4. Vittsfru4-fia CITY AND. EIOIIIIOIAN. Tam, COURTS . ":-.,-'lollltrie ll'et * i-464.rlif "P 444 Ooatt i maretikagedy,terdsyould = ' : nrillinikeitorne:dayn to name to the tebd or the *cement enart..froM Arm !Mnirt cinintronten np' on AtoOdli'. °mimes ' n,apAro 11.—CcloSt7Ent.it th• Is the of Jamas Illferadads W. liletualson;Peter Decoder, and Pater t. Parchment itallonl far damages for false ' arrest; the Jury - frotinda verdict In favor of plaizij for onethstmand dollars. , .In the case of .john Itielimmul vs. J. Wardeu Nicholson; Peter Parchment. Peter- slinita Dressler, A. J. Moon, Win. Gor don r 'fiction; tha jury found. for the, - , -4cl .pl m aint a me nd raftpielrhe Puemrdat:nom ant?-flue 004111211 .VPPLICATION.. - appileaunii Wila 'filed for a ehartei -Tor the Reineda Building and Loan As sociation. The nodal preliminary order Hiram & CLery ca Thomas Foe. alined thatin November WC. kb putehamd one-etch Interest in Me 'steamer l'Havikeye" from the defendant for 3 , 2,000, willa.ibe understanding that be silo aldneras A 3 Captain or the boat at peArannnm, and farther that at any time *plaintiff should be dismissed from wales the defendant would pur chase his tetmeet which agreement de _ rimasit has noaddlina& Ailar a Jury Uti ,hose sworn the plaintiff took. a eon- 1 :a : Reuben - .. Hester ea. • Wietem `.. -Transportation Commay. ' Won to re . cover some two tbonsand d are alleged to be - doConft. contract for ork on the ..Eimtouid4 Miffroal. On • . , . .-..,-../lial Mit for this day: - ' -- -...; IS. tion Andraws ve. Wads= raniMorta, •.:..19. Smyth vs. Erywn,' 1 ' . 10: Hymns vs. palm:tett,- . 16; An 'vs. Wel ' l4". ' ~.• . 17. Marvin SlLTarentntit 011, Salt and -.18. Hank re. Allegheny Valley R. R. , 19. Mean vs mama. - 20.' Mooney es . Pennsylvania it. R. . 21.,Sbaw vit. Shaw. 2.. 'Neely ea. Seeley., Z. Eaton, bfacium .t Co. vs. J. A. .. , 17. Ozenhart A Wilda ea. Edna: - 27. Oakland Passenger Railway yr. `l3O. Ellen= vs. - Maga' • 31. Kenny at as. Schentsgb. <Miner INftsfeas TU. Court met at ten o'clock. Tuesday. axxxarwrr anal[ suroornra caaw The case of the Commonwealth Tn. Joseph McMullin, Indicted with Thomas =nit an battery, Hughes/no- on oath tral) for 'orlaines felonious e il - d ler, was resumed. The proof slimmed to ' leclear that on the night of the 10th of SoPtember last Mcdiurtin. followed Ma ler entire -Allegheny (St. Chair •street) bridge, had an altercation with him, sad that attar Miller returned to the toll - boner McMullin fired two shots at him through the window, one taking effect Ideleft band. The Jury found a lAN diet of guilty as indicted. • ••,- - • Mall ullhi was called up for sentence. I7ndertnanding that - a postponement was desired,, Judge Sterrett inquired of thr prison ?. er what reason be had for suck, 'desire - Prisoner_ In the first place I woe not plipared for trial, but through my Doan-' , • gel consented, orsourse, to go to trial.... -I ' - did not expect the rat neuter tole here, else Iwonid have bad a witness • present -.belles a different face on the matter. Tb - 6 Court—Who is that witness Prisioner—JOhn Cloutier saloon ken:. . er at the corner of St. Ciali and Liberty 4:beet He Is now /12 - Cleveland. • ' The Court—Waa he at the bridge that Prisoner—Teo; he psoowi there. The Ckrtirt—lt we old take very strong • evidence, indeed, to overthrow that of • Awed. atm - - witnesses examined were respectable and their statements very positive. da to your not being prepared for trial, we observe the bill was foetid over a 'mono: aro. - • Prisenter--I had no or:port:mak to get my witness; I have been in Jail four months. D erides, I have been here only to sersetranother pirty. expected that before this' the prosecutor would have fuund out who it was that did the shoot_ • • !tIM Court--If,von are ; here to screen soother party, . t hat tuns not help your • mos. We me no reason for postpaid:az Prisoner—There are sonde exeunt . stances which might beex_plained to year , Honer, and cause yen to look at the cue in a diffident light. • r. The Court—What other circumstances could explain away the fact that von draw ' a nisittd and fired twicedeliberatelyat the pomeenter, one tell /viva e-Alszr 'ran aide, aredurenn doubt. Thle is ona or those eases in which prompt punishment is required. Persons who carry knives = 6l tdPinals, and cute them as - yen have • done, should be made aware the law doss not senile co snob transaction& It .leyequisite that we should place a heavy. Land offenders at this cies& • . It. S. Morrison:Esq., one of the conp 'oruggested the absence of . A.:o.Coch. ratus, Deq., the principal .couneel in the cis*, arideaked the Court lobe es lenient priaoner.Who was evidently taken aback. by the prompt jructioe about to be dealt out to hinsissemed de:drone of say . • big dnitudifing Moro In. his oen heal"; but the Court was not . hi. half to hear anything farther' The prisoner was sentenoldrtO 'pay a finebf tienritun'dred dolls"; and 10. ors ' dergeformysere end six months i-ropris. cement In thieponitentiary.' (Marx aOD nasenti Awn: narrator John and Mary Digructn were placed ••••' on'. -trial. ,on charges of, larceny god smanit , and batten.. The defendants sus' man and edfity,'' sad resided at Walker'a. on the south aide of - the amity. A. short time dock while peaaing along a readlhey ludisdisy the prosecutor, John Dinsmore, - - who thmsed in. the wagon. Nome grain . andrreeccooggrnNed it as haring been taken froirckis orn. Dimusore hademinelled them to stop, mad demanded the; wrath .should be returned to.. the place whence • it 'was taken. Digo= was rreetaiogil alitout complying-with. the:deniand, hot .. audzing a•favorable opportunity dealt Dinsmore • a Powerful dikrw on 'the bad " - with "a' whip, telling him to the grostint.Ardt...then • made off. Elie was ' esenned , hewever , a short time - - . lftenoliNis. , convicted Dig- Zorn on both charges, and acquitted It.. wife.; Ste leas sentenced for, the larcellY to fifteen months imprisonment in the r penitenthiry, and for assault and battery Mihrse months in the Jail. Donahue,indicted for Went . - oust aseardb• and batter,'on oath of Thomas Sullivan, and Ties& Sullivan, indieted for annult and . battery, no • - Donahue; were placed Sceitriad, the same Jury being sworn in Nem -- The abut transpired In Mftextgehela bercurth, and armlet out of: tad between the puttee. Donahue lox ant with a razor by , after which. ft lseema he knocked . Sallies& down, Jury out gesmaziesesies Reis—wren s• raw , Tike lugs - lad - well. Mocked =pet elm of OliverMcClintock dt Co.; No.= . Flak Mawr, will pre sent Unaanli attrati . therm top:utiliser* in the way of cheap =Vet% rug,, oil clothe/ holthrom, dn., ~ ' dazitor the, thir ty.kathoomlog'_days. - . The tlrurbare revol v ed to make a grand - eleanince !aloof their entire stock, and will during the time , apeeitied offer un approachable blinnin....` Thee/election of goods -at , this. popular' home .la too CO3tikhenesawbitrM,Tnit°lt="l any etiftice to • reiy.tharot, is one of the hugest and most COW Dies, cocks to be found at any r - Wattle: home In the t0n047. The car.: pets are MU new and the.eUe, and : 'embrace all the styles 'prerailing,-from - the rich and , !crawl imported velvet and •:` Bettimels dor m to the more humble min , rammearper which I. ofered at twenty give „mons„Per and: '-..j We., commend wholetaleand refail patrons .to Mclean, ' took et Cd.. dining the Continuum= of the remarkableLoiloantome , wile. The high etendinr of, - Mil - firm la millielent gnat , saiten'faf *unsettles* :to diapoee az gmat ; Ilat the.lromense la. Uwe Amok, See the apecdal Wrestles. 1 mi t stteattis_ Mb aOhltan. .:. -. , len• *au . reveieds. numbs of *mina ladles and gentle - men oCthii andAllenann hasty orgaahted as .eassehawn, bearint name, inid basing Aar its object' iitMarrand Social cutters; 'They aunt et thg in their ball on 13t. Clair area; and, froat present lasdi. cations; the arganhattoaPavablet to be: of the beet cribs - Wad that ve burre ever had In this 114144. We are glad to ass anon fastitutf or* springing up =tong oar youth, and wertberaGne haistil „stabthe . Tbs Barmyalde PYlr'Sreetieuessola - - .1' Ceti - Tindal Wrecked.-We heard fed. de glutton] train was wreaked on the Panhandle .11allnutt.tt the tunnel, a lbw =Hes waist of the city; and mem= 2'bt wrack la and to ittnne been mined byobstanctious banns -lam pls.:l4on the utak.' We mad* dig ,..laitult=lit tau -failed retard to to . a lbtain any . Tgapontron of the rand know nothing el theS des refuse to give anytato ma fn Mud to the matteri:'- ,. : :7* am bier by . Oripm,..:_n o b er t /ode nodding' in James street; , 'nW • r iTanniknt* at:a Olnkietm thirdra,oOSl4rlaltl.ooo]r; r by a ha graow.;a+lhwmhai* TOIII MS MERCIATILV:II ---, • l'emmtletit Ahmuall Meet's* et UmAir s.maese—/Meere•Meg nielimelte ef AtlmCeedlues admits ellossrpmelgee -element Oilmen fee fly. • the twentieth annual mating of the mambos of USIVYMing , Miniis--Hescan -14-triary Association and Mechanic' inatitnts; of bu't enNy:#B intim Library Rooms, corner of Penn and St; Clair sheets. The Tres!. 'eed, John 8.. warn., Esq.. Presided, and A. H. Lam, Esq., officiated as Sec ' tibentil:Mies of the lest =Mat meet ing of Use Association were reed and at The anneal report of the :President Ras this reed, as follows - REPORT or Tan rimateserr. The year must closed bas not been marked by any event of numnal im portance, and your Board of Directors in rendering an 1100011134.9 r their stew. ai r =p are unable to report IL rapid g he the number of members, or specify sny other evidence of greatly co. .creased prosperity. Yot there are many causes for enounegentent. The Asso ciation Isentirely exempt front:geld; the number Or letir, MeMbiltra 13 larger than at any previous period, stud it I. shandy and pacetentatioualyo.ooomp/idOg the purpose of its foundera. riarrances.She ' Tresaarer'ereport, herewith sub. witted shows that the entire receipts. for the year have- been,. . .... $4,43 " 57 Balance on band Jan. 1, 1417... 709 76 . 0416 33 Ths xpenditure/01m all pm.; poseeiMarin! the - year have Doak .... ..... $5 014 55 tali Fits in the tress- - t • ' The reesint s . for the pest year 'have . beast 1115611.73 less than those thepear MB, emit g to rimless favorable exhibit made ley the Lecture Committee. The Librarian tarnishes the following statement er the tramacilorks in his deF Pertinent for the year 1867: Present =amber a active members..7so Lite members Honorary member5.......::...6 Total truimberstilp.:— Name y.4ar lames* Number of volumes In Library, January 1 b , 1= Volume' ought during the 754 rear ' .25 9 Volumesadcbsti by binding peri- . odicals... ........ . .... 24 Volumes , Pasant number or. bra.7.„.°lumon Circulation during the - Year 86- 21,360 arc°!Micro during the year Elbowing. ardecresse of 240 'This result.Entalteraa owing entirely to the email hinnber.of ;nen Woks. added &Wag the Aar ammtereci WO the addi tions damn 1868: The expense • of re furnishing tlielibnerY mid reading room, together with the mot or printing a new catalogue left but a smell amount for the pouch.ese of books. Thr circulation, however, has - Imm much lamer than during any year preMeas to /WS. zaturnazs. . The LectccreComenittmiepitrt through .7. B. Scott, Eeq., that seventeen lectures and readrege were given in the regular course for the whiter of 1656-7, to which holden of season tickets were edmitk.d, said tickets having been mild at three dollars each; and entitled holders there of trit privileges atmtla to these of prervi ous ye in ars. Althoug4 the number of lec tures the regular comae wasuniusual. ly large, it was considered ad un der all the circumstances, to have a sup plemental series, bat p aved where've, incurring alms of a ut was Tnis un favorable financial ult was caused by circumstances which could not possibly have been foresees.. The net proceeds of the entire season was 37.308 /7. The Board of Directors take great pleasure in .ociormetuding the efficiency and genera/good management of the Lec ture Ormicultiee. - The ' Association is much indebted to tbageatlemen Mm ft, slag duo. Committee; "Manly for the lot porbint tiosndatald whlcli they msy have furnished the Libregyi but Unwise tor many opportunities to bear Instruct ive and entertaining *palters.. The public lectures which, for ninny years, have been given cinder oar amp' me, • have always been favorably re. calved • end apprecia•ed by our citizens, and may now be scuarded ea a perma- cent coauthor the Library elasoctstion. It is therefore highly important that the mansetearont of this department Mould mutilate to be intrusted to gesitletuen who will not-merely maid thepecani aarryy interests of the dasiociatlon, but wh , i will Ignore the Deasuloctsl styl clametion and fn us ,withme nt al aliment that will tend to prosper Intel. factual development and. theitramotion prasentmg tai annual report it has been customary to urge open members the itoportance af continued efforts in behalf of the ditelocistion, and anything . which might. now be mid in this respect may appear like an oft-repeated tale. New your Bread carnet refrain from - expreieing their sense of the porticoes of the Library. In Common with all their predecessors they believe linsoccupy a btb position in promotin intelligmce and, diffusing valuable g knowWge r and - would most heartily urge Upon their erustiessoce the import ans. Medi greater efforts to increase Its Attcledol,ll and enlarge the number of Its Tb• necessary expense Involved in re. furnishing the rooms of the Associatron and printing the catalogue, during the past year, has precluded the purchase of many new and valuable books which ft would bays berm desirable to add to the _Library, and as this extraordinary ex penditure will not be n for my eral years to come, it is probab e that the Awerlatien shall hare more funds in its dmposal and be enabled to purchase more freely. • ' The experience of the Association seems to Indkaterthat an increase` te ke labraryls the mast potent means of In creasing the number of member.. That if.lt were passible atones to doable the umber of volumes in Ike Lt , and thereafter lump pace with thepu blieation of 'valuable new books, it would not be very difficult to double the present membership.. . Many fr iends have heretofore aided the by, donations of books, and any onewho may hereafter direct their benefactsons in this way may rest snar ed that their dorustions will not be mis applisd or fail to accomplish stood per hareviewing the history of the Associ ation, we, who cherish Ito purpmes and are udorested In Its success, wet that It ban not made mere rapid program, but being conscious of Ike purity of Its designs and sensible .f the fact that'lt has already accomplished much good and will continue to Make Its benign impress uponsoclety,should rather Mint absto to renewed exertions on Its,behalf. On behalf of tbe Bcird, J. R. McCune, President. Privammou, January 14.1818. • TIOWITIhmet HEMET. The report of the Treasurer, egad Smith, Esq.. ins then read by ho ee tary, the rube:Mute of will* embraced in the President's report, above. On motion of Wm. P. Herbert, Esq., the reports of the °Mears were accepted. • • On mother, Messrs. Henry Holdeldp, James M. H. ,Retnbsit mad W. N. /Tow ard, were appointed Tenon to conduct the election for oftlcere. ourned.rt motiott, the mooting Men ad- anxanoa OT 0171=1113. Theannual *leo. ton for emcee of thi Association to serve for the enacting year wen den sewere bald electe, when the following gen d: - • . • President—JO , *ph Albree. Vies President—John H, Be ley. - Tressurer—B. 8. Smith; • Dlrectora—Jimes Coltard.W. P. Wel , nisin,W., D. McGowan, J. Z. Donnell,- . P.. Corwin.. - ffi;liffg== re.earre• r■an - The regular monthly machos .-of e Sabbath School Teachers' Union was held in the lurch of - Ray. Dr. Douglass on Monday evening, 13th List, at 71 Tbs waning was railed - to order by ibe President, W. G. Dtinsestb, and opened by Ringing, Feedlot' of derife• tare and prayer by Major Wm. Frew. After thereading of the minutes of the lest meeting. the Chair annoneesd that r as this was the manual meeting, the wee- Yon of °Mears to servo for the ensuing yam - was In order. An. election was en tered IMO, and the to - Sowing is the result,' IPresident—l. Allen hfcCrum Vice Pres ident—John :Span; Recor d ing' Sears tary—Frank - hfcCincheon; Correspond ing Sseretary—P. J. Gillesplig Treasurer '5•:-.Bamuel-Mahood; Boalnesi Committee —E.II. Rabe, W. G.Donsesth, A. Strain.- - The Babb/nit School Teachers' Union wet erPalsed July- Unti./853,:and.met 'wiener*. mull Januery,lBo37. when It was changed, from -a quirkily. to a ineoung.. Its membeasfilp eon uo the Peelers, Sabbath Bthool teachers snd ofricera of the - United - end Reformed Prosbransa churches of thle • The object of the mooting to to a Tacos the cause of Sunday gobool z . to ciliate a aptritiof inhoUonary prise mterd throughout the city. The tetanal at each meeting la factiaslag both In at. timbales mut participates the axe!. th W au s a p re c esrqfe Wsteed rdnw e l m hak sudei i a &blush School Teachers' Institute, as the Second U. P. Clmrch, Shah urea, at ibls etty,leunary - 22 d. and 23d. Eud. north workers from abroad hare bow Vitid Plgildiste IA the uzufld•re. catbelle Library — Aerial "::_.illeettaqt—V.lleellos of 0111rers: - The annual - meeting of the members of the Public &Melte Ltbraty Amnia. thin was bold at' heir elegant room in the Third National Bank balding, on Wend wireei; last ritghL Tnere wee very latipa ataatodarmo and much/merest was taken to the proceedings. The meitirrgOrgnniZed by the aelestion ca A. ff.lieker, Esq., as Chatrman:strull4.l. F. !Coming, a. Oeetetary. Tbeicalowleg interesting. report of the omgoing Preab dent, ThecKlore E. Taetc, kaq., wax read bytheSoetetary: . . PRE.LOONT TACK'S REPORT. GentlesQs: I base the • honor to lay bip, r o yin]. this evening, UlO second annu al repot - 14f the Public - Catholic Library and Reading Morn Ausociatlon. lila with vest satistaciton to mYself and to the gentlemen who comprise the Board Of - Dtreciers to Inform you that since the last report, the membership bas largely liseressied, and' that your Asaoct •ation to going steadily en in its work of The uumberof members three time of the last annual report was hun dred aad forty-firm they now. foot' op . Live hundred and sixtysoaen, ehowing orgelneicase sew subacribers • du zig the year, highly nattering to the frientlihf thildloozeitaion. I would here met the members-arhi friends of theAsencis' lion to exert them. selves the'corulug year to further increase the number of subscribers, that your Association may, by the aid of Its sub scriptions alone, pay the currf ntsxperus• es of each year, provide for new books, and establish a fund for the payment of the bonds issued at tho time of its omen -17.3f filtl. • • If each member were to .exert himself or herself:to procure an additinualeuh scriber, the Library would be placed on a solid, pormantnt footing, aid. as - the means here suggested are easy, and the result would be so beneficial, I earnestly hope that the effort oil Ihemado by toy successor, to adopt this sucgention. - I have the honor to lay tal'ore you the Treindrcr'e report, which gives the 11- uancial statnit of the Astoeletion. I re gret to say urst the lectures given for the benefit of your Aneociation were not all pecuniarily euccessful. •The entertain ment by the Philomathie Circle. how ever, netted a handsome amount. Every-. thing presible was doneby the Lecture Committee to inake therectures success ful in every particular, but from a com bination of causes, I. regret Loney, they were not so, The Lilyntrian'e'remert, which will bo read to pin, gives all matters.of interest regarding the workbag of the library, and will be found interesting. I hare alncerely thank - the Board of Directory; for the ansintanoe rendered me in the administration of my oftlee, and for 'their diligence' in their respective duties to the Association . The Constitution provides for the election, on the second Iluesdav ofJarlibi say, of a President, Vice.Presalent, Sec retar7. Treasurer, live Dinvilers and two Auditors, and it in for that purrs,. that the • member/5' are culled together this , everting to select the above named aft. oars to nerve thenemening, visa- • With thanks for du kind defer ence and attentions received et your hands during the past year, I must beg to decline the - honor of renomination to any office within the gift of your worthy and honorable association, Tats. E. Tarr, President. The report of the 'freagurer, Mr. Jas. Phelan, showed a very pleasing and gratifying condition of financial affairs. The report of Mr. 3. 11. L'ilfahan, Li brarian, mare interesting statistics re gardlog the number of volunien on. the shelves- From or . c, learn that the books of ,entry show 'a cironlailon of over fifteen thousand volumes during the past two years. Ite - retating roams have been- largely attended by ladieS and gentlemen- Chess a. a feature. was introduced Last year, and intelirtiveli very mtmetive, many persons levelling theineelves of the opporitufity toile:Mine io the game, and while away theirldle thirty -live The Library nulacribes for tthirty-IWe daily polon,, air quarteriv reviewa, eleven weettly and monthly magazines.. Thu rate of/tierces/a In new membership has-teen.during the past two months at the rate of twenty-ftre ver month, RE =EI Volume. 'The report , . of the various ofticent were read and approved and a vote of thanks was tendered all the outgoing of-. tleisla , The member* then proceeded to an election for officers. to secret during the ensuing- vesr, -, trith the 1011...0ne exalt President, IL 11. Proyfogte; Vice President, G. L. S. Pet:Armee; Treasurer, Cherie* Siebert; hieseetary, Paul Dunlevy; Dlntettrink Rictard.Deak ent. W. IL Reel, C. F. IClCeune, Charles NiVino; _ Auditor.. • 'James T. "Brady, , Dome/tee liaison, Patrick Smith. .21 !evillullsom 1.1111.0146:•• Such was the Muting heifing hi 314. terday's commercial/ of one c thi most eitraordiaary notices that hm appeared alias the day. 16.a_celebkataci ••Moon Hoax." and but for the Injury It may mirk to holiest people, ignorant of the - - - - end.„couelruction of, scales, it might safely be 'left, with other lunatic Gaieties which from time to time appear in that paper, to work out its own refit teflon. Felse statements of facts relating to mathirery, or what is equiralent thereto. la. e"sesramee ltriprinemill ID reforenme thereto, DI too injurious to a manufacturing or machine using town like Pittsburgh. to be passed up as a hike. I will not ay that .very line and word of that article, is a falsehood, but do easert, and am preptred 'to maintain, - by every mitabliabed principle in mechanic., applicableto toe subject, and by recorded hbuorical tam.. that all the moat impor tant statements io that article are most arrant miareprerentatione, As a earn pie, ten. the most Important statement Drell, viz: "There is no friction in the scales, end it is bound to . ..bend Just as many year., m the Iron and the wood of which it is constructed will hold to g-ether. All the wear and tear comes upon a system of yokes and linkywhich perfectly preserve the pivot edge from destructdoti.” Now any matt who can believe that hundred of insults per day of several true each (no uncommon thing for scales) cah be passed over that male .as boor ax wood and iron can bold together," and yet "perfectly preserve the pivot etintm." Intl experience no difficulty in bale:Man "Baron Mun chausen," "Gulliver," .or "Andrew Johnson." The entire article Is "off the mime piece." The Irepreatilon sought to be oonveyod is, that, the scale in all Mt principles end parts I. a bran new thing-jut given to the world through 'same divinely in:mired Sampson, by the - latest Ins on: Whereas, A.bhott, of Pallacelphia, pat ented eutietantially the same thingahout a quarter of,* century ago, and had a Railroad traticacale with similar levers end connections near the repair chops of the Penasylvacia Railroad,. only a .few years since. The moat noticeable texture Ih Ito operations seemed to be a remark. chic faatiltv of gettlog out of order, es ly when a locomotive pommel over IS so en that It was taken. np end removed to I know not .whitherh TbLe Sampson scale may do better, but I re member • - st "Davis *Cale,- with "pivots that would never wrarout," etc.. etc:, waslitnahled stew 'years since by a almilar Gout - 511ot trumpets and high wending -natnee; and where is it now? Perhaps 0120 of the - bentsbleat patrOna of this Sampson, In Pliteburgb, wheals° patronized Die ie, - can apswer. If nits. take pot, the Fort Wayne IL:Prowl ha. bad truffle unfortunate aperients with the Sampson Maar alto, so that perhaps; absolute perfection in exalts boa not yet heralded the milleniutn with absolute certainty.. At ell ' , yenta such statements and-Impreeelonte eta those given in the said article are not calculated to confirm intelligent men therein. Central Deere et Cateattett. The :Central !bird of Education met Tuesday evening, January 14th, 18f^7. Prosent--Ifedro. Crawford, Getty, Lowe, McCook, Ifobbs, Oldahue, Vara, When and Brush, President. Tie minutes of the preceding meeting were reed and approved. The. monthly report. of the Principal of the• limb &boo!, Principal of toe Colored Sclionl,and of tbeSecrotary,were road and ordered to ba modest! and filed. The lellowing bill. were mad and war rant, authorised ha paymentthereof: W perateatav,atocres,pipan,an.for $4 .24. &mama a are , Col Scowl efts+ „ 'Mons A coconut, coal buckets, &a, 106 • C^torsd /School 15 licE , roy & Co. brooaa. Cord Reboot, aso W, U. Joanna* A- Ca, static:lmre. Colored &boo] 71 et J Tenement,. briahci:ls4. toobooL 400 W. k. um.,,, 'annual" and windbag—. of II J. 1L &rime't Co..stattoosry 'IS it car &Lb.. 81.0.11114111 - em mapsean. advsottstee oo cbroutoic,stnentsithe I 75 r. Ncs/o7 s C 0...... . 24 SO Kau & &Inserts , tln end ' Sheet Iron wont—, • - I •11 AS 1 1 11 1 , 1 1 1,„,_ r "1." . !se!? W. Dilvortii. kindling wood. ..... foe Mr. McCook mesentid . credentials of Mr. Geo. U. Anderson nil repreentaiire to Me Central Board of Education from Peebles Troenstilp. . , Ottmoticui of bir. Nobbe, referred to a Cfrostnittoe or three, said Committee to report Int next meeting.. ..Ifsesnt, Hobbs, Wilson and McCook appointed Committee. - • .. On Motion adlou rood. The speclallY roduord rain for Jensilry still continue es inducements - to pa our at the fashionable headquarter' of &dee mno,ilevmn dr. Ell,die's, Pld. . 2i 'Fifth street. kverytbing In the way of ladles' and gentlemen's witches, In gold and silver, of footign and bane manufacture, diamonds, punnets., precious*tone*, sliver and plated wares, mantel Urns went; canes; Paean goods and general jewelry,'Woitcred at very amp pricer to wbolseals or patrons: . New ConticiThe Councilmen idea and those holding Deer of the Allegheny .city Councils, _will meet at their clam my Ti riday morning at ten o'clock, for ,_thoPetrone, of organizing and &Waring alters yeatsrday. r ii ; ii"7. o 9oao, go to-aadw - e. tulai Amastaumts. Orrice Eforaz.--We trust aone ref our readers will pinnit the iciest opportuni -1 ty, this evening" pneenied . atabei Opera House, to see MIL; Waller In bar re nowned character of Meg Merrillea, in the • great drama if Guy lifannering: Mrs. Waller has been drawing lirge and fashionable audlemees at tlia Opera House,, as her hlghhistrionie ablli ilea are fully appreciated In this community. • BmtErrr.—Thlsafternooryat the Opera Rouse, will be held a faahlonable ,mat !nee for the benefit of a very worthy lady, the widow of the late esteemed actor EL M. Fitzgerald. The entire rem. pony of the ever popular Varieties The atre will appear. W trosttherewlll be a generous response to this effort to aid the widow of one who wilt ever be grate. fully remembered by oar lovers of amusement. Acanxxv.—At the Academy of Music, next week, commencing Monday night, will be presented the charming specta cular romance of "'lndian" This great ballot is to be played on the stage by Manager C. D. Hess in *style of magni ficence never before attempted In this city. In Chicago. under the auspices of Mr. Hess, "Lindine " realized at the Cruelty Opera Mouse, dazing the abort period 0 one month, over forty thou sand dollars. The sale of reserved seats will commence at C. C. Mellor's well known music store to-morrow morning. Of course everybody will avail them eelves of the opportunity to be afforded of ntejoyhig a theatrical sensation of large magnitude.' OnritArfal Faxa.—Tlio attendance at the Orphaneralr, in the basement of tho Cathedral, continues quite large. The. raffling Is nightly proceeding. In the contest for the hat and cane to be award ed to the beat natured ydung man, -Mr. A. Jackson, Jr., and Mr. Stephen G. Walker are both pulling heavy voles. CITY ITMrB Sew Dr, Seeds f peetel Cleelnie Oat eat.. A11•Wool Long Shawls, 1275. Chlldrun'a Plaid Shawls 75,' 1571 . and Drab Chinchilla Cloth, $ 1 00 per yard. Plaid Shirting Flannes, 20c. All-Wool-Heavy prey Flannels 250 , English Merit:al fine cloths,47o. • ic.Heavy Cass!mares, for men* wear, 37 84 Linen Table Damaik, 0710. Canton Fiannala,ll2lc. Superior Corsets and Kid Glans, $l. 00 pe r pagr. Lia•l2 Shirt Frenla , 25 and 571 c. Black Alparas, Heppe, Questa Cloths, Einprem Clothe, French Marinas and Dress Goods, In all of these goods great burden. 4-1 Soli. Falai Long Cloth Shirting, 121 a. • • The balance of our stock of Zuni as at $3 rime met, to claim Some Ladles' Sou a D $7" DO, end $8 815 CO Rod !IS 00. • 50, reduced from - Look at our goods -itul you will buy. On the west corm. ofVerket end Fourth istriteti. • OADDXKII tt STIMAXT. Sew Prints, - New Helaine; Shirting Ninalin, Pillow Case Muslin, ' Wide Mouthed Sheeting, Wide Unbleached She'ling, Heavy Unbleached Manila, - Crash, Cotton and Linen Diapers, Table Linen, • /risk Linen. e. - Furniture Check, • Ticking, Gitighams, • - salute and Gray Blanket; Balmoral and Hoop Skirt; - Trimmings, Shirt Front; Handearehletai Gloltek Hosiery, Glove; Au. • A large and well sedeeted stock, at the lowest market pilaw, wholesale and re tail, at Wm. Sample's, 150 and l 5 Feder al street, Allegheny. For.etsie—A. Ifonse of six rooms and one .acre of grotmtl. at fidgsrood Sta tion, on the reonsylvanis Ratirostit also, 000 of Mao rooms sod a lintshal attic of three rooms; 4 acres and IS per ches of ground, at the same station; sev eral nice Wilding alto for sale at the same place. Enquansat :3D Litany St., or on the premises rl Jon" , alLiZlrtt. Per t•Bk, Evening. Carriers or Prom etude Dresses, so to Barker's Mutt Judo Prices from 7 cents pet yard to $1.50 th drew T. T. Ewen; No.ltiS Wood street. elands to all aorta or plumbing, on at eta= fitting work at the shortest nice, on the most reasonable term ..llll,l4,lring done In the best style. To the Tadlea.—lts order to close out the really elegant fresh. stock or trim , ming., notions, Isom, famishing and fan ! cw goods, at the ropalarretall banterer Pi: W. Moorhead. Is o. B lMarketstrect, price* have been rnaterlallW reduced cud bar. gains are offered. Trecernettly trrws., our My Mande and all others to favor this. estabibduzient with &purchas ing visit, and Ma be mods acquainted, with the me advantages patroas n relsogr and r tre o rt f c4sta and mos l onahlsaire& q msen il a l tied • M.gra4hs6llt autatanotit of Mr niabisra Irma!, imitable foe the twason, sad embracing all the latest styles and wend tem Grand EaMinion of Paltry Wkattag at Illnk.— , The el saac att4.. graceful young skates, Engine W. Pratt. will CZ biblt this aftornoon and evening .at the Keystone Rink. No airs cargo to holders Air season .r coupon ticket.. Ladies visiting the Rink during the fore noon 'and stlenatoon an remise la. sons to staling. without cargo, goring Mr. Pratt's stay. , Black and colored Alpaas AM Alpaca Poplins, barples at Barker's Gnat sale. • nepeedi ayes 11,yttethers,3froo. low's Soothing Syrup, for alitimmaise of children. Is a safe and aura otedlcian ' It has stood the tact of many yam; and cover known to fall. -It mutates the stomach and bowel., comets acidity. and cum products natural. quiet sleep. by volleying the child from/ pain. Be sure and cap." ll far "]lr.. Wins. g Sym harin Us far (mile ot "Cur/Ica Parente" o g n I be out- Md. wrapper. All others are base lini tationa. Rosters foiled/ea gents and children, cheap at Barker'. sale. Under Wear Oddly soiled, at gran bargains, at Barker's We. T. T. Ewen; No. 103 Wood strret, at tends promptly and at reasonable prices to all plurablog work entrusted to Ma care. Orders Irmo the country attended to on tbeakortett notime. - • ChaPPell Ea dO4. Sloe and all roughnews of the akin, certainly cured by using the Juniper. Tar Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard it Co., New Sock. It surpasses nil other remedies, as It will prevent mushiness of the akin, If used during cold weather. Ills conveniently applied, avoiding all the trouble of the greasy compounds now in tin.. It nut be near by. Udine with the most tender akin. without irritation or pain, making It soft and cheer. Hold by the Druggists. gen . French Merinos, fifty ants per yanl o et Lalrker'a. final tde. . ' • • . Where to Co.—At Ifoltzheimer'a fa mous restaurinA Yiftb safest; neat door to the Postothee, will alwoya be found the rarest games of the anion, together. with the substantiate of life. No where else cans bettor breakfast, dinner, sup peter luncheon be obtainedatamore rea aonable price: Parties are supplied with suppore In the very bast' style and at prlcee which cotuntend them to }be economical. • • - /canes. • . J. Batten As Brother; 17a CD Federal street, Allegheny, the extermixa and en terprising wholesa ind Moil , hare as received le a fresh invo grocers ice ol choice family- groceries, four - .and Mc. duce, which they offer their patrons at. the towest market prices.' Per any and everything in their line rarer Chic 1104114 with a ail I. as you can purchase no when, oleo tolintsr advantage. : '! Bort Pilate reduced to tea Tonto, Bazkeeo float sale. • - ' - To Wholesale norm of fhl Goods we are 'offeilog special Inducements—JO lota from the Eastern Auction &lea— Stow* , Drose Good; floasho•Ptnil Goods.•• Mono' Weer, Meetings, Elatzt togs, Prints, eta - . r. W. BAnsuse. Co., , ' - 69 Harker street. T. T . Ewen', No. . ICS Wood etre*, attend* to alt aorta r plumbing, spee and steam tilting work at the aborted order, on (be moot reasonable terms itepahing done in the beat style. Reasekseperrs will acknowledge Rod no when, else In the oily can s better and puret webfoot choice grrean or black lea be procured than at the old eatablished Toe Man of Joseph A Robinson, No. Ni rinh stioet. Drawing to • a Clow—Tba greet fina male at Barker Big year wpm; apices and table eon tilt:news a the old established cheep tea mart of Joseph A. Robinson, No. .20 Fifth street. . Cali lad Exasuria the largo and (ma niere arnot of UAW' Fara, at William flowing's, N0..139,W00d stmt. - it . Co to the great sale of Di 7 Goods at Darker... Constitution Water is a certain AMIN We Diabetes and.all diaemai of Lha ne7a. For rale by a/1 d • MEWL - Gloves oral' kind*, vary chirp; at Bar• ker's sale. Iftroins m LadlnerFuni, at INDIUM rinmlng's, No. LSO Wood stmt. five you boon to Batkor'• thud ials; GO tO Matkee• (WA PITTSBURGH DAILY, eA;ETTE: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15,- 18€8 P it.m - Eaurz. ;,8, 1 , 11110 BROKER, 118 food. Et . near occult of Bra. eievernerient SCoorillea, Gold, Silver, .1.?.141 12.001!Q/113 . „ - datisktardiold CZ team, Vetch, bola /9 all the prlatehelettlel ve.Eeeooe. coui GOVSIINSIENT SECURITIES Cut realaa a 1 . 80111 . or I . lox TWELITIc SU 01V011. Twenty Per Cent. - I By emtviittlai+b= tote , • Pacifx R. IL First Blortgege Bpds, JAMES T BRADY & Cat, Ainns PAcinollAmstaini Censer ?aeons* Wood' Aloiss, FINANCE AND MANN. Oimme Pr ran Pm - reinsert Gant i i, . Trracipsy ; December U. ISM. g • Oold opened today et ler, declined to advanced to IDA% fluctuated bet sten 14IN and 141%, and clewed at 141%, with a declining ten dency. The advance from Delon:ley np to tact night Was too mitten, and In a ettinin4relet point el view, gold In now aching elates Its reel ratite. On Me other hand. • noire/rot combination exist, to run up gold to • higher' piles than It reached the put, Year, and their decline are aldad by the slew disburse emote of the /winery Interest, which if promo!, attend. lid to, would Woke gold eel plenty that It would go down again by Its own weight. P4llllosl. agitation nod the mit:must en. Irt the motley Mmhet, gins enecuietore a power which they never posmased before, even during the palmy lope of February...lB • Zones opened strong and Idgber early In the day. but at the second board declined . tress to 1 , 4 or cent.; tbs gootstlens trout Eureo ete soolderablg fewer, and when the yew moven:mut sett the agitation In Univers Is fullrungrustood In Eutopa,g4Ds of 1102 easy -go dowu again to U. Storks are doll sad lower far the entire hat, but la It claimed that a ova butt tar a flea le establl4.J..a.t blaloir adage are looked for. Main New 'fork auotattour, renerrai of Pb. Y. Mutt, Irma ea totlotrar•• 'Gold, • 111,Sgt .I , IIPS, NOS: g•Ph the, NS'S; if 4 1971 Ise. o.umots. gtAlt to Om, 101-Pgy Taos, 1.6}1. - Oinsissol It Pittsburgh N. 93 Mushants Using F.spross.,. ...... s 2 Wolters rah= Telegrsph ...... 37SS 73 , 4 Pittsburgh Fort Wayne hthasago S. N. 1.14 Northwesters Itsilroad—somata •0/.4 Northweserro—preferred......... ....... ;sit New Toill. - 173 7, ()his, sod lbitsslsair ...... . _mtatypt Cte.11144C64.... Quatty .(lAlaka Bale OP SAOCA.6.—Ttof.Alowlzi Stooks yrs., wad on Toexlsy onroolog. Jaratary 14th. 4,1 4ht coomorTl.lsAl•Bllqo.94.lo4 541155.14 lust by A. lleltwalso. Meth:men I Leos City NalloaillUnk Nothableo Pooping " ". • Seawall Thlt4 • n " Pooplr• Sarhay• 114ok ILoystooo Skating 111.11 Plusberib Me 4)olopooy • • b, • IlergErer Valtty Rourob.l it•ooogabitt• llortgattost 4.lutoosay.., Central TllLailtrottatlob btooompbala Co. paid bou .• " WootorA " 444 - ..„. oto to So Cit puto U" t Irmar . Cr . 44paly " " 4711: Poe& otlo Solfaraph Co Alp C 11112.4. PosearAst )1•11•11 Ord Pint blotting, &ado, 11:41411,ny Volloy 500101.4.. ale Alorghosy County 4Adoprovoiat Ota pee coat. 111.04....-- . —Of the total &sport+ tu WWI from lit. ! Vert, Ike Otteattlle medusa was valtme at ena,us.aas, to (melt. Sr... wtedt at #4•,I11 the forelga aetlaahl reeds at 111.1a1,614114.3 apatas sat attittall u 4 1 1 5 1 4 2 1.101. Is tat seam year tam Iwo fametta taut, autarai for . .trountspUoa valuta at Illt7J4kMa It apttle, sad goads a Stand far oxrtkome to tDr vales •f SOS tte.aP. T 7.. lentla• tree jowl. leafletted tam lOttoll at IQo4,ltl;and Oa mwela at 13,/ea OIL Is loaf lb* marls* for latasumettaa •alemtri le CO IMAM, lbm *a lma Mr warehetwo to 1 1 3. t.0.Lam. few stets to tit tMt,Mi sad Ow gavot* to la El Of ths total fettava Import. IWlall7, lbe 414, alma. man ralata at aavat OA. ta• tea.. sal tatnataalta at allgltellotti, aai tha at as ale —Tee Assists/it L'elost Suttee 71.01•11 tat ss 34wr Tetk lee sit . ee sotto tthitlas bs:4sts tat the bolos of Mt is be 43 sot pt.'s!, Otte Ito pa/Surat betete tae brat of l'ettittent. tstl , ob. M essustests4 se hers steel the stabt of frtbebt PoleseSt. sett each blotto oat be pets at ta • systes of lb. tleremetest,' /Amen Its! tag itessulttle patt w then es Wes. -sTlt. Claw. 11,6trat, Y015ai5T....7.1! Tam Ii a stos4l lassta .at pt.als3 dotistO Nl' ...at. bat. dopostt as, sorams..ll 50...510t. at a stalassills SS. wok.. sr.. a. aPtaasettag .aons la ail 'quart.. It plaatuatat gamma WI sow Savo w. arm. taw to 1.14 1 244xe1at II itifilereat. P. 7., at •ItHody•4113ILII1.14. tat 4, aattalnta ea* ats stowed tap s o .14avalt7 I. abtaialagl. JILI tiler purr Is RalsaMitlatly re:used. TM bask nu .1 40.111 141 study at to porno.. , wt to .k• lot Satin (nod paper i• • Ci••••ag at ',sr gate amt. per aall. ...:04-1•14,011,14•4•finds Imam. M - • - Tb.at .111. apts.. &ppm ,o bar. tassesamt, 11l itussesaro ate", Insist agave apsoa 004 wilat•tal• as Isgor int wit lb. lam. bneg tS. Irt.remltlti nu. llm. .la..7 4 •II•11H0.1 POW St Ousts Goa is Mies in NM Da seal. per tans 1111.470.41, p.d Chat €414 a/5.4W.. at 1440 pot tut. w.• M7SIIVUJIN I - Oman es see Prormaara..essasorT4 t • Triateat, Jaanaes , :a. I. li C l ittnE — Theatarkii.aatirttbstaadteg ;Am Is Ott araaaratirel l torte Cut. Is Ana. aid with snot MU* 'laqulr7 butli Ls "moat eat Mare delivery. aetasam aa ?Omni an lead- Isaupettd. lee ea saa:e. spat all mut be tasted Or= It W. oft& sat. Solder. mbar 1104 while for Idessb as.sl April. Att. are QOM •asalos Ober., at 7!S tons. *ad le Mane tolsra at.l tadoedima party late:taw ul teat be bad rearm to better. that Oa meld Lauer:ll 1 outage! .a-teat hosed, of tram Maths at to, lasnagb, tatist their . . wombs Imettlbar, tense.. °att., theta ate am buyers se fII abeva U. I s ttvate toletraret. , Vine Ott elf flint a 4111 -fsettor adtmasts ' ueotatibas sreetra at 52 per Ira at ale walla, sate It is ausisaliat' In UN. .dtallsered at itti first salted pslat. 21:1711X.D-21ta aterimt , for beaded ati.fil , sympathy "Idle lauds, to also , Lass. sot olth. smutty tbas•la tlnge as north* &lat. . 1 ••• way le la good Impost al Mt, .411 Is pa/4Kr Mal 1334. Wait be obtallact. Me Wag teat Waft to Etta tbe lastest sting IL* teat Oaf rice is but yeti InUe sal arettat. gad tastdss, them are but few of our rstlaers et> stela enattfilea ea sett. eves It am drspose3.• nit SS we bare ripetteeir staled .it/Oa lea pro law days, out teener* are sot Canoga to enter tats Seo cataract* et present pates, .s tables, 1115414 at 111171f45. denr..4 1. nalaes2Pbta aad studs, at To, they ;mull not eters lbws some ant orteeilf last W. d 4 bet, tbsrefort, , leek for laresilettf so bury easy - ta it" roar. W 111.1,111 piton larprovv, tot for moon Oa. MAW. ALA boar4u, W ta►reattoe Y gaigisil dresgtb, MAI Wbo ettat, mat ire steittk Alit tv antral. of grads , enttot tie vast Awe dye ►7 the klitiltssy V altar EMIrOaO Wets as follows z Inaba t Non 1101 Jos.-WM[IAL-- 9?) LaAbut A /row.. as I DoT4I Slik got Moannolo.or it V,. 11 a; TOW 3ml OIL IAIIPPIIO , SANS/ A. V. Bt. • Brawl a wear., [5.3 tau tetra to Waring. Vag a 0.. B. W. *ague • ale dodo to Wardee, /raw a Ca. 11.611aarlpe I.eakevea Itreer,/a loaf to Wardle. now Paltaavipalc PellJ. Beeler, Be eels tar to J. P. Lopn Bro., adelphla. If. IClablrr, lee de rat. on to Watts:, tint a 004 Pellodelpela. , • • . Jas. B.a.y Jr..lle do to'le Ullwoith • (.la.iPanefols.buk.. - . . . New Torlt ' letwitsoar • Marl et. Liar Taktrah le IS. Plitle.rals Far.: fa i • : Yaw Torts. Ja1.14 ...Motion /tab sdii addail,OtO pour be mos haw b u a Sodmor p aegirei ane prior* run without drooled onaar l Wee *AO bols "at - •1020#111AIP Or superfine Its.. ant weglorni w oat bhp fok ~,,, Malec 44 gallig 10 for extra western; ar#73013 for waft. wheat extra; 10Miens 3 for R. 11.0 i 510.20013 far ootamon to_ goal at. Loole;1111010 for wood to ebnieo extra Oa clad., quiet; California el. poplin.. at 11241112,01 ' Rya Vont In moderato- reinvent mle• 2 0 bide id 117,M01 io, Cornmeal Inbar damandivilas WO bole at 40,13 tor ir worn. Whist, _quirt and nortisnard, and po re ain't, 151 St dial and_ hoary, wee 41q• be at 1140 for rad Cattails, 112.101113 for lentos Canada; 110 Inc roil' amine , ut 42;302 es for watt* wonSdrrni OM for :fa 2 no lug dalivarod; NA for saber IState; 43 13 for walla California Rya groat; sales I.l#o bu at aim for southern; #1,71 for Roan delimit, al. Deasy dull; ail. 4201tu Mats sit Van. halt quiet; sal.. Val btratsl.3loi,BB: Coro •-reottipis 211 i 6110 Ann 1 to Is lowan Wes logo h. at ifitofti,3l for o uilvol est- ern afloat; el ag forold do. i n torm #IAI for i do. alluat;sl.23ol ES fame southern ;#1,23a1.2# for newer/low Jersey. co doelt, fraosipts of oats WO bulb. without detailed ding.. 45.t00 biasing. at 117)4114710 widen; In Mora at boyars °piton of thirty aays. Elm,- 0 rm. (Write stoadys 1,10 bags Cuba -•t 111• 014 , 4160 boreal liarno• 11401 i. liolassos Malaya 204 beds fa Ortrans'at MGM; Petrol,.. ' trAlLirede , dull. at Mitt maned bonded Anse at - 311.1. /lop. gala aim unebanged: ' Por 140011 and drooping; IA Dbl.. at Cl Ott 41:15t mega elostarfat tldOt rragfar at thcati VII; bow do mamma at Wel fords.? at Ildli. Olentg_ i prune and 1434/014milor prime mess; Alen 000 inns sew maw, SAIIIIta ALMA AL 1112.1808:10. Woof arm and artleaftaf bbls at 11 34:11e n zIrdig=t i Psii`ldr;t i t fit /34mM:1:steady; lai boxes atilluXtriO4; Cumberland mai Hitt abort fibbed for no ' niary at Plneet• TAMS. , CAI, meal. an. ebanged ftillpaokaaa• ai SON°. Shoulder* as 110 141( for Was. - Umered Hoes efAady. ah Owls% for waetero, and Mem% farad,. faro &MINI:WI at. StatildSo moan lora at 1 . 1 , 144, 4 1 1 1 :1:41 . 47 0 .4 r c situ %food demand Pralte-tarsrpoulairrharWia, il . • lIAINUALOS,,,..t.: ,ae •••• ...., , , .., j , ,..., ~ , ,r, . erwr.-Iloar eloutifl , iMiltaiffifo- , • aUF LMI IIII IIIPIa= kI arF 3I: d. :: - B ' Phott N. Oatirqulat 'at 470 fur Writ. eta In atone. Cora. heavy at ti.htlif.ri for k MC.lfferilitZ"LmLiadWriatiretaasc'earatia.L'osantiePar Purl • argrft2tur alitilhio ll . l .l34rar old d I ;If for new man. and 41211.11=1, r - .•Baed eteatir illtb a Moderato • demand. Cut &oats quiet haft liaatiansod. Bacon ataady with • .MOdfmits demand. Lard Ciallad qtdat Mit drin Si • 1-14,1013,0 ,for taw to prime ge m and ,sate rwarlerad i - : . ..- • - • • • JAIIIN, DWELL & SON, ,Itt Water Street,. TARIVOIL kL 9 IIITFACTIIIIERB 1 LYJ .I.lers la CRUDZ. LiuIiaIOATLYU ILad CA11.1401.4 bent War n m. il - 1 e 0! O r MN L•a ~ toWI low as CUre•••.•l4 Or li.i.careo I• Oar • t LAT Ir, • - I.o%tairstor eat OM be lrhie.e. &eta Lubrteatthd and ataldand brands tr... latent.% pen s ead [afore onicalas Cl,. Lard chi from the Weil. • .1•1111MBILIANU MLitliliETO. • I' CV,len .0 elder-Witte now Gut..., Turanar, actuary 14, test. I There le no Improver. I to note In the ton, of the ;general marketn, hough we still enter talc hopes that there erl I be stood sprint boa lee... At present, II wxvv, everythier I, dun and negleeted,and as the dommld for .11 -of the leadiet coma tie* It very much to. Oriel.% the volume ce.buelmas, In Ike aggro jute, Is very. Ilsht, while, so - far as prlsee Sr o rimmed, there are Mr material cheeses. GRAM—Wheat le to good amused 1.14 limited oupply; wo combine Co quote WI , at VA for Bed, end 12,43 fo--^-• wed, eon fuas for - White. Barley fi searoesand wanted hui ohehaneed; malsters ate still paying a 1,5501,14 for Spring and rail. Oats tinder sad tending upward. la conse quence of diminished uricals; notes In Wore at gatahre. Corn is quiet mind unchanged' dealers, sa • genital thing, 00 3 95 n iqe new—nothing (Ling in old. Rye le In steady demand et 61,4 , 01.45. , Pl.ol3l2—therel4 a continued Isle boatel de mand, and while the market Is t , m , Piloe , are waehauged; we coot/nun to quote at Sii(lli,6o for illlilatt flatait,lo for Winter Wheat, and .14,5d816.50Ln fancy Crud.. Eye Fleur Is .1111 quoted at la 60 per Phi, Duekwhost la lu good aupnly and dull at 44, 30 0155 per not. PRON/SlONS—Baeort is arm, wish a fair jibbing deicind, nod prices are maintained; we continuo to quote at 11611340 for Shoulder.; 13 001314 n for Iliblted Sldea, sod 10%0,70 for Sugar euxel llama Prieto kettle rendered Lard, 12/113Xe, In tleree• and Lawrie, and laid Quo, in Year. ➢fen Pork, $2l lot old, mad jr_ for new. IWYPER—liantinum t arrive freely, and as the market is tVo anyylied, prima are weat and barely maintained. nine to choke !toll may be quoted at Milne. EUGS—Frealt packed, 4 APPLES—Steady but unchanged; vertu Wee In state at in,ete4,l4 per barrel, as quality. Stardom have teen very light tome time past. eed rather dull gut un cheated; we ...nettle to quule at 61111,11 pet toth. end 13.2.51(3 6) pry till. . . 111441111 vary dull .4 In >od supp/r; ..41 sal. at l'ala fur ana 10.01214: for r.blitt. SEED:l—Flaxseed le In good &lamed and Arm, wlth ed ediented tendocegy list sale te noned wan St deg& No enovenent la Claret it Timothy Seed.. LARD OIL—Is needy. malt regular gale. 82 City enanufaetarers at 670 (or No. 2, and 111,e2 for No. 1. • I.lA.Y—lltleol Roy It bolcg told oo "that! al (Palo, aoct loot. Ilay L wlitog Goal eaustorf not, ot o arato.=, as to quality, liollittY—ls quiet and unchenged; ettles to the Usee retell trey at i 1.60 per Garret. EMI CLUNLIE7IIIIL.I—IiaoLo from SIIGIS OM, as to 13E4145—Uutchtngel at 1*.1,U. Cranial:mai Clarke Pr Cr•erri, Vie lqnsuozgh Cllr tte Ciente/Fall, January 14.—Flour In rather aotterstuwatnl.ran priro, have nut clnangea, y 61164211 W. IR boat dull at ll. Lars l.q. farl6l, tornoull at K,ut tra for ctn. ate! 11)402a tor mhallra. On, Nato and Armor. van a 'rue sueerulallva tumid u. nultler• aetlng Iris null at. el 16.01.,5. t.:.ricir dani•nnt unt for to 11165611/aS far fall, 61..75661.113 tor tao ton Aral SAO nett+, at 30/61 t,! • toy tulatt,c,r. O. Caen slot In lout, des al An.Xlsl_l3 ern.; 67 756134a1ne1, Pork itortelonaL armor, 61 e. Pork, 60/ 11q1,10) Oct oar th e latter frjr till. bran,. 01.1 land al VD In. Balk Meat. , lligt at „a bar suouluera sad at. Lan. Ile:at...tun tautly. dernaeql fret* I. Ilate,4l. ebl-ny f lerlor, al l're for gut heat are: .Itea *ea prime MCI 'lO tendt . r. I,a tioNl it'ij64:6;c. Ilacan 64.1Ai firmly. enouhter, :sae. Clear (Wu, .agar coral hat., 1n13 1 7. sad titular, to, unt Warta,. bugs., /4./.5,. Col:ran, '6l.TraL'et. 2i. O. altslail*asolhatnu. iroa q 610 t 5001 uneqauaed al 01.0/.S. Ma. 1 10i/tail, kteaay at 403 tnnil. Inea 61.1 y - leg. awl 164 aellntg. 11.1.er mar tat,uco remnant ; lalchangti dull at pat 10.13 Lac land t sot L'oi. rblcov. Markt IT to/lintes ra.., Pis ...elan& sit/tette L'aocatto, Jar It Iry IS—trout Ortperl (if V 3.4111,. tor stkriny r•rr tther, , ,,e.ett.o aeo na.trled *tot 3,31, nlentr, aalo-i•t Slant 15 ter No. I .0.1 at inept,ll4 far N ., : s / Vara. pee or.reaea tato., LOUo barb r, ..I eluatot it ` ,, ,,tt:L.,,t2r0al ri We{ at 0 .1k :or No, I ax'._) 1,• 45 , 1,11 , 1 •43 r!ve aot etar.e4 1 . . for 15,2 mares uetorrtea4 at it 't0::, for '.01.2•if2 50.3 bur Rj i at ti I {LI:7 toor No t Provo.— tao.* .110110111rk it413; , :6 to 30 or c.a.) tot is binary tut, tau, 25114.5 It, (Ile*. but mows ureste setk re; 10242 41•1••• at.iry ahoaltlers Pao , . awe.. at,alad busts ta al at Kaaneh mew. uhrerangt‘l • tlicre meats et at tar harem tram the 14,15 aj,e 1.1 .buroe,a, 1:4+ , 01p,, .1 Mu atria &t, tik,aat basal atom.. setye rtot .ra arot lat. Is ue of Data. %att. erring% a WO trate of 11 , oar, /toe hes at 11,42 tug or Cuts. == • • Ar. Lac e• an:•wa la ta orauoaat oat IL* ea apt) . la a s ‘11.1 2 / 4 . rlour I rift Vat I tA. .I*.aaa 1.e.,: r Ylll ,s 1; tr.,* rzlr• tint, lextra I extra To :ant,. 1t,i70/3u l. .0 aleetaaa far 11 1°1..4.1. *1" lawn. pr k•.**, whist; tant.tat* Lola ea to wa -, 01.. Corti la ati 4 , 14 - ar•t Gal eala• 1).;* la at./ ..i.D It 417 , , I.ov, Arm. s4l*.tsxr•how...l. 41 111.74 fAu‘ aoelao. la Ploslllo.lll Lua sk.ota mil, - is reut“ so- apak,j, au,/ il ate 4Wm1..17p aaal.aaallt a ar,: al la,clatit.eaa ,•,,a i*,, bl.. Tao • oalGe r Warll 111114f Lt t ./. Slid/Cal IS al • alletoe, , ken Frafenneer, elarlkes. >el Trleereirn to ft.. et Cr ',fen enunn.e•J N. Entecrsfro.. January le—The steamer Chine. for VOlfulkerna, baled=onley Nnth I In itenrirn, Clang for Jeinra. and the neinfort for CLI ue. The rot l'erarke et...no e.t.a - v.l Ear pnot. tG , ,bll,, llft enner, e I II: .fl. ue wef , .lfr ol rrltnef. Dlrkny, with e 11,0041 nick* in nrn.... flWirer. ith, with USW retire ertiraff for Ilan Jen., ern,. Urrth We nar tele 11 ..rar; Entlesvor, ibe e Lane. )1.1111 antes cf - frarrel• r, freVete. W neer Is .0144 at 42,6411,70, 4.1 Tendere, - , • laattal• Zry ?Cramp] 50 MIS Stnr,ALO., Jan. I{—floor stellar; Milan MO 2 .1.2 Obicat '4210.2122 Meetly ground &print, ona•ara •prina, 11/ for amber anat. aro. ono for h s it s Olin( 5i.11444:4. whmi , nr7 401 . IMiat day in raring Corn gainttialta tar Io oa aa13121.1/ On trio trona Zr oat s ll, n o far yal lOir 2 1./211 an Um tram. O nominal. aye dull and undlanaw.l. lint. pork null, oz.:: fro tioarnand ail for light. Card arm, at , • , tarlonto .market, int Telegraph to the rttatiturati teantte.2 feign% January .11—Ylogr—aottimig lug. er net demi Woo or No 1 rod Watwah AMMO.; tteten—ito egathet I 4 without mat tonal 0 0000 g; sale. of tow AL leteratc; OM inc at Intl In prlcumg lur all rabruary. 07 OM. Oats unchanged; welts at 130 1. \u l. Ilia at sl.elti tar Minting. Clone 4.4 la shaate Luttc/i./100 at t 7 ,1 0. Irroiseal bon Laatkilbge4 at I}-,igniala. Ellerasmoolllntkel. t fly T•it•at•Pb to tan nue...110 k. sm..] 31 / I .nrauX/111 / Jan/tarn It.—Flom gotta, and Ann; etc, anablo nat./ Olotlta,ta.toontry On. estro e/t,/.30A,t3, Whoat onset /tea and littattnt *2,10 /, *2.04 for On. Oita nowt it 6.4 a fur Itonta No. pto-1, Corn ouo Llbl armor; 703 for-now • Amer / 9,0a1 boa!, whoa!, 3,60„! 11000 ..111!,., 4,0.0 buil, Co! U. ntaputenta-31/1 Ulla- attar. /a/ Loll pork. Loot 1111 l 'Market. t fir Teletrape lo tLe rittlibt6,o2 01./1.0.3 • lantrlay 11.-LinNumo AMU Logo ez,c/G.73, G.uvul to TO1.1411$1111•Atire 17.1.41. .4.;otton- 1 401 , Cio• 1-1 00? Crgl 2 • 6o . w w i atG7t7l:ye.Own raw. - Ate. P. x, 4/104.5u. Lar4 ll.cun, Bn.mioant Y 3. 0, Gloat slAp 18340. Dolt ,po¢,t4l.rsipia, Clear sides WM/army to bond fp,144/3)/J. • Sew.ltork•eiry Walpole Markel. Ur Tektge,Ste toDie -.Yittebereb twnie.? t Nev. - Tem, .14011.1ry'11.-213, Dry {Reels yaw, keleocitotten Ittaalent and priene watt- Out I ertteuler oh o . The reptile/ Fero. lo moot to Int{ nate, tontleney to import Moro Ilreineot to the tokrite4ZollWlhetencl. is the •:crew tnerteti. , Sltlostro Cantle itturkoll. (no Telottootoi to lb* Pl.taborgo VolootOoa • en mtoo, .11oloo,n , ll—Boot oottlo salt* itovl arm soil Zyjdo Mabee. Va3a7,23 foe :1 1 Z 1 lAtT•04' 1 4:fPit`2,"4'..4ttovi,": na 10,2867,00 for vat to ottolor. 'Wel pt. ot 71.0 o) bog... Memphis Market.. T.lograrts to the In ilitiurgh titaeltal •At stlynts January It—Catton firm mod tett, et lbhtir. Flour Ilron. Pork ttl thlll2. Unruh du title... Me at tan. Len fikgelte. Lult thouluere, atici Mara, lie. (Mc". VIM:. Oats doll thtionanand, tzth Teripana to tn. V , ltotnuan to.tette.l rattao.inta, January 14 —near tiVn but althorn °bung.. wq." we . k , rat 1 .1,05.. Corn /in, untno and intreri tonand traatertl , 11,Z7. Ott. unekanunu Pate steady; crude 1./1401 refluod to • kelesrspe to Its Pittsburgh 4an stts.l Dairkolal,Jannary It —Floor in some Armand for shlowent. Wheat manes. Coro q Welt srhitA.lleallord *i Sebes , sod Wird wasleta sousd. oats 76, Moon mitre; shoulders lle; bulk do Oillsk4o • • • • , : • 'Clawlanai! C.IIII 1114taltet. tor T3lntraot to Ito Pittsburgh (insstito 14.-.Doef Uattle and 2513300 lousr..nutag to an luareitAnd irtanpit butchers, 10.671011 n thlpping Inn • 1.2.1 • Shoop tattoo awl higher at wog 4 rrno.c. 4,ITA •• "' LA W 10131(4 DES IMV 111— affilkisteres, BAILEY. AND HOP-. ogee, 882 Perm ethivii„, • ): pnirsimuur, za. Nos WOltilfileaUllatelar. ' ' 'Luinetal I,ilatwrs In Ne►, York. Vold aosia a insiouN. EY Tilt/nob to the Iltutnuse uuet4.l • Now lona,. Jan. 11,111[6 . . . The Money market . inctrod and the emend k remlilytact at G per cent. on call, ith eace,pilons at 5 per cent. Sterling. le all and drooping at lestielettli for short fah , . nola is inner and opened at 141%. ectined to ill, wirantod to 141, felt to 1103, ad cloud at iluain% ; rrout3 toS per cent. as veld for carrying. 004.11MXICIT - - • • Government Stocks are more active and !.:(1*: per tent. better, In th• afternoon amm specula' lye lots were onlonded at pm ova a traction Mr, bat the market improved andelomd active. Commas 'ea, mg.:Ol(K%; tin 109 .4010911 do 43,1010 In, V . ida a4s,lrtipiff ival4itio nen, 1014010514 I m do , leklffflUk4, Ten•Fortles, 11.4.6,ip102.4 Seven-Thistles, keiNfOite. =I . • Tn. Unit war marret Alm nneott.'ml during .the morning, sot !motto°cll from yet mniuy. Tim chancre nnberinenfli Ormirne firm and clmint The following were 1 he eloolegnuotatlena at 800 r. Canton, - 49 , ,e.e11Ar 110118, Es. 4(04 , %; A o ‘nrn , e, 70 . :41771 Adams., t 70 1 1 r.1 s 7 9 3:679%; Llue rob wan on, .11 , 3401ni Ghnek..fiper. 24 , 4614'4; Marl palm, 554n‘r.4.: reelne/dell. 112,Qrhir..% ; ern Usunn Telnrertob, 37.S.tim; Now 'York Crnirel.l3L'idiV!i: Er lo,7, ls(o4‘;lludAorl, le%(ii/ 41 :Weeding.. 933(,(inr4. Woo CertlB- o.te., nnua..o%; webeen. 456404; _St. real. FiN ; Paul • I...leered. e51eae1L , ,, , ,•,; ?amnia/me Central, 109$1W4; 1111chirmr IS: sonthrrn, nnlicirn3.l; 1111001 e Ventral, 1.1540 Pt ttsenegb, Wh'd9 - 2.4; Toledo, III2NO eel; Hoek Nand, el/lAC011y: Norchwren. r, 61 %0.61%; Northwextern nrererred, 74:0 73,‘ir Yort Wayne; 1004011 A(l_ . 0, 34; 01,1 Tonnesee , e,62!i; new 00,01. MINI NO 1111•CtS Are Scary. Yew York Gold. %691; ()aorta Ifllt, 12u0PZ.5; Smola :tad Parmelee, 3a30325; Gregory, 5451 Waliclll, s.3lDavalson, 48; Ilot tetl States t rolemin, MO, 900,111 / 1 0 , 0711.010111 0 • The rreelpts et the Sub-Tresanry were 11.694,t41; poym.te, s l ,Bll,3lNtulanee, $38,917,216. 13P0H21111 11212 2 1 2196.60611. Pmaranuma a. Yoky WAysa 09109 co H.S., January I 4.-2 oats metal John Moorhead ; do do, NI/oak A Ili.; II doe do, Bry. Caughey; bbla Sour, Gamy a ISt Ad•olugs 100 do do, Culp a Shapanl; 1 ear barh F, P ear, D senal. a Co; 2s kg. lard. 2 bbla dry 14121102, Valet Mc till Taar. Ilmeslona Shoenbaigsr ► SSD; learn ore, ItleKolght, toter a Vo; ken lard, 1.5 Di. soap, L J Ellmachardi la do do, S Seibert; 6 do do, I . W1[110,122 Wm candles, litrkp smelt. Herron lk Cole Idles, Hammett San; 10 bin buckwheat flour, al A Renshaw; 14 sks raga. Godfrey b alga, 11 'dos brooms. 11 Wolk: 10 do do, Rloool.o. d Qs 19d a do, M Mallow. 10 do do, J Daltnals to •ka rye, 210. Henry a Hood; 22 4102 2, 11201112, It Riddle: 61 aka rags, Markle, Dickson a Co; 10 DM. all, A 1.9 D SAMOS bpi teed, 21 do oats, W Graff. 2.114 2. 11 7.2 11 .U0LVDC1102 i1f12,21•77 January 14.-20 bee soap.s d o t .nOlea 11 Otte wig a Hog I ho! tallow, 21 M. Johnson; 11l sirs cora Al Mn! & And mobilo. tobamo,J I) Drams 10 dog brooms, Jae Donn or; 1 keg lard, usmpa Poetry; 22 dcten mewls. Wbltotore. Wolfe a Go:11 aka rye, Malleary 6 11.4;2 do do, Muria.: &Co;14 tea grease, 1 0 Sellers a (In; car bons., FW C Felo:2 Doles black Ido talte, I) Chestnut k Co; 6 Lab. tobaetto, W a D Itlnehatt; 3do do, JA Javotos 161 tol• flour, Haworth, McDonald a 117; 100 do Oa, Daniel • LALLlappilr VAitai R . JL , January 14 beblVe. R 1616,11 .1 3 las butler—. 7 /1111r:3 In Ine J (Muddy; 1 car Iron and nails, Martin, Brit:tell A Co; 27 bra rye, Stewart A. Langen• brboi re. corn, I, Barlett; 17 bales bay. Alamo A Attattol °eta metal. Lyon, Sbotb Co :46 a W ertuat. J Stalwart; 63 eta nea, 76 do wheat. 42 do oat e; Stott b til.CI I en metal, II Woodrader; 60. bt/a oll..Forartb. Rio A Co. , L.Penribra v PprrnOmme /I.l.lban•r, J•ousult-6 contr. our. BITS. A CadllbrY; 7de dy, St.orobr trey & Melt; ea bill. boodle., Pettit Nelson A OH; 1 burrao.A 6.1.11111e0 ilo; a ago °atm r• 1,13 In pearl barley, L J Botch ard; 111 abla dry apples, I do bean bb b fb eke 004/.11 ILLSII., • • •rtelonera blyalloar IL IL. January env Ohre& Wily. Itoberteoa; 11 brols..l slit 'bleb Lapin A Web/eta do. broom., I Loeb b./t; I car ray. S O Ale6lastara;l aorta , lonnto, llea A Arm:roars 10 bays oats.] S Belt; I.lto tone 1.1%00. 1 1 111110, a 11- -- 0: t ear etslrs, 1.111.•da. ittiff 9 BIERS & CO., AS &X VEILCIVILirgi Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON NI IMO stils til, SIMI, V Orb, it .IL,c.acact. IL WEII TUBING, Office, ho. !id Water Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. KENSINGTON IRON WORRB • LLOVD dc BLACK, ==.l • -Okli4oll, Refined tures& .i j iiniate. Bloom Ix on. • buirr us Nig ? : my, /(6 . K0,7 FINUILTI lEWF. L'adtfl - Zirarl 4 44/ITS=r4 4 FLA itAILX alitd GAO.ltwalt. ("VA I.CLUIXIi fauti. ',FIXES. MakaGnaw sx . / liusuttee .k•WOilSk 41 / 1 ..E 1 . 1: moos.) , de•...11 WOrki Tltlaborah. .1311 TO &LIES ELINtFACTVELBS. ut: ENDEEDIII43NED tettirthi st.-slea m'e A4eAt7 tar no ego of lt• COPLEY POT CLAY. moo reepared to ?arid.. It le sej s Owe w.sl6.lse ' , SPOUT thte soperierartielre ilartas 'Ann year.• et 0:0111.1a, lee bee* er. ~e s, al weft im.pentexe as oe bet ql'e 9“110. it to, . 7 . Mee ea r is the =van. , etns ‘4 , 1 law Otia Lb We vll pars li.bpta rar [lnt propertino ot the We Our of tel•• C4l te 2re*. pu , aeottle. "[be Clay le 00.4 tee mot is Ita mat, r.r leery. D.1 2 / 1 111J1HZ e non. Intl eon rut tila.r. Wotita, wa.thaonsa rt‘teaate rs. E'' :TTSRL'EGIT PAPER mwtio r•(trvG32:44l)lLPAS7 T. litaantigivonll PRINTING 'AN) WRAPPING PAPERS VIA& brICUOYarVILLZ. oruu. AnIGHTUA XILL, 115* r 4. crncr. &ND WARJL/1017 . No. 1 52 Third Etreet, Pittsburg% ea. orne.s..... mtur DmictOril.Augroi name. John Atom. f. It. u,,. p. John 1. ionnisto. Jointit. in. It. 11. )!errks. aarwr 93tmek. 1 - IAZARD POWDER, I AM NO* PREPAIIED T O TO antra. all onlarator largo or HAZARD'S CELEBRATED POW DM rrt u VelVtir'lrk b LllMlNVr i t: Ml= rt.' . 7 u=kr. s ""=" l ': AUTIEWR KIRK. FULTON POMVINU r.TABLI,Itto tw ISosL nr7Pg. i t o*Up is p . rnelgglf9 L P t o its. s v rr 7 g1.1: trrn [, v aw.s../m v w.. stwel:LN A lar Vir c!,1;005.011544::Pfli .torrd Pilots. _ y slLro ,claw Wlol , 911 C. Welt/Valhi. 0, ""°':.!,9',1.75 FLUESCItEESS Of'A Hip AMA. iaavas, h wl a all paLo Wise ud told sad Tel. Vlll Irklialt• • VW: itAVALlETrßillitrr • •31 114. IL HP/41.1.• a WWI% WEST COMMON Northwest CIE 1 , :lt !D . E. Att;;;Ma aCO 0' Haan'. 1 qPIV TIT / 7 71 . 111N " at o r rt h ';"'" t Lm *. ihaataigt, 4 1 ,1lAralir WA " at). • gin & MORE% I&23.43 XXXTMICITIV ir FRUIT As...MIS:IION numni NU. Hoc an •1r PITTn lIUHUIt . pa. L. N. HALL, Mlanunicturer of IrneHAVANA AND DONDEITIO 010118. pp I.ntto shift. on band. 344 WOOD ITIZOWt. • lon entnpr I .(bottr,lll.laomrsh. ra JOHN PEER, ORNAMENTAL U I TIE , u gF:TM I :I 9* ro. ri I Z.f ,C A r,. Al..' W 1... uNif4=7. `4 BOG Ladini• ratunisies batnestumpiesets ttttttt •11111141 . 111,0171•••• CILIIRLES lIEIZENEITEIZT, UI ranzstaL aimaussrai (tin,* dam Mai* D1AM.41.1 Glass, Gana Wire 4 Table f alter, At INIATIRIN CrvyAk/Alt A • OM Ow stare as Azad. yIAI/1 11.41•Am1A4 HEADQVARTI2I3II FOR Warm Air Regimen aad Ventilators, Mack at Walls .21a20•144 /Mb.** ZO•aa. at. BDBELL m cm.m, Na. sas tallikti 117% 1 EMI. plcustr 130WWIG PUMP,NIAKER. gm riruonts tilluTritra iitifit morst a hr, a.u.gbuy tem 11111111111. M ILLE LVRBICATENG M 110•01130•11 ItOPZ ?47111 U. at •11 a.."*"."B".UL " . .ert • illtt.l4rl4 • PIHBBOBBH XOPK. WORMS. FULTAII, 301.1. MAN Co., Kuptawrat tba beat COADAGE, OALKUBI, TWINES, is elm islist', • Warebeme, 114,dg ill Wider at. I= RIVER NEWS. The river la eti II falling slowly at this point with Mane feet three tubes in the Manuel by the Mnwtagahela tnaike lut evening. The weather Moderated • ilttle yesterday, we siderable mod failing ' at times, and to the evening it looked aa If there would be:ace donng the night. • - • • ' Ai are have already noted, the Allegheny firer U. Slid hat been for scene dais, entirely eland, but the iiionongihrla is atilt 01.4 the Elisabeth arrived and departed yesterday as usual:- The (trey Eagle atria . ed from Parker berg, acd after diaeharging her amigo, paid of her crew, •od laid up. She - reports basing had anuaiderahledibloultir to getting op, la eons& 9uence allow water and fleeting Ic.. The Delaware had meant op fbiterdai Ober* noon, preparatory In taking her departing for Nashville. She. had a, hair trip, having per. hap. shout one boatload and fifty tons 'of freight. The following .boats are Mill . recelvlug freight, and will go cut as loon as loaded, tor and weather permitting: Camelia, Capt. Km. Dear, fur Nashville; Kate Itobinsoz, Capt. Keit. Nabinson, for Cincinnati and Louisville; Leoulciag, Capt. Shedder:, for Now Orlearis,and hicssenge r.Capt. Sense Drab, for ItIL Lout.. The Glarrgoig arrived at Chichinatl on Sun du i and after archarglog about fifty tong .o freight, paved on foe bee destination. St Louis. • The C 1601111141,1 Gazette. of Monday,eeys tho tha number of perannswho plaited tbs . Was Itepublla oat Strada? was estimated at fro • 10,00 to 6.7,0c0. A, pretty side ratty. that. The Changer left Cincinnati on Suaday for Pittsburgh. and the Lewrence Cleared for this port on Saturday. The Kenton was at Louis. villa on Sunday, and the towboat blot Fulton puled Cairo the acne day.' Ton Sella, left lis►Orteans for Mobile on her Drat Uri, on the Sat loft., la eharga of Capt. The.. Cuero, with Cleo. If. Christ and J. A. Wayne in the race. N T tw rthe ta h m U g the c old w a aoheihdayawyi whit( wee crowned with people. d., who flaked down to view themammoth Greet Rapnbils and her gorgeous caisson. Yoe sable...a...ids, declu and gabgwaye Were al. moat manliest.; duriag the al ternuon; Ler mew ending it very difficult to discharge the natio, owing to the endless rush to too fgo ever her • wide stage,. tike 1:11.11416 MEIII3II excitement at when the fret Malted Cincinnati en her way South. Like old Bourbon are improves with non. Great S.pen NIOLI Un melt ed/emit The ec threedker, Unith dl d 4tat .o es, and the :nommen:Great Repubile, with the..de of admirers alongshore. altogether, presentool tut totems:Lag itiactscle. • - - The Mac Pepe:, of Sanday, also eiye : - _ number of towboats with Coal paned Poem. coy yesterday. The Coal Bill, Nista, and fir . ntore, with tow. of coal, al. peered Mosinee:l yetheni., for points below. The steamer Rbthatond, from New Lificans, passed blemplite yesterday, whom she received BM bal., Mori foelnutsTlle. The Indiana ant red al Loulesible and the Great Itepublle at Cil/011111.1 last /bight, both from New Orleans. The Keaton left Loutsville last night, with full cargo of tobaven and cotton for Pittsburgh. the towboat cam Prown, (or Plltstnagb, pasrp ell Calms yesterday. The gorge in the - Mtn.- itippl, twelve relics Mama lle. Cat., Le Locreasleg amength. 11. Atte. and P. W. Strader attired at New Orleans yesterday. and the Went:violand depatted fot CiacianatL. . Wa hard rend a full amount to the Tickatarg Times of the el:noting of it. •dears • trouyies, clerk and math of the Mesmer tko tunstoan. by iimbh the wharlboat talk at reckless an d It was plai arnl one of the most reckless and Mute:elle ta y ever commit trd oe the Western live:, The LEl.te of the Columbian have .always been noted for theee peaceful tilspoellion and the mom gentlent.ly bearing and behavior. Toe Tilek•bin Ti .as: Li la aot tba Orel sentlflaint we have beard marmot. the teamment eteambumet. ,reeve at the Lake Previdenee whinfirost." The Vicksburg Tinter. of Shedd, says: We %laden/and that all our New Orleans packeta will emend their trips nomhwatd In the forth .• of a few my.. A leek el business comps/4th. change. • • John C. Lome, a ali.foot negro manny toss etterp4 In Motile with vtesnoi • rcearnasta's Itltt—ht• meat, clothier, bed, as Ms negro trev very Iv.rusclous, and, sly* the Advertiser, .'he had • norouledly noottat anent. *loon liotl/14011•141, enough frost the mouth of a big •Iteh ..scer...la tt. carefully Illnird up In perpeonleu let ptg.tal/a."' The Ss. Lout. Democrat hoe the fellnenz: John to wne diethStivemser 7th Is the Slam. , Ho.ldtat, of thi. any, nand tarty or totty-Ine seem Se.sere. co the thre r ea ale. and comme.ider tot path.. twastyillte Tent star re nue may rune ins. Alm as clerk el the 11. I) Cern, to the St Lsols 'aed Nest Or man lea yarnps ten tens ern He was lima t. the employment of Ineld White ea • <lnk eh .the uhto, sod Ih Illediess. inma , Ile vete etas largely and Milan ate/y .- treitte.d with tha ges tiles. to, bonnets in Seclusk„ yews, and Itterwahle In _this city. Ur. 11411 was Ms psletera la Ala leas 1112. e. but he re f M t frost ha ms wee no maidens of hie h.. He tea alito Vaned and kindly at. tmndrd SY elapht. Innen (Jetty, Galdersteve of Use E throas, J. La Hetet, • Yin Mean, ind to Sly 11.00, of et of Slysh and W.. who nolnatruer 11 tin writtes In ni .. tent s &recluse to wenn of All relausut. 111. sot known that be ban soy. H 4 litrth plus is -area • eurjeat deold, but it Is cousin/ad he alla born le Wary laud, nod hod meld.. mush slam to Pitleburgh. The deceased lea math d Is he worn II 15044 from Wily to slaty Munn. Millen; He eMeetienes rated to hie mon felhatle Mende that In IWO he knit 113 on-.r Ins. by steamboat olden. Mad pi. rionsty In Ise sireinutee end tonnise. John I.e.ril• premed al Han Wharf, banes Alm twist prone.. 1J t w. Immersed, 0(5 ainnte, roma( Slapnition, and want quietly out ~01 earthly ennenn. =MI= I*.ocuortigg JAntgary 11.—Illver !minor t With n u text a., mg.!, wag eight fret 0.1 lbw Welt or foggy suet Wet. Thermometer 5S • dintrets, lnea►ry 14.—BLinr rittor wiry fast. ETEAMBOATEL V 0 R .N. 4 SIIYILLE - r .- 4 = 4 „,„ 12113 tat rteaute t3/1110.111. •.—.. Capt. 'A Y. /...• th In leaver f.•r t' r ihava.. !warmed ate porta . the ...I.a o 1 v•alatt!os, Yor frelabt or pomace spat, as Ward at to - • Caro, It ..•?. E., • J. ll: YOLLIN ll WOOD.} Arcata. • !all -J OLIN FLACK, ... t.. 4.1,11., . _ 'FOIL CINCLIINATI anda= a t LOUISVILL oinerond and min steorner Katt MAW. mON Cart. FOBENSov. will Ware oa WEDUtelrfa • 14% Mat. 'M 4 r. n P T rrelah. or moots , * •n boahl. at gaol of Wood stn.. . r AOll . LOUIS.-Thezdrok L. steamer • ..Capt. Dm. /2MUL: VVllll , em.• a* above oik SD:ADAM. Ilmtmtl. al p, m. roelll..!Voz rimtp .4 tfra v • rant or to BaIIMIS ai""*. FOR ,111 NEW. O.I4LEANS.gagSt —Toe tot Moamar ,Caet. latTi PIIMMO.: W4l leavo ea above on Una DAY. Jaelael DO. asae. lor. PENNA. SALT MANUFACTIMI ZO, . I P/Itlialmcursh. LEM RI CO. (it EWE PENEUITLYAMI! U. R. Thrt4ollx.rnrA, Mo.. 1. ISO The P•via•y Manta t it4 . l ;7; 1 3 . 71 r . :I ' V an ;0 Yr 1 11 : t 07, 1:1 fera l nh , / of_ year, • , anttarlaa aeon, WIL It malt e um, ma roan %a thrstead thatheLW'. ai .1 ,ItZt Dar ttla CUU”.101(14 " ** a sal rt Dun taltta•l'ltth It* Iles. * rtnpulll4ll24 , lh addtathel to JOHN Y. XXV facrit'etk.PVllNar, On ats - nelath34 Cintwrr Qnuno eonm OrML • -- 1:177 0 .. 14141 / 4 1.11toT t N ov. Ltd, DOZ.. NOTICE,—in pursuance Of .IZolloo tt Cooed.. , adopted tbo nth L n ytit: ** tZ44l.474l:47=tr.e'rt7;st.g with.. 1.”. tho elate 1011111.2 43 soldier. with.. to. asps Rem the M.+ or tee olltlnolottet entenstso .hey OA broke n on lltaaooettootollettb Um Lawson aald - TliOlton •' Street Corneneennor . flpilLisn AND TO AINIIIVE. tad. cab. aataawti b °. ll * Ertl ZIT= Vll+ - • er.R; - LL ••• Aga.aasara ' . Vette timate , Nratt 30nd. co WOO Pon, woo 11).,•• a iame. 1 173 and 114 Wood at t. .• • . 100 Ooze. Galen Morse; • • ' • 4 MI lamb. , " , 4 ' Bodo, Agi . ; aus. 10. Liss;_ • an TAO. .ramt, Wang awe : .Iton sad ter awe d " de !i• qt4 11 4r44 50K. awttrzwmacm. JAL. Vlllll9, rre. • w::.W :. P. PITISBURGII FOLGB AND IRON CO., =I =II Italbreed net. Bon wad iielfin halllir,ad Car Axle* Bolledi 11•11 road OLT Axles thararsered imeomoill4 Inseam; Locoasoilve Alamo Ibbapes • tilde Bodin 'Yokes, !Strop.; , - Piston Head; Ilteftsboal, Bharat; ISta,t Cranks:l PIMA .1., Wrletvi , 1411man.lavra, do. EC= Onnor., No. vn PENN STREET, PDMMiIiMOU.PA NATIONAL FOUNDRY .P.fiVilE weal . . 7EK, Corner Carron and Swallow:an Streeis, Ninth Ward, . F A ‘717 . 31L1. WIMCI.6II3E3Cv AINTI7I3 Urtitral or Cast Iro4 Bowl Pipe, FOR GAB LOD WATER WORM OiMy pipe. axe east voritoolly Pitts, lit Dry n k ond LC /SAT LONOTII.S. •=fgaserlim Meat Of „ . RUM CLSIIIIO tor. tie An ti 413.1111111, woalo also coil the attsailoa of floserlattod pat. of Gas Works to my nabs of DM WM. NW Hain 110USIL t;f174 4 - Lindsay, Sterrit & Enwer, Mannfactraera & Importers of 11.13.RDWARE, CUTLERY, dr.c., • 337 LIBERTV STREET,, TXT.ciaramoi One Sqnare Unioq Depot, ',Jr a.m., tor T. f• ER, HcAL&E. SHEITIELU STEEL IrdliES. LAGER, NINIUK 8s CO ItnItC7LCTIISLII.3 Or BLS? RUINED US? MUSU, /Lit AD MAK U 6LL tUri entarz.lx. 1.1.0t0 &An cxers Oat SAW PLATES. =Jarmo Alp sigla-ziztrzio RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast spring Elea, cast tc d GormAn flow .Bteel, PLOW W1T023 AND IZOWLO Mr& . 4 , 1111144,8„ AXLES MW STML TIRE TENTAWIigYAWLAT44° I • orzuvir-Bajta. ae, a.. • Warehon . sk 82 Water St., Patsit h • .<1.1411 ATLAS TVOEu3S, A2I2,IITOJI' STRATA filath Ward, Pittsburg, =opus N. MILLER,"Pret ram Warta arc aampair tha larrnt awl Ira amplale aviablisalaaat la Itio ilinl 7 ar 1107/ O:•WC4b Moak. • .- 11r-zinc' of Every Daaltrtioa. • Ir.on era, oil Tansy /beet Iron Wert, Itallrciui Cast Lap, MILD; 111111, Cartbas; Illteenf Castiap, Machine Castings, ventro cum" OBXIKRB SOLICITED, JOHN RONEIT p Huu. FUNNY, Carson St., nth Ward s nenall.l4 It Efluxuner Diee, Steel Moulds, . !it! Ldid Outings igsz ti oxo irozz J.,,rdrut. lad sa y d.dio. or. Wad caremo . gasp,m NOW C. D1A1.0..........p0unccu0r Crlarzwoo.ll FOriIDIFIG HIV() & HOMILY Jobbing and dincidnery Castings; Lista. or herrn of either Ifolleatdo or Urn Ilya. of on Drawn.; Coes sod otyloN Nutted 110 ...MIMI:woo. made W order. °Mee, 250 Liberty Street, • -7 IMIM Aeulemv of Misle I= FORT Pll7 FOUNDRY. MULLIS Eta- axioms • itor=PACIVl= l 3 Sr r '• iIIEAVY ORDIVAXCE tt "= . lfi= l l 4 69Vilor VO:c. - ./ILAkrg ' and anewle4 ter hantatbn tu k o the barkVja. v1:11 &Man 410 .% " 0.:3 3 V . 0nr . old atecr.•• an ty.eatt. NAM .1121-D'alleleetro_kltiar_nf i. ""anger 10111171_II S. bluusal &FAA STOVE,IFORES, BRADLEY_ A • took. Parlor And Heating ittoTO, 'araUse • eat itritid ?BUM and TA,L14.11/0? [coal moron) PU WAAL - vrr i {WOWOaottlotera .11Uo sesaimactUs , • ' , CLILATE:k ag.Ann mow* ae.•• • wirrAtiLwittVit,. it.14...°11""rd • • DUQUESNE IRON ASO STEELWORKS. ZULILMAN, BARN 4,0 L CO, o, 4tordwrinEnts or Iron, .Zfailo. Etprmgr, Axles, nation. amuse cm Z. =Btu, ae. zere ws - rwaatearawasoire 7 PLAJa3DI7V+Iit M 7. B. WOLF. JB.. liEtarclarare ea Cud() Sy.' laa low aoastrtas wit..l awns,c oar doe nut, u OderVi WAWA al . Corner Liberty and Ett.:Clairflta; WIRD U. D a. 7110116 JARED lIL 10110811 lUircTUTin t3teas Rental 011 ,_ Teats Sheet Iron Works, . 61 Penn Bt;,-Pittaburgh*Ps. TOMO° M o wn= imei root. BOLLlMltoilit Imam .aiu Re „, nanca.u... aa. TELOIS: OA.RILIM 41111 2111 4 / 1 111101111111031 .• , _ g i b l irMlSt irin a cn j lataklll43l___, m. rai lrbl ts , ilisk• So °Miff .041 41,ULROADa, trr*Bußt.,. AL. IDeessinix . , VILLE BALLHOLI). 4 WAIMMig OH la Qt Or. bob alter BIIIWAT. October Mb. :ref.vee• Ont. oil/Jean Mt Depot. 011 or ; „.._... oral Than. SUM; !Lc foll.wa I • . . t. , "4 1 ti°11M 1? 1,1.4, vreit.rie;to; Acamod`... r. tf. ~ 1 3.4. !Int rtErrimirt AlrsiM B r. ilelrdoci`t " • 4:10r. X. 11:13 Charnh Trail to sad ' • (ma Wens P1ewt0a......:.340/r. 10:11/..11. ";Yor Tlckeia apply to gat. pr. 8.61013 T . L'aprelatea ' leaf.lyiA 0,0J3 . - 4 LLEGIMIN VAJJLEY BAIL. ILL soap. ..... thautthog Through to 71...00g. CUT - Gnu.ltni with Tr*lnt Slut 3.4 Wit 0%114 Ira rn ir and reank , la LtaltrAad : al. Vl= tga • Attaithe an throat Arntera haltusry. CITATION Or 1111:121. Oa and arum attINDAT, 1134 Decamarr Lit. 1144 Passenrier ?Wu) will leant hound arnft at the entstratel OWL. MEM C I.IIPII mg ras M.?". ... r° " * " DAgnt. A.*. P " n "l4".'ir !?" . 9 l T. Vat r : i"-iii: fl: 14.4 . . B. d • Lc;Milou. 1.45 r. 11. 11. , J, Ma rMateoda We-lli *c.a.... Amer. y... a. 23 A. u. WO A.d In la Worts Abeog n.. Ater. at. 04 hC. Ecrt /ath.; A 0.1105.. A 0.1.. E -.. neon 1 Amnurona ccetn , e ..- TU . . A.edar Marna Ttrda itarec ea. wen. as ?'t?,,,, . , arrirl4g 11 IlathmMaa at P.Sa A.A. '11 . Tli'&;,11.1V.10 'A' 1'1;7 1 "" T,' "" ",a,....4- H. a ...a I:It 11 . VMM. *not. 1867. aiiggillgß 18671 Emma umq H, rr WAj Ma a CYIVL - Latl 21. W . AN. OLIO , ELAND SETTarIE,.. Inn a emit Nov.umerastc,. Int. mans will Ma ...‘a Willi at Loa U.. lan.% ..0 , .1. 44 ... f . U.lrsb..fytime, nielnnwa: ... It * Clinn• [4 122 if:1,..1,=. Mr; :All: a1,..4-47 t g i .! : 00: 11: 4 ' W=l, l ' ki::1°S:: 2 , 1 1 . , 2 c ... i 1 .:V0.:11F.1.1V0'..ic:131'.!,1 1 ql'it.l4l . - .. N'al.'z:.',...".— egg: 1 4.i! ; ,?.. 4. 1 ! : iiEF-IhtlA':.g '" p 2. .P.r.:'--kjv.ir:, .4,ii,F . ' l 'icii: tr6V 6 t° 4 :: fa: : t . ..a IV ra:i! 4m Rachinter •• Lil pn2 Na.w C a,.. 4 . s.• ,• am I hagn . le Ace.. 3:0 pm Le a . .. " 11= am bectftao alt 8.0 um ' '' iM P all At.hrtve "Bri p m It. ht.tou " 2 OP a. 01 vtrtt. a .. 4.a. u I:4l..ectsdale :: ,!-2 Da Vandals " ME!. " ~. .... --,,, E5 ,_ fir} F .... t cria lt . „iggrear; 4 .ll,-,7 -- la CC; v. a. )&xlie, 7tearenu Ticket AM.& r ninEols2l, courmsus A - CINVINN4if R , a• PAR RAIIDM ROUTE . 0/Id-NOr OF 11.31i.—0n al aloe 00111.1. A ,7 31e Der Irth.m, mat wilt lave and sand algal:an papa afoLloora. altabardb last ri.. ....... axons., ....,,,„. ......2.3A. 0. 2.ta T. ato art Lae .—.... 240 a. w. • 716 P. W. al %urea iad p.a.... Ada A. No lad ware. . PAO o. N.. dad T. 21. *atonal. , • na. No. li.llittiL. Y. . 2 . 10 W.... fern Denville Accolordst.. liar. at. 0:10a. wo W4Do mem Am No. 2.. r. li. • .1140.1... a. azir rota. Nona -dada, lama leaca at war, Y.. an a Clatanati a etre 1. SI out warn inti • .;.Untiret Teata lassos dadaaillts67. M. -'. l Tka 9:50 a. at. Train Inarto daily. dada! ano Kona!, excepted, salaam to Olotbonatt allot° tilatirriT " l . llll. l4 l,l rU 'We IN "'Al'" No cause of art uosacon ntlsintrgb sod diananatt. and bet fI.NZ canratt to dt. lowa. 'Wm. "Ada nrtalpal lainta Walt rid Wan • r,o. t. ilatari ouraustadiZickati LS San ad tad Its Deft at the UPSUB(II ' Sliffgrili L. LigeMil F.• I ': . :. , lo:tHion Depot, (Krea(itiside.)- Bier?. SIOTUJIMISPACCAL Tialielt,:a gem* l ' llliiii S kefoltir.Vatt r. 4,.WW.lll. ° ! ' ,...' I.%AlriSirs'LV/LliiA CENIMAL . ..s . ...._4 . isicsv.u). - -- t_ZNfitsW2a . V H O.t. 1 ...M6ltiololll,. ti.m.114.•14....11Z.,.; rml.tx.. as Zetcvst EM!Mt==! riv.rd„teg'zi.iftrt Trithl .... 100 et ai .1t2,14146..... ....oh LI? a 123 rtf 4 t7l‘ A 43 1 : I 7 :11: 0 !1 ' Ujm WanOD a . NU. 1... :MOD W lrOp• 0. 5... 4 e.. 70 p ap ..I.te.pa co l Sir G atti ,O:W m. canto iTsltto IcavelVall.sittattati x,olrTPLlggellz,r.r.tc--Mt=t2ll4. ..szur sity ess.tot Mundsy. rtlia O AP. 1r zrresz 'and docout. onapoo aott Xt.:grata Tralq •trot ,t/1.. nott i. .tratir2eVelcaTT•nrl 7 .. tort,or l 7 .•7 ¢ 211.00 vt.pi, to 11.111,41 , W171.1,114,M, Lr A ftlasylranNytlll,44l Vonzru i cy 000101. 141tri: ti1t..`11.,:=111'6%"41 todzed Doll•ratOT•tu. Att -.944t0ir0 Co' 10.1; tftst somant to Irak 0 will at the rtor tip Otroer. noloto Sy r peti,l .7ool. BetorAl lis . gtfiarX2i;ot,YE't«... Ny-EzrEur t kwaNsirs.v.&NlA. 4:34.1 OMB t ,A d eS4BIA Mit Mo. t'sasonger TrA7.1401.- t•io ig": t i 141 7• A ;stgila 4 lornewr totot [Mao, &tote.— Gt);1,111 trpcoatt.tgo..l,ll4lo.2G fro p0tt.72(0,11..m.i.is Z.Vee? ZGalllb•• Poi liar tta,me• g _No 1, 31... .Z.YDres 1 . ! 1 O POI fr11711;t:. - da 1 1 0111 R. ItTeA'ffllll. 7 . 7 " •)! Chart& TraLo lion. 4:llorbony o'er) ConclAy at 7:oruaittUlit etleettO, 814 1: r 4: "411t1;41...1.. 71ekee.—lot sea etecteisef attest. ISari's, Sterne only Go 00.0 ramp 0101> 7000 at ataa sad ont eLetteed Mama. T in tufo le:mo t Allenbezy Way* I :9 sow Ismael% dtreet ccattection at Fret.nOti .1111 nallitt end Bea. (44V. P0.h....c• a ' P . Utistee.iltblearea,,eoe . irita4UWW, 1047reltrItil Uo to, .7.11119 trltilrettala Penn.-Iva:is -alga :NU ..7 , 141 , for 8U5410 , ..0014 tbr Wooor 11-7P.<l. nod NUUt 0.411 . ip 0'2100.0 DOLLIII3 to val.. toig m azettAlngth.amount to valoo ) , 7 111 to .4 rtiA o f &ha winter, ottlamutttesr opecirll 1301 . 2 r'" Exruramm Et.._wmtusb," 4. . BMW,. A11002u11..... Dar E. - pis:W.4,W ie .7. Wi11 , 13 a... L.. a:3O Si, Tritz....:.."Eal fa a;ao MI •fltailant ..e;:11.:1.: a 111 Wall'a No. C...11:=.a 313 lottnoUrart . .t.o. leo p Wall's N. 11.1. C:l4 .3e. ":744 1 p*' a •io C , .1 MI Put 7.% 1 P all:s .1b.3 pi IVFM EXPRESS 'ROUTE :OIL REGIONS I CQo pleUoa of the lilleidieny-talley Railroad. * .0 the Itn3FDAT. Dt40.011 , 1041,;1.00 . ~0•00 , ,,, 0 see wad 0111 000 th.toßghtoVen.o.ooo Ci - XIPPPO.It• 411 014, - • , The A li '!Mg Preis! C o olisu*Y2 siauww...o 7, A reArre i tz.d i c wi6f ,,, r . h ., , xxrAiras Ton, 1 . 0,0012 Pittsburg!, and tba /100htia':- ct i , 1=711.,u . rat ou enr.anDirett mu., &AXE* /I.ICUISCIRD., •-• • •••• Tor pis tzczaars. iooo.oa at - -" GEORGE BA46111.81.11; SMOKY KILL 110011. OM PACIFIC WAY `RAIL - I" r„ S TERN D , E." 911ORTEir ':Aisll) " - 14. 6 fg 1. socrxig tr. ,. the. a . BIOST C 4 - 44 4 46.0 3.. r; - , ‘!" * " 0811 . 4 1 SW MEICIPO. IDAHO, :; ;OEEftOlt lone nate Liss aatiZei*onntlr. damn ainvuys areeptao.) Oa Iftint of nalires4frols Leal; Masi.) sad% Jo Railroad Dm Wad'. itectim okt Invratais.l r opekaanallrlanso with" , ( 14 .4.01 Ra al mania is *luau. at ma of Wet *en' of Minna]. 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