The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 25, 1868, Image 4

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Eittshr - 0 Gapttt
my AND 0033TIRRA11 ::-
-,..... 5 „,
~i „ ,; Tim.boußTl3... , ;
Gigarter ticuson•—zsda;*
Witt, meEsteo
Michael. Soshill
Arid ThOtetuf Hughes, Indictment setting
tiflVlO , ond warming . the destruCtion. of
Wnlierski , freindryi in Ate 'Tenth ward
on Mu* now morning , -wse
awned, -,:G.lCOchrary , Esg., for the de
fet rommingirp to the
Jury. He *es' folloWed by lisior. A. M.
Drown, Tor the prosecution. The Court
- thargedAUehj u a r n y d : ahmyi nretired
had' notagreeta i an si t .. tud i. their
pg.L . CQ
g roitom lia V i re
(11110•- , ,Thei ray stood nine for. conviction .
god three for scquittal.
ingrgithie, -of 'the; Third ward,
indicted lbr netting' liquor without
enser.= the morn of Constable Julius
Dougherty,. Was. found not guilty, it he
county toper the costs..
John Mitsch, of Allegheny, IndlOod
irea the larceny:by 'bailee,' ern watch,
the Property of Micheal Murray., Was
uequinetL Tbe ease was previously
tried daring the torm,-the jury falling to
dlire;lfiir feloniously ehoirilliam
. I.lnke, on the 10th of September last, put
in the piers of guilty of raliedemeanor, in
'unlawfully. wouuding. Sentence do
r.l , l'lllls, aAortia, 'convicted of
feTontously appropfialing a lair of boons
igid a pair of pantaloons, the property
of George' Lockleyi alai colored, was
sentenced to three mon ain the county
. - Ilthfrld'Green; a 'ado lid; war lin:
dieted far malicious m ef, on Win-
plaint of .Dr. 11. T. Coffei.. The prisoner
vratrOkeninto thu employ of Dr. C.Mth
aMbiebr Making blm metal in'delag
rsetVIOS Malls bolos, but be proved the
nvetstem;. Among ether doings he broke
a malpali.distroyed, a silver noon, and
tlntregheritalessiese or deviltry alziont
scathe house on fire. In short, be titer&
tested anon a Spirit , df doetruntivenass as
to render hie coridnoment a -matter, of
whin - elty. - . The jury eorrvicting; dm yid
wk . , committed to the Hotote of Refuge.
... -
:::'John Sadler, German. wa:s indicted for
. attgrit*ated 'smolt attsl :bettery on
thet:lnflo son of- lifrs.llsannyt. Cele,
colored. - The parties =tido In the Third
. ward,unliegheny. H. appears that some
amall - liove - were 'snow-bailing in the
etreet,mniew Yeafeday, when the eon
Al the defendant, having, teen struck In
the face,., ran home crying. His lather
moon mote out, enraged, , and seising th e
toy Cain by the oars raised him oft Ina
feet and:shook, binn vielently, injuring
him, itwas alleged quite severely. The
case as it progressed dwindled down to
veri . trilhog ,onnt , 'Verdict...not, guilty,
defendant and - Pmsecutor each to pay
Joisplt Miller and -
Wi nisch*
zer were indicted for assault end battery
~ustoonaplaint of. Mrs. Hildebutod
- -dug en .fteory street.: A oc
curred between the - pertica coneeralng
a door '
clothe premises of the complsdn.
u c td, i r t j u oin p lut par: of ttborrildi.ylifici.t
-rtesiptlng to nail up the door, 'which wie
yesistedVhfre:Hlblebrethe edema
13112 •Sttlegod to hart,
been committed,
getticr , severely squeezed fa her
rwdatenee to tLt . closing oft/us door. The
question of right-of-way entered into the
asid,,4ltui evettpled too attention - of - the
Court' till ettiJ o tun ment. 11 , 1f111, be Ire.
gamed this morning.
.F.atxtr, Janithry 21.-'4a the easel or
tiattley- Rafferty. reported: yeaten
day; thejury found for the plaintiff in
$57. '
'Allred& Ilcicasters ye. PittiCk Dun- :
levey's • administrators. Verdict for
pLeinalrfor 1121 %, subject to opinion
of-Court on questions_or law reserved.
'John M. Browny*. W. Palate= An.
that to moor er bulanee alleged to be due
onpurebsie prince' a menu shop. from
pleb+ , itr,Verttlct'for defendant. .
RAU Notate grensrone. ,
The SolloWing deeds were let
•8. enlY s / 2 ,'. Ttec o7 der; Jonu.Fs'.
Valliant Pimples, Administrator of Any
Peoples, to Samuel' Iloadensideld,
Msrets 1801, - for , hot In 17tdon
teirtuthip,,containg 0nencre....111.400
• George Hetsel, Sr., to John A. Retest.
2Govemlx:r 14th, 1867, forlot in liesegye
township, containing one acre one
hundredand eighteen perchss....B6oo
Elimbeth Grimes to jamas Prentice.
August 6th,,1867, for lot on the norib
aide of Beaver street, In Sewickley
borough, GC by MO feet $356
a Geerg.e R. •Riddle assignee of 11.111.
TerJley, to V. tlliam Sfotheral, August
27th. WM, for lots Nos. 31 and 52,1 in
AfaKein Leckey's`pbm of lots, in
• It:Clare township, fronting onShady .
Avenue, 45 - feet- ... . . 87 60
Christian Pass .to W. C .h.uslitatorash,
J'arootG: 22, 1555, for lot In Birming
ham, fronting on Carson street, IA feet
and running brick' 15) feet to an' ta1.05.000
.0 5 . 000
- M. G. Semple and William tits.
sell,Administrators. to Henry Stoeb.
-tier, January - 14th, 1868 for a let in
Collins. township, No. 4 in a plan et
lota oiled “Moraixtgaido," containing
eleven aunt and one hundred perch
es .44.2 , 05
. Sohn Moore to Stephen McCarthy, Sep.
lember 74,1267; fora lot la Lawrenoe.
Mile. No. 001 n th 9 plan orlon, laid out
by .St. , Mary's. Cemetery," 24'by - IIC
feet fronting on Cemetery streaL.-1:60e
Memoto the Allegheny County
Perember4V67; Mr - a trao...
errand in Moon p, with build '
Ines, containing 150 wins. .. . . 45,00(
ChlistoPherretter tra Daum!, Ltltz and
•. Haver} Wale. October - 12tb, IBM,, for
lot Be. M Itin's plan of in Be
serve township,frenting eratin stree:
.'feet, extending back 44 feet... 4700
OW -Mortality.
Dr: A. G. MeCandloss, Physic-lan of the
Board - - of Health, reports the following
hitarzapits In.the city frOto Jan. 12t to
Old .4e, /; gangrenes, kbeert-Ilhelite.
1; • Drope . y, 1; Consumption. .2.; wee
mow• convaltstos, 3 ; small pox; s;
still born, 1; burned , L
Sham; 8 f White; - prate • ' it;
b l j Colored. 21 •
Of the a ve there we.rec Under I yer.
„from 1 ".; Iron:V.2 so .5, 3; from
sa,z.. from- SO to 40, limit.7o to 80; 1;
from 80 to 00, IT horn 00 o'loo, 1.
The feLlowleg ore meek the patent.
linuad front the Untied States Pat eat pi:
nap; far the week ending Stuaiutry 14th,
, if. J. Ratter, of Pittsburgh, Prianiy
vauia, for isoplavenseat in aircoudeuWo
Robert W. Clark, of Plttsburgb, Peen
sytennis, for-Improvement. rn taysre
. . •
James Parts, Jr.; or pittabringli. Pa
tor- Improvemeat in combining coppe
amid cant - -
A- 1.4 r. Brnamicasii; of Lancoster;l'a:,
for Unproved shoe bolder.
Theatre Preachlem—At the request of
the Yount .., 3teMs Christian Amoetatfon,
Rev; E. 8q es trill deliver a -dis
course on the great queetion "Wirer
SMALL I. no T o BR SAYTIV to-morrow
(Sondes) . tight; at a¢ crclock':'
Old _PRMlntrgh Theatre, -Fifth otteM.
At Afar. ceel-M In the - afternoon; there
wilt be two prayer metiers. bold orate:
the empires of the w Amite-halm;
one arthe Hope Bogie* Room, tfe other
'at the Soldiers' Images Room on Lactck
street. opposite 'the knoloor • Cotton
Works, kr Alteghany city. .
litlo2.l,llacury Banda was committed to
jalryasterday, by Alderman Illebalaurs.
charged villa a broach of the peace and
ziet,nn oath ef Jahn Watson.
. .
the M- 1 ., littl°
dsughtaiet Str; Samuel.
min of the Rarrisburgb Tetogropfit news
-room) eustatned very severe Injuries
jacchhentslkY - 13.1n0g egainste stove at. the
-.residuum --of - the Lastly, in Chestnut
street: f She woe playing about tie room'
sod, wtfen.ness Lie stove. M. and to en
. 4mq:elm-tours berselfehe caught bold
.-- of the hot Jrcor, - ..sed:butmed . her - . h sods
severely. - •
Hiegiet to entente:ice the death of ...tchher
Green Simonton. • (brother of Join
Simonton; ads eity). who dsed
at San paw°, on the.. 901. of, De- ,
mutter last, after n..ekkoess 'of eight
- - . - daytt.. , the 'tide ef his - - death Rev.. A.
.was. a Wdestonary of the American Board
' 'of Irore
billion.r- Waskene... :liltOen" - .
f: .=47tni.redlll4A3ssrista employe of tie
Cauthrli.leon Oompeny.. -- ruetwith • eit•
srloutraorldeut one der lot week. Ale Ls
outplayed running -- doter' the - Itini
-from -the blast. firemen to theridlltur
mUL - -- Oulhodirsuftho steldeat he was
taking' • Lbw can down - when the his**
anippeC cerculd the :tAtu became 1.410, -
inal?Sgastils.:.oa 'nem nag to Jump, '
i.ethe gsrsoound , •• fe l. andlila bead struck -
-- a . thereby,frsenniug his strultc: His I
sqenot zieo3s:
conmirded trtwo worrum, orair -gnaws
en Ora railroad:track tom Tyrol* Ogg
Sattudif lasr.- , A kola :Owns upon the
belbra bit could cat
otrAapack Me..lxotatitir• Idrtusk
Itatrai,:kUlinxhrat_soi!y.,'TM wa
and Boa
raliraid.::Wwaa Bettita,
hentand,itaatoo:. - Laninr avacted , to - do.
Air on the lit .Feway. 140:4nattata
Aii4taistage.rears of thiland to •
AlPfroyedfattatnit• batrig:-laadylke-thra
~ Y. l ~ ,:~
—Anise question has arisen between
the- skaters grid the ice cutters on the I
'Schuylkill river. The, former claim
that when the river Is frozen ovdr, and
the teals of urfilment strength to bear i
- men and beasts, it is a pueblo highway
which no man er sat of mon engag
ed' In gathering lee dare destroy.
°there again say, thaktiu river may ba
cleared of Ice to insure its navigation,
and the city la bound to furnish an Ica
boat, like, that on the Delaware, fa clear
the Schuylkill of ice., Tim conflicting I
interests in the Issue are sufficiently
strong toeinake a powerful litigation 'so
that we may expect to see arilritercOrng
law snit on the an Wets:.
Perry county is showing signs of
agitation maths Subject of a removal of
the county teat from Bloomfield to New ,
port - The subject will, of course elicit
much - angry' dismission, but we will
hope removal will be effected without
balllctinfeeermutinjury on any wrtica-1
lar Nudity. It Is sot her hu.. to
Interfere in each matters; nevertheless It
cannot be denied thak , Newport Is the
present moat eligible &napkin:lLl: 'Unli
t:, for the county seat of Perry county.
Mr. lisaeHavls;of Buy' or township,
Columblationsty, has In possession a
Bible printed in 1603, that came to Ame
rica In' this tame' nasal that brought
over the founder of Tennaylvarda—V. ns.
Penn- Mr. Bails end wilb are about
saventpfne years old reepectively, and
have been - married -fifty-two years, and
are enjoying good health. The Bible has
been in their family since It ' landed - at
Philadelphia in VW.,
—A. large end enthcfalasllo meeting In
favor of wearing the rights of natural
ized citizens abroad was held at :Pron.
betimes Hall, Johnstown, on Saturday,'
th lost The meeting was ably M
essed by Col. Jacob M. Cam belt, the
reahlant of the meeting, end by Cat.
Wo o druff, Daniel - McLaughlin, John 'F.
es and Gen. Juin. Potts. Paola
as were l passed HI, finer of memorial
lag COSigreall on thehrthiett ', f ,
-'The aecornmodation . trifin last
furday morning on the Lehigh Valley
road was tootrinch for, the locomotive on
the frosty rills and ran Iw:sr - down the
mile from Newport. The passenger car
was detached. and saved; but the rest ran
u far se Wariiiiirßun when it :went off
• the track, smashing one i*.i No
—Taking the daily newspaper fever
uovi b previtiesit to Itteding, com Pottsville
nal boaters clamoritig for something
oft sort, and we are informed that
. parties hare in contemplation tho enter
prise of it new pepor in that flour
ishing borough at an early day.
