Igl II s.VittaingLoaltat SATURDAY. Drn a s, n 47. BovvvigEguf Dtwiirtirole. l'ertimony aconneletee to the eel that the condition of the people of the Southern States Is a' lomble. During the wag-theyneadenst sacrifices of maul la the WI vigor of life. Not leas than, u aite t ioo d re d thousand perished by g igues coatracted in the field or of w ooo d o rocahred in battle. Many •of thenftwotdditsve died from other games bad they retained at home; but after all proper allow:seen for natural waste of p opo t o ttoo, the 'drain attributable to the war trito Very serious. • Nor was this the on l y. t ooi t ..Oast burdens wore Imposed span the people in the - form of , taxes,, gad . etlett ,contributions towards the m i me d ed military operation. Then tar yenta of priperty were destroy oi,i t o prevent themfrom falling into thei roto telowof the national forces. As the Ilifon ermine fell back or advanced theisain what property they needed, and destroyed Whatever might other. irpe fall Into the bsnds Of reticle. In eal tbluelfAri ways the 'savings 4f many, ran 'were congealed, . and . tens of thoww% ce aVf had lived In comfort, if nit in o , were reduced' to want #l 7 naught quite' :nab thereto. - , Besides, the peculiar labior system of ;those States wu brOloln up. Thri is not a light' matter. essy to say; let --these who never worked before; go te werinoir; but it is übt 'easy for , Mel who have not been accustomed to abor; wk. hams bete acciaktomild. to regard laberas degrading; who do not know how' to net themselves at work, and who are ignorantofAbe Manner' in which indus trial. promises are eandeieted, to set about - the task , with !any promise of bringing Muck to pass. It may be admitted, moreover, that the bleep are not Working as steadily • or with as Marge mammereial results, aa when they were held in Mindage. yielder , the *id:system, their happiness sous net take:elute the account; and they were Olivia so as to get the most out of theca tkacems possible. now, they consult theirprzi,iminfort, doing no more thai they.please. This is just what white nes do fa a state of I liberty, and the black Miring attained to that state, fol-: • ley Rus 4MemPle. set before them. go /Ong ha liberty remains to either Mee,' • this privilege cannot be abated. It is _quite nicely some of the blacks do not work u muck as. , they ought. That uostsiusy , 'whites do not, abundant eir-i ideioe everywhere attests. .inch ntransithm from one system of ishor to another is alt ayshnd neceesi— . lily 'attended by infelicities. It cora: *4 happens that loader a slave eye , tea Munches of industry, thrive which Wither and nearly or quite disappear nn•l II& a•syitem of compensated labor. It iiktrume to adjust labor to vast changes in its condition. • In Addition to these caning of impover isksaant the Southern people have eve limed two bad seasons for emir in Natnralcmases here aggra. -mite& The miseries they brought upon there're, of all these sonicee of distress, it is aviork of suPererrogs- ARRA look into the temponily political MMus of any of those States for the so lution of their troubles: Ii Georgia bad bees restored to its old place in the tin len, OM wr nld have been no less blight or Mildew, no fewer deetractive teseets, notes tilde of grass or grain mire than_ gt,,,,,the , caw, .bas stood Tine, patience, iiidturtry, parse *lnce, its tbe . attributes by miming Of irldekthe Present nalafortiaes are ke retrieved. If the Southern States shall In ten years regain their for. Mar measurenfitrlmperity, they will do well,' When a hurricane hes swept thrcreghre district its track amordinari ljbe traced fora long While. The evi dences Of its destructive power are not 'Mai& Mace. So, when a gigantic war Lit rolled over a land it wasteland ra mm'ecars and blights, whatever it touch .t It laps ap the springs and streams of piosperity, leaving nnehannelswhere plenty once everfloired. f it' is i dictate not only of humanity bu t, Kpatriotisp that as far as the pres ent dMtresie the South can be medica ted; it shall be.. The people of the dir. fervent. .sections ere no longer foes, but 'citizens of a common country, and ear coin a COLIMOD. destiny. What lifts up ens :section, beets the other. Qom mental men, from the * nature of their *Menu, understand this betty than mea in seine other callings: Let them take the lead in suggesting and carrying into effectthe measures suited to the CO \ tamEWCH iirrEllVENgtogi IF ITALY. "There lea dilemma. The Pope needs Roma for his Independence. Italy.sa. ,pasteim the peanut= of Rome, which outsiders as an impenuove requisite ether unity. Well, we declare, is the name of the French Government, Italy Adult not lake possemtion of Rome! (Loud applaise.l' Never 1". . , • - These are the words in which Mr. Boum announced to the . Corps Leg's latif the determination of the Emperor Of the French on the Rflotal question. It Woe because of tida determination, and the consivences which would be likely to result from' It, that a schema tor thor. 11;00' reorganizing the French army waagobmittedto the same body for as: -_.petal True, the statement wai 'Mde that tido scheme was Altogether Macon? . netted from all plans concerning Italy, andiwhile curtailing the national ex .. genus, would operate; as a guarantee ' kr tie puma of Europe . Bat no teem= 'bir of the Legislative body Wiped this statement, though it w ee mode 4 the authority of the Entpsior. Just aslittla was it credited by intelligent individuals - .maids the, chambers.: The Eniperoi : kiiearned the reputation of saying, not the things which are tree, but the things which are convenient. ,' .1 .. -- In - iecordance with the announcement of thhi propose to prevent the consum mation of Italian unity; the EMperor ; has ordered a reinformuszt, consisting ' if twenty Moused men, to proceed to Olvita vecchia. . - . If anybody should infer from this that the cause of Italian unity was hopeless, and that, in thelanguageof Mr. Nouher, Italy Will never take poommlonoatome, be would chow a great misapprehension . of the character of the Afrench Emper or and betray , it Urofcrand ignorance of these ideas by which the current of mod ern events is shaped and impelled! Na poleon is not a man of deep convictions, or of any convictions `whatever. Cold, trogiamire, subtle and unscrupulous,. he 1 1 1. actuated madly by what he deems po litic at the moment. i When he desired to acquire Savoy he • Prolued his aid to Italy in considers . WI it the Olmsted privinee. . Being un ',finial to einfesstbat he made war Upon his neighbors, and sacrificed the lives of tali of tioniands of his , subjects, far a petty teritorial aggntruptemoni, he re sorted 't o highsonuding generalities, so , sli to cover Ma cupidity with. a halo of Millorosiii- iltaly was to be free and united and this in virtue of the doctrine of the 10*Ity of peoples. France was vanzted ii. te - the onl y nation that wa • l ied war a ereitedly for'the defence of an itielt. There wee a grandeur la these uttenuneem sad for a time the con. . Mmt of l the .llmperor seemed to be in kiralinY 'WI - Me-Words. But he not , 43 020 14.S.ed, SWIAOIIir, short in hie-per f or mica; ..exacted the public pay meat ef l the oliOnlation for which he gold the live of his troops ; . • Now the inforor presents himself as the 41 ?iii1W ' lll 4' • i? 21 % 51 andthe : champion of the Pops. The contrwite tint inmate lii MU - cluing° of ittitude, ho holds to 1 - lighter than vanity. Con meat which he deems desirable,-He now acts with • the clerical party: not because hens a devotee, or has ever a decent respect for religion in any of its popular forms. His wife monopolizes the piety of his household, becauss she is the only member thereof whose senti ments Dow in that direction: ...put Nerez.tow does not neglect the Politics of /teligion, or, rather, he does not mean to let slip the advantages which are apparent in now favoring the wishes of these whocontrol that vast organics ! ik , tient 'known. s the - Catholic Church. Ills piety is no gended pith the propo siderite inake mettle capital of Italy, any more than it was a sfew years ago, when he pledgetflris viord in the face of the world to produce that consummation; but bin Literati, have taken a shanty* and he follows 'thin& , What may intotedistaly moat from hie fresh avowal cannot be foretold. Italy, unaided and alone; is not a match for France; and even the popular entbsbuon, high.o it seems to run, willitesitate be fore challenging so unequal n strife. How tar Prussia ban been Pliaad In . .a position, by more recent disclosures, which weeld fill141:1) her to stantl aloof from Italy in cue It should he laysived in a war' with Prance can hardly be es. Wasted until the - crisis null actually happen. Within a month; NAPOLION, in his address to the representatives of the Frenchtution..declared that in rer pect to Germinj he aceoted i nufics-• tied which had' become inevitable; oth erwise, he would canna% toe 'condition of again In. oeranni which he means , to resin to the utmost in Italy. Wu he sincerein thus consenting that Prussia shall absorb as Much.of Germany ai it Can? Or, we, - this consent simulated Only to detach Prints from Italy in the emergency now arising! gen Prussia telt ' She may feel that the avowal of Niinson L ;simply. an. aellto,Yli4ga ment of - her ' power-which power is , equal to . )ihr'necitssities :under. any mu.: curable littera circum.stanoss. In this. event she will beept to let Italy do as. ,beet , 4 10 : ‘?Mw lU t ber " g i an t antn!miat; "Portlier " Ifissiaosr .: promisee mach more ,tluys, is. muter , His; lease or li fe Is canning to its close, and nano can Ay wko shall IA after him on! the throne othanca. - •. I MI6tIOITi4 INTELLIGENCE; Notwithetincling ',them is no.con o art, of action in regard tithe Week of Prayer, Ocellesed hT the "EnelellcalA ll iance.' in this city, or IMMediatemditibuttood,' this sawn, we Kuala A Programme; suggested as better salted to American Christians, and omit tho one prepare! by the Alliance, -for the benefit if those, ministers and people who may desire to observe the wagon, irrespective of the action of others, as follows: Sunday,' JanuatY, Sib,' 113118—Evangelization of the World. For missions to heathen and nominally Christian lands. That' the Holy Spirit sigibleas all missions ries, mission schools and oil native' (Whalen; especially the native minis try. China (and Ladle, too)" the great. mission field of the American Churches. Moaday, January etb.—Localghirches.. For a bleseingim the Word preached to the conversion of the Impenitent, -and ills greater consecration. of 'believers; on . all meetings for. prayer; . on• Mistier' honsithelda, and the baptized children of the Church. Tuesday,; January ;M I:Lome Evangelization. ' For lay effort,. Young Xen,'s Christian Association, Bible and Tract work, the Religions Press. Wednesday, January Sth.—The Freedmen.. For the Divuus blessing on' all prate:hereof the gospel and teachers Snits% them; Mean till efforts to improve their audition, find specially that they may all enjoy the Musings of civil and religious freedom. Thursday, January 01/1.-..Home Rigatoni. For Churches, Sabbath Scheele, and institutions of , learning In thellestitata portions of the , atry. For Hone 'lllsaionaries and their families, celpoiteurs. and ail efforts to Mach our foreign population with the GioipeL Friday, 'January 10tIL-cnir Country. For all in authority; for wife and jut laws; the speedy and wise, ad. putment of all national &Madam; for Out return of kindly. and bnattutrly feel ing in all parte °Wm canary. For the properinflunce of Cluistiaa men, and for union among-Mishima. '- Saturday, January lith..-The Holy Spirit. For the Malang of the Holy. Spirit on all ef forts to promote the Kingdom if Christ; that revivals may be enjoyed in the churches, and that a missionary spirit may prevail incur colleges and semina ries, and that oar country may be pre paredto follow the leadings Divine novidence. Bundey, January .12th... Sabbath Schools. For Christian instruc tion in the Family and In Sabbath Schools. Foilki 'Christian culture of the yonthof the land with "rethrmace to the Ramie of the Church, and the tourld'a evangelisation. " ; mett4o4 minlater, elephant° the State prison at ,Anisurn, New York, has dedicated over one hun died and fifty chnrcl xesn and to nerydn. itases has succeeded In" ralsurt the whole &Mona of Indebtedness. The Anniversary of the Freedman's Aid Society of the M.' E: prarcli, was held to thicinaall lut week, Bishop Clark presiding. - According to there. port of the treasnrer, the receipts for the year were $27,311.63, the principal part having bas 'contributed by the, West. The Suclegy omPerated &WAY with the missionary work of -the Church. Twen ty-aloe schools hive bees . Mini*, with lity.oatt,"lesclisig, and about five thousand pupils in day schools, and nearly' three'. thomand Ii Sudsy Schools. Intersetiaguldromes were de. livered by Blebs* Mart and Kingsley, and Rey. Finni& .He Mrs; • Waal- Bev. Mules Heartier, who 'fru chard ed by the, Geergetrinii(Mase), CSlLlgfe gational Unruly-will heresy; and anal madly *upended bythe Mario!loin; Conference, hae 'been Wilted that the action is nseennted, on the ground that, the vote of euspeattent , was ."nncongre astlonel and anconstltatienal.''i • • A series of 'stoles, on the subject of "Holineu'of Resit," belag published in the 011 . 4ation Intelliganter, written by Rey. /. M. See,7 4f, the WormAa (Dutch). Cbirele, which. Ma provoked quite a liVely diactuelon in Wit paper. His thoorY i tiad expezpace of purity of betaril* IV fdlo Write; to be contrary to the stand anis of the Ciacreh:. The discussion i% likely to be protracted and instructive. ' • The Western Christian Advocate, speaking et the lactating work of grace in progress In the Fifth Presbyterian Chuck, Obscintutti, gives an account of a meeting hell in the Sabbath school, connected with the March, at which abettt fist hundred and fillY persons wore /keno, childna and adults, • During the special religious in place of theordimay exercises, while the bran was sung, "Come to yents just now,. forty young nations MO to ask for prayer. At the chum of the services about fifty perm= remained for contest esti= and prayer. • The American Prabyttiian takes strong and decided ground against MS double Penton of the , Stoiday school on tlts Pobliath, and encase a mason that the practice seriously militates ageing the attendance or the childreaon mach. I Sag.. There is some ground for this Tian and yet .the great fact Is generally lost sight of that the indisposition of youth to Wend divine ISMS too frequently from such Muses, u the relaxation of tomutil discipline; ten dencies of;thc age, Multhe dementiles. tior yid& olgails in aoclety, wording to modern parlance. The steickbeew . of, ,thlriSysott ru k . bur g h or 'ETanzeui Lutheran Chtutb, who protested spinet the so and claim that the course of the major ity leaves them the undoubted right to regard themselves as the Pittsburgh Synod, with its original doctrinal posi tion, constitution and name. They or. &dui the Synod of Pittsburgh by the eleittonof officers: Bei. E. F. Ehrnfeld, Fri : aid:at; Rev. Samuel B. Enacts, Bee. retary; 0. Yeager, Esq., Tresaurer; and' Rev. J. G. Guttman, Mies. Prealdent. Rev. J. D. W. Stukenberg and P. frail; Esq., were elected delegates to the nest meeting of the General Synod. With out entering into the disci:whin of the differences .which agitate the Lutheran Church, it is proper to say, as we under stand ale Metter, the action named above is by the party - who claim adher ence to the General' Synod, while the other favor the General Council, formally organized recently 'at Fort Wayne, Ind. We believe the Lutheran &arch, Bev , sigh street;. Bay. S. Laird, pester, ad hem to the latter, while the Allegheay ehrimit, of which C. Yeager, Esq., of taus city, is an active member, claim connection with the General Synod. Great enthusiasm was aroused at the * dedication of the magnificent Methodist Episcopal Church at Detroit, Michigan, recently, by. Bishop Simpsonis sermon of that occasion. A. Congregationalist present; said: "The Bishop's sermon is worth two hundred dollars to, me, pit It down." A. correspondent of the Journal end ..ltesunger (Baptist) declares that the . Baptists "do net claim to be Protestant.", Oa think' there are not "different branches of the Church of Christ," but that Baptists alone are the "legal suc cession of the Apostolic churches." The Anniversary exarchrea of the Ills 'ennui Society of the M. E. Church, takes place to-morrow and Monday, at Albany, N. Z. Sunday sermons, suita ble ta'tiiti acaalon, will be preached in all the M.E. churchea. On Monday evening the anniversary proper , come Mf. Ron. R. E. FeptoD, Governer of the State, will preaide, and make the opening • - addren, after which other. diatinguished • speakers will deliver' speeches. • . - Quite a . dircaeeion occurred at a grand SuudayliMmool demonstration at Cincin nati, Oho, not long ago, on the question "How to teach so as to lead the child to Christ." Three things were made prom • ineat, says the Western Christian Aden rate. 1. Prepare to et:emitted as well so permits& your sCholars, that is, gently.. sad thoroughly; 2. Win their hearts by the gentleness and kindness of manner—"the neck is bent by the mrd, but the heart wine the heart"t, 2. Rave Soar souls, by long waiting on. God, in the closet, full and overflowing vrltli desire for the salvation of other Daring the etude= of the Society of Friends atChicago last 'week, a number of the delegates, appeared at the noon prayer meetings and took part in Its ex ercises. The Great Pictorial Annual. tiostet &&&&& United States ritzier. tor lmfi for dletrlbuttan. gratla, thronehoot the halted Stabenand all elvlllaed touutrles of the Wen. en Ileadaubere, wfllba pablblel about the drat of linuh2t. tad all who *ha la undendastd tee tree lehtloaulley of health iheald teed apd pot d valathielmegettlens It metals. Ist ad dition to an adtalmblevaidteel treadle* on the =Ms, prulreallon mad ewe or a great veneer dl•eaate. It enahraetia Wee amount or ln• lomat:oat IntareaUts to tie aueretudtt, the me :haute. toe minor. the beam the planter. sad prodeeslaaal muse aid she ealealatlons have been made for ere!, militant and latltudee are:non imitable for • curl.. laud cetahrelata, are NA:Tit/NAL flaLlt4loAlt. . . TM nature, uses sad exurnordbiery reeltarr• effects of 11.03TETTZlii e'r.LighCa BITTLrth.. : the staple toed: sad albratire of nave Our halt the Marti. world. CO fully see... 10 iia oyes. which are Summering erlth Dietud.l illuttrarlate, valuable redrew !or liaarebold: tad hi axwerousiairedetee; and other in stratire arid mall wowing matter, original awl selected Ana the ► nria/a to appear Inth.theopehlng or t e yeah tar will be ova or the sees. en 4 oar be had thy the Ming.- Ilbereoptee to the lutc.trel Marielteetoo7. at, 17,137,-MR%- INiglAtS ' 1711 " 411:f BirritlaSarit Sold leaver, oily. taws aug +H isao*: the Vaberi rale, . • coughing in Church. &ells of version de.thfor the late:est of, I=2 andnaftaLes, arban lacnaren, and trequnally I= = Ikeaitarof t 6. pr.eouldaugl. TllLust.' not Pa. KLYSTN, or l'ltUbamts. ,t 44 ➢tepand a YNIeIW wittetralthatits you eat tarry It In = = =I to sin artio..•lll waive) tan the dlseass. BO DON'T CDVOLI ASCIr 11011 Z 78111 K Or DU. 10119118 WI his cwassi lIICITCLHAL; eyes ye= hurt Map matt pule gnus, sad' you wilt be a Una anti lumpier looked , 41tos is tau trbo assnoye . Yecr selststdrs. •Tott cut set it at say Plat- DR. - u mm*e CONirt.:l'4l.2lolg 9/710E ler rj. INsianx . stiostz..Ne. PXNN IST. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AM. 61P9.17AM, Jr., Adotoo iteprott Of*, 100. MA einst, ts an auobrivad Arent to, ruenn alof VA sugar= cerr' othripeepene Shreighesl Midtvi Mfragc Hatr4sG Irrirnour DHVGI Sae tialthanUnlplaal o 0 natural baths. an I. 152 . 1 . 1102,1 7 Ruth Partials gthas pssassok. —opOn tat. icrthirr or 10121101111 ernownrl Mtn( at 111101(0os Lira acetelniat.•• sad 111.11 t anthrai nthe Wan asslasiththd 1n a teaser' that Ia Votsual tn the othllat La? onuithu train the tystea. Inn ben., we the neat throagb the asthenia 011elproperilta Or the Os- . Ines,. We Wing the isaltanen uththr• 25111102, to boar, la ' L nunst:arl ICs "MU Omaha. Drool -0121,14 sad mend. Insterlab. .arouse the Untie. Sl• dernmarleg nessonla, amatory pro slalom nudes/lay altar, 20th vetch She month lo boahtlfaltr sapplled. tat whets these aro either sbatneted or nee understood. the paat t7 As the same; Menton, Instead or goollier. lea We die. 4d02, Ira hare gelled more money.. Inala we ean ON, 111.001 Materet pollee to learn Ant the laws otrlohumoness lo the bodLly strusale, lu order that w0e..., live so Inborn. oar natozal wealth or hapthatss. Ur oar normal' 122121.1snoranreo. ottm Monts. aedolnet. be.. asset Ms 2112212.7 Moue. of THal 2111200 thhaleresrse Inman ;nektonic' dregs. By a se trent:deaths 211 b mama la Mt previa ee of ellsenob en sandiest. tbe whole eat.lOgn. or somatea, among Tebleti are tops worm, arroUe Worm s tc.; alto,, tuners. comers, Muss, ab eam.. dropsy, 14sonit7,' Moans or the boom or anelltles, mama onh tragMtns Drape, deaf aassib•drunapletat. Apompal.. Kent, Memos -1101.2.11.111.. asset to Meet every ellSnie Shot le► Is bet 1., pm 2410 one moaa4lll 'plan I. ann./ 10her10 So. - We do oat ea pent le please ii. Bet Mom 210 has beat tha Molten of the 0027notrat and tomato. Moro el elsolla tnol. st.swriutta, and oonlaste mateadom neon • ter 'nuke; Sod now slth rnrucAz. unintr-• nos, law trrommt emm. aw his the 71211 ea. acreallta Ablenselltettion, by SOM.. 0. . at • - blo. 110 02121111 AVII2IOI. 2101.0122111" BARRafarA: AT ELTON'S, arra:, .17 72/ 0 111ii =tree.% la sAtitettwu ziemra 51111 4 MALL 111Z11,1190 LUXE EMI OKLII,OIIIZWIS. HOLIDMr PazsErrre, AT. CLARK% CRUC STORE. ==i:CElll rilLcr • CoLoollta. Nu. 103 Firth Street, ==l SILVER WARE. Tart s.ts, Water Pitcher, 0.50144Ua 8•81•1•. Walters, Berry IWO., arm ['lleum. e1m.... tarta. Card Cater. . ' . Map leadare. tat. 70t all. DI • Jr. R. *ZgD co. JIMPVELIIII,' GOLD Clllllllll, Pitts, Lax mime. IIHUZIC 111litt, lILLLV.II BUTTOSS, tar 4414 bY J U SCXIO « CO. TOM COHN-1 cq load now 1011.1 Y a co. TENN. FEATHERS-20 sacks ' ra .0. by loads in store, tor v for deg * II.IIIIAEI DUMMY AW. PITTS.BURGH DAILY zi:4110:43,•,4:vii 4:4 rjr - TIILSITY CHURCH, Sixth IrriLIKV. - CROBILL 8.101.V1C1L.-teats fern. EVERY FICIWAN. at 3S n'el, a o.d IarFIIIST BAPTIST CHURCH. —Pr....lanif at/0,,4 A hi.&ha at 7' rat. - • December tinh, by Me p h ei.nr. Yet. DICKY...WM ., . In themerntesr. • DIM.% nee from in the !venial/. (Ihriat Beistnirl.neenes from Me Dead. Egr'P A REACELEVO EVERY d S 4 lu Noki,Tß,zwri,vcrx,t ?AV. V:'.l'.lll°6'PArtnr:gg.`• Allegheny :rued. Seale tree. Oshkosh School MO o'clock ao4 o. la. • Or UNIVERSALIST. CHURCH, CLlVilig. U 7 NIC.ANT A111)7811CD BTS. —Pastor. Rev. A. lIU`JtIERMAY. Preaching EVERY SUNDAY at lOSA. and 7 r. Y. Sunday hchool A. K. All ttapeephf groin. ee to cone and bear. &abject nir ne.tarirsoa , wraoing— , .7ho Great V. lee Carlstlantig.e, 1116 1U1L1.10.111, Pas tor of lieforteed Pee. baterlan Contra, gattoa, Instsbaratt, will preach • Marmon the raal Caaaaltlr at o'clock, elnek, at the li.ll of the arotorth Wardhellool, alttabitaati. tiabl ect•-•• Who Iv ea the ,Locd, bids P. thaal aerate. Oaring the nay, at tOM A. at. aaa o'clock r. at. ...wrirREILI6IOII7IL--TITIE• 'FIRRT OKRISTIAN CHU. Mon te Aeheng Nita. corner Beaver Street And tgomery avenue. gnarling TO.MUItRuW, mord , . Don or his A. N. and 7 /bi 01. ., r. be the goner of Om JnalteM KINU. Boots tree. Mad the religlooS ospenlaby are Invited. laff" FIRST CONGREGATION OT DISCLTLEB, licvolo anh, roomer of Tenon and Liberty etc, entrance on ' , earth.— Rev. W. 0. kinky, Tutor. Service eye L. 011 0 .0 Ott, morning sod treeing, elsOneth, School session to :X T. m Prayer Wedneedav Evenings. etrangers and residente unt Identafied lette 007'WOOketninn safe altetiv WOW: - • • • • • • rarTIIR FIRST METHODIST new. ei,tv„Nttzu.t.::'ir,l..v.'zi.ant. ie exte.th, at 10:60.0. M. trim o inns.] TH3 GOSPEL IN THE TREES. Will he thy, subject of • tables of hoot:log Ott -1.:41e.y toe knuor. as follow.: not:both Eroster, st—t' At, L. Test. taltbatO Rotolo., Doe. Irt-11 4 / 4 4...t0tz.1 - nan. 3. 8.1:1141101 Evonlon. /on 6—Tll. Tao. 4. toobath Voanlow.doo.l2-1"10. Altair/a . 1.4 s S. tabbath Istreo I og, J.. It—ltto Wn.to.4 TA= ye Shat Iteatot, Jan.24—rnc PALM TOMO Not and mar )rittol4 an d oon11•111 15.11e4. Free matt &AO welcome to I. - coast' NORMAL INSTITUTE. A NZW TAMIC WILE BKUUi UB THZ FIIIIST 11107NO&Y OF ZLauwr rnpite beginning nen ern • Coplele u Iclfie Cane it tie lormil Shalt*. ts six siONT/lii. k'BENCII MEELINOB, 1=I=! = hr ule 1l Y Mit 111133101 3 Biel& bl rrstrra, ORR s 1?16i LEAD quo ries Barr aAixik. Mattliatikes.Vlnimd: 4.10 PION MOTT isiazia I= I=l 1257.1=1 so rws e!prr arlioollll, la mac an& 7 RUM ' , DIEU & CO. Na t 67 esiWDeld Street. rrrraktuaua. PA. NEW EXPEESS ROUTE Yal TUC OIL REGIONS I Completion of the Alleghenylailey Railroad. tie SOP after MONDAY. Deewebtr tl4, the inks 0.• a the road alit In threw, tt to T 1 .1.41 4 .0 OIL?. OrMatte vu City, ' • • Thp.Adams D .. ior. Company, threlng replies on all peaerwerer haslet. pill preoyel to do a gaunt EXDielato WANDINO BUWINICEn or ht. Lbrl Erman be- torso Pit/shun/It the the OIL Recto ee s. me/ Dew hare le lete ave Dries .14 for City 10.4 all toter smoo DOW/ NAZEn DEUIICEIL For penteelere, Lnolo of - GEORGE lIEVGRILM, a.7j2 AGIENT. 18 6 8 . .ArEsr . TEAms.. 1 86 8. P. 1. -111ERSG11, 41'. BROS:, 40 and 42 St. Glair Street, FANCY CONFECTIONERS, • AND BAKER . V. hive also WWI ap a Ladles' Oyitersad Lola Sale'', 177:1=1:Attltif4al:"." 1. aka Mace. W. a. amain' a max. 4.9.)% Is sad C Clall9tteat. VASES, COLOGNE errs FANCY C111N.11., Pari= Statuettes, ==BOHEMIAN •GLASS And . caber ►YIPLt AID FAXOT VUODA. Is gran Tst Wow, The Mitel,lclaars4 100 Wood aftvori. RICHARD' E. BREED 1r CO., STEUBENVILLE ' • FEMALE SaI:MARY. letni:Anster of' tlik tear Nit% tal Ilia JAIIITJAZT ista, 11011. roptlo aro litittrltted at soy Alm.. Th. tollOO lucre ...cos teduc.d lilt lb. btrdn.tos of Uto morally or Money. _Ttio coot per oullottr-10,41, we•to—lc twit" SurlOAorg V iirolthed. Boom Weiesing hid Tal• trap 111 the ttallatoa blllocliet. • LIU. Oro ends tor lolls. Maus'. rmie, fat other Languages. Yorestslet.. •15,1yt0 ' • 0. - ntittlrTY. ' P. herlettaidost Or; Bets L. 71. B.ZEO. AK. X.., Illoelpftl. 4 • . EXTRA LARGE • • . E=Z=l ax4lolll4rns.•%OW! X • AT PILtLATI•IL Lmfloo Woolea Oloys • as 4 tea.; • Lad. Hilods'ind beallll/.1 lu.ronean..of • ?Mite Sae <61,00. liloves,le7l!l. „ l.:lx z rt A 444l:rfll, ;. ; ; iery tito led 1.7,6 aaanaeat et I , ' getiVe .44,yont0's Eid.tilovls, wool WWI saw AT PHER—IiIVS . • OLD STABD rpooluirei !MUHL • • de:Ill 84 11411 . 11 IBTAA KT: • SELLING Err, AT COPT ROBERTO, 6r.'I3IEERRATT'S, lit Smithfield Street, 4tri e 6(4 OP HOUBBECIATIBILING GOOD 5 6rovz%. rice nman, ' valoca k *Rd Wags, t Ord flhaseetie Pieebilsefresmite, BEACTIPTIL PREMENTS TOR THE HOLIDAYS . . 12IE rA1111•111 ler &TIMM& xi* Alm licreuinias ELEGANT BREAILFAIT, awl TEL MN. • • Aloe. • 1•••• •••••11•••• ettrsocqssed ilagart CUIAA TOIL= BEM* , Z7.=7::•.:f. ' ll ` ,:dll.l '"n ll °`. ' un ea • 11717cmcoelL litzvoirt. dell.lll REIM r HISS r. FTLIVE.u"I"I4.-A liarAo Cold and Saixr . .Woic' ha. .raWal.llV, PLATIDWOS, sancreouul. as., imitable lot Holiday ralmia. Ito. ILI TZDZBLAZ *TUIr, 41.144raasarr , • , • aroma latTsaH• PORTIC.FIVE OBBANS • AND 'MELODEONS: Direct 'from the flew;!.. of Geo. 0. Pslne• Ca: MAI. Ll.'sy, Oa, es* rreseott Ores. At w. Irma VS uromrds. Call Ana .a.asalsar ITT NEW iLDVERTISEIKEN TS. art'. P►. C:IAL—Tbe Herahie money mem, tr the Yoder elees 'Mated. de...elation will be bed le the, dee., He. tee th Oren, Thee (es erde.i IVLNING. ab7S Welber.. './aellattendeneeth the meows le 'equated. . 052507 IX , ! CAPPTALIDITS.—A rare op. .0.0611ty le °Bared l matur e nt in an eut for tbe am Ma lead.ag artlele in INS Iron lin. VI La comte meal' order and only requirlier mil tal to mate It , . i ' f ' tiii ' l4l l .!.. " l. ` ,l;Tlnt.:ll " FLl avail• cation PI the enderslicaede - ,- B, Mile lt de3 Ir. aorta street. WRERtAii.Lettern at Admin .. Istratt on on the Ketate-ot DH.A. Ph ItCH MICH a. bar bees granted tethe-oadeesegoed, all Tomos Iruotettur themselear luOubted to the ce pa* of sato decedent owlmake payment to the whdorelgaoh, or lee W.. 011.1., ADoehey-at• • I•ate, 210. 'arum street,;"PletePurah. Pa., and. those bovine 01110,1 110111.1 bald am. Will pre sent them, durfuuthentecased etet , enten..- 2.azzl6 P. Natalie ICNT. Plltsborgh, Doe. 17.A1f.. &Ma ' • TN THE oirraier COURT or TPA DNITED,STATIpp,„ floe Um tyoetern DDIDet Or Pouneottanla • • • ' •L - . RODEN"? WATHOIIIV ; ' Haukruptatularttloaf .. l=l;Maeoh I foOle . =o . grolallos nat. by order of the Court. notice Ie heroes es or 0 bare prone alt•le PIM!' V.:l L Ot_her_oko U leano 4 lntereeted to aopeer oo ICA DAT OF JAN 13•ItY, .110. at' , ll Weirek A. M.. tp Pro LIASPAs. Ate , Regleter, at all °faro, 11e. II DlealOn d street. to theoily et Plueouren. to show tease, If ens y hare. lob, • dOohargo stould :tot be grant eq.:, the «ate Pas trout. hue torte., smile. la hereley Veen that, toe tosond end T . olrd Meet t.hoelArtf Vu U d%Ttf i t eltrprst;iirre../1 " , nri!, heeltee•re the said leen., upon tha name do t et 01e °DM at the eatalLorATa ()leek or D. 1: District C.ert for sall Wet dot. &DOD a . • r BOORS FOR CHRISTAIL4I3 AND 1 EW • At Half Price. Top Book. In great varlet. Pabasth &Pool linok. Itereoscopee rem iwiret Ledles at all price. litattoneiy of El i . olstawhistable /II tie legizieel.nd lifelietteet Paper, fa ! r Laaup Cell wad pet Daigains dth Ulf ZeUbllshall BOOK AND,NEWS DEPOT. ILtatb Streelebelim JOHN D.EGAN: 110L1DAY PRESENT& LIM BUY TH4 BEST AND CHEAPEST pm° ORGAN. •CHOMACKER'B GOLD MEDAL PIANO, Alf zsrirs carreez ORGAN. •Tlf Illeflolf &CZ tit P 11.51) comolltesialt•4 /Afoot ••141 sb , • moron.= to tGlfl 1.• the toe • dean of • trst • isatistmeat made Try Yawn&•Ebyalli to telly warrastgd. uit ➢cores detective. yam 001-Sr m Ides, 1 Weld wasysaass to above question.. • Sk4 - 4.4 tor a Ci e . I ..le2 sr ill to Ma oonlatsdng f lI dom..= 444 111ostratiossot the MAW.; 517:..4 prises; Tat} from 478 to 111.000 aid IstarudY, alsoortUr tesalsoopy in tau from the dls 1.10401000414.1. of thesoustry to 04 .Po 110,117 of Wen inst.:manta ' CHAS. C. MELLOR, No. 81 Wood Street, =I Aso & HAMLIN 01111 US HOLIDAY STOCK JUT EZCISIVDD. AT FACTOST !RIM& 525 MILES C7=3 UNION MN IMOD, Benin West trees Omaha, LioROSS lIHE.OO=MT ARE NOW carom: lids beton the hoe to ito easter. two or the Rooky lloaatalas, .ac It la axpeatoll that the troll oral halal/ Miry ulna farther, to Cr* Pon. Um highest polar on the road; be Javan,. Tha maximum graft Iron the foot of thermos. sabre to the woman la ant Wear fort to.tai tale, walla that of sour amen. road! 110755 ore hundred., Work la the roat•eatttasa as the western slope relll cantinas *Womb tba vista, ad there LI now no rawer to dolt{ that Oa sae . 'the triad Mae I. the Paella will to area toe 1.1 , 42041 a IWO. • The nines provided Mr the ' , instruction ‘Oll Ws Berm Nation/al Work an ample. The4ale • led Mated greet. Its Mx Per Cat. Bonds nth, mate of g to.ooo to 1111,000 per mile. BP whin% It takes a Income ins as welly sad redden - payment to Ingo It not Id the fee erten or Ita Mann In entwine. t hese Bonds are tared as own Peony Tulle merlon In notated, sad after It hae beatierendned by Malted States Conn. stneri sad pronounced to be In all reepecte a lest clan rind, thoroughly supplied. with do. pots, reralr soon, sullen. and ail the nee. oauy rolling stook and other onityments. ' The Gaited states she makesa Morellos of 191.100 Beres attend to ite mile, Inlay will*, 1. mates of Inge revenge to the company. Muth or this land In• the Platte Valley u among 'the mess IBMs fa the wonid, and other large Smiled. aro covered with heavy pine Batelle and abound In coal al the beet The tkormany 1. alm ntborien to lane It. Own tint Morten{. Bends to es amount *ant to the line at the Goverment, mad no mon: Iton. B, tl. Worms and Hon. Oakes Amu an. Inure. Poe. the Bondholders, and deliver the. Heeds 1.0 the Compeer only •as the work pro. MU... to that they always regiment ara Waal and productive vane. • .• - ' Tha alatiorlaoll oapltal of Oa Coinpaa la Doi Hndrod, M1D1.% Dollar.. of oktelt over tro million have boo} pale la opal' too emit al. Earnings of the Company. LI pressat the profits of tha COsspany are da• Mod:only from Its local tralgo. but Ihtil Is alnedJ much men tang sundial to theta. teroatos &lithe goads the Company eau Issas. It sot asothor.salle wars built. tt Is not doubted that peen the road Is eoutolgtad the through. wns,,,gia. only Ilan eanagetlas• the AIOOOIO sad raelgo autos wig 1» largolngoad great. dajt; ad.las th ole 111 oe ao competttlos, ea. 111W..1. go dose st progtable sales. It will M noticed that. the Ila Con Paella Ball, la Rot, a. lgovansatiaT Wong. butlt coda lht suparneloa of Goes:amens caw% sat to • larglitlateat with flogorameat mossy, sad fiat Its toads ars Issued ander devastoaaat amigos. „It Is Natured that so stoillag Ofiegnt, 1. I* *gall, guarded. and certainly a 0 Wow Is taiotapas a larger or son valuable groping. 4 tba:Cknapsors Mortgage Bonds . . Lrit offered the the present et •111tNETT Cirri ON TIM DOLLAR, they are the cheapest sm. 'rtt7lh MI market, twang more Utah 16 pat Mat, leiter than tatted'htatea Bieck. They pay Six Per Cent, In Geld, . . . . • . OpoVill 11111$ Pill CXNT. upon tau lavost. mat. aad /ma altal7 pun to run belbte las. I•3l47.lllnbuctip owe Plittre mehred la PUY. E=SZI ; mums T. inuors a co, iiieticssa at VU., rk Pbsinkt Meet. JOAST, CAVOMIT CO., Third =l4 I== MEMSMMiII OUITIMINTAL NaTID/iAL MINE, Na 7 lama street. : • 451J.111C, DODUIC: 1/. 51 WWI Arad. - • . : WAOO AL BOX. Maakan, Na MI wail sad by the Coutpaa74 advertised Agents throughout tho Milted Matta lterolttaxces Ought bq roads la drafts or of tugs pap ta Nerve Tort. aad the bonds' Intl be that frog td .charge by ratan assns.. Partith saborpihNi throughkunli agents, will look to the= far WO . A neer)NLYVEILET LED *Mos the Promo of tee ' , work, nellOsiltail for C0U44.0: tloo. eao Votes t 801d5.. . mat. be "obtained toe Corriperty's °flees, or of - fa odeerif.d seents, or will oCsont free on appll.ll.. .101111 J. 0111160, I.l.4m,teser, L I\TIO C'Clo'SS ~ T ~~~ GREAT S A LE. , CCPMTarXESTI:IM,JEL, T:li MUST MOMS OF THE DAY. THE LARGEST STORE, ( T 30 .1.4 s coo TOE BEST ASSORTMENT IN THIS CITV TO sou= FROM. If Yon want Christmas or New Years', Gifts, Nos., 77 and 79 .Market Street • ciconaxi TO WE CONTEWTE TO SEE CHEAPER THAN THE HEAPEST, 1•1 - • 'A LARGE STOCK OF i 'EW GOODS. ME 1,000 DOZEN 11,91 , 1])KEROIIIM, ' , Just opened . all kladt-aad qualities, at !FEW !OEM ' PANIC PRICES!. REAL AND IIdITATICIN LACES, 11.1101IBROIPS„ SIITS;COLLARSOIEBES, 1101101118, IN PO/ST. POINT ArmQtria ►ND ViLEACLiNNEA, The Latest Importations and Choice Patterns. r Embroideries, a splendid line. Infant Robes, Caps and Waists. - Brecht, Scarfs, very cheap. . Beautiful Pieces of. Embroidery. Fine Slipper Patterns, , Fine SHt Suspenders, Embroidered. Cloak and Divss Ornaments. - Gent's Fundthlng Goods, Ties, Scarfs, Shirts. lepbyr Knit Goods, Hoots, Rubles, Sontaga, Scarfs, Mittens, Basques. Two rolses(Balmoral Nirts, fresh goods, at $l.OO. Two cases Shirts and Drawers, at a cents. 800 Pair Real French Corsets, ( at $l.OO. Gloves and Hosiery, all kinds, and cheaper than ever. L Suedes, Sets, Plus, Money Bags and Fancy Goods. Fine Silk Umbrellas. ' 50 Dozen Bradley's Duplex Mari, at 161.00,, and , great bargain; a mew oilier & isles too numerous to mention. Good Fleecy Lined Hose, 20 cents. Extra Fleecy Lined Hose, 25 cents. , Lantos' Fine Fur Top Hid Gloves, $1.50. , 600 good and fashionable Hoop Skirts, at 50 cents,inst Mired. - I WE ARK YOU TO GALL AND FJSLMBRE FOR YO YE GOOD GOODS AND LOW PBIC .TCPIELIB3I='23 33CC:01:1.1%11E1 CIO., Nos. 77 and 79 fotaket. Street. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS LADIES' - MS AT MVORD & 131 Wood. Street. 'mum .fiLssEi AND PICTURE MIREMAE FACTO IT, . - JaalrON'S . , I No. 110 Wood St" Pittsburgh, rag re,,nr,TraerwmV.l3 ALNUT_,_ OVAL and ...MAIM Illaßol4 .I . OIIIIMIT au PLC7TOI I / 6 !..1. Uhl% Uri iriti a :MIMV greigtlalt• 4 , 1411 :1; g3 VIMIrkPID stenamio cantedtss Vglideeligruggars. Valinainonnl posurnmuccurr. Lapin 0.11: TEL revassirsula Avenue M. E. Church wodi Inlbrin the [made that Dalai to a lalsandentandlag la ameadlas XidaraNyalittel Tim /AIR AND 7113T1VA7. which was to hare . W a inn, UM and LIU Wm... nu bean poatpaned onUI tat 110, 1211 4 wok or rinstriar. INigookl n pie Wu dels:l67 ' coboornni. J. SOHOONNAKES: di SON, PITT 11112311:11FILCI,13 White Lead and Coia Works; 111 - 111 TS AND HRH 7.11.% ISILHOJDITr, MAIM LHAD,_ VIDDRHERtIusas. AM oloni am* oil; efts.; a.. 07 roomass eraser. .rii=l'sl-4,ezi.44s9'sta.t.inzg,2 WAtUEINGTON MILLS, IriAO. kook NA NINO' frail' Ron*. W. W. ANDERSON, of coax Mint.. 3T /LOUS and mummy MD. Orden deliveree in either city, tree cf enure. Levan cleft kinds eltizrynad I.lorie shell.. on abort notice. .1106 MARTIN LIEBLER, 144 i iut HATS; CAPS' 'ARO!! FURS, .r i t=t4lZlA ii lki4l4 aw>ussoatikaga ritimpai ng a, gal. P.MPUT Wadi and utisfrleagur. F NTHISEIIint.I aura 11111?, Wren !aid WA= Els Gunsmith and DealUr In Hardware. Ong s austalm. on snook notice. , JeUnsao . 100 ON) Aslkc!" ( Po 1, 9 00 ‘ , . . 71 . • aut . received: 0* gavel man!. 11&001/, )11A1101.13, , • Wide-11714U du-Ipol of at low rata; i 0 tbl A. Y. CIORILLY, Wtrafesilo Wotan bn 111 Lltmirn 'trivet, Pluabarob. QUAKER 01111 Montana alsokor 5.011 tar W. OF Oho bushel o ED CORN-6 bls. ieetOorn, metved amd '1r.5r.`43;a1.114.47,.. i lICTION BALES. 111 Y 6NOILWALICKZ. .41,Q SOARES ATLAS mr01110.—• TIIICSDAT IVAN/Net' Lea. Lte. at 7% o'clock. will If f told, on amount WWl= It way conorn. on •beyond r of I.YrausanlM 1001baltlilflt1 street. Inn foLowlng Lots of /Swett =U==l = VALVABLE BANK STOCKS, &J.-417E80AT I EVEN/NO. I.Weamaler mt. at 7, Co , doet. ICC be WO. go the ..watt Smoot Commercial Woo E00m..210. NIZOOCA. .lleld 'Moot: 1• IS. 'MOO C l l7 Mollonsl Zook. M. •M. siatio..l Bank. 7i, . n oltalmbespq oovlno. Cook. .11:4117. 1 41,,T:= 1 .1121,r`• L.al ref Botood N. 14,131,1 boot. 211 mason Plitsedi Nat. Co.I and Cots Co. Mares Fruit Mane A./moieties, tee P/ILMTIDO•aIe Ware,. Co. 4210 • A. YaILWAJAZ, •02110noor. STORE ROOM AND N.-I I/HOLLIS% No. II SMITHFIELD El.. win to Stainand • Ilepeuroer. EtIDA .3, Jutuarr Itb. et 3 ecioe. 013 lak• prendros. If mot prerlouly oo'd py private kola. nnIS 07 nsialkis. Ho. vninob y lumina/tree merry Brick none;. No. II switlideid ernaaalolng tight w 0100 m mid 0•11: .301 . 0 3COM wow ~•311.4 a. • barber loop. 04101,1•ir the eilles of the Pitinbarob liar Co. Tb J 0313 'AIM from. rilattbitrld naaoet. twat to mimosa! latamead valoYa litesdlog,to feet lo &lo th . ma th yriva Veg. 0f.2 0 es:10 toes anew at the resit. to. eto DI. .014 alrey. Taws al sole. ler fart s parlHolarm wagon. of WM. T. EMALIEE . Eve:. No. HS 'earth 'dot] mett.WALNT. Anew. 111. !. Segni]llTZ it CO Sr .. il Fifth Street, ..• JIBE li , owl' OFFERING at reta il 'the la :I sad !Tat stock or \ • BOO7S AND SHOES • . , IX TBS. CITY, COXPEIBIXES ! . 411.1144.aasIllairri Wait ?/ I a1c ," ::;,,r12.:. b*" Ladies Liutlvir Dress Btter.. au lan. Lap uut ceagr.r. OF ska very 11•IMILra i , Ch i lldreti• ousrl West.. ly ' lag &Mal a 4 Deena n on of all style.. T _. , .. eta I's 111 a Calf Beata an Weser Sole Cali E. 4 . 4 ra1 , = 4 044 41 v” ., et nneno. a..lur. .411.21,•)•011 a aa4. • • • . 1., Novo* sad *oaths' IleaeY Elr ' s awl Calf Pegged ligl e il " 490 :W i rsMiti ;:::;0g re 6:. b" 0 . ".: . . . LL AXE orrptso .. . . . . AT THE LOWEST PRICES .., • N 0.31 lElltli Street. r . .ors ESI`4III.IBII3ID 1338. num= rirrui trr emit G'l-813, Hot and - Cold *ate; &G I B 7 irow....apn Ores' workless. JOHN IL ! TATE, . Plumber and iltfaa Filter, 227 Liberty Street, Pittsburg;;and 69 Federal Street, Allegheny. LAMES' FITRS. Azi =diem owlet), of =parlor quality, SWING AT THE LOWEST P 14,011. .11J" al 11.04LW Fri HATS AND CAPS, PRATT & nvarnrs, ==M II