The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 25, 1868, Image 1

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DAILY G ' C. 41 17 71
; 21MirtA8LRAIrEST 1:11MINO
tursturs simian:to -
roily DIAN, REED.f . r. CO.,
oirtce, airrail" BUILDING.
fiGit; SG nip* Ullll=.
*IS lq*Nl fife d Teglizais.
trriar.ll 'PA l A = 97113311 AID
LA.2olll7.'jUllf Amur ma mi. "AXIL
. 2,21222*.1 . 112.201LL PIABB Is w eau, -
Mali • -.M.,atcerear.....„...041 -
llartY . ere inns ~.winva. tan at e
Smith who lateli engaged in an sum t
to take themselves and their States o t
of the Utdon, and . failed therein.
now seriously thinking. of asking
/sip ea =partite the black people. •
former years these whites maintained
smirittently that. black people were ab
solve:Sy. leave:Liable in Ike Southern
'Stater; that Whits people were nature/IV
.ieniesucitated for labor In those 3 egi131213
sad; coniequently, complete depoputs-1
ticuttnntrenine but for the presence of
the blacks: ..4.1 matter of fad' the
blacks dab about all the work that was
dons, and the whites pocketed nearly all
the gains.
_. We see, however, a hovel - el
sign lerthli desire;to have the blacks seat
oft It Implies that .the 'whites have
discovered the fallacy al caPllc 42 4t l mf e
stead:alto hindrances to their worlant
and are feeble to tty their Wadi at la t .
Tbalitexactly What is needed to reatorl
the Southern States to prospelity; as
the whites cannot too • soon urn the.
lgpefni intentlon bate tact.. That is
within Siete:own compelenq z - -The re.
Minato( thellulut is snothm matter'.
As they are no* freemen their content
*Mats to br asked, *Wen theSonth.F
\ ern Pao& are pretend to yetegnize -in"
Gm . Irv* a 'Awful anfittorlly mare lab!.
trUlthlut has !Ter Van ebbed by the
same advanced radlcalc....lWhen you
conteivativer want p agar thing
donethey can led awarrant for it in
the Conatinaloaotithuut the slightest
_ _
80/13211.138 as TICO 6.1 . 1.141113217 nIT.
:1611; Pramsylvanis, espeditly Ott the
higher seetioe, ate lain muses of lieu
lock tirober...Lstterly the sittation of
tanners bas been turned to this district,
and in pareatilar tanners' hitherto lees
ted in the Sista - of How York, and
whose supplies of bark era exhausted, or
•- soon will be. Several 'of these tanners
• haviAlrestly taken op large -tracts of
A , kir of - them have sirradxdree.
• . and 'others•Will soon do
I so, Several enterprises of this descrlP.
tioniutieiboeil slaked as high np u in
' Wrafrainounty, and with good itmulti:ran
all things coniidere4. Of course; tan-I
niptis beset with the same uncertainly
umber deiparinients of industry, arir
big out of the fimanual situation or the
•,t s., country; .bat this will be only tempors
hemlock fends of the. .
..I„heny soon experience a.
generelintradoe, end will yield
dant rewards to the enterprise that Shall
. utilize titem.
i..i, Her. Juo. lloona, editor of tke Amer.;
, _ ices: Geardise, an excellent family;
;-; ' ' paper 'published in Phils‘i lidals,'• hu ;
'..i, been in our, city for sexeral days with'
a 'view to promote the, circulation of*
,i paper: Apoleant hp is to; preach on;
; ',4 vs-morrow morning' in the First idetho-;
, ' - diet Church. Rai. A. Clark, pastor, and
--, in ti;e evening at tin Second Presby4 .
Wien (Dr. Howard's) church, on Penn
•.3. —Late - lizinona advice,- say: Genend
1 -Palmer, Genthern Pacific. Railroad Sin
-1 veyor,• erprestes the opinion that the
t read will be buinto the thirtieth parallel
4 ' Ile reports that the partiesenreeying the
Gent none may mango the route to the
thirtyeecand paradal, but he thought it
• doubtfaL General Palmer pieced. a
~ I
carps of surveyors on the line from
. Techscopee to San FrIDC.I.2O, sad sent
back 'party of engineers: from Colorado
i ' river to correcs the survey from the thir
., ty-ftfth parallel to the Rio Graode. It is
.., the intention of General Palmer to pr0 ..1
..1 need immediately , to Washington via
1 flan Franeisoi, to make his report in
• r•- , time to secure some °mum:dons]
.1 —The &rate of the New York Leiri a-
lature Yesterda y adopted a resolninn
that our Government. • .reeogrdzing no
distinetion.betweennstive . sad adopted
..: - 4 - citizens, should demand of all nations
- l - the immediate release Grail citizens held
, illega ll y in midtary anls
vi, or for pre-
•" . tended political offences not committed
-* . I eon:tele siall,, and -tent It is the duty oft
the Government to enforce "thenemand
../ • • if neesuary with all the power of the
. l
... . '
'' , ..,1 —The latest advices from Ala du to 1
-December eSeniy-eighth, mention 'no
. • sinkring =clang the troops. On the con.
..: . ' warp they, rePresent all well. The Con-.
•.' - ' grokslonarenolution of inquiry repotta'
........i . log the,troops in wain •of asecommoda--
dons, orovisiorus andsuffering extreme
•... i cold weather, create' surprise in Can.
;- --Twentypersone, residents of Clarks.
wale. Nor. ork, foriome manta past,
lama been purloining to the extent of
- ' Say LOSS a mou th from trains ma the
.„, 3eelaware and Leaman* Railroad, en,
• • rents for New York. The offenders
.•- were arrmtea yesterday. • ~. ,
" • '
=The Mascoale Grand Ledge of New
firpearsnek was ininseiratedonThnradaY
.- .' • night, and the officers" installed. - There
was a large gathering of thd fraternity,
and ...ri7 all he lodges in the Put-Idle
:"..• ... than were. represented. Mr. 11. Tester
•• " ' Peters Is Grand Master, -
—The tent. annual
of the Nor th er y n fi and Southern Convention
. of the Theta Delta Chi organized at New
.... , l'otir. yesterday, Delegates werepresent
- • - from 1r2710113 - Universities. and a
rs large
attendance is expected. The affai
' •
:the fraternity are m a satisfactory condi
-.—The State Gstefahniary Mil MON vp
in Zhehimeoconsetts Legislature on.
• Thondip, and "was ordered. to a third
reading by a vote of twedtpone yeast.,
,eighteenlasya. A motion to reconsider
~', frwaramade tae de
e order for Friday. /
r" 'Art -action 'brought .at Santiago
I cube against a lady, who wait the author
of exparticie on the now stetnin ef
- n on,matted in her being dried tines
- ' - / I hundred. dollars, and barely, escaped
4 from imprisonment. - 4 . -
. I .-Parrin's • Pieper / rally. at Marshall,.
•- .i ' - 15,12chl was ho Thursday night.
...-• 1 •losie ip.TOXI . ;1 in the P.rstainriseof
- eineviustiV....,"Ofic; l'hicnix, of lirooklyn,
Luratiarmati, of Chicago, $2,000
.1 - , City Fin, of ilartfool, row, .
I The idterior of a hones in•Delavin
. ,i street, at'lthehester, N.Y . ., was damaged
--- , 'by drel'esterday Morning. - Threaten-Q.
,- . pond were seridualy, perhaps ' fatally,
I ourned-andtwomore
bp jump
' kin from an upper window. - 1
1 • / —The Board of trade of ,Sandusk7. CC.
• if — 7 - Void a meeting yesterday, and appo
- V -ed five delegates to attend the Comeau-
Cfcrnentlon to - beheld at Roston on
J February iith. .
_-, . . -
,an adencloal Dinars of Alaska Tor
i :Way, by Leutze, has been preeented to
Secretary Seward by a number of prom
'• 1 . inent.New Yorkers. .-
''•• .0 —A. poblic dinner was in tenderedconed-
i •• Callen Reran at New was ,
. 1 ' coition of hie peraletept advoctry of free
steam lidona Ostia was seined
• ad Nees 4 lro •k, yenerday -for a violation
Z I oftlet wackier set. - - , .
i ~-rAdvlrtes from. Ste Domingo stele that
T ' Out City or Axes had been-napuind by
1 ' the revolutionists altur a Uoody battle.
•, - i '.—Elsels,• the Parkerterined sburg, ,Virainla,
mindere:Ghee been sen tirbeamtg
' 'L. .on the Bth of March.
I t
t ...-Ches.l.l..Rean, the tragedlatr, dint
Yr - II in London, on Thersday,2.4th Inst., aged
c .fifty-11.17613 YI.III. '
° ' - rsssevin., 114 ° ,471.0 . 1 I
- .......'2 - t.obrff. 44ll44— wr,„f 3 all4. l " l p.r.d a " •
4.4,:cii--- - I,bur i nir t „. t°,_,..., di=
-ii,-,.. roam.. Ina two r.n..,:.
: At. the.tiow -he or_attlf,7:uida
' there , Were Iva we t h e 4thqs. 0'
•:. nothing of; inn_ when that ',bp body
i Tha rWa i' - - .I intellige" a ern Into the
4 t . ee lved tn_e_r ee . i eon was t_t_Webich fiaboOS
... oCI3W Wr i G o a SloPet
t n
. mipa lirit i
2 ro =lnd nonce ome putsens
. •rTM 0 d u e it err ibioniim •
f -Nat. ' „ en d dirvillwa.„ hsce Wen ..,
',' . ' 211 it '', I w ... 11 , ." =v ~ (Or Po re e , gn n t r
. rested, Tn.. _eb een to Hen
__ ~the.
I nu ;eed t° ba , - T he uan t r . ' CSPL
, iis .„„,, t ,to coa, ...?...... e. miniA billin„,b,g{
• = are smh. -caan ~
MIS &YOU,* MU.. , . .
.• ,
1...,, _
Easels and the. French Army
Frenott - -Mew — ittlte - 13itmtion ,
F arid Cornmer-dial
ST. (PETZEtIIIIIRO, January ll.l.—The
atfonßo Zedung, published hate, calla
dditarlanj b 3 the' traittliii'llto
new Fr . ench . Arniy billimeterispy in- ,
the power bi•Napolaan,i.und is
anre'p prompt him to 'assume a higher .
stand apd bolder tone in regard to Euro
pean politics.
I s Aill, January 24..- 2 Lhe iserni•oflicial
La Atfrio; In no editenial article, O .
sext/ u
that RU.11.111 In ill. OMIT Pelittr 4 : o4-
aow I n harmony with the red of Europe.
En of a character to tranquilize
the nbile rrilfitiliad glee itssuninop .01
pro noel peace are ainvilarly antaort-
Mod by the fact that every power in
Europe Js actively Engaged in arming,
as If for anticipated War. It is add'
new French loan to the amount of seven
bandied and fifty millions francs will
anudy be put up?othei market Mom. - - ...-*
QUXICairrtiVIIC, Jan. 24.—tho steamers
City Of Whalaingtortamt&Dezuhark, . from
New York, mired here yesterday.
