I II M 3 '• , gittsbunal thazttte CITY AND SDED/LBAN. CARS Ti2t7RDIIR' . 02% . , '. .• t ' • - Tne Stara at laar - k-A Guadiana, es '.. 'lt 7 'LI ' 41.1.C1a 7117"ralltVatrait . 'char.. or Site Duty..Lteapa al lige ,'., .. . nortwrefr-litaveaextpatara-ltaurarat ..ii ' offer...! Or the Copia.. . 1. , , ,..., • TlMOugh the col:trimly oflo. M. Watt,' .. ' .(.. ".". . Esq., Chief Clerk at the: 0 ter Depot pf .... . ... - this Pennsylvanfa i. Itollroad,-, we are ' :SI • - . placed In. posCessionpf the particulars of one of the MOSt ciuil cutirdera we haYe: .. ~.. .. had s te chronicle far 'it lon - time past. A, ; ' yeiterdayAkArinoms, as ' Johnstown 4 . ~ :Accommodation, ,traln, . ch.- left the ... • ~. \ Unica Depot, this 'city, - at tt i ree o'clock, „,,,' „„,,,... _w_es within one nalleof Niche& Station,: X ..• :,i '...i-trie canductor,"Mr..-Charles 3t Parker, t .. : In collecting the fare, called; a dame , .. A torn character named 8 nod Hull 1 .., . "for his ticket. Soto 'dispute. . -1.. -took place, the pattlealarsof whloli -we baVe not rewired, but sr lick we pre "3' . sumo grew out of the refusal of Hull to t oy 1111 fare.. As was his du y, Mr. Par ' ' '.. • :be e n th l al e alteF . U I4IV - Al n rn i . ". ll a i l ul lu de l : .. using it with each fearful uracy ai - to ' • . ~3 Cause tho death of his vial almostlu-• - - ' &tautly: Dv. this. time, the train had -". stopped and. MUD taking a vintage of . •. ~.. .the eatilement prOdneod by Lel terrible al .. -v , • deed, coolly walked oat the, door of • .1 . ~ the car and . succeeded In ,' cent. his ' • escape Into the woods adj cent. The .., . body of Mr.:lxerker wits to en to his ; . residence, at .coneuniugh, o his own . I; ".... * train. . ..•.•-• . . Tbe deceased was one of th Most MD , ...'; • - - . dent, courteous and obling f conduit. tilde • , tors on the". Pennsylvani a. rai mad, and . .1:5" as a general favorlte with use who " .t tl wa at , m t led meat with him.. Ile was, bout , y-/ight years of age an leaves a • .7 . - ' , wife to whom he ware uri 'onlya raw i . t. . .. Months ago. • Ile was mania .. .Stith & " train-which tequlred a Man o nerve and .• . , ... determination, ass large nu her of t .:.::" ditty, passengers. belonged , the class I d :••• ..'_ . ..„ ... T... li .. yu a li r aus or which murderer Mull The desperado who- made s cli quick work wile his dirk knife isabout twee - ..-,, .. .ty•ono years of aces and hen I ng borne .. i 1 ..toe rz , it i f e io ul. f ern s . d 0 e .. 5 ).... 13 ,. / k .ixi . ut aa a isu the Pennsylvania Railrossiq but what . 11 . • belies Mien doing niece than e are not 1' informed. He is adopt live eleven •,1, • forams in height his gm* feat , with / pionsibent cheekbones, and th of his 1.• - cars aro plertmil for 'rings._ At the time i... of his ettmge be wore- a bloc cu p and .:', "hitick overeoet and dirk pa ti." Tim. . b., • •Pentery ivania Railroad Com y ollet j a layge reward for his capture, 4We hope - . i. • "our authorities will urc,due vigi lance, r as f: • iPis thenght he will come this ay, and i -prevent his escape kom tbe pu iahment ,-. 1 . .{ doe the enormity of his offense. - MBE INTEL' prEvEr WARD .: . • •as . a,llSolling Sill Partially Da .. A deaructiVe'Llre occurred I t itight . ~•,'•' . between eleven and twelve o' oak, by c . which Zug's nulling lill, at tii ''Verner -, '.'-'.3 •of Etna and Widuut streets, w partial ;.. .;tartry . disarnyeth . The ` - . build' g was • ±,. frarne„a - is'ithd%aild the shins c • with • • ? :sheet Iron., The &rune iris • prinnipally . 7 .. composed of pine *lathers; which, hay . Aug- become as dry as tinder from thi i! 'constant heat of . the furnaces !aside, • ~/ were-highly Inflanitintble, and ,he nr13,1 CI ' -, •; . ~„whlcli originated-in the north comer ''. .. ii, of the building, Ida few wome n spread -', 0' , : over more than - one-half of L. Time _ 1 . alarm was-sounded at half ' pan eleven ' . • o'clock. and ' n a few women after ; ,„., • wards steamers were on th e mid; • It.' .. but owing -to the building being vered ~,w/re ' with irreg . as ' stated, the • was 'l 4 - cordined ,to the luside, and it was a . .- ..iiireult matter • to reach it will wa t er, ~ . In ashen time, however, theroof over the corner' in whieb the fire erigii • '..S tutted fell in, and, made an open 1. ': .. g . for- the. streams.. The vend: -inL latm which wit near the centre -of the 'building, and rising some tweity ieet t • i - above the roof too t/ , fire on the Inside, I . and . being iron clad, miti • only . t, ' '. be reached by taking' a stream inside, which was done, but too late to as e it,is • • 1 - - .Abe timbers, being light and dry. were ' • 1` - consumed arid the inner shell fell- into 'the centre ' , of, the building with , a . , ..' load crash, 'resembling thander4 After' thin .had - falleu, several ''st ' Were rem" taken inside, and in abort timeth flames -.. .", were subdued. The aupplisitiOn is that ' 4 that - the fire originated tram the I box, - • - but nothing detinite in regard to it amid • ' lie ascertained.' The Ices will not tali far .. - 'Short of twenty thousand doll • which .. • .. is most probably covered by insurance. glk . _ ...• gliesernen compliments. . Ariv•ltgunc n Piggy', - overseer Of the :;r „- . . spinnhig•deportMent'in the Eagle otton "-ssti _- • 14-,-. t ,... mills, Alleghe o y, for himself .• d .the ...,.. other Overseers In that este, .., • jit., in li-i.: - •Ild:Cli orit.bc.i.r..respee..t and:gond siiii for .. .72. . Mr. Joist - Smith, the Superintendent, - -wailed' upon that •gantle man on elegant ,- of silver Ware.. Tjlo:lmltevolittim 11, no . ..7...* -to be cutdOne in testimontali of .. - ... .., , :is . ...for Mr. Smltbaad his faMily, p . tea his good lady with a silver cake ?casket '';,l "of chaste and beautiful ' desi ' - Kr. .';'-.l` sWl'm,ee added to the value of th gift .. ' •by • the elegant terms Ir., which It eulo- 1 _. gated the Balms of Mr. and Mrs: midi •; • ~.. .to .this expression, of regard f-• the ' - "''donor s Mic'Srititli for himself wife '• i ".• c rlgile appropriate end, rateful acknovrl - 1 .• I em g n io en r - i s h Pu r i2x e' pe e •et k e g l n l:ln g d i n al eiv a l it c'e e .- 4 • • hearts by which they wore pro pted. . The hippy occasion atecive al ibed •",,i1 Was supplemented by another prise. ~ , - Mr. Magee, who bad hitherto e Dyad ,- 1 ..4...-- binmeif asarepresditative and po • 9.3 iu t • . ertatuns donor, was doomed to fig.tortri4., -., - ,i the role ofn donee, the hnly employees' , !.1 . .. Igi'eeir n u .'h 3 virnintr'urel'lrtl= ~ . , d.pr r ei t s h ente E d., b i r t ..I .=. bet a s p c e i it t. _1 l ' fr P s rj . ' ' n .Mr.!ala i e 'll ' as at' auri 'e n 14; t-,.-4- - - years' oversight of the spit= d'ipart, ' .the r t i in. pci th t ° of th l e a ' 4. l her Manio n ? "' To t ; ''...... 4 • his =from .klndness, that this mr.Oner ~ • of , caprrachig the _respect felt lir the, •- . ; • ladies tv.,.resolved on, and Ors' ;'-"•,," " , -A. dayadoptedas the time for it s p 'ores ..'„,- - , 4 testimonial.' Mr. Magee bore the ' ic• ''' '....* them i with becoming gram and h ilitv. :k We arc glad to note these pleasant. pri•- ':','? essidingsamotig the overseers mid fiends ,:.•:.', .1•! , • of .the Eagle Cotton Mills; Lon; may • '..- ~., - Ymutttal :confidence. snit kindness - ark • ••••••••• the Intercourse between the own , vial-. •• •, -. core, overseers and hands. Len. may • - •.;.,l::the Eagle soar aloft in the a.. . •a of . 1., :„. Fantails , turned;—norpgiren la syt • 4 .. A most hoFripe-necidant; "altich ni . ov= :7. ed neal In ita s zentilts, oectuTed • .:, .three o' clock Sandarmorning, In rm *ntrangS. colcu inrons,-.lsetween • Cliniar . . . . . and hiorknatreets. Ninth ward. W hurt , _,,;,•. • crow-, formerly a member of this sath ..-... 4 - . .regiment, New York Volunteers, who 7 - 71 7 - has for setae time past. - kept s" - tmg tester" .on .Fifth street, .. by - meatis of _-:..,;,' which he earned a Sabsistence;ltap*ri was. 1 in the .. habit of staying "- at I the -' Soldiers' llama Thant Sat urday night nil i -. . ;. t d 24 - 011 day morning, bat lyeriog tea: - . ~, . dilnkhigfreely on Saturday everfin las ,' stend - orgoing to the iloine . as he liras 1 accustomed to do, he vellinl;rsd delft to . the . coke: ovens and laying himself -.. ,upoil- one .of tarot went to aloep,and, .".1. - • ft ES suppesed rolled over the chimney :!.