C 0 El Um *Tut Saitth AND =URBAN. THE COMM _~...~,:..~. 5..,~..r t seu— s iot swingthe dapreirostg -etr®t7 eases Zvi L ba., Awned. It Is tsey *VI be comluded Ware =7!ltll= MSiZai Mod 'Keener and Henry Eras, 'the :railroad thieves, were brought op for. son -- bat the Court. ylektad to a re quad to further postoonement. . Jacob Ilas1”• and Jacob Langidenvid, stnf - • 'hods,' of bantam and:a sad a' to and • .le from stables la Allegheny it ty, w . t breisght up. Evidence . %wild tharl'he mental stable of kineltry '-very weak, and In come- MSS was net considered alit rub , . _ , far Ile partisan:tenth's crime would cher** tall for. Hewes thereforesen taped rettaidAvectiye imprisonment tan two butfotmonts: and renuired to I, iltrbo d In the stun of MO tar nature 1 ,-. food havior. Jacob - -Lang, the saber -Iriagne ; in. reply to en Inquiry at te i Ow he commas. lnateallsw, stated taut he out or employment; could - abblin . be, and that.ke yielded' hi the on of Healer?who had called on 'Lim many as J 1 1,4 dozen times. :Time . t Wart him on one. indletrwatt 'rotolgtlymCmonthe imprisonment bathe -Pettlentlary and on the . other_to six ices in tiejall, the last sentence to - lake at the espial:lon of the fIAS, : ihit hoping-by dud time the wink,' a t n, • _ hocutia .e so far completed that he "Inight. the latter sentence is that lialtutfon., Os. . __inset wietes—aeoge kunre. 4 0 JAI. T.,;CourtMit at the usual hour. 1 - gnaw DtVo&CE CASS 'Aiiii. Mew is. Gene Mimi* • thaw: pas, was apn?oteding in divorce, with . . ny. The ground &nailed was creased terlawocut treatment, brasses 1 of w the complainant wee oometlled sof. alter borne and lizeßy. 1U re- PI t.suarle no defames, andsnenet preen eitherlaperson or bible counsel W.l • four or lre, were aimuniaad se the part of the petithaser, as to the c of the cisme brilloted upon her by-. limber:4, and the jury, muter lb* ens of the Cont, found that the was such at to endanger e h 4 And f°*. her to withaiw m her and - family .: A decree et di. oatte, he made by the Coed, and the ,of eltshottY Read: ••••• • •••• flan a new trial is-entered.withla the Ms .time,fieurldzys. yr OS eiOCG Cast • it; bittrak, - /nix. Henry Eearts and -7 ck Rests. Action to nosier 1417•11 reeked dollars; subscribed by tothe l capital Me a t Of the Den-. ogCreek'Oil Company, under alleged 4neentatimos madebydefendants orbo „ . tel "ground floor men' in the representMg; R. inci -that y oweed Some Usliteete 111= scree* Imul, for which 340,000 bad been paid, that they! bad money enough to hut do eit-S vel would %cori that the I s st . o . ck- - seem to fora considerable IMM, tin . an 'atheist should have appeared in . y's tasue, baying; been haulm - tautly witted.] . . The was manned on • Satarday. - Who nael..engaged were Kirkpatrick and bf a flu plaintiff, and T. B. Hasa llion d 'Robert Woods for- defeafiehts - Alt ber Of poiets.were submitted on be af the plantain', among others the Vilics ng which,- was refused by the ..Chart . -. •If :PM e d bellevelhat thefendenta tied- wards , unwind the land," or, :that,lhe Company were Reenters of the , /atid; the plaintiff isids tight to infer that - 3m to teosixoplensts leasehold, ad that if they stated to the plaintiff that the . Comp uy had paid S4O 000 for the land, ' It m that %fury , bad -paid MAO in 212 ' and novae:ln stock and part la Th's • .7tui 4 Stowe ) inanswering thie,p• ht, acid: It is for the Jell , ' to off wbill ancsantby defendant:sin making .thil - resentatirma they did make, end_ not * the. Court, L -ftnage As to be taken in its erelinaty sense unleas the . arida . • . abowsitto have been differently stein T au moat take all the facts going -tosh • what the defendants Intended to make . .' plaintiff Were, and the Main .. did actually_undaratind try it at too ' ••.. If you ate rationed that the -words nua were intended to 1111•111111eI • PI•LEI .. • say* he . understood . them to ..mean, then you are to take them in that . ewe* :But Wpm believe the defendants • used • : words to mean "Imply a taw kohl j. - . and - net an entire intermit in the land—and such natter the &cum . - •.. wee. what the plaintiff eked& ham ... • . , ... them to mean, as a man of , • -.. Intelligence and sammity— then ttle:p • In t elligence cannot be takers, nor is lie lize=ludet for . mistufflondanding them, tad ________ ' if he did, he must Jake the cense uenereasand &Andante must net beheld liable Cu?. tds ignorance or - mistake.. Bo In relatlnn&ells . l34o,ooo paldfor that/ad. , Did the parties -mean and 'understand - - -tbat.theilto,o:o was cub, or is what wao :-- said - not .110 , meant and entirely consist- - :. met odtte the psymeet 01'920,0d:ft money -.. • and, OOO--company's stook at the. - ?dem Men saad. and for whiett items --.' et the time?. , if the former, there „.:...... wage, on,but tf the hitter. - Mom evidence shows that the allege- . jgii. llon substantially true, and plaintiff . `Ails -make out Ms a ll egation. Under ..- them Minns this matter to submit ' lei .the jumentd wet decline answer - log th question as a mustier' of, law for - • - Us :case stint .to the 'Jeri about two -.. ,11=1.4-/loidssi Olin; . - . 2ha third annual - Pupil& exhibition of - -1- - tits.. litlihtirgii, Pa* . - ef •Disitia for ..W - was emimeneed on Saturday to -'' the_ t tome' of the Asemeistkm f ..r .Ph ' , Building - Plith ' street. ' The • exhibited anima in the me... • jotity 'of= ofawes rare , Mato and talent on:: of the scholars, andoxmddering call - . . the .. yet , infrocyrd the institu -- .. 'tioni - • hi& creditable to Nita Hay . ' , .el The Committee of Ennui-. nett composed of the following _artiste . - and. blio spirited cittmes, Menem • : William WadAl, J. W . Nen . , F. R. Bre - not;'• D. W. Ygsnre.”., Bev. Dr. Woody- • Bev, Wm, Benede, • Bey. Dr. Hodge. . _ - ---?moon , Dr... Homey, D. N. - ,' . Dr. yr. - Prestos, . Alax. '-, 3: ' 8.... Lyon; ',.T...lleeeinti Alfred . ' Well, Hew: Dr:Allison, - ,- - Dalby,.Wm., Trevor . McClurg, C.-43. Wolff,' I '.. J. i g‘ Shoenberger, IL.2feerell. and A. essilletorisy passed Jod ..ont. ern ci I S the - .. oethernirious apes , ex- 1 - .12/bi "thawertiO' it's sehohns. -' - -. .. We artrade from the zeptiFt.,?! . .10. , Connatttie on Paintinp -. . . - iitl4l:;',l'. l lagi .12 P il isle her the pttit .... e17.. te the school. -' - , - . mos au& le Last udy of c fr - , .an cg Ache , aide of a tumbm-down . - tine twi ce, by Mime A. , Henefereort It is for the. delicacy of ' heridling, • nod. a ottszesplusla . effect produced. . Thhe dy "shows - much iiiiiith) talent . for se young in art. . - M t tea man th - I ~... ecup - of died = IVIonT i - rang nenansdn toed; ir r lth • of ej -- . , boy.t • MOUUSIlialsPr) driving them. -1 'This- le good forthe . aryle in which . -•• Abe Aef the "oxemens Painted, and ,- • the II t hat - has lien obtained In the iamix "..., • vet rs:' , lt Is painted by Mrs Marshall. Toe - Indies of Him 'Way foam ids ~ tote; are well &awn; . and In - .some lemutiful In ader,and effect. _ Aeh - Ora Mountain strar ia rldhs 2t • exhibits - ..: n tae , dra • tzLirls ls &am& Muf .intmllll,, .. °the - Irrh — ia -are qu well ite , well done, trr ' -.,---- Miss ... : - Ar.... :worthy of not i ce-- Intl . all mite tara i ll . o2nnuch abC . .....' lty the part' of the - pri f kthtttilif .... audio:mad bi . I . l r - 01 1 hi. '''..,,' . .-..- iosna of Voe actioal;wlll be Open -'.-\ -- - to - iiiibg . the preeentinek, dyerested In the obleet of . s: they' .. • tulle* Seth* .embleM.pf Iteme . '._tai.: .* horned toattend. . There Is no -V.. tiglowlag A la-list of atlditiMMl ' . Ito .1. • to the Relief Iremd r the ..- . . , Fthal . ' l / 7 4 10n . IP the Ninth • ',-.- MAC. Uncrob.. - ..-..... -- • m ...rinw iibernispr; rkni±inf'.otila: ...r7,-'...br.....,_. - .• • . . o w qv, , .S.- ,, .- •• •Va .. ,•••••••••,”•••••••••• ; a lt ID ; , - , - , :rtt. - 'I ty., - • • ..i.i....». - •i in .1, - , Muff -) • • , ..`...—.... - .010 GO ~ ItizeiffsiagtalillewalSe 111, DAIL,. , CO fa, :,4akillNigeinlialtzer.....44.”.. , -' : 1 1. S ar ' C ' S: '7' ..te''',lf.r.t..••.• 1, 11 INI ~. ...... 20 I* -' 1'1::: ,!•"' 1 ~.-:C.O- , .....t1r";, . ....."'- . 1 . 1=111 :'•''' • M da ", fTE- - ": 01t$ " . Ilkal d tlesesenir dollemo Aids I I: it n btl = lb'' ag=mt -rti*' t "-- '.,--,....--. • .F- ,Ir.- W.. -. , -,.' .;ressurer Wier Fond, '- , ! • r- =dr sot!' ism, 9 bet 91 1'4314:: _ loorie.'Zialfrekfroat.Aiiiim:7o. j 4 of ...„..,iii..3., ,Sew York; rho Yobrustry num- ,:',..:... N i t: their .lolookra.mrotokisszok -;,...;.‘ m.:."Pinnaar,o Mataztrie Das , -- - '. 7 . - at.. itekio . kg pookh. i nt r-- - s, , auk tgior - lioit, bilt - obtoWft, oi the ,-2- Tw a t xascady_puolleattonot theoonatry: 1 !,-- - Ater oAtiantK"'-iuskinetrixii-zo 1 i : - Tito MR bratiaad_oathollo, •-• " within - the narrow Lions of & .: ' - - liiirilsiz-Vikarieritto -o.- 411 Z=Y- .witti - ..oktotkrnt. ithalk s ec r. NsasOso; ukaa-g= `llb4 - th. ibkry: reproOtortkili to Idli n .7thit...10,12141. - 4; gri woo - arnOld and .7.-aUZI.W. - - f - • : : - - . Pr-• . nt& Woires.—The mama 'week will be rinlinnegly brillient one et the °Pm* Mum: In 'coaseqnsnecrof the engagement of the Florence', who have alwaje been greet dettedbes he.thls tity, as Imam In all Mime where they have played.: Mobil' tor thiserne is an unumally aittective ens, and ruler lji whew presented by the orencea. "Sandy Array," ibilewelsy_ the "Young Actoms," conatitanse the bill. :- Tam Itnnt.--The Esiystone Skating Rink - appears to be the centre of attrac tion for skatErs, end a more comfortable or plant place for intinlateg in the “alippeny art."..would be hard to tied. The hankie complete In ail its appoint mint the gentlentanly manager . Mr. untiring In- his efforts to promote comfort and 'estioymeat of Ws visitors. Everybody "who skates should ge to the Rink. Usonts—To.nightat this - Academy of Maio the - Irma spectacular drama of "treater will - be rendered under the lumpier of that prince among managers, Mr. of-the Crosby Opera Morms, Chicago. We leave sever seen this graceful end beentifal band per formance, but front the unequaled en ' thudiant and Weer created in Ch' daring the Long Um* It held thc tong he— --_ .ns boards then,nd the unqualifid ireleeitatd ad- miration it Waited fromiedranibf that dry, we are prepared to In advance of its greaten:radio= T • ballet troupe, which "arrived In the city en Saturday, Ls =Weaselly considered the finest tiac organization in the wedd, has -- won - unstinted praise and admiration in the cities of both coal cants, end everywhere created boondlese eaftrindesna. It cint, 175,000 to organize and anteme the tromps, al inyastment, howrestr, which has twin returned ten fold since the !zat production of Undies on the stage. llowsrar, our readers mew se l fo•riele the grandeur and mag nificence of the Mini= legend which will 4 :De pr ated to-night at the Acad emy: EeurtM ..it. may be secured for any night during the week at the Are emy of Manic box onion - • Tam GsawnOranta.—Pashionable cir• clas are Wan emNsy of dellgiat Over the premised brilliant Opas season which will 'COMM/LON at the Academy of Musa° on Monday sight next, and *infinite for three ensuing evenings, giving an after noon matinee en Wednesday..-When it Is known that the ocessiona are to be ender the Decease auspices of Max Mairetsiek.endleonardGrove,two of the , mad snrcesaful directors of the Grand Opera in Amelia% and that the compa nies of both English and German - have been consolidated, thus combining the mat talent sof the dar,:it will excite no wonder lost the market and fashionable communities are impatiently awaiting the opening of the season. Mr. /duet= bas been identlded with the Opera In America almost since Its Brat reception, and; elthough the =maim very ft". l lf.r billnk he having been Director of Grand Opera during the pest amity. years 1113 Baton, • New and Phila delphia, this will' be his Brat visit to Pittsburgh. Grover is °qua ky. well. known and singular. to say; be • has never before been in our City. With than two greetArrectore and the Lama= menpany and lizetiestre, the. fort commaa meson will certainly prove the grandnd musket wad In our : atty. At ...Philadelphia the. combined immisseles have bad the must brilliant season ever known there, end Indeed the ever hid in ma lanai= city durin g put two resit. The We of reserved nahrwill orminetion, atthe well! known mushs store of C. C. Mellor; No. 81 Weed .street, "on Wednesday next. Thsfellowing operas will. be. produced with powafol eflbot . Romse and (find - lime in Pittabror g h-P . Fre Troadore,'!. .11orgbi" and I== Thomas Bradford to Margaret-Brad ford, January 16,11366; lot in I.3.lattnoy City, fronting thirty het on. Charlton depth oeVentpubte tvet-6300. : J ea McCartney to William_ MUM, San y 18, 1868; lot training on Teni persionills and Nobleatown plank rued, -41 x by one hundredand any feet thibacker to Henry C. Bohm. Man, November 16,2957; two lots en Troy BM, Nos. 79 and Mau idarcrlteinsman's L i la i n „ t i ot th . la b is tai tly-firar by,. one hundrad . Joseph Noble to Hobert Liddell, Deceinber 21„ )867; lot in Ninth ward, Pittobtouti, twenty feet bout on Small. man * nes; depth one hundrod and tam. tv- D34;4l, Boo. . . Schwiii et al. to Louis *id; January 4 1865; lot in Third ward, ligheny city, frontline twenty - two fecton ' Centro street, depth eighty fest—sl,oM. - John Stan to Samuel Fry, May 24th, ISM; pleas of mound in Penn tawnahip, containing five acres -300 0. Lonis.Haney. to William Sole% March 14, 1867; lot to MeKeesport„.baing halter lot No. in Aluaader plan— :John Brown. to Jacob Biselyiliwy 30, 1867; two loran Lower Bt. Clair town ship, Noe. 11 Mid 41, in lircren's plea of lots, (renting each twenty feet on Lituth sned l, leint one hundred arid sixty feet— January 14, 11118; emu lota as above with Charles &Wolper, to John Selledper, January 9, 1863; lot to Third wool, Alla city, fronting-cm Bast.Lanst wenty C. depth ninety DoW.--MOO. it.i.." — to c.d. at:m.4;r, stale, October 1, 48117, two lots- in Chartism tortsla , N . ge. 9 Mad 10, in Love's plan : of ha=en iks t rn berll, 4 ll9;l; Lid o :Rel h it thslor ' township,- sontaining one hun dred and tasty acres, with improvements, ero.-917617. 'Clifton Whorton, =Mos to - Knklmandileptunter.3oo667; lot= minginum fottylewtfrant sollary street, with a depth if one hundred sind. twenty Auggod ABUilen to .Meerge Bniansaii, December 19,1936;" lot in fuming nineteen feet en Cameo street: try ninetridght. foindeep, with bnilllinta Mathias Titaghtly .to Nara of Jamb Volightly, November 14, 1665; lot in Third ward. Allegheny City, fronting twenty .two Sea en Centre avenue, with a depth of,eiglety feet=6' - • Borah Wrnimms to Mrs. Louisa Nobly!, wife of Wm..Nobbe; January ,7 16418; lot the'js city of Pinsbured; fronting sigh • tem bet en-Fterth street, with a depth on Grace street of eighty-Aver feet, with bug Jaco b Oestaste Cl;iviser Range, N'ovem leer 4, MG; half part-or let • No. 4 in Toothily , plan of lets . = , City, Nixtil foot on Perry Wahavitimedvedfrom Jobn.W. Mitotic, opMtba PadotElea, atmet,the Se numbers of -Pataafrea -Mbuffilyi - LfArtacotte Maga :Ma, and the January number of the Peopiee Youoxfse,:nar aorta. All are vary Interesting ,sad cut be obtained at iarecay.-41.. Fitted. simile Informa tion before Mayor "Dram, of Allegheay, Saturday therobtir Dame! Martia t with Weeny- The aeoused Wag neede d, and after a heeling was committed to Jell in defaulter the required bait for Ws. ap• pato= at Coact. s r -A, young woman he Kentucky tell Into wthracka induced by religious ex citenient, in Norstaber teat, and, on re covering. told strange _ dorin o=o heaven and the other place, bee - Ides tut , tilt:thug the death of three young roan of her acqusintatue before the year was out. The laden* died New Yeefe day. .An anniesaant lbatele, that. . - L. y awaga azonsa....:-. w.-s. Lansaw a•sos lawar. ,1081 In "BODES kelt, , - iffaliaterfip, 'Blip! MID Her MMUS ~ _oftwasso Pease lfresi; .4iariscsuir,rJL. 111•11.1111dme Sallosses inns& . iffERI DugEvi!, Oar . au , . irn MD Ekrrlerg" ' • 'wiz? I'ANCT STATION/DM Iit,A_NIK BOOKS. Of irnv 4reriptlea. ea basil sal ludo Is IMO ValitY• nsvipaezt. rucsoop., . wiglarr-BRass. Tug: sonx, cases 370,1111,. ta waY 10/. ITII4 WM Pates UP iifth Stmt. tleatk,aad Americas Calf Skirl .' 1 ..1111$10(QUile aufteked. Tor arams, ./ added, dada, ad all 10,1,P0001**4 VA iMAIGNIOk. Imaawrz, BEE IND BURR, 118 Wood St" near corner of fifth. Government Securities, Gold ; Dike=, And Coupons, emelt and fall ea Liberal lamb Diem aabl =I WI as Prbsalivil di la at lam. • HOLIER S OF ismiess Cu rglse TEOVIT UP ?HOE TWELVE 10 -over Twenty Per Cent. By convertlag them lato Pacpc IL IL Pint Mortgage Bonds. r LAMES T. COADY S. CO., lamp Famine 247=cuo, I==ET== .ii)! 077=1 011 , TIM Prrill3l7ll4llE 0 AM% 841111=11107. DePlatar ta, 1114 Th. Adana ask !amnia of Amasses ar .mitt; in Inauken and Fronkfort nesels aid loncrand weak at Om opoulan of thee mutat; tn, subaqua:nay ties baba ass raiser Erma. and Ms quotaloos flustustat batman us% to issx; slaw Si 111%. rho mesa. Way . as to what sonar Ues Presidia an rilill l l tabs Santa quartos kora up thi tuna= a gold; but, ettesarlose db• Mama - Moo uso at it go down to ussay IM, whale would boles true Tara. Firs Twoutiem of aant 111 in London. and gold at In% attl laws • mgr 10 on and shipmate tha prenelbt sh llama of tan nt Ina tor lb. .700M151.. Goromment bond. were Enn to-day, al though ths inreatmeag deMand I. Waited et the adranee,, sod parties at. waling to emir. and await aaothermoment to Utast. • • ' The: atoik market woo strong today, With an upward taarkiney. All tha went= wad. are higher, axon/ Ogdo & llLQmypl, which was actielpated to go at least above 00 as soon ma the consottgattan of Oa ladabtadness wu. regulated and the now atm* bawd. but It will be team that wldie there la a Steady merino. oteett Wangs In the North Warta= Road, and an aceumulatioa of available means, the forum: road was vompalled to .pead every dollar of it. earnings In permanent lA:tyro...- meat to viable it taer to compete with Its android. &alas the hoop *won. It will take anther effort to advisee was of the Wane* of M. mutant road. to that, fanner quotation. Wore theta may be any farther rise la at Ohloia. Th. true ulna of coma of the Sinithwatern raids eta hardly be awn. tidaed baker* tha crpenintof miriag. when we wilt see which direation the marmite. VW ward will take, whether toward to. extreme ifatikwest or throughkllmotut sad the South. weetint &atrial. of hasten. aodag Nov 'Turk qualoldook remind by Pb. B. Nato, wen os follows: Gold, GOV 1B3(; Sao, Ila, ION; IN 107%; 118. 101; Oaxaca, ION; Mow, 10307-2 co. Cleve Med• Pittsburgh 1. tershaate treks Exprese. Wasters Delon iirle P. It— it Pittsburgh Nett Werth • Mingo B. N. i Northwesters listatatrunt New Nora OmitraL.s.' . Ohio and hilatiselbyt ighthigem &Miura. at Ouridea ......... • hi quartz. t ' go —Prom Washington we leant time the ems sates of men stel mean otr Prittey Mestl the faUrnriug TUT Imiertsat resolutteas Nits sowed, as the muse of QM nom tutee, thee one Waal , * • aad aftY lailltas dollars of rem nue shell be Madder* es the whole mount of remise to b• obtitiud from latentel um" and SUS the num tat far en prealsehlibr. be tellteted from. Flret:ritstlllee spirits and Mr mmied liquors; settemd, Lobito:es and tessubs mere, of tribetteet third, .temps; (earth, speelM mass; lAN istemes; Math, divideads; senuth, isteuries and emmemmits; eighth. UM. had tsarist:MS sloth. tegeMms aad ImmMairtha . haring the least gonads must le be cella:tee treeiNadastriel rental; ar intlos that Nage of learnt Oa Trlday, tbe Hutkoreiestatim aoweeserr.dl the Smote amooderroto to oatioloatraetios. 6111. /I mow &tram upon the Sonata rather to rand* or Osmond a noorrolttoo of ocrofereoro. • It Is indendood that Ina nom aoannlttaa on banka and tualant have 'swirly anlaltad oonaldedni their bill ntotitutlag -grenbacks (or El abcaxid bank not., sad VW a sajorny stela foot of It Lilrtualy the tame fn t¢ provisions as the bill Woad twos U11.. , 11111 mod Use al the Thlrtlath Oen. .Hied la Waahlagton that there will be no walla taken from the vault. of the Mutely Ilwyeinneat to pap . the Interest on the public debt unW the fleet of, March, when KOWA° In gold will b. malted la Pay the to. twat on the To. Potty hood. , and on the ..t of tear *boat rs,ool4ted Weald to par. the entehenatist interest on the Tee Twenty bands: The public debt statement for the ameba of Teenare , and Tebenerp wtß show • Una LiWweate to the amount at Ws to the Treantrp, end` wanl:matt, a decrease at the lOW Indebteftaess tea sub an head. t • —The Claw Tritalwe nen Yrlmta a6-' Cases rewired hene.twder eacanacW th. Lea nn of the Natlosal Beak at Itletabueet Oa oliWor two tonnes occasions the sane Moo warrepaited, bat la this Instance the report comeawall antheetleataL: 11 was Eamon em. eena it. capital: being only Week W. lean that the taller. 1... bad OAS, sad way be at- Whined to the Ideenetian and deprecate& to 13frpCtlur Maelaaatt Omar, or Ibis la sot malt emir lot 1.6 a andltios of tto =my mutat. Carratay ut talr impptr althaap &soma !ma the • country la Itto maim la 'Midas sada tor oWatlyllatailarapaprat at wtgra Mar roma to lao • =war, tat Ike How swath., orlttok =b••.•.000010,10401. maw" tor 1110. 000010,10•.000010,10atmen ara eta at son pa 0.9. as .w.sauftrr papa, tatinaa banters sad their = Mt table aim arat alms paper la taalratata, sag ortura trams& M e It al . Ma Mac . • Yeltkpbas Appeal abootortes Um M aio albs Cotaaundrlal Stag of Tomtits" sad sods she follOartag: licantiot but bo a mans? of moot to sissy aloof people ta sae so lastitotios what/kW,. ao load Idosztled with Was-the grartftb fad yroopealty of our alit —a back with triurs stangramcat *sac of oar bast sttissol haft Woo ASIKKIZIAg,III,I NON Art 0•11 11640.17 fa trawl:wed to the busts of our floutbsra Moods (..-suscaubb ales passing Womb crsdllablf CU Wats of 111614 the limy and vying ordswal of tb• law war, and the unmanly, cad arldtraty sloan of Its doors by Clovortneent obbstals.• it mil. among six shattered beaks of bow of this qty. yarned trlateoldustly =old* 40 Lail wren zeare "rib credit cabsystred. aro latortald, and Ira batboy* Somoliv, that the assists of the task ars mom lII= Ufa cut to mast all its ltabillUss. • Tbsi Lortigrille Courier. of Tbaroday,sayst The vasslont bas a:ll6ltM but fats stooges sloes oar test report. nem is still a moral oossplaint of flos saucily of moan, 004 M. .090/9 tf acallsbis is !lordly adequate to sass las naccssary manta of depositors ;decant*. 111$11 then la 1.10 pressaro than anto so , I.lood • Lew croaks bask. To regular slaloms,. sobuscroial yews Is sosastbmcs taboo. good notes .111 satisfactory sottatorato bola ao• gadlatog at t loth pir coot yet. mostb:, • lialtlastero Cottle • 0.940100z0, Janotry tr.-e Tho orates* et the maks Oaring the pest week amounted to 1019 hate, aping 104 tett. week. Of the nom her a three 179 heed wane from Nat Vtritala, to trots Ohio. pl from 11nrInts, sae 19 from 7far7tsa4, over the Beltheore eat Ohlo tare. toed{ N from Maryland sad 10 from emery). tares on tootles* If fres 110471ea4 by bat; Of Mt seedyte 09 bas 4 wink trim by Itaitl: wore boUhees,ll Vows l - Irethele WPM to emulators tor reetern m Ot entety, 01 to Weabbtitonsad /Weapon. Wears. and Of trams were reeltlPted to the Ls Odecut Wag ofettel ham. Prises to-dry /turd as forlosst 014 tow sae sealeereg ordinary Ott Star& ozal -11115 and *aw t e 94, 4 V fals to good Met estthr, 99; ait heene.4 , 00 1 1. 04 the 707 M beette. • • IN Pbs, Strtayttago price le ! *hestlioia JAM —4l Molt eitysiee an 11.4 Unfree.; white opossum out medium 4re414 ore assimatt4. seen,—Tes supply boo barn MS 4Ut4eg the pue molt. but mealy of ea taterfor peoLity, be 14 toth 090 4 544 Lye bees the now nwi goo 4 sharp are maw .9 sgaiv Mr , prima sonar tar Wee troy frml to 114 4easso4eooloir tb• Peolereehl etito 4000 bow belele, but 04W0 45411.14 Ile per 149 Do no thereto at We sees, mitt to.day tom 49:011101111 pee 119 e het, boy lair to 0004 tat to It. russtasst emus.] Csatzsranu7ss.l2.—Ylauss the usskst Is stalslX:, sae; sas demand =odor. ass; • miss earlad. 5A7 1 41 11 4 1 4 Isst awes. double cars wall& WV Idis Wands ars area Wow du above *mum. What fa rasher bitter Is assad.l4loossearlssi. Isnot sszy Ism do. I tee ander sfarrds.llo"wit.boat boyati{ V 1414 04411; Writ do. 1 /ovra nelelg at, . ,1 ii, .d1,,...6 Jsssl 7. Mg ". issoderat.• a m.adi Maw parcels ea Mt 1111/1111dl - lat go. I skellad. Oats dull sad tasstaves Xs. 1 Mato as eryamesa, Rt sldeldi as ;Wm Maria& -We toad sad Mod/sal klAtalahlet 104 tram Aare. Bark/ siaraisadarall Sto.l nide sad pia. aaa beta a& SIASACIO=. O • 42I 2ra sad sold by asnapla. la a sor ry asabsigedl frae.lll.4l¢,bssissd SOW Took Itit, aw 4 11•00 4 6.: 1 pi swarm a Um Pitman 111 or.Ua.l 11w Taut; .163•11-4•7 • goods union Is otf/1 wltboat mob itafmot to• thaw of • laser maths for all sow mt.. of otopla • oottais.• loafs! to Ws of prints. nu* Eloct r . Dosoallo; llsaabooffer, Haw Monti • aro froalt2hold at Tut Mao"- bow ISM 'MDR old ler can .114 totigkit at SC .11firf fayfoo .fitsfetWt umxists. clacks Amid nellllllloll mtitz .14 sag notion Oleo* . 11 r Boat ecosatadt Mato Beat Mow Caftatto 11 tor •142&.fia.kaad 11 rot tig= Mao Zook art bald It altlit= r 7 still= t t litoadard trita af.ll/1/143f.•••711•8 12 11 Cloth of sookosiltelloM. , • ftilerspi so vb. Plisseink illosstaa - /Iscrma,_ 11.-11sar In Rood kW b. 8 sunasual, as OF Mr 10.2 tal= W ms. Lars stiody; mixed Waal= sl,l27Lni.scsok, Otto wawa), acne tar Wawa >t stem mst sa OW& 1111* Issedist. =as Park' 112410 IstaxpasA Dr W lcya terlloo. 'l424llnes 011334 a, osett esiesmt . OM ear ~1/.ll4.ailitlypitilik suies4.• • . ter.sitisoit war rituenstas,4isa giosaidas."..Taa; qedel atrady,Cors dill sad Lawn gata•vo saaystnow*LOllllll4M- OEN 411.1kellIMM. MFG a V s - PrtniliMlS rig ;our ar - .• iiiiiii ME PITTSBITRO JANIS 1412iELL it SON, I* sat vs Wafts Wort, LARD OILI ILAINFACITIIItEItI3, .113 d &Well 12!CiFtni& 011.116 _ wirriiel — torr .116.1 lord CM (sal • th• best aim:loath or origr orist uLd to PO lomat as 10111 alocoonsti or Cow, Mo. 02 t. 21.• f LO,AI LP • Loloroorar roman to • Una Unlit taateleasias gist trimisra brmis ot=zutazusar. „ rm 1, 0 OW, Mann 141 (MI I oast lk • cat Wan onlanag Lad WI alms sitallrest. ~ s WF0"11131Mll 10.0.10P110. I ..-- Om= Cl Pa Prigitrzel Warn. 1 gempag, iamary ill, IPS. 1 Tha gem= markets Port beg doll Womb out to PP/IPM Peorolona of bogs= In" tho autreegk*ed Po arrivalk both by liver apt roll. Taro casually Meg. Moela of all IMP, although paperstively .gll, are I severtlatue -Mplek to 1.001 the trwast = cigramata otkradezaa the degas* la ahead gerythias tal l rsataitted to eutglying Lame gate mate. "i' GALIN-Wlatat Wheat it gam and he de. mad but ut ohm= tre Pet.= t 0 gums at egusep{zo . fot pipe 1101, Pd 1240111.11 for PIM. o.=, pug and Irm but mettanzed; age of I aze la =Mot .1 am tad mall plat in stare tt PAM. Earley le la limited =no. aao psOtod at 11.841,70 for Stalin' ma pp/IAP: rat. Pm le la better Pi mod sad •gteda blabs ; . fa tow :mote sew at tifette. Ilyeta usebsagod at 0,40/01,41. • FLOUR-Tit= Pao laproveleast to note In the dastaad.Ml the itzasi berg .ad giros arepabotatoM We =dam to :mote It PIP Pitt tor Stplas Wimp 01-14011,040 r Winter. sad siketiggyea for Wm gang. nee Flour ta alll =POP MP. Bagel= Meg 1. tall and amithic It 100 6 0 Wiwi: i PROVISIONS-BA= le gamely with resular slag at 111}40111a forShoulden; 123401 00 for Bibbed "libleit and WIMP for Ettgarterg Sum. Primo kettle rendered Lard 130100, to tlereee POWs, and Magee Wham 00.0. York nozdag, at M. Dr= Beet, M. ' 11132TEIL-Frlne tuchtloa Bell gutter Is ito tali demand, had may be coated .toady at 0.040.. Ockettou paektd Is doll .", • 0 14305-eauged stagy. at Ye. APPLES-1s ha eteeey =Mg but m i. . ehausedi MP - at r per bend, uto guilty. : . ;- POTA.TOEk,DuIt b mehazycd; mall plea la stone it fugue boll. all 5300,00 per bbl. aa to tue/Ity. . • DRIED FlitllT—Oottfaues dull but ue abased; moll sear I. utors st 704 for Ap ple§ and ludit4}o for Pushes. MILL. !ZED-1 o quiet burmehUudsdi Was 02,10111,21 for Middlings; &LIS for Seconds, sob pfeOljl foe /Ina. : SEEDS—San at Cletus., d at St" sad Plazased at S2.IL No maiimant tp Ttisothy, as lat. . • • LARD OlL—Staady, 'Atli a tilt AUMICI to auddastazais at Ed tar . NO. aid lade for No. 1. HAY—Le gimlet and asshisged—warn from maim waving, sato BEANS—pWI btit Ingibmigedrimull ulss In Itort at 121230 Da bush* HOMMY-4.lootsd as $7117,110. . C1LLNE112413 , 479,5t0t54 at *mu. 111414 4'4 omen os 174 d. mit Ms. ,s t 134Tinglar. 3sraury As, 438IIIIE—The market was mendiridly quiet today, not. tingle We rape had, though this for Mae lime peat las been no unusual Mink espeolnlly on Words?. Them to still • pretty MO Mani on the pert of holder* hamar, and sane the demand ls by no mean ummt, then ls but &U. MI staring, either fai 9101001 se future delivery. ead ei thoughumbiaged. are pretty will sustained. Spot samaykriknotod at 107540; end Marsh and Aprf/, MOWS °Alm at T 340 armed. ann, 73400 e Mei All the year Mk buyer's oy tical, sold yeaterday at 115(4 which is • redo,' tioa, menbsusly, this MIMI.) , had been held at tiaisyyst, The advisee from the east and Eurepeard by no mean eseaorming. measly Mt these market. are reported as berths an arm supplyi her.. harem. with Teri lisht Mahn aad the greabproportion of era Miser ies ether 'tipped or rannlas half Mss, Owe id a gm (0 110 1. iks the immerge prevatle that prime tam Mashed bottom. and that an eofmar or larer, u lasyltable. —Slam the above ins pm la type, me hem the follontag sale repoetedt We MU at Ink' bwiree• opium, my =rah the, buyer may name la Illak.ibuyor to me the mow/Von the Ott day of Amil mt. When the dm of de. Imery arrlvre. the buyer bm the. privilege of =kW It a buyer's optlon for the ;Santa year ay Dayton *dollar per barrel more. EZTINEM—The market for bowled oil eras meeedlagly jalet toota: but • IWO. We re. ported, 1110 bble for Jansen, at In. GUM. Um mar MI fairly Alyea at Me for Jarman MM. for FiibnlasTi It. for Marsh; 21* tot April; Me foS Kay; and 21344 for J mid at Mese Ilium yesterday. There am but fen sellers In this market at Drum% prlms, lo Maas geitrallyr =tartan the opthUmtbst plan magi adv." wawa or. later, that • decline in alMail MIS of the quntlon, and that the beet thing tart .sae SILO ho/follriad kids their thee. As thus rn toes molder. ,bls talk la oil swam la mud to the onion of the Petrol.* AsisrelMioa fa 10 td to the a arm . ton day. kakis. sad as to was qualm it hae sot t.O Map toutastood, we 'an. anal to palish tha proseedings of sat AA. metal= beaten on that talon, oalition tdo camas or those a assawho aked li-ad wo stay bare sa twit it has tows algal b 7 au of the Law Mae naiad la the horses ' Hen are the retaluticos sad pada: oTo Watt IT NAT Cescilts.—Al3 the rag. la manta wan* a the dalanin Afro- I r ma i g m ,. us, hall o asat s = re:, the ntanaly mama. adopted ea algae. idalad,l That the amain of the Pita . burn\ Palawan AseeetatioLote epee, ems with the east, to *betas erta salad Salad OU as • lama option to the bum, thaw Aiwa dna, panda& that Sedan pasrally, throokbonia thiliat Basta; adapt the same ara war lo mats Una Mean[, do sekos to tar phase Attalla halt% sal do am rearantead ae Salaam OU thanitantra• United Miss. to jot. the Le this tdo brash less treat the motet els tem olallikuonthirty asp ova:ma' , Pasow-lana the oadarsigned, otad7ers eod dealers la Attrokaa. do Way was te sake so etattat alter.the In tip of demure, OK Pelee Men thaw alas aye option to the anyar, la sandal* with • realnUna weed ads ur Ike lalsolesa Adandat, of rittanwit7(tiers foams as asses a the sigma) At • snlanassal main, of the Asanalanos. hell Jemmy mole, the followar preamble sat assation wen ustaannonaly adopted, sad warred to to prated. m ileaneelloa with the I pesetenui settee of Sheo body—for 'genera ols adabs. amen Wired& Tbe roams, frost all pasts of the salary an tandsblo to the adoption of as pledsoan Matins to warms oa Man up gad dada,. optima, as agreed exi. it ttet sandal afters told on Dessabst ... • Tat:Work Jtasalood, that It Is Dow gads,- Aso& that astil Sado is Nadia,/ oa ail tbo paellas. to il n agto=a an the Mb bat. sad It la that all imotraats art to tap mita to days Bolls* to the, suer. Iva of "ylialk, at load, out 11. arithla M. U-. AniiITALIII—The fellowlag are Ma arrivals 0 1 Olt IT iks Ai/MUM Valk7 lallisaa : Itzsbn Al Taro. of IN. Eituksianc... ne Jas. Willtias...... 111 S aim a SUaser... US It Taws• abOo Slit , Total • list Total rsoottita for tris wait. • ....... till Total teorlato loot wait. *a u Total roorlpto atom dna. I ......... *au • ottiaorita aura ar o. v. a. a: • Nat: ISO halo ma. to P. Wright A I=l. Oooltdda do to Fordo, - Prow SOO. P. Watatabatir a laa do a, to Widths. KM * lhoalder iteta al - do do to Walla& &log a Co, Philadelphia. (.pottoL ra‘Blo. cr. to do do to Waring, n. • F aloationatt USII.III, BY TelBo,o to the Haulms Boottto 1 CritentNUM. JIM. IL—Floor anohanged and qutot, taut the 4eolo 1 light; Won, irilOnA4 Wheel 1 anti) , so Mel 70.1 tar soul at 0.101 AM -.corm • totter 4010.04. Oats dell at WO for No. nye m . /. 00.1 told at 114614 Bar ter arm at for 11.11. Como Is hlsheri .WdOtties lOW lbw &re. In ■oo d Pu r% t P el al a e t = , d . ._ .l 4l toesa Up s wad o , new ty62; plc lAtioert c.d. Potslasons Itil onottaaged to l orsaret io. WitrAtea lit , geed 44111110,1 at • for ohm:Wort, LlKti eldrar aldoo,ao6 11540 for do.. Nea r tlb lard. Am Oat quiet as 1110 of testi ogee Is hi deseafullu -bat . st I.lle. The stock of the lower of lard is very gmali. 000717 nil swig ;kWh, . - hews sold - g o od. ehtyped, entettfessete sold. at 101110. 110. dere t sod bozos. Light Wm' brought Oottilr at UNA& IgP &idiom/ to lle; *apply letter. cusses .litiallangeO, at 14140140 - 10, None= reserve. Is Llnteed jacarftrui: ire= detataitt tottirit antiood. Asa. 11 frateSlllolllll4lo. retro. Isom dull. oh MOM Au , re 4004 tree. Ind*, fe tbeNgrtiorwebes ElNe for freedits mot saleable 1l bood. 'CUM 0004 10010 OS 1534111444 at? . Itt ft . z arm " MTlabotly bra , Olt INN/MOL tiold WAPlrtfloN , arvi At , Pia buying. t Soller My. • • • - • (Iry ieletretei to laalriltibgetli 0W1.0.61 anoZes. k s Mtn =II 'mean ',Yost quiet owl 1 to i* wr.si WAIISMOVNI for _t o airway& thetas:lda tloro , .new scum lit 6111111 51111145(Ct old quiet. at elo tor og i re tor We. t/sta swan. cdoeliff et L ily* Gull sad 1 WM lower. refe work ' If! I L i et V MMI t terAdO straight breeds. Lang salve leo lows. et 11214elore Weems, teet meats Loeettraiwor nweltueroW. 111.0•1 =RdWage Graenwasete Want lOiforrowr the Nark, - Meet bele Soul WA be yeast; Wee g e 7 14 4 IRAN Ettats. e O Wblwrosote—. cane. 001 goon 106 Ws MESBEaEI Lansasauary.A—CanikivaztooCto 14010kf Mow Ana OM Mao tloiso moor Sao 47,1181,1 k extra -POkklas doable to &Ws pus WOOS" Witoat droop , - lag aka swat ki loom . Cora. 4.11. nod = WOOL Caw ihtlload lower otAllello. loam aa4 togbar 'Mammies on tot ing* tangt.laderstooa to Mat Rao loweritaloo at 3.0/fri gL ik soOktlr4ow ma& ootlroly sosalsal. Lords WO'S for•stesatasallo for lokko low IMO Wu wawa; 2 11 roolok oars k 0 Ma WOotbasekorasil kcal eta so thaw. --- • • • • LialsvUls (1171111.m0t le Ow rtiesb.qtli Lotrrau; Saasary.l4.2olbooto Ilzmial WI R oa . .=Mtr .15 1 M EI N ela* :wIttio n at : L al c ligat. wawa. trate. Atoooo4 Moolosco, Sir "17 11 , 0k0708011.. Cot We 11=iliMii Y -14AZETTE. ;, D Flsantall Natters It New Yeek Sala Closed, as MON. !iiiREMBI! The moray market way an! study at gas par coml., for call loans. Starling gtilat at WM% gold, for drat thus ' bills. 'Gold lower, opening at d•cliolng to 111% advancing "113%, and riming at 13r Goverroneht . Stocks without decided oh.ge, timing strong. Conoone 11, 1100 110%; do G 3. leikTiOnvA: 10 :1M isS , 4(ito c010 , 4i21 , 05 , A. 105X011.G1 Ten Fortles, I ..,isalik.3; Seven Thirties:3oo4l2We%. . eamt STM.Y.T. Bank Statement unusually fartirable, and, large there/UM en depoetta and legal tag , deft represents the great ease On money. Loans hare :increased to ttX3,311. Specie azikeseAL Deposits a 11.011,61/. Legal Ten. Jere 1e.,10.1,123, end Circillatton necreseed to 11=131. '! Railroad • market opened buoyant. and cloud firm With but feu marked chums:, MOM.] QCOTAT10111;,. .imerfeen 0)14,41 1.90;11 atto i n ertlrk entes,MOlXli;_ Canton, 54051t6 Comber- Larl.Vosl; ?terpoen, gilerZ t r ig: ' At . fLr0 r ..01( 3 . 7,1 ' VON Uentrel • IMNallZ., , it Erie., 7-11:173; lindeon, Heading Miiettl3yo Miehlgen cen tral, 109 4 14 Minima, SOuthern, ergoB7l4 lateens Central, 133 rltubnrgh. AM IN; 1a%0104;Toledo1a%0104; Reck. blend. De% North Weetun, 6 35.0. 3 04, do , prelerre , 71%0%74:F0rt Warne. ICOXeloet; si. rent, 150; do preferreci,M; Chiago, a Alton, Me; Hannibal & rit.r.loaaph.Mi Adenie Etre.. 7114; American Ezprea, St; Unlted otates ErPree. 7 3 '.4; Merchants Onion E.:prose; zi; ,vole Express, 46, new Tonneseoo, Pro;. Wabash second mortgego bonds, 71%; rle DuChlen, second preferred let 111111110 *VAIL, : , 4 : Hinvyl Corydon, 3 , 1; Quarts Mil, J10®1 14; Smith &Carmelo°, 41.043 , 13, Wnllklllisals; progoly, :15. For the 'reek: Dry deeds. 1154,223; general meretiondise,Aol6,lss. Receipts for the week, $13.137,1151 Pet' onto to-day, $1,911,075; for the week, $ll, 1 . 22,110 e; halenee, e 105,157,4.53, elem . :Fork Pralines Ilarker. Citi . Telesraph to the Pitteburgh Bisms...l .Nsw lona, dim. 111..--I:otten %ow, mit ten Wes of 4,000 bales at 173 4 017341 for 1001.