Rittsintrgt Gaptif GLEANINGS. —Charleston has a Romanllc Canrch for negroee. . —liavanaL ts sending large quantities of cotton to Liverpool —Detroit has fifteen thousand children for whom no schools are provided. —Wagon bodies are made or a bar dewed rubber compoaition in Connect' cut. - —Uncle Tom's Cabin is having a run although Kr. Henderson Ls in ''uropc.. —They work very cheaply in Illinois; a whole family was killed there for one ' hundred dollars: —Charleston most be 'convalescent of the negrophobla, ea the Meek Crook is received there with favor. —The' Emperor of China has bad his carte do 'vleite taken. The police have not yet found out who by. citton gin house, coutainiug 9.80 bales of cotton and a faithful old negto, was burned at Hinds, Mu., recently. , —To become a man of mark, take the small pox. To become reanarkable, put yonisclt In condition to take it again. —Julia Dean is not stoseesaftil In Chi eager, and some folks say that It to want of talent that is the, matteroshlch is unkind. —Dickens is overrated, tickets to his first reading eold as high as thirty dol lars, tickets to his last one were freely offered at seventy five cents. —Brigham Young has assumed the role of Joseph. Re has osunselled his people to lay by seven years' supplies of wheat, as he Prophesies a great famine. —Anxiety to solve conundrums is not always a good thing. Judy - knows a man who got a black eye because he tried to find out the differencnbetween a man and a women who were Aglaia ' in the street. ..-The elephant Romeo, belonging to Porepaugh's menagerie, was put a farm in Montgomery county, Ta.,l to „ ter winter. On. Wednesday last his kee , a Mr. Williams, went to him as um in the morning to wash his face, w en Romeo seized him, thrust one of his tusks Into him and then tread on him. Mr. Williame' cries brought a numberof persons to his aid, whom Romeo placidly allowed. to remove the mounded man, who died one hour aAerwards; the. ele phant, though apparently perfectly gen tle, was secured with chains to prevent any further' accidents. Mr. Williams has, during the last fifteen years, been for six years, thu elephant's keeper. —President 13alnave, of Hayti, seems to be a brute; and a very terrible one at that. General Leon Monte/ ire& -kept chained in a dungeon for four days without food !poison being then given to hint, witho4 - bowerver, having the de tared result. Sainlve.then ordered De -tonne to smother him, • but he did not succeed. :He then seised a chiral and stabbed him with it, doing the job so roughly that It was only after the most agonizing suffetings that he died. The brother of General blontes was then chained down in the bed that. was still reeking with the gore of the murdered man, Whose body had been kindly given to ids Mende. Hayti evidently in more need or moo:etraction South. '-4, man In Chien° who was work i log about anew building on ednesday vas struck by a heavy w w frame, which was blOwn from the b idiag. It hit him with stunning force and for a while bewildered him. When be .had partially recovered be wanted to go home and lie down, but the fireman persuaded him to remain. , About half an hour afterwards this same man was struck on the back or the neck, by an axe {aging tram the roof, which severed tho arteries and sinews, and almost pen etrated the spinal column. A physician being near, the arteries were bound up, and the man's life saved. It is not often that a man survives month mishaps in one • day. - • NOTICES AN ADJOUNED MEETING f kip. 11 Z.oggitliVtetlif the Cetbert.oO vo.p say IP Irvin Due" Pitternegir. cc T SAD. Y. Dec.:A, DD. at 2 o'clock r. le. e far the mese of clec‘toer utrectors to MVO der ".re Ali"`""lniNßuriVirdi.'3n.. RrNOTICE.—PEOPLE 9 /1 SAT. 100 d BUSK 07 PITTSBURGH, No. l'oertb stmt. 0.1141.4100,000. .I).eave ': Its made ta this Haut before JaaMo7 will Item !stem.t hats tent data. 'resident—Hal/0Y 14,070. I Vtee rteableet—WlLLlAM Menem; and Tresauxu—s. P. ON BONN ; /10/MT. eealte Flair NATIONAL BANK OP PlTTSocitaNe T ' December DM. VAL INT'TEI f E ANNEALBaum ELECTION ai o Dlrectore of this will De bettl the TUxeDIT. J•tivary 114t.8.41118. . Betwern toa hate_ of U o'clock 'a.. K. o termelt r. t. derr.-• E=IM VIXTEfri Al.l.2oemllT NAT10141:115.31. / pmEncnow. December let, IW7. 5 - ItarrlihE ' AN VITAL ELECTION for time Moreton, to serve for the to. Wog') ex. wilt be heid st lhe Bak. se 71.1CeDl.T. Jairsery 14th. td 4. Bet-se• the Mitre of 11 A. X. sae I r. v. ! 0e14.131 X. W. iIitCKX•. Cubist. Mzirmneeree pitubbreb. Dezember mem IS?.' orrgir, ANNUAL ELECTION Dlreelo House,s Bank will tate - • pls. M toe lisolle O 7l. ism • TOLSILY, imenry Bet: Iv OD the 110.780:14i4m . tlem:Ml Trues. 91.1.2109•2.11urb or Pere rurnott. ?Mebane. Lee. tub, OIL OrTILIF. ANNUAL ELEUTION • for 9 Olreetrrs. sure dsrlet subs yen, wlll be help et tn. aulane Hite. TIJIISUAY. Outer, 14th. ISO, between the ; bears of 11 a. te. un r. st.- JOinfi O. LIVINGSTON, Goblets dell.lo • . Introit N.moleht, BoxX. I listrohcreGs, Pet. V. lie. i larTnE ANNUAL . rueenori i foe . MEC • Oho to (1101 for the eon . LK y esr whit . . held tithe. PflitliM donee. on . 217181D6Y. JAM CAST 14, 1168. Iletereen the boon of 1 loth r. Y. . .1.14:16. , 11. B. 0.1711. Coshter. 1111.02e,rri , ATzowe.l.ll/710 01/11111[0.00. Plteetme,b. December 7.1 e. BEM I lar TDE ANNUAL imecr.oN r) THLUTZEN D 101020115, bum u 00,1., Abe remulrg I car, nal be held .4% Om • Jesaletez Heine. 00 ittralLLT. Janowy 14th, 1111, XICLANICIP NATIONAL SAM / RUM barn. U.T. U. It 7. Wring ANNEAL ELECTION r.e DITTLICTS ottAII /TWO 0111 be 11.14 ta, k gr.l;M r .Vo r, F. l l7t. l l. '.3112:1311 JAW. YARTIN. •Cesblar. TRADZANIN • II NATIONAL BANZ, f • Plttalnilln, Ow 7, VAL MrTIFIE ANNUAL ELECTION for Cevon Dlrtillo A to sotto for the oando yr. 111 N DOA at the flattitlar HOLM TUoTtirLTY:'=‘7.7X4 the W. VAN WINK. VIC& Vrirldrnt. 1 7 . 207.... , .. 77•1701ra1. Saar 1 1 . 111.2nr20.. Dm 7, to ff . / i liar AN ELECTION for Eleven , 113172.10 rt at MI. Bigot. will be Nll4 at I. , it,. Bantle g Mom., Da TUN.WAI, Jaaaat7 •4: I INS, lastareas =a boats co• 1. A a1.a..7.4 22. Y. ff. Y. CIuILINJN. r•uldrr. ._. Crrtstre • NATIO, et BATDecember btat.pß. litteontee. . DM. WTI= ANNUM ELECTION lot 2r.se Direct°, to rem. for f i l . t i e n tr . !? TO . .o"(l2:aeb:e°4.° et 1'..t1::,%°,1...„ of Betin', .I,,,Osebtar. A ITAltDou NATioN.I. flax ov us cANAE , s. I C.a.lrar" bar. I t RE ANNUAL ELIbuTIOIII for N as I:llr.gr goo on.• .01 r w , i " °° ° 7,12, b es 1 u Cau•r, AansAA onr. 0141 • N. sma 1r N. JIM EL HILL. Cmld.oz. r 4r . 7.315 .. ttir r 5111.. ELECTION ilalliGflitlOSAlllll Of httSITINII, soul A. olswe of too lisoklst 8 0 ... betwts the hoots of Osseo A. N. sd two INA vs.. TUISdAY. tho lOth ds• of Jsoury, If.'lll.l.stAY. corder, rlastrwrith Ps.. LH. OA. art. os7dul 17.rrIC I or ICSIAItoiSIII. No. ti Yteks. sant, ritts. s sl ss . 1 jarNOICICE is EIEREBI GIVEN tut the pm - leer:hip Demme THOMAS • i J. NRERZION. JOHN T. JOHNSTON sad H. N. WHAMS, ander the style of Brenton, Johnston & Wilkins, Wee erGolved Cs the Me day or November. no?, by ltd withdrawal orJOHN T. JO/MAYON. All debts led to and ty the mid perteerstdp volt be oettinel by the feminine Dtrtnen. who will cowl". the 'baste." ender tte" Inn nee 'style aSitZitreeN WILLIIRe. - 7 .1 • J. BRIEZETOX. '3. T. JOHNeTON. H. D. WILEINS. Pi rrenrnati. Dee. It ler. t118:11 Iatr'IINION PACIFIC B. R. CO. 147CPXM0.191. *RE courus, or THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Or 11Xi Calon Patine 'fathead Company, • DUX J.Ntra YT leT, IND mu be bald on and law that dale, IN GOLD COIN, YSNE or B •V/EN/ L IZNT TAX, As lb. Company'. Olnon, NO.IO N•mn strut, JOUN J. CISCO, Tresaurer. • NOTICES. - larA COIEFOH. A COLD. OR A DORI THROAT r44.0. 1 .. 41 . 34 tantion. .4 shbald b. lf to Irritation af the Las.o4 a Ptrauant Throat Diatoms, or vessumaptlen. I=l SUNNIS 131tONCIIIIL TROMES HHancel s direct, Co th e piety tectilate tror Ants T,==P4l:4'.if.trtirAM socotos. ,PluVeltinP k itre.Jrpor.k.• , •"° l,,- 0... eel sacrecruAL Tao• CUM," owl eer a: Ws goy of Liu WOZ1111.1•11 11111T1Trow. mar be offered. MIMED ==tZ=M larron NON-RETENTION twoortvartscrs tretat. trrtftiton. hallarootwoo, or oloprzilos of tie WOWS,. or kidney., ellsesae. or Ito protinta alma. none to the 1.1.1dg. nniniankiaikddl Ire bilikdast do m/UV:4744' .malloss. th tlia =TI It= =SRA kOCISO. fel:10M • ±1170.817 • Icallll alf• for Maim at Us SLADDXIb, KW GRAMM, pwarsr. 148,1.tA1a 0 WZAILS PANIALT. OWIPI.A • es ERAL. N And all Mamma of tba DZBILI* Waat6.tOlLLNkflY ORGANS. IYALL OR ?MEAL!, Prom abstmerbisom artglasuat. and am mate tarot • Bow LOSE STANDING. Mumma of tbam mama mans Um on of • climate. llf zo trauma Is saunter ik CO.UPDtkrtl 011anait11.1.1111114 we Pin► and Blow: amportad Leos Am MIMS* ma tba . aNlfeTll AND HAPPLNIZOA ano that of Poi4rlty, ddnanda apta➢yospt UM of a rollabla moody. IiIIBOLD.I3 armor BUORII, Edtahltabol a of LB yam. Propand Ify .11.: T ZL La. Diwzost, Broidway. d 114 month nth Ne w Toli, an Pa. Bold ny aU DAtglatt. Palladd arNELIiBOLDV CONCERI TRATZD EXTRACT RIICRII la the =maceuretic EineGlows Ccorateenaran dansarAussA le tio Great Blood re nter. Both ara wavered noodled to rules of Pharm ac that y c an to m and Clen deade. try, and ara th e most mi- tten t=t. - tl . 2:!ttriMEMlE=l 1161 T FEMME FOR THE ILUIDLAILCUM Night BI t g Ocrommi ! "Mart ist....thg Germ.* nia•Miar Cerara.o Pialeak night lilloomlag Comas., I=3 Pimlmes "Aisne Blooming Omens.. A Eat mak. ea.." oad narat Theta tb. sa kakki 6ow< kw "kat It ukez aak 3kAa,d PALL 1.. WA. Nat Yak. 1E14.0 orrmenata. • Aim afALOW TAXA 310 Mr= /1407•HELIMIBOLDM EXTRACT BUCHII AND INTISCIVID ' MHZ WASH earn secret aad &Mato disorders la all [belt MOW, atilttle aspens. littlaor an 01144 , 1 111 &a. ao latioaveniaaoa aad ao axioms. is is wawa= la Casts aa4 odor. lasaedlaia Da sewn, sad U. Dow a/1 tabarlaas prooarllw. arIVEL - 13.&111IIIILL & BOILER MAKERS • itunt Woman, . lons 110, sse. 24 ax 4 Plan NG itaTins siausa • was rug ••• randurn u wuk toes =iv z•VOr•••• melalaser, r same. 'pied to mixtrlsomn atm duatptlaa °mu m tbe li•prt mann lea waresatad eau] to sar mad. la the oosatt7. Chileans. Ones*. Inc: lino Bids. BMus Ptoss. lormord.: am Condemn. Dalt Pau, T.U.s CHI sank Aiitasors, batting Pm& Bona los, Brtares, thill#Alinffir linn a SA". ucT far. Ern BUONO Alves butte end vine to Ilut frame end Mem to the D ant e Debility Is .Wed y. many almanac iiyaspions. and It no *uliens Entaalned UN t.a,. Wm. Wee • .or epi t leptic elts rupee . Wig 0.• ON, BEAL & CO., Mbar as $0 Boatorsoa. WWII II a^' 1.1 WASHINGTON WORKS,' KorlitelesOPlMburglh itanutactartrz of Hoot and linathrsary Blum =tuna, Blast Mathes. NMI Machias:T. elms lag. ISbarttes. Cartmes 'of an desarlptlcart OH Thais Wad Still; Boller rad Elbeet Iron gal. Men No. I,lllcorarr Vast ortil /401111.14 ets. SrAirms far 41171AR1 , 11 rum nt. MOTOR for liediaz boilers. ' I lanais ('ENFEEBLED MID DELI. , OA= CONWrIII7TIONN. of both ILLIXIOLIPS Ertitter Brattr. It trill Oho Keen bask talt. oberhatia teollart. bah alub heihil l• lbh to we • • trir FirLAILE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL a SIIELTIMLINORILL PITTSBURGH. PARK. McOI7RDY k CO.. Homo:Immo of Ohostatog nrottaro , oaltd3Olt Holm"! BM 17Wr i ,MC.. u.p.1. 1 _ ? ,... Dealers 12 netals, Tina Plus, Oben nem. wurs. /4 4 1...005e v. = , ...n.!'llArgi.3lae . base . % !Lad 10000000 D RIO, ratloooolll. . 1 = 001er8 of CopfoOr to /flu. iIarTAINE NO !NONE UNPLEA. u4,essagan d U"a dT l irxxxAcr Smarr AR, tioritagio 000 W e; HEALO42 POOL. • AND nomir. or Nrscrr. H AHD usocturtow ricrowre. FOR L op to Ma l an tra. gr a oy , tT nitL dintier the manly end mate Im pedimenta te MO mesas of relief. 6.1 in male 4 letter eilimilept 11Mee n i tyst • AL . 4I . / Inem D. 3. !MILLI,. (.616. mmiatar ItgIrHELRIBOLIMI , FLUID EX. TI MM BUCHO I. plan:. la Leta itad odor. No :roman tajarkas proparlata sad Im mediate la Us wiles. Namara larralINCYA: SCOTT, DENTIST, sss piegrx 132MBET, inbUv•ti BE GLORY OF MAN Orl RI erratlitOril.—Tbareads the. imam and deala tad should latnueltately tan Haw mmwslirrnucrwmam WINANHOOD AND TOOTH. 1111071 GUS are reicataft ka& sOI.DII =sacs . Bucim. Whanno, ~; t > aN~~~I~): Ii Yi ~ . ~•` i l'i'~'~~ , ' T ' . '~':~T"'•lam 6eap Soap! Good Soap SAPONIFIER 2 CtL a D. tr MOT Hui IS TWELVE POUNDS Or SOFF SOAP FOR ORR ant lnry Family can Inks their Ova . amp. ALL 'TARIM:ES OF SOAP. e s, Km. cap DI II a saw Comentrated Lpo, fat =Adis Soap, jut disearand bk • Os 111.&111), ;II TIM AMMO 1121.46 and la ccompood mainly of Alantina of Soda, which, *lam naval with nu 11111 MT. Minato au BEET DETERSIVE SOAP 111 Tam woisa. • _ 1 Box will make 17516 a good Bat{ Soap, aqufiralsaf ta ardor Hard gasp. Nowise; b 7 ha DragMati aad 010114111 m W Matted BMWs. 717LZ swim orris sacs sox. . D.. 4.. .o obtain it ettieheele fa M.% leek eistahatait *l . homy at IlMtaf difehast• at tht vMIMW MMUS Mil unlinglials 6 all the Sevres awl dam setae Vaned Ilietah we et C PNE I (krona ANNA yriliTher. ras a • • , CoiLoATE k con \-G4 0 .. A GERMAN • C.) 0 &CO ,CPAC'ZVE IOAP ... a swans •ely i 13, crI MAMW. w der•d 14" Rar g. .l1{D 1•Y• br weiirrearg. lern"'ror: OPE SPICE MILLS. x.s RI. E 114117 I 8.71 E ;L I 'dr; FAO MT E r :" d DOM: Peat Ilvm..y.Ost WY sad R Y A lamlalway• band. itops4lvg Ooze to ardor promptly. WI all tor Boadthass dad deliver same day. -middarlf7 cp:vm.1111:1: 1 011:1:1:,1:4•r1 THIRY WIRTH PENNSYLVANIA 1L0AR12111171161, D 20.1111, 1114171 ZWCIPTICUEII 11 TEI DIM 11 !II LOANS MEM Commonwealth or Penney' mule, Due July let, 1868. THE FOLLOWING LOANS, Due"- July Ist, 1868, WILL BE REDEEZID, WITH INTEREST TO iIATZ or PATALENT, OA PRE- I=l Farmers , and Mechanics, National Bank, EMIL LIA-721211isi•M=AL, Loan of 'larch Wflik, 111039,4a0 July Ist, 1888. Lean of July 19th, 1939, due July lit, 1884. INTERENT ON THE ABOVE LOANS WILL CZAZE THE ler Or SULT;III6B. nilto MUM!, &c of I 1111314. HUB!MI, lad.Causl It Unlit !tie !num =2=2 HARRIS & EWING, Wholesale hemp;ls, Om of /thsviy & grain's lb" PITTSBURGH, PA.' Clly am. Osecal.a7 *rale Sella:UN. an= 1 SUGAR TOYS FOR HOLIDAY!' ♦ L&RGI [TOM WI Rai Ss Low as any Sense Ii the Ply, Steam Confeaiionery 817 Libertylitet, prrissomaii. PA. El J 1 r 1842. : J. T. WRA.Y & BROS., 1117001121110 RS so 11. - 04YZOLLT, STEAM GLUM Bi T, A 9 anal $1 irwrisa /area, IN. PA. I= plum. CLASS LOOSING GLASS An PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. LYONS, No. 110 Wood St, Pittsburgh, reiVie l ittErraerwZTM Lvt i tim . l4tra.ac .4 rate= flawat i ersl i ma 111101113411M1,_ SIMILDLIVI executed Is the birAgeratiliATZ. CT! =1 J. 81:0100N1IASER A SON, P151V1C11131:721.4611,1C White Lead and Color Werke, WinThEP E r RMM U SII/IM. Azt allealoadrr arta ola. • OM" fit FOURTH 11111 M. liitri=it«s li tel 4 a s Allia Mal mat. . V. W. (D. VILLA), GLIM CURLED HAIR, Tanners' Scraps, Ceroons, C‘ATTMC TAILS. Bones,',Neat's Foot Oil, dco., RolSee awl bOala-111.11.1 mriurinx llsre WI r 4 ods 1101*•,) rrrrssinten. OM D. 111A*A'T & HMO, STOCK ASO SEAL ESTATE 1110KEIS ass avonolizza. o i ? tlit tr= a i tlus d ft Zigla I=IL I " U"). " Psrtivriar sttestkna u bintetn•• 10 the We of Baal &Ma as prtval• solo. !" VAT "' rerltrar i """ida MEANOIII & /LOLL SUM AMA PROMCE Commission Merchants, 3a9 COMITY Pirrastraae. Coadjultuate soilalloi. • Barwarcar-J. a. Makin. Outdo* U. • uoythoor z lirti J. IN Dilworth • Clad MARTIN LIEBLEIti DIMAS IN HATS. CAPS' AND FURS, Nannlantennr Wletesato sad Zeta , ' Dania In 'MUNN% YAWS'S, £O.. Ilre. Mannlthaeld lI.rIIIobO.ZC, re Or/yrs promptly 111.4, and ugUarsailota gnar int.d. 1 J. D. MAT REINS. u STAMP AND STENCIL CUTTER, 1 :1 3 : firrnNurs aAPT4T4 v IIII;N i t o Vi gt iIs i K aaVP& AI IROZA7- "Tirrjamars"*Awnso. WE WILL KEEP 0 ELAND . . attiq: order all thiets m o 144"/ N g r aM.lF Siu) 1 6AT rcas, At O A US wozzs. aur LW Peal. "atg""grai3r: rmensima a Om lIION WOW& FOB ALLA:OBE- Tarn RORY t nous& _Veva!! adn b mama ta• 10XE OAT rrifillted i tar a theaardava altAraaspla sad Nulled pima paa saaritaatiou a:Manta at aim ogles at 17 • X rAlitraria . ti 4 %V:a 5. .it:444 uul lonna au, rusabautl.. W. 3. mums, Ira lu.Mad" PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : WEDNES DAY: DECEMBER 25. 1%7: CARPETS. OIL CLOTILL &o SLEIGH ROBES, SLEIGH LININGS, I= Just aperwel to-Ate. the finest usiortnatht. the She , Sleet &FLA Cheapen pfleest 3EL Co 3B 331 S 9 ; is THIO ILUZEZT. Blight and Madams DROGEISTIMan 7111. T. au Slosh Llniag.; °ARM% OIL CLuTHS4e., at sun WWII mow. OLIVER McCLINTOCK • • & COMPANY, 44 . 7 111/211 MAW! 1867. WINTra 8"Ca 1867. CARPETS, MATTING.% OIL CLOTH, WINDOW SHADES, DRUGGETS, MEDALLION DMIGOETS, MATS AND RUGS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, ALL-WOOL INGRAIN • pod U.011111.111t, *Mit LOW P 111072. BOVARD, ROSE & $1 Fifth Street, EN (OVER BATill • EELL`Bd CARPETS AT COST Fora Short Time PREPARATORY TO TAKING STOCK ► Teq largo Lorton! d OIL CLOTHS, Window Shades. 1=l:2 Cheap. All• Wool Ingrains. McCALLUM BROS., all net aareet. above Weal. Ice 14:Vircrir•pC ; z5iyi:is BARRED FLANNEL THE WELL KNOWN - I'V'T.A_NN . BAIInE FLANNEL In Black and Red. BLACK AND-WHITE. rF r r AT MAIUFACTUIEIS PRICES! MILROY, DICKSONICO., 54 Wood Street. 1867. WALL TRAM ' 1867. 411111 MINOT, BHAUON & CO., I===l DRY GOODS. U 5 WOOD Di WU, istelsbeldrgil. Olnar at Voters priers Drees Gentle, Mate. kilesbente • Meta, Oen& Tweeds, Clothe,_answ. el gem. ewe CA 7. Orselswee, Ma e% I = lir a k A.tr. noun Keel.. warred /Wangle. of /ma: and U.S. Ar r oza i ztra i ps:A i r..tirroy. inntf. D COMMIS 61,14127 , . sa /011 rrims. JWI lb* Is ell d•- partamara. G=us Wto IWI alin .a.M144 0. 4 I Mau. ' CALIIII & Meir.4IIMILICHS & CO.. yrusea. cm. • 060 113110011 AND OOMEIMC DRYIOOU. MEffiiE;il terej:. I d 4 (*Ye A : ier.411.111 HENRY 11. 11011BACM, Oonfeotioneq and Bakery, No. 100 MITSIIIII.GD Ilehrosalirroalk oat Übonr. YGAoDID• OTITEB '*WO atlas& eimmAy meow. anixituu.- ic z al uk,ng maca.nuuriazurrnca, se.. ICII CLICIAZ. CION At lowen saa r MZt "Ca ithuti r y a-crzszris xitiosinoss inAibtoxo: CrWM•II Liam OP t hitt . = Olat. •Ibert tner. lat ward: Yrarl. Schad. Wan (tads. In and; Jets Hangar. tin•grilw lid ward; Mary H. tn. Inas, an. 1.1 and; 'Jar. 1 selaral. taw mil wtal; ltabtrt Card.. Salad b.. SU ward: W. Thwart. War. Mr Irani; D. M. 1.111•14, tams. Art wsrd; li rlril i ti ".. Wan . ' l 'l= 111. ward • Jolt rasetals, wawa. alb ward; 14loorl, tars.. Ws ward; Mich. Ha•lait, tarns. Ma ward; rawra Unbars, , tams. ward: 1... rt. .1 atbardooda RAI ward: H. Ellarkar, wawa. Ma Mad. • • JLLInIJIR. Lawddlid• entont. I dm. 24 dfddd t J J. Volts. tams. It ward: Ockolas amesae. odor 2100di, b vl:4 sn. Moan. tavern, vb .4111; • 021.• 701 vast. ' . PI,IUD !tene t tame, Blrealegtam: Berme* Mos I‘. tame, Binatagtom: Tet . tt .B6"' Tome Sena. aatleebem. 341taitepert. 20Ingaatol MIR. Hem lama, Dslaw oi • • . Goorgorpt i t. tallno liosayMput; OA JO latrtoio '. Lamm; oar b oli llOgyl VIOL. otriz l iZoo Lower t It oroo, 130• T Mt . for tOo, • Mf Jaalas7 om SpollosiloosC oil ojS11o•elock1111111/. K 2. t 4 4.7 O BOA JOH/II O. illtelfl. VIII 1,424;1tt • cosrzeTiommar. MIL - L C. 1111Plitf ($17001112•0 11 TO NU. 1. A. MOlO6lllO Baker & Confectioner, Casa of NUR Ilfriof of liimul lilq, Okam.lll, CATOIZI. OLlNDifik illyintA i g i jiirgarefrga r ICZi. you= calms, m assuatun a lirr pant. at Meet sotto. dattliE ICe DILLY %MISR lA atiV:4l=l:lll4d= • Frugal 11.0XES FOR THE ROLIOAIL Air Usannbar W. Pt.., num a, C. XIMPICIL Comer Thamosdl alley .dllattkilald St. &muff 1!:MEI .F . - mossmANzw. MI PRIM betreei tmd k cL4n Bb, linnsioltb and Dealer In Ilartlerase. eargttllftgatrVlAV tgatt:: Oin • •aref.lll.. short notice. jaitalo LOG PUMPS. And VI kWhe [ IrOODIN TUN:" it parser et mutter sad 'MUD Iltrea l z i llaso7 elm do.Za b rho rtaago. nrisia g 100,00 a, / 00 $ 0 4 0 . 100,000. I pima, Bernum; Jest reeetvad, tha am oast of 111100111 1111.111X0L/25, Whieh En be diaPeaed et at low Mae. to be ea. W. N. 1508 . 2117. Wholyala Omar. =Wheat, atnat, 7113.00/0. FOB SALE-HEAL ESTATE. vbit S.ALL.—Two LOU. each 30 A: by Init foes. - on Warren Moll letworin Zed. fail and Wohotar strong on will. to erected yorstory frame bongo o rooms and base • melt kitelea. On sold lot. s a wall pf good sanding Praia. • bakiro rasp some AO., watch ;MI be sold vary low far sub. elrea, changed for • ma t faro. • Ithln an le blindly of ills ray. no. the Ithe of rallscarl. Atso. toe PM Hotel ln , IleliOnanti of 1,4112. the county seat of Indiana county, Pa. This Is a Is,. four story Inloo building. of 61 rooms mad • basement under the woole boas., and -1S enlisted on the... of rulladolebta .0. Cly mer streets. on lot 111/ be 211 Poi: and 00 as pfemlees I. a frame bongo be e p nred as • wood house la tne lower stars sad bell room oboe. also, a 1. me stabl whi ch try 11(1 foot: also. • half lot, 60 by 100 Met, on ls • large Mune .table. p.eu as silvery YAW.. lbe w bolo prone faro my by miontli been yintell and 1112.11 ed • n one . r 1. tg tee b"...LlVeirmoi " AUrilgrgiti r re.:::: " .o halt NOY .• • Ca. oistomor. TIM farm Vs towsollp, Woomorgand Dimity. to. within ...11. of Latrobe. a nylon on toe tenon 11. It.;110 of Weaned mad. under good feiridng. the red.* ...In geed white ask. bla. oak. If yery, black walnut and lora. UMW. Tali Is • Int ray lam la • hyb sta. of ,Mission, with goad and oomfortYle sandlots. • Moll• a• 1 1. of II rooms: Wigs IMMO* ty 111 bet. aßelbSs Coal and Imes... anclor the whole tract, and}. CC.. mil.; to clurales schools, ml/12 • So. NW lorWar yardman eavun. of 111. N. TOWNS, dell Mal Iststa AZ t. 164 Yountli 2,000,000 ACM OP CliOlell LINOS FOR SILO, sr ram Union Pacific Ralliay -11,2110111 DIVDOOI. Lytair Boni the Una or thalr road. at 11.00 to $6OO Per Acre, Lad on a ORKDIT OP YLVII !L IM Per pante:loam map. 114,w:dress • PORI P. DEPIREVX. Land Oamodsgoaor. TopakkEaseal. Or. ORAL .B. Louts. lilarart. 11.014. WASHEWTON CO. FARM FOB BALL—A tract of 41/1 war. of ertat MIA cleared. and the rsamalnder armed eelth Ana white oat MAW, Malted is sweet mei. teanable, Washlarton eonntx, PA, nal ty south or Wan Alexander. end 3,1 or a male Bom a C , rl= Hu on I rt ' sierlT h e, 0 % 0 0 . 1 t and grata bourn; an orchard et un Goolit wee of youngd w ap ater la aim d ples, pears, peeld. ache elem. aut. I= 11/. M. 33.1FIVICAL111r. Beelnir la Blank and lUsl Mats. M===l FIWIM COTTAGE, SITUATE IN MT. WASHINGTON. Within 33 lalaatas• walk ef the Kokosesbela bodg. The Muse ceatalattve roma, klWbea, callat eke vault. Lon Mara none by 101 Pima Seep. In:melee ea three etreatt. On Um 04 are 400 fell bearing erste Übe.. of tee einem; doletite with all einem at throbbery. such a. toce.trecries, blackberries.. otrawberriet sad eotes; &so, pasha. pup; apple, enlace sod aberfp treu.' Will be are cheap. Welles of STEEL IC WI SON, T/1111 Brokers and Berl istate as els unmade iulin QM 1 : , 111 i : 'IN . : rei•— • farm a& OarematSeMthes, me the Orr. Vrel lielloped. eostoto lil Sera; Improve .alerns=olemmos um eta me. good orelemll an ln sad geoid for ealtlvatleale, 'el °rpm Vary.. la too4loolllUdes leaMe I lan. =whiale 11.111 Melt decay um oe moms. r a M Al" • number or go balldlog lots beim any aal .1 ,... 11= s For troika . Mntro Of WA.1113. Me *Mast Orme. Wail ovomello Ile Oanearsl. A COAL WORKS FOR SALE. canal:Jo e 7 ramdag /I.3llllbosbala 4117. Ia• entdlna taaaat n bemoan Stara begun. Rana war. am. Inane. ad all ta• 'memory Bytom, tar a utt basinns and kaaedlaaa °wallas. Time are tag acres of order. • laE7iM=Ell Agents for A. 11.Camern & Ce.'s STEAM P UMPB - BLOWER ENGINES. Thdde hitt* ban npulor salraatagesomall alias, awl miry oaf IS IMlTaatat to gift glitt. toast.. rumps ennastim UAL Mintil TOSS Z. C00■11:11...JOIL am. JOW( v. worn a co, BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Gas Fitters, IDAAIMIAtar. et 111X21 AND =AIN WOIX et mai , duartatio.: Maus la DM NLZ TI=M AND =RUIN, all Pike ead Want Struts, WW PirrsiOßmis PA. 11l Maim LUIZ COULTER & LANE, House. and Sign Painters, sae slam mrsszer, plesammisk . anima. ossii42ll4 guise CILIUM los. to oig. • ROWLAND & HARRIS, HOUU AID SIGN PAINTERS, GRUNION AND GLAKIAMIL 1(4 84 DIMOND, AILMGMAINT CALCIMINING dea• to %to nut sensor. 'J. K. HAMILTON, Jr., r House and Sign Painter, TIMID W9MIS, Pistogberslk &Maim Gladsg aid GMHig BIATLY icczoirrio. Mara Zents, Iran I.boa, Pattr, auw Aruba., Type:atlas, Irina Loud, b. • .. ^ u. i „7 HUTCH $U a NEPIMIL Km SU al MAMA MUM er..wisze Airn (mama* PIXII% AVISMON. IPfstslowrik. an taw* Irr O.n .rosptly attAttee.l se. REmovAr.. JOHN r. cLui.ty. agues 'and Men Painter, Ilto. 144 11111TIMIRLD Plltabarg% 1%, nylkyrt " • DOOldlit• Ida old .tand. WISH urea M WAN . & 811111pER, • BOUM WU LID 011AXIMAL P LUIS NIL LID GUMMI AID IL/UM Dlaaboad.l•ll*Abbl. (Posbmbleal up glans ftbs mod!! ordbr. • Tiliatintaltrallnaggi =Math oat b TOBACCO. CIG ' - &o a. To ccos TOBACCO! . . • TOBACCO! i FIE MIMED CADDIES, ALIWORTID 112AXDB. Jinrr nzawrsp or ownnaxammr. nog mu, ILICK tin . ammo a Es, As low as 50c. per pound. 7 ZeteTta 20"417 Tglirg =.1 1 ,1: s to., ROBERT .P. WEDDELL'S J body ietilialeil %hue hug, d di t , ealltlefield U. Water Me. JOHN MEGRAW; s.„„.....ot,e g el. l l = l :l saa PAW lZoo, Etna' anii4a4 EAS.DZ3Z/ = e b as. Exteximos WORKS. R. & W; JENKINSON. Tobacco, RA agars, Pipes, dm IMOXIIAL ST taimalumT, el:. I WANK &a 01A145.14.11111.X111611L 13•11..W.1.11VillrfL11. BAKE. MIME & Blitaviff2l. Isicusolll m W•WLIZA/C • NA,uu, N 0.12 St.Visir St., Pittsburgh OTOZZaII a 0 Pianos, COrgans% And llutsd Goods gowally. alpicla Admit' br: tie Oeletnated BZIO7II K. yg• Tort, sad 11101t0Y•OZ/11 • OG. ISIVIZT a 000 s ..ocrrraes.s. D. • Ili W. annul "LYZILICAS OLIO. aserLLSON*6 PATIN? OIDTI4. Us Out Dallas aid 'Derma TIMM Le Gal. Dr String. Mean of kW. &Dna COMBLISE'N J 2 RCHANTS U. STEELE ac SO3, DRALZIIS IN FLOUR, REED, 'GRAMM*, ttlirg - i ?gleraly. No. 98 OHIO BTB-ILET. A I.L.EGH ENT CITY. nrraxeuz (301M1==' ON IMOHilin, Am> inular.. Flour, Crain, Feeds, Rl Feed, ,tc, = I=3 HENRI REA, Jr., FLOUR. GR rrIA. And Produce Commission Merchant, 285 LIBERTY MULE& 17148821SkiH 851,88 ROBERT KNOX, Jr" 00.11718510 N iMEIVELART, FLOE. GRAIN AND PRODUCE, L;J. BLANCHARD, WIIOI.SALE A. 3113 RETAIL 1:3- FL C:0 a W. FL ED, 898 Penn Street. .II am:. ram --......—a. s. assn. WBANE & AMER, Cosissosisetoss .Merchasetal °Wars FLOII2I,_GBAIN and PEADIJOB laaatally, No. WATILIL. above CatUttgaeld treet, rutsbarall. lea plTZfit & ANMSTRONG, raniliaoill MEG3BIOI tor SkaaW at PlOar, ends. Bums. Lard, Butter, lood. Driod Pron. and Products plurally, Idarkat !Me. Mom of rut. rlttuburoh. P. =me ROMP. 40X p warof.a. 80N, Commission ILIM(711•ALBTEI sad Dealer. La FL01713, @MAIN, SILL PfLD aIteLPEODtION plumb. ly, No. If Inusonel, oyyotlu CltlE.l4 All. 'funky OM. 1.11:217 DAN'. CRAWFORD, Commis ourZumuur sad C LAY, /he, Warahousmd (Maac k Ho. WI and 308 PZNII BT3LKT.:Ol.Orada Iznisbad. Com • ta vollonad. od LITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Jr , Nrlaalaulethorars. Comalsaloa ilarendata Add staters la *drum flow. Sawn. onala rum; (Arbon and Lard M. Iron, Nails, elm, (kilace Yards sal all rittabarall rearterartater asearallit 11 and St ma, : Plttabarah. D1T111.......d. 6 1271=3......AD. D. lIIITDIDS. REIMER & nuos.encessort lo Hama At *Mason.) oleseie Des.r, Is Parlays Frnlls, Rotund apicaa 0.4.130.- 17atfr.JggrAbaig,1%?',.° Tons B. CANFIELD, Commis. .102 and Taman!lag Korobanl oad malll !WON, Wostorn EllarTo Chet.o, Bet. le4!Ot ' a k nd B olll4, '''' Dflo k r gft.b..lat not fonoroolo, Not/. al4 sad ly Trent stro.. TWA.= a. RIDDLE,No. 183 Liberty St.; ranzg r .r n =reisa r = sal Pittsburgh mastarscturos. Cub lull's...A oa Oosatignseate, aad paid Au flothum sow. W . J OHN I. 11011 SE & OHO. • Cl5llOlllllO JOE,' I. EOM • CO.. Vikole Ws Oman Comattsadon Marelmtu. eau see Ot gait/WO sad W•kr ravona. Pniatrarat 0110 • gCIIO2ILLIELEB & LANG, al• inermate. roux, era. rro dues. Provisions, Mb, Omen, Wt. Cartm Son. i 11.4 MI Wood ttnat, *gurldbuty•titrs Plusbargb. Va. 1011:DiE PTEONRH S & ta W&NADL E Af C E, Whol l e R - Nol 0 G 01 0CE .... I t!t , COAL. COKE, &o ♦. nmcmreoa. 11118TRONO & HUTCHINSON, hlactiCo. AND inioamo. MCM==tl atxx9.c4,euirezaa sod DEALZRS. by Ball roul wJ UlTer. of IMPZIAIOII TOVIII.IIIOOIIENY CAS AlkD FAMILY COAL Omen and Tat4—ruur OF TRY 111111EtT. Lear Ws Works. EMMOiWM prrrsa7usu NATIONAL COAL & COKE COMPANY: tanMatra, elf nen alad dealer.dealer. wlaolenle sad re the BEST FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL AND 13LACIi WS. and Tard—Corn FOURTH AND 7711 eruct - 21s, Tittabsorh. All order. tor d•Unrery Um •eneaa. Ate. pliD, Oita AORDEREARY AND Inc.-Mendel:than for my ANTI-DYSIP 141) TIC • IV elt PILLS, Stu ladeeed me to Maks them ore publl. In otter that teeth use. falneesleal be more excenstre. and would r al u ^WY hero' : these whYhavetrled other maellmors and oat esnentheed•the relief they_uclethated. to try, torpase, nsitElleh ‘ ni ANTI a -DI brit,- TICI AND ' PUB POLL!, Th ere are no other rill. no ompouoded which have even then anthem! ,saillstaetlon. nor do: may o th er Pills meat th e relialrionents of the household as do these, 111 .i .. • I thusat armours& enumerate the tithe.. for, which these Ills Sr. beneficial, hot whenever • ththartle in nsmtearl, they will •ff..r• .P..dr trlit r i% .' l> c c g;;ors T . b ir y hirZZ " .lZ::;: elat close e , te e they open those exeretth7 Teasels Itht ennity Into the bosselet they gm a healthy a than to the IMir. enaolths l; to ththw °Nalco:rept hum.; they rtemote the alteration° bile, ath dthestloo. Dutlfl the Wood. and will. In •short thae, reatore the body too theta arson !Inuit& - • . . DIMPIIIISIA.-3 Isis distressing malady—so P.a.lest a our country—is nosed by .K a l t of tone 10 th e Moms.. tits usnid symptoms of orti•ols are minnows: A. path or Uneeti [Mee Open pressure below thesteroids or breast bone, , mad ttroasen rn thended with sear erectatlealarnuir brash Ithersibuo a nispoeltion to vomit. esth or es of fli St preceding from the stoma., In. N::lVll:eti'Ll4n 4 regblept h ="sieagraral (Teat deo anon of eplrts, laegning to masts. affoin d ass and great witipatay to ex., sloe ! i t i. ' It Is se d m that all the above monied. are found in same palest at olds time; any of them. to fore, Is • su ff icientindlutlon of the presence ai ief the disease and need of this meill. m , ~( OR. (. . 1 0107.0 ANTI.DINPLP , IQ AND LIVEN ITHIN. tali In earls[ this disuse, when teliali id:coedits to the direction. I alasch,t leo of the otaisy certificates I could etre in ma Alone as I hope still.* sailei KM Do smorn I' all Ib earltheates *could pubibb t Inspirethe andbleace th at sum WU 0111 pis.!• 7 , j.II DB. JOHN BITITSJL, • LOKILLI. ILK. 70 11Y001.1. CO.. o.—Do. J. hlt PanomeseeDear Sire I regret year went et amen. emu la halting me sunalledrith yoarAntlispf. Venda an layer IOUs; they sell so feet to ref drug storl , l nave been tisleg them t• my tttho. ilea alio.' ith the beat. conseq.... I. And them the; on Olden; of any side I la.'s:ever wed. I he. been fiequently astonished iff the large antdist of bile rsmoyed by •eo small • Quantity pills given. I regUast yea to sand Me • free pal. inamoalateh „Ir A. haya be. time , [bout. JOHN lIIITL *N. K. D. liveiraltaTitadr. 01310.—Dia. liellalielr—lsrvite tongues:. fret so Send Me • box ef your Anti. g u itTel'aftg: 1 7 :te l lutgetiT t l bo eVolg e g telhont them; thel hays .one me 51 tenet, more go 'd per9tu, Irks% " ora ooo .l l c,r:tei olir .' dggist! so that ° l can get them When! wain. IMO mare they will sell that if Irthera. Your omen. ce with tha than ffl ll obllge yours. respectfully, Isar WRM/ W. ROC.POirs, 135.711 PO.. PA.. February:l, Ihm.—Do2oT—Dear illyt after suffering for Ido l eiyOlin Liver Comp st e t. atioinded with badedb. Mid trying fermis! remedies, I was induced en wy your pal d 0.0100 relieved rue lineserlinie.y; old 1 tale Picluuta 10 MOM. Ore thee. to ail suffering from the. • tots won. yes, vreir, 'eon.MORLEY. Itoceirgysa, FA. lea.—Ln. Ithrthaah—s you elder that I. cdommy life to the nee st your fills. before h ain IA tee them I was going doers very fut. My pheslel. bed done all lie oould, at d I ailll t lune; bot KS. 1 NZ. to take your Mho o f betted. 4:141,1 . 5.:n0 nied oi tne ht . d°c" "' 00w !At KAHL" WV.Irg.B. Thisqt. ' s I ...ow D r . gargtta Liver Nil tel featly for =else. too ye.... and Icons eft em the best reed•clue I tri... of. 3. N. DENISON Y. Newlfri tem, Pa., July I c eleff. LK. PASHINTT ANTI.DifaitIPTIO AND Lf7lll. PI i Lateen be had of ell Drughts—lieth eager coated so plum. Be rose Ond Call for Dr. Itarg.t•=ll.DlePeptk end LIT. Pill., and ! I ( i -•• . D R. SARCENT'S CP 40rUTCill• ix ars - wivcr 3P , • An and porton for tfie earsoleta cur. or COUOHN.: ;art CHOW', D. 1,170 TIOr Bin 1 arRINO. A MIKA, IkIVWVAIMItri&OtI P • awsktra, BLEBDING 07 rim LUNGE. AND AL,. DISIWIkiI Da. nA.W.S.NVIS shell tIYELTP by _ 111 -Ta Ar r oka i r .4 . l's:ir nothing lalarlone, hot eau be taken by the senate tutees with retreat aalety. It do.. nos dry up tooth sh most of the enact prepare. Lem do that Cr. atm flooding the etanutsy..but loosens tioe,at*ttlem from Me alumna *Wesel/I tn. Bete tubes. and Mists Its MP% th lose time allaylog the omen and eving situate tuna tae Cheats and to ns. DO. narltiliNTlel bitVsM itYILUd 1.11 of Leal. . , -. . . . . . . . .... • co.able bentnely labooying Coax.. subduing It t. . ~ye minntee, a.../ epeetal, effecting its ran. tc.l ..yet end tot Creep at tilliet It li the most eilletret nn t. liable remedy emery./ alecoteted —o do se ;Men according to dlreetionaonen Solotoo lte •lyhe all d. Solo by I Uroyeate and DaLIIIIIIIn Kedletne. Buy t botti and give It • nig. • . . . , •. :' DB. JOHlti ii&RGENT'S ; t .., , ....._ piuretio or , Baok-aehe Pills,' I DISZABIZ or THE ; ; ; H3:1) AN BLADDER ; ; ; ; Sheee Pllle ee now been Wien the tothlle ii this Itelehboflued for Inwards or thin too seam earhse vela% time ' her hen Dna ssal anti, monsefal In the leattnal alto con of these eno Weis and troublesome elseatasoe tan ahem bale Ihie akin of the best Physlclaas. .Thla fact Is wan ataaane by . tie amber or won. darnl oalel they /nee Matted. lens of long ta stane • nese of dote ane the argent tee quest of g on who Stave experleneed the bevel. e/ dot ef of 1 tee mettletao batmen toe to ante It lane rerallr &WC, be 11,101 It a moth widef e tett... 30110•101 that there is no other 3n lc h ,, gz‘telsee