1 ME DAILY WERE, II ZEBLIBILILIi 'WEST MORNING : tit:mm.4oz =arm) "lP ENNUI/lA, REED & ViNorilieteras, T. Zr 2411011, 01.7107., daisrrr. Ros.,st awl m firm. skim:rt. , LaCtig h*l tf Wester' tracsltruk. Orriom PAPER - n? prxrastrata AID ALLEGHENY CITY. _ 73 Z.LSIONST. frlfirAPlSTensf BSS? FAMILT asuF 001(110141101.41, P4P.67g Stab: , • • ' • T ims or maatrat • I Eta- •- 3 33333. 13 Snlatr ' • - GAZILT;nr.. ,• 4 Prrtsßtrahn, P131313.1'. e it`csrii% .lj Susii~i~s„Frii}eansssx~Rn~, 13Outh' Monett , agU many. merchants and financials were lif, Orlthe opinion that the Treatury,Deparj. 4 - by L'altithin ing.thn yoitunt al the,currenuy at. a ni form degreoof inflstioni t,tualdprere a ,falll la th e. norain'arvalies of all kind of 1 getrchiiind Witree.' The Setzetary of the Treitimi Melagred the (tractions and ca. palilitles of the Department with my h ,greattiraiciirity,iid I:friedthe 'pandit t i 'prattle - able retain hi ?cola pal - merits e flu! thranalurchiapest:way - out Of . - cadit,trththMenti .41th which busine : elaama .0 . ,r ail.gradea.were , threaten . Ile:-.tbridaiMeed- contraction. .doalgnin to reltairitmany liondreds,trf , millionf coin, -.and , bring . it into-, circulation. Pricoaritidorinhiatthiliater then he re ducal 'abet anintuttfrif , grieubilre, • and Sindett More iripidlithan . koid receded in neirliet inlule, Audit d - , , in many lines vain.4l'thi.ittrik - - Vold* whore they ever' wore tirefrie.. 'lt Wm plain, ' conacquent. ly,Ahrt other taufka than cottirdelieni of tho.pipei currency 'were in operation. Thik: . coluideinition, ' lithrerer, .al not rat* ill;w1M - wertifecting the nacona fortable-,preianin,'and the Secretary, yhthlthrtirporitrarthindeilianiier, - Ins - pended the cancellation of , legal tendert. Congjeen Ma enionaedthiiort him au a, dttel,. , ,or loll' ima.fewdays. , Still prices do no t Rt.- tap; or cute:tease; in many departnii.:eta;lo fall away.' Ithiesident the Secretary lean-neither change- nor conitholthelswis Orfrido. - . ' A ' s: 4 110'0(0M reaUlta. of /melted val ue.; manyllahrrea are occurring' among troderi ''llivr . t4niot .. sql, their atocks for . miything 4e ,what they cost, and Kay notsurpinitapital enough.to bal. anceA° P10P 11 . 4 3&._ The cue of them • worthy- men' is to be comrehiminted, thmTgli 2 iiiiiY it ' cta4d - tie' avoided' we do not ace. , 44then priceswent up trader" made money, -M-imemed• to . make it, . without:pecttlini - intelligence or titrit tholinf.- -7 -Thir:'-`i . iMiriel `Ttlerit aloug,: almost - in' spite Of'themseli. ...Upon the shi3l.hiing of the swell Manj Sad themmilreahmiky or Welly damagid, thruFgh no`.thult . of their' ..own. They . are ulutimi 'of - amovethent thrparaing . human-control. .. ~ _ .. - _ . The number of:these railirests larger thatt!li genenallethPreliended outside of piiiimerrfat. etrclea. Almost every Coriatderable boron& furnishes one_ or. retire Of them; and' the, :Imallercities a eroPorlionate days ago, in our o'the ifost kionithent towns rif' 'ren . or 471 . Virikiiiienr'S EbtibliartiF; li en adJrOaing•fo,aie, we heard of not lees than Alc- , ErrnetithEr - of: these '7ras im pmeidencootity.iniapseted. • ' This - cOgdlthzn.otati rsixasemonishes to cireumipreiirio'llerenit'tile, pursuits, at ell times more Perilous luau moat others, *e.noi'attanded by pecidifir hazard& - IT. apeeadPayninitaconid be promptly L eac hed+ _th'lt lattiftlhait urge bemuaelr would go tar to: Imdire-101/ . l Kthltb: l lo l =Patled petween the valtnof . gonds and there're "br cern. Mittlife attainment la not now . apparently es near as It was a year. ago. 'Melones Incident to a return to specie scent to haVO been' encountered, and Jet the consummation . .13 indefinitely post 1 11 .doubt it is of:highernmernmemt to hare tho,Unloif testored, so that all the Bates may once :igen hold their nor ' taal teletions, to" each other and to The generals gor,elMment. But it is of yet higliereonsequence to have the Tinian so restored Oslo mato mire theta': the sacrifices recurred during ,the war were not litvain. - 'FiCroUllthe rebeli;lnd all the men who ' , encouraged them to take up Mr* Anitat ~ not that citi, forfeitures Audi bC'enforced, bit that no' . , _ guarantees ahill - lie exacted. lot future , .good conduct.- What there' factionista -wants ,=that as Pe rebels. faUed to , ac complisit their . ends by getting out of the Union, they - thaffikiw;incieedby'staY4 ing in. - That would be lucky for them; i•• • I El In dtte, the ..r&alt could tie , broug,bt • about, bat - irtnild mike- the martyred , parrots turt' .theirtraYel. Before Me. Luoant.s.vras assaultatcd, - -Jon:neon avowed • his Purr*" tc", break with the , Republican pasty.. He , ,, did cot tvant ; the ynion 'dissolved; hut he walutedjitet Uttle - that Remblican ideas atinuld - Privill la .. the national se,!.; element: f Hence, upon.hla acessaloisto rower, after a'short period spent in die! clumsily .aver wrought ;.; by prodigious • threateninka uto excite the'rears 'Ural diacentio' went ' over rebel side; mid* factious cihY, • position to Corigreas; - and ban io tar suc 7 • - med. followe.ra in the 800 Mein States as :to Impede reernastnte%,. that. Yet' tightwas. has the / efrontery to declaim .bemoan reconstruction prch l , VOLVO no slowly:, :Übe wouldonly give - bus ipflrience to that end, the whole weal:. could be elpsei itt ninety days. OHIO. NEWS, • .. - . , : • —At Huntington, Ty.train county, there • . has been an unusual amount oTsevere , i - —At yds the new town hall Is coin= • ' 'I. •t • pletol. It sews silvan hundred and fitly people, add coat $30,000. i '. i •-•Ltertt. Ccil. David Dove, of the Second fl ' Virginia ( opal) Cavalry, cited In Jobmf . ,1 eon count •, Ohio on the 12th Inst. 1 _l' 1 . —Ex-Maier Samuel Hendry and wife; ..1 t of Oberlin, celebrated 'their golden wed: .- I ding on the 13th instant. 'Mr. and Mml ._ _t• • Swill, of Ravenna, observed a like anni ;" Ternary on the talc . . . —Mr. Ntithardel - Holmes, the oldest 1 ]..,. t . citizen of Akron, died at his residence , ... 1' on North Broadway. al 1 o'clock mit. on. the • - ' the 13th inst. Mr. tiolmev was born at „... • Fisiskill; Duchess manly. New York, en.l the kith day of May, .1111.3, and was you, , ...-'---, sequently e 7 year*, 7 Immthe and 27 days ' . , .1 - old at the time of him death: . , •I -- —A corr&c"pfirelent of the Mansfield I ITeriad rat . : ...31 . ra. Haskins, who died ,- at Camden 'on the 161.11 sait., was born In _. • .-.- what is no w..l3tuling Wm, V r..,'ln 1731, and ::I t was consequently - 116 yesrs of ago when • 1 she died. 'When. ytmnrsho kraaboand , .., . out, and did much hard work. Iu early life she lived - on Mug Island, end when --1 the Brttisis invaded _-11 - evoNork, fled on .• f. foot,cam, "tug. her boa and a few other • articles eighteen miles, t a place of safe . ty. She wain the thelher . of ten children, - - f 1 eight of whom Kill survive." . • I• ' —A Mt. Gilead .(31errew minty) iser -respondent of .t . .tho CleVeland Irrxald ~ ... j stays:" The old stock of molaasee on hand ' 1 - 4 Mae' bele2;..osed, Much of the wheat , . [Wawa's sown has a poor.stool: ...Streams , and - welts . were drksJ , tip fe a great ex, '.. 1 ' tent, Llitratirs . and Mhera having to haul "_ .. r water- - for lionse - stye ' and drive their stock to water. it is thought by many that - the drouth haltessesi the maturity of . i .-. the apple this 13a ,Mwiderable It this co 2. The result has been ,I that green hppl bitro . riot kept - well: ..' 1. Over ten the d bushels were bough! , ; in this- place,_. consluerable - loss - sustain - I ed; rotten apples were hauled - oat by the - . - load" muffle kind that usually keep mil .s. , : til April and May arenow. Mellow. Fell . - pas tufo being Short, fop:tired early feed - I • leg. There: irldenty . of bay and grain, - '-. but they . Oriznmarid a high price. Live I stock of all kinds are - dant well; except .. ..1 . -__LeheepWilere fairtetweinted; hat . t -Vale demand for stock at priesent, There is some wool Itt 'the r - market yet; price 'from 31 to - .IQ caste. . . . —St.• Louie vaiasenger- railway com play; live in number,- In their exlathlte of buslueis for the lead year,'shciir . a loss of over, enrenty- thousand dollen'. = . Only one raid - lo the 'clty • hail made money, and that .only- twelve thousand .1 clll ooenv appoal ts to be made to the Leghdattlre,;-•Zr7 atithortty- to mice ,the I le TromSPefo3lzemLL _i.: E:==M VOLUME LXXXIIL MIST EDITION.' 