12 F' II I 4. II Eittstmro fiapth H giTgr AND SUBURBA ECUOOL INS.TITETLI * . _ ,21,4 , 0N - 6 . 1W1 : -MOTt.SING SEIIIIOS. Tan Sabbath' Seber:l Teacher& Ind& - trite, M. Conmetion with the Refonn at United : Presbyterian Marche& t atiertibler In the. Second U. P. Church, Stith eereetomeerday morning at halt . - Past nine o'clock, and pmeeeded to dego. Atonal exercises under the. direction 'of _ .. , 1 _ tem. , J. V. Sprain. 1 ..4A„the conclusion of the devotional '. exercises, the Businee Committee made their TePort: The report, after a slight - amendumet, was adopted as fellows: _ ..Rads That the relatiena of theSish haihSch to the Church are such that her numer strength and prosperity:in our; hind y depend upon Strand that as sn rintendents and teachani we will d otuise_lves more earnestly to - It in time 'come. : Btu:aired, That to establish arid vigor. oualy sup Mission Sabbah ods, thdestituto parts of the city ortry, .11 is One the 'best means of a thing the Mamas, and that every : selteustahe MS : congregation should give Its Influ ence and pecuniary support In' this be -hale • Rapked, That In, view of a fact thin merry bullied In our Sabbath Schools do - not'ouly meet° attend Ito ,bet. - neglect. to enter. the °corona lon or the Cherreb, - rapertutendents An teachers • shenld:_employ every pro meansio indueeMekieholars togive eir hearts - . to - Chdat and themselves t• work of . Ruoleat, That It is thaSjudguitint or ' this Institute that no Sabbath bkhoolein - be ellicleoUy conducted without holding Leathers' meetings at teed monthly, and whore the teachers alp not characterised , by a rM It of uierfuneese end Mayer In their, Reaoloed, That we ' regard t o great aPpera , o4an thO *Silgt• to:ad . Die, snorter catethista in. the Tamil sad the SabbediSchool, and the bared on of lacks into thellabbsth &Mont Libraries c - widsh are not-strictly religion& ...- , Itelafred, That we hail with plenum • the increased Interest now_ taken In the Sabbath School work by the.Refortned and Untied FreebYterhul Chute-Mg, end , that pledge ourselves to renewed ea erAty and zeal In this glorious work., ' ' • • desofeed, That as much of tit. ofticl-' t ency and pleasure of the Sabbath School f depends on gtiod singing, the educed= of the children in music dietild be Made _"' , ampecielty, and we recommend that sing • imeclimage be. formed lisetuurectionwith all our Sabbath School., Where they can_ be conducted with convenience - and - 'l2esotroort, That in our jedgmacit Sab bath School:lnstitutes are orientated to .-Tey promote the Interests of the Bat- Schooritause, end wei,therefore re commend that the _Dtelleed Committee of this fredltutebe authorised toad an other Sabbath School Institute, to meet • - In th.SetiondTi.B: Charch, : AlleglieeY. .- on the sesonelTnesday of July Rex; at leas mart 'was signed by Bev. J.' B. Clark, D. Re D.,'ltidd Thoe.ll. Rabe, Esq, , Rev. ...T. *la than spoke on the Im portance in "Sermons and Addressee to Sabbath School Children." - The children, be said, need special sermons,, for it I. evident,- ongoing-, through tir e' Sabbath schools, that children hero much of the Old Adam trithekhearts. By the toellah nee Of,preaching they .rem be brought to : a knowledge of the truth m it hiln Jesus Christ. Special encouragement I s gives tapresebto children, beesusetbelr . minds 'are well adapted to receive It. Tbeirbsertakivenotgrowneulionsunder : the Inflariece ofthe wade -Sp:ldd pram. Imam* given that blessings Shall rem on ' the, young. The command. of Gods. to • preach the Gospel to "every creature' . a- Evoryminlster of Christ is able to preach ' - these sermons to cluidren. But I. re ,. quizesisperial preparation to enable them „Ray. John Douglas,D. D: than deny-, arod an address on "Sabbat h School Lit ardor& . Distribution of Library, rte." Dr-iDeuglaer saki tbe great demand of the • age was rod something to read. Although - the idesexatriinimt press Is multiplying , . Ikeka by the.hour, still the cry is he moni.becitts. - infidelity bas taken the - lead.in the matter of publications. There Ica ao.ahled literature that .1a being scattered over the - land as thickly as the • ' lessee ot autumn, which only then the mask= and ministers to the excite. ment of the carted propensities • The unmet inilustrices of these publications should liecormetracted by a sound' and ~ I . hicsitty Sabbath School literature. Con. eideidinn, should be had to the material -to be operated upon -the young, and also ad-the object of the Sabbath SeheoL T • namaiy, to bring children to God. Dry " den said; eßunko ate spectacles through which. to read. nature.' , Books In a j '-eabbitili school library should be spenia- de& thee_wsuld enable the children to• 1 '• 54etptier - and •!unable" the sublime mysteries of the Bible.- There should be biesiks on doctrine, christlen duty, expel, - ' Wined religion and clevotiol3. - Works of fiction, curb es are now used should be to eared extent coat out of the lib 'a ' ry.. 'Britparable, allegory and =lathe. • may be used with great. efficiency. As - tti perlodDDl. be meld cordially ream . Sneed the "Youth's. Evangelist," phi,- ' Relied by Mr.Fergason, of Philadelphie 1 fisr the use of children Theßearfai ' , &hoot Taxes harigreatiy improved, an. was an excelled aid to temeberg - •I I MAIM. William Frew spoke on tbe rol l lowing topic: "The Older Scholar.; Row toiletsia Them to the Sabbath Sohoch , l . "-Mr.:- Frew considered' .the retention of •• older : Beholds the mist Important fm. - . ears of - Sabbath School Instruction, and' present the following points, enforcing theta with much earnestness: lee. The school - la not simply an institution Gtr little Children. It S. adapted to all des and atralmnanta. ' Ile Illustrated his : - petnthythesebeabulMr. Beecher ape MmSpangeori. - Ace a grandlkther and giathibnottier - clad be mitindished in 1 evaeys-ischocd. • .3d- -- Boge - an able ' teacher; Abe pastor If possi bl e , and the congregation had bettecreduce Ins' other' labontrather.than neglect this. 3d. Fe l lablidrsChriatima dmoclatinn In every, - comprespnion with which, if , pourable.; (Watisicamg ram and woman lir -to, b 3 connected. Give each one some th ing t, do. , 4th. Maws an occasional sociable in ' the'estien, with a view to develop pleasant seed Influence. sth. I,ot. the _teachers of Bible climes make matirel pmemention, bayou reputation. for learn. inl-a•pleausing manner of address and .. Tink - Medea (Recessed stales wore th en namlng Dein dr public debate. Mr.-Reid - and Dr. Doggies had many question. addressedl .. o, them on • - the subjects of their remarks. Then opened the merle ' teresting "Question_Drawer."--„Sinudail. dreeres were Made and questions Vt.. pounded by Dr. Brown, Meter - Frew, ,To..d.m, Ds. D l D:i o hes, Rev. a., 3f; MEMeaniMr. John Men mery,bir! Rum, bir.ltreckan, Mn i Mr. Boyd Mmßler"se; and others-.. The Institate then exthntrited to the at teitoon at' Unmet two • o'clock; DLlDongher 'pronouncing the benedle.. , The Institute mat in the afternoon at hfilatast twoo'clocit, and proceeded.witts • the usual devotional exerebenr under the direction of Mr. R. Dunaeath. - The sub jectfar'ofthacrayer vraa**Tios Baptised Youth. ' Rev. J. S. Ilawk, Of East Liberty, Men addreased the Assembly on the Open lug Exercises of the Sabbath SchooL" t lie.eatudderedthe opening exercises of as touch Importance as any other. No meow' .esa attend the exercise of the Sabbath School valets the influence of the Rely Spirit shall have been= beensecured In.ansester to prayer... There-should be a Axed time to opeh the Sabbath School, antlitatunad hoopoes:du the time; The PardiushOuld be sung bantam:Whir tune. The prayer should be shOrt and appro. abienee;of,Mai. A. IL Rider who wan appointed, Mr. T. Ilracken, student of Theology eoened the discus sion of the topic. "Modes - at Sabbath Seined teaching; Illustrative Teaching " -Hs believed prepared notes (notes foul, ' in books) should only be used. as helps ereparing the lesson, not in seed:ann., The Intim ornstive mode of teaching la excellent. The lecturing By - Stern is not good, when it Is overdone. ' Theillastra- I tisa„.eierboci--teschinst by objects—ls a good one.' The Ifol,y Spirit adopted this methed. - - Christ adopted it in hie pets. belle fivatem or teaching.' A movie, Stirwerileaf, or almost any natural abject may-be used: Every illustration should ---lax brier—lndependent in itself, not re-. quirhsg another illustratites to develop Ins rdeanhsg.. The illustratihn should be 010eot and blackboards teaching was atoll dlicossed by Profeesrer 1. A. Mi streat. Be presented pletnrea represent ' leg the good na Samarith ee tan, prodigal eon. 