GkEttt FACTS Cito?lers has reappeared in Pruitt& -- -Racheeter, New York, ham a Grant Club, . —Sweden - is ibptlt to lend a Maud General to China:. r . =-One of the btighteit lights Of sci ence—Nagnesitim. • —The oddest ;inhabitant of Pittiford, New York is eiity-two. . --Delaware newspapers complain loudly of. Delaware tchool& —A convention of planters has been called to moot In Selma, Alabama. • '—More than & thousand men are em ployed in the niihnitactoriesof Dnbuque. Harraid boat crow think of challenging that of oi:ford, England, to a race. —A Boston man cues his teeth to kill rats with.. Ha fa a regular terrier to the —The Preibyterimis are going to css. tabllah a female college \wt Abingdon, W.Va. -The destitution and censequent des pair seem to boon the Increase In the South. —The Ironwork 'for :a. T. Btewart's new warehouse will cost " three hundred thousand dollars. -45,000 people have iheidy wi nestled the new spectacular play of "tin. dine," in Chicago- . =Temperance revivals are goir g on in all the villages and towns of Wyom ing county, New York. • ''..-The Vickaburg Republken was drased in mourning for General Maltby, late Mayor of that city. —The (allure of the potato; crop and .the unusitalli heavy snows hive caused great distress In Galicia. ..._ • —The wells in chigan, are dry, and the grotind Is zen too 'hard for the people to dig now , lea -The Old Colony Rallreadl in Mas . Bachusetti, was seven - thousand dollars' out of pocket by the late 'nor/ orm. —The American Ilisaione . Anode Gen of Chicago received $2; a piece from two_gentlemen, for Chris gifts. —An old sailor in a Musette poorhouse once took dinner With Gen. Washington. His name is Wien Nye. • =Ten thousand dollars have eu TO ted for the pcFcLase of a steam fire en gine by the I people of Cedar Raptds, lowa. _ -. —Six thoneand dollars have n sub scribed by the citizenstf Angus Me., for_ the support of a good ach I for girls. —A bill to repeal the prohibl ry 11- . quer laW will be presented to a Mas sachusetts Legislature -as soon as it opens. • . : —The Mississippi Valley Nei/Pilau Company la almost organised. New Orleans has received the project with much favor. ' ' ' .-Nearly a thotwand letters wi Oo tograolus were , reeel Won In re• ply to an advertise= wl "for a man of mn4." -one hundred, were slaughtered. Ver;flenyßelgtur quarters of thls'ye -Joseph' &hart himself in Jils own noon, alter Iloilo, ...choose with his —Two thoossze and Ooes per diy worth ot. mutant Der factory of New . —A. little boy, only seventeen month' old, itmeeeeded in getting. a phial of creosote and mellowing It, on Christ -sdr Ilia mu day, In Chicago. He died. --Polish druggists are obliged to' ruse the Russian language in describing their Amga alter. the first. of January next. Latin and Polish are contraband: —The London Spectator has a criti cism on '!Norwood" which can. hardly please lir - .4ieecher, Whose 1UC6341 as • novelist does not notfm.m to be estab lished.! , -,-The school board 'or Elmira, N. T., has prohibited all touaccinated children from attending school It at the same time gives 'them all an opportunity to be Vaccinated free Of charge. .A.'fstlier in New "Yor received the pardon of his son, for a Christmas pres ent, from Governor Fenton. The young man* wu sentenced last January for ten years, fur embattlement.. —A-Judge in Wisconsin forgot the . time he had appointed fOr the meeting of Court, and arrived an hour after , time, only to find the Court adjourned and no ono left In the neighborhood. —A citizen of Chicago recently paid $lO,OOO fora-set of bed-room furniture in New York. A pair of arm chairs is forsale, at the same shop where thli set was sold, 6,,thauloderate price of $2,- —The Vanlimn store has ed 611 act 'Which, is thoroughly bovine. It is to prevent .paupers putting them selveson towns to which they do not belong.. The offence is to punished with afina. —The proteasers of the Harvard Medi cal Collego dined with their pupils at the Revere HOW; 13011tOlt, ', PM Fndsy, ~ ,i2i and spent t e evening In social waver. ration and losing. &moor the bright. est lights o science were Invited guests. —On Ch tons , day, a young man . , named Ed and Wilder, attempted to jump from he fore car of a train to the tenduer sod', ell on the track. Thumb:go train, consistbrof nineteen cars, piised over him. ',lt wu a freight train on the Chleit o rd Great Eastern Road. .... A PERSONAL —Manlid Is dangerously Ili a _ . —.L.s No rd says Col. Kelly ts taken rehnio hi rd glum. • , --Thirty three thousand persona re. side It Lea - irth, Kr - • le in -s .. enwon- _ansu. ' —Mr. 0 tilari is to lecture on the i Orient, In iM ilk, this winter. —Fanny }lambic. Butler will give readings is Boston in January. • —A bear elghing 380 pounds wu re. misty shot n Lewis county, "Ey. —A brilliaqmeteoryas seen atlWey mouth, Mug„ ion Saturday evening. woni4n in Illinois recently sold herhusband to ninnies woman for 8120. —The venirable Signor BliM Is- still diatOiri' ng, although this is said to be his leit season. - . • --SeGyandmil); Itigltias ',Jansenism, are the stars 0 ttua 'Blac, Crook troupe in 111 w Irlean —Albert Smi h, a freolmut, hu been • appointed Jualel\of the Peace In Tuses lonsa,, Ala., by Gen. POpe. —Mrs. Jenny Tin Zandt, the renown. ed auttatrice, isla daughter of Signor Lillis., She is ndoe Icingmg in Mila n. . C, ' —Although the times are very herd in use; there Is . plenty of food through out tie State, and no danger of famine or starvation. . , —The physicians of Meridian, Mu, have entered into an agreement not to render professional services to any one who refuses to pay. . • . —Rev. James Ram!ithn, D.D.,' and author of several widely read religions books, is dead—Ele was. pastor 'of a Scotch Presbyterian Ohurckin London. —Azentinsual number'of centenarians 1 seem to have bee dying Wei year. Xis. Christine Barclay aged 102 years, born in Philadelphia a died in Kentucky, is the last of who we Wm heard. —Mr. Jacob Barker Is before the Bank rupt's Court In NCw Orleans. ' This, so Geoy many Braes an ei millionaire,' is going to try and retri o his fortunes once again, although' 'tat eighty. years of age. —The late go. W. Kendal, who so lung !Ind ably nducted the New Or leans Picayune. din his last letter, that he bad - n - been to fschool ten months in his • • Redid' better. lie wont to a priziti • :of , ! . NOTICE& - e , • e 1 e ~ 1 1 0LITT—A11 tatClTloll. Th• oneseel eltatlon la? Olin, Kummer a f l itt.h 11 . 1,emey w isc r tie s tIrr., lodes? In Wriest A. as. the :Aar orgees " kelt Ins, lark. & o l io. lens. Clair street. 1:11 01111e33. krone, . Wet. lcrielasner. Secretan, ['NOTICE.—PEOPLVII SAY INGO MUIR OF PITTSBURG N. SG /mirth Greet. Ussital.lll.o.ooo. all Made et MU - Bask Odor. Jdnass7 Arlibbeat latenut from Mat due. Predld“s—RllN WY LIMY Viet Pttaldsat—WlLLlASl BRA, r e*.sddslT and Trdadardr—d• P. TUN BONN HURaT. desd:Vs Dom. Boone dl Estrum We stems PA.. So. IT po DM Decembunlidt.. Pie r. tiscur IMFsh. . arTHE *DINE/IL NICICTINGist the Contribetors to the Some 0 &fun milt be held st the °Ace at Use Insti hug. 1 87 Poen\ Metes. Pittsburgh on SOIND.T. the rshatlotftrnessrsdi )1.7„1111,°:155 0 * or Ilimegers. sod to Meet • nem Sloth for tee Musuitie year. 10 War. iserzoW J. H. D. MUM Itimirnece. Parr NArrOrretatatrir CC PlaTtlicserr. Demme. Dte. LW. tarn= irector. et ANNEAL Bum will ELECTION of D Ms be bele at as Mo.. on TOLIDALY. tumor, 14Cb..11111, Hero*n the holm of II o'clock A.. et: wad I VelloPll P. K. d. 111117/ Z. D. lICTILLT. Orals, A Ltaan 22211 BCRON.DoollmWr ..... 19Pr, MIMI= `..laixtrAL ELECTION On Mao DIMS... to sat, for As to rtillas )•ar. KW or brad at the Boat, on TUZSDLY. /mutt? 14th. MI, Havre.* the hours of It A. X. and ir. w. 0114:151 Z. W. MACH% Ir. Cashier ii.mamrrs AND .m.ocancreimas 1 ' a Ancomul. - lu Puut..o6 December ie, ur. IarTITE ANNEAL ELECTION for Dimon of Ude Bank will tale Altos at tan Easklag Haase. as • • . TI7/30.11.7, anaarfittk. lowayn the bouts of It a. i. and 2 e. delndld JOHN deutT, Jr.. Cashier. TatinBATIONAZ East Or Prnmernarb Mt.b.Tb. Dee. Mb, tarTHE ANNUAL ELUTION ter 0 Direetere, servo defter the vezz e lio ,.lll be held et Lite Beath,/ Meese, bean of LI . .i. j irai l ft 16'4 b"."". Ws Joni; n: unwirrox, Outlier. OEM Pl ' iirm 3 aT i a?; l A. 3 "lt7. • Orin= 4111111WAL ELEcnom tat u/BZU.OII. to writ tor the eon lug tear will he bel a at the Bantle'. Souse, on • 2911/CIDAY, JAIICARY 1161. Between thehours of I Saeir. St, aetlaike • U. 1 5.1114. Cashier. iMON CICT War. HAIM b.rre Army L ELECPaOA tra.vi , Eo 4. )1? iztogia,...ra, TIIIIIDALY. Janniry 14th ifetee2 the Donn of I. sad 22. Y. Ielo:tlt: 1 4T J. IIAWITIPIN. ^erMer. . MK:HAMM. NAMONAL HAIM I MtIMMO, Mo. /A ( IarTEIE ANNIUAL SLECTIONI tr , 4l;M k siolon of UM bIi . A L MII lanai lin. IL. Ars:it:l.,7.7. ii'l.t.Vjj JAIA. M MARTIN. MUMS, • Ts.abancWa ZIAI7OaAI. BA" Attsbares.' Deo. 7. MR, VrTHE ANNUAL ELECTION for Mama Ltroato-s. to' aesee far tbe eaaallat f oar I#lll be bald at the Balt Hem aa au, TI.TasE,Y, Janaanr Ytb, 1/0), bettreea tbe boors o(Il a.a aad I le. Y. tA;tm:l NATIoI..i. RA= I P 1 1 714.1114. Dm 7, tier. / Itar'All ELECTION for-Elerea Dlraelora of tat. Baak. alll Da hal.l at tba llaatlecklease. oa Tl74aDa.to • Jaana77 14, UM ',amnia taa koara o[1• •r, GORDON. Cutter; . BAIR Or Ptrirar. arTEFE Eacriox TrlVfewg i m b irdo r g :=. foe Wig ZI January . I& between the boo n or 134 at. aaa r. ak.2. J. K. BR &DT. Jr.:C.mblar. ilErraWou MATTI:nu... Saar 0r t .00?....c . W. rar•THE ANNUAL ELECTION ftylit ' r, " 7ll . l4 l I M 7 to 1 1:21:; 111:4: eir,l ur.eu.l, t January Tt34 . 11/H. between th: ha...MA. at. .ta I r w• JUL H. pr.THE ANIMAL ELECTION . . • lICIIIOI 11111111 MI Of 21ff112614 , ake plac• alias Ilaaklaf bat Pan the' been of slaves x... 1 ma 1 , on T6181.11Y. the 14th dm of aaaaPF, VAL ' MrsitlY. IN Pa.. Doc. 711, da7:112 Le horses foti in the three , tge, hung the after. Ihristroas 17!!! IaIrUNION PACIfiC IL B. CO. IO 4 CIITICIEL • TILL COUPONS 07 . THE FIRST 1110IT9ESE kollos OP TVs • : Cilia Pune Railroad. (emptily, DUI J &EVART 22m, tah WUkb. Tad oil sad Myr UM data, IN GOLD COIN, 1 / 7 111 . 2 OP Et , V2RNXICNT TAX, tb• Ompaars Ofilai, 110. ft X..W Matt, Nem York. JOHN I. 01300. Truseuvr... )ber boots 000,000 Idea rub • w.' t 7. Fwa.a:), CM=EI • GLUE, CURLED HAIR, Tanners' Scrips, Ceroosny • CATTLE TAILS, • Bones, Neat's Foot OIL &a, 011 es aind Warlm•-11A.IX IMMITIILLD Cl 7 SET, (et e +AY oPpag4. the tbdi ones.) ricrrantratinr; PA. HOMER, BELL £ CO, ONOR COTTON MILLS, yaaalketerars at Heavy, leadlala sad List AIIO/102 AND. )4GIitOUS. eiranises LID worTzia OHN p. BAILEY is /MO., STOCK of REAL ESTATE BROKE'S = Aro p Oal ot *sotto- s. Rada, BOVA sod al :Radaralalattloo. Boat Liam Haan bold losalVirao., oltboroaproallm or at Q. mould of alba. Boma. Portloolor ottabitoo al aolbßoof nolo of of aqua< al petrol* gala roles of 11.sal Iratato la Um canna, atadod. Moo. I , a FOURTH 1121.Z1T. • oat HARRIS & Wholesale Druggists, Coi% 'of /thirty I IFr4lyne PITTSBUROIE, P.A.. MY sad (boars Trude 1101011.4. I MtIII • ME&NOIR & HARPER . FLOUR. GRAIIIIIIIO PRODUCE COMMISIieII Merchants, '3119 LIJIZIrrr rr., errnscsaz. Cossiguagat. fellettol. • liznc . ;nlr . r..4, O. Muth.. Clad." rjz_. Srw Dilworth a Ca. • . X • D. MATTHEIMP.. •• STAMP AND STENCIL CUTTER, sal Labon7 11 ...set..oppoidt• Wes& BRANDING INOND en.rpt AirD CIL NARKING PLATZa. ALPHANNTIif AND satiny • JAPANNING; • 1:LJJII COMINILITLX, 4,1114 AN LLOYD, Mar./amt. IflTlLlpimm PA. grows , Tia Owner' ite4apeanott • .3 t L . a. HALL, Manufacturer • KLVAIL DOIMMO Whelnsale .d dui. Is TONAID p . arn...11,1 . 11 , :=1011. fro; LaiirrElle 124 112002 11221:114: _e11a:11 rinser Morn. 1P1tt5..1..1 ReatovAL. - GREAT SALE AT COST! XT Ism NON or 111761caL menctimi r s eirt... Tina "I" 9"."'"‘" ler Y dearti .00la ' No. IN OsoIUNNIO Moor ,•••• ..._...___ ......... TYLER &ROBINSON Motown, to Jane OterklSW l ) Orlannhitinnwt Of LOG PUM . _I93 tad !We of WOODEN Tttllutol pony of WENT end TIMED 0110.1te. w Ilagitery ctn. urger. try otootot , ) , snood** to. NeinleleE does on the phonon IsOtlo. Moll AU • prxity REMISES', PUMP MAKER. SUUtny La 33 Tu t r aw. =at 4 tm tethiVlr .TROD WOBIL FOR ALLEGIBE -3T Mill vY WO= Holier, oc7r2:ll M b a, " rie l ieVe i t t rnMe4:l3 iron reneinlia . the allies et le above Leeti• tallo , mumble and detailed Ilene .iin_!.l_tnecillesdone exbibited at the *pee et ..m t rard4st. ?Ara Cm. w..a4 sae If oartb bt..;ll , tainitX rt. rianixo... $16,0()0 To LOA, • ON BOND AND YOZTEIAO.3. • NO.llll - 4•1 tatsta ...Alt sad sold 141*? FIRE SCREENS • OP, • NNW lITYLL Oa ams•••• ta on vas tbs. aad said .asap ==M!= 80q11E711 . 41 COT rLOWEIRE4 1 At at OAXLAJID eIIJIIIIIOI3I2L 1021 X I. • A. XIIRDOCII. SPECIAL NOTICE. larA covan. A COLD. OR • 150111 C TiI.ROAZ rocatrestasoaodtate u sention. and (koala. be odecketL LC allowed to oonthroo. irrlikaAjoy or the LIII2IIWIL Persaaninalt. Throat pilseagn. or vomounti4.o, CrEff! la molt. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES Barthat a direct Inthtenet to the halo .. Se t hi nate:. For. Blame halo. amalgam. Catarrh. Carnsomptlva mod Throat frAlitea Tcattea ars used oath always good ulllaugrms ta.l . lPublla Ilzrkars caw taco s a dt " gVtt; argiscogal. 210. Cara" do not Luta atm of CU WOrgailtall Itirrartogre tint okay W offered. ' liCaz ZvaarWaxas e; 0 ' • I 11, 003ITCLIZNOS of Urfa.. rrl • • • • alatoallon, or aleeratlon of It. bladder.° • ducre, dime., of the prostrate Scrap Iron. Light' Iron CSAT AND w=ODUHT MOS Nti0r1....1131, I=7f33gr==l D. It. •3E.CUINOMEL, Mia/ - • W TWA. • 0001. aai wr r ovrembiar. , maim R ' 111141UNAis MANZ (Aria .Wines and Ligluito, No.'s zit. Om =to sr. AND nil/1.)1to eat' Allaglax atty. F:1"1"tk DIZOILLIEMAL mu) azitunrimaiiie DRAFTSMAN. ono, rime 2(0.w/um am we, wi ar HOLM/Me 00. . . A. ITETTLMF 110218 & CO., steam mien, -eirsyme, Tanks, Au., CDC= num wOus. at all kWh. Luensa ■t.. rum Ward. 11 1 11muusk .uus BABB & inoszn, Aszacialermocrras, - inarreimgßOugahmso WHEAT. -40.000 BUSED; CHOICE HO.l SPIINO WHEAT, Atrhing Thr Me by WELL 111ALL&CA 1211 LI VI it Li t E vete LIMB IMAM 61 . srp s yzua . aura PAAMILIWO, J. n a M. nuiurs. SBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: MONDAY. DECEMBER 30.' .1867' CARPETS. 011)0LottES. 1867 ,IFTB. SLEIGH ROBES, SLEIGH LININGS, MI NNW NTTLENS AND Nli,W PATTABNII. Jan opened to•d.T t the finest to largest stock sal cheapest wlebi PL f 3 TEID 111,13/3ICT. St Isht. and lia.dsome DRUGOZTO and WM /SOL Or OLIO Ltiallors; 043P1T0, OIL CLUTHA., le., at MU LOW= MOIL OLIVER • McGLINTOCK & COMPANY, so. Orip= 1117111117 del? 1867. WINTER STOCK.IB67 CARPETS, htATTINGS, OIL CLOTH, WINDOW SRAD:I9, DRUGGE - IN, MEDALLION DRUGGETS, MATS AND RUGS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, ALL-WGOL INGRAIN • rood a... Mamas, as VIRT LOW PILIOM BOVARD, ROSE & CO. . I it Filth street, • 1 : d 7 (OVilt BLVD! • 81LL.8.) NIM3a. GAMPETB AT COST For's Short Time FLANNEL, PREPARATORY TO TAKING STOCK IYu Lire luutuut and Bed, OIL CLOTHS, Window Slhades, 4 3zox.oc....dassrszeir WHITE. Cheap All• Wool Ingrains isTcocaz. McCALLUM BROS., 13=1 61 1111111 •veer. 611/161 WOOL solo FOR MILORLNT TEAS , CHOICE COFFEE, PURE SPICES ROBINSON'S, No. 20 Fifth Street. .T.A.O 33 CADVIS UNIVERSAL WASHING COMPOUND. IMEI:=1=1 iremow fairageal la samba:tutu MS 'alma.ls ankle fo carnal., _wpm., whisk wit hare ocatedzato jive ens. aatiameiloa. 1-10USEKEEPERS, PLEASE TRY IT. *matt yob la eborak moo at lea. from Ilmoo to t.. boar. bard as ma.b. am., Mom sod !Ma. boord; baaldea ifor 111.1 PAINTS ls la Invaluable. boom.. Gleans Qom mirky makers brisk... ). is al. 'moral far bOll SUING "%WS& . WribMISMI DISC far lc. tls marrootod to outtalk NO LIMF, eirotbar Lst.tolis arttela. Tor sal* by RIO. °LIM said 111SUUOIM meralti. 11441 - wbak. aael nWI stoar Uillee•ad 1114.814.1,.. Asa DS POOR= ET t y,f , 1410. /1„111% .1 111 •Wm sad Os, atm tomoot itohlitalt •.. HOT WA 33011 MS alt.** . o lba bask et** wawa ft* My*, at** the rano to as oat* goat ay tba noyo. ylpo *atm an ttio at* monied to al sadist* I d Amity. Sy tag the ON* Mynah than* A. boUar. 01* attaorso tba lOyo bolo oft* M 0... *la a straamooess pa So pat op to say .11.7 i tior mato* Csottag Mon. se rlitMiri. t i ttrla r tlerif thi l lo; UN Pao ItTIIINC. or moat aay en say Cooa Move staao la Um I.lsloa c **Dollen attack* to Um* Maack • !sal *at Ma I .ll*lnsaut, Oa Boll* on. We, 6 Jobb Cook. tort* modar.• woo** off.l7Z la o..tlaL•titt. by asolytam to BIiSELL & CO., 110. 5171 LISCraTT trraurr.. Itazatattlfara of I* Trlalat* Co* Ito*. . W. S. JAPESON. i . . atattasuaaa Ma* JACKSO Mamma to • %raiz= MANII/AOll7 . AND DWAIN IX • Harness, 13add err, T r u k , ../44, Ala atoo keev Mad sad latpett'from Easters Ks:lat.! all &Ado tau patimos, snit. sad Isortrutemitta .1. Ihsha, ian. I* ill Isnie At tha Wszimite. Wood ME treowt .11111. tots ati. WOODAILIIIIII BIT or W.W.I P....yip as, A HAZARD. POWDER. I ANE NOW PREPARED' TO au t.eottwt aotloo, all oMors Sr Lam or mall lota or • HAZAIIDN CELET L ED POWDER. AD oretav ten .tor Ma tiy esti iso my atom No.. gni sod 7,74 .LED (boat CUT. Pa.. or to ILIO OICCOND irrai&T. Pittobargta Pa. ortll rrodio prompt %Matta. ARTIIiIIR KIRK.• WWI PIOLDEST ESTABLISHED . E 1111 NIL Hums IN THE 01./7. W. J. GILMORg. limig=A:=Mtl=trali. la TRUNKS, Va Carpet Bags, ,esa. jih rjeaumtatenk of LAMM. 11•2011. IS. 101 WOOD MM. Plitsburn. tsta CITY couscmis Aoratcrw. , SEATON & CO., Local !Collecting Agents, 111Cf*0. t 1.241. marsh !Mt. :mica WlLelocrlptiois to for connection. - Itz i ric undo when Hills are aft aalleamd. A. IL : 911ILISH & CO., Jro. OS wrik street. aid u oln ..... vo rasa ISLAMIC. BOOK& Boca limajur. con la all forma. • lam 0.4 TIONSMY oat taxalr as baud. rl CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY TO BUT TUB MUNN COOKING STOVE, El= ral SVXDBIES , ,, 1011 00 . .1 00.11e21C100,03: as =air To; 102 °asks Patrialli; • 50 •• Se• Ah b• 4s As 2; bnut. Wbluo %a Skis. Xselmte Ltast l. %e; lost Whit. • 11.01 411 51484 ;"":,"1 .7 1 .711 47 . 4 0 . A.141ELD i BON. FIN HAND AND TO ABBITE. is bus. Cpba roluse.: Son. Porto M. llonaMp• 00 Moot. • r" 13. • 1.0•11111. g./ 430.4 XX Dap. 20) .• dugma 21 Dug. kintoo , ogan Pons 10 ••• .• Co. • ao; ' • • 301401.1(11• LAMS, 3.14 ' 173 .4 171Wo. et 1. xaTIiER BELTING: of a an. .a.• puler quillyonsd• expreftly lor ear ally. sael warn:mod unit,* latlebot3o...R. as SI awl VI Otsir .trtn. . a fr. kaa4sis... TIIISM DITETMENT Commonwealth of Penns' vanla, Due July Ist 1868. Due July let, 1868, WILL HZ HEDEHICED, WITH IHTZEHIIT, TO DATE 07 PAIYILET, OE PEE• Farmers' and Mechanics, 3P7i 3IC Mo 4 / 1 .321=11.0P il=dlll.,. Loan of allarch ilth, 1889, duo Lillis Of July 19th, 1889, due INTENTZT ON Tint AZIOVN LOANS WILL CEANZ ON TES In 07 SUL7,IIII QM ST. LOUIS WITEWORKS Ornem Soso. op Warn Cointeatoereal. • Curl' Or IT. Loots, On. IL 1/4. SEALED IPIHOPOIALS e ea. ii. 111 : 1 g "."4 .% -r" wrilli. l .r " H al 1 .0 Im a"."o l•Ctstreo "'""P. 71 - theireelot. mutat.% etratt of Vottne alit Win eat.t.. Ltty er OL Letrs t aoul toolre o•eleek. alma. tf Web D•Y, tat tretiy...nettit day of Jaaaarr. Ire. at babel oar tee Olds trill no 14141 y opese ll , 4 tri reado i larblll i tlatetertt. alb san it ise p t ai pla r o 6 e:to teL y 0110 10 Wn u 0 :...ylettel sae 13 nToy for 01.04 by au War Novestber, Ibill tar a• 10.2 to no complead lot noon no steno. by ta• in of .I.urr,lM Also. tse woe tint tall ls., L ob a Pio. • rows oedema ”Yrob sae. tee L Du,. .7=3. r intedieg ate treatise at Meters Petah ell, of 11. to, lob mama* paned.", tattoos, belettoad appnennoste• ottsol.la. IS. ebb .1.1•.1te be reoplttod sad nobly_ rot strwito by ISt 1.1 a( Ottestr, IS% eyes. No. ato tee teowlsted nod reedy rer .Yeete by the 1.1 or asoaas7.llo% Tlas. et tat cuntn tied boll.n to* be uta, awe speelecattou our feta of atoposal tocaratt, ba total oln opputatios tin itiitatorb eller, as wove. ea or giber Taw rsday. tee ant of beoebtor,lll7. sod also at 11.1 001 of WY. S. II t/ETHLY. (nth 1101- oar, tillelroadetty, Nt• loos, iroe motet et ...MT via- LA Do .11.1 tlaa ri tettaaad dellara oa each *tome, Tie. spare rooorrto itetif the ragas so lawmen tall Mon. of o.n.fty after ta• praysaals are opteb • On. Oat ..Can oilsair tbil Ino•OZI oi SIM Notrant. ittoned luny deoldothat It Is for tba Interns Of tlom 0./ 17/ osomeo eitred *lot N resideltt ftatosemsnr Of Y. meat Lela. •: • L y e. der of tat Board. eiabiss 6.10. t. /11M13. PreableaL GM. i MIL4IIOI 4 006 TwErmr-inovit , SEMI•AR/UAL REPORT & .FREW DOlLfili SAVINGS BANK LtatlTL/SID: SmssLttaz e Depositors. Dl•lissi for. Um LYS sts 00•1110•{_illtd. 'rota lisilllttee -- 111.111.121 II Aear.r.. Lasa•ealleurl•Koilpstsl.l7.ll6ll2l Ant 11.4421 Suet Is rlsUlosrallsal• 24.1114 U. S. Mx ftreeaS.Ooarg Boaas. IVA • 6%00 IS O.Ms 440 4021. 6.10 leads. INlsad 18111..... ;MVOS RC MM. Zeogovatm..". .. I n a • Wu la liala sad 4?+a hum 34.311141 ' TOGII Anuta .—" I 'pawns is Th. 'Matsu kura " .l.llrioll 1114441'01 time (4) let Er. oat of the iptelill et the 1.14 I. a22(40 , of eimmasat Taw. pajabla gr . ttr . l . l.t .t. sos '4ll Us: Intionas O. A. OULTOIi. Tril•r. 11e4.14. Fa. • avderlitned, .1164 , 81 air Con Wino, in- TNUT InE , t. tan lan manor Ye nesTIVII n for llla Ina rot Sauna. 11 . 1/ r . UV, mad San axon's. the 24 " lasavo. Dooltani 0, Bon Brno !robin. .N. 141 viz Car7lll. n d a tvali; B. d "' 32d rtro7 " :mu. to OfoßmAta an; soon. J. 01..LZSCIE. WllLtar rinuar,l.Lupt B. O. LOOM.. Pitta..... Dan. Se SW; d.ndiadoP OWIDELIEJILIS, • BRACELETS AND. LAMPS, I imps =rail . GM Oi:Orr^ Of IMAM patter. tee hest woridasiddy. ULU prim. duou pads. . . nuiv4 G'S Oka 00.0 . Llera at.....,.1000 00 nab la 03 •• : .111 CI .. . 1000 .. 0 Lliohil Ortskat fat tpa... 00 00 .* I . .......... OVI .. Allpt taint pattanu sad bow{ workmaultp. ilizao, A nu, Assoariffire or 1114110, Hill aid tailor Lamm. !=! 4XEoBaial ITO F I 'Si' ederal 4111.00ay; son: la i JOAN ....... I/DM JOHN ROTH dr. SON; Inaortia. aad Wholmale Dullest la roigusx £7D D 011221 1 110 WINES, BRANDIES, RUMS, IWII/11= Rio., &0., 807. igrkairrty _ • • ii.ValtrAvvroarali: limagriravith aad an all who was War 1b .. . 'l / 4 •• • JOHN rehrArt ., vat= np.,.... zg traTMUrlairuga l taVlDVlTl,MC l / 4 e r alo=risr=t ."" ,• OLD OMIULD lis, , , P. a. DOVVY Ord.n left liro. ■ DuzOni. VIII alas be ZuvaDUy •Malted to. 3011:11 UMW mum. • PENNSYLV 51!! 5/ASSEIBIIIIIIIIO, D iv<:rxmc;hin II UI ULM U HI LOANS OF THE THE FOLLOWING LOANS, BENTATION AT TEL National Bank, July lit, 18418. July lst, 18614. IWO 71110, SO of Itita. JOH F. 11117.11,1, la lowa I. IL 111111, Ita. %tare Omannalesers of Illisalair liced. To Machinists OEM ,Itli 111 IM3 ligesetUtlssioi pvelsous. ABTElpti KIRK, Aad Ispartor glint's@ of rauawoa=av FOR SALE-,E.E.AL ESTATE. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. sitnatul St ,00rner of Macao and cod, Flttabargb. Pesos Loose 100 met, en ceodlog to an alley. Pesos VIVO 01/0. or Ira room.: ga,d cellar: lace h font; y4bant water op belot Pro 700 titlY B. no. U e YOUrtit tree, A COAL WORKS FOR NAL e „ a gf gtof rtoninit 'SAO/bushels Maly, I. beu.n. none house. ea..., lrm. mull* and alt the meatus."' natures for argo Dwane., and lr..ediate operation. There are 4.13 &Ma of coal. hia In one Of the Non be work. on the Monongahela river: erlll be gold low and on . Rood terms. AVIV gni% tt o=4% al " FOR SALE OR RENT. CHEAP— A /arm at Carpenter' tral Itallsoad. taratalalx manta, two bowies's/Id Ma 11.4-"."072,14117f.1 ME:I WASHINGTON POW eaus—A. tract KO Is sleazed. and the re Ins white oat timbon, lay townahlth Westangtal south of Wen Alexander. HSINStosSII. IS It schema. Hu on It two L and grain boom; In ore 7 0 neIn spOles. haus. wee Goa:twat. la ewers he &PIM' IN. Et: Broker to Btook MMM FRAME COTT& SITUATE IN MT. Within it minutes , ie C ellar The boars Conte Cellar erni vault. Lot 11 rep, /eci.ntlng en three nisi.. darhateso..with all kinds goOseberrier, lanai:with eeriest.; Csti, ineseh. cherry trees. Will be gar STEEL. & Wok.. Rad Beal &elate I=l =MI 2,000,000 A ROICH LINDS FOR S nz THE Union Pacific Railway SABIIIRN DMAION. 141 U Loy tat Liao of their road. $l.OO to WOO Per, A r AU ea a =non Or IFIVIL =LEW )or pa:M.4m ultimo • SORB P. DEVIIIIIMO. Laa4 Comm Lamer, 'Lopata, LW& Or, CHAS, IL LAII2O NO,Nee'r, AL LOW. M.lroeul. 1 BANK AND BANKERS CAUGREY & Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD ANW WOOS STREETS ITITIIIIIOIII , H. FL, atioo/2601118 TO HAIIIA, WIT a 00,) Exihunge, Coin, Coupons. ua omit? attoodollv to a. par. GOVERNMENT BONDS DRA7I2I ON LONDOIS. mcnria NAOLEN: &. SONS, 313421.1\113.31110ERJE6 No. 67 Market Street. Deasinta retell/el Ia lam laada and Vulvae?. Oollocaliena made an all Use orladval Deda.A of Etaltern Maar and Claude& Stocks, lends and Other SendUm mews wawa or oinmagios. • rsaltialf2 anemia Dodd le %WI men.. and pl. et U. S. Securities, IsAMILit t1t .. 11111 , 5 urea U. a. crionTrichtm Or 11YDZVYKDItUli. Omen sad Yalu:Unto:Wit ar eollactod. • Ulhal KBYSTONR SAVINGS BANK. 288 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PS, =I General Banking Business At MB IMF 1131.3010111, 03 Monday, November IStb, bud A.:mots of Books,. Bookors and Mir - Aut. st•laylubd. Collections node ea all Wain In the 'United Rates nod Comas. latemt rlloved oe Time Depoidt. UNITED ATM MUMS &WENT AND SOLD GTO. T. VIM DOUT.T. teallol% WISTIWI MVIN6N .BA NI -.Ap.sero;grarsered. p Interest Pa•ld en Thee Deposit. Aar - reoeleed Anse Ono Della Lemma.Dupodia subplot to (Meek. witkOlki DVIJOUNT 3111,1 LT. IT CI O'CLOCK. Prosiden--THOMPSON BELL. Mee President—A, M, MARSHALL DLIICTOBII. "ar " Itt. Mazza. allsekttolden to wile. Ire make am(VITIPM7I44.t="4. Domes!' SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Street, CHARTERED EN 1855 /MIMI' . • ' .917.111.71110 19. Upoo daily Moog toll 0.0/olt, moo on vr eon.. dal sod oasarday agni, from and las to •If o. .vootbos Isl. from 7 toe o'clock; and from lio. _ D .: 3 e, to Way lot. Rom a to it 0.0310 Ck. Si netiV•4l of all ottm the ot pr o nto than One lam and a dividend o r pronto de clared twice spoor. In Sons mod Detember. In. MI o l eo ' " In b b :111 tr.v, it.,l - ..,tr , r,:idb‘,..., the Moot oto Der 099‘ • letor. Waren. IX not a n on; to placed to the 01•4111 of the drgtorsa Airbus. and hearth. =Eter" 7ounris twi:lay:yojniZiblong eon FtLlcL o Laterarrt=g;rin`L'art,l than mono year. Books OVellattllng the Charter, 717.1.aw5, Kyles and ilogntatloos. ilarnished gotto. on applleaUan 1419 a Oleo. rillstonOP—EllftlEUX .1.1.11 1 / 9 11. Two inastosarnit oho O. Ilock•Ino, A. M. PollOck, 1.D. . oi. L. Falmested.. doterl9.lo. :Xi fkle ". .r. .. itttlebilirknt"' luau_ _OM moods, , ale sondes ape.. N. 9enao . ck... Christian Pews. 7:01 a l i O. 1 ;1 1 P I 7 7 .. ' F lC'B r i f . . 1. thorm A. Colima :n 1T4 1 .7,.,. • win.; ii. 1.12 , 11. ir=r' j o"". Jame. D. mob,. , inosatinon—CHAJlL: 11•CIMPAZT—JAII. a ALLEGLLIENI Nadal 0. Leomt. P:1172:11=1. 41 : 11.} Prighbviii, Jobs B. 1111.11.1 !JoWp ocm, Wlllll. Vutittrx.. ham WloMar. pa WH. re& D. IDCXDB. SAVINGS BANK, ALLIAIIMAirr. PA. Cilligillillnibill 321 1134151.' ITOCIIIIOLDHU .lIDIVXDUALLT LIABLE Mycelia inoalvatt and six per Oellt. intereat allowne . cra natne alto. Particniaz attention action!, and prouegla promptly ra rad., locoantra6-oNonday andTharstlat. I Y. wattaan, ,b T. ni3OCltdalit, =1 . : ,,„„ 4 , f it sat i relnan„ --- , ". SZ„T...klitildani. .TOR.IS W. MOULT.. 4.7.111er. mall R; IL. BRIAN, -- . :. - • . FJ• . • Buossn 80N3513, STOCUKI43, AND ENAL ESTATE *Oaks Buildiog. Fourth it. lank, larata.t. awl Itanleipat.llo6da, awl all Ittadt ofbnvalit and Bald an oulnealsolan.. llartitane taaaliat and sold. .• ' no • ..... 7.XICHOL•1111111111AAT SCHWARTZ, • inioasiala and Ratan Iltannfaetwata at Copper and; . /beetires Ware . , 'Aad &W la 0001111.13 WAIIC. TOP= and MUSS IfAnD ffi 1111111116 ID JR Yin DOH NADEL Ito tie eiIITEIVIILD eppouto the Poet UlDee, see bro. WYLIZ STILEZr, sae 11111.1. . 1 4 11 .0 1 nrivermen. Pa, •) ~ ~ 4Y•) ~ : ~:I ~~h' 7~ ~ ~ ~: ~o ~ (:1 EUREKA OIL WORSX Eureka Carbon Oil, SHE (ILLS/ILL:it, ' spell , / Lubricating Oils, CHENIAL LINSERD 011, N4 4 tkoleaale Denhm In Oracle, Segued and Lubricating. WI, Lard, Sperm, Whale,■nd Flab IL C. DIACHESNEY, Agent, 19 Irwin Street, WARING & KING, coluffloN UaCil3l licaulat Petroleum and ita Products. Dahell's illetk, Duquesne Way, lerrrenuntia, PA. a.I3OBXISS: WARINC. KING 41t CO., = H. M. LONG & CO., I= PER HITE BURNING Brand—"L4CIFER." 'o2ee, No. 2 Duquesne Way, PITSSBURGIIII, PA. TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCILINTI, etroletun and Ha Products, Pyrfaßtllsoll. OITYCZ—Da aell's Building Omer of Mamma Way incl./anat. 'TkIILADRIWHIA 0/3f107L-1111 Walnut R. Dl:wl9 MI =Z=EI Ornoior &OLE OIL: 1i90121113, ICHITIVIAN 411% ANDERSON, . Refiners wad Dealers In lEcja,F, - .E.rm, - ~, e coup -oontor.ii Ras 8111.6 T AND DUQUEBNII WAY. Orb, COOVA S t. C. kmruar . Sonlib 10. A. youx*..w. a wonzacAo L WORE , . and Dave fir Cat TIJV G 011. 11, 1 BT. CLAIR BMW'. ISOPYIIII. &MEW & 00. :LNG. GAB PITTLcie. JAMS/ CAT CAVAN n..-...........a.a. swars..m.. & . Ltikrzy an= 1 ininalriZ 811 7 :illf? " &h, I , 4stia. Hydrants, Amapa. L.. ad,anlnt. Wank Manna. Hoz :..triza'argvx,..--. num pi' AN a.] Ike! Plp us a. Sat t I slressua mud r. i.. ATWOOD !B!, STEAM & .hi'WFRBY. ~68 FOIJM BSB, IND GAB FITTEBB, and Liberty Sine% a n s=p . rgitzb..Arnt Cor, of . • ialla r rd ; Sper.la utenthricl to . (aelag out Ina 0 .1.3! .. ..W1 I aim teamboats. Agents Or A, B.Camerob & Co.'s Pinifp'S BLO't R ENGILIVIES. I . l*so rump; Cm ;merlin "41, to "7.11t,11' lOU/ lON EITZ....FOMT .._ .... . JOHN H. C(IPER a co., • l . RASS FOUNDERS; Steam and Gas Fitters, , ullmtnrers or MIMI !MD BRAM WOlta' or every dcaulption: dealt. 12. OAS 71.7.: t HUI Uri) TUBING, of all kin.. C raer of Pike and Walnut Street., rlitalo PITTSBURCH, PA. . f~~..t~x.~~9 , - -- arrant] Howie and Sign Painters, zoo sawn. eikarr, Pittsburgh (Opposite CaDedrel.) tn. CARDS done to order. xis= ItOWLAND & ELUZEUS, HOUSE AND SHIA! PAINTERS, SRAINERS AND oLLzrzas; go, K DI agiOND, ALLEttEIIiIIY. 3.3ALCIIIIsINO done In the ben manner. ' .1. K. HAMILTON, Jr., Rouse and Sign Painter, 4 ESE ITILUD rikrt.T. Pittsburgh. 1 46r/doing, Clazlng and Gliding NEATLT ESZOIITIV. if,tvoll Paints, van ish.. natty. Ulna Ifit , to Lead, Zino, •e. HUTCHINSON '4%, HEPBURN, . I BILE LES 600111111 'name, OE-AIM/X.4 MW °LAX . lEna. PEN N% AIVERIVE. PlittaibUßlL alt ur an Or 33:4L11 promptly ott/maea to. REM VAL* " • J CLULFY.; Mouse and Sign Pattiter, IlloAomoTed to '1.11171.1LLI) IT.. I7ltal4rgb. PO, • - Opoostla MO old stand. . IR AO. 12* ear, &Oust .JlraSIM NICCOWAN k SNIDER, • 40178 S BLG AdID 111 11ANCHTILL PAINT BIM IND 411.U.kEHONIt GUS LEES, No. Oa. /Corti& side Diamond.illexh.r. nT ' rlVettligaa ddr4 ‘giags clnd.ows a ened. PAIRt (fil B:,ontatals • • TOBACCO; GABB.,4to. TOBACCO! TOBAC 0! TOBACCO! 'IVE• lIIINDRED CADDIES, ASSONTSD ElftiNDS.. JUST ssoriurzo OR oossiossium • :IE9, - 1‘11?, MU NATI 411111619 , & 0. As low as 60c. per,pound. TT"" '" dat, of gi r4.1 - fr " Ri'/iBERT •p. WEDDELVS Ittipthrly latalialed Tabun Igeiry, r. Bnilt4Qeld b , ,rfater delltl3l JOHN IVIEGRAW , anampizignan.nclimizir natal Tobacco Sae ' Itnd_pliglAM_ 3342 1 7- 30 4,exmlaw.tv.vm,r,t. ExcxLsron wor& • • R. & JENKINSON. Wry/area pad Osa lerp Ifi Tobacco, Snuff Cigars, Pipes, &c. tit •FL .ICIIAL ST t.renon... PL3NOS. ORGANS. 8/0.. af b ..tir,nr axwat.u.kan. runt. varm..w.L.Nrwretas BLIT . EN 'di Mita:raft 5, tsars WALISZLINK • ILLUA No. 1 to. i t 1,t., Pittsburgh. . - mum s t'. Pi n o , . Organs, d Ulu al Goods onatalll. - • 1 wool Agents Um Calebratal BitADDIs 'jay, lin yak, ad ZCHOILIAJSZB a co. rrn, Z. • 1c0. , 51 4•, /OTT•til... an - D. a U. W. MUTH% .4/UMW . kK. 9•218, an 17/ertnill rsarscr /11711.24, The bestAtallan and Gam. Wolin ate. CM. Winans.ol7km hum ' , i Wall MISCELLANEOUS DR. J. SARGENT'S FAMILY MEDICINES. DR. JOHN SARGENT'S Anti-Dyepeptio and Liver Pills, 1:13=1 Liver Cam I►lt•ts. Dyspepsia. mums Attaelis. Ye...adios. Met Sieadeashe, Colds. Costiveness. Oic. . 1 rrigE Fa.TIIIORDEVAINY AND TlC ', .Tarff 4' . l 7r;li2 ` ;.V., ` ll,7ll,ZlVl; '1;',T1:.?;;,.. more P.Mha Weeder trial to Ime. , i. tI v be x :Tits': more !t r 3 tr c ie ' d Vl.= d lei a ' e ‘ a and not experienced the relief theantletp.tsid. ' llg y /iinj r.t r aßta N , ' Tterelg b o Y o " Lre . ; TITo yet compounded , which Llama elven' Saab nolvmem mttsfacti.. nor do any Odin Pail* meat e. the requirements of ttio bowel:lend a. Lao thes I cannot. armor., eitemerste the disease. for which these nits are benelelal, bat elm a cattmalto la necessary, they will elf.t•erieedY .4 pe r rnaneet ear-. They remove' from the bleed at. cornet humors, which are sleep. the eat' 0t the disease; they open those excretory C.P.U. eitj i iPtioTni Tg Ir e et "t eli:i3 tr i t If "t: throw oar ail corrept boson; they mono " to the xecretion of • bile, aid d meation. purify Um Wood. and will. In • Chart tame, rector. the body to a ttttt of .00.0 Mattis.: 1/IbehrestA.-1 kin dlstreaalog malady-4a orendent nour country-1a babYed by • ...A of ra t eh t :re h a; IlioT• h .p.' "a"eietatlyea"Errn'ss.r, of Prelacy. below ' the ' ite ll' rtsTsa or urnast c. 0., tern titneff”tteteee telth ace r einetatlen (water .brat. or heart-burns) a anspoaltlon to vomit, hushes of a. at preceding , from the Mommelt. hi , : % I, 74l';` , .;'4ll` , AZTV4Llg l llltit!i'' D` oebresaton and . Inednlng to P melan. dully: weariness great antlpalay to exec. ani . it Is seldom that all the Chute symptom, toe found In the eame paling at one lime: any of teeth. teerefore, la a ealleleat Indication of the P , estnee of the dlscose and reed of ILIA mod!. clue. • Llasit. SkuCiILISTIS ANTI -DYBPZP , IO AND VER YlLus. 'lnver fall Ls curing this Waage*. when ' , Yen seconder tone dtreetlono 1 attach • fro , of the mat? certificate. 1 mold frie.:lllg grlZ:t. d . h i'r,:irgb . tr.:l7M ' o l eo spire hall the confidante that one 1..14 will .4 . FILM DN. 401114 BITTLIIII. • ita L n O o w ra il t L Y i - Mt De th r r IL T : av r a e y •oorta y . cow aot. - a lD &aM. IJ. nett to keepleg me aernillonielth your ants-Ufa 'peptic self. uyer TUN: they awl what la my. irce d :drl ° . saltrge b tr:t d' e 'ug e th e ". t'a mY r'o.,a • them the moat efholent of bay bills leave eei.'• ucd. X b”e, beets frequmtly weal/shod al tha. large amount of bile removed by so 'mull a , quantity of pits elven. ',coned you to mad' me a imb &apply lasrocAla.ly, eel hare bean , oometlme without. JOHN BUTLeIs. ei. D. ErrintinsTua.a. Osto.-Dll. hanoalor-lwrite ' to requiem 700 to send se a boo of year Anal- Dys peptic rills by mall. dhows not Dem able to i r eltt i o ‘ lli=l.. e ti t te ' y d f, ` ,..l ll .7:Vg. ' .g.lttr.l do rod than soy ostler meslielas„l err. su.d. I a:I . :117a P l if et ' t.l ' ea r :ri ' s d e a ti ' rwagf. Is m they will sell nut If Onown. To. comnltabee i . wlth the abo a trill oblige yours. regeotfully, ROca TOIL wattl erLit f'd.. r.t SAId ~ Ycbreary 33. Thall.--Dit. SA INT-Dette filet •tter tulferlor for Iwo year. Lsver.Complautt, attended arab bad coo Is, end trying seeerhl. remedial. A IA as InAurAla to try your psi s. which relleyed me Losmodlase y, end I tote pleasure In neon- ' mending theta to of astilarLug fawn. M., el.. blaialo Vet, truly, Torre, bitiltieNT. . lic , ossiorroO To, 1617.-DY. liellASSe-i. eon- *Kee thatl at. my lire to the nee of your_ rlllo j i t i. e • ' r y " r ta et ° ..4 sol:VMett4,l7: '...1 1 4 0-, aLd 14 , 11l gut worse; bet when / toren% It . Jour pills Lau better. and I lotae .n•edof La 0 . 01 P F ., 1 ... °....°2lariiirl,trili: Tta. 1. te ...ivy that I bate tile r. Sargent , . I.lrer rills In ear (miry fOr the l as t two Teen, and I consider them the but rowel,,e i kni . Yrig, New Brighton. Pa., .I:lll. d ilial d . 'DZYLld - . DU. oAttiliNTln AN IeDIfOPLPTIO AND LIV e.R. PI ILSe. n bee of ell Drughtda-both toner coated •n 4 Plato. lie sere and sell for Dr. Kargenth. Anti-Dyfieeptie - alle Liver rm., end FEZZEETM! DR. SARCENT'S•• O orcr CIF SSW EL °3ls7an Old Pfee. z . ago, ItUr z te u e i oi r o:l , eits , e ,r e iz rz E r f , / 8 07/t OP . B/fiPA rilnrn a rzatt, Niro% ”"B r E" 14 „ . 111A . 4411° FIVEATS, OLEO LNG 0 THE LUNOS. 4 DM541355 OF TO.i,..fflat a r r tf . llo.t7 • DO RAROICIe77 COUtlif ISYRDP coatalna nothltuf Interim,. not eau be taken by lite orualles• inilatarith osrfetorsafetp. It does not dee up a coefth as most of We ileac, prepare • tlons are note doltdiell tilecoontn. bat kn.. the phloem Prom toe tato., end.. of the Elsonental tubes. add oath ta etp.etorw. aloe, at the tome Woe allettnit the town, Sad rel teat all Dale from tae ( Inuit and I antis. DP, nattttliNVlS LOUteit PYStUP la of tucel-1 eulahle benefit t Whoosing r tiouse. eataluing It .11, liable teteed acoe•red —title dose taken secordtag to directions orten saving the Itre of the akl , d. Soto by alt Iltuailfts and Dealer, In Mediate. Bay • bottle aura grre it • ttlati DR. Jatut — snieurs. • Diuretic or Back•saho Pills, POR ALL DIZZLISIDS 07 TOO KIDNEYS AND BLADDER Thew Pills have sow been Wore the anbtle In this neighborhood for upwards of thirty-two years. donna waren time km, have then eml. neatly secretarial in the removal sun care of these Ong roue and troublesome dlaesths. hick tltch battle the till of the but Playsielle• his fact fa well stowed by the amber of won decentcures they have effected. e of loot rtandtng • tenth of dote and the om orient re. quest of those who bare e2p.ietteed the beneni elm erects of therm/Melte. U.*. tot to ke rfit other medial. published for theth Complaints that eau Ita carried to every Is door without the aid of la physician: and it Is .well known Oct th. there the thothande 'who are eltrer too IC remtheff tram or see enableth rococo the Id of one vino wilt be of screlee to them. The dlsethe commonly cab cd Itack.sea• and t) which tntil 01.11: 1111. Pettaltrily opplloonht, fol.d to ex tin the sender lethal. the labors this and the eenentary. tenanted by obstructions or euroalat Jammatlon of the tithe., ureter. bladder. We sad le known by • deep-seated alto in the small af tbe back. thosellithaexthud• ?Idatlf`49:,:.4`Q doneethe 'ewer extremit thighe right at. in the Inner yeast of theg treat dlr. lathy Ls expellee ced In 701400 the helve. and many nervous ardeted wttb tele 'troublesome eemplalat areal:lane tothdluth violent chord.; n stooDL~. hate dander la atomic[an erect poeltion. ev Leg had numerothoppor. tannic., for forty Yea?. Or tthtllng the virtue arm (rummy of tram ageolt the slid With the advice of hose who havexpetlenne4 the good elects of lit. I now Totpeeth.ll, tub... to the plaint. be lllevlng that !twill [.*sans beholder. the face eettttob. I ontLt. are trot tide Intathell. tthe nelghbertood.cad ethl be retired ta at an) ome. ' • • tilt-011ls le to MIMS Tot tau 1 wig Tai moon atlteted with 'lomat pain in the bait. and erns oirectilty In raiding nano. 1 was mom meaded by eir. sone of your UturettoTiiis. which / did. and Was pvllsetly cored. arot 1 hive tog leg any of the eampinthl /thee. being eighteen mouth. - /tenni. cOarrir. -411112 i trrroraz.r. innou i-Eni I hare tri Intermson thin/ believe I core any life gut/rely to taking some of your Mi.. Itrave bean inkininefor ral days tram my Palggsu Without ar. ut• bo las rosined to lied and lb peat agony. tote my bostano spilled to you sin wsa told by you that 1 bail the gravel. , 1 took tria ins don •• you ded. end crier,. need remai n der my dim eer len ma Ann taking the • LLSOURNT. Mallgi- Rai 800.T.0 Ds. was for a loop tlim igakted Dart.what C Ittought to be ram:oath= la my Dub. so that Isbell 1 Stooped down I Could araMely rlsbt mysel *Sig, 1 mu arlvtaed m. hit is zge . litured Ma old 1 bars act I when a wrest meet away tO Others, who Pawn forms thiasate beam. J. WILLIAI4I3Oii. mown BottomlWN. lith-- • • • . t wee f o r lour ulna Ithitieted with &nab in my bath. , 1 unteadyliedim Mr.. Willman& to az roar Pad. be nava inenizoooehleb o.da- Vglf eINT,I ....................... the comae:tact. nun yOn hed charind ta• Arc for them l would halieokiNt li et u vra ir. ,thin.oo. 0010. ... • 00W-1 bale beet aMletholwith the complain t deterliied in tarps pers for th. lost Oro year. dmine ichloo time I here tried everrthtlig 1 PPM: hear of without died. till liner with your PPM 1 liave now taten halt. hoz, and want tooth to coattove tithing Um, sa I tad better aow thee l nthe felt for foar *ears, and I etre fl 3• . laisatimair. • - • ntho ceina initialed with bath ache itor loor or eit w itho ut 1 hat Um. 1 Staid not time up or do downpath. I took part of • boo or your pills, wolth e.dia [Vele!) allied me, and 1 lithe been at portent tam napalm Ids; tbcrelore. confidently Awomatend them. io P/thlrr Di sisatotxtnt: I take Ms ohpatosito to state Om or Dlorelle lilts are Llamas{ ego. tuat, , so.dl slue (sr the each asbolevertmerttla, /coo confidant/I recommend them from expert. sore,.., ... .. ALLX. st0illslial)08. Pa , leti, 50 rents per bor.'/01.11 by all GEORGE A. KELLY, SOLE' - PROPRIETOR, WHOLESALE .DROCCIST, .S 1 Wood Street. Pittsburgh. COOK STOVES. • Wannest.* to Cook. Make' or Meat Sewell se say RIO.. In the Velem.. DISSELL'ai = Also on nand and taxi MPII 107. Pi0n.46132 PinEnn. O O •Ts NnL T. IS. to. . . , MA-„ ... .. - -, ‘,- , ' Fty - I NS a t : GRAe..v.,Rs AIE THE BEST IN MARKET. 4111 W ter. Buller. Sugar s Soda. Boston, Wine and Oyster Crackers, • di Corti,o3l.cor Meal Ilia 91 . Libertf lfreey "'Jar OP iourra. - . FULTON MACHINE WORKS. ARAM. lEB M .Atalsoto t 7.,j 1 83% /.14.....1.1n 1 vora 1.4 1 . 41 .1' loll& •eas • 10?ATI tn=lb!..7..V.Mal rata arst.._l; fagymin. '17,4 TA. " `11',417' • . . .• UNION, STREET.. 1. IPotl.l. Is f;lt.r.bY girl's 04 - Sib. Airport