ID qrEit s hr,gt"exa!ittt Lizivisuoim JAL sis, uss. . . , Ton Meads of lk Vette. Maned Lew curreti Severe sting gle nithe 'Stow Settle:lt:poems peolp able the opposition thereto will mainly, it not exchndvely, be developed in that _ . P5:44T111113614 . COW= has bought a lafßeijematan..4 wiM soinalimnanimaala :babPtir/idlielifikg hoots ott f,:re . etre 'oocaptacy ! Dathig the winter bit unfit win be 'Wed .12: Philajelphie, he,zetazieleig with thocOebout half thithne, his bog neta eogegamests: Alot,to,Belle• • lime or ollewbere, the tionshilott per. - dos.- 'After the tommett Of ten y in. , ears. Itottlfe Ufa Ms preeentoommethre mole tattle &lingo -$ Asada ' OF VIECILETART • STANTa.. That tie Office Tenure Caw originated . in the.dailre of Comm' to prevent the removal Of- Mr. lirssrrott from the. War Depirtroislt by IM:iddIMS, is a grit too - nroorieca to • be' stusiondhlty die' ,pnted.' , That the Law was se preciesly worded a 4 to complitudy cover Ids cue, - hu been doubted, by its an* by others. :al:m.l%mm he, Indeed from the stud. pront - Of lie cuumiconcess. What it tended; whet the Presidents:dell others IlmeW to betatenied by ths_litir; it lis t- toile likw. Back Antlion die punt* with - varied critical, bY - Mang plane above It. Comte premed by &different method. • Having us cou , scliefintst wf intention on the part el . Iserroiskerss bewail rat . of thitehme, they klitTeledietY by tin meaning they atiecletetwrods and plarseei; aid ions. times they to mast sorprising thiegs by constriction—finding in a astute Nast the ;listlisis,thereof ,aimei-thatisht of • - putties inte it, and what plain people, gaoled :only by common-sense,' never - conjectured could be educed therefrom. We do _ not nee Yhhet Courts as adopt ray . other snit; of Interpretation than that' they follow.. From the nature of the - cuss tbilieneta bun safe rule, and sorts ti: it. inihis; itsloes well. It itas the eats right to work by methods am. euslsito its maim, and Macao:, as the Oestrlortirret o parrlis methlxik'stdted to their sphere and rounder," ' Mr. fromtron has been clumgoiwitt Iroutoving . both the President. and Call greif; 411dai each asiarencis :of his sympathy and co operation. ' That Is a epem from the lune hstween the T.recutivo and Legislative Deism. manta:-Whether haviM (ronli and sin -weldhie interommee with "tither les ,problem lbr each of those . ; Departments to settleWith s hiro; not with eich;ether Thy wee • evidently , one 'lei of the Bensteirtreiesteting,the Secretary:, The ?reddest had suspended Aim. The Bel3l* . jridgidthe mesons assigned for the. sispension to : - be am poj) . osr . but.. It looks, indeed, as ii ; Senate wee estisftesins to /dr. fivers vron'e intentions towards Congress; him, Matins not Material to the action taken -Tint iourin or the unite sad energetic, .and her Imparted satishictionte all loyal is to be howl that both houses arokiy resolved , to enamin what bas been done by any furtherectlon.that usy.heceme,needful by the progress of events. Inannnsiber of important exigencies Congress _tae quailed "and 'retreated , viten It World f have moved steadily, forward, Ind with 'lnextuttron vigor: Br its hesitancy, is 4 glue Crises-it beet Shah= the:cosildesce ' .of the supporting trussiet, and even be , srlideted- those most ready to render sulannese." Let its hope that this ima sion: bfrsitirEir_Juid. boldness L_not tent; II The conduct of General Gamer IS the prestriiel Istruly. 'gratifying. lle . yield• • r ed, not afeiply - with grace; but with .• - manifest heartineis, to the ouneate 0! , I • .the fleMan. This may safely be taken all a prepumtindicaticm of, his p tett= 1 I biocides .. . the merits of theireat contro• rany-betweari the PreSident and Con .