El I 1 Li Uttlk;elttittit pni2Ol,lAN REED & CO j AT: GAZE ,711; BUILDING, I 304ith 111. L. t *of . : 4•24 ' ; M YTTSI I I • Vi . "l&7' P hdt ". /3142 i1n• mistra"roi arrezt . .: s limas belga& isifitaa r aa saaa••••••1 a ma+ aaotpaZla so saa!aaa, Mine sir& .... atm". 'lllaussissprunter. (us w5.k.).... L,. " Kandlitduito. Ohs OLSO, rallonlifttatews cs 'union ud Aust. We. . , Lll PTILIST CIRFAINUMC.Iitairte4M - ... *seat; at the _Ohlreiro.Contentloa; for Itholittiition to the yleeStehtetiO, the name of lir. Hemliat Nev York theta( • , Mr.Fentoli; ,Petutitlvonts 'that of gr. chl:lW;;.ineo that of Kr. Wade; aad Iti• jo • C dims, th it• • of XL' Ms • A MOSteX 2 k .., Whitt itit L from .irh th to mike &litre. . thin. ..It the kit - thional ,CoirrentiOn - had'take eithei of 'hese Mee, the party arinall hire heti i ' tt the Ittitittlatlea of a crest betrays tad . th o ecteetri .. , storett four yesth of tlesiistthtlea. i .. . ' - / [b. IT !lassos, aa4tatedyestarday ealilitelegruni, that the merwiti,wormicd fi Martell° tower, niarl Cori, - aid sicked . . . 1 .: a'igureihop In that eity,f wet thither -from *elicited States; that fact •Atr %Mel a aigalEiat commentary ea Util reinigithila mutating& liere•detasadlirg , of the Washington .govammant fall pro ,teettoi to'xalizrelizel Anerfein'ellfzens relwijonna. * llivrivAr 'matjli. the 4i:requisite to rich . edueetures• map i elicit adratiatiort, a n no ' matter; h e ti • deeply the miseries • f Irelmait 'and the :wrongs of het peopl , mays oomph eon. ZiEllienth!ill, i; ii the Waded arrogance er,the stupidest folly far . say man or sit of man•to suppose - that a powerfril gitinteteui'canitie persuaded Dreamed Into granting Inunueits 10 each actions. :".": '4 _ • ' - o. • . - iferaz, the •20edervatirn it the North prole* :real easuateraelloa ,that Reek of Itecceastraction -. does not• prit• • ere t 0 ,irith . ureter retplelaty,ley' far the larger Orden 'of -Utile Ilk at the serail • as &tog tielllber exalts retard the oon silahatlon; 'adeie people want,' therefore, U sot so inch Iteetinistmc- On; all a Peraotau4types thereof—se- • ' enneatepotos:flth e/.1 tie rebel whites:let is, and all the lord blieici lefteta. Metal, Lan azesenrnieent cent be bad, no ihi" 3. 0 ' 1' 444 •• The tate will•ootee, atialret Una short •-• IT Mean si . grand, ace ioUablltrios shall polltbmloifeteeite; borthai Cia_hl nof to aria eat 'she ilghti • dam's 'bill be aeknorledged and en fotook.wlatosit rerpeoUto Inelatits• of rags, corer; piece of blade, or say other Inahateilal pieta/Law:l . - • • • - f IW . 11minva istwiotting to WWI,' no 'bonne 'thin si doign, Yeerder.to pun; to ooditotit 14. 4 344 Mud ,author - -; itv, when dollignelthei, it la making a ndsialai:' 'Either Xv..Veranvintought to . • got tack to the War 011 ins or stay`oat. - ir thi Preddimt removed - him -Without IttoisiOntie, . dellnaMt or the_ lawn,' .therktought to byelitstatsd and .614. thiAdatte," It' thit, 'president 'remmied. Idm tor good reasons; then the litenats pa& to sty so y and drop. - To dame Xis teitotatlon, !ad thmi have .Idt:iris:go, Buy serve Its a inctinnial ' 7indtiiaion or the. itights of the flaulte, :bat Odd 'tiOdvr" to rldicak,: and be equivalent to a mulattos at •Mto denotation upon dm- tionretaii. Shaine tnavt.4 4 :4 1 4 1 TO: mitt - And - teror _with Mraightlozwaro coarittnt - •r • - . . , Ibrc tl gtoltaly,m a aifeetedte, wayabot toll, 'disputed, haa'anntrateed the Lag, notwithstanding the formlda fble Ot4l4'rertte by whom'elt ealironed, ttdeelere,pithlirlY theirlleme gall - he-- . • Wititethe capital nt lu/rill:at he wisely . , aged _that the nonsbrunatioa would re vire patience oi the pullet hie Thionwas a time, and bat life* *loathe epciiwtienother qualities (than wince woad tari . reeched tbadg6isa goal ate boaad4 The 'tibias were esker to ',ea the teed wiser Itorae- ore the Rai* mild; breityy - It; i 1 SOd • the para °fibs go-rem:4e co•opereillia with natbnie, prowplttade en 'the pert, 01 - . the Pepulatitc_;wOolid lay& pined the Wu; would h.tee enlisted : liyasiathy War. Powersi would hare aimed Trues lain; stablisotmer weidd - hare terminated medieval instttn ‘ tions. •-• the pialosoli,aed giPtined fully the era el • .. ''l' -r' `Aortref*es hem oohuntn, Ohtd, ere to)liCitfect thet Yid Ltheitieri't pros . hell foelhe United Suttee ifeeitorthip , i- • lopf . tio - troproyod that - buffriends feel .. _ mite dopes of teriddered he will he ... _ doom ' Howeier, it is m4r air to sai . _ thid. 4 Mk Thernite's sepreetere !edit hoc, ,-...., tharthe theodiers who he,. Iteirace. , 414 size! the eltitton,toeote or Kr. yid- Irdtgghtses...eill:labi I de ea, t "Id id secorthag to their primes . . eirceesed, •- ; Pliattiiitti' ''' V''l' - - .Ir.. Villiediihsioll#4,,ihoet rx4teida ma the Detesenor of Ools leas melee.. - .He *their zepreierdedre . 1e - Ithritt - hatiUtented etpatiiiia teltheir:enzo.- . „' ttehei ieretelettons and , : ihrPorte; . He . - - basiOnktllPtic7;' ol, ite, WWI' treilklueiestyi; o r while -',7te do net :runic ble icier, era -hate treverespcei 4iknthius yir hive for ehiiik,,idattaf -2 • Ni. tashtuitiog eresirtitw4oo43 , 3=tiiiit virm, than he ;Would, prarr , milkers gist thei Ueda : hit to the . derh Or eater etehotherthear a4Sisowsidenable - . th em IP el* 1111 0Poullbillti:1 ' A, tommonromear states that the GA• : y iS2.*lisi &mended if /rr.: Onaluunthe - , - moelisiolitif tin Lindesifraiipti Cask. ". fin*ltio :of - theritenate - Committee on T114 1 44da - :X 0; OE4 p,,Teritiician to mtelininnand„ tame bout said sicindig. fiani'liblch - ir could:be tetiOnaidi In- Mined Winodesired. Wi annienhend hew Milliette: it is for a ineliding Geket itii 3 Oritli CUD O r reitielee of ,thi. tiod7 is '.... ifitiottitte kad. posithiiiincrgi rum ii, ilviiit E . i iii kinWiriomility.firad how; Itineld. neet,siettis:lhilnlitemelfwie blooded to promota . , What we hudsted =Wes thin than ibel - thi be Theed ea" Atillailtoad Committee a eleirnmknity' of mumbles kaolin to-be. for pined= to atiltimi; finlidinitiejead ill lend . num& --Thut we did, sot ._heinoniente 1 had thislighten" dletrost of lir: 'Gni - boot i e . disiosittint Se :die prjrilsee,. but at laeldeittel- to the ofpremiodi of, tow Mama !el 'aerated wide elertzettuit be am! . Pima.; liaison, :bi fte l, 1 ,/, ~ xedeectiookilisutiOpin; Mends- I Oeiliiiii*lWilill.awr -;' • • - ..**Alti?, Graham will so we W t ... , t beinom we it, idmatreaelt a atep , accords, el "well ViPII4 *lnliaid Preseqemele' _ ; thin asiiiiii punitotanT,prepriely-Lwe kayo food source for bettering. Thar var... farther to gratify gumless derma, to do not think. I One grad trouble iritti urea:Jr alomlltY Polittes Lod thlthcfens; for arra el of Two Mu. hag Muhrted Pal lad OM 'they have been aluvetwx: 10° piniO4:l4. Nothing, ether err the pro:nal= of ladla r th. aal or of public botemtr, /use been thula from thu narrow-frallcy, or over rill Er yaof/Nreapt - lyvirtu .of moire fbrtn ranaggident.bro.ader view," a' mare ilbeireourse at atlas, awl .a *law rol4oooo l to mono to .11aL tc , whuhber nakkactligassic treata,..pomlasloa, • -jok.olViiiir*id*Lteillp*,td.oo - may dui In - n4 oeaiario¢t 'become Sia needral emir . 'kr:Trot oats bs said, bat hischd.• MI ? . AiAi4G*6MIEMi MR. JOHXORN-111R. STANTON. Donor tbe rebillien Mr. Siaitrie Unclosed high abilities and rendered vast t frith:es to tles country. In, neither of ahamparticulers was be surpassed by ea, - ether who *acted :a" part either* ciell,or joilltary , icierrife.„ So holding , re shall awl kall'Aiistree t emptoprot , lungmerr,bhts-wherr - im deolare,9uglgot s P a tl4thePolatitelit the isniairiqgiami and trjMetii- Sore the Selina Pieple,'-respict- Ing his relstioss to the our p air g ne itiloel'itit ' kteidefervet e %TM Si state Whatthogi poims arm [ I. That from the • accetsien of Mr. Ale:Egos to the Presidency', deem to a gaits mint dit'e"; Mr, irlierow;iiiieV. ateri of War, steadily gave him to derneind,ly. wrack and M dis4;l sell .-p that le icurred in hie lazi".'trusties. [t. [ 9. Thniwheu the Ofiligi - Teitire .was eider aaafdeiaEion tn.' Conyren, !Mr. firiwrokiiihilphrie the -- Csbi 'not, deequaced: It es -aa infringement span the noristittnioinil..prerogettlies the Pendant; and liar °lt had passed troth Roues, advirod [ther' Pruielent to [veto it, offering to hutaildr nor/agar:ante to justifiestion of that measure, That In replying to• a note from the . Prealdentsgking Ilm to resign, be em-. ',cloyed terms unbecoming subordinate, and Which Made 'their longer connection' feeptsetiestde. • • 4: That by withholding from the . PAr. Iderit Import:gat dispetches, he de re ive that firectionagy of en opportnuity be Would gladly have improvedto prevent the teeNlo22ble measure of itembireed gee Cennutipsal Connintion itt New . , 1 As iet 'Mr.. Bearer* hat 'not:seem Toper to make any rejoinder; 'though Ms friends insist be can completely vie: -dilate himself from each of these [in cringtie If Jai any dc,fetim offer he owes it to bh airliner and fame not to delay,. but to make it ea con! aware u the teeter's!' et his command SRI allow. _.! Meanwhile, we Teel that sue Pre sident is correct on the *jet tbreePointa Above Specige4and that on the las; the acts areragairest , his alienation, TouChing this last point our Washington cones : Potidenit; in Ile letter:published come days ego; made the - ablest and iteeter- Itimuttie 'presentation of the evidence that:his:Um" fu conehefore the pidgin: lltiemOnstrated b) an' sopeal to dates which cannet ,tea secceisfully disputed; that ill the cirminotanias of the cue visor kno**.to the President In season for any - action he deemed appropilate. go Light Litt gone farther, and eateb iinhed the fact that the spirit minced by theYeaddeat, bent Won ead'after the' zusasme, were to unison with that pa ntie truisaction. , . • . Now we pus to showen whit grounds --tedepuientiy or the numenfled nee- Men of the President, and which as yet "nada tßeietteaged—we, belleie Mr: Stanton, andellitte other memters'of the Celine% cur tained the :Presidentin original aci ame .04tteimuttmettini. Thej,gerie to Ole public ; fora long pe ried,,,po sign 4si they disepprond. In their napseetive Reports,presented to Congress at mm fine oaring Mier'the es lamination of Mr.lorrcate, there is Mani !loran° of dissent front their Mat . 01 wine, negative-proof, -anvil theless,'ll his iroght.' . 141;as *seed to -Mit which is positive. • •,When - President Jonusam'a annual message appeared in Datembez;lB6s, it excited many - .apprehension.: in the Re :publizaaranks, and pertingegy on the part of the more cturaletited of t h e Re. publican newspepuer Shinny. Mier. wards the - Intentloes of the singulstra. tioa Isere Mere clearly mingled - , and Me I better:son 'etet the RepubliCan parcel, !ecepressei tempereto and courteous. but decided protest .: The paptistOrs 1 many Mich Jelarals 'either held oriels or recelvei adenine: from the govern. mart:.' Alingst, but on quitesimultane -lOnali, the Reses..,,ef the.vazious Depart 'meat; removed these proprietors frcm I Places or took the advertising is irousge they enjoyed: from {UM, to this wark of proscription Mr. ST/roe, news& tolover been [ etpined front his [ superior boldams and promptitude,' led the way.' The advertising of 1 his Dv plitmeki ins taken away front any j 7131.• oil that *Med ter =suitable President' [ chill ing Uinta eranderred fine to the ya lyeepubilara jturialte that koen w .ezth" er-cocks tfigo by, 'rind games to her ataphrodite and democratic newgpapers [ire about equal proPorderae.- cian *mad doubt-what wan intended,by, thier?; '• -• • • From the mare Of the trastectideier [ the War Department. Mr.. STUMM war 1 broirght,direcgi 'ootitact with the , , publican newepspen of thelargsVtowits. What he couhl 'do • either , to seflacgor Ts - .mare Omm into siipportleg the „ping dent[ amileat, 'Osagruis ha did with an anieeriiig Ludt' • .indle the heed et the War. Ofdee dealing tallies Way with the proprietors of tie Repubilouti jourstals the More populous !yams, -the irid of the Post! Office wag pursu i n g The istie - policy to , . wards ,the minpristors of Ilepublican newspepersarthei urines county cross Under. X.Z.Ltiennin - i Inge proportion of the poitinisten in county towns be; hinged to this clue ..A.t first.* few were nereaved;la [the hope of atriking terror 616'040*i. - mien* tkL did not avail to snake them abandon'.Congress they. wen! &Italian out' f • • gieroiti rinse nett. the Prom* itupecated Vat the ruing -tide of public opieLstibid:utranged:rit least three of gee members of the , Celanese Crom.llll. Roby.... Then If was As" projated that szazigetamt 'under which 'each of the :Oestierliors Of Slate 'was ccastrainsi declare his, seithmentM To the surprise of, many ~ zniagere ;of Congress, end, of thousuds *mamma. who had tahan their 'e curia: eras:. me,- ender his OWSSISSitSre, hieittifk' Mouser Ftth•the Preiiidoot: 16, - /ereds , seirbelleied the ie iistira nee to be, - seu. SINS, 'Weisberg id"Cow*, did not hisltateriifeelite st thliVeie that they were simnlated;;Ace: Noma &wise end. nisi royreesr tedieldes--thettah what I ailseldefs, were Prennted:thiretff We fatted to ' discover, gnash 'we watched intently. Whitens welted and *etchid, we could rat= bete" asking; - ogn, who . the dope! 1' Clea."4,4llr,itibetiettni of hI. tithe 1 President, manna [,", and which ha' nengigy leeiromer':fleatien'prialately , ,aftiniedthatthe ,4:oAll ! : Teniunßtri era s speehaltyderigned, by Congress to .flev. polio Mar of ;suttielitty" to remover Mr. Orascroe. Sub an instouncementfron Mae Warm could not tail to lead the to redell',WhiteTer. hied prised:! . between Mam a the Secretary oi. etertrestlietittelehei the Seeretary ,, 'mist Mai raid:te 'iisiliers of „thelwo, MINS to Restetitheor Intl - so& lota eat le hie filet' What Ott. 4 3141Wiata-Triateur—ihe °Mee Tamura 8111 was puked mainly to keep Mr. 13TilITON in the Warpepan -mat. .'lt. tau- orb/tested. end .easeted because he bad Om nearly stl'tht itte: palates* members to andatitato be Was with their. tOiliiielte .thelkielteltade '; kr; bka 'VOW= would be 1 sarpswitut elon, [ -. :;woe, couvrA F itruttrusigi.; wahiil or his protaction; he Was - ataar 7 leg Ste Troableaf-if its opposition to tie tqa,sliiiiie titO,follso to halo It "rd teed, and of Et, willingiesa and italli► to-. tipoly oactein - atiptatemt,la would mks the Wit 6, 3SafdwzoabitiAtt•iolas t}f law ao&legics -,-, .- - —, ' When Mr. Butts* itidltid Us rep's . of likieti . tlei:rsesideitt coblidst4 be tasted he was atteltaSed frim: moral by the Jew hi idilityFihe I l ittidesi tol .eta_ It *oo . Ito* /ill - treiefiat:st I is. idtaWfost,:kaowtsSfel,t;bow,to boil ilatipaias as 110ielt- lbstwees- tbsuiro iiiiiit*liikieriP:erii* - 10i.iii4 tit treilsoweetate biX.r.. i l li*liriat **Alice rats lope, . . I;kti fieist ---- i however ngth . _ he t might hue . adittlred the pluelt. ind.gatliftn;lie, +Weald se rebuked the,itoomjibenie t , ' i.• . Thlszjwipa •itew Wl :take of pie fa hi aa fel a sow presenteC : Mr. tilit+it has nncommon capabilities. He la api matetlX. an teobenntied ambiti - m. Not ' iatfttled..lailh What he h dellettly 'at. , tabled—with-japia g ... w • AaaMe ,Iti/A, in . theiminals of I:ccantrg, and illatlelatmiltylith an iniksbable gleke, '1 lila longings nits Out towards the mfit . exalted matit.lo thermion:: cOnadent in L liiceltill is is. political ,laviget•dlr—PT" liaps pkasecl:*with IU- tempest when the "seta Awn 146, and.for a calm ITEini:-.; lie 'conceited be was so derteroes 'act° . haft all 'factions arid all, interests, gild main Mtn becoine the In dispenaible mite et the hen!. ". If se.; ihe' ambition was liable." bid th 3 mean! , let: gratteling It alteaetier 'censurable. -.. .•k got .fartheideielopmeate may cbau i g. this aspect of the ease,,canaot 'be fo e toij. But It will sifird ue the strieere pleasure If Mr. lirastrox siaalr Yen dicate late cantlulit la. all tale. partic. In.which tt L hierelmjpeaeheLl.. /UNICIPAL GOVEIMMEN . . • No (actin political, history fa - plalnr than that popular Municipal Govern. meet; thronghout all thole's, has' beio the fountain and - brit defence of Cis4l Liberiy.- Pleforeitexists, nothing Is Po Bible but utattlinyeddeipOtisii• Wherever ais !,,,piaied-, - iiimiier ori.t.riiii,ii.h,t of the people ,tothare in the highest di.% Panatelas tt government Will • force its way and compel tecognitimi. • - .1 • ; The Emperor of Russia 'recently or daitied,thit iilFeltitens of the respectiii 'iltailcipalitieri, iamb:Wing the 'Cann* r ted err Nutiould V ifote: on' Ilia' tondt ailitio, for ill' their like ofilceri: This was a.. 'startling - Intonate+ upon' th'e :titages and traditions of. the empire. it contains all libel genes of: full-blowli r - P Freedom, which may be long in putti forth its I and distilling its i re. granca, but will be sera at hat tomato:li The Ant iteplciwarda Civil Liberty 1 to teach men to milder ; to 1 dlrcuse,"l weigh cad to deride` political qtastion -not eil lii sin:Fact 'mental' exercise; toil i f ash pralticil and *parietal right' and dray.. It is _fitting that this . discipline ahould begin on the class of things which . stand in neare.t {elation' tot novicesi t#; care 4 F ond Nl he .suPPCl ‘ t i l P ► uPer ' the maintenance of schools, and the en forcemeat of local or. et. Bp{ '.when ill, habit of debating and determining mat tem. has been formed, it natarapy branch " out into higher and more Donee qnentlid i affaira By thin process, Par , liimentn Constituent Assemblres, Con greases—the greet representative bodied of a itailott=grow up; enlarge their pow ers, consolidate their Prerogativee, dia. pale the authority of the Crown, and in augtuntiand confirm the p existence of Liberty ipa Mluality, ' i. This lawn a hieciful spaced/4ms upon a poasible -cootie of event,, bit en octal] deinmethin of what'has nntler snly trims. .pired. If we remount the strewn' of thnotattil - hiatory becomes lout; in fable .and allegory, thin uniform suenession Is ortistantly witnessed. Wherever the right of the people to control their own, mitnlefparafftirs hw been conceded and ; euTuled, there has been derveloped first: a hndencY hid then a deterithestioet to' . PWilcinateln all the.higher farintiOns of government. Of 'tii - se, there have been fiscittaiions in this process—saMetimes of •the twit marked dercriptione-:-.as in France, where tit shadow on the dial of progress las a asetimes advanced with surpassing rapidity and then gone beck s wards with as astoniahing celerity. 'Bra hoirrier liexpliicable these oscillating movements may appear - to superficial cogninOn, careful and trained °nursers have - no dal:3 . 11;14 hi detectin gtrader the surface.thereal and cattle current ? ' stead tlyteniing, however slowly, to thegrand conantamstiotreit complete politica 'el tranchisement. -In the trailed &stet we have. for so long a peilt4 . toeu accustomed, to all the larger: forms , of freedom that We are 1 prate to disparage the lesser foreof-often 1 topour spleen or contempt thereonAD I seek to * abridge end belittle ir, !rather I thee' to allow . it to grow and expend and 1 gather-strength. Not many mistakes In ,politice are more flagrant than this. Let any ere - take paha; to Oar= himself 1 -acteurately of the immunities and Powers )3e . eilitlitt of the free cities of Enna iti'l put ages -= what part they played, not simply 'iti : Aeveloping commerce,lnour. tithing iirts,i and ennobling social life, but in furnishing examples of the settee To( liberty and of courage in the defence I thereat, and he will attain to a juit;er es timate of the tree place of IftMiciii J ' .Gerrernatent,in the economy of political -concerns.'Nor will this estimiteet ,he 1 I lessened, The then directs his content-, plation to the conduct of citiai and bor- ougho,intetrel parts of nations, in de fending &NM - red pretogstiveti frOM en- attachments lby monarchs, in- initiate,-1 leg' the ' mei/ea:of the • pepulationt to a Omit appreciation of pelitical right', In ' inspiring theMwith a disposition ij in-. ,Cl2r, tine hen viettifsks anclilo ',lull', the hagnst.aseriffees in order to maintein . them. Much of this was wen thrOugh: ant tbe Noithern Biala of tills 'Polon daring the late rebellion. The Memel! planks 'were . , cierywhere foremoit in liflinz gaoler; in teen - lying regiments on taUehes, rind bull oilier tabors eseentlal l ' to"lhonirtheinueeef the - stational otiose. Theta ire' iCiong the conederallois which, lead us t& day to felicitatethe ' city of Plitsburgh on the enlargedient of Ititertitory, the of. Its POpro- Icition, : and - the 'accession to Ps wealth and ; influence consegacht upon coneoll dation. The new Vonsells have an- ar ' doom work •before• them; -butt we have 101 l confidence that' they . ..combine the Intelligence, probity , and nape:ter* re quisite to loch a Perfortmuiceot the lash, as wilt enable them to reconcile dierr estees,.tranty. iiiist l :to devise all otedfol measures - for the :new. cenditioni of strstss. &nap attic atich a start asgad' traonstrate the edvisahllity: of the . 1 - ar. cent ixteunton 'of municipal boundaries to all who are Inelnded therein. l' ' `itr Ds Ls/sit; who was Contiden Ual Agent - of. the Csinfedents States in Ea rope, 4iiripg - the rishelllon, btu published the th;eret - liistory •of Coniedentis DtpTenney Abioacl.' • 'hove' that ne Preach EtintiOriras more hostliello the UniSed State. than 10 7 Igoe hiding stalanusn - ; ',and was ready , Ito take salvor measures In kiehilfor the rebels_ lei cue'llie, Britleknaretnusent oould jots hirn thiretn. Whlie this T i na his 'real 'punkin,- he SIMI:11a !utensils eir4isj.d Izyklr" our' sorentzdeni bcllate Ma sentstarets Ivor. , honSnsbla and friendly. This ;duplicity Is In lUSPhig Whit ta - cbaric/eialict thipeullority br TntiCleitlield!Repeldkan thinke : the people' . orthe .Irireiatiokoingrqsasou,l Dtstriot of th is' Stets Eno teen Wry re' tre^iiiet 'nay . tried Mr 'Calve . '- and hi, got tniol jail: , Titan they Ili Mriithtlep,onth phyrietani lent hi to - joince. TZ -.- Dispeick on thit Other hunk brim that the people of the Twentieth ,Mistrio,,bwric been twitir wweed.tmn thc.plioplo - of most.distrieth . 10i . 11111''Fillritalitillit!i; hien been - it Waitiltigthit: : ilf sounds irpitefnl, *bumf' some troth in.! Wren mitneirents and nonnttfacennorsi• erttit helm_ iiotliCof goods an : kencli which We eiroldi faileno•to the spode ettit"rlard, ire. not lar estier to .to tllll aratrectlon. of the, paper eurienotnnd, etsie oft the restieeption 171% sped, pap; -eaten, se thee_ terra before the.drolen=i don. -ollotiling Is Amore natural. . Itsi Istufptioi wawa osiitge them to melt Gni the beatilir specbs;and se get intlemplkyl At twit. known' ,;, - • ", - 1 EP o decterat, l2ll2 gP"beell toga pat .12 ;11111/11 - 4; Beool~ Xaspital, !few Yak., WEEKLY .SAZETTEi 1.1411)4,Y. ,TANI7.A. CABS" ate VASUON. I black children out of Sabbath School. Some month agyi'Mr. Vitiithir; a Col= I whereupon the Examiner- preposes the. oral mascot ..axcellent character and at. follOiriag amendment of Scripture for n taininents, 'applied?, for admission. as a I melte? , '.'finffer little white children to legal practitioner in the Courbof Coro- I come onto ' r4OO P eas of this county. Ile groand. • Bishop ..31srvin, of the Southern Meth. eel hisappileation upon the fact that We octet Charch;represents the destitution had been' aimitted to practthe the in the bbeilds of the Aikansas and Little -Suprema Ckarted New York, and upon Houk Conferences ss belug very greit rhexemite . eziett eg betsfeen. the court s amnogpreachers and people. Snute of of twists!. idut e f ren e e , y l, ibit, the latier havi found It dtfliculi to obtain regard. After a preliminary bearing, breed. .11deat la rarely on the table. his case way...referred to a Committee, ArOld their pointy spiritual prospe'ritV, eceolidiefe6radim .y . p e d at a: hik e; boireveT, attends the use of the means. hers of the bar. Tile Committee de- The beautiful property purchased by 'eyed makleg . t hei r repe r t,ii B,t er d ei the Ladies' Union "Aid Society '..ef the lair; When they' anhinitted a document' M. B. Church in Philadelphia, for n which we publiah - this morning, and Horne for poor oad aged (emotes, elnut' which - isrpectilin, in that simply a year ego, Orr months of litigotirn recites the . facie ln connection with owing to some defect in the title, Les the application, without making any been decided lo favor 01 the Society, and ' reeeremeneeti en wh e i em - • they have been put In complete puma 17pon receiving the report Judge Star- aloe, and the pnrcinise money of wren. rett remarked that by a rule of the eln. teen thonsand five hundred dollars paid prime Court cf, New York only; lawyers over. 1 - • • from Pannsylvenli were ad mined topric tic, here who had regularly pursued the profited= here:within spreading period of tit roe years. Tirillitt he did not say that he should be governed by the tame rule ' In disposing of thle application, there le no donne in will be. • Under this rote Mr Vmehon's &Whitton ',Monet to granted; for a mock beget number of years have elapied'eloms ha served .as a lawyer In MIS rofrk or elsewhere. • • Fo donbt can unsociably be eeteritio ed as to the proprio4 of Ills ruin man may at, a filial: period poems' a knowledge of Millar coaWylng btm to represent .competently the Mimesis of (Afoot/.; Bat lf he'goes out of the pear • fo‘r i'anhietaicin Qqt years, he becomasaltogetierdisontlifla for thienceetsfal pursuit of the calling. While Monde to a good ODD, we think' it 'comes In opportunely to relieve the . Conn; from !potting the refatal It we. certain to make on,other and Ices mar faetory grounds. RELISIOIIB lIITELLIGESIE ' t The "Detiatution," by certain laa• ing clergymen and laymen of the Epis copal Church, termed by way of distinc.. lion the "Low Chtnuli" party, to out in thi Protestant Churchman and Zpiscopa- ' Gan, as editorial matter:- Without dls noising the di:rareness between the two partlis, which, to say the lewd, is en- fortunate, or suciming the view of Mai. er, we prevent some of the salient points 1 1 Of this document signed by Drs. New. 1 ton, Cotton' Smith, Stone, Tyng, and I many other clergyetten wad. laymen. The roper event with the mums for the 'declaration, the open and secret Leaden. du which exist to conformity with the Church of Rome, then follows an ena meation of thesetandencles, inches the - anbviusion of thy Evangelical character of theßefonned Clitireh by transforming the ministry Into a priesthood; baptism into e digital rite; the Lord's supper Into theucrifice of the mass; and con. tomtit* to e more sautdotal system., Attentive la theacelled toe subtler and less clearly prononetced sacradotallsra,' which finds Suer:salon in this country In in exclusive view of thei Episcopal 'Llittrch; in unecriptursl conceptions of the Sacrament; in superstitions Ideas of tbei power of the nilaisti7; and in a le.- gal rather than an evangelical view of'' We Christian life. Reference Is then 'j ensile:to the 1 rejodicial blow:ice of hear tendencies, and to . Ole fact that in ' Imlay of the pulping of the Church an- other Gospel is preached which le not j the Gospel of Christ, and urges the Church to awaken to t. s peril. The elaing paragraphs are mainly devoted to 1 asking that sympathy and co-operation be awarded to other evangelical dationd. nations, and the validity and recogni- ' lion of their ministry. Moine words' ' jj avow love and devotion to the Church. 1 The elegant new 'unction or the Prey by Clifila Publishing Interests In Ueda- i anti hat' just been completed, end is ac-• 1 I cooled by "The Presbyter,":-"The Iler- aid," "Christian World," wed "Presley. , 1 ?erten Wltntsi." The. Western . Tract ' and Book' Society Occopf the growid Boor, and T ale editors and employees or I the printing department are in the sec. .red and third sunhat: The Agents of the Methodist Book I Conceen at Nei York, Du Carlton and iPorter, birch - suet daring the yen jest losed 11 ea Millions five hundred and siv • 1 nty.thoesesul and silty three coptintof si Tenons Church periodicals. j Among :the mooted lineations Is, the means to lead children to. Christ.. *Mote plias hue been proposed and ;j ewaeories Started, and yet compare yield to the means eniploject ' he following pliui is adopted by the 1 tg .sc h h ty e , V ha or th s e ' r b i l f td di e Pre ckli sbyt a eria t " n n ch a ti ty rch °r , ' incinnati, Which may throw light oa > l t. It subject. When the tacker (Robert town) observes any 'pedal plena in j his class he marks the person, most ex. er j .lited, and quietlyobtalns tint? places ' o residenne. Be then Waits them end tart' and prays with them at bome. By ' 1/ is means he has teen instrementil ih [ I ading many to Christ and into the 1 , &crib. • • ' ... 14A Baptist mit:LISLE comMunleates to e itronstrisr the 'means he adopted to :t a aken an interest In •hls congregation a d promote revival, namely, by , the ituition of laymen, two by two, going frion horse to house, to talk and pray with the unconverted, and invite them toy:outing. Other denomination' felt the.ower °MIA mode, and 'for 'Wei months the city was mewed by' he pour sr and - presence of God. is never before halts history... . . ?Ile independent says the - Secretary of -th 'American Missionary Association in Rilasgo received, on Chilstenas morn." hig, a check , for twenty-five hundred : dollen - foss two gentlemen, living in a benutifuf . iiirerio town' la Illinois, who contribute in addi On a like amonnsan. kin!llly to the time eseury. This As. s+tion's work is ag the freediten, what It employs conantiy, upward of flu hundred saistionarlettuatheri and f rellefageole. . . - mien meetlngssmoigthst'reshyle [ rians are being held In rarlmis its of I thy country, to promote union n the buts of the lite Philadelphia Oven. :ion. ' A meeting forprayer and &inter cede to 'promote this Uwe bee beets celled; to be held at ths Medison-squarel (Dr, Adults') .-.Presbyteriiiii Church, 1 New York, en holiday evening, Jaen. I AO &h. ,Also II meeting of , e shelter ' , ehemetter is announced to be held in ditUbenville, Ohio. chnomemetng Jana , sorleiti, IRIS. - - . i Prom all that Is known of the facts n regard to the projected union between thel Southern Presbyterians and the addition Wing of the Cniniterland Pres. byi erlinit, the' failure . 10SW titian!, on 40+141p:dna Thie committee of the Cumberland Presbyterian body wishful either Ow adoption of the &infusion of rat th and Catechism of that Church, or a•• modification of the Westminster Con talon u Would makeit more agree. able to' them--modllicationa manna* altng the Caleb:info sense of that venerable symbol. The General All• 1- 1 ht.,: ?niter Presbyterian (h.nteh rift-reed 1 t,tte *niter toe ,special committee,.which was adopted bjstliti detestably, and It is 11 40 the , liollotlatton in anded, at least. The United' Brethren fa ,Christ are quily . gaining strength,ind meet soon rank among theelarger bodies, at least tench higher than tonally rated. . The. feet that but ;few of this denendastlon are in these parts is no criterion of their etimegth lit many pheint boars West, agu! pciyhjoise :of the /fiddle' Stites, they 'pi In string -foicb: - Recent initiates front fiii".coa,coisi sio* that thy namberof. AR UM* of Preaching pineal la one hen. dred. itti. fifty, and 01) ienibenaLigi , mbel on Unitarians of - Washhifton City . ; wigh baTixig, turned.the Rov. George ll...Hossein, formerly pls.' totof Gnice Church, (Germsn Reformed) lon Webster and Grain sweats,' in this city, has been chosen. 'Book Editor" ,by ,the Synod(of ! Baltintare. Mr. Rowell, la forwrer years, was -an iddcfatigable worker in the Young Mettle Christian Association of this city. The"elcoat structure,. Calvary Bap. l'st Church, In 'Washington city, D. C , recently destroyed by fire, had not been regUlarly transferred 'by Ron. duos Mendell, who give $lOO,OOO of the 4120.000,' F equired to reliuild It, until u ftw weeks ago, having returned from Europe In Ont6ber. ,Yortunatelv the Church ritordi. had been, contrary to the customs and Asa rules of the Socie ty, Incidentally iemotred t h e day before the tire, and were saved. Bishop clerk, of the M. E. Church, having recently purchased a house io cincinnati, quite a number of lay,ftlends and the Methodist mintatry of the city mrt to extend Win and fits rattily a wet cocoa to the city: The 'Bishop wea . ple , stated witha carthleatia of deposit for two thousand dollars, and also a ch..ck tbr three hundred dollars on behalf o: die Minister* of that city. Speeches I were folloWed with a ano.ptitotts enter tainment,provided by'the ladles . - 1 The Ceiffialk, of this (city, advocate. the holding of a Catholic Con;ress In tiffs country. It denies the impute , inn of some primal' that-politics would en. ter into its deliberations; only in So far- 1 as It might iffect religion. It says there are' Catholics of - all puller, but the Church keeps en=ely aloof from pii lief. It !kinks much Error fit to religion would Lomita from such a meeting, which Is quite reasonable . to anproec. llarpere are about bringing out Ernes., macher's Doeid Mop of Israel. 'rite onetime to the American edition Is filled with love . tohis American brethren, and is in the Court preacher's own hand. M 3 SEDIERIS. . . ' —Many of the Chinese are Wen Ma. , I IBOER. . , . —ratEl'ii 10 s marry the filnrqula de 1 Diaz. I—Mfg: H. Stephens is'sisiting In Nal. derma • . —Panthers Infett the neighborhood of - Aurora. Ind. • —Berea feet Is the length of . a hog in Connecticut . —Upwards of 10,000 Ptilladelpli . its, died lastyetr. f • ' . , —The income of Cileard C.Uege secs $1.50,000 last yetr. •—Judge Roland Is Vermont's choice for ; Viet President. -•-,. . „ There were elghti.two. snicldet In New York hat year. ~ \ ; • ' —lt Is more then two - weeks alum . I -Pent had a revolution. ' '. —h. goat race milk place In Sayan• ash on Christmas day. . —There are seven hundred and eigh teen bar roonts in Detroit. —Ciqs. litight, of California, discour ager' Chinese Immieratton... . —The English are the most thievish rennin the world—Linden Spec:a:pr. I —Bear fighting Ls the levutite soma bent fit the apiary dicriets of hilt —A. Mr. Seemly was scoVentally oho no • torchlight promata= in ILlyaville, last week. —Upwards of ten thousand men are employed by the Baltimore and :Ohio Railroad dompany. —A. store and tobacco helm In !enterille, Mo:, were &aro) ed by lite one night last week. '+—James Battey, • young truth of BO- Intore , had his loot cot' off by a passing kiln on Monday, in that city. ;-John C. Breckenridge, ex;Vitte Piesident and existent other things, lalsaid to play a ace game of marbles, triple portrait of. Dexter hu been tacitly lir. Troy° the animal painter. It 'is to bount to Pais to be aeon:tow. h.-The Old Fellows of •New. Aibtiny bars Lathered up a Metall Aid Aesocia• tion, which tidoing much good Winn. farorabit season, 4 -The late rise In the Kanawha river leeout wine fifty thousand barrels of oil, whdah sufficed to supply the Park'saburg rednerks for awhile. , ._Mr. Thos. R. Itoinpsdn, !gel twen. tylieven years, blew his brakis out with a revolver on Christmas eve. I IVe lived in Omen bounty, Mo. . .=The daughter of the es . . King 01 Flatiover Is to marry the (horn Prince of llollaod. BheFis to bare sidotafgill of two million trotters, If the royal father can persuade Prussia to pay an. • ' southern eichange, in 'speaking of two cues of Infanticide, one of the muideretiees being whne and the other black, calls the white . or.o "an infer turista' girl;" and the other "e negro goal:'! —Tile number of persons. intirtally vionimled by prionture discharge of fire. arms or by accident, on Christmas day, was; large, the last of whom we here heard Was - C. Subenack, of New 'Or-. lean, who hush:ice died. ... i —A 'grey eagle isttacked a o fbelq of gees* In 'Wisconsin lecently, and`w7tuld have mode a lucent - al rald had it not been for a, woman Who attacked him with a 'stick and beat hint severely, driv ing Id rnUerearning from the field. —Five th'ontand pound!' of meat, nine hundred large leaves of bread, lour : chests of tea, and a large quantity oh [other food„inte distributed by the Si. TGeorge's docietrof Toronto among the I pi or of that city on CO:Lytton day, Itt society for the nrevention of cruel ;to animals .I . ii raw York is doing much gvid, but is carrying 'its teal, ~rometlit s, to Inch ad excels -as to ten' tier kfr.l Wrgit's only shelter trout ilte Iridiculous,' it... honorable character of I Ida inqntonia I—On' last &tidily night three bearou I broke tato C Stolll\lll lalmpsonellle, 1E3%, and stole the stoclorotisting °flee-rend barrels of whisky ana largo quantity of groceries. They we arrested while taking Of the tut lcia in • inagon, ' which Was also stolen. . 1 • —The Birhitms and Archbishops al ck Bohemia hate excommunlcatat eli po. Mini newspaper; alleging thn they an conducted by Jews slope. • rthe bar had the effect of largely Inereutneihe subscription lists, which le • good thing for the editors. • • .-A ibing woman Was found mar. dersd sal the woods near - ldarthlsid, M& 114 week. When last seen alive she had, a 7 Undid • Swans bond for a largaanthunt in her possession, and is this a not to be round now, the canto or the morder may be motif imagined, .• —Minim' Boirsber and Ma two ale tes t cif Upper Sandusky, ptdo, who ra , neatly died very suddenly. were p .1.11 . 0111. ad. Their todies hats bein einmined, and no dot Its whatever extals as to the fsets - .•Vihdtbe pawner was ii a torsi- Ma mystery. Both of this ladies Win o*i, :s l * l iiit6rfS4ug. s ad : 1 "" . : 1 "" , sboit/p to bi , inat*ficl.-. . • . - . : I :i t :,, :E:p, .Two hb t,, p , , it ,.. : h . 5, 1 f t c ' a s n t r. 1 . k 0 , n ' t il Inns I' i n o:Di assumed T m :a e ur r r ni WIPES, t ko,, keeps rpaestah.eq' rather .a r - terly review; the lather a monthly mays a rine on he Ode and graver Sort,. at. tempt this week t ro open a 'discussion ; which three year age i'most occupied 1 the fleeces. t In t o "North Detail! Ito. • 'mica , "an clog writer, whom Mea t • Illy requires' ti elpature to establish it, . pointer!) the Bum of marriage In the upper dad ml Idler crane is one of the great "corm" in THEM rociety. There atight,b2 ray , a 7 online to the Cairns returns, to be tini,' 400,000 women ben tween twenty ad•?city still unmarried, and there are 1,2J0,000, the difference representing:the tuirther wilfully shut out from their natural and , most ureful position in society We may add th at . Oda frightful die proportion, la nin th ly within the ranks u' the an-called .mid-, die class. Peainn women nil merry, and this seuiliment, midst their Cho. Band complaints, ccrtti ly elO not . ,cemplaln that their dinghtera cannot End hue bands. Holt evil rally Inclined to at-', itibitte. the evil Ma illy to an Increase In ! Inner) and vice, olirerting, with epl ! gnu:natio juttice, tint if celibacy lacked- 1 ea - Chastity almost dl men - would marry; but even he is severe on the love of lux : ety and show for Which come 'Seinen i !tee th e. en•tuuch. ,IThe writer iu "Frei rer's klagazing," o a the•otherhand,whol ! I - with:sees to give renseria why he, with T ll ,, S , l , o w a g y i c o at :, ix , milli 1.1 ittbut , tine en the women. I and Munches . not in a tirade against I then!' wide hi moat a if it lint bee n t a k. . , en from an expurgated Juvenal, • 1 Their dose., th eir! toonelic.,thelr de. ! manila for, eettletnetlis, their extrava: l price after Marriage, all canto in for hie umptalthed mdisuce,l, ' and !Maven tag In 1 1 enhances ittowetlei We'lti'ng g h ; c la h re o c i I: i n a e t t i in t: . t o a n c e o t o o t , - n t e f:i t e . 1 ricuouy. The annual premium nn the' ! Insurance witch fa th om nasally demand • often, he errs, criiti'ea a rime alinestl thenugh life, the A'loo a year ,o licateta. .4 d Making ell Inn diffrence between! I cnty and I ;i :, coalibri ' , C. ecnittik - which , i breathes the very es mice of the B ache - I than telt b y the, welt-r, bat ALIO/ Coen, on; still more street, v In the following In luxury a' A hmt elor,-.-the club, the cohtiC4.!the 'II diatter at lii_lnnond, the battle of . 81 clartot, the opentetail,• the moult nt : Baden! 'Baden, are quite widshi, My Mont st ea nets:.the • mo• meat I'marry, 1 exilltny,elf from this easy.. Psrsdire. „, klei t peordeov e linty, would feel it n luxury to know • that the wiye, ilint baidos were safe from the treci.mierry which Wows ne an edema led honeeholel whotethcad has lett cloth. Inc no ell; but, • betrayer, 'ftlflahness is I• of ler tiopi e 10-ditt Apparently the I, te helm. ti °old rot illnel ill Ifigne an. I noyiinete se mow, el,at, Mrs of luenry; of I 1 Independence: of in - Cornie, the wedding 1 I beettetart, and the payment 'to the In. i entrance +Tice, the weary ceremonials, and tile More weary w.aste, if only the ' witr,iwlten won, were *eta” having, I linloh'a argues she Is note "Simplon, 'for faCiocc, inforoac me aanftdend diy, and not walnuts a ton te of pionees In Ins manly voices, that Ar mime (who 'Wm , eel' smottiog In the days of their was 1 ire) I requested 'him to retire to the ! crvarel'a ran when be mildly ingzeattd, , 1 t, wryk after they ve rt married, that a ! ,farl Ivq:kl tint be a altogether nit I plcvennt . conifi.nien n the road" . . . I "ThellontrOte•Pow a. eye quite lellptes the ride a. .vibe. Ili is non, In mar, I end) t she, waltzes re re violently; etw (Better; more ouwagennsly. • 'Hoeg al , - I sold 1)—, the stet -r day, 'peaking of a r,ii kn.), ,besuy,. who has net yet d t'l cerrec r, Ire, 'she knows a, Much Siang as a catintsoi, sh drinks retouch as esEtb., only Ida Mira na, she gambles the Fox and! Bherid a together, sae wears a' deer, attic the French pr lice . 4n el.! azciedi from the Jar din 'lrthitle; ' and! ..IFir for a' jade • tike I that that yob ask me th givenp my cruet of br ad and liberty,— guy ending whist and y pipn. Not l a 1,..w it.' i)—,... is a c 3 meal phileso ober; het I suspect that in some respect. halo sketch Is' yet ai d h overdrawn." Ili, yi,,kot paracraph i s tee most len nortant in the artlel.., C. r It expresser, in a rough Teal., a. Relict; which meant to .. ervades the toliedellta lure of theztab jdor, a sort of dis . gult a Al antipathy for the women of the dayi e viltich. breathes through all satirical li nouns, which 1 onderi tes the ...-. 3 mew. moments on society,-amt Which Ife May ace Cropping out every new and thenteven in perhaps the only sat,• ical paper ever es• twisted. in sePtch women wore treated with nearly uniform respect, laughed ;vitt:, inatead of laetrile, at.. i!. There le, of worse, none foundation for a charge:no generally t eons ht and s, :nog nominee!, and it .s quite as well 1 . 0i14. the women. to whom such deicrlet 41,ms notify soonld • knead want men re- ,tly think of them, thrgrams, and t bur ways; but the gene al dryt al die- tribes like th ree to to prelodlize men, strains; marriage , to Ificresae the cell-oi ' which the sagac!ocia writer In the North Ernie: complaies with 8. much acerbity, 1 ef f. and,,ias we this k, so mact lobes They .nereete. Immensely, one en der smaller I Aortal diettaltles to which very little at-1 tendon tCs been paid, brit:which it, we strongly suspect, ono of th e many cause I • es which keep , up that million of unlucky : epleners, the Inc Mating !obstacle!, then dad In the way of arcertathitig what the diets they might tinter are like: The ! oel gate of ft:demonise Ile disap pealing, till men, psitieularly the! enltiiated men or cities, eel as if mar. 1 raw were of necessity a lottery, as if they cunt choose, if they choose at Eli, ! on thy eterngth of an atquaintance they admit to :be inadequide, a -"ball room ~,,k,fg a, ct a s pe.pkt Who never at ' Iculkd a ball In their hem are magello vently content to platonic. They see • omen only at asternblies or in pnbiic gatherings, till they doubt, whether they ITV preCls4,ljr, like: that I In "private, ' whether they may not ha ucting, emit di events concealing they true charac ters:a dottiniwhich intim like that in Frseer tend strongly to .conlirm. This °Brame between tho rent Welnen, and the womin of the ball•foots, Is the•polnt• .of the :Imelda' , lb..vlesrla attacks, with their details' of Liao , boatman bustleh end the meat of it. For ten oppertual des of easy interwar:cc,. seal cop versa :lon, tnie , flirtation •in Its best sense, whichlnvo disappeared withers the hat' rs Twenty yea, ccarceiy oneinew emelt. been Wed, perhspa, only one really svallablo opportunity, crecret, the very beet amusement ever Intrenced Into to • community Lunt on the' privilege of (4/I.4iCe• , .• • It tries thei temper as. no other game are, wows figure and Ince under inn. tight instead of fake Hot, prohibits *dint, enamel, false hair, nod bare about. dem, and allows untimilyd i!opporiunity .4 winters:mon. Bet coNnet is - come ly played in great cites, where society, in the old react. la most rapidly dying 'twiny, and where men soonest learn to he distrustful. Let the older profession als who Pro in great cities i'look round, tad count up the !amities not related to them in which their sous are received se intimate (mode, and habltully me their ' Want Lads a professional man to look after Frazer's • jadv," whenthe parson ' tees throughout Begland . erre open to • him, when county towns and conatty ! itrlghbothoode are ,swiumitig with an. married woman as Merl, and modest, and ' moderato as seer they were, with mare information, no doubt, cod sometimes ,iWith more external pre:omi* bat with their real characters as coned As ever? ',ha to extravagance; the charge, even as nntainst the "tmed"'cleota Is overstretch ! ed. They are Protight,up to know noth. • Ing of Money; their fistners'neser giro !them the slightest hint of their stairs, I ' o h f e co tr u h t n e e b bstn h d e a ir n i e d v e e ui r . tui i k . r h o u i a mi let o e n st4et b a f ! Come mere experimental eat era to under , stand thronsit induction, by the hit. cling of the meekest, no'v conk they may spend. ITomenire on' extravagant by instintit, bat rather meta, battng micro. tcoplc eyes. * Tot a man tell n y woman alive, in close relation to klin, that he vas so mach, and wants to yo oat of Chat, gat then be as he mix about dries, end It will not bO bar uult If he does not save, bat his:. As (tithe country deli, so far Irom beingliablu to r f Nictitate of extravagant entree, Oman y sathlets • who bring It allerellatthey run after al curatea—that Is, they dellbcraiely try to mecum the most moderate establishments kept by gentlemen in Busload: ' That le the effect, comments she satirist, of sue perstition.• 1s it? Or is it' rather 'the effect of a feeling that the curate faun ally the most maned man of Ida sat, the beet educated, the one'Vrith talon in tellectualWarman .1i le not th e only, ~women who marry Olergymnd mostly, 'boy aro prone wives by any means the class least qualified to hold their own in : •sokfaty.! Any. man of equal culture =would have an equal, of, at all events, 'nearfyiimillhance ' if he tried, Instead ell' laneylog that his choice ought to be limited to th e girls be meets la London ' assemblies, and, who 'may be, foraught,' be can. he !rotate', Jest those whom Fra- • ser's owlet him sketched. wio , should it be so limited? ißeginee, the emaylat will contend he \must have,* wife ha lensing to his oWn elms, habituated to his own ways, interested In Ills interests, ready to live his owit,llte. All true and thoroughly mode , "treat in Marriage befog, eight times out ofoeu, a Mistake; but bow dues all pia matter to the vies. lion? Claw is r of no country, . The women he emerges 50 . ieVertdy harezo mompoiy of suieuie, or esse; othnowl f. . - Y 11, ,1 edge of the world, and are u a rule the most ignorant oft crested beings. - In every dont y the "flee ladies" are Ignorant; for they study only people, tiot things, society, not life; but these peen. do tine ladies Liver even know truths about people, arq not merely unapt in ' conversation, but Inclinable ctit when ever it'strays bticind chitchat. Their single special , faculty in a kind of relined insolenceiusdfulipo doubt bells as a wea- Pon and . ts: defence; tint atilt not the_ strougest which ban be used, not lilt to strong, for examtle, as either beaety or humor. We:admit the wretched educa tion even of the pin% en elineatlon &pi parently specially (loathed iitea'barrier to knolledgei but CPI it is improving, and they are infinitefi better educated than they were a cen nry ego, whdn. men of good position believid tousle to be the only proper acdomplialimetat for their I daughterv, cookery a female :science, and reading a twits betraying a slightly do 'firsvcd mind. iThousanda, scores of thousands of Englishwomen areand will remain unman:Ml, who are as well irk formsdothongb a a different 'way, as men of their own class; who read as much. study as o itch, and can boar their putt Jury cony 'rsation, on the whole, railed!. better. ' ' ; ' The truth Is, we believe, that while Marriage is war regueot as ever it wee, the growth of a sate for luxury concur. ring white sudden development of op portnoi ice for gratifying it without set-' ling up bons; base pushed back the usual age.learticdiarly in the upper and middle Mediu,. Census tables tin not show Ibis itillxt. because. the habit bits not rear hod the Ites ciames. who marry Efthey Missy lifts done, before they nreitrenty one, a nd 4 : , outnuinbeethe income tax.payeies by me twitutr to one; but it is a Oct, never elem. Pro fessional 131 KI 111 rry as itch, e, but in stead of marryin gat twenty o nett It i off to thirty-six c forty, and then loom i woono at lout IMa years younger an t tentscives. This la a serious evil, doubt, though oc4 so serious as a disuse of m. mate; bet ?re do nut see Low it is to be removed lip tutting a particular and im lited e 1 .,. its t he pat:ern of the Isl& sex, and ibeektegl that the women whit belong to it will 11: nuisances as wives. Very likely they ill, though sororiblog might be said for tLam, too; with but suppos ing they . will, Wit t has that to do wi the matter,iwhen they are not one per cent. a the eligtb e audit he ready? it is. FASHIOPfIABLEI CRA.T. . , . Lateral 11 - re } ets Fashion.. . • What algal/ we sky of ii inaets, ma n y I ' people my bonnets will he altogether out of fashion riebner thou the moat abused gine:intr.{ Many and bitter are the complaints wci hear on the subject of those overoleerita ing - bonnets; but are not those prison, who thus ,cemplairi aware that boon !s. are quite a modern invention, and ta t ladies did very well witheut them untllithe time of the French revolution, it rednlation which acted quite as forcibly °Pon fashion as upon anyiling elite? „The thorough change, made at the time have never been quite effaced. It was then that gentlemen lets ott their gay nil!: and velvet garments - to dolt rho uncomprohilsing suits of broad cloth, and put away laindered wigvand fricoencs to 101,1110 the nobhs looking chltaireirlint; - and. it was then also that ladies titan to give;elp hoops elitist ansee er..,•iicarfs and eklii•ir Ottil- To these sum cartel plain nkb ts and a snot at hugs. basket shapasi ,unsure, the .first medels of which are and to stave been introduced In Porte by Engl. h ladies, and which Wet'. know. by Iloilo:ma of chapeaux. .in a dlller;nt wipe the very small fariehon, with the Mantilla lace veil, Is 3.30 Very twee or ing. I The modern fa echon La or ircety two 'ineliea wide; it Is made of tulle, satin.rielvelvet, arrangea In plaPs or bouillons, and a few pieces of wire run through It are antlficient sup. port Without need nf the strong net an t i wire foundation geerally cool for bon-, I neon When the ha u ls beautifully dress ed, this little fanchnn, with the lace yell, looks extremely ploity _ , The style id , time nn Pia more dressyldnuet than the chaperon. - I 1 But besides theses which wo minuet res titre bonnet, the hit cooked op over the r boa oet, which' cove: Of too head, snit is, li ink with a very lid grosaraus ribbon. The Emptie berme of plain velvet, the p wain. Or the hitter models .at Madame 4 11,ataarck satin, w leg esik's feathers fa brooch, undo wide oil hack; one of violet 5..,4, .i, with golden eon border-sad a bow al et UP. Welt:. Ithil hill with a whin Cather; p geraniums jiort andel black sum ribbon ate 1 The.o pad bOlinet 0 lit , ribbed just on the tots i the bow of ribbon, wit falls over the chignon Chanaiewie so,vet c it nee!, wth neck, tares of the saineoled-i• a loops, with long vistas/ the bark, ere vliry much the lash-) 1 !Oil SO wear with low droves. &true eel. , net oceklaergi are trtmined with scallops 1 or vandyk es. of large heads_ • 1 In jewel* the most fashionahle—neck-, I lame are heavy grill cltalus, from, Isla ti ' delnnid oral unraigilli s, enriche with , diamortilla and prerlo v• atones. Brace s.. I lota are made in ghee e style. Cameos i ., for brooches are artiatimilly 'mounted In the Grecian ;Style. I .rniviils ars also maw timed far head drelver. The most beiatifoltpinglea are I tatheillies, humming-liirds and even small peacocks, made otsmall diamonds, rubles and emerald., d hcataly inauuted In gold. Diamond floa t ers Aro also beam i ifulin the hair; see tintlced In particular large aneinonaes, the srtametta of which were each formed by, a Croat diamond trembling upon a tiny hilver Stem; the tastale were also Ibrrnedjof a number of . diamonds. - ' i In chauseurea, we°tic° demi-high kid and velvet boots. n t tarot, but but toned at tbe r slde. Plajn .black 'velvet ehries, with a - cravat 14w In trout, and /lord With quilted silk.. Eton.. kid !Moe', ornamented i satin th black late rosettes, and colorant Id or in ailment. match the dress, with ribbon or lace' bows, unman gold lust fly or Bawer Is centre. And allppers of red . inoroceo, wittrhigh heels, a ruck, -Of red ribbon all around, met a largo owette to front, others of titlark velvet w th • fur border ell round, or edged with a strip of Gash. mere with a gay patternn i in broderie Bre tonne. It 13 very etyl sh ,to have the' Lasst, shoo or clipper [cyanid' with the dna% and the fashion of : short or looped skirts ha* rendered ths question of chaussurea Important. ~ ' • • I. Amason hoot—Tlso l leg Is Or 'blank :amber satin, buttoned en the side; the top I. trimmed salt!, a Varnished calf baittlotitelicil with. white silk. The tip 14 of varnished calf. A rotten steel spur is 'crewed In heel. Floe gold tassels, ii. Elastic Boot..—The lag la of flee calf, with elastic, and the tip' i t( hitcher calf. Silk trisi , ele with a bow o ,pareenienterie, a. Opaulah lloot.—or reddish brown sigh,: embroidered and stitched with bled Pill:. twiat.• Louis T ic heel camer ed wth silk.' ' 2 ' 4. Ball Sheet—Orwhlts;salln trimmed With:, a roaette soil ornaments. of gold tillage.. Louis XV. heel covered nilli satii. s...loeitcy Shoe.—Of blurs chagrins Mo. roeW), brattier; with a tli, of varnished' calf, stitched with blue elk' twist. Sleet a to visuliree, . covered? with.leather. Blue silk how. ~• t ' ' 6. Du Barry Slipper.--Of pink realm, wadded and linod • with White. silk. Beebe. of narrow pink • a•tlm• Satin re 'tette. nigh bent, storertal. with. - pink • *attn.—English •Iromne#Eromethe Nova :int. . ' .. - , . :_........_.. 7. , bare areother trioqels admire -the Sm. crown of . ethich is lagoon, and the pug s only Just the ton Aulatied off at the m 33 bow of satin or I made IT bonnet a p'allea' we noticed three lexandrine'y, one th a tort of droop ttimed alth is gold yr of ribbon at the t m, with violet ton. .00 ulayn the fond . lin , ' Wain 'ribbon e f black velvet, It bunch of acarlot It, and a bow of mbo•bank. re. as uehavo said, ' of the head, end aide, ons ends, , (linen of. ,Philadelphla Society. - l'illss Emilio Sehaurribuif Is aPhiladel. phia celebrity, in society, who has added. the fascinations of rare skighitocal mu. ale, and ,tIU rarer powers of dmmatio ex preminit, ea no amateurti edienne, to the name:ion: of giseat : ants: - rfer grandfather, Col. Barthel: ter Achatum m es ha, woe witsd of the andgrhve of liewe e/eirel. and Mese!! nnected with „ him., lie joined the AMriemin In the Itercilutionnry: war, nod ved under Washington. Ile marries tr.lailv who Wres a lineal descendent o4lha - principal Who man e i t ,r Indian chief &cane,tyo of Idti3 will.TVilf th Lenapetrm,' 11. I lam :Poem :wiling him this large tract of mend In which Philtulolphiti•la eituatcd, ]Vies Schantnburg is the ef, g lith remove, In n direct Um:, from this aboilginsl princess, cold was hero in' ow Orionis. - From childhood, horgr t musical, tn.' e j o. lent was evident, -nutted revoleo of uncommon power, .purit and sweet mem Its natural advantages. have been folly developed by the !am Signiir Per. eill, who considered her hl i: moot brilli ant scholar. . Tim aoireen morriedles of her ' residence gather together all that Phila.' delphla &fibril. of most elegant and meet.' accent-01420d. - The earlior.-portien of her education wet chiefly drected by the late Lion. 11. D. Glipla, 00 4 of the moot brilliant whole. eh ', of , A.merica; and elm has had all rho 1i -entices in cultivation ; which his tuagriiticeut library can . Afford. 8 e - has eel , dal the accomplishmentl'of speaking !nevem languages. ( modern blite has elan le graceful gilt aril - eminent on frequent.' ly, though unpreteedingly, exceeds:Bl for the entorlaintuent of lad: immediate I circle.. ul 1 When therein - of Wal visited nil. ailelphia, hes:pent the Mal evening of , hie limy ut the Aim:lowly u Musts, Its ' eaw s ,hibs. Sehnumburg in nether box,' anti hie ettootton was at . cline . attracted by tor beauty,, :She wendressed with armpit:My, in white withlgold orna ments in her halt: ' f are tornetlea of the w royal piety were turned 'ln t er direction long'etumgit to allow the wh le houte the eiti.'et or:their admiration.. The' ].'mote ds Oared her "the most beealliftil woman he bud aeon in Ameries.”! 'ller groat dramatic talent was (Writ dot/obi:pod dun' log the hisnitary Fair. A number of la dies and gentlemen titled ril.a Utile am vale theatre,:to hold-abont giro hund , ' roll persons, the performer% to .14,A1l amateurs, fielected4Onito.opg the, , elite of striely, the. proceeds to be devoted ea;-2, elusively to the wounded soldiers:, SI Many plays were brought oaf, Mkt "The 1.. a dies' 'Battle," in winch Miss Schaumburg, sustained the principal role of the •Countifes, tank society by stern,. Theee set ,,, vitoe,sed that exqui site rendition; cophining the most per fect grace and hisidned elegance with the most delicate shades of emotion, re member It a. a pike of acting unrimill. id on the American. stage.. A mein-- drains, called "This Wit, s• Secret"—ln which Idles Schaumburg • sustained the role or :Lady Evelyn—Wan attarorlarde produced wilh.great eclat, at tha "Draw , leg Room;" for charitable purpesee. In this—prolaildy the mon trying role over attempted by any lady amateur:-Mtm Itebanmbarg achieved fresh ,• laurels. Ifadame Rimorl, who witaashed one of - 11te lierforniances; expressed herself nor and delighted at the genius of the brilliant amateur. ' Ar the gubernatorial reception in Al bany, Fenton wilt wear an elegant gray silk drone, each breadth henny euthroldere.l in a pattern of flowers, visas and leaven In gray and black, an olio-tit dill iu wyr.mouriilitg. The skirt is cut fully gored ! with a high consake. The silk Pl' this dresser:oat one thousand francs fa gold, In Ports, end the dress making hill Iran rometiiing like two hundred. dollars. Thera is Republican atmplielty for yott. `i ! • .1 n - . - Stamia DE Ilemertan,, on the, t occa sion ulnae Foreign °Mee reception, 'wee • assisted In welcoming her guests by her two daughters. Both are vary brautlful, and tenon plain white taffeta robe, with azure 'utiles; bat the eloganpo of the cut and the style of their tenets ts almost In deserilutable, for alt that is the learned defile rit Parisian die.ssniakers. These plain robes were "rename a Pempire,low I and square on Ilmeshoulders.. Madame to Mei:Mier was M I green rifle with Pompadour sfripes.—{Paris Coe) ! A Faarrtmcniny: ,LADY , rteldlng en Madison Avenue, instieri cards for a party, which Ares to have been given on the trrelilli o' last month which it will he recyllected,wan the night ofjheareat enc.* Worm. Of the eighty! hilluitions accepted, only .fourteen persomc Were resent, the remaining sixty-nix !being R "on account of the weather, \; Y. ogle JOUlltra • • I . . •P .is vorrevpOndent says that Mold and @tee ' satin trimmlumvelietlearea, are the morienon everything. Cloth o names wt h nothictbfit: gilt br.lttotis are comiltiered'ilie Mostglisfingui NEWS BYT - 4E 1 31A1 3 H. --An A or,ontn :Br iithstari Her. Dr. Beckwith ben accilneni itteLlinhoprlo of Georgia ' —Coniml" General ..tyarlil has eturned to Stontrtail after [lx:months abut ce In du Snits's. --Beethoven Block, 11 ' nekland, Male was. burned Yesterday -morning. Lou 514,000; ideured. Routh Q. Co., one of the oldest and most extensive firms I. Montreal; Canada, lion suspended, -A negro named Jones has been- sen tenced to be hung, at Frederick-, 'Std., for rape upon-a white woman. • —The largo sugar refinery of Bogers Jr. 'Stitched, at rialladelphia,• 'was much injured by tiro on Saturday evening,. —The Toledo Board of Trade yesterday appointed five delsgate*tothe Board of Trade Congress 'which asuMbles in Boa ton February, th.- • • ' • asked le the House and Senate et 31Shia, yestardae to present a bill repealing the State Cnn stabutary act, hue i t was not granted in either House. 6.12'4 , MS Gazette itOttoera, Cane. ila„ , contains a notice that hones and valor animals, poultry and fancy blrda, importod for the purpose of Improving stack, will he admitted duty free: The duty on interims invoice:lls twenty-flve per cent, —Genera} Howard has not 'lssued or der"; dismissing Barman officers for en gaging In print lea In the Southern Staten tie hasaistabliehed • rule that, the aceopt ancv of an retie moot contidarod as itroompatible with tho dutlaseif the oil eon of the Bureau. .. —The steamer Highland Light, bound o the Ewttern Shore; exploded ben team chest of n tifiren utiles from Baltimore, on Satury. Nino or telt persoca were ecalded,r minding four chlored Tamen it, gers,—tte remainder belonging to the crow—sOme,dargeimusiy. —Tlie S u crania Court of California has decided that the taws exemption. mining claim., mortutuma on the property of widows, charitable institutiotA and., churches from taxation ia unennstitu- Mint!. The decision adds About - one hundred millions tothe:laxable proper. ty of.„the State, and Will increase the revenue two-mlilluns a 3:car. .. —An elderik man bailed ritie Lei . her, of Reading, Was arrested at Harris burg on the, ad, charged with publish lug and selling a llbglims bOok. It was a block list of citizens of Harrisburg, who wore indiscriminately. put down as "MOr VT" . (01' honest deka contracted. Ile was bound over to appear at Court, as was also a citizen who gave him some of the names. , • „ orn (too shatog onia nontkitan. , ” Croton tto Alta Ca Ink') ' Looking at it na a speculation. it Is the fancy of the press generally to haves fling at go!truzitting. In Avery circle we hear turn telling ofaucttesofuladventuras in what: they misname mining. If yon inquire elesoly, you will Sind all Wanes hy specOlstions in Washoe stock Sze eel down as louses in mining • Money 'paid for claims supposed to covergoOd mining croons, and inoneynoent in finding out that there way no such ore= represent-, .is • called mining- Money put into opening out 'ores that assay web, tut which altar putting up expensive work. aro found so hall of base metal that our pre‘ent, milling wilt not work them, is classed as losses by mining. Tempted by nadereattertaten; men go into stock compludes and; find they amnit pay the teens .ments; so they lose what they have paid, by iltrfelture. Soon alter, this nu memo. eroerd croak . against what they undenttand as "sniping." or all the class of regular newspaper writers there Is Ararcely one that does n not take a ding' at mining, arkinurree ode really knows anything about actual nt4ning. Hearing much talk triton the loungers about, they I get an Wm that mining stall hiss and no gain. Seldotn,,lf ever, these writers ever i hear anything from mien ',really engaged In minlng. Legitimate miners are at Ahelr 'fork, and are not . encountered In toe saloons nor In the. clusters at our street corners. When we consider that sixty millions of dollars are produced Annually from our mimeo, Ave cannot re sist the cot:ells-lon that mining to a' steady and proli table business, 'and that a great many persons are engaged in It niece...fully no many. Indeed, that If they_ woul d .take the name pains. to ehrotticle their sIICeCB3 and their month. ly . pentitz,• as others a sin to siren; Into their vague sad Unsubstan tial denunciations-regained what they rtuderatand ae msing; people would unt. a Just conception of the wealth of our 1 Pacific States. They who best know the ; value of good mine., welt worked, areal let tly realizing, They don't tank nor I write. Like the dog with • rich • bone,•l they don't even liko people to beloOking inquiringly, and counting the income re turn. Uefortunatety, one man who has a loss to tell of, like one who.e head,get• a crack inn crowd, makes more outcry' than ono hiandreil men whose headshave nut been hurt. San Prineisee owed ors rything Ca the gold mines of California. People come here tot - gold. Another In. di:latrine are an undergrowth from our gold mines 'l'ake them away, and the shots State a; woll as the city will retro nide. The production of - .the precious meials lathe talisman which maned this coast into life, nud will :stimulate its growths...rear after year rolls around. •=.:l Tory disreputable oCeurrenee took outside a country church, eight miles this 'City, en Tueaday evening last. A resat-al bad been in peeves. at the flu rehorn d twelve converts bad been , taken Moto the fold, when at thn time stated a company of redo and mekimel young mon disguised themselyes into the !shape of herstet, and with .lei b bells.' and harness attached, broke into, the bonen or worship June as • Ino minister I t w o, opening the IeTVICO with au appeel to Um thrum) of grace. Tho nceno pre. muted wan decidedly. Timinetie. Mina with. pasteboard heads, flowitig mange j and bushy mile of {lax. and j bodies and , 'neck* covered with belle sprung over ' the meats end melted up ' the aisles Ina 1 most.theentening Wanner. The vaintster broke elf the tllitill Of hie direenrset4 1 the th rano and besought the intruders to ieare the house. They lett; but themes', vices were no sooner resumed than they .returned, nod set up A hideous neighing and palrfiu mirglrd With such a ?vial. ti !INIT..] Ingl I ng. belleas was never before bear& In ouch a. pinow At, this second , intrusion the preacher became utterly dhatueted,',diemlseed hi, COngregation , m and le ft the' imam of bin discomfiture.— / Richmond (furl.) m.) Telegra I :Wen' who would engage in such a pro. reading ought to be lynched. • - • - powertnldirging machine la now in operation' In Neer Jersoy, which. Is kaki to be achieving wonders. IL m run by steam:and Is Intuited loth° =albedo of Monmouth oeuhle. It Is at„work royalism a copal fifteen of tweitly feet dew p end soventy.five or a hundied feet wide taking up a Ton of marl nmintite, and depositing It in Miran:inning on rails. laid beside .tho to be conveyed miles away to the deore of the fanners Inthat pen of Note 1 Jersey. •A *wrest' ponder:a.' dessuribhur It, states.that chines like thew esnexcaynteanyennal, and Illustrate" by showingthe Mode that 'might be put In operistion on the propos. ed cennt from Camden. to Egg Harbor: s•All that Is r coquetry' is tint to find the highest polo tun the note where therels auttielent supply or router to float the diggers its line, build and launch them of that point, set them to work digningin ppirsitu dlnfetious—ere set towsrdnEgg ' Harbor, • the other • towiltda Camden-. building badmen the mute 8.1 required. Another set could also be started at each end of the ream, working towards the centre, la 'sod so easy to. move by mach n.s ;maw of South New ..tensty, the building or a canal at the point natow ed could he, peCtonned, with : west "peed and economy." - I 'Tr- Mr GENERAL NEW;: 4 = —Tho onit. literary society in'Tionton, Ohio: is made tfp ol"...olorell people.: who aro too' "unintelligent tovote. , ~, 11 —Thibitrhan theatre. of lietlesille, 'near I'rris, was brit.n.,il reeenil s slnnit it le thought two persous peri4llotin the Haines. 1 . . calidore of the, 'Vermont UM , versify of Buriington shown 43 stiidento In the regular course, 11 seicritifipand it medical students. . .• - • —ale ;Astro:ant that 0 alarm' ll'orear d hal endorsed tho proposilicin of ninon of thirty millions to . Southern Vontere, With a lion olithelr agitates or crone, is hs- , Correct. —The NOW York Ct iai thinkrit "a striped boa., with a lemon in hi s mouth,. . and his tail tied mina dorsal 1140111,41 u. o ell try to swim up over the gills of Niagara" no the Radicals to stieeepd on . negro auffrage. : , —ln Zaniest/111e, Ohio, there Is P. house in which three brothers and weister. have lived for iliteonyeara without outoldo In tercourse,withovindown and doors ; elosel ly . shut and barred. Mrs. Grundy do mando an investigation...*- -Tho Salnt•John Gtobt-thinksithat at the end of three'. more suck siewlitins of the Dominion. Parliament aolhe heat hal been, the Parliament buildingo Might be pithehased fora - United Slates arsenalat a figure lunch. lower than cost. • l LA. man in•Chilleotlie, Ohio, hoord a ociiirnothon it , his Pen.l.case the rothtr night aud callingput 'thiarc.?" received .110 inonvor'anil fired irifo the.] darkness, Tim trot morning lo dead no -1 goo was foUnd with a chicken under his 4 —AC npplicitht thr • a foreign rabbilon from; Now Jersey mentioned this 17,000 conservative majoritf In that 5111i0 . 119 a -rocommendation. 'Ales," said theillres idont, ".but I think we ought not i rei.roo duce that ?..t malority by sending. 7 : yowl away," • —An Inot Milton has Nen ostabliklud to Paris make hlghereducation Ed we moo,- and a ponliollot draws a glrginly ' picture of tisc time when plea their hbohando with. question's 3 , ueb as, ••What is your opinion on this Whiten lotion of solar heat?" ' • —A Novada Judge presentntly adtied. to the stock of law at governing that ,Torritory,- a decision, that stealing quartz front ininea of gold and silvols la. not a crime, because a mining ledge Is real estate, and rail estate cannot The —During the past -year 4,104 imml• grants - arrived at 'Victoria, in. New Smith Wales.' The gosernmenrof that colony during the year expended E53.:170 in as sisting those inimigrunts,add.duringthe last tire years has expended $t,016,101 in encouraging "lenig,ration. —lt is reported {hat same of this girls . ' employed to tend store In Boston receive \ but four d_ollais per wank, and Mori:taro appileatisns for each places, than t ea be granted. In tate thlevarde of Newburypork- Mass.; the-most skilful airpent re earn only one dollar and . 0 half • —Goner ward, it 'ls stated; ;' pro- pones to disirlinste the surplus funds In 1 the Freedmen'of Bureau ationg the; dea- Mute people of Ina South during ;this coaling winter. It famported that there. Is an anexpendal balittice of over eight million dollars remaining in the hands of the Bureau officers. —The French nawy at present cortalals of 12S salting ships and 544 ateirnerat.';.o7 the latfer, 44 aro iron -clads, 19.7`Maiwe and 113,paddies. These 167 atilt's ineof 92,571 horse pawn, and carry 6,794krups. Besides these,- 16 iron-dads. 14 tern* , steamers and 2 sadlng vessels are:new building for the Government. James Jacons, of Maysville' lone r psleat for a•, tettproved sugar .plea ; nation ,of the lif eat ting, twisting throwing qualities in the share mad mould-board. The beam and bauclies , are of lion, and the depth of the furrPw. elan be 'mutated by an adjustable Wittlel which Is attached to the [mire. —The rapidity of .the growth of the State or nitconela is Illustrated by. the fact obit Bates coanty, which, two years ago: -had nota population of 500,•nowilits 31,000 pentane between the ages of tate and - twenty-one team, and has forty:Lbte echoed houses. Wisconsin emitter sister States of _,the Northwest. gra, rapidly';fl3l - up svithiiettieri. : • —A gent a ttended g netastßerlizi; Pa., reeently a sale in the neighborhood, where he purcbmed an old ebestiwitich, on taking home and extuly 7 Ming he was aurprlsed to find, lunbfit false bottom,',ln which wereatowed away a great many'goisl and 1.1 corcoins of;va‘ eons denominations. They, .had prcitie bly lain there upwards of one. hundred' years. n.l -40 1807, as .shown by the "Radial) Wender," 752 two-year olds; 661 three, yearolde, 403 fruieyear aide Mad 6.371i* year olds and upward, making a total et ! 2.458 horses ofilittereat ages, run on ihs redone race cot 'rrsotin England. 1 0 156.1/ the total munlier of bones of varietta ages that wade; their appearance on the English [tiff were 1,109, making a gal* et 340 for 1567. 'By this bastion" that racing Ls noton the decline, In 1707. - 11te total number of horses bn the British turtwere'so3. —Mr. IL .7. Fellows gives in M.Phil .- adslpbia 4s 2 5 Aatographer a rimed° and isf,' teethe mmtNly for the .difaculty or obs" tadning aufacient time upon citlldretee! pleads*. rile heats the developer. Tq do this beturns up the edge of a quartet : metal plate so that it will held just out% licient for !ono development, f and Met( heals It over a gas flame. -- . - Bylb meanf• he has irequentle obtained =a"piet are In: ten seconds. It may perhaps lack .softk noes and depth, but what can one er pest from a child who will : not tat shill?: , —The ancestry of the Indian Col: Park'', Sr. is a leolo of notepaper discamion.' }lto fertilly owes Ise origin to a Freed'''. galicer, ttationed at Part Du Queue,' TPittstiluth) and a Seneca squaw. They," bade danchter which was brought ar i a Senses wigwam, and bet-rime the ;nuttier: reofitatf eiTooS.obt; r,rerkeleialuietednlteil Jacket, though he-belongs to thfc.ianto elan mid was once elected a chief .of . The swam otitis soctal relationsare pro nouneed calumnious; he has never beep married to.a 'gnaw norhaa .I:Ms tribe ever.sourld marr y him to one. ; —The horrible murder, committed bf +st a whaling last month, at board an Amerb bark at 'Benoit:lln, Ii I scribedtolaanity.; The negro cut ale throat or the unfortunate Portagese boy as he lay asleep la the main hatch, and the.razor, striking the bone, Lemma j , an Veit /when be attempted 10 com t auleidebe was obliged ta hachis k otvn throat'ine must' horfible: mum? ner. The boy'died twentyltuinutes„; but the negrp hied •a. semi 'hours had before atpriesed deterinmation to kill the boy, and bad also meditated sub , cide. • —Thom al Wiley.; a- revolutionary pa-! triot; was beirled lei New York. Thurs.. , day, with impropriate bettor& lie died on Mondey last, at, the advanced. ago of ninety-one years and eleven months, and was one of the - oldest citizen" in New Yterk. Mr. Wiley vow. born in 1 7 76. in that city, and from the Vont of the houso in which ho was born was fleet read the 1 Declaration .of Independence in New York.. Mr. Wiley demi voted at ovary - Presidential election since attaining his melurßY,e and retained a plain recollec tion of the appearance of General Weah -The men et; suspected a peisOn under arrest - In F.Jklure, Indiana; of, stealing fronntham, went In the night to the place.where he wax confined, found 1 the sentinel asleep, ! bound the prisoner, ! canted him to a piece Of woods, and gave the alternative tit confessing or hanging.. Ue chose the latter. Twice they tied him up by the necks and twice' the rope -broke.-Th e.v then dog.a pit. ti under the tree an 'milts fire In It, - and ' hung him direcnyovorik Ms clothing caught fire sad her then confessed. Ile , win carried beck to tho place of confine wont, and - being safely deposited, the gi c ALl s. w h a l : trultylt.cned andabui,cdfornegT 61r' JOhn HOnring. formerlY Pre , ' bra nor of Hong Kong, in &letter to a friend thin subject, says that the statistics of this place are painfully instructive.: On en inquire - Which be instittited-by or. dor at the HritlatitHovernment at Dome, ho found that there were a greater num ! her - of deaths 'trans deritutat 'tremens, and ether diseases having their orgin in the use of Iptoakaating 'thinks among 000 Europeans, than among': HUM Chinese, whole habitat ! beverage :was 11204 Chapati very many opium smokers formed part of native population. 'That la to day, that among those who profesa ed Chrlsthualty, the mortafity'fremathe use of the fiery spirits supplied by the liquor Tenderly' s & hundred. Ibld more than among the prefoisers of Buddlstn." -- _ Agnew's Gove's et; agent nine yearn, Wes edmadhig , on Armes 11111; tifirinitheld." Maas.; Wadnaexlay, his feetwero struck.frotra nutlerthien,..mad he was knocked high Into the - err, by a large sled !on: .which another boy was cw_g't and tell on Jae leo upon tits head. ilia skull, on the rigfitslght above theater, was Indented by tho.fol, and he. was taken op harden& t For nine home l ilts boy ientained perfectly motionless, except when salmi with eonvulsiotts After that however. 'he rallied somewhat, and, although he Is now seamless, ha has the poweT.of =Loving his mitaeles, end Probablyrecovor. An Erittlierrwoman was tbrdwri - lo the' ground In the same manner oaltadv, and her collar bone broken. and her fano and hand badly bruised. , , . —A favorlte,hound, belonging to; an old.hunter, came tb his master one morn ing when ho was engaged in chopping wood JO the forest, and by sarionn i n to. llgible signs, persuaded his owner to fol low hint toethicket some little distance, oft In the woods, Tholituater, on follow inghts dog found there a small and and Lie fawn enLingled in some vines and brambles no that It was imporsible for AL to extricate itselgo unfortunate him was Curled to the . ousel and fell upon milk; bet the hound, who was . .ever ready to hunt end deism the wild deer In the forest, seomed to uoderufsod that he had saved the littleanimars life. Ho linden aharehtit bed' at - night, and through the dariesseriltronthe look out to defend rt or the pack of hounds /earned to /mar and gi 'lest tt~airtenderatantlihat they 'pen n . 0 toms ' compailon's i c. A titltto the Great Glacteri . or E=2 An English kner has.an siernnt ofd a visit pzi!d rh:enily by, 00 elliefl.=okkrs of tie Geological- D epartme n t to ;the great. gier on the volt aide of aln'lnt Cook. rue loot of the i.liacler, trill'e,ll la bit thir teen mites from the sea, itrl.PUiProettvide. T Nei q the gla'cier not - the - imuionse . held - tisttes. srlt.l.ch teed, •It la visible from "Lo fleet until -within a quarter . of a mit from it. When the ittnitenittiouk ma.... 4 •I't•now end once break 'man thei• ii i. Bet/,:the glacier "st recent worn : v extends for several :hundred • I yard+C nes:sting of debrts of the ruck I team eet deep., 'underlain by , lco end'' . 1 rnoti - ,through. which coneldernble bte.tq' -hi watt•ernii, 'Which are render: •NI Y. Actin rotted boles. caused by the+ I glean. nay ofjbe ilv anal by cetteeks In rite st Pets flu the southern able there has of -ent iv helot ti gnat reoccurs of the roc rat I breach! Mei, rock, which had • faller .is immliitai •rnawett. The party taseealled outhiwi:ithern aid., whore the , ' enamor tee ftkureat roundel' Italie, utlle lambed by any ftii•lto or risoures l'he glacial matter il,korus, and present" tot. amble tooting; lzb oft gray golor..fallof email dirt trill] Ce.e.n onnt* atones, which had evidently fallen rom the attrrouudl t ing hills. ' i • . • The great pecriliarity of this glacier is not only Its immene, but the c0n...; sequent fact eflta diriCendirig to rio for levii.l-000 feet abovo the rna level—lnr, ateall °fending, as Is usually the else. aY On altitu•lo of • 1101al0 3,000 or 4,000 feet, close to the !halt: of perpetual snow, among: AT : purer vegitatidn. Item the green bush extends some thottond, of tort uhave•thetlarter, ea the steep sides of the range In whie'a the glacier : has cut - the deep gorge. Not a single-1411pin° plant navarderl the research of Use party, and the.ternix•ratare on the glacier was r aearyely below that on the : flat ibelow. Wah a - me ceremony the party ;named It Victoria Glacier, The height i of rho peal: of Mount Cork: it found to be 12,662 Harem' Teeth—Thelr Namber" and Lap.. eraranee at Certain( ages—Trfeke of Meaterl. - • At five years of age a knave -forty. • • teeth. These " re twouty•fgur molar or . jaw f teeth, twelve Meteor oh stront- teeth, between the molars and illettiore but .` usually; seaming to the mare, :at btrth,. - only die two nippers nr middiMinelsors appeai. At a, year". the Metiers - are all visible on - the Prat r Be. fore *hero ystrs the, Permanent hippors have come through... At four - years old, the permanent dividera next to the 'peril aro out. At the, the month la par- foot, rho sawed setlof teeth haring teen • completed. At size . thehollow under-tha .nippors, called the mark,ltria disappeared front the nlppgrs end diminished In tho'- dividers. At dhven, the mark has Wasp peered from di video', ard aim nest teeth; or corners;are level, though showing no_ mark. At 'eight, ;the mark has; gone' from the corners, mid the heist," te" satdl.. to bo aged. After this.-time-indeed, ! good authorities day after Ilya years— ~ thoageof a berm don only ho vonjectur-- , - €d. /Sumba Wilt gradually change their • form, the Ineisnrs bee - ming round; °Val, and then irregular; Dealers sometimes bishop the pedlar old horsaa—that ilk. • scoop them out to Imitate the markt-hut • this can he known by the absence of the white edge enamel-which:always sur rounds the real u4rit, by the shape...of the teeth, and other mark.s of ago about the animal. •, , f • Delta of a Wealthy Negro. We see it stated taut James Roper, We largest landholder 1 awl We wealthiaat `ram in JefferNon county. Virginia ; Is dead. Roper was b =Halle, the natural' • ! son of attsccentoo Englishman, whobm qu,mibert the most Of bte property to the reeentlyaleceased, who added greatly to - hla patrimonial' estate. !toper had., a great faculty for acrtaLtingproperty, arid a mania for adding jto his Largo landed I estate. Every year or two ha would - purchase a farm \ for whivh we Lave' ! known pay as Much usfllo peritere' • when dollars were dollars. -Roper! was ' an intim:merits mats, rarely ever leaving town 111. a state' of sobriety.; yet inch. was was his natural ohmic-einem Wet 'nobody f; could take advantage of hit., in a tiada, even when be sass !drunk: He Wm * quiet, InnotTenalya man, and asgenarel- I ly esteemed as a Mall ot his habits coma ' expect to be, He never; voted, served • t on juries, or attempted to exercise rights dented by the laws to men Hof his race t yet be was as fully protected In his right • of person and propelly - as any- man itt sad nag, daubthrs, left a Larger I and' more valuable; landedjestale than • . nut man new tiring itt Ude State Lap', •"" boast. Roper,!' as ha was *lslay* called, was a limns e xample' of the fact . that Virginia laws, sou when alsotery . ' • existed,. protected men of color. in:the - enjoyinent oll.their lrights.—Lync/Mple Tire. Daring 11117.. - Tbofollowing Is a recapitulation of Qui lotus by Ore, which occurred ttintiugb °atilt) country . during/607: Lewes in Ant't . I.Lettecr Atn't. Januaty....44,013,1700.101y • 11,2:5'000 February.. 4 , 4 05.0001Aug - nst.... 2,540,900 3 ,9sl,oos,slentember 2,250,000 April 8 , 050,000 . 0 c 1 0b0n... 1 , 250 . 00 0 May 2,o7o,COT.lftivetnber 1,719,000', Juno 4,o7s,ooolDecember. 4,274,900..4 Total Insaaa In 15.57.,....•..,....535,905,1700" - e Do. 08,410,5410 Do. ~ . .... .4%135000j Do. 186t.' .. 28, '5..?:2400 ' Do. 14,040,000 `Do. 1002 17 , 6 40.000 18,050,000 Do. /1,591.050 _ Do. ' 15,792,000, • ;. Do. .. ... 21,150,500, Total Imes to twelvoycctre..lso4 851,000 Larirrteinrt, the'stanastetr. ..tar - -a quiet", man, monastery, :malt bn a nary of Intradaje—bo r.bitlea there being iX :largo quantity, ; 'of . le. Bayard Taylor, describing the fLoonristery called Cheri Are tue," in the Sloth of France, apeake ors single corridor nix hundred and sixty :fret long. Looking denim intim pempect•-• No dwindles almost tot] polun• l'apoulng , from lt, and froth the Other interseotlng "corridors, era the cells of-the monks, .each witiCebibliendsOntencain Loan. :printed on the doors. TIM furniture-id these cells fa very simple, but a human . skull isaltrays pert iar. It The °nig. -diversion to break the el:lonia and talent inonotomy of. life is tho cultivation of a • fer flowers in a gimilent attached tin ;each cell. • Silencola !Mooned apart alk ._and the prittme, guides fad . visitors can Sneak" only In bonnet], whisper*, The serherasyn ho longed to startle the dead I.:,Ctipese or the corridor by a shout of Ne-- dam and rejoicing. In; tbie celebrated ponastery • there era bat forty þ: and. twenty'. brothers. Tidat- mCnalell {fetes from the veer 1139.1 t. - parrAco Constencr.The arrienht ' nod departarne oL teasel} at ;Buffalo. Id: . • 012, includ,ng suit and eteatu f were, hut 4;552, and the tonnage oil reStels on the lakii3 . was not- one quartet. what ;Litt. - now. •in 2522 ButThictreporta 13,552 ,r,..irale and departures at 'that 'port 4tione4 and each tenet represents tone times the capacity of the beet at an earlier day.; The grain trade of the ;port wee but',. 2.557.447 bushels b. 1842 and Was 50 . 1521 ..! • .; • 074 bterbele tiel2s7. and even thenteas!, Wow the figures Of same fernier yeare.„; •. is tidal emigre for thayear were 0.875, ' • with' 3,234,024 tone, until 23,675 - haude.l Tint clearances ware- 5.23 7. in.-the. sante Unto. representing 4,2ll,'Ckll.'lone, , unti l • .25245 hands; Ths forefeet entries were . -• 1.15, with 81,210 tone,- awl [the ! etettraneas - mere 760, with 84,160 tonti .There .1e .no-.! , particular chango to beYoun4.; in ;these licefrom the humedinto"`crpreneding cicle. but there is n istatfactlon - In Eddy egg that the lake cam menet! and business'-;o • ,; 13 utlido.enstnine lto dell throogis,; rytng - period.. It mean inalcidion that • ralnd'growth rill beexperientxxisesetint I . • agltLalrly begun." I ' • ' -• • triumphs In Pmts Continue. In the I 'Darblere" a tow ores:toga alone. , She singsnew toarcorripcsed by the 1 Donna° Itothschild, called Woe s prai," expressly for the'lmuslo,letten Setae, and of. GM ri lt • was armored; In, weiponso the gar° the "Calosena,!! What, thcf[Tarantellt lent Southern Spaniards, seen:gilds tong to the Spanish fp 'Paris. r They not 0 / 31 X_Iistened cad optden 'WO hutat lost beg a n to whg :Cludne: Ben (mete poured donor: la such shoWerstfiet• cf Let t'e erect wesladlerbue, !Tod all.: anw, eve a arts latter, ..thst old inutile bo lt which to bronght In • for-ihisf. • nolo single' for her lesson: Well, [ Dort ttimaylea Gardens was tilting, behindd . tbet; at the table, while the [flowers tr&e falling around her, and were tieing •pick.- Itr) and piled on 'the; Instrument. , When they began to sing the old "Ilona db to eon vlelnu a le," It was found that pool'Oardonl was lildflen heldnd a Ott' of tionnueta, and could no Mere bet aeon theti: that Itlarseillnt speaulator about ictincn. many Inguldee—tinalous, per -bap", more than kind—her. bOO2l I—Tbe Ottawa etutnialasts _byre then adlegUagee la, France.- They are never earittin upon which night the oxeetplon wllliake place. and many weary hours are *pent Jo waiting, Aslntan, a - Pub buteppr. Who need to onticells victims into;some seem place, kill them ant u theiCebodles, and throw abern into th e seine, was:tweed* guillcititted-ln thor: premium of a won't] of thounenda:. the eildlenie bad 'watched the Plate' de la litigueete net nights. In :ruin and fog , and - cold, for the anthdpatod epee lade. barrtbleaeaffoldeieene recently took - plare'ln Prdsllll4. kot woman and ber son weire,to be - executed for the murder! of the bbsband and father. ThaerOtriatiro.. Itwed.to walk, and was . carrkd on the frOti, her son wailed • b e low, O to tbeshottneas of ber name, the .exeen. timer' could not faatel2 her aeourcly. to the Meek, antronly the woad blow aey. erect lterhead frow the trunk. 'The non' fainted, and bad to tie rovlvedi before be !nought to the block. 'atill(,#ehtng with lide mother's tram . • . —Eorecel !maths ago oriel of the prin.' , pipit thoroughfares' O f Load ae vreareg We ,p,patselfal'by a' logger ...entalseked aim s Al: no. ottutc' recesent. except ; eld • ledip, , Tra thee° be . ad#reld Maise l that t.. 0, z o art_glady,.zace,pity-ca a pooi.lorr.. ~.ue Inl3 . lll o.lWrlrtle.i ' II II EC ME , : j 1 1- i 1 • 1