The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 10, 1868, Image 4

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44 .
fault Gag*
Guy &mu.
; " weetetensiwr sae esepawai out.
,r, TM fchawipg oPhdons Wee delivered
. it. thd
S cathe
,Court, hating in lane al
Ity Chief J&tios Thompsn: ' '
, Thdk Pittaith. and COLIZSILTIUs Rail
-1• s Mid. CO. TX. M. A. Ilcaurg. Alleatte.
n mug
' .
) TheDiaolthl below was injured while
traver our rood of the dekudert
! While sitting in the car. alai his elbow
f-, :
foiling he =auto sliest Mb - window,
I , wp struck by • agar dandier on
s switch; w• Sardeuely injurat He ob
i Mined a vadat against, the Com •em
•) theme ol negligence en th Pi rriart.
f ' Jurverreed Ind ettstaire e de nom
, nusComuumiresitit cm ml. .t. T:. Me.
~ Laughlin Vs. the Sheriff of Allegheny
ma ser. alWetim. -for quo worname.
- - Disseraang esantion In fever of allowing
•.° ,_. .Itochoder =a tremor:sax aii 6.
1 JudgmeaE Har"" Allegheny Midi.
1 county. Judgmentafilmted.„.
I •
I, , cailla. eghen=
' i Order of the vs (kart guseAllhinkthe
Ansa adirmat.eit the coats et the plallsdff
' • Reffulenbt va -Atka VeSdiet, ,kysi:
1 strong milady. •Judg a atlirtned: = •
• I The Gomm eulthfor rasa William
f , The
sie-tesseßovi et at, Fayette
county, j prversedrand Mari
t t .
i lgreet 4 a - at - ss..fisiess saLask
A ' • .--1 ..f se:Turf n eta • ,
Car=toe .
1- , Allegheny con JudgmentrevereeS„ ,
_ and enure de ads * awarded,
? al lZam . bo:t . DlO tor -WI Win-
net 1., ve. t g a ohn Haat eglu! ny. Judgment`, nmed. - --
1, . lilavageva. Wll enact= Appal from
-.Mai Pries Donna attuned of the 'cost
.., 'of the appelteriti,
4 , Lecksy stAL y _Cunningham et al.
.•' - 1, rayelleconty.l f ansentatertned. ,
b olumim's.moors vs, Om
,i. Permaylvania I ce Company.
1t - leitheny county Zudgmeriesnirmed.
Bruiser Tn. Crave o n& Armstrong
, .
county. Ju
rJM. t mvemed, and oaths
_Gan:morsel vw. John O. Rochester.
Indirect 'cotter'', ;Judgment abhmuld,
. Welsemlarger et el. va. the Harmony
, Fine Met ustinellnentance pompany of
NOW ,TOtic: Alia/beet , county. Jodi'
.., Moan's .et al's' AptataL Crawford
a01u447. Tactue allaned tat 'cost of ap-
Mary Male st=si, Alleghr.
$ my county. _Writ
Commonweralli vs...Cleary. -Rate for
quo warrancs. , quo Warman denied..' -
, Feyette Coluellrosi Ccunpanw se
Gollagben county, Zed t,
Zefliamid,. and • de aoto
'• Frew
. m. Hopkins. Allegherry courtly.
.Just m ‘ - Felton va. Sepses. Allegheny oonuty.
Decree affirined; appellant to pay Mods
etklen vi. liadtr, Fayette tonety.
Judgment allinned, ' ' -
.1. J
Ccuumonweahol vs. McCombs. - Alla•
r gimpy eannty. - Appent diandased at orate
of appellant Thu} la the case involving
r , - the constlintionsalW of the ect. creating
~.I . the office of As:Meant District Ateonsey •
7 - for Allegheny county.. The dechdan of
I . the C t nrt Wove. sustaining, the set, ta
.1 - - . Gtoveritt. Hadn't , .
_Hrdinidon emus
, , tY x ,........ Andillnout atUnnea. -
.. .• vs. -Hughes. - Allegheny
' conitii....':lndnecens envied, and jade ,
1 . meta for dalruhulf ass °octants rem.
t,, Harris 'vs. 1114 e y. Fayette 001111t7.
Judgmentatanned, ,
''f" Day vs. Willey. Crawford county.
, . t Judginentedirtned.
i • , Andrews va.Dell. Decree afdruied.
.t Jounmay vs. Gibson. Crawford corm
' / • tY. Judgment antrum& t .
d> Tripp vs. Mabel.. Vaunts° county.
0 , , Judgment affirmed,
? Atlanta • vs Porter. lidisha county.
Judgment affirmed.,
P.; riV J at.,A,,„, g ;int,:
w Deane alarmed. at costs of appelrant.
1 • Billontore Vu• Koller. Lawrence ams.-
%. tv, Decree reverseui et mots of appellant.
1 -. Jaroalanake vo. Skimp. and name vu.
' '-- .1.- Bradby. Alleghtnyl county. Judgment.'
1 • Tor); city, i finth IC'
go county. Jl:cfg r ew
A, - -, Bronx Ti. i'it • _ Allegheny
, • , county.-Judgment allinned (Stant& J.
i Chew vs. °Maple. Belief county.
, - -,, Judgment afdrmed. I- ' ' .
• ' „ Pittsburgh, rod - Wayne and Chicago ,
•," i ' Italrcad Company valiant). Allegheny I
„.. 4 countf. Trulgunna Mane&
. t " O'Connor- vs.' Aniedcart Iron Moon-
4 ... . tam CcumuMy. Allegheny °Gouty. Jude ,
runt- reversed =d a Ventre de nor° ,
Wcilo., _Al.Ovet. Washington county.
iDecree wormed at Costae appellant
• McCall's Appeal I Venango county.
Appeal alemlesed and decree alarmed at
•, ,- ••••• McGovern ve..low Allegtsaby man-
A tr. - Jercisesese seamed.
7or vs Allegheny cowl .
A.ndersonsep Washington am
' tj. Dome ornrinell' ot costs of VP , '"
Cleveland, and. PittsiTli Railroad
• Company vs. Spear. any county.
Judgment 'reversed end jall
ad ad for
defendant on reamed q, on sans ob
, , Thorpe, iseignes of Cansford - COunty .
_Vat/anal Bank, ra. Wegefaith; ..
ford,comaty. re
-.judgment vmse CCU d and
- venire Meta/ derwro awarded. •• - ' '
- .
_ - pitteborgb,Tcra Wayne -and. Chicign I
Railroad •Company va.ollllland.• Same
raAteellnient-Allegterrycomsty. Judgo i
.I ,
• meats _rererseci an con.,, de were,
Willard Vt. W Dulianit cosudy.
Linumbigler Ti.vs. Gormley. Arm
strong county. - t Manned.
rmyl7.• Barna. Allegheny aunty.
•• judgment affirmed.
. McCall wi.Dav minty.
tlcaboneht reversed and smart fselas
Hemer's Appeal.roans - county.
=affirmed and a peal dizudased at
f . appellant -r. •• - 4' ' I . -.
Thompson ve. Wit Annstmag
comay. •Jridgment refrersed =CI Mare
faciarhationeassatedo .._r, - R-_ Crtacitrit. than4b...l Crawford Can'.
ty. JUdgment affirmed. .• . -•
Wa l i ngst_7 3 .•• Soo , EI- . "WY'.
• Judgettented *an: 5 . :67 "iv - fees:4s di '
woo ansidell: ''' ' • ,
. DfUlhogaree. Daly. Ileilleny . mut.
y... Judgment.lo•l3lilklio."X_CA Stienfrf
eW de. sera awarded: -
Lents and - Stephensqappeal, Greene
. county. Decree mansed and-set aside,
And proceedings' retract& With instrao-
Harrerii. Schoo lar of Clinton.
.llarray mi. Wane; Buil away. School
directomf appeal: reserved and
set aside, -134. Vilna/Cs.* bills ordered to
'be dismissed with coats. -- •- , •
School directors of /award township
'l:p elt ..BF/let coutiVi- DocrO7ro77to
q and all , prawallngs •ordered 'brim
' aaahed
Judgment alarmed. , ~
The ease of the oil - Otter Bs:bum
Company ilk The Alleanks. and u rei c
ann Itelle:ad Company, was then
taken up. '- ' , I \
The glainWellegeduat, aisoacssea
- RegbpadCeenparty wile in
. IS6O, and authorized to t build a anstiadnu
, Qua' line ofd railroad from' point .1 or
• neat Carteret Stakes, in Warren county,
to 011 . Cityi ,tre;Vetuu_mta _ county. and
• . im id the, town of trandaho - Mid tha'
' read via completed to Thnevlbe in Mr.;
sines which Umelt has bamerteadily
- tending dawn towards Franklin, and Is
now in operation between Oil City and
,• Petroleum Cittlire, On Oil Creek:Matt/le
' Atlantic and Great 'Waken Railroad
was incamoratedin /857,, under the name
i of the-Meadville• Balread.---but in 186.3
change thenamete tbe "ma it new balsa
that the- dernmdents having comeleted
their road to Franklin, we amtions to
extend It to. Oa city,. en Ikon. the
only practkiblit route already occupied
by ape pbabitigra, OD the lith of January,
Sent. entered intun eorance with olaln-
Iltdito constrict a .e . from Franklin to
Olt City:under the rah° plaintiff.) char
ter ifl4cmanattb.;_tomaniebdt b y. the
la af'dMastry, heir., and'hotllle it upon
certain amditiona; and that, a:f ai lle
to complete „Ita ,00 nstrnetion at the
tilde . opmlnad. _ shathiSe as
a fen's/hare, and eintiffs
3 ,oceecelea . of the mad aat„With
all, ith appartenantaa end Lents, - ead
~ nee the same as though th bid „,,,,,..
swatted lasasspaststess , - ft the
ina t x
rand should be camelotod qmOilYalle
'tee Ilmilionliddhetr *cold loam th,
rod to the defendants for 47-nitte
year; eta -dollar:Pee ; tibst ths
road not, 11.11:031p/Ote4 at We LILO-MM.
Coned, and that etaytack4kaansionof
it under the agreement. but (that the de
ftedatits-renmed mi allow t.W.M to UV*
,N , 4_l 4ool .bili - peaseadett thereof.
bet - to -te„ Dreg the Clem to deems
that they hem Me righttap t lhe
:lease forielted, and to take on of
• themarkand that, upon the. 'by
plaint/rale - defetehotteut‘ sant ark.
C u tte llbYthesi ott U olltst aplwi leT.
6.1044 Ter gape auni
the eontract., and 'net *I COCA min
granger' , inittnetke to Tama Mids.
. andag panda lV 4146:14 M1
road. thi, 4 11 the
cod dell .
_of the cantrect hue, , deny . ,
east eavANspalliosofberZs=
mad - 4.-appeatkat. litder 1
They olisqpii*O4 waaliganlaa - aus,
tinneflaschanOther'tb•Y iadooftoirchft•
ed Undentheir bigtaltWAirtellegatate
cpdred'by the agt - ofinnOnsomtion.
abrdtthetthevroXd IVO / 3 4
- by Jtme I. UM as • , 'tin dept•
that. Plabllsl. 1411*114ar gl is t AtiLLEals tin i wari
-1 ,
-tineasepaibna -IcizzyraV."'
....., 024 .„Rgri , ,' 7 !- • ',: , c,xlbe.ilina ,
t 4. , ',Lai. - ~.. rir ; ,tt• fi .7,.... L........., 'r ,
- I , . -: . -4
4 ~.--"'.. 4 ' ,'I ' 14... .''' . • -.....,
, .'t '
tract, first mortigs
semen per. omt, tio i ; w asetcred on the
Adman /Limo! their_ to ths *meant
the of
mile, hi
, L o to facilitate
tbe of money by Um dafandada,
ate. Hal under advertisement Hurry
M. Philips and Sarnetsl G. TIMI a
tbr plamoldh s Hon.: °IV/ord an,
-Csers—lsters linstisaam
Twonana7,:raartitry 00—The Court re
mained ill slimiest' only until twelve
E. D. Jonas vs. William Phillips, ad
ministrator coin testaments amino" of C.
W. Bleketsen, deed.. Vardiet in favor
of rdaintiff for 111,679,824. • .
Thomas Y. Power vs. Superior Lon
Company. Man= Molt a nocizault.
The following Is tho trial list for this
PhLi.' vas
1 1 39. - .Tohis 'Young jvs. -lads Sawmill
RCM Behind • r
LA Heigh histilune et =via Mo
le& Hantilionstiar (leis. Hart
_ 169.,Ifsnua,,Haradtaavve.:Pittaburgli,
'Brownavllle andGmtava tr. EL Mail Line.
HO. JammOld vs. Aseteoll Company..
17L Lonla fichnitzsr va, A—Burkhardt
. 1 72..Ge0rg• D. Ittefirma nu. William
Illime:.i:.Siedge Meßair. •-•
TIII2IkiDAY, Jan; 9.—ln the rase of
Tbones&WeLorr "for use of Thomas Col.
ii-011 TIL Samuel Montgomery, action on
s promissory vests,-' the jmy !tumid Mt
plaintiff $73.14. k •
Wm. Woodford vs. ?Aden Rush. An,
lion to recover 81M, alleged to bo due for
rent of ;rut of lamtlln Baldwin. OWII
_ ~...
On test
'Following is the dai l y Bet:
gobn W. Taylor IA Nary- A. Sill
1. Jolla 41pithere vv. 13Lartin110a d.
4. D. 1). Patterson vs., Bobt.
' &Me :
7; George Znltow vs: Ifeboneld.
A. Jacob F. Ilsele vs. Leopold Bahl, Sr.
thrvp BYlatalgl 116 arSkkin,
10. Henderson rt Andrevira se. gotta
/min t. C.0..' .!"I •
11. Oliver C. s Ensayi vs. Fred. - Smith
lg. H. A. Di. garner
lg. Simnel Smith salJno. J. &hollowly..
14.4. D. Livingston re. WiLsorarwin.
.lanskt VirOods.
17. Jamas uui .Idl ILeStain
Charles Hanle.
el: Leopold Einstein ye Julio, Adler.
1.2. People's Line vs. Andrew Boyd.
10. W: Blrem ve;t". Dolgidgbf;
. .
4 lnwrita. inosalwelne Inserrent.
Tarmansy, Jan.if.—Ths whole mama
was oecapted in tho tAiti 'of the -Cbm
monwealth Ti. MerLtakeetniw, indicted
f6r the larceny: of geode in , the ysnson-.
stotitif the : Penissylvania: Railroad" ler
shipment, -the oarpros:reseed es ter as
the ooneltudon — or the =ailments of
enamel; 3. H. neraptow Esq.,' for the
t and, or a l. iressontion,
Henry Itteder; into custody
on his own adalinden et:fornication wilth
suscaMThorns% plead.,neiLe costsigiere,
e Crozet Ined Nra len dollen and
ThigrinCluir. toter dourt.jusi
before adjeuronten_t, and , returned
number:of bitta... They wilt ,probably_
conclude their Lsbore to-narrow. .
Teetettay meeting Robot Waticin
of the - Fifth
Peon strut; was attacked _by two,
drunkest ruffians named John Smith
and ratjhretera who bastand abused hint
in a shin:natal manner, ;Watkins made
Information before. Alderman-Naylor,
charging them, with assault antrbetcary.
A. warrant. was issued Sheltie mould,
who Iversen:rested and held for *bear
ing. " Such • conduct is qUita"common of
Loa in the city, and is extremely
grioaie ; all* the parties who engage in it,.
as *ell ala the" city authoritiu and it
might be beneficial to make an *sample
19Ight Inrevr-tesi night, --between
tllll llnd eleven o'clock; a blight mitt,
discovered -In • the calm at the
Adoocare, *lda, had It roccurrUl s few
bonze later, might have been &matrons;
The fire or iginated from the stove. widch
wee by. •02120 means thrown over, and:
was not discovered watt it • had btumed
through the floor and wash falling an the
- Willard table. at: the Itnneuriut Salben.
The application of a few becketa of water
extinguished the devozniek element, caul
o:ezm d zently the Fire Doparl:ment were
-Fight ia a Palalak—AL Ught * occurred.
perday hi a estram n
and between Gustave Mahand Barnard
Nolf, in which the latter alas considera
bly abuledmal beaten: Ile made infor
zirack-belbre-Jultice-liehee3; of Mr- -
=lngham: ctuarging Rinehart with ka•
sank and baker The =Cased was ax
resiad . and held (o r a IrecOng.
rauted.-"Tuatlca Anintoni of Etat Bit'
nainetant, Mabee,' made the recipient ofa
splendid gold headed carr, as a terdmo
nisi elite appreciation of ,tthi nnocerous
friends and acquaintances:
'Grand Tswana." as inn Max
Eugene W. Platt, whim; of tb‘Fisst
Prize Medal. at Chicago; akblbits at the
Ennihnto MA; this evening. extra
clungstohohlers erase= tickets. Doers
open at 7 o'clOck. The,'Extuttition will
not prevent those who wish tolkate from
Poutw-*-ciiitsper erttr_badn'e•
Double width at - usr.irl r' s
Adz Ina—Pctetis—Painters-I,reachars
—Ma'am—Printers and Politicians—all
staffer them Ityspeeeds, ...Nerrocumess,
Loss of Anse. ..tho Liver Cotalgalia, and
11/1 Weems weer
they maroon crime
nod by the hoe Plentstion ttt.,, t
time mantas tooth theme fathers, the
Poetry arookl be parer, the... Whig truer,
the Painttnicespandar the Sermons /1.
yeliar, the Punting neater and the Poli
ties honedar. TUE splendid tosdelnvig
the system, and enables the brawn
Perhaps no article its spa. ea well
=dossed bt all mho lase used 11„
MAGNI 4 WthstcLA dailifititil ta
le! arttelo—attpuar to 9okirfa and at
half theories.: - tatratl7.7
_ ,
_ .
- Tat&Emeay,. nearly aaritatt . farmer
prices, at Ha/keels rN;•,
If Ufa ant'llasith ithm bid eatlatalint
by,dollarts and am* Mn.
for all, dimmer with
1111: 1 1 = 4 are Mtlicntd,la worth ha
weight :In no/d. rallecoa_ the eldhl
from ball; invinoratm the minnach and
bowels, corm wlnd colic. and 'Car/WI - Abe
Infant wifely through the ldal period .
Of teething, Be sure and,. call for Mrs.
Wmalmea Soothing Syrup.", Wl= th e
foe-simile of .ounni en. Parkins" on th
enfolds wraPPonJib 0t21 .1 • are his.
. . ,
Underwear, ter laellw,genniandeltUd a
ren, etwap;na Barker's saw
"C. &ad . Exam* the and econ
letOitoes of Ladfor
a, No. LID Wood street.. tt
Waterwlee redhead tram 11.2t1 gi co
arßirker's /Wel meat
amattattaa. Water la a -ameba ear*
tor Diabetes and all &team el the kltl;
rup,h, Fart : ale by all draahailt. from,
. ,
vti=lltary bargstrts„ at Bar
_Builitita la Lulli. , Ft"
NOZWariv N 0.130 Wood street. tf
Sk 4l 0 .6 - 12kEade • • Muslin
Rrinit Pruaaaireitai ty Aallßota
10 tp 12 every corwahar thLt - Ty.
na. < l3=itta greason,ill3a.rietla .
Vtdreraaliat Pair sad reathil: it . Clip
1 4 1 1 ever ' 4 4 1,331 4 4, weak.- 1..
- Real Praia!' Marinas. Mu, at Barkles
Laat'accefir dismaiaea,Baskailidiva
.., . .
. . ,
Mire you lidizei4Bsgicees •.
-t fc• tq,Barliers fintl Alois:rig •
evizinzictieszkry at
. lrodlelf wiazei mum&
avows* .41,*i0
Eimer nits alum eciosaa..l,
niesEmik 'CO* •
I emcee. • tintrti ra
Mae a oa, •
Etna Seib, int 21,414
M. ktiek
,"”" '
- i; i 1:1411 ;
43" 4747. 1 P,'. 4 0,*40 1 1. 2 40iiiii;d:
1113 Wood St, nest , •
Government ' - uri
• • Gold,* ver.
a.m.utia4 add ei 'semi& /0
az thiPTIAcUsl eltlaa raw".
Sur r,sortr Chi /130 K 11
01 ," eriff: fatiirPer 'CI
By 1:472/ Ma . tbcak laf • ,
Pacyls R. R. Firs(Mortgage
VIM T. 7131 vii
Fault; W.. 4 iSIMUL
IRA 'B. - 1'4'41 1 11( k
laisoalaiersi. •
. .
Our. Fcgrta and Stifield Stra • cs,
sAnyl74,ll: I%tresi SI .r
alt. to 3..7 At. &Ltd irlVa t!feal2
7 s
IBA AL • eVar a co.
,• : Oran Our = Partin sax sum, . f
, . ittras.DA.i. Drobitsbar k ISM.
• Plot entitlement in ills gaid room la "au'
also. ths cliques tor a pica ism sueseaded in
twtsilsg ttbs• Uwe stsvataiv, ant -- held lb.
Dotards Mitt hands tomalra tbsb owa ter= j
' This aukst this ssarednu OYmed aa USX gad ,
thistitated beta= that' ant RPM daln or=
instio ghostly at the insidti Isar* ate be
a era - bold numb to •th Mort, attar baring
aosarad Dart tt- their ean i tratts. 11 Is truly
inutonishing how sudden +pia abanga their
oltialati, sad stima wa Asko! the outs= abut
Ws rile to all this. wa maaiatwy ssY a moo
man was at the bottoms all Ulla Gonna
i dn
/Maim Praia was last aly bitrodud at
thegold bosta,and intrmitta to soaks a siweih
ail In the bitterest of th e b to the roont. The
aolablaed EA= at Pa • ' Pandlaloa sad
Staoana wobitt. =ugh Obit= =tint, but
lb. argument of Kr. Train lasts an sonsbiella
• Mal tartUT body. ins= ity tame abortsoat
treats or, mad... ;outshone!. !Jr a shoot toe..
Thii, is loidostica 'ism' jots mud adiatiti
diudng the aoutiausel helm thin of elwrets to
Europa, burtig' don not tollOw that to nit
mica retold actailluis wt= augaritga ilia
libtabbbltita at, la PrOiren sil 11l 14 Drenat tits
Tha bond market Is strong; and 0.100 of Ida
and 11.17 =ad= 3g yerwsni,Nritbln =says
Gatti wad a Ino of NUS can d aid with a
Aab.* at 14 Par oent. . into yeabuday... Tim
stock satyr is strew •aa &drawing, sad
nearly all it. Eatboal aa am Iron tag
Par twat. bighaYtattlay than ' the sloas el laat
.0 4 .
week.' *Chug Oates an •► b atttsag, and
sot. Just to Stara star= ; soils a load
parted of detyressica. .
Mos= Now Tort q md= by,
Ptet. IL Mats, not. aa fothorat •
' , Gob; MA: MI% ICOgi - UP, USS, UMW ,
Ink Ira; a 101.%;• 1 t•oirda sag lasso •
lathCi T-abb L..
„- . r
CLlrealatal a Pittaburgis Z. 1it.............• !it('
Nadu= Paton In t otad t•••••••••••• •
-Watt= Milo& Ibieltraph. • ..... :. all
&WE. IL:. • ~ . ~ .. i.,r Tog
Pittsburgh Jun Waj. a LIIII2Lge S. ids" • al%
qottitwasters nallroad—atiwwoo... • '
_....__-- -----7... ! - r
:rm. 1 """"'"4"T'L.--. ort llaaral. ..:....:.........H .1.. ; II
Ohio and ILlulattppl Certalaalfs....\ a: .
Male. &W h 0...—. ...t h...., Pea
thadea... • 4.1
-Ina Raw York -Tribe.; o f Wednealar.
Ayer rate weaved.. confide.. la the Roc
Gnat debt proceeds foam Ulm .enartstloa that\
ail the xlaketing ashes. In retard to faddist
welt fall, and isoltdag altataptad /a the wayef
cosielldattate tbs Moat until all the eytless In
tho form of Seam =Rua are out of the way,
and tha accopostad min paid or sataadad la It
par eent.aertllestaa Senator Sliarmia'aldll
tentalasprortmlons In mud to sommialleas
ail. make Its paw. deuretde by b....
who hope to arse: by them, bue„tho Treasury
ta is no soadithan to bur any each phallist,
and al softer ihti 011 f is a la rlds aut.
' tar the hence. No member of iltloatram Mu'
4 far appears to real!. two thlop,arat that the
tatbile medium mat utwouldei tros edema that
what they lo.rd We Gaterament la Its hate .
of wad wal be putt atm la rood faith, malt
pal sad lawsuit 0..4. I has thal bolds a/ Ito 1
LI ararate.t read a per coat. aadl the prwripal
Parable as the wawa el thn Gorstameat after
are yea.. ant absolutely as creaty seam -
Row the Govarataut atone& py la arlYthlas
ut told nonce; .4 salll lt ix ablate do a.
. 1,
Mtillko otbardatrtoca. no: co hda lf and. . how, like parale atlas., at 11111.1 pa_
tbutuy wait, blowing that the dabtor W.I.
vast... Rare to work out In tune, paying La
teran promptly, limb a certainty of equal
panetaiallty win .Vaa priattpal Ist Blatant,.
all %La fa edia t askew* tho couatry reenlist
a.. eabrued In a awn bill, portalal that
seesy dots. pf National debt or la masa.
may ....lel at Par, pilot the capita-
Was at the are Year apt.'s, for toad 1.17*-.
tag after /thy yams la so*" bowleg ate
per matt iatemet. /at., [boa DoLl atom°.
A: ,
eto.ta of hart f ade awa be sore to gm,
tad is woad aeon rue to attah a y =ma that .
at um asphalt. of IS. Ilya years optima on
W. Five Twesurstheir talcum woulda ladly .
exam. Rum to avoid uto danger of Wag
said off how a nue bal. whtsh could be saki*
at lamb lower rates. Zr,,. A.M. to this
amyl. faullre bill thetirebs aril/ at once eat
dna. entry asp
the lad l de/lar they
wl/1 bear. and the taxes se that Ilfr
tuitions of prtampat of Um Nallokal aata aaa y
b. pahl la Isea from us termite, the debt
.4 Mares tu, ea. eat.oft Meth The bote
eat co Whin GI tII. whlaky in armed *mita •
-magma to mete that a multitude of 2 1 / 1 1101
Wass whet sew gheen the prodW at dm two.
SW eadd be abellahal. to
tant lam& el
!111 copatry. • Too many Las. ha. bean
wheat.= predator. labor to haat up the
tea sywas sad lauant wt. of Willy barate..
ale., and the soma they are marled to the
eeranall to labor atat • Matta, Is IshOrt. OW'
OM mat be ...Weal fa expoadstama 1
• ...Ma la the tottutlea of tax... 4 Jill.
Mo. is le.Mll theta =paw. bllkttb r• Mated' by aettaa win
-Medway. nose% it. wohimaz ersu '
Th. me m. market , . was Unlia/aalt Imoortee. i
coal eltha Uwe' repartad a Maas damaad ,
'for Imam, sad I. SUM. ‘llallata tkaltiiikai, was quoted tan* MUM& . - IllantMire bulb .
ow spa dalli, with ally allshod laquiry for 1
11 .011111.044111111. TIM
of Ow we e Is ,
waken& say ants, and wautra ow I
thez d att . bts sa aurs ta rttell4LlT o ilie Tr
1 4
ulna. la Wheat toelaylal• Maiaet it : Elb .
mat wassenattlea In Itutostal *balm
AMU apprehaulan Tea' enleltallatt la MMus
galena that the .bulave wilt rimvr la • Met
nat.. brut. • Wheatapittatall Map comas
, 4.!
1101017 ,...1 . 7 "1",.,,A1rra ' Yi..
I huge assifflos Mara
1... .... ",--•','•:.,'.,-, • ' .: ' ,, :•t!..'.-,,•:,i
1 , -43 a. the Phkatelpirla Ltd", 0 Weenie
wel l
1 days Slur Meaty Lira. Was ally ably
as II to
_put• mat. with sue dlipedtka to
laid. -fawmadeas tat lb. smog + - mashies
.beam by Aker lanp ba that larkra lat th•
' , Or Of =MOW le cow from the west to the
wet. baakx 41.4.9..../Tor quite sal
rsatepr offeral, omens Illtio of a prlue
ehuseter for Mame opesatorawhami Wm rates
role as 1 to I per eena Wows. 'paps: in put.
'ell to apse Matta aaolsth,,..
Onus oPion Prrreausgei;wrint:'
TlVastoal...lasaat7 14;
Ila most tuninate swat tit p7kat for
anti* as Moe yard* this wok ea largely
naenneara.alik May awake
ar than woo Int wak e fad
Inger thin far /anal maki proof* ' Lei
l 'isstfin of 40=4. with patinas hip ear:
in; and but tittle, lraoy. haptenimat la thi
dionad,lba.ausbor of Innate IP manna*
War as larger as.. usual, tbo *inn via s
Ralf e rflabiaad abippats. nava/. Tali 110 P ,,
log for ectinidcon'ada:u paanal j
wan at grated. and many honor/ ta,al sof
obis to obtain ant tbip t ioadatitt • far yrloi
kers, Wind as tartar ant. P a l a ttierang
'anneal al •rantl34 to Luna Masan
stook mire • quatal l it to ale on;
ne ..natant eomaroUralsnettnaten tan
swan way sad earl Inn sittat Int alp .
nay. and tt fa satirising tbat briars nut
an Ina/ growers Intl pada la fondants,
titter gnat itbato bo market, for It tbsy ina
Sown to
,striki a. sad nsrkst It ls dotertfal
tompipr Lark tlhasiesonir arin b ruined
parsed tala sonsentan. mays, aad ass ,
tanipatattea. 7bl raotaii Is • WI tit;
artorlasino tor tba vaatamaiagio44l
Ranh JOralitsas sal. 2i kaad farla stall.
B'll42 .l l l 4, 4, D atrsoto n'" =a l ter Una.
tea to 1503541/.. rtln Wawa iv rant
brannin, Union C. at 4511 ad bead fat
a Itaatos to tiosat ago, slier U. liana to
OtJ.l.HpDaz pa /eat
dolesirn Tara to 1 0P 1- "st_ra; to; am
go naw at lila itaatasn. Via • I
WOW. 101 l WIS. films II Min lit 4.
Mark trobletesiralssa 1* jay bat a.
its elm
ear sot 23. .
Tion. Lamb oaf MaArdJ• 17 bout of good
latv.l.ll, at T
/*assn. .144. 4 .1% """L " leVor n
77M iraturt,ta 41.111k
gr. at lg. 11. ,araao oO. T
mosso asoo of good 111111 !A%ailA
Yoaa Moos odd for 1. =ler to 1. 021.0. 0
pad Idt WWI fit. - Di, poison* Mao
erns atl, and tat
MattMatta utak Mina aid good Mabee
iliksfini ins* Itatri at
7.nd lasfir. • • • •
buntois loll
s WEa mc k id e r b n a a '
l a d t
144•11111,04 ZS as illl, am 17 u ll4
'la infra" or fins during 111 pat w k
nonagon:ge e and oh •• an/ boner 4.44
12tea laud. bat tan a good rappar di:4 . 25
Or sum fall nave tbsignout she
'yak. ad was Win Pala wananalaid,
lampbto in lay to lan Wow Yana, aad
114 le - PO area I. in tainer
hiuketpui.:....d.iss. Tollolwd. inn*
aid nada 6st eats noon rat Hon &Mt
wows sus Assn, Ise uomirlet 11
mar roan ern* Wm atria Iflo r• N
Olon &oat/ a Clip.
lund Ef.o# &Plas/fsr to Mann at it MI
Tat. tuna to Oran lk Uo. at ant 2111 ear
-oolabsny. to ‘,ilman OOa at tibiae,
king to UM , bairn rt rotskir
Maas U. at at dila isnot to Labor it
tan for oson to Yogis It 7101 (arra* lb•tiq tint las to num KM; 21
jor Tann to Pews* at unto°.
meows ow =so. m tot &lump to,
Dopy. , • :stoat.. r 1,1114 & fa mu.
Tons st 1 11/Mlt loiErtmat /akar at in
Mt' eau to Moon a • 00. at SAM
a Dews ta. rasktore ak 7.0, 44
MAM lrklo."" A.P•;"4:1441.11.;282
011.1 _ 01,111 4
tava _ _
lahltrkaa. Ina 1 &BMW & 80It
to' nate - 91/ Nape
2 " 1 1
P i AU
1;1; 1119**11 10 'Water Prim •
, p er , LARD OIL ILANITFACTIMUM, Clina. s.a4
lies. Causon uu.l
We .23 . 1 . .$ / LsQ 03 ~2= th e
tux ,:12/Lustal24 a^l. otterpaid; p2appa
2crlia to2rka gaam2ll2 a? =Caro r.seu,
No= Lau% 2. /.2,22.2 ear.raiLa
Mareasseta.aan- 41/222241M, Irllrlaa et to
MU said uuur intermix fry sesillmrorsordarlsz
30F 1 ',MAI for Holm. &P. to masa at 434,. It for
O. a , W. 1 .1 to Doll.. at 7 %; Sot for Dond
to Xemeag,Glila Hi; 14 tor 11s.
ES eon to mate at alai tt
1111 for Glass &
rearm 4.01; it ter Hamiltaa to a;
Xi TO 7.11; Ihr Stall la Moak &Co. at Wit, f or
. Omen to Puma at, 7,11111 for YaDmald •
Hlngar • Isalsoft tetihtUrl Mad from ECM& I
LaThety &Co. at 75047 from kohLusoa at aem
• Ire& annum 7 . 61 1 t DMIt OSMOSIS&
Dent Lams at 7,07; 10 from fiadms & Taylor at
7 ,11; 101 team M11.7%;11 from Walter.
at II Loam Ptdamk.4l. at. T. 11: ill from
/men at 7,40104 from Hedges at 0; es from et,.
Inns. extra. at 44; q from On at 4; Ss &ea,
HMIs at 7,407; IS from Holm.. at CM &mut
cepeagetel LW; SS from Um. at 7 sky 47
In. Holum at byg: IS from ha•ey .7%; its
—, from WifOlath at 7,05;117 from Nichols
" fromPastar JUN; ell from litdres at 7,c1;
m from Helga & Taylor It 7 , 8 34 SS from Era
vett at. 7,044,
PUsoek as Trailtft e r ld 6 ama P ' e arm l" VC :It 12
for,Flary to Phleack • 00.6 t 6 34; M for Prudes
to Childs at 1%; 40 hand onus to Pl4vock at
i , 4;10 for Cotter to Mame & lmhodat I; 47 in
irtgoittte.i . !?.tf:L'ElE,"tll", W'1 14, 4 .
al for Kowa to Pldeoek at 41 to
,56; Si tor nt ' otrt 63
Labor: at I; 74 for nine Pldeoek at 1,1); 63
ter Tlslommis to Binger & Imhoff at 7,&1.
011edbalgt holightlll &had balk EL
301130011 0; 0.0 from leala Stodesser at
THt 100 from I. Barry at t; Ste from 51 John.
Most m 7.05 i 117, mteadram ammo at 404, 2,3
from Holmes & Co. at 7%; We treat J. tylbrit
I et 7,0134 t IS from Holmes at DS; 131 from J. W.
Fallall at I;141 from a. Moore at Tall; atel from
grialflas:2o rit47P4iti. L .4r 311141
s ; H. damn= 0.7 W.
ski pa & Montan hough 113 had from H.
o.lftbatt at 'Mk WI frenn Ames Orly at 7,4 J; 52
from 0/lehrelet St Co m 1,0,18 front Orr at el
al from; Olmt, Lafferty & Co. at 'N;I3 from
loam/gat ,r 170gram/doors at Y.T7bs; dna
, assze.l ,
I Ma sup y at Slump aria ma 401 thl;
WSW. MetWalarS Atma tat mutton Sheep,
d VII; an lamas demand, the market for
lha better Sessriptlone was quits attire, [h.
&stand bells eonsidarably la exams of the
Supply, and as a sonsrguenee, (nem ate a
shad. higher. Wanton and &Melo, grades
as MIS as Mill at tsar, ;tad ass only be said
.1 aismallarb . /a, palm, Wa quota tnaita.
mar at scwo, gross, .011. the latter 4014
all the way down 1011,70 per head. The fol..
00,ZertfaiTalW•mre4a.Plaiditced avers/Inf SO
I ts, to W. BOOM at 1%; II bead . to mune, rt s•
tm% as, as 034. 118 LU same, avers/clog 70. at
haad,ll%; lel to Eatusees, &Teeming Etat Mfa per
asul na Lou d to Fink, Tay eontinern,
abetattalf M. MSI.IO Pee. head. Wlmilna sold"
ISO head 001a121213 Indians 10611 averaging el,
to Rattle at /14; gad Booth end urns hang ill
oeo4 mop *mason, weasels, ye, all .0,16 per
bud. - Imgat • Tana soul tas kud tor
Graves to Wass, mosmon. at Mt)pa ast.
Majors mid 116 head of prima Washington flo.
weathers, averaging 43.. t 014; gad Campbell
wad head of Deis. 049ablaUo., (thlo,
HUM, aTlMllhegliab, a 1 P,‘,.
nmotYaa manurrs
Qrsuai cs. tot 117.1savis Ginn.;
ThiraiDaT, Jaikaary a. LUC
Tim markt narksta seattana Call ad at;
Slalltid. LW us &void of any Caw aLataatu.
Moo wolthr orsimahl Cotta.• '
ORAlN—Wbtlat What la la good
stood sad to United nppin yl*00(100. to
quote at OLIO for ALA and APIA
Milt.. Otto a shod* Mau bit tottlitaffd;
ludo of t w. to tdiffatotat ass. and 'satin taloa
la atom at MSS& Baiter la la good demand
mild at • 0,1481,73 for Ipflaf. and st,isoi,eo
forlall—salo of It Wks pineal IMO.. Raw
Data le ia good wooly and a littlo dull Out U.
' ottaatsdt mini:Maw to quota oar st odol3,oott
wharf, aatt-Ohatlad 'at 111046. -
sad unstusisis at smaiska. — - • •
FLOtra—zs In, with a fair loom doom&
bus not gm:dab/7 klitsaf. We doatutdo to
Riots at commix for .9prlag WLaate Imo
ts," for Widar Whist. lad tiksocssisss for
salty broods. bps mute Suotsti u SUIPIi
bet, Ildaltirtioat Is to VW swop!, sad doll at
t 1 pa mt.
. .
Puovastorts—aiow• V qttit. 'sue eady
at 11 0 , 13• Jar Sknad.r.; 133 to LIJO . for Bit.
tool El*Fisii:okii. Mn
ie. for Agar Cured
Haim' Lard rosy bfi gaited azllolNi, to
ite7norm out bumf; /134011., kfic
Port lo lethal at IA for obi. and *fa
• 11.11 W.
. up wz...4, sat' emoted, by itardastar
ars t ale fet qfn. :. aad 111,41 for Yf r o, t, and
• 41" .1,11,P 113-.. "'" lb i. ere 11:;aon ' tinned tali, dila : ar. d
and the sSarliet le steady will' raitasiaalaa at
Cailla at pil. bbl, a. to quality - . .
DRIED i I plly,caatianaa•
.dall,. ' arltb a
supply aornak.bly In mu.ofab• dein, a;
We. la coots aiTs for ip.1.0..0d palsies
for Pewit.. - I
BUTTEI3.PR:ato <hole. Rail city be qacs
teseellttle ilthsraeosiontaaara of U. orusa.
la IleSr.attrr, say •ietele. ' . •. .• :
ECK4S—S Ludy &tut:ow . . • :
. DRESSED 110(113-40 eat manly I. io
!rally, and Ira no. emote at 64130 for falr So
food mauve.. . ' • - . . .
SEEDS—Weisa report • all ..l . of Flsi,
' See 4 at - 42,1111, tbareata ire bell MIS It mi.
Aildritd • little above as sat at. - NOtilit .
dol., tr, els.. or IlasalbY• - .. '
LlaT—l. ulnas fromaioastry at HS
eilt, •s to quality.
A, .1 •
' .
pOpicturs— ,Igtl ion bat •.• • ..e.d:
nasal Baba to atom at Stela per boob • , sail
writ. le pit bbL •, - .. •
~ ,ins
BEANS-0411 at-Otani, .- '
BeILINYDarI at 1707.4. - •
C r ItA.NIiZSEIES,Abeted la 1 11611.. s •
. .
P l ll7lllollhtill rwilentibt INANNICT
?nom Ow ems Prrnrsonon Osumi.
• Tionanar t /amity . % f
CRUDE-11a* was drat • • alatla @math,.
hd ends teal". thou: this us, b accounted
for lo pits er, the fast that tiro majority of the
°Mates* Win aboait stith the *rearm. to
OuVrty. The matte; Stay. W Vtatad quit
but steady at Tcsnt spot, and 1g for Meta
and apru , aihethr oPfbras lag. hide, ate. no
Hasler, UN's* far ha regarded as US. ruling
atiotalloni The yritras lr.tfry aro tini4
wt, and .ash kit too het at Ott erefi wathar
eery sold s and to. hsztazdort to form;' lath.
Vicar, navigation fa that WM= may be cosy
"Hera arati and for the resent;
ELTIKEL/saltara la aantalmatrf for hooded
sit, but the, tact that thus an but hire utter.
at untied isstabloot; Ilia a trident, to retard
sualueiti yod rash:fat operstox.s. Janu
s...yr btrkea optics, iaaf bs quoted at =sr*. h
rr.air at tryft, and tiara •tillWiiumritio
b.bls for Taint sty stpbdit, sad Ilea tut . Matt
MM.. •i
1/kiw Prediwaa,Jearket.
tb Taltaiiata It. ttit.bash Gaul.,
'raw Iforsaaansaryli.;.Cattiat is Mat and
ifoallaua with salsa of labaledat 1. WOO
Attila:Ml* nlalskaltat lb. /loan
-Am !wands today anannitod to 4.1al bar-
Nay them:laths UMW lanai and awl
Mll,, with sales of 1,115 bands at PAO
tAa tar rutodthnit Stahl and winitsrailliaMlS
11 for extra atstallaTAlßlAl for aZtta, rale,
arnall.lo,ls fat waltaittalateetrl3loo4
Mak tor round ooopi4cudolingq-10 for
Rood to andoe extra do:ola dull. Cwt.
forma flour Is puha Sad-W ing
bury lathes/es of
WO barna atiltl.llollLlA. IN* hour tstatilat
with Was of la/ barna. at s2.7llpAill. wom
aryls diti 101 l inteiunad. , Whoa; the rs ,
anal today warsta Maass Um ustrlisiti
We Wait. Wi th staal Want So. tsarina
1$ KM Xi& la quint Dada Is 'abort,
anyassanat nbseml, with mils of Baal bat
at VA tat sad Walla for Canaan
West, at railroad depot. soda.
:Corn the rawiptiawarwlara trust tat wan ,
lad II sooderataly Melva awl 90' lower,
wits sass of ataal boa as WM OW for saw
lama wetter* 4864 µAMA torte! dp
m m
Kan; 11„10. loy do atom; 111,10.114.11 for
new whits Nyasa= and Sanborn. maul
ths neap= taday was Ma boa am mar.
ad unMtalsd and to Iowa; sita 111.. of
lAA bus mama to warts= In sant son
for do &data MGM layer% option, al
mouth. sad lara- buttes. patella, 10 days.
Is Inn salvia% mammon millaronna
st mans staidly. augur la
dulls saes* D sCubal at 11)(0.1:10.
NM bona LIMOS et 11301 M. Mama.
dna saes Ite bbis /far Orialia* at alo ,
hataboctins ta, r=iptiritrlti
CMG tar anal., da no
toted. Hope Oast. at Welt for Anisartio.
fink d alma, /Vas ati,lay2l,l6 for
aria awing at 19 ease, .17,tallaa for
prune, and alai far prima oast alai
i'&42boa, w masa as_ max. antler.
° Ziani stasds_k aM man .80,4
Hama nowt mans w now at atialetf,Sll
ago sales lot tams at all for pains mesa
ano linsellano for indta men. goat;
Was= Winks at jatlkt for Ilumbstand cut.
1 1 .7 tor lohaalsara lai
tXofor Macassar, a
li for aortylated. Cat Wats dullisalss
far wa g = f VI= Lad
ry, I M=n g ti c aU l i e18 1 1 1 4 14.'
?Mgrsaidliout LOW. /attar stary
tor Mate. Oblate atill ta.
neigh,s tO,Lararpleataaa Cleatatelf ammo
•Ivatr,:nzrv? , fr "$ '1640 .
LaTtarr—rtoar, waste ' OIL _and a to lao
away oa madam and odalmon grades,
, Wbeat nominally , :mem ino ninon, ha
holaba banns . ik clopzipmangleAdmir.
nominaJo Qua dial and Mast, *Mita d
far lasuirit In ikons. Gory Om!). at ataitf
(Jame ass mined wartaro &autism xi;
(Maros old maid western in nom Yore
gun, It sll.ll.4ttg E tri' Ve i l dtri: m
44.04 tr -,17,76,.71C74T. oWidrorstaaturitt3
*mai — &mina. 'Cut meats steady and
Loarrataly unit% . Hada quint an 4 anat.
MUG bulge faslar. • Lazd gelid, at Mao
far tO tams ittlue eey.lo teastOrpe,
r.77Tugr,apb es:th. Plitsbuzb
I Orimmirwer,:a/rO3ll. 11.=1*.tre Wilt alit
IMetsaiB.l# tamtlnialoup, -wp.a.L.,,..kk
tip Is cim. iNo 1 1 , 14. 401 no 110,01
i v s pstg.& =par 421 1 . 101;17
enit• P irelosed dolt sod _salmi lia i.miunif
Baresee. anisnatianiold and er. ,
ly ibuilf -and- Snit. 01,
elatesond , 10. 10 1,14At_Ilis • ..,,fip di%
Deltas Oil an -MI ... ass :a. a ..
rtax...o.suse, under lidogrendonal •
!now seise asel_saehanDst
lire sold at SS= finned. Val Lb.
bittirlll24ltif ST /hp
MS readpilk44/0 boed. yams
Km' ea bussed. Yeaeporly PIM 004
WarerM s t.ies ils = " broi llu z TV
Ziligir=fir ab alft„..t. 4alt`
itte pri m Bauer firneuVretb.lll . l4
.11 = i t I c ;;1 4 al f I
pa firref l a ,
TAVICISISd geed. gamma =nod
Ind doll. Th lor . kojfee lada47l,
gam tor 'mow -1121•4211. -
lialinea, SOOLSo. • nip arm., re/ Wei
al 4411410,p10 - .ikad / 1 013PrOmagia's§ ,
114/112nr. 'who mow mutat, l• eV/ 1 4.10 .
. ,
lisistawww Manwt. -
Illillekkno. to um
i ti kwww= inw a rA-414w bot,
w •vawi - Wank - nowlys
: F lo7, te mil =r l - 7 ! 1"14!
guiati-4.- ,p4my sbtz-nr.6:
Pinutial mature in Aew fork.
41•14 ClOlOO4 Si UN
CM I, ..lepalth to ale IttisnarsaCiamlts.l •
Raw Tons, Jan.S,
roan' Asp earn. .
kfaney market amtlnnes easy, ate per
Cont. on 0011 with a fair demand and
moderate supply. Prime pspir Las plant?
and pewee reign). at :(3S percent Eter/Ing
dull, at 11V10T,4 fur banker's DIM with
fair buy era at the lasble 110000 l It 154101..-
, creasing 'amoont of bonds going forward
witch creates plenty of good banter's bills
on London and Frankfort. no/l opined
lower, arlE74, fell to /X* but later. became
More stomp and closed .at the market ad
IMIXXIXL 13p.j. Exports specie
". 00T1tra XIIIBT IrfOrms
Aetlie, the ataht restore itcheg the move.
!went in Ptasortarb, for the list week*r so,
bas beta very dell.Dat totifai WU the MOIL
active on the Itet etoslng et 10.5, dealer. wee
*rally Indiltag but,, 1613{; G. 19 are dull; new
Donde ue soeght.' after. The following ate
.the OIMhtR Drlee•
COUDOOrk.N1.1011109W: de. p.
101 k;
•111•11.11NLY OTOC2I. •
I .
The railway rearlrPt cinched weaker and
lower, tnt ant, ,, equenrlv recovered and
clout! .I.lterld with W general
advance. The leading teen:vva were dew
York Central, Erie sad Liladfant Rock bland
and Plunbdrgh Stocks were also stranger
and blcher.• The mlacellaneous 11st. ,wan
stronger with an Increaslng busmen.
Border Stare bootie Were lower., •
01.03111. grOTATIOIM .
05 506rtjffiateie Itre'itn emNit'ten t 844/
tA,Geomerlead 1134.331 s ; Quicksilver 24%0
25; Mariposa &V; Western . ZJalon Tslcs
grape • 3/141Ze9i, "ramie :Moil
Ns , . York Central 1 : 2, 461/22fil Eric 74-}sk
7,11111 Ituaeoandlrelleitai•eers..
Soothore' tlfalefll , ;; Illinois Cement 1.35;
rittsborce 913“lo:34; Toledo 10 10101,4: Etone
'eland 51; ytru!..; Nutt WW.CIII . 501 E.L.V; do
Prolecred 73.4t1-7354; ForeWxyce 43 , 4093 , 4,
Adams Esnressfe.io774: Amen=
Lt 8. 7610:07134; Ilerchuots Union E 14,0137%;
Wells a Y.ran 4.94a..4o,4:Waba_Gart
sr. Pe LIV '17 , 4041#Z,,, do- preferred '
itlesolsrf MN;
.01,1 Tenni:lleac! WA. ew
• •
etlnla¢ abarel act tr.. - Smith arm Pumice
Quarts Hill 1310;33, ITa;kill37,. Corydon
Airarratisvar'xiciererit. •
Timsreceipte of th; Sob-Treminry were
43,531.20; ;payments V.,7C0,106; balance
.sear 'Pork Dry Pry theedis • Market,
Lay vciFerann to o pitt , horre (;nett,.!
Nate roan, Jan !9.—Tite Dr, a node market
acastla Mal Inuallat and Dolce. nerara
lacking In boo; apex although Lucre leap
ohm ot.ty armee; (online prevalent anUtug
SIM agents. 'Standard /armee abeettnnbi
anaVy realms arn , ls;ic ; othentarnl4).Allse.
PrlntlestLlknht , srllL•not sells readily alcove
Maplltr:Frft"" Zet%lrl'Ot!YtaPir'riktßal
have beeo .Ctosed !nit at IlSiof hoe all new
styles not, nosr held.; ,t2hie /era / Pee Cent,
while Nettles are held at Wand th , chacoat
13k5c wtth MO usual daemon. - The .agent.
have also Wean cad the prloe an at lout tpe
iscount olllll4l3emperLl•sn,arl Bleached
Iltiallns to S instead nt 5 per cervj the Loos.
dale Cambric do, bang Mon 800ta 4.4
Bleached de{ job at /INC: E 10.10, and
Boma at. do, 1030. f ar 0 1 1
are steady
and aohl elosernp Itc far Old and /Dolor
fily.Tnicafiaa to therittabecan iltiatain)
a?. Loma. Jarinali• —Tobaeco:Tex7little
.ottnritm and prices uticalqf Ma. /lour quiet
and firm, CCU ao Oman. Whoa; arm, but
Imalam Very dull!and pric-a unchaogel.
Corti dull and ' , 81.1 at rAwa. WM Arm at.
7 b 2 a 6 0 0
Voiding Dn f . oe .
a on l acm e; mal
at an). provisions quint and Tory
little dolma: Mess • Pork,'•flacoa
enater; Hansia for cicarsiqea, sad 7310 . tat
dryaalt annaniern. Lard. quint at 11),(9 .o
tierce, e,
17e for anOlCa Oct. /lows
ammo from to 63 e, Itecialptn— /outworn
bolt; whext, 7Uu aut.; coca VIALus; oats,
IO ha.; barley, au) bast Mop:LP.
• • ilileaeland
iiir,Telearairli to
Czavazaao, January —Flour; Oily firm;
donblo• aura aprlatf_ liCLZ3oll,sa,dannie
ex tn. - red Maio ara4l3.lll; inside 'Larking
-lbuo $11015; entry iiritnda Weal baba
eeaboanna. Wheat null and firmer;
Na.] eitieraukto mange:in"; no Inotilry for
the winter nradta 10411 . 0 le, fair demand
and dim and azeloiy SV3 for No. I abelied
from ems, and ex Jo ears on the ',Sok-
Not a l
dull te and nom tom inal; , Kest az GI, for
ora from a .nye haler No. 1
1kV ,!.,f er1 , " ,8 ,1' . ;:t5n'f,11 1 `;1.°7.;74` 3 °,76.
(or 14, trojoini 'genet Slip .
cm , chump f
fredatze, minden rnMe.'
New urinal". liarnet. -
ter .. Telegram to tog Eltuakurga omen,'
New 0 Jarnrars n—Cattnn; de.
mend gond; rnl3alutno,/3.3tenlesee.3.otalue;
rocalptar, OM beim, ezoorta, ;WU bal...
Sugar lolver; common. edn'te., wie
life; prime to ebolen.l3l4ell3t4e. Molasses
declined le. Flour Wendy and unclisnaged.
Corn easier id 7 ,, (493e. (Into [lain - at IWO
P3c. Bacon; abfaldeYe, 93, clear .14.4
Lord doll; [tort, 1 - kr; meg. irct Pork,
t2L3o. , turnrin izeindltre„ MOUS; Now
3ort.Excnanne SaL,conur. (.01d. Lla.
Lu.01 , 141/10 swims.
My T. lrgrann Ip nit ni;roa l 5 411.e•tto •
Locnsrmr.r, Ju tin tr y. —snins of 61 hbdr
Tn.cen: /Ina; L.rgr 41.60(26.30. onCollron lasi
wric. Como., v61.16',01/3 tot A li tnr•
tor.. nnur 66,%:12 16 fur Bunn:dna •na
toner. Wnent 11 +.4,-1.50. Coro :60 6k. Ottr
6 , 6676 r: Boson: 55ntt1i:ors rnic, elem. 616er
Irafx Mew,: SbortUfern cleat
Snits Min. Lot 111;c. ' Mrys P.M e1.U50
tabky noullnaL at 1d(f30n.,.
/leer Tort Cattle tteriet.
:Er Tel:. , str. re: ~ss-,:r.1
Nev. Tom lAnoarir•l—geoves GI largo
P , 411.7 and tout eetrrr Mtn tele daY
wea, though cerre, rue barely so drat;
few very eliolen Ihroufrht 11 ,9 4V9;
mirlevato prime 1114.171 tom IlzseliG•
SbeVP Very firm: at 53;!4. to, .0..0e to
priors. wino s.lv4nce.l. tlie auyyey con.
Worts Vey; small:to S4r)Ve.
' Harksto =ark. l. ' ! •
Cr T•I•r•;,1 LI it • 1':t . ...,b,r4b iltrztta.l
Baaracn, J•n. 9 —Flour ntrady; tar 'Dbl.
• rertnuarrotattans. giant nominal at
fr.:, far tab.., C...nrolat 4491 far No. ,Y
epr fnr. and 91 Z. 5 tar.. No. Itto. Cora lasellre
at 91:1991,:1 fir 111 ISO par lota of now Oa tbn
track:\ Oate; .7 0 .M:1/P.21.927.k, Era al WA.
Earle , -...----- . -- • - .r.l. linos
eva, 0
Ler 10,
(By T.
; Iltx
=rums .ao M.D.
goo bale L
J 444; pa do ;A. dame. 44 - 4 . 14 ; 1ner a Uoi lus
brat Sahttt; Near. I:00 ark fib oiobetke r
Watt; I pas. tobsseo. Jas Plumbs; las*. tow
talk; s 7 Fall; ktltsbaeolk,444oolol pear.
Ji oarroae, 1341 Rolle; Phki •pplek U of If
Ms no. :dark's loinitsoli a Cola lwaekes
.1/et.l4 of arson. ikkienens 7 slam tr.,
m •
ikluoTlfitlfrtl4Jo,en.l4, bb,;:ibcorp:lo.4,
Ustotbi . X .T Grad Co;
bbl. apples, 1 kcir tier it 7la asolder Jik dhrp•
attlt ' l l4ok. skatok D Dssi bap marek
Lttivx.r.Ain awn' TriTslrsrmlit' 44441.104 k
Jaattaly I —.4 akretron °akar/. it Caktasir
I dodo, LlStarcetk. Potter& Uo; a dada, Bb.
aitategsr Ulalr; dk 740/041,tal t Patter
CO;Fli al I L Ellinilh , T antaidar k *karate; Isla
It poplar mearalfak SP tert_ag dp 1.04;
kik Latkrat Neat 11.* ntubm. 3 Dl' Umber:
1 tuba • bptler;l bbla entailers; Vatit Emit
bb1.112.:.1 , 43 .finuivd. do• bel,,nl,Dnatc
a a
jr4. 4 r 28 tr,
1.7.3 p..- 4 bog met, lifigainal
Sklllalkek7t . 44/10 R oat and }Haut Datutkr, J
Prrrasvass.iacamitarsa Onsslairses kat..
.lsooryll-4.2 aka barley. lido collo,/ doom,
four. 'Nano Walk en 65 Wl', Miry,
rrsusasim, muse a ocs ebb wt., so esl•
low. Kozo. • Llama; 7 bolo ooPlof. BOW
tast;',llll,44 11:4"aztevia,1:::
Heoda.W kl Gralrl . a
Au.sorwor SfATIOT. .Intllll7 . "—I ear
UST., Cl 11.efoh11111 do do ilalya - Rob.
ottani; • two .rmoral. HI) at 011...... ; to do
do.Wflokot* go; ta U. , laty; Id- MU
kPokaa.S.lladhal , o. Isensof a seat as
Santedr a lothtoin a aa , a whoa,. Ero•
; ./ car Jumbo ltinoalk Co 41, 2a.
rtaßelar; Ho bbl. floor, Stewart /.330,37
. .
.. W. 1
' 4
Mal stork:
91.74 e, 353 Penn [tired,'
Q4I~ )[oa~e A~'WOt~ N~+eef~'W W~
~ ~. ~lle~ey...
A.. H. ! EN4Fti v ,!st ! 0.904 •
No. 95' Fourth 6treet r
.;41,11 SK4-'nr .uranzia.
NIP, I tY4 I 44YEI.
rem. 11,Cii: lA, • Sinusuystiona.
settee In an .Ita tons. A .rge Stock at wrA.
.TIMILF.AI eaiimmtlsce• UN , .1,14
I:4N - OINf
tots and Musa
:go-arm:am p}reari. •
Irmreez 41:1117 .c 4 ran , . WWI;
orders nftilalOtt*Ar4l4l,. Aal
.1), ;:-'3Et-' '7E11 . 0 . 11331 4
- -• .iiiiirmix ' • '• -• • q
-t.=: • WHITZ TA R 4 1 1X 0 rAtTOTI,
~,M7' . A
" t ies ruaadriasa
ViriEter coges PIACTIEVE
vi vze i zatm . x trawl eat Osimas lot
!WA yfilaixa tituratm
AND tiliturnaute
DRAFT 3 , atLBN.
PHILii is ILL, ?k, ts Tint? eriz,7, ‘
UOU a " maim icon. pa.
l i. s. RAFE:, 74anufactuer or
WUIml• and nulll lifialit iIn'IVINACQ
tIIGILI I 3I7/1%-r1;211. /4. lon/B7llls r
..._' at lingo a elixir.
- it .wis - ~ .44181,141pricr. Voliaszp. ra,
siiiins a co.,
. Contttin,
• tomkun,
. 1 . 11 : r 1 Alril '
WWI 9515 . tml . wig .
Waretet4, /It a 13.3 IFF.IISI'
COI or sesd fp:elmOar. IfoOrOG
The +leer KU. heeling et thie m i nt' eleven ft to the channel .o, : th e Rio
nongehela mar 'tut eveniag. • The weather
has turned eitreetal, told, sad Ist was betty
slag to form la the Allegheny river; !and we
should not be tolanmed to dad It full cf heavy
deaths/leo thialitiornieg..
*The dieggla Here,fruitt Louisville, and lee
, .
.Watutulte, fFoto New Orleans, con White the
antrele, while, laside from the replier pock
era then were. he departure.. The America,
froimOntaineutti,!end the Glendale and Import
Bar. from St. Units, an mug the ant bun
r '
The bielteengerr toe ehanged her ago from
New Grimm. tot SR Louts, and wild. at mace
4Omnierma leadlitc for that point:, Shots art
exeellent boat, and Le well lined for he Pitts.
beret and St Lonietrade. .• 1
Mr. J. 1.. Lytiti, for.a long Units term:leader
of the Camelia, pia Who Met seamen'''. eort.
'n.ll.lwlrh the Northern Lion Pocket Bono-
pact, ko' taken' chaise of he ofhol Of the
The Rue Potion, Gept. J. IL Lytle, with
Mr. J.O. Taunt,' la the nave, wilt poeflively
leer fur St. L o ut. to-day, and Pemeoleut
eel ettlypeti Chou d bear thieln mad,' .
The Uoltimbia vrai probably follow the Del.
aware to nehvllle, and. Capt. Win.' Dean
saki of loa log the Clitelerati and Louisan'.
ifler GU T ‘1 1 .40. . - • ! ' '
The York o wn, titirt. G. .*. Ebben kw..
for clochmeal and 1 Lettismile today without
fat. Copt. Steedleb ,PePPerd sod Um ire to.
seamed togethir In the Ulu. .'
de far as we could learn but one tempest get
out poem - du, atl' i tint was the Halted Quite
0 beater would have left had It been', tor the
wind which keret:dal them from militant heir
, lows reedy. It , : , .. , lepectert that 4everaderlikj
leave tr- Joy a eek ahem, .thei,l te.derCill
' Reindeer, Lek* Nei. a and nonce. '
The Delaware,. Copt. Silitherd.' Celhotte, Is I
.11 1 / l e4 up steadily for Nail:taller; and wilt, be
'.the drat boat out 1.. thi r d:waterier:ll , river.
;'Sdrillai Clauthey te Incharge of the ales. I
. The Leolddert tan It all her . own way ler 1
• I
New,GliesnenW. 1M the Alo.r , iter hi. with-
'llraeremd will !bad foe St. I.oule
• Four hundred &Usti reward!. ormed for 1
. the racer., of the l ,bodlee of tecerge Wrfrer-
ton end It. N. Ridge, lest b 7 the to
flirty Dna. . t. • '•
A Wheeling atinespondent sires the 'follow;
log additional ' particular. In regard to the 1
. dilut e r!, .
lien; bun dilut e r!, ,
brother tereck alike lian itl Web el.
my who w ar on he the lime of the
exploaloo. Capt. Sayre Is putty b.lty hurt; i
Cu Sept. Smith unison, wapt. Duthie bad.
.It burned, but was cOmfortable last night, is
i'learrt:l7l. . It3gt.l :tale l :Td . Zig U le= h eV a if.ll
. 4 , Chaplet luso got olf with a few Mittel',
burn. Ali that seizenalas of the Dean is • !
few charred timber be . a. she burned and
mak. : I think acme of her Weis ht In the . hold I
will pi, Bayed. She had fur thostunatl, are lade.
011,100 this. ea1t..44 Ohio. apple. and potatoes. 1
I and 510tle 1,,; of 0 50 .40 feetent. *huh Is al;
hut. Cap!. Booth tint., about 17 flees' were ' ,
! lost: Al; the books, papers and woo., or the
boll ere lost, to that It will be retiree lime be. I
1 1 1.1. 47:gtte U e2s Zel e.reTp ref,: T ee7o7t e l
1 ard, mot aro more or, teas burned. The Rote
-1 rase hat 400 sheep mussed for .Cialltpelle to-
morrow; also ea.. horaea.• • 'K.
The Cairo cermet:4.lmm or the Ulocinneti
Com...en:lag has the foUowlog la regard ti , the I
Greet Repubild t o • .
The Gat Republle
Great (left New °Senna leith
IM tons or height, the /must amount 'nut
brought froae. hat pest by ens boat... , Above
Vicksburg she met drift to plentiful thee • he
sue 01 has of het tug. to tho aleph/tot It'
order be allow hes surds- to clear the Inter.
Slob. total of ICU lads auger, lab Nile 249
Ist bble tantrowee, 110 toed wrap woo, the re- ,
she.lndor of her earawhelog essurted frelehl.
as leo thole ulcer, to e els moloasea So
Itthe II coadrles fur St. Louis; an /aids sugar, tit
bbla molest. IWA ht.a, T.. hoe eunfinee t
010; IMO Wirt:epee,. Ski tide Mb( do moles - ma ut
1150 to. &MID iron, ea tons md.% for Mo. '
maned; the boluu Ivies f o r potatoes M.
Ohio from radlltOth to Plaeoureb. Instead el
the toloons rates reported. the Great Routh*
reettroil castor po.d Weight; 15 per bid for
molesters to Pittsburgh; em Ir.v . pound !might,
et pet blot tor molasees, Me ps i titi /be forbid..
hilCrulangelt Me for pound (meta, 11.10 per.
l for molusea to Letrueville; gee act Be for
blood frelgts, acid el per bbl for molaseee to
Cairo. Thus +also are mooted from her books.
she proems,. to the morniog. o !
We tetra the (attester from those. paper 0
The thitt:rintt Iteet totont from thc 'Atingle- '
Mre to tratsellirk. halve and aletaphie, lt he
homed, les t lot milder at. CintrineaU tbenmay of the phials
t nigh,. The Ohio, Eso*wht, Ken
tutu hod Cutabart Ind are all at kith imo and
rinost.rePielY, Ulundi Mr a hush More-soar
left rlttabothh yesterdotrofor itioalsottL , The
wreck of Ma T.DO/tlontOr he been abandoned
Auto; eapetstd on the lendevilia brtege Alen.
The new Alcoa puke was teuehed at „lifer.
..hurtle .1 estepier. The W. fd.' Stowe de
scended the Watts with a!, beery tow of ult.
The Tempel' le under from Powbottart. Leo.
Hemp bodes cower,. The let..: Purim. left
ye ert enlay. tellb lilt balei cotton foi,
Evansville. Ten thouud bushels mat hag
antra.] at Nathmlierrem the Upper Cousher
lais.. Thw Ise hemitt realbto the Empire,
from Loulenlie for hlemPtda ht 'Woe lethhtt.
In the Jeuter Xlearesippl,litociday, te p.. a..
clothe[ the latter. 211 . , t0n lo shallow
wet.. end may be! raised. Nolimo
Imes load In ,
owed In New Albany sad Lhoeihnotl emote.
.91, 74krta. .Ihannty 7;-`ll ' : eathdr very cold.
nu.a..:' , . %huge and on !the terse Is dull
let Wm extreme. Yodeled, are very rem., IMO
-. ••• hr. chi, hot:Mt:tat. The PiOssort,trurt.T.
R St Lulls nem:erre, will probably.
Jat Cerro on their , ay aorta. Toe
• Arrived tresterday,and u ..,,,x, c ,
... ware &seta to-morrow boll Pataborgb. Tb.
• Lonne arrived late Jut aught, lead mates of the Anneals. -
The Louisville dberfer, of - Tuesda'
The Imports yesterday lasioded the m o nster
towboat Bus' from Plttebnoth with too,
hubris etc.. for New orteetut the loot Vol
ton Capt. Yorker:for Nelebez and New Or.
{eau, with 40 Pt, baehele in these boats; „the
spice with three Nowa, uotelog MM. Mod.
ell sir. Wean./ the /tub with ha equal amount
for this mute, matelot the opoit. sq..' to
Mae butte!. The li eu tem e tuteetb to
New °elem. with an lemma. low. maw tea
1, 06 1 81 , 11b1%, COO bushel. smith, Fulton tieee
South ttttt boots contat . clog 11.0.800 bultrahr.
teeludleir Knee atom bushels perahased shoat
et hayeee or the fella, at lea, Melling Ike lie
porta MORN bushels. ! .. I
iie-mir . .
CRY Telewntottle Ike, Huette,l
• Loirtsraue, Jannii.7 9..i , ,trairer nab%
.lowly, with. fourteen feet pn the fade.
Weather clear and - 00'd, i Thim te
eighteen degree*. . .". r • . .
, Miurrins.-.Jannaiy o.—Ktyfr rts)ng• fast;
bunt fill. Weitheitlear endive+, cold.
ST. Loom, .14OtterY ik - Olgavication - eta.
pooded lisrsinj bear" its runn
weir Had very Cold. r ' ', in g._ Weather
.".ijl'ilFlttß 011 41 . 3 i ''''..7
14:' °.
2 1
and othai
Pa 1414 up
1.1; Onlim
. ---. .....
.F 0 0 - N.4o4ol—tm,f.i.
. 001.te 'co *Bier 7.E. Immiam -0:
DILLA.W.OO.. '...., C .
4ApiviA ler &bay . * • ".
, .„,,.
i td . : at:tn./Cul .T.U.I;
ortratit4 et WIG io . 0441 •
..fti.vlva4. -1 7"' . • .
. . 14 2 , 1 . 4 . 114 . 4 8,
.., 1 , . Air !d.
Boon. crceisivATz'
Affu unnsyn.ta.—The
rooILTOWO.. Capt. O. reeear..
Iktroye ex 7 / 1 11 DAY. 'lt tblastent,
o eleea
Tor foist. eilreekeepply ea Wised. elite
let • /11.A1.11: 1•••/.1.1..e. WOO), ege..1.1..
011 11.7-Tbeigat
it•locxessL:. .. .. 'desseolien.l.
Wlll abate ort J.U.3 DLYtIC4b In. ta.t.
"YinVO.";TAtteit•••••- Lobed Cfr k;
pea NEW ObLE- fiti.x i daLa
—Tao Sae steamer
Lit12.116.11/1 .......... 2.14 Forobox:
Wit} Lea,. 'ea above aa .11/1, Juairl
uttb. at • • -
I led to
•• (form rm. 1.•
Ple CORD AND _,______
tilnr iza t
fillU/i.rTY• dnisnasmer
lima, rtrtawdj ' ''c.Ds.4. ft.
/. 34 V , ...
Will Mire u at:on:oar/UM UAY, lisn. pa.
" Iganghtar {.lsart apply ma p.m C. \
. - 2t.Cl. riacz, or. 11 Am '
doe - 44. COLtattiiiWbol). 1 4 \
. _a.
. 3 nt3alsrtratL
•- .
' PULTON MACTI111111" tie onsc
4ars 4.mi Waft ae: . a~~lx=
1., , ,A;r121‘,,• r a .,„tgar
`b ll l'l l Vtogit
tiny a P titiMre z: w """'"' ft•
.4aa o • VW"' 1 " um° ri"4
INDA NO AND TO 41111111 TE:
eobpitr e oltralt... un
• * fd , ..ernin •
Liggitirar Anrrin "ii4l
*. a . wV
. a
ts4sf; 12 mad Alit'
piIEICIPAL A. - 1111 - EBEST
For surp - rus atom
!Tee attention of !armor; Trustees, Luria.
roes, aid otadide fent as a casually ssfe, re
liable nod Draftable tra of Dermas eat Wrest
neat, to called to the Lttrixamts end alsittlnnatil
of it. •
Ceatralylifie Railroad
The cicatniaL rAcin.qit M ILILFLOAD Cfni
- PAIN fair for sale their sliT MOBTOMIk
xl3lBrr 76A t . nix Fs* CENT , MUfria
BONDS aul.v b 12114 to Inv.:ma toe falro•rilar
editing other obrioue consideraitoos, and invite
;hi comMIZMOn with the reef/Mend ea <alum es
of taythee of corporate securities
Tame beads are bated anon Chains! at al
and Tamable wart or the %maga Natmnai enema
Imilrean; orMhlo become the wan alma= a!
mak hatualcalloa ma Me renitarttl•
I. The .itteal settlement. • and the battings..
therefrom. Is rrmaglabl7 large sad Crones!,,
tad nun ettiwitmaly
111. The Oarant ar ts (the road pow AMIS.,
end the rematodell aw rafddly Carried tn.
Ward aver dale Lake fv.u...
, 0 7 , 1 1 . , r 4 hAmUlt pan of the means neemeary
ad • prattled by the U. I. Our-
Vl ere Lent up. a enbordinate Deo.
Tag elated abler titles of. California
her eoLtritte ed upward et filmtfLOCOge the en •
terDrlea. WILD°. /lea. • • •
Ti• neer.% et landle deattnal at .nearly
day to prove of far greater menet vT:ate than
the 1.101 or the Dart C rtgage Bands Slimed
,upon the, toad LO4 VID19111C1;•.. . •
VII. Ibis coe d Ito •Iretettier along the rolled eg mgt.., eat Its revetmea
ecorlved In coin.
Vir b . The inehasement et Mrs Company economy; bee distingoistaa ,for handener and economy;
and • surplus earnings. after Darien; of
Lenore 0.1 loterel L are devoted Sr construction
Izi the Interest Pahl or the Contpany
nperl the t onion ea se In ca.nratlon are itss thin
a b:xi/the net esse.ngs. •
• 2. iNeth aninetpat and Intereit ars parttte tx
Sr LP, ender tint., premstons of botnhatlynal
ana Mate easonitirt. . •
This. /Londe tare is inatl of a 1,191 eth. trine
strell4aanal ertid coupon, atletted. Linable 15
January en.'l July, and are •Sered ler tale at 95
Otr chat. et Uttar partaine, sad accrued later
tit trim January Ist added. le carreum '
At little. tee/ Veld
. •
B • rier es . sit. ape.. the Investment.
the i tllonde bialelr to &nen the moat proud
nail Moo among the ton.a - nealattro nee.,
fitestiot the country. and 1.111 be entirely dealt
tentethe money asters In lame.
treld:rs of Uov.enttirot Securities hers an ep.
voiteetty of ezelianesk them to Central Pa
elno *Orlon. an view .I , n' ot totem(;.
mlth the prnelpal abandantiy seland,ind of
...Pelee a prat of ten to Itneta Per trot. to
a 1411.1411.
notere lent tth the !Ude tnroain
blo Been or Patpries Onamparttna men real..
wont.% attentnie. Bony seat by return-R E. Pt . any &inn-seta the (Tatted Mete , . at
area ee, -ItatoneltiOtl, VeserthtleenritaVets,
Non. Nh, nrnlabad on optics/bra at the win
of the Railroad Ettnehen7. '
witztan Pnritemr. •
- And of IBiC l MILIVII. •
Beater} ante/3We. In Novanatent tincerltles.
end Planntal Agnate orpe Q . P. It-R. to., No.
3 Nunn street. New York. •• •
Abet teitoctxxsost &Raw.. •
0. mintacAlir CO..
itnnn CO..4lnsbanh.
. utulidaate b;tla to, Act n ' r nobly In
for fiewarb•raorethaanoiese'u it
Clemeweawealtb e abed rout mad ty
Itoi;=;:1 1 11,:itY:•
W uae s
i ;elm
chi th. dues dth tea e 4 qualified &ve lure, the .
Tim Waed,of golden? .111 rbiet . Or ballue eae
itheLtet 01 eit:eet ,u rteeli to 111/ the satielree
tern I Inmost //sq.,red. twit, nod one
tember for the tall sem , wad fete atheadets
oe Colonise Cuenca. •
recut( Ward—One amoeba' of &lea Carmen
wed filar erne buy of (Naimoli Coo tell
. T flf , :el"...r.Y:''!* mu - " d 'l.l` c """"'
To eta , IffeT47s°lgtei
x.e toir :seamen of Commie no "n
n , rine Wird-21m. anthem of beileet Coin ell
cloth Ifit (me =lee 'r e e C t *, get, ful " elt a •
a ii.
ro leueubrial4re or Coarboa'auu4n
—rot., member of 01ie810a,.
tiVall retratww• or fliaeraoa
o tteSt ' e ' et ' orlle ' y ' oaia .Ut er a U r ! '
tee. ..441
ttyadall ettetee. sad qs Voce.
la •
•t the e pellet 10r be fieldair aroreerild.
the butt. n th day or Junafifi. et. D.
low elLra of Pig PlesaWard Us I m
lbw reedit retrial Han. le .1 erste. • meat
thleit..ll,=Leiititzeogi-dar.d.glail meat at
Wl;',4Th7S:letT4l; MITV:111 l t'lZl l ll
we u.
OThe •Necfiiirs <etas wand finecleee or: lit
rbit, Ward easel run. tale aware of Cole ebbe
ea the Wrier of ...St LAIN
_T rd n! eleelers of ore Cot prtrio el of tree woureb
lieriWe lee Crucial:a Each. non,.
Zeal At dersoo ettetors,
cooth .r
telto. ZsnithePes'irt"tel'=" r.ftit7:
ot c.r.-; In! '''' ......
7* -
r,te elthiold or t Blith .pall mewl we.
oe.r.arlog4=l naive oonerro/ allertientued
W..'loo4lM" ' "
, In acute:ion r 'thereof / ben hereunto
( eer jut:or
pate ed cad law nal or the VIZI el
Fifth Street
sorwto aclslfit;
Wholo oale l ondlto44lllsalifitytts or
Tin, Copp aid Sheet Area Nam.
An 4 re." n OOKIR o WrOVI2I sod HPUBJC
rts ions; il l ) los rose 111 fi ssioe
h i .: '
roil iXTh
Ve4: T fi rl ya: • •=l ' ll
3114.1%.i0aur =mica:
MUMS . IND 81111101118
'Porte; naid.t:rown
9761111111filf;. 1'
tionstx.wir. 004
totallngtsrlettntto., all °Wm Ow large o.
MUM'S edLEI3I/ITED 11116 Ea.
I St4l7ldlraVilitSlTAbLlMlTltlaiiret
RIIIIng2:1::::;11°424. 1 ':: "
TRIM". 110trai THZ
W. U. 61-taMOirE.
llbta 4=l "4l. 4=3,lliXrDgla
•Cirpet 11Age;
K ajr;42.l o :7 l :l l e, LADIZIP 11.01 M.
2141. TM woos leingzer. riteabarst.
'W to
frov. mo t
The Pailarjrmaalw ita trout Domosai
Ova ituLtot latt nay Terohl mows:. ep
9V i jt4_‘"titri 114,70111"ili
• riP•ing,,,,..4l.lLtLn kl_toma. and
Ablidlog Sawa* la Ma use:jabali Uspnt. far
ibffignrett' a ir treliY:ol:
IsTZtir l ntrag.d.laratirsteniill.
roadCoatpaay !MI Mon. tau all at cue. ea.
tatentaapts dual Oa Yes Ix • 11141417 gni OM
ED , ' toot cranausaa sad coattail at
""preE'""ira."l7=Vedatal""%7oll2l WIVE
-111.1:11.,••• me a:IMM "
APO • it.t. PlMadarhall4 "%M.S.
puffing DISEASES. • •-• . .
.osasf rr.l7,.errnsii.l4,rraigt:
r.ottiontArrit ortraiosato;at
:gar ". A ireal.orotra aa ' aii
-Conctoa. "". _ ! Z . !t . ! a " l tU. $ l 4 Lob
sAlramskum or %may Wended.
a% I salt* Wended. . .
Pr. is
rzatti /iv oimeacExraz. n •
X. I attest. MUM:MX& P.
Iterpeare rMAkxs/11.4111WPAII4;V:Lte
At. !::•parsmili 14..crainoctess.
alp mizcz, a t. utrapecta,'
1568 •
as Imo
Bais sad Boit=
traitroad car axles 'Biala.]
Itaii.rOsallar Axles Hascialeyred •
Losessotl Tram.;
,Lecomottre shape, ,
Bide /loan •
Tele% illirspig• • •
;staa 'lleads; • .2
Stessaboal Shartm
titesoatrat ennui% •
Platen -Mods, WRl•gti
ritenam Jaw% ••
4.•Vhirs. te.
Orrics,N ..177 VENN Stlikk'T,
• Pt .ancratan.
Ccomer, Carroll ancrEcuallinalA
air, , c.p, Ulu,ls Virarif
rrzTrizza.a far,
Etermicrrarx or 1
C4st . iron Bawl Pipe,
mwilgtvorg.). - zt:1.:14=7
muivsyso le?. BE9 93113 1 1M111.
tAITPULV:At titg&tratvalt"l
NSW mrismilist
t! "-f:k 6 ;tt
Lindsay, Sterrit & Eimer,
thrinfaottaerit is Importers of
CUTLERY,. am.,
337 muff STREiT,
- - ,
Cor. lisvraarmLor
One .Square telpw Utdon Depot,
Jar /Lime for INCLEIBA.BaI• Maga: I
nErnull witzsi •
mut& co
1111.14 , 107922143 CV I
Eggll l =Up CAS' ' STEEL
toniCruf viD MICR. Of ILI
szmar. ontenmai. curs nal calwa Fri
LL,L.Uori. 0 AND 911.1114ELLIPTIO.
ca=. .Hpran a r 844
Gait .aw l": Ge rman Plow Steel,
am) Nowoi zuoi:
WArebouse, S 2 Meter 'Meath,
%0 tt
AI0.122,00" fi-TR.E42
Ninth Mani ) Pittsburgh
THOS NatrELLEAPresldint.
Tjeums War:. sir u.apa bursiot asd, raft
esmapi.l.l esuell, town tha. W. aid an
acm pre arc! •• .. . •
.Cuair,vl of DeeciiptioN.
~oticp, OilT nk,
bet Iron Work,
Saltnnul CAuttlnicw,
-64 Hag IWJ Caat2:lo,
lasedloa Citettni;,
Gletertil 9Rittnp,
Carson P., 9 , 1 Ward, near /4 V. E
luzitra•CrOaaa Oa
Hammer Dies, Steel Moulds,
1414 inudWs cam, panally,
1 15 3 41 1 :1.1`&1=11
80Xli G. DN1 4V , ... , .... 121.41.3411 •
GriEvrerooo pitapat,
Ing"and Narhperi
e40r.1it7141, 1 17MtAt 4121:
( lugY Ilulnuue.. =do t only.
On lee, Wm Liberty !reef, •
iiert:l37 f % 0: .•.6261, of Music Building.)
• VORT 32'014811NT,
emitu4 WHIT/
• ... T u...
irk.ww:fe .011.101AASCE
AND £l4. MI MS 67 Hari:. (NUMMI.
t o DruzANtr.
tt,'-Q3Vela/bAedin', '' _7 * ! l'llll ' 4" r
NA Alrpolood out old. non, Inn In
rtnarAtt, ilAlflll/ AND INTIIeirSD
coAnnetad ander lAA AiaDaro. Of Zra:
mum so ;VILLA NAIL MAO %Neat no.
,e t t ltTN. A wroyE-wo,alias!
ii;•BILI.D1,117 OD. •
~.a t. *,0r.
Cook, Parlor and _nesting_ Okras,
T IL A 7I 4 't VIIStr e4ll-44
.utet litu l4 r 4 sLuts NB .
Coax irtOves.)
cm,* ace perrehooic. eon.. 6Geelil
Rind •Lrectl, Plt,abu t itltt. kutrues ea Wm.: -
Warn •
lyLtarAN, 88KIE411 CO,
Trotr, , n'ails, Spring& Axles,
u.14.11D dl7. 27=4 BA.
mmrcwte9l: estroet
31: 10 W.A. Et lig.
a •WOW'. atCO4
- • rs
Eianqware & Outlexy.
An am reoentnit Imo% demi tool? sleet
Imo u offerodt Draws is
ALCU mpw - - 177 771.2R.1C7211:3111.
wiser Liberty sad 84 (lair &a
VairFic 4 F'iiisi
m.twmr,4mx= . 07
to Boilers, OR Tanks
Sheet Iron Works, no.
aY~Pettn St ristszpurgo, Rs.
.ONT/111i: frOUROBT
_l3OO Z . 0211406 lIDDrODO..
tab utbm. at-
min tea raw An imam creme;
Pe D4 .I; II : , ...!MINPRINTIZ L IM
te l ulu"'" l "6l42 111127a0t
3.7,14101141 r g...t. «L i ft=
A t ! I. anus aura 04..
Pittsburgh Foundry,
Furnace and and , Oen Primes
And Xuorsl
Cooking and Hewing Stoves,
s 0211ce tall Wareham; 4 r; •
NCO. A 209 Libert*street.
Mee, No. 98 Wallr Stitet,
80 1; 11 0 ; 1 7 111, 1 Erl
• wapz:_poibg.
. .
• -
saums - syt, muumuu* aszrass. rase
Dramaruss , p "
ass, says pass AND CON
• ,
titited PIPES, GABOV.Z74:4,MWthos
.P4lsort nociss AND OCIADDISIMEN;
01.11111.1 liVesks Samar Ilaaolad. Tiara.
sad MM. *,
Pitts burgli; PennOlvaniai
4113.1.k1ars a.m. the tot
Vt.:01.1 atsamE4l ur. meats ..
,;!WORKS ,
7, -
1 41197ACTIMull Qy
Best- vezimon, Retied ' , CA , Feedd
*ID ‘;;-:. •
lazuiraier au, =ITN D 8411(11 MUM
1157 , 131 . 4 a d .I6 ER 7 . 1 1 7 ,
snllialr P : an d iviltvren ts ..t z tvzt
;, ,, mp it r a k itrbAlintste .
COAL SCREEN IlitOL, fj pIIt ":7
NAILS sad SPLICEP. • , ,
Warehouse sod Moe el the Wotke. OBITSIL
a:math:mat lon of
lollLo, the 11.20 • Ou Worts. riu.9pro. anZll4
prrrenvits,n sTEE.Livonlis,
ANtEssoN tooK & co.
usucczssoma Joisris, - s*Va *coo
tkraais, 71st and Volagost. of alt sfaost Ear
flosot er lice, York sad, Sbaf4 Coq 11464 Cass
LUPINO AND NOwthp Jr4cribras,' '
,erzzu, 'mow wiyas, tp.anyog
- Auss.- o.llcOnditlf;
Cast and Ciimmon Plow 45; spOsig 11leiL
Off fa—Cantor . Of /leo Cond IWO effe•f.. two
0 9 d bova tho Nozom,fatela faffotti..
W 112 .•
Engine Builders and 114hIn1sts
Kato to osetcr Mut. bad Liza IttooliO IC4lnol
or W fises, warnultal to eve , saUstartLon.
Castlairs, ot.try deseriptiloo xnadif JO ofJfir •
IbatidNl&loN. e. BORZlPtircab
_NUM*. &op. Cor. Palm Alley anbuque.•
Way. Yobadry. zgof. a Third:W.l. ,
murriunnactui re. !.
, .
. • t
NM' . BROTRER-- 4 !OA,.
1101.107A0,71717:08 071 1.1;070441771/71 07 ,
_ ~. • ... - . ~ - ,
Offse warebinuie, Jari, See.
esti rod Lea till/rag Stree!aff
• • rirrnigilea Et. '
riles tams
• • e4' 311'0011 Sti'o44
• - •
Sad 1444:00 iw 17,1*jytail
agtefig.:t 1►44,
11:11tft2ing t ra$8;411;:i , .i .
'46l4llll, llll4Splaltrillj. 141 , Ir=,:
MONT.,III.AIMC 00111.111)
'BOW Bireiat, ritoh.. 1 4,: e ard„
• atrosii*orrisuar
irrx - ritzsp - 4;434F, ; ., :
Rotunda! nd simee . caikti.
. nonitmentOts*.', •
litumbirrir iladidestiais
W= B promattir uduntlillT •3112*11.
reisaud •
ORMElainni WO=
•- • ;
' MUM. BRIM dt PIRIEIN4I • • . KaavirAtriincis
7 = l : ll l l l o o , 4l,tcaltrerm .
uniee:3B Wood Streel
Irrtrawnp,. inanth. .. • - 1 . 40 4 a •
L R. itozaew,4l4. s.
irynAni. BOILER' 190.1388.4,
MORROVE?11111411111, Di,:
ItAaitAlCllThons o,
~amBCPIIRS, Oa Sens; Aztai4in.
Taalar. Silt -Pas', GLlntuctersi
i Wrealrbtum Sheet Iltrtu Wert,
: . Ow, Ake,
SOH. marry An
1 P.1714811t1it6111
WirAITIZO DONN pwarnir. ,rtplog
. ,-.
r mut Mks nil lam;
'Freight Hoisterd
• Alb Dam 'MG/NEC
, - - - . i,,.
ntnits otali anapuninads walla'
Cletraer at iftivs Lid Itorsi it ..t,,
1 1 0 S In ..
J. PAINTER do SON!, :'
tree, Itabket, Tub and Ton*
. ROOPI:AIVD REM= • ".'1
Il a 4011 , ,e9 ' •t • . .*.___,,,,,,„ ~,i; i
. , !IRON CITY.R/111.17,
a, ti — ut r olinzatt,i ,,
i - Xamigutiscri or . . i ~•-•
piefted.fAuuraostasolatel /It Pena , 1. :::
MlCElreterr 31 31.0317 r.
.1 ~,
0211/IA...WAIk 01.. NO. lIIINAAIti ls
or.. I',
masoN, - P73.IIISTONdk MN:
inear.rarz. newirt 11 .
I I t4 DI N TNITIaIt,I3I4;;
Wm Irl.k sointives. '
zat . Prtnyi ins.%Mtp
+ , .....5tit87 =
Odra"lingiv,ruisoingia". -,
Lit"r c:f rt--1
fr , Tr;id ''..?'10+33111
CHANGE tiff was.
On and after lIIINDAY. OetOfter pi ta 1567. tT
trains tottl leers the Depot , earner , el uteri
+ad ator Uremia. se Delors
eau !firorrlt,
to d Dosi s
Lwelt • •• a. 011 P. eri - .o:a. 10 it
et rietrzoo AeootilocLoa.. r.
Rest Xel reenact •ecoto ,11:1X• •X. ce , A. xi
Pecoa• ••• • ••Al
' - 400 r. ie. II:41r. ft
'today Clareh Train to and
Iftext West
•0O trakete riewton ' hear. x.'10:02
i aprly to .
J. II MAO, Ana
W. Brom% en imutatead..l. .
RtN rriee in.l 4. ( l4 .2l‘ .ltrTralst .th e lie lai l t r :a . :W "" esio C l. l th iY il
Warta And 'mall. SAile.ed 1 1,, C. P IU. L t.
Atiaalle Asa Gnu% Wester:, Rahway.
V. ILEu Qt. 1 1021D.1.T. sad 13,e.orskt,
I. ll .P.Wariter Tut. Ina lo.n. from 441 ,
seta. r, " . . 7 Th PeD.l. ti.nser Uamll And t.
01.14., .4. followsy
lispipt. ' AM sw.
Mall 11 0 ilul trots Pen. City. 7.A. w. r..:Xv‘ar.
trisre. ••• •• •• ' .1(1:t.5T.,.V. COP it
h.dra , 2 . 4 Ar. 1.2. 4 ,0. Ira r. Ir. si. .:lA. N.
re ir e= l V 4 4=izt. la t: ?V- i'l!1 1: II:
~ . ..........; 4 1 . .....v L....... • ....
Mti. lt C.Lnueb ff s 1e . :71 4. 3.11* VW; :II
511 0 ‘....,•arr1T1 mg aw 1.7 :161..r., ot 11. A B.
T.e.praing, loam elltt bum. lat 2:1.. j. 5.... Itt•
4 ,24 f ""' N '" w " k 1e.ttf.1.".:;..,...;;
. .
186 t iiiiiINPRE 18671
errIWIIIRGH,I7. WA rm. A (317 i.. /eAu” ii.
W.. AM. °LSI/ Xt.ASD• 11.7T7a .p • b.,.
"mu liormeet 23:e, 31/4 WM., ...11 - .••'
fro. ALAI item. Att. al. in.. 4. MO/ Sigh
L 07:1 , 111. a 1411,7414 . -
SLlf.',Htlii::#lll:: •RP.W'Tici%;!;: . ;::
mkibtuah Yl' llV a iiii
cti,...911,:i '4 , 1 " li g
Illtnatii. 53"1'
trniNVA ii ti
: fa' •
tI, vIA Y4l:7etia . p g .. RI • r..
tlet., ii.... ..!2. 1 11,, Plits.lll: El. """
./...x.c.... 43711. ia . via Toff run, 1 13 p DI '
I... .s_ADeear.._Apre . • is Allaelitar
Zietl.ll: 4 ' 4 '4;3 .2 fr. VA:: AI l,;21 :2
.. 1/3.1 • .37 PreUrvill• •k , Fad •5
5r,:..:.ti:.;... Ets':?: Mal' Zti', 3 2 LI
Lootodtle , AZ:l 1?.... •. 4 ''; 1 111. M
N 5 . ' all :; 'll r.: a.= :42, IMI
4.4-,..i obiggit iii,......!1zz. ,
, ra. .7. inlivE e . 1i,,,,, rslVdtlelilt •
CLIAISEM Or SIIEZ.—Osk lad attn. PUN
Dee waber Nth. Dolg, %Mal will leave sad aretwo
at Wawa Llepol. sa taSIOw. , Plttstargh lima t
P : "‘".
rut Lisa U. Mr.*
. .. all w.
A Lama.
MWaaal: l l ex. No. .1111: !t r . '
Wtcabenvllta Accomalw . .. 146 p. a. w.
111 <po - w/wif_Ata. Sit.l.. 100 P... SIM w. tr.
_ IllrlCA___-aanaa, a apts.* 'Patel all
=ton . . Afrr/a,wclachw,all wa a. it •
piladay at UM P.
_Trawmeavei , da!lp. elutes? nI
tsstuls:4 o , ww nds,sis.4l . m r ssanclnutt at 11131
OP 414 . 0 211NV/101:17.111. ' ! ADVA3 Uk
.84.241 a chances or war. oat - wawa /ULU:Le/lima
car alnstl. aad bat ObtX alum. ta Wt. /pall •
CZ! ! srist Ms Mann* swan Wan Ina &ma.
w ri l ttl,t h al ?Snell IsS nn _
lifartUta. comma. & women L
Union ot, tsoth side.)
ss.p. l2 oTinta De a p PAlloll ti TniriS Ansa",
E.,..re_r_lifiSl_LLO.Saskszon Thant azwws,
1a... wasa.
the mamma,
gia .. l t fesarn Palmy
a!lawarr (NM an &Malin
UtarfWb=_ idanag. Man .. Mr,,,,,.....",(114.411
fleteponso.l &Una& Priam:7l.l:l PX1146311
=47,7,T.11,4t1e parptoesei viz adi
ttoelani N.J. 2 4;1514X: 21:1 1 12 ' eililele; MR:
import Wo, 1 I:a r.a
liannarav's lt.loPag. latatpa'g Hof. 7,10,04
I fle
thare ranaally am!. nnans7.,
OWlankth jr. r atj
_karat Allatbany_ Jatat. •
L 2,762,L 22,..2Za1 u " :%111,
.1 77.. and antra aS Allailtnan7 -
121.2i42 N.
4227:12.244.? Tlebot•—Par sale an packge. et
ars.Vtin . 41 ".. jrjcg - Z,y.: f i tr : ; ° :
harpablas; sakt good atay on Oa train. atOla•
pt . rwa t ratrazfriZtainfte. e..ta a , t,
sate. direct rounentlan at ..11tat port atlas
Walkar• Lana of 222222 tar 2 / 2 242 ann Bea , '
041ta 4 711 I CUattwltnart!Q.a.t. ISlajtatunew-'
Unn fi l .rni.b.WN and Ulna PePOS..laita•
redarc Street 2,224
We222l4Pelangimia Itatirostr wul not
2 2 / 2 222 any 2122. for manna, except for Waal.
in - it Al+ parnl. anti inntt their raspanALUltp
van asulniamn ADOLLant Is valuer AR MIMI
andwunn• eta 2.1120221 La 72122,1.4 n bas 124 i
21.2 ofille mum.. ante.. Walt ny nodal Om*
Z1311.1.1tD-8. LWIlk
,tienarat Mum.WIL Altoona. .
Nal* 11•11610 .in arms
.Prat. elan VlajpoS.
agnralul 4;us from theealfortros,,,A.
of irsablaslan TAU:win/ hU8.V.,,,V4,:mi, • .
Pail ttl7ftiga :3:i
=IVA: i WaIP• No. MEI •al •Clacinnt Jr... 110411 IN
thactratU ?tam m
Is, lAN
tits." II Wall= CZ Wet:
Zia 3. ~.1130p Pludadix.—.... 400 ,
B . r le . . I . 31 : RP Pail M. -
Lbu 64.4 Wang 444 5.1211 i.
The Musk Ihilins
ria 1741411tMak
a, to. Natattda atria PitiLar gat! LiiQ
a .,
q=II7,MIZV a s atil Qs Aitacmge.alatip
Tel remarmis izagroasieZ24
Nuns. say
„i nt Lot
fl=i'lkalars yaks.
Jug yn,efaml•
Oaf asoantla fa i t.1.1 1 . 34 .
the sirsaroultshptaitvemprolhi
Galas' Balmal.alZit. •
NEW impitass ROUTE
, .
Complollop el ite Allegheny Valley
":iun"n+l ll'lb -- 4".
Cyooothei ;'"bl7
Therldept*ExpeNs Company,.
iray....rsencuis •111
I n ; &Tar ghti ittrbrvi.ti:4l.B4
.twees ftSisV.rg alui the Ott stoel, Wen.
2 . 41,1145 a• woe% "fly for tal City Ladlll Imer•
For - 1 40 4talars,, tatalniot • -
6 POINGE allyin/1516
siitmersurr .11111/
ile!nz Clem Us tut —BT
cli,Olll.lDO, triorfma.
Anuozu. i wasrusumui,
MEW ELEXPOO. :11),1111MS'
. .
! Tyr, twat kart Ili a / a tlas awl Lettftwana ,
dal. Madan. atotitt,) et the antral at , -
%Wm et Rata ilatta4 tram lis. Lode, sad • •
Nowt.' sad sa.teltitlraset honkQidili7. tom.-
, siclttgat Lawramts, 'Toeka tit Waage,
tutu lb,. 111 itst.l:/gt,tsm Atitta offal ''..
wen - et , lUswonli Ilene th• UNITY, nu=
CLAD 114.11. OD .A.lttutiti,(lotl7B
. . .. . -
I alto 4 i:zoirrs nt 'tit" rszorrcriara,
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With hlw meal aten.ttew it lottlai stalk salt
wouthohat t awl Oh insehausta ryas wwii hp. .-,'•
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=data tor ado as .All_ 1 She wrtithial afflewt ha
th• gaited Wow sad vuthahs,-., -• • " - - ' • ' '' '
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otwor nut. =vile... tuttullruazto
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Waren QUEINSUms, boqta
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