'Pant - at Meli and' give good eo - . keens of oral ' teaching to accommny *T the pictres: - lie then - gave srpo... ena .of backboard - teaching. - The above topics were then dlstrossed by . the Institute. Rev. S. B. Reed tbeaght It; met ' 'o f the grftfort lausecto open the Seb School.put at ttime sppointedt' it, would SWIMS Punctuality. A. pastor once restated be . would not leave his studytogotochddreh ski long mite co e ld.'eee onnsindtviduni pa" Mgr 1 lane in which his church was e -The col uuseq anee wax thatihe Interniniservice did not commence 2111 Oire O'clock, bathe afternoon. cidr..Tohnti. Sands thought the reading of the .Scriptures should. nOt be omitted iIGUIft- opening of the Sabbath School. , • Re --' thought Superintendents should L.. - zoalla "children's. prayers, " end make them short Major liirlillam.Erew thought the sloors of-the Sabbath School should be cooed t during the opening exerciser. indeed, he thought pastors , should do the tame iirttEeir churches, fo daring the openin g aistrhesakrestnumbarenter the church seemingly determined to make as much noise as poeslblc. '- - Mr. F. Wakelsiz' thought the Su - perintatident sbonld read with tbe child .- ntal. am. *el Ws pray , - with . them. L . He T.thozurbt there sho uld more singing the , solicel. 'At least three peep, should-be sung during each -Rev. A. Calhoun wasconidtieed it use et the importance that perms be`a and brief:. axe 2:hildten-shltt n3Fl4i-to.. 1 :411 'tkOLI sit 1. hands ind stand in a praying . attitude during theopenlng ex:ambles. 14r. litchi - asters thought- the plan or shut:it:rig - WS doers:-would not mit well this Itoldweatheiriirdeat each ,thsgrega lion was provided with an ante-room. Dr. 'gamma said; there wax • danger In fallintbstootther extrema Tbsreatiould be la ther too much extravagance ea the the baud, noii too math atruptithy Proceed I r queat.ono from the , - .drawer." "Sbould none but profea Stone of religion teach In the Sabbath School?" Anonmed appropriately and negatived by aileron t persona, and 'die ! coasted at earasiderablelenzth. . • Bev.. Jos. ' Kerr tken tineht a made. lemon in the Bible a elms of ten or eleven young bah% and gentle men. founded on the =3. .I"SaLm. hret at half past' anon o'clock' ant anent twenty minutes In devotional ex ercises; study the conduct of Bay. D. Barclay. . . Yr._ lotto S. Sands then, delivered an address on Teachers' mertinsw,;lrma tutees, ete. • T eachers'T mestinpahonld be held once eek, for prayer. If t meebnga would be made. profitable the ladies should all come—come prepared, and come With their Waits In the work, These meeting./ swore concentrated ef fort, 'and the development or unlevel °pad moriorcec., They. awaken the la tent talent eif-aliev./oml- in which th e y aye held. On motion, the resolution recommend ing the holding of another Institute. In Jody next was reconsidered, and'it te.o resolved to bold the next Institute in January, IWO, the time to be fixed by the Business Committee. ; It wen moved that steps be Mimi to bold .a Stole Convendo.n. The: motion . The "Question Drawer" was opened. again. "Itowisfirom abould a teacher Le Indulged in tardiness or -Meet= before amain:is aprintedr me 'almu's, it was sr• a towbar was If ' absent three times in tumeesslou, with out sullizient need:acts, "How eartgleeMonebebrouttht to Support - end viiir the - Sabbath. School!" They should place the Sabbath School on Mamma D at.with. other- benevolent aaseelatiduic and prdride"accOmmoda- Sons for visitors. Renr,C..A. Dickeyde i lvered an address to "teachers." " What ought a Sabbath School teacher do above all things, and without which he 'can - do nothing? He ought to prepare. Congregations would Soot' languish and fade away if ministers did net give - themselves, to study. It is Important that teachers should do the same. The Sabbath School is not oppos ed to the Church, it is the Church. It ,does not Infringe open. the Church. The Sabbath School of today will bo the Mitch •cx . fifteen; years . .hence: -The• work of the teacher Ise hard and respon sible work, and,:therefore, requires the most cerefainreporelon. ••itsv,ote of thank& was for hi c. new thti:lnstitute for their efficient Services, and the Trustees of; the Church for the use of their edifice. -I[4: latrestic.saterned thihks for the resolution. . unto-orthulial 'Was 'also passed to the Committee of arrangements, and the gentleman who had defrayed, out of his own tettaterunise, tire e Ithe entire of Ref. T. IL Ifectnal'id In prayer, after sinedgthe 'Manistee; the Institute tookedJonreed, finally.trythePresident,. Dr Brown, Anernotutchag the benedie- Litinaaniour riPort of tbe Institute to a elm we may take occasion to say that 'twits by the the most successful as reciably of the kind, of a local character,' that has ever mat Latins neighborhood. No other that we henna seen would emu pare with It in nut:ober. lihtwitbstand. lag the almost Impassable condition of the streets, the house was filled again tastnight ha oterflowing. The speeche-, throughout gave :evidence of careful thoog . ht, and were delivered In the moat imptacialvelpanner- " ' Wemay mention, although he-. is op -posed to:hiving:his name made public, that thegent.teman referred to above as having defrayed the entire , e.rpenses of the Inatitute; is that noble,liberal and earnest Christian worker, Thomas H. Raw, Esq., whole devoting. his timeanti wealth to the cause of -Sabbath School in etruction. -. , TER COURTS; EftstrLit Court-,r; Idge Itaspirm. The lirmatring:eoiiiity ejectment elute, Lave progressed to the close of ,avi deuce:and a partial lamming up tolhi• jury: The corkelealou will likely be . reacherL today. • _ 4 3.4rier Ilesslasa—Jodie Stowe. Court met at ten o'clock Thursday and procesdod with the . Com•th vs, litichsekl3mbill and doh - • Hughes; indictment setting fire too causing the • destruction of Wallace'. Foundry Wm:IMM the Tenth 'ward on the morningpf Christmas last. i'he main feature in the cam, indl etinitbe guilt of She defendants, was She tracing to their : nottsestien ota box of draught log instruments .‘erhich had evidently been taken from a desk to the foundry shortly bedare the fire; What other evi dence-wad offered Wee .mittrely thrum staptisd. The defendants were seen in the vicinity-. (within• a squarej of the foundry shortly before the lire brake ont, and were at the fire among the first after its dtscrirery: The • cam was not min . • slat adjournment . . • bersommarlears—geOgo xenon. Taussuar.lan, the case of . . rgis/L Tenon vs. : lame Chutes; re poem& on Tiesday, • the plaintiff. took a Sintlitait: .The verdict agreed upon by the Jury, was therefore not received, the ulahatitra counsel having moved fin. the non-mit, before the Imp aurared to' !ender their verdict. . G. Johnson t Ca., vs. Schulz, Drummer Co. Action to recover $C.i.,,5p. amount of nerulevesi kir princes til l hew* *c. Verdict in favor of the plain tiffs for full amount claimed... : . . In the case of Jane Stewart v} John ; atowls4. - Prtmsedinans in divorce, .'{deans granted:en medial of a jury) an attach, meat "Ras granted agitate isaPetkient for nonissysmoit Dimas In soon:darter with the order'ef-Court. James:EL Patter ye. the Osal Bluff Mantua Company.. Action: to recover 5219,01, with interest from May 5th,1565, the same being, as.cialmed, for money overpaid on shill of coal purchased by I platutllf - ftortr-defereleat. -- Yeritct - for Patriot Hanley yy Michael Rafferty. notion for damage.. lawas allesseithat gin plaintiff's alb], about ..einbteen was seriously:. ininrel Minuet the esielessittes of the defend -ant in =daubing his from a ant an Hilt street, in • the Eighth ward, cruising tkoTionisto , take fright before entirely' unhitched and run over and • pre en the Oit trial. - EL was admitted man attor ney; on met:ion of Gen. F. H. Collier. Ponswint is the trial Ust for this' drty• • 45:.Waze vs Longoria], - _ 46. Hampton for use vs. McDonald. C.:Aiken at al. 1. linnlevy ex•rs 49. Union Skating Co-vs Kerwidat al 2. Taylor - vs. Sinclatr- 13rawn is. Smith et az. "DZcmzl LIT. Barringtodvv, Kash. It Lawson vs. Edmonds. 4. Brown vs. Logan. 5. Mug irs. Oliver et aL C. Steiner ye. Elimpson et al. 7. Blettudetta et M. H. Roe. - 8. Ditto ta. Mercer it. al. 9. Azulerscm vv. S - mlittb di Co IdentionThas been Made in tome or the papers of improvemeht fa biaits for fur , nricak, and of the unusually large pro. diction Orem:Vld la Ude city. If we.are :not mistaken these results have all beat !aurptase3 by the production reported of ,'.the "Weateratate-Initi Flatus*" at - Sits . Iron, which for the week ending the 10th ! wax,of Furnace No.l-2.2 tons and 575 03thids, and of FUESIACIO No. 2=418 tam 'TOW, 441 tons and or, painds grass of grey metal. These furnaces aro only twelve fee t bosh and forty-eight feet high, ruse stone coal exclusively, and ere - blown by art nights built at the cells. brated WassidegionNorke of Robinson, Rea et Co. of this city. If they do effect larger, productioss elsewhere,' we are Clad to note that the engine by which the fete was accomplished Is of Pitts burgh 131112UnICAXEre. ' '- • V EMI Catherine Girt trutati information yes - terday_ before J make llelsolaipti nit Hrs. Tessa Blgargr; chanting her with annuli and battery, The defendant keeps a pawnbroker's shop in Ihrminghem, and the pnweetitrix alleges that sometime Once she took sick and was taken to hoe- 'Mal, and while there her husband, who pmrs Is a habitual drunkard, pawn. e t eiThi clothing and bed clothing to the defendant, and spent the money for whiskey. When ahe recovered and re. turned home, not a stitch of apparel or bed clothing was left in the house. She ascertained that they had been pawned with Mrs. Mager, and she called upon. that lady and demanded them, when, as she alleges, she waserra..rvi and beaten. A. Warrant was issued for-the - enderr of Ha Bigger. • =3l On °reheat the =4 of December bat Munk' made. Information before Aildeinum.Taylor ligidzun Martha Brew. dy, charging her with keeping a bawdy hnuae. A. warrant wax issued and placed In the bands of ofileer . Bell, who, after several uninaccemfulattempts, succ eeded In capturteg her on Wielnesdry evening, In the cellar of her own house. She was taken before the Alderman, and after a hearingheld in two thousand dollars heater her appearanos it Court, In de fault 0/which she was committed toiall, Aftersh• wascommitted a ball piece was lodgedigatnat her, Ina Case of the urns cutfttre; whereon the Grand Jury bare /Mad 'taw • - dy•44lltal tigat•s,Coprk-Judge-Mo orfill eotetipap.Fe itet se . adon mo9l . MOE E3==! ftrinta. ;10171M—rho high favor in which the Florence, aro held In Pdts burgh Is plainly indicated. by the an, mess. housos thoy draw and tho hlghij , reepectsldo character nf. the/aim:es. TheiOpern House was filled latt night to "ace them in the. thrilling and v.:put/le drama of "Ireland ea It Wm." The piece U. 14 been produced on the Pittsburgh. atage frequently, but never before have omwitneasellsach. a perfect rendition of ik as that given lastnight. Mra.Flerence takel a bencfit to-night, when an at tractive bill witl,be presented. The en tertainment will open with the ;“Irian Lion,” with Mrs. F. as Tim Moore, which will 'be followed by "Thrice Married", in which the beneficiary will appear In four chi:triplet-a and will conclude with the "Returned. Volunteer - in which Mr. Florence taker. the leading rote. The matinee to-marrow afternoon will be s brilliant affair. . , • ' , Acaniarr OP Meenc.—The grand, bril liant and Imposing speetablo, "Cantos,. at the Amiletny. of Music; la increasing n popularity, a tact fully denumatrated by the vast concour se of people wha •throng the hailing nightly to witnessit. TENS' entertainment is adthemt doubt the most brill hint and Imposlogever wit nessed In this" cit y ; and we regret that; prior engagementa compel the manatrors to put us elf with on short a mason. The impression that the exhibition is im moral, whichappeare to prevail to some extent, Is au erroneous ono, and wq take pleasure in correctingit, as there is not thealighteid indelicacy In ladies witness ing it. In Chicago, toe audienoss were composed of the elite of the lity. , • , The Matinee to-moieties will 'afford as excellent opportunity for ladies to satisfy themselves of the truthfulness' of our statemeni, and wo feel confident tbat norm who witness the grand spectacle will have the ollghtset cause to regret It. Only three more entertatuinents. .. GRAND Ornas.—Those who Midern; plate ettencling - thaVrarid Opera should. remember that the sale of season .I.lckets, closes-this everting, after which' only single 'tickets will be linlil. Toe sale' so tar has been improcedentedly large, and It promises to be • pecuniarily a grand HALL.—To all who wish to spend a. pleasant erenhist, and .usijoy a hearty laugh,' ve would say go to Ma. sonic HMI. andlieur, Dupers and :Bene dict's world renowned minstrels, Their music, both vocal and Instrumental, is all fresh and new, 'and arranged en hacomparable manner, while their ,wlttl iLims are genuino and . .not of that stale dry kind characteristic of minstrel troupes. • • ,„• Areal Estate Transfers. ' .• The following Deeds were left at the Recorder's Office; January 1868: John-Dougherty to David. Day • June 16th, 1856 ; fora, lot of ground on Turtle • Creek, confoinhig 10} agree and 18 perches........ . . .......... '.M3•O John Ray .. to David Day, ... Sth 1867; • for a lot in Iletieesport,•so feet fiesit on 'Rhagold street, running back to. Sixth atreet, 1:2i) feet...l.. .. . .e.soo Samuel B. Sheriff, to Ueorge Chalfant, Jan. 4th Ifitit", for all• the • In - ° forest of John S. Smith to -a lot of ground Pn „the Freeport , road, , with buildings ' • ' " PASO Deolamba rattan • to_ Frannie Keyser, .. June 13th, 1863; fora Int :n Hampton townehlp,a part of lot N 0.213 in"Dlier Park," containing two acres $l3O Benjamin Patton \to Michael Wagner, • Juno =h;1865; for a loth , Hampton township,a part, of Lot No. 213' in "Deqr Park," containing nine and one half' ... $71.2 so Sarah M. Philips to Patrick ' Keating, Nov. lat, 1867, for lot in East Birmlug hani;2s feet front on south aide of 'Sarah atniet by 120 feetiloep $l,OOO ' City of Allegheny to - -.7ohn Briner, Oct. Dit, 1867, for lot No, 8 in block No. I, in plan of iota in binder township, laid out by Directors of' the Poor for Alle gheny. city, Mr feet front on Evergreen Plank road, running book 130 feet to. Mead a11ey...,..: 4300 Saaiael B . CialoY. Sheriff, to George Si. Ctamble, Dec, 21st, 1667 * f0r all the In ' toxic ot William Worts in lute- No. 24 and 42. in Warden and Alexander's plan of lots in Tempemneeville.. $l5O Robert Andrews to James IleranbUl, March, 2211, 1•8", for lot in 'Second ward, Allegheny, fronting 22 feet on Allegheny Avenue $450 Amon and RatterY.—Joseph ELtiitp eon - made Inforalatieu before Alderman NlCM.ters against Aaroa Lynn, charg ing him with assault and battery. It appears that . Lynn le the proprietor of the Rock Room - ad pit in Atlfilln town 'clap, in which Racepson is employed chgger, and it is alleged by the prose -color that 'Lynn came into - the bank where ha was employed and made an .