BlUMT,..Tanuary 24.—The steamer Na
poleon Third, from New York, arrived
trackman' , ems comainmai. -
Lannon, January 24.—Erening.—Con
sola 921@,53; Flys-Twenties 711; Mime
Central:Bsl; Erin
.Faaanurone, January 21.—Encning.
U. S. bonds, 751.
LrYstaroot., January' 24.—Xnening.—
Makin ClOssd With a fair busfass; sales
0[15,000 balsa Middling Uplands at 71;
Orleans M.
The Manchester market is - sways, and
=l i d pare" brought ' good, prices.
tau s closed 1111 Wry and 30.
lowa - mined western at. 450 sd. Wheat
unchingsd. Provisions steady and =-
change& Produce—Spirits pentine"
declined to Ma. Sugar steady. .
I.wrarnar, January 7.4—Esening.—Per
I Mobstuts new;.standard 75u. '
Pennsylvania Legislature
Depecte Mantua to gituteust , essette.l
Iturausunno, Jan. 24, 1 4 4 , 8: . •
FETII'ION.raox ..
Mr. ERRETT, of Allegheny Presented
a petition from licKlaStioovt for a law
empowering, the Burgess and Justices of
the Peace to commit persotui for 'disor
nua.s prtuanscrem.
. Mr. WORTHINGTON, of Chester, a
bill relative to the prisons and alms
housss .of the Commonwealth, which
authbriSesT the Governor to appoint a
Commissioner of County Jails andAlres
houses, for a term of three yesirs, to in
spect heuldings.
Mr. ERRETT, of Allegheny, • hill in
corporating the Siang Agency and
Improvement Company. •
The rest of the session area occupied
to discussing the bill creating a new Jo.
diclal District out of Lycomitig county,
to be called the Twenty-ninth. r
Pending the discussion the Senate ad
jotu-ned tlll Monday evening. •
- •
• ea
3dr.ll'CA.ll.& ll T, of Blejr, from dile
goeny County PrZiza:lotsriation, for a
deduction of one from prisoners'
terms of servicegfu• good behaviour.
Mr. PHELAX, let Green", two trim
Greene far Um repeal o , f, the license law
oflast session. •
Mr. RIDDLE, s of, #.llugheny, from
Aforuingsliels, Wcse. Pittsbiugh and
Temperanceville Boroughs. for a passen
ger railway from Pittsburgh to - the old
- -
I=ol= TAO* ootttarmia.
The joint resolutions liiir a Steamship
Line to Liberia were reported affirma
The Joint resolutions from the Senate,
endorsing the restoration of Mr. Stanton,.
Were reported affirmatively;
—The joint "resole tionlitainit the stAni
talon of additional territory to the tint-
ted Stales was reported, with the'ametid
ment as substituted. . /
mLLS 2.102 M MD.
Mr. : WILSON, of ABaiihenity, patent
ed a inbeilistrittlifg the Noritone
Co•operative Wid'Glaxs Manufactory
of Pittsburgh; • bill authorizing the
appointment sibilitlocial Notaries
Peale for Allegheny county. '
Mr. Mthtigß, of fillegbent, Presen
ted. a bill empowering-Bravoed and
Jusikaief the Tex Ist MeXiespOrt to
send/disorderly persons to 'the county
pain default ofiksei r
[l/ 711120L11T10101.
of Beaver, ono in.
structing the omAiry Committee to
consider the espedlency of slaw giving
the jurisdiction to grant divorces, entiri•-
ly teethe Courts. Passed.
Also, one asking the Auditor General
to connottnicato the amounts of State tax
due by eaelthonnty on Janney lit, Ism.
Adjourned till timid' ay evening.
. „ . .
Detessa tilt sae Sanaa garialwaSears—
clasweeter bir Was IBM..
rat Speech by Ur. estarsoa—goos
.cots Will awe Ow
COAZ urra.gfairrux:
Woes law—erstapperwma Gams Moe*-
Care at coropposawat nsuoutek )
The debate on the Stanton resoletiona
in the Senate eras ended last night, and
I reanited in their 1, gO, you 1 1 4 ratio
12—a strictly . party Tole. '
The debate lasted throoglitwo nights,
If:omit to near 12 o'clock each night,
and developed not only a great de al of I I
tad feeling Cu the part of tbe Demcrats,
bras yeeklantnew statetnent ands
consequent wildness of argument Which
went rather surprising. Al find. the
Democratic sneakers, confined theca- i
selv,estoAdx..Steeterit's acts and opinlons,A
but they very Soon launched out info
general polities: and': the ,Epeerhes on I
both sides went over the wlible ground
of party differences.
The chief staple of the Democratic
speeches.omdatod to 14. w. ethane .that
Stanton WAS responsible for not exclaim- '
„trig soundand healthy' Saber prisoners
for thews Linton prisoners whore_thel
rebels bad incapacitated dor l further
marries by theircesedty and hdluntaalty,
inn that he was therefore the Monlarer
of these who died kr rebel prams; in
delaying (with impudent boldness) that
the Democrats were opposed to or did In
any way obstruct the wart • In boasting
over the resets of tbeiste fall eleetiontil
and In wild fanciesoancerning the
atontstg paitlcia acted, Ind* =gni - I
tying premed laarunkover those of thei
past, so se to bide, it pomade, elms
°Mel; Copperheadisne thrceigh war.
The two chief 'spear-bat of the debate
were given an Tuesday
night: one by
lds -wallas.: an the bmocnltto side.
and the other by Mr. Landon on the
raltran side. At the opening of the
On that night. furious. latemper
ate and AMISLIAII Apers*sserece made by
u c carotalay of rhlladelphie, Davie,
pi e y. Ditnialfref 445F0.1 rhicht
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It in enough to say, “the trail of the ser
pent wax over them Buttheir very
violence defeated them: and Mr. Wal
lace, Chairman of the Democratic State
Committee; followed them .ins smooth,
plowable, oily speech, designed to-re
move the improinlon produced by his
lest prudent colleagues, and to serve, be
side), on the key note of th e Democ ratic
music in the coming cauvrow. When be I
bad concluded, the clock indicated Wall
pant ten, mid the Republicans, among the
vast crowd in attendant*, felt that it
needed some master mind to break the
•spell woven by the eloquence of the Sen
suer front- Clearfuild, and that the work
must be done then, late as It watt.
Fortunately. they were not to be die
qropolatxxl. Mr. Landon, of Bradford,
took the floor, and 'although the. crowd
had been listening for three hours, none
but the most fanatical Democrats took
I their Irove. They neweed to know by
irwlinct,thateouiethlng goal wit-neon:ling.
And they were right. For n full hour
and a quarter he held the audience 'en-
trent-est; and as the eloquent periods
flowed from his roomy tongue, one by
ono the sophistries tea& monstrosities of
the Democratic speakers were demolish
ed, and note thread was left upon which
their cause could hang. the speech was
bold-and Wen radiant, as well- as sur-
patistnaly eloquent, and as he sat &nib,
every Republwan preterit in the- Senate
Chamber telt that hie rause had been
nobly vindicated and the enemy Com-
pletely vanquished. Bocce the Demo-,
<rats showed by their looksthat they had
got a great deal more than they had bac. , I
gained for. • • I
The main point in Mn. Wallsee's
speech won that,linecry of .'Copperhead" I
was nut 11.1 potent at it was; that the peo
ple were gradually forgetting the &sport,
tier begotten of the war; that the time
bas now comewben hisparty could deny
their complicity with the rebellion, it
becoming more difficult every due ti
bunt up and produce the prod( of their
disloyalty; and that, such Leung the case,
they-could safely charge the heavy bur
den •of taxation, nod thdlitorganiced
Condition of the South, a n the renultn
*IMPLY or ,Republfean misrule, and not
the tateulCereonseque.naa of Democratic
hostility to the IA overnmeet.
But Mr. Wallace Is ealcutating without
his host. The people base not. such short
memones as lie 'Pippo:ma. The sores
left by the war are not yet healed over,
nor do the lames forget so _readily the
record of Bemeermic dislovelly. tie
wilt find that out before the Presidential
election. Is over; but he is evidently pre
paring to fight the tight upon that axis:
Mr. Thomas Scott, ef therennsylvsnia
Railroad, is litere,• and seems In have
made up his mitid to let the tree railroad
bill pass. In the meantime he would
like. to see the lilt amended so as not to
hit the Pennsylvania road too herd.
But the Connellsvillo bill he means to
light Ito loss left his lieutenants be
hind him, and they are now naively et
work trying to set up both houses
against-that bill.
Bills to repeal. the Tiega law were
presented In the lions° .by Mr. Ford.
and in the 'Senate Errett, and
and were referred in ba' Bonzes to the
Judiciary Committees. The House Ju
diciary Committee decided to report it
with a negative recommendation, and
Mr. Ford will dt once Introduce a now
bill confining the repeal to 'Allegheny
county. In this shape It tone peas.
. In the Senate to-day Mr. Errott hair,
dniced a bill to establish the eight hour '
law. It is a copy of the Now York bill
on that subject. • :
Last year a bill was paused authorizing
the side of the property of insaveht on
pariahs:is and their franchises, upon fore
closure of mortgage. This year a bill'
haltbeon Introduced conferring upon the'
puraissent cif railroad, bridge, anal and
11671 r Itloll unpanten sold under the law
of 1467, all the caporal° privileges of the
companies sold our..
.The bill csmo np in the Senate a day or
two since, and Mr. Connell, conceiving
that under this, bill the Sunbury and'
,Erie road might be sold out and the State
lose its claim of four millions agelat
had e cisme added, providing that all the
claims of the State against any corpora
tion should be paid iu n condition prece
dent to conferring upon the purenasers
the corporate Privileges so proposed to
be conveyed. .
If It was one purpose of the law to get
the Sunbury and Erie road free from Its
debt to the State, that little game is, for
the present blocked.
Wallace The bill, however, was opposed by Mr.
W on general grounds. and especi
ally on Constitutional grounds, and the
Constitutional point mode by him will,
think, kill the measure.
The itruse is steadily getting h3t.,
erking order. Next week it will begin
earnest Attain:mars
, Vac t o
the Wiles
Vacate llattway. Excite r.% Divtlieu.
rya ele reit;k to Om PI tu bur. h Ossetra.l
Si. LOtrIS, January 24.—The Un
Merchants' Exchange of this city to
adopted resolutions earnestly rectum'
thellimottel Legialatmo to pass the,
•olutions which had. ban before the ,
some days, asking Congress togrunt et
ditional subsidies to the UniotePaCiti ,
IlallwaY, Eastern Division; als'a an op;
peZ to Congress setting fortieth° advan
tagea of such road to thedevelopmesst
agricultural, minerols; anti commercial
resources of the extreme Western Stars
end Territories; that,we believe the ex
tension of this railr6ad afford the
simplest. • most/ emnoMical and
pertuanent solution of the. Indisst
question, as/the settlements spring
ing up a% the railway' advanees
will compel the Indian to accept the
usages of clvilimtion or disappear from
the land; that •he etset of maintaining
troopd In New-Mexico:and Arizona, since
thertstablishment of the authority of the
Canted Slates therein, has already suf
ficed to build this railway, while their
Inhabitants have been but partially
protected; that In the completion of thin
projected nue, continguous to the north
ern States of :Mexico, we see a grademi
but, 'Certain promos of attaining *nth ,
peaceful relations with that Republic a.
the people of the United States have so
much at heart; staid in. view of the fore
going consideration, as well ma measure
°fecund notional polity since only the
loan of the public credit la needed to se.
cure Its completion, wo request our Sea=
ators and Representatives tp Congress to
aid ty their votes and influence In se
curing the Government subsidy
rosaary for the speedy completion of the
Union Paeltle Railway, Eastern Division.
