114t5trunffi, Gay* 11 1 • s , •GOl7. -GEA.RY'S MESSAGE; xtrab.i, iteimit si s al Liar se of Reprorentattres of . • . . 4h . 4 Ormnoroolth of Pentsruirokia:, .. • ' .Glarmartem—Defore performing the cot. it:unary cuff constitutionat pity of Mem- bitting to you InforniatlOn of the affstra, of .... , the 'Commonwealth, and recotaniesdlng . tomb measures lo your oneenderation as are , • . deemed net-misery and expedient; It affords • me great grill 0 cetlon to teaser to yOti my i.frie s mil t y treetmellon 4 yOtty attlembllne , at e est avernmen sod to welcome . . "._To_u to the Council Chanters of the State. ', . . o- fr wavelet acenowled.gmunts are doetis ,, l , the It-ntdoent - antimr of all emit g fur the wow:lard proeperity atut.erelt-teitec which 1 .. / everywhere, prervalla,' for-the,ahruntenee whichtauCiernertod. Lbw !MOM o( the nee: I ' tnitdc ,,,, iti [petite Mecerathealthseith which / • ...h.:he been slitnelle, favored, sod for I MI the enjoyme Wet. peace, Contents:mut Z Fad hepposets thin our polders. ..: :oar conntry lust mane from lite :•, trials and ilsintera of In Imrhate." ."'' •• . hellion and onion:disponi' period of impor , ',. . must political. stenegle therefrom.. &nag' ennroned ab thy representaLlent Of IL eon- • tiding `constitnenol, vast duties - and re- 1 eponaltddilen devote, e iron you to so l imo . 4 ~ . late nano thu trtte end catuallold Into , COnoWttesl to - your chits, as beet Werth: her; tate wearer.. of the psople andsulyanca . • ' • !Ito heinor of the ',state.' The fattest coop, Mee* Mentermined that your delltenetionif . will rein's beneficially nod your Manila da ' tfes i.e fstrafally. Oleellargell. and On my . • - Inset. - purrote me to sire you amereete e Of zealous coonporation lo all 'your ell. *Motel to promote the general Welt era. One cif in e mestlntornemt duties damp, • !mg coast the Leitislatnre 0 1s the constdera. Mon 'of the public dnancee. .Snell action , .should he taken for the Proslidoo or. (..d. , - to oefray the cameos expenses of „4.x.Goy . : ornment, the preetrratton of the It of - . the Commonwealth. and th e speedy tin , galehment of the nubile 'debt, se clretn.• , jbillllC. 'halt be found t6reentre, Tomer ob. acks re Of the Wiliest Importance :: - and °la a m the first attentltin of the Represents ,, (tics Of thencople,„ The ienrertef the StsteTresis- Urerebows that the hallows In the Treasury November ' ik 195, snut. " ' e rt ..wt. Awing the • • 0..1 veer ending 7.fcrrember m. - IH7 • .6,19, 07 Lona for the redetspWut of • over due bens • ' AOC* Deereelated fu d nds Is the Treasury. enerallable Tote I' , _ rote In. ory for need • ." YOorSod Log Nov. Z,71331.5.56 34.3 . 2.133.2. 22. • narvltst earn da• Oeo7 rclsie Cac - ••• V:lli th l3; 7 2• E rg - IM : 7;!: 04 0 22,0 , 2 2 • • - 'fools, a- tr2.2•72tm23 - 17,211,63.2 72 • t 41.72' 03 L7O • - ' f./nues in TreatufT. 2 : 1 : 1 %/ 3 .Wa' _ 4 . 1 '413 4 , r. Doff.. he . el az,le to {toyer cot of over f aro ll~ttfcc...: . 0 it i el o l:l o l2eti. 010 i Can... 1431%10 10 04 . 11 •-•3i Per e'sm • . mac co $ l, EiY2 23' lie bet rude 414414:4 "" ilia eery les c•lattear 12 Sas Lei, aaelteme/ 441 14 " 4 . 1V4:41 7 44:1114.44. 41,67 " 114.1'417 ?Intel evestardles... $17,704.421 77 !ram yrblen decoct be - - , • 11'g:4: payment etor.,eue • . n I knit 137,11 n IS C=;l== lama . ree•ive, dortar tbs NovcsoDkriN LW.— • an= 1,4 ' That tho otwratletua of the sinking toad - nosy be clearly understood,. dew %following reesottelattonou earned from tire..lllPOrt: et the (X= intiotoncre tor the'sear endLn Sept. 5,14.77: • t • Babliete sinking (and, &O. $21M,..U1 7; Recel l im7n . irand tor year end'. fug ........ 3.3554:0' CO • Dislunalas4ll4.. Pale Interest 'r..,575X30 4.5 Loans um reu . cemed.....1:41,5411Za Trenn '275 03 pomestaacredltats. n co Balance ha tino ' L 737.112 41 By the kith aectlan of the 114 . 5 t of Xay . 1864 a sPr-cf,tl tax of one-half 02111. on Um dollar was eaptclallp set:apart for the-fray , roman( the IntAgett, red•rapttoogrf the-long treated by an act of May 113, le4l, tottatled,••An det to create stoat, and pro vide for =mama the State.. ••.; -The ref . ..dots from soul tumult axon gran receipts amount •• to • • tatcreet paid PI February and .154.111 IT Itapast,lt6l . rfabizteepa toad. robllnifebt.Wovember b , p6tz.,0347515307,2" Assets in tie Treatory„ stu. .oafs of tayd rono o. .. Butroaa'cn ao Bonds a Philane]. —7 - • . pbla and Ed e road Company -. 1,..420,000 Interest on sands Of • • the •Po Itadelonla and Erie Rallsoul ' • Company 00 'Cash Tramury... IW , = St' OiAelletli. ILIUM 31 .1 - . The. tcVe seats Will beavallitie as MS !, , . ' By tha act or May la lOC, the Peansyl. -I . wenn; reiumbit company are to par Co use above Wadi. ilittanst a time. txtls. Jar 31. • , . . 1.120 s srkealone mutton or Use tallow shall 1 .. tall due, add one =talon • annually thetb. Ai ' • after, without Unarm% antil Use whale is' .1 ~ . 7" - paAd.Watan Will.. be Salaam= ltd. - • A -," - ' Mstis tk ort?z ' .l2l,z2,ll, I:t.. rate? 0. •=,1 i . 1 -. . - araro aneroadonad•lo that. emayany, oboe Site deposit. of Y our mailman, or doMin or . i. . Sitar bands,. en eollateral• exult)" for the payment of the arts:m.l bastoa and a dart. '1 . • , wage Elinor runt of dellara was. alio 1 . ; saust.• Them bands are Vs Iss - paid- m tonlY ]'..4 • , - • ' • yams fon= data of last., =id will mattes. 04 • There is always& d*epidtey tuutsiounni tag Um tulactioa Cl MA Soda deaf. between, 4 • .. , . tha l anrcsal proalusauan of _the Govamar an .l. .." iteml - tlesTMI It ' s the stokurri r ciar r g , _, . . • term mid on the drat Monday lc, Seate. , bar mid tad seat of the Trea.vuy en ....i, .: : . ch.\ S o lt i t . t:4ls - ose axo . t t be . e .6 7,C p revent merman a conceal exp laeL . _ ;i ~ • ilie , T=Tian i tle:r be' ' tars C.', "'‘ a u m ." •. - the. of the Treasury. • , . • ,‘, • ' ?ha promputude with which anti of -T • -," • Pennsylvania came tarsus:Mast April and 1 • - took Me Whale amount of the twenty-three . - - mail= fsastAtals bids . being far, minces • . -of Uttrtputtow salilloasj may Dot onsteetani .. a mast. auspicious iermazisatastes in the • . . . Onaada.ltdatory of and Saud and Indicates 4,1 , : :Trost/ coalid tr witzsltrama Nth and S• " . ' " ;laransgolus claimant of thrfrarm e st to • , warmth with plcurtire," In costaananitlool . •_ . .. 4 l n n t Ll= g b" di :lii "- .to 1n.,: :,,,,, of um lieneral. Gavanameut; tor Panna7l- • ..... \ ! , vanlea 2 fla t : , a ,. . gig r ir . I . IL I TCSTAX levied LOA n la ta i l -',.• •• , Mom the Patted Status, tram in au, as nearly tae nalLecate ar do - has bout :. i ..,,, I,..adued r r ift tu . .: 7 l by,4ithealtisramie oflistrini: ,". , • . Stays during Um war. . by ~- ): .to untsequeaco of Mb lapse at timeldisce •. • therentalising • *Wm, ..,...L.i. the i • w all of aultlclaas Micteliera sad =plans .. .• . tsnsoad tneddliactUr of Padang the Pau . , atm, some of them being dead VI whom • . ~ .L. , they should Ms mule, render- Mem unt3w r. .. mans - dtinrols,. acid la; many tstreed . : "" • ',' ". dn.brt., I; and the unituirdistudeu 01 0 onion ;-.. ' , . 111 , - ,onaver Oa Olsen. ty planned and :•,:. ~ . alio rcialti /aid before, this . mums. . ' • fusing fromtamOntrw of she ".. "i,,i ~ tins.. of she States=• perellt some • • of the mail mosdnent alma ••• abatad with :, .. ..-- th em to ossujaaninteed. twos MeV Meat , ' .. . , ,ly indlosta th e path ardaty In th dfacharge ...., Of the EtbaCtUte trait. tile. •• ed prop- I .... • • Or tonsil - year attaistion US the • • that ' durlawtfte , entaxe year a miry large y am of Ilaalr7,ll l 4l.lso . X a trag at the "State , maw ! - -: • Yssra been. Los Oboe a irinolf i'l do . 1- ", , .. um at- popular. asscants'io caniuders ly ~. over roar Millions of tlollant. That It • i .• • - fflometadm7 that theltroldiseportion of th , .1 • • r • . tummy sbauld_oe kept. I. Me .Treasurs , to men the culinary demands upon It Is oh , , • ; '• IriOna; and 'Mat ft should In elLtdralin :• - from eimulation Is a ea - umb r a detricamt • • " '- .. to - the - ".bastrons • of 101. colunilialtY• ~..: : _, A. COlatiortntr iutla Latanoant of oar -- ' ,• , mate a. Itopniasts%Pnpoo a'a=tragedn • :, . Inescsatile. oziscssiesculay. .-swrlccultrif, •.. - m i n amandallotitanklcuis of etsolo3Meats, ~• .1 Tills nadspy.l am Infonated twin gent six 4• ;,... - . 1310 . 1 1. can he lowed . With ampl y marity t • " far its_to-msymeatiebsts teectid;rorbensin ..k . .: m ra10 . 42 fr_rtiM: at s restosabla mutat f". : . Tup.A. k r,;,,, 17. . t .A, M tr h •P ! .e.4 le tee, M, ~ : wound MK onty.be twoulaiii amt.—l ... _ .:. ... , totressam Um MHO teeinee, be; ::,.: :, ' also enlarge the accoauummume for bull-. mop turfman. - .If this plan. dem adopted. 1• - , : abo - wiladifataal of ttricelmulattaw Infalism. ..- by thapsymeat Dramas; Would bit ao brief - , that tt wintlel oat Materiallreffete it. Pith - - Ho w Matta ' " • . . .' 7 3,__ _..„:„.... - TOO' r.4.."°;2114.1-me —woul ~, .: ~......„ Bid /a ter reutictioa Of the 01511 debt. • / . .. .. . . - ..: . i.: ; I, 4in tai . sbe nr t a r gitrillpid cf thoTreasary" lass misfit tiass td aninad. aTal t . ' ir I.' !oardpi 'olart,wouttl avails* tits handuaina ansa p :; - : .•_ eesour Ter. %lawn. Or ronOy the artiol OdnoundOtl ob balaSaa sow In it* T . . .. ( \ s nasal" ....v i tr ~...... prc.,.... by bang in ..., - . A•,. , illar p a tilerinter:sesg l antoratt D 1' .‘, L . 2r, gager , tam. ,t ,er . , IT ' tr . =Val . % :"... '" kc lirldsli 'curd us avaraTis et sey effeent e .• : " ~,.' keeeseed, MU= arleh.ler the Mee et Ma .....,, +-nada: , It tins atooana'arsor sugranged sr • - .1 , , sat for Pitted bralettendartz boo's, mem: ~ ..,, ; _i 'tap Sleeper dint- hatersat in gold; the pm. •.- 7_ 1 - • gia 14 . 0111 be at Um raidorsaccao per an- - - 1 . L. Ir cda.l24o) in=tey..nelodia, L lVr e nn If , ' _ ' -iambi ono boottao "denotenun4 and lamp: •,.:.-, .....Tallatann byJOeg conthananos In the Taus; : . 7 . , ,• . • . .. enerTil ~,,w,i4,,rbri.m... could be put "-..;;.'-..., "•• , :atcsodou Et 10.07 td ir.Traaab4V4'4%°""~ ~,.:...::,,,,,,L,q,...u.,..i.,....a5g empowering the ihate •,'.' --....'- aos PY. and Ofettot l ther Mirry dtharu lat Y :lta m' p r it' . . .. . , . .. . . . • i.; 4 ; "fthas 1:30a liars> halted to sae het .•-• ..,"' then/a:yid Alm atere Thine ewe -..- exery. sevostatoluthdract atallata ealmly au ei rtFell ar ina rt,ttgiel s t e . duties I n t l aid re ain. • ~ , ,1.- .. • f :ftr- su f."',tyhiemrodmgMuya'sudollar!, tine /l= tos no oe. "-•:.., •-•••-• , mariwyst iader the. uniesnli system er •..., -, , seselegitisperullrfocialty; Os calm rands. ,•••" v. -,---, Of Umatilla In ble heads. The olds csours. . • . r . : :sy Mahn useacruatiblo hattostyand totetul. ...!--. .; ; -OY OP the • Treounner. Llamas 'thst, when ,S, -2.llhitte Is In OW' pimping . - MWfOala at dOtlara "..";.-. .illterlimumbect .01; that. Moe. be - V , :. -, .' ,ll Pullns4 to twee= adefaisltat r. =ewe .. - - , ;c0;114 he secures° hls bdadamontbellaiMiat .."..,..-:-.4oeirttleilttey VemildlersAy,ellalaleatrillf e," -,„",t,Wtsito sad appropriate me mdaaes to litts, .:- • wet I • Yu. vesits,:ll seems to eta. tbs. Moms, • _, , , r , , ,' um. ad-Ltd Mato isassloOdol laws, smog ~..., .".. a salaam: • Examples all Ironed an ,the tallibilp of Man/ lila how Irequeldfe .., - •'i aad,audy. he ssecemed bum -Uss - path of! ~.'. ' frardASMllaltioar. , Emstexasay Upton, - .. lad the Woos sandblemm ." %f 6 117•31 e ittit . •• - • ,- 01101 round to Vold cathofffalttlastf : % -.••• LaarroandLanaoa, • The - dealt. for Mut /rapid •.-.. ` .". asonaulatton of wesltb; the thousand s of ..,- "...achmileeprelleatedtOstieltatheali 403124 NF ,1 4. 1 ?MV4141 US ' C1 ' 1 . .. ‘ .4' -- - ''.'-,:" i".. , , . .. , • 1 ::: >... - '' :1 ": r _-__ MMI • tamale. otilfreeerfe.b7 there et th e guilty from penlatimentam• ao demoral ised public sentiment that I may he con. Pidered • efoeder-41mnat • earzola—that Penntylvenla Imago long eacepeo from the calamity that might at any time have bap. peacri. o r that May hereafter happen. by the robbery oy her Tre..7. and reader the scipenelon Of the payment of the tater. eat crawl the State richt: for a dam, Merl, table. lathe perbste t esoes or.'my duty, I kayo forewarned the Lego , et o'd.iger respects bet Seances Orno.i.tilriou mag nitnde. It rraciates for 11 ta.deteratine whether, Ibis doter shaLrbe riverted by. Orotebt and titetent legislation 'inn the Tressnry ',errant against the oortqlenee of so great a nalainlq. , • I= _ . n i report of the enverlatenditat of tito Common School...titbits a foil view,of par Ca system Of palate instrir:, m. ~,,,,,, r. widely cliffeang Ma team re try.. curies e tratiod end 17 istantiel edacatiod to sit the cell:l:tett of - tr.* butte. .& brief tornmary ell PI M an Idea err the i mmense Paditnliont-la ba attained an4-the vast mann t of utettalnets of which It la cambia- At Um atoms of the ye ar the number - of Seel dietricts In the Cuts, Was 1,382; the number of liChool2, 11.4331 graded sehoonr, il,/17; helmet director., 11 fait couhty, city the baronet, superintendents, TS; touben, e CA; ponds, 7E334; the Cost of tuition. $3.• ZAGS No - building. $1,233,738 al; continua. tie., 1033,473 33; Dation, building and cot lAtirgencies,l3,o2ll.s.Z 71; and the ;moiled es. 'ended for 17. all ;torpor. refuting to eth.... 0 .0. ,737 Tear attention' II partial...sly Invited to the want of ondorrett.y.d constant thanite tf books In Ural nubile echoed.. "These mu e Pt or serious inoniventerme and need. iet mica. to min and might. sully Ile ii .., : c,,, mair ..l l :::::::::us et ic iu gug t si be lo:. s2,.. chief al of our system of w a nton chant. is to p re the advantages of an etl t, f the Communirealtal and when It IS oett r e frierdl that lettingen.e and virtue ere the g rincipti externals of our tree Inatito. cro., i his syntem earnestly claims the fog. terms care and wise gallant of the Etat. The ... , I The sr... schools haVe tersely Increa4. ied during the mut year, The einem est bitsbee by the Stele wu datighed,,eot nly tutorial. insticellon Wear Youth I n elements of „knowledge, ha*, wb.rerer ractleahle, to learan to them an education t fan higher branch. °rimming. The nitlpttestlon of crammar.el bleb school. thould, therefore, nacelle every tamer tlr:l i• c Fit . t "r' ll 't e l trlTiFt. ' ,:• " b 1 c ;is 18187 teFril 0 St er ' Tim "' 1 &masts of the poor gunnel frequently en biGro=tlsolerattllZlet wiLhonut good teacher.. and good tete:tars can only be obtained by using the proper me.a to pleura thhm. Itecognialng those facts. tbe Legmlature of liC7 pus. a Stet.. Nprmal school law, dividing the. emus Into twelve Mallets, and looting forward to the establishment, ie tote of - them. Of a Nernial /theist ...cording to cahootsvia lens of this law four of there are n or organised the pmo.. of which Ur exemp. ro la. by th e fan .nation , tPat two and one Moulted .11 elyhty.live stn. 'd ate attend,ed leans dolled .too ,past year, of wet.. fortSsin Valuated. otelagea p or t,hirty fwo auet: bevy mad made emto tho &Moat Ce p ent during the pint Tral, each In. gatttuttelle IiePPIY te. mgr.. public W.; en q common 'cheat eyettera it not competent tr=nue ebb whole work of granular °du .. 4.Btate requires men of generate el Dire in all th e walks Of Wa no null isln t e pnifeashon °Mecham...ll the pert. ti not the nyetam of plied. echoed illf fn. LI n Is one of the winsit and noblest objects rial.. All of the. difiereas Insilco. floes bf leartimg wourd MS etrengthened a. d their usetariess lacteal. by bringing team tOgetherth a closer sewn, Cliche.. . thly can be best accomplished by the crea ilea of • general Department 1f Edgmalloo. tenons complaints have been made con cermet the neglect , of the alunation,of the 1 m...w.:guerttlereftg litre. Vr= Wed to grow and o- ntheo, and when seat no upon the ess world lin to ears:tenet:ix ate better power. to receive Intone of vice than theca of laseatinesa f Vil grggirefl ' , ?+7 1 7 ,, ro b ei tt e e j d t tieri B ch l e t" Loth. uneanom schoo or provid• proper ran actoole for them, and It ehoula be made the duty of common school aoperintelad.te to sunetviesand enforce the execution of the law. . .. P sotomee, oeinsired scams!. illlnt gi a lfe ho nal gletor I:74lVesa'B,'B'thool; me. pp to intlude the Mat of Nine.. bee,iB2l. Tleis appropriation for that seer, estsading from January 1, 4866. to January 2,11./7. nu InsnMaient to Over the aspen ' We is 'r o i f h t 7 einaVier, y g ' lT, * ,f 4 taTtoMb'Tlfir nett approptinthen.ntoter the element law. I extends from . J.aary 1, IZ7, to Jane 1.18.7. wary therelore, determined that ;bete l 1 1:. no legal authority to'applyany In ol 1 d. to the payment of exPen.a Prior 14 Jeta:' I nary, 1337; hence those metered In Decent. bee,/ antedd. Inn, actiomitt. to $31.01e 74 rentan 1 1 I Hon. Themae H. Borrows; who was ap pended Superintendent by my predecessor l contioned In oglu 00thstay1, 197. who., under the act of Aurll.lo, 14417, I appointed Colonel George P. at Fanned, Superintend ent'. r." 4.. C. Comfort), inspector and Ns. natner, and lOre, E. IY, Better, Latttant, was at once enter. upon the discharge or thMr duties by visiting and rerartannelog i .tea schools, commit. Lb....Mee .had swept inc' the Weal martegenteat Of some at these,'ltod to settling orreareara which was dope with coal, {hilly, sad etentaead able prompti present thsia buperintendent reports the expenditures for the Glenn months ending Noyember 32, 1887. as follow.: &Ideation and mainteneace. 1311,183 83 Pari bl ial rale =0 CO Cloth* ng furntseed I,Bllthu . aren i advanced scuools • 43,157 SII Making am.l regalriog clothing cat, a 8,330 74 G oral expense. • e,781 Ge l I[ :—....... To' &menet. from Jantutrg LT. • D ether 1, 10 '.,........, ..... ... 394.102 Of T e etr.scs for the six 1 . months.lrma , baba' 1. 1.67,_ to Jose 1. ifW. are qqp- 1 lea by the $, uperintendent.a. co . a s pilows. La' Thl/%14., iit ativance¢ , sopoole, ex $l4O perenunin.. $1.13,300 CO lthemation andmahatenuce tor 300 children. In printery scarts, at err annum Ed cation and maintenance ef - 1. '0 ctaldren to . lioruese at $lO5 ' per annem-- ..... 33 , 1 33 00 Clothing 1„...30 cLidren, at r.s . Der annum 1.23 00 Transferring pupils, salaries, an.. 3.973 02 u,se oo Irrisi BUM MIME El= uzara tkra,ES7 SI rituiti s te feL ~ stz mouths, ,etttlllr /Lae 5t1,215 Total actual and esti= expert- sea for seventeen Mouth"; from • January 1. IST. to Jane 1. 1 93 8....*837,103413 Or lithe rasa of $449,9Z al par au- .. Prouvelliel deduct total atioUnt Laporoprtated ' for aevcateett • 'toccitba, tit coM per attutte.... 5e.4833 33 .aada &Mr' Isidedleltforgettarnem zectutbs lA -7 attempt or • ......-.; 144561 ID Or, Or, atew the rate of 0M,1n3 re per an- . .; ; • ArliNeweszttatmedueforDersunber, ll,Ori 77 - i.. . • ..... AO le exhibits the tore', eka. •._..... • from December I, pit, to Zane 1,, - -/tr.,e, toes proStled for by special ; • / spencer/admit -.... ~.... ....,......• . =AM Se . ' - • 4 ;l• ..----- • • h; 1 do nit einem it utepponpriabe ileit tO i Istate that It tee bill which had passed the Rouse at the last session had become • law, mg/neap appropriellon of InglAuop .. er &l nen Mike orphans' action I , It weed hme Dees{ setactent re':lntee MCI the leteirel- TTO telifien - for.tho peer ending /me Ist, OM, will be found Lally ea forth= the report or the Superlneendem./ Prom that • open /I report It witheeo be teat there are le on Lo Orphan Rimed! and homes,.hanue inrry -Mei there. an ern: fir two I thomenti aloe hmdred and ther•ty-onie po pliMor the year ending November 1111, 1517, at :en average 'cost of one ,imed.reci and folvtgribt dollen . and forzy.three Cents These saunas .Itaire Y MM:b/Ins rented their- Muth/mon telt/Mr. I etxtesest year. being In'e tee at which theme orphthe ceasn itroba chargeable tette Mate, and theysnll 1 heattforwantl-deorease . 1/1 the following ratio, els/ 334 will reach thst agg Int Mk 313 in 1103,319 in Mk MI in 11171, 4'7 In ISM no le 10:3, 411 In le74,and tit in•l•7s„ ester welch rampbably will my besubre than . t acg la the.,inliottie.. Stank% the . he reduced in Steen pem, as DLL pkopmed by some, felyients-nftli ot• 'the tiltbar now in the Moe. Toed enter npontradol or buttons withlythe moment TO adoillanyti - Catti Gmbh ea einithitte of ' the beaten had Dinettes that Ml' coustunt ly Deter frott Sh4e Lositutione. Ttee *en af thy. Moe eltldrem are !slay/of =se- , mold minim semi. - s,,enie e „ nth . Miele", utho Olkelltilwoul lona eotrered povert y and wantan ie d been 1 d .11 -10 grow op In Idioms. and neatest. -.Zany a wldOw's licanr_sime bergiaddaned by the a r =rirtiVialtarltar" E4l4 :::lllll U1011!1111:1A lift the prayers devoutly Intorno for • Shore who hare not beef wereedful of Itten - Iti .the Obre ef Weir sglinthin. In ott g the igentrbtis disposition St has • slon fox these amulets end- helpless oz p , 'the Legislature deserves anti re-1 CM s the heartiest thanks of weary 'eyed ; Itir all of whom'wjel emitlieby &Poona oo Uanthes of thestMen4atte.•ln shield ing, ?Meador 4.41 i oluestlng thsvoluldtea of oar deedlo,dlersthe Leetellattin le nobly I el Pe ree dhr i r IV Y ' of M . eltarity, or peen tsars 'moment boeuty s i tenth* wards . of trimor.weeltb, and navel ust Menu. I by the blind of their fathers, upon lur MX.% atd guardlansitio, whlcti nut only eie withheld at She test s ts- Of Phila.. throey, honor; purloin:mBlmA pride, and , ivory principal of human ity. . ..t" / • _ annootantak I:olstel.' . The net of Congress, of Julie. Mg, grant. eel latdecup to the several neatest, to OreP pnijrrlsted to the minuteman of colleges, 4 whim leading object It shell lee to give in strantio. lo mantel:meg +Mica m=ister to aerittielture andske =caulk, arts. ilf the rule Of appordommot, adopted -by Con ifreetVADM acres fell to the share of this Coninionnessita. *The. act of Assembly, of Zebres/7 li, DM, apprepriated the benefit of uth wrote of that grant to the Aplenty. rat College of Pertesevants, whist ;Ins thereby Mame sobjegfiterthe superviston abdicate:lb...hip ot the etvet. I therefore Invite four atientiOn to the organ:therm and emuldlon of that leglltialon, SA ware. • Ited by the preterit.: of the Mars of 'mtg. tees, Ca Ms report for the year 1.57, - whiets will en held belorepoo. • Tileoamtelasicroers elelutoted by the Lattelatare fusel the laud eerie' bee. comPleted the wales, ..whica amount- to dice 110... In accordance with the nisof A.m.:Mir, steam/heat tee been applied to the purchase of sites toy ogodsk and gerterizandal Yezine.. and the residue i l i :hze t r u nnal . l o ol a lrapriet.) y le tlallod figtes and eM3,40 in tile Zenasy l loolla Donde of 11.7. . The MOIL, bee been tboronghly norms. leolit order to =Melt fully respond tette metals' and requirement/I or the ant of Coro mm hDd to the ettiontorni latermeof the tottlastzlal classes, and tomes theseende it now dyes oaunes of Invermtion la gaceral entemie, agendum, utesottvcc-al and civil engineering, • reetithurgy nod -mining, ancient ana ettodermqtyroligek and mile miry teetles,ereploylagamoitycomprisinw Amtliefeseare setlitwo introators In the college eeelerement ard these niarructsars In' thY grammarebterprise school. This Important "itlasal. a' the intemests o agrletitare and t I he mathenittel site de. f semi fans:aye Masklentct. . . • - • AnetewifeeeDretterationizt thele Of team is a porserratly• agtlsel the picambilitin antlirettelea of war. .Thisofiropeated t er lon traglenuf4i realised before lor.whe. It broke Out Itfouad ;theW utaprepanst. •OieniltieeZ eae u o t te warnmae leis d Itr be t e r nh frenendeonuethoug oftree y oktnndretn ofththoocoun gau y •tfAlen, sad an inealenendi mot= of set. Ming mammon, would Math inns arlets , tri ultp 4ert 2 d h win,ll net Inapt ri ' bean Ithaca. Its usetitil lesson,, Ir bee Utah - .tie annetlity of artlnthigtO pritotit• •ples tt_Mltelbe which we time attlyhatt. rateloWired la ihnOrlr. ii luistaninetlnilaf '.thonellade ref leaz young enta in the salaam ofaming themespieica 'ens . llo47 arlinr Wider May itafeyee ranee oa any Math stomnpmey, - aud . jmell Wei Wlty ter the establishment. of or. =l;miss win:lmM 1111111 - amil MA. WO bessitemerp r re, Frau. . .. ..,. . .... . . jag -Itself of there facts, eigrald s;!elot ere] and.e dictate system for haeresaln sea regulating the vorantser manta. The law of Ism, Omagh excellent in many reepents, dorsnotrosetCtiermulrentmeof the time% and alterations and amendment. are need ed before It can accomplish alj the toutem plated and desired ottleete. The tribilmum of menneceseary t d forma company 11 en tirety toot.iith. - an: ha many places where zmaller companes, wre l 4 be formed. It le /Pi missible to raise them In aeourdanee with thendlo eetablistied by th e ant. from . te• -rePorkof the . Aeint.t General. It will be seen Untt there are now bet thirtr•eight uniformed COMPellieepi the Mate. tome rts leg oely abort three tdonsand men, whiles the reggested aMendments, which Outdid be made as early Y txweible, would I AbeleerifnalretiO tendnn„lo ay destrat%l, teat, and to renew arid .heep cive t our soldiers the Drond etemorlee or tee ger vice pmerre it's Military ardor bOrn of oar iratl Wriggles for nsiltutal eltstenbe. • ' I . I=2=El - • 1 . . She necessity fora new linens!, afford log ,a, piles ot ewe deposit for otdromes, ord nance stores and a maralue, lino °baton Alt tO MIIII.re nothing more on my out than tomtit your attention to the subject, and to ash that authority be given anon apply,- prtstion made for the purchase of a site an . for the erection ol sultahle bald:nu:or the pnfpoSo Indicated. I, • L . , ..... arrectos Stoerirnr. ' Agreeably to the requirements of the set of Aesembiy. entitled -An Act to nand. The Urryernor_to transier to. to, BAftiOldlll Afonument Camtetttee , unserviceable no condemned ordunce," approve/ March 7, tee; I caused theordnene to no inypeated and turned over to the Committee for the purpose lAdiCaLtel APO condemned SU pounder brats cannon. weighing In the &a nnum tarn thousand seven hundred and forqosight pounds: i =! In 1164 the Legtelat 6re readout appropri ittlen for the PinPoee of having prepared end published t complete history of the military °Perini°. of the Stale la refer ence to the tate war. MY predecessor CD. pointed Samuel P. nate*, Zeu„ for Maput o.. of consuMmating. thee. preview.- of that act, who proceeded to collect the necessery materials 'arid to prosecute . the work. Although the CortutrY lees again beeit're. stored to peace, the people.oentinue to feel a deep . Interest to all that mdates to the struggle which so recently. convelied the nation. In the prosecution of. the war Penneylvarde, a/ way. among the trot to answer the dreintrre call, gave addliwam evidences Of -Der deNot ten to Menem:A to the nation% glory. itiver three hundred end alety thentmd of her eons stood In the . .maka of the Union army. Many hare fa no. and nearly thirty thoinaad by wounds and 'disease received In Ithe Dell, repose in dente. To coremetnerate their heroism, to acetone their •namos and perpetuate. the -mimed of their deed. ere among the Objects Or Ito work •In pomvess. In Its pages.will be found an account of each and every oat tiery orgeniestlon of the State; the odium and metier whom they were the name of every Individual, with his place of r,,,,,wence, time or muster, date of dis charge. and the special - acts by which he wax datuieuesland , as well of the deed IX those who haFe eurvleed. ' I 11 . 1 a6TORTATIO..11ETWITNIST. The t hemeDepar of .Transportation, cre ated during ar, has accomplished Its porno., and ceased to exist by the deter mination of this Legitlatdre, expossted td the approptiation 'hill; approved April 11, The .report of, h: Superintendent therm th e that Or the year Milne November 30, lies, the whole number of claims settled and paid was tight. hundred 'fluid eighty two These were for the dalatermtht of the Dothan of deceased Pennsylvania Bal. diem on distant bultio-flelde and traespcx• tation to the beeves of their relative*, and the total' expenditures were thirty-two thoesthd five baadred and thirty-alne dollars and for* wink There relearn en. Clsettled me, hundred and twenty-three aims, emounting to aboin tour timpunna 'donut, for this pey meet of which sad some unsettled transportation, an. appropratlop of tour thousand flee bandied dollars will be required. All the pelears and Omen*" of the 1)e -neriteent hare hamitraoaterftd to the aim, of the Adjutant General. During the war a State Agency, for the gramme:ion, adjustment and collect.., freekd expense, of military claims wee es tablistied at Washington, for the ' minuet* Sian. of which the Legtelattire with con, .mendable liberality, has annually made the neeessary appropriations. In Jannery lash COL John If Stewart, of Allegheny - county. waasopointed Agent, and Lten,enent Colonel William A. Cook, Agenda.: After a faithful sod efficient pertorm.ee aft& oaths until October Slat, Colonel Stewart reshosed ro coasequisnoe of domutic stiletto., when lkdonel Coon was promotea Meal the position and Lieu: tenant Colonel J. Copeland appointed As. Wow.. , • i During the year end ng December IS. DV, one thousand.ren hundred and ststitun claims have been geetled,and threehundeed and twentyone Treasury certificates eel. lected, amounting to igites3 tr. Two then. mid one hundred and twenty...tie-nee taus 11103A111 unsettled, the most of watch Prebabie be settled by the Stith of June ' next, at which period toe appropriation terminated. When thls ls exhausted, the Department will have doubtless Intalled tie mission, and the documents and poem eon be transferred .to the Adjutant General's The reports of the Contra beginners ape' pointed wider the sot of Ida , ch 12, ltdr, to investigate the transactions relating to certain cemalarleeare herewith presented. The work at 'the Gettseburg cemetery Is progressing, but with less expedition than was contemplated, in tonseqrance of the dthicalty Dios rte stub blocks of mar ble sa were required for etatuary. The appropriation of three thousana dol lars to the cemetery at Antietam has bey% withheld; as It appears from the act of corporattra by tee ',ablator° of Mary land and the resolutions of the Board of Trustees, that the rebel dead are to been. terred within the enclosure. and ;to be .honored with the same memorials as the Union readier% who are there ended. The chetahs has evernrevalled to epeeist , ly honor those in death who won special honor by meritorious lives. The mono amnia creemdto the 'memory of departed worth bear ample testimony, that oar people have nor +sett unmindful of_thit custom. Gat where were such memorials ever erected far men• wham actions were infamoue, and who perished man Ignoble cause? Who would glorify the tremen of - ll,nedice Arnold with such monument. as have limn to the mernmy of Wantituatont Who would dare to in the loyal neart et . this nation by dame to lay c side by side, In the same ,Impolchts, the ,body of th e sensate. Broth and that of Abraham Lin. mini leo loyal nut would take the libert ies, Wire and the other demons tharseee , sided over the prime dims of crobity. marratten and death, and the ereented. ennspitators against the at against chief, and deposit them t 0 the same tomb with the petriolle men who satrinced their lives In battling Mr ..thl tight lepton the wrong," Yet it is preceded that the tore !states construct cemeteries for their berate dead, and then desecrate them by the burial thmeth of those Who prommited against the country a warfare which for he Mated. low ferocity is without a parallel m the Idetory of. elvilleation‘ end etch to erect sneriumeite td their memory. Carry. oat tae Derreare and what inducemmde can hereafter be offered to the loyal Mete SO e tt i n r it - = . 17=11 7 5714= . grave Will be honored. equally with his oval The nose of the Vaud p este holy one, while that which accessed tt have been its convene. To ems, aid/ algae ,the glory ,beloosa, Ws via pep a, sir al 41314a0112, nt =eased against loyalty. it was a eaittest of rebels, who 1.1014 base drained the lifithe blind of the Govemament which had teetered and protected them, against Ice patriotic Mu who fought to cave it tram destruction. It was a war carried on by the defender% and promerters of color.. IfiOn against their:earn and Metre of liberty and thethroontryb Integrity. While there is no reastraatte Abjectly* to lianas deans. seooltore to the rebel dftd. times.who,conelder them deservbrg of how arable toidlreoulale 'hay oestrus them. It Is our ditty to reader honor only to whom we belles* hostarla doe. ==ZMS72MMTI The CoMminkmen appointed under an act of the legielature, approve' April 111. ISM "10 matters for, awl supsnatend the erection of a.illantonent to the memory of Maryut of Pumarylvarda wbb were elatil Cr lost their lives in the late war with Mexico," havecontraeloa for the erection of a moan. meet, In a prominent portion of the Capitol mounds, and the work Is progressing as rapidly as Com i circu of mstances will permit. The appriaon Marl, to Lt tho C m Inaltel, iS inadequate for 'trrop ti ot,Trt coistemplated. The lawns bid for th...Strwot , wee $O.OO. 1 : loin the Com. ou.gioners. therefmw , . e rum ad dtti..4 :.irprepristliiii — eTZI74 7 tbnalland - GOMM; to to Midi er so much thereof es tak e y be neat:miry. tooomplete the Under- TM" , PelribtlSM *lll dinlbileas give a favorshieresponeelo this releemand the enlightened people ot the Orinaicilirealth, Mang abolre Selfish and partiasn/teelloge will situation sorb egneedltnre fat the erec tion of, this tonortate memento. ,A State that has teen prodigal, of her millteas in ,ge psessayees the employ:near of bar physics" end in the performance of • nettle tad • disinterested act which phi ropy amid sameat, cannot forget her gallant sidnia who. sufferings and san flees for their amentrg have severbsinfolly appreciated. 1 sad whose reniallsis me se ItMOtigstranyers, to a Wale. land, Wittetit a stone, ilaniarar rade{ to lodinate their last resting places , * distinguish their graves from Moos of their fallen enemies. - , • • . soma. or Darialia.o ZOLnialta 115E0 nal: • altarlia OltrilotT. • . — A communicatfen from the Board at Ilan. Mernof tee Ilarrisburg Cemetery is hero with transmitted, so which which attention is invitee. The melees of it treats, relative to war ,, Wo r th y ased soldier. daring the lat to of legislative ... ... .. .... edairrosts INSTITIITIOIi.. The reneelirenth Ia Witte for the Deaf and Dumb. the Inocltu tor the Inst.*. nortoirthe Bluth, the y ?ntish Sthool tor .Yeablehtleded Children. th e Northern liosoll for Primness Children. the Houses of Nene, seven / laters' LlDtheil, and alter stouter eh. , which hoverer-aired ski from the ate Are, socordlog 10 the revertant the prlnelnels end thoerintend. )11tf. all, in their el derent spheres, ahem.. .tlatnnx =net good fott the unfortunate dame for !nice* tone= they were eatab, . • . . • Detailed deroulite of the afWn °tate Peansytranie eine 'LuesUo Hospital, at, Ilartletturg. and of the Western Penney Ira. nth Hospital, at Pltteburgh, Roma In hereports et dedt. Both ththeese t r th us et tee u t sa n d s .suAeltleo as attune in the State fo the can the in sane, ere crowded. The In finnarlea for the hospital at Harrisburg: for which appro. priatims was made lon yen, with a large number of additional , wards. hare been created, sod. will be ready for occupation duringthe winter. A liberal appropriation 10r the Western Horpttal was neeotto in the erection of trulldinge on the Ohio river, scree mile, below l'lttstrtuth. gerom. Dumont Hospital for thelvana. The great Uterine, of gogolatent renders necessary the establishment of other Institutions of thls kind. It hi animated that the ratio of the Insane Is one to eYerittorue led persons and en asermilng the pepolatiou - the Male tribe Mond three mtilloom gni hoe rited tbeessand. we 1 1 / 1 r• about three than; , sand fire hundred imago The bonntals In the Mate mfford secommodatlon for 0 017 two thettett Hancethere are fifteen bun. arsod forty ise provision •Is made, And mum of them ere languishingin the onstu-. IT prisons and almshouses. 'Revision as Tel men con*. Porthant So the drat sftUosz of *jetzt te eth:Men of the Legislature; approved on %bonen of April tan, Hen. David Derrick. Wet W. IdsneY HMI, Eel., sad Weyer, were eppoluted tr, °turtle col. Lie and digest, an seek seta and statutaielf Use /OM code litate,M are general and .perntanent 1a • th eir tise tare. . - Tales gentlemen hate consmeoced 'the UM* assigned them. and front'etiteli the fellOwsag beneath are hoped •to be liras. Tie &am:Mkt:Lot the iplundanalre. anhalana. leVettUens end Loccaufatauctes - derma The Teaming el rmeral law. a imtithetutat bar the Innumerable Meal sm. • eatasortdra los many years hies oompeteen alltrallterebe ante of /um_ ' relay anateos. trglie meltdown! . the Leatalatureto the eat a generlAlreetton.-'• Taira The Goat • wen llta warts : TYP7 tenntril now •Imined eTthlaelpela .• • • . rnlirsEußgn bArLy GAZETTE 'S I VE DSEBI),A.T. , • - tier/, and which. it libellous% will trestle redlerre that u bly ecreutug the dement th' tar syn le and tido white:eider ' oirooMelity rLe considerauon of the Dlitlielliteraita The gentlemen eotprielnt the commis wires have propene e large number Cf bills. Most of which ull he Lid before you at an early day. 'The meet ImPortent which the onectmlasioners. In harmony with air Own views. are of opinion thould is anew early url femme/. artless of the fegialaturn ere Abate relating td thrpare tiong.theintm. public) highways, redrome, endecce and intereet. Tee others. withi perhaim, a few athepttOoe, might be left unattect upon untill the entire work of ravish:m.ls comedeted. The enactment of the [bill on author:trot tato • law; at an early period of Mae Soul emit dm:Lettere, BeITO to rtniroat m en lexislauon that might be called for or, eubJects which the MU Itself emusanylates and for wroth it tubas ample Omelette.. The bills relating to the poor and to pantie highways elemand their extention, as:helium now Inform...on these subjtela art a, Minter°. Ind divers'. hest tbat oftreely atl Wee ties. ledhe nether' eccittollod bide athse lace, lt I. earnestly tow desired that they receive the earnest omelette'. eituctitin of the L r l cem hie loiters desire, to be alinwed.' soar as porelol4to mpletetho work and oresentlt, es a *two land whole t rather thth•ltt detached „and express their opinion relative to 0 Sate requistte tor Its eatlaractory ernapi tt . Tbey ask • repeal of., moth at the seetlon.or the joint 1, 4 „ resolution as emcee from their labors *.those statues rev,. codified and matt. sid under tee reroltitth approved Muth =, la” and ameniendin ut of the Muth tee. non : so as to littatta from .3wflo to dovirearethe time all Owed tor me pomp!, noes of • Lb. work. Tea proposeal.unend month will give them smutted of the whole bathed the statute IWoeful limb allow. thee of time as they d M necessary or its satisfactory ravine.- tie ea:emulation of ear failthe et sautes, tiring a period of ii , nenit two centuries. can , oily , fail to, present a contualen w Ina "It ineluntly desirable eboold be correetedi d the only, practicable mode of se Mph leg thfis In 13 . the mho indleatall by. I a rule' nun of the last Legislature, and 0 nog cadence In the gentlemen slimiest for chit work, It Is doe, to teem. its well the public. that theltabould not be res Mal, either as to' time Or be eZeeptione, which would pre- . went perfeln and d la untediament of ' public natant. . ' ' ' The teak le age of ore* tban ordinary 4 magnitude, rabid:leg dellberate Mulder. lion, enthral acumen, and unto' £0109.01. i0n end arrange mea t unto', with Ingle order Of talent, Were attatameute, leen research and energetdc dustry, to Wizen It to that pet fection ethic!. 'ha importance de : Mende thd the Leg lalattire Intended and twill dinablleth expect, . - 1 , fez t ii. •. . . • , Ths [Auditor Genera a tey of the Commonwealth and S Treunrer. op . pointed by the. Letielat re at its lug ees , nlon to revise and die t the tax laws of the gthte, have diseharged that duty. Their othort snit be submitted ate early day,' and I spin, b Uth‘ or 4th careful deutunta ' . 000010 armee 00 saw - at danfath tints • Tout attentio n Is also initial to the eete of , May MIMI and April leM 0 , 4.4 Pat. , Al) reentries nubile notice be trivet" of ! the synth:anon for all prim a acts relaung ' to rest estate slid for uni. of theetpolution. The wisdom and punks of these are mthi fen, and their enforce: cannot be M- I .111I1JpIliala benellelll. . , A . . 1 '• LzstaLit i it wille emotion amsahrbills *ere hint ma ID ch large nturtbers of claxenswere, deeillt firtlittel.. trnsibility fir . weleh, , a. e , th e ad mot. but few members could be fon illiddto es th ete, or even to adadt any k enitedge et:their ' passage. • It is expected that every Impala. tor sbould be acquainted with all that 'ls traartitrins la the legistlithe hells. Re Is not melP .theeseti_, atetTo. Um rapport to certain billevelch Pent ailed Aolie , i ) n . dl t flel ugh ttrt lon. tit . l4o ,7 blS o tn t itlttg have a ungejur r illtglge the 0:0110 l: ; 1 Imagism:Ty wrong 0.0 belen.done, Is to am imomlislge is Irtn r idf ettelniat i r the tram reposed by Ids conentnente. no be), the authorship and knowledge of woks has been generally disclaimed,. passed • Nab branches of Anneesol7l', and *as sent th, !le dee effm.', w ith the signatures ef tee proper 'anthers' feeSheirtheurre ardirothi. i sad in eeseral insishem Ittlat were:fused 1 sad neat for approval in depth:ate. Ail meth ' hasty and careless Igtlidetion ehould he. avoided, sad the mule of the • Rennet, to now about ioommence be enabled at its close to glee an amount their partied pa nen DI etery Net, NI. ir er Unimportant. 1 The Legislature. coming to It dome torch from the rusks of the le, ohm's' Man f ' tfrlr II l a irisaele' re Ortt e t giro irr ! tercets: and any u extravagthess or ptodlgaltty in the expel hare of poblle I mon t ' n?lt re Pr ld7 :t i t bi t% to l isr . Mal plot :LT . lg 1 number of - atibtedblete ofilosn, Is both ' branches of the Asserathits were appointed, to whole Must salaries ware 9114 , and who ware Immerse= at their lignated„tonets, and reseeded no monk* to the iltateT.Thts practice pa teen eMettanically condemned by the preset the people.aud will not be roulleeee t* emir Lettletar me whin, mean. to acquire • reputation IC r a faithful. per formanee of duty. TonrattentLen Is re. epectfuny labium to that/Mon. this sub ject as :contained in *acetone fifteen and eigh te Mlleen of the act • ale the Itli day of HO. . ARSCAL Aria*, Tleill. , Tour attention Is direete to the Drunks. el withholding th e ant app ro priation pro .. bill outfit the latest mote ts of the sem Lon. le the public estonation inthorunice I. attached to this bill, an no action orig.* Legislature taidersou a, closer or more careful ecruttay. Ma provillorieconeern the me entire community. and In their enact ment too tench caution meant Oa observed. Lest yestr the appropriatirch btli was not Puled until the mat. Melt lithe. session when Ulna harried throh both brindle; of tee legUlaturs, and 0 0 the fol:owing m . MOPE pointed for ...oPrOral. wltlitint Wfrording time for th e neceeary Intantlsa e and auttlectiag the . Executive to the •Itiu t nallve at Planing It with all its lather. fectiona or enspendlng, for the ensuing year, the Indisornsableisteetts for the °per. Wm. or the State, Cloearnamet. It Is, 1 tberefare, earnestly desired that ['tempera- ! priatlOn , tall M taken soni . discused, end passed ax • thalriontly earl y period awing ! the seasion to thto able It olive. that the ough enuninatma which 1 importance de manaL resocuirnmerlsm. * Ulm ' Vary ', corephatuei eve been made j , to far many yang past retails' the dismal !don 'of th e debris which wally gamma. lates abont. the Capitol. This theme to have been retarded es legitimate perquintes of certain &Machete of tlielMeeral legislative and other departments,' Sad hoe moa.- {neatly' thst ter pracFwzbich should be . preyented. It It gl 'thimble W.I. wet,. has One been t iff,,,ieb. alialen of and ePPlted: Ps pillow mai** 'mid for mere nominal! sinag'Wed tbe lielrence". l4 . 4 privately appropriankl. A Mum s .f.lr tut evil is tO.s/101, AO poseiall Whatever to any of the employees of the govarnment. Salaries, ye r d, •Xlient la all was tor the err. , f oe reneered, ettetildise approprtesed, Iss. f ond width no other oration thould : t 9 lilowed. The adopeice this principle I week' remove the tine for yams men in the' departmemte rebut to im. proper masa* All the lie rsterte. 1. ~Ing em ti, a c xj II e elle. I 0014 els, sh he platted Its CUM. Of the saWlstandfSt IppOlntlie for that plalStmei e , •P for his ksown Moth ' nth god crociand capabillty.hedMlSlred to Cl'. IZOIII.V 1 "°` TgairtliVti material not seeded ,for p bile use, the en. :pertntendent nevoid be ulned to tell 11,1 .paPLIO ile2a, and pay sta r larseath to 4 . [telltale Treasury. , • - , _ ia i , Lamas. ISILlas, LAW) , _The enbiedt•iii td' ' luffivaii u. basin:li be= agitated, and although It has - found opponents, Pat fee DON:dons kays keen anted artiaatlt• un a:Wm:mt. ••• onmulsteth it/ taxer. I:perste : MlTlble Mist thy P.O. r eon roan (holy its Adoption: whilst Its ben i s May be *lt by all classes of citissus. Evan the dartered tomosales have no reasonable grounds for 01/Poeltica. Tao Inteationi:tbe proposed Ise Is not to deptive the of any vestal right Or fothehine, bat to' ore tool hen • Ye am e privileges and o oratualtles for cm•POtitinti.,__• It *MI 00-a VO , aimses to distant audnets ; improre vulle of empathy; &the nee Mara to immigra- Mmtl Itt: Iddithnlat lands tinder cultlve: Mao; stimulate undo, mix to factures L and mechardo arts to thre,ersisamann l ' energy{ fornith.grester inducements sod facilltles fortrate4 sad add to °Opener:al [ prorperltY. Other litotes have tried the ex periment ;with satiefeeto4 result and 1 there Lenses/au Irby Parer vadmenould 00 • , •••••l• in OM 'trend Man. V . Fr . :: Vaal And r. - . , . MeV. to th e Inapartabc. Or creating add'- : Cobol railroads On the free hrinelpit le tbe. reduation prettMgat raressig Ito audirelaht to has !Multi ritUe. e mai . wheel „... t onicerns titer, ledisldrial. Traimipettatton will increase la ahead* I worn". to the redaction or le amt. es 1.110 faCIII. tots acres. and the o decrease, th e more vitareue IMO be the evelopment of oar industeled • rem:tree& • !roads mall derive more Wag t tram Mt" than tonna". hortatant ellaripm. The Ifv* - altAla Of travel and ftelght With ba vastly outer than the therms orezponse. The transportation of •,..... CO east ant little loo n than that of one Um t empty. In t he matter of pan meagen alone. It Ls "mean le to sip: at*, that the loner the rue* or f the greater will be the somber at personate srallthom• ' selves of the pralleteof mllthael tramper. : ration.. The Sarno IS too. in regard 10 freight: for tan engine that draws... half- 1 doses* cars, ma pith surly' eticallthlltty ! propel a larger mnner. „Moreever, the road that lemorked tole tamest Carmel ty must neaseanly, at very lased noes, an quire master _prone wan • that :runs- seas but A smell proportion he tomness for ehlett it is competent, The .doptio. 0 ; • system of aniforto VMS IfOr passeassrs Sad freight, so graduated es to , oe profits -1 ble test/ Immediately Interested In the ner: ' esd conduct of such work., woeld be yro- : deeds* or dectded imemsnat to learestin a the : Primes Of Mood, shothmg. fn set all tn. necessaries lot fife, to eery Wizen of tie commonwealth. - I ::,'• • 114011,12C1 narSal?CrlT. My attenaan has teen celled to the sib tem at theetranee, Lad so Important, does It appear, that /dam It earthy al legislative emmelderstlan. - Mita l uzilsas or darters 1:11 now tnvoMed, tbo ti ltedUn States. In insurance. end the t belay reoldly Increased- To hoard the Interest:lo( haw rent our latss an Inadequate, and theses:: tore need & theraugh =lain. laws bare es been taraished In • of oar sister II WOO. and 10 alaceeserul ha been theism,. math*: thew the Insurancet nnotatthe am, log under them command respect and confidence which_ le iota tended to these or pennalvenle. Whilst . 4 i.,...9._ Loner Per ed tne trumninest boast •of New tort Is done In thle eat, mmeor our camas elm berth recentiy almillebedi War mummies in New Tort. berateme,• an filo say. so ono altal tail* will Mame In sr Iminbt amps, : Of, In emisequenee of Ye 1 ty of mar ms. "armee 15... The po li ties 1 many omen- imtloaa, nodes our preeen law& me al. 1 lased . tr. Le WOrt2dOsti sad % bough inky Sr. contlaually :fa ll ing. en of similar 1 ebarecter. are • startler( foto existence. Within e.• few monk. eve Sr. lummthoe companies bays failed, an of 01.01, bad I Issued Wink* to over One mullion of dol- Oi hue. and 'auto redone ottona are of frequent Occurrenea • • In Mere Of them facts and e costly mops.' tones of the people, I won d noommetat the establishment of an Us nude Depot meet, eimilar -ter throe In ;few Tart and Messachusetts, that hull late rupervl•lon ' and control over all armpaater allowed to minuet lauslaeas minim Mb State, lash enactment le Malted far the socurity of 1 our enthrals. :lllMlllirs of 4011ars ate paid Out by them ItaneellY for Matrutee—mush te SIM nada malt area all toreador It liatmeellthe for • orient* Individual to [ know htimer, Ile eons yto - ph:cake pays Is or It not Min e. Careful sayer. auk., .by a ettperitdowan ai ppojoles by law, and publishae neon. of Ida .eame, o i under Myth, wend prevent pal to .. and Tile mestrityof the mum themselves require an Lasutheat De eat. The .people demand protection m Ignorance, fraud and lultelvency. up 4 she no. auraricelonnda'we 204 tam a peseta/ thing..Pansndesela Mumma ease ee are: ptruing ad IMAM WO reptS i na = IA Abread, g.ta• keno and hood of Um State. ' he porton of thew°. C e.d menum d. , r i d b. lalt " =? " italias, to einZ . a. 6141te, karats asysT .. Roil prevent its becoming • •bnribea.to the Commonwealth.; KLL • . • . . Comp!abatemre been laid before Me 07 . the tonsumera of,ges In our large intlea mad from a ,sense of gory and respect to them I lay the matter nefore von It Is .steed Ora they bare no alsnral or toiio.o4 tory mode of mire,, for attested Impoli ticne of the gas immoablea To what at• tent these complaints ate Mal: Would be diftleutt td esormstio, hint that [bare Iscause for some of them may properly be Inferred from the nomber. intelligence Mid respite [ability of the prams. by whom they am made There iv no reams why such estate of Wigs tbduld continue to exist, the people, term:me their representatiVes, have no ease and el:recto/I remedy. The Legislature cf a nelenhoneit htete ens created the Mhos of I.p&tor of igma end roe metres. 0111 mig be enacted meeting • almllse.poMtline SO ht ere city In welch It may he required In Ulla . State , and such Arrangement/ Made at wonid ensure intoee to torielfmere and ' , reducers srlthont being an espenae to the State. • . • STATTLII3I THI CAPITOL. AT 11111IIIMITOX. Accompanying this 001 te found a dieu- Car [rem numerousmenthers of the enate and dense 0711,presentatIves of the United States ritatire to on art of Congresa gamed J l ll7 /..1,10:1, Inviting teach and a/t of the' Statesto provide and famish Mathes, In mania pr bronze, not exceeding two In number for Recta Stet*, of detested persona who have been .eltatetia thereof. and Illus . Woos for their hiecorlo rearm, or from .dlstlognisbed civil or Winery seniors, such as each State 'shall determine robe worthy of this nationarcommemoratlomo he intention 1. to place the statues, whn furnished., the old hall of the limns of Representatives, In the Capitol of the Ulm. led Slates. which Is set apart as a ball It oatiOnalstatuarv, for that purpose. O th er States ell' doutitlese avail themselves of this privilege and Yennsylvanla abode/ not be behind:them In thus cemommorating the memory of her dlstinipslatiod dead, • .. • ?Alt. iIXIIITIOI. •• That Pennsylvania nilght. be olectally represented In r he "Node/ Amerman School Boost," at the "Cal semi Exposi ilea of all - Amiens," I canoed to be forwarded to the American Conuntssloner at Pearls. in July last,• box coutaining • large lumber of books and documents relative to the vartouti departments of the Commonwealth, with the request that they be placed to • proaraa nent^posltlon, that visitors from Matsui lands might have opportunity to obtain from their pages a correct idea et the pro. , arms and Importance of the State, In aa hnowltdgeog the receipt of tele . p.ortsge, too Cemuslasioner states that POntents were disposed of ah requested. And we are assured toot the repreeentatiOn of the ex tent, characteristlOs, resources, progrese and privileges of our country, so mane to he "Farmer's Home," and "Free Common School ileum , attracted crowds of carton. an- , interested *snore, and would scatter wide and permanently, ,In distinet forttl, the doctrines of o n r-,Erpubt la, and "result ma rich return to the United States for the MtilaY. and a higher appreciation, among the people of Europe, of the statutes and Insinutlons of this land of - freedom 'and equality." .. rotten goo rue 'amnia Msliteler . to conformity to an set of Useably - ,!tfoy -the ',otter protection of permit. property and life in the mauled regioni of thu Com: ,monwealtb," approved Aprll 12tb1167, end On the earnest appeal of many. citizens, I appointed, Immeolately after that data, a inifoft.if Of tells, and a number of subordi: bates, to pro prametien to theinhatiltanta of &hulls iLI and Ndritiumberland comities. In these mantles, fora long time proving., ierjrnes of lemons cha ra cter wen frat ullent oeurrenee--Comblitatiens of deeps. ,ratelneir *aft formed to overawe the pre. .prietore anid superriatelnents of the mines, And to control their management.'. Gitinerie were murdered In their dwellings One ea the route; others Intimidated by th relitll, were driven Imre the °mustiest and a feeling of Lisecurity and terror generally proton- ed. , Trie Sitar:WM Eton of 115 ism seemed Poweriese to euppreas these outrages,. or . Wing the godly to ponisament. Slime the appointment of the new pollos fore* a remartatan Change hoe Math plus. An Omit. combinations hale been disparaen. Vie persons composing theta having thistly, led{ not a single murder or 'attoeleas crime Is known to have been conmaritedi an immense Amount Sr capital that had Veen Withdrawn flu retornedi and the people enjoy , the gasuranoe of meaty and prometiort • Similar state of alretre to that whirl existed is the lerantlee named is sold to prevail In same parte M tle ell regions, and ipplications have 't,en made for the benefit of the above named act. 1; ts, reecfameoged that lit prowls. be loos expende to those,or toasty other counties, opois t • petition (( sollleismt number of citizens. wile/100E •Immlel geed reasons for desiring theft beating. wittissa, Offirra.s. Tort Will led among the papers I send .Foo. a untfortel neeineal eystern of meas. .nres, teetotal and correeetes, inc:died a new method of reckoning eireme, time and longitude, together with the settee 'of the .Ltgulaturo Melee to referent's thereto. Al the subject Is'on• of genteel importance and interest,lt Ls pretested for your Um. sideranos: herewith will be &send the report Of Col. James Worrell, Cotentbeioner upohtted under the act of Starch Mal, IYESe relative to the passage:Of nth in the heistideluama river exalt.. tribinaries. eerrasetiaies. • nom reverie& the ineperdore and dine tore, ft will tete.% that, In order to tarry oat the SiatA Prison pate'.,, additional accommodations ihould be provided, either by erecting extensions to the present bull& tugs, or an addltireal penitentiary. Tke nehmen... ierrtruida at the fast seeeloi for the erection of A hospital In col:Mention expended estern Penitentiary has not been tivn heard of Inspectors being unwilling to ?elect aNtte until was de. termined by the Legtelatare weatherer net additional *Mks or calls will be conatzno - Odbeer MIAMI. Unfavorable report/. are made reepeetleg many of the Camay prisons, lament then, ere sifted to lbe lommire and etherealo tindt for the parposeetntanded; ethers are of inatahclest capacity and sat Over-crowd.: ed tistr , endanger the health et the Inmates; while the menesement and discipline o f A,nrly mign:. doubtless. be materiall7 Improved. Tile policy Is not et aorindene that trendy together.indlacriterinatelY. children and others convicted of their drat trifling offences.. with men and women whose - whole liree Ufa been blackened 'with Crime. . • . CORYISSIANAIKA. :'• _ In accordance with an act of Assembly, Aplnotred on tab 17th of April last, Mears. William zi. *matrons. of LymettegootnitTo ,Tbeadore,H Neale. of Allegheny, Wen. IVaUI, et Ptotheriend, and alexander henry and le. It ltreeno. of ghlisdelptda. were appolatedcohatellielernere ^On Mee.. into the Tallool systems at prises dlecip• line es practiced in other States Aend Now trim.. These gentlemen entered vyOO their couleeand have visited .war Mus priachui. one at their camber turret gene to Hump. for that Dorposa...The actSnow ater, requiring thereto resort to this are. :len of toe Lestelatare doesnot allowthem selfacilens time to 'do Patios to the subject, and they eak an ansenclement extending the then tar their. AepOrt. Mil the session of De 4, tcm4 tea ackmacuyinxtaws willfood • reptork be Mahlon . Dick/mann, wan Ina appointed In acurfornsity orlch an ant of the Mat ;Legislator/4 -10 'Ult, for pbtlantkroplo IN:poses, tko prlooss and almeAlona • to IN Nat.. counties of the Commonwealth:. T. report will Ito few. Interest:at in all fte detail... 4 the W 11... =Waltona of fax* 1 .1 anent:9 o . • ralnorl: rebart, Is here With stientlatif of the Diadems, remissions of nen, forfeited re cogulance aBl done... San% based kr me diming the past ydarg with a until= antenna of the. Wood foot Plato Ms present time. This repo- Is made fa sb ixerdence with a rase of duty to itorLeigUrf biters sad the public, who have a Might to be Wormed 10 what manses and to • bat argent the greentive elentiney Lea been r. m .St i deg:Z a ttle'ge t erli:OVAMtit l tt his action in this regard a/101dd be mdse. r en t. eta en au!bet has there bean. renter nals-reprosentation than that which relates to the exerflee ante pantos. lug power. A 061141.146 have tepealidly bean 9.. - 01111he.1 still &nee, 11.. ed eases have been cited • In pr o of which 1 ,„ Seer r, carer even presented to my notice. Grind. shrwere from pm, afterr San ' tense. end clamors raised Is relation to• their pardon W e enies in which no sweat; for Velriraitent i" ji has t theetrsiliertibechLVirit custom brevet/via the, tbart of hurter , Sessions of Pbtladelptils, re-consider, yet mit end Moms* ' eentlincos, • weeks and months liner hoarntoneee, deliveryi . etati la this. , morn Wine colereortimetatiori has Orig. nand. Deering the last yeah ms ninny tan. Vets werathus liberated from the gbh. naught, jail so ,7}t, pardoned by u...from all the prisons la the COalstinWeisitit. sides winch a sombe r more have had their ' terms Of matinee reduced. Low, or when. or under what sonority, this coetcra fisted. Is la linjounlbio to lear Out that it fe liable to and hi Velificipt the sane. ticorof law; spirellgmt, of la coarldt 1 • so r. of grave Itsper. tame, and should vti merit intim, cert. skteration before tt. is determined epee Rad delivered i tor when rifles bwootue d 0.1,11 of record eras ertmlnal.paless beyond the jahstilatiCa Of the. Weft 1104 pen n ad legal or oonsifintibbld telledy, even for errors. that may be camembert incept tllnfoeh appeal to the • ExecnUve. If Judge cum nett or shorten a sentence, his Cell Mend teat is spores canes& • ons to allow .y 013111.0 wield. And fanner, If it be lawful for the Judge of cos on= tie remit ennenCeri at pleasure. It Callow, that ildiseOf ail other comb shouldAtlnvms. ear WSW the same prerogative' .11 re. quires .ne argebent to 4401 to, what • dangerous extent It might Ile. Used. Or, otly,.t Ile CintoM,itypear , s lobe dentine to the court aimed, naiad/osta other counties disclaim any each authority. Former Legfellatente have gad then at.' Poulos called to tee . (Oct that perione are torisconaned in our county prisirot trader Hawse of death, moms of them Wane/ year,, whose death tenants .wero'llaver lastuid,and towards wham tf r ievent herr. senora dueler; wean term v ware no band. Conitl not dboover fittest rinse for the exercise of the pardoning' power. The =Mom has been for each Vollmer to. decline inning a death warrant which .had been watbitele by his • predecenor. these convicts, the to -death, for whoa* execution the previous Governer@ did not Issue Warrant., sod whom, It Is prermated they believed darned e. milder penahmost, must either be Warmed or numb phonier* for life. • To remedy; Una the thrvernor ithieuld• be tasted with an- 1 thorny to co o n mote .thetditatit painter the cane only to which allnsion has been , made. to such a term of imprisonment Rs his Juograent would approve, and. to re move the convicts from county Jails to the. penttentlatics. • • . • 3FALTIONLL AIMAIRIL A brief reference tOthe oondltuni of the country will be proper. and will doubtless be expected by an who were earnest lethal! desires sad ea-operation for theseppressloti of the neonate, and who an new testily in sateen In their wishes and endeavors to means an early, anal and permanent. Natl. men, or our entleusi drMealtlee, upon the haste of loyalty earl patmotlena (Mammy to the hopes of the great Mimes ' of our people. that portioned the country whlats was letelyiln rebellion Gas not yet attained oomplete tranquility. , Abd this seems to have beets Inevitable, tar all his. tort' temsbes ne that people who engage In the perpetration of bleb crlmea CALM= ea. Well nor Immediandy mespe. th eir cense gamma. noravbstis, Is It definable that they Mould. Zaweeer this may be. It Is remain that perfect...repo= cannot he so cured until the ineurreaumary Mead shall mime their original practical relattebe tO tieneral Goirernment. , - Om warn and Utrectib Mamt thin can be best dais. le the . great, question ' , of the present. That the TIMM and exacirtitirda Of X MUM ledividnal. believer high Yoe they be accidentally sod, tempollin/T thOuld he allowed to control and determine this questiou,sannot for a moe.eht lea an. ceded. The Constitution 'derides that Use United Males sbaUxuarasteetoeyeryillear Le the Vona anneal-am Orr* Of geloTe mautfend, where the will If. tne people ls ties selmowledged law of tee land. It elv genet au extraortiLeary etbasutcdpoluliml effroatery 'same Meta I Mel of the nation, jo say gear,. cc nada any . Cdretanstanoel. lathe lUMMA SWAM, ! pnull vat effect Or VIII Amma r lf 1100 1R ain UW=ll,l2llll wag asseAngh &Dorn, en ter • sorreader of has atle. his armed Wets, the liraddenty ardi as hat ec, WI on this asionoptioAren Ala lat• • , walla 4 . didgitalt • 211 Valettorit ta oar rundi.thail tout oar Instltuttotta, to 11a tea WOW. or^ of to. Impish ha artoshuitsa eal4 oo Gooirrou to ,! , itgorto.l3 , strike kegs the inditebesTk Ita rlenstrkeitenTlMllMT • That Congress owtll scerender Its pimp of reeementatessit td Ude tenuffestly demotic demand. cannot be even imagfaed or ms , jecturaL That plan, culat 11 nistnred ea -1 was, and fully approved when 11 ode lel ainct soon before the people, la erehiming m et' Wise and pentode. -It theists that en who were loyal in act. Cul.l rebethon, or loyal la their feelings. shoed alma ramie:than la the immediate govern ment Of the ofasarnett=strierte.. Odin .beteted the lade It rnte ultimately on the impottaindastrine, that the destinies of the tended OM only bunk, em the heals of Ito fisandow of those whose political and mare/ natures roman endthiently pun So feel lbw impulses" of petriotistasumitheoblthationsed oaths. Thit collet *deb antagaelan the don iinsalonal Om, which hag obetructed sad Pernstenity endeavored- me eat. it. tint ignore, all these importent one, aiming done nits, It catudsten nnilatathe that those ilia dented the est basun= ' manures of war, and Art inn milaatlemily imthetrated• in aid of their plrrnimallean. plunger, murder, Nervation tool assanna , tura—the very leaders of tile rebellion— should be allaved, after' their tvola:Marl failure, to roam all the rights and pride ' lefts of pOOO citizens. L That a scheme no absurd and dangerous thonldbe Mernly 0P- Pond by everyone panto; weskit to admit of no deubt.. The act that at bat come ad. j th VOCSSOS Modal it MOTOlSOirrtialSSONtlasia e contrary propcwitioa. is ley inaugural wools, 1 , Ullse Penneylvania will toned* 1. a level Con creak sag will not Wanda totnntain It by innusace and power/. Thl2l peat. Nor her cam I.ba induced to change tall re . pga pant nor do I believe the neeDle Of the ante can be, by appeals to the Ithrs Mann= of the age and the Invocation at merry for those Wiwi. iItiOcIOUS deeds hare darkened thoraces of On? hinny. It las I been Well mid, elhe pity of the readetrate which suffers a cilinfaal dangerous to in. clety to escape from deemed. preatzhmeas, ' I. net merely, but weaknou.” True mercy inclines no toity and relieve the unfortn. nate and ga ffes, bat only to aceardasim wan Justice. and It may well be added, that It flat louts weakens. tfnota Wale. to permit unrepentant, and only outwardly I eubdued, truer. to exerelse the snotty. franchise, hold alien, or, alike part In the I dallbetatlonaaad legialation at the nation. , Its stability tad yrtrisi . are welfare of the people now and caroms pat snit these things to be d . Ladighinal lament. as WOLIN! tko moral gaaadal condition of our national affair* would greatly headlined by thesimplin. canon of internal revenue taxation, .res. diming the number of mr.lcles lazed sae la. miring honesty and fan/Minns in colnoe tuna TbO ledaol.lollbt tame On the rineks anise of lift and ea sumiziadurea that are , in competition with the prosiest. of foreign ' labor wield. be enamoured, While tke tax on luxuries and Impede Wald ; be ammmnito sown the arlialaistaalat (OS- Tee potato of Paws, Waal% nee lain 10 the 1J ohm; anti ornaltarelag to Utairia* minattea to 'mown. Its ifterilotoWti and le.Petotty. are proud. sod free Co He .art the ea enemata Of the aattoaal este, and,thet. Ita ultimate MY WAS" rtal mf be_spoured; - Al marine Abe terll4l ttia.DritiCUon of bone lobate:id resources:4 noon mar refer to the *lees expresser >a my imenturaL rime man .continueti' reffeatlOn Dive strestrAlmeal the slaws thiweln expressed: • Put ttiillll imbifer ecifunttlod to W ewe!, fur care atone representotlves In and WM betel Moir labors ern been C4 = ith Um happiest oesispuenece Purely Um United States should proton an& Wend her own berusta amnion—Oar owe PALM, , . / eintelli/r - !evoke us bligen . 24 . Almighty (hod even your pen i =dunks he will ineeper YOU 4/./11413:111 G . 11.1=44 , th e handsome of the mins sae the weleife of =belayed COnnenneelnit. Eznegf ire Cerhial JOLIA GEAR Y. . liannunthae; gummy h. h . 811C0L9.1. MUT/tasa. .• igrA CO' Van, A ,COLD, OIL A. • SOPA TIEBOS2 metres Immeddata al• mettles. and sboanli be anemd. it snared le Lrntintion ed the Lung, o Parmanand Thelma Magnet. en ve•eammeles. , • . I.ls ands Ufa nett. . BROWN% BRONCHLIL:-TRIKIIRO. Hs,lse a dtritß IxtusielitoiliON*ltl•ka! medusas ataf. strendulauh t in . Catarrh. angswatri,ive sad T D.••••••. Trocast an .14 IMO allray U 0 UM i. m untrlVlkat • illLaY elf,c4T d I..;,"*Zl.lrkirAL laket Say he 411111111. d. SoLD Graanirmi, wuiras IarbUCTIC - •' ' ' 4 -. . • (kb tiipabby ' II lb Vika Lib) • ' , wt. • • - • x lilliThl I C ITA, ' ' IMO. 114VES. ... . _ A .,..... terciv:, t . ma . ti,111.2 1 4 4 2/ " ..t1ir4 1 u 1 lusy. so kiss. . Walken! . .Psawarklas sad '1174.--lhatt Itsbespiwvy ma. aat wiu • laseaLlar lam -4...fea d CH..* Ovate. 'rousts( slue. sal. u sli. I lladastat data niaoact*Ola aablilad .Attaps - Tl•ey ars telvdd la dastalita Or Da Ilriaart sus, sect a• Ur*, at, canals Caput., at she El ads , r, 116.1.14 Intlatlms at Oa aladdaud Ombra. ...basso at .1.• Preossu awl laisallaa or lasaalleoes of OH.. troll • of ot Naas lb. tans oassas..4 la ta • efts Wu. Thom. *dy ads alu Wart taseautudst la Ittslalltab• Cllt We Z 303.111.0,, L. Gamboa. Al ttableu AU thabs, .Htazaotil*ittaaCT Eve= la and ttlaw• su. Jr u to ages at I, to se, sad *wan be td• arta lb* flat.. or sauce of Ilk; attn . On. ea. liana a% or Labor Nam bad slatldag to att. 1 1a A.:S OU/am Psewllar as Psaalra Oa Extract Mn.. la au aqaadogi by so_y eau res, ! ass. 10 17 00.1010517 or a Esstlea, uruslstlit. , ' rw. , lz......?ii•fmnew.. of Costneary Iva. I ba luta, Oltemles sr settruts State 01.1 as Owtru, Lamson,. at Wallas. Illsasut t is. Maids,. liilinfiro m °ast awl Droved,. avullaga. - Tkla mootolll • 115. ...rag 0005. of Masao og. aid auto. gas tatsesteaw late lushly sastst, Ilt w let Ita Wal ,, rt oresl a stuudtp•M/eas. sad all Uana ofoi SW UV aaf•ala ma firasenla Oa fall' 10P.. aaa /a 1 sausssles. .. . , lishalbwilat Mad•aat Saida. boa bind wrary to,. .o[ ababsom la .wilt It au ton a,vss. /rAltat onof Us MU of um als4car sad r.s7 0 tlet auja or te. alb•eys, Illteralat ..f tae m e asa, 4 Madder, Bataan.. of ao. to ..• : to. arastue bland. Sancta lits 0 lute, Calculus. illal.ll. Brink doss 1; e.loalt. ood 11 ....^ 1 fillf• l 7 Mutative, .110 ra Saftaf Weis. DalLoato . ....Loa% of b.,,,,..... altradoilvillo It Ma r•Uold■a/ ay:natal. fol pal.. 07.11100 to LOOr 10a, I•oas II 0..7, I..su at 110 714 D'1 1:4 " tri:= ' laa b fau, '" ,,,!.... lambus bf Vast..., !sill la Ms Bast. 'Nos 0000Capiklar at lls• Zady. umess got uw. aOl. oa , la WWI. Irs•lId Gess , easses, Only anal La.tails, as Mumtaz anton.te. HELY/10Ln EXTIL -- ' iIT 213(211 18 in'- BETIO D 111.00D•PIIIIPTLIG; ' • Aad 1700. all thtssiai aslalag 70000 Ilabliiet kleslasttaa. t ISCases• ..• laprobace•te Lbl., Impurities ante Mud, as • use. , - • aealtatoCopubila slt.ettladfar walal nib sus / sus ss lionartlaudillt • Ts ' • • . • of labs ..sadass, sad ary t Wits : • Affoctloaa-fa Ulan dlaveaa . • , . ; . Itta.l. la affalleedain mita • , tglibustol•lPlS .". s , j ILO= WAISII• . BOLD AT HELMBOLD'S DRUG 011.1110110/1111801114 a!LOLDRAT. aaa VTDlStalsta FT qnrirkgrik, ioa SZLIESOLD'A ' AND SAli. N 0 MEX& .. g111:A/ 1 11 or COI7SMIIIITI. SEW rpm= roa TES HI3DIERCItIEW 11211 - I l , llgba illomlair Ceram/ • - !Weal/ tlgriabl . l3lo•=44l Care#ll;.; Phalan , " ~ : f tighl Bleirmlag Ceram; . • _ ... Phalaqs . .. Night Illeoudati opremo: . Mane/ .Milt[ 111immialmie0eress. , ' • . Av i crt. '• ..fi be. MI £.; MK retkh it Wm Me roe . . • , YEEMlbetare4•47l,7 '• ' ' .. PLIIIMI i lielielf . aw Teak' . , 7171, _O7 abtlllll=l:l,'rd. . . A= ?Olt lit/jArd....11331 tO .011:13111. L BOILiR - MAKERS WO MMA jog, 20, pi VlP's' Having Ilarocazol EMI Mamlikect wile the slat a imotilmay. Ws an ono lard tcylumetr ovay decataMes Of Melt. in Ds the ems oar, lad inaillated 03111110 Cal mots in MO 1011427. Cktmerre, nrceeti. ftre r d om. Locomotive SSW.- an., owe rims, Tuul. toil 011eitots, refok. Motkelme. Beloom, Munn, qszetertmets NW. HILL% PAT BOILYJIIA ' lions lam Um mortenacittor. tcleari IarROBINUnti MIA & c 0.,.• IMMO praw n 3 4:morocm. artso =Cul Al WON WORKS, • lilAstactlarsrs )at Dad sad asailaaarr Maya itagitaa, Man Xmlara rlasklasr. Odd. us. atotiss. ammo or au duarll4loll P3114/ear MU; Matta aa4 Sant trot wort, Ma, at 4. i■'artaraar■.■att■■ua taer eirAgautt 444 aisraiuncrimaire nerds tar '4aettagr wears. tallatt. IarLAILE, WMPERION COPPER MI saranicOutt. PoIIV-0 I )1 D Y «.00... sh.udi n mist: 4: l l mi i "w ergairlitiaret s • sea 91r, °Nlittwlrvir' las Inommta POOL. Lsryicrmiz , p7 may. \ s, 1° 5 13 15 1211.-W y the 1aj "1 m..% aad:10114,14 walmu wearer mar. 941311. sMid. Utter run, t t int, ddrPr. Dr. a. si=r. e 4 ri.arra 1r12.• Fir%IODIC! 1.. lICATZ, DENTIST, ray*. STAIIXT, Mama zwristrziiii. ODA o~C4 • CO ir LGaATlmmu M nt c.) pp NI r" TOILET 110Art1 pnre. IDTI9d • Zll.. k r..."Zr= a. Z . ) OV4I/11WID r t p.14411 41.11 W ..i. A1t;2, 71 11 1 09 , ....YJ 4 12. te.in ,"' dil :-....-'; - IMO* *Mr ta+ iikeit,'_r so. sa A 74 ow. onto or. 11111.DICIUMILIi I , gia • wanting/ am 2 . !. ....„....3...._,A.:, -,,,,,--..—L..._......._.—.........._....—__ AIM & 1868 DRY °mos, suummuncts BAR FLANNEL 1 TEE KNOWN fffl A.NNINCk D FLAtIML; BARRE It and Bed, In II CM AJD WEIP, BLAOK ZsJIMILk arm ISTCPKICEM. 1 AT lIIIAIRIF ==l ME DICKSONIOO, MILROY, 54 W od Street - LYHR & 101,i SACBUL MI • ; NEW:. odaa : Amin .111" , b t. ha • ausiala anioi crciciatus, /3373 Met Ides Conso " !WM Applltin Dams tad lisadlteratefl Maltawyotlan sill awl:tram& lut* alsJ soma am of thaN Ladles , len, - 7011LLIG A PAIL Oar H4iii . BBlll.lll' at pa., char_ L : cgiunioia ittvabitusi. rankt u =""`"" l / 1 . ! atr ix.w. • isrse T wzr rataiiist uka 'sawn of a.. , • vs& so isuiret st. GLYDII: * • 00 SHE G EAT SALE STILL lIMIII3B, 77 and 79 Market Street. NEW GOODS , zv~es: tian2V M=EI French C =EIM IMZI 11111 TO ILUfGAINS, 'PRCH7OBIS =:C= EIMM;;I JOSEPH dal: a co. , ornisiNG oirAtrns AND yYiiLVETS, CLOT OM AT • .00111" 11W LESS TIME COM itta • !;.' 1110312tFULD a co.'s; • awAsnro CLOT= AT /MT /1111•Ultl. ai, TM enllr•stielref 11 r 1111111 NODS sidmlfts usi • • - Roirsvd Priatiy 1 stimunitoi Aims. • lit BOW. aue • ' 1861. FA " TaAbr. .1867. MEMO% MAME itak ; GQODI34 ."DRY:, a.: la. Wei rausbungs. OW al 2=r:is Vast . Mit. i n hiArJach stLYM a.n . C=31.4 "1 1Z. etM,_ 16 , 1' SiaUrld Men a OWr " gri;: rviiitirre;;;;Lik Sa r tlrM l i g rakei g ul COUNTS'S' at.saisTi. ael4 andell es salstlati. al /Olt MIN" 46 CO Its, 114 d•- simasal. And gar a4sseTzrx " DiCNIUSON MELCILIian - NO T . A nie ' !li _ Von forll „,411iiay . hunt& mat /qua scalier Aim Kurnase. ":.Lsouttosos VMS /411.1.4siiihtXCrii11110:14T. • ; W00L .1,- , 111311 / 1 ,OgiCiAilOrge un 419T..4#4gEfT.nourIL, :-PL! , ° 4o o".,:lic.c*Tisi 4 ;sutrictinzam • `='oos tnaegooiasara." • ji irimoTri* : • , • • . tileigetWl os.l . t• claimast get, ittrarn stmt. - . • OM CAJ . BittelDer ,winnssazz aulams fillElllll Llb ibliEkTIC Mal* wage wriuner, ; psosci.itarilupoliceasnes, s . r Arrilsatrism. i.e. a. *arm MEAmoirsa MAPES, • • 'Mt NON AU PRODUCE ' izacusaamaa,, 4maggamoromitaa.,: ; • 1.1.4. 9.mgoa....wde_ ina=itr" Jj' WANIMICITON MLLE, ivilietif bit Manklah Sombre ' ,e 4.34424,01,, • Vreraa-`trut c. iMt. STOVNJ trITONICS I - - imam SCHWA, • atia e rkt g -m...I.I,V.PRZFAMIroa 0 112/ 4" 3 " • /7413/1 111/11 cznstilioir ',',11111111111/10EMPOk isseassr.szaker. d i '!" r. a. 0". comma M . STEELE & BOK ' • Y41X1111:1 • PLOVER, „ FREE), GR4I. 4mi ?rats*. reamuir. ip. of 01110111 , 54 - =‘, war Xastlimaaa. 0 1 , 31 gm, s N O T H E iii i r t z• atuteassioN miaow Ta, - eritYBeais, itil Peed, WINDY RICA. Jr., FLOVR. GRAI. And Produce Coauithalei Minium; lea imiszry grrassr. prrmusaii. ROBERT KNOX, Jr,' oom■3lo. FUEL Mfg MID PRODUCE, amok ea uas■t[ WT. Pt • • L . A. BLANCHARD, 11110141A . L1 LIM MEW. 121 IR. C 1 BIEL ID, 390 Penn Street. uswip WEL WUXI/ A AM* Orssissiastes AFer =gr. InIMIr ZiZEKEI FETFER & Azummunow, munli lira ims* nu m , FuSW.:I VYL'ke lama ra. sari. gni MOIL& lON CoMMlsslos Arnlia• II Ming. OLIN. SILL 71=1 224 risoDucts assanJ -17, =a VII DiSZUMid• MGM. Citrihn.'An& sew . ILI Taw csAwiroapo.d. b7h BAIRD & PATTOW, litiaitakerourra. Omtialsrles liGrrabarta. AIM &Wm Ms. Flour. Mama, TM. Carton a* 013. Irea. WM4 Oman Yana aa4 Emma/ IS w4l.lllleoi elrgll. rEirmaa....a. a. vorncla—..wi. a. ionara IMER & &RM. (Suocessan uti = l4l l Mara Trio tkoWin. w ow . I=l. 3 .....wart n t i a tu r bno. “. to sAla jonars. cArmumvands. wal u dArra"=: & ..."" l rg anissa r " . • DV* erty 15RICIDLF.a Lib, Wholasl• tirean . ISt rooter rinamili • saavAstgues. • menaest JOHN L HOME & AWOL, &Nee ••• 1 : 1 X8110111TO .10117 L . WllOllll .11111 Wean =4 au-pf anuatatis sat asastnsbeal. R,C11031.415Z8 Z laktr tr a=en . satablk .u. D SUIIMUOIT TAILORS. WEPITS GOODL , • E. sous Tor ei co., Fatiinable Merehilt Tillers,. so. Irr rant law; awn Jut neitudliallainull owner, Winter Coatings, Twain. wick 1%11'112u et CLOSES; la mid Valli NUL /US SILIMANIA sad priess yam mammals A t II .1101 Ar ants sad Rain. ZIADY lUDS OLOTHIVII as Sam. atotteas Nall WllEas a•Catt : FOB TIM SOLUMIL wz AU 'tow !MDT Vol rig HOLIDAYS, reu * I MO 1311/3•4...1 *ta U w ‘" sa XZ7 Q• POLITAA SUITS, !arlo2l. 700754 sad 01111434111 f., Cr 71101.7% .m. 4 met Alm II Erma eILkY se Lostikri, -• MN 47 IL visir /brief. P. McAIIDLE., Merchant Tailor, Ns. 93j salable SG, Pittsburgh. tea.dinsiattil a: taxa ataellaortiontOf CLOTHS, COMMIES a THSTINOL /110, GBITIMEN'i FORNXVINGG OGG, . earscmomuru max. Ili 01971 . /1. the Ist.* mies. • ApipeapirT. TAILORS., ' • JONES Win r • 14. 6 111Z101...1.11V0R111M. tr i o o nt lotoroOt SLIMP us smut 4sfßiedonTvioctailia toktolt prooorofte &Monk, op tott ay/. roast to ow *imp lartio soot wo tom. They toe Otanottood to Oyer! &MI boos tenable& Mora :atm , aorO,bil s. zscisos siszsupsß: niw JACKSON do :FRE~V . I NANOWIIII/X16,1111D lILLLLO3,IIt Hui*, ga st vz . 10;14 am - , 4 / 1 4 11#!OliP • • 413 Ort Watsroa4-., . Z 700.202 , V000421.1.11:0040 Mfa t mcrazZOODA/M1.12 11.3 irYTee.oll raa{vsureoo ~~iaen~n ~u Mugu A LWuprino PA - Mt afairro# ou4. axwouritua, clap. muturms x impuerzez 1/11MX1411.W4112117110 • NO. Stildrd St!eilt, h: surnmrs i mMalt... 21=1,WVMs&tooax. ia - ~.uur►tiar. WIC EQesaja Eh•oker 124JInst Street. szruunasuag. Agatforibi tab OfOorwrarli Boapiveci, as +a labs/14 •Thuissum.. iimem Girulliii4sadothubmibailiancradtkloasi• Massy Data sae! 01111 luutVa O. B. 9aroos.l r d4n r . ll F.r.l!rairs;l•7 HARRIS a. EWING, Whole ads 'Druggists, con or lowest t 'noosing.. OMGEr. PAL c%,imisbu4h• v?ithitia4c 420,000 Dourimp-ssf.fe., prn wart= to7esotto.& ; • , LOO of r1120.001V Yee •taa aroma.. lalerestiikraii Nig+ W!g;;M PAN" "ASI , it!unakObouswe (Irmo A T .r." 0" Taa, • • • Ire: a Dtgamt. amnia, WE& are MarlstaUsd &fifties tint %nu doe .I=Anits.am say ays.ymr dim alto daisadla itiMISIPS• • 1111,1XCia Oat, - . . aM eVIDIII131.: •• - - • , „ ' •• ; ; •• : , alia7 OAT 7 9! 7! I 414121 Witte nal •,,1• • ,• 1 &V.! , Ynt• t 7- la Owe gad tor mit by • . J.l. 04 CCM pia...wk . , rec . : asetanzaiw Mri. V mu ral wipe our EU {Sts tai JAW aid reaursav saula 3118(M3uUn0135. BOEHM lIIUSERY PENNSYLVAtIUL TM!! NCIM2O3EI. M IMM M LOANS 3. atria. ;a TIM ► mmonwealth of Penns yank, Die July Ist, 1868. 791 E roz?Lownga 110 A. 1416, tie July Ist, 1868, • SE RED 7 4 3I P.P. WiTEX 7O4 4"T . TO Dint OP 'Annum ow pww, AT sulnere and , Nechankie, National Ban% === et aarch 2ith,1539,du• July lit, IS6B. lau, of July 19th, IBBll,lue • • July Ist, lies. . ~ isserr cia Tai'Aiont Loam wiLL caul (*TILE Itt• or 3131.Tain, nu® unu, goof lA, jog r. Gard na. tmim eifteulir ram, LiES lit IOUS; To 3ACaohinis' . - triicalteazu .1 Wails Colontaia.n.. 111 •LED • PROIPOILILLI, onoC offroomo tau MIA . 0.11/IN foam- Vato i r w o=filits. 4 .4 l .Mlrtri Witt •211.. oonflito.nomorfor Tenth a :=4.. r olg n :LlOttAset, USW Melo* Vasa. Joalaf7:. ai-oVst =1 1 1= 4 11, 1 111 fr.vaii i . jar m ar d a v r t mtrw . off) MlTlelf pulizoltaintlf Nollard so 2 :PPotOHOOOO OMR Oa ow.* No. le lo MORUMi .111±L . : ofInt " 3$1:1 1 .ro21 4 4:1 1.4 of Jolrnarf,LtEL - film at ef moo Snell plea% VAL= nW• 0011.1.1horotolseft ous too LW MAW 2.v., 11 , 712 e z dirotrlto * .loor4 1-boUtiOrlf oroollsgo2 elfiolOro fol •rat ankylol J r 4ti j uo. Aoor woks framoslor k .rool4 ".714:=== t i:los ;OA% Wila C rfraSVD'Ottoir Or WIZ al er t. too o aim lloMtitio. Inll ss or. os or lotto . Tilk too. 1.. Mk al fooppoporif 4 aoll woo all Ida illoo Om, lo unxia sag. in:Gott Eos4woff, Soo - Tfo r ktoboaatpf . woRyealt•loo0 ma. AIRO - 47aWhormt t 8110 E" ( 2 0 4 !, _sum:maw wrottim gE~YA il~ . ~t'l'lfy6y~lO~L~, ~LBL WDIIIY~~77 . y,. i .: ~_. 011D7 EITEAR*IOIIiTII ' • , B ' ICK'MACHINE ? ' thrwilafflll3lolMAOHlS4 MI IintrEWITIUNO 4* , i 1..■ m.„.e. tad are di/set Intla faml tor •Yoft, earl li tatim% ) EL ,14.1 4V.d.. AG T ", A 4l77ei tela .. ~ e• . ..Tont .4ea, sal Istam!Lll4.l r ire . e letter ketyt= 't dun *Sula l m • lurn C ipt _ULU mynas la tnift OS Salm to el. &NO. arST "a4l4 ea ela. eft •alt Mal .adl,b, lola 11, Y 4 .1 , ,,1ir44.xii,..i...n,u44. F.0„11,—.0,0, -„*.,02,0,4,...;„..., ~,, 41r: " = Y: s D ladle's, "7"l"maigliaut,°ll•--..] u tT• WAM:3O4BEr ........ =um ol. " *. lum.ElTl =II."' ' W F4:llrif 1 1t„,,,4..1...7. ' turrapis u a r r an lis n t WilU t ai it. S. Mamatimomi the Nam Si b Omkger ime 01 Du onis:Dits.:.;' . , . .. ague Ittsmatorlsw94.,', MEI wier.w orplA novaE,,' • Wikrin . / 12 / 1 0 1, ...;•.....•••.••••••• • •1= IL W PAILW, IWO irairer• Lx algid int aini•asiitimmet uks •• - wimunookt /mamma. aums Lb. ists. will micfidget, the Wet. lt a drama et ARI tk AN V atm. «mew .11611.,,fatir"4' sV4l..run 116.4. "' "lira grAcluminfor num. *'M.Z Duacrusc CIIIRMAN DRAMA. scud sii.wlt Pidetinds;o4;'and Poolitle7 • I'LL Fin! Jolooollllli The amtatu.l.a Truedlandyinditendt I ntlailFt 5 11 " Al A 211 9 0 71. PAVAT trail et b agi l ti z it i e aussauntipki. maim BBC. IS. Ulf ' "sire oriimissukTiliirol aiii.art su,..ni .. proc..4. a .411=0. .gviraiUnmoral gran la 1r,.., e acul IILIZTy.i . • • 11711.113111 r. ti l sti ,A . ig i lid 041... avi.i.lC Wad% JILAT.IIII74.Ire ker tcawd "ifs", ..Adieumi er winiaa feats. 11114.1 M1 2te1. N~inptr l ttuv i t llama Wad NM we. .y. Jaw., at.o. ZION? e star. LW Wow new& mod 0 0 Mono'''. di Wood smog{ : /lopes oPeo TAI; to ocommos gar -60wiravATioige Mx the . mottle ei w.aincrriprzt . • Bustior curs 1111418LEY,, U inOtaYfxrai nu= =Taw= An#cora4catriece. - • Thisitidity Evenini.• Jan. etb, bilisesolstat tweet. etakirs aiss'oma soa au. asla at time liattaotut 11.. • ud the rprzetd• Mno lactate Thal to ItilitalAft , tlialtallitsl924l7/111cIARC. Isf-1: 4 4- 1 1eff if f[ei RUT REDUCTION . TNT 04RPETS! We hop) detaradned to grit , ,our o[4:llnie!at once the &limning, of any decline in plow Wit inliy be' made !Mei in the seam, and have today RedUced Prices OP 11711 man. et s, ettocie. , ~..,. 4 _ 4 ,i, or liErtlff OMB 11008, bele** what it would east to rimisrfO , the GIN2d," 1111IMI & COLLINS. - lE' • Nook Urn& lit fifth east, • ,14Mare. dmo;i4rsili; 1867. r3l7zik!"e'6lB67, '0: - 4::*:-..r0 . s7.- . T.-.:iii:, atittif!, pit, mum, 'IVINIXAV SHADES, DRUMM - KIEDADXSON DEAGH7,fIS, ' 'athiti, 426 *ma, TA,lq . riApTD Prmto ottiungs, euirwtior, INGRAM. AL0 , 04um; , 1)11..1, asworrsinv 'quasi '• . t BOVAiD, ROBB & CO., - . • scrum stmt,. 'towns writii•airra.ro.) canr,FrA is cow. Fora Short Mum • 114941,1701, TOTAIthiIiTTOOR - • 447 16 70 hpitamig 19,..114 CLOTHS, ' ' • WinClow Saissidemr ' XKOrassitaxmaeir • • r al a 1 1? aIED' anal? " 415 '" 1 4 rfinh Mc.C4LIIM BROS., IMMME! 1 '... '''. •'r • I: , ..LLISGaIbi : - - , -. y-.. •I. • . . Tl' Tani. rat. OV,collillei '_ ... MIA& le , LLleli ssa r 11.11117.. • . • • : Mal: • Ix•rateit•r Ille H. ii 4, ra i r ititeiq i estrie ,° .:Tei r rub....rag . A tiA:rt: 41:tm " can .Iths, " Lra II I= ft Aiwa:, ~ ii. mei. itawn. " 2.66l.tsis.4 .'Mato v.!, 4_11 1 . 1 41_44 dedieeel; 64/ : ' ur . . 4 1 2 I Ltr eill •sa•V go, 7 . 2 .1 4 . 11... 1404 end Isinif ritaiaa * edi k • a e .4441 : 14. 44 l• Oen .r Najd WY.I 1 litre oUrat Umaiut. 01•011. 444 ,I. . _, • . . Ts lasae e t el.-- 444 4 4.2.1 . 4 -•:. • Inerresoe $ll la •41.1 , 1461=10.14.1s '‘• _gm2lllll°%°"""rerilge=ll"74l4oA 14"14 n4 .7 4 , 4 1 4 : L '. ' -1 • stP *4l 444• Cin ire: " at ia lcilt 314F 1i eia... )4 .. 111=a . all ...a..u=nriallrz_: 4,.....-mt....prit..„.,....lasimalltsamt •-• 4/4 el 44, au a 44 4 •1111.7 hetet ee• ..•.' entift 44.4014 4 * 4444•44 el 444 sae i;414444. is ea .4414 , , Ulff4 re et 4.11444. 5 . ", ! ft e ! 5a r.r" .. ! 6 " 0 10 1. .,.. Ai Tat 5 1 4)Zeiti n gr& ite lia treen l iel . 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