3LMI3NIGHT. Penas3lvaniaLegislature. =I .11Iwnnisnrrto, Tenn Kry 184 S. SLZsA.TL I= The following resolutions were preArr , - oil' from thellallimot Committee: Resolved, That 'the Attorney Geuerri remmeted to proceed by quo warra n t° or otherwise azainst the Atlantic 'Great Western Railroad . Company, and should be fail In the Courts to reach the corporation, report to the Senate. what Isuislation Is nocewsary to compel the Company tocomplywiththe object winch the Legislstare had In view when - It In coreorporeted It' Resolved, That one thoneand copies of the report and testimong be printed- The first molutian wee pCstporteA tb . seeouti passed. Mr. WALLACE, °nein:torporMing the ArtbZins' Delx?sltl3ank P . itteburgh. -Mr. WHITE, one autharizing Indiana :›zointy to borrow inono3;for public huild- Also, the Free Railway bill of list stal alon as a Hopplesient tothe general la.e. Mr: ERRETT, , one aulhorising the Noblestown and Te,stiperarme - ville Plank road Company to 'surrender parts of its road in Tetoperancesille and West Pitts. A bill requiring Bedford county topuy . James Clark three thousand dollars for a bridge over Raystriwn Branch, and autherizing the fiecretary of the Com monwealth to record all omcial bonds, ployEed . ffnally. . STAI4STON RESOLUTIONS riLILSE:D. The litanton reacilutinna were passed finally in:, Died', at -half rinst ' • eleyen o'cicclf.., by a strict-party cote. _ so uirrass' ortrxu...ns!azpotrr. Three thousand copies of tho Soldiers' Orphans' - Report were ordered for the Department, and one thousand for the House. RANK STOCX AW , NMLII. ' A reenhitlon by Mr. I'HELA....V;7i/fm-. ocrat, of Greene, requiring a report from' the Auditor general and SfabsTreasurer of the number, names nod aalsriesuf epeciar useemsers of National Bank stock, a at.pointed under the act of 18457, way, od thin ofLtlr. TilgEbT,Alepubliciut, E; iladelplila, referred to Committee of Vt Sys arid Meads, .- .„ ; . .. CIIAPLAIN ZLiXTED. Ilan. C. - H. Fonsey t Harrlaburi, Ares elected Chaplain, alter en hour's de. 11AILDO.ID DILLS PAIDOTISED. The Free Railroad Luur and the TIM.- burgh and Cormelleville Railroad bill *ere both • reported affirmatively, the Gnmer by Mr. WILSON, and the later by Mr. }ORD. =nat. DALACItS. Mr: WINGER, of Fre' nklln, read n bill Mupenanting. UM citizens of Franklin; Adams, Bedford; . Cumberland, York, Perry nod Follett mention for rebel Me nges. SSVINOB . BANK SCPPISMENT. WILSON, of-Allegheny, presented supplement for the Mechanics Savings Danko( PtUshingh. SOITrH AbIrE'RICIA._ riser la linenula—lt oval:Ilan la rellß rrozrarslaz—Berelaslon la SWIM. War BOtIVINM Brazil tau 'Par- =I -Nzw Form, January n—Tbe steamer Arisonn, from Aspinwall, brings a858,C00 Pasco reigns In New Grenada, and Is • _likely to be preserved for some time. The revolution - in Peri is gaining ground. In the South and Nortia C:1- the rebels had cut off Prado'a COMMUMI !tun with the coast. and Arequipa appears firm to hold out against him, while sev eral other provinces are wader revolci tionary control.. Tho — Gevernimant troops, thotagh reiaibrced, have yet been actable oft the better.of the . rebels in the North. A revolution hinvbroken out In Bolivia The Milian Congress -has authorized the use of eight hundred thousand dol lars In the construction of a wharf and bonded warehouses. at Valparaiso. The steamer South America, from Rio Janeiro' Dec. Hi,. arrived to-day. Two raids bad been made by the allies and threw. thousand cattle .and some horses eaptuked, but no parties of Paraguayans were-encountered. An expedition was preparing in the allied camp to capture a fortified Paraguayan. poet, believed to horliwi point whence supplies passed over tei the Chalcets end held hun dred men: Deserters re that Lo- Fz Mid three Wonsan wen at work aking a road through: Chalon, and that ie plan was to leave Hamita garrisoned With two or three. thousand men and -transfer the remainder to the above men ttioned place, Dime' to' make heed In a strong position. Meantime be continued the construction of strong inner defen eive lines and had organized a force of one thousand cavalry which eameont side the trenches but kept, within the assistance of the cannon of the fortrens. The river b Itteries of Elamite appeared to bo crumbling away under the routine nous tire of the Iron . • • %Report said an expedition of five thou sand allied cavalry was being prepared to go to Ascension. 'The cholera has al most entirely diaappeared from the al lied army and the fleet. A considerable band of runaway slavm was attacked la the formta of the pro vince of Para by wild Indians add all but Ave killed. . A collection. of twelve hundred fishes wee made in the provlnca of Gem for Prof. ems 's. The cholera at Buenos Ayres is tilling eighty to ene hundred and forty persons Greatnumbers are fleeing to the country, and trade is stagnant. The Ranks of Uruguay have been al. lowed to suspend specie payment till the end of May, causing a paralyzation of business in the Rio market. Sales of mires fir the : month 1.50,000 bags -of which '57.00:1 bags were for. the United States;- prices unehangodc - CALIFORNIA. I Railroad:l Saterprts•—Tarrible :11t;ins _ . ref Se'wipe to tae ittteberat Ossetieo SAS FrIA.I6ICO 3 Jac Central Pacific Railroad Company propose 4o mash forward their line across the plains energetically daring the present year. They have organized a force of ten thousand workmen to carry on thework through the linmboldt -country.. The Central Company . ablo - have two corps of engineers currants the route between San Francisco and Sacramento, intend ing to complete the connection of the two cities as soon as wasible. It ie the Intention of the Cali fornia and Oregon Company to com menter work on' their road early in the spring. The San Jose - Company expect to complete the extension of their road to Gilroy before next harvest On other roads" surveyed through the Russian river country work will commence in the spring. - . Late Idaho advices state a terrible mew and wind snow parsed over that country about the first of. January. The Indians, tired of warfare, express their WhirhSttech to go on a,reeematicarr NEW YORE (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gus Ate.) Naw - Yonx„ -Jan. 2Z. 1147. iranar.orans surf. The Recorder. has decided to hata Piastres of the Events° Mail, for trial on A. Ilerres clyerste of fraud in the sale to the latter of the Evening Gazette: - Recordisr reviews the ease at great length. 780.1 t ..sarrawaLL. , _The steam frigate. Minnesota, from As , pinwrill, arrived to-night. - - run - Boca: zazAirn Casa.' - Thi case of _Fiske Belden vs. The Roe Island Railroad was to-day post- , poned_to Saturday, when the main orte,t. lion will be argued. . - .-The steamer ,Franot: - from' Liverpool on the dth, arrived to-night. , • • s • . . . , . -• 1 - A I A ~ -‘,- ik,. . '0 1 -Y \ AB. ., LI „'-h —f iti - --..A n . --- *',VAUli!tr* 7 . . ' • - ,• • • , , . -. . • ~--.---- ' , - • f'• - \ . , , • . •• It -/ _-- • .x . -',-- r- f-t0 . .. --- -is k ,,_ :• ::::., -. v. li- -- -- ----- . --- /.!---- ; " , ;' ,--- _,... 1 ,. IP ..,,,..„-.-J . ..... ~,' - .1 , .,, -- .7,--„ s \ e---- • • *- ' . . ..._ , , • . •\ )• • .- -, • _I-, ', . ...,--.:44_ "----- , -.-A.: • < .---; - • 7,, - i 1 51 . 1 1 H • - 1 4 1 i ..... ‘ „- 7 _ i.. . ~ ... ,• ;: v . : • „...„:-....,,,...„,._:,., _ 4 '""111111 -- ~, ,7 7, ...,,,,..1 -7 , ' ....7.....rat ig te.- - ' , "`•`"? 3 N a' -.ei k , I 1 ~.- .. 1 i . ' ) ---.----- '; - --1... _ - • ,;: -___,.. r. "-'71.. , ~.,,.- --.. --- ' ,4 L '- '" 1 ;.‘ 1- 1 1 ;'Fr i7 " ...... ...„,„ :4 ,.......„,„,___,____..._,„„ __ .”--:-..""-- ''. •' ' ' --_,,.`„_,, . ‘7., .._ +. • . ' ' ~ , , • , ; ----- -- - , - - - i - -'-'-.7- .---.:-..----- -/- - '-- --,---- - -•- •- 4,..,. -....t '';',......„..,,,,..- ..., .... ,i ..v. „,„ - '. - .:7-77' . - -1,.."8C... .L - - - - . , , .., .. - -=" --- - - .7 - - - 77- -- af_ - ,---' 1 7 . 44,...-. , r_,... - , - ..,---.. ,A-....-=' — ' - : - ---.--. 0- '7 , -..c.....,, • ...-_—_- ._ I , . . • .: 4 1, . . , ~oli • ~ 7 7 / , . . . , , 7 .• , ..-. . . • • . . . . , . „ FORTIETH CONGRESS BY TeiegYstat to the PI i.to Nth 11.teLte.y. ASIIINGTOS; Jlintrary . Tite . QIIAIR announced the tbllowink House hills for refereime : Simplamentory 'Reconstruction Act. On motion Mr. DOOL-ITTLE laid . over, its he &Ansi to addreas the Senate on a motion to instruct the Committee to report a certain amendment to the bill for the relief 9( destitute perverts in the Souls. Referred to Cemmittee on Military Affairs. Mr. TRUMBULL presentid a memo.; rial of .Mumfarturomin Uhlo, complain-' big 'against too system of appointments tor Disbursements. and Collectors of public. monies and. recommending. a. sysitenforettaminallan of candidates to. be adopted. Referred to Committee on . Retrenchment. . Mr. CATTELL, froin the Committee oim Conference en the.bill to prevent the contraction 'or currency, reported, and the :report was agreed.-to. • Mr. SHERMAN pie:muted a report froth the Committee of Conference, on the bill relieving cotton from tax, stating they were unable to agree, and moved the appointment of another Committee, and instructing them to recede teem the Senate amendment andrepertan amend ment allowing the Importation of cotton free of duty. •• After discussion, at the suggestion of Mr.! ANTIIONY,'.IIr. sttranaNniodlt tied his_ resalutten by providing that in the further conference naked by the House the members of the Committee on the part of the Senate be instructed to recede teem .the Senate's amendment,. prOv.i.filog the House 'accept the amend ment telutvo to Imported cotton. :Mr. MORTON moved to amend by providing that the entire tax be suspend ed till after ISitS, and aftee.that t year it lie one cent ner bound. After further debate the amendment Was adopted by twenty-five to eighteen. Mr. SUM2fEII, -from dua .C.onuidtteo on. Pdreiglilielaticos; Fropoited a joint resolution providing for they ; reprmenta tion of the Unita' Statat at the Interne •tinnal Exhibition at Havre; the present year. IL authorizes the Secretary of the .Na7:te detail one or mere. eMceri of the• Mr. Tali MIAMI, opposed the taking Ivor the bill; and referred to the appro. 'priadons on - account be the raria Expo sition, which had kept On grbwing, - The joint resolution was laid on the table. EIMMII Mr. HOWARD introduced a bill grant ing altercate sections of land to the Northern- Michigan Railroad Company in 'extension of the Northern Pacific Railroad, in the name manner and to the same amonnt as provided in the act granting lands to; the laik Mimed com pany through Minnesota and Wiwi:Main The road is to run from Saginaw City, Michigan, to the Straits of Mackinaw, and thence to - ■ point on the Montreal Riter, near the south shore of lake Su perior on the boundary lino between Michigan and Wlsomsin. - Mr. HOWE introduced a bill tomisind the act providing forth° crillection of du ties on imports, approved Starch. 1863. Itererred to Comtinittee on Judiciary. On motion' of Mr. CONK.Laliel, the Judiciary Comodtho was discharge,: iicin the further consideration of the joint resolutions reladve.to the rights of Amorimu citizens to,zell vessels to citi zens of other con htries. On motion of Mr. HARLAN, the Sen ate took tip Han hill appropriating ,gthi,ors: fm tile tolnperary relief of dostitnte peo ple of the District of Columbia. The amendment of the Committee, nedoolag the amount to $15,000, was adopted and thn bill passed, Mr. HOWE introduced a bill provid ing for the removal of sults and proceed- Inge brought in State Courts arairist 'Collectors of Internal Revenue, or their deputies, and United State Mirabia,' to the Courts of the United States. Refer red to the Judiciary Committee. The re.lution to admit Mr. Thom., Senator elect front Maryland, on taking the oath, was taken up and debated by sleasrs. DOOLITTLE, DRAKE, TIP TON and others. The debate was interrupted by tho ate nounceMent of the death, of Iteprewent a tire NOELL. ttetta-tea were pronounced by Messrs. EIE.NDERSON and DitaliE, and tee customary resolutions were adopted. Alesartc. Mortill„ of Vermont, • Sher man and ifendrickswero opnolnted the second Conference Committee on the ...rotten taz Adjonmed. E[OUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. CLARKE. of Kanena. offered a resolution calling on the Secretary of Was feeluformaticm as 'to the ezterA of the Tart Riney military reservation, and whether It is all needed for military pur , poses. Adopted. Mr. FERRY offered a resolution in structing the Committee on Naval Af .fairs to inquire, into the expediency 0: establishing a Navy Yard and Navel Dert Qnuitri - Mr. ORAVF.LLY introduced a bill to meats a Southwestern Judicial District of Blissouri. Referred to Judiciary Com mittee.. • Mr. TATTLER offered a resolution call ing onto Secretary of War for informa tion as to the reported ri ulTerin gof United States tr sips In Silks from cold and han gar. Adopted. The Housenraceeded to the coathlen tioe of the tents amendments to the deficiency bill, and disposed of them os follows: Amendment appropriating £1844 as in creased compensation lo Congressional printer. 'Concurred in. . - Appropriating $15,000 for stationery, with a proviaelhathereatter Only $l,lOlO shall be allowed for stationery and newel. papers to eachnjemberor henator for any one session. Mr. WASH BURNE, of 111., moved an amendment thatno further allowance be made-- for the year ermine March Id, ISM, than Sens alrisady made. • .. This gave risdito oatiaiderable dis ci:lsidro, in the course of which, in reply. to a suggestion et Mr. MAYIARD, that all members should' be allowed lb draw what other stationery they needed, Mr. STEVENS, of Pa., said that pins .had been tried and had to be changed, because some members procured under the' name of stationery pantaloons and ' shirt., • and; shaving soap molts h 'to -Last them for years. (Laughter.) Some members had run up an account for sta tionery to nearlyalLPOClS • • The diem:Lesion also extended to the question of mileage, Mr. DRO3INVELL, of Ills,. charging that western members hluarged mileage by way of Chicago and New York, and -Mr. ANDERSON, who is Chairman of the Committee on We ns., contradicting that assertion by the statement that no western member bad been allowed mileage by himself or by the Speaker by way of Chicago and New York; that the chic•go Member himself (Mr. Judd) charged mileage by direct route to Washingtcn.and that the mileage of other members to collected un that baste by himself abd the Speaker. Mr. WASIIBURNE'S ,amendment to. the, amendment was rejected and the Senate amendment concurred in. j AB the Senate amendments were in without questban,-except the last, which repeals all laws permitting the transfer 'of appropriations from one branch of business, In a Department to =other branch: It' was non.concarred in, and the bill goes back to the Senate far Its action on that amendment. CC= Mr. WILSON, of lowa, from the Ju diciary ,Comtuittee,•reported back the bill to aid the Improvement of the Des moinefi and Rock Inland rapids on the Masts ppi River.' It permits the efficors In chargo of the. work to take tho right of way over tidpicent lands end toe any earth, quarry, ..tc., necessary for the prosecution of the work. After explana tion by Mr. WILSON, the bill passed. Mr. WILLIAMS, of Penn.., from the saute Committee, reported hack the bill providing for the of a Circuit Court in Erie, Pa. eanowil. Mr. SLIA....N . R.S, mom - Com m i t tee en Indlaziliffainy repmted it bill' entheria; lug the Secretory of the Intrripr to cause the lands, of the Miami Indiana to be pa tented. The bill passed. , Mr. GAItPELD, from Committee on Military Affairs, reported back the bill authorizing the sale -of the unoccupied military silent Waterford, Pennsylvania. tanned. WASHSURNE, • Indiana from same Committre, reported back the Senate amendment to the House bill in relation to additional bounties. Pendivg the discussion the morning hoer expired, and the bill went over till to-morrow. Several resolutions of inquiry of au unimportant character were adop ed. Mr. VAS; WYCK, from the Con mitten on - Retrenchment, presented are sort in the cue of the Gettysburg Asylum scheme, closing with a rosolutlen direct ing the CormilWoner of Internal Reve nue to revoke hie pertnimion exempting It from thspayment of a special tax and license, the revocation to takeeffect from May fillth lest. Ordered printed 'and •postponed till tcemortntir. The SPEAKER pre.ented extimates for deficiencies in Indian Dopertment. Referred Committee on Appropria tions. Also, a resolutlos- , of delegates of the' Mississippi Coastlt/Atonal tionvenUoa asking the ronioval of, disabilities from It. W. Flournoy end three other persons. Referred to Committee on Reconstrue lied. Also, a memorial - of a Committee of C3otemon Councilor / Washington City,- on behalf of persona out oremployruent, praying for the improvement of the chyle places reported by Mr: pickier, in charge - of publiit buildogs and grounds. Referred to 'the Con notice on Public Buildings and Grounds Mr. KERR offered a l resolo t on recit ing that many of thin decisio a or he United States Supreme-Court assess o intrinsic value to the proleselo or tie to country, and instructing the, udiciary - Cntarnittee to inquire into the xPedien ey of empswering the Court to threctlhat such - decisions are net to be reported. Adopted. I . Mr. BLAINE latrodUcerl a bill . in re. lotion to taxing shares in National Banks. Reamed io Committee on Bank lug 'and Currency. It enacts that the 'words ”place where the bank is located and, elsewhere," in section forty-one of the National Currency Act, shall be con strued to mean the State in _which the bank is located, and that the State Leg islature may determine and citron the manner . and. pitted •of taxing chairs of nithinairlianks in the Stato,Mtibjectio the testriction that the taxation shall not be at a greater rate than is assessed upon other monied capital, and. provided that the shares of any National Bank owned by a non-resident of any: State shall be taxed in the eity or town where the bank is located and nut elsewhere. Mr. MAYNARD offered a resolution directing the Secretary' Of War to inforin the House..whether any'report hod been made to Gen. Haaeoek 'of the riot at Marshall, Tex., on the Clot of Decem ber,'l66o, and if so to Aranualt a copy of the tame. Adopted. , I Mr. ROSS'asked leave to offer a reso lution instructing, the Secretary of the Treasury to suspend any further issue of 10-40 bonds tout farther action ef. Cou pe., but Mr. UFSON objected. Mr. JULIAN offered a resolution in struming :the Postoflice' Committee, in view of the great and constantly ineress Log frauds Coneeeted with tile franking' privilege, and of the necessity of eenne inv ' , to inquire into the. expedienhy of Willy abolishing that system. Mr. JULIAN also offered a resolution instructing the CornmlUce on Education to Inquire into the expediency of provi ding for a general oystem of 'erinrottion in inn districts lately in rebellion, inclu ding a sufficient number of nommen schools for the education of every child, irrespective of color or other distinction, bettreen the ages of Dm and twenty. The Rouse proceeded to the conaidera atlOn of the bill reported by Mr. JULI AN,. from Committee on Public Lands, declaring forfeited in the' United Steles eertairi lands given to aid the construr- Boa of railroads in the States of Alabt, ina; Mimilsirippi, Louisiana and Florida. , Mr. JULIAN addressed the House in explanation and advocacy. of the bill, dwelling at considerable length upon meimpolley ofallowing five millions of acres of land to be held in the grasp