The Convantlate—tizaatweetiesi of pep
Sod - Expenses.
(a 1 Talertnal a , the IMA•eorgh Ussette.l I
ATLANTA, Ga.. January °.G—ln the
Menonsteuedon Convention today a see
elution asking the Federal Government
to advance the per diem and expenses to
the Convention was Introducedlol to. A mo
tion to table It, was rejected
pad It was referred to a efiecial commit
tee with directions to report - to-morrow.
A resoltitionlhatthe FlaanceCommit
tee see on whit terms the Convention
weld negotiate a loan of D 10,000,. was
adopted. •
A resolution to wiloprn until pay could
beobtained until dato, was tabled.nt re
The Convention's Doane's' age.
por Lettlze had received ten thousand dol
lars- fthm the Military State Treasurer,
which belzeld eubject to the Instructions
of the Convention.
A resolution was immediately offered
Ito pay each member fifty dollant, which
was not acted on,
The usual trews niiection woe adopted.
Ancibera, Jan.24.TheVllltary Com
mission have huislasi taking evidence in
Defence of the city nun:tonne.
the changes _made by citizens. It un
derstood the whole matter will ho hild
before General Meade.
Cimayealtes—Dispealiten for Mull!
tity Telerrann sa the rust:wren else.—
R.I.I.UIOFr. January 2.l.—The
Gott showed, yesterday, a dhroosltlon to
go into generat NUmeroull
renolnttorra, on various subject., were
presented and referred.
;Mr Youngel, of Forsythe. presented a
resolution authortslng' the County Board
of Registration to disfrtuuthiss all per
sous who segued In the rebellion . and
who gave aid tuid.eentfort.
A Committee was appolated to male.
with Gen.Canby.
A communication Was received from
Governor Worth, elating ho had nothing
10 communicate, but was ready to fur
anti any Information ht his possession.
To -day a resolution was passehl calling
on the Treasurer. on a warrant of the
President of the Cori vuothin, to pay the
per diots and reileatro of the tnemberi
othlpg of mere importance was dope.
Warder- f ears
atalrder. ees Dories th .
op Telegraph to the Plttetrarah liesette.l
MT101118; Itsticiary 21.—Ttils after ,
need, during - the trial or Winters and
others for the murder of Mike Connell a
few days stew, an althreallon occurred
LbetWOIM: the cottasea, during which
Thomas !Salons' ex-Street Commission
er and uncle ot the murdered men,
abut through the body With a large Dor-
Hager and fatally wounded. Although
the coUrt-Tedla was crowded at the time,
It -wee :sun known who fired the ebor.
.'46d f cr ewed t°tanso szFitmneM.
311111, -.'°RTE CONGRESS.
Reconstruction Debate - hi theSenair;
I •
BondTata is the Supreme Omni
Peysonal Expl r aniklions 19 i name.'
New Internal Revenue Law:,
Grant and. the President
The LakeiSevenue Service'.
Quid wiiiisong ihe /maims!.
ety Telegraph Mae Pinafore% uont!e.) •
•WasureroTON. January 24, lOUS.
BOND CASE IN surnexe comer.
In the United states Supreme Court to
day, the cause' co. 6, original, State of
Texas vs. White Chile et al., was argued
on the motion to dissolye the iniunettou
heretofore granted .restratitilna, defend-
ants from using or disposing of certain
United Stales bond. obtained by Melia
from a rebel Military Board at the out
bmale, Of the rebellion. The motion to
dissolie the leiunction is based upon the
ground that Congress having determie
ed that Texas is not a State in the Union
for putt:loses of 'representation, she Is
not a Mate in the Union for the purpolie
of snit In this . Court. •, •• • • - 1
• Representative Pile, of. Missouri, ris
ing to personal explanation In the
Homo, concernin remarks previously
undo by him, said
he -had intended to
assert that the firm„ of which Dr. Fowler.
of Illinolsovas a member, was dissolved
In IS6-1, before the charges of fraud Were
made against it. • Per•onally be knew
nothing derogatory to the character iof
either menaboi• of the firm.
E. Re Washborne, of Illinois, arotolto
a personal explanation this afternoon on
the House, dating that his attention bad
just been collie to the statement made
by a correspondent, in the dispatch.* of
Wednesday, that ho had dedged!Wheo.
the vete was taken on tho Reetinstrne
lion Bill. This, he said, was theft rat In
timation lashed that the Clerk did not
recognlzi his vote on the final pawageof
the bill. He said ho had voted yea.
This statement occasioned great surprise
among the members on the Repnblietni
side, for it hal been freely talked about
for two days pent that he was In hisses;
' bet failed to vote. Unanimous consent
was riven, amid much laughter, for him
to record his vote In favor of Oho bill.
• • New nermatat 11XVZNCE LAW.
A. langhty ,session of the Ways and
Means Committee was held this ennui.
ing, at which the general feature Pro
posed was a new Internal Revenue act.
It was discussed, but no detleite action
wan taken. From the character of the
diecussion it Is gathered that the chief
reedit - tunnels to be made In the present
low are to prat the-harden of taxation on
luxuries, and relieve, so far as posolide,
the industrial and manufacturing Inter . -
The Near York TiltiCe special
memo's; the statement, said in be Cup
ported by the Cabinet, that Grant', ad.
mimed that Le had agreed to held tin
until removed, as totally base. ! Ile
agreed with' the President, that if he
iterantl was removed, Stanton wimbi
have to resort to the Courts, but Ito m.yer
promised the President that he would to
remain end become a party . Us the(!con
trovemy. A subsequent eximlntitiOn of
the law convinced him of Mei-verde lo
must pursue, and forty-eight boor's be
' tore the Sonata acted, he/Welted Upon
Johnson of his own volition and an•
nouneed tin daUarminatfon.
.TLIS incasuoi
Baron Cerbit, Pifisslan Minister. to
day delivered to the President hit new
credentials Sev✓k.reercT Extraordinary.
Ac., from • the Bang of Prawn, in „late
quality agreeldent of the tinned state.
of !forth erreany. Interesting speeiths ,
wore delivered by the Baron and Peril
deryishnson. •
LAYS Mil: 62ft= cxavloE. •
/The Secretary of -the Treiuneiry! in 31
communication toile House to- da ta:
the sixstelunets employed on the {sakes
5... e not of a character best suited to the
wants of the revenue service, buil their
services are by • 1:10 mums mainaporiant
or valuate* and as they vu're Plawe
there by Congress iu view perhaps cf
weighty considerations, aside front the
ordinary. purposes of the revene, •
does not feel at liberty to recommend
the sale of them unless t they
can •be :disposed •of +graham'
sacrifice. He ammo le that if Congress
shall be of the °photon that those- teasels
ars unsuited for refinance ern rpm*, and
shell deem it advisable to dispose of
them, that In the bill authorizing their
sales the toirelmum .1 - want mr twMeh
they shall be sold be inserted.
wittomat. oast LOANS.
The • Secretary-Of the T 1.06.111 1 .11,
reply to Mr. 1,g11131'1% resolation Of MIMI- I
ty, sent to the lieuse a report from Um
Comptroller of Currency, aaylng ! he IA
in pcosseden of reliable mformatien, the
result of recent Investigations, that the
National Bulks, platleMerlY In the 'cite
orNew York, aro not. In the habit of
loaning their money upon fancy stocks
at false and fictitious values.
'The bill recently Introdueed Sy Sena
tor Feseonden Mr the reoursininstlon of
TITANUty Department, while inereas
leg tbeeslories of some valuablit elerke,
and dome other officers will, if ...looted,
leave to Government about $200 ( 000 un- .
INDIAN Awaits. •
Col. Jas. Worth, Superintendent of
Indian affairs for the Southern Ouperlia.
tendency, has_ arrived from the Indtau
territory isouth of Kann.. reports
everything very quiet among the Indi
ans. While die Seminoles and °thee
tribes &remaking very rapid ideal/ea
in declination, delegations-from rovers'
Indian tribes are expected tune shortly:
for conference - wilt" the Coumtlesloner.
: Among the tribes which will be repos
. stinted are the Moms, thunenehisoC hey
must, Osage* and Pottawattamies.
BY CUBA. (160.4411,
Tra'sg./ a
l b t—olArooe,
My of Ilosoofoo.
Dir rarefies& to is. rtruto n 111.itt..1
HAVANA, JanUary '.'it.-AO arrival
from St. Domingo bringatho following
The Commissioners sent out IDY.Presi ..
dent Cabral to obtain the assistance of
Lx-Prealdeut Cleffard bad returned via;
successful. I
Dominican refugees in, Turk's Island
are in groat destitution. I, •
The Dominican war steamea Capit
whichwasaatling under the H sytien flag,
bad on board troops and munitions of
The Mambas held poasenion of all the
large towns to St. Domingo, incept the
capital, which . they -were preparing to
ennui. .
Advicsw from Hayti report:President
Soh:lave at Cape ilaytien preparing for a
vigorous campaign against Casco.. ..
openly avosed his intentloll9l prevent
ing by force of arms the contemplated
erection of the Day of hiarntuus to the
United States. • .. . I
Latest accounts from St. Thomas re-
pog that fever, in a malignant form, pre
va ed, said therebsd.been a number
eases ()Dr*.
Reportifr la om Carracao represent dis.
turbancee of a revolutionary character
Continually breaking out ire different
porta of Venezuela.. ,
O. Ceolaelltentlemet Cour..nen.
(Sy Tslevirph to the rlttsberettUasltte.)
Retiree', January til.—The Appears
Little Rock special asps The Commit
teat° memorsilw Congress reported back
the raeolujlon *akin% rcu' 4 °o hundre4
thonsand dollars to improve the novigis•
Von - of the Arkanass riven, amenst-
Inept to, lnoludo all' tho Stale
was loaf. Resolution 'stapled, ,
nines o ff ered a rasbletion foe ttio
appointment of a comnotttos to memos.
adze Congress to sell at unction the hot
opringet, Adopted: .. . .
Another setting fibre Con
priations to improve the Re/
ila rivers, and also asking •
of the Freedmen's :Duro,*
siructlon was perfected, wall
Alf ordinance levying s
fourth of , per =t ow
defray the exlislnael.- of that
was re-oonsldared and paw
rpseches of Mesars.Motton and Nye
. . .
