
'Prime Minister Menabres has address
ed a sharp note to the Spanish Goyern,
meat ; . It was called - forth by the speech
of Queen Isabella, at the Opening Of the
Cortez, In which It was announced, that
!Spain was ready to Interfere for the de
fence of the Papal/Oates. Ifenabras
forma the Spardsh Cabinet that Italy will
not &dolt Intervention in her 'Selig of
any foreignpower t aareFiancs,in v'Thcaa
cmao such Intervention Is onlyallowed
spode& treaty stipulations.
• , frATI2I.
Beaus, JAJZ. 20.—The American
Liter, Hon. 6.0. Bancroft, to now enni
ged In negotiating with the Prillabil2
government for the establishment of a
now commercial treaty ,betweenl the
Volutd States and the'-lforth Berman
numos Dams°.
Lonnon, Jwnaryr '22.—The report
which Mu been extensively oirculansl
that the Btu'slan goVemment was sonde
lug troops to the southern frontier le un
true. That government, in an °Oldsl
note, hav denied the rumor. ' , 1
sours lumucra.
zurt an srrrarrox. I
PARIS, Jan. 21.—Thie Allowireer Pub.
lines a letter fromElontb America;which
says the communications 'of Presidest
Lopez. at -Remelts are secure, and Ihe
attempts of the milieu to take that he ld.
cation by elegeer• hopeless. The cholera
has broken Get in Burn= Ayres, ea
specie =punt. has been =speeded in
Montertedor These internal roultles,
the writer thinksorlll prevent *vigor
ous prosecution or the war against Para.
=ay on dosed or Brazil and Vragusy
, .
• .6
.Beeanstraclion Bill Passed.
days of
to P.Y
Yeas 123, Nays 45
The Bill Repor,fd to the Senate
Currency Contraction Bill,
[Sy Telegrspb to the PHltenert Haretti.i
Hr. lIENDERSO.N Introduced a bila
to fund the public debt and emend ii
banking laws of the United etateverlailh
was referred to the Committee un
It provides .that for tho - purpose j of
paying oil the compound interest no es,
throe per cent. cortitis atm, and other
outataraing . indebtedness payable" iu
lawful money, the Secretary of ihe Tn.
eury shall be authorized to lase° and'
pay nut such notes as Wore authorized by
act of February'eita les3 f, provided their
whole amount shall ' at any, timeexCe2l
four headrest millions of dollars, 'ln
cluding these already Issued,
except in asses hereafter specified. The,
Secretary of the Treasury is further au
thorized to Issue coupons or registered
bonds to an 'mount sufficient, to cover
all existing obligations, which are to
I bear interest at not more than three and
a half p..e cent. per annum, principal and
interest, payable In coin, to be due in
fi ty years, but redeemable in ten year..
after date at the plea urn of :he Govern
ment. They are to be exchanged at nut
loss than par value for tiny bond, certitl
este, note other evidenceut indebtedness
of the United States. except legal tender
notes which, are 'sotto be funded octal
decided by Congeess;and the new bonds
- shall be exempt from all taxation by
State or inset authority. • '
Soctinn third provides that the limit of
three hundred millions In amount of eir
calming notes shall be revoked, purl that
any National 'bank mar receive eighty
percent, on tho value if now bonds de
posited with the Treasurer in notes for
circulatiou, provided this does not ex
ceed seventy per cent. on its paid up
capitals, Evatmg banks are 'required tor
isubstltuto bonds of the new Issue for
those now deposited to an equal amount,
bearing the mime relation to cies:elution
and capital, as this section,
in cane of new banks, ander a penalty of
forfeiture of old bonds and winding
their affairs by the Controller of Cur
rency,' in which . case their notes
are to be. paid by , a sufficient
amount of legal tender notes which may
be issued to excess of the flier hundred
millions heretofore authorized; but tithe
amount of United States notes and -No-
Sone!' Bank notes together shall all ex
! ceed eleven hundred •milllone, thetrtuds
deposited by the Banks may he devotes]
to them on receipt by the Treasurer of
' the amount of their outstanding notes lu
United States notes.• The fourth eeetion
- provides fur the creation or a sinking
I fund, bythe retention of twosseventhe of
the Intergst accruing on bonds deposited
to Bemire circulating boles, Incnvilere
lion. of which the capital of the banks - Is
td extend as the name is invested In
bonds se deposited; all shares of Chock
therein and their circulating notes
shall be exempted from. National,
State and municipal taxittioe. The
lull further provides that from
July .Ist, ISIS, to January lot, 1569,.,
one-eighth part, and after Elie last slate,
one-fourth part of the import duties may',
be paid in United States notes; also, that
the Amount of national bank,
Toles. guilt exceed three hundred Mil-
Sone, the Secretary of the Treasun', 1
with the advice awl consent of a mejor
ity of the &flowing named pirsona,
the Comptroller of the 'Cleves:ley, the
Ceninalealuner,Of Internal ll:avenue, the '
Chairman of the Senate ',Committee on
Finance, and the Chairman of the House
Committee of Ways end Meafel, el.!l re
tire an amount of United Stites note.
equieto such' erseme, eo that the wank:
amount of elrenlating and legal tender
notes shall not exceed see - en Ituniiresl
million*, until legal tender notes out.
standing he evinced to two hundred
Tho House
. priseeedid to the mttlar - 1
orrice—of blialtlMl, being the trtml o u
or Mr. FICTLER. to meonshler the ;vote
ordering the•thein question '
ou flit; bill
reported from the Committee on Reeon
'traction._ 27' •
The question was taken lry ye/talent!
nays and remitted —yeas ,
rein y., aseenty.tive. • I.
7 t he rot. AVUS root . .. Moran, and Mr. 1 .
BUTLER offered Ms Amendment giving
the ammlntment tte ollicer. to the
Constitutional Cenventims, land then
mooed the previous question:
Mr. ELDRIDGE moved to lay the Dill !
and pending annendment on the table. i
- The amendments offered, by Mr. i.
BINGHAM ,yesterday were agreed to
witboutdlvismn. • , ;
Mr. BUTLER explained lila
meet, and Messm,STE V EN:••i amt KEL
LY advegated It. • •
Mr. 111.TLEICS amendment we re...!
'feted—oboe lifty-tisree, nays Was Min- •
dred and • twelve.
The following is the rota no Mr:BUT
LER'S aixtendmorit
Yttas-sMessra Allison, AlltiPf.C..,
Arndt, Ashley Ofeststs, Adds, ,Oitiot,
Banks, Lossmall, Butler, Cake , Carty,
Churchi/l, Clarke (Onlo',Clarke ;Kan.,
Cobb, Coburn, Donnelly, Briggs, Els.
.17:cliJer, Imre, Fields, tit - as - ally. Deed
ing, ifixby,H u tater, Jridt, J011a,,, Kelly,
Kelsey, Slavin., /.4.1 , ,Cr1, {Ohio), Lr
; , 1 113 ,Laughren° ', McClurg,
Meteor. Newcomb, Mann; Per.
hem, Baum, fiehenek, Sibanks, Stevens
(Pa), Taylor, Thom., Trimble j Trono,
Vaa limn (Mn.), Van Wyck, Ward,
Willhatna (Ind.), Wilson ;11,, Wind.7M
titre-14rmeux. Arehor, Lob-It, Batley,
Baiter, Baldwin, Hume, Barnum, lira.
man, Beek, Benit:tint, Benton, Linehan'.
.R/aine, Blair, Boyer, lirsanit'..
all, Brooks, Rockland, Burr, Chatiler,
Cook, Cullom, Dawes, Dixon, ISsi
wEnrhm, iFon.
ri., E F ld ox ri , d Ou e le E t]. i Go tt, t F i a nsees, •,-
brormer, Oalladay, Griswold, ti toyer,
Haight, Balmy, Llohnut. Roemer, Mop.'
kln.,,lloteikiss,•llubtard, (Iowa: llub
bard, (W. Va.) Ilubbard, (Conn.; II &rt. '
bunt, Humphrey, Inganml). Jencks, I
Johnson, Jor.a, Kerr, Ketchum, Boat,
Koontz Lincoln, Ilarelsell, Mar.
.via, McCarthy,. Miller, Monte, Mo“r ,
head, . Morrissey. 31Ungen, ?dyers,.
Niblack, Nlaholson Orth,
Peter., Phelps, Pike, Pile; Plante,
land, Palaler, Pomeroy, Price , Provo, )
Robertson, Item, !Mayer, Sehntield,
grasvm,Smith,Spauldlng,fitarkarathar, 0
Stennis, (N. H.O Skewer', Mime, p.b.r.
T 1 4111 1 ,811. (Ky.,) Trowbridge. Twitehall,
Upton, You
.Aertuan; Vitnauken, Van
Horn, N. Y.J.Von Trump, Wmhburne, !
WeshOurne, ;Ind..) Welker, WII- I
llama, (Pa.,) Wllaon, ijows,l
(Ohio,) Woodhrldgo, IVood ward— ;
The announcements 'were niado that
Mr. Morrill woo paired off with Mr.
Banda], and Mr. Moron Sod Mr. "elfin
were utsamt, the latter on account of I he
neriouitallltM of Ma brother.
The bill then passed bye vote of one
huntired and twinity•threo to, park-five.
The following le ttio vote on lb° ite.ant.
stringlon bill:
Tans—Maras. Allison, Ames,
eon; Armin, Aeldev [Nevada), Anhley,
[Ohio), Bailey, Baker, 11"ilitniti, Bank . ",
.13/ionise, Benjamin, Benton, Bingham,
11l no, Blair, liontwoll. Brrennwell,
Buckland, Broomall, Cake, Cbitrrhilf,
Clark [Ohio], Clark [KU WM.!. Cobb,
borne, Cook,• Cullen; Dawes; Dixon,
:Dodge, Donnelly, Bring., Lekle,v.
gleshin, Elliott, Farnsworih; Ferri.,
Ferry, Field, to rbeid, timvelly, Uri"-
sold; lialenv, Harding,
'llopic ins, liuhbnrit [lowa), Lint. hard
[West Virginia), llnrlburd, limner,
Jencks, Judd, Joilan, Belly,
Kelney,lCetchnitt,Kitrben,Kixiote, w
renre [O.l, 7.lnroln, Longliridea,
Marred, Maynard, McCarthy, MrChug,
Mercur, Miller, Moore, Moorhead, Mel
llns, fyerri, Newcomb, Munn, erNalll,
Ortb, V01.,,', Perham; Peter., Vike,
Plants, Poland, Palnloy, Pomeroy, Price,
Baum, Itnberison, Sawyer, Solterick,
Scofield. Help., Shanks, Smith, lipoid lug,
• Starkweather, Sloven% ll'eitii‘Ylvaiti.,l
Striven, [Now Ilampali I red Taylor,
Thomas, Trimble [Went VI rginiad
Trowbridge Twilehell, Upson. Veneer.
nitro, Vail liorn New York,) Van Horn
i lr f llosiouri, Van Wyrk,Ward, Wrothhurne
Wisoonalnd Washburno [lndiana)
ash:borne [Massachusetts,' :Welker,
Wllliame (Pennsylvania,) Willlams.l I ie
Wileon lowed Wibion [(Jinni
Wo . [Pennsylvaulad {Mainly,
NAvrt—ldesars.Adatne, Archer,
Barnoa, Barnum,. Beck, Boyer, Brooke.,
Barr, Carey, Chandler, latirklgo, For,
Getz, Glowbrooner, OaMuter, Grover,
Haight, Ifoluntu, llotehklas,
(C00n.,) Humphrey, Johnson.
Kerr, ICrunt. - ltfamhall, IleCormlek,
Alorrhumy, M Mogen, Nehlack, Niettolvolt,
Peale*, Pruyn, Robinson, Reza, Sit,
Ireaves j Stewart, Stone, Tuber, Trim.
1,011, (Ity.,) Van Auken, lan Trump,
Wood, lAraxlward—rorty-tlyo.
Txtirpxoomrrinucworr 111LI:AX PASSIM BY
The theeTconstruellon hill
as passed.
Be ft enacted, 4e. that In Virginia,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia; Alabama. bilaalesippi, Louisiana, Texas,
Florida and Arkanatis (hero are no Orli
State Governments Republican lu folio,
and that the ameallecl civil governments
in said Sudan respite - ditty shalt not In:,
mognlutd an valid or legal State govern.;
merits, either by the Executive or Judii:
power or anthority of the .Unite,
Sze. 2. And be it further enacted, That
for the speedy enforcement of the set en
titled, "An Act to provide for Gat mot h
elnelsett government nf the rebel States,";
sed March 2d, 1867, and the.seversi
s oles supplementary thereto, the 'General'
of the Army of the United Slates Inborni
by authorized end required to .enjoin
by special orders -upon all °dicers'
tn'comutand within the .sseetal
limy • Departments. wit/ 11 z 1 :sald. flai 2
erg States,. the . perferdianee. ,of all.
sets - adtborited -by 4 said... several'
laws • above recited, Is'- authorized .
to reps.:we albis,diserstlen, hy hie order.;
from command any or all or mad coat..
!ingttlelers, at.el detail Other officers or the
. . .
United Steteaarrey, not! below the rank
of Colonel, to poriorai eli the dot:es and
esereb,o all the, ze.yers a u :lrnrized be
raid several tte.te, to the mid that the
people of said several Stales may speed
tly'recognize civil gjvernrnt•nte republi
rge In form lo eayl sevetul Slates Mid be
. . .
'lt s .11 th
restored to pth I, II ,wer i n Cun i on.
See. 3. And be it wirtdivr centred, That
Cite General or the tic may ronoveany
or all .vit it oi - fleet, ita WM:11114 littler the
•sin. -
eral Provisloind Govern meets within
',Alm said several L tivef.rmated State'.
rind appoint ethers: to dirteharge
tito dutiesperhiihing to their
re'pectivc oafiN,. , ansl m a y. do nay
l aml all nets which '.b - said sevend
flaws above mentioned I. 4 •uttionzed to
lie tloholiv the several. 'run • enders of
thriftat - 3r Dc.plirtme it s within told •-I, Ulla (.9 • 11:11C11 Oil sw.iaels, or of
an act us th e President to de
taiWilitary Conimaist o rs to said Milt;
I tary Department., or h 'remove tiny otll
- errs who may ho demi nil as herein mr
I oldest, in hereby rep, eIL
Sic'. 4. dad be it fur I,:r ent!ed, That
it shall be ithluvriul fo the President or
the United Staley to r der any part nr
! tile army or tiers of tlie!Uutto;.l States to
I an pint by farce or arm_t the authority Of
• eitiar of said .Provi..i.itial Governments
j in said dlsorgenhved Slates, to opprwe or
to oirrtruet tho Yet orlitV of the United
Sbites, os pi-0vh.1.1 iu a,i4 a.,t and :ban to
which this 11 supplutneutary.
! charted That
auy I ntprferet, by It persn, watt in
tent to prtvaot by . i. al tine VS eCllti^ll of
11....0rutt, it tino Getairal of the ...I.rmv,
mail, in pur.tuine, of 0111 art :want t Ito
wee of or any .efueal or willful
norrieet of any person lesue any order
or do any out required by this out
or any of Abe nie to whieh•
this aet Is additional and supplementary ;
with intent. to liefeot or delay the due
execution of this set er of either of the
'ct s to wit:iv!, this N.Faippleinontary,
', a Mall be held to Loa lihth misdemeanor,
and the party guii.y root' shall • tiFein
conviction Le deed n t to exceed Are
thousand dellar&und Jprisountent not
corroding two years.
Ste: O. And be it jartler enacted. That
en much of all aunt and' parts of outs as
contliet or are inconsistent, with the pro
visions of this net, are hereby repealed.
Wasuluorox, January 23, IEGS.
nut, cbueltSll:4o 'Me Ii.RISDICT/ON (Jr
"rm.: sura.siE count .
The Committee ou . Ito . ;.,inst ruction t
morning agreed on the following bill:
it enacted, tic, That the appellate
s ittrisdietiou of the Supreme Court of the
Cdited States shall not extend
to any act dotto,' . . or which shall
be done, •or to ; any proceed
ing had, or which shall Ibe had, under
and by virtue of the act entitled "an {act
to provide for the more efficient govel-n
-meut of the rebel States," paused March
loia, or of the several ticts sOppletnen.
Lary thereto, and allsucli cases now pend
ing in said Court, either by appeal or
otherwise from any deci_Zion or proceed
ing had in the premises any District
or Circuit Court of the United Stowe,
shall be dinntiyeni by said Sumeme
Court, ana no record of tizty proceedings
had or ,which may be. had before either
of the.llistrietCounniunicrs, under either
of said ach+, shall be removed to or re
viewkd in airy other tribunal, sillier upon
habeas enrpue, quo warranty, or In any
'other menner whatever.' •
'Tito vote 'of the Committee was in the
alllruuttive, us follows:
• .1 - rms—Messrs: Storenm, tPa.,) Boot-
Well,; (Ma...,) Bingham, (0.,1 Fil rtIS.
worth, (111.0 Beaman; (Mich..) atel
Pat ma,
of New fork,) Ilroolta; (N. Y., Demi
and itteir, (:y., Democrat.)
The bill, if it beer) (I"
. •
woultlly eo lbe Nleix(ll.ltiul mixer
cio,aa Involving Mull : lac Co4sthutional
14.31EltICAN .11ZENA —A
11t1J. VRaM COMlllfluli 4IN roltr.loN
The Committee on Foreign AlTAirs of.
the lfouKo thi lIIOIIIIIIC ugrord iinan the
following bill, which Will be reported by
' General Ilanice':
I SECTION 1. Be if criciett'll, l'hot all
IlaturalltNl citizens of the United Staten
while in foreign 512.110i9 Shell be entitled
and will receive from , title Government
the name proteolinu of
p , rty that. law:cord...ln, native born cit
izens in lihe nett. mind circumutancen,
and the l'renidcnt in empowered to unc
the intinenco and authority of this Gov
ernment In all Jot ondea•corn to
secure the rcegoltion by other 'Gov
ernment,: of the principles of pen
ile law which bare • turn mauled
upon and imilittnined . the Govern
unlit of the United titat,a in regard to
thnri,;his of tirtuetlitUd ciiizocs; provi
ded alwayn that no citiz-n, 11.0.1,0 LE/11l
or naturalized, who in guilty of crime
against the lawn of any foretun Stale, ,
committed within iin , Jtiri,diction, or et .
ilexertirn fr,,EUßrta.Li/ the army
tr noVy of much bunter who alma have
acquirodiunuraiimtion ty misrepreson
tenn or fraud, or wen, tie to residence
br OUIVI , 60. by krens6l.l or other edm
I.lllioSt the litac.l States; haye for
tr.tol or who b.'ye[ recioubred hi
rights ay a tokturstlized.altyll b.
yuutled w the prowl-tion.ntazuolatet
by tie. act.
Ste. 2. And be it fuiffire marled, That
whenever tt nhull lea duly made known
tp 11.0 [`resident tits: any naturalised e.t •
off lb. uited arts, has been
, detaineA by say forsinn Govern
?ll.l.ll In tolltril•elltiMl a the intent snit
purpose. of Ibis act, upon the allegnllon
that nsturalisstion In; the li tdtani Stott"
dolls not oiwente to d isso: vti Ilia allegianee
ID his native sore:onto, that tiny native
horn onitan hnse ibinb,rresteil end
dehilned 'without idliW,;ta 1 . 4 crime soot
wlt.lnh- the inwistbetiOn such nosle, sod whore ref,She shad hare been
poreisonanly de'ayol ow refastd, the
President 5h.411 be and Is hereby
powered, by way of fpileninity and re.
urisal, to order tae arrest, and to detain
custsily, ans. subj.:et or sari' forOorn
arverntrieut wlso may, 19
the / tirtwslno ion of the ruins! Stales, 1111 , 1
their ,Meet shalh Widsantunrioventatite
delay, glen Inforiostion n, Cougrisa of
well prey...dings of indeplully and re
a. And be it ettaricti. That
if any naturalized citizen of Ihn United
State, %bull return W ilia lntivn country,
with roninte
In ,14 , 11.1 W Ina United tiiank with the
Intention or Ikruniti.olt in any
foreign Suite, nr shall en ouzo u. an army
1.5 nary belligerent in any bin - tali War
or nerl/11..., !Mail IlatUnilkid citizen with"
not he entlttint to twit interpieiltlon of the
4:4Yivre.mosit in li ie !what!: under. taut pro
vklntia of till. net. , .
MCC. 1. And 6c it furGt , i ruguird, Tim
ttie tern tinuticile in the pre...Winn. sr
dent pb all tv. crinittrueti•le,t mean a ennui,
lions rroideure ..1111011/t/1.111 1.111. 34,11 . 11
the notion ronntry orrat, natura;tret
ifling, or retabliiming' au .
burin*. srltirilt intention t
fliAolllll m permanent tc•idtitire.' •
alto 113ovrillg are ilia prominent
aral intereminienemayalzett from an ab
mtrart made by the Comptroller of Cur
renry,of the irporta maflu bp all the
National banks in the enaori .Stalt, cn
the morning of the tlti;',ol January:
140,/ Al."))
. lti •Ukl 71/
. 007.7.1
Snrptus nn , l l'ruats.
Lw to 8ank5........
tortno soft 1b0ciamtt0........ ...... y 1 ,1,143,071
U. is Bands And docuralo. , 1.10,[120.30
I, from linr.ko . 10:,718119
cnpak • 16,41 v !her Coob (Como W.0 , 9.31*
111113 of utbor ?Innis. • ' to 919,9 A
Sp , '0531,3/9
l00 00 m n ; Tunnel. "inters toff tlettlonal - .
Corroncy • iia,143,913
compound inlormd Notes and 0
~ por coot. Cortlflostoo ' 40A11,043
.The lawful matey rterve In eireule,
!lon end depoOts amounts', to thirty-one
per rent. of the n;;;;ro,,raM clre - uletton,
mid the 1411/010li required In ce
der:ll4lol3,in ViII.I 10 twomy.fiv o per
cent , not of mdennotiop in eltle4lll4un
par cent. By careful calculation it bp.
irsotrn t:iat the 800 ke are luAilm.; in the
mmrciote over .575,000,1 M. more than la
Tito PreAdent Pent Id -the Senate to.
tlaV the iollowing nontittatkunc Leolie
Comb% Mondial for Dot itletrict of Ken
tuelcy, to place of Wie. A,l3.lerry weath
er . r ho, li tm will :expire; John M.
ltittodtal for Virginia, in plans
of - Jon. Underwood, 101.111 expired; Jolt.
H. Yellin ington, Attorney • for Delaware,
In Titter, of, John h.' Pratt, resigned;
Henry siiller, A.. .nor of luterhal Doy
en., Fourth Dintriet. Ohio; Solomon P.
M'Clardy, Chief Justlet, Supremo Court
of Utah, in place of John tfnue. corn
lunation ex.rinal; Ening 1). nage, A-sant:l
ate Auntie*, Suprouto enurt of Utah; Am•
Itroneeampbell, of :Michigan. Register of
Land omen at Marquette, Michimmodeo
Jae. Welwarda, to. ho 'removed; Daniel
of itoiluon, Register of Lund
Office at Narbitoebes, Louielatta. • "
Tho United States manner Quin uohnrg
art Mod at ftlo Janeiro Dm:umber 8. The
Nteaumbli. Idaho hod oleo arrleod thorn.
Thu Wanhumutt, from tho Euat
reached 84 Thomas on tho 15th January
ant would soil In a fow duo for New
York. 'rho Troquolv, from tho United
titatom, arrived at . Deng Kong on Nov.
2d, and tho Onward at Namoikl Nov. 12.
The Srerctury or E;itolo is advised tO
day of the execution of the treaty • be
tween the United Stales and the Republic
of Colombia for the construction of a
shy" canal Herons the Isthmus Of Darien.
Tin, fifth annual roport of the Ameri
can Colonization Society Also'
was pre
sented to the Board or Liz tor* Mho
receipt* of the year were 4.i ;lee; (Dil
burseinents over 580,000, will compel
led the nuke of Invested fun to most
the difference to the amount, of $30,000.
The emigration during the year wan
six hundred and lifts-three Applica
tions for passage to Liberia I May next
1 4,
have been received to the noler of two
thotteand. The Treasury of the Associ
ation Is now nearly empty, nod an appeal
Ls made to tho friends of the cause for
• • Paper Destrioyed...
t mendenran& tame riustotres wife.) .
• 23,--Tho A.ubura Paper
Compaug's mill, xicai thin city, was do
atetynal by `://ro ,ta Afternpun. Um.
$80,000; Insured for 1/0,600; .
P• see In Grennitn—llatirolntlenln'Pern
rrogr.•sinz—llevnlntlen Jln Ballyla
[be War Between Brazil Nana Pa r-
Nib: 'Yong, January 2.—The steatite:
Ariaprie, from Aepiuwall, bring, ,11,/:.S,eCe
in treasure..
Price reigns in :I en Grenada, and Is be preserved for some time.
The revolution lit Peru is gaining
grt4tel. In the South end North the
rebels bed ent oil cmnmuniea
lion With the coast, and Arequlpaappenre
tirta;to bold out agrwiot hint, while- let,
evil other provinces arc under revolu
tionary control. The Government
troon.., though rein foreel, hove yet been
unable to get the better et the rebels in
the North.
A revolution has broken our in Bolivia
under CI en. Adis.
The Chilian Congress has authorized
the Use of eight huadred thousand dol
lars In the construction of a wharf and
bondisi wartlionses at Yalpareiso:
The steamer South A triode", from Rio
Janeiro Dec. 28, arrived to-day. Two
midi had been made by the adieu and
three thott..tand cattle and sonic horses
captured, but no Parties of Paraguayans
were encountered. An expedition was
preparing in the allied camp to rapture
tOrtitied Paraguayan post, believed to
be thp point whence supplies passed
over to the Chaicets ruul held by six hun
dred men. Deserters reportea that Lo
pez had three thousand men at work
tnaking a goad through Chant°, and that
his plan was to leave Ilumita garrisonal
with two or three thousand men and
transfer the remainder to the above mod
boned place, there to matte head In a
strong poeition. Meantime ho continued
theconstruction of strong inner defen
sive, lint, and had organiled a force of
one thousand cavalry, which came out
side' the trenches but kept within the
a.liS . lllllce of the carmen of the fortress.
Thu . river b dterh, of Ilumita appeared
to be ennobling away under the contin
uouS tire of the Iron clads:
Report said an expedition of five thou
sand allied cavalry Wits being prepared
to go to. Assierisinn. .The cholera has al
most entirely disappeared from the al
lied limy ItiM the fleet.
A:considerable band of runaway slaves
el in the forests of the pito•
vince of Pam by wild Indians nod all
but live killed.
A collection of twelve hundred fishes.
was made in the provides Of -Ohms for -
Prof. - Agassiz.
The cholera at 'Menne .Ayre?ill4 killing
eighty to one hundred mid fortv,persons
daily. Great numbers are fleeing to the
country, and trade Is stagnant:
• .The Banks of Uruguay havelifeen al
lowed to oeepend HPOi!iBpitymelit till the
end of .11ley,-causlng n paralysation -of
landausa in the Rio market. Sales of
entree • fir the mouth _150,000 bags of
which 57,000 bass were for the United
Stater; prick% unchanged.
1%001 FUND TIIV3TZ..
RICHMOND, January_.—the Convrou•
don to-aay adopted dm proposed article
in the bill of Rights declaring Virginia
coequal with other States;
Bo. Lop Siellvaine madea brief address
to the Cnnvention.
Gen. Grtuk loaves for Wolthington
Gen. &lieflaid give an entert•dnmen
to night to the YeaLsxly Fidnentiona
Fund Trusteea. _
At a meeting of the Trusters of the
Peabraly Fund, held to-day, the following
resolution was offered by Gem Grant
anti adopted•
Boolved, That in slow of the present
destitution prevailing in the Southern
and Southwestern States, it Is, in the
opinbin of this board, expedient thatthe
Executive-Committee and General Agent
be authorized, in Awiformite with tie+
permission granted be Mr. Peabody, to
expend forty per eeni. of the principal
of the fund, in addition to actruell lm
tereit, and that as large a portion of mid
31116, not exceeding two hundred thou.
,211t1 dollars, be expended during tho
en rrpnt year its in their judgment ran le
advantageously used in promoting the
object of the trust, and the authority of
the Board is hereby given to such appro.
Another resolution was. adopted, giv
ing' She Others' Agent authority to, in.
crease the Fauna already prontined : Inc
edination, and makepaymentequarterly
or Kind annually.
The Board udlenrned to meet In Now
York on the third - Thureday in June.
Moellow , ot roe Iw it lotegoo-020•01-
sollos—Gotroraltes Sositatra
ttlyt.legroptt to the . rltobunth
. 111:01.1 /: 0, Jan. _l.—The annual
ogotoloit or the Wet Virginia Legiglature
wolei.ibled in this city to-dar. Mr. but
veminu, the fernier President of the
Semite.. N ca. re.elegted. In the House H.
C. Mr Wharton, of Kanawha county, wan
etecti:t Speaker, and W. P. Hubbard, 01
ohio' manly, Clerk. The Governor's
.llrs4ore is a dear, concise document,
displaying an enouuragin; exhibit of the
affairs of the State. .
• elAit BLED:, att.r
a at three e•r!oct, , the P....,
1.. Neu= Intrf..lllllAti CUlle.N. Esq.. tar!
I,ARKIZ AU1111131:0,1Ingliter oy the
tie. clergies.. ell of this city. -
/./A T•rettalr .nernena,
oar :t./t, At ltdziwortb, th‘i reoldenee of the
bride's pArento, t• 7 the Ker. James A11150n..111..
11. 1....!11. IrAi4lB, of l'lttdbarilti, to SADIE ,
4att,hter of Ile. John ui,ewel.
yuN:td,-4re Yleralty'rooral•e. jammer =.l-r
-me, al it miaow.. pa.; tr . ebverb. kfIUEL R.
JON ET, ane at liven K. Jerre. at South rat.-
be ry axed 19 ream and 111 month,
Th• dereaard wee• polies moony tablleitebar•
atter. hdr,able cornet depoetarent,
and {K;II.,A ova dual tles e'ldeh endeared htm to
laro circle of Meld.. who. while deProrlnt lea
Notre, boar to the deoree which hat removed
Wm from their 041.1”. eattaded that he h..a• bean
rid 13 a .0.14 where the tare. and trials of
lisle bre are ••knorrst. In the Many relation.
which drevarrerl ertataleed la life. he arm
nuted lot tee, prompt and uniformly eite•rthr
dlrebt fee of his duties. We bay% errld.mi met a
revue Immo alma* uniform coed temper and
sertablllty ter e red for blet the plateratleh Ike
der...4..4.10.01..1a the ark, tow of than ob.
rebre thltura. whit Samuel B. donee. to ehrsee
worth these Ilerm are laserlberl. le the hope that
thereof ht friend, to whore 'Mahar he the Orel
ftroodreemat of hie death •111 remtpdml
re prepare tar the alma er Imo they. ten, will lw
reohlred to reader tear 0 sal *tweet.
R. 11. alit, S.
e 06.--01111redneedsy ',freer rme. January
lerr. at 4 arched, a r2i 011 VA lOWA, be (Mk daughter of w. a, end Jeanie I.::
teller, aped d yew, :menthe sad 0
brbove we lees moat oft earth are eatortell taken
rem uri The bleated ear lour fates them to Ills
mlf. It., are bat Hate la a aelden thaw to
.Irarerni. liteetawarCl.l
PEN 01111.— AI bowlckley. Niediraday 'on
At. . rd. Al qAArter to A welask; LAY
WlAr.stfli. Anly c4IIJ olnt P. and b•Vo A
Itsdr..Apd yenta Aod maths.
D «is. &dor. January ,at U.
te•litrate af WI.. Wrier. at It a
aaltata.d.,3lrs. JANL ag,ol:lyears.
Yc IGN 111 . .—0 s Tburadav unsling. Jaanare
at ilual tar pan aloo Wel et, t , A Ingle: C..
yoonaeat r of Jelin ad Jane Ale mulght.
aged :years, I mantas .1.4 ;I day,.
NtrYKAa.—On Wodorotajevening. Jaoon.T
:go. at o'e JAlle.3lolll4li, ago.' years
FAINT:KY.—On • Ineaday afternoon, al IS
o• loaf ANN T.. lanai 4.011.1 of Vrltltaao
auJ Iheborea Waltny, ag•4. aaaaa %recta and ten
I 7.C..-IYrs Tuesder earning •I O'elveh, et
the re thlehet a her aen.ln.laor. 'I boa. Conroy,
4Altl 1 1 A1.YIJ1, tu the Ctb yearn( her
CON - vrprteum
UP flan or tilt Prefrathhtei fia 02 2 ,2 ! . 1.
Tatcatear, lmauaty 23, 1928
The itemeitr maskets . tot Untie dolt sod cut.
Itterably oftleat , l, and while tho demactt
Isan.t arery . thialt I. ..ttlota.l to topplying
mite, Drle.s are without materttl thause.
()NAVY— Wheat It au.dy byt onebszttedi
ae cotkii one to irtute. at *MI tut Ital. sat 1105
fur Whlte,aW 11'4304,2,56 ELI t No. I
(ht._Lt fate demand at. 150641, on teaak, sod
1313740i1eat06. Barley la in I.xxl demand
.00 , 1 aaattal petals 'Sprits zany M yoota4
$1,30i11016. Cam la rather 4011 bet . IZIP
Laarr4,at flrel,t4 for, am.. Eye le la etentlr
mend itt
FLoU. , FI-00nUnuss dull, but prioaa an an.
rbanard' at altell,ta for Florian 111012,60 for
Mat. !Wheat, and 11it,604,115,80 for tansy
brands. 11tyo flan: la steady at. Kb per bbl
Buckwheat la 404 and - nominal at OAS.
PROVISIONS—Bacon Ls 'quiet 'and atasdr
but unaltanged at . 1034 s for Sboublen; nip
for Itlliostl Sidss, and 11501C3<a for Bazar
Unreel Hamm Lard la still qurnad at aSelayia
for primet Intl* randenul in tiaras. and ban.
rats, aaa og@iir, 10 tug; Ms.. runt,*
Pried !lief, maw. • •
BUTTE:II—Primo I:o cbolce Boil steady
detnaall.l wltti *Alta at Statio—ajoatly at
Efllki. , :;4lnabsoia4 at 4.10.
'MILL FEED-I.lgulat sa,lua.tisagettore.
ow thane:o quote at .41.fratlii44.lot eredi COO
41,13 Lk 6eecade. .1 $47.0.2,26 for. Ml -
dliO3s. I .
AtTLES—Io in .toady . dtuatud but uo
gtmuge4 ogle. at 111.004.50 Pot bmo4 for
good to oholoa and $ 1 41403.0 per 000 Err row'
toreros—rnai Lut tillalsosed; nla
store kl . .slol,lopor bu5h04.3.1. NA503.19 Pa
LW, Al to:quAlitT... • •
• 141.1 ED
~ FUVIT-0041. 148 9 v . .ri and
lb, oupßlp le I uglily IA ezquaudf Ott 4;
Pttehei may be quoted [st 'Mao for quarlirs,
and Ildria for liana. Avphli ladr•
ONIOPIS—Noni to Iliatt•tif•T be quoted
in the abiehae of saes. at 82 Per tooehet..
,• Isa ILO (111..-114411 quoted by eaeriatae ttiren
at Aso forgo. 1, - aud 411,10 for N. I. .
eallleg from country wagon. 40.
ae to quail. • •
8 tCP..47—hatell ishre of elleetteeat at rip.
ri,.4i II lo demand a 142,4 1 4 No =Pre,
mint to timothy. - • •
'l3P.D.Pf..4—Dull at Iletle.U.
1051111Y—Queted 1.1.6707,w. 2
Angus waif!. Barbet.
(Br Terminal. to Oa rittrlalfsh trareftal '
ALaior, Jaaoary'-13Catt1a doll and
from 410 30 Ascalata,l.6oo, . Salary
loaf a 159,0; Sheep, o good femme a&
3400+40• Receipt., rare% aalfrat.,lfora
ao Woo.llra fareasof dull at „
eraram. wrs4grocir.
OITicS 01 - 021 ATRISI7I.I
Tar.DAr. hmusti IM•
Tam market for UAW. Was Dither dull, &Id'
notwlthetandlos the apply was not larger
than 0.011, 1t wies cerettlialew considerably
la excess of the demised. We limit:to doubt
but what buyer, could hare brat found for ill
the best cattle on .e.le, at a reduction Of from
30 to tai below the pekes cf Wt week; but to
this, as a. general i n ning. taller. ahead to sive
rude, and, a. e. ccn.c.goc.e, the Column of
butanes was exceedinsly light. Soul hold•
ere. unable to get What they colubleted . a fax
Trice here, shipped ori farther east: it l• ao 0,1
asylog, that "people sometime* go further end
fate worse." and Issreold •not be.urprlelor lf
that wa!!id to as malt In the ease abode Oa
fumed re. Theeastern mullets went hard Wile
week, and with the &Trent feeling and aft
and unsettled weather, the chance. are In fli
rt, of Its being hard next week. though it la
yew dillticult to tell. Ile transactions in ea,
tie have: been camas bly elstit at these yards
for eel:. limo past, mteihttnoticAr of tnstern
buyery seems to be deminialds each week.
We are Wormed that the enejotity of the
Philadelphia dealer. Are now, and hare been
for some week. past, buying to Irslelmore, and
MD, so a matter of coupe, 'staring its effect
one:meioses here. '
611,0. Lanerty & Cr. sold IS head for Kurt:.
ma en Anll et fi; 28 head for E. Outwit.. to
Peter Elmo. at I; 19 head for Deets to Pld
cock fa Coe at. tip; IT heed fur It It Doud to
came buyer at 7%; for same to same at tlice
it Int cam to rt. lied*. at 1%, sod 2.1014; 3 .1
for Hardy in Itternen at 614
Smith & Talmage sold pe Deal of good fat
cattle tar Former to Darla at 7%—two at
loads unsold. ••
- Hedges & • Taylar sold IT head for Hawk to
Tonna at 'PH II head for bisraddert to Roth,
rather common. at Pi; 35 for BrinerhefT to
Stemma of Cd; shipped 4 car loads to Prdia
T. Limb told 10 head of fairish stork, weigh.
tog 21,036,10 1.. -Sheinberg at rdiffiltmer sold
Meatier 6 Lead tow. at 054. '
Sohn Moss sold Smith a Homey 16 head of
prime fat cattle, weal:wig 00,451. at. S. !Wall
to Strata IS good fat cattle at 714.
M. A. Welsh sold Pidcock a Co. lb head of
good fat stock at 7%.
imam • I
The Sheep market we. also a little dull this
week, under the loiloence of a dimlntshed din
wand and unfavorable .deices from the east;
Mt,. the supply Wes light, the deeline to
price. was not Al great as it would otherwise
have been.d The quality of Sheep on sato this
week was Out near up to that of last week,
and all things considered, the reduction did
'not exceed 1: to %of s cent per pound, though
taking the sales as a bads, a decline of about
one mat pei fumed would appear—the highest
prim reported, 6!4 to 6%, against S to 651 last
week. The following are, the reported sales:
Hedges & Taylor sold 74 head for Kiser &
Sober to Pearce at 3%; Smith a Talmage .51d
173 for Erwin to Pidcock a Co. at 4,46;67 for
Entriken W Deltrich at 44% per head: Stafford
sold Sault Igi head at rdit Wank & Co.
bought 198 from Craft at 4%; 118 from Bees as
6;163 from Zimmerman at 411;180 from Craw
turd Cameron at 4g, and 174 from Han..
at 6,15, Phicock & Co. sold 001 to Hewer at
5%, and lag to same at 0%. Pancoast bought
int front Weary at 4%, and 88 from Bloomfield
—price, not named.
The Hog market, also. has been less native
daring the pact week, the miles In the ague.
Rate being rather Hill, but with a cootinued
fair demand cod light arriyale,pricet are pretty
well sustained. As will be seen by refetenoe
to sslet, New York thippen pall from 654070,
while Philadelphia haTeitt ;paid from 7kilail34o,
and these may to regardea l as the quo.
tattoos for these dames or Hogg. The qbality
of Hoy, se n general thilig, continues 'good.
and all thing, enotldered, prices are not at
Zilch es some growers expected they 001211 be.
Glow, Lafferty & Co. sold CO head for Braden
to Ea Smith at 0,61:07 for Lane tiu7P“rie &
Co. at 7;117 for Core & 1111711 to Pearce &Co.
at 7; In for game to Singer & lenhcff at 7540 Ili
•for Doughtily to 011ebreitt & Co. at 7; 252 for
lame to Name at 7s; 258 fur same to Croute &
Co. at 655; 97 for same to oome at 715; 7. for
ts'y to Pidowk & Co. at 6,96; 41 tor Willis to .
Glichreitt .1 Co. at 7; 102 Aar Buchanan to
Pidoock 6 Co.ot. 020; 114 tor Holmes & Plater
'to Smith at 1; 'Uttar fA• Loud to Smith at
6.94 72 for Braden to Pldnuck & Co at 6%; 11l
for lioltneo 4 Prieffer to °Darwin & Co. at
7 75; 1(1 for Patti , to Pearce at 6:4; Ili fur baud
to Peareo 10 sy,; 103 Oct Dauclaerty & llu. to
Crouse a Co. at nit Its for stale to same at
932;49 fur William. to °alveolar at 4;70,1610r
same to Smith at 7,40;69 for linlmei & Piro. to
singer & lot& ff at 11:756 fat Bond to Almon.
IVVtIeC, tt 1%.
iea Tailor sold 17:1 head roe Miller,
Boyer & Co. to Mrssetwer. & Um at
0.60070 for R7rrobau6l, to Prater, tommoa. at
9 12. 9 (or Sitar It 00101 to same at 675; 67 for
I/ tots lame at 1(010! tame to Alestenger,
& Co. at 63j; Lidinell to Cron.
& 00. (Wee but light) et 7.92. • •
)leowbger, Gillett & Co. bought 13 bred
from Pidcock 1 Co. at 0861 from Nick at 001;
00 Item John nuts at 0.921337 from Georbort
at 6.61; 72 from Nev. at 665; El Irons Bruce
at a 20; 356 from Lafferty at 1 P 4. '
Olictal•st .1 Co. bought V) head from Wolfe
at 746;150 from 0b.., Lafferty & Co. at 734;
164 from same at 7; en from Allettun at T%t It
from 01.... loaner d LIN at 7,33; .212 from .7.
Berry at 7,512. Rapped four oar loads to
Philadelphia on commission.
Sheer a Imhoff bought 42 head from Sowers
at 7.15; Ili (rum A. Johnston at 7i5; 51 (enroll.
Willer et 704772 from Johnoton at l 23;137 from
Holmes at 7;4;41 from Stiller at 7;001, 116 from
ilotilthialia at Ili; 9> from Stal .0 7.45;' If
from rd.Tra at 71a; UT from So s NI be
from. Holes at LW; 66 from gam t 7%; 210
from Stage .t Co at 7.66.
Cronse, Emerlck & Cin.bought 00 head from
Hottlerat TPA PS from CutiLlCat 6,45; In
from Sends & Co, at 6.70. .
Duran or mix Prresneon Geerria, j
T813.0•T• JOOllO/713.. IBM.
CIIIIDE-Tburn Wal; not a angle . operatlo n
la Crude oil to-day that we could hear of,
though there teemed to be • firmer feeling, es
melsily fir Marsh and And!. Spot oil was to
damned as 70, with but little offering and we
teller. holders generallytue asking to 754.
For Morel. sod April, seller'. °intim, holders
are LOW asking es-xale tat. last ever:deg of
4010 Otis fur there 02011/011. at. 73C-thete may
bate been exit" emmeted with
this rt.erstlen. The Arent. above noted may
be attribuied to no advance tit the wells, as
there la nothing le thktone of eastern or far.
elms adetces to jollity an littlest d Inovammit.
IIEYINEII-There is no Improvement to
note to the general tone of the Market for bhox
deal ell-nut a Mille tratmellon reported to.
day. There Is acme (equity for January at
"a:tie, for standard white, and 22/40 for prime
white. but them ere no sellers to thin market
xt them priers. February Is still quoted at
Itlyis for standard whiter March at age, and
April .243.4.4 Anna Prettleted 110 ma Maya atom,
the shlymecU are already beginaln,g to felt off..
and War all it* Jimmy oil has beim set
forward. we expect tone the experts dowel to
whets they were about the that of the month.
New York Voodoos ,ll.arkeL
Ely rces ranh ti she iptonwin tissetta I
Xis "ro•x, 4Sousry =l—Croton denten
sates of E.WO hales et 17,0734., chiefly 1714 d
for Middling nplinds. flour; 7eCeipt9 7,E21
Darrel* firm and rather quiet; sales, of
00 towels' et {9,40!/9.110 for Superdne,
Sudo and Western; 10,740:0,05 for Extra
stair; sne)011 se for Western, and a 1.1.50
Ott To Int White. Wheat; extra $9.75
x/13,75; Untold boup Ohio $10.O11211,fo;
common to go-3d extra EL LOME 41040
fyipon goal to °holm do. closing quiet.
California to fate request ylabe; nacho
siXatell3,3,l. Rye dour boleti sales of MXI
barrels at 67,5439,31, Whiskey nomblat.
itecuipte—Wiwati sales of 3.530 bushelslthe
market nominally unchanged; rates of le
503 bushels at $O5O for mixed Foutheed;
for rest Nome/rania, and. 4t,12 for white
California. lips quiet mut Sneadri dale. 'Of
PP bushels of peat. at *l.lOl /totter doll at,
KWh Canada Ire. 11143. bah unchanged.
itecelpta—Corn; salm of .I,= bushels ho
favor of borers; sates of PDXXO hushed* at
41.0001,31 for new ratted western afloat (1,38
for old ao. in store ind 412 . 2.131.23 for new
yellow Jersey: ltecelpts—Oatet 1.616 both
els quiet and flrm,•aairs of 31! 00 bushels at
wepo for western in store, and 0 314 e ddobt
asl.,e buyer, all Fehruore. 'Eire nominal at
104011t.1c. Cern., 11 no and unt settee; halm
of LOW smks of it;n P T.Au gar moderately
active; sales of 3 5n hiblaof Cohn at litlLl.2,
and 210 boxes of Havana at 1161130.
Plohteses rrepodos of Windsor Musonvado
.41c end CA bid, of New Oticapa at dinned.
Patrols um •erutie steadent Miele/Melt and
die bonded ' . flops 301250 q for American.
Pork dull and heavy with dales of 1,230 bids
nt WO,l2frOaAl for old Mess. clOsintr at 410,115
melee; fEbiSO2.l.3l lor•new do eleelni.h2a4
621.1.3 In otolti./ 7 6/ O .W/OE 4 Drime sod OM ,
MOW for prime men; also. 1,000 hbis of
new mess at 121.13 selling for Februsim
MP% selling for March. Beef Steady; "iw,,•
of &KO Ebbsnt previous pekes and t 213
tierces at 1131.50033,114 for prime loom; Om
30.00 for Indos mess. Bret hams quiet with
tales of tan bbl. at SAPY.II.SO. flacoo ;inlet;
nu , rd stlte4WieVa for Cutfibnr t
land ma, ilithiltle threaten; 11.7.A1Pie for
short ribbed' 12)54113o for Ehors clear. Cot
11.1016 stewir;rs w
sales of Ptiteteleagm at 00
for shou l ders 12 CPO for hams.
Dressed hems heavy at 1.!;;;;.atle. for Reuters
and for city. Ltnl .ludo EnZiErl
nalre or 74; bbir at. 1101.3.4; small :low at
twit. Putter Oros nod'. in 0004 detnand it ter ;state., t , beese'slull at 1111/160.
Freights to Liverpool quiet and drpnOak
dogagemellta for 3,Coobtas of t 34 dd
lir sail.
. .
RS. Loops glorkei.
Wslersib to ;be Yltt.tirgh Wasettt.l
by. Lome , January . n.—tobaaoo Is In dew
mendd at fell prices, but the offarluga were
onsalLandoNea were mad.; Of lugs at $4.153
07,40; common to medium 1eaf.57,L04411../1
ge(lld to shipping leer et 111111113 Cotton is
nettles at 133(01to for low taiddllnga. Floor
le quiet but Cyst. and holders 'generally set
an advance for senora. and Outilt, .wnich
are scarce. and salad were made or dabble
extra at 0.60011. and treble extra to fancy
. silool4l.l ' :Z. Wheat Is? held firmly. bat ' ,
small Caleb were made of rogue td choice I
winter at 43,411:42.6.1 • Corn Is quiet end un
changed. et 0041411V0 for cliched. Oats firm;
sal.N were mule at Wails,. Ilya; the rear.
bet Is unohatiged euel held nenaluel ere 01,70.
hurley Is firm and auchitneed et previous
below. Prot:dons end lard are quiet sad
unchanged. Danced Here are 'selling at
01,1100700, according to quality. 'lLecelpts.*
So barrels llour, s a)wheat; 2.03 D
hq.hels u./ru. 4(0 bushels oats. X* bushels
t Riley, I tad TWO hesd'of hogs. The weather
is clear and thawing .
- - •- •
(SSTs ranch to ma Paitionnth ossette.l
CIIICACIO, 13.—irloor moderately se.:
tire and •IMIY at3OOlo Mr spring salts.
WoeaL—No.l qrtlat. Ann and to Walter, at
ago llat./•3; No. 1. le dull and t(Salio lower:
gat 12,t1N1512,00. Coro salve and 10.
10g0m.01,1 leo. I tal..4e; saw ZOOM.. rinsing
at 61150r34e , Tor the latter. Osta opened
steady. subsequently. weakened, and cloyed
at N.IMio. Ave Mali light sales 01 NO.I
at /11.6:41,5L Barley active snd 6o hiatturt
. 0100 01110.: at va2,03 in store. Provlsloss
doll. Mess of Ma bble et sndard
at 1119,73, straight brands nominal at Ivo*
Lord ut good request at I.2ldollyie;
holders demand. 11%e, ..Mt. =eats of .1,11
kinds, (or labors UellVerry, ate
.I[LegtiVe and
nominal. 'Ore meats genet. Hems Rm.
Ileeetpte-2700 IRAs dour, 11.903 to ',beat.
Mate be nom, 10,8/1 to oats, IXO dressed
hogs, enat live boas. littlemsents—v3.o labia
Home, 10.100 be corn, 2 . Bo3 tUmt.ed hog,, lAV
live [toga . •
Maar Oriena• Market
(By nileitipluto the Pltitlrstet
' bJw °mass, Jantiary M --CoMoti iv 41a
nand a, fair viler"; tulddllot.l7ol7)ter,
We. 15,0 M bakt, receipts; klOO bate.' ex
4tlir kales,.. , tar r acUve;COmmOO.
!atr d i tilt:TlT;AlV e lth i l=olCe.
750%0. Flour ointatl doable elk's, 110.0 t
Mak14,11111001240. Lon. stakly. Oats ros.
Haked. l'Ork =changed. -Eamon and.
.Lard quiet, at . vreTione prime. Starling,
11901.5 k" New York /Upheave 34 dleoctunt.
, Sem Tarim D.r.ooode IltiztaaaL .
By r.Mgcspii to the Viiribteati Simettc.l
Na. roan., Janaishr 041
dal rainy and nniileasont the market
Is Clymer for all • new.toail staple oottonai
.peCially bleached mastitis and prints, the
ilernand ins been more animated within the
.Isst feat days, and leading - 'city Jobber*
have purchased freely, so th at mocks In
drat hands ate moat raddled.' PrOilabi
Lions of Sew Tot* is cold ahead ritia
April, and goods are scarce and firm;
ISM; Mammal...Mt Tomarora. IT; Sins, 1 4
for 44, and 14 for ,%; Amaskes4 sold ahead:
'at 15; Breton at 14; Lane:lon, 4-413: Ads
watican XX 124; Great Falls, Q is; do 14
11; Tpdlte litres Brown SS,
IhNew Market, 4 12%; Paci fi c, U l4; atr
13141 all standard make:kat aura
prints stillselllast at 11% for old styles, hut ,
now effects a command at 14'4: print cloths
have been reduced to 1B under larger salmi
Chiaaggo Cattle Market
. •
1.87 Se.egrapa to the rittabotia Vat ate.)
Chtesoo,lao.2.3 —Dressed hogs noch.g
ed; the drulshri Is excluslvoly for phlpmeat;
males at,. clottaa . ta,... 73, 0aA. Of .
Tattoo on ht. LI so hogs art La lturdtmaail
at atoiNSI for Interior to extra chows. Bast
atoll steady; oiler of 11/ cOmMOrt 00.5.1
akt.S. Sato. 011151 at (4.33C13.•
New Took Cattle ilarket.
ilf Trireraph to the Plasectreii litietta.l
"trio Toni, Jannaly=.—TdoloanDPlY
le Inrge-3 &o bend, prices •1301 0 per heed
lower on or.k quilityt•poOr pllme, 16 :i 4 2
Ito; choler: 1713 W: poor, Ur. POMO, !iO.
loweramn On Monday; prices range 40 •o;
Hog. dither 7;40, barely reallreti for boat
corn refl.
(HY ta toe Inttsaslratl
.DALTIYOIII, January 23.—Floue , quletl
iiheat quiet, and steady. Caen very /lull at
111..11a1,1 5 . Oats steady et Vie. Eye dull at
51,50e51,35. Provlednns •leady soul nu,
changed. Lard /314121374 u.
I ItiST lIO9DAT Or 711.2110ART.'
rupll. beglnulug tteek oat
CoispNie so , Odle Com h tie Normal: Etolifi
arA , COVoll. A COLD, OR A
• BORIC T !MOLT whalers Immediate ke ,
Lattlon. and should Se checked. U allowed td
Irritation or M. Lungs,. Pormastatta
Throat Maras% or aoontroptlos.
Ls oft" the renalt._
Hanes seinen Inflames to the Porn. Fri.
ConFourm Bronchitis.
Ctttttl e lronies ere p m ive wi end lw T irsood
Stagers and Public Speakeaa theda
to: elt'sr • ,t 1 etlengittelf the ' • •,
00131. Oily ••1:1[101101.11• St.o•CPII“. 2 . •
CHU," and do no. tate sOT 100 ii - 011T11114k:
thslrAvxo lA•t may ln offered.
0010 Enfaalwaxe.
t , e ens e , of JA-Ini tIcOLDBC...ed.:;
late of bllnn.ltitOlervelnip, L ain b-en
clams en to tee urderVined, per.... !timing clams'
aeshin. sant es ace will pennon the. Ptonnet , .
ago nent.eated Pt ttlemeut, and Moen indebt—
tia lossl,l eet te /mete ayment elther.,
7111JJ /
hs21:1! J. is. 1[11.1,10( .
a l l. W. Mee of the county of illeglomf. 00 .1:
etaaml. Lave Lon /run. to Me • eteeMbe r,
memo., InCebteo to !MI estate me mounted tee.
elate mike Immillato poyment. all 1b.., toMMoM
to Lb. laDmilDei,:
In Mi••••oe toonsb , m
•PLTiati MOT EV. Exeeetor.
J.17:154 , . Libe•rf ro•e.ten.-,
to Om matter of tbe ROTATE OP .1 3 / 1 /3r :-
Wr I, /Ice a/el. Po. 3, Deernahte
31, it of Fa raltlON•On Vetitlon Of WIL
1,1.33 TWal.
To Francis Sseceay an I Taoism Tweldr,
Carroll county, 33oturl; 1101.01 Thee adr, Of,
tAlao chanty. to and ore. Mary . Ana Mad.,
IlltOrJealtr bar o
o L f 11;7:Itt r int r r l7: ""T' ', I
To to/reor notinor that an. /non's/al:al
will he bell II pareeanee of the above mentlon,
Cl Writ of Part/pop or oat nation, 01 th • pre sa./..
toes. Icing the Tract of lat neera so / fa pra then -I
ant •I 0,a00.0. or whintianesald Nary 1,6.1..1
1110001, sOsea, Ono,. In P3t/on (froneep,/,
elom.lTJanah p .111• A bee) Crusty, Ya . /A
tie 'Mb dzi ISO
10 A.
To mks. lo and among the h.Tea Of'
anon owe. ad, la Even moat.. and In seen oro.t
r . o g lir , ozl e a d s by the aro of this Commenwettlet ,
U./ e On' lthrk b rZr no tar ot , !
NMI VIM 1111. cLVLEy Oberite
. 1.17:07:? • • • •
W _
HEREAS, Letters of Admin.: -
LIME.= on tte Eatate 01 Dft; A, er.1,011.i
MEM? tot. twee granted totes andertfoed, all
• erten. kne.lur teentselves tudebttal to theta.*
tate of sate decedent .311 mote ;arum. to tee'
ne .talateett. or 5. B. W. tit
140 rifle str,et, Putstewels, Pa o ao4'.
tome bar gchime e l alestesl4 esthete win pip.;
.eat them. e arl autbeett , sted f.r schisms..,.
rittomie, ma. • • ee:Eee
an. Letters of Adrelestrstlen ?metes. peen.
minted the tlessltned tows the estate of
al/SU/CI. kltCLU on ltt. lats .111htts t. , 13012.,
detested. altp, Winne Ilidebt • ate the stillest....
will ante nstateest awl all who Leta Vets.:
Molest the sad mete wilitiresent teete. 4117 •
authtleateO, to the sutte ner. •
aNtIaMISS InTownship. ,
aaa cora.. Interested will take notice that
, 41 Ira of admin. ttttt too Dave Dm: grantee to
We cannier.. on the enate of J ..kLEC A..
tatenl late 'of Floe to canatap
Po.. Dn.., ...anal,. Ind.ined Co o s e aid
e maten9 tcstea t. lo to payment a'm
alma Davin. attn. &Rale. tle same will D , O ,
seat tam, prey - Daly so...lotion fat . ..U.10-
=ot. . afiCY ,a
_Pcdt 4 ., ,.lo.¢,dCeZlLounty.:
TIIE BEST - ILLIIii TRATE a JOU cliALpohllalted theretied
Mates. Prlce, It. cent, .1. o. 10 Pow ready and
for me by all ne. s dealers •retwwbere. In th,
Tenth enmity if this be.
weekly lun•nal besot minmd a Igi I Iln stove by
•LIXI.EDES zariur. . •
thegreatest of ranch wrlttrs of nitlon. It Is
• •
lc Is the lam es terded week. tbi L tton ia•
asthOnwnwe AWN rE TUC. T E
ItUAIIIMME Pt, 11114011CIM e it^.. Sc.. h.,*
slide his name and gags, known whereeer the
excites. la.mum. Is emote, to say nothles or
ge rept/whs. fiLl the enatttles dr
guto,,es when. other toupee waspoken.. '
.6AIIIIWDA:E. Tab. 5, 1505.
We will &Menial...UM( al/Mica 4.0 bettor. of
Vie la Mare, to our mbar/hers. Una
e foe, 7r,r4W11.1;47..r7= 2 - `: •
vot an. b;rl,.Trtes°
to bisty.ose 1 honemd Don.,
Other Mures. aewlbc machine, plum, melee
Seen , C^P.' gold watches. ladles` gad
watches.ahem want... Jr., amonn Una •to
race 11• milted Th ousand 110/tare. goanlecly to
Tweltichetern , to be c=oast by
he rub mit., will dtetrlent- beTIMIDeIf,
leo. S. IPS. Ma ab.retstmed r.nres. The Cam •
tet'Wel's vl Pon .et be ; icra.tx T. 3 '
• Tat. TO sms.Clll.lO.M.
tine espy, three tamalts, :Muth., cr.
Doe eellr. 010 inor.tlas, .with `l,li ;milers Pt
• n.•copy. o.e ten, w 111: .4 tannen,r• of
Po 'n e ' r; GA. ra fn. ro eatr:
on.ta4 MAP& apullestlin. ane d t ‘ .tazags
cents per, qwww, payab • at Um post.
elllteciebrecelut et parer. A dlr. s all Is twrs
• - •A. Ect.l.6Y it • le. rub.Ubera..
:• •M• : ets lir an we, Telt
..... PAIL am ,
CitOrT 3C. run
Beal Estate di nstaance l Brokers;
:in pottatta 144 IrlIT/1TUM12 . 16 .
We ewe ol • IIINTICIIIIK/LtIOMAIM1110111-'
Meltetwealalos • ton deewir tele. Joewloo:
price and teems of all We 'property; out-noted to
one care toy We. TAele eousonoll
garniv, Gristinills, Houses,
wrongs, COAL LL U9. ' ;
Thlsliteglsler i t • pita{ tam Vides ayeaa en.
arra at Moo. 000knor wed Jiintenry. ',Moe
whining,' Day or .011 Re al tntoti. no Wlnter
err a locatloe. to f ouot 1411 SO COnsolt
L. , nonl-ni, • top, rt Cull no no 4
rao!los your !Warta*. :January toad", and
I 0 0 ,7 . I J ataarr
lOU HALE, • 1 .• .•
a Farm of Ono liund ea - Acres,
Sllooosol to .r.von townkilita. / I .lltalutliodusty,
tyro so 4 oto—balf north of otessarsts 11.4
ilooorattsy.saal• It. I.t. Tbs. Ism Is 11701.0
soot salt vattowand Starlet Issa onl, so spoil
ana peaeo o.elltrn , ammo Una to Den: also
several tos.osS. 1113 orate... cassias of betex
LOU,,. Sam, es•rl•so scoot 000 otter outballd •
:ago The - t
ote. to chaschas,..,
scuatl Srass a fa r m ilt.
not rarther past ottlass solvate on Ito Inaat.•
lots, or at . , .
J .1114
dell: llooroaslud roar Slifka
FARI.I FOII 13.11,1•X'.• . •
Tug anteenlgned will sell at tedeate
Darin, attenand In Adeglitny tverettnlp4 Watt-
Stealeiand tonal). two end a ball' mile, (fn.
Apollo elatLa, on the W. P. comitAltang.
92 1-2 , ACRIIIS, •
tinging De von greeted a geed Lag.`,llol,Se.'
wrath...boarded: large /rune Dara. tegetler
vrlte lb. r.eorgeare leattedldlage. Telt:tar. It'
Dwatered, and tt Inu t. of Inn Bret enaUtg•
Done en lent to there bell abd school,. • • '
-/lOrfuttler wit/mitts enqatre 01.-11.• Cotikt ,
s3StlN e *a the prealsea. . • •• •
• eALS:-Tbe 44a0seribte offers Ittetalp
Flouring Hill with about Fib
teen Acres of Land,
ettnnte In Hermit U 4111141, Weetteorehlad
nOunt 7. twee It. ttet, nodes rttlabatelh o ato,
one tulle from CD/anima elation, oo teeol
.behe Valley detiread, TN m4l le In good teb
dtr, ems two Mao( tottrk•eod steamer d mate ,
power, mall gearing, at the Oflll Case. Ted
iend It settle f
able. and Bea ll g fame,
/none bone, or £o. Alto, beee lot Of
coot near tee ..•
empire Of Pratt ISNLYELY.
• aotimare? • . M• ,
- .
21113LoollOrin : WILCPCIMPFERIII .
A UrooassofteiMers Roolbut -sad CM Tan
V " antlab m"6 . % Is% Astil t aa-C d arr " lirrr iu MA.
haw elth. ordeli promptly tremor
j" A i l / 4 4 - FS GLENN,
Grate, Feed uti Bateillsy;
eplut - ,
[fed citeelandet tralgetlorta to Ina. Lariat
of aailotal attaas or ANSIIMA for more
• tOsst SIX you, alai Cal boos to grout Orrrfill
alp! io Tart...Meat...l fa,a of , x,erteatat am
tloix htentas any pathannot rall4, if 1111•Ttel
at E . lark, as ba4 that, I hatot thew vita
VD. J 54 fret fr.. VI. d!at aut.: I had to *lt.
labrd over, nlOht for rr,ar a 64 Verb , . with.
Mt..: I Ai: Ia danger nntrpcat!nit
entry moan... $0 terrible 61.1 tofu•
logr.CS‘t my matbee Z. 173 that a nu teen me in
locat:on Ibttl{N . atar7 blact to lb.
1%4 . fr.. Ole dolt:tote tffotto matte to sat
bteetb._ In: the coed w Inter 'elibtt, tour et
attic. vial the do.ri and w:nlows'ef tbe louts
Lt.n. on theTnit.of October: lik6; 1..1nf baud
at Da. KILTNER'S 1p aorta= tris Uses.
dral,of doubt.. to efrecting,t Onre.
'llr:x7..ydica not
map all over, wtth aadittad
calf/ as eatlrelf ee•atanitthed
but'-those who are subJeet to Stall altelaa at
MAIM MOUNT JOY, (bey mOttillf.)
010121.11 ANA 11134.16. '
The ea eof Y. Ryer...Mind aherg Dela
of more thut ordinary haportsoce, becalm of
the noirno. of the &traria their eordinsed
leayth,..dx4 the freer prostration- of a 1 the
vital powers atiaadl , ir the disease. Any one
Who tent her daring the tma the 'was snit.
fetal from the disease of whiell'ahe was aired,
ot4 wllYi.oltit her now. the asty mature of
•robeetbesitn. r itannot batadnaz taias Davao Is
*nail more tn.n oidicsry character. Lamm&
we tin. of .k.ibuta envy day of oar lin.. be.
lona diaesse of an Lavinia° natant. Let {lose
whd doubt investigate for thiamin.. •
DR ItE7I3EIOO 'IIZ4II/ZfIT Carlitlinaltlft
orrox •Ot LUND ltXardrNatTDlNB AND
TUC TDR&T.WILNW of 000111CA.Trt, HitOSIO'
DISES2ICd I 1.23 "'pill. STREW/. tram la
a: in until Y. a. • - • .
rbiliei.ire. from tbe Ear. Pol.rpar of
the Ear, Catarrh. Mama, alba ppm,
Ithhusett Errs, Every Speamof Moro
Mreiresal Mare, thmemtefolli Treated
by Dr. Hemier.l2o -
81011 T itESTORED
The rata to - which wi alloderl non. week. Una
of Christiana fiber, of , Beever County. is now
entirely confirmed by the ippecrangs of dins,
glebes hers-14 who to-driy 'salted ok DII. Alta.
PER lune.., to thank him for !Os kindness
argl skin In restoring her to - ENV= AND
PER PECS MDT. Miss Iflther and been near
ly piing for four =oaths. the gas .aWind that
• . .00010 not dirtlognist. ennobled AO AO to
make oat whet it was.. 3 he asset Is reattrketna.-
Is hundreds of case. Mg here are doo ed to
neker.ending darkness. on Die flimsy - subtext
Pint :bow Is no cure, and hotting ega be doze.
,was under DEt. ILEYSIDis treatment for
tiro Windt& and bitfore she'SPlNind is 0100.
throtigh her brotbes. BURNS P. gluon E 4 illzbV.
hopes were enter:slued of her Wier getting her
eight. Heresies Is wrll known In the AAllhbO ,
h rs 4 where she midst. god tau Win 1111.40 d
SA ono or Aztraordlnary recovery... ,
are. the undersigned. know of the cultic/ Miss
Planer. apd benr waifs. testlniony to the fact
atone staled. •
ILAN 71411r11,
7115=1, tßrotha.)
BRAD4I , I".
Im avviuNligkaay;
itzeursF. Mar alas.)
Clint II
teptembet 17th, 1117.
0. C. Worn:
thillp Meer, -
teenerr .1.1.7,
11. le. Tem in,
g. A . • W W . C trevi ' mtlrfee
Jas. A. Fleming.
0. el. CI nenebare.
Metall Leminna,
I.le , n4Tlkr,
J.. 7 . MU bet.
A. ll ... ;,.. 1 111:4 pdorfer,
it Llevendoef
J. P. Merrine.
A.M. Morrison.
Robert lineeed,
Wl:Meta/1n Althea!,
tun gin. Donne.
El. nit.;
'.ther Mutter.
TMale .11. cad.
X. litaberd.
T. /1.. rabra.ll
A. 14 Bw*.
J. C.:Weller, r
rirg. j itlaW
IN a lwr -
7 , l , rty 11 Moru.
w. Mono.
Lars His-a,
rCris. it.
it.ry F..
iiarr Pats.,
,enott• Patten, ' •
Martha Par rrh •
Jamea Prater..
-!itgtti ) .°lZ., • •
Dobta,' • -
1.10+1,11. • • • •
It: Plum,
.1. af.,r •
Willatalna Frotter, •• •
. thrr roothar.)
2he to,, abase deterred CO waiixturely ssßd
hl Medicines to p illtY the bloog;ead A Is
PeMed by mores or permas who hare Sam
Tleher, and have. a thew ledge at *total
sestormlea to health. aid the reeerary et beg
sight, tette accompanying letterer hex brother
tate forth:
Do. Itcydai , —Thls It tee. 11.5 of atone. that
- hive to rocs advertisement of the este at my
CtirimimsTlMmr:. Why/ mem a 4
lei, to put thole watts down. pad was 1117
much eatoolstied to tee that yea bzweltat hat .
sight so Icon. kti motherstudi ter OWs to
yea: sue gars ••yoe are enact the greatest mea
a the. world.” eta nays If we had not come
street she. hellexas Dual* would !Mai
Mins eti tale time. We MI ./ele la seaellag Per
loraint respects to you. ,
N. P. its/le/t. /earth Sewlektag.
. Dr. Herrera Ocutsultat.los soon, .
NO, 120 Veen Street.,oproor of Evans
*dry. . OWN" boars-trona V s. .
►HOM I . l.ltl7lifor. CDSLD.
Stateo.t. of Dawns rood. carneat.D. of No.
10•Wmlwoa atreat. Allegionir (ntra. .
i id. a radlcat *tack or.olaorlay.. to Mal.
D*, yak/. left ma wun ► corr. Ustiag all non
mer„neefaing awal nor atrouct and gradually
anderidated ray Ocalth. Deriactats attar) of
.14sa014r I had several ahrdeinns of tee 010.1 .
,r• natationln,the elty. Altar 1 had vartll/0 00-
• covered Qom the pintLlT. I wail advt.. 00.10
Into the conntr7. 011.1 did, and when slum a
called Ina ciao:tot . 10 0 4 rot my. his last was
affected. ind. that If acaneta4nitwara not do.
XVII 11 , 0.1441 s or 001.1:TYPTION. 1, Ibsen.
ed oak from MD Ma ant? abont.Die Diddle of
inns; nar 00040 WI Inns Matisse gradaally
/.!?‘lit worse. and 4,westeraved7 dab. cad al.
=Oct d”lnalrlaz of aver 'LAM:An% In LLD
01 .t. 0 7 and'lrno , rlin the general
beuar of Ina Inctri , dUty orCoOsornPaban, and
havlngptarti of cares Made, by DL DETBED,
and arenas Ids advent...olln the Wrennaers,
I wu 10411001 to October but to call On the Deo.
for it Ids atttoe. 120 ems street. and had Mt
inane* lento with Ms "I.:oNti 60137101." Na
014 me the upper I,be or lay lull lang was very
'aura dinar.. tat le Donna% Wlth treat..
and the feraaveranee In stelae of Ids medians,
woald set well. dt the Dice. I called 0011 t•,
iterte , any polo was oval. on. Maser. and 10012.
ta buts LOS manta. and I was deserattYpinni.
trat...4 bed to ornota nytat 004 day. ' 1 coca.
'nice°. the Doctors trestatant.taDelober. wtta :p
• heats. broken conAttratlon. and constausd
falturnty until the meant tans.' Th. Dcedors
Dcittee !ripe! Inc from tab raiT, start. 044 1
c 00.4 Aradvally feet annelf teapot otarnDr.
:and mr ownih and azpoclontlon Irasented. I
tiara gained 4000017 10 dean, .neecosaldar 007.
aaltwell: 011 the rattllns of tar Inns boo eessaa4
and coy metal health Is In Viral war itood.
my relatives und Mends tn.' of,tbs advanced
stun of ray alma* and air eninardlniarr nom ,
00. of the Dadletnes ale. vie 17 Dr.
Koran. was a nodlri. .11. • LUND DUES.
wal. I tookli connietton with the otlcir
• ' (Damen roan.
' ilrultrdon. Waren MOW.
Asormas OVUM 07.Coliatimeturyt.
.OTAZIOCche or Jong ri.arnlam, at TOlll.l
I Was dlirltarged /tom Ma Ilattml &Alas anal
annum lb% oa motout of a
.wmail fn Is.
;Dead, Mull • Ma. sad a disease whist its stay
.ohystalana proaamtead CONBlllLp7'tUlt, hog
mumble conga sod fall away th.:stmotith aug
'agyami was unable to do anything. ghart/Y at. '
tar tar ratan; Dom the arms, !made ampliestlos
to a nuralotan Of etts, aeleitborkood aao, arta,
trarli. to Mother la Pittsburgh of hien strata.
~ ,sort„ Thom romtdlea I used faleabllT for ow witlonis any Stomas wassevar,tottratist
es gresrsoiso, and wasty4 I. gosh sat strgagth
'l , fsr7 dal. Is Saints,. leek 107 sailor tookute
DOUrOTS KISTISSUi. of IMPeurtstreet. vise* '7
styli; Is moll cues Ilk* mine Sad bees Misty '-
,yenta of and put Install' ander Me trtittiant
be ;lanky examined loy lungs ye. metals .
mita Ms tAllito SOUND. aoi•1 told ins: that my ,
tapa ttaal badly 411tesaat at (ha myog put,"
hot If turas *mho' ha thought loramtid tars as
by following tits dtrealona closely. venial Ittel
from that day to Ulla. I graditally.linprorrad
dor Dr. fritrsar's Modish:tee &wane first weal
etonmene..4 to Aka Item. and a, ganetslimaltil
hal haVillmil Mid my alum% whom u wen mat—
es away, sad,wtem It pame9 ma, AU booms
Ittll and strong and tree from ,pis: : : I ear maw
41. a SDI day's irook, and tarn. gnat Nausea la
itvUat TAT Wawa: ta &tar at Dr..Xatatra
JO:UN O. Maus Tattle Omelet 7 .
I . ll . l7lll7lMoStarrtintS. • 1
At...kgysElll3 PECititAL
DLOmT=viably, mix, -
o,iroup mix?. qoacaltattn nom; no.
Ago pros 1171413. Lan eximOuttois When.
taaareattl ke Y. ".