i is ~.. WITL/CrirEaNAND SHE NEW iT 10[1 o. zr. bye, maze s —lean trot say IN ULM pueng stent; . g & wig( nun the hones and fasts, bliss sad paln,nlis sidles and tears ! come tons sit la ell tits!, ears t! FE . old Yeast—Little Indeed madly sake we were woos to heed, . us„ yarning to every day. ; esculalot work sad mei: hkemey ere pauses sway I^ Tim f T. "T • TO, MT= I—Whatever may be ire thou tuts=eed [ eamZ ee bier. U % wWMaI - stsh&eaUndpaliAna ahem.,;l thou We seg aryneas e,Old Tear 1.-Wlth War& at (nee as to him who takes thy teem say, Old Tur, ado Um New. • . 1.417. earefolly unto them throngh., rIII "'" 4 wc!n•ther 101 to dor E EMOW3IM3. Imperil' Theodore efts hUh enrr Ward Beecher is wr Unt I 1 . Clizist.• he Citicago Tribune firneata the I tire of [radii:ie. 1 1 , ho cholera literally revile Ben oclo, trdiut • lotis hia jont..been told of ltaxi. n'a death. *Tile; •of Writ°, lectured lut in RI none, N. Y. ickens will read In Detroit on the land 20:11. of March next. • r , • Countess of Portarliniton hie • the Church of Rome, in Ireland. It is rumored that the Chicago Ad j. line not been pecuniarily' succesa- H- Stephan is publisialsg shook oases of the iste war and their De of the two,' b . rie railways in %Are bu stepped for lack of pat- ( Between Jane and December last mareJ6B4 destks from cholera in I"Tbree expeditions to .the north aro an foot;" as for el we woold ,er' e to tide. The Etat Florida .kannsr Nays that t seal= all the femme have been • ed lag Are. The Chugs desitioy of Bciencittum • and dm-proof , building in which '• • re its museum. - r i The Ger ernor of Mune las seized Iron Ifounfaisitailreeid and decimal tea to the State. W. W. Warden, the Wastdigton • dent of•the Easton Pra, laden te likeretaryto A J. One hundred thousand bushels is estimated punciut crop in the "kin lot Wilaingten, N. 0. • Khans/Ongs Is not . -the highest In the known world; hut I. • ,Ia Thibat, Is. Fear. hundred thousand &liars is rumored cold of the paintings in , Belseit's gallery. Nile. Baerbar.h . is the nun et s !nutria, in Paris. In spite of her ~ • she is no equestrienne. - Thirty therMand yards per week of - ed fiEntiel &dram made by tke • p mills at New Hampshire. Tkefut member of the new mike (hies at Wed; will contain- anew poem Tennysea"cla a Spiteful Later 2 TU people of teotral blew York . Yetakez to foi hunting.- exciting to was had near Genesee hat week. awlnlorme be anew; -poem in the ' , ober ef the "Fortnightly Re- number if 11, is entitled "Ave Mine Fanny ICembla athieted &large an ;. ea nißosten,.on Wednesday even ~ to lue,r. her Shalre4cariarCiead Tbit vest Operatic combination • ia to ilait this city in a *pie of .is to parforin next weer in Bal . - \ —A blbw York nieces dealer &detains be has the "latest editlen of, the keening tea fer sale at the earlrest Aso— ! L" —Sernabody.says . that - ..1. T. Stewart, mild not: decline the nomination for ce President with Grant so the leader the ticket.' - ', , el• . -1 _ ; -L picture in ine Of the Vienna gal. • represents liars, with a pipe in mouth, playing bMiardsla the garden f Eden under the apple tree. . , ; „I', •• —Thire,iiere "seventy-two deeths in . • last week. Twelve of them • ere. from -typhoid fever *and twelve •• m indiaunatinTssithe langs. --' ! —Mr. Jehe Jones bit off the nose or ' • Robinson in Sr: Lent* ;waxily. ~Jerserruis nit tummy; hat he Sas limy.. These non were coal digger*. r -The Sweclishpeassantikava be e n , ' on• • g or — ••v rßmeoS2eakes made of •• • hick and moss—cakes that are as .see rocks and almost as indigestible. —The Demccratie Assc4tion of Phil t gave;Hayer :Hoffman, of New ork,S p: lin .reCeptien ,olz - Throidity . • 'ming* their-306m .on Arch atreed:•• —Civ W loathes of the Aleskan persuasion; are learning Eagliah; they ' can 'wear ksonrjazt as -well as 'the 1 best of the Aosidean‘or tithe weisteither. —There is a man, in Ban Claus CI/331 fg, - -WS Penn Street. maims *LEG LAINIa BrBANE & AM* Cossiestation Itealare Ia_77.4IDILLIEI awl .. MODITIM ..ex t au . gi lt = lea.TV.l. above =Mr FETzER & Aimsflume, mum in. conali mans, Ow UsWe Maar. IgUeni. imi llitter , Wm, int at al MUM. 14 . II DUNA 81,210.001 11,1 g 6412:1111 R. some. WWI & • SON , .Comisitutou =LIM JUrrilsse - mums to 1101:11L WIN. SILL MID sad MODIIIIII genarat. ty. - to. TO Maiwid. oppallta 011111111. , re. CBARTOttfI Coal= is. loismu.wr tcrunirm A irroon 01/31. WBOUVIIT SCRAP MONA/ Mil= sad C LAY. as. Warehouse sad En sad 366 rialf MUM. emus. m, T.rmst. BLUM & rATrovr,, Wbolavad Gramm Cloaaaludas ltarchiats. MI &WM la Pradaaa alma awn. Cluard, PM. O= and Lard OM, 1.1014 Glass, 900011 Toss !La Patala.ll vanaMMala nnaralv If alit Ili Woad Mall. 2fn. • r arrs. s. arilm--InG IA UT. REIMER & BROS.aWadessl. Orticossvors it.m.m Azdszlesa a Men, llcrtsign imItA.NAIISA4I 7«. %INan=l,th i lizu , r nazi JOHN n S d CANFIEUMAiamas• lis C 1060.:: tar. art .. Pot . t d n .livn :mm lioark r tit n re a t 1 1. , 4 a... II saa us Mal Moak rittabuit s. • 44kittatis ISI tiVirent "•• 1 :1 11 . .1: r . ~: NI . .0 t lila dealuz LS 1Y Ilou Gals. Pm 411.0114 Pr0rt.1.16.1141 Olrue, Oaten OI • T or - jp,,,V huF small 311121 A.' WALiaell SHIPTON &WALLA( Wt hole Nbdl j°i3 to M Stint. Ftami .1•11 ~: ~ciq:Z~.'L~l-~ c rzniv iNginuiTqz co., ..77uLieutiaratsgasaL P. tllllll5 curr. - oeswea ii‘Wrgiasnl AVM. Ma, OW ticasit WO, WWII etoubs. bp Stab% Wllltasseo & plan oh of FM itallsztto Mat& boas lastuntlabottooiblbt lotto on A well knobs to the eamourbatil i olotorbaltoO by broannooot Itlotoarri tho cborsotat blab tloy Ws .A. *tabs Wbeat sootootacts to Ow orutts m a Moro& pe°i • .• er. to Jambs .11e-ithry. =am 5. Closs, • lonoooo. " Jotryb lLtrirpotrult. moty flilltp)torotor. Oxyld IL. Long, Wm. Yortioos. Do:7_ ' • FLEX FRARKLIN • INSURANCE COMPANY, IN RUM %OM BANK, N 0.4 3 Ohio et., Allegheny, PI. • Henry Wirtz. Ow. 11. Wddis. StWon thin. T. es. }IMAM. J. 11. )mica. .W. X. MOMS. Lailtnez • • em a tuzwis. sursuaT. IlltaitY !AVIS. rrwidest. wag pv.wircv . ur AnIA enurics "OF PMIBURON. PA. - . osawa TMIII Strain, emit 1113141M14 tw Ilots l47l==vax._ Manna stillit 7.2lf i tal) Vaik . 7 inintirTVlVEX, Truman. • Llen MIVILLAULNI. iseritarn tn. try= nple Cada, • 14 Hopictluk LGAmST L 088: BY. ITEM. WILLIE lI2DIiICE: COMPAN' OF BHILIDELYm. Ones* as sad UT aura. Item -- • 7 " Crun d . t. Pie Ideal, ualr, Tien Proelsal. 1/4. (I.IAII-Lt. 'WE I ...Mk • - •7. GARDNER cormr. Agent. =maws Ikea Weal am MUNI a Woods% _ LixzemEarit issira*NcE Of ITITISBUROIL—OiSfe. Mo. tO 7101. Knort Simi Olaf i caotres solaskau Mods of Fla and /Loll! rrsassis, suEN JM:rosii vies PH:sla: anitiNahlateriarsoauwint imar r , eL raigl. Ml= 1.1. , Wawa, eruct orati.es. • (Muir Cot. "Raba 4416 pEorure EITMENCE 00. arms. Ir. at. con.woors /urn rum' awl A nowt cemmrs, TAMS nu /LID X 1137111 r' . "'-... ' . iiiiPoszoi / ".. 3u ." 4 gia. '....'" Az, •:. i ih VA u Wm. az EA, imaiD. venar,..._ a rtyre t. • antre u r.4 4, ..' ir; 1. "Talls. tkM • i. Goon U. TOBACX3O. CI cßlie4go. pakcco t TOBACte ! TO 'meta FIFE IIUNDIRD,CIDDIES, asicarizo maxim L.. - I run ascriniLD oractylicsragur. . . • auk, Mie, suet un valuta Ink „ . As Uw ittiec:parpoinid‘ K• •ftesecO.o. thcho.enotirqiiimiwbei mita lii TobnoawaowelliseapasilesigWlllol4l ROBERT F. PiEDDELTIS boo Cor.tiailthilOid /MOUT Sts. JOHN' MEGRAw .emu- .--,T 22bwil,ijO 1-§I"ItIY9FT.s• • R.; ili,Vitt 401(11001C atazatserairThmogAgbliiiis , ow.* -1:T-VrA, 1:iror: 1 1:• .I_lol 11. .44 li±d . 01,11314 MEMEM Dl= AlirD ':94101111;;:t101004;- 0 Viiiii $ " sat wum4l. EE C 0•110 1141141 . *tit Seciltagnatil rte ~ k No. a u•Lusio-Julasi4 pow:m:9o4 sroota . • • • es lee Joan .71 ! ciastrir, oz.. 71 mush. R.. r*sperick• Collect kr4. Iry .Hendee to.' R. .114.11.111.... ;Attiprney-at-Lavir, No. 98 Fifth Street. R 1111911 LE _ oniey-at-41W. 05kN00.75 waist trim. • rttirzell =,- - - EIIIEITACE 8. Iff9lllloliy, 'ALDERMAN. • Ex-O/1210o,Instlee of the Pate% A. 11) POLICES k hzintriaii hem rittitrel. DWI., Bowls. Nort4 draewl•alt....t Depoaluons see LA J.l.gal Unstasse Gascat wlta iroarotami Ana oil:latch. am./ A. a " 11, ark= or :us maim OcarireiaSeitr;Baal =Me sad. Vanase• • CARRON ifIiZAT. But abledainco. .. t =oa t of Banta solicited =4 :7:417 mato; or TIE ?ELM, - 1 marvirmains. ae. war, ciszoN mitzrz, *early eirvatto ills truaDe, pot, &Km rltediamf, Sans. 141- to pul csre proaftlY stamlid I. 1 L'I~oMEAI, 3I D., PBAI CING 60 Grant 84, near Witt. PO J. S. 7.IIGIUSON. ttoniey-at-Law, 4 t i MO. 111$1 nris srsaeT mar, isms. nate MCC LEWIS' _ _ KTTOBNiT AT piWi N0,f93 Diamond ,fArrt. AAA.a PTZTABiIiGH. PA JOHN W. RIDDELL" ATTORNEY AT LAW, eammz, sw 135 roman wrazmA yrrroustmea. = g . G MACILI3/3/4 4 ATTORNEY & GOUNSELLOI AT LAW ITo. SS Grant Street, PirrfiliVlWlT, pa. JOHN A. STRAIN. • . - Ir.l4lllllcio, Justice of the memos AND rOLION NULIELPTILATZ. ,Oaelb, l llsl llith St. appetite Culairal, rxrruule a. rA. De bad st lh Abbilk a bl i ll'er TW . rnsirm asecalibi b muma. mairuka jOll7 4:6fficCOBORS. ' IMANEttIeI Mamma IT JW. No 137 \ Fifth : Street B. • tztus; sad /I.rnsai of ral innurotly eoliftted • %atm. • PAINTERS. wusxklerum.---.......«—ari Celit, T.** it' LArrir l Haiuiei and Sign rainteri, • is LT .. 1111/11131312 1 PUtiamorelk , imiLia CARDS dose to oimiar. • I= AMID. ILOWLAIED HARM% HOUSE kilo MN PAINTERS, !Gia&reasa Lan IMAXEMICS. \ nsmoins. smixanzinr. 61.141111.1 AG &OS la tallest wasui. K. HAMILTON, Rim's .and Sign Paiiter, FeLan g TIIELBD IMIXIMIN • " • • Gilaing sad Gilding EITATLY 1:120V11.13 . , YIZW rthsta, VitroLD4. ftity. CHM% stn..l4 7112.1111 Lia.. Wus.• lza, Emma'. OUTCHINSOII & lout au MI 63 OWIL /WM ezinexas Auto otrugHzes, . ire, its pus*AsTsvii, Pistabarsai• Au 4... • 1.11 • • • att.4e4 Ileum ressovidle Ba' li4 LD Be., Intutnarem mitTlff Ovpails Us ell ' an. imow WA" .4"/"raill*, Vawnll9l • 011111KIMILL rurT munniman GLULEZEL itOiskiairth outwitatitimad. L'alliritertallegir m 74. • Mats. Wl.l4o.4}Lsirel XMlNeasitv 1004. 4 ' al. ~~. Ci• : i:I: 1 181 C~:I: nem AWL pun:cm 1 j . 181 8. F9.BIWIES, • , ; CILVENTEM • OD =MRS. • (Pdatraeutaisa ma: ismimumm.. Mom Menu. asa am ar o la ke zu l am o gn i .2 amatuma., • ' • iai US Mimi It.' ilqiisi P 4. Z. Mi. JRALLWEIErt, 10.0!:Se_ guilAtr.ind Oltilater • hm.conker' or SALEXZWS ALL= OA DV.' Q1312.Z.11ir AY. • • . airiobblaz and Matrix, dama with zsatmo YEWS Ws. J•Dica , carpenter and Builder, . Si VIIIWEYLVLIIIA. LW/XO2. aPPOdiii Brzer m ",rag:l;ll.4l,_' - ."• dobbline sous with ...tape anu owns , eli. Mani psamptly attended vi, asd satlefantina rt=n MINE MILDEW! - MD CARPENTERS.. ill:Jamie sail =Alfa prO.Viii - stiami I . inint" l " - ILIT Ira IMO( Ortei I - LIVERY STABLES: EUCHANT9 ilviay /LED BALE STOLE I I w NICHOLSON PROPRIEMII:' gol• In a" / 11 1 1"11/19,1n1PRII ' ; - "qtriiiicaudiandii3o:itow4 • • cu.ssitioss; as res • caw suuttas psl4 imgts •,. •;•taolummflia' YUMA -. Over, Selb!es, vosuirum , s!zi• •Dvx44,.. - ; cri.AtiV.•ix- • • -• ,prrTasußeal. • 7,5 F at , - 011DIN.&ISCE73., , Alstirrtzeirawr As Ouzo., .... 1 4=. ritiiiir... -,l =4 llll JaaliNtl i =lll 4 Sit *. . : at i tiiiido.na fail& - t t yttaaatTaNg tilr WA ?XV, TIESSo Otkatitst...ll - tozi. bl.ata . ;MWM 4 ltal 6 tY • ..,47. -I.nrang 1 : ES . - XI iZI At * - 4 " ZAP rile .: e t.::. " tltr= : t , .V "" r ,i t 1., ....9%...14,g1=5r :11= 4 . 1 . 2 i a . . ° 5 14 01 .a.W.V.Irf.e l $4-fF O '. aserarrirbli•Vata isf Mak.. lila is . % .Usta Vl2=ll - .lla . roaa Vart ug rst= a a Wairpr ittl .....: a Ita EMT= Mk ... .., 4 1:.M nu..tr... . 3. 41 , 4 a... .17,14..1. 4 ,11 0 . Waft a11i . ... - nra , fry as •Presal .4. shaElligailalVa rSr • stourrod DT I 04,5.14 lasslOaniast/. 4411w:tart , . rWs M . .. . alattOX a. la the i 'V' Xii i i - Id , M5. las. 4r'rk4lllersmrly afmaaL•S t.a r4lMnaWal7. 3 aW=ar a. rt 4 vnt 5w IM t tuSiO rt L • r m N =l.MnoimoUmia ornowidrtA itf -a U a*R VrMa .I==== rbalfir"i l 7 tie rtzmß.ze.,a 1 .. "d4117.4.1n,.. = " 1 Illst.b.rrAzitZnaiii i 5 ir r. gam i arazzo, •14 GM. , pra•Uasal or IRO 6M:um* be • 11.• pal • liall: . -.. . . .. el • , . • • • HART, CAUGRET & CO„ • ianiers and Brokers, Cl/DIED THIRD ANlWOOTivnifErs rrimanst fa. Pip. M110C1280315 TO iuRIA, lariat COO strar..zas of change, Coln, Coupons; sassexix•tua.s.lvatFont s 1110V/EliallENT norms. arilitur usarre as LOX1:10/1: , ailaSS N. HO i son AL.N733334 :1 05h Na 67 - Narket itiavOt. onedurrecatesn to rulluani sad Ocalsenou satin an umpdattou Vats its °UM Instal tall C 2816111.., Stocks, Buds aad Other fraettleo rutin LID Niko goixagnoi. arra: wasaiigia to use mew sat IT. S. Seouritlea, ..b.lagorea o.s. OsorrnoLoss or oforarzionsa. orao..anymozoloemosorcanomi. KRYSTONA BEL, 293 Liberty Innate nrragegeff, PA. SEM - AANII - WILL o.ripi Genend Banking 12=1 nue an U Monday, Noventlber 18th, lad ' Lees/wt. et Salta Esat ere sad Zen Maui at • Insltal. , . 'Oollsettens Etude an all *sla 11 tan Vatted taste. and Canada. interest allowed ea Mae Itsrolltw . ' MUD a t m' isusw graft om gab Gio. T. TAllljnoixer. P rll l Mi r an. • BANK FOR SAVINGS, Normarly th,DINZ u. ON 6Z -Fourth Street, •.. Neszleoviloalt, smut .Slitt4Ao{ti• 4 ' 27ILFW IL IVA IrD S S IV HST r f trli t 8 from Nay tot to Neva:ober Ist. te o'clock. ta troak Narmlterlst to Nay lat. itoi oVeleet.. Boobs/ l7•lan ae; rumbaed at tin ofie This tuiltattes tsrdallY•Ser to Woe aLing earatuir an , t la 4rptfrt.itrY ... c uli!ea ..i r .sotall dev•E=sar d .sre a t i s Z r ix Waren I.= of Mall= Walmiltanl4. .B.:•mi'et 3111Loillabige.raii . E2lliE3 E. li. ELLESILAE.. , , amaarAzz. J. "' 2 1 2 "% icTra s ar' mm . ' ' A. RILADLNY.T. ELIIII .1111. K. lIIIIIIIC. ' - latt. i911.%,11.0C/11 40L101A1130011W. 0. TOLIJ.NSIILF, . Aoltll_l3Gurs.,_ , JAL L. 0111111 Tor Al i . luxxx.r. , , ototicriciseglr. a .4.lr:sra:: sayrriss 10 7 11'4119 -BAAL ".59 rosirlh Sireet. CIEAMLIMMOMD 1.83010. uamo vida *um:imp:ail. ' 41.37 tam rimsetvpd freak pa• DO* Duesha =Molt 4316,0c.' , maoutrair oncrArm4 - freshleut-4. IL - . "Men°lan to 'rearm mr• axle • • ' 7,111"1111=11;Ellt,' -2"rk SAYINGS BANIC, . No. 65 Fourth Mot. .-,12111151%- imagra .al;tet,rso IL op. 919=0. 9to 0.u0ik . .91919919 W. osd Ala into 9999999111, 994 MTV ...10 . = *O. somber Inwo Iltof Ist, from to - of SoValst.losa .011Ctirr. L .la ds pmdts .110. f.lbrod Moe s ysof; dosar i Zooso o . l ‘ . io• gor.oS ball doctored sally is Joss sad Dooosiber masa. ~M.mllotls ii Oa rats of six ref amt. a teems s aL if ass an..u .. . a mmo irs ‘ gio ""nst="4:: tho Inn days of isso. ss: IdLpg a tostior . L7 l- 1 afsiolnuonsymtU-do 'e tkodui ton n raraofOof .014.1.V.149 ad 1199.1991 , 9.9, da. "W rill33l4.l4aitinrittddir . Jam 7, ffa 4.me•i4;4:_ . re.Vhdm.s-- inW6:l"rast.,••: , Staftitin .' ••• gWri=s; • Wonso Carrise, Man. GoVo!", VISSS't ifiallsn IL Y. SIP 520dti rotor H. Maker, .• ' 141111 us .` Iscurfosr—.l4ll4 I. D. mosai.o. I:Asi ing—.-at/te/It ;Alm sonnEnonie. CAVANAGH 011 N 'iO.II4LIMIT BM= (03.004 AM'S Mißla MUM 111111111, 1111di ISM MEI Rom ' 11saaaluerraniOaarplaiiiie.raija, tiata iamic Lasa, a,mass Ilratar iltaaaa,ailaa 6.4„Mag udipatteaba, Omits a Mg Vail wawa. P. L YT7OODAUCEO6IAIIIII4J. 114SLIPMX,-: ATWOOD • &: . :1111 1 FRE wiltat "max Griot Ira ord mbearqrs.o6,..! Lb.* cranial etp.at muni.r a m k. umi a Ms *insra *nit* 11.00emis Coh ElTriaim"-,EPumpf4 Btagank . Dor raw kimisollmiu "”77=z=a 4 r gmtall.S* sonar K. coarza....fes. zpmr JOSH- - its W1 1 11 1 :eek : , BRASS t Steam and Gm Pittips, JUmßiataraseriiiw 3 oza , t o w,aur t r , LOkner *Mks sad Widaskinr** i':I 7 ,I I IIFTSBUIAIIN PA. 11081011 HOUSE, ' VIE IMlDlEWilairabeirtintli r l 11 Z woe, t• *de ftleadcm ' lyetuoljo ; iNo.A4.ll l l6lbcrtY,P.t r , I ' -'4 :,, ::-1 4 . .4 ,-- ' l4 . i.ik. Azi li n asZirko i Nt77.”9o3l iii:o n :Cgar4ien i e r att, M . lO bp 11rPabba be....r." wri ail*Sl4 l l3o. PrOMlk%n l i**- 114 VI z4 t, . 1341, 7 1 1' l ib " Xlsn * : . --- .. ----". or anis Tr Ulm to bask Of ) ItWittiUM-r-t.- entl 00111001119 0! THAI MUM= ?Lit 5 . T.. 0 ZAMESI'HOITU .. Nea. aft aiWilliiizti - 114' 1 ' 1 "fv" i s?" l7 #!!" esoK' r il - 11:1 Tr is t, ' 11N4 Olikaiffil • p,. luta glattlast to .11 1 =II 'X l* lif e l st i M ~4„:,.....„ ...... „ rum's' liIRIINOR DOT . 4 . .. - tos ist susprzaa rum.: N. L Off. Penn & Call ofiz 102 , 70$8801 ,Z11.....3t 11 116tIMIIIABINNISSANC 04102 WPM anigloat. WIN WO5Oll WIVEW (WEIL& /104:11 11 4 w.. 1129• •N .........•••••••••••••••••••• M. W 0,X1117......•••••••••••.... , •••• • T. B. ALPuro.. lam extraoraurs ot-ilk* void o l :&ceassalaa... stiC Lupin's. R. J. zuO33SCIS. 31.0/11AT lOrszpio. am.:l:ssaa. irta pre.c7“..pd. CMlnf . e* . ta eraakes • . 1111147 Andr.......• w. a. Puma& d. *it% tits not..an tun kW 7° "•"' • louse &craws. Wr. Custretll•J—. . W. J. 71WWWS. 1 Kale. • r jil! . ., -'- WlLE:oils up MONO fi - ) I KM W. I..lllearaelk wzmararrriLE uvuukair LECT:OI GaiiteS D TOWE?,M • I wnl datbrec tito ntrz.t Tobatars of Oa Perololl LAFALYETTEHALL On'Tozers4 y Evening, Jan. =I Lando to the North of Mb" ucitra °pea* T Weasel; LIAM la 116 rutAzirosraml u tlen.a u tkoor. WNW loran-re. waL CIALLUVII.: ""7I " .. arACILEIST Or rrulle. ao maim .... - 64:1111012111inn.r. coithuipile Tbii Proilday Evenl*,.llil. 2L faita7rr & PALNERS GRIND yIEBOIRE DILLE: tinitiseled P.Ht. 1, 4 iris. W Ewan, 1 ZIITI7II.M.A .1.2 .1!* UN row I ennme 010y•MBi LOPO. r inent.a WU • tit10.14‘Cio1;11•741121. ontalluiltz ' MUM. samblatabneter MU 11.1.11.tititarrizaka auk W. .1.6.C1X50111. 46 vest USW 41204 111 - B . imp °pea Ma* Ataileml. 1,1421.6-dasisates,Thecankliessaveliftik 11; Tikala CM*. fico4.; *War. **.O. • • • • igraALA, ""n r Al. 813"" GRAND OPERA, ramo ACADEMY OFi MUSIC, CONLIPIN 01261 1114ndap Jam! arx 1808. wth AVie if: . of Petah& outs pa 'the Lona WEDNISDA.T. Jumn,51,14, , . . ...Pelsek - Int C.C. Iq,LLOBV 7be tar tip albs trats So goons fbe this wawa a loantele*. „mama conasealarafa vita la :P a tte ' ll= " 1 • 6 :.1.,-.1.11/1150,11 Tha 3Plc s ttY 0.. llatisker--Ilrets Pojon... ammo; iil2 DULL4.II. - C*lll ilt be fan Oat for tie 3 , •501i bar , ptios Oda BaLfox.rwlrelf 'of friota as t• tb tinlienaaa of t a sstraetlass. is off ascl'aZl.V.Eriff..VO.poref.- ;AIL ' ifeatos f.ols of ottesio ascolaolo4lo4.lo llo e^oldeatly oottelp.o. - s Airs ia• WIDNICIpar -Tos sod, At o.e-toot. • ! Wig Of Mowtstat.loi T.TUZ»tLZTQir. 21 . 1 71, 9'" 00p . I :l;i 7 o h l%fro at "n itt h ZforSiM too Agtractioa tworoMsat. for IMO locums 10 .1111111C11. ,adr minor foto coleol by.ostists of es re onto:Mo. at wrtotez Tax annurrosT : . Belida& far the Sansal , lixre Asbestos the .611•11:0 OPLW. - - Tatinkfixsaus ~ass/ both final . Oyara. Vtraii-4/64 Margirri 'samiSb•C etiabsant =Ars. 0,......., " 0reed=be ttalekies• toi antranattl aim °tauntt 111 tinatasoaliebottne-rs. trigre) • ,mud Ots'a ti ounanctaa yew , at yawn .- 114 LaMm. apamde sumsloo. Innytainata , Mt ticetn of Mutts. tax n _y_tbla tiara at Mil Mint rittk 1. FS& DlA bnaad :VILLO. thane sail &MAW* tanyentli at Vta r iWgUrVialtiaraitrgri= 444' . .Tattoil7. 415reftratrabongt Idi SA llSWpsluf►BS-CA. sal Menu PURIM VAS sal . Tnatiand we ttazo [rpm ;a offer • r • ID 7111:0VAT0101. ' • ' Zrc aver ptyalin: vl A pre i'Mlo b i ' ioVirltreases rftwo4.7oorrosoffl, alt. rontoottot 0.00141/Poool/Ogsaa Llleffitt& (*BM Tan itiliattna Dtansna Diem. ' OnsatailiaZZ tlinnkla Winn , Magas taw.' annum. of Awning. npanant4 atonal' .- gteataninhate. Wotan MUMMA 11011.170131.1 a tbste elf rots. 000p , o. flat% • ned..: lb* amid in% fintinta, prawn td as !salt Oa , tri =idle% LT enVa t ik J O ir aln KiLyni x t la 12 jar.% Mit or atrnotiimallon orkagn% lt e l t raliliaraiar= ASt r l deee Zel . r.:2oXta t ar t ga.= .Zee Ci mes Red 11ounti.9 of me 2110th Oro,' manta antatista,.:ll Il b tat i g lik4l4P o t apt MMUS. Vl , T r ad Oraa t=ilituttred. AntrleSo. Ell Ia&GAZ. 'l L ygrtED ;Yr/mm*4i L 'l X;:krt 7. itat et tb•Vitted'iDitai t aisle Iftsigot OUDDIS.K.II2.#IIIsaIs: ••• ..• 14%"=:14.1,11r ds ulra• s laid Mikis et ' jr..7=lsi =VI A.a intinsaissalarsa *Mama la wild wrrpertiiC: =NMI . - i t'o r duar..lt, .a irr..l . 7" . l= or,Jszaary..A.. D• 1314 as no ale& Is *slim- • • , 11 1.0...111.51.7.tb•5cat Dime ma. morn , • _ stuaamalmaarXtralortimitrl m p lu t ,.. : : Pilesqr ".." • • 211031raittrT"L''''' MI lAr l E rr D IMAMS . * of iiigirßit44l.,; AIM DIIMMT or SLIINIPIL74 litt tj aaaasa uausnii moat; fa; a, insulacciarre et tan wawa sumo alar lewd Wenent sassrlit • . keg e ~~tt to TIVIIIMeuti'Vf. pen/ elan. •-• . w tria ri vonilk. on ian"" waif t. unix* saw Woe Con% as rittnariglt. es • 9.• , 111110k 4a7 ttt Jaaaary, S. D. MIN at I. aNslOsa la um fasselga. •.• of .Util day, tbes OM la Iran cams we • 4primilak— ttbttttttttt. l2 roWitl”; 7.ri 1:11 L thd+l4lllial"n.Ml Wanlgli* Vortlactitler •-• ftwiromi.u. • - To 'Weft.* Ikerebi; g#, r 120,1 N'Otatmassr . _ -J... Malang 01 ROM BIM • , • Al , aml Stitt Si ruoulliudala SIM V* W. 1.49 Wear,' • woo. C, foploebUlari Det4Alaabr PM Mukha Oeir if J . -'1444,1!M,L - I , 4410 104 , , Thwi t.aa Wae Arllllllllll . tArIIPRZEPTICZe -- . ~,a3V11111.1 4HmSboa lave bra ILAMtkil WI% rout , riusbn+ trrizias. erp.A.IIIIIIIIIIIITILAs , 2011 WV teirlr •to 1131411... e Irr w:Mee4224, iat lta21211,41."" & """" moke, Para o.4•l4ettel4Tr .I.b•••=lSb. i 4 oprwrirAollWCnl3s- . , • f Limy 04 mkt !di:Fatima sir iastqt;.=, . u ... .41 1 1:=isaa..44egakilteottiroa. - .1,.. ..trae,r.qprviitml. , .. 5... „,......• ..... •ILI.M. 40 AN ,` ' *ribs 510.4 UMW , / 1ur1.4% an rt 111t042.3111414 soll.pur , ~,.: . arm 171.01011Y.M.E 0 et '''' . ft als I USlOXtr t irfox I sairVolli .....:•' =i it". imoitl id a_ . 2 ' ,"1C"'.....14. 1 .•0.? i lig tw.F ...7P, , wkotPutto, , y7z. ' -- 1 - 1, itunaili& al,: ~.,..-,. :::.::si;",,,,iiiiir,iiiii:-..,,..1._ • ; , 11 MOM Cllllol..td-i F i l•lACiox • .•• • , - "h4pktiqtll., I /.20..tertM3I 7ti riur. A m i ngiami " " Mil II H =LI EGO