H ijillittiti4l4i.ok•i. : ft IN DITY AND SUBURBAN -Any of 01.1 r Ileatlov haring,cofilrslof two Nrr.mix.v GAZETIZ of the-iitlX,lVth, 19th and October, or ibe ith of December, ISC, wilt confer _a favor by naatling thrill to our addreso, I TERRIBLE DISASTERI " • Expinsren . a -It,. Writ.% nn a . 1 110. U-Id 19troot—Torta Vernon aolerannool , —Ono .Lo tatty Unload—noble VOtt '; Ono% or tanost. , I, .• . We em again required to chronlele a i'terrible disaster, resulting In the lore of Loth We and property—ono eltich, al [ though not no fearful in'itseneseimencer as some that have recently prove& d it, rosined In two persons being hurried 4. '' into eternity with very brief warning, • l; . • and another' so fearfully tanned le to i , ,render hisrecovev hopeless. ' TOL: Exarrnaroa'. ' -• a' Saturday rooming about half -past ten .i , . ~,,k• - -o'cloilk an explosion occurred In thee,- tablishment, of linable. Ai clicbreek I dealers in fareign,fruits, ronfeetionaries _ and fire works, at No. Ili Smithfield . j' • street. • It npricam that the fire works I ' Wore at.Otinl in, the front rooms on , aheseerrail and third Doers, where scv , -ere •prranne were engaged to packing Ihein, and (luring which the explosion .eccurred. The buildin e - eau ht fire front I , , , g , tire • eXptooion an d ti) alantl VOW - sounded from the ' Duque no . Engine I 1 ' house, which is directly opposite the' i : Berne of the disaster and the steamer, were promptly urn the ground and en ia.-" - gaga ire extiognieldeg the flames, „.. During all this' time Untie was a inn - I -tattoos explosion of are works, and the - . entire upper portion of the building ap. pmtred to be ell flames. , Di.F.CoVEnt" OP THE 11001)24. In the general confusion and excite. - - . moot incident to tho explosion, the stet • • that several persons bad been engaged op stairs In the room where the exple. mhos or-erred was for •-; me forgotten, . otten - the . rg , and it.was net until reveral minute-, had • Maimed that some one acquainted with .. ' die affairs of the establishment an.' . - rantroced the fact, when an 'effort was, , ]node termicue therm . A ladder was pre . •, ~, warred and oriel of the second Story trout - . 'windows broken, when the room was " Ilitind to lee no so full of smoke, name and *gas that It was nestle impassable to en ter Xs no one could he teen or heard in the ' - room it was supposed that those ern -‘' : Proved in that room h.. 4 escaped by the ,back stairs, brat es they could not he 'found about the premiss, the supped , lion was ethandened. when munber and ,more determined eflort wris moire 'killed them: Silo A...slaittrt blegineer of the Tire Department, followed by a member . of firemen, gained enema to tue rear pot . - - tiOn of OP Inillgine, from -whence they • mole their 'way upstairs and entered the room where the persons they were in starch Of were supisomi tieii4,... z beett ern tiered, in sidle of t h e eta emeice 4i. :and 'gasses. , Shortly after entering 'the - ! . Lora one belie was discovered and car !. . Led desedslarra, end...into an enjoining :i!, store - occupied thy Menus. ffindle and ..• . Alcllhany. The unfortunate victim La ' . */ cried was se terriitly burned black ened by tho smoke and"pe er, as to •i, rander his /Aenilllcati nu a matter of 1 - shield, but shortly after how brought I- , out of the burningbailding, el . Schrock, I ! enerlif the 'firm, who had I n absent when the - ac:oident - oven returned and on chiding tiro room here' the ', I young man lay writhing in the most ter - kr • able agonyrlunaleldiatabr.reeoguixed Win' ,s , ‘,. gas his sou,-Johr.- A. S:Chrnek. "fire in , Jared man, to about !eighteen years of .. ' age, " and was i employed, with serest '.' , . others, in pa eking lireworks. Ills ih, , J , juries were of a frightful character - 2 this `.i - "Mee was terribly burned, and if he atioialti .. 1. survive the injuries, which le not at' all . -I !. - probahl,e, will lose the eight of boll! eyes. i Drs. l'th hillimr, Denham, Wilson and hoz- . ,-... e ent o ral isited the i njured rum], and • did all in - lbeir mAver to alleviate hie .. terrible anfTering, ' - - .: Immediately afterplacing the first vie , a . lint resort d where ho could be enrol mr,..the party re-eirtored Lie burning . Ibuilding, end in the enfirer op the front Iroom next -hr the street . discovered i• the body of a young Seeman sitting in tin --t uptight position with n shawl wrapped • 1 around her head. The Are want Ithel , ; deer appriracherkateplifted her from the : ; --,..,f... OOOr, _whorl ho discovered that she War i dead- In another potion of the room was found t i ne lifeless body or a - bay, also au empl rye of 'the works, who, like the ; girl, bed - evident:ly died from ratileinten, 1 as e.eout , ard injury subleient . te cause 1 " death could be round upon: either , of ; . ' theta. The dead bathes mare at once icz ;ll aneved,to the Dimes-ono Engine ',louse, - -where' they. we.if eliTy ' afterwards identified by th e r• a intances. The • nirreaus a Miss 37- cy Campbeil, i th young woman about nin eteen years or age, an ' employe in the establishment. She wee arsisterofJohn Campbell, of the . police totes ofAilegheny, and totaled 'sn a ' Ledlie street. Second ward, of that e [yr . . • ...TLia °titer proved to be John Yterinsey, a 1 • boy about f enteen yearn et age, who re aided win, his parents on . Robinson p eirevi, AdleghenY• . . . ' -- , THE FOUL I I- WIIIIVIIIe bodies wire - being' removed, a / the firemen were ut work In extingrilsh lag' tit are, which they accomplished before it had done much damage, other I than burning throxgh the floor; but con-" 1 si 3 Oeruble loss wait occasioned from the j need or water period into the blind ing. Mr. John McDevitt, of Liberty .i. , etreet. owns' the birilding , and his lolls •is folic; (Wrens' - /by insurance. The damage to the ,stock of linable it Schrock, la quite' heavy, as It eansist&l ' principally of higialoperi:shable material, attL.We bairn quit tLe Insuranre ;will ful ly Lever-the loss. Tbeatock. of Mr J. IL i-tept.noxit, groom, was considerably dam.- , . ag , by water, .brit Is folly insured.. , - ... , '-- - " CORONEna„ I_NQui?Or -., • 'An soon nii possible after the occur ! ' Jenne Coroner attn.:al innpant - blled. jo 1 ' jury to laresEanto the eaten of idisni i : Campbell.rail the boy Ramsey. After, 1 , viewing the bodies. tho jury adjotusecitie -meet at the Mayor's office this morning at ten o'clock. - When a-thorough investi . gallon will take place. - - 1 ifeear-M Mt -Tourer Onionaok-Xeranatra , a' Isortatlanillano-Tate yoaleg. 1 - - Yeeterday r at tudfliaat three war.;thp . Caronifa jurybnpannellet to the ease , of tho fire worklexploshin on Smithfield etreit, lay which Anna A. Campbell and ,Frederickilamseylostthetrlives, assent. . bled at tho3layorla office in pursuanc e of adjournment- Before the , in vestigas • tiOn w as cotorneno,d, word was broac4 ~ . tire Coroner that John A. Schrock, the Jointing, third victim - of . Ihe explosion, died of his , .. at Passavent's Infirmary at half: ' past two r. IL TheJuryprobeeded tidth, er and viewed the body, and at half-past . neVen last:evening re-assembled at thd • ateiYeit'S-e . flice fteu the following Jodi i - Dr. -IL' 'et.- Mbpa, sworn—Am the' • phyerimanWhe needed youngfichrock; I his death rem) d , fr p o i m o.i lia r„. rna;_lhe ha- Judea were se Licial in t h eir character; the eye-balls w e disorganized, Ruda's°, the tcingue„..x. rm. the character of dal wounds I sro cl judger flat tiny were enured by UPS plosion at Ittunpowiled, explosive; - anlititce•; inslhpast..tro o'clock , . Partattrands Hospital.; sworn—Am it:welling. .linable &Schrock; was tar the store at the time , i; ;drollest thing I heani; lax the fad of eonsething andeaw games through' era up stairs and tried. to the ..room where the ; •it fastened; returned e back was; -found the. • •t I was compelled to works`-were stared in t; rout roomer thoeecood fire-place ut the room The Me-works were • zu the dre; there - waa "me. Bare' no know ' of thetexploston.. The .room . were torpedoes, Rom um email.. re, sworn — Am--candy & Schrock lams in i. - pastor the bedding; implosion; the first I Mallet crash of boxes of the around story; in' this noise I hoard re going off; I then went store; - went down the Mr. Schrock If he had E flirt; herald not ;lola ry was on deo; I ran cal helped out with the • when I got beek - 1 t : ic iat ' l t t c ;c7 l l7.ld h'd nlTP; door leading to tbo there was something I pushed it open abet. of acme onegreentint knere, and catch ught hold of the le; mr..l afterwards steer Schrock; I - pulled -I9 kneel the other le; fast; coma other me nre, and took out to It' was ;taken down, the body of soup gi own. The lire works!: left-hand eornerof the' Thera to a fire kept td. m o day time, cold -works-wine four or ter th ere was larleat. m were peeked - in a few torpedoes in a no bend- Ls the barrel.; ii.:e s a=irifire;worts . ; E . Them Were& great i ehotten.Ahd they had the- paekages of Ore relekagf were vial : eras lon dpaskthist t room; Gang - Ham- IltwerimiltdoOrt-Hlas t thntulnear one .of ont,-Ant a member ; hie &Schrock.: am di-, .il, John A.:Schwa; ' - ':-: • _,--,--. —_ . ' '• Schrock died • thie afternoon, 4, • ' -' Edward:Lien( .. - agent for,Afeark in the lower of trot CaPiosi after champed ; „ henyjoyerhmd r• tne hatchway; . j the dooritadm I fire map hoefo aid went op • , iletneseo great 1 retire,- The . tire; ... • - the corner of the , story; there wee wlth..tim in. it. • , " oboe...four, feet , fire there all the. : I" ledger"( the -.. 1 ' fire-works in . • j h i re cracker s an, . 1 • . George kr. Jo k Maker •frir :Kw I the third. skirt'', iat,the takneof, t ,ts earshot' it we ; . • hitho trent mat / a few spersonde n .. i pa rte like retire ~ clown stairs its t hack-nay; uskt. ; sticea ii ll i te al o st w eir; .1 ammo the'atreat Anoucene c ream I Deiced Ale. Ws ; driwn .etairs; he 1 then ran up to.t • I fl b e ''' t z d ' ' L u k a s 4 . ('' ‘ s. ' ; ; afoot; beard s, I ' 'lca down on m - i , r in the-door, and of vents one, , named to be Joh , I ante ;inter peat II , . appenred t o' be 1 , menet° my . - body. of -lihrock. I ' stairs. I then Eanaway carried ' 1 • went stored in th 3k. rotten es you ante I them- throng!' ti I , weather. Tile , fle I dye fort fnam - the _J. ' doe. .The the-w? I • boars: There we • 3. barn:; there wralt 1 ....Some of the box ' .; - werernat threred. I • lowed in the roon I ' nosey rate shoed t '.'been _rubbing et , works:. 'No brae . L ble.Fjeetts &firm the door of 'the f soy was found 1102 , - Co ambell'also• 4 -- • ye the freah:Wlte,,,,lT . 1 . : A At=4Srare ' 1 1101.1ri;aratu. 1 ~. - of th e e dece the' Ursa beard of the explosion was a l , notes (falling bow; the noise might Pennsilvania Legislature 4 a a caused by the eielosion of 1 - • torpedoes. 