II V tim Efti:m4 Gaist CITY. AM FAIIRBAN. nnill . COURTS. =!MM=S . . tatnrday mornint a petition was pre- _.'rented from Robert Hercy, &eking to be 'released Vora arrest. ; The petition set • forth that In August, ISM, he filed a pe tition in'bankruptcy, and that his effects are now in the hands of an 'assignee, awaiting adpidication under the . Biedawa 7 tgrApi : „: He further states Ott he was arrested on a caplet. Issued front the District - Com& of Aliagheny county, -at the instance of James Bradley, of Louisville, by whom an action had been brought In that Court to reonver a sum of money alleged to be duo. That sub , segnentie Bradley made proof of his cWin beam the Register In Bankruptcy lin the Twenty-Third District, and that he, the petitioner, gavoupproved hail on The petitioner farther stated' that yesterday hewas again arrested on a be piece, and Was now in tho custody of thei Sheriff and Jailor, lie therefore prayed to bereloised front arreet under cos previsions of the bankrupt act, and that..tbe • proceedings in the action brogght. by Mr: Bradley be stayed, _The Oistrumbirod the roleaseof the prisonen; but rife the plaintiff Bradley leave, to 11Otudatb his claim for. damages; If any welere,i, by rho action instituted in the I*W:id:a - nut of Allegheny county. D ttt e ttt C•sirel. Itidgel!Hamptoti and Williams were ou tbe boneli, on Saturday, bearing mo daMi;kie. Nothing, of general interest trammed. The Court mews today at yeoman Pima, &o. 1, - , A !hit benehwas present for the trans _ action lof Milacellaneous business. • In the C.cu ter Sessions James Burns, .thel %who plead guilty to three indict . plenty. for larceny, was called up. for • nenhots ~ When CO -was committed to the BogiAA of Refuge, The Court remarked *tth.n t hat the'ts. v e o ihn t i e dl e n i c c e at nm w ieti o nm u t, ‘ I . 1 . 1 t..b b e : ft s Wi thin pe aut n : d . cd todu o u ti tthl o o n nat e if he Lilted to give evi d ence ence of , improve- . . A severer puniehment would be inflicted. 1 - Michael. Bogie, convicted of assault and battery was sentenced to pay a fine ~ :of ten dollar,, and costo. tThe same defendant and Prank Ilegte; „nip for assault and battery, were each -,nentenced to pay a..fine of twenty dol t urs, and costa. `l. 1 ~541111 am Ward, Sr., and William Wird, Jr., for forcible entry - and detainer, were Iseiaeneedtit pay a line of, six cent/ and , - ary J. Brown vs. William. Brown. Petition for divorce. Filed and subpoena awarded. - - - . It was ordered Mat three thousand Sober: intelligent, Judicial: persona be se t lotted from the qualified electors of the . crn iut.r at large, to servo as theJurorsla ,ral courts of tI7 county ; during ' the ' , ,eira in y AdJoguroedestr. until Thursday, Tandiuy, .. . v . Clasistwe at Stens...tile etneteavy. • ' linyons,rs GazErrs"hterry Cluist- E• " inu'early heard by al k the dwellers In' this flourishing Seminary, The pat , te4pgor feet Were heard t4rough every hall, milting an' end to all sleep. Hui !bole many . sweet and tneledloas Voices been Weird later In the grey, early dawn; Itqwsould hafe been more ble. I soon found It wee-the awaking which knowel tio sleep.. The warm greetings and lemul laughs ilonn the merry girls for. ' one' fey free frotnachool rules, and in it ingesure front school restraints, were hbard on every hand. Life and activity 'Were the order of the day ,, was no place, I awn found, for long Wax and homesick hhs. Every face I met was • bright, chee rful and happy. All tendon gy. to headache and mentaldepresaion, to 'which many . are subject,wouldhave been at once removed by the busy activity all . end. t three o'elock the parlors - were well All with invited gums, teachers and. alma Pleasant, lively and entertain iqd conversation. 7es indulged w h ere summoned to the dining hall, Buda a die ley of the good things nocus toaned m be seen on thisfestal day wns. exhibited., would greatly modify the united ideas entertained by =any of boarding school fare, ;and bore, from my. own experience, Imay say that good 11v ing Isnot seen in this venerable gamine ry once a year merely, bat is enjoyed .- every day. All were eo merry that the Mill hours. at - the ' table primed like a dream, and, as is meal when the inner man la aatistled, all were in good humor 3 antra theinselvos and all around them. 'lf the , young ladles in that Institution will but learn to solve a dinner •as ele gantly as the one we. partook of, on that memorable day, there will be fewer . "grouby and fumy husbands" and more happy bonnet obey. they become estab lished under their own...vines and fig trees. And hem comes In another =tot advice—never ask a favor of a man after • poor lair cooked dinner. Yon will be sure to receive a "no,. 133 y. dear." We pliMed from the dining hall to the young ladies' parlor, where stood a large tree reaching fronithe ceiling to the floor, .Well lighted and. well filled with tiling] that pl• sae the eve and chiefly the pal ate. Why is it that all the good thing* of this Brea'. so opt to come In Showers, leaving time between them for a long • draught., Why do we ourselves often .. sxumsge 11 so?' I leave that - for you to ponder over.: After rho eyes were sifts ' Lied, the gifts were taken from the tree, and nano weed forgotten in the diatribe ' than. Much mentinent was clamed -by the readlog of 'the descriptions • and the remarks of the acting Erin Exhigle. Music, promenading and con versation followed, but the end was not .yet. In Atha= space of time we found ouraelven seated in the large and- =ass ent school hall, awaiting trio rising of the curtain, which Mi so many mysteries. from our inguiring eye.. But I can not' atop. ',to give a full nondunt of our entertainment there. • Two .welt. acted character] and man , • tableaux with songs made the evening puss too guivkly. Among the tableaux was one entitled, "One of the Heads of the Freedmen's Bureau." 'We paLtently . waited for the Metall,' to else, expecting ='os a nicely pointed portrait or a linely I=uiptured -bust of some - of the famous men in Washington. Finally, the bell tapped, bet the curtain moved not, and what was our astonishment to see peep ing from the aide of the curtain the smil- Ing/ Ince of a gentleman of African de . weak Anotherentitied"Beatriee," which consisted of two scenes, was very pretty. Indeed,' all were weir done, and the young ladies deserve much praise for . the creditable manner in 'which the per- 1 Tormanceewere conducted. • Thus passed my Arm Christmas in this 'prosperous inatitudon, where are many happy girls. And from what we havo seen on other days, we believe that they not only haregood dinners, but aro well and thoroughly taught in everything that will fit them to be Intelligent, 110:10[11- plialted and true women. Ms arras Illeintern Besl Works—Me . - =lnc Liberly,Stran, . . Mr .Llf.. Johnston, proprietor of the .Great Western Olui,W reeentlydei . troyed by fire ? respectfully announces to Me Mende and the public generally that' be Liss. see sued the commodious • sales'. room, No; /250 Liberty street, in lhe Academy of Music building and • resumed Illis business with-an elegant; large and jildlclously selected stock. of new goods. -The 'stock embrsceLgurts, pistols, reVolvers, carbines, rillewand all the scooutremente kuown to sporting , men. The. rifles and shot, guns in store. \ imitable for bunting pu rp oses, are Teri yinsperior, and are offered 'to the whole 'isle and retell trade at remarkably cheap' Priem:- Mr. Johnston's stock of fixed AtrlMunlUon,. powder oases, cart ridges, bruiting pouches, flesks, Ac., will commend itself to those desiring_ to e r*e -anything' In. the 'Liss. z% t giv ing the fired Western Gun .Works, at their new quarters, a purchasing visit. Au Aerie • setae Present. Nothing coulds • Noise heart of a smoker tbaii a Chet .• present. In the way M i an `olegani meerschaum, cigar tribe, tobacco Pouch O • box of delicious Havana- cigars. Mr. O. .111tirnenschein, leo. 4 !Seventh street, hie an elegant as- Mutmeedief Meerschaum Pipes, Tubes. :tar Cases, Snuff Boxes, Briarwood ,an Clay Pipes, kn. • Beside*, he has a .• stock of cigars and tolucco, of all the favorite brands. Tho stock la being sold fa at spry low prices, and devotees cribs weed; who desire a good cigar, or Choice brand ofchowingtobsoco, will find Iflumenechein,not only willing but fully prepared to supply their wants. It may be proper to state that. the Meerschaum PIPM, some of Which are of handsome lesnlina, are wernintod genuine, en that es purchasing may relyuponnbtaits. into, such a pipe AS the proprietor rep s, • Moe. fee the 101 I days. -', •AA Gio Calico fbroomforts. * 1" 121 c Dark fast 'colored prints. 1 " L2ro Dark delalness. , . .• i 1210 Extra yd wide bleached muslin. " 20 IleaSyyd adders:atter ticking. " 210 Shaker (Israli. . " Bo • Hoary plaid flannels. ' " SClo Wkle•French meri o. i , " $1:00 Go Waterproof otb. 2r,c Beautiful aontags. " tlble.,B,1101).• good bawl g. IPol,llna, Alpacas, Daasim rep,' Jeans, • Table Linen, 1 Inch Linen , B oulevard -sktrts,•Balmcasl nod 'loop 'tarts, Un derstdrts end Drawers. Bba , Nubia,. goodaXandkarchlets, Glpvits, Boslory, .. Telinnangs, Netiems, dc. A large as. ,\ "tmeah'whalesale and retail, at Wm. Saarole's, .180 and 122 Federal street, pilheny. . - . . ~ eo n s larnon jewelryrattle fee sea on Tuesday evening next at Grus ll *pmenate* at City trate :10 t 0 4,1.2 every evening this week. Tr. time r trouble and money might be Raved by purcluedng at 112 Federal street, prime (leaned ,ta Vegetables, Cook thg and Dessert Raisins, PmiseN Cnr ?unix, Citron, Extracts, Jellies, Prs serves,.Peach and Quince Jams, Orange hisrmaladelensed Milk, Extract of Beef, Choco • English and Eerican Pickles, Spiced priers and Sal 45n, Ba llerina of Shrimps, Amitosis. d A. 13- ' chory Pute, Extra Fine Cream Bon bons, all kinds of Shun, Candles, Taffies, Dates, Prunallea, Sauced, Fine Peaches, Pami r Blackberres and Pineapples In OLP jars, Olive 0 11, Ginger and WainntCandy. GlonnxßkaVExt Bt 112 Federal street, Allegheny. • This Morntsc.