- ..lilt uponwith a knife, and when he atartedlian threw stones at him.. striking him several time,. A warrant •wasi.urd for his erred. • Glidenfennly. st. 45 Filth street. Mnds us the -4lianlic, which seems o.be rtfttterkable jprinelpallV for its poem, '.“The Victim.", by Alfred Tennyson; !Our Young Fkilke • which is illustrated with.s fine coloredprint, and The Week, n new paper' of the eclectic sort; which promises great things. It is composed of first class selections from first class Journals at home end abroad, and le in every. way equal in its sphere to the Nation, which , it .resembles in appear- . , . Completed their Labors. 1. Easetv and Messrs. Shoe and Ochse,•the otllcieni awieworf • of the Tenth ward, have just concluded their labors in a most sailsfactore manner and mado L their report fo the Ceintaissinfiers. via entire; ward wag geneover and new sissewsaiesta .were made egroilizifg• according to care -ftirelilmstea madeimi real estate. The wasereore are deserring of the highest credit for the .• •er in which they have ,dischireged t • sir &Mee: • • k.Knock . Jivi 3 .Peter Cannaly Henry-BM' e-Were empitned. at -the American - Iran Works., and while at 'work Torii:do a dispute about some trifling matter,. - which terminated in a fight.. Several •blows were exchanged and. Peter had to sneer' tab to the superb .or strength and 41:111 or hie antagouLst, after which he 'made acids,' boron. Justice Amman, charging Burkewittisasaultanti battery; .A.• warrant was homed for his ahe Oakland Berettaleans meet ibis evening et the Scltcsil - flouse to semi nide .e. , •canditlato , GI. . Ell the vacancy occasioned In 'Coinmen Council by the non-election - lo December. The elel, tion.srfit be bald on kLerciey. Mr: Jan W. Pftscle 6 , 1.11 ilent us the 'Atlantic. sad Our roons Lae them for We, opposite Postoffloo.• p/TICITEMai Whal P•ople I.llcs • In this age of life penile Lite to be welted on, and why abonld they not? '.when they pay for It. la other eines It la - the custom to deliver kindling 'wood to. the citizens, said we do not know why Pittsburgh and Allegheny would not 'fancy the Idea, when they can have It delivered tree of charge, for.-twenty -live (25) cents per barrel, by leaving their order, at the Iron Cl :Hatch Works, censer of Seventh and" Grant streets- This wood hi cut aultible for gloves, 'grates and oven wood, being perfeetly thy? , o, Whlle the Imp Mold. snot t o Burn" there la et chance for restoration. of Meath. If, therefore, the constitution has been weakened by (Intense or ezetoa .—the ,nerreit shattered—the stomach weakened—the appetite gone, and all the , world appears gloomy—peur some fresh oil into ycmr Lamp, in the shape of Plan tation Bitters, which will wake the flame ,of life again barn brightly, and illumin ate" once wretched existence. For qa die. It is an elegant and gentle atlmn lent. exactly anal as they require. Many familledwillnot be without It. It hae an Immense sale throughout the world. MAGNOLIA WATER.-A delightful WI let Elkin—superior to- Cologne, and a half the twine. ainw:ell, Good GoOMR at Gold Prices.-Navin :marked down my Floods to gold prices I will sell my entire stock of boots and shoes ofall kinds forgents, ladles, misses, and; boys, at priors lower than they have been sold sines the war. I warrant all my' goods, having been echoed with great care, and front first class houses. PartleS; purchasing rim depend on get ting a good article. -Coll and ozamine neforo purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. JAMES Rom; I - 89 Market street. - Geed Grocerlca,—Our Allegheny real• era should remember that Mr. Arthur Kirk, Noe. 172 and 174 Federal street, Allegheny, still continues to sell his. well selected stoat of groceries as very low I Mee. store belne one of thelargest in' the two cities he is prepar ed to suit the wholesale es well ne the re. tall trade. His' groceries are of such a quality as init s tlw most particular ir , rase keener, and at Inch prices ns to suit the economical pu-rchioLor, Call at - Nag. 172 and 174 Federal street, and see Ike stock as well na hie prim, : To Blotherar—tire. Wiuslow'n Soothing liyinp for children, lo an o'd and well. tried remedy. It has stood the- test of many yearn, and never known to Cal. It not only relieves the child from pain, but htylgorates tho etcannch and bowels,' cures wind colic, and gives rest and health to the child and comfort, to the mother. Bre mere and call for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,l' having the fac-a(taile df "Curtis R . Perkins" on the stunt wrapper. All others ara baarebn- Ratio . • . To ligtolimale fluyerser Dry. Goods We nro offering special inducements—job lota from the '.l , :nstern Auction sales— Shawls, Dam Goodo , llonekeeping Goode, Ilene' Wear, [Meetings, Shirt .inge, Prints, &r- J. W. BARKER & CO., • 50 Market Erect. Vetistitaithin Water is a certain owe for, Diabetes and att illeemees of the kid: kept Fozittle by nll drum - Ink Inv,. • Haryana in Ladies` Fu', It WtUlass Nemthio7.49.= W.q9dPitmt• tt t'ITLi.I3U -. RGE Fura.il,..3 , fikaktr_r - BEE AND BROKIM, 118 Wood Stu near corner or - Fifth. . Government Securities, Gold, Sliver. And Conpe,nc, Hoorn ud v 2141 evi Masa talms. .yorfft..nnl on a ll tlas Drlr.eivalattlas Zanor , INIVERNEM sEquarras Caa reCipe .raorlT or PEOX TWELVE TO Orts..r Twenty Per Cent. E 7 naming tam into (4mM:a B. IL Viral Mortgage Bonds. JAY).! T. BRADT d CO., PACO . = 8....6.80AD, Ocexter FMllb 2Woe4(Ntivels FINANCE AND TRADE, . Orme 07 TEE Pawnee - soh taunts, ' / Trusser. December U. RMS. f - Gold opened firmer today at InSey, advanced to 10%, dunned to 110%, and late la the after. 0000 rwiebed LOX. from which poles It re salmi to lOU. No mammal eaup for the ad. ranee is saalgui, but the mean feeling of the bonds at Puts and throughout Europe make. thou who ban any butane connection with Europe eracedlm.ly sensitive • Government sectudttimAn corauttenee of the eleandmiu *anchorman. of money at the new board catiu end law, to be paned by Con grime favoring iodation aie ebW tenet: op. Pte; grut al bite ere being now Nude to errata • abort intentaf; and by thou .Panaodla advances; the public In general ata no longer buyer. at remit prim, and rather aell to re place at tower quotations. • ! The .rock market tote kept pare, with Gov eminent imenrittoi,lnd at present en a ram Pedal NU. have Jett nutted • point ter the augulnary to go is cad eta whether they can.. not tenure oat unother point or MO before theme:bottom; whisk Is not Likely to bete case for tome threw or four week. to t none bat men of /rumeno means can tentdre on •high =wk.% ank they generally ore the [Mum. then' money clue them eatqage•to operate heftily. New York Centre' ha touched aa high a point an It ever ruched. and It may be . ntanatatned hien above par; the earn=' Lug. will. no doubt, largely Inoreue from the additional prattle of the dooms Moines; the sabre. Mune/ilea tont:luta with moo of.the trunk lina are not to be renewal after rapt mitten, ' lazing Now York quotattaa ' FaeinAl by PA. B. Meat& wsrre as follow= tio/d. ITera 110%;. 1013; 111%; Isis, 1.1; taa. Consols, 1=3.5i 1-10 s. lien t Clereland Pittsburgh B. B. 90.75 blersitantr Union M,,ft Western. trade. Telegraph as Erie it. 8.--...... Pittsburgh tort Wayne Memo R. It. ,Meic Northwestern Railroad—common .1 . rot 4 Northweetern—pm —;.. fened-. " 7001 New York lcoN Ohio l!. and MississippSoutherni Certi11mtea..........[ 041 Kieh ' Q. Corydon. ' Co arts le Quicksilver I [ d73.1r —Mr. lienderseti Introduced Into the Senate en Tuesday • bill, which was referred !to the eommltis,Profieleg for the neyintht ogeorapound interne notes and 3 per Cent es aerate by an Weiof legal tender note.; not erseeding blet,Milisenonelnding the imoruit already outataMUng. Prorinool. alsol made pir . COLBolidAtics the Indebtedness of the Unltedlitatee by bonds beating Interest 'et, rho tate of 334 per mat, Triceps! andhaterrat pay ableth solo. redeemable at. the pleasure l of the Open . ..mut at any time within !Myyear.. .andirlthth ten years alter their Issue. —'Pb. converts. of the sere...thirty Treat. hey not. Ls going . .. steadily. So far la Jan. nary, the ef orate work I. this geld held, been about three hmuired lhouund dollsrs r dip. At dale of hat debt statements therepezieo 04 . standing of all mire of aeventhiftlialabout two hundred mrS tort, millimut. The 'dime. aanreralonary tem. of the Gorarbasent•ro• male unchanged se yet. A. eale of the ierea thlreas la um market. and • porches* of the grelweeties In the Came plus, makes e more . advantage°. noun:don than the one otteied by the Chevernatant. —Theparment the loan Of 11117 has Dien solos tin verptapldly: In New Toth In the hest font days of Utile:math, neatly three! tall. Hone of thew motored twenty years panda were discharged. The ..‘netary of the Tfe4l - has notillet the holtiere or Mi. loan 4 Is 17 that they he deemed to to have silaireit the right of presset piyaseet If they do not send la their bond. before February a. 11,11 or: presented by February i Fall be pad, with the latereir, whenever the Government gets ieady or ierae s flt. Interent wowed on the.last pieeln• bet uiart all th•ho.as cells loan of lati; cepa lbws which are sot tq be ?mantra . ysyminat .41 Ow February Ist saantatut le on foot in the Ohio 'Wats- Latta. Wage'. restore the old ley rreagnivng too per cent interest es not illegal when a wetter of epee:Meant:att., Beacom men gen erally approve this prepoattion, and It. 'isles 'go fiWthea--the meet experienced dealers to money emoting On trade in It' upon the 7ary Mat e law et supply and . demand will col late lie vain. .Thsell pari L re ent. strle on is pr ties] stwardity. e :Deeded penally, and scarcely with any erneern far the requitement. of the law or apprehension of Tenafly. onrrnAL LIVEAMOCIL On= as ems Psyrenntez Gektn'Sri. TIVA/111/i. January in, ISM carets - The narrator Oetttessu rather dulli and netwlthetandled the supply ma! not larger than risnah,lt cue zeterthelses oon•lderebly exams of the dreamed. We hate no doubt but what buyers could hats been roast hie the belt tattle on slam at • rednetlon of s•ors TS to tom below Its prima or Wt meek; but to thls:as • trammel • thin& &ellen refused th az. cede,' endow a ommeettenee, the volume of bustbee* was 'tieeedlngly lltht. • Some hold• ere. unable soirlat what they menabtered • fair pilw here. Wiped on further test; It le lob old 'eying, that •!People enteettents funte.iand fare worm. and ft Would not be eurprteleg II thlajliould be the result la the em &boss re. farad to The mutant markets men hand this week, end wtfh' the present feeling udjeolt and smelted !tether, the *beeves are I fa 1 Tor of Its beton hest next week, though It very diftlault to tell. The treneeellons iniast., Le hero been remarkably 1/sht at these Tares Lai some thee Oat, and the nuttoer of essiern boyars seems to be dualebblde each week. We are Informed that the nal nnty of Irks Prahurelphf dealess are now, •nd, hart tsern for eonse weeks past, busts{ In Baldsnort, load t 244 at. Mater of course, 6 hatter It. afoot on hallow ben... Mau Lanarty eau. sold IS head for Enos. man to Ault at a; 311 bud for E. Cutullu to Pater Montan at f la head for Deets to PI4- nook A (le. at a II; IT head for 1.. PI flood to me born atllit 3 for same to urns at (Si: ! sa for um* to W./tedium at TX, owl at aX; for flardylo Klemm at 554. Smith & Talmage told 11 !UM: of gond:fat rattle kit :Forma to Darla at TX—two in buds nould.' 1 Hedges A Taylor sold If bud for hawk to Tome at nit It bud for MeTadOon to Roth, rather .eolotoon. at IX' ab for Jirlaulscift 'to Ittemert at TX; ettlppan 5 ear loads to Pala dolphin. T. Lomb wad it bud el Writ!, stook, weigh. lan Mod. to L. Shambera at Obi Manua rola Kabala a bud rows at OA'. John Blua mold smith & Moose, IP peed of prime fat tattle, vetatung 20.1.,U. at s. to Xiamen la good fat eattltrat TX. M. A. Welah sold Pldeoak A Co. If bud of gout fat twat al 754., - The Sb..p motet era. sled le bW. dull th week, under the inflames of a diminished de atene and Unfavorable' Meleer from the eaeti but: an the supple was /Uhl, the decline in prime sea not se greet ne It would othertelie have been." The quality of Sheep on ealo title emelt was not near up to' Met of lett r4lt.. -sad all Wage acalst , lared, the reduction did not exeired to to %of • mot per pound, ttoush Malta the Balm S. a bail., • dealt!. of stout one Seal per pound wouidl appear—the Prime reported. 65: to 6)4. Nowt a to W 4 lilt :weak. Ilta followlng are the repotted aalee; !ladies Tailor ,Sm it h ead for Klem Sneer to.Yealee at 3!4: a Talmage fra.l IT2 for Erwin to Soldartek 41. Co. at 413;87. for Yalta. to Deltrlah at 44% per bead; Srafroull Sold Itaulo 5 bead •at ita Pleock k. C botialit 198 f ro m Craft at 44;111Ifr d om Deem at 6; ILI froni Zimmerman at I):; ifti from Crate lard k Callum. at 4%, and 174 from Huffman at 1,50. Palatal. * 4.10. sold Sol to linear at 614, and MI to same at tt.4 Panamint nougat 183 from Wear? at 6%, 5114 as from Illormastd —price oat named. • The Meg merket, ahw, tree been lees actlie during the put week, the males hi the aggro• gate being »the: light, but with a eastlauid far dueled rued light antralaprlost ate pretty well catalog-J. A. trill be seen by refereulta eater, Nur York shippers paid while Philadelphia buyer. paid from N(itya and thine may be regarded as the riding • ea). tett°ma for theta elutes or iloga ThiquaUty allege, u e general thiem eau:ULU - iris goal, sad all Clio's' sonaldarad, fulcra are not ail bleb RS sane growls exported they mould be. Masa. Loßaty it Co. solo IV aerator Braden to E. Smith at 4.67:07 for L 14116 to ream • Co. at 7111: Jar 0004 Satturla toTearets Co. at 71 134 for awe to Stuart Imhoff at 714, 114 for Dougherty to 011ebrelat • CO. at 7;160 fer same to ume at 714; ISS 1..0r m6O. to Crout• (30.. at CU; IT for a.m. to name for4l 71 for (tray to Mooch Co. at CU; 41 Wllll. to (Itlctoolst_ t Co. at 7i 1111 for Buchanan to Yldeoek t Co. at 644;04 tor llolat es a Ptleffr r to Smith at 1; Ix 6 for B. 1/004 to Smith at 4,1/7; 70 for Brutal to Pldeoell .10 (Jo. at [X; a l l 7,10 Holm. `& Plant to 011ahrelst • (to. al 7,161 101/for Patty to Puma 0043411 N for 1.1.131,1 to rause at leftfi N for Bottum/II R Uo. to Crouu it Co. at 7#;116 for unto to ram, at 6%143 for Williams to Carpenter at 0.00 to (or same to fludth at 7,01 68 far Bolmu tiro. to Mag. It Imhoff at 7341364 for ;bud to Names.' 4.7 Glllatt et Co. it ' 6 Taylor aold 113 bead for Millar. Boyarsoo. to Momeager,ffillatt at Co. at /14; 04 for Roenhaugh to Pearce, eoMmon. at 44061 for Blear t Sober to aura at x 71.47 for Dana agree at 4 Ni DO foe somata 'll4menitar, Gillett a Ue. at EYtlll for El4itroll to Crouse • 00. talc. Ilet) TX. • . blaserater, GB 14 it Qr. bought IS brad from Plittemk • Co. at 414;17 from NUB at 6 Mt from JOhll 000.. at IN( Ur from Comb att at 6.46;7S from !Lamm at 4.111 1 11 . : .. on, • Bream 01.11.40;436 from Logarly at 054 . .• ' • Otteltdeal Co. bourid 00 from Wolfs at7tol 110 from Maas, Laroty *oo. at 73 ,1 ,1 tat from tam at 7;10 from lllartna at. nil 11 _ , from alma Ladirtr Co. 447.44 Ilft ft.* J. Barry ►t 1,1114. Shipped four au ! pada to' Eldlatrlplla Ouillaulalos. ' ' Bla &labor boUght U hue from Sore n UT,* mer us tram 1:J00,61. SIX; team U. ESSE • IMALES -1 b4LZELL Stilif - VS and 10 Water 81pm*, L ARO 0176 MILITIPAPruggRq - • 1 •r••••, ...a Ltr.l , llj . , k. tfi %1 7M , 1t "..5 r . I' - . fia e-s 1 ati3iL l t at 7 :4;'1. from J:bnatoo at 7.25017 froto Serer 7 :-13 fra - z, 7.1111er t7,=; .116 'lroat McWhlctiltc .t 734; Iron Smith 7,45; II iron Itel.lael at 1.30: V/ from 15..1. a 73i; ea lion SW mes 7,Li at Ito= 1111.11, at ;34; rro from Stare d. Co. at 7,e5.; Crouse, Eneriek ftflo .I.ougbtarl head from Slotaldt at Pi; 121 Cuttlag,at 0,/1;143 Iron :;ands 8, uo. at 6,70. . ' • I3'lx - 113nEf maf[7iri- tirrida Mt Prratiteisil.fri,li TIM.D.Mr, January 0. his Thoieneral Awake contlairodull Arid-me ride:Ably heeler:o:7, and Abdo the ;demand for almost terry/hide is restricted ' to mipplying Wanta,lprlem are without mates la/ : Great Polls, Q 16; • SSA 1314; Cateht,lt 11; indlenjt tree brown IltAlaw Market, 44, I•j1g; G At lantic, a. 11 , 4; all statilidril makes of dark Print. call selling etter old styles, but new effects a cononntol at 12 1 4; prlnt cloths kayo been reduced to 70 Under larger Sales. CleV.land'llet'.raet S'elsgrankto the I'ttt2barigt, tiasette.2 Tkitnary, 23,—Flour; market quiet, demand unchanged; XX apt Ind, $1n.7.5 OILS): 0Z red winter, $12.00f21252; .LC white. Oltdatells CO; country-brands Octe(111 Index the shove, flgurea, tVheat; the mar ket 19 stead, - and unehttosed; N0..1 real winter, $2, a5t22,61, N 0.2 do ' o teldf tt2.12; N 6.1 htliwankve,l2 On Corn firmer; antra No. I shelled at rroai tier, Pie far earoenatraor, O ats tt.ct brlLrllt Cat arc for ,No. ROM iiVO wile: and atendrat k1.02fiL35 for No. I from store. fl.tfleg scales and Grin: }a, 1 State and cadutitt, #1.91 , 02.0 , 3; No. 2 do, Irregular and eeld by eadple. Pork nnelta aged anti steady& sales Itht bids No. I Wear at 12200; other qu.lllttes as .otevionsly reportfal. Lunt; gond demand for city, rendered, 15.1.41 Pa at '23010 kegs; country nontleel al 12012 , 00. lhttrnteura lulu quiet and un- hanged: fgeetheld at 421211; beaded, 19712.de. " .. Near Osten:de Stickel. _ Tre.rarAtk , Io the , Saw OllCltAiS.Jantur, -- Z.—Cotton In de- mead at fair i'll caw tolddlung,`l7dl7 , 4e; sales SSW bales; receipt, ' ; 5.00 hales; 1,- portal, 5,110 tide, linear active; common, 014015 e..; 2.24,12.5e,ch0ice, !Stiehl., Mo lt...tn. doll; “nemtmtatiiic4: prime to choice, 7,5025 e, noun Tam; donisc extra, Slaw, treblo,llll....ltlt.Z. Cord steady. Of la un• changed. Pork unchanged. Hatton and Lard .pilot at. Drayton. prices. 'Sterling, 111410 u. New }York Exchange % dlscounC. 1 I r01...f10 Marital. try Yelegrthhi t ; the ?It tettergh ToGrao,ist, ary 2.l.—Floah qtdet. 'shoot arm,with I ealea.of white Mu:lmmo at a2n.t. stent , eratk2,6sCorn, ne w ornate.] to maor, but 010 Itst with !Cu il•rnve the aria sonde of 114” Wabash at 9tCt23 . ..,e; new Illealdszt.922 for January !ifthot ;0 for February, to: March. an. j cYc'hn , .. , for tigy. fiStt f collet and unchant, ed.. Ace is quad, Cower seed :a; withaisles Cr 11,,g, no changed al 47,23d8,1:3. • 1 1 1.111‘151p0114 21.arkrt. f Toarrapu the r.ri - L.l , 7ti Pa rtaaa,a a, Janaat, 4S—Petmleam Ir du!! and noattant at 15 t - ti s le , t f 7 .t cta. 7 . 7 . a 7777 ;51e127, fueretneltic uo.d. Poor 1. vt..ry Wannt 19 html sat IO7IaL7T 42.172.51 lot nil. Shin In feu .. .Amami co 11.65tw1,65, Cot. Is nockl r. gut, at SOD 100 Or‘:. ut 71;i7i3. moos Putt 1, held at 1'114(2.7.10. Lard a . / • ' ' ntitoplsl.4 Martel !Hy T 44 , 7 .1•1'L : 1 .1 , 3.1,11 tasz.,..] 3lattrut*, Jatittary . .Z.—.7. - 4.0.0 1 Iltln 00.15, at 15711171 ac. 1,552; expor. 1.•514 :4‘lo. Flour In firm. nod 1.15054 , gai1i 'Kirk mulret doll at 1.3 et 12/.1.1,50. _Bacon t 1011; clear Elder at 12 , 7 c; bolt: 00001/0000 4•7-i• 7 5 7 -;e; IWO ft 120. L an , l 00 . 01- Corn a4st/51,0 7 1 sri-1 twat.. WWI art. P:0 , t. 1 3 . at II ty • 41.11, Co il.acilaYlarkel. By TlYeArayi: lA. the 1....t.ty.:14 1..00. Jan: 2.1..—1/reso .1 hogs nnehang rgi liSio greased is szciu,Srly for *hi Imre. l iti 2.1 t 37, 10C4,10,, .11- rl.ll. on tan..l.lro le es ere In fe,r et s sellle eads.; for t tor to res.. reoicr. 13.1 st riles or `Jilt ws OAS. t se quartet 1.1.r.,1115. hew /fork Cattle dare. et • • by Telenraue zo the Pitt, , npre Stem TOWI j ,JIIMUIVy 23.—*n Cat Ller unply. large—.37,u heed; prin., *S e OP/ per bowl flWer•011 steak quality; poor ti nrkue.lWA 7c; choie.. trx4r. 12, , 11 , 41, Ih sn on nrouony; pricey renne rrrOic. loge •lonlut -7•nr, Leroy rtilltnit ikr brat bra fed: Loulytlttu =ark , . a. • (By rati44,l,li w r Ittilo.trgtE.tlast:l.l I Loct.vmtr. intrltup.l leaf 4V'.. YlnarsrVi r hPkt 11.4.1-502,3 D. 1-.),73C21.00.Lc0n; rbotitOrrra s'4s, nine. u 750 .. 4 . ,01 .K. 11 ,413/50. WhAsky numt =CO M 3 MT Telograph to too tatts.alroh Uuett..) Ilvrrato,..lon. 21— Thu Flour market la • erally Inee•lvo. mon plot* Sr.• notnlnallt: mcn ne a3a . .l. Wheat—Mem 1, noileolood. or the orttOlo. Corn,, Ina or; pile. qt JO' low!, now, no trook, $ll.O. Vora 1.. ma !nal. Noss Is arm at 122,50. toed arm at Wanes aro donalnal.. Itunir l'stt , (Sy Talttrrsia to gltnndat.tt carAttn.l IrmittatAn:. Jnnaary 2 4-Cattle dull' and a ti Lt. Lellacelptie,2ao. 1,000 2.1.3tA3.y0t In Ittnn.p. tn 10011 tentmat nt no e ma * , l i ve opn 11 dull ntin, 7„40. logs, Ziall‘neort. et larked'. Vat Teletra‘hdt the tlusturen Ilteettr.l Ilavrtlloll‘, Imuuhry el—F/urte Wheal. lgliat •MI steady. 4....rn very dull at Oats at , iody at.7r.u. llyu dull at rtuvlelorin Steady and tut. chattered. Inrd 13,41213;t40. 11:11V117111 DT IG3llslOAz. • PITTIIIIIIBOII. roar 1/7•ragat 41110•00 Jlatoary 11-11 cars big Coryan & - 0 .01047; I do, Nimlek /X Co; 2do do, 4as t wood, 8,, • 1.1.,0 do do, Lnklie. Oliver & Cu, / 1 aao trot, aro, stboestoessar at Blatt; 100 bblro . flour, fief ,t {4141, ZOO do 80.4 worth &Co; 106.0 above., • /tr'or 21ska oats, 0,1.,7 1 I . ltosby. 2 Ins bultar, 0 lard, 11 lest; 18 aka tsgo, Mark le, Illeksors dlloli do .10,. Oodles,. Clara t to &a broom., W. II Klskpatsick:a 7 0 8911 11. 7.....101 1 0. /lab llogab Maya Lit matabra,:ll. LI Lobo; 10 awn shallot., J Knox; 9/ dot haroLca,Puallay • Nalsonl 1 hone, K 19 %Tatra, ALLzostanT IL IL, ixitusly 23 oga spo, W I bleak:2o7z. wheat, .11 1.18- aatt & Um I hbt butter, 13 aka 110UP..4 Soots; 40 boa ry4l 11 W 101,107; 151 tog Arlorat. 11. T Ka01 , 8oi; 200 kga nails, Alai CA, lltlcksl/ & 1:41 1 tog boa.. 1 do 001.0., I basket lard, I boil Orkin tattler, 1101 ezzo, I box ettleksoa, 1 lot broom..l tut/Laps, lot toll altos, J 11 Urahami II hoe 4611,8 salt 7,011r7. 1 Of I...arbors ' 12 has tato,/ Li/Lai:4 Iliad rut. II ht•rabelm; 10 aka au, Adana & duel. I bag Macs, J W 7,711. I aril lope, JO Iltatllo; 140 he. are, seutt • Omit tear 710 Iron, Resat, tltsl4 • 11.71111 bble J • liktaa; 9' tors lilt ins, & 1.19112 bale. bay:'lloota at 01.01. 1..1.711 1 /11.AND Props 'trout 'llarbacao, laxastry 03-1 aar lilt Iroo, Nlmlck & Co; 100 Ors powder, o , oBlcla Iterol Lou Cot CASea .111 bloosthau; 18 ska guru, ID 11.970,33 do Dar 1v 4.1104 k 130 boa ahosao: G: eta'4lls.srl; 10 alai taza,./ . 1114 1 .0 9 ,1 4 CO: 1 001161 to7e, Per • Clark ; aka malt, Smith jI Co, 4 bbii 111108, Pltecu, h borstal .0, oat., J dlorto. Epro-sttorkoo,l/nirmaus • /11.IBRAT1 Jaouts 21 bx kstdvare, Mc W looosy Colll3 Wt. Wheels, T (late & Pro; as 0.111 tot.' Plttatrusah Pao., Co; I &Ind mill. P It Klukald; I bbl, 1 00 lard, 1411k1.8ttlek & &goat bga aata, Sarah & Co; SO aka warn, 4. cago7- , 0 1111/00 bbla foul. tlulp Stispaad; 23 bales cotton, Ranne.74, Childs & Co. IL It., Sauary 23 tkesornmeral, Rs.ac Coriczt 110 Oil. Illors ti :11 Atoltlaylerat log dr. do, Slostart 0, Ltagen.. balm; ill aka 'earn, GlIrooro.• Ittaarlb • trot 21 (11. gap 1a,14,41% IV Ilutoloy 4 pkga liquor, 0 1 . 1 . 1 - 10 2 1 11 bX t0att0r, : 31.10,00,1. • MIBCI - E - TEOITS • • - - 101.2" 2 •?• L. LAtliiAWt JAI.IIII•KDQ6KIRe psatiA 17..i4nElf3ters, %RUN AriD 110 P BLITZES Orrice, 382 Panla araaf rarrauaiu:u, a~a Halt Lome Rontotvel Ptrees noarGw• OP is a. 4111.. bear. • JAMES f•-•:,. • • • :•isras.in ' . crap • Atop,. Light i Iron lucsr kik - Mitt )Ntofs celo. 1 • Varna, .11144.nermen 1 , 1•1161. iisid Ithr imp. 41,11•140•Nr City . .. • • . • ' 1 ‘."7"" T` I • 4") • • . 1 . eiIISBUB6II ROVE Ifirithfl, FULTON, 101ThiAti llanztac:ute tit ~~~~ MEE = • nit Myer, uwler tilt influence of tho ',pent soft Weather, It hag at this cater, the nlo nongehela souks all ereraLug indicating nearly four Ifeet. Ae the prevent thew creme to be centrial, a the of some Importance easy be ltiokod for unless the went htelhould euddeisly turneld, and of thle u there la not much ap pearance at this writing. We ehould Oct be surphsed to fled rontolorable tootle; Ice In the elver today, SO It tri/. not ;nick tort tler Ion: Weith the teeter over It, and the weather mAnl and thawing us rapidly ea ft did rester. day. f Mr, A. O. AfeConnell, Celli of thA r :theble, which heat hes been absent from . here Once September 'set, le . here on a volt to hillemely. .11 piescut she'. AMY up at Cerondolet, below . L'onla t und slit, leering' bete last she hie lumpeugagal In the Se. Lola. end Arkansas eleertrade. • " Ca t. Jest Mellon, of •tho Glendale, will el for Wheeling In the early halt Oda E.;.• to bring her up ,to - Phtsburgb : . • From December2•4ll until Tannery _let, the folloWlng Likened towboat. arrived nt Louts clifehoos PlttshurgA, with tal's of eta', Sans Reber , . llornet, V. F. Wilson, Simpeon llor ntec..W.lit, Mary Ate, Battle, Fred Wile., and Bengal Tiger. The SLapson 11emer ehd Bal tle paned on down to New Orleans. . Gonceol O. AL Warren has been voted thrutts by the St: Paul Chamber 6f Cotametee;tuittls aerclehrs la improving the navigation of thu Muslsalppl and Mutneeeta Hives , to accord s.ot arith the met of Congress under which be was sasigned to that belly. Tee Ceenon 'line paid Willlom ftichardancy the cluesetander of the it. Pa Lea tiloooe yoga In pulite to keep MCI SUollt i nulaf. a 01 , 1 , 0•:- 1100 list. idol. thooniy matt ou the idesms thd Ithat'wopt: John CALIMILI Covets, on ac. count/of hie Areal popularity, JUlp1 ) .1.11of Is P lf::..l'.7lest L h k e rst d .l ' l7uUrV chile °twee, loose for • more.detenstir •mentrag scowl, than they hove' had steel , the days ue th e td e ,ohi cent ILlytee and gallant old Net ohts. , • .. Ssn WIG Vatter, a native of !Westin, And well knows In Milanese circles et Jr. Paul, re eentll" 'lied there, much respected. The tamely name Wes well knows" fur a while In Ohio and Merai!olTl bootleg circle.. Thelquiecy /Arced 'of Thuraday hoe en lea pwlaut south, stater.° that the titer mete contract lac been awarded 'to the bt. LOU. end Quincy packet cometaug, e rico. lute lu dieeetioppeeltion to the wealthy tl,l Neohuk lince tn.% stock tall to the amount -of W. 51,000 hes - hien Waren tap the Ileprobal and LT, Yoe, end the Chicago, tititil.yvtue nod Quincy Rall- Plad Comps ', t em that the, hc•tti elle be added to theta:stead. after the i•entiption GI naidgition. Nest dap.' Whig "ye h la all a mietake about ' , throat's tsvuor 'alms stock, and the clueing eta mall' °entreat. In adato article ein the Nor o,l,cne . hi L ti Vic:Wool trade, the Viekshoig Ttoloo.tmatk ed en followm: We heard yotterde..leom eery geed earl Laity, that the tgultmed wee to take the place of the Lee, a. the Tuesday packet from Picw.Orleties, while the Champlunwill tales mu of thwAllen on Mender.' The• Allen end the Lee, by thus dividing tilt botWott of one 11,,, nercharel; owe money, .ao.l atouol Ino ootopetttl. Stew' so warm ^ . II csuune general reduchou of prices. es :yacht , east lb tote, when height shipped from (Maeaa to tole plate ciO cents petvatlc ago, And cottoa cermo4 to New Orlexes for con Per bale. the Imes each trip the Heat Vedette make will loom up iota tno tltoutand.s. Coctirlentu Win. Gore ha. or.c.lhird Intmet i thetteamer Tient, AdAihs to Cape. I'. on. Loda":00, of Clecurnatt, and Ste . Alton, SI J. 11. RAIL an eld Mnlncratlee•lltor, stronapeut marine teptcseut•tl ls Ia • sled ulthe Tennessee. to the Cairo and has trade. --The nt - 111e whir. ei a 66th. nye, that outing th the raent heavy rel., the Ittulete. riven). bean Mgt* then . * Luta...ice the teethep of hat oprtag. tile terry boats eus pandr4 bparatio. tar several -nays, end the &I.e.,.ate plying the Chat:snubs. kith hiemale. • '7 , • . The *rent Itepubiln and Illchancd lelt Cairo on Tu..) , together for New Oat.. • thOi,have At Dubuque better lee thin Lea bean siva bete this newton...lt I•lllnettes think at.buttugue, oa the river, end Cuthina ate Caking out atta tone per day. • • A late St. Lau. exchange esyret It is as. sorted that the owner. of the tameaseeteetter tnole7 111 deate. entrinSt , g her u-,, Pur. , ur in the klisenur t this year the largeat rive, *camera' easy on:a:tonally reach Ear. litre eat I: ' dell, and even Hunter, it tam sn tietPnta • very good Sun.. In the Mt..* thte year. more parlleuler ly that palor. of IL: butt.. Leavehaorth and nt. 1.•oult, hap... i•r up az Omaha. It tonalcultted, h 'tetra., that chi. v.'lll Inntatn or n t nom to. nought. vi the boat•put oaten It. snip to Benton this goer. The An:dope. in LI. Itet'of hyste not down for thetblay•ar. Shp I. tea, ea tertalre4-altercti, at a euet , f•-r.l..arta, lanuary . 2l.—.ln.ather mita. . Tbf flys has co.le fox start,bt(viag abf,a.. fret. cae.thtrd Illtete" to t!,d ...earner lles.ry Adkins has Leo 'add for *SA a toJvha Adalas; D. S. Carter andf . Olbara ate to. day aadattstloa far the pufahaso of..•.••••401W Of aufsaaer alOaatairte , ..-.Tltra Is a relf•blo atatmeat as to tt gdr, of .at xtrf.ding froaa riles above bt. Oetavifs f , Ml:fa. Alta, wonata and chi:- die,. hard tato etwaalcc co It for salefat dirt. r TTP.m..l.33pr. Jar..ry Tlver ha. tales 3 het 4 'lt chem. 314. Saturt.4 - y—non , Pe, intlitts In Ilf , enenl. ;kw; 3 fret in thn ptts wa 1n3134,1 chute. Lt.. No. 3:New IT, :C. td,Ctrctnuan, n.aL ; En;pe.or, ntrelpol3 A/ CinclapAtt. IT pa n 1 to ntny ricer le nenti• at a' etnn.l. 'Pne Ice. whitt; was It. and 4. 111 OttereTeY. IS au It. 44.L:P "tier .ad thteker.l fArpn - Tinlntltle. of cork Sc! ...an tot , here belnly 1.4 . the .4eut,t. and Elm miT.T.a. the Wharf Ts tn.. notive th4n thn pat scv.a cre , rd nod inon,pl on tiny co, taw. At-o ut Inthee Anote (91 he:, 1.4?; that , tatlt• and cue men at s .r:Shru..]h..rr rortamy, of 1010.. The Alan tic at, .1.,04 108 Vit. , urrprerdny namptng; hal Pc.eu detalactl by had Washer. - . . . The rintitiamti CemintercOni, cf • Wedneedo7: .+p: The boat. et tiree or (cur men woo . . 0 0 4 to he. fro. tica wreck et the fixt:lo4..l 11 - ory It:.:;, we., repotted woilied Nionday4Llaht. near piouth of the ionic itter. Two Nvcoe suppoiel to he Ito ~ 0:1a.• Gap:. Geo. W. ic aeon, 01 irooto, IJltto.aml gape. If. Al. litvgi. hah:ato:, Kro - v, for whieb a tewat d ot each was °t iered 1. their 111000. Partle• to tros mty ce ul i i ercepillie both, nod the result of Hit e'orviot a4Quu ,Wll,l evade tlh.t.ta.tuatta4.o; • tattler. Int Imre sieve learnt-al that the report' as thottakee Ineetrrer, se She liorioner hail no 11111 , 1 e I.3fermal Loa relative to the 4): the afroosaol hilt: e. .•• • . - The frorece, of "me date, eat*: 12 tt6 Over: s fools onll found an Intereetthe ele— cl2tr, of rho General Twat of the Superior Court, de:reared try Judge Storer, In Ina ear, of fl. F. baker agatorrt - rho Central. Lasursca • Ihrtapanv, where the owner of the etramil Simla Oily, sought AL4 recovered for rho Ira. of the hull eadeabln, In breember, leCs by In , Ice at St. Intle, rifler orachlocra was re m b. The (lou bed fl the remova or the m ud achluery, unites se d , ,r.e int sto,perallty, l for las ursoce the porace6 of tayaltt, los Mtge the policy c: A Loubailie telegram, nod, dale of Item day, bait the following: 'Tbe til.Nlfbt , Ewen No. 2, And Empetr, firm Wow. patent tip heeler been delaYe o d by lee to the Lower Oho, U.N. [phew.• new packet, hank Pareyou,l, was Awaked taco by the felling of her chin, net, Tin Alpha wail littmuda eta due front below; Mao the Deicer, with ITS tuna if Ate ereley (Ai en Moment to Cirotolnti. The tiara, A 13. 1 . 1 .4 W. bt.M.St r, toward 04 , 4 teatathit, arA are ~ Ine lore on T.throlay. The Laoret MU Orlerna cc td.-ode;. The ittla• nta left Memphis ( or Ctnetnnatl on nettle day, with 1400 11,.. of nitton. Aheut thirty a:esteems., bud no at Vitro. The Arma dillo and Away, bound northward, Jeft Meat phi& on phlsy.. t • IIeUM 1. tB• Teleqsnh'te 'b. Fltisenren s , Loczwell.th. Jannn.ry 2.7.-12 Iver mdlth flea let three Inches m the . • . Canal. • Iteatbar clear; thermometer 641. , 31 ratrnin,J.uory —‘ll. , ather clear nn' •Intl.v. 'liver falllhg font. Tbo t'lrglnla mad fir. Pntrlclr clean,' for LoutavOlo. Thu tatter took 713 i Unice of cotton. Tho Legal Tender ain't goofy Arno* elenrod New °Helm,. I Tim latter too k RAO Salts. In Don—tho'llsrllog. 'STEA.MBO,I7.T.'S, .FOIC r‘ . l% 11.,0r ,e 11 FL , ..1Vg N ........ . Itartri, the e...T0 ar..l !rag ,na.4 r or. ..p the op pier/ of u- , ltstto.a. For frel4 . l . or i ; : a , lcztNw wta . , ,...1 or to )Agc!A . L ()rte., 114.4 E.. 14,0 SINS.AfIVILLE:--.,. rapt. IA Y. iv 111 !rm.., tort •or , irericorl ate aorta On no . livrrorn.rigru,ar, rat [matt or pnr.tairc `rot; ee toartl.ol . to . 10 11 111114 l/.ACIt. WOOD. } AaCtiti. VON. CINCINNATI tt Ltnst - ILLS.--71± 1iTT7.11';',!M57,4 CAPT. , OntirEoa. Will tr., a , nre on or. nlng of oar. watt, Y I natant or (1.1.40 ap21 . 1. ttt beam, at. sl VOLI - n nti Iteixtr la a: . WI/114,T0 SA tbe. On own',, rr r evfx. For fr ; 1 aVviay.,..... , ,F5pa v r17 ,, !.....int or to t ttlt I; art —7 Ohl: an 11V Lrovir)4B n. Mug , Csrgono, annr, en cro n:pg onnart,atlua t 4.r naosAge O!, , 0v....1 it.: Ch .I•CuLLIS.OWW:I). ~~~~v ~~~ j t~e}kE.+~.' .j.p 4 4. 91 , ,••• ,i.-ig .......“.....,2-.......:, , , iti'fZ'a'llij .:. ;;; ,- „,,.. - i-.-- ; .____ in P?-777, 61141 - ,ior!' .-- g A i ak,..,i,.. lELE LT MAIWACTLIAT _.• O. cu k su t 0r0TH1RD......,r. awe .TY csr.IAT IT 01.1.155. P. CLArit;C-.'C' V , rs nte , arrfpneritrii Or ?Vol . it, .netted Oro L 1.1,010 1 / 1 1- , anDol Atioz• Inrwrs'er.. dd DO. OS «ISO 111.unt • ;gr. • (I.( aLmaga. ' Ico 1)0 LI 131000 /Apo, „~A UFA U-Ess: GAFF, RIMS .& CO., Cii , i , ..?,:i11e.-, EX.A.NE - Fileit!iiZES Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, 77noriazT IRON L 36 ViLM fl. &IS. STE.% TIE 2, &C. .AL.C6O~ 011; TEEL TUBINO, Office, No. 93 Miter street, PITTSBURGH. PA. A. GARRISON & CO,, Pittsburgh Foundry, SASS/ACTS. AND ICSSP OX HASS, GIRTE FRONTS . /I FENDERS, • Furnace and. Oven Frames cl. c) 4±, ts FUIC,NIACE nA,Rsi Cooking and Heating Stoves, I==! I=ll=l rio. 209 Llbeity Street 4, -- 7,r;rs.rz 0„ - N9 fiNl4 7 7 , 2:1311-1=.3, SFr:IDEA Go /IL!•:-xur.ur), rasimen BOLLIIFILS 1.1. '.1'.111: , O L T. 111! , Car, I:1G /...10 ASH PARS Z vi rars .111iD CON. iti ON DO 1. , 44 6:1;1)00AM EIZU2I/5. - aISTE.J.N 9'4 `-=:tta ~nrgL, 'i,'~~ill ey iYiSTIIID, • to taut tu at. (S 141,drtamlqp WORKS GLACK: =1 i:?F3 t'4;t7r.ott, Regt , A Chareee jruainta Bloom irons. N . : :3 I.E. :WUXI) a uaa3L ni.013 "' Itlsfelinf r aL3. l.' 1 - 317,714 3.3 HIJAILD Olt AINtiY.S IRON, ft[.LL T Bathe, ..11) 1103 16 Ins. to tta Tire. , 3k 34 , 133131 T Its. sad anIrES: to: /11.1=g• ttS-Z: tr.sca,a 16,11 CosztertVat. tt s:t 'f `Mt', 3:11F1 snt CPTC ,3 43t the TrOits. urxial f 1,74 12 (5. , 5.:3153.at10n at rt..-v, =1,31,1 ad 5n.....13,330. Work.. Pfttlbll.ll. 4=31 pV!.•"eRP. , T71..9F3 STEEL VS'Ouli ANDP.F.SOII, dOOK dr, CO., tatlCCr.,'ol,l SO JO:IFt, BOYD t CO. !Z.eee feete f 4 .11 of the beet ==M=l • F:at n.t [ , y .axon, of all sizes: 54 Perh ontl dbect tittelt, 3.EAPI.Y9 AFL , .llnwtso N4C1T12 , V4 17 , :EL ?LOW AXLE.). as CP , ar. , ll:omoval Plows ,, prlng Sloe .( r. Firm; :.v1 gal. tar.% I I. ck. la.' the 11,a , uorst.el. Boon. • J 21 ''''' Al ENl27' , T'lll JlfitAL ''..l. 00L8..41 CO; F GA111.F.3 RS, r.;.!g. - ;:r. Lit - 004 Lome. !Item EttolloOm , tllll.lte. rocrttatt4 ;t• flirt .atfOOtant. otoT .Ittortoto, sole to 0040, r.GtO,r, F01rt....e. B. /101.1.; rprtM2ll. Al'4l! PSTSCIfQi:t3H. Pd PI.X2rrOND arfEEL CORKS. PARC BROTHER d 10y 1u.212.1.C.127.115 0? ALL oßcorrilose or oiack. awl Warobo.e, 720. 22, ripe emit rind IN et 121 rtr3.'t tltree.e, ERL N 'FOUNDRY 71.17.',T 1 Nr.lB ===E 50....2111100a 6:real k , ...3 , cczatu.tly GC ➢HIIJ Boxst smn lz stye i'LLAtIC FoUriDRY-. %utior Street, Ninth Ward iStsN ILILL24 g..11:.8 ±tiii se,l. I:ridge Caitiugo !a:1 , 2 LI'EF,4 •fr,r3, .•ry ~ :¢nlasn 171 acr era,. rro:=:ly Kla twstas, ott2r.:3l:a r.uni 011K8 t! , _Nt rAmalc, EMI EN=:EM;I r.r 3 v Cli5T 111111. r 'f V‘..l%;kif.?"" a [I. ••• •'• t10:;! .. 72i a 1f 7/24 It OAF/ ,• • 21,21, . 14 ... 51,7 11.L.:2.4K. (rg: I:Oa.ELI *TOURS. r0 f f.P7.741T a CO.. IM=l t I I t.rs, • i,trits, Agitators t'Aza, Giusimstars, l'triszitt Trey Ltritges, SVBcct ki - ot Work, ote, , ".r.5;,P.3" - i lAD FECUND STS zaEA, - =I EtLIIVES aNII BMUS g Eloistolts 2,111T-' PrJUTO I .I ENGIN*, =2 (1 . rtr,t razrv'etre,:.. • RiViidii - IlliiN WOlilit ~^ ? i ;~lr~t~ Traub ,!7".•,!:; Afki).% ' • gat,t,:41.5.1. et • 4 , 5ti31.5,0 ,4:3 Polt• ..I.tritCZZXT. F., A.'' , V: a er Ir".1:1•.X • a '711.11r, C7l, 1":$ ez r;e1,17.01 A ' . N.. I , smain 312co.,•Ckin Pa: ' e ijAii •41.1 trtaaN ENTERPRISE FiIDNDRYO NTSI.III. JOIINSTON. all .!. c AA s UOLLQW M~•v,q!'EE' I,ulE Wiiataz Ad itr. All 11AUITINKNY CA.TINNS,rea, nr nt WAl`4l.Ol Wr.4: 2 111.: 1 019411711=6 tcot Or V 1 11,11 rinetll2l.l4ll.ll, rmaasib. .• trFA - OVJiUMS. rrrecti4rert. PITTOURGII AND IRON Dailron: ' ) itallrood Flab. Bar* snti Ralbroid Clar Axles notledx , • . Hatlro.K Axte. Ilainnao.igna Ltokomottre Frames; I . looomoitive huts. bhapesi . • • IlMe Roes; I Yokes, Straps; Piston Head.; • ' Sleanaboatplbaftiq Iliaaniboat angnitsl i . . Pl•con Boar, Wristlet' Mama Jaw., Collars, de. ; 017174 No. 177 PENSTREBT' ‘1 43, eirmareara, PA. NATIONAL FOllllllll Corner Carroll and Sroallm Street:, Ninth Wnrdi I - rrrTsnuasa PA. 'RTC: E5314EX I VIEL I JILIMOINLOTOBEB OF Cast Iron . Bowl Pipe, FOR GLS AND WATER: WPM . . _ . _Jay Maas are all can vartie.allrll l risia, di Dn' a itx =ant 0f..1 WI a sail . =Ms.. ALaN, aan U . . EIM na w AU twill "tut - I would wooeW tbs attssMon of Rupee:am! allt• of Om Worts toms sursto.t =WILTS. NIM 1111111111 RH HUSK I .., \t, ' Lindsay, Sterrit Et, Euwer, Manufacturers ds Impo?tera of El A. =WARE f CUTLERY, &t., 337 LIBERII STREET, vcr44.17-szo One ,Equate Below Union Perot 1 3 / I TSEUEGH. 1211•Airoore for 24.1a0.1,41.%. SHEFFIELD STEEL raIS. SUIRER; ei; maurrAcrautrltr REST FsENTITI) C. 1 8 1? k 5 sena GI LEL ITIA, CrEI7C7.III. /ILIA aI:DeiC,E3 OW SAW PLATES. ZLIZETIO AND tlaill-NLUNTIO RAILWAY SPRINGS, , • Carl BF?lng Oen, WI and German Flour "Steel. PLOWININerf AND ASOWS3 NAM BPRINGS,IIXLF I 3 RriD TEL TIDE MOKI.e,NIIOVNI... NOR. rkmr 'lOll. 011.5 ceAn OBOW-NAM, • Warehouse, E 3 Water Bt., Pitlerch naafi ATLAS %Tanis% av 4 3 ZIT C't .1 - ft 717 17.1 M • Ninth ,$ f ttl3 3S ll3i ritoasrA !la ~ . ala' • Stit lt e Warta ize e...0r,¢ Me issz..tt lad i ¢ :4 Inspte eat.hittnoams la Vli - free, :10 az• in prepared to rarolab • , • , , zusiut•orLveli':Li,uri?tl4.l:, cßoflen, t ill Tar.:-; !Meet iron 11 .atkroa3Ce:9uits,' • 8"111:15 mill (247111 "gine Castingr, c " 1 Vicuna Castings, - I : Wecientl Castlrgi. ORDERS souvriTp, JAMES M. - .RITER 55 and 56 Water Street, PITZSERRAM, PA.,. Irmq9i! xxxcana (3x.r...r.a.rctasi arriLtso PA N..±, • - COPPX% STEAM Fin,• j SOLLTNa mt. STACki; /Ali Platt [Mk WOllll. POT Eltesmiaats. JOHN 11.43/11147, HEM . fOUNDRY,r- Carson 5t.,9 iVard, near A. 5.% E -1 - .r.AlwryAcraran or Hammer Dies, Steal Moulds, 1. t, Mt; EN ul lulits faittxl gmilllt i JOBBLtill WORK enrodiedirustiaded'lo.lor. den solicited ail eeze.ftly and uitisdeedili9 .flown a DEAT0.........C1/11 a J DOMMT., IDEESWOO D • FOUNDRII. BRAVO & DONNELLY 1': Jobbing and siacatnery Castings, N.T. 7 : ll l ,l M":WA`ari l gtZeitt'ft: eTemptilliONL. caul, to 0.2 4 1 q. 1 ' I " I - office, 250 Liberty Etreer, ~,em .017:17e ,Av !tclf 7,11:111i _ l i WORT lily - "Anif.t 'll , . CHARM Eh V. i2 7liin ALLWEVAcT.72., tAS 07 , • aIIEAVx . ormilifilliDE .NO raND...i Or Catta.b) . A al.r.k - atith attended to irea.?f , f. arretorere, the' beat res.era!l ;rt: abates at. hoed et lads )(matter. alattbir itlaboetel of Oar ell' Me We see barrel:ea, rule •lita 1.111,10 aloe; to mralim a 01, i 2 / 1 2:1:111114 YD: aloe. - 010:n DrquEsNE Iron and Steel Works COLPJIAN, RAHN & CO mat, lI➢6OTDBICBY or ton, ings, Axles. Steel; &c. • WAHIBOIJSTI o. 77 RATE d SidEET. -- 7 -- -----r— , 1... Z . T.T....,Lr.1 7 , L1.9....r.1..........,....1, X : Z.271t..711 ..., ''..'''''' . 7 .!"V" 3 ' ii. ri A bLrir A Cet. 1 ' . lizaaturtrtzt ArvOrrrarUst? Of \,s,T Oak; Parlor wad nesting • Stove 3, - * .n.lcctfr, ~ ..c.. era. ..,la 1,U , .. XllanA T114...P:t. it..l 7.41.11z.d.far (90 . 41. , ”9 . E14) CO krANA ~ Ti- r ,i_8.71 r.,31, L.A.1.1N1D...., 1 t, c