Ett rittsinct Gait 121 GIRLS AND WIVES. - Two publications of merit, one a guar. terly review, the other a monthly mug. mine of the cider and graver sort, at. tempt, this week to re - open 4Ell=a/ion which three years ago - aMost ecnrpied . the Recess. In the" !Worth British Be. view," an eloquent writer, -whoeilden thy requires no signature to establish it, I points to 'the disuse of marriage inthe upper and middle clan as one - of ,the great "sores" in British society. There - ought, he says, according to the Census rennin; to be only 400,003 women be. tweet' twenty and forty still unmarried. 777 and there are 1 :30,000 , the difference representing the number wilfully -shut om from their, natural rind most utakl position in society. WS may add that . this frightful dieprepOrtion Is mainly within the rahks of the se-called mid diePeasant' women all marry, andthe workmen, - amidettheir thousand onmplakits, certainly do nob com - that their daughters cannel End Lamesbands. tin is evidently inclined to at , tribute the evil mainly to ening/ease in i luxury and. vice, observing, with eel. -.gramatic Astir*, thatit celibacy ed chastity . almost all men.would marry; but enea be la same on the lore of tha w wiry and show for which"soma women ; samilles so much.- The writer in "Bra sees Magazine," on the other band,who I -professto gi reason bachelor, s-why he with I £OlO a year , is v s e till a ' boldly throws the whole blame on the women,w . and launches out in a_ tirade against than, which reads as if it hail been tak en unman expurgated „Tetanal- i • Their dress, their cosmetics, their de. ; • =ads. for settlswissre, :theft extnin; glum after marriage, ail come in for his - 4 - unqualified censure, and infivenings In. the wedding -breakfast as one Of the r • milmmees which disincline ItIOIL to mat ' rimony. _The annual premium on the insurance which fathers-usually demand often, honeys, cripples aman • almost through life, the - 4100 a year, so bestow ed nuking all _the - .dliferenee between plenty and discomfort, a mtnarlr. which _ breathes the very essence .of the bubo- for selfishn ss, doubtless assumed rather than felt by the writer, but which Dimes out still more strongly in;the: following • taaragraph: "My £OOO a Year keys me in nbbexr,r y h a s little b dn e n fo e r r — at h *R e ifcihnm ,o nhd, the battle of '34 claret, the operastall, - the month at Baden Baden, are quite within my modest means; but the mo rning I marry, I exile myself Irma. this easy prtrathee." Most people,we fancy, would feel it a lontry to know, ,lhat the wires and babies were safe from the ' atter misery which comes on en educe. led household whose head has left noth ing at all; but, however, sellahness is . sot our topic to-clay. Apparently the bachelor would not mind all these an - noyances to much, the loss of luxury of independence, of income,the wedding breakfast, and the paymet to the in - sumac° office, the -weary ceremonials, 3 and the more weary waste, If only the • wife, when won, weliworth Sit - he argues'she is not: "Simeon, for Instance, infonnedememuldent ally, and not without a touch of pathos in his manly wine, that Assn:ants (who "ador ed' musk* fa the days of Oar woo- Mg) regimented him to reties to the guard's Vail when he mildly suggested, a week after they were mended, that a cigar would not be an altogether tut - pleasant ea:ape:don on the road." .. . 'The matron now.a days quite eclipses the maiden. She dins more indaspi. °sully; ahe waltzes mons 'violently; Cie dream more outrageously. "Hang said D—, the other day, speaking of a well-known beauty, who has not yet . ceased th reign, ' she knows as • much ' slang as a calmmn, she drittki 611111Clal • al a Ash, only it's curecos, she mrsibles like. Fox and Sheridan together, she *wears a dress which the French pm lice would. exclude from the Jae ilia ifatiltet and it's. for a jade like this that you ask me to give up my crust of bread lad liberty,— my Ailing whist and my pipe, Not if I know it.' D— 1.84 a minted philoso pher; but I respect that in some respects his sketch is not mach overdrawn.. This 'Violent paragraph is the most im portant in the article, for it expenses, in a rough way, a feeling which seems to pervade the whole literature of the gab- Joe& a sort of disgust and antipathy for the women of the day, • which hrest,bes through all satirical literature, which underlies the most serious comments on society, and which we may see cropping out every now and thermals in Punts, perhaps the only oath lad paper ever es ;obits', sd in which women were treated with nearly uniform respec& laughed with, instead , of laughed at. There Is, of:course, some foundation for a charge sat generally brought. and so long continued, and it Is quite as well tbat the women to whom such di:scrip dons apply shnuld know what men to - ally think , of them, their grazes, and their ways; bat the general &tit of dia tribes hke these to prejudice men spinet marriage, to increase the evil of which the sagacious writer in the North British complainewith so much acerbity, and, as we:think, so much Intim They ,A, A. ''' l.Lignaise. immensely, one of our smaller difficulties to which very little at- Sirinthsts has been paid, but which la, We itrcigly,anseect;otte of the many nes ea which keep up that million of unlucky. 'Olsten, the increasing obstailis men And in the way of ascertaining what this girls they nilght prefer are like. The old ems of intercourse is &my puling, till man, particularly.,the miltivatediath of;china, feel as if mor alism:Ewen of iecessity a lottery,' as if - they must choose, if tkey choose at all, nu the strength of an acqusiote re they admit to be Inadequate,: a "bill-room kaowledge," as people who never at tended as ball in their lives are magnilo quently content to phrase it. They sae women only - at assemblies min piddle gatherings, till they doubt whether they aro precisely like that: In private, whether they may net be acting, or at all events concealing-their true Mrs, s doubt which satins like that in Fraser tend strongly to confirm. This difessace between the real woman, and thegoium of the ball.romn, is the point of the Saturday &Mew's attacks, with their details of false -'bosoms, bustles, and the rest of it. For ten opponent • ties of easy intercourse, reel conversa tion, true ilination•in its-best sense, which have disappeared within the last twenty years, Eatreely 011 e new one hes been added, perhaps only one really available opmsrandly, croquet, the very best amusement ever introduced into a esmaiumity based on the prillier of - trim the temper as no other game does, shows figure and Mee under gun light instead of falselight, prohibits Paint, enamel, false and hare aluml. dem, and allows unlimited opportinfiky of convertation. - 'Bet croquet is scarce ly played in swat aides, where society, in the old sense, la moat rslddlY dying away,midwhere men soonest Mara to be distrdstful. Let.the older prokodon . els'wholi eingreat"cities - look round, and count uf,..the families not-related to them lei which their Bonsai* received as intimate frieside;asuihabltuilllynseithisle What binds a profeuloigithithtoPok'• alter Fnzes's "Jade,. whth.the parson nes th roughout England - in :open to adi-• is, , when county towns and cou n try neighborhoods aro swarming with tut . ar.arried women as nice,andmodeats ink moderate as ever they were, with more information, no doubt , an d sometimes with more external tiretenglon, bat with their real chnicters as sound as ever f , As to extravagance, the charge, even as against the "hard" class is overstretch. ed. They are brought uptolthow noth but of moneys their fathers never eve them the slightest blot of_their afar& their husbands never bilk laniness, and of comae their 'demands for money be. Alnement experimentaleffens to nada stand through indue-ton, bT ties -big- glisg of tbe market, hownittch they may spend. Women an not sleeting:sot 17 instinct, but rather mean, having micro ° • scopineyes. Let a men tell any woman alive, in close relation to him, that be has se much, and wants to save Oct of that, and then be as just as ho can about dress, ani it will not be her fault if he deer not same, bat his. As tothe reentry Oda, sofas from being liable to the charge -of extravagant wants, the very satinets who bring it allege that Mayne altered egrate&--that Is, they deliberately try to seams the mast moderate establishments kept by gentlemes =England. That Is the effem, comments tbe wind, of =- V 12114011. - itf Or is It - rather the effect of a feeling that the curate Is usu ally the 3/01t reined man of hie set, the nr.wwwm 8 DEBEBY G Wet- &minted, _the one with mon th - Eirirn,,, I srstito aseisown *shun nlen tellectual Interest& It is not the silly braes borne. Atf.thkanntaleo• women who Man i, Clergynlen MOSUL Viiigriaiteic*enin enr. Wan tore, ° nor - are Wine by any meanies es les bestasis lasenthasul d tillg, Ulu owl dam least qualiffed to bold their own in p=int Vim?. lz 'Lc 717:` 00 Tb , kl Sine, ° society. Any .man Of equal culture rittotho. sae tatear f 3,1,11,dg' V i rg would. have an equal, or, at all events, L'7,7„,V l 2,oN,T„llokbassiiserm, seiner.. sesrly equal ebance, Ohs pied, instead basar rerty• or faneyinjr that his tholes" ought to be 'a . '" *r the 141. sEPArtr" . * if ailed 10 the 'girls Ise meets in London - finnten'As s iwrt gissembile; 111111 who may be, for aught Loon. wsstple. he can be certain, just these whom Fn.- l"SW...writ. Dionnber,r, ISO 7. eniXikthaA akSt Cited. WhY should sturza WARE. - r's it tie eu {lmfted! Becalm. ili:eizayist ! tontend - he aunt byre a wire be longiag to his own. clan, "habituated to bin own ways, interested in his interests, ready to Ilya ids own true and thorbudblY abbad, descent in marriage being, eight times out of,tea, a mistake; but how does all:let matter to the Ow don? Class is of no country. • The women he scums so severely have no monopoly of manner, or use, or knowl edge of the work', Ind are as a ride the mad Ignorant-of created being.. In every convey the "Ina ladies" Me Ignorant, for they study only People, net teem society, not life ; but dune peel dolne ladles nerd even know truths about people, are not merely inapt in conranation r but incapable of It whin= curer it strays beyond chit-chat. T h eir single sp eci al faculty is i kind of lased insolence; useful no doubt both ai a wea pon and a defence; but still not the strongest which= be used, not helf SO strong, foiemunrle, u either beauty or humor. We admit the 'wretched educa tion even of the mus, an education str uarently specidly-derised u a banicr to knowledge; but still it is improving, and they are infinitely better educated than 1 they were a century sin, when men of ' good position. believed music to be the only. proper accomplishment for their des tea cookery a ferule silence, and a t a m b e t ra ying • slightly de- Pri7Z mind. Thousands, scores of thenainds of Englishwomen are and will renisimuturnanUf, - leo are as well is. o ld fo , though in a different way, as of their own class; who reap 94 M . study as mach, and can beer their in any comedown, on the -whole, rat better. _ TIM truth it, we bitten, that while is as ,frequent as ever it was, growth of al taste for luxury concur. g wi th - sudden deulopment of op. ter gritifslog it :without sot. g up holm; have lambed , back the age. particularly in the upper and • classex Census tables do not this toffy, because the hatdt has nikeireitched the lower classes. wbo marry as always have done, before they, and who outnumber the Leconte tax-payers by some twure to one; but It lea fact; nevertheleu. Pro. feasional. men marry as before,_ but lk stud of marrying at twenty-Ave put it off to thirty-Ozer fatty, and thenchomme ' women at least ten years younger than tcamselyea '' Thle is .a serious evil, no doubt, though not so seriona as a disuse of marriage; but we do not see how it Is to be motored by taking &particular and halted classes the pattern of the whole eex, and showing that the women who belong to It will be enhances as wive": Very likely they will, though something might be said for them, toe; bet supra*. Mg they will, what has that to do with the natter, when they are not one per cent. of the eligible and the ready, ~ - tiFECLAI.4IOT/OBEt., ars micas. A. COLD. 08 A HOER StULVET reeeins leexalau .t teelizi. - tett Osoele be theete4l. U alloeed . - . Irritation SIMI. lanigs,a Pormaaliat • Tbro•t Minas% or unsnaps/tn. • BROWN% MOUES Iltritra direct falterer to tat tart. 'ries La. rawhata neat, Ter Breathitt. Azil&ea . Catarrh. VearatspUre oat: Dittma" trortatani tare Oho atiritylilM SAMS. Rangers dud Public Speakers lea these to akar a 4 •12.4414.ent541 . 01e. - awl. Mil BILDWX • 11 - DDOZCOULL . Into, asen." and DODO: weeder or the Wasentan Isessemnin that sese be oared. - MOLD MTIATWitlit. IMME3 IarBOCEIV4 • 5 • ~ • • (kat liquatig J Ike Ruts) IHOSMI tflEti.TV • '..1:41213 LEIVES. • I and w Proilestlfs.—Tailt odor IS Stras% .. lll na ri 4 ails• ousstial aros sadtaatsxsvtsTsallS,Alistr lasits , It - P.ep•rile• Ilms.-111011 Lft•ek wag. or satiaa s; anti a walls? lea . gas lirissl7- Oniass.proreeltirdllass /Ss. sad cabs; ha Wag, InSalassa, tieIYSIS Olss . " '' sa s ts", Pirsl7 " Cit i ro th triV . tl aW alsas,, a r oma irrhall^a or rbo.lluarerssd Ombra IS.soss• olr.lls - Pla Mead lisSOLlssi orlssoallseara et .11rIss, feel:Salsa Of Saute lb. parts costarred la Its • , so sulos. Ths ram. tdr Wu atm.. Wes re slariassglagl IsOfapSysts. Caralla Basamatlrax. Claisassils/LISICUoas sad MOP, • ..... • • IlacreOLD'S Itimircris Led -- 14 a.. trait Shwas. of 1 1 15Msad. /Man. 41. or Ila ih• rt.:US/tar =Mass of bust eaa. eL 0. later Palm; L". 6 La 041. lifoottalia Peculiar ea Psiaol.ra Eames Baum la in:equation 07 say attn. rm. - 040. as la Mazola* or a Cannon. l ttet olailtr rigamser , at Basnmeraaot Chtlitriatry Moo, ....... us lons. Mrsrand or ratans. ant or ISO Utoros, Loacarrnin Whites: tin • Inaddsn'Erldakeys. Orsysl ond.lhopoLost logs.—Ttls menet , : Innen. too powo• or Mono es. sod ostrln.n• AL.:Norton.. Sao Loner sans. In of • In ttonoterronntronooadepodtioad. sad oil Um. lialfalersoseetaa.4 naiad. alreD, os Yrs sad ZoOdonntin, notnabolins le:toast Snehn Its enod every cot or 01.11.25• Di bees 'Lon. irdsonsa tha Hook An no- Mann sod re Insunoln or too sit, in. trktorstini or no , !ann. snSfiatin. Innotorr or Unto. Ditares tee Preston Wad, Mlle tat ie Zialier. 011.0 as, Una!: Snot:don COMO,: arid alas orailuDisaterfle, tad_ Wed and IMIiC.G , oarialnLoie. Of W. tons, atnadod noldloolor drantonsr—non. rk , oltlo. to Extras.. Lon otfoss", Lon of Novuorr.Dtdfrant of Stratblog, OresiNernso.. .nera-Ung. Horror of Dana • listoralaa. Dialler. of War.. 'Pao nr.tdo - AKA, Ha -Hands r 'lethal Of ON Mod? urtand nth. arts broptao olio he lam. rand tolloolaare. Utneton Inodnittorthelfssonordittno,te. ,- • . ERLIZOLVa TarSLOT BUM 2 BM . BETIO mulamoD,:ttrizeme, • ' , - • • Lod corn on Prone. 08th g fen Bann of lunapnln.. ontlaVran Is I Zt.e.Valtraligt.t= 2 ; tsr ;gar nem. earl Ware" lare Gaols loe. saadtse,oarlarralifie altoonoso—to then dinosto : • ' II LIS. 1/413•3 MEM HELNIBOLIPS DEW /ilk Calia ' E1N.31/01DWAX. . TD3 =3 AND TAXN 15001DEL8. BIWA= 01 coturrurxrrs. 111:1.11/ NEW PELFILIER FOY TEE ILLIDLIZOILIS I .114 fat lalrsalag Cereas.!, =1 "Mee Blwlattli =1 = =I Imatmes W ~nrighe MME=M BEM ==rl rearms sex, salmis oparnaurzne r . - 'UK ran .Thuars-usc aro Maas virm Baum= ar co, BOILER. MAKERS MON WOILIEU4 )10 4 so, ss, stabil ispisa n"bra legar“ SIVA Tat zed tandmin ma a* most arrnme. swat.% ire arelvs panel lesuu nOeta opesr 33307120 0:731. mix the 180. suaver..s2CAratiaso4 Inuits any irs rm 00 41014127. :0100iers. Znosel. Ins. lin lad& nests Moss. LocomeeM /1/01:1* .01. Cond.:nem OM taw URI% 011 MON Ague." sigma Plial.'lleCtoilew 110410% 000 r {Las, 0.41 sato easoltularm 0i,3L0215. Jaws P.ATJUIrrBOXIMik* Aciatrtior dosi ea lib dart:it lomgo.. 011IBOHBE&& (104 - 41=4446 BikatiCl34 a VTASBINtiTOK - W0RN1,7. , Itarilaesnriri tau - sad- istatlossty Sum Slail tigt3/1. YIL Ilicktsern Gesa. lot. lOatt [ ar. emits Of in amr14,0401011 ' nIIIL2 sad 01311. Boller (103 nil NW 13 gnu/ hen in* esiltaidd ifarilegata far 81173.311 , 3 11.71:33 , 13. 1301 1 / 1 1 for toidbas boners. - - Isllll taindLlKE 810PESIOR - COPPER ma smemadiana ificOITADY:4III7OO.. , . muctierccfriier etaitals_ Briericre•sittikit Azour. erred Zrz Jiintmeßly Maul i re , miliTruMVln fiats. dm= Volut Al aiitly Oa V i parr_schJjure az Tools. Warehallso. -216: • TINY sad ISO SECOND w.das wain es crew tat to 17 vii.ttena. • • • undreil:Ml ISZ'THE ffr' , UJlra PI)OLI . . AND riours or. airsor,' •": now sizio a p i rl ir&rD4I II _D 43 =4.7h:DIES Led thm zusjas. AIDDLID Sad iMICA.Sea "Wet deAtrey the mealy hoer tea mite tale wantons to Ieit.DSJAVIG. wit Yew smiled relief. heat In Amsted letter ea t 6 Dee ee charge. Marva, Dr. J. :MILLI le 1nT5184. W eimantAstoelattoth rttllettelpille. re , •• grqtror CT A. scorr,, DENTIST,' dr°. SIS P/Wrir STREET. tosrwris prrreartscre. DISSOLUTION OF PARINERSSIP. 1 14.11 1 .12'.. rg`' 17" " • • Maw& limn Dialog. 7p Dom Groom 7wa, Card Own: V . Zoup Ladish kb. • it . # saia bY J. IN BMW la CO. DRY GOODS, BAR: -FLANNEL THE WELL KNOWN SITTANNING MIRED HANEL, In Black and Bed, BLACK AND WHITE. Zsdlitar.ll3 arrciars. AT iIAIOFACTYRERS . PRICES MILROY, DICKSONICO., 54 Wood. Street. & CO., amrs - :sr( au lOU NEW GOODS! .4 . lsunl libleOrsi two a Wind Stl avarunast at 43C00032111, COMPBUING ?atilt Laos Callus sad linkkomian Pole, Appll4ne Callan and liaadtatbka; ■altaw Collin and Hasittraltha . ' • ' Ire bare also seam more of these Ladieellt Gent'aFar Tapped Glom 1 13.50 AL PAIL Oar HOOP SKIRTS, at bOo.. A=got all , mithar gold oak)n. 1•••• Irks night watt •in efUnto. WA Ull tap ay 431X.V : 0b.0 4r) .13ulbettial Bmdterchleb,pan 411. nun Count moat 8.... to, 136 - . Sorg uouoa il•Md Bow. (Extra,l iihmvianaoral maim. ia • olsce• ith‘e Mare. an . itirlia yule nolusitax the ambers of Übe TINT IS & SO Market St. - ..CLYDE a CO. . • " THE GREAT SALE EITILte MAITUWIIES, 77 and 79 ilnrket Street. NEVI GOODS aims•: aztaFervmara. r ' iI&SAM Aral ' a f Y DUI VP " French 'CorAets $l.. 111011 T le THT. T 1 TO PROCURE BAIL(Z.4.AINS, A.s r at. detercalmadl a clew cut our prewar •Net bears the N. year. JOSEPH HORNE & CO. Asti CLOABJNGI CLOTHS AND. VELVETS, ,AItaSUM Orr AS CoEtTIIII LESS THIN (OA, DU ar.. gra luau= mama. = CLOAKING CLOTHE, .7-;- A-T OZZAT SLIRAUCL iartin gastof =rims Gomm er.uag icreally - Reduced -Pries's! Zgratiaki, el !WWI . 3 , -Fa 87 • 1867:=`7'"y Tom' 1867. MIBMINOT,SHAMON& CO., ==1!1 . DRY GOODS. • • 4. as waiii Olikr.lll,..Zwilseii prim . these - Words; ?stalk Madman • Meet& Jessigwvells. Clotha. Os. rMra. P s lt •=1 ca!, Brows ilwawilalz • fall 11eflfeclims sal null evader amnia ut.loris. fultos.asit ha. =asuman/I& . . Wa aro soak. 1 , 111.1.111M031.4 iIYAI - V 3 Wra__all i t t D9 l". in. L X....alataria k mak. statela on at Xla msg. aEM Una la all dr Dams - . e = go r anud aallaaa .. Walla* Ott CARRIIIMIRDLICHS uacrintx.. Oar • . AMON MID lIONIEMC OIVOCIOIIt. WOO* 11117ACIN. -