=I es , Cfle alittsbit a GLEAIINGS. —Cleveland has 4.lihreweries. —Dan Bryant has prim East again. --Madame }lateral lettingen opera. —The Pope hu prohibited Verdl's Don Carlos. I —The mutcoop In Eastern Florida is very good. —Prince Balm 4111 hu not yet left Washington. —A. Sanas paper has Greeley's name up for President: . —Mrs. M. J. Robert is the best skater in Cleveland, Ohio. • • bogs have been killed this sea s-on, at La Orange, Mo. —Four large distilleries were seined is Philadelphia mr-Seeurdny. • 1 ' —Two hundred and eleven lives were lost qin the :lakes this year. ( • --Lopez, the Mexican Arnold. objects to the sale °flits photegroks • —One hundred Getting gtms have been sold to the Prussian GOrernment. —general Leraundl, Eke new,Captaln General of Cuba, has arrived out. Eight) ncgroes to four whites Is the average jury In Florida ' now.a.days. —Washington lettari are not always capital correspondence.÷Bosion Post. —Nineteen. CaidiniPs hats'ere now empty and at the disposal of the Pope. —A. Louisville paper denies that Sec retary Seward has bought the asteroids. I —The cholera prevells to a frightftal extent among the cats in Talahasiee, ), Fla. — Brignolt has been blued by a Phila delphia 'audience. How hive the mighty fallen! • —Tbe Prince of Wiles has honored/ the Meilen library with a portrait of himself. • • —Fanny Janauschek is playing in New York this week.' .Next week slie ' " ' , will be here. - 4 _ • '—l'Wo hogs, averaging 630 pounds 1 . : each, in weight, - baye been killed lat 1 . I 1 ' Weston, Mo. I .- —ls a kiss necessarily a kande] be ' cause it flies from mouth 10 south!— - ' r . .? V: F. Nees. .. . ..', r —An old mamdied last week in Con necticut who had been for seventy-three years *Mason. - . ..' 17 —Some of' the Illinois public schools ere to include German in their regular course. Good I - ) : ~....1 negro, this wife, mother and dill . • then, were: all murdered in Baldwin - .. county, Ala., recently. —.Thariew Weed has thirty-five bound 1 . : • ' , volumes of letters, $e fruits of ids l l . ex tensive correspondence. I i . —New York Ls up to any thing. Forty • ', • ! year old brandy is now manufactured 1 out of new Jamaica rum: '. ' ; --St. • Augustine, Fla., has all its orange orchards almost ready fok . har- 1 .., . i vest, and the mop is excellent. • i. —Charles Eeaa IS to 'have Lothar . '. final farewell benefit soon at 1 Drury • ' Lane. ,He bas one every year. • 4 , —Cincinnati hoe a Mutual Health fa . • ' - -.; sumnce Company; , which, equitably managed, is an excellent thing, —Major General Vegmack, of the ". Swedish army, was a Colonel of a reel . . i.. merit in our army during the war. . I —Thiene, the opera Unger, lost six •, - • 1 thousand dollars worth of jewelry at the 'f . ''''-t, -.burning of Her Majeuy's Theatre.' ' . ' . ' . I California— nisei a grSat many rail , * I. ine. One . farmer dri twenty-five 1 , . thousand pounds of grape this year. .. , .. : —The dress of the ghost'in Don Girl : 1 . ..,4: rani was'the only thing laved from the -' .... ? late Pre in the Hayroa ket Theatre in . London. I . ' —lt is state d by aNe York exchange ' that the - report ' that the fortnightly .., steamer from Bolton to be resumed, is • ' - a 1 canard. . —Beecher's Londe publishers put D. D. after his name, en :change lays that • : he is a man of letters ut not of those in . '.. „. - C particular. ' 1 —A Russian wo pretended to be • . ; 1 the Virgin Mary, I d told the people not • I - ,i, to pay any taxes.. titer Czar sent her ... ,i to Siberia. -- ~ -Somebody In ented the word Bink; . . : now . the IfOond Is bat Invented the •: , word Itirikormini to signify the petition' ' • • I for ekating. ' —Thos. Jenkhis, of Baco, Maine, has . .. I invited a num of his friends to meet •' hist on the 14th rox., to, celebrate his .-- ; one hundredth . day., . . • ; —lf the Pope should held out for two ' years lenger he }r ill kave l sat on Um poi ! Ueda] chair lon ear than any of his tWo 1. : ' hundred and Shy predecesseis. .. - , --The contract to build the St. Joeegh ... , . ' and Denver Railroad to TroY, Kansas, ' has been taken by Mr. John: &Terence, and work will be commented of once. - —Mtn. DeMoresta employees, three . •-. . ' hundred in nriMber, had it paper masque . - rade on Chris tm as Eve, 'la which all of - .. . . .. the costars illustrated antique fah , ions. •. . / • .. ' - 1 —Their can General Marquez re. •' -- `" I cently cam yed a mason to make a se . • cret chum in hielhorue, and then .' made away with hint so as to' keep his secret —While •caviting fOr a bridge over ... - . the Missieldppi at 84 Louis recently, six .... , .. , skeletons werifound oir the wreck of - 7 the steamer Glencoe, which exploded 3 . seventeen years ago. , , . —The coal in the; sheds of the New . " - •.. Haven.Gss Co. hu been burning for two • . I weeks The cause nf the fire is mid to , be spud=combustion. I Boma mer city tens v i t/Its • e already been consumed. . . ' - An , old omen, ninety.four years of • age, Who lived in Camden, Me., dropped 1 her pipe from her mouth into her apron, and was burnt to death before anybody could come to her assistance, ' , '..t.. Louisville paper says that live' Pennsylvania patriots wish to be the Recital) candldstes "for Vice President. If the number named had been five times as large tie statement would have had ; more With in it: —Sixteenlthnueind persons joined in " ; the great promtion in Dublin in honor! • . • l of the executed Fontana. The day was - .1 wet and disagreeable, but three or four thousand women and children were on the streets, as spectators. . ' ' j —Four Intioners broke out of the jail i in Olathe, Banns, the other day, by • 4, knocking down the jailer and taking .the i keys. One of them was in for horse ' \ stealing, Iwo for highway robbery and i one for murder. One of the highway • ,1 robbers was recaptured but the rest got i off, each steallim a horse at a neighbor. l mg berm 1 1 —Two Women - were shot In Ildund - ; city, Kumasi by a falling gun. A lead. 1 ed abut gnu Was hanging on the wall; i n ( ; ono et the w men was weaving and the i jar of the 100 shook the gun from Ito pleat. In fal ng the hammer wee struck ; and the load discharged. One. of the women was ahot through the leg, which wags° badly' injured that .amputatien was necessary. tThe other woman Was : shot in the arm, bat not so 'trim:oily. .—A. IL Davenport, the actor who has • ' been reported demi la most of the papers of the country, still lives. On the 15th ; instant the following dispatch was sent from Now York to the lessees of the; Academy- of Marc in New Orleans:; . t "Mem sent the body of A. H. Davenj port, deceased, J by steamer, to his mother; -- street, New York City.", ..yo which Mr. Davenport replied: , "I twill try and bring my body myself— ' `r. lever was better able to do so in my life ~ —A. It. Davenport, Benszet, the lessee of the gaming tnblos at Baden Baden is dead. Ile was a - man of great Moans, Heed In.& palatal house, and tempted fortnnein a reckless Manner. file iripnenee. his colossal fortune, and his 'gaming tables, where princes and commoners met on squid tirnnud, won fee , Thell t h e a sole oognomeu e ofthTe man was to nsnder gsuubling s as u aea nett ye end fascinating as possible, and' the best ' ecidences of his enemas are the crowds • ..—"Tral establishment 1 \ 41.1 &agar farCOIO2ITY AGRICVILTURAL th CCII". ; •l* the •Ile•hen7 i.e.?? Anithiteral noefthr be held en WEDN/L4DA.lt' t Januar,' Ith, hth:thlle'cleek •. Si the ollthe et Weyer& lathe C'o 30.., Vieth meet. •thAt Yreeld-et. WY! Artmenn.ne , ethrt. de:np --- ricoTIcr.—PEOPLEII SAY. INbillls2ll OF PITTIsIMBeid. No. SO Fourth street. Vara4,J.lloo,ooo. Dwe lls sande lauhla Baal Leto, January . lat. UM, will bear Interest Cram that date. , • • tltlVa . l7lralf-1421. 1 1171 ' 11 Sa y. S..') and Treasurer-3. V. rOlu /MUT. dedo:l3 ' Orr/Co Fleas. or Incas WATSON Pal I N0..7 Noon. m. Pitlobarck. • Llscsraber.ll47. , THE ILN/I UAL DICETING of or C.ntrlbs tarot. the Route of Woos VPo ° . l 'rli'Llgel ie r'illt.l,l l ,':.."3l%7ll°,'-'417: ~h o, r ...Nazism INS, ...te n tlselsoon or l p and 1.. ~/ cn. to bear tee Blow. or me Naar .of /NUN". ad to teat. e mew Board for IL• freSt r lr ". .'" f -4r . b. lAD.. Ifeentorr. • J II 11 I IIAT NAT ONAA Ng.. or t zl i gn ir e. 1 arTHE ANNUAL ELECTION, - --- Nth.' 1 of NIL Boat 1411 he held 114hreat weimek = Belree. r . D , A...21 L 11 Ikertmlal " boestaber laiDnaa7., ANNUAL ELECTION Bwalt will tale ni on I AT, Janna 4 1112141 ra of 11 A. N. and 2 JOHN. deli Jr!:esa L tier. Pll4l KW m TEIE place at 4111V' TULI Bel 1v..13 the he 4.6.1* I / 125 r•i;u.,% 1 mAx. BAY[ OP rrtSTBLIBM BBBNBSO. Dee- me, lan. • ELECT/ON • neg . :: girtara tar g g Lb. u, M top b. 110, Hut : Sulu. Jon:: 0: LIVLNBBrOY, Cutter. MEI /1c410.7,,i'ir. Tat' Iar7TIF aogiErA.l. ELECT/ON of re.. g; .lett war: fielnr . TUMIDLY, J•2ll7Alty 11, B27:1:31'. oil sieg.eariTEN tos„mot or rrrreetniox. lttDromober 7611. 1387. I • rm.- THE AIvNuAL ELEergos T.l,lVi o n f.N.P.Wint:4ll: tIIDA Y. Janur, 14th. K M. • • Bet o een TV tonal of 12 w. a wad r• K. • oeo): - J. alatiorrilit. Cashier. NATtoVAL HAvr. I Iti lam:4m uei. nez. f • Liy—THE NNVAL ELEcTiroa th• n.rgt4ll27,!`.'tlititer",',7°°""" Iftq /14. betmetn sae * bones of kl.1111ARTIlr" 0r,..., Leb r: tar . TIRE ANIMAL ELC1:10111 :rmig..cimte-uti,:T.V.°;%:l:4lll° f ly r e l bonr. 0 , Nty ; ..samr,. l:. h, 1., bet........ z_ . - W. 4 4 . 1,,. ". L.,...d... rzolL Aft EL i t i11ar . 2. ,.... a m. CTION tal Eleven . .l U GOEDOS ,Ntabler . 01112 . 7 . 2(6• N•7107.17.47•7eZ o 7 Der.V. 7.". eVarTRE ANNf ae itt. , ELaiTorr e or n o ,2 776 i. Cnnwete the hoax. J. E. Butur. Ca.shl / ITITIVOII NATIONAL BANE 07 ?BitYLECIL rgrintAFFIVTLL ELECTION ,ar, IFlll.t eßelraV:llantl carte irt P N. 21: FroWV/L j AVIT. y. RILL., Cashier. • ilarT o ll4l74V ELECTION • 0(1100 01001. JAI[ Or 10011110.. Iwill rake piaci at tO. Ban klatt 43ovae. between' 1 17, ° .sITT`, r theetTh V. 213 M. " Y Plttsborth, Pa.. L 1 H. AIUMUL .e. 110. eetuu UNION PACIFIC U. IL CO. I 2.,7CDMM103D0 .TRE 6ouross OF THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDI OF Fae Unbin Picnic Railroad Company, DIDC JANIIAX.r istzlOl be *ld w,d after tam dots, IN GOLD COIG. FUZZ or euvareatEter TAX, It tb. Dixopony'll Olice, No, M Zissust moot. now Tort. dentist JOELN J. OISOO; Demurer. - Et IP 44'4151(V larA so felMlL A COLD. OR A Liraigrdt; Ler 2911 2aw.omg...krnuulyt • Pam., . "••.•• 'kaftan the malt. Beau* s BRONCHIAL TROCHES riartar a ' Marra Wants to the taarh. stn ha• anothate relief. Ihar Br* soh' Ca. &atlas., Catarrh. Camases p ttrad Trara Magma. Troches ua - used wi th ahrays aced sacrum. 1 arture.rrad INValttslk . ars us tom lA ' tam balr e lLarraNt . 60 s0Voarat. TAO. Casa" sad ao no: rate Aar of the WORTH/ awe lartiracOma that may be offered. Baia rrafTenriri„ larrral. aurinur. & co., BOILER MASERS WEST IRO* WO Tor, 20, 29, s l at 2.1 Pena 9t, Etemag Mose. WnThal sag fentitheo U with the man mama raadklizery. w• an Dr. Waal to someteotare ever/ geseriptloa of Boll *Mx the bar; mastair4 aM warmatal mad to ear mele la the eavatit. Manus. Brama-' hig, rare Bette.'llteaml7lDes. LooomoUve Boti- Ars, Clentelamen, UM tram. • Tub e 011 sum. Agitate., hatulag ram, Boller /roa. Brthgee. beam Pam, memo maaaftealken of BUS HILL .15 PATZST EUILZES. . • Moamar doee oa the sbortainlallois. leieem Iar I I9III3ISON,REA-11 CO4 Muse. ors to iasori. Maui xi.xis.) WASEINGTON WM, .1 eb.deriares..kunii..ruirb m i L ilwroirreirsers of Boas sad mailoaarf Maus Zdsloor, past Xaslaon. llaoltuart. Elkar -Ist, Buramr. CLItI3IO oral elescrir,k,u;tal hus uit emu, Bouei au awl Iron Wort: anon lio.llleankez Pun; sad ea taiil4 Ma. Siffllarrata for GLIIWID•2I PASZBT IN.' MEMOS for fredtairbollem • %Mutt W.l 'LAKE 11117PEIII0it .• COPPER VILLA VINELTINONVOIit • - irrrrearussit. I PAM McOMIDY Ai • 00.. • Itsseptetnhnh of Obearited ,g Pinghtre , &Up,* Iransr, Presseet._, (kyr Bottdmi listittnisillid DmidirliMteNtfil Ali="tlnti • Pe. UmeWo)w Mad Tinneret T'lhoirsx'SVAVlAlo PrabatTll:" " 6entnt Orden C.DpeAnt •to auT di.en4 "be n. i I mitlfted4,dver larrliE 'HEALING POOL. laa Hoiea or Ygirrunth.a t attafigthZ2 heni the IglihArls, - A ODIUM axa. /6A.Kga .ba destiny the no el l eft sod estanninne pediments Is) vet:: Are mesas "U'r. U." "V' eivlalairktArig jggar=„44,l4 rium.aupta k r.. warm oirgiunrcy 1. SCOTT, • DENTIST.' tro. ssei Parr stalezz ITITUTIBOB4 I==9 VIDII:CO) 101'11:0) A 1,71-4 A A LAAUF LTOCK. A s W17;14 JELL '•- • • As , Lois as any lathaely turgegAßDis Steam Confecti. 311 Liberty street. wirrissysurs. DITILIILISHJED m 1942. J. T. WRAY & RRO&, O O csm STUN tilletiEll 1 7 1.11 1, 29 99d 21 ~in 12ripet, I 92.2199n999. , 12TZI ( lops D. nen.Flr a Eno, STOCK AND _EEL ESTATE BROKEIS /Mb eartin,ollKlMlL. tenart°ll:77sll4.'"ktlit =lt ta.l4 ternnet a. etuar ea the PleWeee &11/. Want of . lame. Canicula.. metal= imea as a..wrommiosi, We et Heel Uwe ma prleete rale. of Real hhtate to the raste, MJ cam, . VoTieT. hrhith.h.r. C. llAtk ?MD DRIED BEEF. • • We wile bre mile Pew ceoloa S. C. Hama and Dried Beef Oot oafM tot oat , atol tor ogle lon Moeda/. Norma. Ws sod after. F. SELLERS alb 00.. . dolt: Cod, weeseleed P • :teem. GOOD NEWS. I , CHEAP BREAD DV DEAR TIM taquire for WAIIR a adLD , TLi home li ,3 bosi.. The .11:dual, ••b. every loot Ward'. Nose al.. mbierff IM — ChOiCia load and for uao as tvr. PARED PEA() the 14= lirefte.'; BEAV6I6I CLOTHS, CLOAKING CLOTHS, no beet assortment In the city. at J. IL BURCIEFIELD & CO.'S XS. e 7 SIULIIIKLT STRILET, ALL GOODS REDUCED IN PRICE I= II INGLIELI KLEMM. for II cents No. N 7 Market Street. human. 14th, IZ6I, of 11 o'clock A.. 21 MGM, GLYDR & CO., === tret=lYl:rie. COAL ELECTION id CLLshe Bonk y~ruem -1404 111 MAQHLvrCubfer. Web TO CALL TUC Ai - TENT/WC Of QM 0013112 to Metz extaturre stock al HOLIDAY GOODS • 9 IT COMPRD3EB A LARGE VARIETY OF J ft:.:75117/..V2,1 . J...,..... Hee Mole Hop , ex UM. IA coma; Logr i egb:as, wont from 11.00, Xers i ttlia ter lox Topped 111 6/ores, A Splendid Stock of Lace Goods, Nat Lase Hankkereelets; riaadlarealers; Pol olimsalla.. sul . tau Laos Collars ws Atso aut fiezlemenittreblali, a cents. '3 cents; M• q) Cetloa xlbbed 904. 12K cent.; La i-wo dlamo Mutat In i b o o n , ,Perts.".4U Paper OoLtrl . ' ' /G, tly sotled— Rameatber, Mesa goods are w b• b,4 at BILOWITM GLYDE & CO.'S, 78 & 80 Market St. 1867. -- GERIBTMAB OIFTB MACRUM & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street. GREAT HOLIDAY SALE: OF MAGNIFICENT PRESENTL Jewel and WoNllotes; Beitekereelef axe Boxes; • 411;:rtVI XXII; Voe . .se ' !leap.. .4 UM um; no: Jloreec•. Wo/1104% VA"""i'T - Beat aad holtatloa Leal; [late and Zubroidered Haadk•D; ri , .Caahmert Scarf.: 71. Mote and Lb elan. A ocaplue noel of 'Undershirts and Drawers, AT TINY LOW MOT& Bill lost o i r hs thaw for this cold map. A cosspleis COMMA a mane, z mtra A 313 1011 T 171i0De. ILi.mist) q 11111111114 i rum, Main CARLISLE, da1a2 1. 1.14.13. 11111tramalt.' BORED FLANNEL I TEE WELL KNOWN -I'TTA.NNINI:3I BpMlO FLANISiL • i In Black and Asa; 1026211 AL X.s.dILNILCWZI IISZ'511) . OS. AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES! MILROY, DICKSON'4IO., 54 Wood Street. THE GREAT SALE ST/LL CONTINVES, 77 and 79 lariet Street NEW GOODS .71:11711rr .mp r w . i.v i ftg:=l: 4 ll .i. beausel Franc' '''Ctaraetso at. $1 "Mr, =aIfCMJI - acmtrEE aguat:snws, f lu 00 . oioniu.a to moon ou - plomo suallottoo • • • ' :••• JPN MORNS t- 1867. TRAD L - 1867. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON CO„ • Wholesalo 111.4 1 • .DR'Y GOODS on: MAZZA Pusaminrs, Mei as. LiAigsru rim .a. elcaL rltats, lit•sbstu . Cheska Twelkels, Mum. oasiatts, P. 00"11114.., ,11. irea ll =li TIM Bann Vastts. Lamm* AanstlL, cf eaLsaa hose snamreeturis. • faiLro s i blrjr . zor i ruivempalk nix"- NT%La BASHIM 17aw11011, sal coONTEY ..4.llcaTts, so/L Luletly oa casi salashm. Ls Mlll ETYM. As Asa Ilse la all d. - lisa,momin. s o =ezr.lemttal2 to t call esszob!! atu i. 0 .111 3 .19110110 r. " cAlUieeC/11NED 0 L.91 4 1 2 85 .., CO., wswn, waimmis naLLass tL TOBEIII AID DOMESTIC OBVIOUS. WOOD DIWOoD. Dad Imo aeon Diamond alio. , TTIMITRAIL LITHOGRAPHERS. inax.r.aarnw atrawar—.....—...nccur Cs..in RINGEIILT & CLUB. ...F Mammon So Cloo. Y. Slestetiossa 4 C 0../ PRACTICAL LITHO]RAPHERS, i T. ONLY ifTcAll LITROORILPHEI Rens: iilVm9l2l.'ati?famW Pi t) TM" ' 4 4 1 ,rAzo i =rel o s i , /411Aossl, Mal sa, 0.d.. aa. Nos. TS ma Ta TA !urn: IWO. CHAS. A. ituzairr, •• • 7 .. ' ' LITHOGRAPHER, so INCIVILTILI ST.. ApeLlo ali C lAPe r ,r . RS7,FB,,e-fE"." CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. SLEIGH ROBES, Jost opened the 114E4 eisserthettitt, th. Wiest Hock sae cheap., pt,cotd 1 Hi lila sad Handsome DHIIGHLTO sad FIe.LT. Meta for 81.10 CAAPITS. 011, CLUTHA Lc.. at 4111 LOWEJI OLIVER • McCLIVTOCE. & COMPANY, ,as is firm 87BEZT. del? CARPETS, ALL•WOOL INGRAIN toad usoriment, a VX.RY LOW BOVARD, ROSE CO EW FALL STOCK I CARPETS. IoPARLAND & COLLINS 1867 BA GAINS AT RETAIL Nos. 71 Auld 111 Fifth Street Nirr TO UNITED ema.nz VU TOY HOMY E:M=M CARPETS AT COST PIJIMATORY TO TAKING STINK OIL OLOTHS, Window Shades, Cheap All• Wool Ingrains McCALLUM BROS., MOal IMO .theyl. above Weems. FOB THE EIOILIDATB. WZ Al= XOW HEADY FOR THE HOLIDAYS, MOM UV, 41715=7:11`41,1113: I. B07(3, YOUTHS aid CHILDREN aarl•tra()Villa/AM all Kyles az/ a.acs, la gram GRAY & LOGAN, _ F. W. V. F.F.1.4.13, GLUE, CURLED HAIR, Tanners , Scraps, Ceroons, CATTLE TAILS. Bones, Neat's Foot Oil, &0., 611 7 11 3MILLD MIST, (asiorhFu. ran Uffl.4 goer, BELL & AIM WHIM ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, ■.auvaiafaaa of Berm Medi= sad LY,Y, aztotioz AID mArsoLt4 octerne• Aunsw mornsa HARRIS & EWING, Whi!Wale Druggists, tar. of Llbiwty a Wayne Na., 3,4 .N 0=3,037 Trade 0 Oil Mr FANOR ai MIMES, FLOUR, ORAIII All PRODUCE • Cominission Merchants, 111119 LIBISTY 9T. Pirtiscrsall. Inanata utletta4. Ilsrasiorwer—j. Caddln 144.. pm Netlassi_liant; 4. b. DUwortl • Ct isd a. • am grow."' !, FREDERICK SCHULZE, Cleirpoi. Tla and Shama Iran WA», Dnla In INtlary,Cooklng. kitzLior Sad HAW./ IStom., louden, Mlttaala Black Tl s We,. Al. US *vac STRIZT, sou lrasbtLigion. Sasser" sod rain Wary, le bob. al-and nateS a. aar.au 40404 aaa f REMOVAL.' • MI AT COST I NE 1 .1=1: 1 401111k 1111:11110i1 l 11187110117r 1 aim Wl= " lirgifg. " ll3 . women rim =delta vests. ama r wilig meal fil. " ot ay runt rake& Vmar i all o rtwiata. oslll ale • Mllastsataidestit. • 11Wm ii iyuct .r. s. & 01117iiiiiN. "ular. (meallikors 10 Sam. ellAaLled LOG PUMPS, aar k eAtigx ii...grelltotteniZe. EMBRY 80N11.111 , 16.. j PUMP MAKER. ( • trkveh . ri ed 1,1=104 :rasentaatlois Ores Warr Ii.NATIETIEWS. STAMP AND ITEICIL CUTTER, $llll rebore, . opposite Wood. ift a ltailtal7. 3 AßW A NA7l/114 2 215; ale IIke RRa iO " WIL92" . .I47rIB • Alti "" O " H g . "" W . , . 112.er5=z6.... JAPANNING, FLAW *Elk OIIIMUNTA.L, WILLIAM Lump, Ne. s 14p1adr.lltreirlh P2l 116517V311. Pa. SM O . men , Tea Clagaiatan 1144apasaml oral to WEST COMMON JELICHINE BTONII WOILS. 1400,41 Omar oi . ii....IIIMDM MAWS= • CO. , ni ampler sharl Niko Inn% AND r ter rot NALZ.B, 21 iir y 4, ..,w AND TOILN sum , ite. ' atiral . i...11:40 Wcated. 1 . 51 . 0101•11 noxlvlat . L N. HALL, BlanoNicialkor o Junkpoi:lmo mem Wb.riessle end moll dealer In TOILLOQ CIUATT. lINU/r. PtPttl . 4bl. LAMM]Ie T baderY always az band. _ 114 WOu ts muss way..l Liberty. Pittsbyreb..T FIRE SCREENS Or • Zig ERTL& Oa aaavas, vl th an wait:tau nad add •dd edL Tet MANI. 11 • • • • u pan in . • IJr- 'no* irrizszT. !ratios t bombs Oren that Lba lleport or the Viewers for *pubs UNION brass, Ilorentlt ward: Allegbelly, +a eIW t No. t 4 Jasrary Tun. Ma that all panles brass ozosotlons Ely ILLe its taste Im myna,. r PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZtTTE : SA 1 1311 DAY. D &LEIGH LININGS, 311 W /MUM A-ND NEW PATTZILNB. Mt CO JEt 2EI /3 ) IN THIS MARKET !67 . IRINTSR STOCH. 1867 MATTINGS, OIL CLOTH, WINDOW SHADES, DRUGGETS, MEDALLION DRUGGETS, MATS AND RUBS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, $1 Filth Street, (OVER BATES • &ILL .8.1 orrico TO °Ara norms amnia ha= For a Short Time Teq Lmse ioutwit if MIDOXIIMWMA, I A ND QUITS M=l EM=CI . . Uratee Dna" Or Wane CninotstontlLL , Cr:Torn. lOWA. 111. E • LED PROPOSALS, , en. doned .. Propo.ale for 11." *ant. Pont; tag nen... •••1 dlr... to thli ••/leard of Water Colarnalearra, ie.. be mon. at thence., tooth.. .nter of rot gown, elm of 10.01 0 . ant ten. tochtel. meow. of AWN Dar, the tatnoy•aneeth day of ad 1110 0 1 In, at In,. boor toe hide Will to V baT7 / 1 11211.4 %V. d eftroVIrt i .11:liTi.; ink waren paantairea, with aolloril sad nortottaso. amp emu. No. to as awaphitn.aad.ready ...too by I.l e r° o ad t 11 . 1 121 r 7 fe ,rar. 17, in one "PION d place, Peat.= "110. Podan. endorsed .. for Low nloit.° donotall Baena," sad nulled to tie •Boar d of Water rennarelents , • aninsald. sad hollnd•ed ontrtlag nineall'a Ot. Of .1. Lou.. tw•101/ famplog arttO aad OPPoi=try 1nbtg0....44; ryllr &int . C .4:4 nine ' No. Ito b• enidetrd lad nod? On nen Of U. let of !.toady. glen of toe mgt.. and bolters en b. Nes, wad apeeldbannao=ot ••ento=alu...n the Begliernor elßor. a. at:go PP ya or an. Thunday. toe Mb or bans. tad no at th. end Of MN. 4. iruarrazu. 0.7.11 gaol aear.int Broadway, New Tarr. . The Annus ofwearity wait fottie 111. Mao ern Inn.. dollars oa melt eaatraeu To. , nerd re. re. to Inn the AMOS 1011.412111.114141. Smola at ty ollenao ann.- ~ to ny taw aot nowidln oar.hall the manta! . antraet. thont tan daolde that It. Pot Pm lane. of r 0.... The ***** Wagered salt be tans. flritioldint of th• oosaty of tw. team. Twaarrr_~rs PITTSBURGH, PA. Auoitai d•• Digg Lea. Ist Mt— M. 177 a 13999m11bar u. 1•61 14:11:111 Tataf 116.91.90 9 Lia ALMS ~ , Lamson Baud / 1 7lorti U egeL,ert,90110 Meet 11.1.4... ta.c1 Mock le ritubergh Matte a Nen VI Ms siCon Boum . .M.OO TS U M4 4 :llMith " ltf. m .t. " . 111..1711 Bills ' n VII is OW to BUM NM go Una lean ff. Totd D ` 111.1114710 11 She Tfutolls 4enlared. a 01,144.4 %LIM CS) tieroset.... or Om Wolff of Um.B fennalw On. Of Gororomont Tao. jkyabl• orma:.. If nol Omen. wilt hoar 1..10 from /011.1•111. O. •. CULTIAS. Trewr. Instaberse. Die. it. l'e. • Th. sods:fined. Andrilits Committee ., re "g"reettirlit'port.""ar ile 4 l:er sadiailters.. Mi. MC. sea Imre r eta of Deal , i‘ a masMtler of Smith sa I. d s:44 ll l" ."l liw er °l 3, l4l 4 :"Gatila "t7 i'sai :: t Y ist L i2"tt easel* torrespescumare obese 'Upon,. LEM ' Pliti.&ll.lAut`t Coa, Dec. oOltis. rittsbunt. U. MA CRANDELLEIII, • mixt:rams eAs 7104. , • . of orord. oatirou YA ban vrottliparlp. St all rdoah SZIOSIg 1.110 au 13•••••11••• at • Iwo la dem • .• • • le 11.1 9 St 0 la /0 00 . 4 Llptil. 2221.2222 H. 1.9 • • 70 of 2 .4 44 44 ..... . 4510 ill of latest patterns and best werkteansbtp isso. nns ainincin or Endes, Bair gad railer Las M=J sad IF* Federal Be"leadear. ALLEGHENY RINEY IND PROVISION JOWL A. laclatiW, President. J. P. ISRAEL, Seining. Tke Moak or uu. Consp6 Is altesdi *taxa) tmht ap.zza4l4lT.g so &tau thalami's. .A.N•3IPL'Ir T 400ZSIt_i,*4 MISERY DEPIRTIIHNT PENNSYLVANIA MAILKINBUNIA DIXON, 1/117. NC:ImMICM. TO 701 PIM Or flll i i LOANS OF THE Commonwealth of Penusyl vaula, Due July 181,1868. THE FOLLOWING LOANS, Due July Ist, 1868 WILL BE REDEEHED,'WITII INTEREST TO DATE OF PATILENT. ON PRE- BENTATION AT THE Farmers' and Mechanics' National Bank, I.= X X.a41.2JE1 SAP 3E1.141, Loan of March 27th, 1839, due itils Ist, nes. Loan of July 19th, 15394 due July let, 1869 NTERECIT ON TIM' ABOVE LOA.NB WILL CEASE ON THE In OF JULY, M. RIMS JODI!, Eery fide. MU I. HIETILIII, tileral. L Ina Rile Navin:: 001aInIsloasni of Rtlad ST. LOUIS lIITERWORKS To Machinists: SENII-ANNUAt REPORT 0111 SAVINGS BANK =33 irs:q AB]) LA.mpBl MI m recta MA Cfrxicossuis, fistio., osaattnas to salt Donbass+. ABSEITE Krim, COMPANY. FOR a. FOR SALE—Tsva Lots. each 80 rtes.h7 lac net. Ca Tt:rezzvt4Pgrgmrt one story frame home of lour loam e l lmso• Meat littebe. On mid lots le a well a egad dcti 's. l l 7 tr.liit:t.74w4.m,trtgir,.., , ,°: of tet. fr:Zr*P.,l°.°ldt" rho N r/deo. tee best#Hotel /hew/goo bof nd onn , i e w e n ,,, n s tr ur e tea l i i ,el l t s a na b loop,, i g 3. ( 11 .1: and &basest:lnt tmdeethe wet nom nod is moat on Mee/ opt s of b l ll l,ai l ialp ! da a t d i t iri Ofemlg a di 7 &.°l%:/e!briael'i by finger se'llo a alfio Sg t .' t0,,y74.11171. atop and Piet, °.° 71 ! 1 ..Nt:431, n rp ot...7plred aid pal7d .1/obtai • n, ZaerteanztOo.Ml wl Vgahl vary anllepplled for goon. Also, a farm of 1/2 mem, t h tr elf Dr nos to • v b./ tames. This farm lam /4=1"=17:::"Igt:/nt 11. trmvsli .11: td me realm, black wawa& sts d timber. Tilts I. • An, 1=7 14 74 5 .a1 ta1a b 10t 1 114%_, U1 1=:: . 012 or 5 large O ea as net. and has coal and limestone ender th e whole tient...l l ols eon /rag B oll e r = 4 0 : 1 4 mile e t a. R. rower, Real ULU/ Arent , 164 mirth St. BALE-REAL ESTA! 2,000,000 AGIIRs 110ICH LANDS FOR BY THE Union Pielfle Railway Co., DIVLSIOX. ' Linn; &ions tan Ilea of theft rood. at 11L00 to tgt 00 Per Acre And on • ORIDIT OP ZIPS YALE& Par particular.. WO*. AC" addreas JOUR P. DEVEDEVX. Laad Caanamorer. Or. CHAS. Z. Lazumosa, sees. nun. et. Lon!. 11linenth _ WASHINGTON CO. FARM!. Sto PNSALL—A hat ema in e e r a coat ed wba else calla oak timber. Slimmed ha Wool Lind ley toirettity, Washington wane/ PA, I miles tooth of West Alexander, .il li a e mhe from Hammon,. la •onvenient to c nrches and Sehools. Bea on lt two log hoaxes, nerretable end grain kerma: an orchard of tight g am or P i t a e g i l =7:47 .i eere•OleMe, AC' APPLY TO matiusr.asomr; Stoker In Eltack WI Bad Utata. •aII Awl.> Building. loartlk Aran. FRAME COTTAGE, SITUATE IN. AST. WASHINGTON, btid .rte hate: wt./ , .,wi11. blithe. v/wratfAr F ugn . ,l7::!-ofulyeuviga an.b. , ;;:ebt'a`Zl.4'll=ne,rl:: 2ggw.:*.f..,,Pattaragrvrizor STEEL & WILSON, Brokers end Beal /stela No. ee Satlttalvid Ono. FOR SALE OR RENT. CHEAP— tha A egg 7 4 l =2tt i lt "°° ' ntr, r O reran, %yahoo.. Ind names , good orchard: an :ZW Zraga r i° ll 7f.22llll4 ° lnftesiti a ': med. whitti4.l.2l.l:v4ep:tpzwabo=o2; I a r to ta t i n O r , WU/41W WARD. I what opootia l t. _ _ A COAL WORKS FOR NAME. al., MOM ninon _Only. I a.. Var eit:r ate:lra teZerrritoirnt 7ot g a . ongebnleen and ma...dine operat Then ate ne acres of ooal. eine is on of the matt blab!. work/I on tin Moo neer: anti bawl. £llol , lo lO w aw W. l on,. cod tern.. H i tunN• Vh.', 4 . 0 " 10 -- - - -•- ANDRE AND LOT FOR MALE. Stra d a t , s rt d ba ts,orja 1 0 t Odaa n ad t. Cobs 011 'ltitiO* too7. two o '41 11:14voV: hats, V T . l4Croat hydrat var Eat.. Pray $2, cO.. Itidi so kIN P 2 7edra 7N CFA' HART, CAUGHEY & Bankers and Brokers, CURES THIRD AND WOOD STREETS rmsnms , 41. 01U00.13&30111 TO Wfl. ktilT t My 13131.1133 13 lEichangs, Coin, Coupons, AIM partlectaa ' attention gala leolla par name sad We of OOVEILIIMLISXT ' BONDS y2c1:p.,., -,.(o;1 ROLE & SONS, 1 3AIN - MC'EXELISI. No. 57 market Street, I==r3 Uapoda marred la Ow nada sad Comm. 0011octloan lands on all tno principal potato of Ins Ilaltod Maw ud 17aaadno.,. Sleeks, Beads and ether &maths mum AID BOLD ' oonnaenort WAntlos psl6 to Qr rthamts• mad U., S..Securtfies o.s. IIX UT 11*1 do. da. 11.30 s; D. L 711f121106.400. D. 4 OXIMLTIOATEEI OW 1 3IDZETXDBitn. Omen sad Vosebanbooght or colleo.l. 111VSTONE SAVINGS BANS, r 393 Liberty Btrefft, PITTSBURGH, PA. TIM HAMS WILL OPIN A General Banking Business, It }Alit nig Illairaoun, gs Monday, November ISIb, lust Actomts or Buts, 3.lters I. Merchant ar • Welted. C.entons made eu Wynn& t the Unltsd etsiet.d 'tigress allots' at X. P.M'S.. UNITED STARS lECIIRMES BOUCHT AND SOLD. RIO. T. VAS DOREN, (leakier. 'llll2lll ITgol ;no 1 Jr.o. tie Fourth Strut. CoXlLiwitTrillico 11E106. Lunn Paid ea Mae Depadta hay nun reeelved Orem Oa* belled •=6 daldeet to Cheek. Without Interest. meauturr DAILY. AT /2 WOLOCIE.' Proldeitt--THOMPSON BELL. ile4 President—A. N. HAMILL • • 1.)/1/A7r01123. .1016 Manta& aiikholdati to whom we make irgl SDVlntworut. 1 3. 1 .2.91.4 ls Us/sell, /I eary Lambert, • :fOll7 41 . 1:117: LLLEGELENI SAYINGS BANK, azasumorr, Ciravisilissewl 11214,0. 8 TOOKROLDEIB INDIVIDUALLY 11111111 j=tIII=I44M.";DLITPAVag CMWVlTal===== DULECTonas r i lttaati. J. T. abakdal% rnnelg Therm.. &Iowa; Som. - D, JAIL IDLADAY, ProDdet. JOHN W. DIDDLI.. Outdo. my 34 S • B. Bilyart, 11.110861111.31 BONDS, STOOXS, AND REAL ESTATE, dpollo Building, Fourth jig. lan, Tan ands of eta Manna.. nat. Blantolpou Bonds. 'nod .11 km tolled and said on ocnondindon. bo..ilt am. NICZOLAIS SCAWAItii. SIMIVAUTA WiolosaJi and Zetall Manotatstatfat at Tin, topper and-ebeet Iron Ware. Ann &Were t COOYING MOVIES end 110175 Z PUB#IneutfitI.ILAKOWA.IIS. - • flllOOllllllll Jil 1011. H 111i1. • tbl*raglisu "MTE44:TATIri.IIMP: near vane!. " .13 • • ~ PITTaBORGH. PA. ern agsazitaxie o i lgagna . NOTICE. -1n PUranance of a am,TagtiVittariVaglZ all Ws Matra 0 01 g: gfi :=V:2l4l a lejtt of Wu 0071 from tbo dato of tho r.oublloatns ot nol.loo, OtherottoO they wall be broken off Ilt aeoordsoco orttlt A. toms of aold owl o Uon. THOMAS AIKOILAW. Street Catradoeoln, 1:1=1:1 LWI 3 9 - 1 1 01 , V CEMBER 28. 1867. EUREKA 011 WORKS, Yam , lasetusar. of Eureka Carbon Oil, THIS CM/a...EU:MI) t sperm Lubricating Oily CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL, Wholes...le U 4 4.. 4 Crude, Segura anti Lubricating. 011.4 Lard, Sperm, Whale mud Fhb OM: B. C. - XACJIEFINEY, Agent, L 9 Irwin Street, _ YIII}IRQ6I3H, ' WARING &K lIICHAITS AID 1501118111 Petroleum and Its Products. Dalzeln Bleck, Duquesne Way, PITTRIDUBGH, Pkill.A.U/LPH.III •DDSLN: WARING. KING It CO.; - !• 117 12212 at It.. Pb 1. H. M. LONG & CO., iuser•Arruazite us HITIIBUBNINGIUL. Brand—" LIICIFER.." °face, No. 2 Duquesne Way, PVITSIBUIitiIi, PA. TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, •m 7 ziloa.laa is Petroleum and its Products ?manumit OM CZ—Da aelPetidbit earner at Damn. War ant Inclamtr.t. PULLADELPIILL 0117103-IST Wanal Ltd :Wm • EAGLE OIL *ORES, IMEE • eiy7llle. NDERSON, " •' err in - ETU M • l; a/RNLI HAb. OVINIt WAY." Beene PE'r BEES SOHO OIL kumutuctan, LUBRI I X. I •x sale all lands of G OILS, STREET. MEW at 00, mTibrci: J*NU CATMiI CAYANAI4 I=l=3 aTisir. 10. 114 Ito liars , . Hotel.) 111 stud UTUI nuts, Pumps. Leo 4 Warn mu c us. tit= rultular urunttlon country. Ala s h eer P. Clpa,hLead. =C=Mil I. I- ATORIpo..61131:101 noirso.J. KVAlnrinit ATWOOD ii- - IPCIFFBIY, - , BUSS:, FOLIMIERS, • - sTEA4w AND' GAB rrprEns, Con Of srd dad Liberty Streeis, + 4,l,c ig ° l:47l=l:"ALVt,..=l to tudor. Opoctal ikitenlloti paS4 to 1.11. men( 001111:41 vit, atm, Otooalboats. Aolilag Agents for . S.Canerou 4 CAWS • STE P AMPS BLO, TIMM romps Ls often:and may famtiosu Punt. 10331 Ir. coos. i EIVGIIIII 7 .S.. saperloradvandageronar • • la warranted to glre rata.. Many on hand. =Stale JO& 1.11...../111.111M111134 coins a co., FOUNDERS, d this Pitte; JOHN L BRASS SWIM ' MlLumfsetarcra " 1 '7 171)2 1 171: Corner of ITTS 15 L,ND 55 54.12515 , ircixi. •a; deattn 4 OMI 111.. be. .514,11 libms. • • aid Wilmot direeti. URCM, PA. • COULTER &; House an. de. IWO IlinAUrri Sign Painter, nrignme t ritiabonra (opplia)ut CaikedzaL) Oto order. =E= Rorinurp - n.ineis, ' ' . ,--, NOUSE AN SIGN PAINTERS, BRAIN AND er.airassa. as. w num an, ALLEURNKT CALCIIII.INU se la the to. mums., . !EEO ____ILTON, Jr., Howie and Sign Painter, No. 14.13 TRIAD 11117tULT, mut...lm (kilning, Glazing lad Gliding NEATLY ISZOOTX1). muial rwou. Val•ir label, : ratty. Glans, llntaboo,%lat e 1:e.4. Mae, &e. 1191:114 • HUTCHINBON i HEPBURN, • ; 11101, NU ID ?MA 6EAMIIII6 AND OLJZIEVA NO. 1111 PZXX'A AVEIVE, P/Stabstash. AD woos by mat DroisotlY attooded to. EBIOVAL. JOHN F. CLULEY. House and Align Painter, • Ilas nuaoved Xe. 114 LIAII.4IIIILD BT.. rlttabluth. 2.71 , ,A7 • • Ovoutto the am mac 11103217 MCCOWAN a; SNYDERS 11011 AIL WON AND ORNAMENTAL PAINT. ENO. AND CIMINERO AID OLAELERB. Ille. 011. North ede e/Diassasuid.ADeKb.l. ' arzrz - grAhMfM'it?,:fr'''"". son.taatlre band.. l t, WLdowQWt 012.1 TOB I ACCO. ',CIGARS, ago. T° 'TOBACCO groarco: FIVE 11111010 CAIDBIBS, UaUETtD 11.8iNDS, JUST swarm) o t % ounrsumaizirr. ID,- MIT, BUCK MI QUIBTIBB k ILII, M n 86 , 430. per ponitid. TOb. Tob ., wlco w .u nltt. a lr w oo .u nnn4 other@ who deli In 4 tacallannonawlno the noon, at • T F. WEDDELL'S rty Lt bli e 1 Talmo° ion, Emil Vor. 19 , deudat Ins field Zk Water Sly. JOHN MECRAW , Tobacco, Snuff azid• Ci 4ars 3554a.zam• b "'X t.. R .• . EXCELEIIIDIC wens& , R. 11: IN: JENKIAISON„ Imustairiatan 1.0 ddialtrs la Tobacco, BanT, Ware, Firs, ibt. ST iSlattluT. v., mlas.a .usa.. loo s.Dx.prouoLW.L.loorrrx.m. BARB. SNAKE • dr, lITETTLER. ft:v ."6.w waitzmacr i atia Na.'llt St. lialr St., Pittabittgh. , mama Vianos, Organs, ' arfka.Aitist• for Ds Ceielxraod ER&DAD ST. Dm Taft. sad 1 1 0H01 1 / 1 05/DI a CO. ninadoisou. MAMA £llO. =UT a 01305 !VOW. 011.•• D. Al IL W.: AMMO •• •1130310•2 I . • wall....dannpmtvla m STEELE A. soli. imu.s Its If FLOUR, FERRO; GR.,,n-r, 1:Zil Prode c itmeraily. Bt. 95 01110 itTRIZT. '4 •LLITiIIiaNY CITY. PA. meltia 1 [ 1 1......— . _ •—• An, ii. iirroarAir li . /EIL & BIT -- T, ' CONXISSION MERCHANTS, AID Dintalul €0 Hour, Grain, Seeds, AIM Feed, at. a*. LIBERTY STRUM (NYMdiIS PITTSBURGH. PA. HENRY REA, Jr., ' FLOUR, GRALX, And Produce Commission Merchant, WM I.IIIIIITY STREET. PITTSBURGH. .5 . 7,11 ROBERT KNOX; Jr., COMMLISSION SIEMICHULMT, And dealer in . FLOE% GRAIN AND PRODUCE, o Mitbey US LIBEHTY IT.. Piallabe,srb. L . J. BLANCLLARD • WHOLSALL AND NYYLNIT. 43i• R. 4C, C, 3111 11. Si, 898 Penn Street. sink= ARID. 1e11Ann—..—................. Arnexis & alum, \ CONaleitasiott Afertiostra Dealers in 'LOUR GRAIN sad PRODUCTvzsEalkyil teGo. 1.1 WATER, above elssith4l4 h. FETZPJA & ARMSTRONG, lIIIIIINE Bi CORMISOI MIR% for the sole or Tour, Only Boom Lareplatter. Seeds. Dried Frail.. and Prodocitionmoil/ No. a Market Stmt., *Misr Of First. Zitashorsk Par feTtine non/ recis..—. ..—....-.ANDAter Altos - ipt ICROX a sour, ComnrAmion ... =BCH ANTland ilieeiere In /LOI7B. 1 /111111. RILL /RED ancIPRODUCZ general ly. No. I'll Diamond, oppoelte City Hall, A/10. gneny City. 11l Viral nay. CR AWF _ :i_ o O n_ R G D n l_L d , l i C lo Oso_llTllMlMHetuiwnruxluPltT/W4annCLAPPKMN.NWTAMM atoms.=o..Wdl.Conelmments soicited. A/ LITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, sI4 Iv ..-,..—?..-7-..nr,:.._ . is"-zr-- shAvelon an. Lard Oil. BY. Nlelw. Cotton Yu - ns and ell Pittabrsl nazi roe leretolly Land Wellooond nosed. Pittsburgh. r. mrirtm......s. 1,,,unce,,,,e. D. MTIMS. REVILER & BROS., f24lecesson to irt a riliriatt tratili.x., (1.4.*"." wfil• igtstATeggriAna'fittieteT iTltrin Co 1.1' 6 .. sod r IP.. IZZAt and whol e . tsate gaoler in ° West= Reserve 000,...J Rot er. B urin ' %fiti / posy.at'll Ito. dew. senoras/ No.. 170 and IN heat etreet. Pittsburg b. IL IHDDLE,T7o. ISM Liberty EM I Wbolc i elirireg 1 .. C 0 P=l. ad ßoil% awl Plitabursh manoDeturoli. Club vance. W; o itinnationits. and cud Thy Plaine. goner. maw.. lICIOMIEDWAID TOIMII..WM. IA ROOM JOHN L , HOUSE& BROS.; Sue .' CilleMe TO /OM. I. /qprin .11 CO.. Wh sale Omegas and on klerebsstls . Oar am et Miltrolial4 Water wafts. Pittsbugh • RCHOMARER & LARG,:lghole .., see dealer. Interociariee. Mom Drain. Pro Mos. PrOTlsione, Pleb. Clo.o, Bolt, Carton 01 1 Noe. In and 01 Wood nixes, nearidoartrittreoz. Pittabnisti. Ps. Oceinta SOON P1111•T0w.....-.....,,...... s o ~....,,,,,, RnieTum &WALLA( E, SPY hole. 110.411 ( 4!V00 10e1. ,Alfg.i..',l"gucE b tlAtr. COAL. COKE. atc. c... AnitaMOM........A. •• 0 r 0 at10e0A• ARMSTRONG a HUTCHINSON, (..... , ...vipgrj mtm . ,,, , t, . TOCOUIa 111114109. MI IPPRICi sod DZALitilli, by Rail. road and Elver. or 81711E8101/ T 0061111011111002 CAR Ara, FAMILY COAL otrce end Yard-L/01Yr 0/ TRY STREET.' 0" e 10 1;47r7t:ii & S t 11!_lard o r addreeseil by mall Will be promptly l soose. psi TEIBUII4III NATIONAL COAL & COKE COMPANY. Rioaro. WPM. and desiorsWholesele and k.. OW. in the BEST FAIIIL'I COAL, NUT COAL AND 'BLACK. aimi An d-co or , YOVEM AND TID Ad orders for deTTIttY 1 . 1. 1 n• tlty. or Mimeo: :1,1r: "weel 8 frit.6o, 4 . gag= dm- BEST FAMILY COAL always on bend and delivered orniatitly to anis. AT LOWEST RAREST RATA BY OSCAR F. LINK & CO., Car, latiuky Ma *4 P. It 11,' a G kitty azaussoury car. Astartella Coal torooshe4 aS tbe lOwlet MM. lellia COAL! C 03141 COALCI DICKSON, STEWART a CO., 1i.,3.. g relaMed their Oaks le No. 667 LIBERTY STREET, DoDelY MD Flour 111111 iIiCOND MANI. Are owe prepared Whirl/eh/rood YOodtdolinelD LIMP. 11102 COAL 011 111 40 k. Ants lowest Market Trial. ..te , ,.. 10%,,,,eart4.2,1424,1 thee. 0jc, i ...0r .... d prolantir.atMillo.44 CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, pe..a.x. u. YOUOILIOGNERY A OONNELLEYELLE ow And Macuractorers or 43•. i. Numb, mind Dendpilurlaal Clime 0711101 AND YARD. Oorner of Butler and Morton: ant yard on Lib. o b rz . aniirner Ltriat o s i i ttilly i tar&lail ii, , t. r.....ll3&antsctaret ' 08D.6 wldi th e hest article of Coal or Colieiqtte 1010.0 essi. Order. left at any of their *Rees will midst tomtit intention. ( SUPERIOR COAL. . C. CHERRY & CO., wive,, and 1 4 . 0 1V17.1- '& l .s.77. o tiMAL'aVa SLACK. cool eclivered orolontir wi , a l l same or eitir.Taulbe lowevireAtiat . SIigiFearti%:neJ.:TIIIIIACTS. W A Y. Paintirs. P. • 1103., 19 2. mat HU/WM THE MANSION HOUSE. THE UNDERSIGNED beg foam .. nos., to their frienda and tbe pebile that 1 b :4 , 144 0 x Nr 4 4 , te . 014) RISTADLAIHISLL ( No. 344 Llaerty Street, V 1ait.r.MTV°110."1:::44°...,..1-gtgat ..... .11 newly tarnished to Oa best etyle, aoo only two minutes` walk Dim the Railroad De po Travelers wl/1 end thle house an candlelit Mto stop at and 1111 be secrusonodated any ar. day or pieta. Connected with the House Is a eplendld . Hai[ for Concert.. Families or aisle verso.. taken to board Or the day. Week or month, with Or without AVM Hi WAGNER, PITTSBURGH. CONDUCTED ON rim EUROPEAN PLAN ST. JAMES HOTEL, Nog. 403 & airr Liberty at, CiDposile the Colon Moir. PITTIBURCIN. • JAMES K. LANAILIN r , Proprietor This bowie I. newly built sod .=ilidl/ RM . lathed, and convenient to &lithe , A. 0 ... T. 0 4:6 1 titi trti :Wry grotrnottlfeA.Vg plan. You eosin your rows vm . nw i MI, t= l,7 h 7 b4ll:llkopTitt oil I =Orre l day and sight.' Balls arid P.N.. HOPtilled NUS tier re at On shoats, now. 5114 . = ,,, zr . T. LAWIENCII HOTEL. • 1070T...1780VLAN PLAAI N. E. Coe. Penn & Canal Sla g - Premien/mu, Pa. I WWI JOHNSON, :Propiietot i , .7441 , .' 0 4 , 110Vglitrital.rroVA: to the twiblito XIARPENTERE, BUILDNEIBI :XL riarcna...........—. /AWL Yu Alidniti J; LS. FBANCIES, , - CARPENTERS AND BUILASIB. , Conont•tuotk tor isauologs. Moro Pronto. and Jobbing. • Particular attention given to tv.tzFaril Ibr loandrios and Sloops, or all la IR ml HI Mimi lit. Allasiem Diy, h, giaO 4.4 Z. 11. JP.A.I..ZIIIWEi., House Builder and Carpenter. 111. WAY...r vAallOl , B ALLOT sad DU q/111,1001ni and repoOtottOono 51th a•stneas son dl.patch initial WISI. J. DICK, 1 , . Carpenter and Bliilder, No. al regwayr.vlNLl-AVEICIIL, OpPoeite ja lfe b etifigilk P rg. " P4lll:oll ' ... - 1 Jobbing done with mane. and illsiet!elt..!.ll orders 'n",d Y.Y. .111110;111111. HOUSE BUILDERS AND 1 CARPENTERS. pon,mge and =PAIRS pplimptly attend. It= WESTEM EVEIVILINCV. or PITTSBUItim Ina. P. kiILABLAT ALE-TAN-DWI 111110 k. Itmeidsal. a APT. WEOBB AXIL% Amts' Amt. Oftes, at Water street. Mamie, Oa 'a Wall liaise. op males, Mubarak. Will lam sepias; ms kinds so pireaad mama Risks. • benne Lonna tiOalawidioid PTO/rector Lo are well known to Ins oostaiiialty. &ad wile are determined by promptness asa abeynt, to ma:male diaramar wklati (147 Pave as. Res °awing the beat protean= la Ikon a be Nate tore insured.! LI.. Model, 1011ar. Jr. James Ile&rleY. re.r...• "au.. ...roar, AildrilW Inlay Dar!d kr. Lang.. norD. w ray. r. Hr ..b7in H. NeenaL at.. 4. CLAM, Pomba. b. EMS /42111Ct.rkpbm4 If Was. lartoT loam • I babremb. BEN FRANEEEN! ERI3IIIfANGE COMPANY, , IN RAHMAN SAVING BANK, Pio. 43 0,.i0 'Nt., .41Aeghony;Pa. masclolti: . Fleury Irwin. ties. 8.-11141,1 bi, Simon Driall. 2 . _ 'A. Harper, J. B. Omith. ,W. M. ttewart. Jowp6 Lautnne. .• OKO. D. RIDDLY, Rummy. DFCRRY IRWIN, Pros Meat. eeD ii.t..hl,llA,iil i t kny OF PIITSIUKOH: PA. uatee l / 2 113 HM Plitripet. flank Sleek TAU la • HOZ. OM: say, awl, lalarea agalan rldnt. • HMI lePaLlll.2ll% &ceam Lsonartl w il ctia" 1141:11.1. Ii•o. .11:••AL. pl%k. J. ". • Jacob !Wow. J. U. mum Jollab Kthir• John 17 .Z.1.T. • 11. Hopklas. A. Axmos. H•nri•proul. 1•4:01 =3 NDEAINITY AGAINST LOBS 'BY FIRE . CANCUN :INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. 01114.; can wad 11$7 CUESTEPOT sr. Neu Mb. • Dilicadag. Muds. W. Baseat4 gard e. H. Lou., Tobias Wagner ran, David 8. Brow; rco'ble I.4..ra r t: Hold. • Hanle W. Riciazdi. , Rooms Foam CHAR N. RANCHER. /road.; WY. C. Oa r s ' , c ej-Vit oo J. GARDNIEU COFFIN. Agent, obZIWO North Wen ear..iblzd a Wood ao. AuaA LLEGIIENLESSURAIIi EGO OP mrrautrami-014", No. IV 71fla .t.nat Haat M Joanna avast oak an Lads of Iflrs and Miallo Oats. J JUIiN D . mcovialp, cr. M.,. C c 6 4 Daz t. & c lv t ., cural - • , JOtailoola. Jr 2 ,• 'l"gn". . ' John L. hloCara. 0. 0. Rum er 1, - L s t: w....... #.7.,1 curd: :I W. ni t.. ~1 , ./ oat.. P.. Robert LI. Mod. ules 0174 " YrandateUeo; o. Goo. D. Ilelinir. FEOPLF2B' INB owner. r.a cum w 1 1 17BARCE7 00.. • MOD AMII 1/121 021 110212 031CPA3C, rufame nsisAulialtaric' nap. Ha. Tr . V UIDI , Ont. John Ew HU.* lgt‘ r zt 'l'4.k Bum! r. Uri?. Citadel Artraelde Wetiatlgn t r ". r•girrxmle. - vuu rt ___ JOHNYzetdeat. W. F.6anuNlß MigT, Ii1o• Praiddess. CAN. J.V.i OtWoN. 6111.1 AR. c;u;. mmTi: WEIMER 6OODb. E HOUSTON & 00., Fashionable Merchant Tailors 710. 37 : 111TH STREET, H.. jut received a >'t2ll4 rupiply at Winter Coatings, • prices very resonable A fell in or Ilea and Role' Rtastir Maine CLArrllln Si on bona. at prints to *Mena Stale& noldas 211c4LEDLE: Merchant Tailor? No. 93# Smithfield FL, riitsloargh. Keeps constantly op Mad a fine assortm t aat . 'CLOTHS, CASSEHECIES ik values. /LSO, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING G ODS, OLNT•S CLOTIIINO MADE. TO WWI.% Ike late" mlefi. ' MERCHANT TAILORS. •1 • lONS a - PUFF I ' ' .' Nm, 3 Br. dithllt /1112331'. hare i ) , Est pressen Enna she we • tollxv poly of WIN It SunOS, ~ neentahitd, ViaTINGI/. OVIONC•ATIZiGe t .2e.. which thty UM prrIMINI la eat aad Make up nt a tlyle equal to, any ahoy In Um ean or west. limy.* attenalred so deleire wod!l.2pe LO rea.e a dbetal hatnnagto • 8022;b0. 1144:4 0:11/,‘,3 H . J. LANCE, :Wei!. lid, :and 1117 41aIrdaireeL DYER /LED 8001191 E, Straw Goods Cleaned or iryed. eaorLiu! Loy= .a LADDEP rLumuss deco. dried. C. G. FISHER'S • rixor Dyeing and Scouring Establfsbaen • • .=4 al tuano3rto Jutasr, Veortok Wool aaa Itwlthealel PITTOSOII streets, 0/3.• All goods returned fa two weeks. Goods le b to the owner twolvra months. wept • 1•1013 :C% SO t'4:4 ITESIIIt W. I . I OIIIIACEI, Confectionery and Bakery, N. 3101) BILITEITLISUI STREET. Bemoan [Seventh and Mbetir. 4LAnIm• orer'EßN tooN .twned. RUNDAN• SCHOOL: CELEMLA. TIMM. Pig .I. I IC6.U.NNES ra.ISTLCS. &Le fluntebtXl vrt:h Tao ,-- /OZ MULL% CON/WrIONMITN lonee. Mee asdlit tiZ = rto ce. tir rux,x-Eres LicE NO le DukoND.! Awat.w. IMP: me • w,....aeted to Cook. Make or Sean Ss WWI.. any Nteve la She Usloe. 1318E1EL.1 4 .& C O., ~ .. - - . , entrtizzarr crraxxr. Also on Asnd and tirrsi:FkILIOZTOII6, commielOrniTsl. - I -.--. ra.DEEs. 1111.1411:6. - Ao. . . , .: No. 91 Liberty /Mee SOOT or roctre. LIMIEST eIgNERAIi INSURANCE Aiwa'. SWEARINGEN .I.NITAMILEAS, ate. 4E VOICIATiI ST, MlStsheuiph Ihmeral Arcata Mr Western PeinliThlUllal# Continental Life bisnraneeCo6 or Orms , YOWL, _ lyik*Oir oar sit dentipilou et trant=rosm mignal o=l, .1 Josanl a. oaziLa 3 . 1. 11.1711111)? ! 0. 1111,11111211. . 1 ld'M STEN, QUEEN & BUTTERFIELD, Attorneys it Counselors-at•LtT; AND SOLICITORS IN BANKRUPTCY ririnculou, PA. 01lice; OS eRi3T 11111/ST . , Orrostratlaimotias... [~ 4hAwIICE 18 '.IIIBIIEBIr Gmar CICIITITIOATIA .i• llaet breed 13y t be lterbette !ben ii.Orltun v „, :qzorDW.%, boa' been lost or ' onsbnn. 'eed •Ingl•••101 bee been m••• •Oeoralog Lt, for • n.weertnre•t• Oeinbernnb.l4B7. lltni`DATZW•liT. oenneur = OXM= i ~ IRTREIN OPERA 1101JNE HlNDliliso, Y. W T. k R1a5. .. ..... . • SATURDAY. A YtERNOON. D... , exal, • Al . he /lamas Eseel Math:. e• rue p u f , th• 41111. nee. me WYPT UP Tilt *ISII•TON.NOSR. Wile, Al*Dett• • After which Martens Ravel RAM Appear, DeaDDIA; and gruel al set). M. T1u11...1% IVENING, • will be Pieeeawd, eee beatt , tral dram., a i• ----- W/Z X." BV7I W r geTart rorcf7olCt.¢.7lL with tb ttulaqog r•ms or WE.LOCK OW WxiILOCK. ' rirscsiDEnt OF BIUSFC. 131XENISZ SUCCKSIS of Os grontothfloal MILTONIANTABLEAUX; 11:=1:EttID ACADEXY O. MUStO rACRICI) TO ITS Til tlttsT CAPACITY. • I OPUS AGAIN—TO-Z.IIMT, suer tursT 5 4 5 ' Ulla(get out T- ' Mt-INES CATURDAY t PI - P,ESOON. Mut rue alut low priut of ulnilazion•• Pan-lett !mall.. elre e orklT 35 - Pantr-T ...... ....... luso el TtneCam rvertbusta La Parquet aver Dm , • Ailit7lZion to Yana - ie,. all oaria' ( .30' ..... 951 Ititaetoed Vest. cao-Do •Ottirel *Mont obaqtd oar aro night dortatt too niseit, e ald e t L i .rr ft ' ato . 7 7 ro t .i tio:r t td:: ,0 10"y I • r t i ro:rls na. 01./K 4, ANIO. Vans• MASONIC HALL IMMENSE BIICOES3! • &rowan' t ..ctrcrovateli . t 1 - , NIGHTLY TURNED AWAY THE OREAT. ORIGINAL ro coact,' wipase THE VISIONS OF ST. JOHN, THE BELOVED I.II3OIPLE, tiejost Fx4raditury iihibilioa in the WO XLISLY TO CIECU/Z/ SILTS 00 Elegapt Presents IGiven Away .W Xt.= Get a.Programme at the flail flocpr gad 4. kr Weft XL /COLN rtinue:ira ;le Oren alc ArirTogather wlth man. other revatie arlt• ~ • Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machin WILL HH OIVLN AWAY: 03Z BIGHT THIS WILEY • Oman really pool Matinee. 11•71:7M. Day AYTEnNtititi, •dziseloa, Z tents; Übiideen.l3eenta. 17. Ilthals.tan at 1110115 tent.;ne had cleII:117 re; 2 aa:i # IW )1:11 y kit Or TeLZ • FIRST UNIVERSALIST CRURCII, WILL OPEN AT CIITHALL: 7HUISDAy INTIM* LEMBErIiD4 ace wt.!ce anon eee•y afternoon 41:10.qualor. A Bind of Ideate has been secured. and Wieling. moHl mrd wept ent.rtalumeus and aususememe itTrufelursrlfed for ee, e i g g e: with Chrletmas and New Years r Preeen te. 4 a awe use meat of Jewelry , and aultable kleitetalgr meats, such Sty ees., lot Cream; cakes. Usm• .urrs. end Data been Deeper., ace will Labl.lted by the Ladle", for sale :a th e ullselon ye cents; children under Melee years. 15 trail. lailtedl T l Ml 7 =''..!..111131.1, yak d ?It" deadddl 03113! ALLEOpIENT COUNTY, 89 NR.I, TIPAIVVI4I,6I;Fo.r4p"c7oBbY.I.IYA: iittniVlNG.-11 her..., L. Met mistprer nod Ca ben., t Iswße, for use of the beat Esltte for. Palk. mater in oar 1, strict ourt , bee fors om Judges f said coon. at Atli . burell, to tett: on cha 2Ath day of October, Ltd?, by the Judament , f ter said fl, net recovered maim% pees J.lbontas, executor of Janes ore. tgfiblift;l = d s.n . d l P.° ,, 72Vcire u n ' r:::.74.l.l%T; d a ces, Is well as tem.. oollam for their t.'Zfr ll l 2 V l .7.4l,T.:l3.7,2Vll:Vsteggillt executor of Jamm t.rahats. deceased. is es appears to ne the[ y.OlrJ. •nd whereas, s. 1111%1We'f.gr11: f r oflath Pavans Butt. wanaveln y e ar sabl e Court so. tn.t attbovel the Judgment in room aforesaid be gime, yet exectitlen lhe!eer sttfl mamrto b utade., , ebe,of thsf hate bea-usht alto grant auto Moth In this behalf a proper .r.VI jiT:l%l7.let.te'gfor agfe.theaotZtrettlO.Val t . *Wm. be.ore hare commended toy. that trilVitTL l tt7;tl,7Stn...l l l.":l•l':V.",!eig of James tittham, deems. with not/. o fem. (ie Grethen. Haab tiraham and Fannie Cram. Chi t boostrn.of_buirs E, steam • deceased why( wa. are galllfilWVlll. (o.sid,. et Thomas smitten, dictastd, who was d e brothe of James litahem, deceasedo lea Graham. Batty tiethatn, Itob-n Lim an and Marta. flea/tam ichluiren Of ' ne ' te ' e l it ' stalitg.=ge . drab ' tre:e tan ' wh o ( : h dlt7b r ie f o °he...reheat, a. yeaard nem.... or mid James rabant.dommed.) John &mien-Mary Scariett, -.1 Mar th a sem.... (eh! dr op of Moth Heal. I It, deceased. who *tam of mid James rebate, depleted.) wa. Casey. Mon of XI- Iry Casey. aeeeastd. wn 1, ate of Coon s ttil roach, (cal or lim7 Llell y ,""erho was a • r ran. James Brahma, d-mased). . (children or Betty ilson. was n7sr (. er o James tirthem, demasetf), as heirs of James raimm, oecemed, and wits notion to she Very ,s d a a s er a t f tyti sad cm to be be d thr 4 the Count, aforesaidtad fl at Bondey of January nest, t 6 mow I. my. lug for then...slyer they can tay'why the Jude. • t should not he revived. and the lion doe. Civet. and :My the mcd plalmids, Daniel Fele ' 111 :I a ' A ' rl L' y :et it a greesl:ll • mutton anslnst them tor nterest and •Ms afore mid, accordion to me r e., form End not crib., sedately aforesaid If shall Ltd o k Iti Nether to du and reveled weesom-vr wt Court Mail then and ISI-Itht sad yonder., I• g th em In this benalfeom li me And e you t I ea t i ltralen a tr •It:lll ° ls t .t h' lga bi C'm 7°U . Wlthesa the Ron Y. klaurron. President of - • • r said Court Dom• [thumb, the 7th day of De mote, Anna al one thousand eight tun a MI and thstymclen. . . Ceri- • : JACOB E. WILTdR. m:i r ' th SXni. B. CILIMIT. Sheriff: 5:41;57; EOM _ _IE' , coml. OF COMMON; , PLOWS yr ALLZedigNY COU,NIT. SITTING 121 EQUITY. 1 , ' No. 171. 'Larch Term, IIiSS. between :WIZ .L. I[. Mellor. Inermsor of John U. Mel. r. doted. ane In her own r ohs, Chinks C. ,aloe. Loots& P. Redo. and 'Allow* U. nhelte , 41 Amide a. Met. Ida wife. formerly Annie M. odor. In eight tot told ...wale. halm of John A. Ch., derea.ed, Platattir.; . AID B. Biddle Roberts . Aoseltdalratem. de bonle or Oliver urragny Sheet, deeeseed; eldest J Itottaton. &merit rialto, J. Orerigosaae K. sae - It rage, Ma wife. tan Meats P. sonend harsh- Z. iston Ws wife. taracetir II IL Weer. In eight or sale Watt, WIC of Ter Orateny dread. dec'd. Dareadante ' I +'neap 811C0 arra -- Cinema, hl/whet 1 ' Wham. a eau in icii.iits au Men dlOOl. 1.0 ors or Ur/moon Plea. of Allegheny County. r the Pone. or OCartettog • Mistake La the d eerlption or two lots or 'Tonna c.reled by 1 d t o " el 3 Wray ° . gt. & 141, Joan . H. i"gufa . by, Id (Its bei &deemed In tale area so som ala nolo' sage nazi oeut Corner of Ilarinoral a d Jane streets, In ter Borough of East Bl Is. ham. Instead of Hi glnntee on the etastnraa er Of gale wrests, and be other beteg a et nee es oOtwarawng on the goatherent Corn Ot Yeaaloir and Chinon street, In lardbares en. I. MAI Of InglAntas on the smut seal corner o i ea_ Atreeta. _ Arr. thereon. to Danaat m oa n cedar o itt,Cl.l::. ‘lV,7tr,l7arggi.plittraellegfl":4 got.' to nab. ea an:manure to re erten./ for ego pl o , "". . V oTtniTL ' ef gI c LA -1 11AVIM App.pr, o A,3o. ne.i. ' 3a lan nth *bona ennead ethe, and ra Wren* rbas•Lba earl Oran seal Alvan.. If yea fall throe 017 WILEI above An: • •na WEB it able to ben tar 8111 eaten pro ms. Pop. sad • &kith nada against pm is Year amen.. 1 5. I Iranian bans, at PlUmbunth.‘tAbr lin rtor of member. A. D. lalv.lva _ WrAv PIONTOOTB, Bollellue for thasabla.ttabia. A tan, Itholll. WA.1.1111. Brorry• • d laln—»a DISTRICT COURT Or TIM: trill e rn eazsmviTe/nPri/ar t h tr aMenr m nD thester ern. as MAKI Bietit.ets Weaning DIMMICSop raernitirLTAtele s u. A.W•rrentlet Intakes:ALT hu heel Loved by %Myelin easiest Me EXTATE OF O. 8. MORE, ett . eb 14 , 10. edleslaeo • Bertniet awe petition et Mt creditor., end the payment et soy thshie eml lively or any property Weenie, to ere beak rept, to him. s, for Sao met sae the transfer of tozzolvy.by bur, - 4 ; mays sieles!lefsX one etsc ' ses; ' laser 4' moi?e 4 is. imiti?.;AlT;..trro•Alv.i.b.e.tai.d„:?„l.°A. Io .. A. 6. 1 .6r4 -,, 0TA1:0v.r...,in:JA.,9-_,,-" A L i tiAllUltts LlAltrall. to. 03 - I•Weeil .' s ' rrre• eoe elate litegarters le Dank m atm or *Mean. Wet. TERMLAB NOWILY.', ' .8521:11 1 D . M. atertbals k i :C:0) ) 1: 1 ,..o11:90:101114* r BITIVATML. ij • • Tb• dersigned ern notice Of hi, =ZS ASSIGNEE OF, ROBERT HERVEY, . • cd Us bototigtk,of TOrentunt, la fbo wooly of dlliiimoy,pod State of Poonsylrants. within told Isfriel., , frbo W. benO odJadeld a bank rupt int Ids ma petltic 7ig oy tb.o Markt Cob Of bid Illstflet: '• • RIIGE . BOLdl, A ostirooo, awe:tosomer. Point Alloy aid Dopoeno W.I. _ WIAZSIVA; r o g r l Z l . b... A O . :: rtlZl4iibiltlaair:sr 4e:iebralgult%.."Ztrwt attew, T. a. rlteebartiela ttan%rvittfolti 1,111.1-I,:rr: •.:•-au.,•• • B.ktuat eeen " 0w....--Nry.tevri.::.?;::: e.f saw sta r let, Ju9 . , ~,, 1.... r. ..,.... WEd"3" " itater a T 9,1L1-------t ~Or PtEEEI SP j lAnenerilgstruneggav:7oZiglite VieFairiTZTTltTra.P.;tel4!7l7,; ~ 11 -ie DJ the ni.ta.'". tn 3 JUIII H. BAILIta. asslalea. -.1 .tts Attorney at Law .a) Omni 41.1,1. vTEitto coca ADIIISIFITHA MEEIgt44O2 klArttlfll:l;2.l4%: f=rtlis74 cra for mottle ...without dolor tn u°Bl4 "N P 7 ttfr 4 o=fry: 11 lac MUTTER OF THE AI": Ran Varataciterit cba I' l in uFe'l Tt l t;l7 % I• ' ur' on. a IS. e uE I7 17 ni Vutigt4:q4-* * E . • liTiErLor oitriLn- ElNaeliDatL?AlX SUOULT/OB No. X,,(.11 , cell bre% Orga Thai Oa &bare •.soein 110.1...e.buvw.c.rdo lemma. att.,. and du mos *III bi gzaLr " JU rie" et 5010 lg)Arif"Llrc Y Vrothaa °tam, _ _ Il BEI ri a ===....lttant=gf.: