The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 28, 1867, Image 1

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ruausitzn avast wtoßbriNo
(1117XDATII Eccursn. ),
x . rcripri..stciriss;
7. r. notricoe
Boaipe n Mlts,tn
fjyricE, qA.ZZTTZ /114 . 114312i . (i.
... .
lox:: *4 awl Mt firril 11112)ir,
eitig riptiGna Piper at iesten !timing%
~ ..ALLSOIMIII Oyxx., ~ •
LARairii. einsirmro..a 717 , 115.N.A717
and volfialltOlAL PAF3R is Mr
.1. ,
• , :rata or TEM DAUM
• 704,71 7 . ._, L 2 t, ~,,._,_ k t!`"?' .
...ii 8utr5e......,, '"' per ye..- ‘" . 'il.P.,
*delve.. .: O.IOLILTTIII.
pirrerstruoe, rzwirA.
tqc gittsinagij Eta*
Tax weather is as mild as la I,
How long It' will hold at the .presont
high temneraturo it 'would ti,ke a genu—
Inc prophet's ken to pre& t; but the
!builders have thought proper to resume
oat-door work, and are meted In lay.
Ing brick, slime and slate, on many un
finished Lonees. ' '
NOT a few persons Woo Pr I Icipate in
the discusaion of peddle affairs have
p 4
fallen Into the error o( a ' king of the
national government no a it of mon
ster that has seized ptoducti a Industry
by the throac.with Latent to, wring the
RN out of B. . Tldd'asstunption* is fol
lowed by 'Mother," equally Mischievous,
which, is, that necessaries of life shall be
exempted from taxation. Now,• it is
well to remember that government is as
necessary a thing, for any people, as can
l i
*thought of. It cannot b had, with.
Mit - Paying for it. The rea problem is
to reduce the cost to as low point as is
reasonable, and to get the ihdispenzabia
money by such methods as Will equalize
the burden. It is altogetbeir . mieleading
to employ such terms as' whecemarler,"
ter the word has about aim any different
meanlngeasthereard men end women in
the country, -Habit • dete-mittes even
mote than nature what is necessary for
an indliid cud ; and when wants growing
_opt of use are discaided, not mach re,
.mains upon which Mlevytazea 'As the
Mite stands,. Labor irints'to throw the
public burdens on Capital, and Capital
wants to cast the load on Labor, Both
will have to carry a full share, or the
load will fall betwcen the Oro. - . ,
•, —llon. G. Peltera,ketoof •e oldest cit
izens of St. Leas, died onViarsday.
.1 .1
—A patrolman was do tiventy- fi ve
dollars tn the city court o Brookly for.
clubbing , a e ttt......uup . ly.
—The rll
im of Clo
ver, Wonderer d: Co , of 'be Louis, has
failed, with liabilities to th amount of
half a-million- , - ..h • i • •
• ' l .laeott Se l opp; au °Malik= of Bells.
%Ilk, IllinaLs, whose wife Was reeentiv
divorced Lem him, fatally triabbod both
her and 'himself on Thursday.
—The largo furniture fact Cry of A. G.
Delaporte, of Sonth Boston, Was destroy
ed by fire Thursday . nigh • Less fifty
thousand dollars: Insured f elghtthou
sand. -
—Levi - J. Livingston, cle k in the of
fice of the Oblo and:MIA-sisal pi Railway,
inNew York City, hoe bee 4 arrested for
robbing the safe hf 'eleven hundred dol
•lars, mad confesses. iti h trim
• —The New York ifcruLd ts informed
that the fi rm of Perry it ettiman, of
North Adams, Massach tto, manufac
turers of woolen goods, hay failed, th eir
liabilities being about $1?-3, M.
—The election of P,recideut of the Uni
ted Fenian Brotherhood, which was to
have taken place .in New 'York yester-.
day, is postponed til Monday,
ce in come
w - Y
quen of the uon-arrival. f members of
the council. • _ . 1
—Mrs. Eckert, who was convicted of
having. caused the death or :It. Mary L.
Meorhouss, in Brooklyn. 'eork, by
producing an abortidn, w sentenced in
the Brooklyn city court tot two years in
the State Prised. • 1 -
—An estimate,complied rem statist!.
&Bested by the Governor s ) of the South
ern States, places ti etntAber of willies
end blacks in Louisiana. Mississippi,.
Alabama, Georgiaand the flarolinas, who
are in a starving condition, at three rail-
—The nine orals Commissioners of
linnalgration an tar this year- shows an
increase in the number of Immigrants
Liver last y ear of 11,0Lii. This innih in the
Imola of the Commissioners is' $ll,OOO
agsmst ..42.1,000 at the ssmatarna last year,
eturan addition to the reyenue fowl of
.1290,e00. .
—Abram Abrahams, a .pawnbrok-
er, who Was ephrihied st §t. Louie, Mo.
a short time since or buying stolen prop,
erty ' knowing:it. hi be. stolen, and sew
tenced to two years In the penitentiary,
has been pardoned. Abraharcus Ls quite
realthy, and It la currently reported and
believed that money was very freely used
la - prate . his perdu°,
• Stanton is in Washiitg
toli. busy, it Is sold, In preparlitg his de
fers:3o for the Salute. .As additional rea
sons ihr his removal, It Is stated that he
diruked Cabinet secrets tihich dm Pres
idEnt,t,s,t declined to furnish Congress.
and also connived at thelcirculahon of
slanders reitlve to the connection of the
p c ssidentvcial the assaissinatton of Mr.
MontgonWY (Ma.) Advceater-
pptittlebes a letter from ex-Senalor Fitz
patrick, of 7tlabarna; stating the evila to
folloarthe ratltleation of the propose
maoultution.. 110 tegarda it at war wit •
the oitilisation of the ago, and belleves
it will protium , abrader and oonillet o •
the hmos.,:bioisdvrteatra a defeat of th
:constitution and tbe adoption of one more
in ramorclatumtilthitho genius of, our In
..= '1 z.. .
—Adsintri' •
Maxlos to the . 19th
stale that - Haile .4 munch Misery through.'
.outu.outthe Repeblid, ,
co .
nsequent* of the
eibansilon 'and disorganization caused
t'sy . the prutiacted war for. independence.
AVeneral call wits' made upon the Gov
to Gate of measures to prevent the
Incretaiing brlgandage, to which many.
people 'yore. compelled to resort by hun
ger. Many disturbances of public than
.quilityheye taken, place In different parts
of the Republic.
-A serious riot oactirred'at Hampton,
'as on Christi:DA , day. Thomas Lath
' Ater, Deputy Sheriff, while intoxletiitsl;
became involved Inditpute with a
small negro boy. A catered man took
' theboy'm part, when ; Lattimer deliber-
atelv-eltothim, inflictingaserious wound
in the bead. Lsuimer then ran into his
house: A large number of colored men
anthem:Wed the house, caught Wilmer,
al be attempted to escape, and beat him
ne.srly to death. Ito was rescued by,two
colored men and carried to Jail.
Santa Fe. New Mexico,' on the
sub inst., (Sunday,) elite !Jingle° Slough
lWasidoo:thy Capt. Rynersott; member of
the geaats'. The affair grew oat of some
strictures p.Ml.4seti upon t ddge Slough by
-Cant, t eceon ;luring We session of the
....setone, which Sloggn, svhirwaspresent,
Inst. denounced as I. Ryn slam linmedl
-ately attacked the Judg'o, shooting him,
And after Slough fell. shooting hint again,
.intilthing a mortal. wouut Judge Slough
-was Colonel of the First Colorado Caval
ry during the war, and st, 0120 Ume coin
toyuled at Alexandria Virginia.
I—.„The N; 11W4Lih special says:
'u.President Johnson bas'dotarmlned be
yond doubt to remove Gen. Popo from
e canntend of.tbe Fourth :Military Dia
. Avid Thin step was reasoli;cd upon 1/01136
we eks ww... and has only been delayed
by the din:rutty in finding a compe
tent and reliable successor- The charges
against General Pope aro
Jailp on th e notecase; the nrat ono is that
be encourages tha &writing and pubis
displays of armed lbodles o[nel:crow. He
is also blamed for the exhibition u n do
by the negroes on Ch tmas day." Th e
Times says the mum • of (len. Swayne,
commanding the dlstr tot Alabama, is
also rumored. .
La...motive 'Seplnefan One Ea=
end Tee Vlflnode.—lleeilne
Xenia feeinvene Cleveland
ekenvention .Endersed.
t B 7 a 'elogratds to the PlttsbOrqb Gazette. 3
cso,,,suo,'December locoutotire
to the Chicago and dock
Inland lieNmail exploded near Seventh
street this Warning, One man was to
- mantle kitten. Two others were wound
. 4. th e 1 0 , 33 m,ativa was condemned a•
year ego, but wms Ptlll used in switching
ewd drawing gravtt traltu
Cniesno, Dee. 27.—The , meetleg Of the
- Chicago 31.mufacturere at Farwell Hall
evening , toratify the proceedings of
he recent Milhaud Convention et Cleve
lag4l.• was the largest gathering of man
and-torero ever team oied in the North.
.west. James It. Dower presided. Speech
es_wer., rustle by several prominent gen
t tiemen:-.Resolutions were uosahnniudY
• adopted endorsing rho action of the Con
vention at Cleveland, also the following:
:1161olord, That ova urge .uPeil oat re
prescnfatlvesinCosigreesthe necessity of
taking such action as will afford the rte.
.pessary relief to the manufacturing in,
itereate of Our country theism now bur-
Seued by excessivermd isnot/nal tanarten.
Revision of Army Regulations.
Des Woo for Revenue Stamps.
Gen. Pope's Euccassor Tot ( hostn.
dt rear's 'W?rk on Bounty'
• - - C Mims.
Funeral of General Griffin.
Mineral Wealth of United Stet.
Brills!' Coal Beds Nearly &haul
Payment of Semi-Annu'
543,000,000 In Coln from
Treater! Vaults.
taristasaee OMETUJII/ElEtt
WAMETNOTON, Dec. 27,1.6.1.
imw rsAlep ascErrtoN, •
The Executive Mansion and residences
of the Cabinet Ministers and SpOsiror
Colfax ,be, opx-ticrl to viettors. on
Now Yeir's M. Colfax will in
angumto his usual reception during Con
gressional saes:ion on January 17th.
- easMi or asylum , -'t
• The board or °®b= for the
of army regulations, composed . of Gene.
Sherman, Sheridan and Anger, will/ not
meet for some days, in amsequence of
the absence of Gen. Sheridap.
-7— PESOO93 von =V=l733 111T.LliPE. I
Commisiloner Rolllas invites designs
for Internal Revenue . stamps,: or. - pine
for their cancellation; to: be :submitted
for examination before the first of Feb
ruary, with a view to their adoptiOn, if
found satisfactory and effectual.
Arrived yesterday from'New'York ith
his dmighter'lliliie, and today ha. an
interview with 'the' President, Ge . oral
Grant and Secretary McCulloch.
The has riot dee-I - Sid yetwho
dull bef on. Pope's sacoessor,hat t is
sold the,positlon has boon offered to Gen.
• .., teogrere =sues, dm. . •
The Second Auditor, 'Mr. Pierich, es
timates that it will fake about ;twelve
months to investigate anal answer" the
quarter of a million bounty and ggther
' claims on me in his Department.: r
. . crurrogs. ,1.
, .
'The receipts of customs for the week
ending the Met Mat: were one eailliou
Ave hundreel and thirty-tiver;Mugand
three hundredand six .161.1ars.
..'...\ ~
.1 „.
soma esitinxivi ooreemtherls.
The chubsfor.Pregidentof Web= en
*Du to be held at Columbia, Soutb aro
lion, will be G. Mackey, Collect.) of
Megaton.. The' prospective nominee
for Governor is Judge blooding, former
District-Tax Oommlastoner.
mimes OP OENEOiE GEXPEIr ( will
takefuneral of General Griftle reit
take place hero to-morrow. Tho 1 body
will be taken to Oakville Cemetery, near
Geargetown, ter intennent, acconip=ied
by a fall military mart. An official or
der from the War Departmentstatisthat
Generals Emory Carr, Dicketted Hun
ter, Hardee, Humphrey, Itawllr-s and
Auger will be pail bearers. . 1 '
canceler '3CILETIXO". C ,
Only minor matters were considered
at the Cabinet meeting to-day. Therese
of General. Pope was not trona tiered.
The Attorney 'General and Poe ter
General were not present.
asvmetz azintrass.
The Potomac. distillery and the ectify
ing establiahment of Mr.- WM have
been seized* for etadinf, the revenue
I .
Commissioner Wilson, of MO general
land office, him written a .very Interest-
Ing paper on the mineral 'Wealth - of the
UMW Stung. He gives a great deal of
'valuable information about the coal
Mines of the country: ' A few weeks ago
the British Minister ad Micrin called on.
the Commisaloner lb make Inquiries in
regard to the extent of American Coal
'beds, at which ameba said the: mines of
Groat Britain - were very nearly exhaust
ed. The document it intended to sedan
pEny the report of the Cummlasloner to
On Wednesday next about . twenty
three million dollars in min will betaken
from the vaults of the TnesoutY, to pay
thorsemi-annual instalment :ad Internet,
on 6.20 bonds of 1867 ;.and. LW and the
pead 7 santud4nterest On bend! tof . l
entonizoratznar. - ymatr:rikrili
The Tho President has recognized George
Raster, Congeal General of Illyt at Wash-
Ing ..
Nearly seven hundred beallea.eztkrun
ed it Point Lookontzleiring
werehrenght. up to thin' ettr terd y.
and taken to Arlington Cemetery fbr
. .
Mail Steamer Lost in a e.
. .
Oily Fornieen Paisenteis '0 t . •(_'
Fonr iliedreltlaied.
(By ialtio %ph to lila ritiibasgb Bassi 1
- REw YoTtli, ROC. 27 BIR.
A Rio letter of November 24th to the
Boston Tineetier, contains thy fell Inv
TM. morning the Brazilian a or ar
rived front Montevideo bringing awsof
the loss of the' , English mall [ er
t t n
Saturn, in . a terrible gale off that place
a week ago:-jibe had on board tots hun
dred-peasona, Including:crowned pasaeo
gent. Among the latter Wes ttieMnglleh
Minister, who had Just beedyell'eved to
to take a short chili home.
Ile with the rear were 108 h - Oml'-. four
teen persons wgre saved.
Letter Prom Riereserr IMlns
csr meemses to me ?mammies GesMest
Nene Ton?, . December . 27,-7TIM Pres.
!dint of A Boston bsek bus received like
tollowrog letter: ":'
Treasury Department, Dse. 24, hire.—
My Dear Sir t—Your favor of the 2d inst.
Is received. There is a good deal of dif
ference of opinion among imenibers of
Congress In regard to what shall here.
After be our .Onancial.policy... At .the
oommenosment ofibe session it seemed
thatthe inflationists were in a decided ma
jority, but pears the adjournment for
manifested,ays more ameervative spirit
was and I run quite hopeful
that there will Nino -legislation' by the
Present Congress favorable to the views
of Ger.aral Butler, or very averseto those
Of tits ideererary. We shall know better,
however, when 00Agreu erEaucx)nvenc.•
With thanks for tW anvorm . support
which I hers received at your -hands, r
I remain, very truly yyours,
:• id, IdoCumaiio44,
Wife Murdered Mims Meat
her Iluebetue7Arreet of g
Telegesph to the Ptaueaeto elesett..l
Bs vrimons, Dec. 2G.:—John MONO
marts, residing in the subttrba„l brutally
murdered his wife by beating oat her
brain. with a bootjack on eneistmas
Flight, He has been arrested.
Lann/40 ki7Oms 01 ' 9°64 "
ter sssorraessotbe rtte..narre •
RICIIIttiNI). Decorah's d 7
geld, et the request .nf Gros
point. Ilea toned an order
Board of Directors of the Eaater,
tic Asylum, for violating a
s idle
podisburaeto e nt of)noney, tn.
I ed a Board of army' op.ore
. .
.:. )
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How Ob
Wed* Como,
i.tma. APO.. g•
Indeoce PlLtabatab
r Yottg, Deo, 261 b, WS%
of tho globe, whore, the
soothing loth/hoes of tho doctrines of
I s penetrated, the day Just
been a day of joy., yut
our Saviour
dono ito ■Lace to..ieridor
m erry one, oven for the
is a happy on.
poor and the homi!cots.
dencnnst, tb,
At an early is
Way was, i
r in the morning Brnad
' plte of the threnteidng
by crowds of pooplO,
clouds, vlsi
In tholr holiday aithrt,
faces welt adapted to tha
of boya would bo Rem
young and alb
and with Ina
mansion. se,
Mar costa, sabres, guns;
with drums,
of martihl Implements
and .11 so
Lad, bi4tught, to thaw,
K hich &ants
• ,
drilling and .. li untermarehing under th •
command inl hief of the one who ha
the meet corn • ete accoutrements and th .
most . . - eapons. little next eor
nor you wool:.: • . a compesyor bmtsli ..
of "blg . soldl :" to use UM term of and
lore, ng the city .
miniature in ,
their way to a. mo of t b • parks Weer.
every mem • • • would .ha e a 'chance t•
exhibiting h - skill as a 2 mrksmad, an.
where the ost suceeseful . would b.
rewarded Tel h . a silver cup or othe
mark of die . etion. Tho 'aspect of the
arrests gene . by was that of - a holiday,
rind the Central Park did not fall to offe
Its attrattlonealso.. lotlitr: morning it
ponds and lakes were slotted ; by' . alhos
of skaters; who continued the pleasur
Able excitement until the mild weather,
winding up
, S
- ' th' grille a hoary rat
shownr,for them to abandon the prom
Issa - Und to k amusement In the ell
eh of their iliesoiliethosenumermis
pieces of amnsementwhich were throw •
open to theiptilatic.. Tho theatres, from th .
iindemyMMnsie dotnito the Panorain ,
exhibitions and ;Negro 'Minstrels, we
• crowded withj epeetatora, and . the aide ,
did - :theft 'boat to amuse the audience.
Among' the; Performances of the firs •
clods we . wlllmeittlan Mlle. lananscheck
' who appeared at the decidemvef Meal.
es -"Maria Anna," and- earood that • ;
planse which that famous tragedienne
fully deserven.' - Her farewell perforth '
once will - take place next Saturday prio
to her departure from our city, and who:
-ever ran 'appreciate. the talent of tb ..
great German artiste will . regret the I.
which 'oaf stage thereby experien ..: ,
The lovers of musle.weretreated at Stein
way Hall willithe performance of. Han -
dell's . celebrated - oratorio "3lsissiah:
where 'Madame Parepa Rosa and H
Hutchings excelled by the ingenious and
touching Interpretition . of that well
knarsrti work eif art; - the members of th.
orchestra also, did. their bents contribta .
to the success of . the performance. I
the Catholic and - Episcopalian' Church ~
the day was likewise celebrated Ins mos
becoming - manner; we will parnculari .
mention St. Peek'. Church, St. 'Alban',
Chapel, Trinity eburcb i .drld the Germs
Catholic churches, all of which were e.
crowded as to, afford room for sitting only
to the owners of pews or to theme wh.
had arrived an hour Itefpre the men! •
commeneed.:ln his own Xing and sword
Ink to his taste and means every bud_
in our cltynalebrated the day, and It , .
a cheerful sight to see no many contented
and happy ' faces. The Institutions o
charity and benevolent noelettem had like
wise opened them doors for the Door, an •
Christmas dinners and distributions o
warm' clothes' . gladdened tile heart o
many a poor man; woman and child.
Taking advantage :of ltin eggitemen .
of the day; the pickpockets' appear
ed to have realised, especially after. mid
night, when the poor victims were per
haps seekingtheir homes Man exhilarat
ed condition.. Among the numerous
Forte which , h ave reached the biggest
"haul" lathe picking
. of 154400 out of a
gentleman's pefaket . m . ono of the. Rh.
1 Avenue can. We ire ' afraid the poor
I man's Chriattnas was not as merry as i
would have Iran without that . acctiden
. . ~, Juges. ;
the residence of
iaaltington street,
muddy of wearing
watch stolen. No
Ns perpetrators, or
se our citizens to
s in order; so that
strya wane recep-,
ding around their
s Journal.
sported over Le
reek ending Do-'
spared „ with the
For Cho week, 2.5,-
leg time lut year,.
this wash over :
5,522.84 tons. To-.
transported so far
al tons transported
090,2.5; total in;
ntuilbei of torus
date Jairt yeti: 47,
1 .
ink, one JohnM;
yOung min,' 'while
lungstown was as.:
len, of the neigh. ,
—tm, , iv.hicb, :be ryas
_,.....- wont - him. -It was not
... ere I, e caught np with the rtoters,
and manna ted with them, when woo
of them awn blot with a club, Mice -
lug him d um, and cutting a fearful
gash. in
bloorehead, [whew ala
; sd
'with their d abolical outrage, they left
;him than thketosibleoondition. We hope
, theparpdtrittors may be brought, to Jas
Lice, when ' eir names Ma/ bo known to
the pa , Greensburg .Ripubfican.
- - .-51 r. SV Pardo°, of Findley town
ship, Me county, on Taesdity last`
met with terrible accident—says' the
..Prissa of in.St Week—no los than the kill; -
leg orbit; syn.txm; a lad of from 12 toll,
years of ag Au our informant, .says ha
wai 'shoot! g hoga—the boy, along with
others, w s tanding 15 or ao feet from his
left aid he cep exploded without, As
disr.barga ' m the gun follow - lig—a sec,
orelitsp with the same result, when Lo ,
laid the gibi In the hollow of Wallet arse;
te put oats third cap, end. in - thls posi
tion it was. discharged, the ball from
which plaki through the bead of his
son. ; My pod, I bave.killed my eon,"
was e*Clamatien of the unfortunate
.n as he taw him- faU,.whars
the earth.
• n Tuesday evening last,- a
•angel at.empt to rob . the
Mr. Jacob Essiek, is
part 01 . this place, was
. Lioilek was, absent from
time, having repaired to a
house to spend a low min- ,
ire was alone, and wishing
MOM adjoining the one Art
• as sitting, she proesseded to
d upon openingiq she was
by the buip,tar, who foamed!.
hex...with' ids fist •knoeking
.le to the floor. The burglar
•Ii ezit from the house and
notietot the neighbors who
.. by . Ibenobie. This is eon+
ing.-madartaklng ami musi
"rpetrated by one entirely
the serious consequences sti
depredations. Mr. • Essiek's
• was 075 in money, is un-,
a serious loss for him, par
thirteen/100f rbe 9e o L Y6**
be, too
to go
her 1.
then m
have y •
loss, sr
Bevella !Matsu . dideriao),-1
, Mats Auith Proelamed Olcideor-t!
, iits it:peered AITIVaI irrele ?KIM
:By TeYttit ihe Plthbvtati Or att..
DOCOMbOr W.—. 11113
. ,
ship from Vera Cruz, Whieh.
touched sidled on the =I hest.; brings,
important news from that quarter... The
revolution to Yucatan 'WWI .mannillig
large proportions. Santa Anna had boon .
proclataned Dictator by tho Itevolutton-:
tots, andwas exported hourly to arrive
from Havana with men and a million of
abliars. ; The port and town ofSlealwere
'Arl the hands of the rehab. but the port
was blockaded by two Mexican .gun
boats. A number of officer.. who for.
morly served under the Empire; had ar
rived at Sisal from Matamoros. On the
16th an engagement took place betweee
the Mexican gunboats and the batteries
on shore. Tho coast of Yucatan, In the
vicinity of Sisal, wns diligently watched.
to prevent the lanrig of troop. coming ,
from any foreign e4pntry to aid the re- '
hellion. When- tip. Virginia left, Vera
Cruz, on the 110th. the Mexican Ideal:nor .
Tobacco was ready to sail for Sisal on the
next day with an expedition to restore:
the authority of thou government at that
place. bhp had on board five orals iftm
dred men and several pleats of artillery..
Santa Anna is in this city. "Many ex-.
imperialist °Mears itutve arrived-here;;
they 611 seem to be very busily engaged.
. .
°psalm at Parlasnatal at 441. bee.
U. &ha
' •
tns P ber •
to law ita
in, their
to December 27.—The opening
eft he fleet Quebec 'Parliament took place
te.gey The Gonna} of. France, Spain,
the riated Stems an d otherforelgn eoan. .
tried were Colonel Blinelfett
was elected speaker of *he 'Amembl7:
—An ink can bo prepared of hydro.
tfuorate of ammonia, and by bydroc.h.lo,
1 y tltickertud,
ineflan..kitilltrauriacteraean 'he traced Oil
glass with a perk. Its -use In marking
bottles, graduating tubes, Ste., will be
evident to every one.
ht been
ascertained that a bullet piessingthrongh
a glass at a very high velocity shatters
the pond as much as at fro low velocity.
Between the tiO there Is a point where
thabtillet Makes 'round hole of the
same diameter as itself. •
—lnvestigntori of the laws of sonnd
report that the sound wavee making
from a man's voice In.ordlnary speech
are from deli to Aware foot. in length,
while those of a woman's voles are from
two to four feet; hence the pitch ofs wo
man's voice is more than an octave
higher than that of a man,' and in Its
higher sounds is two octaves.
—ln Switzerland, watches aro made
that are marvels of accuracy. Of slaty
}wren regulating watches that Lave been
teakd sit iZT , Sidlserland,.
1866; the Mean varanodwaa only - I of a
scoonn In 24 hours. In 1862 the mean
variation was see. 1.61; in 103, 1... M; in
1864, 1.27; In 1865, 0.88; In 1866' 0.74. On
more thaw threwguarters of the chrono•
meter. observed in 1886, the mean verb..
lion was leas than halt a second.
of Uqulii.. has recently
been demonstrated' by some Wench . phi;
losophere. A ring or thin wire dipped
into a liquid--es for insrenee glycerine--
comes up with a film tilling up the whole
interior. It Is shown by experiments
that this qqim vrill bear some weight be.
fore Matadi's-i t Sind that loop al. Bilk
thread tlrrewit ripen it will, as the dim
bursts, be pulled equally in all direc
tion., and made perfectly circular by the
tension of the liquid:
....Mr. Cameron, of Lee, Mass, tun in
vented acertain textile fabric,termed by
the Inventor "tilen'corrolc, , which • will
serve as a substitute for leather strapa
and band for driving machin'ery, etc.
The warrr•scid, vectors formed of Iron
thread, galvanized, or of brass, copper
Lien, cotton, wool, hemp, or any of
textileanbatanw. "Theloom is.firrn4
with mechanism on Jactinarcthi syatetsio
Each thread of the warn forme a contimi
ual crowing with the woof,
—Act improved' inethcid :or 'wcirttlni
wool, recently patented in:England, con,
vista in making two or More Media in es
many preliminary carding machines
having rollers, rollsen leading these
sheets to the feed n( thp carding en.
gine, according to the strength or thick
ness required. and conibioing into one.
A greater thleknes of carded or straight.
erred fibres can thus be produced,. and
variegated colors and textures obtathrd
by waryidir the colons and strength:of Ulu
.beets or =rm. •
—Sliversmilhs often complain or U.
brilliants" of Wirer at times and Ita dull
ash gray fracture, and attribute the f t
to a mixture with some of. the baser
metals, Thlz, however, Is not neessaarilv
the case, and It tuu recently lawn found
to be duo in many instances to a speedy
pouring out of the molten metal. If the
crucible le allowed to stand until a light
trust baa (rained tiri,the 'surface of the
'lnver, and Ens begun to be 'somewhat
pasty, the reault Is hntethl very soft, - 421.1'
of a brilliant Want when Cnt'or worked.
—M. Eilmorenitaa,nriblished In France
eomo curio. stailatme relative to the
productiotrof tiaeL: MI shows that In
England the quantity of coal produced la
1852 , 1vaa so,o okooo toils; and It 1964. 93,-
-030,000; that In Belgium 3,500,000 tons
Were produced In IS t, 7i500,000 In leso,
and 10,000,000 In ISomt and that in France
the quantity produced In 1b43 wait:l,7oo.-
000 tong 'ln 1& 0. '7,500.000 tone; In
11,000.000 hum From these and other
farts M. lilmonen conchades that In Eng
land; Behtlutu and franca the amount
eremite produced to 'ambled every fif
taenyearw 'TrasaltV every " ten years,
and In the Nutted States Geary nve.yeers.
—On tae dust or ash which
collects ,ln the . Sunni a foxpsoe. under
the microscope, ',tilt, • power or 50 or CO
diameters, it Ss found to contain, mixed
with the trrittnisrly shaped particles
forming the bulk of the duet, a number
of:curinus objects. vuying considerably
In shape, some being perfectly spherical,
with brilliant pollab, some transparent
sphere., mama otopayno white, and others
highly and beautifully variegated.
Some have apertures, like a bombshell,
and somwaro perforatattnaltdThections.
Theeo are mineral substances thrown ow
to &melted state daring ooMbustion, and
assuming, newmtia: peudlat7 shapesin
-131stilphlte of lime is ovoblo of som
Important practical applications. A duld
drachm - added to a pound of spermaceti,
bear's grease, cold cream, lard or other.
oily preparations or ointments, will Muse,
them to remain patilectly sweet for a long
time, semetimes many month., prevent
ing any tint of rancidity. Beef tea and
Jellies, which tupt sour.° readily in sick
moms or hospitals, can be keptunchang
ed by stirring in a few drops of the bleul
nhate notation to each pint, Clothing
soakedin the solution and hong up be
comla porrixvr andiiredikt ,without any
disegiailsAblicarkaaprshe.muis . of car
bolic acid. It can oleo be used in the
preservation of specimens of natural his
tory and anatomy.
—A letter from the English Secretary
of Legation in Portugal. states that for a
hundred years note single drop of pure
Port wine Ism been sent to London, the
compound kept intim London docks be
ing fabricated In the following manner :
The tint grape* of the season are macer
ated In a vat with elder berries, the Jilted
from which imparts a dark red color to
the wine thus mode. To thin Is then ad
ded. brandyrepongb .. to' i glaw; body end
attangtb:--; . Large numbers - of csalbr of
this kind of wine, on their arrival In thu
London docks,
,are emptied into great
vat., when the whole quantity In again
treated with brandy, burnt auger, and
other Ingredients, according to the pro.'
railing taste for "pure London Dock
Pat.' We have the authority of a Bri
tish Parliamentary report for thin Matt,
—A Preach scientific paper Informs IA
that rum, beer and vinegar -will net will
unless artificially colored, ao that eon.
nolesenra who grayelv raise theirglace to
Abe light Warder to lodge of else quality ;
its hue, hadbetter hence,:
Roth glee Wp the practice; thelr ''leecnpa.
solar rum the menul.H
.husturer talece3kilog cif caustic soda, 0
water, 4 do. oicrystillized.,carbon
nee cinsidii•and b do, of water,"Thls
poSinio a large kettle andheated. 'When
thssolide are dissolved, 330 klieg. niglu
cose;or 130 klieg. orsyrtip of glucose, are
added, and the whole liquid boiled tilt
the ferseser depth .01 , ceder, I. obtained,
When from 30 to4o klieg. of hot water are
added Welber' degrees' For beer and
lbw:feedlot lad trkitng. of carbon-.
l al l elrtestneul&Letlitilog of gluons°, and
pf water., "Alice boiling as 'above'
tilittlllheprogleVixdoelir obtaited, from
idthgl of botsratarara added, as'
irorore.liven A111241T0 Are tb 1 . 1 4 do, us
'any good to knoWielhat we ate made to
strand drinkr- ' :4:4 2 4.,
. .
.Wristrolgastwars Iblish‘ltes 'gay to be:
r4leor Triode, .In Ausixia, the artifi
cial .p,ropugatlon .of ,lobstere has been'
eominended, Wad over 12,000 ngiod fu
-this#6 sessout -Lr!
wpm hi In
cosset amatructiow, that will bold When
completed 1.300 barrels of boar, and with
Its °entente will wideriglettmin This. It:
Ls stated, will be the largest brewing pelt
in thateountry.
—The total number of trees planted In
Paris la about 148,000, occupying 7.40 per
cent. of the entlrearea of the city. The
elm la the principal tree In the prome,
nudes; next come the plane, the horse
chestnut, the mnple, the linden, the aca
cia and the allanthus.
• =ln Pali*lt la TM Orretleff to do any
thing ahowing,dlapeepeekofthe Emperor..
in anseonneed that recently a number,
of persona have been srttoted by_tbe po—
llco for tearing down the copies of the
EmixUor's opening spbecli to the French
Chambers from the wells on whlclethey
were posted.
—Our readers doubtless remember tha
hon.] hie ciitae trophe et Illantiage, in Chili,:
smpflose many : /rues Were 4011 f by the
burning of the great cathed mi. Such wus
the -prejudlee splint the restoration of
41MbitildIng, that it basheen determined
to blot it from the"ftcm of the earth' awl
Me thundithmse remove d and
worked up into . ptiry
—The.English do not seem to ikaltiry
service any better then the Americans..
In an English court, reoently, on a Jury
man's name being called, be joU down
In a lit 'weevers that It Was neammary to
carp him home. and another Juryman
handed in-a rate stating that. he had
been convicted of felony, and did net
ooruelder himself a - tit 410 54 0 3
—The Pall Mali Gazette regards the
influence of newspapers am no greater
now than It was a century ego. It Rays
that "11 lit,poWWithtu two of a hundred
nears fised/the:. fitgt or the urge of
} - utilus was printed in the . Pubitc - di dver-'
Haar. Can any of us now alive moiled,
within our own experience any case of
newspaper. polities' influence greater
than that . ,whiyh was exercised by an.
jrgogruleotr4gulndeur of a Journal
dader t 1a oiuf lilipuiture?" "...
Fiendish Fenian. Fapi
Infernal Machine" Le
Expletive Material' Sent Thiel/
the Peddle°.
Policeman MarralN Aran
Excitement if Dublin and Eliewbe
The "Timer Given Warning
Grave Public Gainer.
Dickens' Beadinga in Am+
Americans Praised for Hagman's!
Interest on Imllan Bon
Pope Interdicts the Paymen
Italian IVatlectal PaxHarnett
Its Dissolution Tbreatene.
Conceaskos of the Porte to t
UT Talankplk to taw rattatrilUuttit.l,
6ilL/117 ESITAIN.
NAL ItAcaurir." LETTERS,
Lozinos, December 27.—Another o
those fiendish outrages which Ammeter
17.0 theoperations of the Fenian Broths
hood has Just been perpetrated at Dub-, 1
lie. Telegram; from there received • ;
day give the following - particulars Alt,
unusually large number of letters have
recently been received et the Post office
at DOblin, dirochld to prominent officiate,
Each one of thesolefiers was loaded with
explosive materials designed to
kill the person addressed. Several ex,
ploded before their real nature was as
pertained, but up to this time no person
has been killed. A policeman, who re,
celved one of these letters, wee horribly
mangled by the expiration. it is not
known how many of these dangerous
missives have been dispatched. Coseid•
erable excitement' prevails both in Dub•
din and elsewhere throughout the couil
cry on the discovery of this the . latest
Felon outrage. The authorities are ac•
Lively investigating
.and will no doubt
probe the matter to the bottom. •
The Times has a editorial article on
the • Fontah question. It 'wart that no
ism than thirty thousand special conga.
ides hare been sworn in, and are now
aerving In London. The writer cslla at•
ten tion to the melee .publie danger, and
calk on provincial ettlek and town. to
emulate the 'precautionary menworea of
the motropolLa
Lennon, December 27.—Detailed
counts of tho rivet:ova of Dickens' read.
Inge in Boston and New York have bees
received hero by mail and published and
commented upon by tic, Loudon jour ,
nal': The 'Ttimea prole. tho Americans
for their magnanimity in giving dickens
auch a hearty reception.
Lortuoti, December 27.—A diapstelt
from In dill nunottnees the departure from
Bombay of Oen. Napier for Maasowah;
to Wm Immeatafe command or the
troops now advnueing into the Interior or
Paws, December 27.—TheMteur
contains an cOcial notlixi that the con-,
[we. of the fallen bonds hill be paid. •
PAWS, December 27.—Tbe Pepe bee
Derthitebi L ltbi agalnsi paying
the coupons or Italian bolas In this city.
V1*.N114., Dec. 27.—8 y the' rearrange
ment': of tho Auatrian,Cebinet, Baron
Von Beteg ceases to be President of- the
Miniatortid 'Connell, but retake the
portfolio of 31thister of Foreign Affair.,
which ho hie all along held in connection
with the former poettion.
Ftonseer,Alterombar 27.-1 t is eald
that General 7.lenabred,bas declared his
Intended:Lb,. dissolve the National P.,
llantant; , now In seWdOM 17tH
the 17t
pnixlmo, and to make an appeal to the
country; should another vote anis:ara
ble to the kllnlatry bo adopted before
thatiine. • • •
VOLLNCIL pv rpt: roaveivatire.
Dmuds, Doo. 27—Randep.--A genital
Council of tho Zolvorein, 1n whlctiTalh
the Stat. or North and South.Gernanny,
are - td . die reprehended, all be bold id
tido city in Ilarnh.
Prussia to:41, ay cotbmeaoed -sltbdraw .
log her troop; from all parts of Saxony
except the Fortran.' of , Konlantaln, .
Demi:sort, December 27.—Therm le a re
port that tho ftubilmo Porte has offered ;
,ta thsp Pretaas ma Atitanomeas Genera
moat Ind named Prince Chrletinn as Its
'• ;aYvsnotrr ••, . •
• gtittaitirrdwir,." Deoember B7.—The
steamer °tlna, Cram. Boston, arrived to,
11111,iNCIAL AXD
Lannon,. Dec. '27.L-Breriing.--Console
921611.11 ter money; and 921 tor amount.
Little doing Irt, , American securities to
day and the inerket cloned flat; 2 20s 721;
Mime, Central 881; Erie 481. ,
Frts.r.rxronx,'Dec. 27.— B.
Bonds 761. _ . ,
. . .
closed without any improvement; mid
dling uplands Ti; Orleans Ti; sales 10,000
Wien - , 'Weekly- report of the brokers'
circular reports the fallowing: Sales lbr,
the week - 41,000 bales, of which 10,CK)0
bales were:to exporter., stud 800 bait"' tot
Speculators; ;dock 473,000 o *Wch
07,000 bales are . American. Man chester
market for goods and yarns inactive and
balmy., Whits California wheat but. de
clined lb 15s, and No. 2 Milwaukee; red
advanced to 13s Dd. Common Rosin has
declined to Os 011 for common iVilming
ton. Other articles are without any
change. - '
Arcrwene, Deo.27.—There I s but little
doing in Petroleum, and the market ,
clo.pd Hat and nominal, at 46 franca.
; 'Dye■b
[Ur Telerr9b Se Me Pig Merit.
!if ONTOOSMIty, December N.—Niche-
DifflS • A prominent :Radical of North
Alabama, has published a letter fully
tautening the addresaof Masers, Semple, ,.
Speed and others, protesting against the
proposed. Consiltutton. The biuniavlith
Adeocale,..thallcal organ, soills for the re
assetohling of the Convention to modify ,
the objectionable features of-the •pro
posed Constitution, namely: the clause
about Bch:role, the franchtse and midrib
The Conservatives all over the State,
We determined to use every effort to de
feat the Constitution. •
7 R 28. 1867
Aana D.Catee huh boils Golan
• t. Illifibe—latillignme Oro= NC Do.
mdaso—llsor ltngagessuis reatac.
-Jam iceman latdchwenee.
Wanton to he Pnteargehasta.l
Ii.D&VANA, Dec.. 27.-SaninAnna denim
_ 4 ihtention of going to Dfai-itm. The
"Amporiallsta . kere are exultanq i
. Norm from St. Domingo Oates that
y ortgagements . have n place,
t an which victories are eri by
~ el Government, but the' z I par
v Its nevertheless gaining ' Brenta
el ti litrengt.h. The , only port] n or the
al d which ha 4 proclaimed r .D.Ses In
hemortb, where his princi sti es gth
r. te4 Baez himself romans at
k. ho Dominican commissioner all silts
- -morrow for Now York.
Jefferson Davis leaven to-morrow for
1 • "ew Orleans. " : - .
The crow of the BrigSonas Stnitb, to
• the voyage from Baltimore to - Matan,
• , has boon reseued.after fourteen days
xi... um to an open boat.
Advices frem the City of Mexioo to the
17th Luat.state thattbe inauguration of
resident Juarez took place on the pro
ions Sunday. Tho Mexican Congress
twill remain 111 session tbere 690 mouths.
tsin excellent opportunity is now afforded
e United States to conclude a 1 com
'lxtercial treaty with - Meiloo.. Foreigners
are narrowly,. watching the, slightest
movement in that - direction. General
Melia, Minister of -War, and Senor 'nit,.
Secretary of tiro Treasury, will. both,
;withdraw from the Cabinet. • •
i• Ten of the murderers of . Col. Startiles,
[have been shot. Snrchez wee Yreeidene
af the court inertial tout : tried Maxi
A conoesalon Fantod to Dudish par.
Ilea for completing the Yet. Cruz 11 . 11- i
:road hken to tbegitsbild.; lid& ex,
theme:it was. caused among foreigners
by the breaking offof an diplomatic, res,
lettons betweim Engiassi suhr,Afesko.
LetterefromEuropo say It is Irnprobable
.bat any money will be sent to .Idettico.
The misery nod destitution of the peo4 .
Vile is verygiest and banditti are swarm.
lug In nll thaprovineest of.the
Dates from Honduras to the lAWsto
that Iteerao.4thidlng the foteita too
kleites, tgirtisferred his itehtmejortsm
*ration to Jeri:laid.
Ou tlik 18th inat...the shocks of the
earthquake had not ceased.
areas L t. Larres—Tbrealamool It
aaaatS...4.B.ll'. U.aeonar,ll4•4ll,lll.
. ampler 'Mango. • Illogromo sar sam
• Levees—Ham of la. ...Lora. La..
to Tomas—T.. loonlalsasa neon. Hareatlea. •
Nita' ORLEANS, Dec. 26.—Two marlotut
breaks have occurred in the levee—one
below. Plaquemlne and the other, below
Bayou libsucla-threateldng kihveitiow
the lands and submerge the country to
Lake Vonchartratu and the Jackson
mad. A large force of men hoc been
kt. le s e . d .l pon We latter break to repair
and.prevent further Mitten&
(loners' Hancock ,has telegraphed for
authority to place the starving °woos
at work on the levee generally, and
home tolhem rations.- , • -
' . Amounts from Puntlma In tho laterite
state that negro depredations continue.
A largs Miliutry force will be needed, It
I■. etideid.. to prevent a rising of the
"loyal ieaguers." The tnilltary forma
hare quietly diabandod large mosmblims
of arm negros at Jackson and teat
Fiallat '
Advi m .
frinn Terri state that Indian '
depeed Maui continue on the frontier,
tbotwi tandlnitChnaerol haeitiook's dlr.
rani . ° of troop,.
The nrentlon adjourned at two, reas
sembled at dye, and la still (0 o'camth) in
aecalan. The report of the Conimipos on
• draltbf the Conettra ton la still up Air
consideration. - • '
SANDVSICT, Unto, Docenilwr
Denis Register to-morrow will contain a :
long letter, dated Fort Lelfe[llVollll,
fnm General Custer to Colonel Nen].
e. ;of tiandusky, making a strong de
fame against the cbargeami which he was
court inartbiled and sentenced to Bose
penning from command. Ile meets the
dune ot =malty- io men by saying
tbat while, on 'die expldilion, and sure
rounded by "sync., his men began to
desert. This threntenwd to leavehlm, with
lento amount of mippliam at
too enemy of - tbe anytime,. A: scheme
was formed for' the 'dominion of
largo portion of the vemaining men,
Eleven who wiped were MID. Costar
ordered ' a • witted to pursue and bring
them bath. Part of the deserters, who
were mounted, lied and have never sinew
been sees. The dismounted ones raised'
their carbines to lire on their pursuera,
when they were tired on in,-return,
wounding -tittle. -They' were
taicen with the command In army
wagons, the only arobulan ,c. heißg...ont
serviemble. Casts? • OofnPl.d. , DO- t(135
of Use comphaltion Of the cedrt that ed
him, four member. being his Inferiors
In rack, and one member a Commissary
who had been censured by... Custer Jot
corruption' , Ist.hoinlng,ritionia of Meat;
Zee. to Is - Adler& The. General save ho
was never absent without leave, and
should ant similarly with deserters under
like oh-entails:loM:
Zelettstvalltit-letha Itilseetel lOW
hey hiatUlter sae ether I.tabtl.h
• .
soma eeti ey•d sad
Fir. Depart MINIM
CINCINNATI, December 11.—The dia.
Unary of Boyle, Miller dr. Co., on Sooond
near Sycamore street;e was entirely de.
stroyed by tire this miming. The hi:did.
Ing contained a - largo lot of whiskey;
The engines had do effect on the' Menses;
which craned - only when.. the . entire
itruetare fell in 'nothing eitenbtini.
hie will left. Their lose on building, still,
machinery and ßock in 015,0001 Insured
- for''( iteribiw•ltork, Cincinnati, M.
Louis, •llievr Orleans, and the Liverpool
and London CoMpantes. ,
' The lire extended to Nile. ind4s
Broadway, owned by John Sat-aisle de
Co., end oconpled by the Ohio Machine
Worke. Lime on building and meohin.
ary, ten thousand dollen: • !
The wails Off Kahn it Co.'e tobaocci
vorke•were broken In and the stock
damaged to the amount of ;moo°. , •
INamonixes Exchaage and J . F. Aher•
llogM clo th ing, store. verere diunttipsi to
to thsamotrat of *2,000 meth.. -.-
P. Chambers, Assistant Chief Eugl.
neer of the Fire Department was holly
in urskl In the heed by a falling wall.
oylo, Elinor et Co. wore the ferret
Pr.lumns 800 .whroirrl j to 1 1 .
BoToN .`a
L rehlower,'Plifises 11511117 to AD..
lesalt—Nelkiraor Ow Ned so &p
-low M. Trial far IN b y—Alkavd
Illy • rasa/ Carer.
Inselpgmh toßtta rlttablogß lope.)
BarrowAhnemiurffii: , -Prilderick Bar
rett, of Cluvolond, Ohio,. who shot his
mistrit , vin M elon street, in titypteititker
aded guilty insismili taday,veiffi
sentence wee suepuidod for the purp os e
of all wittgliim to be taken to Ohio to
battitd for rohbing the office of the .
M:e l c i atts unipn Expluts .Coirliamy in
Clev d, whero ho once wee a clerk.
was some oxcitement to-day in
financliai circitabo account of a report
that the cashier or. receiving teller of the
Sitawirtut Bank, Bryant Henry,. fell
short fifty thousand dollen'. The fol
lowing are said to be the fano, so far ea
twoutointah Hourkhaa Leos &b
-st fiOm the olty a wee ' and hie put
u -
en t ' wheresboube u mown. - ' The
fraud 1n the account of the re
calving toiler Was discovered on Monday-,
Two 9g , tbille dap previous ' } Lea fy said
be wits'obliged to visit Portsinotith for
the purpose of settling some laminas
affairs conaxial with his wife's proper.
it, She renal' la that City. It:is:sup.
posed . they stepped saran Idiebordar into
Canada, or went to 'Parope by a stead
/1111a The bank has a capital of $750,000,
with it surplus of 150,009, so the detains.
than will not affect the standing of the
Institution in the least.
bent el' eh
p mon s the Skiers.
tary of the Treasury tuned a regulation
presenting a change iu'the Mode of de
. straying the munlated national currency,
requiring that it be converted into a mash
or pulp tor the manufacture of papee:l4l.
- stead bt burning" it, as was the praott. po
before - that time. Under the new ayatom
the Government derives • rerctipp of
seine flglinhuntired or four itupditj e loi..
Sirs per day, and it le 'to
amend • the law regarding the 'ational
Banks eo that• the mutilated currency
inky' be dis Posed or to a eltplltq tnannef.
The Monti* cotugiliiee haVe had the
matter under consideration, and will re.
port a 1.111 early providing the neoca
aary Tho bill will also pp:.
'whin for the appointment of an agent to
auperintend• the' work.' Should the
measure meet with • the approbation of
Cougrass . lt will do away with .ths.misses•
any of the . two distinct astablishutenta
for the destruction of mutdited notai.
The Repubileans or Allegheny City
will this evening select by ballot candi
date. for Mayor, Director of the Poor,
Counollmen and Ward - . offices. Tbe .
voting-rill be between the bourn ot three
and aevano'clock.
Tho cunt/Mateo for Mayor are: Alexan
der P. Callow, John A. Myler, Sawmill.
r r _
LO , - 1.1/.1 Simon Drum. •-
D meth. of the Poor: Willlain Mur
doe and John Alston. .
Zara YeILaR ltnl Pergaihr De.
A.deatructive fire occurred last . night
between eleven and twelve o'clock, by
which Zug's'llolling Mill, at the. corner
Oflaria ancWidnut streets, was partial
ly destroyed. The building' was
frame, roofed and the aides - claw wills
*hoot Iron. The frame. was principally
'composed of pine timbers, which, lav
ing become as 'dry as tinder from the
constant heat of the furnaces Inside,
were highly Inflammable, and the. fire,
which originated is the northeast corner
of the building, in a few moulonfs spread
over Moro than one-half of It. .Tno
alarm was soundest at half prat eleven'
o'clock. end in a 'few moments after
wards the steamers were on thotground,
bat owing to the building being covered
with Iron, as stated, the fire WO.,
confined to the inside , mud It was a
difficult Matter to, reach it with water.
dniesbutt time,' however, the root' over
the corner,. In which the, fire origi
nated fell hr, nan?l - madkr en. open-
log for the streams. The veuti- I
later, which wen near the oontre •of the
building, end sing aome twenty feet.
above the roof took, fire on. the Inside,.
and ' being iron clad, 'loofa
be reached by raking a atreism
which was done, but too lute to saw if, as'
the Umbers, being light and dry, were
Atoratunted and the inner echMl fell Into
the, centre of the building with a
loud crash, resembling thwader. After
this" bad Men,- several • streams were .
taken Inside, and in short time the flamer
were subdued. The supposition is that
I that the fire originated from the coal box.
but nothing definite In regard to it &Old•
be ascertained. The loss will not all far{
short of twenty thousand dollars, whieb.
is most probably covered by insurance.
Mr. Johns" ~..Magees overseer or the,
,department in the Eagle Cotton
mills, Allegheny, for birriself end the
other ostmwers. In that establishment, in'
token of their respect and good will for
Mr. Joel Smitti, the Superintendent.
waited upon that gentleman on Christ
mas day with it present Of an elegant oef
°talker ware. The lathesofthe millenot
to be outdone testimonials of reepeet
• Ibt MK Smith and bie &mike, Piesented
his Bond lady with a ;Byer cake basket
of chaste and beautiful . design.: Mr..
Magee Added to the value of these gins
by the elegant terms In which he eulo
gised' the claims. of Mr. nod Mix. Smith
to, thin - expression of regard; from the
donors.' Mr. Smith for hfinself and wife
made appropriate and grateful acknowl
edgments fur the elegant gifts, and not
lees for the unexpected kindness of the
hearth by which they wee prompted.
The happy occasion elm's.° siegstribed.
was supplemented by another surprise:
Mt. Magee, who lied. hitherto: smioyosi
himself as a representative and part Seeps
eritniais dorsal., woe .doomed to figure in
the role of a decree, the lady employee'
of the Mill having through a committee
of their number intercepted his retreat
and presented, not amts. but a superb
espy of the Bible, Valued at fifteen dol- ,
lore. Mr. Magee has been, during four
years' oyertaget of the spinning. depart.,
meet In the Eagle Mills, gaining so me
the- respect of the other employees, for,
bin unifornPkinsamos, that this manner
of expressing the remora felt by the
ladles Isla resolved on, and Christmas
day adopted as the time for Its precious
Testimonial. Mr.-Magee bore the Indic
tion with becoming grew and humility:
• -Weere glad to note these pleasant pro.
eradinge among the overseen , and hands
of the Eagle Cotton Mills, Long may
mutual oontldenee and kindness mark
the intercourse between the ownerS, ofli
eersi Overseers tend ham* .Lo may.
tel Eagle soar 'aloft in' the. sunshine of
Elizabeth Berry made Information be-
Aiderinan Tiylorytatterday . cilinghig
her hesitant], Win. Berry, with 'assault
and battray and with making. threats.
It appears that William and his
bie lady have lived together iiithe"lands
'ofinatriinontr'' and sailed down tho sea
or Iles for a numlasir or years with scarce.
ly a ripple, much lees a turbulent wave,
occurring to.impedetoo Butouth and On-
Witnilhourao of. We hYmenial craft in
which they had embarked. bound to the
haven of rest. But old father time, it, he
mild, changes all things, end in his flight .1
to eterrntidid net, forget to ranee a storm
on the ocean whichldr. and Mm. Berry
were navigating that well nigh caned:ad
the craft In which theyhave beam tattling
together do long..' Mr. 8., if appears, in,
au attemptto keep Christmas in an appro
priate meaner, overstepped the bounds
of notiarlety, and took adrop too much,'
and when ho returned home to the even
ing Ida "good wife" Undertook to rend
bird 4.". Curtain lecture," which w
things° unusual that ; he Imagined aim
had gone ataxy, and in au attempt at
pacification, it appears ha accidentally ,
atruck her, and afterwards at envied to
fehichreu • her into adman:by Watanabe
lug a butcher knife. lie woo ar
rested tuidbreasght before the Alderman. ,
when, upon explanation, the.matter wee
amicably settled by tko . defendant pity
leg the costa ' after which be was diee
charged, - ead the pair warted on their
Journey of life ardor,: as .pleheant,
agreeable to each other as though m41%-
1 .610'4 occurred to mar, the pletumre of
Myer tioldsmitb, a dry goods dealer in .
Philadelphia, made information before
Alderman atmop, Pelitefde . Y.. charging
formerly of Sharon, Pa.;
with fraud. Ile alleges that sorao weeks
shire the defendant bought. $2:300 worth
of dry goods from him, which-he prom
fied to Pay roe thirty &y e. _The - time
-expired but the bill-was not paid, - -and'
when Mr. C. visited Sharon to ascertain
the muse of the delay, he learned that.
Bleb had decamped anti , taken all his
goods with him. A warrant wne issued
for his arrest, but as his whertabonni Is
unknown, It is probable that
not be brought to justice. de le .br , -
posed.,t4 44 , 041 the stakk,
Michael and- "Reddy"
iingbee, whose arreeton a charge of ler
nitny... we noticed :yesterday morning,
were charged with arennyestenlay even
ing on' oath of -officer Wiinxki before
Alderuitin Tjughiiii, who had
been releasedonbial,was re-armited and
committed for a heanng, and a commit
ment lodged against Schablll, who wiry
Mini" on the former.obarge. They are
charged withietthiglire to the machine
ehop ofW. W. Wallace, which *woe ilm
tropsl Christmas morning. Alderman
Butler, who le appears worked up tisi
citito, think* the - evidence egnitUlt both
of thew COLIOilltliVP. At the hearing the
facts will be devehiped. .
Dr, 4,l.4ltailless, Physician to lite
Board of Ileidth, reports - the following
ltdernients from Decomber . l3 to Decent.
hor 2AI,
Dlseases—Child bed - fever; 1; typhoid
fever,. 2t .consumntion, g astlilon, 3;
heart &swab, 1; peritonitis, 1; aienid oo ,
4i. brottegius, 3; catarrh fo-
Vet, 1; whooping cough, 1; swan Pox. 2 ;
stillborn, 2,- typhoid dysentery, it 04 '
&mill:lel abscess,
Or the above diseases. therewerii auder
1 Year. l 4. 2to 43; sto 30, 15
to 20, 2; 30 to 40, 3i. 4010 50, 1; 50 to 00 , 1;
Mats, 71; a ac 15; white. Z eolot -
ed. /; total. 211 -
A Urea./ • Wakek•
' Nflaittel 31cSiann was arrested in the
iieseuth wen' . yesterday and brought
before aldernaan Thomas, charged with
the battery ofa silver watch front Alfred
PKlonsi On tavern "of Wlllituu J. Moo.
pan, in tho Fifth ward. The accused
Irma seen about:m(4lof working his
wsJ through.the window into the liars
room. Whoa tinkle, he took a lighted
candle Mid - proceeded tip stairs, and in
the morning the watch was missing. 7.1 e
had •bearing yesterday which resulted
in his being committed to Jail, in default
of ball, for a Nether hearing.
Last.—di. pocket Wok. See
meat or *nib on Ant page.
The Ineecnolon. 1
The Ile-union of Division 4i Sons of .
Temperance, which took place Dist even
ing at Morsrtllall, was Due of the grand-.
est affairs of the Season: At an, itarly
hour in the evening the guests began to
assemble, arid. Iri a short tiles their:ill,
was filled with a select' and fa.shionable
company, comprising the.senth, beauty'
and intelligenee' of the city. A art. - . ,
band was in 'attendance end en
livened the occasion with sweet,
strains of soul stirring music, in midi;
Don to which the company was favored
with a number of anartettes and ballads
which wore sung in an excellent manner,
and the ejTorts of the singers highly ap-•
planded by all present, and thus' the;
evening was spent pleasantly by all pre
sent until half pastten. o'clock, when , .
the entertainment closed and the &eaters!
part of those present ralJourned to:
City'llall to Indulge In a, "hop.'
An excellent cotillion . band liarl
been ongagral • for .• the • occasion,
and dm asinpony being a select. one, ,
snore pleasant and enjoyable - Oeentilon
could scarcely he imagnard. All present
appeared to appreciate the delight of the
evening, and Until the "we sits hours":
the dancing was continued. The
unions 0r42 have ever . been considered;
the morapileasant of all occasions; and It
is geuerrilly admitted hy all who have
artenderbthem that this one exceeded all'
that have nrecridedit In every respect:.
. . ,
At We extensive Sad well condtleted
wholesale cud retail trlmming sand' Mi
lton tionseof Ifncrum 67:Carnality No.-151
Fifth street, will be found a verPelegant;
stock-et trash . grads - which Is Offered trll
pntrons at spedtally recincodrates.. -Toj
- day , the firm anhounoe that they wilt
open IL fresh Invelco of those really olo.!
Igent, sweetly pertained Scotch Plaid
ianiikerchlet and Glove -Boxes; 'which
will -be dtsposettot at remmkably .
prions. Inasmuch as this invoice con-',
eludes' the original purchase or goods in:l
this line, sodas no more will Io recelied,i
we urge prompt attention on the part o? I
our readers in order that they may ice,
cure for present triaking, one of those
popular, word and ornamental. artickra
tor a holiday girt. It is needless hero M
enumerate the almost endless line of
goods In the carious departments
got . the home, bet it. will suffice to state
that no where else In the city can there
be found a larger or bottei' selection of
- rleh taco goods, embroideries, gents' for
goods, hosiery; gloves, trim- I .'
mings and general' fancyartieles. • The
firm Mier very race inducements lii.Lbe
of priic . to dealers who bay to sell
again, as it is desired to close out the en-'
I tiro stock td make room for the forth
coming year* gouda. Strangers. in the
city and all others are invited to call at
the store, examine the goodsand, enquire
the nrims, end thoW lawn tor themselves
the mica IlMgel tO NI obtained dtniug the
continuance of Lie special sale nt. Sta.,
cram -,1; Carlisle*,
TA. G.vat couglisms..., •
Daring the excitement and turmoil at
tending the great festival *Maori' wo are
now enjoying, we trust none of out-read
era. ..
will permit to escape their', memories
the great, tact that the ~ e xtensive dry
Pods firtn of J. lli,Bentkr Co.,- No:
Market rtreet; at Ell 'Moffit:to their grand
closing oqt rale of freak andsdesimble.
goods. Thousands of persons have al- .
ready embraced 1140 opportunity' pre-,
sewed for obtninisu rare , hcinutins; • and
•Cigthe stork has been in .by frirelv
Importations. the attractions are even'
greater then before. The choicest dress
goods, in pieces or pattems„.flannels;•
wanes, Silks, shawls, blankets, velvets,
while goods, cloths, mssimeres, jeans,
and everything else in the way& domes
tic and ferelo dry pods, wilt be, found,
In great rsuieties .at retail - prices, much'
lower then those prevailing lu the lead
ing wholesale henries of theeastemeities.
Dealers who buy to salt again wall dis
cover on exarolnation into the_ merits of
this great closing out sale th at It will snit
them decidedly better, peonuiruily and
otherwise, .to supply themselves with.
CLOCK hero rather than in transfer their
patronage beyot u the mountains..
Boreal, Rose dr. Co., to. Fifth ,
street, offer their entTreittick — lrcaipifs
oil cloths, mattiugs, Arc., as ehealAari,rAc .
cheapest. Their new aid boighk stock
will cOnollarn fainrably.with any
iu the city. Druggehl and medallion
dripgets, of every size:price sod 'design
This department is Well Worthy ofti core.
Cal exmidostkro, as it Ft unsurpassed in
the city. Table and piano covers of every
quality. We noticed some entirely new
nod rich patterns ofßrusselsandlugmin
carpets. Their warpets look 'bright and,
gotta attractive, us theyweba selected to .
suit this market, end we , congratulate
the firm upon the good taste displayed in
their selections. Window shedoe of all
colors and designs; rtign sad mats of
every quality; in short then-Meek is just
whet is needed; embracing maids sulteil
tho tastes and amens oC every Floss.
They halo no etd. Aloe,' which' they wish
to get std Of rrParriters of mat. From
penvonal acquaintance with this utecubare
of the tine eve feel warranted in saying
that anything purchased fiord them_wl II
twee represented.' Giro them a call:
Pore - laid V4ltfeas
, Of hits years tteihrowittg of ode boo re,
mired much study end attention in this
country,' and, as :a result, those . who
know tell' us Atherican ales - are the beat
in th e True, a remnant of the
popularity of the [oilmen old English. and
Scotch ales Mill remains, aud roany pro
found Who Unit - with portinneltr to lite
•belief tbat our ocontry -behind
those countries' to the tiroduclion -a,
better article.. It le it grand mistake -to
au imagine, for right here, biting city of
manufacturing importance, In brewed
ales thatdefy the world In- competition.
The Oregon Brewery of Messrs.
Pler, Dannals R co.; Stevenson street,
Eighth ward, 1111.9 contributed largely to
our fume In thin , dlrectlen. The Pale,
Cream and Burton Ales, and cholewPor
tem, brewed at (big already rana%Mbirw
ery, are of aumirlor gunhty, and. are
highly commenced by the medical ha•
ternity, us well as by all who have par
taken of them. Packager intervals and
half marvels will be shipped to any point
or delivered in any part of the two cities
or borough. free of ch ergo. - •
Tim enterprising and indefatigable; - biro
had foot paths lahl acrosaStriltraleldend
Fifth streets, for the accommodation of
the public,. This Is a nave in the right
direction and Mr. P. - deserves greet 'aid
it for his real In the matelot white skirls,
gauss routs and solo leather. genentlly.
'rhousandsalipreciated the improvenueut
yesterday, atui thousands_ tuore rilit be
equally, appraelative during the eoutina
knee of the preaeot, "spell'. of - weather.
rittook is shrewd. He hummt.Well the ,
nu person ma pass his biota without belag
attracted by the elegant diaplay ol ltralrs
and fancy articles suitable for the a holi
days, width ho has on hands, t ethat
after seeinglhean the desire to Rauh:we/a
00 0 eaten
strewth's ho has made, Ina Itatortment of
bongs) and fancy arttclits, - Mmes, etra..,l3
still complete, and those,eno nreanalchlg
purchases in this line sloOld. not fail to
give hint a cal.„ .
Tho firm of KNI/th Fatter, egglne
hullders and Machinists, South Pats”:
burgh, who it will ho remembered Vrem
the builders of tho suiall engine to be
be used, my the 'purpose ot hauling
f rom usi pits, which wo oral
NVellk• since, have just completed aaim
ilar sue for the Keeling Coal. Conipany,
to he used at their workeiu Isiavr St.
Clair township. The "little menet! has
been christened the "Illnek Diamoini."
It weighs ten tons and is intended to
draw frau thirty.llve to forty, ears .ot
coal from the pit °kb trip. -. lt•wai cnp
structed at a cost or $7,000, and NU being
removed to the works y.swrday.. As
the entmnco: to the tutees to a considers
blo distance above where the engine was
ontgsructotl, we think those
taking It np found it rather "up hill"
Every' Chi Used • Pia laa - In tbe old
world, though borne by taxation, has
*moored a home for the bravo soldlern
who returned dinabled or anperannwited
from tho war. In those places a wenutded
veteran in allowed to. live in pew* and
comfort and all the people honor hint.
Ills praises are ntinx.witlan and without
the gates. It Isjust noel an entablidnuent
that the wattagern of the • Gettraburg
Anylom for Invalid Si:ldlers wish - to ea
tablinit in this country. I Oho reader will
refer to the announcement of those pa ,
biotic men 4 1.11 Out dene'rltition
they will that many. statements of vital
interest to -every Moorhen-loving corn_
. 117 plying ono dollar to the
Gettyaliurg Asciuni Annixilation, who.
have a branch oineo at- tho• -Monte tbaro
of Hewn. Ilotnnau, •Hoa eh Co, 53
riftlt street, Pittnburgh, a ticket •to . a
grand . Cenwert Is, ,supplied, and the
Holder hail's chance La -the grand distri
button of presentx,- which is to take
place on the 22d of E ' ebrwiry,..lBo3. .
't • ' ' - - - • -"
The Skating ; Rink which has 'been'
diawlng so well sir:Wlli opening It will
remembered is hi` tbe rear Btmem
T. Sample's 'apothecary shop, 'which
everYbed . knawa Is on nideralatreet,
corner of. Robinson, - Allegheny. But
there are a fewother facts that it would
be well those who go to the; Rink, and
the community generally, should bear In
mind, and to antidotal, to do an, we will
call attention to. them. Sample keeps
constantly on band .a generarassortment
of, fresh drugs, perfttmerles, soaps,
brush, , combs, patent meth - chins, and
in fact everything and anything tumidly
found In a drat classdrug store..-.lle also
keeps porn winos and:UT:lore for inedi
dnal purposes, and last but not least be
is agent of Benton rt Pine Tree Tar Tr°.
.chee which quo insured to cure a cough
or any Indiction of the thront in loss
time than any other remedy.
Thou Sheppard alleges that ho loft
sa6 fn greenbacks with blrs. Gallaher for
- safe keeping, rind that Mrs. G. Is keep
-lug It much safer Gumbo intended her to
do, as refuses to return It to' him.
He made information - against bar vete: ,
day, benne Aldermin .Strain, charging
her with larceny by >bailee. A-warrant.
was leaned for her arteet. aptears
that Mrs. Grillaher's husband has a end
In the affair, ai It is alleged by the pros
ecutor. thirt.wben ho piled upon' her for
the:money Patrick drew n botcher knife
and thmetened to take his life' if be did
not null tile premises, aqd , consequent Is.
barnacle information against Patrick for
strify of the pears, for whom awarrant
• Some mean, maltdoi* blnatgazni,'
- broke . the glees in the lamp In front of
thb Soldier's 'league Reading-Boom, on
lake& etreet, Allegheny, - Christmas
mot. - The front of the lamp was cam- -
pletely demolished, and the q;laas is the
aides and back were also "bin -ea. L The
perpetrator of sunialtiaan - Noce of vil
lain)" is deserting of iteeefepanistimenti
and the trustees of the .League will leei
under obligations for any, information
which may tend to the' apprehension of
the giiiity , party or patina-. -•
In'Zall—Veremi:Ni Inquiet
Phillp Scliwazler; the German whOwea
arrested 'sad' ocatmlited to jail charged
with the-larceny of lIIMO forma bulked,
which hid beenlsrelaalyleft Ma buggy
at Portraying,: by Frederick &kind. died
Inhis cell about three o'clock yesterday
of epilepsy.' Coioner Clawson was no
tified and held - an Inquest on the bode.
IS appeared' from She evidence that tile.
deceaaJd was subject to epileptic fits; and
that he died whim no one was near him,'
'The jury 'found a.verdict In aooordance
with the factor . ,
• Lerceny.—Clcorge- Binghtun, Agent of
the Adams }sprees Company, made in,
formation before Alderman MCI:10/80U
against Robert J. Sterret, charging him'
with larceny, The defendant was a drl-•
Ter for the . Conipany, - mid delivered
packaicei through thecity, from which the
prosecutor alleges • be - abstracted,
money lUD d' appropriated At to his own
use without mai:Mg ally return to the
oiled: - He waif arrested by Milder Bell
'and conveyed to the lock-up, - where he
will remain :tialli this morning for a
- Suretyef the Periers....4.l: Henry made
infornuuthn before „Mayor McCarthy,
yesterday, against James Cahill throws.
ty of the peace, 'Cahill was arrested and
after a heath* committed to Jell In de
fault of ball for his appearance at Court.
filched Naughton' made Information
before Alderman Strain, . yesterday,
against Mr. and Nth. Joyce, who Amide
inoetri Court off Shingles street, in
the Eighth ward; for suretyof tha.peace.
A warrant mat issued for their *nest.
~, . .
Assault end Mabry.— aatharlne
Cenghey mule Information, yo.unday,
before Alderman, Strain, against 3fre.
O'Cormor r chaigirig her with assault end
battery. The prosecutor fortherly occu
pied a room at the corner of Strawberry
and Cherry idler, and , after Laving
moved therefrom returned y , mdeato
tot some articles • oho, bid. left= nh
-when; Wiese% Rho Via
by the defendant and beaten .nrunercl 7
A:warrant +Mt% Ism ed for' t ar- resCaLltra: O'Connor.
__ . •
Clutlng.—Yesterday afternoon
retell horse team, drawing a heavy east
lug; stallednt the Pittsburgh end of the
Monongsbela • Mika, and remained
there for a NinsideraPle length of time,
causing the detention 'of the istreet cars,
meek to; thu :annoyance,.of paasengers.
The 'huge casting gasfrom thetpundry of
llobinson,Atinuls 4 . 7diller's, and is In.
tended - for Moorhead lti Cols mill, • Sec.
..:Bawdy Hooo.-,folitilitellabon made
information„befonAttierguut Dlallast
ersysigalnst Itlnry,Henderson and others,
charging Them with •keeping Ai bawdy
Warn. Tbesproneautor, alleges That tlis
defendant,:Nfiklicr Lim:ides:ton, rented from
him alefUse'ailtkii caper of Logan - street
and PoplitY whieh Abe) , arenow
acing, winbawdy.bouse., Awartunvwns
.Ceptalm of Alm NIRIMPoIIhe.--,We are
pleased o learn o the appointment of
Reed sea Captain of the
Ni fit Palloe ;, bp Mr. Blookmore,thenew
Mayor. Mr. Rood filled the potation for
uumber of,yeara under difkefunt Mhy
ore, discharging Ms &Wei with hdelhy.
1144,1Reckmore.copla .gtot ,hayai made a
better selection.
Wevr Mat or Police,- ,, M fa announced
that Mr. I. Greene boa been .selected
by Mr. Blackmore, thablayorel ea, for the
position of Chid of Police; Mr. Greene
well` - known • oltizen;• satt roi a
number ocyears been employea In 13+krk
6i's dry 'eudol : skorc, Mnrkct : street, ui
Aayuli.-3ftnute Jaell, Made traerma.
Doti before Alderman Strain '
Watuat W: StinablOtt,.. eliarging him
wlth,having committed an °moult, on
Joist:lh Dell,' A warrant wait loyal for
the onset of the* . medleal man; - • '
:eofnilitt, urged
ilietbrelfayor l ifeearthyuithaa4ault aad
battery on oath of Thomas Domain°, we
facia of which we rairlished nowt days
eine% was oomnatteft to raite relay
iirt default of the rernired bail far his ap
pawnor* ate - Court,' • '
Ilia Weed Brains Haddad' area
do foF Christ - Ma. Dcull f 4 to V 0010
fora tow 31 t27 Pre.eXlL Call 41,10 aooli
ac hooiro. ;co—tAttoot
Mar". Yosrepli:Sniriiden'
Notir• YPbUa awl - -Aetoesated. "proah
be seleeted• by Mr. Black,
rote, t Miyor - eled, as his clerk. Mr.
&acted like ea daring - 0e 10-
ixLlulstrglloo i•or Lowry.. c. .• • -
'l7elon"Prayer aredlngs are held every
Sunday eifternootrat 4- o'clock, at Sold
iers' ./..eagno;l4brary rooms,• Quincy
nail, Lao* street, Allegheny. Seats
het, The public sire cordial
Ito ireed - Sealatldiehlae ires all the
go to? Chtlattnaa.' Zoalt 1111 to get one
Am A ',NOW Varlkratent. Call and soo It
et Lope's, No. L: Grant street.
Additional' J.ncal o n rourth
a`lY4Uia'se ° B UTemaiu`~e°►.°.~°°L'
.Tiagril hie Oki rialtlencsot its Wnnta •
10 Tairthptreit, 7816 Amur 01f r
.= Li WV, it
o•ebiei. . "
MeQUEWAN'...-13n ThnradaVaera ter, the stth
1:g . .igriliggZ i, 4 3Y,M 1 4 air " 54. th .
TD. Amaral wLU,Sakil place TUIII
at : Wel Kt. tram the randeuce at Ta.
Ulf Itilioies vtlaat; .6.llolSeay:
mrAT7Y.-o.lllgurisday, Inenendmis - 41 n. IS,
JULIA BEATTY, areAln rear,.
reneral on Bannar lb o'clock.
front residanee or 111.s.'ma.tir4air, Ylltao
llercon.. on Um Neer !Melton ses/I...Cascierecs
'rill leaee S.C. • Sainson'S office, corner of
nevem/. ace 13.11111e1d ittelet 'rho frieclet or
. tkul fanny see ,rspecifelir.icrrllek.
- .l;Eqq!k7all&Vri4r4VgV l
The friends at tm tunny. atairopeastaily
v1;e11,o atwallthe Ituktyol. a. at 10
00100. k, ham la. Inti reittleole; 1O 33 Wobstor
e th e
.At la the Sith S a lt o(Let krt.
the figattalmill take plaeolteeo. Ler late reel-
Robluson tcorr4A4l4 .33 35:,
irllV Ica4 tkw Voiaa pipet at tle..cloak.
rettlealse et Tne (Mends of the Welly ere re.'
eleeetfally Wiese te. game& .• •
' Nita llALl..—tta Fria a; naming. rats tut.
1111-,... kr. latter elgtelligLL athlete at
Jobe Mangell. d ee d aged* year. •
Amaral"Tern tit. ialaye Pram the reeldeace
Ide hoe daeghter. Mary thithr. Itoce-•
aced street dd. getteetf.. loth baeta , *CI x.'.
Yrleede of tine jemakty axe memettellptielted.
ePteglL.—Oet Pettier =nse.' Dee. =b. KIS
Weber. Lgitti Penns, ove PM* mrea
The "fusieral learn the, madame or
brother .tehe.rtarteee Of fillbraiga Omit street..
to proceed to the Cathedral. then. jogLigarret
Ctadatt.T. 110...ntaw et a . r. o'clock. VIA
mend, or t,31, jaw V er.lNTib4 ; to itAultl.
TWD sprntlys.
• Lunn dmott. oonignlng x sn ,
OM of lalallattns Math/ Oink ! , 1.1,, 41 Z.
Mains Xdttartaln, /OM , s.4 " ^ .Thnevnpn.µt
11.01,vanalole thn risnr
and tallest and ma i reliable Mukha as Camp
atetral>l Market liernltr new in
M. our. nr•
o°lll4 be without It..
1r..X2 704 TIM ALT
Sinkle Subserlbor.»..--•* , ...--44w.
era of
—And om ooff of Wit SO 1M Pena atm,
up the club, Additiosu to Gleba OW to MN,.
W Woo, at elnb est..
-I. -tr....
WAR De Ann and *Clap,
gnat., as maim. • • Inato•mlat !mash.
Ammas !mina Dm one mall • feet. .
aa-mo.y D 7 u.n. "2" 1 "" 3 " . f..
ikisiscuod Len.% :garbs Nei . 1 o .*Thi,
Addrokh OASETT.I4
• MARRIED.' ' ' •
BAILEY - DAZZELN.-On WNMedq - ttei•
log, Der. • the trades. of Ilia told.
barenti,by the 7ter. 9. P. So.ll, 'WM. by tits
H.. D. Jarobos, JAM. X. BAILIT .d
MANTRA DALZELL, doubt. or Jim.
Dal. IL F.
-31 . 1 11.c1E1.1.115-11,CAMMON.-On tha 7,1 tn.
Stant, at tba Parsonais, No. ~111. os!avranti.
by Iltrr.- Y. Lucas, 14. -1. .11111tGr4P16 aad
Miss'llCSAti MoCAMNON, both of allettbeny
Ct., Pa.
0 WEN.9 . -COX.---ort the Dtb of December. bei,
At Dl..residence t t' the bride'. moths Ai DReiti
mere Um Rev. Praecle S. Ced
ed'', WILLIAM (MEM Jr.. trq..r:irtltt.-
burgh, Pa.. mid 111.. JOSEPIILME WIZ, ;
.FINK = MuQUISTON.-0.1 Thunday. DeM.D - '
ber 7111 h, lir, by the Rev. A. Cr:, Venue, etibe
realdevee of Me bride's halved., Coaltereville.
l'A, Mr. JXO. J. 8... INK. ol"Venailed cebb.7.
sod KW JENNIE ?rep UlBT.iti.
LINDLEY - RYND.--Oe T.144r. Dec. DOA
at the roddrice oridale . brlde'eMitber,; ZeMbh . ..
MBA PA, Dr. 4111211 Y LINDLEY Mad Yip
i m
RATE EyND. No card.. '
MEAVE-MAXWELL.-On T he e d.i ;Mlef.
December ZIA. at the j,meidenee Aivt;
. brlde4
mom b.a PituTr.0."...t.3',74r1:07=1V.1.
MAXWELL, et Allesheny. ' • „,,
ROLL A ED-MORDON.-On Thum an Dee.
huh, ir, ibts env, by the Lev W. N. lirra k it a r :
W. A. ID;LL en ,by
both or Braddock,. Yield..
MON ATII-PAS ;RE.-Ce DervenbeiDtb. by
the 1t,,. C. Welterbasteu. .11.. JA D . W.
WONATH aud 311.. LUZ. E PAITRE, both of
Pit...burgh. . . - . -
No. 11:0foorth Btnett.. Plttoberib, es.
ever,. descrlptioa of Paws' Porol.tdall Uotocts
furnished- Booms oyou daf !Lad night Hut.
.04 c.n.g. farnlihed. , '
1187121121Cx8=8.8., Darla Kerr. D. D:.6 n.
M. W. Job M. M.. 2homx. Mrlf:
Jawt..l.l. Miller. lese.
...Asia ARp Ressaarna. No. ad Ohio at..
Alledlanr, and No. Id Dia:mood Squire. RI
Jobe Wibon • Beano keep; always on bandana
twat Metal, Rosewood. JR,dulat and Inaltatlon
R. sewnat Coldna. Walnut Coding Iron RS op.
wardt. RoaowOod Coma. 4:a upward.; Au Mut
Come. to ProPOrtlen. Carriages one' Rearna — a
forniehed as low rated. Crape, MOM. -plata
andZagrarina Mania/led draUa. URed open 4,a
and Want ; ';
`"• Icsa AND 21tHALM22. (snedbaam tale
late Monad K. Hodge") Ha 2) HIIIO Yuen, three doors from Beaver. ..atimmeni
Eosawrod. moomr. Wand andltima.
mood In:Mallon Collins, at the. lamest radii:Wl
artees. Rooms open at all boars, day and }slot.
Hearse and Carriages fornletied:on ebart stolid))
don most remanable tem. . I
pnywAtto CZAEMILECIiii
DESTAME it. omen. N0..341 Ohio'Wreak
Allegheny. Metallia kloacerood and °ear Lk&
Sue. alkb aeon:Wet° stack of Inner.! Vol.
Gaud', an hand andfuralshed atanorkeelf mhtfea,
at lowest gricee.../310 and Livery Stable*. el*
uar of 'nun and Middle &net. flarriagui„.
fieuenichee, Buggies: Saddle . Itenaae, fa, fa l ,
for hire. , ' '•
'per:'p t,
Los z Los r r—Citrist
mi, morning. between Jame. nobbledwall
lug, on Granville street, and Barekley'a store,
ea Waboter street, by way of Dube... OOCKe
ET BOOK, eontalsint about ena and three auks
ter dollars la 1311rar. A liberal revere Will be
paid to the ender It left at ROBIIII Shoe Stoie,
Se Merkel larva, Sr at THIS OFFICE.
F 0 u ND—WATCH—In Pitts.
burgh, dorlus the week. • a trirair
Sad It At No. 101 SANDUNLY a BUT, 4110,
emu* City, Su.
7(00%. seppozed (*belong to W. ( L'AI.I.
Agent People.. Line. which cast be bed by an
plying at Tills-OF/101( n d value fee savor
theritenL I o
_ ,--- ,
VT ET—A large ant innitain,
'Mal WAREHOUSE.. Ws er 'secret. eear•
//whet Rent ...era... Donation Iglien'es
April W. , ZogAire of OEO. A.. BERRY, Ctitt
TO LET —. BTOLLE it lIIL pit
-• Owen, attsehea. eltuAtediteleWSWeeete
hear)3l.end Alley. The dwell , A hae!ArAor..
Wthibe rent. terether...nto., - Ingeha of . '
HA SS ARELSEART e NA.E2 e•t,3• strett,,- •
Hest e±.A.LlS—floor .01110:1HOE
STORE.—Tha st ' oek and latork• et • grate
close retell Boot and 'Shoe Blare. it VIM
boalotrokon one of tbe pelaalpal Ina moo Ater.
of tel. o.ty. Batlanotal7 resume • Tea fat Mi
ke. Agate. "BLI• 'EB3," L• 1Lar..113,
pan RALE—
'TRIO% ettimirarfa
was IN EKLLIfIELD, seat Oakland Sto
llen, two sqlouof frog tbo torso tot tmek::' Abe&
.0:141, bcouttfollf sltuate4, on2l .tok
elleop. Enquire of WILLIAM ifpLISFIII. rID
FOR SALE--11011191E8
HOWARD'S Llvoirond SAM albs. Apse
floe . IrIL3ITLY HOUSE (lbw); *so. DiPltidt
.011Z1" HOSES , .6. wows D 44.0082
11011:82:, 'Woo Vide" .10.3flidi tor, OMIT
MAIMS, Irian plplalgl, ncv tla j6lpagy.
boll Mom
Allip/lonses boubt and sold on eoz000lootira:
FOR SALE.—Rouma and Lot too
eorotr of Mukattno &ad Adons ntit;l
neu Page, nolfiray. Lot 41 bi
Hausa tram. toandotes room tad gad Mat
well ooprored. Bowe lad Lot on Mokellskt,stsr
Bidwell 'street. Alltiltenr . Cltr. Loo it by VI
to;; Iwo. front; moon's* ball, ern man and
tool etliarl wow nod Alto Wood nuatt
Bump and Lou to good toestino. Loth* of 4;
RCOH CO., Bearer attest, tour Clnnord.,.
• LII-Thikt known
- T4VRRIi STAND. debate ,tba
Waml, kmaan at l`anderpm 11.11, lid)Malba
the Market Maim on Pena street. Tim .Imlll
- I. dittaa stories blab, bad most baba taattally
WWI, wits IMmt tan law, tommodloas room..
Wade* a. largo Commit Melia. :good dabladar
• this tmili 'end of the lot, dliieb le 3 by to fiat.
deep.; 'Tram Um bonaealauct of the locality.
Mils Immo has eziabtliateda pemismedatliMaisiM
mid to extent etiabliabot imam that my, imbaa
boom tit:lb...di No hatter Pdliba Mown,
the market. WU. di SHUT
: rola; 11.1 Lute Agents. BitUir dkaaska
LOOK, AB 1113 PASO .13T, AT
TOE yaniz ./I.2IIIZLYA . ANT
• ' .11r111 irtRPSA .
A. mate, Or paws is neaviin.. , Irti ff
jun nakTaa !ay. Mott or
. . .
watches, Jewelry; Biker' Ware,
)1 214 - OACLEIS • $30.1L0W4
IThleh they lwa dfiewolved to seli at
• I . VERY , LOW ViilOtlall li
• • -
HEN Y G. H .
Con Pena an St, Oar 9 treSlo
"Mlle or or Mrs This . .??
* lilloos4l Iola?
"Mebane., en 1111babiblil eng
-MV b 7, OM. sun it it
CO; 27 11"1"? Iltroot.
-bnmease asta chi
MA,* Irrzaa
craw umlatnivo.ii
} mai
1 2 114 E1T OF THE