¢y lan to rittAymnitCOustt...l
, , 1
. •- WASIIIIPbToN, Jab. 24, Tl4B.
SENA.T.I:. ', : •
'rho CU.A./ eubmillted atxleasage trona
the Prealilent i teturniug dtr. TII/LYIIR'eI•
PCSOtUMMI retail eci to tir. Seddon; the
robl Secretary - of War.' Itefecrod to the
Military Comiaittee. ' •
Alva, a roilisage relative to the Dia
triet of Columbia ilonal night+ !
Binfli,N . D3 contended the Prima
dent:* conatruetlon was mittroly wrong,
and ntoirql to refer the message to the
Mr. .161:1-NSO . , , .7 thought, it desir,blo
oe't inn be iieekled at' once
Mr. 131:1CFCALENV believed Congvesa
bad committed itself to the Praeldent'a
eniitrialion, having re-paruied a bill
which remained In therreaident's hands
in the game rniinner. •• •
Mr. SUMNER denied nay
'ranee in that fact, he having introdue.
'alive a bill merely is facilitate Ito
ells then 'referred to the
Judiciary- Committee. •
. FERRY prelanted a petition In
of protection of the rights of Arnerts
insects shroud end evnearrinn there
.nd Loped speedy action efoubi. ba
m The petition RUM referred tolho
Committeo. ' • '
Mr. MORRILL, Maine, reported from
theh Committee on Appropriations the
Mouse bill to supply the deticiennisa to
tho Adminktmtmn of the reconstruction
acts and for other pnrposes..6
Mr. MORRILL moved to recede from
the Semite amendment, striking out the
sectim which prohibits Depart m ents
from transferring from one bureau' to
lanothor •
A further amendment was proposed
prohibiting members from recessing any
other newspaper than the Congrratfental
A motion to non-concur In the house
- amendment! , wnsearrted.
!dr. VAN AVYNKLE reported • from
the Finance Committee n bill securing
the Natinnal currency Culled States
bench.. aluendel in one section so as te
provide that the worn. not notes returned
to the United, States Treasury be des
troyed by maceration 111 place of burning.
The hitr WWI reed a third.time and pos.
led an amended.
calling upon the Secretary of tho Trea
ury to inform the Senate If the force to
the elmtozn lioUseat New York had been'
recently increased, and sabeth•r such to:-
crease is needed by pnblleroquipeatenta;
Mr. WiLSON introduced a lota row
!talon for tbo relic( of destitute people in
the SOL;th. Passed.
At the expiration of the morning hour
the Senate rt-41131.1 tho consideration of I
the Leo non ruction bill.
Mr. NIORTON trot: the floor and sr
geed as followss/First, that the • Coned
tlition guaranteeing to all the Staten a
It.eptibliean f6rm of government, sod the
retest Stated' 1e.1.3 being . without Slate
governments. therefore having no right
to representation in the Congress of the' .
l'rtittsi States, the Government must rt.',
thent. Ile 'quoted fmm the
Constitation and front Judicial opinion.'
A show • that this guarantee could be
forced only to ('n -gees., and said that
Seilitt.rx Doolittle and Johnson had voted
for title prop' Ilion. Ile also wad, In i
ply to the strictures yeaterdav, of Mr.,
Doolittle, on his I Mr. 'Mortenba)
that es the Constitution
did not define the means to be esernised.l
by Cougroes m executing the guarantee,
it 'must ho left to circumstances.' If totei
rebel Stiles could not be reconstructed
with the Ldp of ert a ti .te *e , tt i !f e
t r ,, i se
e I vi
do tn. Congress h.
, class of men whe bed C , um dish-and:died
by rebel State lavis in order to do it, and
that right could not to. reviewed by tae
Ito said that the Presideut pro
leased. by ins policy, the disfranchise- 1
' mod of a. far . greater , number of,
person. than the •cougreasional plan
of reconstruction did, and the con ,
stittation frantsd under that policy,'
bad never ticn submitted to the pr. ,
pie, and, was therefore Illegal. They look
ed to rotarnln4 the freedmen under. the
power of their rebel !muter.. Ccmgrou I
had deterrulned.uo go through the rub
bish down to the eiertud rock end secure
equal rights to all men. Ito defended
tot sp•ch In Indiana, (referred to by
Mr. Do es e! itt le, wherein Leland mid mere.
ly that while be admitted the Eghta of
all urea ho th ought that lief ore ere the blacks
should have auftrage there should be a
pint of probation. ' :
Itaplyin gto thleitarge that the Repair
lican• were eve'i Wowing the Gonadia
l{ al, he sold the swim talked Oho loudest
ntsmt it wore Olin, who, If they could,
would have replaced it by the Montgom
ery I....citation. The so-ladled Radicals
of the South, the Seceastortiate, ho repeat
ed, were Democrats.
Ile next trek up and commented titsrs
the claim that the depUblicans sought to
establish a negro eutiremacv, am !
Ign.. Doolittle sod hie i proposed
emendrpent Of the ilrelgtudificution for
negro Onftrage-sone yokes service In,
the United States army—he said they,
dewed rob, Is to vote who had *erred
- re years in the army. • Of the educe.
LI plan tieatione, lie nab! they
e,l white men is yeti' who did tot km.
how to put their _mark to 'vote given
for whithey ' (laughter.) and In cog to
tie third qudithsoinn, requiring the pos.'
'session of *freehold worth two bundled
end fifty 'LAMS, it would cut rlT rdncty
nine out of one hundred loyal blacks,
whiles white rebel, neves r in' his life
worth twenty-list rents, end who had
never paid One honest debt, was allowed
to vote. Thisdiacie.wd the purpose, of
the proposition. leaving an It would
white rebels hugely In the as
cendency and putting, the South
again into their Ladd* Ito disclaimed
having in 1865 endonwil the I'maldent's
ax clanged by Mr. Doolittle Yes
terday. lf., had merelY repeated state-.
'fleas made then that the President land
loft the Itopubilcan party, nod the ma
jority of Itcpuldicans Wert, of that opin
ton. Ile wee doulithowwiser now, how.
ever,timn then. Men learn by experi
ence. Their present course what dictated
by the logic of events, and ho would go
an far SS might become IfteetalaT i for
reconetruction on the right Ms,
and the restoration of every pert
of the I.7nion. They had done so
little for putilohment justice Itself was
not satisfied. 'rho arch traitor himself
would never be punished. ' But the time
for that had parsed. They simply sought
to establish peace now nd peace for the
future. The policy of a the .Itegiubtlean
party was Sudo( humanity; Of the Dem
mratic, to rouse the prejudice of race.
The first steed on the platform of the
Inalienable rights of man._ The latter
endeavored to deprive the week of all
protection. - -
The galleries had become densely
crowded during the Son der's remarks,
which were delivered In a Hitting posi
tion, he being In ill health. Some one in
the gallery, who ;male an ejaculation, in
audible to the reporter, was quietly
ej eete .?fMr.YE followed Mr. Morton. Ile
mid the amendment was Introduced to
elielt political discussion, and the object
of its author would be achieved, for the'
other nide would hove enough' of It
fore the close. The power Of the Repub
lican party had been felt on, every battle
field, and would minnow' to be felt until
the work weal completed. There had
been faint-beeriest outs during the war,as
now, null the Scooter from Wisconsin
.(Mr. Doolittle) had greatly changed
nincebe, (Mr. Nye) had eat In the galls:ion
listening to the musical strums of hia'sp.'
peel's in behalf oflikerty. ilo, (Mr. NY.)
was • Radical, ..and gloried In it.
friend had been ono once, but wan no
longer what he then WWI. He was
now a Doniocrat. I hardly know which
to epologlr.ta for retying an, the gentle.
man or the Democratic party.. (Lafugh
ter.) To show his distingntshedfriend
and the world the exact statue, gothi
cally,. of a I 7onteamative,'lte from
l'eite Lost. le. worg he recommended
to dis h norable friond,) the following:
+' rot spirits, when they please, can either
shape lumume, or both, so soft and un
compousided if their essence; pure, not
tied or manacled with joint or limb, nor
roundo.l on tho brittle strength a bones
like cumbrous flesh; but du winat shape
they choose, diluted or condensed, bright
or obscure, can execute their airy pur
pose., snd works Grieves's , enmity
daughter.) MIIK,n had the Sena
tor •In his one when he wrote that.
(Laughter.) Ile then took np the pro
posed amendment and .sald.thM to In
struct the Cougnittgel •: in' accordance
with the amendment would]. make
hecoanity• 115 sltarav
t e , ettettioi.g..
• /wpm
, and °nods
until 11'00On
tax of one
erPellY t°
untie=ti 014
tin was the work -of Cenral' alone?
Net one *tap had been takeh in ream
strut:don butwinl had ben dictated by
nisosuify. -The leading papers of the
/Forth and the wiled Copperhead paper
of the North, the Chicago Haus' had
supperted negro stiffens from ult erior'
[natives at And. Newitwu a holy hor
ror that the Southern penie were to be
Overridden i.' by la - hall babarena
rite, as the fleasier called, them,
The =groats bad, as ,he ' said,
dug trenohea for the rebels, but- tt
le Mt under the rod tot their taakmastere,
and of that sunicipatlon was' born.
Like true atria/au they raised no in
surrection but bided their . time. The '
pinch was they were to vole: Iteoen-,
strnetion was nOW a • Win ortthe Pet.
and Coasorratimn could not stOpilt. bee-
en hundred thenanimen bad the ballot,
and the Conservatives could not lake it
sway. The; t ballet was . given them
Only to. vote' upon o:inventions and 1
Constitutional amendments, and benth-
ein whites, If they , wished:, Maid
Jolliet= In the eanallahmwat of goo.
ernmants, and then. fix the stirrer as
they choose.- He alluded to the hopotpl
dense of the Efonater's speech, in regard
to tbs gathering or the clans that were to
overthrow the Reinblican Tarty. What
column would J David lead? Under
whose banner w Id the Sauter uglier
fleatighter.) World he come With the.
Northern wing udder Vallandigliam and
reollskaa "fie' ; pthestag , wenld. be
natty numbered. What would be the
=Worm? The Senator would hardly
don the gray, Mellor course not wear the.
blue. Leffler what banner ;would, ho
march? The old glory or the stars Ind
bardt l l
Mr. DOOLITTLE—I would march un
der a flog having ithirtyuvea stars. [A
pm= of applansei in the galleries was
promptly suppreesed.l
Mr. N YE continued, staying that these
hods could gather under no other ban;
nor thin of thiweinten gars, undim
med by rebottle , thought the Senator
teemed to whet pretreat lb He then
'alluded to the course of the Democratic
party In 'past years. He had belonged to
ft once, twit ought to say In excuse that
t he Was then- quite young. (Laughter.)
L a
arguedthas &contort took lie rise in
, anus, when the fiat' blood was spilled
i the aggrualth policy of slavery. To
Senator's question whether there had
hot been ' enough ( Miffering entailed' on
the South; he replied that he supposed
Abe fear was that there should be ha
posol norm theist titer further intlictlen
of a Democratic administration. [Laugh
'Ur.] Referring to the foreptiMUon
to make an educational qualificadon, he
supposed the Lemocestio party would
disfranchise a 'person named' Langston,
ho would not ;sugar in cannarban in
rasped wit/Mho/Janata:sr.' The prop
rty quallecatioa wane principle Moires
p by the old Identacratia party, end
God, eandlas,*calre out of that party
thethatcsin't rthd and wribi and where
ould It be. fbanghteri He appealed
trongly to tar Ropeiblican party to stand
rally by their pruiciplea, even though
ay took the I position of a minority.
heywonld get their reward.. For their
former Tate, the Senator from WM-
Isonsin, .fMr. Doolittle) he 'weed say
feed May he rest . la . history now.
ILatiehter.] Tt•Demotimtio pert:that
punout Wee consereative fuglemen .10
see bow it Is going to come out. [laugh
ter.) They . were sent' out as
ekinnithem to line how It would ailed
Want. He kali much to any for Grant.
Hie story was written. He had not com
promised what he fought altar. Speak
I" of Grant's I hold on nelenal I
ory, be old Conserratives, such Se the
Senator from Whoothin, attempting to ,
stand In the path of Grant, ; was like a
cattalo fialmal ou a nularay butting
against a locomotive. While) be admired ,
hts courage, he could not think much '
of nht discretion.. Grant, unlike
the , Consethativth, belonged to a
clans of animals ca ll ed veriebram The
only Rena of Copper, he WOnt onto say,
dining the butt twelve months had bean
the sins of omimion which he hoped
would bo soon I repas;ed. Sheridan bad
been immolated on the is Notedly plat
form of Coneorratiam, aad he aid not
know which was most disappointed, the
Conservatives of that body; or the Provi
dent, at the course of Meade. Quoting
from a Georgia paper a remark that
they got rid 'of a tyrant and got a
devil , Instead, Ile said donWess
liene'S head ,wordd go off tomorrow
lout that as we. lmr. eligible came on
the Mt. lie denounced aa a fain foul
!deader the athertion of Mr. Doolittle
that the Radicals of the North wee*
siothasiof ista — shorifisin we.. aeceedon
lot. Let tire Senator tell him so If
ho dared. Was Mr. Sumner, who had felt
the bruises of a rebel a secasmonlide.
Was their Chairman, Mr. Wade, who
had been twenty ythrs in the service, a
tecetsionist ? "the Itepublious forte,.
during a mighty war, had done what the
Democratic party when in power dared
not do. They had carried through an
enuirpriso.,that was destined to change
the romance of the North—the Pacific
Railroad, lie concluded with a fervid
recital of toe achievements of the Re-.I
publican party.
On motion of Mr. WILSON, the fur
ther ouninderation was postponed and
adjournment till Monday was provided. ,
Mr. SUMNER called up th e Joint ,
Resolution authorizing the Secretary of
the Navy to detail officers to reprimant
the United States at the furthCorning
International Moratime .Exposition at ,
Esters. -.
After oppoeition by Mews. TRU/S
-CULL and CON N F.SS, the death of Hon.
Elijah Hise, slgentucky, was aanothiced
by the Sedentary, tad Mr. DAVIS i)r,
Cored the Usual resolutions ' accompany
ing them by a brief speeds.
Thor were seconded by Mr. REND
RICKS, who also made a few remarks;
whereupon they were adopted and the
Senate adjourned. . •
Committee on Appropriations, reported
the regular Apprispilatton trill. Ordered
to be nrinted - and recommitted. It ap-
propristisi bolstesn nlghloon end
Wen mllllone. ,
• itsconn coartscrran. .
Mr. WASFIBLIKKKIIIineis tieing to
' quention of privilege, called attention:
ap the Pact of binvcte mth, Supplemen.:
tarp Reconatructlon bill nothavior been;
recorded, although had distinctly
voted ID the afinmative. •
The SPEAKER directed the record
be corrected.
The morning hour wan devoted tobnel
newt of a private nature. A urge nom
inn of MCA were reported from the Com
mittoo on lavalla Pensions, and passed.
The - SPEAKER presented the fellow
log - Executive commonicotine=
From the' Secretary. of War, with in
formation respecting the capture of Jeff
croon Dania, Iteforrod to Committee on
Cloture. •
From in. Secretary of the TrOWSUry,
with a communimtlon from the Comp
troller of Currency:relative to loans of
National Flanks. Itoferred toCommltte•
on Banking.
Frani Elio same, ♦lth , refereaoo to the
rovenuo cutter aerates, to response to a
rosolutlon offered by Mr. Washburn% of
RelorrodtoConainhtee on Com.'
It was ordered the *cod= to-morrow
be devoted to goneraldelmte.
1 . CLALKe.
The liffuse proceeded to-the considera
tion of the bill reported by Mr. WASII
SURNE,'of Illinois, from the Committee
on Appropriations, January 14th, to pre
vent the payment of certain claims.
It-enacts that hereafter no money shall
-be paid out of the Treasury on ony claim
in the hillowing clean of cities, arising
during thorebellion,utilli further action
of Cengrees: 'Finn, : on account of the
seloure or impihioncnsnt, or for
or:talon:irreg . ° or detention of anl a =
stores of transportation, whether by land
or water, in insurrectionary State.; sec
ond, for transportation sendoff, - go-nage,
An, beyond toe tariff rates flied by the
Quarternuutter General during the war
au for the net and occupWen of land
in the Insurrectionary Steal, need for
fortifications and ether military defen
sive purposes during the war.
The bill was discussed at considerable
length by Mews. LOGAN, MENGENi
TRIMBLE, Kentucky, UOLME9 and,
The previous question wee seconded,
but pending the disposition of the ques
corm - T tAX DILL
Mr. SCHENCK, from the Conference
Committee on the CoTax Bill. re ,
ported the Committee C
had agreed to rep
ommend that the Senate recede from Its
amendments and agree to the bill with
an amendment adding the following
words: used cotton imported trout for
eign reenter; on ; apd icier July let,
WS, shall be exempt from duty."
Altec. stme dm:miaow tire yterlmut
question wee seconded and the Confer
ence report dLegteert to yeas - sixty
seven; nays seseintj.nine. • -
Mr. ALLISON moved for s new Cool-
I mince of Conference.
• lamas. Allison; lilting and Trimble,
re Irv., were appolu‘ed inch Committee.
ei The death of Mr. Bias, tato member
ty from Kentucky, was annannosti.
ci. Adjourned. . , • '• . -
MI MID 81181111 BIN
Letter Liati.On aurjourfhpage will
be found the b Pittsbergb and Allegheny
letter Ueda :a.s famished this - eMce for
publication. •
Ciesttstan an a gasseaser Ilallweg. I
A collidon occurred on the Birming- ,
ham Passenger Rallwayyttatenlay„about.
'four o'clock, of anther serious charac
ter, soversi persons being slightly injur
ed, end one . horse, killed. Through
the kindness of the gentle nerdy agent
of the -Company, we are . enabled
to give the following particulars: • car •
No. 9, on which Mr. James Kirk is
conductor; was descending' the' heavy
grade into Smoky Hollow, on the out
ward trip, and when about half way
down the descent tho brakes gotta way . ,
throwing the entire weight of the. cared
the horses, which • being more than they
Could hold, foroedthemdowathe grade at
a rapid pace." -Nw the foot of the grado
was *Coal lemon. on the track, in which
was &colored man, who did not see the
11min:waking . oar, - and, cemequeatly,
USW; to) get•this team out of the way
'to time .to prevent a collision. The
poll * of- Cho- -our ••-strntik . tho-- -wag
on- Whir- 'soar force m.. to cause the
neva angriest driving it to fein back
ward terin'tis niest, :severely 'Aig
bli,iLvOinftif the bards attached' to ot
earints•throWEvltorn• his".feet .by the
hock, atutithe• our . pseud over him,
killing lam instantly. Several of the
u t o
mummy - were - Only injured. A
little boy, son of -3 Ice Ammon, wo.
learn' -was among em. .--• . • :
. Only &short time aMr on which
Ur. Kirk Was condo tor was "stneinhod . '
up by a rnaningtoem,, arid Mr. K. him
self narrowly eamMd' iolary. He was
ninths rear platform,-and the night be
big ••vary•dark did not -see the tam
which came upfrom behind, the pole of
the •wagon• running through .the dub
board of the car, atriklag the conductor,
and knookingtdmthronglothedear °Olin
mt. - which was Antunetely open ar the
time No blame hi-attached to either the
company-or the employes for - the acci
dent matorday,- for it was purely- an
• •
Thursday -evening a very. interesting
prostMtenon ceremony took place it the
dry goods adablie intent of Moms. Bar
ker A Co., on Maeketateent. Mr. Mathew
Greene; who bad hitherto had charge of
the silk department of the store, hoe been,
to Is well known, appointed by Mayor
tilac.kmOra, chief of ids .pedico„isad the
employes of the house deterntined to
show their appreciation by presenting
him with suitable testinionlid. • At
about.o'clock the employee, to
gether with several other trioxide of Mr.
Greene. onsembled at the *tore. where a
kind al. informal mastitis wan. orgaatted
bj calling J. W. Barker, Esg.e to pre-
Intie. • Mr. l'allartati, one vi 4 his fellow
clarka - erose and presented Mr. Greene
with. Magnificent .sold . breast plan set
with dismanda,on bhalfof -the house
and ice -employe., and as a token of
the...tram- with which they regarded
Mr. Aullestoles remarks were very
hippy and pertinent. Mr. liortbein one
of the firm of Messrs. J; W. Barkers
Co., replied on behalf of the - recipient,
and bore flattering testimony to his bus
iness qualifiestkont, and expositor' the -
sincerest whamp ensis for his comma in the
new and rasbli p to which-
Ur.- Greene bee been ruled by Mayor,
sleet, Bleckalore. Short apiece.% com
plimentary to Mr. Greene, were made by
tiereral of the gentlemen present, and
the tarty separated.Tbe appointment
of Mr. Greene is received with des ran
favor, and from long personal santalnt
arias with him we are prepared to prom
lee moth in his behalf. We hare hod
faith In. his detective abiliticii ranee,
some jean WO, he enrol our watch and
chain from pearling into the fob of n
. skillful pickpocket, who spotted on fur
"gincking.'‘, lie will make an excellent
o cer and we trust will prove se pupa
-1 Lar with the masses as he to with his tic
coal* s.+.—.s. rod
'r• and follow employes. " • ' • -
- -" . •
allallNakilltl4 .
tjeoree.—The success of "Undine,"
at the', 'Academy of Musk, during the
put week, is unparalelled, and the Mat-.
Woe this afternoon will dountloss be no
exoeption to the entertainments' that have
proceeded IL The angsgement doses to
night, and all shoal." avail themselves of
perhaps the only opportunity they will
have pf witnessing the greatest spectacle
°rah? age.
