I 4 El Uitfsbmit GTOle Otii /SD tl733THilliAll. - THE SAGINAW VALLEY, '- roe?, drais of a Trtp-sssenistm titans . ..: ,KEirSnpr. EffITOVSGAZSDTS,—AIIOIN MO /Site some incidents of a. trip to this . , . :nos: Volley, by way of sadness my • sto ileaSsiplotra fund - of inferumtion - s sir valuable Pastor deity', furnishes to ' • -s r felleerschFrens of . ISttabarg,h and . - . • From Iletroltwe iirstas bay City, dirisi stint about via hundred miles, by no lwa ' • :Sou four railroads. each fursistting its own connector snd train sttendssts, . - s itoustli Ilse same Cars pa thronsh. This m.o.:gement Is eqrstay advantageous for :Ire commercial ararellar, desires' of ' , an:ening be. acmialetsuce, sad - the more 'student of 'homed nsture. - who sashes the hirgrsf .neseble number of, irSIS aubSeess urought in range of his . messrelnacreteepe. besides it is sterna. i "Seal unilso,nsolobilon monument, sell i onsets] tosteottts,theSaganersted stock . 1 I,oslerer s provinted spoatazor of =nine= 1 fall:eel stray-Ay. It la said to halo cn- ' banplatiou to tarry ant the principle - or' separation and division by making eight : neisid of font residue( I do net adOw I =,. _sins, however, - "no. I have noticed, In • .-. ureadisiesSise -.unique net-work of rail- roads 'VIEW diversifies the smeltery -ef , - sildtm, (where you have to change are . - , • end boy renew ticket, every firestailse) ' - tom, tins, like moat good, things, con be' stvordono, and that passengers are more ::rural and feverish than when lass- dire ; thrbed. ,s- ISS: ".7.• .4. 7' ••-•.1. , .: . . _ ' Bay 'City is a handsome ,' thriving . • . ; place, situate on the Saginaw river, near the bay pf.the sathename pn the western I . shores of ',Lake :Harrows Its breed .. • streets and the light colored. (or 'Mil , vrankett) brisk; of which Its host build ing are bath, make ICS . tbsteaght quite • ' attractive to the Fitiebtugnefe, -It hes 1 .tsle sell_fine hotel, with sit the modern • - improvement:a, a street railway, a skate , log parksand.Snue-h better, olds,waiks .• ~ t h an any Illinow est home. Among Its nnit noticed features are the: double, or . -Yankee sled., ow which Immense loads . ; : ore dinwn by very insignificant l oi = _. . Cansaianponles, the jabbering no s ' th emselves largely ,_ represented , - . :salons the weed-cotter s and. raftmen. .Ind, 10, the poor Indians pastas:tints • In cast Mr dress was, between slouch hats and buckskin hoots, loaning ;shout as Savage sea sick kitten, and' dimlpat - ' ruglike so much tobacco smoke your ; poetical notions' of bescisbelleeltod and ' :.. s - rhamed braves.: The staple products of •- - the valley of the Saginaw are salt and lumber-the lumber interest being in she ascendant.-: The . ; srlitocracy here is as strongly flavored with visions eat in --• Uptown- with 'petroleum. Without at ,tompting statiattoe,l may say that the - ' mill of Messrs. Sap, Manse et Co., of • • :Wawa's, epithet° Bay City, recently , . ...- - sawed In twelve hots more than three • -; hundred ' -add.'- seventy - thousand feet of lumber -say. twelve .• • --- -thousand doWa . worth-{imagine hoards one inch thick and one foot wide, - ' placed end to end for seventy miles)-a feat I believe ImapProsebed, though lids .. ' is but ensof the many mills which dot , the: valley" ttnckly, These mills axe I; II froze the Immense pito) forests which • - line the banks of tributaries to the S ,* ... new; furnishing Muller; of oneaceiled . qualify, muck of which. Ands its way 1 . eventoyour markets, Yourladyfesdars , . - alight' be interested by the log rafts s s ' - _lnane heressthey scs mach 'reetroble the isstoons : of dried fruit which adorn the t s , .rutul.kitekons - of•the Beystatbs State, ..._ t . only that the tie, instead of going thrones tr• • the log, is fastened to a pip driven in at ' ... the .middle' of it. Thins tbrie of tour muldred logs aro boomed:together die te ' and side s as close es they will Beat, mak ing a string, three or four of which, fas t". ... toned abreast, form a tar., which is - floated and poled along the shallow • stream to lie deetlnstions Some ides of 'the magnitude of this business is formed .• - front the fiettbat there are in the valley . some half. dozen "boom" companies. - S' ' (who collect the bps at the pineries and raft - them;) one 'of which; thessTitee. t. ' isawnsase," uses an of rope for. -. 6tringing /Las, (about the thickness of 1. : an ordinary walking stick.) some eighty s . tisousond pounds, or more than tho.ooo 1 . feet, or 120 miles. - - - ' 1: • • Thin immense lumber product goes to , . ChicagO, Milwaukee, Detroit, Cleveland, 1: - ilittEllerind the Belt, and to Cineinmat s • nod Pittsborgh-everywhere. Aocb . . wholesale. slaughter if timber must, 1 eventually elfbaust this pine. -It la now . ~ so fur away ion' thee:beams that the logging Is numb more tedious sod costly SS. than formerly, and within a few years hemlocksmust for =soy purposes be , - sundiented. It . is a stiffer hauling tha t , teethe?, Pine. sod already largely led's -iss.s... s • mend for that purp.Se, and tholeands o . . acres ot It. clintlpuitte toswater can new I' . -1 - . lw hod at government prim, and lan .. - conserve no better Investment fs.r . - Fine. 1 . . burst), - capital. in ten or fifteen yrs.= .- hems.,, when - Ilse fogies who are starving _ • : . Pitushitriih with a sransportation famine :I : are rarely under ground, soda eine a l: - nts Sr. in the Lilies le the Ohio beers s 'S -`vessels of cue thousand tone burtben to .t Pst-bursh wharves, -such lauds will ./. ' sominand a premium over present cost Lt to satlifs- oven a Sbylock. - • . ' s I. found the busy community of Bay City in a financial tumultt, by the Wilure of their First (alai only) National Bank, ."...,.... : .; of .whsith sou have Alessi. Asteessn. • . • =ant was depicted on • every bee. knots -' - of ma gathered in stores, betels, and oar ilia atrserennerss to discuss the =ma t: bon Se sore one to come of Shem,) and .. / one anxious to know the subject .on .the - ' bander of eurdesignated group 'aced oft opproachit. for the one, word hank an.' snared all his questions. - - s. ' , s- ~.: With .considarable difficulty I elimi ' '.• lasted from 'the confusion of the boar • ••.St •some facts which msy Misted your readers, The bank owes soufes2o,ooo to other hanks, besides large depoilts; Ar. 1 Ithaszmong its assets 4101,000'1n die. :counts, a 90,000 of which are worthless! , , r! Bur then it 'owns the May City Bridges s • ' (which the depositors have just taken as s -,, security forato,oooo same all stock, Re,- SSe ' being short only same 4150,000, five : - . PiStiLS of which loss will-'fall on Mr. It: ' :S . .... n B. Beni:dem, the. executive officer and „controlling owner of the =Usu. . ss '.-• To account for such deficienc a title ...:. l• ; -s, history =necessary. The sans cr.- ,4 . , ennized on the mimeos faished by tthe 5i.,.; Babkings Hansa of Gree n ,S Co., who is . endifig themselyes - insolvent merged .. mo t.: - theithusittessr in the bank, one ofithe Gretna taking the positicin ; of cashier. i .• To report as required by the National Bank law; they need some 510,000' - fancy '. S.. • - _ paper, being notes ofCger members • e, _ -of the Gralen.(sescal! family-Gm drew. .• S. . • erg bein wor th less their tailor's : s : - bills.carried &pretty full ihmeof shaky paper which they bad actually l . .. Counted. Finding that the Nationalßank . • system did not relieve them as they had . ',l's , lhoped,these verdant bankers cast about for an unauspicions monied man to"hus in," and thrlisugh the a ge ncy ores:7 , 7w: 1 "land t b .nc roke the r a of it the placep gmery lam sr. y_ d iii cus ip - . • ' andansnionleted such a one in Mr. 5.:16. I:- • - landing business. and reoeutlypossessed • ISor property worth some 4250,000, by the . •• ''. • deith.of his wife's father--anlionest, un. 1 • ' snapicionecitirans Pithenlacid that they . . . • - rnatusged , so well as to - sell, st,their own ~ . prise, all the asset., including-discounts' L ;;... " arslimisy-poper--evm the. residence of one • or them; et double its value-no /.. . wonder will arise at the present silos' 6. ' ji Bon. Much execration of the Greens is r ' 2 ' . indulged in on eat sides, while Mr. Den . - nlson, whose only fault was investing so " '• carelosslY in an Untried business, has ~ - - • the sympathy of the community. The e: mode or the bank aze probably anti]- , . - ;dent to Indemnify depositors, so that the .. .. . loss will be confined to the, stockholders. 1 . Strenuous efforts are being suede to rat... knseitste the bank ;under new auspices andoutinsgement, with fir prospect os ,meow, as the solid manor the p la ce are , -lending their pnwance and aid. - -In this 7 - COLIII•Ca00, knowing that many of your readers hive collections: Re., bens allow me to name the banking home of Newark JI;C. Warren Is Co. as s solid concern, - ' run. by .entsrprisbag, energetic men, , __ prompt and accurate in all their bust-- I , . • - East Saginaw and Baguets City are site -, I ;• . . - noted on opposite .Ides- of the river, tit :. ~ . tern miles shoveSaginsw Bay, connect. • - . ed by_ street runways, supporting two , I.: •.,.. msguleasent hotels , beside numerous '.'l sreConif and th ird class nuns 6, and large ; ... 1 , _ mad beautiful 'dry goods, grocery and hardware establishments. They,withad ' Sweat adieu, farm a beautiful and pop. , S I • '''' aloes 'city, wish fine wide•streataisnd , .• , aldesrallts. massive busbutss fronts end, Iseantlftd dwellings, and -altogether pre- 4 sent a metropolitan appearance, Suite • miraculous to Pittsburgh eyes, .when one is assured by Os oldest inithitant. • • . • that he !noire the first ground here only s -. • _ a s s-en-ten years ago, . The present style I • ; " . of Pittsburgh enterprise, under sinular se cirministnrems, would hate attained per - it: ;- '. •,. Saps:a „stisgallng village of log" huts,' l's- s usatimgin the woods, praying some its. s' • bought android legislature for a railroad. sr•• S, s &stover one fogiss ought to see Saginaw ~.s ' Z': - and die -' (If unablete comply with bosh es , t., s : - ''. : ssuagestions,l hope tbeyvoll ;on .. .no so- t omit . count 'it the latter duty.) • . . . . .e...prosninenteltY, to ofticial. Who r =oily . . , . : v4sitsdPstisburgb , wanted know what 5... - - ine_Pittsburgh milliotudresedo with th eir - . . - usassyssSaid he, sTheydon't build lull readssor enzabs - forsrant of wnien thcS, - s • sue fastioihig their trupremsoyin mamas - L. faeturing,,by jotting other citleesetZ ..... . - tssCt.ed them and. their trade; alai. i .lwaut4fy ark:wove their city', or even crld•-thosetabibeas htdidings-what do 1 .; -- nasty with' ins Why, lf they bads ship - • ;II ---f. _- mat - ter the lakes,' bow they could best s f- ?" ClaVthtlad s , (now approprlathag their „ ss _ls , . . • - Northwestern iron trade ) extend their b y , coal trade mut twinge= ohofm lake Supes .. s- .. • ' Ards rto say - nothing sheep wales :- freights 'to at the Northwest. Why . f - . they.dent even keep in order their ChM • 155.... Ailef whichisullyssibudtterite ..Sisr:s : s. • - mar revered commercial fathers and the ..,ir : .-_...- State ..Leseatnre (which' has I believe • is.- . s .' ''' recentlyT extemoralleeti Congress on the fl '.... subject ) for'emzedderition and answer if . —,„.;. Will our sooty genius Ind . j; • . - ever mitnineherin th at Cleveland = :mills= raw double ; time and in -satiate . capacity W heelin g.-ni strike. and .- nresnow. willa YnnftlitaW n • c r ' ; ',-"• , "• -: and Shariss mills, and a hoed of °thee 7 - -, -.ozeima ror tty'. merlyssajoellad iron Sind stgln from g „... the s . 4 ~.-_,_ ....._nlarbsto. - .• , lien City at less.than her Inactle - thenY •nothingof frelgbriedlaced to the North .--Slestee. -.s- - • - - . CAMPS, , ... _ . i ti• -7' i‘ r 1 ' . 7 , : ... ' -.. - I .:. : ' 5.. -, ' . •• MaIIMNENY COUNCILS Illontax—t *tat, sere= $I& Sawa A - specialmeeting ef the Allegheny City ConacEla „4, , 0, held Tuesday avert ing Jantucry at 71 o'clock, for the election of city allows. • or Li= /MANCH. Members ,presoot r Messrs. Slack, grown, English, Gang, Hail; Mothers], Malenson, .7. C., Pa:tenon, A.. Reed, Heitz; Smith, A. D., Weise, Welsch and President 'Mcßrter. The minutes of the proceeding meeting wen read and approved.. The Pork of Comma* Connell wan announced ortd notified the Chairman that C. C. wars ready to tnoet ff. C. in Joint session for the purpose of electing city°Steers. - ' • On 'motion, S. C. adjonrnod to C. C. Alter the hominess of the 'Joint sail= was 'completed; S. C. convened, when the following bush:iglu was tranSadsdr. On motion, It wax resolved to meet on the second and fourth Thursdays of oast, month. On mattes of Mr: -English, a commit . was appointed to arrange the desks,. redsgrz of blesSis. - Mnglish, Patterson Members present: Means. Brown, r, Cutler, Comley, Clark, Danhara, ), leer, Fleming, Geyer; Hanna, .11sat- Re,Rockuly, Kennedy, Runkle. Lind say, Ley, w, • At'bonald.. Weill, Reed, Aber, R chardson,Tate,Yoeshtle, Vi'hite,Warner and-Prealdent Slagle- iThe minutest of the preceding . meet . htth were read and approseo.. • - r. Warner, member Meet from the SI ward. being present,' the imth of 0.. • mai administered he hina hy . .Mayor D to. t a motion, that:Lerk wee requested to Vin. fy. SeleM Connell. that. Cnnuion. • nell .was ready to meet In joint "on for the purpose of electing city - JOINT SESSION. moils me( in Common Council •• her, and • wars called to order by President Mcßrier, of the Select branch, who Mated that. _they had met for the purpose of "electing 'ally Mite -and ware now ready to receive nominations, oommencuag with , Controller; after whith the following named 'gentlemen wareplaced in nomlxuttima for the vari ous offices, and elected by acclamation Treasurer—D.. Marferren. • , Controller—ft. B. Francis.' Sweet Comner—Thomas Megraw. -Aaalstant Street Coltonlasioner—lsaar Stewart. Soper Watir Works—Wm. Paul, Jr. ' Clerk of Markets—Duncan Dallas.. Weigh Mtuderat Diamond Scales--Geo.„ 31cNuity. - .• . Weigh Master at Second Ward Scales J. B. McAllister. - 'Wharf Mhster—jolan Blair. Awn., Wharf Master—R. M. Park.., : .. City Engineer—hiss. 0.-Davis. - Salt Inspector - • Measurer of , Wood Sod }A. Maxwell - Bark Clark to Committees—Robert City Solicitor—J. C. McCombs. Asses= of CltyTexes--R. R. Ray. - Assessor of . Water Rents—D. , Corn& _Board Messurera—Finst ward, .R. .White; Second ,ward, Wm: Murdock; Third ward, M. i Slxnon; Fourth 'ward, Andrew Davidson; Huth ward, B. M. Park; Sixth ward, „Alex. Campbell; . Seventh ward, Joseph Lounk... Official:Paper& in the English /az, otane—SiAzErrs and Dispatch.' - °racial Paper in the German Language -Freedoms Priced. . . Councils adjourned. The fo Rowing :are 'the Standing Com mittees of the Select and Common Conn• ells of Allegheny City far the ensuing - Yen., 'Finintesi—Seleet Council: Messrs. A. D. Smith, Hall, Riddle Black. Common ilotuactir— Maas.. . Mellen, Veisghtly, Fleming. Streets and Sewers—Select Council: Messrs. Myler, Riddle, A. Patterson. Common Connell:. Mtwara. McDonald, Hansa, Voeghtls,Geg. Wnerves and Lan gs—Select Conn. cit. Messrs. Reiter, J. C. Patterson, Faulkner. COMM= COPSICII: Messrs. White, Megrim% Brown, Hastings. -- . 'City Property—Select Council: Molars. Reed. Phillips Mall. C.ommonCoruscd; Mesons. Teets, Byater, Lindsay, Richard . so ; ' iater--Select Council: Mess. Brown. Hartman. Wettacb. - Common Council: &lasers liclieil,Rennody, Warner, Com- • ley. Poor Farm—Select Council: Messrs. Welse, Myler,Enttlish. Common Corm db. Messrs. 'McNeil, Cutler. Tate, Clark. • police—Select Council: Menem. Eng lish, Brown, J. C. Patterson. Common Codndl: Messrs. llockaily, Blair, Ley, Waroer. ' . . Gas-Select Council: Messrs. Weise, Wm. - SmOW,' Huila Common, adommil: Melons. McDonald, Ilastinvi, .Wlllie Meyer.t Meet ' - Council. ?Sewn Faulkner.. C. Patterson, Reed. Com mon Council: Messrs. Hanna. Baled, Surveys—SelectCouncil: Messrs. Gans, Faulkner, Itaiter. , Common Council Mourn.-Brown, Reed, Madan. Geyer. Printing Select Connell: Messrs. A. D. Smith, Wallach, Metherat - Common Connell: Mwrl Warner, White, Rich ardson, Ober. 1 • Appeals—SelootConnell: Henn Wm. Smith, Gwitui yete er! Common Council : Messrs. McDorusli3„ . llocindy, Lindsay, Ordinancea—Belect Council: Messrs. Weise, Hartman; Gwituier. Common Connell: Masan, Dunham, Brown,Com ley, Rennody. Flre Engines—Select Ceuneil: Messrs Phillips, Gang, A. Patterson. Common Council: Mears.' Megraw, Cutler, Dun barn, Kunkle. . • Markets—!elect Connell: Messrs. Wen. Smith, Ralter,.Motiseral. Common Coon eik Meson's. Hanna, Dunham; Cowley, Worden Buildings—Select Council: Messrs. Gang, Motheral, Wettich. Com mon ConoelL - Henan. Cutler, Blair, Maser, Lindsay. - Street Railroads— Select ' Council: Mews. A. k'aturson, Ifyier, Hartman- Common - Connell Hearin. Megrim, Fleming, Lay Richanliert. Common 6 trounde—Salset - Conant' Me ace. Phllilve, Reed - -Black. Common Connell : Masan. Hanna, Mayer, Vanillin, Tata. ' Division of Warda—lielect Council : Messrs. English. Brown, Black. COM - mon Council. Haulm Dunham,. Layjfastingu. • Preiddenta of Councils are 'ax-officio of all the Standing Committees. 1321= 'llaree trading lea htuanses in which Perhaps there are as many .abarperar engaged as illy otherlegitimatibusinwor ,that - could be named, and unless a man has had so r.• experience with horses, he and! better keep out of it, or, to use an old saying, be will "get his eye leap, llotwithstandlog thin fact brew erally knows': the "regular &alon , have very little difficulty in findinu i le• time who are willing to risk their ads meet and run the chance. *of ng swindled, Which in nine eases out Orterl is the matt.' Alegi:Man Strain had a cue et arsault and battery yesterday, which was the result of a home trade, of _which we have the foliewingparticulanc Jobs Owens; it appears, traded a boar to Jobe Sampion far two hum, 'either one of which was 'worth more thane the , one ?welled, and on dlicoverinc that be ! had bean chested, Sampson. by advice of ' ' an attorney; want MOwebe and demand.' 1 ed his horses and l the one he had re.' rived, Initial), it le alleged is worthless. Owens, it unlearn, is - not in the habitat: giving up a!bargain of which' he has the better silo, and ordered Sampson to leave the premises.' Sampson exhaling 'to go, It in alleged that Owens draw a large knife and meal:died him. Jamas Owene, a son rat Jahn. who woe present at the thae,urged late ether to eat thane - mu, who, thinking "discretion the bitter part of valor;' beat a buds retreat and made Information against loan °e enn. the father, for felonious &m eat; and Thratthe father and son Or surety of , The parties were arrested and he e hrMl .or a bearing, in default of which Jame* Owens, the see, was care. Sag walo iissarers.- . Tko followingdeeds were plated In the hands of IL 'Entirely, ran., Recorder, January 'MI, 1862: • • • , Francis Wall to Rest. Valentine, lot in Versailles tp., 00 feet on Walls amine byfeet $l6O David Sends to' - lreeph ' Orr, lot in Ails ' gheny. 22 feet on Jefferson street. by logs MOO' tO Charles Gilmore, two lots in Wilkins tp., containing two acres and two frame derellingti..=.l/ 1 . 113 'Jame,: Lindley to John H. 013rleti,lot 1 131 Scott tp., 12 sena, baildings...B7.o oo 1 Wm. Hone to-John llainnseastein, lot 1 in , Millin qt..: erneira. SaGo Samuel Hodgson to Hugh Connell, lot in Chattier* tp,, on Washington street. 23 1,0 101 feet ;.... ... . . ..... .:. .. ;.2 3 7 2 Wm. Stone to- Mary. Skit, one acre in . • 1110311 n tawnehip 1400 N. Ballatitine-to John H. Wilkinson, lot in Tanatineerille 1550 Ralph Reed.to John M. Herron, lot. In Oakland township, 21 feet on Permael 1 0 . 4 ) : hred= u to . Mark Healy, ln i tt. . Idteka . ..llWeek Eighlk, ward, 30220 feet... • MO Thew N. Wien to fjeo. F. Beitawer„let in (Solana -tswashlp, 73 Set on Centre attest blfelest. ..........1350 Chas. it. Lauf= to H. C. Idaelrell, tot t la Fbitit ward. 24 feet on Peen street by 100 feet deep. with buildlngs..27, o 9 o Sheriff Cul .to 11; BernetrelOt In Union VOL" • towntddp, with' frame house.: ' 13fe, limallest—Geo. Small and his wife, the 11032ilEet man and woman In the world, arrived In the city from Fort Wayne, where they have been spending a low weeks whh lifts. Small's ;anther, ex Vinde for Baltimore. They stopped at theilitaannsaHotal,wheretheyremained train four o'clock in the evening, when they lett on -the Eartenr 111. .fOr thqr plae• • THE COURTS. Commies rileas—Judgellellen. . Tr =WAY, Jon. 2L—The case of C. M. Tenati , ra. Isaac Charles, reportedveter day, was proceeded with. In the wetter of the petition -of the School Directors of Fawn township, in 'regal to ground for school building, report of yierwero presented and confirm ed hitt John MeCreacs. Hoary and Fredaricit Evans. Motion. end reasons fore now trial on part of plaintiff'. Following in the trial list for this day: 41. Jolinatonte. Shalz.,Danner • 44. Haney vs.Zaffercy. • 45. Ward vs. Longwell. -.4E. Hampton Sur nee vs. llieDonslL 47. Aiken fi Moliasters vs. Ininleiu . 