• r- grab. At lint, Kim charged, on tki I — atutiozit f of the President, that thi • General bad =el duplicity; that he had protbiseknet up the Depart- , t - ment upon Sonatorint requisition, but to • give the Preside:Lt. leisure to take , essy -_ • • ultimate meascires he should deem auks bid; and that , he had unexpecteffly Cane t•'••• to mike good his 'itscrianbes. If this •1, charge bid be - mm*l=d, It would I,ve • - detracted lurineisumbly from . the repo - • ..tartan 4e Math:neat But it was Mem &bands:Med. Weed, proof was not:font in coming farth thit the Pruidenr 'sru duly notified of what wins intended, and failed to make the - militants he 'had • Aimed . • ilitudiMmatutly it :wu ellig • ed that General Gaiwr would be id. judged,guilty. of. ,insubardiastiol .In . rellstrodahtogiritheit the 'consent °this super* the Xtepirtnient to" which be had bela:asslgne4. It will be recoiled. led that when 'Guest'Glue? su jperseded - Wr. Au/mai we held Abet te was net essiptetdo -es a military MIMI?, to thstiiotition, becausnit wai patch- eitih-thathe was issigoad to it as a eiti - • tea and' Mii nsoldier; arid that IS doubtful if idt headship of the Depart s remit was compatible with Ins ritual ship of tie army. Vas position being"i now almost :,_ nuatiModslY conceded. ; - there need be no fear that Gen. 0ft.1211 1011 be ordered before a Court' Martial foi declining to play into the hands of - the Pceeldeat In this =start • wu intimated awhile ago that Mr. ,ssaioir,'l3oop after being re-instated. I I • I,mila:testis, thus making the triumph of °myna 'one of form, rather Map . _. - one orsubstituce. We trust such la riot s;tlte Intention. The . issue bas been • brought - M a bead. 130 far Ontereqt is ......4E,..itthi:sttristlon.,.L4-it maintain its present attitude, and It need not fear will rally to its support: • "Platt he most excellent quality, when wailer, the guidance of intelligence and • conviction. Congress is now exemplity i• log nausea. By all maims, let it pasta t I II TEIE gIIDICIARY Hen there aro so exedra:ruse' to fancy that ludges, by virtue of the fortunate selectiOn of individuals for the =este, riallanction, ire so nearly immaculate as to bee:semi:a from plejadice aid tel- Saanali, from . the :gat: of money and frobt partisan bias. As soon_ as the proposition was introduced late the House of. Itepresentatires to require either trio-thirds - ea a niteniroons con .. - gip of the Judges of.the Supreme Court of the United States to impart the forte of lair to s decidon, these men sat up a howl of anguish and despair. They exchanged that the sanctity of ther Judi ciary was imperilled, by en attempt to *Mil it Into , a pendant to a dominant polltlaal - party. and '.that boundless dir ' rater *mid enisne-Anlers the Movement lwaimmmehalymated. If tlmemen would onlj step and anaS3rze the facts of ,the arse,: %boy would quickly see that they are those who want to prostitute the Court to party purses, and that the proposed statute `would make a Ewa Cad of that infamy under their Manage , mentor that of any other set. Consider et few points. , it Is - 1. thatlenisay prerogative of Co n g re ss : to .organize and regulate the matineal. Carats: This prerogative has . bees ratercised 12yest body : front the belitardnoi crib, government down to tlas Oar, rordwill continue to beto the end. Cr..brts . do not create themselves, Aellige their own Pewers and prescribe their own methods hat are in all pi:ac tinic' Creatdres - of the lasznablog department: In thli acne; Uwe IN And can be, no bulepeadent Judiciary.' Is taiga' a =der the Act "...11i require two-thirds of the Judges of a • Parttallar.Con. to concur in opinion is order to the endition of a valid deci sion. ' All the 1 District brunt of 0111 uommonwealth are on precisely that rd i r Ouija; though, it meat be, admitted that hero Meal \ constitute a bare ma jority. ` . S. Be'. in all jury trials the absolute agreement of twelve men is required to perfecta 'verdict. A. man cannot be 1 mak Co pay a jpaltry debt, or to respond insges, no setter how slight. far Whom& *plant property, repraation, , I , , c,haerity or life, unless the case is made I so plain that iwelve Mem can see it in', :the nine light. And these twelve men are mostly unskilled in determining cases of - delirisoy: ,14 It, then, a hambidp that , eight Judges, limbed. in the law, shill be required to coiete ,to opinion in or der to ovetrate - both — Corigiamreffiisi Preside , 4l *ineolviag Taal interests, it is too mach to say that eight eminent jurists shill igloo before