Gross Tforms.—Tit s 4 , llVernialt Of
Ow Floss:ices, at the 'Opera hobo the
past week, has been unusually brilliant,
and ws aro pleased to know a' profitable
one. i The matinee. this afternoon will be
rinuanally pleasant. The "Golden" ',ar
mee and_
_ - ..The Secret" are on the bills.
Mr. and ' Mrs. Florence will appear in
"Shandy ktsgnirce" tats evening.
AmumtitV or illesio.—Monday the
grand spent mason commences at the
Academy of Music, and wilt orstinno
for three .nights only. with • matinee on
Wednesday .=lgitt. The sale of Willeloll
tickets chased last night.
Id/soma Hits.—Dupre: S /3enedlet's
Mirstrels. at Masonic Dail, aro drawing
crowded bonne .fry night. • Their en
gagentent dowse to-night.
Oarnews • rain---The brphanit' Fair,
which for several weeks bas been draw
ing hundreds' Le the basement of the Ca
thedral every ervenlng, closes to-night.
Surnamed !MK..Then—d illloreballit
vaster &lased Skase aesday Lug. .
Oti Monday bat Mr. Anthony Freyfe
gle,lOf the merchant tailoring firm of
Freyfogle t 1311ncir, doing business on
Liberty Street, disappeared under dr
ounistathies which have led his friends
to suspectthat he hes boon foully dealt
with. It seems that he' had 'negotiated
the Woof a life lease on *pied of prop
erty . about which he had_.llthra
tion, but which hod been decided
in ' his favor, for. the .tim _of
one:thousand dollars This amount he 1
reoeived in a clvick payable to his order.
Whenh had , hie ton Monday even- I
ing ho in add to the cheek,
about two hundred ty dollars in greenbacks
and several twen &Abu. gold pieces i '
Ids possession. lie has been n
n traced to a
tavern on Diamond alley, where he had
been drinking with some companions, I
but after his departure from there, about ,
ten: o'clock at night, MI traces of his I
whereabouts has boon lont. - The
chick has not yet been presented for
paymenti and some hope that be may
yet torn up alive. Mr. Freyfogle bore
the reputation of a steady man. of sound
mind, cud hismysterions disappearance
creates much alarm among his relatives ,
and friends: -lie. hi lot' sot sod stout,
*oaks broken English and dresses with
neatness. The authorities will do well
to maim diligent search to discover. his
• '
/ 1 / 4 1,11•Cilted cartatisise le Torkar•
Rev. Arthur Bogdan, the Nestorian .
Priest, will preach to—morrow in the rot;
lowing chorale": Christ M. E. Clinic -
Ittiv. Dr. Morgan, pastor, at 101 o'clock,
'A. I X.; Flnit - Reformed Presbyterian
Church, Liberty street and Plum alley,
Rev. Dr. Douglas, puler. at I; r.
and Union- Avenue Methodist Church,
Rost Common, Allegheny, V. Lucas,
pastor, at r. x. Subject—" The Parse.
cotton of. Christians in Turkey." .
.Rev. Mr. Bogdan is perhaps mere fa
miliar with this subject than any man in
the United States, being a native of Tur
key, and having witnessed many horri
ble soence, the mere mention of which is
'Mildest to enlist the eympathlosof all
true Christiana. In addition to his ei
tenshre experlenes, he is possessed of a
highly cultivated mind, and general
hll knovileOre, and who lioxairses cannot
to inte r those hear them.'
',Tn. Blair presented a merry appear
ance lad night, with hundreds of ladle.
and gentlemen dancing and skating to
the merry tones of the Great Weetorn
Sand or promenading the platforms
awaiting the time set for the exhibition
of Dunn Pitting by, thaWeatern funrita;
Cattle Cut* whose , appearance wee the
signal for an Instantaneous clearing of
the Ice that all might obtain a view °fide
marvelous feat; which were watched
with Intense Interest and loudly ap.
plauded. We strongly recommend thoae
Who have not scan the perfection of
ehaling to ge to the Wok tials afternoon
and evening. Next .Thupsday evening
the'paYonik ci ef the itteLlt ere to bore a
grand mem asses end rickey DreieCor.
and as the propoeition originated
with the ladies, its same= tealready la.
• .
7 gnkk Wert,—Agentleman oottoected
pity the O.IILXTTE secs Iciterdav re..
dived a telegraphic maaaego tram Lon
don, Erupted, dated January 24thi 11 :/ 5 •
recto& a. )1. The message area deliver
'owl 10 blm at 10c20 o'clock same morale&
or by tithe flfty-flvw relontea bolero It
lett 'Ando*. " Greet are the wondare of:
• . . .
• An amusing eo'o of larceny as bailee'
was heartily fere Alderman MeNfasters,
in whicli'Daffney Douglass, aeolored wo•
man, was defendant, Sad Henry Seaton.
anold colored man, wasproseentor.• The
farts of the case, so far as we could leers
them from the statements of the parties,
areas follows: 3t re. Der:glass resides on
Poplar Alley,in the Sixth ward, and her
'nhand , is in the Valley of Virginia.
Seaton' is an old" acquaintance, and Ba
the strength of the friendship existing
between himself and theabsent husband,
It appears from Mn. Douglass' statement,
has been a frequent visitor at the house,
•has often drunk and supped with ,the
lonely woman daring her ansbairihr atr,
sane, arid In many cases furnished the
funds with which the articles consumed
at these meetings of friends ; were put , '
charred; but:Says he never lodged In the
house • over night. She ; further states
that when Seaton came to the house his
clothing was infested ,with versals',
and that they were ragged and
dirty; that she • had washed and
mended them for him, and rid .them of
the. vermin. ,Soliton, it appears, hart
once boon the . ' possessor of a horse and a
set of ,harness. The, horse, was
one of the kind that Would not /Pre
iirliboacating, sad mt.= was unable.
to pnienre him fookie "went dealt"'
The harems were loft on his hands, and
these, with a few honseholdrirticles, Were
neposited.with his female friend, Mrs
Douglass, to be taken ears .of. Signe.
quentiy tin amicablerelations hereto
for existing between the • partise'were
brought to a • termlorcion, on ac
count of Seaton refusing to -- furnish a
small sum of money to his friend,' and
when ho. went to remove his property
be alleges that lire. D, refused to allow
him to do so until he would pay her
the exorbitant um of three • doll a rs and
sixty cents, which he; refused, and
when ho attempted tolake the articles
She attacked him with - Bier fist and beat
himiseverely.' lie said he did not like to
prosecute a woman-for assault and bat- I
tern but he wanted his goods, hence the
Information.. After a hearing the Adder.
man dischanged the case on the delivery
of the goods by the defendant, and, as
neither party had money enough to pay
the costs, they were not charge& •
Weld *heat Drags, wevressertea, de.
Prominent among the beet maulged,
oldest and meet elegant of our retaildrug
and prescription storm atandsthai of Mr.•
Simon 4d:indent, 'corner of Smithfield
soil Fourth street Established some ten
years ago ii has kept pace widths:it till
today It deservedly ()cirri:dais front rank
in the business, and eojoys a large dude
of public partisans*, and thiti"conlidelmo
of the entire medical fraternity. Eve
, bial care In the filling of Prertitiimul,
the putting up of medicines and preps.
ration of standing remedies has ever
been lakeni, and poisons can rely to
a certainty on the accuracy and Judg
ment of those having charge of this
important department of the house: Mr.
? Johnston reels largely in perfumeries
and toilet articles, and keeps constantly
on hand an admirable selection of for
erixiitindeAmtneriirtiong goods the of this . d ino eli
favorite extracts and preparations
known to the trade. The swasartment of
betas and foreign made toilet scallis is
also vary line, and will commend
to persona haring
. a knowledge of the
superior qualities Illugsbare andabroad.
Mr. Johnston makes a leading specialty
of graaular effervescing. prepsoalions,
such as hi.carbonate of powood,Vichy wa
ter. citrate of magnesia,fiffidlita powders,
and ginger beer. Thesesro pure and put'
up in eorkvenient farm' for use when
wanted._ A. full line of dne pharmaceu
tical preparations 2.1 . 0 also kepteonstant.
ly on hand, together with the beat anti
purest of wines, brandiea. snd general
liquureformedicinal purposes. Readers
desiring anything in the way of artleidi
usually kept is similar Snit claws drug
houses are earnestly recommended to
faster this old sod well established hones
with a purchasing visit.
. A Baboon Caught Lea (Ingot.
A live baboon wad captured - yesterday
h a •ulcwienßutler and his oflleors,
britissving no p1.w . .t0 keep the .. 111:11-
mat," he was handed over to Warden
White for safe keeping. Tile Warden
too him thfoly raged, tat we are inform
ed will not allow his most intimate
friends to poep at animal. The drew:a
stanms leading to the capture aro as
follows: On the 15th instant., Mrs.
Ellen .Martin, a resident of Webster
erect, had occasion to leave. her - house
for a fsw moments, and during her ab
sence the animal above referred to
entered and feloniously took therefrom
a shawl. and scald It to Idary White.
Yesterday Mrs. Martin found - her
shawl, " and learning from Mre,
White from whom he obtained it, she
made information before Alderman
Butler ngthaet "Baboon". Searny for
larceny. and. often a
hearing c tefault of
the roquit 'floe at
A Mad
depra it
man, a resident of Lierrenceville, ap
peural at the Mayor's teals; and request.
od that his daughter, a young girl of fif
teen yeant, might be arrested and locked
up. Ile meted that a few weeks ago the
girl run away from her home aid &sap
peered. All search for her had been
fruitless, until yesterday' afternoon.
Then he found her, but under eircum
stances evhich be would almost wish that
he held found her corpse, Clreum.
Manes. led him to inquire, among the
houses of ill-fame, and in the notorious
den of lire. Smelly he fennel his child.
She refused to go home with hint, nr to
leave the' vile lama she. had made her
chiding place. According to his request
she was arrested and placed LW the lock
up, where mho still remains. She will be
mat to-day to the House of Itehee, that
being the only alternative of her, heart
broken parents.
Rt. Rev../: Rickey, of St. Paul's Ca
thedrtil, in at present Ouffering from the
effects of Reiser', which St appears was
taken by misLske. TG fa cts of the case,
so far as we Can learn, 'bre as folio e
For sereral day. past Father Hickey
has been at horny quite
Friday he was sulfuring from a
wowe attack of toothecte, end on re.
tiring took some liquid in his month,
which he supposed to be a Inediclno for
moothing the pain of his .aching tooth.
