0 II 11 witompirar. x,ar. 7tl . IMIL M r . 1 .arkiasoDELlifthrin noleitliwllTlOW; :thuthervatimn coedits in hollint Oa _ , , .1. to the-put with feelrup akin to ray - • t.; mace. ladicellan • emulate ie. Ong tartut to meet the fatuns,' inspired by' . ...01. hope and-armed with eminge: This . . ~, ....13 clearly see' In this canary by the , ..' . 0; sentiments with which these two dames ;- . regard the Constituthat .The Oman- . I 11, tins , vritheet regardiag the temporary '.• A . F. 1 coaditionsof politteal and denude said.; 1 1 • • . ,',. sty sat of which it grew; the ephemeral predelliteste which 'tiled tobeseconmo. ' .. ..„ . ' dated; the pasting needs to whickit wai • 't ' reobed to minuter; the toed rivalries • - '4, . - and personal ambitions it was.desigaed to adjoat; regard it u the acme aidiali . % lunation of accomplished statassuruhly. i liven nurse ciompromius with transient ' . t , netnews ; with inalpecellaritirA with dienasent main aid jealeudai, are ~ , _ i . contended in latent end essence with tune-previsions designed to guard 1w Z..... lineal lad fundamental rights, concern ' ' r iii whose =titmice " std- impel-Man . ' 't ' there can, from the nature of, the cue; ..... be no cantrovern, and whose mond ' i lion and security In the economy of the . , - •• '-,,; _ nation la as iridispenni t l e is the main , femme of the dial MLitt in the lininit I 1 . body. ' I -The Badleals, 'eddying kiwi/MI .. Coutuntionwasadaptesl te . theceaditen ' t and-;wants of the guarantor in which 1_ ;' 6/feasted; and hew these adaptations. • . •.1 . J.. cane to be onfraded, as to aacredasis ; .• and. peraumulace: :.in -the other parts, i • , . 4'4lR to neetaize and enforce what I was abiding and universal Boar the ~ I , •. ; : - „conmromiseis as they , are tented, only ' • .-- , _ aggravated the evils they, were Antendsd 'r tr ,, ,,Cure, sad producedothera dill more 1' I , mischievous, feel It expedient to elfin. ' sate, to as great a degree as pulible, all I - the elements pertaining exclusively t• ; ' the age, and to leave 9Aiy those which • ' d .: -„ are stablebenumput and pared of.that 1 ' gated nein of political truth, imbed . r did in the ealighteled;. - coniciouneis of t all the and hence destined te atade „-t femur. By this 'precast, and by this ' - I-. only, can the Constitution be adapted, I fronusge to ate, to that ceaseless flew '. . 1 of buns ,life, and ,iipealeece, andli . '' 5.,......--itude; Whin "cmanot be resisted; hut ilmit ba scanted teen in tette Mattmt . •ii' of the conunenlot eflum;:un4y. Hew , ; ever the Cormanratives may inveigh, and -- ' --, 1 ' abate their kends, iiid .sigh (or ti. , i ' "goad - old dais," lent pest, they cannot, • a ' by any contrivance' of political ',turd"- ' .1:Ilie of nut most caservativer at the salleeau „dettomixatiores ,eadorteek. to ','• . to middies an unties forma of be ,..-: ..; • ' liel;e.eirrant type if sneak" aad-apia • ; '; • '- - titular fashion of 'attire, so that they ' shin* endure fir all time., - Edo lest' to • • ~. ... 1 .. Unmade/ adoptid,.remailted in nem, Ithis wad easy enough; but '.in- nits of - eipohliiamtcoss, '..smtreaties and rebukes, ti eWerld would change, end them was no kelp for It. Tha consandion 'of the ...., -'• Qaaßer,' like all other 'description . • ' ..f : nand, cannot runt - theinnervations which continually splint up; aid each age will assert its right to amend or Jab. • ' 4 vett What it inherits iron ita forerunner. The *sad is made. so; tad though .;.. . v Oeurrintius maybewail thisintwill" r a sewirre Plettlire or ' 0114111 it with -a 3 . malignant.. delight,. they cumet' abet: ••••'-' • - l• I'll Itj 2 _ . 1 I. The frizairs of the Conitilideit were ~.• . !.:•,- • , not only estednit of the existence !of ...,I•'.. ,-, ' - tht" principle, but wars the wise to at - . .... . tempt i to ignore orbanle it. ' . - 5 :..',..... . - .Thu idea of change was reeved/a It • • ''. the Ooiniuition, by the prevision made •• ''. - - ~,, forita imandment. Tray tha right of 3;.: revision and alteration would, have ex- - '''.'"•'• -' ' f toted with as 1111. affect if ithad net been h admitted : in the-insatutmes 'as by the I Inoulaanßeit state:edit andguaraitieef : ••..; -f, it. ,In the ~ v,exy nature of 911.110, Lliel .' ''-'...1 . of all cturnatiens and etim'ann ever,' ;;,..- - ',,r . them, man is mightier than lay -'or all . S i• , . • ids intititions, sad not enly'can,.bit ~.)- 2 . 1 . • will, change them at his. pinion,. . The •-,• ancient Medea end Persians, is ', spirit of the kaki% arro%ance carried censer _. . I ' • .: vatiam i to its Idgbastplich : ' With* esaf. .• '.,::: .1 . contience, norec• matched before er :r . .1. - steak theyileereed did their laws,whee ` ones made, should nenrchaage. What I malacy nun IMve overhowed tie, souls .-- r -4if tlairseiold 6 xuwarvisiitip, asilirm t . f a ndoi,l they had ore astedia-- -.---.. 'tit . -• : ~' .formb 4 their • P r fdig,e l ; to enduing grealte, des. ' . Used to lest eatil.ike fires of BM. last day 'hoax huri dews amain; Ain! or theta; we leek and then institutions : .•. 7 1 - 'are not 'lllan ametintion aiii.lawe ..'t that were never to change have all • 4' . ben 'Tint mini. ifliat Is left is oily the, taluirtiee of their Liana:lee and i -... telly; by . whiekwherarea are In traded, boa franaMridd dunces learnsething. The thniserimivas of the tinned States dente ' themselves is bwevtamg the ... . , : ''',l_ einejpse - rearattli awls ill tka Ormaito '..-1- ties: While contradicting all that was '...:.. 1 generens„ elevating aid setae 111 the : . 1 t .-.. mitt* sad conduct of the faunere'ef that dectunent,thiry cherish all Nutmeg bit.. . - ...-4 tee, . deterring aid - ignoble In MUM; I Buck is weservailmniur - always. II , ..1, liberty has made' miecesafill function .:ks anywhere, they . eek to pit back of that ~.. : -.. athirmement to the elder - despotism, and ~.. ' fill &ma Weirs it hi abject plight. f Bertaln Miumanihn into which the • : --. ' man of our - reveltalortary era entered, , and whicitltteulily maned the nation an. . :. .1 ill they, abodneted in a nun Ovalle crtikeir, have been war9taway. In mind of welcoming this fructlfying tide - i ".' asaliZePthun- do the n everfiewing of ',.- ibe Bile, and with hke resson,eur Ostr. -1 - Icamttres tire : themielves up to Limn . ~ Intent . - The old land-make ars - sin. merged, neer to sppeer again, and they f • are dlemayed eidetic:mei eqta,With -. ~I •An old idoletes; whose *awes of' need fs - Wed stens ',were' partoieed - and carried .. ,olf. .Henceforth ,than Oneervedv e s • s -' canna worship with the old pomp end i - ' ceremony the lietasedead Imaisked idols '•. 'elute and : terror, and thelr ktouts;are ' I bowed with grief. Lila ~ell'ar people, I . Mime In Mellon, they Indalge • dim • cad, "ludo* hope that by some leis- I plicable.dispinsaion the old anditlen of i "Wm any le' reatnba; chit: the lank' i . l - , - - nay be forced, hick into limb forint . .i;"...- conditioned ',bondage; tilt thi old Mae : tent inittetrisamstorSnay reed' 'their . t larder matte, with superaddedpean ; r . end Unmet i their ,Nanterahip of With '._ may dominate the - nide* as of Yore. ,If this coarammition could only he 't , -• reached, they would 110 la" ai inii4l4 1 disit whacker to depart fa peace or stay ' i.'tad enjoy the congenial &axes and harrrof. ~. ' - name timid Indices, sot ICCOguEled so FOTOIIUt ; study 'yen tike veer aid marytialag, and *Maus sadism thazigis that t eee crier the institutions and . dea• aura of nations, exhibit fears u to Ike extent to which the late aoirmsats ban 'gone, sad Ike ceisetranoes already evened. Their sensitive lad use*- dplined aeries ayprelnenl sort of . Asitoln disaster, In witch - the whole Vasa shall be thrcrwa off the track, aid ' Mate, piled aura BLit*, in horrid diger . order, shall by burned to ashes la tie Ern of zootteackai d e eptdcatien. Theis hill to see nee tie .recexaition had Slei• runt of righti, no matter how swift and anaplete, is never to he divide/Else ab r., urine of order bat always we u lural indicative Of mine pnrersee asalleratiens. Eat, If the Lot is other,. wise; if the thorny and viailicena of •Jost rights do entail ergs even of staistas Us/titan; if j Mums are wrcraght political fabrics; if many estimab Wein ens crashed and rulaid; slid, 'tenslants that aliake,sticiety.un whole „desirable. Ito men preys " :.. 'the atimphereiway ao lender tad by leads, ma, Vann; break from 4eicrsiss r ut -mewl kraal,rya:the aketirthed7ol9ldi or that ocean 'bail anal Nita .bi MEE ME Ga l Wrecked and lost in the vhdencauf gales. then agitaticofs are part of the irns. POrOlthie noosomyof ths world; primate ira- purity and serenity; agd render It habitable. Coamzvatires m ay deplore such exhibitioas of force; - .'may essay to step the elements when They muster their wings for the Inset; ind may iimaine they could devise a better plan wad conduct to men kanioalons milts; they may derive ample satisfaction from coatemplating their own superior . Wisdom; but all their sellvaunting' will ant set aside thessrdlnation of the Ores tOr that agitatin is tiie essential COOLU. ifOa of grairth,. and irowtk mai/pewee. tile to the perfection alumni. Ottlt 130Y8 • What becomes of - the bays, the newsloyn- the bost4doek4tke-gemlne of our streets! ~.We me them daily at every corner , and . perhaps become fa millar with their quint raga voices. of is getlato tho way of I thing et titan as we would el a pest or a cellar deer, s thing that is nomessar- I llytbare, bat why it is so we never le ,Try ter • curie a little different i comma: It may muse you. The ' next tine 'one accosts you in the Postoffice,, l say sometking Mad or *Rota him, and I see kowthe kard old. files eoftent into I that of a bey, how ; the 'skier astonish- ' I oust will serve to show yon tint civil I a kuaan bast. and nesters thing.- And wkat bailable of: him f The %pis we seed to hair . yelling out the news of a stainier'e arrival daring the Italian war .1 of '39 ars men nem, and yhe toys who howl evaithedreadfal "'splatter's" or "all about thermarder"ncrw-odiye mast oMmar or 'War 'outgiow their occupa tion& Aid what then I BOMB of the old boys -have grown to lie irell-tolo citiaine,lrove worked their way trp to; :Preildfats in the'terent: But these - are the a:Matins,. the Napoleons of the clue; Others have no doubt learned trades, and I are now earning Meter bread houestly and uprightly. Bat these . are all the now&b . sys of the Nit, and'we fear that the curry and vim "=of the present" race May be turned la 11110fhlfr and bad direction. -A. few weeks ago we aw a knot - of them' in .a earner, all ears listening "white one mad the filthy details of a filthy crime, flow geriodical, whose aim , is to delineate The meet disgintiagicenes, and to maks heron oice.minals sad to cell crime hero tom; limn were bays fromeigklyears ap t ill llatenuig with_ relish to ths atoiy; all seimhtgly perfectly familiar with inset; all impatient U for the con. clMicat. Again we me anatigre of them every week-on tip tie before the: Ode displays of maws dealers, &venting the wood cute and spelling out the/agenda Meath. Thai an their colleges and ''their text books; what can we Mope will belludi diplomas? , What can we expect . ikalltiacarae of . theei boys?' Can 'tke few bright; examples of iinesperlty and wooed, achieved - by fonner members of their 4asa ; be : satilciant to deatroy the Cams of the. trash which terms their thirsting? • We fear not And yet we think something salglat bedew' fez them • a*antidehr for this literary poison mlgbt Aa furnished. ' ol, tkeisimmialtin miaa thirst to r t ledge,' it might , in 'another farm. - Wkr(colli ' there hot be a 'street toys- libmay - here, I ac hernia costar appreatices In leilkloOtal anotherla Baton? A free Binary et good, stout banks, sot tracts; or tractliks booli, Lei boys will mug rend th", but Boo< stook "'Morn/fairy I books, suck • as. Oliver Optis, Mayne I Reid, or , litisallimegn know ho* to I mite, gainthe attention of the readm, and gradually instil morality or useful ksewlodge; net these which pound down a ton- of mares with a straw of ably. If Buie could be tarnished we would have Mines that the poisonous weeklies might' be I:ollllferiefet4llot otherwise; and we do not doubt that there are enough of ancli'volmues lying idle among the toys of grown up children to work a gra t. goad if properly apylted. Surely, we think something an be does for these waifs,and sorely the thing is worth a , • - -Tkailusprobibly Reis% been, *lace the - days of Ike Freaclueuktiee, of spinet salutago Ii the octet,' the pckcips) 'kirk of the wield_ est a we man 6 04 11 lee;... lee years. Nsw Tack la =seam with the moues= Ono- sad par team. fads Ls thuaged.witi the most relied sad nted set! elegasks that Ike meld lass :sees the idiji of the , tower of 2lakl B of l'sioskest; Ludas Ilwitildom has Seethed ud ham stirred . uitil city ace OcciP, half Beidtavls. sad catapsee kit .the crowd width • Waage the, sakes .of ,".Idsidases Duhasais et i coguiume! Vienna,, ) the home of the AnegkNest end nest elegant 'ailstaCiacirof tke :Weed kak i ' the Inn= of the footles, aid Rorae and Flume areketally AM politically ult. recilaicable a' Nip Yea Wiskte:Of these days ivaa stale gekalosloal Fkfiadetpkia*solute than ettettesi the I Ladaiwastias door °t c ila . inam forced ski by, balk btabk' and keasy,ta a way that is, kali paralleled 1a ,Patti sad Jidda, vhf. ear Swath= cities I eshibitsAthe IMMO -abate' of itdetnall coweidslHoloWldolt nil wacleifesk its teak - .The caues thls Arra is the kaladiscou'ate;Stellit:Sid ',utak I Tka'wouldaputtal;Bisitacch; sad easa babil, are WNtrartetiltielt Zsrekewes its . mai Is katiwa first 'cask of duns hors; sad the spirits of raoposs sad ak/loe biased soLasaay while isotopia i rerakkkg. st the deers of the kinds] cast that the tasadasiU .; daisies kad lika Ike iset, of the - wadi; bat ilobees's'choice:. That all Ult will dully " Isliptetw If ,is dais the ' casestiale saatidba exclusive esolety, Is keit awtak, tar its orect emus rut'if the Watt'ley he tonal= IS be . protest la the au tual - treaapki us wbkii logol* . T ll 4 Star Vaiia eZirrappzinlli JUL I.9th, MT.' Eorroza Gazrrrs..4.The letters re celvid in this'city,froni the surveying parties on the Ilas of theßltdon'.Yocifie ~ , Railway, East= Divisloa:,,through New . Mexico and- Ariseara m have at with a measure Matiream VieyMod their exp.*. talon in finding a- good line, alike free from heavy. gradients and - danger of in. 1 ternmtion from snow.. _The line pumas thrwigh extensive trade - of It rttle and ) knitting land, herring _phinty el timber 1 sad water, - aad a ItaWdellcions climate, The reports we have had of tbe mineral wealth at that onmtry, NO for from being "Armtheta fall aw the truth. , *mowing egr sa from St. Louis 1 gims thelatest inbeice from the ear.] I . 'f= Palmer, ' ireartnefl , dl oli U 1410.12 Pacific 'RI u ttl,. Reese* launch. now , in charge of the 1 1 1 7111411111121 the 33th and 1 =windbag,' through New hfaxlco,Ari. noutand Califerals, writes to headoaar- 1 turn . barn L trader dine bf Part' Mop Artzons. Theomber2s, that he has a 1 line to the Colorado river below. Me sad of ssile's:los, at an excefirmt-bridglog point !oath et lewd Mohave, about, L37o] aillse frtne Nimes ennead 600 toilet l ' from San Fraacisee: - ' I Tbe dement Into the Colorado 'Valley, which was orasidered the. most d6ObtfOr pent Is the ertsfie mute, is aceomplished within She mashaamend thiefly within . sixty - feet grades... Per two- inunired mllea: between Allumulnue and the 04- orad o riser..the ante Ilm through or immediately adiaorat to, extessive pine forams. "Ths. - Terty haat aom no_ snow, except Leo thotemaut feet above our high. eel grunimit Our animals timed „coed all the' way. - There no frost trur 4 yst, OM alt. teas sti fa ll green; and Mere Mut evidence as yet of winter., Lam satisfied' that; with ths Willem af. forded by the Ceirmeedorreer; by the mild climate, abandanttimistr arelprodnetive soil in this valley, the whey tins. esh be sempleowl leekremyeers. - ---- , - , ----, The - parties expert to reseltami "ma 1 :visor- about the first of February, and retina ,by sea In IS& aide, -tin the fell repo:Mot the several partial shall be nude, thesetastryleill eike mot. tett* -tspogrephy, agaterslom thmatio and mom= of that neonent Mere OMWhwt fine klgrink-14404te tol:ollll4adrsji the d wildetenteposien infiresd eamoimit ass erithit , aillay eitl %cella beVehe: . . .' . , 1 1 . ~4 "" -" ' --': 1: j ..v - z,; , .:....c. San Tort liciurrairp 01 the irtric! , AirivroaCirvir et Irlrest 1.1!woril I..ttroralllrt • r. . . . Mire yoiCoars*plist .r4 , •714 &Khasi i . Silky, yea 74.1*1i yotravain Or. Olds r : - - -gran 1012 , NrAciOigu pular. iis !! ,row. .yrabiftirias.citur wkr er tae dlrearts earning." .114104* Dr.".Crists , a Rosta42 is a nre """ T iro !.. , 441 / 1 .1 ;ihrllat maga. D. ?Lair child ba ' 4l earrs of Inn, Mallard, Alarm& !orient ..d.fq .t logiorestreet.\:' ..71:14Li Zit 0_ _rtiilo_"27.oo,llittLnia OFFICK-13-WEUILIITIONN LID TEN TRlA_Tyllow Of ppirur#vaitacrx. te;..4 2Bllll C'Pritw # I KIIT4 .2 r • : 4 lIMIEMES GENERAL Cincinnati during 1967 there were 3,683 deaths; the losses bydire Were 11,- tIOO,OOO, IJOU,OIM more than the insa rance, and the city expentia were 8=,833,421 7/. • I —Prussia, it is sated, has persuaded .the Vorth Germ= Coated:Sat/en to abolimo annoying pa.sspo epithet which has prevailed In the pett pall ties tiandefortk -, -. -There bYlalked constenctog rail -way' through parb.of Klne Theodore's domittionsfrar LOY-ase of ,rmr hsvadlng army. If 4i-xailwaY guldehe 4timetd. • It willoof ordee,bllin AI3,C-nian One.— Yalne was.onda a great ship bad lag State, but ea Portland nnerp•Pali• nay that the aggregate' tonnage at new vessels omitlit u r port thiiPhst 7•sar is only about as airy do year pxevious. - I harexerpertsefunisabeuef large: failures among the merchants and -bust- I news men of the city of Columbus. Many of the_Larties - . Who are repented sal having faired Seiranbing :fhb heaviest , candidata ancl..!sidest,fntacial Mien la Georgia ' w!...t. dead 'negro was forted recently In the woods dearabeideon,l,3llsai with a load et buckshot in Lin body, and near by lay the bcply of &Lunn On the negro: the following .inactriedon was " k ismet: "The nigger killed the hog, and e beg , I killed the edgier. Mild" —The now volcano.- About 1 124 miles east of Leon, Nicarama, had been In '1 violently grand eruptio&- throwing fire find cinders Dual. two craws,- and lately . had sent out heavy showers of line black sand, which bail reached Leon, covering; the streets to the depth of banal:Lindh . —The MLGourt State Auditor Lav ing ' reportedbled in va that hluat rdpe ion sirty In that - g has dounce the y a St. Louis paper my* if is roulade& of "an ambitions ruerclumt, who want - Mg to enchants the res..ability of his' stock of peels, marks them up withoht any real addition to their vahts."! • . 1 Ea - Poems:dr, are being made in other . ;arta of -the world 'besides :America in reference toll's use of petroleum!asdhel I for steam both= 'Otte of the lab= re. ported is that of Buff, oa"tbe steam, yacht Olen, (ten hortte..-pewer4 Len den. The, result was ,eonaidered quite Utecossful The Consul:optima 'Mounted to`three gallons nor hour. ;--Siveral. families were recently poi- mond in Platte, City, by =rag cakes made fmet the.dour of buckwheat, mingled with the seeds of ties - Jill/son or Jamestown weed. The injuries wore not Serious, though it is said the.parttes .have henceforth foresworn buckwheat cakes. A whole family was dangerojudy poisoned some six weeks • ago, in Ball county, in a similar Manner. -The NervirTork World oenticistai to, !dire stataticalef the number of !Work. airmen out of employment.- It recoatly stated that .10,000 wanted work In New I Teri/ Illity,and 40,000 In Erooklyk, and raow says that the depression ItS , New England throe's ant of workt'et lo ut 460,000 people-40,00d in MaieecOl,o3o la New Ilaropakirs; 30,000 in Connectlent - emit Rhode /slam& and 100,000 ill Mae, eadmarlts. ' —Paris modistes Gill us that the new.: est :dater banuts are all exceedingly small, but they de net look *as though they were! flattened to the Woof the bead; which effect the summer and aut umn bonnet, give.' The neWestl farms are certainly more Mitred lroU the fore. head, =CLEW of high bandeaux, Sr wide-reit:me, or wreaths of thiwerer, and they are mere becoming than whin the front of the bonnet red= on * fore h-reibus bas :always been suppo to must completely chemicht. actio by : all acids but floozie. It la found, however, thet some bott/emakera Poop* are in the habit ordricreasine the amount of alkali, and thus saving On the feed re .quired td lase the Ingredient& -Wine plead ha - bottles-Una made, acts !open the glaaaand makes ft opeque,lind thrui adds to the-wines ealt which is neither pleasant nor • wholesome. Of ' course! Witte es affected deteriorates.ldvalue. .:-Ore the ult., a Mr. and Litre.' Frazer, and infant child, resitilngin Ran. 1 dolph nourity, 310., after'having visited '1 a relative, were on tbeirreatru home in a buggy. On epprtaching a steep' hill; Mat. .P. got out to. walk, carrying the, child in, her sou. Directly -sitar, Mr.l l F. was startled by they cries of the and looking around nark, wife lying In !the road Be called to her, but .re celving no answer, hurried tack i and [mind her dead! it is supposed a neu ralgic pain, to which she was subject at tinsel . had attacked the brain with AIM resul +Pealart Zona coan to Goal:le, rowland.' Great number ti s of ne venal con stables have teen sworn in - for rublle nrateetion in London, and a circular has been sent from the Rome Departmeitt to the Mayors of anent any towns in Eng- I land and'lreland, »question that special constable, maybe sworn in - forthe war creation of property and the suppression of 'riotous proceedings. • "Fier Majesty's t Item:sent," sem the circular, "have received information which renders It MI their judgraint desirable that the kcal: authorities should be preparodio meet any dlsturbaimitsihatmay arise du ring the' winter." The fear of Fenian eat breaks is more widely extended at pretr eat than durlng.any previou s _ period of -There lea singular biding aanldiont or lake, near•liumphoyte Station,' In Monitor Valley, Ruse. River, OM& which is said to bs well . 2.ll7rici e In the center of •s „ othjid of er e tteeeemery matter, theist les , noel about soventy-tive feet In ete , ,andaPParentlyaixtyor, lielreetry feet In depth. - At the bottom there b a large =Dune of molding hot water con stantly la active ebullition. The water Ls no remarkably pure Mat este." thrown . Into IL la seen .deeeending with • aloes spiral motion to - a - greet-depth, being gradually drawn towards the point where cheapens seams to bdrst from Os reeki beneath. Tlar.lake has no outlet,' and theiwarer Mandellarat two:4feet below ninon:bet rightly, madn bane net until very recently any geld or siiven The small clone of the country has been the "copper cash," worth. one-tenth of our out or them! =outs; while theortlyallver cola w h ichatted= Was thel/faxlcan dollar, in time became to soreexteat the stand sod •ef vales. Silver eau generally . italic into abatis oiled tomestiver, , the metal being 'ewedgliel or sounded Into the shape of 's °lunar alsoe,_the *roe fitting LW into another like co many samara aid beteg dealt -out by wolgta. as our batikeralbuy and mil I ton: • Gold was little weekend neetetined at Of hes, - however, the Chinas are *dialog geld, and sam_ples are ethibited 1 'here as curioiltheg • Thee • colas are .in theiumin likirthe topper malt withwklett .envy Californian ta-fartrillar, having a .' wirtare halo In the middle, a • polished rim around. the edge wllhoert and ratted characters between the raised dist sad warm - The gold eooosre to be ea or; - alloyed pare, az alloyed 'differently fro& ottra,• being ore bright 'sallow -hue, and lacking wholly the red tinge °burr; aide in ens win, and the weight la equal to tout $3,40 . 0f oar cottage. The exact oho of the .the =ln we donor know. 'ltlsnet dui SD our eels to finish, but is niv =de a handsome coin.- blai, 4 /fa Orb' , • • " - - - :11:olvmer I mitca.—The 'Walla Walla paper Ws the follo an wing .The body. of a m - was found a abort time ago. *boat the middle if Nevem her, as near aswe can learn; between the Month of the 'Mathew river and Make tbalialeei en tbe Columbia river. - The man, we are informed, was of dark com plexion, and And about Ina peacoat, - whom gonad by the Indians, - about fourteen thousand doll= in'geld, now- ' ln panda and in sibelk .The money is now in passes eon of the Indiansrafarrad to,' and will probably be held by them mall it, Lil t I info, proper, hands. The man was not idea tMed by Male who new the body: „ Mint le - this Illarvelows Ann, dote to Dieeedie irkliks. for. ?Irma, r via-1w kao bee!!! or:sato oplaloes from all vorls of Doyle” n. air the swag of 1108UT131271 lITOMACIR II Is. lafaaLs WWI aloe{ omasllesSl4Mki. asll4lthrao, ißtl-lustpati•aud Chtillbrolkubsi IA the puits4 olztufts•a . . , • ISOW,D9ta MOPE/SAT% rib snuffs:a .aao tomloitly saws Si kl• loss; 11. °pastes .........sars•doos...2.- • • rarxstl.• s Protestor 41' Appetite. As artrog ataplelaa dsisos Mao As a ... 1:4:; • . As (solos Asst. • rttnit.tl7;.. lad sea •• hai..astdsdsi4stiaa4 l-dkl . mi... 4 so v.alatmA taloaso AP TATTI/1•11 witatacif''lrttilsit lAs.olif Wats IA torrtallA, Olga a writaca. sud, Ill..; AlsOulllZT`ttiAs. Haie Yea Caught .// I *Norernre.s!': , PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE; WEDNESDAY., JANUARY I& Is6B. 178 6. pnosptcru 1868 THE ITTIEBUIDE GAZETTE' The largest daily paper is the BCattraf Peanayivaxia, eaten the land year of Ivo miaow!' voaA increased facaigioa for dia. itemiaatior *Treat Lave of the day, ‘ll4 for material yivad r poidiaal serviie theanyoraatt,Proddengai Qom= Of 1169. Thefirtiomogatuion of Onifreis proeilear Capron aid of ailsgost ast Aekt Mut the-formatkoo of the Gov , Inman{ and Lie pray/Of/age WU be axe. toasty waddled by the isdelbiryad mama. In Woo of Ow deep interest centered in dye prOooodingra, the preyriefore of the GA 1.873 E have made arreverviem. for_ daily dispateAes sad letters der*, tAe eatates, Ara 7404 - fatatig - ear corri aposulatt, who eI:WY& Owe eonddenee gad' friendelai of ths ieadinff vsevnbercee UV' &amid aad 24111.411, Okoliowdo of-the sari peverrtmente gad du trading potaf cievu who Avaisvag WaShiffelln, Ufa roam earn drpavd riavaviair thefiret., fallen avid Test reitabte iaastbknatalifrovi Ow seat of Groftwwww. , The *Tea14 64 0 of the . . fp tare, at as ." oanden, an7labo Mee • . iectenlea as leeebt-ceM. &M. of . 46 IV COSW stp,,for toyietalien, • Oda MTTS via keep al the Stale dewing tki entire nation, adireteliiy anit . /saw correepondent; ado will * report theproecatinipt Ay valid and telegraph. - . It it the only- potitit t tl joirnal of Par env* which faitlintly Wade and stead* advocates the prism tea Add by the Union l epublican , Party, ;ad interpreted by a twat Cbvress. ,' . he.* est satiall nonleoe neon' oe one "aver sad mi *maw [sitar. par ismaten. ..Mi. U. pita le but 6446..baf6/ Oka 646166 t e. ell at the los Mt sowskoar is CM 0066umaatilai. PCBs Oa aata6l....j, may stispvtosest .166 hem etronerA.6664. TU. 144 olkomoaor of Os militarist cam. Pitt I. la alatermot. eat nit reetiene et• enottornoweenee nut be /*Wool, • • the .. ttottortooto.l tett/ k bript ott, to IL *kw.: smite opode.edl ttwu Wit rakiistlY *Or. YH U.. tr..e‘... WM , • f 05tv,0414. anntry Asia sawitat ker.......swetagg.f.gAr 61.1311718 MI reputation e a tiot, mumprais, edefeniahr cureeemariei oalotopopor. Akb .W. ow. ita• nem. for, weM n• !ARA pro chsti Hum k up.. ikt.it. Wow.. f 1.1.44. twve. Aim ..k.etc miNit; do. AO., aro,desly Aithensi Jlrws *Moot sada,' hry, failWormid.gll. 1.4 rha swim fa toilette( tittl rare, Md 1.11 P.....llt....kifiril.wqrt. 0.11117. rkjhume. ow. Iwo 'kr( ekr. du WY 411 Pad airporteswg Saar% Wit n.kr grate so dim** toottiotofst opt. eat/ to Imams, torork. 6.1 bad.. sodurw ilakissi nookqr stk. ff. 4.14 a. 4 .10 foomitudedd tole skaak. U. •li reitigins. dablffitiniya.4., • • NV, :Maw, Klemm pas frail sad dam. depuisesta il•poor WU hi' orilsota is • mouser mita vitt ova sett. . ~ . shat. err ?SS DAILY 111,1,11311 TL ~ .. , 'tf . su.llrosith• ....:.. ..... ....... ...„........ am , . O. nar...—.:....... ...... ..... ..... L. Zhateeraf fa tittablypik 414.4411,0.1.18 flur slitiammt 1er.06 •/..n.w.g• 1 . ... 0 4 5../"I. ,Tits,WKX L 1 cuissrug. ru WEILL / 0.1.41Tt4 Maar. ..tar as ft Warr ermMLL .Datts, Meeptrt awl /yid esesys Amity wasuppewer I. a: mu. RJR ei.l4 Astsmen, mechanic am! isufwee men.. ft stem Bosh twatiests stetSo eststens• Warmest wee ill Se/wrest asst mai; Me Amass eltgesteie &WV.' ssed • lister misette•Ar ttlowers ..t ..t. eaticitaaa.44.oeher erW masettsal poitslebeg weristsf a.. Am eeriest (Wel eetommustmlit Wised. nes% • newer se from Met w Mime" tea: Sierdeser. She seserbtrepwts Wlte ISAUStAr GAZE !SS an Is emmowe astamt tssiMmedwWw to to Lk esmesswt waseass. fret bra. are earn, *mitts nowdalltraar Watent Prato. mak, ieseses Ofite awl Ilksters nrifsie am without asset 'ILO of As TSB are wed Aram ate 05414 OIWE OarallF dtttast ms wm/Y. sderWee Se Imsestew Wive s Se ste. termfte the misthw .s•SWes to Ale master el A. Mr al re harp lateartar Wetteswa. • flan Asente Mit:fare sr is oar" V Ow, e/arte a ewe, - awl ise attars, MO ItteIMIAMLM I. smmtemss SAW slew fOW madam Amid ie dewiest Wis ware saw es. dittos. SeetWeimm b rae W =sane, at ran la ran. Pat cruse nag 2tralan4 arra rw 'rarer set se Awste:' M3EI,=I caw qf L. co. 4/ •rowt ail. Maar alt 16 , 1 , . • other' shmi, • ranitir, um a ON • • Air. Si art II 7410 Sibet,.Pittoborsak; ir C0.01+7 pipers la Wooers Piourrtnoto. !Mien 011p.m:oil Weneni nniu. So WWI& tb50h004...44 .siatis.otonua_ to IltIod• to cos "we siebang• the Loan. „ 1,.1:1# %a/A:94(4:4:0'i. 2.121174 K, Jr. Adams ,1114~0A , *A NI "la &ra4 la as autheilant Airmg magi Ahorstalmata r 11140212174a1l !?/far men anmpadrug fM pill . ", MON W GN Chiurdaz plums - MID CCM ". num ituums. 1.14.11:012PLIZil "LLCM ILPLCCAB.. mous= D LAW'S.% 'tor . 'Ws at.i veal nvlittls..te P 44.14 prams, - ca.; tires EINBROIDERIES. 431X70/4 zaztonswaicia. AT AZDII€OIII F. S. EATON'I4, 17 Flll6ltree4 It°9 II ANEPL &Co: AMOR, °OTTO!" igILT:S; at Iltsry, TAO AZOKOJI AID =SEOUL& xarrivriL, J. scHooNirarga a SON, ! • .ip ., permeiricritiebats.- • White LeadeetColot Ina" AND c& "" Vie -4RA" in Llca.D . am an Mitt. eFf Ottrettr Aß Y AVIU ! a"'4 . "6 - oft.. Now 141017111 t 4111 MT. - 4.11 it m ai • Ireet. Allvarinir F ,16 "A • • BMW" BOWMAN liNSTITII'M A INILIAILBICIIIIL nz iwao UM& 4 . 1 . 1 : . . 7 1 1 k a 1f" W7 .1 5 1 17 25ET 1M1: :Rd Isla., 34. The askarmorptilamst sai•U s dlteettall - ::14r."'"ItryntriatZ:latfts. FORTY-FITE ORQAN T • AND:MELODEONi. Dtirct fralAthe la*Sisrlea et Ore. A. Priam a 00 . 11, ...A.1•C1T A OA. Ye rreseeta ta.gigaz . swags lit.trAhli AMATO 41 71111 stnos., nem! A.nr labors Wood. JOHN IL b. AL lIMULIDOipIi, =nut mum at mew, S. 5.1- us unungro 11721117. Z." 01".preirsiroxami. Iliwablnues alll/ Xmalas ea Ignil. 'nllllll. IVW WILL' /LEEP ON new , .. — , TA wic tite. ~,,,,., . weer WI a • - •`, 4...A1 yfrgA • • i t ~,,..,•2 . - --- . w.....„„,.... 1 / 4 Z::..e.i.. a k. : veral griAßZ:roz h'ibtx . 100,000 . /00,6- 1 0, 100,000. . Jut tooelvoo, Us it.,. anoint 11/.OOW .21•WDX1101, *Welt 'will I* Cooped of ot low Ma. to trolo. ita I W. X: IKUULLY, Wiodsoalo (Wooer Lawn? Wow. OT/CCI hilritibir,WAS* ;AU. N Potion 'oat to tout or attloor lar YriCst WY OTi r tft no t a l Hord wt . at MIL •lat P PA, ~d•!"..°l yat caw l aira mt.g. 4 i! nnexiiicrs Dillrßurr. i se Mils. Ors R3l; I - • • 1=; • ' ••p • \ b 'irAtAiv tisacer no - fai4 Trmarlpl!Olli'PEARIDTIL• \ • . i x=riivat i • 1.34 • • " Tm ?Ismtu.intiisia CORN itiEVE: AND PAU.— -17= c tru ll a t Mar' - ire* Lucas tres• am untaw ilness_, itsr ay, . zia.4,44 stow-aim Mil Ivrelourriorr OF CO-pjgr. ....2...E T ,P.—Tba IT W. SALIM W. est , t. 111.14.1./L NAN. • its bums.. 11 .414.173 rat. nailer be 2.10311 Lod stylt of OUGXIII7. LIAMU CU , Hkicau),.. W. MACEUM. — /tUtilkarett Janary i 1411..m.t Nelson atandfai the Mt 71,11111: It'oVl l °. , ,rattrATlLL.,l ell ty,11214“01 **Jets tor them too o.fattaautee ottavers so 1 ...1t,141b• old Ir. lima/464., Iron andAteel Works, nournuirt_,, , BARN & CO:; . U ils xal ur.i.crr umme or Ir Nalis,Bplinge,ft Kjes, Steel, Le wlßAiount `-• w NEvy AND POPELAIL BOOILL •I p "l : l7l =tererg'="in.Tr t . 3 g'ori:::titt i . n gi 4f..!..t Sim Changed 0r.% ora OLMY Bollonon. The M0 r..... no. of Urn Ronk. A companion yinb am to Qs abovn. Frite4ll4B TkeZnaunaird Jo. By rr...Blyenr. nn. t Atrinant a l r. Ing e nT dr . n not—Zinc us oportunity. A as. Note. By the =Mot rlf Molly Obeli,. rhea $l. illtr "" lnt A j g". ai °L." W "" n sbe/e•9au Feu SI.O. ont — rnlyerriftora the tlyinoutn hies sl.7i lty ....Oen.. By Blltto Elustratol. (*nom ee rth. • Manila. Illustrated _Price A& trann V wn fu or Chit4n.n. iy L t. Alava Chime. et _ Poor Berrien. By Ain* Cony. Meant 50. 1 4 , 1441 . Y Litt e Teeple. By aunt.; neon°. Oa Roth mace AYlorAlf the Coin pplawsottli:nri lino4nolus. 4 s author of "4=4 1 17 (4:11V,4°.` 4 i.,14' g r •"- Written Sr the V.. 4.6 'My AO. rAr B• 'tr. Poo. $l. NM by owl e 0 iceelPt of price. ILLY a copy O Read r!!!2 The Higheet Market Price =:Z=I RIVERNSIENT SECURITIES, GOLD, sivvz cum w awn atm ant J. F. STARE'h CO., Xitalters, ROOD A.so Tamp gramma. GLOM OUT SAIE LADIES' FURS, + . T xtrouczu ratan.. 31'COI{13 Air CO, Jo In we*, rriarr. LADIES' FURS An MEWS 111.11114 r. Of raveling imati, • wiLuve Tax zownrr ?moth ' au., MI Mb/LW BATS AND - CAPS, PRATT /lc BENNY% no. rim aireet; LOSaL.UPLI: I / 4 4, , t144iv,11 A PERPETIML 84310LEOHIP L11 . 341,T) COLLZ6II4 Zvi BALI DT STEEL 4. WILSOZ' Blakeni ann.81.1.1 Agtai: So. se eaflbMd ael4et. TE4B TEAS! .Ju.tenava4, a Urge aa4 each:4lot otlat el ar raluicvs Tr.A DART. • • Mu Dlxisca4. htt , Oust, arsifileit tettlled et rrier4Abst .1/1 dirt imalmt.ltio• .y az4 ev•sy 11.1.1V0. Wye Um* a Mat Yd yogi w11.1,041 - sallsSed • - IntAIICE & 8014 si ins:nand. H. KIRKPATRICK __....lel4.4lll..cmx.cuwic-- 1100114111EPER AND ACCOIITANT. Of r WIC eiTY-11 - V1 YJUSI/1 , PRACTICAL ZS. I . 74urzCZ., WILL aTrindb TU &ENING IRO CLOSING MERCIIINTI' Zatry AN** Clewed_ wall Ik.• Openot 117 Double Smarr. awrawwwil Mir sentrataill alpisted. nomogram'? armsruurns nuts au Ca 7:l"ifuirderlliFrT:l2l"6"' H"4l.4eltir CO-PARTASEEIREP NOTICE. McIADISIIILIN and WIL. Jl;!Laig 1141.AVIALIL7if nammstered alarlas Camausura magus& sa• /••/••• IllUrik utL , ae.,".4.4. the Lune sad WI, at - • . r. Mar4tfeatlli & 80Ik . 11 =;: y .:IrrA.N1);' 1211 immix/ tr iTitree ty ww I. illsukt.'sti ill liar old .1!1_3_43t ESTABLISHED ii 1840. L "13. 7 43:UPC.A.8EV*3 Man Cracker it Shalt Facl; 111,11 /Owls, SAl,lrilla:butish ,114u:nm.t ud . , l44i;bi Max of . 4 C r ionfe,tici*l!Aozw'y i fotwalcun) Dwitsno riturri. mind QCELINO or" AT COST soßEitTil BEERBATT 1 8, it Sititideld Street, tpt smut or nousnelnunsanrs soon I rauestas. "' AL 'TAXON, A Geld flumes te Pardase Presentz. Parlarcuars vie nu' 1118 g.JETB, ,Yalloss `lol .I"*.st+-11rii • Illy ....... rnovi ft. lents ....... ..• o: PIO" rnt.lea Is; isteri.ay.iltd.... • 1 OA: Ilater• etryilKlza,• atmk of .rsactizt. 2.72. • Oat kr mall au:oo64i er rim • • KAY is COMPANY, is wuirx• rnistr. JOHN DaL4l 4 BUN STICK - ABB UAL ESTATE BROKERS 4.* Avonomans. .11/ ' • utlealir allea P./ 44 ..1.t5106.4 • of Beal limns isa print. l.. JAL. a. BAUM. MEAROn & MAPES, FLOUR. ORAIN AIM PRODUCE Commission Merchants, Is2s LISLTI IT.. Plmsensi.- Oontrancbta ..tletted. . • • - • • innnitNinn•-•.t. O. Koala, Citable. Meehnriiuv J. DI•onl • tvteamng n pgmvpirixAuru., slmxas iIVERY AND *ALE•ETARLER, lit 4-1110 REMISITLViIIIII. AVE2II3i. ..C.AlMfor i pmert NA% sz a • Om Pi. van—ronrsoalgiropti6 yea 43".. eesklenr WAIT.. 4111TOS, iiitengxwar. AND siruummuge DBAPTSMAIT. , nst.l . wet xo. mtiaz gain, . trnseamnrrA. A. "norm= lONS & CO, ociaturacawsass OT • Steam Boilers, Oil 'Mlle; Tut _ *ad ansrr zaus woes, of w umiak umlaut se. tutb• ward, Plellsb • .01110111 ED MALIEWC--11110, Albs , kJ_ fates isa•a sama. tart -ramie/ tfta W tau 21411,r." Ile Mead. PM. • Clei V. A. tiA)4, ,n4W , • -• • , an. Warm sad AM CAllllll. giria"" l %VOX Ir. Conti is R ANTIfah WARMLY EXPI15111: /11 Li raes, sum 00111. 1w 'cunii MAT oesavarr IhrEn a P A . sie,A DAT run .*LLe-iir -- eatU iark=" ffis • 40610P4kriety. CHEAP.CARPETS THIRTY AYS' CLEARANCE SALE.,- or - Gimp rs, vit. two, N1,111"/INGH, &c 11111 1.1.1.Oosztiaauoa, at . I . . OLIVER. e McCLIDiTOCK - , & CONS, No. 23111tth Street TINT *ger till" 1•1•1• ateek - rfiertargest 424 aloe. comp/ e. Uel . ty—A.2 AXTUtI/4311/b1 LI LAJW 1161 CIA. PITTSIMIten .M1(01 OMJITY, OUTS ?E8 YliA. El RIS & EWING, ,WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Corner Liberty and Wayne Streets, pnruniiumr.rA OITT AID 00133 . 111 T !EIDE BOLIOITSD. We Ode[ at ntutatactutata I J. SCHOONSIAKER & SOI4 STRICTLY PORE, WHITE i:EID ZINC, PAINTS AND Ear vi rarrr dr c cii c tat = • .A 166, Furry'. in Oallc Ana la nlat dors lend Can, BLUE LELINTOi Oil =ease Aads general assortoreot of foods o•lte.d for 11C6CIM, PRISICIII3 119 fiIUSTIIT i 04541.17 GREAT' REDUCTION CARPETS We have determined to give our customers at once the advantage of any deoline° in prices that may be made later in the season, awl have to-day - • ' Reducel Prices Ulf VIII Eilattre IStools. NEW AND upicE mons, t4tOw vf hat It would cost to replace the Goods MAD & COL • Nos. 111 and 7$ Fifth Street') = POB6 LS FOli STATE. F INTIIV6, . . . I dank.ly le the mobile. of an het of the G1e0.1.1 Aaaembly et the Coterasamtatth, esti thtd •••■ deb la etdatlee to Yablle f . Dulles." appnvred the .lath day of • NIL L. D. 111, and tli ... p . lea.' thin.. averse. filth Yehre.y. lee], Nadal If ..21.1 dna that the Speaker of the haute and' floe. of aepresestatlves of ealdCommonwealth eon revel,. ..2.ed probe- W. esti' twelve 4 elect st et.n of the Fourth Tuesday of February, 1848, i Toe dela, the Public PaLnITIRti AND BIND IND, ter the 'mai f throe purr. toes the fret do', of Jely n.t, at a eertaln rate Mr cent.= bet. the rat. !trebled In satd a t rel.'. to L a vilble releilai and atedl.f. - ' , Parer.' the abet►li ley of April, A. D. ILL and aceordleg to thane. .4 pawner Sad otedillose smiled Pe it'd yet aed theses. eepoleanate Waste. , Bell prophesy to specify tha rate per .rata= ea the whole of the rat. et the run act talon %flintier. fnd het a elte.featlea of the DUP. ...a belea the nut on each Item. The felloatag Lathe tarp of ItroPeanft tar Do Mate Yriallag aad Blatt...ft . . -1 ‘ I. ----- --,---, pre.. to de all the 3tald Pllett. sal Man:fie the =anew and la all reetts enbjeet to the predator. of the Sot of the a t s ti of AprlL A. D. 1121.. d the several eapplesece thereto, lop the yet.. of three SUM De tbe fret day of July next. at DI rate of t s,tia, er.alvp tele, the rates epee'. delta .all act; ad eboold the State Mall. fad. Bletlad , as at e . bo $11011.5 WM, "1.01 he ready for oath yak bowl, aad ay elated aunties, is req ed by theist approved 3 leareary. IrX, Dr Wilful put Duo. toil the Inuit lee alletted.” lab, toi l',yeast. shell. iletared. sad toeether . I,h t 1'.4 re dalref..hall ha coaled up tad e 1 ed . 1 erro_ postele fee Pahl. Primal.. ad Made taiy,” .4 .hat be dtreeted to the thatatere, and P. dellyszed toean or both of tame albno seal, to he opened, .noexce4 ad all eat made on the 1110 day of Jan0.y.1221, aire r 7 to the pre...Woe of the 4.d not et sloth Of gy.b.i.., ..dlagisvcrasapplomegits thereto.\ . / ' 2F.".IOIIDAN, 60..M 1 / 1 174 thi Canasta *wealth. 1.4141 & CO., .No 31 Fifth Street, A ReNola, orraeneliG at retail Ine.l anti Mai stock of BOOTS AND SHOES IN 'lns CITY', Ladle~t'Wlater Wahtaßootr ,. t,tb b OaalltT avd 4teit tlTle la a vtloa tad Lace. Ladlei' uastts tit Urn Batters. Is 'tullell, Uwe d Cesgreas, of the very tarot Web, Children's and Mires. iValkint school and 01 all 011.4 . . • Geht.s lino (Ulf Boots sod Moo, 8010 Cols 1.1•••)• on laset. Bollooralo awl Coovoss, of 3oporlor {toothy, • lose anti Team.. I.leaoy Xlo and Calf remit sod Sowed lloo l s. t•hoes sod UMW., on.l* Nino • utol 489011111 Mil of infants' Fancy 5110 C. (117ERED I : AT TEE LOWEST .PlllOl6 rI U w. Pi Jarwitow JACKSON & FREW talatewors to L,Ovomurt ltiztta ItIANIIiA,OTIIUZIO.A.Ert) DICAILEttI IA Harness Saddlery Trunks, ie., /Lod trtri olNo tetCp on moot aid Import trot; 1 .1 ,11 / 1 1614/1101M 1111121111sta mouth, /1011..111.11 Improyeatantg la raids, Idu Lip ul hillua, Umt 11.11111 Wanton.. ZPO.mcila waact,mislreat RABBLE .!AND BLATE MANTLES it Di Wag& Etas luW & 4f t Ir. Warweisirtr, Ihn. 11 011•11410111 .Persenmmihnsitittito 'Moto M4ntlywlU and IS to OW , lito.wi. tO .11. Worinatit ill omontloo in anp i tg. mid rrisw as 1 ittr0n .41 3: 1441. 6. b.."' too linriatlZ'utl"4 Eilh"."•4:44E to no othet4la“ In Weldon. Pannoyi.. mat& zin c r i o a ilaa .. v , sian sra Inundontureo. lonuneln 4 aiiirentsofn 7r:444; thttiart swan. at Logan pike& added. air t • 41.1.141e111, a - 1 . • - NL'W PIUSTS, NEW DELEINIZI gLILITLNG 11123L1N murercui , ekimm, etas 1!:XAOILIps0i/azTiza wum uNsmiroaspßinrime YEGLVY tNBLEAOLIED YUBLINEL CCL`a, tarruh •NDLIBEN DI ingll. TABLE LINEN, I2;1$ Li-14A, ruustru*s caeca ' IVILIN,IP.IIINeatate. .IE/LIIP, UIT/S1 WISITY AND QUIT BLANIMV. BAIJEOEAL apd IMP kliLltiTl- =luny tia a mmr rwhg EA itulmar. .A0110:124 de, .1 A Large and well Stitch)/ Block AT VERY LOW PRICES, Orhohnide and n.t•u, ns WM, SEMPLE'S, AO & 182 Federal at,, Allegheny, FOB'`go . NYS LONGED, JOSEI ) II nom az co. WILL COSTVIIIS TO WEB THEIR ENTIRE STOCK DEOIDID BA aias &arable,leS; Gloves, Hosiery; Woolen floods; Hoop !Urge, Corsets; 1 ,/, . Boulevard & Baliteral Skirts; Ladles' and Gent's Underwear Gent ' s Fa ngs/dug 6,461 ?ilk and' Breche dead], • .a.T ( =TRW= LOW PRICES VIOLESAILE AND DETAIL 77 & 79 MARKET STREET f,iIALE AGENTS FOR Wu 1 BISMARCK PAP cinims. .- \ VAIIES,! COL9GNE BETEI, PANtar CHINA, Paean Statuettes, BOHEMIAN GLASS ♦eg other OMURA /INV PANOrtIOODS. Le great Tenet/. War ltimlross 100. Wood Streit. BICIII,IID E, BREED & 1:04 KLVI&SILIVIVAATZ • • • ; _ Alia:•luals sad a.uW Yasatiatanuit4 . • Tin, Coppei and ant Inn Wate, itint=itoomoajorezre ROll6ll ni &NMI .Jll lOU MIL . . .nrrOOORGB. non.rrniEvre, , , • • co rraws ifueciax• ti *idS at tits head or on rood I.tnumaato la rogg=== =gaslinglloWil stale.. it Is simple a,nd svapaat Oonstrao, umougl._tarttlable_to,lret out:Lonler. , TlttratT4r4744lnterl'attO_ Att. rm. tram 11.01.1t0 $1131). Ali 5qya.1.4,,,, do Team - • BABA, INAHB a- ItUETTLEU, -jot• - No. irfrr. CLAM MIXT, c. GLUE, puma) ILaktti, - - TRIUMPH CROKOM Veroons, STAMP AND anima• emit , , 11611 17.1 7, 1AriAlrolirr s l., ( 145,111 1cM17 4 "1" PI 'up pia nap zar day eataietlitiu. 11021461 CHICAPEST J'LACE pir THE' OISI TO 211R-121/111 • Is 51 me. IN uwer nurse. P,O. DUIP3T. I LATHER-PELTING. or a su. MAI aim Illt. vast slam. J. • H. 1411:111.141% 540 MILES OF TILL UNION hCIFIC Running West from OMaiitt• ACROSS IHECONTINENT An ROW covrisrp; lb e track Pang train runnleg WITHIN TEN MILES OF THE SUMMIT OF THE ROCLY TEn kem•ltlng fen mllee tie nabbed as !muss ire wervier permits the mad.bed to be analolentlr parked to receive tee relit. Tbe work continues to be pulled Orwell In the rock' entilags on the we tiers crab tied orgy, each mime larger farm will be employed during the cermet I tar ton ever before. TIM lampoet that the whole OBABO UNE TO THE PAOIFIO W{ca 1 Z COM MITID ib 1070. Woe - never Letter. The memo. to far provided for constroetion taro proved .ampha old tb.re I. to lame of Co ado for the most vl.r.nans wrosi• of dos of the enterprise. These memo. are dbl. Med Into foor elan- • • 1 , -Unlted States Bonds, • • .thra g thirty yowl to rel. seta beadlat AI pee tent. enlace Sack e tt. , at Um tale et SACCO pt. atlßQrtl miles on tee Platt.; thee at the rate e r hitte)y , paUWlerliOni•das through the putty Ithantalna ; thea at the rata el eT,the par stile 'teethe remathlni dlstanee, for withal. thdUalled Latta takes a ethane tut an seeddity.. The Intitett ea these. Weeds le paid by thi United States gaverantent; which aleo Ways the Coley. ay oue•half the ailment of Ito bills la mousy fur trauspettlng Ita Unfelt, troupe, to. The semalalag hall el these btha If placed to the cespony'e credit, and forma a elating lead which may finally discharge the whole azimuth eC ltdellen. • • • 2.—First 3 - fortgag Bonds: fly I.