II i 2 ONst4 II TIMIImS;SAY 4 ,4 I . TaglteTsdnenpasO.nre"-ibinit:to be 1. , easefely remised by tbe Congressional Cinenditseet-Waya-snd Mum _This 4ii a Tem- lavortant teat, . - sad one be (srblett mind _:knowledge,' judgment sated none be excreleed ley the gee- Atemini cisiaitiOiii the — Cenialttte., An Whet, will-bsonaade- sir , 'Wks out-the ' eneelartixet Beeler l ma- on - ;a l n l * - J tuns, r fiti4 rareili . le thelnconte ten. : :., Tsui aziosctirsiitcre Taste Is ifiii: tined to snake a melts bathe world there a as belitratihk. — kirhiraii arid happy kaselraf ktdig tithe surface OA alloccasions ills-swat as a Pardee, - li fhlEl*(isletisiiiiituiterit 'Was "part' of 1 ' a elititti paogxamase Lid Oat bj /massif, . , astd.alt the incoaradenat to which he j• aballkisablicted, will. kit& egatniatiim - M latt - lie aiiplt made op by tbanale - risty 104111 tar a few Weeks espy. - . . , .. - . 1 Apoecuzirimairred Nib NswYark Worid,bm ede&, , la wonittig , - ';ii - okid - gracoo. - of President Jobiailt,tio.ftt osi , to &ow - Ont an opts.. die baiiglaa that ho to .a much - amid Ladividasl. -Ha speaks thr•g*es,•_api.anucipait MIL se far as eisalation.aind is } I . that OTlV*O i ca/dpgar s. 9 ll, PM 1 7°_, ludittriii4aii;-01Pecisni} , git 7 0 Fr one! , inurbe - that Mr; Jam= loth --- oanutok for it isitaTatrilipt . tat bas aims A u ilootopion t . to'; otligeOf Olidof2xeciatlii, to :tilos at?Oiti . a ISTOlatan. stubborn, analaoss;: blotiolttrLa - cohttfbot4lorsoll • . d bad feeling irides. izaw Istabstwedalsimadrand'Consgess, sad wag' or he' Vie! lOdy l s slonS *shoia4SlistS the Otsirybillties of con !MR .81113 E AGES. aiS it Ws* still tba aeliket !peak - uor irbst ara - popularly celled tha ;"3:bak - Agea'.! arty of Pecilier , iad martial &Auto.. In rain 7‘salita nIl atteallc t o the walled: at . _ traudtra ;which pew up all over Lure 6 4 EittrEst 'that pretnats veiled, szd.wiu jet astealitt all who Isiak tpot! thew to thou muiels is . P!are attachid ipmaih • =limited as modals of taste andbeauty; 1 ° lbw!' *IOW .04 111 PIP stek -mad - ituamed trots cried forind ,00litodt . -to those seattimiiii of lialltng Irkilltgiett 'Wok:l)4llnd and to - Itaiiklitig AtOt. anaatelat by any amtar partonanow - .- dad at IW hat - tap' tantalize. .-.- - Agia - ' that prodigal Eiain - o - , Itaaanin, tau tzuer, - )lneartaaltarealbitas; - Cat- , - - manta, Tana, lacciia, kid a boat of kautnatadrita, wad not hays been kit i ' .7 . lava& They may lame bee* Noted -ma apetstittooa in-the ' antmatlon of modern oath* jut ai the _ pliant age :'; • mill be so awaited by Maoris= and r e . risure7Fi who ' gaff; coma are amend - ran later. -Minato a n' l sapentitana . are not Panto= ar aillea to theta who, 1 - doodah duals, but Bola= rabies; JO ~ ' that eseh Indaidut and each ganeretton • .- , ' pasealinailginlaneenr ikelr deaden . :-.. eta la- Wee tarticalics. ' They look back itlithibizoteta that bate . died oat ; - - ilrir..auli*tP*o4*fifaaea awl,; • aid - us:111M ii*suri*Ahat mon • linind L. T. felever.thos to such 3M idfatn~tbne Every so to judged brags" follei4or and then is sas some certain ladlcation - than Is bare la larded. - Of -serersi sad steady pros olmapklad 'T • lir.;Zsiraz aroma Thstary et NM mine Ages with thi prefaced re kirk ilia these ages were esllsd dark lae►aae they really were ''se, tsa.be :we Whitt: WC liqr Fwd . ! . ling Tien tierce coat:meanies corn Massicas, Lams, °ALM. KAU, lAA' their essoelatei„ coral:fad; under vastly diffirald *men, bi yoL VIER, tin* .ishatteplue by Daarron,:lienas , brointeiteX. were in fnerable tei hoe inuation ef .dingearleanrejudginits upotthe men er topics Incased. Yr:Kaunas, is his introduction i t lta lestOrY,Of Vathind, tamped s Min Ain; Kr: Rama; declining - thdit was difficult to _decide to which .the ligl4 infple Own 'seat, to the Oalbeibrentrch or to. the Rafortution ma`Grout to zinnia this parties inastalny ir r rhrt • the -bat band of nualgethatpiseed awn frorn the coati . zentui,thewana, and'setded In tinter bury, found %Impose's sank In barber -404 andliry iloi degrees - Abed' them astakebt pceteritY to that MO Erne - of :iiid,"tiasearatiezit to add& tiny landitatized whenthe anion broke nnatOnall; std thlithe lap . SeiWnnat hefOre the' BeGantatha wenernmeir 'guano that which lowed,After, es 10" Lane Lthe balance is the ilmK unceitanti , - . This cantor: of magnialmity was atikbalibrig: Mourner, in his Pre. Int Willi - Life *of Lusnza, in which the CintYdio hiaterien z of France don neheeititetoleclare the OCCI7IIII Ye. fen* ink& Liberator of Modern , Tianght." Itiinetonrpurposehere to maMnrsip spinet the 'inborn]. of Mr.. Clusion that after 91'n decline - of the dude eras la Greece aid Rama, aid following . the ipion,of Condu, it' there wine (teaming, hidiezpardal, as BM special alums or minima, er _ct , f. earartending with considerable, .cit. V tirtralikala the Bottum Boa .Pos. .. - teepruden is doubtless gain tog , . . Meting nda Of, lettere, thaat . after the anondeatione-to which he has • . - 'objected, Is is incomparably the , ~,, • superb delimodor who hr yet i. • 4 .. of the decay of the *gin of clegOc setliFi*Mtd :the;rim or.Chria , tient ~ nponthe mitts thiroot Amid the : tirsii ~ ind . osertozninp of thou - timer, , hen the satmarialsof learning— , , . the .. ~, . *Mom of ages—were sal' . -, . • In mennacripta—it was 4 burl. '.'S ,- -' Wit: great - flodutkots . . - icier in the stream •of know... Al one epoch it paned * al. mod y "nay SU= Christians, sad ~.- . was aid enjoyed wilk , ahncet tied vat ed ,- ma tsts . by, OS JIM.- .thapro ' or liainlag in meat of the public . - undid tint Itioisen of the no . . hint), were. Ad , tlife - Taandisz -race. .At epoch thisigtareass con passed 4 shot . ,;::::'' Tinto tie buds of, the. Arabs 7-:"2 co re/ 5 4 1 101 r. ail through '44 ~. Ike were opsur &mud to :Sam. : ,. ...5.• p, igin to Wham and' there are multi . *rides showing the' unlace ' '''''' l44 .of * : - Lieentitati or Acta Itlecqe=t.. al l V; ib• .3:Wien:Wank came Eau I,oiiiittlanity oat of Skims, ':. - • nag , - bare somuded hat ~ feelhe . --,-. .1 - einditaine'itePaind; hitter!' be. _ . , . longs the credit, of keepin g, - at °nape, ....., ,ziod,r r lamp of ICsursdaelfe , irsess OP , ' lag o on th at coitineni, end of Pre ' UM 101111.14 of *ancient world , .. Btr benelitof thottudint. ~ We may' raw* te st Dr.' -Dail Si . : ~,,....,:tCatholic scholar of Berlin, hu ipoblisted sOmnstlttmes of pro ' audios cathscsiginal relstionspf, its . • , Ili : V a . 'jade= tOcisietiasi -- tn.': WI ' go -Air towards warming W IN I ' . -:... .. .. c_ ~, of plr. GEBBON, and at, n ow — .cdonling =squatted frooii l f 4 4 0. 8 er,-tho ~,, LI . ..1 Drelliber number 'qf tikeNsfiel*: :el . • y Sk , fne,: -- Pohnihedin DU.. ilmii - " OtatilkigtOthaa oi-91ratis.1 -.,..... *I - ''' ' 1 14 1 0 1 4 1 rk7;; I : I t4 k ' 1 ;;:i - 'i,......V .4 .4-; „..., 7 ....,.,.,:_,„„,. i r mi kdeliecoo.,.. ? -, ismcnestot Paa set a i m mtrunbz --I , m r ite p k atr t . ' po li M a *44 sad can vowlettal ars • has swan lee,Dir MN eat" seems* we IA bird dee y ited Batten t'Llt { I ME . . wiathar our lllaraAttro sad culture are is 014 la alvaase of that afoot ••darisLes. as& iientlttoat , It la 'not U. gothic ambits. tato' aloe lay lonian which loofas ay out • 'Mom area Irith Its fainuf bosom- AOCIPS"Use qma. but • tikuorlaa a go th ic ptu- Mit)phy asul a gating post:7of past gun , noual: dodos. la • Zratoana'a recent Ptill Or, 1 . 1.1 =Photo these %lark unmoor to 'Ulm the apace davotad Ma Dhfloosphy. of ohabolahs olaosio afa..ad PoPulsz oal• tboaa of tho•Giarman poet+ of 50a wadi@ airooars popaatur to Ind aarapid a aala tu flanosay sat as those Of Ike posts of Grows Ram." e lt is doubtless true, whatever boasts' mil be made in behalf of the moderns;' sad whabsrer exultation may be Indulged 'avirthesedvmplishmeatsof tilrmoza sad him, Sur and tfaxuraoe, COY= SELO MILL, in diacusdag the frecke' of 'UM Will, the — reluicrii between mind and sutler, the &readmit:a: of !CMS imd ef fect, the immertalitietbssoid, the ria tarca'Doity:triruhaliiiiirdeditiiiii- or- - prostriium - I* . laity 0 ' - pillesmpidall auldletriC, 'that . 111, p o utsW e ra dOgai . .. _ce.iithri 4 . l4- fo . with eßualearuerszesa tad brims. I ...liey, thoopuids of years - ago, the .. cusa had advanced. eater la them fal intheaclos as lbw most adrumsd et the prima era; and th is tot theteatedfOotagereas wheishi Klett= high% 'Uhl that"."metaphysics is tie. ad. eau the nil Adrita la bell lelight - 16 , . diticom;' nor is -the sense ,sigalthid by Samoa, When-he mat the Mum, after Couraromi balianed "rho Friend," " - Ida& hi diluted Gera= plinoiol4sy Own to Taglisli-talteer "Coleridge his eh to tudelalag, ittempliyilis . to Ille. aelleri. 1 wish he would. 'enders his eiplMatft." but la the sense of 'skein L ', SearehLig lthistiptleas 'itt Visa . blade, ham their may.iatar,, sae sas *r.liritread,' ralizzis," la hula.- - : ' vanish - Lost Arts, " mad' e" several " . " . ..suggestioiUhh the effect;thil inveution",hati" :compus. tiVely little. La - tbedi - Cat it mew; that. thiy . ,eidaist Salvia applies:4MM otpdzi. 'itidelikeownead and when the world 1 fu"? 2,61 ‘ 1 4.1 01 Ma.' .• - r -- TheasaM fist is appareat 'Li iiislie; pasta it of. 'morals, Doubtlurt,'; the worltiOlidas 1,/Ii tO-44; le bettor:Olin at . aay, , torraer. periel—thasiis. to Cue vitalising eird vivifying porter of Chris tiaitity:-'Brut whoever/goes back two timmomd years to the '. - Talistued will lad most of the moral via/bleier the" ; goril liele'elbodied there. :- yea the Agee", wham kfaxice was Anti eapitired,. pas utsed ethical miairia fitted to ailerif a christian pulpit - . Coif:tilos proolaLawl . the Golden Mlle. Persians 'awl Arabs , 'too a proverbial literature f hi gher. Theimitureitlim'Ormedievil ciiiiiiii literature will tend pewee:W.ly- to abate -mad= arrogance; tad .to Woe! iota meiotic= of the met of the . . . . . . . PUN, WIDEN /ID 1101AIRLD. Presaithos'imissels cream Paremrs gensially de Ma appreciate thekiss cubing in Ike coadiebth and , . , health of &meat'a animals by-their ea poiare toeold rains and therm Meet tumbrels cartiodure imam cola so long is they cm keep thy, bathed- bodies becorniat wet and kept wet, maporation commences-which curia' off int rapid. and they anima' chillerthrough and through. This almost always -de luges health, and mast aspeeially with reach Um, Mica are less vigezonstna lens able brretist sadden thanes treat beat to ireld than stack not devoted to the dairy.. Yest,ef mallomeatlamthaels will eat ire sudieticimagee frontealtitti imat with impunity, but-the oppoette Is often attended with varyanjotiens-ate requencre. Again, evenif the health of Om animal is no aexttmil,tirapstreii a large quantitinfloOdwill bersto ropply thelat this lost, ea them mat berameassally a wade of flak -; Oa the seem of economy la food, to say main of damaged health. williteohesperto lontsemttle front cold stems, and from wet; whethaalt be from Pilling rain or within amount of flood is.thipathil to. keep tip the - temps:Mire of .the body', and is intraday cold weather the ap. Petite is mach sharper than- in mild weatba. The extra . food ordbially mid in cold weather is not employed for laying up flesh, butte mistimed tomake heat,: It is this principle which renders -it more &Meek and more expendre to fatten - antlllll4.lthlter-. thin in wept Therefis - considerable difference 'of opinion ammg statism hi regard to the winter management of rack - cows The old clamor tannins insist that eteek is healthier when allowed =ha the yatd most of the day, Whi othess urge that the MO results areelam le inedby keeping cam in the stable- meet of the time during Mater, illewiag them te-go oat each day emitter water and relent ing them Inmediately hi the ,atabial. Thethis Mania bat the filler option will nuke less fool than the ether; bat it is net yet fully :established , that meek alma ounfeement iti,prereetive.of -the largest davelopmenf of healthind vigor even when stables are kept, 'Clean - gad wdl metithted.' - laved weather stack enjoy their treedem in thip ytid suds few haute from their stalls lathe Middle of the Vishnu part of the day Meets .to be more inateordami with mime even though more food may be required to carry the anhnsithrough. - Dam stormy, mealier or' when It is extremely' -Mild, deabtlese the best 'place for cattle is: an der shelter. Nothing pays - better , than are aid Metairie to Ma' dP= . iknd I.f a arming is tabit. both in food and health, all steam and and des changes et temperature mast be visited against 'afar aspouthiet • 'The econom fitaylea Apnea feed to Mick depen ds somewhat( es tho new unt.ef feeding and theses Said& the ammels so fed Me puts -,- Thel digestive splaratm of the hosed differs grow that of the Da the letter being sere ems. dons and - digestion - mete *fact. feeding' grstrad food wit tri the; hors It will be swallowed too midi)" =aerial much leis saliva than it would if the food had been fed ungesuid. A certain amend of slim appears to be resdred hi the stomach to aid digestion. end haace when toed is taken wi of& dent mastication the salltiotal thou sa t ffsare ant stimulated to secrete their Pain the quantity demanded by-nature., llnd a abort tinie the horde wlllshow evident Spa . ofschilty- of :the elmienekdalaing ef lriad t &Oswald liability to stand hard wars. ••• - • - • in feeding groasd-food to horses,' therafen, it slabs give it dry, slagled with a - whole grata:cat: hay or straw, by which , * longer time ts necessitated in eatinrad - sifiteleal Maim secired. Bothreisitid veins, wbsertaktag Too& that fascias in the stesimh. oat ,earth It allowed to come to the grouse!, inatiact blackleg them that this will centralize the excess of Mid: Ballard adion or salt and clay, should always Irreirithin react ore. heraiwben - closely esadned, monfer: venially if cora arcs:a—meal be ea phtyed bs beading, as th es liable to produce excessive acid em ity, which the salt and „sites will: serve to correct. There !ono doubt ahoutthsecommy of grai und feed„Anstarad of-the whole Suing gro n, as a general thing, ter domestic mina* but to obtain the lest resulta '''="ars wet to be treated snug, the &sired stout be closely loot la =MA - =I • The spout. of OttVottioor work will be sweated by this 'sigma and the local- Itnithetever *Whin can be dens to facilitate neat tqacing's "operatiou Weld be attended to- 'Zak. work Is net Priming. - At lout SM. one Isspaisas, manure—the key to amass—eau be aecestelated. Then are burfew,exopo that will not pay for' liberal niaasiiagi and where early Sot-beds are to be maw ed, the metre our be slued whore - it wllbdneededd; . :..The hero abotkl be so lartge_that they will sot ..b. ed throngbi;'estif Ibnaestatlon (Gin on too aethily they *ld beta:duel arcs - * Rot-hid Bathes sad , Fannie ere to be. to reasibess- Xboutell slur er tubes is Salado Isfetea frame I oottroket SISCII lasted tof Web iost of fersusatiatteassre, tat Iris cello trellltribbito. - : 1 '." feet SIM Sad beadle- up idth remit bowls and place thcbsetleg maietla4ldthla: Btu Maw will be yesde , iii a Polito& Alktlilita.r/Oeilara , ta 430147/3E610001401177] iicisiite latios. kiss thenOtestztlisti love. sest:htlit* lOW rellidst 7 ;04 16 .0 1 . egesielrhalteeld , Itall_al,r4::. l l*Pr4 riernisriveaticti.listlEsimia solooreax 9:lltheir -be- uriwnd aid aide 116•• rends tallirr,- 1111 W; reel" fore Ssregreathelps, pie* • At _ bsds nay be staitek I end lettlioN radiess and abbliPl Pawn la there, and the half tardy vegetables, suet 111 bests, =rots, thrnlps, etc, smut in the opai ground, mud the early sorts of potatoes planted. TIOWer oars.'" sad LIIIWn. Znsgreens are now appretiated, and the pment, the season to discover where they May be introduced Sato the grniunds to the but advaatagu Rhododendrons, Hale; and other of the broid•lerved evergreens, may 4 made to contribute largely to r, the h... - fat winter *aped of the grounds, and mom of then, turn as the Ealmlasaud Rhododendrons, @erre the double put , pose of making them gay with their flowers in wing and gummier. Shrubs and Tice' of all lands must • • Lbe brekencm_bant_ont 'of shapeLby, heavy leads of-anew. Hodges may have their winter prim ing In mild weather and in southern rown re IrLILDS inn Gssonuu—k writer lithe Seettiih lernsor gins sit fit tend:leg . &Comsat of his experience in peuitry keeplijr, end tin 'good - senior( they did bite W in ridding Ids golden of mins adi. The iris with winch he arm.menned were the silver-penciled itslAbroP,_i which, until_ they were taught bad -habits by the latreductiOnef a - number ofbera yard fowls, showed little disposition to scratch or, otherwise dotage the flower beds..• ii, that nukes they are dlowertherm of the garden in disproportienste nue, ban, the service 3hey . render • very far outweighs azyinpory they may do to seed or floirer an - dee pmportioi; in. dependently efjhe commercial profits ef rstang poiltryibithe wake, they are undoubtedly the farmer's friend's: Ducks, which Ant the Mast Industrial:a' and -vendor's.. detour. •of insects, bate this sane* e over i'beir feathered animas, that they coniorsentch; hire very limited papers offlight.eter faces and other bardas Into forbidden - Flourrimib Panceoare. , -Alady who was aiiintalld last wutter wiete to us of the pleunre ;he derived, daring her long bapdsoluaent in. the house, from mut: dzy pczti of :Violets and ChnesePrim. rams. We bitended to earlier all at bullion to the ,alas of these as window plants, but theymmr war/ he had already /*Ueda! dest.flaistm The hest violet Mt the purpose is probsbly the Ifespol itantlt is denble lad eery fragrabt. It' needs anther cool room and &said not be onr-watered. - The Chinegeirni roselevalnable for the long time. it xe mainsin dower. It is now tebe bad is great .Tarlaty. both double and single dowers, of peak of various shades, and pere white. They an-eully raised from seed, sown in Nen •imt IMW plants put ready to Wont must.be purchased:: .s Leak to Mikprotectianot mater pipet; the msot p cellar, or roans wherever atored, 'hut Inlet !maws affords excellent defence aphid hard insets& Meter delay path-making after the mewls fear -17 !net, ilatleseer eheary.fallot anew: 'endangering . ..flat Mob, etc.,flear it off lisraeoffitely, lest, min telling, - the weight be greatly LacraMed , isand aertoua idiesdfhi crime hankie; been coin 'added it Gland, Belgium. -An inhabi tont of that piece; named Van. Itymeel berate, well known- man -violent num. lest Ida-mother embed time ago, and not finding any mono li after harileadi, - am he had expected, believe:l that isomer. rela tives; who had attended histAn her last ilinom, had taken the, property and robbed him. Full of this conviction, he :snared himself with three pistols and an enormous hatchet, and *Ea to the house of one of them end demanded his share of the inheritance. Upon being mirrored that there wee none r ho fired at the hos-. band, mortally wounding him 3n the chee4 hethen discharged. another pistol slam vats; wormding her in the and eiterward fat ix% on her with. the axe left horbathed in bload; - :Then, cov ered with.blortot; rim wentto the homes of anithmi With= and rearniztronoed , his butchery catthis mad and his wife ahro. Tim nhlicas, alarmed by their cries, colleMdand ortarion themunleter, and hut forintervention of the pollee,. would have killed him. The fourth vie-. tim is expeotadto recover. • , attempt at Minder was' made re astifly id. Hisisedti-Buis (France). A. :world:WM , named Nerd:TN a Pied meadow; called on a widow named Gue rin, and alter a law minutes' conversa tion, rushed on bar and Inflicted several warm& with a polgnard, then,lhlnhing bet dead, he commence searching the holm for money; 13eve:nd times he re turned totheiroman; she,however,bekl huret breath and allowed herself to be t e w over as if shere dead. toys,before leaving, dragged her to a well abont-ten feat deep, and threw her doWn ; 'she, however, succeeded ln keep tug herself on the surface of the water, and when she thOught be was trot to a distance, - cambered' to the top by the etude, and nearly reached a neighbor's it u =rfl, beard, she and assista nta,t.. arse nce arrived. man was afterivard arrested in his s • —At Eristor, England, a blind man named Giles Cliffs, agod fifty-throe, who had been leparatcd for some time- from his wife; b a d himself guided to a beer . house, where she lodged In the Op story of the house. He Male hill way up to ibe room,-where be. found her and- her nephew* a young man =Mid Faunal.: immediately screams wore heard, and unperson going an stairs, Chffe,was • former beadng his wife with the leg ef a bedstead, and thefurnitrire all smashed. .Farrant, although a strong ant athletic man, bud been Aimed through a window only two feet square, - and thrown into thS street; •• Falling. upon. his. heed, the sextet= of the neck-were di/dentate:l, and thennfortunme man do:dolman in steady: The blind man Lain custody on the °barge of murder.. • .• • .--Uuder the masa of .a.usiostaohn (son of Augustus) M. de- Kotrabne. Russiaa Chugs. d'Affidnuf at Baden, and son of esiebrated German author of-that rums, la at this mament . obtaining. a grand success at - tho-Carlauhs Theatre with ',three act comedy, called "Two Sinful Women." This it the third at, tempt of M. do Kotasbne as a demist. Or. ip rigen Vs Dilfrelle'Pills Ire *7 Oriptliy c 91.41 r=l Seesaws Os Ilium -Maid Le:. ate affected. elle ;all Is alFtre hat in tk.mY;i4 wlntlate. ext•ldlng ou , tiogrobt, wt' wymirtnal we erica Lain for Bile= War.. YEW fpilasir n le. tuti toi Resuisus - stratum sua so rest... Ltalawats. Jc., are of no avail. DL rasessva ILICS•LCE rit.u, .1141ki at tbirattof•uch Oliefses; by .atlas laalaaaUoa and ittlialstlag cuss= to The µtint LI limed tro • LL armxisia Bins - Ads via ha ' s.frire4 fros aim =Able§ 68.. WWI/ to Oft akeartatidleses et weu Nib- sea D 7, al pintrlng. En!MEeMCM=M • Debility and Extteelittion. Both 6ssala teem tie Leta of MOM t 601a4$ As food late aelsbnest. /low asessaasy, Qat, :forumlo sande( tram lame Wand.' gar tars to lame Melytaeari le rOa* *at eat staelarlasol u. inemsat sae elasstlea erases., 7161 1!..fel Y 1414 daallable ablest Itaa bean sooanapllsbea. the kailta aad Oa rya r•lrg .1‘1111•01 TM 0 42S1,10011•111_W.M1441. E1011517Z, anutt.od ernes* 1.00 ate Wool a IrealAnrkle pelenarlty la zasse sat o.ave leeta atoms the am stail Wirt sa, gm manta( eaasttpaitaa. Zealot to lleaaaoss. glair/salaam to tat Um. an. relaretaa eras, •Matosa oat *mamas, sea .6aaresalea et slants. aleastaa eat 10.41010 11141 are 1 , 1te17 Mutes of It s hemmed% elm ewe to ft tea 10 fostersakel le Inane. araterattee the *tads et amebae. , baa Walesa the Mae isovialartta ta tY Met alma et etas it hal Ikea loamy the swell.. yr Ma area Is. elan ..der... mate aseastail We aseedaal seals.. mt.*? elver /Sea. atte.h s.lp stlasu MI correctly... inasea. nellerellm, Wu lateollamal , late rtnitrin 14 40 eca Slay lecreasa, lad Is awe sttogalsod al a sUseard bisawlel4 andialae. Tin 1106666 ebbs =saes to err et te• !Man eilares et nes to Illrlase la all woe al 4061111 mad al.- wailer th•slosolell.' Mt sate. Wanda. •itl6. eas ma neer. am* lowa pall salestim 101/7 peva la talwaLf LI.. MIA. illl eau Mast atieues. Ant at 1311 Wee la ream MI le downs leas 1011 atural3os as Us IMea *Masai er lee We. saaraer to sesta. plats Ull4 exeslstaca. Itl. tie am 4 araparatlea of IS. Una UM* IslraUsbla la 6EI au*. 64413 u Uneaten; Sanaa at Mit amide , .altall Ituaallattal. . - Twelve Dictates' of Column! . . . rtrit — ltees wl.ae M. at silgee: lid esters eeititeessie , tat. Dr. Egeer , s pectexal 1;r1.0. eleeesd—le ye. ••eeid /.• .was seetLeg, sed Wesley etestmet • cote, e•e• Cr. .Kel urea Pluto& eine. Telpf•ef yee luw teeli elletedeg rev • lean Clef,. axe :sett Cain WV'S eered. tee .Ser. looses reetene foutle-11 yoni trees' TAW for. sad et • lima lip ewes erelong I.lusisea,lake Pt. Ivy: Wert num: . • • " ' I . tutlrlfkas4dedstoml tdtaP•sindle.t.A. ;get/. mine tie ebsiesetkkil et asea. It Dr. ,sisa—li yes •sp.r..ig• tale Dr. 0. >ta krireak—ltssa Asp Monist au kroaddal 11112121,k. Lae Dr. - MT tea rooter.* ' tea ink Malaga* tts zoo., St. XOTairdM4l•taltlVP.M con pm. • 1111mam De. Neyrer• ltisla*alhltrt+ro• 0070 fat.,.. ,11111 k—It tag 1111 $7 Meant diwe of 216 i Woman !mat, Dr. - IDwir4.reetmesa Alfirsp , 'Wiwi Tog. • • la/ears remora_ Sim. lima * run ilbe . mts e isalikkg; as todualir xi*. wail as A• 4 amtiVlViuktist roitioj' Lai'.. 10.11 Weed atm& sars. . 1 - rm SBIT 1786. Pri""L"l'L 1868 PITISBURIIII The , 'taw& *IV paper in Ne ages of Tenisy7vastie„ - exhits:l4 4121w1 year of its cristenef lettA iversoita fadtittas for d4-. 1 setvisir,y Cho element nevi q efie dity, god for : resdirtny rep poi cal service a 6s tisporteitt Aatdaatiai chavais of 1563. HbffiSsaiitin of Ckntgrewr prong/Vito Yroveose of_da :twat import- , amt held, goal the forsiation qf the Goo erovseol, anti the proieediva vet be war kotaly watched by the 6114:Wyatt amuse. Ht vim of the deep interval centered in the proovidtve,.. -ths repritOcrrs of ths-64,- HET= have made arrow/mods for deafly dispatches cad Letesrs•dtertv# ths, coTer eposdentordlo onio• ya the etnykletteo mot friald&PdPvf , tho /sadist seenehprs pc Senate aid 'Holies, the hoods.of the vari oos Deportosente, and He Wary spolitt,, edam INIXo so WU rui d e rk can 4 1 ePssi4 stik:rettiii.Calfirff. filLest and most raise& isstetkosios iron 7 ' . 77.e . priaiedtw 'or dig fitata tare, at at fortAteatiiny Notes; lei/tube :Iwage kterestkly,Euirmielkcuriabilivess. anis of - bailor:ow ' rat 1 , 01144171# for legtskato*". 474 19-421=717teal bit* at the State aattlatolturfay Us asitiresessfels, - - as tattUryast askrjaltbriel vartaw , tastkat, - yfflxilf mho will prempay reparfthe by Illwa r •aziod leieffrapL , ,• • , -c. - - r ' - DULL, ovall- pelitteskfounisti of butyh sthialfattbfettly nifiegit mut . eidreastattAt yriaaytet Add ey.the ar ea Repabblaut Party, =0 tatewproted by a Now at much mats. sada; arakr 1 bad si temdMideare swr . owirion;iiiiitatta rise 4 tort •401.1401/ piiellimislt es art! a. tit kw -1 'rat Inaldtta. fa Se ComosswiesEL. - : : .1....,.. • ,110V•tteitiazymail.-~14010/Ste•M•ks , Zumi whammoi of Ifs Nigeria bass, nfu teasetatetwai. mut .18 F;alMiliEM tlur Isaidr akpert.sret 11,114 l• WO 'op 'es the ncrutramotwer ad dieF.' omitlen. Nal I.d Up mirror att rL ittorsurenow ta• oar. are. owes aaa mortitst 055y5..41.1 Itsists- "c. a. IMMIX .to ntirgalos dor MN, - esitairrOlAvesd statifisailicsitammisist tegarepo. ,:t torn, kolas rourestior viadt.lhi• 614/.1 tfte• is- ..sat rp.a St• awmarsol lurtettiourra-flow . I=fains ipnitritc eine, 4.: as,: an &OA' r possebra Wu, 1, IWO": and 4111 , .TUTfilir foe tuottalled tall env. and IorLIS. promagenyeat.nott*PAlMMtrtA.lLlStrri km bravura! is eilhonie if soak rut ali.ovaleollillomigrookap +l/4 milk. a /WU as di:MOM mid sepal. . As/ft trim, bras* .74 Mato, re. es. 7L niNiest agoolorst Morin Li di tfeilBi 11.6.1111101/8111••••mhsetai at ft le joka•tagiiihabid to mosbers qf agelinthond, armed. Maw": i•••• amd glor doortmatr C Ihoposer••4l • r b. • season , WWI ottl prow •sHa. , - TIMM WATS Zaira • Iltrat; /maws - Rteleathe Va. . .Thatairsi ratannk Anksemti awl 0111 A• athootelhmegbe ite /I O=U Xr.s.e. P• 44,14 . . WAVILY GASCriaL • wisira GAssrr: ..Ito go , " otiooool sod tad loottho "amity vomfooPio tsta tryar=tr Aosta to Os Ow Mae eV mat AtsistW,..titwittate sat ttistOttst MM. It Oda ea* umiliate saki atamirtfletaat slaw AV totorecoaa.i.oto, Ito Lana witartett of tie Isar, riled prim Mottos tf Uttrits a/est. wiligo loos& testae v6a artatedafeada portaista tiVertarte alUfts: *Mina , Curia eiii.ous oink attain tab tasenur te pled throw *MA fie fare ad gado, r4lusifit nrportegf IM wins r vcri rrir ea y to erata alai/tarot to be CY staant atartti ter Ica 114• rt 'eta otters, at a aaarasi etaketa Iran. Ptatirt• sate.' latere Oilseed Wawa Tiretniete. agar( arted... The Ea aI the'Llrl.TTS an and arhkradi Me dal , aq~dChoßala eapdy,'et aftraa a itaartest era. to di- Uniata Ida altar par M thisailha et lie Mee Vika basfesee Osamu: Hee airett.- coo. ..orotio fil /saw r y room, on, tad , that ecedadatatetteideddleatalateat halt/.' sit utreatatawrint agar a' ar rattashatatattaprhadt• rot - roar:" AS. alma* e Meta be mac stay mat, at par ty ' Poinauttet sat Xerthiede ate ni aidatast adtath • 7 • • iiiiug . lol47ll2l/12167 Girll7l4 MAIM Mar of CluDi —sod ewe t• Oa pair Dt.i elM " ' Or spbelame; ovis• of .U* Deity re w. witrinsu onnerkihn% 28110 600, ) Nos. Handl 111 /VD Z. MOP" Oosauy pgiers la rawrir.. l . 6 - reoll.lll.A. Cm soave, mut nisi lag SWIM. PON.. .1 1 1 ee alvatla4 la *as Y •uelwa•waW DASUr NSW A.DvEaTzsmims, EINEINAM, Adams twist CIA lifil,s4.llWi Sria, Is tin gasairtial Apial to ?imam 4daperilissigitarorao 4W13277,aidt as aUbsriktpra ficovohola W ORJAsd OW" rifrGALAL - FESTAT'AII. SEMION GRAND OPERA, I= II ACADEMY OF: MUSIC. COXIIINI3LING January WM, 1868, 666 11 11111 • _ 111111.3 .111111_ LIME • .• roacra /Diet wired Mati millraces , . IaILDNIYUCT. Imam . MR, WI& iLiDßlitaMakrtam ma-mbena ' COpTitII - X • ma rier.. • azazinlzwAxorszAatzrazursznai aoss.D radDVIDLII osamb MICK air ' • Guam(( UMMlCancalma YN Octalgarot Una 4 OTabeatrart Aarlrislia= Covina and tarDity cts as• M 1S Man Z i g, Dirmat o : rj: Ara - L i t rt arst .3 tivrYlaa rtmoj.,•ti, a a. Tri. very lebralcd trtga trtraa Vaasa. atjak., "iroVVIt • rim amr!reffuliti r itiax. • DilseetaCama Mermairm.l - • Tlor mamma , lirasatL Prtata• Lamas. cut ...a. la' , bitolimsniam Ono& trperv!aos 1174maa• $ imagala • atAtir . Vaasa 'cam. usa. 7.. e Amanita& arta! Dolma N( comma Mama vita macalp tkic woo.. , vo* ad M &Roth., sad a ImilMaat MID scMaCoa• a taLlattoa valet amnia am Can to Mc Wald orals la ailattloa to tar !(gala/ ntratainr.' ealtril=rl • Vitararljttlir ma Dm sot. et mallobaltlltaTA la thermas, - In oo alattom mut Jalapa ILansmata aa • • I,loolt E t r ikTfilltlTTA:3osCOM.... •• SitilgusaraitiVAll. • . . . . • • Alm Das. Cala TA. Wisc. great Vaal ad latstrlala aaalleace faro beramanmaltlanamoad pranalltOol Talaparlalsa aa/amilad ars Tanta la dram a/ Ur grata:it halialtar , . TSIDIOI.I7A.4IbARLIL, allaol2 WI/LW ..1=47.121170,42211it eal • stasted as the .nand sad.maa'al Ua Wt Glad .lace tea *unmans dr las kraikrala: hand. la sadist.= to &la , anal na.a. tom. .I , l•l+Partala aawa..laelt Paaalla lal - P. "" ' ll . ll;4 B leleaVartatioLl. Palm Tear gB al ..I.lllllam. • Tits am a Ayala , &tad imp, tomcat walnut a agaaattat nu .Wa Unad Oats. l-oaa•a. k axes Yo twos to asp dt. immuic am stnalesses iv ied o estern ..... „ KUNO* MUUCL111D(.1284.111.4, .. saalubultass, Waa impart Taloa. Mi. tal r ale Mood ad haanletaa .tyla ha* Jula A y suds 1.13 a .4 , al lb* Pam* fa.t. ll addf sloe as lgam /Ma it.,.. atria "Mal al ara Wi m p= N . wzglagaz i kr . = 1. 7 in". 111114.011U13/11Erri A.1at12170134.., - Eallaad bi l WatZairatfa• Of arll.la hos taa latmalam *alma cry *Naha/made rats: MalitalasaaVa aolda 47 , a , V. Matt 113..t..t.mrl'AIPLfgrroomi:47t1 - = i g , Altlari WTI area ala . • sl' SRDa ttura ram. SWIMS - /10111.1 : N. 41111LIMLIII /1/18UL. • • JillalljisitliAllll, TM Aryan. "no. , vat tuor o ble lad r Art aila , g a3. .1 dld d • 4 ' lo Ti l garTrle ll orio N trad maa as, Oar Man !..11A.OaelVt • .. iararrTZS.k . r . ' • . , . M.. tozstlt***4 ord. ea * Oen.* asii Latisl* , eirmisatillt Wu) la also. the /stein aa4 moalMalf9+ol , _ wile!. alk i ttaratnillagErEgia .i ts. VAT i ad em " 9", . 1 1 ' .11.7 Sim V5r1;21111 . sre Y'tiar - uiDttk i.l expaufro ostarls;•ll•o**ff brit! MAGI blatarbi 0114111MIONYNSibtbaybg by far targbot bbilaybybt abbilqWlll von* ibDtDlhlot nontimt Tieleu pub* aces Wz.01 , 0 War PAW/ 2 ** l * MS* 44... V., W. CI VICIAD, GLUE 'EPA • Timm!'" Mc *r, Veroitas, CATTLI TAILS.. ••• Baum-Neat* I # o . , osum. l rea=, ( 2 • 10 7 4 .1", 11 . 1 1,PMe1i,k,... rernrarmair.4a. AV4WeArrso.? - ram t~ ; ft ;stoeilln so,,losis. Ma , lydr aims loyvg sa lri, IMAM= ft=MT ' 51/1. Dumas mu. One 6 - dittYNA 3 • TUESDAY-J.- J • NUARY 1508 ADITER=WN TB, A NEW LOT OF '-; WATCHES..IIIp CIO — CKt, trilmwegitt.r.f..tc,.^nre; .LA. tltaadfof aal• at - - 8s 11.51; . 711:RZELL - arturr,Assainsorr. 11011tia. lisvr. hest is the ett . r. fr -71Kblas. aba.as Maur mbe5t.1179.12": • •. _ . go .• 7.1 a Staab lea !Irma Apples; ISO Dried Paaa.,er, Battar, Lard, to , to &tore rtt fat Sate by MCA at)111 Ha aPitt, Liberty Street Pl• [ann. h THE IRSTFOICT COURT OF 1111t "MITZI" I:MAT/LS , fac i al. Welttra et of Tmas•Tr.r.3.3 ••• • Ininatter ell. II: VISE; EsekrlOS• WiIITXas.DVITILICT OV - rENNSTLYkIit. Am. ue OUT of .21toraTi.b,. taalitn Cif Jauuszl, A. D. - - TO Wucus7T.l.4T "OStteliii . • `aullerolgteet'beitl'itree iottete ei• I na o. eansils.... o•ltits . 1 :1ld vadrl,..4' Ina hub , . att OW Ilealcropeln.llll,4ll Patti.r4 • 1.14 Inn.rlxo 0.11. of , mit Inrcelgt.. . • . .Bgf.A.III.ILD. TetszoivrarS/Lare COAIRT.OF; Taa N NITZDST,.-M A INVY4 . rp , •Bentnan. Its gee of O ft erees. et Karel. $O.ll/17.-Im•W epealmo for ekAtleallenre Wef t , Mat =Magi% . tjeribl "teen .to ere:, noes *So lain probed . tleetreiebta. ON persons Intetater...ta ipimlt on Us Cith.4•l .ebreten. - Itei brIO Wel./ trefin. liaiitter 51. bit.ol.sweedt.eireet,.,so..tbs.e.ble rim, I 0,0V4 •11.1,11.0W 1 ..) 11..••• . 3074 tIZAZ t. 6rretligtg., names of AIM 5a, , m211 be hat bz free tale stet.; umn tab ebAse Cave l Q e cott Cyr ireld DLL- To, furebasera ef nothing GRAY • &• LOGAN 47' St. Clair . Street' in order to Woos out Mon sttltlioge *Wit I*. Nye You aid thildren's • cur,cirriirk xt4 . 6.; unr offarine st DiC/LIZI} rug.. 1311/T3 . FOR 85.001 =2 GRAY .54 LOGA.IV, ;144. 47 41. Clare Strati = . I, II4OVIITION ' OF. CO•PART. 113112111.1P.--71.1ral at if/SlLlitilt. MAIM iit. PM Is tuts gar dissolved, by =maul i tour.... ts. W. 113 •slosash bolus, sold Itts Intairtt flOttitltb.P. Tbe swill sr seustnetul wager •Ita„ musts and strir of COUCILISN. =UM *D. • . • rt. Ithillt • Pittsburgh; Jluttary ILL. 114- • • tr. rwl plat la rodomdia dlo tD trl cols Lad ntirm: a r tn• VIITUIFIOSAVZ ' Mgr AND 8 rift. WWVIL - 1.. a• modes tar than too m•nnotace of to•u • limey oddest ed,io La old Om. OZ.°. W. I/ immix. Dlll/17ESKE Iron and Steel Works., COLEMAN; RAHN st CO., MAlitUrACrlYillian Of . tnn3liails,Spiug,Ailes; . Steel, &e. WA8111101!S7e No. r W&TE rrra - seunum, cmg ALL Wi13r113431 to 81111 or SELL REAL: ESTATE , riximlLD azxn rya TIM SE.III ESTATE RBCODD, A large idaVot Due Joaronl. Wu/ ssouthly. /rascal to alt salters, law., recta et , l.ltetsg.l pi le m ducoptitereigt penites 10 la cto01 11.1 avow fo.; e a t a rt ar'n illeasunt propertlee. Ise/altos WU ELM HI ono, ran, COTrAetil CIiUNTiT IM=Lt!I ?Wiliam limier linetsand line al !Ilk ♦' sale In PILS2THYLNANIC I.7ZW 41CRII r i ,,, XL.I - O A t & saCI othar 15t4t:0. Send fOr a Copp—FREE. TOWNSEND & CO., la. =Alma •iztb street, YBILLUILPHI&.P.• BOARDCirlat CoWavinovro.s, ,• I . wr.Logui, Jaaaary it, Ttsr„-rict nrczn:lNvi AM) OrIXINO PSOPOSALII• , • • '.llr liar ui trettiiis rata; hid, Ter4-111gb icrelee and Two Low ferylee Pimping Engines, MMIMMIN Fntarday Feb: tow Imes. EMIM!! =I M=M ABLIWEDIISB3. ; 4124AL53, thrt and COW Water, &C., iiiicipatleicsa &ad pranical irealusea. ; • .1 . SOHN .M.' TATE, 'Jksiasher and Ras Filter,' tey !,ibeety hunt, Pittsburgh; mind .61 !eters! Rim, Allegheny. truninto-ntin SIOLTES! SKATES! 864,Tp! I ina »patina UN Jav a. a*l matA. aa►wutaas of • • . Ornagh. B l . 3ElSEA; irtr. ' oSared V Ma tat/. . Skala raajtae la 111 . 4171 MUM, itr," 4 . * wry SaperzOr q tally et • - • • -. LADIES'. SKATES • eoae•ttdoatL tbestikatecesde lb Metrics. Imo ammterwU room OPOlL.tter.l stem, where Cedes cut et. %bait baste,/ Wk. !Wetrb lie IRAS tbei wilt bet be bliseyedl• g " Un e, a ea wheaten nab b Abe . • . ' los t4z.z sT =Ora M== Iffil=l FORT LITT 11111 ORR. CO., • • Capita, t 01211,000. Prostrosts-zzow , currinumm seemarx-nr: waxen?. limpktieresdipo-Smi; . . f avlsolt.'7T..uaith • - Aurbii.. • f L. il l oose! a. o..g.jimiripe.,. Md.. Pltbnag. ,14711115. E 111113-47.nsoi , of BUTIAIt ► 11,• LIDMIIIIT Mk" Pletb Ward. • utloe as /VIM rerr ULAtel WOlll • Wad,. fano& • . REIIIOFIL OF. THI6 OFFICE • FEIRA:I3I3Iit Fittr 'Doi ..A W. 04 6 1. 11 . 4 P.Vr. 40 . . :sliest, 00340.."115.40 40■13 rsiomit3olo 103034 t4OIo ?4;:raxteor, ICL a t i l izstasit4 Resat ,30401155. 4A, 1413 Mr '" Airlisiiitt." B. • ,'•'!" aad 012 , 6 1 • .40 , • ••'.. ULISES &Om, - t. jitsilgt A Putnam of atrethall.* rms./. atOrsiVnifiV.GED• Ladles , Cloth awl Velvet Fagots, rat adc:iit Love . ripia. by. Hp-HIT , ORR - 170., 11 J. sanomumAKEß a BON, • rozynnismarrfflicfrax W 6, ri4 Ocior-Worki, , .04 _wainuasa. writ ieritsier, - a.sitaraintaa ~ea~a at l i art ri b•;:jrnot STOCK or. GROCERIES, LEI' no RISS Sion, FOR any I!MYCS - TrlR , YSTABI.I4IitD, =EI sti na pr CGLOR s tut, xate buf ne-s. bavlsig ,Ample Cellar and ion 4cLoom Tor a lute trralnl37, loentei ontta Beat Business Sinai in Ti, dttlree to 1.11 cot liitt eca• 4111.trate attocCoo oa int!: Lto Lnowiund.naw 1.1, tw CU , • ; TE.TAND PliiaN tniTailiDboLciae, person thoroughly fauthltr with Llho Koslowi would torn %Parlor:v[l'w to ray" 11. on. 'Ma a sultablo harem ♦ha coal 4 cleat:ea tea thiroeshol 4011 m esp:ta,!. ' Address K, • - felliFT LYST, ISOS. OF AFFILT. !CATIONS to tett Vglots,lll,Cl thd Clerk's (Lica. tot ruoalts or la. try, lost: ' Moe =oh ..Id 'Jeanine, wrote/ tat wart. . Heart Reinert, Invert, lit +rata. , oser M 11,inlooton, tavern to went. 'Wager x rneretteoh, otter coon, lot ward It Arabia a Atletkuil,oi , Cr, toed, Jar ward. &ha Addy". 1111. rittlt two to. • Keen tletooaghllo, lavers. it word. . Johann...lolre, 4,04 81 woad, • , lira, Baorso, it era • lth traoell. t John Mellsroorldge. Wert, itn wart. tolnlatA.M.lce. eta otkrarr, etto ward. °has, itabiCaltnbonatb. taltru. Ile t wara• . liitoggaMatirit e et.',. / g , u7g:use,.. 7 ca' r i:ard Heath' Lova. aa aa :fah ward., Ju.,Yeattou. tams, 91.5 far , . Klett. Poloist ; ,tsyttrh t eat mart'. - .I)arid Brash.allot honor. Ota wort thtlellaot Itl , eaa wont haus, sat trootl. Heart bloat, cotton honors alt wo/. 1, rerty. lawn. N. ward. • ow twat,. inert. 1(1.11 •: ' , Mho tonoo. canal Don.e. isth wild. . iteattaxar. Aatb Itvil.n.er. tavern. 21 want Sr. d. Mahler, tvvern. It ward. • ;,Fjoaran4f=t.irtaaat nettle, II ware. ark eat:rur bottarn.3l ware 10. Mara .4 ran. utter ea,dv. ware. teaseenaelnell..r..tavtra. 411:, ward. J. 1.•(..i1t Sickle.. irtiVe - rt Jesepa Mantel:mu tavern, tin wore. eon& Mains:9re. tavern. 4 Iv War& V2.44e1a, earths lons, 4" ward. Samuel Itnffartla, *WI . Loa e, ettt want. Thomas Hulnkea, t•Vares. II ...La, Henn 32•42.12. Inner anal*. 411 ward. at,'ner , oull• • : J en s en shi iavern: V eat Mrin J Planer. tavern. H eat Illimittenve• Sony W.G., 6,1112 /1011.. Wei' Jo Jett. Meier, tivetti, Lanreneavile. . Uverge Hite. talete hour. Lan re.erevilie• Free. tiotenter. etler need.. tilstaber..t. • ' towitriell • • gonna Eiger. an,. Litetian. • .ire...ntfLtbrr y . " l.,°, : e L g . . Jahn otnett, laver. , • • Jean ileVacent:Levein. la Dougherty. e.t.a. pence. goblatOo. tae: lea, eating berate. Yonnatire. tbe • Lirence react Ott at sir bearing the aboveutniteat , ens on VillaitEile.t.Y. the tiiIKEI 12,0... at o'cloeit s Y. JOlllll 0 liltoWß. Clerk. HARRIS & WHOLESALE "13RLIGGILSTS, Center Obery and Wayne Hecate, OErT /HD cotrirair TRADE 'EOLIOITRD. =I : 1 SCHOONMAIIER 8 SON'S STRICTLY PTV. MUTE LEO; • , ZINC, PAINTS, AND EVERY V xILLF.ir or CI CO MI C I FL EN =IS NIATI. to Balk aka to ILad• dery arid cask BLOB LELD, for 011 Boßaer*. And n ecnetsl2l.CCU:ilea of rsol!s nltcd fez ILTii!6?3, AIINUM !10 COUITIT 11.41118. 11/$11•7 were: • COLOGNE SETS FA.;c4DY' Pain Statuettes, BOHEMIAN ' I G LASS ..4 other STAkLIC AID lAN CIT 1300133. it gnu 'WWI. For wale. mccateiLiewas. 400 Wood Street. NICUARD E. BREEDA fe. . 4 iiLLEGUENI•CII'Y ELECTION 91/10Z64 • TASK XSTCPX`XCrEL, Knoll Ma of the Cogaatttee on Plaaate. ktesoll..., rl bat the eleulaa Lb.da of eaah Ward are hentd. respectrall• Leursete4 14 in sin. at the *unto, hotalelpal [ludo. In thole ...puttee Wer•o. epee the ehartergtultateUen of Solon. to WI. ••Thal U.* freemen of ea. IT AL Allegheny..