0 4 Fl 11 ire isur~it a CITY AND SIIEVRI3.II.N. . Any of oar Benders lowylig copies of Abe Wnissur 4 3Aztris, of tlin, • ]9th . arid Mat f)f °dollar; Or dia 1847, will conga mailing them to our iddresA - h . °llowlng are the board# of diaaaor* . and gainers chosen at the different dee- tons held in the city, yesterday by truth, inenranciand other steciatiohierni Crrrzsatie NATIONAL Basic or Prrni -21115011..-DirOClOri: Geo. A.Serry Wm. H.; I, EL obn S.Dliworth, 13. L. Yahoo. rte Head, Springer Had. =Win. hlcereery, Alsx.Beynolda, Haat or Cotortruca,--Alfred Paten , POCI, William Reed William S. Haven, Charles Lockhart; George W. Cana, Jas. "SisCandlent, William H. Brown, Allen - Kirkpatrick., William Douglass. MaharAlms' MEcusracs..—lt. L. Hellman, Beni...Rush Bradtbrd, _Wilson Cunningham.. E. M. Fulton, R. H. Hart ley, Henry Lloyd, Wm. Feu, R. B. Sterl log, Chutes A. Wood. • . M'Anthy, - Zacob L. iiichtrartz, John WMt, NMI= Frew, Andrew D. Smith, David Hostet ter Henry Irwin, Dario Fitzsimmons, Charles J. Clarke, Daniel Hewer, Rich oard Mays, James Hardman, William pa. ' 1 • • TmanNarintral..—Wm. R. Samara. Samuel H. Hartman, Louis Mannenstern, . Bateman Gas, Augt. ?arida, Henry W. -Oliver. Jr., Chas; Steyran Andrew Car negie, Chaallurchrield. • Panama"' DreoarrNaimetrat.—lsmats Marshall, John. Scott, Samuel George, John 'McDevitt, William Walker, EL Z. Robinson, Charles Arbnc.kle. Foul= Nagrowar.—Thornas Donnel• ly, N. J. Higley, R. F. Shur; James IL U. Smith, Thomas' Smith, T. • J. Brareton, ,Johxt M. /lonia; Jot" Mellon. • Gni= Naixona.x..=4.lohn. R. MOCWIS, Jared M. = Brush, Addison Lysie, John Wilson, A. thackenheimer, Joseph Kirk . pattick, A. G. Cubbage, Wm. Barker, Jr., J. C. Lappe. t NATIO:CAL.—Jai:hes Murray, Alexander Nimick, John H. Shoenbergert Hervey C John D. ' McOntl,- Mark W. Watsohln i , John Samp: r . son, Thrifts IL Howe, - .7Dsvid. McCatr-, diem, Alex. Chambers, . Bakewali, Jr. Thome, J. Hcekinsen, William Means; ; I Gainless Groettingei, Thorns* C. Dickson, William Hanks* Joseph Lang, Paul _lingis, Agony - Meyer, Chrisdan Siebert, K.B. Myers, _Joseph Keeling. 1. - ALLEOECILNY ,NATIONAL ft/IR—J. W.' COok, D. R. Galway, C. G. Hussey, _Blair. It.' F. Smith; Jahns Rhodee, C. W. Batchelor, Reese Owens, Wm. Cele- . . . • NIILTO NATIONAL Rearr..--Jas. Laugh.' Francis G. Bailey, Win. S. Nimiek, John H. Ralston, Robert S.Hal*, John Wilson,: Thomas Wiesen, n, Wm , H, Ewing, ikleainder Speer. , lizintrustar Mohnen, Wtilfnm. Carr, Alex. - Gordan, John liolmsa, Henry Hay; Edward 'Horrae.A.. 11. Howard, N. &Mcßae, John -Orr Philip Reymar, C. Yeager, W. H. Nmith,Wolf. ' . , ,TGA.DEAIIMeB NATIONAL.—AIfLTILOder, Mmiley,Wm. M. Faber, John :: Y. Dray°, John Dunlap, William.'N anktric, Samq M. Rler, William F. McKee, R. Me 3i3roy, C.. 11. Shea, J. C. Rtaitar.,4. - V. . PaorLe's • NATiorm..-13Ential -Rea, - , - Bentarnin Jones, Byron H. Painter, Geo. Gailmws„ Barr Jay ._Pmston, John W. ChaLtinst, George James L Ben nett, David Richey, Richard C. Gray, JA Efeesley McCullough. , NATIONAL. ALLOT Elltillt:-174 H.Hedtm C. Boyle, 12.'H.Daris. Arthur Hobson, -John 'Thompson (altegbeny) • Wm.arbaugh, Henry Gerwig, John Dean, It D. Cochrn. Eismatanrias Doirmancr.Conranr, C.Hoevler, Ed: De Bareant, C. Batch rield, P. Haberman, L. Morgenstern, A. ~p_roettinger, J H. E. Width Jos. Lang, H. 1 . Vends, GAM. Seybold, ohn levernad, idntlsony Meyer. • Prrranernon SATISO3 Baers.—A. Ackley, Jonathan .43allegher, W. 8 Evans, A. Jackson, C. Barnyer, H. Mats 'gar. D. McDonald, F. A. Dilworth, W. M.I6I4II7AOrITIZZIIS AND MIMMIAIPIII /SitrILCALIF Coned.wr.James L 'Boa nett, John W. Chalfant, A. R. W. Pal. nosr,-;Hattry d.- Weaver, Robert Lea, Isaiah Diemen W. A. Reed, L C. Penh ' ins, Wm. Walker. Mark W.. Watscat; JanWilmen,,Toto Walton, Robert Jam. - ..BOATIOnes -FLBE AND 31.1.2W1V. smudges •Coluturr.—Captaln IL C. Gray; D. E. 'Park,- James Ram U. Mr: Oliver, Jr., Captain Jake Hill, Henry Lloyd, 'Jamea H. 'WAWA John Gnat. Captain Jam P. Smith, P.M. Gordon, N.J. Bigley, David Crawfard- Pamela's.: ,/ainnteircs Cadutiny.— . _ . Wm. Phi:Sines, John Walt; John E Parke, Captain John S. Rboads, Win. eVanlcirk,' Jared M. 13rzudi, Samuel P. Stuiver,•John `D. Verner, Charles Ar buckle, Wm. P. Lang. ,Captain Jai* Miller, Samuel llcCeickart. ' • The. Allegheny Inorrance Company.— John Irwin, Jr., John D. 111'Cord, C. G. Homy; . Harvey ChM* , Thome' J. ,Hasilascw, Capt. W.= Dean, Francis - Sellers. Charles Have, Hobert H. Davis, B. L. PaZoiastock, W; H. Hyman, amt. Ammuiza COXPANT.-- WAIL= lEL Smith, John Moorhead, Jae. H. Parlor. Thos. Moore, John Dunlap, Win%i H. Woes, William Hasher,. Joshua Ehodes;,Charles =Leech, Geo. W, - ,Cass,* James A. Limits Jimies P. •Cassr Sing;John. P.:Jennings, N. J. Blgley, Daniel .Wallsos,. Jake Hl.ll....Thoniaa Donnelly, IL W;Oliver,. Jr., S. H. Hatt- Man, Samuel McClarkan, John S. Wil lock;Capt. Madison Bailey; :Tamer' M. Bliley, Alex. Chambers • NATIONAL INSURANCE 067EPAIST, ALLIN/RlETT.—Directors: W. -W. Mar tin:.d. H, Erigllsll,•_Jobri -Erman, Jr.. Robert. Les, qbaepb- 'Myer; John. A. ldyler,-0. H. P. Willlama,-George Garet, C. C. Boyle, James L:Grehani, Jum ps . Lockhart, John Thompson, Jacob Kapp, Josurril&;.: Hagar .-MarivrAcrazz.No Coarraire—PreshienP .2fireick; Bawl of rDirectonc Alexander Nindek, '1.74 Millar. Hindok. B. H. H.artley; General:Mans. ger, J. H. JOCIOS; Iftretary and Treas urer. Samuel B. Jacob= • . • .114111.110411 V DISASTER." „ Tiro l rsekJ—e-e— -sateen Ao . Iyeam—ll opersni Dead, A witting ambient occurred at Bran don :"Station, an the 'Allegheny Valley Millicent; atatit ten miles this. aide Or ' Franklin; Tneaday morning, tly widch nineteen'inen were i i nantd, three of whom areveported de The accident nap oceuloned by the colliding of two I gravel trains, to one of which wee at . tubed a caboose cur for the acoommerla, lion of the division hands; and to which over twenty of .thern were riding at the time. :Theft_ it . *PPeanir tad no regular time on which s o run, and were only reenfrial to avoid 'the timi arum - lar traircuuni each other. By some mis , 'lake the - eallidnctora were' not intermed or notified of each other's intention, and it seems., met et the point designated while reeving Abe rate of fifteen or Awauty miles airtenr. The engines were badly damaged and both thrown fronrthe track. The caimans ear, which .wsuritutt the omen° car the down train, . was literally demolished, and stoma of the graveleans on both trains were-more 'or" lux, damaged, Mut 'of the lejored, men otaided In Frankiha, slut 'all they were employed on_tba upper division of the, ru.we_ware enable to sacortido the names of any of them. The officers of the Company; we are intbrmed, - did all IA tbeir power nacelles° the Seifert?" by procuring toadies' sailstenee having them ratneved 4 to - their - homes. -Last erramingere heard that Unroof those Injuretitilaymorning and that it was thou t more of the others were andateily woad. - -.; as ri. T. Bakir Ike 'mirk •lal "..tadreapritadvirt lsader .Ststror tor. and trustee.Of the ficclittp tif,gcosomites; died at that settlementonfietniday. The deedased had atteMed thblipe old age of orrenty-five yerre. After - the-death of 'Geroge Rapp. In lea (the founder *Vie met at Economy.) the SoM est etyseleeted seven .eidem: Mr" Ms oteme of theMeoetal concerns, from sr nt thm obot* two Master to condom their out - ;ettlehtishlssit • Mr. Bakes was selected as one *U trustees , and weei u m - st reverenced IT be. Itte people 'WI the;Society , .ftw. the adifliekde naummln - which he efficek.nf of. and 'whiffet ~ t hatrizettir. Outside Of - - elelle;lti.alride dealing with UM people r. • of. the world, Mr. Bakeretstioyado most kindnessti Mf .hoW••,; - 177017 of brut s..i4ixf.-UmwM. 4 ttm,witeltring trashes. RIEI Cl . erekey a liteer.—.A•litthisd Everherdt, -whose parents reside!' bn • Butcher's Runf WO en' her way to selsool (brae Third:ward; Allegheny,' on Monday, meg agae.kedt by one_of eenne.. agyegiset ;She Was tWbehl , Lrbran - etong North opozithe barna . 4:tr'elta =lntel ent 'hewed aver•-lts heed, tottanately beloteshe ens trampled ,ernbaceeehtlenotrelune and *ha was room ed. 'AN* 'lns gotta eiseerety blond :on - the rae i beld. ndehoaldms t*. • ,t 2 i o eel' Ilemactoraßlected...At a sasseth' lidiatimitiotdeteorabealiaoad .Blukktvo-Tainclis,ibo fallowing .nowere elected: to. aware South* easalagyeart.G.EMarater,Toballastb, MU= : Coopprj - .4ohti'D. '. 1102 4P50 JacollYalatar, Lanait liailbrsulim„Patikklirgulloagn,ftaza . , faun over b3r i s ßobert J wht:reliant car - Sinieei street, Third Ingo ,Ati.•lso7,4este tna:RTerity .hay iron latceidyeneautzw l / 4 the whoa irtefig.hethMeiege.platatet' --Itot.crwaingthe,l3s4we.--..'" D=Eo2ll`. tribal The tors R of * Meatus slum r Nprwoll'essera rema•7l meept.hig Hof the contribti the *eaten'. 'Pennsylvania Nos r was Mild at Dix:moat Wednesday! managenrwareithere la foram, 'and thedry pammtpLessantly in avery way. She visitorarrere shown over the build ings, inel&ing the new west wing, into which palliate hare just teen removed. Everything was as neat ea wiz and look . . _ ed very comfortable.' A deliclota dinner had been provided, andwas very closely attended to by an or the vitiator*. After dinner the meziagere adjourned to the chapel,. Whore the 9steeling Calle to or trudge Williams r.ng wear nominatded Lathe chair, and J, A. Harper. ,Hag., act ng eaSecretary. Mr. John Harper, the Prosidomt of the Hamitel, there reed his •eport, which wag one of the ablest and mostlearned accentuate of, thelind wa have ever beard, evinclogatmea. minute ;Andy, and complete knowledge& the mbject considered, andsivirmasynopsis Of the history of i.be hospital during the sat twenty year.. A. Harper;dam mid Ms official report as of the Association, followed- lay Me. , ;endless,. the Chainnart of the Brewer Fned Fund, who presented the following warronten .Committee on Brower Fuel Fund" won :UM Ma port they have bad at their dor. .ng the pact year 0,617 S 8 and have paid ter malt° the lot hut $1,205 3s, leaving a nal:nee in the treasurrol $192,00. :Your Committee have distributed during the vear acme twelve thousand bushels of met, thus 'relieving the - neeesahlos wee flee hundred Tte demand for teal has .nd still can. Mines to be very 'erreulnie This noble oequest ha, during the past inclement weather, brought Joy and gladness to tearful hearts, dried many a eye. Mach actual distress - htta teen relieved, the thinly clad, shivering arms of many.widows and orphan child nen havebeest warmed and cheered by the thonOtfta and genernue gift of their worthy =Mader. poor soldier's etklow, with a Dually of dependent child eon, upon receipt of an order fora load if ma laid, "God bleas the memory of Charles Brewer. Zee= M'Cleurnexas, . Jond B. nenummr, Committee. '4, T. Emden, . : 1.'..19a. A. ELLEON. The Finance Committee's report was ten read. after which Dr: Recd theSo erintandent and Physician, read hie IT. .r.rt, which we regret not being ahle eo ,tablish in fall, as it wen exhaustive and ialitabla Ws give below a few of the nom important steffeeee, but are obliged le leave out altogether his remarks on .1 :be criminal insane. At the-b..uniny, of the year 1861' there wire 816 patients in.t= hospital at Dix- Met, during the year itet were admitted And 121 discharged;-247 regain in the .urapitaL The total-nueibar of lunatics ' under treatment there during the year as 338, of whom Bieerere males and farcutlea. The highest number In the , °capital at any one time during the year D3l,the termite 24113, and the average being 33 more than the average or, lief, Of these admitted during the year elhadbeen insane lea fianthreemouths; 35 for lea than six months, kl for line than wispier, end 52 for periods varying root 1 to 35 yea rs; 30 of these were coin cided by order of the Court, 55 by the ..nreetets of the Poor, add Tae pnvatel intimate by their friends. Two of those committed by the 'Court were from tly Watera Penitentiary, one , of them being noterions eetuaternater,and the alter a taste bomb:Lire the tiret escaped and the , 'Gar was returned to prison. . Of those discharged during the year 47 ere improved, 24 ware unimproved, mere not insane and 24 died. Of those =Plural. 3 were under treatment lira than three moths, 7 m enthe six ',moths, 9 lege than twel and or more than one year. Four of those who died had been less than one month a the hospital, 7 for leas , than three =nibs, I for less than six menthe, 3 for ins than a year and 9 from one. to efts= Iyears. The causes of the deaths were, comulluPtiorl dTwntery 3. exhalatio nn of chrome maids 4, exhaustion of acute triania.3,'paralyail I, disease et the heart 1, diarrhoea 2, epilepsy 4, and one from uatiriee received In attempting to team The mortality was larger than usual this year, owing to the, Overcrowded state of', 'the hem, the Superintendent being obliged to crowd sixty patients into a ward intended foe only eighteen. .The eompletionuf the western wing has ma. tartally rel eved this, state of - things , however- One hundred and eighty-one of the patients at tuesinit in ehe , =tat were u ci d elee •••ata_e , , dhY p th r l Putas( thetas, anpported by their friends, will= shows that is not deveted to paying patients. Seventy-sevenehad been in sane for lees time six months, at the time of admisiden, thirty-one for lets than twelve months, and one . hundred and thiztv.nine for periods extrytay from one to thirty years. Dr. Bad 'has had the charge of the Inane of the Western Permsyhouga Hospital ferreleven rani, during which time 1,217 parsons Imo bestennderbis treiament. After this »- Fort was reed =mintier's et thanks were voted. to - Dr. Reed, the Messrs. Harper . tacit= Board of Managers , not only for their able report, but also for the way in which they ssve discharged their dodos dining the yaw. An election of officers was then held. restating an totiolec Praidithe John Nice Presidents, John Graham and l U, Jones; Secretary and Treasur er; J. A. Hooper. The old Beard of Managers was re-elected. .; eswv Zlimetlea-.Neet/lar _of lieltana The Itelanaudges of the election held in Allegheny City on Treaday met la the Treentrer'a aloe, at two o'clock yesterday, erioutited hi calling W. E. Alexander to the chair, and appoint, Ing B. B. Megrim Secretary, after which they proceeded to count the Tote, with following result: ZVZOIL. 11001 MR. P i 4 11 g • ° Pc y . . Xli 70 • dos 419 3000341 ward... 431 10.1 410 1119 Third 49330, Ist pres9l. 191 111) 130 '2Ol - - Da. 2t do a.or so la Do Fourtivrard, 101 pr• 43 110 ' 156 101 111 I • Do. 20 do. 10 111 110 Firth. ..... 00 ' 106 06 11103.3 ward. ... ..._....371 DI 111 1103 90011th ward 111 - 297 ip 311 MZM2EM . itarmliisrg, IStmostaft Xlisostsw. The MM.= of Sktarpsbarg held an igection prestayiiitdett resulted in the samosa of tim entirnitegahlican ticket .4 an average majority of thirty-nine 'rotas. Last year the Democrats had a Majority of annateen, showing a net gain of fifty-alx. vote.. Three hundnx.l and-131tsso votes were called on Tur:. day. being tho largest aver met in the Bortmgli.. Tha following yore the ME A. W0rt0m.8%... iel J.G.Conasmagt• 169 11,41.aum,D.—.... 1.d.K.15t51,11r.... 211 ! ' ..coolrca. • Amos cre essersee4. JAL Clowee•2 4 .. 141 W. 14J1114.34. Jamb Me Wm. /40131.6, LW Geo. Dreedy 161 narrecwa. J. W.Glers. E•.. 161 Jacob GavaEle, Be 171 Jahn J. Etalca...R.. IAS 'J. Buckler. D.-- IS T. J. Illeyet. D.... 163 X2T17101 resilleroa. Wm. Moselle, D.:. LIS . L 44,i Ahurry.ll. 4 . 176 A. YeNtame,s. D. ID .1144 e; Apreel.D... B. A. ZJILetS.D... S 6 --' • cererteeza, J0im.544441..........1101 • W.J.l2l6la.tier,,s* iq entece. 84170101131. - Geo. Pasts. D...: 119 1tv.W.G3111•4.4311 4 . AVDTTOIY. - - Jamb 1744, 3 yrs.lA a. If, Coyle, 1V... 173 J. 14.1314.34 yrs. 184 IZ. T. saint, U.... 173 las. D D.Z.Wegoner.4l4 173 0.W.A.801114/3,0 In - A. H. 80a433.D... 184 128 J. Xnelder, 101 "telt Cilld . Bouse oil Is twuMi.-414wil Tuesdiii ittiraixa 011Ws lay„fogr rara of age, eon of John Rennedy,4o, taborer, residing in Collins' - ( um. !, off Waterstreit, wan fatally bunted. Ve bad beingbeenififor aemetime, andthefaeril ty bW very poor, the mother, forwent of gbatter, wrapped lamina pima ofricth. and about three o'clock laid him mar the fire. Ellie then Jan him,. and during liar *biome. he change d his position that his covering came con tact with the fize.and was soon ablaze. Three other children in the room at the time gave the Warm, and tkus clothe/soon ;appeared and extleguithed the dame., but not before thellU4 boyliad been 10171- bly burned, from the effect-of which he diedabouttheo'clack Wednesday =en ing. Coroner Cilawann bald an inquest, theeu , tendering a verdict In . acmid anceJ with thiamin tatted . . ',Chapped hem n4 roughn i t of the skin, oerteJnitcured by uMng Juniper Tar AMAIN melee by Ciawell; Hazard Co.. Nerw, , York.. It impasses Ai mu Mbarese . remedlw aa a will prerrent bnU ALM, useddttrin voldweitimr. It Is m conveniehtly app g eal, sTaldlng all the trouble of the greasy soropoands now in use. It cab be used, by Maw. with - the most tender *to r without Irritethm or pain, making It soft and doer. Sold by the pragghits v.; Death oritireonnaraftla Othito talagniin 'Sr= tfori - TrsorHerron, of Now Orleins;:a.nnotunos the 'posting away of Mr. Hercules _CY a* for. mar resident of this 'city; nerd brot Cotraor, her of James O'Cormor, • DK... The decocted was a aannaman of largyredneollan cnlture,annyosunlversally bolovedand I In thin community.nnlty. re = clay. ' , /e , Meg man arorldniten Wm-at/ 2 i tt Ede Comdr. Poor 1 chased cattle from vver exertiol tause,n he btuita brood Tama and died. Ws datdo .AINal The_tarxrat S i wug Donahay , - Cow.' =l . lnashir, txltanzanea, / 0)11 * 1, ocl XLMIIUS/3URG. 'tie Ras,* reensetaienlasezel Inns 3OIMI.J0•13 „lak, Itepabtteu Caaeue—aleGralb. ,of fhtlbNphta, the DeeeeerertaCendliteute. tepec.w.Dlspaletk is tbd PIA anitsb . Gasesta. . liectrusannd, tan. 14, 863. .Tho•Reoublieau Caucus met ten o'clock this morning. The lint dote for StatiTreastsrer stood: Truin,filkvrthrre; Mason, nine. ' Mr. Connell moved to make thdisomi nation nosulmons, arid paid a handsome tribute to Ci.en. li-win. The Democrats have nominated Was V. McGrath,cif Philadelphia. = IlAnanarna, Jan. 14, rGS. SENATE. The Legislative lieetyrd resolution was indefinitely postponed., 1 Mr. Errett, of Allegheny, prase ted a supplement to the Monongahela *alley Railroad Company. inaresslng capi tal stock and changing the. route. Also, reducing the per dims of Jury Comnstsaionars: IhlCt Also, a Free Railroad Law - . • Also, relative to the Pittsburgh and Connellaville road. :Also, au atoll-ring - the administration of oaths to oehnra of primary meeting", Also, incorporstlag the fitsvinglllank of Illtaburgh. • Also, Courts power to estsbibill eleelloil districts in Allegheny. county.. Also, inoirp4sting the Glermanlit Fire Insurance Coinpany. Mr. EroWne, llecorporsting the lcun 'bin College ' et Kittanning. Also, incorporating the Neestuilnock Rallmad, Coal end Ore Compan y, tended to supply New Castle with! coal, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 'Mr. Ford, of Allegheny, presented, bill for the relief of .Tecoti'llrubb, In old soldier, - Also, Increasing the fees of • Survisyorm in Allegheny county attending Court. Mr. Wilson, of Allegheny, IncorPorat ingahe Lawrenceville Gas Company. Incorporating the Federal Street and- Pleasantlialloy Railway Conspanyi, A. 17 legtinny City. i. 5 • Incorporating the Savings and Brand ing Ai:lodation of Pittsburgh. Authorizing the Connecticut .MOtnal Life Insuranot, Company to loan money • in Pennsylvania. . Granting a penslon to John Mc/splay, of Allegheny. ! • . Mr.jarkson, of Armstrong, eanating part of .l.Corth street, 411'.espollo. • Mr. Jones, of Ilerks, repealing the liquor law of 1.887. • . • Mr. Nicholson, of Beaver, establitildng ti ferry over the Maio at Vanport. Authoilring on additional Notary pub lic at Smith's Forty_ Mr, Gallagher, of Westmoreland, a snpplement for Gmenabtirg.. Mr. Clark, of Warren, a joint resolu tion against the aognisition of additional tarritozy. Mr..Phelan, of. Greene, repealing the actoflB4 assessing National bank Mocks; Fixing foes of Sheriff for tratudening prisoners. ' - &MAO%IOUS ..X1.01111 . 111n . NIKOZ•Mri IMMO= riss , sed m s lstsdlmam* Ns fl oasste—The Sams Magee, Ols mammal Is Um Iliossogs—Goss. Irate Planet -tau Tresmars , ,—Prop.sed Iltaltread L Iraposto sad Mooooot— iewlolloa TIAN of weal, ate., ie. ' Daze tat Dispatch • Pittihas. 0. tett, 1 fl ILanitiantlto, Jan. 15, ISM. =I OIZTOILATION OF ESCRICTA lIT EVIALVFON. Mr. LOWRY, of Erie, from the Com ittittee on Federal Relations, reported joint resell:ldioms endorsing Secrete'' , Stanton, as follows: . Resolved,. That the loyal men of Mils Commonwealth b ail with J oy the r es. torstlon of Hon.' Edwin M. Stanton to the MSc e from which be has been y excluded. and that the thanks of b.aresietoofre en t h e their .01100 In this case. dedicated a meritorious °Dicer and. rebuked au aims- Resolved. That it is the unlvemal wish of the loyal men of Pennsylvania that Hon. Ed wia M. Stanton shall retain the allies he now hold; that he will link Ws personal wishes for the public scoot and. that the country, more than star mitts , - lag hla services, may again neat In aecti-. city with the unflinching Secretary at the headed military affairs. Debated and passed to a third leading by "strict party vote. amourrum TO ItSLICDVILIE. ' Mr, BROW E, or Lauren= A bill ra irnburoing C.ltirboton for money advanced for lounttes. CON/lIIISIOSSILS TO VISIT INS INSATIS. Mr.WORTMMiGTO:o7, otellaster: Au thorizing the floyernor to appoint throe Cconadationers to visit tho lumina and report next year. • , =OI73LNXEIVZ BEIALITTION Iir.ISEARIGHT. of Fayette: A n3sO- cut= fixing March Ilth for the final *I XDVSSILt. EALLWAT COMPANY. 'Also, arrant Inompoiatingthe Mountain Railway Company, to build a reed Irma Fall's City, In Fayette, to Smithfield i In Sotainet oonnty. • . : ion A. lt*Anert 'stemmas.% Also, an net authorizing the Mononga hela alli,' litallroed Contpaay to bulld abreneh from the bfonongshels rive:eta Allentown. wzrztomsz nrnnieo GROM), rrrne , Briton. '1 Mr. EIIRETT, of Allegheny, relative to the removal of bodies from MetbMie , belief hrourid, Pittsburgh, and changing the Commianioners for that porpoise, h TO PAT 11/TTIIIN6 07TIOZES. Alao, a bill piying retiring affirms thirtydollars for services and fifty for mileage. Passed., Adjourned. - pk k HOUSE. OF ItEPRESZNTATIVEA arITOIL&TION OF SZOILETAILY,STAATIL6 The wild:omission was cemapied In de• bating a resolution, by Mr. XLECk• NEB, et Philadelphia, endorsing the Se. firm of the United States Senate he ro oestrinz,Edwin M. Stantonas Secretary of W Mr. JONES, of Berke, moved an amendment condemning au& action. Me amendment was lost by a atriet party vote. - Pending discussion the House ad. 1 • JOINT SptlllOlS. ELECTION OP STATE TREASURES In the convention of both Homes, at 1W01V.3 O'clock, General W. W. .Irerin recoiled seventy.threo Totes for Btete Treasurer, and William V. McGrath WV-eight. General Irwha was duly 'MS. Wallace, Democs#, of Clesnfleld, and Idr, McCullough, DemoCrat, °fele:a field, were absent. ILanzasntrfto, Jan; 16, 1668: SENATE.. The. bill chinning the number of 'direr, tors of the Western Traniponstion ppm ' The Stanton resolution was adopted. .; Adjeurresi till Me:today evening. ROUSE letonsizro . Sissreor.—Tlis Speaker noiliie•d the Ways - and..ifeolia-]teem. Maan hieCarcutnt, Thom Nichelian, Gals! OuL t. D7 , , rl Wa . bli inuimi.4 6rdistrea r i . i9 ( l4it adelphia), Meredith,. Heilman, irliar, ifi l i egienq.Wealake, /anti, Mara. ...'Jeutiateny (Gowan-Mew% Hick man, Suring , Herr, Mann, 'Clark; (War ren), Relate:ad; -Barrett, Jeika, Wink CralQ and Linton: Judiciary • (Leta!)-Mears, _ Herr, Webb, Riddin, Ewing, •Ree,. Manakin, Relnoehl, Craig, Marsh, Ball and like. , i r ,ord tokorr Cotporho . 0 N o ma.Thitib Bmit . CliePri f Millar; ( in Allegta ia Be;ixta and'arobet. ' .) Pea**, and Grandam-Means. Ed- wards, Wastlaka Chamberlain, Ewing, Heilman, Lott . Mann, Meredityteh lia Bhlirely." "' bi t lbaroadr-Metims.;-. Wilson, -Watt. Strang, Astaire,Herik_liednoehl, artr (Philadelplds,) Poa,Mbikner, Duncan, dIC rie=aattearirtd..Wee=ls. . • Beknions-Masaa Richelieu; Hickman, , Tborn, Siren& 'Kann Hal; , Meredith, Riddle& lu A rn, : %Mant, Pagel; Heltrel;Hatten atelnand Witham-- • • Iron •-cold. (bat chapeau -Maws: Maluctint, Adair, Beatty, Wert, Jack. anew Hong MeJankin. So be r.. Stm . ex, :0 71xn ee 4=tipa ! m , - ,Arofvf.4l,llfaluffa Cbaspanter 'lleteara Clark, =. (Philadelphia,}' rzy, Malutaßlet.. (Wen, Bdirarda,itat, God. Biddle,ahalk,Holgate; rhnupe, whir, Breath, Mul/au t Bi•kk , e. rina'rmisrL Gordon, Day, Rai, Robimson, PITTSBrfiGH Reigate. Hoag, Itergstressei, 'Leedom, Boyd, Goundie, Hottanstain, babe, Mc- Cullough, Meßlindry. Ectuottlion--Mescra. - Day; Armstraeg, Nicholi n :liWlutrton, Pry., Espy; Rich ards, , Bergstrasser, Boyd, Craig, Chalfant, 1 cCormick and Ghent, Cerporatione—Sfesars, Watt, - Gerdea, Adatre, Eur_rett,lBmlth, &Mem Westlake. Leedom, Hong, .Whartms, Stokes, Rea, Kleckner, Lott, . Reigate, 13eckert, Raise, IMcGlionis, Miller am' 80/101. • Countimand Teinushipa—llessro, Clark, Warren, ifleckner, Strang. Webb, Espy, Smith, Rainoebi, Ga •ddaire Clark, (Philadelphia,) Josephal Wosl brook, Latvian, Day and Brennan. _ • Election Districts—Messrs. 'Westlake, Chamberlain, Heilman, Itiehemis,ltobin son, Bergilnesser Meredith, Mallen, (Philadelphia.) liMvely,Wisger,Brobst, Cornman, Millar, ,(Huat(ngden,) Bull. Agrieulture—Masora Stranahan.itich ardo, Chamberlin, Edward', Godahalk, Phillips, Robinson, Lan,Espy,l Boyd, Corn tze man, Craft Rs; asa, Eichtnek, Geruodie, Balll and Viet and lortmorcaity—Mosers. 'Cham berlain, Michelsoi, Riddle, Mann, Rob inson, Phelan, Hottenstain, Esehback and Craft. . I Prtnnats—Messra. Forda - born, SWaity; Meek and Witham. Military—MssaM. Gallagher,Clark, (Philadelphia) Jackson, Day, Gordon, Duncan, Godshalk, Espy, Beatty, Bur rett,Beck art, Lhiton, 'Roush,: IttcHeru'y and Stout. _ . 1 • ' Divontes—MassraWebb, Buret!, Fry, Metbunaht, Becke_rt, Clark, Warren, Hong, Duncan. Watt, ; Day; Roush, Playford, Ball, Witham and Shively. Caine—Mauro Jackson , Duncan, Ewing, Ford, Millar, Leedom, LOLL, Mc- Cantaat, Westlakii, Becker!, MtChesney, Brennan,. Helton, McMdier and-Miller, (of Huatlnglion.)l .4 mounts —Mews, Steacy, Webb, Day,: Stokes, dantstreng, Clark, Warren, Ed wards, Jackion, Hiring, Phalan, Winger, M'Cullough, Stout, Karns and HMSO. er Actihrivs—Mesera. ,Adairo, Smith, eug, Ford,Watt,Stoku,lilteacy, Reigate, Klacknir, MeGtonis, Mullen, Thomas, Day, Witham alLawake. Baakr—lttenors. Ewing, Lee dom, Lott, Sabers, Millar Beatty, Bea, Gordon, Smith Fool, Playford,' Meek, McCormick, Miller, - (lluntingden). - The whole time was oecupledin dfaaoae inQ the Stanton resolution. Adjourned till afternoon. Arrzatmow Saastow.—The Limo from throe to half-past six o'Clook woe oc cupied in dlecuming the resolution in reference to the reetitution of Secretary Stanton. RELNOEHL, of Leicester, offered an amendment, tendering thankete Gen, Grant for yielding the War Department to Secretary Stanton—to come In an an' roam ' s.. , • Mr. DEIZE, of Clinton, offered an amendmimt,alluding to General an making an enviable reputation for atealinespecms, for making Dutch Cap Canal, and taking refuge in a Oertalu bottle. Theprevions question wan called. Mr. DEIZE'S amendment was lost by a-rote of ltce to seventy-five. Mr. REINOEHL'S amendment was agreed to and the resolution adopted; both by a strict party Tote. Aajourned till to-morrow. BY. CUBA CABLE. Alasistsailes pllet-tine Sambas Per dues PZ•J•011..4.10•1100.11•111 Vlll,lllll/11. No se Managua's, Its., &au 'scows talb rinstarth Own.] .4 ' NwwsToisr., lan. 15.—Venezuela dates of. December 13th state that the plot for the asamsthatien of President Falcon, by criminals, bad tilled. Falcon had as sured his Cabinet that a free election for Ida successor should be held. Two Gen erale bad gone to put down the rebels In St. Thomas advice* stale that &epode] commissioner froth St. Domingo to the United States had arrived there. lie has mere favorable offer. to make for the sale of Samaras, as the Haytion Govern inent needs bonds to eat down the re bellion. General Bass bad been Nut for by the DOmlnicon• ilayttea advice" to the Bah Inst., stale that thew re symptoms of. revolu tion In favor of General Salomon. St. Thomas dates of the Si, state that the cholera and vomit° is prooidllag In the gammon, and amens the labonws on the annken wrecks. Foor pasoengere of the steamer South America died at guar atstini of vomlto,' Three British war ships had arrived, previously Machias at Tortola, and dia. trlbuthig a relief fund of ten thousand Severe wirthgnakee [tad taken place at Porto Plea on the &I. It is Mated. that Prance will make Mu- Unique a free rail, ==== . • At the present day It is extremely rare to And a female whole entirely tree from some one or other of the diereses Ipoen liar to her . sex. Go where you 1014 on. the mountain top or to the valley, in the hamlet or In the city, among the nch or the lowly, there wilt be found but very few females who are not laboring • tinder physlcal *Malan peculiar to woman. hood. • • I .• The cr.us• of this we will not undertake to explain hers The numerous -attains [kora. made to us for relief. during our twenty year.' b TlLfsinlat ne tO e srTya, to vestigenon of th da ese diseases, and: their •beet method of cure. They ere maladies • of a peculiar character, and se a general Wag they requiroe method of treatment entirely unlike that adopted for those common to both an s. In fact the very frequency and extant of female diseases j la oar midst, is geed evidence that the . ... ..common trstautnent",baa not met! with sues, and showy that some mor* effi cient coons skorad be adopted. • We were long since convinced, that loati remedial' and external appliancar, bandage., &c., were mere palliatives for the time, and of no permanent 'Saint" whatever, bat °Mimes Injuries:tat and that an efficient coons of metileation w hope of cure. 7 th ort e h:lnefit of these wL may be afflicted with any disease patellar tithe tax, whether from a slight cold, followed by a derangestal and irrefetdariey of the general system, Which many Omar pro. duces cough, expectoration, tightness of cheat, diacult breathing, palpitation, do., th all the !symptoms of "going i into decline," or from - any of the-very man other causes which produce such is le suffering among women, as to make life a burden to them, we would say, that our remedies are splected- and prepOd with a spacial clew towards thaw ends, and will give relief in. all I these kinds of cases without abediesa ex posure to indelicate examination', or the wearing of disagree, able Instruments or aimbersome.appllanas. Tat we have eared hundreds, ;yea, thousands of cases, - by medianl treatment alone, cannot admit of a doubt; hun dreds of whom we have never seen,' but who only obtained their medicines after having sent to as their cases for exam'• nation, l' Our remedies in' thew diseases' are mild but eternal, and are such 1111 we have found out to act In conformity with the law. of natare in regulating health t and from the snares which has almost invariably crowned our efforts In these sue, we can promise, and do promise a sy cure in every case where a rea soner:de hope an be entertained, Zepecial : attention is directed to the above. . • L. Otneurtne, IC D. • 1.3." Grant Street, PlUsburgh. • (mos met Me lonia. : . Zia chazum of rabnate Incident to this MU= Ot nth year ate rife with the dla arum of the throat and luny, which will find anoctalliayromedy th Dr, XOYOnlja Wirth:table "Peotcrral Syrup," coating only 75 ante a bottle. Dr.Keprees Pectoral Syrur will curs-BroachHU. PAL Dr, Keyser's Pectoral Syrup will cure Bleeding Lungs. - 9d. Dr. Xeliseris Pecroral Syrup will Cure Whrio_pg Cough. - 4th. Dr. Yeyaar's Pectoral Syrup will cure Cold in the Heed.