The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 16, 1868, Image 1

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- GAS=
MUER= ZVI= moasure.
7. IL r.wr YAN,
.....a,.~ ~,
_.• f: r. saa:
• 7:114C 1 ano.A4 PINTA" mutts:
learn;'re/dam him d Vestal itInINE= . .
(MOW. PAPER Trrimils ea IED
LtrOPS- - AILEGMIT 0111.
_T. MIRA PRIM nut tla r ar PAMILT
era COULIXiteLLLI.4.7ZR ts W Melt.
x.-41 pc, ye wr.
.66044 - GAZICTTN.
elti i ljittslluilb . aa.ltiff
sent' dive is Congrasi from tho Twenty:
four jh - Penruiyisonis District; hat been
seri inaly ill at Washington since De
cerjbe r last, -suffering from • bronchial
=affection:. His many friends. will be
plea mi to learn that be is now rapidly
rtorrvering his health. .
Irr refer:kg to the . re tor:Sion of Ir.
Stat'itan , to:the; War.Depertmezt, the
. Chi cinnuti Commercial gravely roman.
"A . gratifying evidence that Mr. Stanton
-hat, loot nothing of his !prompt and /*ti
the dicta business habits daring lug en-
fortued r etirement is supplied in Liao tact
tint sine 'of his' , fleet acts se itordsT was
- 'to straw the accumulated'areears of We
.kr 3s 4anbLiees.gstUfying to the gen
' eTereader to-t4rctio tW spicy rePorti of
ConvrO r sioiva piociSipga, but ',alto
the entirecoliztry is In uncertain:
Lion andthe Tarim:us businext and mann
faCturing. interests : are Unmaking (Or
proper sore work
and a little lest: aliening over paints or
`:order., would prove more conducive to
'the urelfare. • •
. , carresporuient of Harriaburk
deal,' e.rplains the tnotiTevartfolimud
. ' Ina* the Bowe - reftiaing to laaar or
,eider flad' publlizathni of the Ger,;rike l
,„ge. , :, , rl k atAibituiint Win
<-aively published . previous to Us piticid a .
lioll to theliody' - refnattis-tra'heasit, and
rur regarded air-"dead,/natter;" arid
henCo;'arittiontionantr a t any disrespect
_ to_Gorernor 'Geary, tie Enenaberaieftted
a* hear It '
G W. W. km; Of Beaver eaten—
; ty, Wai - yerie.rday elected by -Abe Legis
:latnneas.fitate Treaaarer. The westera
delegates held together, and as a right
' due Wit' end of the State demanded hie
eltetion, and secured iC
.The item Treas.
. mrer will bring 14 him into The office
-,an unblemished pnyate "charaeter, a fair
. viatica and mill*y record, and large
business expe.rienceind . financial
Me wilt - pore a atOrthy succeaser
to Mr. 'enable, the outgoing Timmer;
white adrehileization'of affairs bas been
highly eatisfactety to: all parties, and
_whom .abllitea andßeim — nal qualities
haou'rendered Idai not only, an etilident
'end 'honest „Puna officer, bet likewiti
nnespecial:farorite with, all those with
wiem he has had imduess . dialing.
_ - .
Tll6 - RETOTIATION or MA. Skstps .
to - hiiposltion in the War Departinent
Umtata:Lain entail Se4ol2ls
nuf Preabient, stubborn and din:mined,
nu rrsoJsadto hold no num:muse with
kint,inati tun* advicenatata Out a proota-
sasSion,. simos=ang this_ tact: is forth
coudng. We do not partake, any .
-*firm front the aitleation. lir.'Srearrort
can. end will, retain the - afire from
neitiOn ho was originally only snapmded,
the tiCiesterdng mown:mita of the Fred
'deritto she ecoitisry . notwithstanding.
Bat while be holdehis petition it will' sir
'amount So little,- as Xt. Jona.
ion - can ignore the feet eccupa
i tipsy and refusing. to adnait him
into the G'abinet, can render bin
ptsition. anyihing hat pleasant. Then,
main; the Presideni can transact all of
his bitineas as of
the. Army Sumter' General • Galin' and
other oliiiceralwithont so mock as con
stitog 6TA3TO3, who will be left.
Kith OCatpatiOn gone. Powerless to let
aside the mandate of the Senate,- embit.
tired heyond expressiiin towards the re
instated Secretary, and ticketed in Ids
effort to keep the war portfolio- out of ,
the 'da of,..tiLesnortal enemy, it Ss
hitid hiM y ; aincelvabba to what degree of
deilieration the President' may drift.
. Bit be ia checkmated, and . hit tree
frimeis wil t adeise him to accept things
hs none finds them, and to past the
few - reMeining months- of his political
Me iv. peace and gales. .
—Goodrich; the Pittsfield, Mass., batik
Tobber,lma , de:hulled and ;et lila father
psy haiL
—E. Leighton, an old =dwell known
pork packer of Uncinnatf, died very
anddenlyyeeterday of apoplexy..
-The Shedd' and Ws deputy, at
have 'been arrested and
...turned overe to the civil authorities for
instigating distarbances.
CloWeina-Eleteher, of .311sontri, yes
terda7 talk poisesilon of the Iron Moon-
Min strairoad, In the name of the State,
for- non-rompliance• with the terms of
eiskoto Thomas Allen and emaciates.-
-Gen. Bumpbreys, the "confidence
nxisti,": who operatel at Pittsfield, Mane,
and tan snray to CILICII3IIIIII last stimmer
With Miss Kenyon, has pleaded guilty to
with .
at Springfield, Maas.;
s t for obtaining money under false repro
-: aentations.
—The llepubliMus meenhers of the Ohio
drirgetien. here elated n petition ad the Estate, asking It to releit
the nomination of Suiset Cox as Minis
'ter loAustala, stating sa a principal ren
ame thathe always opposed the Ropubli.
pany,lind that during the last cam-
Yu d ge ,'"• .l ve d n e t ft ' ,. ° E l l.l ° .. ` l 'd .A l tilt *l fo n
the Senate.
117Taleatar5.5ti...Ptusuaria chmette.3
- .• •
NSF Yoitr,Jaii.: 1,-18613.
norsiggirr.e YErrrxo
The prrlhsunery mooting of, the. State
inadmairs t,-day was very abgtaly at-
Sonde& cotomittio Irma appolatedlo
=alto arranattoents. for a Convention to
be bold la May.
_A large ntestLugoras held at the Corn
Encluunge to-day for, the parrot° of
adoptingverolatione in favor of arorltuo
thou of the 'whisky tax to tlftyz= u r
gallon,. After conalderable
the meetingadjourned tin Saturday with
out action. . .
The steamer Penneylvanis has arrived
from- Liverpool. Captain. Lewis was
washed overboard and drowned daring
ewe- WSUITIBOVi le IL Ceert
Tart the Right of the Celtlehir Us
her tie tlearter:
. OPT thligrapn to ten tltutratztt Ovtette.l
- Pirmannnrou, January the
:United" Slates Court no-day the
case or
the Commoneinalth son' the Pittsburgh
'& Connellevilie Railroad Colipany, was
Leant on n quo mar/wale:to teen the right
of thenompanyander their chaiter.
Mal'urbane@ all ..lizassey—losporlaxt
Ornesponderees Motwees N.p.atrosli
LB, TAU!Iron io rittsbursh Osaelts.l
Efavaria, Jafmary 15.--Adylces from
.otracsa - report the National Guard
numbing toward Araguay to suppress a
disturb:mon Or tolling in that quarter.
Father Fisher left Havana in the
steamer :Eagle on the way .to Austria.
Very important correspondence between
Maximilian. and Napoleon - has jut.becla
publistiedln •
LDf Teitimh rt,tstraiett essotto 3
ANNAPOiIi, Jan. li—The' Legislature
to joint aoxivektion to-day voted for
Sensior'.with the-lloi -iosolt:
BWZllD;tblrty-severi -(s loos of four from.
ee „rot%
sicattert4g.fk7tiro necessary to
~ ~i F
- • -
alefolntteas Eudorahug Ilaaretar,
litsanaa Panatto 1 laird laaalva , ga
the Seitase—The Sams lialtigeg
eaaata In the ilease—Sea. Irene
alectan .tale Treaaarer- - Preplwed
liallroad la Familia awl lkoloarael—
Resolution VlaLog Time af Adieu's.
meat, le. Ay. •
iSso:l•l7DlGmtett to 17ttelitratt Gantt./
ELutrununa, Jan; 15;lka.
nizm3iu-riox OF eraciirrntit ■TLR7Oc
Mr. LOWRY, of raie, Rican tho Com
mittee on - Federal:Relation; reported
joint resolutions endorsing Secretary
Stanton, as -
%Resolved, Tkat 'the loyal men of this
Commonwealth 1141 with joy the res
toration of Hon; Edwin &mutest
to the °face trona which he has been
gaily excluded, and that the thanks bf
the P 5 4 ,1414.4 Pennsylvania are hereby
tendered - to the Senators who have, by
their. action in this case, - 'Vindicated a
ment , .irious Miter and rebuked an epos
tatel,resident , •
stotred, Thit it - is the milminni wish
v.f the loyal men of Penns - yinulla that
lion. Edwin 31, Stanton shall retain the
mhos he now holds; that he will abalvide
personal wishenfor the public reed; anti
that the country, more than ever requir
ing his service; may again rest la secu
rity with Ms - unflinehlng' Secretary of
the head of military affairs.
Debated .utd_ passed to a third reading
by a atria party vote.
. lenaoLltviox T 6 mitaintasz. -
Mr, BROWE, of Lawrence: A bill re
intlittratng•Win. IG.Marbelien fur money
advtmeed for bounties. •
comutemorrrna TO' c 'err TEE INILL'N E.
3fr.WORTHINGTORiefCheeter: Au
thorizing the Governor to appoint three
Commissioners to visit the insane and
report next year.;••
Mr. 3.11 - tIGIIT. of,Faystic A new
lationlizing Maid:llloi for the flail ad
Alioom act ineorporatingthe Mountain
Railway Company, to build a rand from
Pairs City, irt Faritte, to Smithfield, hi
S - Omereat county.
Alen, an set authorizing the Mononga
hela Valley 'Railroad Company to bulld
a.branch aunt the Monongahela river to
3LSTMODIST . anor3D, nm-
Mr. ERRETT, of Allegheny, relative
to the removal of b odtes from Methodist
burial ground, Pittsburgh, andebanging
the Coiumissieerus for that purpose.
Also, a • bill paying retiring officers
thirty dollars for sersices and fifty for
mileage. Passed. - •
The wholesession was occupied in de
bating a resolution, Sy Air. KLECK
NER, of Philadelphia, endorsing the ac
tion of the United States Swats in re-
storing Edwin AL Stanton as Secretor?
Mr. JONES, ot Berke, moved an
amendment condemning such action.
The amendment trim lost by a strict
Parts vote. - • -
Pending discussion the House ad
In the convention of both Houses, at
twelve o'clock:, General •W. W. Irwin
received seventy-three votes for State
Treasurer, and - William V. McGrath
fifty-eight. General Irwin was duly
Mr. Wallace; Democrat, of Clearfield,
and Mr, McCullough, 'Democrat, of Clear
field, werarstbsent.
tfixe!altorreconit.,4ce Cltithanti GIS cnt• 7
He' Jan. 14, 1553.
. .
"lathe House, last thht,theGoiernor's
Afeseage coining up, the House refused
to hate it read, and also 'retell down all
motion* to print extra copies.
I su thei Democratic papers will
try to p construe ibis Into an thtennal
slight on thee Governor; but It is not
The 3fersago, It will be remembered,
wanner:it by the Grvernor to tke press,
Rest and Wart, in advance Of ha de
livery, no doubt having then edam that
the two Houser would organize promptly
on the first day. The deed-lock in the
House diEeppagAd this expectation;
and the Message having been prema
turely given to the - public by the press,
the Governor bad no alternative bur to
send it to the Senate
as emir as poesible
after its organiradon. It thus fell Into
the bands of the mambos of the House,
and was read by them several days be
fore the House organized; end It seemed
like a waste of time to spend an hour in
the House In reading what was already
hunillerrastter to every member of that
body.-Al! of those wire voted against
the reading disclaimed any , Intention of
slighting the Governor: -
Asto the refusal to,print, that was*
question (economy.: The. House,' Just
now, is inhering under s fit of economy
—long may It continue. _The funny pot
of It Is, thst the State - Printer, antlelptit
leg the usual resolution, to- print 10.000
extra copies of the Message, had tlyit ,
number struck of and resdyfor do-
)(Tull The Homo seri probably have
them, cheap, new. - -
• In thrtjetrit Republican - caucus to - day .
Err. Connell withdrew his =sue as a
candidate far Trissorer, remarking that
if Mr. -
Irwin - should prove as-energetic
In the office =boiled - been= the caucus,
be would make - en ! Invaluable - officer:
He moved to non:dente Hr.lrwin unard.!
Mr. Landon objected. Tbe Northern
Republican counties had serer been re-
SlB cogulied In the distribution of &ate of-:,
Lc-offen they gave s fall bailor Gov.;
Geary's nodosity, in MS, be thought!
they were entitled to acme necognltiono
now. He therefor* urged the nomination
ofltr. S. F. Masan. • -
•It might have been. urged, in reply,
that Allegheuy, Beaver, Bu liar and Law
rence—the font cecutars adjacen t to Gen.
Irertri's Loma-pee mere, than- half of.
Governor Geary - a majority; bat as there
was no show for Idr,Mmion, this answer
was not thought necessary..
The vote on Treasurer was - fifty-nlnei
for Irwin to nine (or Mason. The moo
were Landon and Cowles, of the serudt,
and Barnett, Lott, Webb Cbsnibertaln, -
Clark, Mann and Davis (Speaker of the
Rouse). All tho ' Allegheny 'members
voted. ier - ,
The proceedings in both Eaves,
Present no panto worthy of noternat
have not barn telegraphed to yen. 'The
Free. Itailroad. , Law of tke last session
(twit passed the Hones)) was introduced
into the Senate by Mr. "Erma, and re
ferred to the Eatiroml Committee. It is
identical with Senator Bighorn's bill of
last sermon. The r • woo will report
It hmorably. aztzemerter.::
41411•1111ilidl• riil.-11111111ainana Pars
Atm Proppet.-4.aelers sand VOllatte
Mire Zilirilalake.. dAkieta•
Oar the Pluabarik fissettal
:caw Yong, Jan. 15.-14nm:od4 dates
of December lath state that the plot 'for
the assassination of President 'Falcon, by
criminals, bad failed.:Falcon had M.
awed his Cabinet that si free election for
his anoonnor should be held. Two Gen
erals bad lone to put down the rebels In
. .
St. Thomas advice= slate that .
commteahmer from gt. DomingoVhe
united State* bad arrived there. He
has mare favorable otters to make for the
sale of Sammie, as the Harlan Govern
ment needs fonds to out down the re
bellion.' sanest nee. had been sen t for
by the Dornialcanx. - -
Reviles advices to the 6th inst, state
that there were symptoms Ora revolu
tion In favor of General Solomon..
St. Thome dates of the 3d, state that
the cholera and vomit* is prevailing In
I the gammon, and among, the Laborer. on the sunken wrecks. • Fottrpaammtere of
the steamer South America died at quart
amine of '
Three British war shine had arrived,
prerienalp- Machina at. Tortola, and dis
tributing a relief fend of tor. theasand
Seven eisequskes tad taltmulace. at.
:FortoßWontlt bleated that France will make Mar- -
Unique a free port. •
. .
. .
.., . . ..r.
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_ _ _
Grant and the Frei'den
The Reiteration of Eitantoa
irritated at Ike sllaatien
Grant Charged with Bad Faith
Proclamation Expected from
Noa-Oammunication with Stanton
Mania's Admlaistratto
He Refutes 'a CanineLulea to
Try Htrdeters.
Der Tslenses talks pittOgligh thsott!..:
. . , .
ltisatztbro2t, January 15, 1868.
The President, is extremely Irritated at
the conduct of General Grant In turning
overthe War °face to Mn Stanton with
out giving him previous notica. The
following is the President's version of
the affair:- - Ater General Grant took
charge of the War Department he had I
conversation with the Presideint upon
the possibility of Mr. Stanton being
instated by the,Senete: The President
naked him wha be would do In each au
event. Grant replied, "I ahall in that
event either bantiyou my resignation as
acting Secretary or let a mandamus be
issued against me to surrender tb• of
fice." Oa Saturday last the subject was
again preaented to General Grant by the
President, Shen the latter reiterated the
promise previously made,. and added
that the President should hear from him
on Mom*. Mr: Johnson heard noth
ing from Grant an the subject until
Tuesday at noon, when an otklier of
Grant's Etaffdellvered the- following to
aravhs„Washhigton, Jenuary.l4, 18C3—
flisEiteellency Andrew Johnsm,P res.
[dent of the United States—Sac I hey.
the honor to enclose herewith a copy of
en- official notice received by 'me lior
evening of the action of the Senate or
the United States in the case of the ans.
pension of Hon. E. EL Stanton, Secretary
of War._ According to the provirdons of
secticra two of en act regulating. the ten
ure of civil officers, my functleas ender,
Mary of War ateMterun ceased form the
moment Of the receipt of the within no-
have, the honor to bet, very raped,
1011 y, your obedient acrepnt,
• .U. S. °mom General.
WWI appended a copy of the
notieo served on General Grant by the
Secretary of the Senate. Same after the
delivery of this nets General Grant call
ed upon the President, and upon tang
reminded by Mr. Johnson of Ida yeller.
clad promise General GmaL is said to
leave admitte d it in the presence of mem
hereof the Cabinet.- Gan. Grant's friends
ay that thin version if the story is in
correct in several important particulars.
Grant admits having .made the promise
alluded to by the , President soon' after
entering the War Mee. Upon closer
inspection of the law,- however, he after
wards changed his mind, and in macer
ation with the President on Satrirdav
intimated the fsot to Mr. -Johnsen. It fa
alsb aecartained that when the President
reproached Gen. Grant for his conduct,
at the Cabinet meeting he admitted hav
ing made the promise, but said be had
changed big mind and, is accordance
with the action of the Senate, considered
that he merely obeyed the law to turn
ing the War Otllm over to Secretary
Stanton. Grata friends think he ha
completely outwitted the president for
PROCL&NATION .roaaannzio Orjfi IZIAL
special says there is good authority
for saying that either to-morrow or nest
day a proclamation will 14 batted by the
President in which all officers of the
army are forbidden to hold or have any
communication with ..Mr. Stanton, am
Sectetaryof War, and not to oheyanyor
dem he may issue. The draft of such
proclamation is understood to have been
by Mr. Seward - and was re,ad
nrio the President to-day: •
Secretary McCulloch has issued actor
der to heads - of Bareans in his depart
ment forbidding them to ?anodes Sec
retary Stanton as Secretary of War until
his status in that department is settled.
It is said Lingle: orders will be Lamed to
other Executive deparunents,
There wow recalled at headquarters of
the army a Spy of s letter address! by
MaJ. Gen. Hancock. to the Governor of
Tema, who. asks, for reasons stated, a
military commission to be appointed to
try this persona for the crime of mur
der. • Gen. Hanoock, In reply, expressed
the opinion that the exiSing grverni
meat of Texas .Prawessar all the
pp - neeesary for - the proper
and prompt. ial ef the prisoners In
quoins,. in d ue - muse of law, and
any. It moat be *matter of .proGound re
gret to all who voted for the Constitu
tional Government that there should be
,siemens, In times of commotion, when
the public good imperatively requires
the Intervention of military power for
the repression of disorders In the body
politic, and fir the punishment of arm ,
ses against the existing law. of a
country, framed for -the pros
creation -of Mcial order. - BM that
the Intervention' of tits power should
be called for, or even be ingested, by
stillnzagietnits, when the lam is no
imeer intent awl civil tuaglitratei• are
possessed in their rerptetive spheres of
all power neceasary to give east to all
laws, metes the surprise of the Cam.
minder of Ms Fifth Military District. .
Gen. Pope lue been maligned to the
command - of the Depollute**. of the
Lakes, hcadquartens at Detroit. .
RIM vast omcc.
Nothing now trosiapired
,tlant morntug
' In rotation to tit" re-lcultatoment of Mr.
Stanton. A. Uri* number of Senators
and Reprosootturrea milted on Ain titan.
ton during the &ovation, No ofatial or
other communication hay pored be
twooo the President and Mr. Stanton
*lnca his relrusatoment,nod no ruders
bare been tamed by 'litter.'
Tint War= NOVAN.
At the F.linUve Mansion Mix morn
ing there wai an unusual attendance of
vlattora. r. .
idimblleam Blue Cgraireallets—leml
for filvanisr,,dte.
Itattrronn, Jimutry 15.—The Repub.
Emu State Convention mstiliAllyn Hall
to•dey. Nearly tour hundred delegates,
were present. - • Eton. Augustus Brands,
M°L,7°—.l? was chosen
Governer on: both- of.willeh Marshall
Jewett, or Hartford led. By aunentnsons'
vote. IStr. Jewett Was then' nominated
(or Governor. .
AC the afternoon melon the Stale Mk
et was completed se follower. Witten.
ant Governor, Francle Wayland; Secre
tary, of State. Itiram • Applenten;
Treasurer, L. W. Meanest - Comptroller,
. .
. .
Item Maims endorsing Oen:Ursa and
the platrorm Of the National Radioed
Party, were adopted. Every delegate
arose &adjoined in nine cheers for the
platform, its ticket and Grant.
assisetniactilis Logis(ausie—lFlrs.
(B) Teleirapli se ✓e limbers. Sum* )
Bogrox, San. 15.—The time to-day
pawed to a third reading, by it voto of
na to 52, a bill repealing the State eon.
flartahorneQ Co„'s leather artabliele.
moat, Pearl street, suffered damage last
night, to the amount of .20,000, by heat
and smoke, Ahem fully covered byltuntr-
Row We:ft lereatatastr.
ttervetntri t o t so tee mamma wattovt
Armanr, Few York, • Jan. .15.-40 the
.haterobly, today, resolutions were
adopted requesting members of Congress
to demand from
the Executive. proteo!
bon to naturalized citizens travellog
■broad, and me all means In their power
to road,
Macaw reconstructlon blli now
Catholic Policy in Italy Changed
Turkey and the United States
Fontana Committed for Trial
Moan Prep areal eise in Sere la
The Roman Question
Arrival of Maximilian's Remains.
TataiSß las ilitatnusb Gum.
=Altai op ?own. ap CAMIOLICS.
nonstuts, January 15.—k large class
of the OUlaglie pulat sib ich; 'sin co
the consolidation of the KingdoM undo",
Victor Emanuel, has steadily :anima to
recognize his government by voting, has
resolved to abandon its policy at inac
tion, and will take an active put in the
next Paillsmentary elections. -
Marquis Gus.Wein has been appointed
Minister, at thek .?:tml Household aid
Galeittainpael4oaant ui& ova
1:f2M1E11 EITATI
Lormorr, January 11—The Levant
Herald, published at Constantinople, in
a merit lune remarked a long end Able
articlim regard to the , intitienoe 'of - the
United Stable in the Eastern question.
The writer dented that the influence of
the United States hal been weakened Li
Turkey by the late exchange of spud
offices between Route and America.
Notwithstanding' even the resolution
passed by the American Congress, ex
pressing sympathy for the Cretans, the
ofmlldencebithriatithorities of the Uni
ted States, the Herald continues, woo
never higher than now.
LONDON, January 15.—The .Fardin
ottla T s
~r ,a nd man,. arrested on th e Slat of
Dsoiente"t :Martl Tyd . vill;txt South
Wale/. have bean examined and mm
ndttellfor trial on a charge of treason.
It fa stated that Fru=la Das Mind
Franey and At:LAS:tin a note to the Gov
ernment of Seryla testeating Its hostile
1711.11.111 M.
71:11 , i 0,1!AIS 'WITIFB3I9N.
PAVIA: JaitAs..—The et to-day,
In a leading editorial, says the govern
'manta of Francs end Pnzaida hate agreed
to act together on the Roman question,
so far as to restore-the relations between
the Ring of Italy and the Stains of the
Church to the exact status masted by the'
September Convention between Italy and
Franca. The Putrid kola Ifidir Wan not
interpose any obstacle to the accomplish
ment or dile purpose.
The appearance of a pamphlet on for.
elan rotation. and domestic affairs of
Franco, which La being prepared by
Prince Napoleon, is snarly awaited by
the public.
osnroLL or WAIIMILLAN'S 6mtax:•l4.
VIENNA, Tan. Lit . —The approach of the
frigate 'lS'irearra inswing bees signalled
from Triest, the EMpercrFrancle Joseph.
the Arch Dukes Mid other member of
the Imperial family left to-day on n spe
cial train for that 'ICU,' to receive the ra
melon of MaximUlas. ,
A delegation of i,tellana. with General
llearneatro at the head. has gone to
Trieste, to be present at tie landing of
the remains of Itailmillan.
Ltssos, January 15.—The Lower
Members( Cortaz,lashe been dissobred by
tbaNdni, end orders here 000 out for
a new Chamber, which la called to meet
at the end of. April
I =1
Lotman, Jan. 15.—Eratiag.—Cnnaols
etaa4.l at 1324; Amailcan saenritlea closed
(Andy; 5-20 a 711: Minds Gotta] Ex. 844;
Fria 474: •
Ja4. -
faekarroar, Jai. LS.—Llteing.—lLT. 8.
bends Ted.
lavraroot., Jan.;l3.—Ereeing.—Counn
closed unchanged; middling uplands 71;
do. Orleans 71; sale* 10.030 hales. Bread
etuffs--arbeet firmer, at 17e led for ('all.
Petals white, and ltle 3d for red-western.
Care 4.'D. Provlelons closed irregular.
Pork declined to Mt. Boa arm, al la*.
Other articles unaltered. Produce un-
Atrreirstr, Jan..lls.—Esestiao.—Petro•
team clamed dull, 44 francs for stand-
Tits Illommestesettihm Comsat
rrrtrVt"olVtt"•YrN't` , 4't , ''l - 1
41Seless41$4 N tag 41.140.4r41 name.)
Jar:zees, January 15.—1 n the Conven
tan to-day, Mr. Fliad arena the follow
Wnsansa, Muck protrantetl debate
and iota of Nato results from the direr-
City of opinion relative to the character
of our suiveniment and its fundamental
It is tbmairable that the aortae of this
Convention be taken on stick questku,
the settlement of which by its vote may
arrest this; therefore
Bemired, That; according to the prin
ciples of the laws'and constitution of our
State and National government all legis
lative acts psased according to constitu
tional fors are binding. and' valid ar
coustitutional law,wblcb ail Sidi viduali, -
corporations and oflicers are bound to
aboy from tho time of the enactment of
the same until fondant void by a Ju
dicial docialoia that they are unconsti
tutional. t •
The reseltitioa' elicited 11 protracted
debate but was adopted 'by eixty.two to
sevent)-four TOM.
I The Conveittoi '
of- the Constitutional
Union Party met to-day. Twenty-fire
nom:aloe were represented: Among the
delegateawro •soya of the moil proud
neat men ofthelltale, of all former shades
of panned opinion. Acne' R. dampen,
an. Old Lane Whisk Was cheese Pres
ident. „
The initiority rose of the .Cenimittee.
on resel?thiraitireihror of 'subscribing
to tho principles and Itastuning MIXO or
the NationaDetticicratte party.
A substitute wee °gored, which pro
mtes to subscribe to the principles of the
Democratic party, but to retain the name
of the Constatutional Union; .pany.
Pending action on thiresolutlicis, the
Convention adJsurned till to-night
The AflasisalpPl Press Conveutton
meets to-morrow.
orfuwwa It 4:911Ires111011.
19 - 111agragoi t* Os PlUabash Visette.]
RALIIIOII January. 15.--Tho Conven
tion organised C. J.' Cowles, of
Wilkes, was elected President; J. T.
Darns, Cumberland, principal clerki..J.
11. Boner, Forsyth*, andstant; James 11.
Janes, of Wake, neve,- prirkelpd door
keeper, and John;D. Ball:White assis
tant. AU the. oaken an It:Wks/a.
Jones. the' ptincipal doorkeeper, Is an
original five negro, and was Jeff. Davis'
body servant. - During the war be wee
captured witithim.
Et./401 Cal NM Natoli
0401 , -.11111111.0. ..,.i.N..
my Want* lo th• ' , moans a mencl
_CaLtrernms, 0., Janruiry 15.—The Lev
la/ature met to-day In joint convention,
and elected' A. G. Thurman &maks tor
abx years, frontlraroh d, 1860. • • •
Governor Hip, lute appointed .rosepli
T. Webb, of Cincinnati, Surgeon General
of Ohio.
- Currency Contraction Bill‘Paseed
in the Senate. l;
• ,
New Reconitruction-41ill
Debate Resumed in the Nouse
, ,
Fernando . Wefod,' Denounces tido BD
and fonateds as Intoned,
He is Called to Order and ItAtises
to Apologise,
censored pg. the, speaker d
Not Allowed to Procee -
Gto. Hancock's Peley Distailed.
Nriiumormt, Jan. 15, 1
• .
. 1 4 r
The_Chstr lelaibifore the Baheta s•
=m' finnisome member of the ,
of Regiatratinn ;of Allastsaippl, . set g
forth the destitute condition of the p 0
there, bothrwhlte sad eoleind, and p -
log foram advenelt okanpplies to piio
toVe eensidenni as a lien on their crops,
Itsfeired to the Cann:Mite on Italuto r
Mr. I!dORTON presented a petit!
signed by upwnrrlo of tsar Moreland eol:
ored citizen. of Waiiiiingtan, setting forth
the unjust discrimination against them
by contractor. and ether etoployetts, and
from combinations of other laborem,and
praying - Ahat men may be pitt In charge.
of the public works who will.not dis
crentreLte against them. Itenirrid to the
Committee on Dietrict of Columbia:
Mr. MORTON said the same condi,
Min of things existed here that did in ;ha.
southern States. It was charged •that'.
colored men would not work when they
were allowedthe opportunity.
Mr. SUMNER said* bill was penditig'
to taker/I,m the Mayor the appointing
power new eserr.bied to the detrimenike
colored citizens.. Us hoped the t3ersate
would take. It up 'and act on It to-day.
31r. Dltiff fipmeattal a petition fro&
the Ss—Louis board of Trade for the To.
moral of the Linked States Arwonal from
that Raforred.
TRultntax, front the Judlciar7
Certnnidec, reported In f►wor of the In
definite postponement of the hill to reg.
taste 'fern and caste in the 'United Matte
District Courts. Sc. The' report., wen
Mr. SUM) ER, from the Commdteaod
Foreign Relations, reported a Jain!. nun
lulloa for the payment of 4:s,aooidataa•
zaa for the seizure of a Spanish 94:911211P
"Ueuend ltherruan. at Part Bard.
The resolutloa was adopad•- •
Mr. CONS introduoisfa resolution
that Onigrests consent to. Hon. Anson
Burlingame receiving s civil" appoint- Rom the Helper:lr of China. Re
ferred to Committee on Foreign Affairs.
C/lANDLER moved to • refer to
the Commit Ate en Commeres the melte ,
ties allowing the appointment of naval
•ollkeere se evjn.uls, now In the hands of
the Committee on Nava/ Aflame.
The debate on
.11te 'gassed viwbjeot of
erunitilar appointments continued until
the expLr.mon of the morning hour,
whim the Subject was tatd wade, and •
The bill to prevent the further *ad:ac
tion of (be currency, taken up. • .
Mr. tir RAGl:noonciaded tine remarks
on the enkle,t.
After further delane by Miners. SUER.
SIAN and St ORM LL the L.lll was pawed
In lb. Cr.rmuittorla.
lir. Sli lirthlA it unwed to insert:llls
amendrarnt.' •u led paterilay, that
that the amount *ranch notes now exist
ing what! net be thrther reduc.d until
Cengraw shall otherwise preside
Agreed te.
Mr. CONT.LING moved to emend Yv
inserting at - the word the nreductloa '
the words "or ..e-cased."
. - •
After • debate De Mu r es. MORTON.
LING. WILM..' ItestrEusas, CON-
modified the entendment by pmelding
"that nothing heroin contained WWI ef
fect the fuser or U.. Secretary of the
TIWIJIUIT to maintain the seserre au
thorised by the !north section of the not
of June Nob, tM4. Further debate be
tween Ileum. COSKI.INO,
amembitent wax
lost—fifteen to twenty-three. • ' •
The amendment .1 . the Committee was
then *greed to and the bill passed by the
following vote: •
nod—Mean. Anthony,_Hosteler&
Carnemsn, Catsll, Cole Craln, Dooli
tle, Drake, Fowler, Frel Liar
lan, Henderson. Hendricks, Howard,
'Howe. Morrill, Oleo Morton, Norton,
'.TIN rartersion. (Than.,) Pomeroy. Rasa,
Ratosey, Sherman. Stewart. theses.
Tipton. Tramboll; Wade. Willey. Wll
Item% Wllsno , Yates—rhlrtpthreis.
..Attays —3l owl rn. Conklin& Terry, Mor
gan, and Patterson-4;11r. Mr. Corbett
bad paired eir with Mr. Stewart, Mt. Ed.
Inn oils with Mr. Johnwr, Mr. Yeasienden
with Mr. 0 dines aud Mr. Vaawyck with
Montil, of Vermont. The Senate
at 6:33 adjourned.
Tilitscnoot. ■Utt.
Mr. DAWL'S presented &substitute Air
Mr. Stwrerud school MD. which was or
dered printed:.
The CIPNAKER announced appoint.
month to 111 l ortrourlot oa corimirim. ea
killowa On Committee 01:11141reas land
Maim., Mr. McCormick, Mo. place of
Mr. Hanlon, of Ohlo, demoted; on Com
auttoo on 'undid Posationo, Mr. Trimble,
of Kontuoky; in plann of Mr. Fon, of
Now York, deceased.
Hr. JQISAII, from the Committee en
Public lauds, reported a bill "making It
'Me duty of the deerelmy of the Interior,
whenever- pobllo lands In any Matelot
shall b• emurly or quite clisposad dr, to
close the Lomat Land Otßes to that Mae
trice and have the mesas trunifarred to
the General Land Mice. .
• .
Mr. DONNELLY, from the same
Donee, reported a hill for the relief of
settlers en the late Sioux Riding =Ne
vi:atoll In Ationesota, allowing them two
years in whieh they may make payi,ent
for their clalme. Pawed.
It, olio reported a bill Auriondalory.of
the Homestead Law of May 07th,11118",
allowing applicants tar oemmutatlon„
when ;prevented from personal site/e
-dam* at the DixtrictLead °Mee ' to
make affidavit and proofs before the
Clerk of the County Court, which, after
debate. tweed.
, Mr. HOPKINS, from the same Coto-
mitten, reported back the bill extending
till the lint of January, 1872, the time
for the completion of the Dubuipte and
thous City Railroad, in lowa, which wee
opposed by. Mr. WAfiIIBURNE, of
Minnie, as a - stupendous grah,"and by
dilatory motions, until the expiration of
the morning hour, when It went over tlll
tomorrow. ,
Tho House resumed the 000elderzUois
the Recenetructlon Bill.
Mr. WOOD, who was entitled to the
door, yielded a few • minutes to Mr.
NICHOLSON, who expreaved briefly his
; condemnation of the proposal measure.
Mr. WOOD then sddreesed the'llonse
jnopproltion to the bill. In his judg
ment the present moment was the Meta
of du country:- It required very little
more to Involve the country In national
disaster and annihilation. Sines • last
Monday what had the country seord_An
attempt to lay socrillmcms 'hands on the
Supremo Court of the United States.
ThatJudiefary Department bad hitherto
mmeleed free from politico' soutailons.
Ty • little further alvarios In carrying
nut the pnwdoles of ths bill,
Congress might declare the Supreme
Conn could not decide satinets:ly sot of
Commas. There had been three ether
proooaltions made, any of which was
calmilated to liana the people. The float
was the prepointion to degrade one of the
most Illustrious officers of the srmm ;
Mr, SPALDING made the point of
order that the gentleman should maths
himself lathe angled under diticusslen.
The limo - had pasted the Jud iciar y bill,
and tim bill la reference to Glen Han..
cooly was
The fiIIEAKDR pro tem., Mr. GAR-
PlELMoverrruledthelot, -
Mr. WOOD promeded, end ODOMIMI.
ted is number three the unprecedented
and remarkable transaction Which on
carted:in the Executive Depirtentutt In
that connection he Olt with:int the
consent ef the P,reeidenhand fa
of an IMplicit ;dodge on the part of
of the War 011 Ice,
Mt. S4n
tnn had been thrust back by the Sedate
ins position Item which he had been
displaced._The fourth measure' was the
bill now nde?r dismission—a bill . with
out a title—a child *about a halite, and
probably wi thodt a father—smoastrosity
—a measure the most Infamous of the
many infaimouS aria of Mb; infamous
Cceutteel.. •
Mr. BINGHAM mad* lb* question •
order on the last .expression of Mr.
wool,. .
_ -
The BPRAKEiII minimal the viira to
be taken clown. The .expreratea wax
written out by the Globe reporterand
read from the Clerk's desk.
The W - onlit Ilaving:lite;n 'read, Mr.
ROSS noggeste& I ocularly, that Mr.
WOOD tin the 'dor& "sitMlted." aloud
The SPEAKER ruled that the expes-
Men excepted to was out of order, ,tad bad read by the Clerk the alatty
first rule of the Montle; to the offehtt,lr
when a member Id called to order, see.
cision be In hie favor, be shall be et lib
erty to proceed; if otherwlse, Shall
not be permitted to proceed,ln case any
member object to his doing' so, '6lthout
leave of the HOllllO. .
Tim SPEAK Eft added that the gentle;
man from Kew Yerk had a righydpre•
mad,membed objected. I
Mr. RINOHAM-1 ottject to bis'pro
mod log at all uniem he takes back those
words and makes an soolOgy.
• Many , members on the: Itcpnblican
eltio—"Thet le.right.” _
The SPEAKER again Informed Mr.
WOOD if he desired to eXpLiin, be bad
th ld o r. p rffo t Vre it Vit i gsaid—Mr.Spealter,
r bare no ox tabulation to live.
Tim BPLARKR—Then the galtWaten
en only proceed with Ms remsulur!bf,
consent of the/louse. . -; • ;
er the gentleman from New York should
be allowed to pro-need, and there was as
emphatic "no."
Mr. ELDItIDGE called for the ayes
and nays.
Tie question was taken and roadbed,
yens thaty-nine, nays one hundred end
do Mr. MOOD was not allowtxt
nixof-irrzoir TO crierllBl.
Mr. DAMES then moved Me tall o w eg
resolution • •
liesitlx4, Ting Fernando wood,l a
member of this House (rem the Stahl or
New York, having this day used In de
bate upon tho flouter this Home 'the
following worde: Y monstrosity—a
Measure the most Infamous el thisinfa
mous acts of this 'Mahlon* Cenral/se ,
deserves therefor the. censure of this
Rouse, and the Speaker is hereby Mr
rented -Torthwitti to• prone:ince that min.
lure at the bar of this Rouse. )
Mr. ELDRIDGE; moved to ley the res.
°kitten on the table. Negatived.
The previous' question was then siie !
ended, and the House promoded to vote
by yeas end nays on the adoption of the
resolution. The onto resulted—yens one
handfed and eighteen:lmM thittYteight
--a strict party vote. - , •
Yd wean onnausitt
the rewintlott was adopted 'sad thci
in aceonlancit with 14 pro.
Omitted to attoiltihtar a comity In the
"Mr. Fernando Wood t Ida 'e Trentise
the-Lowe , Privileges ant Shave of
Parltam.ont., tram which we derive the
ninlidainental principles of our paths-
Mentary law, In speaking of occurrences
like that whkh has caused the vide, the
,rlacdt of hie jinn been anion peed,
.thaa spelt:* to otniatudyunfte*oto-
Ilt to permit cams:l4 remarks against
the eltaroctor aid coad act of Taritantoot
tabs used without rebuke; I.e.' they ant
MA only' a contempt of that nigh gourt,
but. calettlatod to degrade the Legislature
dfe the !same/lon of the people, If di
isment agalust the other fincuss,l end
hussaal hirer wttlient cenanre,thery waft
appear to implicate one Hems@ ;Id dia.
eoartenv to the other. if against the
Mons in which the wants are spoken,
It would be impossible to overlook the
dianspect of one of lb own members.
Weeds of that objectionable character
are never 'Token but to anger, and when
called to orderthe member sums e•lf the
error into . .whielt h. bee been misled.
Ho moat retract or mats Slitlilitiory
epobeu. Should be refit to watery th
ilonetein this wanner, be will b. ,pu n
bated by a reprimand or comtotturut.,
'glaring violated this asiverally reef
%wired robeof twrlluneotary law; Oki
limos bee ordered Its mason to be pro-
mowed nu you by Its presiding offloar.
Thie duty barb= been performed you
will mum* your wet."
Mr. 11.0: inquired- whetter !
WOOD, having paid- Ibis penalty; was
not entitled to the taelatioe of Ile hour.
Mr. WOOD said be would like Ito
House to it klin to . kaiak Lis rte.
marks. {Derisive Mushier . from Itermt.
limo - , . ,
Ilene by a moomadora.Umt eC tha tote
let tbo mottle:cum recomod.
Mr. WOOD mold-411r, I oball
Mom Wore the oouolry.
Mr. I.loliNti movrof ansalmona me
ow to Mr. WOOD to print kla matorko,
whirl, mot with IMILIIILEMLII 41011411:41
from Om Ropublku Mao. • • - •
24r. 111WIC , one of the minority mom
hers of the Reoonstruction Cbtosoltiee,
argued against the bUI and read an ex.
tract from the argasseut of Mr... 111140.
LIAM, before the Asmsalroulms 31lilutry
Commiseion. to prove some ineonslaten
ty Newman It and his pretreat
Mr. TIINOItAIif dem/onus language
inthatol to him In that samtiment wee
not la the connection which the geatle
man from Kentucky was using It. ,
Mr. sayit le Lathe 'gement':
Mr. WOOD made the point of order
that Mr. Bingham had need usparlia..
'lantern Istiguage, sod charged the twx-
Osman from Mgetuek• with folesbecd.
The Choir, Ale. lICLUURD.' New
York, overruled the point.
Mr. DECK remarked he should ban
&towered In very different tangling If
such charge hod been made.
qr. FARNSWORTH spoke In support
of the bill, contending that thefirstrielen
of the C•ruditution placing the executive
power in the hands or the Preoldestelm
ply meant that be should exercise that
power under the mutation, and Marto.
Lions of the legialmthe department of t h e
• , • •
Timm gerttleman (rem :few Yer (Mr.
Weal) had spoken 14. day of aa eatlaught
one gallant officer. Le knew very wall
the roma why Utah gallant .cdfleer bad
commended himself so greatly to the re
epect of these gentlemen. It wee, for the
sums 'moon that the gallant Phil. MAW
den had secured their condemestion.
Sheridan wee the Ideal of the loyal and
freedmen of Louisiana sad Tessa. MA.
cork, be regretted t• 2x7, was toe Weld
of the disloyal, th e rebel, the trailer, tb•
enemy of his Government Is that Depart
meet, and whew*, commended himself
to the affections of the rebel element
commended blenolfiquilly to the offer.-
lions of their rebel brottuen oft this
Mr. 'KUNGEN, rteing,to quesUon of
order, objected to the words 'rebel
brethren on tble floor." .
The hIPNAKEIL &totted those NVINIII
were not proper to be need In reference
metobent of the House,
•ilr. ,- htUrfOEN remarked that Do
vraotal this thlag understood, for be had
enough an.
The SPEAKER stated that the wards
had been drchled out of ardor.
Mr. liftiNGEN required the words to
be written down by the reponer and
nod from the t,Tark'■ teak.
That haying boon done the SPE/LK=
repeated We decision, that fl we* not
proper to Windt, to members of the
Houses' robot*. The gentleman from,
Minch; *mild proceed In order, nalesa
ionic member objected.
Mr. 111.1NOIN objected, Mating be de.
sired to offer a ramlution of censure.
Mr. YARNSWORTILdssinkI to mat,
an explanation.
Mr. htUNGEN did not woutio accept
antra:planation. (Laughter.)
the tiPEAKER pat (be question
arbstbar gautleman from • Illinois
should be pertulttod to explain, and It
'll was derided Ls the adirwativa. • .
Mr. FARNSWORTH add—l did not
Intend to tasks 'up pommel •pplica
lkns of these words. (Laughter on the
Deamerallo We). • am very lorry hat
gentlemen should have applied them to
meelveet • I will wlthdraw their per:
wool at:lineation by leaving out the
words "oa thts door: ,
Mr..BONS remarked If Me Celfberte
jahanded them eor Republican de
of the Hones, there vu ow objection to
his doing so. ( Langhter.)
• Mr. BOUTWELL moved Mr. Fanie.
worth have the liberty to conclude his
remarks In twder.
• Mr..MIINCIEN - gleamed that Iu kW
opinion the spology was wanes than the
heettit- (Laughter.) Ile added. he had
done tame to ut down übellton
the unSenum p then Minas bad ever
her. BOUTWELL'S motion win agreed
to. •
Mr. MUNOEN, u • quintile of oriel-
Item offered a neeelution that the gentle.
MIA from =hole (Mr. reseurwertb) be
raprimandid:b ,_thersiie4 r.4ardzsin
the wordisthat had been asospted,to.. !
' • liffil9oolT - eipreseidThe hopirthathe
Should enjoy the sole honer - et Misers,
and. that the . genUeman. , frow 'Mims
should escape. . . ....-. - : , -. ~ •
. • Mr.:DANVES 'I:novo/distil,* the resoinl
- The motion was agreed to without di
. vision; euiresten membet* sustaining
the demand for the yeas and stales ..
-• Mr.'IrAIINSWORTH, resuming the
floor; , ..sald:ln • addition to whet 1 .- havo
ridinrelationtotheollicer in 'command
in New Orierins,,l wish to or thlemnch;
I hays based the . remarks_ J. bare made
in reference to him ,on • infolniation in
My potwestion,- on letters - and otter factS
that have. Conte to my atteirtion. - - I am
*errs to believe any .rtf.AknearePOttul•
wish to lay that having ateraya.tegarded
him as a gallant oiearl and pemon - al •
frlend;it surprised Me : perliefoi semi:err
7 4,
.th any other gentleman. In Weald, ten,
wheitrl'mad'ilie 'order,, " en a:whe . re
ceived, - he 11'tteld' and - Aft. - :iir-!
pees, accionntt of the wHit - Pp.
- load,a • is alleged, - filled the. ;Of
the `rebels'.' In hie - DOPtirith'ent:' .„ I•
wilily to say ftirther; 'that- 0..e.r . that
re a n ti . :tnikein d at t' Vvr o ltulti, t l 7 ri r ti e il i g:
Is what makes the whole
ta i a,
zurloi- •
of more truipthie - M - ..trus,), r met Ides : in
Washlegion on • ble,wey. i3outhlparth.
moto iiita.
.• ilArkiklw _ltiiii'wel for . I •
Ibuitht by, his aide ' W.. the,. field, . eel&
"Well, General, on - ant going th.,New
- Oileane, tit. yen?'.', Yea," Imbibe • i'and 1
ohtir people lava vit an ( ilia ' that ,ler 1
Cense I sib 'that'll - own. - th ere - to Inhere '
glen. ißterldert.l7 - andlcopperbefL,4
bate tntlght' the Miele - too Inug..,,m ,the
field to bo their tool now " ar.worde to
ttildeffedGllhed:Si right: 'therefore, to
be e tititristiot whe n Iread the tut ~,onier
' irbith - lio lamsod hotthen- when
l i ntitrA°, l 4 r- u ,ll 4..)::4Wiiiiii
• • iiis Whether that was riot. a
private pepvenation,,and whctiter he - , is
ItSitied dii,Mtbroranyothefecoaalon 1
:to >afore the public.a prtvatenon. ,
Mr. FAIIIIRIVOIITII-..ith not•re
gardttas.a.private conyerraUen... There
wore-oho at A:To gthtlethea standing by
at the finis. I did not ,-regard,- it se at
that tima r for / repeated it, tivadayeafter- ,
ward., Ina public meeting in their/cane-
rumen own city of Philadelphia, e. .. ..
Mr. RANDALL—I do net thick my- ,
' self that cheviot/eaten Is a Copperhead;
but I object to the. ; use the • gentleman
Makes of..a private conversation: .-I de
not gainsay but that timt. Hancock is not
a MG 6 e gf r fttlintr'Sl'tio.ralitieman
from rifting abed:4GLs links General
Hanceek hint proved himself e. - gapper,
head, Item 'the simple . . Tact , that h e . has .
pros suited ` that • civil law.„thall. be en. •
prime ili his denitritnent f - ... .... .
• Mt: vtlmovotrra:--Itiile iiiletiiii.
he has fined tile barbel:if the: reliel e iti,
his Departufeat . with.. Jay 44 Issas ties
ball - hirewltit ;einem : . w henever, he ai.
neatest dell - Matte or in.paitiic,, - while.
he h...tmed•ii(e`heert t ql.the lkrean
and:lirdiaititi, With...mourning. Leave It
nythe - gehtlertutu - Ds-Jung* for. himself
whether - lie is i Coriparclead or not. .•
•• Mr. CF.TZ=If - t knew `witatibit word
'l 36 J ki terlientrt I. =tight *payer the
Mr. reiti;swolitii4liii7Oidiii ; L ot
General HaitCriat. with .neferesiceth the
civil with raw path
surpHie and alarm... It. La eartainiyeur
prising, iiiika subordbaate ofilearorent to
corptuanda libitrict,,thould ,et - et ,data.
aura an act °Centigrams- underwmeipbe
went there, and set above it tine law of a
beget, .Govarnmant.,,which. th at act cf.
Congress hadebrcle.. Illegal.. -The civil
laW, whirl, it is itis dutir,te rcaoguise, le
the act of.Cougmas nadir Idaho* west
there.. - 1.6 addition. to what -.thaw, al
ready's:Med, - General ,Itancock sea to
sue—"l am going to NeW.Orleausjo el
ecute 'the Isms of Compeertg..- ..-....... •....
Mr. ELDRIDGE—Has henot done eel
Mr. , YARNSWORTII 4 40' Certain
has not done sr, if-theirepette are trite;
and if answers to thapetittona for his In
tercession that are made Co Alm between
rebels and loyal' Men, and to earn loyal
ring them to the puha. and sheriffa. and
conntahles, and - rebel 'ineiglitralet? there:
I think he he net executing tL. law of
brainy - Muffler or means, Ihr
flelre ",l ef temples wakes It' hie day
not Only to keep_ the
_penott..lutt tit see
that weary leuitithirelute equal justice,
without refersece to odor. ,We know
very well that no loyal man, or freedman,
can getjnatist tuibose States.., •
Mr. PATTNT obtained the floor, but
Melded to a motion for adjournment.
Mr. BUTLER. gave, notice of an
amendment authorising the several Con
stitutional State Convention. in the Int,
insurrectionary Stake tdappaintell rich
afßare heretokoreprovided by the law*
of eack•Statee, making It the duty, of the
sersraillantle. Couttasademto ccmdrns
etich appohltmente and install and' per.
eons In Odes. and prooldibi that each
Slate Governments shell ,conshute them -
In onion' dallt tthie Slates lute-admitted
into the Union and usher Batson:than
are appointed and
L.l/11 SAC.IIa APP&111.411714 • •
OTNITILIe dinned etteniution di.
:ening t e beensteri of the Treenrry• ter
communicate die mod of the Commie.
aloe for examining Late ..11e seeing sp•
pandaa, welch bold Us 'titan in New
York Is Adopted. • • • • •
TAD BPEAKIiR preihenttd aeolsuzuthl
tattle fro w t e Tecretage, Tolman.
sy. withdean est bill To it uthennte inn
coinage of five clentiihdtiopiesdela New
Orisons. Itelerre. , l to Cent:ulnae On COM-
ciToßgi4„ .
Sp To. labra, b w u. rlttableit bltablgab3,
ArLAIrtA, 3s9Gary miuid4up.
of. the qaw. Oa.lailtioPtOthittlhano4
lions of the DUI of Rights went adopted
to the Cenventhitelitedrf. T The first sec ,
tion la that protectlott,iu.petsolt . sod
li property le the paranioulif data; of
Government and snall he. Ltspeotial, and
campletta ... •
A subelitnte I' pending section was
olTered, to sive all eitilsorw *total civil
and pentad righta and public prtnleses,
sod will be ;Oaken lswooserlaWii. •
• The resetntion sdonual yeaterdsi, that
the legislation by the Genera assembly
of the disteln,iregord to !hide lodebted.
nem should' not idterilleted with:snw
teminsidere4 and en fanendompiattered
that all bonds slams
Incurred sines 150.1 should be moigolsed
sbli paid In gooddlialt‘ •Thaarbeis SU.
tar we. Madre laid on the table.
• A resolution was adopted requesting
Uenual Meade to order the Bud=
ores to ;my the doglosiel s delitiof
sintlen, and a truillelant oath to defray
all expenses; alto requisites an neral
order for tho examinaden Mall Pala and
the release of all persons unlawfully out.
lined. •
• A' resolution woo Introduced roiling
on Congests I. rote an eppropriatien ht
the expenses of the Ontrientioft.
The report of the Committee on Edo.
cation. provides foreeparateseheole.lar
the hoes, appropriates the entironet to
tome of mete toOdif; al ppll. IMP ariftro
dolls:It ail military Ante, A tha Prot -I We
of litate lends ',helmets:and all war
: piths Node 14:1itle TrllliaUFs the donor
eachPatol year, to Yee d dor Mum-
Lion, and Etre. a hoard fourteen, with
Superintendent, entire atuage'. or the
general molded. • '
AILLNTA, January 16,—A seven! or
der Appears Able deornthioromustuuctu
orders froth the :War. Departmeat, mod
(Word Ittihldeling any interfer
ence nada color of State authority and
by B thtegoarta.withrldPlMlti MititsfY
service of Unetiniaeu, for acts done
der orders. •Oertaiderabirr/intditerdent
castigate. mu, AM • Waeltiniltbn Wear.
grace Is eagerly sought..
. .
130,11VE1 - P4rOLIILL
. • . ,
PeoUneneste_Couraustkao et Imo 010.•
, unuese—rrensoutsalt. Douses Crew
T.llatlapb to lb. nwnar i a flassita.)
Cirsnlismtt, N.*, Jen. fraLthe
rention erected a pe . rmanut aripgalzs..
Oink today, ptltt 'Deo AfisAfsekey es
President,' cud Charts 3 Stritter, ftee.
tory; both- white.- #salatant rteuret!:l7.
Engross:lß Clerk, Doorkum, tteetrout..
at-arms tuoiliciootiger. are snootily&
F. A. twin., of Chorlesion: Cat=
of Intertirosue. rWGgebd
u Delorsts. The reason asthare 4
Ago of elide tiluiilvv,plev•
opus any liked ell totdat.
General Scott, Ciontatbtarixest of • .
=tany Itursa,.lasses- a.. etroulat
o-memo am that 'tha t
tiovernmeist eyelved UoOtt
him to duty lbf [lolilils tool t 9 .A.
papplif of this Ttlf tfto tiouldtkpot.-
you ofulltrvinititfferlesanitpfuyou.ting
a marmot ef Ilko destitution. Mbar
wUI be triAlid titteufliallextentallowol
try the !lee ere
tuen only to tbattfo.rUT%rns!'ttllioTt an tatoaleo
iimmt i g ork for nest yaw; uid'who_ber• •
t ru t roispeet
t tr g
ro% advisee& No aaatiltano• will be
glum to parties e aimed wholly or to an
undue aztait In 41, cultkratloix of c9t49a.
:C117:1111 - SUBIERBAIi.
41.01. 1 14 N Itrdaspasiw
Ari atteMit to break .jall was male
Tema - lair eight by Tom. Whittaker, one
of the Washington* eteauty prisoners.
confined in our conntyjalL Vifittaker,.
Our readers will remember, p short time
glace.succeeded in effscting his escape
from the WeSMtesten county jail, where
he waseonfireed, sleeking' lilt trial ou a
charge of robbery, on oath of Nancy
Sproul. lie was eplisequently arrested
and brought to this city mid placed in
Jail for safe keeping. It appean,that
"Tom" has a propensity for breaking
Jell, and will exercai it *every opportu
nity,end having become tired of th e
remit...tett essivedto him * by Warden
White, Was mitrifit the *errancy ar
rangements for leaving there. * He was
confined In cell No. 36, which is in the
second tier and on. Tuesday evening,
Mr. Smlth:the jailer, as is his general
tibtont eleven o'clock, Just pre
'clone to nittilhi, Made a tour
though the prison, and In &Wog
Whittaker's cell heard an unususl noise.
After d i teu or twenty minutes' listening
be sidle cd hlmielf that the noise pro
coded in "it'd. dli ; and lie unlocked the
deer and entered. iVidttaket e MI the first
Intimation of his presence, got..into bed
Mid feigned 'sleep but Mr. Smith's en
thineti.wati eite'suden and anexpented
that be bad . not did to lover up his
Work., Me" had loosened the pemerfor
'about' eighteen inches squire, on that
petition of the wall to the :right of the
dxdacrlud vet the fiOor, and had enc.
'in reoloting I/smarter-from the
lind row of brick,* few of Which had
been taken out and replaced. .The tools ,
with which be Math. mirk were a corn-
Men pockef,Afille and a plece.of limey
o„Stl4lh were ;wrapped With
woolen olefin" prevent Cam frmn hurt,
inn hie hands. He was nu:4a to
another dill and the necessary prarau
tlone to prevent Ma escape went taken.
He Informed that he did not
intend to go,o. until ; alter the new
Warden took' ton.
. .
Attesinemo; steeeteet—weetme et the
The Betaisi Judips of the electcni held
41 linektient - Cl# Tcumsday met - La
the ,Tieeinin,t.e office, -at bed .d'elock
' f r "tinder, and. organized- by calling 1 4 7..
Alezandet 'to the c hair; dud appolnt;• •
Ingle. B. megrair 9ricretii7, atiar.whlch
they. proceeded: te wont the vote, with
the lCllowing reettlt:
r. P
X: a
- a a
rr-., P.
ppecaftward. ' 461 • Ifu 411 • lIP
rtlipit ward, 10. pile% SU 141" MP •• rn
at paeh 115 , ma an • 116
011 , 411,4 rd. ' =d !St 3811
Situ' ward .201 •-• 2IV
11prelaili.mard. • IPS TY/ - a • •• 114
Mr. Ditria;a isajorlty. ........ 78%
Mr. Munilock% matority IJ3
i The citizens Of Studpilith held
. 1111
eleetluirTsteedsi*, whlch reel:died in the
ineresa- et the ,ehtire'lleinibllean ticket
liry'Aus average.snajerity 01 - thirty-slne
idea. • Last run' the , Demostats taild
rrialurity of iieventann,l'ahowl az net
gain .of votes. Three hundred
'and. Lateen rotes were polled on Tows•
day, being the largest ever cur in the
Borough, . following were the GM
MOM*. Zfii 4.. Da 13.Q.Dastrtaak,1 1
D. Daum sasiou.... „se
-soisscu7. saps. or aimTimm
J. t. 10..121 ar.WallAais, Z. DI
JihaottEall, .WaL Deb*
raarsorat. — ,
J. W.Olvan, a.ut JANA. Carat% as 1711
Jobs J. MULL JD. IA J. laolaw, D........
P. J. Neyar. D.... 176 • anima =swam.
Wm. Pfsseb n. D.. 113 L. IL 171
A. Kaltsznara.ll,' 1.13 Wm. Sproul, D... 137
11. IL MUDD, D... AM 1.1341 UTA. •
Jahn W.J.DAlla•ber,ll•l/1
Aram& auturrolts. .41,NL,PDA7A . D.... 10
ELY.W.Dalaarlle 121 aaarroas. •
Jacob DaD, Try• IA2 L 37 Calls,
3.1 V. 0 Ivan. 1 yrs* 1114. RA% 177
Caany. D 127 D. 1/..Wagaaar. 111
Iledllo4D 127 • /1..-11rRoacb. D... Da
r-J•Alloomr.p.... us J. DarJdan D . ...
BEM Childawratg I. neisa..faa a;
uMdaydatteittonn a Las Wry, fb
Sean of age, Ma of John Kennedy a
laboreri'reoldlng !et 4:14111md Court,' if
traterstreat: ties fatally bunted. He had
belargbeenlllfor aohaetlmr andthe WM
ly being very ;dor, the mot her, for mentor
noethlng bettewpped hia in apd ,
o n h and abenthee
o'clock. laid - Wm
nenethe 'Elbe then left Lim, and
firing her atantice le so changed Ina
[ton TA:10 coveting came in cost•
alk with' gra and nee soon ablaze.
Three other admit in the room et the
.Lie "math' alarm, and themother man
&Tared Mid exthogutalted the flume,
.b not belbre theUttleboyhad been tarrt
bl bunted, from the effect M. which be
dledaboat ftveo'clock. Wedemity awn
l mq
tajnry eez rege l irr•O t rl l l d ett -
an. with Me fertag'Maled.,„
fidisa,ahem night vratchmened
Alleghnty city premotaa Capt. William
Do irmelina with a valuable 'Um watch mtod
chile, bud *rect. The premotatkm
Jock piece at. U. awhile's claim City
Itulleing, chem. miners meeting bad
Lem oretanlmet by banker officer Me-
Chemay to time chair, R. 8. Merrimac,
Eag.,l4 a hnof bat appropriate amidsmme,
prateoled watch, after which Mr. J.
It. Oalsy, oat behalf of Capt. Bowden,
replied lath cos of tile happiest Miens.
The theft was purchaael at garter
Draw 'a. mid bore the fellowlcor inserts.
flee:l'resented to Capt. Wm. liteeden,
he the night watchmen of Allegheny
as a taken of their esteem,"
EL-7 -
. -
refinery pt P.
giere:zoNt, T at d ia wo gni
hadicioccuree dogged hone the frost, sad
As pocdocard on ens forced op throohe
the "gal trap," mad icanieuxl over the
eUlnt. .;4 its boated mutinies , It moos
ignited, and Asantled we tank and a
shad near by for storing, on. Tb. kis
VIII bo .toot ny• kundrei dollars.
There waa , Imamate ca goo eutab
laylui • _
1111relit Eleettes.`nok main.
learned p gitelamatlon far a special
• election on Monday, the 27th tort., for
two Members of the Common Carnocit—
one hathaileciondwsid sad ow to Oak.
land. townahlp,—ths Ramer the bus year,
to lid /an/ army oonaMood by the resig
nation of Thomas Made. Esq., who was
@lour COMmlier, recently. and tba
ter 'Oll the vacancy occurring to that
township on umlaut of.a tie vote. .
Our report yeatarday of the election held
• by WM oom Nay eras lacorrect, • and we
hereirlth publish . the ticket so eleetau:
dohMirwln. Jr., John D. ICCord. C. G.
Hamby, Harvey ,Chtlds, Thomas J.
licoklumn. Caps. Wm. Dian, Wands
Hallam Charles liava, Robert IL Davie.
a. L.: Vannostock, W. H. Everson, (.4pt.
J. T.; took dal
Vinrchirs Itleetel•-At • meting of
the stock holders. of Wo &woad National
Bank. held on Tueiday, the following
Directors were elected to serve for the
iasnlpgyear:'O.E liternar,John Reath,
Cooper, John •D. Thotnpso•,
likiltinel Lowrie, Jacob , Planter, LeoPol4
llailteu•er, Patrick CWwgg
• •
0 . • . . .
ttionlei the-botlar , of the law mill
it,Baker. Jocksorr & 00. e.Xplodod,
tgosiog the twining. to mina. .I , 'ortn..
nsWg no one war "resent as the hands
siva qt at runner, the troller beinglett
t° U" care aritaelf. *doh 1$ die.
• •
fa lc the election of oalrera
WD Catholic Larearery • Ae.
.seetstfos yesterday. the -compoiritot
arcideltall,y omitted the mutant' Henry
Anus, Esq., se due of the now,dlnectsna
Members of Cooriell In Erti kr...fined
:dour If Ave Intoutts'ssnly' after
time of toest.lnK...Tka floss ars
dirrotad so We poor.
,pF a l um, me
moot Is optlonaL • •
. .
. . -
Edo (
'A ru
*mang Aran Poor ll IvArk
octlApeasooo at tboi
ultr from' cher exelf.tho'bo Dina blood
! A 1 1114.0111114 alad. in. nameiras AIDSYI
battt of noinutUrionshay,'"COnip,
ugh township, Indiana county, Wan
hiln= idea. •LawK o3 o;
ill4;l7:l4litiOU or J. Guy Poilnkhenin
POSIIIINIG-T at , ftrq,PSWIUIS bap lal
Hrmed bithe sw&
• _
sew German lornrance Company
baa been organized at Ella,
Edo kridly gator • are &nutmeat.
- i.-
t j -
itaiwThaer) DISASTER: 1 , 4 7
Tors Tuition wreensd—Pftnottuest Mew
lopunee—Thesta larporism 010 "
A. - maims:l accident oomorred. at Btaar,:i
aitstlon, od the Alleghetbrirolicß!„.
Paltroad, about ten miles" thls aide of
'Franklin,; Tueadify 'mornfog,' 4 whits
nineteen 'Men - were injured, thrsaof
whom are rep%stied dead. The accidenC;
was occasioned by the -2MLgting of. torts'
*ravel trains; to one of. which was ati
%sou.% a caboose cantor the &memo:led:l%,
%len of ths division hands, and in whicil!A
Over twenty of them were riding at the..
Thb'io trains, it appears; had no,
regular (linear% which - to run, and were:.
Only recluirsd to avoid the time errand ,
lar trains and each' other. . By soma rots=
lake the cOndttetors were not informed:,
pr notified of each other's intention, aud
it, seems vaet .at the , point designated'
While moving- a% this rate-of fifteen,'
or twenty bales en hour. The enginui.
were badly &Magid and. both throwd,
from the back. The cahoots car, which"
Was neat the engine on the down train,
Jerrie literally
. demelished, And several
the cars on both trains ware mores
or less damaged. Most of the injured;
men resided 7 i Fmnklip;and us they
were employed on the upper' division Of
the we •were linable to ascertain)
the names of any-of them, Ths 'olllcerit.
of the Company, we are :informed; did'
alLin their power to relieve the sufferers ,
by: procuring medicial nishasnce - end ,
having them remOved . te-their borata t ;
Last evening we heard that three of Ebbw.
fluted died yesterday morning, and that'
Walla thotignt more of the Others ware',
seriously injured. • ' '
FOVitTil Courts: Keetta
at rattaaPt. tad liamerous other/AMC.
'teats of intend., • ~,, .;
Cowlitz sae .i!mo Loess
Tho chaturatt of ellaate ineldeat to thlt(
season of the year are rite with the.,4134
me. of the Ihrciat ,
lutigs, 'filch yvig
nonely in Dr. KeYeer'et'
Invaluable !).Pectoral Syrap," . costini.
only 75 cents a bottle.. -
let. Dr. Keysor's Pectoral Syrup will;
Ur. Keptees , Pecteral- Syrup IOU:
. urejneedlng Lune&
ed.. Di. Keyser,' Pectoral Syrup erllfi
ureWbooplug.CTurh. -
4th. Dr..4eyeer altar:4 Syrup will'
re Cold In die Head.
Lttr. Ur. HoYear's Pectoral Syrup moil
ours a reeent Cough in halls day. -
6th. Dr.tßeyser's Pectoral Syrup:will
relieve Coughs of long duration. • ' •!,
7th. Dr...lKayacea Padorid SYrtIP
Bth. Dr. a•Pectoral Syrup wilt ,
palliate Comsumption. . •
9th. Dr. - Keyser'. ,Pectoral Syrup Will
cure Influenza., . , , ••
10th: Dr. iger:ier's PictOnsl ityrup
kf,pitesPeletorall37mi •*ol'
12th.. Dr. geyser'. Pectoral Dyrapds.
sold at most drug stores, and - lathe pro-',
prietor's, 140 Wood street...Consrattog
lasi smart:dui:4 office, LI/ NMI street. ;
, ,
Eddied*, Read - Thbo: r An EameirsO.
stock of &ad goods far and
dren—dry runny at - kw VgablC one half
former priori the most dad:able offered
ti do oieson, - at Barker's doslolrdng
Mx . rts.—Poete—Painters—Preacheni ,
PUTOri — rrinlerei and Polldeisda
suffer ' from from 'Dyspepsia, :fferropunsas..
Lois or Atipetito:Lly, tir Cotopletoti, and:
all dlseedersthreh they may. ewe : ospre= y
B I rent by the Mk, of PLantatdarrit - 21";
those sufferers took- these ' BI the ,
POC,try would bevarer,theA g truer,i - ,
the Ninth= wander, rho , one 11—
yeller. the Printing neater and PoW
ties honestor. - This splendid tonleinviw
orates the system, and oluthles the bro".:
to work,bealthtly. . _I-.
, fflseriuttotait.asWe 'WWI
maned by ,a ll *hp hoot 1
sg,t a;
- - --
. _ _
atleittieri!r•to' Co .
50e Per y* good a mead. et
Feettel merinos, allteekeeli,greet
Grand ErlißdUes of Fairy
the 1110k.„—The : elegant. end • grobeftd
=lekator, Eugene W. Pre; "till ex
bis afternoon and evening at the
}Cordon, Rink. No .eatis co to
holders of wawa or coupon U
Ladies elating the Rink during the fore.'
noon • end' afternoon can receive lee- .
tone In eirattog. irithitat • charge; daring
Mr. Pratt's stay.. " • • • • ' tf.
tiettatbi ion to understand how
greet are the bargains offered at Buicer'd
anal nloalng out sale • •
' 4-4, 5-4,-.64, 34,94 and .16-4 Sheeting'
iednoed 1a irrielVat Barker's Anil sale.
n evityithere known ebat . the crock
ern soda blaeults;' , ginger- Enact - and
Graham brand, manulacurred by; Wray
arothern Nos. 2n and St Irwin* arnalc
are the mast superior in the mark&
This old established Kassa bakery bra
long kept the lend, and Its Made mark to
overywbtro recognized with favor. Tha
orieea an, Ivry reraonable. Dealankw/ua
Pay tilled' . again, hotel and naitanrant
keepers, stesunboatsi and pirate inandlin,
are supplied with an goanitty . an •Me
aliginna Donna parlusesars dellnred
to soy past or the dry tree at charge, and
shipments ant . pueridly mad& to all
palms. •
Caakmere;* long suid .
nark one half fcemer prlces,strkeitos
. .
dress goods, at Barlwoa .•
.•. • •
B. 1611unieteck, the well known
drugest, No. 60 Woodstmet, Pittsburgh ;
Pa., and proprietor of the Jastly
brahall "71 L. - Pahriesteck'sVenonitur
Is now thelcomponedsr Wllstm'sP
an wmally valuable specific for Dyspep
sia, which may to had oreve27 loading
drill:3lBlMM* United Stabs.
NM. whll4:3l4Larr gnu. Elands,
itde. restlyiedoold in peke. at Barker's final
Allegheny City Omens will bold an
adJoanlartnertlag thti awning.
tklastatag• Agited.—The boot; shoes,
cohere, do_ theater; ladleasad children,
kept at S9ltarket street, tire mado of the
rep boa material, and sold "a low as
tho lowest All goods are warranted to
Lite sallatiction. Ilynneranteotnethlng
and at goid_prioes, call ,at Robb's
no" 4otwes; Ibrkat s treet • '
Tairealemelelltejers er Dry Gaeta we
Ire offering' special Inducements—Job
lota froto.the Eastern Auction
Mawls, Drifis • Oecats, Itooskeeping
Goods.. Mena' Wear, aikeetlsgs, BMr4
lags, Prints, .te.
J. W. ILtaszn Co.,
, to Marketntroot
Call and Blume the lazgo &V I Z
plata fault Ladlefiennini„ at
Fleming's, No. /39 Wood sited. t
Duck 1114 bet, lonisuaqqaare shawls,
very chw, at ,13ariptr;s and, RN.
Dinah+ In Liam' Pun, At MU=
Fltatinetcryic 1311 Wood. stmt. tt
. .
'no end apy let , of {Li llnsl - dos.
ti,g out solo of kora.
IBataNona 131Usta—Itarialaa, uarialaa
at Barker's final .; •
ITatwocal, map,
at Itarkat'atlaSamisiasi:u "L.
lIALLTILLy4I.U.,.—(bo Rabat. ibt
Lon.., b 7 te. . Lyei OM ?beim
U. Vol'. VAAL 2., 444047. t tbi
blerspos4 to ley.' 'pair razinitw,...4l,
Y0111.16445 1 / 7 &—At ibt riatdese• nt Oa
Wide. sprothsr, by fjev . J oe p• .11%6016 Or
CIO WWI ridettipal Clank, ea 2 . .40"5/is.
Jtatua7 1011 IMMO% R. 110 W •14 Mho
MOLLIE n3:15. boa. •C
4.-teritfra.tilrz .
„. mr
TM Aiwa/ will tate Dlste triga)h!",ihilows
twr twstawl, 7(W.111310404 4114011-
a 7: fltalisaabuter,)
100 a, WI wbiwkl: . The mid. ottb• t0n.117
pwl eopectlhlly taviukt t. ,
rfirtwizols.-0• , 111.41., maniac . Jew....
laa• . 11 3 t..41.1144 ILIJICuLts cowl SOX
ihom . of rusty ida ae pmt vii'lchtwil et
a ,- •
itinitketik t.t‘iiiiittt.
• 011.13( r#lll . t+r ".•
°T llo E'"Alitt
N. cola trartsd Cad" Muth f.t. : UQ. PO font
eat Ulm Mr • MM.'s& at Os pal=
wMATH, $llllll4
1: ie. BUM
, ,
'o64"t.' "
. Fipnwiikr AID 111.111121= 7 _,_H
Ankieratmaids PUNTSuird
1:1111313 tord mad* sulfa. taddnedig
luau latest Nun bruturiphi 0,4
valuadoitudlas Mudd gee ilq Puol'A'
dzuffsdlent sad sot reliable Ffamelal Yd Our ,
isiteldl Muted Itepoids glum try au duvet*
tdui air. So Turner, Nutsals, or mammas
intinwisamm, .
'; Clubs et
'T.Aad iferefairtthilt
asuraas .444iItlea•
mwaewenm: •-
, Name. vo tit
.***. te sat smelly ildlaad.rat :
*aat, as we lasiemk Wedesetni•
scribal haviaotit ou maU • wok—. .
. .
Arse..? x 4107 ovum.
Rua.-" tu....ryto mat etas:Ad.
. 4 LEL -- 1111t1414711DVITTAliEtr
..... bullet. Pliabarg4'. , rii•
.., IN V ell
dray desenpUe4ef Tissend rueselatitil
' 6o o '_,
?miaow. Zama Open.* sack utztge. Muss
LiiZasstcsa—Aev, David, - ..R.44
IL" Wi' 4iteob4,l pc D., !Ilkeekel•Nirlag; Z.
ROIIEJ3I7 317 RaDNF.N. u n d er ...
~. • T.Fix. 4 Nresalceter. N.. 0 ML - R 4 ...
Piteibe.7. . VII. , 0) INIIIROId ill.rev, air
.;lobt Wltloi a 1 . ....) keeigla•Ks ... Una el •
'east Metal. N { reed: fV - leleaet ilaCteeltiihal
it,,everood Co ' ' Walskiet Corns tmeill Wt.
:herds. Easel. CASs Of Wends; edi *be".
corn.. la p ro' rho. Canteen-ate lifuenal
Mrs shed, at lair mt.. Crape, Ultrivb risii
1 i*tt-Ingravlailknalshed DIM,. Olitsibrilt ter
EWll#ll CZAELIffECIZ4-,141%*
DEGTAILIfi. Ho. .14 ()No Ittkey
41kith...T. Metalll., Roo wood - and other Vo.,
"Ina, with • ockfOte itoat of fain] Furnikte
basif e l . r Punt...ft] es •borf•k
I.llken pd. Zak and LIMY Ptak% .V:
'4er of rim ind .111dat• Ntseitts. Cultafts,,,
Ikkotbk: Juggle., saw.
. .
VlST—Oiti,Xaturttas=iiigllt. *he
, '3ltb at Jironary. &BRIM, SLTTEILDT4 7 .
.1 jrlth
4ktta fect.:roblte mirk roe bla Cate. mit . ,
tibits het. . Ai, person rtiroraterklit v. 36.4!
.pLeloa irritztT. will ro• liberally mmtricit .'
W ANTE D —.A GENTA,,-LlgiAis;
; 7 11130.60. , itroLvir4a DUI7BLZ burs..
911 . EUROPA J.IGD"AIICIISICA crijast Oka"'
11.'T.000.10 Ritaa 4itt
mat. Ladlei avid niece-t . dnt',
!gado. J. T. 1.L011.1. Ho. = Gina/ma Street,.
NANITEtI),--0,43 or more pstr
ties to take au laterast lathe tranlatiaii
liana:scatting a laullog wimp the ham am
the city..., rit tstaindu Manufactari
O . ate naming ord.e - aad alay ai.U.Q ciettsl taT
oaks &vary profitable Imam.. Apprr .044 t
NeLAIN CO.. 12.1W•arinetasat.,,
Fait' ENT
or TIMM EtTORItS tie new knllltkg,i,
rio . Aas tibeety Eatulre'ofT:l4- r. •
p 0 Ft BENT.—Sivirevalline.
llgiti. an be Apply
GAZR t 17,. COUNTING !WWI. • -
VO:7 LT,-.A. lane and Silbstai*L f.
iiiiirAL 7 Meat moderato: racteintia'Alvas enk
pril Ist. Eapcirs ci•o6o. A. AIRILY,
ienaNstional Beak. • -
TO LET-,-STORE_ nOO l / 11 . Willa. ,
stiselied. .hosted on . Yerry strait•
'nisi Mi.. and liner: , The dwelllaz Iw erilosaa.:
Wttl rateab`nth.r:,,Enpaln of BATS
IerZWABT, No. =Marti nieet.. --..~.:~...:
1 , 01/ BALLE,,Ttie.vr4ll known
Tonic CIGAX - STO/IXof
'IIAGGEBIT,. Xi. V 711211 strut, * sal' dills,.
'Piot tablsrud-psibir trade. Is pttered fbr sals. ,, ;
Sint V rusoss glum for Qs ss/s, to urthstr,
sttaltlii to ',stratus.' Apipir of TIIt 11108 X,„
. .
ii.E,Orle .7 911 r0egtOPor,..:
:Vet:seer strait. smarted Comae CVO . .. CU Ilt•
'tOwl weed, 10/1 elelit , seeets. ladled *Mee-,
ashlar: r. end bet end cote water. Wlllbe
'lad cheep. Call seen, at EA/HET • HAWS"
Biel Estate Ohl e.'N. et Belmar lams: saw UV,
Olt SA. E—Two fine SAY
II: BOOTH, molt , sootelod sod tralrod%
. WIVIAIIIB, soitablo for*m or me balms; ono.
• BOHEIT.'IOA.BO.7, and a ioubLo isCof
marl, 2Malls tho ?UV':
.'•;'s OR, HALE-•$O0 6E6 :+ 43` ; '
NOVIVIVIS. Warr, 4816;
Ime - rAlittX HOSSX ltsin thaw. Diann
411$XY; NOMEICIV. muittour, -
tons: -OMR BLACLIC.-K/130% • t we\ LIINIC , is
MUSS. .111:8MTISTNEXIIlaz WBtu ,
Lid metdatieteliii
VO4 HALE—Three Very AeMlea
N. DWILLTNIIB AND LOTS, allietetl ea
aletheld strut, Mb ward, AU...ay, fr.n even can.. jack Mem ,
that rima• aa.• Mashed stele, Rad are flaqUe
the/mahout ta the tM.t e . , with bet ma •
:geld water, harts num, water elate% mutat:
Mahal; Ile., eta. The abeam Dummy la WY._ -
Mott what the 10 or /Oman. Veer farther
- PenieVe.e. Weft' . .Ni. of /RAMA 111108:„..
elli. muse MoBed.wlekcrest Allealt st,at
I ,
.p3R SALE,,--Baase and Lot
• saner wn.ntm osiel Agsno . strooi4" •
Passonawr /stamp.. 1.44 44 so ntr. tom.
no.. true., ass salalas moo sal ica0411414
ova tosprerrea.
U. sad Los oo 81•2414. "
- 614wa1l Juan. Alleirboor CIS?. 'LoS s *V.. ,
host: boos* trams. *se Was WI, An nom ARA •
0;441 atlas; wows sad cos. Also, osvorsl viva "
tloosomsof LoY La food Asosgsa. lagatr. eta;;
80711 JACO.. loasse slaw's, was aussons...:
10311 - 114 LE—That vrell "ma'am ,
TAN'TkN -11FAND, site et• Is the Tole.. '
Wei* insert am ...leeeksee 31e11, • akkealcs •
the Markel Nee" has AltroOl.
tee 4 three @tense eee most '
b. 1 "...... 8 . 1 . 1 .4
bald. • /ea* °neat Hell. • ewe etehle
the leek U 4 at the koh, eke* Ls ZS by BM Iwo
OOP._ 7' , OS the ieseecetence of the totektur
alikkeouolosostibllabed potrounoat
been extent MLA tr.t laujor QUA aay
*Gig - IRANI waft.. No %MT DaTIM
' Aimee ellstsels the market. • CILL itekttlT . •
• fIItLY, 2.111 retake. - .Sputa.. /Mgr Meet
:.• £I I RII3 .
- .lrar • tale!' ow= Da% °Dia.:424.g -
BlOnday,Jannarya'7 . lBBB •
sZaimmzitsrve trAttkw ortai.• • • • •
corm - • -
t•uo. • • • •
caotoark •
1101111.811 D orxrmarramo, . , •
•I INZ3III/. 7tiria?Ollr. ..
Ali artlealtra la 11..414/sat tatai.r.
rli tasan....ND Dwirx.7
- ea nem t 5
rw:"..t. hk
kw ern
, . 11170:71.1014 , 111ABIF •
"acmes, - in ,4 ' -
. 3 weatuiiii'da - orsai4o , :zr4..
my w. mcs
9. itALA
• -7.4 5 % ,
" rt
Cora aakff aatiqtrewo
Tam BEET IrerptDA
, •
OM Is &se ellbesete
RAW! wusairtrimregir
ie pa* kr•lng. MINIMS
gri:Z/ Pima Oriels ' do
Oirsit =woo, l'. -77"" - :- 1 ;':••
. . .
.:I . `
< . 1 . 1 1T,,.7;31.;: - .;•.:14,
omi lv.
;- • ialli;lfillliTh .4" . "ii••.i;iti'
Ai • .t. .. , :•.t......,,, 5 , 34'• NUS '''.4ll
''.,- ••' f - - • 2-,, , - -;-..:-',...'. --'-'
'.- WIAMIre EllUnk.f --,. ....:`. •
41•11 F/00 111 . 4 Feser :lrsem'
- . Filiiiii l P ol 4ll4 - ..
, ' . • _ '-'' '
_ •