The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 03, 1868, Image 1
HE • DAILY GANIIE, simuertm avnirr Rom-rue o=l PENNIMAN, BESO oft CO., - . ...... 0/11CZ. eezrrrz xtruntso: , . - See. 154 aria 4811/111 smr..tEr. Ir i tgas ker K.TestmPmghus crzum pAna PnIMIGIL AND • • ALLEGIIESI LimaaBTsarAPdBr..4 Biar raxtzr ax 4 Clr./IC/ALL PAP lJt v W , &a4. ir4Si CIP DAMS.; • • :1•1:11=4;:tii;;;;;;I:Aii::' A'• )I+lllsatiscrurerp. jot • 44Azirrrin. prrrssiarsu.'prarr...s.. gittslll4 etairtte ALLEGHENY CEVE,RESEMILICAE For Mayor—Siworlbscx. . - Tar rpm. Director—Nx..24lanDoctr. War. astral. and ratatialarer . ;with heavy` guar of .goods on.lhittd, which bsrastres.l7 (aka to:aa, aped° 'tandard,: ue ma so:erger :to - rap the 'contract' ion - or Abe iirper-aarener azd stave oflthe reasuapao' of aped° pay "... mails,. ai Cttier bonne the dentin gi is more natural. rte. aisido them to sell .1% the beei* ereipsefe, ded seget ',Wee:a • foi thelr leaves. , -Trig Chnifiel4 Beinalfuen aloha - ipeapia of 'the Tiemitleth COngrilaio . 1 mt . :fa-of this Btata -have been badly: reprealattil. - 1 , -led . Mr. Culver, and he got" into' jnit. Then they tried Mr -Finney . - and Lis phygdann tent him :i) ,Tk?e ‘ pyparck ;711 the tut other ha, teratllthlit•theiTeople•ante Terentleth District 'lit* b•bEll.. better 'rand their PtiPla or moat didzicts mime rerreentatives hive been at , - , l•:wintaiitipi .n I tLe ' ~ whtle U 'bat slog optleftg, *mists some . trut4 is it:• /TB- wat'._tcataaoitha . .•:_,Agent of the confedershi Stades to Ea. rape; daring-the ratel;kin,lisa published .:;the Brent HLTo qof 'CiSidederate Diploniicr .shows that ••• the ErcarliEroperar was okra beadle to oho United reales thin any or tho leading. statesinim ;- -aid -was wild.* to take active baba of the a._ 'abets to csso:the . British whiskljnin hitoiherein.: Whibh/ris wai hh real4ositten, he .dld slot intermit ''; . .efforta to main our goverpthent believe • Ws- sentunants - •wera lianerable . and • - - - dimity ; This j dnplleity fa keeplig =iith bis ghtuseter and' the pecaliariq of ,Aocomktrom . Oo4iiatm, Oblo, oso tatiortilitCh ilat , Vallandiglioml pros :I:. ** for United tkatei:Basuitorrialp, ;:iii[ol:l 110 'imparred _that MS friends feel degree' of ,iionfidiMito lei will Ix chosen. Bolivia; it hinny fliir to say Shag - .llr.".Tiraranuen supporter! Wks that the mambas who hare been Marna - _ - aineei the electinn, to Tote for Mr. Val- - - - landigharti; seal itot do so, bat will act according - to their previously expressed ~_Hr. yallandikhato litho most saitahliii man - the Dadocittey of Ohio can: select •-• ; Mils theil„..ripreseahaira stria, slams ?Inn:adults:wed expression to their amt. think emayistions-ami i i rtiposes. He ilia'ability, ea - iabstenci atarake, fanati- ' 'aliati,iiionestit,' and while we do not latish Ili 'ideas, we hays . mnrarespzet ' fai .thin wo have ilia sleek , Omni "ffho,,fould OD mixt ; _lama than he 7trould, provlded'always this they ceiadAtit in thO dark or coder . each other cirententanoesaa "grad eatable them to elide responsibility. - - RAPE: =Thq ae~i;a " tcbm I . i'verpool ; _.atcca - Peitlerid, Me., 'retarder:- -808WTGLI,MOCIC. uockhlad, awnep ems besited -yestee, lay aiorzttog. Lose ..1/4°P; xisep4tuied .. .lones,bie been sea .teueeetri be , Vazig;i Capp upon a ishlta*ocaaa. . - • ....I/mil:led° itoard4tTiedayestenlii; appobziod m> to o T r de Coßtreltsvrtug.hasasalVes B 0 :ton TebrnaryAb: • ' • 7 :=LC6ro yeas asked Inlbe.Hpose and Senate of9Calne ; yesterday, to present a repeaFle¢ the State Constabularyad., . • but it was not granted hieither Howse. - The statement that General Ifossard • le' has andoreed the proposition of a loan of • ;thirty. : toS -planters, planters, .nriTh alienan their estates or crops, is in. • —The lewdly atom of Bend. & itros, fillsSottrY.ioo-g robbed on „ the night °fibs 30th nit., of three . e s s u : d rigsl i Z weaurlh jewelry x Kto i :G w : w fth a; • obtained to ttie _ - =Petsy Evans; called - hp . his; friends •. • • tho ' . .Ronclent Gistrt;" hoe ,egreed to • light tnialairin," the “Irish Gient,” 'fFEr one thousand dollars's side , • The first has teen made, and the articles ' • Iftreii to . have beeneigned yesterday. . • - Hosantlhos not' or dais rthistilitsing-Unreen. iifficarra Tor • en gsgin„,— In the •Sordhatit Stites ha; astabr bed a inlethst them:rapt mice Of rideffitTe Must' be considered as 1 incovatiblo with the duties of the pin • sera .' tficiverrior Beano of Maryland, his Misege to the Legislating, en - dOrees..:the Pieskierit; exults Over . - reaction against the ?obey of Congress, ,Sind fears that smialgimation• will be' the remit of negro suffrage. He saiyii.the applied. for from the War Depart- - ; „meat - have not yet -been• received, and aye the correspondence Mahe's.: injustice - i '' lsiVtlit h i t il ' ls re tZ The indications in the Senathrial contest 4iat a raa'l‘lll . .er b6 -4. e ! eated. A. , .ana miatik.ra wealthy - s'em We Mr it allied tbat /alma Rope r the terms? landholder and lise weal man In Jelltermn county'. Vittlnio, - 15 dead. Roper wed a muLdto, the natural son of Ikr eccentric Englishman, who he, queathed the most of his property to the reemnly dootened, who added sreally IMF menial state .: Roper bed a 117= 1 =trfor acqUirlui eperlhand 1 for Beldam to his hr ge Ladal estate. Every - two he Would - I,M W t rerbi t M Er pry as much .4110 wend when dollars wine donara. , „ now , a nal anlntedelPefati man/ tZtvriltrg:a miacg aru t ::: t hb in 4 ,l l l sl4lB .l .1. ° 0: 4 7 11m m that nobody e ul l'boa be was. drunk. He'nn'a quiat,ill"frena" nui o n i=rts maid . ly esteemed.' t=l l c ser ved i. oeo t to to, nerar _ oreinrim, or attempted to exordia Mag! denied. by the laws to,men of bin- race yet he was as fully protected In hin debt of ponem and alig n urg : Vireirds, oall,.4„„ 1 , - -4:=eatsts than e l a 1°4 ..„, Ea r n . - — , r i ng in this Bier* can - .ntt7ROPeri" 13 ir" yrets ealled:,tax a Ming exempt; of ti! , th at Virginia /awe , even hen,..-% rested, protected men <dm.— Ure _ enjoyment of. their rightel•—,4lr c •F - •—A iiiiweifal di,3ning resales now :In operation-11v New Jersey, Which is • bsalyd tote a l a s ls via lora witi°cimlinarte to ran • eds ' or Ifonsuluttl'oetor , r.- - It is st work or or. feet • 'wide, taking Up ,11. tan Of marl sadnute, "1`111" °l2 • rates awa y e to the* doors of tin f1 ,., e hi that part of New Jersey. . carrell. pondesit. - :desertbinx it,,otates that ULU _ — chime like thew can azenenteeny excel, Ind illustrates b . Yelitostng the made that eel 'MI? put In ° e I=7. c=:. • .`All that is nicestary drat: to tied the highest point, on the route",whero there b them taltae, 6mld.ands launch them' at that pautoset theca to work dlogirt = 4 : d lb r rre.. 3-91 ,. 1 ; 3et t l7gde E n gg tudidh r lgloeks on the route at required. ,-; Another set'could ciao be started at each cad of mite. !4:1 1 4: , route,- working . 1 : ::,: i l a r , ;1:1 70 tp; ra:ch nes-es that 07130ul New.•Jefue-Y; - the buildlugof corst at tbe point nein - edgottld wormier/tied "with- great speed . , —ln St. Paul, 3 41.naesete, onkndersare :Punished by" twine nuLde to , cow. wood . upon en humur , pile belonging to the gay. They_ do the Same to Windbun county, Connecticttr. The keeper of the county 'goat from honaito house with ,e Rang of priwners. the refractory coca trionearnen bye ballend c.baln Jandlej.s "or Wootreacrteit for the people - re anon. =MB II VOLUME L CFENERAY lama —The only literary society in Irontovi Ohtait , Made on oreolored people who are tee "anbittiligeld tOVOIli." • —The Nov York Cama thinks that . ‘a avitrbem,witik s lemma in Ma month, i de Witted to Ida: dorsal dn. might se t will try;toswittliali over the Calls or itilagire" as the Radicals te snowed en —A. men in Chilicothe, Ohio, Mends c.mmotion I. his hen-home tke other night, Auld mlllnE out "who's there:" received no asawer, and fired into the darknase The next morning a dead ne gro was round with a chicken ender his An inter-nitienid jote, tequesilon able propriety. was that of the (*Mihail , der of the British *sr ontsd - Chilaßellier at Itonoletluorho set his band playing alongside Gut steamer 'Atka wana. The latter retorted with "Wear 's.c oohs Green." . ; Atli In Paris tor- She tagbereditiMtlott Of wo men, and • journalist draws- %gloomy picture of the time when ladles will per ,- pies. their hastauxls with questions such as, "What Is your opinion oaths *hat= talon otaolar head" • patent of ,BlEsisailla, has a patent for an hanitheele anger plow. The tmproyetuent tbrusista in a combi nation of ,thw Alfttor, twisting and throwing qualities in the share and mould-board. The beam end handles are of inni;:adcritedipth of the furrow (2131 be regnistsdby an adjustable Wheel which is attached to the beam. —A.gord'eman residing at East • .Pc. , recteltde: Weeded At, salt/Mks neighborri whentirVienold clue, Wiii , mitakhig ome fining be was surprised to find, had (also bottom, in walchwerestowediway a meat many gold and ellvercolnsuf vs .rtotes deneml.mtlonig . ..Theys had proba bly lain there upwards of one hand d, —lt is discovered by comparison of ittatialles. of Ireland that thorns districts malteds:dug parikimente* . bitiraturlis had a mortality last year of twenty to each thousand of population, and in those which were not represented the rate was fiutactr.tolina tisoamad. Ulm not, how,- . er, suppoeed from these facto that tie stiffrage has an unfavorable effect on hu man life. —ln 1667,, as ebewn by the "Racing Cie aufgrP- 712 tremyser elditretir threes" year 01* 409 forte-year obis. Bad= Sire: year olds and upward, making a total Of 2.458 horses of different age*, ran on the various racecourses in England. In 1866 the- tote!' ntanibeteit tomes of varions aces that made their appearance on the English turf went 2,101,, .making a gain of 349 fOr Mg. By this it will be seen that racingis cm= the denitra,'... la /797 the total number of bergs!) on th e Bridal; turf were sal. : —The Inverness (Scotland) Cbtcrier Sari A - Vtarlreterefaug "addition banjoist. been matte to the Earn Museum, of a pigskin oilskin. et an extinct crocodile or allied saurian animal, from a sand seam quarry at Alves. It has the double row of teeth of the modern inhibitanta of the "Nile and Ganges, a large sped mon of which has been placed beside it for comp:l:bon, but the teeth Of the one in stens are at lenst double- that alze.-of the recent one. In other respects they ace analagtous. —There Se • story told of Commodore Vanderbilt that, when engaged ins is game of poker on a .likalsrappi boa stakes • reselied gra:tram' iIiI3IOIZIM - than the Commodore'apocket.boakheld; he sent-for the Captain of thetas; pur chased thecralt for g 30,000, and "want it better" to the extontof his purchase. The sharpers, of octane, ,corild'At'Aila" - this rise, and the plle'went -to -the Commo dore as* tribute to his nerve and his tank toicrmst. Thehottible muitieg;ql:mmitted a negro last nablith,len -b end en Anted: can - whaling bark at Honolulu ' be RS sesilked to-insanity...The' negro cat the tliroKortilktinfortntiatellertepaelboy eahe bay Well, la the main hatch, and the nun, striking the hone, became dulled, bilthat when he attempted -to anaunitenaleidebe -woe obliged to hack Ids Ten throat ire moat lionible . own. 'her. The bojedied in - twenty minute. ; bat the negro lived wears.' howl. Re had before expre.aeda determmation to kill the boy, and bad also meditated ad. —A ftwidayarrgo a gendernati - in the Etssalela-Plas,, Paris, - nedered a sul phurfeel bath,Vralfhe 'servant - was proceed- in g to wide big hand if the tempera twelves cerise* when suddenlya naked man rose from tho water. and-ptaraned the terrified dameithi, roue& the .racrace 'ffire no-Venuilikeasmatition its armed with a life-preserver, and was with diffi culty - captured, He demanded to be taketfto theAbool.' of -.3dediebte, as he thought disectfoit wonid_be a miler to him. The man, of course, wumalt - and was dclivezed uplotha.properr-,authori -Trei"suspected Person under - arrest in Vinhan, Indiana, of stealing fromthem,erattla the eight ta thaplacewheni herwas'ateffinci, found the sentinel asleep, baund thapriermer, carried biro to apiece of woods, and gave him .:the alternative of confessing or hanging: chase. the . ..lanee.l - Twice they tied film turbytheneekiand'twice the reps broke; ',They then -dug 'a pit .a ade. the tree sad built* Amin , it, and hung hinidireetiy-ovirrit, . Ilia tdotbing caught fire mate than • oonfeased. lie wee earriedbeeitto the place of entffins. and . being wifely! deposited, the was awakened sadabueedferner g his f/pLY: -The Ziglisti papers' State' that the Cunard line of stamen; 'will rendre • subsidy of .1:80,0:0 for . earrylag - ths reads between'::l4verpool, Queens Irina and Nett:York, la lee% while. the Lateen Coraparty; ,for awe sore* ramie* the'ocean c i taig i e of; rine 'sh il ling per ounce from d insdliftesu count per "onncefrout the r oiled Mitre; eitlntated• to aroonnt to a aura total for . the year of .4:33,1700—M,000, hem England and Lil. 000 front - the Untied States; Ws JAM fag favoritism - 1s alleged to be due la part to the banana of a anal, mine man. agar, with what , theCutuird - Dee kuus bad extensive &Wimp, 'and whet* con nected. with an Wilder br the - general paladins) deparnnsul Lcondoti,_ John — formerly guref .nor of Ben_ g.Kottikba abetter- tea a - thiesd on this vuuJeo../...seYsibett the rthdletles of Lifeplaceere painfully instructive.- Os as Inquirv_ . , which heleatharted by or der :of the Bittlah G overnment at'Asameti be found that Uwe were a greater nuns- ber of deaths frenr.defenne ,etnnsess, and other dlassepts,-hsving their engin In the use of , Intoxicating think* among 600 Eunnitans, than ,aniong,,..,oo,oofr Winne, whose., - lhaldtaLbeverags wai lass though very .Many opltun,entekers formed partednadvepoputatiom,'Mtat is to say, that among those who _profewe. - ed Chrbithulty,.the mortality _from the use of the . flary entriut ;supplied by the liquor Tender was a hundred told MOO than among theprofeasorliflladdthriVt; —The Inmch actimers...seddenly light in apposing beta - re' the endlencee *tin Grande: Hatton - roles ".MatallY performed by the Judi of cteation:c 1 1 4 • leer than ath. 'Tarlatan - theatzes'ar this )tuothrin play :contedlei, - tv., in which math rules Cr. represented by ladles.' the Ambigua,' M.A. ene - Marte :tantatif .PlSyn Jack Sheppard In the.'"Enlghteef the. Few." - .At - the .odeor'-'.1PII• fine plays:Marin In' the , "Handsome Gentleman . of Dole Dors. 'At the Galt', Wile Judith, 'fifamier.;"- , at, the ports HetetMartin, idadanie • Huguenot, Dea -1 - lent, In the.Villege treenrerre,,at the ihs, jatel„ldlle Dajarat, Ithumarha r he esparto et Brienne.. and 'at the Opera Canker's' .M.edame Man _Priery,in ":',Robinson. cruses": "lei.n • aged. nine' . .serewdeg sitalngdeleL.Tdass4- on' Wednesday, his feet were struck:from „ender - elm, and leintri.kuoeload,Mgh'inte. the air , by • a lar‘led no which - another boils= coos - and •ler/l^ on the . I, l o , ll eute Ids bead.. skull, on the rightelght above Weny, we. indented by Our fall, aad he swats:ken op Tor dead: - For nine hours the boy_rentedned - perfectly - - mettenleu, exceptt whirr seised with. eormilahme After .that howeveri•iber. rallied somewhat,: ,and, 1 ,- a1th0ugh,,,be... : 45 now senseleas, he ban_the power , efAmering his Drawler', and will probably rocover.• An English woman teas. teethe ground he thitaneezeittitufttieTtiesday, and her collarbone brolten.and her face and hand badly'broleed.'..." • Christmas Eve therri_inia an gel, mimeos near galleon's, Mllls,thMary... • land, 'whieli'might have 'been serious U -14 ..conaequencels.„ It appears that two =n i en:reiniewluttintosicided, posted vas en the railroad track, about Ittis hundred yards, this aide of the mills; one Attent making that the train would not pan over . the, track lee occupying, and the other, that If did over, the Amick Oa which he he would stop IL . It wan not long „b e fore the cars , cam* theederingeloug.• and one of the sentiment : was saddeali stitched up by the ccrwatteber and car ried In thin perilOtte Into Ent. teed city-: Several persontrathig timeline of theyond were wthestes - of the seems, and concluded thatthessum would soon Lea mangled corpse. _Hurrying to the depot, they - found Mm, to their great Bor. prue, unseathed, and as , ceol tau' notte int-bad happened. • • - .._• • • -•; . . Mlli NEW YORK. thethist lrtateeetuelesee Plumage cunt:O.- ' New - Your, January 2, I£4B. larew - Year'acallson the Bra of theymr are ae Marscutrialb %teatime of out Me . - _ fro polls, lathe use of firocrackers Mt the . fourth of July Ii an American instlin. tion. Groat preparations hadbeat made for that wonderhd day, especially* the ykitnig liana whocia boast tit a. host of admirers and who have an opporbohlty onthat day to me all their friends, or at least as Man*. of them as will- not allow theineelvai to be Pritutitee By stormy weather from evincing their devotion to the fair ent.• Thosnow which had Ellen the latglaiprevlotte, and loth turned into water Rut Mud tiateigh the inlitrenee of the pretelling mildness of the weather, was, bialied, no encouragement for an stun ethihition of gallantry on.the part of the _a:Manger sex. Bull we noticed many equal - enable, &eased up in his best, and with an extra smile on his face meanding •up the stoup 'and , as he Ms ringing the bill of the hams where some fair affremonwas ready lOlgreet him - Iridi squally happy. ta "ndeallese'laway that the eta l ay p o l l Ph=r on t?th part o e f oro b ef e : male pop:Betio°, and the ball and party mama which-that day generally inaugn ram may, Inagdlebt 1110 dell linrfetbe ,- come after all a more brilliant one than war Ittileipated, The dog Teas a merry ; i at i r thrautiontibereitrgenerally, 'and many a mellow could be seen through streeta with light heart ands heavy e l tents e tow a rds evening, when the the liptidaltabibed in bon= or Of the - day commenced o make tkent. asbrili•PromPtible., - Withitte boiapning Of the - yearn number or - Mew Brno are starting iii _badness painerallps are formed, and everybody is hopeful of •• - prospererut timed. "Mbb ttifvinsgAti have already informed yeti bf the tutrodno-, lion of the reduced postal tariff with . England, and we all have reason to eon graulata.oureetree in behalf of Maslen pf program.. The German steamer*, as writ as the French - line, appeal° do a very . fine business. The Cunanl Line will, for the. future, Maya all its v mu to this port, and Boehm is abandon ed. The anbvantion 'which that line us activate from the British Government amounts to the enormous sum of 180,000, the greater rt of which thp American imam public hate to bear in-. directly. td.niabber of thelllitish min istry called the particular attention of thepuldic to that fact in a speech made in Battu:mails justification of the rate nention; , to..which tho- opmitlen made serious obJectione. This matter creates some talk in the commercial circles -.of this ...citron:id.* present. AlcipeßEN:2ol!s Mann= Ilan stands a -fair chance-to get ahead of the Cunard line, not mily on account of their rams of passage and freight bein g mtachthe home the two, but 'also.Semma their steamers are much faster, sincellr, Canard has hold the "Panne, 'onset the fastest beats, and offered forage - Me efittotia,” probably the best stiamer of hit llne. • • The Inman line, although soiling under the British Rag, may be fill ed more especially en:Amarleaninaltution, and while we have no national line, the fast steamers of eald company bid lair to becomathe favorite means of trumpet , " tattoo, not only for pasnongem but also .for the transportation of freight. _ 0 Traveling= the moan is no ItuCeit thtetime of the year; and the nanarous disasters at ma, combined with the delay mperienoed t2r almost every Tassel In reaching bar estination, give ample et , Warm alba watery • element being in an uproar, and mum traveling le —there , fore comparatively at a stand still. .11a dications from abroad ge to show that I==We:tannin again , be very lively next spring. :for is this to lie wondered at, tor the constant dread of revolet ticaht Barepoinduees many a man to- Uomololour shores, where, among other -advantages which our country offers, he will not be compelled to !dc military duty for arenas which he may not have any sympathy with. or from which .be • will derive any benefit. Bossiness men generally are looking forward to a dull , month, but them is no reason why .IPS begisming of spring., which seems so Math nearer r now that wa bare Cheat thas and Neon Years Buybehmd us. • THESPIAN -Mile. Marie Zoe is to Troy, N. Y. —The Radon u theatress49,ooo by Ibeabatrik a. —Miss Melon Wedernspent Christmas in Milwaukee. • —Kate Fisher and her horse are doing AlurePius la Edffslix • —Lady Don hasjuxt closed &most ego- casaba engagement in Detroit. —Baroklynitei are etdoying the Fa. fan drama no presented by the Williams eigarileidneetnupeis now drawing good houses at the Andemy, in Sew York. —Olive Logan is said to be ea unarm cereal in her literary efforts as she wee In her thespian. pear Wallach la shortly to reap. pear to Kr. Rileten's own dramatization Theromipitare." —The La. Granite Edgard Troupe's. inaugarate Pike's opera bona* In New York. on Monday, next. —Mr. Bateman, Ulla. Tastes and the . wholosnory orate Grande lmebease de Orwoldstsla York for Bus. . -Edwin Bank'. new thealia, In Haw York in almost ready tuba occupied, It la wild to be a p!rfor..t bijou or architectural • --Kelley and Loon's theatre LB WU go ing, and with great success is spite of the absence of tbe.elder two attractions Kelly and Loose who anal° tho 'Tombs. Ise into:m.4l.ton for the seller of Ifs. lianent. ofsJter .MajestrigAheetre. Louden, his been sten. d. The . Doks of Newcastle heads the.list of subsea bars. —him D. P. BOWer3 is mitring money out or “lady Audley'e Bootee' in New York, et the Broadway Theatre when, Miss Kale Newton e an old Pitts burgh favorite, is the leading woman. —The friends of Kits Fenny. /arum schek, tbe German truedlenne, whd - ee. tide in Philadelphia, reiterated her re cently with a teaunfal diver fruit stand. Mr. Geo. W. ChM* of the Ledger. made a neat ;unseated= speech, la whlah he declared that the nuiteonld only be from a fete of her friends, es In that hot moat berntrahered every loeior of art In the city. —The 'new , German 'drama !..Ifaxl millian Emperor or 2Lexitrr! which wee written by Dr Krack.urNair York, for Ake &mit Theatre there. WM) brought out biro' lee: Watt: , M. Yon - Holm, the creator of tberoierirat the ear. sad the talented author was alsoTreseut. The house wu closely parked and the enthu. alum was great. Dr. %rack and idn' Von 13oym were both touchy called for gad rapturowAy received beam the-cur tain, and .the drama may well be called the great inumma re the/noon. •;. , NATIONAL MOrft7BIENT . • glapillair et Me Association. as SWIM- Ii111•14111,411.-111Famiesal • illar sr ToWpm:* to tea rltistmegth Gss.tti•J Suluirte,:ancutry3.--A meeting of the NatienallfenumentAtioocistion was told t3.prisigththi,,lll., yesterday afternoon.d ar. Oglesby in the chair. The Exeins tire Committee cistivinstructed to pire ptro• advertisements to architects or ar tists, soliciting designs and specifica tions for a monument on Lim built. of trao,ooo, which adrerthements are to be submitted-to-'"meetingl of the Anstalt- Um to beheld next :Minisday. The fonds in" the Treasury, contributed by . pirate 011 hs or Iption, amount to maw, added to which is 850,000 aPProPTlllea by the State Legislature. Appeals will be Made siptho State -Legislatures for moderate appropriations during the cur rent winter. It Is- tbe intention of the Association to commence the monument i in the spring. livelY diplomatic boblxiry Ma been kicked up In Alexandria by a tthanntarjattag ,Clrtaatiatt slave who soaped Mom the kuem or the Viceroy Lair Pasha, and ram as futile aho could testae Pruseian Consul. The Consul de cided that She became tree from the mu mint abe set foot upon the •oonstructive ernsaistroatt el the Comulate,•and h a d her emancipation papers made out. Len, Pasha then had her arrested for theft, but the Pmsaian, backed up hi t h e British Consul, resisted. The Viceroy proposed to subielt the matter to tha Road= Consul as arbiter, but the Drit. fiber used such strong language on the' subject that the_ Russ - inn complained =to "mend iiiitedAts'protailou et Ala Goverstmee; ,, Thuelho Matter stands, tournaStousla selquebble. about a we. ~. . , • •"—the reseed wy - I the Atlantic cable brings noel false reports abaft Cote; is told ha a letter from that country c welt• ten' b:r Dr. - 8. - <3. the Boeotl Advertifer. slates that the only wire between, tho Grecian - Archipelago antt num) pewee through Ce= hence the Tui-ki are alware g bat hover maintains the Cretans. FIRST HI MIDNIGHT. FROM WASHINGTON, Radicals Routh fomplalnlnge Lethargy of 6110' in tits' Citt The Ordnance Investigation. rt • • - Postailicenatten--AnlogialrY . Ilitioi , Goiig-to Sew York. inmherProclaniftios from A J itt l tPkarMT7lPr 4n- Ulf Solifh . ; Special Message from Removal. et Vlvtiela emir. larsatai titutiOto tikaseito.j 1 - • ‘' - ifitniisoroy;'.lisat:lBlB.., , . - .; .• • color:Amu ?sox Tat sorra.; from . from the Booth a the lethal:ay, exhtblted Pe4ria* : 2o oll liicae ff tetlimead tag the feeaaatruction law so as :to premed those whom* mimed to the States bating: -eeetatliteactettl_, from . clogging the wheeli. A letter maw totelcod•thbfatiatthig by a Racal Sea- Moe than a 'prominent geetleman re siding ha Georgia, bolding the lame pc- Mical proclivities, In which he censures Cengreeii fiery strongly for having ith Parma forint:ls &length of limo during the holidays when sueb a terrible state of Mien .existed 'throughout the South as to call fur dud; immediate stetter". lie dayelittat npeati reeneembling;;Con.. wreas will, within ton or fifteen day., to so amend the retmatruction. Law as to per mit si =Orly" of the actual voters, be andlcient to. adopt thews Cotuttitution, !ad' Mee to hike " the power to a?point civil cacaos awdy from. the Military. Commanders, Made» it tit the - preient Stahl Convention, eo that they ma TlVU late their owns State Who're, out, the Stab can be mated with from thirty to tlßy thousand majority. Otherwise the danger Is very great that the object for wheitt the Cesavaatioestwerribled will to defeated, and reoorodrostiort - Impeded. In this connection It can be stated that It is the Mention of Certain radical SOX tors to press the latter Idea In the Senate and.. tintless* t.e. tuff liteb l cii ,46 In serted in the imendment, alleging that it is the only plan which will keep - the President fronsdaketing recontarriedim, as they:ewe" be wilt so intimidate: the ttUhlar :Comesulders as to email , them to appoint, nr keep in, civil Masers who oppose the plans 9r Quagress. coeing — ixas. YATSti.6 Tt;eorchtencoOantmitteecodeluded their brresilgatacm to.darof the denten:lima projectilebande The tattle:mit showed that there had beenvery extectairefrauda committed during the war, which "ran inentollieersOf Govermatamt either knew otoielne were dire:ernkg theltnr Hotel. duties. , :A. gnat: enuntnt of Man . projectiles proved nuerly espies; end was a deed lows to the Governmen- Wit . maim hate been eumninned for to 7 mm t row to give evidence in a case wbeni It staibi that a yowl' man of Ms 'be.- panned arbred testing gun; 'but be. tore he oinid st tt pateeted a certain prominent official et the Ordnamm lie rean,bearing about it, obtained a loan of the maid, and then bad it patented in his own name. • • rsoroshiza TOS DAPTINO PAPER AN ' TOrarz TOO roirrorner. the Salk of October Postmaxter Generidl!andalledvertised for wrapping paper and twine for the Pastedice partment tot four yeses. , From the fact *Mita Poirtmatier'Gtheral will reties with the present administration, whit/. lots little more than one year to run, ac-. rationed surprise that* should attempt to discount the patroosse of his sticemi ion in this manner.. For some *eat atlrem*, Cu the or Depanber ndall withdrew the four'year ad vertisement and inserted a new oar. it now appears in - the papers, the adver tisement calls. The wrapping paper and twine for one year, bat • companion of this with the one withdrawn chows the glum:at* of materials called for are pre deely the same In bath.. , WhoLldr: 'ft,a dttll:Mabinated in ; the. Itna , tuataras as mildelentfor four awl. hint ntr bitable will-,enly be for„Sesiallar• There are error tweedy-nine tons of twine required, and over twenty-dye thousand *me of paper, and this for Kaabington' and New York alone. The proposals amount to a hundred Moaned dollars, and yet its only publicity has been in an **use aznaer ef irWmidecaompeper one •atadr...ibe ,Ttia taster has attracted attention here, end will probably be Made the subject et Can greatcoat inquiry. lICILZIZI TO OVERTESOW THE 87:413S = . lieverdy jot:mann is , ealittd to busily engaged In the Tarima legal whatnot looking to the defeat of the Ileconatrno• Son laws: • as informed' some of his Southern friends, a few days ago, that he fully expected a decision fromthe !supreme Court within a short tints, at that Virginia' ie a State. The Presidentship aspens this, sod the law yers Interested lathe cue may that If such • decision Is rendered he will with-. draw military supervision from that State, by ordering the commanding Cl am not to Inter! ~ere except at the request of Modell ituthindtles.-. It. Is said Sev enty Johnson is Orlin close . .attintion entedvlee in the cases now being pre pared, involving the constitutionality of the cttTT oonn laws In each of the Southern . States...Theas engaged In these schemes please °effect eoutidenoe to thelr stdilty ,to defeat the pangres 0/ 11:16X01111r170111017TIT. iPti*:Pliesimp be sent to Congress soon after the niaboin bllog, upon the situation of affairs la the o ß mo w st h ala rmi n g r a ch d a d at enro.v e 0 ia selvlost at hand bear out lolly the no- counts received 'by lenient and throdgh the ror p an e d star it icnhue l d Agn o un f l te s r s . , prompt metworaelne taken to prevent ao great a adarnity. . - . It is Stated that the Sub•Committeo or Wart- and . Moans has armload' ta hold Ito' mare reset*, ler theitineent fn ro. Kara to the 'whisky tax. important re., terms, In the • admitdobntion of tho tereatiterenao Bureau bare tetra talked over by the Sult.Ootamlttoe.• and wilt 60 nteetnetended to the lament& ttettratee, for adoption. The antieet Intl be pro" atoned eaCenstrun span oartytitty; sicrawinsTutiAnt. Commodore Boggs. cdpecte to start Tor the West India . on ,the Igth of this moitb, timpor uy commend of the Derlook.SseP and Benobecot., 17 . s. "st eeds sour be tamed am to the'dotornand of Admiral HolT, when be ammo a ant ships 40 Government tactile Lirflt so. eelapeny the Commodore to Ht. Tbanuis. --Ascrritan rioctimsiiiox: ' It is stated the. Decedent ialonda Moon' Joliette a proebenstion to the whlta mo ld* tb•Sollthom fitstes,adesingdorm to send delegates to the appetrieldng ttolud Conininthrot , ., • 4=X. tc..sixtzlites; IXOrroigia, ceriteri hint- Fbilarielphla to a friendlies. that his ,trhysleal osnatita tlon seri feeble, and th at be is botchy able at than to setup In bed. la ex pected hers thimMdle of next week. • Innen extancerf, ' Of kllsoloolppli itso..strivocl bore toecm duct tbo aim of IfeArdlo before tbo kto- Pttr9l,Cottrb - • • SAt ISIILLII4AII.O2 ookentratortzue bfettblinentlnr . 'dam slider' Males the 'animation of the martins allotted to M r Headeerrsqeenn. lie Weeds to have the mint ybylinteleyttoat,'whori the Cot tint esein esiembloo, - . Prnmeroleaving thin, etc, fort New Toth to-night to remain there metal di" ,l - • Loft this ntornleo , for :Atlen, Vs:, to AMMO CCmpxqu34.o the TIOIAW,Itary stsawris oswwww... - Ayeport Is' etinoit atm. - Eraiam . gd will shortly relnolly th e State ottlesti of Virginia and others. - --'~'m,--•..._..--.:_..r ~•.•,- .....-.,r, ~.r-,.,—, . .-:._, t.,=-:::.u:. +-- 3 ....::: c y . _ . . . .... . . , •—. ' ‘ vv , l .!, „p 7 , ; 178' " '..!..' -' ' ,_-,,,. • ,:- ,-...: -.-=:-..,. ...,, - - • ,• "-- - ' - - • •- - , - ' ~.,. ~... -,- ,'- 1 ~ , •-, y. -at 6 .-, ...- - ,A - , _ ‘,„ . :.,,... ;.. 7 .-., n- • ~...., ~" ...., , . --......„,,.._......, __..... ll-261 1 . -4 , ; .;;;.7 --...,...•%:,.,.;:a rr , ! ,.4„ : . , -,--,..,.. ,_ , _ ...,.3......_:.,.......__,,r,..,... ....,...-,.,..,...„.....,.____,_ ......... , --_,......„ _.„.....,...........„...„...„ .. --_-."---- - . ."'" -- . -7 .--- -- ------ - - --- 1.7 " - •" -- -.--.' - ------ " - 4 - --- -='=":', ~ :- '—',- .:, _., -; ;',. . 1 2, " 'z -' .. `' ' ' " - - *- 0i . ... . . _ ......--......... . . SAT' I ; AY . JANUAR '- 4 1868.. '.., - -•?.', -.' , - __ • . . ...., mil/g,-„r . , - A ragirteeked ,oLereall• = Surd* 1 Musty 3:L.-Governor B. lock was inaugurated to-day. Ills to ', e!go ..rePntelltteffiellfees at,' edinqiu never so enisou 'm ling. The funded de of the State nri;000,000. The Govern amepting the decision of the peoplei . commends positive enactment for eh regolatkor and control AV liqUar, i 0 natiosuil affairs he says; Let us heog Mete -eficodffseation aid! tattatadar f the Southern masses. Let no. nuke; agt, add of illibettriegiklatimr, and - Irbil' compromising no principle for..whicti we have contended, let us - isshire lately In rebellion to equality .i rights u speedily as is consist, • with national safety. The present it stoniest to reconstruction mind come to speedy - end. '•Whether Imposed by n repentant kebels,, by a President Vi t t does hot make treason. allow, or .b those whom his policy has deluded In renewed resistance, if embittered:l refuse to acestM the boon proffered the the responalbtlay thelse and mi sue ' wilt be thistle aloes, , It. • they :, ace . so .blind lin their own interest, as .to ~,ineltit hostility. between —the • racei,,they will dud the nation is strong; that the nation will maintdinits‘giumenioes. pslit sights of loyal then will be'aurtendeng . to °Moot - any.. settluttenr 7/channel Equality Cif rights 'and nrilvergal - a2 =gears Leratenildolsota.iln this bourof thonstionietirsigent7 ~ ,w e wa need of a leader, who se in Ls IV corrupted by political iggis . at a i whose patriotism has net to descend to the arena of partisan war. Ism Of a- tried leader of undaunted. Contwv,istio winds' swayed neither, bi popular. passion , nor, sectional pet dine. Of a man of • cautious n cenco, who has nio,intiti/iSistallOWlP to enplaln, no policies to maintaining theories to promulgatew , Of tiOleeder tetra comprehends. the position and of alLsaCticins of our cowmen nom will bring to the administrant:mot pa 4 3 sestre executive 'ability, 'came . . ideas, and an honest bun- Ullman' it hi the awns rnoildesee which 'brought us rudely through the storm of,war that glees • this :whole.. people - now, with Mog u l= unanimity, to ~ rectignlnt, In. ti . plan; unpretending • citizen, him whose energy. discretion and tsgs sited patriotism will resters iiesce and prosperlrr to diseordsnt . States and a dat.reetssi lands :ate =AA tor the ands, the man for We henr, the man of the people. is IllYiereli. Gond. - Before his preeminent fitness for the high office to which), grateful. nation.; 111111 lad ...lust* him, let personal preleranc r eL t yleld; let faction subside, that peace, wtlleod union may once mere and meter abide throughout the republic,. .', • 1 - i (L.,' Loursarrer, not 41.1v,_biasef or raise by Om. nasesex...rne . evesusemausam,••r Telersph te• Mitsbanit Ossett...) ,Nrair Owmuris,Jsrourry,3,«Pnbscepli S of Special-Order No. 2, Eiriaidquartess riturtriittict, Elated Jantuiry" 2d, W.4,1* HL Exadlera7 B. V. Vanda, hula; ioens Otis ernor of the State of Louisian resigned that otnre,allr. Janson /3akor Ls hereby , appointed -teethe intosney soca- The same order solgstetrevet Gim er2l E. C. Mutation to ditty as COoo. Mender et tbe District of,Losisferm, and Assistant Conantissioner of the Freed. men's Duress. , The Time, epealiliv of the new Gave acme, UV' be LI a IMILSITO of :Kentucky,. but an old citizen of Lanialasia, and was a member of the Philidalphbt canyon- Wm of ISGS, that he is -fully qualified under the lieconeruetion Juint..ped can take the Last oath. NEU' ORLXASS, Jeri a—The altl, vention taday rammed thodlactuation of the equality qr.estion. After several 11711MdUletIVI, width were soled do the &Dowding was band Mr. Pinchbeck and adopted ILI the thirteenth article of the Cotunitu : persona shall enjoy equal rights while traveling in this Mate In ear conveyance of &public ebaraetern!' It further provider, that. sit places where boalume Ls retrial on by charter, or from which a Demme Is required from either State, parish or muntediwi author ity, shall be deemed n place of public character and shall be open In the aCCOM modation end patronage of all persons, without thatlnctlottor discrimination on acerraMof rant or , calor.. In reply to a coudesUrticatfon ttom Governor Flanders. charging the pollee fury of the Pariah of Orleans with ofiletal corruption, and recommending theism. move], Goo mat Bannock. sere. .These charges present a proper case for Judietal investigation awl determination, and it Is evident that the courts of Justice men afford Oconee. ,fbr wrongs tom Alined of; if proved:. Ile mu cl tided that It la rot !Wettable to resell le the tummy suggested. MEXICO Paints r tti at Jetaiststilsii oritriree • .6 .120. natal LE 111•0•11Uh.RIN . /4..P.14.11••• irt•lmr/SC t. VS..* the AM, .So be (1171e2wt,apt b . lb pttsbal ph tan.olta.) Yonn, January' L— E. Ip.thll to the Harald Uric Mexican adricuretete That only three of the one hundred arid uretity. members of Congress are op. ward v Junta. Dade te now Warlktur later, Govcroor . Capedowea KM et Cam peacbr. Peladla wu , elected Mayor at the City of Stestoo.. . A Havana epeeist to the //Wall Yea that' en the 80th the haat was blockaded ,by three Medan natal wavatte. A - rebel consdasloner:- who went OD the mail steamer from Shad .to Vera erne s weaselled and LePrlsonal at the latter port. Gen. Diaz has been ordered to take the field ha:Yeutter". , The Sm.lmperiallsteVrepatiog to leave Mesta, as feat on We. It r , is stated that the /lion in.. , rnez: tan was Masted try Santa-Anna, who fur; nished Col. - Win:woe with money and men. It Is reported be tailed to .interest mersral/Froneh effacers in the steels* ...It la rumored that the illealean' green is about authorizing the raising - of a regular-army cpfeighteen thiamin:id men at the monthly castor four hundredtbon; and dollars.. . TERRIFIO 'GALE. eteureste Mire lefseelmseiti Irma IMO, lrusellg ur TIMMS Beira ea /1.1. boa ftry tit . enrssa so tee intweentensesteo Ifensorr, N. Y., Juusttarr Wed nesday, tt-tarrifle g al e swept along the , Itne of the Efartem Itellread end the southemtent section °IA., not=e Month* frofght tralsorith a , r car attaelted,was struck by. the phi and the monitor -ear and One INatform ear relied bodily from the trick, end proalf. Itated'dow4 en anthinkmant Moen bet: There were use men in the mac all of whom were more or Ise, ejuna but none seriously..., Xn the dreeentthe keys eepetsed and, the per on- Are, Ind the damns were astlegalatted • before they natnedlnaeh headway. - - • - • YritP.P4lC.- ?fro Iteefolostsiurtioit , Coimellilleis: - My 7.0 4 41t.P1 , tea:44'o4l4AM tiatatio . ' ,JamlsTy, to-da y a siaolutioit offered urging. tire continuance of the Freed. men's Harem:Liu the State, deprecating its withdravrel . se et 'calamity, : end re. queering General ilogerd te.centtnue it wider soda Menne en Inay'ailittlan pot poire.l After 4 , 10ag debate airs reeolutban wee adopted--jnaa tifty-two, tall lour. donetor rorneoey addrewd al meetlpg at the Afittaui Chureh te-night. Ile vlaed the convention to router the right of suffrage on all wales over twentpone years and aeourelt -to them forever, • - ParisUos Illeabar Arres44ll. tar "roltipatdi le Um Sliutquitk Gum.) krAVAANASt, Jan. :L.—A:A. Bra&liy:of Dowou, atm Instaberlo. Ps o Awns. Oa; was arrestail this econlastur aLreikt,.. enlag•Joba E. Ilipys, 'editor at the Ataw Pablicas„ and 4rawlag splatcagn himfick WESt , *nether Lethvistiiiii Pete ter, fitiabatnatilsipia•J Ilevstcs. Jen. LK- , Adeloss from BOM Rico my 'Mo Wand woe slatted by au earthouskeimen on the 20th of•Decem• e-: bar, The shock, Isoweeer. Afil4lll4, end cense Unto Mirth Imons the Who., - Obis 4... valuers ••••• • [sr Tannage roue riddance intictled Lssin Co trangec, Jonnary3 s —Ths citys hll of.s /4..xauber . waking - fiat other's acquaintance and seeking photo, and Wagers on looking for the °Moos le llicriclfr of theLegialature, which meth' next Monday. , THREE o°6l.:ObK A. M. SRAM EUROPE., rentall 1 1 4 - Discinered Their Heidquartera Capture. ?lam to Destroy'she annul Flee: Tho ClerkeniVell ExplOsiOn. The Itlgsterp Undeveloped. Dispaini; of Troops in Ireland. Fears of,anOutbreAlk.: &hind Mary ItscauttolifTakn. raver Who ,E 2 __meson nn._ -.4 - Coors itua‘r,elled, mbd4wiii Itslian Affitladisitatlernlfidemretil ,The,Epstern anestion $l. reig'n b' gn i 6 Cant • • eregee. lleusi stellar re .. •-1 - - 77,•! 1_ • ,1140 Pro* Ipaet 1 paet St the 4 Forte. • BeS§o:it,ie Biala °Ate. ?arks Defeated:with Severe Leso , • ; ; (ay Tdrgimpali • tiantl4.l . i • EMU'S /TIM *ma ra *runt•susoovsluit-- ' `tattorrilwr'bocornst***OtrOlTT: TO LIOIIT. Brunissur, January e.—The Le zford has received intelllgenos frourTatia that the headquarters af theXergan Brother hood on tbe Continent hive been discor. end In Faubuig Temple, In Parte, arid . seized , by, the rreneir police:: lA, large auantliv of letieriai*Vather &ten '2M* nveptlter tirephuurofthe Oreibt zbUon sad a Ilat of . the ILead Contra Of the - Vtiotharbiod; Wers - thrind gestudwe Juidhave bean ilbsWarded the French embed** haLruidon. The aireoant'in the La Nord 'alai ttata that sarong tbadocubmie brsrosbt to light was one contalningthe details of a plot for destroying* portion Of thi EelWh Channel ems by are. Othii papers of a deader character have been discovered and placed to tits bands of -dui 'British G .vV4 0 .,f1 0 .: • =WM !pit. YTSTratT. Lesbos, January 3.—treideo.—The examination of Desmond, 'Allan end mime, alleged to be implloted in Die Clerksawalljailexthialon; hais reauluid ao far in proil6Mene no itiliti.Mory as hither criminality. and Imieeit the affair almost as much a Mystery is before the investigation commented,- The utagistrata has adjourned the exasit ligation for owe week. o:apportion or TIMM 1X IIrLAND -I=2IIAOIIIDIXALIPLY PILECACTiokin. '1 • Duattit, January S.—Lord &nth nalest„ toteemendst-In•chicf of the totem la "Ireliad;'te aetlvedy engaged to dis posing hls troops to meet a possible out. break. Particular Wootton is directed to the con:Alan of Cork and Tipperary, to whith extriettiliary propenticatiate being taken.: bank, of the ?tort Shannon and w eat oxen orthe island ars guarded with increased yhplance to pi*. tont a binding. .The police in all the large calm especially in the south, ate theettallyentive and watchful. ' itasurr. scut trarrinsit nolarstotritazcsuri co tr• . YANXISCM AT wr. - rrtsassomo. lennox, - January. IL—lt la thought the 00Atrelit0 on the FAALIIII question, recently held in Br. Petaratmartt by biadiairdtplamatecif Ross* hes si.war... so= :now Tsta oilman: POSTA. , • PARIS. Jan: 3.—An lariat -int* Ins .bash received by , rbe Freitat noCernt, anent faun the Subtitles Rate., hi whirl* it Is stated the Russian' agents ate en dsevorinig .to incite Molt anieng 'the cialetlest -subjects of the Sultan, and vigorous protest /A made bribe Turk ish government against, such hostile so. Uon, or et teed conniranos Umtata as the part of Rawla 'A ri;arrir, . ronoar CAMMI-11711MA nersarao wtra ACAS. ' • 021da Clew:kat:counts of 24 Deana beir report a bath) fought bet...Beni the Cheilliall ' AMR TUrks en the-2518 had Xth 2rOveco bar, hi ate village of Lake, iti:Whleit the., latter . Ware aeteisarl Ind eppdp regr, with meta lass. / The position of - the Sultan'al4tand Yidet in ' Camps become, daili more * ertheal. . . =3 tetatermiummutte—retnwsz. AO ISA. 1/1.0311111C5, .447:4 _ _ Ma not yet soospeiteit tiotophittett Us nevi Ciebiset:exid-•the putt4tertei•esishi oonthatues. polittat UM' In', thit'ecsanttr te thenatlas - pad ..rovirasau • Tlta NNW, TAX STORM lISPOPITLILX, ;14820,7114.3;,Tiwiri1ta himibrojr.sit 'tuttn this city nod other pm% 'Posts. tecti? tonssqueme ot.thistre tare, Thisopeintarityet the Mir etre ths emitemeatenated ,lv the au** to cum tato sailleit, :Iwo bid to the riielputtlen of the Yttilltry. ' • Tax, - commaszcat .-Azazocnfitis psstm7euzitsry 3.—lt Is 1111,1 stMetel• coneediel tbst..notwithstaadlog the recotit'ittampt =taut 3•lli;ta2tt to mate au ittitereetes . to. the ientreiy, OM! all Amiss •st the miiiiistipng at • resetattosithseme of Boropeek powers tor , * stittleeent of the itimiut /m 4: b•ii4 t!tit rtii4ch 9MrP*-4 • • -; ; ... - 4111,111ViD 01114 - t'- , 3:4reening.— 71:10etestaeldp Ituaspi, from lir OW lro f k, " • SgSgSClAW . AlinreiliWligglitt4 . . • Idonaroor.; Jan. 3.--Zinvene. , —Cotion ritartiti owing to die Oontinuad ',activity ofbardoem,,,and; tge favorable, morn) from Ilancitcrter oloar4' ,dtmer4 tumid advimcadjd, on. *a dilvalordna of Maloney' 'd es di; day; oosing quolatitoun middlittoffand . cjfi porind rio.;7fd; to arriva; 7/ or; bias °dams ?id; sales to-dny of ,000 balm: 3dao. theater 'market. bildrant dad :Megrims advancing. Breaddnirk moil/lons and • grainy. roarketoldist unobiinged: - — Logn6 3;v41mdar.'61:7421- cdoastak ittemonon"and !WOOL for acolittniP s•Wit:st." nuino/8' central Alkali' Erie atm*. - Fnassrosr, January Assivinir,"7'inunryd;;•••Rosting.—Po troieux4 fto/3111104 • ' • • • • • . - Dim Goods zi•••• - • . cerrekimslost.rittOiro ammo ,- (Incaturden, - .liiiiuszy twit ties of:L.4V thspidas,.. dry goods mer-, ro u raerg l nt i gs 4 1%74 w = wed " due principally to east= abouttu's'. . • t #'l~f AND SUBUIEtit. • .. , Heartenat Iftensied seatelig•temi L ie aeon Charnel urn s firing was. • - taeweetartite wreaks, - also wish gar; Bofors. Alderman Butier; yeeiterdsy. 'efairtrain,sillsorlng fa: oiLs(;3 of Michael 8011411. MAIL. John 'alai "Bea .ltY':•Mogbea. ohalliva Ilt , tttag tire t o thesteturr . natabbranarks of WiAlfi hwy.:nosier end .Cinilry Onltie diglitieforo.Chartitins.,=d Mao "4 1 4 0 4 115 8 - ibalF : a! t. o ll Faaitltaaa ' am titabilahment.' ''" ' - the'.defencianiserei brought from' pris.;ll,AiiVai l i flied 46intnIcted.'in- de fault of ball, Maj. peered as counsel for the proseculioa. Cochrago - Zerg regoteientott the defendants. The accused objected to. proceeding with the hearing, for Moren a= that they were . not ready, and Oa their Wit:times *ere . ritii - grreent; but die alderinan decided to kw ..the teeth:no sy of the wltnesses . present on =Mallet • • Wm. Berme, awetti—Know Mete per- Ms; one hi ldiebeci know th e other by the name of "Reddy" Flughea. Know of the did, not am It. Saw Mlchat4' Sahli! Mk Mast man morning, at the corner of Wnehhig ton and Wehate# be was dolt% _ scow,' *hate/COON MIAOW that- morniog, drlidrlng alitile; . ntilieniolef"talightin'e. (Box of drawing instruments slioNrif.Y. Bought these:from Sosh111; gave Mitt .11 dollar for them, and made a present ;of them to my little brother on Christmas day. 7 llitt not iteeXtogbrill3frightietfrout Alter giving &shill a dollaralorroeled a half a dollar from him. . . . Jopn Watteeirwas !mon,. andldenthited the drailltigitudeettients.. He field they were stolen on Christman morning from , his brother's establiehment, destroyed by tire that raeming.,%Thrulnaioreients were locked up in .ratrailliwer at, the works, and Wore:taken ,Witti &Urger. box. ,Witness .psinted.eatt LW, inane marked on the bog storm, Mr. Derfer,sewilleil.for ill nation—Live In Peach alley„ near Wet,. ster street.. Have. known Sashill.for braikkirablellmee sherittnabote: know therapist kilowatt to them. Oa Christ.. now Soshill,was lifattleMeLenghlin , s and heaii Wenthiir thtseNtollars for a box of toolk, Agar .butg, It .I took it up and gave it Co inillllJe 'brother; did not Lutes 1' ri :Pr 1 1 r k r Miol ip XlPtur% dirtailnettghailealta l f4esi.• a, i s , Mr. Wallace, recalled, stated . that !he &rarefied tkir theirox of lestrmstentSon Cheistinaiosiottihsgebut maid not dud them. Night not tiavp Sett *maen the previous day, bat•Mtd beedtheid tira or three d i als before. Th ey were locked V g-and -14,140• the fire figfAugk,gfrtelitLlt.VOO pretty well extinguished. Saw the defendants then about rive o'clock. flushes had a .We throwing leg* thd gre-Vor hand," added witness. , • - Mr. Cochran, counsel— Th aw do you knoefitirrig fiferntrillidto , Whams-I' think so. • • .S o ha- .ifx - warors,Dl4l ni seethe Aran Saw the agt toebtarliattle ock tiththfrketw*n - tdeltia *ee 41.60026 E bad the - -ano , war ardclet , three &Ova lot - theft: 'Did ' , not anywhere hr gna,themi Scabill and Itoshear.ownetzt-,tosetbar,• atoggrNit',dienilt , Scaldli - prodoced the: btki wen toth . i A:gamin...lle had en. pais ot alamon, with one glom OA out of tdapaihat ‘ a pair Of steel empahlies, and; Awaking' to Se. vine, said, "here's wonetning to complete the haliPt..l44 , r r.".t.clo:;:e' Cinaremonlaed—The ha:St:atilt bad was one' Montt , tblehn. would not be Pwd_tartheteste• rata wilticun 8740ne, alter, testified that be went td. Deirkte•a - holier with a search warrant, on the day atter Christmas, andldoettrOdtholaa. at insizUments or tools from Mtn. Devise. irollive, Instilled to the de stmetian erhtweltet on Christ+ MI/ 'Mil/ 1 W Wig) the fad that • brother bed Prole thereof the description exhibited, and trout they wets excluder ly in his charge, itta bex, the:l:eye of Janaaerfr alcore,.aeroin.—Wirs employed at,Weti (Lookingat thetitimi belong to - Sohn "Walter*: he kept it wuder lock and key. I em acquainted with flushes, ono of Mei defendant.; be had worked inlltallamee *pop . Sew Mtn about two o'clock - Mx Chatetedgday;, ho add he was, partici; Wong the alloy at the dine the lien broke .ouioul thug be and healtill were Itmong the , flrat that were them. prghea mid 'he had en. tioavorod tosaya awned my tools. Met fruit Ws inAlis corner of,Winditugton Lad Mohair &tredve; With a crowd,. be -hick reed tome, spoken? the Ore, and about the first eremitic*: M• . put to me woo .whetber 1 tied !QOM , a:41 , 6 9 4, Pirtiedi Stated th at IA hid no fur ther evident* to offer, on the. 4ronky charge end vionlinest.lbe calm . upon !.ne leatimeny offered. -• , No *lianas eras offered tor the 'de. num; but Me .4:keelontn eakod that the larceny clone be diamlassed. on several grounds, and proceeded to elucidate. (be identlacalion of the alleged ender. propettyhe conlandestiVeil not latiCialt is Indicate the gulif Of fladdll; While as against, limsgben there ;io net a of evidence. The =Mudd made quite a epee* emir Old the beak, Art ttle clients la dernossetnillM , ir„ In %la lieeullat ince, the 11331.10116eary of he evidence eddneed. VV. Brown foul but - sib* watch to say ly to. Ulll. AbOortio apes= of the learned garstknum oh the other aide The despermarnature ettbeeleis required elaborate Mimi, Pc if Ahe to identideatitur related. a preaeoted. it went& haves been imnsecestaery con sums half an hour,toconvinnethe Alder man 'Of the weeklies* iz the lessor the peceserutlen.—Thetesols'erets traced to the newscast= of the defendants, were certainly' identilled=the Mane of the owner being on the comes-ent,they bed made no attempt or pretence to account for idor Pweestiete:, 'dome poweeenton the tools were found. not been ableto3docootde ho lila. bow soime 1 by_theni, the _presumption aisle gu i lt ardukthavtritutlidedhL being. held for larceny. The , didertnaif , rewen 4 e . .r , until when. fhd 'dedistidants Will laws • eit: hmaing thercharge of arson. The defendaab.iti daisithf 5.1.0:61 bill. wore Tecemaiitied to Jell;r 4 During LhPUsital coat fled therAldormao was. much "crowded, e*rOdor4ll.l-..l4tOtti; ESE ,tiridtas Cs/ At rums= use. ItinelialithafPeoplWeverwilileurn'the doegorof`b 011 Now YWieiday, at the tobseCo shmi or ligeovisi,int.auntind Miser,* yoga msa"nolar elie*Pod froPi ;the eandswitete of a involver In the !made °, a aware., Uha tere.looNt natenAgan, ed B/D41 1 4 idzeltarigeltlred the thop t linetwhlle - thereil,ttretetretched id usselfzed - on beech stabil Weep.' A tarr.esievasekte.o`ertina - ilading at. tempted `10:11/Vir latii;:Whett threatened:to shootatne if he did hot Odd: 111hdlor peresetet, ' , gong Restontega silting position, put his laud hts sachet, drew itis revolver, end pohikelit it' hhthrointlif e'pleytha nee reiterated threat, etla kola the revolver pointed at Dindivid whets thee glit4irTsPreestchidi hi' pulled the trigger. Want, to lin= pews= nes revolver. wee. loaded:end Binding received the charge to his left Fronk the Pellet entertegjost above the .Bhuitegsank 'back °tithe floor, and 4 win la time supposou lineups dead: Dr. Aloorn was immediately summoned, and proper teatenttivew haying been ad. mjelaterteleheeoenroooverodsualcieotly to allow His removal' home. The wound Is a...severe eer i butt i . not ctrittotta Neetteeer , Dr AM; Xecandlesa,Pkiyalcln if Ma Board Of rfealthigianathblollowint tom of informants In Wm city 'and Sat 4!? , Mfqc03 1, 3 131 8.,4c 3 dal daflot Alko :leek , , 7 : Tlintcyranitirlion deaths. Of then.° We 13 i6 1333.H11;1:41i Itnaleg., 4.34. MI afore : 3,3 - •... . • Ofaboabors Mare Inman tinder I . ytat of 3 1 33 0 Sfonali t011341.30_3313 0334 SO l6' lq 40 to 60, 2; co to Co. 21 (soteto4 1; * l , O di m ,. which mused ;hue death.- are opornarated saAdloma;Tytemy igkllO*l4 - 1, ale, 3.; ConTundo ..1335 1; SOWS% I ; anmpdon, -f fPn34 l'ogi 2; Promstolii skin ''Slaindonfi: 3; 3)l3cluis jof ' *alit — . 14. Xforelond, - Ent, *Wont Ro . hottor • or. the reunsylvanta ItanirtitiVthturrindted , that , padtion ; ordor that ha mar alto propor attention laths boyoprettabootoontd; Mr. MargZat it tiKt: anifterAtor .aottadatt did • *anxious; irt#ls decided ...eatioloothatta_the:QtattPlutl. tiering hie wet Premenelta oottrootton with It. and in datioraooopting blonatignatlon the losThar of the road VW. , MIA tributh . - *!Orcig t =ed quit Wry M .bta Irophratiro U*. quest to be rolloved. , ammaylnglunne az seasonable hour Übe notorning;newspaper motif on Sri day awning, a - brother ...N0ca1."... as be Fame within". fow ro d s of the' .131reninv . ham bridge, beard. it bothisphinh bill& water, tit7Pkieritly' as If something_ tint!tint! . been lopped:from the footmillion tip lower ot west ern • aide Of 'elf • bOdiri be twSsi thb abutment : and - first , pfelh4l.3 dreptied,iffrighlidhand the thought flub.. id ithori him that aomoildrigot a thoible nature had tritospired—nathing Mort. . murder:Of. . enielde,-Abat alife hed, violently taken oft the bridge_ and the • corpse ;thrown Into thd fiver, 'or that 1 some ankrinnate ;men or 'worm lind sought a watery grave. - ilkilateuect - for hitcher hedicatioas of the aorreetnau of biastiepttion: • Aftwitnll4 , lle stealth' lly aoptetictied - thir bri —don reached, the nwitili, , observed elyi„but.., rime 1 ;totting, and onatiroaed Mr Is thif lin , nfinghard Clan- • Atthetorkhollth En ito ' em red,with alight Mineola bia..thfreth. Llas any one peeved ovdt within • abort dmel.", ! . i'ttlin min With artimbrdis. teante' s 'a.. welmerr- - -golng . "I Minna' the 'city; .taking .: the - . hallo.. of the - brklge," . ItM the ' toll•kesper.' 'Tb.inewspapk.'lneli Ode Made known , he' had beard, add the. reason thr we n tngnir made being Woo trpfearent, the.ltatglicaan said, "1 Mire been &tow Cried itt MO mine thing moonlit time, the splash yell heinii.ment mused •byanaw eliding off t h e roof of the inidge.' “Tliat malt, pintalbly," said the .hxaio , 130 t as he continue& on his way tolmerweed the.!_hratn -with 'an timbraaa AS a arr. man" ,oningleti- hie. thoughts, and he 1 bill coact %Wed thefe bad been- fool pie kfterall;as be beta: ob tgfv a s . in penrcto . t: q h le .V/ • , )f , 111 4 !.! . 49k r r r i (g thi. 1u r r 51 g ... .Z.D.=.. 1 , 00 . h ". cordin g JO the seceitTaintie mil d s "mad with ad — nenbrella end a wo men' bad dine td bath ennead before be .came', to the bridge.. ' Titer peed hilleyiof. the person*, 'and' the it tabrelberetrring gone - In an oppoefte 'dinection, , after resfaillg.; Vie . Oki' • eod• ,— idf ,'.‘ the bridge,. 'affoided•• a • thy • 'of. Imps that - hie apprebenntiti .was. filibrouleit That"hcevy 'Oath" dill stitinded in his ears, and tin still' •forther 'nth/diem' the snotrtheory' dlibmot 'satisfy , titm, , fir• membiring.tht but. small amount of anon, Lf any, most herefremainstfon th e bridge alter the thaw of Wade!** and .TbnreclaY. ' .2fotnittedeading Mir !hive doable, beeriest. the newspaper men re-' tired to his conch content at boring the Intern:anon .e2elttifvelVitbereebte not feeling that be wonletle behind With the item," &bona It dement then? tad Mien a sadden 'lath:thin?' of wombed 11, , .., . „11.4.1en5, 1 Dougbirti aria festaislii Tested by Aldermen Strain • pollen-oak ihatefolaulans*tault , isid 1444 Poirorradigatia him; bst.Wrniaia * Voss; watchman on the Monongahela packet 'agnate Bennett. +4ldaitt June Mia cased was ■ paasenger or tkif; end It Isalleged that he *OW In ayery der orderly manner end 'ins required b William Hoge too watchman of thalsant tekeep quiet While the cfacerwas try ing to enforce order, Dougherty, U fa al leged, drew a revolver and area at Win; Thelma struck a ring on Iloge's tkager, enifglanotd away'wlthout doing any pm. Ohm &maga. • Ante Ib6 shooting; Beg, took D nDao ougtertra_pietol away trout him, d ugrelty h t i lti o llot i ;e " be some nilut- 'tante for tba•riVcrsory of Silo pinol: al oow.Uoge has made Warmstlan 'bathes 'alderman titralp, chargitag 53,3 41 V with felonious assault and battery. t qvenlita; oalocre.Barrytatdanalet rested the acctuied at the VarieLkei - Th almond the priaman'„ fader:suit of tla la bell. 'tae comitat fasi4 on Monday nest.. . . . ; . Leek Mal ter ItauLtait' who-. are dahrseing luclueg: sii. likt4loo cities and collecting amounts sel4 . to be doe on them.. Thia decoPtlen bu bozo pracciord 'on many good hound. this -ndistaborhooda- A 11016 sharper th Allegheny ham bean venal* In thlainsener: Aicertairdng the imam and reddened of gentleman, generally thee* whose basinesa calla them' from home dewing the day, be would aall. at their dwellings and ask for the lady of the house, end. when she appeared; or any ether person lu her stead, would state that Mr. - had purchased the mat Scuttle Treat Messrs. and had directed It to be sent hams, and farther_ that helms to collect the amount doe. l it Inlay eases the price demanded, (which was always exorbitant,)' was promptly paid; at other Unfelt there end more or leo '.4lcktni e riF about the' price,' hM ward' perein illy redhead, and he was Damped to ays new place. . • ILLlTftiat rtailloc Ere erg or thaese litttslcal cvixio,' the Steinway . "endicht Vienna," lama Ilea dlepened or-daring -tide week pte Stetngey Agents, Messrs; 'IL Kleber rfa WC.Oa etrae4 : One Or' them lieu:. to Brovnusille to grace the puler et Captain Joe.,Lteu&lcksont the othe r was.. purchased by M. .Eqdrese, g -rarlxier colanLY- My. 'June. Ntwatontery, of Carlon. retm- Vire irAco owns oniogariz . .Irge re.. geed Rio every *ea t itezgent of an Inerrg. meat. . Accept my le ter. the melee tLon ot no elegentiand loos a Plana'‘ The exterior. of three guru all others In elegance, et le chair tone la the eneelast end mast "melon.lmagier. ble. Tltby are destined, In time, to en. pereede all other styles et PllllOll.l fresh supply, hate been : ortlared! by the /I ewe. Hither, end wall* reedy 'Tertian duel:4ns eel week. . Wawa ea tber.lbseedsellollooktkitai OaiT night, igoolisibeio'ckick, ibe hinny et Ur: John, raid ing ~ on Beaver street, Atleggl,Y r star' tiod by a Mini si laid kitchen door. On* repalfilog. nit. the Pius c 9,2 opening the door a . tioge used maraca basket, containing a' 'meet -111Ue boy - baby, wsa ducervered.. • Newfound. land dog .was standing guard aver the brisket and Its precious couttinta. dab slier be seemed fully otmvlnoed that the baby was takeo.ln, and to- fair way of being done for, took his departure.. An attempt was made to follow him, hut by dodging through alleys he' escaped, 'and, we presume, went home and told, in his own way, bow well be bad lieribrcned his part of .the programme. Morbid co dos which will - lead to the ideillacation of the child, built will Op d a good home lo the faintly of lir. fts,"John. ' ! . aecieesist nrearatair • ; yesterday's Osaseit we antrent est the ending of• body oS • mat tIMI.• leg In-the Monongahela ever, si Ito- Xnesport ' Yesterday Coroner Claw* vtattod the place and bald anlngriase. 11,e body was Identified as that of John /Yr.:imam, aged secret drtrone veer; resident of McKeesport On Ban syr rtoilidt',4l.3":lll.lng Lin oea . raan nomad k .the Met with a lady, h 6 heard trim Tor help fivm th e river he though front s" drowning man: The ulghteru du& that he could politer dlacaver the exam nisro. from , whew* the dries came dor render any 'Wear:leo. It la now thenght that the man on tbia liver was 31runarroa, and that be znet his death 'at that time. The Jury returned a eardlct o sectdontal drowninOsg.. The deceased bad abawn inane of' sa.nity for some weeks put. tit the Thinl Presbyterian ai.ccitb: and congregation, bold last evening, .was. an elegant eflhlr; but It was, nevertheless, Shiplayotklemlet with Ltin„pertnt Ham. left. out. Kr. liable: the pastor elect. did not arrive, as Iris expected, and, or_ coarse, was not. present. In .clew or that LW It ma meolood to repeal the - entertainment two.. weeks laat,ev aapdwlll t . g. Mr. liable /a OR. bik rkir • [Mears Itlrsted.—At a milegbiger PPM the followtog edema *Pro elected to serve tor .the:elleollagtorpv: Post 'Commander, .1.. Wein ~.filealor Peet Commander, ' J ; Junior, Wm. Qtratermeder. John P. Ilend Tr Actin tam, Cl.; Milder: OID~ car -or , Day, J. C.. Ctumbell; °Omer pt Guard. Remus/. Irwin) Pols Samson, t%M. Ileslep; Chaplain, J. C.. Martin; Sorgemst Major. C. Dreamier Q. H. Bar geemileary Hem • The Col lowing-dale. were also elected to represent the LlAStat• convention to mast on OM - tm.t.: Metecre.44ll.oxlet t ili?t.. Jones., August Becker*, Alfred ..(xMleo .J.` Pd'Hiendit,, '4lkiiiiirosigue or aso wa 21"11 fter n:ll:davr t = nc hu n r c t i 4 t . Jinni tiarcibor for. Mayor, and Boa. Jacob Storkralb for Director of tnti *Me lau amen as liopublleanyar- E . p ot io n g naparfaat harnivoy an that Wealth* iriVer. 4608 •811-1104,10bablar ;otais dodos ar OW Ea. metiebrwl,K4 lll lMV: •.• • ola • ass DielltaMbeit, Minifiyi f t c: , . r•L. , 14 1 1 " ; r•V .t. 14 v • ...1;0;41".1.5 • 't MEMO = =NM .1. 1. , t ! NUMBEI 4 oiiii-v;lffiosiiis .6.l"lsoratemiste 0 .•6 J.W. • ( _41 . 41; 4.• • ~ 11 611 1 . " /16.411. • nomqi:LeitlvrtiVaiitninitiiititins exiatake wboiegafeithd,iiiitdrygoildi bow. ot •Nr." Hark* street,ltie Vaal loadatoatagcnit samivoii64 We 6f the sitvk f 6 . ;gam. Thei Grm b . sve ranhid '6llllforibir rectzigLYmi:ln:their, • • • addselll offer te:the trade r ft...who/vs ; • and retell such bargains es were : sayer: before laid ..befortr.the -people. in. this neighborbdod....ltt order to tdri. rid; . dent !stale idea cattle rentarkehle rodeo; OAS made'threagiiont tNO` 'marlin - Ifmk; me select at rtodont I few articles. the' 'prcralllneprtece fariehlth are Patent to all, ?IV lenedtelt tnerinokridared ..frent ?Ow3oe.,,tsl . the grades to 4304 eqd all otherr at Übe agateretitle/16n; inernifleeniiktoek for all *tiptoes; also; usadrebtkare.'from, tits , richnee. , to the lorreet .will be sold at 'theleereet pried; route ay foie id ne. T i rdrAlegoakeldettataitstnestialateet I = 8 striated t mited assn rOteitildite)l4ttyPits' I 'g is gt e 2ie , itosittleri fo 1r10:-tho ~•rnotit en • Ml:Vida rter offeroL 'Flannels, Bed, White rust Yelleneredterod free:lV:dad and to!Sats Wrater.tfaloti. Flashele room 91.6 talk . Coantry . Whilellanuels tolloc Cordatrr... 7A end /row. 46 trent .40 . todOct ether, -equally, Chomp. ..Bleritete (won* later& double that arnouninbrown; bfeekete at halmaraliklea,ll;so, eqd :to cur an sadists atecit.ob envies end mew= e dry goods. elterrilklioule keeping - goon; erecties;' ., .t0:,..te."1".if seirergi-datintlerdifbtritergelpsdael and aelbeibdrefrederlimUggtbOOM everybody to titled of dry: jr , !or,d , Eton •erphreett atthe earned stionsent,fturgrear *bporbanity; turn outs:L.' lir ',Amen:leg ••' lunch. • bower ,thrui. tier original east or piednetforr or tritporta tibia. Seethe edrertgrittldgc,Vreetrion 'ololllllohii. ZIP.* * FL: , IDOL itablowjet=a; ,- :lteiterday'sftersiverster, the sharstore..of •• •RI street. whiln,tni•Appgia the tuatkqcm eta* clark,takokilig_ earns biqUl; Y. I 4C As. -in _..mel. l Mr ll 1 „ La pa 6o In= drawer in the infin inii:Of de Cal ahandhleovirett - oti - loterif fat tatoOtes sttet•thcatepitstanr of Stir • - NW*, Thmhad /iffy dellam cash sa4 Sthec.k minor In dee ho • • • • dollars: OfEktirtMeXelvy, _of 'Alderman tralerrsqxklice,4 was , Called) la .1 E BEI made sceitisickted, with. the, facte.sf pan..He saeosedid fu - arresting a, she tits 'NW nada& IS AMU= Baker, who nibs i Sdengeed -in Or, ewe ,who soured the atom wUi the, 414 0 Stdek Re This ecestaltted tolSll !et • a hearlag. TtiaVol.:le Ifetle. D. . nit'd plated ' obiz "frfe Egtd,thertbeflar and' intermixing , new" Ain& hook , Oder; ....4Lath street bolow_Eingthaige, etas net penntttda Ws' stoat' to 'tfeteasse;',-He offers the retail tradsl nuitalfinent.. ate , rortment of hoUday booka„sift . 2 .A ex , M. toy Wolk sod the worts 17or authors; new and dabbed Iliantl7aTe; lintrkahlr.low pricte‘,Fanittree Oahe and fashionable stationqy wlillll also toe fonnar fldef o rtr literary` bazaar. to. cethen , Witt Abe occerenc. .and period! - Pinrcuchl.•Aci kr for anything In 6111.64. ,7 . Locally at Cietiung.lzasibrio 'hurtle, Barker, of Iltenth ./Ittebtirgkfthere yestertlay,Anthonyiotebe.M wbo* e a t imam ebatred - 3faty - Atrieliota, Mary-Ebbwi wltL lareon-r t ...Tlst Arnie, - • 'tants tits; PAJWIett464 3 SP. tntssed vroarlng appintl flan Me b drawee, awl dm. * tenth ixtle ou ni yesterday sh bodkin:male:Mse +Miele+, on tbe woman that soniumktis*. *ere committed to emsteer One nt the 'wearily:4oth., time of ttreelheekf Weep , was imploVed ee.,.bousebeepen.. AJ: • • Used on iielfee—Twejnektuunei limn and Pollock, met last n4h bn Pennsylculla aintdle - add dhte ed MOS d ihe maim% shout the kill t of. maxi no-, tor' Parkert The argament knotting TM mum words, and mum: mards TotoWa: It - ollmal Pollock- Weirultid_ inanwsrich • knikOnflk•lng dltikht ry.:An information go made •rs with foLonlout assatet7 r .. , - J , • •••• nest a MI ...A.lo.lwOßM.MXidliiy, , Ali. man h AUP3 PCA ewed ImY,. /e o ariA i ri e jeld. A ewer/AA% t ihhheit term' 4:CSUM Milhal o=4 • vg agains pr re te - elt Mar 4• la =urea 'nein. The alleirsei beasing thok thew Inallegtuiery oa.Thereday. , , Rill id.rrlage.—A'yeixilg maple were milted in nrStatntiny en band tr triter of ears, on om of oar •rentouthso on. New Year's pas, Pore, $s -2:Realty .in all Some geonTilier npio'helloons Lotto nig:Tied neir'llosekeey' l, 4tale oth ets. to obtain She. MRS !tae ItaILUW/17 • Teitankkr twossaask thleta Sock 11;oir deoerturettpvee. boarding.. bogie. In the : Waal, where that tad been jonneldst for vonseweeks , pess, ried with them several winotiesand moms artiriki et elahing helonglNg to.hJle* boehlers.' "Igo trace Mho twethrtin • ite'Cise• lite*Citit Jery Oftilii'pratent term of tbe , CrhatiorlDooll wW:ro-atallzable.. mom at to aeranticht, 00 Mendlikiell ice erica. tad coattails* andald note - CAM, 'and tarrladatte eethret the WPM -ea Wed 40 make te r WSW (*OM ihe 1100 ,41 ;e4tUAL.PA ?Ise' o, !, etteilittsillittstran-lt diegedarlycen— duet awl awed Dash' sttempted to bbro biz wayoet et - the' tombs no . 111nrwily night. Ms abuts were , . dilsoseild larobehai prostossedwimple Tat removed to • suotheir oba . aid Id; 'eoffixtulrrthaidoesplikirboWilitilliat to• to!**.tkia ileia.- 1 1Prodra aolonattecitojeil pletard— ay dy ocittambanto .or, vagrancy. Firer . Freddy ,1 Et ,4 mine hundred; of resolve* to do beam , sod. to' kid si .irtretions Ilte.tded. be, has gotthelgal.eor much se tbeiyay,aod In -114.*,b17, Ag n - uroutbilall, 4 0 4. 0 - 1 Belthis Leggin isis Ilesday.--Yadiviay morning „Cualoc.appp, d /SW pre townablp, atia6 - beflor* Aldenican lissome anti nuidelicatrigias Lewis Sept,fis • tam& ,k 13•9•• plow, watt kelllog Mum oz! 8 . 51•d/J•tt wansat was toned.' ^ ' / • Ike nilltulth! A ult Adveguisar4Ati = iiinutquicti3r'stnieditit =ken* tcot , Illao•loo. • h0my...•11 WV or , • • La 400 4fIII4)_RWO LIOUSe4 OA • :.24, TIN flike party-were'arm:tad anthem la Ina•Own* *vatting . Mfr. - 13aa ',Um liar ?Thumb: Com o dors Nott and JOB Wants Warren are Ulaa di.n and: will be pleased to, itirra Ibl tlie - pab 114'seftsralliy, all l and imentunn.attletrakflanwat And " 00th it.:Y.r*S - .44.•*a. A:N* ol a tot ..n4i . ."...14poinaWCien i 74 oear aid The New Tied .torbeatlng "bar hal. bind,Vatkitic -Pet • lisolttled tberge oeieledell.C. batten, aplvin Fannie, bathe° Joietkpitkew, and lo de. fault of bell ate , erne cOlnadtted 'to'• joiL. ass turic,tc,Grart•AdAtrlltoo"l4.. A Rowel . 7 Wai'Vatd . fa` Allo. gimes ork.Tboradarsrsolajr mesh's Wbegaboir tae eloslowpartrAroo barrow from cbcatbirt 'trod to the btm 4 l , - Otcd'ai 'ei crowd • ifartid to tbetoerrlemeb:opoatosed by : the qty.- Vairrali*Wohnliopkto; iejlesie4.; res n ing lr h 'c titrah' l o r u e l i r L 1.1 1241 = 7:6,th00 bottle or triOda;laadna sp " toe tombs yestardar,end by quest woe =omitted Ibe tlairty,Antts• :A niiiner eareeetkillidaday thil gamble Wit tolulla boOs dello l7o pr . stabbed le a innlati. , 111 , relne, le the Tnicdmard. milkerviglit WO mold eot Pace of eel s rleg . tikoeld,i.: ,:• , e MACY. Great AdmerropelA4P4t 1 41Letioripoirr naiustker. te h mi.r. .on Idion, otnnstiAlllllSneny;;;Stmennel 120 W 1 b 0 7.7 61, Onti7gbraPg Arldteryib!, I Worsted - Moult Tbrmair tiro ihno2tr-et . 3(croolfamilion IbM don -, (41 AV, io mapnek • Willie! th: rim µwag AO - 14 A_wl* at EnotertNetnearliareelei . deP• led that the - ristit'efsi - 11 • 16 .10 a areerisbesmh,::.:g tr.: r•e7 ~1 ~: n. ; "111te E4ldesishi Oder Weieks - are now Idla,t credogSdaidiilbsiter teleran, t miners and their easykaren , mann:4 a proposed redulloalit Me& . ... 121151 Z==Ml • X - IL [ lIRVIONU ......A LY ; • MIME n' /11@ EMMY.' • laas am. "...tit:l;s Warr rvL 1 / 2 111 " 1 " a7 )r 34 . , ... alL.s a.m. crt.atox WA's It 4 .-.1 - i..u.s N... ir, IN.y.,irr.:ia.,d ail Mom .6*...... maw. Nalsodal va4 00111. . . SOrelal 11.t4.4 1in.. 1 ..... , _rnevos.wer. IMPS 11 .. ' ; - 7,, : vim pa no lizszar lamina- - ' ' . -.4,;&... , 'flow r lill•entalknottlat rt. tht ahn, p alnessa hatuall• • '.donc• to lellttatinint-th nahatan inn rpm b• aaral.aad mean mist oaths sal .tot... •staAm• a vr.d•esdkr on Use heath am.. whew... iun s .1,.i.^ '• . airlio..7 than, Innonankniihtetetta.. "bin 1..". n. 'Wiens' &Shansi. Aavasa • • i ' • :• 'nrnorosinr. Parra' LEI= IME .Extts,la. 11.. i Wok tejado utoTy and 'at rtdoonable prism to !all plum toe Work ontruited to his care.' from the country attended .to:cro the sartaut notice.. • . . ilnivehaltafratr 'tog Festival at 'City- H.Ol eria!pchtthwin.k. • 21/ .• • - 'See • . ...great Adiroitisso.Vint. . . woatr.r_thOrsid.s....hor Jurift: troop. NJOILAtnu Art, daughter 4f, Juses awl AmAhh21.414040tr44.1474ara tatt rt 1 menthe. . 774,thAqual 4t11.1 take pls. oh DST. jaw {IA lastaat. al I 4 . 41.drA v. so., from Om readout* ett bit gireati,' tamer Duque : 44th vri.e.a Vow DAILZIL—N Trturothy utrehlog..Jashaa7 lira. 4. °ATHA tin SSAILEII.,. la 4 1 1 1 .11 4 th Ilvethaey The(mien]»lll t eke Wad teem the reardeue* lit hie soh, f. Salter, lire. creenicru..trint. A 16.0....41.13r0}x mei, al let The meld! of thoUlreeased w re . epeelfl7 le Welt 11113149011D.404'Tbetroday . itooruleg; Juw lat tuts. MARY. /. B e n UVIZU We tlarhry. :Atm: tgoemblifinak. pum'enIIAIVIDAY As. as2oox, tird @Watt, from Lb. ittl44lAes Of , ttr.0.4.46; LL./T: Lt.>: So. sern.ww... enilt. — .47leitiiiL7trao'precroiNlteinaft4a. ' ciideus;: , ieryot4- 644 te:3lf.AL 'azarat.t.y_ LI. eva", 0 . 0.• .us.,• 4 . 0 1. of , tlaufririMit:'• ot.e. frOiarile Mfiaies • l oTanr""Vre i sle":kals, alailPA' • levllid Le att.& I ''i ..,.,tntamlit4,,tAttati....-..:-.;.-,- Asst:errZ 7NDICRINURVIN •Ifsd 'MO *Pm Ortostt.! 7 1u41•114,:r4. Cory' NA, crap Wade; CRA.PI2 . wren d.rlytt/s of antral Moaonoct• -Bdwa . olim day smi alsW)lldocs. cod corso doscidiod. .. . }Laza occsoi-rico. - Viii/ 1;4 - 41r. , ".../41...D. D., Zama Ziftg: 46.0.. fROBSIIIIII T. Ralailln.'Antater. It': m ll a ZailLitE4ll* 01110111.. .7, AO Era:. Dliatoed Aqvssi. (t 0 ased..7fistg. litsmood. aim asui jaltailest A.somoxl. Coln. • Wal. 0.13.4. Mum liou.t6ed Codas 00 MU, ' Wan. la prc}oriton. CarrlaplVase Veins* raraisted 411 C. Capt. (lictrilis! RtM and tegravialeleaf4L.'.olbli 104 <Kr j:, 4 . 6 4 DpiiERR.,! unvigalrA -- - YtB AN4 wooer lq 1. ga.“ l 11.4.n.1 No. 1" O. ern. adoserns ova Jiwomela. [wawa o.,ikas, ca•-k..a WOW' B.faskifilsta4ll boan:dsijaastalisa.. awn aa4 OstelisallusleoplisAFAtsdil Yd on oral rillassable " • . EpvrAmtb '.i.zaraigmcau. LA . - n r. ,11*Ziai tau kr.., ithismr. Mame; Zaarmisesirt dart tX.6. imaiiade forrnt ftrzenir.o.r Wolk pal4W fan:lo44 as amett saLles, sw• unn , Stal4l.. er. vit 'et mei 3011 . SUS. Stn.*. outtyr.... 1/saiiiihs4 11•04 limn.. a., W.ANTEL' '~BEli'L' .1)0 . Watimovir, 'cur Wear atrial: agar Marital. Mitt 4 modirata. .rtatisistoti rhos a. AraM liC Mgt irti%ttr 01:0.4.71311:11Mir.; pm. Ili-Owvo ROOllO IWltti Thne: ik i, :kett, /* Mad Pt Ntry elms. woimio v - Tioentons snow. • •111. Loan /Up* *TWOS?. Liberty . stmt.. ` . . , MMVE REV E • 0 EA LIFIFTrq: flee MY noteieil.tu .esebeiLiter ktettee; eee 04201101 C. sidtediviiailiiirow two home; ore trII.22IIIO7ICCIWASO ■' &lOths W en et swim, ,cctlets. F Olt friglll.lllllr;lElf...,4 BOWAN . ea Mut& env itni 4 / 1 11Thrifeifil USorn lam turruz on= J;010:6. nen Za7loll Ductatry EMI= Over BLACK. MARLS; Ma 1311111 MEM 'lllOll , rtatt."Nisir an Itepotga• illeffonanbOutleinfiiiito - a eamanlaisee. • pRa sAft.4forsE;Aar,D,Tigre' -.- ,LeTli.difiaidi as Tiliar ivaatis.:43e.anst OWSI:" .2 111.41917. • livlar a neat '. ' , raps , " armed 01111 NIL NW :ratalas bast V goat* a , latest slloy. grata taw. el" tla rooms. ..0 aalkas a; dsaikAlza'a sad wrlsgs tam; seed .. .ilkir -04111. -made. bd.% ' and araisr 'sad gas • • lalasslisalls ta c.d.:stk. Iraskillbsepar. ••-•.. ticalarssagal et SLIMLY • TIALLs:II4 1...., ' sus lolls. IP. IR ZeMT eiNto• 3.• % 4 7 . ... . : ........—...--,...,,—,-...—..-7.,... ~...--,... • ... put 114141drliolue azat,ploll , .. : . taracrai:Praimitsa 'mall .1...da":11111.111161. si isar ramicl7 b4•ll.llsrar."'l4ll II *7 Mirk .. L e rr nroasnamdi - I rm.. As 000. hat. '...r aalltisPrealak Sem madisstsalastald, But : Eldastl Mall - .Allaresai Orr.' Lot IV al V .• Sat/ lowa esalalla AWL /nasal. ear: • iroadailariadlaaaad. IM., .61114 email mot Hour sad ;Alit:oW pumas,. .1 *11.'e.,., MN ii .' oo.; - 'lswee aszeik " .unar • arms. Fins • s t it —alisie wen Icoaini .t. TATNIX,IMENA Waal, la Sas, ruu T.A., tii,no.• ...katherses, Ilia. !_,WolaiLir no Statie Hee,' or. r..staitel.-111* balla d:ls Are stAewsaldb. sei, mon auhtsackeT Witt awls lalsill Na .3 ego.,cetnottaw aria. tree* • largo. cause hall i, inks ash..., Ur teal eta 4# le se, edefa U a ifiLir lea iiep... hen 1116. • 11011•00.11.114 fot Os . b1e.1 , 7. • bow lisaaStaallusal spansa kolas; ' sail la satsaidOsllisai'llladriasa aarsthar ' 'kessa ia IN:4M.; liobeisepwise . /mew ere .a Alm NM*. • SILL: Al Ms VII. - • TAO 44'.. *,ego: Ag,t4h. kt ,0* 'Md. Oti : : • ;vat "mute Sr, 4z insuu itiniiiite*igrinkit4r ••- D • , *.',ZW3l.4trrt . - !.>, Arsttlair , L thoifelll" pii7lsS. Jut Wfactear ' lnelo, , ' Bilvet ::11are, ...aatttook . a, •ibta.tiaistiio:k..7. : .. • • . . - HENRI t 4. BULLY', .1' Ideralant Tailo r; co[. Petti6init s 4 Cab et ISL' 11031101011, ••• Tilx' lit*s!r BOX / b'rit antis alio otens.aimarasedi 'lriliwair A: wte ! wr. aiwiair t 4*::gr. . sigs4y. , , ~... ri p ".7' TERIORA2II4I3I-; !.. • - '• • • 'Ai • As,tmicaLl), eiliorkmoiso 1.i., '..414511 1 11 !7. 10 1 1 ' ; . 41 • 401 ;VP 1 45 1 04 - 1 . t gragrli; laildnit eriti!simuitu;;:ett. . - U MIN iaMiti - 1 I MIIM REM