- eat. Dr, Koritet's Pectoral, Byrne will cure a meat Dough in Ulla day, 6th Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup will relleveCtrogita of long duration. 7th. Dr. 'Keyser's Pectoral Syrup will care Ltyn tie - ,8111. Dr.t e e Pectoral Syrup *lll palliate -Cconstup kb. Dr. .T _ t e e Syrup w titl4nal'lll 10th. iir.lCryssei P*toral 13yrap'w111 . . lids. Dr. Hiyser's ro F ta Syrup will aura Housemen. term, • 12tb. Dr. Keyeree-- °Moral Syrup la sold at most - dreg a and 'at the pro prietor's, He Wood street. Oonsulting and examining office, 120 Penn street. The pored and sweetest Cod Liver 011 In the world, manufactured from fresh, Wake Jivers, opon'the aea shone; it ls ocfsew pa:sand weed. • .P4tle4ta who hey* mos tdun• It can tat.* no other. Ask far'°Bawd' end Caswell's Cal Liver 014. manufactured by CIISWeII, /Ward,Co,.NOW York. 8014 by all aro/Wats , ' ' • At Ligonier tto boiler. of .tho saw tai 111 ot Baker:. Season'. it Cm exploded, blinrbig the .UWIII4 tola/tea -Fortu nately no one was present ea tbe hands were sit II supper, ihe boiler being lett to take tamer itself, mkt& It did. .. -abiZW ll 4 - VALI - 4ib tbb . blblablsat, Lswerte.X.atuts, by 00 24ItY itty.theas• tr. vat, Lou z.v.untlei ar sathuot etiezneaf,',o, Rws- bt . MORMIE-OOMLS.-11 mtdoace wider bugbaL by Ear /mob D. Mllabo, Cabm7EoEolo Omit: *a Esm4by jungary um, AULOIMLE-W. 7OREM and Mils MOLLIE I..,roxics. Loeb bt BiLLSOd. DIEM - . - )ea vanlatlb iiis; -stip ills, Carowla La enrols at Ilwaram • • r OVOSVOIL .- 011 - injAtaturrsag - ,..hrim , st anr Wws, naswL.li 1. 0, C0111x014. 11011.10CILLIL,Gh, woo., je m anls. fa tie 'Rip year r las me. , '!' .'-O.:VE.Trir.: Et NE .!' EUROPE: . TBKIMUJC ICATTE CA, inarp 13.—The Warwick 'clan prisoner. Burke, Mullaney are awaiting trial, is occupied. and surrounded by regular tineps, which were sent there by order of the Governmentto guard against any attempt at rescue. In the Queen's bench to-day a motion wm made by the counsel for the defense that the priionera be'relairned to London for trial, on the groundihat the bitter religions prejudice existing against the prisoners In Warwickshire . would der it impossible for them to obtain an impartial jury and fair trial. The mo tion was heard, and the judges ietiervcd their decision. The prisoners. Dretunerid and 'Allen, Implicated in the Clerkenwell explosion; were again brought up to-day fot exam ination, on a charge of murder. Irony witnesses were present, but the evidence given.contains no facts of Importance. • = Dupis, January 13.—Papers have been found on the person of the priso ner Lennon, which It Is said expose ttle, whole plan of the Fenian lea.lers for fu ure operations In Ireland. TELEORAPII OPERATORS. DISCILAROP.D • Lonnitie, 'January 14.—Tho s omployes of the Magnetic Telegraph office at Bel fast, Ireland, recently arrested for al leged Fenianism, were brought up: ln that city yesterday for examination. Nothing whatever was elicited to sustain the charges against them; and they were accordingly sot at liberty. FOUNDERED AT SEA. , lavanrom., Jan. 14.—The ship North ern Belle, w%ich started from prerpool November lOth, for New York, founder ed. M eta JanuarN Da. All on board wore saved. TLIVIANS COLNITIFD FOR TRILL. LONDON, January 15.—Tbe Fent= oil:lcier( and men arrested on the 31st of Dicember, at lifertby Tydrill, in South Wales, bare been examined and com mitted for trial on a charge of treason. JOINT 3OTE TO MENVIA It la stated- that Prll.llll 1115 Jained Franco and Austria Ina riots to tho Gov ernment of Sell.la censuring Its hostile preparations. =SIM Aitravem or TIED nornou COMMANDED. Lonnon, January 13.—Telegrams from Oden al:menace that General Sir Robert' I , ;apler had arrived at Anneal'. Bay and immediately aet out fur Sensate., t• place himself at the head of the Britlah ad ranee. . TILE anlTlnti EX.P.NDITION. LONDON, Jan. li.-A. special from Suez, Egypt, dated Jan. 13th, says: Dispatch es received here from the British expo. ditionary tome In Abyssinia contain ad , vicesof a more cheerful character.' The native chief Tigre, who bad mustered a large three, the movements of which produeed an alarm in the English camp at Smuts, and mused a forward :nova mint along. the line of march, 111 now reported to be friendly and hospitable to the invaders, and offers 't.o feed the Eng lialt troops as an evidence of hie good faith. He has aireney zant in two thou sand head of cattle far the use of -the army, and it is stated the [mope are new in better health and spirits.. Fresh water has also been found in plenty around the landing ;decent Annealy Bay. =CO =I Vamtxt, Jen. 14.—The 6'w:en:nent ht making preperattone to reduce the 1111111‘• Gtr and expeneee . .of the at:m.llog army. The Nekton of. Commeuder-in,Chief to be abolished, noddle sitmlOyment of Penaloo offler.,re lit the M.Prsi.e, nal be dlecontlemed. • ROM CarlDrriON NICOOTIATTON. VIENNA, Jannari —Me lXGatts,' ournal of acnl.lll.al rbaracter, sena that thenei-n, tiattons between Franee and Italy kr a now treaty to re ward to Rome to diaplaeo the Septemhor Convention,' base Leen rapidly prwrefa• leg and are now nearly noncluded. CZ= TIII: RLTCRLICOT iirtgica litrCiXll‘7lllCD. Flosr.ser, January 14.-11:a1T.In the fins of the Europesrp rowers to reeog- nit. the realoraElou of the Mexican 114, p6blle by diplomatic appelin at eat, Setter Soralnkaso, now Colonel !tenon! at Uolriule, has !iron appointesti ..N7 halter to the Rep ablh.' of ..11exice, and wilt leave at an rally day for Oda liteilcau cuAmax OP POLICY DT CATTIOLIM EVASENC9I.. January biro class of the Cailsolle population whisk since the consolidation of the Kingdom under Vidor Emanuel, hits steadily refivieil to recognise his gorernmeni by voting has rosplsed to abandon lie polley of Inse• tion, and will take an active part In tbn next Parllaulentarz. eiectioint. iidarquis Gualteriobia been appointed Intater of the Royal Ilousehold and General Superintendent of the Chid TUNLYST. • MOItX 1.13[1141. rnt.rtna VIENNA, ./1401.1117 13.--niApalCheA re• eeived kern 'the South indicate's more llboral boiler to 1* pursued b the rbri. In the Pastern question. A decree has been Issued guaranteeing equal righte ih Candle and the suspension of the collec tion of tithes for two years. - . UNITED NTATES 'AND VIC ItANTSIDN QVIMTION. Loanoti, January . )s.—Tho Levant Herald, published at Cionatantlnnple, In • recent Issue contained • long and able article in regard to the influence et . the United Statist In • the Eastern question. Thewrlter denied that the influence of the United Statile had been weakened 'Turkey by the late exchange of good emcee between Enable and. AtnerkW. Notwithstanding even the resolution P.4*l by the American ennui:es, . ea profiting eynrpathY for the Cretans, the confidence In the authorities of the Uni ted Staten, the Herald-continuo, we, noverthlgherr thartnow, . • macs. THE ARMY ,EILL PASSYD. PARIS, Jan. 14.-In the Corps Legiala tif to-dey, the bill fur the ro.organlzation of the army was linally,pansocl bye rote of 199 lo G. • • 7111110 MAX YVESTION Yenu, lan.ls.—The Itarier of tw•day, In a leading 'aye the govern ments of Franco and Pausal& have agreed to act together on • the Iteman questkm, so far as to restore the rotations between the King or. Italy and the EltatWkit th 6 Church to the exact statue created by the September Convention betweeultalyand Franca: The Rorie hopes Italy will not Interpose any 'obstacle to the accomplSll meat or this purpowt., , - . = . The emearatice of a. vatnphlet on for eign rebate= and domestle affairs' of Prance, which to being prepund by Prince Napoleon,' le angerly awaited by the publiO, "" crain 711E6 MAIMED • mt . /mime AO Al NiT BT. Prirninn 7 4 l ." ananarY IL—The Journal De S 4 „I'dirabitra, MUM! organ or lie Imperial I/overact:ma, denies the there le any truth-Ln the statement that ,ord Stanley, Ihitish Secretary or For edge ALGOL's, has mot o note to r the Cab'. net hero proteating •agelnst. the .elleged Intrigues of Romenn ogente In -Re- •virial,t. ANIIIVAL Or . SLATIMILIAN'S BEl4l ' R.B. VIENNA, Jan: 15.-4 he approach of the frlipta. Novairi boon :algnalloil -, Itatairleal, theta:Ter:uremia's Jaeoph. the Arch Dukciand other members of the Imperial family, left, to-day on a spo os] train for that city. to .receive the ro il:Mina 'GI Maalmittin. ' „-: A delegation of Relic e, with Octileral ummocaro, it him Laed, koni ~Itothi to Trierto; to be praeent at the' landing of the iernaleanf , •-• . ~.., A .WAS PRETAX/430 XII JIS . /LEVU YanuarY says knsitots :and • Austria- lumo,aant- - n Joint inlet' BOO* FenalltiiSlir that Boverantent for its warlike policy,. and tbr'lho extraordintiri, .3'2011110 lions which are beingoarriadton In that 'country.) Lord Manley, on Ws lark of Gnat Britian, basaisoaddrasatt • nom= tniudastion of ti'illsnliarinatiiii"to' the • Barvlan Govensinent"' ' MIME WIR OFFICE IMBROGLIO. Grant and the President; The. Reiteration of Stanton I. J. irriiale'd lat the t‘isuation. Grant Char Stanton Bad Faith, 'nt Resign [nrTelremhto._lna WA.sHINGT(nc : January 14.- - -The or. eltetnent tSaused last night by the an nouncement thad the Senate had refused to concur in theresident's reasons for the suspension oi" Secretary Stanton, on renewed again this morning; and mach curiosity- was manifested to know what action would be iaketo by General Grant and , Mr. Stantort regarding it. At the usual ogles hearth's Morning General Grant appeared at the War Department, - , and aftei arranging, hie papers, locked the door of the'Seeretary's office, nod taking the key 'with him, proceeded to the building ofqx - mite the War 6 Depart ment, used ar.-ttio heathmartere of the army. At br.tr-list ten o'clock Secretary . . 1:, 1 Stanton, sea panted by his son, ap peared at the partinent, and proceeded immediately t ithe alien of than Secreta ry, but flatting -tho door Iceked, took a twat In the mate.rtiom,i whero he was the recipient of congratulations from many Senators and members of Congress, who had essemblod to see what would take place. Mr. Stanton appeared in Unllntl• ally lino spirits, and eoovhrsed freely with those about him. Upon alto arrival of Mr. Stanton, General Dent proceeded tat the headquarters of the army to In form General Grant of tho filet, and to obtain Ibo hey to the Secretary's cam. In a few minutes he returned and placed they key in tbehands of Adjutant General Townsend, who,.with military-present arms Lesbian. placed.it in the hands of Secretary Stanton' As soon no the latter was safely ensconsed In his office, the Radical members of Congress of the Tennessee delegation waited upon him In a body to present their congratulations at his restoration,' and to ask him to use Ws Influence , to continue the operations cif the Freedriten'S Ilurmu In the States of Kentucky: and Tennessee alter the fifteenth of next.. February, at which ;time, by order of the Prenident, It ceases In theme States. Mr. Stanton replied that eo long as he had any pewor ho aheuld use it to protect the weak, and would do ' his best to have the 'tumid ions made car ried out.. Ile added that It would proba ble be a few days' before matters would commence to run right la Ms Mlice. As the Tennosseedelegation were withdraw ing, they met Gen. Grant In the hall In citizen's dress.. After exchanging salu tations with them and General Howard, whewas present, and expressing. Sati•-• faction at Mr. Stanton's restoration by tbo Senate,. ho Immediately - proceeded toward Mr. Stanton's Mike., where the latter appeared at the doer and the two. exchanged hearty 'congratulations, and passed-in. Many members and Senators who witnessed the affair, expressed themselves highly pleased, at the con. dug of both General Grant and Secretary Stanton.- • ' • . WM4IIII4CITO7, January 15. larA. . The President is extremely irritate," at he conduct of General .Grant in turning ver the War Mee' to Mr. Stanton with .ut giving him previous notice. The following to lLe rrnisident'" vol-sic4of the affair: !Teri General Grant took charge of the War Department be had a oonvirrtatlen with the Preaident upon thc.pawsibility of Mr. Stanton Laing re instated by the Senate. The Preaident tnbrd him what be would do in each an event. Grant replied, "I. shall In that event either band you lay realanation na acting eitevetary or let a mandarnua be Paned optima me to surrender the of fice." the Saluniky last the aultloct was nada presented to General Grant by the President, when the latter reiterated the prontiso previously made, and added . , . that the Pm'Weed ;hould be from him en Monday. Mr. Johneou heard math mg from Grant ea the eulttxt until Tuesday at 11000, when an officer of i:rant', arm 7 drllverrd the renewing to the President: fiCAMV• ItTZ RA An Mt Or Tll is ITZO STA I' SI. Waohingtort, January 14, Iti,s. JGa Andrew Johnson res ident of the Coital Stales—Pm 1 have the honor to enclose here , itth a copy of an official notice reoeived by toe la,t evening of the actlen of the Senate of the ITnited State* In the caw of the sum. pension of Iron. E. I . d. Stanton, liecretary of War. Anconllatt to the provialons of section two of an a, t' reAulatiog the ten ure of civil officers, toy functions as Soc. rotary of War ad interim ceased from the moment of the receipt of the withto no tiom„ I have the honor to be, very respect fully, your obedient servant, • C. S.' Gnaur, General. • To this was appended a copy of the notice nerved on General Grant by the Secretary of the Senate. Son after the lelivery of this notafieueril Grant call ed upon the Prestideut, and 111,011 -being retulniled by Mr. JOILIM.OI of b ut reitcr- Med procabsi, General Grant Is sad& to have admitted It In the premises of went. hereof the Cabinet. Gen. Grad's friends say that this versionof the story is . in s•orrect In mayoral Important particulars. Grant admits; has r lu,,. , utade the premier alluded to by the Pl, - 6111011, moo, after entering the War 011iee. Upon closer Insnesetton of the law however, he after wands changed his mind. and In conver sation with the President on. Saturday intimated the fact to Air. Johnson. IL NI also ascertained that when the Preeldent reproached (lea. Graut for hie conduct, at the Cabinet meeting, he admitted hay- Mg made the por.refer., but maid Imbed changed • hie ruled and, in accordance with the action of the Senate. considered that ho merely obeyed the law In turn- Ina. the War °Moo over to Secretary Stanton. Grant's friembi think he . hut completely outwitted the President: for once. .110CLANATION TORISIDDTMI fArncier. • .OXXL . 2IICATIOX SECIIETAET IEiZE! A special says there Ls good: authority for saying that either to-morrow or next day a proclamation will be lasued,by the President in which officers of the army are forbidden to hold or have any communication with. Mr. Stanton.. as Socretaryof War, and not to obey any or ders be may tome. The draft of each proclamation Is undentood to hare been prepared by Mr. Seward - sand was read say him to the President to-day. Secretary lifcenlloch hex loaned an or der in Loads orliurcaun in his depart ment forbidding thorn to recognize Sec retary Stanton as Secretary of War, until his etatus in that department Is settled. It In maid similar orders will be bunted to other Executive departments, VIM WAR OYIIUR•SIIOUHLE. Matters are asscuning n Joint aspect n regaru to &ternary Stanton, and no ' uew developments have been made pub- Stabrmeute were telegraphed from bore last night that Generals Grant and Slier man urged upon Stadion to tender his iesiputtion; that this advice would be heeded, and hie resignation handed In to-day. A prominent radical Sena tor was with Stanton for over nn hour thin morning, and he states that Stanton exponent a firm determination notto bo forced from his position by the Presi dent, lad. would remain and discharge the dutien or bin °Wavy' for ho was master of tiro aituation, and did not think the President would darn to use forest to eject A DIYL4 FRO ' M TIIE --The Tribune's Waehingten special says the recent statements that General Groat would not leave the War - Mee wltlput previously notifying him were made on authority direct front the President, but that a high called on the Presi dent yesterday to a-certain whether such statement tray true, when the' President denied tho entirealtdr. , The Tribune is also authorized to deny on the part of General Grant' that be bad any under &ending whatever with the President. CONNECTICUT. 110.ptatitmt i tr jorstrantlot T Nont ;31, 'nay raph to tho rlltstntsti teLotto. 3 IlAirraoun, January 15.—The,Itopul.. Ftlin State Convention =din Allyn Hall to-day. ,Nearly four • hundred delegates were present. Hon. AttletaltPtillranda goe, of Noneleti, was ehoien President. Two Informal ballots were taken for Governor, on both of which Harebell Jewett, of Hartford led. Ity a unanimous vote, Jewett was then nominated for Governbr. At the altemoon amnion the Kate tick et sena completed as follows: Lleuten. ant SOTerltOr, Franck; Wayland; 811011 , tory •at State, ".11Irstm Apploman; Trettaureri L.W. tamales; Comptroller, J. N. 31 tumor. lhasolutlone endorsing Gen. Crant and the platteirn .ot the :National Radical sAa Party, were adopted, Crory dctranto ancnd Joined In nine cheers for the Plattornl, Its ticket and Grant. COPPIELLSTibLE RAILROAD. ta..wart.nse In the V. N. Ogiart to — 74: 4 l b e e tl l tir l rer! l "f "P a " (By Telsrtsph to the 17ttabarait detette.l TIIIILADELPILIA, January 15.,-In the United' States Conn today the Case of the Counnom4alth tha Pittsburgh ponnellaville Railroad Company, was heardon a quo warrantd, to test.tho right of the company under their charter. .111earellas7 Pt elsl• of Chia =EI Coi.tnums, 0., January it—Mr. Win. Hoary Smith has reslgnod the Wilco of Secretary of Kate, and Governor Hayes has appointed Mr. John Russell' for the uhexplred term of one" your.' Mr. Rus sell 'itas' been Wel clerk for swore!, 2. COT , Tm - PRCIAL prxTsnuizein ILLII/LLTS Orrlca oe ran Prrrastrang ClSznitrs, Tammuz, Januerg 1 6 . Thera ten, intprostettot • to note in the tune of the general mortal, and litistnese generally continues dull, depressed and 'unsstlslestoty. For some ft, articles there tali d est snl. but, as a gamest thins, the transactions in the leading contedodities are ray much restricted, helm( canned also.; entirely to supplying Immediate wants. riliillN—Wheat'scree and In demand; Winter may be quoted a: 12.5532,0 f,:r ilea. and Etcrifiir,TO for White. Theiwiiflurry" in Bye did nut, It enema, amount 1. a anything', uwe heard of an edirr to buy today :La. Corn la dull but uncLaege4; new may to Booted at KUM on track anltrharf. lidiley is In goal demand .4 lieu.; ,we continuo to quote at 0L15121,75. °ate firth with cattalo store at gliaree• quiet but Ann at former quotattoen—slloll,so for Spring; $121211,10 fur Winter Wheat, and 014,60213 p for fancy brands. Ityo Plow Is quoted at 13.50 per bet. Buckwheat Is in good eurPlY mid doll at 114,6065 per cwt.. GROCERIES—The Grocery market has again been rather dull during the omit week, in Sympathy with everythieg elm, though there have been no waterfall:ha:lnes in prices. Collhe le a shade flireer,' in consequence of the ad. ranee In gold; Sugar. and ..... are un changed, white Rangoon Rica is lower. The following are the ruling quotation. Scream—Rev Orleans, ligglayir; Cuba, laCt3Nal Porto RI.; 1 3 14cel6i'4c; ()Palled, IRge; "A" Coffee, 161.0; "B" do, Vzi Eatra "C," 16Xe; Yellow, 154. • Corewn—Prime Rio, Cam goal, neai fair, P.M: Old Go rerr.ment Jari, 330; Lyguayra, Mona..nu-47m °clean., 831133;; Cuba, 030 700; Porto. Rico, 7CGMc. • I Synors— , Loverlices,” "600th It Ed, gar,. BORISc; nAtuber,a 700; 'iDrlpe,ii 01,01(g 111,10, Seicce— Cants. Weak; Closes, 60e; Pep, per, 33e; Nntatege, Plcx—Rnegooll, liz; Uuoßu, Ile. SAscrt—Madleon, Sliver Glom 12 'and Com Starch, 1115 r. Ferns=Leper Rsirlac, ti,so r.er box; V: lea tts, Mr per pound; Penni., 21e; Currant., IS for new. Ras Leap-1:e; Shot. 0.50 per bog. - • SoArs—"Babbitt'.," No; 4 .osklesq." 113 i YAW., AXWW;''Dobblni," 150. Camn.s.—Mould, WO; Stir,l.l. Co a cvurc..trzo Lys—VA6 per elm HE C..: Honk—MUG per lb. PROVISIONS—Baeou le In fair jrbblog de mand, luta Ire out roport regular SUB. Oil 101(6 So (or Shoulder.; t27lcalllo (or illbbrd Sider; .d 16016340 for Sugar Cured Hates. Lard map be quoted ai 124313 WO, fa Costa and barrel', and 1a7;014e, In keg.. Made Tory. Is conanal at $2l. MILL FEED—SaIo of I on Sounds n 11,75, and l en Mlddllso 0tp,20. Lut µla of Slag was repotted at Mad. • ILVPIa aelllna Imut country tysgocc at sl7 'con pa ton, it to APPLES—Shady but =changed; (trilllf aalet ln. . &biota at yc0004,54 par Dural, as to quality.' POIATOE-3.—golet but unettoge;l; Ire equr 111160 to quote et 4101,10 per bushel. sad 12,2 i C. 3,60 per bbl, as to quality. ,' ONIONSSearco and In demand; May be quoted cl 3 per bneh. BlTlTga—ls In tend eupply, and prime t• chola. Cannot !Maly be qanted above ago 0406 EUILS-Stoady at 4004.2 e. . SEEDS-11 eeeee dI. in good demand at lag% while there to not tough doing to Clover or Timothy to eatabiloh q.tatione. DRIED FRUlT—ConUntwo doll. with • supply largely to oaeaso of the demand hut an chaoged{ email sales as sCso for Apple., and lOfet2o for Peabheo. WAnTED AGE:VT(I.-139yd% " 5t , 400. ILEVOLVINO mania MAYS 1.1.7110PY: AND AMERICA. are Jost oat only Sam!. on them. .'•110w to canes.. sett!. Ladles and men 130 a day made. J. 'T. LLOYD, No. M Cortland! Street, New Yoylel pIEDeCTI9N • oianui. vs-srocx a AIiKET. I I LAUD OlfrL steady, with regular ralei aT clty ataiitifacturara at tfratiitor No.:, and 41,06 for No. 1. quote 4 at .707.0. BEANS-0...W at 11104"4- Cad NEI Eally t... 9.4). noted at mats.. i Ornn as no Pirmstratm 0.1.217f1, 2tpYCaT. Jenny If, CATTLE There was . very limited soy P /1 . of Cattle dorm; the early pert of IL. week, het pester. day and to...tay the errlvale were more liberal, though the offetlegs were Intl meagre. Thls. tegether with an glvailee In New York, and • , demand to • ..... of the ripply, caused the rennet to rile van ,- tilt. eel, competed with last weak, vane staled.* shade higher. Good ~i butchers etoek told readily at .1.; to Cr, and l wine to extra sny be quoted i 43 to slit— ! the nine grade of cattle •le weeks sleet i l would not have commanded over to 73.. The Luther of ' r. buye le atterideAtie was by I eQ mums large, then Italy tents eon. two or 1 three nvreseettitten from i t iatagelphla, eel shoot the woe stake from New Ton. but I all the tattle cfferad at what . was countered Iwithin rewash:a helmet. were picket, and that, tie', ss we have already remarked, at pretty . ..l4ring The quality of the sett,. oo tele Asa Vega tether better for tome week. rut. 50.1 well* there be been • Material tall- I 'Log cW Is the atiother, there bee beau no tat. woven:ire( la regard to the palest Just men. Ilreed. Olen, Lagatty A Co. sold it head of reer ceatmottah eteek for Melee , N. !l. Hiller a: 44: as bagf of good lllttetta steers, welgtung erl,lll, for Voud to V. /fleet. at :53; * head oftener/getter Certersight to {N.J... at 63. 11 head of nate/Load for Holmes 8 Mitre to bletlatr at 3; II beset tot Cookie to Woo. Nivel, very en., at 1.4; 4 had rot Cottille to AteltaU at Ile. PeterSmolt !Talmage mold a bred for J. Mitre to Kneen. avengen lath at 4)4} a heed of 'Neel cattle to Wein at 7,11 R • edraw a Taylor eatd ia boil for taker to haw.* &Co., averaging Ma., at 1;15 twat, lot Lotto. to tem; averaglag W!, at tdg. Scott L Mutt, *old 21 head at good tat atom add tows to iL at - trotted Ig.o, at it also, 13 bead tottta Soothers Otto @teem routes swat IWO, to Caaaady a Lta4aa at Ong per bead. John Mora sold Hedger .t Carttady 0.41124 of Marl rielumsf-tla (Onto) niters. hydrants Mat at Slat par haad. J. Jostle...o/d Masai a, CaarsJyll2 !head of 1111124 Texas call*. drattalrat nd 714 al I. M. II Burr bold race tunas 14 bead wren, wrist. lag 10,110. at t. M. A. Walalt aold Maack A Co. CO head prod' fat cattle. R 11,711, al 1.%. • The Sheet/Market war nuattzelly stiff this week,'end nerwitiutandlegi the erre/lege were fete, the 4,twee4 mewed to WI eentewhet In of the akeSti, .4, OotoPenst with but week, prleee here still further adraces4, paws, tat mutton Sheep se/1144 et trim t} to f4s, groesewhtle atedlen to 'rattler mold from 4 . down to]. The toiletries le a partial report or the nlee: Olua, Lafferty k Co. IN bead gaol Sheep, weighing WAN, for Blair bo IL Vanden, at 6,54. Smith &Talmage told 111 head for E. Webb to N. War. at NI IN for Porter 1p same boyar, averaging it IN; at eg; lea Leßaron.. aon, to tome buyer, at 312110. head for Swap , to ho e to Fifa. buyer, as 51,60 pro d. ' • Weary to Lloyd del haul, averaging DI. at I, Shadow to lam. buyer, Nog averaging Poo, at 6,116 Ilyargto Na. boyar, 93, averaging 60, at Ng. Wiltos to mama buyer, IN. aaattogtoe IM, at 1%. Kendrick to mane buyer, le, aver. aging awn at Aga. Bona to gam. buyer,2oo, t 1 es pea Loa& Leittleh to tam* boyar, Lel, &versatile 100. at 11. & Taylor mad 213 bead for Blear • Sorg to Plat:WE •' tko., averaging SI, at 4;172 head Strop and 12amba. for White to Rattle at liKrcemmOnilbe for Scdtabaugh W Padoook falt ouch ty, at 4 in. IL U. d bought Pideoek Ca al; head fromCrum Swlekard atfor 6 %—avermilal l'a; [ram WllLlama, &amen, at, at &X; 123 from tavaera, are:Niel IN, at 430170 from Thomp boa. avenging 14110420; IN from tome 001104 aver Ling IN, at ltj too from Darla, aye:ming lark as &X, bora Matra, avenging N. at 6%; ICI from Warta'. averaging Si, at from log IN, at 44. Taylor . gold Hanle 10 head, aVeNgliki at Mao at 4 % . • noel. The Beg mutat/a. ruled • Mlle dull dia log lb. pelt week, and with Increased et:m[loc end no correspoodhig improvement la the de mand, pilau, compared with jut weak, hare declined from • Quarter to a half cent per paund, Last week prime extra Philadelphia Ilona told at from to bi.je, while thie week the tame gelidity did not eemissod above 754€1 7Xs. As already noted, theonly tenon we eaelelve for the etiellee le the •Increued en , .i yet there wee • VC.? volualo.or Mistime In the ek/recelo. , 010... Lsany too. report rte following, all om aomuclinn. 47 hood fur 11161./oriald to Patertilt at 7,60; 13 for mama to Pearce at 6,40; far ts to It Oa. to Imhoff' at 1,93 Ito for Evert to Foam at atio 116 for Pidcoolt a Co. to ItohtitA at at..., at 12nrit do do ar 064 67404 Irwin to Crab.* it Ca. at 7t4;17 for Z toe ...amp to Croons a Chi. at 1.34143 (or &tartar 6. Plana to Imhoff at 7,1 e: 116 for MoKr* to 1 1 ...au. .1134; la for minalo omits at 0110; 119 as°. tossing at 0,10;12 for Holmes a Patera to Mom. a co. at 1M; aro for Meal. ilster t &Oda.= to Pilleacit a Co.at 1; es for Maya to Imhoff at TX; 48 far Linard to Crouse a m.14%4E463 for biiiimuilo soon At 7,4//r164 for Hays 6 00. t . /ocher at 7%; 30 fbr Mamma to Hollatillte at 7;46 for same to .60 at 714; 10 for moo to oamo at 7; tl9 fnr Hayt a co. 0. Crones Ca. at LW; W for_Moloara a Pilletror ' to thous* a Co at 714‘ 211 for Matlllitor a Co. to mom at 7,40199 Mr /trowalcu to 131140 rd at Op; 247 for Johntl on & flitattat to Iltutto • 40. at 754; 131 for Million to aoamo at 0,6o;131 for Merritt to Ennio &Imhoff ot 7. 72 .0t0 (or Studabalookto bieisontor,(tillet a Co at 4.1.); 161 for Webb 10 Pidamt 1.10. at 033; 63 for Mattb 1 . 07 .6. 1 at 7 MI 111 for some to tic Hisao at ow; 43 for Holmes a'Ronda to Pldook • CO. at 13'; 96 for McAllister a Robb:won to Pidoookak Co. at 6,40. ; - . , •. ' Hedges is Taylor sold 141 head for Keenan I. Croons s(to.. *scuts. Sto lbs, at CIO 44 ...tillers. for liars/ b. Shoos to ltotheturds at I}(1 LW bead tor Lunt to Moyer at 71 It for Wilson to klaillgan, sows= and souse, It Car; 77 tOt MOON to Itothehlla • 410., common to • prints ; at 7,40; 16.f0r Rimy et Etskson to Pldeoek • CO.. sommoti to prime, tile 61 for wt. to Crone. • (704.0iskito 7,74; IR for nnie to Mellott 011,0,111 for StadOrd to Rob inson; heavy sad <man, at VA; it (Or Room Ito Ilnhorrst 7,7 0 ; al for Starrord In Yldeask at 7444 for rams to Robinson, kOovy but sotanson, at 1;01 for Mod olito Pidsoek a U. at 1.11. 0114hr0lat &Co. bouitst dozing tha wank; 00 ?lasi from •owara at 7.001 143 Ito.. J. (WM It • 7,601 111 trans Thompson at 11(1111 from lkals 10 7,171(. This don wouldbars bought ' •bot they had slants annabst sent in on own- r. Jr:Orr 04Mght es head from Soarer at 7.10; SS from Outfit:lvry at 7;40 from limner at CM; 30 from Babb L Uo:st 7.. Bold 91 to DriPIN !Rooth:s at 7.40; 116 to Cronee t tlo. at COM led to atm. at 67pf. 80.1141 11 tram Beratir at 634; 43 from Malin nt 6 ti. Singer & 1 mhorT bought as lollorrei 43 from . Bedgei 11. Taylor at 7 113; 133 from Everts 1.10; 41 from 1101.11 at 1,411 61 from Lfon• 1,0101 HMO 1111ges &Taylor at 7.76716 from at 7.70 164 11016 Bardela at 7.07114 frotl 07111111 7.90, MI from Holmes et HO VI Irvin Portia. or Hp 1114 from Tildes at 7,490( 4 71 110171 AIM at o.6ei ltd from Bleslmira at 714, • 'Mori& Stoektoa bought 117 from Smith at 7 .7 , 1113 from Or! of. ?Ma 214 from W. Pi Orr et 1,2417: fiom /whorl 7,411 41 from Bowers at 7,11142 . fr00r aurae at CB. Bald '176 Pearce as voligq to Crouse, Emulok . • . • Sew 'York ' se Telegraph to the Pletshatelleesetto.7 Iturireetz, Jan 18.—Cellhe • Market slow to-danates st).3flue. Shea* easier, a; 70 759 N idhigh tAhht..T. at 7,44111Thie; • - • PITTSBURG/I PRITIOLEUTINAMBIAT Orstes rivers Prpresnreat (.IsArriar Tattooer. Jirepary to. CRUDE—The crude 'market was-very quiet to-dot. not a single Isle reported. larieei, however, are well snakal/ted, sad. we mnUnns to knots at trallja on . spot, and 7}gjSet for 51.sreh cod April, teller's opitor.—the . Weld* frares offered aed the ontinte .tore. &shad. For ell 'the yet; there ore aellers et 1214 e, boy. erls Lewin,. but ten. tar, no toter.. White thew!. but tompsraUreiy little dolor. that rho ms•kel Is Omer test it was ten days age, That an elri aglhly advs e: ,e.d ,hod ! bega t e o a y l bhe u d e . For example, it heir not bort misty day. arose mpoz oft .old at Ette. whole to-day there ere to aeller below 7{)T4O. di 011 ell: the market is reported quiet bog needy at Xrk7ify2„3o which I. rci'doe. ent to shout ad at the ^47he market for bonded .. mi .... lu an =SUlei condition to-day—me putts report._ Wane In consequent:oaf th• de elln, at Antwerp, stills abet.. equally ee wen poster!. reported It quiet but firm watt con siderable Inquiry .sae but very few tellets. /We can report rights of NO biota each,for March April. Plsv and ]ono, at ram and leo) Each lot October. November and December, at ,Mtigc. tut knee stern edger tAbuy• Jaausts at but no eller. to sell below rai.lc. nom the above. it will be seen that prices arc tally sem mined. the des Antwerp is the turnitim7 eetwithetanding, s ed e rsen at. these gures there are but few ate talents the presto, t price of erude as a basis,lbere le c ontin u e marin for the refiner. She shipments east ln• significant. and thestock In this market Is almost exhausted. pri.inoLEux STAiIS TICS. The olio.' Or the &Upping:mad Cbrnaterela. List, to their anooll review of the petrole• trade, ere, the annexed stannic.: Stock oallsnA Jaa. t, erode, &ad refined. 41019 ReceJvcd I o IS:' 1499,1:0 Add to zeduco to barrekt of 40 . gallons 2 ollota oa th 11{.429 Total aupoty • 1.336.614 Deduct export In 194 T, equal t 0.819,03 Deduct stork to hand Jao. I Isf a' ' , 50,501 214,3511 • Taken for consumption In 11.67 SLUM Taken for consumption in 1536 Taken for consumption in 1805 267,181 Token for consumption In fail 212,117 Taken for eonsuroption In 1140 214,441 x2..0.312080 xnersitin !70T10. 180. 1615. . Gallons. Gallons. Gallon.. FrOm Few t0rk..,13,834,11: 11.201,:53 6. 720 A 1 From Boston. .. . . :2,204,141 1,69101 1.011.300 rom 23,034.653 2,800,918 From iteltin.cre... 1.610 404 2,4131.1 1 8 176.100 From Flatland.... DOu 12.110 lLOao From New Betifoul 31,001 Total ga110n5....117.0.51,020 111.4.10,481 10,817,71 Equal to barrel.. 1,1176,1t0 1,695,761 971,101 , Albelar Cottle Market; .IL) Telex - nob to the Pittehorshltoteite ttin•tt r, January 16.—Cattle moderately active at an advance !lUMei receipts for tie week were :WO cad; Bales of 1,t0) beat] at tia9 , l:. Sheep ylatia lobar, cleetng dull; :femme of 130 W bend. with males of ,001st 3.tijget , p. Lire Hoge porelnal;y 73iellay re. Canna, 1,700; Dreesed 1W O11;Qa. Chicago pale Martael • Car TelegratC, Co the Pittsburgh Usratte.] Connor!, January It—Hogs are moderate. Is . ..vitro at n 5,9000,60 for common to me dium, and te,aa7.25 for good to choir.. Beef cattle aro less actlro nod common grades ar e 10.215 c loner. ..nth sales of fair to medinm nt 0Z:25124.(4. floccipte-3,000 bend of bogs • SPECIAL NOTICES. -canna NO i RNIAL INSTITUTE L LLIVd TYRA WALL IMOLA UN lIGHDAY OP. LIONUARY Co pl 4 e a °Baize Com, it tie Normal Eta% ==! CAI. - ,1P4. 1 2$ OI CLOTUS 211TrINGS, WINI/OW SHADES, &c. OTANI), ROSE & CO'S 1 111th Street, . ,$ 4•wl IRON CITY COLLEGE. PITTSBURGH; PA. r Ta il er v .ressCort. uutllue of Course Of elude. tna , tutus o Pnl. Vaia ald Oranahrl!an*p, View. or the different Dertriterte. 02tiee. Menke. • e" connected tette theet lustilettat. Colt t tee College. at uldresl antra a COWLEY, Principals, 11T 1.81113' FOU 11011 DAY GIFT.; 1 FOR HOLIDAY WM, roA HOLIDAY tqrre. Or .ffecVlick aoq r➢erlt7 streelloa •ed rholty PUIC/116'4,,11,12 'mpsoract rurcb uo an lzprored • Wu.str.sli icztioro Ezirixo Mwennis. Watzi.aua WILISOX eIIIIICO None nee co amp:, None Oman elcoplo • I done are ao durable No-e are .duzabie No (ha: .al RI.: .11 complete ratt.fr tba Nese that nlll era ouch ioallate astlatsetlaa Warnyted m,tt Terreet iewir lolt3 aml o Warr.t , d tDC mo_l peract Ito werlythl world 111 L Rater: /gents, No. 21.FittIN Street, ritfeburgb. EMI FOE A Farm of Ono Ilmin , ed Acres. Ellunterl S Pet•ep tmeamiN Al'eghesioonet7. enden..hatf rel•.• nor, It or ateonwe Mo. Leto 'Prue., illl4{ R. IL. The tam Is ceder cult rattan hod fence: 1.•• on it mayors ia p7aeo o chard, commenting lo legCralso severe. for arc • eroorovamtretr cousin or brlei fa`• trr. o. lg",ie eoroeforts ord . . . roc her hert'e,lere <r a,. oil Sho prem. Inn, or _ • , . • Mr TILT.EIROOT. ttehhir Lour...the Port °Moe, FARM FOR SALE. • • The nu e etatattrahrld aoll at atral. gol a bla Farm, sitnatott In al. tato nr turrnsalp. toorcland county, to old pall mho. from •potto etatlunc an thg W. P. Y. IL containing 92 I'-2 AORES,J, ft.„. ltt C0.g0.4 Log Bono. 'front...boarded e lutePratue Darn- leveler. re elLwatarod, ifn the tev, ..s .. oa c . ~n u•l .. Tot.atrr. . rata la and tS Um gra do. 111 ), Coat terror to @burettes sad *chard, for further 11PM , 1111.1. cntottro of by Undorr slated. nu the pretattra. • Ilan CAL P. citawyett 12%* MID Flatting' 'Pr With stoat Flt te, q 6 CS or Latt•lj !Italie In ”• ' (:•II tannehlp, IVroliziOral.ad Vaal( r. (nose , t mile( alp ~ol.(onnriNno,„ sat aurae (nsn.llugalloro r (Wu, of ills .1 a. 1th00.9 oa . loo staraod. Th, Ills grand en , 0". an( (woo., sr (woo, • s, eats 14.41 ont(ro P• 174.4. Vary l l/1 . 11 7 ( 1 ZnY(11 .. .. U7l a a l r ag ° O.itre(‘' l ot •ratia b 41341., a SC. A'ao, Oats at(1101 • call Star the river. • )Soollra or • VS:E.It . •• enl:117:2sol. 1 •-• (Sonoran."... o. AI t6B A V V, 43.?'1, 2232= - CI(.3IIMT, DR/OPEC AIM .R. o o7B t .ll.lEtal [loo, moolotocturors. or Booting audoll.Taat ravat, aturatt reit and fix* Natroooli Voroloo, Witte, 2$ SToILICTA.Io. ohaSratr• 1...• An on.l cr. promptly atttodod XAMES GLENN, •W hclenle mid Retail Dade, la • Grain,- Mill Feed 'aid Fated Hay; 6i R'AiEA ASiD ■:B9i ~sre.. ocUT ' PViTillitilltalT. $ lO A DAY FOIL ALLrfilenAll Toallbuinplots Lildreat 6.4. ► lt UL -4•434 livrtaglitld. Vl• *stye LEG OTICE.—WIII6 EA6. Letts N atarr rpon timbal. of anteatL 8. r ed t . rata ..f tar repaired •Iloallanr, no. cured, tare b.en rrantrn lo tan antwerlbee , paroond tareataa to .alt oast* ate roquaauni lo sato lannentato ;mount. ion thaw wt.". elalaa ewes, t b sts• .08 prima, terra. dal, out o.t icatrd tort e• llletoackt. tap luta albor, aims realdeno la Oa toona , rEitalt . r , Ey, naeonlor..' Jll3llir tatertei Ty THE OUPHAIV:i , COURT • ALLitinglll - (P M& • • • • In th e matter of Ito FtITATC Or MO . TWZ•Ia. the a - o I. NO. 3, Dear:lncr . !. nn, rot. Well of partaloa, on petition of Male. To Craton, To. e.t.r ant T.tosat Tweidf, of Carroll county, IllarourN •831,-rt 'Snead,. of Liao caactr. lo lac and stir garr . 'n:ta wt qT,;, • :%;•1t4i.:7 - !“ to a sea b.rob, neared that an I nqu'ONNOI wilt be bold la par/Kaaren( 400 attars asentin.a. lad WM. of Panto oa or raloaUnn, O. ,B, Dra•n , dea. trine the Trait of Ins acres ail tip•gct:is 014 owsuoo. of wateo tee Sold Altar Toted!. Oecaaaro. on 1 , 0, troops In Potion (trtnlenl ?load orah plle..bony county, . tIIUSILT, tie 27 I hi of reintezi k BO Ar 10 O'CLMIC A. M., • 70 mite partition to and among the hilreol" said dace&rd. In allca manor? and In arch to•I D 7 tea L 't".of this oamcawetlta e lista It sae tuba lii VIM H. CLI LEY, IlberLlZ 1a17437tY • - • . WIIEttEAS. Letters otAdattr, YIN 211roVant'etnroit% _ , ertotts kettntlad tbotedekrat I odebt•d to [tio tato 0(1114 decedent owl totto ?opt:outdo tt,o oodentoteit, Or S. B. W. ti 1,1.. Attorney-at. Law. II ride! otsrot, Pitudooroh. ood [note Imo !OK chluts •daltat sat d .state lnd plc, .11 them, duly ..tik , Tgqr , id , 14 1 :gr1,1114', , ,: • l'ltttlturgh. Doc. :7.1017. . • A DMINISTRATOII , B I...ttert et Adirt.teiwittow tit ; , r . *trained aeilettlanel mat. tae iambi wf litalU late or Mall, la dreeased. tw nous Lad•ibt d t tatlull estate wilt wake raw - wept wid all wholes,. (kiwi Whin lac said anate will pptrsult t^etri. duly aattsenticateo, to lb. - ABI/1111. lIIGm Tana stilp.; rtma A D'IIcINTSTRATOR 9 R NOTICE' ' elor e l:igtger r .liVntVe tak t t e 1./M . VAl r , 9 l : it 'r;cu o ;:!lo l ."ibto of tote e t t o , rs „ 311 o e q l f fted t h I . l toe ‘ a tiTf NT!, fe d : a t ' o . " f: aloes barlvir *rat tfi e o . me 111 . 4 1 :g. l. tft. of. prof arly moth'', Mated for fettle- NANCY b1...11t00N. little township. •Ishttettygra r .,• Post Mace, Perrysisl to. 540 MILES rwm UNION PACIFIC RlllllOlll, Running West from Omaha, ACROSS'IHE CONTINENT ARE 140 W COMPLETED, The (tacit Wing laid an! trains mantel WITHIN FEN FAILEB OF THE ;VOMIT OP TUE MOULT MOUNTAINS. The rfor lathe ten tulles wi I be ,nalitied soon es Voir weather penotts tit,. roall•ved W he aninclentir peeked to receive the palls. The work continue. to be pushed forward In the rock CIS Mars en the wader.% &loos with enabited urge, and a noelt larger foie. will be employed during the current, tear tan ever before. The prosTect that tee whole' GRAM LIRE TO THE PAOIFIO WILL BZ COIItLYTED IN 11170.,. Wee sever ket . es. The teas. so , he provided for conetzantion tare proved ample, sad that, to no Lseeof Mods fu the most mlgerose rapes, cotton ok the enterprisa these releesisre led Isitoiknierses 1.-United States [toads, klaricjthlrtl• pare to rum, and beartue'etz per amt. currency thterest, at th e rats of hid MO nth miler, All sane. an the Plains; then at tie rate ocitti,f 03 on. ante for PAm:Pes throub thedLocky Moon tante ; then al the rate of IMMO D , r Wit far the remittent cdletance, fseyehlth lb I United T;ates take. a SecOnn Lion se 'seaway. , The' • , latarem on there llMpt• to Data by Cnlttg Elutes g 'Term:toot, ertifea Ma, ply. the Compa:, ay one•half the almmtit of Ms taLs In =nay fo!• Mmt.P.Mat Ita f•Mhtht. teooDb Malts. 11. She samaritan half ot these bills U Warms] . to.tha Company's Mtn:, and forms a stating fond which may 11 salty disrlwge tha whole lallount. of Vas 11ea. . , 2,—First Mortgage llonds. i Dr Its chatter the Company Is pannlttodfki Issue Mown nest Maness Monde to Ois °son amount as the bonds Issued by Q. Oarornmonti and no mon, tout only as the road progreeseri The Trustee,. for the Bendhuldera art the booi t. Lf. Note.. MD. leattar lle,* New Toot. eki the }tab. Oakes Amos, =thither of. the U. Jai Hons. of Ripriistaaks, a, mks., rospoadble mr the dillverj if UK's hand. to the Companyi;, *- schoril area with the titans Of the 3.—Tlle Land Grant. Thallalaa Paella Halliota Coithaar has land grant or nbaolatts detain from the soya enthant or 12,C50 sire; to the zalle on the th th of the rand, width will not be warth leas Ilan Vl. at her aem, a/ the lowest rethatlan. 4.-7116 Capital lateck • The anthorlaed capital of I. Delon Pacific', Yaliroad Company la S 03,C0kati, of which life: 11.0.0:0 nava been paid on die work already donsi TI nosirtrims? to MLB. nil 6918: Coistrada for the cadre wort rt bethilik miles of int•citua calicos:l wed - from Omaha comprising mach of the waft di fhwit =omelette.' icor r, awl am =comp story excens• except .ear.( saying, have Dann made with redendibte paw; Cs; (who hare already llatalu .1 over Sat mliewit, Wilke average rot. of thousand and titty-widd doltatv(111I31) ter sal C. This piles' incladec all necruary Clop.' for construction and papa's of care, depots, atitloks, sad all atlitrlAttattztalteldlem., 004 Ws ricconsollvoi. Padeoller. kwasSand frelfht can, awl alba requisite toldtg stock to ea .striono c that all( not tw leas Clan .0.4.0 per ml t.' AI owls{ 'the cod 01 the remaining one handrail awl tient,: Mx of ins clever handnid stirs stsained th 0. bald by the Union ractfe 6.i:smuts be...:147.0 par mile.' Tens Tale! Coet et nem. Itacerzed • •.11411es will be we Followei o : 4 lantS, at .03. rat ISS aatJea. at * Mt 0 441,1 dim** on 000.6 a, savrayi t *IL /ntaant .......... W. li. a. Rands 0.°67,^ .14 the Colops.up'• ova. rsi Itoriga ( e 84.14, Ea)' !catty =said. ea Mae as . Airslkablo Falb EArisca re;e• Iftll4- thg £l.Ten Itoedred EUc • U.d non& 41/...Tbeba etti Mangan* Bond. M.Uk Capital Inapt pall In no the Cara new • ' done ..... kICO.OIII Land ()MI. ii,C6.l,tlio awns, al el i 3 mir;o:et the Company L &TO lUD Pi• raciuue.a fat suppix- InganTdalelaney Illar nue false In maims 11l onaluaollon, TAO tap to 'Como wholly or I. party addltlo.ol rubles - 44ton, to Uhl Capital Earnings of the Conipani. , . . A I Dreamt {be Drelts.et Ilte COmbaste aro de deed pelf, frost du toast trankt. but Ws Is Ulul. read 7 much solo nab salacleut pay • In. terettea all She Beads the Com;s ay c ad Islet If noleaother stile were belts. It Is t doubted that Irbra.lbe_ read Is computed a .tbrosib Irlik of the oaf' , flee' setottellos Me Astsatli and rodeo States erti be Lase booed promo debt, =4 is Went 011 be sto'sotaosattext, It eau stoats Its dome ilt I/rentable Swot. ' ' . • 11 b•nottood Mao LO. Vol* _Pocl2.a B&W iroad is. Po het, • Gorillbuxom WORK, ;Walt •nder the sttparnsion of BOTAIRMIIIat faltdri. anti to • Ism a•loot .110 CirenttiO•at sow, .1 that us bonds-aro Owed ander tioveroLomt dlisioleux.,33L•begoi•l aLktat..,.4#.Mit7 Is so iorditly 'guarded, mut aortae iylOpoiltorl• b•:•,tipeolt► Urger.* sooty ?Magas property. , • tlitoirtgge,nonda in altered Thine Imager 'at SINICTIr VENTS ON THE DOLIAII, crier no the etomPut illy In the market, Warmer. true 15 parent. Tower trial, Vatted antes Meek. Ther pip • Six r , iei Cent In Gold, . , Or 01 , 11.1(11:G.2 Pill OZ T. opoo.toe tiron meat, and li.vo thlrty 'yowl to no bribti to. total. Onhatotloos mill be. rota...lla Pitt.. ~ . . aeutteis. lutium. *AO., . , ~ • 51. SE•CLEAR d CO.. 75 Fourth street. IiAIIT,'CLIDGEIZT . d. (0., Tblrd and Wood dreida. '. , . dad Widlitad * slue, • , Auer I. m n =Mu maNi cak at Ilia Conaway. 011iatilte. _ yt. alid by .. . CONTINYNTAL 11.1.110NAL WIN, N. 7 0L5,112. DODOr Bankers, Re. II 2..111M J.CESCO Pp . ! .. lusike.,lllo. d3Wkl .11 t•• Col:vulva 4Overtito.t . *tows Usruibout :the .Ila Led rt,tea. IlnalttouOook iboolOYo mods 1a dr•tolor ota•r toad• p•r In New Tort. sal Ike boadi wlll Cos • root [moot abate* by rotor. •:prera. Partleo soboollblog lbl'obibbrO4l Otto% pod look to tbonito: Wit nr.r.aatriturt.s..l4o Iktr. a¢orlt C the Yripeasuf .ths Work, Staeureai Lr Ouusteite• stab. and Value or Honda. may be obtifzed lie CatapaaV• Upwl.. co et its adrey a RIM, °evil t • nut It" en ityy:lea7: 4 , 4 ' JOHNJ. JAN • • 'NCI' TORE: TIAZTIVL tokuotar oqx ...... maws, JOHN - 'CROFT & RE SL ESTATE • AND Vigil/1413'CE 'AGENTS, • • Z'o.. 139. Fourth. S. hitabtut,, We ball, a PLAT= 1114.113TER-coniatatiair • full deculp-ttaa, loeaf2oa . Prtaa sad ._lan.SyS Property aattrasted.ie otresie ot ante. Tbu ecalidata at/arms, "COM% XIII& ' Lou. Stems. Cent Laada. real latemta, 064 . Warta. Wasters Lands. news , . 'ramie:4n, City and to.artma I4:9am, This naglss . aria latat 14 " M ihlii'aalMaabar sad Jamul?. (6•Ptaanbar umbra pay sakaij win ems tt to *ay addruq , P.C.'S 'ea awa staatio *rays amts. ealiscilptlaa'prlu ' ate** arm arraasava, -• ma:MTV • pIu mSTRA9IIOE.Ais, ptrstra 'tallow lie %hen , Adet.sa. Vin.a:4l4lll =lll:atT.=l ala sUbar sox may gala: 1b0T,91 0 1 .7 pekno a rewx...tututiiiimii so] , ~. Nana eintt, NU 1604. ZIEDIOAL. • , A GREAT CURE OF , I acl au7selt cab: obils►ttotu : to sow M. M=ls=!ffl=l tetra .tithlarettt. to or4eitbnlbiy Riy botor • on, the! can. 'at cum.!. I tal Dieu sobje:t to • vleert G. motioned atts..i.ot &4TII KA for more 4.u.L1 you; luta psi loan to gres.extop.o..o and to rollout at odloal man or; soirlolo.wit.4 aa4 °blab:dal :ay parmiaeot YAct.7f telltroa ►t all. 1 410 ea bad that I wont know wk.. woo to be free 11.. m the !Otoesoo. 11M tto to tx4 arm Meta to X'ake &ad weeks, RIO. rtdt eat IXOSare. tor hope : at Fare. X; toad:tics wu ,Abin I tilt lt&Y boitita. tiad .bea got as attack I rdlt la:4liiact at call:KA:og evert =Conant. ter:ll . ile Itsd bcon mu sultan' tug that sty mother nays that she Um tarn ma M . lacer cultocat!oa that I rm tem , ' black It i Ole nos from the drupe** oforts made to MA breath. ist tao co:t w:plter 105.7 Mina, witi the dons and window. at the aan•e ttaal. wide open. In orget to bt d'b, epps. rent dancer or atranrolntlon. In Mb emit.: - Doe, on the DM At October, IBC; I annul beats of DR. BItD3LIPS lir.ecolut tele disene44 called on blue, In cocapeici with husband] insuph Morel*. but I anti tauten. with a [teat deal of doubt no to eFectiitit pertoutett eci.n4 • Dr. ELMER aramtaed,alsearerann wd 11.1 luny 11.1,over. Ir:tb his I f 1101.T.S1):11a4 =I!M =MMII 417 livlSorm. TOTAI.LT, ruts rk1.911 1116 ASTILYA, ink,' It, t rlbly 4114'5. trreablp attesdaats. i bait Did. ones In .1.11 e; aOlubt intact of tba dtruuse, but / regard ealth u antler:lr re...l4tlalked, as It I d nave any attack,. 11!* lierft• or the Daettl , . medicine Inunallaugy rellnyes IL 1 mann feet too thankful for the exeettea M:.331 it Sheltie .1 which used to cost me whole weeks and months of lost of sleep, Wilda& 4traing trklotk nova but Moue trim i subleuti to AY dims* cm' foUropiirulaio or desolaM.. NANDI Ji619183. .NiRT MOUNT 1 10 Y, (ber mother., GIWEGI/VA rgaBB. Blrmlnstuuo. Dee.), . - Thee* 'e of Ka. Wen, teeltea above, trete of moth than erdlator Import/beet Wanes of the tla me, of the attache their wean:met . length. tort the great othstrstion of 01 the eftel 0000.. ttteadlrg.lb. disease. Any one who ►oetcher duffle the thee etta wu • Ref.. three from the &erne of width the wee etre: and. et her how,the wirr teeters, of jantst health, eatuet bat admit that the oath LL ' One of meow than erelr.ary Whersathr,.lauwelthi Ite we bear of Asthma m - <lay of oar nen, toe.- leg *disease of ea Inambie %Mem Set thaw. Who doubt forruttirate for thoodsetthe • ". • lumasirs 111410ICIIS 003[3171.11 . 6(Y: 1)7117.01: FOE I.ONI* KXOX.SILLTIO.N3 AIVD. TIEZLTIIINT of OBISTISATZ C114.01110' 1.1115.10115.' . No. j2h /may armsszt. toim ly A. 14 watll 4r. g. • DE.11.1.11,42. namp aiwunaffe.. Obeharges frost the Nab rang[ the bar, Ca Wail. OOPS. ilibboY Zabel babaussett Ibsen, irk. ellbsol•Yot Some /byes aid /Ca" esbeitebbry•Tresseb by D. IL ey oar, in beba fbr.v.i.c • . BIGHT Esstcuum Tatesa to which vs. Illeaea somayrseliS UO.. of ChrLeas ram Of BeinTlf COUIII4. setirely tont:mad by the appessaace or also tither has dr. who to.d ay. ailed oa Et 1...• 'la penny' to think bla for his 'haloes,: :sad skill In restoring - be:4 to Efiler AVD• PCIITEtTIiIHII2. Llq Pigs: la twat assn. •ir bits/ for am Months. She was N toad that. s 'cold.lot dial:wash So/ le make oat what It was.. Thew Is :rainfalls.• I. hoodzsds of cuss Wm la'. era duo nclto• assa•entlial dahness. oa the Saw aslant. tat thaw Is no cars. sad nothing us be dose. the wa ands: DE. say4irata traalaset tor. t•o mouths. and baton as saolica to Waft through hiir proms.; aiILOIN P. PIBHEE , slabs - hopes wars tatrashird of lies' eat atlas Oa Tight.. Hams Is well tam la the ahlebtor lii as when she mines, sad Issa Pat reaarden: ,es one of estiardbary moron. - • Ws. tha esaistreed. /mow of the care of Maar Thar, aid btu wallas tairtlasaY a the aet. . O. ars stated. • t: r - Brawl P. nano, (Brother. "Brnx BiLDLer. • . . Tolocoman% A.Useiten Icamilieurrr, • Loma. .111Iix.r'81et d„ ik vtombeilnn. um. . '3. B. Wenn: • rat Wig; - : •H. N. Trer ! r • A., "R • esmli. _ is.W. Lievendioner. lckkum, • Wieb ark Harris, • Pt. A. rrbe i g: • tiVtjr .'4 Wm. •14:r„ • ierrn4arrerel J . 13::Xfkir ' 7 . 7. mut. .vlnand i. orar Lin ,l traaf r, • Nobart .11a.macr. frbrirtfaNN 1140144 Isabl:a MO N.frookborre M. r, -. D. "Utter, ki. /Mier. (ttertErrther. ilssta Iltkeese :Alla Mon T a. • • 4. RAA . 'Les. lllntr Abloom: j7M. j i: r u+ ' !' • • Jenalitsplirea Wthtn. Alan 'ratio; epode Patten: - antis Pat es' Jaime. Patteli. 'Om K. Debbs, in. 45 14 .. abbk, Penes, /1621 tr ',Mamba /later' hs tog* obese Muted to WU • .sed • . by netlieleu to p .214 tos bk.% lod etrelit eor t-. a. toed Di, scores or Puouta , who hue lemon On and boys • tr.perbolg. Potentials to Usltb..uol,tfot rev:hoopoe her tilt; tieseetomps:qtno litter of hat brottair • rota (anti t • -•- • 1- • • • D. Ezralta-Itts Is the, orstabeU thattpme to Ma advertsuakeet:bir the tin: or twif els ChttsUen PLUG nip wank ali. Mt' to Dot tbolr tataits"eowii . awl O EI wow . moth estoolthpl to teeyO!!roe teiresht - hem eight so woo. • Bey tlother Mud, ta!itiail to too; sae tail •“yon ore am cio the 411 min toes it et. ...led. 11 1 oafs if Int bad 'Wob"futine . . eeross fat ohs believes Du ellild *mkt "sot be uvtur as IDL dim. we all •Ipla Ilaittatalt - MT* and respects tow"; • , L North IhnOtilay... .W.t05,2,2 Is 7 IRO 4 644.1.(41 iiteMni 7 4 Veasaltallso aloaran4 :21e. MO Faun enner K. Maass, - OMee Matra heal • a: In. se • 1 . 0134/44.14; CON Ylt smnstavie : 'ram examinr. CLUED.'. ' Stattant of fawn Ma*. awnatet , ot!ra ecipata anal, Mann. Otta • I toot a 0111.01 attack it antlaY, May.. ' M 4 wtdcb tut as nth a oath lamag all ram-. att. w•ntaw away. ay 010001st aa4 dada:wanly/ Nay ant*. Dalai planar t had actual ydrilaaoaoi tae Mod; • atalatleala Mt alty. aidar ;nausea* borate bum tM pawl"; 1 Ira adanitla lab eatatryi whlra 414, wink 0111.4%. a nate. ate toga ma in' ItO /Ma war Wale& tutl • UM It samatafts,ware iw Us' an weala ma of 001411111411710 N. 11114101,- et as boa tats ttamicattt steal tat Walla et - 4. 74 4, ml. etaoo,ol4 1004 Maass nattsallr Mann 1,0114 aa4i nukes anal ny. mama.. k Meat 44 .04n0S at no nuns •ftill 1a Wm. Siat• of daposotasey, aa4 kantag moll • alai, of In tseatattilt, at Maanaptaa:ad4l baying lout etatra mad by Dz. mann, -,,' • And attar Ida antratanat fa Inalantanta 1 na Inaba a octobertano4da eak W Det - j. In at kin oalmlm Pant anat. , sad oetattai4. nun ray Inn with Ms aLTIMO SOUND." 41. -Add ma atropin lota ad at Ma au wow v Inca Mama. 'bat I ibenanala neat ~nny Ind I-01 ttatlianttia• Ltvi sae of In war 'au, 4 nee nt at tartan 1 amat,..m... (inn aff eanwal enniat Maned at AWN , ' tY btum la atlas.* an I oal Power, Os. at , tank aar ale to mu m g ot kattaar: , 1#04;. aaaon th. enitieas is oesabre. ?Inv a amble, banal anal elattanat hatatally eallt Meaning* Tea bodges-. " Moat %Opal la Cara Um tam sun; .44 It 104 meta" fad Mama Oltaat Mona, bad my man sad 'exatelantaa lastastag. , San gond! gt 8141.1 ta :mak •usa eauated tat watt alltaa 11.10=4 of tug Itaa tail toy nand basalt la la new way Oaf. jar • my relatives sad Masa. borne Ma anew - .4 7 0. 0 W dbood add led estrataattan " " 1 1 era of , ths atalletni atm le• 7 gnus vat a wean •aisr . lallt , • ' •• • • t. iblah I took la otanata! Via tat - sea • ' -6th" rantataaa. MI, tent, FaMk • . *arm= 171111 X OS' ' • ' • 0511.11121302/. In•its"" ac4"..yler atentAX. 07 , iturnt - , :itralleditita' • ""1". .4rxeal of a we ta the' " 4 ' l . al°. 71 441 ' mad • emus 'Weblie mar; 0111k1 7.4. 'toy . ...A.'s CONROE/TR/IL Itse Atalut gig away, ix atnnurth sat' ayh mut les joinable to do =mum nosily az- UT 01t,Mo is Email Um army. lowa ogiplicatair to sphyder us of -7 talabbaeboott.aad. alter%• - werSihtessi•Our tall/44=0 or flat- roma. nemem I mid Maras far lamb% w liaont any Pools wtobver.losratik• e!icisw warms, aut4 wasted talledi and stress* siva day. la lam& UK la moths+ toot Oa 70 PVC!! /111/31. otraPaikastrattrnon ildu in' meltmar 11. 01 Awl bra 77{777 .1 cal myself mad*, Ms .tsistaml the Doelorcurnywd Ingi ivy . ,earillif7 wltst Ids Mal 80 1 1 2LAcall4 414:01 that so tft 'WU Si bier dimmest at VW if VON waist be ttoaahl los *mud an IN ftlowair 77. ellftetioss e7ONil7. ' , kW& 4 / 4 tiaa that Ito' a Ihla. - 4 gmbugly Damned mg. 49} . 111 , 1mielrik soildlelase tram CILe 11:911• nett' Milsnatet tait• that, mut ow gems' WA* bl 4 latomred ashl canistOilmnt/I !wpm as imfoisd. ,übsze u Dabs* M"W Inoinsa tall sad areas sea trell VP.. I Asa ami 6.1.1:4a7•.g work. 'MUM greaterkeemvil ha. orissity mama la Aror at At. i 771744047.1. 47011 . 1177. 1.47. ,1 - 4amg Waimix. Omit! • 144 iczysayti'rEvreiia,:titßur 11141111 LOU Wt. . • . • cu be tad as kg dim, muntrisintriii, ige WOOD 111.21111:117." looriage. iuO =or erriuner.'secoOnsuonts II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers