The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 21, 1868, Image 1

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rutuppai MUT imam
{ ~ --
=ton. , • litattnass krascat
oe. H gum nrzu murder.
hie of TO= rte.;,.
Win Pr EF IGE Alm
tar rid Bur 'Azar
/WEI fa Us Nets
I.l7lBlrtatGEL, ?TIM , A.
lutp" etßriti
in l m a
merge Rawls
i OLO result, ad '
old. How that tr
lint amiceed in g.
to war with Buono
and why hia deiel-,
i say fluatitatioo in
e 4 7 ; layiletillta.
Aimee to, &Muth dad
teat of Gnat liritalM
aform us of the storm.
Duncamacm, Ireland.
complete and roma
neradned course they
ted it mime that our
*Mei halm no idle or
contend :with, and
rafarna will afford the
asked. ' :
net sonamerins in
should be. We do
, old banner district
follow -in the wake
ir the bannerol' the
and &sidles. We bej,
spird orgudzstion
inned in this neigh
any 'doubt the galliuit
Repuhllan hosts In
neotaing„ ciaavia, and
eectr district to'
organize cinbatirda'pollticallai
hf.s behalf.' •
at on;
vice I:
of thole . honorable . and high
exhibiticaut of moraidepratity and
r enduntnce;yelept Prise Fhtitthur : l
I•lace cm Sunday in little& One;
conteitaits' was „left - dead on the,
•We would !urge as a penalty on'
• wrr that' he be pummeled to.
by: one -of the fraternity, is it
proteneserious loss to thecommu
creel( these l gentlemen of the rtng
• off lifels siege by each others'
.. The thuds dor prize fighting'
''• • suddenly revived 4 in this coun
tat the time that good' citizens
• atter= ff.:. •• :nivel': into the belief
was rs 'ldly passing away with
ice of • hatiim: Thbiness, in
. promin ce and attacitingefitge
of ito r
prl b
• tance to the disgusting
1 dons of noel three and training,
i. . male for the Increase of Each
I. - The uthontir_a too are respao•
There ire stringent laws - enough
vent coilitior.s of the eharar.ter,
the arrangements are never secret-
.o,' the ezercize 'of proper dill
might prove_ betaelidat to public
1 011 EA T FligiCH REVOLT/-
1i canes of society- weitAton
the ernes of s world were felt
• rams of the earth, petty spris•
..k place! in .carious countries of
-; and the people - groaned ender
• one presents of -the aristocracy
t• di !biers: America' wrenched
"feted at the bonds under which
shettracceeded In break- .
citing down the pieces.
h the energies of one
ted her penal:lslone and
France was oppreseed
hex-press was in : chains,
cried out In bread, and
mite minister° of her
it:aft:nen w ere die
.amolnette was gay and
ivaganSand devoted to
lone; the Cozmi, but es
teem de Lambent!, were
npoonedi by many this
Jo . be the culminating
>cm, while it wuthetoare
it wind before the great
swept °Vet the World
Inge t
Euro . 1
the t
and t
and t;
/Steen ! At present we
premonitions of storm
revolution and 'change,
'the great tragic Auk
ry. _The working pee
. strolurbnleitt and, in
mg. The moirmanics of
rd for reform, and the
seek liberty. America
I from a war which has
of more people than
/hole population of the
Unmet the flrat runlet
as once more, wider the
resit man extended her
regraded Austria, and
Leasure thegmuce of the
.Ighnsien._ tury Tint. again. Her
preu s sparkled; her sovereign upheld _
merely by favor; her people are dace
for food and - .wood, and Napoleon's
.:lwrite, Baron Hatmmurn, has beta
forced to resign. Eugenie leads the
frivolous plenums and fashions of the
world and "rends the millions of the
inti t of Prince Napoleon's petition- is
not amilar to that fofinerly assumed
by 1 , 14. 0. D a li ke of Orleans. The dauphin
is re 'pd. in thcPrince Iniperial.. The
Du „Meetly and the Princess de
Met -ts*ch areas odious .to the people u
- Mane and the whole BOWL'
tporlsons are lignlfitont and
and the rumors of riot, die
sedition In the old world
..nd ham& to reach the new;
card them; we almost fear we
'r Import, end we awaltirith
st the omaing• of the events
cut inch portent= chid
;neer revolt:Weis it
;a in the world, have Worked
k often mighty cbanges, and
me promises results of no
importance, and nothing
Iventnal program
Dis - o Democrstla paper - bp
'to crmnadraallsing politics. Its
effasicm is: "In what reapers is the
llrin party eielae to an - Ixbergf'
• er we give entire. -"We are
eg for the area: e3ntescof 1868,
,e shall wltil We must win: We
11. l
Th 4
sed I
1 .th If not by ballots the - by
-Vie Inaba; floats out front the
it sinks noi at once, bnt wears
by warmth and annul= till at
. ~
It 1111. 1
to O.
It is
.• les with "the wttiiea yeaand is washed
ilision. So with Republicanism.
Iwearing mail The poor old
; - tic party hu tried that "blood '
once, and jut once. too often. If
il= • g were attempted again the war
• not be so long as . the late one, but
odd be - a good deal more - Cop.
. blood let mg, and, the axe and
the 1
the •I
wordl low's
to tit;
wcrald makes , iLoitor work than
bre and eoluiebiad. Otte little
I irbi the name of one of Loogfel
poems, is all the adfloe no:man , '
- "blood"' howler,, It is "Be
I gra oceuriedin Rutland, Vt., San
. orning, Which. totally . destreynd
pton'sbictit, Merchants' row, and
IrPicent buildings. The fire origi
in CrsruptOtt's buildings. Maims
I. buildings will reach forty
oilers; insured for nineteen thou-
, Oars.: The loss . on goods is very
insured for eighty thousand dol
hlc.h will probably rover the Wu..
sok • •
si Manly Island, oppoaite St-Louis,
nd , a prize 114 t- between Dem
i-_McCann, aged aeventeen, re
, hillite dcMb or the latter.
on 8!
aisv j
Pennsylvania Legislature
ID: east Distatett to Plttaborth Galatia.]
MlLMitnnvn , 7, JanuaryW,
' Mr. ERRETB, of Alleghenypresented
a petitica that competusatloM may be
. to the School Directors of Elisa
beth township acting as a bounty board.
A bill inoerporating the Society of Be
nevolent Sinters of Erie.
Also, a supplement to the act Incorpo
rating the Erie City Passenger Railway
Mfr. BROWN, one forbidding the aim.
lien of wOoden buildings In certain parts
of Creetwille.
Mr. ERRETT, of 'Allegheny, one re
pealing the supplement to the act rola-
bye to landlords and tenants, approved
March 141 h, 1E45.
Also, odes extending mechanics lien
laws to peixons making or constructing
atone steps, atone payenieinta and curb;
Also, one inoorponitlng the2lttaburgh
and TemperancevillePaasengerßallerai.
• Ahiono changing the name of the
Pittaharat, Allegheny".end • Manchester
litailwey Company to . the Union, and
empeisering It to sell or lease that mi.
at Its ! road' .between the lower line of
their nraperty in McClure township and
The Rouse met at seven o'clock in the
The followlaghills were read:
' RIDDLE., Allegheny: annexing
lanai of William "'titian, in C,bartiers
to Robinson towns alp, Alla
, gbony county,forschool purposes; Incor
porating the Pittsburgh .It . ternperartee- i
villa Passenger Railway Company; relit.:
tine toted attain titbit in Allegheny;'
proldblii4 bunting and , killing game
In Scott township, Allegheny count,:
repealing act pre ; ening cattle, .to-, run
ning at large in. Robinpa4 township;
andatithorialag the School . Directors of
Belletroe, Allegheny county, to borrow,
nPneD -e
Mr. SMITIT, of Allegheny, repealing
the act compelling railroad and °therms
poratiorus paY Soonest fees: inoorPo
rating the German United Insurance ,
Company of Pittsburgh.
Mr. WILSOX, of Allegheny, author
iitinggus TreasUrer to pay the claims of
the AlleglienytAgriculturai 'Society far
damages to graandi during the rebellion.
Mr. FORD, or Allegheny, incorporat- .
Ingthe Peoples' Passenger Railway Cont
i party or Pittsburgh, beginning at. the
PostolTwet, conneetlngwith East Liberty,
Lawrenceville, Cematerygate and
gheoyValleyßadroad. •
Mr. JACKSON,`Armatrong,lacroming
the number of officers is Redbank Sown
iship, Armstrong county.
Mr. IFICKITALS, Chester, joint wool&
den for an cutendment to the Constitu
tiOn fixing the mileage of members, and
favoring manissxionifrrage; 31%4" a joint
resolution instructing Coagreasmen to
Tgivor a line_of steamers from the United
States to Liberia in Africatalso, abolish
-rig days of grace on negotiable paper., -
Nearly the whole atteslonoras occupi ed
in dam,usabm the resolution or Mr. Tirol.
Mullin; or Philadelphia; roikitin Inquiry
no to the number and names of, the of:l
-eers employed last session, and the
amount of salaries. e •
It was amended by, striking ont_the
inquiry as to aviaries, and passed. •
Messrs. LLYTO.ti, THORN and MUL
LIN were appointed the Committee un
der the resolution of Friday last to Wins
tigate the passage at the hill changing the
venue in Owes of damages Corbel tu•icant
Johnstown. • •
MJourned, _ •
He Telegraphs the het of
His Arrest to Europe.
New York Press Comments
!Kneader wilt be Dei►ided.
TUE .A 132.137 Or a rasok TEANCIS TRAIN.
George ,Frands Train talegrapbs as Tel
1.Q.u5e...-..rinfie, Jan. 18-4.45 A.
have NA been arrested by the. British
Government I Nem on thelizothe
immediately upon her arriyal 0nt..1 hems
told the Derby Cabinet that the Ameri
can ultimatum la the payment of the Al
abama claims and Telma of American
citizens or war. , '
Slur Tong, January 20.—The - World
to-day lays relative to. George Francia
Train: It /3 the clear daty of our Min
later at London to demand without de -
lay this roman of Trala's,arrest, and,' if
be has cammitted no crime, his home
dlate release and satafaction for injury:
If any tltnbt fa felt of Mr. Adams'
Promptitude, instructions from Wash
ington already slight to have reached
him. In 'a cam of this kind, hesitation
is cewardlce. Char citizens must be made
to feel that, they are safe in every foreign
country whose laws they do net violate.