- • • wherthin Clothing took fire; as oboe t he lime- mentioned the citlzenexof that locality- were startled bz - laming the I .ma whlia matt ookedetr sa n w 111* street, " n a g: zus l a . ...along the Revelment entirety wrapped - ha : .1 . , Hamer, ar m‘ i ' ill i gi rt e inemliswtareb'si." prim .... power, hat despite _their - ,e efforts ex -, r anguish tine ilamt,s,. every vestige o his .... I dress was horned, niline body f fright. • ..I.tally muted: - . Several of this.eity watch. , - men took char -0., of the unfortunate Man . .1 . , an d convoyedbite'to the Iron - - VSty - 1 - 'Hotelwhere ,on Peen street, bewail; re. - : • sielveit:by lir. James" Neeema" the pre. 4 prtetor, whoient;for a phys i cian, - cli • • r did nil in his,powento alleviate the of ' divines .of the unfortunate man. ~ phi - amen pronounced-the Injuries o f the - • burned roan fatal, and so, :they pro ed. He was removed- to the Soldiers 1:1 me ~. Sundayanorning, and lingered in - agony r, , ,nal three o'clock ..vcsterday. morning, . l'ilien he expired. lie stated the summoned ........' 'eta before his death::: Yesterday ".., Coroner , Cimfeon was i.: ~ :il held an inquest which res ulted _ In a - i did of accidental death. Timid .5... -. ; - . 1 . ;. - r o an thirty yea!, of age.' ' 'and, Mara .b Co, :No. 21 . 7 .1. 'oiler Thelientire etoek' or . ..h, a n hinge,..tte.., as eitealitts, the There new: end- !might. sthek. - npare . rev:Feb.lv- with , iny • . i.j. I, ltril I. hid : rnetildifien 1 're r into, peke hind dethn - mint is well, worth=re.' , eiaruir on etti, ' ter it if limit in 8 V ... .: - 1 the airy. We no . ? ' ti i ihi h r&)EntterneefirenTeel en ennfi e li ew n - I n 4 - .q ' t2r s' 'T e h ttv r e i , c' es rP t e h ts e)Ve lc zet * Ver to d •-. itt h id i t i his market, ' - and we - amps! hi : Veiellei n = l . '. !Roal tae Windt/et gl i t i a j te kY cd LI e. coma coil designs: rap and - mats of . I : '4 l;h7l ' i l i u =k n l e= ti el le gg r st i tai ed /. o :theinstes and . ni 0 'oleo f every -: dna.- --;..- - DIED: .. ......i.. - 4..haro ne old stack which. they • o t 4 t 11111IRT -41eciusti`411 - 1,......; '7: -.---...,•,--- :".-.... - , ,,xid nr .rrgardters.of wet, ni :CHaRVZ9.30,1110.1;4".:4i1.7,"'F• Eilif . , -.,, , ..?..,..4...7.tr_,...=,, zirs.,,..iatts.l7lo..,Alitfurage*titi.,..c ..„. ' ... .:. :.43. Giro Zinn a call. JOHZ 4 DIAT2T. Wadiriii ,l7.Fa *Ai. ' o. :..,:.. 000 zo r d i ; V ;°: O . Zits stu!gtbsiiikruatime- Aid LL1.4.-.0. arj...ter,vg ~ ', 44 .4 ,‘ t , • i AA,. i' tigaing=ll: ;t 31 :4 13 ,_ p ElALLl xan '"44 o,3lftVit u . . ' - .. •;., eg immediately - le- Jamiiss4ol , 44 Nadu at ..., .. - "--- ,_. . . . _...,- • 1'.... (.. 1) ~ . ..i . L ' -•;.": . ' . .i..: -. . ;;It;" - ;:.. •_. ' ,--- '.":.,- ' ; .... -- ..;'.: ; '..7. - - . . :. ........-.'. 4. : : - . .. _ . 4 .._ , ...•,,.::„ , z:-..i,-; , .v.' .. ;. -....-- ''.. -..-r- . ---7 ,_ ;. . i . .... _ .. 191131 M:= II DIELLSTROLS FAR AT The Glea AlKetel Ilyabl Hewes illaraid-tlie .., seallary-Limm no, : Within the past month .... ~..14. called upon' to notice • .. .. , .of have acct l ed at, or In .. a; Eastwood pe, on the •••, , [. l i ii' f rotoad:'On Sunday tight - tt,k, • at eleven o'clock, an:. : ietr4. . aai s. ettnalve Sze occurred in , . .... , i e da. ity. This Urns It was • ~...gdar. stable attached to' the old 72 ... --- ta which. iit, the Ural. of, the .6r"aetiat Ba rn es of horses. twlliaar a harness. ' , over Afteou h *Off; , worth of horse feed, case f and two Mo. • The mock • air! belonged to Harrison tt charms and the building t ,,..g James Rays, Esq. At the , bua t i g f was discovered the root a •al it building bad Just fallen a t z temple to get any of the h futile: In the cellar of the *hip were live of the twenty var . ad fortunately were • saved. a m" pigs, which were In theb o a; ~,.. also saved. The remaining l a feed, harness, ' se., tags an ow building, were - sreirtztryed t , ther ii i a did the,tire burn that one wegtms belongi to ng the -•"" standing Infra= of theb fail a prey to tits det marl fore It could be removed. ,„,,b wires, whlab passed In front • a wome ere t elm snapped: mull. '", r T m . I . Fears were , entertained' =. •preitent . that' the - ad) • . ga r Inex would be , burned, k, i united exertions the fire• the betiding In which alestediet The firm whose *lock w tha ,.. , veined It at between eight ain aa _ sand dollars, on which the ,r, to am* of four thousand d . ....... +. Lycomlng County Imo= work..- The fire was undoubted]] -ha. , an incendiary, as one of the1p , ,,,,.. tr a log on a saddle and =, the appeatmce thathe had was found rnn rang at large lArk..'... 77 was cbscovered. - L nom &ea .. ii . at a:frightful - accident; res __.4o death of William Sfurdoe.k ."." seventeen years of age, . 0 3-Ple „„...„ . PennsylvanLa Railroad itt Gle# l l` o "' , dayMerning, at I}-S, 'orwhigge -kill the following particularat '.: iiplockl o4 _, been 'Mailing” a tide on___ tbilP= ol2 'i the ears; and when the , traisapPelt a ,_ m f that point jumped off to ava11m......' The concluder , observed bilialaV near the train lust before it,_._,..,Sitidi Alaroled on to the front of UPI... '''l the train got under way the iiii,altato_Pet ed to get aboard again, but WK.' ' , 3 10,4, teetton, had - allowed the Mai FA. 4 _... much under way before mn...,1 tempt. He caught bola of .1 I.one of the 'plittliirma; butoll'ila IN a i t eukto spring upon the aldsa" clipped from ender- him, &elm .".4 Lthis time was going at so jOid &dal aud he could not regain *balance; He dittnot dare to letlgo thellning DS fearer falling under the WWI aat .4 was dragged along for soda diSaaat Stir :over the end s of the ties. ,hi was caught on the predeeti -Or 1 tie,and dragged from his h sad an I taking him up It was that 'he had been horribly! mtugbd ni - heatni Jetting go. ' in, abdomen wlat „ In. the meet terrible manner,iid one a) his legs was severed at the h.. He was removed to a house in G‘ gnu received proper mtentlonsibet , ' died ' shortly atter the accident- ocesgsd...We could learn no particulars asi Mina& deuce or libttory, further Umulkst,tabld a cousin workingattlie paint* in this city by the name bt SlalliViii , whom Its intended to make ble bade' , his arrive-1 here. . . . ceraner llama . On Wednesday wernitig imau 2 , • ' found at thWfoot of Locust. skiet,ois the'. bank of the Allegheny rlveglylng at the edge. of the. ice by sate= passing alting the. river' bask. dlsoovered be in almost sad fore be could be removed to the sidC walk he breathed - his last " lie proved! to be a German beggar whoesmetethis; city from Cincinnati about two. yens since. He was very Atienspende in his hablta, spending the and of ' the .• .money . he, begged , lbe whisky. - Misname is unknalm.-, Cane ner Mallon was notified, and salatbale ed ajury ; who, after viewing the bnly, adjourned to meet last event:get the cds flee Alderman Taylor, when 'sandlot" •of desis from the • use of latesksilag *liquor and exposure wee rendered. [The remains were removed to Ma teriorifar undertaking establishment, on Great istroat, for interment. • • " e. - Hilted on the itauseeL Leal evening shunt fovea , Mock man Was fmand lying on that's& ails CunnelhrvilleMilroad. near titaikrudni ham bridge, in tile Eighth: Ile was conveyed to Mrs. 21b.114n1e beard ing holm,. in the vieinilY. vssok lips sent for. :The man eratuesa £ l O to terribly injured, having, ask ioupursed, (alien off the evening Izain,Mortich ' had" taken passage for hic&uuporkwitla ' Ids brother, to attend a saaewt. - HL rialm lelras,enuMed, left one broken; and 1 head mach Matteille Ailed in about an hour attar aim:lain tti the boarding bonne. Riall3lllo was ascertained,tabelanii Weitsart, was twenty-three piliaa mark Oleo, and. radded at .So. IWO shunt, between EMI Lane and .. 9 eaeleat The: Coroner was - notified . * mitt 14 holder! Inquest today. • • Michael Belahill and Hughes, Whose arrest on a citieg*Jsr: ceny noticed .yeltarda . y:siert!* were charged trlth arson poitatitdiirenet , fag on oath of office Alderman . Hughes, 'eta Auld heen reletumil 0,11 hllittV6l. TIM112110#14; botium t ed for a betuin ; and a mead. meat lodged against atoms& injall on the former charge, -Marra. ch ing finite anithiae shop oftif. argedwith W Wslacet WhiClll,l,lllteli% 'troyed Christmas ' mornimpinienzign Butler. Who It appears worike the Case, thinks the evidence of them 0011 d naive.. At the. its feels Rill be developed,', • • Z 0311.227 narlirVeTi:Co'..f, • Dr. A. G. /lecartdreav,Philfallatotha Board"ofH e alth, reporti Ma: . L"1/)irios Interment. from DeaamberlkieDeco n . Dlseases—etthd bed fever,.lil fever, 0 . • consamotioo ' 4 4* - ,141.4•:x Weld dime, 1; perlboidtkli 1; searlattha, 4; bronebltreA akt* fe.l . ver."l; wbooploct eotmb,l:lceialni* . t. stn.( beery.- typhoid dyevatliqx## dpmlnal at sees L " • .Of the above dlaeMamit thehowevAder ryear, 8; Ito 2, 1;2 to 5,5; 5; t0r;44k15 to 20, 2; 30.t0 40,5; eo to.p, fd tele,4 ADdes,ll;feanalei; 15f white;S*36 ed. 1;•tota1.21. . • - • 41. , Med 1.11111 . 01,11.011 falas t ,. Ph lip Behirarler, the Qerimnw* in i s ' arrested and committed to; Jill wit, the larceny of SPX sietaalit4K wbidi had.tieep etaitteasiylattttalla* at Pen*Ltle by :Frederick &Ww: Intitte rail about three of epilepsy. -Coroner .CLairion, b) ; titled and 110 d an Ingticatee•th e t , It appeared from the evidapothe • deceasteci Saab'eetto eptleptie l z that he died when no one via cm The jury found a verdict ie alai the fact& . • email ax-entittso.ousa r pa moiaar; DieWator =1b...4%i. midgets si,h . ,osnosts,, , a o. I Swojwoa wsess.•ll*.h r *Ms New. A. K. zwv:litt J•lationinia • of Wbitasistwa. Boner toasty; Pa, AIWI •swablerol Alas. tea Itsuit iilw. , moo teo -bl..atala at Hem. Sweampott's .bid.'.ltb Um two banns taus v0it00.,,,,z7 13 •ELZY-DA.LZZLIo-Ow Rte..._ log. Dos. 13111, at tlso reStaaossr, _et* *hi, Tiarmo,biuta Ras. Dr. Jacobus. 'Jaen 14 4).11' Y•1111(6 2.:DALZELIs."•.**OI,4 4 . Y•ItcELL I 7 I) 4IcC•ww O X. - wW - 1114 Mout: at Oa romans. Datsi' ges.. y. 1.... -I..NAXIMiga a WU scam a[acaaflarsr,.b.a : 0WC311. , 902.-.oa thor•lltof ' ilt3 aaa4 realdeace4 t Mks bride • • 11411441044:. lharoa.l3ls. ady.: WILLIAM OWENS; Jr..•74.Ni fft . 1 aa r aa. Pt: and less4o4EPTlDeitt z PINS-xeQuarox.-a,. mu m* , ' ber D. _ - •. O. lhariat ts , Seedcase of Oa brides posoulairslateimai PL. Yr. JllO. j. D. • /WX. or _raaarsos aa , and Miss JENNIC IlegOISTOw: •.rs LINDLIY-ItYND.-Us .TW•44-fk _ jacir..! at the esstleata of the *kW. mats aia .....,, Pa.... De. ILLYSIT SATZ 'Aram Be emu. - • TATT. - NAY. -. oa.V . edualdS7 mth. at thteetlditage et the the pir:_Joba•Doualaa. - D.D..110W4Z arr. Z. • I. 15a7dsr. Yr. GUS. V. tki,A7s: 11.01trestara..414. Slag . ALUM 34,1_4 - 4 ^ 4 4... ghtliT CY. ". .' • -3 " • figangibili. mcA Doom* LINIA tr1414%;`.12' ;P:Wi wax ot•llsebswy.„ NOLIAND - GIORDOL-Jas Mb: Is las. at % br'llare i 41.41 , iLLAY .both of Braddock's !Ws% • - 1 1 04f.at r a c trinT0* ,.. b h. SI .et ON sad Xia• I.IZ7Ag • ,~::: ~,~,. ~_.,; )31 EiritoPz • ....69iah Fenia n 1 4 °IL 4final kfaciline" Letters. .iridive Material Bet—Throuh the Pprtofflea. g - • ---- ssabilik daslo- rafidt3sait Zforriblyarangled • Soar Tower , . It Dab , /11, Token Attetpt to Piro a Postotiles On-Lolion Bonds. 1014-, Agitation in Italy. vaimian's ItemainzAtt Oadjz, r %Main the Pope. . rsl PreitekAMYßill I*idonate tat Vi tutematardstiai': ' . , ''::: aFairr aarriuts. :Aitolion tunas otrrstaor—, , ; - raissontia" isrrana. . . era o er Z.—Another 1' tticatleash outrages which eluue r - iestpsaPittlottsof the Fenian Brettisr ipsd hula! been perpetrated at bob- Da: l e leltaw front there zeeOvert' to' , I.jr..glvere following particulars!! An aSuatalluge number of letters have .iseentlY !fit:received at the poet - elks aiThablirkireefed to prominent officials. Sad erl e . theselettera was loaded With uot iveirnaterlais ' designed to eta the peon addressed. Sereraf,'ox. Ode bliiitlair reel nature ArkB,'oa. tatidoedid a? LO this time no Onion 6, been lied A pollostnan, who're.; siveclout flora letters, wee horribly inefed, t tlo expleolori It is not loom be ferny of these tburgerin ts irdatteg *sheer dispatched. Could isabh.,eszhnert prevails both in Dbb• gicio alirbes throughout the coiin * eis the Isearer; of this the latest pada oats% The authorities are Ue trigfizivegung alut will no - doubt the niter o flie bottom. r - i , -•• Gass 11131.1 e DiCtatit. '...f- thimesas sit' editorial . article on qrsidiut pia... It says that no ' lto *an tar durum& special vraw!la eishave bee swwn in, and are WM' strlog In Ladot. The writer calls It. ,fratiett to 11 gnu public. danger, end ,Follsertprernehl cities and'. towns ...to I ciattlatha7eautiortUY •mesaures !,,r , dilleizopft ' .•' n p. —• if .ai1115013 IN 1.1/B ITIRTED . , istrWs—Abscura FOLLISED son 1140 i')ILILII/ri." _.!Lalmor, 'nett:amt.. 2 7.—Detailed de, - .tooli,of the ocean Dickens'. reid bsitci dos id Now-York haveheita . Mired here treed and pabliald 1 iniatinitedypt by , the•London Jour =lL' The ,The praises the Aturric4s . tidier inigaimity in giving Dickens ,jaihshes4y notion. • -111:6 AlgurliN LICPi Laior, Dember 27.—A. dispatch freededlaannaices the depsirture from DishyCt Ger-Nspler for Massowali imaseatte command of th'e ; koisaor edricing into the interior Of in:FBI:TALLY .ACTITT. , tfeillb¢r , 2S, IS62.—ThO ,seem Unusually • active z all' entatrj Nearly every hour In elsj &patch! are received by callinatleannancing either a conterli dshsdnuremert by the Brotherhood oc aslaolmoccarence. • •'sn[:ncorr - - . i NIP= of initu scriotus nattup itioibeivrombed to-day from Cork fyttg dada of - another Fenian coop jr ifk kit Welt about midnight it iipbt4ofromt, with blackened Limit, Nitrated Intello tower near Cork.- The *dot is Myer was overcome and .+dlgeddd titivictors Wieldy colleci alitnuturable quantity or arms antit asitteitm and t v i g iOed with ,their piteleinhent mol ion. - :raur inmrrstacit.rr. tialattoparations of theFenians have, bads 'Ate. of rekindling public ex,'-.• cbilitab liartylinprobattle rtimorsani idit;lnctiding one that a Fenton cruti, hid ben mama - the Irish coast and . Yid alay.by ear vessels.. • • • icroavircr avtumr4 - - t aatt,aria asested in this city last inffrit arra charge of tutviarfired this frtAtricaluser.Lbe moot terrible exi. Pill 4 at Cleritartrel)., Iris bellelrea. UIIIIi 'culprit he it. Init. been captored. ;9_L uormj : YII2c L lt OUTIIAOZ. 1.--Lbening.—Anoti* Mai ISCitnee sas potpetrated to•ds37 ittibtbs.: An (kart - wax nude to firo AeOerifrcsotce by means ofGneek fit , Tbe - attemp was, : happily; frusl Isidi Beyond 4e destraction of a Tei7, lint'nosseardlinagttwait done. - !tonna xt.r., LOW cr. Ol i rgo : pcm:dec.mm at. Ferei,sbaru; ‘2 10111) miles from this oras 471 up -val uterly destroyed this sr- teoee. t. Ten preens were killed ou , lance lumber injured: Tho cog. the explzionlalpaknow... sumupssOf OF rmuine., , F*a, Dec. Z,—The London Obaer, teurf Ito nevi exiiorchn' ary pown Ile/know be sided of Paribtment Raoirernfeetd teethe suppression of, "fibi plots ordinal:maws. DEcuskstor nrcrartra..,:-, . , :11.0xPectO tht owing t 0 pro* ; Wolf of 'cora:aim 'end .trido daring, tißlet. qua:rtes. oft year,:the Jeutteryi nee will show /serious, demise Ili: o...Wecuat Ct xmlpte from reread,: thatperiodo the United King, ruarcr. • • . ,-...13.281131=07(P5L1A'T BONUS. ' 1 P,A11.11, DeCelPbf, V.—The ifonitcar, rfethe an otlicial 'once that the coo- I 'Rik the Italian beds will be paid. 1 , t oms on is nornscumea. ',reiaa, Decembo 27,—The Pope ha.; *ad the Rothsailds against paying; tiaapolpipf Italia bonds in this city. ; , .: r ASS/10i OP ILL Alt.gp lILLL. , elini;Decemboxl7.--.Evening—lnib,; 1 =ff toisy the bill for tho 1 , ati at of Lk army eraspassed, i ' * erne intendants. 31. Rouher pro ledge° yews' wilco I tatted of eight, idtbiiitera etutarnteat, tens carried. tirwere eighty.ne opposing vote.. *tdipeech on lie proposed amend 111,10e---caliad filiation to the arms. eilitlr sediehborbis powers and sup... 111Whis plan es tie only, one pre:tics- I I {l. le tdll ti, amain a become a law. }f Mita" eirmraviort 'p t , Dee.B&-The Paris Cbnatit.- 91e40-day deneanceche repudiation , • k ,.. , . December Zt.—The Papal Goy , , t - offers to pay' he interest on boadeeFhich represent the .- Ortherontilieel rates annexed f1...'- clil. The Italian larlament •ve. I Avoid, me by idnd..eelske vote, to pay , l'onib ba.! .. . 1 . 4, 71 0, , To .PI Anus.- 3i IT. . . tlialtrr; December ..—lt , is said intial Manatee haedeciened his r i oh t p & n aive the rational Par. %loft,. now in misionf on the lath !iseto, and td Mats= *peal to the p should another 'ea unfainrs it " la i n hay . be ~ad4ted bet re e . t- . setc;inerotardal. aorarion. t , ,etches from noir. raiment. that , wi d, , poi . itiati gitation in * emend Enthetirt Jail In Naples ill , i cities .of 'Piedmont. he excite. I . d . ns irps, and lays are enter. Ell - 6 2 „,. , - .Luau` ii. a , 'arigiag . -- E 00itythoi0tOty ofihe 0 imminent . yap or. italitailan'e 'emants, creranci OP PreCOSITz. aWr DIM 25.—Tbe Auld= flag. Ifavaar,, In command otaambia •;- i a mbs cat ba e rd th remains ~ ' *lite Atrehdtthe 3 / 1 0 # 7 gi a % arrived tearkYeetraYaltinic"ni. ' ...amp cortex oe - MOted yes. I ''' &*? - .lia ;the vittl4,looa Tam u ) Siltleei liabelii‘i"6ls*,i; 1 • - '. -..Z' , 1 ' ;;:. 1 . . . .'. .0 . . • . ); : .. OM PITTSEtTRGIt rt of the • nation to the rope forlbe ton of his tenapdfal.power. ' \ Arend.ll. . CITANOL IN =lt C.LIIIMMT. 1 _ irsits, Dec. r. .—By i h e re.arrange to - nt .of the Austrian Cabinet, Baron t .n Bette ewes to bePresident of the , • tidal ' Council, but retains ' the • - olio'of Minister of Foreign Affairs trhieh he has all *toughed in oonneetiou • sikh the former poetlen. . . riznisia. comsat OP sus iororunzrer. ' , Banun, Dee...=Berning.—A. general Tell of the Zolyeten, In ;which all tates of North and SontliGeinnany o be represented,: will Ito .held in ity in Mardi. ' ~ - • • wrrinnatwar. or patoolfs. ' ,ses to-day commenoed'withdraw-. ingl her troOps flout all parts - of Saxony, except tile Fortress of Konigsteln. I=l 1 EZLE;SCS TES 1.A.111 . 81.21 Ilia - Mbar of eminent Ittiselan etabLt acid diriorrsats hive met In St rebury; alai are fielding. a Confere6te o Eaiternquestion; • • =! lI3FORTA7IOII OF TEA tSiIiDON, Dmember 2 8 . madmial from Ehangtue eye eOW Mi = of now imp tau toltl of Decem ninety, . million pou a. G a oe hangha was active in s flzme i . TIIIIKET. co:cc:mum( xd csErAxs. 0. DON Dassmber 27.—nere is a ro the Sublime Porte has offered Cretans an AutonomauttGovern and teamed Prince Christian to its : I t DISASTER AT. SBA. poit". l to fp' 1:12e02 Lei& TEE 4. I Steamez Lost' in a Gale Fourteen Passongers.Oot of loorHandrealarW Only 1 Ely toilet:tot lotto runennin 4Lnitv..r l lirvr Toni, Dec. 27; '1867. Ai 40 , letter of Nov .- ember. iiith, to the 13th Travelar, contains the followingi Thikthornhig .the Brazilian steamer ar rivfroth Montevideo thingangiterra of the -of the English mail steamer Sate, .in a terrible gale off that place a vc4 , ago. She had on board four Min ir. .dredai , ersons, including crew and Rouen gem', Amon; IN:Flatter was the English MITA or, who had jest Non relieved to vial+ him to tatty a short visit home. He wi . the rest were foal; Only four. teen • .rsons were saved. " • HAVANA Smug Axis Deets. that Its is Geist ts,h ISsillessiesr Dram 11..0. isms—llaas Xasosgessosts re sent. Mules. intstligensis. • ti? llornmli to CS Ifinstiamb 6161112.1 , HAVANA, Dei. 27.--Santa Juana dowel shy ilitenlloa of going. to.Alexico. The ImEgainlista here are axonal:it., _Norse from St. Domingo 'stales that many .tengagenente have taken place, In wifich victories are claimed by the- .Government, but the. Ba.i par ty. is Xleverthalem gaining adherents 'and strength, The only portion of the Island*Adel ha&proMstment for Baez to the north,. be ll h principal strength lies. Been remain. at Camara. The DOnAnliemoommissionerPujal rails to-Morrow fir Rew York. Jeffenon....hvie 'nave, • to-morrow tar New Ogleani. The drew .f the Brig Jamie Smith, lost on thee - eye:6 from Baltimore to Wotan- . zee; bean mooned after fourteen &ye exposits° in au open that. dvil**, tom the City of Mexico to the 17th tons, Mite that the - insitgarstion of President Juni took place on the pre vious &undo*. The Mexican Congress will reaudnia session there five months. 1 An manners opportunity is now afforded the United Staten to conclude 41 eAra - mad& tresy with Mexico. Foreigners are nerrowy watching the slightest mover ent that direction; General MOM:. flutter of .War, and Senor Igle ' els; of the Treasury, will both with w faint the Cabinet.. Ten f the murderers of Col. Suchen. have toot. Sarchis was Piesident of the, urn martial that tried Maxi . -. A mum granted to English ;ar tier foS eOlanliting the Vera Com Ball road y fill to the ground. Much ex iciteminit was mused among foreigner* . by the, r eeling offof all diplomatic re betwen England and Mexico. Letters rotlEurope Resit Is improbable thataFatiey will be sent to Mexico. The a and destitution of the peo ple Is ry gest and banditti are swarm ing Mitt provinces torothe Republic. ' Dates iron Honduras e 15th state that Macrae, finding the forgets there too denee,ltes eansferrecl hie scheme of em igration to :amakia.. .On tie 13th inst. the ahocks of_ the earthonakehad not ceased. GEN. CIIISTAR. Ma Da ems Arians* sae Marro ha. ' ferreal Alealaes awls &store cones martial. • T r.,... e.tNi kutsb.in - awn. .1 ' Sara 2IXT Cato, December l7.—The. Daily rrie.er tomorrow will contain a long r ter, dated Fort Leavenworth, . from neral Cuter to Colonel Nettle. ton, of Eandusky, making a strong de-. lento alkitinst the charges on which he was court , niastialec and matt:need-Inse 14,ts sus charge command. the bel l eruelty to his meet He by Paying that while pa the oxplditlon, and! sur rounded by racism, Wm men began to desert. Plathrsstentadtoleavehlm, with I a large t amomt of euptiles, at the 'mem of be wages. A scheme was formed br the dasertlon of a large 1 portion of the -mash:dna. men. Eleven who eseepcd were.ceeen. Chew ordered a squat to pursue and bring theta back. -Fad of the deserters, who were Mounted, Led anti have never dace been sem- The itemotin tad ones raised their carbines to fire ocitheir pit:suers, when :they were fired on in return, slight - Ir' wounding three. 'They were taken] with the command in army .wagons, , the only an:lntl:lnce being Mo. serviceable. Crater "templains bitterly of the co:ppm:Elea of tho court that tried him, four members being his !ateliers in rank, and one member aVommissary who had been manured by Custer for ofirrnption . in issuing ratione' of meat, Ere., to soldiers, Tho General am. he was never absent without leave, and should actalmilarly with deserters under like cirenmetances. CINCINNATI. ralassive Fla:-Largoßearliois WNW key Distillery fund. else ratalints. meat. .1 ....1.0/0411 )tom rise pepsvitana4l4 also Lski..e. Cceciorwarr, Lecember 27.—Tho dis tillery Of Boyle, Miller & Ca., on Second near Symmere street *so entirely de stroyed by dm this evening. The build ing contained a largo" lot of whiskey. The engines had no erect on the flames, which ceased only when •the entire structure - fell in sad nothing combusti ble was left. Their loss on building, still, machinery mid stock is $515000; insured for SZiS.OW in Now York, Cincinnati, St Louis, :New Orleans, and the Liverpool and London Comptnios. .. 'Thedire extended 'to Nos. 43 and 45 Broadway, owned by' John Swexofo Co.. sad oonipled by the Ohio Machine Works. Lass on building su3dmantilii dry, um thousand dollars. The wall! of Kann & Co.'s tobacco works were • broken. In and the stock damaged ib the amount • Delmonleo's Exchange and J. F. Alter ling's clothing *tore. were damaged to to the amount of gl,OOO each. P. Chambers, Amistant Chief Engi neer of the Flre De_parlment, was - badly injured in the head failing wall. Boyle, Miller it 03. wore the latgeat producers Of Bourbon whiskey In the . _ ' ' FINANCIAL i Letter Wen Secretary iieCalliilb. (liiy Iwarrapli 10 the Plttabarkb thalisys.l Now Your.. December V.- 4 Tbe Vree. ident of alit+ston bane haairmolved tba following 1 er :. n-eatusy Department, lite. 2i. 1207. My Deer Eiln—Your favol of the 2d lost. Is receiTed. 1 There is a gtod deal of dif -1 femme of dpinlon among members of Congreas ' after be ae fina w hat shall bore polty., Al , the !commencement of the session it seemed Ithattheinfiationbna were bradoelded ma- Utility, but before the adjournment fur the holidays a more tonservative epirit Neu manifested, and I am quite hopefol that them viii be no legislation by the present Congress favorable to the views ,of Geoend Butler, or very aver:iota thine lathe Secretary, ' We shall toms better, however. - when Congress again convene.. With thank. for t. tmlfoim support . blob I bare reeelved at your bands. I remain very truly yours, - •I n. MCCOXILOCOU. 1 i ALABAMA. , ii. ,I 4aga n iM d aDaT o" *T raing '3l74°ll:P. : hs4l.l6l wuj ! "ro add ra4"Pum. lipecei :eis ftglamelah7At o medßadi : gb aun. rauelib24l":".":: : :::.:- P rthi l tal e y , ,fivioxi and otters, protestlug against the proposed COastardiga, The Huntsville :Admen*, Radial' °lnn, calls for there- Wembllng c cit i be Convention to dooclify 'the, object!. able features of the pro posed Cons don, namely: the ;clause about schools, tbe franchise and registra. tlof As Cansereitlvea all •over State Sr. getwminod to us:revery Effort tO de. ttatlhe Constitution. • • • MM SZE OM DIF FROM WASHINGTON, the Removal of District COmmanders, Reiortel restitution bathe South AnotherFinaxioeßill The Public Deb t Stateintnt. Proposed Ronald of ins' tonsil's 'tonal Amendment. The Cuban Slave' , Trade Civil Service Bureau Address of Senator Morton to the Soldiers' and Sailors Union, LS. Supreme Corut.Dedzions . . By Taiegnan I o i6e PlUsbugii enyetty.) • • WAS BING , T9if, pee.' 30, 1807 IfOCAL OF DL94IIaCT cctitgowiexta. The removal of General Ord la explain ed by the fact that it has been made at the suggestion of General Grant, who, while. opaostng any change in the Other districts no injurious to the. Progress of I reconstruction, his been of the opinion for some time that both the military and civil administration In the Fo'grth Die 'trict would be improved by a 'Change bf commanders. The President decoded to General Grant's' request, and' Included General Pope In the, order' of removal. General Ord proceeds at once,to Wier nit' to relieve General McDowell, who will manna commando( the Fourth Die. trict on his arrival from the Pacificcoast This amigo will require about two months time to accomplish, `I cannot state the particular reasons which hats led general Grant to desire the removal of General Ord,,, but, three who have closely watched the - administration of the latter have probably not felled to ob serve certain peculiarities and - ineonsis+ blades of action, indicating that. the agape ofthe command wu rataerbeyond hls halibro The wale of affairs in his 'district et the present time Is opt regard ed al very protnieing. DESTITTITION OEPOILTS EXAGOEILLTtD. There pro excellent reasons for bother int that the repartee( destitution which are now coming up from the South, par , ticululyfrom General Ord's department, are exaggerated. So fares the.mest re liable intormation goes to show, the des tiuttlonia rather prospective than ma ant. It may be greater before spring, hatjuot'now it Its not alarming 'among the black.. It boa teen largely 'roused by the action of the plantersin discharg , log their hand" at the' close of the EA ' son, to violation of their contracts', and In isome'msca diongsaing them because they voted the Republican ticket. Gen eral Howard stands ready to use a . por- Ron of the funds of the Freeddlen'allo roan in relieving any actual distress by the Issue of rations, and It is probable that Den. liancock's request to employ .the unemployed blacks in repairing the recent breaks in the leveesolud to Issue rations to them, will be complied with. - • 'rag "OLD cosmoses." 'Madden. Stevens has so far recovered from his recent indisposition that he is engagod in the•pteparition of a speech In favor of the AlsakaapproPriation bill. lie insists that his health is not as. poor as either hLs friends or enemies Milk It. 'TUE WITINEY FRAUDS. The statistics elicited by the. Ways and Moans Commitiee In Its investigation of the whisky frauds, show that 'the Gov ernment has collected only eighteen cents Instead of two dollars per gallon. Thew statistic,' were based on - the data fur nished by-the rceords of the Revenue Ilnreau, and did not Include any estimate for the tosses which the Government has sustained Since June last, since which time It Is well known that the receipts have contigually decreased. It-la prof*e lie that tee detailed ..statement of the amonnt •Of revenue derived from this source, called for by the Reuse , will, shove tat less than nine cords per ;pillion have been collected during the present Racal year. . . I=l Senator Henderson has prepared a sub stitute for Senator Sherman's Finance ' Bill, which he will preterit to the Senate as soon as opportunity offers. Ho will also propose, at an early day, a complete system for remodeling the entire Rav enna Department of the Government on a bags which will make It Independent in its itello . ll, and not subject to political Influences, and which will likewiseln volve Gra refilling of every office in the Department. • STILTg EQVIPZENT 2EOO PS. AC.. Secaretary McCulloch has had prepared a statement showing the amount of money furnished by the several States for the equipment of troops, Go., during the war. From thia statement it wilisp‘ rear that forty maulers of dollars were advanced by the States; that claims for .thirty millions of doller hive been ad justed, and that of the remaining ten millions of dollars claimed about sec- Un e rter =a p t w4ll "o " " th e =I -The New York Tribase's special says: Notwithstanding the abrupt t:renination of the correspondence between Secretary Sows pi and Lord Stanley, on the Ala .barua claimer ' it is understood tkat tho new English alinistar, Itlx..Thornton, comes empowered with full authority to reclaim the oncution with a view of . ef fecting, it possible, an esay, arld amica ble adjustmenf of tho dialculty. TICE POBLLO DEBT. The public debt statement will not be. ready Until the, fifth of January. The exhibit wi,ll be more favorable than that of the lest month,' except in the Item of the -gold llttilanre. which will be lower, owing to the payment of • tbe thirty mil- lions of dollars coin Interest dui on Jan- nary tinit: — The Secretary would has.* retired theibur million dollars per month for thelaxt.month and the preaent one, bad It not beep for the action of the House Ineuspending his authority to do 80. . " SEW REEIEPTIONI. -' The omelet programme 'foe the Presi dent'. reception on New Yeses derlins been promulgated. 'At eleven o'clock - a,' n. the Primident will receive the mem bers of the Cabinet, thelMreign Minis ter, Judges o ttic Supreme Court, United States aerators RepresentaUvez, Judges of the Supreme Court of MOM.- trict of Calumbia and Court of Cisims, At half-pest day= the officers of the. lump and marine corps. At a quarter to twelve o'clock the assonlated soldiers of the war of 1812, the .members being 440 oldest inhabitants:of the District of Co. tumble. At tWelve eelocki reception of the citizens, including ladles, will be commenced, and will terminate at two o'clock P. 5, ; • • CONSTITVToNAL ANTICDY=TT REPLAL ereorostm. "The Now; York Herold's, special airy: It has transrred that I number of lead log Conservatives hem, proposed , to , the Legislatures of the Slates which recently pent Democratic, to •I renoal their resolu tions ratifying the' fourteenth artiole of the Conetitudon. ; If. New Jersey, Ohio sod California wore to do thin, It Is.cati mated. tho article could not be grafted on tho Cotuditation. . • • . • 7VrENTII teauen. The uuhilter of patent.. Issued the put year •was 13,01,5;1,0N; .aft Increase of 3,515 over the previous year. Two hun dred and ststy.five wilt be hanted for the week withal; /vinery ith. sioavicz nolucatr General Logan La. preparing a• - bill for Conrral to establish a Civil Service Bu reau In • Washington, • consisting of a Board of Examiners, whose duty it shall he to decide upon the nualideations of all applicant* for places In the venous De penmen's. •• it also provides that modi dales shall ho dlviderimmong the several Stales la the order of their Coogreaskmat representation. • • CoNattf, AT ISAVAZ i . • j The offloCMComul Gene at Mamma . Eta beau vseaut for some months, the Senate last stutamerbaving failed to con firm thy nomination. made by the ?mil liard. As a Conaequenee Mr. Savagewas loft in charge of the business as Vice Consul. IL D. Do La Runtrie, clerk In the State Dtipartment, wac, pent to Ha vana several weeks ago to relieve Mr. Savage, and will discharge the Males of Consul temporarily, or 'until a Consul General Is duly appointed by the Preal dent; with the advice and consent ()flits Senate. at PAYME COUAT DECLSIGNS. • the Stioreme % Cowl the fullpirlng decisloosl3o:43,boon given: No. 17. Malone, , Dubuque, Dunleith and Mirmesota Packet Co, appellants, mr. so muhli it the Rock Island - Railroad bridge se Iles within.the Northern Dm- Wet of /Modal, the Robk Inland Railroad Company and kflutaitlppi and Missouri Railroad ConiPany,•!nWmantm iippeal from Ms Circuit ' Court of the United States for the Northern District of Illi nois. Justice Field delivemd the opirdOnj of the Court,..allirming the,decres of ..the Circuit (inert with *mut, .. • , No. 170. 170. Wicks. plaintiff In erteriee;' ttoppos ,k to error to the- Circuit 01 the United Maim for ifts,Narth r y District of Illinois: Justice Rmkrned a , livered the opinion or the ator..ilea rm in the. Judgment of the Okla ' Cow with ems and intoned, jjaMiggsfig„,...i anekt.aler pule:114004 jilt 77, 0 7 0 7. The Court . atlicriftim'im; 142 ht. 4, , A xial ! /*' : 1 0 .9 1 4 .. General .4*iiTT: mos of . ,fw e i d,i i/141. lipp .. ifi , .113x***0 ARY 1, MEL • . • • controh, the , T . of the Freedmen's 13 reati. .In, of some South Qu o! plaint* W o had, no money. to prepatiena for •zalaing cotton ing wear, Geaeral Boward,' though not legally authorized to make each don of of the Bureme funds, advanced a sum of, eighty thousand dollar*. taking* lien on the' rops. for .the repayment of the money. When the planters soli their cre , the entire amount was liquidated, an General Howard'abeneficient cottne w greatly appreeleted: In the case of n tera nnai w u h o o n. lo i st tb ev r ery r. j p g taring "g byi"theiPmPirPerla7 to adopt a similar considerate plan of 'action, and to relieve immediate dn• trees among the wecking people. It is suggested to establish depot!. of provi sions at inhibit conigialent to the Matelots in which. the ereatest want Merolla 1 •• 11.1:31"ASOR IORTON A:DDIUMNITI TIES 101 e i mon' LIVD aplAße UNION. I • United States Senaterldoeton, of Wi en, in response to an invitation of the Soldiers' and Mellon' lizilon,addresied' a large audience tonight in the halli of that association, hie` subject being the issues 0f166d. ' He said that among them would be the complete reetheatton of the Southern State ' Governments into the tends of the rebels, by the defeat of the Congresaional plan, of Mitonstructlein, and that the su rof the'' Democratic, party direed 1...1 ,d a compensation for ;slaves, the emptied of the rebel war debt, and pan to Confederate Idlers, their widows earl .orpheoa. met 4. sFe ionlyzed•=f3leng t iHaneoek'zi recent der, which the ,President had laid be fore Congresaln 'Menage, .nyingt M inna no mantio t n r k whatever • of ,the business of mn oo odor', but iy di rected entirely to till recognition of the legal character of the existing State goir ernments, and that tliePresideat pledied - h imself to sustain them folly in the exe cution of their powers. If General Ilah cock supported lbekininciples against which he fought, and became the ally of his enemies against hie friends, his lap- ' relswould wither-t the tender dowers beneath the simoon f the desert. 111 E SWEDISH EST INDIpt. I 'lnformation iii recelved that the Stock . = Al l, holm newspaper. the Vegintilatt, advises the bwitlish government to follow the example of Deransraby selling to the United dtatet its West India Mang, St Bartholomew.: ,This IS regarded here to official Plrcles as another facilitation that EuroPosu monarchlea are retiring from thlitcontinent trader the influenoe of the 'Monroe Doctrine. i . . , '•. name maim ix mai. The Britishand American' West India ileetreare Loco operetta in preventing the revival of theslave trade Cuba, which has' been planned. Dutarrea WITH THE reign:mar. , .oeneral - Gillem, who assumes corn mond. of the Fourth Dharict until the ai rival of General McDoWell,. was closeted with the President :this morning, and rennet ciatight for Jackson, Miasisel:Pg• hasten lIIHIRTZE. • The new ballah MlWater, Mr. Bine: wan officially received. ny the Elecretary 4 .f State in thee capaclt7 on filatnrxhiy. sasturas'iMrx.r.. The opinion is raplillrgalning grounit among Cengressmen here that Sherman', timuielal measure =moot pan:the Semi ate ih . its present form. There appear, to be likes objection , to the long low, feature than to the rant Of the bill. There seem! to be no doubt, that: the anti-con;' trandon bill will pose very puma after the no-assembling. • , UR, BRANTON ip REPLY. The answer of Mc. Stanton to the Prix. Idont's reasons for bbistupenalon ' will be read y In a 'short time, and ft is ncrat expected the case will, be acted npo within a week after Cowan meets. • THE REMOVALS _ . Oessisseabi or ohs ale. Truk 11l sad Weald. Ors Tsiesraolt to tQe Pitubststi Ussetis Nsw Toint; December o.—This Tribj, one toslay. In an editorial on:the remey: r al of Gatti. Popo and Old, gals "Gen. Grant, hi recolistruction, to iti mere clerk:. Heinstiepeivor, no rm.' ponsibility, no embarrassing ttnestioiaa' GS decide: nothing to do with the immediate issues. He bi nothing more' than a checked pawn odour chessboard,: while the President controls the game.! and 'captures - - tile inns; pleoe by pleas! We protest against this es as injustiCe to! Gen. Grant. We bellevelie would rather be witkua, carrying out reconstruction,' than be the captive of Johnson, the but. , we,k of his administration. It. Gen. Grant has any power nOw is the time WI use It. If he has notiet Somehiend de.. mend it for tams If Congniss falls, thaw he owes it to hie fame fts leave the 'ad- . ministration of Mr. Jolinson.! , • The World approves the removals and sees in them some simian of sense. "In • the strange message wtdchthe President sent to Congress, eul%•laing General Hancock, itiras the Pr*dent's node of declaring the principles on which the ad nenistration of the I , ifth Military Dis trict will hereafter be conducted, so far as these principles an be maintained b the selection of commanders. • A mes aue explaining to Congress the reasons or these removals would , look like au knowledging an acconntabillty for acts which are completely Within his inde pendent province as Commander-in- Chief of the army. lie -Was, :therefore, under the necessity of explaining the grounds of his action, if be explsined at all, by some artifice of inditection, which brought bin . communication within the usual forma and yet made no concession of :a right in Congress to bold hint ans werable for hisitnilitary orders." SANTA 814velatles ta Total's Of isle4o— Ahem lor•elalseell ntesatoor 111ta Ispeetel• •11111(01 .wilt Ilea had Niamey. • 1, ray Tel/ !spa to mar:Lemma, st rte.] HAVANA, Decentber • SM.TIto steam-' SLID Virgitaa, from Vela Crux, which touched at fillegl on the 2!d inst,brings Important newt from that quarter. The revolution hi' Yucatan Was essuming largo proportions. Mints Anna had been proclaimed Dictator by Me Revolution ists, and was expected hourly • to arrive from Havana with men end a million of dollars. The port and town efSisalwere in ti:Mends of the rebels, but the port was blockaded by two !:Mexican gun bmus.. A number of officers; who for merly served ander the Empire, had ar rived at 81u1 OINN klatainoraa. Ow the 11311 a an engagement rook'plaee tettreen the Mexican gunboats and the halterhal on elate. The owe of yucabee," in the vicinity of EllaM, was diligently watched to prevent the landing of, troops coming from any foreign ecurorri to aid tbe re bellion. When the left,Vem Crux, on the 20th, the' Ifeliciusemareer Tobacco was ready to mil, for glee on the next day with an expedition to restore the authority of the government MUM place. bhe bad on beard Ave orals bun- Owl men and several ples at artillery.' Saida Anna la in dila 'City. Many•ex imperia/let orneers bave , "srrived here; they all seem to be very 141.1/7 A.LABAMA. :lepulatess Nenalssures ifenyelnlin•-• • Serra ••••-ingwlst e nr. milt the 'ter Teletral• to ma littabaran ninth, 1 Ilifmrroonsnr, ALA., Peeember Connty. Republican', Nominating Penvimtion to.lay nominStod eight tie. gross and sixteen wbite•,four whites and two negroes for the Rate Legislature. l'he majority of the whites are Northern men ansf ftenteotOd. With t•nFirhtton'a . A negro was shot dead 'yesterday on the plantation ot.ltr, Morriweather, near this city, for declaring ;himself opposed Mlle Union League. • The Montgomery •Conncil, which claims to be genuine has expelled J. F. Ketfor,i lending radical, far dishonor*. Mg conduct andAction.calMdated to ex-. cite a war of mow!. Keifer lima a League which be claims to. be mmulue. The whole affair will be laid before the Grand Council for Its action. • • ' • —1, • . az.? ecitos Reins ftiresatai Mr Tempt tepkilontabwit, Itioneenan,Deox, 30.—The exaggerated accounts talsgraebod from this city, relit: See to the oxpectod Siang of.; the nevroes of the South M il e oonattta.:bave no bit ter foundatkm than tho (sot! that a few days slnoe a squad of iiSdl&si was sect to Hallam bemuse a • dlsi o itabanoa on Christmas was feared. The egro popu lation through Ou- tbo Stele.; te as quiet, as far es an lusurreetlon.li concerned. us It has been *Moe Abe elYnneiPMlon- Neither the military haadotuitters nor the freedmen's bureau have bee advised of any apprehended trouble. .. • „ Umtata Amiga= InloreemprOltiimorgrl, 'MI Telegraph talk. Tinatarot thantad Rtcumoso,ligooffiber 27.4brattr. Silo; field, at trio reqoest of Govigmar PLF point, Mug Mined pp Order Vediorhig the Board of Dirge Mrs orthe Ealtrarn.Uttga , tic Asylum, cm-violating • gligts;J•tp 1p the diahuraament of mann.; lutti appoint. ed • Board of army dicier., M AIO stead. 0 The (rear P lan 4111107 L' 1 4. 4.11 4 111 LW /WO, hr . IA for dt.uiewttos, S* Weitboas Wed out...a .4 strUboleantrrof or tiltwortonr burebttectabonn With et JaaannrairrA . vie Mw , a iceteiew gealet unitise sea aer,ielvhdieusteviplt MIA* is"' aidn hiehenukiedfah owes, OrthiroPrOrOldios Owl vise et i Heal 'WM vaiwith • ifiughtots wee, Neloen kmineiteerduit se lb. eeeeeKskplw am& eher;itstitver, tee miter:rev prarruf•sol ar.a i and Ow eyee - , yeti kin woman* sea livielese 4111tattes Cromwell,* men .ad vatoreiev• I tytatrOalStiDAA' libell;'oloottionnuirmuus eitemettillatittflooliti)l4ll3l ir Issa Itiestatto teals akeel arloroUrOrkr non gboo oar Ile Mirth, MOl l l.lOl tillr ,pr,. gMI% *kW rro toloror'ortraf_rrtsMittVi im!..27 14 40.1111411t, EnJeueemlat iusaittre Rib priveziintrn mil,tvaq 12113 cOMNIEROLLT.;. ' rnressusait. asiouncs: : Onto. CIF ras Pressstnum Gssirrs, atOSALT t Diti.lbel A Her. - The gsaufl markets sostlase quilt lax:lasi] sad As the demand Is ilstost satirsly*.sl sad =tar riiittiatoLto sapplytag Itos Loassalsts wants of soasssonors; the rolome ol .basizons. to Mks saysgsts, Is light, sad, am are so ba• portsalahauses u prisis. • • .1 GRAIN—Wilda Wheat Lin steady demand atglA€ll.4s far Red. - and 51,401.1510 r White. Barley Ulu good demand, Mad malatett are taking ay that ague at sr,batoz. Oont to doll and 'irooplog; we baud of • sole of 2000 bosh, In nit,' to attire, at tat, old Morn tun -1.0.0. WHY Ws the. attett*Wl .0100, Gam dull; may bi.qUoted at aliedat;oa track, and QOM, In dont\ Rye la still, quoted at 111.001.0. ' • FLOUR There fa £0 Itapierement to note Is the demand, and While tbe market Udall and stocks taiga? that 'ustral,Micm are with ?out quotable chum Ims quote ai5104210,15 for Ewing; 811,100L2,50 for Winter, and sll,2dyy i 10.150 far fatty brand,. Bra' Flour,grtle ptt bbl, and Buckwheat ktlet6,6o 'par met. born. 'awl, 01„t0gitqa par mitt. 'APPLES—Thus to Cala Madittat de; nand, bat La lb. anfiralif continue llght. Weal are Malatalned, rungiag Dom Mara per barre4' • -- POTATOBE—Peach Blowy are king sold la .ittiulaiwayiNflel,lo per bushel, lad 50,05 02,60 Yer 001,ses4rdingto quality. • DRESSED 1iWg....4,re being Ada quoted at Mitt for falr to prime beery avant.. DRIED FRlllT—Ottninue• dull but uu. dunned; small saln at NOM for Applia; and lows. for Peaches. 111:11TElit—Pgisaa go Maim Roll, as la always, tha 'mai 'at Gals mama of tail yeah la la M. mud, sad may bo . qaotegt at ISOM r - - . - LoBB.....9eateeand held' at an adienset the 'last-sales npostedweileiet Seeire, but sans helderias• asking tOe. • " • LAID OIL,:le still tooted by, menufsetur- Ns betteGe for No. %and $41.001,1210r No. I. ' MILL FEED7Is dulli and In prdttr good supply but suelliaged I Nett sale. reporhed wars at sl,eotyl,sl for Muni 1147501,15 forgeoonds, eadtkNe2.lo for NtddllPds. BEANS—DuII at NOSS& r dIONINN—DuII at 117674.0.> ..antArreratuns—ouu at 112418. - CHEEZIN—Quiet and ['Ashamed. oirns mukamii-r. 01/1601110. Irma Frrrosirssi Glum, Btayra&T. Detambar 110, UM. f ' There mai an an wildly Ilyhtlirapply of eats ssi Be on'a to-day, and witl4 a mod fatal demand; the market ,Was eondderably &mar than hut wan[, and'yrtee fat utile brought an adnzes. Quits • number of Ike , tegolu &alms, including Larwls, I/ Wan, Carr, Ver ner, Hartmau,kfallasrood t Slasktreak and L. Elhalaborg did not bars a alogle'bollsok oe gala, althorn!' thelr elm or osigosialsalon, and M far as we 0001411 am thaw Were, bat few onteden la attendania with cattle:A=4,4a a ammequases, there wad not mans thaw hall*. usual noliber on Ws. The giant/1 1 f the ataek, as a ieneral thins, an. inferliir, and as aro has. already intbnated, tout eattl* sold • readily, and that, too, at Wrests arices.., As will 5 men by ralareaee to the report of salSt, somata Or 16 bead of show • utile sold at.from line to Owen aezts, from, 05 118 teed balah- Wa itoek brought Iron 7fa ft. Meehan sold at fromi to 1144, and assalawann (roar it% to 4340. Vf • bad the tallowits !gni repine/ X•edy "old 8 5554 of Ohleato show • c ba l re,d b oef Ologngw a A a o4tlk s n t h orn Mileage at 11 to fer and wholesaled fa head /Crawl & eipott bartag ha!ftg a tol,• / bold Obla war at h Vtol.- Jaa t Zu: repot ta , r siattitta lead a rough ram ldat thump& ltam • Oa. at II tolaW a . • Oricowalt & Kaho retaile d Lout at 4134 tat 34. Marta & Trannoaa :Sport &Wag sold ISO new I w res.• Hews & Taylor ',MU& to'lleart for Oro& at Ito ll and !thalami:64 111 heat for itaahlta at GAS. . „ It U. drum sold 16 bend of Stalawap” for Damning 60 Pstsuson at 4.40. 6mlUl • Talmag• sold 13 held for 114 aft 6 to 7. Olus.Le Tarty & Co.:stalled 40 11.443 4%, ' 4,40111. ItothabLW/ sad I ilusd of .Boulltant Oblo sharebolloakaavarshttat to.r.„;Batleteleva, at P. sad ~head omosmalat, Moot at to WA. EhottatmaaUs• had LS head—dm posed of moat at them at. to 63.4. : • Thu., wu a /and!) 'lammed . .supply of Shstv ago this wetk, Eat thelf Were inalnir of an Wider vigil'', and, at a taileddenae. Ow Nuke& was doll and slugdidi. ith4 price; ednapnewl with hut wink. nild4 considdrabl) lowti. - Priam tat Sheep. had there • Nu any . Irish le nuke,. 'would donbUns hire *old folly up to !set rineok•d prteee. VI to Mid per had; ad It le. hawser, there were :roman,* ported above "al,nrn lint few' at that:. Care drove 01 900 heed mold at from trotonl.tt per bead. The followlad are the m0rta1 . ..144z T. Etbashaat report. tee ...bead sold at an assrege of $2.11 per head — cold ben at $4 per bead. • Puhaly rio. had la Ludt sold at head at Mg to 15.21 per head, and soon fear of the boat at to per Dotted Ilya tretsht. Joh.s and. !William Tones had aIS head Of CO. Slap on inlet sold So head to Betakes at 11,so par head, and St to Patterson up• . • . . . 11. Maas .reparts . hub; sol 4 la bead at v Lawss3,6o par Q head. aaLt 2 , rhead of uaaalawaga" at 7133 Co PP per bead. Then IS 07 04 &&19441 tels Walt 'doused for nor., "Mk the market Is study and Saltly satlrs, yams an Nthout uotstli • shame, ranges Iron 4.34 to a. poss.. Rothobllds • Byers sold 140 at 734 tot. Eakellsk • Co. sold shoat t.O at - • E. Lots sold 44 at 64 to tt4., .144 - 01eAlltzter sold II et IX to "N. r' Sew Work Prengweer Market, , CB7 Telegraph to the Pittihaiwkinmettal • ..'. New Team Dec. t4—(cotton stock. firmer; sales of I,ICO helmet 15%01110 for mlddileg ' upland. Receipts Flour 5.054 Wei market .more active and a shade Ocner.lgut wpboot decides:l.3l=pm Wee of MOO boles{ 14/3017,0 for ermatilue State and western* 09,7010.55 far antra Stalin 011111 for surawitaterin 1111,16015 for *bete wheat extrarall i ghll2 for' round hoop Ohio: 1111012 for common to good SC Lon% anSalliglii for good tortoise ex. Ira de. Mea l g steady: California goer steady' sales of MY mcks at $l2/01113.50. Rye Cm.' stemlyi mina of ail UM in 1174/00 MM. Inuskyaorninal. Receipts Wheats/en ten mutes- Ilim; .110. of 7.000 bo cholas amber Illchismi at IPA and 7,100 00 Whit. .Callfornla at 0.031141701, RP .nte"!::Yi miles of 1,102 ha Seethe= at 11,7&: hart., q pfetf sales of gate lin Carmla Wear at ello no mt. cal. Malt firm* Wm Of WAX Ira at al/ROLM. Receipts, Corn 10,117 Om market opened• shads firmer and closed scarcely infirm; seaOf 7400 IA It 111.11 Mr old mired west. 111 01.17 Oh new do for 11,DI • OLD for new yellow Sereem s alati for new mixed Tseueseenand Iliad for new white ' fiastern. Receipts • Oats 1/ 06 0 So; market rmer; seem of MOM boat 110800 for neat. chiefly the Inelde prim. Mice dull. Coffee,ptione Ma stesify. E veritt/In:elm :nominal. Sugar steady. and ouletheates cif 01X1 nous Havana at 1131012M1. /101/Wiew loon:r i gidly amber: se:. lope quiet at 400 110 I am 'quiet at 10!go :for crude and laiin refined banded. Pork palm and fociominal' sales of OM bble !at milieuxew eluting et 11l =di. IDIOM= for Prime. and 111X74010 for prime "mese{ alto lan bole new mess, • seller 10r' Iharelti at MICR; nail IMO bb miler for tlentnellri• It gailM Bier Deady! salsa of MO bide xi ptern-r i iip 121 tierces prime 'Rides it 50,50 0L Beer imieti mks ~.of lm bbl. Jai:11;1131AL at ,spilet and Vu e Ve l itlan e d a can, sod • ligenoEr :1.071 ',ribbed. (h2l mum, Ault mid beery) sales of 111 pkge at 'Ol4OOO for shoulders; and BO 111114;:for hams. - Dressed flogs: dialer at igyi al '0 BC western a gONa for city. awl III•M /or tar, 80. Lard dull - lnd Mary* salit of MP phis at 113(0130. Ratter steady at Isa 160 for Mane. Cheese heavy- at 11111130. Premata to Liverpool quiet and uninianiced. Laragr—Flour clewed ,moderately active and • ihSde firmer on medium and common Fies. I.Wheat very drm and quiet., ship nal/Ur back for some reduction, Rye unit at 13/301.71 fnr wutorb. Oats quiet and Inner at $44114540 for western In store. h e w rather-more Willy at lIMOL, Lorca'' hew mired western Shoat. and Da So in mar.. Pork Sinner and q01.24.4t 11:11A5 Or. Ol• mt. WWI and Tegalat n• w me. onotial 4 Inna for J5r11...7;11..°M.75 or lebrumy and s l3 .lso , iaiii for el ateadl. with nualerate demand. Cat Meats nominal • Lard. doll and heavy at IDOIIM fog. OD tO mime steam mud kettle rendered. : • • I== pry Tristrapi to the Pittsburgh %stab I i Crroarrarr, Den 30.—Tlour nnatungad 1, tiara $9,754t0,23, family $10,73011,01 trout urinated and oot moeb dmaadr No. I red 1940. N 0.9 At% No. lapringatift Own Gates. at Ilia for ear, and swig for salalgd. , Oats dial. at Ittr y o lo and wart dantag, itta l gind not maeft/Ona. Iff brat arm at 9p to bond., Noun Orrteruld lb. U mind I tat for 11000 all .. feiwa Want at RN IT gross. Vaa RV WIC matt demand r Arwood, WI idly Numb. It Mad at MT OWN; recelputtantfaa. _rtanaloas nrin. bat /PIM; Kea Mt 910081 for aid tad al., 9,,adt2OINCS Tonal ono otp Watered can not be parsomacf baMilasUltor ma; cao.. ”...14 0$ Hal gra lard stabs bought la it ;kit= -,, ,, ,, 7 ,- .1 . 1151 0 ... m..... 4 1 nOalfrita i rtr i l n t atr u anonikagettalg sr. NNW tor troatt..ola ..en n ai A ' s t . 'g' : 1 mart a u r i u ve K. wawa d v 1 I anthopermad«Timottqllacting prime M m or l92 dun 1 9410 for prime .. 1 , • ' HIT 9 9 1 to Vert on arlirto. 0 . 9 = 1 1 9 , 0 12 %1 4 , fa ll9 6' ONG. OW to •n.agooddloazaa 1 ,t l i tillt al m i .iiiiitel a ti l 4luliit i rr it 1 11"tw i• marka ts quiet.' and e rareeicty l. 1. Uhl ' ImUr %E s Z•lab ire an New Tort 1 U na IAWINITPIT,sIid onsdatalt tautplam , a, , w Your. 1 GPI SP 0.• Plualgteoll.""_ 2 a .: X •Togs. - Deaiumber W 1 .1 .0 1 , 4 -.Jag agip themsalTal raao tiw.amv , G wen 'mud to &dint vr;„l,7 2 '..pe a d o .„- tria grir5„,..,1111;415.2r,-, =VI xtrgazzrii,4.7,, wan; I.Vr in togg, rug by nog g and taged_ da..rat. g inc . g rote odo.PW 4.. good. wiltb . 41 - i i tog a .vdcla c a rki.tirth. tr. thi-tta ...110,. ~711,- ; jiht oftalaiPt , b" 0. fortieth ov rt= is cord bb --ammo 41"4"'Nr......., mad AN uhia `~ ~' ~ PITTlitDMiDtg. MigtAL XMOLICIT. Orrice Or 'ems Prrrestreux ouriqm Thrust.. December I?. tart I The Iron =win coutiouesverTdoll. mittie teatritted demise ihr the various demigilitioul. The salis mete the lightest ere lard reported tar some time. lutouldry Irons the amitami 1s onesuaill ime/1 mud prima depressed. , quote Ma folioitig Wes: , • - 11121:361 , 01711 COLL' exzramn ;x011 ' 1436 II 100 to. OE , . Gray, troll, yu1.,•040 ... re—i ma 900 '• Inforlor Fort's; deL at tot. 34 0 0-001. '• • Mom IleOlo. ' as oa-i mw its Mahar., Vai1..144...w= 01 , -4 to. Fotokry ' 35 et,— ea • :00 tons No. 2 Poundg...- 115;.. Red,heat 50 1 , Mottled XVI Iran.. 41.E1 No.,l.rountr7 J 7 task pr0..1 Sunlit& Finaucie4 Matters le hey Teri. , 111,110 Cluie4 u lux Br Tateirrsyli to th• /Ittebulth Girseltal nut Tcur.. j?„,,,&30,1897. =sir An SOLD.' • , . - Money , sales easy and ,ateady . at 607 par - cent. fantail loans. clarity the Inside rata. Sterttna , quiet at 1100IIN. la gold for amt. claaatalla. , Gold a alma., blither. °panicle at I.l3X,,adyan C:l3 g to IU, daeiwag to I,pg .d tattaloatlSlX., . ~ . Goyerninetttatocis arm with a fair hush. fleet{ CoeeoloC'el.11:34011No 412,40(040 10, 30 do ' B 4 lavAllte,i; do 105)(4107; do new 10114010 ft do 417. P)i /08%; 10.4105 i 10174Q102: 7-10 a /04%0101,14.., Taira atocks chased t• he * avy, Vartleulailylihode Island, the speculation breaking down un der tab general fropreulon , that the Corn- Tatar had besot 'se/.1,1g nesrtitock to corn.J plc te their road to alissourl, wattles cane; log a decline In general throughout the market., Canten MOW, Cumberland Sli4; Wells express 41. American Adana t, Adae 771 Wonky amn, e 35%,Q nlcksd.rl/154021; liar. ipce5.71407% raelne gall 1100110 X, West ern Union Telegraph 1110W44 Atlantic 117 K.,, glitl9,New York Central 1164A1CA,,, Erie 71% , QUM, litelson 1314. Bawling 01540104, Ohio:Cartiticatattt)9!4;• Wabash 4034. et.. r4r ( tl a ip, Prgrred e 74 hlgan g o allgbligan Central Ildnols%beatal aI,NOL-A4Plreabu'iNnti"P4,l WU. Toledo 0214. 1 11h0de Islutd 9149 V, Peefred ,Fort Wayne - Wrgelenl. Old Tenr `sat. Maser Are illil 5:20; Ed; son, 4/3, EMI (* . rah C1110).04, all at Me. 2. 010dt, other trades, of 1 sales tit% Corals werom le tor No for to S. and file for ass,. Oats quiet at. SW ilt&ie. MY* is 1020 hither at for NO And WO tor No I. Haney If doll and ray. ehuged. Hess Part StIXSIMVS. a fi re morequiet at .12.61Ual English meats more satire; Cumberland 644. sherarlbe rAc; roach able. am clear sides loy,o. areas maxi are dull; hubs 10 3 / 4 0110.- Dressed Hots 100/13a - blither. closing Arm aS - 11.200 U 5. dist:um/on 'MO. Live hogs are Ina at se 300743 for cams= to choice. • Mendota —emu bb!.. tom; 11,600 ba wheat; HOW be corns 13.6011 Du oats. .Bblpmenta-3,700 able dean 20/09 be wheat; HAS ba COM. • • , , • ' 41.111dtkineasee. , • ' • IRe Telempb to tie Plusbaral, dassikt . ' I • Ikryszo, Der.. 30.=-Ploor anti Wbdt nominal at Val for No. 2 syring,/2,13 (or Na 1. den Corn quiet with saladat 'tears 'western at 111,13 for new. Oats nOmlnal at 71e for weatern. Beni nominal sip.si,eo fur westent. - Sarieydall,L Dressed /itaramont. /nal at Malt Yeas Pork nominal. grain In ntom....wnest,2o,22obus,• mm 4121,000 boa; 0it5.12,0011 bus; rye. 14,p0) Onsl barley,eoSCO rtniadeirble caul* market. Eng Taiegrapia to the Pitestmeh Mend.] Remanurgia, Dem M.—Beef Cattle are In demand at full primil sales of MO head at fallec p,r extra- prime and mastern mama: 7'4 3'6e for fedr to good; 6 8 6 340 for oommon. beep are tearce and higher; Wes of tene head at 5400 per lb. gross weight. liege Sr. iLso per cat. hleher; bales . of MOO heed at $9,60010.03. • • .• • .. Italtlmises isaiYea, • • • Eft teary* to ree Pit:Liberal Oarstt..l irsiTzsgoas, 14ecerubsr' s3.—Norn. I. dull for Ithlpping grades Wheat 1 dull but steady; red southern $2,70(59,78. Corn I su use vrtb a illsbt,drollor; prime. Inbred western $l,lB. Oars d_ .ult at 'band. Rye 1. scares at $l,BB/21.71).' Prolusion. - aril nomi ally oechensed, With Sales of fully cured bulk 'boulder. at 90. • • • Alltealkliee Markel. retie:skeane to the Pluebarek Oasette 3 . eftzwavasa.Dee. 30.—Nottr dull: etli doh. Dla 16 eztra 19.p19.10renontry do $A,7509; es.- tea. WOPAI 1100, at 4.9031,92 tor 9m. I t 11.0314 for No. 0. • Oats Oro; ttt - 66(1157e k.r . Ncs. 7 Vora weak. at ma for now. re eel put 1.500 bele f10at113.0 , 0 On wheat; 600 Du mite; CO bu eorW. Shlpmetas-I,l'oo bbls 'dotty; 700 ho wheal.: • Cielm.ro Catlie Market. • • 41. Tele/mob to the Pittebareti umetial • Cameo*, December' So.—Beef Cattle-4bo market a dull and nominal. Bop—Tecelpta of ',pa u.a4. a':`/1•_1 1 115latil 1858. _ 1867. 11, P. lALLARD & CO., Tat WILL MSTARLIIIIIIDSTILIOTLIti o Produce Columlislon House, , • Se. iii.ditgia Ft; Nortrit, . . flano aniquallNltaaNttle•lOr Map:maga WoO't Ito.. Ls I — ronstoo .4 IngboNte• dlroct ttr - t • toout.l totontlon nirott to Bat.. Chetne. Cm. otetuaMak. nr n 71 o r n e o . N Fr n i t ßM tle , i rs no4 . al. tirade of country Yr..., Liberal Sim.. n.* un canal...tn. I CONSIUNSIEW , S Elt/LUTITED. Ttinatanats—hortU Myc ttann. 004 Nation:4 lizot ti pm br:,,,No. ;i i 1ic?..21..24',00 7 . N. 141 . Coltir. Ya., _nronawaTt UNlaol Bro . . 17414.11,!2an, 81 3 . .EC1A1. - NMCEEL ardIOFFITS urie, PILLS • • AND PEICE:DX OITTEO9.. • The Weaderfa, elle eta of karat's LIN MI6 In met of mutat dellreealon or pnlelcat vnatataa proceeding from .1441,W4 1 / 4 !CWT.:M.4 00 blhotie arcretlons, are eartllled b Di *Mona of persona Vba hare been tosneiltted Or Uteri. rhea are t moat a Coate eithaitla and pulite ever handle the padale, and bare [lrrer bean. la taw aloe. 1015. They are ebeaja,lrafe and ratable. Bahl by allyesneatable dealdis evezywbera _CLI2I4I.IC. .• A Mali: sletemens of intim I Inherited &rot; Vs, and moral at my relatioisbani died of Is to in meEme frlgnsfe4. Yemen and el ems sprttd until Mlle. anti the edviee of my phielesui I tr r ent to Aron emlnes.. 1 nutted; .obseellt—trled aiNtliiffie..o did MMus/ meld, .1 low moms OP 0000 olsi mkt ton. 004004 nos Man MIA so false It tome head forevera year. Tie discharge from two ulcers grali qe arty 0 pinta day omlaind•d; hot pronounced det gennle. 1 Ooald lot sleep. end tey seetrlngelentre intolerable: • friend Molten/ me anindlUb plpilelm .04 applled a sshe wIID wAlch pll.hed est mort eery 00000 14 ' f hospital, In lodized il.oemeomd to Merit / parsieted In Ileum Memel fettled ',Wed see enlire ter& Is Is mow LEM. '/I Ls dri flan: slam I had ho 0000004 e. of • stroleleshri t end my bunt. Ilesbeta vedette slew; 1 ikkaredtle Mo.lpe of thle..oed! red atfea—ehM'etleislne of but' Inesl!prodid here mate tteidlel Cialeen tity . s. ^ ate allow the pablle tp 11/441 or not es they thoom.. Tide LO brief Mt' undid stair mot, gimploure fully le my tinnier. • • r p i FAO& Larva. Netua oak, •Det. • . tkt. Ye, Iso. "Shave known J. IC Iraq.; ay. Clia.vva• K. 1 .• A.' , ?a..." rear.. , La Lola. alike Ina alike. or WastaraNew.Xork..ll ofirktts. Le: iota la seat hypo,. Ms au. ,vraa a vaaat tti eiavhitila ate. tat astealie v . a k every e '. rmirlar We bur wate`led . . the 1, e *T aa.jusa ara/ !Tkarla Crarla*ii 5 , kihoi , edS• 9 1 " ' l * wows,. •I UT haven, bale : " I. a• Mary no mar.* Seal Galt abeam nrir, hora4 Brett.] jj gaga, Navin; traltri 11.0..11..'arnetier 'Oa ern darn pain./ tOsenation nrl nar. lir. and taau ban. wittoa.(a-o..nr aaooW writlund alwiyarfadt. PalrUl /often a far any alas,. &nail, tadloim neraruilltig Matt in tea world: j Union.. rarroaad•J bra tallejl • Any, dtractloan, "oldezeirthrna.a way vesp.c.bi, to.nationt atwerld. Prke Oily 0 wattauo raill.22l.Losi Den torn Or r . ill tN4l. N . l t u . thl ' E . . itafti‘i 1a11ai11..1.1%...ttl . . ~ ,n, tats Oncost t,o-Billtne Hon tbo hoses of ot.v.s ♦. no. sno two 7 USX, AT. the 10110;; . % ittati. ►f. o Ing4. , '' Du= RaNgt.atro.b7 rzy—TreE Aft/64r . THUO VAS DINECTOI =,141,1=1.1 /11.01 1 LT. Jana* )4t14 ease ot.TIVZVAMII4, on is A. LE-411tontz. • norrairt.-Tia.ftwioior of Peter Crothas, 4K - iased; *pi U. Pr...4 , h .14 Noldsgirdr o troa4 TirtrlSlMT;lbe 21k day otp* OlowLoir•PloiOtt. Ann. m 40014 slitaasumilos sathtiksityas.- -- • • • '6O/I'7' ~ , -., , ,,4,m,,,,,.,,,„.. ,_.,,,,...i_.,,;74...:,::1i-.:.,.,.,-!,. Ipeßmrru'irti srldin ads: b a&t e, rir , a.::7 - 4trwi t aV i w igirifm l ‘.• 2 or-uhuh • APTU/ii.• smt to Av Thin: way on6 .4 "-- 1 • --__ : • r'; !moist to litaanef.. rot* =Das t • TO TAX LATINA): .„ gay . - • kma I=l at 1 - 201 . 1115LLSLUNIS OR L•n Turd Lan. 'OreruJi% OUJlLNllielblf ON t a u r, ...... ........ . • X.rd , lSth WS -T. Rat re, TreanTr.:....,..., Juts U. 1 1 11- ... ^ Equant. T limner .1¢..2 Tin, 1114-11. Zankll . Traetante..-4-.......... .••••••••••....t. Ipst 11k latnestimAt t o IlekisnEntide. WlTaramb . drairi .ja Treser , ....*lss Si - /limmes et Tax oa Lisigletta of 11K eredintd N14a0.. ak Silt nno”t M