—.l.psper. about, to' be . estab,
Milted at Connansburg, and we mder;.
stand the site has already been Selected
below,thetivern, between the; Pittsburgh
pike and the creek.
UM:Ming - 46n county Court - watt
brought to .1m , abrupt. termination bet
week by the titashing of the Jury by
Judge Taylor, owing ter.= informality
in its drawing_by the Jury Commission-
4The • ocher' Flay,- a young man In
Johnstown supped ' and fell against a
hook, and impaled himself eo firmly
thereon -that he wirier - Ith 'difficulty re-'
leased49l:ll hls =plea:Snit aitnation.
—John 'Crofton, an employee of the
Cambria- Iron Works, - Johnstown, had
spoof ids het badly crushed. bye large
piece of soapstone ealling on it the other
, —A. child of Mr. Robert A Thomas,
et Ebensburg, . died on Saturday,. of
negates.. Th e Oiseise brut prevailed here
of late - to a considerable extent. • '
—Among the lite arrivals In Paris were
taco Speaker of the Penn
sylvania -Senate, and wife, who, are on
their way to Rome.
—The =lnert are Mill standino out at
110010 of the oollarbas in 'Beaver Meadow
regloni - ocith no trarnedlato prospect of
gung to work:, -
The ladteSof gingen,' clabning the
offillogibr leap year, tonleibeteancet:
hearts a lard Thursday .
-Thero IS a Galling off of seventy-five
per emit. lathe number of prisoners in
remind oofirdYiell: Getting mere].
'Etittenbendeo has Wright the 4 prearer Hiram Itcoenerana,
' litam.l.Vormg hen reenuned the
pahlleatleu of the Clarion Banner. .
revival in the Banner chnecti
2eleedellie b still In progress.. -
. -
It Ls a true raying that."ponlarity 231
lowa on the heels of excellence," and.
We are not-aurprised that tlier., very SU
krior crackers, blacntfe, ginger =aro
And brown bread manufactured at thr.
kiroriady known and old established
bakery of Wray - 'Brothers, Nos. 29' and
31 Irwin street, hays Inge a wide and
ix.teinded ' ieputation: Employing thi•
most skillful bakers, cuing the choicest
sastertmla, and taking espacial care that
every article 'which leaves their holm,
will sustain its high character, it is no
wmider that this firm'esjoys so large a
share of public patronage- _Order,. by
mail are attended to promptly, and ship
aunts are made to all points with great
care and punctuality. Packages are de
livered to any pant in the- city or its
neighb whood free of additional_charges.
- •
Union akating-Partj - -.The ice at this
popular rendezvous for ekr . ttei r on the
line of the Manfliester Pare r Rail;
way, in 'Allegheny, Is in e ent con
dition, as smeettras a mirror and Arra
:and eelid. P,roviding the weather is fn
vorable there will be - held this afternoon
and evening a grand "skating carnival.
en which occasion Terry's celebrated
band will be in attendance to discourse
the excellent male for which It Is -pro
verbial. A good and enjoyable time nay
safely be andelpated.
Pure Tau, spices co
sad ffees tali nu
whirs elite he °Wined at more .reasona
bk, prices than at the aid egablishe4 . les
mart of 7omph A liobleso9. • 2:61--2. , )
Fifth attest. .Honsekeepeni will please
take notice that a feed:, invoice of teaa nt
direct Importation, and embracing lib
the. famour and-popular trade marks
hawjust been warred at this howls av,i
oared at prime in keeping with the re
cent great decline in the Chinesi mar.
keta. Atrial of the Wu of. this • boas° is
. Tem changeable weather whietrwe are
now enjoyfag, rather experiencing, play,
havoc with water facer, and we bear
complaints from !ado= sources reda
to the abided.% Wd do not know how to
mend matters, Itim, are aware cf the
bet than the beet practical. plumber to
call In to ...stop a leak^ or •Itz a pipe",l2 ,
our friend TF Ewen T.we No. la Wood
Erni attenuiepromptly to all calls
of Ms eharacter and execube Ids weirk
In the very beet awe and at.mort ma.
shis.mhjem 01 ram amnia" much at.
t - o
tondos justet this time, buur . friend.
T. T., Ewen,. practical plumber r gas and
gleam niter. ltZ Wood street,N•lil
continua at his established headqnsirturs
to attend to all orders for work - entrusted
to his care. Fteadersmay . depend open
it that kir. Evens thorou andel:-
stands every department of. buainees
and from long experience is prepared to
execute ail aorta of work with which he
At nudges& It Boa', No. 2i St Clair
&reek. a large • assortment ot
'shies and gaiters Is offenstiat the vdrs
lowest prim. The arm purchase their
grads fromfirstnlais tosaufacture,and
Ward- porchieent ts 'articles ID their line
equal to the finest home-nude custom ,
mark: ln and . See for younielf;di
'bars is no charge for snowing goods.
'Rata and raps -T 23 eptervianz nun
of Bnodgrau and Rola, No. 24 St. Clair
street, offer;great bargain friahlonable .
beta and tam, for nun Rad boya Their
stock ho very_ large, and anztout to clot,.
oat tie* flint have aneked down their
prioeto: regardless, of original conk Lib-,
eat Inducements to d who buy to
sill &sak: ' •
She - Ledles , recognize the-lent that to
where else in the city on trimmings,
Iwo goods, embroideries; haday, white
sad Wintery goods, ribbons, gloves,
cht. bd. !bond it better assortment, or et
more `itasoastde prim, Ihswat
ikoorhead's, N0..8l Market street.
Attain/gas in the city wbo do not one
about spingst.ourbetrivariapolttely'
lakid - OnL-ar HoltsludnieVe Conti
tonna Dining Booms are daily. served
up, at an boars. made fit fora king and
af.v ay manmade ptiCel: Pinata apart
mentsPClPli" .„ , .
Truk; traiallhig liargsind satcbele,,
of excellent arora hiparatbretqaal;
try of material, are offirod at gristly re.
dared prima at the sell kaaramand po
Mar Irlioleaal• and ectabliatuaent
of litoodsmaa dritoas;r2iM - 11 , 03t4 (Bair
-cestiewes d.dd ifoarbead's
headquarters for furnieldng gdfdl JIM
liner: of drools/di* under eiontng(tide,
handkerehiO, • dam,- bcedin%
glares and fancy. gruenly,
Wg3sdudd'prloea. •.
moate te
, ,
Ttuempthlg oysters end serest
at melee kept_ constantly on . - hand at tee
popular and Ora class - dieing rooms ot
afoltrheinier, Fifth strost t next:door to
the Posted:We: .. Calkln fald s tiy . A meal et
. .
Fre& Sall Idpiterwarct roorived day
and up In the bog =num
and la all stle., at the popular Coati ,
olntalDlata y ttßooma, Filth street., next
,doar to tha iNatodletv ! t
Fargo opera bdy yairr—
light caned kid stems at - W.'W. Mom',
10494_ .
,l)whiaiddt .istlttifin2abig and
ation-housor Na B t II6 FPS Sr.**.
, _
ket.i![tfiricas. - nNa l am ""dll4 EltdW
& and nitair Sate sdlXOral Abe
'l462l"alig Bjl°4'.
The. Orphans' yair pasitively closea
Magnificint sheet of ice et the. Rink
Try Our Grocerlee, warranted
very best quAlity. add tsholeasle and
retail, at No. 14 Federal erect, Alla-
tiood Coati L: Goodti:— ho Fro eriea
void a - . 163 ,FixitzalFtrcot, Beghgay.
Undlan lialletillotogialins and athera,
at Pittocie,,
Blew Goode! Near - Goods! An Atersa-
Area Stuck.
Prints, Dehiinas,
• Shitting littslin, • -
Pillow Case Muslin, ' •
Wide Sheeting, Inghams,
Table Linen, Ticking,
Towels and Towelling,
eneelmetee, Swum, Waterproof,
Poplins,,Franelt Merino.,
Dlankets, ,
Irish Ltnen,Shirt Fronts,
Trimmings, Gloves,
Handkerohiets, hiesiery, •
Notion's, Etc.., itz:: •
large assortment. well aeleelsal,
which we will cell by the yard, piece or
package, nt extremely low I..riees, whole
stile or retail, at Writ Semple's; ISO and
Vr2 Federal street, Allegheny.
. .
judging from the largo patronage
which is doily bestowei on the widely
known jewelry. home of Ileinenum,
Meyran h Siedin, M Fifth street, we are
Constrained to believe that the special
inducement. offered by that representa
tiredatuse are oven greater than as yet
advertitied. The tirm otter the immense
stack otjewelry, watches, clocks, silver
and silver plated wares ftt prices to fait
purchr.sers. Within a short time they
purpoffe taking posiatsion of their mag
i:lllll,CM bow building, which was-'re
cently injured by lire, and in the mean
while offer their stock at very great her
gains. l'errons desiring elegant or plain
iowelry of any deserllllloll aro commend.
ed to this hones, especially during the
itontinuanm of thepresent especial sale:.
In this ere of life people like Lobe
waited ou, and why should they not?
when they pay for. it. ill other cities it
is the custom . to deliver! kindling
wood to the citizens, and we do not
know why ritteburnh nnd..Allegbeny
would. not Liner the Idea, when they
asn have it delivered tree tif charge,
for twenty-live centi per barrel,
by leaving: , their. orders at the Iron
City Match Works, corner of Seventh
I end Gntulestreets: - This wood i -etit
- Suitable 'for stoves," grates and oven.
wood, being perfeetly dry.
Three exhibitions at the Rink: at 3:30,
8:30 antlB:3or. 31.
• The lire - pony NViii be disposed of at.
the - Oiptrans' Fair this eyoning,.
Cried Grifecilirs.—Our readers living in
Allegheny remember the gro
cery store of Mcßride dr George. No. 164
Fnlend atreetorhero they can be sup
plied with dm best grocer'es to the city
and at - the yeay loweat.tuarket price.
.. .
.• Sat,. lielvetSacques, Spangled Bearer,
Moscow Beaver, Frosted Beaver, Atari
put cloths and tri fact oil of the newest
styles in cloths made into Sacques and
Cloaks at No. 73 Market strcol.
Table 'Linen; rail' DrimasiefirtaSnow
Drop, and Dice ettan wide, reduced - he;
SO; at linker's final sale. ' \
" The high - reputation of Mr. folio
heater; .proptieter the_ Continental
Wining Rooms, Fifth• street, nbrt door
to the YoStoffice, as -an epicure, Is not
only of local pride, but Is generally
kuown fbronzhout the Western section
of Our State, _Meats are served in the
besranyle at all. hour, In beat style or
cooktrys. and In a clean and orderly man
net., liteprices ere scry-ruyteciablc,
Good Good. at Gold
marked down my goods to gold. prices
sill sell my entiro clock of boots and
Ames of alt kinds for gents,lalieo, misses,
and boy,at priers lower thou they have
been ca- sinew-ilea:war. I warrant all
my sends; hiving been celeste,' with
trreat.clue, and from first class bottom.
artlea,,pursbacin g Ism 41 epeud •on get
dog a god artiele. , Call and examine
before pnrehasing elsewhere. No trouble
to show goads: . JA31.15 Roan,
• ' •S 9 Merket street.
Masquerrde at the Rink, - Thursday
The 'announcement or awards at the
Falr to-nlght.
. .
rang e
• but Strange Trup.—Tha gtoe.eries sold
at mail by Ileßt.ide ac George. No. 164
Federaltert e 4 Allezbeny',uresokt cheap-
Or tbattbe;oto iho tar... . _
Closks.—Sacques auxi Cioakn at. the
.Pittsburgh Cli•ak and Mantilla story, No.
7 - 3 Markerstreet. •
Large slz, at Barker's
dna/ rale. . •
The Feb 341.7,azinm., all ready it
pittwk•.: • •
Good Greer - Mts.—Our Allegheny - • -
era shunid remember that Mr. Arti ur
Kirk,_Nos. 172 and 171 Federal at et,
Allegheny,. still continues to sell to
well selected stock or groceries at very
low , :rates. etore helm , one el
the largest in the two cite- he is prepar
ed to sail the wholesale as well he the re
tell trade.. .Ills gre=ries are of such .0
quality as salt the mostnanlcular bowie
keepti; and at such piices ea to au it 'the
economical Durchuser. Call at Nos, :17.2
and i 7.1 Federal aireol, and bee the sleek
aa well as his price hat.
ratite Lunt ttoi we,iterri favorite, at
the Alai today and evening.. •
D eYent , Works, at Pittoek's
All of the lam rsrls :And Neer York
styles-!n.Cloaks and SAN uts at 10.73
arket street.
' Uri& ef' ramifies Isboull buy their
znpeeri. ut 161 Veileraretreet. The bent
eui.ebeapnst in the two eine,
Linen Crash, reduced from laic. to
late. not from 124 c. to 10e., at Barker's
- anal Isola.
Hoots; tbei 1 attlst, Pittoclen.
The Best:nal origlndi Tonio of Iron,
PLassphorns, nod Callsaya, known a.s ,
Caswell; Meek ,t Co.'s Ferns Phomphora I
ted Elixir of Call,aya Bark: The Iron
restores color to the blood, the Phospho
rus renews waste or the Iletit thane, ,
and the Callsayst gives a natural health-
fill tone to the digavalre organs, thereby
curing tlyspepsla In Its varLus L3rms,
Wakefulnese, ittemeral DrL,illty , nd De- I
preaslonpf hipirlta. Manufactured 'only
by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York. II
Sold by alliburglets. • akser,
Wand, rfvt fcatala akatlaK at; the Rink
Lida attlraaonlind treeing.
SOClixtzta Initial Paper, at Pitlock't,
Gs 4o , Moßrido 'George's grocery
fore, 144 Focleral T tract, Allegheny, aud
buy your grueorks.
- All of the - new brand, of cloth made
Into Clanks and Saequea at Na.7.l.‘tarket.
liars lon seen tho 1230 Shirting
lln_at Barker's foal salt..
.111eiciA , ithoto'o. at Pitt,ck'm
jo Wholesale Buyers of Thy Goods too
see • offering special indoceratints—job
lots from tho Eastern Auction Sales—
Shawls - Dress' 'Goals,. Enuskeeping
3lions• - IVoar, Shootings, Skirt
ings, Prints, fia
• ' J. W: RA morn & Co.,
• • LOhkirket street.
Cheap Cheapll cliesp: I —The grt.;-.
cerise sold st IG3 roders/ street, Alle
'Yard wido Tlekteg reduced to 25 els.,
at Barker's fi nal sale.,
Gold . Petis,.lYanets,'at Plttotl'n.
Art Exklbalon—LThe third annual eF
blidault.• el the School or peslgn
commence on Tuesda.T. n i t kLe ii la .y el Lel a ,
* e ' v el enlti trotgk e e n u d t the week. The pub
are 1111 , 1411.i . ° attend. zoo
Ileat Ckidlts, white and colored, reduced
In price, at Barker's
.Bnal Eta. .
Waterproof Clreal ars at aft , dollars
- easkfttbpstii.Vii, 7331arksi street.
301- Bleached - Shirting noillos, io
thited, to Irric, at Barker's dual rale.
Call at d Elamano the laitio sad cow
plate stoat of UAW I'ma,; at William
Flomlng'a, ;lea .4 . 111 Wood street. If
pcstAxmare De Lathes, worth ro.
dookt to I:tfoott
Bargains in ladles' Fars, at William
'Fleming's, No. 139 Wood street. tt
klltik ateoq
at rittock'n.
Pillow Casing, a little wet on the edge,
educTd to 1214 it Barker's Anal tale.
- Lia;• not fail to call it NO. 73 Market
street, fat' Cloaks owl .
!Itetemeopti View., at l'lttock's.
. .
. . .
.) to itdar . . w3de_Bleactleti 11.1.1 in reduced
:.- 1c147 " .' ,t '''' - ' 1 `yr . 0. 11134 . 1 vale.
5 , nellfaty. st.glpock's conwr.
•• LlDoo.Crash.,Xtdoced to Ole, at 'Carl
ke,' final sale.
I Ok*tl7 Pittook'g.
ehanen in erveritlAig te-sight
'and tniniiinoirlequer,
MITT s 13altt ;11 DAILY „GAZI3TTE
118 Wood St., near corner of Fiftft.
Governateut SecuiitioS,
Gold, Silver,
end Coupons,
glenint wad oo:n el liberal tette. Drafts sold
on nil Arlon of Barone.
Cu veilW raon'r 011101[ TWZINE TO
Over Twenty Per Cent.
By converting Ora Into
Paci4e. B. Saint IlEortgage Beds.
1 Verner Ircuril
, .
Orson Ow was Prrrearsas Gamma, e .
\ redoempecember 24, ISM.
Gold opened strong el lsel night's 'losing
quotations, 142%, edveeeed t 0142%, but closed
dull mad &copied et ; 1444. , The demand for
i t
gold te very light,heed the eac h i s la the mar
ket, le the banks &eel ihe Thai States Tn..
1117 Warmer then at , i.aur perk Prier to the
war; yet. the liana GI Vat, partlee who
coed money &repaying fee g their gold see
ded rather thee pert Trak is a areal prim.
The me In money and the lib dune flt fee
U. St stock aperetion6 givreueW vigor to the
Garianalemt band. mMitat axerallway syedu-
Goo. rew of . the edgiest purchasers =cud
to buy for . permaneet Investment, but will sill
out ea Bo on m they have earned en Interest an
their Money. The sudden, though Serj;eted
rise, ha brought cut a rugs number of `short
sellers who will swell themselves of vangelr.
etimatences eked may lead to turn the =Met
In ateirks, there It a perfeet .ouiali for epee
'nation, and It teems all If the days of lead and
mu were tioselag awe more; It um. a. If the
MUM. capital stock of of the !meat
reed. wee dolly .ahaaging immoral al largo we
the traumatic... sod the fachlthae Vet. by the
ejpen board o. brotere to bey and.e!l,ertn oa
e 3.4 par soot. margin.
In Metric shares a Satter feeling Is preva
lent, but operators are careful, entire fortuees
are locked up to come of there compsoles.
Closing New Tore tprOtatlons, received by
Ph. it /delta, caste as faloars:
Gold, 14.4,(t tEZIPk. 11034; knee, 0/2, 7103f1
Mee, 1 , 05.0 Muscle le7iA4 lakes,
T-70, 1014.
Clesele.rul Q Pittsburgh B. Ir. 11414
Mc:chant. VILLA .I.lspreu 37N,
Week. Miles relegesph ..... 31:‘4
Fite 8.8 . 74
Pittsburgh Tort Wane thrlcsgo 8.8. Fah
Northwestern, itsliro.—ionasion
New Torn .
Ohio .4 Mises pl Lettlilostas. &
Slichig. Southern •
—Of elitsert!4Sillitook (sterling value) of
whist imported lute Orest Britain for the gest
nine months Of 14.17, Bunks furnished.about
ear. sellilook Prussia shout four, Turkey,
.1 eh:laity one. Vatted Slates one au4 half.
The fourth of Jolt' 44es, that we .apply the
world with eettonsed norm.. .50ird ler;
—Thufeedlnf New Diilead eanufeetrirled
honer. boo. leaned • call for • wenventlon
be held to Woreheeter on the 1:L1 last., “to en,
lime the &dap of the Netlonel3Ltentstatur.
rem. Coareettela held Ohrrelacul, 0010, Le.
eenrer. 1147. which venereal. secommaded
the atalltlen of all mall.. oa the neiemary
deerealleitalcatr:ee of the cenntry, and the rak.
poolleon of tessUm on the ',racism of lira"
were taxn,:al buthela of grale, le
: .0104 at Ohlaago daring the Peet feat. dad
' I IIII4M barrels of donr. Of the grel• vomited
13000,100 :mauls were wheat, and e 00.00.003
bushel. sera. The zumber of hose reeelOed
3,?.311,011; . aettle, al.9•111; pound. of lade;
13,hapat; oota , Z , of wool, 10,00.0:01 and of
! !am ber, 6.•.000.0.• fmt
depoelta of the Few York banks hem
eatillated sa, Increase elm the atom Of ;ILL o
:.bout 31 . 1•1111ane, width 10 almeet morred
darted as cane' period. Toll Itornease
Kale le &llama? te thereern ef eleotrot •
sent West In September and October for rous
t In the greln mope, erkleh etmlttanere mere
unusually /elle, and the amount returned Is
neturahly,eorraspahhory . It must he
remembered, honest, that M.let' the head of
uhrpal.ta” le Included ell specie held 1.4 the
bank. an therm cretonne. ugoomt; and es the
epesle dm:melts here been Iterated 112, 1 -m4,W
, within the three wew a ll f.ttlows that the lc
• ernae la currency deposals is refill only 414,-
1 Mph The legal reserve, including sped. mud
legal trmlere, now stairle eO 17t4 pet
• the demeed ashlllthre, egetnet 33,4 percent. oa
December 25.
• —Tile Boston !art rePorts mhzey matte. Mt
that city an f 01..: That meaty cantle.,
vary abundant. Lad that the .4.7 , 7enfre.
the dema.l, nearly nil ;he Dank. admltt last
rates of Interest arse sapitrathrely low,aobody
. Suttee. Lad Tat there are nat... Is.rten
; to-day La •Idett peon. very much In went of
funds have wllltnalt pald per cu.. on Mal
mom. notes and omen have ...Nulty mat
: milted to 'GI 3-10 pa eat. on ahem date pa
per. These and shatter cans any, Perhaps,.
mmaldered as eneetillo. to the Emmet rut.
for many of the MaCdrib.ks du not neettate
to•lecount first slue Boston Paper when on:.
and at 4)467 per 1ent...4 tel..' ...Me.
tabor:Gam Into the fOrtitaate amegory of large
; repnattorm are supplied.{ •. per etas.
• Government dealers ere ...led to borrow on
call any amount they may deal.. llwr *eat.,
and If they stunk mreassnab
secommodated al lies than IL Is the sorreh
; ate
pending week Met yetaseal/lea.ruled
•in Boston at per sent., and Mgt class paper
was 41nounted at 7 per nut.
—We find No dlacO.t market Teri Irregu
larly reported V 01.7. though meat of thy
•—pantralmly Ike. engaged b that gen
! eral produce sm.—wee In opoung an .lire
demamt with • cenosp!mdlng 7SeneeM battle
• of the ban. are IttnnlGll are
In a better wattle* to estanu faro. hen they
have wen at any Ur. within the put Ws • or
*Lehi weeks. Unman.y le gazer.ty reeortcd
close, arising out, at the Jame ablpmen. to
! New Tusk at. the !dosser lot well. Country
bll•nOir• •r•greoltudly Lpprostricamt we hares
that Mere is euesloterable outer. espital seek
• Pre temporary loyeAttbealt. IhI• adp.anu
of entreaty to the 001Unttr•OtOn • Vary Mint.
Mt* Buis, Ara meetly conlboed to the middle.
portion of th e State, where then la ate..
movement la corn. In the open tostket there
Ise good deal cf vet.. pa.: offerthg. The
• street rats, range from Nara% permst per
month; ...leg to the etendroff of the Danln
and the nature of t. eollaterela—Chfeago
...Thine who propose to pay thenatlonaldat
; in gtesobacks scam to forget that that clewilp
, lion of eurreney le limited to foul bundred•mil•
• Lions of dollars by a solenta,promise made by
Cost,.,, to the tandlibldsca the acne being
Incorporated In the low bill of June 50. 18.1.
The walleton of that law,which more
thairthree-trirthe of the (waded on
debt reale. la
to the .rent thou "the total amount 01 United
tate*. leaned or to be lnaed, shall T his
seed - four Itundsal matron dollen.. This pro.
Woo is it part of the contract on which th e
• low was Cates!, and and It sea no made be
, repealed or sitimi than the task act Itscifi It
, therefore. Impotalble, ender th e law and
tinder the conteset to apand the greenbacks'
'Wore than forly - hlthass beptond the embank
'new Ia rirculatton. 11 la sucterstood that,
after the recoratniatloo quest*oa has been dia.
pond of In the Henn, them will be sestral
operate. on the chrrenag question, whisk mat
lead to • general debate, and free the promi
nent member, to Beene thrir prialtions on Ma
. . .
rirISSITZUVI ries'imusemmAsutirx
- Dosing crime Priem aux iiasniro.l
Palmas, Sanusty,74. lets.
011CDEI-Tee Market was entirely devoid
I of Ufa or oulatalcon to day, not a alogle isle
' reperted, mad Irbil, the (Analogs are not very
priming, the decosnd la' It.. ultra, old prism,
without quotable' change. Spot oil to held at
7;, , ,' to 7,!gc, and, wiprenuni,,,lkat buyers would
be found at 7a. Yor,glareh and April. there
' hare ban grata • mambo: of sale...thin the
I Tut two or !hew days at fl , 4o l lier bar{ bold'
' ors, AS • pima thing. *nog Askleg Ile. for
1 *II the guar, buyer's c on, there lao hieo no
; oaks for acctratina last one litkorted tats
'at 113.50. and this, we 'alms, ;say be regraded
to the relief quotation far %hot - delivery.
REFINED—The markat far haulm' oil ono
, ala remarkably quiet 4,44, not a angle
' gala reported, mad while than is nothlog do.
tog, price., Although oppitantir tending dol..
ward. aro without motorist change. 11 was
:reported that thin* had • bun offers to sell
January at k.lic, old Yebruaty at YU, but Ws
awn his by medic thlati for some time put thee.
him been it lutileni,essu at better (curet; and
sizes then seeds has advanced - Rightly, and
with then toots apporent, it is hardly possible
that any of cur retinue would now. sell at this
Imago of the gamic .. _
—Slue the shove Wis pot to type, we , hare
the fallowing salts reported: dam for Joa oar',
settees option. at 1/NetSCO do do; fur 112111. do-
Item and option, Ai =)gei mad MO (or Kedah.
at 17,1 e. ._ . „ .
. ARIIVAIO-- -. Tho (alluvia( are lbw statralo
of oil by the Allegheny Valley 118111.4.d0.
hag the farlywlgitt bouts ending tr.dlly .at
Jolla H. Loakhart k Fyne.. en
Flatter a lira Rd Clark a truanas.: /74)
IC A. knektbkn_.. 7af J. Nllkica Tao
Bly a PlakartinC.' la '
Tatar'r as
• Clark & Suie no rola° !ibis relined to J. P. to.
gan & giro, Philadelphia.
grolasheliarr. ipahlar & Co, 433 do do to
Waring, Peg h Co.. Philadelphia.
/3rarui h Wagnar.* 4o do to Waring, Elea
Lt. Koehler th 00,100 do fk. to Wm.*, zufw
lt Co., Philadalphla.
B. W. Morgue co, to do do to poll Schalk,
Liberty CC Work& 254 do do to C. W. Marie,
low Work 117 goods lario4l.'
'Fyp'-tegreph to the !Surma tissette.l
New goer, Jaguar! Sawn , * p , 7., U RReI•
market la gathering IltesuirtilOnt 11111
somewhat IrrKrlar aud bulldog animation,
although torpronna costedembly. All the
heavy [mown eheetinge are weedy and Orin.
sad medium grades are about 340 higher In
unison with print clothe and bleached mus-
Mu !nuts are _ a Milo Irregular In price.
01•10, to a Tivalrf aukrwir&WP 10141 1
houses; one reduced the price of mortise=
to 1134 and the Other reduced Strattlarso
W t0_13 , 4, but all other deslere Muhl theta at I
11%. g 1=7.2_ " 1 ".7" 41 ,11 "EL
limited repot arid = r io al. auat
bag, Is light supply audarautad at. rror
Stark and Leirlaton,S3 Oatarto an d SIX
lot .111010.1:411.
(By Teaszao to Ma 211302.0 11.010-3 • r
r01. Janata7 tio—pe '
sunalaal. I , oo . FdalL Wheat=
SAN 604 060 14 Una.
1,0. Com aalli 0 CAL= nawyel
law st, sl=t oc cata dollar glo,
$9 and 'lO Water Street,
- C — L'I)r,'LUBIDCa..II„:II tad
,sfro... No. I bare 1,11 ;trl of
Licelzeitt. .I<ze 'brae fob Arof
to :owns WWI cat, or <,Eboo.o rob.,
toe: No 2 1.41 , 1 0 o Labile... M. 4 Do
414.4 o.r.britotliot and olsocafO
Of Oore...Loavoldor . alma.
M 00...! or. Id tba ...- , ororo WA It to
tula. later.= SU Ordering
Lt., on en:
(.471C7 • 7 r 22 Oassrrn.
FIIADAT. Janaari.d.lSOL
The fittest markets are quletand rather ,
dull. and while there ts hut a limited demised
Ise all of tric leading commoditice, and, as a
coallequanse. a Ugh: volume of bitsluitem, la
the aggregate, there are no abatises In values
worthy of special notice.
GRAIN —The receipts of .Wheat imitate
very meagre, sad all the Winter that offers le
readily takes by the city rah. at • 12.65 for
Ced, and 12,ert fur Whits. No.l Spring Wheat
la still qUoted at £2,74. Oat* steady.wlih I
fair local demand but unobanged; We continue
to quota at atelche, on track, read Wald. for
email lots to store. Rye Is. In rather betteede•
mend. audwe sow quota. the matket. anice at
0. Corms quiet but steady at Siel,CS for
ear and Shelled. ilartey la &satire and la de
mand, but prices eta irregular. and it Lrdllll.
cult to quote correct/F.
FLOVR—The matkoris quiet, the demand
being reelrietel to supPlVlng the Immediate
wants of the local trade, but pries. are stiu•
totted, relights helm allettgo fur SPrint
Wheatiglitart,6o for Whit. Wheat, .d 311,60
Gime for toner brands. Rye Flour to Moody
at tS,to. Buckwheat Is dull and udobartged.
PROVISIONS—Mena Is steady, with a fair
Jobbing dentand at 1050 Ida Sbouldatet tat‘s
for Ribbed Stehle; and lefiliNer for SU.'
.Oared Wanes. Prime" treltls Lard. Welke, la
tierces and barrels., and ir?..fdl 4c. in Utters.
Dried 'Stehle/I toe, Mese Peak, Irtf: *
BUTTED—Is doming to mote freely, and the
market, ass coneequanee. Is a lhade easier:-we
norm qaeto prima io choice 11,11 atcsCst.
.F.4os—Unchanged at ene. •
APPLU3—With light surleals. and
fahed supply, the market: fa neuter and tutees
arra shade higher; we ono , quote at I:401F
'per bat, for fair to choice.
DRIED FIIIIIT—Praebr. Are .tlll quoted a.
6. for quarter's, ao;110012. far of
30 bbl. hall. at ZOO. Apple* inthauged at
POyArOX:4 7 4.olet and toultaagrat regular
aces to dote stat six per bathe!, and 0,130
lAupar.bbl, R to ortallty.
BAY-11 repotted u selllaz from orix.
try wagons awl attack : at won per ton .as to
SEEllA—Sattall tataz ' OlClovarsteed at 117.1300
N. Flafeed It scarce ind ota,atett at .2.15.
No otoierczeof. In Closer .
.1111. L FEED7-The. last .raporied astel on
[rook were at •li/P01,15 for Etraot $1.70011,1
(or Sttaaadot nodtl,te4l,Rs for
Lan/OIL—IN e•ItI quotat by nartn ttfaatuter
at ilia fat NeStb•aa 0,10 for No. t. \ '
- • • •
1101HINT—Q:cloted at 170 1 34%
BEANS—DuII at tiler{.
rrrnsetuneit METAL MAMMA?.
NV sranh to the Illttdoosh ustetle•.:
'CLInvII,III/, January t —flour ..d.det.
Arm and uhettangedi there is a fair trade
'demand: double extrd•spring $10.28011. , (1;
double exita red winter _2121212,2hd0ub1e
extra white/ slll,ls;ronatty tbeNSI
[edam/ the shwas Aguredt. Wheat; market.
(Inlet. and unchanged, No. I red. w !Myr held
at s2,lni No. 2 do at 112.4.1e2d2, and No.l Mil
ofateadd sd.M. Corn and 4111111.0Ver;aaleig
.1/40 by Not shelled ut , f,Pin (Lola litoro.
1 / a rte doltkud nominal, at GP tha for No,/
Slats. Itra - oolet anti steads. at 51,6/41.53
tore. No. 1 from Store. 11.ipy sertro snO
Arta; No. I State nod ia,e“ha neld at 51,95 a
o u o i t
aLi . ; 5 u t. , 1 ,,, I..x .„ 7 ,L aandlu.
159 tons NM No. 31 66w-CilWdl
Op.te• 01 ma rIVI.IItV3II
The tperket daring the week wee active.
The sales were the largest wo have recent
e.l for, some ttote. The deM/104 wee large
ter etenderd fOrg•INIIIy the stook eterhleh
3not limo. - InterlrSr_ grades were nek
ted wets dlissesd isr at irrrkuler
lhq dlocrlailnetlon between the va
rious klode being cloits.
ex-riteeorre. -,° '
Olt tont Extra Cnke—rtsgi.......63i ono
n No. a rotiod,T te-.4
NI .4 No. I Aothmetta
arm - Valois 0061. ovrazrri, tmcs!.,
: • Tiros oils.
450 }ors 4 4141, , ni5ic o. I.
4 ,04 (trey 15c44.-41 rarnate...424 4—(mu
(Mose se—.lfornioe...s; m 6 44
4 , 34 (7c=4loC - , 010,0 Grey—to
Ben . 4 Open Grey—to 400100....... 6
sao • .... 0e So 4 . 4
On . 4 r • 44 '
Aso 44 •
50 roamers Liege
gan Farley nmcl...
Gray Forge....
eel .
(e.Na 1 Younger-.
50 ten. No. I F.un err ....... 4 4,
No.l El.,' 00-30•
oo • N0..1 Famary 0' tO —4 al •
IGO " No. 1 'Foundry K 01-4 too
GO "! Nn.l Foundry:— • ii MI-4eir
Na.l rouodu 44 OG-4 tno
ItO tox• Jul(ua4 let/ tin,o , C , l6lo.4sab
4110:11 AND KAMM.
DISILIE w szi2 P1rr5yc2 , 1.1.0•../Pr://:
ratza.r, :1, ISM
Tai faltovh.; Pco - CArl rat. tar .n•aoLt
%um) iron .4 phile,P.artett:-.1 op to iSate.
Roolen,!t•r uses
....... TAO
Heavy !5and........
11•11 Oval .%) 24.11.1a1nd.:
BoUvr Irma
Stmot Ltoa. 10 to 17 SI4
16 to 11; 214
1 ‘ o 25 to 'A 61
" • 'II I A2 / 0
All lbeelr ore 2 M . tz. Wile 544 exult.
to. to 6AI N 6112 ' 10.
ielle itlg hal ',lilt.
flrtd• 6.5 1/5 24 tics
5.1 tad 6 , 1' 663 1.4 wilting.
tlautild 613 Viltela
54 sad /4 6CO Cut, {:`Yes
......... C 00in&h, '
I.orrel ptalns—h' .Ikooll l lidZifiri
. 1001 . WWI t 10s/i, 11,10; 1S inth, ash,
60,00. ..
istimui.—ti of& ore scamlatiaa if-idol a. with
dsurest rat& at Ematianmir on New l'orli or.
moat per ten, for, emit, if resopted am
rear' pt of inrotra. Patin to to to moils In
'New 'Volk Larbaugo. U. 0. ha... 7 Nitro,
tthrli. • pul •Indt. PlOll3 In Into of 100 kelp
ad upwards, 10Ner tot Ott off. No Maroc.'
'ma Olds of leas than dollat.
!Coor Torii Produce market.
.7 7eins/10W Lb/ rithinsrib flmatte
New roar,'JanuarY PS-CutiOn armory
and'3dto Re better; sales of 41,5121/ bah» at
/73-401 , 9010 r taldainig Floor-re ,
refute lAN bbl. and • abode Inner; soles
7.3. w bras at for auvernne iftsto and
trrsterni 110,1 , 00147 5 for extra State; Moil
It for extra westrrot alapalnitti for whim.
steer extra, 113,30U19,73 tor 1211.111.04 111133e0
12 for common to good in, Lou laved MI fur
root to choice dJ., closing grin, Collfortlia
hoer finer sales NS sacks at /19.26411 30.
hye floor slightly fs,rors tbe boyars sales
du blots at fi7,60415.15. Whisky IldtsdnaL"
Wheat-synelets son*, And qnlat Ind Tan ,
Brod Mledi O, to at 5270 for red- Pisani)
43,12 for Whlte:Grumnert 0.23 for Chol o 2
white Ytellgan, 11r6 Barlry dap.
Halt quiet. (.ern-recelpts Scree boundless
aetlye and Imayyt.,sales 4,im M. 81,100
1,72i4 !miner, mlay.firestent anoint Um Int
tor on .. , rein•: *Lull I.= for wbite routb•
ern; $12.29431,97 for new yellow , Jerson also,
last evening 15.001 bit new mixed western in
store on.flnalatioaat Pnwato n oat.
-receipts SSW bu and heavy; sales 21,000 bu
At MO to morn Ulm guts t. Cram nom
antes of 2,1:09 bags 1110 on priysto terms;
Slum arm, wart Wes of 19 tibds Cubs at
anti 61S Naos it amnia At 11R011Re.
Molypes doll{ sales of lialtibdisNew (Primus
at Weide and en Ittolo Barbulous at WO. Pis.
troleuto quiet at 104., fat crude and SOO e
fer relined bonded. Molt gulch'at Want
for, Auterleso. rock firmer amitnniniersta
demand, mum ny 1,100 bbls at 100,310202
for old atone; riming at 1102,37 for relohnl
110.1*021,C1 for new main{ Clods( at .21.95
tor regelart 517,170190 for zinnia; 413.75812
hit prune Melte; ohm, 1.6110 bh is new Man at
*OA seller, rvtirrillr7l 421M021Le0, Renee.
Starch; 521,7 x, renew. April., Beef Relive
sod atm, with soles of Mr bills at previous
priers. fleet If tuts eintrt, whir sun of 150
ebig tit gmnidlel,96. Puma quiet, with sale.
of 240 rioms at tußoicom ter Cumberland
Cot, 11370 for mart ribbed Klee; atoll:1SO
130 for stiorielear. Cut Siesta iteadeverldi
sales of 175 punkas , . el for 010014.
are. 11011140.-for Hams. Drowsed flocs;
heavy trgeps,,P3 for Westrrn, arid CASIORn
for city. Lord Arm toil quirt, whit sale* of
830 1•1,1 s at 1.70112 N o. Butler PM aI:MM .
fondant thswielleasy rrelignis
to Liverpool firmer. 'nth at
eagnimoimits for '
1,011 busmern nor strainer at 191.
I.ATIAT.-flour closed quint end firm
wlto A toll demand for medium trades.
Wheat firm and quiet at 11240 for No.-9 and
112,001, 2 41 for No. 1 spring. .11ye nominal.
unta dull and hemvy tKa in store-tor west ,
rm. Qom dull and br.,7; lodes ot •111,100
1,91 for new mixed western 1n *bre. Pork
Pew; sales of Vobbls of old mess at SAM
regular and ft
tibia of pet men, fur this
ledy, Lotto( rebrdary. 112n,75021,601 also,
at the option of seltrre fur Marchat 521,75
dent Prot and fairly police. CM Meats
flauntd. Bacon giller end without decided
change, Lard dull at 1.1R1S1;l4e for fair to
prim. siesta and kettlormuleted. •
(kr Tele:Mob to de rossearrh lislet4.l
' Cmoaoo, Jun. 01 —Flour moderately ac
tive sad steady at sum Inc spring extra..
Wheat dull and lower's/ tff.110 . 1.13 /or
$ 2 . 0 730 1 , 01 for NO . .!;closlna dull and howl
pal at 1,1,07.!4 for No Coto opened aotl,o,
• ales at K'e. for Old No 1; alasafe tor .nom
Closter, dulll 1101 tarn of Rea alai. Oat. dull
and !,( s o Preen cloning nt Mo. Rye ;lull at
11.64 for Noll aLtd for Nod. Daley satire,
nail the market a. Cate higher at $2,0210
emu for No 701t./1011,60% mjected; sample'
lots sold at 1 1 : 00 0 2 .U. ....AWE ta•the
gaaltts.4l.7lsloce Orme.. !less cork—
standard brands held at em;ntralghtbracee
nominal .at adWaMAX Lard drum; Sales
of city rerun rendered at 139 t holders at
the close core &Nina ‘1210.• Xattlatt meat,.
ate morn Settle; Onmeerlasits Pot abort rib
Inc. leo.. carat pickled Name dall at Mee
for country. Omen meats Sr. mare Settee
but uncheAged. ; arraled -1 . 10.41 1 11 .P1t L '14. 1
are moderstelar acrlye anloolSe adahert,,
mates at COG,M; heavy lot. tall ut $13,1008,*
ftoralpts—sADObble dour; 17.000 bosh salleasa
17,700 hush ooraill.uOu boat' 05te,4,417 it reseed
Onal. Ishlomeute-2,eal bola Cour; lAA bus
wheat; $OO6 heap oarn CI bashclatel 6,401
M1..04002. „
, ltarkel:
Cd)T rank to the initabarahliliika
Clinic wary, Jan,gl.—Blonr and wheat are
unchanged and golot• Bora dad rand the
Prima nomin maudlin.). Oat* dollott.
idgate. tile lollat g 1,650140 Barley in
OW demand and thearlotak 'Aber. elealair
at $1,1601.15. Coma mart with Indastan
afternoon it LW fru` talditto g.. arttlekk
for raw, for brat' hardly an? demand aid
nothing dole 'Pi bonded:4oga Ann algtng
tor extraanal , . aad net. Prom
lona huger and kolklera etwerally ask And.
ar prices:AlM pOrk gil. Balk vaingdilip—
enldt SolOos Lbw aftata o Otlialtillt&ttati
m . i.4.&t fatly coral One. withodsodilretik
trq b a h =l:ll i t
L i ra
aranowtak 1.93 for the . lattar. Snot Carta
Alma 1540M0. for caawassed and: mug,
Lard Ormer for kw grade. at Iljgelligei
prime kat:is readered 124 e. antler intrat,
37 tot." Be foe trash Ohio. NW Mo. Ned
gqnletl_Clover Mo. Vowel) . 1 11 4 0 02.01
Slaa Ltallatat oil atallarat 4141311111,41.
'With the host demand for /kW- Pet Chat'
waled at natio for rallied; stock ' I F ljggi.
Lard dale good demand at gltal d
1 3 41 . kdifkilg" , t, .
SAT 'RD ..k,' 7 , .T-,k N
Financial Mallen in hew kers.
ileld Closed so 1403 i.
C.BY 'niter...oh to the rittrlutzt emtg..l
An, Tozz, Jart.24.,15
31013/4,0011t.t4eS osay, with the =pet*.
excel. of the 'demand. •t IQ4 percent. on
Purling a tr 1.120 aironier at
. 11:/a3,i; ellle acareo and diitiera indifferent.
Gold /*Mont 'deeded' oh/n/e; opened at
declined tole,. advance. to 14t%, end
closed 7,5= at 140 A.
' aoezmaxaaks.
The market for ...Orel,. ate 1,12 very
dull, Mooch a rhino Orme Late In the
day, however, there winn roe Ral e . ' or
740, and new bends of NZ. 0 Coupons
?IL 1100.114(t do. itouel IA; 103 , 40
111,, , ,i;do..,1119I,CCIII0ON; do. tiO 011107 X;
.10. '6j, 107%1.10)0 (v.v.., lanintOttli;
1075pa1er4: the latter rak4n oy million.
altar the late Boort. 7%117;4. It I ,
ilmatett that kleC bah la likely to be a
. . •
. ,
The speCulation fora thieves renewed In
railway Emma with a lar e and well dies
Oriented trimness, tbongh l the greatest an—
tlytty wan Ina fewleadluir shares. tionixrU
hthetas touched 233'2, Erin ,Siiii. Rock Island
its, old Southern en i 4, Tol do 111, nail nit
Wayne lea There was considerable reellx•
leg just before the one o'e:ook hoard, which
tensed a general decline: at that board the
market ens firm and prices all Mahar;
alter the ran of the second board It was
steady, and at , the list open board very
active, lint winos Inarer.iThe market, cloned
heavy Lennon wltnout lack of excitement.
Market ta s ted .nogg, , ,
alio following word ti, alma quotations
It bad p. m: Canton .Laill t_
ii, Cumberland
, AwCrican :Olit. Aildin.i 7Sfialii%
Illerchanla Union 37";;ezrzT,; (jclckeliver 2 , 1 ,
Iof.l, wells Fargo &Um .10,40. lgatipnA'a 8
gat?. United State,. 75619, tactile Mail 1104
.iliiitifyly Atlantic Off fa, Weilern Union Tot-
Lgraan gAIW/3774, NoW,wiork Control I.IINC
lifiiLfarforo 11:44.2140", Erie 70 4 071.7 i, lind
ion 111140114 Illarlom prilreircd 1 . 24, Seller
dt Ermdlng %%WIN, Ohio Gem Ilenteel:fM
.1.2,34, Wahaeb 4 i•JVI,ot. PAUL 51 , :j51,it dO pee
forred failio6s3;;; Michigan Central ilOyltgill,
Alicillaws .7iireo , Illinole Leutral
1.3ifg0i3ii7. , . Eittaborgb 00 ;0 9 ;34; Toledo
1111,011 U-flock behind iriliirElli, Northwdat
urn COfffteri%, do preferred 75 4il,7afl' Fort
Wayne luildwillien, New Tons. W!4, Virgin
bia in, Alton A Tem lit uttatti. ..
'Hieing abates steady will morn. dame:
Coy) 44 Walsh .psvaiewa 47; Oreg.
wry 530; York' lON Ed:, 11.11 3e. , : tlaurtz
Sal 3.1); masa ,M3t1300.
Receipts al A1M,3,1; pnymunts ITIG,611; cal
Peu $107,1411.317.
ft. Laub. Markel.
lite Tcleststa' to Ito Pitt-burin time:W.l
ter. LIICIB, Jon. 21.—Tobteco Is active and
full 'prices sure maintained. Cotton Is In
Mittes darenctil at 1114013 c. Flour is more
sklive but lower for mediulli grades, and 2.5 e
lusher; for superfine ift.titimpo; far extra
aS,4O; for (quite extra M. 25411,50; Maio to
fancy 411,75812.13. tVasat Is arm and 'bet
ter; Mak I , te stelae 10.03 for prime
white. Combs inactive at ITCOIo for shell
ed; Slatitte linear. Wt.. In only dttll at ad
050. Parley .1s higher;- I:Fn
better at 41,710133. In the Provislon line
[luau Is next 10 "attune doing. bur prices
are unchanged. Three wenn small sales of
Hoes rock at Cairo at t 21,4 nod a Inorcaslrs
of bulk Std. et Ile. Them Is morn inquiry
fer choice steamed istird; 'l4lc for , flan s;
13Ve tor keg, Hogs range from Siff.tict Tilt
whole Camber of flogs harked donut the
stasonstas =371; averagoareleht Is not as.
earns:n.l. tteceltits—Flour,9ou Mil, Wheat,
Wu sew. , Ct tuts Um Oat, ittilint. Hoke,
1110 weather ts clear and cold.
netripbts .71•711. ell
Bf Telegrtp4 wU. I . l:j.str . uip llatette
h/lancrms,. Jan. .I.4.—dlotaux oxclowl; to
middlings ht market: low =WO Oct, Ilk; re
celtds t, fl hale, tft...rt.; re U bale.; re-
CillolS for ten weea, 10,143 oaten; ex purt4 for
fin week. 5.6,3 Stier; crock an. band and at
raias. 10,410 baler, Floor quirt at llama.
Ilene Polk 'came at Iftl,sb. Bacon dull;
clear futir• 144,e; bulk 4boubfecs
males 1,11 , 1--talro of 43 lega ioc.
Cure aurae at 41.0 in: flare. Oato.dall at
7*440c, Kay dull at
Rfl 6
Ileagia Cattle Alatket.
I b 1 Trarrafta to tee fattananb Gas \
ic•ura Ina uary rt-CM(etttia,of:crin ite
aro 11(.0 and Ufa micrirrt It quirt uf 3.15
for mammon to fair butchers; 4,.1.5126a.: fur
lightCf: pull; g wears , Warm , * grade& an,
isaarCe and nuutiral. dogs quiet; enscunon
tut, are sr shade uasite; other FM.. are
atrad Ti .370fa4 for unto men; 06 1 ,15411114 for
; 03 ' 50 medium; $5 0 0 2 7 .choloo.
liitelp.-43,te0 heed Dugs. mpmerits-5,1a!
fies.l bugs.
.. J, 20 4 "
. 117 .0 4 "
24 444-0 07
42 00
f ilrt.lesraen to tea ti tsar. ofen Uasitfe.3
ttat,Jannart 'l4.—Fmar vary ...all:
ato r c nio extra Ovot,111,50; iprto it iv:a
61n,5u; ,era 5,4.75i1a.1.1. t Ito,. gulot at
11 , 1,Ltf , i for No. laud hf,”:3, - lor No. 1. oAts
area at tt!..41:6: o
,Corn detyned to
tee tat, 31,01i.1.
firmer • cllt .a..•. at 4141.15.
ball of floor...WS/Obits or wheat. 2...at0 bus of
oat+. x. 151 bus Of tort art :So fires -sal Ifo‘s.
?Ml.:eats, ld bbla of boor nnu Totrue of
11 1 / 5 ,1551e ftwellte
Nt TWEITIRP'S 10 4. rn.tennett,t.latett•.l
'Herres°, Jen. 24.—EInur I. nuellarigel
.Sne !be ma/0 - W 14 colt, s Pelnlc Weel.l.
lneeltt a ansl price. are nomlnel: stmt Of
t.lle be. Canetle, lon , , st wt,115.555,55. Co: n
Is le lower, , enies of 5 etelowle, new, on tee
tract St Oats to noceauge.l sad very
Byn in uncbanste, Ilreetott 15.4,
Able and .111gb•lues e. , n
eetaugw.l„ liseleels le tan - ,lernetnly sale* of
weetten.adoet, at 111,Q, •
• Lowleville Starker.
rlllTtlertlCL 17 the ent55 , ,e1,10 etc..]
J en ulty • 21 —Tobneto; welts
le LAW!: mark., Cole ea tunnel . rston. Cot.
.° , 43
aY 1
4.3 tt 4 4
04U of B4* 8
1 td
. 1
.. IA
. -
tale lilSlstfc }lour; k7,saakto;
fancy $.12.C0. IV twat 0.....t14-.1.40. Oat.euru 7TOV, Lent !less Poo,
far' 014 uns,l nv yr. Buon; shoul•
clokt sklca 12%0. Bulk htiouldero,
Ue:claur efaea 11%1
Klaffirt•Otharo name(.
Lill Toillii‘ph re , eba net ? 411.'10 tisaatiris'.
BAN ragnctAnn. Juivary - 21.—finitert
3net orphotedeaMetla w 61.0,01;
.10.1fis. C•nclloni rimariant
Want:P.olnm. Weto qul.ll .41e, v
SIN for Wm rm. arni
1011.11 firm it 1.:,60a.1.44 for '<Mace *Lip
ping. I.vigii (modern .rl.
:fir Te:erotor to Ire Pit sherd b Ural Bt.:
Brt,rmoar., Jatkonri :I.—Floor doll and
Itradr. Wheat orator.: moot ocettoutvrl.
Coro active mot latter; yellow 61.1701.20.
Otte Mandy al rec. .IL.BI ttochangett.
Vette:is. tiotr. -
161.1.731721 CI Ss a 11.14414.2 ac.
Precascaod. Foxe 27,T0R1t. Colo, 00
35.0577 IL-2 cue 1101•1.11404. Ora?A Dull;
7do 40, Brvaa • Clang hey ; s I dea Wood,
hood Co; I do do. Johy 51.•arbea4o d 0...
M0nth...4.1 do dn. LElDollodrd A Potion; 6
do, Niallalr 110;10 , 3 WAS 11:tp, Head • Mr,
Van 300 do 118, ..1 Dilworth 1 010; 014 1811.
green hides, Ilell8tott; car• ore, Dboeo•
pager 1/. Zhao; •48 do.l/tar. Byet• Co; I
mar staves, 11 P Adams • Ilio; 10 bk• barley,
lick; 4 11, • M 04871104 kW. paver, Frank dela.
livg; W. 4 4111 11 k7. 77...; blva 04611
lhal•an a Co; •Ita buckwheat 11.041 ;
(110.1116btuall•s @pokes, Este 41 Ern; Coal.
tow. 114¢nor A•D•uler; 710 bid s apple. ; a
ar•••44 bogs, IL 11.4•41,1 Oblw •01101, L
Docaenerkar; MD pm lava, M D Plays Soo;
Om doled allersle• I tom nutter.;
p art
• 1 ear barley. EDI, Dasnaled Ce labor part y
batik,. zleten; IS rte cc..., Markle.
Ololloop t CO; .21
abut, A Work:ZS Ida
Oplata, Shlptorg WAD/140g 102 bbli four,
Haworth, 11101boald 11; Co; 0 Dales broom cora,
0018 enwltero,J AltsawbaWl
IS pkg . butt•r,, Voir a r y,, • .
lAa7ls.klo 0400 Plrea•oiow Ratbsoao.
J•nkary y 4.-2 .eta Olt Ur.; Nlm2k 6 Co; I
dodo, array'. Bald Irno Clot 1, Lloyd •
Illiak7 11.10 do, Heys O•uttlM do,
a Coil dodo, Phoentrergek • lbalr; .do do,
Dilworth, Porter • 1./0 1 46 60, 11•110140 r,
Porter lk Co; 7do dn,1.4041t110 Co; • hills
bet Elaml uribloglods.'4l. Mown; boll
arlaokonk,.7 01•1(400•14 174 •Its mall, Smith
• Co; ID 0510 dry 1021.15 L Kelltauber; I bbl
0104. I. Sou? assi I do &NJ D La's; I ear One.
J 018.4; sk• olits.B.l do corn, Italy It Shop
.m4oll calls rope, Godfrey • Clark; •k• rye,
Clap Fre./ 1711 0 do, D 111•11•40; 2 bbla
•1 1 1 6 g1. 3 P Wolf. •
I.l44cums TALL.. 11. IL. locust' 24
II nab •turr Itraus,: i iloldrlob; 7 pkg . .
• •08 dammed, 111 , 5 , dada/110,1100.
butter. Owl rake, .7daller;2l 108 oat., 11
dorm iCeU • 11.14•0•811 110 bids 003, RICA
u•••ord a bk. bnckwheal.k We., I bag
01011,111 Et. 11•••• ed, IL O arse 41,11•11dItobl 41
V0 . ,:/.l*.Pa, 4 ;1 t i alTii ‘ 4 Pk • M o
al a s, Vtl b olig o s, " 1:"
11. KlrkpaDlalt A (Jo; AI Oka iv, El Sadao
groslso Liti Wawa:seed, ft boa buttat, AI 015E1-
rrrss' itrood,tlactromaii(Swtowwirt 1411.,
lanosty-1 est mt., J Mai.; if Salm' *Won,
Holm.. Heil a (30; a Mule ahouldete, Shows
*et a do 40,1 I. Rase* a (Jo; is' tos
LstdiJ (Meson • SOlllllO boa eimdle• drsdate
tea a Got leo “11.40..113 I ptleemt I a ht.
toltsate..d (liter a Co;'100 Mole ,110ur,.11
Lteehi 40 aits tort, 12 do oils, A do us, MO-
H.. II Hood; t alt sots. J 00,21003.: 1 do
do, li• Fokoalbacky...ll do do. L.Wersod a
?Mushy. •
Atmosiner .8.1111. R.,2simatyl4
1 e.o.m. 1 est . eons, Stewart Lasteabewl
60 eke batter, 'llhonte, titrault di (Jo; M
apples. 1150 do Slur, Sirens,* Andmityll lot
timelier, a M Linde) a Soo; 1 ear 0at...0A.
barley, 11 Km** Soot to Sb). opyles, M Walt
lear aates, Ilelya al Robotism' I dreamed
hogs, I Ditty 17 eke pa's, 11 Melluttet 0 bogs
fled, J Utal*; ISt by( M Stlydsm:
ISIS do Snotty..) Rhodos a Ho; 1 ens sterse.4
llasphalli Lest wheat, .Kinteinly a Jim;
b IHtjdob . -• •T,
j l
NarruA z veal/6
A. 0 4 , 7 . -. de. &Ardmore
Oat ce, 392. Peion hireet,
aun t PA.
Shift House Reboots Nines suiril4p
Work 5,•11 heP
00001. 141•101!/01. rOtStoc.;
"R iNfitopler •
• I10:010. $ •
00.00104 $ rt./
IC, 000 IM Te.vwlta Ad . rector: chet.r:
boies U.OlOOl /mita;
oeele orltua kr syy i.r.l •
hOls 11 0 00071. , ,
1 • 10 bbl. bort 00.01.. 31
1011.0 Widle1;00
ciat4 ' l2l.ollll/.rl
io COVT U •111
110 0••
RlOlll VD- SALINW.-100
Ist, MAMA SOW.; tad rep Ind him
ueues; ast4 tor Itz . tbe round, at w, /ma!
4.? -vonisrl4.,4lkb4drnrcoo•
11111411itill Eon WoRII3.
FCL1:011, 110c.CMAII CD.
umultacturc tEe tn.!.
'ES; Irii
piaxe.,ll . 4l !,IA Water M.
The weather hoe again turned gild.° sold, t id
the prospecnfor an early and permanent re
sumption or navigation are not se bright a.
they were on Thursday. Thi Slyer, hoMever,
eppeared tel be swelling last arming
with di (actin the chitinel by-the Allegheny
mune, and the the Monoinaheie was putting
out contd.:setae lee. It win repotted akthe
levee yesterdagaftenoon that • telegram had
been received ironi Itrotrueville, reporting
twelve feet it that point, and tilat the Ice had
communed to move.. •
. .
There are several boats ea route for Mita-,
bunk laid *al d/Nerent point. between here
and litneinnitt. The .1 N. alcCullongt teat
6teubenvillel; Glendale at Wheeling; Importer
at Parket - Wire, and Armenia at Pomeroy. It
in probable that tba MeUutiough atol Mondale
Will he able to :Tait, here, event! the weather
should keep !ecld. , : • •
The falloWlng famed beats ate neelvlet
height, had will leave se 4 1,n0n es the weather
and water will pereih; Kate itobliwon,foi Ctn.
elnatil and 1 Louirfitle; Ilea•inger, tar St,
L0015,..1 - the Leo ' • . for New Orleans, The
Bellevetioon ',will [6 atarei tut St. Louie
after the Pleseengef.
Frank Neely, ale ' clef et the lied river Wow. -
LniulD„ died on the; • 16th, (rota the ineete of
an overdose Of laudanum, taken (or alekocaa.
Ile was tronaNarhviile. a6al (env, cod WILL no
(mile. - ! ,
A Si. Loula telegram, under dale of Weal ,
mislay, nays: Weather aliahleable,
heavier lee lit the river tit. morning. MI the-
Packet companies are art...131n a ahew ter
the tear. Retrenehinent la a ruling tv,rd with
them, The [teethe at Thaddone 114elberg. as
Pilot, has ortiti revoked for lutOilca,lun 004(15
On duty.t •
-We clip the followiny, from the Clacinnall
000011 e, or 'nut .0451 Capt. B. S. Teats, of
the oteeiner Ilertlia, who has been apenblng
.avast week; la Arks.. ' met that 0010=20
at Louisville; and brought her up both. lle
says inanteta'enlithakemoney at raising their
outtou this year. Last year they pea trout
SW to UM per Month are rations tar labor; t4ls
year they 4meg...a ...Writ the hest anon as
they want for .3 10.110 per moat:(. Lbu year
th.o leased land at Ito to 1111 per acre; thw
year they yet the came !thrift.. 13 pct aura.
115 Yorktown etentred 176 tibia tuul.llol
4113 36 hlitia auger from the 'Emma No. 3. Tile
latter boat nutted from New Urbana, yes.
...Y. nail the limiter will leave lug Pitts-
Mush tuadayd ; • I , ; •--
' A late vast Smith (Ark.) paper Sae the fol.
levier . fhb annum, ill cotton to Allis..
thin tree ha. imbed/5 , bte,e.b.FOlt.W., hat
poalttrely dletertrone, Labor, re3tr and pro
visions have then hith, ants the pm-that/b.
prices veld hit: ameagre return, to whira
mast he guided deluge edspetwe o f lmigats,
commithiebs, thourabee, tat, wear attl tear n 1
41upIttuelite, 0100 re; an. J. Well knowe plan
ter, rear this WOO hat teen cultlYelthg
near Sag mirth et land. laforlntal uz a few days
olnee that he had Met 120,W, to cam Ude tha
eon. Antis[ pmeaered Ufe.long coulee.,
sad model:it, Gare th ! butleets Loan, farmed
to that hie tomes in fanning SOO aorta will eat
thee 4110 Apps ..t.ussue as:Mobley es far as you
rill antlha matt la 'always toe "sate. the
eteseute of 1114.meg only berm: determlocd
by the esten t: to which operatiuna mie Lave
been carried. •
. .
The Louisville Democrat, of Wednerdef t
they••Tv The Richmond sod Octet Republic, on
to ip, wall= Oottbtleev• Naze Os
Lean.* he same day, had, if thin pnives to be
theeth, a meet earitthe time may be Looked
far. They ar• the two larget , heath alma the
*es:craw mg., ankl, - as h ha. bees eablul
their Mehl toted, they ho daunt, take a
thuth at oath other. A. rate hatteeth Sete
two great beats ercul.l create aa much 1.-threat
Os flit hit:o has Gont..ll. Ot netii bores the
11:1thze anti Shotwela some Yethe ohm. •
The Victor tlo. R and Kato Hart are to enter
the 31,spitio and New Orleans trade as teeth
la weekly pecker.
Freteda or. au Wade at hientorde atm scarce,
and cm:liberal:nen *env that such hard time.
were never , experienced ailing the Western
We Elgin, sayS • New urinal eget - mans.
the attlril, on Sunday list, of three small
selling vessels Imes Centimes% at which Diem
we leant they were built. ' :These vessels •te
al about b tens buN, ech.maer. rigged, and
me luteaded to can between Indistals sad
lrurpus ChM.% to the shellew waters In that
region, Settees reseals ate notellag new fmta
'the Ohio Imet, line was built yeses ago at
Oleon,ou the Allegheny, a the State al Saw
l'oele; wee brought bete Isden, sad then Cau
l.' tot Mite Mussels poet, ( Salt • low Yalta
etts4l4 • 11. lamp barge Westmont In the Vrellt,
rowed down to this qty, (teMbted and sent to
There is at elnelltottl km, boat family
completed' ettled the IL; Paso. She was hold
for the said River, but wall load for the !leery
3foot:dodo., under minimal tel•Cepth.tri 'arts:
I:rowro.. \
Toe ettralf,fleatohle I. bolos parlllsl sap
plied bath emit from Parsdlse, Linea tiler.
Toe Valium bad Swallow left New Orlowb•
lard r.d.y fj.r theridat. • •
The lttautidue JA,tl.. of Moeda', asps, There
Is plenty al eat,. I Kenn for fl.ut to 31,10 M
ex.elnoadl. I Steamtwurtnala le member with
feeang of d:spedr the tte, when brat to the
esattat peke., sad almost who that that m
stet has not I , lorkoottedhls wzlokled front."
Weer items
[We Tr.earaoh to Me' o..utte.l
Loctarrano, .f.mary
with eLt feet, three torte, In tbei, Canal by
mark. Weather clear, with the thormoince.
ter at M aegice, - .
The Meer•[ bleroptsle.
MI Te 1,,.,, to the iln.barea Caret,
Metres, Jan. fn.—Weather clear ainf
plearint.• Meer failing atcaally. Depart
.—flap flower, for traneellie; Sherman
with 430 tone anger awl sea, from New
Orleans, and Dariton, with e:-0 toles cotton,
for Clot innitli Pauline Carroll, for Of-Louie
nod Arum for Cinrionott.ilto last night.
FOll T 11)1 1 4 .-1 hi,
11. e brow,.
9t'LLEVt...S 1....”11. Mut.,
Pia lot:, tor. Vas Woove and i,`l.lolorruil..aP.
.ortf•on trot co Oct of rs,tr.r , .o r - c.,d.,,,3
JOtt • Ikgr...
Ter nee Wexner,
•:•111LL/A...j Ca:2t. WY. Dee,.
N 111 leave Cori, c &toes •ed Interned ate peels
an the cec.l.,a e••l,atlt e.
Yee tretatg:Jtretaztiely on hence et '
J.r4.4 COLLI NUi7.11013.1 ace
.1 , 11(la /LA.
Jan . JA.:..
Ovt.LtNe. •
LULUS Vl.l,l6F(..—Ths splendid
tad see abate.
Terf CU, pale fop
Will IcaPi N leSefeell °pollee/ of!lpe.
t freight or pampa apply up Any!, at It.
foetal Wood stet el. • • Jale
Fon, Y.l • 14.11111B.—Tbeg i
dee eeasier
..... J ease Vote.
Wilt leave as
stove ea open•aa of eatrlgalott,
Perfrlg"ll"l"M""VT4Pn: hoard
LIHIS d HAAN 1. 5.
Tte not , soclacr
Lzosin:s ' JAatta timmox
W 9 in nVritleht ne w
va °Pont.,
at MrtlltlDD
!.0/.41 or v.
Nor. I. Ital..
The Prneaelikkla Railroad Company berth,
flan tit 'lee at 5067..111 rtnntee nropoula With
g e TIT
,„"` , 4",T.,g,t'Af.:•gtri/plVritt,7:;
Pltiltnlrob. the Logan Value .at Atkama, and
: . th March
, Ikz . l) , ln o lp/ Barns In itto . kliar
1/1110 Tlr tal ' Oirrtl.t t af/Tge b atd Altoona
are furnished tatoatlion , to the bltt mann/.
It matt 41 oxptoos; tutdarstootl that the
rood COM pany will require Install of toners,
Shall CT kept In a erirtla nest Okra.
maner.' for tire e a .00 6086(018
Woagero potty& la
Arch 'met. P 13
ailanelnnia .4.110 . 1" , 3
N. o. GLIMIC ::::: .I. it. ' , ATRIA& .n.
IRON (ITN Woili ie..
. •
CEO. O.•CLARK & CO.. of in . ory , lattriDtlon ot
Strltahrd. lkatouLed wet Itlveled Vat-Tanned
Lowther 23.111:122 .
109 Intury E 1.,. ca fionT .ii.
MM. Mont.
ticrap FLight Iron
CahT AND /MCla
tllrt nod- AN
WEST COMMON 41Likcauvr.
BTUS% Nt'ultlid; liorthwoil Cantlir of
V.. Vanua on, ALLIMUtirTe - -
CV All V" ca # CU.
11 'Agin " 111 r " Wert nonce
f 1 , 4 ,1 0 Turn 1 a, to sw
.71Z '! o , , ifiYo-iFila?
pEuur uoNnem,
tniTtr.° JiW44 =t 12 4
1 1 3 . ;hrWrigif. """ '' "* Trigr,
L . nr:itar.t., Miu!utacuirtor
arbolosala and dealer' la 'I.OOAVO
/14. LOaktayla T
Cotner ldMrts. rlltaborell.Ya.
11..(1. II Alibi I al" 4 1 . V.
D 11111: ream.: as tae‘,/sailly
A . 9_l34i6hhiiljfiegot; Allefibuy. "-• ::••••
• - Fr , * lqrs Alagr. the Dimpst,,
List of tincalle4 For potter; Remaining
In tlio Zll. tnbargh and Allegheny PostortlCo4
January 23, iseg, • ‘$
lA , Furntshect to the rittabwoh gamete.' '
A IHeadier Wrh Met eral. ahem
Ake, ct tlarros. 1 / 4 11{1,.
Aker JaaU A P. , 1,1,% Sat.:am C (for)
Ansa.; ratter. It r.ttne U Vir NO•IJ 0
. .
'II 1.. f
r r. ii
• I A
11 Jame
• Hiart ohl
Hold ti
&oilman John
•n l ( •
Aar, a 1
.1 •. r
/.11 T 7
Al lan
Ael • El Li
All E . LEI •
A. .1 r re... J 1
•211naG T 1
Tktr It arrl7
Harr lA.
011 d obt
obur• Wm
sanipn L
13, t
Rua ars
H ac g W r
n e
flo e
floe it W
ISt. arkly
11.20 e'r It
heolamleJ P I
rg•r I.
n Can
:I',W=7 I i
"*':"l".A da,tam V
1. ••
•. r
fl, •
Ha an I
q sCu 34,1
.Isrcls.l R
II to Rer .1 A
Bro.n r
'ao~<, H
t o N
no .1 IC
Ft o c.laMlI•
Llraw I o
rt•la r, o
. T• r•I•1
rya I 0
I ta.l); hl
S, - U
1 It s rhos Cl
.Jolanson 1 W
If ottc.nn It
IJoe.nsnn tl W
1 0g
011 Y hos
ik .r.f;;ob,
Cn~+l~nrll +'
.mc~•.. t°f
Kll n 111.11,1
•1 f 13
Uwe 1.
'1 Lio
f • r 11 J
U 11!
hlrbi J
• 11 A"
Lome m
L,wie ;lurk
ewie it n
- II W
Cus, • • ado.m,
araTrE k
tale AS
w I/11 , :n F
rni NI
o 0 I or
mi. 4 L
L. JaL
L. r, •sa
Uarl ttY
I, 71 11
hi la, el
D L , Pat
dem 114 17E.Cyll
nvo L 11
(Olt. ra Vol ,51.201.• -,</
D g a s. t 1.10 1 0 .' 00 .. ,11 1 .
Dockery 11 ,1 •
a. an J... 1 4.1 P
Dargb.lit ry Sl artlhn r
at. V. •rz J bn
1J071•11 Cl 111
1: • T't * aq.T./V * l l3
n °tart Wta I ttartia It
" Z ., i! ' , *t <e` tietl
01•10 oto t 1 r • tea
' J ' ,T "'
sr, g r ,{ • 45
floloor J. L
Ka ; •1 ,thatull
Iva it 1,ta•1002,....14
Kral a A n Sto .
rabse Pat
-; John " 0 r " • 4 "
r . 1,1173 %. r I
flard,,Wr• laver, i L
aner Li W ,
•a, Joe Sle• 1 ea Jas
ue ygatus al
an Pat et:aln L
o tra 'ma Mel% r.,
•, 11, T
rm.hoarOd SI
(.0 r , . onnlgl 1`
P . 1 , 21]2!: 1 5.; ' 11. 0 Sa ( c. r l; r ot r ld Mu
.Aret•J,l/n A
6';l3t 12'0"P '
II • 31 ,, ,mtr0f la
4 41,1,• Mr . bs
rt it e••,•
stcw....o 4 'or),
. .
“ar4ey A
I. E • .c , l.buo IP .
as NAL
ee Na ..11‘11l.laa %V./
[As Furnished to the Ft/WI
" Ts . : - .1 &';
n vro:. i*rn ,, E+lTJst,:
A:l[ll,A, A I K•arbo,tl `,/
. •:r, leh
.Irns r Cache/Jae
ra , 111% VI • Itl , cnent,r, '
W, 31,1 a
nI -sap. Ilsttle
Bly.P. 1., .5.1 . 7 •
AO a .
lla W 1 ,411 J (Av.+ J. 5.2,
/ 4311:3•• nor, L
):row .433315. TI
ryr-e r.. 103 ;Cower? 411:12 tiabm LoWsa
C 31r6 1 oe-d uaTyura
Cant.ta. C meh.d. ma? J
t:,ora.n 42 flarsast. Jun 611.7 .t..1[110
1 3 vOirliwrrl.t. 3. .4
t11..•3313• .11,113313 M. to rah
" 11
• 'rhk2 !+• bile/ 11.23r: 1 31sella..ltarlan
• s , r •,shlr:Q`l• ab eha 4.4 Ilel :Stierurt Ana
D./6,a') . Calls Slwr. B. !Inds thiet3.l, Luse
/r•Cha I No Thes• tf ; .3130. nary
',oat. nary al ,In rkprr Uwe
aisri4.p .13.1urgalie•ra3 3L4mitt La•MP
.—raue Vila, .'h r•
, tsher ' rray
1,1, a t-as hl••T
p , lr 110
tro Jaz. ' tla
f,clae, It 110 !Vc"aaue.R..l ;cam earT
lue teary " Wel tell V llo.lkl
bit t;,uL a iwlrOl2
!la en Z 1,43, •I-Ll:ry YK :W.I. 11.1(gla
(stork ft cry !la," :dacala a• I Lap aaa
:101 11
. darla ~c7utclaeon U WM. I laVa
J wawa
I. reel
a iretlßl t.
II • Mottta
..., •
4.1,e5•r0n,. .
z - a- NA VS, STAMM to? tie it 911131505503.
J. tf. Iie:LEMAN% rostmastex.
ALT,EI3F/F.ST—January 23.
[As Purnialwi to the PaLOstrph GaZette.l
II • IPowti , sine*
Azul tr,,,, E I ' Sir I on Ale t 1 r.laing .as
I t ' f.V7R 0,
V ' -. ' ili,%•. r if:i7: J L e r..7ii i , t.
Ast!...r '.14il WI nar-h i ' vlPer Jahn L
~to ..I J. a ! , e.Joltici
klau , r . . AWL., ,c , lPsnuels utta
!.,,,,,.. :;‘:: . \ , , , ,r '; , -I,:tt3 Va.rei Care W!kard V
it. sr 114 11. ' •rf .. e . 21. ' CI " tR. •vs e i .. - rD
a ',ir , n, • Itear• no's A I et:ed 11.04
1 ,, , ,. .t.J ~ .!1 . 1411 -,.. It I , t.yenlds DIL
ri,....r, Vol J. ' I ;'4 el 0.71*
..,.^.. J. , = - • , te,ll a - Itn it ' /Pantheon Ell
II 1.,.. - .1.-L4 1,1 P. 1 ,1 p Ilt tett., John
- Ii Jam? i . J Rob untel. J
• is I slows
soar itsss Ir I.loooson INaentkeT J
lin let, Isl•Is•Is I li.e• II • Rm.. Llds
ssla;ls al• - stl• isliestost. W Y Honk Mary
~ , h O.Ol. mass
; :Kis.. ittesb
aro.. W ' Ss.",
°wee olt K -rtrer Jacob `.•.-I.l.lsek,•oloi
Coll.; am a I.• B
oss 04 • :me Kirby 111•14•1 4Jbarlet,
sit n.r. klackd•ltaty ',Motto (Asa
Co •rtl, sizitA 0.11. „issarestern
art , :so eett A; ated.rd osrah
Cr , 410,0 ' Jobb ;.Ltrebb 0,
Swab mu. 111.1ssek silletry.on 1.
ChaunsvraJ I t... Due ysts•rp cy Ls 1
las 1.11,e; , •
O,OIA n 'unser Wm
LO= m
D et•s•• •nals I Illa•
•leriss Its • atm t Is W est
0• 1. Arcs. D • :of , .
IMorkala DV•11 !,.111.18 rota •
ImakaJo.o,,ikinior it
lavlt.l,• ; We. Craf 1)1 sln
ta ...o • SI; Mosass gen Etc.9;ro lor 1.)/ It
Villsoser ; t Moss Ali
U , OT Mn la:I ICellSl J , /V
tossonsr Ws.. •111-tiger J , Volk Pct.
so ; el, Jo. local:Irk W . .
.11latt Ai!VII or Joh. rre..l4
Ellsett Ist It
F 'MC Jr 300.0.11ven .1 • .
• Worn.. Ono I lt seelet C .
•nte /11 ,- .07 les• Marc. I Wettc7ey Col !
r !„ le i str . r.,l I Ilostle 4 , ::tey I.4lgns , g.
0.11 'Oct..). It IS Wel.. dot lb
! Wrist Jts.le II l at.,•sr J.. • es. D. tsr
J 0 ..
tra res(l,Tersi Copt : Wl:soar sss
issos•er seso,s• ratlaSs Jo. Walla, X
Hllla,rk • 7klblr !Jr. Jos Ak•ElJle Jos
.11ss.s. Rtrr, sr• tlao Wilson Jant,
•rr 0 , •11`oao 'Vethore time. L
Greta .o . ..VE.Lllesiee H.,...) W. 0b...11
• au.ts , Nll. WA. tom Whl e
silbe best ,ct,lsslstoses Zia' Walter We
ti.b t ' Y
0 " ;../Platss
, s." !ZOO. 570.11.
s4solieslsor I Ant 1 owls 00 ,? stinker Jos
0 100
'Unshorn J•S 1.14 t It.clitcl tuber JNI •
00.001M•re , sZaOlt *date
;Porter et Mlllell
ro3!slt`?D.{t~l• f
1; . ',4 •,'i•, • ,-i.Stre.,et,
FSZ. T ..L'VItan, PA.
r br l .l4l.ofrlattnra.r.tre, Tong b.
loxhLry O. B. Clunsal ?Id
ti . .
tr. 2 r.n1,1 retpactfully
Tllll • I;riYJFBtni.INED having
resort,* tLe solo AITZIOY for Ike wile of all
A, Doe proparsd to farrow, toty•oortatill
to shoot wleGing to snorers this suparlor snick.
Du floe Oar. years , t...e of Wiz el., we Lave sr.
r!ved at
s , , t , e i r , t , Er f v ; or floss ear. belles. suttee It
leo toaster lessre.rgbtle.rileilltVdrnrfill;
fifl'aUtrilr.:l2,ll.lll...o;4l,lo:.7,ll.=trrt"r "1.1
1 . , proportton of ea mlstere of WU 1712s d to
' f=l 't tr d f4iTl d'" ""d" "d ; l lTtaoticlrerr
• rort nit Glass Works,
Sital WAJltilitiLlld Lt.. Vlttebersk. re. '
i f aol.llCti, BELL CO,
OHOR 001:0X - „WILLI%
fifsamtactaT of 14.7, liedluny and Ll4b
ANCH6.Ii. &NU 111% CtiOLl4l.
6111CI:T/NOPI •wu ogT,lfie
R41°141100 of the Coriaktiteton Flan. t
•• 11,30411 D, Thal the eltottoa itotrilt or tub
Ward an berth, it,peeloilit .inttract3O tO io
slit, at it. pewee enaltleal eltotlta to thalr
resiretlterWar t. apon the ohatur quadOeatioo
or vottn,.. to wit s, ••Thz) tee fretnita of oda
1:11, ontahthr. COlsena of tills
ort. alto /MVO ttalget 01[1,10 ilia.bernat
a et
!llo c " b
Ci l e o tlil 137 t oi,TRI ii, " Dtr. 1 11113 i
yam ' L a ' ,l r 4 TAA L ANSIMELP IN BAIL,
CITY, teal." Oc. Cite City Co.ll,yastl7, var.
traph 13, /et ilom '.)
• lit order of Me Coeuxelitte
Tat • o • troroN. Clart.
pirtoncer.—tu ataxy and arra , -
.o.) f 1... Tern & Dot , ;;ITO tido. obolos Apele.i:
foe 0.. ott. Torn Wool; fPD bleb. Moot I.
Mot " Dee Bev VoreOClthe.e. p , lme Then.;
lee kW... Teo /Ion: , ... ice !ltd.. F... riatatet
4 : bu .. .te r . Vg3rWil: 'tirg. " :::::a b til:il
tni RA. " Zgt'ltguT" t's't2 - 41112- I F'
WI ... la toss fiat. eelLk ui Tp
Wilk WI akelk ot Groterboo, la nen. to
'P‘ ' • Pe 44Ryeal le 41 betef e .
.1 ,
..., .
~.. .....•... ....
• .
. , . . ..
Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron,
on wan mars•
Offiek, No. 98 Water Street,
•, ,, ,etn.r Ya
N•etbrl.l. tl
j rna
rey Co X V
tos J
O'ildsaJ (r
tr Brien • urn
-071.1.1 A
etPc•ree* Dora)
trord .1
redley 1
140 0 DO
Ptnt~rton Hr
Porter W P
'Qu'no i ll
cl . me
:Z Y • tl . 4 21
ticvl •
Pittsburgh Foundry,
KartnActon garD Imp ow warm '•
- Furnace and Oven Frames
AL 42. c• rEs
Cooking and Heating Stove 4
Is erauvr vmussr.
thlenrand Warehouse.
No. 209 Liberty Street..
u.f , if I p
ot ock W
ros rt. k
*OakumJ P
1 31. ' 4173 7
ark r W
[an T A
latet•Ae ll T J
. .
nuwe • W
02.11. /11
m(4 ^3
ruan Co 7,
- •
gmah JET* 'n)
autita , •Apt SL
until, Wry Uel
m I/I.W
' Mitt at D'
3 J W
, Soinors W
0011 E, BO
11.1e<11.v z r
revreLl \
Varner T
IjaderwoNl 11r
Vlctor. \
. .
lIIAL7J. =MIS 117
Wal ter
Wait t !
ra er i k
r• atue IV
on It
Watt P
att.. T
rar oa
Ish X
%a Is W Hlfa
lwe %e ller
nder E
; Weir II
mott W•
l 'A vrtli:D
I W kit,' • U
It so W
8 Matto
AIl ma. U W
I Item. 8
true to)
We ✓• 'Uwe
ITIMLAII. pour.Lz.runED, .zustir.A4
fir7,130.X .1:i CILISIDLA.S7.T.4-XSCLL.T.6.%
. I
=YAM PLPIIi3. 611 , 130M1:7=8, Axil , " nit
011 i•as.dWer.s.rlik•remlad.11•111/14i
Swan cam SOlo•rry *tryst.
Pittsburgh, Ponusyltrunia...
airurderswas I. essfa *laza , ti
proeltria, attended to. 2!11::IEF4
• •3
LLOYD. wt,nocut.
Ur 4.3,
Youwn V
t Ott••
Best COlthMol1 4
,Betted charcoal
Junia . ta.loom Iron
MAG/311A3 . 1 . EAG.. ' , 10:4:113 A E QUA Gr. 111011
HWY. BAND..I. cart .11 , 101.8 11.014 • :.
8011,.= 1 . 1.2.2t,nd hHEI 11107.1.
1101111 R God 1:Z2.1 . 1 , 11 13/111.1..
UTLIIrI/GRarrl 011.1..,1/ u 6 PI9OE': 131;3
4 HALL 7: 'Lathe, LW and 1G 11:u. tae - 2:h
W ZUG GUT 0N.A1.1/3aed rl . l/016 for mat,
/LAM RlALB,:roectr4 tee .
COAL 13011.61CN
for owewlea
rho II
aCtyWO Cr.lle
RY A • •
Ch Ocratio.l
goTlxhit Odd
yet tr2l
. .
Warrhoure and ()Mee at th
OVell 91 , ..1. con Llnlatlon Of First rtreel..) afk. ,
laintnif tat) Worts. Plttstm>o. su=.l4
Nelson 4 11
Aran• l 2lKK•
1...-tc- P J t K
ra.r...1 , 111
triter II If •
Pa t •ntsSax
pirresurtonfrrEELSSOßlll3 ? ;
. • Iltsavtietnras of 121 ii
Sputre, rat and Dersuns, of all ay.;
rims, Ho., loft eihret Cud 111.1; . (/4.
, 14'4P.130 IND NOWillo NACLTS;
"rain 'Low WINOS, eitkinas
arras, CIAUZZetgd. le.. lco,
Cast and Common Plow dr. Preing Steed.
Oeleo—Oarnet or Firm tou Itnatatzeata. V. 4
bluets aboTa the Yonolairatte4lllootc.
!:,",',':t 1 ,1?1;"
Tay orJetipta
Tatnal 41.10
lams Is II
noon la. —...mMrrsa onm
A I •
.11"0 uorn E ns, I
Butidera anti . Matiani..9l.9l
Stake to order Marine and Land Meant Mnalamil
of all stern, marranted ta give azalea:Moo. I
of nem damnation. made to 3720
Janis Mladon, B. Mbar, rorenin :
Manatee lr Weep. Cor. Point Allty A Depoo.ll
Wet. oandrY. Not. r. 2 and 34 'Point mretit.
prrrmsarzen. PAL 1.
42 , 1•Tss
oLarilno:ol.9 OF ALL DxscrArnoxis 0.!
' ai3T3M3ErtiCa.
00100 and Woretwase, 120, 'BOO.
ead and 119 AA 191 FLyst Altroetz,
P7371:3 NpStaustocr....
No. 29 Wood treoll
• 1f...L00m .6 teen eount..l7 Cct b..: :1'
12Viiirobto, '&W9 3 Rip# 13 Oxisi
• NF.A.toimcoxis i m . 2 o l,7 , p=ll.3
lad esatlngs tanerailr. .aqtr4
Sutler Sinai, Ninth Ward :
orronis mzox DION - mitmacaissc.
dolling Mill and Bridge Castlags,!
111Diaakhaery wad Castlagy gsvisrally,
l/rftaTrommtli WI canna, zeetirnd. '
WVarrant•d Klima At may tit* /11(1.i•H
Kos. •Ither•lstp••ted <>rot Do- •
smsztl• I:lantana tars. . •
Office, 3EI Wood Street; .
Iv ET. OHAULLB AVM. l hlLllfl O. 'I
J. Utt. Lxt. 1011:d0
K. W. 1t0tt0W...1.40. 3. SLASXIILL:......II. ELLIT:
...A2mr.iv.xis ..,, • -
%co w s e:f i .
p on stmt.: .. t. . :
'Wrought rronLllrAesi
sirotutzte DON PIWILITLY. .174:ti .
%mews crrouan ar • I:
STEAM ENE ANA annivii.,
Freight aoieters i- 1
Tr y 3 .0 1 .0 °tall dtunittioa t mos to argot!:
. tr .11r1.14 vta. son ? limo* )
1 mti . nrrisaircke, ra.
J. PAINTER & 80N8;
Iron Babket, Tub and Trunk
_ .
1141es1,t6arcoal o 7untsta elb Pons
11153Sfangrr 11:111,411=Ze.
Mirarl AN In■ Only Wt. MI IS &H AS
EMISON, P TOM, co , „'
pargrarx VWXI4/
rEI,CoN wcittikA.:
i; it :iA•~ik~: •'i;; ~:
alikuldootHOLLoW A11 .. y/P via
seaskthdsetlL•oBqtilit OAP . Nt --
jas,Twis.,Vreon ... ....... P. ;aims,
- AND. IRON ;,CO.,
Bar Iron: •
'ttßatlrosil Rao tiara and Rolls;
• Railroad Car Axles Rallods
Railroad Car Aides liteasorall
• Looosailyelfroda• Shaper_
. Ride Red* • / • •
Takes, - • ; .
, !luau Ileadal
' !taloa Redo, Wrists; •
' Pleases Jaw% Clortars, - ala •
Oniicz, Na 177 PEN2i :STREET.
7P PE svoxVist,
Corium Carroll and eloallania
Streets, 1111.100 Park;
rirrsniniten PA.
'x. SS.
Cast Iron Bowl Npe,
Xyllm axe ell east wllialryPA, IN Dr/
cad Tux utaarta. en. =Mt*
WM COM 101 MB Lit flm
_ .
NEW lIMIVARB 1100418.
.. ,
Liidsay, Sterrit & Direr; `;
Manufacturers do Importers of
CUTLERY, , &c., '-
~ .
337 .LIBERri STREfT„
41per. 11311741romush, 4 '
One Equare Below Union Depot,
prnstihiGia. ,
i5r....... for Y.11.11/13Ablai 5013,11:11. ' .
sun= sm wom
mhseam Rama
MO N 1117542. MISCIAI3.. cuira Lux maul Ft*
radallT/0 &int anu-Eriarno .
acme sprogirek4
cam and - Gunn. Plow ; na'
molt wm`efiir ..utik *lira 4.63. -
821"Eir V ° , tra y x AI u a tra
. czar. rz. 20.. aa..
Warehouse, EIS Water Bt., Pittsrogk,
Niath Ward, -7
rnor.z.o.sM3rfr r 'N.ivieldt*e.,
nese Pratte we amoae te :vstua OM&
eailajaCtil estoue.r,cr, -taus wr,G. tat aro
Igultinesof Eton •
Miters, on
Chfet Iron Wntll
kloleing ]rm Ca:v2up.
&nkk, , e
Machine Castingt,
Qesteral Castilla* ,
CO:OLS • -
- •
ad and no vraterstentit,z: •
• ,-
sztoricr coxr. •rjiaNrisr".;;
cor,ess srza IX rtei,i •
• 301..11t19 *ILL FrACIYIR:
• ' • • • Aln 1111117, Tittlf Want;
rorptarsabons. '
Carson SI., 9111 Ward, near A. T. R. 11,.
grtme;r . • Pies, Stet& litould4.
'Ler 4 El la !ickias tut* map- ;,
JOBBING WOHN'lnanniesaNnadmadNi.. VA.!
dara aollaltad and aaralady and Gdldaataanir..
nsaoutaa. •
6 -6111A.1141
Jobbing and idachimay -- SAsta"..
• 1. ,
Mmil VO= Vit:ZigllV.
cnce,;uno Liitieioi steak, Mviaa ;• •
1, 6524acr et Muff, Ealldirvap :
aid): ALLIOUNDi of ;. iiivrimi
MI rill ra cjireApW
altalltn ausuclad to
an bastotanfig bert=6l,l!lll
~711, SIX!
eArehßauC var. LOHIIIti
D' •
Iron and WO IVorlr,&,
coimwsr, Lunt ti CO.,
11,4 5 , ! L0w5w„,,,
'Nut NansiBPhigs::alkOteio,l4.-
7!A=4"im: l ta,
AMA A.TA1T..1!°31.**,.•.
• •1. LItiLADULT. arc,oo;
luaxsuptaiirs waft et •-•
Cook, parlor sod
"at stoma ilmeloasamwo
GRAIN" ORA= 11,1101011, ' !-
wMtriu W Mgaikr=46Bl-111reseaL
amt. •
JARED ar. =PM 4.1 10% •
Mean &nem la OURS
tneses lin Werth he.
Aftsus /18., Pittainiamok:pa. •
Bac, wieigma.
Boma BMAD M efui AUL
IIlena;11111 Oar oll Lai& alfe-
TEEOS• - 011•44414115Ti'.
Wit Kailaniar inetn3.lllW.l.
1 igiVetft aitra,°4
, -