their; judgment , shall sail& tb eat aside the other co ordinate deratinents of the govern-, meat, 40 - f ilan, the will of the people •4. lltaniaioua . eonearrence on the part of the judges would make partizan decider= -shnest impossible. They wed' hoPfoin,' under this Mile, only when the Ilidges all belonged to ene po. , Baal pair, which .Iru never been in this wintry, midis Met likely to be. I(' the Coort consists of Ilya democrats and ' der. 3 4o,_ three Ye &llama, ' Ita Octal - has will be =lift ii sulk:city rule. 80, likewise, if Sok should be republicans and dernoMati. . Bat require all to . coma,- 'Aids: will be, impossible. " Visite will bare to be die. ,carded, the last priiiisiples of Segal latierpriit prevait -- • IA • - L. Oi o adaiptioit that under this rale the decielan m e a lrsi tires would- he predicated Cm campromlieb, this ought I ter , be' , insist On ejmiddle , ground between' ex ' trot* hi it Wield happen that the die of : 1 Jamie ' 4 be ; conatratie d to moder , ate their - w to-*met the three; and t the three , , uld ire to 'argue so .: what to vies ice: At ell events,- 1111111=811Vreit Pim mit ofithe ensiles. F; al:refer% ilereatiyea howl at this Propeettidoi IlLei will de well to look into it ia lard'' a tarter a nd.. tee tr ;they . ire wally what they prafese to hot. or, 'eat.% . Ik:carers artd.ii* yed: f .'. •.. '., ~- . . . . I—These esiudderatiensleedl no to leek with fa - SOr uPenthor ,proPositien, even to• ihei of lfs.'Wstualcs' matt& meak - The Saittualt Court Us s teel so foainnier the contiol of party.leide& making Dreg Britt &Ohio& and whet - Mat, that it hoe loii the. edipizica Aid reaped of the T eeple, rse the:leaden , who one the - Jag& devilled ' them tad ''thilir °Mesa It's full Use, the &erecter bote t wak atire ch arai ikrieved, and tide= ho . iirosompllshod' by the pending pm,leet •in -aay:,tother. Elektla that hie been or &w ho auegeeteL . . . . . 11•,•-esaland.,-•• • s. • We hire In' nuarionentunber of the ( Ace/per to the•espioranons tireethlarid conteesphetedduring the past same* lej Mr. Edivird Whymper, celebrated: Alpine trieeder, aid a leading ineroleet of the Mob» Club., We regMt tolearith* alettarlest:Publlshed, [net tle Melton entlretY.- disappointed hit mtpeCtithnis orperetrating the vast and enttrelYnnkuowntriterior of Greenland. leering us as =Mar in the dark as ever admen: sign: Whether. this lnterlor be really in places at least a green 'land, - abounding In lakes end running water, allbrdlng pasfornagelb Immense herds 0: rehad .o.r„ as •• has been. suggested, co whether its ice - and anow inures - al in be sad; and depth:and „rnatedness 16. Weer& its central Portions, cannot yet be known, and paths ps never may be. The Icause Af Mr. Why-omeg failure wee the prevalence of an epidemic In the vicinity of his starting point. which car , rled off a large per restage of the able-:j 'boated ,natives, .leavlng.not enough h. , ifrect: the • neetiewery".„antount of seal meat (their chief sostensaoo . for : ths oth Under these clrmunstarice, it - writ a long time beforinir:Whyruper could ebtain the assistance retildred. fob his Wirt. More then a month of proclaim dupe was lost, and whoute wax ready to secant, the mow that tad at find cOrm:. ed over the country with a smooth, firm murtidg, exactly what was best for te the lournm bad entirely-disappeared,' l ing herd, rugeed and ribbed ice holding ~malljlakos, and with -rerashow stream tatewit inr spews. Two - urtles ware all that Wes accomplished, when . 1t became , is cansequenee of the. over 'll7lelBll,l2 threatened 'destruction of Us , ' sled to to tura ,teick and abandon the enterpr e, fir. Whyroper close. his let ter' with a well merited tribute • of as knoWledgment to the Danes in Green land for their hearty amistance and ow epeeition, a- trait of character to which our, Own• intrepid explorers Kane antiHaim, have • b Philo. Ledges, i been. n'tnnle Wi • hDarrstrrma OLOSY.—Aetibterransan Aware has been discovered at Niagara Pella, welch, beginning 'about half a mileabeen the Falls, tow found &channel to the wolf ~below, and is rapidly undo, ;ruining the ledge , now known as the Horgeohos. It u- prophesied that the Falls will be entirely broken dawn at in early day; and the presentgrand appear ance of the river st. that point become:t ea irito siorple u shute or rapid. What will the .tottrhft do? Wham will all tlw bridal parties go? To whom will - the (leaky red, man and woman oaU their Useless bat ornamental moccagns, pin cushions 'sod ndrele caltresT7. - What sub- Weide willthetraditionalamerieantray• earl Etwepe gni for tds— . Talk of yo4Alpel 'Weittrilyonese our Igh.stra ..F air I" These and other equally 010 tudons Amadeus of the future eat urallY pram= themselves in ttdii gloomy 1) • poet of dsitructlon. , . —A. 'Portland (11e.) Mier =ilia story seenntryruan wire was corning 'from that place to m at wit ens of the ' itteare era; and who met with a' curicus seal dentr The vessel; it seems, had Are annihilate= placed round In convenient spode. The gentleman from the interior beauxis minty: eyed an annihilator for some time and evidently _cencluded it was sonle newfangled drin king arrange mesa, sad was not going to show his greenness by asking about it. So he stopped up smartly., put the ;nozzle in his mouth and turned. it on. The effect minetaneona and stupeadousl The st7msa Was knocked sprawling sonnsten feet away. The shock to his intsinsl ortmaliattea must have been semething tramendorm for he remained wateedess ands area for some time. When he aufloiently recovered to artic ulate, he wanted S. - know if Idler had btirstr . - - nnestiim or the tights of Assisi- I can tunnel-Mod citizens when abroad is now. occupying a large sham of the pub. tan man o r:--ti 3/listings demanding pro- 'action :aop citizens are b4ng held in all parts of the country'. it de reported that s' foreigntborn culren.ol Cincirunni bee written to Secretary Se ward, irtstiog that bin name has been published An.the tamers of his native 'country as a deserter from the army, alihOugh belted left that country whoa he was oaly five years old, eighteen years ago. He inquired, in cane he should Mahe a visit to hie native coun try, whether too would be liable to ha t ressment into the army of that country. air. Seward anevrere that be may be sub ject to some detention and tremble, to which the United States Government coat recommend him to expose him ! sail: I—Parls society isevldentlyverynalied , It Usti very well, but sometimes a trifle ludicrous, to notice what a promiscuous Minglieg of the elements there is In the guy capibil. A Parte paper gives* list of the persons of highest. f!INI:001:1 obeere ed as present at the first representation of ..kfarlbrough e'en va-t-ou Guerra". at the Athens. There was Amber the com poser, Madame gam, the danmuse, the Coma Gabrelli, Madame Mootaubry, Therm the flash singer, Shall Boy, ?flocs Achille Murat, Berne , g - the noto rious, Auprer, Cara Pearl, garon Lam bert, Anna j eslleny Amodio Baehrr, Vesui, Discloses„theDake de Itivoll Mid a score of other celebrities, of both worlds, ssridwiched in the newspaper es welly se they were seated In the theatre, —An espedal furore io the machinery departmentof the late French Exposideu errur the variety of instrumana for the economicel cutting of coal, 110 WI to save the enormous waste of the pick end other hand tails:. One machine, worked by emnpremed sir, was capable of giving sixty or seewn4 blows& minute, and or undo:walling along& line of ten to fifteen yard* in an hear, to a 'depth of over a yard, and: ith Tory Little wean,. Another more oomplicated roaddne acts not by aerrunion bat by planing, scraping or gouging, making its way shrougn band atone with Cadllty. The power is applied by hydraulic promure,, and the appa rel= will cut shoat imam& yards In an . • —A esrpenter named Costae has been tried at Montpellier, France, for tasking a false declaration to the police. Oa the the 25th of November he Rave Worm*. tiou that be . had been .. eir me red .on the Midi road by - pouts - mem- Two workznWhom be hid mentioned. as being L en:les ware:arrested. bat tho thifrrd to bean _entire Mud cation. vow,..sras conarquanee son• tined torpor niOntbe !reprisal:Meat. GENERAL NEWS --Equipe,' WM All Ne. - York paper, the other day, that liadame l'arepa }toes would appeor in "Handel's Grand Ora torio_of Samxon,''' whereupon "SUM." taming to his eon, remarked that "lf anybody could handle Sampson it seem .] to him that Pgkepa was the indl- an L. 1 arutrid bj the .S'oaithera Ophaosi thatNirxinha; NorthandSouth Carolina, noorgia, Florida. Altabama, , bllasissiPpl, LOUlAiallZ and Taloa be blott ed from ounznats saa statute., and that 'there by written thoir &eta Hayti, forth and South Guinea, Dahomey, - Asharee, Sahara, Borneo, SotidAui an d NlgrlUa. - -A ne Frankenstein has appeared in Newark, whe has coastructed a steam man, a machine in human shape, dressed in fashionable clothes, with a hat which is a store ply*" In reality as well as in name, a face of white - enamel llland neatly Twisted whiskers. This affair draw.aluadflar-thmo _tome at. UM retool a miles minute. —The day after tber driwing of tbd quarter =Mien prize in the Vienna lot tery. the report was set afloat that. the fortunsUilndividtial was a fenzale pastry cook - In the Archduke Charlsei.lloteL She was neither young ner fair, but - yet reeeisosk a dozen offers of roaming:On the course of one afternoon. She can make her selection at 'tenure, as she did not draw the prize. • —Fur Isatal much in teem. It la pm employed in trimming. Them are various way* of iumnzlng it. For taffetas, cloth, or velretUresses, &double, row placed up eaeh side of the a b le row lea yery imitable style, asiotile band being put round Me can and arm holes. The paletots of medium length Bare a square collar, bordered with Mr. —ln the VOW spectacle play of - -ear," the Llilipullantare represented by Ogurtio, ingenionsly,worked, and a grobdignag bah. by a large fat womab. The incident of t7iniliver:e extinguishing the fire in the Lilliputian caps which the French authors 'meld not afford to loSe, is represented on adrop curtain; ea a *Perth& te deceney,whicals dieplayed thtocahmill an emirs en:led e e‘ deetituteldher - in St. lairds' not mintigh - money to procure a.cofia for hid dead child.. Se{ taklog the heal{ lin his arms, he carried it, a long dis• Ware to the cemetery, on arriving there discovered thathe had neglected to obtain a burial certificate, and was , {e iepoied to retracalits stepi and repeat his sad journey; carrying his dead child _4—The aged Trinoesta rotenikia lOWA to auks a calk of congratulation upon the Grand Stich.= Eugeade, of Rusals, who .is tube married this month. She was held'.uri by a lift to the apartment:let the bridfi,r and as the Grunt Duke ~extu.{. his hand to waist her { out of the =chine, the ropes broke, and { roftlO' rattled ' down to. the ground, brukinr ltawrist ,and bumping hug . nice'-elopement eiorvein en t -Planned : GM mbar day betarems. a St. Laois belle and a dry goads, clerk. who was Unabtli to win the approval of her cruet father. At the romantically early hour of Strain the ' mornlng-the. couple had . seated . there I salves in the cars sad assumed tbespprol rpriate attitude of confidence and- ethic , I tick; when' the little-scheme was foiled { be the appearance cili) stern parent,' Who remontelessly carried off the bride. all tears and byeterlcs, vowing eternal constancy to her checkmated,though not m-* few weeks' ago a meeting of the , Central Conimittes An the admbilstra thin or relief among the mining popula j thin was-held at the Town JIAL Tr'ur'o.l England. The reports from the varlons rub-committees showed that the Wallets was very fast Merv:wing, and thatlerge, I Ir-increased Conde woOlerbe requisite to , eneerthe cialnie Tor redlet However, a i-motion to ailvertise lathe 7Vmes for rub. Wtiptionstromthecoantry at large, was reat.4 the-majority of the Committee gof the opinion that a farther an ew.. should first be made to Cornwall. The amonntin band was reported to be £1,700. Grante won' made. to the extent German. .thlegtaph omrathr re , calved informellen last month that he was one of the helm °lasi - Bad India 'million aire recently deceased ; "'whereupon . be' borrowed largeintes 'of :newsy, took hht fainity,t6Niennt to Ike and threw hts antlers about in Mine& style.. But In the height brills enjoyment the informs- I - bob Caine that it wee rel. a mistake. and' that he Emilio claim - upon 'the inherit ante. Maddened by the gadding over throw of tiiimpes,the merniag after the thifaud intelligence, be stran gled and allot his wile, beat out the brains of hie' Infant, shot his two elder ' children, and'empted the last charge of hie pistol Into his own brains. —A curious study of- character ls at forded in the variottempllos'which were sent to the pounds imposter, "Mies Min tile L Pary,". who bass been victimising persons all aver • the States with her tale of loveliness iwilistresta. A Chicago oentleman Stria SO with a most to yid letter, telling h e ro thlike right that be would meet bar at the depot, ete. `A New. :Yorker who was less demenstrm 1 tiro, sent only $lO, and asked. for ker photograph before he, committed him self to further admires A Beaten man thinks there mint base been a mistake, that the letter bad evidently got into the wrong , envelope; Mys that he had un- , ,ausicessfully endeavored to dad th e tight awier anti that he eat not cenidder it improp sr to offer her—his sympathy. —The fluctuation In the ralee of early editions of Shakspearals amusingly Olt:Masted by the following observations of &sevens; which occur in his edition of 173,5;-"An aucient quarto was wild for exitance; and the lobos 10,13, nod , 'when tint printed, mould not have, been raked higher than at ten shillings each. Very lately • oneland two guineas have been paid for a quarto; the first folio is usually valued., at seven. or eight; but what iwicc maybe expectel for it here after Is not very easy to to determined, the conschance , of Mr. Fox, bookseller, Holborn, having lately perthlued him to ask no lel% than tiro. guineas for two leases out of n mutilated copy,,,ef that impsesslon, though be had several al most equally defective in his shop. The second folio Is commonly rated at two or three guineas." What would Samisens have thought of Mr. Fox If he coold have toresmn that £lO5 would have been pub licly offered for three leaves only el one of the quarto tditions?The that folio, valued In 1701 at seven or erlibt guineas, now realism from £4OO to .Zsoo, if In a osrfect, genuine state. Driliarg•Usla Diuretic Pins Veal itropyl . ) , called 'BACA-AC:EIS ;mita. gamine* virnevei Blade ars asrectit., tha is aw.J. rat Is Ms mil of %be. but. someirsei den[ ILi alga. t•e'W aymitass are arum at nisi, for larturnAlsm, and tin . c..ratriary nr. :Use rus 3.101135a1d sfeallsas Ss= u Milian U. of ,L,Lval/ Da WIGINV3 D.I.OIC••UHS . PILLS Suite at the nut ofhaelt alreates, D 7 smoNaa stiassansing the !mat leant? lust 'ca. ,Slt• pattent u ICleved Mla alt arearnaas and pain. Han %V who b& ‘dretr.d tram Mu, .trolVeican t•ttur to the end e:fal e•ea4 of [bat • pills. rod blr Boat es ma. ones ■D aeati Der ,y 52. • Debility and IF emaciation gab newt trisentlia auk of alillne tin We fled tale =Ailment- How accessary, tne:, fee tilose tainting lon tneut a wanly/ ginp• tins talicancdt:telyeastirt CO a :anode that will Seengtlian ens slanitcp ant digestive siva, Scr, at 5305 W 1 LLU'lleerstd• oblect Pas tun. * Mi.f . wit h aVi d ligrU . :Ve LTTZICaI 11-tiSta7aliana at- staid a aorld•orlde a:andante tech co a t i, and Can bLeL row,* the toss ass assist erases renal ter cersuipation, te , tog tee itamecit, altlos energy to r t' ke lift, ands elCae • yea-Lent et WSIRSI depresalea of benzins. Ito entente', ant toarillcan • trials arc rag elute. al 0 , itg tivaans, saw owe to tt lb le g1a001.0,1011 lisalta.. Sea rertorette• In Lae an at astalciao her anemia tae eat. tiouli 71 ty In Maori. len al ttnn IS las neon torus Lao W wax the bun sadoeso• =eau au - Canal to this anealleat lost. Mang , n e ce Irt r egt - cztaa e lni o l"tiLif ::4 . 11• : : , bin own wham th.O po •alsrtr :iRr44.1.7.,11; tray.• is WILY!. sad L. LOW recetranal u a etaanard Me sulstna inectu allies attend. Me nea or the t ltt• is gni/fee at •ft 1•• %WM itt 011106•0 gad OIL. OS Of ILLIstowEIL. I:ertiallite,,rnatt•ltbo e ate all at , te, tale been jingoes., attelinig 11l trot, intricate. power latalli elan chaos psi. . fat lad feartal elsestas. sied at this glue It unto We.: 40 mac Manacle nasal/auto the I :2:ll` 4 7.Antiel x u."l7/IfAilliel."lttAzt k il .ropuutos of taw 5154 goat la callable la ut / Leas see Is is itersual 'twin Of tka coulda s'i in if tee allege , . • Twelvp Dictates of Common Renee. • . • rent—ltyaa meat late at flint, and ratan •btly aid Marie, W • Dr, Etym . . Timbal Syrup. , -11•Naa—lf yes child Peal threniti' IN tee . wlns strattlig, cad Wen, Gannet • cola. take pr. I+, ern Y•croral gym. Titire—lt yam We tee •eaNklle far e loaf t at.; NI. conk New kNr 42 id Doted, take ur. Ibsen P.rtare trrav••• • • loafL—Jt loarAnise pals/ yes. Yd yi mace lumen pkneettbaa NW. nu* Dr IN. nun tewnl erne.. Yallk - 1 , eat •lenttlax az4 gement .a 4 40.11 e01.0.214•4r0. Nunn , Ima al bio. 67 De. I ;ere rt Pactoral•T•th • leeta—le lot etneforata tle44.' t•ke Dr. .14..rern Ybreral erne. eta o.sol.lmearise aft broncetal print., take Dr. Zan Yantor.l 41r. p. Aystak-11 yon Gera mantra at an It: b. Pr. Wean rennet !bray velum yen. bath—lf ern kin nese, za, D r . Keyser. Naomi leenpmel enn yoa. yenth—ylos NT* .34 tgittebet &man of A. ;numbly orglas; Dr. "%ran Funeral el 4 eo 0111 eso7l. • • 'leeward—Pr. Kaplan ree . eral.ll.l. ken ear 4 ikoasao. NA magna. Teielftb—Dr. i. 7.8 2 .• Ribs! Nally via NW at most aragghta. Nrkk tN 414010! ben. No. NI Word genet • • Weary Mb. Lee • PITTSBUAE _DAILI_JI). r tTThs• ULLIISDA A 1786. PROSPECT". 1868 THE FETSI3IIILER DAZETTD: Ile. Laved &nisi paper in the gate of reaneylvania, enters 124 Sand year of iL erittosie wationasai facilitite for eta 'mina:kg the amid new of the etnY, tad for 'readerilif lead Mitten! derrfr Lke isnportarl 'Proiderradial Oznoans_pf; 11 ".1144.115 . wd0. of pliit to provi om of Ao most isqxnl . , - ets2 Aeld , shea the formation of the SOV eroonood, owl the: proceedings ma! be 111:nr2,-- WasW inataled by the nite/tweet flaeuS(l. In Mom gibe deep interest centered in the proceedings, the proprietors of the 9- ZR17.8" hose made arrangewamto or delay dieF4ant killers &oriel the nesafan• Way Wel/Went eotoe epottotent, ho oetlewM — Woilelmeo ohtt koottorltomeherref the Rawls and Heels, the heads of the moi -1 coo lleparttec—.4 and the leadasp ,politi- I etas. vita Inerram tat readers can depend as ntlii.6lo, ae first, hand and wet reliable intelAganao ,f 4 o' the mak, goverresnera• r The preardbeta 'of the Rate Sian, at ar forthammi send" sat edeo prove interesting, inasoineh an Pang dap. of meportanee sew come .for tegiszatiom na GAZETTE witt sokap at the State Ospaal , cranny the Wire e, • an intelligent and faithlot eerroopet, who iota promptly meet the proceectittga by mot slut Osternph. ' is the only poUtiest JourvsTqfPitio bueyh shiehfciShintlY retUvls cna advoestat tbsprinapted held by the Union ReplostWan. Perry, and interpreted iy Its(Ch.frim ; It eke mad., antra. NM d tribe doliampir snap, %AM ay print it hi AOC Wail Os dimwit to WlB.o* lar• Warmseeenaohn Jean the Weeereena. ems 4) rant I ha• woe enneetheent. oaren el as afraqt 4 ...kW." k mak/stark =4 olt wch..ef yenUe amPnienoe natbeetortnete an. lan gaikitakaem4k mix. ratainakek eat s2,k, sad aradeasat Oak salt - rtalkfalk tafrker all n. eroeaadt +M g./ J..naf as Cat. Md.. Omaha tad ltdat lark, tat macaw. mOW 011111 . l ~sect..of a ilow anitdr,rols, and I Ara aims fassipe sad somaderililai /mak nor 1. bees Minot khakis*. at sit dar n Mkt talk at Os ~WM askttkadi {sue easy AP:11111.41.0. wets. an, es , ornate selhava feenoetna Wen 0 ngswwitik tufo* ....t0..14.m.02 3, WM, evon win 1.04...../ftteratftwpfalungaf LtIllr71: tht,kaatik ktatkaag Aka gamma in tamp of asak ontakarkkkkataL,gol• oat masa gut,. irstsareedvi au! 1..."4 - iitat, Mar*. MAIM gm, batiks§ awl I,..aft..l`4l,lF6.o•Hatilriefisi ewer aka awn lata awe walk as amdkatet kygsso.4 v.ts ru.arrunah.d. wt. 0.40".itt....7 , ..p.. ankrast tan . itsitatakk d kikkotat fa a wpm: taw mill kr* fait loatortPll.4 neer. "nem or ral Da .r CAMS. .. _ . tam ' bade, et tot 74ritZetyl. itirom, pal :004 ... 1W iiirasit pa.. sat at. : 4 . Itajg Ing .JI L T AUM II4IIIB . . , ii. WILIELZ (MUM Ms Ns es4srvdd :It masa& amita . .Dsili, VW I/ 11011 , ON .1.1;,; Is Pa Sala Jt alum/tie fa La Amur a/ a., Ario 4 ,,, *wheats and lartt:ast lama # is ..M Mama forty soltattelaatat af v."... ,!.... is torlarrapa aid tau. Ow Iscalso olgariatii 4 tar datta....a airri. mien. al illuNni.i.ll.l - Eve.. A:47ow au naval." *must 5.c.i.c.4 1. ca....rtore z•zake. •JUQ.ri , ot , Swat estssms wens aaaailaTaaelk a astiarr at t. Fut rm tali 1W rams tad I+I4IMII. ' ru ..t4 wyge..if gi. wszrz : osUrrs WC ft .1.1.1 . /WOW setraoataaati la Oa LW maaadanit authara, lir iota /cm. art atUarr. sat ta asawortateavat ta Ilrtaara Pia agii. maaa,trastara a* and Whams ravtalastY wtawria apsaL. Mr Nast 44 ant am' trehunatip by tit Mal Caul tti 4. ii r ta i ttaa wadi. . rtfartassta 1.0. W.: taraat. t• ••• Wan,. tie ratty pleas to Via marker at At ' flaw VIM Ostia.. traatatta• to attr4a. Oa Armes arCr raver va II veils, tut thetr r/a44 at we; salad atteataa War onoratrut at taf Ira at warm aaaleat Ma wad al . tar ovaittrs should baaarriata Oa onst.'s sew. Ad littoss tra chasten llama:Oat ass lama 'at swir ly irotti. fartaartal , mad Yetvair.tri amt. 'r I • ; • malls oS MN Imam' amerra. Clam er rm.:...:......:..—........-:.:. 1.13. , —sad &ad Wad rear up tha at& air' la . samara. arltaa 0 dm. Fmoi ' .* swan wimp ca. sr.pria.... • . - rzistcut, slsn'i CIO, . A is Ma Stmt. lit , esbssii4 ' Corlr7 paper• la Wags. roasaytruda. Oldo as4Weatera ♦Metal• Nor•, SULOrIa as Mulled Vapors mill b eatlll•d NOM plot's =Wag* VITA** DAILY hAvart pro :To 44 3 Sir-Ail EM. ALVegill6 Jr. Sclera. 41265.444 W. ,4.;.a /VA 5464. is an endhertsed Apen?.l6 racial AdoelbriA 4 46.4667614644, apaperi Ohnwkisl OrGAI4 FZSTIYAL 1110.,150.31 GRAND OPERA, ELM AC T ADEMY OF MUSIC collll.lSCllall January 27th, 1568, 001 CI 11313' Milli 01 10 10131 I. 1311TA••14.0 , - , Su u• rond cOIITIHHHH. MOT at•ublic..., OXANDISULLINOPICkIVOIPAIIT MMUS Aarlf GRAND ataisllatso• r 1 •11. Ilia t mama ad tirud Canna.. • The C.mblard Gnad ()Khanna{ IltrrOnse one bandral otad twa0l7•00 Le tts:44as Vinueette (du , IVNI mita) Kai 111.10112E1t. JEUEIO. cd ""13:14:11;ai o leb•sur tsars Mats Boarm. aWI ln n? LTG .41ceinetn tr.? W. 1.. la rlttalatu•S. mulatr..• e• do Infra eats. di Yalu. Lisa Tho mrimmand Itremar.a Ins. Mane. Intl malts le• apasansum Bt. glean/ ° Vsenj ' ls g rot. lll l.. " ritatteo f i o 0 =4"Ltlbts. TWO...VW ':Mcl ' lggt:O . DOL. - - 1 el:s S grAal .liair.E ottla cools stock or • • p , .r dooto.y, polab.O, to oto.loolo SOS their ' L-a,i‘.l7,'"'"'"Nr=irrilliG. tre.orar. NOTICES farNOTICE.,.-11olders of Stack catiegua , tek Tnl IPSDIRAL CO/0111Y, not runurlyiren.ferted oa Books of the (NaIIMILIIT. plema preseat Ulna lat• raedlanly at lanoline or the Mourner, cornet of_D¢ll6.l4aa lira* and Banana street+. far tratu'er. It Is etkonent adrUtaleto die.. at tat property. (real 1.4 pereola/.1 and &tido • I pr:eutle smear ettekke;dera. • Itero`uUous to ••• thlearact lure treea ,pareed by the !Ward. and pO5ll conferrlag' eathetiy elgaattre of ntookbelden wLLlai fahad at the orate or •A. D. MELLO, deuetarY. Pateturah. /UMW, OW lYi. Jams • I)7fICMQ WATSSI WrISTS,"22 W..{Mutes Ballansg. • YlStslOriks Jams., Di I 1 , • - "•019NE AND CONTHAO'f -lum Ilam for ms* ordro.t grater. ' ireetlom or repoithor tolldtsgs to tilts • WrOorglO Iry Lll7.sua IssossAmt to settle for %me *moo d..stmir .11413 • ..... of Wafts . Itoots.-8 'a~_F:{~q~: c~t,~ igr2/OTIC.E4 . • Pi.TßOLOlt,Aitir.ooUalUiff for Oki 'lntros of ClO. tril.llllc.',oirlUl2Zll.7l.'h MU"- , Ert N 0 TT 4:E.,-TITE ANNUAL; LILTLIg , , of the-11.bbotgerg I the Vag. wasilynirmg gornAtat u rN2 f:Vokfr .s f . . _' . rrfnoitru a glll l 4;ll7. &got Board of; 'Mfg trots for thy eoevitigfgar._Wil u bog.g! . . 4 1 ; 101rIgt i . I rlrEV.i, e' itrrgt:g. "110.- ti k gthfil ). ' I6gIRI/EON. Prtsidest. • ISW.. fo.staft vacua • . A1701,10N EILLEIL ; MY,JOHN BEIExT a Balk . , • • , WAITER STREET PROPERTY M A.I . 7OIPICOMT: • Wilt g.• 3,24. rublta .at n rei Ise , ..113.Otalls,:v...peaty 231.1,10'0.0 y. lbw. destrstte FVUtise 44,11 Y 0‘ , 13. 1 0g. 80 5r. , 4 Si Water Arvin. law acts. ,11041 St Mes• n V2.11.T t0..212111111 if' I. 13 fret front ea Weter street 2. 1 . 0 fret FOgHteet. butidhus Id on. of them •H.lutts 'Halm Ho