The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 22, 1868, Image 1

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    SHE DMEY GAisra,
roar xostarrso.-
j=wars =atm)
r. la.
I. P.
- . Baztaass ltasuymr.
ornca. 4ilZZlri snunba
lloi siud u
_Firm Umucris
Writ !Oran Nu. if Wu Parsitais.
ornii.e.&Minn LID
LIZONST. eREAPiIir an& BM.? rasiia
aaa Cu l(11111101.1.1. ?4P13 is the Mau,
Yell Dib...l4locrruir. - •
Ely littslmtAGaiff€s
. the StliP Senate yesterday a hill
for thp rector:bon of the agates of the
rittahurgh Led Connell - Rafirceid
was introdteed from the ilailroad Com
mittee, where Jr - paw& by a bare the
jorlty of one out of tirentpone vote'.
Wehope the theanere =slim favonthdy
acted upon in that branch of, thelevis-
Ware, as; if it coo i[ght its way time:4h '
there, no difficulty Will be experlizunci
in Obtainiui Concurrent action 14-410
..Tn.the Saute, the hard Ibruefile
will lake place. Its frieruis, however,
feel confident of, sucevailand will exert:,
their best effort's to promoteits Plano,
. an event which will prove of trlendi
ble banda m seed of ,th to thowreatee
The Aaron (Coththittee also icted on
. the tioeit4en of tree itatirosda s Seat r.
day, sad. by a' vote of eleven to awe
agvecii to report a very bnpd and Ithethl
bill on thctaubject, This will probsbly
be int:roared into House today.
Tax recent terrible accident:real .g
fibm the explosion of •fire-worka stored
on the shelves of a confactfoinary
lishatent. in this cltV, by -- Wirkle_ three
were. lost,. seems to demand - a re
form in that direction.' We do- not
know that there is - ear - ordinance
in the , city code • - *hick , forbids
the 'storing sway of with. dangesMa
• pea Porty, but with the fearful occarrence
of ateirdaylait fresh• our medial,
we pee-Miro a grist .want for 01411040
wilt remove the evil. , In some respects
' fireWpilis are. mdre dangerous than
plain powder, and the CAtltiOn in
handling - the tatter is not observed With
• the former. - ,Wlien fire liconsimintated
to a magi of llama. candles,crackers,
fire wheals and;
rockets -- there - in no
knowing where Titus danger to 'lreland
property Will end, for in all - directions
the burning frngments and balls of tire
are thrown. thlisk an ordinance
forbidding 'at lead regnlatingl the
storage of fire-works should be passed
by the . City Council betore another fear
fol - .autumn. spin -tamp the lmbject
.mto notice; ' I •
. .
—Tbo City rAturicils of ColamboN
• bare poisedan ordinance to build a Wa
ter Works, which Is to be submitted t -
the voters of the city.
-The. American "Moose, at
vitt*, Wisconsin, wns burnediyesteiday.
• Lem $12,000; porually insured. •
—J. R. - O'Connor, a school teacher Irt
Richflehl, Minnesota, was put Mr . the
cars for falling to pay the extra tea cents,
exacted for not procuring a ticket; and
was frozen to death. •
-4oseph Salve was arrested - ut. Men
phis,,Tenia4 on MondaY, while aerviox
on the United States Jury, on a roguish-.
Lion from the Gorerpor of Missouri on
•a charge of obtaining twenty: thou sand
dollars' worth of goals of A. L. Lacroix,
of bt Louis, under falne,pretertsca.
.D.There tiro rumors- that one 'Rafael
- sailed In the steamer "Moro Castle,"
for New - York, to Issue bonds fo%Lrita
Anna. -to amble the latter p te
his plans against the Mexican GOv -
,•ThoWoolari Ste.,
largely - owned by A. P. Morrill have
berm .obliged to suspend operations:on
account of low. Waft?. Other Mills In
that:State - have sumended for the same
reason. All the mills in 'Lowish= are
. running as usual.
Manton:Me protests Iwo tom re.
calved 'at the Trees-or-s , Deptirtment
against the-new measures adopted to
prevent smuggling on. the broilers of
Maine. „Toe smargied goods mixed there
last year were valued at over sixty
thousand dollars. -
—To the 'snit aranist Zahn Lelghton,
• •
instituted by the Frani:Liu Mining Coin
panv, at Boston, for misappropriation of
funs In certain' tromectfons It which
.the Company was interested, Um jury
• 4 , - found a verdict for the CCimpstry, sasses.
lug damaged at $19,01). •
-HTlitit - pablication tif,the said of St.
Thomas was - Atitofficial; as the atathori
i this refused to glee the details en the sub
', joist, Danish Consul at Yeti York
leas telegraphed' te• the Captain] of the
corvette Dogmarthet Secretary Sewsrd.'s
reply' was satisfactory,: and that the
President of than United States hind
thatrasty to the Senate for ratification.
ti —ln the:United States Supreme Court,
•- 4esterday Chief/untie° Chase =Coloured
that , the y Cdurx,'E after considering the
, .motion of Judge Bleat - to advance the
MeArdle ease ripen the. docket, had de.
.tided to hear the taco on thefirst °natty
in March. This decision gives tisfac
- • don to the Berlicols, as they hope by
t that time to have affairs to Inch Etcondt- ,
then in the Status of Mtssisaipplind
- banjo that even if Gip Court decides the'
Reconstruction vote; armonstltutiounl, it
will not seriously impede the Stork In
r - . sauessim to sitellana ' -
i 7 114 Pan AfaU aa.lea .ays: " A patch
,/ correspaltderit fondants us wit h ". an ele
count- cc public education-,adopted In
~, Ifolland.l Itis based on enact passed in
July, DOT. The first article of:that law
- : declnia that primary education shall
: - Include reading, writing, arithmetic, the 1
principkis of eyntax.,the Dutch language,
history, 'natural history end; ranging.
• • .
':: ..•
primary schools - aro:divided snot
two chooses,' public and private. The
fanner are mfahilsbed by the communes,.
the provinces, or the stale, either jointly
or separately., The other schenis are
.. ' - private adventures -.which .may ba sub-
• addirint only when such conditions as
-limy be deemed necesecuyl by the I
- authorities complied with. The
auhrsiairnd private schools are; like the
. - • . public mei:mitts, open to - children are
---. every wet; in amendment to; establish
• wparate schools far Jews was rejected by
: •
fifty-one t 0 six Yam, when the bill was
before the awned Chamber. -
.. The ;education is given by, male and
female teachers, who must have obtained;
I a certificato of eatecity. and :morality.
'; Non-certificated teachers diseovered In
" subsidized schools Sr. liable to be pnn
i_ • ished Lne - and imprisonment- It Is
t. direc t that the number of scboals to be
ei established in each district shall be in
j prbpartlon to the extent of the copula
j don. - And, again. the teaching staff is
ir. graduates 'according •to the number of
j,- pupils. One teacher %deemed sulllcient
j - when there ore • not more than seventy
. : pupils at aschoal ; when - there are more
! . ' than seventy and under one bemired en
4 ails a subaltern:or sort of pupil teacher,
1' ' • is allowed ; and when the. !school can
. iY-leckan one hundred Pupils it is entitled
, 1.10 an assistant teacher. As has boon said
- ‘,.., i 410 y614;1 , 511 , distinctions are aleogniz d
.„1 :in any of thesubsldized schoola whether
' J public or private. The teacher .are
' :bound to abstain from introducing mat.
tern of reliai, one controversy Into the
, . •
"course of Instruction, and to avoid
1 offending the ausceptibilitlia of say wat
t net:igloos"education tis left - to the
-1, churches; bat the schools May bo used
' for this purpose when the ordinary
=j echoed hours are over. No teacher is al
; lowed to undertake any r ofnce j
I • without epoclat permlation from the
tz n:
' j • autLorities. and both ti ear and
1 ' their i i inallies are prohibi from engag
hog in shy brands of trader - A teacher
has a right td retire one pension after
1 ' forty years' serilce, and when he Murat-
Wined the age of duty-five. •
I Each district. liaa to pe the coat of
.its schools and teachers ou of the local'
j• . fund.. bat a cOntribution ay be re-
I suited from the scholars , . th th e ex- 1
Iception of ;the poorest aux , ho cannot
r . audit;- to-pax anything. i The local;
} authority:we reggfred to d all thmcan
I.,.mew. 0 StbindillOS of Cl:afar'''.
, o . </f the p x . District COMM loners and
i• inspectors! o f various grades ego appoint.
' , ed by tit ' nomiltiinistse, Who is reopen
i ; slide fo r be general management of the ;
j. schools. strong objeettoea have been,
i raised this system by the ultra-Pro. ;
instant par.t2!...............—......, '1
;• 1 - - - -The Faris papers repor. that the. at-
• most activity -patoralls lc lb* French
' • dock-yards, wheruthere are no less than
1 thirty-nine versals In count. of construe-
I lion, Including four arnior.platad frt
. natal, thesame nuniber of„vettesadd
- , .of gna d-shlres, liktwise ormlated,
r.” • • • asd rt frrmittahle armor - p aced floating
f ... battery, BesideaUlit foregoing there are
. a screw frlgate,six screw Orrettss, and a
tt " port, none ' Of which' are
.' • • • arnmr.p !steed. The . actual witt4olng
" . lance of theFrertett havy now smormhs to
743 steamships and- 110 isilingversels,
• which, withithe Oir inaiusge ofocutstrtie
. . .
gives *total of 101 skips of war -
Pennsylvania Legislature.
( 11 0. 41 g Maga to rusabarau Basat4.)
Ilasausuuna, January 21, ISGS,
Ar.roar OF contrrras oil nilLuoin
Mr. SHOEMAKER, from ttio Com
mittee appointed last year to investigate
alleged extortionate charges by railroad
compardee, made a report of two hun
dred and fitly-four pages in pamphlet
form.r -
Three thou/wild copies Were o
dered to bo printed. r
- - -
The PiOnburgla and Conaei bil
was reported_affirdindvely4
ifr. BURNETT, of lione;e, praseritod
a bill amending the rerenne laws,- by
taxing the capital stink 'et banks three
mate upon par valuW—lf worth more in
market, then upon the market value.
Providing .that In elections for muni
cipal °Mears outside of Philadelphia,
velem shall iota for. all - municipal eta'
oafs, inninding Cohncilmen, on min eUp
marked "city and ward officers." -
Changing the =MO of the Cleveland,
Paineayille and Ashtabulaßailroad dom
pony to Lake Shone.
Attorney Generid Brewster, in a'Oom-
munication to the senate, in answer to s
reiolution of Inquiry peeled last session,
annonnses that the Atlantic and Great
Weatern Railway Company have viola-
ted their charter by: not negotiating ,
build_ branch to Erik
. TES maxi= nasotz-Fteke::
At dm evading wasalon tha Stanton
resolutions on final paasage were debated
till lata. Amendments by Minna BUR
NETT and DAVIS. requiring the ammo
Mdlay of economy In the War Depart
mantes wan followed by Generil Grant,
were voted down:
- ' Tfie Senate at twelve; o'clotk, adjOurst
ed without action.
; RICHiRDS, of Falter, a resat
lion prohibiting the appointment of Spe
cial Coinmittees hereafter. IndelinitelY
postponed. - •
On motion of Mr.. MANN of Potter;
the House will hereafter meet at 10 a. w.
• .
Mr. WILSON, of Allegheny; incorpo
rating the Accommodation Passenger
Railway Company of Pittabanih;
landing the mechanics lien laws to par
eons making all tanks and otherapPli
armee In oil refineriee.
Mr: ANTHONY, of Lancaster, niston
ing pensions to soldiers of 1812.
,Mr. DIESE, of Clinton, validating titles
Made by administrators, .he., without
Mr. DUNCAN, of Venango, taking
'rico per cent off the ta les or Fitt . Hole
City; authorizing the c l osing of the Lock
at Franklin, and the building of a chute
the dam. for the Damage of hoe..
Mr. MULLIN, (Thomas,) of Philadel
phia, repealing the first section of the
Act of EH. prohibiting the rnanbag of
' , vehicles, can, Sc., on Sunday. ,
IMr. DAN, of Washington, a supple
ment to the Act of 1,567, relative to the
idonongahelaNalley Railroad Compan)l.
Five thousand eopins is English and
fifteen hundred •in German of the
Governont Message after scene debate,
were ordered to be p rinted.
An amendment by 'Mr. MULLIN,
(Thomas.) of - Philadelphia, to Include
Judge Al iion's answer, was dedared
out of order.. -1 •
Free Railroad zoor lie So Reverted , .
Algo. a attl fleotortair ins Claorfor Of
ire Ltsollio Sollsood.l - •
ter Telurrarli to Ito rinsrfirhessaste. 1
HAnAIsIMAG, January 2L—Ths Rail
road Committee of the _House to-dap
agreed by a vote of eleven ayes to' nine
nays to report to-morrow a very ilbent
Free.Railmad Law fur tlie ecausideratlon
of the House, also to report a hill rester
log the rights *of the Pittsburgh and
Connellsvllle Itailrond,
The Senate CoMmittee has already re
ported-the last bill.
Attorney ,General ,llrewsier, today
sent to the Pennsylvania Senate, ,a re
port Dilative to the A. &G. W. 'Railroad,
lated its
setdng forthch arter thatby not the Co
completing mpany has vio
mad to Erie, and Mat a writ of quo war
mato will consequently lie. The report
was referred to tne Railroad Commutee.
Reconstruction Bill Passed.
Yeas 12 3 , Nays 45.
The Bill &ported to the Senate
Case of genitor of Md
Currency .Contilafon Bill.
RepOA of Conference Committoe.
Full Text of the Bill
tly Telegraph W the rlttebarth Gentle.]
WAsarscrroN, Jai'. 21, PM
Mr. SUM riTn presented a petition of
citizens of Tomes splint confirmation to
office of non-residents. Tabled at his te
rmed. _
' Mr. WILSON presented a petition of
members of the Georgia Constitutional
Convention,asking Congress to author
ize and establish provisional govern-
mentor In the South. Referrer' to Judici
ary Committee.
Mr. RAMSAY presented a petition,
with the proceedings of a meeting of cit
izens of St. Anthony Falls, referring to
the rights of Amsncan abroad.
Mr. - PATTERSO " N, New Hampshire,
from the Committee o Retrenment.
reported a bill to amend
the Tenure of
Ontre act, and gave notice he w ould call
it up at em early day..
Hr. MN:MSS offered a resolution—
Wsterthas, wee stated that Amen.-
can citizens had been deprived of their ,
liberty upon suspicion - of conspiracy to
and the commission of evert act, of hoe
tility spinet she peace of the British
government: and
Wanness, The first duty of .a State Is
,to protect its citizens wind hostile acts
by foreign nations; therefore,
&tetra, That the President be dinar
tad to cense= investigation, and it such
Persons are found to be guilty of no overt
act, then to demand their Immediate re
lease, and if necessary _to call out. such
portion of the land and naval - forces as
..maybe necessary to enforce BIM de
mand. laid me the table.
Mr CONNBSS gime notice that he
would call It np an an early day.
Ur. THAYER offered a resolution
requesting the President to Inform the
Semite whether James A. Seddon, lately
pardoned by the President, was nacre
taty of War of the Confederacy any
portion of the time when Henry. Win
was keeper of the Andersonville priwn
and pow:lced crffelties Which resultert
in the death of many Union soldiers;
oleo, how many Union soldiers died there
'.from starvation at that time.'Aduptad
Mr. WILSON called up the to
faciliate the payment of bounties to poi
diars under the act of 1666, which, after
some discussion, was Postponed till' to
hir.STEWAßT.cadied op the bill to -
rztaiffe 64 h dulabnil4M under the recon
wg.etion ,of Governor Patton, of Ala-
bama. Hei set reed a rocorommodatoli let.
tar front Gemara Pope and claimed the
psyermztrad, off* fir theet9 Wl* bad
t sußldsl it , tl
- f
, •
e° 4
• . Taw _ _
a jg
..) • .
• I kt, --- . 1 ___
A LI / 1111 ,
• )\
manifested a do ire to maintain the Gov
ernmeint. • s, . •
Mr. Et Ch.A.LF.W argued Congress
ould not legialate• :upon every
case brought.
The bill NVSS pastporicol until to-mor-
row. .
'Tit: House bin . for the appointment of
a Commiksion to examine anti report
upon spirit meters woo taken up.
- The question was on an amendment by
the Cominittee en Finance, providing
that the present Commission or the Am
detny et Eieledee shall be added to the
Cernmission. . .
- • • • •• • .
After Immo debate Mr. 'TOWARD
called for the order of She day, and the
to up Cho roaolution for the ad
mission of Philip P. - Thomas Senator
elect from Maryland, upon taking
Mr. HOWARD epoke at some length;
against the resolution. '
kir. Al ORTON ;node an elaborate opeeoh!
against the etiminsion of Mr. Thorium.,
'wham he_ believed ono of tho .original)
conspirator,. and who would Savo Seem
in the rebellion but that Matiyland had)
been unexpectedly constrained to rernsint
in the Radon.
Mr. WILLIAMS spoke in favor of "ha
habotiott of Mr. Mantas, anti Me
TAI al
MORRILL_ alney and STEWA
against it.
Mr. •TOMNSON gave notice lie woull
preys the vote to-morrow.
The Supplementary Reconstruction
ill came tram the House and Iffll4lll/4
forced: -
Air. HUAI/EASON introduced a bili
to fund the public debt and amend the
tanking laws of the United states,whieb
was referred io the Committee on Ft:.
:It provides Jhat for the purpose of
paying off the compound interest noted,
three per cent. certificates, and other
outstanding indebtedness pay able tit
lawful money, the Seerdtary of the Treed.
sury shall be authorized to Issue end
pay out such Imam ai were authorized lkit
actor February 25tn, provldeiltheir
whole amount shall at any timeexcell
four hundred millions at dollars, '
eluding, those already boned,
except in cases hereafter specified. The
Secretary of the Treasury in further al -
thorized to Issue coupons or registered
bonds to an amouVit aufliclent to emit
ail existing obligation., which are
bear Interest at not more - than three glad
a half plir cent. per annum, principal add
Interest, payable in coin, to be due M
tk Years, but redeemable In ten year.
after - date at the plea are of the Govern-.
ment. - They are to be exchanged at net
less than par value for any bond, cartilt
eate, note Miter evidence of indebtedn
of the United States, except legt.l tent
notes which, are niorto be funded until
decided by Constram,and the now bonds !
shall be exempt from all taxation by:
State or local authority.
Seotlop, third provides that the limit of
three hundred millions in amount of cir
culating notes elmll be revoked, and that
any National dank may receive nighty I
percent. or the 'value if new bonds de
posited with the Treasurer in note!, for
circulation, provided this does not ex
ceed seventy per, cent. on Its paid !up
capital. Existm,g banks are required to
substitute bonds of the new issue for
those now deposited to an equal amour?,
bearing the mme relation to circuludian
and capitol, es --- required by this sectittn,
in Gli9frof new bank, under a penalty el
forfeiture of old bonds and windhipup
I‘their affelrs by the Controller of llur
rency, In which • case their natei.
are • tot bo paid by a sufficfent
I amount of legal tender notes which may
' be issued in excess of the four laundivel
milliond heretofore authorized; but ill lie
sunount'of United ;State. notes and :a
[tonal Bank notesitogedier shall all:ha
-1 ceed coven hundred minima, the
deposited by the Bank. may be devoted
to them on receipt by the Treasurer. so
the amount of their outstanding notes lo
United States mites. The fourth metier
provides for the creation of a sinkino.
Mad; by the retention of two-sevenths ot
the interest accruing on bonds deposited
to &Knee eitcalating notes, in constlega
, don of which the capital of the banks is
Lb extend at tha wane Is invested in
bonds so deposited; alt shares of siock
therein and their circulating noire
'Mail be exempted from ',National,
State end municipal taxation. .The
bill further provides that from
July Ist,let '
to January Ist, ISM!,
one-eightl part, and after the last date,
one-fourth part of the import dales May
be paid in United States noteetaleeklun
whenever the amount of national bank
notes gall emceed three, hundred Mil
lions,the Secretary of the Tre asury.
with the, advice and consent of a Major
ity of the following named parsons,rlvir
the Comptroller of. the Currency, the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue,' the
Chairman of the Senate Committee on
Finance, and the Chairman of the House
Committal of Ways and Means, stall re
tire an amount of United States none
equal to !such excess, so that the Whole
amount of circulating and legal tender
notes .hall not exceed seven hundred
mlllhoaa, until legal tender. mites, nut
rtanding 'be reduced to two hundred
Adjourned. '
Mr. BUTLER offered a resolution in
structing the Committee of Way; and
Means to devise some rneasurs by Which
distilled spirits of American num
may be ezflorted under the law 4
The Home , proleaded to the
. reguln,
order of ,btrdn! rut, being the motio
of Mr. BUTLER to reconsider the vot,
ordering the .main question on the bil
reported from the Committee onltooon
structiou. • 1 ,
The question was taken by yeas an
nays and resulted—yew, eighty-three
nape, aeventy.tivei
solho vote w. 1.1 reconsidered. and Mr.
SITTLF.It offered ble.amenelment giving
the appointment of State offloaral to the
Constitutional • CeriventimN, and then
moved the prei•lnnv question.
Mr.',ELDRIDOS Moved to lay the bill
and pending amendment on the table.
Negatived. •
The, amendinentli offered by Mr.
BINGHAM ,y esterday were agreed to
without division, r
lir. BUTLER explained his amend
ment, and Iitusre.STEVENS and KEL
LY arivrentod
Mr. BUTLERS amendment wee re
lected—veas fifty-three, nays one hun
dred and twelve.
The following Is the vole on M) ( BUT
LER'S amendment • •
Vass—Messrs. Aliluon, .Anderron,
Ashley (Nevada), Ashley (Ohio),
Banks, Broomall, Butler, Cake, Carey,
I Churchill, Clarke tOnlot, Clarke (Kan.),
Cobb, Coburn, Donnelly, Driggs, Eta,
Ecklery, Ferry, Fields, liraveliy, Herd-
Hunter, J u cid ,J
Eatery, Eitchen, Lawrence (Ohlri),
Lougbridge; Maynard, McClurg,
Newcomb, Mann, Per
ham, Baum, Selenck, Shanke, Stevens
(Pal, Taylor, TlgimasiTrim tile (Tenn.).
Van Horn Nan Wyck, Ward,
Marais (Ind.), Wilson (Pa), Windom
NAYs—Messrs. Archer, Axtel/, Bailey,
Baker, Baldwin, Burma, Barnum, ilra•
man, Beck, Benjamin, Menton, Bingham,
Blaine, Blair, Boutwell, Boyer, Broom
all, Brooks, Dockland, Burr, Chenler,
Cook, Cullom, Dawn, Dixon, Dodgy,
ligglesum. Eidridge, Eillu•t, Earn.-
worth, Ferris, Fox, GartiLld, Getz fibrin.
hrenner Ordizday. Griswold, Grover,
Holman. Koppel, Hop-
Una flotohklss, IlUbbarcl.(Low/O
bard, (W. Va flubbrd, (Conn, J Dud
burd, Humphrey, I ngersoll. eockii,
Johnsonjenee, Kerr, Hanlon:, Knott,
Koontz Lincoln. Marshall, Mar
via, McCarthy, Miller, Moore,Moor-
IVlerriesey. Mungen, Myers,
Nlblzek, N)eholson, Paine,
Peters, rhelpS Pike, ram., Po
land, Paisley, 'Pomeroy, Price, Pruyn,
Robertson, Wes, Sawyer, Schofield, 81t
Stevens, (N. 11.0 SZewart, Stone, Taber,
Trimbell. (Ky.,) Trowbridge, Twitohell,
Upson • Van Sermon,Vanaukes, Van
Horn, V.,) Van imp Washburne,
(ilia.,) Washburne, (Ind..) Welker. Wil
liams, (Pad Wilson, (Inwo Wagon,
(Obio,)Wood, Woodbridge, Wo ,)
The following is the vote on the lircoan.
structlon bill: .
Yttas—Messrs. Allison, Aran, Ander
son, Smell, Ashley [Nevada], Ashley,
[Ohio], Dailey. Baker, iß ingham ,
Beaman, Benjamin, Benton,
nd, Br Blair,o cenall IloutwCakell. BOhurchill,
Clark [Ohio], Clark (Kansas.
Cobb, Co
-home, Cook, Cullen], Dawn, Dixon,
•Dodge, Donnelly, Dna., Eekley, Eg
gleston, Elliott, Farnsworth, Ferris,
Ferry, nold, Garfield, Gralrelly, Gris
wold, HAIM', Harding. liigbY. Hooper,
Hopkins. Hubbard [Lowe]. • Hubbard
[West Virginia], Hurlburd, Hunter, In
gersoll, Jencks, Judd, Julian, Kelly.
Kelsey, Ketchum, Kitchen,Koentr, Law
rence ( o.]. Lincoln, Logan,Loughridge,
Marren brat nerd, McCartby,lMeClurg,
Mercur, , Mlller, Moore, Moorhead, Mul
lins, Myer', Newcomb, Munn, O'Neill,
Orth, Paine, Perimm. Peters, Pike, jr,lio
Plants, Poland,Paisley,Ponteroy,
Ram, Robertlon, Sawyer, Schenck,
Scofield, Selye, Shanks, Smith; Spalding*,
Starkwcaiher, Stevens [Pennaylvanls,l
Stevens.. (New Hampshire,l Taylor,
Thoma Thomas,• 'Trimble (West 17Irgirilai
Trowbridge, Twltehell, Upson. Valuer
nom, Van HOTTI (New York',l Wan flora
tidix-Vfiliri, Van Vilynk.Ward, Washburne
Wisennsin,] 'Washburn° lludiana,l
Vasliburne Litfaasaeburietta,) Wother ,
Williams [Pennayl )
vards;lWallams Lyn!
cliana,) lowa, Whimtt (Otdo,)
Sirs—Messrs.Adarrts, Archer, Axtell,
Barnes, Barnum, Beck, Boyer, Brooks,
I Bear, Carev , Chandler.' Elaridge, Fox,
Getz, Gheisbreener, Galladay, Grover.
Haight, Holman, Hotchkiss, Hubbard,
(Conn-,) Humphrey, Johnson. Jones.
tKerr, Knott, Jfarshall, McCormick,
:Morrissey. Mungon, Schlock, Nicholson,
I Phelps, Pruyn, Robinson. Ross. Sit
grooves. Stewart, Stone, Taber, Trio:-
tall, (Kv.,) Van Auk* Van Trump.
Wood, 'Woodward —forty tire.
The 'announcements ere made that
Mr. Morrill was pair off with "Me.
'Randal, and Mr. Morgan and Mr. Loftin
were obsent, the latter accouht of the
serious illness of his Me or. l
The bill Gaul:sewed y a vote of: one
hundred and to Ihrty.five.
Mr. LOGAN offered a resolution - call:
ing on the Secretary of the Treasury for
information as to the amount of 10-40
bonds issued through the Treasury De
part:neat since the Ist of October, iSs7,
• the persons' to whom sold, amount of.
commissions paid, de; also, the reasons
which, In the opinion of tie Secretary,
rendered it:expedient to withdraw so
large an amount of currency from the
business of the country; idso,whot action
hod been taken concerning the With
drawal of 5.20 bends held by the Visited
States Treasurer to secure the circulation
oC National Banks anti the substitution
therefor of 1040 bonds. Adopted. .
Mr. ELLIOTT, from the Committeeon
Freedmen's Affairs, offered a joint - reso.
lotion authorizing the Secretory of the
Treasury te issue for the wilier of all
classes of destitute in the South such
dosalcated potatoes nod des:Rated mixed
vegetables In have accumulated .during
the war, and net now needed for tie use
of the army. Pawed. - •
Mr. DAWlffit, teem the Committee lon
Elections, presented a report on - the 7.
tested ease from the Second District of
Kentucky. The report closes with t the
fallowing resolution:
Rcioleed, That John Young Brown,
having voluntarily given aid, count..
nonce and encouragement to persons en.
gagedln armed hostility to the United
States, in not entitled to take the oath of
office as a representative in this House
from the Second Congressional Diatrict
of Kentucky, or to hold a seat.
Resolved, That Samuel E. Smith, not
having received a majority of the votes
east for a Representative in this House
from the_ Second Congressional District
of Kentucky. is not entitled ton seat:
Resolved, That ISO Speaker be directed
to notify the Governor of Kentucky that
a vacancy exixte in the representation in
this House from the Second Ctogr.-
ional District. •
Mr: KERR presented a minority re.
Tho matter was laid adds for tutors
The Senate joint resolution limiting
contracts for stationery and other sup
plies in Executive departments to one
year, was slightly - amended and paased.
Mr. FARNSWORTH, front Cie Post
°Moo Committee, reported hack 'the bill'
for the erection of a building et Peoria
tor a peatoffice and internal revenue of
fice; which was referred to Conlittee on
A gr r . I TAII I .I , 7ifORTII else repprtc't a
hill empowering the Piety 'Orleans, Mo
bile and Chattanooga Railroad to build
and maintairibridges wows the , naviga
ble waters on Its route, and declaring the
railroad and. bridges a poet route. Pea-
Mr. FARNSWORTH also reported
bill anthorizing the Southern Minnesota
Railroad Company to build and operate
a railroad bridge across the Miashaippi
dyer between La drams and a point op
posite in Minnesomonch °ridge to ben
post rowL
Mr. wAsunttasu, Illinole, ho
would like to offer an amendment to re
peal- the claude legalizing the Clinton
bridge, as be desired to show the Minn
crice brought to bear on the House tut
Congress by the Chairman of the Post
illice Committee, Mr. Alley, of Massa
Mr. FAILNSWORTH declined to al
low the amendment to be offered. The
bill passed.
The SPEAKER presentoil certain pu-
Pecs from the Secretary of War connected
with the righter 'ray acme. the military
reservation at Fort Leavenworth by
...carol railroad companies, Referred to
Committee On Military Affairs. .
Also, a memorial trom the Wisconsin
Legittatute for a grant of lea d to aid in
building a wagon road trortl Chippewa
alls to Ashland. Referred Commit
tee on Public Lands.
Alio, a memorial of the Dakrilah Le.
rislaturs fur a grant of land to odd in the
amstruction of a rollroul from Sioux -
City, lowa, to the month of Cheyenne
River, Daketah. Referred to same Com-
Mr. WILSON, of lowa, from the Jo.
iliciary Committee, reported back several
bills, memorials, Sr., and had them re
:erred to Committees.
Mr. ELDRIDGE. from the same Com
mittee, reported back adversely the bill
to amend the act regulating feet and
costa to clerks. marshals and attorneys
untie United States Courts. Laid on the
Mr. LAWRENCE, of Ohio, from the
male Committee, reported a bill to pro
vide for the appointment of a Marshal
for the District of Columbia.
After -an animated discu.ion by
WASIIBUBNE. of Illinois.
against, and Messrs. LAWRENCE, of
Ohje, STEVENS, of Pennsyleanla, and
WOODBRIDOE In favor of it, on motion
dun of Mr. ORTH . the bill wan laid on
the table._ Yes:o, eigbt.y.littc: NaYs- . 1 . -
Itr. SCHF.NCR, from the Conference
Committee, oil the bill tc suspend the
further contraction of curreti . reportxl
that the Committee had agreed to recom
mend that thd Senate recede from Its
amendment and agree to the Hones bill, -
with the following, amendment: "But
nothing herein contained shill prevent
the cancellation and destruction of muti
lated United Sates notes and the replan.
lag of the sante with notes of the same
character and 'amount."'
The report was agreed to.
Mr. LOtiA,N, from the Conference
Coramittoo on the cotton tax bill, re
ported they had not bean able to agree.
The Muss then ordered another Con
ference Committee, awl Menace. Schenck;
Moorhead and Beck were appo Wed.
Mr. BUTLER, from the Committee on
Appropriations, reported back tire Sen
ate amendmento to the dale ency bill.
Fending int cow:Merano', the II use
& Grimed lieHelens Resse.streltlon at
lOwasatreel—Yalla 1111Boot1st •114.1 as
Qs•bee. _
tn. Talegravk to thillittSbutYli ussests•l
MONTETAL, Tan. 21.—1 t is stated that
the Privy Council met tbilsy to decide
[ upon the - question of an Inter-Coionlal
A great religious demonstration ti to
take place In the French Cathedral bore,
before the departure of the Canadian
corps of Pontifical Zonaves, on the casts
elan of binning the banners. All the
Raman Catholic Illshotai of Quebec . ' and
Ontario are expected to be present.
gunny - , Jan. 21.—Last night a driver,
named Warner Gllcheu, ehot two yelling
men named Lawrence sod Itonfeerd.
The parties had been out riding, rued a
dtopute arose "regarding the merits of
their horses. Both men are badly Wou
nded and cannot recover.
(By Telegraph to the !Menorah easithl
Nsw Yong, Jan. 21, ISA
no steamer City of Beaton, Conn Liv
erpool, arrived tots to-nlght. -
Thera was a heavy snow etarm through
out this region to-day. Ellateen inches
fell at Blughampton. All' the trains oo
the Ede mad were serionalp delayed.
Eight !itches foil at Troy, sod the road.
are much blacked. At this t he
quantity was not great.
gay Televspo to the rittayorah liasetse.J_ •
Wummuto, Jan.:M.—The sixth annual
smalon of the West Vlrglnla Lestslatare
saserubled in this oily to-day. Mr.rite
reason, tire former l'resident lof the
' Senate, was reelected. In the }louse /I:
C. mowboxion, of }t who countyoras
elected Speaker, and W. P. llnbhard, of
Onto county, -Clerk. The Govaraot's
IteMage to a clear, conchs) document,
diapisying as encouraging exhibit of the
"affairs of the Stale.
. Illostitor "Wart, .
tut Tolorr•o?, to ttp. Pj tsbpr o ct, audit
Ismcstrarapts — The basstesrt snow ails
winter. Still snowing slightly.
Lontsvu.tx, lleavy snow storm
last night, and stilt snowing slightly.
Cot.mtans 0.--About one foot of snow
and still falling.
CLavnuaso, O.—Snowing and blow-
/1../..—ClOttd d y and mild.
cusrrui o.—Clou y and snOwlng
lard. - and mild.
classy 6130 W last night-onofoot deep.
Nsw Vona MTS.—Very cold. Sleet
rain and snow. Blowing a'sal&
Sr. Lotto—Westh:/—ctondy, with ln.
dleatlons of 'Tow.. .
George Francis Train Sensation.
Part:enlars of His Detention.
Annlair ;Mann Ink rcedes.
Mr. Train is Released,
Suit for £lOOOOO Damages.
The Disturbance at Waterford
F xaggerated.
Oost of the Garibaldi-Irruptitn..
Note ,from Italy to Frain.
By Teleessyh to the PittsbeeehVath-1
Lannon, January 21—Noon.—The fol
lowing particulars of the arrest of Geo.
Francis Train have been received Irmo
Queenstown, During the trausikof the
tender which • contained the pissengers
and bazrage of the Scotia to the wharf,
the baggage of Train, as well as that of
Thomas U. Durant, of New York,' eke
was else s passenger, was subjected to a
meet vigorous - examination by the ens
toms °Ulcers. Nothing of en inceudiary
or seditious character being found hi the
trunk.. of either, they were both permit
ted Lego ashore. As th'ey stepped.froui
the steamer to the wharf they were in
vested end taken before a Justice of the
Peace in the city. .An.examination elic
iting nothing against the prisoners to
warrant their detention, they were die
, charged. Soon after their arrival at their
hotel they were re-arrested. Upon the
completion of the second examination
at wait discharged. The aathori
ies,however, detained Train, , I and he
nu sent in custody' tothe Cork. jaiL, On
Saturday he • was brought Were the
Court and re-examined, but remanded
until Monday, 27th inst.
In the meantime the ease is creating
considerable excitement. The news-
1 ,spers are reprinting the chareetarintle
perch. of Train al foaming $ sort of
ust.ificsaton for his arrant.
lipcnox, 'January .:I.—ficarting.- , Mr.
Train was ilimbarged from arrant at
Ceirk thin morning. HI ha. Cent the
following illopatch by Atlantio eablei to
hie friends in America: I ha.. Just
been released on the Intervention of M.
Adams. I have brought enlytiatanst the
Rritlbb Gorernment for one , hundred
thousand pounds damam.
DV January _t—Evening.—The
accounts received bare of a threatened
diaturbance In Watorfonl county were
greatly exaggerated. On Friday a num
ber of men under cover of night aur
roundedithe Martell° Tower at Duncan-
non, and made la Julio dernonetrations,
but 'Scling the ;deco well garrisoned,
the crowd retired without making , arly
attack or doing damage..
atatornent made Ity the Government,
the measures taken to present the, late
niastion of the Stator of the Church by
t be fraxibaldiana hare added eighteen
million Hares to the expenditures of the
poet year.
Prime Minteter Menebrea bait eddreee
ed a eharp note to the Spanieh, GOVOILI-
infant. It wne called forth by the speech
&Queen Isabella, et the opentrg of the
Cortez, in which it wee announced that
Sputa woe ready to interfere for the de
fence of the Peru' States. lifenabrea In
ihrnot the Spanish Cabinet that Italy will
not admit Intervention In her affairs of
any foreign power, nave whose
wise atieh intervention is unhallowed by
apee4el treaty at halation&
warm sacuum
PARIi, Jan. 21.—The Monileur pub.
lichee a letter from Faulk America, which
nays • the communications' of President
Lopes et Burnell.. ore secure, and the
attentOts of the allies to take th ati fortifi
cation by siege are hopeles.. Ths cholera
has broken nut Buenal. -Ayres, end
specie paysnent has been suapended In
Monteviedo. These internal Olflicaltles,.
the writer thinks, will prevent a vigor
ous prosecution of the war against Para
guay on the part of Brazil and Ureguay
LONDOX January.2l—E'resisg.--Con
sots irli; Fieedwendos 711072 . Illinois
Central. emirs div., MI; Erie
Faasigrowr, January 1. g.
Five•twentl. 761.
. Anrwucr, January 21 —.F:reniate.
Petroleum; 4 4 . franca for standard white.
Lurenrcatt., January 21—k.bentne.--
Cotton closed dull; middl lug. uplands 7
071 , 1; do Orleans 7lfitgd; extra o f 0,000
bales. Corn; Vol 64 ior mixed wasters.
Wheat; 163 for whits California and Its
di for No. 2 Milwaukee red. Barley
541. Oats :is cod. Poestottis 6d.; Flour
27, 6.1. Meal 1265. Pork 714: 1... rd
Cheese :.Os. Damn: 40s for Cumber.and
Cut. Produce. unebangtat,
Troops from Ilipals—Zartlmmalm at
Jamatea—Tha Saralutists as•,lroes.
Um, teatea.l •
iIAY,I2(A, January W.—The Spanish
Malt ntaamer has arrived. from Cadiz
with about four hundrad troops. for this
A severe shock of an earthquake wee
felt ut Kingston, Jamaica, on the 7th inst.
It was, howevert of abort &Oration.
The steamer Marcella has arrived from
Vera Cruz. She passed filial on the 17th
Inst. There were four schoOners block.
"ding the port. 'rho' fighting between
the rebels on shore and tit" National war
veseela .1111 continued. Yo eommunica.
Ilan whh the shore wee allowed. The
Mexican Government.hud chartered the
American steamer Georgia Oh convey
troops. de.. 4 .1t0 Yucatan.
IIAVANA I..+The mail
'teeer has arrived fro lic Vera Crux.
An expedition 41(2,000 men, command
ed by Cenral Alatorio, was expected to
leave on the , ifith for Yucotan, where
they were to unite, with cuethousand
loyal mon o and 'march on the • im
perilista. Porter° Diaz remained
at Yen Crux engaged in reorganiting
the government and making some et.
forts to purchase steamers for the Mexi
can Navy. A 'project was on foot for
building sixty-four frigates. one to be
furnished by each Mats of the 'Republic.
An alliance tietweea Mexico, Peru,
Chllland Bolivia we. nearly concluded.
sestanox corrvairrios.,
GALVIDITOS, lan. 711.—T1,0 Conserve-
Uwe State Convention and Con
ventlon met at llottaton yesterday. They
are reported In conference and will unite
on a platform. In the McMahen Con
vention resolutions. passed advocating
the recognition of the settlement of the
issues of the war by the arbitrament of
the sword on the bolds of the abrogation
of tbq Ideas roused b the war, and the
reeNnition of civil lots and fulieenal
ity of Justice le al before the law;
doctoring It in the interest of all to recon
struct the State of Texas Under the re.
construction laws of.,lorilgress, and
orfog irantediato political
for that porpose; pledging to General
liancock faithful compliance with the
olullgatione taken to the United' States,
arid recognising his declaration of the
'Myren:lacy of civil law as a guarantee
that the law and net partisan views will
br r.Prd 6 d , and declaring that they are
u eased that therresldent baegiventhie
doolaratlonbla aids! approval. ' •
The Iteconsfrtictlon Act.
New Intermit j Tax Bill.
Colonlzatlon - 1141ely disport.
An Espally V4vided Omit.
Venni° !of Office ilmendmeilt,
tar yelegratiti to the ffitusartti Useette.l
Wien.MOMS, Jan. 21. lift.
Tax Mitcoarrancrlces IttLL Aa PAISAD DTI
• TAB "lOUs= ' •
The renewing is the reconstructionbill
as passed. ] .
Be it enacted, dm.. itliat' in Virginia',
Northicarolins, South Carolina, Georgia,
AlabaMa.ll.lllWastippl, Louisiana, Texas,
Florida and Arkansas there are no civil
State Governments Republican in form,
and that these-ailed civil governments
In gild States reepectlvely shall not be
recognized as valid or legal State govern
ments, either by the Executive or Judi
.mal power or authority of the United
Stec. 2. And be it further enacted, That
for the speedy enforcement of the act en
titled, "An Act to provide fur the more
efficient government of the rebel Statex,"
passed March 2d, 1862, and the several
acts supplementary thereto, the General
of the Army ar the totted Stales is hero-.
by aathorizad and required to on
by epecial order, upon all offic e rs
In command within the nevem' Mil
itary Departments;
eral es w rf ithin=said s ev
acts Sa uthorzed pbey. om v e al
law. above recited,; - Is authorized
to remove at his discretion, by bit order,
from command any or all of mid Com
manders; and detail other officers of the
United States army, not below the rank
of Colonel, to Perform all the duties and
exercise all the powers authorized by
said several acts, to the end that the
people of said several States may speed
ily recognize clvil governments reptibli
tan in form in said several States and be
restored to political power in the Union.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That
the Generale the Army may reinoveariy
or all civil officers now acting under the
Several Provisional Governments within
the said several designated. States,
and appoint, others to discharge
the duties , pertaining to their
rrilaeUtliiveactostinv ces, and mmaYil dom several
' laws above m ntioned are authorized to ]
] be done by th netiOml Com enders of
the Military iDepartmente within mid
States, and eh. much af said act& or of
any act as autlimizee the President to tie
i tail Military Commanders to ,bid Mili
tary Departments, or to remove any
cers who maybe detailed as heroin pro
' 'tided, is hereby repealed.
.lEinc. 1. And be it further enacted, That
it shall be unlawful for the President of
the United States to order any part of
the army or navy of UM United States to
moat by foam of arms the authority of
either of mid Provisional Governments
Maeda disorganize.' Stoles, to oppose or
to obstruct the nut- ority of the United
States, its provided filth. ant and acts to
Which the. is supplementary.
Fewri. 5, Act be it further elutelect, That
any interferenceby any person, with in
tent to prevent by force the execution of
the cream of the General of the Artily,
made in pantile-390 of tins art and of the
nets Momsaid, or any refusol or willful
neglect of any person to issue ally order
or do any act required by this net
or any" - of the "acts to which
this said is additional and supplementary,
with intent to' defeat or delay the dae
execution of this act or of either of the
acts to which this in eupplementaity,
shall ho held to be a high misdemeanor,
and the party goihy thereof shall upen
conviction be tined not to exceed' eve
thousand dollars and'imprisonment not
exceeding two years.
Amid be aimthee enacted, That
so much of all acts gad part of sets as
conflict or are Ineenaisteut with the pro
visions of this act, are hereby repealed.
The Committee of (Ways and Means
tastay had under coneideretion that part
of the new internal tax bill relating to
manufacture& While It is certain-they
will recommend that taxes generally be
taken off manufactures, there isevident
ly a inspiration an the part of the Om
miller, to keep the tax on articles of lux
nr,v, such as Jewelry, plate, carriages
anti the like, and else on gm and coal oil.
Them is a probability that the tax will
removed from raw cotton. The bill
net be reverted
: for several weeks to
COL RATIO* 50t1ETT iicrnar.
The fifth amial report of tbe.Amexi
ean Colonization Society was to .davprie
sented s te the hoard 01 Director, The
• receipts of the year were $.52,10; dis
bursements over 100,000, which compel
led the enlist of invente d funds to mar.
the different* la, the amount of pooyio.
The emigtion during• tho year was
nix 111111liF ra
Pli end -tiftythree. Applica
tions for passage to Inberia In liday next
have teen received to the number of two
thousand.' The Triffinury of the Assci
ation le now nearliVrepty anden appeal
le made to the friends of the eause for
• • .
In the SuProme Court to.dsy. in the
case of tho Commonwealth. of Virginia
rams the State of Vest Virginia, the
ChlefJustlea announced that the .Court
was equally divided WI the demurer and
equally divided also upon the order
which ahould be rou,d. in conecqintrico
of that division. ' °
The Roger Sherman watch was pre
!tented to Limit. Gen. Sherman to-night•
at the residence of Repratentative Grin
'told. There was a largo attenchuses.
Senator Terry, on„ , belialf of Dr. Charles
Rowland, of Breeklyn, . made the pre
-sentation speech. General Sherman, in
reply, expressed thanks, ani promised
to hand the watch to his son.
• The bill introdUced in the Senate by
Mr. Patterson of - New Ilampahire,
amend the emit Tenure act provider for
extending the provisions Of the net over
general asd special agents of tin; Presi.,
dent and the departments, except such .
as ago authorized by statutes.
narosrm ar uovxmen mei orricens.
Thu Houma Conmitteenn ' Banklng hoe
opood to a bill prehibiting deposits by,
Government Dineene in any place whore
there in no Aislatant Treasurer.
The Senate Committer. on. Foreign Re=
lationa took no detinit• action to-day on
the nomination of Mr. Cox as Minster to
ST Telegraph to the lituturgh lilasetUi
,TALtAusses, January 21.—The dele'7
gates of the Reconstruction Convention
met M the Capitol yesterday. Barely n
quorum woo present. Temporary" ofif7
core were chosen. all negroev.lbve;
fluently a permanent organization was
effected fie follows: Daniel Itichardvi,
President, and Christy White, (editor of
the Florida Timm, or Jacksonville,) Secj
rotary, both white won: A. negro was
elected Assistant Secretary, and most of
the suixedinate officers are negroos.
Lilo Tohermit to .b. rait.t.nrt, G ftttcl
JACILION, 71118/L, January 20.—1t1 U:1
. 0
Convention today• resolutions( wine
adopted asking Congress to continue the
Freedman's :Duman until rsoonstructio'n -
Is completed,inid to appoint a camel.
Zoe to welt upon and urge General 01 -
lam to Immo= order prohibiting Sheriffs.
of the State frofu enforcing Buy galas ell:-
der execution until further orders.
A. lengthy ordinsuicti on elections and
qualifications of officers and others was
was offered sod referred to the Commit
tee on Suffrage. The fallowing are the
principal features: No person :hall
bo deemed qualified to vote who bits
ever beca la armed hostility to the
United States or. authorities thereof;
ever given aid, comfon, countenance or
support to persons enged In such bee.
WILY: or ever In any manner adhered lu
the enemies thereof, foreign or domestic;
ever, except under overpowering corn-
Puision, submitted to the authority or
been in the service of the so-milled Con
federate States of America' ever lett hi*
State for the purpose of avoiding enroll,
ruentand draft, Into the military vendee
of the United States; rover, In order to
tamps the performance of duty
le the military of this States, en
rolled himself or `muted himself
tre be enrolled ea a disloyal aympathizen
br: having
ofrted State election held
thepople this or sni, other
of the Unlbri Sates, or beviug held office
In this' State or In say of the_ Putted
States, shell therhafter hove sought and
received under the claim of atlegianco
protection from any foreign Gov.-mutant,
through any counsel or other either
thereof, in order to - secure exenipticn
from - . military duty in tne army of the
Slatted States. Nor MIMI any 1 such
person be capable of . holding ip this
State en Wilco of trust and pout
under its authority, or of being
an officer. .counsel or manager
of any public corporation now existing
or hereafter eitablsohcd by Ito authority;
of acting as a professor or teacher TA any
educational Institution; Commeri or any
other school, sustained iu 'whole ler In
part by (grids provided by law.' rivet).
elector shall • take and PIIIIRCribt , Ito. nu
oath of loyalty which' embraces the fees-
tang or the. foregoing, - promle. to dim
amentatmace and oppose, ail plans for tile •
diesolution of the government, Mad ho
loyal and faithful I citizens of the
United States, and to accept the.
civil, and • political equality pf • nil
I Men; • irreepectlvis of race and Iroler,
d.c. After the adoption of this Constite,,
tion, All Stale, county and munielPal of
t Miens, men:dans; of the GllllKii AeSeltl- I
bly and 'Judges silted eubserihe to i
said oath. • Any person who shall he.
• summoned to servo on a grand of petit
Jury shall take the oath iu open- Court.
Any person exercising • the functions
' specified Without having taken UM oath,
ou conviction,. Meal! be punished with a
, flue tint less than floe, or Imprisonment
In the county . Jail not 'legal than
I six menthe, or • both. Whoever
takes said oath- falsely . shall. on
1 conviction, be adjudged guilty of
% per-
Jury, and punished with: imprison
,meet In the penitentiary less then
I two years. Every male ei et of the
U, iced Stales, without re r rar race or
color: over twenty7eue years, ois not ,
disqualified under the peevish, of the
Constitution, having complied with this
I law In other respects, is a qualified
elector. . i
Jamrsog, January fit —ln the Conven
tion to-day en ordinance instructir"e the
Legislature to setahlielt n House ofCor
rection for juvenile offenders, and pro
vide means for their mental and' moral
training, *as referred, .
Resolutions validating , eilt marriage il.
crimes and all deeds, horids, mortgages.
Ac., acknowledged by proper sintecre
since IWO. that dog, gun and poll taxes
are oppressive to poor whites and freed
men, and that ne property except! wear
ing apparel shall he exempt from execu
tion for debt, wale referred. • - I -
The ordinance for the pohliemtirge of
the proceedings of the Conventle4 in
three militial papers of-the State was bon
eidered and the firm section remixed to
the Finance Committee. .
The printers of the „roomed, the official
organ of the Convention, are on a strike
in couseqUence of nempaytriont. .
Itictimoten, - Virginia, Jan. 21.—The
Convention spent the - day in :debating
and adopting sections Of the 818 of
Rights. A Committee or four white .d
one colored mass was appottred to Invite
General Grant to visit the Con wolf..
One of the Conservatives declined and
another t•ok his place. - •
Tho Truktees of the • Peabody Ednea.
Lionel Funk to-day received the report
of .Dr. Sears, who says hei r nov. warmly
welcomed by the peopbe of the sc:1111,
who readily enderacd•his - rview - s, - espo•
dolly tho.o relative to Nornial Schools.
general grant w 2.% pre4cnt Mu - inert=
11081 . 11 011.119115.1
RALEIOII, January. the Cot
yention Teatordey twolVo , anntldLeta 0.
the Constitution were appointed.. To
day much 1)I the wns ennseznel
Wo epneial'order, the hpproprlßtiont
the relief tle - people,.
finally referred to a Committee appoint
pi to wait on ilia Govern, r to 1 . 0,1V1.
any COMMlllneat/Oay. Thcro WILI a tits
cm non on the p^r Minn, a ittru u t 2lloo
The impression in It will-be fixed ut eigh
acnat' tr,t,t
The frequenCy
0. .iz
e nes oTeetonz•
and the 'many t•omplaints arising fr2lo
disnstse of the Urinary Organs giro cern
elan for much study and Investigation of
those diMeultles. The old and the
young, tho I , ln and the lea`, arc all more
or less subj these troublesome *lac.
tines front that diabetc.t of Infants to the
gout and gra: el of obi Age, po much ex -
p Lairrrer at his toll, to tho taxation,
liver at his ease.
Prom the very nature or our, peculiar
system of practice, we have perhaps hail
more experience in the trvatinent of t Le-c
atleetioua than timidly fails to t 1143 lot or
any practitioner in the same time. And
it 1.4 In three ollertions more thon ari
other that an examination of the Orin,.
required iti order to understand the trot.
nature of the dilionse. All urinary ,
unities dpi not urine from gravel,
nor do. all' gravvEy . o'i ms
arise; Irvin affection of the Kidoov,,,,
- and It is by an examination of the
urine alone that these facts are to be yeri
fled many times.
Aud it is by the precise b^-
tween ibo many ills belonging to the..e
organs which we aro enanied Io mil, 1r2. -
thin examination, that we lire I.osuceess
fel in their cure.
We believe that WO have treiteil more
patients laboring ender these difficult:OS
than any other phyalidan in the Store of
Pentrylvarda, west of the Allegheny
mountains, and do not besitaie ,tia say
that we have eared a greater per 17nthgr
by one-fourth) of all our pailfuls than
has been dune by ally others.
These farts Can bo verified front our
records. We seldom fail to reheve our
intionts of. their sufferings in thou
• .
• isett-mt of axec. From close ettentiun
and long and patient investigathn, we
barn learned to knoir theprecise nature
or all these affix:lona, mid Imva found
out exactly.. the kind ut medicines to I
used in uncle. :Our reined!n in these
adapted to each particular easti, and will
give relief at once. Try them for ymtr
'lateen and verify theist% Bend a v tat ,f
urine, and we can nand yetitthenewe , ...gry
medicine.; L. Of.nttur.., 11. l .-
The motto of "quick auk's and short
profit*" is unqueetlenally a Bond one,
•andperhatei the only trne duo for bie.l
- men to ho governed by, ds an evi
dence _of its correculess It is only
necessary to ' refer to the al estathisited
buslneas houses in oar city, ail of which,
have acted upon it-and more or less owe'
their success to. It: Ammar t h e nitst.
prontinent 4( the establishments which'
have dons Matinees on this minciple
the enterprising and reliable trinuning
and notion firm of Joseph horns A:
Non. 77 and 79 Market 141 ,, I, \Vi, tit
'staking ..quick sales, at protits' , .
were enabled to run out the IEIIIIIOIISO
etock of goods they had on hand Ina: fall,
and replace %tett extremely lone pricer,
• which for the past month have rated the
eastern market. Having IVarntsP the
advantage of title method-tor doing bust
ness,,they intend to continuo;lt, and the
Immense stock which hen jest tett! re
' ceived and opened wilrini orriod. to the
public at greatly rt &aced prices. The
stook comprises a full cold Imniplete 'ac
sort mont of evorything usually toubd • in
a first class trimming and notion house,
which they are determined hi sell before
the spring trade opens In order to ntolt••
room fora fresh ,Hoek. Ottr 'readers
should hear in mind that articles
purchased at this estabiishment ore a - ha
they are represented to be, Ai, it. Is ono of
the repnateutat icehouses of the City; and
It la by the flue quality - of their 'goods
and fair dealing that they Intro attained
their present Ingh ?minim lb the mer
cantile world. ' • .
Brent finreslne to nerve' Yentri'm and
111114re:0n clothing. hr.)! .14?
Flogs. n 0,417 at. is Ir Street.
The fashionable Merchant [shorn;
Mows. Griay & Logan, No 4I St. Clair
stritet,Lave in store a very large and Ju - -
dielously assorted Keck of.hOys' youth's
and children's - clothing, watch they ore
dealrous Of claming out before the spring
trade comment:ea. In order to effect
thts object they have specially reduced
their prices, and otter decided bargains
to their patrons and the public generally.
The btorrk has been manufactured eat of
the bast quality of goods, in the latest
fashionable styles and the Very - best
workmanship. Complete /hits of bloty
and desirable clothing fur bey. are otTer
cd tbr the very low prlonof - live .dollars,
and the rates throughout ; have been
equally reduced.. Tim MO clausal:rot
this pant, and the large paMonaga it trf-
Joyiss sulllcieut guaraptee of their
earnestness in ansmenclug great bar.
gains to purchasers. We urge a volt to
the well stocked =hire rooms of the firth
doting the contanesucalof thus -.special
sale. - See adyertusemeni ou our aceortt
fie Fracheits Felted, one of the best.
oondneted Gorman papers or the 'Stole,
and which i n no true to, the nrinehdos
held by the 'RenalWen Irdrly the
ucodin to the polo. has Just removvti to
its cosy new butidingon Stnithilehlynear
Sixth' street. - !deem; !loth, • lintler , A
Co., the enterprising suds WOrth,y-vmprl7
eUna,' have /113Ct`Mtlid ' ;tang , this
Journal in a prospurous condi nt, moth;
rendering Its welcome visitor to ..thoti
sands of households In this neighborhood.
R0140n• Accident
Charleatee,a boy alrnt ten years of
age, who resides with his - parents on
Fleming street, Third ward, Allegheny,
was severely Injured on Monday, by
being run over with a sled. It appears
that the boy had boon in attendance at
of the Third ward School, and at recess,
In the afternoon, had fastened on his
skates and was skating on the, idderwaik.
Nthilis in the act oferiassingJames at 'eat.
his attention was attracted to a drove oC
ratite pursing along North avenue. Just
at that moment a sled, upon which a lad
named Thomas Itl'Farthud, was seated:
came dashing clown the street, and lie--
fore young Lee 'could get out of the way
be was struck and Mated to the ground.
In ialling hislfead mune in contact with
tree hos by which his skull was frah
tured: le-s, arms and body were
also bruised. 110 was picked. up In -an
insensible condition', and carried' Into a
house In the Immediate vicinity; where
mediCal aid lsac summoned, fro was
afterwards ronovcd to the residence of
.parents• and, no hopes Nyent enter
tolnocrof his recovery: •
. We noticed omiterday the removal of
Richard Durbia - tfrom the conntyl,7.ll to
Pamavant Iloseital, on en order of court,
whore he died visterday morning. The
deceased was about sixty-five years, or
ego, and hid boon cemmilted to Jail for
term of ton days, which expired Xev-•
end days before his removal to the hos
pital. Coroner Cloyfson was notified
and held an iuqueit on the body, when
the jury returned the following. verdict:
"That deceased mote to his death from
convulsions produced by a caili anti a
ban rot:dyed .while in the county jalL
In view of Um terrible condition of this
untortunate wan when removed from
the comity jail, we strongly recommend
and o -go the County Commhcooners and
thel4ll4oll 11••• ant to t alto iminediAte steps
Lor restoring the sanitary condition of
oar county prison. Many improvements,
simple in theninelvest and vet which will
lie cot:dwarf) to ths• health of the in
mates, are very nweh needed."
The Allegheny CountylfedicalSolety,
At their meeting yesterday eleet the
ntilowing officers for lEtstt:•" Pres dent,
Dr..a., - Iti. Poll wit; Vim Preslden Dr.
Vt• F. li.nox; Corcespondlng. tory,
Dr: W. Snlyely; ilecording Sec tory,
Dr. Ed.Urnbstnetter; 'Censor, Dr. Joint
Sem plc; al tyv eight delegates to the nOr•
non :Medical .Anacciation, and eat Alto
tbaStato lfedical Society. The letv
now nrunboratteventy-nmemembe add
twenty-ono member:4 elects.
Inspostiog of Them; For EOM time
past a number of persona have nin
the habit. of tyincrogating at thel'atch
lion**, in Allegheny, in the oveni g, for
lodglagst, which was Itlrrnya far t lobe
them:- 1%1:v or Drum, it appo.i,rs, in
obout to break - up the• practice by *end
ing the loafer,. up as vagrants. • Yeater
da y , morning Ail werecommitted by hint
(Ala.( [barge. .
Fake Al rm.—Thealarm of fire et half
past.. (Cu which proceeded (row
box Li, was orawensed by the burning ci
a bundle of straw on Third street, sear
Market. Such an iodise, iminate ikce
the telcdraph should be prohibited; as It
13. calculated to demoralise the lire de
partillera, an s e ll an briugirig the Mane
pe:egrapL Into distaver. -
Melt Deputy : - 11 - arPhal
stAterday arrested Jeremiah
mut 0:14:Irgo Ralston, or Butler o
on a charge of illicit distilling. The no
brought to this city Masi
nigttL continc , -up when
they4will gook thh.
rtlorniDg, soh heariug
heloru COLIIII
A Cumprot len merle
inforlealem a Taylor,
,heorginir Eli.. _ 1 1 / 1 Ihe lar
cvny_vr a clot!, seeque valued atsgoven
dollars. Th..; amused v - as urr , 41. , 1 and
taken before th. Able] dap, where the
matter wmi vernpraml. ,, ed end the de
renlant discharged on p .ynipnt of •the
We ntelei,stand thatn widely knowi
,tsntlennin of this city is to give sent
•rend i nes of several of his favorite seen • .
Shakespeare, in - eosinme, some nigh
this week, in Allitzbetiv. A rjeli sun
mare trest Is in Mort , Gtr those who ar
foriunotoenoi gat to gain admittance,.
nod y Found,—The Gale of an unknown
n was found in the' Allegheny river at
tba fun of Fnc:Ory strce:;.about nine
Ti.o body was taker,
in 4 . llara, y undertaker DevorOt and en
inquert wi beheld upon ant ten
Llm worn g.
.—The heaviest fall of 'snow
I Vial that of Tuesday night.
on the venous roads, won :
delayed. Tim sleighing . Ln
tid the livery stable keeper'
a rich harvest, from their
this He ss
The lruiti
more ur I
Commlit 'd.—John Taylor who wnsar
re,e,i t Orphnui Fair, on Monday
o , enlaz, -for disorderly conduct, had e
hearho; before d,putr Mayor Owatun,
Vcstordny, which recited id his WWI:
committed to jail for use days.
For:MTH PAGE.—SaginavrVality: Al
s: The Courts; Amnse
ments. Real Estate Tntsfers, de.
Tho Roots.
Tito great reputation which the Conti
nental UMW; Rom., Flail street, next
door to rhorpt4 Office, Is largely due to
the =pH:lcent manner in which It In
munagrd by the - clever and accommo
tlatin4 bolt, Mr. William I.loltzhelmcr.
Ile pays eiptteill attention to Ms host
ile., and ns a caterer has succeeded iu
obiromtn; u very enrieble reputatlon
aniong.t oar merchants, businoas Innu,
prole...slow., told, Indetyl all claw. 01
citizens who take meals At the Conti
nental: 'the unit,: cleanliness Is ob-
. .
. .
cotvi J, at..l the culinary departmetit is
to charge . .f first class woks, who are
e l ital to any of our, uwdern Troteasor
These who cap appreciate a
debt gr9ott Aquaro rooalouta very reason
elite price. no coultuethl to iloltzhet.
dices Continental Dining Rooms.
(:ents..Forul,lanr, Guoda.-4entlovnen
are invited to call io ant) Nee the splendid
assortment of furnislth4; goods,.io the
wav 01 drool shirt., traveling shirts,
under- garments, hosiery, .glows, sus.
genders, ve01:: ties, eutro, acarh., paper
e,liara, • 1111011 collars .te., Just
opened at W. \V. Nloorhead's, No. 111
Market street. bpoelal bargains in thlo
lino of goeij`t 1.10 now ollerea'7 - retk.ll
At Smilgvau .t Ruse', N 0.24 St. Clair
etivut, a largo ao.orttuent of boots,
shove and -sailor, it offered at the very
lowest priem. The firm puielteria their
acada from firet-ohnes manufacturers, and
afford purvinvama articles IMdlieir lino
sepal to the tinett home lurid° custom
utak. . 'in and :ere -fur plumed' an
(here is no charge fur showing geode.
Hats nue Cap , :=The enterprising firm
of SitotignMl anti now, No. 24 St. their
streot, otter ti:rern bargains In fmtltionable
hats and cans, for molt and boys. Their
stock in 'eery. belie, and anxious to dose
out the firm Euivo Marked down their
prices regerdiess cit original odet. Lib
eral inducements to dealens who buy to
sell again. .
Vie Ober . treason next week wit cre
ate a great demand for parry fans, &nay
and. WilitO colored hid gloves, sashes and
trininings, ribbons, ,to., and ea ma
commend our readers to no hones where
they will tied a larger. or better assort
ment and, at more reasonable .prices
titan at W. Moorhead's, hi'm tp. Mar
het street,
Ttuuks, travelling bags and satchels,
bt excelleut worktuansbip and bawl qual ,
Ity of inaterLal, Uri) offered at. ireatly re.
dated at the well-known and pop
lins:. tvlialesala and retail establishment
of Snodgrass st. Moan, „No. 24 St. Clair
Art ixialltatlonThe third annual ex
hibition or tho School of Deaign. will
commence on Tuenclity,tho 2134 at . ten
o'cleck at., and continuo day. and
eveni tr, throughout tho week. The. pub.
Ila uro lucitcd to attend. son
. . .
jlbsent-elnr...' Loin w ill l necessarily be
absent from l'ltt - burgh for two or three
weeks from tO ay, January Met, 'On
Ms return will Itooo kotrusuientty at Ate,ot
.flee thereafter, during hunts of practice,
13,71111 C; ftildnas and Easbes, .t opened "arid
elegant styles and novel.les J u st
at Um ibAhlonablo roldil trimming nod
notion bound of W. NV...Moorhead? filo.
SI 'Markel. street.
Fur Fitterlke, L. 9111444 cliffs. Fluft.
ut :prices legarillr 43 or cost. at 140.
whulir4ul.• auLl rutall *lora - of SOcullgrasp
.p. l ltous No. 24 St. 4.1a1r stmt.F.'
I ' V,
• Great EA/Mall&
• The beautiful selection of fine Ameri
eruo and foreign gold and allyer watches
for ladies and gentlemen wnielaliave
been Imported apeehaly by tbe well
ran & Seidle, No. all Filth Area, for their
customers, are offered at very !,. one
ble prices, Parsous desirous of any thing;
in this wayabould not fall payisig this
establLshment a visit during the imp ttn- ,
dance of die special sales.. - A abll line of
fashionable) ewelry, plain and
rang., diamond sots, garnets!, silver, and
silver plated wares, gold beaded
plain and fancy mantel clocks in bronze,
marble find wood, and a very general
sleek of goods peculiar to almiLcir drat
glass, jewelry establisbmeaus. The Tied new
store of dm firm Will 'tartly be ready
for occupation, and in themeanwbile
great bargains are - offered at the present
stand, No. 29 Fifth street.
Good Goods Gold price..—Flaving
marked down n y goods to gold priced
will sell .tny eddllee aback of boots and
shoes of all kinds tor gents,ladles,ialawn.
and'boys, at prices lower than tbaybove
boon sold,sloco tbo war. I: warrant alt
. . . . .
my goods, having been selected ovith
great' mro, and from Jirst clam Imase:s.
Parties purchasing can depend on get
ling' a good article. Call and examino
before purctsalng elsewhere..No trouble
to show goods. JA}.l, Roan.'
• ' 89 Market stmt.
Go I. Wm. Fleming's extensive fur
Louse, N 0.139 'Wood street, If you Want
bargains In Ladies' Furs.
Plano Covers—Embroidered In gold,
Frost variety of patterns, greatly reduced
in price, at Barker's final sale. , •
Good Groccries.—Our Allegheny read
ers should remember, that "Mr. Arthur
Kirk, Nos. 172 and 174 Federal. street,
Allegheny,- continues to nail his
well selec ted stock of groceries at 'very
low rates. Mr. K.'s store being one of
the largest in the two'citlein ho is,prepar-,
ed to suit the wholesale as well as the re:
tail trade. groterisa are of suoh a
.twality as salt the nao.4 particular hinse
keeper, and at such price. as to loft the
evonornical purchaser; "Call at Nos.. 172
and 174 Federal drool, avulses the stack
as well as his:price hat. , • ••
6'4, 8.4, 9-4 and 10-4 Sheeting,
:ery cheap at. Barker's final sale.
4 i idle the Lamp Bolds Oat to 13u.rnO
there is a chance for restoration
health. If, -therefore, tho constitution
has been weakened by disease or alma
—the nerves ,shattered—the ; stomach
weakened—the appetite gotta, and all the
world appears gloomy--poor mime frOth
oil into your lamp, lathe shape of Plan
tation Bitters, which will make theflome
of life again born brightly, and illturdn
nte a once wretphod exhume...ll- For hi
dim it is nn elegant and. gauge slimu
taut exactly each as they requite. Many
families will nnt' be without it. It has
an immense sale throughout the work'.
IdArproLTA WATEn.—A delightful toi
lict to Cologne, and-at
half the price. . auvrreF-
llnder. Wear thr Ladies, Dents and
Children, redneed in price, at! Barker's
taut sale. .
-00,1 IVA fitlt Sate of Ladles' ncd Misses'
Fors at' Wm. Flemings, N0. , 1N Wood
stied: • •
Thelarant's YrieurL—Urts. Winslciw's -
Rootklng Syrup Is the best and 'surest
remedy in the world for all discuses of
children, .oti an teething, wind colic,
.to. It corrects acidity of the; aualrlkchi
regulates the bowels, and , gives rest.
health and comfort to the mother and
child. Perfectly safe in all I vrases, a.
-millions or - mothers min teritlfje. Offices
21.5 Fulton street. New York, and 1 115
High Holborn, London. England. Be
sure aSdeall for "Airs. Winslow's Sooth::
mu Syrup." having the. fornrirsite o:
"Curtis & l'erkihs7 on the outside wrap
per. All others are base imitations
Hcalery• and. Glova,. some elighlls
soiled, very cbeap, at liarker'n final sale.
Chapped Hands. face and all roughness
of the skin, Certainly cured by using the
Juniper Tar Soap, made by Caswell,
Hazard C 0.,& New York. ];t surpasses
dl other remedies, as it will prevent
roughness of the skin, if Used during
cold weather. It is conveniently applied,
scolding all the trouble of i the grimly
compounds now in use. It Coo - be used
by ladies with the moat tender-skin,
without irritation or pain, makitfg it soil
mil clear. Sold by the ' Druggists ' gen
Balmoral Skirts, is groat' variety, at
31.2.1, a great reduction in price, at Bar-
Icer'a final sale.
• Bargains ia,Ladins' and liiissas Fara,'
at Wm. - Flamingo, N0.,1139 Wood strest.
To li - hob:silo Bum tit 11:47 . Goods we
are ottoring special irucoments—Job
lots from tho Eastern Auction Sates—
Shawls, Dross Goal lionsgeoping
Goods, - Mena' Wear, Shootings, Shirt=
logs, Prints, de.
J. W. BARKER d. Co., ••
• s.9'.llarket street
Beautiful barred Shirting Flanneld,ln
centsat Barker's final -
Real Lace Reo-is and-Embroideries.—
The finest selection of real rich lacesi,
imitations find embroideries is offered at
the fashionable retail trimming and no
tion house of W. W. Moorhead, No. 86
Markat . street. Prices Very reasonable
and to harmony with the present deprfts
sion in the Eastern markets.
Illanketa.—Son the most extraordinary
bargabal at Barker's final sale. .
Dyspepsia, In Its worst forms, Nervous
mad itilltous Headache, had other-dis
eases arising from denurgement of tin
stomae I and bowels, are speedily - 6ml
by Dr. Wilson'errill.s. Every druggist
throughout the land keeps them. -
IV bite and Colored Bed .
sires, Tery scup, at BoilLer•e ilualoale. •
Great Bash at Wm. Flemings, Noadd:
Wood street, for Ladies' Yu re.
Ladles, go to Moorhead'', No. 81 Mar .
.ket street, and see the splendid sionit.o.
Mem, eambriegoods , whiter goods am
embroideries, just opened and offered n
minced prices. . ' . .
Table Linens—Extraordlnarybergalps
at Barker's final sale. . ; .• .
Call and 'EXaanne the' large and mutt
lete atonic of Ladles' Fun, at Willtaur
leming's, Di o. 139-Woodatreet. tf
Best quality. of Prints, 121 centi, at
Barker's final sale. , • -
Conatitctiloti Water is a certain' mita.
for; Diabetes and all diseases of the k id .
neya For e ale bran druggists. MIT.
reklng grimily reduced in piiee
Bcrker'e • t•
Barraturila Ladies' Furs, at Willie=
Flemings, No. 139 Wood street. ,
' • I
, . .
iunn3-:incs9oll.—on Toerdag afternoon,
i.n.iy zba..t Edgeworth, the ieetdenee hl the
brlle•r parents, hi the ROT. Junes Aliteon. Mr.
It. 1.. /I. DAUBS, of ?firebomb. to SADIE -9 ..
'daughter of-Dr. John Wagon.. •.': . -'
' - sfloroogat.'se k
o'elock. ANY , / A T.. lotant Amish!. r of Althorn
end llobeecoiaLrley. lied seven weeksAad two
ru.cskl arrsitoox Sl'k
c'el:ek...lrok • the madam Of Its gaireate,lo,
Zollaridnilly. erect, AlleghonlellY. Thelkelende
or the fondly see mewed/WO Invitadtosttend.
Cartlegee will leave kitealtu . denlth`i etslile4
Colon Depot, al Ti o'clock. ' • -
UAL' IN—On Toesdey overawe se 7 Veloek. et'
Wel t tr.lll . 1111',7:4V1g it;',11:7.;:r11"4;
Vino rserse . her Isis resides., No. SO keoh."
limn serest. Allegheny City. tee TarishAT
Ay - mono dri at 2' o'el•cle. The Mende stet.e
family aro reopeetfollYinilied to &mod.
011 11 . 3. E A T—OFNICICH AND'
• Rooms is t a i 14. bemuse meted by 111 -
x,, ,, in. Dant. to LIBERTY /TUFA
comer or Glastiom atty.plamealata POOSOdOII
give. ror.tayms, ...1.147 TUZ ' )c•
T Lt.T.—The Fourth: ndlaiiiit
011 . TUlllp 5T0.11128 of Ms , f
Na'lsi Liberty Ilt . relst. Legally; aT. a, .1: T:
Von HENV-Bere , ane,large
ROOMS is the ()AMR
toed Rea, * calk sbe MS: '.14pl et ias:S}Mte
To 110'i—A
walprzo es N.ia aria*: iaist
llutpt. Miodvia..?•••‘Bol
ApzU tat. /DMUS TM' A. 1931.1. T.
DIE WO.; - Ira citizan.,
awelalaleg 001.
of tat , ..l 4 intag mains wafter. 111°1110S g,
x Meat Nowt tryTeleTteOtEl 4
.11; the
tellable llaiamial l'oatt
alma LT my Deb. , r 2
.4.7 ; l.:nbar..bleebaele lierolutai
Ice ills wt:,.....I.TOV:tiTTo
e; le eunrertmr.
tales of Ten .--====:: 40:
—lid one copy of payer to lbw pareee
arab. deli, astaitims to estbnma D. mule •
may time, as dermas,.
Norice TO BollSClUWlTl.—teNtietiat yam
pope ,bean Rd *melt? , ntmt edlttaa rar
trot. u'n lam • • Iradaasday 'Minna Nese.
Webers Mena but am mall ► "amt.
arj.mimamy by Dm% Iltoramm,' , XMaY s tenta
or la ItmestaredLeMen. staybeen et t AOC
, - Paaa'a
No. - 1115 Poor Wort. Plittintibl. ra •
CprYINS. orell [lnds: CIMPIIS4 t/L0V1127.u. d
enry deseriptlonof Tonerel lirplatoS
Esfams opeudq axo kW..
aid Carriage& i
111 . ....xclut=Rem. asvl4 r iitr, D. D.:ZAT.
Jacelms, Tho. z.bliv gmi•
311.11er. • •
p9olatt o T.'llttDNET.
Tann Ann Znsaltsmi.So. 43.0111. dd..
Allialutly. Ud x...-sa ntwalita MInT. ttel
,ri,norn.c. it 'trona nape always on bawl tha
bias, Natal. Itotowood, alai. and WWI,.
IneeweedConlia, Walnut Catint from htt ups'
ward. llagewood Copts lttli inwards; all othat
Central propertion. 'Carriadas wIMMO.
furnished at low roma , Cram, Canna,. Plata
sad EngraringihralahedgraWS Odle* open asy
.pasTAKZR: Onto ann.,
,EittalLte, 114•24a0a aid arts Cat.
INlttt &complete noel of i4noiel rmalsUlat
6...15.; tkand 1.1 thnitsbed skt aortal. salmi'.
0.0. or no. 000 middle fitreida.
llsrlitcbci, Magic.. Saddle Hon., Lo. at..
. -
owliundarilawalOoni? ,
NO, Itiviskg Ina Malt' fuel: him: eid.the Up . e 7
of one of hla ears brogan.. • ikitire”t gene
°NISI. 114 d leiator cojlar. .
Any v.:Aim • "
ikarnleig 13IM to 2...47 THIRD IStitalLT 1111
,i*.l•rn • liberal remar& •
ley.. the IF arraying! Badness. Nast
ilte a jowl ai,d, * and have a Weal tor drawiiii•
II NOW At £0; oval. 'labs ttavansia • Lola.
•04 01 Marta *treat. • . • •
'WANTED e. qr more-por;
tleits take an interact to the 1,9111.4101. •.
niSiturselicrier a !svelte; article t the flee lee -
ht. the sits fil'l4litsbitreh. )lenuflctur7 le -1 '
plate riineing Eider and onliSieedluceicliel se
Wakes Ten profitable helices*. APPI7.4.*
IS:•'./SeLAISili CO., Stl fourth street. • T
IyANT EIN—A A 1011 ,
Topultr I4ltlon or, Masai;
uoldpubllsbloglif s ?. Appistosts. Ls sollbsllbst.:
bloating b. bete publisbed which is so -heap. : .-, -
wilrprlnted and ',wield. Wiwi velumei an out I
•!dsmerlaus4sites.” IS ecuisis .....itriatetas St*:
con : , 011vesTotttsudecnisz,••NsoW 's
SS Court; frrlolsolok Poplin."
.To be completed Tsai. The eutlni
porsks or Picks.. ;4 Si, • bend hos tliculad or •
side:l4l7bn. to Agesits. "frodi Agituti waned. r,
Address D. ATTLIITLIN A CO.. Publlshirs,
rand II rroadwar. New York,l',. •
W,iNTE it--3 OOK
eplonald chance *e . g.* Agee* Yale . '
end 7lenrele... mist 'elegant an'eeriptien - ....
fee* itahllotteeL notet.maictreo.woXsN;gr.
Three Or WoueeLT Atli:Ogees& or ALL IA, -
OroAo' F. Mistretta *Olt teeeeteen burs ahi
i.lesaid. steel. eier itfa►a.~-Admte~orod le all ;
t;erte the eitoor7. le rill' ILL valttablatel
Orson troth. It. to necuilllfy ~,from. fee. Ey
:s t reet, who teeth) eiakelariemrsthe he unease-,
the for. tiOs , or ot,er of onelpahlleathths.'44....
:tre4i. D. APPLETON 2 ClAi PahltAttus; ON*
tel Broadway. N.)2' •- . •
FOR stilda
roli /44 , destra
ble 114 EiMINGIIOI3Bi. Fo. Zlf tliec r ock
slices. ails-ebony City. conislolng Dine M 5....
S.Ss in es it rinass; !hashed astle. bash 'house s hot ' .
and cold water,,saier clossts, wash Nose iats:
- solesdhl Ingoire . st•i(o. LA WOOD . IT.,
?On SA.I.E-A vrS desirabhr
three-itory BRICK 111:0.18E. hearty:new;
'pressed brick front. nimble ; mantles; gas and
-Rater throughout; house t6etalns MITCII.7OOIIIIII ; I
sinanalshed Ferret. fie. N gf..41 tITRT.67. near
111.ylle„.ilsth ward. l'asesslon from.aprtl Ist,.
lies. inquire at the house.'
—Woofer for sale, M
AnnM.? game.' Land In •
one tract. stool tulles Ann the Sits of kpa- - . •
banderols. The land 1a Improred and under c 01...
tlrstlok and Is unsurpassed ;for richness of sell • •
and prodirctlreuess of Saone:ea ki•plet, suet u '
!user cane. roam Mee, sweet potat . ... and.ers •
at:metre., with superior analog for cattle end
raising bogs, on the •plae rang.. • The hest of
yellow pine timber In shothlince. - with !ant rate
water nth, for saw . mdlls,..*tth di ptlittf. water
enough for amamboats to ran lumber Into tha •
corer. where It can be loaded 11110 hrge resat.'
and shipped North. There irs.len good frethe •
booths un the premises.' The waters abothd .
L eith ash. knee, duck . sad 0100 wcw‘le
kinds of game—bear. deer„ lather, quell. elm
' The country . Is entirely free:from Won dlseasek•T
...ender. by mlasmallo In Inenceosspreentent
to the Swab.. We will sell .this land at the Tow
yrlee of*LOa per sere.
Also, • tract of to. VA sere:: yrtsoll7 uhlukithuTos ,
ed. coerced with the them fellow 'plea Umber,. t
-with creep fat Illty for eawlig Straber.'nertgable. -
Streams to run the Inmbeilath tae Th.
mantles. Fear tbo gust nty.d. rylee ideenat
Also. 100.000 acres In peke. Iron ' •
cents to pa per Sere. -- • •
. For further •thformatbnktud or call for our ..
BonWcoo LindClreolar.ASlLL . B.IIUTTEIIf.T. , 1
toes! Santa and In ono.; lkents,Flttsthrstra . '
tformarly Lawrenceettle.F... • .• •
V tf on ALE—Thriree.Very.deitltite
••••- b:e D W ZLLTS ARp LOTS. eltnatoffort
:Shemeldatto.t. Fifth ir AlieitiothY,
'mesas from areal tan. Itch konsieemitaluff
elubiroonie an ; dultheff ettle. and ere laished
'throughout In the beat wither. trith het and
cold voter. bath room, inter demi; tunable
mantles, etc.. ate. The shore property le only
offered utity...the Ist of February. rot further:
oettleulsra office:Of Paean?. isms.;
Mato...tie andtedraleka Met. Allethasy. ' -
F°" SALE.-1190NO and Lot or
. grog of Manhattan nod Adana . atnait
•ear; Pasimagar Railway. Lot 44 DT: 12r teal,
liege trait. cOOI olnti rooms =goad ban,
well Improved. Liam argiot avaleidnddi our
awe Ll. greet. Ailegheig CM:" Lase to
Corti Dame name. cordenta lean. to room and
good cellar: water and gar, • •no. merged Neal .
Hamm sad Lorin rood Imam; Irvin et 4.
ROnH•R CU., Beaver "egg, Our Cnagnik
FOR B•Lre—lionj4ES .
110WARD , 3 Livery" OM late lteNe,. ale
floe TAMILY 1108$11 (8W): thre•i3OPPLS .;,
Gaze limn.. a...,Lwsai pahuelir
three 111..liCKSAME5; •t. uirr.l)
flar MIKA l; our ttei
lirlioroes balled WI lola oo eamaasele: •
FOR BAL E - 418. flue
HORSY!, well blotched alid
r7AlTMAGF.,.oltaidifor 4. or lorp beim.;
wu•holum WAGON; ,iad- a - 6.* 4.4 of
et 4a04 IMSS. oH7niw.,Ar.ooolAs /MN'.
11. a WATCH
u raovuga i riarzerr sqecm'
! te APIUS
DuMiami & HMS=
1111,0111ZATIR di=.ILILIMMX4h
(hi nrra gam.,
WrNIEE cz.oins.
vrnith'wtiviitlit.dil to oillaro
tally 115 raw; CENT. LESS TIIAN 011111tIllt0.,
tins seavorG ,, LOW itack"a C
t. es imaig sr., c0....; 0f
Hiturs a. laikpc,
mercha3:4 Tailor;
for. arid
1 1 1;:l
-3'i, X. Xi'
NOTICE. - -4ntAtreep*Morlu T
r -
dam Quin nie *4m:it tuttpc
:F.S.cootrarled otueoabesNisi, - Otis;
PS thanp atoioglke
.10ffizr, --
*RATH. tore. ItattoV7
W. 4 11$000106 "14 '0.111tIrly;,,