—Balmoral Skirts, kiir's dosing otit heavy and good,.reduced sae. t 025 $l,, at Bat- Ittuassume stock of Ladles' Furs. dump, Kt Wm. 1 / l emln4rs, No. 130 Wobd street. 'Down among the dead men are, at this moment, the:Hands who might have been ale and well hid they used that great life _preserver, Plantation Bittere. Let the Dying lay It to heart that they are the. est known remedy for all dyspeptic complaints, stomach , derangements, and general debility. /Ma delicious cordial, combined with great tonic virtues, their anal cannot be found. Delicate reinales, • Cl ergymen, Mer clumta, Lawyers and nsee d tary habihs—partleularly those who are weak and suffer with mental deoreesion, 'o greatly benefited by these Bitters. MAortumw WArzn.—A dellghttel tot -let arttele—eaperlor to- Ooloom. and at half the price. nrenr:F • Call and Examine the large stock or !Adige' Fran, at Wm. Fleming's, No. 130 Wood unmet, all of wtdett are being Bold at a great reduction. • I T. , This ateralnp—More of those bewail tut Barred Flannels at.. 2) meta, at Bar kw', sale. ! The Poor Little Samar Will be Immo. distely relieved by using Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Mr !children teething. It softens the gams, 'reduces intlamma- Son, cures wind colle,•allays all twin, and give& the child quiet,Matoral Sleep. from which It awakes invigorated and refreshed. Perfectly ufti in all eases, as millions of mothers can testify. ];enure and call for "Mrs. Winslow's. Soothing Syrup" having thefoe-cmite of "Curtis & Perkins" on the outside wrapper. - All others am bass Per to•day only, oneOonorrench Merl nos,' 50 yews per yard at Barker's grea •ale. , Great Cloalag Outaale of Donn Furs at. Wm. 71eralait'a, No. 7.39 Wood tareet. Three Mem—Messrs. J. H. Morrla ez Co. take pleasure In announcing to the poblle that thg have seemed a new of doe over the Pittsburgh Ravings Bank, 186 Liberty street, - oorner of Virgin al ley. These who propose to convert their houses Into corutortable- horns*, will please call and el - strains for themselves. Chief ollice, - 190 Liberty street,' corner of Virgin alley, branch offices, 114 Smith. field street and 139 Fifth street.' •It This mustang, a 'Splendid Shirting Muslin for Mil splits; at Baricer's great fur.. Fun—:Cheap,aiWmMemlog 1391y00d *stet. 4 The purest and sweetest Cod Liver Oil la the world, manufactured from fresh, It=livers, apon;the sea stoke; it is y pure and sweat. Patlena who have ones taken it can take n o other. Aak for" Hazard and Quewell's Cod LAver Oil ," manufactured by Caswell. Hazard Co., IftrevYork.' Sold by all druggists. ' ; MIS nusinlng., g reat barged= In Silks and Moire AnSqnso, at 'Barker* Great Redaction in Ladies' Furs at W. Fleming's, No, Lgi Wood street • .TLL Morning.—Red and White nal; 30r.., former. .price 500, at heed. Dor Cloak Department Ls supplied with the latest styles materials and trimming. Ttle eruperiorityln Mite .no winkmanship orpiment. made y our home Is eaMblinhed, and we are oftbriog great bargain. in ready made garment, J. W. Hannan & Co.,— . Ca Market atreot.. This Nornlng.- - Witerproofis reduce, to gl , at B trker's semi-annnal sale. Something 'Good.—TLS boot, shoes, gaiters, &c., for men, ladies and children, kept at 1313 Market Street, are made of the very brat material, and sold as lea as the lowest. All goods are warranted to give eatisfsetion. /f you want 1101210- thing good, and at ld prices,. call at Robb's Shoe House. t 9 market street. This Mornlnc.—Dress Goods as low as 121 coats, at Barker's great sale. To Titudeoile Buyers of Dry Goode .00 ortofferiogspeetal Judi:momenta—Job lots from the Eastern Auction Sales—Blmwls, Dress Goods, Housekeeping. Gaels, )fen's Wear, Stdrtinge, Prime, ems.' - J.W. Bans= et Co., . - B Hamel Hamel street. - _ Tlds Nornlng.—Wool Long. Shawls $4, at Barker'. great sale, Dr. ♦born will be professionally MIMI rooms, 134 Smithfield aimed, from Jan uary 15th to the 20th. waW For bargains In all kinds of goods, do not fall to vis't the mammoth auction emporium of Smithson, Palmer dt Co., 55 and 57 Fifth street. Privatesslee day and evening. • • .' This morning, be cure and visit Bar keen great sale., • , Ontstitation Water is a certain cure rbr Diabetes and all diseases of the kid neys. 'For/ale by all druggists. arwr. This Plorning.--Greater bargains than ever, at Barker's male. - Call and Evitanne She large and - plate Bluer. of Ladles',]run, at W Flemings, No. 189 Wood street. This =arising, be aura and. visit Aer keen great sale. 11 J.• MMIMMi comlimms :4:r7"11 3. A. elms, M STEELE & BOL A, 'Lorin, FEED. ', • Raver, Lad Produce Neuman,. So. 011 /310 wins= mar /An Como.. ALLZOH3 . 7 01*. PA. renta I. lIICZLZ, Kra, & BITCRIR T, . OOMEESSION • Float, Grain, Genus, Freed, &t, .49 man= • . iarlideff rim; • Wt". PA. ..RENny REA, . 'I.OE7I,.GRA , And Prsdnee CellUllastea enchant, 211 craven mu?. BUZOH. Sty?, ROBERT KNOX, Jr., 41.34.25aUr1a . FLOUR, MAIN AND . PkODUCE, Ott... tlf ST... PI L . • wuoLuzr, AND =num, ca. pa. cv.ci in Pa. as, 880 Penn Street. Ara. hrDATE Commission Jltirchants j .t.M114 FET'Eta & ASIBISTRO. ninon to ammo maim MVEr4.o4ll:2lltt 2. ll=4",pt° l . is=tetrenoxesareg mnr, tuband.r.. tees E. s BC SON, Conuclasloat taLEOB AUtTesad t. YLOOI3, KILL VELD awArEODUCiresieral th 1(0. It Plaaaatl. ammo CMV1112.111•• wafts. 10 trill DAV. CiIIAWVORD: Conunis. orrewut im iWalinos,lMl L AN tad 4. LAY, to. War.. 44.4 14444,_1105. 304 w. 3811 YAM, BYRUM Mrs. ,CaritsA44l. MIRO & - PATTON, lai ThE s emus: Oassalimlas Machu's. sod Ssalsrs Is Praises. Yloass. (.11Sessn, 4^ Csrtes ud lartl levs, 21.11 Ikyttas YAM aa4 Plltsbeult •• ._ sad lit • • •nd • '+ • narmcsa—a. i. sh iumaxa. PEIIIIR & 8R05..41 o icoesson D gni: a /` s: °WM pprejgo Ma. /has sad Ousabeelna- WoOdWe. arj:Zietidtr MIT JOHN. IL CANFIELD, Cceilinds. do% aarrartuna amma sad WWI. NW ft/1U WINGS. •Nauresirate•ftr-B2to r . Lara tr llc. Ilarlxi. r... Lot, l ig a 47 . 5 . .Ifoinliand LOME stnnt, Putsbur • . • . EDDLTeroatitit Liberty Wboimial•=ls=dattlr . ..us setranowl esWripuma batk ii=r nuance awn, ERI3.. re. ivirwerz. BINKIIII AND BROKIIR, 118 Wood St., near corner of Fifth. Government' Securities. Gold, Silver, And Coupons; SPGght sad cold on larerit tent, D:Vit told m Li the prlacival eiCles of Eursoc. ur.cri,] )3oFts _ GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Can reaßte a PROFIT OP FROII TiV r iLVE TU Over Twenty Per Cent Hy Core: Ung them Into Facile B. B. First Mortgage Bonds. JAVES t BRADY jl - ,C3., PActrre trAiCaii;, Fourth & Wood Mreet“ IBA B. ilieVAI CO., Esast.32.ls.eris. HI BMUS IS MEW? SiffillllB, Cot. Fourth aud Smithfield Streets, W. VIII Iro tnldrn of JW ANTI JULY S tent. to.famsary mu and evo I ' dlem In .1 00&000 3-20 /112.11128 or 1867, lawman GOLD ate par mat. from that data. MIA B. alleValf & FINANCE AND TRADE Oton Or turn Yrevenuttou Otarrs, Savatuty, December 20. t%7. —The trinkage in tmtnetelal value; on the score of eentraction at iclitto cane to bore been eintekid, and bolder. of desirable mer ehatallse are tneoling themselves with the Id.. that, though trade .rersalt in abeyant, Orion have apparently touched bottom. The corral Treasury It now making heavy dis bursement., en Interest usenet. both 'of soul and curreocy; and, but for the locteted ship• menta of the former, consequent upon the high rating of elOttanna and falling Or in our en. port trade, the premium mould .probably fall to a =nab lower —Distant. ane.working more freely la New York. The banks are making lost upon call. In same cans upon Choice eeltierals at ■ per sent., and the street rate for prime paper La Mrou epee ce .t. —The Weetent money market Is very clone. Rates at Cincinnati In the open markii a. /from alto nipee cent. per month, lose. 'at 12 per cent. In Chicago currency is eery matte. and depositors hire drawn very eloee. Rates are a little hither there than in (llnetn; nett. At the South there I. Ices stringency. In New. Orleans the, Danl. are glaeounilag Oselitlted ratee are falling oft —Evora August fe to November Al, MI, 1111. Iwasaki received 0,►11,007 barbel. of 'Fleet (lenlading ede,tirt barrels of dour.) In the nor retladdlog _period of 111, the receipt. were 7,017.9a1,- The increase this rear iv:.fertes bushel. • —Same of the Nes York papere eyeak of the rotuflUon of the money market an favoring apesulatlrii aetlitty, Ampreially to canna, sharer, We lee It put dome that '•the earn Inks for the eleven month. eadlng .1111 November, of fourteen of the priaclpal ralloray comps:ilea averaged $l7l per mliemore than In the roe• teammate g month of lees." If thte ato,ll prove true oa • careful eisittnail en of the 11 tura, it is a feet that wlll do math to brink rollway Monks Into favor. y. —Thslphla Lodger, of Friday, ens: Money Is In ample smoggy at epee cam., and In exception:it Mita b•lsoces are employed at 6 per cent. The disbursements ot the Sub. Treasury on smount of Interest oo 7.04, and on redemptions:lcon:l:m..l notes, barn added to the resources of the hooka mbleh, to ene.. nation with • very limited drumad for Wisp xel• Purlmell.. has tondo the money market ex• teereelY b.). where the right hind of Brellirl37 le offered, the banks montitum to discount 111 lbe food paper offered. All eeeorrd clime paper dinixmoted with much diftimilty. emit. I:h -et/boding the admitted full. slippli of currency. AfffrOechiffifilimrmedsprfram present Indies• tiona will be et by the bents with a good exhibit. and with as little effort, probsnly, ae firer before. —lt eppesn that new phut, of rascality are with:malty conking to WU, and noon the gold npeculatota here to be on the alert far than. The following run:shalom wan peened it few dere ego at the gold room in New Turk en y, to reference to • new opal.. of sanundrellsto which It explainer o Whereas,. wooing fraudulent telmraphic &grata. pu La give the price. tel. dently fictltious ol United State. bond. to tea London Lnarket hare lately loon oublinhel and circulated to the deriment of piddle and. prate rr rat• leteets„ oßeonlyed, That a reward of 1500 be tinted' for lha detection of anlPart3 or Patti , . guilty clam:clingor recelyieg noels frauduleut dia. Patch.. .ti re to deceit,, nod that any person connected with thin board who may be found guilty, .hall Dc rapti/k4 1114Medbitlay on conviettom” IPITTSBOItteII DIETSOLKIIIII3LegiIttIf . . Orvin• ov vie Prrrencon Oauvra, / • r • Stream?, December CM; vac. i ..,) j.. 1:111:0DE,The Market bar been mode' Eel, attire durbile the put week, the sales I the aggregate being la 'little carter thee for me trete grfeelatut, bet penes hart aride goai little or no chaos. , To•dey, there Ina a mule sale reported Ira Ws, on spot, at 0. During the early put of the week thin ere ..viral axles of spot oil at 7c, 75„fe and lge t but they were made under paattilar etronnutageta the purehannt were "abort" tallereomii ei delivery. time, was near at hand, they Ifeie famed to buy la order Ingmar. themselau. Therefore, FAO may now be regardedaltbe ruling Quotation, and even at that, thaide sad Is not teller. The Myer being in ogee ant sonditioa (or navigation, c atelderabl• all ire'. red to-Gay in bulk boats, Amor It le probable that .the -tempts. during the next forty±gh, boon will: be large. It ehould be bo eln / clad. however, that the great proper It of. (hie all 11l be pot Igen old rontruta, • that the qua:salty to he thrown on the market will mat he ei lugo Oe many have beeo led ti; be- DEFINED—There l• no iniprovemen Id we regret to state, to note to the loather; fat bonded Oh, and while the dome of btmtpesei to the eateentf, I. companttively fn sefl- . reel, price. are without derided ehulge. rot ell le Atilt quoted at gee fir etanderd leht o de. livered to Philadelphia, which le toot lint to i tir about atlases Conte, fee& on boned est ,e. Daring the 'reek two ' , lines , ' were solda '4234 fee 'mousey; gee for February; ;mid 20 ' 'for glared. and; We preedia, that the aue d,... tiveria• would still unman& three figures. It is poesible, •• money natters ire worreti 1 1 much muter to Ito east, that an harem, eat le near at bud, mat oil, ono wools LOD . IS mertaleily • safe torectment at preys tog . peieen There . a fstrjobblog among for tea oil,but the tranesetions we motel? of I obigdid -0101 character, and prices are entirely oda: nail . at 4ty 'Alt Bar- William . . • • ._ . ARIIITALSThe arrivals of 01l by rlver:to day, were. follows:. 3 B. D. Uaehran IWOI Fisher her l Dro ' IMO . rilawhLortev Bs !Pols. Jaeliwo at 8r0........ Millers Edwards.9 . oooll Jes. Wllkarie......zest J. !I. 5atath.....154411 D. DlO --}} e 1 Total 10.04 Total reoelpts fer the week 25.0/4 Total reetlpts laetw.k 10, , i 'Dud reeelpts slime J. I ' UV 3 • Cluelsmail Note/. (By Talmud, to the Pittsburgh tlnette.) t Comorawn, Dec. W,—Flour unChangag, dull and the denoted dette Ilea; family 1110,75011. what In light supp ly and talc demand, at g 2,50 tor 80. I d winte Corn quiet' gale* of new ear, at 91c, map 'Melted tide; there is a 'thinning de m and frig. the latter from the east. Outs dull. at 54c.. Barley In good demwid, at 31.106/1.70 for fall. Cotton unchanged and, in mmterate demand. et I33ie for middling. Whiskyag rt,v 15 bond. "legs In better dernand'ealeo at 6608.75 goose, and 117Y408.0 natimeetine 1,160 head. Provisions unchanged exult/Wet. dale. Goa hbls old men pork at new ' held at SO, and more firndy. Bulk , meato nOminally unchmired. Lard •In demend, held at 12%0t cormary 'sold, at • 124; steam head lard sold at Bacon null. shouldera Win; aides 111401 clear eldeal2ge; Nothing doing Id green meat. and the price. nominal; none In the markeNa.Butter an• changed; freah Ohlo Warn. Eges In better ettliply and lower; closing at Clover leen outland the prices Ouslinings nothing tint a retell demand, nt ii!VIIT)in. Timothy and flax unchanged and quiet- Lidelled ell held at .I.o6,generally, hut buyers am not willing to pay this Price' the stock here, With the crusher. In the Interior, in large, Owing to the unnmally lerge ere' of nerd raised thin year, and the light consort, ptlye demand. lord oil Orin, et $lOl,lO. Petro dull. at aleglil7. Gold lnt tan; buying, e 0114 lii Willing. The demand for money ben s‘ lien off and the market le enaler. 'Dyclousge firm, at per haying. NI:J. lo litarnel. ' 217 Tal•graph So tso . YlStoborgh ttissettes) Sr. Loma: Detember o.—Sobaliro_/VllO7 little doing and prices unchanged. Cotton nominal at Mc. ginm remained imiet with a very small bnednees; auperdne A 5007.00: antra ISA; double and treble, extra Cabo 011.60. Wheat lower; Inure at 112,6301,73 for Priam to *bole., fall and oPring eatiialY antainali aales at e1,0001.91' for prime .10 chOine. Corn !rtator. with tuts at 88019.10 for shallot:l'ond 70OT1c In the ear, the latter on tar. track. Date Mahar with aloe , sale. at 700730. Barley unchaagadi sales at .2(1) 0,0% Eye, no males; buyers offering a1.f.0 Previsions dni and weak: with small aalea Lard doll, Pork CIAO. Macon, shoulders )0014:Ci clear rib 1214 e, clear Wee /ft, Um latter can be bonahtat a fraction leayi *agar cured hams 100170, Any ealnal ahem:. Clem ale; dear aides packed Iln. 00000 better demand, buying at Ogeglelac for light and henry. Thorp araa.: during the week 15.780 packed unt. cup to the prasent date 410,030. necelpte-3.403 bbl. of Boar. Igen sacks of wheat. 2,000 hue elf corn; MO buy of oats, GAO has at barley and bCO hue of no. Dew Torii Dry liootte Market B 7 TAU:emit to Da Pitubore, U +tette.] Nam lota, Dee. 2/I.—TIA Dry Good. mar. kat every darn and jobbers tool the trado are tooldly tuning stock. In Imo.. there in no particular change aside from thaws no ticed yesterday. Liaht and irreaular makes of bleached andwnOlcacbed Mmllns &rude pressed as are printed Winne* but heavy Drown Sheeting., Canton Fl annels and Dallis maintained their prices with tn- creased firm:new Woolen• of all kinde - end La Meted Onala are lacking In ectlelty; and booyiney. Dome ,wertern falln , es en , re ported to.day welett have bed :bad erect. Chinon* Cattle nlaCkt•L MTlegrapt. to tai I . l.l:roftb 4i .0%141 Canoaaca December 48 .Ltveillogsmoder stair active at 0,9007.15 far beet grade. and B 144546,76 tle for unchanged common . to medium g ra d e s . eef Cat PM`tilitiEGß MOLY 41AiETTE: MONDAY, DEOMBER 20, 1867 JAMES DAUM & SON, 69 area 7O 'Peter Street, LARD OIL MARTIFAUTUBIE3 . AEA...tees to C.11313Z, LURE:ICA:MO sed tLtIeSUN OILS. We veteent oar T.l LW. VII &OW to the ..lreateneel. or other breads. to tell se low clectenett ChICIRSO MO. leer Leta ea Latolcatar Cannot be Leer:led. licit erect yabnutiaß and stsuelerd breeds Or (katen rnl conotsolly w Sena. • firrorsota. on , lawn Maurer, nlll and It to .their Incrreol to ift_re at a eall before Orearlafg 1a.r.11.1n .'rot the Wort. 021 ==! Omor ar ra.Pnnvatraos . SATIMDAT. Dftember 23.18,11. The general markets have been about as dull as usual diming the past week, but we hit,. atrong hope., that with a full revumptlon of navigation, heavy ahlpments of coal and Pia* burgh msnufeicturee generally, that a mat.' nal Improvement Is tear at hand, One thief le mdttini money matter. wilt Do easier, and this he. been a great idrindisek to business for. some time put. In Values, theta have been nu noised. aunt/anew, but, as • amoral thins, the tendency Is d6yrnward. • 011AIN—Winter Wheat la In steady demand, and the mills are Ulan 0.11 that otters at 01,50 8.465 tar fled, sod $1,60(11C,(15 . for Whltn. - Tbara la no demand for Spring Wheat In this market. Corn la Cull and tweak, telth a drooping ten dency; new c.ono: ha quoted. &bora $11:111,0S, and old at ft 111421,18. Oal• dull and luifer; axle oft ear at GalievKlealent d. untrobrit dli. posed to pay Above in:. Burlap la in good de• - 11:1.11A.i 1 1 4.0111 i.• Spa la Ist halter dsguilid; salvo at 41,45. , FLOttillhlle there le no Improremeit to note le the demand, the matketlr dull, but pticea are towhee/red. Pre quotriat 810010,71 the Sorter; Sit/A.0120 for Whaler, and. Ili** MOO roe (their brande. ftye. Flour, aB,ert per bbl, and Buckwheat Moo 'per cwt. One. meal, arm per cwt. . . FEED—I. atill,.and to 'pretty good supply but unahaogedF ars mutton* to quote at 111,6VIallor Dram 11,75d1,16 for Seconds, for 1111111 pin DEESSEDROC/S—Ara belog toil to Von at. Sat% For tell to prior brat , '34oragini. DRIED ritUlT—Uoatinueg +ill - but .no. ohnorrit; mod' aalta et Tt4G6o for ApPitt, .b 4 10012: for Peschee. APPLES—KoMalthmandlogthe demand by tailed cia. little .4 Om samtptiata, prfees, as yat.atu uaeb.gid,taagleig trop{ u 1061,a0 per bbl, as toqualMS. PQTATOE—Uto can report sales at $lO 1,10 pas busbel, tad 93140,49 pat blpe,O4 HOTTER—FiIms tar abilcalloll Is la . rals wand, and may ba quoted at 410125. DlGS—:sores mod bald bleher—aome hold en are asking It,, but quotatioul map bra BAC/C/N—ls steady but unehangitt; we ann. Utiue to quote at 111...012 far Shoulder{ for Ribbed Side.; cod 11N,apt for Sugar Outed Haw.. LOR.II-10 quoted at IR-Wheat LARD Of L—lr etill quqted by otabufatto era at OMEN, roe No. Land 41.100143 foite J. BEANS—DoII at SZLIOYS,• ~ c . . . HOMINY-null at •167.60. °RANT muctv-: -oeti it ;man New York Preemie Merkel, _ COT Te.' , ..raph to tee Pituriss9fafiesettea - Nan Tone, December N.—Cotton • shades Smeary sales of 1,900 bales, ki 10,:e fere Pißik Mink uplands. Finery retelpm 7.073 , 11b15t common 39 1013 lower; Lair-, of 33100 tints, at til.Nitteno tor superfin., SLAW and western; SO,TOtelPlifi for extra &ate; 119.112011tealor extra western: 113.,^3011,3 for whttot wheat extra; 49,70913,0) for It. IL 4114110 fee common to gOall St. Lents. and 41:916 ter wood to 60 vice extra do . elovdO it tie let. " Nye flour inettkr{ Wm of Me tibia at 47.4.474.60. California Mine quiet; sales of 110 seek, at 112.10015,50. Whisky quiet...nil nuclusused, Wemtt; receipts ISO'' oustif.mmilket 'rather More active but without decd.] change: seles.of 11,000 bush, at 42,]6x29) foe Nu. eerie:: 51.1.442.67 for red and me Merleespy; CI,ISLIS,IS lot white lltedgan; 42.11 for drum Soutnern, and Sible for new estate Denton. Ma. Nye steady; sales of 10.110 e Mph State wt si 10. Darien quiet. Malt qUIPL IWO steady. Corn; remispui 515,6te Mum market to lower; bola, Of 4r..01:1 busk, at iIIAIDIAN for new ratted 05/10.1 eatiat; 6440 101 oh/. do afloat; SIX for new estern - SaOOyetum; SOS for pew patio's Sontern watt. western. U st i dull and drools-. 'Mg; receipts 2,0e0 huabteales 01 A 0 0 built of we Mate at Sloe to afloat . Seise. Nicn quiet. Coffee quiet. Seem. Semi sales VP at WeI:DM. liolaues Meetly, sales 150 Obis New Orlemis et Res. Hood quiet, nettMenat steady as lON A ter erode; and V.4,140 for refined bonded.. ;teal glides. sad me:hanged. Leather; hemlock lade quiet at '.o'.. end rpic for )Iroooo Ante LEM wedeln. Wool quiet and firm; sales of 4i9.0e.) /be at Nalfec for domestic deem Cork quiet and steely; salts of wo) POD atirk),ta 010,015 for mow, Moslem tit WOO, o+UO. 15D.07 torprime, nod 619.:5Q70,00 for_ prime maim; aim= Mils new mess, teller, Werth. at CiN.5O. Berri:mint and steadet 'Wee fa bills. Beef Dams quiet; sales 175 Obis at 6:9 1371 liaeon Inactlee. Cut Melts Mall; antes fur at efret,4o for *boulder., and 12(e I:Ne fur Mime. Drawled ilmis nnetoosifset at liyien",tyie for *einem, and 1D;12 , 34e for city. Limo dutl; eabss WO at as /2301.30.. Muter s,eady. theme dull and penny. Freights to Liverpool gales mid un chumetL .• Lermr.—rhimr. &Menai quiet with r a de: d fining tendency for medium and common. it heat Is quiet and steady. will., sums Little export enquiry to codiploa freight tavern. meet.. • lire t1. 73 01.2a for ...western.: Ont. dnil at /13 111 "Oft, FIPAO 400. 7 for west con. Cot n le knave at 41,3301..7..ie (of now mired weetion afloat, und CO for old la store, and 41.40 stoat , rork le wile,. and 11 ' 2 . 1 7 at tai.utiff2l for eadmeee. Doh agd rrgut.rl sal el of 200 Milt Imo nsimPli for /rob .lr-what:Au -Beef leateetly atilt moderato domain.% Cut meals aro norms ally unchanged. Bacon laqUiet and den, Lard Owed eledi and hoary SieilsAtalifir for fair to print. eleam and kettle. rendered. sleep a. (By Telerrent. to Do Pittsburgh lintel...l Clemson. December Di—Floor lee, Settee and 'Olio: hitcher at 11 1 4 3 0 1 . 26 fm` Jo. 1. thEO•feel,ss)f tar No. t. Corti easier. oloellbe at Vic fir Yo. t, and fan for deer. Oats closed 42.0 2 ..- Dye tuba mad 20.10 400 q,, closing at gl,be. for 20.1 and Iliad ter No 2. more Ile.lloo ate, ,7101,74 for N 0.2. Diarist°. quiet. Aisne York $23,70 cash. ta 1 .21•321 for Jantory,deUvery. Lard 100 12ydo, eliding at Outside rate. Green `Dear. ...oil Dams leinDllcoehoulds. af, hulk Ideate quint; short beinic me Moe. Dreamed 'Hogg active find 000 it Mallet,' cloning at vaaaezzo. dividing on an lbs. Derelpte-7,0t0 We floor, Ofigo Md. one 4, 41,1100 lids aanros,wa hog.. glitpmtnte—],ool .' Man flour, 1,103 hue wheat, 1,190 bus nom Bow Orloon• llarbust. Trtegrsph tonne Pllidigrst.owrosta./ Vxw 0... A... Dec. ti.—Cotton ,tn satire demand and oftortrig. twatisitliwahtsOliallet receipt.. 3,u5 Osier; exports, 2.friti • Wert Stigar—ortmtoon,lNGlft; f .fa11..17X013; prim.. Imo m 4. Holahan actin.; 06611120 D te.. ebelec 71c. floor owe/winged. tl'orn— llo Ipti46llo. Vats dolt 0.1. raft Port —no sales; quothd st SV... Bacon— shoulders 11 , 1A111116 at lON. cleag.l,4o. Gold 1177iit Cit.-dug nominally 111:412147. Now York 8103 EireJalinge =C:=C2I ===l Tez.nno. December 28.—Floor—recidlite.' 1,11.13 Obtain. nimket In quiet. Wheel—ls celptio.'l,oso bosh; the market In quiet end firm. Corn—receipts, 13100 Oath: slit mare Rot In dri better, sal.. °V tattle. at 90mr; new.MCM:e. and tor the on [h. Chi. Mel for the firMt ball of Jamie Otle—M m.ipm, ion busby the market unchimuedi paint at C.D. for No I. Sty...quiet; no re celmn. Bunny quint. Sniiem—Babte of Mtb Ter at nc,Mati,M, Drented. bode, 71411i54di LouSaville IlieetrelL ... ~. (Or Telearv,h to the rttlebaiTttelaitette.) . . Loo Isom., Deseember V.—Sat....Of *I hbds' Tobacco at 10(416 for lame to rnednini teat' Cotton I 0130." LlOga hoMilloll aL.41144e. Mew Pork ell. Beale; Shbol , foregle. dear epees Ite, hew Rem. 11.14016 e. Lard INe. /... Dult Mesta; Shimmers 4e. eierd, Bides e 115.5q. , Flour: eeorrdee .7. 5 00 , corn: new • N u . .? 2:41 1 . 1014:0=8 1 5 . cr ,.. 0 1 blert.7442iLt!aee.:, littiroultOOissitole CFiz Telesrsph to the rittebarsiktiasette.l Iftt.wsoses, Dec . ; 01.—Flour iloUblet ext.. O.tigile.r.o: tom Cry active;slSS.Tt extrittlabt6l. Wheat more for No. 1ye1.61p1,9t for e0..2. Osta firmer:. MO. Nit for No. 9: Corm lower et 531,083.1 u for 1300 thullett. Beeelot•-700 none; Iote4o bon Whesty 1,000 hos. Oste.• 1.040 boo. corn. • Bhipments-6;120 Obis.. SACO boo. lirbeht;l3,UM bus. Coro. • Ilemplal• flier/10C rny ieleerapt, to the ritiab4rgu Closett4.l Marmia.'Deo. 28.—Cotton Is firmer st 1534 *lmo par lb. 'Corn It Tier. I.* bu,'hay le 5n,u04,23.00 per ton. Oats te724180b Per bn. Flour le 17,ta1410.44 por WA. 'Pork Is 422,Q) per bbl. bbooltlers are Ile per-- Cheat, Ter lb. ~P les aro 14395 per 'lO. Lead lie-22)4012)50 • • • • t TeeKr•oh Om , Pistalaarel ttuatta.7 nu.sont.ror.....Doo. 21.—Floor riot. tof. %VW:W.I.s tolltro .and .1010.1` , rod "rya7.N. Eyo , rontutylvnnt $17:01.75. Cora Inactive and noclaartgodt mimed ca. torn $1,1401,81.. Onto tmattatogod..: Yelroltt. um twcbanticd. ' - • ( -- . lleiltlnnOralaiorket. inyi . oierrapt, to uterittsberan Umatta.Y' liaLmnoan ' Deo: '.D.-Flour very 'Mill. Wnoit nominally, uncial:mem Cora digit nrlmo whito ill.Wal,2l..min nominal' at. 59713 c nye nail at a 1,113. - JYrovielonammy ,et: east Irtromstarre In Tr,rirrerts to Lae lisialosrxe OseXtea. aexoraoo, - Decomber7.7.—floiri; some export 1111W4113d; extra $7,001:11.00y. *operatic, $5,7507,23. • Vilest term et 11151,010 4 . " Ito, nor*, export darn end. Legal Toodorelbß. ==3E • CB) lusrrsj;.ll to tto rp.iitn in Ilarswa, Tiro. ' n-Bacon ` IlilTl4lo per owl. /lose. 912,15012.1.0. Huns Ito for °rip oary, and ale for sweat sugar erred, Tallow . no. Sugar Is lretilsollog to antra. . • =Z9=l:9 . • 37,Te;e,yrezpla to . Lbe rinanargl 4-Insane.) flerrAL:o,'Ne.lo.—lfirket anllroiy,n9 nnl nna no ebnagn. • .' - JOSHUA IMODf I. I 0.01111101,• JOSII4 11110DE,S&U, Dialoteyß,, BAILEY MD HOP HPALEHB, OR a, 382 Penn strut, PrITIIIIIORUIE. PA louse Ilebeas Illtreet,orartlAs !Wit Work $2O, 00 DoLLuts—s2o,ooo. 117.VAMLTunsdi: OM D,:tpuesatlate*, , ~ , ~ .. ..,-fit d n -of $20.000, .:,, : en p Tem. Interesi pay ciag- IMMIE stlosally APO) t TIIANCIS: City Centro 1:1!3,3 Financial Mantra In New York. kield armed •$ 14336 (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Oasetia.l . , 2finr You, per... 18, tie/47 . 110 Mosey to eary'st 546 per Met. for 'call loan., chiefly the latter. Sterllog firm and kulet at 110/2110/4, gold; for first elms bills. ;Gold lower, opetoog at I=4, and closing . at Ma. Exports Speck, to-day, 01,118,0(0. 60,513j1MES ISTOCINg. Withoit daeLled aimige; Comunii P51.:1124; auVol; do. 412 ,105401C411,1 do. '64, 10.514410.5%; dn. 435. lOSNCIIOB. do.ool, 10M.4411001it od. 1040 s, 10%0102(7,10o, loOle 1041 i. The demand Is active, both fOr irputetment and to cover piton contracts, especially In 5.Z0 bonds. 'I he 1062 coupons are 105%11105% regular, while 1074 is freely Old for delivery up to next May, nua 107% for seller, thirty 'days, and PM eellor ten days. DANZ 51,17.1111i2117. Loaes.PLlCo9o,992i - Inereate,44s4llso; 5ee c1e.1110.971.9M darreaDe, elrene• tlon, 514.13..400: Increase, I 115,^99. DOPOI.i[I4, il78.731.101: ittereoSl9, 41,0/O.6uS. Legal Ten dere, 460,057,994 Increase, $2,919,649. STOCXB Were quiet and steady ;luring the day but Ginned armor. andhlither. Erin waststrooz. est and Mick-Nana weaken, Express wa. lows. Tbet gollOwillk are tile quotation.; 501:190`41 tinuibtirland, Wells Exeunt, tiStliiiii4; American, 7:01077 , ,i; 11 Atlantic. 119; W. y. „ :1.... ‘ 3.5a637; IC T. F.. Erin, liarith,Bl647ti;.Tolmlo, arltaifid; 17.1 ,9s-xe. 19, N. W., aijit.s6; .10 prcrizred.7i47o)4; k`t. Wayne, oz. 01X(1.73i; now Teuntneces ttiiii Idtmourla,99N. ntnuo iia•stu. . kitting !Mares quiet. Gregory MI; Cory don 91.123; Edge 335; Gunnel 1h entlM Parmleontni Dariiiooll 41. iS thsocipis of the Sho Trcashry 0.1.279 Payments. $1,673,235; Balance 11104,240.S10; Receipts 401 . Uhl track Werelo/117,15.744MT- - Ciente for week Were PALMS: . /mintria tar the week In try sendswere CW.644 General merchandise 01.914.545. 4111.P017111 HT 411411L1WA.44) • la-VV./MD JOID PISIII.IIIOII RAILUOAT, December 27.--1 • kasa • tron Ole: ;Bryan & tßtuabeyt7 do do ; WH Shoenberger Blair; hdo do, J n Otkr a 1Yo; 3 dremml bop, JO. •Herbert; 6 aka wool, S Bradley)l Oil wine. If Hoffman; 10 haler; huake, Vim Noble, A 0,,; 63 tma rye. Aleatory a Hoed; 2 tall Cider, 3do pickles, Voila a 1.1c70 bli lead J Weldon; 210.1 oat., 7ffeaunr & Harberk la of bale lard. km du, 5.0110 a Newllo;11 dream) bhge. 1 P lianna a co; 7 plow., John 11411 & 0n;63 tolls rope, (loalrey Mak k; 631.1.011, I T UMW al i aaeka comb Alellane_ /va a AnJer; 13 Ithmarr; op a, M 1 'Uzi Mame, Valat /valor-2 Wm make, alrbkoka, ores 43 Co; 72 Walkerme, Wm Bingham ; It eke pearl. ) Bryce, • Co; bait ezke..J Graff Cot Ims; almeware, F ahey, Bra a 4do do, A. 1) H linembere; bps. peg.. Wm • Franca a Son; II aka unions. 6 bole do, Vangorder & Sbepard; 7 bine der anima dal tmeal,.lllo cam Fetzer Atmalrong; 65 Dbl. green apple. Head d ear; 41 do dn. a Ililddla; 4 bpi. dry aPilaat 1 .k esia,.W H Graff. Prtgancten.tiocultnes&Coronwsgin B. tr., Deese:loer 2.3-2 Ohl. whiaky, Pluedpit ittaw; 16 hhde sugar. 14 bbl. cool aaa - , 111 1 1/11. worth A 1 ;016 1.21.111A55, 0 .5.A.011 Spy. olelar,lll.l6l ./e . Slot 0 bbledned frulll,l6llo 4 1111•4 6 4wsiort 10 skit el ft :163701w har Ayy rel 2 L 11 Ilobiron " ..rat '6 do do ' ,NIF DAtill;ll . 4.l; WC, EWthert; P. bbla apples, 2 tuba butter 1 001 egg., Graf A Halter; 1.3 W. raw. Idstlcia, Illekwo►Co;.bbl. 010.2,1 do wed, \role a 110;1 bbl. drg /rule, 111 do apple, 23 eke oat., (lamp a Presort ear eoro, Zel Stew A bon( / d ay ;odLlikvaitic ZIT akalarlerAgowiewA,CW Kltel If .ur,.7 , 11 Doe; 1 w dour and toed, Stewart & Lang. helm: . tied o, £ W tabor; 7 bola. Oct 17 do do, Ke 66 .7. Childs a Co. Prmar Towe Wisi.•& ()Sii on Denraibercire floe, eie we pawl, 123tolek d 00:1 do de, 13 . 73m0 &Dinghy"; t do de, 3.317 n Merothredi Gdo do, Jae Wood, Son ACo 1 pkg tr.hawo, 3.1 Dilwnrth a i_ka Lam' WC! 4tiglpLae butter, Vanwirder A Shepard; 23 bbl. Thos.* 6311ehe0; 16 Obis pane, lilaKse A Co; lot apples. Voigt A Co; 141 do do, W Klett A Bru; 3 aare Ilmecone, Sbsroberger & Dlalr,bo b. clew, Cotter, Mc haw A Coto pkg., /1 Rid: dleDl.o6l. lttaw r Camp s, Yawl 2 ea. C2l hoop, poleA'2otlotock; . 2oo bbl. Ilwar, &Waft; I b2l butter, W 11 Dirlipatrick, A Co. - eciewr oath, Li. a., IWLYMbei 7.4 1 fartron and oath, itrlekell Col C .0 oat, 12 Welsh; 70 dodo, 25 de rye. Sow. (Deal 10 deer, EC Gearhart: 6 rw• nom., .1 010 A Beer; 44 eke net., $ Chwrio a. 00;7 do to. 27 -to rye; Matra ?Weber.; OS Mee esta, 41 do ere, tip Einehltat 11 do do . J 8 Fldebi 11 big bitch, wheat How, w'iL Butpacrwit a 01.01 11 haws oat., J newel; 1 bbl butter, Ido eggs, 12 Di: kini 1 kg butter, 1 bbl poultry. Paul a Glbsoo; .64 aks rge, J Glean; l car tow, Abbarselizr 8261201. Deese sates he.-lot bowler. J ILltodes & Co; I can wheat, Kennedy Broi 1 ea. lone., 12417. A 11n.wetwo; d , Auperjew Irelgelaf I ear; dinterred. 21 B Suydam; 1 eke enter. J Pt Ilen.111:11 lir wok. oat.. 91 dr. mlllfnd , W Magee A De; 2lc gall. menewas, Beektle'd A Niels:we; 3 ears mend, Leen, 11•111:76. 4.94 upiwo. 12 W . I•oklown; 1 ear Innibtr.J dom. broom., '0 do Cwt.., Iluladown at Co; 1 eat Pirressuca gab Cossenwsn.L. li. R. Diseendstr boll chwtritit.:J r Olat.: 00 .7 S Finch; 41 se. wheat, W 51:. Doe A 001 1 seek coffee, S P Shrivel . A Cc; pkoe ernekers,lt r 30311310.31 A Co.' iNtiIIRAfi of WESTEIIII. ISSULLASCE €XL, ‘iFf:4%4%„• lit•CNutrol4.l4aiioi. m. Al Water street eeteg a Ca.'. wan dean, Op Andre, rutstrnce. Will !en sAAlaslitlA!ads et nes wsd HAS.. SX , 4 .1 teat lagetr.llP. rsattee.dese Otnedes r,st.J , le u‘ S..Ams Us IA taftennAn. LA eete stAnsan the shaf . ;7 , l,? ' ,; ' ,W, '''' .. - A r nr! ' ' =mei,. As utterlax tin pennons:sea to ilnl ~ 2,1z.k..., - : .IMs IL. :SeN.,.. t t - At k .' Uy, ..'. Is 4 br11,:1.11,.: ---.•- •.",,,,,., : , I Jo AUI. n, taLla Xtr1v,......11 Atitte.velLeAlirr. P 1 ,,,... Darlit K. Wag. '',. iVrt• Nonlifula. p. una.s. ear .. ':M.... A E.-SlSCRT...4actit.l, Brx . insxmaLvir . COMPANY , BANK. Aro. 43 ohto Pit, Allegheny, Pa. Alen of. Hamer. .1. S. W. W. rolftwal., ' • . 1 ..1W I.autwe. - • GAO. D. 41D1J1X,D1.00.7.'' JIVNRYt DCWIIII. pENNHYLVANIA INS 117P.ANCR CVISPAPIT, OF PITTOOLIIttiFi. . . occee,,lnttts mires, Ibitaft•Pitoe3.4, TT.IA t„ielVeXt a.. .crazaitY, sadfurvrz afal•A' ZW/llitilq;1S11, raoldett. • cf. O. -b1.1.L1 , rraTlltts. I.ll,Kin'T PATISICK, Trentrarex. . tu. 1 V u'4 4.l4tit,.. - J. C. !tonert.ratt4u, avqo (I.• /MIAMI ,• K:vr, • •••• '- J. 41,, P , ••••'<t 1 .7."" 45a. IL. Harlan, .....11.cmnt. . Hirarrare.l. •• lacti TIDIEAEIPTIr . AGAINST Los!, BY FIR*, ItANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELP MA. - bpioet ena tukt.tirr enzeivirr IA01" W. anackgr, litardlWlL H. Leal,. • Tables Wauter. • yttritt b. Dm.. • t=lL -6 ,;411 ‘ 6: "U= .4 o ' . LNe - Unlit . .. W. elmnu....unirg• rates • • V4 11 111 1 71.,1,1,r1, , , 1, 54 tf,V,ZN: Wbl. C. i1irr. ' 741“.27, eiNt . inuy, h.!' • - • GARDNER. EADVPIN, Acetit, vaams PtcAtoveiinr. - "tint A Woodn..s. ' Ataxaktwir satovueaver• co, nak nnoti 1 . 11,,,,1 . Wall; el bll2<i) 0! tiro 1140 V 44110, ora ;l3 w/ N . 111MAlsna rm As . --,-- ' fial.2 li. ;ANAL ' • ' lILI E, Si. 0. Hill's!, 1 - -u; p i e7y 0 Uta , , , 4441, ,,, ?. . LIRVZ. 14.,.... - ~,,...,,r..,, FRIOPLE'S lI4FI w;r o s-M.7 PPIE, ULU ncr co. xtuxurza aro moan 'x'...Y.3no Nat A.l4] inton rattin., gt; OUSIPIIIi D• • ;ant. John i.. 111,...1 o, ...,.., C.1 . A61 Y. 1.111[1,04 ' l ' lln i l .MVii ' nk i ViTt; ' M1_ 1 ; ' ' • P111.1.1.1t 0. riy,al,yet, Arr, VA , r.r.?:Ozt. 1:(7:3..17151, (1 W... . nn Ch. —.-- Mt4MA • .Inhit W ~* .:r.o.paciptiza,.. • • 00)f. JA B . 'B‘lolltlPli . MELIF.TEMPUMG .frnzimicrovi - 44, , SRI C ACHI iiI*BBURGH 8134 . 0. K M AOEUSTE TEI tbe ' el , lydlreelfrons Abe balk fed leant the preparation, by waking. no. esssaer nw.mori And! , ardlesdass,Veti Wawa , I . Vrelsb)y, {vain% alert m tht ind ,ard yß~la 'N~4tl:lCot •y ttltlr'wp'y(ttt't i L [ a dowel, td « tn t7:lll;liPitAtr:AT - Int.4i1 1 :1; style for strensall earlererrnaerranneelersenreing V ay. , etrystlan, giflng full Inform.. ' .7 7 7; ni.; sr titan. • detween Penn and Liberty sls . nets, ,Lb. Y grrel' /19179 5rr 3.8 • 9 099199. 19911299 - 9 . t oTIEE IlrllZßElrt"rtxrEN . na. Nix re Pet peal, Neloipa! 1.1.0 63•Pasku.s. WQ sco . commit dem J... 2 f7let;IATS.*Ul yo Upoptikistax:aaissiatatiKur RlTTenumiil, City of Ilttaburgh, , ,•''' ~.. V I V 9 irrasarer et t.ba cuy wuri. ? 4.1.... PA• s. det:ha fitlEltEettil, -- :•'. • 4 11 0 MAIOTA C TPF EI t . .tio :sorra, E It rAza.A . AIITHITZ A VI C 4:7 4=4. PITTSBERUR ROPE WORKS. FULTON, BOITIVAII a, C 9., L=l2=3 COIIiDAGE, . OBLIK tura, TWIIII 143mhbua0. 114 & 116 Paler Mt I= RIVER NEWS The river fell • Pith!' at tills point daring Saturday night, but was swelling' .gain tear evening with fifteen feat by the Allegheny and fourteen and . a half feet by the Monongahela 1 mans._ The weather tuned !somewhat colder yesterday. the thermometer on the Seamans Bridge at Warped four Inst.-ening. Indlcartng• ti degree.. - The Lots. left for St. Louts yesterday with en neell.llt trip, and the Leon Leort cleared foiParkrtsbure. - The Carrie Brooke. from Zanenvills; and New - York sad Yorktown, from Chartnnstl. conirttnte the settee!. Up to 'five e!slosk Jut evjudny. The Leonides, Kate Putnam, Dela ware, Columbia, Camelia and Silver Cloud are among the neat heats due. The tossbeit• Grand Lake and Borer have el. arrived. The Leonid., Capt. Shedd.. I. nation.] (or New Cries., a. le also the Kate int.., Capt. J. 11. Lightner, for St. Lout.. The (Pend&le arrived at St. Lamy, from New Orlinne on Ytiday and le loading foE Pitt.. Kurth, end the Importer le alp 'outing at Sr. Louis for Pittaburgh. Thu Selma and Armadillo lett Cincinnati for New Orleans on Friday, ro did elect the Kate llohinton, for A Louisville telegram annonnemistha anima of the towboat Miry Ann, from Pittsburgh, with 10 barges of - :tatilanibleli was mild Clin% • to lfe t afloat. The Leonidas was A4cottised to leave (11n elonat1 for Pittsburgh ion li:stunts), and the J. N. Nellullough mai announced to follow on hominy. The towboat. Brilliant and Butte' Buchneln• the former aseenalag and the latter deem:idiot, collided at or near Etaleuton, on Saturday , molding. The Brilliant, It le uriped with but hale briery, While theißashnall had her tow—coultUng 'i . of three boat. of oil longing to Johnathria CialLagher—coulderahly emitted. Time , an all the: particulars we were able to .at. The teotoste 0111411. y and Louisville. the (mow beloOtins to Jackaort a Bro., end the lacer to K. D. Cochran. arrived from 011 Olty on ' Ssturlsralterooou—tho first arrivals on tbe ptnsent rise. They both brought dowti tows of anal. Thai:ohs! dhl not lamer for. Many On Pet_ day ereaieg, as we erroneoullY reported. She did leave on Saturday eventuff,Sowever, and that, too, wlthas fiery lived trip..: • • The noel ttme Dose. Collier. Sam Roberta 'sad ores. 11 ounaerrleed froi, helper on Friday ofil4. The Sam Roberts Yell again on Sams. day, And Char. line., Uoll:er.. cod .life! Houma would {it ollt :either Saturday alittOut_Sua. day The IP•oeuteu route from New-Orleans to PitteSuigh;paised Cairo on Thurwler: The Emma N 0.3 passed down for New (Mean. the It Is supposed now that the Jolla a too bad. Lyda:diced to to raised. Sbe was Inseam' flu CMG/mitt ottlies !My 1111,00 S, and ha:lineal Gala Bret to lasi out of the Mott Inteeelliful Malta coo ever Jr:Soria on the MimiesippL The Cincinnati Gatele, of Friday,sate: Cam. Laugh rey buildiug a new olde-lehal member, at Allegheny City,eapableLeariying 1:00 tn. Mottle to missive the met 'rimy of the Mar KM. • • I The Camell• left fee Pittsburgh last evening witht little or an (tetra, but expects to take na twn hundred tone of iron ore, abate Ports. mouth. When she coma oat scale, it will be for Nee/stills of St. Louie. The airemoger departed fur .Pittsburgh last catalog. take C•pt. leme whe e lnd Chatter-Bobo w ills ave charge of theoa We oily the following licinstrom theCincLo- Clonwerrfol. of Friday: -. fie. of the crew of the towboat Lender, nmard J oho Orr, aeldeutaly fell overboard from ebb bow of one-rof het coal buses, imd eta drowned at'Saurdey ettht.loam/elle Mwilsoo, IndleaC, It. reeldad to FlNeishytt. Capt. blaiocansfls yew steamer Deicer I Lnulatibe for New Orleime co her Oral try, CO Janus ry alb. The A Gorey, Capt. Lew Vat. Jermlft, will be bora to-day, and lave for New Ottawa •to.rdsht. She will t onl thirty to/wain. she la nearly loaded ake The y • rtawlttio. Garr. D. 11. Swaney, will allio tw betegtomPUHboaeh, with • lull sad' IS pas grm to.NewiOrlatoo. bavlhg tam la • little funtitnn, The' li. fr. Iltulsour Capt. J. T. Russell,will rattan:la Plusbursb at - imou trolley, and will be betels', time neat trip. and rare to her remits. day, Monday. The Flary Maws, from I l ltleavese • CM Claws foe Sates:vile, LbulalenCe ffeert/ Estee, erbiell Mink ann. 'Week/ 'slue, be.Oppar Ofito, has been tailed and repalted. (tartar, Seltt Is repented to base parchased mreek of the Latidre, of the underwriter., Mt 03,70 A . The Little . Reek, reeeetllr sink.' Whits Met, at CLarendoo, was built st GM, andalas known as the Flotenol No T. The Government pum.hesed the bold and macvetled Sec Into • time:lad, aid Weed her as :tab mall the Innoloatios' of tow, whoa she was sold to Capt. Jas. Tormly, Neale reMslog bey, mid hit to C Ipta. and It. 011111 Capt. linire.Fn torn, aid his intorat to. Capt. Jaw S. DeFle, At ll:etyma a her las the Litde Reek was coi ned'. 111 eabwal losurtd tor Wale 'telt emostl awl Now York crams. The bar iniej. lege was traded foe SIJOJ la the Great It. Inaba caleamv, of' St Latia • mew laetitto. mon. The Matins Company. of St tome. had SIAM Cola no the teen, it'll,. twat was on her downward trip, math' the dlepatek does not state. E- Capt. Grmylll. Morrow and 011ver Davis nonght . the erreek nf the Amaranth, width tusk some rime atto - near Donlphart. The intro Dud wen fl , mD. The furniture and goods on [ward ate {mite vaittehle, and many arthrles each at ender dentate by water. 'The. trittetonatt Conterendul," Of Saturday, nays: Tenney. in • utter...edam, . while flolght• are romparatlvelY .eree for XII POLS., at roloutody fotoo—too,loot duet.. All steamer. lost money teat peer, and from present ImlleaUone, the ensuing semen will prate more dlystrouo The On., lteponite wee advettlsed to leave rime Orleans. for Lottimille, tibrtstma. day. The. St. taut. Pretoesol. of Friday,uslu Cent. Trani Burnett brought the Importer here, the grid &meal frem the pe ertippr Pllerie• MOO tore bout two weeks. Sh• oon her way. from (anther when low wet•r and lee f l oe her Islay Loom . Ilembure, floe miles above St. lnipteln Buraett went upagate, arrive.; at the boat on Manley; brouthr her down el; mallet and found a gorge, and took her hack and laid ner - tol. Ue want eerie the country to{{ re the 111 . 1nols, and expiated It to his witlifsmlnn. Returned to the boat and humid that the gone a had broke. loom on Toe.davi misled stoupnod 'embed toot In ealety,•findtag to;, feet all the way down, and river rising below, out statlneary.fit Ilamloard. The Anna White was pumping up, OW about to stars down for St. Louls. Mire, Item.. • • CRT Vete(riDlS to th.. , Pltla'aorca Cluetur ) Lovni. Orcemboi M.—We3thet cloudy nrilow. turon., Deo 41.—Weetthkr quit. cold 'ct l,l lclunCl7.. Slyer rtvlog enh it Toot ' to colon LAVISTILLL Dr...tuber 'Meritleer riling white fret of nacre In the canal by the mark. Then:nomme-la 02.. . • The Louisville Stange r IYompeny °Mend.. nod.! It • ahnrter on the 27th Inst., b eleetlei P. W. Streder, of Olnelanatl. Prealdent, W. F. H waft. of Louirmi4 liaperlmendent. .on .1. O. J0b....., of Louisville. Be.rtet.y .4 • • STE tall* /ITS, • • VIII NEW 011LLEANSTer e t i —TD. Una simmer LEujiltlag Pant. UN Sll enannon` Will le•TO. stun. on / trUtinUAT. January Want ur 24 40 "1141 ;1 1, Z ' X ' Vt,g117. 9 1% 9 Z13 D. As: FIA I UNV Rn A o ott N e ! r ule • ZiiiZt HATP. PUTIO411" pt. J. 11. Lionrsio. W 111 Iran. as allure on No It 11 .6.DAY.Jatuaii Ifor freight or postage spplf On board or to :1 1 . 5 1r..1. 1 2tL e ighT001). I #o.t.• MYERS, HOPPER & CO., 111moroottes to 13. 14. 13 (11. 4 3811, •tent, d,t1711 kern nE eti or VIIENITURE or Every Description. Oflig)11, 'ANDOFFICE OURNITUBS No. 15 Smithfield Street, rrirrnmtqwn, /STA fellassonts.tor pllutenrottk Masai* Immt Fornltn , e eOnstmlllAocltintl IrtilT/ILT (JAVIEI rITICEZ. • a A. rectrrzu...4v. L WILT. PRIRTIIIO AM WHAPPIIIO rpm' VIJIH•ri.H ., KILL. UTE HBICHVit.LH. OHIO. 11.1411.HITUN H/LlOlll . O/1. 2 . 11. °Frick sri D. WAPLEIIOI.IISH. Pio. 82 Third, Street, Plusburgb,fa. '..IiiryIrTpHSI.itHIHT HAIM?: l'icaldeut. NO. 11."L1V1N144 . 0/1. Troaa% IMMUNE. MI OULU, Hatrelm7. DlACc7o2.A.....wilat Hartle. John At*e.ll,l%, H. 11. tin., Jo!In LAylnitoson. Jcltm/d. pus H. Merlidt. IME.MSfi;I;= SAMUEL :a. SVICILEUSUABI Droll 33rscrolzer, 134 FiTnt street, , Agent for the Aisle el 00rarre.U.'"Uoneetneo, es 'Zdeephlnt. LabotlO.. unne.... Manner.. Odeddon, and oVner aaaaa ofkaLtirulte, Tout.. toghter Coke and OU peene4 U. U. (Tharcoal MU lUGitth._ • n;tlrwaanta .1•11 waists ressoansuir .on . 121,0 :MDR PECK, - ORNAMENTAL .WORE.EI3 r/JIPIMIIII4 Zourtts It onAttoor from Wood, rlttaM . no en,' A tettgal.......e.rtatea , t. Il T es wink 8..1, ..t.Ttet ...mammon • tyisty . e. Ilatr.. • .L•dfas 4 -5..1 italithanan'..pir-tmttlurglia Imo neatest ORDINANCES A --- - - IC . onDectlicil for the to 0- mit. Peeing and ed‘toc want:m . .or nuseh street. tr en its toter...ten at eon ...wet. southwarnly., to the Borou rne gh line tne Borough or Lawrence 111 e. nitC.lote 1. Beet eras/inset owl mooted Ow Hoodoo.brouncit ef.e/st D of t . Lawronery. a, osd el to Aerate/ .. ,- ”ai ..- thorftv of the sew, at the sitrePt COl.l t., in coon anon with he Harem li Stentnat . to nrne tbeT e'e ...Ten, he and etutow red to tell,. sib, ...Ir. t. °penal. for the gra. on VW.... 1.0 Stun, wit'. curt. that port net W. 1 ., bur.% ee ten •sun Item the liltel.f l Oe sEd atract with A., o ~,,,,, agraet. eat:than. Ay to the borough I tee and to coutract. that ear wita the to Nest and tn., bidder, at Stab al.- or-Stun. 111=11111 at. enen The% th exports of gelding geld Went [hell he veld oet or the 21021 U provided for be ernittoe onlinetteeee en f or i47VlT:nle ' n;ig, " :innigettt s Ve 2 te t e b e:e ill 72:LI ' Xt l n y e fh7tAgfi7 c b stli'. , sold t; pronnrnen tel the Igt front thereon, sod eqmprised•ed betanding d anotnne etereesid. I eacmuu Z. 'lb•t so room as the cost and CP. toots • or Dar*Mt Carona. geld wireetle ateertalned CrP tic Ilnrouels Ilegulato, It • he his dote to mess awl !thrown. Me. • e :Wong the Seven! lotrholdrm otrolter pro/ferry forsera street, areordlng to,the rule herria be .fore lontesod, sod torrropott to glee natme thereof to the otiose Or o errs of Bald lot or lota mrprotlTeltr. br to the tats or guanamm orateh oworr., and ulthe r ltleh meet to tee Tr./ammo ores. Hare./0. , beeTtoo 4. That It eurll bo therOutr of the Tr...titer of ral.l.Noruagh on the relent so mole, to tante fetid( to be ren to the p• el t.. en whom meestm the hate Iron 92 ad at ale e• said. that uttlitm the if of snob Imre.. totem aro paul to Mot to if trio Osp. from the tarot loch oldie, Le tooeted 0011.01 the same I u the rummer pros flea op tow. r .1. (I N . II STUN.. Burins. Attegt—/I. MCCAN. 111 tk.l sonmeevale, No •4. 1 •. or-;h01 AA SIUPPLEIIIENT - OCE pa 0.41 the it A. D. RUT, en Wad —AD 0 ~ . . It.. eigur. Lay or/1.. Ulu Pl. , ." t. It ded rd and Town orAvain e.!. s o tl f the BOIVO ty 01 and It Is he ...by ena ll4 cted W . A. Whet Ito of tee.- , e. That • o other COM- Int to ha I receive t , a rule! ege .31 Int.rdticln gatt intend borough )n-.. ,petllloll WWI the Laws... Wile die CoOpanT rrouldadi the sold Lawrgureellle H. Comp. 1011 'rural. gee, to the .11 b iron h, and the ..111Cens thereof. at so too rates at all ttoecaa hot° on rtt rust!, or thet :Tae soy shun here*. ter he (Panel, by et...copact... •.'larly 'W.!, and peyote., forth,. too the Lawn...lll.e U. note 000 7 Shall commeve., an , prosecute 0p.... S h all n mo-tbstrout I , prosecute passage of this °Ms aster. • Oka, Mg 'I That when any Stroh. talteor alley or 1 , 1.1000000 h ahall , kbe op ent d the sald (1.• C.. thy • ...an. ot. 20..41. In length 100 fee.. for the pure... of laying down. rel./.11 and ralrlng t o e pipes vonsaeld tee name .hate t,. kept ueo tor olostruelco for 11t , 03116, length ti Mee. hot ..11 Itt • eeeleted and regal ed. and .11 ...bid, end dirt oaos 'hosed by [pi 'opeateg 01 507 .rO.O, lo.• or 11,7 at of .0.1 I. ah• 11 rremurtly and epeed- - 11. removed by the 1.1,1 Uu Cumoanr , at 111000 Prof son, ch•re.. PICTIONII. to the otrautalf or oar Street. lane r a afrrare rod. lt i o -IC Oa. Coro patty shall II of •Il neeaa Iran . ;trees Inf. to orota.et the Urea ft1":1 1 rNad t :11 4 ' ; :o9l.r:Aa'a d b a t :tVatrllditTargt! a Itlale • r fro•k ,on o 40.atur ore of sr. for the on). aua . lo. or go t b. sq a1t05...• to endanger Me ffnuferty any clthelf Cr become penile unit •11•0. • ‘1 , 4 irline 4. Thal for any violation a lbe pro" risiona o ..r I . anco the ealeitias liorotrate •oit ..ron.nOnvietion it tree( before way Jo. .41 fore. err . hour , eonlinnailon tbereor after Suet conviction, the further also of nit" dollar.; that u:e ree.ettsiylor ray moat line or told bozo uR m a iur •n.i teen:al. to irthi, tato • deli ten. - fur any daroanes winch obey may nava 'attained by anti violation Queue proViSloillOY tbla Orlifilanea by the ea d flu emotion,. - AN 011101N , INCE relating to Aa. taw laying or Wive, Mu. thiCTlOrt ist. be a orttolaset out enacted hp of NU•11•III and Totem (hunefl of las fier.ve of t.rooreusetlte.tmiut te &reap sawattattflPtaw att. Vww - tly al fat some, That from and aftwr two pu lsate of tnisurotnanee. the Laterenoevillt (Aris ta, ater'e tospany, of 'sheaths:if leanly to of Pe o tyleas It, oft al: hare onset r and a• lttortty au up Petah: it taw au. atre• le. I•ne• anti Chet s tawl borooan.sor the our.. of litTlog d '' . .• r . 4 T.ta and , rtrttrlng Ove.altalt Otoo. mat, and' antiple oft., and he - eaval and aa. V.l:4 " ;=;4 ° . ept to sitt4 highways. ttetuts, laves and .alleys. through the tx•rense uf the oriethste hereby entitled...all by 1 • 'Sleet at \the cost or said ehrtar - WatuttOtilttu. , • " w•cTitet‘T. , Thuallit. flarrelleOf : 71 :71.1ttll:Pfrit . ?=.1%=.717p;' ter Company; 1., name of the Hargett; and Coane:l et the !tor...ago I.![ Lawry neeylll.. • . • e. C. TIC*: /UM, lturgcaga. J. )IcCAmor. (I.t. L+r•re-•plo, Nov.% 1107:1ril AN Of DIVAINCE . . rel":t g to the lan. u , of ss Firs. I.l•Crz. 1. S. It .I.hrisruf and r rafted Ira. Bia.ga • odd Cossseir of Ida Benispra of Pancerffa. frallearrrit lha• en rufEafter alpe ., n Y. arate rlfa orHeade, (117 Lasrrsee. r O grii; " te: ' l n a r .e 721 7 " ;ditral h oPI•1714 .; ':rrte 5 % . : - .11.7 down , (fort sr the Our , or laying . ro-Isylee ••4 repalflodf. foram:lA.ll pipes. =We and sanplf plpes. ant/ the uffinal and 1..1417 ••le./1 Oda... hal tberoolth, for tirpol,loa lioroditt or Law rTocertllo. zed the .111 sec. thrreaf. sod of tee trl• scent hr•orlded al dateless or Irdury doe, to seldhlghwaya ~ , c a rt.' .sn, •hrl 1.1. r vs, tnrodah thecl eetrae or tse orlrllrea haVehr arant..4. shell be repaired at er.avor tlsa CctensaTl E.'""gh l Me Mlop .0% , , of toe card.; otoe II q.ar Company, In Its acne a: e Per,. • .ft redact: dr tee 4...reser/ht. Larr rte. 0011 e . C. BLI Yllld, Bantu. Le Ccans, I ra , rett,• alt. 2,7. c. M. ' ea, adi MISCELLANECiIIS TIE FORT TUT LUMBER CO, - • • $124,000, Aspital, 1 ==!MS L =TEI ==22 • TIW foliT YITT boviwi , put elooed TWO THOU •NO TWEZTT Y-0 , 16 ', U;EtallTtl DOW WSW ty‘forto.Ootwor. sod erect. there /ark., live.mck ss.. A/ as. now repented In PINE 111311'141,, tow/ of ilakt sad illtem gtp. OW iustiaUfts I . llmld be a. 4 dr,atea to WiLIGHT. ****** M=MI YITTBBER;6B I.IIPORTINS BODIN AII'L►BLOIfZD lim & FRIIAY, IMPOILTSINPI or GERMAN, FRENCH AND SPANISH WINES ANDi LIQUORS, 409 Pena Street flUsbargh. ' . !ITI.1(71111 EDT genet.? <A trot) le; rope. hal ...e ler.* pureama. and aerfeeted arrahat meet* With the follow Ina . 21 . t case " erWer.lll - 1.1.1111. Lie yin Oti 6 Cel...aperesa, tibg P rieraWid YP "" 11 , .1ah.• etere, ',4 11. e 2 11 •ar .A. ..Zelitlt. .are'ati' ththe"alr. Hoek mad " 2- " 4 / 2 (;1:11 . Vil..Wtrel'A W A R Angr- "7(.117:',;f.:4'd°2 6 ` Inr z b!, 1 :2: 1 : * oe.efeeled lersj i seatenle•etth %hin or rail's*. ZrtiijoultP. 'rzil o t""; anal lEr eat eeemartilee of atteeseolteitVe 4 TOViIIEAT GROWERS. EUREKA esimpriutEkiteis uper-Phospliate of Lime. miarurAcrivimpair THE ALLEGHENY FERTILIZER co., SEW&BD & CATIPBELL, raorauroxii.i . ............ , ~ 00eo, 856 Penn 84 Pitt s b urgh, Pas urgh . . . • . . ~ Tba Imn Yenlibber gin.. als/leetoutle.a be all Tamen who have is W. to b• L. elaulard fur &War I.Ta = 0 1 6 .4 W.. 1 El l 4 UalaLmut. Total... f 4. ,We. homage aW 01 . 7111tU1W2X dr0111..10.t X pamab i l:l .atallslag ltaranttril Slid Ilx.elabinvtattlaiell DI Max Ter tuao,, cartv of able.' Itlil be vest free to .7 'Acting am their mien.... . , .': .• i .l lrbieleect2lll:t. 7E•ma. SOMA. SALT PAASSIACTURIA CO, To GLISt3 BIANIFACMI234,-, E. lINDEfIMG? ED having e t w a t., 4 the soloAs.cs for tea We at Ike • ~2 0PLEY_POT CLAY. sr ow moored ritittlo IT. to/ iinnatltY t o o winning to procure thri superior Article. p i ,,gimictc h o these= .. tgau: bar this • Ismer Ample for lots than err In that Lye,: we.. davlng thews] Sr &reran -slang or eth mot. roe thee. mt. iend tome asting. loNt as irtherard taw roontra. 'We will !acme remota Seethe proportlor Or Ira Misters of Ms May to Perthee pretummx• CUT ts ground sag mouthed re i br i Mra z a WOE. rcrrt Pitt Glue Works, wtal Weallirstoo lit, Matruh. Pa. -I s -AtTiadalB. VIRTIL but, PITTSBURGH FORG AND IRON CO.,_ IKAACT,M111:118 07 Bar free; liellvood Fish Bar. sea Bolts; Boßrood Car Axles Boiled; liallsosO Bar AMIco Hammered I Locomotive reattamc IgeliMettlre Frame hips. Bide Boils; - Yoke., Stroptg BIOME. Haien,: iiteasObeat Plhafta; Nteoesboot Cranks: Piston Birds, Weisti; Pltsootsltirs, Golfers, so. • OFiwg,No. 177 PENN STREET, prrrosnosun. PA NATIONAL POIMBRYIGRAFF, BYERS "CO., prnn wctoitEcs, Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, \ AIIIVIIDI thy of NOVenkb, ILlAUCl•ziastive Corner Carroll amid Sine Haas Streets,. Ninth Ward, PITTSBuRGH, PA. tiEMICXBI9Ete auxusacratriume OZ Cast iron Bowl Pipe, FoIt.GAB AND 140111 VIOBHR pip•• ars all mg v•rtical7y7n Pltt., 1p pry. Matta 81.4 L /mai Z i7 telllB. AIN. • fall Aron. Mint of WWI COMM PSI QA9 All VME ng:ril:AMAL,W=Vii*lVir° NEW; lIIRDIVIRE DOUSE. ; - Lindsay, Sterrit & Enwer, manufacturer. & Importerli of , A RDIATARE I CUTLERY, &c.; 37 LIBERTY STREET, . cscrr. e Naar. litlew Union Depst, PITTEMIBerf. ..+avm. PIinsAWII• eaii ii. SlMpuTal STEEL I=L INGER, NEMICK CO SST BITINED C4BT. STIR 11111111,, nu an man ta ULNA • MrIZA.T. Cr101:11A1. CUM /111.0301110111 SAW PLATES. • =urn° AND szxwmurno RAILWAY SPRINGS,. Cud SPri*ll 1 1 104, Cast and Roman 'Plow iteid; mow w - nscs LED itcrwis sus. BPRINGT; AXLES AND STEEL TEN , CHOW-RUM am. Mip Wareham's, 8$ Water fit„ malakt I .110Tit.T0.1r TAB, T. • " I Ninth ward, itt9bagki • TlRlBlASN.P \ resideat. nets Works sit mond • lamest sad laost sampler* wasallssaleat L i Welt. sad Ws Um ',massed lo anglnesofETery DescrtPtioa. sailers. 911.111u4a, I • sine!. iron Work, • • L Railroad Caging", Boum. Milt caotttyp, IRVae tsarinas. , . Mariana Conker, . 1 Guaira Quango, ORDMI SOLI I 4011 N RON 7, 'UCLA FOUNDS ' carsons‘,9th Ward, sear . itß, iL Ifsaniner. Dips, Dtesk • ° nib, a J 'Yolit r ilt. w l2l a =frarr . • O. GuErairroon FOUND: T. DRIVO & DONN L Jobbing sad MaciLtery • - 1, 74 1:, % .:117.111.1: ;LT" °^ 7 cm, ,Z. d . o 7 4 00 71.1. Mod 01111ce.2.10 Liberty. Street, - 26MM .lAosOwn of Mule Bolidlomi A. oZADLift......W. Ulf O. SLIDE AVIA STOVE WORKS, . A. BRADLEY 11-00 • Yasebotar• svart MLitt Of • ' , •• • • Cook, Parlor aid . litatiog tames, Amu ~ W eb ars Ms eels brawd URA THUM set 4 TALISMAN lOWSurissa_PO.. tANA VSTZBAN sa4, MINOLDMS (Wood ot elmece,Alto saaaarsoUre . GRATES; GRATE VRODITS, OSP od.fi Ws:v.lwatt, corner el ddeodd dad MLrMM =WA; rlttabiarad. Inedao• OYdoe YOB* 'PMT rommtart. CHARM iNAP lIIPRZWB HEAVY ORDNANI:3, • fr4ra) t ang 0 tn, V ENN KIM 00. BLAST IdAutilltißrand BATONNI. BlLNillte ammo:Wl to Aa bore= tad bart7= o 6ow NTT& p riad=dontr=s=te ora constructed under the superstUou ot nose, to narnlnn NAIL NAOINNINI at Went ace tice. ootnn IRIQUESREIROII ARO STEEL WORKS. minatiusr, BARK as co, iron,. Nall!, aPrimlik Axles, rmuts.a. DfIIMG can d n. ecnnr., 2Ere3. Td. Virost77 Patineirit. rriTsinvituu. B. WOLF, JAI &POW 1:2:=E1 JELardvr Are Dow »cattily kro.l MUM. tone! MOM trine to ofelvdt neaten la jI+I2I.IIIOI.3IDIFLUr Na - sr.scraias. _ Corner Liberty, an d Bt. Clair, aro.. /1.1X1) D. 14.05.9, JARED xtt. moan sow, Steam Oa Stills, Tub, gime*" Iron Works, ho, GI Penn, St,,, Pittsburgh, Pa. ums. CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND DOL.!. MAD" sack i•exasie setreet. • HOLUM, BNB BIOLLIT. mill Roll. 11111 OuUaa,.Soli LOAM Me THOS. .OJI.Ii.LAIN nun ink gels - EmmyAttataux monamotoror or HOLLIaa. 11.40111N110/111112iIill,ainfallglf.fatt LAIN of MI simply %/RATS Balta.' 1101Z.11ATIMO,_ _II am stake Soo lef LAI:Ma of 1 au. Ir. El .Isl asi a1:41 L GARRISON & CO., POtsburgh .FouudrjAt butt - cram = AND OX HA R D FROITB 0, I.FEIDEI r'arniiae and Oven Frames , F RNACE . BARS, Cooking and Renting Stows, 1,417 :::: OA Liberty Street. AND MIABOPAOZVaLLBJI WROUGHT IRON ima filDO 191113 nit CAI, TA1214 la OIL WELL TUBING Office, No. 93 Water Street PITTSBURGH. PA. ronT EmET , BOILBII, SOLI' I TANK wcrimaii4. CARROLL, & OttllrDolElL Ilazil.VAGlVar...t.. Fa , • unsoiar., DotrutrATATZD, TIMMLAII lITELT4OX a GTLOIDSIIBTBAX sonata. Oil. =ZIA G AIM At= PAX!! 15.1:TTLICLPEi PA kiater rpm AHD cwt . DZBISZI/n, • • • !twat rums, ea llama, .&ND ITAIN BELDEIZEI, rFamparpooas D COlll, 13IIITZEZ. or • li s. saclararlis Orcrm•un4.llllatril, wort nad 111!ini , 'Streets, • • Pitttho;gh, , - Panneybranizu 411POr4•ra ' Natal 1114 atm. adilrfts vrlll . bt znVeztly stunaded la. • • MOM/ KIBEITON IRON MIMS, & BLACK, Best ionunon, Refined Charcoal .T - run. — ata.Blo - Om Iron. XRIXIINiatT 11•6,'BOITEID 6 RONARX 001:1 HOOP! NAND. T and RNOLN Mob. BOILLX PllsaTtad IstULST MN. • ' NOWXII•64 B,PRII HANN I'IRLINLINR abst UNARM WI FLROXII LEON. !MALL T Nam& SO and 16 lb.. tell. Wt. WROUGHT CHAINS ald nrilas fat 1064. • - PLAT MULE, Plumbed sad CaubtararnOL. COAL ENN IRON. .NARLIS 64 13118103. Warabattaa an 4 is at Me Wertil• OILISCIft 006/11 0T.,1.11 continuaon of Tint atm/Utast. Nadas Um cats On Newts. PILLIN.V.. abi6.ll • purrs , u . Ffano..k.;l4Lnr . ) rts, , . QN; COOK dr,. • , C 0.,. . • (sucoxt. TO JONNE, - NORD 6 C0..1 ' X attataraza at LIN twat SIEFES .1.0 CAST • STEEL. eama. nit ....t wagon. of all ~ 1...; N. Flaws. Hoe. oak and !hies Cast /RINI; Out Steel Ism 1 . • iali i i , , , , PLOW REAPING A 2. 2: : : 8 0 .. if: ; 11 Ci ;1TY:777. de.. g . . 4 . : ti , 4.. . . • arra PLOW WINGS,SPRING, Cast •Dt UOloo—Corn bloats Char* 0.2211 SLIMS sII plorisT : Belize 11 , Make tO order 1 1 [ of a/1 Atm Ir Castings, of JAWNtia• 11.461.8 St Wig. tgatuid 4• 1 BLACK LKAKKeII STE L WORKS, PAR:'' BROTHER! & (0., AWKIWACTII • OP ALL DISCARTIONS OP • WIELIBM.So 02Ice and arebouse, 120. 120,18 t Sec ond and 11 ek 181 nest Istreeta • ^ rrrnsuzerr. BERII FOUNDRY rvez a SIM, • 01/!0 >mWaliloUli • N 0.29 Wood Street imuntaotaili ad keei'oon all Thilloble, Skein 4 Yip. Boxes pa te w am nasiurumfonual4s aileat ilTrk n4 :y . MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Ettreet;* Ninth Ward, • - uproar= vinoz!isur multi 3P13 . 1111.13"Criii13143. ROMM 2 OIaM gligh3o; 8188 888 AB NB EAIEB, a•*T mad oa.stess ;mummy. Orrtm pfolaitly ar4 eszetillY lllSCated. «sis:miPIIMEIT /1/AOIU.IMN =MINT &Ma, WORK/ laiLLica, !Ina a iraraisa, BIT 4,IIALITI 4 -CAST STEEL vir.....13.0041* say In tbli Mu. Yet. •Ither I:averted or et DO. =Nth& /Qui its•tare. 1/7,0111. ATTENTWN YAW TO vast CIAR7 .I.ID DUI fITIZZI. OfttoALB Wood Street, 121 BT. II BIIILDIZO. rxmausillt. Jane nth. ragl. tr. roasaw..zAs. a. saawans—aLe. IIL/6111 0 1 111114 BOILER WORKS. MORROW, mamma, I& co„ Stein Rollin, 011/ ettnia; .Agltatals Tonto,- Walt Pane, Gainmetere, - • .Wrought Iron Bridges, fihootlron Work. se., re., • CORAIDENTY AND fiNCOND•'NTS % PITTEIBVIZ6 •,111 • P.d. BzraIRING DONSTItuItriLT. ROBERT ILL/11 KA2t' . !Ul'Aq2oBll/1 Or. ULM ENOINES AEll BMW Freight :Ifoisters ALND DOCielld =GUM 411rOuUnri of laerutptlau mule warier Comer *Viten and !err, Street* lama rirravallort. PA. Chatlerq. PITTSBNICIMION WORKS. J. Pmrergn a sorts. r.a.aritransine or Iroai Babliet, Twtb and Trunk HOOPS AND MEET% • •In...raltimrsVs. vik IRON CITY MILLS. RIX}EltB & 1/1713013:Prila ma:MU:arm of . r.usi - sox3smarra..- (11:1141AkOl!•11 OMR. N 41, US MA HUM .!V7aBON, PMTON& CO., rIEJIWEIrL r 4.4174 ERCON - WCMEES, WM*hiniu Fo 117 sad 117 irtratln.Orpodb; Kosolozabitia n 0..., Pktubstik4.P. UNION ENVIOUS TOUNDRY • Wflf. L JOHNSTOP. ltesstSettrer of 0006INGSPrOVINSHOPlaa. O.A•Pga. PON ULM. eASH Witt HT% sad ail Imola of 11101.10 WARP, !JAR WilittLtl .0 sit kinds or MACHIN Watt CAOTINOp s oor. seMlle iertmg sad otilditilBb STUHEPO. ofstreet sitsastos, PlttsborgO. Pa. • rut. eon • NIA dime". ttet and teal.. 1 and Mate Vail to guk Exprest West Now First Meh llrhddoe • clo fn.oto dsy Ch W For Itc h ME CM En= Jlllitt to Vesongs Mir. a Trains lan and Wallet the eanklis Hall, rad : alto with the ..eireal eiettern Rahway. lAM6I LS ~? k, TIRIE. 00 sad' art 611/211/Ali, 23d Deeeatter UM, the Pave net I n Tralets el ill Intl, Irene and t fr. at tee rlttshe ,h 0,70, corner Otaal and rite Wants. Se 1%1 Depart .. Agri. ! ... 11ls!andfk a Vc:. CFI - .3 . , ..... sc. I:00 e. et, '... 1 P"-... ....,.. .. - Comment Wye., a. Atiuntle • IN ears, VAltlxii 04 IVareltouse, liOri;ni. • , •." Ural, .• D 0 4,1 Arromatad . z. :45 44. I tx,,t, rtrat 4Voirt t:g4.4. St pond Pain Wutts Apenv.. smr,ar. t;;;, slut •ratettobs. etton, , V.. 11:1)A, Y. BKolrl Arm tironj Aceor,,, .... 8.203 r. V. o.4lclay ULIT Traln I ro.la Warta at 5:10 , arrl Itt xi 3:4. A. at. .et . urnter. le a es rite•t . :?r , rl at lq, an. pR at uoda 1 , 0rta h a . 4....3,..1.... X. t.tnnronlroinat. 1867. • 1867: ATi" r b : ' v 2s l; . oel% i fl " lll7 . litteburn,3 a 3 3 .3 01 lltaomtl3l3. CM IC.MV ‘ ,.?3•I3 iI s 110 &IS 131.0 and Ks.. mrt ttr0.33•4 Alt isl 3 • M 11:nKite • r..ax "4,1"I"' ""•-ner: g0501P . :111 ,,. .,, , , , ?,?.. - 2.. ,4 6 E- • AIDS Usti, 4 Inr. 7i= 4:0[15 rm.. T * 4 li 31.3 g. 9,3 •ra i iYll 6 a! . 81 ; 14, i 1 ;Eilreiri!1. 4 1;;.Slitz ! 1::: LiotsAls U •en N: t r r ' 4 A 4 im Roche, ter %Vai l & 11 It: Virellsr•lo Arc.. 3 4113 1.34.t0da.:* U. • S3ll aas 1•33.431 u 1: 111 L I PITTSBURG/1, CMUMBISS /It CINCINNciI PAN fambLt Hourt ' ÜBANGI or TIALE..-tra sad atter PUN *Alf. December eel, ifer. mt.. will bloat and Mee at Union Dom of roattat g i t i gargb ttlo ni t in. Stall . A. a. Var. Y. Fast lane Y. tete. N. 1.:41 - A. th. Cllo r. is leeDonat. •• Ana.h o. 1..11: IQ A. Y. • ale P. Y. tree . hen eill.execonte.o .. at at P. a., 9co K. birt lid Ace. No. 2.. Plea. 5:2.4, 10. criCIAL S,SCZ. -Sunday arms hotrro at :Nur. at, arrlvarig to Clothe:NU at INC A. x. acst. coornin.. ellikreb Sraln le . .,•llßunday at P .rrbinv In ..Nlr: the None 000010 g. MMUS Hi ALVAN.. 0/ ALI...I:IIIPR ROUl7ll. @ito clarion oar, eecrbn • C sr.t. Cain. and the principal potabl e ., at sod Booth. Ithea pareiNalag Tickets be rue and Inoltaa Nitre of the . . tIitSBUIGH, CULUIIAOB• CIYCIINATI Lto Union Depot, Oman) side.) 11. D. Jaw:ennui' PAU° 11. Tick e. Agent WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA eTerII.I7LIIO4II.—On end NUtlentlintt t. led. the baegenser•Trates en . the Weetent Itewsylegyla will WITS &Land defiers trent tee Yellers. &Meet De1..4. sitegheny dlty s: gs feeler : • 1 Lfle.l.lt etwa;ffatres• . oots .:01 It= W l . Bntd y ytod L /id r NO ¢ 7 M r .Y veSel!.ol,Mn . Haree e... P. TVa - 4;7:; . s Z:rr :v1g .12, I W 7i °l4 th P7lgeP h er 4,ln,4 11 Seeky Cll, r. %Geed aerial so atiesteosy and! 51845 r. Y. COnneutaLlon Zeit te—For We Is S T:gy . y h be!teeen tile iimer cup. L aost o n m ee [[Oren, newels, too Cree . L ntrottytte. merited esty on the WWI dol. ''T f." ote ,ggla" 1114 '?.1.4.1: rot; gllker's Idea of ets",grfel:unertifelt.:lWilFh. ' T c l ‘ rn:tr len; he B - ()dee. Sc. b.. Clete etre s men, 11 .111 d. bitt.herett. nee - te di; I.4l.l.°Allenbet tou 'C''s4:nt"l' J ' ATEr P. L iti r ArTS, Arm w...tergt Watt M o ll non Warted, Yenerylvide nallsoetS grill non wade any Mk for Begets . _seat for Weei. Vtifg-Z. 1 1:1; 1 01'.1.1'Ll; etteeteles L OW a in no, will units.. ettl of the owed. 00101 s ti es by eigedat Ogg, trad. dot • • deferjl'Antio L on., e. pENNSTLIFANTA CENTRAL • On tied alicr OCTOBE . 1.11 •• sad drPart COM 1 of Wartstorion Ltd Lib/ Arlytelt. Mail Train..., 1:7 , 1 a nr East 1:1y1 . a all IFall`a /to. 1... 1 1 ,5 1 1• m' tre.' g Wall'. gr: Wall , . NO. 0.. 7,01°m Altoorm &Croat and Esolgraur ler •rre Zr= r 3'111801%h at.l4:k 16 Ll* Bet.rnine - ie . aves rrettergh uille B. M. lord snare at ICalPe Blatlen at y. D. Oineinnati Xaorr... IstlNCl (WI, all ether tr.. daily az.. OnlailAT. Etilanr-yois tilde. end %Lc A:tome-B . modatlea and ;migrant Tomb arrive dalllr. cinitati arrlvra daily earryt Mo nday. grlgrkgre.tdefgan7gl;'lEoVo.7. L nvcwavra. Arms. .The TO_YorylvanLi. Railroad Company trill r7L /F 7 i.g r ilirliaM•dd• 111 E toll amour% in vaiue .111 be a; the risk at • the °Barr, able,. tar. ayeeral eentraeL . 11 . Wll/.1.l • •• . General doorriesoaderit. Es.. ,`3lE=l2 EWE= WORKS. M. - BOLEA CO., Oars anti Machinists I; ante mud Land Memo Exixtnes ,:ci,oted to ,{l•c eallsfactlon. very de...dolor, nixie to order B. 8C... PM= . .D; Tirr; Point Alley A Duque. ' , I. Noe Shand 114 Third direst. 4PIIIMIUR6III. PA. SEXY DILL ROUTE UNION POE EASTERN DIVISION. THE SHORTEST 'AND 920 ST BOUT), from am tan polata (I)LOitAUCI, . ALVA ' MIA tairirmisizA, umiz, aravr mrxico. 'nano, Two tralne Dave Ptato Lt. .4 - Loacenwonti deny, Rhin... excepted ' ) nn the arelyal of Dal. of NO. Ranee. from X% Louts, .4 Daendtud and IL Jo Rance.d flow tjotnef , con- , neon. at La..., Topeka and Waco.° watt' m.on no an polnta an Raw.. - At end of Deck 1.0 of Ellawrill mitt the lINITED =ATLI 'Exruan /IPAN 9•y._ DAILY LINE OE OVERLAND PAIL AND =PRE. COEUR rams DENVER.. SALT LAXE , J 1.)41) ALL TOIWI'd IN THE TEICIIIIVIIIPA, aad with WANDIINNUN9 Tfil-WEcIILT LLNI - UP COACUES for Port I.LaLoo, Den t , 4 Port• Altmoonute, Anotik Ye • and aU COlat. &limns and New Mexico, irlatt tae recent Menlo. of =lays at.. Nutmeat, and tbc:a.rraugatteats mute rw l aponalbla tivirlatid Transpartattaa Lic lm waste,. terminus, tat. marl nos aa availed l'aellilleat.for taetra.sloaloc of lot Went. ,• • . TicketsSor agent the loner:lPa . 21. the haltedßtaktes kailChneatne. Ho note and AWE YOH rICHETH VIA =MT nal. HOll2l UNION pa. .11411.I.ViAt.EANTAHal STEAM sittki SW.F.AftI TO AND VISO= LIVERPOOL a QUEENSTOWif, • TEM /MEAN LINE I Satt•aa ItYltEtY 114T11130Laa—ltrrItY Jt/iLlitAT—urrytg tL atatts• aoltt SO mut Isom Ireland, [swami,. aeotlaad. Uer. tall Trutt. Away at taa Cann:Mari tat. • 17)11, 111.11011A.71j Lacl titre igratta !fart Cabin Talataacr 14 rIPTH DTHZIVIL •. Acta. rtzatita tMca. r. t.k. ALLEGHENY CITY • COPAPROMISEIIOa6 W/‘NTE3. Pertont holdterg Carol:rotatra 11oaan of ibe Ctty of Alleghe ay. On.. are terothr It tlCed th.t the rbablea Feted for :Strr aln te !tecttert la these Londe at the torfeet rate, offer IL Prove- Bah 'alit he fer•tred he the eaderatted t man WP.13211110/11% the lot of Jr 6 [ 47. Pad.. 11.1LLOP LUION, deelPti Treasuyerof the Pity of Alteg eay. Pa. • CITY O • 1,7r:.--"‘L/Alint.`lsl6lf."l6--"'NOT:e::‘ • = 7 T NOTICE.—In pursuance of a ecaolatton rotancl/e. &repeat the Ittl teat., I bora et motley all persona wherein. and he& antetop tools protect above the I to ol 0 pavement While tee fame lowered to said le et within tee Carafrom the TAP' DIA p n • oi POTICT, otbero tee Ler be , trlken or In accordance wit/I th . tams or said ...tattoo. 11.31‘51 - 2. V;lrat G'2"laslotir PRIVATE 1111.1EASEP,,, otiv.-stam PZNIf erfaar. Irtit tuna. for tLe guy of ail Marquee of a p; hate astris is Meet two to tote Men. Ly ext entirely new gni safe cute:ter. Alee, Yetzlnal eakerst ‘. . all other d!ercum of Ukc ',carat ory.Vart4 taste Wove tel.. Care nu - meted or rummy Ye-ferrate. (Mee ers-1 'to 10 a. se., Ito a erd tO ..... v i r•ow arty{. FEATILILLIN— 14 bags to agriyo ti tali" "9. "1* %AI DICAIT a CO. alaigoixa. 11 1. 6.13 . ANDC031NELCS • I . MINNS' s. su l tt l 2 ,9"l". , D Octotoer /11.!. IW. Lb. comer o 1 Ursa. Plilsottrpt. .ICratood l n.. y. •prt •ec0m..11...... 5:'"" :1 " . ... 1:0.r. 0. lOW A. J. R ORO All,etet. Nutertntiatka. . “15 •, be li torliCirs=er rlp T . , rilip/u67. • i L W%l ,;"i." ill" : ]tall AG....*: am, :ta i WAII. Be. I.- 113 , 11.= •CL. - - 1.1 gr.,11,10 a m Wail' no. L..11:3.• a Joh. 'VIVA.. 301) . a WalPs ' VIVA.. 1... 14t.ft ; Es - Witltl E Nt. - 7... 1 1 ,2 1 , .. Wan'. No. c.... Cg 61.11. WA4It.7-.l4in: RAZEiViTAY, MMINDNA. =CI Axtrouto 1=1! a. SI. 'fflErlaT Ulmer& Frstsbt and Tlcketsi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers