The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 27, 1867, Image 1

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eccurEL&N, REED & CO,,
H. rmortm
l i ar :PM= 1610.
Noe. at cl 11411711 . Th eraser.
tub; Iltepa%cm Paw of Tester' remitrult,
1:1104 L P A st in n
i r i nntnin AND.
z gframili f iirgalt LIT at" "
W. TOE S OP pot nAn a , -
TZt• - r
bun 6 , lt.P.i."n."`"Perw`"•
PorrolLP. ... , .... fs,o,
addroot. DALIIPMI4
The rise in the rivers hasailbnied
- ample' oppOrtunity to our Coalmen fob
getting out an immense quandlY of
. black diamonds with which to gladden
.thts' hearts and amorer 'the. prayer/
of good friends below, '
Louiervilk and other
While the rivers have kept up with fall
channels, the weather has bean mild and
balmy sad highly favorable to naviga
• tion. The Ice. which wickedly -'wept
:down from this upper points of the Alle
gheny river a dayor two ago, and threat.
coed the boats on the Ohio, hue disap
peared end no danger on that score teed
be ; anticipated. With great • care we
• have prepared the (allowing tabular
. statement of the coal now on its way'
down the winding Ohlo,to cheer those
..' ande •ot families who, entertaining
the unpleasant belief that a feel famine
was forihconting, have been husbanding
their ecanty supplies When
this large feet reache - s — rnerkct and our'
de,leru return with the money realized
' from the Bale, and by discharging their
obligations throw nearly all of the' vast
amount Into circulatton, oUr Merchants,
manufaclarees and mechanics will espy.
•riertee ranch brighter times • than they
have 'been enjoying for many months
yard. iv presenting thy following state.
meat of ahipmente than far made, tt may
be 'proper to obseree .Itat there ret re
ntains a very - considerable quantity . of
coal in barges and boats on the upper
iloule of the Monongahela, which will
probably reach the Ohio. before the riv
ers recede. . . ,
'tiseneef boat.
Little rilpit. Louisville..
ir•soi^ I
n" eta
0. D. Orm*by
• Leopat4
Llonew ........
Fred Wilson
N. J. }llkley
' Hornet :.:... ..
. Toy, Farrar
Hommel Tiger....
• Santolniai
Diet Fulton No. • ''
i J. '.ra ce cl
Iroe. ;till:1117aq:
rLake Emu
lioee. ea I
Diammol I Loutaville j
11ater...... Iffatonliougei
Louisville .
Dart......... E11a
'Cary Aea
•• f •
I Clualanati _
1 aZa " 1 LT,
•-• • ;Machu:ma
Ham Clark', 2 pair,
J. Sb•rpDnuald. I pair. .....
J. B. !Neal &Co., 1 ireLlr
Nut Coal -.—...•
Total 3.401.000
.boinputiag the cosi to be worth in the
markets below at least fifteen cente per
bushel, a very low estimate, the . value of
the above Shipment will reach 088,650.
Moving Me vast field of fuel nearly'
four hundred bargee were emploYed, In
addition to the steamboats and toga cited
Or ILLS . Etty-eight distilleries repre•
seated by delikgates in the National
Whisky Convention that recently as
eemblcd at Washington, thirty-two have
been detected in frauds upon the revenue.
It requires no email =cent of impu
dence forsuch men t o , set up publicly as
advisers of Congress In .the matter of
excise duties.
- A nOTILIC ttxarta y Win be hela at
Chicago to-night toendorse the position
of the resent Mangfaaturers' Convention
at sateirelaq, that th4'exeMption of do
me* manufactures from taiation Sane•
maul to the revival of business pros.
Hon, LXIMILL TODD, otyCarllale , balk
been chosen orator for the occasion of
the recond annual re•noioa t bt the Perm
sylvania Reserve Association, to be held
at Pittaburnb, MAY 80 , /808.
Ray. Da. Da Wrrr, or liarriaimrg,
died is that city vn Mon day, io. the 76th
year of his age. '
Charleston, S. C., -on the 2•lth, the
steamer Raleigh took tire end' was de
' stayed. A number of persons were
eared. The-following persona were lost;
Henry raisin,. chief steward- Thomas
llmonon. pantry-man; Merlin, u boy;
William Belsh, a boy of New Orleans;
Jostler, Silvernail, coal passer; D.
Sets - elle; fireman; Alm. Bryant, - sts.
wager. The gate of several, Inuding
Captain Marsh:Lan, Is up to this time
—An Atlanta, (Ga.,)' correspondent
a.kvs: One of the largest and wealthiest
tuTsrehants in the city told me this m orn
fog that since the passage by the Con
vention of the temporary ordinance pro
hibiting tho levy of executions and sale
of pro arty, he has not been able to col
lect a hundred dollars, and that business,
except a little retail trade, is practically
dead throoshout the State. A number
cip,ents of Noithera merchant.' whole.
Sale hooves &cetera, looking Bs black as
a thornier cloud. They arc not collect
ing a dime. Compared with the present
financial condition of the State, that of
this - time' last year was prosperikt-- I
never self , such etagnation and utter
want of cbuildenee. Credit is dead - and'
—The rumors relative to the reduction
of the regular army are entirely un
founded. General (smut Ims not recom
mended any such measure. On the eon
[racy, hesitated In his commitui.tion to
the Committee on . Military. Affairs a
short time ago, that he did not think a
redtiction.of the force at the present time
at all advisable.
—deneral i Grant reports flint the bal
ance due from Southern railroad compa
nies to the United Status, November I,
ISM% ititercie; was Sl,w,raio.
—The remains: Ge oral Griffin, who
died in Texas of vello fever, 'while in
command of the Pifth litary Deitrict,
arrived th. New York terday. ' ,
—Robert T. Lincol , eon of the Into
President, is In Wash ngton, the nest'
of Sikretary
—The story• about th
Poi e. and the 'appof
Mel de as hbo nucemsor,
remind of Gin,
talent -of -Cen
le dbcredik4l.
—..An intemting an romantic cmo
- which has been befor. the Louisville,
Ky., Chancery Court ftr two wars, Ras
decided on the lath. lan' DOneill emi
grated front Milan,' Ilktrian Italy, to
lienteky, nlanv years ago, and lett LW.,
brother+ In alien, on of whom died,
whereupon the other b , ther married tit,
widow, an illegal act, according to the
aura, and Austriania . • Thomarriage,'
however, took plecca p irately, In Elwitz
r erland, where Uwr& lawfuL The wife
- soon gave birth toe laughter. who was
' ,pot in an orphan asvittm for a time, and
atterwards reclaimed )by her parents.
Afterward Paul paid 'a visit to Milan,
where he seemed nu pleased with the
girl called her hisnni ce, and urged her
fattier to adopt her. his eras done after
t.t .
Milan calm, under le authority of the'
_ltalian Government. Two years ago
— Paul oiled, leaving no children. Ilia es
tate wa+ divided amot his brother's and
their heirs, and the lineation came up
whether the girl above mentioned should
'have her share. The r ase boa been deei
diet in her favor.
—Joseph, son or M . liqusy Smtwils,.
who lives In the . Shenandoah, accldens
c l l.
tally shot himself wh le hunting rabbit,
on l'uttsday. Ito was ound not fir from
his retina's maiden : on Wednesday
morning. Ills renames return home on
'itiesdayevonlng did not Emelt° any un
easiness, as it was believed he had gone
to a :neighbor's 'to_stOy all night. Ile
was abot through th heart, and lids death
must , have been Mitten • nous.
. .
—.l.lleho .IYemer- in late
hishop Meade wilt Irk pubpublished in n
teacher named Davenport
Was found . murdered near Okolona.
Miss., about two weeke ago.
—Several single gentlemen of Waritn •
ton, Vu., have •orgarited p mutual ex
pense Club, rented ti Louse, And gone
regularly to honkekeeping:
—The knyitiond (Irina Cou'My, Miss.)
Cardin mys there Is 'lotto a stream of
I negroes, going towards Vicksburg, at
I least throo M. One who return.
General J. D. Ins:dee announce that
he is prepared to furnish to the people of
Virgloia rhile laborers and home ser
vants-I from the North or direct from
Presbyterians of SonthWesteru
Virginia who aregenerallytip with other
denominations to laudable enterprises,
are agitating Cid suldect.of putting up
• Pcniale College at Abingdon.
—Orient' the members of the Louisiana
Convention was' a cook In the famous
"Washington Artillery, while that splen
did company were nunidered ott Mary's
Weight, l'a,, during the war.
—A incuting la called for at Natelwa to
devise means to relieve lite dekitu tit con
dition of the County of. Adams, Miss.,
mice so rich, pirobiler.Jus, plentiful and
bppp:. *hat a change as this ?
Wincheater (Va.;) Nora soya:
"Population is pouring in upon its,
chiefly from Southern Pennsylvania.
Thew Atlka are generally of the right
stripe, and come to farm our itmdi."
• —Woodlawn,a portion of the estate of
the late JudgcJolin Webb Trier. situa
ted in Prince William county_, Va., has
been disposed Cl *irately to Air. Dela
ware Davis, of New Jersey, at . $2O per
—The Thibodaux (Le) &Mind ease
that eagirplunling barely pays expeneee•
indeed lit thinks many planters will find
a balation against theta. Itlea has done
bettor. while oranges and bananas are
becoming profitable. •
—Oeberul Nfaltitv, the military ap
pointed Mayor of Vicksburgh, has died.
lie wo °dell those other. of the United
States Artily who have earned alike the
applause of his own aide and the respect
and kind regards of his opponents.
—The Nance Virginian says ore hap-.
pen to know that movements ate on foot
by which the whole power ofthe German
Press in the ' , atlantic States will •be
brought to bear in favor of immigration
*to the Southern States, and Virginia es
60 MO
9 ,COO
60 OW
60 000
00 ,000
63 OW
. 00.00.3
63 000
40 000
8, OM
•—The NeriS Mississippian of the 6th,
tells of a most horrible murder. commit
ted by a Methodist preacher; named
13rIgiss, a young man from near Selma,
Alabama, on a Mr. Noah sad his wife
and a Mr. Deanstrenried. Ile hints! them
with a billet of wood.
i ,glg
00 Ow
• 73..00
—The Methodist reacher. Brigs, who
killed two men and a woman at Miller-
Alabama, was a lunatic who bad
been released as cared. He eoznealthitl
the triple murder. with an az:handle.
The victims seers all aged persdnittn the.
house where he was "niying. '•
. 70
00,00 0
00.0 W
90,00 J
. .
—Amen named C41311[21 was killed on
Friday week near Florence, Ala., by a
party of ,Tenneweaus who were hunting
stolen mules. Thep passed him on the
road, and he Inuntaliately contmeueed
shooting at •them, when they returned
the tiro with fatal effect_ Before be died
be told where the mules could be found.
• —Governor Humphrt7 . reflusei to ac
cept the resignation of Judger Harris
and Elliott, of the High (Suprenia) conn
of Mississippi, as their resignation Would
make it - nece.vary to select men who
could take the test oath, and as there are
no few • lawyers in the , State Wife
can, do so - *Bloat perjury, be deems it
Improper to permit them to resign.
50 . 000
—On.SandaY before last, while several
children - . were 'playing, around the gin
hermit and in the cotton seed, near Mon
terey, Ala., one of Mr. C. M. Crane's lit
tle girls was smothered to death before
the others could extricate her .front the
seed. •-Thrt °billion weir making. helm
in the.nlli. of seed and then crasiing
and as she was under 'the pile it gave
warned fill on tier; •
--The Vicksburg Herald says the
Counties of Washington, Bolivar, and
languor= are in a more destitute condi
tion airamoany portion of the country.
The planters generally have utterly failed
in their corn and - .cotton Crops, and ore
unable-to pay any twice for labor for the
corning year, nue the poor negrom.sre
Offering to work throughout the corning
year for food and clothes, and in man.
instances they propose to work for food
—E. W. Acker, a member of Captain
Crisp's theatrical company, at Atlanta,
felt aggrieied - last week, because hie
name did not appear 'tin the tille';as
prominently as be thought Was bias duo,
Oa Priday ho indignantly upbraided
11n4. Crisp about tbo matter. Her eon
in -law, W. P. 3lobley, followed him
out, and demanded an apology. Instead
uf• which Acker produced aogatol and
shot him seriously In the hip., The actor
was arrested.
-3fadatuer Frigard, the condemned
murderess of Fontainebleau forest. has
given birth to twins, a son and daughter.
She has sliocked,jbe prison authorities
by demandlue Mit her daughter should
receive the name of the assassinated
Madams Mertens, and her cm that of
Orkney, (Willie,) who, she care,.deduced
her and murdered Madame lferten,
—The genealogy of the Tudor family,
remarks 4 Frenchman, is very remarka
ble' One of the family, leheki Noah was
in Itis ark, solicited permission to enter,
but, as the ark was full, h.a request was
refused,- 'Take my genealogy at an),'
rate." cried the man who throw it into
the ark, and then add from the: plant on
which he was floating and died happy.'
e —The Paris Opinion !Vationot, an anti,
ertml paper, coinplaine of the blasphe
mice constantly committed by tbo ultra
montane papers in Paris. ; It says Christ
neverpertormed halfasvianymiraeles is
the ultramoutane lotuatils assert were
breught about by little amulets blessed
by:the Pope during the short Montana
campaign. The Figaro- adds ,that 61
libeasepot did more wanders than the
Holy Fatherduring thatsbortizampalgn
-Victor lingo - pay, three times as
much tax as eft the citizens of flueresey.
His fortune is ertimattil at two_mlllten
of franca. When he came to Jersey in
18.1-' 4 , he was not worth twenty thousan d Cranes. He demands half a million francs
for, the manuscript of Ids romance,
"Quatrevingts-trelze," which is nearly
completed. Verboockhaven, Lacroix
Co., of Paris and Brussels, have offered
him four hundriBl thousand Berms, the
sum paid for "Les BlLverables, but the
poet always fixes the prices of histvorki,
doubtless, get it this time, too.
He, himself, said, recently that, in leek
Parbi booksellers offered him together
several million francs: - for • series
of,novels, and that be might have easily
have 'awned mat tit int if, likeeome French
authors, hi had cared more for - money
them his literary reputation.
--Letort is the name of the Parisian
money-broker who recently extricated
the Prince of Wales from a very nonfat,
ant scrape.' The Prince wasinctegni to in
Paris, and had bought of n jeweler there
diamond:sand bracelet., worth about filly
thousand franes,eltich ho presented to a
good-looking memberof the drini-monde.
Ile then Wont to tlo cerele des EtranFers,
played at haccurat, end lost every franc
he had with him.Ne.xt morning the
Jeweler came to him and wanted his
money. As: the Prince told him that he
would rend him hie bum from London,
the Jae el& waxed wroth, and threaten
ed to suethe Prince and seize the jewelry
In the. hands of the corolla The Prince
was at a lone low to procure the money,
as hawse In Paris contrary to his mother's
wishes, and he was overjoyed at theoffer
which the above-named broker made to
advance the fifty thousand francs.
—A great smsation has been created in
Danmark by the scandalous partleul
recently publlehtd about them:decedents
of the nntorlom Countess Danner, the
widow of the late King Frederick the
Seventh. It appears from Meet detail,
that the Countess Danne.. - • trine
of the teae
ofen I nuestuOue unfon,.lier parents be:
Mg brother and date* SIM is a native
of Rhenish Prussia, and as a young girl
was dlstingnirhed alike for Ler atlfpalia
inq beauty and her somewhat dissolute
life. Alter giving birth loan illegitimate
child, elms married a tavelin keeper at
Muldholin, near Cologne, on th e Mine ,
and her bmitty won attracted large num
bers of travelers to her husband's hotel,
which was generally, known as the "Ho
tel 01 the beautiful landlady." One day
a Danish artist from Copenhagen stopped
Mere, and war, no emitten whit par
charms Olathe laid seige to her heart end
orowdled on her to elope with him to
Denmark. At Copenhagen, Crown
Prince Frederick saw and loved her,lint
she turned a deaf ear to his application
until he heroically promised to marry
her. He did no In 1810, three years atter
he had ascended the throne, it, is believ
ed that eke was never divorced from her
husband, the lifithlhelm tavern keeper,
Ring Frederick the Seventh was so ex
ceedingly fond of her that he oftentimes
declared that ho would 'abdicate Ids
crown rather than give her np.
v. -- TAB
- ftb A
4%0. 1780
1 ,1
, I
4 - -
Expected Fenian . Uprising
PreparatiOns to Meet It
Government Precautions tin
The War in Abyssinia
The "Time Grumbles at Delay
New the ratted Eliates
Bzioide of an American Journalist.
The Italian Question
More French Troops for Italy
li• beta Stecceas Att.
Tetribb to tbo Ottlsbbrsh ttatottO:l.
tili6Alt" nnZT&IN.
Lennox, Dec:nth—The precautions of
the Government against Fenian con
tinue. Very extensive and unusual
preparations have been made to-day,
which indicate that the authoritins:aro in
Possession of information that a generil
attempt Ls to be mado by Fenian, to res
cue prisoners confined in carious parts
of tho United Kingdom for complicity
in the late outrages In England and Ire
land. In addition to the regular police
force, special' conatablea are everywnera
c n duty, and other precautionary meas
ures:have been adopted by the Govern
inent, which It is awed will result. in the
Preservation 'of order.
AtttiSSLNLC`: WAR. •
The Times bas as editorialen the Abys
sinian wir;wh:ch. it rears, will bo pro
tracted until next year. It blames Sir
Wm. Napier, Commander of the British
forces, for the delays which 4e, expedr ,
tion has encountered, and says nothing
of consequence s „ be done during the
present season.
The Russian Government has address
ecterx! the Government of 'Framce,
protesting earnestly againill the ishilling
policy of the latter on Eastern question.
Latino:e t Dec. 3L—Tho expected rising
of:Feniana yesterday.: did hotbeeur, - and
rho thy was ono of tranquility-had good
feeling. The extraordinary measure,
of ett - tipen,. takeribrtlik . Got t
grsid'egrileit were .ippe
rattly unnecessary.
Deeemter .- 31.2dr, "Edward
Thorntoo, newly appointed Minister of
Great Britain to Washington, WIG sail in
a few days for Amerirrt iii elite upon ihi
asaatA; ' " 6
srxcinr. OF A JOURNA LIST.
FARIS, Dec. 21L—E. Gould bufrom, so
old American Joon:Lilts; committed oUl
cide tter . oduy betotUyesterdsy, by taking
oplutit. •
Fuse, Dec..26.—The report that the
French . Exi.edltlnnary Corps rermilning
in Italy is to be reinforced is confirmed
this twining by the Pubic utrivallaper,
Aids states the French government
has hood orders for the
. departure of
twenty ihonaand more troops for Chita
Ltlt4 ,- L , Efid OF 11//: sznets.
IoifiDo7l, Dec. '2s.LAtivices from China
by the overland mail. and lelegriph re
port the robehi meeting aith suceasa In
ePe, ,Paint, the Veiled.;
Government. •
Forage was.acan.v at cartons Chines•
ports and eichangeßri England had de
Qunanarowsr, Dec. 2.s.—The eteonattip
Etna, from (ew York, haat arrived.
704. Fakirtirnirr, Dec: R, bonds
Prow' Cflowarento or tier Iltereorn Wage. '
Ilea— , aro olleflos'o airrel •sllon to err
nefisore for slie Pope—Debase Cn the
Wrench Jr.rxf Arturo on Mr Gerona=
roliey—o ob,lllanoster Arrested
for Humor /Impress C•rloifa, .ire.
[Ur Telegraph to t a Pittsburgh Gazette.]
:.NEIr YORK, b 26.—Tho steamer Cite
oLitttwerp; with. European ilativi to Um
12th last., artirecl last nigh .
The Fari,..mtreepondent of the Lon
don Globe says.:l The 'resolution of the
Emperor to pronounce for the Pope must
have been taken very suddenly. In the
speeches delivered Uy UM Minister of
Foreign Atfaire,l Marquis do Moustler
both in the. Senate and Corpa Loglidatif,
Jitere wee nothing to Indicate any liken ,
flood of its being adopted, the
tiec of Rome au Italy being the theme
1.10 dwelt: on. I y' will, of conrse, be
cothe a fi erce easy of France, and the
three greatpovrers, whose goodwill here
the' Government' ecoke, and of whOsie
forbearance he has need—England, Prus
sia and to some extent at
Iciest be estranged: ".
The Loudon IGlobe, speaking of the
Napoleon policy towards Italy, says:
"The new resoutirin taken by the Ems
parer will be p odUctlve of evil.— It will
Increase then popularity of the Em
press Eepagunlle as the French people
eall'her; as lber knoWn to take
a very active rt 'iu political affairs,
and, like moot Women of her nation, le a
very ardent papist. She will be held to
be responsible for whet nas bee th e e in
the "Corps I.lgislatlf". Aa llOl l.
diploolaCy of he Emperor has been
characterised s enClis in
truth more SPitnish 'that! French, It is
noteurprising L 4134 the people should as
cribe it to the "Eapagnolo" who sits on
alts Itirone.y -c, ^
'The French IteMedMlve delete On the
general policy, ol , Napoiosn was eaosed
lusty nuinsined, the - opposition belng
quite bold: AL Gartner rages nwerted
toot France It left alone In Europe,
with every' rthonality- and people ,
against her, an the UnlteirStates bed
alts been alienated from her.
• .
file Cullen Ettrdley, un.Eugllab Barre
net, was orreeded do a charmer tegitcaTi
Preferred againitt him by the father ofn
lady. pained Mt.:Goe, whoin it is alleged
ho married In ttalvnry Church, .I' , :eiv
York, prior to a marringe contracted by
him In Europe. •
'The London 77mea remarks that the
c.mmercial lettere from leaching houaes
prok a
In Paris ex strong feelingfavor •
of the present u rue of the Italian Gov
ernment, and regret and indigna
tion at the rec. t violent ebulition on
the part of M. I utter. .
• There wa •a Potent that the Ring of
Italy intentLeabdicating, and Mat Prince
Humbert will Dopes] to the country to
Ruppert. him la a national -war. with
France. •
The French -
readiness to me
A letter from'
very ill at Lur4
entertained o I,
' of Lyons waswas ln
orence ore;tn liinvelni In
o, and but aught hope.
Ilia recovery.'
altc , ' ' ' "
The Turin Cit
produced hi It
Replier In the
Bette brings the first echo
ly by the words of Id:
Logialidive body. Ac-
Journal the Italian Gov
omedintelY to break all
on with Frani*, on pato
d with treason to moo-
cording to that
eminent ought
diplomatic relax ,
or being cliarC
archial princip/.
From tbe Ito
fore the Italian
andel statement Mill be
t Parliament, it Appeam
c extraordinary expendl-
I estimated at 1ett,t012,05,
at 790,012,728.
..t.h the Pope bad a slight
le at masa in Sistine
'nulls of the Bourbon
add at Femme Palace,
the ordbiory'en.
taro, tor • 1808 le
and the revenue
On December '
fnintlng flt. nit
Freryuent Co
partisuuts aro
Route, under the presidiney of the Mar
quis Delia.
In the NilsSian Charriber of Deputiev
the. order of the day Who dik
plasinti dil thb fgleted ylObit.loti. of tie
Prusslantrontlet lkt the Rassianauthori
tjen, - Tra, Government Commissioner
declared thla matter was not within the
competence of the Prussian Chamber at
Deputies, but of that of the Iteichsratts
of Northern Germany.
The ea.-Emress Carlotta of 00.
wont frdm the p etrateen of tatiken Nlezi id MR
Palace at Brussells, breakfasted with the
Royal family, and auhsermently took
long drive on the Boulevards with the
Queen of Beigdatn.
• remain Illeane—Szpeettetl *Wog on
Clarlonseas Day. •
Tidesraph is the titutstrelt tlb
NTOtti•lttsi, Deeernbei 211.--ollie Un
easiness was ocensioned hero ywierday
by repotts, which have been in circula
tion fol.. some time peat, of the proposed
Fenian uprising on Chrtstmas nav, and
of a scheme to blow up the English Ca
thedral. Threatening lettera Were re
ceived by the pollee authorities, and its
a matter of prerr.. ottaoh hien Were seht to
guard the water worke.and troops kept
in readiness to move when called utsui.
Nothing of an unusual character, bow
eret, ciecur6d to dtStuili the festivities
of the day.
—lt is estimated that nowt v seventy
thousand females in New torlr, and
Brooklyn earn their ern apd !gther's
living be - Bobeetioil. Pottrteeniinhared
orb tornigmitore in print] pg °tikes.
ceilg of the
liall,ln the Indiana Stat e House, ,' fell
fell on
Saturday night, damaging the hail to
the extent of $lO,OOO. An effort is being
made to have the whole building con
Atti the eaknies to
best bm —Prominentitted to the Ong M
sanu in ri Legible-
turn in January is a bili to regulate "the
modal evil," by licensing bawdy . boosts.,
and it Ls said that a large sum it being
made up . bv the "fancy , ' to lobby the
bill through to help the movement.
le annonnted that, of op
eratives in the cotton TaCtory at Aug.
ta,) Maine, boa been cut down ten .per
rent. In Minnesota, last year, so molt
Lumber was.out that the market is large
ly overstocked. The saw mills are shut
down, and little or no timber will bo cut
this season, throwing large .numbers of
men: oat of employment.'
. .
• —Skaters are, by - a reeenteYankeo in
vention, to be made comfortable. A
"warm skate" hos been invented. In a
slot in the skate -stock is inserted a
square bit of soap-stone, made red-hoi
in the tire. It retains warmth for news
hours, and keep' tho etkaror'n foot in a
eomfoitable condition-4s aort of portable ,
!dove, which is handy...and effective.
—Any person who has a capital C to
his name 'cannot be President of the
United States. See the number of great
statesmen who have been beaten as can
didates: George Clinton, Charles C.
Pinckney, DeWitt Clinton, William H.
Crawford, Henry Clay, Lewis Cass,
John C. Fremont, John C. Breckenridge,
G . eorge B. McClellan, tend othames.
J C. C a l h ou n ,' ialtuart Camero er n n , J. J .
Crittenden, A. P. Chaao„ S. Colfax and
—Hon. Eugene Canerly, the new
United States Senator (rem California, ib
n native of thin city, abOut.. forty-dye
yeara of age. Hie father was here emi
nent as n teacher, and the sou received
an excellent education, lle ear:y be
Cameo Democratic politician of the Van
tluren school, and was an active. deter
trained champion of the Free Soil move
ment in 1847-8. He migrated to Califor
nia about 1843, and was for sonic time an
editor 11 03ah.YrariaLsoo; then reverted An
the proWee:ortbe law, having been ad
mitted to the bar of our city some years
before he:left, us. He has considerable
ability, and Is a mate of Irreproachable
charact&r....AVe -speak - of him as he was
are he 'left UN for. the Paellie fitate, but
tOseume nevi -bas- - btaan no ossentlei
change in Y. Tribune.
—The Buffalo IN. Y.) (boric, • says:
A. day or two since an old gentle
man, Mr. Alamsoci Palmer, now in
hie dotage, but it One time one of the
wealthiest men in Buffalo, who used to
strive through our streets with his mark
. and four, and who dispersed charity with
a liberal hand and entertained his friends
with princely hospitality, was before the
police - oortrt, , poor, -thinly clad, and
emaciated in person, charged with petit
larceny in steeling &shirt from a younc
man. Justice Vanderpool, not colidder•
Mg the ntental and bodily condition of
the old man, dismissed the tusk. Yes
terday this aged min—with not one of
those who, in Ns day, of prosperity, par
took of his hospitality or were fed by his
bounty, to pity his condition, or admin
ister to his sufferings—was sent to, the
poor house as a vagrant for four months.
—Those who know Dickens best ar•
knowledge that with all kis genius he lo
something of a snob. • Sumo year. ago,
when Greeley stlut ire Englund hi took
with him a warm letter orinitoduction
to the - great novelist from an English
gentlemen In New L.York... This letter
Greely left it the editarial reenter,' Dick
ens' magazine. Dickens, Instead or
calling upon him, strangely enough- res
ponded through ante, asking timely to
Mop in upon him, at the Oleo °LAU the
Year Round, wheneverhecould make it
osaventent. Of course Mr, Greeley nor
m visited him, after so marked's breach
of marteey. nor ham be called upon Dick.
caesium his arrival 'in Amerim. This
aneodiite ,
may be matched with another
no less noted English novelist, Lytton
Bularer,.. , ,Lortgfistrow, slatted" London
when bowne_young• and comparatively
obscure. Ifs bore a letter of introduc
tion to Bitterer from Lewis Gaylord
Clark. Calling et Drawer's residence, he
met tba Dotrellat upon. the st,eps, Just
going out, and there presented his leGer.
But wer barely glanced st the hignature
—paid testily: "Mr- Clark has no such
sequithitiusee with me nenutherlzes him
to introduce any one." and then cooly
walked away, EngiLah clear enough.
' —We new it announced that application
In to be made to , the next assaion of the
New Jersey Leginlaturo for Um limo,
',oration of a compaoy to construct a
ship canal fronCeamden to Little .Egg
Harbor or •Mnilllm Elver, near South
Bank or Tiiickerton, a distance of fifty
lylng'through a soft call and a flat
cOnntry. There 14 anfllelent water in
the Mullica at the point touched to float
vessels pealing the caurd. The distance
to Now York would be shortened ono
hundred miles for vessel., having to pets
the Delaware, and the coasting trade
althatuitern clam would be benefited by
shortening the tripe of - vessels employed
In it several'duye . from the trip around
Cape Be side tide, conaidecablo
Intend htudneita would naturally spring
up on the line, and the product+ of the
land would fled a ready . market; It In
believed now that the coat of mins-tr.:l
ing ouch a canal can be on rentricted that
geed • profits - can be fiectired for the
invoattnencandthe work may be accom
plished 11 two or three yearn. • H the
New.Jersey.Legbdature greet the char
ter, w, it undoubtedly will, the matter
, .
, will come before the public witJ speclll
caUons enabling us to coUmate the costa
and probable revenue, and so to deter
mine the lbaslbllity of the enterprise.
When completed, dm pronto will aenrue
that - to New Jamey, then to Philadel-
phis, and then to fvew York and all
What la lho dliferonen between a hun
gry man and a glutton? One lonize to oat
'ant) shoat:other eats too long.
Whom d!d linlnnnon Crunoo meet ou
tho dmort bland? A grad 81,11, and a
Mae oov running inland. '
Why inn faahlonablo young lady like
ot Sunday - acbool teacher? Thicause she
known no many hymns
Wisdom is an upon fountain, whose
waters are not to bo coaled up, but kopt
running for' tho bandit of all.
llumau nature facto sonetaufed donutl
see and Judge better In the affairs of
other men than inthelr own.
Whoever beard a woman with pretty
ankle nrid whole Mellow", nom oleic' of
vet eklewalka or Muddy crossings?
fhe you og lady who called at a book
e ro for Drake on Atladrmentz, wan die
a palm to and IL a more law-book.
What, Is the difference. between ati . erli.
tr and him whet Ono sets articles in'
rtlits,•and one writes articles to mot.
lie who dremls giving.llght to Om peo•
plo le like . a men who . _builel* * house
without whitlows for fear of lightning.
.—"Weseo." sold Swift,' In one of his
.lost sarcastic unwsis, "what Plod think,
riches, by the people Ito gives them
Open your hearttosympathy, but clone
it to despondency. Tho flower which
Opell9 to receive, the dew, shuts against
A man seta his son to !studying law,
locatuto ho mid be was ouch n tricky little
rascaPkand he wanted to humor his chief
IPssslon is "it keen obser T er, but a
nicked' reasoner: It la like the teles
cdpe, wheat) field la clearer the more con
,oratrated.4 Is.
Disbandment Order Revolted.
A Duel on the Ta,f3is
Mimic Me by a Negio
an}c Ti imeifer Aiipciinted
(87 Telegraph to the Pitts Mug Use
tien. I :rant, with the assent of the
PrF , sident, has suspended the order Ibr
the disbandment of the irregular military
nrgatiixntin the District of Colu.m
hie, the lea thereof having by hi
guest atm. d take adstMtdg or !e,
militia lawn. '
A dt. is on the tents between a Ma
jor General and an Elx-Captaln of the Ar
m: of the Potomac, arising from a gem.•
re) at the oohnt on, Monday night. Ttas
.Captain clatumAo.hare been ineulted and
has challenged The General.
Lsst night while three white men were.
turning n corner In the First srerd, ono .
of them ran 94plunt a.colored map, who..
In company w nth a colored ti orhan, 'Was
going lu on opposite direction. The col
ored man, after uttering an oath, lived
his revolver at the white man, who to
day died from the effects of We wound:,
The murderer loon escaped.
Judge Undet*ots.l, *ha several dayir
ego decided that the deed of trust In the
ease of the Merchants Bank of Baltimore
vs. the flank of the CalloF OrYlrginla
one Invalid , ot-tlay appointed tfamilton
G. Foote, of Itichntond, , Iteeelver, to
take charge of the assets -'of , the latter :
bank. The assets nee ciTer thllllou
ur rw•iraao to te riw6nrln yuute. 7
NEW tons, DeenaNer 26,
DEst - nirt - TION qs, 71;t1F, hALEIOII.
Livlupston, Tox k CO. "las morning
‘re,eired a telegram from the Puroor of
the Raleigh, destroyed by tire nt Charles
ton, S. C., aunouming the safety of a
second boat, containing thirteen persona.
The names of the passengers and crew
Raved Imo not yvt known.' There , were
fortv.tive personshlb told .on board, of
whion thirty-one are thou far report.'
roved. The lays be the horning of the
Raleigh In entimated at $4.1:0,000 to $.400,-
900. v ibe vesael wa, worth nhout $174,
nvo, and woo partly Insured. 11E...VERED.
The iiit,titsx,fi:,.6l in cheeks and draft
stolen from the manager of the Rank
of the SLltt! of Nmv York, on the 13th
Inst., were reeoived Pollee Sulierin
tendent Lictinc,h , reNterilevas. a Cbrist
pre.entt ona returned to the bank.
Eighty-six doll's, in etirreney were the
solo (ruin. of the robbery to the perpe
The. Board of Aldermen to-day adopt
ed a naluielpal exeise and liquor ordi.
Daum which IMINAOY 14 line of coo hun
dred dollars on all dealer-, who fall to
lake ont,lleenaes from the Mayor.
Samuel Bewley, of Clileage, while keit
ing a - Thlrd Arundel - ear last Mehl, emu
thrown to Om ground, Itiet u ring bia right
Lonlohlana llceon•troetloa Coo.
C •T• r tftrph to oh. i t lttabargii harem, It
NEir Oirt.tuctin, Doecrober
Pony!talon occupied the day in .oln.,.id
oriiit; the report of the Cerniulttec .ap
• pointed to (Iran. a ConatitiltiOn. Both
the nialerfty and minority report% were
taken op at the mann, time. 'rho follow
ing, which wren the awned article of the
minority report, tr. aclopteila, the &ill
article of the Constitution by a vote of
fifty -•even to aro...Meru:
''.611 men are created free and equal,
and have certain. inalienable rights.
Among these are life, liberty, and the
porsuit or lisppinewt. To tecuie thew
rights tiovernmentsam instituted among
nun), deriving theiriust powers from the
coteent of the governed.'
Nievvre. Craw ford,'ColleV wrid toilet ni;
oprzzed Itn adoption, elating it would
brut; ridicule upon. the Convention, and
work to be 'prejudice nr the State, Inas
rum+, if embodied In the Constitution,
no ern:Want conki be - punished by death
or ill] priNon
The following wen offerel, but eroWd-
Pli Out by the previous tiurntior.
"Ttin citizens of this State owe' ally
gia , tzsto the ITnited States, and this idle.
yna l e paramount to the allegiance
dart! State.' ,
The Cnnventine adjorirrehl until 11
A. M. In -morrow.
Met.* A Reny Lomb . Mem— rrolliall.
Mlxtotlilng '
I ay Telegrs,AL to I to ett , ebennt lunette.)
NIENI . IIIN, Deentllber CO.—A police
men. John Fenton, In attempting to or.
rent threo drunken men on 3frdn street,
yesterday, trop shot mortally. In the
meleea licallen Intl named Joseph
th ,
&en IVA% killed by a stray shot. The
sopoWillis Were all arrested and held fur
A negro boy named Boswell area shot
the bend mid killed Instantly by an
ther, on Third etrret
moms doien persons,onfr.tly negroom
ore luvidently shot durlng.the day by
to prombonotia fi ing cf pistols loaded
Alitged ItunSemerm A•rqded
Or to toe nit/dogrel, imetotto•J
BpitON, nCrOllll/07. 'X. — Throe men
maned Patrick Bliley, Hobert Barrett
and Frtmk. INlonm bravo been ;meted on
charge of having heen..eoneerned In
the murder of Officer. BuinbzunAnatt the
attempted robbery -of the Motairnau
Bank, ho•t Monday. ;)
Arrived from Znrope.
Hy To/ 9 ... the 111..tratO ciazer.
it 01g.
SANDY 1100 X. DOMTllbet
stermuMip Sernini, from I,lvetpoor on the
14th and ft.ileetninnrn ILth Inmt„ Ib off
.I.bin point nod 'will be op during the
It died es the Railroad.
(Br fru:soda to tt o IttC.4 eY diatite. .
.I:llo.vikporam, Decumber 20.—A 'man
named J.llirnwn, %011ie under the in,
!111.,' of Illgner, was instantly killed
by the I). A 11. K rtoilroml , nt Anderson,
itiltilrOod Opening
(By Telegrat bto t Pittnbartth tisztrAbn)
Ikeember 20.—The Albony
and Sttoquellanno Roannta 'wait to -any
opened to Ninevolt null
nue hundred I mil 1 twenty tulki hunt Al
bony. .
Schooner Unrneo—LheFynb
. •
esteessett to the LILL% Sere a Swat.)
Pt ,wrr..eles.Decanther tiebSoll,
er sterol was burned at &loth Bey.
The mates null twO men it la ratierted
kiwt their lives.
[Hy Telearaph to ritlabnrei 111.ette.)
11 0 11 TON,PflIber 213.-04 linturdny
night tlio mob in 15r. oulls,s,,houne,ln
'run robbai or sa,ucoi;
A Pleasant Nurprse.—At,a. andel pall
cring of the mew berg alba Poueth Prea
byterlen Church, held'et the benne of the
neater, Rev. A. ! C. McClelland, Friday
evening, thy werthy meter gad bin lady
worn ouch mailn the recipient of - a puree
,volt filled with Greenbacks. The con
gregation were liberal in their donation,
and the affair bring uneometteil,
cloabilenaran agreeable surprise, endives
reoolved with becoming modeoly by the
Mr. McClelland and lib•
Ladles purchasing Now 'Year'io pres
ents of almond as well as ornamental
coaracter, will remember, that a largo
stock of from goods In Lao way of laces,
linen and woolen goods, trimmings, no
(Ions, Jewelry boxes, and fancy articles
generally, is now offered at greatly re
duced rates, by linen= tb Carlin e, No.
19 Fifth street. • •
Superintendent Choettn—lttr. John
3teDonold,ot ALleglieny,han boen chosen
to supertntend , the erection of the county
Poor 'louse.
etlnxit oe rea
- . hrisrm Jab —Ttne Orpbadas.
The Sunday Scb' ref Grace Evanzell
itadLutheran Church, Birmingbarn, held
ha annual Jubilee on Chris etas evening,
the church being crowded cn the open-
Ode inrtc.ily ',ilia! the
. wMplers, their parents and fridntia, and
ilecorated most ifpnropriately. A huge
pie:annum tree occupied ono corner, and
'WOW the source of unbounded pleasure
and gratitication io tae yb'udgcr riortien
of the school.
. rnderthearremamo.......
devotes' pastor, Rev. - 11. W. — Rein, a
ti)otte )las boon intreduped iii this Sag
bath School of collecting Money for the
Orphans. which: whlleit may riut
lie more In Mu Way of u.eney .ban
be obtained otherwise, yet In establish
ing a great principle wills the youth it
cannot but be productive of much gown
At. the beginning of each your small
thixes: broperod for thopUrposeoregivest
:tint to' auto of the sihobtre lusice
'to take then', in which during Lie ytte
they place their contributions for the or
' aihrine - These boxes are returned with
, '.their contents on the coming 'of Chrbe
firitus,an4 thqopeningand announcement
We 72 1 a hi nte poecitsi - t{)• the
scholitra is ado ito Jr lit too
This w e object of the asscoriblagb
on Christmas evening. Upwards of forty
'boxes wore returned, the amounts they
cotitained looting up the sum of about
onli hundred and ility dollars,: made up
stalest entirele' of emits., two and live
_gent pieces, and fractiotun edrresty.
About an equal corn was contributed by
church members and-others. Great in•
tereot AVM taken in the proceedings, the
church choir adding much to tho general
.onjoyment by excellent singing, -and
hero ,we will pay but Just tribute by say
it, that thh mettilictii of Wig akar vine
ed'an improvemont in eXecuelon 'Heir
was highly, creditable to them. Beside
remarks by the pastor, of an earticatand
pmctiod charm:ter, Rev.- W. A.Plass
:rant, present by invitation, ten to
whom the money contributeAp was
- forrtially presented,,. m 'do an n.teeed
',lngly entertaining tiddtees; refer
tins inutont beautiful and touching ldii
gunge to the ovgihatio, in whose behalf
no man In thin' .gavot her corninunitv*.
,has Atibored mama zealously and self
reacribeingly. Before dismiasing, sweet
.meit te were distributettionong the child
reu.purcletsed out of the amount mall.
Zed from the lie 'cluitged fot almlttseni
-to the j nbilee.
. The amount contributed by this school
will be devoted to the Orphans' Horne,
et Reehoster, l`a, under the direction of
Ray. H. Reek.' At this Home, according
to the last report, there were eared for
during the toot year forty-two orphani,
while at the Farm School, nt Zelienople,
, Butler county, under the direction nt
'Roy. lint leib ita,sler, there was an equal'
000000 sod nappy
We were present for a abort time 1,
!Ithe Christman fentival held for the Mtn
anon Sunday School of Trinity (Epinco
'palbghtirch, on flaurAday evening, Lath
Sunday School room of the Church
.Theitvitival was preceded by nppropriat,
:relfSlutia aervicob to We Church, to whirl
the ihnitop, ISavwhorougli,
Rector of the Cherub and lice. A. A.
.tierfoot. participated. The Bishop and Me,
'Scarborough triode brief and touching
addresses adapted to the youthful aunt
euee, Front the •Ultutrh the children
'with their teachers adjourned to the Sun
day Solnal house, proceeding in n very
orderly manner, and to the number of
about two hundred, divided latachisses,
each class attended by its teacher, took
Mescals assigned them. The vision of
the children was regaled by the eight of
a large Christmas tree some fifteen feet
high, its branches extending in evety
direction, and laden with various gifts
nd ornaments ml brilliantly illumina•
t•-• aritit t tee lanterlaand rax 7
• C . taierliturertestt
iithle P covered with all manner of good
things, cakes, confections, cornucopia,
pocketknives, booka.te.
Before proceeding to dtatribour this
wealth of Jove and happiness among the
cape loot children, the good Rector
•brietly eatechined the class, eliciting
amwern to the effect that the , tree
was everwrcen, 'and as attel
troika! of Christ, who is ever the same.
unchangeable in his love of men and
children; that the halite ware also eynt -
hlies) of Christ, who tom the light of
the world; that the gifts which ao pro
fusely embellished the tree were siguiti-
cant also of Divine goodneee, and merry.
The occasion was time improved fee
Manion as well :ua for pleasure. We
hare never before witnessed a children's
Christmas festival:so admirably Arrang
ed and ramtinetear- Our interest yvaa es•
pecially excited in this large assemblage
of children by the reflection that they
have been -gathered from the outlying •
pop : lllation, and are now for the first
time in their lives 'receiving intellectual
and spiritual culture.
The Guild of Trinity Parisi; by whose
persisnt sstematic eo-woring
thts wrest W or k W in y [rang arcotnplia a ltesi,
deserve, we think, the thanks of the
whole community,The harvest of such
labors will be the reelarrodian of many
from vim and Ito endless entail of cells.
The annual Chrixtmos m•unfort of the
Second Ilnltral Presbyterian and Tenth
Ward .1l1:billion /Sabbath School was held
. •
at the Church, on Sixth street, Christmas
morning at tins o'clock, tir. Floyd, Eq.,
Surerintendetri of., the church othool,
present. The Churoh wm tastefully
decorated with evergTeenn and appro
priate mottnen. Indeed the tamed mil.
Me teemed changed, for the time being,
Into folded fairy land. To lighten the
erect thu,hltht lvatt excluded, and tho
nocosnary light 'supplied by gas. t 3 pan
rng Um room was a largo device with
the inneription, gifo thauks unto the
Mottoen boaking soca inscrip
tive, a. "A - merry ebriatmas and a
Imp. y Sew Year," and "filorr to Got
In the Mi„gitratt,'' were disphivell In pro
fusion. The platform Watt atfor nod. with
grout artfstie taste, with wreathe and
festoons of evergreen.
Roy. T. If. Hanna, pastor loci, offered
tho.operting paver. Mr. IV ru. S. °wenn
Utenisirttitethld to address the children.
Ere war listened to throughout with earn
est and Marked attention. Alter singing
bribe elf drop, Rev. J. S. Santis fol
lowed In a abort address, which seemed
to be appreciated by the littio folk.
amazingly. 'Major %Win. Frew being
ealltni upon addressed the children for a ,
few minutes In a very happy and pleas
ing. etyte. floppy teem nod. laughing
eyes told how much the epoaker won be.
loved and hie kind words appreciated by
the little onee.
Mr. 0:outgo Lando thon procetsled, • in
a few well chonen words, to present to
the respected. Sutitirtntendent of the
.Mission School, Thome, N. Rabe,
two beautiful photegraphic albums,
Wearing the following imerlption: ...Pro
aented to Thos. ll.ltabe,Huperintwtdent,
by the Teachers of the' Tenth Ward Mis
Sabbath Schad." Mr. Sands nilu
ded to the great courses attained by the
School, and attributed it, under Clod, to
the unwearied persevere:too and untiring
enoroy of the Buperindeidents •Elo also
referred to.the close attachment and lave
existing between Superintendent and
teaehersi.• Mr. Halm responded in a few
Mimi:dug end earnesi wurda. • .
-.•• . • .
Tito : Children were then marched up to
the platform, and received front the
hands of their roapectedlittpartn`emientn,
Wm..trloyd and T. 11. limbo, I:Ns.; tho
moat Chrl.tnins gins of book. and can
dle.. This happy mooting IV as brought
to it clone by Itor. Dr. Drown pronoun
cing lite benediction.
'rho Sabbath School connected with the
Fourth Ilaptiat Church of thin city cele
brated its tisualtuuilverita& on the even
log of Clinelmos, In the Church. The
church was tastefully adorned with over.
greens, three large Chrisimito trees heav
ily Indened occupying the
.pulpit.. A
large number of the - maraboro of the
conaregntion, friends of the acholont and
Welted gUeigni wore present." The exer
cises, which consisted of brief speeches
by the 'ministers present, the Superin.
ientioni. nod touchers, interopered .with
innate, were highly attuning - and In
structive. After tile exert:toes, begun
the plucking of ttie fruit from the truce,
which eOngeglod puckages coutoluing
n gift for each ono of the Retardant. The
SuperintendonQ W. C. Barr, and all of
the teachers received boadoome gift+,
front the scholars. The pastor. ItoV. Hill,
was presented Willie tine overcoat by the
congrernalon; , After. the distributibn of
the gilts oil wirro dlomiased with 'glod
dened hearts and happy memories. •
False Pretense.-4. H. Borland, eh.
dealer on Market street, made inform.
!lon before Alderman NicheLson, char.
lag Leonard Goon with obtaining
under false pretense.' Ho alleges tb .1
the defendant obtained boots and eh
000'v:due of fonr 'bundled dollars,
talon representations. Ho wag afloat ,
and, In defaultor I, committed toJall
await a hearing.
27. 1867
Machine ah•p, To uuuuu ood - fleMble
. War/. Destroyed.; •
A disastrous lire occurred Wednesday
morning, abotit four o'clock, irrthe Ma;
chine shop of Mr. W. W. Wallace, at the
comer of Plum and Cherry nifty a, front
which it wan communicate to the
-foundry and marble shoji w ich ad
joined it. all ol'Whlch were d eitroyed.
Tile ditighine'shop wits a brick eliding,.
Used for the mandfittiture'and . epairin
of engines untrinachinery. The foundry
~,,,, a ma innri fatme building tilled in
with brick, and the lilarii" abun woo a
aviditor* IMO: build i
ng, th e il %Pt'r awrY ,
of which Itna InclOSed. tbarb - W` e
dot much work in the mach ue filipp;
but the machinery belonging t it, which.
err very valuable, wag all OstrOjedf
The - principal loss In the foirndry was
the puttEtnsi Which were valued ht twenty
flee thoMuffid drilltirs: • 'the ttlitYlde-shop
isontainesi a 1? , x1 , 1 n'tiftitfrd e finished
work, consisting of ' Mar o ifiati
tlea, bureau and centre ta 1
ilea tops.
all of which were destroyed,
'r he total value of the prom rty,dest royed
wilt dol. fall fur short of fi.50,000; on which
there ~ F an. eery „fight.fitsunince. The,
engines were plothet In ifWifoudieg tP
the alarm, which was souoJed at Gaye .
IninUttiel prat four o'clock, from box fil,
Nepturfe Engine . house, and the fi remen
labored hard to check the devouring ele
uient,nnd atir the building to no effect
{Shen fiat ilieni4red the tire was in
the corner o. the heildlug., next to the .
railroad, .where there ::id Veirii fie .
fire of ally kind, which Wives
no doubt bat that' it Was the work
of an Incendiary. :Michael Schell and
"Reddy:' 11.ughils'ere arrested yester
day. 6 vedifi r .M t 4 ii.elforgk of huiseny,,and
When searched a ease of drafting instru
ments, which had been taken from a
cheat in Mr. Wallatw's, machine shop,
al. found in their . iaaaleaabitl. 'Schel l
was committed and liughes gave bail
for it hearing.
lmpo. •
rrisKigile DPcitipd.
The breakit;d;:lieti of the; platform . of
the l'ennsylvania flatiron.' COWpany. at
Johnstown, on the occasion of the visit of
President Johnson, in Septembdr, 15136,
by which nevem' persons were klikti,
and iithialiet Crippled , for life,
Is freak in the memory of our iajatihrs. A
Large number, of suits have bean insti
tuted against the company for damages,
and one of th4rief.lillin vs: the iPennsyl 7
yards, liallisetri Company—won recently
disposel of byfore-Jukge Taylor at Eli.
entabargh. This ti'an 41 test dine, and the
issue turned upoP a It Ingle question,
namely—whether the railroad company
was hound to construct their platform
that it would support any weight which
might be put upon it, or whether they
were only required to make it sufficiently .
strong and safe to transact their ordi
nary busineen. The eildeneo wan very
voluminous, and the argnanerdis of man-
Fol most elaborate. Ilani Honor. Judge
Taylor, in an equally elaponate opinion.
decided the legal point against the
olaiutill; and lantructed Iho jury to find
for the defend.oat without leaving the
box. The counsel for the plaintiff will '
appeal to the Supreme from the decision
of the court below. Until a decision in
reached before the higher court, it in un
tleintood that no other ease growing out
of Ora fall of the platform will be tried.'
by them la Cambria county.
Flab flan Federal /fired,, A Mg - belay:
A dbigraeeful roe- took place on Fed
' end street, near Lacock, Allegheny, Wed
nesday, in which a wan named Wrac
appeared to be the principal.. Ofncers
Iles, and ption endeavored to quell-the
tight, and arrested Wray. , s
While pro
ceeding with .their prisoner to the lock- -
up, some of the parties engell in the
row, and who wore: companion; of the
prisoner, followed him bchlndatiikurged
him to make a determlnedwoilstantsi.
Ile followed their advice. mud, With. the
ititijtei *Sited (rem •commudous,
sumeedalinstfattfgrialfrftmi • •
gnmp of' the:otßoor.. the
!drew a
knife from his pocket, cut the "nippers"
- which restrained the - other arm, sod
threatened to kill the °Mears if they en
deavored to re-arrest him. They made
the attempt to .secure their ,primmer, but
he succeeded by the old 9P,_the crontl in
making his 01:1340r \i.oll was
roughly handled, and Sustalnetl mime
sliver° bruises from kleki and blows
naimirtst- in his effortsi to 'retain his
pi !Winer. •
Information was agamst V made ray
for assault and battery.', and unjust a
man named Owone for Interfering with
an ottloor widlo in the discharge of his
Parents and others anxious to make
such peasants will not be lung in deter-
Mining where to visit 'Mr selections, for
It is generally known that the enterpri,
in John 'W. Fittock;aorneeof Fifth and
Smithfield, opposite the Ptt office has
on hand 000 or the mint Inegnificeet 43-
: sortment,of tini,hed I ttoratureeveropeh
od In this city. It embraces, all ilmchoice
pnblications of American and I English
publishers. The tiny to,S- book, the
bmutifully colored Metered book, print
ed on linen and heavy paphr, the fasci
nating story books, selectihns from the
poets to suit the young mind, books of
useful knowledge plainly, told,' ann. in•
deed all such ptitilleations as' should re
ceive the sanction of parents. Aft. Pit
took keeps besides an lumens stock of
standard publications of the ni stt popu
lar editions, full and complet linen of
bible*, teatatnenta, prayer aft hymn
hooks, and everything usual' kept ill
similar first class houses. It view of
the deptossiott in the markets of the
East, the , pricos 4 in• this establishment
have been placed within the reach of all
classes. •
• Coroner • Ilammest• 4
On Weslnelalay ii.orning a man 'lves
lbuttil at the root or Locust street on the
banker the Allegheny river, lying just
at the edge of the lee - by some, ppm,"
passing along thin river hank. When
illsonvered he was almost dead, stud be. he could be removed to the side
walk he breathed hie .last lie provest
to bun German beggar who came to this
fly from Cincinnati about :wo yearn
' ince. ITe wo o ) very Intempenite.
'lt his , habits, • spending the most
if the money he begged for
vhisky. ills name is unknown. Coro
ner Clawson Was notified, and summo n -
I jury, who, alter .vlowin g the body.
journed to meet la.t. evenin at the nit
lee of Alderman Taylor, when 'a verdict
f death fmm tine use or luticating
iquor and espoeurnwasrendetrbbedt. The
011111 ins were removed to Mr. ilievore's
ndertaklng establishment, on Grant
treet; for interment.
We acknowledge an Iniritittlento be
a tendance at Dirt regular social re-union
O "Division 42 rips of Teinperance,"
whist,WM take place to-night at tho
bbbbnautiful hall of the lsalgo, on Seventh
ni t. Therm tiornsionn are always
I gels attended by the • friends. of tom.
1 ranee, and from the arraugetnents be
t ir made for to-night, we elm promise
al the invited guests who attend n.very
e loyablo (Imo. Thorn will bll au &cel
lo it band of Instrumental mush present
w eh, telother,telth vocalisations, will
te id to en iven the occasion. Invhdon
4" la In a very prosperous condition, null
d ly MIMI now strength in Inereved
Membership. Tito pleasant ro•unions,
w lett they have no successfully Malig
n ated contributes largely in furthering
ti o purposes orate praiseworthy orgen
'ln'tielect It% rich .and L elegant presents
Cm the holidays many of our readers
hire Paid purchasing visits to too large
d well stocked music store of Mr..C.
. Mellor, No. 81. Wood street.. A num
..r of those magnificent Deekerplanon,!
1 r aid& Mr. M. is solosagent for this
c ty - , were bought for present making.
. e can Imagine no: more suitable or
1 1
ore elegant 'aelettion for a holiday
precast to wife. daughter or lady friend
titan ono of those magnificent Docker's,
which to-day, fill the Americanpublic
with atle•lratlon. AL Ifellor's will also
ho found a very fien'assortment of Either
pianos °tremens makes, organs, melo
deons, sheet music male stands, and n
general amtertmene of goNis poculler to
to the business, and such an will prove
'Judicious selections for the holidays.
A . 11NallrIoo a Tea
A shooting affray between two boys is
reported to have taken Flare on Federal
erect, Allegheny, Christmas, of which
we have the following pnrticulars : A
son of Mr. John if. Brown, abbot twelve
yawn of ego, threw ri anew bail at an
other boy about the seine age, whim
name. we did not learn,`
_who hoeing a
pistol to Ms band fired nt young
brown, the ball pluming thrombi the
f l eshy part et the thigh. Dr. lien& of
Allegheny attended the Injured . boy and
'dressed - his WOUIRL Who hopeful who
did the shooting has not been arrested,
so tar as we could lean]: • • .
OPERA HOUSE.—To-liight a great
double bill Is offered on the occasion of
31/Ile. Revel's benefit. She is se actress
..fiff decided merit and ,
vers ' ati lit.r. and In
her line we believe -she is without a su
perior on the American ittage. ,
ACADEMY'. or Musw.—The , great Mil.
tonian Tableaus,or i Paradise 'Lon, a
series of inagnifident anoramic views,
attracts large attends at the Academy
of . Music. As a specimen of Art, the
Tableaux bre well .worthy a visit, for
, once seen, the visitor will have fixed on
' hig memory a magnificent illustration or
Milton's great poem.J
Masostic Hers.—There wan another
great crowd in attendance at Ifraionle
'Loll lag flight to see the original Apoca
lypse o f Sr; treitn.l This is a super.
wo f h. of foreign artists god has challeng
ed praise and tulgtinttion everywhere.,
It remains a few met e s . finger.
env Unica - Si/bit Pair nt,
City Hall continues to be the place tit's! q
traction.. The tastefully decorated llal
and Oho ever genial and pleasant, fact* o
tux Indite Who preside at tine varlou.
booths, as Well ret,ln the refreshment; de
parttnent, are auflicitet fa attract visit
ors, yet there are still other Jetts/040ns
innong which is the promenade dal!,
the evening front tea to twelve o'clock
Veer who have not yet been then
attend and aid by chair presen
a very merittlfiVliit weak. -
UN !VERSA LIST Fat nit tNy Than le atil
opon every night, and increasing Pe 4
tereat. It is well conducted. Notwlni
atanding the crowds tbat attend, goo
order is preaerved, and all enjoy a pleas
ant titre. Moly:person* are tryingthei
tuck in eIIAIICCI iti tire' piano buggy
gold watches and other
The retrmliment table iswall piatronteed,
thegellory or tine arta Is exciting quite
aninterest, and many Join In the grand
prrimimgcle Witb which the fair closes
every night:.7.o-qight them will be new
attractions, and, orowirse,'s crowd.
Onatuarts iikt - tAdra: place
of entertainment was largely atten'cred
last night. Tbo various bootbawere well
patronized, especially thoso where arts=
des are liehq Contested for by rival rani
differ.. At efts. • Savage's benatifu
booth there is an elegant spoor eat bein
conte4ed for by lilt heads of the dicer
rut talies. A. massivegtilcinnaltd cane
to be awarded to the best nattired gen
tletuau, is exciting, much rivalry. Th
following names areentered: Sheriff Ctn.
ley; Dt. Keyser, W. J. Andenton, Thos.
Barney, rames Muchmore, P. It. Brunet,
N. J. Higley, Andrew Jackman, John \
Savage and many elk& jaht'pailar• geritle
men have received compliMenfat? votes
from their liteteude. The- abed' boat
awarded to thfretostpopular boat club is
being contented for by the Agnew,Ves
ably and Dryden ditto. - The former woe
ahead last evening. The Rosedale. Good
Will. Smoky Cite dud Pjoireer el . - are
manfully lightidg for We. elegant set of
base ball implementa. •We Gust to at
[oedema°. at the Falk will cantina- to be
large, as lit is held for a nettle pu •
that of providing for God's own o
!Manned ale Mon.
A stab bing affray, oetturred Weds
between John Oliver at his tto
which the latter feettived two s
stabs with a fork. It appentit that
ticuity existed between the filth,
ether members of the family for
time ' past, and while the f.
were heated at the table a dispute
netwhen Oliver and his son, d
which Oliver seing.l a fork ands
several bloivs if nts 'son, two of
took effect. One around wits on
breast, the prongs of he pork genet
.the lung.- The other wound was
fleshy port of the: right shouider.
injuries, fortunately, are not of a t
nature, although plinful; Olive
arrested by oftleert Swart.'and,, is t••
the Alleghedy lock -up awaiting,:
Wednesday mot
hailing from' Nook
the city on the Pith
and Chicago 11.1ilke
ddarlimar, discos'
robbed.: H. said
poeft cket
~Z ete !e n t sid
he had lost it as he
th that moment. .1
Which had to cut
loeket, that look
made with a pair
knife, and if dont)
i,. certainly a .. on
tbr the toot that ov
festinrr much con
tied the supßoslti
keeper leas SWICIIik.
wing,. Daniel ' 'rich,
.bk; Iowa; aril .ed in
sburgh, Fort ayne
ad and after] . tong
Ihe . ai ll •4 . 1
i been
I of his seat w,en he
Id not'. know where
ad not mi. • . it un
e showed th vest
t the bottom fl the
as If it h been
f =scissors g a dull
I y a • iOnal"
Bled job." o left
ninitmltholit mani
rn about ' h . loss,
is that th hotel
out of a dinn r.
Captain W. G. Mr
lime since, rti.4cned
Little from tfit . istmo
river, woo prosentE
on Christmas day,
t•itsed gold wateh..l
tare magic ease,'
mimes of the re,
Little. It iR thus 1
whom honor is dot
Win W. G. lifeelisr
reanrd by hhiffien
others who witn
ening from drown
own life, a boy wh
the lee in the Allot.,
17, 1867,
'I lure, who, a abort
Ia little boy .Lured
S In tho nlle bony
, at the Scott • ouse,
ith a massive double.
i•uown as the "
containing the like
intent and the boy
scribed: "Honor to
• Presented tnCap
as a testimoal of
' intim oil Mad , mad
• • his bravery 1 res.
th ngh
at the•peril fhi s
I had broken
• may river, D tuber
• don as' afar.
I red among a n tuber
lay evening, at Jody
as Seventh tea ,-in
and David 11 ey
•• lora. The lilt of
bruised aid s and
• t ru es ; above - maned
tinn against th other
tell. They vv re tw
ig hearing fore
1 43
• tnprombed th mot
to each case' eying
ur readers is diet led
• of Messrs. '. A.
, bakers and stet ,
t 192 St. Clair stretet.
g enjoyed very high
reeetied a fall share 1
“Onntra •
A free fight seen
of ,neg - roe,, Wedn •
McFadden's, in
which ,Perry
were [ha principal
the afrair WWI never
acre heads. The I'
each made inform]
fur assault and ha
retied, and alter ,t
Alderman '
ter, the defendant]
the costs?
he Attention of I ,
to the buminesit
Mersehr k Broths.
tioners,'l's.;mi. .10 an
Thla Ilrm hare to
renutation and hay
of / pttblio patro
tantly on hand, I
all' kinds f poun r
Aut. Recent]
Inery elegant styl
lunch saloon, wher,
n II be served up
p Vro a groat ace° o
cotuts. rim any tl
co amend our mai
_ . .. .
1 . 'llley have eon
. r will bake to • rder,
cakes, Jelly kes,
they hare lit .. up
• a ladies' oystl and
meals or lune eons
o ladles. Thi will
.. . °dation to our, Lady
iing in iheiellne, we
rain thin establish-
—....,____ •
[vision No. .12, gone
quarterly longing
ceted the following
, 8. Swartz: IV. A.
Chas. P. Dolt A.
I n. F. S.- 1 -114 A,
. Colton. Cliani—J.
ho..A. Elder, 4. C.
. Jas. A. Ate.t.atigh
. o.
t L. A.—kfvgle
kio Hines. ML.
Com—Matt e` Dal.
.. [
*caroller paCFargo.
t .
o Soled an Cont.
her egy 081 S
'i are
e cache May r' °l
:son:lingo t nine
• r funeral o John
iur late. Citly Con-
JAs. 111!Atnizr,
of Select Connell,
Common Cohn L
saints.—F,tohl ling
belbro A de an
e Harris, enarging
;d battery. The qua.-
neeville, and it ap
g a • •merry Christ
t ht they cint•Mlo a
in a tight, A war:
the arrad of Harris.
0. 42, s. of T.—l
I emperance, at
ti 'last ovpritog, o
curs :
W. P.-0 ,
:. P. , Lonc.9t: S
s --B. N. Mom,
p. 11. Dart. X. S.,
. O. Sz—C. Heel:
1 ady: oftleem. —1
U. 2d L. A.-
-41)11a Lee. Lad
- ,
anent, .of City.
.. he members of !
It • 6 Councils and o I
t l e
' located to assentb!
fl ,! on this (Friday j
o' lock to attend •
ki CArgo, decensori, '
' , • Prevadon
1 4 1
l'resiiN t o
glit in 7Lawrcn
in , ( o information ,
,81 iin, eviller I • '
hi i with ummultu 1
II . ;reside in La;
re wen) spendi .1
t" mud. beihric in
arrel, whirl, end
t WWI lulled 101 l
u the,rlitht leforo
d thieeett brok¢ into
nut warehouse of
'ender, located qn tho
ISt. r.O /' s Cathedral,
e entire stock, which,
carried away- In a
ho robbery was every
likewise a bold op-
If the thieves.
. ,
Ity Itobbtry.
rilitra:Vt nOlllO
/ foreign f
ruit' a'
1 •
hermit. Italian v
emont frontin
.robbed d of U .
Presume, tho
net basket. "
n one. and Ne .
ion on then.
sewn and ttrry.—Jacob Matter
o information before Alderman Tay
against Marti Benhardt, charging
with assault d battery. The par
reside in th Fifth ward, and it in
, ed by Abe •etecutor that the da
unt met biro lon Penn street, and
tout any provieation struck him and
ked. hint do n. was icrested
held for a hea tug.
ccur.—W. A. Byers rondo infor-
Ina on yesterday %afore Alderman Tay
lor , oharging Andrew Dillon with larce
ny I . that the defendant came
into his house on Penn street and took
fro the till $7.00.. A warrant woo le
an.. for his arrest.
lii'urther Hcarld
charged with etahi
Oakland, Friday .
Michael Brietap
in ,
g oftlet , r LttUo
ght bad partial
and waa • mmitted
gon tho 31a Inst.
In the publication mode day before
yesterday of the grpat cure of iterrible
disease in the person of Sarah A. Segos,
wo should have mentioned that the cma
positnr set It up front the written mann-
Ceript of the lady hentelf; and , it is well
worthy the. attedtkt of all those idle
may be suffering fro any of those ling
ering chronic or sub , acute dismotee,
winch have for eentuiiis battled the skill
r_tj the medical world, . Dr. Keyser, with
tb energy and industry bordering on the
heroic; has havestigu,edl these diseases to
their fpilest extent. end proffers aid-and
a cure to, ninny than
_ate Flamingly be
yond the roach of Mary remedies.
We say again, what we have often re
peated in theso cohunns, that Dr. K.'s
long residence amon t us, and his uni
form character for p bityand honor, in
land outside of his profosaion, entitles.
him to the conlid re ;of all whose all
ments may require his rtylcat. •
Xebberi. ~ '4
Refill llsampseet, merchant, 205 Lib:
eat.. street, raufka in ormation before Al
ticimatt Strain, yes rday, against Ken
nedy Robb, chargi g Lite with the lar
ceny of twenty dol ars. It aatreara that
Robb was Sitting , the store with Mr.-
Thornlen. whip left him there while he
made& visit togho cellar, and duringthe
short time he was absent Robb went to
the drawer and teak. therefrom a twenty
dollar bill. :Shortly - after Ifc,Tbompson
returned Robb went out, audit Was not
fol'aenle time afterward that lardiscov
ered tilde The bill Ind been taken. A
gentleman whet was]stauding on thuside
walk informed Mr , Thampeon that-he
saw Robb take ii . sinetMng from the
drawer while looki g through the win
dow. A warrant was lasses, and the de
fers/Mt arrested and committed to Jail
for a hearfne. - 't I 1
- inform
Morningstar Made informs.
tion:yestenlay before Aldermith fieillie,
of Allegheny, against 'John Readixtan,
charging Wes with malicious mischief.
Morningstar is ri 4ew pedlar, and on
Christiana day left tile wagon standing
in an alley near hts. , entrilnisliment.
During the day he alleges that Readman
wilfully. and maliciously fired several
pistol shots at the wagon, the balls par
eingAirohgh the body of the name, and
mnsiderably damaght both the wagon
and thngoodil if con . Ho was ar•
tested and alter a ring committed to default of the red ball for his
appearance tuCotirf. *. -.
' Malicious SischleC—George Thomp
son, gio,er at the c rner of Second and
Rose streets', rester ay made Informa
tion against titrYc , named Jenkins,
Bowman and \Vault, aged respectively,
fourteen; fifteen and sixteen years, charg
ing them with maiiisious mischief. He
alleges that they wiffully and malicious
ly threw stones throph his window and
broke severallights fglans. A warrant
war Issued and .pla ed in the hands-of
olli m ee p. r .sl .n Ce a 'rl a d„ a v&h
the arres mi r p_f th or eti , sung sca.
ling. .• .
Challenge from alter Broww„—Wal.
ter Brown offers t row Jimmy Hamill
a tire Mlle race, s ght, at Portland,
Me., in June, next, forissoo or $l,OOO a
side; and give $350 for expenses, three _
responsible judges o' be mutually_ se
lected to accempan 'the men over the
course, two. of them to decide. Brown
eel:micaes the chat° ge thus.: "We have
each won a race, - a al , all I desire is one
More chance, which 1. hope Mr. Hamill
will allow me." '
. .
Larceny' By Bailee...-.A. F. Clustano•
yesterday made infdrusatiou before,Al
- Strain, swainst James McGowan,
chargleg time with larceny by bailee.
Chatoneyjn }leoeral for the Grover
..t. Baker sewing e, and McGowan,
it aprears, is a setae I. The predate
tor a loges that the' efendaat 5e..... ...I
and Bold machines to he value of $'42;...' -
Xi and appropriated the money to his
owe use. A warrant Ila issued for his
arrest.' ''' .- - - . ''. -
Teacher* , lnetitutel—The Teachers of
Shaler,towcaihlp lie: th tlistrliettneellog,
on December et, in o Public school
house in Stewartato ..Class drills ware
given in Histciry by Miss Marshall, and
Grammar by Mies R4rdgers. They will
bold their next meeting on January sth,
when elms drills wi t l , lbegiven in Eng
lish Grammar by Mr Porter, Arithme
tic by Mine Mulhat and Constitution
by Miss McCleary..
An Owls:dom.—ln le report prtblished
in Weduesday's issue) of the Reptlblican
nominations the Sixth ward, AUP
gbeny... the name of lbthri A. Myler ' as
candidate for Mayor, was by someocci
dent or oversight, omitted. Mr. Myler
was pot in nomination not only, in the
Sixth, but we bell ate in every other
ward in the city in which ,meetings have
been held.' I . .
Dealers in the ciiy q lreplenisbing their.
holiday stocks of no ens, woolen goods,
laces, trimmings and embroideries are
reminded that Di re. Algernon& Car-
Dole, No. lii Fifth at t, offer their very
large and fresh stock of goods at greatly
reduced prima. There is charge for
showinggoedn, and etraugers are invited
to roll in and examine the stack.
The sale of holiday goods at Ificittim
,t Carlisle's wholeadle and retail *ll:li
ming and notion4oush,. N0..19 .Fifth
street, still con fi rm , at greatlyreduced
rates. Ladies will find, the stock fresh
and desirable, whiledealers will discover
that they can buy there to better adveal-•
tage than In the eastern cities.
meat et
' , DUET;
lIILLTJA--.) Iday emadad.
December • the Bar. 7.
V. Boras N. D.. and
ELLA A.; t. • ..,1121 , ,, Esq.
Taim0cr........ _....... NAL—On Wednesday. the
=lb inst., at the re I once or W. Y. Barclay.
Esq . . by her. 7'. IL Da rm. whited by the R.
L. E. IlicAbo.. D.E.. . JAMES 1 1 / 1 31ELEs
of Etna townahlp. and WI ALICE OAEDEILE.
of McClure township. "' ' -
Wits.VEII.—EICMARDSOI7.--On Tonetteyato
eember V., by tbell n i.tes Lionlmp... or
Allegheny City. , E - AELIS A.; WEAVER.
.4 mt. HAFT ETTA EICLIMIDSOIit, both et
Allegheny county, Ea.,
QUAD 11101.11.4ONV8:-0n Tuesday, Des D.l7th.
by the Rer. S. 'Washington, ROBERT Mak
i/SRN, of Mlealreny, and 'Dies MOLLIE E.
JON. B. of NbeeenDle.
bcAIVID—VbaNICIL—Da T. day selling,
Dee. Nth, he Cheater Bishop dlmpaan.D.D.,
CHARLES C. e , GAIrT and 14118CILLA M.
VERtI St. datibteref ant.a Venter.
sicCAUGO.—On Wed • esday, Dec. 25th, WV.
JOHN biteCARUO. aged M. years.
The funeral will tate itlse Dom his isle reel
de oce,'N o. sr Fenn ..sot. TO e (Friday) motor;
ten, at 10 obstacle. FrieOda OT IS. deceased and
of the family ara resPeethdly Invited to attend.
BURGS:S.4,—On Thursday Moraine. Deeember
SO. at six - o'ciock. W 151.101 rt.', son et eanht.
U. morel.. Burger. aged 5 lean and It moo.
The hrnet - will take. piaci from the residence
of his parents, - Liberty ittleet. Pitt - lownship,
TheoAT. Tre.:71.0 at 5 . o'cock r. w. Friends of
she fandir are reepeslfully Invited Cr attend.
Io CALDWELL...IO Wednesday evening,
Sr ilegarine tem MARTHA
CALDIVOLL, wife of Capt.eliarld
The funeral Ifni tate place, from the reehlence
of benson-holaw, No. Ile Lt cock street,
11,175 Cr. 011.: o'clock P. N. Friends
of Old fan Ily are respectfully Invited.
Tuentons. Pa. on • Dec. 1510,
'Mrs. SLAItt NUNES.' widow of James 11=00.
deceased, to tier aim-third year.
Obsess) hum her tar reeletenee, THIS mane
Piet. at ID otclook. . • o
1 1 ).39:10,11/%:11:4: 1 :1
No. 100 roooth stroot, rube:rib. t' 4 .
Comas. 4,141 kinds; caters, WAIVES, au./
evary demiptloa of roeuralLianlablar kkockti
NrEM.d. 8.4.61. P. 4.7 d night. Um%
•nd o=l4os Atnalsbed.
Itsmancte—Bev, Da id' Kw. D. D.A.,.
M. W. Joenbo., D. D. Thomas Zwlsit.
Jieob H. Miller. Lg. •
gegen Awn' Ennotantse, No. in Won Bt.,
Allegheny, anci No. SO Diamond . Bovalv, glyy
John ITT eon A lires.,) keeps always on imps else
best Metal. Rosewood. Walnut and' imitation .
Ittdowoal Coffins. Walnut Coelus Renal= asp
minis. Rosewood Coding ISO opwarde: allot/As
Coffins in proportion. Carriages gas Hennas,
farillohid .t low rates. erring, Cilotos, Tat,
and Engrnetnifirreilshed Oglen clietele,
and night.
.SNICIt!PLND EMBALMER, (mememar tame
late banmel S. Rodger,/ No. 1:1 - Ohio dtmet,
three doom from Bearer. Alleatenn GSM Ms ,
Ndwrwmdo NebornnT. Walltal end Rama
wood halted= Cofdos, at lb. lowan radix.
pmees. it 0.114 open at all boars, day eon OM.
nettle. aid Oanlages reralatted on short, mak*
and on moot ramemibla terms.
E DlvAino 4.mulunEcki i
B E R TA/LEMPlo.34ll , oldo Mum.
Allegheny. .Netallle. lamiwood and other lA*
. gem with a pempleta Mara Mammal lrwralatMg .
Goode, outland - and terhod ate/lofted{ antark
at lowest prlom. Yale and Mows Stables. con:
nor or Sint and • Mae. Striate. • Corilecria,
Barovehea, Boggles, Baddlo *m em, am, ad.,
Rd tore.
TWO Aprrion, -
A lama dent, esslatelag
Vntd 471.
of Isintvoitl•
uadlaidtelas, Weal Sum b/ i L e
1411. , f ,
....111.1164t mad meat rellablo Plathcial c Lu ..
mental Market Ileparie AMA by Oaf
the olty.. X. lama!, Xicluthle CO X at
sbreldbe erlthoat IL.
Slam lax ma TrassAN • • •
Clam of Ten .....
—.Lad one .con of psp... to the Woos
ea tha clab. •delfione to olabe CLAW,
WY... at Glob rata.
NOTICS so Scsacalszas.-12 ord•rt T... •
I Pea., be ease and epeelly Oath' *MX yea • 1
ofsai. a. we lane • Wedextsdal allthes f
a...lbws Molar bet eae mall a week:' 1 .
Blosi.y Dm% /sprees, blex.l . -
Letters, may be ocaS
GA V. ,
rirrsatruen. 7.0 r.
IPS r t LoBl' 1 LOB t—Ch riett••
mas montlai. between 'James Robiet. ' •
Mg. eh Orauvilte street, and lharektare '
au Webster omit, by tray of Daneamar,OClC
ZT DOOR. about $l,l and throe unma
ke dollen la re'. A liberal reward mill be
paid to the a enter It Ott at ROOD'S Rom 51000. •
Ea /Inlet easel, mat Tllla OFFICE.
1p 0 UND—WATC/I—in PII
burgh, during tba Week. The owner will
End It at No. 111 SANDUditY WritICET,
gbauu City. ra.
80ct....pp. .
oe to belong to A. DANS.
Agent People. Line. yenta .an be bed b 7 *-
plying et 71113 Ot tIOg a 1.41 partsig letentlece-'
Moment. •
TO LET—STORE Room, Witt*,
Dwelling attuned, latlllted on gem alma.
near Diamond alley. The dwelling hasl rooms.
Will be rented ' , Nether or syn.:fate. Noottiri of
HAYS • , nTDWANT. N.. litiltmeD. elrene
- - - -
BTORM.—Th• store atot Siam'. of • Anti
class retail Boot •nd Shoe Store. Attu, Al'oetk
business, on out albs principal huskes. streets
ortbls city. Sails/I.story reasons given Air sell
log. Address `•DrielliESSa". Loo± Do= Ms'
Pittsburgh. PA
LOTS IN BELLPIELD. near Oakland St4l
- two mauves Iron thatensievtnek. • pa,
Jet 4 11 .00. - beitatifully 'Minted. and lent -be WO
&cap. Enquire of WILLIAM ill/EN/M e lOM
Liberty Street. '
poits•LE—uroßims.—A T .
HOWARD'S EDO? and Salo SUN% 'too
Soo RAWLY HOWL (Hawn tM. DArnix •
MARRA =or Blurt, o.v tE. Moiwafow •"
bola Holm. , 1 ,
ATE( wwto Doubt and Iw,IS on comitssloa.
FOR 11 4LE.--Bouse and Lot olio
comer of illatthattan and Adana sancta,
[llll2 Pusengas Railway. Lot •41 by = teats
Haase frame, contaLalng 7 tonna sad good/odi c
well Woo:wadi /Joasa and Lot °natio:Meld. non. ,
Bidwell street, Allegbeni CUT. Lots by
Rots house frame, contains hall. AT. ..goam tut;
good cellar: water and gas.' Ala, sensil as
Bad Lou to 'Sad iocatlon Inquire of
RUCH • CO, _Ewer attest, near Chastiat.
Manchester. - -
FOR • SALE—That well known
TAVERN IMAM). chute In the Pint;
Want, known no ••Andareon Hall, • outolnlot
the /Melee Novae, on Penn meet. I0(111-
10. is three Merles bleb. and most an•eatanttally
built, containing tan pro, rommotlions t 0001.
'Mild. • largo Concert, Hellra wood stable op
the back end of the lot, which l, 5 by Ido fret
deep. From the convenience of the
this home bee estatollehed a permanent :1,13440M, '
and In extent moat If not bat ger than any other
;Inoue. in the ward.. No better paying proyerty.t
1a now offering In :the market. HILL /I 8H17 . 1: 7
ITEpLY; Bent X.t.t• .yenta. -BetMe !strut.
LOOS. A 8 ,701 U PASS HZ. AT
66 urfa warm
ire miklur 'Mod. in their Mo. Triky . bire
Just received a nolo stook or
Watches, ' Jewelry,. Sneer. Wires
21drazisiedral lilapacoms,
Which thtrisre determined to aell ' if
f ,
Vial" LOW PlllOl-9.
. AT Tax
N 04.66 it 67 FIFTH 61TLEET,
offaingirm.l.l.• •
its • ,
• earrrigs .
Dove' of 4RXRD!
i tN
• 1 tic
C'Lairs - cgs,
L .
• ,LW
realm= Azn 7Aszaecoirisziy.'
I I -
. . .
fT Persons wishing to potellAse wilt do of
to oxstaloe ono of Os boat osoontoests over OS
fore4t awl
Tit& :27,1rainiii.U7s1111"1:e`"'"
Hoarse' G. aux,
Merchant (Tailor,
Con Papa and fit. Clair Sttao4•
THE BEST 1/010.44'i
Ulla lamas airtime idega*iiiit
. WAlaala
Waage, Dalriaa
few mala bo.yrig.
ca. :a Fifth itre44.l'
omicoalrufrfpes i• -
. ovssooimurua
eirraeownute■i '-;
♦R ft.. .MI choke
NW.IPS WTLIg Ur.. eonnral(NONne:
riff ORPHANS' •
71. AL
orzar avzs, -;
, -
•.viz . FA
~`~ -