! The Tribune nay. on the same enblecit-
We are afraid we are not correctly in
' formed about the imprisonment of Mr.
Train. If true, then America must take
decided grbund. Th *Government can
not permit the wanton arrest of Ameri
can admit,' by any power upon earth.
It Mr. Train has beau unjustly arrested,
he must be returned as promptly as we
returned Mason mil Slidell.
The ?oaf flare Thug far 'no grounds
for Train's arrest are allege& axoept his
participation In regain meetings OD this
side of tho water. It no other ezist,•his
errata is a gross outrage upon the rights
of American citizens, calling 'for in
:Cant Interpoiositioii on the part of einem
The ainunercia2 earn The arrests
must have been wholly arbitrary, and
will °maiden more difficulty between
the two Governments than one hundred
frothy fools like Train are Worth. • •
Waahington apeclabt say the State Ds-
Pertinent wiliderland the Instant 'sur
render of Train, and all Impriaoned
American attune I , ko havo not abso
lutely violated the English laws an Eng
lish emit It Is believed the English
Government will make Immediate repa
iei Televapb to . tes rittabsolti Ossetia.]
A 'llker Yeas, Jan. al, 1008
!IRE rII asosnwir. -
A dre occurred Lids morning at Maud
611 Broadway. owned by F. H. Amidon,
Latter, and. occupied by himself, J.Dar
ios, trimming store, and others. - Ami.
don's lone* L 115,01:0; Darks', $1,000;
Others, $3,000; bully Insured. •
NIIPPCMICD HAIM 111101/811311.
Edwin Weed and Miles Murray, pun
robbers have been • arroded as the atip
bbers of the Bank of the Bripub
ic„ hut Wednesday, of $15,000 in bonds,
and a portion et tthe shden property has
been recovered.
wool, YOU sees impaox.•
A special Boston dispatch says Tyler,
Maxims At Co., extensive wool dealers
on Federal der* hove suspended. Thai
claim, however, the stispendon m only
Antiertualve ww
:1111TTeldwaph to )D► Plttstaughthumnilla
j Cractarawn, Jan#24—The special dis
pel& mibilahed in Me New York Hired
on toe lath, from Cincinnati, statism that
a defalcatkmle the amount of three hun
dred thonund dollars Mullions &Mower
ed in the Hamilton CoimiyTnewmry,De
bartment.- la anibortUalsely denied..
bac frathinitro atatemarit what-
SIB ' -
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Supreme Court Decisions.
The President and ilia' Situation
The " Judicial Bill.
General Grant and Stanton:
, ---
alrlolecrapt to Use =Wve, BastttC)
WA-17:11NOTOS ; January at; MI
The Supremo Court today announced
a desision as to the appeals from the
Court of Claims.... These Are allowed by
the act . of Congress, but 'the questfotts
sent up for review must be strictly those
or kw. Chief Justice Chute 1703 absent
from the bench in'conseqnenco of sick-
near. No opinion Nita delivered on the
motion to advance jon the docket the
MeAnile case, which was, argued on
Among the decisions in the Supreme
Court to-day were the following:
No. it. Seater's executors, appellants,
vs. -- Marwell; appeal Irotn the District
Court of tho tinned States for the Dis
trict of West Virginia. • Justice Field
delivered the opinion of the Court re
versing the decree of the District Court,
with costa
No. DE. Selz et al.: appellants, va.
Anna et al; appeal from the Circuit
Court of the :Northern District of Illi
nois. Justice Clifford delieeted the opin
ion of the Court- aflirming the decree t f
the Circuit Court with coats.
The WoriiPa correspondent, in a per.
aortal Interview with President •Jolunam
yesterday, elicited the following front
the Executive Thai as the President
ofthe United States ho was bound by
oath to administer the Government ac
cording to theC,onstitution. Ile had, in
defending a principle, faun& himself
singularly opposed by - another branch of
the Government, but he had faith in tht
maxi noose of the people, sada Modifica
tion of aentiment has ensued. The Radi
cals have made Congress a political men.
strosity. llavingovorleaped all bounds
save those of party and political ambi
tion, they nowkeep on trying by ten
quest In the South tine year to obtain
power More than equivalent to that loit
in the North. He then referral to the
effort made to connect him • wit a the
assamluationpiot, and said the leaders
of that movement are Capable of employ
ing any•mesaures to get rid of him or
sheer away his power. Themes-sures of
Congress, he said, were revolution.
ary. The prapoktionto remove
by act or Congress the vested authority
of the President asCommander-in-Chiek,
is a direct violation of the Constitution.
The Mil Submitted by Sir. Bingham as
sumes the ri,„"lit of COngreSS to do away
with the President altogether if it drones,
and makes itseltexecutive de well as leg
islator of the Govern mat. The assump
tion is arrogant, danger°us and deatruet
ire. If there had been a liberal, gener
lawehidlim sentiment predominant
in the North, by this time the South
would have been almost upon its legs
again. The vaulty of the negroxe would
.not bare been fed to bursting, that labor,
free later for their old Menets should be
,neglected, shirked and lost. There
would have been no military usurpation,
but dell governments In each State, and
be was convinced that if every District
Commander in the Sentk should be
changed to a Department Commander,
with hie duties contintd to assisting the
civil 'unborn/ft to preserve order, civil
governments would be Tepidly and peace.
irony restored. In his judgment the
;speedy result of this weuid ereei-
ganiration of the whole country; but It
appears as If Congress were deteemined
not to allow 'the happy consummation.
A revolution, such as these headlong
spirits seem determined to precipitate,
may have, if suffered to go on, au effect
more damaging than the civil war. In
response, to an intimation UM; he was
te intend to traceei‘sell the
(rethority vested in him to repel these
volutionary measures, the President
amid: “Efe intended to do his duty, and
os to what that duty may Involve, it
*mild be premature, he said, even to
puggest. We will leave special meas
ures for special sessions. When they
Mice I have confidence, in the good sense
pf the.anny, and certainly I believe in
the people. I believe In the young moo
=they will not permit a revolution to be
accomplished, even though it might be
room:eery for the people to taktetut mat.
ter into their own hands" ,
;Mr. Stewares bill in the Senala pre
ihlp, for the division of the thirty-seven
States into eight judicial districts, and
Makes it lawful after the first of July
next for any Justice of the Supreme
Court to appoint any District Judge in
hie circuitto hold a term or part of
term in any district, whenever from ac
cumulation of baguette the public Inter
est requires, provided the Circuit Court
ea held shall not be as writs of error
&Om the -District Courts. The letter,
however, ma be beard by • Court at
three Dletrict Judos, appointed.. by Ust-
Supreme Justice, and of whom two shall
constitute a quorum. The final
decree of these Courts shall not be
reviewed by the Supreme Court
unless a writ of error be stied out
within two years fitter the entry ofjudg
meat, or unless the matter la dispute
exceeds the value et Bye hundred dol
lars, or the; adjudication involves a cca•
atimcbcm of a law of the United States,
or Validity on the construction of a treaty,
or a revenue patent, or copy right law of
tboDnited &atm; provided nothing her►
in contained shall affect the jurisdiction
of the Supremo' Court. to renew cases
arising under the law of March 3d, Ihrrt,
relative to Aaheus corpus, de., or under
the act of February Lth, 1369, establish
tag tndlciul courts.
Another cOrrespondent Is authorized
by General Dent, member of General
Grant's staff to deny the truth of the
abatement telegraphed that Geuerul Grant
has urged upon Stanton the propriety,
now, ranee tits restoration to. theollice, of
tendering his resignation. The enact
meat also made that Grant will not re
cognize orders tanned by Stanton In
'gamily untruutind without foundation.
General Grant - has transacted business
with Stanton as Secretary of War sinne
the: latter took charge, and he In ovary
respect trade him 'on the War Secretary.
,ofticiaily • recognised him when the
key was transferred to Stanton. Many
persons Nom high in authority bellete
that Mr. Stanton wilt noon tender his
resignation; but there is the very best
autheritylor saying that Stanton has no
intention at retiring, from the War Do.
partment until reconstruction In the
South is more nearly accomplished than
ltis at present.
General Grant leR here this morning
for I Richmond, Virginia, to attend th •
business meeting of the Trustees of the
Peabody Institute, lle was accompanied .
by ',Governor Fish, of Louisiana, and
Bishop liellwslue, and will return to
it is stated here, by members of the
Britten Legation, that they hare positive
infernation. that George Francis Trull
vent to Europe expressly to be arrested,
in order that this Government might
make it a test ramie in establishing scheth•
er English anther - Wea have the right to
arrest American citizens fur language
used in this country.
Negotiatiotus for the lease of Bantams
Etayhave- been oemoletad and will be
laid:before the Senate.
oovix.von OP IDAOO.
- The Committee ott Territories was in
session two hours on the case of Mr.
Gibbs, nominated for:Goretnor et Idaho,
without comia rt. to a conclusion.
Gon.Aloward to;day urged on many
Semlion the giving. of stork to the most
needy in the Distriet of Columbia.
Thousands are represented to be antler=
ing for the necessities of life.
is I=llllo3 OP EEVVAVE
The Conmdbes of Ways and Meese
commenced to-day a general rerlaten
of the revenue lawn
AWN 1 Qu.b.l me
Paritamunat a.usulsMp Mica.
sap for Ow Peer. •
Es, rolopiA to slit rlttlibugh SWUM.)
QtrEßte ' J113111.11.1720.—The river In
front of the city is again frozen over,
and all attempts to break it by ferry
steamers have proved unavailing.
A lire broke oat to the Parliament
Building on Saturday bat was exile
visited without mucii-damsge. ,
Soap kitchens tie to be established
here,and other mum adopted for there •
lied the citypoor.
Disommt on American Invoices tar the
mohair week twenty-Meta per cent,
Fsuian Demonstration Continued
kiother Attack on Nartello Tower.
Uneasy teeling in France
Foxtpconaing Peaca ~lanih to.
llasslan Jouinsls ( Ompla toed Of.
Treaty Negotiations 'Between
Untied States and Prussia.
18/; •
7 A:ern:,lt to the Pats b:tri la anal.]
• LOsnos, January 20.—Advicea receiv
ed boro. state that the Feutaus attacked
kfaitello tower, at Duncannon;Walem
lord county, Ireland,•on the evening of .
last. No partdeulara.
ntoesssinsaa aciatawr TILE DUIILT.W
t. - TION.
Dhubrx, Jan. Dl.—The Government Is
about to COSIMULCO . legal proceeding.:
against thepreprielora of the Dublin Nia
tiorqor the sublimation of seditious libels
andhallanaruatary articles in that journal,
rotremos, Awn rittencisx. txxisticuiss.
Lownox, January W.—Paris corns- .
pondenta of the London press say a feel
lug !of uneasiness is percept ihle in polit
ical . and financial circles. Though no
one believes war threatened from any
quarter, still the greet activity in the
arsenal and dock-yards of France, and
the Pressure brtiught to boar upon the
Corps Legisistiff for the passage of the
army bill, are circumstances which con
tribute to excite the public mind and to
impair corindence In the stability Grimace.
Pails, San. i2o.—The /Whir, In an odl ,
torlaf on the Eastern question, c.X11111.111/1
on twidain nischlevousartlelos on France
and Prussia, which have recent 4 ~p-pettivil
pettivil In Iltualau papers, and declarer ,
that it Is evident that these Journals have
done till they could to create discord and
hitutt"eloout • rupture of the relatloasex
istinihetween Prussia and France.
The:B. 4 ,3par rays the Emperor Is )ire
Itarin, and tell' ,on end,* to Do inv.
a manifesto insuring i•Mropo It 1. .'
denim' and policy of his Gov.ommen t •
maintain peace. •
'rept IczaoitAticir 'Art= UNITED
pieM.Tie, Jan: `.—Ttse American >tla•
Liter, aim. Geo, Bancroft, le now enga
ged in iseiretisking with the Perimien
inTerrteclet&for the e.tabllahment of a
new svimmereisti,, treaty betw'een the
'itch! the . .Neeth Germati .
Confederation. . •
•=tiRC 00t.
Livaitroot, January :o,—The atria:nom
lielvetta,=-Tram Ned. Yerk, arrived hare'
to days•
alria coma:aril&
FatiViceonr,. Juni:Lary, I.ll—Ereiting.
United States Bends, 7614 - 4761. • :
Amman,. January 30=Ercniii.g.:—
Petrolehrn is aelliag at 44 francs.
Lostion, January. 2O—Erenia9.—Con.
lois 92i American Securities are stewiy;
U. S. Bonds 72; Illinois Central S3l; Eric,
Livsicroor., January 21—Evening.—
Cottan elovie d quiet, with sales of L 5,000
Pales Middling Uplands, on i ot, at 71d;
do. to arrive, et 7id; do. Orleans, Sid..
Braadstulle are unchanged. Previalons
—Cheese has advanced to 5.24 Pd. The
others ails unchanged. ' • •
for Prowllldoog— Th o email Dolly
*all—! Gawp' •
T Lattrt pit to to Pittobatet littaotto
Climates, January Ni.—The Chicago
Tanis primonnces for the :nomination or
George tr. Pendleton for the Presider:elf
by the Democratic: National Convention.
Its artichir' to-morrow commences as NI-.
lows:iTliThe State Conventions of the
Democracy of Ohio, Indiana, and N.-
breaks, the only Northwestern Wales In
which' Democratic State Conventions
have been hold with reference to the
coming Prealdential election, have de
elated their preference (or the nom
ination ,G of George If. Pendleton
as the Democratic candidate Mir the Pres
idency. i The unanimity of these decia-'
retinue, end the Indication+ which-other-
wisaconiito no; show that theta is no
dission ainong the Democnaticmssaes of
atm.:if:Rules from the action of the Con
vention.; nor la this Democratic popular
sentiment confined to these States.' On
the coin vary it palpably pervaded all the
other Nochweetern States, and.. Illinois
as thoroughly.. any, and that it has an
active and rapidly grcrwing existence all
over the country la evident to
the most ordinary camerveer of
the drift of political inovementa" The
article continues: .It will be an almost
overwhelmlnx reason for the nomination
of Mr. Pendleton by the National Con
vention, that be is predicated by an tut
broken Northwest, with not a whit lees
earnestn and enthusiasm than o il :
matealasto em
wn Stets of Ohio. If the De.
tummy carry the Praddentlal election
the North West must contribute more to
the result , thin any other section, and it
m therefoin fit that her voice I o the setae-
Lion of the candidate should be poten
tial" 1
The grand Charity Ball, given under
the auspitis of Mr. Gillmer of Boston,
lame off (.this evening, at the Opera
House. The affair was the moat brilliant
over given in the Weed. From the par
, nette to the dome the'decaratlona were
side, profiles and elaborate, comprised
of fresh ildwene, costly lace, and pendant
cages contitining sweet singing canaries.
Thle decoreilors coat about four thonaand
oilers. The supper room in the mualc
Lai adinitang the Opera House, contain
ed one long table spread with all the del
icacies that nature and art could afford,
cooling two thousand dollars. The
music was furnished by • Gill
merle celebrated band. of Ikarkeil,
comprising about forty performers,
assisted by Yeas' Band of this city, mak
ing eightr.musicJane in all. About eta
hundred tickets were sold, mostly to the
-creme tie to crane of Chicago. The dis
play of liltiuty, fashion mud wealth aur
peened anything of the kind ever seen in.
the West. Many persons were - en attend
ance Irons Cincinnati, Louisville, Si,
Louis, Detroit and Milwauatie, and
everything passed off .1n the happiest
_rrevidese• aallserel
—Mot of to Waved.
Bostox, W.-Tlte mail traln which
left Sunday evening, for Boston, met
with adl aster on the Providence read,
near Maneditild. Two passenger care,
foil:deg the rear of, the train, were
thrown from the track by a broken rail,
and several persons seriously injured,
but none killed. The fottowing lea list
of the sufferers: E. E. Shepardson, of
Provlisenes, injured in the beck andshle,
nod suppmed hurt internally; Henry A.
Guild, of Attleboro, badly hurt on the
arm; Thos.; Hawkins and wife, the form
er slightly =Jared and the latter cut in
the head; girs. Swan and Mu Rico, both
otyrovidellsetly injured; Patrick
Dolan, of par Me., Injured in the
back, hlp and leg; ohn Mathew_ „of Ded
ham, broken arm and foot badly jam
med; a eallior;i3ame unknown, In leg, not
severely. i• •mainder of plumage= un
•Or. $ Osib sr galllsioar,
fl Tlrriy. to Ms Plustastfe da!te.4.3
MADlsoa;wu. January large
melting wits bald on Saturday night, at
which a Grant club of two hundred
members warn organised. ilesolutions
endorsing the General and the Flacon.
*traction policy of cowmen were tamed
snottily adopted.
LBy l ieletrapb to the Plttsheimh tiasette.l
WANIIINOTON, Jan. ath, 1868.
Mr. WILSON presented a resolution
rebitice to the riche of American cid
zentt abroad. Referred'to the Committee
on Foreign Andre.
HOWARD, from the Committee
on the Pacific Railroad, reported a bill
relating to the Central branch of the
Union Pacific road, which was laid on
the table and ordered to be printed.
Mr. EDMOND . % tram the Committee
on Judiciary, reported ailvereely to
the bill for thelpiirchaee of Hall'. Car
. I '1
LIAR LAN ItitrisDiced a bill for a
new; charter end to extend the bounda
ries of the City of Washington.) Referred
to the Committee on the District of Co
lumbia. The bilLprovides for annexing
Georgetdwn. and the reorganisation of
the City Government.
Mr. WILSON introduced a bill to pro
hibit tie payment of bounties to deaer
ters.' Referred to the Committee= Dill
itaiy, Affairs. -; .
Also, a bill granting a million aerie of
public lands fin• l the benefit of the public
eche:ill of the District of Columbia. He
nreid to the Committee on Public Lands.
Mr, HENDRICKS , introduced a bill
concerning District Judges. Referred to.
the Judiciarommittee.
Mr. DAV ISLS offered a resolution ire
(pleating Information from the &aviary
of War .ragarding T easels purchased or
hired by the War Department dining
the late war, prices paid de: also, same
particulars regarding those since sold or
hired. I.
Mr. CHANDLER introduced a blll to
regulate the foreign routing trade of the
north, northeastern and northwestern
frontiere of the United States. Referred
to the Committee on Commerce. '
Tho CHAIR •laid before the Senate s
coat munheetion from the Secretary or the
Treasury in reply to a resolution of in
quiry regent ins captured and bsodoned
property. Referred to Committee on Re
Mr. CHANDLER called up thejoint
resolution In retold to Conoularartpolat
mem& 'A lively debate vowed upon It
between itImetra.CIIANDLEK,O RIME*
Molt R NYE and DRAKE.
During the deludo, b 7 coment,•Mr.
slitlitt l nate r e f Abl o w , hdrow h. motion that
Me . iron to amendment.
to e bb cotton bill, disagreed to: by the
House. Re moved t. at the Senate In
not upon thorn. and that a Committee. of
Othferenee be appointed—motion &peed
to ; and Nleyars. Sherman, Conklin and
Storr.di wore appointed at Stle loommlt
tee. j
Mr. Sit ERMAN made the name mo
tion In roaarti to the Neeste's amend- •
silent to the bill. In regard , to the min
traetlitu of eurreney.
The tlehato on re.lution relative to
,Consular aprinintinente wan dies contin
ued until -Mr.. CONN ESN motion woo
Mi. ID/lE.:SON mom! as a prliiiegod
cioestlert, io take op his resolution to
allow Mr. • Thous. tak• Ids it as s
Son altir from Mar7ln ttd.
Mews. lIENDRICKS and • FRE-
I.II 4 :OIIUYSEN .poks to Laver of tlas
Mr. 1 HOWARD rem-to Speak, bat
yielded the door to Mr. SUMNRIT, who
moved in executive mission, whim was
The Chair appalitted as a Committees(
Conference on Centractlen bill Messrs
Cattelli Trumbull and Morton.
Altet a Short executive stolen the
Sens** adjourned.
MIA lAN 11.1 4 ,01.rriuNs . INTISODCCITO
AND urznasi, •
For rebuilding do - Military Asylum at'
Attgtett'x, !Lino
To ex ..rept from tax all .manufaeturee
relatin4to the induetrial Interest. of the
- • -•
country. ,
Prohibiting the transfet' of appropria
tion. from, one branch of a department to
To provide for the naymentof pensions
in roin..l
Itimdtre to tne nix=nuctranzed
eitizenslinstruCting the Prteddentso de
mand 6Pihn ltritish• Government an ex
planation as to the exectition of Michael
tritrien;•claiteing t 0 be an America citi
zen, Mentz offense alleged to have been
coinmitted in England, and such was.
faction and cadres.. the fact. may war
rant, ntid to represent to the Britlab
Gorerninent that the United Stetss ac
knowledge no richt of interfereno• by
other State. with its naturalized citizens,
and any Infringement of zilch rights will
M held as a cause of war. - The ismolu•
ton ilso declarer It to be the duly of lb
President to ioceil Minister Adams.
It was; offered by Mr. VAN HORN of
Silasoari, and referred to the Foreign
For Inatwevement of Des Moines and
Rock Inland Rapids on the Illmiaalppl
To amend the Agricultural College bill
by extending for three year. the time
for Southern States to swept the act, but
limiting! the grant to lands within their
own limits, and poi:miffing it shell be de.
voted to the support of public schools,
mad not! to agricultund or aclentitic not
To amend the bankruptcy law.
Relating to bounties to,aoldivra trans
furred during the war.
To amend the act of 1E45 aztendlog
the jurlialletion of District Courts to
certain ems. on the Lakes and naviga
ble water. connweing with Meat.
To secure to arguaratetlerri the right to
buy laird hereafter granted to railway
Making appropri ation for imprcria
mint of the bar re at Saugatuck, St.
Joseph and South Maven, Minh.
Giving', the additional bounty to eel
'diem muttered out before their lull term
of two .years expired.
To declare the Fort Jessup reservation
restored to the United States and subject
to homestead entry and settlement.
Directing the.payment of bounty to
veteran tioluritoerswho enlisted fOr three
years after the nine months service and
were honorably discharged.
Fixing idle comPensation of member.
of Congrters at tiAti per •annuot, and
mileage at ten cents per mile, and of the
Speaker at 117,0iXt.•
Granting bounty to drafted' soldiers.
'Po abolish the office of Director of
Statistical and tranefer •the butiness of
the Duncan to the Department of Educa
tion. I ,
Itesolutionadopted combining the Se
lect Committee on the workings of the
Pay Department, and..allowing all oftl
cent inculpated to appear and explain
their conduct before the report is made
to the House.
gioinCresolution, introduced by Mr..
WASEISURNE,- of Wisconsin, declar
ing no poison who ham boon • Secretary.
Assietauf Secretary, heed ef a bureau, or
clerk in any of . t h e departmeute, shall be
permitted to practice as an attorney or
agent forthe prosecution ofelelms before
maid departments, till two rats after the
expiration of their term of service. rat
tell. I -
The Sr MAKER stated it was proposed
to announce the deaths of members as
follows: ;Mr. Noel, Mo., Wednesday, at .
three o'clock: Mr. Ilarni ton, Ohlo,
Thursday, at three o'clock; M.r.lilz,
Thursday, attune o'clock.
Mr. WASIEBURNE; of Wisconsin;
asked tear, to offer a Joint resolution
constituting the Secretary of 'War, 5.04
rotary of the Interior and Attorney Gen , .
eral a Commission to establish, by the
first of July, an excise tariff, of prima
for freight and passengers °wattle Union
and Central Pacille Railroads, not to ex
ceed doubler the average rotas charged en,
the railroad linos between the Mboissip-i
pt riCer and the Atlantic In the laUtudi
or st. LOUIS;
Mr. DODGE objeMed.
Mr. WINDOM. liJniesota, then In.:
troducal the resolution end called foi
the pretious question, *bleb the House
refused to second, and Mr. HIOBEE
proposing to debate, the resolution want
On motion of Mr. - 11113LACK, the Mil
itary Committee was instraoted to - in
quire into the expediency of extending
the benefits of the additional bounty 'of
October, to volunteers of 1101, who were
discharged for disability incurred in the
line of duty. -
Mr. SELEYE offered a resolution
directing the Committee of Ways and
Means to confine the taxation of menu
facturet to articles of Industry. Re.
(erred to Way, and Means Cotnroittee.
Mr. STEVENS, of Pennsylvania,
asked leave to Introduce ■ bill relative to
universal suffrage, but Mr. MUNOEN
objected. --
Mr..LOGAN offend his resolution,
telegraphed on Saturday, and it was
Mr. MOORREAD offered a resolution
of inquiry, by the Ways and Means
Constance, as to the expediency of so
amending tho tariff laws en to restrain
Importation, so as to throw the balance
of trade in favor ol the United Sta tue os
a step to epee" payment without furt her
mitt/amino, which was adopted. .
The use of the /fail next Sunday even
ing, was granted to Congrmsbanal
Temperance service.
innxill on iisoosivravorioi antrxica
the }loom resumed the .oan-
El •, HAM i di.. . . ..i.
the .- visas uneaten at 3:20 - . '
• . .PRUYIN spoke In oppesitlen •
the 4 .11
• t :SCOFIELD spoke to support o
the •• I. Referring to Mr. Brooks' decla
radio the other day, that all this reoen
strti= legislation would be repealed
w the Democrats mime into power
he where, If the Democracy - would
bah slavery and place Am inset
!outstaye power again at the Wad ef
the •verrunent, he (Ifr.Brooke,) would
fffeff Ids subjects? He had seen that
*Mende gather retold him
alt day- of kis epitech and oengratu
lat . ratilsg. He could Imagine that Ux
sal4, 4 tbey will have a* negro Echo°
hi mica, when thou art Klag, ahall
Hi " [Laughter.).
I ,
. PECTIN remarked that =his aid .
of House they said nothing • abou • i
n ' They left that to the a• •
• „SCOFIELD said heold Ramie •
the: gentleman front Ne York, Mr.
Brdeks, arming with •lasse and hand
outland golngtollackerel etoen• • .
a Wired. In th e execution o tthe fugitiv •
sloe law. (Laughter.) Hie was in
dined to think that that gentleman • •
cuidartakim to do more than he omit.
perform. . . .
Mr. KOUNTZ supported the bill.
M. LOGAN suggested to Mr.Blngham
td amend the second section, by adding
after the werd.rGeneral," thew .rds." •
ether military officer wha shall or May
ble ut in command-of the army."
. B uo IIi m GHAJIL declined to adopt • .
, r. LOGAN remarked that if th.
,Ptealdent should remove General Grant,
1 thi law would have no meaning:
Mr. BINGHAM said Creams 'would
echo supply that.
r. FARNSWORTH' remarked the
'P ' dent could not remove General
41 t a ithout the concurrence of the
r. PHELPS addreesed the House In
o Lion to the bilL , •
• time fixed by• Mr.- BINGHAM
h lo g arrived, he took the doer, with
't o * Ye ih rb i al m atVe a nd t m o sn r rs; art m d m th i4 en m m ov e ed v.
the previous queetlen, refusing to
raw it tb allow Mr. BUTLER to
o hie amendment givbeg the appoint.
et of civil, officenit 'to State Coustitn-
Ritual Colovetithonx. , •
fffr. COREY maid he slibuld like his
;segue (Mr. Zfingtism) In Ms elosiag .
meat to answer Mese four queallenic
-,First—lf General Grant shall neglect
or refuse to execute the provisions of
tLaw, or if in Its execution he shall
La in an oppressive and cruel manner,
thwhat tribune ahall he be amenable for
het malhhumest
._. Naomi— As by the terms of the bill
the President =net interfere, can Gen.
Grant be tried by court martial, and ff
an by whir.* orders, and who shalt colt.
*Mute the men?
1 Thavd--Not being a civil officer, can he
be impeached? It so, by whom, and be
fore whet tribunal?
Fourth—lf ho crietrot be arraigned by ,
toy earthly tribunal, is he not made an t .
Abe:Mite dethei?
Mr. 11INeillAM haling an hour In
Which to clews the debate, yielded ballot
it to Mr. BUTLER, who while aspren
lug approval of M I
Me bill n principle and
the opinion that therm wen, at least
three constitutional provision under
which It might 1w maintained, yet he
thought the Committee had Called in the
matter of detail, end that the hill should
. .
have been perferted by amendment.
Mr. DINO [LAM, in clueing the debate;
aid—l have Listened with due attention
to the utterancee or the able gentlemen
who have deemed it their dotty to oppose
this bill, and I regret to rely that with
them denunchalon mammal the place of
&moment, and th&t £q the storm of
denunplatlen the vu lee..of man= Itself
was indent. Those gentlemen who,
whether muscle°e of it or net, have been
lending thighs/Ives, In the beat sat ex
cttement of the controversy, to the mere
interest of a party question, when they
should consider the interests at the com
mon country, have enacted precisely
the role which ' was'
,played when
the ‘Constitatlon itself was en trial
fur Ila deliverance, .as it came
from the bands of three mighty men
whom God taught to live for glory and
beauty. The arguments : need at that day'
against the ratirication of the Conetltu
lion, as approved by Washington and his
assocutet, were uno It oeultesett .for the
common defense, for the suppression of
insure. Mims and to repel invasion, an
power upon the legislative
department of the Gorernment. The
gentlemen might have !found all their
arguments as well and se forcibly stated
by. the demagogues who then opposed
t be fi rmation - of the Giveinment and ran
fiestion of the Constitution, as they have
elated them themselves , I answer thin
sort of argument In the words' of the
great men who formed oar Constitution,
and who in forming it proved themselves
second to no men - that ever tired upon
the earth, er to -whom' were ever en
'trusted the destinies of;s peel yeople.
The language of Ilatolltrin was, and it
ought to be written in the discussion on
the very lintels of your doors, that to
In rain that you Impose conatitutional
shackles on the right of a illation &ode.
fend Ha own existence'', ! Idadlson, who
la celled the father of the Comdata-
tion,. took up tho words and letter
mod them In another form, saying,
"It Is In rain that you attempt to
Impose Constitutional .restricUens on
the impulse or self pneiservation."
taw hlgker than that given by Madison or
Hamilton, anterior to. the birth' to
nation upon the earth, gave out the law
for the liatroroMent or Individuals and
collective men : .Proservethy life." -It
Is the duty of the Nation, entrusted aa it
Is with the grandest and noblest trues
that ever wee committed tea political
society, to preserve its own
life. This life was • assailed for
Tour long years by armed revolt and trea
eon. Three years have elapsed since the
aorrender of the armies to the rebellion.
When the cloud of battle lifted front the
etrieken fields of the Potomac to the
bunks of the Roo Grande, the fact was
discloOed that Stale Institution. Conti
! tinlonal State Governments, had pariah
! ed in that conflict. The people of the
United States asked no indemnity for the
past. They asked only secunty for the
future. 7n the propositions of reatera
tion, ae they were presented In the year
lidA, It was only asked of thaw late tn.
eargenta in arms that en invadable
covenant should be placed In the Clallii
tutlon of the United Staters, by their eon.
sent and by our consent, which would
make the like rebellion forever Impossi
ble, and which would reallso by the silent
majesty and voice of the law the grand
purpose for which the Constitution Itself
-was ordained, namely, the establishment
of Justice and the security of, liberty.
That Is what was naked. Tie people
of the North accepted it. ; Theypied
it with an unanimity which was without
parallel In the political contest of this
age or Of any age. It was rejected -with
acorn end contempt . by thaw =down,
who but yesterday lifted up their.hands
in violence against the holy 'temple of
our liberties, and now we stand here, the
representatives of tho people, to take the
ways and means to enable each of the
; people of the South as have setnrood to
their loyalty, and such of them as lever
have struck In that mad revolt, to ac
cept these conditions and be returned, In
the language of the bill, to political pow
er in the Union. •Let the people of the
country decide between us, Whether the
people of the South shall oppose
Wiation to reimburse the met
of the rebellion, whether they shall im-•
pose taxation to reimburse the price of
emancipated alarm, and whether they
shall come into the Sail of Conge' in
the per-awls of their Senalors and repro.
olentatlvee, to repudiate and violate the
plighted faith of this motion. -flat is the
Watio which is made up here. That ta
the issue an which we go to the people.
That is the ground on which we enact
this law. We nay to the General of the
Army, carry out the provisions of this
act In stood faith. • ' . '
My colleague ( Mr. Carey) r ises in his_
seat and sake whither the General of the
Army Is reeponsibje in me he violates
this law and tramp uwa the rights of
the people/ 1 regret my colleague
deemed I t him duty temakemuck inquiry.
July to the General of the Army, say to
every otherjudiclal and executive eMoer
of the• Government, that be is neither
above the people, nor above thopeoPle'm
laws. The General of our Army is but
the creature of Congreseicaud enactment:
Timbres:la which made him General-miry
unmake him to-morrow, I answer soy
colleague further, that by the 111th sO
Gott of the bill, If the General of the
Army be guilty of any violation of this
law n , he is liable by its very • ten= lobe
arraigned before the civil tribunals of
the United States en an indictment, and
held to answer for blehigh misdemeanor,
and on conviction is liable to take
his place In the penitentiary ara
forfeit not exceeding Ave II.:=
lar's. I trust that my colleague la satis
fied with the servoiltg of the penalty.
• '
—The linlveniellat Church, at Colum
bus, Ohio, took ere on Sunday, .I=l
Sunday School. The roof and
work were entirely consumed, but lho
wails were not matatially injured.' Lao
E ON; insured fur k 5,000., The children
The tat collectors of Georgia bare
been directed to hold the taxes .now
band, with a view to payment of tbenz
penmen of the convention, . : -
—Ma:liven, the in-adied tcalist,
at Newark, Oble, ban beck i ndicted Ihr
Death of Meal ML:eek—Ceeuuere
Wressitatillm—The Veadl•t.
Yeebuday, et half-past three r. x., the
Coroner's jury impiiinelled in the can
of the fire work} explosion on Smithfield
street, by Which Anna A. Campbell and
Preelerick Bammy lost theirilves, assem
bled at the Mayor's office in pursuance
of edjournznesh Before the Investiga,
ton Sum commenced, word was brought
the Coroner that 'John A. Schrock, the
third victim of the explosion, died aide
injuries atlhaunrant's Win:wiry at half.
past two r. N. Thsjury proceeded thith
er and clewed the body, and at half-paat
seven last evening ea-assembled at the
Mayor's 0131 when the following Mali.
many was
Dr. J. A. Phillips, sworn—Am the
physician. wh attended yeeng Schrock;
Ills death rea ted from barns; the is
'jades were e tidal in their clerseter;
the eyeballs were disorganized, andel:so
the tongue. Brom the character of the
wounds I wobld judge that they ware
canted by the explosion of gunpowder
or''some:, other xxplosive• substance,
&brook dLed at half-paid two o'clock
this afternoon, at Passavant's.liespitsl.
. Edward Herd, sworn—Am Intralling
agent Mr Maur& Kimble &Schrock:was
te the lower part of the atom at the time
et the exploeion; the first thing I heard
after the report was the MA of something
heavy ovarhaatl,and saw Limes through
the hatchway; want up stairs and tried
the door Withig to the room when the
tire was, but toned it fastened; returned
ai d went ,up the hack way; found the
/Wises so great that I was compelled to
retire. The fire-works were stared In
the eornsr ot the front room ut the second
story; there was a fire-place In the Nook
with Ire, tn. it, The fire•works were
shout tour, feet from the fire; there wee
Lire there afillte VW& liars no know
ledge of the muse of the explosion. The
tire-worke in the room were torpedoes,
fire crackers and EOOllllll candt e.
George W. Jones, sworn—Am candy
maker for Reabie dt Schrock; mule
the third May, back part of the
at the time °trite explosion; the Brat I
heard of It was the fall or crash of boxes
in the frank room of thivesamd story; In
a !tow suctidit after thla none I beard re
ports like rockets deluged; I then went
down stain in the store; went down the
back way; ; asked Mr. Schrock, if he had
given M. Warm of fire; he said not; told
him the mooed story was on fire; I ran
=rowdier street and helped out with the
Duquesne Mauna ; when I got back I
Inked Mr. &brook it the boys had come
down stairs; he said they had net ; •,1
then no up to the door leading io ttie
treat MUM ; found there was something
behind the door; I puthed It open about
e foot; beard anceutorsome onegroanlng;
get down do my knees and -readied
in the door, and mught hold of the leg
of some one, whom I afterearda carer.
lathed to be detin Selina; I pulled It
out a little peak the knee the other leg
appeared to be feat; come other men
amen my 1L1061.1111C0, and took out the
body - et eihrock..l- It was taken down
stairs. I then saw the body of young
Mammy carried down. The fire works
ware stored to the left-band turner et the
room as you enter. Then le • tire kept
there through; the day time, to cold
weather. Tue fin works wen four or
five fest from the grate; there was= fen.
der. The tire.worke were' parked In
boxes. Tome wire a sow torpedoes In a
barrel; thaw was no head In the barrel.
Some of We beau containing
were not amend. Smoking was not al.
leired in the-room. There ware a great
many rats about t hoboes*. and they bad
beau rubbing at the packages of fire
work.. No broken packages were vitt-
Dl*. John Schrock was found up nalnst
the door of the front room; yang Rom
any wet found pear the same door; Mist
Counpbell't bed 7 woe found near one of
the front •rtbscowa
114 f. Starve, swom—Arn • membei
of the firm of gnable tr.Sehrock; am fa
ther of tits does John A. Schrock;
the first I be rd-ofth ao,
e . explosion was a
noise se of falling boxes; the noise might
have been canoed by the explosion of
torpedoes. I
hatchway from t h e
tire dropp down
through the e second
to the lower eterywhare etas log.
lat once inquired about the b 07.. ran
op stain, but cooled not open ;la door;
there was something against it Inside; I
called to the boys but got no answer; I
then went down der front and up the ,
back stalng kicked open the door, and
found the tack room filled with fire sad
smoke; I then went back to the front
inane and met min nacrying out the
body of my son. I know nothing more
chant the gni. The tiro-works, which
were left bYAlv*Savage. whom webought
out,. were lying lame In the-front room.
Before Christmas we unpacked some of
the boxes, but aftarwarft closed them
up Some of the top boxes were without
lido. There were abash. four hundred
bags on the top of the pile of home.
There were some torpedoes in a barrel
The only words my son spoke In regard
to the sooldoot, were; at had an explo
sion." I asked Mai where; he reeled,
ilia Pre-works in the store" I then
asked him bow it happend ;be said, "I
don't know: , I also raked him where
Fred was ,• he said, "I don't know." I
apoka to him concerning Nancy Camp
bell; he asked, "Is she dead, toe?"
told him she was dead, My eon was
nearly eighteen. -The gre-werks bad
been there since the sth of last July.
Dr. Roberta, sworn—l was et the scene
of the explosion scan after it occurred;.
went tato the Dogurane Engine ne IMO
and examined the body of young Ram
sey. Ilia death, I think, was caned by
Mr. &Peck, re-called—lbad even the
boys Petri/dim:is to take up some fire.
works that were on the mantel-piece,
and repack them ha a box, and I think
they were doing this on the morning of
the explosion.
-Wafter Kafete, sworn—Am a son of
el s e senior member et the firm of Kimble
It..fikhrock; am -engaged In the store.
(Thli witness knew nottung about the
explosion.) • ' •
Atter a brief ornsaltstion, the Jury re
turned, in substance, the following ver
dict; That John A. Schrock, Anna N.
Campbell and Frederick Ramsey came
to Melt deaths from Injuries received by
an atridimPl, explosion of fire-works In
the establlennent, of Messrs. Enable a
Schrock, Smithfield street, on the Mho(
January, 11188. The fury earnestly re
commend that 3caltus in firework' exer
die greater carola storing such danger
ous combustible";
£NIAN. —How ILepeirtery,
011 tank lisitoreteS
Seldom bas there been anything more .
trathfully written then . the followidg,
which we find in tho *damns of the Pcist
yeeterday, It inya
. .
We freqnently bur govoplaints made
by railroad officiate that the newspapers
publish exaggerated accounts of acci
dent' occurring gather reads,' Perhapi
therwoold like o know' how reporters
are misled In these Matters. Here is
one way: Anlaccideut occurs on a
cartel's road; theyenforprising, iced ever
• II vo to the interests of his papsr, rushee
at once to the office of the road anti ask.
the person In Merge what he kitows cos
.ftrolog tho accident, lilac limos out of
tea, ho Is • either. "mobbed," or. la
gruffly • !akin:lied that no accident
had occurred, or that It did of amount to
much—generally some answer that is not
by any means satiathetrum . and upon
whichhe could not venture to bare an
Item: While his ardor is not in the least
dampened by these rebuffs, he la not by
any umaner of means satisfied with the
remit id his diligent inquiries at "these
headquarters... What next? The "hide-,
fatigable" turns hls aftenUon to other
quarters. The mod of a brakeman
who was not there, but heard about it—a
train boy, or even an "Intelligent con
traband," lsreoelyedu gospel, and pub
lished. And why? Become he has some
reason to suspect that the official who
"snubbed" him knew something and
tild'et care to mention It,
In this manner reports of railroad
• mu% not or the moat reliable character,
e on Women And their way to . the. public
ear. In view of- the exoeselve tender
ness exhibited: by railroad otacials
this point It lea matter of wonder that
lis7 are so long in adopting meanies to
prevent the publlostion of what tuey
style inconrect information. The rem.
edy is in thei 'own hands. Let then;
mato lithe! repartee aro treated with
thooourtesy that Is due tOgeatlemen ;
let them lane rodent requiring those in
rsarge of the telegraphs to eso their
wires when regattas pare around. We
simply advise them to , adopt the above
suggestions In self detente, Should they
do so, weventure to sag they will nut
again harr, - cause., to complain •in
such • casse," unless It Is their :own
desire to suppress the truth, and they are
caught M e at attemptto iisipme upon Use
tustruirrs, and, ; through them upon
TaltmODWMat,llindnmaratut w t
eenualtted by Mayor McCarthy, as,
days since, on ■ .ettarge of assault and
battery priferred'hy his friends, to or.
der to Jaws tda ens brought before the
Court so that an ordet might be Lamed to
anal him ..te the Itisans itayluto, was
gent AO DixtOwd, yeatsrday he having
Dora/bud , * hoonatter widths inessesary
tudsfikavtag beat biped. \
aiuq: ~
p. .. _.:
Allegkenoi City Macao "Nolilustlows..
Last Eight the newly elected Select and
Common Councils of Allegheny city
held an Informal meeting for the pur
pose of nominating candldateis for .thei
varione, municipal offices within their
Sirt..„The Democratic members were
admitted into the rearm and . particlpit
tad in the nominations, which were as
Treisetgr—D. Macferron. . -
Controller—R. B. Francis.
Street ComMr —Thomas Mellsirw.
Assiatant Street Cominlasioner—Thaae
Supt of Water Works—Wm. Paul, Jr.
Clerk of Ifarkets—Dtmcan Dallas
Weigh ?auks at Diamond Scales--Gett
Weigh Mutertst Second Ward ficales
J. It McAllister.
Wharf Muter—John Blair.
Ass% Wharf Muter—R. N. Park. -
SaCltltv Engineer—Chas G. Davis. —•
Measurer pector
of Wood and } )
A. Maxwell.
• Bark
IClerk to Committees—Robert Dib
.City McCoinba.
Assesaor of City Tazea-11. R. Ray.
Amused of Water Rents—D. - Conte-
• Board Memureni—Flat ward, - .8.
White; Second ward; Wm. Murdock;
.Thud wart* M:,l3l.mort; Fourth ward
Andrew Daviderin; t Fifth ward,'" B. AL'
Parket - Math ward, Alai. Otropholl;
Seventh ward, Temph Letlnk.
Official Papers In the English Lin.
garre—eAszrrE and Divatel,
(Metal Paper in the Gorman Language
—Zrectlaraz Friend:
Wears duly' thankful for the honor
conferred by tire fIeICCSOrt Or the GAZATIII
as one of the papers to do the cityprint.
tag, and trust that we may merit the
dletlietion Moe shown, dulling tie cam
leg year, is we have ln the pant.
l i
Messrs.. Joseph Grime tr. Co., the
staunch and enterpriiing trimming and
notion firm, N 05.77 and 70 Market. street;
announce on our second. page to-day, e
fresh Invoice of new goods which haw
been purchased at depreaseriprices in the
Eastern markets The firm, anxious to
fibers their advaitages with theirpatrona
and the public generally, now offer their
entire stock at remarkably low pileml.
They have a full line of Plain and Rib
bed Cottort,-Plato arid Bibbed Wool And
!Amino, Balmoral and T.rtae,Plaid, for
Ladies and Children; Gents' Straker
Knit Half lima, Super Stout and Super
fine Half Hose, and fins Merino Half
Mew, together with Gloves, of Silk, Cot
tea, Cloth and Lisle Thread. for Ladies,
Gente. and . Mace!, Fur Topped Sid
Glover., tined; and likewise a lull
line of Alexandre'. Kid Gloves '
Ladies' Merino underwear, Misses' Meri
no underwear, and Gents' fornlabfrig
goods. - The stock of travelleg skirts,
Merino and. Wool shirts and drawers,
real Scotch shirts and drawers, sampan&
era, neck ilea, pulse warmkrs, ite., is very
large. A full Hew of Morrison's Star
shirts, all sizes and all grades, will be
found to snit all. A great reduction hi
laces, embroideries and lace goods, has
been made, offering real point Lace; point
Antique Valencia, thread, Clunoy,
Lena and Linen point - and • point sp.:
lieu* lace lumikerchlefix real and
imitation V 'lends, lace lrandiminhisfar
embroidered edge inserting; Dounging
and bands, at, much -lees than cosi
Plain and hem-stitched linen, at ex
tremely low figure.. „Boulevard and
halmoral skirt*, hoop skirts and aersets.
millinery orals, rte., and a full line of
notions, are offered at decided bargains.
We trust none ofour readers wilt tail to
embrace themselves of the great oppor
tunity now offered by this sterling rep
resentative house.
: Careless °militias.
We barn on: former orraelons called
the attention of the authorities to the fact
that careleim driving was Indulged In to
a considerable extent, but tt appears to
have hod no effect whatever toward abate
the dangerous practice. City streets
are made for the accoirtmOdstion of the
public in general, and not for one class
or porees. 6o it,. s:sirmion of Alta:ham .
Yet there Is a, clitinViifirld-glored, shei
k,* brained flooldes, who when they be
stride a horse or get into • buggy, with
the reins In their hands appear to think
the thoroughfare,/ were made exclusive
ly far then:. and that any man, woman
or child who happens to be In them
the time nn intruder and deserving to be
run over or knocked down by the horse
Choy are riding or driving if not able to
get out of the way. Bat this is not' the
only class of persons who indulge In fast
driving, as we observed on Sunday •
most exciting raw on Penn street be,
tween one of the above class, In • buggy,
and a countryman in a milk cart The
milk vender, having disposed of Ms
shock of milk, was driving along. Penn
street. at • moderate gait, and when near
Mechanic street the man In the "kids"
mime no at a &shin pace and attempted
to pass him, when the race began. Where
it ended wo are,tinable to say, as they
continued it as far as we could see them.
Both teams were on a .dead run, 'and
every person, whether on koet! or other
wise, was compelled to vii=4 the street
for them. The practice Is an extremely
dangerous one, and should net be toler
ated: We hope the proper authorities
will take the necesisui measures to pre
vont it. .
Dr. IMuDeat. ltimiDtbwea.
Some time ages wtr congratulated the
public that the proprietorship of/these
loos tried and well I known Medicines
had fallen into the itain.D okoeorge A.
Kelly, an expetkuMed DMtt•ms.mntiat
and wholesale Druggist fdlio. 37 'Wood
street, in this city, wiewo are glad to
learn, tint, the censu ption and demand
so rapidly increasing that ho baa estab
lisised a laboratory for their manufacture
on an extensive scale. '
"The Diuretic or Backache pills" of
Doctor Sargent will have almost a mo
nopoly of the market, as thousands of
personshereabouts have In their own
experience demonstrated their Angular
efilmey Mall affections of the kidneys;
resulting in weakness of the back. It is"
of 'very recent experience that a man
having seen thew pills advertised found
hie way to Mr. Kelly's store, where he
presented himself .bent nearly double
and suffering with ,chronic weakness of
the back, and procured a box of tho
'pills, wheh when be bad taken be came
sck wiring almost, erect as In youth,
for moth r box wherewith to complete
the cuts, Numerous lass aggravated
roue ere I being relieved every day, and
the "Sanest Pills" are commencing to
be felt as is great blessing to the multi.
Ludes antlers ng with the class of diseases
for which they are prescribed.
Mr. Kolly's .arrangsbments are such
that thew medicines ea s be procured 'at
nearly oer* drug store In the city or
country. •
Oregon etworweey.
•i'Prolent among the exterudve Brew
eries of tar State, and Pennsylvania is
famous for the faunas and quality Of Ed .
alio, et Oda the old Oregon Brewery, of
;which mire. Pier, Dannala & Co., are
the propletors. Thin establlehnient har
long held high place In the es t im ation of
the comionnity, mad Its time has ex
tended to!all paroled' the conntly Using
nothing ut the very best qualit y of ma
terials, e ploylng only the most skilled
brewers, discarding the use of drone of
every hi d, the . ales brewed at the old
Oregon • !lave attained an enviable
reputation. At the recent State Fair
the higheat honors were' bestowed upon
the specimens on exhibition, a verdict
that was universally seconded by ill
pidgeot of cream, pale or Burton also,
The Item also brew choice porter which
la equal to the finest Philadelphia, and
which is very highly, commended by the
medical raternity. Atlantan by mail
for three famous ales and porters will be
attended to_promptly, and packages will
be dilivefed or shipped In the boat man
ner. We commend this brewery to the
attention .f our reading, and bespeak for,
the firm full share of public patronage.
Rents ihust necessarily be cheaper ,
during W. coMing„ year Than they have
Neon for 6rereral years peat. The num.
bar of direllingserezted In the city end'
vicinity during the Feet year far exceeds.
that or My previous ,year since 1864
while 111 scarcity of labor and down,
ward tan sere et wages have not-only
prevented the usual number of pawns
from conking to the city, but bet been
the mean of (mains a large sembsr of
nunlike hem it, tboalnareutore rho
number f dWellinga lor rent and .dre
creasing the demand far Mem, Notices
of properly 'lO ree becondagnute
numerous, aM dotiblkia they will be.
come more Plenty .aa Abe ass.= ed.
vanes, i l i=ew of thew faces, Peelle
desiring . should not be hasty In
r ending, them will be no cllitically in
• Pptabarrb, •11v.n.,
At the annual electlorifor director* of
AM" Company, held yeatardaY, the fol
lowing gentlemen wore elected: Wm.
J. Emma; C. M. Seibert, Chas. E. Speer.
D. 6. H. Gilmore and- Andrew Ackley.
The Board is the same as last years ex
cept that- Capt. Slockdate haring de.
dined re-election,' Mr. Ackley wan sub
&M W
uted; Capt. .., J. Keuntz was re
elected Preeiderd; and Mr. C. M. Seibert
raelected to the ofdoe of Secretary and
In the retention ofiCapt. Rountz at the
headof the CoMpany It roakin sure of a
continuance of that thorough and ener
gene management of his arduousduties;
for which that gentleman Is remarkable:
Orphans' Fair.—ln our' hat paper we
failed tei ' notice . ' that Mr. Stephen Ct.
W. Ike*: thwappreelated Nightelerk of
the Gemerra eitabliahment, had carried
away bya large majority the hat end
cane awarded to the beat natured and
moat popular young man at the OrPhana.
Fair. The award met with hearty • ap
proval. The Fair wiiP remain open,
during the week (or the beano& of the
potlir, in accordance with theatiggeethm
made by this paper ,last week,' minas at,
tention to the grmt destitution - prevail-
Tikes to aiplfai.-PatiicE Diu
who was eenfincd lir the - county;
convicted of placing obstructions on the
track of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and
'Richard Durbin, who was committed
sometime:deice on a charge of disorder , -
ly conduct, were both sent Pasaavant's
Hospital yesterday by order of Court,
on' account of r sickneas. The' ticue •or
Durbin expired about ten days since, but
hobos not been - able toleave. The other
has only been sick for a few days wt.
• We direct atteatisti to the &dye,
mmt, of a store for sale. It is one of
those 'chances that tarn up but mks In
great while. For a person, with: the m'
qulred capital and wishing to engage In
a respectabl, and profitable business, we
think no better_chance could be„wished
for, as we , know the owner has done
and now only offers to sell Ibe,
cause be has too much outside business
FOURTH PROC.—Additional abt and
iitaapsw t Woo&
The citizens of Pittsburgh and Alirt;
ebony will be supplied with the very
best quality CI kindling wood, cut In
lengths suitable for every grate, stove
and fire place, delivered free at Well roe
denees for the sum of twenty-fire yenta
psr barns. Perhaps dome will say they
have boyto.who will gather old • wood
enough about the city, without paying,
but we would remark, that It would be
better If they wish them to be lawyers,
or doctors, or men like Dr. Fratiklin, Ia
read their books when they cazti be tut ,
abated this Wood for twenty-five cents
per barrel, which is much cheaper than
they could have it out after buying it by
the load, In go= have been accustomed
to do. Deal, forget the
_plate. Address
[Row CITY . MAT= WOZICIS 1:01,1er
Seventh and Grant streets. .TAciee order
ing mill pleasepay driver warn delivered.
Table Llama reduced . Sir prim, at Bai
kor's thud oafs. •
Barker's Final Sale
The great stipericatiy of the popular
Continental dining rooms of lialtabeim
ar, Fifth street, next door to the Pest
°Moe, is dolly proved in the very excel
lent style in which meals aro nerved at
all hours. The house be* a splendid
reputation Is admirably conducted, and
patronized by the beat clearest in the city.
The tablea are kept supplied with all the.
delicacies and games of the season, and
are generally recognized as superior to
those spread out at the first class hotels
uf the city. Mr. Heltxbalmer, the gen
tlemanly proprietor; has bad large and
liberal experienee In this business; and
.deaervedly occupies high rank as a ca
terer: A well stocked bar, Willa dinner
wines, ales, portemandtemperance bov
eragmt, is attached to the saloon. Polite
and attentive waiters ore to constant at
tendance to wait on pahons, Lod every
- arnes,,,A -.swan
meat ofguetta has beenintroduced. The
prices are very reasonable;"afid It'
speak for the Continentals visit fro
our friemla who can enjoy a tint s
mealattendance good and Jibe ao;
mmmodatlan, at reasonable prime.
I Harker , . Pleat Sale.
one • 1 -
Mipktne reduced to at. Barker's
fluid sale. •
Geed Greeerlits—Our read-.
ere should remember' that Mr. Arthttr
Kirk, Nes. 172 and 174 Federal Greet,
Allegheny, still nsdtinues to sell his
well selected stoek,Of groceries at very
low rates. M i ii.,7„'s store bob:moue of
the largest in two elbeabe is prepar
ed to suit the al olteale se well as the re
tail trade. Hta groceries are of such a
quality as suit the most patticularhouse
'keeper,'and at such prices as to• snit the
economical purchaser. Call at Mos. 172
and 174 Federal street, and see the stock
as welFda his prloe hat, -
. •
Tpe Sale of floe jewelry at reduced
ea he at the fashionable. headqu.utera of
• -Inman, 31eyran .t Media, No. •29
Rh' street, continues, and we advise
our readers to take advantage of the
gnat inducements offend. 'The stock,
with which it was intended to open thl
new •store injured by' firs, wa• selected
with good care and judgment, and will
be sold regardleas of original price. It
embraces all the ICest styles In jewelry,
watcher; dock. and general fancy goods.
. Barker'. Final
To Wholesale Doyen of. Dry Goods we
are offering speidal inducem t enta—Job
lola from the Eastern Auction Silas—
Shawls, Dross Goods, Hoaskeeping
Goods Mena' Weer, Shootings, BM:t
inge, Prints, do;
J. W. Saws t Co.,
59 Market street.
Waterproatiodueed to one dollar per
yarOl at .13aTftex's tlnat ado.
itarbWs FLoal,Sale.
Art Exhibltheak—The third annual ex
hibition of the School of Design will
001211110.111 Ce on Tuesday, the 21st, . at ten
o'clock A.' N. and continue 'day and
evening throu ghout the week, The pub
lic are invited to attend. • • son
Drew Goods, some at one-half of for
mer prices, at Barker's Anal male.
Barker* Pbyal Bala.
Table Lineal, TOwela, Napkins, Noy.
flee. Toweling, Bed Quilts, .itrid other
Honeskeeplng • Goode, - vet7 eheap,' . 4
Barker's meal eel,,
Gets Kinkead's. Ma Ellalarket, street
lbr great bargain■ in trizotnlage, nations,
lanes, embrolderien and general fancy
.. k -Mle= reduced to 6143, , at Bar
Towels reduced to 12 1; at Barker',
, .
efellng. at 7.4 at'olock.
CLLAIILDITS 111UON. • Wow of aka •W. Joao
110141 a the COM year at ►er ay. •
lfanoral from her ht. retldence, No. 17 Lta.
all■Astreld. Allegheny City, oo rail (irliettlay,)
"arkutaroos. at x o'clock.
HAIDIDItt.-Jasiwy Itch, HMS, at MI mt.
dome Ober I. /1.01.111, Latches.
toasty, New Tart_ Mr.. WAHL , HARDnitl,
vtda.• et tluor lap Stklar [Sward Hazels U. 41
OrdelaXes ORM. •tat tertatzly of Ude ally,
the Nth .lar har so. -
Tamara' will latish..., frail the regramise Of
UM N. P. Daum!. Penh street; ea Ws ”raSDAT
310113.12.0.21/14,14 et M *WAY, to proceed is
hnsallss7H.M.H.7.l„Thil Mead. at the Wally
Inatteettoallead..llllll huhu auk+.
‘11121.11T.-Oularada, abialajr. January Mth.
pd eawua.
s.muzz, romp' WiLh. - Y.NIS4 H. ,
'aslant HMS thallislatses of ILLsmolhtrr: Me,.
itabeeta WILIm Na. St Bawer
taq Vroasaah) arilitzcor, 24
prpootatatraleadsla Caorlaga.,,Thafaliadalar
Pd Wally are natimaraarlaaltea *toad, .
iIitPUILL.; - . 1 1/hatasthitafpkialas. aaaaa•
raPiira=l " 2:2llina . I " rsit
- 4146•41.14" was aattiaer ' ea•-T:da
city .14: 4 Tb. a r 4..i :mom . la'
met' tfrin
asimasUatiaattalnadjo! " kali - Oliag. *NO Will
Watanaa% =4;:ltipattaf4ilvraa 711”1 , -
&floc oar Sehreed Amer: maats saarDaa+l. la
snsl%7lan .olt•frs• oar ashlialoy th . lt
the mut mspHette ataiatti
asatallatlo l a ' kt,
Ham aiar . Weals. et mte amber.
Es " Tit_ " r i araltessirs&M .
Nrerai.k "" Sharra=arglaitSi
aar Mita* au Met smalleteat sh-111411i,
I.II.IkMIE tarard*r.nte lot*
. I Lasaataaatampartrilmorrirmi4W
Yak /Ha
In trum
Rw == leMt. 'Hut
.118•41 the
m a Itt i Vet
. F•.+•••.
bort, eiststalsz WITT 'OO/:
• • mama atattar. tactadag
tents. * by pasignybk"
CE•aditrog Rol, for laki
• mat ratialga Plasaitial aid Om.
t Re voce ens b r io) pew ti
Yvattar. 1 44tholeror Illototiilll
• wr.
incies of In
leadtng LAI
Mat, nal
and fullest
the cdtr.
eheal#llno nol
TOLTRA Win= 01.13ernir
- •/,
a, '
Omar to tM parmasetUr.;
,up Mich* . tbdablabi to Cabe ebb b. wasps
News to limulcuma—tet selletag Tow
„Pfpcn, be sun sad oway idisiorallttos mos „
...a., O Ire Lim I..lreesedday eat:lw forme.
welnrs havtii beteg calla west.,
AllirldozsT argea.oeanik
or to VW& Letian, sw se east as oar Iltak
#llrdzsas. GAILICTM
rrrreatman. Puri
Geed ... at Gold Prietti.—Having.
marked doWn my goods to gold prim,
sail y entin3 stock of boot* Mid
*heel ofAli kinds for geuts,bidies, mime*:
ikuil boys, a; prices lower than they him.
been sold 'since the war. I warrant' all ,
my .goods,l haring - been aeleMed. with
great care, Ound from firet„chea houses;
Partite purchasing can depend ma get
ting n good article:-.Vall'and examine
beton pnrehasingelsowhate..NO trouble '
to show goods. JAYE* Epp°,
1 so Market street.
• . Ladies; go to idoorhead',e. Mar,.
ket street, end see the spiendid , steak of,
Inge% 'cambric goods"white goodik r Gad'
embroideries, Just opened ands ff - ered at=
Varkaus in-Ladies Funk et William
Fletedres. ;Co. UP Wood street.
, . ,
Blankets, all-woof Twilled, i ' altlead hi
per pair, t Barker's deal
_ -
Fa,: - to •sanii. Stmt. Pittstle
co ' srufs; , espiquccaarzcowirts.a.t:
even 44.scdipliton iSt . a* ?m fileFdi
.turplatel. - 20aiu opea day andsight Ita4ii •,
sadlOuTtaisß ai Waii.,L, J., I,ll'
X Davld ./Disre 1).41 , 14#
111 1 . 1 rTaiebt. D. D mos.
R . .
011 WAT 110IG'VfiErri.--'-'?
I 7.41i.e1a isto Esnaamzet. in. 43 061 41147 -2
Allegti44T. aid N. le Mamma &mils,
J. 3. WU, 4 4. ! 4 .4 tk44. P43llmys bud
oist 3644.1, Rosewood: Walnut and
tr...sewbcocositis. W.fiketroosas -
e4l434',lto•awlecod Callas $3O upwards; WI WNW -
-CoAa. fit
3.04rt1en., careiskiss 4,324
Nrotsbefl ma, Crape; Giorgi, - rats
sad Yugyvelaransisbettgratts.
.arta 4 04,14- . _
DV;LiEIiD , . CZARNICIII, , u. 9 .;.
wow'Axics..9aa, are. :144 mi. sum, .
Allsgbatiy: -Metallic, Dartwood and:other lot.- ,
1114,..110, a astintleta st•?ek aftmaral.Faratatana ';.
God% 6thank and tassiLlsail saAleattest aotliak
at lowees prleis. W. and Llaio7 gtablesoax• !
ne4 of :Ring' and Iltdille Staab. '- Catnaps,
BAreaetuk .13tulaa. Itiabilla . Itataia r , lll6.. - &a:, :'
GLIOII. D TAM .TE aids r
DOG, bid or 4 l4.lttile hit the Up . 7
of O. e le h brokm. - ...morets to the
otjlM. Hod en a Itatkir eoUer. Anp.persoh)
re tonilitg Oln,to Po t 411 771111 D STI UT Idl'
!eeelvee Deere' reward.
WANTE :430 f WANTED' . ito .- -
.“ 1 learnlbagograrteir bfeirt
wk. a goal b vor t arldbare • taleeq . irdrovise.)
LIAIIRY.4LUiO, over John etiviesOo te . ;
. t.o:93.llerket hoot. • '
wAlime4cr—o,-e Or 010te
• • tier to tats an Interact to the tnulnasent
maufanturin a Mantua an lima In the Irotelltur
In the ,U lusburan., Manufactory la cana:l,
plate canning order and only needlon , cayttalia , '
make gtriry proatabllrituilansa.. Aptity won b.-1 .
IL - Ital,h/K #430.. Iroarth street:
T., LET. ~The Yourth atpd half
OF &TORIES of the nprballitlag; •
So: Llbert stria. Itognlto A1T ; & J. VV.:,
. .
1 ,
poinu me. r.--Sever at flan; large -.,
. ' ROOMS t o h. duirrrxiiraLOLso, .1114.:
0.4 le. ea too hs./. , 4ipty st *Ma Ilt Us ..1,.
GAZ,v4TE CO .'TLVI *WM., ' " ' •:'' '
To Lkr—TA terse and 'Tibetan"
ttaI•*AUFFIOII27I.. on Weer stmt. Jame
kartet.' Rural moderate. reesemlon, stram em
Apell littquire 01.0. Bift}l2.;
-. ... ..
FOR'..B,44E—Thsii : ray deslra.:: ;
—:, bler .br* LING 110139 Z, N.. 10 Lei<oci . _:
' 4 l O l AIUghAVAT Citi, ..AtibilAAr sdierooiini s
- nave P ' eltzeopt; ilalsbetl attic s bath lola., DIV,.
anc! Id, Ar 7 :crater' elosets, WIWI t 1.411 1 .1611 1 ::,
.1i! AllArcell Ingiareat Ho. lit lITOOD - iIV. A
r EL.-fiLii.r.,,tinitsiat • • •
BRICK DM'EttoTldo BOUM tail LOT, vat-
Welutsr nra.s mad the Common 'groom:lila the
&cala 'Card, 71A eight room. &dolled auk, Milan rad loodbol•alot cold wadi: Will be*
mold amp: ' soca; at Warr a DALLIS
neal Lilts Olice, 216.,111Bastai Mooed mai U.,
F o -8 . L EL=a•veir
HORITS, mat t ried and tialtnid; . na.
CAR VIAUE, al:Hants - fr .a or two Isinaaa; any
TWO•HONSFOOT, aad •a 'dannla . sat
HaithE 33 .• n•••• Tannin at tna. PM. Vii.
VOlt IiAtILE , -' H.O R T •
I HOWARD IC Llntry and Sala GUI,* aas
dna TARILIOPAD May); 'th.nua
Ream.: 71615 T sr/Axiom. tar, titesiagr:•'''''
Hirtiorwas tan& raid on aanatatlaa. -
Foa rrA —Three Teri desire,.
• bls Dwzf.tiNas &ND iD2e4 iitaaKee
fhalaiditrot t; ntetcwari, Atleshonly4 0n.11311. .7
wpm. Cron, street eats. Zech tiaw boutatat •••".
efglltt TempaLuilo finished skt.l6,
thesusboat In tka bit zcassen . With'
Id ',atty. • to mad, enter doted; ri - O,b2S" ,
iaauea; ate.. Ide. The above duvrodity.h., may.
offered hail. Lt of ffehroard. Tod
Ohio apdly .0 oldie* of l t.
'Ohio mime add Sedorlek d
.FOltllA4,—House and La oat '•
oontor o! Maalutttai 'Aug 'Adaata Moods ,
tar rwligniteit Railway. Lot 41 - 67.41:1 Lai.
Roue frame, oaniatalag 7 roma. aid Wood ball.' .-•'..
.ell Inapion Hos. sad Lot oft Shaigald. oast
RI dwattl a . Allegbeay City,. , Lot O. try 1.1 ;.', •,
fr u
Iket;' boon 'a. tomtits, half Ivo rdwa* awl,. .:
good cellar;. and gut. Alma. dowaral mail ''' t' .
Rona. sad Loi hi good location, Lailltin Or
in d. ; :::.
'Sn a7Co Beam stmt.. a.* • Rlataingto -'
Maaci.lier.: ..
~ . .
ROB • 41E-;-That well known
2A*11114 TATO. UMW la the.-Flfth ,
Ward, kar,era as "Anderson •Hall. etUcchtled
thellarliet Hoax. ea Perm street. Mae
lasts three shirks high, aid =mimed Mittally
bath, gent , tallts tea Wee: ectutedlotte teems, •
besides a tared. *amen liar a .moodittabld tin
the' bact,rend er the, lot. *bleb Is PI yy tenbee . ,
deep. From the COOVI011eige• or the
tag botuarbas isetabllated apermasenteliddiMas..
and to asteptlet le aal If not largtellum eay:ksihar • 'll , .
beam. Is the y ard. :le better Perla' Ptiilerty
la tem °Carlo la themaitet. SILL ojattlF.
TSS IX,: kcal - LAME Aosta. - Ftsttse Welk
Lay rsaeirllle; . • . .".
B.: Nig ATM .
prig. b7 . 4,A5e."15.,-:
nverftiart nusfsnip.
1111E4T iNDIVERILICHTS:.:. '41 . • :-:'- 5'
ITO TEto II4ICM% CIOTEIXO: ...,-, ''...,...,. .s',
• . .' ' W mow offer Otriteacot ..t. ~1.:J.::,1:'-f1,
i INLIFTTIit C OTEO3, ' - .., - •I t...:.... - .1 i..b...t:,) . .
Al l .
.. : . .
.... £.d . OT/1400..9t12“1.;. , , 1 , -.
Which-will lie Ule ;i• order Ja . i.bstatiikri.i...Li '
fully Ns Tilt ENT. L10M.T11.&11.01TZ81D....;.. ..
Tutslm4so . ciu uta .1 . ,..1.* .! ! 4i.4 , ... 5 :.
8, Illerciast - Tansr , ',. ~ ,; -
244.:14 arr., flamer etileilariW,... --'.
r x
..1p21114T 841.1L1V,-- --, Y.. ~,, r,..,, , :. , 1.
111111 E
iind_U. piatistreeti' ji
£llllB , ! c
t 191 1 .47
ICI. kat".
sumiXasti# 4 . l 444tkimi:_„ 4 .-. 1 ;.,
-.4 ,
v,`,):'i wy~ :