The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 25, 1868, Image 7

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    - ejt:,rejtttnitij..Git,lrt.te -1 .
:urn AND utamg.A.N.
,fop Of ear Iteadvre Itavtog color, of
the'lgratxt.r CLiasa - re of tho Sib, 4th,
- lOtli'ext4 '26111 of October, or f h 9 4tltnf
Deedrober, 1667, will ern:Syr-a. favor by
maitinn tltana to our, address.
MEplosion Of • fro War's., on Malts.
a e laNtreel—Tuo E.ersons Ito ITeen.ed
.—on, Ifs tatty Parnin—Noble Cou
nt:lCS et' flremes. i .
We ere again - required, to chronicle a
terrlarlo disasrer, mnsfifing In the loss of
both ie and:property—ono which, it
though not, so fearful In itswinsequeneas
as some that hat's recently preceded' it.
mailed in two persons befog' hurried
, ,
. 10,0 'eiernitY with Y 4 ,:" .( brief warning,
and enotitcr ma , fearfully burned as to
render his r!: revery hopeless.
- inn nart.dstos.
'Faraday morning about half-past ter
+o'clock au explosion rneurred in the es
lablishment ci linable St chreel. -
' dealers'in foreign fruits', confectionaries
and - fro worts. at No. 13 Smltbfiell
- street.. It appeati that the lire work +
. were:stored:in the front rooms ea
the scrond aed third fl oors, wher e sev
gral persons were engaged in racking
thcm, and during which the expire:ton
occurnd. Iles buildingratight fire from
She explodou and fr the alarm was
.- sounded from the Dequesne Engine
House, whieh is dirodtly opptinte the
scone of the' dithster, a it th e steamers
were promptly on the rented and se- ,
mmed in extlegulshir the flames.
During all this time there was a con
tinuous explosion of fireworks, and the
entire upper portion of ll e building op
peand to be to flames. ' • -
- DISECnalitT O a r THE DOMES. . '
1 ' In tiro gieeral cenfasi it and exeite
-meat incident to the exir lon, the fact
• rthat several persons had ceu argued
up stairs in th e roan where th e explo
• -elan occurred was for the time forgotten,
and It was not until several minutes hail
elapsed that come one acqualufed whit
the - affairs pf the establishment au.
menaced. the fact„wlien an effort was
. _Snails tolvseue them.• A ladder was Pro
cured and one of the emend story Inset ,
windows broken, when the room was
' found to be on full of smoke, flame and . I
gas that it was next to impossible to en- i
- ter it, and the attempt was abandoned. ,
-As no one could he seen or heard in the
room it wits-Impound that those am-
' ploved in thin, 'MOM Jrad escaped by the 4
.c- n- staid, but as they could not be
found ' about the premises, the supposi- ,
.• than was abandoned, When another and t
snore determined effort was made to find
them. The itissistaner Engineer of the
' _Vire Department, fellowed by a number
-of firemen, geified access tollui rear - pore
Ilene: the building, from whence they
: made their wav • -up stairs and entered the
room where the persons they were In
seareheatwere supports] tohave been em
ployed, in_spita of the suffocating smoke
and' gas...e. Shortly - after entering the
zoom one body was discovered and cart
- fled down stairs, and into an adjoining
store, occupied by Measze. Tindlo and
.Mellhany. The unfortunate victim res
cued was-so terribly burned and flack
tined by the more and powder, es to
render his identification. a matter of
- doubt, hat shortly after . he was 'brought
own of tile hurning,builtimg,, alr.Sehrock,
ono of- the firm, who bcfroi been absent
when the aecidest occurred, returned
sod on visiting the room 'where the
young man lay 'w ithing In the most ter
athloageny, immediately recognised him
as- his sou, John I A. Selacck. The iu
jured man is shout eighteen years of
age, and was eMployed, 'with several.
_ w otheis, fn piffling tire works. ills in
juries were og - a frightful character—his
- face was te - misly burned, and Übe should
aurvive the Ivy tuna, which to not at lull
• probstifis, will losethe sight of botlfejes.
• Drs ritillips, Benham ' Wilson and sev
eral 0 there visited theinjtired man, and
'did Till in their power to alleviate his
. . terrible enffering. '
- •
- Immediately acr placing the first vie
inn resew d whore ho could be eared
+or, the parte teetered the burning
building, nest in ho corner of the front
room neat to e Street discovered
the bodyrof a yoring sv, mansitting in an
uptight position with- a shawl wrapped
around her head, The Ator stant Engi
neer approached, and lifted her front lbs.
1100 r when. he llieeovered that aisles:l
'dead'. le. nriother po lion of the room
'teas found the lifelceshaly of a law, also
--- an empl sye of fireworks, who, like the
girl, hood evidently cited from sufficatien;
00 no out s awl Injury eufficient to' cause
death could be found Upon either of
them. The dead bodies were at once re.-
Axtered to the Duquesne Engine House,
When) they we e shortly efterwords
identified by theft acquaintances. The
girl was a Miss Nancy. Campbell, a
:youngWoman aberat nineteen years of
age, en employe in the estableshment.
She was h sister °niche Campbell, of the
police foro3 of Allem - telly, Sad resided on
LedliS street, Second wurd, of that e vy.
' The oiler proved to be John - Ramsey, 4
boy about f- fatten years gage, who re.= ,
• aided with his parents on Robinson
street, Xilegheny. ,
TELE Flltti.'
'While the bodiei were being removed;
'the firemen 3vtro at work In extinguish:
ing th - tire, sillich they sessompliahed
before it had done much damage, other
than:burning thretith the floor ;tut mid:
nideraide loss was' 7ccoasienedfrom the
••-flood or water • poured into the build- ,
bog. Mr. John 3lblassitt, of - .Llbertyl
street; owns the linetding, and his lossi.
. Is fully covered - oy insurance. The
. damage to the -mock of Tenable :
• Schrock. is nuke hdivr; as It connoted
principally of highly peiiihable material,
but we learn that tbe insurance will fut.
• • -yl coves: the lass. Thostock of Mr J. H.
grocer, was ennsiderublydanti
.egmJ bywater, but is fully insured. •
conossen's r.vourair.
As soon as possible after the wear
ream Coroner Clawson Inman. sided a
;rut to investigate •Has 'cases mf•Misa
••• .
Campbell: nod tee boy - Itamsey. After
riewing the bodies, the j lory adjourned to
meet at the Mayer - s office this morning
- nt tetto'clock, when a thorough ithresti
. gallon take place. -- ' • •'
DeligA et Toverr ,feetreeek--CoreoeVe L
Invest.fgatlon-41;te Vesdlei.
'Yesterday, at half-post• three p. x., the.
Coroner's jury tut kneellel . in the rose
• of the fire workee xPlosion on Smithfield
• ' which 'Arhus' A. Campbell anil
Frederick Itazusovlosttlieir lives, assent
- bled at the Mayer'! Milice In pursuance
of adjouninient. - ilefore i the InTeetigri,-
. *lon was comniiiin d, word was brought
the Cortiner that A. Schrock, the
• • - third victim or the phxdon, died of hiSs
Mit/ries at Passava is Infirmary at half
past two r. This my proceeded tbidis
er mad viesied the n and at half-past
•r . seven last evening c.assembled at the
• ' • •':-Ilayor's office, ivbedthe following testi
` • many wee '
-A. RSiit %pa, As-one—Ain the
1 : • physician who attended young Schroci4;l
his death resulted from .burns; the In
;•. juries; were superficial in their climacter; •
, • the eye -balls wore disorganized, and also
• the - torTgue:From the character of the
,wounds Would judge that they were
muted by the explosion c f gunpowder
or some ether explosive substance.
• Schrock died at half-past •two o'clock
• this afternoon, at I'th - savant's ffespltal.
_Edscgrd herd, sworn—Am travelling
• ; agent for Messis.Knable &Schrock; was
• In the lower part of the more at the time
of the explosion; the first thing I heard
after the report was the Dal of something
beau overhead; and saw flames threege
. the hatchway; went up stairs. and tried
-the iloorlmding to the room where IhO
fire, was, but found it fastened; returned
d went up die back way; found the
Samos so great that Isras compelled to
I retire. The Sire-works were stored In
' •
the corner of the front roomer the second
story; there was a fire-place in the moth
with • lire in it.. Tina fire-works were
• about four rfett from the thero was
' - tiro there all the time. Have no know
".ledge of Om 0411/50 of the explosion. The
fire-weeks in the roont.wcre torpedoes,.
~ , ,.....flro.trackers and Homan candles.
•• • -
George. IF. Jones, sworn—Ain candy
".maker "for- Knablo Schrock; was to
the third story, teak part of tins building,
'at the time of the explosion ;' : the first I
141 h ho
heard of it was.the • or curs o ass
In the front rpom sr the Second story ; do
few seconds after thL7 noise lipid
- parts like rockets goingoli; I then went
.„ down stairs In the More; went down the
• beck way; asked 31. r. Schrock if, he had
• • - given the alarm of Ore; he said net; Colo
•' • - trirnthe second story - wad , on fire; Iran
. •" ger. e- , e the street and helped out with the
Docieemte steamer.; when I got bock I
• Mated Mr. tielirook if the boys had come
• down •fitairs; raid they had not ;1 I
;/then ran op to the door leading to the
s••• • front'roono; found there tras something
'behind We door; IT.U.Slted It open 31,0 pt
foot. heard a nobout some one • ' -roantn...
/ • .get' down an my kneel and reached
Sri the door, and caught hold or the Ica:
Of !same one,,whoni I afterwards racer
tained to he John Schrock: I pulled it
outs little past the' . kneir; the other leg
• , appeared to he fast; sums other mitt
cometo toy assistance, and leak out the
'.' body of Sfirock.• It was taken down
,sfeirs. I then saw. that body of young
- • .• - •••,Marosey curled. dowiL The fire works
-were stored-in the left-hand corner oft pl.
room es you enter, Therb Is a k t
'•';• • •there throuh the day time, in d
• •".- •••wialither. T ile lire works wore four,Or
: •
.1• -•• 'five feet front the grate; there was LiO fen.
der_' Tim fire-works wore packed In
boxed.' Them *aria few torpedoes in a
barrel; there Was 13,0jbend In the barrels
• • ' Some of Abe boxes containing, fire-works •
• were not covered.' ..I.M0111,4•• was 1 .. t. els
• '.lowed in the room. There were a great
• - Manysa about e
hOosesan d tehorey
'•-:been rn bng-at the,pactogesw
works. broken packages
• . Me. John Schrockweafoundupiunthast
- the door •41 - the front room; yonngMarn
enrol near the tautherloor; Miss
•? -•: • ••:• 1 •; .-- Itt 7 tM713 3 e f ll i es body' was found near oneof
,•.7 the front winsome • ' • - • 1
•yr,l Schrock.,•aworn/-Am a member
-; • • • • the firm of Enable &Schreick; em
of the' deceased, John A. Schfoekt
the first I hedid of the explosion was a
noise as of falling boxes; the noise, might
have been caused by. the explosion of
torpedoes. I. saw Me dropping down
through Aber hatchway from the second
to the loweestory,wlere I was standitig.
I at once haptimd about the boys; I ran
up stairs, but mold not open the door;
there was something mminst It inside; I
milled to the bdvit but got no sneerer; I
then went down the front and up the
backstairs; kicked open rho door, and
Mond the hack room bird with fire and
Smoke; rtben Wont back to the front
stain and met mon_ eerr,ying out the
body of my son. I know nothing mere
shout the firm The fire-weeks, which
were left by Mr. Savage, whom webought
out, were !Ting limn In the front room.
Before Ch wo unpacked some of
the boxes, bat .afterwards closed them
up Some of the top boxes were withdut
lids: There were about fear hundred
lu n gs: on the top of the pile of boxes.
Tarts wore some torpedoes In a barrel.
Tae Only words My son epoke In regard
to the accident, were: .1 had an exists
'doh." I asked him where; he replied,
fire-workri in the store." I then
ic• .. •. - - -- - .
kedlim bow it bappend; he said, "I
on . t know." 1 also asked him where
fed woe; be said, ' - I don't know." I
peke to bim concerning Nancy Camp
,ll '
• be asked, "Ls alm'slini.d. too?" I
31 , 1 him she was dead. My non was
arly.eightecri. Tee fire-works bed
been there sine.) the 6th of last July.
Pr. Roberts, sworn—l wee' t the scene
of the expinaiint soon. after it occurred;
went into the Duquesne Engine. Reuse
and examined the hotly of young Ram
sey. Ms death, I think, was caused by
suffocation. •
.. • .
!.,11r.riarock, re-called —I Lad elven the
boys Instructions to take up some fire
works that score on - : the manta-piece,
anti repack thetiiitibnier, and I think
they were doing this on the morning of
the explosion.
tpettreKsenle, sworn—Am a son of
the senior member of the firm of Enable '
At Schrock; curt engaged in" the store.
- iThis witness knew nothing about the
After a brief consultation. the Jury re.
turned, in substance, the - follow ing ver,
diet: That Jelin A. Schrock, Anna N.
Campbell and Frederick Ramsey Mule
to their deaths from Injuries received by
an nixldental explosion of fireeworks in '
the establishment of Ilensre. Rookie it
Schrock, Smithfield street, on the ISth of
January, Mkt. The jury earnestly re
commend that Sealers in fireworks exer
cise greater care in storing such dionger
nus combustible,
shontlag Atresy as Ualont Imo.
A shooting affray au:named at Union
town, on Weslnesday night, of which. a
correspondent sends us the following
liar-limier& A party of “roughs" had
Congregated In 'a "drggsry" 'kept, by
John Manning, it colored man, and were
enjoying themselves in . the usual man
drinking, playing curds, A.e., and
_neat tcuO'clOck. Alfred Gorley came in
and asked for Whisky - , which wasrofused
bite, Ile went out of the house and im
mediately made an assault upon the win
dows and door with paving atones and
brickhats,which ho literally demolished.
One -of the "roughs' who way engaged
inalae came to the door with revolver
- and tared two shots at Gorley, the second
of which struck W. S. Johnson. operator
of the Pacific, and Atlantic-Telegraph
Company at that place, - who was standing
on the steps of the United States Rots
at. the corner of Main and Railroad
streets, the ball lodging hi the shoulder
bone. -kir. Johitaton was carried to his
* room And Dr. JI 11. Ewinjr. was called in
and dressed his wound. The party who
did the shooting, as, well those who
had been In the hone wi him, made
'good their esespe,and_aro t Yet known
to the. autherities,-vottnert ently no ir ,
rent. s . haTe teen made. I. e wounded
than, under the treat bent of Dr. Ewing,
is rapidly recovering.
thick doggeries - as the .one In which
'thin affair omorrcd, us we ll ies those who
frerthent them, area curseitto any com
munity, and to got rid of the latter it is
necessary - to abolish the former.
There Is no disman in the whole-cata
logue of human Ills that is blamed with
half the freaks' as tho one now immedi
olely kinder our notice, and if one were
to credit half that is told about It, We
would be led to believe that when Dys,
pepsin began, Pandora's box had been
re-opened.. The DAin, the sour stomach.
the riftings, the sensation. like a ball
rising into the threes: as if 'Some strong
hand had griped von there and refusal
to let go his hold are sensations bad
cur ugh, without blaming It with a score
ex two of other trite, which none but an
iron-clad etoreach could at all survive.
. The truth is that . Dyspepsia is Is serious
evil—for when the - stomach', that great
receiver for the waists of the animate:ion
ocuy, refuses to concoct tbe aliment Into
chyle, tit to rebuild the worn out human
constitution, there is no otker organ to
take its place. ..
.• Tao stomach mn be made to do its
.work properly and concoct wholesome
and tit rebuilding material, by giving: It
rest and proper tooths. One of the bent
of these Is Dr. KEYSER'S BLOOD
SEARCHER which combithes with its I
tam mowers.
whichpower valuable - alterative mowe.
which Imbue the blood with. healthy and
proper plasma to be need In its mission
of repair when it courses through the
arteries and veins of the hereon system..
The Doctor a few days ago had a letter
from a chemist in England ordering- a
cask of ten gallons of this great meth-
eine, which was had:lced bythe emu of a I
terrible ease of cancer Which the Doc
tor's Blood Searcher had entirely cured.
Minx persons doubtlesii have failed to
get well with Biocide Sea.:ll, r from - the feet
of their having obtained a spurious nr-
(tele, whichis in the market, and Is often 1
palmed upon the public as the genuine.
or as they are-told - "is fast as good." ,
In order to beware of it look'for the Doe
toes name pasted Ins label ; over the top
of each bottle. Sold wholesale and re-
tail nt. the : great medicine store, 140'
•illaist street.
from 9 A. sr. until 4 r. at. .
I 1
'rhe full . advices of the death of our
lamented friend. Hercules O'Connor, I
Esq.; have just 'been received by his
brother, James O'Connor, Esq. He died
at the "Hotel Dien," blew Orleans, On
Snidely morning, Jannary.uth, 1168, at
three o'clock. surrounded by friends
and with all the blesspigs of religion.
His spiritual director advises his death
was a happy one; and that his soul
winged its way to etern* relying cond.
dandy on a blissful imnitortality. in se
cerdance with his will' his remains;
which arrived in this city on Sattirdayin
chime of Mrs. Tohlre;- sister of deceased,
were taken to Baltimore, in which city
I to be interred in his father and mother's
tomb. His friends and the friends of the
family are respectfully notified of the
above. May his, soul possess eternal
bliss and rest. '
Illortalley ,
Dr. 'G. Eiceandloss, Physician o
the Board of RAO, reports the follow-'
Mg interments in the City of Pittsburgh
from Jamlaryrith to January rah:
Diveaaoof the 'Heart,. 2; Rheumatic
Carlitis, 1; Consumption, ". Old Ago,' 1;
Puerperal Poser, 1; Hyd7neephalin, I;
Premature birth, 4; Typhoid Fever,.l;
Pneumonia., 3; Scarlet Fever, I; Spamma,
1, Small. Pox, L
Of the übove there were: Linder one
Year, R. from two to five, 2; froth live to
ton. Iti from fifteen to twenty, I;Irom
twenty to thirty I; from thirty to forty,
134r0m fifty to sixty, 1; from sixty toner
, enty, '2; from eighty to uinety,tl.
Mama. ti; females, 11; whit/. 1.9;, oolor.
eel, 0; total, 19.
Sodden Denita—tbroaer'slest
. Peter lloakelberger, a.Gerthan, aged
soventyddno years, who realtled In Pike
street, in the Fifth ward, fell dead yester- -
day morning while crossing the street
in front of his 'The deassidltas
hem unable to work or sustain hineiclf
for about ten year's, during which time
he has been kept by contritintlona from
the, Lutheran Church. Ito leaves a wife
who la about his ° own age, and who to
also to %helpless condition and depend
ent upon the charities of the world for
:soma, Coroner Clawson wan notified
of the death, and will hold an ingtio4 on
the body at ten O'clock this morning.
• Orp Falr.—ln out last &per we
failed to nodes that Ur. Stephen G.
W Ikrr, the appreciated Night Clerk.' of
flee GAzarrn estAilahment, had carried
away bye large majority the bat and
ofine awanled -to the best natured and
,meet popular young man at the orphanie
rahr. -The award met with hearts , aP
proral. The Fear Will remain open.
during the week far the benefit of the
poor, in aecordanee with the suggestion
made by this paper last week, cadingat
towtion to the groat destitution prevail
ing, in this neighborhood....l.-
i lDeath of a Merchant.-11r. BenjuMin
it, of Om firm of Springer, "[ar
tiste, t Co., of this eityi.otiled of con
sumption on. Saturday fiat at the resi
dence of Lis parents Italanover, Colum•
blood county, Ohio. 'rho deceased had
„filet entered Ws thirtieth year of life, and
lessee a wife but no family. lie was one
of our - representative young business
men, temg energetic, sagacious, prudent
and honorable, ,H i 05.4 Willi* mourned
by many friends acquaintancee'ln this
city. He will be buried in Ohio.
state Agricultural Seclety.r—The di pie;
mas of 1.0 Pemesylvaula -Agricultural
Society, awerded AA the exhibition of
September_ last, ' hr Oder city, era now
ready for 'distribution, 10 the, race oi
Messes. Phelps, Parke arid Co., No. 10
St. Clair Weer, where persona._ entitled
mill receive them, - either to-p e rson ca'
0 9 letter.. The delay In their issue her
been caused by the necessity of preparn
log -new deem and engravings, the
mlginida having been destroyed by Jim
. —hfcGiven, the so-tailed spirnnanst,
- isNewirir;s42.lo, has been Indicted for
Pennsylvania Legislature.
ihrhelalDiopatch to the Plttebnish,GaZette.:
11...nntanuna. Jai:mai-3- 17, LSB6.' •
The lions' wati-opeuril with prayer
by Rev. John Douglass, of Pittsburgh.
Nearly the wholeseksion wa., occupied
In dfienasing and amending the rules of .
the Finnan.
Elanlly, On motion or3lr,
of Chester, it was
Beaotred,,That tbo rules adopted by
the last House be adopted for the pr es ent
body, except-that after a bill has been
ten days in the hand,. of any Committee
after having been referred to them, a
majority of votes shall be sufficient to
order It to be reported.
The vote stood: Ayes, seventy-two:
Nays, ten. •
. Mr. LINTON, of Cumbria, offered the
following: '
W.ASLEAS, It appears In the Lruhile
fire ord that Senate bilbsWyel of the
session of 1067, an act authorizing the
removal of certain cults at low from the
Court of Cambria county to the Court of
Centro, wan amended in the House by
substituting Somerset for Centre: Aid
lehereux ' It eppieirc from the Senate
Journal that, notwithstanding the amend.
went of the House, the bill was return
ed to the Senate as having passed the
Home without amendment, whereby
said bin was signed as a law without the.
concurrence of both Meioses; therefore,
12e-soli•ecl, That a Committee of three
members be appointed to Investigate
end report br.thellouse the eirerimstances
attending the passage of said bill.
Agree(l- to. The Committee will here
after be announced. This refers to the
suits for injuries et the Johnstown &M
-t ilent in 15.66. •
Adjourned till Huntley evening.
Ilinnisuuna, January al, 15:65
Mr. ERRETT, of Allegheny presented
a petition that compensation .may bo
given to the School . Directors of Eliza'.
beth township acting as a bounty board.
A bill incorporating the Society of Be
nevolent Sisters of Eric.
Also, n supplement to the act itioorpo
rating the l:rie City Paisenger )Puiliray
1.4 r. BROW', one forblailing . ithotre,
ti prior woollen bnildlnga in certain parts
of .
Mr. I.IItREIT, of ....tiles:len+, ono re-.
pealing the supplement to the
net rela
tive to landlords and tenants, upproved
Slgrch, lith, 1E65. •
Also: one extending incelinim lion
lawn to persons making or constructing
steno steps, stone pavements and curb
Al-o, ono incorporating the Pittsburgh
and TempenuccevlllePassonger Railway.
Also, one changing the name of tho
pithtburgh, Allegheny and Manchester
Rajiv:ay Company to the Union, and
empowering, it to sell or lease that part
of Ito road between the lower Rite 'of
their property in McClure township and
Wood's Run.
The Home met M seven e'elocla in the
The follow In gbllls were reed :
Mr. RIDDLE, Allegheny: innexing
lands of William 11. Lutton,,ln Chartism
township, to Robinson towrisaip,
gbeny county.forschool purposes; blear
poriting.the Pilt buigh t Temperance
villa roasenger Railway Company; rele
ling to real sate° titles In Allegheny;
prohibiting Limiting end killing game
in Scott township, Allegheny county;
repealing set pre - ening cattle, ka. , run
ning at Dirge in Robinson township;
and authorising the Seltool. Directors of
:evue, Allegheny county, to borrow
J rney.
SMITH, of Allegheny, retreating
tip act compelling railroad and other cor
pprations to pay counsel fore; incorpo
*lag the German United Insurance
Company of Pittsburgh.
WILSON, of Allegheny,nuthor
irdng the Treasurer to pay the claims of
lie Allegheny Agricelturat Society for
illunages togrounds during the rebellion.
13Ir. FORD, of Allegheny, incomorat
i Peoples' Passenger Railway Com
pany of Pilteburgh, ter r dnning at the
Dostoffice, con netting with East Liberty,
•Ijawreaceville; Cemetery gate and Alle-
gheny'lei Railroad.
111 Ir. JACKSON, Arrhatrong, increasing
Mc number or officers In Realtsrilr. town
41p, Armstrong musty.
lIICILIIAN,Cheater, Joint resolu
tion for an amendment to-the Constitu
tion fixing the Mileage et mempers, and
+voila; manhood suffrege; ash a Joint .
restitution instructing Congressmen to
laver a line olesleamers from the rolled
States to Liberia in Africa; tem, abolish• .
ins days of wane on negotiable paper.
Nearly the whole session was occupied
in discussing the resolution 01 Mr. - Thos.
Mullin, of Philadelphia, making inquiry
us 'to the number and names of the offi
cers employed last Session, and the
=went of salaries.
•It was amended by striking out the
inquiry att to salaries, end passed- -
Meagre. LINTON, THORN . and MUL
LIN were appointed the Committee un
der the rmolutton of Friday last to ipvea
timdo the passage of the bill eram.gtigt the
venue In moon of damagealor tnJ uua at
114•Cossealttee Analla•4l,-Doomseras
• • MR quint. us Ntaatos.
(holm Oar Ovra canespondest] . •
11.411/113UOILO. Jan. 17, 15113.
The Committees of the House have
doubtless been mmt you, and your reed
it.= luivo had timo Oman them. So far
ee the Allegheny members are concern
ed, they have no right to complain, if re
gard to had merely to the places easlan
• • •
The Railroad Committee is the one
in which yorr iieorilb have Just now the
most interest Rioleo so n, of course,
o speak decisively of the leanings of its
members on the tree railroad question ;
built may be well enough to snalyre
ae to their localities. The Committee in
that respect stands thus:
Wllson, Allegheny, Strang, Tie!.,
Yard, . 410 . Harr, Den_ph In,
MOW. do Hanoebl, wine-este , .
Watt, Phllndeledds, , Dooms. Woe. SP.
Adatre, do Mclntire, Butler,
Clarke, do Somarget,
Kleckner, do Fannin. Chaster,
Yon . no . Jooke,Jefersoa,
Josephs. do , Berke,
mones, , dn • 'Westerns*, Pike.
Thom in ftotko aro Democrats.
You will ere, by ',this, Mat Philadel
phia has tight of thn twenty-ono mem.
bers; while Chetter,'Lisacastor nod Dau
phin, have each one, making eleven, or
o majority cif the Committee. Besidei
this, Pike, Barks and Tinge have each
one, giving tont:, territory east of the
Susquebannafearteen members, and the
went only sera.
Meram..fenks and Jones of the four
Democratic members, , are free railroad
men. Joseph. ie a I'enneylvatia
road man, anti Westbrook has not yet
shown his band.. Mr. Heineehl, of Lan
caster, naturally lean" to the Pennsylva
nia Rand, and so, I sappOse, would
Phillips, of Chester, Herr, of Dauphin,
has no special love for that road. nor has
.be any cause for affection towards it; but.
I location here, at the Capitol, where,
ns yet, -no well donned leml antipathy
'has been riatioal agalmt it, places him
nailer no - barticular pressure in that di.
motion. Hr. fgrang is nominally a free
railroad man, hut its not,...esteeme# as
Leingover-realotis in that regard. 'ho
eeven western :panthers are all free rail
road men, including Jenks,
I haver thus glean you all I know of
the leaning. of the Committee, and your
readers can Judge for themselves from
the facts before them.
. .
.+l. good Indication was given, however,
in the 1104156 tide morning, by the adop-
Roo of a rule -by -a rote ,of !eventp to
twenty, that after a Mil has been in Coot
mlttee ten days a majority of the Muse
mu discharge it from the further consid
eration of the same. Hitherto under the
mire of the House It has requlred"two-
Lhirds to do this,
and ono-third of the
House, haring a Committee on Itaalde,
could smother a bill in Committee to the
end of Ma session. This garno is now.
blocked; and if tt.o Railroad Cemmltlm
should attempt to antother the Free Rail
road. bill, (of which 1 111160 no preeentap
piehenslonjelmajorityef this House can
take the hilt out of their hands.
_ .
This very much diminishes the profs
peas of tho "roosters," anti the chances
of "pinching!' bills are likewise consid
erably :educed.
The debate in the House on the Stan
ton resolutions brought out some queer
eloquenos on the democratic aide. One
of the speakers, Mr. Deis., of Clinton,
for lastance, said be wondered that Stan
ten did not ,that himself up - in his elleii
like an oyster, and crawl Mean unikkial
deg to the top of some lofty, tolling peak
of the mountains, and ask forgiveness of
his Maker. An oyster enswling,ln that
style, to- that lofty height, and for that
purpose, is goodrnay, sublime.
I was in error In stating that Mr.
Browne, of Lawrence, voted for the ad
journment of the Sonata over from
Thursday. to Monday. It was Mx. Stin
son, of Montgomery, who voted, inetesil
of Mr . Browneorho voted no.
The telegraph reporter speaks 6f a bill
introduced into the Senate by' Mr. Er
rett, as q,hlll to reddest thepc: dies of
Jury Commissioners. :Thea Is an error.
The bill so Introdnoed was one to limit
their pay tads, actual number ! of days'
service rendered -
Talegraolt to Mil Pittsburgh titstatta
Lo:triotc, January 15.—Cansidenttile
eieltement was oemsietted •In this city
ta•day by the announcement that the
FiadahDeary, who, With Michael Kelly,
wail rescued front the custody of the
police at Manchester some weeks ago,
tool been ciptured. TIM police late
yesterday afternoon overhauled a man
near Waterford, Ireland, who SRewors
completely . , the description of Doary.
Other strong circumstances warrant the
belief that the authoritles have net
been mistaken. The prisoner, under a
strong &ant, started for Manchester
this morning, where be will be eontined
with his fellow prisoners for recognition.
The Government officials aro very vig
ilant., Yeaterday evening two Amer--
cans named liar - roe and O'Neill, were ar
rested at Glasgow and imprisoned. Pa
pore found on their person" indicate Ix , :
yond doubt that they belong to the'
American wing of the Fenian organiza
.The motion recently made in rho Court
of Queen's Bench for a. change of the
place of trial ofiho Fcnians Borke, Ca
sey, Shaw nod Mullaney, from Warwick
to London, in likely to be granted.
Loicnox, Jan. .1.13.—1 t le reported that
Lord Bloomfield', British Min star to
Austria, and Lord Clarendon, have gone
on n Mission to Rome to request tho
Pope to use his influesoo with the Inhab
itants of Ireland for the suppression of
tho Fenian revolutlen.
LONDON, Jsnuary 17.—Information is
received here that a very violent hurri
cane recently prevailed at Toneriff and
vicinity. Ships were driven to sea,
houses unroofed and bloiin down, de.
Tho damage woe very great, though no
mention is made of loco of life.
Cons, Jan. 17.—A vial ofAreek the
, •as thrown yesterday at onivot the wit
ovine for the Goiernment in the Vein=
riala here, but the material tailed to
teittfami no.injury was, done. 1 4 ;c , clue
to the perpetrator. •
Duatms, January 17. —Eveniay.—At
the erarulaatlon of Lennon_ yesterday,'
Sergeant Kelly, survivor of the two po
licemen who were shot at Stephaskie,
and a woman, both swore that they fully
recognized the prisoner as the man who
tired the pistol shots which wounded
one polieenum and killed the other.
LONDON, Jan. 17.—The Turkish dov
emu:lex:it in seekinen raise a loan to the
Flughsh inarket„Cho proceeds of which
aro to be applied to improving the navl-
on of , the mouths of She Danube.
LONDON, Jim t&—When tho Cunard:
toamehip Scotia entered QttemmttStoo.
last evening, a strong police force quirt
ly went aboard and arrested George
Francis Train, Grinhell and Gee, three
cif the passengers,' from New York. It
is understood these gentlemen ■ere taken
inb custody on the charge ,of being ne
dye members of the American wing o
the Fenian organization, The proceed- ,
logs cause considerable excitement both
here and elsewhere tltrougheUt the King
•lem, especially . among American reabd
Cons, January 19.—A strict mach o
the person and ba .g7a.sre of : George Fran
ais Train disclosed no proof or complicH
with tbe Fenian movements or jusllyin.9
nis arrest by tbe British police on suapli
don of being oonCerned In Fenian plot I
cies, Train asserts that be canto aver,
o Europe as a ',pedal correspondent of
the New York Trorld. lie hantorundl_ j
pictested through the United States Con.
4:li against his detention, and declares hi
was arrested upon no other pruned than
the finding of ,an Irlah paper in hie
'luaus, January l9.—The police
imerickr have made a seizure of
ad ammunition found In nhops of that
ity to put them out of relteli of the Fei-
J.1.101.111t1t EDITOR ARILT,TED.
Dr..W.4ers, another editor or the Duh
m Irish n, has been arrested, but the
- .articular ammo la not elated. It is
upposech however, to be omillivity fin
, enian moveturate.
Loarrow, January 19.—Mike Marna ,
übo, It la now claimed, 14 pwitirelLir
known to be Ake part) who Bred the
flue at the Clerkenwell erploeion, bra
been arrested at Glasgow rind briorght to
London In isms.
ON Tun 1.04 CE.
A man named Clancy has turcohrd
In this city charged ?ltb firing upon the
rtriries want - rude rowrwo.
A Fenian Manifosto was found Oils
mooting posted on the wall of the Milli
slop liOrme, where it had peen affixed
despite die vigilance of tho patios, who
have no 'clue to the perpetrator of tltis
daring' tict: The boldness and audacity
of the Pentane in the taco of the vigerotts
measures of repression which have been
adopteri'exCltes much uncuainewt
MN e=2=
wunirtti: Yen EItAL
tntEarn, January IG—Morniag.--The
!Islet bearing Ike remains of Maximilian
entered thin harbor Mtn fawning.
NitTela Was immediately boarded by the
Arai Duke, win, °overeat the catafalque
onnteinhq the corpse with wreathe and
Hove: e.j Great preparalloss aro !wing
made fob the funeral ooromealm.
11141STI.R Or WAR Arroiritzb
Vinnaa, lan. bas been ap
,einted'Anotrian Minister nf War. .1
The 'remains of Hazlatilian arrlt;ed
Lora fait night by spenial train flint
Trieste; in "charge Of a . military. escort.
The train n'as_rnet upon arrival by Aits
trinn edictal., a large body of troops end
a vast crowd of people, who had assem
bled to give expreaatton to. their remioet
tor the dead and their sympathy with
the livihq. The remains were formilly
recoil 4 by the Imperial 'family at he
Palace Ails morning. The funeral ot6'..
gales will be 4lebrated with aoleMn
procession and requiem-Inane. The Man.
Volution of popular fooling Is seui,ral
and intense.'
VIENNA,, January
obsequies of Afaximillan wore celebrat
ed tltin everting with great pomp : arid the
remains were. co gnarl to their Ilant
resting place. s Innersl proccenion
was formed to th following order, i vls:
the head of the line was occupied by
nocletles of orphans, carrying appropri
ate eymbois of National grief; following
were the clergy in a body the muidel
pal authorities; the Mayor of the cliy; a
come of marines, acting as a gush' of
honor to the mitatalque, bearing
a casket *ordaining the remitlwi,
the whole proftisely deonialed !with
Inimortellen; Adddral Teginheff;ofneers
of the navy and army In uniforms, iwitir
usual badges :of mourning, In, the
Church of. Capucnius were assembled .
the Emperor pf Austria. the Arch Ddkes,
the Court Cabinet, Generals of the army,
the Diplomatic Corps, anti If Intend, Do
voys of forolgu powern. After to rev'
mum mass had Leen Icelobratett /
body was placed In the vault peeper,
for Its reception. Vied crowds/Waite
the remains daring the day ;kilo iyin
In elate-. The Emperor / rands
aeph h o e wriiian an authgraph lent
to Admiral Tegtetkoifydankikg him I
the name of the im lal family for hi
services in yecovert the remain* of
late Emperor ne Meilen and hringic
them home r buried among hie kit
'be aggrotalve policy of the.EMeil
anvernment In the• Eastern quinine
Pitmen much alarm in Turkey.
- The Northern lone, of. St. Poteriburg,
has a noticeable' article on the anhjeet.
The writei glie..171:11111 &male does not de
dm extension-of. territory. her, only
alni tato escuse tear to the Christian
=Wants of the Porte. --
The flt:Petetstrart casette aw r ta that
both England sad Fr-7.., — ; am re irited
the Sultan to maki extensive military
and naval preparation in tho Meditter-
LONDON, JODU:tI7• 17.—AlITICCS (corn
long Kong and. Shanghai 'btnto that
mother battle weo fought between tho
rebels and Imperitfiata at Shintung.
The Troptrialist unity, - which was un.•
der the cutunnunl of. Foote], was again;
The melee of, the Ecclesiastical estates
;have an tar 'proved very pralttetie. The
i ntuits r e alized at these salve show an
averaifo appreciation of forty:three per
cont. in value of, the, property slime
placed in market:
Fhonenrir, Jan. 18.—The . partY of the
' left ha been defected in the Italian Par
liament on,the motion to ad.lourtithe
hate on . the: budget for thin year. '
sworn All MICA
Later ntivlces of Rio Janeiro represent
the situation of affairs around l.lititul
lara such its was behoved that, Lopez
would ho compelled to withdraw from
Parana and fall back, with all his forms,
on Aocrncion. The allied army had
been'heavily reinforced, and was press
ing the seige very closely.
Pante, 4anueri 18.—Dukoi Do Per
slany, ton letter, objects to tho bill re
cently proposed for the government of
the prom of the country. Flo thinks the
'press will be allowed too much latitude.
While he would favor a bill designed to
give more freedom to the preen,, the ob
vious tendency of the present bill would
be to leave journals free to assail public
end private character.
STOCKHOLM, January' Lk—Parliament
met ceeterday. The King delivered the
opening et - wet:at. • After reviewing the
elate of the country, he entered upon the
euttlect of the efficiency of the army.
Ile favored the onrolimeut of all the male
population . in militia organisatione, and
the purchase of the mast Improved arms
for the use of the urmy.
Corns Han EN, January Iti.—Thd Gov
ernment his received froth the authori
ties of St. Thomas and Si. Johns an of
tidal retort of the rote taken on the
question of the transfer to t h e United
States. For Um transfer 1244, :against.
ar tetear.Df to ta. PitUloarzt Elatettil
WAsiluxurox, Jan. 17, lEts.
luroitrANT 3110.01100.
The Corninitted on Ways and Meurer
this morning adopted the following very
important reaolutiont
Resolrf 110C4 thew:moo( this Commit- :
tee,that one hundred and !Inv millionanf
dollars Ile considered as the total amount
'Of rovenno to he obtained from ,Internal 1
taxes, and that the same, as far an nracti
cable, be collected from: First,
.pmts and fermented liquors; Second,
cob:meta .and minufacturea of tobacco;
Third, stamos; Fourth, epode! tau*,
Fifth, incomes; Sixth, dividends; Sev
oath, Inanely', and amusements; Eighth,
banks tell rallroatht. Leaving thoJeast
leaciblo sum to be collected from luau,
trial pm - Jolts, or relieve that .clase of in.
crests entirely.
sUi.lO:Yr. coUnr-111E sa'AUDL.T.
The Suprome Court we., crowded thie
afternoon With. many of the most dia.
t ingulabed metoberu of the bar now in
,Vmhingtun, to hear Om argument' can
...Ord with case No. IV); or parte Wm. I
11. MeArdle, on an appeal from the Clr
etalt Cott rt of the United States for the
Southern IYhdrict of It win.
Ise recollected tteAnt!eswus arrested and'
t o ' ffe h r:s n ol .y bY t . rl7.l i 7ry ? ll ( t ' i " t:r a y l l?o r' l;re d ..
aion,oni the ellen., of hindering moon
-1 druction by certain publicaflona In a.,
paper at Vicksburg, of which the Is !di-
tor. The aism , ,sl Was held to a bail to
WC . thousand dollars to await further.;
proceedings. Tbe motion argued to-dad ',
was on to giving an rally braining 'to AIM
the principles Involved.
senator Trumbull woe °otiose r'the lj
Military out horinea. the contended that , !
11110 was not In any sense a 'Winkeri
ltinstlon, nor was It of ouch A criminal
chnnieter a. required the Court togive it
preference! Ikaldee, the ecru seal being
now at liberty, though under. ball, was
suffering no grievous hardship. , 1
Judge !Pack took tsem. with Mr:l
'frumbnil,land argued that the intereeta I
riot onlyof Anne, bolo( all citizens of
the United States, were Involved In the
and he . insisted ttbaf the Ilber
ty of the rip hell wan the most preelous of
all blaming,. lie did not ask the early
consideration of the ease as a matter of 1
favor, bet t.f Justice.
Judge Sharkey briefly showed the in
portaneo 6,1 the course squirted by
J mho, Meek. -
:Nlr. fluidity+,appearing for the tiovi
ornment, bpposed the motion for an ,
early trial. ,
The Court took the matter under ad
mitammi's nuagau ON -r no micron
[ suwatourri. •
Gon. SOVran, intaimant Inspector Gen-
<rid, report', nutter dam of Vickaburg,
January Bth, that , an unsettled state of
offidni exists, with that destitution, but
tin intimation. Comparatively few plan
tailora will be work.lagthe ensuing vear '
though more attention will be mid te
cereals. Few calumets ere 3T4 being
made with froedmerai He mold find no ;
evidence cif the truth of the assertion I
toot theplanters bad determined on con
certed artion to foree gegroce to work at
tower wages. Ile thinks it will lie ne
cessary for the government to Issue •
limited antrum of rallonn In the river
,onutleo et Lonialana, Mississippi and
Arkan.a, but In the interior there is Ilt
tle apprehension of suffering. lie give , "
report that an agent of Lake Provl ;
donee absconded with IS,OOO, de waited
with him I by the freedmen, and con
cludes bylaaying there never was • time
when the bureau. was more needed than
of the prdient time. *
' nINT ColtninslONZJlA. • I
The following, named gentlemen were
to-day diaignated by the President as
CommiNTlonern for the annual assay at
the Tinged Statist Mint, In. Philodelphla,
on the iutlt of Fohnutry: Hon..Nonlind
Draggle, ;Now York, Probeoor Jos.
Henry, of Washington, Profeator John
Forrey. of Nown'ork, Hon. J. I'. Put
nam:of Boston, lima J. It. McClintock,
of Pittstalrgli, D. F. D. Dell, of Louie
Gen. John 11. Weston. Jr., of San
Froncisecq John J. liner, Treasury Dec
pnrtment, and Franklin Peale, of Phila
WAnnitraToN, Jan. 18, ISO&
The fractional - currently boned for the
.week annulated to i0(0,000; arrionnt
peti I:l74,Vini amount redeemed anti des
troyed 1-319,401.4 Notional bank maws ta
sued ;$13:1,1e , 0; runounl of thei latter, \ in
circulation i'Mii,esiti,g(Jd.
comerammo NATIONAL oinks..
Gen. Logan will introduce the follow
ing resoldtion In the House ou lionday:
Itrzolved, That the Secretary of the
Trinuniry be requested: to commutations
to the House any information In his pos
session concerning loans bytuty Notional
Winks in the City of Now Vork,ln vio
lation of section 13111 of 1111,National cur
rency act, of any portion op: their enpltal
in cocoon of their Ilint , larovldedly tialu
act, upon railroad or ming Oink. at
iletitioun velum., and r
heater he has in
formation In hi. poottession Mat any OM
cent of such banker - aro engaged in specu
lative erationsin each ataicks, which
the capitol and credit of , their
respective Iniditnnons, and that in , the
- event of lin( not being In pa/Ms/lon of'.
the necessary facts to furnish thin
information, ha take inarnochnte steps to
[ pause the oviruittation to be made and
adopt such inollnres as will compel nun
id-lance by such banks with the previa-
Tons of the National currency act.
It le expected that the Senate will noon
take up the bill repertixl from the Corn
d mitten on Territories durlag the protest
Coogreyo, providing for the admission et
I . the Btato of Colorado. Slam the frost
.' dent vetoed She bill for a aimilat pur
er p
l ose, about eteer ago, the popuietion
n has largely.lnerased, the vote In August
last being two thonsand - three hundred
and forty-live mere than the prevlons
Ire year, ami the people generally being
ig now more than heretofore in 15110 r of the
admimlen. The friends of. the MOlintre
for these nod other reasons are sanguine
of success.
Ex-Gov. 'Evans, of Colorado, onset the
Senators elect, arrived here from" Denver
a morning. Ile says that the Indian
Peace Commissioners have Innen &went'
by ex parte inierspresentations in.regard
ha lain course with the Indians; while
Governor of Colorado, and that there is
not a single fart to , .how that be did not
;earnestly and faithfully **rive to avoid
Indian hostilities in that Territory.
The House Citirunittee on Esireneh
snouts has Debated its - eonsideniden of
of the, Commissioner later-
Ut• •
inal Revenue; giving hie reasons why the
scheme known as the Gettysburg Asy
lum for Invalid exemptid
from the payment of the special tniVand
in worse of the present week 91geral
Van Wyek will make areport.i ving.the
-history of the scheme, concluding with a
resolution requesting the Commissinuer
torevoke the permit, as that the taxes
and license may be collected flhat said
• AA-lodation the same an if no permit had
ever - been given.
rarEnuicx'a BUREAU 1:X1-I:NIHON
!Strong efforts aro being Made tOpre
vent the contraction of the Freedlnen'e
Bureau in Tentwesee and Klmtuegv, as
designed In a' circular letter of Major
General }toward, approved by General
Grant, Secretary of War tul interim. It
le represented to the Department that a
neeesaltv exists' for retaining the agents
of the Bureau In these tinkles instead of
committing its affain to the airetinistrto
Lion of . army Officers exclusively.
Within a day or twit, the members of the
Tennessee Congresekonal delegation bare
called on" Secretary Stanton, having in
view We name object, and ho Will at once
conelder the eubJeg..
A. petition, elgn by
b e hundred
colored men of ftf ry.nd, has been re
ceived by General Howard pniying for
a continuance oethe Bureau in that State.
Tho receipts of Internal • Revenue
during the week amounted to only Vl,-
WiestlNchorr, January tJ), 1867..
7he Supremo Court to-day an ouncod
a ticcis'o us to the appuals flout the
Court oClaims. These are allowed by
1 .
the act hr Congress, but the. qtlestions
sent upfor review must be strict y those
of law.' Chief Justice Cluisess . absent
from the bench In consequence f sick
ness. • l'io opinion Was &live on the
motion to advance on the doc -et the
McArdie case, which 'was; a ed on
I'rlddy, : • - .' . 1
tiro Aunstioarf AND T: ,511.41
The World's correspondent, in a per.
sonal interview with President Johnson
yesterday, elicited the ft - Mowing from
the Executive That ns the President
ofthe United Stain, ho was boUnd by
oath to admintater the Government ac
cordingto the Conntitution.. Ile lied, In
defending a principle; found himself
"Angularly "mimed by anotherbranch of
the Government, but be had faith In tits
good sane", of the people, and a modifica
don of sentiment - ha. ensued. Theltatik
cats have made Congress n political Mon.
atrocity. Having overleaped alitiounds
ive those of party and political ambi
tion, they now keep on trying , by con
quest in the South this year to obtain
power more than equivalent to that lost
in the North. lie 'refervid to the
effort made to connect him wit t the
aseamination plot, and said the leaden
of that movement are capable ot employ; I
.ing any moaaures to get rid of bun or
sheer away his power. Tho nioasunte of
Congress, ho said, were revolution
ary: The prop - million •to remove
by act of Congress the vested authority
or the President as Commsuider-in-Chief,
. - -
U 11 direct violation of the'Con.stltution:
The bill submitted by hfrAllngtuun me
comes the tight of Congress to 'do away
with the President altogether If If chooses,
and naked; itself execotite newel] as leg
islator of the Government. The assump
tion IS mrogunt, dangerous Mid deatruet-
Iva. If there lied been a liberal; gener
ous, law-abiding sentiment 'predominant
in the North, by this time "the Mouth
would have town almost upon its legs
again. The vanity of too negroes would
not hen vu bursting, that labor,
free labor for their old masters should bo
neglected, mbirked and 1011. There
would have been nomllltary usuritellob,
'but civil governinente in each State, and
he was convinced that if every District
Commander In the South should be
changed to aDepartment Commander,
with hie duties menthe d VI assisting the
Icivil authorities to preserve order,.civll
governmentswould he rapidly atul peaces
fully mitered. In Ills judgment the
Ispeisly • reel* or this would lo there°,
gimitatlon orate whole country; but it
appears as if Congress were determined
j. nut toallow the happy consummation.
A revolution, such as these headlong
spirits miens determined to precipitnte,
may have, If suffered to go ou, an effect
more damaging than the civil war. In
response to all Intimation that he was
understood to intend to imercise ell the
authority vested in Lim to repel these
revolutionary ineasoren, the President
add: "Ile Intended to do his duty, and
as to what that duty may involves it
would be premature, he wild, even to
suggest. We will leave special meads
urea for special °melons. When they
arise I hive confidence in toe good sense
of the army, and certainly I believe In
the people. I-believe In the young num.
—they will not permits revolution to be
asvoluplished, even though It might lie
necessary for the people to.take the mat
ter Into their own heeds."
51,00,000 In lion& and Cur
rency Eno!en
f, ',teats:kW the listburta Gum-U..1
- TrreiVILLZ, l'a., January 10.—The
hottec of John lierminghocif, on Men
ningiooflllll WIN catered about 1 4 :9)
thin eyeniug, be four men, diegulsed
bj hendkerchleie over their faces, sad
robbed him of overt., hundred thoue•
and dollarsi—forty Unmeant! In bonds
and the balance in currency. They pre
minted revolvers et the beads of the
Inmates, when they proceeded to tie
Mr. John Ileinrdnehtaf, Ma wife and
two %one, also a hired man and girt.
'raking the kept from Mr. Ttenningboof,
they entered the safe and extracted the
abort, amount, afterwitich they sat down.
end waited half an hour for the return nr
Mr. Jetwiph Ilenninglmnfoinotker tan,
who was Owen% and who had In the
.hone. °niter Little's patent burglar safes,
containing a large amount, did net
return undll after the hurglareleft, taking
with them three honed •and a cutter.
CeiVelittea as ltklbislalialb—gr
• Wavered far Om Proem!lowly..
thy 'flatlet&Lk to the i t. ~LLrtiYWtttj
e , Pinta:extra is, January l7.—Tb
'Grand Army of the Republic, In COEI.
ventlon to-day, elected General Logan,
. ,
of Illinois, an tornmanderdn-Chief, and
General Gwen, of rhibulelpiliiii, IA Sen.'
tor Wire Commander. Two • hundred
end forty thousand penmen are repro-
monied by the delegates now here.
The Netional Convention of the Grand
Array of the Republic met 'ln mass con
vention last night. General Ficklest ocr
copied the chair. The Committee. ott
Resolutions, couebding of General Iltirl
, burt, of Illinois, General Zatban Kim;
ball, of Indiana. Oen* 1 James , It.
McKean, of Now York. Gemmel 13. Ilal
- steed, of New -Jersey, and Major Clayton
Ifc.Nilchael, reported the following,
which was unanimously adopted :
Rewired, That veteran , soldiers and
eallots are as steadfast now :as ever to
the Union nad.tiag. and folly, rec , ognlet ,
the clelms of U. fa Grant, General of the
Army of the United Metes, to the cond.
deuce of the people, and recommend
him for President of, the United
Statile. In Implicit confident*, that the
victories wen under his guidance in war
will ,be fully carried out' ny him in
peace in each measure* as. shall encore
the folidefiktt, odour exertions. .
Wbik rolmiohini —Tour nun
drad r oo ion. Aareled—boo Work
Boston,' lan. 18.—The (nor hundred
Inmates of the Deer Inland Institution
have been suddenly taken 111 from the
elleeta of talson, supposed to, be szveniid
administered in food or water by an un
known party. With the exception of
one mktron It Is believed all will re
cover. The sysontoms are similar to the
noted National Hotel disaster:"
\ The gas works at 1410011111, N. 11., were
• burnt this forenoon. Loss 5:1,000.
, .
Attempt-4s Poi sou • 111 bole Fondly,. 1
Tolegraikt.o tOe Maur; fkazetle.l
Crimaad, Jan. 19.—A. young woman
named Elizabeth iklang was arrested yea
larder for Attempting , poison her
father, mother, brother and two •Ixtern,
by putting etrychitfno in their 'coffee.
The wore alt at one time in a dangerous
condition, but are now recovering,. The
girl acknowledge/1 having imrchmed the
poison, but assert that it wee at the in
stance of her mother, whom ahe charger
but it in the coffee.
- : . tha Illth'lost., it
the reeldeara •r 8. D..lllthbettl. Colette 'avenue
by Rot. Y. A. Noels. of the Thlre Presbyterian
Choral. of Oita ally. Clato of St. Pail. alas.,)
age. 11. Awnievis, ;Or 1111atutaleao. Inns.,
014 Wes YANTIS 1,. TEXTbit. of 1111yrailieti
OILLTSPIC—SAION—OaThareday aerator,
o f
J aneary.itth. et the n ideneeer the, hilde's pa
rings, Erie 1101. pear leersellle, by
Preetoo, Pastor ' of . Meaner. church, Jar.
T. P. olLtssriz . i Ines SUET BRF.WILIt
/CATON, sesoo4 deashr of Sar. Y. a. zoo.
1101 AEliiwn Wedeeaday rearnta/Ndatium
114., at am &rime, 34)1.141 0111•411111Ii.o.1,
daughter el Ws. axe Lae Dela Bedard, aged 1
year.tuaatlu sad II der , .
caNL-0 , 3 Jute." leta, et eloek
e. IIY.
'll4 of tee J o' am.s
dearoen OrLaerrinerrellle. WO It year.
Salarday.. Irt., at the
Vera% :r VA L 1,14 ' a n al;
/1119812.—At aG readenea i Weads ion on
TUUSLd, l llNVe l .,r.ll , l4i
BRADLILY.-1)a IleagaT. Jaaehnialliott all
realeaace Patten tawaehto, NIIIIIABIy
to bye ar et ate NI.
11101)11.—{ht gulag twealag. at.7lf•
CHARM/Trig altrUte Now of WI late . Joao,
Moo., I. yeaf:er yo•
ALLY.—Os gender
12U ruarcz Yea.
and Smooth.. • . . ,
CIAMPIIII.I.—LiIIad 'at the oiglogaa.
T.;:l l .,V,Wg.ra KOLVATatalltdr
A K ed.l) tease ud steatlks. '
Kap m‘lo 3 as) IA
rrrEsnomun iniasstrry
' 011.0. C 7 11.. PI.III4IIIIILGH (
DIONDA.T. Jati 1111:9.
We tan report no Improvement In the euno.
ral markets, and Whire that w a moderate
jobbing trade, and • fall volume of boldness, In
the ertregate, ecerrthlrie considered, the re are
no chug.s to prices worths of special no.
'GRAlN—Winter Wheat to Ln steady de-,
mend at $OOO for Rut. and $3.46 forTiblie•
Oats more satin and steed' by asehsnee4
wa can report Isles of iloo bushels, to 4711 T.
at 630640; sales on spot at 6512660, and store,
at 13070 e. Rye Is in steady demised but on
changed' sales of Zoe -bushel. at 11,4101,44
Burley In ware. end in demand, and prim.
Syrinx weal/ doubtlesz brine 01,13131#0. Com
Is in ratter better destand.and wa son report
salts of new at 5101,05.
stmlY, with a moderate local de
mend but unehauged; we cont,nue to quote at
Slielltetti for Spring 'Wheat; ' $I20I7.:0 for
17Inter,and 114,50615,10 for fancy brands. Rye
Floor la eilll quotedat MAO. Buckwheat dull
PROVISIONS—Raeon la Meetly but On•
changed at loN,Mlia for Shoulders; 123.0 for
Ribbed Side.; and 1110111 Xe for Sugar Corea
Prime kettle rendered • Lard•llMlrtfe,
In Rage. and Dbl.; and ISMOide m kegs. Mem
Pork nominal at Mdt. Dried Reef, IMMO..
MILL TEED—tut coke • reported were
it .2.20422,23 for Middling.; $1,7001,7i. for
Second., and lit,boat As for Bran. •, •
SEEDS—SaIes of Clover mid It g7,IM, and
Flamed at MA. No 'movement to Timothy,
RA yet. •
HAY-Is quiet and unehanged-711Ci.:2 from
country wagon; aaW
NIITTF,II.—Prime to cholas Eall . Butter Is In
steady demand OA 3500.
EGOS—Quoted steady at /be.
.Its.' steady •dentaird but un
changed; sales at 1341,50 per barrel, as to
POTATOES—Quiet'and unshammill assail
Rallis In store at 1:01,10 per Irish, and /agar%
pe u r b b i tas y tog r alf . f.
u ..i..
r ; “h“
teal ato bale. uttered at 7000, but prime
Western halves are still quoted at 110130. Ap.
104, Taft.
LAUD OlL—Steady, with a fair demand and
1. quoted by manufacturers at 87e for No.:,
Sid $l,OB for No. 1. •
DEWS—PuII at42/72. 2 5.
HOMlNY—Quoted at $701,10.
CIiKNBEHRLES—quotea at lizOlL
°»t. ow moaner,J yam Prpesatei Oarr
INK eprs, •
anuery 20.
• The market wa. only moderately active,
and while - some dealers were not eatielled,
ethers reported It :ally as good as they et.
petted It would be. Thi !Ripply was zonelder-
Cdp huger than last week, the whole number
on sale being estimated in rout!' numbers at
oeethouSeildheed, though so fat ne w* could
learn, tteereieen but eemparatlyelPfew in the
bandsOfoutelders, sod but few left overt.
cold. Primo retalllag utile were In demand,
and soil without Muth 11101.Ity at full prices.
but gammon and Inferior grade. did not *ell as
readily as tut week, add It I. info to Ind.. did
net befog as good Meet Titer* sou so on.
usually lobe number of bulls on Ude; a;so, a
goodly numb. of old eowaiged toroth .teers,
and thus. as already thmsArld, did not meet
with • ready sale, note. .11ght conee.slons
were made. The frllowlog Is • pretty fell re
port of all ibeleallog isle.
Dalan a Grey ishotenled •SI head of prime
lillools.teens to a, C. Cruet, for Pideoek &
flXialsh,.24 head at ll—eyoraging about
Ind lbe.
N. cart
head on 01. 5014 la heed for Keyes at 4x.on ant
wen almost at 4;4. •
Patton had Who. of Waebregton Co. (Pa.)
etoelt—sohll at 4)400; balms= *mold when
we lett the yards, Wm% unable to get his prier.
E. Katt .oht IS head...mixed Oido steel; for
therabaugla at aygg10%,..2 Pe heed.; td. own.
u 06.0 at 1101134,
Blakely be Br o. Sold S belles% 114. lad 2 Awe
at L
he ° d re otfo uc
eH a !Wo o epo a t h le a a ot Nca s ed .
Gists ; Latent a Co. and Saab 0 Tankage
sold eh., usual. number onoemilssiou, lot
we did . sot get partkra lers,fu rther than that
the Bra aural /rot' sold le bead - to Green.
irale.S. Kahn et 55(00. L.
sheathers a. B arta. report Imlay sold II
head Rash re alise Co. rattle at 401,,C0.
ht.Ternen sold SO bead f0r.13100 at Beg—
.tetre And tows; and 10 head Of steer. Jon tun
awn memo% at 4%4414. . ••
Kraus a Hsu; report teeing Old Al Iliad of
Ohm .tack at *49134 •
S. Johsetos wholesaled 11 bend,of Jeffenon
O. (001.0) marks Keefer; head at
n.teat 4.
Myers I Yfeeey report haling bold Id heed
Clasts fettle at ettglie; aselt headfrom
Oblo Sl b to IN—the out... Lome
ob tabard far • tootle of aver bullnebt
.1. MeAlllstee ore
43 bead of Ohio gents,
'betters and bulls ou solurolerian at .5,47.
Marks & Trautman re.. - harlot sold 64
bred of er./.40 asttle 41 41441A5C4nnd le Curt,
Obit. at SON.
• Iledg.. 0 Taylor sold WI haof for Meer &
Mirka .1 I.X.Bllyi; and 10 tom/ log llamas
Veslirerood & Illaekstoelrsold IT' head of
Males. cattle for L. B. Amid st WWI; 10 for
Pucker at 434411 And 4 bead for Potter at
(there were other sales, the peateelers o
bleb ad not reaeb..ue. but we have . Etc.,
cough le utealsh the geousl taw of th
TM. was not a very largo supply of Sheen
on Wt, bat owing. we Romans to the reoent
adesam, the market ICU
. duct! of lite or
bougusy, ot• bum ham ate not tree buyers at
present brim, Lb dugh,prime fat Sheep brought
vary fat, ;aloes. 534 to ea, growa tlOotmon and
UM.. glad. an about Ca itsdl Of area, ud
can only be mad at Terfr how Albsen the, aro
not yrasiect tot inapt:teat, sod ttopontaol
buttnito will not buy theta. We quote to
tollovrtninalest '
Jac Shaw re po having sold t4O new
qataaa Lawrence 039217 Sheet/ at 111,69.
I =yt ht" ir0....4il Chef had.
to? uti,
mnut.a• a Fowler sold I» !lota of [rood
ifaTtets it /Otter Nom
pclex SSW P 50 5 to 55 --L . •
tieo. blontgoemery 24 head o ( All eay
ontoty sb.rri be .opposed tbay would►rern
.aunt WO per :11164.
1% . Ger•Limold SI heed. rengliai from Sift
pp per heed. ,
. .
. There - wut.aa nausattlir large aletteh. of
Mitten mile io-deroted tide. tareth/r with
the change let Be weather, depreaud the
marketoonewhat, and ,eotiopartel with tut
week. pelt... it earthier. ruled a etude
itetbahilde la Brett report Ludas retailed
darter the pan.week ra bead at I to I.
Eteeriek, Nehwasta a. 0w report hula& ow
WWI &utak the week &hone NW head eel%
to 84. I
New Twat Pennies Iferneas•
ter Teteereoo to fie.
Now Toata January M.—Conoo •t<ar .
but leas sctlie; ail. of UN .o.le* at 17140
17,40 for salad:ling aphulds. Floor; neetput,
Val Obis; attire active with peon atilt to
favor of buyers; Wes of k9lollbla PM°
9,00 tor roperflos Slats and Weatern. 09.70
CAW) for anima State, p. 10810 ,0 far one&
Westemel2,aooll,lo for white wheat extra
P. 70013,70 for It, 11. 0., 410,5001 1 for com
p.,. .00d ist„ Louis. $l2OlO for mood to
cholas extra dot aiming beavyi Included lo
the above nate wero SAN bbm extra State
staln,Z, on a inoculation. Ikalifornia Fleur
quint sales of 4.50 sualx.w. ny. ,
Flour d ul yyu. or no inn let,501:10,14
Whloky and ortehanin. When; to
cent., %ail; lUotaltotity In Layers , favor
valet of %an hos led Formayleanha at Ittte.
4.1101 On white California at 113,12W03.10.
r1 7 .; 9
es ' =l ' 4 l =LT, ::11. 8 rr Ilsr
Mate atlllAttat railroad ttepot. Maltateadyt
sates of Sail be at SUM O.IO
, Bennis corn 01,212
be; the market Immo. solve sod 162 e hes
tort aloof INOS* tot sciaaaine3 fo r new
mixed anntern afloat, 111.3601.3314 for old In
nem' 1111001W1 for Jamey southrn, and
t i l;2 l gff rtaw Yellow on does.
p oatelklN3 on; the market is lower;
sans of 0011 be neatens In store. aloe firm
MSVIIIMIgr Canadian.. Codas pont and
Oral. sogardrrot sales of 100 htsla Cuba at
1354e30,500 bOxes 11ns:chat 11014100.
lasses inmate. lions quiet Akt Mane for
American. Fetrolrom guterpat
for arson sod 1114010 4 0 for reload bonded.
Fork 'heavy and /corer; pale. of Wee Ws at
5M,55011.43 for new tons, closing At 411.11
nub. $17,25613 for Tonne ton 10470010. M
for prime sone; *no I,7otibble new mons*
edintallor tor Jalitui.+l, inACIALt Salter for
March, and 1111,27.21,00 senor for February.
Beef steady: min of MO tads. at previous
orient= toes prime meant 110.700 33 4 0 .
Bast home gong.; induct arl inn at SWAM
2ift frZ" Le r t i alp k j, ;In a ba% at 1040
ecort olearMat ItO box.; Ins desk for
Fehmiary 11,12114de tarns.' Cot melts So-
ay.; sale, Of CM packages At 11411140 for
shoulders and 110134 a for ham.. I.ssect
Soo steady Ist leXilfrAo for western, and 034
a 04.111401134 for city. Lord steadv't sales
of Mobbla 11,4121311 e. Dotter firm at 30
0400 101.' Mute. .esewer doll :at 11.01150.
Freights to Liverpool quiet and firm.
• Larger—Flour elOsed doll and otoltd7with
man morodolog to common goulea, chiefs i
ly on spool:diatom Wheat is nominally 00-1
changed. -nye is nominal. Osta closed at
SSlglleao. for western In Mores COroda ao- 1
Ole. and firm at 61,30 tor new naked western
afloat, sod SI,SIP4 for old eased western in
atom, Fork n gunk SIWILIGNINISIi for old
mess, 11011,9714021,til for February, and
521,1104.01,71 a fter s wscioco•tunela
litotes ale 21.75, abash.. neof lefitra
Iwith • fair tlemAdd , Ctit MILL • are
Ilacon•A• quiet amt steady.. Lard la
firm At 1314011.1310400. fatr to primo steins
and WIWI° rendered. -
Ml.' Iterate Marstel.. -
;dr Telegraph ttie' ttnabargh Oroatte.) ,
Br. toune,l January V3.-11rudners general.
ly almost eurpanded, there beteg mune..
IT eneagh l doing to eatabllah . prices.
Tobacoo., none ortertrot. Gotten .rill/ at
Flour In demand, hut outlaw! to toe
local trade Vices. and unchanged. Wheat '
nnnhenlled et for prime to ettotee
red and while. Corot *mall aides at . tge:
001.4;111 at 7087 L Earle/ Kerne and Weft
or at ' v.tsigmeLt for mining and 041. Mye
alder so el,
_7u011,73, the latter for thole°.
Provisions held firmly, but there Is no
Inquiry, and prices nontlcad. Lard; mall
Weis of country kettle et SIC. . Urge firm at
ta4rtaXo. ltegadtda— flour; Lieu barrels,
Wheat; WO. *meas. Coro; we bushels. WU;
IMO -bushels... , liege; 510 heed. Weather
c a 00...
g r dr....
, Tggyo min k& torah anew stern Mtn
' .134.1ta1e slarkes. , •
. .
, , . ~.
Cul Taletnytt. to um InLiaburyta (luau.]
nnanain; - Jan.' SO.—Grain' in atom and .
annati NY haat 600.1:00 but corn 170•111noat.
al,OOO Po, Parlay MOM nu; rya SI Inn pens
11 ,030 bu. Flour nnetianreil.. • nest=omnil
sales car lota at *Otto: lio.tChicago union
a 2 40 for Fort Waahtnntan (Nub. Man loner}
a car lota at* 4.10111.12 On: the trank, , prina.
pally stint. Molds amt., wt. dnlit -nag".
ern altered 61.70 1.11 store. Rye notalnallY
anatinninni: , Barley quint. 'Jana. pork no.
elapsed. , lanci - and .11126304 as . scolds}..
!Mastitis ltilliti.
tßy Taurapt!ta ctis rattibirgh eamat9.l
Loan riti.s..iiii.9o:,—Totineto f• very tino
1.,1 8 BtZett,ol4 meellnut 'lett,' OM tetra
&loth $131,•.‘ Cotten is 14Xeleyyt, Ilour U .
EXIBItA toe Bityeittee awl tate). :whets
ai i r immse. 44.llsm - cora tsoll4l v igto. r:t .O . : = l•llo7 t r rz .
aldet 1 . 1Y,C. • Lard L Ittillt 2o •.' Ysq Petit
=oat- D AMID.
Cauca eat an -Driltrulatrait GaSiTale
1100AT.J11. 11 .7 1 7 . 1911 .
• The moat Impartial Dill" " 11000
rice Llistreale Le a tedtidtion of &quarter of a
coot pet pocLol on bar Iran, and tarenty•llra
Beat. per keg en pall. Butinele In all
brarteltra of the Iron trade 000010000 doll. Da
Indere from all quarter. bele& Dratted la num•
bar sad light In amount, but al goal
. .Pdai
button 13 co:dbl.:My predicted, an price.
hare teed pot down to a pelat Mot Pitteteanti
ana sCropeta with other Palate.mblab fal •
yea; or more put Ilan bun madureding to
mormpoille her trade. anddt Melt be admitted,
II tome Segroo of scam. Th. 4.01100 10
tat arta laSor cantata ;our onaufaoturoro to
make the redaction above noted, and we pre•
diet that at these quotations, Pittaborgh lOU
again reclaim many of her former pstrona,both
In the South and West. The following are the
card rates, n taken front the drealir of Cole•
man, Bebe. it On., °Me DUQUOUIa Works
Common Bob sate
O 4q
Heavy Band
Hoop and h.laht. Baud
.440 19. 4
.5 12
54. rt.
lialf Oval and half
Boller Iron
Tank 1ine......__. S .
Nall 110de 9
Sheet Iron, 10 to 17 r.. 5 • • . 9
11 to 0 7
27 9% 7 10
All sheets over 25 In. wide %a extra.
' Ff
10.1 to rod Nil!. vt ,
Fencing ucd fine
----- —l5 SS 21 Sae 60
Id and CO I 11
50 34 in iloLog .9 00
it and id 5 75 6 7161
CI anti ad 900 Out Spike. 6 601
' 60
iIICh, 18,0011 tun, 37,25; 1% 1 1
1n cb, 05,60; tyi 1.11,114001134 imth. LP% 1
Teams —Note or asoepiance at OW with
current rate of Exchange on New Yorks or a
nisenwat of t per cent. for cash, If remitted ea
receipt of invoice. Payment , to be clads in
New Took Exchange. U. B. TreaatuT
or their qulvalent. Niche in lots of 100 keg ,
and °sweetie, 12140 ner keg off. No dim/ma
on bills of leas than fifty dollar.
Orincre op Vas Yirresuseit
FBII7IT, J 61.1607 17, Ma.
The market 'Marisa the week woe a dull one.
The result is we kayo' but few.aales to record.
Negotiation , ' are, Mutant, pettleg for sone
roiled lots, and we are promised a large tu.
grew, for our nest report. We quote the fol
lowing gales.
, I
i .) Op. G rano9 Open Gr b
y—W ey Fo3ll•r9ud.. . 99 00 7 039 esios
Ica . •.
000 • Infoyior—at for39oo' 92 00
070 • Modlos Mom 010y,..q. IMF- cosh
100 • Opoo Orgy 30 Mr,49dys
237 • Orty Forgo
73 • Disbarring Yana, No. I •
Foundry ...... 43
W.-4 Pt 0
• so• Low , (lords 96 cr,
20 tau Juniata
laia—C. 13
wg li o
ss l ma
CO ooxo
tons Ohio 'Coks.—firsf t ilt" 00—intos
NCRoxs. Is
...P6 ms
PO tor.. Mottled
1131111 w Elknd.lil6.
The following is a statement of the ap
proximate earnings and smistfulee of the
Pitnibragh, it. Wayne and. Ctdesito
Wax 'Company 'du/tactile mouth of Dee.
ult., and of tne earnings and enema/ Mr
the fiscal year, oodles Doesnher 31 0 ,
compared with the year legit .
Prom ' IW. 11221. la i rt •
1421261,--.Pe 022 12 • /WM WO 21. r
42; 62.
' O2O. &Ur 11 ;14 MP 'eta:oo
Ma. 7.122 00 . 7.1010 • .....
12601 of luny. 7,62124 7.001 54
22160211•00•1. 4.,03 06 1,20 9I 2. OS
T•tol .... 3 c 1.17221 Sic= 2s $17.6a De
Ez pant. 44.= . rs 471.1C1 , .. ' .....-
ia,sta a ao-ro ra Ps g 7
oarn`ls frets
Jay Doo/1 r,T.7.7.1/7 $7 4/1.271 $
sprne• to. 4.661 C 7/ TT 6.107,66466 ' ' .
:::;:trt. ° .ll. - 11. 134 33 1r..313, 53 1 CC, $53.[44 31
• .
dd prz6 . . 1111 , • •
operstl.• .1.• '
1,. wad 1.. • • -
b algal 0...4 1 (CO (CI , $ - 1,00 bl $l4 /13:1' 14
--- —..- • —.----
Tot.l net ran- • •
• tuna P. 441.11133 int,r4,lo l W pox.=
Pncre ate nice tifs—rassenen dr: Is
n from Jan. 1 to lean
ri - 11 . ;.g Int pzc fa tr Qota Jan. tto Dec. it
S 74,413 17. ^ •
Baltimore Cattle Basket
HALT!'/Om, Yummy 'IT.—Sho odorless_ at
the moles dating the past woeliaisountod to
100 heat, against 1414 last week. 04 the nom'
bee oessod ITV head n Iran West d
US loom Ohio, 11l fr tree eo
Marilee& Greece* Baltimore and Ohio JlM
toadtio from Mantled sad le from faustmi
weals os foot:sod li item Mulles& by MM.:
Of the receipts tie head won lakes by Matt..
mete Wave., 7117 (Arleen foe graelag,2oo:
teal to Oeeulatote for teeters .wethiste, 11 to.
Washington sad Anliapolle batehere,end the
beta., was reshipped to the Eut Without'
betas armed here. Prime Mdsy resoled bei
galloons Old cows sad sealsweee 10301, 0 4
otaamythts , Men, oasis and ems, g47hiBIA4
fete to good Mock mttle. SM/121 ,
Deere, WWI sad the
y f tett beerMallaithi'
per ICO lba the mass prim baths about MAO
shah! adVaeee ott the bast Valet, While
common sad medium grades me saMointd.
Sheep—She copal, Ms ems talr Malay the
met week, bet meetly of us
foe whisk 4Agifyie Mee ten the nallag Mt..; name St 0301211;40 per maid,
. .
Hoge—The supply hoe totes fully eposl td
M e n emd dchlaV the put week; sales have
e brisk, bat prime thadhee its PM -lio the
tee 1.10. of low Weer
tal et to-day Iran
VeVeolo,7l per .Ibe net: Mr eUP good lat
Oisease Incrikes.
(kr Telogrspe to me Pltuberik assette.i 1
Career., Japnary .—flour et 43,1734
010 for spring astral. Wheat. No., firmer
arid lfelo btitter; Ao. t enamor nominal at
siest.Artie for \a 1. sad for
v ,:llostng er fOr Nam lawn open.
ad at Melo lower, Nled„ and closed at lOC
for new, old. Is more =flee at 0601170 for rig.
; and Mc for Ira 0 Oats m fidt specalatly
pdemand at, Wring at pall
rice. Ero inat Use and nomMal. Earl
ore &cure et 11,513461.00 for No. % • 4,
$1,64 , 4431,C3 , Tor selected. Prwristons d
tir~l'erx at matallo,so straight; Pi
stenderd tamale, 111415.5 0 MS est , . M
04,75 for rump. ' , lard 1$ doll - at e;
1114.11 sales of prima Mean at the °M al
agora.. S weetTlekled Hams are torlet mad
steady attic. 'English Meats dal and WM!.
Shen Cleat Irides at IlMe. Ore.. ;Heats
active; hams at Me :roes i
Jlogs goal eernand for stdromint sad 10.
ad amount; the market Li firmer andialbs
eased from end Mooed firm at
r 11756013,111.11Mding 9..0. 11550 and berry.
.1100e101e for lam, is bows—door .I,lco obis!
stem PISA 'corn SPA% OARS 174100 Dusk;
dreend aces 0,055 Rte 4. 0 r. Ga e" l ”
—flour 1,7i0 able; %beat 1, 00111 Or 6W, e,
dreamt Wogs epOi lire do 1,000. - • • ,
- .
By Tr;ware to the ThUlturgh Osierte ,
Curets:taw, Jan. 1 0. —Tiottr dull add on.
clueuged. Wheat doll, at .1,15 for NO. / recL
corn in detested at mane for earl So bar
shelled. Oat. held at 6.5160 e for the
and the demand to MM. Bye dull ntiliA o o
1,54. Barley unehenzed... Melon Armor;
tddlto g paid aorne beldam ere Mt
Ire. Whisky In enthralled demanded
selling in bond. llqta quiet; sales at
8,95 ercea.and .84111.1.3nettreoalptalecOrteed ,
inetutling LSO beediecelrediarelriday earl
not before reported. krovtalone quiet and
unchanged. Mesa pork e20.15.-•Ballt meats
714.2100. Biwa 10 light impPl7 lathe Mir
jonulng demand; Shoulders 0140010 0 1 clear
@ldea OPS. Lard bolds good; family at
11411191 for lover grader. and 10140 for
prime. hothtng done In green meats. But;
ter wetly, at 341 00 0- WlMUdealklualw Mk;
and the supply better, nun., steady at lia
1.50. Careens active demand at/Dlt3llofor
bin, the latter rste for cholas; Unwed ell
doll al elde Petroleum dull at klatie for
relined. Clever red doll st. l+ 11
TiIoVIWV, to
b Y nyttg. Wormy 81,1002, '
makes nn.
changed. 'actumge Arm at par Doling.
• •• • CleveSUSI alarm
toy Totarata to the letttsherae dasetted
etavu.aers,- 0.. JAW:IIIy ft—Floury the
demand for the past Week has been =Ode-
MO. and calls mire confined to the Jobbing
trade; prime ruled steady at 1110.75011.14 for
double extra spring . ; 1111191.133 for double
extra red trinteri 511819 for doable extra
whim; sonntry brands are 80c9991 Wmw me
above sures. Wheat; the demand la thiht
and the ;normal. wain at SIM for NO. fired
•fe tat erg IMO for N 0.3 red. and 1= 1 19 34 1 for
1% 0.1 weatrrn spring. Corals In modem**
request for spotparcels, at 01.09 for No.l
helled; lots for Inters delivery are d elivery
demand. Oats are steady and cloned firmer
Imago for No.l Mato from atom, Nye unlet
and steady at 411120165 for Ne.l from store
• Barley bramtall sa4 arm for No.lBtate *ad
Canada. which are held at. 11L*1499; No. 9 40.
is lmegolae and sold only by sample. • IM
trolount Is doll and ets9ry, a/ svelte fOY.
free, and DOM for tencea , ' • •
let Tituixpti to the litubtrall Quetta.]
Toiezo,Jaavary 10.—intokr pain. Wheat
...ealeserhtta 69.1 0 ,1uta VP Do'
rg.d. Uoru—new • °Paled at Ina, ea ,
tamed to Otto, melelland at W. with mu
ler aU toe month at altlrp. Oats. ateurrt
islet st 6.1%0 for Flo L. Ilya aelat. !Medal
sales elan= at s7so.. Dreutall Urau torah.
..,, ntI ,IT3 ' I7,II `, ITTI , e I PLir 4.4I%,CI
aornAoas ash oat, 4000036
211111/MILOOLAI L II I .
tri telegraph io tis rttlatativr 2 9ut2t0.1
Ittocaixix, Jan. 90.-71ont. silty double
22 " ,2113 1-4U tita ° V.t7til e titHraror j3s at. " A ni. 2 2
%mom No. t,•andNt for P10..5. • vats
ottopaagod. at SO SGOo tor No. 2. Cora &teat/
t . 1 .0 for new abollad. Ilia dull at 21,13 for
No I. Itiloalpto.2,2l* Da. Iltar.lo42obush
itheat, 36,00 a bush asta,4o.ooll bash sort62,o l X)
bush Aye. St
donleitta--.IM bblo Now. X O ,
bush tritest!, ,• •
'llWastti Is' IMMO. •• L
(117 Tiiuipiiiiiriltritut 4 iti
• Hlingrzo,iirr,3ott ol t ArVisatoldllag
16e1 stria awl VON* .1410alpla I,OIA Alden
exports IN balsa. Mai Arm and onehaug
tot. Pork Afar at.Vie t /MIDOW ORIII,O I W
'ldes 130. Bulk ineilisnwast for rolr
Lora dolt at /MHO. Mora Domillr•
Oats arm at 77111710.` My dial oPllkaa'-
(dr irk ri.ptiiolCO Plttsbarzt
Ilryrnlou. • Jan: 1:00 , -Whost'• dull , but,
steadyrotrlms toehofne donna= cat 12.770
.ItgliCtrOlC o ,Rhito VA Corn GAUT* sad
renal prime rend , - minor Ireslarn . $1,15,
Oats dull id 730116., BILCK4I active and
'toad M the bulkobOuldern IC. • '
• .
; •• • ratlaasipbts Ilearkelk
t er Tau xri‘pe to the Climbs:al linottnl
PIIILADILLTIO.I, Joacuity In —Petroleum
stet{crude, 1510 i eins] tond,CrXellto.
Stour dull. Wltarzoomor In PIM 11000 rod.'
zoilud; Urn sLablairft. Coro oozes in
u; 6 Umtned: wentnrn; far.clurotano._
Chicago Obit's 141iirka$,7
LolT4sogOtui the MUM:ma liato.l
cocoallo, January .10,410g0 steady laud
ante.' latellnle snide* doll. URI weak;
hold litra,MGl,lo tor llght.shiPPlM lots to
extra anew mesa aotlr. Beg& Beet cattle
BUB ai,b301,155 ter mai autlllabt dean.
. ,
•,. .",Ptiiladotptisti Cattle:
CRT toiesioon to inorittooloit G•i1.1.3 -
PoitsAttsisu Januorilo.—Biost.dittta
Arto tou .
Haeo•ttOt. ot. SW
glop anatsasos at rite.noitiotolt Ltd
w a l wet moo t sto.Co01010;
financial Matters In Sew fink.
geld Closed at 130%19
My Ts!costa; to the .I . ItUDOtaIL assttle..l
offir Lou, Jan.l; LEM
i i iisoey market very easy with abundant
RI is at elle en calL Loans; an early de.
elute In rates generally annelpatedadfmo
&Must :PT% with ride esteeptionsat
Starling dull as WO Gold Edgier. Mew
ing ai 139 X, 114.1•11.0CLOg .to ISOM, falling to
MX, and closing at 1391413113514: The older
masa of the advance is the arrest Of George
A shade dieser., seruk4atates are 'the
strongest on the Use; large sales of %Vita
tr.f. and Vt's at 736. Tentorttss very flrm.
I.:pupal:pot doot ileal101f;
do of WS. 'FMK: sa. " 1 0 ‘e "8 *
do now 166 106; do of V 7, 10661 Teo.
forties (jlOl SaTaa-ttartiM 1 rolo6.
Stock market opened bueiant with an
activity' on clique shares. The offerings
were light, and no presence idiot!. la the
aiterecon gliaket was active and ex
cl.d with a matted - adventse genetally,
though at the close there wits s reduation
front the highest point,. owing to Sales to
realize large profit.: Canton 67437% . Cum
tairlaLd 3431; AdamS Express 704; Men
Chants Walla 17; American 75V.: idled
State. I Quicksilver 260.1%; Mariposa
0Ci8774; Pao 110 Mall 1ari410.1%;
Western Colon 3.1403714; New Yark Central
IM%Oligsy'; Erie 73473%; Hudson 1404.140%;
Reeding MOM.% Ohio Certificate* 53,7(0
mg, Wabash 4304.5%; Bt. PaIII 51051%; ctO
preferred6s%46sx; Michigan Central 1100
110%; Michigan Southern 67508Nt Illinois
.Central,ez. division lalq1:52; Pittsburgh
al%grki; Toledo 10:1 1 111 Hoek Island
rforthwesteru 41 'O6l ' t
do preferred
.. air% Port Wayne 101%0 01%1 ralsonris
1 ;EleirTannessees SW.; old
• YINIXO Susan • •
Quiet, but a trlda trulat: Coridou 35; Edge
Gni 520; Smith rarmlee 5950100; GregOry
535; Quarts. 1411(1100115; 51051
..12LsoemtaCII.173,11:0;1;.13 , 1nlint/i 12,124734 Dal
$10,5A2.9013.1. • , .
The Orrotscrefr4 says: This reported Poll
ey or bull clients Is to MO acitpulate the mar
ket for • Weedy rise trnttl the clew of Feb
ruary. Sete and Netrote*Central are the
leaches stock& Itoelthtlind &Au ahem, US.
mutt firmness, the law snit baton consider
ed of little consequent* on the street , eo far
'as respects the stmt.
NeW.ltisk Cattle Market.
( is, Tieleaph to the Must. Ilmatte.7
New Your, Jimmy M—Rocelpts for the
week 5.760beeve5,27,116 dwelt end lambs,
rout HASS hogs. Beef ruled stemly during
the week, Put sudsy, vette e supply of 800
'the enema to depressed sad prime Yiffflo
with only a moderate: dateMnd for
bulk; offerinspi rath f z e wor quelltri ensue
1114ffIlecaprlium 17.. _ qualltY,Ul3i
Vitmlitrogz.,.tunbeete , lto b g=;
during the week, orit l riesed heavy et 7%G
75( goo
d, common =drought 7)akfly,efor fair
to goo end 7M:70 for, prune. UM.? sr.
rivals- or W mare dressed, wreaking &t
Catty, have an tuffevereble effect upon tbe
market. - .
New TOOK Dsy Goods Market, :
CBI Tetra - mei to tbs Plttstnamb Umtata],
Haw Toad, Jan.2o.-4The ilrY goods mar.
rat continual active sad steady at andel
for geed to extra standard_ print, melba'
fellTto i r " bgrti Dd irat 7 Aratigt:lb U t 4
gre if,- • t.
iota , Lonsaaltal latf, for Laogdon sad lila
ter's; 12t4016 for glaghams, and IS for moos
delalaes.• , •
1858. 1867.
Produce tomodision House
kIL Eqtaa Et. lii Tea.
• .
Have naeonsalindlntl. tor 4100.7•04 of WW I ..
Hop. LA f Tobacco and Itighwtne• meet to
maelifseturont •
_,Coelatml loseatio• lion 10;1100%. Cmm.
L 4 O AV Zi '44 :PTA 8:1:;11:°.1,t1
1•1040 01'0,0007 Produce. 140erst01ossees
sods conofirsosentt • • • • •
•, • t,l)SalliNt/1GN 415 BOLICITED,_
-risrlszscu—Norte 141 , er ilant.'H. Y.; Itee-
V:l4lllrfegriltagr:Sei.B.: A! ItM
bialo,"2•To• Ittrosol+oT, 11. Y., D. As. ble(oo , 4r.
ti 3. • Illano.d.
r) -7 4 :Ali M CI , ill 0) D 4,11
OLIfiA f.
.._ , • .
,for Banta. ej.klda.
crofola.,.3alhattionm, form. Broken Dream*
roet Blue, cialbtalno, Et WO. Brett.. O,ntee
nettenie, etc., .wheeber rayon man °thong, le
the moat nenderkelerelete neer produced Other
good anklet Adlerhdet One giro,. It alley. In
deannattOn, subdue polo, and heals without
*ea. It is worth Its 'ranee In geld tonne . Nit
ty, and 'should grays he on tend. li war.
ranted to do what It lays teary tlne. :
lotrodited to tbik#ollollll3l4 !dice irblp
elme Lbeir repittailost bto..Extei.led. nn W. I¢e7 LIM • sale excess of all oil. Cilturtio and .
p a rgyloz .ltedleltes....rbire la hardly afsary
among c 1•111.1.4 nations ' , rho ha. not)ou:sonal
evld enc.* a( Lbelr beide/21 etrtritO. Tbot , ll. 4 =t ,
soma.b endiut to Mali onitormi
.511 C. 141141pat14:1;15111oi. Rad 11144144b1° 41
eeaseS., whether of long or ahert duration. ThaY
int entliely vegetable In thelraitgoettloi.nit4
haentieee to the gentlest Intant.".orie Windiest
opens tke gortiof the tali; another Is dletette,
aid stlatelatts mace saline et oml:ignore; a
third Is issolllent,loonelng *deg. and swan
[rola the ltuigs; otheelrapertlea are tenteljut
ed eithaitle; end cleanse' the. ortomach:.sed
weed." tram nabeeithi
L setilttont: Thele cos.
Weed erect Is . to liptlate - the' impaired ton,'
mu et the systeer,bud soldddnedleadd. ILL
not are Med Xedetys,Plls ,ore d aft—that'
they will eaniall boaddilidr—bet ander Ordls.
/yo'reuentitere tbeilodrite . :relted eponym
hue ort
Serroi.iblck -- Codtredels,
edlie**4 Jadedlea' aver . aod
Barone ConMeles; Colde,,"Billirr/; . . °carrel
Weal:nese, de: They 'we i.dbrassly mrde Iter
there direzioe,: pdloiliapoo Ibillioeidynaree
Leedbe'eUed. In Ito Mile lerteried bar am-
Ideddl ern . eine. folidr tadwfedFe, ;.'brie Vier
hero bbt *berated es redoiMeidaL; ' •
TOO printed drndaisrendsd redb box *fly ex.
pielos the irmiptnai eidederto of crib dieende:
eireeties treatment: torblillei irides.. ad. ;
tirlety refer tqyte, piriddlUdisr, treat
,lle wee used of 1/m.46116 , ,
Weer,' of tbedire..lll.: rend et Lind'
pima; 11.• goolef.- of epr u 04010,. *Pb., It ad
lt,rofels, and had tom crutches; doindedirr
Three weeks.' Jel:D. Defend. biddidat..llll4. - , ,
area of Mono 74rer. - Bei; Assu7 Graham,
Presbyterian Cbler.b,' Gsztanammi•Cal, - , of We A/Mi.:L . ller: Mon' Ihreeve;Dist
New Sort. orlibenieMon andY:lles oM rein'
]bee: 'nerdbee;'ldltor of the
Syringe/Ad Otaits4 li•Oubllosa.• woo need dr
berriblo Cad' Webber. :or
Homey, N.l u hie., eta..
• boxarblot .11 circulars,
wIU be Mt retlerirse.
OD the 7.111' .1000 sumyi.
"YeEatY Lt lertm. Kg-
CeVe near Tbey dre
5,1,1 by ail' Meant/Mud tbi
awal Dr. WM ,
ew Yon.
coatl I.
Safteemors u
IL Warvxr
What Ls
Wild.. for
**tan opt
11, Una h
TO•t./ an.
tau: RT
lids Sao.
01.• g It os
As a.........
A. a
As s.A.
As , ...
aadu 3,0
' S* la
"clic tag halm
r v t.
be.kll pa.
'tea "of common
1 . 44,41,1L1Ve: Ala
nnL-1t rot in pn
ehl'r 44 4 bog." Si
57. P.- • -
....0rre4,14 tot, 0.00
wean ,alOPot,sadoo
Vow . . awl Obs.l . lno,
Dr.-Norte!. Peet.
.444114-It 700
wall:, MOO Pkls
sees, ottani 47 , 41e.'
....41146-Iteet. titlee
cold.telaota the ob
Weje,teil reitotel
. .11.411.-IC - 14i. txoi
Itypstet Alston' a
• • tlyteilit ies• •
Iteltattoei 'take
1/4-01h4.1t 14q"
lieteesei Yettetak
Iffieth-lt he
4eztarat 111440414 ,
t eiteatle-tt lott ,
the.4lltienseT. ere ,
11ie,44 wilt Mertes
tar d Abounds at
.....4414119-41r , •
le 04.. t moat 4
vett, X it. la) WO , I
, Tetra
nc. Xisii4rl,hst4ral
C 14...iiiii , Pak .tb 1 4
rebi.can4l4a.x4o, t44*
isprip. - --- , . ..
tetz m a iletsi . g loi'a . 414
I 'hew sa sit prikl;lo,
' ...
t tam" - Tili,, .1)4,1.i
tku!ainv; iiiipx lily-
'Sad get.smtat naval:4,
FCCttunt at Ilee,:try, De.;
:Kati POL.Dr
~taitatt sem:4ll;mi., Ipr,
vlartaniva, Ur.
20.7114. •
Angeles 0(
H../Jr.: ae)ssea,Platttrs;
ruVocal ; lyric , 6 , 4
rrar imuorr,pawa•
epnic 0 .!. " 44 1
airts ;
iAO •
1141e .v . 4 and
%or, -153a1.4:04
wisiitik-ii ..ik'i
•soll Traiel z. 111.1.
tr., vki, , , 44=
tm.h),40./as mid* viron,,
VOTICE.--411 1 mci , ins biter.
e.ted wig tat, notice that Lo [Soria •41.
Tt7tti.e.i.rArigelgr..l:4"R tea c
t Vg Pal ni
..,tll. 9! Ova totrop, &teas, it. r.ramn
to to.t.t S - 4 to tats ottott
quell lou mak I ayzArn !. . tokt our:, 0.01.1/
L. Jaw,:
J9+ .• Lib. Alltetchy
.11011. Atli:orgasm to:AMOCO irtlitaIel1:1100111MS
Itt et, or romroAlgtratlon im AAbtan ratted to
up tomolgu of ,' molguelll
on tOti tiltstr, oft ADWA •
AU late hlo torv.4lp. it .;coac t
mo at. tOtlem
rad t. tal I <Mit, or p LIAM. Pim •
tho nasal s oldratAtgMiggilt
OFfEkET, ,Oar -
• • iloru-gt :us.
1.7 arr +mann - uonatrr
jaS:4ll , . it) Foutt: At.. Vlttab. • 11.
•nEniesibr • GIVEN
4 '
that AROLI r..WILWAAId lat Wien
ot. emit Of Ad alnittratlon . a t e taw* of
Jun. eiJ L.A114 late o• tea of teArO.O.M.
Acoet!e a' All lemon. la•tobteo I. sald•elteto
totk melt, ooo el Gavle, elatotAledeet
10,1,1isitt l*tV /vellt present them to told Aleitath.
WIZA.I , 2IB...Adte. .2; •
a•f . • eldof Tooratlue.
e have detelmined to give our
oneteniera at once the advantage of
any decline • in prices that nu/ be.
made' later in the Beason, and have
today - -
Reduce - d Priceie
' (17
3ab:L r t 111.6, taoj
Far below what it would put
to reptam the Gemh
Nos, Id and 7a Ftnt, Strait :I
Pile.. Is alone Of ten as& tittuituttah
111=1 Innis C0p1e5,914.46 • • :
►s yin 1O 01111114 illik9lll,
47 coma melt rhoileki to
•• i -
cAtarructx par,eAsxn;
41,Tionras snei Naoltsala,Donlva
!ibigitur Am)
•, .•
, ortosrzinararumagmmer,, , f , •
H•; L';'l4 illl34[4ll3lbeirbib=k . '
1.11 vesers. %bat tbeyllollll op• d a
VlZlVll=thir44,WitZ 2 *" . "*"
favor ths.
11, - ,leer_abe establlabea 3.lbeilik oo
•Joint, Punt NW be • sad est runt. lb,
rierwilite= l = 4 4rator "" •,,
_ ga9as :'
teettlestXrpote•: . putiecilar . Mein= L.
Ql[.ateQ to
0LD f . 02 . 1
:.!, riperlaquUtum;
*, /swum
pro,vrradAti." PLucomx-vnlaue be
41-" Pi
pro Pis s, . -t
. . -1 . 1 ; SAVINGS 13ANIC;:.' - ---.
aiiirai,. -.-. -,-.. sitioiveo:
-,..rrtes, No. to rows intim,' .
praiimmi.. aii - . ... .. imam Lists,
740. Preith:—...4.M4l4 l !" line. -
P‘legy Elsyll. ,' . 7nnalsi IS
rte.".17." 4 " . - lgmtPtle ii•
W. nt. n 1 Joni D. gently; , .
ftartiuy a tn2saiti. 1,1111111 TIT 111111ftff I
aj . .tr..fatia'arli'alteleati*Sir u zr. --
giVr.l.lo tr,V=l,7l:,7,o7ANat
:VV,1""ra0°,.”,,g•;!,.-pkAi....14., -
'4ollEnixt; WANTED FOB
THE' BLUE-00ATe t c
4... a b. taw 1.0.d.4.41.t..•
Isur Vu.+. Witt. llowasestall.le.
Is Usa pros& itsktgllsH". •
it 1,0111•101 over ICO floe 'ftinwrisii4o4
ppyyeyy t. ogdeboo loul .
sottOplyed.. P.. 140 ooly OLD swoon.,
CAIrtoN.-some of mac Itea(l~itit :
savants's at the kr.r.s popelartry sus 1 arssatse
of Ws ark to tn. and WC* to LcOstd ILII
on copy. 11.0 DO M are lefillkultred i roD
to.? , Dllll 00 night to chug* sun' .
"toKTielr4o7.4ll4lo, M ai
coca= so chat hen, ore coatloitOOtttAttenta
&statue ooldta tone trot Ike boot 0007 DOT 002.
axis. moor J. aloe erot covlnip mid OW pus.,
read or Circa *a, _ -
A 4 11711* j ' .4Z I ' BR WINDbt, is..
.31,16W1D es-s; lissonsc.X..l.3ll2orlwls
rya irtz.lll2s
MOO lur•
mired as 101
GRAY "linS.T.R°l4l.4
'..=1.421.1140 41v-41-ffki,]-:
dud Dealers i n ofidto*p;
i 16 4 111 E
b. 22, 80 .
Mu deer welt or "eau* fitrer;
i ate ander all
news. HO5 ,
15 Is Qs only
etrltnoes rte.
Fill*. • rail
svevagrile of, '
oft, bad •Vbablagunt• coon ea. • Ti, -porslea
Utsirbi Anglian 00.011 3111 graell-7/11114111
11.141“ 11 ossm •
teal towl.lll, Ru m .ss - about
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