1 saw 'lire 'dm • en_ down o• ng e hatchway from second to the lower story, where I wasstanding. lat once Inquired about the boys; I ran up ;stairs, teat entail not open the door; r there, was 'something against it inside; I e 'ilj'd to the buTs but got no answer; I when, went down the front and up the back stebsT, kicked open ciao door, and fo - nrol the hack ram tilled with fire and "bobs': I then wont hack 1n the front mails and met men carrying. out the body of my son. f know nothing mare about the Are.' The tire.works, which wern lett Iry Mr. Sayage, whom we bought uut, , were lying loose in the front room. ; Before Christmas we unpacked some of the bokes, .hut afterwards domed them up Borne ofthe (Op boxes were without lids! There, were about four hundred WO on the top of the pile of boxes. There were some torpedoes inn barrel. The only - words my son spoke in regard to th, seeidant, were; "I had an explo- Mon," I asked him where; he malted. "thol P.re.works in the store." I than naked him hew it happend ;he said, "I don't know." I also asked him where Fred wan: be said, '•1 don't knew.", I spoke to him concerninr, Nancy Camp , - ! bell he asked,./qs she dead, toot:" I told ;him she, was dead. My son wis nearly eighteen. Tao firo-works had beenithere since the lith of last July. Dr: RoCcrts, sworn—l wan at the scene' ,hf this explosion anon after it occurred; went into thy Duquesno Engine Boni - and examined the lealymf young )pc,. soya', Ilia dcath,,l think, was caused by tIIIIP*IIIOII. .30, Schrock, re-called—l had ei • n the, ' beiyalinstrnetions to take up an e lire. works that were on the matsfel.piece,.! and repack them in a box, and I think j the e they ere doing thia ! the morning of 'xplio I ll' after KuaGle, ,worn—Am a eon of the pithier I/121111/ltr e( the firm of Suable Siihrixii; ant el, gtql ,in the store. FThia witne , x know noilung about the explOsino.) Alter a brief mm. 1111.1110; the Jury . r e• turneil, in /intellect:o,llo ,:ellowing ver dict: That John Schrock, Anna N. Campbell and rrederiek Rampy came to their deaths from injuries received by nn rieOidental explosion of fire-works in UmeStablishment of Messrs. Knablo Schrock ; Smithfield street, on the 18th of Janiviry. IMI. The Jury earnestly re- Piiin mend eb tt dealers In fireworks exer ei,o care in storing such danger ous cinbustible, . 111leelleg Affray as Ualont ewe -•• • . • A shooting affray beau-red at Union . town. on Wednesday night, of which a correslxtfodent sends us - the following portichlare A party of "coughs' bad ormgrygated In. a "doggtry" kept by John Manning-, a'colred man, and were enjoying thtmsato iu the usual man -MT,. drinking, 'playing, cards, do:, and about ten o'clock Allied tllorley came in 'and asked for Whisky, which was refused hint. lie went out of the house and ion media ely made an assault upon the win dows • door with - paving stones and brickbats; which he literally demolished. One of the "roughs' Who was engaged insidejtame to the door, with n, revolver and tired two shots at Gorley, the second of whfch struck W. S. Stihnson, operator or the - Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph Company at that plucy, who was standing .on tioe steps of the United States Rotel, at the corner of Main and. Railroad streets, the bull lodging in the shoulder bone. Sh. Johnston was carried to his Mom, and Dr. J. 11. Ewing was called In and diessed his wound.. The parPrisrhe did • the shooting, as wallas those:who hatl• been in the house with him, e good their escape, and are not yet kno n to the authorities, consequently co-Sr rests havo'heen made. The. wounded man, Under the treatment of Dr. Ewing, is rapidly' recovering. • Such Joggeries as the one in which this affair occurred, as welt as those who frequent them, area curse to any com munity, and to get rid of - the latter it is nee...teary to abolish the fernier. _ - == Titere is no insert:in in the iahole cata logue qr human ills that Ls blamed with half tbb freaks as the ono now Lonnedl 7 atnly udder our notinf, and If one were . to oretlit half that s told about it. we ould La lett. to belieVe that. when Dy pepsin began, Pandora's box Lad been reopened. The vain, the sour stomach, the riftings, the sensation like a ball risine. ' into the , : throat as if some strong hand had griped you there and refmed to let Llo his hold are senmtions bad enough, without blaming It with it score or two ' of ether evils, which none but an iron-clid stentsfth coald at all survive, The truth is /hat Dyspepsia Ls a serious evil—for - when the stomach, that great receiver for the wants of the animal econ omy, refit. c to concoct the aliment into chyle, tit to rebuild - toe worn out human constitution, there is no other organ to take its place. Thentemach can be made to do Ito work properly and concoct' 'wholesome Moll lit rebuilding material, by giving it 'rest and proper tonics. One of the best of these bi Dr. KEYSER'S DEOOD SE'ARCIIER which combines with its tonic power valuable' alterative powers, which imbue the blood with healthy and I proper, plasma to be used in its mission of repair - when it courses through the =tenni and veins of the human system. The Doctor a fear days ago laid a letter from n chemist In England ordering a. cask Of ted gallons of this great medi cine, which was induced by the cure ofa terrible case of meter which the Doe tot'e Blood Searcher laid entirely cured. Many persons doubtless' have failed to I get wet with IlloodeSearchr from the fact of theirlisving, obtained a spurious ar ticle, which is in the market, audio often palmed; upon-the public as the genuine. oral they are told "is just as good." In order , to bemire of it look for the Dee tor's name pasted Ina label over the lop of eatli bottle. gold wholesale and re- Mil MI the great medieme store, 110 'ood 6treflit. . ... . . DR. 'KEYSER'S RESIDENT CON LILTING ,OFFICE FOR LUNG Fa ,. MINATIONS AND - THE TREAT *LENZ OF ORSTINATE CHRONIC 15ISEASCS, NO. 120 PENN STREET, 'from 9 .4. 44. until 4 r. 11, I= The fall advise of the death of oar lamented friend Hercules O'Connor, Esq., Jesse , just been received by his brother; James O'Connor, Esq. He died at the .r.Flotel Dieu," New Orleans, on Sulada morning, January Ilth, 1668, at three o'clock, surrounded by (den. s and with-all the blessings of religion. His epirlinal director advises his death was .14 • happy one, and that his soul winged its way to eternity relying confi dently on a blimful immortality. In ac cordance with his will his remains, which arrived in this city on Saturday in charge of ldrs. Taalle, sister of deceased, were taken to Baltimore, In whit* city t , " be interred In his father and mother'. . . tomb. 1.113 friends and the friends of the family fire reopen:Th.lly notlied of am' above. May his soul 'mama eternal blis* and rest. . = Dr. A. G.-bleedndleel, Physician o be Board of Ilealtb, reports the follow.' rng interment. to tbo city of Pittsburgh root Januaryr.tb to January Bahr /Nemec of the - Heart, 2; Rheumatic Carditio, 1; Clortaumpthm, 2; Old Age,_ 1; Puerperal Fever, 1; Hydrocephalua, 1; Premature birth, 4; Typhoid Fever, 1; Pnettmoo a; Scarlet Fever, 1; Spasms, .4, Small- I. Of the above there were . Under one . year, 8; front two to Jive, 2; from fleet° ten, 1; from fifteen to twenty, 1; from twenty to thirty, 1; from thirty to forty, 2; from ditty to sixty, 1; from sixty to see enty, 2; from eighty to ninety, 1. alalca,ll4 (maim, 1/; white, 14. color ed, 0; total, 19. .' Maddest "Dealb—Corolserh Peter Hockelberger, n German, aged sesentyinno'yeare, who realdpd In Pike street, in the Fifth ward, fell dead yester day morning while crossing the street Irrfrant of his - home. The deceased Las been unable to work or.eustain himself fdr about ten years, during : which time he has been kept by' contributions from the Lutheran ChurelL Flo /eaves a wife who' in, about his own - ego, nod who is Menlo a helpless condition and depend ent ursitt the abarlties.of the world for support. Coroner Clawson: wee notified of the death, and will kohl an inguanon the body at ton o'clock tilde morning. Orphan.' Fair,--Inour lust paper•4e 'failed to notlco that Mr. Stephen G. W Iker.thirappreciated Nighttilark of the GAncrruestajiliahtnent,. had carried awayliya !arm, majority the bat and i cane airardeiftolhe best natured and. most popular young maw at the Orphans' !Fair. The award met wit/. .hearty ap iproval. The rale will remain opon :during the week for the benefit of the m aoriowlaues with the suggestion :nude by this paper lastwook, adling ate tention to tho great destitution prevail ling in ltd.; neighborhood. Death of a Derchatit.—Mr., Benjamin I. 'Pettit. of the Clem of Springer, Dar bangle & Co., of Ltda city, died of con sumption on Saturday laci. at the real ehce °lbis parenie In Ibtadver, Colum- Lana county, Ohio. The deceased had test entered his thirtieth year of Life, and leaves a wife hit no family, He was one our ..reprecimlatlac yottiqg bodiless beingehergetle, sagacious, prudent id honorable.' tila lose will be mourned 0017 friends acquaintances in thin Ile win be burled In Ohio. rty. a ' e of y C i. I lc ki.. C irk I ' 1 Er r. 13 0 OW _ , ~,,,a S ' e Agricultural tkodety.—The dipio -5 trim of the Pennsylvania -Agricultural. ~ Y, awarded at the exhibition of pt ber " leer, In ads' city, are now wi for distribution, at the office or 0 s. Pholpa, Perko and Co., No. 10 iit. C it atreet, where persona entitled - will ' ye' sham, either in peraott or by le r. The deka in their hone ltas been sed by the - necessity of proper- Ang ow deelgns and ' engnivintni, -the s oeiginals basing been destroyed by. lire. . to-tined spiritualist ; Ist'ffewark,Ohto,bas" tentlutad for lewdness.. . £Sptclaii patcet tba i'litaburgh Gazetie.) iidytatSlll.74o, January 1;,1863; HOUSE OP RIifRESENTATIVES. The HOCSE WOO OpCESSI SrOjh prayer by Rev. John Douglass, of Pitts burgh. • Nestly the whole sessitin was occupied in dlictiseitig and amending the rules of. the Howe. • Finally, on motion of Mr, HICKMAN of Chester, It was Hesetted. That the rides adapted .by the last House be adopted for thepresorir body. etcept that after a bill has been. ten days In the hands of any Committee after having been referred to them, a majority of votes shall bo eufficient to order it to be reported. The vote stood: Ayes, seventy-two; Nays, ten. Mr. LINTON, of Cambria, offered the following: I W/1 KIIEAN, It appears in the Leg/a/o -f fire Record that irienate billl,fiel of the echelon of IStri an'aet authorizing the removal of cert:aln snits at law frorwthe Court of Cambria County to the Court Of Centre, was amended In the Ifouso by subatituting. Somer,et for Centre; And Aerate, it appears from the ..Sounte ournal that, notwithstanding the amend 414:111. of Ilse; 11 once, the, hill W. return ed to the Senate as having passed the House whhout amendment, whereby said bill v. as shrnedas a law without Hie concurrence of hoth Houses; therefore, Renal:Cif, That Committee of three members loi apru , inte•l to investigate anti report t the house the el reniteitances anendmg the pasaage of said. bill. • Agreed to. The commitiee will jliere after be announced. This refers to the suits for injuries et the Johnstown acci dent in IfUn. Atljounicll till Monday evening llARtasavßa, .I.lnultry:X), SENATE. Mr. ERRETr, of Allegheny preaeratd ft . petition that compensation may be given to the School Directors of Ellu, both township acting as u bounty board. A bill incorportning the Society of Bo- uevolent Sister,, of Erie. Also, n supplement to the um. incorpo rating the Erie City Passenger Railway Company. . 31r. BROWN, one forbidding the erne- Olin of wooden buildings in certain parts of Greenville.. 4 lifr. gRiIh:TT, of Allegheny, one re pealing the supplement to the aoLnola ti so to landlords and tenants, approved March 11th, 1563. • Also, one extending mechanics lien, laws to pertains making or constructing stone stops; stone pavernents r nnd curb stones. Aho, one incorporoting the Pittnburgh and Tempernneevillo Paroenger Railway, Also, ono changing the name of the Pittsbnrgh, Allegheny and Manchester `Railway Cempsny to the 1.713 . 1013, attl empowering it to wit nr lease that pa , t or Ito read between the lower line of their property In McClure township and Wood'S flue. • Adjourned. lIOLISE OP REPRESENTATIVES. The House met at seven o'clock In, the evening.. The following bills were . rend : I . r. RIDDLE, Allegheny: annexing lands of William H. r.,utton, In Chartiers torimship, to itobininn towns - lip, Alle gheny co unty,fursclioel purpcses; Incor porating the Pittsburgh A Temperance rills Pashenger Railway Company; eels Ling to real senate titles in Allegheny; prohibiting Lusting and killing game In Scott township, Allegheny county; repealing act preening cattle, Ac., run ning at large In , Ibbinsati township; and authorizing the School -Directors of Bellevue, Allegheny county, to borrow Money. • • • Mr. SMITH, of Allegheny, repealing the act compelling railroad and other mr potations to pay counsel feel, incorpo rating the Citron:lu Culled Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. • Mr. WILSON, of Allegheny, author izing the Treasurer to pay the rLxime o the Allegheny Ag - ricsilturat Sudety fo damages togrounde during the rebellion Mr. FORD, of Allegheny, Incorpomt ingthe Peoples' Passenger Railway Corn piny of Pittsburgh, beginning at the Postoflice, con nectingwith East Liberty, Lawrenceville, Cemetery gate and Alle gheny - alley Railroad.. Mr. JACKSON,Armstrong, increasing the number of officers in itedbank town ship. Armstreng county. Mr. lIICKMAN,Cheeter, Joint resolu tion for an amendment to the Constitu tion fixing the mileage of members, and favoring manhood suffrage; also a Joint resolution instructing Congressmen to favor a line of steamers from the United States to Liberiajn Africa; also, abolish - - ng days of grace on negotiable paper. Nearly the whole 8.18i014 was occupied in dismissing the resolution or Mr. Thoo. Mullin, of Philadelphia, making Inquiry on to the number and names of the oftb cern employed last session, and the Jllloll.llt of salaries. • It was itnended by striking out the inquiry as to salaries, and passed. - Nrestsri. LINTON, THORN and Min.- j.IN were appointed the Cothinittoe un der the resolution of Friday last to laves. tigate the passage of tke bill changing the venue In cases of damages for Injuries at Johnstown: - Adjourned. The GommMoe •sallaes--Deesslrslle EH quest.* N Slastos. Chow Our Own Corrmoaden 47 lareaassulia, Jul. 17, 18f,3. The Committees or the House have doubtless been seat you, and yoar read ers have had Mae to am= them. So far as the Allegheny members are concern etl,elley have no right te complain, ir re •gard 'is had merely to the places assion al Them. Th• Railroad CommMco is the one in which yo.ir :tooole have Just now the most interest. It le too no -n, of course, to speak decisively of the leanings of its members on the tree railroad question ; but It may be well enough to Rnalyze it, as to tapir lockHtiee. The Colurnittee in that respect rands. thud: .Wilson, Allegheny, Strang, Tigre, Yard, do Harr, Dauphin Millar. do Iteuoehl, Lancister, Watt, Phlhadelnlds, Duncan, Venango, Adair°, do , Mclntire, Holler, Clarke, do. Wedier, Sulaarget, Kleckner, do Philip ..' Cheater, Foy, - no Jcnks,Jelgerson, Jur.. Be .k.. Westbrook. Pace. ..Tosrphs. do , 81.okes, .42:10 Ilo'gate, •do Those In fentirs are Democrat. You will see, by thin, that Phitoilet phia has right of the twenty-mio mem bers; while Chester, Lancaster until/au- Rhin, have each one, making eleven, or a majority of the Committee. /fealties this, Pike, Berke and Tioga have each one, giving to the territory mat of the Sthequehanna fourteen meuabers, and the west only serest. - blesser. Jenks and Jones, of the four Democratic members, are free railroad men. Josephs is a PenneylveeJa Bill ! road man, sad Westbrook has not yet shown his hand. Mr. Belnoehl, of Lan motor, naturally leans to the Penneylva nit Read, and Ito, I suppose, would. Phillips, of Cheater, iferr, of Dauphin, has no special love for that read, nor has lee may muse for affection toward.. it; but his location here, at the Capitol, where, Iss yet, no well donned local antipathy has been iletined against it, places him under no particular premiere in that di. section. Mr. Strung Ica nominally a free railroad man, but i s not esteemed se being over-zesilous In that ropes/. The - SeTen western-members are all free rail road men, Including Jenks. I have tithe given you all I know of We leanings of the f.lomenittee, and your readers can judge for themselves from the facts before them. A House ndication was givms, however, In th ibis morning, by the &don . - ties or a rule by a vote of aeventy to twenty, that after a - bill has been In Com mittee ten days a majority of the Mane can ilisch ego It from the further coneld oration of the Name. Hitherto under the mien of the House it has required two third* to do this, and one.tlelid of the Home, having a Coutimittee on its aide, could smother a bill in Committee to the end of the recaion. _This game is now blocked; and if tits Railroad Committee shozild attempt to smother the Free Rail read bill, (of which I have no presents?. preheneien,) a majority of the Rouse can take the bill out of their hand. . This very mach diminishes the prose posts of the "madam," and the chances of cpluching" bills sro likewise conohl erably reduced. The debate in the Howe on the Stan ton resolutions brought nut some queer eloquence on the democratic side. One of the Speakers, Mr. Lebo, of Clinton, for tantalum, said be wondered that Stan ton did not shut 'himself up in hie shell, like an oyster, and crawl like an wit icked dog to the top of some lofty, rolling peak of the mountable, and ask forgiveness of his Maker. An oyster crawling In that style, to that lofty height, and for that purpose, to tugs-al-nay, sublime. I woe is error. in stating that Mr. Browne, of Lawninee, yawl for-the od- Jourument of the Senate over from !flansolny to Monday. It was Mr. San. sun, of Montgomery, who voted, Instead dfMr. Browne, who voted no. The telnraph. reporter speaka hf u bill IntrodocW Into this Senate by Mr. Er re% as a bill to redo,* the per- than of Jury Commissioners. Tba ix MCI ormr. The bill solntrodoced was ono to limit their pay M the actual number of days' berViCO rendered by them. ITTSBIJRGH FROM EIIROPE. (I 1 =wept, to the Plttsborsb tiasetta.l WM LT BAITAIN. AX MAI.= FIOCIAIf LOXDON, January 15.—Considendilo excitement: tans oevaeloned in this cityl to-day ;by th; announcement that the' Fenian Deary, who; with Michael Kelly; was rescued from the custody of the ', police tyt Manchester some week,, ago, :had been captured. The police late ,yesterday anernoms overhauled a man near Waterford, Ireland, who answers C ompletely the description of Deary. :Other strong circumstances warrant the belief that the authoritice hare not been mistaken. The prisoner, 'under a strong guard, started for Manchester 'this morning, where ho will be contined With his fellow prisoners for recognition.. AIILIIICANtI •RIMATED. The Government officials are very vig lent. Yestarday evening two Amer-- - ':ins named litaa-roe and O'Neill., were ar hrested at Glasgow and Imprisoned. N. ra found en their persons indicate be- Yo'nd doubt that they belong to the . .lnerican wing of the Fenian organ+. .ion. • • =I The motion recently made in the Cottri I Queen'. Bench for a change of the niece of trial of the Fenian. Burke, eil fioy, Shaw and Mullaney, from Warwick London, Is likely to be ted. • MISSION TO THE PE. LONDON, Jan. 18.—It to sported that Lord Bloomilelds, British Mini er to 4uStria,. and Lord Claien n, ha; zone on ir mission to Rome ti retie t. the Polio to nse his influence wth the ale ilants of Ireland for the app on of the Fenian rerolutiOn. • LICERICASE• AT TEN RIFF. LONDON, January 17.—Informat km is received hero that a very violent !nine recently prevailed at Tenerlff and Vicinity. Ships were driven to Pea,: nooses unroofed and blown down, itc: 'lle demons) woo very great,` hocigh no mention is made of lion of life. 000E0 FIDE AT CORK. i Conn ; Jan. 17.—A vial of Greek are era, thrown yerderday at one of the wit,. 1369803 for the Government in tho Fenlazi LOA" hero, but the material failed to ignite ; end no injury was done. No clue, to the perpetrator. A FENIAN IDENTIFIED. I D namw, • Jannary 17. —Beening.—.li the ozamlnatlon of Lennon yestettlay, Sergeant Kelly, kurrivor of tho two . pO hicemen who ward shot at Stephasirle. and a woman, bath swore that they fully recognized the prisoner as the man who fiFed the pistol &hots which wounded .0 policeman and killed the other A TURMAN LOAN. LONDON, Jen. 17.—The Turkish - Gov' e ttrnent Is seeking to raise a loan in the English market, the proceeds of which aro to be applied to improving the nevi gatlon of Lim months of the Danube. ARREST OF OEOEOE' FRANCIS TRAIN •SID MUM AMERICANS. ILONDON, Jan. I&—Wrnert, the Cunard stitamiship Scotia entered Queenstown laet evening. a strong police force quirt! went aboard imd amsted George Francis Train, Grinnell and Gee,' three of the passengers, from New York. It iv iinderst.d thesegentlemen were taken in a custody on the charge of being 'att• tlie-member. of the American wing of " Fenian organization, The proceed ings cause considerable excitement both here and elsewhere throughout the Xing dna', especially among- American rest dente. NITHING FOUND TO JUNTIFT TILE All. PIZST Or TRAIN. bong, January 19.—A etrlet eeareh of bh portion and Luggage of George Fran , de Train llladoeed no proof of complicity .vlth the Fentanntoretnenta or justifying hie arrant by the British polka on Inlaid _ _ sign of being concerned in Fenian plot I i Traln asserts that 'he 'came over wilurope as a special correspondent of 114 New York World. He ha formally mitered through the !Initial States C,on -laf against his detention, and &clam he elf arrested upon no other ground than th finding of an Irish paper in his trnek. i f augs AND itiflrra . rrzox SEIZED. • unfax, January 19 - .—The police 'pf. LiMulch have made a eeleure of guns ammunitlou found in shops of that city to put thorn out of reach of the Fa nnin, AxoTI36II:EDITOP, ARRILSTEL.. pr. Waters, another editor of the Dub *in:Meson, has been arrested, but the nafticular charge is not stated. It •is supposed, however, to be oomplicilk in FenLni movements. oNE OP THE i'LEIMICHWELL.CULPRITP. Lorioorr„ January 19.—Mlke Atarrutt, who, it le now claimed, I positively irabwn to be the party who tired the. fu-So at the Clorkenwell explosion, has be/In arrested at Glasgow and brought to. London In irons. rtussto ON TUE POLICE. • ' 4 man named Claney has beenhrteated. In ibis city charged with tiring upon the 4 Fenian manifesto was found this mornieta postal en 'the wall of the Man sion flonae, where it had been affixed deipite the vigilance at the {slice, who have no clue I. the perpetraier of thi. daiing act. The boldness and audacity of the Fenian. la the face of the vigorous measures orropreasion which have been adopted excites much uneasiness. =CI iminumatt'lllUMlAllea—MlCPAßATlONts `teon TN.E rurmas.t. CEILEMONIEX. Tetwaxx, January 16—Mornixo.—The :loci bearing Ike remains of Maximilian entered thin harbor this morning. The Naeara was immediadelyinearded by the Aroh Duke,. wile cowered the catafalque cot:data . Ing the corpse with wreaths and iloweta. Great preparations. are being male for the funeral ceremonies. ItIAISTEIt or AAA aerotirran. 11r.NNA, Jan. 18.--KuWhas been ap pointed Austrian Minister of War. =I • . . - The remains of Maximilian arrived here lost night by. special train from TriOste . , In charge of II •roilitsry "corr. The train was met upon arrival by Aus trian entails, a large body of troopiciind a v4daowd of people,' who bad amem bled to give exprenssoh to their respect for the dead and their sympathy with the living., The nrmaini were formally received by the Imperial family at the Palace This morning. • The funeral ase (mien will be celebrated with solemn procession and regniem mass. The man- Ice4tion of poplar feeling is .general and litertse. „ . FILNICHAL .181TP:44131E8. Vrimiti, January 38.-- - "Erening—The obsequies of afaximtlian were celebrat ed tit?, ev'CWllig with .great pomp and the remains were consigned to their last resting place.. The funeral pancesakna was formed In the fullovilng order, viz: the bead of . the lino was occupied' by societimof Orphan; carrying appliTri ate Symbols of National grief; fotiovvirit were the clergy body the munici pal iutheritlem the Mayor of the city; a corps of marines, acting as a guard of honor to the catafalque, beating a casket • containing the romaine; the iaehele proftuchly deenrated with Immortelles; Admiral Tegettiolf, officers of tt4 navy and army in uniforms; win us badges of mourning.. In the Chtu'r . r h of Capuctdulj ware assembled the Emperor of Avast , the Arch Dukes. the II Dart Cabinet, Cleurala l of the army, the Ifiplematlc Corps, mad ' Epoch& En.. voyeof foreign powers. After the 'reg nant:lt mass bud been celebrated, the bodiocas placed In the vault prepared for Its recoplaar,. Vast crowds 'plaited the renichm daring the day. While lying In wide. The Emperor Francis To. seph I has written an autograph letter to Admiral Tegetheff, thanking him in the name of the Imperial family for his serrieeet in recovering therfeenaini of the late kimperor of Mexico and bringing then4lome for . burial - among his klu dred. I= I= ggreselve policy of the Reisehul went In the'knetern luostlen much alarm In Turkey, 'rho Clove eau • Thd Northoirn /bat, of St. retUreburg, has footle...Ode article on the subject. The *niter declares Roasts does not de- sire extol:4Ni of territory. Her only aim hi to ;secure sleety to the Chrletann subjeits of the Porte. The( 8L Potorolvory Gazette Haulm that both Eostand aad Mimeo hay* urged Y GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22,-- 1868. t'ai„ . Sultan_to make extensive military and naval preparation. in Me Meditter: .ccurrizr 11 .1774.E—INTECIALIFT ARYT =SIM LoNpnw, J.inuary‘l7.—Adrieea from Hong Fong and Shanghai state that another lent;e woo fought.between the rebels nud Imperivists •at..Shlntung. The Imperialist army, which wan un der the comin,Xnd of F'eotal, was again defeated. I /11153 SALK I"Jr . 'ECCLESIASTICAL The sales of the Ecelesimitlesl estates have so far proved very productive. The sums reallzod at these sales show an average appreciation of :forty-three per cent, in value of the properly since placed in market. • • =I FLORF.NCE, Jan. IS. : -The party of the left InLe Wen defeated in the Italian Var.- . !lament on tln , motion to ad jourp the de bate on the budget for thi.; year. si•vrit •ELQIC& Tilt: WAR *ITIJATION Later ad vices of Itio Janeiiu represent tlin situation of affairs around numb tara such as WaY . 4<tieved; that Impez would be compelled to withdraw from Parana aria fall back, with albhin forces, on Aseencion. Thu allied army had been heavily reinforced, and was press ing the seise very closely. I=2 I=l rents, January IS.—Duke Do Pei alloy, In a totter, objects to the 1,111 le ccutly proposed fur the government of the prose of the country. lie thinke the press will NS allovied too much latitude. While he would (savor n bill designed to giyo more freedom to the press, the ob vious tendency of the present bill would be to leave , journals free to assail public and private character. - . Nwtows. OrEnntu_or PARLIAMENT. Srocnnotn, January I!.—Parliamcut mot Yesterday. The King delivered the Opening •peeeh. After reviewing the state of the country, ho entered upon the subjeet of the enleiency of the army. lie favored the enrollment of all the male population in militia organisation., and the purchase of the most imprtived arms for the use of the army. L 1 11:1333 VOTE ON VIE TIRANRFER OF WEST INDIF3 =! CoPIiNItAGY.N, January 19. —Tho Goy element has received from the Authori ties of St. Thom. and Bt. Johns an of ficial report of the .vote Luken on the question of the transfer to tlio - United States. For tee tranafer 1244; Again. twenty-two. FROM WASHINGTON. Cal Telegr.vO to to rlttaarith Ouetta.J WAbiIISoTON, Jan. hi; 1.€65. =I The Gommittce on Ways and Moan. this morning adopted the following eery important resolution: Ifesoired, As thearnee drills Commit tee; that oue hundred and fifty millions of dollars bo considerodas the totalarnount of revenue to be obtairied from Internal tax., and that Mamma, as far as practi cable, be collected from: Firscdiatilled spirit., and lamented Liquor.; Second, 'tobacco and manufactures of tobacco; Third, stamps; fourth, special tax.; Fifth, Maoris.; Sixth, dividend.; Sev en:ft, luxuries and amusements; Eighth, - hooka and railroads. Lensing the least islasi his num to be collected Iron, 10d11,, trial pursottm, or reliere that claaa of in entirely. ! MITRE AD: COVET-TETE WARDLE CAAC. Thu Supremo Court woo crowded this afterwoon with many of tho most dis- ting,tiAhr.ll members Of the Imr now in Washington, to hear Um argument eon rectal with ca,se No. az parte Win. 11. NlcArdic, on nu appealTiorn the Or lull Court of the toiled Statee for the Sonthern Li . O.rht nt Nbasissippl. ib wilt tar rueollected 'atlantic was arrested and Imprisoned Ir order of General Ord, and ordetrd to he'tried by Military Commie; mion,- . on Um charge of hindering- recon struction by certain ~ publications In a paper at Viet:slang, of which he is edi tor. The aecused moo held tan ball In tern thousand dollars to await further . • - • proccellina.. The motion aratuodao-dav W. as to goring an early hearing .to all the prlnelpl, involved. Senator Trumbull wan 4,linrel for the military authorities. Ha contended that this was not in any norm. a politkal quostion, nor was It of emit a crimitud character so required the Court to Mee It preference.. Beehive, the acceine.,l being saw at liberty, though nutter ball, woo miffering no grievous hardthip. ' Judge Black toot:_ Issue with Mr. Trumbull ; and argued that the interests notortivorM'Ardle, but of all ritirens of the Utthed States were Involved In the ,theetion, and he insisted that the liber ty of the citizen was the moot precious of all bleesings. Ile did not ask the early consideration of the thee us a matter of %aver, but of patio*. Judge Sharkey briefly showed the im portance of the course suggested by Judge Mr. !Inaba., appearing for the Gov ernment, opposed, the motion for an curly trial. The Court took the matter ander ad FNINALILEN . IS OULLEAII ON TUN LOWEN MINKLYOPIN. (:en. Sewell , Awaistant InspectOr Gen eral, reports, under date of Vicksburg, January - 3th, that en unsettled ;date of affairs existn, with great destitution,ibut no! waryatlon. Comparatively few piart tations will be working the ensuing year, thengh more attention will be Dahl to 4tereabt. Few,ontracts are yet being made will, freedmen. He mold find no evidenee of the truth of the assertion mat the planters had determined on con evens] action to force negroes to work at lower wagre. lie thinks it will be ne eeelsary, fur the goyei - nmeut to lune a liniitedamount .of riotous in the ricer nountim of Louisiana, • Ilissisairipi and Askamas, bet In the interior there is lit tie!apprebension of muttering. give" 0 report. that un agent of Lake Prowl denos abseended with $B,OOO, deposited with hiM by the freedmen, and wo g:ludas flaying there never was a time when t h e bureau was more needed than it the present time. M=l The, following named gvhtlemen were to-dey designated by the :Provident au Commissioners for die annual ;may at the:United Steen Mint, In g'ltlladelphia, on the 10th of February: "Non. Samuel Finial°, Sew York, Prohresor Joe. Henry, of Miashligtori, Professor John Fosrey. of Nw York, Hon. J. P. Put. nem, o Boston , nom J. R. McClintock, of Pitteborah, D. F.l). 'Bell, of Louis vino, lien. John il. Weldon, Jr., of Man Francisco; John J. Knox, Treasury-11w. Imrtment, and Franklin Poole, of Phila delphia. WARRINGTON, .71113.18, 149. PINANCiAL.MATI-61513. . . The fractional currency Issued for the aren't, amounted to Cire,ooo; amount ship pee $374,7:10; amount redeemed and dee troyied 1349,400; National' bank notes B atted Mi,linth amount of the latter In 'circbtation $2l/9,466,:5eL N ONUEftNING NATIONAL ItAlCia. • CI, 11: Loren will introduce the follow tpg resolution In the Home on Monday: litisolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be requented to communicate to the Ileum any information In his pos session comerning loans by any National banks In the City of new. York, In Moe lation of section tVil of the National cur rency act, of any portion of their capital In exams of them Smits provided by sale act, upon railroad or mining stockfi at fictitious values, and whether hh [in formation lu his powiestlon that any ea cers of such banks are engaged In specu lative operations in ouch mocks, which Involve the capttel and credit' of their respective Isialltptlons, and that . in the oven( of his not being In possession; of the - !necemary facts to furnish this information, he take immealtate steps to cause the examination to be made and ndopt ouch monaural as will compel com- Yliance by ouch banks with the proAds aus Of the Stational currency act. ' EZZLIZE! It le expectedthat the delude velitsoen take up the bill rcperted from the Coln. mittee on Territories duritg the pre : Rest Congress, providing for the admission of the State of Colomdo. - fileBe the Presi ding ' vetoed the bill for it almilar plu mose, I about a year owl; the population Ins largely inereased. - the vote In August last being two thousand three hundred and forty-tire more than theprevious year, fond the people generally. being now more Mau heretofore in favor of the edrobision. The frlendsof" the' measure for thase end other reasons are sfulgulne of Rumex'. .1 ' ' • , ,• • .uovaarion or coLonano. • • r...por. 'Evans of Colorado, onset the Senators elect, ar rived here from Denver this 'Morning. He rays that the Indian Peace Commisaionere havetfeen deceived by ex Porte mbireprementatiggp In regard to hie course with' the I . - IMens, white Governor of Colorado, and that there le not a I,Riegle fact to ehow that be did set oaramtly and faithfully strive to avoid Indian bestilttiolritt that Territory. invittr CE REPORT-TUE GIZTTTSIRTFi A8T41:14 501traZ. ,House Commits's on Retrench ;km finished U. consideration of ert of tin Cenuntsidoner of Ulan. The meets the re mil Roraima, giving Marmon, why the scheme knowla the Gettysburg. Asir lum for Linn Soldiers was exempted from the p.yment of the special tax, and in course of the present week. General Van Wick will make areport d uiving the ' history of the scheme, conclu ing'with a es olution requestingllie Commiasioner to revoke Ike an that the tares and license may be collected from said Antodation the same u if ao permit bad ever PhILDSIZX'S BOILEAU iZTENINION. Strong efforts are being made to pre vent tho contraction of the Frbedmen's Snouts in Tennessee and Kentucky; as designed in a cirtalar. truer of Major Gener.il llowud, approved by . General Grant, Secretary of War all interim. It hi, represental to the Department that nee:witty allots for retainlOg the agents of the Sunnis in these litotes instead of :6 committing its affairs to aalministra• tlon of army officers exclusively. Within a day or two the embers of the Tennessee Congressismal delegation have called on Secretary Stanton, having. In view the name object, and lie will at ooze consider the subject. ih, petition, signed by 'several hundred °Morsel men 'of Maryland, km been re ceived by General Howard praying for a continuance of the Burson In that State. = The . receipts or Internal Revenue during the week amounted tit only 123,- 1:8,000. Waroarsopou, January 20, 18117 =I The Supremo . Court to-day announced a decision as to the appeals from the Court of gains,. ThetO are allowed by the, act of Congress, but dm questions sent up fur review must tie strictly those of law. Chief Justice Chose was absent from the bendh in consequence of sick new. No opinion was tklivered on the Motion to advanCe ou.The docket the hfcArdle cm*, which, was argued on Trifler. . I TRE PIAMIDNOT . 47III FIITUATION: • • • •.,... Tho IFer/tfri - dirrespondent in a per ennui interview with•Piesldent Johnson yesterday, elicited the Ite'lowing from the Executive t Thee neihe President of the United State,' he I:Nrsis hound by, oath to atiminbiter the Cloverament ac cording to the Constdulien. Ile had, In defending a principle, ifound himself eingularly oppoaeti i y aecitlter brooch of the doverninent, but ho had faith in the good some of the people,And adinedifica lion of sentiment bum ensued. Th-elladi cale have mad* Congress a political mon. strosity. Ilayingoverleaped all boande ewe time of party and:political add/I lion, they now keep on drying by von. quent in the South ihiayear to obtain power more than equivalent to that lest In the North. Ito then referr.sl to the effort 'trout. to 'Conitecetilet wits the asewetinatiou plot, and said the leaders of that movement are capable of employ ing any measures to get rid of him or isheer.away kin power. • The measnme of , Congress 110 Bald were revolution ary.. Tho 'propos/Son to. remove by ad of Congress ura vested authority of the Preeldeat es Commander-in-Chief, Le a direct 'deletion of the Conntitntion. The bill aldendted by Sir. Binghsun as smites the right of Congress to do away withthe President altogethei If it chooses, awl makes itselfexcentive as well as leg 'slater of the tiovernteent: The aasump- Lion Is arrogant, dangermin and destruct ive. If there had been a , Blxral, goner eue, law-abiding sentiment predominant •the North, by thin time the South would have been elmoet ,upon its leggin again. The vanity of the negmes would not have been fed to budding, that labor, free labor for their old masters nhoeltl be neglected, shirked and lent. There would have been no military usurnatien, hut civil governments is each State, and ho was convine,el that if every District Commander In the Booth' should be changed to a Department Commander, with him dutieseontite d to modeling the civil {authorities to preserve order, civil goveenmentewould be rapidly and peens. fully, retttorell In his Judgment the epeady result of thin would be thereor •ganiration of thb whole country; but It apmeirs as if Congress wide.datertitined not tb allow the happy con.eunimatien. • A reolutien, such as them headlong 1 apiritd seen determlnedlo precipitate, may have, if sulfated to in on, an effect more damaging than the: civil war. In remonse to an. Intimation that be was iteweetood to intend to exercise all the authority vested in him, to repel these revolutionary tneantiren, the President said: "lie inta•ndeti to do his ditty, and as to what that duty may Involve, it would be premature, lie said, even to suggest. We will leave special mew.- ere, for speciel ....hem. When they. art'. I have ennildence Mille good sense f the army, and certainly I believe in the people: I believe in the young men —they will not permit a revelation to le accomplhdled, even though it might be neceseary for the people to take , the mat ter into their own hends.',' !MATT ROBBERY AT TtTESTILLE SIOO,OOOOU Bonds and Cut Riney Stolen '7 Telegr•pk to Uhl, PlUbaro Uuette. i Tin:send.); Pa., January 16.—The house of John Benblnghoef, oa Ben ningoef fIW, was entered about .7t7.0 thhi evening, by . four men, diaguitted by handherchlikt 'over their flew, Rad robbed Lim of over nne hundred Althea and dollare—forty thointand in boucle and the tolanceM currency. They pr. , sent. revolver, at the - beetle of the when they proceedesi to tie Mr.. John lienrilnahoof, hit elite and two eon. ' al. • hired man and girl. Taking the koye from kfr. Bentunghoof, they entered the Rafe arereatracted the above 'amount, after : which they eat down and waited bait an hour for the return of Mr. Joseiriki flenningttoof, another son, - who was *been% and who had In the house onenfLlttlit'arietent burglar safes, eontelning a lame amount. .11• did net return until I after the ha rgla ra left, taking :with them throe homes and a cutter. TKE GRAND ARMY lEMOIMMZI EST Telegraph to Mg/ tilLbargh theatre] PRILLDETAMIA: • January 17.—Tho Grand Army of the Republic, In Con vention to-cloy, elected 'General Logan, of Illinois, an Commander•in.Chlef, and General OWen, of Philadelphia, as Sen ior Vlce Commander. Two hundred and forty thousand persons ere repre sented by the delegates now here. .The National Convention of the Grad Army of the Republie mat to mare crin volition teat night. General Sickles no r:1100d the choir. Tho Committee on Retail intone, ennelating of General Hurl bart, of Illinole; General:Nathan Kim ball. of Indiana.. General Joules 11. McKitlm, of New York. electoral B. Hal stead of New Jersey, and Major Clayton McMichael, reported the following, which was unsnimouely adopted: • Re.TOlCtfl, That veteran soldiers and sailors are as steadfast now as' ever to the Union and tiag, and fully recognize the claims of U. S. Grant, General of the Army of the United States, to the cond. donee of the people, end recommend him for I President of the United States. In implicit contidenee that the victories Wen under his guidance tirwar will be fully carried out by him in peace in such measures en shall etaltre the full fruits of our exertions. BOSTON. Wte steads reasoning.— RAO se dred Allrected-1144. llVOtka pepsea. Cfly felerraph to an r Illaburgh b Baena) Barrox, Jan. 16.-The, four hundred inmates of the Deerysland Institulion hare bees eruldenly taken ill from the effects of mason, supposed to to meanie , adatinistored in feed or water by smut,- kaoera , party. With the exception-of olur matron it Ls believed all will - re. eAver. The nymotoms am similar le the noted National Hotel disaster. The gas works at Lasonis, N. IL, were barns this Itiregoon. Loss $3,000. CHICAGO. ..likateisinfe Pelwo a• Whole Family lepsoh to to. Ptt , .Ou[te Beatta.l . , Cittnatio, Jan. 19.—A young woman named Elizabeth Stang wtts arrested yogi terclay for attempting tb. poison her father; mother, brother n od two fastens, bLpuwillug alnl trychninci in their coffee. t . tudltio e n re , "a n e o i rr im br e tro in v a egrig g . " T'L s girl acknowledges Jawing purehased the poison, but asserts Wet it was nt the in stance of her mother, whom she charges but it in the coffee. =imm AND BII, B - BlXTON.—Qatlie 8811 Nat, at tlta redo.. of B.n 11.1bar.l. Centro by Al.: P ; A. Sail. of nu Mira Praabyt.plas CharrA. al JAI. lily, Oat. at IL Paul. MLaa..) ((CO. u. Axweews, Ma... and Alias FAX/811 L.Nourox, or lilt Jammu Ifth, et llioresldeacreet the bride's Iw nate. rm. beer iber•Wm• Preston. Ruler or et. liedreirs bluely. Mr. T. M. lIILLICISPIZ u 4 bibs many nirswzu zaTopr,_ weed Mushier oC Mr. M.ll. Mdse. =I 170WAIITY.-0a Wedat sd or, manilas, uuuuuuu dill, al 11 , 4 o..lyek, CHLMULK.a..uaIy daughter et Wly. yad Lavinia Itawyrd, aryl 1 year. y synths yad IL day.. NOLIINItY.-0/1 fallow ll*.at o'clock r. sr. CICIII/11411t. wird of UN /ale Jan.. SoOrsit7. Of itawroote•olIlo , gad if Furs. PET/TL — fla $a a 4.y Ma ta.t...t the reoldorce of Ms fallow, lour Elnao•or. , Owe, IIiNJA/11111 r. gcrriT.egllls Arm otaprlager LI a Co., LOW ally. .11U11/11.11.—At ale eteldoaca, Woods Ittia,pa Itt7ll 7 li It MAU% trietalla It / a 1111ADLET.—Oaltoadon . loary Llth s _al natlasseo la Kansa tetra/alp. Ittlalatall lISAULLY, talus liolk year of, ht. aka. Saaday °casing, at 'ZS oclock. etLaiILVITIC MOON a liovt•of tag lam Jolts Moos. la the Mb Tsar .1111.31".-0a Baader moratag. Jaaosey' nth, PORTER WILJar• allad lb Jean acid elcoatan. • : as et W. 7. W. Z.: A.A. , 4.)111 " 61111.1" Wd years add I loWbs. , COSBLERCLLL. I Onrois Cs fl Pa-maims Gutevia, Namur, 4..0 20, We us erport no Improvement In the te.e• eel, markets, end while there le • moderate J ablaut trate, and a 'Aar volume of basket., In the NIUMMIte. eyerittang eanslderen, thus me no changer In puns worthy of special Lao uce. of &AlN—Winter Wheat to In stead, de mead at VAS for Red, and CAS for White. Oats more costive and steady hot uttchaored we an repack sales of IMO bushels; to 'arrive, at tzlee}ec; Wee on spot at 06010 c, and In store, at diem , Are le in rteady demand but itm Manged; sales of 2 eushelo at 61„1001,46. Bane, la wens and In demand, lad prime Spring would doubtleu brim 51,714421,90. born Is In rather better &nand, and we ales report •ales of new at 7LOOII--Is eteady, with a modarate local de mand but unchanged} me coatmo• to quote at 5110.11,60 for Spring Wheat; 112012,60 for Winter, and 814,00411510 for fancy brand.. Ere Floor le loll} quoted at ICAO. Illlchwhett dud. at 114,6005, PROVISIONS—Bacon is steady but ure clanged at isMelto for Shoulder.; 140 for Ribbed Sides; and _ Buller Cured Yams. Prime kettle rendered Lard 11Qtlyie, in tierces and bbls, and 13X0i4e in keys. Neu Port nominal at ra. Dried Beer, warm. MILLFEED—I,ut • sale. reported Feu sr 13.20121,25 for nllddneeet 11,0031,75 for Seconds,,sicd $1,4031e21 for Bram • SEEUS—Satto of Clove:seed at ST,EO and Flaxseed at VAL No moymnont in Timothy, at yot. LlAT—la . oulat and nolhanged.4lol72.l country wagon., ast.J.qoallty. BUTTER—Prime to choke 8&11 Botta la alio dy demand at 55®400. T.GOS.(yootad &toady at Wt. Ari , Lts—l. in steedy doom,' Nit changed; 'Wee at 13400 per buret, as to quelltY. . POTATOES—goId and unahasgf d; amall niers la atom at Sla LID per bush, and 2303,60 per bbl, a. to quality. DRIED FROlF—Teune.see Peaches (guar ten) aro • bales offered at. TOAD, but , prime Weeteru halves are still quoted at Itulne. Ap. plea, 202 c, LARD OlL—Steady, mills a fair demand sod la quoted or manufacturers at era for No. 2, aid SIMI for No. 1. BEANS—DeII at $3025. LIUMiti,Y-41tated at $707.5e. CHLNORRItS---QuotedatOlßlM ALLEGHENY CATtLE °snow omits PrrosevaexCfllerplei • Noses,,'January 20, Hangs. The market wee only moderately &elder, 'and while some dealers were not eatieSed, tithers reported it fully as good a they en. peeled it would: be.' The supply was :madder ably larger than last week, lho .hole number on sale being estimeted In round Wm:ben. one thousand head, though so far as we could learn, there were but comperatlrely few In the handset outelders, and bat few left arm.. sold. Prime retailing cattle were in dna., , and sold without mach diNeulty at full prim. but common and inferior grad es did not sail as readily as lest week, and It Is safe to Inter, did not bring a. good pollee. There was an un usually large number of bulls or: snle;11:40. a goodly number or old cows and rough steer., .4 these, as already remarked, did not Meet' ante► reedy tale, unless slight oonceselo.' were made. The following is a pretty full re port of all the leading tales : • - Dolan d Grey whole:Rated at head of prime fat 7111001 s Meets to ft. U. Union, for P/dco di caaaateMi sleeks. head at I—avenging about 1.261 lbs, N. Cam .01,1 is h.d toe goy. at !Mr tend 5 beat on his own...not at 06. Pestoa bad It header Naablegba CI. (Pa 7 etunk -- fold at eHat: tumid whoa we telt the yards, benagnuable to get his prise. E. gate told IS heed of salse4Ohlo stook for flambee. at Yfialali; ana 20 head on hLo own amount u MAN. Ptak:Ay k Bro. sold I bulls at 734. and 9 rows at O. of k Kahn report having retailed head of ti and 1111nole tattle at a„ti to a. Wan. Laden/ deo. and Smith Talmage sold tem usual number on commission, 17. we 41.1 not get particulark further thed that the arm cannel Arm sold It head to Greco., weld k Ulm at 5346 e. . Shemnerg k Hartman report haring .old 16 head ot 11.11ingto• Go. cattle at AQ1,50. IV. Vernon sold =head for Bine no MS— steers andcowe,• end 10 heed eyelets on tut: own aaeount et 67 , 40r74. Kraus 41. Oa. report haring sold al head of Ohlo stook at 612 5 'we 8, Joluodoseriumauted 11 head of Jeffersoa Go. (Cede) stock 10 Keefer: sold S heed at 7 and eat 6. Myers Al Needy report baring sold Nlbead of Chicago tattle W. 4616; and IC he. from Ohio at aNII%--the *Wald& dant. haring beta obtatood tor couple of chow bullock. .I..lle&Lieter solo II Mod of Ohlo cows, betters and bulls en conealaidon at 4%01. Stark. 111 Tf.1.0. report hermig sold 50 kind of tlakewo battle at ex aci, .41 at from Ohio, at 0 , 015.4 Ueda. a Taylor sold SO head for Kleer kn 7 tall at 6. 7 e073,7; and to at. for Case at 414(Ta. Biseltito. aoid IT, keel of Chilago cuttis for B. bond an 11‘01; IS for fucker at iLfarl, and 6 head for Porter at .Bt. (Gent were other alb, the particulate or whisk did not res. ...I are hare glean anoint, to establlab the plural toms of the market.) . , There to. not s Teel large .apply of Sheep on sale, but owing, Me pregame to the recent adettece, the market was devoid of life or bourtmert as butchers we not free buyers et present prices. though prime fat Sheep brought rary f air prweo,s% to to, gross. Common and Inferior grade. ere about as dull se leer, and mut oaty be gold At eery lore genres, they are not :wuted for attputent, and reepaatable butehersattll not buY , Lts•mi We quote the foilowteg oetear' Pas. Shaw reperU haring sold 140 head of totems Lawrence county Sheep at 41,10 to raelt par head fort uicay Bro. sold a head—a ll they hur— , Wallin h. Sumter sal TO head of good to perms Sheep at 6 to ea per pound. Cleo. Montgomery bad Yet head of Allegheny emtuttl Sheer' be supposed they 00144 aroma about 114.6 a per head. Wan (Puerta bold /14 head, rutting from 02.10 MAO per hood. Them . wait an mama!, large cumber of Hoge ea We today, aa4 thlz, together with the amaze la the weathar, depressed Qs starketeosowhetf ud umpired with east week. prim. If turyitazg, ruled a abed. lower. itothettilde Flyer, report brass retailed during the put week CS heed at 1 to 8. Essarlalt, Schwartz it Co, report Itaziait to 65. i. tailed dada' the week abort% RS head at 7,14 1==!! (By Telemann to the Putearge Gaeta 1 Mow Tax, January 20.-00tton Mad) , but lea aeUvet sales of VMS bales at 171(* 17%e for middling uplands. Flonm receipts, 0,700 01.101 more active with alas null in favor of lanyere; ales of .15,1100 bbl. at KM. 9,00 for superfine Sate and Western. 19,70 010,00 for extra State, $9,30011,10 for extra Westerm.ll,sool47o for labile wbeat extra., 11.1 , 001.1.7 e for 11.• IL 0., 410,54112 for oom. moo to good Sc. 1001 .111010 for good to choice extra do; closing heavy; Included to the abate soles were 3,0011 0010 extra State 11 0 ,20.0. a speonlatiom California - Flom Inlet; Mir. of 450 sake at e 11013.50. By. Floor steady; salsa of 250 bbl. at sl.oBo'/A. Whisky doll and unclongod. Wheat; ccipts,ltenac• nominally In buyers. favor; sales of 2.5015 bus red Penni)/ nr llll 5111, 45 , 1.500 bus white California at 113,1204e3.15. Aye qqlet; males of rai bug new Southern .t a1,701AL12. Barley steady: ales of 700 bus State at SIBS at railroad depot. Bleat steads% ales of Mu ba at 11.65. Receipts corn 01,112 but the market to more active and 10 2 0 bet ' tom salvo of 0,000 bn 1d.2711113 for new mixed remora for IIIaRGIAG ern ,, kl 41.5501,31 tor white son and e 1.9001,25 for new yellow Jersey on.doek. ILeeeeeesllMa oats 3.4970rk the market Is lower; ales of Hem be western in store. Rine Arm at Ino4ollo for Canadian. Coffee Quiet um firm. ougar Arm; ales of Ile libds Cuba at I 31.0; ARO boxes Ilamina 1:4214100. Mfr. lasses steady. Hops toast -at 5000.00 for American. 'Petroleum quiet at 1Ut4014)./o for crude and 1.0021 Ne tor refined bonded. Park heavy and Lowery ales of sixObbls at 153,5501i,13 for new utess,l closing at 121,43 can, 117,9f111 for prime/ and 11471010,19 for prima mast al. kiln [bids new comsat 071. seller for January, 1.11,00021,02.e11er for Starch, and 1121,37011,50 seller for February. Beef Moody: gales of kin tdds at pralmull prioes;MO Mama prime mom at, 152,750.1.1.50. Reef barns Quiet; gates of alp tibia at 131,50 31,50. Bacon tibia; sales of 170 boxes at lug( 012 e for Cumberland cut, and Meld° for inert cleat also MO boxes lout clear for February at prlate torus. Cot moats mia I Live; Wes a 000packagos at SAPS. far shoulders and 1301:10 for hares. Dreseed hogs eteadv at FRilpfide for western, and eti 09 and Margo for elty. Lard steady; we. ef Me SDI,. at 141,01405. Butter Arm at SS I iso for Mete. Cecoae., dull at 110150. Paled. to Liverpool quiet and Arm. Last—Floor closed doll and steady with rather more dolug In cOmmongradoe, ekief -177 areOulation. Wheat is amino'', sin common. Bye to nominal. 0.00 Mooed at apiffige for western in store. Corn Is 114 1r re and firm at 111.50 for new mixed welder° afloat, sod sljeßf for old intged 1111111111113 In sUars, Pork is quiet at glektallMeiltf for old mesa,. IMIAINAI2I,OO for Fob:nary,. . a n d. WBBACE/1.2 5 ior Molnar .lees WO barrels mesa at 1:1,75 after Haab. Beef Is Arm with a fair demadJ. Cut =tall 'ere nomi nal. Baln le emlet and oteMIT , Lad 10 tu . .. 1 35011 5 30 for fair to almost.= and kettle recidered. • • • . al. pmts . Market. • . • sr ru.~ate up um, ettgaburgik fitutte.l . sr. Loma, January 01..-Ilitslams general. IL almost impended, there being move- IT ..Gogh doing to :tietablbitt. price.. Toeimo, none. offering. Cotton staff at .115 et. Plow In demand, bet confined to the local trade prints:and tivelfmtged.. Wheat noohaelted at 62,4002,55 Roy/thus to choice red and white. Corn; email .eaten - •at toe. Oats doll at :0071. .1/ulay rearm lout Mah er at 55,?..503,35 for spans and fall. Ilya muter al. e 1,7001,74 the Uttar for chine,. Provlehyna held [trod'', bat 'there to no Inquiry, and prima nominal Lard; small aided or country tattiest lee. Bogs dint at fr6(1 4 960. - -Reoadeta—lrloarl 4l/0 barrels. wheat; OP make. Corn; MO b athe).. ()eon MO :Moo; M. head. Weather' eloud4 There was a brisk snow stern Ma - • .21,1ditsts flaskei. . , Itinimmilt to tn. ritiabarub Omani.) Buiyato, 11.—Kraut In store and afloat: wheat WIJOOO but corn IM,IIOO bitioats ROM ben barley TAXI pupa 31A00' Pemi bu. lionsennoban pawMamall Wl:scar lots at. oSiadeiri opting pm for Po t Cann. Gom.lottOrt u am lota at $1,1081.11 on Via trot; minoi pally at Ino Maine neuron Oats dull; weld. en: offered Tit In Mote. - nye 'nominally Dro&M• Barley gale; - Mesa pork.un ned bogs OT- tillibwlninl :• ittualnal. . . • taalayllilelltaragia. • • ?alum* ts - theritlaborgb °anew.) Jall:Va.Ltessass t. sery sa, laas 654.560.601 madloan 1ea1...10,10/ salsa lama 019 as Unttao L lalSOUko. 119exilr 1. 117.7450L1,25 tar aaperana Rua fancy. Whoa; la la.mallraal, Cara 41112Saa• -Oats la Ream Baena and 9 lioulderears9W.• 'tars Wail' arc 114a..11a1k Moulders are OW (Hear 'ldea 'No.% Lard Ll4AlPrk. •Ifera Park is e11a.Z02401. 14 ,I.g °sem olo** trersartmew INumerri, p a ra, L y. Jetmary 17, lOU, I The Went important fester. we hare to no. tla thlewrielt 1/ a reduction Of • treutrtar of cent P.O pourid on bar Doh. and teehtritTe cents per keg en 'nails. Buelosio la all Drenches of the Iron trade coati:ma dell, the orders from ell quarters befog limited In new. her end light do amount, but a good arnica business is confidently eradiated, as Niece hare been putfiown to • point that PittelnuTh csa compete' with other point, which for • sear or more past , bare been molt to monopolise her trade, and,it molt be admitted, with elme dentrs of raceme. The decline In metal and labor, enables our anmfaetoters to make the redrietion &bore lot's, and we pre. diet that at thane r , otateses, PlUsborgh will again reclaim Melly of her Ammer pstronkboth in the South and West. The following are the calf rates.. taken from the circular of Dole man, Rehm t till., of the Duqueette Works: Common Ear mica flts Horse S =CM . - hoop and LLHA. Rand R 1121.1 .ad Square —... (HAI Ural and half k Boller Twk ........ ME= Sheet I;On:10 io IT iN 0 IS to 24 I% Tg 2.A , 110 All sheath oyez 9)9 In, 9,144 Ma extra. - 101 to 'NM Nails 0 1 00 Fencing and 14 floe 760 Bradt 45 15 Sil fise 630 Id sod 01 0 00 uln lining OCO al and 7d . 616 - Canal... ---..... 070 114 and lid... .... 600 Cut 15011:61 .0 60 ad ' 0 001 • Dam! Nalla-74 Loa, 106,00: I tool,, 0;261 15‘ Inch, 00,10; ILL tool, 10,14; 11X inch. 06,110. I Tan as.—ti et* of aceentanco at C day., With current rate of I Exchange on New York; Or W discount 013 percent. for cash, if Maimed os reacipt of Invoice. Payments to 14.1 trade La. New York Exchange. U. 8. ?poultry Notes,, or their faulvaleut. Nails la Lots of NM kegs and upWards, 11140 Per hog off.. No Catmint 001111 s of lean than fifty dollars. I==nl32 erne, op egg Prrensvadi Camps, rILIDAT. Juludy Ir, Mg. The lurid &trine the Out wu • dull one. The result le we hue but fiw salad to Mord. wegotledone do, however, pulled for eons round lot; sod we are prudes.' • large lo de& for our out report. We quote the fol lowing eller: • errostntorns COAL exavreo pearl tin se. 1071101 on. • goo tow Own Ony Fort. Ul 00-4 moi 100 emu b100d... au 00 030 • I ifferrlorat farnsos tl so I. 070 1 1 .Wedlum (Mon Ony 5100••• pup 100 " Open Gm 30 00-10 0/0 137 ° ON/ FOlll4 p. . Mahouts,/ Vallsy . No. I 43 00-41001 10 ° Low Grads ' 3000 ~• 02/11701741. 4 . 20 tons Juniata 10 Junllta.ro. 133 i; 100 tom Mott .. . .. 