The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 03, 1868, Image 2
El El 11 Li ztt - itittki4 - 641 - II lixr4;.l"l , rr 71 2;„., 14 .4r 1 F,. cable wooffleuarloattlisioa who ouccol iierhalowiTtr, min Copt, mid mei*/ gaiktop in: (hit _ Wind thlthq from gus. Unite& &am, Am Act hEr- - wig= o Alimlitcast_cfmuccoMo7 sa- _the reccitt public 'meetings 'twig dcwhadki - •, - Ot the. Waskingtou gir4raterest full pct. ;whim shwa. "Mainz much ilium& reiPtigte - 10 Utelt'ideeerree tedierstoris 3 4* haw deeply theciimedet .ol"-Aremmi mid- Cm wrohtur kn . reeVicV .103 10 1 . -3 4?0 g° 111 " iiiimemilon,lt is lam Widest iirsigincs •orther•,ll3 - .15r. - chratiroi icl of,thu a powsifal ,-gotwiimitit. am be mama pe . ,Fveieed juto M cica,sajowl. • i.: - .3r.iopta thatlcmaecnatheast the North, , ' 'Prod's, 'gnu dleandadaddait''. that the tyclak, fif-jte.acritatine*l-.-iitate,setlPri eteti With,. pester. raPidliyi IT cc larger,portfen ed their 111 at tie South • are dPb4 IV o.7ciii to .iiiaid the eon 4 rammaillin. - What-thew people want, -. therefore,: le slot „sormach- Idecenatruc ::4lol4-aa.aiactlcahic: type 'tb - eire'r,4le: 1 oeintruca erithallthe tete whites 14 - La. - '114)1.11 tha loyal; ml#4.*; :oat: __'.la, an :anianiten6t cannot be bad, ii matter kclr 'bug. it. niai)e,i/aliett for. - - T he time will tome, and , we trnit Idterii __.:, )4.iabentit, grand het it eidlii4' 021 4 • , ouzel 41 peatvolltbad aarhaeee;.bat tha • - . 7.4340,4m ... •t0* be inlir the tightetie ar; - A Alamo abaitVeaciiiiiieledig* - 44[: : Ttlakiint-- r itithbariebeioifi if 7 , ittek , txdotepisa: of 'Miaow :"Aik#4*fil*34#4: 7:" . : -.-- : I , ...- 1 f --- AR nu SIAAIM Ishinntlii/ . 1 6 4_ It ne better , thatia - detps,hiecur ~. - f o idi..o 4 leilleridltitUdaclUi:4" . -. Mslo ll %d°4A Ve i till '2 ?*o .• , tnlat i Erther ; lii4dtraten.ta • iii tea tithe iitUbillie of kap, . 4 I ttlivlvrtsicrairiiiiiiia - rhiis ,, ,if : • :_mppici . ii .14if-de6::atjt4e Is . -- then Manta tni... -- iiid ;kis cr . '-•,''' the pltte.'i If the +President T- . /did , g Oiiiiojil-** 6l ;l**.i 7 c wia l l . - -, oughtlo any so,nidlet , hint'ilcolic-• , a tatiik# ll ! - , , 1 4 0, Ab?1i;f m tg - '1 11 *4.2 4 -bliii*Pttl. afei Wei, ea.:a_ ,vladanitlext elite _risats istlktEisssl4f . - but will UMW. that -body Ft* :Mt. , `' r d biiPi4. l f . 2 4 1 t 0 .11 - 11 1 1 ttet9!or . -: - * 4 4 110 -44 0 41:',13Kr4411, _ . ate r- 'amiss = alwiLys. , -.2.4A : , , iiit eit.:o, l Flika':* - 11tA 1it,04111 - . : -.. .iiiiiiiii i siii4isitsiiti. -'. :' - :".• Pornsateelisg Is Itslyortiitltisitod :ways not to be atiejaiteklii eaitstplaiar t4i 0 4 . * *F 1 444.4411‘. ~eO4; blernoppots b y wham be.tammeas4d; _::..',:0 declare pabllcitthit''Reateabahl* • ' coma thociiikap:r4toiitial:: ... wisii'l: ,i . '' -added that the araseausetionereant Yet Anire-patienooon the part otilf *Oho ' - Thera Ward:ittri,•ind ball - feinetuits uo.,whon other imittin i thmegatinice inwild ham reached the desired goal at a - 114 40 C Miti/tellunt: I lotteeqefte` lis; -- ..-. citi th erirh, int man' .Bitie;lniferktin - Trench men new itillithboon 41, ' - ' eh elesiorthelneeettnent3 . l 44 SikOlt with courst!Ylid_liromPtituda en the 'part of "we rIt!PR I . Ah ICC -- :"" d i 0"! . ..,_ ' :PliedthilirissiletetilhMe ow ..' , -sympathy of other, power; mould haw ' - invedi%le• 'lntes4ipiliiiNitt?!;',wo -3 4:1 4 7'. 1 "etested ineenial.testituttoo n , Ethelenthteds>sndei ) e*Vtthif a s r , ....A. modern munition. ~.t.,, ..# -„ , - - ;;; ' waw'Uie , tax the :few Tar tserr r ivoTErlit Itintroll4; '4lrd'lr .tanid=renlbor iau fm ruroitit l 2l* not sneered 164 thetas@ ir curled tip - _ to the Com at x inn Indzo a, - ' law - levnirena eAfilivenand:lo:l= ' 4 - . ..aisi at tea tames Oloodsa. that I ntno /sumo ' tr"iac," Pue l ir vs taa P 744- 1 4=1":Fr g a. I „ - The New = York and '.This 'Mend date not inn by tiiititua - tol i 7 fi e liew_Jersii• It' le, t hezefer!i;'t a .. Ifacillt - So see henna ands as that dinerlesd ~--ahoy., =ad. igriddri'i,;a , , This r!ttOi sad Blount Railroad , (tompiay, cher ,, ,verad by the New rainy Legiainan,. et actrßMed a ral*lS Sole rersiT Cl 4, thtnest Pittimoi, ii 10 : 1 4 1 iPo, end ,onto Bahia, where it:struck the Pim -- -' Tort brandary, at' the" predn eagle ~., ;when tin New Yarn aid Brie It:inner dards - towards - 21'204z, This .--- med -inarnit for 4earn.: wall Thor to diverting naiad" frees the ad* 2Mirceilenti the Wogs Mae ere Valk end the advantages it arenas° - ' -- crande,. that the latter Nonparty cm a-, ' 'L : . asid to loath; whichlief ttIC fog : • - ;hall- win Or ainityodito:yeara._ to : f ' Imo will ,endret. some ninety . mare t, henie. 7 ,. `* '4'. ~ ,:-- ! -, - But the NOW:York an4,469oltailond ",doliii, fen, it'tere different vita% tar short rirstsene‘ to AeilOTlnge:- As the rod inegress4 It, the DeWitt* slies - 4n4" o it ' lo2 Thr #.iikaisW came to a:Zreaci *Um ' , t hat, had forced its MaylbseeSh a 'nat e = siditioi-A4taniastaae::-94 , aide thedruireekeare-PO4 shear et ,_eapmeate, , to the hlgkter are Or four Jamb& cgtel.(lkei'isi r ,(St the 46; on the NewTark Alin creepealang tihe .:, -Plummier and jhuisen „Canal, ,itonted • -, by, a -blind= wall, Asian set of the I, .araterc' The rairoad = cinale nori a n, -- -for the Saintis Osint•at Nee , Ts* 10 WHltit snailumtionit melts:Aim ::- of theVaia - ComPasii.viiickite - W th e' right , of way by toomentow and int= c l utee:'Aithe _Pera*ltildr, i ..._. .. , /aavie .. , ..2tke county, renowned ler n eamoorats ' Zed ridtle•lnaltts, egegly wild and via -1 loiamii. Thifoommorms.t4t4tars; Irom Tont:* sympathy, were reluctint "that the baiiiiirinn - oraus district 'Andel he disturbed byte civilising an m atte- llama' a astiway:' The projected line inVOIVed another didleulry *other west. The ti '- ' - 'is fibe•ri boondarybetween Sitor,Tark wants. eylvards, as Oripiaally laid, rao hciiin point In thii:nittle,:r.thillehrearit river ' near iti forks, aid died by the . 1 tillagem at -llanenik; thowthitaesiming on a parallel of latitede till it Armtek . . Lake Elia, at or =IT the benzin: bee , twearl e tiiiylianiirialb.Ohla ml. throw therm-ohm new,ece4P44-11,* eiti 22 4 opttY-oftrlitiato the Stan of ffew Tort "lib a' not salt Pul. anis, for she wanted a harbor on the lota. To sonbautiata heffellidthn, end upon her rennet, New York consented to maks a jig in the west end of kis See, aa. mixt tern the line,at a right . angle; aid striiiiiii the Lake "at what Is new asks township of No# Eglat. Bat this is oily isadeatal i Ce , 1. leteewe ware es.Yn . L . ...,.. _,. , llblltiwing the preface line of the Neer York and Erie Ballond, from the point of eadonaniunt stave lint _ Jervis, *heady deed, to the tast e rs end of the northern boundary of Pais : % - - syletanii,aie keep an and aeon' woe, to the point at Whin:23i became moessem ' to nue the Delaware end seals toe 141 ...-, divide' !between - that strain and, the lima, Anna ~of , the ,iiinninas; Pursuing dorm Shia tat* ...treasn I tAt reatth Ithighstnton, wluch sjta as .a ganticantektity:at'tie trretina 144 f It of tie' ellisingoi'itilSilf & from 14 north; , out esp. Venni! :-.1901tw . . York, the meatus were confrtnacti.ST - a - PainsyliatWbitriieE "4:thitriiiii . P — hiiidises ilie -1 40kiiiinvijit,istk handred feet high, haven the Wentie. l harms aid theChietellem It was and. , lotto cows intormagolinbi atala.l Here ere tierrelwped the two rasa{ Chit Witutilitied the -ork , erdSkta t tt .Rißrood Goisplaictw as, sad eggs the Jest thlkertrif. ,ro mt. pfratiesta; at "Iks'tin, *as WILMA; to MB* - Twistrazdi s 'hz drieffis4aßeo odd ram 1a1844. thereqweet 'was' e it tin Hi - &gra: Site graateyt 'lsas apenproditurailv- Witcktiervta UCH to to state:2mA ' of LO4 1- 90 0 ;g 1 /4 i AR . .1 ``. iiiiiiiiiiii,fi&ishealaeisic— rettoritey, - CU Ind =ohs the receipts voe h s,t 110.000,- as "Annuity for Mit gm way" The payment of that iftio, - witty wen one of the eondlUons oa *min the New Yrit sad Erie Ulm& Win allowed to cross the Penn i:omin border. Mace the. completion of that road, hewenr, it has proved of vest value to Pennsylvania, developing the norther - a counties until they are unstupsteed for the IWAtligenie of their respectlyepopu haloes, the busty of their towns; and the general indications of thrift. Ahura each of the northern counties has a breech road, tapping the Erie. Pecuasylvasktitls ..tapped by. the Dela item, Incinwsmi - and Western BIS.; I tumuli' ley k Gotta 'New York, (4 1, 4 fx nendlng_frout Binghamton to Uticsoind t>u Biat3apfip nint blitntseWittiti, is ' 16 04 AillPPlita"' ;with 4 gtOrZIA 4 01 4 t 7 - , Pik e,- 62 06 'U M* / 1 0 4 4'.1aPPia , by 4 4 4 1 4 14 Q el tto! ratityluale C. 4 4 .- _CPEPPI4; Rads over Ws , Inillion ; tun of. msl ye;r to tidoWskirtort thelladuen. , Ter l'oaasylesati ,ezocte, every':7reTi ito , prentr. of .Sest4: : She 'seise eittrely to haw fat room kow Ifeelatt - trettad bet le rthetoatter of thoietotio — tied ShAs'Osaaty.:',l ./. I g ll §4 l o ISTELLICENCY , Ivetkeuisfaaii;i , hy,eeitilii Ina hi clergymen_ and laimmi Of iiiii Boca. cojniCiltarely leaned b3 4 4ray of -distino. i -*a the %ivthumb-7 party, is eit la. the ,Prorioame CherramoswatiliPuse* iits-aa atm' `lll7dti pen u,, Whiek? loOttastayior as nrime.PrO,PM , if doeninelt many :stile ?'Cllr) *AO?' oilei' v Atenlaratiem the( "efeaAteh vitt , Iliartilt it( tni, isinittoier them f absetridon - nt * ,i r iiiiiiim aN d,' o' Mul.lthatrt.fite • **cleat , Lite the sanridee '10154 - , tie mom UmkkeoW tinalialia ism clearly pratormeo. __.. *Wel ledterrlMMOlaTin this co • • tatungt a , staictitarat :•• • • • of therismasamit; to lettpetitttietur • theiseiriief lite mielaty; Uadir a gel ritimictkiti so histsgabiel •tiew of 41 6. the' ethidablie ' nril ilk's:9%4:u then • aiwii , JO. :fli 71 f040a 15 =1 abenteadeiciwaxim the fit „htitagy;tinipt4fu wf the Slush :O.thin a l t Pe l, ht:le.lildik r il lo i ths , *spat SC- atria; -ant - urges. the Church to ilfakin? to Ile loin , 4 0 . eloefejeFaccepliehre snately.devo 0 liking that syteiattiy and co-own it ha d . 1011 — ed 0 AitkOZ enaiallealdarni: nations, aid the - ialidikr =A reCei . bit; pee ofilkets-4bildry:-elfaikuLwaidii avow lee• cad -4retifil 4 the, . dub,. -, TittiOnpat-newitructant of the Wee. VitetliMgehT,," ieg letiteste lo Mita: gut Mufti* boaseempleted, end Li i•e , 0 417 ": . rhe l ' ili 7 t ° l- ." " T h e 1 4 r ; ead, y .:: Clrlatlaa World," and "Frsby, Wiser Witaus.”- 4 The Vide='. 1 0 1 *47-1505ietf--PcPEPY the ilear;eiA the eeisegkelia. ieeiley r id the mirth"' detertnidim 'zeta the, • and and thjrd sterfee.7, ' ' ' '- -' , n ~ erhp,,Ageium. of Alm Nesholisit att* at New York, Dis. Cul&s '. P giArt*„...... T V4 ailid- dLtilitite , elesedivemautaiminana •. • • 1 4 aitytlieitied'atia eiet3-three - t hmiatani.di*lterlodieitim' "Lv f , _ f - e A st n meant: hi 6 nlm4 ete'd MO' i•O ck • 'F t. yarkuounakiym ., ein_ ••, It* thibriit *Med, and yet coapaia *sly few yield to the means employed. The following ph& is adepted by the teacher of; bible claim of seventy- er eighti.ii thi,ifth beet) " O'wl= eltath, thiolnialkwhichmay threw light an hits; ll o.l4l, , In= tle teacher (Roliert Born) whierma any swim& Mini in lie ileasiti maxis Ate persona most or, =het, inelpdelly Obtains their pleas ef faldente:= lie then lithe them and taAttiakd prim:tinkling:sat home, • * this mans he has been instrumental In iradisr may to , Cluisr nal pm. Nut A Baptist minister onnumodeatei to the Atetefeer the - mean! he lebil!tei to it4lieeabitaisi In Ids anymation and premete s„ mint, namely, by the -Thdtegtgil . :_ef,lefoni two hytme, p lug trim' nottneht imam, to ;talk ask rony with Ow secoreerted, and invite than to moan. Other denomination felt the power ef this riode r •and far three tiontila the city war moved by the paw mend primal of, Clod, sa never Wafter. , •::-Z#.. -Z4rifot TV' the Pecoeiell. of the Amer ican hilaikautiy Amodatien in, 4eiseereheitiA,oF, (Ihriamas _win- Wg w Atinek fer 'twentyldre."lfintred dollen from two , gentionatzt,- 'minim it ..t*Orel iittfrki betnt hi - TM^ Who coat:thane It idditiois like amount in iquity/YU:A lame tressery.' This Li. mitathlnUororkisamcmg the freedmen, wlde it entplon - conbutfly ,. upwa r d of giiii 4 o* Wilioisiall& twadm and -4 Nehli et eitttp wooerthePreeltf LP: itioltere Wed heali-Yarione mate of the .pre mow wan en the hula of the late Philadelphia Omen irßzy,, A meeting ter prayer and imam , eitimai lee 'this aim hie hem celled to be held at the Klitiimi-itra* Om Adams`) Presbythritm.,fhb:' Nei/ terVanjpsdai iisetdig,lian• errM. .Alsoi'Wmetlag :der similar ehmsetir iii iiiiennasl to -bo hold' n isisithaillie, Ohio. , anansinfii ;halt- I lron di &it la knairn hi,* Nu; in regard'be-thm-piejeeted anion between 4W - faithful !Treehreibus and : the 4 0 4 11 4 z. Cie/4 - a 4 141 iPils 7 ; bytes:taw the [glare Akira maladial doctrinal Polwil- , nib oetelehtet of ghe calkillinftssighl*O: boa/ wished eitfurtirradeptlei of the•Oontemion of 1 !'with andßatitehiun of that Oinathi ar, each elsmillicition what, Wmemiastsi . tblifea as asWettld Meta It more eireik, nbia 'te-Altiro-4awilgiatle-mialfeetlyl &Soft lite- Welsh*. mew of - that saderaidet iyinial. l The Omani Alla. bly of the Prabytentan -Wadi rafarrod iblilnathsi to a - aeonialcoai*linni. wain wee adopted.* the Assenithlf,atat hie likely th 4 -legrutionlf ended, at ktut i forthsinant.: ' • ' " ; Tim -UMW iMtirsn 5 Christ ere, (tat* sointag strength; aid; Omit mom I ; 1 4 eow,el are"erder hod*. -It leaat I mach higher than :"unally rated. The 1 fact: that bat few of AM • dennteinstien , 'ars* them mile Ito cry . terion of their etnagtli. ilummar Idamo - in the Welk 1 Ili Pniten gbf.,the lifddk Miter, they min ittralf-lbrair. Soong .otigaistiee' from tXO 'Notgici 'C l ooki eketr thet the annidier:ir preaching lelna is sue bus ing and ory,-, end the meininstakin The-t stitetiam•-ef- Weehladtei-atr SiO s -ciiitid with hat* tuned the black ant aflialtilith. School. Whininned the ameidter,` proptaa the titiewfug mieidniut iwtspisenles a no": u nwthr little w.l chl.,W l itet catio antin .'' '' " : -`• - - -::- •' Idleapam, art aiiio Waging anKram. lothaer"Doeid ~ ,r517- N !treat) Th. 'l l 44ll 2 lidiSlititieei:l4#l.: lolled with lee to Ma Ameripan brettreNant I is in the Ottart.preacintes own hind- it TLleluUmlpropirty parcesed* 04 - 141i1s0 17oSoi Jig Bodefof tho I p./10 4 . 1 4 1 1 1 .4 hif e. a.... 1" Poor and sitOttraias, atom% *O3O/7 -1 . 1 ili: of UUsutes orket. 1110 las ^^~~ir~ss.~szax::,~l:t-~ WeiaieTifeaftiArtir oftSd&edetscr t they ben been pat in complete paten sloe, sad the perchne. mow of ann. teen thousand eve handfed dollen paid her. Rea. George - B. Remll, formerly pas tor ofGratiechurci, (German Reformed) on Weimer mid Grant streets. is this city, hathermattamen "Book Bditer" by the Synod of : Baltintere. If.r.7otisself; In former ye" wan indefatigable worker* the -.ln:lag =.ldetel:.actiatialt Issochdieneof.thls city r mien, Martin, of the Banthern odist Cinoth, represents the destitution In the bounds of the Arkansas and Little Reek Coafereices no being eery great among prl .tealre . stad people. Soma of the letterb reer ie n i nd it diftletritiiebtain brand-- Meat is rarely on the table. Amid their poverty splritcal prosperirb hie:or:be meaner The elegant structure, Weary Bap tist Chine, in -Wielder= city, D. C., recently dent:rayed by Ire; -Manes. been regularly fireneferred • by., Hen. Arose .Fendelt;f irito gave $100,006 the 100,000;iiittlie id, rebtibt its until: ik fif*aela: baTiike returned from in sktokr.:rort**. £hgrch nerds hod : been; to giti =items and piles quo Cite* sy, incidents/3y removed the day ,before' the Amend IMO WO& ' mac" 4111 ark, of the IL- E. %mob, hey 4 , nstaitli'Orrei,esed *ft house la Claeleutatl, Tate anioiliarof lay Maids Leiel theilethodist , iollostry of the city jo ist to iiiieiciti4t'asl trim:Ay:li ld, came tcythe kn-. et do* , for iirolboimaa 484 raid elies check • dollen ori:1 - eielf et WWI: 01Vidvoca . iltcCosipasi lln ireivinsput iiiittlap ittßad .rattan+, only in pi AT *glop,- It lays Way! yartkilrvlrtit!tla, *sled:lron pp - bentilt to ralitrioin suck Oneettag, ibis to scipmii. ; Ore.AMOoiintOf h ioblot *Moir* of nit; MAO. what _ it:lforott Cook.. ...,.....ogirlaplar:whlclalk bat *Lt. par. oursel^tbetwidow tho, gjaol,_tho'.tooloor .olopoir 2 ythigh frost I t .Mi bis trigs tboriTir until , , wittdriti tioortitr_ tof iiyhollo from,. wbon "Mo. ituptuidnOchi oftioothnoor =Ltd italics - bnlak ii&a• .1341,v0. Uji l ,gbieler toentlias_avagcle SO' •ronrid•hthhired yahhii cowdglos at &NKr Air. ilk mean. b ri ;VIVO/ . / 1 4 11 , 1 r, t .iit 4" w fiald tatiui ••b*:• renz tooliod Ran i , 2 -,clads .2=th ‘ Mhotok.o4tioit• QM "by', lirsists mrthiirh . hoottiorn Mori ricOhil..thooti :rest fetettro' the, icound..brooth - Ottlii rock; which Darr ham fun'AMidehle , .itiiiisbo. The 1)13 ' iideondod•ituttlio nOrtheittolditoirbkro • most or Rs farmed hoolutod 111/14 imbed I:rt , any crack,. or: titian*. Ttai . • • =utter In ,matter tat. • . 'both:a:lt ota gory color, full et . dirt:with beesstonal whoa; width ovidoilibrAllen from lhs eureoaM aitiootiocol. • Lorit ltir 4fidil is itia'Pairita Main*, tiir' coo. nignintfect alto detail:l In so loom' jerei-f feel,:anorn - the tineleyal—iin .rolkl-Q.tof eu ." - ta idi rinl a b li.l3l7al)e !crr'l l 4 ' °ll6‘ ent'w " ; •-• tioolt estonds . .sorno thoasanda of • to thsglecitr , oo thii - leoop •oldor nruberanze in whitlf the storier Milord the n deop. gtoloti: .Irot'h • sines LA plus • • plant titelOsiouilk pio; Sb. !At ta r fat It" t l;o3r,r A r 47 1110 'Tom .. oaihodl • .4 ..•••• -• - 1 7 theta. The • height' ot Me • • t Cotwkis toned tol*Aist , *- r 'Wm snmstrytd Mallen Col. Park. yr; is a &els :of rummest* . r :1 Atimi= uk : l eeents mien to a Preach . (PS ) and atienam squaw. They ' ' • eliallabltbbt/mme brought opine &Mace vistrans, and became the mother of the present Vol. Parker. Its is not related by - bitted-to the oslebrattd..Rid Jacket, though selec ted mets .to the was dais madras c a elder of it. .The stories othis social relations repro.' noanied calumniotm he bas never been manied to a mow, nor has his Why I'fwey the Dismay vrasa*mait IS It atoald be muldeoly.saalsonnsad ttumboal Altstfalled Matey Casuulas, tbe West latts. azut Briale Lauda tiat no awe eLOSSILTUIVI DITIZEIS ■aHI la- aid &bed . iiesseforth tbe lips; Swift fez .Despepdm odriesidedif iidemloss &num sod& be lest is the wor dl Tits Atee s..tb tubby derceadesii tluo Merle; tbe voiseez,.. the nicer, she modulate Midair; ism medlar as the Irwin at' dellisailacy &Mitotic.; beeped npla 'Todd* ..mammeide the casealetem. I &sedge wady/Midi las &bleeds; vials ef crl the adieu abode scree emerprbers, sieddleirm. mix! geidieo deep Pa wends, Mu Mussed sildemSedzesdezirm teelemmu iU elieddebef Ids egm, had beta Wonted edsektem. Wass.— Ms Sweden/MT Wields te L duesse&M psi& SUM QUM. • pt MUS O• •4*. .Ot• 0 0.4 Tir , L ' •• .IVMM • 1•010•12•14 1112.1 2 !atilt,screein imettessel idepenaldaltis *vire:Weed the nrimtittles 4ef MAISTILTTSM% ItidL , - It Like iOddL • FNLii SOElOoftai Ameddis peopleams beet bdhii twat}' yibizi.Miel beeilldmiss wowed. Vidal be so fuzeestaflor einem Set WOK. if &Alia ill itXltt .1.5 tilt 111 einsisibudly thei mediae* of Umlaute& is 'kid:did decide and hiam likie Tot Coastal . • • , r•;Ito - ms - rimiakiimas ; 77, Neinerlitsti at tLa trip t . ; . • Tztavi7raoeamittias 7 .; • . EsT . stas a.tbas.7 . , aide -- • • Errs **i . Segue /tier ; W*41146:401 -•• • ; *Or:Oki lit Oniensactl . •r. ..; ...lbs. suss say et ass saaasntat aii*,•.l:4; L :iiiy* . rietciral t4ll - -• tin la LA. -Dr. -,us =ill lea meow mai ammo sulk aureetorsi sad spit at . • 41"44/1,11. ILL110.1...31;„90:11111=1.2111 , asitaszvitizse .Ixmax4ruziss ric*ti!*:ororsntrer *A44* 4 ; . P'° 4 is li:taturs. •••.,. • 1.111 , , , ,311 , ,r-rvutz):-C,11:444:11 Int. AVM 194.1 r, Aglaar"PMl **AO Algo asetaunt pow, ,VArisr tergut 6t4.1 tArgpsteg agisurigspere Verapokind Cts aliges HEALVI' .11117T11010T DRUGS, :114 it6atateittava rat" Sr natan t boabbig an Is batir rill*, epos. abribtlobtabl balsotblor 7..1b01 tbitarrrarr or manors ta obraorrl , Ails Opt-otter Oalitnixtratibri sa4 Amor Ann butt raloo badoj usteettaird to b lower, ;rot tr*taall to tia tat 5!141117 C 1 roboatz gram :Ott anima.' 701 - Ware cas, Oita JUNO trot ttlototts ortablopontaior tbatta• mu. Sr brlagtho unary walnut matt& Bolt* ib bottoms *Or taz..lThallst: Crlls. 534, 307754 pritorias trritaila Sr ort. Itrty oat; bourattrit etabula. orratloy jot rutorriaotttrar rainy 717 blab thongs lawatUlitta aatiptiatt. Put atom , ant YU= obatraataalta r iat 'll dermaad. too pare. ty tbitang Iratood er. 04 1 * twin Oto boson.. bus 151114 mew Moor . tiro mammas. artiste Wheat parlor lb Iwo tlrtll ix tbobottor tab, Rana, is order duty,. glair Ilro to laborflotar *bust tooOlk batottorao, sr oar 1,514 Pmts. altaistlvaa. *stfaalaiti, iauttrat. 115. ariptt razillitaff.ekaagas at vita *Way *Mont tab folloorto womb tbstoudiridrirt. settoset tiostlriveltli =lasi la thereinto" .5 Pam" Im0la:11We 'apsiat t ap cit.x"," bt bamboo; raw* *bleb an taps wash aritiatt a wan.; pa.; al.o..timara. Cu.....n , OM.* dna?. tooralty. &ream or Um Dour ' at mit:taw owl= mad Paillitagasttalik alatt 51s4Itter.ax71atat. Ptalepalt. flat. rbontra sem. rborol os. and is abort surf discus 17 rdistrber to. piradol bar remand btu It striatty sol , borodro.:..iro do ariaannet to plow An, 3511 a.Datas ass tits victims et the armaalrePaa itrantoas Papa at stiatraitatfla I al4 tonteuta eguattirlons a. tarp:mien antiwar !Brads:. Xxxximr isatw.l4.w tartan ass: caa ter lbalrlooOte. ithritatFijatusellailti‘bs. tittle is atilt% it; r , '". NCO. =MIS .4911117; yost TBESOLIDAID.74 huyggi 'Paktum,' zwgium.h.TattiwAis.uxarespups, FarnaW74l . lrZaimi. Ti, Juallt 111144311. JIMELSIL GOLD cams', .. . , ',mars iu . 44 11 1.: *MO sn - $lO • DAILY FOR air,:-1611/11Cil l A A i atir4d7p46. adage *.:i3,7,1, prrTs ii tr i tett I)A.' l l,y u-ArETTE, skllJlll).stY. JANUARY 4, idt 8 arTEUNITY CIIVECEI, Sixth rmAL2r.-91101UAL !Immo: :Beats riS. MST smr oar. asm ••.'cra larrnElliCHElM EVERY B SA h, N•M i ca u l l iratrnt aorlgarVlAnaze out Rooms met, Al ...oaf .elrf MM rums, Al taro to raw. SW* bakbark sclool all o'clock 4.1...4 1.416 ;a. la - UNIVERSALIST CHIMER. COMM UN 1511.A.15T ANDTISEIr wrs. A., r.Y.XICT EaXpAi +a roc: eastaT At INN. Ili Us ralitioara lar urszt.ratear--TEE -Irmo - CHJIMILM CHURCH. Llla7lat7 Cut atm. Soma Meet amtt step.. Jull[ftt [UM. raster, creel lOW 17111111 NG, by tesistat. amt la atattlit of ..frofitstlastient... Kerala/ gel./lea gS' .. I n Zw• na al as Ws Sans Deg, 1.1.1- ttriWt. RALPIIST CHURCIL ' 1 123 7Z 111 ._ " at KM DrilrCli*/%14 Peen! melee. ob., 10 70.NMEInURon , f Azit. IN Tx. d." Solobaib beh Leelrz an sPenek f.tli ur i-k t. z awl • *Use._ revt, ex. Wee abolr• los kk..X.e . Mar t i.•ts Olt. m.silis thrrmlitevittnlT inarir • CON Or DWI CII7.II4SwiII GBEIAATION o oars.* of Toomth awl Mowry Ns" antwoo• s Iroan4.— Rev. W. S. SrLaT, -roam, lionize error? LOEWE DaY.Norralair asel m Sabbottb &Wool soul. as p. Pro_ Muth. Wedosolso Kroologs.. oimiagon sad .reskleato wet .144aUted wry,iromouppr IarTHE FIRST METHODIST .. -, Clll3loii. BIM Si , tti,iiiii'&lslsith ISM. Pitt. P .. ALliZA.ig DYE iiiix: Put.. P irarplisol.lll. Si 1 / 1 20 A. ,t .. .. . . ••• 'US 4105115tXX TH.B .11E61.• • • Ammo saphet.of 4, series at laantac comas. by Um tor. as hal,. s 4044 1 1, /MI.& 040.11-11413 Aram Tau. fistbrial ivota4.Dect...—TßlCl4Al Taalt feltbaa. Nveld4S. Jan 1 —T 111101 . 3 •411.44... 4. =4MA 4,4 . 4 . 1 411. J 4 I.II—TINZATITIA 2.1 I.' UMW* imtei. 444.11-17W.04rTillia lableathiluelmr. Ja4.74—Majr.4pcTalci lea sad yaw Artent• an 100rWAL17.14t411•4 "no MW of Initcomelo an. Oanaialkaasel J.L wdlrldA 14. NORMAL INSTITUTE, A saw witax ircTb suns cm Tim - , • ' 81; 11vOlq 1"1-.• IMEI ;' , .CEMSMMUS Ell ; • ALXD NPW .. :Aly Yj. , v pesaimitlaa....Lialosatearirat. diWlk w rTQ@ • batl liad;iqoi r(ai, :3 111: 161 KAINENEWS saxti sarops,iiiisurautudriml .4110171 r-D, EGAN: hiaLt.SEMINAIIt iiiiiheireE Ws it,... a ..... i1 b . .mu 1 41e Awful". li k ti: mktoirMilitat,". ' ***.i. ....- I:;.L.n. _5tr,,44M,,,,,N.A.,f'...- • Ov; ..,...,,,-, -- -- • .D 4 0... i 4.:, i *Ms , , , lentelinmed. 4, p/1• ,- - .O,IVAD.. - '''' ' . ' .- , . ',.--.. ...- ' ';' ', ! HOME • • w pm pap seslkosikriesinnovist, " nal awry acceatems. - rums Am& /asiero—. he nlll7 • .* - BAILEY, FARRELL ft 0 0,, ;!7 ; AMMON . & mt. , in-mpzazi. EXSAA CEMI IL• ll o.!asql4m,e• melea Lama, Latisetat ClathoWilnotas LaLe•Lall ClUdn,L.• Wooloa Roods sad CaLl. biaLUIWI m au arlammt, at }MeV lbw hat LleriLL ivotrelltolaut, Lana, c • `A My imit Urn assartmeii of liodtae lents udi 71141110 S LA Minn. wool Inca asi : , ATAPHELAW O .O ot., mum rraiii. ea mut 1111 . 11111 T . - EtTN 10901.0141111901199 x, . 91 PIM area. ~ , - rhis Fin Am' Rollin' erisiats. ?SOT DDLL inn scasis uD , mursLits& • ' .1171.1.110/IMI 1TAR,15111351. • A U Ai"! AZWEAM 11004,* Jaalla SIXDZiIIayMIL KID OFregs4 ` . BOl¢llllY, SUM MX, sunntrlnno, coma= au noorixans. • All ov seeds at redum4 , DiStas.liii *Oa N CMS Ottgirittlltt noel. • grl4 BICAVTIFIIL PIRIVIENTS roz 111:2 HOLIDAYS. irucilmaux.sranixeria.. valuta Aim seitimax • „aim IBLE/31110? -11IGILLNZAIIM •• MEM • Al ; slam massetag;t Apt Desimisso Itesust Cana* Zimuer Vow intim; msr mom lasertallos, on new/ mkt lir sale St rolsolg rum al Vlrcoodl litroort. 17. 14/1;42 • !MD 'aLIT4 littargi New Watti3 . Mot 3 a 1 / 1 11/133 , 3taztlallaatoroomea mud tioan, • . . iliatharitaataa or littMa ltrattaa latt II to Wage tummy tiv011..11•33, =aot aidaltal aav= ua rs a larm ma Iv a. TPA har• imam. dloradaaa r Taska. Mime mot 'Oa lastatatont..satt4avatt to loot am well Yam. . - • 11. ow *I se W a a tta a iitoa 3aoamt4ril. ,•—m all y k wian et . Wa aa thaw Mr taw MUNI I...: , tl rr ittl • tam alma WM/ at itialoattsettso* - - , aor,injuirian , ATVs kW • 1 4 40 ;lOW MA*, MIS ilk'lrtiierd iiessfs, ill'aUttassisindiragih LOOZUIG. GLASS BrAVD,III, 701 LILT Atrn I,ll Lume 7 LtAnik Forma as rodai . mu: T :LirM r wit.** ET9 IMAM Or THOMAS S. ottifiVl C? a l )MilrilfUla ... "4. 4 •ll" women. win anarw walithw Ws= eia itzw. _ Waal's. ,triabink.Des. a. Jace r:,, abubtallmess lb. labs Ina of CLAIM/. 1e171a0413 tawHL csla by Us Nip 4"."1", fla retiNtitri 11 6 1;34,, '4EOI. MDWAYrig.. Ptl.o Jae. fat UN. • .• RoLauer, &ELL & CO, , Azraeoz, ;wits, alt*lNMlum,k: . , . ltaawalusim. entail -A Mahal 104 Mei Aigucm - =a)wm,l4. M!!PIMI IL HALL. Maw !anus/ o /ATM iirMariatia omit, 1 g 4 " 4. 1014Z7 , Nat% "L.Luu'•"ll.- • Li 1111.40 "6"17. Aria% kW Eibini OLUT/O.V. ,ea serer :gap evattzig bet4ets ainera vls ,amoisdontt• sate et.bidlicars,,pl; aistasitonms. • Tan' c u E „ . p . i s , rgE_a r i n. : . A n . . •v .A aur dov..,dIMwHUM.aonUr emisofJTLOXPOZU..... or Kam/Nutt; (aalr-Alle, Eftray CUT. ea.) eseened. AU P.M... J .. claloMt so odd .ml.. •IL sal• ram... ... Um. Pulls alums .nll Dress.. them .• . , • • - , ' .: . ..Tiltutals pl .l ll.Crulto. 7,- „„,... , . ~ ,1 All 4411 :-Z xi =AT IMarrif C UT. ri.l , - • : , . PEKES riEbucE, 1-- - ~ T..... • . .. . .• athrEfaacizirvi.. VMLUT EACQUES, BILOCHE DEL&WLEI, :PWAID ParsVora3yll7 km prior... by 25 rErzu min, AT EATON'S, /!,r4fa4 Ntreet, LIMB DX=mud/. .LDIH9• 444 6 9 140/it/PS 8031. BLUM*. FARTS, ZFrarn 131 . T ono'''. AndiMBEtithEITCS. ie,, = . . _ ...,-. N OTI C E Tura IR TO EWE th at 11....z:14,3=pid Elsartletw4.43iterta =MATZ eirinattuisi A SWAM wvit a.f P ituge tttsa 7"eili j arylviett ; ''' c ir.. l -1T0. ° 14 .1 i.,.".. I - WWI a totalrops.on tail osnitotkloht that • 6 , , ,.. 04 , 4 , 7414 •1 4 :1.14 a . p . t.. 1 L a ixt , m .. areirrtag•VbrirL7riall=_ll%.; Ir. 1,4 7 ell...two s of the hattahoohnit, to oroa nth , ra "" ',VIIDa htrar• e rttrolirVirtY to by holttea >I the tileo'of thy tlectller • .CI Xhaoh.o.o atr•at , io alt.t4ht ofirtlas . .h• • lees 11 .1',114#4,. " a. 11 , • . .2001•41114. tworlasr --x”: 141 . ' - ..'r:).4':- .: 2. —.°- "!" vitM, • THE w Dra& IarEATT. .g , .. 11 -IANO - ANZLOROAISV,' ,•' , kchomatker'Col g d -Medal . 1 1 1 ..; . Ernie* WM* OROUL t'. I TEM 1 10 1 3 , 4R01L1M PIANO eaatblaas QUID I!: at p.milie Aza.414,1t; slaws bey alwarii - 4 1, iistmat, arliatem• atalalta4- Ma tau la fait. warm,. and , weal. I,4IAVIVIr•I'IIt gq."Tn6P.4'fB4,l"*. Met• *ma sso to *MO. (secordlagr is ,L and &dab., oneemetton all °dm ao-called cauflaaa., srsuccafOzrieamatir_:l' as the head or en not !Remain ts, lavaaalax the aaosnrathet irlos ig.lllll : itr of s of .1 flaale, ORM.. nape $044.0 1711 ., 11 Morialnitell , IMMINIttitr:• Call , MNTiali , a Pal arAt? Tux A TlLlllloL OATllplltealoa Ltiv inlNla er , LTAIIII A 1111STIL BM giI'PQ;K tr r.,Z 11 , 14 1>1?....1 (1 e2l MEWL IgilllNol, =MEM MEI BBEEM mum , mow . 1 /Tadair,IALP.4.OI:IAS.E.,;..i- • -/'‘ , 7irttereP , TELDDIr mtai , ssima; tCy' &•trfl. zELAKIE*TiP: AntragiuIdOXIMI:LANIUM , "4•4l , Entlumpt atcpin,lac-1:!i . 434 xmaur , Dart***-4- 4 um:m*4=m L GIST'S MERINO UNDERSHIIin And pRAAVERS, at Tory /ow pea*. RALMOR.tL >3.K IRTS, LADIES &MMES' SITAWES ellic,., dbcv.. • Iry Smite>a essariantlee °ten matt. k*S. t. aattstad thu car pleas win Into./ as zort• ; ; WIN, r iITfINNELL &CO., . ITN lillanßAX.. MARI% . 14Erour of the FISIIR AL Ain arp pOl.lOl. TSlXlttArtf fetflUtlT tn tta y.n cedllas Dea..ttst.. TO A. x'leetc Mir/ 8:4 eteseara of se Itelzi 0.54 ea z i ses Coestel• ef the Ctet et ZI . • CiatttlaS-1 it Cimetttee as sin Maim al/Create .11.1emes teepee-they llerwtt vet your ocialterattoo - use tepee' et Us soexltta a Ile' , Awayl tot tte. Int exeSif De. eve nu, WY. Tots eye es of sera out feta -00erstp 111 ellreel Wee sextik et eioTeaben see lie to (Leer*. eat Mae elm eel only striae IS. vets tem. eatteroattne, let it. Met Cot 0.1.1111.4 wee Se sass cost et Me masts. Otte ex' sr • stenos eve Sara give •to Ns oaks. Its 1). torustlea. axe Mete prompt Mks lusi I/sirens:l rev re • estre otessenslos ts y. uostee op, Tae old elutes oseire'l Immo Hewes to raw art Use test le Ise nos It nose eneltearable mans arils L pa Asset ro ute VArk"ii proses jrarite t are ' toff . : he... l 'hire .) s We beeed Mt eett psuo• enekta Ise wend; lath 5 K1.4;1 be eel et eisee `tlslb 111,1641•eeedee, Use Sess. filiamok erm • Usti. ab eels. le .lea m axe stilled Mit t s l . Ise settatiattelet Vs? themadttae. use a teat. d sad isnor4teir flak 4.13.;5e love. duly" tee year. Moe east how tles• Ira Mire to toe &tenet Lutes HOLY eel Deetral e. 4. Use alossel es . " tluett-exe tore •Irrgtii.V iatt! SP risarlitlea . test ph. NAL" 94:lat au3''.... utmost Rests Sat, sooseoSitet Zeiss Modest kee... dee edikeilolol teostelslat , the seelOisatyetAillY sexteSiet sm. Soso: sea Smola ooze/nulls ibliosloo eased use vett do tvluilartusi. DMA.' •me Intim Dleesteda , . Os* sear tee j'eLet. , • . . 'ono osootarafer MIMI led IThweeeell,!•/. 0 plele rise lee Vselol. el Net& One eileilmir Of Are le WI !Meet etnete. o.e WM. bathes 555.1. r meet,. Oat au erase Nrlel. eeteeta s.d h al el . 0....re1/W*lln mike* 1 ter to. • - el Seism es 'ets Coestreousi of Its Tie 1101 balseee INS teed fa Bayles esearlee,. et. etas yo eteas peoextt3l AtaaSials, unast•g toSa, ekes. &a. • .atax•ast 2:02111III112.111: • • mint •5,11%7.111 Mn, cc.... MSS ' lit 11 • ..... ' /as 111 • .. .. . • • /Ontinanny Su. St. 114.1`, Cs , co &ad In. %co MO sualstaX4. .11, Moo. * tilW eau cad .101.1 iii, % n ....e.wc• sr. row the IlValuo4 db. 11,. ir L J. Comallets. — 164 / 4.11.11AZ.Z.0, • •1111CPoRT or COINNITTLE ON • exs-cumn.g,. ridg To de Wort feel coma. CosaaL of the Ulty Ouli a.ol•leenele l e f eolla of Go tolefb l k ee w repooea if we., tee fo i aspen lle op. ta.11.11 4.11. s tlo .11,44 . Wow Name bees t.•• /tre od ea 0260.1 j. • ' tho faff Ho of Welaitor aza jai ' Vim G) WWass aet Walesa apt TomaiwOir • • Meets'irn as, beige. Dloarefd‘tiacf JeMa1n111411114.414... . • • MAN tat a, par of lawny sait filarfe Wools. Pew Oleo WUktafftos Welt. eeeee •LIT • • WNW.. Tani* oo Gogreell Olkoet. I ererera alreaslo amass awl .111* . •, • UK Cl) Go denser ref talk Strut' lad Che.ry Jfl) Oa efulaatt of Clitlaso iteffai . COO Clot Vat Moo Gorse! of wpktoo stood, oaf laaI• Wort soffy. • "IN 411 .0 1 .7 4 / 1 1( fietenr.aind 111. Mode. We( Irsaavaln weal. Wove. loaf., *Tom WI Irebeier ft/. (Op Vs. ono...gran. has • i7lveeie even. 'leo lief • Ole CI corner Pride WI ineerry PLOW. too 01 on: TOWaaelui, flu Lit meat Mel • clue mew.• eerie" Goe Oa LOOM Mel; rie" •tOuncesllllo.ll pees.. ions eat Draatn•way • • • W. ff) as Osaltaeseiwets, eallell of Moon& I ILI. moo. nriNgl /I oa Woioea ale;f rtatereea )old WI • *lmam coolo os 'Gnat Mot, eatonoa insil • . lost.vol ad Imo au Piazgotosalg. sole:Rai to ; OPP. fif f two *r rum. - goasagss ot volt moo to kw IN Wt so ale maim w•taw of fry sad !ova suave • . sues Iv mane (AM) Mei ol Wog lanh oloor tom la ligoktOlto • sLgogit. Otfo!co now/ dad 144 n, Y Atip SPIPI•e 4111 tiglithr. • • WAWA:ISE& • • ovenAaDQitiit so s`, raw* kw . it:Epeock GREAT FINAL ÷,..41P11.01414 CLOSING OUT BALE =IIEME=I JOY. BARNES klO., - • , 4., Z 9 •Market.Stre,e ilifi MONDAY January 6,1868 We are determine* to close opt our presentstock as 11100111 and to accomplish ably Dive ' reduced our prices as follovis: ; SILKS. ti=111""`"`" n'"`" "" , ww .,,,,.. r .,“Qu a r.1... . 4 , 4t .„,4 ."art.5....,... u7::: . : 13. 4 " L '! . /..!'. nemuiti, - All vr.l. as IoW SOL : former o n a st.o3 211 = 117 01:ti.:1! 1.7 $1.00; other irealke Y tamp. • . EMILIO)/ 111131111408.- • : .lioda.c4 hoot ti) be. ord A* 735. gni*, to 41.0.; ell others Ili [ha num nednelloo. 41111111REII-AND DELIIIIEB, - • • At Le.. tbs sun rnis a. in tallier al.t ' • sot at Ils, ,, kmonl....rettb Won po to DRESS '4210DP.: • . • * Oor 'tomtit' o'Oertrottlos an slated oil -1:1;M:1.a raVI.V . too 10. to Ma. oaalttlut to I? 4%—ths otoot, aotoolshlog ban/alas goer ttae4. FiANAELB. :.• Wane Miler. 71sul. o ynj fOuttr WM/ ilsn..l to aft: te.ttl. 0114 !rota' -4 / 1 4%=5 1 . 7 . 11:11 9 f1aamt LrOno • CAB'fON FLAIIISEL& • • • 4. aced MK.. solaced ham IS SO V . !.. " usa Mao SS to 21s; oapt aaallsita as satap. . „ . MARKETS. at .$1 sad $5 per Pair. • Tbemaost be win to 14.1.t8tand bow grim • lama us ar.. BROWN BLUIRETS, p, Aad .1.1.416 erssi buwas. WiTiltt WNW and REPELLANTit Waaan Ithaethl th• WS to SUOMI& (loth% fasalsens, Fa •e 0 tlintfuq tar mid Dm' r( r, - wwiswpm. gouselieepiegfeid - &Table Miens, -", AS otter good. . . Balmoral Skirt reduced from $2 eLii—enrneireat !awns. _ HOSINT. 610113 ant rederwear, Yo?Lstilige igiat.• oad anleiree- gooiest - lesse i • Wile sol Na. as vend/ roiliest SLIIII.-44r Ibis occasion. we Mel altar ot Mt: •• RIMS , IND LONG VligdiardrtlMl IY." . . • 411 1;1 11115. 4 / 1 1 Colered • st:sicazu nastauourn. maw, • . • • 11126111212.--Goe2 12 1-2 e. gelds. .• • /Hi td hi., and 114 gns to W.onta' st.ths. le nry!c „ ; • B n lll / 4 --Citsksiere; plant - SW 64117A51R. tOMPINI . 4 tO sub. fro-pi the ' .." •VcrititaisViAt aw t Wm*. • • ISICQITgge;-120111 Samos Mated tease-belt fo. ;Mu. flood AIM a 3 My tart a air Our INNS. at•ek Xlll Modred Y prides el sklei she reiolar swa,, Jailor* trim toed q[adrrtS.aa. . ALLEGKENT MOOT AND . COMPANY. JO9ll A. lICUAW, Presideld. ussaiumur J. P. 111/lEL, &ratta' N s is& et late Company Is &NC= Ticupesnamaig 1,1-ssl Lt 211 Iredital St. Alltatbow 1868. NI " "mu. 1868. R. I. MERU & BROS., •r 42 a, Oar Street, 11,NOY CONFECTIONERS, 'ASO) SALVERS. loans es* aged op Ladles' Oyster aid Lynch Babb; *r a iz= txtla s sit 1 4 .7.21 . ei 0,25. ar.A.SEI r Hot and Cold Water, BCC4 ) iti.partirafta ud pamrstsiu w. 13). JOHN M. TATE; Pisan/bele and iii,ra k Mir, 07 I,lb4rty Slriet, Phlstiurgli ; aa4 . I • Ali Federal Street, AlOgtary. •trowirommiliv. , :• ~/ .• 804944 11 / 4 ::-.0LASS! , ite— M;cgERM 17.!71 VAAINS, ~; C 01407113 BETS FANCY CHINA, Parlan Statuettes, laitieirrtA.PLll AID riltor goons. War %Ise 31Zoltda►y • • 100 waial An ,1 111CILUID S: BUEo L Chi 0111411Mo* ,OF PAM NEllslslo. , 'Novena rusaniesr enrim 4 : 24 ` 74 :4 1 7.1. 2 7 12g1.:e1.17- 1e...L..1V01X UV= Telk.=4 t aro . ' rip or al 714 700 T.teO 1.41 16 Rig '217r1 Laratiterl,W,V4 taa palm la monad?, was au add Ina NC ta saga the Int , . us* In isqs , datioa. AIWA / ..11 41DirilliOLT) December.. sea., jthus.: CLOSING, OUT -Sill ',,I.tiMLES' FURS* AT iwoulii mos, Co i Ines rim% f 3 . OTT .11T COST 110BUTEI Qi suleurra,: =:E=l on nom asoaarmuitenro I anuatara, 16•01 1,4110 te PlidlSlONtegb. SILVER WIRE THINtor • II4L'I m • • 0. itra UM* LIS. 411:1,' • LW*. A•.. RELII .6 OIL =3 . . . . . . . . . . . . .re - -----4-------..... " .. " , ufrie.a.1..r.;,":":,::::.y . „ . 77-- ..... 7 .,, ,a„ . -:.14........,....,': - :. - ..5 4 ...;.7 . ..7..7.:.1.;; - .1 - ...i:TX:-,T.Z..".: - X4.: - .> 1: ~. ",...,:.;,;,,,.,:;.,-, , "' - v .-. . ,,- ; 1 : 1 .-.... - - , _;,.._,.. - -.. , . ,- - - -- ,, L ,- -.;,-_-.,...., . ~.,....,,1.,:,,..a.A A .. , - 62, - --- ' - •ADv NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! EEO =EMI ~. .. ~.wv:~ot~~::~.~+: BALkOEAL and Hour VIIIELTi, DL►DKLti, 10., _ • - : _ a Large 'Stark, Well Assailed, tiviol;isa ditd 'Helots, at 80 & 182 Federal Si.; Allegheny, MICAH, Olaf & CO, TirESIT GOODS! Vidal MI jun a gaud 14 sue44aat ar . • .• . . Pa ha Laos Collars sad faanussiss. i Pots* Applloss Collars and kliadtoraloti Maltose Collars and Thusdkreililota" , . . We bays We semi Or thosll. Ladles' &Geat'aFaiTepped 6167e5, OF HOOP SICMTB, at 500., Ammo% altonortbor odd ooLool.; lbs thee *oho Wait osat • sot anima. wo•Ull keep lib =iar OAS..l3ulLertlxu amik._rdilat,i, Tue. feria. • • /11001 Feuds SIDON Hem On Ho. ff.m.,zzr i sezeood . Ho" Hood Conlin Tara. WI • - Hood Solakorsi Ulna. $1• Woos; Hoot.. rnsllso. Wm. no. . : rat Collars, Ma la • box, Ms: '• /Pr Ito vorimed 11. •.... n Ili #UP Market St. MACBIThf, CLYDE ` & CO EL & CO., No, 31 Fifth Street, . ASV. *OW OPTICIUNG at retail BOOTS 'AND SHOES Ladiu• Ilrlater W 1 *l tai ben Itu&Sts WWest ape la matura Lad Las. Wits LaattsirDnu esnars.lall.o4l6 Loft 4 .- I C•WOu4 th• very lams sauuk. , ClaUdrewa W51212/.llelkoal alga Dr*u law.. et an Tla• Calf loam sal Wavy Bale Calf llusaonls aad pajama. of impeder 9Y7/q. • ' oleMerll a llro, • Croidi l l:noro. ”4 sod • Ipso. I.lfal Onortinald of Waits "Alan 61.0•5. AT THE LOWEST PRIORS y • No.Bl Filth Street, .. • . PUIII, I ITTRICTIONS ! LES' FM, ;!M=: 1 414.90.11, 1' Weed' Street EEITARWHED 15311:" crttna syrupvi rxre °LID CLARK , . DRUG STORE. nn rxixt-utim IO tea riftbi - Attest. .! Lexores.lTßEEl . . , . monnrwir, • ,„ 1480. ego FZW . lfrrolti HATS ''AND . ' CAPS, $ • • MUTT& MENINX'S* at, /417 .itsega. parr CLUB LOOkI Guam AneinunFLUlE MAMUFAUTORV. J: LYONS, Ns. 110 Wood Pittaturth, 16. 1,2 1 7 . 3 _yr I *Dem ßuis me ismudia. “sostsw. T. wee ffireememia...we. e. ircexeseee 9,11M..1* :WM MAW" xe. et, rltibargy, liaasra A/alai:Or TimUrtftm e Catania! Ltil Manta* 0/ U Tcrsult, • enu. Lars errocz is of „,,,r t . r.r laced La ..40.4100. • GOOD MEWS. CHEAP MAD f DEAR TIMES. fk.r WARD a anzsa.o lanlst a" , bc... 21“. Istatalk "kl. Iwo , pa alsr/ V1N1241. Naas cso. amour, 11.7L.LCHLD MITSLIJSTS. 4tilow_aiLainzralana., sia•Cazo4ternsci. WIDZ lIXELUCIA.D azii=c+ &V 1 7TNBL ACuzn XU L 1 e P2UNTS, DELJLINLS. EIISOHLIO. BiD CHECE , TICEIEB TAiLi -COTTON DUPES; OBIST ISONTA TO!M AND:TOWe. taiwiliscanr" GL0yA5.110.112.11Y mrsimo.-rorLuro, 4L7Accan. CAS3IRICRL4 Ji lbff. awrinrrs. AT. VERY, LOW PRICE; VITM. StiIP.LE'S; , . .711.77 Z s uer szingyini suits Za.A.030 . arapealloils coxnusiso • ZOA $2.50 A PAIL COME2nUre ALL /12.1 onfrup EV _ Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, Due July Ist, 1841 - Due July Ist, 1861, Farmers) and Mechanic*, IPINX X.e.A.DIIIX. iIICLAL, Loan of March 27411, IBM, dna E3lll MZ;l= mriasirscet Tint AlOlll LO . Alla WILL coos OX" in OP niy, 1.111. tablaism e rod. scatoosnwcza A sol,l .IPZACTSIIII.II3I73IMOS.IIC White Load and Color Works, IFILLTZ AND WID Litaa rs Wma colon ett. lBlll,l siame, r, PIM= OThisz ass i s Eirtaa, igelletr'adinasV as E X i -I SPECIAL NOTICE. Wlllj Open Thls Day, A' . FRESH INVOICE If fk:fui flee ut Ireeilliedated Scotch Plaid Handkerchief AND GLOVE BOXESL ; At .REMAIKAILY, LOW _PIICIt Unr onaton.e."o.lll.plaaso tear la Wad Oat ihl.irtllbe on...MUM INVO/cli TH1.111.14.11D5.. and at those n0.1.11.1.y0 alarau born Oboist Petn/1r and metal • •—• PRESENT! , . On nuke. 4.4u07 st, Gies eat the lietheri• sate of =slug their setectleek f at • • & CARLISLE, 19 - fifth Street. Nc rxc 7: i REINEMAN, MEYRAN, & arewelews,, FIFTH,• . STIdET, situ zsavr. To Jancouscni• ituf,ntar ,t• tea daatnaaliaa. To Ina,oa !tidal moralist', at that, Sew Mora Nom, To. al Iflttlestalt. thaj. will aotba ablik tor °pas oat o.TOIDL7, DM araMei• 111111, aoal...Wavy ay awaited, bat wawa blame their lona 444 Oa pada_ ja aaaaral that *bele. arw aa4 sauna/17_ Was **Mt .stoat or las • . • Llf HU HI 'COOL MIMES, 111/16111111, OLOOKS, Pump WARE, &Q , , Salt worib &Mimi etei:ISUI ?Or Oa lbw sten ina now to opuod ou pram* Waits.. No. 29 Fifth Strett, aut visAat trgoi Awl i¢ ordit to ea eai Diana, thiallein pica! IMMENSE. Ti STOCK, Wi tutiniti4Wi wtlorited - oeir idol* Clan womntm.ll htwlte taa_publte top , / .aC.=.slN au. OUODS £KD iilOi6 bam.• . .• _ • • • Ash trtll Stobehtylate ISt** Wasik. ti teat the sew . aid., suet set Itavlefeestetnt SAT tars, itaet. We VW Witt • . - . • Greany - Reduced Prim. 11111 TthiISURY PENNSYLVANIA DEC. lA, H 7. IVC:ITIC:3131 11 !II 111,1111 11 HI LOANS OP THE m.rouownia 14 0A- S Bi f/ILD/MAX% r►ISH urirsur 79 . pits OXra.txrarr. at pas erwr.wrzox AT TEN National Bank, M:J=M July .IPal7 /it; nes; M l 9llWatlitl ledt: *iillltaibL 1,,L astilmitm iIMT/813ffiErlirra, MESE REDUCTION CARPETS Mil eon DAYS SIM CLERIV We era aelling ail A;litNlas Mn. at a Great Sacrifice far Cash, 'VELVET lIIIESSEILF TURES PLY. • And INGRAIN .0.: - A.R:.:.p . i.t.-:T., - _-4; Or. - dll Gl:rarde ;a. or..coms, Clit• 311ihrei•lf. : atiALTfilimovs4; or sirr.or 'ormourrrow. Cairriage'ltobes, Piano Covers, Iliusocks veltet aN inesels Eggs ASTPNISEthILY I,OW MUHL OLIVER 3VOLINTOCIE dr. COMPANY, N0.,23 Fifth Stree 525 MILES ergs' UNION PACIFIC Itllllolll, West from o'o4, ACROSS THE COMMNT. LIE LOW COMPLETED. • . • Thu Mai. lee ma q tae haulm baser Mt limb Umtata's. ua U In enema that sae trete tr6l la vela Maly Sties tartarr, So trans 1 . ... W Latent oast oa Uhe toad, tn.ataay. 'Tamasuma graft flaw De toot Ohba aurna. Was to Urn mama. 1..bel otalta to so the WU. VW* Uuta of mu? Imam Imola a over we hiatnt. . Area tow roeacatUout ea the MOM Is m a st mourns tartest tie ell:abr. W thorn Is err Me. co tubular la tton am, ttas to w Pottle vitt be even for 214 saw at thiat4 tor it* partraaaloa of WA Wrath Nallo Watt are maple. Sth Ith hates imam ter ,Cath. Botha as Um eau of 111110041 to 4414000 loth inn., Aar Width It talc. ucalaa Ltha aa momatl.7 ath rietine athlaatt al IRZ..llan to Qs tall math of IN alalma la wealth a law /thada ate Wrath as Wt ty eats asaa Amnion I. Ithishal, ad alter Al lath beta thaw* 4, by Datto4 fathom Othiala- Osman Lad pith thee 4 to la la all newta a 4sl <lath nod, 114thastl7 randla4 math do. DOth rthal, Slop% althea; thd that Reath on wealth stook .th 4 attar actlaathth Tts Value OW n alth math a death.. of I♦l.aoo math aria& al laths alls, Edna mill be a - ammo at Uns 'arrange to the .thavang. Math th lalalaa4 l• tth nova Vthlty L athoag tam math authata W math. nth athar thrth pollen an Emma 4 vita bathy pats Smuts mad alma/ th thal • t tth M. 411.110. tfa lthapaay a alto Eastorlath th lona fu Ora Itra Mangan Moth la ma moan tathal faith Was et the tantamount. ath =ors: WS- Z. a: ) . WOW , wad lloa. Othth *WM ara Thla••• to th• So aatalaam ad dolls tth Impala ta tM Omathaf. thly aa Oa that MTV :ma thmailas aalaal aadartalathlth vatth. • The talleelaell iieeltel of the Conga, le Oat Illuithal UMW* Mai re, et witch Over to alttlaao lisee lap petit to ayes the wort el. Waxilap of UmiCoumpany. • •AU presdillas wi M COy a ;7 ars ddr. rhs4 I Asa Iu local • end* twit OUP la Wait) mai sole tui man. s teit to pay thsta t Irina AL Um' Undid the Oval mar ran Um. twat aaaata.lL drers Ida*, ttlasot doubted lay WWI tad rat id ample tad Odd Wasp . Um aslr, bad inasecttix tha AULlaarla 4% bias Rata srm u..Urp abroad prow, id ad Win, srl di sdaspatldlos. Massa sr IS med. la drrttbs s:utllaPd that 0 4.0110 , 1 rdedis rasa I a SOO. a EI 4 M2EMSZIS W Mx. SIM rsan tb. nporsia,* lairaerniadi da• /MP What s .Qanaaaals .1 tnat Ila Naar 0,1400°,0"..." dlrsousa. I • Ll.t7.raa uy l s e Is r gateau, cur.l44, s ~,,tsisly ass t **l sada s lotus or , adds irddrrOr.k. D"Pqn. lint Nortpare Bondi' AO. ailind Pa IL aunt a MUTT &WM OS TVS DOL.taa, taaan as SaaPaa.C .. .. dt ir mu. „wk.. pep, won. thaw 111pepaa... 'law Mu Vaud Bla. &mita. TUT pay ^ XIX nor Cent in Gold, Or DVZ JLUI to CUM. es*s to 4nn• las% sad Jan WM Ivan, 00117.len.MOISkas rill le zwbamil Is tItl••• salmi T. asalivaiak. • • . aasaar a Oft: •••miki, 4.1••••• T • OD, 21•11 Amil•••••• • AMIN. aid to xis T.rig u 1134 0earplar. ow.. NG; X.saa sanOlry QUISLRENT4L ALTIC/11.1. BANK, Sao. 101:-ILLL, DODOII ft CO, lure., Z. WIZ 1. CLOG a 1104 Wien. Re. ZI WWI rl ti anaarp. ateertime A mete sk Me Thetset ewe. wamswe .5..0.1d be WI. ta tram m•Vsms Wm pa la it., 'Tem me the WO sem by en. We el swim b:r Mean mere.. Plow eabetrillsi y A .,,,A,Nreal wets, val Sort Le Dm tor INCA and A A.. pA "mut, AID 7/(l.7ol.rebts tie Stecnie. aII. .• Wert. Dormer ter ODAWIIO. bed.. MO be await a' LA. OW.; or , of Manisa Nsaa. x l4ll N. ICMMIMeIb assn cm" . sirwmosz... Slardlider ArVII011:1111. w. EIMM - Ncexaus _ .7/.m•Ytet Errpszcoan;Jua.r. 'DIVIDEND Or. EEG T • . . .• 7111 E 3rwrg.4.4,D.57.i.7,7; 7 / WIII tr4td .ad ariit the 14a. Im t. !DUN 9:lf Airrnir. in rsrox •i-a• h, • t • ,r2T5.172017,411,3111117 2, 1 63. fa➢LYIHE DIREC7'OIIS TUI ak 61ye t!is day Q.c . t. , rtd a 1/11,1- - . FIVZ (3) Pill cpiT. Oa: of volts Or the nut viz maathe T.Ya . dgossad. Leto oath and Stale tare, • kgif7: 41.LIseiNT ny M a ane ts.i . "5192'111." 11 ce ) tat: t , 1L , 5 Irfirldead et live Per 11 11: ez . W. MaCK• .Tuasoler. Urj ca Auarcdrincr Samo • Vomr.o.v, PrIaSACEIOI4 Januar, lat. Lan. IarVETIDENI. —TheIN essde lot Mum:eralf tn. Commuter for erect , Zara IMPeemver UM , tter DP une Ma Omar as tars Ma_dartatwerd a 171,1dwd nt TWO ( 1 I Ole. .'At Olt tAC e WAKE tithe "apt. steal Cr the talaba stoektmenim Matte lettat ' , paw:daemon forthwtt. • . • jaleMl,l - W. 110 .111301td. Thasaret.. rigr - AosinvoeirEELAL riaor - ta.s. z- telt/N . ,CODIP* .Irt , —The en attan twat want thd , Wetholdera of tha Multte24:4 hILA ' NAVIEItaTiVIe Cl.:llPalareallt to bslerea • Th.rata.Yettse sub day or Jaaaary, '64. Atthen waft:A Matteett7,lh - 0.t301 , at Wei ee, PlW.OPpitk. 142 0 % 4 0ct - le. a,.lee tee, • 1 eron ontea to and other Mt :Mee: be. • tenth tall Ow li , letafteroet atr Woe t 0.1 and 4 P. H. tit W. natCaseaLL. temetary• £+` - NOTicE. , -A,meettil/ nt tho Xecekbolders . 10.1 teed leeddete. rund ....exlettrat ba held ix tbele Mlle In lex., Pexleteillte, on kluNtkey ...ire tab, be. ebben ete tanned preen ant X . "et.* verro..iir gleetlng Twelve a Tv ea. 21112.1”.11. J.NO. S.llO OSAMU , . ete.dnry. 011:1C12tm AuJos.." INerwt . e CO., o.'" tlttb Street. PllL.h2"llh. Dootateer ail. ISM. garrE ,ANNVAL'ELECT/ON ' , Twelve Inte.tore; to get,, tee toter veer, will be heel at the onto, or too Compton on Ko2lllthr. Jaosetty 13th, b, ‘ „,. e the e:orttot 19.1 L. N. Led 2 r. Y. d(2iutt7 0. DIJNWeLL, Ve.telief. (f4E:10111 - 1.74 COM:0 Mltr4P - ..0., • • • • ••• ratabe , gb. c zsr. • i , *NAVAL AllEratti ID of • • va a Moral:mid.. for the 311e00a of DltortlrAp Tr aaaaaaa and 01 , rt, to ur.eur Um eneeing ii se , r.' writ be ball at -U. oil-. of +be Cornell •.•Plirgketr. On 1111 tel, tY, J•neit 'y 71b. D 4between the, boars or tO-, it: atrt _ I nig laritoEBAl. COMMA:VC 42 . turo mlll Oa a ineeti^it at Or. eltael• hozdert Lb, trederal Com. rm. , '-lit No. nlrela *4144 an WittoA.Y.OsattalT 34. If'ea. at tar o.clo*A. is. All Jitte•ratedoto salted to Wend. oSAiati.rsotiitiportattoo 14 , 18 beton sthitimitkig. oiler et Mal 401:1t21 , . - reerttoty. arCOVNTY ABUICULTITUA. of the bins coasts Attklltlrivai noctet will be trapi WZDISISSDAT, Jonah! to ISO, stleleck x.. lb o vise ol Rein). Helps. la ate JlO. /Ile.. Oa x ts reel. • .; Me /IMES CHIRS. XSesSaont.. wx. MeV. Berreswy. - . • de2,43 M7ntiliitliCr.--PEOPLIF.M' ILLY. au .I'ves BUSK UT PITTIIIII7BOO. Youlkstseet. ca"itod.lltoo,44o...•lagada• Umlaute 14 a Hut Nap , . JAI/Mat/1.6 , 14 , 1. Wlsl tsesaSis Tnm teat data . trystldsesssr-B.S.Hy_i.T.l.l•Vt, Yu:arrest - Meat—WILLIAM sCA • ISa.retaq aad Treatarar-!.e. P. VOM.juvriN. . _ Unica VP+ o* arn az , tra exult r...} L .5 gmh,r... pT r ...7.1.: , tgrrp. AN:II Um.; ' fils:eTiva of th - eentritmt.wi to th e HAN, et EN his .711 NI bt sltheptllce of th e INst.tentar . .• No. trAte4 ~.'iWtft.j.rl=irgeDnlT. the 0 k a. * sa4 ri toßi N , bear Ito Itt vett of Me lam et It. ma 7 : Veit is bk " 'P r B°l.' the cteaate 71 ' . •J.'ll. D. MiXol.4reerstaty. -SaarAontaa. BA= or Prnreireocu.i . eaVNITALL , ELECTION 12(177 . o : I Pisoewn of [Ws Boos will Ito boUl la mown on . • • —.l.ljoir.or. Jannot7 14tb... nos, . ..... •Irctmoen. ter %airs of. 1/. o'clock A.. 14, 004 , 1 .T. D . 'so tr t,L i. 1:11 s• it I ex. .. ArotiraT NATIONAL HAUL Dartmoor HA., 1117. - prig*AiintrAtt rxrer iox *.1.1 TODAY. - Saattaty 34tb, ILA; ' &tome • WO boors ot It A. 31. on 4 3 Ir ao4:151 R. W. MACK. It . :Casb.o r• Yl..earlxvi AN. tar Tar.„ . Doexaber Ms, Litt j_ : , x ,., - AffiatrALL;'ELECTIARN places& n j Oalliggeft .'"k , -- AT,Jiasszy letty • Ballx.S. Wan of XX- x. sikdS ' den:lB4 " • JOHN BOOM Jr:it • - Tam XrAsiirlnlirrovhou. • • • 2 . 0 ..h.u11h Des, zair:Lofz.. Itar TOE ANNUAL , ELEETION • 13 tal r elt : arton. ‘• ene aortas tha .*bg111138"74 110 h h0 2M.J1 5tr. 1 .' . 1d 0,4. ... ati 2. lOtair Li ViIitISTON, :.•,..• " ' aIVIVITAL. ELE • :es,/ IRMO 40. to is/ year war bad at tlim Ewalng II • - • ATLI AT, JAIIVART /Warm. 124.1iunt at/ sad r. „ - ea Outlier. • • OF.diedarillilitadOetit. pirTIOC Alli/UTAL E CT _ • -14reesoneef 111/. Benthirld beheld ' ahlhe Ha dachas-re, TOYhtla /abuse, ;41. , 1 , 411.14 tree* deo honer aril A. imaj Cathie. ' ' Ine.eigelza , e trunaeel. 'Bears. t .1 IWT4 . r ustrosco, DUir, f ' tnerta ''' Utre VA Lo i liro ge T erl r e ' entalneek) r goll breele at the eallee f tteese oe TIMID. . , hcauto 1124 . - oaswesa um tors or it Y. sod 2 r.'gr.. - • - - I:i1W.: VAX:a:2I,O4 • Pio, Mac • grAliriktrelliirto n i 2 ireven I Ed* ' Ia il n e i altenitTO 6:qh 73:tart ' 'Ld betrolauchostroof I+ 2caua s ir r. 11. 130Elio lir, rya, 011.11.11W,IATitga R . 7 4 4.....r= u47 . 1 • orTi l it irk ILL. ELECTION 'lf7lr..l'.l76 i naz =rat rir .hiavia *5.. temrel aelous :.1111" A. 7. 1 4 :Z: EIIII DT. Jr. . Wait. . .. . .. ' ..zmarott, Avians. sum op comra. ANNEAL ELECTION 0" .. .. Dthwiors,to mem fern* :7;1=4 %Its "14 triltrritiga tha .,`, .. wi e ".taA.L .: . 'him num. Cultlar. t 4 . ..--, it IL .... ANNE/ L ELECTION : ' 158 7.1 1 0 rector., for ibo„ , . . .: .1111111 U *YAM IMIL Or IltMill, ow 'stet** nt too Bust Roams between the how, ef-ehns S. al. sad two , •.. o TY/U./a. Itlo / 4t l l , L dinigta m rli ea .;, , ,, . Pltutorrih. , . D.. 74. MO denii . • • 11 , 01/ CTIT ri b.. 0 , 11.t .... .% 0rZr... 0..... 0 . 5. i. . i Or Tr, Ale FAL succrioni . il a.,.. V: nerl 7.9V - 7, ° .141 ° 11.: , -, • 71.119 LT,. lunar, i4Lb. Li, • • . .. /141..... s tn. him of nut. me I' ... it. . '', atuirdsLOWN .J. Memo/SIN. , o abler. - . D rum , x PACIFIC H.R. CO. CsPion.. -lam oourOhrs or • . . • THE FltIT MORTGAGE BONDS 1 , 10011 Pakine Railroad Company, . • NMI l •NII•NY urr.lllll 01.111440 t. az d 010 teat NW. ' GIOLD COII, v i a ' "RIZ . V 0 07LIINIINT TAX* AS tb• Cos O 011 1 50.100.10 Nasail nmet• vdania.. INek. q ,6 JOHN J.016C0. Iltanow. . - r T , 7 ,-- z ; 3 7 r7 _- Bpima. TOSE Noo3l- AND , DIV.I.LT3O. X*. M ein.rarictrum. an a • Olasaft4 tll.r etnetr. • • ' • '7III:I3DAV Junta." 711. II 3 cetlott.. Itt Wt. U mei 333131.31t1y e O 4 loy 31 . 13313 1 •11 b. 3.1 d ty..rtijs. 'LW It • ota •=l',l .i. 14,12. , a rDath raskatebilltll3tleyst"sm"l •3ft.rfaXII":III7II.tTA,TOVVIIVPPtakg7:3 314t:2310rtrZ34:47 t r l7.= r .w% itt4l:47Nat li:1 s/7. s rife. tl.Ofl Ih Cre LlZlril=gl.Bligt 1 ( 3 • shat - A.MaLLIPALIMIE posuolkue or OIL. 75:061 tfi berlbilttna 2.010 BOLA CRUDE !TOOLED!, Dettotakl a as a. of We all:llama f lantlon at YlittbArta, art f , tor ao:d 01 itatoall of bOaAL,Cora imtask J le **elect L l e 4 ! tho Wit alcaav , or., Dairot aa go y. emt • ilfallAlfallgio taatttaxer. • . VALElnglir riAnC.STOCkIAi. V ufaMi.: 1 7...Z1M51110. - J... a. call tYbtf. l an , rza . t h ir ri=al _I Awn _lllUvl Itatkraal But. SI imar.M....41. but _ 1 _ il=lesa iot2=l'.3.'l“ NI •14.n.N.:1 irtiliatWoll%...(Leilt. qi" " . ... "" t ""'"91.7.":..:. ataLwanrr, iacus.'m.: `H. KfR : ICPATRIC~C, saahr-KEEra Ago ActoraTesT Of SYT.ST-11:11 TX • 2M. lIISOSNOSL PI Wu,a, •77.7 A PENNS /ND Ciaill4 MERCIIUW:BOOKII, SOSSOO aacrae. • by INSIble Nay. itSrska g r e 4 Ylll4ll=l.4l=l3Bbsoln MIS •=",. ,ZZAMAOS SalldbitrEro SO • fOUNgli !MSS dollkis WE. wuxii amarr _ or . HAND s.,4 4 .t r a n t z.o c y:e. L " l. • • " as w at2 ... .greidv . lolllllTlOnntil S11(1 • BISHOP 801 7 1114/111NVIATUrE• A =Run Miami tau itui& SU dstreir/tWrn t liessustos If: n r . trridgs . s . t art rir.4,801.7 .• • Par I P forstalJoa adsOtSl. 4.11429 . COVIONVILIOSISS 310 y, land- Se m C"'"*'l4l47.lllAbizra.-00. • 1 1 , ~~