's ers 49. - Union Skating Park Co. U. Ker win et. 'id. ' 2. Taylor vs. Sinelalrt 11. Brown v.. Stalin et. or. • Crommweth ♦e. lannbonch et. al 34.. Stone et. al. ws. Wlllock & Co, Slack:re Straw. 43: iinnebiddle Tx. Toting. Qaarier ne..l4;e.—loarelltame. Court matat the usual hour, tarto'clock; Tuesday. • Georg!, Idans‘ plead guilty to an Indict ment for selling !hoer on Sunday. - Adam Testing - and Patrick Fender,. indicted for aaault and battery, were wegilitted. LLoderoudants and prosecutor, Henry Butler, each to pay one.half the costa. . John Hnit Wag tried for the larcency of Marrying toots from Gotlieb Herr of 'Birmingham. Verdict guilty, nod oner.reoommerided to the mercy of the Court-- 'fferrium Straub was indicted for fond lion and hataardv, onsomplaint ofSephia Reber. The siidenee: in the case was rather mixed and contradictory, the prosecutrix telling different atories as to cur age, saolog first thatehe was twenty" three, next admitting •privately that'ahe WAS twenty-four, and finally testifying that she w.not quite nineteen. She was employed et the house of a brother of the deiandaut, in Allegheny city,, where the defendant bearded,- and, where she said she associated with him about New Yearn, 1807. For the .defenso evidence wee adduced tending to discredit her statement in airratal material particulars, but the Jury b lieved her as to the pater nity of thociallti and returned a yarded of f irca il r ty. PKeef was . Indicted for tile lar ceny of. pocket book cantairung money, frotu Lewis illind, in Allegheny. It wan taken from the trunk of the pr....act:dor. and in the possassion of defendant. when arrested, wen found thelx.cket book and in it a key winch fitted the prosecutor's trunk. 'Verdict, guilty. • . ' Clara Walton was .convicted of an assault and battery on - Eltrabeth Gerst ner. The portion aro married women, residing et Mansfield, and had a quarrel about comae amadalous talk in the neighborhood. A enrety case between the same parties was heenl by the Court, recisions in cookraptcr.- • Since the Bankrupt act scent into bpe ration-three hundred and forty-three pc dams for adjudication in . - tiankruptoV, voluntary and Involuntary, hare been tiled in the oface of B. C. McCandlesiai Fee., Clerk of the lJ sited States District, Court, in this city. - ;Thesa petitions are from the various o6Untieuembracing4ke Western Districtof Pennsylvania, under the jurisdiction of Iron. Wilson Mc- Candless, United States District Judge.. The number fromeach county is glycn below: • Alleglmay...37:Potter flutter ' A 6 irtnetroug. 8: Warr:s4—.l4 Fulton I Mercer 4: McKean.-- 11Bedford. ..: Crawford...43i 2:Somen.ei..: 4 Clarion I;Jonraorr.... 4 Snyder 1 El Cameron—. 41Unlon W e to;ore- t Wt n y d uas ia bDn''gQ a ~ it Oo.o:n...l. l _ Northurnled lend • Filaultirts .... 41 Wynnung... 4181610 6;SnlFr= .... - 111tontm. , .. lieolumbla -10 Greme 4: Lootug...l; Ilredford—.Ls Linntbardon y 6 nusone'an's. === tOrans Horse.—The Opera 'House is receiving the lion's share of patronage this week. n - otwithatanting the many attractions in the - way :of encasements now in the city. t lost alght the house was faced to see Florence in "Rory „o'Morcet" and from the amount of ap -*ease with which be was gloated at the close of every meet, it is evident that he healost none of his former popularity but is rather becoming a waster favorite. , The "Yankee Housekeeper" wasplayed . the efterplece. In which Mrs. Florence, as, the Yankee girl. rendered general -atiefaclion. To-night will be presented the great seneation drama entitled " slmrogne or. Wearing of the Green, - which was, wri len expressly for the Florenees,.and is said to be one of the boat - pieces. Reserve t sects will be in demand and should 1 . .13 secured early. daII7E3ST or Music.—tindlne, at the Academy of Music last night, was a de eded success, notycithstauding the al most gerferal diseatiefisetion expressed in regard an the manner laochlch It was produced on Monday night. and all, we believe. cere fully - satisfied, if not de lighted, with the entertainment. Many of the defects lathe stage mach' eery have been remedied; eo that a much more sdisfactory =v.:dation or the piece may be expected during the remainder of the wee Gk. nices Oixeu--To-day, at nine' o'clock a. to., the vale of seats and Har e= forth° Grand Opens season of thee sights and ono matinee, open at C.' C. Mellor's, 91 Wood street. There will doubtless De a great rush for tickets. Season tickets only sin dollars. ' Onraaces'.._EAßL—The contest. d the Orphans' Fair last evening for the gold headed cane for the most popular mono- Xer of .the Orphans' reenited in favor ofJas. McCabe, Eel, be having secured the highest number of Totes—a Issajority of fourteen hundred over hie competitor, Mr. CampoelL The votes on the hat,shirt and vest; Oar the most popular Raga= company atom! as fol lows at the close of the fair : Neptune, 83; Esgle, Li; Resolute Hook and Leder, 'Limp.* is The-fair closes en Saturday... extbasb setee•l Teachers IseMate. A. - Sabbath School Teachers Institute for Allegheny county, ineetoiection with the United and Reformed branches of the Presbyterian church, will bo in session today and Thursday in the Second !Inked Presbyterian church,Sixth street Tho opening exereises wW , commence this morning at ten o'clock. Rev. T. If. of tills city, will deliver the troductery address. There will be six. : sessions held, as follows: Wednesday morning, from 10 o'clock to 12 x.; Wednesday atternood, from $3O o'clock to 5; Wednesday evening, from 7:20 o'clock to O. Thursday morning, from 0,10 o'clock to 12 x.; Th ursday niter noon, from "...eat) o'clock to fa Thursday evening. concluding exercises commenc ing at 7110 o'clock. As subjects of the utmost importance to Sabbath School workers are to be die. mussed, had na some eminent Saohath- School men are to be present, we hope that pastors, superintendents, teaches and all lovers of Sabbstli Schools will endeavor to be present. • • Hammered Illtu.--Jobu Griffin made information be ore Alderman' Taylor yesterday against Tames Herron; chary. mg him with assault 'and battery. The partics are employod at Zug's rolling mill, where it appears they got into a imarrel, when, as the proseentorallezes, the defentard struck him with a ham mer and knocked' him down. Herron was arrested and held tor a hearing. - Gildenfeimy. of No. 45 Filth street, has sent us "Harpers' Weekly," "Putnam'S Tiontitly" - end "Harpers' Magazine." The latter is as excellent as usual. and in spite of all the new .crop of monthlies, its Editor's Easy Citalris Mill unrivalled. Coders Ladles' Book, as- good - and lei varied and with as brilliant a fashion plate as ever has been laid on one table, by John W. Pittock, who la P. O. P. 1101,11E8, BELL is CO., ANCHOR COTTON ,NEILLB, pre/salmon n of 8..7. Median asal 14gb =3 aIEIZICTINON AND Loll* m5t0[..—,.....»......3=3:Ma ICIEWARTS. K1Y1,114 . • . 'Wholesale owl Broil Rilbasattrato of Capper and Thee! Iron Ware, GoOKING 1 , 1 , 0121.nd 1111.113152 71.1.1LNL$11010 4i/10-UWAILL. triIETIN AID 'ln 1/61 : 1411 Mk 'No 110 •41TAVIILD R►OELI opTLaNti We Post I.Nner. sad No. 44 Vritat IITANZT., a rtiV "' • ' ririsstrnatr. JAPANNING., Fula! Asti ozmutcrri.x., fT WII.I.Lant *LLOYD' I Si. Cl. Street. tTlVsDlThaillio sA. Graeae Tea Cul Mal 8..1.0..24 4 orgte A. BTE'rTLER 130A8 & CO, Strass tolleys, ou etura Tuts, And WILTS 111.021 WOVE. of an &LOA lAndant MM. Fifth Ilndrel, Pitlnbar°, L L R, HALL" Man Dictum at 'EMU LTD DOICIZZIO 0101324 WboWA* sad dealer la TOPIOO CIUAXtI, BB 0 fr. eiTLS, T We* siTaya as Iliad. 114 WOOD rrairr. can Mester MINIM TlSUlnugh. Ts. bArty • PIA. XL IIIII7 - 72 ' Z ' Ih r ilS DALZEI,L it. lilt, . BINEDI IND BIIORIR q 89 an • . . d9 O Miter Street, . U 8 Wood St.. mar cam or Fife ii. - LAID Oa n- 1 - 7 UFA°TUR.KEIS, 1 , • - /....1 dealer, • - C' - D.Z •• I', GOVernMent SeCUlV.ief„ CA.III:Wi 0116 - .' L - - ! " a1"1"NU .'' • • bar. T. " 7 - .7''..a1... • K ?,."... i .. 1 7''',7 1 - ' : ' • I , tl G Ile . • Gold • 811•06 , 74 ; ..ei'L'f,:',:::, - .:;a:,.. - %.:..",t'5.':•?..-.72,.. , :f_" . 7 .O-..: Pa c• 2.,_!..5., , .r.,:r.nt t..• • 1 , . :., • . . 1 74 coupoiv; . Lett u.i.:Jr.. i•Sbitys.l.l4, - ; I...l4tai•xrd brands I .S . atoc. t :II cOacisf •..5 . , , ma. ' iimni. Ina anld Qal WWII tams. bran. send tbaPr r iit4....ti; c tse- ,.- " all 7 u . ' t Te2:l n as ail Ma principal Calms at /iguana: - Lard MI op., v..e ' lir.i: ' c .'"' ' ' - - ell: 9l OF INITERNMENT IECIERITIIS • Can MU. a reerrr OF 75011 TWELVE TO OveoPwenty Pee Cent; • commtivir emu lute ! Pacific Rjlt.FlrstPlirtgage . puidg. JAIES T. BRADY a. CO, • sewn Marx ILaLsoxp, . . Comm. Voiarth & Iroedi tinsels. FINANCE AND•TRADEL Owetds oven l'lrrsorroii dozers, - Tneros. December Oh Std. f Ceold amid total as IV, deellookto Shelf, and eland at II l,f-market straw The at. tempte of oncost atonCor• very feeble, -titbu way, and for 110 beige of thle inaitli the market looks . soots toward. a slight Leo thaw arise. So long so to do not .hip old and the, steel In Us Treason Is not mate Uy dienwootsg,ttre proepeets for a else are ra et allot; the nouns for the balaisee of the le eon depends on fast .how zany heeds; Ese ortll to Sohn fees neural! 'we aril Ink a dl tlea tobuy hack who( we way teriblOst eat to iLaniae. Geseentaent bonds were strong, and s.d. sauced Irani Xto % per cent. this afternoon. It Is thi same old course twitted ;dace envy there is Waterlog moot people. 'whenever the market Is ?flail:and up, coushicreble the timid levies to. big to Mfg the mallet jest such a lift as Is regulseil ler speeulators to tura the tankat add 'pasha a handguns hams.' •,• The stewlecterkei s .•streng. but is at • halt tender; • i• :' . . Closing flew Toth guotathoasi isealend by Ph.- E. Marta, Were AS (Wow.: 7P*: !ell's. 110%; 11.4 b, ISM Ill%; ISK /07%.: ItY. lostga console, lebytt 103741 . Cleveland Pittsburgh IL B. ot% Merchants Caton Exprese is Western Onloa TelallaPll..