The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 30, 1867, Image 1

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1116, DAILY Gam.,
liorvAre BzCNT:B.) * ,
PENNIMAN, *EEO ra,c . \ I ~
A. r• 1.11..
Mx; 14 mad IN MTH STREET.
L ikul, t epalku riper of 'fidra l'evali 4.
urzoin ritrAit or 11 !m
Cl yopia AID
ELLEII I / 2 I ST. . .
zairemar.rinrAirssio.f./48 2' FAMILY
' Mt 'Z'FbTutrilem., "• en?.
Hall hxrlven, per Tvat 'etk o..
Add.... . GAZETTE.
. p.
T. r. nov.Tolll,
c4l rGactif
TICKET. . _4
Fur .3hwor--SIUOs Dnuu.
irre/or—Wm. 3(unuouts
- - •
Div OF T111}...101 LB&
artinaL IteSl7l..T of full chan
nels la ur rivers has already been felt
In cost , ere;ial circles. Tiede has con
sider's* brightened and mdney be,:xlme
a shade enter, with the prospect of a
; plethora fter the banki shall tiavh made
! their Jan statements. The coalmen
hero snece tied in getting out the vast
floating, Ile of lump .and slack Mr
Whirls* . - of their capital had been
bar'ed,, end, 'thin a few disys,vrill have
received in h the :returns for their
precioni black diamonda . Nor have the
';. coal menalone taken advantage hf the
present rise in ,the vivers to . get their
i,. Mock tolho loiwer markets for waver
? aloe into cula. EvCry boat which left:
the wharf wakweigkedllOwn wili iron,
natW skriculftwal implements, glass,
and hundreds of other articles of Pitts
`4 barch mann cture, sent/out to fled
i market by wa. dealers who appreei
atct.the- ekes iransportation facilities
,f *emotionally afforded by the rivers.
While the Monongahela has been do
' leg its full share oflabor la helping the
1 ., mineral wealth dug from Its banks to
! the .markets, its swifter neighbor; the
Allegheny, has gladdened the. hearts of
: the oil dealer's with large Invoices of pe.
Minima, whlch,had been .awalting ship- .
Meet for many menthe. During the
present brief swelling of that riverlbere
, will behronght into the' - City more oil
- than ckuld fur wee . ksbil transported over
the railway trhich follows its count into
the heart of the oil region.
Front the new life and impelds given
trade litthe rise Our rivers and the
' ibiilifint prospects for good times a few
tweeks hence, we_ of Pittleurgh'abould
the es gratified for.tbe "Cluastmas present
•i•of rain from heaven,as they down at
;Cincinnati -and .:T.idairfile, Who 'are
thanking God•that they have been delis ,
'voted from the anticipated distreises of a
:fuel famine.
linscv:ral of tho northern counties
: , :xueniorialti to the Legislature are in air:-
nalationforaignature, askingidr the es.
jtahhehment of a State Lunatin Asylum
.for the accommolation of th 4 section.
lropranda and Willismapirt are eachspo
ken of as a suitable location for It. .
counti a , similar: Movement
Sias liven commenced for an .6.4yltun to
loCiocil at Raiding, and to accommo.
data perlia'pa a dozen of tho' adjoining
• . ' It Is veri l probable that two additional
nalltutloo will ultimately be rocigirod,
ir‹ , , ”"sw...kut economy and . uitlity alike prollst
galnat await. establiehmenta of this or
Pewittnain.s now go [rim Chicago to
crenne without changing care, a tem
brieg baying been thrown acro
Um Missouri t Omaha.. Distance, 1,11
. Tun Chicago . 312untfaiinrers; at the r
meeting on-Fridai night, folly endo
Ciboactlon of the Cleveland Cottvention.
I-Tast suenetstlon- la that lir.
i'essenden Is the strongest man the
!iepublicans caxt nominate for President.
.. . ,
An inetance 'of great 'heroism on the
'art of a young inan, Captain Will am
ackinan, Is related in the Newfou d
ad papers as having occurred at dl
'odor daring - the violent bung:tan of
ictober 9th Illtat,!nr which we has be.
-'to spoken. 1 So' extraordinary is the
tory that were lt not vouched for by the or authority it would appeariner*l
- A vessel called the Sea Clipper had
truck on a reef near a place milled Spot
ni I alandk. Labrador, at which (hem were
',O restrienut. This young man, Captain
,aek man,. being providentially- in the
'eighbortiodd, wit used the vessel'a
trilthm, tour her all asunder, with. in
P tribe, of person od her deck anti
, as It afterward bp
'eared. To save same of these poor
rea tures, Mr, Jac nowt himself intii
he sea and steam the wreck, distance
hundred fathomsor more from the
„frore. The hurries:no at this time wan
I he height, accompanied by norm
;lever, tiptoe did this heroic man swim
}otween, ship and the shore, each time
Kluging A wan from thd wreck and pia.
hmnitn in rudely. . ..
By this time persons from a neighboir
.ng settlement bad arrived with ropes.
lateen trips more did the noble sailor
:tale, - conducting all the survivors in
blety %to the . &hole. It "seldom falls to
'iiir lot to relate mom heroic conduct.
Captain Jackman Is said to be as mod-' as he is brave, and when speken . to
II the subjem.: will not allow that he did
nything more than his duty. ApPliea
.on is to be math, on his behalf, by the
"urgistrato of the district, to the Itoval
" toluene Society 'for its gold medal.
:}hich will undoubtedly be promptly
'A. Water at Manama tiellla—meararb
• able Pbabearebis,
I The Buffalo Courier says: 4 .J1 let . *
'rem Niagara Felts: giros tbo following
• ieecriptitin of the remarkable phenotn
nu 01 to water at the . Falls and elee , ,
Mere. Thursday last wart a wonderful
:ay la the annul, of Niagara Fella. The
amass easterly gale sent the wl4,rs of
...eke Erle westward; leaving tLe Ma;
;am river and its tributaries lower thee
rere aver known before. Buffalo Creek
ytta eo low that alt the vowels in It were
~ - r oundcsi, and Niazam Fella was a riv
;let compared with Its native gratadear.
•,'lre bed of the American brunch was so
renuded that
,•ou , &add ttavel
iarky bed withoutwettlng your feet, styli
;xystorian that were never before reveal
`t same to light on that day. !Locke that
lorotefore were Anvisible appearell In
trelr fall-crown deformit,y upon the nor.
&cc. 'and great was the counUanntion
;mpg the tinny tritest. The Three
Jaen • wete acceradble to • foot pressen
, -en., nod many traiiiised where human
lot had carver trod, with perfect Im
unity and dry IceL. Below the falls
(.4n( thotrobda of treaders. 'rho water
7. foil twenty feet lower Man usual,
..nd the ohle3l. Inhabitant gazed in
reader at the grand transformation.
fear 'Stopenalon Brldno the celebrated
ink at Winners tat% upon which a
"Yovertlng man caught and was , rescued
everal yearn ago, which barely pr.Jecis
a head above the water, was lard bate
meaty loot above the surrnoe."
• !Irrlgeor Orleans, late at 'ilea., cal
' red mm, rejoicing In the sobriquet of
came to grief high unexpected
.manor. 'For purposes
ad In testify his respect, he paid n visit
stseigebnr's kitchen. No one. Wan in
Welcome him, fir the hour was late.
ills was hungry. The Mom wile dark
ut Sills could foeL Suddenly his hand
AMO In contact with an iron sutsdatico;
ills thought it was a stew pan; . ho scis
tholisadio and lifted it to his nose—lt
ad a delicious liaver—thorn was roast
test there, and well ronsted,too. SUM
resell hishoso closer—it touched the
- -
cleat - there're.' a Itudden click, a swath
red yell of pain and terror; for Sills'
ose and chin were clamped by the
.iereing teeth of a steel trap. Sills could
',at got away—the trap was fastened to
'te wall by a chant. Sills -ntamped nod
. yoraned , -Lis agony becanin ititense
ands thundered on thetable—hie
. •amoth
red screams grew terrible. At last as
" • , stanen cams; and in the morning Sille
alert,' into an ispinontion before the
. —, 4 iovcral "hocks of earthquake hove
?coldly been felt at Reshot, Naples.
or the last two days the volcano hue
:non vomiting torrents of lava, which
O looker descend In a single stream-to
',ant Ottejano, hat in„soceral currents,
!itch cover the wino on tho aide of the
'fire more considerable streams
threatening Torre del Greco and Re
na. The earthquake has not done much
'atriago at the linter place; the-staircalse
ono/loose fell In, and the Inhabltante
;;el escape by. Cho windows of the up
' er stories.
-arroting is a
London. The 1
.tteta tiretoribfugi
lairbnettith Mem
I•ant of vigor amt
• •
• --Late athices from St. Thomas report
new obstacle Mahe annexation of St.
Thetalas, to the objection of tho people of
that Mond to noddle themselves with
United States lm poredu ties, a little ship
ping trade Among the adjacent Islands
beingl tlfo nource of buninens of the ma
jority of the people.
—The end of the Paraguayan war is
announced, the Paraguayans, completely
exhausted, having asked fi,r a suapew
Mon of hontilitlea. j After a contest of
two yearn and a hair, winch has frequent
ly been very bloody, this war to happily
at an end, and with the restoration of
peace of which there is no fair a pros
peot, it as stated that the free navigation
of all the Brazilian waters is to be open
ed too world.
—Nldllis Adelina Patti recently gave a
diaper party in Paris. Aniong the guests
were - Mustapha Pasha, - Khalil Bey,
Prince Poinatowaki,- Baron do Thal, wife
and daughter, etc. The dinner was fol
lowed by an evening party, at wbioh
. pre cut Dr. Sims, eminent
Amerman su rgeon, and his pretty daugh
ters; Mr. NV litehurat, Martinis de Claus,
Signor. Ca ihnl, wife and daughter;
Signor Tag kayo, wife and daughter,
g la dent, which might have
proved very disastrous, occurred at Sur;
roy Canal, ndon, on -Sunday night,
December 17 A mbntsn mistook apiece
.or . rising gra tad for a bridge, and drove
his cab into the water. lmtdo were a
gentleman' d two ladles, who narrow-
IY l-callesi wtling, but. were ultimate.'
ly rescued y the bystanders. The la
dles . are v ry 'lll, but it IS providential
that the a lent had floweret; issue.
g...A sin i lase of unsucotasful std.
nidi;' Dear at Leone, France. A
r are:red LontagGier, a earpeuter h h,t ,
h . :N.ll;g di ' r i c Xt e e d d aes is
t ile fr i o t:ti
1R , ,.
received, fl four shots frOIXI n revolver
under.his hi , the bullets lodging in the
uppet part of be 'baryon. Ho }vas ta
ken to the phaLtua cotedttion of great -
danger, bt t is death ht. not -yet an
nounced. T s. make ante of his purpose
he bud load three revolvers.
d t.