of corPonalars,- end apeadstore, • -while thirteen.foerteenths of the people - Of the South am landless anddeeennein4 thane corporations for the aid they gave tette. rebillion. • MEE Mr. CHANLER, who had suggested that the subject. Inattei or the hill-was i f before the Select Com Mee on South ern.; Railroads, made o point of brier that the question whet @retie.. railroad: had been loyal or dial yal had no con neellon with the measure before the Rohs°. • The SPEAR Ell oveinted the' point. Mr. 31:1.1AN then a id the gentleman front New York •Nr. „Chanter) will poseess hie s=l in• ed Mach, patleooe lio ho can underdhisexreeimro of the rebel ebaracter of hie friendslln the South.. , Mr. CIIANLER , (who was oecupying a seat close to Mr. JulN.n) rose and ex ziaiinedt . The gentlemen in flaking nnY such's...erecut men he words of a coward! • The SPE.N.KEIt ins alley called Mr. Cheater to order. - I _ - . Mr. CILAISLEII., before reeumingdde xest, stali: The gentlemen from Indiana ,hould not take advantage Of his position to snake such a statement, and then pre vent his (Mr. Chanter's) replying to tt. The SPEAKER, knocking with Ids ms-el, repeated that the remarks of the gentleman ,frOm New York were out of order.. The' *smirks having been re sosed •••••1640,, I.y We", repurtvr, were reed from the clerk's desk. The words attributed to Atr:Chauler using .he word "coward." The SPEAKEII.ruIed that the lan. gunge mud by tbo gentleman film New Yordv was unparilamentarriand cut- of order. Mr. CHANLER.mInded the Speaker ,hat la connection with the words ex cepted to he lied nude use of the ozppres• don that the gentleman from. Indiana *al taking ialvatilaile Of his position. The SPEAKER remarked that no qualification justified ono member iu op plyjutt to another the epithet of coward. It was nisjiarliamentary 'and improper. CHANLER—Certainly'not, if he is one. • Mr. JULIAN—IC the gentleman from .New York believes what he my., he tem toot that g nitration. eI any time. • Mr. CLUNLEIt —Very well. air; I iU take an early opportunity. Mae the Chair ruled out of order the words of the gentleman from Indium? ' The SPEAKER—The Chair 'ruled the worda,of-the gentleman front New York nukor order. [Langhterd • Mr.•CHANLEK—That is `here easily understood.: . . The lIPEARER—The Cher will any that 'the 'remarks from the gentleman front Indiana, though they may not have been eery pleasant to the- gentleman trout New York, did not violate anyper- Inuilentary rule.. They. may, -perhaps, folio been severe.from their Inference, butthey did not offend any parilainent- , The bdtweat over trot& to-morrow to enable the allanouri members to to madam the death or their Colleague, Thomas Jr..:Noell. ihdoittre were made by Mem.. 1:1:1V COMB, BURR, KERR, PILE, MetXtß. MICR, NIBLACK and MOTT. Appro priate resolutions were adopted and the Ranee adjourned. NEWS BY TELEGRAiII. . Are at Georgetown, ify.,"on Wed nesilarmornlng, destroyed the 'totes of Nichols & Co., hardWaro G Mad , dox & Co., , grown', B. Rink, confec tioner,And an unoccupied house owned by P. A. W. Fonvood. Total lose esti , utabAl at twenty-boo thousand dollar, !neared for coven thousand five hundred dollars. Furwood Insured In the :Ken tucky Insurance Company for three thouiand dollars, and bleddox& Cu., In the the .Stns for four tnonsand live hun dred. .At atemp his, yesterday theralng, ■ tire broke out In Case at Co.'s saddlery warehouse, destroying , the bhlldltiir.„the upeer floors of which were occupied by Mrp.'Yeemer and Mrs. Zimmerman no boarding houses. kleveinl female occu pants barely escaped and were only res- - eudd by the firemen with ladder.. Luau $14,000; nearly covered hy 'neurone° In eruUerzt companlica... -While the little &ailing --steamer D. A.llewitt was lyingatFloridaLanding, near Napoleon; Ark., last Thursday, the rest of herenfety valve gave we,. and , the steam rushed through the state room above, scalding to death' Frank Crosby, the clerk. Croeby'e wile left the room a moment before. The deceased. was a native of Fort I.kidge.l". -1-Considerable talk - In occasioned in. pobticat circles at Welshington City over the into that EllimilYealiburne dodged when the vote was Liken on the reoon stroctlon bill: Re eras. in his seat and. voted on the ammultriente, but when the anal vote was taken he, did not respond to his name. This give. rise to a our misd that he was Iniinenced to this ac tion by Den. (Rant. - - I L-, An immense Mint meeting was held in.bon'alo, N. Y:, last night,' the Mayor presiding. Speeches wore made and strung resolutions pled in favor of protection to American citizen" in for• elgn countries. - , -Allthe parties engaged in the fatal prize fight on Bloody Island, near St. Louie, on Sunday last, have been or. rested and tent toPill,in await the action of the grand Jury. fire, atonally Um eiplesion of a coal oil limp, occurred at • Ottumwd, lowa, on Monday night. Eight frame buildings wore denitroyea. Lout $1.14000. -.R. A. C.hapin,Genoral Superintendent oftbe Toleda.Wabashl d Westernßall. way, died at Springfield, Illinois, peeler day evening. 4 • ' -4• At. Cleveland, Ohio, Root, Whltolaw R Co's, leather store was damaged to the extent. of $25,000 or j30,000--covered by Insurance. .--The 'Maryland 'Republican State Convention is called !for March tith, to elect delegates to the Presidential Con vention. -6Thre• hundred ant fifty barrels of 114,14 were seized at Boston onTueulaj, by. Revenue Insgecter Connelly of Net TOrk. • =Ron. CblefJustice of the Supreme Court: of Rhode Wand; has resigned. PITTSBURGH, THUR:I3AY, JANUARY 23, 1868 SEUCNfI MIION, THREE O'CLOCK A. F, RON WASHINGTON. • The Cotton Tax .1144 Rtsimtion of blolstor Arrest of Americans Abroad: The .4 king(' oatg Faa ads Case • U 7 relegniph to t4C l'lttelot.gtt Usaut.'4l.3 NVAIIIIIIMPONt, Jab. T 2, ISRS TUN COTTON TAX Diu.. • . The eeereni ConferineeCrimmlitee on 'tin. Lill to I.4peal the tax. - On Coitozi hi is egroed to. rap i st to _t_ho reepoctiwe houses that the bill. an peseta', hy t4O Haynie shall be adented, Ili..Simian .unendnient taking the tariff off I ;coaree India cotton. This to In aCconianCi3 with the in•dructionv which tho Senate gave the committer, appointed - by.•tt - this afternoon., • anumre fir A attiltlOAN CLIIZZIU •DTLOAD. General Banks, Chairman of the Bonze Com nine° on Foreign Affairs., le' prat; paring him report Anil bill relating to tke arrest anti Imprisonment of American eitizemi Abroad. The report will eab . lirece fell details of the arrest.* sweetly made by the British anthorlttem Thhbb Committee will meet to morrow ' when the report anti hill will Ina loW before them, anti alentiti action be taken Gem Banha will bring the matter before the Home to-Morrow. TIIE AMISTRONG .FOUNDRY CASE Will cootie up in the Supremo Conti next week, and most decide the follow ing Tadao, First—Whether a. seizure and capture WO the same. Second— Whether i,ha property liable to capture and prise embraces land held by private title. Thtrd—Whether property tainted by the guilty, camsent of the owner. is rec lined by bispadon after conieturtation and before sales.: Fourth—Whether the cit gen abut up in a place occupied by , . Confe.lande arms MO be responsible le the United States', for brfoch of manic!. pal law under the ermsmand of - the Mili tary force of the I . Confederacy. Fifth— Wilether the Conktltutten operates with its , ,plarantece when the United State* recovers the city. NAVY AND MARINE; NEDTICTIOX. TheSseretary of the 'Navy, in view of the contemplated reduction of the Neva! 'and Marino forts., In the Howse remota: lien that it was 'unnecessary to proceo Pother at present , in -the building or ono tpping Mblpt of war, t +-day sent a :ctter to the Speak. r reducing hle tali ru t , to $'21.9..t1,-rt,t; a reduction of e'...'2,39"2,705. • .111,11,1:1111.10NCIL • ... John P. hate h. tendered his resigns• Lion n later at the Court of Madrid, And a new apin,intnient will soon be outdo. ' MANUFACTURERS cons , atlcui tot , woreemet, rea,sssea to tars en slounib Us.sette.l ,Woncissvc.e, January , vention . of Isfauts torturers of Noir 's'Eng; lend s essembled to-slay, and'orgsnircd by clorsi sig . lion. William Grey, of Bolen. P. esisltnt;and tiny or more Vice Preei aenia. The .mennlmf sesssien wan occu. , Plod in file iiiipuintelellit of c.,rnruittesso and listening to the .srresitionris apersit,. whirli was •well received. The attend -1-01.71' Marge.a • . , Too committee on IteyatnUone. after :on honal deliberation,' reported a =Oat wieth - the indowing le Nyalop.ta: • • 'the Convention approves the action of the Notional Innufacturers' Convention, neld at Clem land,'ln lacember last, in recommending the Abolition of all taxa tion on the fleet-nary domestic indus• trios of do cuituttry, and the impaaltion n taxation upon luxuries, and re zarde it as all. nuspieious omen .bat the tlr.t great movement should ,arse from the west, with whose inters our and prosperity the well being of the .entire country is closely allied. It our (tally amours with the alb rotation made ov toe Cleveland Convention of the ear r;slness of the full end Just peinsent of the tuitional debt And cud before all dher considerations of advantage to in dividuals or elamsea. .The resolutions ere further that the powers of consomption of the people and their proLitable ownpatiou are in pre-' portion to the diversification of prude* tire mnpioyment, end conspinently to the .ritrVeittpUlVlll of manufacturing, -as well as agricultural industry- and rem inerce; that notwithstanding -a:Vivien* mentiftcluring industry with increasing tapitai,lfiim - 11S saving the prodactive power of the =entry, must fall behind the supply Of necessities. the comforts for the peop/e dCpaitlib t the cbtriperiet lion fbr labor be reduced; the murcre for &Inman and nit slim commerce fall, and the ability to endure taxatioa be isern oimiy le.eoed. Jo' =known:Plainest% of these principles, It has bran the policy, of all modern civilized 'mittene to make such administration, disposition and dis tribution of taxation ris would most favor .their domestic industries. - - - The taxation on neressarypmdrictions lit Ml* country, imposed when the life of the nation wes'endangered, and most . rhearfultv paid to preserve It,' baseline. endumbfe when it is paid to save the foundations of Industry which sustains the material life of the nation. . - Further, it LS demoustruted by experts euco that tax: upon production has al ready largely it:sorbed the savingof ear loatilifacturing indtuitry, leaving b ant. ticket oleans 10r its extemtion in proper dui to our increasing population that In. now encroaching upon the capdahteelf; that it tact materially Impaired our pro ductive power and our topacaty to pur dbase the raw material of the egrioultus ral districts; and the continuance of this burden must Involve the ruin of that di versified industry which has green pros perity to the United States. The concluding resolution is in the fel lowing words: Reaoleed. That while the ritanufactu tern of the gout:try detnand - torbe-bestrd lu relation to such filets :effecting the public and their own welfare as it is their 'peculiar province to ob.- . serve and 'duly make t known, they con tide iq the wisdom and patriot ism of Congress fur due provision for the national obligations and rho imilspousa hlo otpendieUros of the Government,, and also for ouch retrtenelonctil and econ omy us our present linartelal and indus trial condition urgently require. The resolutions worn adopted by accla mation., - ' _ . . A meniorlal,to COEltreee woe adopted e l!;ilAvtlijclogie end eugg aimed an' to h e r m ean. heeelu- Lions might be arrived at. • Fifty-ono delegate,' to. Washington were then appointed. to iarryy out the wishes of tho Convention,• and to urge "'Pon tie Government their earliest consideration. Of the delegates four are representative!' of woolen umuufac tory', six that of cotton. coven of paper, One of machine card clothing, two of. calico printing, 'fifteen of shoes and loather, three or watches, six of nerd tOre, one of iron and its produc 'mt tem cutlery. • 11 After the customary closing pr eed-' legs, the Convention adjourned, t e nt• most harmony having charm:Gni tin aetien. 1 1 BY CUBA CABLE. nese. Kamera glamor* =toper or testes—The steamer A. h. Vogler (Dy SelegrapP W Um Plltalrugb GingettAN I AVANA,, Jan. 2,—A telegraphic dis patch, - dated City of Moxlco, January lab, says President Juana ham tendered to Senor 'turner° a position In the Cabi net ns Alinisterof Finance. Thire 1. no doubt Senor Romero will accept the of• hoe, but before entering neon the duties wilt probably , return to askington for a short Um*. (loc. Aura line Doer' appointed Minis ter of tbe Interior. Tho Spanish War etaainer Chorruca was ordered to Carthagona, to watch the Manner li. 1L Cuyler. .11 as awn, January Ir2.—A Mexican fleet, c insisting of the steamers Goargts and Tobaaos, two brig* and two schoon ers, arrived before Canspechie on the ivatant, and dliembarked two ihonaand troops under the command of General Alaloorelel Fenner. They would lnunediately march upon Sisal, to 'sup press the rev lotion and restore Govern or Lepods. The steamer Georgia, or this fleet, which 'arrived at Ravens to-day, .brings this intelligences' :Mr. Matxuate, bearer of dispatches to the State Department at Washington, le o pawnor in the Clepricht.... ;'ROM EITROPE. !tumor Concermins Russia. Denied. The Alabama Claims loinanciaL. and Commercial I 3=M! 123:134011 DENIED }.ones, January 2:2.—The report 'which 'has been extensieely circulated Odd thd Russian government ,was send -11:1$ troops to the eouthorn frontier hi Un true. That government, in an ?facial note, hoe denied the rumor., 13:=71311 LONDON, January '_S.—Tho' of the Alabama (Halms hes recently been reused In the English journals. Lord Jinhart has written ;two 'able lettere to the Times, in which he sustains the post. SJOri taken by the American Clurernixteut on tho subject. The celebrated writer, "Ilistericun, , in a, comuraicaticro, sad lho eLoridou Times, oditorfally, igply to Lord flobart's arguments. Tho terms of these replies, an; moderate and con- rximici&L D tOY3IZK 1&T LONDO If: January :.2.-- . -Evening.— , Con• kola 2.730,921. Fivo-twentlem dull ut 7/i lllnnla Central 854. Erie 4n. • FRANK - volt?. Jou nary --Evening.— tov.toren ties 78. :try, Ker, January lr---Erenin Petroleum dull at. 44 imam. '7.— January • -Evening.— Cotton; nalry. of-13,000 bales; middling uplands to arrivo 71d; on the spot 71d; Orleans .®Bd. 13neadgtuffs drawl firm and nue - banged. Provisions—Beef 1.2.1%; pork .745; cheese (.3. 3d; lard 51.1; tocow4oa. P.roduco—Tallow 4.3 a; othms iinchanired. 80,II,THNEW-STI,t TES hr 1t Ins Mlvrawno—ADDiti..B.4 liT , '11[11116? JICILVAINE—SNIT/iRTAINMT TO PEA- DODT TM/Wier. Ripnatomo, January Conven: lion tosiay adopted the proreeit article is the bill of Rights ileciering Virginia coequal with other Stat.. B/Shrip Alcllvaine mode khrief adelreen to the CoOveotlon. Gen. Gmnt leaves for Washington to marrolf.' Gen. &beheld gives en tOtertninment tonight to the Peabody Educational Fund Trustees. At a meeting of tho Trustees of the Peabody Fund, held to-day, the following tesolutied ♦as offered by Gen. Grant and adopted: Boleti:ea, That in •iew of th• present destitution prevailing in the Southern and Sonthweetera Buttes, it is, In the opinion of this board, expedient that the Executive Committee and General Agent be authorized, in conformity with the permission granted by Mr. Peabody, to expend forty per cent. of the principal of the fond, in addition to accrued in ?crest, and that as large n portico of saki suns, not exceeding two hundred thou sand dollara, be erpendid during the current year es in their Judgment can he advantageously used to - promoting the object of the trust, and the authority of the Board in hereby given to such appro priation. :Another resolution wee adopted, giv ing the general Agent authonty a in crease the tonne already prioritised for educe - Lion, and make phymen us quarterly or Semi annually. The Board adjourned to meet in Now York on the third Thursday to Juno. == accomericcermx coyricertow. 11—Tiss v... Inn spent to=day In fixing, the per diem and mileage; and alga resolved to have reporter. The per diem was fixed at sigh. dollans for results's/ and twelve dollars for Eresident, end mileage at twenty eedte. • 43.11ROLIpL. en A MLESTON, Jan. 21.—1 n the Coro ventiou today retstiul lons were adopt ed referring to dividonsi of the dis tricts of the State, teestablLshlng a penal code and reform school, and to reergau lsethe Supreme and Inferior Courts of ihn Mate. Some app.:Mann was mani fested to the measures for relict, hilt the majority were in favor of them.' and the question will probably be decided to mornziw. • ur~eou. • • THE CONVANTION—CALL FOR A RADICAL .NOXINATINEI CONVENTION ATLANTA, January '-`2.—The time of the Convention wee largely taken up to the dierthwilon of the alleged miarepre mentatlona by reporters, A oommittee of live we., a ppoin led-to iLlTeallgeto Rath charge, Tx* additional Factions of the Bill of MOW were adopted, emeatlally the fame av to the old Coastitutloa. .& call was hutted to.tlay - by the radi cal Committee for Convention at thla point on the 19th of February for the nomination of ► candidate for Governor, State ticket, ttc. _ . . • 114 z 4Y.CONSTRUCTION Co . ..VE:IIION PROCEED. MOB. .! l'Ard.Amtmet. Jan. 21.—1 n the Conten tion to-day a resolution prsicriThlng no oath of office fur members' and atom wee paeeed. A teSOICILIOI3 Wail adopted to telegraph ChM, Meade Informing him the Con vention woe ready to receive any com munication he may have to make; abss to Col. Sprague, commanding the Dis trict of Florida, inviting him to a seat In the C4nvention., - A report of the COmmittee on Organi zation, relative to the election of clerks and meesengers,.was adopted. authorl• sing the President of the Convention to appoint such number of eich a s was no . The rules of the Heuite,of Represen tatives, with alight alteration. wore adopted. Governor Walker and the State of wait, invited to sesta la the. Conveation. The Committees on Finance, Geller and Printing were appointed. Ordinances for the relief of the people, prohibiting the sale of any. property an an execution, and for the' collection of taxes, 'end ordering the miaow of all persons now Imprisoned for non-pay ment of taxes, were passed. Taxiaassatc, January :12.—1n the ConVention no business of important* was transacted, except the aPPeletutont of standing committees. W. It. Christy resigned, and S. Conant, white, was elec ted to bin piece. 1=723 TIIN CONSTITUTIONAL OONYENTION lINIIORIAL TO CONONWS:' TO lINNOVE STATIC I/FFICIIRS. i • . Jammer, January the Consti tutiocal Convention to-any the rules were auspended to receive the reporte of Standing and Special Committees, and also the report of the Committee ap pointed to confer with the General Com mending to request him to suspend the collection of taxes for 113.07 from all per sona not allowed representaff on. The Committee on memorial to Gon gs... requoating the removal of Mato officers, made a majority r i i , rrt, reciting, that the loyal people. of isaissippi re quire immediate aid from Congress to T4lllOllll the obstructions impeding their reprmentativesinConvention assembled; that tits Government is administered by rebels, not merely In name, but In heart, bend end deeds, in all rospecta save open hostility; that the great mass of the Southern people manifest 'absolute and unmistakable hostility to; reconatrue tlen; that the faithful • Union men and loyalists have met proscription with calm defiance and unfaltering devotion to the country, to liberty and to the Union; and now that rebel. sentiments hero culminated on the floor of this Conven tion, in a member's report to this body averring that the Convention is en un authorized assembly, called by an un nonstitutional law of Congress, and has therefore no legal or binding power In the State of kiisalaelppi com pelling obedience to Its *Miasmata; the officials in the adminlairation of the Provisional Government of - the State, whose terms of office have 'expired, but who have been continued hi °Bice bythe forbearance of Congress, have neglected to protect the life and property of loyal men, have need, and will continue to nee their }ewer to prevent this growth of loyalty red restoration of peace and Order, at least their action or non-action may result greatly to the embarrassment of the Convention in the work of moon ! emotion. Wberefore,in tbenameandin I behalf of the loyal people or.Mimbudivi. in the name ofjustloe, loyalty and - nn Inanity, eremosteensetlyand ran medal yetiion your honorable bodies to aVlnarmtalk . Caffirelffilffn to declare . . the civil riffle. of State vaninf. and to fill thetb at once by the appointment of true loyal men who we believe will greatly contribute to the ElUelaS49 of the Congreexionul plan of reconstruction. A roinorify ofthe smile Committee re ported that es Cong.a bag confided rho State-affairs to the Military Commander of tne District ns the bill now pending beforo Congreeli in all probability will pass, giving General (leant ialperylso ry power over all - the military dis tricts, thus securing . a more . just and efficient Government in this and oil other Southern' States; as Cangiess reeently'rleiented the resolu tion to vacates moat offices and wrapover the Convention to fill them; nail asprob ably the !speedy change from military .to civil government will be established by the Vote of the peciplei tbereore, it Is deemed inexpedient to thus ruamoraliao Congreason the =WOOS. • ••• No action was taken on either . report. Adjourned... EEI=I NEvr oetrAtoc,-.len: 22.-4 n the Con vention to,riay article ram - AY-three 74 the Congitution, prorlding for the eleetion of two Sheritt4 nniTtwo Coroner. 4 fir, the Parieh of Orleans, was adorited. One Sheriff tea Moor oetlie Criminal Coltrt and the What o( the Ctell °nut!, Article ttnety-thm" - toldnety-stx clusiye, deflnlnct thenoti.its'of (nape telt: - meet and .preeeribing process • thereof, were adopted, . . MAINE, Delocal. to the iLepetblteluor Nollollll4l Ceztvenetten , lattmeted fey Grant. tity Tooomoo to the rttletmegh klasette.) Aucrusra, Mt., Sannary 21—At a Con vention of the Repablican members of the Legislatitre, for the purpase of choos ing .fmnr. Delegates at Largo to the Na— tional Republican Convention, title ste& log, the *glowing gentlemen were mini mouely elected: Hon. Sahmel E. Spring, Hon. L. A. D. reqeenilen, Gen. M. Playste.l end Hen. Eugene Hale: The following. were chosen Alternates: Ron. Isouc liobson, Ar C. ITowny, Ebert' • Woodbury and Wm. Nt.'lltcArtbur. ••••••.. . - • • . Resolutions endorming General Grant and instructing the delegate,' to yeti, for hie% in Conreietton Were - unanimously pag•te,l: . CANADA, - Elstimings tO to Z.Ue4 [04•46. Yrop,to .rreveas,/s. • . • • . • =I • Quznno, Jan. 22—In the Legblatiro AElkitubly thin 'afternood 'tietiee Wes given of a motion that the Committeobn. Emigration bo instructed to inquire into tho primary can-e of the emigration at citizens to the United Stolen, and that the Decimal: moans be taken, to Idevent the name. . TORONTO, 7NR, =.—TheltiiriO I.ogi !eters voted $3,0011 for the relief nt' the dletreesed fishermen of Nova Scotia. _Mateo Legiesatere. : • - f,' T:laer•nata th4rlttativitk tisseue.l. - • A I.:OLISTA, January Z.L.—lrs the Lintuntlexlay the Judientry.Comrnittee repo riad .11• bill repealing the the elute constabulary net. till IV) 80i3U Rf AN. A Nhnepi. Ll~vanL Mr. Charlet; Meeker, a tletee,t/re Mow Newark, Nair .Jorrtey, -paned through U. 4 city .yeetentrty, Laving in charge tlearie NV. Lonbtu sit. Wl.Marti-Mau gets., whom lie arrested at Detroit, Mich igim, n few days sines,- for fraudblent operations extenrively curried: en in Newark. It appears that — Lonna is a Now" York sharpur and has viotimiseil a numberof NewJerse,y inns. A short time since ho visited NOwack end rergesented himself as a shoe dealer . , at No. '2l Court land street, Neon . York, giving as refer. emes names of prominent brokers and business men in it:incite: Ills oldest in visiting N•werk, he ialdova. to pur chase leather, and he succeeded admira bly, as be purchased tilarge„quantirl of leather freer different firms at good grdne • end 'on - siliteble. terms. After making all the purelissoi ho desired, he depariefrivitli them. Subsequently the Newark men became uneasy and vieited New York, and upon calling on some of the gentlemen to whom they had beedreferred,were answered that Lnmes was all right, which for the time satisfied them. After the matter had run for some thne they stain instituted inquiry 'stud learned there wan no !inch man doing business on Courtlend street, and nt thr mane time ascertained tint they had been swindled, and that the man who had imposed u.lou • Winn had left ..tho city in I estripan - with: en names: Mr. Becker took the matter in hand. and after a considerable:search, and repeated ly taking. up lust clues, succeeded .in tracing the false pretender to Detroit, Michigan. lie arrested him there no tiaturdav,. and stinted with him for the Stud, arriving here on Ida ratite at shout ten o'clock Tneedity evening." The prisoner was placed in the lock-up over night, and yesterday morning xis talon. out, handcuffed, and taken on towards Newark on the treiu. -is sup posed that some of the which ap peared en Lowell's recommendations were not forgeries, and their owners are implicated in the doings of the prisoner, apneas.* or DoI The friends of the orphane of soldiers will rejoice to know that the establish ment for their education and general welfare at Phillipsburg, under•the care of Ray. W. G. Taylor, eminently suc cessful. When ws visited it there were. about one hundred bo' antleighty-two girls enjoying good health and most wisely managed,. It is aground forgret. nude that the Saperintendent • knows how to reach the orphan.' hearts and se cure their love and attention to duty, without !severe disciplinary: measures. Aided by compatont teachers the urinal branches of education are well taught, and an opportunity given to leant innate on the Mane. The religious education will bo cbristlau without Ming sorgarlim.- It is affecting to address arongregation of precious youth, whom fathers offered up their liven forthetr country in its great strtiggleamituit rebellion. The huildMo for Ude institution are well adapted lor ♦anilla/lin and heat, and everything to kept cloen-and neat and to IL, place. 'The boarding and dreg* of the , orphans Is substantial and comfortable. Everything to adapted to make a useful ned happy home to all children who can bo reasonably salletlede Four gentiernen the vianitv, longing to different political jurtim, have given everything appertaining to the in stitution a thorough examination, and ''congratalate Col. McFarland, the State Superintendent of soldiers' orphans, and thh State anthosities on the great success that has attended the soldieng orphans school; located at Phillipsburg." Caroline Eleenhoven whs arrested on Tuesday evening on a charge of larcony s preferred by Ifni. Davie, of Allegheny, before Alderman Donaldson, and. was confined in the lock-Up until yesterday morning, when she had a hearing,which developed the following Doter The de -resident, it appears, lived with Mrs. Davis, and has always some agood char acter for honesty. On Monday. Mn. 1:r, had occasion to use her pocket book while engaged in the kitchen with the defendant, and after using it ahe left it lying on the table. Shortly after she was milled from the room and remained out about ten minutes, and on her return missed the pocket book. Thidefentlant in the meastbae had gone to the cellar, end wan still there when Mrs. Davis re, turned to the kitchen. Scorch Was insti tuted for the lest pocket book, but to no purpose, 113 It could not - be found.. The defendant wan questioned about it, but denled.any' knowledge elite wherea boots. As lie one else had beeP in - the kitchen during the time, suspicion poin ted to her an the guilty one, notwiths etandifig her previous good character. She wan arrested aid searched, but no' evidence of her guilt was found: She was committed to jail for I{:faithet Dry Deets at Great Barge great bargatne its seasonable dry geode are offered the trade at the extensive house of Messrs. Bates Bell, Na fil Fifth street. The firm base on heed very large . stock, which was Wattled with fan care and Judgment during the present depression In the Eastern mart kat', and which to new offered' at 'WY. low prime. as cheap as con be obtained elsewhere in the city. The stock em braces silks,' Depth* merinos, dre goods or all deseriptions,'. shawls and. everything usually kept it similar first class houses. A visit, friends, isedviaed, as there b no charge for Mowing goods, arid all are afforded an opportunity or Judging of the remarkable bargains of. „ . a:ferret' the Court; John Biham, wail absent from Ida Melee yesterday, in consequenco of a deal/al.:fhb family. \ A liallroliCo1111•Ion. , (tont half pest four o'clock Tuesday evening's 'collision occurred on the Al legitetixVititel• Rai tread, near Brady a Bend, bekween two. oil trains. A train. ofeloven ars leaded with coal and eleven oil tank cS drawn by engine No. 8, lest this city fur Ventingo City in the evening, bet fore reaching Brady's Baud was behind time. The credo oil train, drawn by-en too No. 25, coming towardsthe city, w as 100 a Bide Ovum', . end when the train going north had pin% ceeded a short Zlistatice tioyond Brady'a Bend the one drawn by N0..25 come in night. The engineer •of the latter train succeeded in reversing hie 'engine. and checked the progyess of the train entirely. The. Rabagoing north, however, could not. be. slopped, and a violent' collision ensued. Engine No. 8 was" almost com pletely dethollabed, but the other loco, motive was very tittle damaged, the only Injury being the tearing of the cow enieher. ' The firemen and engineers on With locomotives escaped injurj• by Jumping o ff . Locomotive No. Ti was attiNtheti to the train going north, and prixSeeled with it to Verrangei City, and ariolW'ohginta ;eras sent to B r ady's BcniTflti'briartiVtbddtkensgotlyttgfttetond the ' ern& '•oil" tialn. The pore of 'both trains were uninjured. - , • - ' =ME= Attorney. General Htwster is now ens gaged before the Supre e Court, at Mil faislpilln, in a number cif! Important elutes. then. vs. Pittsburgh and Connelbtvillo Railroad CamPany, involving the quilt . . tion ,of the validity of the 'act repealing the charter of that eompany, was before the Cotirt lust week, and o&ropled three . 'days in argument.' Hon. Reverdy John son and J. H. Latrobe, Esq., appeared for defendants. 'Judge Green's ease and that of the Gettysburg asylum for inealld soldiers will alsolxi heard' arlng-the present session of the Court iiipPhliedel phis. The former case is to test the'con stitnUomllty of the actor thelastsesslen; erecting.n new Criminal-Court in Dan phlw,-Lebanon and Schuylkill counties. 'Cheque serranto In the Gettysburg =se - was returnable in July last, bet no Court sitting until the fell, and the pleading requiring -a . considerable timeto.be rsw focted,no argument has yet been had. The -ease will be finally disposed of as soon as's day for argument is forced by . 'the Court. 'the question of the righter the (kneeler liemions 'Judges to enter rules,- within term, to reconsider .tien.. lance. 'unposed by them, and of remit ting .the same to on indefinite Reriod,.. salter-they hare been pronounced, is also being .prepared for the court at its pres, Vrit tie;. Grooe.y Z,mablhOhmeimi. . Among tho 1.1r.4. glass represent/alei!. ostabLiehniants of our sister city, Ansi gtieny, none stands More deservedly high in the eatimatiod of the il'eneral cnearnunity than the wholesale. and re tail grocery and produce house of Menus. - Mcßride it George, No. 164 Federal „strict.. Since assuming charge of this old sad 'faioritlily known house, this tiers 11,14'e succeeded, by Conducting their business In admirable manner, In mo nopolizing a frill share of public patron sge, and in rendering their stars a popu lar headquarters for thepurchasing cow trotully.• Their stock or grocarlen, teas, coffees, canned fruits, suers, isploo. table X onalments and provolone le al, ways kept up to, the full requirements of trade, and will be found to possess. unusual attruchons, being large, Cheap sod 'hob. Monstkeepers Should not fall to . bay Mcßride .t George a purchas ing volt, and thus become convinced of the great advantage afforded by thls hon%s-for their patronage. flaring per, sonal - hcqnlntance with both members of the Arm we are prepared to commend thorn in the highest terms to our readers as gentlemen eminently worthy of en "courtgement, being honorable and fair dealing in all their transactions. ==l A serionsaceideitt occurred at Jones Latiightires . ; Iron Works, on .Tttemliy ftornoon, which came near remitting tOtallyle John Hosonthrall. .who wag employed at the works as carpenter. Mr. it got into an empty coat oar, used Air the purpose of drawing coal from theipit to the works, for the purpme of to the "check house," and had pro ceeded to a point where the trestle work over which the railway ntn, which was about twenty-are feet high, when the car slipped from the track and was pro. cipitsted to the ground with the man ifs It. Ills injuries were at that thought to be fatal, as it was some time after he was taken up before ho was restored to cote selousurso. He was, 83 soon lI.S the etc cuinsiances ethic case would'pe.rtait, re moved to hie house In Vpper St: Clair township. His injuries., although m elons, are not as hados at arid supposed, end he is recovering slowly, =l== ,It tells well for the intelligence of the young mon of our calm, that the chum formed for gratuitous instruction to their members by' the' Young Men's Christian ..Aitsciation and the Church Guild are so well sustained. We made s little call last evening on the class to the Young Men's Christian .Association rooms, to which Tuesday evening is devoted—the class in music under Ms. James Digby—and Were gratified with the manifest, interest Mr. Digby is to maintain in the instruction he is im parting. Every seat wee taken and Mr. Digby seemed to enjoy the undivided at tention of his pupils. • The Same:dad= has Setaes also in me chanics, which mee' at night, usually nyder tie carp of Prof. E. P. Crane of the Western University; another in Ger man taught by Prot, Philip Bapperport on Friday evenings, and one inmechenl cat erawing; under Messrs. Butler and CryiLtle, gentlemen profesdonally Bunn. Mr with the matters they teach. The Enterprising Firm otltarr,dinalte dr. Biletler, music dealers, on St.. Clair street, havesent on copies of two plenslos sows entitled "The Meeting," by Ed-. ward Ilerrmenson, and "Those dark Eyes," by T.ll, Bisboo. tiVeneedtouilly say a word in their praise; the Muds is sweetness sad harmony itself. In addi tion there Is a mazurka brill/ante, _enti tled "'Enchanting Bonnets," by B. Meek, 'a splendid compositica for advanced scholars, worth while listening to at any concorL Grallrylng.—Thesheriff of Northamp ton county his not a single solo of real estate for the approachingianuary court. Thin is a circumstance that hos not oc curred for the last twenty-lice yfara and Is an evidence of the general prosperity of the people of that county. Arrested.—Henry Miller, who had en tered bull for him appearance at Court to answer a charge of assault and battery, was yesterday arrested en a ball piece and committed to Jail to await Ida trial. FOURTH PACE.—Sabbath Schad In- Hittite; The Courts; Transfer of Real Estate; Amusements, ie. CITY ITEMS. Pure Tear; epics. and. coffees' can no where else be obtained at more reasona ble pricer, than at the aid established tea mart of Jusplit APieblason, No. 20 Fifth street. Housekeeper' Aleut tako notice that streak Invoice of 'Um o direct importation, aad embracing all tho famous and popular -trademarks, 111111juat been received at this hraue and offered at prices in keeping with the cent great decline in the Chinos* mar kets. A trial of the tits of this house is all that /a asked. , Owing to the Recent Pict ReMenne, Meyran & Seidle have been delayed in taking possession of their elegan t new store, but continua at their old stand, to offer a magnificent let of new' (01:61, conslidinct of tine jewedry, watches, clocks, silver and plated 'wane, at , grest bargains. Readers anxious to procure great advantages In the purchase of any thing in their lino will make a note of the place, Nam Fifth street. • vow --The Colored Ihtptiste of rittebtugh end Allegheny sill meet this evening at 74 o'clock, In Davie Hell, Allegheny sity, to orpnlro therneelres into Chnz, Let there be s full attanitazies.' .. • B. SLOAN. . . . .. • Absent-. Dr. Abort:twill neeemarily be absent from Titinburgh for ,two .or three •weeks from to-day, January. 215 t... On his return will be permanently at bhi of dee thereafter, during boors of Mottos . 5.4 Pillow Casing, /24 coata a little win on the edge. at Banger's 'Lug oqa. - . 6.11. and . Examute the large and com plete 'toes, of Ladles' Furs, at William Flemings, No, 13 Wood street. • if Pitt quality of Prints, 10 mut% itßar keen thud sale. . Bingolni in Ladles' Fun, at William Flauling's, No. 130 Wood street. tf . L; NUMBER 19 CITY ITEMS = Dn. IC KT.,;(IR: —I write to thank you fig your kindness and scientific manage ment of my disease,, for which I tidied ! to consult yen. On the first of .April, in the year 15435, you will re member, I WWI sorely afflicted With the sera - Ida, and had gave up all hopes clever having a more. , I often - thought that If was ims possi,ble, that nothing could be done, for -IVA tried nearly everything that was within my reach and. tried-44watt ,well :earned doctoral and failed in „till; some coUld relieve me of niy "mired atifferliin , of pain theta-as raglogin .my bodY,- but no, touch towards effecting a -cola finil nob day aid wee reading over thnitst of cuine effected byyour treatznentoraScrofs oli,l began to intuit of thetildsayinether. as long as there was life there n'ae. hope,"" and I would lay once more, for limewl neVea could get well by doing: nothiusu that the disuise had taken a Maio bola In, my body, and Wag fbt davourlog the front off vey , bonia, .and Without sopte help Lime. surely, diefgemd; that, was a settled point by ell ,Vvho.orer orvitta nconernted.wdli me; tot' I imu 'ruMmtim•eoim many treniderend nun, god atid they were : 411.10 d with: -proud Teould not arm at'allby, tidiest, findmyriglitleg was:affected from my body todhweted otrsy tale, running' sous °Rand-about the, knee and, WWI Arilrendd tin' , I\ often thoughtu It 'would burnt. When I\ sot myfOot on . .the 'floor thbre was no nateral feeling In Lay 'foot and leg, by times, ler the - akin became all pdxple spatted; art&theri - were dilYs and weeks said months- that 'I _could net walk ,a step - without . the aid of some one'e help or a . start, and at lest run all oven my head and fades Dry face and head 'versals* serollee, and it affected my eyes sotthal I could - net 'see li, read' or work ant\ at all, anti there arose largo' himps ofiluner, one after, the, other, , around : my.Faick ,and facie. ' (fared days and UT - ghts. I Scarcely knew when I Wes isleer,, and I began to think:Vila - would not Ads - , I then presentod myna( before Dr. set, and he said that-a cure was certain; vino I beganloimetllately.to undergo big 'enamel:Li; and it .was light, I thought, for all other doctors' had bffstered 'and cupptat'and , canoed Inc 'pain;'but the" third night allearbagan totakeDa Key,' eve's uradlciunl„slept the whole night" without pato orgrean, andlbeavrelllogs began toflisappeor crook all parts bf my body, end In three months I could walk leer mites in one day, and in six months the awful sores were entirely cured no; and in ono year I.was-entirely stared,: was perfectly well; ,have. had hater ' health' than I !ever had - mmy life ever ',lilac end thought_ thlit:Td watt long enough to be eghnin of the truth; that S. have 'remained. heaths. and strong ever since, and a 2M - found thanks to yen, which, Juider thS providence :of Clod, that yen have cured me; that he may 'bless the use of, your Medicine to others as .ho has to JIM, ,1111 d. ihat. Ida Divine. grace easy attend you, is the heartfelt player or your patient. • - - I wish you. to publish this , and let at) trail world, know .sabatltio about .your. - medicine, for I considsr it my, duty to mike my .- cafe known to the country for the bineftrof others, who may be ender legTas I was, and do not know the valpe of your iiiedieloe. • • : • • •Mao. Shinn WEST PiSrE C-0., OEIO,I Deoembor 21st, 1567. " . We, the ondersigned,..lise In' Madison retinal:lp, Columbiana eounty; Ohio, snit will be pie:ascii to astlitY" any ono of the truth of this deltllleitte, which was. written by the pstlen herself."' , Geononltertiaw, Csonon I'VYrs, Sr.,' ' DAtirnt. Vdtifossr.sr. . . . . _ . Dr. Keyser's Resident Conatildng,,Of f i lice lir 'lnns exarnin fah:mann treatment of :obstinate chronic discs 3,;:i....0 . . IDS Penn street, from' 9 It. R. tint ,4 r. IC ' Graitd . , Cattle Curt!,, the 117,nleni j:akoritAi, At th. Rink to:nighf. -The Fieiretilim of Ca'aie itt 'Cattle Cwt- tti;nt the Rink , Uttserteteek la . . Skill is .(14110 Curtis, et the Rink to-night., j . • , Good lee, irlee sa4 a perfect tartars' of fan, attlae Hick night. • 711110 taatiotatal Dthlag Rwpti The great mutation which the Conti bental Dining Rooms, Fifth strict; next door lathe Post Office, is largely due to dhe mairnlficent • Manner in which It Is managed- by- the ' - elever and aocommo-• dating host i llr. William • Holtzhelmor. IHe pays especial attention to* his bust 'new, and as - a caterer. has succeeded ha obtaining a very 'envisble reputation amongst our merchants; business men, prolesalonalia end. indeed all. classes on citizens who Lake.. meals at- the Conti nental. The utmost cleanlinesb is ob served; and the culinary department is In charge. of • lint „class cooks. who ere% equal to any of, par modern Professor . Blots.. Those who :can appreciate right good square meal, atevery reason , able price, we commend to lialtshel. met's Continental Dining Rooms.. ~ • Call and Examine the large stock of Ladles Furs, at-Wm. Fletrdnies, We, 139 Wood street, before - purchasing -.else , .. . . . , Reduced to .1=!. cente—beet. Armrs+ Delsiries, nearly. one-hall lees .than the present wholesale price, alltarlreeshael Hale. _. . Paisley' and Caalitnero LongandStfunre" Shawls bargalnis, at nearly one halcfor. mar pr ices , at, Barker's final gala. Geed Coothi at Cold Prteen.-nlifatini marked down znY goods to gold prices wilt sell my endru stock ' of boots and shoes of all kinds for gents, ladles, misses; and boys, at priers lower than they have' been !wild elm% the 'War. 1 - warrant all my' goods, having been - selected with greed eare,and' from Itret'elass hOnsna. Parties purchasing can depeud od get ting a good - article. Call and examine before pumbasing elsewhere.. No trouble to abort goods. • J1)/1:11 Roan, I • „ • '69 Market street: et cAsing Out, that large N Immenao stock of tidies Funs at a groat redlW don, at Wm. Flemings, street.' Hosiery; Glares and Underwear, 'for ladles, gents and children. closing out Cheap, at Barker's final aide.' j ' Shtellog, Later Cloth,' , at 12 cents same as!a sealing at 16' and 18 cents, a , Barker's final sale. - , - Good Greeeriee.—Our Allegheny read. era should remember 'that. Mr. Arthur Kirk, Noe. 172 and 174 Federal street, Allegheny, still , - combines to well his well selected stock of groceries' at mery low rata& Mr. X.'s store belngpna of the largest to- he: two cities he is prepar ed to suit the wholentio as well as the ro. tall trade. The groceries are of such a quality as suit the moetparticularhouse tearer, and st such prices an is salt the economical purchaser.. Call at Nos. '172 and 174 Federal street, and MI the stack as well as his price hst. Yard arid quarter wide Eleachtd Mus lin reduced from 181 mite to 121 centa, at Barker's' final Bale:.. Al 121 anti—finti Mick:Linen Towels and large size Damask Napkin!, at par ker's final salo. . I}argaina can be bad in Ladles and Mhos% tuts, at Wm. Flemings, No. LW Wood street. ". licurekeeptng Goods et Barker's finit Table Linen, - ' ' • • .T P owoln• Quit tg Fiala and Piney Table Cavere,-.ti:. `itettdrmure Delalnes.' 121 aanta Itarkw's final sale. These, - are itelll-1- a l, cents.wholeaale. ' •" Have yon_se.en 'the 12 cent StOrting M wain nt Barker's final sale? 'To Wholesale Boycroor Dry. Goods we WO - offering amid .Inducements-Job lota - from tern Auction Sala Btu.** Dress - 19i>odo, Itooakee Mena' Wear, Stieesages gO, • ato, Ate. ' • - ' J. IV. Itarucza Co.„ ' 49 Market street, prices siren thls day for . goc:ds at Barkor's - goal sale. See atatialatag Ballet, thaviana atJ*lnet; Art Ethlidtitch—the third amnia) eer. , ; hibition the -s School': of Deals*" win commence on Tuesday, the 2lik, at ten o'clock A. x., -and oontinne 7day",and even Mg tkrougkonathe week. - . The pith; -110 are invited to attend,' parffeavlllaaketanair. Bad thotaiist asiamabtng neatbargai 13ourket!a THE NE,MIr, GAZETTE; • • • • ..1 - • riv rnrriorra, • WEDDiSDAT LID BAIIIIIDLL ,• • • A fanod• alt, coatalatas. FORST CUL IJMNS dt latvenlur rcAilst. loultrA MAlsortalA Want Nova by TAlagnob ie4akle Reuling 11Altel,. 40 Om hart. 01 Mini sad most mita.% Plizaels) saitCoISP , *arlet port.. &I nn WYT mar 13, So etti. .;,`No Farmer, hleeb man or :Yenta% avoid irltb.t ' .' • ' • • .• • • fmims roa rion srsiesna• nAsessnli lnr or,re. " ::: And on sec.'s's' or pope,' to the poison atlltny np ltuOtsts, Additions to antini esn Do ludo* !pi Sims, As stab mos. , Nonce.sl43 Smtscilumi.-111 =Mort.; *m it over,. Di2liar• aml wt..t 411 , 1.1 70. Ir.e lifednewlay a4lOie f•Crat• oest•era ha" . kkro/ not one mall • omit. • ~ air 3loiry loy Dro.ll. =rinse. Mao? 0/4011 or In Ilaitiaided Letters, a oyb. a•nt °wrist' prrtsBURGII, FIIII! • • •rAI Lttc,j—g.ti leeane..l.• efferroon. Jafiortj 111024.;.d1.41, an. 151,11 VA 'IOWA. Nl— bne.l 1176121,t, W. ftrt.l - . 1 .10111 C.. 'Taylor. et±tl 2 pia t2._ auJbllia and, di e s. T.TbOri toy. mOlt'on r..rth YO soenett taken -rare us; tt1y.1.1..,..e.1.1tk,htr takes thenniontene *or , " 11 !^ . :*3roint • Iinn in n - ,niani nh !. tie drene.,Tai.env.p.td.: , • 1, • Fenersl,finent the rtetdruee lot hen ',locate, Obiiilef.rtne.• lheeneey." f.fe .11.natester.),on' Fr may It II o . clu!t. TIES 'Mends of the tittlfiy aNst.pcotruily./nnitedtoollend. tthlA,lt£ , ..tt YagsQV Evening et fin • nionk-nt Ina eet.tettee or hec—foli.in-i tor, TOO!, onroy. , Mn. Ants?th GALVIN.; to the 0711. yenr of her, • yoceocktitront Mir txte racidicee. - N'o.O