••••••• . as stc. Pitteburgh Port W•Trul ► Chissito Idt% Northwestos..itshroad-0mm05....... co% Northwectern-pzcfersed-....-. • 77. h. New TorleCentrel...• ..: • Pelt ' Ohio and Alleshisipplberitticates...;.... Plishlgsu 'l37h Corydon ............ 94 Quarts lo Qutoksilear -The followitit clothe were sold Tneedly cremes, jantasy tilt, at the Commercial galas noose; h. anithilaid *Met, by A. "Mo. Aoetioneen Teed cements rfattoual Bank • t 11010 People's. ' t 1 • 117 12 People's " on la Al lest:soy Sturpenclon .... et Patilli and 'Ansa [le islegraplEt7o • SO 00 i Eittalb. and Owsisellsrlit• E. A. Bonds. 717 -A Capital. front IS ashluttln sale Ova. Lo. Lou will Lain:oil:an the followisg rceolutlon In Mellows an blanday: ' I Iteroioldi That the Eeerelary of the Treanor, be requested to commtialealo to the Boom mie informatiortinbla pommel. eanserolas Loans by sap National Stoke la the (2111 of New York, IA elolattos or Catalpa 21 tithe Natlotal Uutreney eat of, map portirm of their eacital, In excess of the Omit. provided by tale act,. upon railroader mining stooks at listitious ealueet and weather he kiss infermation to his pamession that any celurs of adoh hanks are annoyed ln.rpeeniative operstlossatter. mock. watch lavoire the capital and .rad ix of Moir respective Institution.; led that 'hiovent ' of hie not Nang in posnenlon of the necottary facia to harden this LuLicantloc hereto Ism.• dial.' steps to true as examiaation to be made, and to adopt sash meuurea as will tom, lot *mortal:lca by said beak. with the pro vialana of the National Carmel , att. Ova. Logea should net atop bete. but should eak for a wsmetllog *owl:Atte" to get a het of member. Of Coogteag, of both : /locus, who hate Ultimata retalloaa whh members of the Stook sad tiotd Etahanata. and may hate, carhop.. wjotataccounts" eskth them. Much or the lisanclal .acs. re Conertes luohe a. though it arm teach to *Can: the pttots ofgold acd Wel street. Neither members of Uoc ..... nor bank claws: aro immaculate, and, while fookloc for dolltquente, a ”tcarllirr COsamittas^ sight Sad apeeniating amnbers •• well •J opeesdaidat book otteinv.—Neve Yore —The Chime° PrtiMon. pi . :Bandar, t•T.: The money marked to marked by no new fee. tare. Some few boosts report the hellos • tittle mare oomfolltable, but. In the Mee tears Is or let up tO the stringency • hlth hee m ean the Mimi teeters fee the to ee , rab er• eleta: Paper suljeated to s does earn ttoy. sad eons but the Dela am., butted with unexceptional colisherale Is steepled. --Sem the Philadelphia Ledger. of -Monday: The deemed for money is moderately satire, bet the .apply Of eepttel ts fully eqnstut the wants of bortorrela Call loam Ws rot/14 t. tamed oo good solistersie steal per sent.; the to etioo beteg the ran for net trans- Tbs range of disklailt for !utterly aretalsse menstamlal paper At ehmt del" is .741111 fromat.' par &anent sod meatless us made other good algsaturesat ICOI2 per mat. —The Breton coney market ontlone. the •Oanks, aa a rale, not oatl stand:lnt the wave of their reenter customer., but same cf ! Ulm tinter It heard: to readily employ Iran balances. Call leans remain Ittile per 111.10- for terns .ad non amounts on Gomez.% and other Al collateralq and ern elate 600.1117 eel acopteno at I and a somas rareett hoer eSi per cent., with the usual Tamer oraz- Imptiore ahoy* and below than Crate. Theo ceoelderable test elan paper clfstirff.whlnh 4..0 centerot on better rants 1142 per There ere anemone for the prpout 5n00d...1 of roots. moose wluett maybe 101101010111. /111/03 d/11.011010/OU of government 0:1101.C.4 the quiet mutation of the general torrenandleit sterkets..—Bortorn: Port. nth., Prrraistoisi ricruci BEET Onus of T. Prrrannas TVINIDA.T.4OOaarr 11, lees. I CRUDE Then are ao pew Stature. to the market worthy of spatial soil.. We can report • fair vol.. of ...am eregildng nealiterod, and a atetels !feeling. both 'as ro. garde peers.t uld. .fats. 14.11.11. MO *kilt prtaes aro that' ate pretty wall otamtalcurrii w. 'OlOO One a alasle late to ve., port, six Ithonwind for March ar.d April. eallipia option. ai 7.40. Sprit oil my be fairly soot. at TO, .4 all the year, bosses option at Iti,Se—tha last sale for that delivers being at that Igure. The antral, by . rail for .0100 doll past have beep j from SAO to a4lO bur.. psi. day, and shit 0. have no doubt amid be biereasal to COSS ahls le the 0..01 the trade required It. - Teltsiamo Isom Oil City ono. at d1.14411.1tL 1 I . ELFlNCD—Thsmarket for bonded oil I. I nalet andk 11111. doll. tisanah 0110001 serial ...So. Spot oil la • attade lower, bang ineted at =!,(241.0.141. thins are no sellers In {this =ask4.o. at Us; February Y still goo. tad st 2!)%5. dal. or /km hat, rwitisl. from Mar.. Tieseasher, Inclusive, Wie. 100 -March arid sem:wins • halt • cent oath aut.- . ..tient month. lie Slot heard of an ed.. to hay silt.. to klay.in. 004 Jag. id Aittg.IVALS.-Th. followiat .0 the 0001 001 . 01 " br th..ALcg ha. Talley ro.o l .1 as. Is Dolor 4441 LoCkhart rim.. Oil Vat. N.l. Co Ins Fuller d Elm MO It. W. 000140..... 330 J. 111011h111 .1.111 Total .91 • OILTUITTIID OAST ar a. T. S. a. • Rat. Ea. co, m bids fa. to P. Waght Son. a . Pi Sw.l.lp6La. &Omit arm., VP do do to P. Week! k Soo, tktladelptds... • OIL aIIITTOD WIT AT 11,IIQUOTIOS DIVOT. dily-n ituto 01P Alla bitolok I•l:kt.dottokl CROW , r aped to W.V.ew o. • - • . NOW Mork Produce igasleete City Te.les•Wne to the Potshots]; Ossetia.] 700 Yoac.7..lL—Cotton &Oland hewer and 4. to 140 lower; LOW Intim mid dling Floor—rteelpm 10,k65 bola and steady, tot lass actlremnies 0,%.0 bIU at SI segififor superfine Mato mot western; 5h.701310.03 for extra state; Plelfiall.lo for ex tra wmtern; 115,W/14.70 for white whe at ex tot. 45.7001 5 .1 3 for 11. IL thy 410002 for commas , to good tic.' lanais clos at •Collftwala 90101; 2Weacke at $1.M111,10. • Wye flour Mosey; seta 160 Ulla at W. 5009.110 ., Whisky quiat and unchanged. heat—receipts OM on and nominally un chsn ged,nales 1,0.0 bu white California at $3,11. Eye pal/Wand atesdy. Morley Megan males 155 hu two rowed atate at IX at tbe depot Malt In moderaterequest es7lo On at 111.1001,85. Corn—recenda 41,70 Mt and to 30 batter. and bum active. the scarcity of freight room materially checking the export demand; Wes .10,000 int at 01-3411.33 Inr newataect wostarn afloat; 111,53/01.31 tor new white •ootharn and western; a 74,5141.23 for new yellow 30115417. I mi. and 'moderately • active; salm • Von bushels at IMO for western In Mom and ileo L toat; sity,e; bares.* option _tolomit c h. 10111. 4;faigotb an r y.ua temiy.. , Bow d r Hine la nuchan is ged wad yn°freeitls s h sales of MO bogsheadvenba IMMO; and 6'n tomes 03 illevana at 1130011140. to Masses is • udan ad l lll o t s r 4o l oe o forr q fin u ed a in - bn o Etopa me quiet kt 31.10100 for Anitulcart. Pow Istousi—Pork a heavy and lower w/Ith galena 1131sarreal grOMIPAM for hiene.' Moline at 111411wOlarl 1121.0.11W15 7 for new mess, el Osing M.W.Mesahtfil7OLltarprinin. 811.7150111f0r pnroomeal Meth 350 barrel , ' It MX for old mm, • caller for Yeltontrf Ike la steady withealm of ISM barrels .at preview axiom - Beef harness . ° quint.wlUl; Wm Of Mo bomb at•eMAM2ficlo' /MOM heavy and lower witlaales ato Dont at /0010e4e for. Cumberland Cott Ito for long , ribbed:Motor short clear, and 1115(01150 for ahOrt ribbed. Cut meats ars tochanged. with sales of ferl pluakages at for aipmdersi mid IMelilite for hams. loaned boss are dull at IMlNfinfin fee wortarn. and pi).75.10. -Logd la mai". and quiet with eals• ornMtultrals at LWAILIy,,e. Bougs steady at, Mae for Mate: Cheese la toned M. 11 atsa.l .Yrelghta to Liverpool art .qlo.ot. Li Arm. ruswe ; -filtilmelosidtaChelllndif,"With' moderato danisald'fier.llUMMMand Sewer Vl: s r; ;1 '1712" tri le nl ag opon a- E rtir l i dth /Lyn nominal. Oats dull wr - 115j1 i snico foe: Weide= In store. Corn very Mtn at.. 1.320 11314 for Pere western afloat. Pork quiet at {14730'1 54 for old Mani 81140 1 3 UM ft:el - new -roam; 0.1.0 000 liela he mem at Cfl nothing doing for MMus delivery. YBeatfirm. whin a fair businesi Cut taulyandolat. s dong. 6.1.4,iy active and priors La favor Of boyars. Lard Mealy at 3150)11% for fur to Mum steam and Matto moored. _ i Clevelaud IllarsteL ter Telearnt; to tea rittthafeb Wasps./ Clarsoma augury 11.—Tbe Was 'dd. mead wee awderate sad plow; ! otietlasied staad7 !e quote at the .sethectai• MELble ' Donal; W :extra ortad SOVOOI4/ 0 1 dou extra red winter 1111:10,E0 double extra width lithifithAl; efethery Wendt were -WC. .i.e. below the than forms. Wheat; there' Is azi• treaeleedea • severest/ -sad the market , was aealsal , at. eaW-tor No. I.red wtoterillaollll4lfor No do; 11.410.3 1 for 1110. 1 welter. WOK. thew quart 0111/ a fair delesed for future dettrery. bat the legebTlorlarcele en thaspot was nowleal atil.olol, o tor 'N o sbaLled.J Was w> ;ales end the =Most sommalienglthe Ito. 1 /tate MOP the ethes. IMO 981st sad , stearlyst, 510021,16 for Awl from th e .for ! Barley seas» sad IltnaoNe.l Meta sad Can sella liel4 at $1,11 0; 00; to do irreirgl.r do& meld by .the ISM re t roletan sad gulag!** 1814 • 410,1q70e04eit190111e. =2 ornii as 'tan rrmiAtmonathvni, • . frommar; maw? 21i ISM There are no nesr features in the •general - - me OM worthy ee speelat nottee. *,llnabsees, eerier:airy, etiattrinii very daft; and the aaepen• don of.nesleation le telling gonslderably on oar jobbing LOAN., the BtOAll/Tille t Wheel. * and Parkersburg packets .bring a lame annountad produce to. (hie Market. villa Is • exchanged here for .groceites, dry goods and Plttebttrythhanafantubes. •. . ' GRAlN—Winter St heat Ie to steady demand at VA for And, end r_6s for. White, Barley la sauce and in demand, and prime Spring would doubt bas command •115!11,60. (bete in rather bellen amply but unchanged; may be quoted €4 , 2 ear CS track. and 63470 e. In Crete. Rya li In demand at M 4.701,4% Corn Cl owlet but Unchanged ar. YLOlllt—Their Is no improvement to hots In the demand for Finue, Sad while the marker ft qu'et nod d Uhl° dull, prices are unchanged at $11411.20 Wr 'Sofing Wheal; sol§ll,lo for Wlater . rennet, - nod V 1,50217,60 for (obey Mande.', Aye Fbillr-unartinged at thick ' wheat aplenty nod dull at 33 60 pc: cwt. • S'lLUVl , l9Ni.—itseaci. I. etes“ly, ‘eith re.a• lee •11:Ct LL 10)44 •fn. Shoulders; 12lie RI 14044 aid , '. , ,2163.(e for Sager le sle:g4 si 11 1 213qe for prime kettle rezderea In tiereee ena bet• rds, mai I 3 G)4 ,>a kKp• Mete' Pock. $22. Dile4 Berr.11:11,10, , 1.71'11:1-4 - lrane co onoloa !toll .14 . 1. In rattier betterlderen.i, :ad nu can report lat. at Matta, • • - $ ttiGS—llsoubt be votca *bare Oa.. SEE.DI,-Stull Ora k in VAL Flaneed a Is doranad at $3,33, Ya I.O7CMCZL Vacant . , ia yet.'" APPLES—lTbetels a coat ward fate note to. mind, and We car. rem:at...gnat latex at ISO 4,,L0 pet bht • IntlEdr rqurr—Deft, u . .th a cut ply larkelo Ii race. at the doornail but I.rom:ed. , Pomp, mak to kuoted t MSc and alaqtr Orr Mlle.. Apple., Wit, PUTATo*—pull but l urreirs, gni; toe continue to 413 ti at 5112410 pet . buth, untt taj 35 per 11.1Y-1s .elling !rap c_uitrp warsnt at 111 673 par toy, tat common to •tricp.7 pd. Timothy ultoiE3l'Es—Tlle riS , Firy market eon Ituem 401, 4netce mobil to the raw:tel. nlYlgatlon; k , ricec.honavcir..hava undlotycne no Ocrcattall change. iVe can moot It:city Moral attlyila of New f :!esoa Sayer and Illolatacs wl.Liu. the put fan. doyc, Lairioc been rciblf....l at Cicelnao I by ran.' 110MINY+41 gate: and unclanoccli a±lea to WI til., St m ry4tl wo, St VA. 1.4.:u0t • Mi . , ,consalell,blV, ,re-1u.11 . ..1'y tSa , ,111;mmtta au we enntlatte'to gee: c et 0,2 3,2:4. . LAUD 911,—Ise , 111qnbied by mattufeetaren at En for 'NO 2, and el l e9 fric o:llllS.3 7 '.Nque to milks:; may be ,quoted at fa per Mattel;' rlnurniro oa,o nO. • , to r 1 - ‘l,4:rnu 10 .1,. rlttaluriat ' ColOaao, lon. 21.—Floor dull Lad homln. ally anottaa gad at .2011024 roe spring roar. Whont ndo l .ind 704074,1f1a tar. at y2,10C2,12 Inn No. 1. flat! 4.;0V b L• 0 for No. 2, the L 1521- Lint oloolnietOrmly 12.0) tor N 0.- Corn— old fa chili 1.01 alaloot at 07421;22; 710:1 now 1* In metier: eprcalattve uftlnti and 211!,;c hlgher; sake •hi 2 2.1111KY.2: ,( bn markt, olChlag attottly nt E5212Y,40. 1./Ate mat oratoly ncrtra 10.110 • tunnr 4'll2G:or:it; nlOOl/15 Id. 020001010 c quotattoo. llrct It'etcd laud ik0m1rr.a143441.05 for No. I al'sll2 , son No. 2. It at. Irity ruero active. Erna nod 20 hlgner at 0,1.21t,r 1i0.2 000 0,62 for rojectOrl In arnre. ProY:mtonidall and auchasgtrli:ll,2l.l . Ort nom kna! at $1.0410,N1. Short ch,o' 1.1 :00, parted, 111 , ,:r. Sunlit Pn1a.10.11. 11 1 10 1101101111;11110. bl.loll/- oerel 5%a 1,1000. Urreal meets dull awl and firmer at MO for alexm roliorol. lireo4oo—Sata 10,14 flour, 11,041111 01101, 191101 On norn,ll CO2 0.2.2211.713 1,0 hop; 7,50 r umeecd ho:.. 5112tnent5 , 44,440 0215 11,0r.= Int 011.4. 10.0102 ha earn, 7411 m 0.42,11,320 4(020011110o. I.otifs !Margot. [IT Telltcratitt 4 , the Phi:wren Utoree,•l Sr. Lows, Janned7 SI .l.loetein has ad. wanted to 15c far 111.1 , 11itir tleflands. Flour Pi to butter deensnd for low grades, but 1 Wet:Suet uet gent oelT changed, nal.a Sort made at Chafe , for an per Our; 04513 far cclunf 5V151.0.15 for daunt. extra; 411011 for trebte Calm to funny. IV brat la held g rtnly SILO but t ollenif,‘ • utter runoil :et to tutu le t niltr anS 11,11 of eleanin. teat* doll soil lager, find tafra - .warn unfelt at Calla. ltulcY It, Sim and unchanged with sales at petulant wines. Moo aloe at Tl,7x rrovistore, th ere lona baiter feeling. ut prfees are n amt a ally , almhan g ed. Lard; bero Is a' rreotl eeritery, end pales were Motto at - 17.413,:e for C tar LIT kettlenne city Stratto rettolunol. Ike, DI notleog do ing and pC,'aO an. nemltlal, with tiles 154.1a6,75. !Rte. Ipsa-1.1.40 barrels flour, :Do ousesia abets. lit outeiela tan., awl e.hal ! bushels oats:. Exporle—nons Let:, t / Cl!itrsiall tn.+ 111.L.tr.:{4 ./,Ctt's New 011.1.7•111. Jan nsry lil.—toilon In mgd ilem*eit with salve of 11 tal. Of ddlinaii at 17817',4ci rero.tpt• of 4E23 bale.; esparto. 2,1r.1 bate*. Sagen in goal 4onianii and uncbatnieol. art:, St ;fret:- oat , rate*. Floor sett** and *AV alloInV; 411- thiC (1.t.0 lOr traxl.nrandsmrt.s ll d ll . 7,, ; cholca extra 1:41211,7.• Cam morn active tari aali *of tree. Olt* nochaneal. alai ile a lib Male. , of ivriditrn at MAW. Pars *toady r,atex; aboumvrs I3c; Wear **los 4310213)(c. Lied, in f [Lc rooi tyyro and' tag IfifilSc. b Writ* g, 15 ,11:, . Newirprl, Drg Geode llertei ' tny Tali irssa le alr . 11tisteirsh GI Nr. Teitz, Jan. 21:—Tbe dry Winds mat , toe has bean hulatiro Intioaneed somewhat by tea provalence Of a snow ORM. Tat •arti atrial' .Attantlc A-and laZ <llan lienl. Drown a:ire/Lanai. wici el do extra. 13% niantsatta. awl Kara-ova, A theacbeil Ma. Androsommln do 16.1 . 11.11.11 11n1:0; Mira rate; no; ;102; do. recodc data Pbi, 11!1 Saw -wit, at American rrb.t Lithoncs 7154 I'M for aid bed nevi Ursall thrcn ply Cerlads. CO; $l,lOl do. lawitioin so patnno, 11,1 a. • I ciseinnett nal keit. tat "f•dograt It t> Ota rattan tgb Un Go 1 etacrorgam . /an. 2L.-Pions unaganired. Wtioat dull at r 2,35 tar No. I .0.1. Corn ad vanced to OM tot ear and tan for t•hellett. Oato unyttangad. Barley gm t 11.102.10. Cotton and prlcea loser t tald•Illogt h s Set. 01 5, 5 - Yoga nucbang..l with but tow 01X0,Ingl Yeanlpta MI Pauli extra II" cs,to net. Prn•IP100111 dull. but co ch.go. In prtet , d act tatudi dnn e. Ldttl held firmly at IZIO4 for prime Ituttlo mitered. beetle steady at U. last daoGelo:%. Gold 1,3 buy. rag. Exchange, par to ta/ ,elooolantl pro• am= baying! • 1r..111%,11110 n•VIE , 11; CS? lack - mph Li the giftnadah tlarrltr.l boutootum. Jan. 21 —Tohsccot rialto of C. 3 laid., flint at no alracco on ll {mai er; Inc , it :300,40, 'brat lardtam Intl 57,60$ 10,75. gond ,ooul.nna $l,l;:drY,W. bright rapprre: 4:15 bay if, Flour; 17.1:4114.0 for earerdor .1i I anry. Wheat V.a1e.2.35. Oats a1t3.1 . 3m torn :SUN. liacoa; Shoulder, Mc, clear Sldea 12050. Balk St . .llller , Wit , . elr.d. Sides !Aril 12)1o. Mer. I'm k 03,753 Cotten 1421120. 151111•nultee Marked. . LS , Tete Melt to the rltteltheith tleeett..3 UMW/a rte. Jun oral . 21.—Flour doll; cite dnobls rxtra 42.750.10,1.5, country do P. 170 1.71; i.stra 0.7:411 21. Wheat dull, at OP'S for No.l, nod SW for No. 1. Oslo steady, et 6361320 tor Na a. corn ttan, ate7lS63Bs for or* sbcllod. ltro dull and nominal Li SIX; Iterelpts-1,000 Old flouryr.lo/ hush wheat; 3400 bash *tits LUC rush tunny N.O bush rye. Shipments —OW bbls Mohr; 1,000 bush wheat, • • IlaugpilLs Starket tric TcDere:Vl.; v.e. VII tab. Daze:ea.] Malcolm. January, _K3 —Cotton and Itvemdps, I,lDs Ibtsi ozportaj 2.3 •lbs. Good cotton very emir, none, dim amt unchanged. Viacom, dull; clear Shies /Vie Iddlle masts, data, nr. II ells %Or bolts round. Lord. 1P.014. rork, 'inner at ID; Cons, very scarce at 11(111U. .Oats, 71flibo. Day, uneliarlSoci at Zgiti• • =IC=O2 Ulf Telegraph to toe eltesbaesa (Wetted Tot.sno. .Tannery_ 21.—Flonr. • spring heat. 010,22. ' Wheat: atlas ember tt WO. Corn settee and netleei Islet new at SIQ 214c2 010 No 2 220; afleis , gan veer ftlX(l24e; new for:all the month. quiet and nnehnegell.at 6210 for Not. Urn; sales of SIAS. sales Clover at SIM). Droeeed More . • Phtledelphia market tat TOsarspit to tee Plitolauali , TattoueiTlitit, January ti —Petroleum, quiet; crude, Url.;C_; rtitnet4 lionil i t2y.o. flour ut,110•011,91 . for , western extra Gamily. Wheal m fair deitiondi prime mid. se 20, and ta whts it!. 2, 74 lire eells ed. a Sl. t $1.660166 1e : Vi i m qu o iet; !Moo .b d uohein mixett 'resters at 9sta 'Leafy It 76 Itlmaae Marker, • . [yr Terirsph ttv tb• Plttialitribr I.lAett..l • 11•Lt11tass,Jan.2L—IlourAcublag doing. ITheittreeWuts anti elotland vary tlabtl uuth.= aniguaged: Prim , Navy; prime ....DUO Osta best" at 75c— live dua.Vlll,6lllA. Ye. vluosoqultl; boa. MOulders 1 441111[1Q gqc: Muss r0rk121,7562.1?: XlbleSti Cattle ti/ Totritraph to tie tutsnortbassettki (Ilticaos.Janna;sl.—ilvabOirs doll note drooping at 13.330 3to ildtrOlua and 60 AD 07,24 for pad, lots• cussed bogs doll and 0100 lower, closlog nominal at $1.3 3 03,10, oivullog on U. Beet cattle doll and do• Drama at 64,12!404 30 to; batober's stock. Clnellatall tattle Xarket. tar Te [wept to the Muni, eh ties lift.. Cierceerett, Jeri...U.—l:Sett Cottle doll and 210 lower, and the Supply Is eaten entail ers. $5,3146,13i .extre, shlpplns, $7,504p) Inteep Ono. . • AL t f,geltptli CIT o r ELECTION " • - T. 41,23.81. NOTION. . • • Yefol lion of the Committee Oil TOM.* 1 linorMelin, A ha , the a kudos Boards of men Ward are Amony re, prowl, laitrantan torn. Olaf, .aiiha,:oculli• municipal el.:Woo IA their :'VP,7 c',.1 4 :?;,17 Vrtgirrl7a7.l , 0:1,t „ t allegMar. tllleptia Of MIS Coxmoo,. MOM mowed mltqle the brionaa of r A .lAT .TA IN: SAIL 11v,66:11, Tea Lily Cod.. roe 17, pert teeteri I.ol.o;rilinlite• Irlaanfir . ., - • • In mililtatiN. Cleft. . WEST 'Eonn Com os wu tz o ntl . isrum. No . amot er a PrIPE MA VATIC% •• W. A)))) ' 7O s h , 111/A•ANLI.Iffi MC! irif•D_•• ionts e , 3 1 . 7 9zota Dural e.swy. *juju, IVErv\l 7 .'sr FLCALICIAI Mamie hi itiew Sold mo.ea at 129,4. CBI TeeirmPato ta. Mahwah 6asatia.l Nay Soar, Jan. 4, M. • . Nom ism SOLD. Money piarket very easy at SGG to broken with lary,cl amounts cfferad to (4ovetapaellt bankers , at 4411, on call loans. Sterling quiet, bat arm at. 7K,1371',.. Gold dull, Op°, e.,1 at my,i, declined to 1.1% advanced to and elcaing at .d asked. . GIOTTIINNILITS ACE:TO .L 1 Enz. Coupons of 'i1,115;.18114! dO of 262, Ilok;4110!4; to of lM 10fliel4 00 of 'O5, 1C.6.7,010514; do nolo 100eiviA;; do of VT, 10 , 3%ttabli. TsLn•Fortie.s P. .fOlO3. Ton•t ooldes,loP,MW,;. orocr c active and firm nearly all day. with/ shil." ranee In prices, timing with some norOn on Wee to realize. New Tort Ce [rat touched I.W.fd rale, N. Nadeau, ilia • log priced: t;a.nton..fke, , :htsS i ,4 Cumbeeland, 3,,,Go%Adama Exprois.l.;; Weilteria Union, Zeigehrii,gt .iimerlean. baric; FrNitod Suuton.7FA679, Wohn; 4fit.talnynicknilver t 3'4,1,53 ‘; Murtuornt 841 W. racier 31811. ls74oltn: At lon tic, 961.440t6;it Woctorn Uniftn;...17.1(.611M; New Tort C.ontral. 127*- oiMir Nrwt• :tiViCI 72 74: Ruda°, I4hhltl;4; !Inflow, /240L6; oa pro jarred, l^3: goading, tUtitaire , ,h lhato Cori Mentes, 3i50431; low], 45tithiSt ht. rani. UN; Prelezoidi ..illettgan central, httchluno Boonton, fr1,2(1113!,; 1111000 Cen u".l.l3l!iell3l.?,l:ratteunrib,..l.%69l,7;;;Toledo 104,41teiCL.; linwle Diane, 94",hOGN: 'North Weetoto, CLOwt,Cii do .hlrefett tot, 7 . -14t172 ±i; Wayun, LihtcOott, Wit Lid Ina... ELY.. xmara .jmusis Qnlat ands trifle firmer. Davidaon, it Ldgo 11111,385; h.. ' ..cztrrs - of ea't•tremory. •1,941,614: p3yrnenta, 11,194,497; Tatum, $1¢5,60,107. • =roans BY UAILROAD. FAssasu.s. Foss msTnk 1. °moan° lad., Januar,' 21—eta Cut, metal, Bryan & Caughey; Guars Iron ore, hleantaht, Porter A (lo; tuo Grad, Bennett A Bo; ZS kg. lord, S S 219te10; I hls dry apples 2 kali • apple butler. Barley; a .Iterae4 hose, 1 bbl eggs, It kge apple butter, HHes Jr; Id his ebeeee, 111cEal & Br. ; bale bueksheat dour, Volift &ON 12 boxes ettersa, B Jeans; 2.3 do! candles E Ileashetou; 19 ;km rage, atoofrey & (Pork; 21 ears Cron ore, shoeubersar & BAB; id. ebbs flour,C B Leath; 10 doz brooms L 2 Blsbautto; 10 do palls.lo do tube, J 6 I.lll.vorth x II 1 0 hhls dry IIPPRS, teoll, bee A 001100 bee barley. Spencer & ale • Kay; KW tibia flour, Eirkpa•tlea. Barron A Co; . 4.12 pr p meat, J 11 Pet b•r; Ms do do, Slllele & Co• ' ICa We flout. J Ltd do 1..05110- tualeerla 1.00,0; 000 do do, S "Andrea Jr A Co; 1 ear ISlllfted, II Sehnelbaek. Pr&ry aoLnk.CandlaJC. a lligroibroon Joon. 21-4 cgr nitg, alcUetry 6,110.1:1 do hgl'. 11 , J Alick: Ido do,E .7 Tab . r; 1 etc enat &Rows Long 2 obelm: I do do, lit art ',Het: trryl 11612 Worm, 1 do real, grolgt 1l uo; 40 do dour, Solna a. elan 72 las oats, 15 , do Gorses', 2dglicbry S lltrod;7 d / do. Solna 71 Hof 10. k. le, Ido Ned, Islrkottrlck, Herron a (10;11 aes lard. Haloy d Filar,: I ad dry OPPlca 1 lig lard. Pottla & Negrito: Rd lads' dour, alto maker Lanz; 9 hero dolma 11Td• a Soo: 1 tam boom, o f t t Renshaw& 6do do, J Porn/I'- 02H; 11 do do,o 00H nil, 22'022 0142- Net, J 11 I Oar/tor:4 0120 tow, re.ser & 00, 4' t" kegs F Nene.; IV) ram &mtg. 41 du ryo, 10 kegs lard, 7.1 Ibis dry Hug, al 11 1 Rankin. 1.1.1t - CL.,:fr ANC TITSAUCS4II' RM./1N .14.1224 ewe Plc Ron, Nlcatek a co; 1 do do, (3,20'. LIST. a 2;41; I do do, .1 'Valuta Ir. Ho; 100 du, llllmocl h, P.n. a c 1; 3 do do,/RV. a rougher; 2do do, Zoo Co; Ido 410Shoen hewn a Moir; 2 boo gbier.2.l2, Fsboorioca 112: 10 eg,lthrg tobacco, E. I; !Aare paadlef. H It a J H stayer; 1 do *calm. Fair banks, Morro a Co; V 1 itr clove:Ned. Meaner list:lan:4 do rye. Scodrt a .3 loan 11 Pea old Iroa 11111maa. lialan Cu;l car caru,3l J 31.20; 101 , 1 RA dour, 1! 12 32014104; ild boxer aces., Sholooker a Lscol 00 do do, Wool, 310.411 a Cl • Arr. attros Varurr It U., January 21 C cats ril, 3.2 Wilklar; halt dd, Lockhart It Errs; S. do a1a..5454 llef A St (lotto do do, dither A 1144,S do do, Ii 3r..5a.45 so; 4 do 64, .1 6loab-111160 aka oats, W Thoshator3l do do, /0 do *00,6] do wheat. 21 do Com Scctt A Mutt 19 du rye, aC .1 Meek; 00 an do, .1 tilooat 22 do 1,, ait Bic, tom; 160 11,, 00,3 S Floott; 11 de dn. J 11 ShUnaker; 6Us de, A 130100; 21 du oats, .3 lletsr ; I car costal, Mutual. a. Co,; 53 Ibis oil, Luck art .0 Crow. • . Acusacros STATION U. U. Janoary 21 II Sea rya. 0 ena & ICcourds; I dream, Acs. 14 Tartu 4 421 as, bailer Sua4 6 &Ca; I .h. 054. 10.1. cord, liers4dr A . I. Ltilwv; ask. ccrotosal J era , ts. 40 d 4 do, Slowly: A Issastribetca. 1 JOl,ll, lin , . is P. V. Ir. I.Liuli•W JJ.C.OIt ANn..lao,l• . JOSilta 111109FS& CO., ~riisters, AND 110 P DEALERS, Stt rer; 11 :,!rtel, RATILEI oa:c. rxrrmn• E,11.11, Ile , trerl , ll rirlor Gs* ■.II II liar • Cl - F O 4l-eia k . k• N. If. . It: . P" '723: vi,511 EIN Nary I)4ex:4:don. 4iTITT; FFIMITCTIE I T.:riNisincelp., rt. 37.1i1. L017.":41 . us_lll )./.111J,1 1 1., V. A. . C. Wolrm. RUN TO 4 il EAT -t;ig,.'tW ERS. EIaCKA'AI NONII ‘.1.% BOSE of Lime. :uper-Pliesphate I=l 01E8 CO. THE ALLEVENY ERTi .SE W/1,01.) & CAIPBELLi 1= 01:11a, 3.0 Pen St,, Pittsborib, Pa the beat lavartllVlva ti Cre 1,1 reclanlaed ali Warmers art... aVeaft• Itarnot trlal, I:. Do Ina ttanaarl fur Wiping Itra• of M 1.., Hie, Oats, ars, rotatota, 4e. r aft bomb oubllalked or "ratan.. eitmatkat a oatoChlateostahthllt ot-gesttog and vt.ratoe atalaankn<Dl ISIS Vera Warr, top!ey of stile .etti,be mina In. to aty adIPS a athafe ratrao/i. Pitt' tsliDtl Gil 111 POUTING .110 U =I SCHMIDT & FRIDAY,; 11241POSFZII9 OF GERMAN, FRE.; CH AND SPANISH WINES MID LIQUOItS, 409 Fenn Street, Pittsburgh. ()cm Ittt..CI4WIDT baale . .eteracd from Eu rope, bat sou e larat mamba... sod fmrlecatd =RV.... Plan tba foltabtag ant eu.e r. Aalse•Cbmi•Panc. 1. V 6..1:06 J PIMP Ind CO., Coin aa Panama.. CO Lett IKEILIti late. •. • • af••1. 01 1.. V a l l.; . pain: XIL/Iroilals , atrobotr. • Rho.. ' A. li o • P. alfttnd ielt • 0., Crcomach, aptatannt • HA. tl • • a,. ra all. toes. ' 'A U rlttiVer tAtflr'jnaelliVl it`ta' Uri ron.bantla on band: Haring of Hamad >if trarmanl...tth ran d bona, we am Cdo to mg. a tar choices , brand of WINE.K.a LIUU/3.1. namlaallon nuallta sad r a mpart.. OS let Wattled. oen :am .TA'7SBc:›ma UNIVERSAL WASKING COMPOUND. ►a z laCLi r i W pIIerAILLTION • . . We We new le Whimhawing Ole esloabloweretele for etcorielne veep:ries, which we here ihnildence Will eive r entirii sattellceloiti HOUSEKEEPERS, PLEASE TRY IT. With It you ear dare idle/tot from Ore. to dye hours* bard labor oath. WOW board, bead.. Nrr 7 1;i 1 147,Td1714 . 1t fo InvoYeable:' been's* It Cleans Mentes/111y and make, tbew_ Wispier. It lo also mere for eClf MUSING moult:. Andiniti 1111311 ES, la' lb I. warranted to attll* - NO LLI*E, or other taferfoes artful. /or sola n 1 dlitti . pum a aud dwitioutBSa reartslli. and whole sale and retail at ear Wien and sialltabodont /no. ID Jr 0131 TH lIT/LEICT. 6 EG. it. • LATZR 41r._CO. 7 - JOSMHZ M. GIAZzAV m`MAIMAI. 3OII3A7MLM a: M'M ASTER, °Ali AM & BUITIRFIELD, Attorneys & Ceimse7ors-at-Laws Alb SOLICITORS IN BANKRUPTCY =I 003 e s. 11l GRANT ISTILKET. orrocs.M•cAtazalui: IMEGIO am. O. Cant.... a. 11. 1VAT1L1115.....13. T. SAT 1130111 VITT CELT ' CEO. O.OLARK & CO.. MaaLio.them 73e1.11.22 so. ilos LIRICUTT 57.,• OW door • Dula. Pl.toureh. • HOPE SPICE MILLS.' aiiTl 2 / 1 RV , ATErzxs, 17.111;:g :At.% rYkru, Nos 32 ono IS VJUltiss cztto bUrrh. Mat B.lfty, UM oval Rod OVAL Coe% Mool solool2 .2 bald. LO Grass ravivia n g . 745+4 lb.! t T!Y 9 4 2 - V. l`lllDt U 1 ill guii titsak.S. FULTON, BOLLIMAN itaautuntre Ller. fdl:111 111 Ts.....en•came. :14'4 116 Willem: , Bt. Lail or ME RIVER' NI WS The weather was .rul,dcrably plder yester day evening, and fears ware eat crtuncd that another "cold .yell" was about to se: la: Sev eral Inches of show tell on 31onda which; wllh what was on the groom! ••fore, made folly go inches, and if this should • 1);,. pea to be taken off nadvily by rain, we re • look for a flood. . Smitten WWI entltsty suspended at tha shut. as It is in sash a slippery condition as to render hauling hstisidoUti and bender, the napless kot condition of tha.weather has a ten• dents , to teased out-door opt tohlont. George :McNulty, a well known steamboat atewut amd‘cvik, was otillonday eight forste Dated, by thoAllacheny Councils, ss tha Re publican esodhlote [or Isslghinstter, at the Diamond seeks. 41E: AleNtllty, no burr no doubt, will mss.Sic rirellett treightuaster, and his election Is hot-talc. A telegram from Kvanerille to the einel.'ol Commercial &aye that the illticra of tha Great Republic claim to have passed the Richt:send, under way,between Lotaevide and Evansville. The following steamer. arc row at Bluetit I Hall, rwalting more water sod !satinets, and less 1m: IteloW Race etrect—Towboat• tillp• par end Wild D4ek ii2d ' bargee. Between Mean and Ludlow—Leonora No. 2, Clifton, Sam,J. II ale, I}. . thompson,llav aria, Joh o FL ilboesbeck, R. t. llshlami, 'Nell:wile, Sham. rade; Yorktowc. , dbnry Erwin, Cattle Wil. llama, (proptiter),l Potomac, Chanipion, Anon, Atte.ina, Arnoon, i Belle, Mary .Amens, ands ferryboat. In Licking meet—llaid. Eagle, Alicj Dean, Robert- Borne, Angle-Saxon, Champion No. e, it:alien. Buhl!. The Night ingale Is .1111 on the dewier, and the Iteetwohd, An Latale, Telegraph, and St. Jam. are !ma Up ha the Sea:en . ..lb Ward. - • • Tlta Peale. and Bertha are laid up al .7e4. i i , Isra nvIlle: the Atoka and Berthein Kentucky rive ; the Edinburgh In Aluskingum river; the (Alt No. 3 at tlalltprimi the LLIMIoli• at Polle e., th; the Bove N 0.2 at Car rulterall on se es" of lc:. T n following boats are laid up at Cater: Ida, Rut .AL S. Aleph., lialurnivan, 11: E. Ful -1 ,e; , IL P. 2 nraer, Allay hlelhatald, Floc Hart, 11. hl. sine., Hero. Commonwealth, stonewali, A - lanst• Jambs, Lallielaaa, Conti nental, Kate tiorr.ni; Bella Mmisphte, ramble • liy, Ocean Wave, R. C. Gray, la'iscrim, Kate Klaney, Luminary, Lllscity Nu. 4, ana Glo gm, 0 T0tai.2.3. • • r l'Ke A - meitie, Charmer, Emma Graham and Baltic Itibscrt• are laid hp la Moine Ni r, and the toiehoato Leopard 'and Dirac, nr a; the mhuih t I Koawha river. The Dick Fulton arse at Memphis on the. Oth. * She IettASIS/3 buthelsol coal thete r and proceeded to With ao,o,lbusbtia.' IS. learn that the U. L.. Hodge has!aireetlY lost this. vas do, in the Memphis and New Ut lean. made; Oat, , The body of Capt. Geo. NV. II trtom.ot Iron. too, who was lost on the hairy Peso, has hat yet Ven found The Odallipode Journal eas• that J. ALL:eta. /01.1Z , 1 ILL t h e near, racer hia I addicg, rho lungs sod todu, wh.ch lad the al - pearatee c f . roisiag bet: thin Intl, hell 10,,1ty by the' upward most-merit of at me Lard sti,ataoCe, mot, as two r. eotpt., the property 01 . Capt. Norton, were found la ato ned:lan With thosame, It Is lhostght they may belonged toilk. An Eganaviligi telegram. cotter dote at the 17;13, has th e tollowthg: The litehmood a,• sired at , and the Great Itepottmet lb m. /loth added largely bore 11..1 had . larg• beesgements at Limokrette Mod rat. -Vernon. The °that 11131 NC Maine en cure ;meted the litatreond ;ulcer way. Toe Itlehranod gots hat hods totoageJ at Henderson, sodslo,thu aaeks or 'torn below. ,Sho took 1.0 0 emits earn end 1/04 head mule. here; 'also, sal Vole hour. and e iatge lot ul port tell lard. The Wee le tui, tog soothe:aid again. ' ItepietenieLicee of CI the tteenteeutt cow: peons of Si. Lugle bite Petra fast se at co, areas for the pulpits of ^Freeing Upon et Om- Ism Splits of °truing 00 tho tntstseellut boattre. 'Roar ounaultaliuste mate. the intjtet of wasee•ttl ever y other cater tit Lt their t, In the entit ituteuteement of their vessels They eveett tint the movement Lea lung been • tat ...IV 11f 4CI . to lighten expenses. &Swell as to smile other ielptUrerneans , . , eisplato bra flare. pearled throtagh VeMPhie on c edotedaP its:, 114 root. to 'LT./Um/11a to centact (oink . 1 the bola to Le built far the hliace.trpt Valley Taiwiewattoo company. Asantoneents are beta made In A wan. stain...lion of Si. L.atte ad °dela pack et! far 15sn't It wilt be atmlateklele. The Nealaville Garrher alga The Upper Ctimher• rend packet Oyeepany was foil, organised per- dal. 1 , . IZII.B of the tilt ltueoce, A. Baker Llett,raphs and Umpire.. The tit. Loud. Reptddican latns from toed. •utr.o.ity that the Linen. low pretense kWh .OOllO 111111. u 1..../ the urencg. of nuelettion eons ceps, neat la trade between that dig ad New Osleaa a executer packet. .., We teeter to lee r that esparto Robert 11. W knurl, the well known Clneennati wed Now o,ltaa pilot, ateltatelly slipped no an ley pavement to ()artisan. on Weticksday nigh. breakag 1.1. right let at the ankle. • The stains alto Idly, In the /Ilene tires er a a tensed bl a storm. A bearDetaral of, wg blew the boat mama the rocky blur Co Nanealtsh bar, and etere to her mde, where see 1111.1 and ankle hall an 10ut...A number of paraeogra were nu board, hut tar ad the strew escaped early Iran the wreck. The Creserat, I. noting rim wood opea hilbl tn et th e Newairle an fair, are: "Then Is • wad Lae wltual ought to attract the atten tion of great boat builders. lc le the same wood la appeaenoir Ilia the mutat woml, ter the light talc's nortlf which dip on the brake of-the hiamainpl when the st.neet cafes.t I It is eclspaistlrm SS light a • lather, and l aid to Le etre/A:sell' Curable rod 'Wetter. We were torl t y • ...tears men Chit • yacht could be tout or ski. hood or oroederthi au.. has, what, sapid beat the weld la • rare." The Ltaileetile Democrat ay. The 111th. or got al Era" the 17.9 , arctic Oleo", w mo ash wits reahlppea from the Comarlathi. go .dJtttoC to that elle rot at EarteePle keno es et corn and 1011110.4 of mule., The (treat Republic ale, mate later adularia to her Mika let at Abet piss . The Atiekatcod• Lli Urea Republic will no dead teach New °Darehalt the am* tithe, red will ate. arras the. motel freight tha was ewer put 1 cr ter. o,stc. We take the r.. 110•101 (roar 'Cho Cincinnati Upside ursto• ateanabdats to eat dower their tablet spenarrk As we remarked ca Salardar, lbw nut us. tulna has teen a hart ape La Weamboale, for' reatoca. Ty moray ehuuld hereafter be the order of tea day. I.lner•lity Le well ramer, when lt earl ha afforde4 but it Cal.ol. be •ff fried the totem,: eras.. We oiled make moor t...t this canneettos, rut will istsid call Ids followlagt Cat doe. as table expenses. Why elkeit'd a sfesmboat, oh. roll:tern days tap Crum New Odessa to Cincinnati, with only twenty P•ollenigtril, be expected to ken) • better table et two dollars ter dar, and transportation tote, than rt gret elms hetet al , lour dollars lice 4.41 Agabs, why ebatdd a steamboat Walsh three meals regularly every day wheartre hunger of travel. ere wi.thir. exercise only InUnt• MVO and • lunch. ' • 1 [lfy T. legrseh to the Munn eh tianute.l totnavitte, Jan. el —The river Is falling rim+ ly, wan S feet 0 Inches In the canal. Rear net. January 2L—Weather cleat on tl [Old. Infer fallen two font. No arrivals or II entittireg eigernleeal Paella , . Upper St. Francis frozen over. isTEAXBOATS. .1./' 0 a NAtiIINIALE.—.._.!......N The 606 .I<statr ' CAIIELIA .. Clot. Wm. Dz..% for t - e stove sod Warmed eta s Doris 06 000 nue•l•Vor nee Ix 41` , U• !Or frelabt or - passageapply on board or to • a:1; 6 J. 11, coI.LINSIWOOLIIAgrdia,. JOllla FLACK. jals Jam. ct/i.t.tort FOR CINCINNATI anda ibia t I..QUI•SVILLS.--The notaodld Ipd swift steaer sTes IC./11,NoON Cars. rout dam. W l ." • C lVs.lftft ' or loot of Wo,d atft et. Pa/. Fos FT. ‘,ILOUIS.-Tli_p li aa stoptar Str-S6NCIIII .....Gilt. date Data, oril.V, Id; %bayed. OWOE6 of aarlaatton, Tor frelshtorDpamFa apaiw board or to U COLLINS& Baba , tit.nUlit W/ NEW 41kLEANdl i dS ci t t—no Ono nesaate LEONIDAS. Capi.JAUZi tatilDo lenvo .0111 opening a navlato Yor freight or oalisagmgonlv tward or to der FLACK CuLLilitiWtS)D. /units PENNA. 2ALi 111 ANUF ACT URI! Cte 2.l.ttailbarer.4. OM MARBLE „MD 6LATE FiASTLES It the FUI6u6Y goo lerhle k h4te %AL • • • OMNI mud Wtretonm-319 and 321 LT132237 11223 Xr. 1122t1e .W3x2room os.tooad loon. Venous stating Warble or Vista idantleii i:ditto eel/ Interest to c•Il. invianansniP pot expelled in any place. And preps is low Is In ranern elites. Marble Mantlss Deletivallura 51t1 whin, Cap, bee.••rtle due lend Dv smoke. ols oe tilde: era be itarislennelPnnd binds to IDok ne will as nes. • There In no Dinar pltn Diet Yeunspl ”o la where Piste 11 s net ln• p facto red. All kinds of Unroll Welt Ditto in Ito best is saner. , liseble *'attar. supplied IV:lth nairsd Nunn,. Isatorn pilee;i . ca l rog= r. oonnellT • • JAMES B. JONES, • Strap Iron, Light !Iron 17 . CUT AND' . ..Roman? IRON • •tato.. Cantor Asdrisaa 'Mired mitt My - A v . Alifightay City. " • LI.A2ZUFAC GRAFF, MERS & CO., 'UKOYACITCILERS Par,fioev and Sheet Iron, ViiOl3GM" IRON IBEIN Vglaa TUB YE .a.X.IRSCP, OIL ELL TUBING, Mee, No. 98 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, • A. GARRISON &P, 00 4 ioundry, NUNOTACSVAN ANN KID? ON NANO GRUB FRONTS FENDERS Furnace and Oven Frames z). moor s FRLIB:;:ACE BARS, Coolring and Heating Stoves, 111==t121•1 I= 209 Ltherly Street reteFell PITT !MOIL AND IN ;`a*.=Fg. Ara:3lLls ;iL SYYDEU I= 21=11-1.14:1 , 4011LX.A. 1,1:11:13i TIILTLAS CT11:711in.6 . 113A7l rdmaw, :111.19 K. 9 UIT. TV.I.U. CUCCf:4 LTS, 31:1 , ECELUC , AND ABEL ram a ALT P.S.HI3 AND CON- . . 8rr.,17.1 rzrzs, GABorwrzsis. AND OM' Fll.l)Ci 1)09 ; . .3 AVD COAL iiii-liTra Lieow.hdlnoalt.stormarHsotrad.l7llrd GLsort !sad .1..74.¢:y et-soots. leitttliyarg4 s . A... Amen ttr sbon adarm/ will b. ctk,Sl3:ll.. Intehlai lENSINGTOIC - O.OX WORKS BL&CFL, 3xl tommo7,', le9o.cd charcos • • . nninc.e. Bloom Iron . His. 1.....017.ND dl3ll2pn.alraMi ilol/r. 11A T tad Aauta loOti• .• r.IIME.T 1d NF~t Sad R.17..A.Pa1t SAL'. •CK Alaq3Zi. =Oa. T a‘,l ie.!". Lls Tien .",01..iifT CHAIRSand art H.Zel tor laaare DALL. 2, rn3tte4 and flountarrana. .C,A.tl,..ca.N.Ca 11101 Z. _ N. 1.31.. mad :11•Mr..3. • A kreLon., sal tnnte It thi Worta. WI=B. 01,1/11. t ae . Is. cont.ln..lon of Pint .ste.t.i Le.- lolektpr 1 1th 13. Mork, Pittemigh. .1:01.1,1 piTTSREERIE STEELWORKS, ANDEBSOtr ) COOK C 0.,& . ustlccVtortS *0 JUNES,' BOXIA C0.,1 IM=2=ll REFINFA) CAST STEEL, Fist of all 1z.7 ram 1151, 5. I.e. Pvtk. 136e,c1 Cf." aced; Can [et.l foe SHAPING AND NOWIIIO YAOBIASS, STEAL PLEIV TEIXOS, SPEIRES AXLES, CIASELAACS, Cant and Common Plow tpring Steel. • Oorr—Vorner cr Tint ani Rost Ntrertir, two 'J . ...et abovolbo H7oollglLbi4A iiollo. • ...LI • • • t W. oas. N Di: TRUE. Ironas. lIUGII. M. BOLE & CO., F4IIIXDERB, . rbgiva Uuttders Ana Illattibists nate to order Wait:La and Land Malta ZaainaS f all sixes. wa•ramed ro ,gly< .atl.factloa, Culls... of awry tleaarlittlea, made to or.ler Jamas B. BOLL Torma liatalma Saap. Cot. Point ADay Dagoiloa Way. l'enadr.y. 'Nos. .1164 . nara sunk.. rrrromustomr, Phi Bt, 01.4111 - STEEL r WORKS BRE, BROTHER & CO., MANOTACIVAAPA OP ALL DASCRIPTIONA Of .;', I IC I MI3EMI. UMW Ind Warehouse; WO. / 1 1.• mad mad .1.1% 12111121 Streets, BERLIN FOUNDRY mama a SIMS, 11171C1 ND VIAZ.Z.CCIM No. 29 Wood Street r.,:factur3 nA keep eazstratly lasad Cie:m44, kki_in rip• Boxes, W. 100.53 lIOX PS. MN} IRONS. !P1ki41.13 Itt VI - LW ROLLO re ycoixas. Lila csitlngs gcurally. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler:throe% Ninth Ward, Ens UNION DION 1101.L74 3r3. rrci3Ericrsains-am. Rolling Mill and-Midge Castings Mani EMU Hi - Nacbtax•ry sad Cutts gm isiinalls, C viers promptly aml urtlLllY MIA xtutl i ttltAtlONAßLZ,;, E I3EELT & MUJECEU'iID. ntl3:lV. • ORESOENT =G WORD zikumt, liana PMaA, REST QUALITY CAST STEIL, . . . 9i'avenfaterl Eqvial Se any la tik•Zsate kat. either Issapcmted H at D. swottle Mar can Ag. ArICIAL ATTYNTiON YAID TO /WI CM , AND lILR 67701.1. Otlice, 38 Wooid &zest. IN ST.A7IIAULIB HMV. 131.11V1)MI). rxrnaCwiu. aims 18th. utlk. lallAti s. w. momlaw...ult. s. BAIIMM.I...JAii. in.an O'HARA BOILER WORK& MORROW, BLOM:MA CO., viosorocisamaa or %ears Boilers, Olt Stith, Agitators, Tanks. Salt Pane, Gaantootors, tooled Iron Brklgts, • litmot Iron Work. . Acs., COB. LIBERTY 9ND SECOND STS. PITTSBURGH. Pd. • DErADLINO DONE YROMSTLE. JYDZI ROBERT LEA, lu.snizAairulcan or. STEADS ENDINDS AND IMES Preight, Holsters AND DOCTOR ENGINES. lIITCsa ciao of al duteripti4ns made to ails; I =I PITT SMIRCH IRON WORIS J. PAINTER .& SONS • 11121171.1CRIMS Of Iron Idubnet, Tab and Trunh Iron, AND SHEETS; R'& CO. IRON CITYAIILLB. ROGERS & BURCHFIELD, Maniac!Wang of A:typue4,CliareriV3amsfatia 7:64.41...an.aze5 . X:realallr. - +art Aomwan: MI.. N 0... staFum EItERSON, ,PREBTON& CO, rie.r.warr. v./dna IKON WC:URI:CS, mY=Z:FArttl7,4l`,l:: . ngrg: UNION ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY • Wat. - NI. JOHNSTON.: MutelclarerCl)CllONO l MV -1161 ,_ ,1 = 111 : 1 1/111.61,. 1 , 1 , ..6u5q5, 66911 W/11111 . 16, ~orknl HOLIA WA 111, CAR wilw.u.p met all ltods of MACHIN 6111 049111. 1 06.101 , 12 ' 1411 A= MANITFACT:VREAS. VZIGNIT, ... . . F. roam. t.P‘L PITTSELRGR• • FORGE AND. IRON. CO., sr born /railroad nib' um? Bons; liamtwat aurizles lialtrosd Car Azle.l •• • Locoasoilee„Prazaem • 7,croomettie "Yams Shapes sie•notht Yoke.. Air.P..l • P 1•10 Herd= Rteaunbael Ithaftsi . boat Omni.; PIA nano, Wrists; Pi Jaw., Co/Iw, Le. 07ptcs, No. 177 PENN STREET, PIITABOR6II36 PA. KIITIONAL FOUNDRY &ND EDEE'M WfOlttES, Corner Carron mid SnotLimon Street, Ninth Tyard, P1711 . 8131111GU *'iy:i MANIMICITIIIIIM SOP ,. Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER, WOW. . Plpu are all curt Tonic:shy Cu Eftts. is lan d and le 7/13TIJIXOTEG. WAD, al9ll won- anmosmair . all ID Tall VW I lordfael IWOnilth. atteatfoa of01 . :INtlald aYofeu Wort, tom of, II:WWII% Mitisittairtiollta RIO • Lindsay, Sterrit & Eimer, • Manrusztraere AC Importer? of EIIEDVTAKE, CUTLERY, &c., 337 LIRERTI • STREET, Eac.r. 171T/►yzie, One Squaie' Wow Erdon Depe PITTSBURGH air AM. for 7/AIREA.IC4S NCALEIU 811EITIELD NUL wer,Ks Min% 'Nig( &JO MANIVALTIII.III4 Or BET BERM EAST STZLI Will, nit LI) Ma 01 Allan VLIRAT, CMCULAL GANG 112 , MM Cu! SAW PLATES. iLLIPX/0 MID 111:111•ELLEPT/0 RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cad Erring stew, fag and .Cfrata Plow .111651, rum MIMS 1D KOWER. llA.ag. EITAGS, AXLES OD STEEL ÜBE emeinisrta r lia . r.e ri t T axx2 r .om m te:s.. a., .1. ! az. • Warehouse; s: Water St., Pittsegis male - ATLAS IVO= Jir all 704" STREET 1. 7 Kinta Ward, Pittsburg.' THOILL6II N. ITILLE.I3, Pr ealdelt. TU. Worts*. =oar tho Ittrart .22,1 c t ubittt.t.ent la the .Wc.:..t.t mut 7 . AA„Ir moot preparld. to [tonal% Snilteiof refery DAJK.TI2CeII, era Ifoll, 011 Ta.... 1112, - • sheet Iraq Wan. • ■allrcad Cutln,p, BoMax Mil Canlugs, Snigtue Maelilne The Adlusis Express Company, it.oss swan* on .11 wassintinislnir. win tl....Piagt,ditz,.l77ltinGriht.trigri="4: lween riii Yet nod the geirlon. swan zrzik lior i , F A• wk. daily far Ony mad ill Mier. , Inquire . • JAMES M. RITER-1.;• Generil Cuting% ORDERS BOLT .08:.ffl ' 55 and 50 Water Street, ITILCSSIW ox=. acazvsa, BENI LING PAIR. cJenta STEIN' rriz, 'LOLLING MILL brarxi. And NBLLT IL X WUXI" ?or Bteasaboats. JOHN RONEY, RECIA FO - END BY, Carson f1t.,9,4 Ward, near EI,F.R.R = Hammer Dies, Steel Moulds, %rug 11l u 4 t.;11101y, • " JOHHINti WWI% IssoLfravattemded to. Or. ders aollelted uktl csremuy •ad .44aftedllr , enteCTILMI. WM= C. DEIIre.........CII.I4IXiDONICMT! Grekeirsirone FOUNDRY. DIUVO & DONNELLY Jobbing and Machinery Castings; • Light or holm, of either Ifarable or flrff Iron, of all pauses:o. fifes and Miff. autted to ever, porpon, made Co order. ' Mike, WO Liberty Street, IHE ' TORT PITT FOutiORY, IaWMES • *MIMIC OIRDNAIIiCt A NID ALL 3aNDS or XIZAIT - cAZIIII,, attl'lMTlLVW&lrmla Alai= assead.d to taxampp , • - •' besx tang Um bast wlu Ile awl at Ulla iroanday lianas disposed al . car obi •tOOl. I An Struzusea, witia lraW Ana xxxxVirxx pAttanix conairneted ot nad the supervinen .of ..la. Ix-, ISM lo farnillt NAIL ALACIIINIS at ..on m axim Cl4l/.1. AIWA. STOVE WORKS. • A. - BRADLEY & CO. ' 7damairtars every misty of Cook, Parlor aad Beating Stmes, NA-MIL _alsumi ax aretbs bxsted STRUM& alturil. e TALLMAN Wool Surreso__ru , alsd MINSIDII2I (Weal Gook alans.) Vitro atiatesetara _ GRATSS, GRATH IFIWATIS.. Mee and Wareboete, court t ea of . ISeees4 sad W. guests. L'itiabarsik. netreaeo Emma etreet. lUQUESNE ison AND STEELWORKS. ILMINAN, RAMIE & Ircfl Neßs, Spruill% Axles, Niko. =I rumeu. SPUN 171/1. H. • wastwuns. Tort,,. 77 ‘'riser ffMraiat. rrrremeGin LEW r. antlZ ABED M. Moen 41110111... . . Steam Boller% 011 MIN Tanks, 'Beet Dan Works, &e. 61 Ip•nts 84.tpinsburgh,Pcs. li.i4v_vtiPtacUll I Alp ROLL WORE, IMO Pow = ORL:rOI4. BOLLNAL, BOYD & BiO&LNY, 09111,1141 n, Iflli Ocritnats:Roll zAtni.. MHOS. CARLIN. Pan rum MIMI lb noun ow• 1 . /JIMAIIS ISTRIIST, i der w EIMM A V I altbruM=lll4 witouTs, "Lhaic.n.rlaL.Adegi litAruicvima .A . L . fE_ GMAT VALLEY RAIL "AD.. . . • . Rea:nabs(' Thari I.7•Yeameigo Citl7 • Connecttar *ILE Train. Nast sad Wan oh the NV Irma acul rrsal.ll4 ttalLedad ; 4160 1.1121 the Allantle wa6 Bleat Wertara HalE•l7.. ‘7. aid sitar 1•71151/A.1% 14th lashai7,l l6 B, the Paataa[er Teat aa1•1111.77.170ht And Seethe 6'• th e rththh 66 lo l Leea masa aaa 2126 acraeta. aa follow; Mail is cad r . rock CtlY• 7,6 6 • 11 • thth"' "i • E 77774. • - •• 10:167.11. 6:6617. ■ End?! Bead Accorcanod.a. 1:e11. /EWA. Fleet :WI. We eta 11:111.k. W. :Ira. N. Beconl rods Worts AeCO6C. iSA.v. 6,66 . E• a 6:10 at . A7717167'111 PEW/arra at a:S.I A, la. hounder. laavas elltnlatritt /..L.• E. A.. Me teeing at hods Wefts SAWA Y. 3.1." I 11. V H. ...3oeroNA. 1867. , Mil SWUM PT. WATYR •rlatili 3. W.. i.s. AND ma-vitta Trask NoTnater t-rp• a irrrn Mr. &Max will tam Ms pia arm* lit tall Union 00,414 tOLtD 514. . . rit 2o . - 2 2 . eny Ws*, aa 'aura. • Erie Tiro•Lx CU •is LI 04471510 Yltl.. :1112: . .014..,0 . la ruu. au!. •wislr_oAn22l.2.•nr • 23 Cr" " 1i (21.11.2. • Va. &Atm ix. 4:155m Titgctr All argt; 1."11146 Ng LI Naelolter• '..•. My in WeliaEle Aea., 1,1251 Lec Bell.u odik , l. Arn 04 151 N. N 1011.2 .• p 11411. - '' l ll;Qp i i 43p 2a3 . Oblemo iiissum. mans a CINtO4/031 IL 11 PAN HANDLE BOUI'L ()HANOI. OP 'MILL --(Mond attar aIIMDAN Deoember valaa .1111 more and artly at Dol. Depot w: follow ; Pattatrupt: time t * 3U r. V.lLlste 91408. 15.785 rs Vait ... LBO P. r• 1,:66 Mood £ • :10..0. 11:50 T. MeDonaio Poo. Po. L.11:10.6. It. - 2,10 T. M. auntie:l+llU Aoccand , o.. 3E6 r. K. Ilva .11, S. 11.7 Do• 1164 sod. Po. a.. UlO p. N. 1189.8:18, 882818.8,1487188 -888888 11.8 - prOU tend at =be r. aretvba Gloolorall CD 8,81 morn is s C6streo Tyatn Deaol. Oanday at MD 0:14 a. K. Trolls 1.884 datly. non oae ooa Woods? excepted. imaletna to Olaclaitalt at 0130 na ItroWilleimiollsl.3' 120 Auv"°l ,60-102 0.8.01 Mrs ustween Plttabera Oloolsolatt. ao4 Ire all MK aura at. I.omlo Oar), sad the 1411:c19.1 points West sad. WWII. ast. . W Vinca trtuFlas !lasts be ma aid fla4 thq ti3ce Of titraUgill, cetinuri alanni-L Vraon i par 06.1: 1 1 . t, °math side.) • Ll AD mt/ • k 40sziv 0. IlikoZtfla. r P N ENWILITANLt CENTIIAL I • On atSiner.loC7oBll ernes, and depart from 1 of leendlegtost rad . L4l4 •autelf.- dell Tenn... 100 • a n 1 V t p Llste..—. irlagg ' 2l:;.7:lo Wall's No. t.,...5tr0 • ts oineumatt Ls. iltlll a a Johnstown La leas • at gestroas:loo,p Waite Se. T.*. p W w : ,, 11 1 4 W• 114 No c : p a Altos. Srori And Zastvasi 10:a• . 214 Ularrels_llnas linty" W•ll4llsastparnser• /Jannis,' at lins ast,Asecelnllllttatarg • 01. Reantle eves Pittsbants at 11:10 p. •a 1 ern. at a • •114 [tan= at 1111‘ ID Cannstal tspross datra All snarl vans Only crirhpibraulay. Vataalsligila E1T10141...2 klblan• MOM ar.4 linalgrzatTninanly• .1.0511 liptcan arneo• 0• 1 1 T .0.01 Keat•Ft 1.11 other tel 4207 except Oundsn. rorranuer uktosmolou g,pri . no . - ..,..ini,;„4 ( ll 4 2,kt:Jg:,'AT‘' cutar.e [11.,c for Itgaaire..Ceral . ware. wed limit their. :M ty. 10 n* ondred Dollars Lana... BURT lug =Zeman{ la 7.106 will be as Ile rl.Olll tlso owner, eastal D neigerce ri entm, - timersltapeents••44o. Altoro7l77a. • • afterDOVirliOrib I tie I'a:oeance Trains the Westem rnansylri._ .T 1 ?:st • 117 Ct •30.1.716 • • • nirri32. a!iorpsobnig I N % o 1 S26lx. irsepo .—.. MUD moI 1 rIIO.I Obsrptiin.Yol Soli eamspel, Dol. 'Maas. rasprett........ Übe 1.1 l yrneonri b10,T4:13 rat. Its.rmer.P . e/. Jai rail Van Meat; Irreeport bio. 1 COB liarrienrronn Obaspro.Nor. 711117.31 Above traria ran noir/mot Olinda), 'L• .11a Miura.. Train lean. ANDO:KW astast. Ntinday at 714,1 b. D.. resetiDen .leabinr Cappl .i. RotaroWe, Winn. Allelo.l City at 4:31 antra at AlleihM4.l.4t: covaccane.:li. Tires U-7. Lilpadtdint• t To7:::.'ll,:=PramerPirjC= . it h ietti ' pirg retatuVrTeiTl T rliju h tS Mr l' olo?.... I Ina tralrilsoring Alirotisaar at 1011 DA, • makes direct rant cotton si FrerDort biaILTO or Baur (04 1100. -asn oEMMf u llto44,l=,?„__tl.l . • lirldp , ;rilUb..ll4 atthe MIX?, Vi;ntit inlorMittl e r,p4 . p _Ur JAldlts LiGror...eiTti, Vat. Tao Wens. Penoiri,lnarill Bailment will " 0. . 0. . 7 1141 t. 4l 4rirnta except tat Wear. T o ft setturj p.lo (. 1 isananst in villein, will Da no Me Ilsb of the Ofrrier, Sinless Wan 01 Sleo4lll Was NE'fY EXPRESS ROUTE- QIL REGIONS I Completlon of the Allegheny Vtlller: Railroad. Oa. and :911.re 11639 DAT, Dec. , bcr 934 tb3 99919,,, a stow road will run through td VcaadiaL Cry oppodte 4.11 C 193. QM rirreinrjaan, SMOKY lIILL ROUTS MON PACIFIC EASTERN DIVISION. THE -'SHORTEST AND MOST HEL3►HLI) ROUTE Irma the Mtn lOWA tit • cow &Do, NEVADA. canrouNts, Irma, Co=ll9 Two Osiikt leave Vista Liza •ad LemnivorlA t 3064571 ducomt.l.l Ma tha 060•a1 of Mans of pecan /Unread Dom AL Louis, And And 'D. 4.9 BAllsoad tram 9111AcY. eoa aeetlat IdLAvrace. TopeAs and Wartiwo with Awes for piams la Kazuo.. AI ea dot Met west of IDlAmorth vittb the UNITED MATZO. COMPAUNT•II DAILY "LINE OP OYMBLASID JIAIL AND LZpILLESS COACH . LS run (Academia lo EatMara' DENVER. BALT LAKE. . ... . . &RD '. ALI, POINTS' IN . 7111ir Tilt=o l / 1 74 .. . I . lied with iiLITUZII9OII , IS TIII-ITZIIZZY LUIZ . : • OF COACH.= . for Tort Villa& Bent , ' fort,'. -• Taos; ilhhhoorhtes, bantallo,t sad 'sli initial is instothand New ltehloo. . f . , • , . ~.. ~. . ' With tbh remit eddittohs oc Rein& oloolesail ~ equipment. huh the amazes sts trod., with eh. IPouslble prerlea&Trwhho &Mos Lilies from . . A • Its witness tenet:me, Ills now Wren®.'.. twaled IX6.l.l.lttottbs ' Alia kalif treight . ; 1 4 .1. 14124 fa; West. . . . • 'f - Tlekeu . tor tale el all the !Mahal.? 10u hit , . tits tialttl Slam and Cahadeo.' •• .. ' r ..;- .• • ! stare'ind. MIL rOII TICKETS TTE. lISONT 'HMV—BOUTS, 17310.3! .ElOl/10 BAJJAWKI. LAITRAUT • . STS ro Aso moat UYERPSDL a QUEENITOWI, Wuul. . TILE IN AB_ LINE' EXVI= 11/131380411 , -11rgirt yarg.- ifil . nt t egg luau! and /nap, oCoarsaril unto.. .Wlll. WUUAW, Jr... • Ezitathressaattelkoak CabLu'llisenfor .. • • ' _ •as zirrn ruler?, ammo =mai Pinsbassb., pa. - TO GL SBB !I fius IEINDEOLIGNED !tming .o...onotroli oolvagesey for Us gals of too _ . . . C*PLEY POT. CLAY. . .... itsf.r.a to tO bran. It I . . u .a u t la u lLY tool we *Macs promfq Obi . Met.* liters years , us I,o4t.wihsv tlit sta O a f v ia. &• as atnir tt A oNf ss etstotrop . aqS ' r tr r a= rl u i V ti Loath, for oteb pot. and owns Lutist aa land ad 4404 sad tosi tutstlis. IV* rta fluatflt ntoolpti fpf lb. impontos of Ile atbrtm of &Mega, to ~..r . 3 . ~, . .k.h.f.. TM Clay la grdda4 aW' Eginalaid Fort Ms alma IV aria. . . . Mat . 'i Ildmadartal !PL. Iltsabarala rn. - : pnrse,,trz , inagaszt4; : rsiok Frwr, aurmate. , lieu 64. OM Of Ml Mimes at utatvata imam' 1.11 Mal 1.0 to OM VIII.IIM/aja rie==stits ( WW s n ail .0 Trgrenik.; • '1 Warn-7 t011ikgw.11911•14 4.1014.411.." WO." Di. 840 . 1.4 1 Ones 18611 ‘A.11,21711, W Irg i gsrli testa• 01,1=4: z. e....10:111•111 gtitrvb.. t i bi a e •i .l3p II . TAD D . . ; L. a Vni.":, is Vie pub ruts. a cu. . N. Beta ke to W P. Bets! .Z: 6,25 Su 11)41.fl X" ' • . • 1 12:: - .! •• H. Pretax •{ Al ; ! D Dr 19.1 a. la. ra.. arrives dal.y. almost Tielcat %r rt i A ;. a ll r. VThZ I%olollml • y i om E Tram—... tall • a - Wall's No. 1.. 9:a a •Cloao , tl Jr.5..11:16 • T 4 441.411 . . U 4%;:' v. Mu, No. 4!.. ./..',isles a 4V11 1: : Nw Fast I.the.. 3:n 7a9 p 14 14. o:50 MiiZil Ballioad will P azio Poona , Strut pot 21)WAND EL. WELLIAinh tonteral Eaton Altoona. ra. IGEORIRE BEMOAN, •HXNT EU3IWAIP, aim sax:too. zzoincr, °Rase,. A; AIIIDERINONi i. 5. WiraTEK• Testeht sad Ticket TWIVZ. WZZ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers