PHlLedialul. . —4..._...._ .. — Rowena!, has been 'described .as ' . 1 Bettie that diars from one's own. • —The New TOrk Jockey club is to - I have a house whleh will cost $200,000. —B,BOOAO bagels of oysters are fur. nished every year by Chesapeake bay. —ln Virginia font hundred and sixt y . Ave bankruptcy cases hive been filed. —For eighteen 'years the weather in Canada has not been so cold as it !snow. --The winter tas been very severe thus far In Italy. The Arno has been • frozen over. — . Eighty-five Us usand titles of print. ed calico are ma ufactured every ydr in 'Fan River. —An American Circus Is to become a fixture in London, using the Holborn amphitheatre. - —Four horses Broke through the ice at Charles City, }Sinn., last week, and ~, were drownecL I • • . ; —Three thousand Roams, are in prison : - for having given aid, comfort or sympa thy to Garibaldi. 1 —Ladles appeared among the audience at the opera in ntlantinople for. the 1 • first time, recently —A congress. o pedestrians is to be old at Hamilton, Canada, and 0,000 re to be distrlbu In prizes .• i —The Bedford B cot M.lssion of Phil i adelplda gave a g dinner to all who Woulcaome on Ch istmas Day. —ban Francisca propose tunneling their bay- eo as to ring the terminus of the Pacific R&M into their city. —There are on hundred and forty *. three newspapers in lowa, one hundred' and cloven of whieh are Republican.. ' —A skiff containing it. revolver and three human fingers was foundßfloating down the river at. Jefferson City, No. —An eight wheeled car, which one horse can pull when loaded with twenty thousand pounds, iti the last - Boston nov• city. --Some of the European railways are beginning to adopt the Amain plan of sheltering the.e gineers on laconic -A. quarry of m rble equal in quality, and texture to the and Berzavizza marbles, has been ecovered in Green , brier county, W. VS. 4. , —A. alms shop lirecently been Earl. o l ki , 'led in Danbury, n., by deaf and ':dumb men, and no a but deaf mutes , will be employed by cm. —Tennessee is to hive a Convention . : of all the Republi editors and pub lishers in the State; to be held at Nub,. villa on the 22d of Jantuary, 1868. , —Old Fort IfteOlay near Portsmouth' : . Harbor, is being rebuilt with walls seven i - feet thick. Sullivan, and Washington, i - lie other two forts, are abandoned. ' —The Salt Lake Fiddle Jays there is T no better. Slate or Territory. in the i Union than Utah for the cultivation of i the grape, the mulberry, and the cotton ; ' plant. - 1 —The Northern • Central Hallway is j rebuilding four bridges, after the com pletion '. of which a through train will be ... run from New York to Banbury via S Shamokin. ; —Sixty-Ave thousand gallons of wine have bean made from the Kelly's Island grapes this year, and twenty _thousand ',.: gallons from thou of Erie and Ottawa counties, Ohio. ~' —ln Prussia the system of laying - he ',.` rails for !deem cars' directly on the bal i' last, and thus avoiding the use and ex- • ~ pease of 'deepen!, has been in aucceitiful operation foi some time. —The average length of life is 33.43 :., years in Italy, 38.33 in France, 42.02 in ;... Switzerland and 39.31 in England. The number of births is also comparatively . ' -.4 much smaller in Italy than in France or -.- 1 England. - ' _ t.s. 4 :W'''kx 4 l —The first 'American religious service • .. ,':; held in Alaska took' ftace on October 13, in a' Lutheran chapel. Mr. Ratner, an ' . . army clientele, Ivrea other Americans, ; i fifteen Fenian; 'ad about thirty natives ... , f . ,, were present. ME MI —There are seven iron-clads in the' 4 Austrian navy, the most powerful 'or which is the Lima, which has Just been completed at Trieste. An eighth iron clad is being built at Pols, and Is to be called the tiellgolanti • —The policy pursued by our farmers and lumbermen all over the Dountry,'ls i beguiling to tall in Maine. At Andros , coggui,,in the very heart of the lumber regions of thaißtate, wood for fuel is sold u high ' u eight dollars per cord. —Blx hundred barrels of whale- oil were sold in New Bedford last Monday. This is the drat 'transaction in that arti cle, that has occurred there' for two months. bait ancient city of.oll pales before the risen 'glory of Oil City in Pennaylyania. —A woman near Ditiolt was attacked in her own house, on thuiday evening, ' by three ruffians ; who were dhsgnised. . They nixed her and attempted to gag . tier with an ipple, but a small boy lathe houso raised each a cry of murder that the villains retreated. —A few days ago a Dutcher in Cleve. " ' land was killing, sheep. Be had one about ready for execution, arid wu hold ,. his . knife betireen his teeth while putting the animal into a miireconiiii , :tient position, when the sheep began to `straggle and kick, and one of its feet struck the knife,' knocking it upward edge foremost, and cutting off the mid of the butcher's nob. It was • 'lucky kick for the sheep, for it obtained him a • reprieve. . PERSONAL. =I —The Princess of Wales is iwenty three years of age. • —The Pone is said to be 'falling rapid ly under the reactimi from his late in. tense excitement. • , —Nathan Fagan, a 014tolle died itt. 'Eta Claire, Wis., of dentinal tremens on the 17th. / —Senor Romero has given up foreign .'diplomacy fora time, and is a Member of the Mexican Congress. —The late Thomas Garner left over One hundred thousand dollars to benev. oleat institutions in New York city. —"Then and Now" is'thie title of an eloquent lecture recently delivered by Dr. Gross at the Jefferson Medical Col— , l lege. —Ztccheus Greeley, father of the edl tor of the Tribune, died at Wayne, Brie county, New York, on Wednesday, the ti 18th MM., aged 86 years. --Judge It. P. Spalding, member in couiress of the Cleveland district, has written a letter 11111101113thag that he will not be a candidate for re-election. —The Chester county Pains Renard ; suggests lion..JOhn Hickman forth* Vice Presidency. theliational Conran/Jon t In 1860 Mr. Hickman received 68 Totes for tha °Mee. —The British government hasapneln ; ted Mr. Arthur E. Kennedy, Iste Goy ! Orllol. of Vauconvere Island, to be Gov ernor of Sierra Leon, Gambia, the gold • cotst and Lagos in West Africa. —Mins Maria Dail died in Lawrence,' Mass., on the 12th inst.,. of injuries re ceived at the fall of the Pemberton Mills, eight years ago. During all this time she has been'a suffering invalid. —Dr. White, the lows Slate Geolo. gist, has, by 1115 researches, discovered that exceedingly large and rich beds of peat exist in various parts of the State, and also slain 'gypsum bed near Fort Dodge. —V. Harding, a colored man, of Nash. Title, Tenn., and for a long time propri. etor 'of a popular hotel, hu recently erected a larger one. It his s billiard room, barber shop, bath room grocery, . and ail the appurtenances of a first-dais CtCrraway, for many years miniater at Emmanuel Church, Hano Ter county, Virginia, died very Suddenly atrt ter homein that county, on Monday ta• • MECIPLIVIB d cols sierXmar_. ackwitEXwzrins THE GREATEST BARGAINS OF THE DAY. THE LARGEST STORE, TAI:- A_ Et, t*.lm s s c• cy THE. BEST ASSORTMENT IN THIS CITE TO super FROM If You want Christmas or New Year's Gifts, Tiose 77 and 79,Market Street. WE CONTINUE TO SELL CHEAPER THAN ; THE ! CHEAPEST, A LARGE STOOK OF NEW GOODS. 4000.:IVM3 c 11 . Juit opened;-all kin , ds and Titles. :and at ?FEW YORE PANIC PIIICES! REAL AND IMITATION LACES, ilitionftars, SETS, Comas, BRIBES. COIFFEURS, roirr.rourr. &PLUM= AND vez.zacizsara, The Latest Importations and Ohoiog, Patten:us. Embroideries, a splendid line. Infant Robes, Caps and Waists. Brecba Scads, very ebesP. • Beautiful Pieces of Embroidery. Fine Siliper Patterns. }be Silk Suspenders, EmbinidereiL (leak and Dress BramanMit Gent's Furniihhig Goods, Ties, *cash, kik" Zephyr Knit Goods,. • ._ Beets, Anbias, Senlags, Scarfs, Mittens, Bassinets. Two cases Balmoral Sirts , (nosh goods, at SM. Two eases Shirts and Drawers, at 50 cull. 600 Fair Real French Corsets, at $l.OO, r 510 Tv5 and Hosiery. all kinds, and cheaper than ever. • Brooches, Sets, Fins, Weitiyil;is and Fancy 'Goode. Fine Silk Embyellasa 50 Dozen Bradley's Duplex Skirt, afiil.oo, a great bargain; and many other articles too numerous to mention. Good Fleecy Lined Rose, 20 teats. Ears Fleecy Lined Bose, 25 cents. Ladles' Fine Far Top Kid Gloves, $l4O. 600 good and GMbionable Hoop Sires, at 50 cents, Just received. - ' WE An YOU, TO OALL OD EXAMINE FOR YOUEBELVE GOOD copim, AND Low fIOES. W01131131:31.13 EE0 . .11.N37* do' CPOO., Nos. 77 and . 79 litLirket Street. AUCTION Ii&LES. BY A. AltaLWAllli. 30811HABIEN ATIALS TZNAD or ZiftIIINLL Dm SUL 1t at 73‘ o'clock. will be sold. on seeoant whose tt may room,.on secoad toe, of Voesaterelaa Bass Zooms, 10115natblold Attest. the fottowbor Lots of Moats 12:: Art. L the Wort,. 3htth .T; IlfJJlfl.„ Avellsruen. - Rama,STORE DOOM AND DWZLLI2IO. sa m. ILIIITEIYIELD IT. ittsmond •Ilry comer. .21.712.11 DAT rriltriuMf. nusz . , Mb. '4; 2 ado's: on the prevalent . It. ..prortoadly sod by Private •sla. oral to sold by tast 147.76h".24`.1.1".= "*Vga rums, to•tb room m i na had; tba store roam no. ototeosod so a barber abopt.sedolalatr the ogles or tba littdotrab tian Co. • Th tot Is MA. (Tom WMoutalele ousel, next to caber of Ldsmoad .T. and eytyndlag to her la test's!. 'Mk wilt. Dods of a 2 (mei ID lyth alle• st too near for mos to ltlaeold alley. Terms at "Ms. • CRYLITA T .= . 3I,7II::= Ac.w,m• T. dal • 3. MesILWALIEY, Atteart paSTPONEMENT. tas LADMI or THI Penis,'lmola Massa E. March Wo ecogees,telly Intone tho p tale UM oillog 10 • ialsantlermadlag In promASIS MoarAw3rerten. 33c.71, • The YAM AND PISSTIVALL ',lsla was >4 Dare bola hald on the ITO, Mb sad Mb lestual. but been pUstpoutd tutu Um nth, 121 p dt,lith or /7.IISVARY. . Tlcksts siss.47 sold drill beglipa adds Sims 1M01106.2. dalLICt _I J ODN D. BAILEY is Blloy STOCK AU PEAL ESTATE MMUS Atli /11130120111111:1114 Art Orrparail to all at As Ifordis, Yd all Waft of aocartU Boas. Lolta n rita,a 2 ;- ...„ tla pretaLoao . or et'pf ftatwl " Vitratlr l4Are. tha n iltataAv i h r o awry silica,/ . • • 11111118 MID DM) DEEP Wo wiL have moo saw choke 8. C. Haw and Dried Beef Out of mole end /or ante on Monday, Norm bet bib, elan Me, • 1. INILLTIti OD e Con Wants mkt reask +troth. . W. CI VELA), 1=22113 • GLUE, CURLED HAIR, Tanners' Scraps, Ceroons CATTLE T/411.8. Bones, l'Peat's Foot 011, &0., ia'AZEPAZILD prrFenriten. JAS. a. assassos....-....-.. am mama k HARPER, FLOUR, iIRAIN AND PRODUCE Commission Merchants, ass LIBERTY rr.. trammels. C 4 Ed/A.E.E.. 4 ) 1 1•1144 ggi I,E,,rEE E.FtEII.IILAVE, CIA 1••• Methv tiM B . 11 worth • Cw. SCHOONMA.II2It & SON, n e xgrworizrontimin White Lead and Color Works, waxes AND *1.13 LEAD. ZIEOVEn E g fra r r i lm w. AM ail oclon dry Orin all. OW" SO. 117 rorwrzi "ram& trait. Ala:sewer • WASHINGTON KILLS, tab& Iltmei, taw Manzi Anil Mem* ~ w. w. ANDERSON, Itanalfsenarer of o_ol , ll' AI?" Lt. BTF FLOWS. tabeiVri% PEED . cede• l'arsi:Vurr.a cdodPada wad Odra shelled, ea dkon EO{SM. Eli GREAT SALE CIOaIiCES TO [ MOUE'S, IVir e r") 1 :3 11 11:11 , .1.;skaLl BARRED FLANNEL ! THE WELL KNOWN HITPANPTIN( BARRED FLANNEL, I ,ln nb . lok and -Red, I=l BLAOK AND WRITt ji x.41.3E11340 . arricopic. AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES! MILROY, DICKSOU CO., 54 Wood Street. 1867. FALL "IA"- 1867. ARBUTHNOT, 811181011 CO., Aloha• Diala. le DRY GOODS No. 11411 WOOD BIULDET, ?Ma: I.s•lsra rises Dr.'s Goads. Prints. It. eran'aCtite:t rp, .VIZ- E4:1:111 ' , in5.,1.4.1: W. 717 1 .43.1 =. fr. 41111 home mammas.. 571 - 17 , 172 4 :ta r it U at l i t aViala (MUMMY BLANKsTaosas at:mass. cana- Selagloa. at NIII Mass. A ISU Ms Is alias. parmsrats. egzeaara Invited s to can sad imamate oar C. Saaritures. W IZA.IIIX;N /7411.111.167110*: o, lM et. p fe e C alynotfil CO.; IIIitILIZALZ DULA= LY 1 FORDS! MID DOMESTIC 01111001 t. 3.. N' WOOD . cats noose abmaliamom • prrrssmais, 1.4 L 1 TH0GIEAP)113118. osx.roSoxo ariroltarr.,. .—.VrarZir CZJVG SCIGERLY & CLEiB a Moccomaors toGoo. 1. Balsams • C 10..) ,PRACTICAL LITHOORAPNERI, 07ILT STEAII 7.RHOOHAIHIO SWAB. WZGV Or WAX 141HIHTA311[. Badman IWO.. Lail, Heads, 000410 LAW; /100 slam 111.0 w Casol. Weitasoo4 rortrolts. Vt./. Corttecaleo or 1 soloottoo Card. 4.. 2/0. TA LII• VG 0t... VW. Cad. C &I.M LLIN, N-LITHOGItAMIEB, Ifs 10 1006TH ST.. Avails Iht . : tiding. COWESOS DS - ZS. NOM, - BILL =SLlT irptllmbeVX lIA.OI, so., doss Mall Miss. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : WA (MEDD. A COLD. OR WWI 2 . 8111.0 AT reqatra tomsdlato at . *dation. awl should uwasa. allayed to Irrlta.tos tea LnakeL P....unex -. 11. oat Disoasa. =I BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES 13••111l &direct Influence lo the pans, en. mediate MLitt. Far arenaohlitlin Annum. ."%nn:: pU we =mu. nmelair t nlEZNlalli o r . k On One them Olktun only 'Inn:MVOS Tao - and olio o. tate /nor of tn. IVOlrratagl 1.11.110. tha tnosy tot 011rtre.1. . . . t .• I.CUNTINZNC/S of Urine. Initatto nflommatlon. or alarm= of the bladder. o ono,. dlaeaset of the hroatrato gland...ton o too blaeldfideateolos, for 11d 1U a gosleal aarellto ner llta atx.mootar at3.l, =mach htiChrt. *mama eirßELatuoLDsB stioxrcr le a certain curator Drumm& tae BLADDIrI. EIDNEIII ia Ia k BAVAL, r) nem, OBOILNIO WBAKN " Ai L foevithr. And all dues:es of OIe I7IIIBABY ORGAIDA Whether *aiming in MALL 011 MEALY, :rhataver cause originating. and no mat. BOW Whitt BTANDLNO. Mimeses of them, organs ikaires the Ise of • MusD. If ao treatment isnmbadttoti to. Goosomplion or invenity may en., tine lira sad the Blood are eapPerted trona these suatam, and • HIALTE AND HAPPINESS, aue that. of Poeterity, depradm upon prompt em of • reliable remedy. HILLIUMPLIPS =MOOT 8001117, Establiabed upwards of In ye.. Prepared by K. T. TIZILILIIOLTI. DruTTlst, 101 grotklak eked by all Druseirta. umnr. dr) :1 t.II 1 I Z 1 • II . Mantle. EXTRACT nucriu,i. the Great Mantle. HataMOLD% CONEENTAATED IM A T ,,, lftVeit, """ ":17„e421 Po t% l of frnyir.. pap Tthistry. 4 .ll,l an tam moat SO ME Dratat ate 'Aelrrthrte• eeeiwEr •Ih l l~r'iyUi~;il'i~l~lH~ll;U]'~sa~ula nunleset ...Nigh. Maoladling Ceres's.* Prat..•. Night llteeming Ceram..• rhale.o• •"iii Elleerthag Conews.., !hides , . "firlsbc Bloostmag Ph.lea% -.• "ltight Itlesol!aff --A mod esentellej delkete, and Fee . -nut Pe l ona. Penned from the tam and flown hot width It law Ite nenteq . Kendal:hoed only bi- . - PHALLON & 110 N, era.. Vick. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT& ; &BE FOR .NALOWN—TARE NO OTBEIR to", : 1 It. :V ,BOIDDI AND :IMPVED HOS • AIRH cum morel. anO deilento elnorden • ale otoneo, atlittio expenoo. Itttlo et. Bochum n din, no Ineonoenleneo 446 no non... 1 egesta vvegt VIRAGYANde $4111:10r, IairWIEL BARNHILL & Co; BOILER MAKERS arp-: 813:11tFT 130 N WORIOO6. lon. ;0, SR, It and SlSPemn lt. Baring sewed • lame lard and tenstehed 11 MN the meet approved machinery. vs cre*re. Immet minifilsotere every demelption of Bon. Its le the beet manner, and marreeted otottl to any made jtn the meaty& Clllninne. Brae, en- Beds. it..,, Pipes. Locomotive Solt en. Condealems. halt Pm: Sul.. oil BURN Aettatore, Sittting Pau, Boller Iron.. Brier.. temporrnes, vital sole mesubtetorers of EARN- H1LL , 11.1%27.211 6 SOILZBIS. Retahins done on the zhovtest aotlee. Wiest : , : :7 aid glens health %ad rigor in ma name and bloom to the pabld ehent. Debtlity sneompanleil by assay &lensing gymptonts, and II no one:num le el:taunted to, contemn tion. nteenit7 nr epileptic Al. ensue. egneter7 igy - ROBINION, 11FA & CO. Mew. en n JEctiorww. =we a Wa.Licil.l WABIGNGT(IN WOBXS, rwwenua Wawkladtta. Pitlabougl. litsiaaswirus as Hat and Wauleows Inn= :WSaw. Elul Ilugums. YIL litschlwar. Wm , 1.115. elkinfllaw. Osman of WI dcwript.Ww; Oil Twa. and Wills. Boiler sad not lroa Wort. COlow Ho. OH eaaer smts sad 1,1..1020e au, SirAwme. Jia WIMILED7 TLTZW? IN. /743T08 for Wallis baler. c; • :1 "T. :l4l=g , „ wcw 1 1 7 V i z Att , bri.k &Claim sad e ornputor Rani Soap, iletsUnd es all Dnedien nna QTO.IIIII In the trnitog otnals. Mr TULL 110 MIS 17/1 LCD SOU. Dealers au obtain at veltalesale la Samoa seek alatalalair 41 beam, el Mara Alemmortit the eehaleealle Dreams nag (Dal la all Ow lewas and eillaisT Vanal Brow sr sr, MK • • .1 : J' Tca. - • i 11 COED • -J ROPE SPICE II ELL,„.. 2. ISTOW. irti..vzizeafx , snow -Aura. flueresson to J. D. axon, manufacturers and Dealerslto.l Clads...lona Afar OFIOPPIrD TIM% and 14 FOCTUTH PT. Pitt. bemb. Pearl Barley t Oat Meal and fro. Oran .11.1 a.m.. num lloaalang dot. to order Sprunmtlf. Waren wllljosal to ito tinge and eller sun • J . D. RIATTIIEWS. STAMP ANDlllea CUTTER. 131 T A M P AND oppoldt• VVaad. efillfiga n nWe r terplifffirMi; fartelmr.4,•mr,zvlrzwin SLEIGH ROBES, SLEIGH LININGS, NEW lITTLES ♦ND NEW PATTZENZ. Jest Ogee.' to-Eat. tag !Least monmest.`.th largess stock sad el:Sagest-I,meg R c> 33 3343• IN THIS KAAN.II7. . Blight sad Raadsome LPROOREWand MELT.. INOR tor Seel 0229.111„124. OIAITILR ie., at .till LOWS R PRIOR& OLIVER McCLINTOCH & COMPANY, aetr x. 92 FILTH .11.110112:.' 18 67. WINTER STOCK. 1867. CARPETS, DIATIDIGIS, OIL CLOTH, WINDOW SHADES, • DAUGGETS, • MEDALLION DRUGGETEs MATS &ND RUGS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, ALL-WOOL INGRAIN good ussortaierko4 Vialr LOW " 443 4 BOVARD, ROSE & Al Filth Street, COVVI BATAS A BALLI3.I CARPETS AT COST For a Short Time PREPARATORY TO TAKING IMMET A Yezi lup lumina' el OIL CLOTHS, Window Shadcbgv, mccomau.a.rammi• Cheap All-Wool Ingrains. McCALLUM BROS., 51 rink Street, sieve. WON. 5040 unsay DURTMET PENNSYLVANIA. HARRISBURG,. DR0.114 Ma. ZW 4 COTICIIII 11 YU 11111L1 11 ill LOANS I= Commonwealth of Penns Tanta, Due July Ist, 1468. THE rotLownra iD INT ; Due July Ist, 1868 WILL BE HUMMED, WITH ISTEREST TO DATE OF PATIIENT. ON PEE. BEIITATION' AT TILE Farmers , and Mechanical National Bank, pas maADaL I..2FMAk,„ Loan of March 27111,1839, duo July lit, 11465. Loan of July 19th, 1889; due; Jut, lit. 1868. INTEREST ON THE ABOVE LOANS WILL CEADE ON THE lar OF JULT,II24 fUEI JODIX, !key ef /We. JOU I. ILIBMOII, IA Omni L MILL E4le Treucret. Vosonnalonerii of Illse*lag Fund HARRIS & EWING, Wholesale Druggists, Cor. of libsviy Wayne/Nen PITTEIBI7IIGH,"PA. City and 413ctilmtry Triads Solleitio. dmin SUGAR ‘2•01 , 8 FOR HOLIDALL • L•IOZ STOOL WI WILL TILL As Low as any House In the My, EMBPHARD'S Steam Confectionery. 817 Liberty Street, P/7111.1117AQH. IPA ESTABLIrIED IN 1842. J. T. WRAY & BROS., strocariaou TO y, CONNOLLY, e,fin ' r BEERY 29 884181 Irwin Effliva, . Prrassassa. poly ROSY Y couNer.woa o pLpoomb lz e gpv, until the iltha DAY I.L.rmnired i unpe latretio: raire a jegge. Vats ee%theolgthetlon:e:llblethWedo°lll%.° • ser.areirchik r , es..olthr CO. Of Cot. thee 4 and 'South H. 'Am-A " • 7 'doll FR I DAY; I .15ECE)ifilfR FOR SALE—Two Lots, eacti 30 Of / 01 rda• an Warns eant, between Ne Lane and Webster Meet; on winch to ereseed Itlrgig.liarg oirl4oirte'rglint3jr_boori ..nelng eraser.. bathes.. aom. 111.11.... a.: elr•a.';Wd!'rnaistl VllZ 7 ol7llll7.7.lioVlt. "AtO.o etZCZA.4ff atellitiglio r gain of ledtuu4 the mamma mat of Indiana menntr. Pa. this Is L a lard.en eaumote bu ballant ..1 e 0(54 ~.. Me Eld a bat. under the amuse, and 1a Mamma on Um CC.112,17 of P l oladelpbba and Cl,. e Blew.. on 610 iSO it btu Intl and on aald 000 to • imm Amused. by iti Anweed u• woodn I. tO . l atone and 11l room above: also. ' , Ryan stale .0 by 1 9 len: Mao. a Mann. 50 In WO 'Met. on wrack 1. a Made .table. 03 ea a. • 1 henry stable. Ohms/kolaham. phlh MIN ' tetaZ C ZY L °;,-. 1 O P., t egtTI:11.1111 • 1 111 -4 tenant I W ' moara ra., and Wlll be .14 "IL , V: II 4 P TIV'7. 1211 i _Mee, to • .. 41 . 10 . 0 . 11 .1 Tbla 111-sm In o Derti V sonmabl D. rat • ralli i Tgrt.ll:t4ao4td".lg7?all'ol4:l til•ra,thrt''i 14121,TIVL'a-ter:e..47 blank vale it msd lemnor. 7111. - Is a hat ht. farm. M•• /11kb matef enalmsdon. h om e /mead ..d • mu:fordable entldlnea, • frame home of • room m lanr. emen.llo ey ds het. and tom coal and lime ann. ander Um mbole Leant. mulls eon ',mina, 10 ebillnbe. SebOole, Shills 410. Par trasber darldonlat. amount at IL Ha TOWEdd. e.el3 Meal IaMM landlt. 164 roar% St. 'III 000 000 ACRE' f CNN LENTO By 11IL Caton Pacific Railway Co., ZAIIMIIy DIVIffI.OX. Lytag Coat lbe U. at their pad. at 11.1.00 to. $5.00 Per Acre lea on. a CREDIT OF 71YZ .I'sr w tionlars. mew. /ie., address JOUR P. azvairavx, taus Closuvjulow, Kam& 'olr. vaan. WILISONN, 311. Lou!.. Xlmarl. WASHINGTON CO. FARM FOR SULZ—A tract of 410 W. Of whin!. WO la daunt!, and the remainder .aoreend with dne wean oak Alpha, Mutated sn won rind- Anipl 1g rl=ralir n'i.,51141 ftiaon Irxer , to chum. and and grata houses; an well tdoNTe:r aelstOl "ioWeialArelgijg'"h="4. ' • APPLY Du 6.* Brok. a.. La COTTAGE, i SITUATE IN NIT, WASHINGTON, de rP 11.::4F-17-2EZVE:=1,11it Picr l yrrh- im pg. tcrg-Ofluhvg44 :=4::!Nlin*.7l%:fri2:ll.l" 13THEL & WELEIONI. woken, and nem znmi Aiita, as 66.31321thee1d strut tm FOR ba Oft REAM, CH E the - • ALE 0". Ira! Railroad, aostalaing sm.: Improve. went; twolimme and stables, trd onbatd: lir r° rg,„rung.:•..vitli.g; alkasac, r tie sane. A.ho, • minim, of goal 1.110.111 b. 11111.11ratit Mtn, arces opposlts the laikcip, - 7-daruaL We of "coloc mat FOR o' Cube 41 4 • 11 V LE . 11 , ..; , abajt l casat bra, aura luau, Vad latter:4 ' 3 'W S •q " ar i' U n aft UM cab of coal. n•la la um or • . Th antst ;: t lll l rlVl•Varajoaa '4" Crrgit S" ' " •EAEUX. /SW Egtat Ulan. u want at.. oucallta Court Moue.: ...17 110 USE .AND LOT FOR SALM /Malted at. coma of Duca. and Cabo Stmts. Plitabarab. Lolls hot bY If* kn. et tear./ tArtljz. , i terca boon, Una *lulu cellar: mare. awa on ETV' heart W ADly to, B. Net. a./1.1 • al Youth iItZ;IK. RANKS A:D/D BALNKEEKB. 11111 CAUL U & CO . ; Bankers and Brokeris ;011ER THIRD AND WOOI :TEETS rarriunnat a. pa.. amoososou To non, h/IT 004 =EI Excuings, Coin„Coupolts, • Aa4 patiolar mons!. DAM La Ms Dm , alms &ad .14 GOVERNMENT !BONDS, • 11111,118!1? MILTS UN V./XWM. multLal N. HOLE •& SONS, 'No. 57 market Street. PITIIIBUBMII. D•Vocktp retaindl la rat raLla a*d Cram • Oollacatans aaada ea all the anactpal sits at lama Vaned lhabtaa.l (*Wm Reeks, Beide MN Other Semi es BOUM LID BOLD ON ooluaasio. ewe at rarataalat atiaatlc. palel taw , a. !UM UP 16611 tto. *AWE U. B. /PIM 11:140.. 6. 0/./171110a2161 Ut /NDISITED6IIII6. Oraoro .6 Yotobanbooilit or oolleetad. 1•2466 EYSTONE SAVINGS BBL 289 Liberty Street, prrrsseetn, PA. THIS MANE WILL Or= A General Banking Business, et tins sins stsmoust.o3 Ntiinday, Pioreiaber ISt Accosiot• of BaAb , '!ul•r• •od itoraula •InvltW.. • Col!attic.. made cm all laftta traltut Mates Led C. . 6 .4 • inlarat allowed on . Tlme Deposits.. UNITED STATES SECURITIES MUNI AND SOLD. (.71.0k /111.19 , 4 F1E.7111 wisnum Isanme Xi,. 50 IFosirth aired. ____ CaNakaIaTUNLIPILMICEI 1.11:3110. • Immo' Pahl an Ttno Deposita. Aar sum roollood hos Ono Lolls apwari. Lemma Dopoolfa rabioot . to °kook. Without DIR 1 001hIT3I•T. AT - a (roues. PresIdest—TROMPSON BELL. , 'lce natant —A: M. MARSHALL. DIALCITOKB. 72.91381. JOG. 1.1.31M6 111tOolc2oldars to whom vro p rego , ti n i . O r i irr . l. I L M. kirt pITTSRVROU BANK FOR: BAVINCS, lomat, Um DUMB/MOOS INPITITIIMION 87 Fourth Street, N 0. 0 17 OPPoelte Dank or Pittsburgh. • eILUITEBED ulaz ' _Orpt Ditlf.Y .4. llldet_ I to 4_ o'clock, end on wALMISIMAY BATUNDIAT Optisitttitl g 7 .: 114 A. w ...ra'.1;1:1;:g1241r.te."° ...k. of ligstmers, &e., famished at the Ode. This institution especially - Offer to thole whose whims seal ItAlted. lb. opportune to teen _'lll.oo4:! log Interest ain Instead of reming morennetire. 3304010rta of 211TM1.721.4/1402.11111 ongethmort GIOROE A. •Illtitag. Trda ggsgrommes O. H. HARTMAN LULU PARE. Jo. 000th.., ABS TIMARIMIti onsoal, z ' mcm ir u e. T i. !macs. 1111: .1! 2 .1t....0.T. I .Ti. ,1 11026.0... °RIP& IL O. BOHHE~Ty. all Win:gib A=6BBEllll SAVINGS BANE, • • SiLLEfiIIAST, ClizygiNiandipseici 11.04.0. lITOOXHOLDEIIB lIIDIVIDII 7 LIME Moorlie received sad ela par ant. iatereat allowed on tie. Miocene. Partleorlar attention a/4 to =llan d fizra . l• 7 j d reirtA nd nl -2: 74* Aleruder ltorm. ea e • irrnasa} ! JOHN 11/...Z10D7.2. MTH S. 84grvi, NDS,STOOIKS, AND REAL ISTATS, 'dpoUo SWIM/gm Fourth at Hank. lonrattee and . /dun lajosi Bonds, and WI kiwi of mots 'might ana aold oa tommil•Son. khntill.ol Walla luta void. . _. lace • 1 ;7. 1867. OIL WO i Eurek Ca rbon Oil, 14 . ~ Sperm L bricating Oils, CHEMIC ' LIES= On, Who I sale Dealers in Crude, It.Oni.ed Lord, Open., B. C. MA 19 Ir WARIN mums nu' Petroleum a l Baizell% in .1 PFLUALDiLIEUIA WARINC. H. L r Na, & CO., 11 11 . 11.1lAkITOSEK5 OT 1 PUB BURNING Brand-...tuerpEß.- - Office, Na. 2 lliquefte Wiky, P/Malateli, pA TACK BROTHERS, comma HER Cll45Th, amp inimuara and . aPetroleum lla Product . errnimiNciti 01 / 1 1WS-11a sari Btu labs enTharuf D,..1n00.0 WO7 and Irwin duvet. I•EILaDELCII6 orpic&—lay Walnut 04 *Tamil I' wr. A.:mason EAGLE OIL *onus, La►ws®aoeviu... WICNTMAN ANDEREION'i Refiners Sad Dealers In ' PETROLEUM., ornoi. sigoaNto non% MAKER FUN. 0006. MILEY AND DI:VMS' WAY. I. C. EMTCY..C. a. [WHIM-W. H. W sow) on. WORKS, • ir.nfactore and have for sale W klods of LURRIC.IITIJIG :.011, 80. IsT. CLUE ErraZlT. - BVITII/1. /111111C111 PLUMBING. GAR JJIIh6 CATUSSA ...... *MUM JD CAV4NAGU it Co., • IQ 114 LIBERTY STREET . (Unwell.) klars's Efotal,) Plllllll9, OS 8111 RIMS P Al, sad Bess Pomp.. Hydssols, Maps, Lisalan. nest 1 ..1. Blink% Waal stands. Gam Hs.. Sc. Prom at sad natticalar attention St.. to sit:Wrist< In UV, sad sesatal. V. a. crirOOD—haterOa Z0W16.3. BMWS= ITIVOOD & 11'041 1 1111BL BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAD AND GAR FITTERS; COL of and Liberty Btreels, Above Caton Sayler% Pltieborah. Paha. LIAM mad Heavy Cleetlago rematched imoaerelt to order. Bootle atteatios paid to the SIMLA entitled °WU Iklacelesctleamebesee, Itot Aaealabr A.l&Cameros & Ca's TEAM P ETNEE'S • ',Jaw BLOWER ENGINES.. These Pimps hare taitert or adraatagesoierail others, and orrel7 nee Is warrant/4 to rive ••31. Mal.. run. 00.1.•611/ oa toad. telarato •, I MIX X. 000,111-.4111.. • XATX.......XXXIIT XIII JOHN X COTH'IIt a CO, BRASS FOUNDERS • . Steam and Oas Fitter", lianolhosara, of rUMPII AND 1111.11143 ROHR. of every _desulptioa; Oman" Ma CIAI4 111. TIM M •SD TOSI,NO, of all Doom. Corner of like and: W.alind Street's. syox. PITTSBURGH. PA. PAINTERS. _..._.J0Y1, LW L~ooca~ea &* _ House and Sign painters, roo. OMAN! ITUIT, Ptet.C.rgb tOppottto Cathedral.) ULlat !ABM dons to ord.,. • w. n. SOWLAND,. Row Ludo a iisseie, NOUSE AND SHIN PAINTERS,' auinrium ouizileue. wo. N mastozn, giassizzar. CALCIMINING dm. In the ben mane, • J. K. HAMILTON, Hone! and Sign Painter, a.. 133 7111 AD Graining, Glazing and Gilding r2:101326D. Mixed Paints, varnlahaa. • Patty. titan nuDeoUne. 'MOW UM. Z. dc. lyatmla r. a.uurcluxtooligarattrina. . HUTCHINSON At, HEPBURN,' MK Ng L GOMM WM, GRAMM AIND °Liza* No. l 6 XMEINVA AVENUE.IibUrgh. All olden by mw IHOSUPtIY atttedell to. IMI RF2I2OVAL, JOHN F. CLULIEY. Souse and Sign Painter, Has runorgit to Ito. 131 gIiIITrIPIELD IT.. Pittsburgh. Pit torgTrlT Unalto tng off elAnd. nr 311.0011 . 1 : 11 ......:.........1/110. Ran= cCOWAN & 0116 D SIGN AND DIBADENTAL 858. AND OILUNEBS AND CILAZIS2B. 1111.• eO. North Bide onEllamead. Commercial andftrs Vs. made to order. l O Por. 71111114 tetb, ' WV:4IA Li ad lolf; ., on !mod.- W3:x.lA o):tx46-I•Atim AR ,PLO. TOBAC . OO TOBACCO TOBACCO! FRI HUNDRED ODES, ASSORTED SRAISDS, Jter B6ORIVZU ON CONI3IONIi6N.T. Imo, tint BLA' xivr Ql3lllllll & TB& As larvae 50e. per pound. Tobaccoulats. Orocera and others examinel lo Tobacco, would dowel to call I=o the lion, at • ~. .ROBERT F.. WEDDELL'S legtlarly 61e61uhed !IWO hem, • Cur. Smlthtteld & 'Water Ms. de11.121 JOHN MEGRAW, xas..natrevetramragl:rt!.l r Tobocm), Bn d; az itv gla mv ar s , ea , Tl P suomh. rtakent Clisoklng Toomn. haltn. EiCRILSIOR WORRS, R. JENKINSOL maanzatunn 41:4 deal,. Le Mb&CCO, Snialr, Cigars, Plpes, ar.c. 117.1 MAL EIT UM". PIANOS, ORGANS. kko., dau.a 8113.1.411 m. llMAil..W.L.ntrMti. BABB. DUKE & IMETTLEaI, Immo to WAITZLItur. i /WWI No. AS at. Clair at., PM;lirgh. =EI F%uLc.s, COrga,ns, •nd Jinstur Goo& coseta/17. arnms Aigaul for Um IDlebratial BRAD B 0 Br. Nam Tat, na4 BOBLOMAOBI4II. Ai 00. rialaeleAMA. BUBO". Au" =Mr a 00.41 * Terrao3,.. D. a H. W. BILETHM ..AXISEIO•2• • .46, 13•X5. awn/LLD/NW VASZNI. 01DTAA. Tbes bestDallau ma &masa Molts sae. OW. tantrum lawan os lima. • saull OIL WORKS, M STEELE & SOIL DZALEng FLO me, FEED, IN Bit.azr, nect a r Zan e Prode gen:all/. 2 , 10. V 6 Olillt BTILIET. uc011.1031.. ertrit Z. ILITCZAIi KEEL & MTV 063 131188101/ WANT% LED .a Flour, GraidiSeeds, MW Feed, ike, zoo uusracri errazsr. ' .facte Firreustrauu. REMIT REA, Jr., wad Labeleathee,Othe " • e Awl 1110 i 01116. FLOUR, GRAIX; And Produce Commission Merchant, WRY, igent, sea LIBZIITY isruszr,-nrrenumen •e4:Tril in Street, °BERT S.NOX, ocamismos arazosuurr. And [M=T! & KING, Abtl ID IBM Elj d ILI - Products, Duquesne Way, TT1911171110a4716 DBMS: FLOUR, GRAM AND PRODUCE, 111* LIBTXTY pithaum J. BLANCHAILD, widouiLts xxrazi. 1:34. Clo CI 33 3EIL ES, '8941 Penn Street. INC ft CO., st.. rh•Ra a. Ana. ArBANE & &WEB, • • Coonsatasion ,Agercksisto Deo. 31 runne ur ask= lad Tam aal t A u .; ATZ.E., above lea FETZEiI & einternicwq, mum en cnnttex num, t at i ra ca t smalitegreedwrorrirn,,, "an., • riaroi RKNOX N, Comm/seloa ..uuttrn Liatisa Dealers la noun. DILLIW, 11111.1, 71$1111 tad PSODITOS mar* 17, No. 71111.11asereleorpponte 01178atl. AD*. DAV.' =Limon% ' ou rrtmwmantisiliTAL lO LOOM l sad ail' ao. ifvelnrzw. L u d . d see i.cerir mums. Gil: s. Nano hob ••' • • surrTLE,-. PArrolli. ••-• Wh ir al nd a enleslirccars. Clodulimo. Itauthlilig, ,,m. dad lleals ts Pud ¢01.119., awft I/U4, Clbed JAM . limos Tund au4 all PI remitulis uWI lid &wad a • •t-Plttaana. s. anrssE....war. Inn en. p EWER & BROL.; aluoCesson :rihtt e nrigia VAPLIA:II , I7:',Wtht..%IT Mir B. CABFLIELD.Ccakatis• TWIN . go , Won and Yortrandinn Yeanbantand.wboleo gala daidan fard g vivw. Wir' r aiid=b , lad inn_ll, dace nenonWly. Atoa. Mind lennat rir W 1 RIDDLE ,No. 183 Liberty St., fi I trITVL'IEtaM"AV",'°I"7I Plisentrith Elluilasciama. ease Mu= COralgtiseml.s, MI mid kri Ploate• all). iOrrY L ilmatotouraoo MOTO. An... =OMR TOM BOOLE dr. MUM, C 11101025 TO JOON L EOM II CO, Wllillo we Wooersawl Voormlssfoo kterchatits, wee thaltbasl4 Rases mans. STIOaMALUR &,.LeirtNG,eMokr rse .. l4"l =orgarrtlikVir tt a. Ptcubvntt. P. eirdahli 10101 PIDeTON. WALLACA RHIPTON &WALLA(' FAholo , No P •••, at & llc 111 HOOLAZ AND rximocz [2.lrterrh. 1•11,ew C. 11.•• HUY CRIMSON. ARMSTRONIiA RUTCHINION. lidecemorsln PIIIGADVGIVIA ANDY Orlntro. caws . Wu Cour•ar., MISER!. Fiztrrairs ood DEAL:IBS. trY roes &ma Slyer, or Sa sorzaros iotrenicanzar • CAS ASD 'FAMILY COAL .U. awl Ylird—LOUT STREET. ne kr Oss Work. Ye - Orders left St OSVIM an addreirad krall be_yrorkDklYJNY.• ITTSIIIIIIGH NATIONAL COAL •& COKE COMPANY. Mae Miners. shippers and dealers, wholesale aad re , la tee BEST FAMILY 001 AL, • NUT COAL AND MACK. Yard—C=2. 70121E111 LIED 'llll STICIAIII.Mu,O.IO4 P. All eiders lbr deliver/ is O.GB/. I WPM.. end, Will 'seat ded& aye laumailleie elem. • Dun. it. A. Dee NAB CU, tlapeela .• dant. .• BEST FAIEULY COAL hand Waddell7Red psoolpWr toOrdor AT Loran. ALIAXST ZATTA, BY OSCAR . F. LAMM & CO., Cet. Sul* t. Pt. I 1 4 kiln, autthreeite Coal turnlehed at the leiseet rate.. leem COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICIBOI, STEWART & CO., nimbi named theft 0/11.• to No. WM L11113172' STILE:EA (441e1y Olt) lions Mal =COALS /LOUR, are now prepared so rwralsti good Totatilostialt7 LIMP, NUT CO&L on slack. • Lithe lowest market orbit. 41/S•11/ orders len at %bets Wipe, or sib:Vessel) to thew throusti the mall, win be attewleil to oromplils. trfnroes CH&ULE H. Aliastrnionv, -YOUGHIOGIEBIrr AA k COSULLEVILLE oom Lod Waattnantaternot ' • Coal. Iliack. and Dencilidrualied Q. orrica Aril) Y 6111). ' • . Corner of Boner and Morton; drat 'Arden LIB. erir and Ohm.: mace. Ninth ward. and .1 thesond street. sear Lock No rlttsbarat, t y i n. lawn,. and Idanntaetarern eapplted beat amnia of Coal or Cate at the lowan eau Mee. NEWM== sopEmoit cosit. , r C. CHERRY & CO., AMIII kcal, CorAnaßgilzuth tllp i;ALVlLTirtria . M ß ri P. 0. BUS. 1241. 11(ft3. -- U.'4)l:oliptl TH.N.r.ttlin,Tl2:7.l3!'eg toa d• n•zgarahltf,l,2l: UL L . ERABL:B Hg No. 3414 Liberty Street, ll:laii i l,°,3"AVg.h.r?,,!;olieheneb! tit ol k t room., all newly oontsOco the IO sme gto only too ...notes' walk ham Itttlomflte p4l. Traveler. will And this Mature so 5x0.4 4 1 i's:::.°43?grVaithi° Rlll !K 'l'2r'd". "'7 • 4oamte n d .. trlth liOoto If • sploodtd kla4 th loje a liNt e :klt r ittg n Ottroolts totes to booia Of with or twlttioot looms, H. WAGNER, oCl7:fa rrrrnarauß. CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. ST. JAMES HOTEL, Nos. 405 & 407 Liberty FL, OPMelte the tlaton Depot, PITIEBURRie, . JAMES H. LAHANAp , Preptletot tni. haute Is hoßt and ..plendldly fn.. althea and oenvealent to all the nallroant eom t:F.l WS 1 ' 1: : 1 4Ity % K A% ilt " efea U trinti Lplat. L a ; orp, or t . It ' ept " .7lTa a l=l T. 7.1 hooted with tins hotel Is open at all eoure el It•e t 7 ADA met. - Bell. nod pant,. ...Phil" wi th opper. µthe shorten notice add tes•Oestne sellnita Lent, P. LIMAN HOW (ON THE ZUROYNALN PLA.N. N, E. Clor. Penn & Canal Stir, rrrreevasunt. pa. _ . . J, 19 S JOHNSON, ',Proprietor. • Tbls boo.e hos btu thoroughly reigned au novel. Agra Mod throughout, and to now opts to lb.lbllo. •IYr~~rir MffiMal cARPOTI2IB BVILDERS. c"91" (1.4.5 5 Th rAw a ra ir tr'.l;uf.;, u(r , m&eaandioboe