.. —The G rnm!ott of Austria bad
proposed t t at of ;Italy n convention of
extindition - r deserters and 'non-ap
ta itic ' o i cl t'l. trof?e ' r h .7 C C o a n b seq ine u t en o tl
usesale the shaft - . f )'lento, Italians of
th lessee will n t be treated
trio a. the ptlnelpi admitted- with too
surd to dese tern. b t after those which
regula n the reside aof foreigners. In
struct na i this a se have been given
to the bus • it ant orittee
—T e 11 rquis 'Ester, formerly an
MU of; e- Fre ch Navy,•clirector of
t ti
the •aisena which to being founded at
Yokohama the Japanese Government,
arrived at' I vre, France, recntly, to Cu-.
perintend- o loading of a French vessel,
the Fattest - 11l -cargo will consist of
numeroust ea for working metals.
an append for .masting remote, and
some impro ed linens, with Weir sop
pliesof cylindri • andeonicalshot„., The
vessel in Oesti will very speedily
leave for 14Bleba a and Fon-Tcbeou. •
Comta 'm nces, e as 'a t i n- ed eo w m i t.l : g il .e l l f i l ii i . Lo- -
dove, prone Al put six weeks since. a
Won name d Homier., aged sixty one;
who owed a s m of 100 fr. to a neighbor.
It grxne, nn led annbes, committed su
icide from d pair in comemience able
creditor lea gcornnianoed judicial pro
oeedings to enforce Torment. Three.
days back th On ,of the deceased, eged
.twenty-four, a etolier on the Lyons Hall
way, retur n honlie, and. after remain
ing a short e with his mother, went
to the shop f .12dmbes and :shot him
through the ead with a pistol, kUling
bim•on the etlet. lie then made off, and
has not since ciiptereL „. - , :
' —it Is stated !hat an Epgßah hsdy mar
ried to en Itakan aublernart, the IDucheim
CeenrlniSktrz4, hate. been expelled the
Papal tvrito/ übder circumstwiees
which *em - extraordinary. - ' The
Duchess's 'villa at Remi wins-sacked by
'the Antibes Legion, it In said.rsitheagh
by way of protection the bad hoisted the
English tie over, its gates. liaising
lodged am m laintZher Grace was or
dered to leave Ite ms within twernyifour
bourn. Leg g! y; of coarse, she had lost
her natlonalit by marrying a subject of
the Pope. b ut ribs taken as
\ ...1
an most1;0 - 01 , 016 at ntus quo which
France NV os tverjrpower In Europe to
guarantee. • \
—Melia apn rs to he the great source
of the, world's nupply \of Italy; Now
.• ,
Siberia and-theilsle of Liken arefor the
moat part only en agglomeration .f sand,
lee and olephan ' teeth. At every tem
pest the seacasta shore fresh heaps of
mammoths' tusks, 'and the inhabitants
aro able to drive a Citable trade in Um
fossil Ivory thrown \ 'p by the waves.
During the summer i numerable fisher
men'et barks direct , th it course to this
!Mao( bones, end In inter-immense
caravans take the same ute, all theeen
voya drawn by dogs, ret ruing charged
with the. tusks of the motk, each
weighing from one hand and My to:
two hundred pounds. The renal , toitr
thus obtained from the froze North is
imported into China andain a .where
It is employed for the name purpose as
ordinary iverviftiroishol by theraephant
and hippopotamue of Africa and Asia.
Ttai isle of bones bag served as a quarry
of this valuable - material foe expOrkto
-China for Ave - hundred Mars ; and It ben
been exported to Europe forrupatards of
one hundred years. But the supplylrem
these etmnge mines remains' undirtdri
tailed: Wha a number of accumulated
generations d en not this profusion of
bony and t imply?
—The Lon n newspapers renort. that
In the Epi nal Church of England a
s i u,
01l 1 t i e * ' -IVn t i (coon t o o
d t y I t i
I s
i s
t h fil s= t t -f ra-
Slates, an the assistance of English
eh in attaining that object has
by a published circular. It'
the London Adecrtirer that
Oen. meat is not a sectional one.,
It 6 ed as en altering to the witolo
American cqurch, and not to the South
ern States asegainst. the Northern. Nor
dyes it proceed from any single party in
Englandkboth High' Church and Low
Church are assoeisied In it. .All' the
archbishops end m of the bishops; all
the I colonial Cast ro titans and lIMPY
welt known leaden I of church elphilon
unproven it, and have expressed their
Willisignet ato coosamte. Several emi
nent statesmen, both conservative end
liberal, hove promhsed Max/Mt. Among
the nubsel!brrs are-Mr. •Gladstone. Mr.
Oaythern Hardy, Earl Stanhope; the
Earl of S af rebury and Lord John Man-
nem. U n the mmutittees are the Earl
of. Corn., on, Lord Crenboarne, Earl
' Neilson, he Archbishop of York; the
Bishop ° Oxford, Mr. Reresford Mope
and Mr eeladetorie. There certainly
could be to "better representation, than
Ithis of el' erent sections of churchmen.
silo feeli
,g which has led to the move
ment Is t h e desire to draw closer the
bonds or sympathy between England
and the quted Static sod the English
andAinerleitn Churches: • The wrens!
reception given to the American bishops
wim site •ed the Pan-Anglian Synod
has alread y' prodlical very gratifying re.;
Rolls, ari l its felt. land to monist In the
mtabilsbnient, or rather the restoration,
of the Southern University, would fur
ther strengthen . friendship and mutual
respect. litwill beta pleasing : memento
of the vieleof the Amerizaq prelates 'to
England. "' ,4 . . •
• •i
ll —ln Main)\the KTnriettor journal rays
that light colored granite has come into
vogue, end the, quarrien of other granite
n that State Ire at present uncorked. •
—The steamer Nirrada, erthe North
I American Staamshlp Company, recently
made the psfatage from. New York to
Panama, via/Cape Morn, in the short
space of 111 dews. • „ •' • • . -
—TIM NeW Oct Jackson end G roe!
Northern Retiree Company have added
two "elegtud and Inzurlowe' sleeping
canto their rolling Mock and have named
them Louisiana a4tl Mississippi.. . •
—The mouth of he Mississippi, it is
reported, has beenlopened by a - dredging,
machine, and a strtuner loaded witty mit
ten and drawing eighteen feet water ban
parted out Of the Southwest Pass with
out touching on the bar.
—By a letter from Maderia it le stated
that the grtqc ,faepha,,, just been gath
ered, and the Yield le estimated at 6000
pipes of 110 cottons to the pipe, which' le
about the settle as last year, theugh the
quality is mid to be touch better. - ,
• • • •
=The Boston :Journal of cbenolatry
says thtit -pencil. wrltini4 may be , thtea
almost to indelibly as Ink by prmlng Rio
moistened tongue over IC Even broth:
log slowly over tlio lines , tter
renders them much less liable to erase
than whets net subjected tot hat
—The Tennessee and Pacific Railroad
Company he obtained from the State
Legislature a gram oil 6X,000 per t ul l e
for the first thirty miles east of Null
sidle, and $15,004 per mile for the rent of
the road. The sue4t of r_on,ooo in State
bonds is 'also gratrthd for the building of
—The Ice in the Hudson at Albany is
so thick that tt•anuscroased It last week,
when heavily _loo wit hout fair o
ac f
cident. Teams also at Rhine
beck. At I'oughkeepate the river was
frozen over; but it was open at Newbnrg,
though a Single cold sight, It was antici,
patod, would - close It there.
con:11'20Mo rogue
London' peeve contnina
;garroting robberies and
spas, and lamenting the
long the police. •
~ m ,
, , .5.1 lir A - 1
~. ( ,
The Fenian Irruption
Unusual Activity Manifested
Marlello Tower, at Dablln;Takea.
Attempt to Fire a Poetoffice
Public Fucitement Very - Orr at
41$ heeportant 'drew' Effected
Decrease in British Revenue
Political Agitation in Italy.
Feats of a Hieing Entertained.
Eastern Qrudton Ecasferents
Maximilian's Remains at Cadiz.
Spain will Sualainthe Pope
Passage et the French Army Bill.
CB/ iigflrriDh to the Pltli?urgo Gazette.;
rE_TteNs ,ryystreLLLY Acrivr-
Loismozv, December 2S, IS67.—The
'Fenian seem unusually !active all
over the'country. Nearly every 'hour in
the clay'dispateles nro received by the
autlibrities announcing either a Contem
plated Movement by the Drotherbood or
an absolate occurrence.
. Uf quite a serious nature
have. been ipeeived to-day ikpal Cork
kiving 'details, of anothei Fenlan coup de
maul. Last' night abOut; midnight a
Large body of . pen, with . blackened faces,
Min mod Martell° tower near Cork. The
gliard of the kaiser was overcome and
scattered and the victors hastily collect
ed cocsiderOlo quantity or aims and
ammunition and escaped with their
plunder without molestation.
venue Excrrsuerwr.
The life operations of theFenians hare
- had the effect of rekindling ntatilic wx
citement. F ldany improbable rumors ere
afloat, Mal ding one that a 'Fenian ants-
Mi-had seen off the Irish coast and
chased aw ,:by war vessels.
, A. man woo arrested in this eity.last
evening on a charge or having dred.the
!bag which caused the vecont terrible ex
plosion at Clerkenwell. It is believed
the true culprit has at last been captured.
Loanoir, Dec. 2S.—Evening.Anotber
Fenian outrage was perpetrated to-day
at Dublin. An effort was made to fire
the genersd.rostottioe by means of Greek
fire. The attempt was, happily, frus
trated. Beyond the destruction of a few
letters no great damage was done.
' A " large powder min: it - Faientbam,
about fifty miles from this eit'y, was
blown up_ and utterly deetroyed this af
ternoon. Ten persona were killed out
right and a kirk') number inja . red. The
muse of the explosion is unknown.
.10211X.N, Dec. ..—The London Ohre.,
er says t :Curlew br extraordinary pow
ers will now be asked of , Parliament by
the Government for the suppression of
Fcatian plots or disturbances.
'it is expected that owing to the pro.
!ration of commerce and bade during
the pant quarter of a pear; the January
entomb will show a sevious decrease In
the, amount of receipts from revenue
during that period in tho United King
rfMADRID; Doc.-28,—The Austrian frig
ate in col/Mend of AdMiral
TegetliotT hiving on boaid the remains
of the late Archduke Maximilian, arrived
at Cadlz yesterday afternoon.
Sessions Of the Cortez commenced yes
toed*: In the usual speech from the
thrcmetr Queen Isabella pledged tbp sup
port 'of the nation to the, Popo for the
preservation of hie temporal power.
r Aas•or. OH THE emir BILL.
Pants, Dece mber 27.—Evening —ln th e
'Corps Legislatiff to-day the bill for the
reerganlmtion of the army was passed,
idler someamendmenta liouher pro
fic,i,mt nine years' service instead ofelght,
whiclf, afters sharp contest, was carried.
There wore eighty-one opposing votes.
In his . rimech on the proposed amend
ment, he called, attention to the arma
ment 'of 'neighboring powers and MT.
pelted tits - Plan as Like only one prsztlea
hie. Tho bill hi certain to become a law..
PARIS, Dee. 28.—The Phis Chnstihs
ekme/c to. l ilay denounce.. the repudiation
of Italy:
Pants, December Z..—Tue Papal 00X
ernment.' offers to' pay the Intereat,on
those Italian bonds wbich represent the
old debtot the Perititlmi States annexed
to It.dy. 'The Italian Parliament re.
centlrrelbsed, by a decisive vote, to pay
coupon.. on those bonds.
" , -Dispatches from Italy represent that
there is much politica/ agitation in
Northern and Southern Italy. In Naples
and in cities of Piedmont° Me °sells
lent isdengerous. and ream era enter
kilned may culminate in a rising
egainstihe authority of the Government.
A number of eminent Eurasian ataiee
men and diploma.ts hive met fns tat.
Petersburg, and are holding a Conference
on the, Eastern question.
Lomxix, December - Za. —Co in meic
ad.vicea from Shangline give the total ex
ports of new crop teas to first of Decem
ber at ninety' million pounds. Grecs
tea at Shauglue was active and firmer.
Bounamrroir, Dec. 2.9.—The steam
ship Burnes's, Cant: Frazer, from New
York on the 14th lost., arrived off COrres
at 7 o'clock Ma ovaaing, arid after land
ing. her London passengers, mall arid
freight ensiled again fur Hamburg.
Lout:atmsunk, Dec. :: , X . —The atearit
ablp United Kingdom, which lett New
York on thol4th (nat.; touched at AIocKIC
to-day, and after a abort etay sailed for
Clyde. • •
,torromr, Dec. Di—Erenfno.— Money
Market quiet nd steady. Console cloned
t tfi2M92l, amount steady
3-5 money.
Five-twentle, nant, 1111noi Contra 88 1,
'Erie 44. • I
lavarthooL, Dec, Zi..—E)Taing.—Cotton
closed quiet; Wen 10,000 bides; trade
portFethermore favorable tbOugh the
prices are uneutertd. Brenhatufra closed
nine: and steady. Corn a% fkl. Wheat
1011 per cental for white California; 131; lhi
for No. 2 red 1 . 4 - 4ktern. Barley tes 3d. Oats
38 Bd. Peas 468—Provisions quiet and
steady:. TAM advisneed quoted
at 50s. — Beer 1120. Porkll7e 64. Cheese
6%. • Bacon 418. Produce dull and
PaANKFOIST. Dec. 28.—Eurning
Aarwenr, Dec. ...—Eveninti.—Pe
troleum dull, at 45 truce.
Deoenther 29.—Bourse heavy.
Securities or all-kinds weak, arsd renter
bonds quoted to-day at:7111 to 761.
it:CMLBP, De°ember 29.—Petroleum
market weak; standard white 4t francs
.60 centimes.:
Severe Warm at Mb% Francisco—
Great Ilbetegs Debezto , 7lll.lpplaw
Adgribet Prom Arbineb—Attanked by
ledlans.-4 Demisesltire /foal.
(by Tele.raph to the Plltabutztt Mt, )
Sax FitAxexaco. Dec. LM.—The severest
etorm.formany years • has prevailed for
the partt two days. • Most of the shipping
ht the harbor ism damaged, Mal the city
suffered to a great extent. Reports from
the interior give accounts of the dhow
trots effects of the storm. Stage alai
railroad communication are temporarily
saspettded. . c.
. .
Arigona advice. to December Rh say:
Gen. Strong has been relieved of the com
mand of the District of Arizona, and was
.ordered to gamma command of the mili
tary operation. of Nevada. Gon. Crit
tonden to named as his successor. The
Poliutt Indians submitted to thetmlitary
authorities, and turned over their arms.
Gen. Palmer, of the trulori Paella
Railroad Survey; wee attacked by
Indians northeast of 'Presoult,l without
fatal results. The territorial °facers left
Prescott fhr Tueson, the new] capital.
?dining newannooumginc.
SAN Fru:seise°, DeceMber
ports from Sacramento Valley dimle nn
destructive a flood as in 19d i 1
' The
whole valley is !submerged' end travel
attependettini every .direction. .Several
railroad accidents; canted by the wash z
log away of the track, molted In loss of
life. The American rivet is higher thou
ever knoWn before. The levees at Sac
ramento have. withstood' the flcod, and
DO fearer-will be hereafter entertained
for the safety of the city. The leer. at
Marysville havebroken away and the
the greater part of the city is overflowed.
Tho rondo in the filerra%Cetrada rnbun
taiga are rendered impaaaable - for ant-
The melt gnu express matter
from Virginia city ind other places in
Nevada were carried by men on foot.
Such • disrodrous alum was never bo
lero known in the mountains.
The ships . Derby. sad Calabar, which
arrived yew erday; report; istere shocks
of earthquakes off Cape Horn, on October
lath, lasting thirty hount
ill rat Paella/mass 'Of Ontario—Llano.
avllammmtat. • eramea Addams—Alm amebae
:- • •
Ear Telegram so on IllOsbulti.emenue,l
Tonnarro, Dedenber93.—The first Pin
iliunent of the . prorince of Ontirlo open
ed yedergayalternoon,
Was chosen speaker.
Tonosto, Dec..
ernor'ei address to the Legs
bly to-day, alluded to the
political era open at•'
eihtering.' - 'd'ho hoe
that the resodrees
Legislature would be
purposes. The beet m
tog ted to. The !met increasing
aging emigration and t.
the public lands ol the P,
enactment of a liberal . homestead, l av
and, adoption of a system of :-feee
grants of land to boon Ate settlers, we re
QuEnac, December aftern n
Governor Belleau delivered his ape._ 1.
He expmasod the hope that a sequin it
of fidelity ' British lmititutioda a •
devotion to the intermits of the (tont -
erasion will characterize the first elvish,
of the Quebec Legialatnre. Tho 11)011.4
urea which will come up for legivlatiou\
were enumerated, comprieing Laws for
the adrniniatraHon bfltudiltiagifublfa - ed.
oration, public charities, the encourage<
meat of science, letters and arm, the ini
poZte.m n
eritof domain, incl . tll e %
of migration and oofordeation.
oi=eial /lets Less 11Ilsed—•Noiminse
liv In te•Plit.borsh tia
NSW OttLE4ll3, December t'S..--Genec
al Hancock, In special order No. 2M,
legalizes the official sell; Of H. L. Ethel
b; who wasappolotedelerk of the Second
District Court by General Mower and re
'moved in. turn by General Hancock,
reinatating- the former incumbent. • -
The 'following Was adopted by the
Convention as the seconn article of the
Constitution "All persona, without re
gard to race, color or previous condition,
born and ..naturalized In the United
Stater, and residents of this Btata:cone
ear, are citizens of this State, and @hall
e Joy the same civil, political end public
gbtu and privileges, and be subject to
e same pains and.pensltles.!!
The Convention adjourned till 3fon
. ay.. To-day was ths • twenty-sixth day
the session.
A Republican meeting - was beld to.•
• pht in Lafayette Square,nnder the an
slakes of the Union Lergbe. It was' ad
dkemed by I,tr. Conwey and 'several
members of the Contention. About
one thousand personswelilinttlendance.
The meeting was quiet and dispersed at
half past ten o'clock.
I , , ' ALABAMA.
eipubileas Minalmalthir glow—
Arare flbot—As . pololos from Mb
,!ON - 130111E11.7', ALA., Deoember 214.
Tho, County Republi9ut Nominating
Convention to-day nominated elgbt ne
groes and sixteen wtiltes,—four whites
and' turo negro. for the Statej,egislature.
Thu majority of tliwirhltivi areltrcirtharti
rool and connected with therroodmen'a
A. negro waa shot dead yesterday on
the plantatlonsf Mr. Merrlereather, near
tilts-a(ty for declaring himself 'append
to the Union League. • • ..-
71110 Montgomery Council, which
obilms to be genuine hoe of/polled J. F.
Keller,a loading radical, for diebonohp
ble conduct 'and action cakti i tted to ex—
cites war *Cranes Keifer a League
which \he .elOrna ~ t o_ be genuine. The
wliole wilt before the
Grand Council - for Itaistlon: •
• . .
iersleier. , ;Clerk. , Misigaiem . •:= WHIR
Eyries Irbasesmdi Dellres—Tbiellhaw
mem Mask Dereleutlen.
re, Tx•gratak te tL• Pltnt•.np Oesetteo
, December 28—
ed Preston, In dere
m A elerk
Dorchester Mt ni In surance Pie Co Y m e pun te ye
e ,
hos d l sappeenXlnrltbeight thousand dol
ls," In Government-bonds.
- - .
In regard ,to theidetaleistifox of .tha
Sham:nut Itank,inthis city 'it' is 'ascer
tained that.,:of W e defaulting
teller, llenry,_la .about_ live or six
thousand dollars, from omitting to
credit depasite tvhen received,. aud the
'balance; twenty-coven thoussusd dollars
In compound interest notes and twenty:
&oven thousand In bills, is said to
have been stolen from - the trunk in
the bank vault on tho day Oat the
taulter disoppeared. .
(13# reertpla ,otOe rite.barsh Litssr.ta.l
I Naw, - ,Tenir, Deo. 28, 1867.
1.1.81e3 iraw OPERA. DOUSE.
, 13. N. Pike's new opera House opens
'January GM.
- 1 munnmien exinnsrno.
Hugh Danagli, the murderer of Henry
E. Orcutt, Sheriff of Kalamazoo county,
'Michigan, was arrested In this city Under
another name, u a pickpocket, and hav
ing been identified Is held for a requisi
tion from tho Governoref DUchlipm.
movement bas bien Inanguratcost en
thin oltyln favor °lT:rising andefluiPPlng
a regiment for thol'apal. anat. '
atb Telma:lb to tba rttlabarati Oasirtia.3
. Now Yong, December 2O.—Alavana
specials stale that four butbired coidies
bad arrived al Demorsra.
Lord Lytleton WWI given a warewel•
come by the people of Jamaica.
A -tidal. wave and volcanic eruption
in theses dostinyed several houses on
the Wand of Grenada. • • •
The term of GA% Walker.. of BarbV
does, had expired..
Tha Legbdatores of Trinidad and an-
Mina Were innesidon.
Heavy rat= In both lolanda had been
beneficial to the crops. Those . of Bar-
Undoes are also In a fine conditio.
•al of Gene. Ord and Pope
uccep cans: McDowell
and Meade._
riptionN for.! he Pike'
meg /eitunl. Internal
/te'renue, !lc.
floral of Gem Griffin.
Soldiers Photographe in the
Dead Letter-Office.
MexiOu News Safi Nra elory
t .
Author of the Dent Letter._
i .
My Telellran t.eARA cis' tbatiti yiIAIX.,) t -
i ' WASIFCCOTON, Dec. '..'S, ISO 7.
They I'
•4plaal ainteu4 printed • for did
week ;it touitted to 1399,000; shipped
$, neluding 1.5 , 0^0 to Louiriville.
Treasur notes issued. 81,072,000, near]}'
all to 800 trati mil New Orleans. Nation
.al Bank tea,. Et.lllao. Fractional cur
reocy dwd ved, $2.33,600.
Cot. C. W. konitoit, of Cinch:midi, has
has appeared too candidate ter We office
of ConnulssioneitoLlutermil..Rovenne.
The ieceinta of Internal revenue front
the 12th of December to thin mon...Munro
$13.140,60. utl the total receipts nineo
July loot tifet,24l.taxt.
Liberal sulwriptions have been made
by tbo. citizens of Wardililgton for the
relief of Um not,. General Grant has
ordered to be turned over for distribu
tion among Wont about forty cords of
refuse lumber to be used to fuel. •
lln El=l2
The funeral of Jiajor General Griffin,
which tool:pine, Slits at ternoon; was one
of the thirst dieplaye had hero for some
twoor three year& Flog. were displayed
at half /mu,. throughnut the rite. The
tools of . General Griffin andalso that of
his eon, arrived here early this morning.
3.3t1 tail in 'tate at the depot until
lapin o'elook, when the prreyeenon
formed, consisting of about two thous.
and infantry, and reventi cornmiiiien of
ertillery and a large nUntlyerer.rringes,!
and preceeded to link Hid Cemetery, nest
Georgetown. .btiweral handl. of mimic
Were to the proeneelon, pleying, funeral
dirgee along the route. rho tau bOLnee
occupied kepenne bearees, which were
handrunnely• deoonded with Amer.
lean demi entwined with crape.
Immwlietoly spar wee the borne
of General. Griffin, het by or.
derliet4 with boon; , reversed, - ;.and
sword on right Pale. Pennsylvania Aye
one,along which Ihe pewee/non moved,
was densely errowded with people, and It
es' estimated that about tea thousand
-people .moved along the street after the
pro/re:don. Generale Greta, Sherman
Emory. Carr, Itlekeum, Hunter, Hurdle,'
Humphrey FL.mrlinq. Arian r, Cop
el osh and Ml,eliter ueennipardell the pro.
oession, and attracted coneideraider at
(elation. Arriving at the Uttineters the
troop/. weir/ . - tntwn InhditmAktgtpee
',l/entett nein/I'l%lh* tilitentrentrege
were then removed to
the Ctinpal, , where Mrs. Griffin, nerntn
pealed by Gen. Porter, Of Gen. Grunt's
staff_ nini ' few private' friends of the
harl previsitely arrived. The
Ppieeoptil neeelee wan read by Iles- Dr.
Loans. end subeequently the lodine were
placest in Inn private vault, where they
ern expected to remain. •
r sxe, Or!, Alk D norm nxstoc - to—ntr.,:
M • pow EL I. AND tl Ent
no Solloidag order . wax IsAciect. chits
iternoon: •
I Cirnerat t h . deo - No. 11,3.1
11 ft A 'MI/a:TUTU% AMI T. j
Ansrrs:st tinxenstr.'s OrriCK.
Ww...attscaus, Isen.::ss t ind 7.)
Dc directing of 'the Prestantit of rho
'lilted state', tan Intlowing orders AN)
Free, Drovet hinj. (kn. 11 O. 1. ord
will turn VVer thy .etatunand •of the
Fourth hlilitary liiatilos to Drove ?AIM.
Gee. A. i.:: Glltem, and moored to San
Fr muter), California, to take commend :
of the Department of California.
• <mid. On toting rellerrd by Brevet
h ajar General Ord, Itrevet :Major
t; moral Irwin Mol/owelt wilt proceed to
V ;Ashore., • Mioodwilppi. and relieve
Glmeral Gillem In command of the
Fourth hltlit.try District. •
Third.• Dreeet litalor General John
Pope is hereby of ,command of
the Third Military District and will re
port without delay tit the headquarter.
lof,tlrn army for further. tirdom, turnirikt
over Ilia 4,111 mind to theltext senior of-
Lair until the arrival of his successor,
Fourth. Major General Geo. G. hien&
la sneigneni to the opinnianil ot the Third
Military Dintriot, and will lIIMUIIIe It
withoui delay.- . The Department of the
Fast will bo commended by tho senior
oilier, Mit until II eunikmairdei Is flannel
by the Proindent.
- .Affh. The .ollleerit annlaned Jn thofore
goblin onlern to the command of the mit.
here districts will exorcise. therein any
and - all powom conferred by mini of Con•
gross upim dlntrictoumnantidere, and
-any and powers pertaining to Wit:,
ry department, commander, .
Sixth. Brevet .Major General Wager
Swayne, Colonel pi' c the tutu United
States Infantry, in hereby relieved from
duty lathe Burnam', oritefuwenn, ',rena
l-nen and Abandoned Linde., and will
proceed to Nashville,' Tenn:, and seam°
command of bitt regiment.-
By command-of , general Grant. .•
[Bignedj E. D..2.poy:genan,
ArriploWil'son,to,PAlfLOUß DENT
Part!. who have been-trying to 'seer-
Wu the origin of the sinealled Dont let
ter. assort that Iriucatigationphows its
author to ho the writer p, annrtiele id
the Gaituy,- to whiollalitniion hi made 4ri
,the letter; that this writer is also an at-
tache of the New York Wad E r and
penned the al-Dales that. paper mat
meeting on the positions of the I.nlint
ter;!.nnd tinnily, that tho wrlter'in the
Gaiazy in the blew' York correspondent
of the Charleston Charier, in whose com
munication-to that lournal the letter first
WAIMINCITOZI, usc.'4T,•lE67.
A private letter from i Sinor,fßomero,
&qv" December Ofit, Kept . that tlMpros.
ports continuo to be eatinfoctory ard be
ben not changed lttliopinloit that Moil
cans are to bare. permanent peace and
Then - tientnee Depaitment basun bond,
taken from dead lettere :which nommen.'
toted during the war, more Wars ten
thouriand plogographa of Unlonaold term
Although ilia bellovoumany of their rel
atives would be ghat to obtain such pic
tures. tspeciallr of theme who have' died
eine° they wore taken, the De
partment has not yet been chin In deckle
noon IN plan by which thin gratification
maybe alfordtrl.•
It la understood that only two licenneii
to sell hquer arc to be Issued under the
municipal ordinance Just passed, with
the objector testingthe constitutionality
of the State exeimo law: •
G. Sfblup, Colonel of the. Sixteenth
Infantry, 13 understood to be ton
porary• commander 'or the • Third:Mill
tory District, until the arrival of Gener
al. Meade. •
Pet... Willem to Anterteatt
CO7 Telegrabb to the alltt burgh Nszto•.]
'Wearlaszstn,' Mass, Dec.:ll.—A large
and enthimiastio mooting was held hero
loot evening to petition Congress to take
action for the protection of American
citizen. in Gresz:Brltsin. Splritevi
'dresses were made by Mayor Make and
protnineet citizens. litsolutiona were
adopted InSisting 'en . the protection of
naturalized citizens . 'Wreath 'Nearly
three theitaand,people were proserth.
Cutler's milby at -Ashland, were des
treyed by Are yeetarday - morning. ' -The
loss L. sheet InStirtmcp $10,500 on
mills and stock. The fire was the work
of an Incendiary.
brim Store Destroyed—Two Victims,
of Snake ;cash Voono.
Talegrapb to the PitttbuttS 6rotto.l
MEltruis, Dec. 2.9.—The drug afore ! . .1
.R. D:'Ward A Co., on Main street, was
destroyed by tiro this morning.. The
dock toen tailltd at twenty thousand
dollar*. ICSCrect in the Hertford corn
PssY Tor moon thousand dollars. Amos
‘Voodsuff, proprietor of the building,
loses four thousand dollars.
• Theibodies Of tivo Men were fourid in
linmodultehie rivet, near the Itigoon
depot of the MemphisunO Ohio Railroad,
yesterday, in u badly decomposed condi
tion. One was shot through the head
did the other through the body. One
bad red hair, and in the pocket was
found.b letter from a mailer to het sun,
bearing the eddre.s4 of .11 Pratt.
ing was fbund to ideptlfy the other.
They *re supposed to have belonged to a
band of robbers who, ter Some months,
have infested the neighborhood, and that
they bad fallen into the Minds of Judge
Chltell.lll.sies District Judge Shot by
the District Att
• Mobil Dec...N..—District Attorney L.
italartiu met JudEe Busteed, of
the tinned Staten District Court, this
morning, and accosted him saying:
"..lndne, will you allow that bidietment
against mo to take its course?"
Swig° Ilusteed replied, ..Sir,the law
Mind take its course." •
Martin then drew.. a revolver and. tired
on therJ mine; who fell to the pavement,
baying received, two shots, ono Isielow the
breast. Isom, and another in the right leg.
Mailln turd been indicted by 41te Grand
*,r revenue fraud. and ottortion.
Fie in now in Jail. Judge Musteerre
wolands ant not considered mortal.
'lSTlNghhrahh to the rittaturgh lisiAle 1
Bureer.o, N. Y., Dec. n.—From the
investigation made by the Coroner's
Jury, on Saturday, of the trucks' of the
care thrown from the track at the Angola
clixaster, it Is eetablbdusil that the rear ear
was not. thrown froai the track by the
wheel breaktrig, but by the axle of the
CliWelaud and ,Toledo roach, the rear
coach being eprung, thus thrown= the
wheel an inch and a half Out of it.
ptnpur position. This fact will be em
daily brought nut before the Coroner's
Jury to-morrow. No mmpromixe CUTS
were attached to the train.
Ausertesw • Unwound.— Orders Osee
sondem Tateres. BrWoods. d•.
rind tooth. Pltiabargo 1)....•
LIANAXA • DA,CCOlber 29.—Mr. Torten
fere.* has taken nwweasion of filo Ame
rican CA?osaLute, when• he elleeeede
Savage tu Conoul General of the United
Andre in Havana.
Captain General Lereandi lute Issued,
eeerade orders aiodast thievery Iri
girdle ilaul 'laver'.
• laverre learns, paiaaaash.
tav ?cleases to um ettivOwitiplamete•l
AWolarra, I>teeitiber herrn
who raped a while girl du' public
Mid Mar Leuisville, defence county,
Sal ardilly lask.wen arrested
on _Monday,
tied Wake and bdrruld .1.3 , a mixed
crowd Of whiten and blacks,
Tau Cost Ied—TIBBS One
PISO• eg
oprou.x. Can
.hiwi,tianted an order officially armour].
IngAtuti the Convention has been curl
In Woe th Cerniltin. and appolntln
Charleston 54 the place, and Jaanar
/Sat oebbitdo.y Far it. sier.tubting..
zun•• and Golttor
fly Mania and Padaera.
[Be Ttlegrapla to pit littattorot 0t0r.18.7
llaterronn, Cam. , Eleeember
Russian itovernment hat made a mit
tractsvith the Colt Patent Fire Arm Co -
pony, of this city, for the nienufactnne
cc thirty. thcamand Rentercontract to be tilled In eighteen mont
One hundred .. Gatling. resolving trams-
sooty have Alan' been ordered be the
Promise - Government, to be hunt by
the Colt Company. and the Itnsalane are
likewise to have ramie hulk,
Float IBMs bud Grohs Illoirator
•Iroß <4 by rue.
[By Telegraph to tea Entttb.rob Oistste I
. -, Mass.. Invember 21-;
The eztenalve flour and plat mills,
gather with the Lugo elevator and &II tile
mills, ware totally destroyed by tiro bud
night. The., mills were known through
tout Sew England, and the elevator It.
said to Intro been of greater raisnlcy
than any other thin side of Albany.. Loss
not ascertained.
lee mad, Drift at
(Or Telegraph Lotto Pp trhargh illaretta.3
11CFP , ALn, Bemire her 3S.—lee and dri
wood, trout Upper Buffalo Creek, passe
through the harbor - loat night and tot
morning with great force. So damag
was done. The weather in remarkably,
mild, and the ground has heart bury of,
Anon since t. 1.0 23d.
• correspondent says General Sheri
dan is unreserved in his expressions of
sympsthy the Faulting, but he has a
polleferhis . own (or carrying out their
rinses which they little dream of.
—Obadiah Valiantlde, a conductor ou
the Flushlug Railroad, Now York, was
instantly killed at West northing, Fri
daydnorning lost. • fie was standing on
the platform of the oar, and bent forward
to look at one of the boxra that, bad her
.coine healed, when his head In con
tact with a proJoctlng timber of a bridge,
cutting hie bead completely oft •
—The, committee of twenty-live ,np
pointed by the great meeting et Cooper
Institute, Now York, on the Ith Mutant,
held a meettnx• on Thuroday evening,
Alexnuder T. Stewart in the chair. A
circular letter wan adopted to be mut to.
bunineas men throughout the country,
urging them to orgnnize meetinge, cx
clunive of party, for theparpone of urg
ing General Omit so tbe candidate of
the people, Of all grades of politico, for
the next Presidency.
12131 E
—A Now York Herald cur pendent
telegmphlug from Chrrlotto co nty, Vs.,
says: Along 411 id throughout the coma-.
ties named below a reign of rror pre
vails. The freedmen have come den
nerato,awaiting the tlistributio of farms,
and pow seek revenge bybous burning,
cattle slaying and other ont a. The
counties of Amelia, Prince Ed mrd,
ifax,'ldeeklettherg. and Pitts lvanie are
deluged . with such outrages.. Murder,
arson and ineendlarism -aro pf nightly
occurrence, and a war of race* seems to
be inevitable: The civil stu 'oritles are
powerless to protect, and hill y poste
are so „remote that the while have de
termined to defend themsel es. The
resolution is death before ney suprem
acy. Tho forty, acres sod t o mules
promised thouercesouCtaint notbe
lug forthcoming caused this te tble state
of affairs.
—A fashion writer nape °O .-- ; ;if the
inosegracefulsikeitere wo naW upon the
Fifth Avenue Rink wore a ecarlet and
black striped ekist; upper of black cloth,
finished'in ecalleps bound in veliet; As
trechan beaver, close-iittinpaletot, and
velvet cap with aigrette of scarlet feath
ers.. ,Another, worn by a blonde with.
bright golden curls, wao . a blue cloth
skirt short and full; a peplum, or 'Wort
upper skirt, In gored widths; of gray
cloth,conlod In blue; jacket lifgray, with
gray. fur border; blne velvet cap, fur bor..'
dm. A very pretty dress was of gray
cloth, skirt abort and full, with.searlet
cloth facings, forming a deep border,
sciirlet'cloth barque, bordered In chin
chilla fur, glengeary cap, with fur bor
der and scarlet ribbons.— V. T. Mad.
—The Severity-eighth highlanders'
now stationed at Montreal, alle having a
severe teat of their power. of endurance
in that cold. climate. Although there
has beau only about three inches of
snow.; the weather bus been extremely
cold, and frosted ears and Peen ere very
common. Until a few days ago, most of
the soldiers wore the kilts, but they are
new allowed to wear trousers, and most
of them have ro far conceded their natu
ral rights as to adopt the new ordef. The
pipers, however, having objected, are id
lotted to wear the kilts.. Before . 114
adoptlerf of the trousers the men might
Nave been area with bare legs, while on
their handeithey had very large and corn
fortablellores. &chitty-eighth it
the regiment.the sound of ivinise pibroch
was no welcome to the besieged garrison
at Lucknow, in India, during the Sepoy
Oa? ett
We place at the head of our column
the name of Mr. F,itho!, Drum, the can
didate selected by odr RepubliEttli friends
of Allegheny for the important office Of
Mayor. • That ..Mr. lb is the decided
atoice cram party to amply shown by
the handsome untidily awrwded
over each of the very worthy gentletneet
.who competed for the nomination. Mr.
Drum Lan long been regarded as one of
the most enterprighi, • capable, intelli
gent and patriotic Mtizens of Allegheny,
and hie ilonainatior(gires decided satis
faction to membeis'of both political par
ties, who Ire interieted In the 'election
only HQ fur as to.seCnre n worthz occu
pant of the cheirof the Chief Executive•
of the city. Mr. lDrtint way' elected
Mayor by Me ildputlicitus of. Allegheny
in 11,113, but reeignett to mile:. the corny.
and with much credit served his country.
On his return he. w+ selected to repro ,
sent his start: in the!SeleCt branch of the
City Council, serving his immediate eon.
rilltnerita its well as citloene at large with
6n — deists and' ability. i He will be elected
by n large tuaJority,! and trill make an
exCelleut and etllelent magistrate. •
Mr. Wlllinal Murdoch is the candidate
tot Director of the Poor. I i
Is a well
known and highly respec citizen, and
well igattlilled to till the p . Non.
The candldisett for:Clounells and ward
Mee. have been selected with care and
dgment, and the whole ticket put'for•
and by the Ilepublicane of Allegheny
eminently worthy hearty and eerneat
atonally Meeting of the Y Ceara
A•1101alli0111, •
The attendance at the regular monthly
meeting of theNoung Men's
Association; (held at their rooms on last
Saturday . evening, Mr. Oliver McClir4
tech preeldingt was quite large, and the
proceedings wore of a very interesting
character. Encouraging reports were
received showing the progress-made du
ring the month, which must have been
gratifying to all concerned. Blurs the
last .netting the roll shows an increase
of ninety in membership. Fitly-Az of
these are from•the Meneheater, Branch
whirls has been pieced upgra a permanent
footing by Ihe election of the following
Executive Ward: D. C. Ileruilton, W,
C.% Riggs. J. S. Wilson, B. Souther, W.
F. Trimble, W. S. Spnatt, and P. Eisen
haioer, • . •
Engle have saw, been wide to estab
iish a similar organization in Birthing.
barn, - but en yet no suitable ;room has
been: secured, and comaspundly they
have not lover: auccessful. By election of
the Board of Ihrectora, Mr. E. T. COM:
bans been appointed Superintendent of
the Aaseriation, assisted by Mr. 1,, P.
Long, and they have also secured Rev.
M. B. Pugh, of California, and S.l'. Far
mer, of New' York; ae miselonuries to
aid the Committee on City Evangeline.
tine In their work. • . The prayer meetings
held under the auspices of the Assoc:la
lion are increasing in numbeii and in
tercet antLealla are being mints: from
other scearnis anxious fur the establish-
Meta 'of those meetings. One from the
Seldiens' League of Allegheny- was tic
twpted.. anti a meeting announced for
every Sabbath afternoon at 1 o'clock; its
their Hail on Larock street. .
On motion of E. P. Long, n committee,
cool:ming of J. E. Sellers, Paul Wright
and Jos. Long, was appointed to draft
nwolitttotis exprosenviv of the feelings of
the Asineintion in regard to the death of
Cherie. If. Eithert, OW of its. members,
and kn response to Invitations revels:edit
ommapeo wsg appointed to visit Youngs
town, Ohio, and. New Ceara Pa., to aid
in the oistabliebtnent of iMeenciationst ct,
these plasose,lnner which the meeting ads
The devotional exert:haw - nt Intervals,
inris Abort remag - Mr ng. of
friendly feeling, during the meeting, lent
a chasm to the whole proceedings and
rendered them Much More • interesting
and attractive. . •
The -Chriatniaa Vettliltien of Trinity
Episcopal Church Smithy Schools were
brought to a;cione on Saturday erening.
We have alrewdy noticed -the ,gathezing
.'n Thursday evening, of the children of
the mission school. tinges- the auspices
of the Parish Guild, and the brilliant
uul • gigantic Chrintmaa-tree with the
treed of gout! : things with which they
-were t,enletl. A similar fest-Joni was
held on Saturday for the children of the
regular Parish • Sunday School.• - This
entertainment, like the former One, wan
preceded by tirayors,,scriptitre lessons
and Cluistrius mauls in the Church. hundiad and mixty bciya and.
girls were made glad by a feast of ire
.11.111:11 and mires and momenta to Barb.
The witch) number of children assent
bled an Mese MO' occasliona, and being
taught under the supervision of the Itee•
for and (wild of the Parish, Is about.
three hundred, and slaty. Of theme
about one hundred and tiny belong to
the Church families and are taught in
The Parish School-liotvi awl alined two
hundred and ten are gathered out of
all parts of the city, and are regularly
aught by members of the and loran
membersmef room of the .Diamond Market
Louse, kindly furnished by the city fir
shut pn move. Christmas and Its ermormai
tants will be lettgrentembered fie these
children, as well for the event so Metuen•
tons to mankind, which they have been
teught to understand,ets for the feasts
end giffit which they have 'enjoyed. If
those persona who nave contributed to
the expense of Mete entertainments had
been present. and witnessed the energy,
real and efficiency orthe young gentle
men and ladies entregedtu this work of
love, and the happy feces of nil tho Child
ren, therwould have tinffight they ,had
never ',from made so good an Investment
eta little money or spoilt an hoar or two
more agreeably.
The hell as '
Ashland Ilan.
The ball given at Ashlhad =Roll on
Friday must have been a. rich affair, if
Madam Rumor speaks correctly. ap
pears to have been patriinized liberally
by women of the town, and bad whisky
having been need 'freely by both men.
and women, lighting, was the order of
the night. The principal "set tool , of the
evening was between Nellie M'Eedden
and Mollie M'Clure, which, from all tie ,
.counts; was a lively "tilt." The quarrel
arose about, "Toddy." 2 .M'Carthy, who, It
appears, was claimed by both the - trail
creatures. Neither would agree to re
linguists her claim' and A light was the
consequence.. A ring. was funned; and
the contestanta 'threw aside their: wrap
plugs, entered It, and went to work.
daveral rounds were fought before either
Rallied snitch advantage, but finally
„bionic received • blow between Rib oyes
which in a abort time closed her peepers,
and bolt Nellie mistress of the ring..
Catharine Kearney made Information
before Alderman Mchlazdera, on tinter.
day, charging - Catharine Hamilton - with
'aggravated , nalmult" 'and battery. Thc.
parties reside at the Point, where, 4•to
alleged. by the proneentor, Catharine
Hamilton keeps a l bawdy Loam. ; and
Margaret. Murphy drinkin itouite ,
ceiling liquor Withont berme, ppeara
that the three met at the d rink' n saloon
referred to, where a tight occurr: and
when the proseentrlx interfered be .wan
attacked by tile defendants and r • 'deed a
kick from one of them which rocked
four of her teeth out. She also z ado lo
formationhgeinst one of them f r keep
ing a bawdy home,and [booth° fornell
. tag 13 . ridor without licence: arrants
wore named.
Veneratelles alai as chi 12.11.
This will be the last and great week of
the Mir. Every body will bo ng,Mul
the City nail bo crowded. It can
not be otherwise, far boas will ..rant to
mien this last chance. Thom who want
to know hew to conduct: a fah ebould
visit and learn; Those who mina to try
their good luck :Mould visit and take a
chance, and thorns who want to have - n
good time themselves and see 'ot.lent in
the enjoyment of the same, atiadd not
fall to visit the Clty.ftell this Week. The
grand, promenade will commoner ovary
night at ion and close it twelve-o'elack.
Remember the fair
_Rua week, and be un
, . .
New Neat , . 'Preienia.—Our:readers
wilt bear involisd that Means. Idecrum
ACNtllale, wholesale and retail tr ming
and notion dealers, No: 19 Fifth street,
offer an endless variety of faald nable,
useful and ornamental goods, a [table
for Now Year's prosenta,at prices greatly
Simon Dr • •• lbw 4.3audldatator Mayor
111.. •. eh fur Direatur or Ch .
rOOl,-Caera uses for t 666 nal,..
The Republlcane of.E.TIV Olen} , City on
Saturdny i evening eelected by bglot esn
dldatss for .'Nfn:Oor,i Director of the. Poor,
Connell s, &e., to be • voted foritt the
election tin tb Px,42n d.T u cad sly of Jarm
an-. Followlni is the fl.ooit of the hal
toting :
?Vaal. Drum. Ilyier. Callow. Long.
klret • ' 011 ! 106 115 30,
second 74" 49, - 170r
T h Ird-Ist . 0 13 90 104 131/
f " : 1 5 0:1 80 141'
Fourth-lit " 73 WI 110 eI
21 \ -33 43 94 !
tinti m' 21 23 • 123 15
Math . •.! ~, ' 116 ! 9 80 18'•
soventl 81' 97 9 70,
1407 831 711 59'
DqlSCiollo/ 711. POOL
Ward.. I 'Murdoch. Alston
Find .241 183
Second 434 104
Thled-151 Preclllo3.. 140 183
5.1 . 181 ' 951
Fourth-Lt 130 111
2:1 15 ' /51
Fifth 154 1
Sloth ' as 24
Word Norotnastoac
Tbose designated) thus ( 8 ) ore the no!
mined& _
1ia.12 WARD.
811.107 commit.
. .. . • .
.0. O. ph1111n5.....310 ' Henry Irwin ' 140
• (3 velars.) JOhn irszlar..s...M
(4yes. ) • • --' ..
•Josephtelol7.7B 5 1;flu!11. 8r0w:n..28)
•eur. II nun._. 311 Ilene, Oess(lg..-...103
•Geo.W. I you ' 8 8 Tnos. 51331 th 118
. C. Cotner U . / A. S. Bell IX
!011001. D1Z1437•011.4. •
litobert f00ng....219 C. W. Benny 8 15
•Aloses BOrlantl...K3 'I. W.•liennedy... 187
Wm. Thompson .
*Susi. Ttiompson..2B7 Davla
}verzorou or zsre-rtoir. .
Jobn Tbo.. Mum 11:0
antra rarprscron.
Jos. Jobtacon....lB9 Jar. Pollenborg... 84
Samuel Irwin
Gco. D. Alex. Moore 219
W. 11. - .W. D. McClintock-32G
Wm. TO4O. Jr • -403 Utlllee Baird --
James Itned.. P. Swam 74:0
Menousig...3l4 7;,4411100010....,...200
SCBOOL olaiaiross.
John Drown 8 B. L. ThOippson... 71
6 11. at. Dunlap—an John McDonald... al
A. L^.mare 133 J.B. 8i0nn........331
John Thompson-117 D. Danolmm
.7smeh M. Carr.-17T Eaton 338
Joscpla lima 413
(Nti CPO
•acoor or axonal, 1.,
w. EL Alexander.l44 W. W. A1ezi41111w..193
A. Richey 957 0 31.30merville.J..ta
Hugh Ward .973 M. Shelly lit
Jos. Spraisoe °IZ
• atorasr Istrscred.
I. D. Hedger atl Wm. Cbarobars.4.l4
Geo. W. Us:Jou...J:3 Cdaa.9ll4light.
...Wm. Colder X3O .
1140 App)
Wm. Bowdon
Wm. Evragoe...!33B isallnDorrald:4-112
infgo WARD.
r r.rt
toltet. Caanell-Jae.Moßelazo.. 482 23.7 ear
J. B. Bmllb 243 160
Com. Connell-U=9 liaotbap• 337_ 1S11" ,
Geo. F. Coolls7•. 438 243 075,
J. R. 08194 ..... 23 MI
IL J. Greel•-.' ... 311 1771 531
.1, M. Brentn:L.: 434 119 373
N.Vren2B4lo9.Jr 7- 281 537 489
• . 147 149 47d
G. F. Bellmola.,. 108 m , 104
B. C. Obenler 87 87 131
Joon Bush 74 80'131
Sebool 01ra:ton-James ?ben:. No m 717,
C. C. 804 Le.
Ammer-R. R. dos. No. opposition.
Judge of Itleetlon-Wm. Itoy 8, Ist precinct-
Led olg 13Itaffor,id do.
In.peetora-A. J. Pen te,ose. Ist precinct.
• 79 in. 11. liana . . 91 plvoltet..
Return Inspcetors-A. Lionsoilast.
F. attreter, sot do.
Constable-ieter Bolster..
LIZ p. 24. p.TVI.
mbricrAintog-J. C. ratt.r.oo, °op,
Cos. COVOcd;-3. 6"61114181:,112 - IRO'
‘• lobo Illteoral•lOI Int Zet
Nob% M. BialetS3 184 487
Ilagh McNeil. 2.6 07 309
. . - • •
Joe. 9t iII
• Lord. Moat-- 100 110 We
5. MOM tol9-1..r. J. P.Alooro 10 191
T bog. 11oesoce.H7 79 ST
- - 1 O. Looml.•. tla U . 957
Jos. Crafg......191 14• 119
.199.5amp1e.....111. WO 'NA
J. of El/91309—W. B. rot rletueo Ist pre'cL,
Lsoriard Wattol9lll do
:C9alloblo-3. J. / 1 / 4 daeld 1 111 D1 / 1 71111
1A 111
F f
Alex Pottorma•...lo Goolle 1910....1111
(Rome 8011er . ....41s R.J.Monti, 44
000001 00VIMIt. •
k. O. aar1!.....1.1811 IL T., Wb1te.......131
.7.P. Kellner:ly 0 ....1X1 Jansen Howard.._..
J. 11.: Lineleay•....l94 J. H. krasltr
if is. 0111c1and....127
P.J. Hive Joriatla.(l•llleither.lo7
N. M. Llinlin• David Lathier. ~.
C. PC Abs.. Jlti B. B. Painter.... laS
James Walthar.. - .1b71 a. B. Neetall.
1. F. enmtttnrll..ll9 1K Panama Cl
Jokier& .•
• Isaac B.ewattf —.926
sai issoa. •
Canty Tan105.....160 David Lutbay..... 64
Canahays..e2i • I
.J. Wi11ti05.....178 W. C. C00k4.....-90
a. D. Thowpww4lll W. 8. Ta710F....--. IS
mantis nessurroa:
a. At. nuirora•
G. W. Rano!SA..l72
othrersso.s. 1
....AV Dixon 81eby...... IS
Etrkpalr , oli•-.112 L. Peterson
Pre& Grinners-316 L. Meaner-- 24
Dr. W. Wilson-- 61, W. P. ...... 14
C. A. Elotehhuis...lll s3 C. ,
A. Lyle
, cosmos convert.: .
Ilenry Warner 6 -153 • 11._27 Sefton 47
W. IL 1511:511nm—. 75 W. W. Brown—L.. 42
IL A:Oarne+• 154 W. 5. Spratt.. .. L.. . it
J.C. liwrpnt• 1511 Xi. Slnbtrd4Dn.l... 4B
Robt, Hods• • 113 . - I
• acippor.ntaimons.i
J. E.Seerrell•Oe..— 73 J. APCaI um 106
W. r. DI J. LiwalleT .. '4... 94
P. Roo:* 160 J.Cuattlngb ....GO
T. 117 (.1111aon• - 139. tiamool Pier 69
J.P. nichey• in.. C 7133. Pugs ' 11
W.Cunniogliamo.lo6 ' I. I
•' • 48.8 or XL1101.101r: ,
W. T. Te184864 4 ....103 J. 646Int7re r
I 48664wr0z.•
Jr. D. Temb16 4 ....111 W. E. Jobnata.— 67
Wm. Meant, • 64 11. Uhrl44ano../.:. 61
Dr. W. Wilson ' it
B.J. Ulna—, 1175
• mamma.
Wm. Masao. ImChrl.Win 7 . 3
N.Qumlorwm...l 4. klayer4. • • II
'WO - lanai] to tit Oompleta reurro, frtna
thl. Ward, bat leery %OM , LboL 10110Yrior
oorolNuton. for Couoctla were wades , 1
Wi4ainor and
David Reese.
Couigoig Cormetr.--Georto Obir, Henry
Geyer, ViilllamErqer and Charm Woisey,
loportakos I ilocaokoclors.
The groat deck in the pace of Dry
Goods of almost ev ry description Ls well
knOwn, but purchasers of Carpete lave
ii t,
learned' to their disappoint:neat, upcin
looking through tbo market, that no eon:.
eiderable 'reduction In the price of that
clans of geode has 'yet been matter Mire
is, however, a probability that the,pres
surefor lower prides from consumers and
the trade will Cud Tice or compel the Man
unicturens to make some coactriocil be
fore the opening. of theerwingtrado. Par
enterprising . neighbors, licraria, a
collinn, 71 and 73 rirai street, ever so
licitous to adventni the Interests of their
customers • and the public, have, Since
Christmas, concluded to offer eitimie ex
tordinary inducements to persons' con
templating- any purchases in theirlitte,
to make their selections, now, instead of
welting until busy times. Thiy have
accordingly, reduasi their choice and at
tractive iitock'of goods on hand; consist
ing of the niontdairable_ etylos, in the
Market, of Cerpele,'oll Cloths, Window
"Shade., and Lace and Damask Curtain.,
in smolt Ilguren as will fatly OutlciPont
"Cl reduction Mot may be made Inter in
the mea.vou. Tho cliaraeter anti reputa
tion of th Odious°7l he e. StUnrun tee thatthin in not an nun° nement made uakiny
to bring customs In ere old or un
saleable goods at a ellg reduction, but
q *
that their now end cho stock In actt ,
ally offered at lass then it would coat to
.day to replace the good.' 1
, . .
C 3 7 c I :6 8
ee te,t4
will be a Tinton 11:11
otitis 'Voting Men Of did ti
in the Second Preshyteriar
tier of Penn and Iraddatte
log at half plod "wren
*accent and cordial. Any!
Younit rnell la given to aq
. Dlscharged.—Keuitedyl '
with larceny before Ald •
had a hearing on Saturday
ed in his discoargc, Werth
dance of his guilt.
T r or m4n hlci
being 1
OPERA Horne_--The past week at the
teem Mouse has been the most , profita 7
ide tO the managers of any Tr, &ceding
one this seas 7!. It'lle - Mariette Ravel.
the celebrated French artiste, Dm met
with unprecedented enemas, and the re
ceipt, at the treasurer's box have been
largely increased t,:ry. it. Mr. Canning,
the manager, has succeeded. in effecting
a roagakomeat with her for nix nights
Mere, which doubtless will be profitable
to both parties. Persons r,hould not fail to
secure seats, as the house will' doubtless
be crowded every night,
proachable work of art, illustrative of.
the immortal poem of "Paradise Loot,"
is drawing very line audiences. By
uniyersal request the management will
give four more entertainments, to-night,
to-morrow, night, Wednesday afternoon
and night. We hope none of our read
ers will fail to pay this really , meritori-
Otis work of urt a visit.
Tar. APOCALTPSE.—The great tableaux
extvbition of the Apocalypse, which has
been attracting such immense crowds to
Masonic Hall, will 'continue for 'three
days longer, during Which time a mati.
two will he given every afternoon. Per
sons desiring seats should secure timid
OPIPHANee attendance at
the Orphans' Pair, in the commodious
basement of the Cathedral, continues
very lingo. The chance, books are rapid
ly up, while the lists of the vari
ous articles contested for by boat clubs
and individuals present a handsome ar
ray of vote.* • , •
CITY lIALL.—The 'Universalist FAIT at
City Hall, was well attended during the
past week,,rind It is, confidently calmer—
ed by the managers that It will be more
liberally:patronized throughout
r e
present week.
4cw Valeria Utfas.,
In the epleadid asoortment.of boll y
goods thrown open for the inspection f
the public at Pittocka Bazar, opposi e
the PostelTice, will - bo found a very II
collection of parlor games, which woul
be acceptable gifts to the young or of .
Plttock has everything Worth. keeping.
We stock of the works of shmdard au
thorn is hard to beat; his endless variety
of ' Juvenile and toy books •• challenge
comparison; hie duo Collection °Morally
bibles and hymn and • prayer books are
m cheap as to be within the reach of all;
his photographic album. display is im
mense; the line of writing desks, port
foliw, • ladies'. companions,' workboxes,
rte., is something worth examining by
those who ore in a quandary as to what
they shall kayos a present for a friend.
Books, ststtonery, photographs, fancy
goods, and everything else peculiar to
tbe tine of trade cart no where elm be
purchased to better advantage, than lit -
Pittotk's. .
- ntsesiew r (Meese:
. At a regular meting of the memhirra
of CryXtal Soiing,Dlciaioti. ;Co. st, eyrie
of Temperance, held at Moxart Ball on
last Saturday erenieZ, the following of
deers wet" Sleeted to eery° for the ensu
ing tains, and will be metalled into office
on next Saturday everdng:
W. P. Horace S. Snowden; W. A.
James; C. Harley; L. Minnie
mayor; A. It. S., John .AniTntx: P. S.,
Joseph D. Lewis; Tresattrer,l , .A. - .l.:!wriee;
Cor.. James M. Itleakiey; ArreitataneCoZ,
W. 'lt. Reddish; 1. S-1. W. Crooks; 0:
S. William Reynolds; Chaplain, T. C.
Lady Officaro—lot L: A.. Mies Mande
Boll; :Id L•A., Miss B. C. Mintlemoyer;
Scl L. A.; Mos Sadie Wallows; L. C.,
Mims Mollie Northwood; L. S., Mho;
Alice Mathe,ee. . •
This Division is in a prosperous con
dn, and is fast Increasing in members.
The LoTars of Cool Kuala will have ' d
tine opportunity this evening of hearing
a Grand Yowl Concert, to. be given in
Ezeelsior Hall, Allegheny, .under the
direirtlon of 'Prof. Lawton to will be
mei ted by seine of the be ' s amateurs in
bp . dribs . It ts fir the benefit of the
biii tr - §BiliirliiiiVernadeon'lhithay
School, which need assistance very much.
It Las been supported for nearly a year
&lomat wholly by two persons, as we
learn ,l in - the now ask old in he un
dertaking. The school boa Inclosed
largely and the need of teetaments,
smiting-books and Sunday school papers
is any much felt by thoee In,
We hope our citizens will respondlgeard.
ly to this praiseworthy object surrgive
them al crowded house, and we an pro•
mine them a fine treat, as .the mimic is
selected with care from some of the bag
masters. • . l
~. ,
The Weed Reylmr taellatio
Was all the go for Christmas : Don't fall
to get one for a New Year's present.
• • -
Secure the aWsze,” for It it tbe beet, ....-
Though many machines la the inertia. tame
• •
WM, Ors for Irm.rr-r. nave ll !yelpers.
Et do. all the work wi
with each ease.-erl so
Wbee'er ..hal/vossus it wlll sure gets veva
It het greints 'or silent ln so
Call and sae It al R. IL. Lnig's, :la, 112
Meer= diterils4e, 2Vo. 19 Fifth street,
Miyajima opened a very beautiful lot of
those elegant Scotch plaid handkerchief
and glove boxes which kayo 'had such
rapid sale to purchasers of presents. In
asmuchas this is the last Impartation of
goods of this character whiclethe house
will make this Seamen, those desiring to
make selection will early avail them
selveS of the opportunity afforded by the
fresh Invoice, .The firm have likewise
on hand a very fine asscrtment °lgen
end holiday goods, which they offer at
greatly redueed — rates 'to their whole's:ale'
and retail patrons. •
Large Aftendance.—Thaattendance at
the special sale held by Meesm. Joseph
Rome it Co. Nos 77 and 79 Market
streM:has De ed large, and *thousands of
persons hare already availed themselves
of the rare opportunity afforded for ob
taining trim:Magi, notions embroider
lee, and general holiday goods, at great
bargains The flon are determined to
close out their imittense stock at piths
lower than.
i ll& i beett offered here for
many years.' es le who are In the
city to num theli holiday goods are
earnestly invited to this house with
Commendable Energy.—The portion
of The furnace building belonging to the
Sable Iron Works, which was burned on
Friday night, will bere.brdit immedbxte
lylthe contract for tbe same havingbeem
,lot on Saturday. The firm are new ntri.
Mpg the roll and nail factory hay
ing an unusual amount of muck Iron on
band, and will, in e few days, kihre their
entire works kgain in operation. '
ult and Hattery,—Ellzabeth Mur
ray made information, on Saturday.
benne Alderman Taylor, against Patrick
weieh and James (.Cale charging
thbm with assault dad battery. She al
leges that they throw cinders at her,
strikingter several times. The partieit
reside tit the Fifth ward. 'A warrant
was leased for the arrest of the accused.
Allow lathe Market.—Brldget Jordan
made Infermatlou bcforo•. Alderman
Enfant on Siturdai agalnat Owen Dillon,
charging him with aseault and. battery.
Tito affair occurred in thelDlam• d Mar
ket,srhero the ',ardent It appears • =rol
es' about a stand. A warrant fantod
fo the arrest of Dillon•
nal.--Mler a tourer save
the Old Continent,. Robert
andlamily, retained 40.
Meal', all enjoying ixtrfec.:
highly elated lath Meir
- els and experience. We lir
come them - home.
ttee,—The ollowing
wero appo flied an
Agee in tin 811 1 % irard,
o primary ng
Amble, W. . Brown
ocuthe Co
naMed. vatic •
I.`xeutivo Com
Allogheu_y, at tl
Jcorp y h Kir k ,
Henry Warner I
j i d
. Surety of th Peace.—Ed
math) ,infor m Lion before
Strain; again' bilobael Nau
surety of the aoe. Ho all.
atteumod )u breataning in
lanzusgo tow him.. ..A. w
-In 182 ay • untc , man in Ti . se
from Joigny n.. .Paria,i to Ap . • igny, e
distance of Afloat' mileta, in see , . ty-taro
minntet. The Weather woe bad end the
road quite muddy. Hezaria f owed by
two Judges on horae... On mplet-
log the fk nip tulle the. ye ng man
breathed roe, nd chewed no atom of
barest, Ile : e borsea,on w ch the
dgea ere mounted.N, were badly
blown." o many ,or-entntOdern
et out nal Ala feat? . .
l eating
h eld
h, ear
-1 a even
t An
1 to all
. .
----1 ,
i A
T , ../F. 6 .—ltte • tour°, Cludei
he Steu nettle Se , and
cal Sean of Intanut.
. argod
• o evt-
. 'MT ,
mix at
other 1,,
- f7t,
A loom "oat, otootAtill.ll FORT! COL
vICOS of lotonotlar madlalf loOt Ti lat t ra.
moat( tattoola/A Mint Now" VT pwo
valaalga 141641" lunar flar roof :y
and Moot sod moot rolloblo 111"iclal "deny.
mental Mutat Reports plalro M
a. atty. No Tarmac. Xlietoula Or 011eohoot
el oaldba without U.
3al to nbriib"
=coed one copy of paper to tha r parooo
op Um al" Additions co alobli cati Oa all"
timA at slob nom
Nem. ro aoascallmas.—fa ordarlaa 7oa► ;',. :
Pain; be sure and amity what taltlba TCO
wait, as lirs Woe a WeAaesday
scriber. 'tannic but ono mall a week. I .
firMaaer by Draft, RSVP., MOT
br la Zsglatared Latter., alba mat at
Addrana .Azwr're. .• •
.ITATIC—NAY.—On Wedges doe crofts, Dino_
at the residence. of the brines snooer.
the Nev. Jobe Pones*. MD:. noolsle.l
lin , L. E. nOyder. hlr. , Es,. NV.
Bellefonte. Fl.. and h IN MAUI FAY. nf ,
Chen} CUT. '
lUelli . fori wa•is please com• 7
- , •
et lb e•Moce.
M. JAM.% STIIIIh ig tlfillD, t.. 11
the 00th Tumor Ms age.'
Itineesl tram hlaima nes'aeve•. No: I bile!.
lerd Meet. Alleg May. ilsie Raychem r.) es
Tete...ev e at 10 o'clock Tbe trl.tet let the
holly are reep ttvlly Inel , aimed.
ALEX. Ala EN, 111V11EIRTA.ELEc:. -, ,
No: is* Yoarth !kraal. Dlitatrargb. 1:4.. •
COfITDS. of all blade: C/pl.l•F>l. Gld./17..1,1:a.
every deradditlaa of /mord , run:debt/at( Ik./4.0..
turalskad. 'Boma area slay sad algal. Ltooka
d Carlin. turals44l.
Raranisozza—litay. Da Id Karr, D.•id.oder. •
B. W. Jacua.• D. D., kora..Doing. , •
Jacob U. ler. End.
'^- titiONET. ivit.e ..
--- . Okla 81..
- 1 -
ROBEICT T. IItsDNET. Mime es t
..' Tan ..11. EnnaUs gr. No. 43 Okla 11.
Allegheny. and No. to Matuond Sioare. for
John Wilms a 8r05.,) he.. allonym .... 01 s
best Meta/ Mow/wood, IV Mout and Inaltatlon • \
Itssewood Commas • Walnat cola. Irmo C./ St. -
wagds. ' ft/rood Coal. two upwards: all other
C.O. to propOrltoo. Carriage. aue Mears,. ' •
Puldshed at low rates. crop., Gt... cjsto . ..
sod Ingral•lngfarnlsbegiralls. = UPlce *en day
and night
as ' I
• HER JIND EMBALMER. (stutremar tulle; ' •
loin bt'llt. K. Bodges,/ No. la OS. utsvol ,
three doo fro m Beaver. .alleshony Ude: 04 *-
mum, ~ ro d. Mahogany. Wa l nut sod W. ,
wood lull I. Coigns, at, the lowest redeem"
prtros. oyes at Wl' boon. day sad edam:.
Mane. Cambs n turnlah. on short nots. •
and Ms m t reasonable ten.
'''' DEILT*EIft: Oetos; No: :44 Ohto Street.
illegheotHetallle. Homewood and o th er .a.M.
ass, wi th complete stock of funeral Ylfrolsthoi
Vocais, op dead:M . . lAm' %%semen mouth..
t lowest irides., Smie end Lived Stables, I.
her of n f. mad Middle Streets. Careleast,
' a.k.a. , BMW.. :toddle horses. Its..' to..
for hlre..ll. .
.. .
. .
. .
LOST! 4Aperi Lir,t4lr 1 7 t'brist. •
leasers ng, betweeiaJatala Bobb'S
Ind, on Granrllle atreet..end Luckier'. store..
on Ifebowr ntrent, by way: of thwlearA • PUCK-
BOISIC, eintalrlor Ilbp[tt 47a and three near-
Ler dollar* In BUrer. A Mena reward will be
paid to the andel.. It left at EQUIPS ?thee Store,
de Marra' Hite; Or el TITIS orner.
.1F0 , 11,11T/D—WAITCA--in.l4lls.
ad . 1:s ' I b ifo d : " 1111 1" 8/.. th' IZ
I . lt ' S TI TII P * .IST w" , " .U w :
'bony City. ra,
11 ,
001UND-- --- A . RECEIPT R4lr
AgeHOOK. toPPOteit to belong to W. O. AMA' ,
nt Peoplee Line, which eon bob bY en
'yOglAg et THIS OF/106w .1 paying to adver
tisement. • ' I . • • ' l• I
EMT'S. •
i.bbi.g. - whit.e coda,' no..
oastwol mate 11 gral
• ir
.ritclautalc•mao, Ito cam
a• la .adOblo trade. A4dreaa
WIN. RENT. 1 •
NI, Tort J) .
der) and .11ollon
1.11,11.4116 100 a
Coned a Pe:m.7ll
IIegaCHAAT, Tula
arga and subatan
•sE. on *e'er strert. Irrar
rata r 0.14.0011 streAkos
1'0;0. A. DEIMUY, CM
• I
•BfF • noon '
IlarkeL Went male
num 1.41/0.1 Bank.
4 .
--T it •n n
00, me
Dwelling attach situated on Fernrairset,
near Dlae and eller. The dwelling has 4 room.
W h a rented togeth ror tenant.. En sire of ,
HATS • iiTILIVART. No.!ltaLlOertg Want. •
Port SALE.
bewie--iruirr Aii'D • g
ilatiti.-411 . sli cl rnt 213011110 r ant.-
dm retail Floo and More. doing in food'
baldness, on ono of thi rincipal business Atreett
et this nay. batlstbetomresson. elven tor *ell-
Xddrens . •81.713LX • Stl.•' Loot Box 114
rlttsbur b. Pa.
pOK SALE—:.OII6EB,—e 1.
... HowAnws Lamy. dad Sale dtabld, 010
RAID:RAID:three MAj r. C . KAM* two GREY
RAIDDI FIHIT I. new• tits dienedics-
Reld Hold. •
ddid7Hodsn bald and •Id on tosualaidol.
FOR . cutitinroir'isE AND TWO,
LOTS, shunted on;aylor avenue. Second
.1161 d. Allegheny, - bar' Jr a tenet on 'Saylor
roma or 40feet, and rnMar back 90 sant ea •
In Ikea eater. Thick bons with el: mom. yell
lobbed: . good etalgo see n carage hewer, geed
gnat ander eke boom, and water and es
tbeonghone, All In reed . ° der. Tor (critter rier.
etrultri minty, of IlAiditteX a HILL. Mai I.
tab Agents. tio. Pt Bearor strut.
Foseinie . and Lot on
corny of blentnitten we, Adams stritinn,
seat Poona? /Wiwi, Los 41 by tigi fgoto
Howe frame. containing ? roma and good half;
"ed. tenwered. 800.. and Lel en Lbadteld. tidbr
street. Allegheny City. Lot Lot Se byii
feet: house frame. cantatas fie ramie watt :
good miler; +War end gat. Also, Naomi mph
Hawn* and Lose to gtodlotallon. lndeirebt
HIM • CO.,' BO e et street, near Cherahh.
ManChestar. _
FOll SALE—That well known
• I.A.VIILIT *AND, 'lnnate In tie Tittle
Treed. known aetwAnderson Hall. • adjolnh.g.
the Market Hoilse, on Benn street. The budd
ing Is thew stoslos high, and most an • tantlally
bulll, eintsklng tee WV. UulPicuthi.if
!welds, large Concert dial', • good stable' on
lbw trek end of the lot, whlek Is 6 by BO seek
Acep• rims the nonvenlonee of the localt:g,
athouse kw establlthed a WWI hutinea,
We:tent equal If not lei/F.l . thw wy other
MUNI In the wood. fie better paying yropeiti
Is now offerke,gln the market. BILL. 13111,18
,Agenttli Butte. etfeets
TIM LAlttif kXDII.3OIi:T rnsrLAT
66 111111 BUZBT.
♦ta teekleie of good. In tear iltle. They hare,
jut eteeired•neer stock of - , ,
Watches, Jewelry,\ Eater Ware,
arzarsciats ARP
AdC . l.l..arL • ace.3.,
• • I ,
whuii tat y tietistatitig WWI at
frAnir 6. XLALth,
Merchant Taller,
Cur. Par and Pt. Clair Streete
Ur city
glad to
QUI biesestebeseoelebra . l64 ' '•
• Wbebler -* 'UMW. Newisfr '• ,"
llbaebbies, b;slltYilbdition as!
Itdeo by WM.sYmulan *
co..= ; mug saws
d Joyce
,ton for
that the
t was
.. ovilloo4iotat/
ovracerwriaast I
lamanse nd olds u/011allat
H. 8 ITH'S .
*kips wyWil ST.. Ganger of pstersi,
• • Ah 3FL -
OPS 3 Z,7=210
Ez :,.