II =1 II 11 11 UITX .AND z I TEEE cotams. . • Dilutes cows.. Jury tails will bo teminied In. • - .IL . Court todar. olknring le the for 127. Wm. Bell HoAbols 24W ... zi ibt• 141. R. .Forrenter & Co. is. .7... en -412. Same ye. Same. '• . . 1 143. H. Bad Lager Tr. Jeremiah Knox. 145. Joooph Pettoison . in. George Ido- Pherson. - -1 - Ee l 143. W. W. Wallace in. 'David . et 151. Robert. Elterinit vn: tied Baal 153. Than, - .7. Power vs. Superior Irou 1 Airy: litll be zeitneed in tide Coat to-day. ' Volleying!, the Mt #oz the day, (Weber -"hap : - • 46 Jetta Bortaler vs. Frederick. Ef.ahn. 52. H. J. Clary ye. Thelma Fox. 55; timltktes. •Odeawolder, , . . M. O.W. - Park vs. &pang Bellar•lty 67. taopold Einstein ya. Julius Adler. Ga. Porr7tho,..l3ros. & Co. vv. Sollars, Card:told &. Co. • • 69, .Waring & King Oil. nix], On Be• 60. m:34tiodfoolvo. Adam - ' 62. Alchemy Able et Com. J. Saxon -63. Fort Pitt Cod , CO. Ti. Matra :a • 69. G.•B. - Girard vs...dials Kula • R.; Rees, Groff Dallot. Kan* 6 Co. =I A.Xtraercerkeschange recently:n*llra . . od over. fine pintonointe we among -the iced arta,: ' , How dais - Med we, ahonkl if we could include corner loafing in the lame Category. It might go with' pan tomime, for that he part of the lot. A - litabroad faine there too and often a dismal:tragedy,- g slingettalr "Cadge poion". of remade horrors which can be cam 4 to nothing but a horrid nightmare. - • tly it "Dame . • . very neat being' our d ty to record a mime committed by a daring band of Mistime. A Deluded. ago-anomie'. got men,- , evidently indurated 'by Bac dmtook their and owl:Mien avenue; . in A lllegheny, stout twelve' o'clock, and the citizens of the - -neighborhood awoke _- with their maudlin bowling of dhoopu . table ditties-Lunn:we thananhonr. They then varied the entertainment by shoot ' and euntimv off fire Crackers And racereg at length one of thenttiredepls tol at Mellow:loot eprominent Merchant of tnis.city; the ball pulsing through* window ha-the wand story:- breaking the glees, %testing' the curtains :and • ' doing some little damage.inaidia- The gentleman , and his :wigs bed - -retired, . . not to rest, thli and fortunately were , not 'hu rt , but the monsegneoces _might hMe been very Wiens: After this exploit the rolaterersleft gradmily. • Mier having - been engaged for marlytwo houM-in disturbing thepeacm, without interruption... We cannot - blame the" poL lice, for there are kin for the whetter Allegitenyiondjudging by the number of loaftne tole seen any day, there may have been a damn more such distal.. eee he the city. a_gainst which the whole police force could do nothing— The evil of eornerloafing Is on the increase.. and I nothing to being done toatop Citizens are in danger of losing their levee, whether they stay in or-go : out of an evening. A lady; even when aCcoiopan- Sed by a gentlemen, ;.eruct'walk downJ .. Wylie street, in this City, - or Federal street, Allegheny, without imminent dangorof hearing some coarse or ribald speech, possibly. istmukd -for her can There me buut one self-evident remedy for these evils,, and that is a pollee force. We have understood that bit Drum in tends to urge the increase of the Alla ghenv police to forty, men, If he is elect. , - ed Mayor, and we know that 'Allegheny conhifkeep forty policemen busy, and A Albs& INtoz7 Tho.-7,0 ..r - ,yosteAty,:deAlgtOod its naders with a ghost atiwy - , which canto all the way from Lamm:mall& , Alter . speaking of tho mysterions apparition of a womanitiblicleohiervedbisomebedy coming out of St. Mary's Cerar_terylho - nonsensical storyist goes on to state bow • this garnet:ally was zettortibur to . his bona _ after midnight , when "up teems ids Sis nal organs tone atall,,Scmjestic flo r ist!, re- , : sentliling somewhat:the saint forth of a wonian, but Ise' rribly spectral in outline , and ghostly In detail. She came not .down ttie avenue, nor from . any of the cottages that line on either aide, but seemingly from the invisible bake of - the atmbaphere she:grew, and - neither • walked nor ran,but movedoi=tly, ilcdaPiestir. the crisp snow tar beneetlilser conceal feet: Sot her.Up ce but the manner of it .ttvfted the heart of-the Spectator, whose blood almat tamgealed with' tarter; and -whose limbs were rendered, through cold ' tromora, nearly unfit to bear the bulk of his body up. An attempttorult off in an oPPealtedirection resultedifianntterfall nre,"andgasping;panting he stood trans fixed until the s p ectre passed hhim by, coming,so - close•that ha could observe theglesto bf a te,liesutifol; woman - ly face among th e sable that drape d her head and. body... __Unable to resist the demptatkos he followed her with bin gazettntilabeapproectuedabe .':: - .wail. Then a ffina Or something like - a 'hazy Vapor; itrah;ondect her. in Which abedhappeered among thettatobstonel. - He - who bad been thus sit. *willing spectator fled at once to a. neighboring szomream,.whens to an eager, supenug uotta errned, , he _receded all wa hare herein faintly described: The em of the ghostly sisituistkpread from Flip to lip,nutii the entire Fuse ward oflaw rericevilhe walt "Trilrerwlth - intelli- To give it, theskun tie sir of tinth; onrstaighlaw goes= to ay. that other persona hays seen that terrilge.form at .mystarleus boats.: - Pretty well told, but ,theghost. senastionbusiness Is ate dis count bets; whore people donor:partake', Teri' Israeli' •la ; inr _ inabrireallat Pair at City . Hatt.—This Fair will be imattinned a Jew nights longer. Thla will be hailed as good news by many persons who have born spend . ingple.sant evenings at City Ran tint ing 2 : l=st few week*. The managers me to close the Far as aeon ea are bdt: as - all thb changes the piano, buggy, and some other valuable artleies; are not yet disposed of, arzLre compelled . to keep open a tow longer. Tbla, to them, Is a pint teak, but to many It will be • Wat joy, and City Hall will be crowded to-niglit...lbe grand promenade will °memoir at ten o'clock. Remember, more than fifty velnable artkles have already been ed.. rfed.olltby the lucky, and many mar; widths roost valbaNe, remain to bd Mr- • Aeonlied a Zley . t are HoMbesger . an Ink' peddler, • before Alder. -man. Strain on y and entervil mil_agahus.: George ti hood in the employ of Ger= r ien: Thusx7b, stlarninwhlm with assault and battery. •it Ls' aliened that the licensed knaxiced down the proserrannararho la a small bow, braking a number of bottles and spilling the Ink. Cooper vas arrest ed.kut In socudderallon o p l i=nl o(darassee tbeehmge vas • Palm Pretesatit—A heck drive,r of Ca city.%ruusted Bonnet Golden, spmeded before Alderman. Volt asters on Intatta.;. day and lodged an nifertaation agitate. one: Rtalltp C 00321, alterkg 'him with falerprtenose. At ellegedthat Coma, • who La stranger 14 the, city, wtahtd to ..114 th e a,":and for thatpurpose' hired neurtage Gorr the preemptor, for lel:debt& retread to pry —A - irerterns • the arteethrtho sososed.weatented. • Mom McCarthy, who WAS debated the workingmen's workingmen's party for reiilectloa to the office of Mayor, ,hast ac l sittualcas no pressman lanelatrl d in; newspaper establasitnant, and will at once eaten , mt. ictious., - Amt. pendent ho must feel out of °lace and pottlea, and a t the Md. of a pdailrnr II Cesezeittal far a ifteelbit—georlor Boyer was emoted by the Mayor's po• lice =Saturday and brought before Me Ilea= - (tamed by Jolla :Lafferty with the lazorsty of seven hamtnal dollars. ha default of . Bayer wan ecatualttefflo jell to await a further bearing . .hlrh will take plate to-ctuuTotr, - • , MN • Contempt or .Garr.-4)280er Ladies: as Saturday annated s man named IIL O'Connor on on anactunent Maned bylaw Court of Quarter Simeon, for contempt, In not:appearing •td toddy In the came of Commonwealth Bohm Wm. O'Neal, lair halls& been 1110 lodpdln XL . . . . Illnordertv Elanseo—.. ahn Praha= in asitztad legal proceadlopt bean* Alder man Taylor: of the Plntrarard, on Satan day, agaltonSanan.Rlagloy,o.bargian bar . wide keoplan. our malntalng ndleof- • dirty . house In his .nalghboxbocd. A wurnint 'was lamed and, Placid . in Its band, of an akar. ' • t 1 • larce'n'y of Peach Itetter.—A.l24 kr o . !Ha& • wee. charge . fl;' hotereAidermi. Bombe:l.On Bstards7. with the lircepy of a quantity of peach. hotter, oil osi.t Mrs. Ballisio. • backehor • hP , ilke eitt • market., A wrsuatleme..&noeett ter the wrest •of the' acteard, ...erkteh a hi.F.l...mg will • „_, Limzesr;'i;t,i9Vlo. ofyoctlastpar Nip! 0. ' , not with ther.ta "*. 0 4 oath* A1g5.412,11 FUEL R. maauurz, BIKE! BRO us Wood SU, war, minor. of Fifth. d Goveriman Securitito, Gold, Miter. And Coupons, , Oxyglrtsaeliplit az Iltteaal Saris. Ihaft•soldi szaLltbsiMuchnlettlesatZecrona.. Z14014)1a -, t/gt BUTEMEBST SECOMES emu...ewe/zone or 'MX 21VELVZ 11) Over Twenty Per Cent. By await:mg Simi • Paella IL L Flnt Meitgaga Boadt, ' JAMES T BUOY i CO: ;'" 'AGMS PACtrte SMILIOAD, Comm VOstrii, r Woof ft Ni.," IRA_L N. er a ,ileirat ID Imam Oatsum manta Cer.Fettrtk aed &Wilteld Streets, eNe"s7sraillir: of 4131 1''05. 1 4 1. 7 . MK to JaaastrUlh sad grre Man La eschl.“ 6020 BOArDII- or /sal, e.t.a= eoLo u 6 WNW. 'NM 0 " " 4 IBA 11. IIIeVAT & 004 MAiiEli;l F=ANOWAND TRADIL ' Ofribttoor Tay PoTortoraz @mays, / Barcramar, December 4. 11g. I Tie tome of • bap imoue, of ,riye Tweedy heads !mai Tarapei Out ohipmeat about three adllicata of spode and tat large short gold latent . t ourataddlem, tare rlse to aa *ooooy lee lig la Wall atom. a n d partite la wet of gold mos very sayer to arm out. limpet mattreats sad: lay la a sufletrat ply at 'Milt ginterelly thought potent cheap rates: 11. *path to Oda, there are Idle ru mors allot* 'ate& Deus cf areorthado equal iri amount to that retired from droulathat.• The . Tory fact that tyoulatori hare to mart to nth toollah mum to laticumee the markai lathier reverts a memos/ more to bedlam that the Dorereamut ematesue tfa path:yid eeetatedcdt and ateady.elm at .a -- early rt. Thibendautket Is dull and lower, and the Wald' at libido keno Earopi unieted The ult. ward wermunt of all bLatkatal tunas, except Ten k wilts. It was to be promoted that !mods would moo balk boar Europe. lnee flea wiro newly two' leg amt. margin be. twati Oubtalkourli_Eurnpo . and• Now York, widths lam photo asks lora wars the Met silos to • otopituthir-e3dporonte, latagton clown tutor ham to a level with London quo. Jakob*. Us dally lowiralog war rumors **Zuni:4lra trivia demob* larkwheo . log op to. pnwitd bonds. eankthak coats la pant. saaat.oksaikaiL vary aiming rad stub Of iLlroaft that abow Inareaslag nail romptt an anniottboatla up by sapltaUsts of good ltutilftnal; - En - ;pr44 . ic ibaioL" Utiat ktzth la favor. unbar ars Milli or Bank guns. 21ta mat flintily Mimosa tka =mat transports. tloiMuManfia nan bMitin dawn pont Mena tea par. and . Mt. mar that Pacific stall Wimp at art par um* la saw aelltag at IA and tha dividandi oi , tit imits.i Osman will lan deereara that/ Waddles Maim aoaaad, they gra bawd tonuka ChM entail& by granter azartlan and atonosay. Maw lo Haler tonal • balms la goal stand ing, and Uum to • Uttar . , disposition to amat• Mats party, whi ham a lath teplatitl2lll tot protdty. ethandaa Tub }MUM =atm Clanlat NSW rork qatetatlana, mitnat by PS- Ft. Xarti; win an follower - isgo lan% umi ; wig, um, um ; u "' c.... 1 14 /04%; 104os, ipor. Clafallad,al2lttalnuab b tu Br Wootwa VEIL= al% 12% Putobuith Wart Wayne 11 . 1112usago R. R. al% ,V "221 f, Now Yak ChmtraL USN Ohio sad 21.1aaseppt .C72ilT ioo athi, • • wh o Quarts • 21 —the itMbK, debt Inatome :It; It la old, .12111 not be . palmtop:lWD,', rho 7th ban, lb. days:tarns ormagatag or Magma. Those (auburn,* Datlooau.'tba conwpoadsati,wh (tribe teals adulaosoaay It will abort about 'l' 5. oln gal on 2tazol at the beflabuo at the noni . yaar.• tout at MU ato to bo yule 12 12 : c00J:00 to most llanderost oa tharietts the. principal at the . beads of LIR, luatoular oa Stalk; tfulai rein Imo/ of UM the imad4a astil tataroat au loads ag 1811, sat th• brad- , aaanalLtixlßasaaa.., .. Tort paper states:Am ante lnbd, &limns,: by Stout,atthe yonsato of Wu ads 01W2/and ataaleen Satooday, mod- attaahed by Wu btetbar awl Water, ban beta reytlared by pug* ,ts4ltOr.k. iota! =pant oilcan larzerod by the Maas Lad: lag OW. ltgok is shoat VlDAo3,lnsludleg two amounts tot Atkoll;sas o uaeae, bbd the tsi. ' Phlladalithla Layer lam The hammy Mmes. ht. iba 17.3.1. States Tra.ary and to aq 7aatc47. m 0000.00 et lat.assi , 2l. male rosary soca ylenry than lt h. been PtanntalT tataated.thonth ...PDC, beyond the dalsaad la Min tem tharatt that the mad al th• • rid... of berrnarars b utath [La that tinn he any Lamm In the row. of away. n. wawa rates rare pa amt. .lit eaaaalan. trassialaa at Wows ref pat.. 'Ma stn. W.I. vitae yaw 4WD •••MS/IY W asst. o...k.lealheandpelidalt soma. the oh. by Xr, L. C. Kohl. of ale Roast In the dry toads bus... lids num. ia byhtary ham le tatl away. is. coeds and. a undo eanytndtlaa at a du gbh, droaylng =am. acs fa yralltalnary to as arJottaal. of 11. *Man to meet cabanas. met or Mara Eta has Oat Mho. wat s.. an 11. 2.11. Pay.a either hats or thaw.. la ta• dataandan at an atom°. brat.. dant. Mr pa. AU=Tuna ha ahn, of ant , tmadlUnn. that morti hat fying ma 1 ' Is a. Ika .111 to at tha.maaray at ha ...Ito. alma his bills mat wawa. Me. I ludettat him.. bra dratJoesid - to mtrh radio sad atildlsna nattily al the hands ar his drab, god al. .1 Said you sod rana. 1111. burl tam all dean bat In Ma ldmdia t t s h a d n .D thy s olfo . r tvataai n d n y a d n t o ll - Mgrh latra.t. t• tit yprloo.. man. du. icy wit... la laud.. that. meet. dusts: th• • part, law ....Um K. dtityklns , win. bur boar astanstraty dbandial. freely MOP.=as aad mat woad- Inany. to be mart than =L. dhla Adaddludo bps L tasigala• anat. all or Malady, beat deapattaaad N... Climewlegad. , • .7 , ••4 .• • —TM Mamie ream., al Triday, ~parer mow gm Met avyme Minim Tb. Torllss opal/ vita g mime sarks4 Men, tag Hula thm Mat iregge agaraammag lamas M Ung ogal met Bgalgam at Ma Osaka IFS. UM ildittrt team tam LW, la mum avenge ,ga tea mamma at-ter . Nov Tor, •110 Ma melee inatUe Ly matevneg Wmw searmasta emagnatareve emaad aMmomag ma may far, and Ma mutat Le mnageff mangle. Mt mu maland Nam Lime or fear Mee dem Magi M the Daaga nnon • Mara Ire of memory Von tai goons% ni4 dirposta et nie Sun Liam to IMP anon doyennes so anon ast ilagaigNag lan tam Mat bagmen, Mil eat egmelove gag Leiremed gem mill in., Lep pelagetlen at Lb 4 V0U14147 Mona. ItICISOLICW /111.142.20 07.14:110V VII PTIVWXOI4. Oarrort, / • • lIATOMILLT. 15041 . 1 IL MC 11111DE-110. swirl kM bra ardarataly rel. Manor CM par waufroor flu Warr VVO•o•iv. bola by. twat; aadl sag au b. Wrward roWl Y. Or arm lum• bow wirwhat •larrwl.baa wear. Carat pflaM We , %OOP. N• woceotabl. mo n Ira.a ar• of 1122 .A1 2 . •a/ aariaa lo7daY.wsa warrat al nut at 'hi rwl Ira mho Arabia. ars of ion *la, to anew cm true very an ix. Thar. was are 0 ArreWellea Arran( for 011 tar read, 0011...0. imam. at 050, beau lea arewart 11 ad set boas oas. woaaCid.. IA urerd to Mr ratan Knave of : taw sates; tbrn a. a good dud et asur/aur ,pad Jury. acuabir of yradlrmaas, gra Obi to • drarrly •••••dad. hawryr. Mal er marluity cod 11 tam Ia say Wore at it lava bv apanM. 00 prawn% prior, Wm" I. •orwrr Wr•IWW darn or rasa, ikad II Lint tfbt7Wa Gars rat balwr Pftwaraal la Ur joonl time of Ur liedwaa. Ul pray rypoillstw Irked, 11411arwro. rut 0110 road =won; tar. Wat near! Oa rarer b• area mad P.Walyrrart Wpm . witioot rauser laradat • per tlrs loM. arSIALD—Thar• - ao loon:mama to seta is Ur parrai err of the earkrt fey kraal otl. altar far Invent • r flatus re *erased wf.114 W t mar. prima Mn WEI fartare drllead. W• k mato. tiska. o. 04)1Pias04 •ot eld artrada, se kr. Ww.: 2/0101...• *W e at, 22.1 WO OCT all *a ov3orA. saw'. eptikgq. mg% pad 260 for moo' math art . wrion. u If.. Mare low bees Poi W.7.1k• Aar A& 010 . dallaeral Put tb. great proper/ea of a* traaareloos reyorid brag db. wilinima I of yry,prowp, aad, se fax Oa 'OO wia Warr bar e•ry few et oar ralary oo will; to War tar ram era. tradep WWWPW fob fy. ray sued reaNes, Um{ Lbws to Do mama for we lurre aped, satirolad. - At 00 raw is er WAssla tt. wade Am . ,. tier DU be= balm pawn Kira awl we are la Orr am, •• lawn •••Wasar• walar tip 10 to 000 ; 1100 Jalwasroo II ere at lead— AZIWVaI&-YIN =Wall of 011 by Wm aid 1. 2 . Wreat h ate" vi autla.Mail. fate ai folknrs, . • 1:-.:-. ~ „car.a.i.a. "Sli a. •."14°. Willeerefria, a, t••••F• ':i fru , . .f , : 9:1•••••••,.....-fis. gl agr a tftrisiTia'„•_—"Vo iithibratrir PTA. V. 1.16 • a ita a am. Si MI tor to W. P. Lo. • ! . * 7 .111iNer siall Sista la adore*. Dr.l2, OIL nifltAi•i• O n. M "us iftlas •W. MASS imps NV* ..meoll R boat, "VIA. An • rtu t z .Wad not ,parehsig mousy. , ,•,.„ • .•-•-• •14 4- • sio.:••• '•,•••• • •-•, k•••••• J • • JMM DUZM,'. &SON, 69 ant 70 Water Strait, . _ LAM_ COI MAIMFAMITBERS, 1.2 &Ler.. CLVDV. L U=WAX= aNM zra 3 lam uu iota YtM boat eloaloostl, ar oto • MAK* tO WO to low at alio", Mao thor b . Lo w. • tabricator tollsol Ilizotate • : imsricatt=g asul nailing WILL Sr Cox I 4-. AI mastastly on ha. 4. ms.a.aciazzars 111 2 / 1 24111 to ove wk... call term ardeling Lard,ol.llzora tas West. eltz sulmisiux Chrtioa ca ras PrWrsitratot disarm 13•117112 AT, 4412011 . 7 d. UM Th . 4 geositil mirkati. outline doll sad di; wad *tat new featured weeny of speaal no. ma Par mins Lew welsh% In eonettioace of woman thaletwagotallooal Isalry.sod tha t tott,st albleshariufees,sbot t ad, astad thae t th* demand for all of Um Madlnseom- Oodltlas rat:tasted malely to apollladlOW basallibe aludie of 'eartionwra, and yams ban undoseono no matotlal ahaage. :WEAM—Wintst Wheat I. In Steady AO. Maud, and the tails ante:tar:a all that afters at ate for Bed, ad, WS fa det.WhiU. Pao. la Is scum and La danand; and may be Quo, trd firm at Mat for Elming, and $1.7041101 fa Fall. Ads In tabor bat. dam:4 Mars be: log plenty of buyers at Wm, and no sallarstaale of too both to tbe Wade at Cc; and amsfl sales to gfatei at emu*. Row ,Ear Corn may be footed at 900040: Pals of fears sow Shelled OS Stela' Eye Is quad and =Mama at UAW liale ars docolast of atrads at Oats - fir Nye, the former stall eads,hatl the Uttar at FLotta—t. finis, with u falz 104 4emindbot inithonged. WO now quotoC at $1450011,50 for fiptlng Wheal $I 15 , 60 : for Winter Wbeak . ona $100015,53 for !anti trunks:. By. Flour BBEM== BACON—IA gigot - but dud! at. liihres—ufpl3o .for Shouldem 12011130 f0r mud atio„na,lexam for .614ar pond LARD-1s dull but 'unarm:lgo:l at mug, Mau kettle, reidautd, lillelerlW4l26‘oo34. la kap. . loiltDOIL-oto quoted br .tosautactonori at rotor No. 2, and NAB for No. t." RUTTREP,,tirobra-tho Whom of intramoil &Maim In doll arid drooping; Ira now gnat. .prlatit to Mato Roll Botta St MOM. . MlS—Steady bat unensagedi Oct., at 170 ton.. • APPLES-stesar. iifati a Needy stole nand, and we ran report regular sales at Pa fe% per bbl, for fair to cholas.. . DRIED klairt—Coalleittee dud] with • =WWI ipiely le excel. of We Wenn& We quote at iliree GiediieVK ape Ifie tellejfe "fee t' • HAY-Ta maths fa pretty awl La market It doll sad weak with a dzooptog Us. dm:li 0010 of 67 bales. on whaff, fair quality. at $lO per ton. Loose -Hay ta salltag from watosa at Es to fat, • M3ltiS= HOMINY -Dulls g. .PCITATOEr—GtaIst sad ttaatumgeli eon. Was to kpiOt• it stoma per Nub; .44 IMMO SAO per MI, es to quality. .• . New Turk Piro Mime Market.. Muertim, to the i tntteran devote) lam Yong, Jar. 4.-Cotton earn 5[0 10.. er and eletidatly loss &dire. gplte of IN bat* at.IFX,Mr mfddllng riPb.rdu • Wbol . Illonelpia of OSElbblit abide Brroarz. feeder; ate business In part fOr 5=01%111,400 bbl. at 1 0 2 72120.05. =perdue State and western, slo,. 15 014 Mt" time 0.71$01141; extra'westans 'sl 015,:3: elate wafts extra .1110,101111121 u. 12. If O. 10.750/2; common to good stLott. Ls 01220815,501 geed Motions extra daldo. sing etradys Valfforela more settee, sales of , 1.153 make at tra1101515.;; Rye girtaratead7,l asks at MO ball. at 07,75.2.5:t. Cant Anal steely, odes Of 733001, at 10.20 for westera. ,whieary nominal: liectipta of wheat 451 Wheat arm with moderate bust. rem, debit:Wee of atm Mehels at 12 , 10. Sand a Sprint at 10,110. S. rt OVA_ TPO lI,Sot who. Kootaletwe ^ 9 , . ' ebbe California cbtrly at' Inside Brim. Rye Quiet DOS Print sates 200 Wale. nosteero .101.51. - Barley elm toaltednulaal.' lineetrea of torn 727,00 bush ; a shade arse* Mr new with moderate twoluessirldellof 02 ,.Tbrt . 11,4VeVo a .! ruTte re 5111,5801,a1 ie. saner at 11143010 roe /WM White end yellow Sondem. Woe tuts of, Oslo .bilsbeba - 011., 100140 bowel sides of }l.lWlntab.;:, at .115;120PAo westara note, wawa/ rata ; truer* as thit latter prier,.' Rice quiet: Coffee • !Orly" actirei tales of GM beg, otatto prlvanaterma Infer steady; tale. of MO bbda'at , l2;2ol4le for;Cubs, and ity‘o lot Porto Kolas. ems oulettsalettof 150 tads of Be. °demi at ingria. Petroleum at .1040 for 13erode and .. I =fgr ,.... rettneel beaded. 2 a get: oasnans.a. A's /km= solo favor, borers, $1 25120P40 Boone+ dyrre.ll,ol newt' Wool leas motive and undulated; Balm or Mk= /be, at szegtho for domes - Bo fleece. Par a sales of I.lae bola argfwggr.4l3 for awes, MattogatlSl,Al regalartattlNlMlT for new ornsl74.o;ady for, prime. and 413.73010,0 s for prnne Metal also BD Ohio new meat frr, *tither option, the lut halt for February and the first ;elf for March. at pdga and MO ettego for .01. lets , option of rebrussy OM. Bed steadyl sales et LBW btu u orselomi MOW. 800 Wrma quiet/vales Of 5000b1 at fdaaoo, =,00.. Bacon fitilatiratea of 52 balsa of stir Cumberland leas at 1014 e. Cut Beata in fait demands sales of Me PIM. at NIRO for' Brae quiets for sumo. Drained Bram ndbea ,at 12201220 far watt erU end IPMI2IIIO for tr. Lug *toady; sales of Imo bourns LISMINfu - • Butter slosdijr_si 20 0400 'for Nam Gnome &beep at Ilwas. Ihubsuts to Liverpool Ant; 1,19121 bush tom Dar ateomer at seance-eloUr erased very arm irih so - upward , tandent7 tad cleteend ehlrdslar moll.= and oontmon trader. Wheatqatit and arm, the MITS.,' la ocean freights ma. facially chanting the savors Mummd lit» gales and firmer. wit 6 good rperotatire de mand Si 1310 In Ewe. Cora uaSst at. oLSON, for new mimed waste. aloe; and EA for old mixed western.la alert Pork rather rule:gas/et= obla old men at inuoirstos Cludi ono. rumlsr. shalsbc at We IMIMILIKV nawineti.--eall, SSOd saner Isbrnary glxl73o222.llolseller= =Mg. Beef steady, wpft a fair damand. Cm Mast. Mal and neon mtged. Lard de. and fairly sinlre at IPBOLVAS for 1115 tq, prim soma sad kettle reasbaset, -- . • CBI Tallinn, to tta rdiebarch Gunn 1 .. . _ Clsitairrit.‘ Yummy id-116ar fa= fanny 11110 1 / 4 11. - Wheat • held at ad for No l tad I red. Oat than rotas arirnare the nears of auroral:lle, tan thannea AM Moab dam. Cara dun no Wane for a= a= and Ma forittallot: Oats mat= Mane fa, lfol. Rya firm at IdAtllhea—ta• latter tin rut awn. sated. darkly arm: sad to deavesso, Oi $1,10)01,11far fall. Cotton elated fiat at lee for !Whisk, amalsally ordee=red. Zioaaded ad.loo4,felarra. add- $7. WWI" for droned, - renal** l • dead Provtalesta!datdat a= • sadadrad— =teamed donet awl Dore id - 1011 for OM sad atm Lard, =Mat MO. ...1141E Xeala dallta=alders =III at p.dier Oda. COO to baud= nI adigo—aothier dome la meat. arid lector ars aoadrao. -- Sae= sallfaa osty =an lota at 19‘1,1/00 - for idletilday lad IVO jar near Eau, Itatter sad- ce=ye =envdt. - Ea= dell at Ile. law al Zrel f olliotral l' Ar: ear laTo ' CoMaidet 11,11 lard allebattgade Petronnat dull at 441,440 for relined-rms. :•00,t4L/144= 4. 71. Exchange firm at ft= it , . fat. Mats Usenet. Mr !Warmish to *a rtsai earn Quetta. I • Ity. •La au, Jut. 4.—Tobassetaeao gala& Comb • Wa s at. ISSaa . Lour la batter saw >a me but tle prime ate assclutaaeall caber. 0 co earAtextrs 1e.: 11 4 .410 . 61 . 3, 4 P dika s its trate. extra to fusty Wbeat &us. but a beamed ..or HAM winter ball. at Mdegia• Cora Maw, as NOW for ebell.,d ,713.1271:0 . or askr..oam AtWar at y uast, libe N ftll ßatle l.73. Pro u w S a lters eatle i r i". tun tartly startling sluing. bleu stork . tell. Babow—abear elow Won taoalaars g9i =PM enrol llama 130110 fa 440140 •C 11.40 nor. Notes tort.. If op ebb all batattaall aka. Wee atelletta, but Ore rvf tO ••Il Imam; average late taxa brikebabts Lasted during Um weak. Ir. tat tas so uste &twt 1000. !Make aosetatal, as 11.1 a lacestpla—blour OM bake yeast VS Eat oars 0000 but eau MTh. but batle7 4WD bus :le to btu tact 1.194 bawl. • •, • I ChisMO MuSee, . ra the tltuw.l► 7f..gta.7 Citooao, JUL 4..-hoar Is etnellvai fetid. gnus 1.::::eag. axles& Wheat blew ie. tile it 611 tor Bat, SLA 40 VA too XO. Itl Cora 1. . tr . =7 r e 44 r , g 4.. notes, nirr.. Otto Is stepAy Ai 418911 e. Byer:teat ot Zt2l.te tor2fe. L Dario, Ulna at 101.7 i etiL,77 for No P. Prorl.rtona a iota aid &rm. You Pork Is MTh per bb ll fir silts mu.. VIAL Lard us 11 yiernia BioatOors Inak 730 pr.r /b. Or.* Ewes are Ha per lb. Pick.lod sad Ea ere lo eoure lad nototnal. Becelpto-SLO Ws. PlOort ►.foo be. Wheat, 40.0:0 Dn. Can MAO Pa Oita. hlrelatuo-2.0.01.ba5. 7Nrort LIXO biLletuet{ 1.501.0. Corn, Ii h 4 Osso. • • Now Xs's , X Dry Volga Xsrllsall... Ildaissintatiss rlt *Musa 44•04,) oisa*Jaanary 4....LirS 00044 maisea Marti,. and Alma for many goals. Amos. JksairA C • Tins• am down to Ms. and WI habor brands of this mats are off ono must FrD,. 11 Dscoln! "1 •41 tm at bat al AIM* as• o 4 /Minot &mato [. a uto o alas Dimins as las Great /WM X 44 Diammad Mosilmirtdaolid SoltjiM Xsarsarsa Agar, true. Isamu mid So astakesi Corset Thins am red aots34e. P.M& *zits allostlng m miltas at Issirremos 0 Brown Sheet. MissallUa Penis... Won Of has standard stylus oalunx aSll)4m !acid; Ito. ik - vipirsisis Cerraritn4l* so tai Pit:o4ra • • 0 41 , 4 3 .4 Jter 4 , -001Uill attire sed in demand: talddllag 19,401 Mtn 4NO bld.l • • pts 1,103 tritanerports 6,1110414 a 11. fir 10.14 maned 95(09510i Morel {c am Nolasses &Mrs; Coo2mork Galli airpar4Ao4l4.l44 16.40. Odra :4 it. ar.l 71C. 4.441:0rk ddr , COVOCI 014. Was lie 141.4..'.1.0123—t1ertre 1k; Yet MO. Earthy' 4417. , X.. TOM 4151210=4.44 7441,400m2C ' rtrietg% •. • (2/11004r054 W thiaitlabstit kladudirk.r • • ;Partasynrmt4,74roary4.-+ltour tistad• ma but,' ra '.lnmisi ilesm. sad air. rusb • prime rad gm /Daus. gad 4,0:2 Xa. MO ess/04101110 44 111,1111_ Ooru Aim .0 Le erVd 4402. ,4 WI:4OM Trk llar 122Lx 0.41 1 / 1 a 42170 Tre. .11440122.0di et 14* for Grua', luid 3.:50 Ise 1,91901. labaftreoisa. swami. • T•ltil.Ak to Wm 11 . 1Usintrib Quetta.; OWN 0.740.45rie5e4 Host gr 110,300100 Pra aDa, itmea fer.lMlPaa coal= Llfa Aga ars Min aaA ata 1/I. l fMaffortfax Soma' ama far trod loaaalas. areal eatUa Ara Arta sad 101115 a WWI Alapaaa ap.uas to good alaipplac, ma c —Valaan. MINN& lit 9611•11••1- al 'mem oves.. se Ustßapipolyaa4 423 . PAPOIPpir Iliciama •• • - • i1a,111{.2.:?..:41:: • Ity Takerm to tbe 'Mai:mi. 71 ( airiems. Jaa.A..C4O:4llMt my ran" • Wi.”50131* ,; ,--. • r: k:i71 4 1 . . 2. 4 r - , "*" PITTSI3 I I: I ErI - E: GAZETTR . MONDAY;. ',TANITARY 6: IMF? Financial Natters In Flew York. Geld Cased alillecallla IBrniampli • - • law Tear; Jam Min •• . Afas l 43 to steady at 407 Dar beat. 'for call Starling la Om :at far ern claarblLls;. Geld is Amer. opeabli atilt, and ckfing at 434XOLUX. nireniar b, mots: ta p u s of !nada today annol anted Goveroineat Stooks axe without a• ay Og. _ hided muze,'.JOupooa'St. 10E5fa1d IX; 00 Illd.10770,101; do , aIL.IIX;rIIXI4 . ; K b.-105,3•1 111101Lod ovrOVAOIO4 do VI. 104 X ol.“.30 Tearrorthal, Inlol • . = Maks opened 6 beam, mid. 5 7 [!6!9, 9169- sequently declined. slightly, LW. op..' 111:WIts.thederlIne reocrrared. 0910. xi 6 Canton, 43301111141. Cl23llbelland, 10411 Qlllololil9er. 4664655; Itam_poia, 111 T; do przerred. 11%90136 Welt era lumen . 1 1 110 4 =2 4 tw_3l3ifrir *rlaVniNral,".l.69/ 1ir15,w0757,11w1t0n.17 e r 4, nersa. 11.19114666 unkuali .634.166%; M1eb19.66 them 1949994 moo eau traL 11901.92;iiP6ts9urievnrX; Toledo, 9959691956; Ea* 96 ,10 North women.. MOW; da n..c.t. Mng; Yost 996920, 973(6697341 ht. P 4161, 4.1; 419 pre. W. rar664, 904 %Measly ilh4a r,a TFnliessee, , strzeti azA d=r4, . Won , A: 71Xj limatieut, 16; United 6tatei, 28; Me • Mhansa, .163+ rlfa i aTeTsrli e treS, B 4l: 34.1191 y, eezeue, DeDocts, VingMbsatilissiser o trups_ dam 194 inersars. smaksile. lllMlniiikozoo Os more seam Smith mill o wl 01 1 9 :10RET :it ila 94.1. - • - The recelyte Of the Stub Treasury to-day ;ease 111110.1711; for the sweet,- 111;610,64a Payments today,Ar t for um Vest, • I..port. for e • nercries. lle week menu inerdmonse. Kagi, -.417 527" 6 ". 1753.233 ' . • illiwansteeMerkel. Div 'ieledtank i• his Pltdahnrsk thirst:in • itta.tUltri. 'hamar/ 4.—dloon demon rarteWitr ihlac4antmr,....!"..n!twin No. I. firm at. tdo :or new shelled ' . Rye firm at lint tor: RAI. Dressed Hogs steady andd.Ratatk, . Akoalpt*-I.loo_ bbla orltes4 IMO boa 0a1ai!,440 bee Mtn L dooo.o. Id btors. Selpmewe-3.1t0 bbLd dour; • 1.n)0 Du wheat; Ids brie pork. ; • VivaWflfl Range (Ity Tatum t• las rlstabarge tiaseutto Lotrzseura. ...Ban of Pabseeo are Liget as MOATS far 'lap, axed ala for =WM= leaf, Cotton Is sotlre atol Oros at WO for middling. Phan at $7.76Qa. wheat at 824:509.40. 'Cora at 70a. Oata at Metro; Bac balk abendari attooldent at 10to char aides at no. at • a*. -bard at J1P4(1.. Masi Port at atil,to; Allillnallolllllll.ol4, - (17 toe verb, to u.ritObarah Warattr.) 3"7 t 1414 arm; .efts a , 24. Corn dull; bur en over nominal T a f s or . . a a ArnZ s = 4 l2 ihr ayeg tales Me Desk western at . UOl-.8 advuset, of So. nosmßarl dull th ey artd eased. Older &males aL • • Toledo litturZot. Cef teltdraell to Um rlueber(troarette . .) • nue*, January l—P/our quiet. Wheat Ann; sale. of meter Illlctildan at $2,65, and no. tonne at Wm. Cern lo lower; sales of new at InO iteir all Jaanat7 lak4 and n't API% OIX ate geed); sale. at roe tor 2iro. In Wee et 1-er. al.ta. Batter Onlet. %Tar Seed . et braised 1100 7.502 Sala "Priumalumb Markalt. " aty Telsgma thrletatugh Gums.) .• SAN rammicio. Au. 4-11estramthaaged. Wheat !Erin at UAL atocts—Cromk Patin MI tll:dm 24 Bale Xortmosa 12,Z; Cbollar ellos Sulu% 726; own, Cut, MT Emig,* NM IP; Imperial Cat, Ellkuit. Xaranck 2136: 00 emu! Ea. • - Zny TR!foray\ to tot Pnt&bargn larite.l ALLTINOIII, January L—Tbere la sonnies. mans tor Floor for &Moment. Wheat is Sm. Corn Dm at SU:VIM for white. O tto awl a& N firm U. nye at $140./,70. Pro . '15:00/111 art sau.simia. Prratooma. roar Woriria Orme* aai• January 4-14 on sash; Wyk Cal II do do, Boaa • 15 taglot_211 Su% LAW.- cow 100 Me door 5 iNkrorUa a C 451.0 do raw" , te l t d 1 = 1 7 , 1 , 4' „ la p WI: . 4%M.dr A jli Virali d ai j do?Li E tn b sall :. a Fulton; al do de, analalt Xotokol XOa do, • nod' •fdlsturort 4 1 4. 45 . 6 ' • 5.441 oar bads% Pla Daaa,s4 a ILla4l 4. do, Z Wasasalehli Coo aro, do Hoodoo*, shoenoritrak a/A soap twat, a bias op os, •P Hat do apple hatter. H Rua 0.4.. loft on dry posebs42 do ariabssls6 a, sambaadat delay plumb.; Ido a.. , aaralm. V 455 • 04,44z* Mr. Coal; Brava 1 aaraa. floc. Col Oa AO, d= ed 7 kdrold. " Ll i tto.N=Vai ll ' 7: .as nu, poem Ilion; Ido do, MOO* =dam tO5 a aka rio.D aaol broom. haadles, and:at • Wid , 4,10a4 taarsuasaroreas• XL1110310; Jaanuy 4-4 ear hoe ro, Dyannit, Cart. • C 451 do 41.,Larld Mask, 2do do. Boat a' C 5.4•1141-1 do iallfaXalad, , Ponora arta do 4a, Hbasabarair /1155130 do. Zara a Cal 10 hut Mg Ss; Wait d r y • Casa 40 441 5. Sham. a /Aladin MO dry alma, 12 do dr, mss. a feid% 'fold, • doll oda door, dodo Earaaaa9. baisatryltan.ll.4•llada., Cana, Maros oa a roam. lasika• N Ul aka lazolad. kaaaat a_ tiarpart I imply toaa•Xaste • Co, to wimp U., lit . l.taa s Ll= I.l=4:Pat rcr,t .1. - 47, Put aro a MI NO bid szo, .1 a W Fs/dm I ear atom. J J Beaar.• astaraaa Tamar I. /1.:. Junt' d—. alta apparZi HUM Id Ida AGM CI Warn &lad • .11 Duartara•ri 51.0.15. floats* ,11 Jampk Odludo r; 0. anl64 441. LoalOan, /1554 • 04 5. d. 40 . Xottensul R. • Stang dos ratio Houton X Adaand 0 aka bondditalt tour, XL baud, Lao & 0n5 1 • 4 4.1111,4 7.. 1 11 /yl i r ao. J 'a maim; 1 ear ldb• Coll•do to:11 Woodddarrbtr a% or to fliaaaa; a/ dosses. don% Zal • altehan; 4.4 oat; Oa do N... 1 illageasma•l4 m 6. 1114 4Porta Ca Ifa lay, Smot a Ofar. d. 044.41.44 Ordannmdt dastard d—a du ears, Xeileati Bend; Ido do. Hondo dad ltarehadds I de de,l3 Bat 4 bashed do IN Chata liddatedi maidioll. art4.l . fte MX.1.26 d• diffitaaleadd de do Index. readadtdee. 06e16 do Wafter; Ods• tag bad Wad. le WO; ea eat/am 1a9P1A•44 4 UX. ado W lisp • bast I dad dm, X Seal • Sac I ura wood.L X Jodeiaaai l darn., 124,444413 442. balk aunts, d Mid • I , la tie dram Wes, Eladeelmlay 1 der asl4l. NW* i pp, Aseadrodr Ihradeos. Jaime* 4-118 sks 4asthry. 0 nal Oil de drea libodes med../ Damsel * eat daddeemartili ell boo der dadaredal dlr.., 4 d. 4 . 4.41. Dm la 4.4 aea4 am 8 .144.411,414”; moth actu. 411 A Cams. I es: masa, J Ellepatlit Np iW , Sumer, Banat& • 1011aDA vi a, aagaaavr JOSM ItiO4ES& CO., 331 4 1 ' 1 "el" 1 / 2 OULU AAD BOP DMUS Oates, 1192 Pam Pa. - *sit lit_swee isepeass "airs; irpaqu,s - 11.:113 4 ,16YON: Ikeleu.ot Wdefitt aid Mauro . . • ' • ariAraisai sr enmity.' • ' Utisdrtglierry Lit 7ctrrfilaymi,' Urgers mrsialoUr • LA. • .1.12.1, A. Au *arPLARLE Ips 'mirth stwit, • ev r7):4r ll 7smu..ait i glip 114 wale m.d, JAPANNING, alth 02MILMINTAI, , VELLUM LLOYD, t 4 1 1L WAIL ' , ma. Timonium PA. arnr..7ti Oalustm a• - . 1 .9...47.1 IA ILENOTALA . lIIIAT MCAT COST ! 1 . 1 4=1241Mik X l / 1 10•1.• ISM [Tarr mrs al, an. bOIIS g. tierir Mit Vs raj Wren:ma sad la l ilb stn.& at) ra& eljpon• •°"" m .'" sa nw* o v ilrig Mo ocs /1.1•RaltbS•11 1W~000~` 111101,0410, sesomeo: Jut nettved. Oa sift* gamest et • IMMIX , 1 / 1 /12 94X/4 • , Intel Mil hypo( of KMT Toome, to , • A. Y. 11011111. T, litheitsabe Brow, 'sn Warr, stmt. rtitskurata. P. IMMO% . OBIMOSNIP to Jarmo Omuta") "• 1 1 • laalffiCTOTOU LOG PUMPS. :nt:l*.ketca r e,, B, 47.lll.W.l,-IT WraVrtettr""r"r4."' BLURT 11011111ABI, ( PUMP MAKER. firstrltlV.37:ll3ll' it2l6,Etnal 911.1714VIVIX?.?"10'11"*th• TO CAPrIrAIORTIL—A Mrs./op. pmftatty Ls ofrrwr Ur •• laurelseld to sa tm.ll..rpllb r lk• u.Uw.n et • Usid.ut Ultra/ rn DC Ur. Ilse, s 7 teMr•Ot• Mal., urr mum,/ onus' t. pat. U • r purr( o• GO. Sallste• no USW,' Pntagrii-gl jw.Srirt• E. ii• Llis • 00., 6.11 . us reayth 10146 $16,000 To (12 BLAZED •111)110.117•0B. ••'•' • • •• NW AMIN " ftrbet• 4 bale , ' • • • WarsAirßegletensadlestflators, 08•111.1 Mil i• Samna.. biyare or 7105.<1. it nniezLt & , • • *Min . •Is 4tincrrr t: ••:-CANIT MAINFACTUREL a~tYiLrlAtmattkuntra szm Wiram mu. lMUMT, omessUr tray.. BIM rz.• 111 ECM .. . .. .. -.. : -, :: : ' ,.. . ,.- .:' , . 1 ":..:.'''.. = , -. •.7i77H - ..‘:',7 .. ' - ::_ , C , L..',x_---,L-,:•••.: ... PR/ SHRUB ROPE WORE& nuatis cow. IlmiseriTsihe but coneasne, 0/11 Earn, .. , . TrNark:s i ll altri"piiiii, . ... . ' lean , abotieW...,nt cells - Mater Eta tiall rat'' , ~,.a for ctren4s. RIVER NEWS, =ea was swans,. !tenthly at Ude petit aftentocatithh eight and a halt fee; thi olkonel by the Allegheny auks. The sweeten ecostlancs cloudy and sots with sods. cations fe vocable for More rain: I • soil cad several towboat. with steam ay yeeterday, preistraieri to leaving for cense points belowwith coal. The tWorboat Dexter, Bonk by the heavy lee 'during the recent. Ilse in the Allegheny Mar, about San days afoot, was got Afloat yesterday; and safely landed Lusher:leek for reecho. The raking wan under 'the dltesttost of Captain Steve Rogers: The. bon lit eassawhai hogged, bet thought it will Oa preagbt book to it. 0410e1 shape, ettd made nearly aa good Y t••• fore: Crlytaln Este,: L not depreesed by sets. (ensure, sad the,,Work of iiiiidriog 4 rayidly gang forward. it. copses to have tbri Dater at work ut • few day& • The towboate Niagara, Eagle, Mary Ann and Lioness, of the coal .11. et, arrived dazing Fri. day night reed Satiuday. • • The Leonidas arrived (Wm Goy Orleans on iltned.r. and the Renton WI for Chnelaniti. aid Loularnle, with a very good trip. Thillelaware, 'Capt. =chard .oalhouu. Lap for Naabvllle, and the Yerktotrn. 0.41. Geo. W. Elbart, will be reedy. to loam Ica Chula. nail _sad Louisville to-roomer or next Tile Kato Potsta;a, Llghtbar, gad the Gla.4om, Captain 0. W. Johostort, both load boat., an anaounettl for SL Louts forth. • The Met/longer, Clapt..Tesse Dean, and the LeotddanDaye. Sheridan, are both by tot New Orleans, and they are both Ws errienb and well &dined for the trade. The towboat Mary Alla* attired .zaftly. .at Louise/De an Tberettay en route for Now Or.; Ine 'Armenia 'and Glendale, the bettor sn route to; thttatnugb, and the tanner to S. Loam, were. at Cake On • Wednesday, Glendale has a b . . 44.4 and nearly 403 tone of • ; , V touisclito te/eMan to the Cincinnati • Cbeleserried. (Hee the following addlUonei partutdare la rerml to the disaster to the T. . A urrible dinette omitted on the (alb this morning, touted by 'the submermal and me dnithed teat pier or the bridge in the RUM Dilute. The Itarboat T. D. Horner while de. mane the. ut Hauge of her owner, Capt. Me Vatbie, arm, l',l3; AIMNALvE BAJA* C 0 0, 41 2 arui.Heating St 4 4 veep •Ir euxtvAarm. 1;2 .zsio:iflitgaily Berea - GRAFF. 'BYERS &ICO. ItAntrI'ACTV;RIERN Bar i Hoop and -Sheet on, ;WROUGHT: IRON tin mg nut re tit 11 I " OIL WELL Attlee ) No. 98. Water Skeet. -• • nrrar.luipa' PA . riff tilardt;: - STILLEDV carneeti, . .2-trsulwr, Datarl 4 Wirn, tEt_gak ILOSO:inO 01•1411MERSTELITovuokS4 OIL BTELTO Aurryowzonta, OEUMMFMNRIZOKINGANDAZIE /ORO P 433 SALT PAittrASNOo.lfr stunt nms.itAitaxtrnaN lazi.4v el.sox noon iitki clad, fauurrai 0 111 •••sidWakaaeraerita•and. of Bawl sad Saborryr street,. . . Piribakigbi' : VOTTUS3rl*. ipordas raft to tin Omit zaftig, be ... , .......... , w r ... ... „.,........:w . , ....,,,,-....A.,. ,3,,,.-."..„...,.:8,.... -. r ... Juniata Bloom Iroti. ximalA3 4 N je ual : om m a a 1 IWI. HOOP. HA T 1111 d ASIFILZ 3.011. ',n rt ., Itityr. „ l:PAlE. . per aa el HOAHD OH IMOLA O._ WILOUG IiPV I HIHAM U ZIPWINV . 4 . ‘ . ' . PLAT = o rtinctiul and 00.1214/14111q gm, &at arra )4 10 o ver r :s and rut taa r rr n t. oRr .. d .,. kolas sa• iii n cr er, 4orir. Atubat—s ,-...ii pir~resvBess~~g~~, ARDEBSON COOK & CO. istionertapii, 3°I.D co,, REFINED CAST S 15cura, nu awl Oermee Out !teat : I =lc ir 1 1 40 7.6 a 16 " .:' , LIlP;;" 11rItIST:11tift,;_i W AVVLA MIr "•••14 elm ii1110)//iNatia MI/ r 4 tptinkateel. gM=MM gam a. num 2. ',sm. m. provarrium.livexa. . • IIIGIUL:BOURA C 64-- ... , : • ..' /7044173:4713,- .- ~:_ .'fs. : Eagnie7gindoit: -. kladdais4' _and... . . U* to craw Ilniakaati Lase Mow . . nfall slam. warranea to EN, ~ C.444l;_prinxt ibilaftptiolt. alias Le or • JAW= F 1241034 Dip , t..;.L. B. Foci; roll Lad*. iikoth,Sar.2dat. Ality a Dam • 147. triy . ym aos..w asellpi TUN Strike'. , • ' ' imersamicili. PA...-. , BLACK4IIABIOND '-`' . • - ' .'''. • .', ' - . . STEEL NVOMMI PAK sozeourfOooss * . ifipoprooli o I ' ...a.7 ' 7 ' r omiii 6 eitaiii4l"l"lN ems siminfaxiiisannesmes; •. . ‘! ' -I. '''' '-•".• ' 'rrivesintsi. r BERLIN FOB/PRY rims t sots • • 4 On 10 Wtaznoula, No. *6l Wood fittest ; ilipmajw=re an a tom oa2suati . iea h=4 iambs 11 1'041.15 . Liataguwwmais. : ~•.- 1 0141 : MONT, PLAN C FOUNDRY. BOW Ipagt War 4;, °Frown most t • :• wo =cu. • gifts MU] and Crude Ca, INS *1.10+136.1 Cl•attag stalk • • are( exrenzer . .ClElasuaiwistarmiuuz.., ' Ammar & tetacuarmix pITTSBIEIRGH AND 004 N. ELLS yi14.1 ILLILIWAD. amp igi g . coaxes OP num ea and mum sIININkT. October :etc tro, tee treble edit leave Um prime. sorter or weal arneWater mat& SI coacr: . . tO and Ron 1. 1 nlon ' t'n. """ :00. X:rf - ror..c a . rxrtrat .• - • •._ -1. o) 10 - 00. a. g . Won larotoriaeoomixpo.. nab r. 2+6 btIIA. K. rtritltate/VOrt /1.0.111.a10X.1•16 becona •• 7V•r. nt. .13raddocVn , u. 6,1.1 at. blintray Church Train to and , from Woo. Nawton 17eCr.11., For Slants apply to W.ll. SCOUT. narazta J ndan IN , G . Aot; MIL* A LLEGIEM BOAD Y VALLEY.. MIL* '- • --- ajniWgM „ft imatnit Through to Vonnogo'Cliy. Couto6U... Warrrn .6 resakitsto oltdi al ia ....14etaa drat O.... . . ••.212.4.31149 334 WU* Ky 93 4 De ml , r r 11.7," as 119101 n: . mat t..4.r0. Cltr• 7 , 4 , A. '4. a. isprefs • •• • 10:16S.0. 1$:•131. liesly *a. Band A IS01141.1 • 9.3:131 1 . W. X. K. /Mt eats Wortv 311-' 5..111.41 Soda WOrkz Amon,. &Mr, .1111, Amazons. AC.1 1 30.1...1110.1. IL.' • • SUVA 111.flostran, g . 0) t 011447 Otninal Train leave. EWA 11 , 0. .1' 3..111114 1111.3.11 . ,. at .11. 31. ft:ll7tlrti TV` l '" " " . Zzigl . IP.II. H.../Ankertlnro..% 4111341W4 18671 .A.YN• rr. Ullasw:11 , 1”T• Mbh Pt.., n4rtek 1011Orrs:' . • itracir W. AND , 71.E.Vs.TARI. • tram Now:abet 247. t. hou sad Us #1FO• "17,..th50. SS s ' t ZIP a Tru it t , 11.411 V11V.V6.17. "" - 11.11 , .4 . ¢ WI en C:L.•Wpg, 2:. p al Wi t Zniela ll DN a Demultrela ant . al Ae. CIS 444itsees • - ieus s Malian. • •• up Welln•l• Ace I:Up at .14120: 44 : 1‘ p P H. nris•a Ca pa 14et.p14:. r b 73,10 1.74 . 23.11h 4, 125! • 50/1 leiVlitls, .; leeto ii 14•42 ens agaves. 7ly t :Ix •sa I ° vNtWastkizZl Ent (: te l td :L ai i fi ;l e; t 7:11 a as Seellarltle• . ; Ts r Nair Castle .4 .'5 - 1 - LeaKetleta 44 4:21 • • ••• ' N. !Sanaa s.: Lie rep, es se Latel.U3 , ":1:1% D a slittrieise it:'sta 7 .Ir&Z hssarstrtastalle s liessersl.7leLes 111 - 01M61, C0U41611 i ciNwitovi 11.. PAN HANDLE lat)lak MUNOZ OF.TEIVG—Cta sad awe tankituvr. Dee.mrAr WA trals• 'rut leave .101 arlYa at Malaga Dapotll4 WHOM. littatarga baStAiDrasi aga A. • AA, .a. /a ll Una ip4o a. 34 7.4 T. W., rata praga 204 1. OA A az. Illaad war ....... • ta,il mcuotala or me. y.o. 1. aluo A. ...or. au : .;ro.tf: so,wa. 471,:e GaareA Train lerna P3utdat at 1235. r. It. Xf- Train karma Arty. tianday Mends, anepts4. attl , lrot_M(.l:4Glo.ll,4l 9:l* tags ammo V•enttli.. A 14 , M2.5 121 AD VANUA - ALL ()TIM A01:1128. Eta 41radaleatearairelMtliVtit'eaniti and ptlaclpal Acing .v cal .0 Ocala. gigrtaarbuths.za,u ran aad . gad Oa 1111111111, .101=1 1 , 01013111 ,n 1 1,, • tapoi r (106111 MLR: LICIlon De LA ESIPAVOLI., Ticket Amnall sbravektuAur.. J.VP5.24.1.• 1 ".: • WESTERN SA I I.IIOAI3,_-4). strAr HUrattltall. / Psassairs. MUIR. ua Wane= YU...M. at sad dem% from tan Alleirrer, ear. at to/lo . • ResrnVo!litiftri. !ZVI Arstass.......laytia.r. allasples2.l.l„llal. Las -=ll4 Naf. 3:a5 !gl Man ram rag. rids Na 3 c;O5 Fag liarmirrare 7:ta P.m. ituups,a 2t0..-7:301*.5. gar 4 . 2, yAr gsZsilLkWtrag.l7...JailSt.' .' riniITATIM A M.N.„"I"4.I OM at laar. st. and aril's ..L ' lsshorty asosi. ...Comassmallan Slakete.-Toresle to p...ags•et _bur (My. Mena.. 7 stmt. te Is n ... n 2sanstt. rise Ore., /MIA +Ma « W lt e Baszposat.s.dasod may Ina= t9D• mste. • alstat• cos.ectlon at ireeyorl •slcr W Liss ot Maass for hal. and • e... 4• Olk.unt VEttiZZLit.4l.lleldro:- e. rata. a/spot..lavas:ll r. a . , . TU . Wanes ress!ilvants asOrwd_ all tams say el.t: for sssarkge, ertcn -for We.. Men thaty rsspostabillty se fraua'alts= Doza.ara Lavas... An hu me *... . " • . • . - - Atimtki, Tigittatte. .-- de. • Osumi anal.; Akio.... M. , . IngIeirSTLVANIA• PIVMEOILVANLI "IaiIMIE7•REI itinroia I.lspely • gar•ig,C44,', ,, ,, - ; , UEti y, O'sx sa. mirrozyl e o u t o e: i . TM.tni Val of W,Mirton and U SO NTO nta.. Lt3=l:7l WM% IM3 t 2 .1 •z::... ? "111t s " BMus *`ne:.7lsi E,5....F74, m 301Malm" • tf tianr! o Wan , * v ita,. atm , 'W•1.141f.t . t.. 'WON: iVintil-41.1.;;Ava Walla* It. ff... UM Woll4 No. .nnia WAIVE No. rant f:na TA - Altoona Awns • 19W1 NO. 7..JOun - • - Sinulaz stlAic Pitt:bolt, at A no. malanal cam anttatmenta at LAI san nod arm* al alPnetation an. •Ms mast* as mom* Wry • - 7 , --•lllsOalanna nod thi Albacia.Acoonn:. • itodatka sod Trans arrive pawl Aroma graven daylv.-ezAzo!. knAntain- An otA.E EnAnkootty Imo% Ann an. ltailnanar Ctralpanir Ir=marlfsvm.l,l3zvap, ham:trod Dallas Myatt*. Afi-13.10,1nin0,= 16/ UM =WM IS 'M. opIll•bn um man . 011sor. AWLS. tateinswev, contract. , Anneal Mannorintwaelona. Altoona. NEW MUSS ROUTE • TO TUZ . • .OIL REGIONSi • Cow 'lotion of iho Allegliens Valley Railroad, • . 0 .. .. ..14 O i M I DI A IN Y. U D I mevme I no VZs.t thMov..,u CUT. • The •dams pLpress Company, •• " • Ilibvtl baeltlr d :3 al I Dmi•brirgraV .7AtiDlbt4Bl3l•l2(l27Crb; bt • bbbt •Wiabb•lbb.: ' ' FlS.Nrilb nab the 011 lietrltta• Inst.. t, I ear... bk.. Mat, law Oh Oft) tlig Au. : •T ielitiVltittterik • • • • . Tor ps. l { . .but)S. Lite!" Ot • ••• • • • 7. 4;lr.oauall pvie?aapi, = MORT MU 1107111 anaa PICON RAILWAY , FATERN DIVISION, ryoun.....7.lvtnr et?" &l l auso, maul& - rAiairosaria. or*. .' . 4 Auscqui. - ymuumproxt. ? ainir azzioo. wane. Tee trains !tau Urn aid Ler/as:north Omani tseepted,) ea Ina arrlral , ad Naas at Rene Jianyauf bass* da. 'Lank. and flan/anal and St. Jo lannad bast 9010V1.0011.. ijCtitlas atLawranan Todels and Wan aro nl/4 4 1 .4. to, a 1 pilau la Eanaae. At toe o I tneit' mi of =mann Ida, th. [Mn ISTA21:11 ouicrAsra DAILY 1.1112 . roa *AIL /MD LEM= Clanai. • .. SALT DENVER, AL LA.133. 'biz; ALL room xis TEE Tr annOttrie. ' AN sm. 6.431)§2M0N is TiLing ra,y nu Ctp 00/408111 Mr Pm hobo, Star. PM, ' IM. allratu any Po. tord all Matt la , ..- kasoa a aad N ewtn/Da . , • - . 11l la Um mut Mediates al t alb's .10a Ilia .41,/ossesat utd ta. 11211UkallICIU mad.VIM a.. • !Wthwiyad Tram attauaaUses Lama • awa Imala .4 Ws mad vow tam oar Caidattiobt the traaaadatten y tread . . ilttate SW iml• at all Ur tattaltal ants/ la" 11141 ballad &YU sadCsaadsa. . • . P. ma aid /Mt POD ricru-rs ild. TIPII , VRILL EOM. 11111uai PACIP/O• • ILY,..ZArillad DlT)nacti. .2 . ..arDZlaellt.' ; ~ g 1 __ • ',. . , .I; N 4 IVAIGIII3OI6 ,•,* - t 4 • poem /MAIM gad ?lest adra t. ' . s7EAIII TO AND JITIOL!1 ufuraot a QUEIMITOIVII;hein u y ! lum . . , 1411.4%, irtni • iariatv-rwai t y Liti 4 J / m th r 4. Sfat , .. Twt.l.o •utn Owir 44 . !ram. ADVIT tie Xiniar4;. . Illtionatt, *scats* Back auk rusispa -;•.• - • ri Brum • ' ••• • maws. • rao Vatc.l l l t uottatili, 111. • • • pip:VATS.EAsz a ; e1t„.44:i1, ~,,f yyd r vzarrw eu zvu r- --', V A r , f °1 " 1 "! r f"" 4 . 41,1, 11. 1 4- 611: ' "lull_ &A. • st,..1141110•1141 11. 1%:..' MEE MBES n 3 El II !MI IMIIII , 4 I INIEI