It appears that the liquid wee a Tory
strong poison, and instantly the effect of
It ware felt throughout his whole system
Yesterday morning the report was cur
rent Mat the Reverend gentleman was
dead, but thin, we are happy to say, was
incorrect. Rev. Devlin iniorms us that
at a late:hour of the forenoon the anffer.
or was not so well as earlier, but is not
considenelln a dangerous condition. It
is not known whether,he swallowed, any
if the palson or not: 1, •
Nei, Trio coampaat
. ,
At a meeting • of the eltivens of ..Lavi
reocevii/e favorable to the movement, •
last Wednesday evenine, a Ilia Compa
ny was Organised under the style of the
Lawrenceville Fire COmpany. The new
company propose to purchase a steamer
Immediately. The following officers
mere elected to serve for the ensuing year:
John W. Riddell.. President; W. C.
Drown. Nice President . Colonel Andrew
Scott; Treasurer ; Frank Donaglins, Bea
retury ; Wm. Atkinson, 'Amistant React
...try; L.W. Reynolds, A. L. Pearson and
A. D. Anderson, Delegates to Firemen's
Association. .
George CaMebell, Esti., of Vermont,
the justly world wide cele brated breeder
of Vermont Spanish Merino Sheep, re
turned through this city on Thnrsday,
afwr visiting ?Omni. Glenn it BrYither;
mid their flock of famous Improved
Spanish Merino Sheep, at lioblestown.
Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. 'Mr.
Camp belt expressed himself much gran
tied at the groat success of Messrs.
Glenn dc Brother as breeders of Spanish
Morino Sheep. The eveullness of the
Wool of individual sheep, as Moo of the
linek at large. and their .constitution;
beauty and desirableness of their fl ee ce,
length of etaple fineness, crimp and
beauty of sty le, nitld nese and the strength
of wool and eutiro exemption from.
'gum, and being without extra
amount of oil or yolk, au particularly
pleasing and remarked upon by Mr.
* Penn street Property at soettoo.-0n
Saturday, rebrumy_lat, at hlf-past two
o'clock r. IL., ou the premise., will be
sold by Menus: BoiltMon Vanhosk d
AlcCiabind, auctioneers, that very deal
rablennd valuable House andlsit, Zia
(*Penn street. The building is a four
story.(Now York style) brink • dwelling
house ' containing fourteen eommodioun
rooms., with, all the modern improve.
menu incident to a first elms' dwelling._
This property *tumid command - the at
tention of business men on aceotutt of it
being located so convenient to the •13,p1y
nem portion of the city. • . •
A 7M/s%M4IMiiiT,II,III.
• la cam et Dr. Kerte rietero7
dironged witk patients. and among
Mem we 1101.1eld Jon* - Trrratt.T., .the
young mangy of wheitt'we gave a notice
some six or algid weeks age. .One sear
Jotin Tittell could not walk, than a
. .
carious stabs of the boon of the right
leg, which had Nies enliven from the
knee to the ankle without any bandit. at
any rate Without .edoathig acme. His
wag one of .the neat hipelms of cases
and hls oonatitgidon was wore down to
xi, prostrate a condition as to sesroely
leave I hope for recMntran truth When
Dr..E. mu called is see :January
of Ind ..Year he had ti be astilled from
octoroon' to another. A. double handful
of bones hat' been dlischargall front kin
leg, and tne -alone axe all - hvaledar at
any sate La healing condition. He
stand: forth tOday the very picture of
robust healtkomf another witness to the
Mewl &fps: Heyeecla skill and tieval
us of Dr. Reysor's wonderfut, , BLOOD
SEARCHER. • Wenadensand That tide
,great med
sopicine has biles Imitated and a
spurious hiaticaticm in many cases
palmed upon the . public. far the genuine.
Limb Is note week - pessaii may, scarosly
a diy, that we do mot has? 'IIIIIOOIS one
'webs has, his money and
'made to linger in - obntbscuid wale and
a - offering by- -dna franduleat ' trtaitorar,
calculated . not only to brwsk-dewn. all
confidence la Om _integrity of mankind;
but to crime 1 - dietrust In a remedy
whosevalciels knOWn now; tit twe hem
ispheres—the Doctor having as recently
as lass week forearded" a mail of it to
England, induced by: . a great cdre made
In that ceuutry. Be eacf.thet
Jr. Keyser's name
ever tho top
f the bottle.' Sold at his gteit anwticine
store, Ili Wood 'great.. -
'Bargains tir lrer gases.
Owing to the very general depression
In the ntarkets, - * the- arderprising and
first chum dry gouda horse df ,Batos-tt
Bell, No. 214 Fifth street,. has made
special reduction In their gordscArld
now offer very reasonable bargains to
all of their =arena. Their stock ill fall
lit awry department; and is the , Oxide
are of recent =chase they are stylish
and .fealtionable.. ladies should , call
during the pasta "season' of bargains,
se the probability to that the drygoode
market.' wilt strengthen, and pricey
again advance within every short, thsta.
Mama 4,Orie Oat.
Smithson, Tanhc;ok R McClelland, at
the Manimoth_Emporham, No, 55 sod 57
Fifth street, are arming their entire
stock or Ladies', Mmes', Children's and
Gentlemen's Boots and Shoos, together.
with 'Carpets, Blankets; Fars, Robes,
Dry Goods sad notions, and Ma .wor d
thei r whole assortment, at. Arty ter tent.
below mot price, in order to close oath*
whole tot, which moat be 'acixanplished
within the next thirty days. The pxote
must be sold. aid , are marvellously
cheap. Do not fill - to - call. No tryttble
Mrs.—Between ten ind eleven °ldea'
Thursday evening • allidalire ecarrwl
in the establishment .of M.r. Conrad,
Merchant Tailor, on Duncan street, Bir
mingham The tire wu discover=
a. gentleman pantiles along the
who seeing smoke issuing from the
buildingg,, gave the alarm, and calling
the ass of somepersons near,
'broke the door down and found the floor
beneath and around .the stove on Are,
and the room completely taloa with
emote: The Mechanics . Haas Company
came so the mound, but before its
arrival the neighbors had extingu
ed the flames with water tarried Sn
buckets. •-•
Free Lecture—lntereseing Inedeela.—
"Ancient Emden Ides of the Creation;
Tbe Antedelailim or Golden Age; The
Bell of Adam; The Deluge and the
Judgment" "The Rev.' W. I. &mule
Minister of the New Jerusalem Church,
corner of ..Wood and Sixth street, will
leature on Sundsy eventing on the shove
subjects. Thee, subjen4 will be treated
in a vordanos with the tanattings of sci
ence and the.doctrloss of Swedenborg,
and all who are seekers atter the truth
zipjwiaggite_new. and rational
joct. rorei;7l.llklermi IFLI)7
Raw In the 'Math Ward.vvA tow Co
curred,ydaterday morning ate tavern on
Liberty street, In the Ninth ward; kept
by Jbhn Waldy, between the proprietor
and Pat:Mk Tube'', In Which it appeals
the latter was badly besten;, in chose
orient* of which he made infOrmatloit
before Alderman Istraba Against, .Waldy
for assault and battery and surety of the
peace. warnuat was Ironed fOr Me ar
rest of the aoYesed.
Malicious . IHlseldet4,-.lseob Brnnm
made information More Aldsrman
yesterday, 'charging . alehard
and Charms Esteems's, tnirist' Baum,
Jacob Palmer and Charles Kaufman
with malicheue mischief. It la 51144*
by the prosecutor than the dafendan
wilfully and mallasrusly set lire to
fence in the &orals h ward. A'-warrant
was Issued for their arrest..
Iv sr.
• A Dutiful !ea—cast.ei Flan:nide In-;
formathin bacon Alderman yesl
terday against his son, William Hun;
for sandy of the ipswee. - It appears that
the son Is in the - habit of gating diunk
and abusing the father, who was ocim:
Paled to adopt this come for his tarn
protection. The parties inside In the'
Seventh ward. A warrant Was lamed
for Ids arrest.
Relies:is Services of an in eroding and
entertaining character will bajteld under
the auspices of the Young Men's Christ , .
lan 'AesocLation, et the Aesderrry of MU:
sir, to-morrow afternoon itthreeo'elook.
Rev. W. IL Locke, Mem& E. T..Coalt,
E. P. Lang, H. K. Porter pad other gen
flemen"Will address the meeting. fleets
free and 110 collection. .
Vasa IPretenee...4ohn lones*ts re.
tetchy charged before Alderman
withlalse pretence; on.oath of. Jotui
Shaul who alleges that the aoeitand ob=;
tattled his airman:mato snot.= endorser'
under false and fraudulent. repunelldu - '
lions. A warrant was Leaved.
T. M. A.—The togulsr. SCIDEltai
IneptiDig of the Young Man's Chria- , .
flan - Anociation will be • 'held ant
their loom, No. 'M Fifth.atreat, thli
(listerday) eve/Angst 71 o'clock. A fall;
attendance of members/ Is requested; ".
Frnit...4ohn Dillon alleges that Anne
Walton obtained goods from him to the
value of $8.9.1, and that he has reason to
believe that she is trying to defraud him
ont of that *manta. She, was arrested
and held to ball. ,
• Omer of the Pewee.—MaryLomb:
Ito made Information before Aldermau
Strain agalest Dominos 'Reed for surety
of the peace. The parties :Pigeon Griot
.treet. A irarnOtt was Issued tor the itt• • •• •
refit of Reed. . . . n ,
fer of Feat Estate LlPtate Newn,fity
RO3S-BROMN-On Marsden Seater? ,Shh.
at the Vint Celled Presbyterian March. by Om
Rev. W. 4. Reid. Yr:THOMAS R. 1011 mad
In. Ali itir. W. 111 , 0 WW. bola of tbla ......0,
Ile cards.
CARIURN- ILITU-On ?hued.) eveeleS.
..: swum Std. HSI. at the rut tepee of the itride's
parent*., by 2... Jab. Sc oboTss*
0 S. CARRIER ..d ILIZA.N.. elderadauliter
of Ws. H. Ibbab. ibfb
eatriusy-OptsBUILIC-Ou lb. out of DeoMm.
ler LC, by] tie, R. G. EGAD , , Mr- J.'S.
0 513511 an Mrs S. T. X. 01111•01 M tetS of
MRCP LES-On do 01 of Joboo ' oy,
GC, by Rev. G. 1 malts, Mr. JOBS inezrts,
a Bared* , sad MI. IMML SISILIS4, of
Itscherder. • ', • 1:
012131 MING TUOIIIION-us Tititrxiat, ix.
hid lest, at 4 residence of Hen. W. EL Levr.
rte. Allegbesay City, by gee. WI. D. Do red,
D D . ley. Robs= D. CUMMINGS. of MM.
driplith and. Mies Clittalltt TBOMPRION, of
Allegbeay City. ' . • .. i,
lIARRAGGET—(he nteseannilai.24lllent...
et e ...elect. at en netco lrec wenn, Na.
eels. , et en. Allen..? an. ADA. awn.
luttsanoli yesenst wanner , of (lona.
Canneliarbobigh. age4l7.n.lnteethe
sod &nye.
Tecand en Ten (llatarkerl Leensoo. 0a
210 Leg., cl
& o'ock:.Tntrinels of the 0;017
an Italie. to
OWAN-0a leney nowt.
CDR& L. neaten Salt ellen
&ern, aged IS mouths. 1
.'She Ina.' eel Ins phew bees the erefi.
et he. pane. Mo.X. newel ,etene..eoco. l
. 1 * " , e MinenleT) Arneson, et II Wench
pradsely. The Mean or lho WWI er0O 0 "
I PonleMy netted be attn.&
Illerrjrianas ner =inert
.41.Lcelo McGee...
Ibe tonal tat. 11.1. I
o•clock. Moe MN .tealkno.. l hle Melente. MO.I
FM Lawn nen, ilbralreny. Tho 01.145
(be WWI en Melted to Mien.;
'iii 14,1
trigivanY. cuizErl l,
Inronsamt Ant AutnuaT.
• Lai • d..% 'etratalias *art
Vita or taiallsday mat*, satblf. tootaall
ir .ii. was Nam aTssialfrO b a °4
vsiaida• Buda° °Ana ibsi Vastly.
sad Most sad mat ralisais ThssasSat sad Cant .
*axial !lariat Smarts Wu by aay Mgr a
the citys Ito :nava, 14eassio or Itsassat
sossuisassruAssat ' •
. ma as luau °Auras
Clubs a *a -
koso copy OP Man to tba rassosiKVAl
ay, tan !lab, Agbiltbsaa. odidwasa Oa Saadi)*
NOS= to' 110121:13322L araseb4‘ pie
Pslas. bs sot nada °rat °Mu Too
sum M - spousal. Iradansay; saga Usu.
asetbers bads/ bat antaall ant. -
ire Xami by DraftaGodeas, It.Yy 016.111
Sr la laybiars4Lsttsta,asay Li ems as outbid'
• rtrreirosuu. nurse',
A LEX: t utkElt r iliiprirniblii
ran:, amt. intraawn .
'mynas, of Ali M. Cl/0101, OLOPLO,,i.
enter ao*lptlosi of /lowa Paralsktia
hralaad.. yooy CPA Ooy •OO EOM Vow. ,
: ivoludKoW-Sto• -mai wan 6.D.dita.
Jann. D:Dwrkooo. rotari4l4.-4
`441,r0b H. Miler. Z.Q. • I
aULtsa a. 11:01..I1 -. . ICJador.:
T.A.Z.Zita AND LITZIetT 41%131..poznipir
or Saidosiiialkoal and Chili% iwronig`hnigia
ay City._ what* ash , COll2iN ZOOMS ar• oak ,
ataatly aajollad with real *id Indianan lito*--
wool, Mahogany sag Manta Cotlas, it rie - ag.
varytai frit= $1 to $l , O. 'Sod itinpragotint tot nt.
:htrotent. AL•arao• had forahholg
Also. w kind* a Montohtit atoothhir iepolgod..
'Mao owl at Itonia.'day .d Wahl. :" "
-Ep ,
ou tarr T. st9iiicf,
YAW AND 4141.; et.;
.41:10.414.7; rid e NO. O DlNignie 111411.614..'04 .
.Telplgrilmt es ) amv . • Dast4 the,
Don )I(etil, Rowrood, I'a.& sad
ilDwrood CAUL. Want Nails fivall2l'spr:
mad. Nolkorood CoNu up . .. 01 al ISMS ,
copukt preportloa. Cantata .4. 1 / 4 .1.!0.
turAlsneel at lob rate. Crape, illoteo. !late
sad Vnpsvtaitued VAMP AND/A1OPIIN: 0 4 7
1 And _ • .
RDwAsin czaprimptub 1E64
Alleglisay.- UMW& 44 W. 4 Alt: ialsas Cat.
las, visa • samale stak *Msgr.l plaaldilat
creatd. eti tptha itraubed as usivitini
EiriralOrlop. 'WO sat Warr sat ,
at tun sal .104.114 .15ussta .osaalatast
astassbal;' 16 0/* rie".., ,L , 11 ;5 4 11'e';
Fon •IBEIT—Turo tftree.stowf
II wrAtogton stroeL 1122122 4: JOGS
• -
mOCiIEtS !albs moot balding oriosiellii
Koratonetoolus Itoak:PS/JSZETT rr" ll 4 ‘
mom of Uorrlsoot mollotooomsoilO
a 1.... For iarms, A.. limply at VAX BANN.
T 9 1.T.T .- The F'”rith mid half
07 THIRD 11702172 of the new ball/Ili&
Nalfs Meer) , letWeet. recede. oft •J 1 IV
ti on titreT.—Seve , at flisfhlaigs
ZOO m um, GarcrraTIVILDIAG.With
good UgOt o u had .
~ APPLY I .s
. --
To ILIRT—AI lone and Oiboliali.
od AIIZHOINC. a arset.ititi
Itarlat. , Mist Insantrate. Peadisalits Kra ode
April Ut t -Tamar. 99 OICO. ZlPUtrvatit
n-wrwmagm- :
poll it iCLE—That yorpiestta.
•••.!: Mit tiwatcl.l3G NOii3&Jlo. u aiiia
mitt; Allestui7 CItA contat!thor i tvalme.'
NM PAW:kV:ow , Aulai4tols. esti beamilmt,
allyttold wits,. watt,. ejeuitir, wash helm
041.6 co
k 1 llar. Inuits at Da us WOOD IC'
Pittsburgh- •
FOR SALE—S.. dentrable
; , -Ouve.dort 1111.101 C , 11101:11Z. - n early urn
proved brkk tram asar . tes mantias: gia,.1411
wider threngbast; hease•eontalan 'even naane
.1 . 4115161.4garett;210. £Lt writs
eizuk arols Amp
ism as •
—Wool:far tor sal• 10,e03 Ares et L ea Le
awtrseK aboat elsethis above the clt •of pa,
;Isettleala. Th. land IS nneroeed ant unbar nil: ,
;tllntten and lasustomened tor dans.,
'soil predattivenesi or Southern Ctspl.4 rash la:
now cane, cotton, rice, tweet notelles stair ,
',sego tees. with Isperbsr:mrestag for cats* see
rants( hods, on tint pin* noon The ban of.
y . eflot. sloe Umber I. thandance, inest tent
ester pan., for saw tittlla.nith 4Pth.roats
..nun for steamboat. to run noun. ills the
704 r, where Is can to touted Into rents/.
andthrpeed north: Th.. are t.. rood tr..'
'beams to the dreads.... Ti.. Inners abound:
ash, scree, duct , .ed the revolts +4 , all.
Atha. or gaMe—bear, deer, surkmr,' resin, stn .
The oottstry Ss eentrely nee trots those Mere...
.4grapteredb7 miatelalle lrAto iron^panosic .
lip thole:nth. We wilt eel thlt Wel at the Lod,
pendant...per acre.
A 1... a Watt of nytOsecen • slntpree.
id. terraria tab the Snug Palen plea than...,
Decry fst 1,1117 ter sawing timber. eavlitsble,
streams. IseSett the Ituttler teethe Thle'
temtwosess;tiwanoi Namur
Tor furthor, furor:ll64m mead or tall for.trq
Olouthera Land Circular: Si Ll:h finUTTrIILT,
Reel,lstoto dad la.unabee Agent!. Tftfehurlh;
, ifoessrly Luvrouravillo.)
;PlALtilLE—TPiyeal IroirrdeslnEw.
hbeihrild strait, !lin mail. AlMidway, on.hrif
none from street nrs. lach.lonua entail:ls'
sislitromen aye ilatsbast pale: slot sra Itatned
thromsboat la tin best Yr_ anger, with hot sad:
Mild sinter; both nom, *star 01044,i e. bti
Mantras, ma, ate. Ine Mina pranriy Mr:mit
eland astir . is. Lt. of Tabraary, Tar farilmr,
partioanni amply a' Mina Lf fIIS Zi Zit Bhui.,
phiPrinnim harl Inilawrck net, Miribnii•
FOR SALE:—Homeand Lot 4.,a.
fi eouu mt . Agana
Year Parreartt Itallmr. Lot 44 .07 ID. 111.1!
116 . 64 tramp. coatalalai 7 roam. awl mod b 411,...
intlecpxgrad.; Hoar and Lot esialballaldOsist .
.Input' rtria. fllatten atv, Lea S 7 brU -
tact{ bilaie MUM. oostalan Nu; InsomiA/14::
gaid WI.; watersat pa.. Ae, man% saig.,
auroudtoodu rut maths; lambs °VI?"'
;11.11Ea OCI.i Sutra Most.: mar,
. _
IFOR IA IL Ef-11 . 0 ROES .—.ALT.
uowmors im.ry wa etaiob.
1.. tuiThy Roam 04711 thm - DarriAt
GEZIE• xasets DRUMM ,
110.11Sts thaw BLACK. 1/Lißraz gin
;LAMS, 11.281 . 8751210, e..r tbe laego. ,
lirflorses tastikt and sad ea emaaladas
pOlt. BALE-,-ose c&nelLeMt
ittiUMs for oas twe hones: owSWO,
kokar WAGON; • doable set el NAB.
Yom:asattrarm. Milian. it CA PEln7r,lX.'.
on. ,or ranrr.w and reed* OIL.
tattivaZzlrooO. /.. s o 8t0!..) , 1. 40 . 1 k446 ., •
Sots s Vicuna MPS* ilia Soap. (cos , aim, 10
alitatao.) TqulrOsOtiallio Una, lift
tidos Id par cent. eljtorlas.) Betel:10Po day
SNA (ued to Itailaad One 1111 con.) . ,
OaaadLs anzayssersi rusralnatttmiL;
!argataarlter.amtug m cablam• roam. , r'
Da. . do. Beldllut Voiidoro..
dO. ' OtasaeDaal
- ,
.rirs 11.• 1R1111N.•=.9.16, .
ew. cut, eau •
BraattypallNtaattalladtaal sta.
' Rims. ' . Doable Saimaa,: ,
Bra:bac Care.. ree4.4.7, aaa taiir' •
at.fttar-say aulcus bautetbre : allasalt
SW la au um:twat. all of Uttca Ira mats
dtrect MUM , . tamataatarara,"aad I.
.qua Wean greatly Imam vaat Watts ease-""
vrtitd for nth Impli . lelP rod
Caw" erlitaltkaald aad faarta '
1 • *scat for CupleWautusa6Camolads... ,
Mirk umatlmutz at Dawstle Sow wit,
hrlaamtry at urr tat:
it a 'ants
IB novnio ipriefriai
lor!ala by as
se rim mist
or,Azr. :inn, AT
, ,
avisaaen a otaszarira.
r irr" a 4 =a7l. 9MINGS.
= , lA A P1." 131 c 4 .P.Thei1ik.....,
•149AtW balitill• is oisi;tt la Um UWIII.BIIO.
salt, Ae 11t OLAZ LL qOl/PLIULD
!rpm A CLII Ramat= stack a,` ,
iltra 'lewdest Tail'
• /
ste. es Inuit gm: saiwiff: st innsere.
fl a._sa
oe: ran luid,
- • 1.
. .
~~a. "~ r
, ~,