311110-4saes [ Coax. :Co ton. Ohio Ooke—Orel NM eo—!am 13=EIMMEI =3 nail., ay Earnings. The follotring , is a statement of the ap proximate earnings and expel:me of the Plttatirgh, FL It apt* and Chinas° Natl. ;ray Company dmtng the month of Dee. sit., end of in• earnings and expermes for the decal year, exam December list, ISO, as oompared with the year INS, • • . lacre93 /rola lit. 192. orer 139. Prel99. 933 Dell le I 393311 53 • 73,39 13 Ti Pa.sen 339 ... 13,0] 7.. 11C.5111 11 e. 319ter.. 13=10 TACO CO .17 CO 0,51 e:FlAry. 7,514 SI . 7.73 34 99011304 . 1.6./ 30 1 91 It 739116 .......4 511.:.231 $ bass, $17450 De Li p.n.s +30,1913 411,1C1 = C==i /.ara • p from Jpltolkeal r7,!R,l6'i a 1 C 467.51 Of Expended do. 4,Edl OM 17 11,1r7.6•1 14 • Net 01.1.'0 for • • .. as ir.ams.o @ i 53.514 ad Lot A 1 ..• operat:a. N. • • and L. 7) (00 CO 11'5.467 coils CM It = • • . enaa aZ141,114.13 /Warn 54 sms.utt Decreui over 1144.—Vasalaa. rs. 111 7 .514 Cf: ti p •naelq, Wan n 1; Earnlan. tram Jan. 1 Spore. S=o.4nl 41: larenaea flaw Jaa.l 50014 1. II :4 : 415 V. Balitinware fettle analseg. trAfretitonz, larmary IT. ottainge„ at the neales during the poet week amountedko 1013 bead, efeinst lee last week. Of the num tor offered Ire head game from West Virglnta, ars from Ohio. 311 from Virginia. and le from alaryisnd, over the Beltheore and Ohio Bail- Nadi go from Maryland and le Gem Yemeni rants oe tootle:A It from Maryland by boat. Of the receipts 110 2.0 were taken by Balt!. more butchers, 7) by tamers for grating, egg sold to epeculators for Seaters markets. 73 to Washington and Arinspoile battles., *ad the balance were reabiporst to the Fret without being offered hete. Prises to del ranged am follow., Old cow and asalsWele 'et $3 4,0 ordinary Min givers, oxen end 1:9•14 14,7605,00; fair to good stook cattle. egeyd.2s; 415-quality beenee, 07041; and the very beat 00rreunge3.26 per 100110, the 07111000 WU* help( about KO -II CUM • ads.e on the _beet grads., while common and medium grade... rweisaaged. Sheep-The supply boo be fair during Ow past Week. but meetly ot an interior it naltS. for which. 41403)5e been bent the taken rate.; Coed sheep are scarce at 0443130 par POlntd, Hogs—The aupply • has has Idly aped to the demand during the put taut; Cala hare but MU, bat prices dunned U. par lee /ha Oa the rata of lur MOM, undue to-day from $9,71.1Va per lb. eel, tar fats' to goad tat gleam. Market. 'air Telegraph to the Plttaberih tiasetts.] Ciuttoo,Jminary 93.-.Cloor doll at 118,13 y.; OW for spring extras. Wheat. /lag firmer end , !,,,Ole blaker;.No. 1 almost tiotranal at 6=.000402,0 , for No. I, and 0,0341:11,0634 for No, 2. ctompg et 02,011 V for No. Z. eora Open .l at 34ggle lower, rolled mad closed at 830 for sew; old 10 more &Olives% gtigt7o for No. I, and P.So for No. 9. • Osta nt fair speculative d 01 1 3 .30 01 1634069340. oloilnfl it oetalde price. lire 10.010?. awl tiomingl. Thule, more artive• et 01,64%01,8e for Na 2. and 111.1.41ie01,63 for retooled. Prorlmons dull. 3lesi Pork at 137.33001.30 Maisel; OM for standud Moodcaltel3,3o for aura prime; 614,73 for rump. and Is doll at 18 3012%o ; email aides of prime steam at. the OatalCla daare. Sweet Pickled Hams ere quiet and miteas2y stag. En kits la Meats dull and Itav7. i r Short Clear elder at Ilyic. Gram Kea in aetiVe; NM. at 10%0 IMMO black. D Dogs on good demand for ohlomeat an 10. eel inoonut; the marlort la limier and es nage.% from 40,7308.33. and closed at V 7,1688,15 Melding eri IA light gall h app. itemelpte for Mat 421 hamsa—dcmr2.9:o4olg; wheat. 16.504 corn 03,003; oats 17.1160 bush; dreamt hogs 0,300) nye do 1,009. $..• ewe —flour 1,700 bbls: wheat 11,300: 0000 , boa, oressal hams 3,001; nee do 1,070. ClueWaage cartel. '' Br 'reiterate to tee Pltteberalt Gatatte 1. Crateinaart, Jan. ZL—Frour dull and rtn. c handed. Wheat drat, at M.. 7 for No. 1 zed. Corn in demand at movie - for earl filo for A belled., Oats held at 6306.93 for the beat, and the demand la 11901. Rye dull at wog, lel. Barley unehanged. Cotton firmer: =Manua' Wit, and emu. holders are amend I . No. ' Matey m but ilml demand at iff.,'M telling In bond. nog. q tut sale. at 06,909 ategroes, and Gentle nett lOU IAIO bead, Including Lee head fecal lastlrridaym3d not before reported. I' IMO. quiet and unchanged. keel pork 95.' Bulk meant J 7 t4ee!.;c. flacon In natitkpply with a fair o log demand; ehould etfajetiet clear . 1,1 . , . 11 %01 5 3. Lard hot goo di fatally _at gra t ipAelle for lower and 13340 for prime. a ottung done In 0 meats. lint. ter steady, odd:44W. .ff. declined to no e and pm supply better. gar steady at /30 I.lc. Co ff ee in active dem dat 214117.3540 for lido, the latter rate for obeli*. Linseed oil doll at el,id. Petroleum dull at 4241440 for refined. Closer it dull at 1234811 Xe. Timothy etauly at k1,044.,00. Plan .M.id. Hold iss,vphro buying'. Money market me changed. Exchange Arm at per buying. • • theveland /111artget. Ulf Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Giotto.] • CLZPSLAND, 0., January 90.-7ionn the demand for the not Weak has been mod*. rate. and calls Were oondned to the jobbing trade; prices ruled steady at e1D.761311.50 for double extra spring; 1112013. W for double • extra red wint.r,c4oll for double extra• 511Ite1 country brands are 6000g1 below the above ernes. Whenti the demand le Light and the teautet le quiet at Ain 'for 1(0.'1 red winter: 111 .40 for le% i red, and 43..Neyale for ho. 1 sr eetorn luring, Corn le to neodenste request for *petparcele, at a r lfgor lics 1 lots belled: le for u d f ture ative In coed' demand. data are steady and c (teed &sec ea filo for No. / State from 1.1010. Rye quiet. and steady ate/ .1201.53 f0r..40. I from store.' Darter la theme soot Inn for No. 1 State and Canada whither* held at SLIMS; No. do. la Lined. and sold only by eamplit. valence le dull and nosey, at feeble for free, and 12090. for bonded. ===C! ta7 'Marmot to tam Flttabazga 10.4tUa7. Totino,Jannarf 110.-41 one quiet.' Whoa& —aalea white litchis. at , MO, and 9 3 , 93 for No. trod. Corn—new opened at 910, adl - 9 1 $ , A, and cloud at an., with Wes for all Lbe month at Vi y,e.. Oats study; salesatsitdo for No 1. Rye paler.. &beds; •sles clover at 07 SO. Dressed flogs nomi nally lower; buyers Oren. Nano. Itecedpta —1,173 ;four. .4,933 'bona - wheat. ,178.493 bash corn, 8,1:66 Dusk oats, 400 bun barley. /I.llwawkeeterarot. .LET Telegraph So the PrOsbanta rawetio.l • Mrt.wartun 'Jan. 81.—Roar. any dottble °urn onsllnte, roontry de. WrAboe.lit tra -Wheat dim and le lower, al 42. re gm,No. I, mei' WON fOr N 0.% Oats aneban wed, at 69 Oleo for No. T. Corn stead, Nt too tor new steribed. Ore dall at OWN for o. I. Raralpts-1.600 boll Notar r ntentbutt . artist. 38,000 butt oat., 44001 tun oorst.3lXo butt EVIL tildpnrenta-1,001 bble nous, NO 'bulk wheat. llstispets {Br Tsterrast ate. gUtseargetimects.) tuners Is, Jan,lo.-4 ottam dzm solddllOg loot- stoat and good lest receipts 1.011 Detest exports Ma Was. glow Arm and endows.. ed. rork firm at e". 7. Baoon doll; clear ides Be flute ineals quiet atlle for rowed. I. arcidull as 1.11:1Ite. tetra seminally $141411. Oats Erni at 77078 e. ' Hay doll at PO= - • • Balfisitisse Blarlost. • - 101 Tel.ignpb UAW& ritubluzla YlasaU4.l • Beistsious, Jan. 20.—Wheat but. SlesdyyorLuarEto choice SOUttiern t•tl PM. s2.9oientae. µM. CO= %CUM!. Ana 10Wor; prune yellow mixed westerla 61,14 Oats dull at =One.' Bacon =Use and steady In the butk; shoulders aor,, - - rrumtopeas iaskeil. • • ✓t7 Telegraph to th. Pittaberalk.Uazetta I l'en.ecocrele; Jeanie"' BD-petroleum gond' erode. 1.530; tensed to benti,M)gama rem 401.1. Whom cameo aa tom; goal red, ■14 4 %9 r1 1 . 1121 .. ire 41,1114 $1.97 Ogr en 24 . . CblalaiLtroatil• lararkirt. lay laregrartt to Um ?Mourn& trasetta.3 thasaao, January 9).—ktoga steady and riorear =odium rradeadou aoa pear 1,110 Imad at a1,a547,113 for light, 'ablpplar 101410 eztra Wawa masa pork Lot , Bert cat t to dull at al„bselp6 for cows and light steam. ' PblUCeli Ia catailleerhil; Cllf Totatriell to Me Pura ma% avowal Piluaemarsa, lannary 10.—Beef Cattle 'firm at lull ratTet . lileo MO at aolow.. Sheep ilnai oases me at MI. Hogefteumta Maui Wee MOO et 110.00040.110. , • Financial Natters in flew 10114 Closed al 139.30111111 X P171'8141.0 to Lb. rittib.rth RANDIDO An" You, Jan. 5, /BM. mart AND 1110Lik. Mousy market very WY sena abundant supply at MSC on call. Loaner an essly de• cites In rates generally 'anticipated:Wl= discount 74274, with lace exeeptiontetalC Steinngtlnll at tagl2o%. Gala !Inner. open mg at 7$ 4. advancing to L793g, talUng to L.Wi. and closing at my.eing. The ehle/ canto of the advance Is the arrest of George • ♦ shads timer: asnut-ttdrtlea ate the strongest on the Bet; large salts of 49s ►t St;„ and We at 74 1 4en a intiae Ty f i rm : g c r i d'a ij l l l o734t do ; of An1i 1 1 . 4 4 012:§: do new e t i? 01100 of , 67, 106 I Ten. Antall I (11011. faretwthutlea .1 ;am. MMMOW:Wn ,IOII6 Stock market'opened buoyantwith an smithy on clique ebaree. oliferings were light... Vino oresimre to eell. lathe aiternoon the socaliret too active and ex cited with • marked Weaned generally, though at the cloge there Was • reduction from the highest point, owing to salot to. reallte large prolific Carden 67051 M; Cues— beriend 3414 Adams Express Mel Met , chanta s w 1 %Wells IT; American fill United O id; States ; Quicksilver ; MUM MA Pao e Mall 14.9).‘Q=t1mrietext Western llnionl7l4M7M; New York Central r2354MlMft Erie 7SOITS.t, it Mutton itiMplaita; Ithed ( leg OEN: Ohm Certllicatee 313.0 .I.ly alts Wabssb 4.530 et. Paul biglaitg; do €o3466s%,MoreFezrod ichkran Centrallloo 1103 s/; Midas= Southern MWS73l;;llltuois Central, cx. division ult.u• P. Mahwah , i .1. 1 „ 4e11ek....T01ed0 Met . ; Bock island Northwestern 111 I ; do preferred ..,,,973; Fort Wayne .W 0,01,1014; Mismerig 100; new Tenncasees COM; iK~ '9: ,~ , QuLet, bat • trifle &limn Corydon 35; Edit. 111310; Smith it Pitrnileo 29563/0; Gregory 53 5 1 Cinarts 1111111411L5; Won ...1 Alen, sua , nwasuar Hemunts, ekTri.ICO; payment/. V,15e,731i bs.t. aye, erie.4.16,153. - Emmaus. Tho Cbetmercial says: Thin rope - loft poll. ay of bulb:Hones ls until ipate the mar ket for a illettd7 rise the caolY of lab rattyy. Erie end Now York Centrally* the leading eteeke. Rock Island also shows ea. yam if ramose. the lyre= bring conalder, 04 tit little conaconenceektha street , so far tia respects the stock. - Meer Tort[ Cattle Market. tly Telekreph to the rlttsbe - elt ttazetteel Maw Yoaz, ,tauttemy 40.—Iteoelpta for the weak 5,760 bourn/1,27,W sheep and lambs, and KM lama. beef ruled steady da the week, but to-day, wan a supply o f the marina la depreased and prima lower, with only a' moderate demand tor bulk; offering, natter pram quilt); canal 15!..40156; prime. MAW; Last quality, to faltlio. Sheep and tolerably soave end arm at /a 0007,50 per cwt. Bogs stead,' during the gent, but monad heavy at 7344 710 for Common and rough; 7%47%,0 for lair to good, and Novo for prime: //WAVY Or. rafts of Western messed, aVdraglag 2,000 daily, have an unfavorable offal upon the market. Maw Teak Day 600d$ ■axle{, By Telegraph to tDe Tlttabarch Uazetta.3 Ka. Yong, Jan.lo.—The dry goods mar• kat eatillane• maitre and steady at 6%06% to; teed to extra standard print meth% I , l4o o f r or b gd w anClnes=l , 7 l, 4l t print light. and best makes; 2136 -for New 'Vora mils 01000004 moles; ta far Warasatta; 16 for Lanedalsl I'lsg for lansgd onma 810- tor'.ll234ois for glagbama, sad 18 for mono delalnes: 1868. • 1867. H. P. BALLARD & CO., =I Produce Commission House, 3.t YFlthistel Et., Kew hit to unequalled ['unitise elf &manager Wool, Sopa. La f Tetseceo and /Usheloes dlreet to ral•afatart re. Thorium' ausettoo elven to BOOS . Cheese, Size Port. Beef, Plea. Urals,. Beaus. /*ems, N` Hods Dried sad Green grans, shied, sae sit Sleds of tooutzs Prodoes. Llearaes erase. sada cm eastsheaseoves , .-- CONIS/UNILLNee SULICITIft),_ Nsizameetre—Nosth Elver Beak, N. T.: Sec ond National Meek. Jsrsey CUystealth Nay. dirt. No. IS Constlazel eft T.: iltne.Davel Nair. No. S Ntoodwa D. U. atccotter. 11 N 0.141 hroSAway;•lll.l 800 , Mohave:o; Va. • atilhd:t7.- SPECIAL NOTICES. arCLIN.A.I. . MGT.'S CLIMAX BAGS'S, tor Inr 8619/. ` sod/ crotala, Salt Ethanol. Sores. Broke.. Breasts, Frost Bites, Chilblains, Stloto.' - /Etolsod. 'Fats. wettings. le., whether upon molt er beast, Is the most trooderfolutleleeverprodneed Other Good attlelts ilierlotat dab tires. /t alts to anmotalloi. subdues palo,'srld brats without • seer. It Is worth Its erolnit to Sold Id ottiFslSl. dr, nod shoals stasis to oa hind. It Ulm, • ranted to do who/ It says •7627 MO. tarBIOFFAT 3 B LIFE PILLS . ' AND PHIENEF MITERS . - and used In 'glints praetioeln aid. They intiedseed team pnblie in Ugh slime erhkb likeir r•patatlos Wu eiteimbid..smlll they i l is we In &mutat all Letter , Celherile sad im tying Medleines. Thi. is dly a fenifY M civilised natlons who he snot personal me °Mar beagle/al e . Their greet is Le owing to their mein, reilalillitrla e! Conetiostlon.3llloesan Btomaehle d 1 - ..is. whether of long or short ration. They se eatizely ingelslife In their emepoallion, and hennlees to the gentlest infant. One ingredien opens the pore. of the Min: anotner Is diuretic, and MintninMe proper nation of that-MIMI: • third!. emollient, InMestng phlegm and ammo from the loop: ether Pro Patine mnnermlng ad esigartic. , and cleanse the stenmeh and Wed 4 fromunealthe meratlens. Their ma toned !erect Is to regulate Abe impaired buie tionafshe system, end to prod see heath. It le w/ we I Um I hay Pu ty . caw, Rld c co c we ce not assented gleffat.• ire i earnoti—tbat they flit 011111411C0111allSaViilit esideiondlna. .17 1et.121111.U.2 their mat be railed apony. care Noreen. and Plat Headache, ,Colleetteri. uyapepala.t adinettlon, Janadlei, Lint and UWoee COmplalate, Colds, SCUrIiY; Weeks... ire. 'glory are .expresely made iron these Bleat.-e. Milieu. upon ntlilloaa Of tune Ceti be allot. Is aro single intone* ties a cola plalat •ver eon,. to Oar knowledge, when they nave not operated is reeerciatenden. The printed debater monad cacti box fully az. Pietas lb rymptems and edema of tub Owes.. !rambles treatment. fumbles eritleuee, 4a. We I.l.efly refer to Her. Dared Rids:, Fmk- Ile. N. C.. wht 'tweeted of llyspepela. C. 11. Croas, f Thoolle. 111- , cared of User Com plalat.' lb. Hooky. of lepeindleld,'• m ud Meerut*, su r a lead to 00 metals.; was tend la three weeks. iss.D.Doleas, of adatia. mead effillltwes Term Bev. Hoary Mahan. rresbyterim Obercb.. 41 an mares. Cal.: of lre, and Ams.. Her. Id. H. May. Tmetr.irst Sew York. of itbmemtlem and Piles of M ream tteadied. Her:Samuel Cowles. Idltor of the Sprlegleld Stapabilma. was <area or terrible Caotimaess: - Hai. i 4.. Welber of 0.01.1. 11:. of.Llter Compbu d t, ltd.. ‘c,. • bozolltoiral , s Life Tllls,•ith fall tircettem wiH be sent grates to any Ptrygolan or Madman on tha motipt of two Ummcen postage Maxey. Modat'a Llfatdalls are= cords leer tat,. Hof. ay. Plannti Diners Per inettiee Thor Ado sold 07 011 evspectable dealers tkroeshont the epsilons. sod Um Wands of ihs want a .130W14081). Boorsuors to or. .10er 111.1.vrona Or. Wm o..lloyror, 11l Liberty stres6.ldor XOll, fas.o . What le IMi -Marvelous Anti dote to Disease. • . TWl . prar 1.1a.916 tat tam •Valelaa erasion DV= all earls at ptapla! , ' ar der thy vane ar aLO3TICTrIVII aztalLaCH It It an Initial.. of the mat' nettles' teale, ansl4lUous t sall-taatbatJeana altaistlvalkaaba, rota; lad !tart:. In Ina rtallea rateltaau WW2/0X! If OrICHLTNI thlaants LI.. nay Da brialy 'Poore:dal laaltarnat,• As a roar& Aa F. ' .:::: . ;;;Cra P l:::Wi tt ti64 7.1121Vir Nialetna,- %galas: Malan. I nava ow • iltf.:::::r411! f,`,l Ala an • • gnat dote to ease At aa "neaayna for Ma el is a.—....a./laslamaaattaltaaa : f ft l; Vidlfjtgarg,..l • Asa au • arateadlaa - to health and Ufa andar all deure.alad sad dranauahis Bus TVlTalva bTi/NACILI Diriadill It Um mai Salo la !.../itill00; Pistol arm • liplallaaila *ed. teat la aalcdarriux ranut. • - Twelve Dictates. sit Coisnistai 11r5t79170% are eat Lti at tUjht, sit 001.00• 0117 %0 holm, %VA, reatral Benami—if ;on •••••1•2 'bits.t.Darosith lit when at al.L•g, arta sterebr contract...stag, Lae Dr. Its, irmireercirgririvp.' Tlllrg—ir 0. , k••• 7 ••• ci.tbiat for • to• - g tnai ' satt nonl Rsorr tow to get mired, .1•T.• t7ooook—#roar . Drain palsi STA 'lt Olont)blegai DuDvitnuq s tale Dr IT eold,remove.o“l,oblibuOlAa µ ,pc.k.0,11),G• . „ . ruzla,lt Tot' exportorate Ilan, tate Dr. Itytor`i retiorsl gym.; . • Wreath - 71t Toot We wb0t . 0105 . a2 . 4 tiosatai imuttes, tikerDr.-Xfossesreetont Pm". tea Iwo !tilting at tba arso.'lor: liteporo Pottoroldiroti orlD carry.. Nlath-lt root lan fadeout.' Dr. itortara reetoioltlyroportll CM* iOlll. •'• • • •• • • .. : Ttattk - . t Tot bar* oar larliteat 'thous of tho tintatotiort moat. :DIV Sperm rectors! Xtoronta-Dr.Atarogr_o rotiorol tyro au cat d thousadoot toot mob came., . • Itorrie. 'mottoes at most drusictits. aaa.ai. le. Oroarto.. tor's.ltattO !rood • .• JOSEPH /llrgo • ' • a.210131ET ' ..AT.1.A111. . . .&ND.BOLICITOR IS'ISAIQKRUPTCIr Mot. NO. 111 PITS VMS;plitidolrit. , Coneetions . remota,. _--'l,prost t 25 AGUICIIMI.WLATiir s Wale sad "amis. Leal •iorti:Tranilig.i'asst• aims IlsAt ant% bow:n:43la =aid, •1r.7. ca,...1.°1a116,1°Z 1 4,.. mini Ton " ' OclaT I,7rIGAL OVICE.--41i pe EMS inter.. .e.te.l•lll tat, nctlca 11.1.1 L.ttnirl of Ad. 'n‘tttottne leave Nut nitn.rd oo the andrr kirilt, an Ws Xetste I t}tit4 ELM, Mtn 01 nor titn• t n.hrn, dlertt.d. knittr- I, Int. in. 144 a. t d 14 said grtzte ratment. anl. - thote baTtait stolen inn ptenAlt anemsmv• ult . attn., tent.. f... settlinunt. • det . r. Ltbntrj, Allerhene Co. P. A XICIIIIIRATO WA :NOTICE,. Altietenneenetell .111 take belles 1.1.14 kl. tree alettelettallon by, been irranterl leatte . trslgno4 on to tstate at .131441.11.2 Q'n It Ito line or tibia taw:FON ri•etat-0. Att. persons nolebutl t Lir edit., or omen. het. gozelos • r.lstn the stmt. trillethr.parnebe or obtstnt ins san• to NI(IIPItYD nwscNr. , , .ttekb, ti lt • In has /Women UOntICT RO ” HL HO Pont. at.. Pototbernit: Av(yriEE IR HEREBY GIVEN !.that vititut.t 2 -WILL, *4 b.. takes root rett.te of 44 atets:ratwe o e thews of ..ltkltal el. WI ',AVE. ee 'arena... All 1 ergo. ineeLt. t. seta case* It l'- C D., moue. Sea all baelet elAllesagalmie lsaid eetaeo, yeeeeat th em to *s2a Admen'. releleo 0/11101,a WlfoLla !TA Aters. I deb*: betel. Township. ter'', GREAT -'.REDUCTION IN CARPETS! We have determined to give our customers a t once the advantage of ac y decline in prices that may be made later in the seasen, and have to-dai Reduceti Prices CM= 337a - Um'e sStc)o33; or NM AND DROICB imps, Far :lAlow what it would cost to replace the Goods, &, COLLINS N 04.11 t ea 71 Fifth Mee% . 1! • - 1 emect.mrl.o92. E!!!Effl WEEKLY GAZZTTE, - THE URGER, AND LOHNOWLICOT.D TO .13Z in,BEST PARER IN THE 'STATE: .. Priee. In dabs of too awl almardl!‘ P 1.15; Wools Fold.", SIAM . • , . aS A P4llllOllllll /JIM IR ill /AllB, IT HAS HO EQUAL: • II kby nun emelt rhoilettgell4 be the: -: • armpits HP.II FO3 MUM REP0f111;:- .'. COSTALN6 ALL T!10 NEWS OF THE WEEK: OAKEYOLLY PNLPABLD , - SolePusa AT °Ma. AirApoosts, • OA.2llllTri. . . • PittAbor 1, Panama . .. r as JOHN.RO 7 I7II & SON, Importers awl Mn saris PONZION AND 'mina= WINES, BRANDIE 4 GINS, RIME. WHISKIES, &0., 807 341.bertir 81*istelt i , - ; OPTOS7ZONMLIIILDBIII.II37; , . • 'Bee'lnvetm inform tbeif Irterair nod it. pahltri - Ia ...Lent that teevevve opened their who Mete Ca;orr, style above Were. and Manama mil era if ail veal la thair Ivo, le the .thttdecttro 'lab° will favor them. ‘bu .2;4 l Cbtld,art: 71.0SAd ir "vn:ri r the auperto paadttes parlry i er their iforat4 old It Ina Is their ',ln to Ithboid the ram, • • Val utd ematargrr zor,iiect parr ,i v , ter- asuaslaa • OLD aiumant Writ c, : - lad repealer qoatilles of . " ' PfULIOIL Offfiltanir OnJeri left a' tee. ,Dl/3601n.'erla also Ile peolepltrittcndal , - .101/13 scnna, sox. pzorL;s , SAVINGS BANS, CapUal,•!‘ - # 100 1 00 9.• talcounatATro iMi; oinas, 10.00rourni ' Emma LLOYD. «lIFILIMUIt MUM = , , • TELT6ITIA. .: , : ' I • Rion. Liciyit. . ' • in .Mils -loe, - •• .• : Jame Toiessett. , : ',,,...... WTI.* IS: C , Jonas, ' Hon. Thos. Al silos. W. 11: tional' • . JOEall. ticully, lLLO aretuy I Treirda..Hlllll I, Vel PLOW, . Vont alvmed ea Ulu& ppelk. Bale la Elove - ixtuat *ld Seal Ur , But opt* daily. 113. p: Fiandiy4 6.41' a A. Y. lo four Wolof:kr. mr., AAA paWad: Nl4ocvt`e iss .. lay fvelelsix, it us' alalo ales AGENTS WANTED FOB THE BLUE-00AT8 dad Dew Dor Vived,Fesailleued Died (Sr lb. Dula, Rim dessire and Ili. eldest. as tee threat • • _ • Is mall.. over ,0) Ilms . arsitiita sal SS) v palr i tr t ,6ll . t . lesraM.f. a 4 tapeat mar LOW: 13.4.11i1024-54014 cf oar trtato 'bars Nlut .d•. 4l4 usserth• rest prnnwfirs sad tartii•tal of the. Mort taA the Moe lliksokl 0.51 - oar Oof. or 44114 ars Denary mania, tata Isoy haft so flea to atm vo mat. Oa) N.V. lands& Worts imarparit.r •to to of abolLat. 4nataver t0..=.4 4 , 04-054.119... an , Walt au ca1at04,144 fro thenforo taatlaabO4:Llefth.44lnits• sal tin tattle tend last Um 1:40 44y au. %alas Lott eatratlajs so 4 tat NM. dyad lar Vlnivat. Aslant.. . sic:mm(lo 03' - • numeapet4. 4 GRIM t. AR 11181114060, ‘3l - 11 , 00.1314S; And Dealers in 0110I0E TEL% Asir, law, Di, lat gez,py. 22,, sits* lide r Dlawowd, 'War doer veld redard Ilttesta Juumumort pan -FOR . . ' Jere, slt■V•O Os Me lhei bitweil'Ariek - peas gad Ituanitso. emu.. Taom aItAZ at Alar tOsoly Ls Ls ORM SVO•VO ' tovraSlON VW Is . WsStostof OsnsSZTZ Coellairissldo, Old Inns lc alowS , IRMO' nitsut=g=42l. fnla Clulusa.• • any soots ato mooed nos Is • IWv stilt. • osl.. trust**. bo3lsg.••OSesdaas•Orlniarhsam7 Sio l 4. sat 000klas Mom is a ino•I sistiourd...lllo ~ Sos.. l OO*llS Comm. wistrelss W 1 eon( Use, . Om sag no wisale Is solarsul WA lamas Ti. - SoOoOnlossibs •091 . 0 S el attar Is aaalta 4 bt IA MON VPO e oPOSIVIT SO ;IMO*. - army. sok tl /avow7A. to. lon. %re, .. . Rroomptem-pt revto,,E t,..:, ..- _ , 44 izi-i;.. "... *selltivirtfir:thil Salit:O . • • . e i ; : ~z' a lo Xlicellisz.. - • .; 4 . ~.... . AIM. Drizral. This,Ats fialul Lerr . 145 - .44•17. = 4. ..., 8 FZet510 Kilt se vio . 4 %,,. g von k imicrvilf• CNC*. art Os <atter tir .111, Alull 1.1 , 1 r. cart • - Tinotall , vent , t PR, Amend:frig to amber nu, *gen. inkleil 4lnterirsas. Ctrimut,leni •ftt . -41.14-.414 44.44 1113Jeferol elms, • • , -.MIMIC MIJ Mcir4Hrii,BooD. Orain Con Hon Mcrchaati swv4azaihrirr, ei 4isliirlls-41nit r ak- icor« t iiilnttalki. Iret At% Ix: Za l 42lW anai.Ml. a DOA 'ERE INUAT_HIENI.`- -, Freya dAiserieektliktrAirs xi.. so onto Arr., Alia:l4k i , •,:!' c., ,, 0r uxthes, . .019=24 . i 14 , 4"aik mt ora, la luta. at =ROI' - - 'l4liM Ell
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers