II ci eje gittsuro Gaytte orrr AND SUBURBAN, I=l= Just an Mittel the Monongahela-river gov,iip a rise yesterday, it being Sunday, and put more activity among river men than thorn has - , hewn for .motiths past. The keng.l thaw and llgheraine of the litter . part of lest week commenced to swell the Youghiogheny and Mononga hela rive. on Saturday afternoon and night, end by six o'clock last evening there were, seven feet of water in the channel and steadily. rising. Nearly all of the passenger and tag bosh% already freighted i and ready to the rise got up steam; and while many departed for points below oilers will bo ready to dtaw in their linos to-day. Should the river maintain its depth many thousand boats els. at I will be run out this week in and boats. Inasmuch as coal to ca ding over fifty cents per bashed I the river, owing to its great ic , art it , ehreseth rise will prove a bi Providence to the people in those i s and cities.. The weatheria.st a y e .' A yea tome signs of another cold a ~ hut we ardently hope that the 4 1,,,,, l 'Aontinue sunielootly long to enable the coal ready for shipment to get ea The flee will . afford employ -lent thbusuv- •-- - a 1 1 ` cc g • 2: t 1 i t, re I A b t 2 t I thiimuands of tile nun, sud will life to trade in this city by g cast sums of money into argil- rat E 'd g w : Won: The leghenv river eammeneedrialnt last ui t, and . Wont the ralne here and those re nod above, we am safely an ticipate hat this stream will dd tally as well to rds helping on navigation in the Ohl river, xis the Monongahela is now doing, THE COURTS. District toast—Fall ilesci. Serunoxv, Dec. 2L—ln the core or James Clegg and other owners of the atom tug "Miry Davage" vs. William H. Brown; the Jury found for the plain tiffs the aunt of $4554.07. The argument list will ho taken up - Monday tin-day) at nine o'clock. Jury trials EMT° been adjourned till the first Monduy in January. ibaorter isosoiono—Jade stows. SATURDAY. Dee, Y.l.—A. number of de , ferrdants convicted duringthe term,were called for sentence. John Burns, aged- sixteen years was first On the list. He had. een arraigned on four Indictments for larceny, on one " of. which be woe acquitted, pleading guilty to the other Alves An- earamt appeal on behalf of the prisoner induced Hs Honor to defer sentence in order to consider whether it would be proper to send hint to the Houseof Refuge instead of the Penitentiary. Thomas Rogue, a man well np -in Yeats, convicted of the l of pig metal from Shoenbetger CoCo., was son - tenoed to the penitentiary for two years and three months. Henry Bell, colored, for the larceny of aeon; woo sentenced for a term of one year and three months. Isaac Williams, colored, was fora Ake term for Sealing a . box of • `cowy, convicted - of the larceny of a and trigs from. Mr. Boyd, of Tarentum, although barbed tease, said be was innocent as a child, and that the witnesses • against him had eouisltted purjury, was sentenced to the Peniten tiary for three scare and nine months." .Edward Curran, convicted of a feloni ous atimult and battery- upon Michael Dougherty, at a tavern in the vicinity of Noblmtown, was sentenced for three • yeas and six months. . John Achy, a German, in the country only since Moral last, who had been con-, 'rimed fir the larceny of $l5O from his room-mate, was sentenced frit ono year and six months. ' . John McCarty, for committing an ag gravated assault and battery upon John. McCombs, at the house of Mrs. Camp bell, in McClure township, a few days • sinoe, was sentenced to pay a line of twenty dollars and 40 usubmgo three• months' imprisonment in tho Jail. William Soles, of Port Perry, convicted GI an assault and battery on Mrs. Wilkin son, wan sentenced to pay a lino oftwom ty flys dollars. cemmoa IPlesa.jadx. yore SATunD4i,Deromnbar,2L —4h mmelion tormiseellincous business. DIVORCE CASES. -Roffstott" vs. Hof:Caton. In divorce. J. W. Murray, Esq., appointed Commis. aloner to take testimony. . Jane Wagner ' ye. John A. Wagner. Libel in divorce a eineuto, &c. Libel lant eel forth that she was lawfully join ed -in •marriage with John A. Wagner March 7th, 1857, and -from that time un til the tint of April, 1867, lilted and en habited with him, and in all respects de meaned herself as a kind and affection ate wife, but that Wagner, on the date Mated, April Ist; 1887, deserted her end bas continued to absent himself from her habitation. A. subpcena was awarded. Lottie Williams, by her next friend D. L. Smith va. John D. Williams, Libel in divorce. Decree granted, and parties isevorally at liberty to marry in like" manner as if they had never been mar--' ried. The argument list will be regularly taken up on Mondaynext, 30th inst..hut Judge Stowe will sit on Thursday next . to hear motions. - Adiannanar7 and Satiable • Thou',lest anniversary of the Sabbath . School of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, 0. S., (Rev. A. AL .31111.1tran, pastor,) of this city, now worshiping at • the hall of the Fourth ward school, was - held on Thursday afternoon, 10th Inst. There was a full attendance of teachers and scholars, all anxious to make the first anniversary one long to be remem bered. The exereiries were opened by the' school singing the Twenty-third psalm, and prayer by Rev. A.M. Milli gan. A- short and rifting address was made by Mr. George, student of the R. P. Theological Seminaryof Allegheny. The pastor then interested the school by a few appropriate remarks, atter which refreshments -beearie the order of the da,y. After all had participated freely and enjoyed half an hour In social Intercourse, tho school wee dismissed, each going away heart and hand full. About half past seven in the eveuMg• the congregation and numeions friends. assembled at the hall to spend the even ing socially. Judging- from the appear once of the countenances of those &seem bled,we would say each understood what he came far—seen a general social "mix up" we have never seen before. The exercise, were formally opened by singing, and 0-Ivor by Rev. Dr. Sproul], of Allegheny. A very fitting address of welcome was then delivered byßev. A. M. Milligan. The meeting was then de. clared open for_social enjoyment, in which all freely participated. laying all formality 'aside. A splendid collation W.I. then served, after which Prof. Jar. R. Newell recited arryerel pieces in his accustomed entertaining style,_one par tierdarly, entitled - " William: 71ell,": was very pleasing. A very beautiful tea 80,-, which we understand wee purrhawd from Messrs. Jas.•R. Reed d: Co., Fifth street, was then, in behalf of the ladies of the congregation, presented to Rey. Mr. and Mre. Milligan. Rey. Milligan, in a abort sod appropriate speech, thanked theladies for Urea' kindness. The con gregation than united their voices in singing the doxology, and Rev.j'ohn-' . son, of Baltimore, K 00 ° 00 * (1 (be-bene diction. „ . —• The assembly slowly dispersed, each one seeming reluctant to leave. The ex arises of the eventeg %Trani's° enlivened by rose mad Instruments! music.- Ere , rything passed in the moot harmonious and pleasing manner. •We admire the progressive moveme having f this young tacmgregation, it onlyg boon organ ised about one year, and having w ormed fromeirty to about one hondrid and seventy-fire members. We under stand a lot has already been purchased on which, at an earlyday they purpose - treating a house of worship. 1:=1=1231 James Con Mar, a conductor 'on the Run Street Passenger . Railway, made information before Mayor McCarthy Sat =day evening, charging John Wilkin son with 'malicious mischief. It appears that Wilkinson, after having taken a larger qutualty of had whisky aboard than he could well carry, got aboard of Connok'm ran Ile had peen in the car but albz moments when he became boil• terms and disorderly and wee very Properly ejected by the conductor. Thin Proceeding did not tend to quiet him, but on the other hand appeared to increase his rage, all he made au attack upon the windows cattle cur, lira of which he de molished with his clot, before he could be stopped. A warrant was Issued. Held far Co rt.—Joseph Sands, chug ed before Alderman Thomas with assault baud ; battery, on oath of Patrick Flualles, afterithearing on Saturday, was held to baltlrt the sum of WO, for Ida appear.. aneeint Court. . , - • .Thomas Sullivan, charged with per- Jury. ou oath °Mom., McQuade, had a bearing before Alderman Thomas on. Saturday, when he was held to ball In the sum of $5OO for him appearance at Court. Flytut and Charlotte Deena, residents of the Fifth ward, gate a pugilistic entertalnmenent Penn street Saturday free of charge. Ellen it appears same out of the "mum'! second best, and appealed to the `'majesty of the law" for redress. She made- information bhfore Alderman Taylor,,.charging Charlotte with assault and, 'battery. A .werrsat was issued forthe ernmt of the accused. , . lArceny.—Conrad Schad made infer oh before Alderman Thomas, &tor -charging. Herman Roes with lar-' The prosecutor alleges that the • r 'endant carried air from bin premises ~...14iberird worth live dollars and has re. ,-, 'teed to return the same. A hearing - 1 "..as had in the case, which resulted in the dofendent being held to ball for Ws appearance at Court.- sees /ffeetle=site ISwami sad rLtii Ai The 'Republican citizens of the Second and Fifth wards, Allegheny, held (MUMs meetings at Metz reapectivnarhoot bottles on Saturday !waning, at which the fol lowing nominations for city and ward odlcem were made: SECO3D Marolv—Sirnon Drum, S. 11. Long, A. P. Callow, John A. Myler. - • DOOR Duterron—(lne to be nominu ted)—Wm. Murdock, John Alston. Ser.xer Councit,—(One to be nomi nated)—Geo. D. Rkldle, Alex. Moore. Common .Counc.u.,--(Four to be noun natod)—W. H. Dunham, Win: Tate, Jr., James Reed, Joseph McDonald; W. it. McClintock, H. P. Schwartz, U. - Baird, Z. Gillespie. Saltbox BoAnn.,-(Live to be nomina ted) Joe. Ring, Jno. Brown, Jr.. J.• Brawn; C'. B. Eaton, John McDonald, John Thompson, D. Dennison, A. LW cave, Jas: M. Carr, It. L Thompson. EL M. Dunlop. • Assassoa—John nierrett. Aboxnotax—Wm. Emilie°ln. Constant .r.—(two to be 'nominated Jas. McDonald, Wm. Sprague.- Jrnen or Mammon - a—(one lobe nom Mated) W. if. Alexander, W. W. Alex ander.- Irover.crou&—(tiro to be nominated) A. Richey, Hugh Ward, Jas. Spregue, N. Sommerville. M.Shollabei. Huvutur INeesevotus—( two to be 110111- hutted) S. - Hedger, Wm. Crider, G. Haze. let, WM. Chambers, C. P.' Streight. TIVTH TfAHD—(lute Manchester.) Ataroa—john Hyler, AP. Callow %moil Drum, S. H. Long.. Poor., Druseron—William A. Blur dock. • Smarm Cm:mem—(MM° 'to be trend nated)—Aletander Patterson; George Reiter, George Black, P. J. Thomas, Common' Groutrax,—(four to be nom': riatod)—hr.e. Clark, J. P. Kennedy, Jas. R. Lindsay', Glliard, R. T. !White, Jam. Howard, J. H. Frazier. . &moor. Dtaketons(stw to be-nomi nated)-8. Kay, ,N. Nl . Clinton, C. 33: Shea, Joe, Walton S. F. Crowther, John S. Parke, Gallakher, D. Luther, B. li. Painter, S. 'A: Nesbitt, Abram Pat- . • , ALDERIKAN—(TWO to bo nominated) S. Sullen], haute btowart. Astnewitt--(Ope to bo nominated) H. Paulus, D. Luther. JUDGIS or Etscrum—W..T. 'Caugbey. hearacron—(rwo to be nominated) E. .7. Wilkins 8.8. D. Thompfon, W. C. Cooke, W. S. Taylor. RlSTlMLNlxerscroas—(Twoto be nom inatect)=R. Bartley, G. W. Reynolds, Cortarmum--Dlxon Bigley. • Tele Liwola_lllially lan4-1 Refit =MI yVorheerfully make room for the' fo Miring comMunleadon from one of our leading citizens, relative to the lundsub• scribed aomotimengo for airs. Lincoln and family by patriotic citizens through ouetiteeouittry • Prertmonam, PA., Dec. 21, 18 , 37, tnrroas Gaiszrrs: .1 desire through the columns of your paper to bring to the notice of the, people Certain facts, without comment or note further than to remark thit this letter was not written until the usual Means had failed to get a satisfactory reply to - the letters- of in quiry herein referred to. ' . •In the Gasserrs, some weeks ago, the question was' asked, "Wier has been done frith certain - rands - oontriblited by the patriotic eitinerm. of old Allegheny countyfor the relief of the family of the late PresidentLinemit, immediately after his assaisination This money was sent, to Mr. 13enjarrdn' B. Sherman, of New York city, who was,Treasarer of the fund. - He was endorsed by Mr. • florace.Greeley,Ahrouteh the columns or the. Tribune,, and in other More direct ways. With these credentials the Trea surer here soon' collected quite a en nu ' sum, I'oo-of. which was given Li small subscriptions—none over itloo, by reason ef limitation. No report has ever reach d taisipart, of the country as to the die triblition,-and as there had been ample time, a well known eitireu of Pittsburgh wrote Mr. Greeley, asking as politely as possible why such report had 'not been made and in reply received the folks.- ing, witch I Lope is note sample of Lis style of replying to conrteone letters OFFICE OF TEE TRIBUNE, : WSW - Toast Opt. -1867 j • • Sue You ask Incl." tell you what Mr. Benj. B. Sherman has done with certain moneya.. have. you asked Inm.,..tbat question? Itnet,,lmotigast,:youistionld do so ?torero inquiring tor me. Mr. /Merman Is an eminent merchant of our city. I contributed Mlle ?Mi of which he was treasurer, and have no doubt that every cent or Mena geld oier by attn.to Mr. Lincoln's helm ' • . Tot" Hone= Gecezz,nr. Thia letter,..althohich 0be10011y . ..,..0f most sathstactory (?) nature, did not eng tice, so Mr. 8. was written • to, and as no answer came,. a second and third Jotter was 'written, eachsboing treated as the first.. Why hi till.? Who will reply? NS Dlr. Greeley or Mr. Sherman. • . I the congregations of the SOoond htetL odiit Church, 411eglieny, Rev. S. F. Crowther, Pastor, having completed the lecture room of them new church edifice, on Rename street, pesterday dedicated it .to the service otAimighty God, with of. - propriate (merchant ' : The membership of this church num . • t boring In all not more than fifty perpous, certainly deitervitt great credit for the energy and Perseverance with which they have prosecuted. their. labors, and' d lecture mantic which they worship pod yesterdly will; we think, be a stand ing lemmata them 'reverie ditiquir In a I It Is entered by a broad passage way, on either side. of watch are the class- I rooms of thechnrch, and is awelllighted l , cozy and comfortable.place, neatly titled up throughout. The pews are painted • light, color and partly grained, matting covers the 'floor In the aisles, handiome bronze chandeliers hang from the ceil ing, two largo' "Morning Glory" staves givo out a &serial warmth, the mini.. tar's platform tastefully carpeted, and in: the matte .of which is a small carved Bible stand, grained ins imitation of oak, occu a mesa built in the rear wall, and ti t eroom affords comfortable seating for about three hundred persons.. - • The 'choir, led by Mr. Watt, Miss Fish er presiding at the organ, enlivened the exercises at . intervals with excellent music and at the-close of each service daring the day the financial condition of the enterprise was presented to the pee. pie, and a considerable earn was realtard to aid in relieving It from embannes. went. . number of ministers_were present on the occasion. assisting in the services' , which wen commenced by Rev,' Alexander 'Clark, or Pittsburgh; who preacpreached bathe morning from th e text, hed to tbe Xing uf.lamel' who cometh in the mane of the Lord." Tide was followed In the afternoon at 21'o'cloek by.Dr.Collier,pmachingtheregulaidect lcatory sermon from the 87th Paalm;flth verse, after whlebl3r. Reeve., in accord ance with their beautiful ceremony, consecrated. the place to the use and. service of the, Blessed Muter and Head of lite Church. In the evening Dr, Reeves closed the exercise% by a logical and powerful ser mon, and' the CongregatlM Alspersed,re:- Joining at the 'access which had thuS far been the , ward of their labvre, _ Larceny, by _Bablee. hlinersa Ann Johnston. Made intbstoinon before' Al derman Thomas, hisiturdaY, charging Rs cbol Aikitenion: *Oh laroenylry banes: The prosecutrix alleges that the defend ant obtained several SAWS" of clothing from her as bailee and refused to retort, the Woe: A isarrant:cras Tuned the defendant' arrested and beht to • hail for bar appeasiknoe at-court Upset her etstut„.-00. &tardily last s' hugs pisna box taniblettout ot a rand.' tare wagottla al:debit ass befog haul ed on tql :of lie stand of an irlsh apple woman lathe autrket. 'lt - smashed her establishnieut and mattara her apples in all directives, bat luckily for the old lady she escaped: *about being struck, the box merely grazing bee bead. Itarsted.!—The water main, on Con gram_ atranti : between Franklin street ADO renneyeaura *venue; banded y.s: terdy morning; stnllf not repatrectroon will serionistr.ftmge the street at that stilt illiethitir itatiriaie Aeotaea•i By Telegraph Magee PaStatnerge Bantle 3 BOSTON; 'DecentJim =Tho OZPITAA train from >New York ibr Boston ran into a freight train this morning near Natick. Jantei lifoCardy, brakeman, is supposed to be fatally injured. • Several ae t ry were more , ?r Inn hurt, none o - —The Tribune's "'pedal says:- Weemes out horn lir. Stanton , * friends direct, that the late Secretary, in explanation of ids remaining In the Cabinetafter he had discovered his continuing there wan waist Bin Johmon'e wish, says tied hu would long glace hive resigned his poli tic:on as Secretary of War but for tho fact that ho received* lettet, sighed , by most of the Itepubilenn Senators and Repro sentatives ,in Congrese, tequeeklug to remain to the Cabinet, satheyallefied, for the gond of the country And the pres ervation oftho Republican party. —lt appease that the D 4121311 (70112411.5. Manors who male to sea about tbe de tails of the treaty fem . the Purchiso or sit. Thomas; but having no precise concep tion of the way in wbieJh anal' things aro managed, seemed to entertain verylittle doubt but that the treaty would be ac cepted ato. Malted without &rouble. :In this' mapeet, - henvoirer,' they' birve been botutiderably deceived, and the spirit In Which the , Russian treatyla been ac cepted by ,the 'House Miami timid 'nen., 0113 &host the ratification Of the-pnr ' large diatillerietwera eleirod ,in Philadelphia a Batnrday - by. . Ceiba:Mr, John Miller, acting under the order. of the Revel:Me Board, on a charge of de frauding the Government by farm re • Milli BOHR, US Wood St., near corner of Fifth. Government Securities, Gold, Silver, and Coupons, 6.4/0122.1 2001 02 llbaral terms. Mots bold na ell the prlooltral tines of Enrand. CONVERSION OF 7-301. We are ROW ➢rtDered to °Omen the SECOND AND THIRD SERIES 7 - B EN 1.1:TO THE New 1867 5-20 Gold Conpoi Bonds. JOBB T. BRADY & 80., Detlets Senfility, Corner Fourth h Wood Streets. RA, B. ihr,VAI 6i CO AID MUM E GOIIPAMIST BCORITBS, CoF..Foifeth atid Smithfield Steeds We wid_idre bolder, of JUeiteAND JULY 81[YEIN.Y1ILUTIFJ1 the Were. at vet owl. to January let, and RI., therm In ..7.,Lanin 5-20 no.rns OF 1867, [Maul IN 1101.0 a 0 per eat. Nom tna .la. III& maTAR t W. FINANCE AND TRADE Omits ow eon Penna.:mon (Werra, SezOnner,l)themeber, 21, 16112. —The Sesnetary of the Trethory, It Is ether Whelan! announced, In view of the deptheelo• In turtle.es el:rates, and out of defereneet. °oneness, will aot,lnstat on any fur th er eon traction of the torten., for some time to came. This idea, however, that to step the mesterei • contraction allowed under the law will yeller the deprethlon th business lea questionabi one. It 15 the want of confidence more than anything eine, perbape, that Is the trouble. That want locks money up, whether there be much or little of It—and thus it is made coerce. The present Irene of our paper money is no doubt abundant for all purpose. when 05,001n e1...es shall be auth note cocoon ge and it cognize Industry end produotion, and call It forth.. Of the Inners ripen and funding bill I of Dln. Sherman, submitted to the Senate on Tinsley, the New Tork Times thy they are not received with much 'raver. The Times thy: "The domestic btukers to the public funds, and the brokers in the foreign exchange retard the fondled e h.moa. ocorplicated, if not impthoticabio, soil far the one part, no. called far, and imply a menage to- holdeis or It 20s with' popular pplalon In the .operate States widen may estate • presente for meths the bands." d. t:diet= And allople t per trot. [unsling Scheme his not been without favor In the past, brat an the Times remarks, "Math that time funding has gone on rapidly to the 0rte1.1640 form, and cow that we area , eery apptothithag the end, and the proyaltion to careen:Wale le made to embrthe extraneous questions of State taxation, currency contrac tion or expansion, ind tithe relmbonormerat of the principal of the °righter bonds ,Itereen or efohfeen ware twfort harp full due, we douse whether public opthian, or any more than Con. sr.., luawrll prepared far it a! la the eluing of lifeln • —llegistered Five Twrattr• of 1802 sell al lent four per cent= lower than coupon bonds of the mime variety. This to because that foreign 'musket, which bee enh a fond. one for then old Flee Twenties, wishes only for the coupon species. The difference In price between the registered and coupon gold bestiag bonds of the retnalutog varieties Is mintier. Aa the time for paying the coupon of the snan, Thinks cf Joffe, 160. Is at ben.it 1C well for banks and other Mirth and antectors of than seaport., to be ao than guard against nunterfelterst The linen or these cOntettelt coupons W 3.50. Are of • different ..hapo and color from the genuine, 'and the bard•ra of Unto nun= are also dif ferent from the genuine. So tar as the noon. terfelts nee lacenpteseated at the department they hart been 'lumbered with some Integral number of the following thousands, ele:- 111,000.140.00 , ,160,000 end necal. —The ammo:wet circulateon allowed to the stab...l - banks Is more restricted than bT, soy otter basting law tzar imposed by fhe Orie nt Government or by the tersest Sesta,. Heretofore chcolottoo It.. been permitted at Ohs rate of two or three dollar. for one of cool. tel. Moder the premed motional system It le In all caseates. than dollar for dolier, or lei no Slue more then 94 per cent, sad for books of large capital very mush less. If we are to hsvebeeke at all they moat be allowed some circulation. QM prrninolicut rzimoLzva aucurt 0,1 M .•• Or TES Perreettlenti tieserrit. f • 9.4I•GaDAT. December Cl, 2902. OM:IDE-The crude market has been Very dull throachnut the pot week; the sales In the ea - relate being very light, and while ego all. if anything Le ashadelogo. fistula deliveries remain ouchaned. Select' to DOB, on nue, at Tel end WOO bbl, for Much and April, sel ler'• optloo. at 734, dose noted In our retort erYseterdaY. there is some inquiry tar blank and Atoll, and the offering. to gall ter that pinto:110 delivery are net ray - numernou. The receipt. goring the week hoe been net usually large, oohing over sixteen thous.] barrel., the largest strove!. during any ee one Wk for oreral months—the arrivals reported to-day run over Ore Mouthed barrels. At this wetting (for p. in:Saturday evening) it has commenced raining, and the ProsPecte for • tAilk rise Sr. eneouraiong. We are low In s manner Independent of the river, as the Valley Railroad ho [tannin for moving from three ; totals. thousand barrels per day, and this, In the percent condition of the market, will fully I meat The requitement. of the trade. REFlNED—theta Is no, improveptent to note In thi tone of the market for bosded irr fi and notwithetodlng priers are almost unpre. eedently low,lite tendency still noes to be doward. We San report's race clone thoood barrels for all this month, buyer's option. at 22a. and ono Shouted bane hi for the got hall of January. same option, and lams price. ARRIVALS The arrivals of oil by the Al lethertY Pally Eellroad, titre our lot report, wen aa follow.: Jas. Wilkie. • Orel }'.her 'Rothe!! 'sweets, est 'sweet?, L.& S.. ea tiro Si, I. sae D. leg Lockhart /rewrite( Maio 4. Edwards. 02 Total Total receipts for tbeweek Tall receipts lost weak.— Total receipts since Jno 1.. OIL !elrrso CADS or w. r. /S. 1. Lockborfil Frew, it/ bits maned to Wonlen /rew k itontsbettotr, Knitter 6 Co., 220 /In do to Witriki, King is Co., Philadelphia. on, &000sirks tartar. Brooks. Bolontine & 00,2.4 Obis ratted to Weldor!, Fo. & Co, Philoderphls. Drumm & Wilirsore, 21 do do to Worlog,Hlng _& Co, Philkilarphs& . - . . =I Tsiesrsok to ine Pittsburgh (imams Now Tong, becoMbertl.—Cottou a 'bade Casten miles of. 1,800 halos, at 1614Q1740 for middling uplands. :lour; receipts Afea heels; market dull 'common grades 'heavy, bat without decided change; sales of 1,1041 tails 24.511.101710,110 for sopernite, Mato and sresterfils9,loolo,ll3 for extra litate;49,4oo MOO for extra western, ar.l .12,101/14s0 for white wbent{ $0,00013.00 for It.. 11, 0.,• $llOll Mr common to good ht. Louis, and for good to choice extra do, r. l oslog. Wald. Californias dour quoit; gains or 41,11 seek., at .12,Z01100. Jaye flour firmlsalcs of CO Obis at $74088,150. Whisky quiet and michimagest. Wheat; reompts 43,041 book; Market doll Sod nominal, and in Unpin favor; intim/ of 7.803 bush of rXd Vlnnnin at' MAX. and 1,070 hush white donts7 , 7s, Byes , scarce and firmer; sales of 10,a0y hush weet.- ena t $l,lOO delivered, an outsitio prior. , Barks tends upward: salea of Ito hos state at gun at there tires' lapel. Malt; sales . of lows at bush, 51,1601,0 for interior, and 111,8001,00 for good to ekoe. Conn receipts 1403t1 00.01 market 1 060 better,• Wes of 41,0 00 both. 01.11,3a1,fe for old mixed west ' era in ohne. the latter an extreme; 51,40 afloat; 111,3541.40 for new lie; 41.3301,93f0r - new yellow/dory. O n t.; mem pta 2,390 nos; 17/ats lc batten' idea or 114.000 hos t 11 33441 113,4 c for western in facie atof/70 afloat; sto i n mer e ,. thariptlon of buyers (or en the Month. Mice dull atiq , 7Moyo for 11)..“,11,,.. Coffee doll. anger good; mates of 230 Matis Of Cuba et 1150112 a. /Seisms. 00104 solos 'Pt Rtle heeds of New .Orleans . flout 011101 at Mitifoc. American' petroleum gofer, g ‘ Mlle for crude mil e115t17. 5 0 for +edied st banded. Coal nominally unchanged. Lc f.ls. er steady at 234037140 for Mame. ' light weight.. Wum a abode firmer for low grades and dull and drooping (or good end. One grades, sale. of 30,007 Meat 13141301 e for unwashed Caeca, MftGilc for dos tie; 0.3000 n for double extra; Ste for Beranek/1 Cem• brings MOM° for pulled. Fork dull and boavy;eatee of MO table at $71.75021.70 tor mass, alining at =SD in ease, 510010,50 for prime; $10.7502nte for oriole nice.; Also, bad bids of now mead,, sellers for Febraary, at I 0M.,40 and 7.50 hbls of old do. seller. Mr Jar.- tituy at MONA Beef mead). i soles of 400 boll atp revlous pnece. Bed hums defuly; males Ogle bids at ZOGAIe. Llama nominal, Co. Meat. gulutt sales of 170 packages *A eime. Yor ohoublera and 720114/0 for Mons Dressed hoes low, at sliool4o for western] WHAM for city. Lord dell; males of 030 bbls at, 12%01334c. hatter steady at alatro Lfor Mats. Cheese be -' at 114/100. ~0000 heavy at tt. Liver se pool anti; 12,000 Loa of wheat per steamerat %el In bulk. Wrsl our dull and a .bade easter on low grades. Wheat very quiet and droop ing. Ilya quiet and very firm. at 01.7701.78 for western. Osta antive .d firm, at 31).c0 store; blo afloat. for western. Corn ate. , sty, at a 1,39 in store. and 111.401,1,41 afloat for old mixed western, and $1,33d11.111 afloat for new mixed western. Pork nominal, at 120 23 023,83 for mess, ' and regular. Beef quiet and steady. Oat meats Bacon owl and uneh.ged.. Lard quiet .4 stea dy, at I*,:el/la for fair to prime. Toledo mental. I Ityltalsgrapb to tits Pittsburgh El asotte.i , • nq Doc. 11.—Ylour q9let.: Wheat to ealnn ember at $2.47, Zio.l tea Wittosell KA& Cord to lowerrsalea now at 910 Gaon ,for all mooch at 91 to 9434, for drat half of January at Pt to Ulf 0. . Osta a 'bade batten sales at. arc for No. I. Ityo q Wet and firm. Barley gator. Seeds—rates Cloyersewl at 07,10.. Pork—sales 12.11. at 420,49. Dressed doge Call and lower; salon at 7 to 834. IWuaworo glarker, [Br Te!corona to the Plmarn me thisatte.l Darrow., December 21. - Flour la quiet and unchanged. Wheat It and re. oelpra light. restricting °writ one; Drama eominany wlt hoot change. Co lea. amine —white a1,91g.1.15; prime new ~ ; . I low lower; Wes at 11,231g1,25 Oata, new at MM. and unchan Age gull at •ger L 1,0(01,10. Pro to. quiet PITTiouRGii DAILY LiAZIC JAIL MIZELL & SON, 89 and 70 Water etteet, LARD Oa MANUFACTURERS, And dela.. La CRUDE, birAmOATINU sad OARBUS OMB. - We on tic 1 Loan Ott equal to the ben Clanlnant. or other broods. and Menton WWrI n o w Lr a O d lt a a l:ta • n L o a re u n cann o t be Ling!. 'Groot Lubricating and elacOnrd brand. Or Caririb till coliatuntly on bond. hiercbgntS and nano dam= ittlilind Win their 'moron to give go a call Word rothidno Lard 011 from the Wan. GIS; =M! . . Onion ..r ran Prrrenoserr Usisiarria 31.7118.1 MT. December M e Me can report no Improvement ttl trade, end the general markets have been unimually doll during the meek which has Plat closed. The demand for almost everything teems to be very much restricted; arid for Come artieleiprices ere lower, though, as a general thing, there have tieen no rosy materiel change*. , . - on klNTher:o la vsteady demand for Wlry ter Wheat, the * with 'taking all that Dam at 0,6002,65 for Red Winter. and 13,002,65 far do White. Oat. very doll, wlelt • .drocgood tendency, wo now quota at 000; on tract, and odtpine, In store. There I. no Improved de. mould for newt Corn, and wa now gdota at $1.06 (TWO—lisle or I oar Ear at et,oo; old Corn la quoted at iastin,s s Rye I. dill and nominal al 11.2001,40. Barley Is moth and In demand at 111,Crvitl,AS. FLOUR—The 'Flour market ta quiet and dm dtage& We nom quote at 1101010,75 for Spring; 31145012,50 for 'Winter, and 111,500 113,50 for fancy brand., Rye Flour, 48,50 yer bl5l, and Buckwheat 334505,50 per cwt. 'AIM. FEED-1e coming in pretty Genii, and amarket la a little dull. Sale of car See dea at 11,75, and 1 ear Middling. el 1240. Bran liquoted at 111,0001,00. APPLFS—Firm nod with thminlabed Ott!. vale lad an Improved darnange prices 'WI shade higher, ranging from g3(01,60 per bbL TOrikT,OS,S-10 better demand, and the market Is miser. ' Sale of two tboneand bush. Cl. prime reach Blowy, to go to libiladelphia, at *LPL BUTTER—Primeto none 11011 Beater le In good demand end nlls readily . et nene. EGGS—Seneca and- fret, paean an ncld pretty drolly at 35:. LA quoted at taldgetatic. LARD *MD quoted by . taystkitaitar. 4. At 22090 c for No. 2, and 110201,M for No. I. DRESSED HUOS—Packern ore paylne from et,i to B.4o—tales to a rotall .any at !DAD, h DRIED FRUlT—Coollnuee dull but un changed; .mall sales at. VDPISO lot ADRIt..a. , Itallatio for Peekaboo. • • CHEESE—tiale• of Rathbun, at 150160, and Factory had (loalten at rota, • HAY—Is steady, with replier tale; Irma country wagons at 1111024, for summon to prima Timothy. BEANS—DeII at 13(03..t. 110511 NT—dull at $00.7.50. WIANLIERILIES—SaIta at 012613 for cult' Chicago alarftel. (By ?Muralh to Ito rat•bargb duds.( tVetcsoo Dacemlatr2l —Fame la Inner al 111,371j010 for %mans extra. Wheat arm 10 1 tsn !ocher at 1101101,91 for No. I,l l lollll.alti for No. 2, oloaLds 41,1MN,41,&S Ass N 0.2 C l,l-11 No. 4,31)c1b.er cle3lng o ne ulta at 83 , 1 c for 2, and seMOISM for ar. Oats steady, and quiet, rite cg nt alMo. Rya to UElal and armor at 11,37011.50 ti lot No. I, and 11,640 107 tor No. 2. Batboy dullat 11,4101 flyer No. 2, Mess rtrk armor and Soo higher at *Maomm ll ; 111 senor last Leaf January. Lard anti at Liu for prime bloom. Orion Han. atilt from Nook. linden anqadders at 7c delivered, snit ele from 010 Ck. I:sst- Ileh'lleate etre Juliette. and nominal. Aoeat hotted Maass Octet at 12c. Deemed Hogs opeaell dad awl Ms /old. mu Improved and Moved dessly at COS, dlrldlng on 001. ar e Hog. armor and 100150 Maher on the hest 'mad., Ii 1....fra57 for mood to oldatol 0430 au,73 for bale to good, sod Ind.ll - lair. Heel cattle dull and unchanard. Recelpte—flour wheat 7.00 U- corn 11,51 M, oats 11..0 hush, hogs 40....nlapulen. —lluur 3,001/ taas, 'shoat 111,01 d, corn leant:ma. bier York . Dry dowila '.llwrlket, (Br Ta',//mer, to the Plushaesh u•ree..) liers'Yong, December:l.-7m' dry geode market Is generally tomtita and de , ' premed, enougb tor ttil kinds of fabric's ileary brown ahem:nate, start tOol pre,' firm 'at 134(313140 lee light brown. Ilmlim are In good supply end 'fecap enough at grOld!gc. BleatthetlAuaihntrans lentymd low at rum., Lenten flannels ate In light supply and firmer bs own, peciaby Ellerion P brown, which been risen 10010. Lakonia bt miry maims at 214 llstentilun brown. Dm Salmon Falls aim Pemberton A, re; do.(;; 'Dm Aillosamst brown. temi ltdgmand Ilesseichte , setts It 13.,c. In prints romp slight charmer are not losable In cube or patine styles, bur lra fresh etyleis theresle nu smentlal Itharese. All the atandeed fancier' sell at 10lic, mend Cocheco, •PtIMO command 13e. W antsutta prints ere aelling down M at rsm. Mks, Lie Viroisa and Pequot s eell at 4011le for plain and larigh colors. ClairletaisU Markel. PrlYelrerspb to tee Iltzsbereb Gassual edema's-Vs. Betteurtbar dL—Weialnar very unfavorable for buslners to-day. gained all day. at Macs bard. Ylmtr and Wheal. very don but prlatartootinalty tabobstored. Gore quiet at Melba Gate dull at asGtna Rya bud Barley unchauged. Cottoo an prices nomlont. Whtsky- f;9ll* bona /id ss doll and mires &Glade lower; sales at - IQ to tate for 5,0 Its to Pb It.; mottos; ICAO head. Provudona lama Urn but no Ito Our. taut Omegas Limon Yeats dolt crawly uw• tog to the weather, at ftißilid lard den. 'at On. Batter and Cheese uachangul soot quiet. 'Tobacco doll; tildes caolnted ends at 45.90011,10 for logs. Gold closed at ISO iguana and. hug. Stoney marks; calm. Egettioito ttrm at /-10 dlecotostbuy ing bud par elite.. sr Tatimpit to the ritt.bateki Dare:D./. ' Sr. Loom. Dec. 21.—Tobacco 10 very little Wheat end the prices are, nashass... ;Wheat unchanged, at / 2 . 55 0.470 for Primo to 'chianti falli alyiu for fair awing. than Seta firmly. , rmly. Mat the demandla . 11gitt ahrelgnhe for ensiled; ear dull and lower. nt /31:117c, date dull and declined to 74:Mi. Barley 01.10 to al. Ilya manted.• Prommerns—anth- Mg doing and the prices nominal. Whisky see , . et IrAW. Bogs a little hotter, at hi to 0 1 0; tpe lanes Irdalflt,trti . :ronck'd 01st, not 71,10/ were peeked. Receipts —Floor IX.O bblei wheat:W.6om; earn eouo hot gate 3CO bat barley MO ha; homil.gia..• • Cleveland .1111arket. ar Teleaven% to 'tin Mud, bd,r, unretts., Crannr.ava, Dre.ti.—Trottr reattymenete extra !iding 60,25 for red, attire e 12,210.112 ILO°. Wheat quiet anti unclanged fur lot, on the centt 1 red ',lnlet lo we r 2do $3.17:2C0. I 11112rankie rprlngt /1.17 $12,14. Cora dull witha talr, demand ..10* tuts re delivery but lover, No. 2 shallednd the balance of tea moothel,o2, for Feornary $2.02. Ont. moderatedarouul, shade lover et 072ilneo for No. I State. Bee vary auto orrotivg. e 1.60 for No. I. Btu ley scarce but No. flrm no 01.20€21,75 tor No. I, $14 , 201.6.5 for No. Petroleum Int demand at 401) I2c for neap/ended quiet 1t1.330/11210, ' New Orlems• :By . 1 . 4114,5(8.12 40 lue musonigu oureme.l fimr Outruss, December' fl.—Cotton dull; (Mel of (OW hales" m1 , 1111Ing• nt. 11ye• to. calpta, 3,164 lunar; mrpormu 12.1 . 4 ungsr firm ann rourbutumel. Moloaarnolatt to prim., 0ue750. Flour dull; xupernnekli 3 Ol., equine 1112,5061140. Morn doll at ° Oat. m',. Mesa Pork dull and Cured at Bacon; Shoulder]. llc, Oast tilde.* 164((13.1.,fc. Lardunchem arid. Starling IM (MIL Nor York kuollanuo, 011iCOMIt." On 10,644 12.2.4 Itl•n restart...co Kerner. OM Telegraph to the Pittsouratt llama., 1 Sax eILiIIOI/100. Deo. M.—Flour quiet at lapel - S. Wheat 51,50 for good ahlmpina. Legal Sondem 744; Dullton recolptet 9; Chstnla Coralltoce loos -for NOVemtels 731,0: fillnlog Moog. general', hatter, Attlee to-day, Crown 'Vona 700; Ophor t 11010 a Norcross 1150; Chatter 135; Bonin Curry 550; Belcher t 5. 1t Yellow Jacket 710, Savage, 159; Nentuck 020; imported 1651 Over man 55. C1:1:=1 ===ZMI Loonovouok, Decemoar 21.—Tobacco Pao &mined SI on goal grade.; lugs are needy .augsgll7. ago has intoomee Übe per Lorre,. Cotton. 1a,40 e. noun dB for koperdne. Corp,7**l2tho 03141 t Ilk , Wee. , hohl24L' Locals h ould lodge,and clear olden lie. Lard 13c.' Mee. York 4,22. Whiskey In hood 30a8:o. Bogs 60,2505,50, gross. Henry, rains all day; thermometer at M. • OM Telegraph to the Musbureh klasetteo MILWAX/C6ll, December 21.—F10 d m dull; city double extra 4960,44,c0untry u 119,4414 8108410. 1,1111. t clmed weak at el 1,41 for No. 1,41.7854 for No. 2. Oats unchanged at 480564 for N 0... COrn dull .nu lower 85,7 for• new shelled... Iteeelnts,Lloo 17614 dour. 11.400 bits *bait, LUX ••••,•o{lbl4. corn. 3 111pMent6-400 bbts now., 220 boa wheat, 1,000 bus cats: Ph:10O.10de Markei Teleereoll to the Plapturph . belo fltm; *astern extra family, .10.Thel1.00. Wheat; prime Slat. red, 6.0“2.631 white. R2.704/2.33. ildeo. 414301.74 /:ore Weedy; pales httau bee tam itaxell 'western, PUN; old yellow, , 0.4,201:43. 'Onto, Ativunalug wt 7sdaal. PO tl °Worn quiet, exude, Itcy re:laud Sc h 0 0d, :4 tlrOoetie. arldTrOpislOailleitat. • . =CI= City 'plena,* G. Fue rtslatare, tfareile 1 , 'Sup rm.° doll 'add' un changed. ' Wheat nominal st 42asesaa (or No.l and No: t: trprlne. COM 'quiet int 4J...e dull and uomluallY hula ¢L 740.. 40 Oa/ for vrtugurn, llatlaylniCtA,.. 61111 MU. Nowt Pork hoary at - Sa . 4l. . L../ .1 34. High Irloee nomlrmi. Dressed b gee nominal. ihmapblei. Markel.' • ' (Ernilampb W the riti.b=gn decitte.j' Mt/trittb, Dootmbor - 2L-Cetton 124'0134c. Corno.no. Hay, IMo2 . 7.'Pork,•' 423.750t4 O. maces.; • shouldere, 11140/BCj ./. 4 . 14 % ,, N1015.• Lartl,l3Milie, nut, JOSUCA ZDVD.N. ........ M. LATIML•II ZA,COB AMMAIMOM. JOSHUA ETUDES kt;o: ltdaloiters, BARLEY AND HOP DEALERS, Office, 882 Pens' irrimusulion-ra. lieu House Itebaxiallarwlfan work., Allec4en7, 11. Mk -LWOW, Staler , of Wi No. SEOIIIITH NINIULitt s . Mem , and lorry streets, DfamiltlV.All•Oded to. atithglit 33. n. `Eit.AEL,Ein; rum zer . °YUEN'S, Fix,: DIME AI..JD TILE. nn t pt.F. HKLTHtI, WHITE LIVE, CHLYNET TOM, sad °Mee and WarehouseW ASI I t ' ll . lair 4 CMMET. appoalta MOnoayahata /doom. . apL Financial matters in. New Yolk. Geld Closed as 1113y4. tity 25111 . 1*4 'Ptiubursil esuate.l ' Win Toga, Dee. 71, mit MONZT 4.1113 GOLD. Money sup at BQT jeer cent. for tall loans, eilledy at Inside rate. Sterling steady at ID QM% Logold for etrat-olassbllle. Gold lower, opening • at LIZ%, deennlng.to 115145, and expolts today 00r Government etneke Grm with a better in. Autry. Co7nell'lt{; en V: 103t4 r4/ o, eit7clo ' 1019091013 ii Jo Y+4 /14366105,, ; dO new; 1 WO'S •no el7.."108(11*.1; 10409, 101 5W/Upe'l 7-30s.1;010104%. 1:1•SK EITATLYZNI.. Lonns. - *244.1G5.3.53; decrease. 1r=i62,192;.p. ale, .13,468.109; di/creek...11.410.739: olrcule• ti0n,1134.019,101; decrease, 1900,110. Deposits, stn.632se3onarease.setsass. ,Levassodera, 6.19,311,132; thereme, Smoke opened arm and closed action and higher. The leading (tenets were New To rk central, Michigan T h ere increasing western preferred. There is an "dlsPosition to hay stock and bull Interest in ascendent. Canton .19 , 4; Cumberland :7N® 28; Well. Ex. Oh.Aus .erleaa EX,..78; Adams OIL; W. S. A. ECM; M. r. Qalekeilver 'LLM.S.MaripOlta 7as, Pawns: Masi IlltsellIM : Atlantic M all 111, W. 1 . 7 .3.51.L0MM.L:New Turk Central 11734(0118; Erie 741.07.05; Muds., 13, M01 32 : MaedlagMaXBM; Ohio and num Pollsa.Ll; Wabash letttplat M. Pant ..Wri4N; Preferred GSMI M. C. 112; Sc. 8. MOSMS.ML; Lm. not. Central IMplttishargh SS . ; Toledo P1t5819/Mlt I._.friMGASB4l Vr., , MAIIML; Preferrod .fillysaMpsgs It . Wayne New Tonne. ECS. DIM ing share. quiet; Edge 11111, 335; Smith lhamlee, Dori.lo,lo. 111111,11Edetritr. The reeelpte at the Sub:Treasury to-day were 111.71A857; for tee week, $18,237,7e7; Vr. 41 .Yart.115,110; for tee week, VI ; 6.56.1 V; Im porta for the weak: Dry leJleeBbT; gee erel ellieretettellee, 01.1518,-nt., - ' • mi:maim DT lIIIILBOAD. Pregennitoe.tlogoetsere&Chrnnelatt B. H., December 21.-100 bbl. floor. Seghnlyer & VO5• kamp; I ear note and earn, tlamplall & Drown; II page totseca 1. Shiner • Vol 04 wk. grain, W offs m 11, 0 II Galway; In Muth corn; Camphall .Allgen; 10 nolo. hides, li.Nlitiltatott; 125 Cm corn meal, Pit bide flour, 100.0. corn. 1 Dickey & Co; 3 tee sausage. Jae Lippincottnl keg plea feet, 11 ()oriole & Co; I Cu Corn, 510a414 &Leogenbetp;k do eflo, E W Tame; 03 . sks math VI de barley, 23M0 no. Mentors' & Bond; 16 do do, I do rye. F 0001.01; Pbka rage, McCullough, Smith 4 Co; II do o, 47 do earn, Sturgeon &. Bro; le do corn, In do barley, WJahnetont -16 do corn, Meartor & Barpar; I Cm torn, A .THatiant , 200 eY• Itgoealbs milifeed; ;Meerut • L1121011.11020:14 Pelee 001100. E Dyde & Sou; 50 libis hams, 3 11 Parketten hide., D Chestnut; tible oil, J7l Drava; 25; Ws r Evert; 24 bale. cotton, Eagle cublena Mule; bbl . Roue. 200 Eke earn. meal, go da rre, Shomaker & Langl Car naves, Bremer. Burk, On 2do do, 0 0 2101101 I do do. Anderson & flestlngt; I do do, O Eberhard; 100 bble flour, Jag Outflow; I ears sera, Scott a MAC; I do oat., Jas Glenn. • ...VOI.AWI2 AND P 1110217.01! December 21.-417 billetts iron, Nlmlck 4 CO; 000 do to, W D McGusrmi; a. Iron ote, 'bran Csughey; do 110, shpenberger 4 111.80 dii.-MelLtlight, Potter a • tie; 1 bee hardware, Sone. h. Nimlckt 11 casks Peed.. flekentell. Peers & Co( bag glee% Pry & 0 00 311: 1 Os•••••110Pet. T Slime; IM lum. to.t. A S Wilson:47 ro planers, Willls Booth; 1 , 35 bigh tern. Manna a AnJemle Ow nets, • Idu Co; e 1 WhlT Brln g a h p a plefl ke*a 10.lyd u lPglh 1212; a eke ram, Mottle, DIC11•00 A CO; 2 r . • Iron. Olkaltaet a I erar kick. Pahl gsp stock, Tortuaa & Ca;1113 eke ogle, ,10 rbe, 11 (Mena; 6 idols pearl barley, 10 Igo dO , Ar buckle. 4 Co; I bbl butter. I do egg., le Steel; 23 Om dry peaches, T U Jeokln4. •• • • PITTSSP . ..C.F.. WATIN.a e 011,120 E. IL Datemtler 21-2 ear. metal, Kimica & ce; 2 de dn. Rm.iahtpthgl4 do ,Ida; 7 Ida do, .1 11,wthead; : tal• P Seltott; WA. Mee& bhowtaker & Loom 10 . do do, ownet; PA do d 0../ 11117.; 4CO do do. .1 S 1/11001th a Co; KO do do, Seehmree a p t .- katopto cant wheat. 51cUatte a AVM, s cars cora, Ouckonhelater a 1:011 car hula meat, E H,llyera at (Jot I earmiddliegs,S 31 Floyd a co, rear pulp, Rhode. It Co; 5 bees lan!, LAU& Haled a Pattesal 2 &woes/atm. 7 m We.. Sett a Co; :OM& totawo. M Ant; I car mid. &Uric Cook, Soften & C 91,1 car &Wei, SPW I- car 1C 18eay. Abzoolt W y VatLar H. R... December 7/ 25 O. wheat, 20 Jo oat& Kltkpattlak. tterroa 00t14 in wheat. Noble a Cw; 25 do 40,61 do twat( do date , 5481 & /Mahar& 74 aka rye, Saott a 0118,1; de oat.. S Loon 14 elo; 20 aka rye. zens Pasuager Hallway aka own, 11421.1, St do do, W II 110814 119 eta rye, I tillotore. Straub At Co; I out 10.10 tad nails. 11000. Drrakell A Co; 11 totem - aye. S L Floyd A 40;71 alga boakteleab AMU, Jew We& • autoirlea, Watt a Wilada; Y oar. metal. Nollt1.111; 4 dodo, Lyon, s:orb a Co. ALLAtrarlar 51,11otar Dwtatabewco tbarter..3. Rhea& • Cot 1 oar cwt TA bO lt flourditewart & Laarettheita; 13 hides, J Cal lam 100 !Ade dour, It Kant a Soot 100 do do, Wrens & Keened:l 1 rue taU/4.1, .1 AN Strob -1 .enti: I to Ithloelea, E 11 11111;1 car wheat. web ~37tKee A Co; go be trl do oat& It linaz & t on; lose cares. &Alp. 1 4obehl.soti4 I tar SWORD'S SELF-TEUPELIEM STEAM POWER BRICK MACHINE, = prrrsstnitlE tAior MANE 02101 mixtrecrrnlNG co. . bae h k i . s (rtite=ll.. " gri M po 17.41 " a by "'" a " , - e •kry • • .0. 124..c . ,ther0 nan ta l lprr. O.etag ta mei Letrithl, brset otlrr ,isiat 6 i9,A...packeo apt.l,{hi A.V./r1 byardt b e a Wrta t Ynr eat.tlff: with t i t a n, s a besot. rin t :r.„..v a ilz - „tn,..l:: i trx:TLlVl bet t Lyle tor •trcar lo e f b a iaa nd percurtent.e d ta worting xtr.. nal 52 CANAL NT.. Id IllAry. itetwaen PeUti at. IN Utonft u.0C17 , ... LL12161 ===2! -To - 'et Ass minvrAervetotE. - 'l`llE UNDEHHIGNED having tot the Seta or pa COPLEY POT CLAY Are bow prepweed Unbent., it la anY etattatY Va = 7o7 ::: l' 4 l a l4,7l :e t' ollgil: l l7.Ve l b l :3l l e: flaw, al draCir p..r.rilet as .8 00 1 1en,M1L.C. i• • tayaar Statillba Coe baba Stun asp to aba pasallol. we aortae eecare4 us aeamew _eland ot eta ....b. I , le ..Ach rui...l accept-WC:4 all lona as 'tied awl Alwawatets• , WI will Santo, receipts Art the proportlou of I be latitata of W. Clay to j i ".17111 Vte1 . 1411 CL ,! . r .lll ' 1 " 1" l•l, I. I: lillir IZZ et Pitt Is. Viorlitb Waablturion bk.. Pt tabereb, , SAlalittlfi. MIN eft IrQu; Xtrokers • =Pint Stront rrx 4 rachuasa.u. A.Loaticuessitscown..l4, luo,,iewam =mettle*. Os=Os, lr soca e ton. =motor*, teifroCen, red oleo* brands otentliredlo, Yorgre 1 10.7Nzao lad Ullpront's U= E. C1F...4 LIU Conalawnent"ad orders osemetfily t 111 4[1:A L H i l i ffri r l Ta l VTat i le B . ED GILIMOn-k • teretaiker tol3ll44oll24llcatanto 211LnutaFtatrcr, Whc!lcsuelutel ler, la —III EttrNICSI ." Valis66, Carpet Balm; dia. Cir. A 1o•ao mammon) of Leman , BATOR nto. toa wow,. patt.bwo; OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA U. H. t • tnitl'el.t rlhAbitLeutA, fine. f. i The Pgungizet!: tiempany hereby .11. 74,Lut7=irtip. gr iv,7lgaignmievir.Tvl I, IS Mq- M T e hole!. rittatilat as .a Altoona are I °reigned ni,attlinicr. It mast tig pros ir ande Woe l that the HMl inagCticriVllTlClTlnrigittl 11 0 1 Ni IQUIVAIL manner, for lee convenlehog end comfort of V. g ."4g ispot e rrl ' Alt! grrel 11 . .10E1N Chltireian he ' I . clumlitee..No. Arch . ef t.. 1 .!41 1 , 11 30 0 p411.!.,, L ., faliont CITY (;:.941.-}:-CIA3I6k,AGEIWY. :SEATON•.I2v-CO., Local enlieeititi, Agents, Iv*. 2:24 ..11 9 criamtla. Mit. P. {L UUS, PIITSBUMU2I sme firs!' oodertolloos tones for o'olleitto ;!:: , 31 , .rratdowItoroptli• ore not noneoune JAMES B. "JONES; ticrap=rirbtr,•-' C.thT 'AND vlitOlkillT = t on .•±O. 9 4it t ..t1tri* mu?' paPreI'ATULA/01414 . ;", o.Ci.filltKA . ma,diakm4 ori4 , 6 , fteortium of 11,0 ° 1 GA.d. Ovaleated axe /a ,caftt wt.Tonned „ saeatimitor Beltiaz (*.mutiny En.'dd imor Un , 0414c... elztabarch. *SIN A . EITETTLERAM FR, I . s . .utorAcrrinutia 07, And GREET 111011 WOI!,11, of oil laud& • 8 ( ea.*: Tanis, /40 , in a w^r![th Ward.' Pittsburgh 11FAZEill6TEIN, 1 61,0.1)=41:Wgi. ALUMS= 7.. Ilrauta door Above DIsSA O A4.I ISlass,lsliliut: Ware A' tallery At NANTILIt2i Piti01:11. VerytAltur reqsdned A dun sprestlquitid. cam,... ..3211. Iplam bLTON • MACHINE WORKS.. . ZenALatilat, Is M.. Illikaalastoz a of STA** ENultrltl , Af , . 41! areltNy ," k"" l3 l l 7 =Van% " at :A 155151 r ottil. 111 hann exelk Irtileat inn • \a .014!, 11717 II I:Z*4 ire kV. ""Ze n ar• • OTlCE—Wheieas, my. wife. ELIZABILTS J. 1111TeitinON, • an' Ina ',W. At lowter. 1/67. 'lan my bad- he r e by wel •rt t Moot tint ears. or rovonauon, for bid WI verso. tront Iran tor on nil anoonnt. as 1 dap no donna orher contra:et:lag after Ma date. MI!11E!!IMill;;M TB: MONDAY; DECEMEKR. 23. 156.7. ' PITTSBURGH ROPE WORK , FULTON, BOFLNIAN I CO., htetuthehtte the but • CORDAGE, OAKUM, TWlliik;S i am) %rid). 44rettoetimh 114 4 115 wager IL esti pr read for Utrnviaz RIVER NEWS The hlonongsbelalea . commenced to swell again yesterday, and intim afternoon the pier marks Indicated five feet and still ruing. From the amount of rain that fell during Sat. arday nigh( and Testentey, It le confidently eopeoted that there will be at least ten feet at thin twilit by tbill eV Milne or to-morrow morn. end It la probable that there will be agouti coil boat rise. The rlse, thus far, has been In the monongansia. and It is not likely that the Allegheny will break 'Mt . title Item. The weather at this writing, (3 p. m., Sunday) Is wares and blustery, and the wind appeared to be shitting around to the west, The towboat Diamond *emended In reaching tbe wharf yesterday. It Is said that she had conelderahle didloulty hi butting theoogb the Lice at Black's Mend en haturdey.. We hare no Melte advices, but It le probable that the gorges between here and Wheeling hove been broken before this. =2C2t CLIC/MAUSe. night, ;and will doubtless be found In port this 111.011310 g. This is her regu lar day for leaving for Parkersburg, but If she banns get reedy In time, the Leal Leoti, Capt. flap:alto% will leave In Widen. Srstu.s.L Novice.—The Cutesy will posi tively love tot New Orleans this evening, and passengers' mid shippers should bear this in mind, mind set accordingly. .„L. V1.30k110111/i. Commander. You Maw Oamwes.—The passeof sr Malta , tgettne , Capt. Thaws. Roger.. will this Fart for New utleaue, and ill Intermwil ale point.; Tueeday at 12 Di. Cept. J. W. Laughter bee chartered th. Belle toVapt.:W. L. M.ddy for the lienewh river and Clneinnall packet trade. She towboat ewung and broke her wheel on the dam at the foot of ••Llanoy" on Prides tut. • The Grey liegle left for Parkersburg on Set unlay with a sonatas. She will be back eo se to leave on time Wednesday, providing the dyer and weather le hyoraele. The Mary Demme god barges, in command of Copt. Lindh Campbell, will positively leabe fot New Oda., ...day without fall, and gill. pem Admitll beer that, in mind. Mr. D. F. Whiting has charge of the °di.. The Kite Robinson, Capt. Rohl. Robinson. I. Ailing OP MIRY, and will loge her depar tern IfOrChtelensti and Louisville today. The Meype Mays, Capt. Barney Marlin. is next In Man *het the Kate. The Argo., beteg unable to complete h wen, dld nut get elf On Satitrdey for piety 0 leant 4 expeut.ll. She will leave to day poi tlceir—ctapt. Law Vandetertli In cowman. .at Ply. IV. If. Scott tu the ant.. The NeLlesernon len New °Neste on the lath toil:hoeLanett. The Isabella ha. hod no la the 1111.sourt at 800n.111.4 contain Docile haettig neeWed not to ono...tows Ibis year. She St. Patrick itaa abandoned the Vick& burg U.S. And Memphis I. e.g without a paean in twit The St. Patna cetera the nierriphia and..Eirauarllia trailihtlapt. cosinanding. Then were tblar-two coal barges hying In the metal, of the Kabawtol on Monday, watt- tag tar the ice to disappear tram the riser, t. start down. • • hi: Lama, De...mbar I9.—The Barer 11, ta/b tug slate. weather moderating. No floored ice In Lae Aver, owlng to gorges shove. Nu Sultana dollse on the wharf. and the butte all ramovad. Thera le in. programa otgoo et the autos that left port Otte went Cotton out or the rOn, and It la more than probable, that all have ere MOall rT their crews el d up to await not .favorable Woes. New C lar hicane, foliar la belay mar hence to oalro by rah. Only %Forty:tour tuabre awl,{er reported.: twenty Iles balow hate, wantyoieveis Mae. • Hai Island. The Dubuque and Oaleaa pepen am doarrals I ag aa to she ar.Alarty as. whore rosrdes and have Ocea n Wave, bonad to New Orleans , foundbutton, at. that tie., abOl/b Wort,. The Cleirult Nuaaric says: Oaptau, 8. Merry Is of Dualclth, Jo Darien county, forlecrety • Onset of 0•14 a. whoa he realm[ moth of /al. builiact. ea &- tura, I 1• has resided to lalahlltak Carlos the last it/eVen Jr.,., where ha It now bulahruf one of the dneet dwerllng house. to the Win, • LW • Wednenday /Memnon radelek Sing, the asayealmr, ur aasletant, an ILa mall boat a. Lytle, at LeaUMW, lel/ creel:umbel and m drowned. He Ivu at tha mblealdmun ahl g bueteta, sad fell Into Ilta hem Ile rand In Ne elip the Yollawlag items teem the Cis- Mental Gera:, et lerlday: Thos. Esway. Ilot, and • potting of She , • L. MILOI/1111toN. do.:l=Tmosofor of Pb. City of Almobenr, P.. twn. air CITT lXolltalos, / • /alma rrerr Cm', December 311. § TIM REPORT OF 'VIEWERS .nooteted go awn th e bona/. Ltd gam mires andug I rem the opcniat or Locust Street sad Evans Riley, Itte City of ll eah•e7. are on dirt In this °Ore, and 'Olt be open for lan , ratloa Until IlitlrldDAL - tha 211 h lett. I 2= I=ll3 ER E= 5! A . pr. EFflusH & CO., • Att. 99 /rostra Street., Publishers of OfiffOOPlel UADReq DL/11111 LICITHIKETI(I, BUIZTVO AND thSilleaPlo seIPY BVOI3O. Also UseUelleeta. /en of BLANK BOS& BOWL SALE4I3IIIu ex. rtgralt i jont !it:toile!* * !Re° CHICAPEST 'PLAICE • M. 'THE • OITT TO BUT THE TRIUMPH COOKING ;TOTE, la at No. lie kiIIAPT.eTS/iii. M=MU TREEs r TREES 2 ,TREES I A wiry large Mat of Trutt we Phade Tree Zvergreens eod erase Thee*. for eale.er • • , . aomts B. a mini-two/1 =:=EM EXTRA Nos. 1 AND 2 LARD. noreend for We ty P. IMELLESII & CO. Odor. Warne lad Pa. stress. FLUXBING, GAS FITTING. SAY. C.AVANAHII....,, CAVANAGH & CO., 30. 114 LIBERTY STREET. (0990,11., Hue's Hotel.) , ?LitIICII MUIBBB, en. AU int% nrnn Ala ao4 Beer /*naye. flydcanta. nun, LW Pipe. SheaL Lead, Mole., Wain Manna. limn Hoe, Ac. rroidot and parolealar attention glean to rat/airing In city and 0011311.17. T. L. /111100...2112(E0rf kt•Cllr/111Z ATWOOD & MUFF 1 1 BUSS FOUNDERS, mull AND GAS ' • Con of Srd aud Liberty Streets, Above Carnal /I border% Plttaborgb. Perm% tx. I.4lor der. It sod /leery Culler , Malbo , ' Drosoril Simie! attention bald to the tittles ant and Bethrtestes, Steamboats. Rolling Agents for A. B. Cameron & Co.'s STEAM P UMPS • BLOWER ENGINES, Tim. Damp. hare sorstrlor adlantattea over all others, and every anal. warranted to etre *ado factio. Prunus consuntls on hand. thlStalo /Oaf Y. C0011111....J0R. /MET SIXJ. JOHN N. COOPER it CO., BRASS; FOUNDERS, . Steamlaid Glui Fitters,' ; Ilaootscsaraiv of rtUf.Pll MID SiZAZEIWOHIL of elrell7 demripuont dealers In GAS TIM M LND,TI3/311513, of all Maas. Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets mim g!TTSBURCH. PA. rckti :2.11 C. It. AlllnirAol(o.A. A. nuntrnirson• ARMSTRONG ic-HINCIIIIVAN Nommen to P1111...112.1 . 111A &ND Yocoma OHM COAL CO XXXXXXX SHIPZERS and DEAL/SJ3, by 8.11 rood ono Elver, or EVPZEION, YOUGHIOGHENY CAS ASS FAMILY. COAL near Men and Yard—EWE OF TILT STREET kia• ars. W Order. left at theyard or addressed by mall mill be promptly ailed. prrnannaGH NATIONAL COAL -a Colo COMPANY Maass. shippers and dealers, wholesale al6 lan. le the BEST FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL AND SLACK Otdoe .d Yard—Cora. POITETH AND TN Irraterti, Pltutorgh, Ps. Alt orders for dellrery In Da MT. or stclialloa. " m ientffirl'ho. d . 4==AT' BEST FAMILY COAL ilway. on !mad la dellrered pramptly te alder AT tow= lAA= sezim, OSCAR F. LAMM & co., Gm OW* b Mt r, It I. I 11. Uhl) r Alstloneeste nowlsOed at Na lowest rates leew, cosi.: COAL!! caw:: DICKSON, BTEWARI & CO., jiaving rt!moved thelz OG : $124,000 No. 4167 LIBERTY SMELT, Ita Lel y at) Moor PaIInICCOND FLOOR, aro now prepared to WOO, good Youtdoplacm LC/LP. MOT Cfoie.OAL OS OL&CIa. As tea lowest it Sr Als ordera left rke at their ornat e or addressor tbem %tumid! Um mall. mill bo minded prompt!, mritabla CIpLUMF•rEI .1 1 1. - ZUMSTIIODiI6I, PIALII3 111 TOUGICIOGEBIT e 4001910318171111 0011 Manopeo32.• of Oral, Sleet, ..e Deenlyintrlsed Ook. °mos am) YARD. Goner of Ratter and Manna: ant fled oa•LIA Reload and Olyinel tants, i , t i ttalb ward, and as Jrntallat a mea td Man nret i. tis i t7A b A r d i k ibt twat annals arDcad tote at Ida tawniest: • • Orden. 'aft at any of their Moss • WM moth nfotal4 attention. ---, SUPERIOR COAL. C. CHERRY a CO., ittll3 0 r i l i ng u rs 4 t/ fAr i va of tinit t p r COIL gl a ISILVIt. Coal .ellte•ed promptly to all pans of toe 01d... Ott et lotren market nitro. Oltee 004 'fwd. meter YoUttillant WAS. 1 11081 (foment Camt,tet/tlttill, ttatourgb. U. 1.92. oak prrragusure Import* ROUSE. arctic • SCHNIDIr & FRIDAY, INFOIITKOS OF GERMAN, PREACH AND SPANISH WINES AND LIQUORS, 409 Peas Street, Pittsburgh. Our MIL having retun front Sa nwa, boo mace IVOR MIDT ame letrettoe• on ed e jomfeetert arratereesento tee following SSI Ow r . ...rviN mace, Aro. Chatopa?e, • •Y. i•iiut,7ll ti72L7zaltl= LaMBLINO, Cott. MAE; . 24111a0Vitalt;i: A Ethel. •• ...masa ost.l c.0rn..14' ovomllos HAAVAr. Y URN • Motor Ales. • obsess a s sortment of ELME OLD HYS LIDELY nsmotts on bane. owe-a. tv , ! ,.. r ensents ?tobor or WlNlenTt'orl titilftle!'qranatlrryrdo sweets and comportscn of paws softened. orzo•se IBLE AND SLATE lIARTLES it the likthlk !hill hrble k ihie Irk • O. .14 Warez&m.-31111180 3811:1118 . 8TY STEIL r. ,31.11. Waren.= ott mond loos, Persona truant, Marble or Plod. Mentlrsovlll fled It todbelr Interest to syn. Wmlntlanshlp dm adrelled In any plea., and prices sa low as to Eastern ended. Marble blunt. dr Paralture h becloda bloc ad smog olls or salts. can no Marblelmd. and made to loot at wall as new. nem le no otber place In Wrstdrd rraddyl. vials where Slats Mmtleware anmuractured. otittne'r'."4:4.ll:t7iraniosnnstflg Id : te,tra Marble st Wenn= ;Imeti ramose added. W. W. NAL/LACS. 1=33 Pasr nw ttemrta A r Ell MAln t PRINTING AND IRRAPPINR PAPERS (Irma sau wmusimovar.. No, 82 Third Street, Plitsburgh, Pa, FL. O. tt. Han....7*. Lin.n.s. r*,. I[lw unnalt. .deansaid Vor Paper IllaBIL NEW PAPER lUNGINCH3; iuw raltzlvja. ix UIIILA I r virairry. Ar N. 107 Illattet Stlest. JOS. R. BG ` 9l ae; 3110. 8. G HAMS AND DRIED BEEF. =!!!!!!==3 EL O. Heine and Dried Beef Oat or mote Ana fisr eau. es %is Wisp. Rams bee stub, sea aller. • Y. SELLERS et 0 0.1 - I Car. Waysannel Penn streets. Z.A.P.ARNING, rue= *ND 011 NAILVITALL, BY WILLWI LLOYD, no. I It. Clodr.3l.et. 11=21121IIIICH, Ph. Groove Tu deal stor e 80-japaormil s/ to :to aew .ail 1 Cwt? a• -al NOTICE.. , .Jo lonratonic of a resolutio of Uonnellm adopted tho 111th hut.. i tierce., amity allpersons whose tins and hydrant stop cooks welder. ribowo the limelot this pavement try th ermos lore trim Witold letni within ten nays from the Onto of Me imblisatlin 01 Ms make, olt onus. they will be book.. ott IrfaCtordanso with the.Alailli t riaLu a sall . om hoMitilli Street Commlosimser. F. UNDRIEt. ' . ..., ID) boxes (10.1tou Chftset 75 Daetory do; ' tlat . Hamburg dot WO oasts Yeansaht . 1 .too •• Bog A4O: ' SO . .ell to Dods Ash: VO ODD WDI lame; SD rtes. II ertl. %root White I /Lib: :03DID. Lead, • IS " T! ' ' !re' itylor• sad for • nese: 1 .71. N. CANTIELD f SON nN HAND A il e e r c :" s 1 _ TO AI/81TE. oloosto; • . ILIV=I,, :::' sm: *111`i1n:13...: oba uo; .. de OXS.XiIt a LANG, IT/ and WI Wood St S. • tiaM ri.hhdi.w..- ~. . ton: OW! ?trek LET. .*C. len tTlw SX.X. Ii 42 6 : 11.3 Otax 4:2l7T en -!' - • noxusr, Ben- : re ANC; ! d iffillalf COM MatiZ .4; y: nifAWlDifttlP, 815,000 TO LOAN, • D /10/TSEliell. OPHIVZ"VIr, No. 10 l oatiliCalcilstreel. h sad sold. tn. ON BOND =l=2 I. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNWED tITALItILS, ler the 'Veneta Mo tel. of renaeeireala Beakreptel. la the =Liter of a.tl. ItOalt, Bankrupt li= • Warrens In B aaaaa ptCy his been bleed by gait loan Loaves the • ESTATE OP 8. B. SORE, of the City Cat e.gbepy, in e county of Alle gheny. /Led of reatrol•WiLs. la it toter. adladost • klaokropt upon petltlon of his creditors, end the ran/tent of any debt* and tes livery or say property belonelag to sa'd bank rept. to him. .k for bin Oen. and the trarksfsr of key property lortodden by lan. • meslns. of she ere/floors eyelid benttnok trove their debts. end choose one or snore AM oignee• or DO estate. will he held at a-Court :lig tit tree tn./3 to ebt holden at L'ltUDnrrßßh, to A. 11. 'M. at in o'clock a. se.. ad See OMe• as ZIAMMLL 11•11P3R. 33- 93 1 09 . 3,3 3 .33 3, L . one of the Registers In Bantreptri of eau DO. ROWLLY. de11:133 U. B. Barthel. WESTERN RISTRICT PENIII. bTLVehell, es: The undersigned hereby et es moths of Ms . appolatineut of ASSIGNEE OF ROBE'T HERVEY. Of tbs boroughof Teientom.iln the county ft AnelibenT. nod Buts of Pennsyleantaottttge sold District. torn° bee been /Allotted . bank• snit oa hl. own petition by the District Con ' at uld District. HUGE Y. BOLX.,•aataraaa. corner Point Alley and' Dag eeeee Way nosatal THIS Is TO GIVE NOTICE that I . tballth du of DecemMr. •. D. DID. • Warnnt la ian•roptcy was lured arainal the ESTATE - OP STEPHEN H. KANE ey. le the countYnt •Megbeny, Z f id A tTat ' of flunsybraule. who has been ad judged • bankrupt on D andy own yellon; that the payment of any deb. e1...., n any prop. rrlara u ed U airtsl/ ra k irrnZe i n . b7hrt Ntagro d inu,l7.ltri,n2A;4'4ll.4.l,,V debts, no to s.a.e. or more Asisigneeeef his estate, will be held at • Cann of dan.ep My, le be holden. No. Yederal meet, Al City. Alleuthepy troenty, Fa., before JuHli YOLLVILIeUg. Register. on um le3d day of Jan dat7. Re D. WA .1l o'clock m. TROMAJS A. 11 ,, WI:Er, U. S. learsbal. M=l Mr", ESTERII DISTRICT OF r DENNSYLVANTA, Set At Pt ttebergh. the 14th dee of December. A.D. ONO. The yadershreed hereby elves notlee 01W. aPbrkirga:btglf:l:°,LPC.ll; A. CA!: [hens, aid Nur er b. reenselvants. 'within tele reflrlta r7 h 2 XIV I:% " ig g aret:f g i yq ' t matt District. P A/11711 . 11. i BALLAY, dellt2o Att'y at Law, LS Unit et WE STERN DISTOICT OF PleletiliTLVANLA. 138. At fatiseersti. the latAnarot December, A.l:. MT. the undersigned herebv C 1,.. notice able Ul. et of JOHN' H. ItnNSIL• ntate et PeZt.eylienrat.hiAtchTeaid="l:l7.; Nu trwn atiludged aJt, ethkrupt. upon bts own law title., by the Ssiote H tr N l tCourt w L r sad Dintle . geltit63 AtoeHtDaA:BecAstte4t .' ESTATE OF JEIRESIIAU MOB a DlCWD.—Notlea Is hereby even thst letters testamentary on the estate ul tee above izAlpirarzom... t ut. or the 1.11... b be erltteil to etWerl li A l rolstkes b g; In the township o r Indenendener. In said and . all °alone eeeeeee bunion claims or dent atr, m tte theta o[ 11110 itetenitn ou 4 are request. ALKIAITDIL2II. LETTERS OF ADDIEVISTBA ... TION bertha bees an 4 to be molar slatted by nth West ret Wil l , et stheshany mouth, Ms estate or to &BELLA. AZIELE , lath et Bal on dwin tooaato. dethatho, all month ludebteo to sold estate will mute.., sad those bertha claims astathat tua same will pre sent them for settlemset sailboat del., ItOBEItT tial6Bsoll, Pitt Township. 0321 =3:111=1 A HILTIPPA.ENIENT TO AN ORDIL• Z.i. ,N . ll sg, c Lfili:S ° 4ltl l ?4l 4 :l.4V, the Lesiva of Oat rpe_ PCract B. It ordained and enstie oug h th. ort ss and TP.121 Connell of the Bo ol Lowroectatio; and It Is healer onatt.d hr the ”tbottai of tee oeiiia ifbac no other Oa cram pons eeeee vette, wallet. or ins catalog ea. Into said bonach, vomastalott with the Larrenderlll. tkimpanyt Proadod, the sold L41.1101C•Irille Use Compan c it izen.neolc gas la i be said boronia. and me thereof, at MI face rata at all times a. thoce ilia eh aged. or toatmp atom y time lanisfror be charted, by othercomanal...mil actstad provided. forth. , ibat the 0414 Lconuocirelito t oat iigittillllTobrtgifbrocrtliii=ro7l=l! mice. Itablivar It not clan nay eterotr lane or alley of cam boronai shall be opened by the aid ties Company c instance not • xo. will( la law. 30 C for ate aortae. of la)log d 0.... Marina and repairing the alms as siorosald. the unto .hall not be Sept even or obarnaos for. au an. ran mazy Lacher ulna ha O. unelored and rerabed. and al, teelaa. and dart 000s closed by the timing ot any street. lane or slay... sr meal shot. DI rromptly and smal -1 tabooed the said Gas Company. at Mown yroeerooe.s one dbarecal l 1 ger. og S. Ines tome of air anat. lone or alley oc aforesaid. the sac. O. Coma., &tall usio al necessary preaoutioss to protect actives anti prawn, of ha